#my sister and I were just talking about how painful our mother’s love is
sunnydreadfu11 · 7 months
Just fixed my sleep schedule only for it to revert as soon as someone gives me bad news
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feluka · 5 months
"How many of you have ever been to Jerusalem? Raise your hand if you have ever been to Jerusalem. We have 60 students here, and we have one... two, probably three... That's that's very few of you! I've never been to Jerusalem. We're Palestinians; we live in Gaza; we can't go to Jerusalem because of the Israeli occupation.
But we love Jerusalem, right? [A chorus of students saying "yes".] We love Jerusalem because of what it means to us. We've never been there, but believe me, when you go there you will feel that you've been there hundreds of times. Because you read about Jerusalem in literature, in stories. Of course it doesn't mean that that's it, that we should take the Jerusalem that's in the stories and that's it, no.
But in literature, Jerusalem comes back to us. It's true that there is suffering; there is pain; there is occupation, and that's why Tamim Al-Barghouti, as a young Palestinian poet, I think is doing a great service to the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian struggle.
When you listen to him reciting his poem from Al-Quds, or other poems, he takes you to Jerusalem. You live in Jerusalem. He takes you back to it. You liberate it for just a little bit of time.
And if there is hope; if you can imagine a free Palestine, a free Jerusalem, probably you will work towards that, and the same thing applies to occupied Palestine. We've never been to other parts of Palestine because of the Israeli occupation, but we've been told so many times by our parents and our grandparents, especially our mothers, they've been telling us stories about Palestine in the past, the good old days, when Palestine was all beautiful, unoccupied, unraped.
Therefore, I say in in this case how our homeland turns into a story. In reality, we can't have it; we don't have it, but it can turn into poems, into literature, into stories, so our homeland turns into a story. We love our homeland because of the story. We love our homeland because of the story, and we love the story because it's about our homeland, and this connection is significant.
Israel wants to sever this relationship, for example between Palestinians and the land; Palestinians and Jerusalem, and other places and cities, and literature attaches us back - connects us strongly to Palestine, so in my thinking, this is a very significant thing that literature contributes to. Creating realities; making the impossible sound possible.
In real life, again because we are here in Palestine and Gaza, I'll be giving you examples from Palestinian and Arab literature so we can compare and make things clearer. We all know Fadwa Tuqan, the Palestinian poet - and please do not introduce her as Ibrahim Tuqan's sister, let's talk about her as Fadwa Tuqan and then somewhere else mention that, "by the way, Ibrahim Tuqan was her brother". Let's not throw her under the shadow of a man, even if it's her brother, who was a great poet, we can't deny that.
So this is Fadwa Tuqan, a Palestinian poet, 40 years ago or 50 years ago, writing poetry... Of course, we always fall into this trap of saying "she was arrested for just writing poetry!" We do this, even us believers in literature, "Why would Israel arrest somebody or put somebody under house arrest if she only wrote a poem?!"
So we contradict ourselves sometimes. We believe in the power of literature, changing life as a means of resistance, a means of fighting back and in the end we say, "She just wrote a poem!" We shouldn't be saying that.
Moshe Daya, an Israeli general, said that the poems of Fadwa Tuqan were like facing 20 enemy fighters. Wow.
She didn't throw stones; she didn't shoot at the invading Israeli military jeeps. She just wrote poetry. And I'm falling for that again, I'm saying "she just wrote poetry".
So this is what how Israel's dealing with Palestinian poets, and the same thing happened to Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour. She wrote poetry celebrating Palestinian struggle; encouraging Palestinians to resist, not to give up, to fight back. She was put under house arrest. She was sent to prison for years.
And therefore I end here with a very significant point. Don't forget that Palestine was first and foremost occupied in Zionist literature and Zionist poetry.
Palestine was presented as these things, I'll be mentioning some of them, but there's a contradiction here, there's a paradox always. "Palestine is a land without a people to our people without a land", "Palestine flows with milk and honey", "there's no one there, so let's go". We'll see how later on, how many even Jewish people were disappointed when they came to Palestine. Number one, there was no milk and honey, because "flowing with milk and honey" sounds like you're just going to be groping around, and milk and honey will be thrown at you - and there were people! There have always been people in Palestine.
The fact that Israel worked hard to ethnically cleanse Palestine, to kick Palestinians out, first and foremost in literature - yes, in politics and everything - shows how significant poetry is.
To sum up, Palestine was occupied metaphorically in the poem long before it was physically and militarily occupied in your life, so let's do the same. Let's fight back; let's restore Palestine in in our writings; in our poetry; in our stories."
-Professor Refaat Alareer explaining to his students the power of poetry as a means of resistance, and why the occupation targets poets, during one of his lectures at IUG.
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talesofesther · 2 months
and still, you have me
Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Summary: After everyone has left his side, you go find him.
A/N: A little something to heal our hearts from the finale. Here's a shameless plug of my ongoing series with Aemond, which has similar vibes to this story. <3
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The night was late and quiet, tension high in the Keep as war loomed on the horizon. You'd been walking the lone hallways of the castle for a while now, smiling at each member of the king's guard who bowed their head at you.
You'd decided to leave your shared room with Aemond when the night stretched on and he was yet to show up. Having heard of his disagreement with his mother and sister earlier, you had a hunch he was keeping his distance, denying himself respite as he sometimes did.
However, it took you only a short while to find him. At times you thought he did it on purpose, that he wanted to be found, by the people who cared enough to look.
You pushed open the doors of the council chamber, which was now empty. The long table and stone walls softly highlighted by the golden glow of torches and candles. At the far end of the room, the doors that led to the balcony were open, and there, you found your Prince.
Leaning on the balustrade, Aemond overlooked the immensity of King's Landing under the clear night sky, his long silver hair softly moving with the wind.
You walked closer to him, quiet and careful, taking notice of his tense shoulders and head hanging low. If you had to guess, you'd say his talk with Helaena hadn't gone well.
Aemond straightened his back when he heard you approaching, you could almost feel part of his guard coming up again. Despite the way most people feared him, there was something delicate about him, you knew well. Under so many defenses, he protected a fragile heart.
The Prince took a deep breath in, he still refused to turn around and look at you. "Will you leave my side too, ñuha prūmia?" There was a crack in his voice as he spoke the last of his words.
"Only death could make me do such a thing, my love." You promised in the same breath.
Aemond turned around then, taking the remaining step that still separated the two of you. His eye shone bright under the moonlight, as did the dried tear tracks on his cheeks. He tried hard to keep his face impassive as he raised a hand to touch you but pulled away before he did so.
The turmoil was evident in how he softly furrowed his brows as if his thundering heart caused him pain, in how his lower lip wobbled, and how his eye quickly filled with new tears as he looked at the last person who stood by him. There was fear, guilt, and sorrow as he turned into the lonely young boy he once was before your eyes again.
"And what if-" Aemond stumbled in his words. He gulped, breathing through his nose, "What if the Stranger takes me before he does you? What then?" His voice was low and quiet, as if couldn't bring himself to utter the question any louder.
"Then I shall live the rest of my days in black, mourning the loss of the one I love," you spoke just as softly, gently taking one of Aemond's hands in yours. And he shuddered, you couldn't know if it was because of your touch or because of your words. "Yet glad that I got to share my time with you."
Aemond's lips parted, and the tear in his eye hung by his lashes when he blinked. There were suddenly no walls, he could crumble before you, just like that. His hand gripped yours tighter, and before his tear rolled down his cheek, he closed his eye, leaning forward so his forehead rested on yours. "Nyke ȳdra daor gūrogon ao."
You kissed the words, almost as an act of rebellion, your lips finding the edge of his with lingering affection. "Yn emā nyke mirre keskydoso." Devotion and love dripped from each syllable.
A low hum came from Aemond, and he followed after you once you pulled away, chasing your warmth.
"I will go with you," You spoke with ease, catching his gaze so he saw the sincerity in your eyes.
He kept quiet, with shallow and shaky breaths falling past his lips as he simply looked at you. Yet his hand held yours tight, refusing to let go.
"To Harrenhal. I will fly with you." You brought your free hand up, thumb brushing over Aemond's cheek and drying away the single tear that had fallen.
He closed his eye at your touch, and allowed himself to fall, for you were there to catch him. Aemond leaned his head on your shoulder, both arms coming to circle your waist and pull you against his body.
You held him back, squeezing him to you as your fingers buried in his hair. You could feel his tears dampening the fabric of your dress, could feel his nails digging into it with desperation as if you'd vanish if he didn't hold tight enough.
Aemond had refrained from asking you, because of how close you'd been with Rhaenyra once. Perhaps he lacked the courage to ask you to choose sides and risk losing you. Yet now, as you held his broken pieces together under the stars, he realized you'd chosen his side long ago.
If it would be you and him against the world, then so be it.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
High Valyrian translations: ñuha prūmia = my heart nyke ȳdra daor gūrogon ao = I don't deserve you yn emā nyke mirre keskydoso = but you have me all the same
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Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment. <3
You do not have permission to repost, copy, or translate my works on any platforms (even with credit), please respect.
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momenalostaz444 · 16 days
Hello, my name is momen alostaz, a Palestinian from Gaza. I write these words with a heart heavy with sadness and sorrow. My family, consisting of ten members, is now living under unimaginable conditions after the recent war. My father, who suffers from diabetes and high blood pressure, is struggling to get his much-needed medication, while my mother, who also suffers from high blood pressure, becomes more anxious with every bad news coming from Gaza.
LlNk GFM👈🆘❤️‍🩹
Before and After the War:
The *first photo* I share with you shows our home in Gaza before the bombing. Our life was simple but full of love and safety. We would gather every day around the dinner table, laugh, and talk about our dreams, while the voices of children filled the house with joy.
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But everything changed. The *second photo* shows our home after the bombing. Nothing is left. Every corner, every wall that once held memories is now just rubble. My parents, who used to care for us with love, are now unable to provide even the most basic needs. My family no longer has a home. They have been forced to live in a small tent that neither protects them from the heat nor the cold in Deir al-Balah. They sleep on the ground, without warmth or security.
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During the bombing, five of my family members were severely injured. I can never forget the sound of my little sister crying out for help, nor the look on my brother's face as he tried to save our family from the rubble. And with all these physical wounds, the greatest wound is what has been inflicted upon their spirits.
My Brother and His Children’s Health:
My brother Ahmed lives in northern Gaza, in a situation no less tragic. He has three children: Amir, Malak, and Mohammed. Amir, just three years old, suffers from a severe skin disease due to living in the tent under the scorching sun, and he can’t sleep at night due to the pain. I cannot describe the helplessness my brother feels, watching his son suffer, unable to help him.
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As for Mohammed, the child who once filled the house with laughter and energy, he is now silent. Mohammed has polio and cannot get the treatment he desperately needs. Each day that passes, his condition worsens, and with each passing day, our family’s suffering deepens.
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Where is Safety?
I cannot describe to you the pain and suffering my family is enduring under fear and darkness. How can they sleep on cold ground, with broken spirits and bodies? We live with this sense of helplessness, wondering when safety and comfort will return to our family.
@mangocheesecakes @kyra45-helping-others
@7bitter @tortiefrancis @claudiasescapesubmarine@neptunerings @malcriada@timetravellingkitty @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @northgazaupdates2 @rhubarbspring @watermotif @kyra45-helping-others @gaza-evacuation-funds @appsa @emathystg @transmutationisms @lonniemachin @retvolution @rairikka @a1m3v @bookn3rd-cartoons
@chronicschmonic @feluka @halalchampagnesocialist @ihavenoideashelp @irhabiya @jezior @kordeliiius
@komsomolka @kit-today @laurapalmerss @mushroomjar@mahoushojoe@mothblossoms
@orchidvioletindigo @pcktknife @planetgraves @vetted-gaza-funds @turtletoria @the-bastard-king @three-croissants @tortiefrancis @sleevesareforlosers @grapejuicedragoon @girlinafairytale @lovewontfindherwayhome @rooh-afza
@unfortunatelyuncreative @vakarians-babe @wellwaterhysteria @xinakwans @hametsukaishi
@toiletpotato @fromjannah @vague-humanoid @criptochecca
@aristotels @komsomolka @xinakwans @heritageposts @nibeul
@ot3 @amygdalae @ankle-beez @communistchilchuck @dykesbat
@watermotif@stuckinapril@mavigator @lacecap @yugiohz
@socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sayruq
@vakarians-babe @wayneradiotv
@psychotic-gerard @mavigator @communistkenobi @socalgal @chilewithcarnage
@ghelgheli @determinate-negation @papasmoke @omegaversereloaded
@xinakwans @givemearmstopraywith @loombreaking
@killy @deathlonging
@palms-upturned @blackpearlblast @littlegermanboy @loveaankilaq @sar-soor
@fridgebride @27-moons @tamarrud @familyabolisher @fleshdyk3
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propheticbride · 3 months
Lamb to Slaughter I
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𐙚 Following Aegon's crowning of King, you attempt to settle into your new reality, with absolutely idea of what is happening around you. Your only company? The one eyed Prince himself.
𐙚 Aemond Targaryen x Reader (tw: manipulation, slight non-con, incest)
The nights following Aegon’s coronation were chaotic, whisperings of Rhaenyra’s claim lay about plainly as others argued the whore was not the rightful heir after all. Doors remained closed tight, no one talked too loud, servants kept to themselves. War was brewing, that was for certain.
You remembered the night your father died, your mother had snuck into your room and had gently woke you up. Cradled you as she gave you the news, you being the only Viserys doted on after Rhaenyra. And in some sick way, Alicent was sure you were her favorite too.
At first you did not comprehend how he was dead. He was not in good health, but to die so suddenly had left you confused.
‘My sweetling, he was not well. You saw. So weak, so poor in health.’ she spoke as she pet your hair.
Tears caked your face, hair matted to your skin, ‘I just don't understand.’
She sighed, ‘My poor girl.’
When Alicent had left that night, you had felt a void inside. Heartbroken and scared at the news. You found yourself in a familiar place, slipping out of your own chambers and into Aemonds. You wouldn't bother Aegon at that hour, him too drunk to even wake or want to comfort you. So instead you slipped into your more understanding brother’s space, the one who gently held you when you were scared and kissed you so gently.
But now, everyone's attention had been guided to Rhaenyra and her war. Everyone in the keep insisting she would come with fire and blood. And where you would seek Aegon’s affections, it would now be shunned upon. He was married after all, with two children and now king. He could no longer lie in bed and keep you entertained with his flea bottom stories.
“He's too busy now brother, too busy for me.” you complain, stitching at Aemond’s ripped attire. “He drinks a lot, I know this. But never stops by my chambers anymore. He must be so occupied with being king.”
Aemond doesn't reply, just makes an agreeing sound as his one eye watches you sew.
“How is Helaena? I know you two spend time together, she will not speak to me either. I wish she would, I get so lonely.”
“I talk to you.” Aemond reminds you.
You nod, giving him a gentle smile, “You’re always so good to me brother.”
His hand finds your arm, gently rubbing you to calm you.
“No one tells me anything. It’s…” tears form in your eyes.
“My love…”
“No!” you slam his arm away, getting up and begin to pace. “You are not to call me that! You are gone for days, on that beast you claim to be a dragon. Mother will not come visit me, Aegon has completely shunned me. Cole will not look at me and my dear sister will not speak to me. I am going insane in my room. Please. Please, what is happening?”
Aemond studies you for a moment, as if he were examining your outburst.
“I’ve never known you to yell. At all people, me.” he finally speaks.
It hurts you. The pain that settles in your chest after his words are enough to make you sick.
“I did not mean-” you return to him, placing your hand on his shoulder. “Please forgive me. I cannot stand if you are mad at me. I am losing my sanity. I'm so lonely.”
“Am I not enough to keep you happy?” he questions.
“I miss our mother, and our brother.” you admit. “When father was alive I wasn't so…lonely.”
“Because he kept you company.”
“I just want Aegon to visit again. Or mother. Or even Haelena. Please just ask them. Ser Kavvin does not let me leave ever. It’s like I am a prisoner.” it’s almost as if you were praying to the gods. Gentle and begging. Please please please.
Aemond is silent again, until he rises and kisses your head, “I’ll tell mother and brother to visit you my sweetling, it must be so awful for you to be cooped up in here, I am sorry Vhagar has my interests as of late. My priority has always been you.”
You beam at his words, the remembrance of your outburst a memory it seemed. Although the court was terrified of Aemond, you were not. Perhaps some of you was, but he was gentle and sweet to you, you almost had no reason to be scared. He took care of you, bringing you jewelry and new gowns, dining with you in place of your mother. He was the only human interaction you had gotten as of late, everyone else so preoccupied with Aegon.
“Is it?” you ask. Out of place, and you know it, but you cannot help yourself.
“I always thought we’d marry. Aegon had Haelena, but who has you, but me.” Aemond begins to cup your face. “I enjoy our time together, but there are matters I must attend to this afternoon. But don't worry, I will have mother or Aegon visit you.”
You struggle to understand his words, “What do you mean. Have me?”
He smiles and shakes his head, giving you a kiss on the lips before finding himself out of your chamber.
If anything Aemond does well, it's keep a promise. As he said, Alicent finds herself in your chambers a little after nightfall. She had maids run you a hot bath, your white hair gently slipping through her fingers as she brushed it.
“Why haven't you visited me?” you finally ask after too much silence.
“Aegon is being prepared to finally rule, I have been attending to it.” she says. “I am sorry, I haven't seen to you. I do feel bad.”
“Why must I be confined to my chambers.” you turn to her, violet eyes looking up at her.
“I do not trust…” she tries to collect her thoughts, not sure how to word it for you to understand best. “Aegon thinks it’s best if you are under protection. He thinks you might be a target for Rhaenyra’s anger.”
“Rhaenyra.” you say your sister’s name. “Rhaenyra is upset that father replaced her as heir?”
“Yes my sweet. She is upset that your father changed his mind about the succession. He decided he wanted Aegon on the throne after all.”
“I miss him.” you say after a while. “He was very sick…but he kept me company.”
“I am sorry, I am. I know it is no excuse but you must forgive and understand how daunting this has all been. So much has been done and needs to be done, the realm may be at war soon-”
“At war?” you interject, worry in your tone. “War? Why war?”
Alicent catches herself, she has slipped.
‘Do not mention the mess with Rhaenyra to her, I would not have her worry’ Aegon’s voice played in her head.
“No war my sweet, I only forget myself. I am sure Aegon will come to peace with Rhaenyra, and maybe she will even be seen back in the keep. You’d like that, right? I know you were fond of her son, Jacerys, I know you two were close.” Alicent goes back to braiding your hair, scared her words have put unrest in you. You did scare rather too easy.
“I don't want anyone at war.” you murmur.
“No war.” Alicent nods. “Aegon will be a good king, and make peace. I know it.”
If you were honest, you were close to Jacerys, spending time in the garden together and studying. Rhaenyra had taken a liking to you, mostly due to your shared father also taking a liking to you. You were not close with Lucerys, you did not know him well. You did not spend time with him nor were you very thoughtful towards him. No time truly spent between you.
So news of his death broke the in the red keep, you found yourself indifferent. No tears were shed, but your heart hurt for Jacerys.
Aemond had returned from dragon back, Aegon so delighted of his brother's victory, the murder of a child, that a feast was thrown. You were allowed in your finest green silk and finally allowed out of your chambers, where you sat among several counsel members and your family along with some court attendees. Aemond had been silent for most of the feast, ignoring the praise he had received, most of them insults for Rhaenyra. You watched him closely, hoping, begging he would make eye contact with you. But he did not.
For hours it went on like this, Aemond slowly sipping and eating at the feast presented in front of him, not truly present at the party that was all for him and his victory.
Aegon, ever drunk, was quite present. Too present.
“My sweet sister!” his voice calls, and you turn to him. “Where have you been hiding?”
“My chambers, on your ruling.” you murmur.
“My ruling? Why would I ever…” he hiccups and slams himself down in the chair beside you. “I have missed you soooo much. Your absence has been noted, why do you scorn me so?”
His words don't make sense to you. Your mother’s words and now his, dancing in your head. You hadn't noticed, not truly noticed, until you briefly look at him, that Aemond is staring at you. For the first time in the entire night, he simply stares. But his gaze is far from comforting.
“I’ve been in my chamber, lonely.” you admit, looking back at Aegon.
“Well…I have missed you my girl, so much. It's so lonely…” he whispers the next part, “my bed… has been rather lonely.”
Aemond stands, everyone quickly glancing at him. He excuses himself from the table, with Aegon’s hand on you all you truly can do is watch.
“He’s upset” you mention.
“Ah yes. He’s been so moody since that business with the dragons. Don't know why though. They're all traitors. I’ll have all of their heads.” Aegon smells like alcohol, a smell you’re familiar with but still sensitive to.
“Aegon!” your mother’s voice rings. “I do wish you would not speak of such things with her, you know better.”
Alicent attempts to pull Aegon up from beside you, but he is quick to shove her away. You stand, shocked at the whole ordeal.
“I think I will head to bed.” you insist.
“I think that would be best, sweetling.” Alicent nods.
When you enter your chambers, you don't notice Aemond at first. He's facing the bookshelf, one your late father filled with stories of old and history. The one thing you both bonded over.
When you do notice him, it’s when you're half naked, pulling your sleeping slip on.
“Your skin is always so beautiful.” his voice startles you.
“Aemond!” you jump, clinging to your fur blanket, attempting to cover yourself.
“I've seen you already, have you forgotten me already?” you're not sure if he's as drunk as your other brother was, but his voice is calm and almost soothing.
“You should be in bed, the hour is late and I know you are upset.” you try to reason with him, knowing that when he is upset he is easiest to get to.
“But you always grant me so much comfort.” Aemond steps towards you, allowing his hand to cup your face, thumb lining your lips. “Do you remember the night I lost my eye. I was in so much pain. And you found me, alerted the guards to me. And that night, before we left, you let me in your bed for the first time. And we laid there together in peace.”
You watch his face as he talks, there's always been a certain amount of devotion you showed Aemond. That night you had found your cousins and him, screaming at the top of your lungs that alerted the guards to the situation. And he was not wrong. That night Aemond had been restless, in pain over his lost eye. Where your mother usually slept beside you, she had taken a leave of absence from your bed that night, allowing Aemond to replace her.
“You were always so sweet to me, where they laughed, you had always welcomed me. For dolls, for tea…for anything. So gentle. So kind.” Aemond sounds breathless, like he was praying.
“Shhhhh.” he licks your closed lips, causing you to gasp.
Aemond was always strict with the affection he gave you; always keeping his hands to himself, always to be careful that your mother did not catch a glimpse of how hungrily he would stare at you. But never this brazen. You did not know what to make of it.
“Please.” you beg. “We can't-”
“Can't what. You have no husband, and I have no wife. This is right. We were born to be together.” Aemond presses his forehead towards you. “Ever since that night I lost my eye, and you welcomed me so warmly into your bed I have wanted you since. Why won't you let me take you?”
“We can't…Aegon…he-”
Aemond’s face twists in anger, “Don't mention him! Do not speak of him!”
The outburst scares you, taking a step back and clutching your fur tighter.
“Drop it.” his face changes, as does his voice. His entire demeanor shifts. He unclips his cloak from his armor, letting the fabric fall to your chamber floor. “I said…drop it”
You drop the fur immediately, standing there almost bare for him. He looks over body, with a hungry gaze and a curious eye. Your slip was a thin silk, something your mother would die if she ever found you dressed in. But the sun had been hot as of late, and her nightgowns were too heavy. The several slips had been a gift of Aemond, now you had known why.
“I have waited years for you. Years for you to come to your senses of what I am to you. What you are to me. I am sick of waiting my sweet, I need you now. And I will have you now.” Aemond’s hands gently pull your slip down, allowing your naked body to be in full view for him. “You’re mine. You always have been. I just need to prove it to you."
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pearl-nouveau · 2 months
A Woman's Purpose - Cregan Stark x Reader [chapter two]
summary: After your grandsire's death, you fly to Winterfell with Jacaerys and find yourself nervous to treat with Cregan years after your heated moment together.
warnings: none i think
a/n: short chapter, just felt like a good stopping point. anyone want part three,,,?🤗
The actions of Alicent and her eldest son did not shock me, but they deeply wounded a sense of hope that I hadn't realized was still deep within my soul. I would always remember Cregan praising my kind heart, but sometimes it felt like a curse. I had believed at my core that our family could find it within themselves to forgive, to come together, to support my grandsire's wishes and put a woman on the Iron Throne... I had believed that Alicent had a spine, that Aemond had humility, that Aegon had a heart. And Heleana, my poor, dear aunt whom I considered a close friend - it pained me to think of her caught in the center of such a mess. I longed to see her and I longed to see my mother on her throne. 
I thought back to the dinner we had before leaving for Dragonstone again. We had been merry, since Jaecerys and Lucerys were newly engaged. I was happy for Jace especially since we had talked so often of hoping for happy marriages, and Baela was a wonderful girl who he already adored. It pleased me that there was a possibility for love between the two of them. 
Aegon had drunkenly wandered to my seat and leaned towards my ear. 
"Poor niece... Your only purpose to be married off and still yet to be engaged. You'll be running out of options soon." 
His amusement sickened me and I continued to pick at my food, trying to ignore him, but he continued. 
"If you don't pick you'll end up with some elderly lord with a thumb for a pecker. Best swallow your pride and pick someone to claim you. Can't be your own woman forever, girl." His breath reeked of alcohol. 
Jacaerys had noticed his advances and stood to intervene, only for Aegon to direct his attention towards Baela, which began a whole other mess leading to the night quickly unraveling. 
It had made you think about marriage, not only as a duty, but as a tool. It had always been an important fixture in politics, but after everything that has happened with the throne, I knew that it would be even more urgent for me to take a husband. I lay in my bed at Dragonstone, resting my eyes, considering the current predicament of betrothal.
When it came down to it, there was no one I wanted to imagine myself marrying except for the Northern man who had captured my heart so many years ago. I feared, however, that it was too late. I had already refused him, in a way, one time. In addition, I had humiliated myself with his advances and then fled. He very well may hate me; find me to be a tease, a whore. I shuddered to think about it. 
At that moment, Jacaerys barged into my room. 
"Sister," breathlessly he addressed me, "mother has requested us to go to Winterfell and treat with Cregan Stark." 
There was a hint of a smile on his face, although we both knew the task was serious. I had no immediate response to him, so he elaborated.
"I suggested that you come. I believe you should see him. Besides, it is the perfect excuse to go."
I turned away, suddenly emotional. I wiped at my face. "Perhaps he has already taken a new wife," I shook my head. "We only need one representative of the crown."
"You're coming," He said finally. I realized it was no longer a request, but an order.
"Does mother know?"
He shook his head. "This is for you to figure out. No interferences." I raised an eyebrow at him. "Except for mine, right now. I would hope that if we are to enter the Hell of war we can find at least some happiness within the chaos."
His words made me want to weep, realizing how much he has grown and how much more he will have to in the coming years. How much all my siblings would grow. I feared for the lives of my loved ones. Instinctively, I reached for my brother and pulled him to me. He hugged me back tightly. 
"It'll all be okay, little dragon," his old nickname for me made me chuckle into his shoulder, "tomorrow, we ride for Winterfell."
That night, I dreamt of Cregan. Brief, hazy glimpses of moments we shared in the past. Moments that made me fall in love with him. 
I saw him poised in front of Vermithor, no fear in those stormy eyes, his hand outstretched to stroke my beautiful dragon's scaled face. He had respected the authority of my beast, and Vemithor in turn had leaned into the Lord's touch. That moment had brought heat to my stomach and tugged at my insides. The Bronze Fury was not easy to befriend. 
I saw him across the altar in the sept where I took him on a tour, his head bent in prayer, dark hair framing his face. He had caught my eye and held it, unblinking, keeping it until I looked away.
I saw in the golden hour in the training yard, his gaze finding me between every attack. He moved like ice against his sparring partners: cold, calculated, hardened. No one bested him. When we walked to dinner together afterward, he walked behind me, and I had suddenly felt a tug at my hair. He gently pulled the ribbon holding my braid together - a braid commanded by my mother - letting my hair fall down my back. I like it down like this, he told me, wild and free, like you. 
Morning was unwelcome because it ripped me from the warmth of my dreams with him, but the realization that I was soon to be headed for Winterfell thrilled me. I quickly dressed and packed with my handmaidens before finding Jacaerys in the hallway. He said nothing, grasping my hand and nodding solemnly. We moved to the dragon pit together and prepared Vermax and Vermithor. When we exited the cave, I saw my mother and younger siblings watching on from above. 
"We should say our goodbyes," I told Jacaerys, "the Gods only know when the next time we will all be together is."
Jace nodded, and we joined with the rest of our family. I kissed each of the little ones on the forehead, pinched their cheeks, sniffed their baby skin, making every attempt to remember them as they were in case I was struck from the back of my dragon. Lucerys stood tall when I came to him, like the proud little fighter he was, and I gave him a tight hug and a squeeze of luck for his own journey. I worried for him dearly, but Lucerys was perhaps the most smart and capable of us Valeryen children, even at his young age.
"Good luck, raqiarzy," I spoke into his hair. He was nearly as tall as me at that point. "I shall see you soon."
My mother gazed at me with that look she always wore as I moved to stand in front of her. So diplomatic, so very regal. Sometimes I wished she would soften and just be my mother for a moment. But now, finally involved in diplomacy, who was I to her? Still her daughter, or some cancerous growth jeopardizing her claim?
I felt her arms around me. "Be safe," she whispered into my ear, "I love you, my daughter."
Tears filled my eyes and I hugged her back. I thought about all of our fights about my marriage. Who was I truly fighting? We were both shackled by tradition, still, I realized. Her claim had been an abstract future and now it had all come crashing down. She was still fighting the same battles against men that she believed to have won as a girl my own age. None of our past disagreements mattered now. Happiness and freedom were no longer mine to take for myself; they may be ripped from us all at any moment. 
My mother and I separated and she placed a kiss to my brow. Her stoic demeanor had faded and I could see wetness in her eyes. Jace offered me his arm and I reluctantly took it, turning away from my family and trying not to think about our uncertain future. 
The journey to Winterfell was long and cold, as many journeys on dragonback are, but I was comforted by the presence of Vermax and Jacaerys gliding back and forth below me. Our dragons, very different in size, flew quite differently. Vermax was nimble and slight, disappearing between clouds and darting in and out of sight easily. A formidable stealth opponent. Vermithor, on the other hand, was enormous and flew with simple, powerful strokes of his golden wings. He was fearsome, and I found him to be the most beautiful creature in the world. As terrifying as he was, our bond was strong. He never raised a tone at me; he grumbled and purred in my presence only, and awaited orders with undying loyalty. He had been my dragon since the time I was ten and four, and our relationship only strengthened by the day. 
The sky greyed as we flew further North and the air began to chill. I shivered not only from the cold but the impending reunion I was to have with Cregan. I had no idea what to expect. I had considered opening his letter but it was still too frightening to me. It left me even more unprepared for a conversation with him. 
When we reached Winterfell, Jacaerys and I circled Vermax and Vermithor a few times to signal our landing. We made no sudden moves towards the castle and its surrounding fortress, and landed in an isolated field. The wind whipped my long hair out from the veil I had tied around my head. It floated around my head like a halo as I squinted in the heatless sunlight. 
"Someone rides this way," Jacaerys called from the back of Vermax. He began to disembark and I glanced over to where he looked. A rider on a black horse, eighteen hands tall, came galloping towards our dragons. Vermithor let out a roar of distaste. He didn't like people coming near him - or me. I calmed him with coos in High Valerian and began to slide down his wing. The rider had stopped next to Jace and gotten off the horse.
As I crept closer, I knew it was Cregan. His stature was unmistakable. Tall and dominating against the bleak horizon in his furs. Gods, I had never seen him in his heavy Northern furs. It made me want to crawl within them, to feel the heat of his body around me. Coming closer, I saw him clap Jace on the shoulder with familiarity, and then turn his gaze to me. With no hesitation, he came towards me. I saw behind him Jace getting onto his horse, the ghost of a brotherly smirk on his face, and kicking the horse forward towards Winterfell. 
"What-" I began to question as Cregan came within arm's length of me, unable to finish as he pulled me to his chest in a tight hug. The furs were just as warm as they looked, and I melted into his arms. It had been so long since I smelled him. Like sap and smoke and ale and somehow roses. My arms snaked under the cloak and I could feel the hardened muscle of his body through his shirt. And then I realized - he was hugging me, as if he missed me, as if...
"I've missed you, my princess." He spoke into my hair. 
"You aren't angry with me?" I breathed into his cloak. He pulled back and took my chin in his calloused fingers, his face laced with confusion.
"How could I ever, my girl? You didn't read my letter?"
I flushed. "I was embarrassed. I thought you would have wanted me to keep quiet after I... lost control like that." He barked out a laugh, which would have made her feel ashamed had he not paired it with a gentle kiss to her cheekbone.
"I'll show you what losing control really is, someday," he kissed her cheek again and hummed. "Darling, I wrote you that letter and apologized for leaving so quickly... had it been up to me I would have stayed until you chose to see me again and asked for your hand right there. I had to get home to my son and my duties here but you have never left my head." Now it was his turn to flush as he recounted the contents of his letter. "I... I had begged you to someday consider me to be your husband if you ever found that marriage was something you wanted. None of my advisors could convince me to take another wife until I knew that there was no chance. I have held out hope for years, I have taken no other lover, and I beg you to end my agony and provide an answer," he dropped to his knee as if his body were giving out on him. "Is there a chance? Someday, that you would allow me to love you as I already do?"
It all became clear to me that my world was soon to fall apart, and standing in front of me was a man who was promising to stand by my side in the worst of times. As my family is torn apart and our power in the realm shattered. A smile crossed my face.
"You mean to tell me that the most eligible Northern Lord has been withholding his services from the ladies of the North, all because a faraway dragon rider was stuck in his dreams?" 
My teasing lilt was enough for him to look up at me and grin, standing to his full height towering over me. He grasped at my waist with one hand and cupped my face with the other. 
"They've been left wanting, I suppose." My Lord Stark said contemplatively. 
"As have ladies in the South." I told him, surprised by my own boldness and pleased by the delivery. 
He wasted no more time in capturing my lips, kissing me as if he were starved. He kept taking breaths to stare at me before continuing. His lips moved lovingly across my neck, my jaw, my throat, hungry to taste every inch of skin. After a while, I pressed against his chest and examined his face. It was even more beautiful up close than I remembered. His face an oval with hardened edges. Strong brows and thick pink lips that I was free to kiss. His hair pulled back haphazardly to keep from blowing in the wind. He kissed me one more time, this one softer than baby's breath, and held my head in one of his strong hands before nodding towards Winterfell in the distance.
"I let Jacaerys take my steed so we might walk together." He gestured back to the dragons. "Whatever they eat I will have brought to them."
"They'll eat anything. Even you," I poked his chest. 
"You just tell me if Vermithor ever starts feeling jealous. I shall begin to steer clear." 
We walked together, slowly, catching up after the last couple of years. I asked of his son and he told me that Rickon was nearly three years old. He stopped me for a moment. "I've already an heir. If we wed, I shall not force you to bear my children. You will never be just the mother of my children. You will be my wife." 
I smiled at that, saying nothing. Children hadn't crossed my mind. I supposed I was not ready to think about it. The way he spoke so definitely about our marriage gave me pause. 
"Cregan, I-" my words faltered, but I persisted. "I think you ought to know that I didn't come here just to see you." 
He chuckled. "I figured as such when you brought your brother and two dragons."
I blushed. "We need you and your army to stand by my mother. My uncle has taken her throne. My grandsire's crown was scarcely off his head before Aegon took it. My mother raises an army to stand against him. I am not a bargaining tool, I will not marry you for an army-"
"-I would never presume to trade you like an animal. The North will see your mother, the rightful queen, on her throne, you have my word. I want to marry you because I fell in love with you in King's Landing those years ago, and I wish for you to be free as you want to be. If marrying me is not how you will find your freedom, I will accept your answer." The concept seemed to pain him. 
Would marriage truly shackle me? Being with Cregan felt like being on dragonback for the first time. It felt like gliding over a lake of glass water, your arms outstretched. I had fought and fought for so many years to be free, but free from what? I now saw in front of me a new kind of freedom, away from the clawing hands that surrounded the crown always. I saw a man who chose me and respected my happiness. I looked around at the rolling hills and distant mountains. The cool wind on my face. Bustling people entering and exiting the gates of Winterfell. Perhaps I imagined it, but I heard laughter. Children. I closed my eyes for a moment and felt peace.
I opened them again to see the hopeful face of Cregan Stark awaiting my words. If what he said was true, would he remain here in front of me for the rest of my life, always waiting to grant my next wish?
I smiled. Reached out to him. Snaked my hands around his neck, brought his face close to mine. 
"I choose me," I told him quietly. "So, I choose you."
We sealed the betrothal with a kiss. 
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delusionalwh6re · 5 months
forest boy
aged up! neteyam sully x fem metkayina! reader
summary: neteyam caught your eye from the second his family came to your village, awa’atlu. as the two of you grow closer you can’t help but become more curious about the forest boy
warnings: fluff, angst, kissing, cussing, a bit suggestive, our man being sad (on eywa imma fuck somebody up), not so daddy jake being annoying, neteyam being silly
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it was past eclipse on awa’atlu. families were cleaning up after having dinner and preparing little ones for bed. there was a cool night breeze in the air. as the night grew darker while the bioluminescence grew brighter there wasn’t nothing keeping the two of you apart
from the second your eyes landed on neteyam sully, you knew you were in for it. there was something about his cold stare as he eyed your people after landing on his now what you know is called an ‘ikran’
it lit up something inside of you. you observed the family from a distance along side your friends tsireya, roxto and unfortunately ao’nung. you remember being very curious about the darker na’vi but nonetheless welcoming
during the first weeks of the sully family’s arrival you tried your best to get them as comfortable as possible. swimming with kiri as she oddly had a bond with your native creatures, feeding the ilus with tuk and having talks with lo’ak on how it’s okay to be different
you felt like you knew them forever. they were like siblings to you and you started to grow an immense love for them as the months went on. however, there was one person who you weren’t as close with…
the boy you admired from the second he first got here. neteyam. you weren’t sure if he wasn’t fond of the water or it was just you but you had a feeling he didn’t wanna be on your island
so as much as it pained you since you wanted to get to know him, you decided it was best to keep a distance, until tonight.
“how is that my fault?” you heard a voice angrily shout in the distance
“because you’re the older brother neteyam!” another masculine voice shouted
it didn’t take you long to recognize those voices, mostly because you decided to be nosy and peep from the rock you were sitting on
it was jake and neteyam… arguing?
“so just because he can’t listen to a single thing anyone says the blame is on me huh?” neteyam argued against his father
from the rare times you ever heard neteyam speak it was safe to say he was never this angry
“maybe if you kept an eye on him like me and your mother have asked we wouldn’t even be in this damn situation!” jake raised his voice while eyeing down his son
that’s when neteyam finally snapped
everyone was gagged to say the least…
you can just tell by the look on his father and the rest of his family’s face that this wasn’t like him
you observed all of their reactions. jake was shocked along with neytiri at her son’s sudden outburst, his sisters looked sympathetic knowing the stuff their eldest brother goes through isn’t fair and lo’ak looked guilty
“you’re grounded” was all jake had to say. he didn’t even know how to react so he decided to say the first thing that popped up in his mind
but before he even went on to justify his decision neteyam walked off. he was genuinely so tired of his father’s shit that he walked off ass far as possible. he ignored his parents protests and didn’t even care to think about future consequences
you, still watching from afar noticed him going into what your tribe considered a little forest. there was plenty of trees and plants where delicious fruit grew for your people
you had a mental debate with yourself on what to do. you were still peeping from a rock and if anyone looked hard enough they would notice and consider you one of the biggest creeps on pandora.
so you did what a normal person who knew how to mind their business wouldn’t do, you followed him
you as nonchalantly as possible walked after neteyam. keeping a distance of course because the two of you were still technically strangers and from the last time you checked he was pissed the fuck off
all neteyam kept repeating in his head was “it’s not fair, it’s not fair, it’s not fucking fair” how is it that he got the blame for his little brother’s dumb ass decisions? ‘such a skxawng’ he thought
neteyam walked out as far as possible. he wanted to be as far as possible away from everyone. he seriously just wanted time to himself
until some fish bitch made her presence awkwardly known aka you
while you were walking, you took in your surroundings of the little forest. you had never been here before. you were metkayina, it’s simply not something you did often
the only people you knew of who went here were the hunters who gathered fruits for the clan. it was actually kind of forbidden for the average na’vi to come here which is why you never been
it wasn’t needed and your place amongst your people was in the water and on the sand
which is another reason you were drawn to neteyam. he came from a completely different world miles and miles away. all those nights you were in the water, he was in the wind. all those days you were on the sand, he was walking through trees
you couldn’t help but be intrigued. maybe you got too ahead of yourself though when you noticed neteyam basically speeding away and as you tried to match his steps you fell with an obnoxiously loud yelp
you practically ate shit and you felt pain shoot through your legs. you coughed out the dirt that flew into your mouth and gasped for air as it was knocked out from your lungs when you fell
“are you alright?” a deep soothing voice rang through your ears
‘eywa take me away from my misery’ you thought as your head made its way against the ground as u attempted to hide your unwanted presence
there was a laugh that made your heart feel like it was racing a thousand tulkuns “damn girl, that’s how you feel huh?”
there was a pause and then a sudden thump on the ground next to you. you opened your eyes a bit to be met with those yellow ones you always found yourself getting lost in
you didn’t know if he was trying to be funny or if he was being genuine. the two of you were laying face first on the ground while looking at each other
the immense eye contact you two had going on was getting too serious for you and you couldn’t help but laugh. soon after, neteyam joined in on your laughing and it lasted for what felt like forever
it eventually died down and you two rolled over to look up at those sparkling dots so far away in the sky you were always curious about
it was almost as if neteyam read your mind because he spoke up “those are called stars”
“how do you know that?”
“growing up my dad told us stories and explained how he came from one. that one right there” he pointed to a star that seemed to look a bit larger than the others “that’s where sky people live”
you were amazed “wow, those are beautiful”
you were too intrigued with the ‘stars’ as neteyam called them that you didn’t even notice him staring at you. he was admiring the side of your face
“so beautiful” he mumbled
you just shook your head in agreement still in your own little world thinking he was still talking about the stars
you were caught out of your trance when neteyam suddenly stood up to his full height and wiped the dirt off of him. you sat up too and started picking grass out of your hair
he was much taller than you thought. even while sitting since you had never even been this close to him before. now you weren’t too familiar with size kinks but eywa forbid you just gained one…
“here” he reaches his hand out for you to grab
“thank you” you gladly accepted his hand and gave him a small smile
he returned the smile as he quietly watched you fix yourself up. you had dirt all over you and he couldn’t help but try not to laugh as he imagined how you even got here in the first place
while you finished fixing your appearance your heart dropped to your teal ass as neteyam spoke
“so why were you following me?”
“you heard me”
you were more than embarrassed. you felt as if eywa truly loved all of her children and wanting nothing but happiness for each and every one of you, she would snatch you up right now
“look i can explain” you stuttered
he nodded before licking his lips and crossing his arms while staring at you waiting for your next words
you started to play with your hair which is something you did when you got nervous “you see, it’s really not what it looks like”
he hummed and waited for you to continue
“so basically what happened was, i was on the beach and then an evil witch came out of nowhere. she looked like she was attacked by seaweed because she was covered in it. a disaster right? so then she used her evil witch powers and dragged me all the way out here after you to try and lure us into her cult” you explained
by the look on neteyam’s face you knew he was buying that shit
he chuckled “an evil witch huh?”
you giggled “yes! eywa forgive me but she wasn’t the best looking either.. truly a nightmare”
“you know, im glad we were able to escape this evil witch. that would be such a horrible way to go out” he dramatically sighed
“exactly, and imagine how our parents would feel! it would be a really really sad story and children wouldn’t be able to sleep at night” you playfully wiped an imaginary tear from your eye
he couldn’t help but laugh at the ridiculous story you just came up with. he knew you followed him but chose to ignore it because your sense of humor had just made him forget why he even came out here in the first place
dare he say this was meant to be..
your heartwarming laugh filled his ears as your face reddened a bit. the embarrassment was still there but him flowing along with your story made it less painful
you spoke shyly with a smile “im y/n”
he smiled “yeah i know”
your eyes widened slightly. he knew you? what the flip! this couldn’t be real
“you do?” you titled your head
“my siblings metioned you, specifically my sisters. the pretty girl who’s always nice to them” he shook his head laughing
you blushed hearing those words come out of his mouth when describing you
“they forgot to mention you were a stalker though” he side eyed you
“alright not too much” you held your hand up
the two of you laughed and eventually started to walk deeper into the little forest. you could’ve sworn from then on it was a dream
the night consisted of more laughing, deep conversations, shitting on sky people, conspiracy theories and daydreaming about the forest neteyam missed dearly
“do you think about your home?”
“every single day”
you smiled at him. the two of you found your way to this secluded beach not too far from the little forest and have been sitting here for the past few hours engaging in each other’s presence
“i wish we would’ve never left” his voice sounded like it cracked a bit
you having the comforting instinct you did slightly rubbed his back. it was safe to say that the two of you had built a bond in the last couple of hours so this was much appreciated by neteyam
“im sorry you had to leave your home neteyam. thats truly awful, hopefully one day you’re able to go back. be with your people and fulfill your destiny, you will always be welcomed here if you ever wanna come back” you gave him a soft smile as he turned to look at you
his pupils dilated as he looked at you. he would be lying to himself if he said you weren’t the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, and he swore by that
you laughed at his reaction “you know, i could’ve sworn you hated me”
“really? what made you think that?”
“because you were never around whenever i did activities with your siblings and just simply avoided me”
“oh, well that’s because you made me nervous” his cheeks became a deep purple and he looked away
you gasped “no way! i made the one and only mighty warrior nervous? im truly honored”
he laughed at your teasing and watched as you dramatically flipped your hair
you looked back at him with a smile as there was a comfortable silence forming between you two
“you’re beautiful y/n, you know that right?” his voice suddenly became raspy as he looked between your eyes and lips
you felt your entire heat up at his words
“im talking to you” his hand made its way to your knee as he turned his body
“i don’t know maybe you should show me how beautiful i am” you shrugged your shoulders
he smirked “don’t start something you can’t finish”
“would it be starting something i can’t finish or you wouldn’t be able to make me finish?” you challenged
he licked his lips and tucked his bottom lip between his teeth while holding eye contact with you
“i can make you finish, trust” his hand trailed up your thigh
you smiled and whispered “prove it”
his heart picked up at your words before he made the rational decision of crashing his lips onto yours
your lips moved in sync perfectly. his hand slowly made its way onto your hip as you gripped onto the side of his neck for dear life. kissing neteyam was like breathing in fresh air. it was like tasting the sweetest fruit on the planet. it was like ascending to the great mother herself
it was everything you ever wanted
unfortunately there’s this thing called breathing that requires you to live and you two had to pull away to do that
neteyam was the first to speak up and gasping for air “i could do that forever”
you smiled “me too”
the both of your hands made its way to eavh other to hold as your foreheads were pressed together
“thank you” he breathed out
you bit your lip in confusion “for what”
“being an escape, letting me forget about all the fucked up shit that just happened” you could feel his body tense up from just thinking about the events from earlier
you smiled and shook your head “you don’t have to thank me for that, i’ll always be here”
“fuck can you get anymore perfect?” he huffed
you laughed as you wrapped your arms around his neck and dragged your legs across his lap
he gladly held onto you and he looked up at like with so much love and lust it was starting to feel like his eyes were gonna explode from the overwhelming feeling
he smirked at the new position “you just wanna be all over me huh?”
you playfully rolled your eyes before pushing him onto the sand and connecting your lips again “shut up”
authore speaks 🤍
imma let yall figure out what happened after.. 😏
i plan on writing how i used to write on wattpad with my “y/n”, so basically she’s not gonna be a crybaby, she don’t take bs from anyone and she can stand on her own! i don’t like how some of yall be makin her a crybaby and scary, hoe stand up!
my girl will have a sense of humor and be a bad bitch!!!
i love this fandom sm. i’ve been in it literally since the first movie and i’ve been lurking (if u seen me liking a bunch of ur shit no u didn’t 😁) but i finally made my first avatar fanfic 🥹
i can’t wait to right more and watch this fandom grow more and more while being apart of the journey <333
love, liana
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What did you just say? Pt. 2.
Aegon x FEM reader.
Aegon confronts his mother, the truth leaves his mouth as the fire leaves the snout of his dragon. To his surprise you don't share the same desires of being with him anymore.
Warning: maybe it wasn't as good as the first part lol. Grammatical and spelling errors, maybe a Dark obsessed Aegon at the end but nothing very serious.
Credits of these gifs to whoever they belong to
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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(...) The goblet In his hand flew to the other side of the room, tension filled the room, silence was uncomfortable, then, Aegon simply asked.
- What did you just say?
Poor servant, avoiding Aegon's look, he simply muttered and kneeled down.
- I... Said lady y/n is pregnant... please Forgive me my king, I beg for your pardon.
Aegon didn't understand why the servant was apologizing, he only rolled his eyes, he was furious, fire was running through his body.
- Get up and leave. ALL OF YOU, LEAVE! I need to talk with my mother. NOW!
Everybody left the room in an instant, Alicent was in the same place, she didn't move but was also avoiding to see her son.
- Look at me and tell me you didn't know about this, mother.
She looked at him but was speechless, there were no words.
She felt fear, she was always behind him, she was always the one who reprimanded him, but right now, she's feeling like a little kid In trouble.
- Aegon, you have to understand...
- Understand what? Is it not enough that we're all dragged into this unhappy family, full of hypocrisy and sadness for all your decisions? Your decisions had taken us to misery, my sister is right, if you weren't so blind and full of hate against Rhaenyra our story would be different.
- This, is totally unfair, You have no idea of the sacrifices that were made to put you on that throne.
- A throne I never asked for! This is all your Father wants! You've been so blind, thinking you're doing all this because of the safety of the crown, your family and the kingdom when In fact, it is only that old man's desire, to see his own blood sitting on that stupid chair!
Aegon's point of view wasn't totally wrong, he always saw his grandfather as a spider knitting its web waiting for its prey, like a moth attracted to the brilliant things, waiting for the right moment to get inside and be around the warm and brightest light, an opportunist, that's how Aegon secretly always described his grandfather. He sighed, clearly annoyed.
-...When did you receive the news of her marriage?
- Months ago, I received a letter when she was betrothed to him... and later another one arrived with the news of her wedding, but I can promise you that I don't know nothing about her pregnancy, I doubt she is pregnant.
Her words are honest but not reassuring enough to calm Aegon.
- Do you see me, mother? Do you see how painful it is for me? This marriage with my own sister, this crown over my head that I never wanted. Your decisions had been brought pain not only for me but for my siblings too. You hate Rhaenyra for all the things you consider wrong and improper , but I've done all of them too, and you hide them and pretend we're the good ones, it's pure hypocrisy. Helaena could be happier if you accepted the proposal of marriage with Jace or even if you married her to Aemond she would be happier, I could be happier if I were married with (y/n) and you wouldn't have your youngest son far from you and his true home, but no... Here we are, with a war knocking on our door, our family crumbling and with my beloved In the arms of that fuckin' wolf In the north!
Alicent approached Aegon, trying to be a loving mother, her hands on Aegon's cheeks, she can see his eyes, there's anger, pain and deception. She's trying to convince him that your marriage can bring good things in his favor.
- Aegon, you cannot see it now, but the marriage of lady (y/n) with Cregan Stark could be useful, she will do anything you asked her, she will ally to us in this war if it's necessary. Your brothers will fight at your side and your wife and children will be there too.
Aegon gave a step back, neglecting with his head, his face only shows how disgusted he feels. He never expected kind words from her but also not this kind of poorly try to calm him down, at this point he feels like he's trapped, he's a little boy trapped in a man's body, he wants to run away from that room, he needs to calm himself before doing something he could regret later.
Suddenly, your voice and the memory of your face, your hands and the affection between you and him filled his mind. You were his safe place years ago and yet, he still thinks about you when he feels lost and suffocated.
He left the room while Alicent was yelling his name, some guards tried to go behind him but he stopped us, he only wanted a person close to him, You.
He arrived at the dragon's pitch, Sunfyre his precious Dragon sensed instantly Aegon's emotions and roared to let Aegon know it was ready to fly away with him.
And that's what they did, Aegon disappeared in the sky, the clouds covered them, it was possible to hear them but to see in what direction they went wasn't that easy.
You were in your chambers resting when one of your ladies appeared, pallid as snow.
- My lady. There's... A... A dragon landed not so far from the castle.
You sit on your bed quickly, it is not possible, you try to calm yourself thinking it can be any dragon.
- A dragon? Which one?
- I'm not sure, it looked like a golden dragon, shined like the sun.
No, no, no. The fear of seeing him after all this time has appeared and grown inside you.
- What do we have to do my lady?
- Bring my coat, we have to welcome our unexpected guest by our own since Cregan is not here.
As soon as you arrived at the hall of the castle, Aegon was already there, waiting.
- My... (You doubted) King. What do we owe the honor of your visit?
- Lady (y/n), I recently found out about your marriage, I merely came to give you my congratulations.
- Thank you, my king, I've been blessed with such a wonderful marriage with a good lord.
- Where's he?
- Hunting, we weren't expecting visitors or he would be here to give you a proper welcome.
- That's fine, lady (y/n) I would like to have a private audience with you.
You looked at your ladies and knights, you didn't say a word but they understood instantly and left you alone with Aegon.
- What are the real motives of your visit... My king?
- there's no need for such formalities (Y/n)...
- Well, tell me Aegon, what are you doing here?
- I came here... To take you with me.
You are in shock, while he is walking to you, getting more and more close.
- Pardon?
- Come with me, we will annul our marriages, now that I'm king, only my word is the law. We can finally marry as it was planned years ago.
You're still surprised, you haven't moved from your place, he doesn't wait and hugs you, you can feel his nose in the crook of your neck, it's just like when you were children, he was always hiding his face in your neck while you were hugging each other, it was innocent and pure. But you two are not children anymore, both are married now, he's father and king now, you're married and soon to be mother, you haven't bled In two moons or more, your breast started to grow and hurt a little, and all your ladies had told you you look different, more beautiful, Cregan said to you that being pregnant with a boy brings more beauty to some women.
You kindly stepped back, you will not leave your husband or your new home just for an old childhood love. Aegon doesn't look surprised by your reaction.
- You don't smell like the roses anymore, now you smell like forest and berries.
- I've changed, you don't smell like cotton and Oak either, you smell like ashes and sea. You've changed too, my king.
- Probably we changed, but I'm sure our feelings are still the same (y/n) please let's go, you don't belong here, your place is at my side... Please.
His pleading eyes are like knives in your heart, but there's no way this works, people will speak, your parents will abandon you, you know a war is coming and you know who your house will support. And there's Cregan, the man of your dreams, the one who took his time to know all about you, the man who patiently won your trust and your heart, he made you a promise under the God's tree, you did too and you will not break it.
- We're adults now, Aegon, those dreams were erased, I'm married and I love him, a wolf grows inside me, I will not leave nothing of this just for an old children's dream, I moved on.
Aegon's eyes are full of tears, you're breaking his heart, but someone needs to be right-minded. You're observing him with sadness and pity while him is remembering what Alicent told him. You would do anything he asked you, maybe his mother is right, if he can't have you as wife, at least he can have you as an ally.
- I understand, you're right, I'm being a fool and I ask you to forgive me.
- It's okay Aegon...
You held his hand and squeezed it, he's contemplating the small interaction and then he looks into your eyes.
- I want to ask you for something else too.
- Go on, tell me.
- People say a war is coming, my question or the favor I want to ask for, is, will your house and the north join me?
You know the answer to that, you know your house and the north decisions are, even you have your own decision. Maybe you can avoid this uncomfortable moment.
- Aegon... I beg for your pardon but I cannot decide the loyalty of my house or my husband's house on my own. If you wish, you can stay and wait, my husband and I will discuss and consider your proposition.
He smiled at you, certainly he's not pleased with your response, he simply whispered in your ear.
- You're a terrible liar, Lady (Y/n), your decision is already taken, isn't it?... Don't worry, I forgive you, but remember this, After I win this war, I'll be back here and I'll take you with me, I will not have the kindness to ask for your permission or opinion, I will be back for you.
He left a kiss in your cheek and your hand, then he left without saying anything else, the roaring of a dragon echoed through the castle, your ladies appeared just in time to catch you, you fainted.
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ottosuricatoblog · 1 year
Link to my masterlist
Author: soooo this is my first request! Thank you sm for asking! I hope this is alright! As you can see, reader is also a Stark but this is not part of my series "Fucked". I hope you enjoy it!!💖
Request: Prompt 13 and 23 would he so cute together! Maybe like an arranged marriage🤭 I would love to see what you could come up with 💕
13. “what are you doing in my room?” “oh, you mean, our room?”
23. “and who are you to tell me who i can and can't be with?” “i'm your future husband, and probably, father of your future children.”
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When your father told you and your little sisters you were moving to Kings Landing with him, you were less than thrilled. Arya could take it. She's a witty girl. Sansa, though, was an innocent bird, and she had been promised to the prince, the little fucker. You knew you needed to be there for her until she could be there for herself.
The days in Kings Landing were exhausting. You were always looking over Sansa, which meant spending time with the hateful prince as well. The only positive thing about it was getting to know the prince's guard, Sandor. He was quite dry with you at first, but you didn't mind, continuing to be the chatty girl you've always been. He pretended not to listen to you, but he always asked something if you didn't talk, which didn't fail to make you smile. You developed an interesting relationship. He took care of Sansa when you couldn't, and you soon realized he cared more for both of you than he would admit.
After your father's execution, Arya was nowhere to be seen. The now King took pleasure in torturing everyone, but specifically your sister. The second time he decided to take her to admire your father's head on a spike, you couldn't take it anymore.
"Do you really enjoy this?" You hiss, holding your sister as she cries. "You're a monster."
"How dare you disrespect your King? You fucking whore!" He shouts. "DOG!" He motions for Sandor. "Take her to the Great Hall. I'll decide what I do with her on my way there."
Sandor looks at you, anger in his eyes.
"C'mon." He grunts, pushing you slightly.
Halfway through, he stops abruptly.
"Are you out of your fucking mind?" He barks. "I can't protect you from the King if you're fucking insulting him in his presence."
"I know!" You groan, still pissed. "I know. Couldn't help it. He's cruel, Sandor. She's just a kid."
"Yes, he's fucking cruel. He's also the fucking King!" The look in Sandor's eyes is a mix of anger and pain.
"When he kills me," You start, and he clenches his jaw. "Take care of Sansa." Your eyes fill with tears.
"He won't kill you." Sandor says and starts walking again.
You arrive at the Great Hall, and ten minutes later, so does the King.
"My King." You try as he's sitting on his throne.
"Shup up!" He says. "You don't get to talk."
You stay still, remaining silent.
"I wanted to execute you, put your head next to your traitorous father's. My mother has advised against it." You sigh, thanking the Gods for Cersei in that very moment. Sandor does the same at his spot.
"Nevertheless, you did insult me, so this cannot remain unpunished." The King continues. "If I recall, you called me 'monster'. You're going to know a real monster." He shows an evil smile. "DOG!" He shouts.
Sandor looks at him confused. "Your Grace?"
You look at Sandor out of the corner of your eye.
"Here!" He says, motioning for you. "Come here."
He does as he is told, standing next to you.
"Lady Y/N, here's your monster." Joffrey says, delighted. "You're to marry the Hound."
You walk back to your chambers, very confused. You thought you were dying today. Instead, you're getting married. You're marrying not other than Sandor Clegane. It could be worse, but you're certainly shocked.
You get to your chambers, going directly to the table and pouring a cup of wine.
The door suddenly opens, and you see Sandor stepping inside and closing it.
"What are you doing in my room?" You ask, still a bit shocked.
"Oh, you mean our room?" He says, irony evident in his voice. "What the fuck was that?"
"The hell I know." Yoy say, sipping your wine.
"It's a bit early to drink, don't you think?" He seems amused.
"Fuck off." You mumble, which makes him smirk.
"Look, I know this is not what you dreamed of when you were a child," He starts. "A beautiful lady marrying an old ugly dog."
"You're not." You interrupts him, but he stops you again. Does he think you're beautiful?
"I don’t need you to lie to me, girl. I know what I look like."
"Will you shut up?" You say, walking towards him. "I was a bit shocked because I thought I was going to die, and the marriage news got me by surprise."
He stands there, looking at you.
"That said, if I have to marry someone in this shithole, it would be you." You continue, to which he frowns. "You're the only person here who was been kind to me, at least in your own way. You've protected me and my sisters. You're a survivor, just like us." Hiz gaze softens at that. "And, even if you may not believe it, you're unconventionally attractive." You smirk.
He shows the shadow of a smile. "It's not like you have a choice." He says softly. "I will protect you. I will take care of you. I promise."
You take his massive hand in yours. "I know you will." He pulls you into his chest, his arms around you.
You stay like that for a few seconds, until he hears you mumble against his chest. "If you fail to protect me, I can always marry Ser Meryn Trant." You tease, knowing how much he hates him.
He grunts. "You're not even talking to that fucker again."
You laugh against him. "And who are you to tell me who I can and can't be with?" You say, smirking.
He grunts again, which makes you laugh. He moves you to the wall so you're pressed against it, your faces dangerously close.
"I'm your future husband," He groans against your mouth. "And probably, father of your future children.”
You feel butterflies in your stomach, fighting the urge to kiss him and deciding to tease him a bit longer.
"That so?" You say, smirking.
You hear him say "Mine." before he presses his mouth against yours.
PD: I'm starting a tag list, if you wanna be in it, let me know🫶🏻
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chuubian · 3 months
solace and secrecy
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Tags Fyodor x fem reader, angst, religious imagery, religious guilt, alcohol consumption, abuse, blasphemy?? kinda?
Summary Fyodor is determined to live as a righteous, holy man. Dedication to his god is all he has ever known and he would never stray away from it, but he starts to view his faith differently when he met you.
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Intricate architecture and stained glass windows were familiar views to Fyodor. Spending all his free time as a child in the church, working on his faith. Terrified of what could happen if he were to ever give up his religion. His dedication bordered on obsession. When the time came to make his career choice, he chose something that would be worthy of going to heaven.
Becoming a priest involved things like teaching the congregation, performing sacraments, and counseling. Fyodor did all this with love and passion in his heart. It was familiar. There was no place he would rather be.
Fyodor is sitting in his office, offering counseling to his brothers and sisters is a welcome break from standing and preaching for hours at a time. Most problems people come to him with are not too serious. Family disputes and disobedient children, occasionally infidelity and thievery. Though… those are few and far in between.
Fyodor is cleaning up his desk while waiting for his next meeting. Stacking his books and arranging his vase of flowers to be just right. He opens his door and invites in the next person he’s supposed to meet with. Gesturing for you to sit down.
“Please, have a seat”
He takes a seat across from you, the golden light from the sun casting a heavenly glow. Fyodor looks angelic. It's hard to not immediately start begging for mercy. Suddenly feeling like you are unworthy of being in the presence of his divinity. Fyodor starts off.
“What can I help you with?”
You hesitate to speak, unsure if this is even something you could ever admit or speak out loud.
“Father… I’ve been having some strange thoughts and feelings.”
Fyodor hums softly, thinking. His voice is soft and reassuring, representative of his care for your wellbeing.
“Strange in what way?”
You hesitate. Can you really say this? Would he report you? While you’re taking your time considering what to say, Fyodor interrupts.
“I notice you are being awfully quiet. This is a confidential conversation, nothing you could say would make me think of you as unworthy or strange. I am a servant of God, sworn to secrecy. Everything said in this room is between you, myself, and our lord and savior.”
With that reassurance, you take a deep breath. Fyodor is looking at you with such kind eyes. It’s hard to not to get distracted. How do you even word this? What can you really say?
“Father… I’ve been having thoughts about murdering my mother.”
Fyodor's face remains unchanged. He almost doesn’t look shocked. He sits up straight and speaks in the same soft reassuring tone. It’s eerie.
“I see… Why is that?”
Old painful memories flood your mind. Your mother choosing her new repulsive boyfriend over you. Your mother isolating you from friends and family. Making you kneel on rice for hours at a time. Inventing new barbaric punishments just for you. She had never put as much love and care into anything, as she did torturing you. Being an adult now, you wrongfully believed that she would let you live your life. But that is not the kind of person she is.
"She's cruel and vindictive, I hate her. She's never cared for me in my entire life and I can't leave. She takes my money, traps me, beats me when she’s angry and drunk. I have nowhere to go. I've given up on my life, but if I can make her suffer one last time I think I could die happily."
Fyodor remains abnormally calm. It feels like the calm before the storm. You should've kept your mouth shut. What the fuck were you even thinking? Obviously that's not okay to say, why are you even here? For him to talk you down? Your legs are shaking. Although Fyodor is gazing at you tenderly, it's like he's looking right through you. Like he can read you.
"And you believe that this is the solution?"
You feel trapped. Breath hitching, your eyes start watering. You try to speak up but your voice is shakier than you expected. Why is it so shaky?
"I don't know what to do, Father."
He slowly stands up, making his way around the desk. You take a deep breath, readying yourself for what he might do. Maybe he'll restrain you and report you. But before you can let your thoughts go wild, he reaches out for your hand. His skin is cold, but it curiously makes you feel warm. It's like a shock to your system.
"I'm sorry that happened to you"
At those six simple words, you break down. No one in your entire disgraceful, miserable life had ever given you an ounce of genuine kindness. He gently wiped the tears from your eyes. You didn't even realize you had started crying, your throat and eyes were burning. There was a big lump in your throat.
"Do you not think that instead of doing something so horrible, so sinful, maybe you should turn to god?"
You pause at those words. Is that even a real choice at this point? This is a cry for help, you aren't looking for a god to follow. What use is he to you? God is the reason that you've had such a dreadful life.
"I have never seen you come to mass before, so why are you here? Is it because deep down you are hoping for god to save you?"
Taking a deep breath you try to calm down.
"I'm not a follower, I would never do that. God is the reason my life is so awful."
His eyes narrow. Fyodor's gaze is piercing and chilling. He takes offense to you talking about his deity in such a blasphemous way.
"I know you may feel that this is our lord and savior's fault, but that could not be further from the truth. This is the work of the devil, and the devil alone."
Shaking your head, you refuse to accept it. Is God not supposed to fix this? Is he not supposed to be all knowing? How could he allow this to happen in the first place? What did you even do to deserve this? Fyodor notices that you're deep in thought.
"I am sorry to be the first to tell you this, but you are not as innocent as you think you are."
His voice is much colder than it was before. It makes you shiver and tense up.
"All human beings are sinful. Do you not think it is better to acknowledge that and ask for forgiveness from our Father? What happened to you was unacceptable, but is the solution really to victimize yourself and act so foolishly?"
You were stunned. Looking up at Fyodor, who towers over you. He's so tall and imposing, it makes you feel small. He's so cruel. You had done nothing and now he was trying to make you feel guilty? Who does he think he is? You stand up angrily, deciding you don't have to take this.
"I'm leaving."
Fyodor raises an eyebrow.
"Please, sit back down. I understand that this seems harsh but violence is not the answer. Why are you even here?"
"I'm not sure."
Fyodor hums softly. Sitting back down he reaches over to his vase, taking a hold of a white rose, looking deep in thought. He gently runs his slender fingers over the petals and then holds the rose out for you.
"This is my offering to you."
You furrow your eyebrows, confused.
"What? A rose?"
Fyodor chuckles softly.
"Yes, a rose. But I am not only offering this rose, I am also offering you a chance to start over. So that you do not have to go back and see your mother."
You stay silent, completely bewildered.
He tilts his head, he looks almost baffled that you would question him.
"I am a servant of God. It is my job to help those in need, but in exchange I would like for you to start coming to church. I would like for you to at least try and follow the word of God."
You sit back down, considering the offer. Could he be telling the truth? This seems too good to be true. Fyodor notices your hesitance to take him up on this.
"I will provide you with a place to sleep and help you find employment. I am a well known priest around here, I promise this is a genuine offer."
He holds out the rose for you again. You finally accept it, nodding.
"All right then. I’ll take you up on it."
He smiles at you softly. As your fingers gently close over the stem of the rose, one of the thorns pricks you, drawing blood. You gasp softly, letting go of the rose as it falls to the ground.
"Are you okay?"
Fyodor looks concerned, taking your hand in his gently and inspecting the punctured finger.
"It is only a small cut, I could fix you up easily."
You look up at his face, noticing the kind look in his eyes. He's so ethereal. Delicately, he pulls your hand closer, cleaning the blood up and bandaging your finger.
After this, Fyodor shows you around your new living quarters and helps you get a job. He requires you to come to mass at least three times a week and have talks about how things are going afterwards.
Getting away from your mother wasn't easy. She was always watching you, looking for mistakes or something that may be off about you. Eventually, you finally saw a chance when you could leave without her noticing.
Since that fateful day, your days have been spent surrounded by ornate golden walls. The high cieling of the church make you feel like a small bug, crushed under the weight of God's will.
Fyodor has helped you see the mistakes in your thinking patiently. At first, you didn't even want to admit it but it was true that you're a sinner. However, God could cure you. He could forgive.
At this point you hardly ever spent any time outside of the church. Right after work you went inside that large, lavish building, repenting for your sins and working on your relationship with your lord and savior. Fyodor had even started planning for your baptism soon after you made the deal with him.
Spending so much time around that mysterious man, made you feel even more captivated with him. What is his story? Was he always like this? His eyes are so kind but so empty, there's something so off about him. Despite the bad feeling in your gut, you couldn't help but like him more. Whenever you would walk into his office, it was always beautifully decorated with white roses, fresh, blooming and shining in the sunlight. The bookshelves along the walls are always full of vintage books, smelling like parchment and wine. His demeanor is always serene. He would just sit there and listen to you, never once trying to interrupt you.
You came to appreciate his advice, he seemed to be on a higher plane of existence than you. In a way, he was your savior. Whenever he looked at you now, you could feel your cheeks warm and your hands get clammy. Disappointing him would be devastating.
It's night time now, about six months after you first met Fyodor. The church was completely empty at this time. Soft glowing moonlight is sparkling and radiating off the gold and stained glass decorations inside. Fyodor decided to sit on one of the pews at the front, admiring the large crucifix behind the altar. It fills him with a sense of pride. Pride to be one of the Lord's soldiers.
As you walk in, you feel uneasy. This is a building you love, with a man you care about inside, but it feels so cold… so isolated. No one else is here. It's just a big empty building. You can't help but notice how exquisitely it's decorated, compared to your cheap clothing. It doesn’t look like you should ever even step foot in here.
Sitting down next to Fyodor, he smiles at you softly.
"I haven't seen you in a while, Fedya."
"It has only been a few days."
Shrugging, you take in his appearance. He's still wearing his white baptismal robe, contrasting with his dark shiny hair. He looks so pure, so divine, it's hard not to be completely enchanted.
"A few days is too long. You're my only friend, you know?"
He hums softly.
“Do you need anyone else anyways?”
You go quiet for a few seconds, thinking.
“I guess not, I like spending my time at the church with you anyways.”
He slowly stands, walking up the stairs to the altar. You stay sitting.
“What are you doing?”
He doesn’t answer, standing in front of the crucifix, facing you. He pulls a chalice out of the communion table, filled with red wine.
“Come here, we may as well enjoy ourselves while you are here right?”
Your eyebrows furrow, letting out a little chuckle.
“Are we even allowed to drink from it under these circumstances?”
Fyodor tilts his head, almost offended that you would question him.
“Does it matter? Do not tell me youre scared.”
He pauses, sighing softly, noticing your hesitance.
“It is fine, you will not get in trouble for it.”
With that reassurance, you walk up the steps of the altar and stand next to him. He holds the chalice up to your face, intending to feed you the wine himself. Your cheeks flush, feeling babied and embarrassed.
“Can’t I drink it myself?”
He shrugs.
“Just drink, it is not a big deal.”
You nod, leaning closer and taking a sip. The metal of the chalice feels cold on your lips, while the wine makes your throat and stomach feel warm. Fyodor tilts the container up to help you drink more. Once you drink about half of the wine, you lean back, cringing at the disgusting taste of alcohol.
“Wine is always so bitter.”
He chuckles at your reaction.
“You are such a baby, it is not that bad.”
Without hesitation, he gulps down all the wine that was left over. His pale cheeks grow pink from the alcohol, and of course, you can’t help but point it out.
“You’re blushing, you know that?”
“So what? At least I can handle my alcohol.”
Suddenly, it’s not so funny anymore.
“Hey, I can handle it just fine!”
He chuckles quietly, gazing into your eyes. His stare is so intense that you grow silent and still. The effects of the wine are now messing with your head. Your eyesight grows fuzzy and your muscles feel heavier.
You can’t help but stare at him, he’s so handsome it’s unreal. The tension in the room thickens. Fyodor reaches up to gently brush your hair behind your ear. You gasp. His touch is electrifying. It feels like your skin is on fire where his fingers brushed against the shell of your ear.
“Is something wrong, dear?”
Your eyes widen at the pet name. Were you really close enough to be this affectionate? It felt too intimate, it felt wrong. You look around the empty room, suddenly feeling guilty. What are you even doing here? You’re not supposed to be here, you don’t belong. You’ve never belonged anywhere. Not at home with your mother, and especially not in a place so sacred.
Fyodor places a hand on your shoulder, making you flinch.
“What is wrong?”
Shaking your head, you sigh softly.
“Nothing… I just…”
You pause for a few seconds, trying to articulate your thoughts. Fighting against the haze of the alcohol, your tongue feeling heavy in your mouth, making you slur your words.
“I shouldn’t be here.”
When you finally look back at Fyodor, he looks concerned. There’s something so angelic about him that it’s hard to not immediately lean in and kiss him. He looks genuinely confused, as if its unheard of for you to be undeserving.
“Why is that?”
You hide your face with your hands, sheepish and uncomfortable.
“I’m not a good follower of god… I… I don't belong here.”
Fyodor takes a step forward, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. It feels too close, but instead of shaking it off and backing away, you let him.
“Come on, let us sit down.”
He leads you over to sit on the stairs in the altar.
“Dear… Why do you not think you belong?”
You pause. Can you even admit this? This is wrong. You have thought worse things and he knows it, but this is different. This time it involves him.
“I’m a sinner…”
He looks at you like you’re stupid.
“So is everyone.”
This is so frustrating. He doesn’t understand.
“Fyodor… Do you ever think we’re too close?”
“Why would I think that?”
Your hands clench, grabbing onto the skirt of your dress.
“You’re a priest… you should act like it.”
At that, Fyodor's eyes narrow. He takes offense to the suggestion that he isn’t acting in a godly manner.
“Explain yourself.”
His tone is sharp, he’s clearly unhappy because of you. You grow nervous at his anger, fidgeting with the sleeve of your jacket.
“I just mean… I don’t mean to offend you or anything… but you called me ‘dear’ and I feel like we’re getting too close…”
He still seems peeved that you would suggest he isn’t doing his duties properly, but his gaze softens a great deal.
“I see… Well, you do not have to worry about that. We are friends, are we not? In fact, I am your only friend.”
You nod. It felt embarrassing to have him casually talk about how lonely you are. You really rely on him for everything at this point.
With everything finally calming down, you both sit silently, looking out at the dark empty church. It isn’t awkward. Fyodor is someone whose presence you can enjoy even when you’re not talking.
Slowly, you both grow closer and closer. Maybe leaning your head on his shoulder is too intimate but you can’t seem to care anymore. Fyodor doesn’t seem to mind and the wine is messing with your sense of balance and judgment.
Fyodor’s hand slowly slides from your shoulder down to your waist, pulling you closer. You suddenly feel too warm in your own skin. You feel restless but you don't dare move from where you are.
Looking up at him, you notice he’s already looking down at you, studying your expression, looking at your features so lovingly. The tension in the room rises. You don’t know what to do, but you don’t want to look away. You can’t let this opportunity pass.
Your voice sounds much softer and weaker than you thought it would. It’s clear you're nervous, even to yourself, and especially to someone as receptive and smart as Fyodor. Your heart is racing. You can barely even speak. A warm, heavy feeling pools in your stomach.
“Yes, dear?”
The pet name makes you feel warmer and causes your skin to prickle. You sit up, you’re so close now that his breath is fanning over your face.
“Fedya… I… love you.”
Those words hang in the air, echoing throughout the vacant room. Fyodor doesn’t react. After a few seconds, his gaze travels down to your lips before looking back at your eyes again.
“I see…”
He looks away. Your stomach drops. This can’t be. Did you read things wrong? Why were you so stupid?? Your eyes are starting to water, even your nose is burning. This is so embarrassing. How could this happen??
“I am truly sorry… I-I think we had too much to drink.”
His voice is soft and understanding.
“I am a part of the clergy, we are not allowed to be in relationships.”
Despite the reasonable explanation, you feel upset. After all, emotions aren't rational are they? You can't even look at him anymore. The humiliation is too much.
“Please dear… It is not your fault, but the Lord comes first to me. I would never do anything to jeopardize my position.
He notices your expression and body language, pulling you into a hug. You can’t help but break down. The embarrassment and guilt finally catching up with you. You just wanted to be loved. Is that too much to ask? Even when you thought you had a connection, of course it had to be with a man who is unable to return those feelings.
“You are beautiful, you have a great personality. I am sure that one day, you will find someone who can love you back, but that person can not be me. With time, these feelings will pass.”
After a while of Fyodor comforting you and holding you close, you finally calm down. You both sit quietly. Even with the rejection fresh in your mind, even with your heart feels like it’s been beaten and abused, you can't find it in yourself to hate him. You should’ve known this would happen.
Fyodor and you sit silently. He reassures you that this has nothing to do with you, and after a while, he leaves. You sit alone in the dark empty church, feeling much more alone than when you first came in.
You decide you can’t just let your friendship with Fyodor wither away. So you stick around, still talking and enjoying each others company as always. When you next visit Fyodor's office, you notice his vase lacks the same bright white glowing roses. Instead, they have all wilted and dried up.
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pinkthrone445 · 9 months
-The most wonderful time of the year?-
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender: hurt, hurt.
Warnings : (+18) strong words, fights.
Summary:Melissa makes the worst mistake of her life by letting you go when things don't go the way you wanted them to.
Hello! I hope you had a great Christmas! I'll continue with the requests but I wanted to write something painful too between all the horniness hahaha
*I didn't had much time to check for spelling errors, sorry.
Another year, another Christmas at the Schemmenti family's house, there were too many guests, and every room was filled with conversations and laughter, some room was heard with shouts of argument that quickly turned into laughter and hugs as everyone was too drunk to have a serious fight or remember why they were fighting.
You really enjoyed Christmas like that, full of people, food, happiness and the magic that children believed in about Santa. Living away from your family was difficult, but spending it with Mel's family helped alleviate some of the homesickness. Everyone treated you like one of the family, the kids loved you to come to the house, and they stole you most of the night to play with them. Melissa's mother loved you and always made you your favorite dessert. Everything was perfect, being among such a big and loving family, made you want your own family with your girlfriend.
Everyone stayed at Mel's mother's house to feast together in the evening and open presents the next morning all together around the big tree.
After dinner, one of Mel's nephews, Polo, asked you to sit on the couch so you could read him a story, which you happily did. The little boy was curled up on your chest as he sucked on his finger while you read the story they had chosen. Mel was watching you read to him and caress his little head while she drank wine with her sister at the table, when the little boy was almost asleep, she got up from the table and sat by your side hugging you with one arm on your shoulders, the little boy smiled at his aunt and closed his eyes again, falling fast asleep on you as small snores came out of his mouth. Carefully you kissed his forehead and snuggled him closer with the blanket and then looked at your girlfriend
-"Mel... I want one"-you whispered and she laughed looking at you
-"If you want, we can come and see him more often, he loves being with you"-She responded whispering so the little one sleeping in your arms didn't wake
-"I'd like to, but I was talking about a baby of ours... I know how much you love big families and so do I, I would love to have a baby together... Can you imagine him running and playing around the house, filling every corner with drawings and laughter"-You whispered and excitement began to be heard in your voice-"Taking him to school together, watching him grow, teaching him to live and love... Can you imagine all that? Our little family?..."-you smiled looking at her, but she didn't smiled
-"Honestly, no... I never thought about a family bigger than what it's with you and me..." -she answered truthfully
-"Never?"-You asked disappointedly-"I've thought about it many times, especially when I see you interacting with children... Or when you hug me and caress my stomach... Can't you imagine it growing, letting our love grow more making us bring it one more life as a result of that love we have for each other? It would be beautiful..."-You smiled again hoping to get her excited, but she just laughed
-"Our life is beautiful and perfect just the way it is, we don't need a child for that... What are you going to do when I'm older? Change the diapers of both of us? Please hon, don't talk nonsenses"-She joked trying to make you see how ridiculous the situation was, but that only made you feel sad
-"Yes, you're right, it's silly"-you replied and got up from the couch coming out of the red-haired woman's embrace-"I'll go take Polo to his room to sleep"- you whispered before leaving your girlfriend alone in the living room.
You and Mel had been together for almost 5 years, it wasn't the first time you mentioned to her about starting a family, before she said maybe later, but now was the first time she told you that the idea was silly and that hurt more than the other times she said she would think about it later.
When you left little Polo on his bed, he smiled and snuggled up with his teddy bear, for a few seconds you looked at his pajamas and how it matched yours since Mel's mother gave everyone pajamas to match... Polo was the son of one of Mel's cousins, one who was almost the same age as her and yet decided to adopt to have a child... You knew that Melissa would use the excuse she always used when she didn't want something, that she was too old for that, that changes were difficult for her, that at her age people would make fun of her and all that stuff she always said, she always had an excuse to say no to the things you wanted to do and she didn't. And it's not just talking about an important topic like having children, it was about everything, even going out dancing with you... But you did compromise what you liked to do things she wanted instead of looking for a stupid excuse every time you didn't like something she picked to do.
Sadness was turning into anger the more you thought things through. Passing through the bedroom door and seeing that Mel was settling in for sleep, you decided to turn around and go to the living room again, sitting quietly and thinking as you watched the campfire slowly burn away. You sighed and hugged your legs trying to get the sadness out somehow, while you loved being with Mel's family, you also missed yours, right now you needed to talk to your sisters or someone to see if wanting kids while she didn't want to was being selfish.
Without noticing, a few tears escaped your eyes as you stared at the campfire and every sock hung on the fireplace, the children had been put on smaller, very cute socks. Everyone was already asleep and lying down, the silence wasn't helping your mood much.
You were startled when you felt someone hugging you from behind the couch, when you felt your girlfriend's perfume you recognized her, but that didn't change how you felt
-"Are you okay?... Why don't you come to bed? Why are you crying?"-she asked softly so as not to scare you
-"I'm fine... I just... I guess I miss my family more than I thought..."-You whispered and tried to get away a little but she wouldn't let you
-"Oh baby... We can go with them the next holidays if you want to... Let's go to bed, it's cold and tomorrow we have to get up early to open the presents..."-She insisted and you sighed
-"I just want to stay here a little longer..."-You answered and she kissed your forehead
-"Please, you know how hard it is for me to sleep if you are not by my side... If you want tomorrow we'll call your family so you see them but let's sleep now..."-She insisted and you turned to look her in the eye
-"Mel... Why you don't want to have children?..."-You asked with real interest, maybe it wasn't just her age, maybe there was another reason and you just wanted to know
-"Please, again with this?... Does Christmas make you so nostalgic that you feel like that emptiness is only filled if you have a children?" - she asked in a harsher way than she wanted, her choice of words hadn't been the best-"Look hon... Before, when I was with my ex husband, I did want children, but not anymore, not after him and the divorce, not after so many years already passed. The more and more time passed, the less I wanted to have children, they just make things more complicated... It is not true that a child helps to improve a relationship, they only occupy your time and take you further away from your partner, I have seen it a thousand times in my family. I know it seems like a nice thought to enlarge the family, but it's not. It's not something I want in my life, and you have to respect that... I know I told you before that maybe in the future but the truth is that I was waiting for you to lose your hope... But now I'll be honest with you, I don't want children and I'm not going to want them at any point of my life"-The redhead spoke firmly, crossing her arms and making you feel small
-"And what about what I want?"-Your voice came out weaker than you wanted, but you felt weak and your voice showed it, so did your teary eyes-"Why what I want can never come true?... When I proposed to you, you said no... And now with the kids... Even when I asked if we could adopt a pet you said no using a stupid excuse. If I'd known before that you didn't want to do this..."-Your voice broke out because you got a lump in your throat and Melissa became more serious than she already was, seeing your weak form
-"If you had known before that I didn't want children what? What would have been different?"-She asked with annoyance in her voice and you sighed, why she was the one who was angry if you were the one who was being denied what you wanted?
-"Maybe if I'd known before that we didn't have the same goals, I wouldn't have let myself fallen for you this hard... Maybe I wouldn't be so in love with you, Maybe I would have looked for someone who would be happy to commit to me and start a family with me or marry me... -You whispered, avoiding her gaze. She stared at you, surprised by your confession. Standing there with her felt painful at the time, so you walked past her and upstairs crying leaving her there.
When you got to the room you saw the redhead's things on the bedside table next to her side and sighed, you decided to leave the bed for her to sleep well and you took your pillow and blanket and went to sleep in the children's room on the carpet.
That night you barely slept and very early in the morning the children woke you up to open the presents. Practically pushing you to go down with them.
When you got downstairs Mel was already there with two cups of coffee, hers loaded black and yours with marshmallows, but you didn't drink it, not because you were angry, but because you didn't have an appetite. The children made you sit between them and Mel sat at the other end, which did not go unnoticed by her mother who was used to Melissa being on top of you hugging you. As the children and everyone opened their presents, you forced a smile when you opened your presents or the children showed you theirs. At all times you avoided your girlfriend's eyes, even when she opened the gift you had given her, even when you had to explain to her that if she shined the flashlight on her cell phone through the necklace it would project a picture of you two surrounded by I love you in different languages. Now it hurt to say I love you, not because you didn't feel it, but because after last night's conversation, something felt different even though you couldn't know what it was.
Later in the day, everyone went out to play in the snow and you went out specially to take care of the kids that were enjoying their new presents, you were surprised to see when your girlfriend approached you and asked to speak privately.
Before you could say anything, she started to speak
-"I was thinking all night... I don't think it's fair for me to keep you from the things you want to do... I think I'm being very selfish, that's why I'm letting you go, so you can find someone who wants to do the same things as you"-She spoke hurriedly, afraid that her voice would betray her
-"What? What are you saying Melissa?... Are you breaking up with me?"-You asked in disbelief
-"Yes, so you can find someone who wants to have kids, pets, to marry and all that stuff that you want and I don't..."-She replied earnestly, and you laughed without happiness, your eyes were watery
-"Really? Would you rather break up with me than commit to finding a solution that works for both of us? To compromise something so we could both be happy? You're unbelievable Melissa"-You responded angrily before walking past her crashing her shoulder on purpose before entering the house to get your stuff.
Mel thought she was doing the right thing, that this was what you wanted, letting you go so you could go looking for someone else to accomplish the things you wanted. What Melissa didn't understand was that you wanted those things but with her, not with someone else.
Crying, you packed your suitcase and left the house, taking advantage of the fact that everyone was playing outside so as not to make a big fuss and have to explain to everyone that Melissa had just broken up with you, none other than at Christmas when you were away from your family and didn't know who else to turn to .
That was the last time the redhead heard from you, when she got home your things were gone, all traces that you lived there were gone, you had only left the void behind you and the photos of the two of you hanging on the wall, the only proof that had been left that you had been there.
Melissa's mother had given her a big reprimand when she found out what had happened and how stupid her daughter had been to let you go, but by the time she tried to call you, you had already changed your number. She also tried to contact your family to find out where you were, the only thing they told her was that you had moved in again with them and that you didn't want to hear from her anymore.
Melissa spent months, years regretting everything she had done, she lost everything because she didn't want to give up a little for you.
5 Christmases Later
The last day of school before Christmas brake, Melissa walked into Barbara's classroom to see if her fried was ready to go.
-"Barbara, do you want me to warm up the car?"-The redhead asked and her friend looked at her with a little boy about three years old sitting on her lap
-"I have to wait a few minutes, his mother called me and said she was running late because her work shift at the hospital was a little longer, we are waiting for her to arrive..."-The brunette explained, holding the little boy sitting on her lap, who was painting with crayons on the teacher's desk. The redhead smiled tenderly seeing the concentration of the little boy, there was something about him that generated a lot of affection for him-"It will only be a few minutes, she it's coming"-Barbara begged to wait for her with a smile
-"Mama it's coming"-The little babble while still painting, the redhead smiled as she heard his sweet voice
-"Mama it's here!"-You said agitated seeing Barbara with your child-"I'm so sorry miss Barbara, I tried to get out earlier but when it's Christmas a lot of fireworks accidents happen and they held me longer... Thank you for taking care of him"-you said sincerely, approaching the desk and smiling as you saw how your little one ran into your arms
-"Mama! I missed you!"-Your little one screamed running with his short legs and hugging you tightly.
-"Please sweetie, it's not a bother, he's very well behaved"-Barbara responded, and you breathed a sigh of relief.
On the other hand, Melissa, who was behind the door you had entered through and therefore you had not noticed her presence, could not believe that you were there. Your face had changed a little, you looked older, more experienced, but your smile was the same, it just got brighter when you hugged your little one.
Your son took off the hospital cap you were still wearing, forgetting to take it off in the hurry with which you had left, and put it on his little head making you laugh.
-"Thank you once again Barbara, it's been hard to adapt again since I came back... Thank you for your patience... Merry Christmas, say Merry Christmas to your teacher baby" - You told your son and he smiled at Barbara with his eyes half covered by the bonnet
-"Medy Chistmas Baba(Barbara), the dawing I was making it's fo youuuu, byee" - Your little one spoke excitedly to be with you and you smiled as you turned around to leave, but your blood ran cold at the sight of your ex-girlfriend in front of you. You sighed and walked past her whispering a Merry Christmas to her too before exiting the classroom. The redhead was just lost and confused to see you again that she couldn't say anything to answer or move to go after you.
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rogueabs · 1 month
Under the Gun - Abby Anderson x Reader
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Are you living for love? When the road gets too tough, is your love strong enough?
-under the gun by The Sisters of Mercy
SUMMARY: You’ve been running from your reality, you had to leave your home in Oregon, it couldn't get worse after all, you had lost it all. Arriving in Seattle you hear yelling and grunting from afar, when you see a muscular blonde woman being beaten and dragged you freeze, you wouldn't be able to rescue her. Stealthy you follow the people with a scar on their face, a feature that relates them to another to what it seemed like their camp, you hide waiting for the moment to take the blonde girl from the rope restraining her up in the air incapacitating her.
You and Abby’s story begins when she saw the end of hers.
Warnings: 18+ minors dni, smut (further along you perverts!) angst, desciptions of weapons and violence.
next chapter
Chapter 1: What if it was you
Growing up in Oregon was a gift and a curse, the peace that came with it also brought loneliness. Growing up you only had your mother by your side, your father passed away before you were born trying to protect your family farm from the undead creatures that roamed earth alongside surviving humans. It was you and your mom, against the world as it was always proclaimed by the both of you. She was THE wonder woman in the flesh, raising you, teaching you how to survive and how to take care and keep the farm alive.
When you were nineteen she passed away peacefully when you went on a hunting trip on your own. You found a letter she left and you carried it with you in your leather jacket pocket.
She had been sick for a while, never telling you of the symptoms, you always saw her complain about pain and went on scavenges trying find medicine to take it away but you never thought you would find your mothers lifeless corpse, she didn’t want you to kill her like she had done to the love of her life.
“Your dad and I got engaged on the infamous space needle in Seattle, my wish was to take you there for your birthday but this illness took me way too soon. I never wanted you to see me fade. One day I hope you can see how beautiful the view is from there;”
So you packed your backpack angrily, never wanting to see that house again after burying your mother it would never be a home again. 
With tears in your eyes you grabbed the old notebook your mom got you in a scavenge six years ago, you remember it like it was yesterday, it was her way of giving me privacy and I cherished every word I’ve ever written on it all these years.
"Dear diary, it's weird picking you up, it's been a while since i’ve talked with you. We are grown and alone, I've never been so afraid.
I remembered the old pick-up truck that belonged to the neighbours that once lived by our side, I have no memories of them, only that they were kind according to mom. I’ve been running like a mad woman trying to get gasoline for the last 2 days. It's a quick ride to Seattle. I just really need something good to happen to me."
When you finally got enough gasoline you swear you could believe in god for finally having your prayers answered. Walking back to the fields you knew like the back of your hand, you searched your neighbours house for a tool box, you needed a screwdriver badly. 
“Finally!” you yelled so loudly and regretted it, hoping nothing heard you.
“Okay” you said to yourself “How do I hotwire this fucking car…” rubbing your hands on your head you tried to recall how your mom did it flawlessly for you, how if it went to go sideways she would be the one getting shocked, protecting you was her greatest accomplishment and you lived by loving and caring for someone that deeply.
Shoving the screwdriver in the ignition system and moving it around, you manifest it working since this car was older than you and your mother too probably, a couple minutes of turning it and jiggling it around you heard the motor start.
Beating your legs using them like a drum, you cried of happiness, you could finally escape, a fresh start.
The farthest you could drive too was still far from your destination, you spent one week on foot, you could barely remember what sleep was like when you heard a commotion, it was gunshots.
 Instinctively you held your gun in the palm of your hand, you had to be sure that if needed it was on its holster ready to protect yourself no matter what it took. Scoping far from the building you understood it was one person who did the job, it made you curious of what may have happened, and whatever it was, you didn’t want to get on their bad side. 
Getting closer to the building, being careful not to draw attention to yourself you saw a muscular blonde woman starting to leave the building, sliding on the dirt ramp when out of nowhere someone with an enormous sledgehammer got on top of her. You were panicking deciding if you should or not get closer, to rescue her but you saw her handle herself biting the woman's ear but in a blink of an eye, two men came closer and someone knocked the blonde woman out.
Whoever they were, they started dragging the unconscious girl and you couldn't bear the sight of it. This wasn’t part of the plan but you needed to help her, something inside of you told you to do it, it could have been you.
You were light on your feet, stealth was your best friend and the people in the long jackets didn’t hear or see you, but from afar you noticed it all. Wherever they were bringing her too was bad, it made you sick, were they cannibals? Was it a cult? The only thing that made them related to another was the scars they had on all their faces.
They tied with rough ropes the ankles and wrists of the woman they called “wolf”, it was soothing due to her frame, they dragged her to a place where people were gutted and hung by their neck, you had to save her. 
The people with scars tied the rope on her neck and pulled her up, you got ready to aim and shoot the woman that was pointing a knife to her abdomen when suddenly a young woman was brought to the camp violently. 
The woman that was prepared to kill the blonde woman flipped instantly at the tumult created by two strong men grabbing the girl.
From what you could gather the girl was named Yara, and the sight was too violent, you had never experienced such cruel humans in your life. One of the men that was holding her down obeyed the orders of the woman who told them to “clip her wings”, they ended up smashing her arm with a hammer.
It was now or never and you decided to make your moves to help the woman down, arrows were shot out of nowhere, taking one of the men out and Yara took out the other with the same hammer that was being used violently on her. Quickly you started making your way to get behind the blonde woman to get her down. She was able to catch the tall woman who threatened her before who now was confused at the attack, the blonde trapped her with her strong legs, starting to choke her out but you showed up and stabbed her with a screwdriver in the neck, letting her choke on her blood falling to her death.
Taking the blonde woman out of her restraints you gave her a hand helping her down.
 A young boy came in desperately running towards the Yara girl who now had her arm broken and all you could feel was anger at what she had been put through, hearing them talk you were able to pick up that the boy's name was Lev and you heard her say that “Demons are coming.” Whatever that meant, it sounded like it was going to be hell on earth.
Gazing back at the blonde woman, she rubbed her neck trying to regain her breath and thoughts into place, getting her stability back she grabbed the hammer the girl had thrown across.
“Watch your backs,” the woman said.
You grabbed the gun out of your holster getting yourself ready in position, you were all gonna leave this place alive, even if it meant dying for the safety of these strangers.
It was a bloodbath fighting against all the clickers and runners that came across your escape out of the woods. You and the woman realised the kids were with us, helping us leave even if they were related to the people with scars in their faces and that made you filled with hope in escaping to safety.
After running and crouching underneath a fence, you believed you had left the thrill of the rush to a temporary safe haven in this mess and introduced yourself to the woman. 
“I know this isn't good timing but I’m (Y/N)” giving your hand for the woman to shake.
Shaking your hand the woman said “I’m Abby.”
In the blink of an eye the woman you had seen before, the one with the sledgehammer that knocked the woman down prior to this was attacking the kids, Abby got up instantly to fight without any weapons. You fumbled with your hands trying to search for more ammo to shoot her down but Abby got around just fine with her bare fists, the last thing you recall is hearing her question the tall woman if she was wearing her backpack and before you could recollect your thoughts on what you were witnessing, Abby had smashed the skull of the scared woman with the sledgehammer.
You made your way down trying to open the rusted auto-shop door and heard Abby talk to Lev and Yara but you couldn't hear it over the door you were trying to pry open.
“Through here c’mon” You said to the people you were stuck with for the moment.
When everyone got inside you let go of the door, you were searching your backpack for your flashlight when you felt someone’s presence getting closer.
“(Y/N)? Is that right? Abby asked.
“It is.”  you confirmed looking at her eyes, even if you never crossed her path again after this, you wanted to remember the strange womans features.
“Thanks for you know, helping me down. Do you need anything, anything at all?” She asked with her blue eyes never breaking your gaze.
“Don’t thank me Abby, I’m sure you would’ve done the same.” You replied wiping your sweat away from your forehead, “Right now I just need us to get out of this shit hole.”
Abby respectfully nodded and left you to search while moving  towards the struggling kids who were trying to pry  open a door. You desperately needed ammo so you wouldn't rely on your screwdriver as your weapon of choice but this was odd, you wouldn't admit it to yourself or out loud that the only thing stealing your attention from a completely focused supply search like you had done millions of times was Abby's piercing blue eyes that were stuck in your mind, what had you gotten yourself into.
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wanting was enough | a. targaryen
Description: Aegon Targaryen falls for his father's caretaker. Loosely based on Knives Out. Rating: 16+
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Aegon couldn't understand why his father loved everyone except his own children. He couldn't understand why Viserys' eyes would soften around his adopted children (namely Rhaenyra), but never around his trueborn ones. It was frustrating, but he knew that trying to fight against it was impossible. It was a losing game.
"How's dad?" Helaena inquires, pouring herself a cup of coffee.
Everyone could hear Viserys' complaints of pain last night. Old age was a bitch. Aegon could only pray that his father dies soon - at least they'd be left with money - but alas, bad grass die slow.
"Don't know. Wasn't allowed inside." he answered, taking the mug out of the counter - stealing his sister's coffee before she could take a sip. "I'll ask (your name) then," Helaena replies - rolling her eyes as he takes a sip of her sweetened cup of joe.
His eyebrows bumped into each other.
"Who?" he inquires - unfamiliar with the name. "Dad's nurse, apparently he's paying for her uni. She wants to be a doctor." Aemond barges into the room, pushing his siblings away as he boils water for their mother's tea.
Aegon snorts.
"I wasn't aware that our father ran a fucking foundation." he complains. Why was Viserys paying for another person's education when he didn't want to pay for his?
"I don't give a fuck about it - but the nurse is kinda hot." Aemond ponders - a pout was on his lips, contemplating on whether or not he'd 'tap' that. "I'll see where it goes." he smirks, already imagining your lips around him.
"Disgusting," Helaena shakes her head - pouring herself another cup of coffee, making sure to add a lot of creamer in order to avoid the bitter taste. "Hel, everyone knows that you swing both ways - I'm pretty sure she's hot in a female gaze too." Aemond nods his head - like they were talking about a celebrity and not a fucking girl that was sharing the same room as them.
"I'll be the judge of that," her eyes narrowed, and the kettle began to boil. Aemond lets out a sarcastic chuckle, holding the pot in his left hand and stealing his sister's coffee with the other. "Thanks, Hel." he grinned, walking out of the kitchen before Helaena could hit his head.
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Aegon clenches his jaw at the sight of you. Beautiful - that he almost forgot what his name was.
"Viserys is alright. He had a bit of a back pain last night." you smiled at his mother - eyes dazzling and joyous.
What did it feel like to be happy all the time?
Your eyes trail towards him - scanning his shirtless body with hidden intention. He didn't have abs or anything - his stomach was round and perfect. Enough to leave a lot to imagination. Aegon's eyes widen, realizing that he was just wearing his towel.
Alicent turns to look behind her.
"Umm mom, where did you put my clothes?" he scratched the back of his head. This wasn't a pleasant first meeting.
"They're in the laundry room, (your name). Can you get them?" Alicent tilted her head. You reply with a nod - immediately walking and retrieving his clothes.
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He paces back and forth in his room, feeling the water drip down his body. He felt embarrassed that you saw him that way - but also slightly happy because he could see that he was your type.
A knock on the door breaks him from his thoughts.
He opens the door quickly, peaking his head through and meeting your eyes. "Here are your clothes! I ironed them, I'm sorry it took so long." you smile at him and his hand reaches to touch his shirt.
It was warm, that means that you weren't lying.
"That's okay," he kept staring at your eyes - finding himself drawn in by their beautiful hues. "Is there anything else you need help with?" you raise both of your eyebrows and he shakes his head.
"T-thank you," he stuttered - not used to saying that word.
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It was the evening of Helaena's birthday. The young guests were drunk - and the old guests were either sleeping upstairs or home. Aegon couldn't find himself drinking alcohol - it was too familiar to his father - too familiar to feel safe.
His eyes drift towards the dance floor - where you were joyfully dancing with one of his ex-classmates.
He knows who that man is - Cregan Stark. A younger boy who was accelerated into his section. He hates him. Cregan was cocky, arrogant, and too sure of himself - basically a copy of Aegon.
His jaw clenches - seeing you grind against him like a whore in heat. He wanted that for him - he wanted you to do that to him.
"Close your mouth. You're inviting flies," Alys sits beside him - a small glass of champagne was on her hand. His eyes glance towards her - he was unaware that she was invited. After her messy breakup with Aemond - she was basically excommunicated from the entire family.
"New girl huh? Aemond told me that she's a nurse," Alys ran her finger around the rim of the glass.
Ah, they got back together.
"What about it?" he answered bitterly - keeping that wall high and unreachable. "According to my experience, nurses are good fucks. They're a little bratty though - since they were mean girls in high school." she teased, searching for emotions in his stoic face.
"She's from a foreign country. She doesn't look like the type to be mean." he replied and a small chuckle exits the woman's mouth. "Good, you know something about her." she slumped on the chair - looking at you while you stop dancing.
"You're welcome," she whispers in his ear - standing up as you began marching towards him. His eyebrows merged into each other for a moment, totally clueless of what Alys did for him.
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"Who was that?" you ask cautiously - hands on your hips and staring at him with an accusatory glare. "Alys, and why do you care?" he tried his best to be hard to get. "I don't care, I was just asking." you reasoned - looking away from him.
There was a weird feeling inside your chest - like you wanted to stab someone and hide their body in the mountains.
"People typically don't ask unless they care," he pointed out, smiling to himself as you walk away.
Thank you, Alys.
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You ignored him the following day. Cleaning around his room while ignoring his words of complaint. "Get that thirty bro," he yelled into the mic - prepared to render his cousin deaf with the screaming.
"Baela, I swear to fucking god - if that was a snake it would've bit you already." he cursed again - killing the enemy with ease. "Don't scream at me. I saw it but you KS'ed me." the girl replied in an angry tone.
"I didn't KS you. You were lagging - tell Uncle Daemon to buy better internet." he trashtalked. Staring at you while he belittled his cousin.
Was that a turn off?
Was he being icky?
"Bitch please, tell your ugly ass dad to stop subscribing to satellite network." Baela rolled her eyes, stealing her uncle's kill.
"You're the one stealing my kills, fucking hypocrite buy yourself a new personality." he groaned and his cousin turns her camera on - flashing him two middle fingers.
He rolls his eyes, seeing that Baela disconnected again.
"I swear to god," he mumbled - turning his gaming chair around, and his eyes meet with yours. You were holding a basket filled with his clothes. "Can I help you?" he frowns, still frustrated with the game.
A small laugh exits your mouth.
"Is something funny?" he takes the headphones off. "It's amusing to see you frustrated over Fortnight." you snort - still fighting off a round of laughter. "You wouldn't understand," he rolls his eyes.
"Oh simpletons will never understand fortnight. It is deeply profound and must be studied by scientists." you exaggerated.
He couldn't fight the smile on his lips.
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@pearlstiare @sweethoneyblossom1@tinykryptonitewerewolf @cheri-ladyy @watercolorskyy @bellastwd @nyctophilicvitnir @fan-goddess
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loveneversleepss · 6 months
Royalty Part 2
Pairing: Prince Felix x female reader, switched POVs, set after 2 years.
Warnings: smut duh with a plot ofc, unprotected sex(wrap before you tap), nicknames, cursing, death? Mental health issues, heartbreak lol, violence ig.
A/n: heheh ik you’ve waited for this so enjoy! Ps Daniel deserves sm better😭
W.C: 7000 words
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“Felix?” My attention was brought back by Chan, he snapped his fingers which made me jump. “Are you okay?” Am I okay? I’ve been asking myself that for a long time.
I nodded my head and gave a reassurance smile, which was completely fake. He was talking to me about some duties I needed to attend to. I had to step up, as the widowed-crown prince, who was a better fit than a 7-year-old. I had to get over everything so fast, my bride who died on our wedding day, I was forced to forget about it. But I couldn’t, I simply could not. Because I would only love her and only her. “Are you even paying attention?” I dropped my hand against the desk which was holding up my head. “We need to find you another bride.” I became outraged, “what are you talking about?” He sighs and sits in front of me, “it’s been two years. We need a crown princess.” I stood up from my chair, “how could you ask something like this?”
“You are the most wanted husband in the land, you have ladies lining up for you.” This brings me back to before, when I was invited to the imperial palace for the first time, and saw her. “I don’t want another lady.” He groaned in annoyance which caused me to turn angrily, he spoke before thinking, “why can’t you just forget her?” I charged towards him, lifting my fist to him and gripping his shirt, but I caught myself. I let him go and sighed, “why do you think? She was murdered on our wedding day, I couldn’t save her. To this day I don’t know who murdered her.”
Her father refused to investigate her death, her assassin. He believed it wouldn’t let her soul rest, which he ordered no one to look into it or they would be killed. I looked at the jade ring on my finger, our wedding rings, I buried the other one with her. “I just want her back.” We were interrupted by a guard stepping inside, “his majesty would like a word alone.” I motioned for Chan to leave and the King stepped inside. “Your majesty,” I bowed and he bowed back, “Felix.” I sat down, but he insisted on not sitting with me. “It’s time we find you a bride.” I slumped defeated, unbelievable. The king had recently remarried after y/ns mother couldn’t handle the pain of her death. She killed herself. He chose to remarry only a month ago.
“It’s just hard, after everything.” He reached for my hand but I reluctantly moved. “I understand, but I did it. Which means you can too.” I held my breath as he was turning to leave, “just think about it.” Then he slithered away. I sat there for a while, thinking about everything that happened. I decided it was time I should go take a bath. I walked into my room and told my servants I wanted a bath. They left to prepare and would alert me when it was ready. Chan came running inside. “You won’t believe what I just heard.” I crossed my arms and stared, awaiting the information.
“I overheard a conversation the king had with his new bride.” He gets up and walks over to the station full of sweets and drinks. “She had a twin sister. She lived in the village, poor as mice. She was taken care of by undercover palace guards.” I frown my forehead and lean against the table in my room. It was y/ns, her room. I watched him pour a cup of tea for me, he set it down on the table in front of me, “I don’t drink tea.. Have you investigated this?” He sighs heavily, “there’s no record of her. Anywhere.” I stepped back, stunned, “how could there be no information on her?” He shrugged his shoulders, and sat down on the chair. “Maybe he didn’t want anyone to find out about her.” But why?
“I want you to investigate y/n’s past.” He raises an eyebrow, “I will be killed.” I shut my eyes and looked at him with annoyance, “not her death. Her birth. There must be a reason why her sister was sent away.” He nodded his head and bowed then disappeared. I was called away.
“It’s crazy.” I sat in disbelief on my bed, our bed. Chan ran into the room with grief news. “But it’s true. She was born from a different mother and that’s where the sister is.” I shook my head and my hands wiped my face, Chan’s eyebrows carefully moved to his emotions “but then why would the queen kill herself after?” He smacked his lips, “she raised y/n as her own. She couldn’t have children, or so she thought until she gave birth to Daniel. But the king bedded another woman secretly to have an heir.” I laid back into my bed and looked at the ceiling. “He sent away her sister to the mother to keep the affair quiet,” I concluded. Chan patted my chest and laid down with me. It was silent for a few moments until I sat up suddenly. “We have to find her.”
He looked at me like I was crazy. “There’s no way we could pull that off.” I licked my lips and chewed on the inside of my cheek. There is a way. “The king wants me to find a bride, I could say I’m searching for one.” But of course where would I even take her? I can’t take her here. It would have to be back at my home, my mansion. “Send word to my mother that I will be returning for a few days.” Chan exclaimed softly as his bright smile beamed and he patted my back, “we’re finally going home.”
“Welcome back, Felix.” My mother held out her arms to me which I felt obligated to fall into. She rubbed my back softly and hummed, “it’s so good to see you.” I broke away and she cupped my cheeks, “how are you, lix?” I sighed and hung my head low, “I wish I could say better.” She paused and tried to lead me inside. “I have to do an errand before I enter, would you mind having the servants prepare my room?” It was an excuse not to talk about things, because I knew she would ask. She smiled and sent me off with a wave. I walked the streets alone, without Chan. I always loved walking down the market, watching couples and families enjoy themselves. I always wanted to do this with y/n.
I get a harsh shove into my right shoulder, a man apologizes without looking back. I rubbed my shoulder when I noticed a fabric dragging on the ground, from a woman covering her face. My fingertips brushed against it as it passed by me. It’s royal silk, a beautiful pink. How would a commoner have this? I watched the figure walk away silently, ducking her head down so as not to be noticed. I get curious and begin to follow behind her.
I easily got stopped and bumped into the crowd. I see her turn into a side street. Which I walked into at a distance. I’m standing in the middle, where she’s nowhere to be found. I turn to leave, and there she is. Standing in front of me with a dagger up to my face. “Y/n?” Her eyes squint and she looks me up and down, scanning me. “Who are you and why are you following me?”
He doesn’t speak for a few moments. He’s speechless as his mouth is gaping a little open. “Well?” I stick the dagger closer to his neck. He clears his throat, “you look like someone I knew.” I scoffed and tilted my head, “y/n?” His eyes widen, I hear a shuffle behind me but I keep my eyes on him. He moves swiftly and fast, he grabs the dagger from his throat and swings it behind me. A man groans from behind me and he pulls me behind him. “We have to get out of here,” I cling onto his shoulder, “now.” I have no time to react as we start running in the opposite direction. He leads back into the crowd of the market.
He grabs my headpiece and wraps it around his shirt. “It’ll be better if we hide in plain sight.” I frown as I stare at him. “More like exposing myself,” my face is completely open and more of a target now. He unwraps his own waist piece and pulls it over my head, it’s soft but not silky. “The pink gives you away, royal silk is obvious.” I pause and stop in my tracks. “How’d you know it was royal silk?” He brings up my wrist as my jade bracelet dangles down my arm. “Just like this bracelet which is only for royals.” He drags me alongside him as the crowd starts to settle down. “I’ll walk you home, lead the way.”
“How do you know I have royal clothing?” He sighs as he pulls us out of the main streets. “I’m a royal too. Crown Prince Felix.” I remain blank. “Which is why I know the design of this.” He points to my jade bracelet, the engraving of it. “My wife, she had the same so I should be asking you. How do you have this?” I don’t say anything as I take a step back. “Hello, Yuna. Nice to meet my sister-in-law.”
She sighs heavily and crosses her arms in disgust. “So you know who I am.” I analyze her clothing more closely. The beading on her dress was made with no flaws but now hanging off from the misuse. Her pinks and beiges collide perfectly with each other but blue strapped to her head make her look common. I lean against the wall on my shoulder, “it was obvious, you’re twins.” She rolls her eyes and looks away, I guide her chin to turn towards me gently. “You’re almost the same person,” I scan her face for any scars or moles that could depict that she’s different from y/n. But nothing. Her eyes engrave into mine, her lips the same shade of pink, eyes the same shape as hers. But she’s not her.
She snaps her chin out of my reach. “But we’re not,” she picks up her dress and begins to walk past me. I follow her as she leads the way. A man pops out in front of me and yells, “boo!” Chan pulls off his hood. Yuna jumps back a bit. “God, what’s wrong with you?” He laughs uproariously and I groan and shake my head in my hands. I hear her giggle a bit and he turns his attention to her. “Whoa, you found her?” Yuna raises an eyebrow and looks at me for confirmation, “you were looking for me?” I sigh heavily and nod, “wasn’t it obvious? I knew who you were.” She blanks her face out and walks away, while Chan and I exchange a look and follow.
A pair of children are playing in front of us and are throwing a ball. I see her body release from tension as she watches them as we approach. “I know my sister died,” it’s silent between us. She stops in her tracks and slowly spins to me. “But why does that have anything to do with me?” I bite the inside of my cheek, “it doesn’t. But I just wanted to know if it was true, that she had a twin sister.” She flexes her fists into a ball, “I heard you’re looking for a bride,” there’s anger in her voice. I walk past her with Chan by my side and she closely keeps up. After a couple moments, I mention, “I have no intention of marrying another woman, no one will ever replace her.”
I hear her footsteps stop in place. “Everyone's replaceable,” Chan and I turn, standing frozen, staring at her. Something about her eyes is so familiar, like I've looked into them before. Like they’re sad, on the verge of tears, like y/ns. It must be a twin thing. “I mean you shouldn’t live your life in the past, she wouldn’t want you to be alone forever.” The ball accidentally launches our way and the children run to us. They bump into her and I stop them. “Return the bracelet,” the children look at each other. She looks at me weirdly, “now.” The kids bow their heads and hand me the bracelet that they stole from Yuna. They immediately apologize and get on their knees. “It’s okay, stealing isn’t the answer.” I hand them a bag with coins from Chan, which they gladly accept.
They run off and I turn to Yuna, who is standing astonished. “You might want this back,” I walk to her silently, holding out her jade bracelet. She clings onto it tightly and pulls it onto her wrist. “You’ve helped me twice today,” my mind flashes back to y/n. Her voice in sync with my memory, “If you did have an intention of marrying, you would be a good husband.” The resemblance is too much. My eyes flash to her wrist, a mole in the exact spot. Her eyes drive into mine, she looks away, as if she realizes she said something she shouldn’t have. “It scares me how alike they are,” I whisper to Chan. She clears her throat harshly, “before I was interrupted… I was showing you to my place.” I nod my head as she sways past us, she takes a sharp turn which causes us to skip ahead.
“Don’t mind the mess,” she holds down a handle and the door creaks awfully open. She nods her head to enter, Chan begins to walk but she pushes him back by his chest. “Not you… him only.” Chan widens his eyes and scoffs at her, his head twists to me. I raise my head and shoo him away. “Just take a walk, get snacks or something.” He rolls his eyes and storms away. “I don’t really trust him,” she mumbled to herself as she walked inside. But it was clear to me. Why? What made her feel that way?
She led me to a room, one with a table on the floor and silk bedding. I presume it’s her room. The appearance of the outside is destroyed, but inside reveals a marvelous haven. There’s a shelf of books, books no ordinary girl would have. I reach out to grab one. “So my sister really did a number on you.” My hands freeze in motion and flutter to my side. “What do you mean by that?” She suddenly begins to cower, placing the pot on the table. “You’re the crown prince, by marriage right?” I sigh heavily and look at the seat in front of her. “I’m not really supposed to talk about it. It’s sort of illegal.”
I sit in front of her as she pours the liquid into a cup beside me. “What could I do? People don’t even know I exist.” She munches on the cookie next to her. “Technically I’m not the crown prince.” Her brows furrow as she sips on her drink, “you know of her death, correct?” She chokes on her drink. She pats her chest and gasps, she stutters, “yes I know she’s.. gone. But not how it happened.” I chew on the inside of my cheek, dreading to relive the moments and explain what happened.
“She died before I could marry her, the morning of to be exact. She was murdered and I wasn’t allowed to investigate.” Her eyes drop into sorrow, deep with understanding and remorse for me. “You came to look for me, was it because you wanted to know more about her?” I shook my head, “no. I just wanted to see if the rumors are true, some part of me wishes it was her. But you’re not your sister, and I won’t imply you are anymore.” It’s silent between us. She reaches for her drink and stares at me, “you’re not drinking your tea?” I had forgotten all about it. “No, I don’t drink tea anymore.” The painful reminder of y/n, how she tried to make the world go away by it. Yuna bites her bottom lip as if tempted to say a secret.
I decided to try to get more information about her. “Have you ever met her?” Her eyes dart up to mine, eyes wide and she licks her lips to bide time. To utter simple words, “no.” I narrowed my eyes, “You never wondered to meet her? Not a single drop of curiosity?” I simply don’t believe it when she shakes her head no. I sit back a bit and smile unconvincingly. I sigh heavily, “I wish I could be more to Daniel.” When I brought up his name, I saw a slight twinkle in her, a glimpse of pain. It was something no one would easily notice, but it’s my job to recognize things. “Your little brother in fact, he was so destroyed by everything. The queen mother died of a broken heart by the death of y/n. I couldn’t comfort him, I was grieving myself.” My eyes begin to water without me being able to control it.
Her hand reaches over the table and clings onto my arm. “I’m so sorry,” her thumb rubs against me softly. “I had no idea how much it affected everyone.” My hand rests on hers, “you didn’t know. It’s alright.” I blink back my tears and wipe my face. She suddenly gets up from in front of me and comes by my side. She crouches to my level. She grabs the cloth that I used to conceal her and brushes it across my tear streams. “I don’t want you to hurt, I want to take your pain away.” Her words hit me so deep, so close to my heart. I wish she were y/n, so I could hold her close and kiss her. To have her in my arms again and never let her go.
His eyes slowly travel and wander into mine. “You can’t, only she can.” He slowly takes the cloth from my hands and into his lap. “You said I was like her, let me help you.” I cup my hands around his face, “treat me like I was her. Pretend I am her and let me handle the pain.” He furrows his brows confused and shakes his head, “why? You’re doing this because you pity me?” I frown and try my best to explain, “no, because you saved me and I want to repay you.” I lean in and admire him, his sun-kissed freckles and hazel eyes. Looking so deep into mine. “Just let go,” I feel his breath against my lips and inch my way slowly. Our lips don’t connect as he puts them against my neck and he groans, he pulls me away by my arms and just stares. Completely shocked and completely entranced.
He doesn’t wait to connect his lips again. He sighs as if he’s finally letting himself relax. He’s groping at my clothes and leading me into his lap. So hungry for comfort and love. He claws at my buttons and tries his best to softly undo them. It’s taking too long and my body is beginning to feel on fire. I could care less if he’s imagining my sister instead of me, I just want him. I break away from him and undo them myself, I try to lead him back but he pulls away. “Should we be doing this?” He’s out a breath already and salvaging his strength. I stand up and drag the dress down my shoulders, achingly slow. “I want this.” He shakes his head and his hands pull my dress back up. “I can’t do this,” he looks faint and white. He can’t shake that he knows that he’s been the only one to touch me. So, he couldn’t leave me impure and unwed. Even if it’s a secret.
My head is spinning and I can’t look at her straight. Her face drops immediately and she turns away to readjust her dress. “I didn’t come here for this, I came to take you. And now that I’ve touched you, I have to take responsibility for you.” She seems to wipe her face, and breathes harshly. “Take me where?” I let silence overcome us until she realizes. And turns towards me angrily, “you want to take me to the palace? You’re out of your mind!” I try to reason with her and explain but she shushes me. Her hand rolls off her hair in disbelief, “explain to me why I should even bother to go. My own sister died in that place, she was murdered! And no one is allowed to investigate or even question what happened!” Her hands bang against the shelf, and she lays her head against it. “I will not go there just to be killed for existing. Just for my presence.”
I walk to her cautiously, my hand hovers over her skin. The skin I was touching so recklessly earlier. I lightly took her arm to face me, “you don’t have to go. But I want to make sure you’re taken care of, and since I’ve seen you in that way… I have to keep my duty and respect, and marry you.” She smiled lightly at the words. Her eyes stare at the contact, she shrugs her shoulders and looks up. “You have to ensure I won’t get hurt, that nothing will happen to me, if I say yes.” I nod my head and show her a sympathetic smile. “I want to take you to my home first.” Her eyebrow raises and her eyes crease, “to your home?”
We arrive with Chan leading us. Her head is concealed and so am I. We walk inside and Chan looks around to see if the halls are clear. He instructs us to go and I grab a hold of her hand, rushing her into my room. “Make sure no one comes inside,” I whisper to Chan and order him to stand outside of the door. I turn and watch her wander around my room. She lets her hood slip down, “this is where you live, hm? Didn’t take it that you were a pampered little lord before royalty.” I smile awkwardly as she walks around the room, her hips sway as her dress follows her movements. Y/n always was graceful, her motions would flutter my heart and she was truly beautiful. She had such a way with her movements, a performer.
I grabbed the box from the table beside my bed, containing the matching wedding ring to mine. She noticed me standing awkwardly and walked to me. I made no action or effort to explain as I slipped the ring on her fingers. “It’s beautiful,” she admired the crystals. Blue and white diamonds. It fit perfectly as it slid on like butter. Looking just as it was on y/n. I walked away to face a nightmare awaiting me.
“Felix?” I snapped to the balcony, where Daniel is standing with tears and distraught. He begins to sob and runs to Yuna. “You’re alive!” He jumps into her legs, screaming with joy but she pushes him away. Pushes him so harshly that he falls to the ground. He falls with a thump and looks up at her, “y/n?” The scene hurts my heartstrings, and I can’t move, can’t explain. He scans her from head to toe. “It’s me- Daniel. Don’t you remember?” Her head hangs low and she tries to help him up. He crawls away from her, shaking his head. My legs finally move and I get him up from the floor. “Why are you doing this?” His eyes begin to tear up again and his bottom lip trembles. “I don’t know you-“ her voice breaks as she backs away. Her hand clings to her chest as she breathes hard. “How could you say that? I’m your brother, your little brother!”
He stomps his foot down and reaches out his hand, holding a book. “You would read this to me, every night you would read to me.” Her bottom lip is trapped between her lips. “Don’t pretend you don’t know me-“ Tears begin to flow down his cheeks. But she stands just staring at him, nothing behind her eyes. He drops the book at her feet, “I wish you didn’t come back, I wish you stayed dead.” I stared at Daniel as he said those words, it seemed to shatter something inside Yuna. She falls backwards onto the bed and Daniel runs out of the room. Chan runs inside and I yell to run after him.
Yuna wouldn’t speak to me after that. She didn’t eat for the rest of the day and Chan drew her a bath to soothe her. But when he tried to encourage her, she sent him away. She just sat on my bed, staring into oblivion. “Yuna, I’m going to take you to the bath.” She didn’t look at me as I picked her up into my arms. I walked her to the bath and tried to tell her to get in. “Please,” I begged and she finally looked at me. I turned away as she undressed and went in. The bath was built into the floor and was filled with aromas and petals. I turned once she was inside and scrubbed her back. She wouldn’t move and I tried my best to help her.
I put her to bed but she dressed herself. I made sure she would. She turned away from me in the bed. “Yuna, tell me what’s wrong.” A tear slid down her cheek and she broke out into sobs. She cradled the blanket into her chest. I rubbed her shoulder which caused her sleeve to fall down. I noticed a burn on her lower neck which was not there before. Then I noticed she stopped moving. “Yuna?” I shook her but she didn’t move. I rolled her to face me and she wasn’t responding. I yelled out to Chan to get help. No, no. This can’t happen again. I carried her in my arms and ran out with no regard for who would see her. Servants followed behind me and I couldn’t shake off their faces, their fear. I ran to the doctor’s quarters and placed her on the bed.
I ordered him to help her and he immediately ran to work. “Poison,” he muttered and my skin wanted to scream. It burned and ached and my heart began to lose its beats. I forgot how to breathe and the walls began to close in. My vision began to get dark as I clutched her hand. “Felix,” the doctor tried to call my attention. I blocked him out of my mind and focused only on her. The marking on her neck worsened and then a shine hit my eye. I pulled her sleeve to reveal a needle sticking from the hem, dripping was her blood mixed with a green substance and I knew it was placed on purpose. Chan ran in behind me and yanked me out of the way. He led me out of the room and in the hall. “Where were you?!” I roared at Chan and he stood speechless. “Where were you when this happened?” He rubbed his face with the palm of his hand, that’s when I noticed it. A marking the same as Yuna’s.
My eyes narrowed at him and I faced the wall to hide my realization. “I don’t really trust him,” Yuna’s voice rings my head. It finally clicked for me, all of this. Y/n’s death, her assassination, the poisoned needle in Yuna’s clothes. Chan had just as much authority as me to enter and escape secretly. Just as much power to kill. But why? Why would he do this? I punched the wall and yelled. My father, it’s the only reason. He may be dead but his business will live on. He wanted to train me as an assassin. He wanted to gain control of me. What better way to do that by manipulating and controlling my closest advisor? Chan, what a traitor. You killed y/n. Didn’t you? And I won’t let you get away with it.
The doctor comes out and immediately brings me back to the situation. “We’re going to need an antidote immediately. She’ll die without it.” We don’t have the resources here to look for one or create one. I have to get her out of here. “Quickly get a carriage ready to the palace,” I ordered and everyone scrambled to hurry. I stayed by her side the whole way and she was struggling to breathe and clenched her hand against mine. I tried to calm her and tell her she’ll be okay. Her neck had begun to turn green and swell. I recognize this. Of course, it’s my father’s poison. I’ve never seen it but I’ve heard of its effects. As soon as we arrived, I recited the antidote to the royal doctor and he immediately injected the serum into her.
Her chest began to rise and fall normally. The swelling went down and the green disappeared. I sighed in relief and ordered everyone to leave the room. I sat alone next to her, holding her hand and crying. Her eyes opened with a flick and she mumbled a light, “Felix?” I gasped in delight and shushed her. I gripped her hand and kissed it. “You’re okay, thank god.” I whimpered with my head down. Shaking my head back and forth. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you died.” My voice is breaking and sounding pathetic, but I could care less. “I wouldn’t leave you again.” My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Again? “I wouldn’t dare die on you again. I just got you back.” Got me back? “Sleep, get some rest.” That’s all I told her and tried to push away the mumbles.
She pulled me back in. “Don’t you see me, lix?” Her hand brushes on my cheek, pulls me and whispers, “it’s me, lixie.” My tears continue to flow down my cheeks while I stare at her. “You’re not in the right mind-” she cut me off. “I love you.” My heart drops and I shudder away from her touch. This is too much, all I can think of is y/n. “Stop.” I tremble onto my feet and she falls asleep. My head cannot handle this. I don’t know what to think and just leave. Is it true? Is all of it true?
I wake up with my head pounding and the room is dark. So very dark. My vision clears up and I realize I’m back in Felix’s room. I turn to see Felix in the corner. Huddled up in a ball on a seat. He notices I’m awake and sits up quickly. He clears his throat as I sit up too. “God, what happened?” He hands me a cup of water and I swallow it whole. “You were poisoned.” My mouth gapes open and my mind flashes to last night. “You were out for a couple days.” I begin to feel my blood rush to my head as I want to scream out. My palm rushes to my head to try to ease my headache. I’m trying to remember the lost time when he blurts out unbelievable words. “I won’t marry you.” My eyes dart towards his direction. “What are you talking about? You won’t marry me?”
He stands up angrily and crosses his arms. “I won’t marry you. I’m sending you back.” My eyes water and I try to blink them back. “But why? Is it because of the poisoning? Did I do something wrong?” He doesn’t face me now and his arms drop to his side. “No,” he says simply as if he doesn’t owe me an explanation. “Is it because of my sister?” He turns in fury to me. “You almost died!” My chest rises up and down heavily. I get up from the bed. “But I’m not! You can’t blame me and punish me for something that I had no control over!” His fists tightened, “and no one should blame me for not knowing who killed y/n!” I take a step back, “what?” I say in disbelief and almost breathless.
“I won’t let you die in vain, not like she did. I can’t let this happen.” I scoffed, “she didn’t die in vain. I know that because she wanted to be happy and she was. And you have to trust that the person who killed her will eventually be revealed.” His expression changes heavily, as if something had clicked in his mind. He takes small steps closer to me. “You claimed you didn’t know her, and as you said she wanted to be happy, as if you did meet her.” My expression goes blank. “I do know her killer will be revealed,” he sets his hands on my shoulders and leans into my ear, “because..” His words are a husky whisper in my ear. “You know who killed your sister. Because it was you at the beginning, y/n.”
I caught her, so perfect in a lie. She steps back while shaking her head, fear in her eyes. “You switched places with her.” Her hand clasped over her mouth, concealing a cry of realization. She is starting to hyperventilate, and she clings to her chest. “Please- let me explain.” I give her no chance, and approach her, “you let me think you died! Do you know the pain I went through?!” She sobs loudly now and closes her eyes. I shake my head and my hands clench into a fist. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Her words are broken and full of heartbreak. She tries to calm herself down and explain, but I turn away.
“I switched places with her because I wanted her to experience being a princess and to be truly loved at least once… I wasn’t expecting her to die that day.” I snapped my head, “She said she loved me, as she lay dying in my hands.” I was screaming internally. Why? Why would she play with me like that? “She chose not to break her cover… for me.” She got on her knees in front of me, “please believe me. I had to keep playing like her, I couldn’t live in that place anymore.” I begin to tremble as I drop down too, “you couldn’t be with me? Be happy with me?! I would’ve treasured you and cared for you!” She breaks down even more and reaches for me. I reject her touch, “if you would’ve given me the chance. I would’ve made you happy.”
“Please, Felix. I’m still me!” A stray tear falls down my cheek and I struggle to swallow. “Felix, look at me!” She latches onto me and forces my head to her. “It’s me! Your y/n, your wife!” She rubs my cheek as she tries to soothe me, but it doesn’t. My heart feels as if it’s breaking. “You broke my heart, broke everyone’s heart. Daniel is suffering as much as me. And you think I can just forget that?” I bite my lip and hesitantly pry off her hands from me. “I can’t,” I walked away from her and out the door. I stood outside the door, holding it close and listening to her cries and pleas. It’s for the best.
I knocked on the door the next morning with maids following behind me. Y/n… She was sitting on the bed waiting. “Pack up her stuff and get her ready to travel.” She gasps in disbelief and stands up. “Leave us!” She says with such intensity the maids jump back. I nod at them to leave and they do. “Asshole!” I furrow my brows in confusion. She throws a pillow at me. Then a blanket. Then her shoes. All while yelling incoherent insults. Then she pushes me onto the bed while slapping and kicking me. Getting all her anger out. “How dare you try to send me away! I’m your wife. I love you and I want to be with you! I will not let you reject me!” I start to laugh, a real laugh. She stops in her tracks with a pillow above her head. She begins to giggle and smile when she notices I find her amusing.
“You’re hilarious,” she frowns and crosses her arms. “I’m supposed to be intimidating.” I sigh and she backs down and sits next to me on the bed. “Are you really gonna send me away?” She blinks at me with such hope in her eyes. “Give me a reason why I shouldn't.” She raises her shoulders at me in disbelief, “did you not hear my whole speech right now?” I smile and sit up. “What do I get out of this?” She throws the pillow at my head and tackles me. “A loving wife who listens to you!” I laugh again and watch her. She rests herself in my lap and it makes me anxious. She notices and gets self conscious too. “Are you not okay with this?” I look to the side, avoiding her gaze. I know I can’t say no to her, and she knows it too.
“Look at me,” she pulls my chin to her. “It’s me, lixie. Just as before.” Her hair is messy from all her playfulness. Her clothing is a beautiful shade of pink and hanging off her shoulders, her beautiful skin. So soft and smells of roses. Her beauty is unmatched and looks even more in this setting. Just us together. “You want to know what you get out of this?” I make eye contact with her and already know what she’s going to do. She begins to untie her dress and lets it slip off. I close my eyes and shutter when I feel her clothing slip down my legs and onto the floor.
He can’t avoid this. You won’t let him. You place his hands on your breasts and he gasps. “My god-” He whispers to himself and he can’t resist as his eyes open. He practically devours you with his gaze. “This is what married people do,” you begin to rock your hips against his covered length. He bites his bottom lip and whimpers. “The best part…” you begin to moan which causes him to get more comfortable. He lets out a sigh of relief, “making love.” He sits up and attaches his lips to your chest. Slowly traveling across your skin with wet kisses and getting to your breasts. You let out a moan of pleasure so loud, you feel almost embarrassed. Almost. But not enough to stop your hunger.
You yank his hair up so you can press your lips to him. He moans in your mouth and the feeling is incredible. Finally, After so long. You moan into his mouth and his hips push up into you, needing more. He grabs your hips and pushes you under. He begins to strip off his clothes with no regard. You take the opportunity to get more comfortable and drag yourself onto the pillows and under the sheets. “Come here,” he whispers and leaps next to you. You giggle and attach your lips again. He slowly thrusts inside you which causes you both to moan out loud. “Fuck, fuck,” he mumbles softly against your lips. “God, you feel so good.” He can’t help but snap up into you.
You moan breathlessly as he begins to take a rhythm. He stares into your eyes, so lustful and lovingly. He leans next to your ear, “my little princess huh?” His hand sneaks to your breast, pinches your nipple gently. “Thinking you could just get away with it?” He pinches it mercifully which causes you to whimper, “imma show you all that you missed.” His hand lets go off your nipple and gains a new target. His thumb circles your clit which causes you to let out a scream like moan. He starts to speed up his movements when you get more loud. You feel as if you could cry as your moans turn into whimpers. “Is my wife too fucked out, hm? Can’t take it?” Your body begins to twitch as you grip his arm. “Fuck, Lix. Just make me finish!” He laughs satisfactorily in your ear and licks it teasingly.
He covers your mouth as you get louder. “I love your noises but we don’t want anyone to interfere.” You roll your eyes as you feel the build up slowly being released. Your body snaps and it all let go, making you tremble and let out a final moan. He pulls out and watches the liquid fall out of you. He smirks at his masterpiece and pulls away but you grip his length. He winces and stares at you. You rub up and down his length, “I want you to finish inside me.” You place it at your entrance and he chokes down a smile. “Just can’t help yourself huh? Want my babies too?” He re enters and you whimper at the overstimulation. “I do, Lixie. I want your babies.”
He practically finishes at your words. It was so sudden, you laughed shocked. He moaned in your ear which made the butterflies in your tummy appear. “That easy huh?” You teased him and he laughed as he flopped on his side. He pulled you into his chest and held you tight. “I’m never gonna let you go again.” You smiled and drew hearts on his chest, “and I’m never gonna leave.” He clears his throat, “this might be a bad time but..” You look up at him. “I know who killed your sister.” I sit up confused. “Don’t worry, I took care of it already.” I blink at him blankly. “Why do you think Chan hasn’t been around?”
A/n: Thanks so much for the kind comments and waiting so long for this storyyy. But this isn’t the end. What if I told you they met again in another life? Well that story is for another day so.. Stay Tuned for “Mama’s boy!”
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ladybellissima · 11 months
Finding Love Katakuri x Reader Part 1
"as you wish Mama."
"Great Katakuri. I expected that you will do as I say without any complain.", Big mom looked down to her son, who was also one of the sweet commanders, with an evil grin.
"I already prepared everything for the ceremony. It won't be too fancy like we used to celebrate, because of our other preparations still going on. You just have to come looking decent for the event. One of your sisters will help you with that.", she added bored and shoved her face with desserts, ignoring her son completely.
Katakuri nodded and turned around to leave his mother alone. His look was frozen, strong like always. No expression was shown to his surroundings, but deep down under his facade his blood boiled of anger and frustration.
Out of all his siblings it has to be him.
Because he was admired by his family of his loyalty and heroic thinking? Because he always was on the front if something was going on?
Maybe that was the reason.
"Big Brother Katakuri!", a voice let him stop and look down to his sister Brulee. Smiling brightly she hugged the emotioneless man excited.
"I heard the news. Congratulation you will get married! Now you have always someone by your side!", she spoke happily, but her excitement was replaced by confusion after noticing the ice cold glare from her brother.
"Isn't that great?", she asked uneasy and got a deep sigh from Katakuri.
"How should that be great to get married to someone you didn't know?", he explained straight and was interrupted by a laughing Oven who entered their conversation.
"Yeah you are right brother. If I were you I also would be pissed. What if she is terrifying ugly? And then you are stuck with her in one bed for a lifetime.", he spoke mockingly and got punched in the gut by Brulee.
"Shut your filthy mouth Oven. You don't know that and I don't believe it. I wish Katakuri all the best.", she growled angered.
Katakuri watched the two and thought about their words. In a way Oven was right. He would never betray his mother and that means he would marry this woman, just to fulfill his duty, but he was also a man. Katakuri often thought how it would be to meet someone and care for someone other than with his siblings. Flambe and mostly Lola and Chiffon often talked about getting married with a man of their dreams. Find the true love and share their life with someone. Katakuri would never admit it, but he tried to find answers in books. Mostly romance novels where someone rescued his beloved. How ridiculous he thought, but honestly he was kind of jealous too. Most of his time he was working. Fulfilling his mother's wishes, but everything comes to an end and Katakuri came home to an empty room with no one to talk to. It would be nice to have someone by his side who was asking how he was doing, what was on his mind, but his life wouldn't allow that. Beside that, he also had a secret, which didn't allow him to just speak to someone freely. Hiding most of his face under a scarf, he swore to never show anyone his face. It only brought fear and pain. He knew how people would see him after looking at his monstrous mouth. Sharp teeth and an cold expression, let them run away scared or bullying him. Since he was a child he always had trouble after showing his image. Only hiding it let his self-doubts weaken. Nowadays as an adult, he was a feared pirate and one of the best fighters of Big moms crew. No one would dare to ask what is behind his scarf, but showing his image a woman? A girl he would like to be with?
No way, she would run away and break his heart.
Sighing deeply Katakuri pinched his nose annoyed and felt an headache starting. Oven and Brulee stopped their fight and gave their brother a sympathetic look.
"I just made a joke. But sorry if it becomes reality.", Oven spoke uneasy, while Brulee gave him an evil glare.
"I don't care who this person is or how she looks. I just fulfill my order and nothing more. This arranged marriage is only to get mothers favorite fruits. So quit this shit and go to bed or something.", he spoke annoyed and left them to get home.
"Big brother..Katakuri…", Brulee whispered sadly and got a friendly clap from Oven.
"Don't worry. He will manage this. We are speaking of Katakuri Charlotte. He wouldn't fail this task and get used to it. Damn if it's that bad he didn't have to see her either. His island is big enough to hide.",Oven joked once again, but Brulee wished that it would be different.
Because he should too experience happiness to the fullest.
The next day Katakuri got up early and made his usual routine, but was interrupted by a more than happy Brulee, who brought him an elegant suit and helped him with the shirt.
"You look great Big brother. Your wife will be happy to get such an elegant and noble man.", she tried to light the mood. She knew how difficult this situation was, but it could also be a chance. "Yeah she will be happy to get a man with a face like this. On top of that a man she just met.", he spoke coldly while pointing to his scarf. Sighing she gave him a saddened look, which let him feel guilty. Rolling his eyes in annoyance, he let things happen and left to whole cake chateau to get over with this ceremony.
He felt nervous after entering the hall. It was his wedding after all. A seal, which no one should break and how loyal he was, Katakuri would stay strong to endure it if it would get difficult. His siblings were annoying him about this wedding, but he sure was kind of curious too.
Would she be a monster like Oven joked? An arrogant woman who throws with money? Who knows.
Feeling bad of thinking of someone like that, he pushed these thoughts away. Katakuri would never judge someone by his look, because of his face. He knew all too well how bad it is to be born with such features. But to be stuck with someone you fear or don't like wouldn't be better either.
"Get here. It will start now.", her sister pushed him forward and take a seat by her other siblings. Only his relatives were attending this show. Big mom was greeting his son with a smirk and gave the pastor a knowing look to get things as she wished. Katakuri stood alone at the end of a red carpet and looked to the big double doors. He felt relieved that this wedding wasn't so spectacular like his mother used to celebrate. For him it was already enough to have all the looks of his siblings on him. Slowly the doors opened and an old couple with royal clothes entered the hall.
"This have to be her parents.",he thought and could see how sad they were.
Katakuri knew that his mother gave them no chance to escape. Their empire was located on an island with all kinds of rare fruits. Mostly sweet fruits. And Big mom wanted to prevent others to make business with their kingdom. She threatened the king to attack his island and destroy everything if he would sell his goods to others. On top of that to have a longtime pressure medium, she arranged this wedding to never let them forget about their deal.
"(Y/N) (L/N) princess of Exotica.", a servant called out. Katakuri looked back to the door and was met with his bride. The sound of gasping was heard from the others while they got up to show their respect. Katakuri could feel how his heart was racing. He was expecting everything. From annoying, angry, ugly…or whatever, but before him was a breathtaking beautiful woman stepping uneasy forward, clothed in pure white underlining her innocent self. He had to calm his nerves to avoid showing any emotions. But damn was this really his wife? How should he deal with her? She was just standing beside him and making his body a sweating mess. How could a woman have such an impact on his strong and intimitating body?
Her look wandered up to his face. Now he was able to see her beautiful face clearly. It showed so many emotions, mostly nervousness and sadness of this whole situation. He realized how hard this have to be for her, like it was for him. She was meeting him for the first time and to be honest, he knew how scary he must look with his big scarf and tall, strong appearance. The ceremony was going to an end and (Y/N) didn't show any signs of emotions like her husband. Her heart was breaking with every step she made, because of losing the chance to see her home ever again. Over and over again she prepared herself for this event, but to be thrown into a new life so suddenly was too much to handle. Her look fell onto her husband and it gave her goosebumps.
He looked strong. He was tall and his eyes were piercing her small form like a predator. She couldn't tell what man he was. Only that he was a pirate. A strong merciless pirate. All in one, it frightened her. He didn't look like a man who would treat a woman nicely. He looked more like the rough and demanding type of guy.
Would she be able to handle such a relationship?
Her parents cried on her knees. Praying to her to make it up to her for their sins, but they would never be able to give her the life back she had. For (Y/N) it seemed that she was going to jail. They were shocked after hearing that she was going to marry Katakuri Charlotte. They were pale like ghosts. This made her more scared than she already was. Nevertheless she tried her best to be tough and endure it. To be a strong woman who would do anything for her home. Sacrificing her personal life for the life of others. So she landed here and accepted her fate to become Katakuri's wife.
Giving her signature next to his she noticed how elegant his handwriting was. In a way it seemed calm and collected. Completely different than his look. Still his expression was cold and emotionless.
After their ceremony she had to say goodbye to her parents which were crying hopelessly to give their daughter away. Giving them a kind smile she hugged them dearly and tried to help them as much as she could. She knew there was no other option.
"Don't be sad. I will give my best to help my land and become hopefully the wife which his family and Katakuri expect from me..",the last part was a bit uneasy, because she didn't knew exactly how this all would work. From one day to another she was a wife. So quickly, (Y/N) felt helpless and unprepared. On top of that she didn't know how she would be treated here.
On the other side, Brulee found this woman perfect and symphatic and she could see the sparkle in her brother's eyes. Never was someone able to get such an expression out of his strained look, but she knew how difficult her life with Katakuri would be. Slowly she came to (Y/N)'s side to help her.
"She will be in good hands.", she spoke and surprised the young girl by taking her hand and leading her to the dining hall. Silently she let herself get seated by Katakuri who avoid looking down to her. The feast started and (Y/N) was met with a ton of sweets and Big mom who was stuffing dessert after dessert into her mouth. It was loud and hectic. She couldn't follow the conversations between the guests and felt hopeless lost. Sighing she took a bite of her wedding cake and felt amazed by its taste. "wow…", she spoke fascinated, but quickly fell silent again to avoid any commotion. Glancing to the side she looked up to her husband. He just looked straight ahead doing nothing. Maybe waiting to go home.
"For him it's hard either. He was forced to marry me. Sure he hates me and just wants to run away.", she thought and endured the loud party.
Katakuri was depressed. Was this a joke? He was married to this beautiful woman, which he should be relieved and happy about it, but at the same time it felt terrible. A man like him would never be able to love. A man with his face would never be able to kiss or to experience a soft touch from a girl like her. It was like a torture to be with her. Getting up, the other guests fell silent of his sudden movement.
"I will leave now.", he spoke coldly and let (Y/N) shiver of fear. Without another word he left and let his dumbfounded wife behind. Looking after him she thought about what to do.
"(Y/N) did you enjoy your marriage? I have to say you are very beautiful dear. I am surprised that you weren't already taken. ", Big mom asked out of the blue and everyone fell silent to listen. Nervously she looked to Big mom which she knew from her parents that she was powerful and dangerous. She had to admit that his whole family looked quite dangerously with their weapons or evil looks. "Yes thank you. My parents didn't allow me to travel and at home there aren't many people at my age. I think that could be a reason. And I didn't find the right one for that step.", (Y/N) spoke uneasy and hoped to be as respectful as possible. Smiling evily Big mom chuckled." Locking their breathtaking daughter away to avoid getting her in wrong hands….Luckily you find the right one now. Hopefully you make my son happy. Be a good wife (Y/N).", she spoke and started to eat again. (Y/N) nodded and looked to the door where Katakuri had left.
"Don't worry. Out brother is always speaking in such a way. Short and to the point. We will bring you to his mansion on flour Island.", Brulee spoke kindly and ordered Oven to help her. Feeling nervous and scared of the unknown before her she followed them and trying to trust their words. On the way (Y/N) was relieved that Brulee was very friendly towards her, while Oven gave her the creeps of staring. Soon she was standing before her big luxurious home on a beautiful island.
"Just take your time and get to know each other. He looks scary I know, but deep inside he has a heart. Believe me…", Brulee spoke and (Y/N) found it sweet how she praised her brother. In a way it let herself calm down. Saying goodbye to the others she walked to the entrance and knocked. Waiting paitently a servant opened her door and bowed respectfully.
"Thank you…", she whispered and looked around her home in awe. Completely caught by the amazing pictures and decorations she didn't notice her husband attending her form and bumped into him. Looking up she was met with his cold gaze and quickly stepped back to apologize.
"I am terribly sorry. I didn't look where I was going.", she spoke nervously and got nothing back. Turning around he started to leave.
"Follow me."
Quickly she catched up to avoid making this mysterious man angry.
"Where is this going…."
Both thought about that.
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