#myanna buring imagine
athenamgh · 1 year
I am here
a/n: it's very short but my brains couldn't shut up about it, so here you have it
paring/s: Myanna Buring x fem!Reader
summary: Imagine resting after an exhausting day with Myanna
warning/s: some light fluff
word count: 0.7k
Myanna Buring MASTERLIST
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You collapsed face-first into the bed with a heavy, may or may not dramatic, sigh escaping your lips.
"Somebody had a tough day," Myanna chuckled, as she closed the book she was just reading and ran her eyes over your exhausted body.
"Eh, don't get me even started," you muttered into the pillow.
She placed her palm on your back and brushed it up and down your spine, "Want to talk about it?" she questioned.
"Hmm," you hummed enjoying her comforting touch. You finally turned your head to face her, meeting her ocean eyes filled with care, "No, I just want to hear about your day. How was it?" You saw how for a moment she debated in her head about your response, but then pushed it away for later observations.
Now her eyes glinted intriguingly, "Full of meetings about exciting projects, that I do not want to spoil the fun for you just yet".
You chuckled, you knew she loved seeing your facial expression when you stumbled upon posters of her upcoming projects, "Well, I am super happy for you, Myanna".
A bright smile crossed Myanna's lips, "Thank you, love", she stretched her hand open, inviting you to lay in her lap, "Now come here, I missed you".
You gently settled against her, feeling her place a quick kiss on your temple, making your lips spread a smile. You enjoyed how her scent filled your lungs and her warmth settled into your bones, making you feel incredibly peaceful.
Myanna returned her attention to the newly picked-up book, but with her free hand, she ran her fingers up and down the length of your arm softly making your vision blur sleepily.
Both of you layed like that comfortably just enjoying each other presence, completely and utterly recharging.
You were scrolling through news articles and some social platforms trying to catch up with what happened in the world or just to enjoy the created content of people that you found interesting. When suddenly you came across a video of no other but Myanna Buring.
You were about to watch the same eight-second video edit for the tenth time when Myanna curiously glanced at you probably wondering why was she hearing the same song playing on repeat.
Her lips spread a playful smile as she noticed you sweetly smiling at the screen like a maniac, "You know that all you have to do is to look up, right?"
You felt a horrifying blush spread your cheeks, you avoided her eyes shily hiding your face in her neck, making Myanna lightly chuckle, her hand wrapping around your waist.
"How is it me?" you whispered against her skin.
You couldn't see but you guessed that her eyebrows narrowed in confusion from the way her hand froze on your torso for a moment at your sudden question, "What do you mean?" You just stayed silent, feeling a slight regret rise in your bones.
"Hey, look at me," she said not receiving an answer from you. You slowly pulled back enough to meet with her a bit concerned eyes, "What is bothering you?" she gently lifted your chin to make sure you won't shy away again.
You took a deep breath, hoping your voice won't fail you and finally asked, not wanting to see Myanna be worried about your insecurities, "If you can have it all, why do you want me?"
The softest and most truthful look crossed her eyes as her lips spread the word, "If I can have it all, why won't I want you?" she stated it as firmly as if it was a well-known fact.
"I- I am sorry, I know it's silly-," you stuttered, still staring at her watercolour eyes.
"No, it's not," she shook her head framing your face with her soft hands, "I want you to be able to share with me anything and everything," you felt her thumb brush your cheek, "Regardless if it's joy, doubts or total nonsense that you may think it is. Okay?" you nodded your head at her words as your heart was just overflowed with so much warmth of happiness. "I am gonna need to hear you say it, love".
"Okay," you whispered glancing down from her mesmerizing eyes.
She gently grabbed your chin making you meet her eyes again, "I am here, I am yours," she said brushing her thumb over your bottom lip, "Don't you dare to forget that, Y/n," Myanna added bringing her lips to yours and all you could do is smile like an idiot to the kiss.
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lorrainestea · 1 year
I just know if The Witcher was written by MyAnna, Tissaia and Cahir would be married and they would run together to start a family.
I'm not saying I would ship them, but it would be a much more interesting plot twist than the whole Tissaia x Vilgefortz thing.
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thegamingcatmom · 4 months
How tall do yall HC Tanya Denali?
I feel like I should mention that, while I´m very much aware Myanna Buring is a smol muppet (one thing we have in common :3), Tanya Denali very much isn´t. Not in my stories, at least.
I think I HC her somewhere between Kate and Irina. Or perhaps the same height as Kate. Irina is a bit taller, but not by much. It´s barely noticable when all three of them are stood next to each other.
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Can yall imagine all of that (but feral) vs all of you? Which ain´t that much, sorry (not sorry). At least not in comparison. Tanya thinks it´s cute.
You are a mouse facing off against three starving felines.
How would you rate your chances?
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artofmau · 2 years
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I've had this one sketch saved on my ipad for ages, and tonight for some reasons I needed comfort but didn't want to start anything new... this is why I love forgetting about sketches: I can come m back and finish them later. Here are my beloved Yennefer and Tissaia together in an WhatIf? Universe where the Thanned ball actually finished how I want it to finish... with the two of them together, not necessarily romantically, but still having each other's back (and being romantic about it, yeah, no ok definitely , bye Geralt byeee)
Also, since I never played the games but I'm a huge fan of the books (and Season 1 of the Netflix show) I love to draw Tissaia as MyAnna Buring (from the show) but Yen more as I imagine her from the books
Sweet and loving Yennaia scenes will never not be comfy for me to draw :')
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mercisnm · 2 years
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i think i'll draw her in glasses... as a treat... for meself...
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withoutyouimsaskia · 3 years
Putting Out Fire With Gasoline
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GIF originally posted by: @thewitcherdaily
Summary: One Shot set in the universe of The Witcher, written while listening to Cat People (Putting Out Fire) by David Bowie.
Originally posted on my Wattpad account: https://www.wattpad.com/story/255711074-putting-out-fire-with-gasoline-the-witcher
Trigger Warning for Suicide/Self-Harm References and Strong Language.
Word Count: 2.5k
"See these eyes so red, Red like jungle burning bright. Those who feel me near, Pull the blinds and change their minds."
Standing barefoot at the edge of the lake, I rolled back and forth from my heels to the balls of my feet in an attempt to ground myself with the nature surrounding me.
Tissaia's words were still ringing in my ears like bells.
They were as crisp as the day they had been spoken.
"Calla, I have tried to do my best by you. You showed promise, there is no denying that but, The Chapter have made their decision."
She had stood up at this point and smoothed the fabric of her blue dress before re-establishing her gaze upon my face.
"There is nothing left for you here."
My initial reaction had been to reason with her. But one look at her stone-cold face told me that there could be no benefit from it. That the tears that had been brewing behind my eyes would have no effect on her. But their paths had been set and they overflowed.
They had glanced off my cheekbones, remaining in contact with my skin for a few seconds before evaporating into little bursts of water vapour.
This had caused the steel in her eyes to intensify.
"Even now, as you stand before me, you are unable to control yourself."
Her words did nothing but stoke the flames. I could feel them smouldering just under the surface of my skin, choking my lungs, blackening my vision.
Even my usual technique of visualising stormy waters and snow covered mountains had done nothing. My emotions had been truly set ablaze.
I had opened my mouth in an attempt to speak but Tissaia had cut me off before I had been able to utter a single syllable. She repeated the same devastating words.
"There is nothing left for you here."
I had bowed my head in submission.
"I apologise for being such a disappointment. I will always be grateful for the opportunity you granted me. I will be gone before the break of dawn tomorrow. You will never have to lay eyes on my face again."
I had walked calmly from the room. Inside I had been crumbling.
Everything I possessed was being taken from me.
I no longer had a home. Nowhere to rest my head at night. Nowhere to shelter from the elements.
I couldn't even begin to feel angry at Tissaia because I knew it was solely my fault.
I had managed to steal a few hours of dreamless sleep before the nightmares caught up to me, and I spent my final few moments in Aretuza preparing to leave.
Thankfully, my personal affects were scant and it didn't take me long to stash them in the deep pockets of my sage green cloak.
A pair of leather gloves, a small knife and a stolen bottle of healing potion, and that was it.
I had taken a long, hard look at myself in the mirror mounted on the wall. It was an attempt to cement a final memory of the person I had been here. But I was far from the person I had been when I first came to Aretuza; after the accident, nothing had been the same.
My eyes had still shown faint signs of red, despite the fact that the fire inside me had gone out during my slumber. Tissaia was right. Control was a mystery to me. There was no other way of looking at the situation.
And so I had left on the eve of first light. I had portalled myself to the mainland, right on the shoreline. I had stood on the beach, hand shielding my eyes from the sand being whipped across it, looking back the island that for years had been my home.
There had been tears in my eyes but I was unsure if it was due to the grit-laced wind or my emotions.
I had walked across the precarious dunes, fingers brushing through the long grasses. There had been a cluster of buckthorn bushes some five hundred steps from the tree line that I had stopped by.
Their berries were the most positive shade of orange. The glow had been so tempting that I had decided to pick some to eat. The taste was a blend of fruitiness, sourness and pleasantness. I had taken a few more for the remainder of my walk towards the forest.
It was at this point that I had considered portalling again but I had been unable to decide on a destination.
Instead I had walked for what felt like miles; I had no way of quantifying it correctly but the soreness of my toes gave an indication.
My route had eventually led me to the aforementioned lake.
It had been a relief to remove the leather boots from my blistered feet. My cloak had joined them on the moisture-covered grass close to a willow tree.
I knew that the water was going to be a painful temperature. It always was for me now.
Yet I still wanted it.
I sat down on the bank and counted to three in my head.
Feet first, I slipped swiftly into the lake.
The contrast of the liquid against my fiery skin was brutal. I let out a startled sound, I couldn't help myself.
There was a change though, something small but definitely a lessening in the fire.
Encouraged by the feeling, I bent my knees to submerge my face. My hair took on a life of its own but aside from that, everything began to settle around me.
This lasted for a minute at most. My excitement fueled the flames inside. I opened my eyes and saw bubbles forming in the water; their density increased at an alarming rate.
I was boiling the water.
I stood up straight.
"Fuck!" I spat the word, and smacked the surface of the water.
The fire was raging now. Like it was retaliating against my attempt to quash it.
I furrowed my brow with concentration and in frustration, plunged my face under again.
Nothing changed. The fire still burned on. I purposely sucked some water in through my nose in desperation and that was when I felt it.
My flame began to gutter; I could feel the burn leaving my eyes and hands.
For the first time in a long time, I felt like my old self again. The person I had been prior to Aretuza and Tissaia and before the manifestation of this strange affliction.
It was so serene.
It made me want to freeze myself in time.
I knew that to stay under the water would also mean the same as slipping away.
But despite its finality, I would have done so, had it not been for the muffled sound that pierced my placid hiding place and woke up my inner voice of reason.
What was I doing? How had I so quickly ended up in this headspace?
I broke the surface, coughing up the contents of my lungs.
I heard the noise again.
A voice, deep in timbre. Undoubtedly getting closer.
"Fuck." I swore under my breath.
I knew there wasn't enough time to pull myself out the water, grab my boots and cloak and get out of view.
I looked around frantically, trying to think of what to do.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Many of the branches of the willow tree were hanging into the water. I dove between them, hunkering down as much as I could behind the foliage, hoping that fate would allow me one small mercy.
A man came into view. He was leading a chestnut brown horse with a white stripe down the front of its face.
I expected to see a second person but, there was none.
The man continued to speak, head inclined ever so slightly towards his equine companion.
Was he talking to the horse?
I pushed the thought aside; I had seen much more uncommon things in my time.
"There you go, Roach." The man patted the horse affectionately, letting them drink from the water.
I kept myself as still as possible to ensure that the only sounds coming from the water were those being made by his horse.
The man preoccupied himself with something I couldn't see. I began to feel my heart rate slow. My wide and frantic gaze lessened.
A gentle breeze rippled itself across the lake's surface.
Something shifted in the man's stance. Roach, the horse also reacted with an uneasy snort.
"Easy, Roach." The man murmured, and the animal settled down.
The man's gaze went to the place where my boots and cloak sat; he moved towards them cautiously, drawing the sword strapped to his back as he did so. He was so close to my hiding place that I could see the metal details on his leather armour, his white hair that contrasted against his black attire.
I then saw his yellow irises. My stomach turned with fear.
He was a Witcher.
Once at the site of my belongings, his right hand explored the green material, fingers going to his nose to inhale the scent.
He paused for a moment, before smirking.
The frightening eyes snapped over to where I was sheltering.
"You'll catch your death in there." He said loudly.
He then did something I had not anticipated; he walked back to his horse and set his sword down on the ground.
I understood the semantics of the gesture and pushed the willow branches back. A few leaves caught in my hair as I squeezed through the gap.
I pulled the debris out gently and left them to float on the undulating surface of the lake. Strands of hair were plastered to my skin and my soaked dress accentuated my body in a way that made me feel a little exposed. I felt sheepish and kept my eyes looking down.
"It's customary to remove clothing before a taking a bath, you know?" His deep voice was filled with sarcasm.
I smiled in response.
"Unless you weren't taking a bath."
"You are correct, Witcher."
"May I ask what you were doing instead?"
"It was not important."
My voice shook a little. I didn't want to acknowledge what I had done in there or the thoughts that had come into my mind.
Once I got to the edge, I put my forearms onto the bank and heaved myself from the lake. My body sighed contentedly as the submersion was finally over. The flames began to multiply in my core. I felt slightly peeved from the speed at which they fought back.
Torrents of water streamed from my hair as I squeezed it meticulously from root to tip. A puddle began to form under my bare feet. I moved out of it quickly before I got muddy.
I could feel the man watching me; I shot him a knowing look.
"You should take those off." He gestured to my sodden garments.
"I'll be fine."
I wasn't just trying to defend my modesty. The warmth of my skin would take care of things.
The water vapour starting rising from the fabric as I pulled my boots back on. I finished the lacing with a double knot.
Soon, my dress was completely dry.
"You're a sorceress." The man stated.
I sighed loudly. "Not anymore."
"Banished by your kingdom?"
"I never even made it to one."
"May I ask why?"
For the first time, I looked him straight in the face. I didn't actually know how to answer his question.
There were a lot reasons. The accident. The rules. The Chapter. Tissaia. My weakness.
It was like I had poured oil on my soul; the fire flared up savagely with my emotions. I could almost taste the smoke in my mouth and fought an urge to cough.
He noticed my eyes and looked curious. I had not expected that reaction.
I decided to give an abridged explanation.
"Last year, I attempted a spell that was too advanced for me. I was stupid and should have known better but my ego got the better of my logic and reasoning. The enchantment went wrong. And the only energy source in the room, other than my own, was in the fireplace."
I pointed to the now flickering effect in my eyes.
"I absorbed the fire. I don't know how. Nobody does. I can't get it to leave."
I felt some tears forming; it was difficult to vocalise the pain. I closed my eyes.
"And because fire magic is forbidden-"
"They grew fearful of you and asked you to leave." The man finished.
I quickly looked back at his face.
My next word came out in a whisper. "Yes."
The way he spoke made it clear that he himself had experienced rejection many times over. It was hardly surprising; I had been afraid upon realising what he was and I had chaos at my disposal. For a person without any power to harness, I could only imagine the reception.
While I was deep in thought, the man knelt by the side of the lake and began to fill a leather canteen. Once finished, he scooped up some of the liquid in his large, calloused hands and used it to wash his face and neck.
I mused out loud. "I thought I would always have a home at Aretuza and that my future was secure, even if I did sometimes dislike that my entire life had been planned for me."
The Witcher stood. A few droplets that had been clinging to his skin slipped downwards. They pattered onto his leather armour. He came a bit closer and looked down to meet my gaze with a soft expression.
"In all my years on this continent, I have come to accept that there are broad swathes of life that we have no say in. We make our own way in the world but destiny is always there, whether it makes itself known or not. Sometimes, it is necessary to simply trust the path."
I thought upon his words. Perhaps he was right. My destiny may have always been to find myself here. In some paradoxical way, I began to feel calm despite my loss of control and sanctuary.
The fire was still burning, of course, but it didn't have to define my every move or word.
"I have a feeling you are right, Witcher. Maybe it is best not to try and control the mayhem too much."
I looked up at the sky. A small piece of sunshine pierced through the cloud cover. Out the corner of my eye, I could see it glinting off of the silver medallion that sat around the Witcher's neck.
I sighed wistfully.
"The only thing that destiny can't tell me is where to go for a decent cup of ale." I laughed out loud for the first time in a while.
He grunted with humour in response. "I wouldn't have put you as an ale drinker."
I raised an eyebrow. "Ahh, you see I'm full of surprises, Witcher."
"I'm sure you are." The smirk on his face was wolfish and teasing.
I walked back across the grass to retrieve my cloak.
"So, Temeria. You know it well?"
"My knowledge is decent."
My red eyes met his yellow ones with a smile.
"Well then lead the way, Witcher. Let's find an inn and get pissed."
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lover-of-queens · 4 years
@ whoever is in charge of these things at the witcher Netflix HQ 
this is my petition for yall to let Tissaia’s hair down ... at least once ...
there are several of us who will be forever in your debt
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denalitwilight · 4 years
Bella: Tanya?
Tanya: Yes?
Bella: I love you
Tanya *intense blushing*:
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pleasereadmeok · 3 years
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Something else to feed your imagination over the weekend....
Matthew Goode and MyAnna Buring in The Poison Tree.
Goode rewatch week 20.
📷 - Poison tree my edits
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tibo30 · 5 years
I want to reread The Witcher books “if I ever got the time lol” for three reasons:
- Geralt and Yen’s relationship in short the stories is something neither the games or the show could capture perfectly. The Last Wish, A Shard Of Ice , The Bound Of Reason...no romantic relationship reached to me the way their relationship did, its beauty is in its imperfections, and the many ups and downs it went through. I love these stories with all my heart even if some of them broke me a little. Also, these -hot takes- that geralt’s wish was to make yen loves him is lowering my IQ the more I read them..stop butchering the real story and read the fucking books or shut up.
2- I will never read the books and not imagine Tissaia as Myanna Buring. One of the best casting choices ever made. I had this version of Tissaia in my head before the show but Myanna’s version is unmatchable imo. Also some of her scenes will hit differently now.. I just know :( + Also some Tissaia and Rita in the bathhouse? Sign me up
3- I can’t withstand this disrespect towards Philippa anymore. I miss my lesbian queen and her cult members
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athenamgh · 1 year
a/n: Myanna, Myanna, Myanna... paring/s: Myanna Buring x fem!bodyguard!Reader summary: reader is the bodyguard for one and only Myanna Buring.. that's.. that's all I can say... oh and Tony totally made up persona warning/s: sexual tension, a cute moment too I guess, and slight mention of the accident word count: 2.3k
Myanna Buring MASTERLIST
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Myanna and Tony sat in one of the dressing rooms, three floors below the penthouse where in around 30 minutes, the actress was supposed to appear as an honored guest.
"Do we still have to do this?" she asked out of the blue.
"Do what?" Tony said looking up from his papers.
She gestured to the super-secured room around her. "So keep you safe, you mean?" he re-asked.
"No, take such huge security precautions. I am not royalty, you know..." hints of frustration could be heard in her voice.
Tony sighed looking back at his papers, they had this conversation way too many times over the last month, "At this point, it'd be safer if you were...". He didn't even need to look up from the contract, that he was reading, to know that she rolled her eyes at his answer.
"Do not give me this attitude. Did you forget what happened three months ago, or your memory needs refreshing?" From the pile of papers laying in his lap, he took out a printed news article with a big red title on the front and placed it on the table. "You almost died that night, all of you in that damn building almost did."
He noticed as Myanna shook her shoulder uncomfortably as the flashbacks of that night crossed her mind. "Besides, you are not the only one with such security, all of your costars are," Tony pointed out.
"Yeah, but barely any of them, have an ex-navy bodyguard sweeping every room they enter, do they?" Myanna gave him a look.
"They should..." he said under his breath, but she heard it, she always hears it.
"Ahh..." she groaned, turning back to look through the window that was overlooking the city drowning in the moonlight.
"Listen, as your agent, it is my duty to protect you. After all, three months already passed, didn't you get used to the "black cat" following you around? Don't you like them? They seem qualified and actually quite nice. Is something wrong? Do I need to change-" before Tony could even finish his list of questions, she suspiciously cut him off.
"No, it's not that. I just wish things could go back to normal," Myanna sadly sighed looking back at him.
"It will, you just have to wait it out," he could only imagine what it was like for her after that eventful night.
Suddenly rhythmical but too difficult-to-be random knocks on the door echoed in the room.
Tony laughed lightly, "Speak of the devil,"
"And she will appear... Yes?" She said turning back to the mirror to continue her paused activity.
As you heard confirmation you entered the room closing the doors behind you, "The perimeter is clear," you reported looking at Myanna's reflection in the mirror, she avoided your gaze. But as your lips slipped the additional word, "Ma'am", her eyes narrowed at you in the reflective glass and her jaw clenched.
"Thank you, Y/n," Tony said standing up.
"Of course, sir," you broke the eye contact bringing your attention to the man in a suit.
"Okay, I'd better be going and leave you to your last 30 minutes of 'me time'. See you in there," he addressed Myanna.
"Do not flirt too much," she teased.
"Ohh, please there can be some attractive lawyers... Also, you are the one to talk to," Tony pointed out.
He approached you, standing next to the doors, and whispered, "Do not let this flirt slip your eyes and keep her safe."
"Never do and always do sir," you answered his two statements.
He laughed, "I know that's why I like you''.
You opened the doors for him to leave. You were about to follow his lead, leaving her with the last moments of peace before the event. It was like a routine for her. You had a gut feeling that this habit developed after the accident.
But before you could take a step into the corridor you heard her voice. "Wait," she said still looking at the mirror adding the last touches to her make-up.
"Is something wrong, ma'am?" you wondered.
You saw how her jaw clenched a little once again as her eyes shut closed, "Yes, we need to go over some ground rules. Again."
You narrowed your eyebrows but closed the doors behind you, ready to hear her out.
She finally stood up from the table, and for the first time tonight, you saw Myanna in all her glory. You couldn't help but glue your eyes to her presence: her long dress that contrasted with her hair enchantingly, her eyes that you couldn't decide the colour of because they seemed to change every time you got lost in them, stuck between the green and the blue, and her lips, oh those devilishly tempting soft lips.
She looked stunning and the worst part of it was that you let yourself admire her for far too long, knowing well enough that your staring will get you in trouble.
Suddenly two of your eyes connected and you quickly turned your attention to the wall, pretending like it was the most interesting thing in this entire world. In hopes that she would just brush it off, but from the corner of your eye, you could see that she was smirking at your behaviour. You got caught.
Myanna approached and you felt how her perfume invaded your space. It took everything in you to keep staring straight into the empty wall, standing there as still as a rock with hands behind your back, face emotionless.
But not the eyes, no your eyes could never lie or hide what you were really feeling as much as you wished they would. Not even years spent in the Navy could teach you that.
She seemed to know it as she whispered to you, "Look at me".
You took a deep breath clenching your jaw. You knew better than to obey what she asked for. But her standing so close to you was nearly impossible to resist.
Myanna didn't seem to have much patience tonight to see you fight yourself in your own head as she wrapped her fingers around your black tie and tugged you gently down making you slowly lower your gaze to meet her, tonight, watercolour eyes.
"You are truly irresistible in this suit, Y/n" she said dropping her eyes down for a moment to finally really take in the sight of you, but not letting the grip on you ease up.
You stayed silent, trying to concentrate on staying neutral, and professional, like you were taught to be. But your eyes betrayed you staying glued to her presence.
That was a mistake because then her gaze flickered back to your face, you saw her lips spread a mischievous smile and all you could do was drily gulp.
"What did I tell you about calling me 'ma'am', hmm?" Myanna innocently asked tugging you down even closer to her face, trying to even out the difference between your heights.
Another wave of her delightful perfume hit your nose and your lips were now inches apart. "Sorry ma'am," was all you said.
Myanna chucked at your answer, "No, no, no..." she shook her head disapprovingly. You saw how her eyes glinted devilishly before she ghostingly dragged her soft lips through the length of your jaw.
"Say it," her words sank into the whisper against your ear, still holding you by the tie. Her other hand slipped up your shoulder and wrapped around your neck, nails lightly digging into your skin as she seductively demanded, "Say it like I know You like it," the hot air hitting your skin made you shiver.
To your surprise, she leaned back just enough to look you in the eyes and whisper once again, "Like you know I like it," Myanna's lips spread the most irresistible smile and with that, your heart skipped a beat.
You closed your eyes, clenching your jaw, trying to control your heartbeat, the buzzing in your ears and the fog that was clouding your judgment, but all she had to do was mutter, "Do it for me, please" and your defence broke.
From the way her lips parted, when you finally opened your eyes, and her hand tensed around your neck, you could tell that your look was dark and filled with desire. The desire for her and only her.
"Myanna.." your lips slowly parted, as your gaze dropped down reminding her about the device attached to your shirt's collar that was restricting you from what she really wanted you to say.
This listening device was constructed to record all-day conversations and surrounding sounds wherever the security agent went with his client to uncertain, unpredictable places such as events, places surrounded by crowds and etc. Its recordings were stored for around 30 days, breathly reviewed every week or so to make sure nobody interfered with sensitive information or raised any suspicions about possible danger to the client or the agent.
Since Tony had some great connections and was able to pull some strings, he got the security company to agree to record only the bodyguard's voice, movements and radio conversations in order to save his client's privacy as much as possible.
It wasn't exactly the safest opinion on security matters so in order to fill this gap they assigned their top security agent to Tony's client. They hired you.
A mischievous smile spread Myanna's lips as she covered the device with her palm, hiding it in her grip, which dulled the sensitivity of the microphone enough for your movements and voice to not be picked up.
"It's been too long since I heard you say my name too," was all she said and with that, the hand secured on your neck dug into your hair and she pulled you into a longing kiss.
Your interlocked hands broke free from behind your back due the mere sensation of her soft lips against yours. She tasted what you thought heaven would taste like. The pressure against the back of your scalp and her intoxicating scent numbed your thoughts and knees and made the desire to have her in your arms win. So you wrapped your arms around her waist pulling her as close as possible to you.
Myanna smiled against your lips at your final involvement. She gently bit your bottom lip just to let it go as she pulled away. Releasing her grip on you and the microphone she reached around her torso to unshackle your strong arms from behind her back. But you resisted to budge, she looked up at you giving you a soft look, "I am sorry, love, but we cannot have this dress wrinkled if we do not want suspicion to arise," you groaned not wanting to let her go.
She was right it was too long, you missed her terribly.
To your own disappointment, you obeyed releasing your grip on her. But not before stealing one more kiss from that absolutely stunning woman in your arms making her chuckle and enchantingly smile at your act. As you were about to bring your hands back to were they supposed to be, she stopped you by catching them by the wrists.
"Your leaving was sudden, too sudden for my likening," she said interlocking your fingers together.
You smiled, enjoying the warmth of her touch. Taking a second to think what to say as the listening device was no longer covered, ''Had a family emergency." Her eyebrows narrowed worryingly at you, "It was resolved," you assured her as you set free one of your arms and brushed the back of your hand against her soft cheek for a moment, "But I personally assigned agent Hale to your house security, you were left in great hands while I was gone," you reported the reason for your five-day absence.
"Hmm yes, but it wasn't you... and I missed you," she gave you a longing look. You squeezed her hand confirming that you felt the exact same way.
"I am here now, ma'am," you said the last word on purpose this time making your lips slip a smirk.
You saw how Myanna's gaze darkened, she bit her lip seductively at you, making your heartbeat quicken. You remembered this devilish look of hers and the thoughts that probably were running in her head right now.
"I wanted to have you all to myself all day today," she stated looking deep into your eyes, "And after this event, I'll get you to go back to my place," she gripped your chin making sure she had you exactly where and how she wanted, "And remind you what happens when you neglect our ground rules," she said the last word brushing your lips with her own perfectly knowing that you couldn't kiss her without risking it possibly leaking into the recording.
Myanna took a couple of steps back from you, smoothing her dress with her palms, making sure she looked presentable. You thought she looked flawless and intact as you just stared at her trying to get your cloudy mind to work again.
You finally cleared your throat, "Ready?" you stretched your arm for her to take, to safely, maybe too securely, escort her to the penthouse.
She took your hand happily looking up at you, "Wait," she reached with her free hand brushing her thumb through your bottom lip cleaning off the traces of her lipstick. "Am I decent?" she asked referring to the possible smudged lipstick on her.
"You look perfect, Myanna Buring," you assured her making her slightly blush which swirled your heart with warmth in a way it shouldn't have.
"Then I am ready," she said and both of you stepped out of the hotel room.
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lorrainestea · 1 year
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𝑵𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓 𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒆, 𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆, 𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒏, 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕
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asongofsilks · 4 years
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Random fancasting --> People of the Stormlands: MyAnna Buring as Ellyn Caron
“The Vulture King himself fared little better. Unable to capture Nightsong, he abandoned the siege and marched west, only to have Lady Caron sally forth behind him, to join up with a strong force of marchers led by Harmon Dondarrion.”
The fact that she led her own men into battle suggests a no-nonsense ruling Lady who commanded loyalty from her knights. I imagine that she was older than thirty-five and no stranger to battle strategy by the time she helped smash the Vulture King’s army.
House Targaryen fancasts here
Main series era House Martell here
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lyraecureuil · 5 years
@blood-inthefields sorry for making u wait so long!!! I finally wrote my report about #LCCSpring :3
Btw English is not my mother tongue so sorry for any mistakes in advance 🙈
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Well...to be honest, there was nothing REALLY interesting... even taking into account the fact that I like MyAnna very much xD (but I was hoping there’d be some info about the Witcher season 2 or some funny stories about the filming of season 1...)
When the panel talk started, MyAnna arrived with a backpack and said that she was moving in and that she had brought all her household with her🤣🤣
Then she said that she needed a moment to make herself comfortable here and took her jacket off, so Anna Schaffer commented that she was literally moving in xDD
At first, it was the host who asked our beautiful ladies all the questions.
So, the host asked about their lines. Like how much time before the filming they were given their lines?
MyAnna joked that everything was kept in an extreme secrecy, so she saw her lines like 15 min before the sound of the clapper 🤣
Also, the host came up with a question if it was hard or not to film the Witcher and to travel so much since it was filmed in several countries.
MyAnna answered that it was probably hard for Anya or Henry, but not for her and Anna ‘cause they were mostly chilling in two countries (Poland and England if I’m not mistaken...)
There were some more questions from the host, but can’t recall what they were about so they were probably dull xDDD
Then the host said that it was the public’s turn to ask, but... the audience kept silent xDD no one raised their hand, so the host joked that it seemed to be the shortest panel talk ever and MyAnna added that they could just chill here, on the stage, for another couple of minutes 😂😂
About the questions from the audience (yep, eventually))):
-As I remember, there was one about costumes: “Which costume did you like the most”?
MyAnna replied she liked one with a standing collar, while Anna answered that her favourite dress was one with the leaves on it.
- Then, they were asked if they read critics about their job on the Internet and if they were offended by fans’ attitude. MyAnna “We’re all adults and can decide by ourselves if we should click on a comment or not”. And then she added that we’d better not ahaha and she repeated it several times ‘DON’T CLICK’ xDDD so even the host commented that it’d be a motto of the meeting :))))
-Moreover, there was a question about the green screen, if they happened to be on a Witcher shooting with a green screen. MyAnna said that the creators were mostly focused on nature locations, yet she had two or three shootings with a green screen. Anna replied that she didn’t do any.
-Furthermore, they were asked if it was hard to imagine the magic they made.
The answer was rather simple (MyAnna answered for both of them). She said that it depends.. depends on the mood, on the day on how you woke up. Sometimes it was really hard and the other days it just wasn’t xDD Also she added that sometimes they succeeded in imagining it almost like it was finally shown, but sometimes the final version of an episode was absolutely different from what they thought it would be.
-Question formulated like “During the filming, what was your main reference point - the script or the books?
This time it was Anna Schaffer who replied. Her answer was “the script”. She reasoned that the series is an adaptation, so it didn’t show everything and everyone exactly like it was in the books. So, it was better for them not to tumble about between the two references, but to concentrate on the script in order to portray their characters accurately. MyAnna agreed with that.
-I personally was interested in getting some clues about what would happen in season 2 and the most important if we’re going to see a lot of Tissaia :))) So I asked if they could describe season 2 in 3 words (in case they already happen to know its storyline xD)
MyAnna didn’t think for a long and responded optimistically “Tissaia, Triss, adventure”. Anna said that she didn’t trust herself in this and would pass xDDD
-Besides, someone from the audience questioned who the main prankster on the set was. At this moment Anna Shaffner silently pointed on MyAnna with both of her hands and MyAnna was like 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
I loved this moment very much, MyAnna was sooo so cute :333
In addition, there are two points for which I do not remember the questions, but they still can be considered as interesting facts xDD
+ MyAnna told that Lauren Hissrich and other executives (show runners) were always there to help them and to discuss some things about the scenario, their characters and how those things should be interpreted.
+ But sometimes they did not know how a storyline would end, so there was always a risk to play something wrong and then realize it afterwards xD MyAnna said something like «There were some moments when you thought at the beginning that your character would be like this, but then, after a plot twist you realize that she was like that, and you’re like « oooops I’ve played it completely wrong » 😂😂😂
I tried to do my best and to call to mins as much as possible xD
P.S. I also did some gifs and photos, she too cute ❤️❤️❤️ Hope you’ll like it :333
#MyAnna Buring #Tissaia De Vries #the Witcher #Anna Schaffer #Triss Merigold #LondonComicConSpring #LCCS
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wordsbyarwen · 4 years
Just out of curiosity when you write Yennaia do you picture Anya Chalotra and Myanna Buring or do you Picture Yennefer and Tissaia completely different looking or I don’t know do you have another face claim for them? And obviously you are a great writer and as far as the characters of the show goes you write them really believable and in character. I just started the books and wouldn’t yet know how true to the book characters they are but do you draw inspiration from the books too?
I draw a little inspiration from the books here and there, but mostly i roll with show!canon and just... try to make Yen Better, because the petulant child act she’s pulling throughout the show until the very last half hour or so is... bad. I hate it. We didn’t get to see enough of her transitioning from the hopeful, frightened girl in the beginning of ep 2 to the entitled young woman in ep 3, and there’s no real indicator unless you look at a timeline that she had a lot of years to Become That Way so. Yeah. I’m trying hard to do better by her in particular. Give her some reasons for being a trash disaster. etc.
Tissaia? Maybe a little from the books? I don’t have it in me to write the full-on anxiety nightmare that is a character with the level of OCD Tissaia appears to be written with, but i have brought some anxieties into “stone in your water” dealing with a lack of control, with not knowing what the future holds, etc. I’m not sure show!Tissaia would actually feel that anxiety. But maybe she would. idk.
I’m writing show canon so it’s definitely the actors’ portrayals of the characters, but i can’t imagine why i would envision them as Anya/MyAnna rather than Yen/Tissaia? MyAnna in particular is one of those people who looks so different from one show/event to another that i might not notice she was the same person on first glance, and like... i can guarantee i’m not picturing this:
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I’m sorry but i don’t need MyAnna’s weird ability to look like a 15-year-old in my Tissaia headcanons. Give me my stern, buttoned-up, middle-aged bitch of a sorceress or give me nothing at all tbh
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asolitaryrose · 5 years
ok so i finished the witcher netflix and it was really good! wasn’t expecting to like it this much tbqh where is season 2? oh right a year away... 
+/- thoughts under a cut because spoilers
tissaia de vries and yen’s relationship. love me some complicated mother/daughter bond
the battle of sodden oh my god. i’d always wished that sapkowski included it in the books and not through memories or passing mentions and boy the adaptation did not disappoint. it was amazing. 
the fight scenes involving geralt are INSANE. the choreography!! the sound effect! the sheer power!! incredible. 
jaskier is amazing and all of his lines are iconic. i couldn’t stand him in the books but here he is fantastic. what a good casting choice
on that note, the writing team did a very good job at including classic lines into the show with perfect timing - from “i brought you apple juice” to “if I’m to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all”
yen’s backstory. it was missing in the books and we only got glimpses of her life before she became who she was and i have to say, i like how they expanded on that, especially her relationship with istredd and tissaia. 
geralt and his many, many sighs and long suffering “fucks”. love my grumpy boy
the set, costumes and music are A+. well done team. 
CALANTHE. A BADASS. I am in love. god, all of her scenes are incredible. the actress rocks the role and make it hers and i was hanging at her lips during all her lines. that way she had of filling her eyes with tears yet holding them at bay to truly express her character’s emotional turmoil? *chef’s kiss*
i’ve really warmed up to cavill as geralt - and god knows i was skeptical when they announced the casting because i am not a fan of him at all, but he makes it work and made me believe he was geralt, so kuddos to him
istredd and vilgefortz are both really hot i was not expecting this. well played
triss is so cute!! what a good casting choice. the curly hair and freckles add a very youthful appearance to her and the actress is really delightful. to think i didn’t like triss in the books... i hope they expand on her relationship with yennefer and delve into her psyche in later seasons
love that the writing team incorporated geralt and roach’s bond. what a sassy horse. that horse deserves an emmy. a good horse
i have to go back and listen to all the songs once the credit roll out but “toss a coin to your witcher” is catchy and has been stuck in my brain all morning
myanna buring as tissaia is a fantastic choice.  can’t wait to see more sorceresses, mainly philippa and margarita
the timeline is a bit wonky, it’s hard to follow at time, and i’ve read the books, so i can’t imagine how it is for people who don’t know the plot. it does work, most of the time, and tbh the show is so enjoyable that i simply decided not to care anymore and just go along with the ride
anya chalotra as yennefer. i really can’t see her as yen. i wanted so badly to be able to put her acting skills first and not care about her age, and while i don’t deny she is incredible, she doesn’t feel like yen to me? i’m bothered mainly by her voice, i do think it’s too childlike, too youthful, and i can’t help but imagine an older actress for that role :/ that being said anya really did a good job
ciri’s character felt the least developed out of the main cast, but i’m guessing her story will really get more complex in later seasons. as it stands, freya was very good. i did think that cutting some of the major key elements of ciri’s early story weakened her story line - such as not having her meeting geralt in brokilon
all the female nudity really... is not needed. 90% of the time i did not need to see those boobs, sir. especially since every time a man is naked, it’s to ridicule him. the imbalance in nudity between male and female characters was really jarring, and kept bothering me all throughout the episodes
the oversexualization of yennefer. yen is half naked most of the time and i have no idea why?? why. especially during the djinn scene. why do showrunners feel the need to strip their actresses it’s so annoying 
the removal of her uterus during the transformation scene... was imo a bad writing decision, imo. and while i’m on that scene, there was waaay too much screaming. way too much. 
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