#namely around the last and first day of the year
quinnylouhughesx43 · 3 days
Believe in Me — jh86
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summary: in which the summer following Jack’s rookie year is coming to an end. Not only did his rookie year come with being shafted by the league as the biggest bust, but he managed to get painted as the biggest (and newest) playboy of the league. His personal management team, the team’s management, and PR step in to clear this all up, but it takes work from Jack.
warnings/points of importance: use of y/n, fem!reader x jack, use of nicknames for female character and for Jack, fake dating trope, oblivious pining trope(?), childhood friends, minor usage of foul language, creation of side original characters for plot, time jumps, memories inserted - tumblr’s intention and italics used to notate, inner thoughts marked with ‘..’ and italicized if they occur
word count: 4.32
notes: any names used for original characters that relate to someone’s name or closely relate to a person’s name is purely by happenstance. The names were rolled by random from a generator where I inserted random first and last names.
© property of quinnylouhughesx43 ; do not copy and re-upload as your own - anywhere. do not place my work inside AI codes, do not translate.
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Y/n sat cross-legged on the worn wooden planks of the back porch swing, her eyes following the lazy dance of the sunset as it descended behind the distant tree line. Her childhood home had changed so little over the years, the same comforting embrace of familiarity wrapped around her like a warm blanket on a chilly evening. The porch swing squeaked in a soothing rhythm as both her and Jack slowly swung, a nostalgic tune that had serenaded countless summer nights spent sharing secrets and laughter with Jack. The only other kid who had been in her grade when she moved in, well really one of the only other neighborhood children. The other two children in the neighborhood were his brothers. All three of which had become as much a part of her life as the very foundation of the house she grew up in.
She had spent all day out with his family by the pool, her mother insisted he come to their house for dinner though. Nothing to offer course for their life, well a year ago it wouldn’t have been.
"Do you want to talk about your new headline?" Y/n tried to hold back the hint of amusement in her tone but failed miserably. Jack's rookie season had just come to an end before the beginning of summer. In just a few months he had gone from the talk of the league as the number one draft pick to talk of the league as a "bust."
He was nothing close to a bust. It was just how the year fell.
Jack leaned back in the swing, the sun's final strokes of light for the day painting his cheekbones. He sighed; a heavy exhale filled with the weight of the rumors that had been following him like a dark shadow. "It's just how it's going to be now. You know how it is with the media. They're desperate to find a new angle to keep me going." There were a few moments of silence shared between them before he found the words to continue. "First, it's all about my game, how I'm not scoring enough or I'm not this hotshot star that every analyst built me up to be. Season ends and it's about my supposed love life." His voice was a mix of annoyance and defeat. He was used to being the center of attention, truthfully he strived to be in the center of attention. He just wasn't used to it always being negative attention.
"To be it all, I have this video chat meeting with public relations, franchise management, and my management team about some idea they have come up with to help bring attention away from everything." Jack groaned. "We have three days left of the summer before we drive back to Jersey, I don't want to spend one of them in meetings."
Y/n nodded sympathetically, placing a comforting hand on his forearm and leaning herself over on him. "It's okay, bubs. Maybe it's nothing too serious." But she could tell from the furrow in his brow, the way his jaw clenched and the tension in his voice that he was already aware of what they had come up with. Or at least he had an idea. She didn't dare pry, they may be best friends, but Jack was clearly not ready to share his thoughts. "And... If it is serious I will be in Jersey this season to help you through it."
Jack gave her a grateful smile before standing up from the porch swing, stretching his arms out wide. "Yeah, you're right. I shouldn't worry about it tonight." He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead, a gesture that was as commonplace as breathing between the two of them. "Thanks for the pep talk, toots." He said, using the childhood nickname that never failed to make her smile despite the circumstances. "I should head back down the street to my parent's place. It's getting late."
As he turned to leave, the rising moon cast a cool glow over the yard, highlighting the tall blades of grass that danced with the intermittent breeze. Y/n watched him go, her mind racing with the implications of what might happen at that during his meeting tomorrow. Would they really suggest something so ridiculous? And if they did, how would Jack handle it?
Jack's footsteps grew fainter until they were swallowed by the night. The house, once alive with the echoes of their laughter, now felt eerily quiet. Y/n remained seated out on the swing, her thoughts spiraling into a whirlwind of doubt and concern. She knew Jack was strong, capable of taking on any challenge thrown his way, but the thought of him being manipulated into some scheme to save the face of the Devils franchise made her sick. Then she thought, what if they didn't call a meeting to manipulate him into anything? What if it's simply to offer suggestions on what he can do differently going forward?
Y/n eventually shut that portion of her brain off and headed inside herself. A long hot shower and her bed was calling her name.
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The next day Jack sat in his father's home office, the room smelling faintly of cologne and leather, waiting for the others to join the video call. The space was a testament to his father's success, filled with trophies and framed newspaper articles from his own days as a star player and coach. It was both inspiring and daunting, a constant reminder of the legacy he and his brothers were trying to live up to. The computer screen flickered to life, displaying a Zoom call with a row of faces, some familiar, some not. His management team, PR reps, and a couple of team officials stared back at him, all expectant and poised.
Jack leaned back in the chair, his casual attire feeling woefully inadequate among the suits and professional backgrounds of his callers. He had taken his mother's advice and dressed comfortably, but now he wished he had at least put on a button-up shirt. He glanced down at his New Jersey Devils t-shirt, the logo stretched slightly across his chest. It was a fan favorite, one that had been thrown at him in excitement by a young fan at a game. It felt like a piece of armor, a symbol of his pride and commitment to the team, but today it just made him feel like he was the kid, and he was playing dress-up in his dad's old gear.
The meeting began with a round of forced smiles and awkward greetings. The tension was palpable, thick enough to cut with a knife. Y/n's words from the night before echoed in his mind, a comforting whisper amidst the storm of uncertainty. He took a deep breath, bracing himself for whoever their absurd suggestion be his girlfriend when they had conjured up the fake relationship idea to "fix" his image.
"Jack, before we start, do you remember the guidelines I told you for this relationship or should we go over them again with everyone here?" The voice was cold and calculated, belonging to one of the stern-faced PR reps. Her eyes bore into him through the screen, demanding his full attention.
Jack's stomach lurched. He had hoped they would just come right out with what was new, news. "I think everyone is aware of what we're trying to achieve here, but please go ahead," he said, trying to keep the sarcasm at bay.
The stern-faced public relations rep, Ms. Castellanos, nodded curtly. "Good. So, the first guideline is that you two must be seen together at least three times a week. This includes public appearances such as dates, her being seen attending your games, and even casual outings like grocery shopping or walking the dog. That is if you or her have one."
Jack's eyes widened slightly, glancing down at his half empty coffee mug. He didn't have a dog, but he still didn't know who this girl they paired him up with was. Plus, he didn't know if Y/n had picked up any new hobbies involving pets in her last year of college. It was never mentioned during their weekly calls or on visits. It would be important to know that since she’s going to be living with him.
"Jack, are you listening?" The voice brought him back to the present, the sternness of Ms. Castellanos' tone was unmistakable.
Jack swallowed down the anxiety that was bubbling up inside him and nodded in acknowledgement.
Ms. Castellanos continued, "Guideline two, and perhaps the most important one, is that the relationship must appear genuine. You must exhibit believable public affection and body language. This means holding hands, occasional kisses on the cheek, maybe a few on the lips if the situation calls for it. As for body language," the stone-cold lady stopped speaking, watching Jack carefully once more. "You're both young, attractive, and in the public eye. If you lean into each other, have your arms around each other's waist, or even occasionally rest your head on her shoulder, it'll look natural and convincing. The media will eat it up, and your image will be transformed from a lonely heartthrob to a lovestruck boyfriend in no time."
Jack felt his cheeks flush slightly, the thought of faking intimacy with someone he'd never met before was nerve-wracking, to say the least. He took another sip of his now lukewarm coffee, trying to imagine how awkward the first kiss would be. He had never been one for faking emotions, especially something as intimate as love.
Ms. Castellanos continued, her voice unforgiving. "Guideline four is critical. The relationship must end with your girlfriend, and I stress this, must be the one to initiate the breakup. It should be done publicly and dramatically enough to make headlines, but not so much that it causes a scandal." She paused, allowing the gravity of the situation to sink in. "You cannot under any circumstances leave her. If it looks like you're the one who ended things, it'll only add fuel to the fire of your reputation. You need to be seen as the heartbroken party, the victim of a fickle heart. It'll humanize you, make you more relatable to the fans."
Jack felt his jaw clench at the coldness of the plan. He had agreed to a fake relationship to get the media off his back, but this was starting to feel like a script for a reality TV show gone wrong. "And what happens if we... I mean, if she gets tired of the whole thing?" He stumbled over his words, trying to maintain some semblance of respect for the stranger he was about to be romantically linked with.
"Ah, that's where guideline five comes into play," said Ms. Castellanos, her eyes gleaming with the excitement of her own cleverness. "We've prepared a non-disclosure agreement that she will be signing before the relationship begins. It's quite comprehensive and includes clauses for breaking it off in a controlled manner. She'll understand her role in this, Jack."
Jack's grip tightened around his coffee mug, the cheap porcelain feeling fragile under his thumb. "But who is she?" he repeated, his voice a little louder, a hint of frustration creeping in.
Ms. Castellanos' smile didn't waver, but her eyes narrowed slightly. "Her name is Elena Petrov," she said smoothly. "A local influencer with a clean reputation. She's been briefed on the situation and has agreed to help. She's a fan of the team and understands the importance of this for your career."
"No." Jack huffed out. gaining the attention of everyone on the call. Just the same as Jack, everyone else barely stayed tuned into her annoying voice. "She is the reason I am in this shit hole. Her friend is the last girl I was with. Elena took all the pictures. Maggie? A little help here." Jack pleaded with the IT media girl that for some miraculous reason was sitting in on the call.
"Oh. Uhm, yes. It took me days to get the pictures she put up taken down. And Mr. Hughes, we were able to prove they were edited after looking closer at them," Maggie spoke up, her voice shaky, probably from fear of interrupting the woman that could potentially ruin their lives with a tweet.
Ms. Castellanos' eyes darted from Jack to Maggie and back again, her displeasure clear. "Jack, this is non-negotiable. This is what's best for your career right now. You need to be seen as more than just a party boy. The sooner you start this relationship with Elena, the sooner we can start repairing your image," she said, her voice like a whip cracking through the tension in the room.
Jack's manager, Mr. Taylor, cleared his throat before speaking up, his tone measured and calm. "Perhaps there's another option we haven't considered. What about Y/n?" he suggested, glancing at Jack, who looked up at him, hope flickering in his eyes.
Ms. Castellanos raised an eyebrow. "Your childhood friend?" She sounded skeptical, but the video stream grew quiet, all eyes on Jack.
Jack nodded, feeling the weight of the decision he was about to make. "Yeah, Y/n. We've been best friends since middle school. Everyone already thinks we're together. It'll be believable, and she's... she's not in the spotlight like Elena is. It'll keep things more low-key." He swallowed, hoping he wasn't about to ruin their friendship.
Ms. Castellanos leaned back in her chair, steepling her fingers. "Very well, Jack. We'll consider it. But you need to talk to her and make sure she's on board with this. The last thing we need is for her to spill the beans and ruin the whole charade."
Jack nodded, his heart racing. He knew Y/n would do anything for him but asking her to be his fake girlfriend was a big ask. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation he was about to have. After the call ended, he let out a guttural groan due to frustration. He needed to go shoot some basketball or pucks before he talked Y/n, but he didn't have that time to waste. Instead of blowing off some of his stress he slipped on some shoes, kissed his momma goodbye, and headed out to the house he has visited time and time again.
The warm afternoon air was a major contrast to the coldness of the conversation he had just had. The streetlights flickered to life as Jack approached Y/n's house, the familiar path to her door as comforting as ever. He stopped in front of the door, the color of her door had changed since last summer, but the memories that lie behind it remained the same.
Jack took a deep breath before raising his hand to knock, the sound echoing through his head. Only thing on his mind was the conversation they were about to have. Jack flinched as he realized how hard and urgent he had beat on her mother’s front door. His heart thudded against his chest, partially with the anticipation of her reaction to the proposal and because of how quickly he had walked down the block. Jack took a deep breath in an urgent need to calm himself and appear as normal as possible before he was face to face with her.
Before he could finish his internal mantra of calming himself, the front door swung open in a rush. He was slightly hoping it would somehow be one of her relatives, but there she was, looking up at him with her soft, hopeful eyes. Her hair messily tossed into a messy bun atop her head and a sprinkle of fresh freckles danced across her nose from spending the day in the sun with his family yesterday. She was wearing the momentous hoodie that he had gifted her before leaving last summer. A hoodie that held a lot in its threads for the two of them. For her, it now held a lot of silent screams and wiped away tears from the last year, but it still held their joint memories.
‘It originally had become Jack’s superstitious hoodie for a while. The lucky hoodie he would wear all the way up to when he would change for warm ups, then she would wear it. This superstition developed during the years of world juniors. The year he brought home the Gold, the superstition shifted. Jack had a “girlfriend” that entire season and she wasn’t fond of the idea of Jack and Y/n swapping clothes like they did. The games with the development program were when she noticed this happening. She confronted Y/n about having a useless crush on her boyfriend and she would be taking over wearing his hoodie from then on. Jack didn’t take lightly to it, that was his best friend, his biggest non-family supporter. So, he decided y/n would wear the hoodie the entire time, from the time they all got dressed for the day to after the game. Now, it’s hers entirely, his decision since he couldn’t be here for her and live out his dream. He wanted her to have a piece of him, but if be a piece of them. Once again, it has become her comfort item as it has been back then.’
She fiddled with the stretched out sleeves hanging over left hand anxiously as her right hand was still grasping the door knob.
"How was your meeting?" The words fell from her lips so fast she hadn't taken a moment to invite him inside. Y/n had sat out on the porch swing all morning waiting to hear from him. Seeing him now ignited her anxiety and her need to know.
Jack let out a simple laugh at her eagerness to know. He softly touched her side, giving a slight nudge as if to signal her to walk backwards into the house.
The coolness of the air conditioning kissing his skin. "It was... interesting," he said, his voice a mix of relief and dread.
Y/n raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. She walked a few steps backwards with his guidance to allow him in, the old floorboards creaking under their weight. "Interesting as in good or interesting bad?"
Jack shrugged, his smile wavering as he let go of her and made his way into the living room. The same room where they had spent hours playing video games, watching movies, doing homework.
—Could he ask her to do this? What if it blows up in their faces and ruins everything. What if he ruins her? He’d never be able to live with himself for hurting her.
The couch looked inviting, but he knew better than to sit down without spilling his guts. "Well, it’s one of those ‘depends on how you take it’ interesting type situations..." he trailed off, his eyes wandering around the room.
Y/n looked at him, her eyebrows rising in a questioning manner. Her eyes were filled with a mix of concern and curiosity. She could read the hesitancy written all across him. Starting with wanting to open up about his meeting. Which is something he's never had an issue with, at least with her, to not wanting to sit down. Almost as if, if he got too comfortable he would tell too much.
Taking a hold of his hand, rubbing her thumb over his palm she leaned her head on his upper arm. A common gesture between them. “Jackers?” She whispered so softly, he nearly missed it. He hummed in response coming out from where he drifted off too. She took a hold of his hand and softly pulled him down to take a seat on the couch with her.
“Jackers, just tell me. Did they come up with something ridiculous?"
Jack let out a small laugh , the sound hollow and forced. "Ridiculous doesn't even begin to cover it," he whined, his smile not quite reaching his eyes. "They want me to start a fake relationship with someone who I know is not going to help me. Then my manager suggested someone who would be great and I was for it because we already know each other but.." He took a deep breath, bracing himself for her reaction.
Y/n let go of his hand, in an unnatural reaction as they have been platonically physical since high school, "A fake relationship?" she echoed that one snippet. “With.. With who? Since I’ll be living with you I should be prepared for a new girl even if she is a fake girlfriend.”
Jack took a deep breath and looked up at her, his eyes filled with a desperation she had never seen before. "Toots, I really don't know what to do about this. PR decided on Elena Petrov. B—”
“You mean the friend of the bitch who started this mess? No I’m sorry the two who started this mess? You’re going to pounce around all lovey with the girl who put you here?!” Y/n’s chest heaved up and down heavily. She watched Jack’s face twist in annoyance then soften.
“If you had let me finish… I flat out said no. I will not and am not going to do this plan with her. When I told everyone on the call right then that I wouldn’t, my manager suggested someone else. But I don’t know if they’ll do it. They seem pretty disappointed in me…” Jack kept his voice even and didn’t raise it. He knew how you felt about being yelled at and he couldn’t be the one to cause a panic attack because he got a little upset.
“Well, who did they suggest? Maybe I can help. As long as it’s not Elena..”
“They suggested you. They asked me if I thought you would do it or if I would like you to do it with me. But if you're upset or disappointed, I'll tell them no right now," Jack explained, his voice a low rumble of uncertainty. He started fishing his phone out of his pocket in case he had to call his manager.
Y/n felt her throat tighten as a knot formed, a mix of emotions swirling inside her. She had always been there for Jack, and he for her, but this was something entirely different. This was a line they hadn’t truly crossed, and she wasn't sure if she was ready to pretend to cross it again. "Jack, I..." she murmured looking down at her hands in her lap, her voice trembling slightly. "Yes, I'll do it."
Jack's head snapped to look at her, his eyes failing to meet hers as she’s staring down, though a spark of hope igniting within him still. "You will?" he asked, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and relief.
Y/n nodded, her throat tight with unspoken emotions. "Yeah, I'll do it," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "For you, I'll do it."
Jack's shoulders slumped with relief. He reached out to lift her head hesitantly so that he could meet her eyes with his. His eyes searching hers for any hint of hesitation. "Are you sure?" he asked, his voice wavering slightly. "You don't have to if you don't want to, management can figure it out.”
Y/n forced a smile and nodding her head yes, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and dread. The thrill of being able to go and do things with Jack was nice, but the dread of being scrutinized by females she didn’t know was already gnawing at her. "Besides, it's only for a couple of months, right?"
Jack's smile didn't part to show his teeth, it stayed tight lipped, evident he wasn't as enthused as his tone of voice was letting on. "Yup! Just for a couple of months."
"Okay, we can totally pull this off. It will be like playing pretend, remember?" She nudged him with her elbow, trying to lighten the mood with a memory from their childhood. More so for herself than him.
"You mean like when we got married under that old oak tree at my grandparents' house in the summer between sixth and seventh grade?" Jack nudged her back.
"Yup when you only agreed to get pretend married so you could get your first kiss."
She let a little giggle slip out as she reminisced on the memory of her and Jack as kids under the oak tree.
A young Jack with his signature smirk standing at the ‘altar’ with the “preacher Luke”. Jack didn’t wait for Luke to do his part of the pretend wedding he skipped straight to the kiss. ‘Couldn’t wait tootsie I was just wanting my 1st’
"If I remember correctly that was your first kiss too, and you asked for another one because of the ‘belly flies’." Jack teased her enjoying seeing her cheeky smile and blush creeping up on to her cheeks.
Y/n’s laughter echoed loudly through the room. "Jack Hughes, you are such a jerk!" She said playfully, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
Jack laughed echoing her laughter. "So, do we have an agreement? You'll be okay with fake dating me, even though we never got fake divorced?"
Y/n shook her head yes once again, while rolling her eyes at the boy next to her. “Yes, Jackers. Even though you never fake divorced me, I will fake date you.”
If she only knew that Jack was silently and brutally beating himself up for this. They were in for a roller coaster of chaos and changes.
Now that he had secured one portion of the agreement, he has footwork left in figuring out how to get out of the hoops and twists. Like how to get out of that very public break up after a few months into dating. He wasn’t going to make her out to be some bitch she’s not.
And if Jack has it his way, they won’t be breaking up and it won’t be a “fake” relationship for long either.
Because Jack Hughes is hopelessly in love with his best friend. If he has any luck, besides puck luck, she loves him too.
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notes 2.0: hello! welcome to my newest mini series, believe in me i hope you enjoyed the first part of the series. i am always open to kindly put creative criticism. i truly appreciate all of the continued support by reading, liking, & reblogging! thank you thank you!
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shanastoryteller · 1 day
Meg is the first choice, of course, but she’s not suited to this type of long term mission and they all know it. The problem is, almost none of them are. The nature of the beast, she supposes.
That’s why it ends up being her, in the end. Well, it’s almost Ruby, but there’s one thing she has that Ruby doesn’t.
How she ended up here in the first place.
She thought Clyde loved her. She thought he’d take her away, from her father and her terrible life, and so when he died too young, before he could fulfill any of his promises, she’d sold her soul to bring him back.
But he hadn’t kept a single promise. She’d died in her father’s house.
“You remember being in love, don’t you?” he asks, cruel in his callousness, which is different than his other types of cruelty. It’s all he has, shining out in a thousand different ways. “You’ll be better at faking it.”
All she does is fake it.
“Yes,” she says.
This mission gets her topside. It’s worth it for that alone.
She slips into a pretty blonde named Rebecca first but by the end of the day, the girl’s screaming has given her a headache, and she slips right back out. She’ll probably just think she had a bad trip.
He’d offered to arrange something for her, but she wanted to pick herself, and she’s not interested in having someone crying and moaning in the back of her mind. But it’s not like there are a lot of options.
She could kill one, of course. But she’s never – she hasn’t been topside, before. Everything she’s killed before had already been dead. So she hovers for the next week, looking for some sort of opportunity, for something she can use that’s not going to scream at her.
The day before she’s going to have to either pick someone or risk being sent back, there’s a car accident.
The girl’s heart is still and her body’s warm, blood pooling down her head, but that’s nothing she can’t fix. She settles into the body, jumpstarting the heart and can feel the skin on her head knitting back together. It’s also blessedly, thankfully silent, with her the only one inside this body. The driver who hit her is dead and people are crowding in, a crying girl pulling her free. “Anne! Anne, are you okay, oh my god, I can’t believe that happened-”
She wrinkles her nose before smoothing out her expression.
The name will have to go. She’ll say she’s reinventing herself after tragedy, or something, but she’s not going to walk around responding to Anne. That’s not her name.
Anne’s a sophomore, which isn’t ideal, but she’s beautiful and doesn’t have that many friends and barely talks to her family, so she’s actually perfect.
She’s also blonde.
She’d been blonde before too.
All the demons who had run these sort of missions before give her advice, tell her things that will help her. Some of their assignments had lasted months, but no one’s tried to do it for as long as she’s supposed to.
He likes smart girls.
Be confident. Be flirty. He’s shyer than he looks.
He never had a mother. He likes it when girls take care of him.
He likes to take care of girls too. He wants to feel useful.
She’d had dreams, before, of all the ways she’d could escape her father. It wasn’t common for girls to get more than a basic education, but she’d been smart. She could read and do complicated sums and enjoyed the quiet evenings when she balanced her father’s books. She’d thought she might like an advanced education, thought it could get her out of her life, but hadn’t known how to manage it.
Clyde had seemed easier. More attainable. More realistic.
She’d sold her soul for nothing in the end. She hadn’t even got the full ten years of her bargain.
She doesn’t know how much of their advice she can take.
She can be smart, but considering the school they’re at, all the girls will be smart. She hadn’t been confident or flirty, which is maybe why she’d latched onto the first boy who smiled at her. She never had a mother herself and doesn’t know to act like one.
She’s never been taken care of and doesn’t know how to do that either.
There’s no way for her to do this. She’s going to be replaced and sent back below and he’ll be angry at her and she hates hates hates when he’s angry at her, what he does to her.
“Are you okay?”
She looks up, something cold on her tongue, but falters.
He’s standing there, warm hazel eyes and long dark hair, hunching to try and make himself smaller, and a smile on his face that does nothing to hide his concern.
“Do you ever feel like,” she starts, her dead stolen heart beating too quickly, “everything is falling apart around you and you have no idea what you’re doing and like maybe your whole life is one huge mistake?”
Well, fuck. She’s definitely being replaced now.
Except Azazel’s favorite throws back his head and laughs, smile stretching into a grin. “Every day of my life, more or less.”
“How do you deal with it?” she asks, scrubbing a hand over her face.
He shrugs. “Well, my brother would say women and liquor.” He seems to realize how that sounds a moment later and he pales, “Um, not that I’m – I’m not saying, I wasn’t trying to. He’s just sort of a cad, and – I wasn’t trying to, with you, uh.”
She feels herself softening in spite of herself. “So you’re not one to apply that method yourself?”
“No,” he says firmly, eyes wide. “God, I’m just – I’m sorry. I – I’m Sam.”
“Hi Sam,” she returns, with a smile she doesn’t have to fake. “I’m Jess.”
She’s not supposed to fall in love with him.
She’s to worm his way to his side. She’s to keep him from running back to his family, to keep him from rebuilding the bridges he’s burned. She’s to keep him distracted and focused on her until his powers activate and then she’s to guide him into using them, to be supportive and loving and to push him straight into Azazel’s arms.
Sam loves his family so much.
He talks of his brother all the time. His father less, the emotions there more tangled, but love no less fierce.
She nudges him away from it, talks to him about how it’s normal for families to grow apart, to say that they’ll understand when he graduates, that he’ll show them they type of man that he is.
By the time he graduates, his powers will start manifesting, and he’ll avoid his family without her prodding. He knows what they’ll think of him, then, and Jess tells herself that she’s helping him. That this is for Sam’s own good.
If he’s with her, then he’s safe. His father won’t kill him while he’s safe at school. He can’t kill Sam for powers that he’ll never know about.
It’s easy to dig into the anger for his father, to use his last words to Sam as a way to hold him at her side. His brother is more difficult. Jess doesn’t do much with that, in the end, tells herself that it would be too complicated, too suspicious, and as long Dean is sticking with their father it amounts to same thing anyway.
The truth is more complicated.
His father will kill Sam if he has to.
She doesn’t think that his brother will. She thinks that maybe he’d choose to protect Sam, over their father’s wishes, over everything he’d been taught, no matter the consequences.
She fears that she and Dean have a lot in common.
She invites Sam over for holidays, makes summer plans with him, holds as much of his attention as she can manage.
She studies and makes friends and laughs and spends so much time with him, but not all of it. It has to be believable after all, has to be constant, in a way that it didn’t have to be with all the other demons sent to take care of him.
Jess lives a life that had been denied to her and tries to do what she was sent to do and does the one thing she was definitely not supposed to do, which is fall in love with Sam Winchester.
His brother shows up in their apartment and she knows that she’s going to lose him.
Sam tries to act angry, but she knows him too well. He’s moving around his brother like a flower following the sun and she asks him not to go, tries to find the words to keep him here, but they all get caught in her throat. If she begged, if she threw a fit, if she demanded it of him, he would stay. He’d tell his brother he’s sorry but he’d stay with her and not help him and burn their relationship for good. He loves her enough to do that for her. She knows it.
She loves him enough not to make him.
He kisses her and she knows it’ll be the last time. He doesn’t.
“What did that take, five minutes?” Azazel is right there, breath on the back of her neck, and his anger fury rage pressing down on her even closer. “Over three years at his side and you lost him in five minutes. What a waste.”
“I kept him for over three years,” she says, tries to keep her voice steady, but knows she fails.
She had him for over three years.
“Not good enough,” he whispers, lips on the shell of her ear. “Guess I’ll have to send Meg in after all.”
Pain erupts hot across her stomach and her screams mix with his laughter.
Love always burns her in the end.
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classypauli · 1 day
Hello! Can you make a one shot of Jenna x Fem!reader inspired by the song "Why did you invite me to your wedding?" By Kevin Atwater
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jenna ortega x fem!reader
an: heyy long time no see haha *rubbing neck* I wanted to spoil you with something for not writing in such a long time. I have some requests in my Inbox so Imma do them! Also if you are interested in something or got a idea for some one shot-text me. I missed you all.
Dear Anonymous, hope you like it and sorry for making it after such a long time! Thank you for request. Enjoy.
Sorry for mistakes…
I got your message last night around 1:00
You're getting married and you want me to come
You and Jenna have known each other for a long time. You remember how her child-like smile was the first thing you saw on a set. That was far in the past when the both of you were filming for Disney Channel.
Your paths crossed a couple of times at the casting of the movies or some events. Besides that, you didn´t forget to text each other prayers and congrats on the achievements in your lives.
Good friends. That´s what you would call it. But you knew there was something more, just a little bit different than friends. Or maybe you just really wanted it to be like that.
It was hard for you to find the right path in your life and let people in your life. But Jenna no, she was like a family, like a person that should be with you like she needed to be with you.
And you got a feeling she knew that. But only got the feeling.
You miss me a lot and the wedding's next month
I think you were drunk, you spelled "wedding" wrong
You stared at the text like someone just spilled dead water over you. Jenna didn´t like sharing her private life, she enjoyed keeping it to herself and her family. It was no one's business what was happening in her life and she felt more safe that way. The actress told you that a couple of times already, also telling you that you are one of them with stars in her eyes.
I used to break wishbones and pray that you liked me
And went to away games to pretend I liked fighting
You remember how her face was the only thing you could see when you closed your eyes or how she was instantly in your head when you blew out candles on your birthday cakes. How your cheeks have hurt from all of the smiling when she was by your side.
You'd scan the crowd for my face with your eyes
Maybe I was in love or you were just nice
And how could you not when all the things that she did were giving you hope? Like when you were invited to her family dinner and how she was covering her face every time one of her family members said something embarrassing. Or like when every time she saw you she gave you her biggest hug.
How every time you were with your friends and you all laughed both of your eyes met. How she was sending you new songs that were reminding her of you. Or like when you dropped her off at her house and she squeezed your hand two times with a small smile on her face.
Mmm a rush kinda like the old times
After all of these years, I still cross your mind
With the upcoming work and movies, Jenna slowly drowns herself. You were worried about her mental and physical health. You knew she was a strong person but you also knew what does this job with people.
And slowly the both of you got away from each other. Suddenly you knew nothing about her. You didn´t know how she was how she felt or how is her family and if is everything okay at work. If she gets along with her co-stars or if she eats how she should be. What she´s doing through the day or if she found someone she loves.
Or maybe you thought you'd reach out to be nice
But why'd you invitе me in the middle of the night?
You don't know how much time passed since you last saw her and you didn´t know if you wanted to know it. It would only hurt you more than it should. You closed your heart and gave your soul to work. You were fully focused on your professional life and making a good name for yourself. That´s what you were telling yourself but somewhere deep down you knew where the truth lies.
Do you remember when you thought your dad was dying?
I ran to your house in the middle of the night.
You closed your eyes at the memory of when Jenna called you about her being scared something serious happened. You ran to her hotel room still in your pajamas only a hoodie over you and with phone in your hand.
The rush you felt caused you to forget the card in your room inside. You were holding her tight in your arms trying to calm her nerves down.
The second she got a text from her mom her face changed. All of her muscles got soft and her head fell on your shoulder. You looked down at her and found her gently looking up at you.
Was that the right time? You didn´t know but at that time it felt like it.
So you kissed her.
When you found out he wasn't, caught in the moment
I kissed you and then you got quiet
You never talked about that. You acted like it never happened. You were glad that didn´t change but on the other side, you suffered from not knowing how she felt about it and what was in her mind.
You could've hurt me, it would've been easy
We were at that age where boys started being mean to be mean
Kind. That´s the word you would describe her as. And maybe that´s why you loved her. Jenna was the sweetest and the most humble person you know and you felt proud that you were close to her.
You knew you could rely on her and that she would be by your side in whatever situation you would be put into.
But you took my hand and asked me to dance
To nothing and never brought it up again
Jenna gave you her full attention every time you were in the same room. The second you stepped into the room you felt her eyes, you weren´t paranoid. You knew how hot her gaze was when your eyes met like your whole body was on fire.
But then again, why did she choose the road that would separate you?
Mmm if I saw you what would I say?
Would we act like we can't see that nothing's the same?
You remember that one time when you talked about the far future. Laughing about how many kids you would be able to raise or where you would live. Jenna told you that her wedding would be private. Just for her family and close friends. She wouldn´t want the whole world to know about it.
Jenna didn´t need everyone´s attention, she just wanted to live in her ľlittle world. And you wanted to be in it so bad.
We used to make fun of kids marrying young
But it's not as funny when it's someone you loved
Your hand kept holding your phone tight as if you were trying to make sure it wasn´t just your imagination.
How bad you wanted it to be a nightmare right now. How bad do you want her to text you right after that she´s joking and she misses you like you do. It never came.
Your mind became numb and the phone fell from your hand. You fell back onto your bed and just stared into the darkness. Until you close your eyes and your first tear slides down your cheek.
Mmm I wanna call you with a hand in my pants
And let you say drunk little things you'll regret
The thoughts about who she found and how she met them were running through your head. Were they better than you? Will they love her more than you?
You didn´t know if you wanted the answer to that.
You wanted to text her back so much that it didn´t matter what was the point of that text. If that was the thing that would bring her to you, just for a second, you would sacrifice. You would pretend that you feel happy for her just to talk to her a bit more.
But I'd just be the reason that somebody cries
But then why'd you invite me in the middle of the night?
What would it feel like? Sitting there waiting for bride to come with a wide smile and a hard beating heart. With nice clothes on tears in your eyes, with happiness running inside your chest. Waiting for her with nerves all around the place, excited about how she will look.
Only for her to come from behind the corner with the biggest smile and happy eyes just not to stand next to you.
I'll never know why
Cause I'll never reply
So you can just stay nice
In the back of my mind.
You never texted her back.
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hauntingrabbits · 3 days
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Happy Batman day! Went back and finished the last batch of the MLP AU I had sketched way back in May.
Part 1, Part 2
More info under the cut!
Enigma/The Riddler (Edward Nygma)
Intelligence and puzzle-solving are deeply valued among sphinxes, and those who fall short of their standards are often ridiculed and cast out. Among some (prejudiced) Sphinxes, other sapient, non-Sphinx species such as ponies are looked down-upon or seen as fundamentally inferior for not putting as much stock in puzzles and the like as sphinxes do.
Enigma, though considered a prodigy for his remarkable intelligence and skill with puzzles even among his fellow Sphinxes, was ostracized when a pony unfamiliar with Sphinx culture (a younger Sundown traveling Equestria for his training), humiliated Enigma by unraveling a puzzle of his that was meant to be judged as his final submission in a prestigious event, permanently staining his reputation and wounding his massive ego.
After years of quiet ridicule from his peers and his own growing obsession over the event, Enigma eventually snapped and fled to Gotham for revenge. His contempt has since spread far beyond that of the original pony he wished to prove his superiority over, and he now makes all of Gotham the target of his obsessive schemes, constantly trying to prove his superiority and feed his ego by putting ponies through his elaborate puzzles and riddle-based traps. He sees Batpony’s skill and determination in foiling him as both an inherent challenge to and a slight against his own abilities, reminding him far too much of that original pony from so long ago. 
Other notes:
-Apparently sphinxes in MLP have pony heads instead of human heads which makes sense I guess but it threw me through such a loop man.
-Whilst traversing the wiki I ended up with the same problem I had with chimeras in the first post where only one ever shows up in the series and there's no other info on them. So I made stuff up again.
- I imagine Sphinxes live a very long time, so the event Enigma was embarrassed at would probably take a long time to roll around again and he'd be forced to stew with his anger and wounded ego for far too long. I'm not sure what the puzzle was exactly or how Sundown dismantled it, but I imagine he did something extremely simple that a Sphinx would never have thought of (a la that software engineering joke), making it feel far more unfair and humiliating than if he'd solved in the intended way.
-His naturally crooked tail settles into the shape of a question mark, and the pattern on his arm is meant to look like a stylized question mark wrapping around his forearm (the "dot" is the white of his paw).
2. Miss Friday (Miss Tuesday)
Enigma’s teenaged assistant, Miss Friday seems to be the only pony the sphinx enjoys (or perhaps simply tolerates) the company of. Beyond her having met Enigma in Tartarus during their simultaneous imprisonments, the exact origins of her relationship to and exceptional status with her boss are a bit of a riddle in of themselves. Regardless, the two seem to have something of a mutual understanding, and Miss Friday’s mental prowess and dubious moral code are more than a match for Enigma’s own.
Other Notes:
-Yes this is a "The horse's name was Friday" joke. I'm sorry it was just too good to pass up.
-Miss Tuesday already sounded like a MLP name, but the horse named Friday thing was just too perfect for somebody who works under a guy who's whole thing is riddles. Also I relistened to the BTAA episode where she's introduced while coloring her and I noticed they reference His Girl Friday several times, so fun coincidence?
-The candy-striped leg patterns are based on her canon costume's striped pants & are meant to mirror the Riddler's wrapped leg pattern. The dark patterns on her face are supposed to be reminiscent of eye bags.
3. Mania (Bat-Mite)
Bat-Pony’s self-proclaimed biggest fan, Mania is a Draconequus embodying the spirit of obsession. Normally he watches the hero from his own dimension, but at times he tries to insert himself into the narrative or help Sundown fight, both to varying degrees of success. Though he genuinely adores Bat-Pony, Mania is usually more of a hindrance than a help, and can even be directly antagonistic at times when his obsession goes too far. 
Other notes:
-Similar issue to Chimeras and Sphinxes, only two Draconequuses (Draconequui?) show up in the series, one being Discord (embodying chaos), the other being a comics-only villain known as Cosmos (embodying malice), but honestly what little we're given worked super well for the character anyway. Discord seems to come from his own unique plane of existence/dimension and Cosmos has similarly strange origins; both have penchants for causing mischief with incredible reality-warping powers; and both embody non-physical concepts. Bat-Mite being a reality warping 5th dimensional creature obsessed with Batman was surprisingly easy to adapt.
-He has the head of a pony, a ferret-like body, two front rat paws, mite antennae, an insectoid wing, a bat wing, a pigeon foot, a chevrotain (mouse deer) foot, and a monkey tail. I tried to have him mostly made up of animals that were very small, seen as mischievous, and/or seen as pests.
4. Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley)
Said to be more plant than pony, Poison Ivy is the self-proclaimed princess of the Green. Though once a regular Earth pony, she began to spiral after receiving her cutie mark and fully coming into her powerful natural attunement to plant life. Fleeing into the nearby forests on the outskirts of Gotham, she wasn’t seen again until many years later when Gotham’s city refurbishment and expansion efforts began to encroach on the forests borders, where she reemerged with strange new powerful magic and retaliated violently.
Though she isn’t recognized politically or physically as an alicorn, plants grow from the flesh of her body in the pattern of a horn and wings characteristic of those born into or bestowed with royalty, and the strange natural magic that accompanies them seems to almost rival that of a true alicorn’s.
Other notes:
-I dont really have anything to add to this one I just thought a false alicorn would be a cool concept.
-the whole alicorn royalty thing is very strange to think about isnt it? I feel like the ruling class having such insane amounts of physical and magical power probably has much more pressing ramifications than ever was, would, or should be addressed in a kids show but they are fun to think about.
-Her actual name is Poison Ivy, yes. It sounded like a pony name. I don't know what that says about her parents.
-The leaf wings are folded down in the graphic but I think they are flighted, or at the very least useful for gliding and expressing emotions.
5. Saltbrine (Oswald Cobblepot)
Short, stout, and flightless, Saltbrine’s moniker of “The Penguin” has its origins in the taunts of his peers from his youth. Though the title has persisted into the current day, it’s often spoken with far more fear and trepidation throughout the alleys and backstreets of Gotham than ridicule. Saltbrine owns two of Gothams most well-known businesses, one being the luxurious, high-class Iceberg Lounge…and the other being the organized crime syndicate the former acts as a front for.
Other notes:
-Again don't have much to add to this one. One of my favorite designs though, I love the giant beak face.
-The bird half is actually based on a puffin, because a penguin felt too on the nose for Oswald and too strange for a hippogriff (I couldn't get the wings or face to look right at all either). I feel like the title being an insult works a little better if he's not literally half-penguin.
-he's the same color my club penguin avatar used to be (RIP)
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tgmsunmontue · 2 days
You found me - one-shot (complete)
13k Explicit Hangster AU - Soulmates first words are on your skin. Started for the Bingo. Jake is a singer and Bradley is the newly arrived member of his security detail. Tooth-rotting FLUFF and SMUT.
                Why can you not stay where we fucking tell you to?
                Jake hadn’t ever intended to make music his career. His sister definitely had, and he’d just been dragged along to drive her around, and because he was already there he’d often help out with either singing or playing one of the instruments. They’d both grown up surrounded by music, and now she’s his most fiercely-loyal supporter, but also never lets him forget that he’d never be where he is if it hadn’t been for her. He loves it most of the time, but the touring starts to drag, although meeting fans around the world and getting to travel is amazing. He just gets homesick sometimes.
                Also the fame is double-edged. He’s glad his words are where they are, a small cramped script right in the curve of his inner left thigh right beside his groin. Almost impossible for anyone to see or get a photo of, even when he’s done nude photo shoots. Of course, it had started the rumors that he’s mark-less, which is a rumor he’s okay with being out there. It stops the people trying to match with him at least, but it doesn’t stop the people who simply want to try and be with him because of the fame.
                However his words are pretty damned specific; he’s had a variation of them said to him a number of times over the years, which always makes him give a double take. Always false alarms though. Kind of embarrassing when he thinks about the potential meaning behind them, like he’s a child being scolded for wandering off. Like right now. The concert is over, he’s done the glad-handing with the fans that had the money to burn to buy VIP backstage passes, has had too many photos taken, his cheeks hurt from smiling the fake media smile too much. He’s tired and lonely and he just wants to sleep for days. Three more concerts to go and then he gets to go home.
                The crunch of gravel underfoot has him turning his head and he lets out a quiet sigh and closes his eyes. Caught again. Not by fans or anyone dangerous, but definitely someone who isn’t pleased to find him out here alone. It’s the new guy. He can’t remember his name, other than it starting with a b, because he’d automatically gone with the alliteration with bodyguard. So B-something. He should really try and pay more attention, but the guy had been brought in late, in the last Australasian stretch of the tour because Javy’s dad had had a heart-attack and had needed to get home ASAP. So this guy had been brought in and the introductions had happened during sound testing a couple of days ago and Jake doesn’t think the guy likes him very much, doesn’t think they’ve exchanged a single word to each other.
                However Jake thinks B-something might feel about him, he’s sure he’s a professional. He certainly looks the part, fucking built, taller than Jake by only an inch, but broader, and fridge-like comes to mind, his pants clearly straining against the thick muscles in his thighs as he stalks toward Jake, clearly angry and he sighs internally, an apology already forming on his lips, because he doesn’t like to make other’s jobs more difficult. He doesn’t intentionally wander off, but sometimes he just really misses the peace and quiet of wide-open spaces.
                “Ugh, yeah, you found me,” Jake mutters, the words slipping out and he’s aware it makes him sound like a petulant spoiled kid but he can work on his image later. Maybe when he’s not surviving on adrenaline and caffeine, dead on his feet. He is ready for this tour to be over.
                “Why can you not stay where we fucking tell you to?”
                “I’m sorry, wait, shit, what did you say?”
                B-something is looking at him in shock, eyes and mouth all wide circles and okay, that makes all the tiredness he’s been feeling turn to fizzing energy in his veins. Holy shit. He just found his soul mate.
                “You… you said my words.”
                “And you said mine. If that wasn’t already obvious.”
                “You really need to not wander off, I can’t keep you safe if I don’t know where you are,” B-something says, his tone softer, gentler and Jake laughs silently; privately thinks his days wandering off are now gone, not with a soul mate to get to know. However he’s going to have to admit he doesn’t remember his name. Ugh. What a way to seem even more like an asshole.
                “I’m sorry, I know we were introduced only a couple of days ago, but I don’t remember your name…”
                “Bradley Bradshaw.”
                “Bs… lots of bs, that did stick in my head. The alliteration.”
                “Some of my friends call me Bradbrad.”
                “Well, I’m Jake. Uh. Call me Jake.”
                “Not Mr Seresin?”
                “No!” Jake responds instantly, vehement.
                “So, what do you think we’re working with here?” Bradley asks, and it’s going to take Jake a while to get used to using his name. His mind is offering up potentially ridiculous lines Bradley Bradshaw the bodyguard built of beautiful bricks I want to lick. God he definitely needs some sleep. And proper food. Not necessarily in that order.
                “What kind of bond do you think we’re working with?”
                “Oh. Uh,” he swallows roughly, because he’s an out and proud not-straight man, and soulmates generally get a free pass anyway. Except… “Hopefully not platonic,” Jake provides, and the slow smile Bradley gives him makes his skin prickle and he’s suddenly feeling a lot more awake.
                “Okay. Well I guess we’re going to go one a few dates and see where they take us…”
                “What do you mean?”
                “Well, it’s a potential. Not a guarantee right? Only fifty percent chance it’s romantic.”
                “You want to date me?”
                “How else am I going to get to know you?” Jake opens and closes his mouth, because he has a good point, instead just nods his head. “Come on. Let me get you back to the hotel.”
…            …            …
                Bradley hadn’t known what to expect when he’d been asked to urgently take over the security detail for Jake Seresin. Finding his soulmate had not been anywhere near the list of things to expect. The very tired man who is half-walking, half-stumbling as if drunk is somehow meant to complete him in ways he doesn’t know yet, and okay, Bradley’s open to the possibilities. First though, the guy needs sleep. And maybe food.
                He sends a quick message through to the other two, Rueben and Lee, lets them know he’s found him and taking him back to the hotel room. That some room service wouldn’t go amiss, although he fully expects Seresin’s, no, Jake’s PR manager Natasha to be there waiting for them, no doubt ready to rip him a new one. That woman is terrifying. He pushes open the door and sure enough she’s there, pausing in her pacing and she turns to them.
                “Jesus Jake! What were you –”
                “He’s hungry and tired and he won’t go wandering off again. At least not without me.”
                “Well great, that’s another six days. Perfect,” Natasha says, her eyes rolling so hard Bradley’s surprised they stay in her head.
                “It’ll be the last time. Promise…” Jake says, but he’s swaying and Bradley pushes him down into a chair at a table, leaves a hand on his shoulder where he just rubs gently.
                “I’ve heard that before,” Natasha says.
                “I mean it this time Nat,” Jake mumbles and Bradley glances at his. Probably another ten to fifteen before food gets here, and he needs to keep Jake awake enough to get food into him.
                “You think you can stay awake long enough to have a quick shower?” Bradley asks, crouching beside him.
                Natasha is frowning at them and Bradley looks to her, eyebrows raised. He’s going to have to tell everyone else in the team that he and Jake are soulmates, but he also thinks it can maybe wait a couple of days. At least until after he and Jake have had a proper conversation, which necessitates Jake being well-rested and fed. And the sweat from tonight’s show rinsed from his body. He can take care of his most basic needs at least. It’s not what he signed up for when he took on the job to act as bodyguard, but it’s definitely something he’d do for a close friend, and that’s something Jake Seresin will become to him, at a bare minimum.
                Jake is nodding and mumbling under his breath that he can manage a shower, and Bradley holds back the offer to help, or hold him up. He’s not one to rush into things when people aren’t his soulmate, he’s not about to do anything rash with the man who is. He does start the shower and get everything gathered for Jake to change into, tells him he’s leaving the door cracked and that he’s only giving him ten minutes before he sends Natasha in to get him out.
                “That seems a little over and above the job requirements,” Natasha says, expression shrewd and Bradley just shakes his head, refusing to say anything. If necessary he’ll send Rueben in, doesn’t want to encroach on Jake’s space and mind any more than he already is with their soulmate revelation.
                “He really needs a decent night’s sleep and a break.”
                “Well, we have a ten o’clock flight to Wellington tomorrow morning. He has his third to last show there. He’s got three radio segments to do, but they’re short. He can do something touristy and have a break in the afternoon.”
                “He’ll probably need to nap in the afternoon. He’s dead on his feet.”
                “He has the following day and night off, then the last two concerts in Auckland.”
                Bradley is better at hiding his eyeroll than Natasha is, sounds like a whole day off Is a luxury. Screw that. Not much he can do about it now though, he’s not been in charge of this itinerary at all. He might get input in future ones though.
                “Where is he spending his day off?”
                “Well, he originally wanted to go mountain biking and zip lining, but Javy vetoed it.”
                Bradley snorts, because he’s well aware of what Javy thinks of heights. The mountain biking is maybe a little risky while on tour, but he’ll look through it. With Lee and Rueben onboard he’s certain they can manage to figure something out. He hears the shower shut off and glances at his watch again. Eight minutes. There’s a knock and Bradley goes to go and open the door; Rueben there with a bag of items but also a covered tray and he can smell something warm and cheesy and with garlic and his own mouth is watering and he meets Rueben’s eyes.
                “Perks of being the star I guess…” Rueben says, grinning and Bradley gives him a what are you going to do look back, because this is their job right now. His job is to keep Jake safe and secure. It’s not to ensure he has fun on his day-off, but…
                “You’re good with zip-lining and mountain biking, right?”
                Rueben’s eyes light up, and that’s his answer right there.
                “Yeah man! Javy vetoed it…”
                “Javy’s not here anymore. I am. We’ll discuss and make plans tomorrow.”
                He takes the bag and tray, snorts in amusement at Rueben’s little salute and waits for the door to click closed and lock to engage before turning back to see Jake standing there, towel wrapped around his hips and he’s glad Jake has already said that he doesn’t think it’s a platonic bond, makes him feel a little less guilty about where his mind is going.
                “I left you clothes to change into,” Bradley states and Jake smirks at him, clearly still tired, expression soft but clearly unapologetic.
                “Did you? I must have missed them.”
                “Go and get dressed Jake.”
                “You spoil all my fun…”
                Bradley rolls his eyes but Jake goes back into the bathroom to get dressed. Natasha is looking thunderous though and Bradley is pretty sure she’s about to metaphorically put his balls in a vice.
                “Do not fuck the talent Bradshaw,” she hisses, stepping close and lowering her voice.
                “I don’t intend to,” Bradley states, just as quietly, keeping an eye on the bathroom door. He’s not lying either. He’s here for work, and yes, Jake is his soul mate, but once the tour is over and Jake is back on American soil his usual security team will take over and Bradley can just… do whatever he wants. Won’t have to listen to Natasha Trace for a start. He and Jake can hopefully get to know each other properly, slowly. As soulmates, not as security detail and the talent to be protected. Not that Bradley’s not going to start treating Jake right from now, but Trace doesn’t need to know that until after he’s spoken with Jake. Knows how he wants to have this play out.
                Jake comes back on of the bathroom again, this time wearing the loose sweatpants and t-shirt Bradley had pulled from his bag, not really knowing if it was what Jake might want or not, but figured he could change into something else easily enough if he was already dressed.
                “It smells good.”
                “Yeah it does. Come on Jake, sit down so you can eat something…” Bradley says, and Jake settles back at the table, looking a little more alert now that he’s had a shower.
                “Mr Seresin,” Trace corrects and Bradley rolls his eyes, although he also makes sure she can’t see him.
                “I told him to call me Jake, Nat. Would be a bit weird otherwise.”
                “He arrived two days ago.”
                “And he’s my soulmate. So you can stop worrying. I’m tired. Not deaf,” he says, and he’s cutting the potato dish and forking it into his mouth. Bradley blinks. Okay then. Telling her now when Jake can barely walk in a straight line is apparently the timing they’re going with.
                “Are… Is he serious? Are you two…?”
                “Yeah. Bit of a surprise when I found him. Wasn’t exactly expecting it.”
                “What are your words?”
                “This isn’t a PR story Nat…”
                “No, of course not. Just… I’m happy for you Jake. Truly.”
                “My words are Ugh, yeah, you found me.”
                “Oh… that… did you not talk to each other when I introduced you to each other?”
                “Nope,” they reply at the same time and Bradley shares a grin with Jake, because he’s glad they didn’t, because otherwise their words would be very different. What they have is unique and there isn’t any room for doubt.
                “So, we’ve found the person who asks you why you can’t do what we ask. And it’s his job to make sure you do. I hope you appreciate the poetry of that Jake.”
                “Yeah yeah, I will. When I’m not about to fall asleep in my food…”
                “Okay. I’ll leave you both to it. I guess what I said earlier doesn’t exactly apply anymore.”
                Bradley shakes his head.
                “He’s tired and hungry and we have our whole lives ahead of us.”
                The smile Trace gives him is soft and Bradley is pretty sure he might be blushing and when he glances over at Jake he sees a similar look on his face, like Bradley is being sweet somehow simply be ensuring Jake’s basic needs are met. It does make him wonder about the kind of people Jake’s been with before if the bar is legitimately that low. Trace leaves, closing the door behind her and when he looks back Jake is definitely struggling to keep his eyes open, and he pulls him to his feet and starts shuffling him gently toward the bed. He pulls the blankets back and Jake pretty much falls into it. He tucks the blankets in around him, effectively making a cocoon around him, but Jake wiggles, arm reaching out and hand making a grabby motion.
                “What? What do you need?”
                “Join me?” Jake asks, but his voice is already slurring with sleep and Bradley can’t believe how fond of him he already feels.
                “You’re dead on your feet. Go to sleep.”
                “Oh. Uh… do you, could you…”
                “Go to sleep Jake. I’m not going anywhere.”
                He dims all the lights and heads back to the living room part of the suite, realizes that he’s probably going to get used to this type of luxury with Jake as his soulmate. That will take some getting used to. He tidies up the dishes and takes it to the door, opens it to find Rueben standing there, waiting. With Jake having told Trace he’s going to tell Rueben.
                “Hey man, you can head back to your room. I’m going to stay with him.”
                The look Rueben gives him is incredulous.
                “What the fuck man? I just lost twenty bucks. Natasha said you were going to do that.”
                “She played you, and had insider knowledge. Turns out Jake Seresin and I are soul mates. I’ve got him for the rest of the night.”
                “Holy shit… that’s cool. And you’ve got him for the rest of your life, tonight is a drop in the bucket.”
                “Yeah, I guess it is. I’m going to try and make sure he gets a fun day off after the show in Wellington. Can you help with that?”
                “Hell yeah. Just because Javy wasn’t keen doesn’t mean I was going to pass it up. I was ditching you and Lee for the day, but I can totally bring everything back together.”
                “Great. Thanks man.”
…            …            …
                He wakes up slowly, which is unusual by itself, usually he has an alarm or Natasha is shaking him awake and telling him he has to get up, while pushing a breakfast smoothie into his hands. None of that is happening this morning, instead he’s firmly wrapped in blankets and there is an arm around him, he can feel now the weight of Bradley’s body beside him, but he’s clearly slept on top of the blankets because he’s a fucking gentleman or something. He wiggles and shifts, wants to see his face and the arm around him loosens.
                “You stayed.”
                “Said I would,” Bradley says, and his smile is slow, his eyes searching Jake’s face like he’s trying to take in every little detail. “You feel better for the sleep?”
                “Yeah, so much better.”
                “Mmm. Good. Next time maybe just go straight to bed rather than running off hmm?”
                “You going to stick around and make sure?”
                “If that’s what it takes…”
                “Yeah? Just going to travel with me from now on?”
                “Think it’ll make everyone’s lives easier if I do.”
                Jake grins, huffs out a quiet laugh, but he’s not wrong.
…            …            …
                “So, can I know where my words are?” Bradley asks, because he has to admit he’s curious. Jake is his soulmate after all.
                “You want to see them?”
                “I don’t know… you’re looking very eager suddenly. Wait. Are they on your dick?”
                Jake bursts into laughter, his smile wide and free and he’s so fucking gorgeous Bradley can’t help but watch and just soak it in.
                “Close. Not quite though. They’re right on the inside crease of my thigh, against my dick and balls.”
                “I’ll have to save having a look for later then.”
                “Yeah? You don’t want to have a look now?”
                “I’m good with waiting. Always find the payoff is better with a little anticipation.”
                “We’re soulmates, meant to be good anyway.”
                “So we get a double whammy.”
                “Ugh. Fine,” Jake mutters, mouth screwing up into a displeased pout and Bradley wants to kiss it so badly, but…
                “At least let me take you on a date first.”
                “But I don’t have free time until we get home…” Jake says, and he’s definitely whining now and Bradley knew he had a reputation for being a bit of a brat, but he can’t help but find it cute and endearing and yeah, it’s definitely shaping into something that is decidedly not platonic in nature.
                “How about you let me worry about that.”
                “Oh. Really?”
                “Yeah. Really.”
                Then he bullies Jake out of bed and into another shower, flicking a couple of messages to both Natasha and Rueben to let them know Jake is awake and moving. He needs to go and shower and change as well, and everything is back in the room he’s sharing with Rueben. Which Rueben will no doubt suddenly enjoy having to himself seeing as he doesn’t imagine either he nor Jake will want to spend much time apart.
                By the time Jake is out of the shower there is food waiting, Natasha is packing his things and Rueben has turned up with Bradley’s own things. He pushes Jake toward the food and steps toward the bathroom with his bag and sees the realization hit Jake that he’s not even leaving his room to go and have a shower. The relief and joy and yeah, there’s definitely something to be said for making your soulmate look like that.
…            …            …
                For all the fact that he’s at the tail end of a world tour, he’s exhausted and he has a bone-deep ache for the comfort of his own bed it feels weirdly domestic in the hotel room when Bradley comes out of the shower looking all put together in a clean clothes; navy pants and light-blue button down, the staid uniform that every single member of his security detail wear and he doesn’t like the reminder that right now Bradley is effectively one of his employees.
                “Just a few more days…” Bradley says, giving him a quick side-hug and Jake has to bite his lip, because clearly Bradley could tell what he was thinking, and he’s not used to being so easy to read. It’s going to take some getting used to.
                The flight to Wellington is short, but the landing is not something he ever wants to relive. The wind makes the plane tilt wildly from side to side and when Jake looks out the window he can’t even see a runway, which is a little alarming considering he can see the white tips of the waves of the ocean below them. Then he’s being rushed off to do some radio segments and the crew are leaving to set up and Bradley is just close-by, always within touching distance, although his eyes are constantly moving and assessing for threats. Rueben is doing the same, but he’s also on the phone a bit and then checking something with Bradley and he’s watching them through the glass of the studio window, distracted when the radio-host asks the next question.
                It’s why he fucks up.
…            …            …
                Natasha is furious.
                He didn’t ever think he’d have to protect Jake from his own people, but he stands there, arms folded and watches as she rants about controlling the narrative and making sure Jake’s private life remains private, because blurting it out on radio that he’d found his soul mate in New Zealand wasn’t keeping it very private. He doesn’t think Jake has any regrets other than making Natasha’s job more difficult, and maybe his job.
                A popstar doing a tour isn’t newsworthy. However said famous popstar finding their soulmate in some far-flung part of the world is definitely more newsworthy and Natasha’s phone hasn’t stopped ringing. However, for Bradley, New Zealand is considered low-threat, and Jake has three concerts left and no-one bar Natasha, Rueben, Lee and himself know exactly what Jake’s plans are for his time off. Even Jake doesn’t know, which is maybe just as well given his sudden propensity to simply blurt things out.
…            …            …
                Once she’s finished yelling at him she tells him to get some rest and he looks to Bradley helplessly. Lee is slapping Bradley on the arm and following Natasha out of the hotel room.
                “I’m sorry. I wasn’t… I didn’t…”
                “Jake. I don’t mind. You’re the one in the spotlight. You get to decide what you share.”
                “Except I didn’t mean to share it, I was just… watching you and not paying attention to the question and it was something about my favorite part of being here in New Zealand, or the highlight of the tour…”
                “And you were looking at me,” Bradley says, and he’s smirking.
                “Yeah well… you’re nice to look at. Shut up.”
                “Not too shabby yourself.”
                “Don’t’ feel very hot right now. Nap with me?”
                “Yeah. Just let me check in with Rueben, then yeah, nap sounds good.”
…            …            …
                He doesn’t know which version of Jake he likes the most. Soft just-awake Jake with creases on his face from the pillow case, slightly pissy Jake when Bradley won’t do anything more than hold his hand or place a chaste kiss to his cheek or forehead, or right now, watching Jake perform on stage, his energy and showmanship getting the audience completely buzzing and singing along. He puts absolutely everything into his show and it’s no wonder he crashes so abruptly afterwards, coming down from the high. He’s pretty sure he’ll be able to help with that, eventually. Once he’s off Jake’s books as an employee. God, he’s really going to have to rethink his whole career if he means to follow Jake rather than taking security details for different people around the world. He knows what he wants though, and he hasn’t even kissed Jake properly yet, but that is not because he doesn’t want to.
                Jakes goes out for two encores, meets with some of the fans who won a competition and carefully deflects questions about his soulmate. Says he’s protecting their privacy. Then he signs things for nearly an hour; Bradley just stands off to the side and keeps a close eye on everyone. Rueben and Lee are also there because it’s meant to be his night off. He takes the bottle of water Natasha hands him and makes Jake drink it, then hands him a protein bar, raises an eyebrow when Jake pulls a face but he dutifully opens it and crunches down on it while scowling at him. Bradley just smiles and brushes a kiss against his cheek while it’s still busy chewing.
                “Holy shit. I just realized our jobs are like, a hundred times easier now…” Rueben says and Bradley looks up to find him watching Jake and him.
                “Mine too,” Natasha agrees and Bradley smiles, pulls Jake into his arms despite how sweaty he is, hooks his chin over his shoulder.
                “Mmm. Well, we’ve still got a schedule to stick to.”
                “Wait, what? Are we not staying here tonight?”
                “Nope. Sorry. I know it’s fucking awful, but we’re taking a very quick flight and then all day tomorrow, tomorrow night and then a lazy sleep in… all in one place, okay?”
                “One place for two nights?”
                “Well, what’s left of tonight once we get there, and then tomorrow night. Come on.”
                He gets Jake to shower and change into soft comfortable clothes, assures him no one will see him travelling. It’s easy because Jake didn’t even unpack, and Bradley just has him tucked up beside him as they get driven to the airport. The flight between Wellington and Rotorua is only a little over an hour. There are cars waiting for them and Jake is drowsy and easy enough to direct. He’s adorably snuggly and his heart twists with warmth as he runs his fingers through his hair.
…            …            …
                He’s sitting at the table, dressed and ready for the day ahead, reading through further information Ice and Mav have sent him, none of which really impacts his actions when it comes to Jake’s safety, when Jake finally stirs and blinks sleepily at him.
                “Where am I?”
                “How specific do I need to be?” Bradley asks and Jake pulls a face.
                “I preferred yesterday when I woke up and you were still in bed with me.”
                “Well, I did spend the night in bed with you. I just got up early, did a workout, then showered and got dressed…”
                “I missed watching you work out…”
                Bradley laughs, walks over to the bed and settles down beside Jake and takes in the fluffy hair, squinty eyes as he clearly protests being awake.
                “You want to see me get hot and sweaty?”
                “Well, I’d prefer other activities to get your hot and sweaty, but until you get off your high horse… it’s fine by the way. I respect it. But I just… I’m going to go and have a shower.”
                “Okay. I’ll have breakfast and coffee waiting for you.”
                Jake makes no effort to hide his morning erection, straining against his sleeping pants, and if he thinks it’s going to embarrass him he’s sorely mistaken. He just watches and when Jake glances back he just raises an eyebrow and smirks, amused when Jake blushes and then closes the bathroom door with an emphatic thump.
…            …            …
                Jake re-enters the room, showered and looking much more put together and rested, although he’s still wearing the clothes he slept in. He settles in the chair opposite and promptly hooks his ankle around Bradley’s.
                “Okay, so you never answered. Where am I? Where are we?”
                “Okay. That sounds familiar but I have no idea why. Care to explain?”
                “Well, thought I’d take you on a date.”
                “Yeah? What have you got planned?”
                “Well, I have to say I do feel like I got a playbook and cheated a little, but it’s still happening…”
                Jake waves an impatient hand, clearly wanting him to get to the point.
                “Ziplining. Then an afternoon mountain biking…”
                “Wait. Seriously? Javy said no to that…”
                “I’m not Javy.”
                “Oh my god. I want to kiss you…”
                “After our date.”
                “An all-day date?”
                “Yep. Still have Rueben and Lee with us though. Natasha is in Auckland having a pamper afternoon after she deals with the, uh, aftermath of yesterday.” Jake groans and Bradley laughs. “It’s fine, but there were some fans who had the super-pass and were standing on the stage and the media are convinced that one of them is your soulmate.”
                “Yeah. No one thinks it’s one of your security detail at least, who as far as most of the media knows has been the same for most of the tour. No one new you could possibly be trading first words with.”
                “And no press or media today or tomorrow. Two whole days where you can just… not think about it.”
                “Thank you.”
                “Thank Natasha. But I’ll be sure to pass it on… So I’m going to try and make today feel as normal and fun as I can. For all that we’re doing a whole bunch of touristy things.”
                “Yeah, a little touristy but also I’m just dying to do something different,” Jake says, and Bradley suddenly feels a lot more confident about the other things he’s tacked on to the day.
                “Well, it’s not quite an original date idea, seeing as you put it on your planned day off, but I thought that I could make it happen…”
                “Are you serious?”
                “Yep. Told you I wanted to treat you right.”
                The look Jake gives him feels charged with electricity, heavy, a little intense and a challenge all rolled into one. Bradley simply holds his gaze, reminds himself that he has four days of work, then the flight home and then he’s officially off the books. His restraint is being tested though and he really does want to kiss Jake.
                “Well, what are we waiting for?”
                “You to get dressed. For a start.”
…            …            …
                The four of them are fastened into harnesses and he resists the urge to check that they’ve got them all done correctly. Obviously if things go badly it’ll reflect on them, they’re probably being extra careful with Jake there. The safety briefing is quick but thorough, and soon he’s soaring through the treetops. He can hear Rueben whooping up ahead and grins, hears Jake’s shout of joy and then his own stomach swoops as he glides effortlessly from one platform to another. The forest is lush and green, rushing water below them is picturesque. The rush of wind, coupled with the views and the adrenaline it’s pretty exhilarating. He gets to the end and Rueban and Jake are both waiting and then Lee is joining them and he catches the look they share. Getting paid to do this kind of stuff is pretty amazing.
                Jake takes the obligatory photos with the staff, Rueben does the job of asking them to hold off mentioning anything on social media channels for at least twenty-four hours, ideally forty-eight. They happily agree when Jake mentions giving them a shoutout on his account when he gets to Auckland, that he’s currently avoiding social media. It doesn’t stop him taking plenty of photos though, and he notes Rueben and Lee are taking plenty of the two of them and he’ll have to thank them later. After getting them to send him the best ones.
                The café they’re heading to for lunch is apparently famous for their grilled cheese, winning national competitions, and Rueben had already done the research so he follows his lead. Rueben’s also the one driving them and Bradley’s not complaining that he gets to sit in the back of a car and get driven around, all while holding Jake’s hand as he looks through pictures. Fortunately it’s the middle of the week, which means it’s maybe a little quieter. Still people approach and ask for photos when they realize exactly who Jake is. Again they’re asked to hold fire on posting anything to social media but Bradley knows that with every photo taken the chance of their location being made known increases. Jake talks to them about enjoying his day off and he’s definitely a people pleaser, his fans are pretty understanding, wishing him well, although they’re also clearly looking around for who might be with them and also Jake’s soulmate.
                Then they’re on the way to mountain biking and he’s arranged hiring four bikes, Lee and Rueben taking the front. Rueben, with his experience, has arranged lifts back to the top each time, although both he and Lee give him shit for being lazy. It does make for a more pleasurable experience though, navigating their way through a network of trails through a forest. He’s never done mountain biking before, and he’s glad that he and Jake stick to the beginner trails, because even those have tree roots and drops that make him wonder if Rueben and Lee are going to come away with broken limbs. By the time they finish up his quads are burning and he’s regretting working out that morning, not realizing quite how active the day was going to be. At least they can all enjoy the next part.
…            …            …
                He catches Jake looking at him, eyebrow quirked and he just grins. Rueben pulls into a parking area and then hops out, making a call to let them know they’ve arrived. Then someone is there, then they’re all being escorted to a side door and ushered through softly-carpeted hallways and into luxurious bathrooms. Rueben and Lee disappear to their own, he was intent on them getting their own and letting him and Jake just have this together.
                “What are we doing here?”
                “Massage. Hopefully something relaxing. With mud.”
                “Um. What?”
                “I’ve been assured you’ll like it.”
                “Natasha,” Bradley agrees with a grin, and he nods toward the shower cubicle.
                “Not going to shower with me?” Jake asks.
                “Nope… I’ve got my own cubicle.”
                “Well, that ruins some of my fun… wait. Is this like, a couples massage?
                He never thought Jake Seresin would get embarrassed, not by being shown a little softness but it seems like he is, little streaks of pink appearing on the crest of his cheeks and Bradley doesn’t resist the urge to reach out and just squeeze his hand.
                “Go on. There should be a fluffy robe and sexy disposable underwear for after your washed off the dirt and sweat from the ride…”
                He’s also packed a change of clothes and some other essentials for later. Once they’re both showered and wrapped in matching robes Bradley presses the call button, an attendant appears to lead them to another room. It’s warm, dimly lit, calming and quiet music set the mood. He and Jake are led to tables side by side, where they can look at each other if they want to, although he notes Jake decides to instead shove his head in the hole and hide his face. That’s okay, Bradley can understand him feeling a little overwhelmed. He didn’t warn him about this part of the date and he wonders if he should maybe mention the next parts.
                Then they’re asked if they’re ready to start, then he’s being covered in warm… mud. It has to be mud. It feels odd, but the person massaging him though is good, the pressure of their hands soothing the aches in his tired muscles and he lets himself relax. He opens his eyes a little while later to find Jake watching him and he smiles softly, gets a slow sleepy smile in return which makes his heart kick in his chest. The sluice of warm water over his legs startles him and then he realizes they’re washing the mud off.
                They’re both rinsed clean and then towel dried, then the robes are there and they’re back in the bathrooms showering to get the last little remnants of mud off. Jake definitely looks more relaxed, and he somehow looks better, and he already looked good.
                “So, where are we going next?”
                “Private hot tub soak in the forest…”
                “Yep. And then dinner and a walk…”
                “Wow. Thank you for this. All of it. Today.”
                “Want to give you every experience that you want,” Bradley says, because it’s the truth but also this wasn’t even difficult or original. He simply took what Jake wanted already and added to it. He thinks he’s going to find Jake surprisingly easy to please.
…            …            …
                “Here, got you some trunks.”
                Then Bradley is turning away and he can see his words across Bradley’s left shoulder blade, writing messy and scrawling and definitely his and he lets out a little laugh, which has Bradley turning back to look at him.
                “Just… saw my words. Feel like I should apologize for my handwriting.”
                The smile Bradley gives him reminds him of the one they’d exchanged when they’d just been looking at each other while getting massages. He’s never felt this relaxed at the end of a tour before, and he knows, hopes, that it’s because Bradley is there. He’s sleeping rather than lying awake, feeling settled and grounded despite being miles from home.
                “Come on, get changed. We can cuddle and talk while sitting in the hot tub…”
                “Oh my god, that sounds amazing…”
                He changes quickly, tries not to focus on the fact that he’s very briefly naked and in the same room as Bradley. Then he’s following him out and it’s quiet, and he can see a few people but there a fair way away and it obvious that care has been taken to make the most of the surrounding forest to provide privacy. They walk down a boardwalk to a tub, and there is steam rising from the surface of the water, and also a nearby stream. Right. Geothermal waters. The steam gives an illusion of even more privacy, almost like it’s a different world and he drops his towel on the bench and steps over the edge of the tub and into the warm water, Bradley following hi,
                “Come here…” Bradley states, and then he finds himself nestled between Bradley’s thighs as his arms and legs wrap around Jake and he hooks his head over Jake’s shoulder and places a soft kiss to the side of his neck.
      ��         “What if I want to cuddle you?”
                “Then we take turns. Just let me hold you for a bit.”
                “Yeah, okay with me,” Jake murmurs, settling relaxing further. He can see a jug of water with glasses off to the side, along with a platter of fruit and hums appreciatively. It feels like it’s been a while since his grilled cheese at lunch, but he doesn’t reach for anything, he has a question he wants to ask. “What did you think, about your words I mean?”
                “I thought I was either going to play a lot of games of hide and seek, or maybe be a member of a search and rescue team. Although, I did think the person would be more appreciative of being found if I was in search and rescue. What about you? Are your words why you have a reputation for trying to escape from your security detail?”
                “Not intentionally,” Jake muses. Thinks about it. “Maybe? I don’t know. I always finish a show and need some time to…”
                “Yeah,” Jake agrees quietly, and he’s grateful that Bradley apparently understand that part of him already. Not the high-energy performer that his public image hangs from, but the quieter edges of him that ache for the comforts of home after. That Bradley might become that home now… it’s equal parts terrifying as it is exciting.
                “Just… can I have a kiss?” Jake asks, turning in the water to face him. He knows Bradley has his line drawn in the invisible sand, and he’s glad in the moment that it’s there, the knowledge that it can’t, or won’t, go any further.
                “Yeah. Of course you can have a kiss now…”
                Bradley has been affectionate and pressed so many kisses to his forehead and cheek, let his hands rest where they fall on Jake’s body when standing side-by-side, or guiding him through crowds. It’s been casual and easy, comforting in how easy Bradley had just offered the new level of affection.
                Bradley’s hand cups Jake’s face and it’s soft, slow and exploratory. He lets the water buoy him and he straddles Bradley’s thighs, loops his arms around his neck and lets himself press into it, firmer but not hard, just wanting to convey that he’s here, with Bradley and not thinking about anything else in the moment other than them together. He can feel Bradley’s hands on his hips beneath the water, a steady presence just holding him and he can’t get his head around feeling so settled and grounded while also feeling like he’s flying.
…            …            …
                Bradley meets up with Rueben and Lee, goes over the last few plans for the rest of the day. They’re both still on the high that they’re both getting paid to effectively have the best day off and if he can have them form part of Jake’s permanent security detail he’s going to do it. Jake comes out of the bathroom and grins at them all, but it’s his hand he reaches for, linking their fingers together and he doesn’t even bother to try hiding his grin.
                “What next? I’m starting to get a little hungry, so I hope you’re going to say food…”
                “Yeah, it’s food. Come on.”
                He lets Rueben and Lee take care of everything, the driving and security checks. His own eyes don’t stop moving, not until they all pile into one gondola and then slowly travel up the hillside, to where the restaurant sits. They’ll have the best view of the scenery and while Rueben and Lee are there, they’re also not sitting at the same table as them, a small private dining area set off just to the side. He has no idea what he eats, not even sure he does considering he doesn’t seem to have let go of Jake’s hand. Then they’re watching the sky turn dark, shots of pink and gold filling the sky over the lake and okay, it’s a pretty fucking perfect first date and it’s not over yet.
                They take the luge down the hill, racing each other and Jake laughs and it is unplanned and Bradley is very fucking grateful that none of them break anything, even if Rueben and Lee both look like they want to do it again if Jake suggests it. He doesn’t give him a chance to, takes Jake’s hand in his again and tugs him towards the car.
                “Come on… one more thing to do.”
                “Nighttime canopy walk through the redwood trees…”
                The look on Jake’s face is gratifying, the squeeze of his hand and grin that clearly indicates he’s more than happy that their date is not yet over. They’re not very far away, but it’s dark by the time they get out of the car. There’s another short safety briefing, and Jake smiles, signs an autograph but then they’re left alone to make their way through the canopy, suspended on purpose built walkways. There are lanterns casting shadows and it feels like the rest of the world has just slipped away from existence, leaving just the two of them.
                They need their hands free for holding on a lot of the time, some of the passages too narrow to consider holding hands anyway, but he stops them at every platform, wraps his arms around Jake and lets himself drop gentle kisses on Jake’s face, his lips, his neck. As the walk progresses the kisses become a bit longer, a little more heated, and he’s glad that while it might feel like they’re alone, there are people waiting for them. He has his resolve and ethics and he’s going to trying his level fucking best to stick to them. Kissing Jake is his compromise.
                The compromise is unfairly tested when they get back to the ground, Jake smiling and grateful, but his fingers gripping Bradley’s hand so hard it’s almost painful as they thank the operators for letting them book the entire evening. Then he’s being pulled along a little path, the light down here even less than it had been up in the canopy. Then he’s being pushed up against one of the trees and Jake is kissing him fiercely, hard and bruising, breath gasping out of him and he’s pressing his groin against Bradley’s thigh and grinding –
                “Jesus Jake…” Bradley groans, letting himself just enjoy it for a moment, he’ll stop. Soon.
                “God, can we… please… I… fuck. Sorry…”
                “Just… kind of like the idea of our first time being in your bed. Or my bed.”
                Jake groans, but it’s not one of pleasure, more of frustration and Bradley forces himself to stop, to just rest his forehead against Jake’s shoulder and breathe, and Jake mirrors the posture, his forehead on Bradley’s shoulder.
                “Oh my god, you’re a romantic.”
                “Yeah. Little bit.”
                “Ugh. Why me…”
                “You deserve to be romanced… also I don’t want us to have to hurry or have to be somewhere. I’ve waited my whole life for this, what’s a couple more days?”
                “You can’t be sweet and look so fucking hot. My brain can’t cope…”
                “You want me to apologize?”
                “No. Never. Just… give me a minute.”
                “Of course.”
…            …            …
                “Oh god, what is that smell?”
                “Sulfur. Active volcanic zone remember?”
                “And the whole town smells like this?”
                “Apparently you get used to it. We’ve been on the outskirts of the town mostly, so it’s… not as intense.”
                “Our first date, I’ll remember it every time I get a whiff of sulfur or rotten eggs… Great.”
                “Hopefully other things make you remember it too. Now come on, we have a flight to Auckland pretty early tomorrow.”
                “How early is early?”
                “Oh… that’s actually humane.”
                “It’s only a forty-five minute flight, so yeah, no early morning wake up.”
                Like the previous two nights they fall asleep together.
…            …            …
                The next three days and final two concerts whip past in a blur; apart from sleeping with Jake tucked carefully in his arms at night he’s the epitome of a professional, although both Rueben and Lee keep smirking at him. He subtly gives them the finger when he catches them, but he’s counting down the hours to hand-over now. Jake has had multiple interviews, fielded endless questions about his soul bond which he’s deflected by simply saying that his soul mate deserves their privacy. There has been no hint of gender or nationality, and Bradley is pretty sure Jake is treating it like a challenge now, to keep it a secret after letting it slip in the first place. He doesn’t mind either way, but does appreciate not being under the same scrutiny as Jake himself.
                Then they’re finally on their final flight home, they’ve spent a lot of time conversing, mostly through messages on their phones, exchanging dirtier and dirtier information and it’s been good, having such a serious conversation almost silently. If their phones ever get hacked then they’ll be in trouble but they’ve managed to get through some pretty meaningful and important discussions with minimal awkwardness, which has been an unintended benefit. Although he’s well aware it’s once again crossing over the now incredibly blurred line in the sand regarding his professionalism. However he’s pretty sure Jake isn’t going to allow time for any type of actual conversation before they end up having sex, so again this is something he’s prepared to compromise on.
                “You two are weird… Tour has finally finished. We’re on our way home. You finally have some privacy and you’re both sitting there, not even touching, staring intently at your phones.”
                “We’re communicating plenty,” Jake says darkly, shifting in his seat and Bradley grins, looks at the ceiling of the plane to avoid looking at Jake. He’d just shared that he really likes eating guys out, but that some guys don’t like his moustache because it makes all the sensitive skin just that little bit more sensitive. He’s pretty sure Jake is sporting a semi in his sweats, hiding it with a blanket draped over and he glances to him. Sure enough, Jake is glaring at him and Bradley raises an eyebrow, knows Jake can’t do anything about it right now.
                “Bathroom,” Jake spits out, and then he’s gone toward the back of the plane.
                Bradley feels smug until he receives the photo, Jake’s hand around his cock and he bites back a groan.
                Yeah, he guesses he deserved that.
…            …            …
                “Fucking finally… come on.”
                “You sure you don’t want to sleep?”
                “I’ve waited fucking long enough.”
                “Come on then, shower first… get clean hmm?”
                “No. Take too long. Just… something else first?”
                “You trying to give orders now?" Bradley teases, thrusting against him hard enough to almost knock him off his feet and Jake makes grabby hands, his fingers curling in the fabric of Bradley’s shirt and holding tight as they kiss and grind against each other.
                “Yes, I am if you don't want me to come in my fucking pants," Jake gasps and Bradley makes a considering look, because the idea of it, the accompanying visual is definitely something that turns him on. Stepping back, gentler and more careful than before, he slips a couple of fingers into the waistband of Jake’s sweats and pushes them down, leaving the underwear for now, because he’s going to see his words on Jake soon, up close and very personal.
                "Tempting. Another time," he promises, and then he drops to his knees and the way Jake’s eyes go darker is gratifying.
…            …            …
                Jake has to squeeze the base of his cock through the fabric of his underwear to keep from losing it right there. God, this is going to be over alarmingly quickly but it’s okay, he reminds himself, Bradley won’t care or judge and it’s going to be one of many times together, but he can’t help the small part of him that wants it to be perfect. God, maybe rutting against the thick expanse of Bradley’s thigh might have been perfect, seeing him on his knees right now definitely is, but maybe anything would be perfect right now and he needs to stop worrying about any of it and all of it. But he does want his hands on him and he holds a hand out, makes Bradley stand up and then leads him to his bedroom.
                “You did say you wanted to have a bed…”
                “I say a lot of things…”
                He watches as Bradley kicks his pants off. It's not the first time Jake's seen him naked, but it’s the first time he’s allowed to look. To touch. He's gorgeous all over, thick and strong in a way that makes him look bigger than he really is. When he reaches for the waistband of his boxers, Jake does the same, kicks his underwear off and then Bradley is there, fully naked, touching him everywhere, pressing their bodies together. Their cocks are bobbing around ridiculously but then Bradley’s hand is there, just catching and holding them both, more to guide than anything else and Jake groans.
                “Bed, come on. Want you on me…”
                It’s something he’d mentioned in their silent text exchange, that he likes feeling blanketed and pinned down, held and grounded. Bradley is walking him backwards toward his own bed and he lets himself fall back and then shuffles up, his eyes not leaving Bradley’s. Then he lets his legs fall open, runs a finger along the crease of his thigh and Bradley’s eyes track the movement.
                “Oh…” Bradley murmurs under his breath. Then he’s licking over the words and Jake almost jackknifes back up at the sudden ticklish sensation. “Mmm… stay where I tell you to huh?”
                “Yep. Proud of it too.”
                Then Bradley shifts and moves Jake, so he can staddle Jake’s thighs and his hands are free to roam and touch everywhere; suddenly Jake can do the touching he so badly wanted to do and he grips Bradley’s thighs, and, God, Jake feels like he’s waited forever for this. Then Bradley shifts again and he’s close enough that Jake can get his hand on his cock, although Bradley is leaning down to kiss him. He thumbs the thick vein under the head of Bradley's cock, smiles when he feels Bradley's mouth open against his neck, feels smug. Tightening his grip and stroking in earnest, Jake angles his head down to watch his hand working between them. Bradley has a nice cock, thick and shiny pink where the head pokes through Jake's fist. Jake knows he's an asshole for feeling relieved about it. It's not like he would want Bradley any less if he had a tiny dick or anything, but it's nice not to have to worry about it.
                "Thought about this," Jake tells him. He licks his palm messily before reaching down to stroke him again, grip tight and slick with saliva, likes the fact that all he can see and feel is Bradley.
                It's been a while since Jake last did this for someone, and even then it was mostly just a step to get to the good stuff. Touching Bradley is different; Jake wants to know what he likes. He strokes faster and slower, tighter and looser, shorter and with a twist of his wrist at the end just to see what reactions he can get. Playing with Bradley's foreskin makes him hiss through his teeth, so Jake quickly gives up on that in favor of the long, tight strokes that seem to illicit the best response. He is rewarded with shifting hips and low, throaty groans.
                "God, Jake," Bradley murmurs drunkenly, tipping his head forward to mouth at Jake's clavicle.
                The way Bradley gasps out his name makes Jake's heart feel too big for his chest. Clamping his eyes shot Jake works his hand steadily, focusses on the little hitching sounds that Bradley makes on each upstroke. Everything is slick with spit and precum now, Jake's own cock leaking between them steadily. He's so hard it hurts, but it's easy enough to ignore when he feels Bradley's muscles twitch and shudder above him. Then Bradley shifts again, grabbing for Jake’s wrists, pinning him to the mattress. Wiggling a little, Jake's heart pounds when Bradley doesn't budge. Jake stares up at him, eyes wide.
                "I'm so into this. So into you," he tells Bradley in amazement.
                Bradley laughs, eyes crinkling fondly. He's lovely, he's so lovely, it drives Jake completely crazy.
                "You’re much too coherent," Bradley states, pushing Jake's wrists up above his head and stretching him out beneath him with a heated gaze. All the fantasies in the world have nothing on the way Bradley looks perched above him, eyes dark as he transfers both of Jake's wrists into one hand and runs the other down his chest. He touches him everywhere but where he wants, dragging a palm down Jake's throat, over his pecs and stomach then back up. Jake pushes his heels into the mattress as thick fingers rub against his left nipple, sending a shiver of electricity to his crotch.
                "Bradley," he gasps. "I don't need... I don't need much. Please."
                "Mmm," Bradley agrees, dropping his head to suck the abused nipple into his mouth. Squirming against his hold, Jake whines weakly. It's too much.
                He wants more. Needs more.
                "You're so easy for me," Bradley murmurs wonderingly, stubble scratching against sensitive skin as he talks. It's been long enough since Jake fucked a guy that he can't remember if stubble-burn always turned him on or if it's a Bradley-specific thing, the moustache is softer than he thought it would be though.
                "Yeah. Just for you," Jake breathes, because it's pretty obvious what buttons to push with Bradley. As he suspected would happen the illusion of control breaks, and Bradley shudders, pushing up to kiss him. Sucking messily at Bradley's tongue, Jake wants to pull his legs up to wrap around his hips, wants to be able to chase more friction against his body. His cock feels heavy and painfully hard between his legs, and Bradley is still hovering above him, infuriatingly out of reach.
                "Please, come on," Jake insists between kisses. "I need you. Come on, Bradley."
                Bradley makes a wounded noise into his mouth, hand fumbling as it slides between their bodies to finally wrap around Jake's cock. It's embarrassing how close he is already. Little choking sounds escape his mouth with every shift of Bradley's hand over the swollen head of his cock, the sensation almost too much. Thrusting messily into the circle of Bradley's fist, Jake's too far gone to care how desperate he might look.
                He wants to drag this out, wants Bradley touching him forever, but he's been ready to go off since Bradley kissed him three days ago. The hot, tight slide of Bradley's hand over him now is too much. His balls tighten and his entire body is jerking like his entire body is crying out for touch despite having it nearly everywhere. Bradley releases his wrists suddenly, collapsing forward onto his forearm and jerking Jake hard and fast.
                "I've got you, I've got you," he murmurs over and over into Jake's neck. The familiar rumble of his voice tips Jake over the edge, muscles seizing. Pleasure crashes into him as he jerks and spills, hot and messy all over Bradley's hand and his own stomach. Bradley whispers nonsense as he wrings him out, yeah baby, that's it, so fucking gorgeous, so good. Jake whines weakly as he spasms through the aftershocks, too blissed-out to care how dumb he might sound or look.
                He slumps and goes boneless, Bradley kissing messily along his neck and jaw. Still panting, Jake strokes clumsily up and down his back, trying to regain his wits. Bradley's cock is pressing insistently against his hip, so Jake slides his hands down to grab the flesh of his ass, pulling him forward. Moaning gratefully, Bradley thrusts through the mess Jake made of his own stomach, cock head smearing wetness up his abs.
                "Yeah," Jake breathes, encourages. He feels sluggish and come-stupid, but he wants to make Bradley feel good. He can’t wait to find all the ways  to make Bradley feel good, once he has a functioning brain again and he’s regained his hand-eye coordination.
                Turning his head, he nudges Bradley's mouth up for a kiss, simultaneously digging his nails into his ass. Bradley's hips stutter then thrust hard against Jake's belly, hand sliding down to grip his hip. Even half out of his mind, he's bossy, angling Jake's hips how he wants them and rutting against him. Jake leans back, reveling in how wrecked Bradley looks as he jerks harder and harder against him, mouth wet and open and eyes lidded.
                "Come on. Come on, baby," Jake whispers, rolling his hips with each thrust. He's so oversensitive it almost hurts, but he doesn't care. Bradley looks close. Licking his lips, Jake kisses him on the corner of his slack mouth. "I want it. I want it, Bradley. Come for me. Want everyone to know I'm yours. Come on."
                It's mostly nonsensical, but it seems to do the trick. Bradley scrambles for leverage, shoves Jake up the bed with two hard thrusts before going rigid and coming in long, groaning bursts over his chest and stomach. Jake gentles him through it, stroking his hair and shoulders and murmuring encouragingly as he shudders, trying to memorize the way Bradley's face looks all screwed-up and euphoric. Jake did that, made him look that way, and he knows he doesn’t need to commit it to memory because they’ll be doing this again, but he still wants to remember it. Bradley collapses to the side with an arm slung over Jake's stomach. Honestly, Jake would have kind of liked being squashed, but he appreciates that Bradley is as much of a gentleman about this as he is about everything else. It's part of his charm.
                "You good?" he asks.
                Bradley grunts in response, obviously still out of it, and Jake smiles. It's disgusting, really, how gone he is on him. Shifting closer, Jake turns his head towards Bradley and closes his eyes, happy to just lie there and enjoy the moment. It's almost too good to take in all at once and he suspects that’s partially due to the exhaustion catching up with him, feels himself drift in and out of consciousness. He feels the mattress shift and Bradley's arm slide carefully off his waist. There is a split second when Jake thinks maybe he's just rolling over, but then Bradley's weight is gone and he's alone in bed. He's not sure how much time passes before something warm and wet swipes over his stomach, startling him back into consciousness and he grumbles quietly about almost being asleep.
                "It’s this or a shower…" Bradley whispers, and he’s definitely looking smug when Jake blinks up at him. He's leaning over the bed, washcloth in hand, still completely naked, hair a complete disaster.
                "Shower… " Jake mumbles, because he’s pretty sure it won’t be alone. Not anymore, not when Bradley is around.
                “You think you can stand?” Bradley asks, and Jake immediately feels a surge of needing to prove that he can. Although…
                “You can make sure I don’t fall over.”
                And he gets Bradley’s arms around him, pulling him up which is what he was angling for.
…            …            …
                Bradley knows Jake has a stubborn streak, and a level of self-discipline that keeps him going despite how exhausted he might get. But he doesn’t have to draw on those reserves right now, he’d hoped Jake would fall asleep and they could revisit everything in the morning and yet here he is in the shower, a naked half-asleep Jake Seresin insisting he’s good for another round. Bradley would like to differ, but that seems to make Jake do nothing but dig his heels in so he’s going along with it for now.
                It’s nice, quietly soft, having just come he’s not really angling for anything more, just lets himself enjoy the warm and slippery feel of Jake against him, his tongue and lips and little hums of happy pleasure. Then he feels Jake’s hand grab his ass, fingers brushing over his hole and he grins into the curve of Jake’s shoulder, mirrors the exact same thing and is surprised when Jake pushes back against his fingers.
                “It’s not a race Jake. We don’t have to do everything in one night…”
                Jake whines against his neck, hips jerking.
                “I want to though…”
                “We have time.”
                He does try to make them they take their time, part of him wonders if they should maybe be waiting a bit longer, Jake’s been on tour for six months, was dead on his feet less than a week ago and was almost asleep no less than fifteen minutes ago. As much as he looks and acts like he’s bounced back Bradley is fairly certain that nothing but a couple of weeks rest is going to truly bring him back to his equilibrium. Despite all that Jake is going through the motions of washing his hair and body, and Bradley is doing his best to ensure he stays upright and doesn’t fall asleep and brain himself.
                “I’m just… don’t be too long… want you to fuck me,” Jake says and Bradley can’t help but raise a disbelieving eyebrow as Jake steps out of the shower and starts drying himself off.
                “I’ll be right there…” Bradley says, amused beyond belief because he’s not even hard, glad that Jake has such faith in his refractory period. He takes his time, pays attention to getting clean himself and lets himself think about the fact that there will definitely be more sex with Jake in the very near future. He dries himself off and walks back into the bedroom and has to bite back a laugh, because Jake has passed out cold, but also clearly had some serious intent. He’s gotten the lube out, his fingers are shiny with it, as is his ass crack and Bradley picks up the tube and places it on the bedside table safely out of the way, uses his damp towel to wipe Jake’s fingers and presses a soft kiss to his bicep.
                “Sleep well Jake.”
…            …            …
                He wakes up the next morning and he doesn’t think Jake has moved, still completely sacked out but still the most gorgeous sight Bradley has ever woken up to. And he’s certain he’s going to think that every morning he wakes up with Jake beside him. As he watches Jake shifts a little, just a little grind of his hips and Bradley bites his lip, an idea forming as he reaches for the lube and a couple of condoms. Then he slides a finger into himself, is generous with the lube although a little impatient with the actual stretching, his cock getting harder the more he thinks about Jake fucking him. He’d been very thorough last night, not really expecting Jake to be able to stay awake but still not cutting any corners. It does mean that he doesn’t have to take his time this morning, and he knows from his experience the last few mornings that Jake is going to wake fairly soon and he’d like to wake him up. No alarm needed.
                Wiping his fingers on the same towel he used on Jake’s fingers last night, he drops it, then leans forward to kiss Jake's throat, then the underside of his jaw before moving up to run his nose against the side of Jake's stubbly cheek. Bradley's lips graze the corner of Jake's mouth as he smiles again. Up close his dimples are deeper and his eyelashes are darker, and he’s so gorgeous and he’s all Bradley’s. Jake makes little sleepy grunts, his body stretching out to press against Bradley as he wakes and then he’s kissing him properly, shifting to press his hard cock against Bradley’s own.
                “Is it morning?”
                “Sure is…” Bradley says, rolling his hips to provide friction for them both, feels Jake shift in response to add to it. Maybe they could just rut against each other like this. Jake is groaning, muttering something which he can’t make sense of, too quiet.
                “How do you like it? Want to fuck me?” Bradley asks, which isn’t actually what he wanted to ask, but he’s getting a little distracted by how Jake’s body feels and he’s not actually fussy but he had an idea and he’d like to at least try it…
                “Yes yes yes.”
                “Or can I fuck you?”
                “I don’t fucking care right now… Just… did I fall asleep last night?”
                “Yep. While I was finishing up in the shower.”
                “God, I am so sorry. That is not sexy.”
                “Oh, it was okay… came in to find you passed out cold and had started fingering yourself without even waiting for me to watch…”
                “Oh my god, it gets worse…”
                “Going to let me open you up? Pretty sure you won’t fall asleep this time.”
                Jake doesn’t answer with words, just shifts and stretches, opens the drawer and then looks confused and Bradley holds out the lube.
                “Looking for this?”
                Jake glares at him, but it’s got no heat and Bradley feels his mouth go dry as Jake shifts again, legs spreading and shoving a pillow under his hips, challenge broadcasted in every movement and Bradley feels smug, thinking about his idea with what he knows Jake has said he likes in bed and what he knows about his own body. He was going to let Jake in on his idea, but he decides not to, his little sulking attitude should not be this hot.
                Jake’s ass crack is tacky with the lube he used the night before and Bradley ignores the sensation, just coats his finger and goes to town, his eyes not leaving Jake’s face, watching for discomfit although the expression on Jake’s face is almost belligerent. Bradley can’t help but lean forward and kiss him, catches each of Jake’s little gasps with his own mouth and works him open slowly and steadily.
                “I’m good, come on…”
                He takes him at his word, presses a kiss to each of Jake’s knees, wipes his hands and then reaches for the condom. Lets Jake take it from him and open it up, rolls it down his cock and then falls back again and shoves his ass in Bradley’s direction.
                “Come on…” Jake snaps and then Bradley’s pushing inside, one long slow push and Jake moans, low and deep and Bradley shakes a little.
                “Fuck,” Bradley says against the side of Jake’s neck, breath humid and hot. He keeps his hips carefully still, waiting for Jake to give him the go-ahead.
                “Yeah, yeah… come on.”
                Bradley tightens his hand on Jake’s hip and then he’s pulling out, letting Jake feel every inch of him, before thrusting back in. He takes it nice and slow, knows he has time. Jake is shifting, trying to get closer, maybe wanting it harder. Regardless, he’s not using any words and Bradley just lets his hips roll in and out, picking up the pace in response to Jake’s breathing picking up speed. His own breath is coming in pants and he can feel his orgasm building, bends down to kiss Jake.
                “I’m not, I… I said…”
                “Shh… It’s okay. I got you. Think we’re made for each other…”
                “You feel good.”
                “Mmm. So do you,” Bradley says, his hips snapping now, thinks about Jake admitting via a message sent not even two days ago that he hardly ever comes when he’s getting fucked. It’s fine, Bradley’s not about to try and prove himself, but it does mean he can just chase his own orgasm and come as quickly as possible. Then he can focus on Jake and his pleasure. He jerks as he comes, his teeth pressing into Jake’s neck and god he hopes that doesn’t mark, that would be a little embarrassing. He gives himself twenty seconds, his thrusts slowing and he finally pulls out all the way, kisses away the expression on Jake’s face as he reaches for another condom and the lube.
                “Wait, what… what are you doing?” Jake asks, and his eyes are glazed and intense and Bradley feels a little shaky but he can do this, rolls the condom down Jake’s cock, strokes him a couple of times with lube before he shifts up so he’s straddling Jake’s stomach.
                “Told you I like being fucked after I’ve come.”
                “Oh Jesus fucking Christ…” Jake breathes as Bradley sinks down on his cock, his thighs trembling but then Jake’s hips are raising up to meet him and he lets gravity take over, groan into the shivery-shake of over stimulation that he likes. Sometimes he can come again, wonders if this’ll be one of those times.
                “Fucking hell… you…” Jake starts and Bradley has no idea what his internal thought process is right now but he’s looking up at Bradley like he’s everything and he feels pretty satisfied with himself.
                “Yeah. Fuck,” Bradley says, rotating his hips in a tight circle
                “Come on. Want you to fuck me now…”
                “Want you to fucking rail me. Just… come on.”
                “Are you sure?”
                “Jake. Trust me. I’m more than sure.”
                Despite Bradley’s hasty encouragement and slight disgruntlement that Jake won’t just take his word for it, part of him is glad that Jake cares enough, although he’ll soon learn that when Bradley tells him he’s ready to be fucked, he really does mean it. Then Jake is pushing him off, the muscles in his arms and shoulders flexing as he moves Bradley around to where he wants him and Bradley realizes that those messages went both ways. Jake is remembering his own admissions about favorite position and he groans, lets his shoulders sink down to bear his weight, his ass in the air and Jake’s hands on his cheeks, pulling them apart and then he’s pressing his cock in and yeah, yeah, it’s going to be one of those times.
                Jake sets a brutal pace and Bradley reassess his consideration that Jake maybe didn’t take him at his word. His entire body feels electrified, nerves twanging and he manages to get a hand on himself, hears Jake’s startled intake of breath, his hips somehow picking up the pace and Bradley grunts, pushes back as he works his hand on his cock. It never really went soft, is feeling overstimulated but he knows from experience that pushing through that will make the second orgasm even better, will have an even sharper edge of relief when he comes.
                Jake knows this, his fingers digging into his hips as he fucks into him, their combined pants the only noises in the room and then he feels Jake’s hands slip a little, their bodies getting slicker with sweat and god it’s so good. This is likely it for them, not just here in Jake’s bed, but beds all over the world, but finding and making a home with each other. Jake had been right when he’d accused him of being a romantic, because he’ll follow Jake anywhere. Right now that’s leading him to a second orgasm within thirty minutes and he shudders and shakes, eyes clenched shut against the burst of white pain-pleasure from working his cock so roughly. Jake makes an unintelligible sound and Bradley is certain he’s also coming but he’s too lost in the haze of his own pleasure again and fuck, his idea to make it all about Jake completely backfired.
                He slumps to the side, gasps at the sudden loss of Jake’s cock inside him, his body feeling even more jittery as he comes down. Then Jake is there, pressing kisses over his back and shoulders, using the towel to wipe up the worst of the mess and he really doesn’t care much about anything right now, just wants to be held and feel the warmth of Jake close to him; which he’s definitely getting, being tugged over to the unused and drier half of the bed, encouraged to lie on top of Jake like a human blanket. He can do that.
                “So glad you found me…” Jake says, his voice quiet.
                “So am I.”
…            …            …
     Jake Seresin married his long-term boyfriend, Bradley Bradshaw, this weekend, in an exclusive and highly secretive event. No word on whether Seresin’s soulmate was there or not, but we can probably assume that it is a platonic bond if he is marrying someone else. Bradshaw was very briefly a member of Seresin’s security detail before they -
                Kaysie looks at the words and starts digging, going back through Instagram accounts and the social medias of different places. There’s plenty of photos of Seresin and Bradshaw, their day in Rotorua incredibly well documented considering it was ostensibly a day-off for Jake rather than a PR exercise. The day after he’d unintentionally declared to the world that he’d found his soulmate, but a lot of the business posts and other posts are a day or two after the actual scheduled day off. Which was a few days after Bradley Bradshaw had joined the security detail. Her eyes narrow. That’s a hell of a coincidence, but there’s zero actual proof either way.
                She looks at the photos again, sees the joy and soft smiles and hopes that whether they’re soulmates or not, that they’re happy together and remain that way.
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flowercrowngods · 2 days
The Last Day.
Steve doesn’t remember what drove him here — he doesn’t remember a lot of things lately, not that he’s mentioned that to anyone. They don’t really question these things anymore. Fucky vision, nightmares without sleeping, or things that just get lost in the everyday grind of remembering to do normal things like eat or drink or where the fuck he put his glasses.
So, he doesn’t remember what drove him here, if he was supposed to get something or if he just needed to get out of the gym, needed to breathe some air that’s not filled with anxiety and grief and the pressure of survivor’s guilt and why and how and when around every corner, behind every door, underneath every donated item and in every bite of stale peanut butter sandwiches.
The library was never a place of comfort for him, and he honestly never really cared about it one war or another. If pressed for it, he couldn’t name five books in all of these shelves. He never really looked.
But now, in the semi-darkness, the empty shelves are somehow daunting. All useful books were taken, children’s books donated to all the families that stayed, all science books stolen by people who were sure they could fix this, could get behind this, could build generators and water refineries and all that shit.
Somehow, the negative space in these shelves draws him in, and he takes a deep breath. A breath that Dustin would like, probably. It smells like books. It smells old. It smells like, somehow, somewhere, there might still be a constant in this world. Something that will remain. Like maybe there will always be a library that smells of old books. No matter how often the world will end.
It’s a strange thought. But comforting. He trails the shelves, not really looking at the books, walking too fast still to make out the titles in the dim light, but he refuses to stop. He refuses to stand. To linger.
The next two rows are completely empty, and it makes him shiver. Robin probably has a name for the feeling. Maybe melancholy. Or maybe he’s just haunted. Susceptible to absence.
Or maybe they’re the same feeling.
Blindly, he reaches for a book, because his hands begin to tingle and he really needs something to do before his lungs catch up and his brain finds out that he’s somehow almost about to panic, or to relapse, or to drop to the floor if his legs don’t regain feeling soon.
He keeps walking, the book in hand. It’s a slim edition, bound in leather, and it feels really old. Looks like it, too.
Michael Bruce
He carefully flips it open, the old paper crackling with the movement, and he wonders briefly if this is the part of the library that’s usually watched like a hawk, the part where you’re not allowed to touch the books without supervision and certainly not without reason. Maybe. Maybe this Michael Bruce hasn’t seen a real face in a long time.
It doesn’t take long for Steve to find out that they’re mostly poems—and of course they are, old books are almost always filled with poems.
He opens the book at a random page, still needing to settle his hands, his heart, his mind. The title makes his heart drop. “The Last Day.”, it’s called; still his eyes glide over the lines, intrigued.
Twas on an autumn's eve, serene and calm. I walked, attendant on the funeral Of an old swain : around, the village crowd Loquacious chatted, till we reach'd the place Where, shrouded up, the sons of other years Lie silent in the grave. The sexton there Had digg'd the bed of death, the narrow house, For all that live, appointed. To the dust We gave the dead. Then moralizing, home The swains return'd, to drown in copious bowls The labours of the day, and thoughts of death.
Okay. Sure. So, maybe this Michael Bruce dude is not the best company when the world is sort of ending. But somehow Steve can’t stop reading, and for the first time he kind of doesn’t want to stop reading a poem. This one’s different anyway. This one just… it gets him.
Images of Barb flood his mind. Eddie. Chrissy. Max. Everyone who was lost, everyone who has an empty coffin in their grave and an NDA penned to their name.
To the dust We gave the dead.
The labours of the day, and thoughts of death.
Maybe that’s why he doesn’t want to go back out there. Head to the gym and fold clothes and check the missing posters and make phone calls to find out, to make sure, to keep in touch. The labours of the day. The thoughts of death.
Shaking hands flip the pages, two at once, because he doesn’t want to live the last day; doesn’t want to hear about it. He needs to know how it ends, needs to make sure, needs to find out, just—
A pause ensued. The fainting sun grew pale, And seem'd to struggle through a sky of blood : While dim eclipse impaird his beam : the earth Shook to her deepest centre : Ocean rag'd, And dash'd his billows on the frighted shore. All was confusion. Heartless, helpless, wild.
Suddenly, what little light was left to stream through the windows disappears, stealing the words from beneath his eyes, and before he can look up and breathe, the door to the library bursts open, revealing a panicked Robin.
“You… You better come see this.”
He hears it in her voice. The resignation. Oceans raging as the fainting sun grows pale. Confusion. Helpless, heartless, wild.
He closes Michael Bruce and runs toward her on numb legs, not ready to find out about the new apocalypse he’s gonna find outside the library. And seeing black skies through the windows and pale faces behind them, reflecting against the growing darkness, he wonders if he shouldn’t have skipped through the last day. The Last Day.
Terror in every look, and pale affright Sat in each eye ; amazed at the past, And for the future trembling.
Steve, too, is trembling. And Robin’s hand in his is shaking just as much.
Poetical works of Michael Bruce : with life and writings. William Stephen ed. 1895.
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ravenrothstr · 1 day
Lie With You
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summary. Jaehyun turned back time to you, just to know he couldn't keep anything from the journey.
genre. college! au. fluff
words count. 10.0k
disclaimer. the story is fully fictional. other names mentioned are just for the story and pure imagination, with no bad intentions
You stood near the entrance of the Neo Club, your tiny fingers gripping the paper bag you had prepared earlier, waiting for your boyfriend. It had been two years since you two got together, although it felt like only the first half of the relationship was when he truly cherished you. Now, it seemed like you were the only one still holding on.
"I can never get used to this," you whispered to yourself, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over you.
Only God knew how much you wanted to disappear into the shadows. The Neo Club was where your boyfriend and his friends hung out to write and practice their music—they were, after all, the university band. The thought of his friends seeing you here, waiting after he had ghosted you for months, gnawed at you. But you knew better than anyone that you needed this. The relationship needed this.
Your heart raced when the door opened, and to your relief, it was your boyfriend, Jaehyun, stepping out first.
"Jaehyun ah", you called softly.
He didn't look happy but he couldn't brush you off in front of others.
"Oh, y/n. You're here?"
"Yeah, I thought I'd stop by." You paused for a moment before continuing quietly, "It is our anniversary after all."
Jaehyun's face tightened at the reminder, but he quickly composed himself. It was obvious he had forgotten—just like he had forgotten Valentine’s Day.
"Y/n!", Doyoung greeted you enthusiastically, flashing you a warm smile.
You radiate the energy back quickly, Doyoung has always been nice to you regardless and you're more than thankful for that.
"Hi Doyoung, nice to see you again", you glance over Jaehyun out of the corner of your eye. You caught the faint sneer twisting his lips.
"You too, we were about to grab dinner. Come join us",wrapping an arm around Ten's shoulder.
The three of them were really close, as they bonded through their passion for music. However, you always felt Jaehyun had a silent jealousy towards Doyoung. Before you could answer Doyoung, Jaehyun was quick to interfere in the conversation.
"No, it's our anniversary. She can't spend time with you"
You were stunned, but yes. Tonight is important for you, you had planned it all for weeks ago.
The two of you parted ways with Doyoung and Ten and walked toward the nearby park. The walk was quiet; neither of you said a word.
"How contradictory," you thought bitterly.
You reminisced about how Jaehyun used to reach for your hand so naturally, especially on nights like this. You missed it more than you could express. Gathering all your courage, you decided to ask for it one last time.
"Can I… hold your hand? Just this once, I promise."
"Oh. Sure, here." Jaehyun reached out, gently taking your hand.
The simple touch made you emotional. It was bittersweet—both comforting and painful all at once.
Once you both reached the park, the cool evening breeze swept through the air, carrying with it a quiet serenity. You found a bench under the soft glow of the park's lampposts, and you gently placed the paper bag you had been carrying beside you. Jaehyun sat down next to you, his expression distant but calm.
You reached into the bag and pulled out a small cake, carefully wrapped in a box. You had chosen it from his favorite bakery, hoping it might spark a little warmth between you two. It was a simple slice of vanilla cake, layered with whipped cream and strawberries—a favorite from your earlier days together.
“I got this for us,” you said quietly, handing him a fork.
Jaehyun glanced at the cake, then at you before taking the fork from your hand. You cut a small piece for yourself, and for a moment, both of you were lost in the quiet rhythm of eating. The sweetness of the cake contrasted with the heaviness in the air.
Jaehyun took a bite, chewing slowly.
“It’s good,” he said, though his voice lacked the enthusiasm you were once used to.
You offered a faint smile, feeling the weight of the moment pressing down on you. As you ate, memories of the past flooded your mind—the times when sharing a simple dessert would have brought laughter, playful banter, and warmth. Now, the silence was deafening, and each bite of cake tasted bittersweet.
You glanced over at Jaehyun, noticing how even the joy of something familiar, something you used to share, seemed distant now. He ate slowly, almost as if going through the motions, and you realized that the cake, much like your relationship, was a fleeting attempt to recapture something that was already slipping away.
"Jaehyun ah", you called.
He responded with a hum, not bothering to lift his face toward you. As you both finished the last bites, you wiped your fingers on a napkin and looked at him one more time, hoping for a connection that never came. The cake was gone, and with it, the last remnant of the sweetness you had once shared.
"Let's not see each other again"
He stopped breathing at your words, finally meeting your eyes.
"You heard me. Let's end this relationship already," you said, your eyes turning glassy before you continued.
"I’ve thought about us, and it’s best for us to part ways. The way you’ve been handling this relationship... it’s clear enough for me to see that I’m not part of the future you’re so busy planning."
"Are you saying I don't think of you in my future? Y/N, you know how much the band, this music, means to me. Making new music, composing... it’s really not easy, and it’s been tough, especially now that I can't come up with anything—"
"I understand, Jaehyun. I really do, but that’s not the point here."
"Then what is the point?"
"Jaehyun, do you even love me anymore?"
Jaehyun froze at your question, the weight of it hanging in the air between you. He opened his mouth to speak but hesitated, as if searching for the right words or perhaps realizing there weren’t any. The silence stretched, painfully long, before he finally spoke.
"Of course, I do, Y/N... but things are just... complicated right now."
You shook your head, feeling a mix of frustration and sadness.
"Complicated," you echoed, your voice breaking slightly.
"That’s all you ever say. It shouldn’t feel like I’m waiting for you to show up for me." He looked away, guilt and confusion flickering in his eyes.
"I didn’t mean to make you feel that way."
"But you did," you whispered. "And now, it’s too late."
Jaehyun’s face tightened as the reality of the situation began to sink in.
"So this is it? You’re giving up on us?"
"I’m not giving up, Jaehyun. I’m letting go. There’s a difference," you replied, feeling tears brimming in your eyes but refusing to let them fall.
"I deserve more than waiting around for someone who’s not sure if he wants me in his life."
Jaehyun remained silent, his hands clenching into fists as if fighting an internal battle. Part of him wanted to fight for you, but deep down, he knew you were right. He hadn’t been the partner you deserved, and now it was too late to fix what was broken.
As you stood up to leave, the weight of your decision felt heavy on your shoulders.
"Goodbye, Jaehyun," you said softly, your voice barely audible.
He watched as you walked away, your figure fading into the distance. For the first time, Jaehyun realized that the music he’d been chasing wasn’t the only thing he’d lost.
Jaehyun dragged himself back to the Neo Club, his mind a tangled mess of emotions. The weight of what just happened gnawed at him, but he pushed it aside, hoping that being with Doyoung and Ten might help him forget, even for a little while.
As he entered the dimly lit room, Doyoung and Ten were standing near the stage, grinning. "Surprise!" they both shouted, holding up a small cake with flickering candles. Jaehyun blinked, confused for a moment.
But then it hit him like a punch to the gut. This wasn’t for him.
"Where’s Y/N?" Doyoung asked, his smile faltering when he saw Jaehyun standing there alone.
Jaehyun’s face went pale, and the realization crashed down on him like a wave.
"Shit..." he muttered under his breath, clenching his fists.
It was your birthday.
He had forgotten. Completely.
The candles flickered in the awkward silence, the joyful surprise that Doyoung and Ten had planned now hanging in the air like a painful reminder. Jaehyun cursed himself, guilt settling in as he realized just how much he had already lost.
Jaehyun’s mind was a foggy mess as he stumbled through the park where the two of you had spent countless evenings together. Each step felt slower than the last. He found himself at the fountain—the one that had always been your favourite. The soft trickling of water formed a river-like stream that wound its way through the park, a quiet reminder of all the moments you’d shared.
He stopped in front of it, staring blankly at the rippling water. In his mind, he could still see you there, sitting on the bench with a soft smile on your face, your laughter echoing in his ears. How you used to tease him for getting lost in his thoughts, how you’d grab his hand and pull him close. The memory was so vivid it felt like he could reach out and touch it.
But you weren’t there anymore.
The realization hit him harder than anything else—harder than the silence that followed after you left. You were gone.
He slumped down onto the bench, his hands running through his hair as he tried to process it all. How had it come to this? How had he let you slip away without even realizing what he was losing? The band, the music—it all seemed so distant now, meaningless in comparison to the hollow ache in his chest.
"I’m letting go. There’s a difference," your voice echoed in his mind, soft but final.
You deserved more than he could give, and deep down, he knew that. He knew he had pushed you away, made you feel small, like an afterthought.
But knowing it didn’t make it any easier to swallow.
Jaehyun’s vision blurred as the tears he had been holding back finally spilt over. He didn’t try to wipe them away. He let them fall, dripping onto his jeans as he stared at the fountain, wishing more than anything that he could turn back time. He would hold your hand tighter, make you laugh more, and show you that he loved you instead of leaving you in the shadows.
And now, it was too late.
As the fountain continued its soft, rhythmic flow, Jaehyun whispered into the darkness, knowing no one would hear him.
"I’m sorry... I love you."
But the words, just like you, were gone—carried away by the wind, never to return.
Jaehyun glanced back to reality as he searched for a coin in his pocket. He never believed in any superstitious beliefs but could use one tonight. Taking out the coin, ready to make one and toss it into the fountain.
"Take me back," he chanted.
"Just let me be with her a little longer," as he closed his eyes, bringing his hand in the gesture of wishing before tossing the coin.
As Jaehyun's coin splashed into the fountain's waters, he felt a surge of emotion wash over him, a mixture of hope and desperation swirling within his heart. For a fleeting moment, he allowed himself to believe in the possibility of a second chance, of redemption and reconciliation.
However, as the ripples of the coin's impact faded into the night, reality came crashing back with a sobering clarity. Jaehyun knew deep down that time could not be undone, that the wounds of the past ran too deep to be healed by mere wishes.
With a heavy heart, Jaehyun turned away from the fountain, his mind clouded with thoughts of what could have been. As he blinked back the weight of his emotions, he noticed an old man sitting on a nearby bench, his face illuminated by the soft glow of the moon. The man offered him a gentle smile, which Jaehyun returned out of courtesy. There was something about the man that stirred Jaehyun’s curiosity.
"Do you come here often?" Jaehyun asked.
"I come here every night, young man," the old man replied.
"It’s a peaceful place," Jaehyun remarked, gesturing toward the shimmering waters, their reflection reminding him of your eyes.
"Do you believe in the power of wishes?"
The old man’s smile deepened, as though he had been waiting for that question.
"I believe in the power of music," he responded cryptically, his gaze fixed on the fountain.
Jaehyun let out a small chuckle, shaking his head. He couldn't believe he almost expected an old man to have the answer to his problems. He turned to say something more, but when he glanced back, the bench was empty, as if the man had never been there at all. It almost felt like a dream or a delusion. Yet, as Jaehyun looked at the fountain again, he couldn’t shake the feeling that the old man’s words had left something behind—something that had shifted deep within him.
As Jaehyun dwells on the mysterious encounter with the old man, his thoughts are consumed by the words uttered about the power of music. With a sense of curiosity driving him, he made his way to the Neo Club.
The room was empty when he entered as he scans the room. It was filled with all the stuff he and his club members would do, the wave of memories comes flashing back in his mind. But nothing came helpful for him in the room. Just as he was about to leave, he heard the sound of the door swinging and sees your small figure coming afterwards.
"Jaehyun? What brings you here?" you inquired, your voice breaking the silence.
Jaehyun froze, his heart skipping a beat at the sound of your voice. He vividly remembered watching you walk away, but there you were, standing before him as if you’d never left. And yet, something about you seemed different—softer, almost unreal. Without a second thought, he closed the distance between you, pulling you into a tight embrace and burying his face in the crook of your neck.
"Y/N, I’m so sorry," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "I’ve been such a fool. I should have never let you go. I don’t know what I was thinking, but I’m so grateful you came back to me."
He clung to you like a lifeline, his words spilling out in a rush.
"Thank you, thank you for giving me another chance. I promise I’ll do better. I’ll make it right this time, I swear. Just don’t leave me again."
His grip tightened as if he feared you might disappear at any moment. But you stayed still, not even hugging him back.
Confused, Jaehyun pulled back slightly, searching your face for a response. His heart pounded in his chest, fear creeping in. Something was off.
"Jaehyun," you began, your voice steady but distant,
"you just confessed to me earlier. What are you apologizing for? Did you lie about going back to the dormitory? Why are you here?"
His heart dropped as the realization hit—this wasn’t the same moment. Something was terribly wrong.
"Well, it's a bit complicated. But nothing to worry about," Jaehyun replied with a reassuring smile.
"Why are you here, though?" you pressed further.
"I was actually looking for Ten. He needed some extra music sheets," Jaehyun explained quickly.
"Oh, perfect timing. I bought some for him earlier. Here, you can give them to him. He’s your roommate anyway," you said, rummaging through your bag and handing the sheets to Jaehyun before offering a quick goodbye.
As Jaehyun watched you walk away, a wave of nostalgia hit him. He remembered how you used to subtly hint at wanting him to walk you home. Though you never directly asked, he had always known. Feeling a sudden urgency, he rushed after you, catching your wrist as you reached the exit.
"Let me walk you back to the dormitory," he offered.
"Are you sure? It's getting dark," you said, concern in your voice.
"I'm sure. I just... I want to spend a little more time with you," Jaehyun confessed, heart pounding with anticipation.
Your puzzled look mirrored the confusion stirring within Jaehyun. Could he really have traveled back to two years ago, to when your relationship had just begun?
"Jaehyun?" you called, snapping him out of his thoughts. "You’ve been zoning out a lot lately. It’s starting to worry me."
“I’m sorry, Y/N. My mind's a mess right now.”
"We can figure it out together, if you want," you smiled at him. Your warmth hit Jaehyun like a wave, and before he knew it, he was leaning in, gently placing a kiss on your lips.
“Was that too early?” he asked, resting his forehead against yours.
"Don't worry. I like it this way," you whispered, sharing a quiet laugh before continuing your walk toward the dormitory.
Jaehyun was left reeling, his mind struggling to comprehend the strange turn of events. He didn’t like this gamble he was playing but he ran out of options when he knocked on the dormitory door that he used to share with Ten. No longer later, the door swung open.
“You lost your key again, Jaehyun?”
It was Ten.
Jaehyun tried to understand the situation but the more he spoke to Ten, the more confused he got. As the next day dawns, he begins to start his routine just like how he would back at university. Trying to mix the puzzle.
Jaehyun spends the next few days retracing the familiar steps of his university life, trying to understand where exactly he is in the timeline. It was not easier for him. He kept doing things out of place, calling familiar faces around the campus but none of them recognised him, struggled to get into the right class although some seemed oddly easy this time around. It's as if his mind holds onto memories from a future that hasn't happened yet.
Just as he walked out of his last class of the day, his thoughts immediately turned to you. He had always wanted to wait for you after your classes, but you never let him, thinking it would burden him to pick you up from another faculty. Yet, as time passed and the relationship deepened, you couldn’t help but start longing for that gesture.
Jaehyun remembered how you once brought it up during a fight.
“I didn’t think it mattered,” he had said in frustration.
“It does matter, Jaehyun! You never offer, not once! I know I said it’s fine, but I wanted you to at least try,” you had replied, your voice trembling.
At that moment, he realized how much those small gestures meant to you, but he had been too wrapped up in everything else to notice. The memory of that argument lingered, making him wish he had understood sooner.
Jaehyun found himself walking to your class, his feet moving on instinct as if drawn by a force he couldn’t explain. He stood outside, leaning against the wall, nervously checking the time. His heart raced with anticipation, unsure if this gesture would mean anything now.
As students started to spill out, he caught sight of you, chatting with a friend. For a moment, he hesitated, wondering if he should even be there. But then your eyes met his, and time seemed to slow. He offered a small, unsure smile, hoping you’d remember this moment—the one you had once wanted so badly.
"Jaehyun, you shouldn't be doing this. I can wait for you after you finish your band practice", you whispered to him when you walked towards him. He could see how shy you become.
"I know, but I want to be here for you," Jaehyun replied, his voice low but earnest.
You paused, caught off guard by his sincerity.
"But I don’t want to burden you, especially with everything you have going on."
"No, don't say that. You are not a burden. I want to wait for you after class. It made me feel connected to you", he insisted, taking a step closer.
You felt your heart flutter at his words, a mix of warmth and uncertainty swirling inside you. You searched his face for any signs of doubt, but all you saw was determination. It was a small gesture, yet it felt monumental at that moment.
"Are you sure this is what you want?"
"Yes, absolutely".
You walked side by side with Jaehyun, a gentle warmth spread through you, but your shyness began to creep in. The way he looked at you, with genuine interest and kindness, made your stomach flutter. You tried to focus on what to say about your day, but your thoughts felt jumbled.
When you reached the café, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, and you felt a bit more at ease. Jaehyun held the door open for you, and you stepped inside, your cheeks warming at the little gesture.
“Okay, spill. How was your day?” he asked, leaning casually against the counter as you both waited in line.
You fidgeted with the strap of your bag, glancing at him before looking away, your heart racing.
“Um, it was fine. Just… classes and studying. Nothing too exciting, really.” Jaehyun raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced.
“Come on, there has to be something interesting. Did you learn anything new?”
You hesitated, feeling a bit shy under his gaze.
“Well, we started a group project in class… and I was kind of nervous about presenting.” Jaehyun nodded, encouraging you with a smile.
“I’m sure you did great. You’re always so prepared. What was the project about?”
As you spoke about the project, your confidence slowly began to build. Jaehyun listened intently, his eyes never leaving yours. The way he focused on you made the words flow more easily, and you found yourself getting lost in the conversation.
“—and then my group members had a million ideas, and I was just trying to keep up,” you laughed, finally feeling a little more comfortable. Jaehyun smiled back, his expression warm.
With each passing moment, your shyness began to melt away, replaced by a sense of connection you hadn’t felt in a while. As you moved to the counter to order, Jaehyun placed his hand on the small of your back, guiding you gently forward. It felt natural, yet electrifying.
“Your turn. What do you want?” he asked, looking at the menu with a playful glint in his eyes.
You bit your lip, trying to suppress a smile. “Um, maybe a caramel macchiato?”
“Great choice,” he said, his voice light. As he ordered for both of you, you couldn’t help but feel grateful for this moment. Jaehyun placed the order for both of you, you turned to him, eager to ask about his day.
“So, how about you? Anything new from the class?”
But just as the words left your lips, Jaehyun’s gaze shifted. He made eye contact with the cashier, and a small smile crept onto his face—one that made your heart sink a little. You followed his gaze and saw Yeri, who was chatting with another customer, her laughter ringing out. She was Jaehyun's friend and you know the both of them shared a lot of things before he met you. She was even the former vocalist of the band.
You felt a familiar knot of insecurity tighten in your stomach. You’d always felt a twinge of jealousy about Jaehyun’s friendship with her, especially when they shared that effortless connection. You tried to shake off the feeling, but it lingered. He turned back to you, his expression shifting from warmth to concern.
“Uh, Jaehyun?” you said, your voice softer than before. “You know, I… I don’t want to interrupt your time with Yeri if you want to say hi.”
“What? No, it’s not like that at all. I was just—”
“It’s fine, she's your friend anyway” you interrupted, forcing a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes.
“No. That's not what I want. I wanted to spend time with you, not anyone else. I promise.”
But as you glanced back at Yeri, who was now exchanging friendly banter with the next customer, the knot in your stomach tightened further. You couldn’t help but wonder if he’d rather be with her than standing here with you. The doubt flickered in your mind, and you tried to suppress it.
As the bartender placed the drinks on the counter, his gaze shifted back to you, the sincerity in his eyes reassuring you.
“Y/N, you’re not interrupting anything. I wanted to be here with you, not anyone else.”
You felt a warmth at his words but couldn’t shake the feeling that there were parts of his life he hadn’t shared yet.
“Okay,” you said softly, trying to push the unease aside.
His hand brushed against yours for a brief moment. It sent a spark through you, but doubts lingered, hidden beneath the surface. You wanted to believe him, to trust in the connection you shared, even if shadows from the future clouded his mind.
As you both grabbed your coffees and moved to a cosy corner of the café, Jaehyun’s thoughts drifted momentarily back to Yeri, but he quickly redirected his focus to you. You deserved his full attention, and he was determined to keep it that way.
Later that day, Jaehyun made his way to the practice room, his mind still buzzing from the coffee date. He found Ten already set up, surrounded by scattered sheets of music and a guitar resting against the wall.
“Jaehyun, you’re here!” Ten exclaimed, looking up with a grin.
“Help me with this new song.”
Jaehyun chuckled, settling into a chair across from him.
“What’s the song about?”
"It's called Lie With You. It's about longing for someone. The lyrics explore the feeling of wanting to be close to someone, to share not just the good moments but also the struggles. It’s like… wanting to escape reality together, even just for a moment.”
Jaehyun understood that feeling as he was facing the situation.
“It’s about those fleeting moments when you wish you could freeze time. It’s a mix of love, heartache, and the desire to be understood completely," Ten continued.
“Here,” Ten said, glancing at Jaehyun, “help me with this chorus. I want it to capture that feeling of wanting to lie down with someone, to just be together without the weight of the world.”
As Ten played, the melody unfolded—soft and haunting, weaving through the air like a gentle breeze. Jaehyun felt himself getting lost in the sound, the emotions resonating with his own experiences. Each note seemed to echo the longing he felt for you, the memories still vivid in his mind. His heart raced as he listened to the lyrics; they painted a picture of intimacy and connection—something he yearned for but felt slipping away. As they collaborated, the song transformed into an anthem of love and loss, reflecting everything Jaehyun struggled to hold on to.
“Let’s make it something people can relate to,” Jaehyun suggested, feeling the urgency of his own emotions at the moment. “Something that speaks to the heart.”
Days passed, and Jaehyun and Ten dedicated countless hours to composing the song. It was a truly precious time for Jaehyun—second only to the moments he spent with you.
You made your way to the library, determined to clear your mind and focus on your assignments. With your next class not scheduled for another two hours, you aimed to make the most of your time. Settling into a comfortable spot, you immersed yourself in your work.
As you continued to study, you noticed a familiar figure approaching out of the corner of your eye. There was something about the way he carried himself, the slight hesitation in his steps that hinted at his identity even before you fully registered his face.
As he drew nearer, you lifted your gaze from your work, and there he was—Jaehyun. Recognition sparked instantly, a mix of surprise and curiosity washing over you.
"Jaehyun?" you exclaimed softly, disbelief lacing your voice.
His face broke into a warm smile at the sound of his name.
"Hey there," he greeted, sliding into the empty seat beside you.
Seeing him in the library was a pleasant surprise, and you couldn't help but wonder what had brought him here at this moment.
"I didn't know you had a free period," you chuckled lightly, breaking the ice.
Jaehyun smiled back, his gaze warm and friendly.
"Seems like we have a lot to catch up on then."
Your laughter filled the otherwise quiet library, adding a sense of warmth to the atmosphere.
"So, you're here by yourself?" Jaehyun asked, breaking the silence.
"Yeah, my friends decided to skip class today, so I thought I could use this time for myself."
As you returned to your studies, Jaehyun settled in beside you, sitting quietly without intending to disturb you. You could see him starting to get sleepy, and a small laugh escaped you as he rested his head on the table.
"Sir, you’re not supposed to do this in the library," you teased.
"I know, but I’m so sleepy. Watching you calms me down," he replied, his eyes half-closed.
"Should we go outside or something?" you suggested.
"Let’s just stay here for a moment," he said, slipping his hand into yours under the table, closing his eyes with a content smile.
"Until the librarian kicks us out," he added playfully.
A warm flutter stirred in your stomach at the intimacy of the moment, and you decided to continue studying, feeling both shy and comforted by his presence.
As your relationship with Jaehyun flourished, his creative energy also surged. He spent countless hours in the practice room with Ten, diving deep into songwriting sessions with emotions he felt for you. The bond between Ten and Jaehyun was stronger than ever, as they bounced ideas off each other, turning snippets of melodies into full-fledged songs. Ten often teased Jaehyun about his newfound inspiration.
“You’re different these days. It’s like you’ve got a muse or something” he would say, a knowing grin on his face.
Jaehyun would blush, deflecting the comment, but secretly, he knew that you were the reason behind the spark in his music.
Together, they composed several songs, but one in particular began to take shape—an anthem about love and longing, capturing the essence of what Jaehyun was experiencing with you. He poured his heart into the lyrics, weaving in moments from your time together—late-night study sessions where Jaehyun would playfully nudge you, teasing you about your study habits, while you would gently scold him for his tendency to nap instead of focusing on his music, shared laughter at the café, and those quiet walks through the park.
On days when you visited the practice room, Jaehyun would play snippets of the new songs for you.
“What do you think?”
He’d ask, his eyes searching yours for approval. You’d lean in closer, captivated by the sound.
"Well, I really like it, especially the verse where-",
"Y/N', Jaehyun remind you softly it's okay to be honest with a smile.
"Sorry Jaehyun, I think the lyrics were a bit off",
He chuckled at your honesty, finding it adorable. As he moved closer, he glanced at the sheets you were holding, leaning in confidently. The Neo Club was empty that night; he had chosen this moment carefully, knowing his friends were leaving to give you both some privacy.
You could smell his scent from this distance, and the warmth between you was almost noticeable. Your cheeks flushed as you felt the heat radiating from his presence, brushing the back of your hand against your face. Jaehyun laughed at your shyness, leaning in closer, about to kiss you when suddenly, the door swung open.
Doyoung stepped into the club, he looked confused at the both of you as he tried to process what was happening.
“Well, didn’t know you guys were here,” he said casually, setting his guitar down near the door.
Jaehyun’s annoyance was barely concealed. This was supposed to be his moment with you, and Doyoung’s sudden appearance felt like an intrusion. You shifted uncomfortably, feeling a wave of shyness, your cheeks still warm from the almost-kiss. Doyoung’s eyes quickly landed on the sheet music in your hands.
"Is that 'Lie With You'? Mind if I take a look?"
You nodded slightly and handed the music over to him. Doyoung took the sheets gently, his eyes scanning the page as Jaehyun sighed, clearly trying to maintain his composure. The song was deeply personal to him and Ten, something they had poured their hearts into. He didn’t want Doyoung, no matter how talented, meddling with it.
"We’re still working on it," Jaehyun said, his voice tight with frustration.
"Hmm... some of these lines feel a little too heavy. You could lighten it up a bit, give it more flow. That way, it hits harder emotionally," Doyoung suggested, his tone thoughtful.
Jaehyun’s jaw clenched, but he knew Doyoung wasn’t entirely wrong. His natural charm and musical instinct made it hard to stay irritated.
"We don’t need to lighten it," Jaehyun muttered under his breath, though part of him understood the advice.
You smiled nervously, sensing the tension in Jaehyun but knowing that Doyoung only wanted to help. As the night continued, Jaehyun and Doyoung worked together, exchanging ideas. Despite Jaehyun’s initial frustration, it became clear they made a perfect team, their creative energies blending seamlessly.
As Doyoung suggested changes, Jaehyun felt a tight knot in his chest. He hated the idea of anyone else touching something so personal, yet he had to admit that Doyoung's input made the song stronger. He even suspected that Ten might’ve reached out to Doyoung for help since they’d been stuck on this part of the song for a while.
Just then, Jaehyun glanced over at you. You seemed tired, your eyes slightly drooping as you tried to follow the conversation between him and Doyoung. The long day had clearly worn you down, and Jaehyun noticed the way you shifted uncomfortably in your seat, trying to stay awake.
He frowned softly, his protective side kicking in.
“Hey,” he called gently, leaning closer to you. “You look exhausted. You should head home and rest.”
You blinked, trying to shake off the fatigue. “I’m okay, I don’t mind waiting for you.”
“It’s fine, really. I’ll walk you back.”
Jaehyun gave you a small smile, appreciating your dedication but knowing you needed the rest. Doyoung, sensing the moment, glanced between the two of you and nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, Y/N, you should rest. We’ve got this for now.”
You hesitated for a moment but eventually gave in, the exhaustion catching up to you. As Jaehyun helped you gather your things, he couldn’t help but feel a wave of affection for you. Even in your tired state, you had been by his side, supporting him and Ten’s work.
“I’ll text you when we’re done,” Jaehyun promised as he gently placed a hand on the small of your back, guiding you out of the club.
As you walked out into the quiet night, Jaehyun couldn’t stop himself from glancing at you again, grateful for the moments you shared, even in the simplest of ways.
Without warning, Jaehyun stopped in his tracks, gently pulling you closer by the hand. You looked up, confused but intrigued.
“I owe you something,” he said softly, his eyes twinkling.
“What do you—”
Before you could finish, Jaehyun leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, catching you by surprise. His touch was soft, lingering just long enough to send warmth rushing through you.
"I love you", he whispered, his forehead resting against yours.
You felt your heart flutter, unable to stop the grin from spreading across your face as you whispered back.
"I love you too".
"Doyoung really did great with the lyrics, actually," Ten told Jaehyun as they stepped into the café that evening before he continued.
"I hope you don't have any bad feelings towards him for that. I know how much you worked on that"
Jaehyun sighed, knowing the jealousy he was feeling was childish. It wasn’t about the lyrics or Doyoung’s contribution—it was the way everything was falling into place, just not how he envisioned.
“Do you think we can perform it anytime soon?” Jaehyun asked, trying to shake off the lingering frustration.
“Yeah, it’s good enough. I’ll make one last adjustment tonight.”
As they approached the counter to place their order, Jaehyun's eyes immediately narrowed when he saw Yeri standing behind the cashier. His stomach tightened. He knew Yeri from the future, someone who had stirred complications between him and Y/N, but in this timeline, she wasn’t a problem—yet.
"Oh, hi Yeri", Ten grinned widely.
“Hey, Ten! What can I get you guys?” she asked cheerfully, her smile genuine.
Jaehyun stayed quiet, only nodding, trying not to let his irritation show. He didn’t want to make a scene, especially when Ten enjoyed her company. After placing their orders, they found a quiet table and started conversing about their day. Jaehyun tried to focus on the music, but he couldn’t help but feel uneasy. He wanted to tell Ten so much about the time travel. Though it will only seem like a mad person. Just as their conversation picked up, Yeri suddenly approached their table.
"I have some good news for you guys," Yeri began, excitement clear in her voice.
"The owner's been looking for a band to perform at the café this weekend, and I suggested your band. He’s really interested. So, what do you think? Sound good?"
Ten’s eyes lit up immediately. “That’s perfect! Jaehyun, what do you think?”
Jaehyun glanced at Yeri, still feeling a bit uneasy, but Ten’s excitement was contagious. He forced a smile and nodded.
“Yeah, let’s do it.”
Yeri, Ten, and Jaehyun continued chatting about the upcoming gig, Yeri still buzzing with excitement while Ten and Jaehyun discussed the final touches for their performance. The café was warm with the soft hum of conversations and the smell of fresh coffee.
The door swung open just then, and you walked in with your friend, Jimin, after your evening class. You were mid-conversation, talking about the class, unaware of the trio at the corner table.
"I don't know Jimin, collaborating with Doyoung for the festival might not be a good idea", you remarked.
"Why not? He's a really good leader, even my friend Jeno approves it. He can handle the booth, all you need is to commit until the festival"
"To be honest, I don't think Jaehyun will like that idea", you admitted.
“Are you saying you’re scared of hurting your boyfriend’s feelings?”
“Hm, yes. His jealousy can be a bit... intense,” you opened up to Jimin.
"You mean, that Jaehyun?", she said, pointing toward the corner of the café. Your eyes followed her gesture, and your heart skipped a beat.
"Oh gosh, now I'm jealous", you thought to yourself.
Jaehyun, distracted by the conversation, didn’t notice you at first. But as you walked closer, his eyes instinctively found yours. Jimin, sensing the tension, nudged you forward, convinced that you should confront the situation. She clearly didn’t like seeing Jaehyun sitting with Yeri and thought it might hurt you more if left unaddressed.
Yeri, noticing Jaehyun's sudden distraction, glanced over her shoulder and caught sight of you approaching.
"Y/N!", Jaehyun quickly stood up, looking surprised.
He immediately sensed the tension in your expression, and his heart raced. The last thing he wanted was to repeat the mistakes of the past. He was determined to clear things up—something he hadn’t done in the previous timeline.
“Y/N, please listen to me. We were just talking... mostly Ten was doing the talking,” Jaehyun stammered, his nerves getting the best of him. “I was about to call you after class to pick you up—”
He quickly checked his phone to see if he’d missed any messages. “You didn’t text me... but I was going to call.”
"Jaehyun, please sit down. It's okay, really. I’m just here with Jimin. You should enjoy your time with your friends", reaching out for his arms, trying to ease his anxiety.
Jimin, clearly unimpressed, cleared her throat and rolled her eyes in Yeri’s direction. To avoid further awkwardness, you spoke up again, your shyness showing in your voice.
“I just wanted to stop by and say hi,” you said, making brief eye contact with Ten and Yeri. “Enjoy your coffee. Let’s go, Jimin.”
As you and Jimin made your way to the counter to order, you couldn’t help but glance back at Jaehyun. Your eyes met briefly, and despite the tension, a small smile flickered across your lips.
You and Jimin settled at a small table near the window, the warm glow of the café lights casting a comforting ambiance around you. As you sipped your coffee, Jimin leaned in, still buzzing from the earlier encounter.
"I can't believe we walked in on that," she whispered, glancing over her shoulder toward Jaehyun, Yeri, and Ten. "It was like a scene from a drama."
You chuckled, shaking your head. "It’s fine, Jimin. They’re just planning their performance. I trust Jaehyun," you said, though a small knot of discomfort lingered in your chest.
Jimin raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. "Yeah, but did you see the way Yeri was smiling at him? She’s definitely curious about you."
You shifted in your seat, casting a quick glance back at Jaehyun's table. Yeri was leaning in toward him, her expression inquisitive as she chatted with both him and Ten. You knew Jimin was probably right, but you didn't want to dwell on it. Instead, you steered the conversation back to lighter topics, focusing on the upcoming festival plans and your group project. However, the occasional glance toward Jaehyun’s table revealed that things weren’t as relaxed over there.
Meanwhile, at Jaehyun’s table, Yeri’s curiosity was bubbling over. She had noticed the shift in Jaehyun’s manner the moment you walked in, and she wasn’t about to let it slide. Leaning in with a sly smile, she nudged Jaehyun’s arm.
"So, Jaehyun," she began, her voice teasing, "who was that? Your new girlfriend?", Jaehyun’s face flushed slightly, and he avoided Yeri’s eyes, suddenly feeling flustered.
"Uh, that’s Y/N," he mumbled, trying to keep his voice casual, though he couldn’t hide the affection that seeped into his tone.
"Y/N, huh?" Yeri grinned knowingly, exchanging a look with Ten, who was quietly sipping his coffee but clearly amused by the situation. "She’s cute. I thought there was something going on with the way you jumped up when she came in."
Jaehyun sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, feeling like he was caught. "Yeah, we’ve been seeing each other for a while now."
Ten smirked, adding, "Don’t be shy, Jaehyun. You’re usually so smooth. What’s got you so nervous?"
Yeri leaned back in her chair, clearly entertained by Jaehyun’s awkwardness. "You should’ve introduced us properly," she teased. "Now I’m dying to know more about her."
Jaehyun chuckled awkwardly, glancing at you again across the room, where you and Jimin were engaged in conversation. His heart warmed at the sight of you, even though he felt the pressure from Yeri’s teasing.
"Maybe next time," he replied, trying to play it cool.
But Yeri wasn’t about to let it go that easily. She smirked, leaning in once more.
"Sure, but you know, you owe me a proper introduction. She seems important to you."
Jaehyun’s lips curved into a soft smile. "Yeah... she is."
That night, as you and Jimin prepared to leave the café and head back to the dormitory, Jaehyun quickly stood up from his seat, making his way over to you.
“Let me walk you back,” he insisted, his eyes soft but filled with determination.
He glanced at Jimin briefly before turning his attention back to you. You gave him a gentle smile, appreciating his offer but shaking your head.
"It’s okay, Jaehyun. I want to spend some time with Jimin tonight. We have some things to catch up on."
Jaehyun’s brows furrowed slightly, clearly reluctant.
"Are you sure?" he asked, his voice low as if hoping you might change your mind.
You nodded, reaching out to lightly squeeze his hand. "I’ll be fine, I promise. I’ll see you tomorrow."
Still, he didn’t let go of your hand immediately, holding onto it for a moment longer.
"Alright," he finally sighed, though it was clear he wasn’t entirely convinced. "I’ll make it up to you. Tomorrow, we’ll do something special."
A small laugh escaped you as you let go of his hand. "You don’t have to make it up to me, Jaehyun. Just get some rest tonight, okay?"
With one last reluctant glance, Jaehyun nodded.
"Okay," he agreed softly, but his eyes followed you as you and Jimin exited the café, disappearing into the cool evening air.
Jimin, of course, didn’t let the moment pass unnoticed. As the two of you strolled toward the dorms, she teased you with a smirk.
"You’ve got him wrapped around your finger, huh?"
You chuckled, shaking your head. "It’s not like that. He just worries sometimes."
Jimin laughed. "Yeah, well, I’d be worried too if I had to compete with you wanting to hang out with me."
You rolled your eyes but smiled, your thoughts lingering on Jaehyun’s promise as you and Jimin continued walking under the night sky.
A few weeks passed, and the days blurred together as Jaehyun, Ten, and Doyoung poured themselves into rehearsals for the gig. Their dedication was admirable, but it left little time for anything else. You had grown accustomed to their late-night practices at the club, often only stopping by to knock on the door just to say goodbye before heading to the dorm.
Jaehyun, in his focus on the performance, had gradually let the memory of time travel slip to the back of his mind, consumed by the present.
But one night, just before the big performance, Jaehyun insisted on spending time with you. He texted you, asking if you could meet him at the club before practice started, and though you knew how busy he was, you agreed.
When you arrived, the club was quiet, an unusual calm settling over the usually bustling space. Jaehyun was sitting on the sofa, one earphone in, waiting for you. As you walked in, he looked up with a soft smile—oh, how much he missed you.
“Come here,” he said, patting the seat next to him. “I want you to hear something.”
You sat down beside him, and he gently handed you the other earphones, getting ready to play the song.
"I’ve been meaning to share this with you. It’s special, and before we perform it for everyone else, I wanted you to hear it first."
You smiled, sensing the significance of the moment as the music began to play. The melody was hauntingly beautiful, filled with raw emotion that pulled you in immediately. As the song progressed, you could feel Jaehyun’s heart poured into every note, every lyric. It wasn’t just a song—it was a reflection of everything he had been holding inside.
When it ended, he looked at you with anticipation, his heart in his eyes.
"So, what do you think?"
Your chest tightened, overwhelmed by the beauty of the song and the intimacy of the moment. You laid your head on his shoulder.
"It’s sad, but… perfect, Jaehyun. Really."
He let out a small, relieved laugh, resting his head against yours.
"I wrote it with you in mind," he admitted softly. "I wanted to create something that captures what we’ve been through, even if it’s just a glimpse of what I feel."
Your heart swelled at his words. You knew this song wasn’t just a performance—it was him sharing a piece of himself with you, something deeply personal before anyone else could hear it. Without realizing it, he gently laid his head in your lap.
"Y/N, let me take a nap for a bit," he murmured.
You knew how hard they had worked, the sleepless nights they spent preparing for this moment, so you simply smiled and let him rest. The two of you stayed like that for a while longer, enjoying the quiet closeness as the night stretched on, the upcoming performance momentarily forgotten.
You and Jimin headed to the café, eagerly waiting for Jaehyun’s gig. The atmosphere filled with excitement, the crowd chattering while you found a table near the stage. Jimin was just as excited as you, if not more. She’d invited a few friends too—Jeno and Jaemin, who arrived not long after you did.
"They’re going to kill it tonight. I can feel it!", Jimin said with a grin, nudging you as she sipped her coffee.
You nodded, feeling both nervous and proud for Jaehyun, Ten, and Doyoung. As they took the stage, the café quieted, all eyes on the trio. The lights dimmed, and the first chords of their song filled the room. Jaehyun stood at the center, his gaze scanning the crowd until it landed on you. He gave a small, subtle smile before focusing back on the performance.
From the first note to the last, they nailed every part of the gig. Jaehyun’s voice was rich with emotion, Ten’s melodies carried the songs effortlessly, and Doyoung’s harmonies added a powerful depth. The crowd was captivated, and you couldn’t have been more proud. Jeno and Jaemin were cheering loudly, while Jimin was clapping along, completely caught up in the performance.
By the time the last song ended, the café erupted in applause, and Jaehyun’s eyes sought yours again. You gave him a beaming smile, knowing how much this moment meant to him.
Later that night, after all the congratulations and farewells, Jaehyun insisted on taking you somewhere special. The two of you walked in the quiet evening. You strolled together until you reached the park, the same place where Jaehyun had once time-travelled—though, at the moment, that fact was entirely forgotten by him.
The fountain trickled softly, and the night felt calm and serene. Jaehyun sat down beside you on a bench, his hand reaching for yours as he sighed contentedly.
"I’m so glad you were there tonight," he said, his voice low and warm. "It meant everything to me."
"I wouldn’t have missed it for the world," you replied, leaning against him.
For a moment, the two of you sat in silence, enjoying the stillness of the night. As you admired the fountain's shimmering waters, Jaehyun’s gaze suddenly shifted. His eyes widened, and he squinted into the distance, recognizing a familiar figure.
"Wait here," he said, his tone suddenly serious.
Before you could respond, he took off in the direction of an old man standing a short distance away, gazing at the fountain.
“Hey! Excuse me!” Jaehyun called out, breathless from running. The old man turned slowly, his face illuminated by the moonlight.
“Do you remember me? You told me about the power of music... and things like that," Jaehyun asked, his voice filled with a sense of desperation. The old man studied Jaehyun for a moment before nodding slowly.
“Ah, yes. I see you’ve made it this far.”
Jaehyun’s heart raced as he realized the weight of his wishes.
“I need to understand more. What is happening to me? How long will I be here? I want to be here, please.”
The old man’s expression softened, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.
"Every choice has consequences. The memories you hold dear shape who you are. Exchange a good memory with another good memory," he muttered, as if lost in thought.
Jaehyun felt a surge of panic.
"What did you mean? I've already traveled through time. What more do I need to do?"
The old man regarded Jaehyun with a knowing smile, his eyes twinkling with wisdom beyond his years.
"Time travel is a delicate balance, my boy. Every action has a consequence, and every memory holds weight," he replied cryptically.
As the old man’s words sank in, Jaehyun began to realize the price of his journey through time. To maintain the balance, a sacrifice would have to be made. Just then, you approached, curiosity flickering in your eyes.
“Jaehyun, who is this?” you asked, sensing the tension. He hesitated, glancing between you and the old man.
“He… he’s someone I met before. He knows things.” Then, a dawning realization crept over Jaehyun. "Wait... you can see him?"
Tears welled up in your eyes, a hint of fear behind them.
"Yes. Jaehyun, I time-traveled with you," you confessed, your voice trembling.
"What?" Jaehyun's mind raced with disbelief.
"I was confused too at first," you continued, "but I realized it when you knew I’d be jealous of Yeri, even before I admitted it."
Jaehyun's breath hitched, tears filling his own eyes. His heart ached, but clarity struck him as he realized he had to act fast. There were other memories to trade—ones that wouldn’t cost him you.
Turning back to the old man, Jaehyun shakily pulled out a small guitar pick that Ten had given him. His fingers trembled as he held it up.
"I'll..." he began, his voice breaking as sobs escaped him, "I'll trade this. Just please… let him remember the song."
With a heavy heart, Jaehyun made the difficult decision to let go of the memories of producing songs with Ten. It tore him apart, but he knew the memories with you were far too precious to risk. He couldn’t afford to lose how far the two of you had come.
The old man studied the guitar pick, nodding solemnly.
"You have chosen wisely, my boy," he said with a reverent tone. But then his expression darkened slightly as he added, "Nothing is perfect. You cannot fix everything. But what is meant for you will find its way back."
Tears streamed down Jaehyun's face as the weight of his decision settled in. He understood now. Some things would always come at a cost, but he was willing to make that sacrifice to keep what mattered most.
"I understand," he whispered, his voice steadier now, though his heart still ached from what he had to lose.
Then, the old man turned toward you, his gaze softening as he saw the tears streaming down your face. You cried harder than ever, and deep down, you knew why.
Jaehyun, still caught up in his own emotions, looked at you with confusion, unable to understand the depth of your sorrow. He furrowed his brow, stepping closer, but before he could say anything, the old man spoke—his voice low, but filled with a quiet understanding.
"You," he addressed you directly, "you had only one precious memory."
Your heart clenched as you tried to stifle your sobs. Jaehyun’s eyes widened as he turned toward the old man, panic rising in his chest. What did he mean? What precious memory?
The old man continued, his eyes never leaving yours. "And that memory," he paused, "was of Jaehyun."
Jaehyun’s face paled. His breath caught in his throat as realization began to sink in. You had time-travelled too, just like him, and to fix the past, to make things right, you had sacrificed the one memory that meant the most to you—him.
"No... no, that can't be," Jaehyun whispered, shaking his head as if trying to shake off the truth. "Why didn’t you tell me?" His voice broke, his confusion now turning into desperation.
You wiped your tears, your lip trembling. “I… I didn’t want you to know. It was the only way to make sure you were happy.”
Jaehyun’s heart shattered as the weight of your sacrifice hit him. You had traded your memory of him—the very essence of everything you had together—just so he could have a second chance. He felt like the ground had been ripped out from beneath him. He tried to speak but the words wouldn’t come.
The old man watched silently, his eyes full of an ancient sadness, knowing the price of love and sacrifice better than anyone.
Jaehyun, overwhelmed with guilt and heartbreak, grabbed your hand, gripping it tightly as if holding on would make it all better.
“But… you’re my everything. You can’t just forget us—forget me.”
You closed your eyes, the tears still flowing.
"I had no choice, Jaehyun. You were my happy memory."
At that moment, Jaehyun felt utterly powerless. You had sacrificed everything for him, and now he was losing the one thing that had made this journey through time worth it. He couldn't imagine a life where you didn’t remember him, where everything you’d built together had been wiped away.
Jaehyun fell to his knees, still clutching your hand, trying to stop the inevitable.
“Please… there has to be another way.”
But deep down, he knew. You were about to forget him.
The old man said nothing, his expression a mix of understanding and sorrow. As he watched you both, the air around you began to shift, and the memories you cherished started to fade like wisps of smoke, dissolving into the night.
Jaehyun felt the world around him blurring. The laughter you shared, the moments of intimacy, the quiet evenings spent together—all began to slip away, replaced by an overwhelming emptiness. He embraces you tighter, desperate to hold on to you, to the memories you had created.
“No! Please, not like this!” he cried, his voice cracking. But his pleas echoed into silence, the weight of the old man’s words sinking in deeper.
“Y/N,” Jaehyun cupped your face, tears streaming down his cheeks.
You held his hand against your cheeks, staring deeply into his eyes.
"It's okay, Jaehyun. It's going to be okay," you said, giving him one last smile.
"You’ll be okay," you muttered softly.
He cried endlessly, holding you tightly. As the last flicker of your shared memories faded, you felt an overwhelming sense of loss. The love that had once filled your heart was now replaced with a hollow ache. You looked into Jaehyun’s eyes, seeing the pain reflected there, and at that moment, something deep within you whispered that you would always carry a piece of him, even if you couldn’t remember why.
"Y/N, it's me. Jaehyun. Jaehyun ah," he said, taking your hand and placing it on his cheek, searching for recognition in your eyes.
The old man remained a silent witness to the sacrifices made in the name of love. As the memories faded into oblivion, Jaehyun and you were left standing in the void, grasping for something that was slipping away.
And then, just as suddenly, everything went dark.
The night was dark, the quiet sinking in as you strolled through the park, seeking respite from the bustling city. Finding a nearby bench, you settled in, closing your eyes to immerse yourself in the surrounding sounds, a tranquil backdrop to your thoughts.
Just as you began to lose yourself in the moment, a soft melody captured your attention, drifting from a nearby café. Intrigued, you followed its enchanting strains until you arrived at a small, dimly lit venue where a talented musician held sway. His voice, akin to honey, wove stories with each note, captivating all who listened.
As the performer sang, you were entranced by the lyrics and the emotions they evoked. The song spoke of longing and desire, resonating deeply within your soul. Entering the café, you took a seat, utterly spellbound by the performance.
"Would you like to order?" the waiter asked, breaking the spell with a smile.
"No, thank you," you replied, shaking your head, though he chuckled in response.
"It's on the house tonight. Are you sure?"
He persisted as you relented, curiosity piqued by the gesture. You shifted your gaze to him, glancing at his name tag.
"Alright then, Jaehyun",you said, those words striking him with unexpected emotion.
"I'll have a peach tea," you continued.
As Jaehyun fetched your drink, tears threatened to spill from his eyes. He quickly wiped them away before he could sense it. You sensed the song nearing its end and halted him before he left.
"Sorry, but could you tell me the name of this song?"
"Sure, it's 'Lie With You.' The performer wrote it himself."
"It's a beautiful song."
"Yes, it truly is," he agreed, reminiscing about his time with you.
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ladykailitha · 6 hours
A Love Connection Part 1
In a very special engagement (as in a don't normally post 5 days a week), I introduce "A Love Connection"!
If the premise looks familiar the original idea is from here, where a couple of people in the notes or tags said they'd love to try it. And after a year, I figured I'd try my own hand at the idea.
This will update on Tuesdays at 10am and 10pm EST. With hopefully eight chapters.
Summary: Steve has tried everything under the sun to find someone to truly connect with, so he gives up after a particularly horrible date. Then Chrissy introduces him to her favorite game show "Love Connection". When Chrissy and Robin apply for him, they don't think they'll except him, but he does. His suitors are Billy Hargrove, Tommy Hagan, and Eddie Munson. Will Steve crash and burn again or will his connection be there waiting for him?
Look, to say Steve’s love life was a disaster would be unfair. That would be underselling it. It was a fucking catastrophe. He had gone to bars, joined hobby groups, used all the apps, even Grindr; though that was mostly for hookups, which sucked. But that was the nature of the beast if he was honest.
And the beast had completely devoured him. All his dates were either only interested the casual, cheated on him, or wanted one-night stands. Which Steve absolutely did not want. He wanted connection. Intimacy.
“I absolutely give up,” he whined to Robin, after the last date tried to slip out in the middle of the night, knocked over their lamp into their goldfish bowl, killing the goldfish, then he tried to hide the evidence by dumping it down the garbage disposal and turning it on! Lied about it, then stole their last beer as “compensation for his trauma’ and told Steve to never call him again.
“Look, Ryan wasn’t the best guy,” Robin replied with a grimace. “He liked Oasis and Tool unironically. Always a red flag.”
Steve snorted. Robin was a music snob most days, but she wasn’t wrong about that. Ryan and he had been dancing around and with each other for weeks before they finally got so hot and heavy that they went back to Steve’s for sex.
“It’s not fair,” he huffed. “You went to that bar and you a hottie girlfriend and I went to that bar and fucked a fish killer! I loved Garfield! He lived for five years before that bastard mercilessly murdered him. That’s long than my last ten relationships combined!”
Robin winced. “Ooh... I’m going to have to call Chrissy and let her know we can’t go back to that gay bar again.”
“Oh he’s so dead now!” Steve ranted. “Not only is he fish killer, he has driven us from our favorite bar!”
“Let me order us some take out,” Robin said standing up, “then I’ll call Chrissy over and we’ll all cry over Ciarán Hinds and Amanda Root falling in love.”
Steve sniffed away a couple of tears and nodded. “Then can we have a funeral for Garfield?”
Robin tilted her head and smiled sadly. “Of course we can. It’s a Sunday so none of us have work. We can watch as many weepy romance movies as you want, okay?”
“Okay,” Steve croaked. She gave him a big hug and kissed his cheek. He watched her wander into the kitchen to see what leftovers they had in the fridge so they could order from somewhere else. He loved her so much.
Sometime in the afternoon when they were more than a little tipsy, Chrissy commandeered the remote and turned on her favorite game show.
“Love Connection”
“Noooo...” Steve whined, burying his head into a throw pillow. It was Garfield shaped. It was what inspired the naming of the valiant fish. “This is the last thing I want to see. It’s so fake. No one gets together on these things. It’s so cheesy.”
“Exactly!” Chrissy crowed. “That’s why it’s perfect, we get to make fun of them!”
Steve thought that the only good part of the show was the second half. The first half was split into three different rounds. The first round was each suitor answer the one question, for a total of fifteen and then the catch would rank them, best got three points, second two, and third only one.
Then in the second round there were a set of rapid fire either or questions that the catch would yell out and the suitors would write down their answers. If their answer matched the catch’s they would get a tally. Whoever had the most tallies would win five points. Then three points to second place and one to the last place.
Then in the final round, each suitor would be asked separate questions and the catch would rate their answer one through three and that’s how many points they would get. Then at the end of the round all the points would be tallied up and the two highest would move on to the next round.
To the part that Steve actually liked. The first question always asked was “what would you do for a first date?” And the suitors got to take the catch out for the date and then afterward for drinks, the two dates would ask the catch some of the questions he asked them. Then the catch would pick the one they connected to the best.
It was all the stupid questions that bothered Steve. That was the fun part of dating, having these conversations and learning about them as you go. But then maybe that’s what Steve’s problem was, is that the people he dated didn’t care about these types of conversations.
“Why would you say you hate sports,” Steve huffed, waving his hand at the screen, “when the guy is a major soccer fan? Like did she think that she was going to put a stop to him enjoying it after starting dating?”
“Ooh yeah,” Chrissy agreed. “Just pick a different catch.”
Robin turned to her and tilted her head. “Do they get to chose their catch? I thought it was all random.”
Chrissy paused the show and pulled out her phone and the Wikipedia article. “Okay, it says here that people can apply to be suitors,” she waved at the row of women in the three booths. “Or catches.” She indicated the guy with her hand. “If they’re chosen to be a suitor then they are given a list of catches, headshot included. Then they rank vote them, so if four people pick Henry, then one will be on their second rank vote. And that part is randomized. According to them, anyway.”
Steve snorted. He highly doubted anything was randomized or voted on. They went for the biggest drama and everyone knew it.
“How long has this show been going on?” he huffed. “Like please tell it’s new and shiny and that’s why people like it.”
Robin snorted and shook her head. “Sorry, babe. But this is season twelve.”
“Oohh...” Chrissy said. “We need to show him the season six finale. That was hella juicy!”
So despite Steve’s protests, Chrissy pulled it up on her streaming services even though they hadn’t even finished the episode they were on.
When the credits rolled, Steve stared at the screen in utter shock. “What the honest fuck was that?”
Two of the three guys got into an all out brawl when the one guy had scored the lowest and felt that the second place suitor cheated. Not first place, second. Both guys were arrested and hauled off the set.
“It came out later Sven was right,” Robin said. “Elliot cheated. His cousin was an ex of the catch so he went in knowing a lot about Stella. The things he got wrong were things that had changed since she was dating his cousin.”
Chrissy nodded. “That’s why the have partitions up between the suitors now and why they have vigorous screening now. The show was almost canceled.”
“So why wasn’t it?” Steve asked honestly. “That was a shit show, if I was Stella I would have sued them into oblivion.”
Robin squirmed uncomfortably in her seat. “She did, but they settled out of court.”
“Basically,” Chrissy said, pouring them more wine and handing the first glass to Steve, “she wanted them to completely overhaul the system. She didn’t want it off the air, she wanted it safer for future participants.”
“The more the fool them,” Steve huffed. He took a long sip of his wine. “All right, fine. Let’s start at the beginning.”
Robin and Chrissy cheered and they all huddled up together on the sofa to watch this absolute train wreck of a show.
They were about half way through the third season and twice as drunk when Steve slurred, “Why are there no gay peemles in this? It’s a trav–trad–tramajesty.”
“Travesty!” Robin slurred back, her language skills always being the last to go when she’s three sheets to the wind. “And you are absolutely right! This is homophobic!”
Chrissy nodded solemnly and pulled out her phone. “I’mma show them...” she muttered with her tongue sticking out. “At loveconnectionUSA Need more gays, hashtag loveconnection hashtag need more gays.”
It wasn’t long after that that the three of them passed out on the sofa, empty bottles all around them and a message on the screen asking if they’re still watching.
There was a loud beeping noise and it absolutely was hurting his head. He reached over to where his phone was usually plugged in on his nightstand, but his hand went straight through it. He waved his arm all over the place but still his nightstand eluded him.
He peaked open one eye but his vision was obscured by a mass of blonde hair. He tried to push it out of the way but it kept falling back into his face. Finally he pushed Robin off him and onto the floor with a thud.
“Hey!” she yelped.
Steve peered over the edge of the sofa with a look of confusion. “Why are you on the floor?” he muttered over the still beeping of his alarm.
“Stop!” he mumbled and somehow, blissfully it did.
“I’m on the floor because you pushed me there,” Robin huffed, getting to her feet. She did a sniff test and grimaced when she completely failed. “God... how much did we drink yesterday?”
Chrissy struggled to sit up and blinked at her girlfriend groggily. “Not enough if I feel like this.”
Steve rolled over and looked at them both in confusion, then the events of Saturday and all day Sunday came flooding back in.
“Oh fuck...” he muttered, sitting up himself and rubbing his face. One eye was blurry from where his contact had shifted in the night. He wasn’t even sure why he had them on. Probably from sheer force of habit.
He got up and stumbled toward the bathroom where he emptied his stomach of all its boozy contents. He really didn’t remember them eating after breakfast, only a steady stream of harder and harder liquor.
While his was puking his guts out, Chrissy and Robin stole the shower. Thankfully only taking the time they needed to get the gross feeling of being hungover off their skin.
Then Steve closed his eyes as they exited the shower and snuck into Robin’s room to get ready for work. They all worked at Hawkins Middle School, where Steve was a history teacher who coached swimming and basketball. Chrissy was a health teacher and advisor for cheerleading. And Robin was the language teacher. The principal snatched her up because she could teach French, Spanish, and Italian, with her only needing to hire a German teacher.
Steve got his shower and then opted for glasses instead of his contacts, not trusting his shaky hands not poke out his eye or some shit.
They all were mostly human once they got coffee, painkillers, and cereal in them, the three of them, no doubt looking like escaped extras from a zombie flick. They moved as one, gathering up their stuff and shuffling out to Steve’s car. Chrissy sat in the back, Robin riding shotgun.
Chrissy opened her phone to check to see if she had any messages. “Holy shit!”
Look I'd be sorry about the cliffhanger, but you're only waiting 12 hours for it, soooo...
Have fun!
1-@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @cryptid-system
3- @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @justforthedead89 @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @forgottenkanji
5- @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon
6- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman
7- @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @ravenfrog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lingeringmirth
8- @gutterflower77 @a-lovely-craziness @just-a-tiny-void @w1ll0wtr33 @beelze-the-bubkiss
51 notes · View notes
shekeepswriting · 2 days
A Little More Heart (3)
[Syverson x Reader]
Word Count: 5310 (Someone got carried away. Me. It was me.)
Summary: Sy answers your grandmother's summons for dinner.
Warnings: None
A/N: I'm back from the dead hellooooo! Grad school has truly been kicking my ass. I hope this is a fun surprise for everyone
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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Sy was standing three inches from an industrial box fan, sweating his ass off and  questioning every last one of his life decisions when he heard his brother shouting for him from across the garage. 
Easily as tall as Sy but two years younger and with a little less mass, Aaron was the second of three Syverson boys. Unlike Sy, he preferred his hair long and took great pride in caring for it, an abundant mass of dark curls that usually reached his shoulders. But at work, and during most of the summer, he kept it tied in a messy knot on the top of his head. 
“Sy! Phone!”
Aaron moved fast across the floor, hand clamped around the bottom of a cordless landline to block the sound, two cheap blue popsicles still in their conjoined plastic tubes clenched between his teeth. 
“By name?” Sy asked with a sigh as he approached.
Aaron shifted his grip on the phone to take the popsicles out of his mouth.
“Yep. It’s Ms. Bea. We expecting her in for something soon?”
“No, but I drove her granddaughter home last night, so - ”
Aaron’s eyes widened, and he frantically mashed at the button to put Ms. Bea on hold.
“You did what?” he asked, an obnoxious grin taking over his face. 
“Settle down,” Sy mumbled, turning back towards the fan. 
“My permanently single, grumpy-ass older brother drove a girl home last night. I’m not settling down.”
“Not a girl. She’s a woman.” 
Aaron let out a wordless shout, jostling Sy’s shoulder and plopping down on the table beside the fan, grinning even wider than before.
“Oh, there’s no way in hell I’m letting this shit go now. A woman, you say.”
Sy rolled his eyes.
“You gonna give me one of those?” he asked, jerking his chin toward the slowly melting popsicles. 
“Only as a bribe,” Aaron answered, ripping the perforated wrappers apart and holding one out tauntingly. 
“For what?”
“Information, dumbass.”
Sy snatched the popsicle  out of his hand, holding it behind his back when Aaron swatted at it. 
“Saw her walking home in the dark. Stopped to drive her home. Simple as that.” 
“Uh huh. And what earned her the distinction of ‘woman,’ I wonder.”
“She’s a grown-ass woman, that’s what,” Sy said bluntly, stepping out of Aaron’s reach to rip open the top of the popsicle wrapper. 
“Noticed her ass, did ya?”
Sy shot him an unimpressed look, breaking the top inch of frozen blue sugar into his mouth with a harsh bite and holding his hand out.
“Just give me the fuckin phone.”
“Five questions first,” Aaron argued.
Aaron clapped in delight, taking a moment to think before launching into his limited interrogation.
“Did you smile?”
“Did she make you laugh?”
Aaron smiled again, but this time there was no mischief tied up in it. He looked uncharacteristically sincere.
“Did you get her number?”
“Yes. Last one.”
He squinted thoughtfully.
“Fuck off, Aaron.” 
“Oh, shit, that’s a yes!” But still he wasn’t teasing. His eyes were wide with surprise, his smile still genuine, not mocking.
“You could barely grow facial hair the last time you had butterflies! The good butterflies, anyway. Shit, I have so many more questions now.”
“I gave you four, and you asked four. Now, gimme the phone.”
Aaron slapped the phone into Sy’s open palm but kept a hold of the bottom.
“We’re talking about this later.”
“Fine. Don’t tell mom.”
“Fine.” And there was that familiar smile again, the one that rarely ended well for anyone. The little shit. 
Sy retreated to his office in the back of the garage, phone and popsicle in hand, before taking Ms. Bea off of hold. There was little to no chance she’d be able to hear him out on the floor.
“Hi! Busy day today? Staying cool out there, I hope.”
“Doing my best, Ms. Bea. How are ya? That car of yours still treatin you right?”
“Oh, I’m alright. I haven’t driven in a few days, but as far as I know, it’s just fine.”
“If that changes, you let me know, okay?”
“I will!” There was a brief pause. “So listen! I hear you’re the one to thank for seeing my grandbaby home safe last night.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Well, I didn’t get this far in life leaving my debts unpaid. So you just come on down to the house when you’re through with work, and we’ll treat you to a nice dinner. How does that sound?”
“That’s a very generous offer, but you don’t owe me a thing, Ms. Bea. I didn’t know who she was when I stopped. I would’ve done the same for anyone walking that road at night.”
“Oh, I trust you would have, but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve some gratitude, now does it?”
Sy shook his head. If he didn’t make an appearance tonight, Ms. Bea would only show up tomorrow with the promised dinner wrapped up in foil and glass containers. He knew better than to expect this to go away on its own. And honestly, if it afforded him the possibility of seeing you again, he may not want it to. 
“Well - ”
“Pardon me, dear. My phone is being stolen.”
Sy raised an eyebrow. There was a shuffling sound, a sigh, the closing of a door. Your voice came through, flustered and apologetic.
“I’m so sorry. I tried to talk her out of it, but the woman will not be denied.”
He smiled a little, imagining the look on your face.  
“That’s alright. I had a feelin’ something like this would happen.”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s just what happens around here. You do someone a favor, they find a way to thank you for it.”
“Oh… I did say thank you though, didn’t I?”
“You did,” he said through another smile. “That’s not what I meant though.”
“So you’re saying it really should be me offering you dinner?” you asked. “Did I accidentally cause a blood feud by not knowing that?”
“Just a short one. Couple decades, tops.” 
Your laugh sounded muffled, like you’d moved the phone down to your chest in an attempt to hide it. 
“So do I have your permission to come see you and Ms. Bea this evening?”
“Depends. Will there be a torch and pitchfork involved?”
“Nah. Lost ‘em both in a poker game.”
“What a shame.”
“That mean I’m in the clear?”
“Yeah, I guess you’d better come around. Especially considering I was sent on a separate grocery run specifically for this dinner.”
“I’d ask you not to go to too much trouble, but I have a feeling it’s not really up to you.”
“Rude but accurate. There’s a whole raw chicken out there. I’m mildly terrified.”
Just as he was opening his mouth to answer, the office door creaked open, letting in a flood of sound and one very stressed woman. 
“Hold on one sec,” he said to you quickly before lowering the phone to his chest and raising his eyebrows in question.
“Someone up front wants to talk to you.”
Sy grimaced.
“Me specifically or a manager?”
He gestured her out of the office then followed, eyes sweeping over the collection of cars and people. 
“Yeah?” he yelled from under a car Sy had been working on earlier. 
Sy crossed the garage impatiently, reaching down to drag him out from under the car by the ankle. 
“Pretty face up front.”
Aaron groaned.
“I was the pretty face last time!” he complained. “Why can’t you do it?”
“Never been pretty a day in my life.”
“Fuck you. You know there’s no good comeback for that.” 
“And I’m on the phone still. Get.”
“God damn it.” But he was already reaching up for Sy’s hand to haul him up to his feet. 
“Have fun,” Sy called after him before lifting the phone back to his ear. “Sorry about that.”
“No, that’s okay! I should probably let you go. You seem busy.”
“You got me out of talking to a customer. Far as I’m concerned, we can stay on the phone all damn day.” 
You laughed again, but this time you let him hear it.
“Does that mean you owe me a dinner now too?”
“We can talk about it,” Sy said with a smile, turning his back when one of his mechanics looked up curiously at his tone. 
“Either way, I guess I’ll see you tonight.”
“Yes, ma’am. Can I bring anything?”
“Better not. We’ll be stuck in the thank you cycle forever.” 
That really didn’t sound like the worst thing, but he didn’t want to push you farther than he already was with this dinner tonight.
“Alright. I’ll uh… I’ll text you when I’m on my way then.”
“You mean to tell me you have my number?” you gasped. “How did that happen?”
“Some troublemaker gave it to me at the bar last night.”
“I thought so. Haven’t had time to use it yet, but I was planning on it.”
“Very interesting… Well, I’ll let you go now. See you at dinner.”
“Lookin forward to it.” 
Sy tried to keep himself occupied all day, tried not to leave his mind free to dwell on you or try to predict how this dinner would go. Tried not to let himself be cornered by Aaron. Again. 
He took off a little early, running home for a shower and a change into something nicer than a stained t-shirt before heading your way. Though his warning text had prompted you to share your grandmother’s address, Sy didn’t need it. The town was small enough, and he’d been down to the house before, a couple of times, to drive Ms. Bea to church when her car had been out of commission. But he’d never been inside before, or even past the gate. 
By the time Sy’s shoes hit the driveway pavement, you were rounding the corner of the house in a pale green sundress and a clunky pair of slippers several sizes too big for your feet. Confident, as you had every right to be despite the footwear, but maybe a little flustered too. 
“Well, hello,” he said with a small smile. He let himself look you over, let you see him look you over, but only for a second. Before he could pay you an appropriately polite compliment, you blurted out,
“I didn’t wear this for you. Just so you know.”
Sy’s eyebrows rose along with his hands. It had honestly never occurred to him that you might have worn it for him. But three times was enough to pick up the pattern. Walls up at first greeting. He had to earn your ease again.
“I know you didn’t,” he said quietly, keeping his eyes on yours. “Known Ms. Bea long enough that I’d call her an ambulance if I ever saw her in a pair of jeans.” 
The corner of your mouth twitched up for a second, and you took a breath, rolled your shoulders. 
“Yeah… Sorry, I just…”
“You’re not used to this,” Sy offered with an easy shrug, lowering his hands again.
“I’m not,” you agreed. “I don’t introduce people to my grandmother. Ever. And definitely not…” You glanced over your shoulder towards the windows, lowering your voice slightly. “Definitely not a man I was flirting with the night before.”
“Did you flirt with me? Can’t recall. Where was I when all that was going on?
You rolled your eyes, more tension leaving your shoulders.
“You know I did.”
“Now, let’s see…” Sy said, running a hand over his beard in a way that earned him a real smile this time. “I remember you making fun of my handwriting. Making fun of my pickup lines. Threatening me with a knife.”
“I didn’t threaten you with a knife,” you laughed. 
Sy smiled at the sound. Now he was getting somewhere.
“No? So that was you flirtin’ then?”
“Must have been. Couldn’t be when I asked for your number.”
“Nah, I asked first.”
“No, you didn’t!”
“In my own way.” 
You narrowed your eyes at him, but the smile was still there. Like you knew what he was doing, but you couldn’t bring yourself to be annoyed by it. 
“Well, anyway,” Sy continued. “You’re not introducing me because I already know your grandma. And I’m well aware that I’m here on her invitation, not yours. So when I tell you that you look nice, it’s just an observation. No motive behind it beyond the fact that I think you ought to hear it.”
A couple of rapid blinks in surprise, a deep breath, a slow nod.
“Well… Thank you.”
Sy nodded back, and then you were turning in a pretty flutter of skirts, heading back towards the gate with a call for him to follow. 
“Rules of the house. No cursing. No wandering unsupervised. And dinner guests don’t enter the kitchen for any reason ever,” you listed, closing the gate behind him.
“Got it.”
“One more thing. Nana takes hosting extremely seriously and therefore takes my hosting extremely seriously. A lot of pageantry went into this evening. But despite all of that, rest assured you are not being husband hunted.”
“Should’ve left the ring at home then, huh?” 
“Don’t even let her hear that,” you warned with a grimace.
“Wouldn’t let me leave?”
“On the contrary. She’d light the house on fire just to get you out of it.” 
“Well now you’re just hurtin my feelings.” 
You rolled your eyes, the corner of your mouth tugging up in a reluctant smile.
“Don’t go feeling special. She’d do that to anyone she thought was proposing to me.” 
You spun around again, as graceful as you could manage to be in oversized slippers on pebbledash, and Sy smiled at the extra, intentional swish in your skirt as you led him to the back door.
“Ready?” you asked, hand pausing on the handle.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from the dogs,” you said breezily as you opened the screen door. 
You were ambushed the second you walked through the door. There was a small black terrier, hopping around on two feet, desperate for your attention, and following behind at a slower pace was the largest boxer that Sy had ever seen.
“Hi, Bertie. Go make a friend,” you said softly, ruffling the small dog’s ears and shooing her gently away from you as you stepped to the side to intercept the dog that was staring down Sy with laser focus. 
Bertie came hopping up to Sy, bright pink tongue lolling out from her underbite as she braced her front feet on his shin. 
“Pleased to meet ya, little miss,” he said with a smile, crouching slowly to give her the attention she was seeking. She was a sweet one, falling all over herself to love on him.
A sharp whistle drew both Sy and Bertie’s attention, but you remained focused on the boxer, who had been leaning around you to take a peek at him.
“Brass,” you said firmly when the dog’s attention was back on you. “He’s okay.” 
Brass let out an unconvinced grumble, going back to monitor Sy until you snapped your fingers. 
“Hey. Look at me,” you said firmly. “He’s okay. Be nice. And I promise you can help me run him off if he misbehaves.” 
You held out your hand, and Brass sat just long enough to offer you her large paw. You shook it gently, laughing at the baleful eyes she was still giving you.
“Can she perform a routine inspection?” you asked over your shoulder. 
“Of course,” Sy said, sitting all the way down on the kitchen floor. 
“Be nice,” you reminded Brass as you stepped aside to let her pass. 
Sy kept still, leaving his hands open and palm up as Brass made a slow circuit around him, sniffing diligently. Up close, she was even more impressive, one of the most solid and imposing dogs he’d ever seen, not yet softening with the age that had a few greys growing around her mouth and eyes. Brass completed her loop quickly, stopping in front of him to stare at him just a little longer.
“Ma’am,” he greeted quietly, and he saw you smiling as you called her back over to you. 
“Got yourself a real guard dog, don’t you?” Sy asked, watching as Brass bumped your hand with her nose before retreating to lay in the archway between the kitchen and living room. 
“Oh yes. The General takes her job very seriously. And she’s not a fan of men. Try not to take it personally.” 
“Ms. Bea named her General Brass?” he asked with a smile. “Or do you just want a dog to outrank me to prove a point?”
“How dare you,” you gasped. “I’ll have you know we named her General Brass Knuckles together.” 
“Well, now I know you’re lyin,” he laughed.
“I would never - Nana!” you called as your grandmother finally entered the kitchen. “Tell Sy what Brass’s full name is.” 
“General Brass Knuckles. Why?” she said, holding a hand out to Sy as she approached with a welcoming smile. 
“Your granddaughter likes to tease me,” he said, squeezing her hand gently in greeting. “It’s good to see you, Ms. Bea.” 
“She’ll do that. But I happen to think it’s a wonderful name. Suits her. She’s tough like me and like my granddaughter.” Ms. Bea squeezed his hand back. “Did you come hungry?”
“Yes, ma’am, I did.”
“Good! Go on and sit. Table’s already set.” 
Set very nicely too. Cloth napkins and the fancy salt and pepper shakers. Matching serving dishes. Ms. Bea didn’t do anything by half measures. 
Sy took the seat you gestured to, hesitating just long enough for you and your grandmother to sit before he did. 
The way you’d spoken on the phone made it sound like this was an unfamiliar process to you, but it didn’t show. You began serving and passing food smoothly, your expression pleasant but neutral as Ms. Bea took the lead on conversation.
“How’s your family? We’re getting lots of sun this summer. Your mama’s garden must be a vision.”
“She sends me pictures every day,” Sy said with a polite smile. “And she’s been doing her research, trying to figure out what to put in the greenhouse now it’s finished.”
“I think that woman could plant just about anything and make it grow. She has a real gift.”
“That was the plan. As long as she gets some use out of it, I’ll be happy.”
“Wait, did you build a greenhouse?” you cut in curiously, pausing with a forkful of roasted potatoes halfway to your mouth. 
“Not as hard as it sounds,” Sy said, chancing a wink when you squinted skeptically at him. 
“I doubt that very much,” Ms. Bea said mildly, making you laugh. “And your grandmother? She still living out there in the country on her own?”
“Nana, this is out there in the country.” 
“Alright, city girl,” she said, patting your cheek as your mouth dropped open in surprise.
“You were literally born in Brooklyn.”
“Were you really?” Sy asked, surprised. She sure didn’t sound like it, never had to his memory. Her accent was soft, but it was there, syrupy and southern like every other elderly woman in town. 
“A lifetime ago,” Ms. Bea said with a secretive little smile. “Wouldn’t recognize it now.” 
“With how many pictures I sent you last month?” you challenged with a fond smile. “You know, you could come with me next time I go.” 
“You don’t need an old lady slowing you down.” The look she gave you put an end to that conversation, and you raised your hands slightly in surrender. “Now, you still owe me news of my old friend.”
Sy nodded as her attention turned back on him.
“She’s doing alright. Gonna head up that way tomorrow to fix her air conditioner.”
“Okay, seriously? You can build a greenhouse and fix an air conditioner?” 
You almost sounded irritated, and Sy tried not to smile.
“Oh this man can fix just about everything,” Ms. Bea said.
“Wow,” you said mildly, smiling around a sip of water. “Take that compliment and run. I’ve never heard her speak so highly of a man in my life.”
“Oh, hush. Yes, you have,” your grandmother said in a no-nonsense tone.
Hush, Sy mouthed at you with mock sternness when you glanced his way. Your eyes narrowed playfully, and you kicked at his shin under the table. 
“How are those brothers of yours?”
“Oooo brothers. Now that’s interesting.” And that grin you were wearing was specifically designed to get a rise out of him. Sy eyed you, watching that smile widen just a touch before he turned his attention back to Ms. Bea. 
“They’re doing good. Jimmy’s teaching summer school. Aaron’s just the same as always. But he has been eating instant potatoes for lunch every day if you want to have a word with him about it.”
Ms. Bea gave him a knowing look, her pursed lips relaxed into a smile that verged on mischievous.
“I certainly will. That boy get a haircut yet?”
“No, ma’am. Past his shoulders now when it’s not tied up.”
You hummed with interest.
“Did he steal all of yours?”
Ms. Bea let out half a surprised laugh before she pressed a napkin to her lips demurely, regaining her composure. You were staring at him, eyes bright with amusement and challenge as he shook his head slowly at you, huffing a laugh through his nose. 
“Now don’t go giving him too hard a time,” Ms. Bea said before Sy could respond. “He did you a good turn last night.”
“He did,” you agreed.
“You should have seen it before he started cutting it all off. Just as soft and curly as anything.”
“Like a poodle,” you supplied, looking him over with a poorly-suppressed grin, as if trying to imagine it.
“You wicked thing,” Ms. Bea said with a little grin, nudging you with her elbow. “He looked just exactly like a porcelain doll when he was younger.”
Sy took a breath, wishing Ms. Bea would kindly stop digging his grave as your smile grew.
“Oh, really? Do you have any pictures?”
“I’m sure I do. Somewhere.” She squinted thoughtfully towards the living room. “In the old Christmas cards if nowhere else.”
“You’re really not giving up on that, are you?” he sighed.
“Absolutely not,” you answered. “I might have before, but a porcelain doll? Come on, now. I’m not walking away from that.”
Ms. Bea shot you a curious look but didn’t comment, guiding the three of you to a different subject with the confident ease of someone who had been navigating the passive aggressive waters of southern social life for decades. 
Things carried on that way for quite a while: Ms. Bea asking polite questions and you finding ways to subtly or not-so-subtly tease him. 
The plates had long been clear when Brass interrupted the conversation with a single, sharp warning bark, rising from her position in the doorway to bully her way behind the blinds on the nearest kitchen window. Sy heard it a few seconds later: a car making the turn onto the long driveway.
“Were you expecting anyone else?” you asked, glancing to your grandmother with a frown.
When Ms. Bea shook her head, Sy leaned back in his chair, moving his head to the side until he caught a glimpse through the window over the sink.
“Little blue Toyota, looks like.” 
Ms. Bea rose quickly, her lips pursed to the point of disappearing.
“Darling, would you take our guest out to the pool house so he can pick a drink for the road? I’d like a private word with your cousin.” 
Your eyebrows raised, but you nodded wordlessly, grabbing at Sy’s arm as you stood from the table. He followed your lead, letting you tug him along out the back door.
“Poor Kat,” you said once the door closed behind you. 
“Well, she did leave you stranded,” Sy said quietly. 
“Turned out okay,” you said with a shrug, dropping your hand back to your side when you caught his eyes. 
Sy held your gaze with an easy nod, not pulling back or looking away until you took a flustered breath and tilted your head to the side.
“Let’s get out of here before the fireworks start, huh?”
You hopped off the porch steps, following the end of the driveway to a small carport that backed into an even smaller outbuilding. A later addition, it looked like. Several decades newer than the house. 
“You gonna tell me why we’re calling this a pool house? Not seeing a pool anywhere.”
“Patience,” you huffed, skirting around the two cars that were squeezed together beneath the carport. 
You paused at the door, bouncing lightly on your feet as if to gather some nerve.
“Alright, full disclosure, sometimes a lizard or a snake gets in here. And if I open this door and see a snake, I will either fully abandon you to deal with that shit by yourself or climb you like a tree.”
And there were all sorts of things he could say to that, but he chose to keep his damn mouth shut and nod instead. 
You led the way into the tiny building, wading through air that somehow felt even hotter than it had outside. After a second of endearingly impatient flailing, you caught hold of the thin chain hanging from the light on the ceiling, turning it on with a swift tug. 
It didn’t do much for the space, which remained dim and dusty. There was very little room to walk, a thin avenue of clear concrete circled a large tarped object in the center of the room. Boxes, folding chairs and tables, and a long abandoned workbench lined the back wall. To the left, nearly overlapping the door, was a refrigerator and large separate freezer.  
“Pool table,” you said, lifting up a corner of the tarp to reveal a glossy wood corner. 
Sy smiled a little. 
“Pool house. Cute.” 
“We’re unbearably adorable. We can’t help it,” you said breezily, turning away from him to open the refrigerator door. “Adorable and overstocked with beverages.” 
Every Coke product known to man filled the fridge, accented by bottles of peach tea and cans of lemonade. And…
“Are those Capri-Suns?”
Your eyes widened when you followed his gaze to the three shiny pouches tucked away on the bottom shelf. 
“Huh…” you said softly, turning one over in your hand to check the expiration date. “Why does she even have these?”
“Gotta have all the bases covered, I guess.” 
You hummed, turning your head to look up at him. For half a second, you seemed a little startled at his proximity, blinking rapidly and taking a sharp breath. Sy was doing his best not to crowd you, but there honestly wasn’t enough room for personal space. When he tried to back off a little, all he really managed to do was hip check the pool table and throw off his balance, shrinking the distance even more when you grabbed a handful of his shirt in a quick attempt to steady him. 
There was a pause, neither of you daring to take a breath. The hot, still air of the tiny outbuilding seemed to draw in a little closer, barely cut by the draft from the open refrigerator. 
“Um…” You blinked hard, pulling your hand away like he’d burned you, shuffling to the side to earn a few precious inches of space. 
“Sorry,” he said softly, belatedly. 
“S’okay…” You shook your head a little. “Uh, do you want…?” 
You lifted the little juice pouch still in your hand.
It took further rearranging to get the refrigerator door closed again, and Sy tried not to feel too bad at the speed with which you rushed from the building. 
The open air seemed to soothe you a little, the sight of you rolling your shoulders with a deep breath greeting Sy when his eyes readjusted to the bright sunlight. 
That playful confidence crept back over you, a little more tentative but still a sight to see. 
“Are you qualified to open one of these?” you asked, tossing Sy his juice. “Don’t know how much experience you’ve got.”
“Plenty,” Sy said, arching a brow at the smirk that set across your face. “Said what I said.” 
You laughed, reaching to pull the plastic-wrapped straw from the back of the pouch. 
“You sure? You can’t brute force it, ya know. You’ll just stab through both sides and end up with a mess. It takes finesse.”
“I can do finesse.”
He took the straw back from you, making smooth and efficient work of pushing it through the clear plastic circle at the top of the pouch. He took a smug sip, earning a grin from you as you raised your hands in surrender.
“Fine, fine. You have the dexterity of an eight year old. I’m sorry for doubting you.”
“No winning with you, is there?”
“No, sir!” you said proudly, glancing quickly towards the back door at the sound of raised voices, your smile fading slightly. “Guess I should escort you to safety.”
You plucked lightly at his sleeve as you headed back towards the gate where his truck was parked. He followed, falling into step beside you.
“Sure you don’t need backup?” 
Through a gap in the curtain, Sy caught sight of Kat, her face pinched, arms crossed. 
“Oh, I’m not going back in there,” you scoffed. “I’ll walk a lap of the neighborhood or something. Go sit by the pond for a bit, maybe.”
Sy hesitated, his steps slowing.
“I could - We could go somewhere, if you want. Give them time to cool off a little.”
You glanced at him curiously.
“Go where?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “Wherever. Get a drink or something.”
“Two nights in a row? The town would implode.”
He smiled a little, leaned against the door of his truck. 
“That’s not a no.”
You shot him a look, mouth twisted up in something that looked very promisingly like indecision.
“Should be a no. Wouldn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea.”
“What’s the wrong idea?”
You let out a slow breath.
“You know I’m only going to be around a couple weeks.”
He hummed, standing up straight again.
“Doesn’t have to be a drink. Could just go for a drive. No getting any wrong ideas about a drive.”
“No wrong ideas about sunset on a backroad?”
Sy cleared his throat.
“No ma’am. We’re in for a platonic sunset tonight. It told me so.”
You laughed, but there was something a little sad in it. 
“Drink your juice and get outta here before I do something stupid, please.”
Sy knew better than to push, but damn if he didn’t like the sound of that. 
“Yeah, alright.” 
You made no attempt to mask the once-over you gave him as he got into the driver’s seat. He risked holding out his hand one last time, rolling down the window before closing the door. 
“Mind if I use that number you gave me? Sometime.”
“I think you’d better.”
He smiled at that, let it be a full one, earned himself a smile back. 
“I’ll do that then. Thank you for dinner.”
“You’re welcome.”
Sy lingered a moment longer, taking in the sight of you barefoot on the driveway, a late summer breeze making the hem of your dress dance lazily around your legs. 
You shook your head at him, shooing him away with a smile.
As he pulled out of the driveway, he could see you still standing at the gate, watching him until the truck tail lights were out of sight.
A/N: Thank you for reading! I've really missed this story. Would love, love, LOVE to hear what you think.
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linkspooky · 3 days
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DUEL VS. DUEL: Yubel and Judai vs Ai and Playmaker
If you haven't noticed YGO! often recycles different characters and plot ideas throughout its various spinoffs. There's usually a rival whose ace monster is a dragon, a best friend character to support the main character, there's almost always a guy like Bakura who has several things wrong with him. This isn't a criticism, I actually love the way that each spinoff builds off of all the other series while also remaining its own thing. There's a lot of meaning you can decipher from analyzing the intentional callbacks the authors put in to previous series so that's what we're going to do today.
Both GX and Vrains feature a third season where the protagonist's partner character becomes the main antagonist for the entire season, and manages to pick off the protagonist's friends one by one until they're all alone with the protag for the final duel. Both of these characters, Yubel and Ai aren't motivated by hate but rather a twisted form of love and the parallels between these two duels don't stop there.
Yubel and Yusaku: Love vs. Ai
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The partner character appears in almost every YGO! series with the exception of 5DS and Sevens. It began with Yami Yugi, a second personality created inside Yugi who played took over and played games in Yugi's place and cursed everyone who offended him only to eventually build a partnership with Yugi that lasted for most of the series until Atem reclaimed his name and memories and became his own person again.
These partner characters usually assist in duels, and are either another personality existing inside the protagonist, or if they're external like Astral or Ai they still share a special link with the protagonist.
Yubel and Ai are unique because they are both partner characters who turn into major antagonists. They don't just share the role of antagonists there's also several similarities between the two of them, from motivation, their connection to the protagonist, and both characters being built around the concept of love. This is probably intentional because the scenario writer for all of Vrains also worked on large parts of GX and was the main scenario writer for Season 4.
To introduce both characters, Yubel is a Duel Spirit. They were originally a human child named Yubel who was the closest friend of the boy who would eventually grow up to be the Supreme King and reincarnate in the modern day as Judai Yuki. Yubel gave up their humanity and in a painful surgery became a hideous dragon with an impenetrable body in order to protect Judai.
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Afterwards the boy who would eventually become the Supreme King swore eternal love to Yubel. Yubel's devotion followed Judai into the next life, where because Yubel gave up their humanity they reincarnated as a card spirit instead that only Judai could see. They used their considerable power to protect Judai from anyone they considered a threat, including other neighborhood kids who beat him in card games. Judai as a result became completely isolated. Which Yubel didn't mind because Judai was their entire world and they believed they should have been enough for Judai.
Judai decided to send Yubel's card away into space in the hopes that the space rays would calm Yubel's troubled soul, but instead Yubel became corrupted by a cosmic force known as THE LIGHT OF DESTRUCTION. Yubel endured ten years of torture and agony all along. At first they called out to Judai in his dreams, but his parents eventually forced Judai to go through a procedure that made him forget all memories of Yubel.
Alone and forgotten Yubel crashes down to earth and is torn to pieces. As an arm they parasitize several people until they gain enough power to reconstitute their body, and then dragon Judai and all his friends into another dimmension all as a part of their grand scheme to finally reunite with Judai and awaken his memories of the Supreme King.
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Even though they were hurt by Judai, Yubel isn't motivated by revenge, but by love and a desire to be together with Judai and secure all of Judai's love for themselves. Yubel's twisted definition of love was formed when after crying for help one final time, they snapped and told themselves a lie in order to keep going. That ignoring Yubel, making them suffer, leaving them all alone it was just the way that Judai expressed his love. Yubel then becomes dedicated to showing that love in return and effectively dragging Judai down to their level.
Yubel: I was suffering as you came to forget about me… Yubel: It burns… It hurts…It’s killing me. But why? I love him so much. Why is Judai treating me like this? Yubel: And then it hit me. This is just a form of Judai’s love. Judai is hurting me and making me suffer because of his love for me. But you see, I couldn’t possibly forget about you in the time i’ve suffered. Yubel: So when I solved the riddle that you posed to me, I was delighted. And that fueled my decision. I would try to fill the entire twelve dimmensions with my love for you. Yubel: And once I did you would have to recognize my love for you, wouldn’t you?
Ai is also a character that's connected to Yusaku's childhood. Ai is an ignis, and artificial intelligence that was created by basically torturing six children by forcing them to duel over and over again and then scanning their brains and modeling six different AI off of the data.
The shadow ignis or AI quite literally came from Yusaku's brain, even though they don't meet until much later on in life. From the onset there's a lot of differences between Ai and Yubel's role as partners. Ai is Yusaku's partner for most of the series, and is effectively introduced as a stranger and has to build a bond fo trust with Yusaku over the first two seasons.
Whereas Yubel was Judai's best friend and favorite monster in childhood, but Judai has forgotten about Yubel in the first two seasons and when Yubel finally does appear again it's as an enemy. The bond between Yusaku and Ai forms and then falls apart, whereas both Yubel and Judai start out with their bond completely broken and over the course of season three they reunite and come back together.
Ai is motivated by first his own survival, and second the survival of all the other ignis who are currently being hunted by several human corporations, a group of hackers known as the knights of Hanoi, and one Ignis themselves known as Lightning who turned traitor to the other Ignis. Yusaki and Ai's shared goal is to find a way for the Ignis and Humans to co-exist without one of them trying to pre-emptively wipe out the other because of the danger both of them pose to each other.
Over the course of the story though, as one by one Ai loses his friends in the fellow Ignis who either die or are absorbed, he comes to obsess over Yusaku as his one remaining friend. Yubel and Judai's feelings for one another are a holdover from a previous lifetime they become estranged and reunite again, whereas Ai comes to love and obsess over Yusaku similiarly to Yubel does and it's precisely because of those obsessive and overprotective feelings he decides to terminate their relationship permanently.
Ai enacts a plan similiar to Yubel's to destroy Yusaku's friends one by one all while threatening the entire world. Yubel sought to fuse the dimmensions together, while AI wants to start the inevitable fight between the Ignis and Humanity on his terms.
While their role in the story and characters are similar, they're also contrasting opposites in many ways. Yubel started out as a human and gave up their humanity to become a duel spirit. Ai started out as an artificial intelligence, he thinks as an artificial intelligence who has trouble understanding humans, and while he becomes more humanlike all the time he's eventually hampered by his inability to think like a human. Yubel is also much older than Ai having lived two lifetimes with memories of both, whereas Ai is essentially a child, a fledgling sentient being who still doesn't understand many things about the world.
Their different levels of maturity really show in their understanding of the world around them, or rather Ai's naivete and lack of understanding. Both characters are built around the concept of love, with love for the protagonist as their main motivation but Yubel while twisted demonstrates a deep understanding of love.
Yubel is able to see inside the hearts of people and uses their intimate knowledge of their inner darkness in order to twist people according to their own desires. Yubel's actually a deeply empathic character able to understand people's feelings sometimes better than they understand themselves, they just use that empathic understanding for evil.
While their understanding of love sounds insane at times they're also able to make deep observations about not only people's relationships to each other but the darker nature of love. As much as we shy away from the idea of hurting the ones we love on purpose, there's a seed of truth in the fact that whether intentionally or unintentionally being close to someone means you will hurt them. That pain is a natural part of love. She's also able to suss out the unhealthy love and devotion shared between Amon and Echo quickly.
Yubel: I get it now… You weren’t in love with Echo. Yubel: No. You may have loved her just enough to clear the conditions in place for you to control Exodia. Yubel: But then, you didn’t truly love each other. Yubel: You were only unfairly hurting her, while you would stay unharmed. Yubel: You wouldn’t suffer. You wouldn’t be in pain.
Yubel also ultimately seeks a love between equals. As much as they frame themselves as Judai's protector, what they want is for Judai to be dragged down to their level so Judai will finally understand them.
Their entire plan revolved around isolating Judai until Judai understood the pain of suffering ten years alone in space that Yubel went through. When Judai snaps and becomes the Supreme King taking a similiar dark turn to Yubel, Yubel turns out to be right in the end. By the time they've reunited both Judai and Yubel have done terrible things and hurt the people they loved.
Yubel: So when I solved the riddle that you posed to me, I was delighted. And that fueled my decision. I would try to fill the entire twelve dimmensions with my love for you. Yubel: And once I did you would have to recognize my love for you, wouldn’t you? Yubel: That is why I sought to fill all those linked to you - your world - with both sadness and anguish. Yubel: ANd my line of thinking wasn’t wrong. Yubel: I mean you are right before my eyes, Judai.
Yubel operates on a principle of empathy and understanding through shared suffering. Whereas, I would argue while Ai cares about Yusaku they are not particularly empathic nor do they understand Yusaku. This is because Ai is practically a newborn existence naive to the world, and also as a computer with a computer brain fundamentally thinks differently.
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However, I'd also argue that Ai also doesn't really want to try to change their thinking to bridge the gap between humans an AI. In despair they've completely given up on trying to understand humans. They also on some level don't want to change, because they arrogantly assume they know what's best for both them and Yusaku.
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Ai has given into despair from losing their loved ones and suffering isolation just like Yubel, but I think a key difference is that everything Yubel does no matter how twisted is a desperate attempt to reunite with Judai, to understand Judai and be understood by them. Whereas, Ai doesn't want to try anymore.
Ai: Back then I would have done anything to save my friends. Yusaku: There's nothing you could have done there was no other way. AI: I know that. [...] Yusaku: Ai, you have the power to change this. Yusaku: As a special ignis you have the power to live with humans. Find a way to backtrack from this. AI: You trying to pull me back? AI: Thank you Playmaker, but you don't understand. I learned when everyone was gone that when you lose friends your heart breaks. AI: My heart was broken back then and I lost all self control. Yusaku: If losing a friend makes your heart break then are you trying to break my heart?
Not only does Ai not want to understand, but they also deliberately ignore Yusaku's feelings and personal autonomy. Yusaku is a kidnapped child who had a lot of their life robbed from them and manipulated they hate anyone who disrespects their free will but Ai walks all over it and disregards all of Yusaku's opinions. They do the one thing Yusaku asks them not to do, because Ai incorrectly assumes they know best.
They also don't really understand Yusaku on a fundamental level and as I said, they don't want to make the effort to bridge the gap either.
It seems kind of silly saying which one is worse, because both Yubel and Ai violate Judai and Yusaku's personal autonomy multiple times. They both act selfish and entitled towards the person they love. They both also intentionally hurt that person and then turn back around and claim it's protecting them. They both act incredibly possessive and try to manipulate their partner into doing what they want.
They both have the gall afterwards to claim they're doing so out of selfless devotion, downplaying any feelings of selfishness on their end. Both consider Yusaku and Judai's other friends to be targets in order to get at their partners. Both will inflict pain on the person they love and are so devoted to in service of getting what they want.
The only real difference is motivation because as I said, as controlling as Yubel is it's out of a desire to reunite and be equals. They're both in too much pain to express their love in any kind of healthy way, but Yubel at least wants things to be better whereas Ai has just given up. The fact that Yubel's themed around sharing pain too also makes them and Judai equals, whereas Ai is trying to have power over Yusaku and take Yusaku's decisions away in order to force Yusaku to do what he assumes is best.
That might be the most important difference between them. Whereas Yubel wanted to live together with Judai, Ai wanted to force Yusaku to kill him in order to avert a potential future where Yusaku dies trying to protect Ai. It's a motivation that turns one story into a love story, and the other into a tragedy.
Judai and Yusaku: Hero vs Anti-Hero
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Judai and Yusaku are two characters who could not look to be any more different at first glance. Though they're both themed around heroism Judai starts as the fun loving kid who admires heroes and is always dueling to save others when his friends are in a fix. Yusaku is the loner anti-hero who is on a revenge quest all alone against the Knights of Hanoi.
Yusaku starts out unwilling to make friends and refusing help from others. Judai on the other hand is constantly surrounded by people. Though both of them are forced into the role of always dueling to protect others and carrying the responsibilies of other people on their shoulder. Often times it's forced upon them unwillingly and they have to take on too much responsibility.
Judai forms unhealthy relationships with people that are based on him always needing to clean up their messes and those same friendships eventually unravel. Whereas Yusaku spends three seasons learning to form healthier relationships with people, and the climax of the first season is even Yusaku developing from dueling for revenge to dueling to save his very first friend in Kogami.
Judai loves dueling and even duels exclusively for the fun of it, often in the first two seasons protecting others and facing the villains as an afterthought. Yusaku on the other hand hates dueling because of the trauma he was forced to undergo as a child and despite being the strongest duelist simply views dueling as a means to an end.
Perhaps the most interesting way to compare them is their opposite journeys. They're both commentaries on heroism. They both eventually gain alter egos that are really just emphasizing different traits of their personalities. The Supreme King is the embodiment of Judai's selfishness and his fixation on always winning and dueling for power. Yusaku is a socially withdrawn kid, and Playmaker his internet identity is the way he fights back against his abusers. He's also a strong willed, determined and active where Yusaku is almost entierly passive. They're both ultimately the same guy though, Supreme King is a part of Judai, Playmaker is Yusaku with more freedom to be himself online.
However, Judai starts out as a straightforward hero and goes on to be a dark deconstruction of the pure hearted hero. All of Judai's flaws that go unaddressed because people constantly put him on a pedestal eventually lead to his ruin. The pressure Judai is always under to win turns into an obsession with power.
Judai: Why? What did I do that was so wrong? I… I did the right thing! And yet… everyone keeps leaving me! What… What is wrong with me? Supreme King: Yuki Judai. To be willing to be evil to defeat evil. This world exemplfiies survival of the fittest. It must be ruled with power. Judai: Power? I don’t have that much power… Supreme King: You hold the Super Polymerization card in your hand. Defeat the spirits that stand against you. Breathe their lives into it and complete that card.
Judai also exists in a narrative that won't allow him to be a hero. GX deconstructs all kinds of heroism and self-sacrifice. Edo Phoenix's quest for revenge is called out as him being childish, and unwilling to grow up from the trauma he suffered as a child. Johan is the most straightforward hero, but his decision to sacrifice himself to protect Judai and everyone else is what starts Judai's breakdown. When Jim duels against the supreme king he declares he's not sacrificing him to save the world but rather trying to help a friend.
Judai's eventual character growth in choosing to fuse with Yubel isn't a sacrifice, but rather Judai finally growing up and taking responsibility for the way he hurt Yubel.
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Yusaku on the other hand is on the journey from going from an anti-hero who fights for himself and his own personal revenge to becoming a more straightforward hero. I wouldn't say Yusaku's arc is more shallow in comparison just because it's not a dark deconstruction, rather it's exploring a different topic the responsibilities of being a hero.
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His greatest moment of character growth in the first season is going from caring only about revenge, to dueling the pesron who saved him as a child because he wants to save his very first friend.
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You could say Yusaku because he's not allowed to crumble is actually under more pressure than Judai is. He's almost forced into the role of a hero and not allowed to be selfish, while Judai from start to finish is a selfish character even if he grows up quite a bit over the course of the story.
Yusaku is also someone who from start to finish follows his own sense of unbending justice. Where, Judai doesn't have any consistent moral code. He's defined in the first two seasons of only dueling for the fun of it, and by Season 3 he's deeply troubled that he doesn't have a reason to duel like Johan does.
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Following his own justice is actually deeply important to Yusaku, probably what he values the most actually. Since his life was thrown off by the Lost Incident he starts out deeply untrusting of others and even when he grows past that he hates people who try to influence him and insist they know what's best for him. It's what led him to not only be deeply offended by Zaizen telling Yusaku to back down and let him handle it, but also him refusing Zaizen's help.
This quality of Yusaku's also dovetails into my next point where we finally get to comparing the two duels.
The setup for the duel is identical in both cases. Yubel and Ai have eliminated almost all of Judai and Yusaku's friends and now they are on the endgame of their plans. Yusaku and Judai are both dueling against their former partners to stop them, and both partners refuse any attempts to work things out any other way and force a fight.
However, the motivations of each member going into these duels are so opposite that it makes a neat little foiling square.
Starting with Yubel their motivation for getting into the duel is simultaneously a desire to reunite and express their love for Judai, and a thinly veiled cry for help.
Judai: If you hated how I treated you, then you should have gotten revenge on me. Yubel: Hate? Revenge? What are you talking about? Didn't I tell you? I went to this trouble hoping it would make you happy, Judai. Judai: Make me happy? After my friends suffered by getting hurt and killed. Yubel: But that's love isn't it? Yubel: I wanted to torment you to share the depths of my love.
Yubel's plan is to both awaken Judai's memories of the supreme king by engineering his downfall, and also after taking his friends away one by one to fuse the dimmensions together so Judai and Yubel can be together forever with Yubel by his side protecting him. As Yubel defines their entire existence and worth by being Judai's protector and doesn't understand why Judai would ever reject their protection or need friends other than them.
Yubel: My every waking moment was for you. Yubel: I even got rid of everyone around you who tried to make you cry. Judai: Yubel. By doing that you hurt the friends I had around me. Judai: None of my close firends even wanted to duel with me. Yubel: You had me as a close friend, didn't you? All you had to do was focus only on me.
Yubel frames their actions as selfless while also acting out an entitlement that they're owed Judai's love for all of their devotion to him. They're also willing to hurt his closest friends, isolate him, and basically throw tantrums in order to get it.
When they come to the slow realization that Judai won't return their feelings, it leads to them breaking down slowly over the course of the duel. All of the lies they told themselves about the love between them and Judai slowly starts to unravel along with their mind.
The duel beings with Yubel actively enjoying all the pain Judai is inflicting upon them. When Judai activates the supreme king though, and starts dueling seriously to eliminate Yubel, it chips through Yubel's delusions and Yubel is no longer able to keep pretending that pain is love.
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I couldn’t have lived with the heartache unless I felt that I was being loved…
Moving on to Ai, the primary difference between Yubel and Ai's motivation is that Yubel's plans are a thinly veiled cry for help while Ai refuses to accept any help.
Yusaku: Find a way to backtrack, Ai! Ai: I can't. Ai: Sorry, but there's no backtracking. Ai: Let's go, Playmaker!
Their desires are opposite too. Yubel's plan is to continue living with Judai, and Ai's plan amounts to forcing Yusaku to kill them.
Ai: If this attack gets through I lose. AI: Well, make up your mind already. AI: You came to get them back, right? AI: You're everyone's hope so you have to do it, even if I'm the opponent.
Yubel and Ai are both incredibly manipulative characters, and Ai in particular is holding all of Yusaku's friends hostage in order to make him do something he does not want to do and will hurt him beyond repair. He's also inflicting the same trauma the loss of all of his friends and the loss of an important friend the same way that Yubel wishes to make Judai suffer the same way they did by isolating them from all of their friends and pushing them off the edge to bring out their darkest emotions.
However, once again Yubel's manipulations are done with the intent of getting Judai to understand them whereas Ai no longer wants to try understanding Yusaku and presumes he knows best.
Ai: Back then I had to do whatever it takes to save my friends. Yusaku: There's nothing you could have done to save them. Ai: I know there wasn't. Yusaku: Ai, that simulation was lightning's trap. He knew if you saw it while in despair your heart would fall into darkness. So don't worry about it. Ai: I considered that possibility. Because he left it after he fought us. AI: So I redid my own simulation and ran it over and over. But the result wouldn't change.
Ai also chooses to trust simulations and the words of his enemy Lightning over the words of his own partner and the urging of Yusaku that they can try to take a third way out together. His basic inability to trust is what damns him, relying on controlling manipulation instead to coerce and eventually force Yusaku to do what he wants and what he has decided is best.
It shows in his plan to, Ai's conditions for the duel is that he'll either copy himself and spread the copies into all of the mass manufactured robots or Yusaku will have to stop him with his own hands at which point Ai's programming is terminated. Either way Ai dies. The only real way for Yusaku to save Ai is to convince him to stop the duel which Ai won't do.
Ai: Oh I didn't tell you. When my copies are created, as the final trigger my free will will be divided and given to them. Yusaku: What will happen to you? AI: My free will will be broken apart. AI: I'll be no more. If you win you'll retrieve everything I took and I'll be no more. Either way, I'll be no more. Yusaku: Ai, you're making me choose how you die?
He's stripped away all of Yusaku's choices. Yubel is stripping away Judai's choices to but once again it's out of a desire to be together with Judai while Ai is doing the opposite forcing Yusaku to be an enemy and end him with his own two hands.
Moving onto the process of the duel itself, the duel begins with both Yusaku and Judai trying to talk their partners down from dueling and finding some other way to settle this.
They fail but for opposite reasons. Judai because his pleas with Yubel are half hearted and done more in the spirit of lip-service. Judai fails because Yubel sees through his half hearted attempts. In their previous duel Yubel calls out the fact that Judai went to the ends of the earth to save Johan, but after subjecting Yubel to years of torture barely lifted a finger to reach out to them.
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While Yusaku genuinely shows a desire to solve things with Ai with anything other than dueling, but Ai is the reason they have to fight. Ai is the one who forces Yusaku's hand. While Judai does not understand Yubel and does not empathize, Ai is the one who fails to understand Yusaku and how much pain forcing this conflict on him causes Yusaku. He also doesn't want to understand, while Yubel is at least self-aware of the fact that they are intentionally hurting Judai.
Yusaku's sincerity can be seen in how much he refuses to victim blame Ai, starting right away and continuing through the duel. Repeatedly over and over again Yusaku tries to reassure Ai that the guilt he's experiencing isn't his fault. Whereas, Judai victim blames Yubel continually. Yusaku is a character who values responsibility above all else, while Judai is avoiding personal responsibiltiy even though they're the ones who put Yubel in a situation where they were tortured.
Ai: As you know I got rid of my friends and ended up alone. There were only six of us but we foolishly hated each other. Yusaku: AI that's not your fault. AI: I know but it doesn't matter who's fault it is. I'm earth's last surviving human. And that fact won't change. Playmaker I sort of understand how you felt. Being alone is very painful. Yusaku: [...] I understand your sadness but don't let this fate sweep you away.
Whereas, Judai quickly resorts to victim blaming Yubel pretty quickly.
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I made a lot of friends… And they all taught me something… real love is wide enough, large enough and deep enough to fill the universe. Your so-called love is only a conceited delusion.
There's also a distinct difference in both Yusaku and Judai's behavior throughout the duel. Most of the time it's Yubel iniating conversation with Judai because as I said by the time their second duel has started Judai has given up on understanding Yubel and dismisses them as crazy and beyond comprehension. Whereas Yusaku is the one who initiates most of the conversation with Ai.
Moving onto the duel part of duel it's interesting to note how different Yubel and Ai's dueling styles are. Yubel dominates almost any duel they're in. They toy with the likes of Ryo and Amon. Even when Judai duels them to a draw, the duel went exactly as Yubel planned because their true objective was to snatch away super polymerization from Judai's graveyard.
Yubel's boss monster is also unbeatable. It never takes damage, in fact most of the cards in Yubel's various decks don't take damage. Their ace monster for the sacred beast deck is a card that inflicts 10,000 damage once a turn. Advanced Darkness crystal beasts allows them to negate all damage done by sending a card to the graveyard. Even when judai manages to get Yubel off the field it simply upgrades into a stronger form.
Ai on the other hand duels on the ropes and duels very defensively, Yusaku at several points is about to go for game and end the duel in one hit and Ai only manages to barely avoid ending the duel early with a trap card or the like.
Yubel's main strategy is to prolong the duel until Judai is forced to pick Super Polymerization with spell chronicle. They want Judai to choose them and choose staying together with them by spell chronicle. Whereas at multiple points Ai continues to encourage Yusaku to crush them with everything they have.
Once again, one wants empathy, the other disregards Yusaku's will.
Yubel: My suffering becomes your suffering. Yubel: Such empathy... Yubel: Nightmare pain. It has us wrapped in the same anguish, and the same love.
Ai is forcing Yusaku's hand because once again, no matter the result Yusaku kills Ai. On the other hand, Yubel grows increasingly disturbed by Judai's lack of mercy.
Yubel: Oh my, you shouldn't be so heartless my dear judai. Judai: We can't protect what matters to us just by being kind. I'm prepared to fight for the friends I love to the end even if it becomes becoming a demon or the devil.
Judai also quickly abandons heroism for the power of the supreme king, whereas Ai practically forces Yusaku to choose being a hero and saving his friends. Judai prioritizes Johan and then the rest of his friends over Yubel, Yusaku doesn't want to choose and a horrible choice is forced upon him.
Yubel for their part is aware of Judai's hypocrisy, once again they demonstrate a deep understanding of Judai. Whereas, Ai doesn't understand Yusaku one bit, while at the same time claiming to know better.
AI: When it comes to memory and calculations we're far superior to humans. We can figure out humans' faults and contradictions. AI: That's why it's easy to become arrogant. With Ai's with free will it's in their nature. AI: Something awakened within me. They're not evil thoughts. But I wonder, in order for me to live why do I have to adapt to humans. AI: I feel differently from humans.
Ai continually urges Yusaku to choose his friends over him. He forces the choice where there should be done. On the other hand Yubel wants to be chosen over Judai's friends. Out of a sense of entitlement but also a fear of being abandoned again.
Yubel: The camraderie of yours with the neo-spacians will be of no use to you. And my love alone is much stronger. Yet even so you're saying that you'll choose friendships with the neo-spacians over my love. [...] Yubel: Judai so you want to drive me away at any cost. Do you and the neo-spacians find my love to be such a hindrance.
Once again, Ai remarks frequently that the loss of their friends made them give up all hope on continuing. Yubel on the other hand is capable of enduring almost anything. They're defined by their endurance and determination to hold on. When they burn up on re-entry they slowly piece themselves back together. When they're disintegrated after Johan's sacrifice, they take Johan's body and then slowly restore themselves once more. Judai duels them to a draw, that's yubel's plan all along and they take super poly. Judai destroys their boss monster, they just summon another one.
Ai on the other hand fundamentally believes free will in Ai's will lead to conflict and that future is inescapable, so they force Yusaku's hand in ending their existence.
AI: You said humans don't want sudden changes. AI: But I can't help my own changes. I may become someone like Bohman or Lightning so I want to vanish before that happens.
Ai has already reached their breaking point, whereas Yubel is slowly driven to their breaking point by Judai's lack of empathy throughout the duel. Yubel similiarly becomes suicidal like AI, but only after Judai continually insists that they're only dueling to destroy Yubel. Once again, while Ai's plan is to self-terminate for Yusaku's "sake" choosing to die while Judai lives on without them is something Yubel would never do.
At least, they might take a bullet for Judai, but they don't want to be alone and abandoned while Judai goes back to live on happily with all his other friends. Yubel wants to be chosen, Ai wants Yusaku to choose his friends. In fact, it's the idea that Yusaku wouldn't abandon him even if the war against Ai and Humans did happen that drives Ai's decision to die rather than let that happen.
AI: When I lived in the simulation I saw it. What my existence will lead to. You get dragged into it and perish. I can't choose that future.
Once again though, it's a decision Ai makes out of an inability to trust Yusaku. Also, if Yusaku wants to stay by Ai's side in spite of the danger it poses to him, that's Yusaku's choice. Ai may perceive himself as protecting Yusaku, but he's also disrespecting his autonomy.
It's also driven by a lack of understanding of what love and trust are. That's not entirely Ai's fault, he is in fact a newborn who recently lost every single one of his friends due to the conflict between humans and AI. It makes sense he'd have trouble trusting humans even the one that's been by his side all this time.
Whereas, Yubel wants Judai's understanding and breaks down when Judai continually denies it to them.
Yubel: Do you hate me that much? Yubel: I thought of this twelve-dimmension universe as a space for us together... so I tried to fill the universe with my love. But if you're calling on your friends and going to such lengths to get rid of me I no longer need to fill this universe with love. No, I no longer need this world. Let me put an end to this universe, to the void as well, and to our time together. Yubel: It was fun Judai, even those who helped lure you to me had dark, dark hearts. I feasted upon their hearts and waited for the reunion with you, my beloved. Yubel: I even invited you to that first dimmension. Well, I enjoyed that duel as well. Until he interfered. But I suppose you just weren't ready to accept my love back then. Yubel: I mean, the darkness in your heart, the supreme king was lying dormant. Yubel: Though I did have your friends help me. Which pulled out the darkness in your heart and ushered you this far. Yubel: I didn't think you were so hardheaded. You're the one at fault. If you can't grasp my love I don't need you. Or this universe. You can all just vanish into dust.
Judai needs to accept responsibility for both what he did to Yubel, and his own actions for the supreme king and how both him and Yubel can be pushed to do terrible things when they're alone and in pain. Part of the motivation for Judai's demonization of Yubel is he wants to keep playing the hero because the guilt of everything he did as the supreme king is crushing him and making him borderline suicidal.
On the other hand Ai is the one who's given up on trying to understand others. Yusaku is doing the best he can to both balance his feelings for Ai and desire to save him against his responsibility to save his other friends but he can't really be held personally responsible for Ai's actions. Whereas Judai on some level is responsible for Yubel's actions since he created the situation in the first place and continually chooses to abandon Yubel instead of trying to reach out to them.
Yubel is right to an extent that this situation is his fault and he never made any attempts to save them. Whereas, Ai is being manipulative when he forces Yusaku to make the choice to kill him putting all the responsibility on Yusaku's shoulders.
Which is why when the duels end in completely opposite fashions. Judai's way of taking responsibility is to fuse together with Yubel, whereas Yusaku refuses to fuse with Ai.
In Yusaku's case the refusal to fuse isn't turning down Ai's proposed third option, or a peaceful solution to the duel. After all, if Ai called off the duel right there Yusaku would accept it and work to forgive Ai for what he did to his friends. Even if they continue on as individuals it's not like Yusaku would leave Ai's side. In fact his reason for refusing Ai's offer to fuse is that he wants them to remain together as two individuals.
Fusion means two entirely different things in this context. Judai acknowledges there's a risk he may no longer exist after fusing with Yubel but like, they keep going on as two seperate individuals and consciousnesses even when they share the same body. Whereas in Ai's case, fusing with Yusaku would destroy both of them and give birth to a completely new being. Ai is using fusion as yet another method of self destruction, because he doesn't want to change himself and doesn't believe in the capacity to change himself.
Yusaku: Even if we become one, that's not the solution you're seeking. We only have one life. One consciousness. Yusaku: If I fuse, I won't be me and you won't be you.
Ai makes his choice out of his inability to face the future. He wants to self terminate, either by distributing his free will among copies or fusing with Yusaku to become someone else because he doesn't trust in his ability to grow and change. In fact he's avoiding having to change and grow up.
Yusaku: So living is a series of bonds! That's what life is. AI: So I have to do that forever? Yusaku: Yes. AI: That's a lot of work. And you can't do that unless you're strong. Yusaku: That's why people become stronger. And that occasionally leads to conflicts. But even if that happens we have to keep fighting. Keep searching for bonds even if there's no solution. AI: I was thinking too logically like an AI. Yusaku: You can't rush living. AI: But I don't want to keep fighting if there's no solution. Since I've lost the desire to fight I'll just vanish.
You could say that Yusaku's unbending nature and his responsibity as a hero made it so he couldn't fuse with Ai or throw the duel but like, there's only so much Yusaku could have done. He didn't give up trying to convince Ai at any point and it's not fair to put Ai's refusal to give up on their suicide plan on Yusaku.
It's also Ai's decision to activate TA.I. that made them lose the duel, so in the end Ai did self terminate. Even in the Yuma vs. Shark duel where Yuma is a character who will never sacrifice anyone even if the whole world is at stake, and kept throwing the duel and prolonging it to try to convince Shark, Yuma was unable to reach him in time. In both cases it's also Shark's decision to go all out for a final attack, and Yuma's decision to negate his own attack and not attack in the hopes fo reaching Shark that loses Shark the duel.
On the other hand, Judai's decision to fuse is him finally taking responsibility. Ai gave up on trying to change the future and himself whereas Judai's decision to fuse is him growing up from a child to an adult.
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I also want to state I don't want to victim blame Ai for being suicidal, and not having the strength to go on. Not everyone does in that kind of situation, it's perfectly human (even though he's a robot).
Ai's story is also meant to be a tragedy. In tragedies characters succumb to their flaws instead of overcoming them. GX and VRAINS' third season are two entirely different genres of story, one is a love story where two traumatized people finally reunite and heal and Vrains is a tragedy where Yusaku can't save Ai.
Even then Vrains doesn't state that Ai doesn't deserve salvation, even if he chose to refuse help and didn't want to be saved. Yusaku's very last actions in the series are diving into the net to search for some remnant of Ai and it's implied after months of searching he's not stopping anytime soon. Even if Ai gave up on himself, Yusaku hasn't given up on Ai.
That's another thing even if Yusaku refused fusion with Ai, he still would have stayed by Ai's side. Ai literally simulated a thousand futures and Yusaku in every one of them stayed by Ai's side even if it led to his death. Yusaku still wishes to be with Ai and searches the net for Ai in the end of Vrains. He calls Ai the best partner even when Ai's in the process of breaking his heart.
So while both of these duels have very different endings, I'd say they both still advocate for forgiveness and love. Both duels are true to the message of YGO! that bonds are the most important thing and what give our life meaning - which I think is beautiful. People cannot live on their own and make bad choices when they're alone, but in the end it's bonds that save us.
"If there's no absolutes then what's left?"
"Bonds. Bonds between individuals. Bonds between one another. That's all there is. That also changes with time. A huge trigger can cause a huge change. Bonds may be severed but new bonds can also be formed. So living is a series of bonds. That's what life is."
Also as a final note on this post I'd like to thank @talaofthevalley their takes on Yusaku are all great and talking about Vrains meta with them really helped writing a lot of this post.
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sigh-tofm · 20 hours
currently watching a reality/docu show about game wardens and i despise putting these men in us based scenarios but imagine…
… working in a 24/7 diner and regularly getting all sorts of law enforcement throughout the night, looking for a pick-me-up before they head back out again. your favourite is the big captain with a silver star and everything, who doesn’t really go on a patrols or calls anymore but still stops by your diner as often as he can. he’s ridiculously handsome in the rugged, brutish way, with a smiling lines around his eyes and impressive facial hair. always gets coffee and a slice of pie, always asks for a refill so he can watch your broad ass as you walk away when you retrieve the coffee pot. you kinda know what he’s about when he does that, but you don’t mind in the least letting him have his fun and wiggle your hips a little extra - he’s otherwise polite and a good tipper too. you don’t know it yet, but one of these days he’ll be waiting by your car for you to finish your shift and convince you to take him home with you.
… spending a summer day out on the lake, tanning in the back of bowrider you borrowed from your friend when you hear another boat coming up, motor idly working as the driver lets the waves bring him closer to you. you prepare to be annoyed at yet another guy who finds it hilarious to make fun of a fat girl in a bikini, but when you sit up you see it’s a game warden boat and aboard is the single most handsome man you have ever seen in your life, even though his face is shaded by his cap. he asks you all the important questions about boating licenses and life jackets, and you answer them all with a wavering voice, made a little nervous by this god of a man. he mistakes (on purpose) your hesitation as being under the influence and makes you do a breathalyser test. looks you straight in the eyes while you lock your lips around the tube to blow and taps your nose with his finger when the machine beeps and proclaims your innocence.
… being out hunting on the first day of the season and being stopped for a control by a game warden. you’re a good girl, you have everything in order, you tell him as he checks your gun, sticking his finger into the tube magazine to make sure that you don’t carry too many shotgun shells. he gives you a wry smile and asks for your hunting license and you pull out your wallet, only to find that you forgot it at home. he returns to his truck to check with dispatch to see if your story is true, if you really do have a hunting license in your name. proceeds to tell you your license is from last year and that you’re breaking multiple laws here. no license (even though you know you have one), lying to an officer (even though you’re speaking the truth) and hunting on private property (even though you’ve sure you didn’t see any signs about that coming in here). but you can’t prove any of that of course, not out here. seems you’re got yourself in quite the pickle, little lady. luckily warden mactavish is willing to let you make it right without giving you any fines.
… calling in about an owl that has gotten inside your house in the middle of the night. waiting in trepidation at the door so as not to agitate the animal further, only wearing your short dressing gown when there’s suddenly knocking. you open to find the biggest man you’ve ever seen standing on the porch, and you’re about to slam the door on him when he puts his foot in the door and announces he’s here about a bird. you nervously open the door again and he steps inside, having to turn sideways to fit his massive shoulders through the entryway. you point him to the living room where the owl is perched on your curtain rod. in less than three minutes he’s located it, caught it with his skeleton-gloved hands (not minding the talons at all) and taken it outside to release it. you’re ready to thank him and bid him adieu, but he shoulders his way back inside to straighten up the curtains again and sweep up the feathers, a service you didn’t know they provided. at last he stands up to his full height and looks you up and down, from your messy hair to your thick thighs. ‘now, about that bird…’
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wooahaeruby · 3 days
Chapter 28: A Hand To Hold
Chapter Word Count: 5,126
Mild panic, protective SVT
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There was a period where everything was going too…normally for the last week or so.
Not that you were really complaining- Things were calm! Work was going well, your relationships were going well, everything was nice and you were content- 
But there was a gnawing anxiety that crawled up your spine each passing day, eating your resolve alive. You were determined to not let whatever you were feeling dampen any situation, but you were getting tired of masking day in and day out. 
You arrived back at your apartment after a shorter training session with Chan at the penthouse, limbs sore, a fatigued mentality, and were ready to crash to get decent sleep for work tomorrow. One of your neighbors on your floor, an older woman with gorgeous salt and pepper colored curls, Ms. Nina, was shuffling to get her mail, asking how your day was while you also got your mail. The entire way back to your respective apartments she talked your ear off, not that you minded, and she bid you a goodnight, saying she was going to drop off a batch of muffles tomorrow once you got home. 
Near silently, behind the confines of your apartment, you placed your things down and kicked your shoes off, locking the door before sitting yourself down on the couch with your pile of mail. You sorted through each piece, placing it into different piles for bills, spam, before your eyes set on your typed birth name and address. 
Much like the last, there was no return address. It was a crisp, plain white envelope, however this one was thicker than the previous one. 
You tore the envelope open easily, taking the tri-folded stack of papers out. The first page was similar to the singular page originally, however more information was added; your grandparents names, your job title, and your old home street address . 
You tossed that page aside, seeing a black and white copy of your original birth certificate, as well as your most recent one after changing your name. There was a copy of your apartment lease and your parents’ death certificates.
Your stomach was on the floor, the sinking feeling was suffocating to say the least. You had a copy of these documents for logical personal reasons, you needed them for many years, but seeing someone got ahold of legal government documents and sent them to you?  
This was only to get worse, you could feel it by the tightness in your chest. Your skin was crawling and the beginning of pins and needles in your hands and feet were starting to set in. You focused on your breathing, taking on deep breath in, holding it, then pushing it out. The papers in your hands fell into your lap and you covered your face to collect yourself the best you could from your most definite panic attack. Each breath in was fire burning in your chest, engulfing you from the inside out. Tears were starting to blur your vision.
Anxiously, you patted around your person then stumbled to your bag at the door, digging through it to find it. 
“Pick up-” You tapped violently against the screen, calling the first person that came to mind. “Please pick up-” 
“ What's up, Mouse?” Your breath caught in your chest, hearing Seungcheol’s voice ring through the phone. 
“Cheol-” You sucked in a breath, sitting yourself down on the floor, not trusting your legs to keep you upright. 
“ Hey- What’s going on? Are you okay?” 
You could hear yourself stuttering, proper words weren’t forming. All you could hear yourself say was a string of curse words, there was a jumbled mention of a letter you think but you really couldn’t hear everything leaving you. 
“I’m at home-” Pushing the words out somehow between the burning breaths. “I can’t-” 
“ I’m sending Mingyu over since he is at Quartz, I’ll be there soon.” 
And the line went dead, leaving you in the panicked silence of your entrance way. 
You couldn’t tell how long it had been from the moment the call ended to the loud, repetitive knocking that came to your door. 
Barely managing to get yourself off the floor, you unlocked the door and leaned to peer through the small crack, seeing the worried eyes of Mingyu staring down at you. He pushed the door open slowly, letting you backup before his eyes darted around the space, closing it behind him.
“Is there anyone-?” He moved further into the apartment, looking around more before he turned to you, watching as you tiredly made your way over. 
“N-” You sighed, clearing your throat. “No one but me is here.” 
“Are you okay?” His voice was gentle, hovering his hands around your shoulders. 
You nodded. “Is Cheol coming?” 
“He should be a few minutes behind-” 
“Mouse?” Speaking of the devil…
Stepping through the door, followed in toe by Joshua, Jeonghan, and Wonwoo, was Seungcheol, panic in his eyes. 
“Oh thank god-” Jeonghan pushed Cheol out of the way, gathering you into his arms. He placed a kiss on your forehead, holding your face gently within his palms. “What happened, my love?” 
You didn’t notice Wonwoo stepped around the couch, only hearing the flipping of pages that clued you back in. 
“Who sent this?” For the first time, his tone actually sounded angry but one look showed only a stone expression. 
Joshua joined Jeonghan at your side, a hand being placed on your lower back to provide comfort. He leaned close, a chaste kiss being placed to the side of your head. 
“I don’t know.” You downcasted your eyes. “This was the second letter.” 
“Second?” Seungcheol grabbed the papers from Wonwoo’s hands, his eyes skimming through the documents. “Why didn’t you tell us sooner?” 
“I-” You broke away from your boyfriends, placing both hands on the back of the couch to think. “I thought the first one was a joke…”
Lifting your eyes, you met the hard gaze of Seungcheol’s eyes but he softened quickly, seeing the disheveled state you were probably in. 
“Sweep the apartment, see if there are cameras.” Seungcheol ordered and the four were off, making haste to search over every inch of your home. 
You rounded the couch and sat down, leaning your head back to stare at the ceiling. 
“Mouse,” Looking away from the stack of papers, Seungcheol took in your tired, definitely dissociative state. “Has anyone been hanging around here? Following you home?” 
“Bathroom is clear.” Hearing Joshua call down the hall brought some peace.
Your eyes wandered the slightly cracked paint of the ceiling, thinking if there was anything out of the ordinary. “No. No one has been hanging in the halls or by the mail boxes. No one has followed me from the penthouse or back home from what I’ve seen. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened. Seokmin told me to change up my routine every so often just to be safe and I have. I’ve been trying to keep an eye out.” 
“Bedroom’s clear.” Wonwoo called out. 
It wasn’t long before the four were moving about the living room, lifting things, moving items, and placing things back into their place. Their eyes were harsh, working quickly to get their task done. 
“When you are done, Wonwoo, head down and see if there is a tracker on her car.” The younger man hummed, moving into the kitchen, opening cabinets and cupboards. 
“It’s clear here too.” Jeonghan sighed, taking one last look at the windows to make sure they were locked properly. 
“Yeah, I got nothing either.” Mingyu stood beside Seungcheol, taking the papers from his hands curiously. “Jesus, some of this stuff is hard to get even for Wonwoo.” 
“Very reassuring, Gyu.” You closed your eyes for a moment, only opening them to find Jeonghan standing behind you, looking down at you with concern in his eyes. 
“We’ll figure this out, Mouse.” Cheol was typing something on his phone when Wonwoo opened the door to head downstairs. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“Is she hurt?” Hearing Seokmin’s voice had you sinking further into your couch. 
“Does fucking everyone know?” You threw your hands up, reaching for a couch pillow and hugging it. 
Jeonghan ran his hand through your hair, giving a small chuckle. “Okay well, that was my fault since I was on the phone with him when Cheol called, love.” 
Seokmin was beside you almost instantly, pulling you into his chest, firing off questions so fast it went in one ear then out the other. When he realized you weren’t paying attention, he whined. 
“I’m fine, Min.” Really, you didn’t sound all that sure of yourself but you basked in the warmth he brought since you felt freezing and vaguely numb from your panic attack. 
When Wonwoo came back, letting everyone know there wasn’t a tracker on your car, you felt lighter but still heavy at the unknown and creepy privacy invasion from whoever sent the letters. 
Seokmin was reluctant to let go of you until Jeonghan pulled you up and pushed you into the bathroom, knowing you needed a shower since you had trained earlier. He was sweet and pampering, getting you clothes and combing through your hair once you were finished. You didn’t mind when Joshua more silently fretted over you, having you brush your teeth and get your skincare done. 
The moment you entered back into your living room, Seungcheol was deep into a conversation with Mingyu, Wonwoo, and Seokmin. 
“It’s going to be hard getting anything from these.” Wonwoo didn’t look confident, looking through everything once more. “And getting the original birth certificate isn’t easy even if it is a copy. Let alone the death certificates.” 
“I have copies of all of those.” Breaking their huddle, Wonwoo and Seungcheol’s head shot up, tuning into your comment. “And unless someone broke into my apartment and my safe…I don’t think it’s plausible they got it here.” 
“There is too much foot traffic in the area and the building to even consider that fully.” Seokmin added. 
“Then someone went through the channels to get this?” Mingyu questioned. 
Wonwoo sighed, pushing his glasses up his nose to sit comfortably. “Had to. I’d have to dodge a lot of security to get this and I don’t even want to dip my hands into getting the FBI on us more than they try to be.” 
“So I basically have a really fucked up stalker?” The joke you tried to make didn’t bring anyone laughter… You looked away quickly and huffed through your nose. “Tough crowd.” 
“I’ll take this back to Pandora and see if I can get anything.” Stepping away from the group, papers in hand, Wonwoo moved towards you, placing a large hand on your head, almost…comfortingly. “If another comes in, let me know.” 
“Yeah, thanks.” You brushed him off, seeing the ghost of a smile on his lips before he was heading out the door. 
Seungcheol slid his phone into his jacket pocket, pushing some hair back from his face and nodded his head to Mingyu in acknowledgement. “Get back to Quartz, I’m sure Seungkwan needs help and to be filled in.” 
“Sure, boss.” Mingyu gave a thumbs up, quickly getting into your personal space and pulled you into a hug. “See you this weekend at the house?” 
You smiled up at him weakly, nodding as you brushed his growing bangs out of his face. “You promised to watch Legally Blonde with me, of course.” 
That left Seokmin and Seungcheol, both tense but trying to keep their faces neutral. 
Taking both Jeonghan’s hand and Joshua’s hand, you moved over and sat on your couch, pulling both of them down with you. “I’m sorry I called you mid panic attack, Cheol.” 
His head whipped to you, eyebrows furrowed together. “Why are you sorry?” Even Joshua and Jeonghan looked confused at your apology. 
“Well- I called you and I barely got a word out and had you all rushing-” Wanting to explain yourself turned into curling in on yourself… The four of them looking at you with different states of confusion made you feel dumb. 
“Mouse.” Seungcheol stepped toward, kneeling down in front of you. “I told you that if you ever needed help with your personal safety, we’d protect you. You are one of us, and you should know damn well that we protect our own. If we didn’t, we’d be some really shitty friends, don’t you think?” 
Staring down at him, eyes wide, you weren’t expecting him to admit that you were one of them. Hearing Seungcheol call you friends was even more shocking, but you gave a timid nod. 
“I’m sure I speak for all of us, but you could call any of the guys, day or night, and we’d be there in a heartbeat. You might have fallen into the shitshow that is SVT but you stayed and became a permanent fixture with us. I don’t think you will get out or away from us any time soon. Especially with dumb and dumber at your side.” Seungcheol smiled , full and reassuring, snickering when Joshua and Jeonghan protested at your sides. “We’ll figure this out, hopefully sooner rather than later. Promise.” 
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“Did you seriously move the couches for this?” Standing near the kitchen table, you saw Mingyu and Seokmin beaming brightly at the very large, comfy looking floor fort they made. 
After dinner, you went to change and shower, being told that the living room would be ‘set up’ by the time you were done. Seeing the mountain of blankets and pillows that were cushioning the floor and the wide array of snacks in a pile was amazing, it put your mind at ease after the second mysterious letter. 
“Mingyu said you guys were watching Legally Blonde. I wanted to watch Legally Blonde.” Seokmin motioned you over with a wave of his hand. 
“I bought more of the good wine.” Jeonghan passed you on the left and Joshua, glasses and two bottles of wine between the two of them. 
Seungkwan and Vernon passed as well, taking a spot on the couch together, a bowl of popcorn and drinks in hand. “We need to watch the second one too, always my favorite movies.” 
It wasn’t long before Minghao found a comfy spot against the couch on the floor, pulling a blanket over his legs. Joshua promptly handed him a glass of wine, taking a seat beside him. 
“Is this a family event?” Though smiling, you shook your head and took the glass of wine Jeonghan handed you. 
“It’s turning into that.” Mingyu snickered. 
Sitting yourself down beside Joshua, Seokmin was quick to toss a pillow in your lap and sit down, crowding your personal space. You laughed at him, but he did nothing but get comfortable and wait for Mingyu to start the movie. 
“What are we watching?” Seeing Wonwoo for the first time in a few days since the group showed up at your apartment was nice. He had really set into trying to figure out what was going on with the letters but it was clear he was coming up short. He looked tired, more than usual, but he laid himself down on the floor beside Mingyu. 
Someone called out the answer, smiling as Jeonghan sat on your other side. 
“Don’t start without me!” Chan’s voice from down the hall and the heavy footfall of him running over had the group of you laughing. He jumped over the couch, crashing into Seungkwan’s side with a bright smile on his face. 
“I’m pressing play!” Mingyu grabbed the remote, starting the movie as everyone settled in. 
From the corner of your eye, you could see Junhui slip into the area, taking a spot on the loveseat, followed by Jihoon grabbing a few pillows and lying down on the floor near Wonwoo.
“Wait, where is Soonyoung?” You looked around the room, coming up short on your body count, and Jihoon snorted. 
“He fell asleep after dinner because he was out all night doing shit.”
“Did you start without me?” Seungcheol’s voice surprised you, leaning up and looking over the back of the couch to see the leader shuffle over in his usual pairing of an oversized set of gray sweatpants and sweatshirt.
“You didn’t say you wanted to join.” Mingyu teased, but Seungcheol dropped down behind you on the couch, tucking his legs close and grabbed one of the blankets to make himself comfortable.  
From the corner of your eye, you took note of Jeonghan throwing a look, one full of bewilderment, but he settled in at your side quickly. 
Much to your delight after the week, you relaxed between your boyfriends. Jeonghan’s arm was thrown over your shoulder comfortably and you could feel the gentle touch of Joshua’s hand on your leggings covered thigh. Seokmin didn’t move from laying his head in your lap, keeping your legs warm thankfully. 
The first movie was great for everyone. You, Seungkwan, and Mingyu didn’t hesitate to quote almost the entire court scene towards the end, which had a lot of the other guys giggling at the stupidity. Between the first and second movie, more snacks were grabbed, along with more drinks, people shifted their spots. Some moved to the floor while others kept on the couches. Jeonghan switched positions with Seokmin, but Joshua stayed at your side, now getting his turn to pull you into his side, holding you around the waist. 
The second movie was more quiet between you all, the drowsiness blanketing everyone but no one wishing to actually head to sleep just yet. Your hands were occupied by running your fingers through Jeonghan’s hair, smiling to yourself when he leaned into the touch every so often. You rested your head on Joshua’s shoulder, feeling him rest his head against you in return. It was no surprise when someone let out a quiet snore, even feeling your own eyes stay closed a little too long when you blinked. 
You made it through the rest of the movie while many others didn’t. Quietly, you stood with Jeonghan and Joshua, making sure everyone who was inevitably asleep on the couch or floor had a blanket and pillow. You had to nudge Seungcheol to actually be lying comfortably before placing a blanket over him, but he barely stirred from his sleep as you shifted him. The youngest three made their ways towards their room, bidding near silent goodnights before you and your boyfriends found themselves in Jeonghan’s room. 
Jeonghan already got himself comfortable under the covers, holding his arms open wide for you to join him. 
“I guess I’m never sleeping alone again?” 
“Not a chance in your life.” Flicking the lights off, Joshua passed you, making his way to the other side of the bed.
You climbed over Jeonghan, falling into his arms after getting under the covers. He peppered your face with kisses, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist. It took only a moment for a second pair of arms to wrap around you, Joshua humming quietly. 
Lying here felt safe, protected from the anxiety ridden world you’ve been living in. It felt right, a place you thought you belonged, a place that while challenging was where you were definitely meant to be.
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Having nothing to do most of the week was…boring. There wasn’t anything important that was eating into his time, paperwork was getting done quickly with Chan’s help. With how much of a busy body he was known to be, Chan laughed at him as they sat at Pledis’s headquarters, trying to figure out what to do. Most, if not all of the paperwork was done for the day, he didn’t need to be at the warehouse until the later evenings. 
Monday, he asked Mouse to get lunch, and to his surprise, she accepted. That lunch was fine, it was a lot of simple…talking. He asked her more questions about herself, things she enjoyed most, the games she played, and Mouse got a chance to ask him about his interest in restoring cars when he actually has time on his hands. 
Tuesday, he asked her again, emphasizing that she didn’t have to say yes, he could go by himself, but she once again accepted. He didn’t let Chan know the second time, just saying he was getting food and he’d bring something back for the younger man, which he did…after sitting with Mouse for her hour lunch… They did have a good time, continuing their idle chatter, even joking about the guys or something she saw online. Seungcheol found himself really enjoying the mid-day getaway, letting himself continue to show Mouse the childlike, bright person he actually was. She let a few layers of her walls down too, letting him listen to her burdens even if they were simple complaints.
By Thursday, Chan asked if Seungcheol wanted to join him and Seungkwan for lunch but he…already had plans.
“I asked Mouse to lunch.” 
“You asked Mouse to lunch again?” Chan sounded surprised, even furrowing his brows and cocking his head to the side. 
“Uh- Yeah… I thought since her lunch is soon, I’d ask her, she already texted back yes so…” 
“Hm…Interesting.” There was a knowing look in Chan’s eyes, even a ghost of a smirk on his lips. “Have fun!” 
Seungcheol gave a frown, pouting at the youngest. “What’s with the look?”
“Nothing.” He waved him off nonchalantly, “Go enjoy your lunch with Mouse, boss.” 
He made his way to a small diner just down the street from her office, knowing he had more time than her in general. Placing himself down in a booth near the front window, Seungcheol waited, seeing as he arrived early, and stared out the window. Seungcheol…he saw her before she saw him, watching through the window as she crossed the street. 
She looked…good, impeccably dressed in one of her more professional outfits, but nothing as fancy as the tailored suit he saw her in all those months ago. Sleek black pencil skirt ending just above the knee with a white blouse and thick, long light taupe colored cardigan. 
Turning in his seat, more facing the entrance, he watched her look around curiously before her eyes fell on him and a smile bloomed on her face. His breath caught in his chest for a moment and he swallowed down the tight feeling in his chest as she sat down across from him. 
“Hey, were you waiting long?” 
“Uh-” He cleared his throat, shaking his head. “No, I only got here a few minutes ago.” 
“Good! I didn’t want you to wait long, I got caught up at the tailend of my meeting.” She grabbed the extra menu on the table, letting her eyes scan over the choices happily. 
Seungcheol only hummed, glancing over the menu to figure out what he wanted. 
“You said today was slow?” Her question had him nodding, sighing quietly. 
“I was sitting on my ass for an hour so I figured I might as well go out for lunch if I have nothing to do.” 
“Glad I could join you then.” 
“You’re…in a good mood.” His words were hesitant, but Mouse only laughed, sitting back in the booth some. 
“Despite everything that is going on, today was good so far. I got my annual review and with how my work has been, I’m getting a big raise which is amazing. Maybe I’ll actually have money to spend.” She laughed once more, smiling to herself. “I’m trying to stay positive despite everything. Wonu said he is working on things and doesn’t want me to worry so much, which I’m trying to do. Training with Chan is going great too. I’m feeling good, Cheol. Like, actually good despite the bullshit.” 
“That is amazing, Mouse.” He smiled across the table to her, the tightness in his chest showing itself once more. “I know things haven’t been easy for you recently and we are basically to blame, but you are taking this with a lot of bravery and I commend you on that.” 
Mouse stared across the table, that wide, pretty, smile on her face- 
Wait a minute- 
She pushed her hair back from her face, the strands somehow framing her face perfectly, and before she had a chance to say anything, the waitress popped in by. Her bubbly personality was infectious as she spoke to Mouse, taking both orders before she was hurrying off. 
And she was still smiling, and why the fuck is my chest so tight for? Is it hot in here- 
“Oh! Are you ready for the ball?” She perked up, “Siyeon said you picked up your suit but she wouldn’t send any pictures.” 
“To be fair, neither she nor Jeonghan showed me your dress.” 
“Hm, I see they are scheming as usual.” 
“Always.” He hummed, “but I’m ready either way. Han said Sona is going to be getting you ready?” 
“It’s almost like he doesn’t trust me to make myself pretty.” Mouse feigned disappointment, her smile changing into an exaggerated pout. 
“I think you are pretty.” 
Oh, he didn’t mean to say that outloud- Fix this- 
“I said…I think you are pretty. Is there a problem with that?” 
“Huh- No-” Her cheeks flushed bright red, averting her eyes for a moment. “I wasn’t expecting it.” 
He nodded, pursing his lips, trying to stop his heart from racing . “So…How are things with Joshua and Jeonghan?”
Nice one, moron. He reprimanded himself, mentally punching himself in the gut. 
“We’re good. I’m more glad there is no awkwardness between the three of us. I think there is an understanding between us that we can talk about if something bothers us. Jeonghan has been good at communicating when he needs more attention or just needs some one on one time.” 
“I don’t know how you did it, Han has always been the worst at talking. He is always the one that listens better.” 
“Probably after yelling at him for the stupid prank kicked his ass into gear.” Mouse snickered. “From that point on, I think he realized that I was serious about beating the idiot out of him.” 
Lunch finished rather quickly with Mouse rushing back to the office, thanking Seungcheol with a quick hug as she hurried her way out. 
When he arrived back at Pledis, Chan was sitting at Seungcheol’s desk, feet kicked up on the wood. “How was your date?” 
“It wasn’t a date.” He answered monotone, rolling his eyes. 
“Sure it wasn’t.” Chan stood up, rounding the deck. “How was it?” 
Seungcheol cleared his throat, thinking over the words in his head. “I…called Mouse pretty.” 
“To her face?” 
“Yes to her face.” 
“And you lived?” 
“I’m standing here, aren’t I?” 
Chan eyed him from head to toe. “Interesting.” 
Seungcheol raised a brow before frowning. “What is that supposed to mean?” 
“Nothing.” Same as the tone earlier, Chan nonchalantly walked past him towards the door. “Don’t worry about it.”
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“Get up.” The door to Jeonghan’s room was thrown open unceremoniously, hearing Sona’s voice. “It’s after two in the afternoon.” 
You could feel Jeonghan bury his face further into your neck, grumbling quietly at the light coming from the open door. 
“Five more minutes.” You managed to say, tightening your hold on Jeonghan, hearing similar grumbles from Joshua behind you. 
“I already let you sleep an hour longer.” Her monotone words were accompanied by a huff.
Then all the curtains were pulled open, sending the three of you in fits of whining. 
“I have to get you to the city, get done shit, then bring you back here to get you ready, get up.” Standing at the foot of the bed now, Sona eyed the three of you with dissatisfaction. 
“I could fire you.” Jeonghan grumbled, sending a glare before hiding his face from the light once more. 
“Yeah, because you could survive without me. Sure.” 
“You are sassy today.” With reluctance, you peeled yourself from both their arms and crawled towards the edge of the bed. 
“Don’t blame me, blame King hustling.” Crossing her arms over her chest, Sona huffed. “He wants you ready by, like, seven. This event you can’t be late for. Way different than the Gala.” 
“Sadly, she is right.” You heard Joshua’s voice, muffled by the pillow he currently had his face pressed into before a yawn escaped him. 
Sighing, you got yourself ready, changing from your sweatpants into leggings and exchanging the wrinkled t-shirt for an oversized sweater ( totally not Jeonghan’s). You bid both your boyfriend’s a goodbye, kissing them both on the head before you were quickly ushered out by Sona. There was a quick wave to the handful of guys in the living room as you were pushed out the front door, down to her SUV. 
“And before you asked, I already got you food.” Reaching over into the backseat, she grabbed a takeout bag from a place in the town not too far from the house, a little Mexican place with the best tacos that you and the guys have had too many times. 
“A life saver.” You hummed her praise, taking the bag from her with bright eyes. “What is the plan today then if King has you and me on a time crunch?” 
“Nails, picking up your dress, shoes, and mask, then getting back here with enough time to get your hair and make up done before you get dressed.” 
“So…girls day at the nail salon?” You side eyed her and you could see the ghost of a smirk on her face.
“A thousand percent.” 
The outing in the city didn’t take too long, at least you wouldn’t say it did. Really, the longest parts were driving back and forth to the house. 
Speaking of getting back to the house… 
“Mouseeeeeeeeeeeee-” Jeonghan threw himself at you the moment both you and Sona stepped through the door. “They are bullying me!” 
Over his shoulder, you saw not only Joshua, but Mingyu, Seokmin, and Seungkwan roll their eyes. 
“Because he wouldn’t fucking shut up about how pretty my girlfriend was going to be.” Seungkwan gagged as he mimicked Jeonghan’s fawning, making you snicker. 
“Can’t I be infatuated with my girlfriend?” Jeonghan countered, hugged you to his chest, throwing a pout to the others in the room. 
“I don’t care if you are, but stop making me want to vomit every time you open your mouth about her. No offense, Mouse.” Seungkwan started, rolling his eyes. “Have a personality outside of her, please. I speak for everyone here.” 
“Don’t speak for me, she is my girlfriend too.” Joshua frowned.
“That’s enough,” Sona gently took your arm, “We have things to do. You can take all the pictures you want after I am done.”
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alientimes · 23 hours
🀥 ᴀʟʟ ᴄᴜʀꜱᴇꜱ ɢᴏ ᴛᴏ… ᴇᴀʀᴛʜ?
➩ Who dyed this guy's hair? (1)
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House hunting was not easy.
Sukuna had come to this sad, sad realization after plopping himself down at an internet café and discovering the wonder of web surfing. Unfortunately, he also learned that humans loved taxes and expensive prices just as much as they liked food. And although he certainly had a lot of money, it was nowhere near enough to get him a house. Or even an apartment. No, he came to the horrible conclusion that he had to room with someone. Honestly, the mere thought was the most disgusting thing in his life, after the brat. But if he were to complete his goal of world domination, it had to be done.
At that point, he was so worn out from all this hard work he just accepted the first offer he saw. His sole glance at it showed it didn’t seem that bad, and at least had two separate bedrooms (which some strangely didn’t offer). He didn’t even check who his roommate would be, and honestly, he didn’t even care. If they pissed him off, he could just kill them, and really, if they were so broke they had to room with someone else, no one would notice if they just disappeared one day. He had the quick thought to just kill them right away, but remembered soon after you had to continue paying rent. 
This whole situation was a shame, sure, but he had plenty of experience sharing space with someone. Although he was only in Itadori’s (the brat’s) body for a couple of months, it was more than enough time to teach him how annoying this was going to be. Even worse, he couldn’t just sit around now. While being bored for a thousand or so years was excruciatingly painful, every moment he had to watch that boy’s dumb decisions was a hundred times worse. Still, there was no way in heaven or earth that it could be as bad as sharing a body with someone. After all, you couldn’t get any more close-contact-yet-unable-to-kill with someone. If he tried hard enough (which he probably wouldn’t, a thousand years of laying around did that to you), he could probably avoid seeing them altogether. It wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to ask them to cook and clean, could it? Uraume did it easily, after all…
Unsurprisingly, you don’t get a scholarship for life. While it would be nice if it did, your savings on money ended after college. Now you had to go back to exactly what you hated: rooming. Now, not all roommates were bad, of course, but you had a track record for having not just bad, but horrible ones. Unfortunately, you didn’t have enough money to rent by yourself, let alone buy your own house, even with all the (read: no) money you saved. And you certainly didn’t want to live with your parents. But on the lucky side, someone agreed to be your roomie fairly quickly, so you didn’t have to face any kind of disapproval, and you didn’t have to live in a caravan you somehow couldn’t afford. 
Your sure to be new best friend didn’t come with a photo, but they did have a name. Sebastian… Sebastian something. You didn’t bother to look at his last name. You thought he had a proper identity, but without the photo, your mind spun up scenarios of serial killers. But that was just you overthinking it. The chances of him being a horrible murderer were basically zero. Of course, basically zero wasn’t exactly zero, but the chances were so slim you managed to push it out of your mind. Well, more like forget about it within five minutes because you became so anxious about your first impression with this guy.
Speaking of first impressions, you were becoming more and more certain that this one would be horrible. Horrendous, in fact. Unspeakable, if you were being generous. You weren’t exactly known for your social adeptness, after all. You’d even call yourself a (anxious) yapper. What if you talked his ear off so much he pushed you out a window, or didn’t manage to sprout a single word, and made the entire situation awkward? What were Sebastians even like, anyways? You had never met a Sebastian before. Were they nice? Mean? Chill? Serial killers? Who knows? Only Sebastians, you presumed.
Most of all, you really, really hoped he didn’t judge you for your interests. Now, it was common decency to, at the very least, not show that you didn’t like something your roommate did, but clearly your anxiety didn’t know that. And it wasn’t like you liked anything too weird, either (or at least, you assumed)! Just a couple of mainstream things, Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, Chainsaw Man… well, maybe your interests skewed a little more to the bloody side, but they weren’t all like that! You could settle for a few comedies, and you watched a good show on Netflix every so often (Would sharing your Netflix password make him like you more?). 
And now your anxiety was ramping up even more. Maybe this isn’t the right thing to do, but you’re not a therapist. You took a few deep breaths, trying to calm yourself, and buried all those frantic thoughts in the deepest, darkest corners of your mind, along with some other things that actually belonged there. At least you didn’t have to worry about mixing up stuff and unpacking at the same time, because you had already done that. Great, now you were wondering if you should help him unpack his stuff. Really, this shouldn’t be something to overthink about.
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chat i don't know how house hunting (also roommate dealings) work pls don't come after me
also it's actually longer (by abt 300 words) yay!!! <3 actually did a goal i set for myself for once
sorry it's late tho lol, idk when next update will be but hopefully also in abt a week
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That’s amazing. Of course everyone needs to start somewhere. Of course I understand not everyone likes writing smut.
Young Charles Xavier x reader. She’s also has a mutation. She’s kicked out by her parents when they find out that her boyfriend is in a wheelchair. She turns up in the pouring rain with her puppy under her jacket to keep them dry and a black eye because her dad hit her (you don’t have to write that just imply it)
Hope that’s not to detailed but wanted to give you as much detail as I could to help you write it.
Can you please tag me in any future X-Men fanfiction you write.
A.N: Okay, I finally got around to finishing this. I'm actually quite proud of it given it's my first time EVER writing fanfiction and especially with it being a request. I hope you enjoy it even though it is a bit cliche at times. Also, there is slight ableism given the prompt, I did some research to make sure I wasn't using any slurs but if I am wrong PLEASE let me know. I will change it.
Word Count: 1251
Pairing: Young Charles Xavier x Female!Reader
Warnings: Ableism (Only a small sentence), gets kind angsty
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You didn’t really know how they had found out. You were so careful. Building a wall of lies so thick and so far that you could no longer see the ends. 
You suppose that somewhere along the lines you’d missed a spot, one vital brick that tumbled down the entirety of your life. 
Your parents had only just started getting around to the idea of having a ‘freak’ of a daughter. Constantly telling you how lucky you were to at least look ‘normal’ and not like those ‘other ones’. 
You were one of the good ones. 
They had laid the rules out simply. They didn’t care about your abilities as long as they stayed outside the house and as long as you married a ‘regular human being’. It seemed simple enough and studying for a masters (which they paid for) you figured one more year of hiding wouldn’t be so difficult.
What you never considered was falling madly in love with another mutant. You’d been convinced for so long that you were completely alone in the walls you’d built, that when you met a man who could literally tear them apart you had no choice but to let yourself go.
The argument had started at dinner. It’d been a long day of research which had resulted in nothing but a dead end. Exhausted from sitting reading at a desk all day, you just wanted to get through the traditional family dinner and get straight into bed.
You were sitting in your usual chair, facing your mother while your father sat at the head of the table. It’d been eerily silent from the moment you’d sat down but didn’t mind given your exhaustion.
Suddenly, your father put down his utensils, “I’ve set up a dinner, next week with the neighbors boy,”
Thinking you hadn’t heard correctly, you turn to face him, “pardon?”
“It’s about time that you start thinking of settling down,” your father continues, “most normal girls your age are on their way to having their first child,”
You hear the implication in his voice even if he hadn’t outright said it. Irritated, you push your plate away.
“I am a normal girl, dad,” 
You hear your mother sigh, but you can’t seem to look away from your fathers face that twitches in irritation.
“You know what I meant,” he says your name as if it's a burden. He says it as if you were a curse on his normalcy.
You roll your eyes, “yes I know exactly what you meant, father, and I’m not going to be dressed up like some doll to be paraded for the neighbors boy,”
Another twitch, you know you are pushing him too far, but you can’t seem to care anymore.
“He is of good breeding and a wealthy background,” he picks up his utensils again, “the dinner will be on Monday,”
“Breeding?! I’m not cattle, father,” 
Your fathers face contorts into a scowl and you know he’s losing patience with you, “He will assure you are the last of your kind in my bloodline,”
You can feel your whole body shaking, “I will not go to that dinner, father,”
You hear your mother whisper your name, you suddenly realize that the shaking wasn’t just within your body but the whole house. With your emotions rampant you couldn’t control your powers as naturally as you normally could.
Breathing in and breathing out, you calm yourself enough to stop the shaking. Your father, however, is maroon with malice. You have pushed him too far.
“I will not let my grandchildren be the offspring of a freak and a paralytic!”
You feel your heart stop. Your mind is racing, unstoppable thoughts wreak havoc in your head. He knew. He knew and now your life is over.
“You thought I wouldn’t find out?” Your father continues to yell, “you thought I’d let you disobey me without consequence?”
You could feel your breathing increase as you enter a panic. Everything is muffled, your father continues yelling but you can’t hear a thing he is saying. You have to get away. You have to get to Charles. 
Without realizing, you stand, turning to leave the table, trying to find an escape. With one step, your father is in front of you, rough hands clamping down on your shoulders, forcing you still.
“Let me go,” you whisper, looking down away from your father. 
“I forbid you from seeing that man again!” 
“Let me go,” you feel the ground tremble beneath you.
“He’s one of you isn’t he?” Your fathers grip tightens on your shoulders, “he’s a freak!”
“Let me go!” You shout back in his face. You don’t initially feel the strike, but you can feel the heat begin to blossom around your eye. And you feel the ground erupt into endless shudders as you watch your father lose his balance and fall to the floor.
With the last of your strength, you run towards your room grabbing your research and your puppy that likes to sleep under your bed. As you race to the front door, you glance at your mother fussing over your father, who is still laid on the floor.
Stopping you turn to face your parents, “I am not a freak. Just because I am different doesn’t mean I’m lesser than,”
You turn to open the front door and with foot out your childhood home, you turn one last time, “I’ll never treat my children the way you’ve treated me, mutant or not,”
With those final words, you run into the rain, hailing the first taxi you see.
It wasn’t until you were at Charles’ front door, drenched and with your puppy under your coat, that you realized how bleak your situation truly was. 
No home, no parents, no education. 
With nothing left to lose, you knock as loudly as you can, hoping anyone would hear you over the pounding rain.
Almost immediately, the door swings open. 
Hank at first looks at you with confusion and then concern. He drags you inside and in the same breath yells for Charles.
The second you see Charles look of concern as he approaches you, you feel the tears start to form in your eyes. Finally able to let go, you feel yourself crumble with the weight of the night.
In no time, Charles holds you in his arms, stroking your soaked hair, whispering into your ear, “it’s okay darling you’re safe now, you’re safe here,”
Once you’ve calmed down, you pull away from him holding your own weight again. His hands don’t leave your face, careful with your already bruising eye.
He whispers your name. He whispers it like prayer, like there’s no one else in the world except you and him. He strokes your cheek with his thumb, “How about we run you a warm bath?”
With no strength left to speak and knowing you didn’t need to, you nod into his hands, closing your eyes and soaking in the comforting warmth he exudes. From within your jacket, you feel your puppy shuffle, stuck in between your torso and Charles’ legs. Pulling away slightly, your puppy leaps away from you and begins sniffing around Charles’ wheelchair.
“I see you’ve brought a friend, darling,” he chuckles, as he watches your puppy continuing to adventure.
You hiccup trying to find the words, “I couldn’t leave him in that house,”
Charles looks back at you, his blue eyes wide adoration, “he has a home here, he’ll always a home here,”
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ultravi0lence14 · 2 days
Stanford’s Favourite Drop Outs
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sam winchester x fem!reader
2.3k | fluff
summary: you didn’t expect sam to up and leave school like that. you also didn’t expect to follow along and join him and his brother in hunting monsters. but that’s just how life rolls sometimes
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it had been only a week since sam left college to be on the road with his brother, and you were starting to get antsy.
you’d met the younger winchester on the first day of classes, finding the freakishly tall man sitting alone on a bench while awkwardly nibbling on a sandwich. he seemed interesting, and you really didn’t have any friends at the moment, so you decided to go and sit beside him.
his name was sam, and he had gotten into stanford on a full ride scholarship in hopes to become a lawyer. you were quite fascinated by his achievements. albeit so was he when he found out you got in for chemical engineering.
the friendship you two shared blossomed from that moment, leading to a quiet night in your second year when sam sheepishly asked you to be his girlfriend. since then, you two have been inseparable. best friends who shared kisses and had a love for each other so deep, most people assumed you’d two would end up getting married.
that night last week, when the noise of someone creeping in through your’s and sam’s window had you stirring in your sleep and clutching a baseball bat while sam went and checked it out. the last thing you expected was for sam’s mysterious older brother dean to be right in front of you, not even trying to hide his wandering eyes on your chest.
while the brothers talked, you could sense some hostility, and you had a nagging feeling that sam was going to come back to you with information you weren’t going to like.
were you ever right. for when sam pulled you aside and explained he promptly had to leave with dean, you were inclined to push past your boyfriend and berate his brother on why leaving the state before an important interview was the stupidest thing one could ever do.
but sam promised you he’d be back, so you let him leave. kissing him on the cheek as you watched him descend down the stairs away from you, away from your little bubble the two of you had created.
two days turned into three, and three eventually turned into a week. you weren’t mad per se, you were just confused on why sam deliberately missed his interview. so you called him, and when he explained that he didn’t know when he was going to be back, that’s when you started planning.
you two called regularly, and when he slipped up and mentioned that him and dean were in some small town in massachusetts, your plan went into motion.
packing up all the clothes you could manage and cramming into your small, 2000 honda civic wasn’t what you had planned for pre exam season, but it would just have to do.
if you were being honest, chemical engineering just wasn’t doing it for you anymore. sam clearly wasn’t going to come back to finish his schooling, so what was the harm in following along?
the drive from california to massachusetts was brutal, but after multiple motel rooms and a questionable looking gas station in kentucky, you finally made it. spotting dean’s chevy impala in a diner parking lot almost made you burst into happy tears, relived that you made it and you were going to see sam again.
walking into the diner, you immediately spotted dean and sam sitting in a booth close to the back. sam was facing away from you, so as you got closer to the table, dean looked up and caught your eyes. his own bugging out of his head in shock.
what the hell were you doing here? how did you even find them, and why were you wearing two different shoes?
sam saw his brothers incredulous look, and turned around to catch a glimpse at whatever had him frozen in his seat. the second sam’s eyes fell on you he almost fell out of his chair.
“hi sammy!” you practically cheered, sitting down and squeezing into the booth beside your boyfriend. you couldn’t help but notice the look of pure shock on his face. was he not happy to see you? no, it was probably your hair. you hadn’t brushed it in almost 24 hours and it looked like a rats nest.
laughing aloud, sam reached over and wrapped you in a tight hug. bringing his face into the crook of your neck for some semblance of comfort. “holy shit Y/N, what the hell are you doing here?” you instantly hugged him back, relishing in his comfort while simultaneously trying to escape dean’s prying eye.
“yeah Y/N,” the older winchester started, grabbing a fry and munching on it as you turned to look at him. “what are you doing here? how did you even find us?”
his question was valid, so you answered him honestly. you explained how the knowledge of sam not coming back rained down on you, so you decided to come along for the ride. when sam asked what you were going to do about school, you explained your lessening lack of interest in your major, and how making random chemical concoctions was just going to be a hobby now.
reaching over and taking a sip of sam’s water, you smiled at both of the brothers as you wondered aloud the thought that had been racketing around your brain all week. “so, what are you guys doing here? i know sam said you guys ran a family business, but i never found out what it was.” the two men gave each other a look, almost having a conversation with their eyes. it made you nervous to say it lightly, looking between the two as you started biting on a hang nail. “what’s wrong?”
nervously laughing, sam reached over and grabbed your hand, squeezing it oh so lightly. “we should probably get back to our motel room.”
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“so monsters exist, and you have been killing then your entire life. i just thought your dad ran a sketchy marketing scheme.” your stunned words had dean barking out a laugh, moving to the mini fridge to grab a beer and pass it over to you, which you accepted nicely and took a massive swig of.
already sitting beside you on the bed, sam gently stroked his hand up and down your back trying to calm you. “i know it’s a lot to take in honey, but just know all i want is for you to be safe.” you weakly smiled at him, almost instantly dropping it at his next words. “that’s why i think you should go back to california, continue your studies.”
quickly standing up, you placed yourself directly in front of sam’s vision. crossing your arms and attempting to make the most intimidating look you could muster. “are you fucking kidding me! i’m not leaving here unless you drag me out kicking and screaming.” you noticed dean awkwardly take a slow sip of his beer, but your boyfriends older brothers antics were the least of your concerns right now.
“i want to keep you safe.” sam started, standing up and towering over you. “this isn’t something i want to tangle you up in, and i would feel better knowing you are back at school finishing something you have worked so hard for.” he had put on his most lethal puppy dog eyes, but you weren’t going to fall for his charms, you were stronger than that.
huffing out a breath of air, you tilted your head so you could look sam straight in the eyes. “i made this decision sam, all by myself! i wanted to drive two goddamn day’s to see you again, i decided to quit something i started losing interest in to be by your side. going back to school and knowing you won’t be there is possibly the worst thing i can think of. so please, let me join you and your brother, and i swear i won’t mess anything up or get hurt. i will be careful.”
your small rant had sam stood silent, and had dean momentarily pause lifting the beer bottle to his lips. this is something you wanted, and sam would be completely lying to himself if he told you that he didn’t want you around.
gently brushing strands of your hair behind your ear, sam softly kissed your forehead as a boyish smile took over his face. “okay fine. but i am not giving you a gun and that’s final.”
the following hour, you and the brothers stood in front of an abandoned house, a shot gun with rounds of salt perched in your hand. sam huffed the whole time, telling dean that it wasn’t necessary for you to be wielding that thing. but dean just waved him off, telling his brother that he’d rather you handle a gun then get knocked on your ass.
sam explained to you that there was a spirit you guys needed to kill. but with the person being cremated — therefore no bones, you had to go and figure out what object it was latching onto.
walking into the run down home had a chill crawling up your spine. the musty smell in the air had you lodging a gag in your throat and you were pretty sure a rat just scurried past your feet.
dean motioned for you and sam to check the up stairs, so you followed your boyfriend up the rickety planks of wood which you were sure would give out underneath both of your guys’ weight.
as you followed sam into one of the bedrooms, you swore a chill danced in the air. which was strange, for you swore you were just warm a second ago. but your confusion turned to shock filled horror as the spirit of a woman came floating through the walls.
matted hair in a ponytail with a blood stained dress, this seemed to be your ghost. you couldn’t believe what was in front of your eyes, and sam nearly shit himself when he turned around to see you stood frozen with an angry looking ghost prowling towards you.
“Y/N! shoot!” he all but yelled, watching as you snapped out of whatever stupor you were in and raised the gun. your form was god awful, but sam didn’t care as your aim was pretty damn good.
your hands were frantic, trying to get your fingers to squeeze the trigger as the gun lurched towards you. when you swore the ghost was about to strike, the loud sound of the shot gun going off pierced your ears while the impact of the shot almost had you reeling back.
the ghost went up in tiny wisps of smoke, leaving you reeling as the aftershocks of what just happened finally set in. “holy fuck!” you exclaimed, holding the shot gun in one hand as the other clutched your chest. “that actually just happened, holy shit.”
feeling sam squeeze your shoulder, he followed up with a quick pat as he turned back to look for anything of importance. “don’t worry, that’s exactly how i reacted when i shot a gun for the first time. granted i was ten, but it’s okay.”
“what the fuck, you were ten!” sam didn’t even have time to answer your question as dean yelled from downstairs that he found something, having the two of you promptly leave the room as you went down the stairs to find dean.
he had acquired some old looking locket, deducing that it matched up with the story that him and sam had read on the ghost earlier today. with a quick shaking of salt and a garnish of lighter fluid, the locket was in flames, leaving you, sam, and dean to conclude that the ghost was gone forever.
the drive back to the motel was quiet, having a heavy silence hang over your small trio even as you all shuffled into the motel room. dean announced that he was going to shower, promptly leaving you and sam alone.
he followed you as you went to sit on the bed again, hands falling to your lap as you thought back to what the hell just happened. two days ago, the thought of ghosts and vampires was something you believed to be fake, a thought someone came up with that was portrayed in buffy the vampire slayer.
but it was all real. and your sam, sweet sam who cried when you two watched the notebook for the first time, fought them all his life. you couldn’t believe what your world had come to, but knowing that you were spending to with sam was enough to ebb some of your worry.
the feeling of sam’s hand on the back of your neck broke you out of your thoughts. he had slowly started playing with your hair, twirling the strands in between his nimble fingers.
his ministrations stopped as you leaned into his side, wrapping your arms around his waist in a feeble attempt at a hug. he didn’t hold back in wrapping one arm around your waist and cradling his other hand on the back of your head, resting his chin on your shoulder as he breathed in your familiar scent.
“how are you holding up?” his question came out soft, almost as if he didn’t want to break the atmosphere you two had created. all you could respond back with was a mumbled fine, not having enough energy to articulate full sentences.
you felt sam breathe in air, pulling back from you soon after and letting his hands find the curve of your cheekbones. “i will always be here for you sweetheart, always.”
his words had you feeling safe, knowing that even though fighting the supernatural wasn’t ideal, you still had sam by your side.
smiling up at your monster hunter boyfriend, a thought quickly came to your head which had a short laugh coming from your mouth. “look on the bright side. at least we can both tell people we’re stanford drop outs now!”
sam couldn’t help the genuine laugh which spilled from his lips, having him shake his head and place a quick kiss onto your lips.
“trying to look for the good in the bad. aren’t you, baby?”
“you know it!”
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luckydicekirby · 1 day
would love any director's commentary you may have on The Only True Thing if slightly older fics are on the table here bc lowkey it changed my brain chemistry forever. I read it on a whim like four years ago at 1 in the morning and ever since then I've been hooked on making all my fav pairings miserable for no reason. this sounds like sarcasm but I'm being completely sincere the schadenfreude is exquisite
okay first of all I’m SO glad to hear this because making your favs miserable is I think one of the most rewarding activities on this earth so I’m really glad I could help share that joy. thanks also to sylvain for just making it so easy. anyway, here’s some assorted thoughts, hopefully some of which are edifying!
(the only true thing for reference for anyone playing along at home.)
this fic affectionately named the darkling au due to this tweet which I feel like I should put in a hall of fame someday. anyway this entire thread showcases the origin of this fic which was me catie and lily bullying each other on twitter about sylvix, a pastime left behind in 2019 which i really miss.
the thing that really first made me Crazy Cuckoo about sylvain is his B support with Byleth--I'm obsessed with that moment where he very coldly threatens to kill you and then laughs it off, and that was pretty much the jumping off point for Sylvain's characterization in this au--what if he was like that all the time? answer: it would be bad, but also pretty sexy!
One thing I miss about writing for fe3h is the hero’s relics were sooo nice as like. shortcut symbolism. the lance of ruin comes preloaded for you! It’s familial cycles of violence! Easy! and there's a mechanic for it breaking ALSO preloaded into the game mechanics! I wrote like three versions of the ending and the lance getting busted moved around a bit--it originally happened a little earlier.
For a while when I was still femblempilled I was idly thinking about two sequels to this—a sylvain pov sequel about the war, which would have been fun but also Yikes, and then epistolary dorothea/ingrid ideological divorce fic. sorry to dorothea and ingrid who really get the short end of the stick in this universe.
oh there's a playlist. I can’t claim to have put a ton of thought into it it’s just all my fav bad ya boyfriend songs <3 actually dead girl walking reprise is like. yeah that's the fic.
ANYWAY. I feel like a lot of my commentary on this has been washed away by the sea (the passage of time) so a few extras. I apparently wrote like 400 words of sylvain POV of the training yard scene also? Last edited September 26th 2019, here you go:
Felix has always been smaller him, ever since they were kids. Still is these days, to Sylvain’s delight. He wondered about it plenty, these past two years--maybe Felix had a growth spurt. Maybe he caught up to Dimitri. Maybe Sylvain would meet him at the monastery and they’d see eye to eye. Of course they don’t. Felix is a head shorter than him, and he’ll never see things the way Sylvain does. Still. Sylvain thought about it. He’s had a lot of time to think about Felix since the last time he saw him, since Felix ran away. Still a crybaby at heart, no matter how sure he was he’d grown out of it. Not much has changed, Sylvain figures. Felix might have everyone else fooled with that delightfully sharp-edged exterior of his--a pretty decent feint, Sylvian should know--but Felix can’t hide from him. Sylvain sees him down to the bone. The two of them are a matched set: liars at heart.  Like right now. Felix is trying so hard not to cry, his back to the wall of the training yard, his grip tight around the wood of his training sword like he’s actually going to use it. Sylvain hopes he will. He hasn’t gotten to see Felix fight yet, really fight. He bets he’s gotten better. He bets he’s elegant and controlled—maybe less so with Sylvain, and wouldn’t that be nice? That’s how it goes sometimes, when Sylvain dreams about their last day together. Felix’s sword at his throat, biting and cold, ending all this before it began. It would have saved everyone a lot of trouble. Sylvain wouldn’t have had to spend such an awfully long time missing him.  He bets Felix could make him hurt. Nothing seems to do that anymore, except for thoughts of Felix, the ones he can never stop worrying at like a bruise.  Sylvain doesn’t want much these days, and maybe that’s why it’s so hard: he wants Felix in a way that aches, delirious and unstoppable. It doesn’t matter so much how. Felix is welcome to cut him open or kiss him quiet or anything in between. As long as he never stops looking at Sylvain like he is now, hateful and just on the edge of tears, so clearly focused on nothing else. As long as Sylvain can have that, the rest doesn’t matter.  That’s love, Sylvain figures; the cheerful facade he gives the girls is nothing. He forgets about a new one every week. But Felix? He’ll be dead someday, and Felix will still have a grip on his heart, as tight as he’s holding his sword and just as dangerous.
and what exists of the sylvain POV sequel I never wrote:
Felix looks like shit. Of course he’s also beautiful. He’s radiant, for all that his hair’s a mess and his face is drawn and he’s got the kind of dark circles that only come from weeks and weeks of exhaustion. He’s Felix, right? He can’t be anything else. “You look like shit,” Sylvain tells him, because honesty is what Felix thinks he wants from him. He hasn’t seen Felix in six moons, but that probably hasn’t changed. “What are you doing here?” Felix asks. His horse stamps her feet and shakes her head, moving uneasily under him. Felix has never been a good rider. It’s clear he doesn’t appreciate his mare, and she doesn’t appreciate him. Sylvain wonders how long Felix has been making his way across Faerghus like this. He wonders if he stole the horse. It’s awful not to know. “Looking for you,” Sylvain says. “They say you’re searching for the king.” Felix never could stop himself from chasing ghosts. Sylvain hates that about him. It’s just as unfair as everything else: it’s the only reason Sylvain is still here, after all.  “I am. And you should be defending Gautier territory.” “Got a message from your father,” Sylvain lies. He slides off his horse, patting her flank. Felix, clumsily, does the same. “He wants you to come home.” That part’s probably true.  Felix scoffs. “My old man can send all the messages he wants. I’m going to find the boar.” He means it. Sylvain can see that he means it, in the flinty look in his eyes, the fold of his arms, the jut of his chin as he looks up at Sylvain. It’s the saddest thing Sylvain’s ever seen, and he’s seen a lot of shit. “Felix,” he says. He reaches out. He can never help it, not when Felix is like this, not when he believes. Felix doesn’t flinch from Sylvain’s hand on his cheek anymore. “Sweetheart. You know he’s dead.” “Don’t call me that,” Felix says. But when he swings himself back in the saddle and Sylvain does the same, he doesn’t tell Sylvain not to follow. That’s more than good enough. 
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