#negan insert
daryl-dixon-daydreams · 4 months
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reader pronouns: she/her
Lydia watched Negan's expression, the sparkle in his eyes as they flickered over your face as you said goodbye. They followed your figure until you disappeared into a building down the street. "Wow. You like her," she said with a laugh. "A lot," she emphasized.
Negan pulled his ball cap off and rubbed a hand over his hair, sighing. There was an almost abashed expression on his face. "Yeah... I look at her and I just—I can't fuckin' help it—it's like when the Grinch's heart grows three sizes," he said.
Lydia gave him a strange look. "What's the Grinch?" she asked.
"Ah. Right... Uhh... Well," Negan tipped his head thoughtfully. "It's this character from a kid's book back in the day. He's an angry, mean-tempered asshole."
Lydia snorted. "Oh, that is like you."
Negan shot her a half-serious glare. "Don't you have some zombie to go hit with a stick or something?" Lydia grinned at him. "Anyway, he's a real dickbag at first but through kindness and a little whimsical Christmas magic and really irritating singing he learns to love again. Heart grows three sizes. And he becomes less of asshole and does what he can to make amends," he finished. Fuck, that was an even more appropriate comparison than he'd first realized. His eyes drifted back to where your fingers had brushed his as you'd handed him that shiny red apple. They still seemed to tingle slightly.
"Negan," Lydia said, her brow furrowing.
"Hmm?" he hummed, taking a bite and savoring the crisp sweetness.
"Are—are you in love with her?" Lydia asked, surprised, but smiling vaguely.
He looked suddenly uncomfortable, and a bit shocked, as if the idea hadn't occurred to him before. Shit. "Fuck," he murmured. "I might be, kiddo. I might be..."
Prompt: "I look at her and I just—I can't help it—it's like when the Grinch's heart grows three sizes."
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witchthewriter · 11 months
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𝐍𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
a/n: okay so I'm making this post because I found ... this audio on youtube (it's sfw dw) and it really made me want to write about the reader as this badass bitch who Negan absolutely adores. Otherwise, I find it really difficult to write for Negan in this timeframe. But the audio made me ... goddamn fall in love.
Warnings: at the end there's blood, and a knife - not used in violence though.
Evil Neutral > Chaotic Neutral
4 of Wands Reversed
Gemini Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Scorpio Rising
・He had found you in one of the only secluded places there were at the Sanctuary
・Then this voice came out of nowhere, a voice you know well, one you had ... fantasised about for a while
・But outwardly, you pretended that you were doing this just to get by
・However, you had learned a lot from the people around you, from Negan, but mostly from Michonne when you were with her group
・It was long history. But eventually, your ideas didn't align with Rick's. And to the dismay of Michonne and yourself, you decided to leave.
・It hurt. You had friends in Rick's group, you truly did. But they followed him blindly. Just how Negan's group followed him blindly.
・But all your family had died, there was no one left you had to look out for. To love. Rick didn't even leave his kids in your presence alone. Just because of your ideologies - that maybe there is no right or wrong anymore.
・And then Negan killed Glenn, and Abraham and so many others and you felt so lost.
・But somehow, anyway, you ended up at the gates of the Sanctuary.
・It had been a month in and you were finding difficulties left and right.
・No one accepted you, no one wanted to trust one of Rick's group. They thought you were sent here to spy on Negan. But you did everything to prove yourself.
・And as time went on, you saw Negan's bravado.
・And ... you liked it. Even when it came down when two were together, you still liked his charm. The way he thought. But you could also see the hurt from his past. And how that influenced how he acted today.
・The words he spoke made you tingle, they made you blush (although you concealed it so well that Negan couldn't see it.)
・And when he was pouring his heart out to you, you tried to keep a straight face. Not let him see how you truly felt. Because if you did, then you would have nearly body slammed him to the floor and kissed him until you both couldn't breathe.
・Knowing that the leader of the Sanctuary, THE Negan, wanted you and only you - made you feel ontop of the world.
・And then he did something that you didn't expect.
・He made everyone assemble inside.
・And announced that you were his and only his and then he was only yours.
・That even though the war between Rick and them was still happening, Negan wanted someone solely to himself.
・In other words, Negan's personal life was just as important as the war ...
・When he made all his subjects kneel, and kissed you on the lips, you felt a rush of ... power. Of ... royalty, authority, control.
・It made you buzz.
・When it was just the two of you again, and Negan brought up the wedding, you nearly died.
・Had this been a joke? You thought so, but when you brought up your hesitancies, Negan looked at you with pure shock.
"Hell baby, I know you don't want to hear it, but these past few weeks, I've been giving you test after test."
"What? No you haven't, I would have notice-"
"That was the point, they weren't supposed to be noticeable baby."
"Negan, I - I honestly don't understand."
"Baby, you passed every single one of them. And I know you are the one for me. The only, one for me."
・Even before the apocolypse you never thought you would get married. You never thought someone would want you in that way.
・But apparently your strengths, the things that others saw as weaknesses - was what Negan loved.
"Okay, to make it even though, Mr Smith," you looked up at him with mischief in your eyes. The type of mischief that could breed chaos.
"Hmmm?" Negan said with a raised eyebrow, mirroring your smile.
"I want you to undergo a test." Your voice was light, airy, innocent.
"Anything for you, sugar," he nearly growled.
𝑵𝑺𝑭𝑾🔞𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒐𝒓𝒔 𝒅𝒏𝒊!
"Knife." You demanded and he pulled the one from his boot. The one he had his closest confidant clean and sharpen every morning.
・He passed it over to you without hesitation.
"Hand," you flipped yours out and he put it over your own.
"Repeat after me," all your words contradicted your eager face. Firm and strong, it excited Negan. But he kept that in.
・You looked at the shiny blade for a moment and admired it. Not too big, not too short, the perfect size for this.
"With my blood, I devote to you my love," you said, and waited a moment for Negan to do the same.
・He readied his throat and looked you straight in the eyes. His were glistening, and yours, gleaming.
His voice was deep, low, "with my blood, I devote to you my love."
・Without taking his eyes from you, you sliced the blade over his palm and did the same to yours.
・It stung, and blood wept from the wound. Faster than you had inticipated.
"And as we merge our blood together, we are now forever bound."
・You saw a hint of his eyes bulging, but only for a second.
・This was it. The final test to see if his words wrung true.
But his gaze flicked back to yours and nodded, "and as we merge our blood together, we are now forever bound."
・You clasped your hands together and let the blood mix.
"Blood of my blood," you whispered. Kissing the back of his hand.
・Where once held a smile, now had a stoic face. Knowing that now you truly were his one and only wife.
・Negan's eyes met yours.
"Bloof of my blood," he growled and leaned over the table to kiss you.
・Your hands stayed linked like that for nearly thirty minutes. Neither wanting to break free.
・An hour after you both decided you could let go. Negan went and sat in his chair, slapping the chair beside you.
With a beer in hand, he said, "I can't believe my wife's got me doing witchy shit," and he gave a chuckle.
"Husband," you said while grabbing the knife and walking over to the seat beside him, this isn't just "witchy shit, it's witchcraft." And then you licked the blood from the knife.
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Could I possibly request a little Negan x hispanic!Reader? Reader has 3 kids from before the apocalypse and the toddler seems not to be scared of Negan?
Wandering Babies
Negan x plus size reader
When the ruthless leader of the Saviours bumps into a lost toddler in his city, his life gets changed forever, especially when his protective mother shows up.
Warnings: Negan being Negan, swearing, implied future relationship, fluff
WC: 1.3k
A/N: Hi nonnie! I don't usually write y/ns with a specific race since I like to remain as open as I can with them but I did give her kids traditionally Spanish names so I hope that was ok!
Minors DNI
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“Well well well, what the fuck do we have here?” The sun shone brightly behind the giant of a man, casting his face in shadow. To any normal person, it would have scared the absolute shit out of them, especially with the looming threat of Lucille across his shoulders, but the toddler in front of him was smiling the whole time.
His big brown eyes focused on the man in front of him, looking at him in a way that only babies could. Kneeling down, Negan came face to face with the child. “The fuck do you want?” He said like he was addressing someone below him but the two year old just burst out into giggles, obviously finding this whole thing hilarious.
“I think that’s the new-comer’s kid.” Simon chose that moment to speak up and caused Negan to roll his eyes.
“Yeah I fuckin figured that.” He growled, not taking his eyes off the kid who was now inching closer. He wasn’t quite steady on his feet and wobbled dangerously with each step he took. Unconsciously, Negan’s free hand shot out and held the surprisingly plump belly of the child, keeping him upright. Tiny hands grabbed at his wrist but didn’t attempt to push him away. Instead he touched Negan's arm, pulling at the sleeve of his leather jacket. 
“I’m just wondering how the fuck someone could lose a goddamn kid.” The toddler continued to fiddle with the dark fabric, Negan only stopping him when he tried to put it in his mouth.
Simon shrugged behind his boss. “I mean she’s got three of em and she’s working in the kitchens and the infirmary.” That shocked the older man. Working two jobs was unheard of in the Sanctuary, one job could provide more than enough for someone and their family.
The kid suddenly released his wrist and raised his arms over his head, opening and closing his chubby hands in a clear sign. Releasing a deep sigh, Negan relented. He shoved Lucille into the awaiting arms of his second in command and picked up the child with an ease of someone who has done it many times before. His little head tucked into the crook of his neck, his fluffy brown hair tickling Negan’s nose.
“How about we go find your mother huh.” The toddler nodded. Just as Negan took a step forward, already planning a very angry speech to the boy’s mom, a woman ripped out of the building and his breath caught in his throat.
Her eyes were wide with panic but that wasn’t what caught his attention. She was gorgeous, all thick curves and fat like a Greek goddess. She blazed with anxiety and rage, poised for a fight against anyone that might have taken her child. “Tomas!” The child’s head shot back, clipping Negan’s chin as he did.
“Mama!” She spun and locked eyes with the big bad leader of the Saviors and shamefully, he felt his knees buckle. Tomas squirmed in his hold, eager to reach for his mother but Negan was frozen in place. Two other children trailed behind her like ducklings, a pair of twin girls that looked to be 8 or 9 years old. 
As she drew closer, he could see the details of her face, the scars and blemishes but more importantly, the huge dark circles that marred her otherwise perfect visage. She stopped a yard away from him, quickly shoving her girls behind her back. “Thank you for finding Tomas, he has a bad habit of wandering off when I’m not looking.” Her voice was steady, he supposed from years of practice.
“He is a very sweet fucking kid.” One of the girls gasped, her hand coming up to her mouth in a comical expression of shock.
“He said a bad word, mama.” The other whispered just loud enough for Negan to hear. 
“You shouldn’t let your fucking kids run around without supervision, that’s how they get killed.” Her murderous glare set itself on Simon as she took another step forward. Negan could see what she was planning to do, grab Tomas and then go after the tall man. 
But before she could make her move, Negan did. “How about you go and fuck off, I need to have a fucking conversation with this lovely woman and you are really killing the mood with your fuck ugly face.” There was a brief moment of tense silence before Simon thrust Lucille into his free arm and turned with a huff to walk away, muttering under his breath.
The woman breathed a sigh of relief, her walls crumbling slightly but they were quickly built back up. “Could I please have my son now?” Tomas was lifted from his arms but Negan realised he missed the weight of the toddler against his chest. He suddenly felt a hell of a lot colder than he did before.
The boy gave out a great big sigh as he settled into his mother’s bust, utterly exhausted from his escape attempt. Two little heads poked out from behind her legs, studying the man that had been holding their brother. “Well who are these two pretty girls?” Shyly, they clung to their mom’s jeans, not answering him.
“Isabella and Lucia.” She responded for them.
“Two fucking gorgeous names for two gorgeous girls.” They smiled bashfully but didn’t try to hide again, he took that as a win. “And which one of you are going to tell me your mama’s name? I bet her name is just as beautiful as her.” He raised his head to look at said woman, expecting her to be as flattered as her daughters but instead he was met with a glare even dirtier than the one she gave Simon.
“Oh now that is a dirty damn look! And I would be lying if I said it didn’t turn me the fuck on.” Her jaw ticked with annoyance but that only made his smile grow wider across his stubbled cheeks. He gave an exaggerated shiver which made the girls giggle. “Wowie your mother is goddamn scary.”
“Yeah! Once she kicked Derek’s dad in his private place because he said something mean to her.” Isabella finally spoke up, her little voice gaining confidence. Lucia nodded along with her sister in agreement, still too shy to say anything yet.
“Well Derek’s dad deserved it for being such an asshole to your lovely mother. Now how about we go have some fucking dinner and keep disguising how amazing she is.” Those seemed to be the magic words because the twins emerged fully from behind said woman’s legs and ran at him. With absolutely no hesitation, Negan dropped Lucille beside him, kicking the bat away so neither of the girls would accidentally hurt themselves. 
Just like their brother, they each took hold of one of his jacket sleeves and yanked. “Can we have spaghetti?” “Do you have ice cream?” “Mama, can we go with him?” “Mama please!” “Mama!” They screamed in quick succession, not giving either adult any time to answer before asking their next question. Negan gave her a victorious look. 
He could tell she wanted to say no but her girls had finally opened up to someone new for the first time since the world ended and, even though she loved them, she could use a break from their clingy behaviour. “Fine but no complaining about an early bedtime tonight. Remember mama has to work early tomorrow.” They exploded into excited shouts and began tugging the older man forward, eager to talk to him.
Negan let them pull him along but he looked back at the woman that had so entirely captured his attention, throwing her a wink. “We’ll stay up as late as you want and don’t worry about your job mama, I’ve got that all covered. You just need to sit back and relax tonight and let me do all the work.”
Her eyes widened and then darkened with a barely hidden lust at the double entendre and he just chuckled deep in his chest. He’d gotten her and maybe, just maybe, a new chance at life with this little family, all because Tomas liked to wander.
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Negan Smith 
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reevesdriver · 2 years
Polaroids (NSFW)
Summary: Negan takes a liking to you after finding Daryls wallet containing nude polaroids.
Word count: 2291
Character(s): Negan / Mentions of Daryl
Reader: Female reader
Warning(s): NSFW / 🔥🔥🔥 / Smut / Masturbation / Oral Sex (M Receiving) / Dub-Con / Blackmail / Praising / Sexual Assault by coercion
| Part 2 | Part 3 | 
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You and Daryl were nothing more than fuck buddies. Ever since you met one another when his group joined you in Alexandria you had been secretly meeting up a few times a week to fuck. Due to how well the pair of you got on you were often sent out to scavenge together in order to collect supplies for your settlement but also for Negan and his saviours.
It was one of those trips out that you stumbled across a working polaroid camera. Stuffing it into your backpack as slyly as you could you continued with your search whilst Daryl remained oblivious and made small talk with you. Using the camera later that night you took a handful of nudes and showed them to Daryl who quickly suggested on using it whilst he fucked you so you could permanently savour the moment and you agreed.
The next day you and Daryl were tasked to sort out the rations ready for the saviours to take. In the rush of trying to get the boxes together for the saviours to take Daryl didn’t realise that his wallet had fallen out of his jacket pocket and into one of the open boxes. Instead they were loaded onto the truck and sent back to the compound ready for Negan to inspect them and check what you had sent before allowing his men to do a stock check.
“I can’t believe you dropped it.” You mumble to Daryl as you both head out of your house later that night.
“I didn’t mean to. Just fell out.” He chews his nail nervously.
“Daryl if anybody finds it and looks inside I will be mortified. Hell I won't even be able to look at anyone ever again.”
“I’ll find it before anyone else does.” He grumbled.
When the Saviours returned to the compound Negan quickly began his usual check of the boxes ensuring that there was a decent amount of contents upon first inspection before his men actually counted what had been sent. Whilst looking through one box in particular he stumbled across the leather wallet tucked down the side of some supplies and pulled it out. 
Opening the wallet his eyes instantly fell on the corner of a polaroid sticking out of the the pocket. He digs into the wallet and pulls out the picture chuckling when he sees that it’s a polaroid of you smiling, when looking closer he sees that you’re actually in your underwear and seem to be led down on a bed.
Negan looks back into the wallet and can see a small stack of more polaroids tucked. He takes a quick look at some of the others and whistles when he realises that he’s found a wallet containing explicit nude photos of you. Stuffing the pictures back into the wallet he puts it in his jacket pocket before finishing off his inspection and making his way back to his room.
Laying in bed that night Negan looked at the wallet that was sat on his bedside table and smiled. Grabbing a hold of it he opens it up and removes the polaroids that were tucked inside before throwing the leather wallet back on the side-table.
Negan flicked through the pictures and felt himself growing hard as they got more and more explicit. The first ones were pictures of you and Daryl kissing, though he couldn’t tell it was Daryl, and then they soon switched to you holding your tits up to the camera followed by one of you sucking Daryl’s cock until eventually he landed on the last one where you were led on your back, cum sputtered over your belly and chest and a smile of utter bliss plastered on your face.
Pulling his boxers down he takes his cock out and begins to pump it whilst staring at the picture of you. Negan remembers seeing you from time to time in Alexandria but you were always too busy to stay around long enough for him to speak to you, though he never really had a reason to approach you since any issues were taken directly to Rick. Bringing himself to release Negan shuts his eyes as he prints the picture of your naked body in his mind.
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The next day Negan decided to take two saviours with him as he returned to Alexandria, he’d told his men that he needed to speak with someone regarding the pick-up yesterday. Rick was called to the front gates by Daryl who spotted Negans truck approaching. “The hell does he want?” Daryl said from the lookout post.
“I don’t know. Something must have been wrong with the pickup yesterday.”
Shaking his head Daryl responded. “Nah can’t be that, Y/N always makes sure they are up to standard. Gotta be somethin’ else.”
The gate was opened and Negan drove through, stopping the car the gate was shut behind him and he stepped out swinging Lucille as he slammed the door closed behind him. “Ricky.” He started. “Who checked those boxes that my men picked up yesterday?” Negan asked, though he already knew the answer.
“Y/N does, with help from the others.”
“Y/N, right.” He smiles. “Care to show me where she is right now, I just need a little word with her that’s all.”
“If you were short anything you can speak to me about it.”
“Rick.” Negan interrupts clearly getting impatient. “Show me where she is. I won't ask again.”
Rick leads Negan to your house and up the steps to your front door where he hesitates before knocking. “Come in.” You shout from the kitchen as you continue washing up.
“Y/N.” Rick’s southern drawl fills the room.
“Hey Rick, I’m just tidying up do you need me for something?” You ask with a smile which soon drops when you turn to see the leader of the saviours standing behind him.
“There she is.” Negan says, his voice laced with excitement. “Rick if you don’t mind I'd like some time alone with her please. We’ve got something to discuss.”
Grabbing a nearby hand-towel you dry your hands whilst Rick nervously looks at you. “Go, I’ll be fine.” You say softly. Rick nods and taps the walkie-talkie on his hip indicating for you to use it if you need to and leaves the house. “Is there something I can help you with Sir?” You ask.
“Sir? Oh I like that but please, call me Negan.”
“Alright. Was there a problem with the last pickup?” You ask as the man begins to look around your kitchen before walking to the lounge.
“This is a nice place you’ve got. Just you living here or you got a man I should be worrying about?” He says sitting down on your couch placing his bat on the floor next to him. Negans eyes fall to the coffee table in front of him and he smirks when he sees the polaroid camera sitting in the middle of it surrounded by some pictures of you with the rest of the group.
“Just me.” You shift awkwardly as you stand in the doorway.
“Come and sit next to me, I’ve got something to show you.”
“Negan.” You huff. “If you don't mind I've got a lot of things to be doing so if you could just get to the point I would be very grateful.”
“I said sit down.” He snaps with a face like thunder.
You hesitate for a second or so and move to the couch sitting as close to the arm of the two-seater as you can without making it obvious. Reaching into his back pocket Negan pulls something out that you recognise making your face drain of all colour as you frown. “Daryl’s wallet.” You mumble just enough for Negan to hear.
“Is that the lucky guy in the pictures? Hmm, didn’t think he’d have it in him. Seems more of the shy type to me, though I guess you must like the shy guys.”
“Give it back.” You reach out to try and snatch the wallet from his hand but Negan is quicker. He pulls his hand out of reach and grabs your reaching wrist with the other wrapping his fingers around your limb.
“I’ve got a proposition for you. You’re lucky that none of my men found this before me cause they wouldn’t have been so nice. I tell you what.” Dropping the wallet onto the coffee table he leans and grabs ahold of the polaroid camera. “Why don’t you put that mouth of yours to use whilst I take some pictures to keep and in return you can have that wallet back and maybe I’ll cut down our demands by a little bit. How does that sound?”
Your breath catches in your throat as Negan grips your wrist tighter making you wince. “What if I don’t?”
“I’ll double our demand. Then I’ll show all these pictures to my men. Oh, and I'll show all your friends too, let them know what a little whore you are.”
You let out a whimper and as your heart thumps in your throat you move off the couch until you’re positioned between his spread legs. “Mmmhh good decision. Make sure to put max effort in too, I want these pictures to look good.”
Nervously, you place your hands on his thighs and run them up towards the top button of his pants which you pop with ease, tugging the zipper down your finger grazes his hardening cock through the thin material of his boxers. Negan sinks down onto the couch more and lifts his hips as you tug at the waistband of his boxers. You manage to pull his pants and boxers down his waist with ease and shuffle forwards on your knees so you’re closer to him.
You hear the familiar shutter sound as Negan snaps a picture of you and moves the camera away from his face so he can look down at you whilst the film is being printed. “Don’t mind me Darlin’, you just keep doing what you’re doing.”
You lean forwards and take ahold of his cock with one hand, pumping it slowly Negan releases a soft moan as you tighten your grip around his cock. You’re barely able to close your hand around him and you can already tell that two hands alone won't cover the length of his shaft.
Using your mouth you cover the end of his cock and gently suck letting your tongue lap at the pre-cum that was seeping out of the tip as your hands work on jerking the thick shaft. “Mmmm just like that baby.” He moans, his voice low and gravely making you shiver. 
As you take more of his cock into your stretched-out mouth Negan snaps another picture. “You look so pretty like this, fuck.” Tears begin to form and fall from your eyes as Negan starts to roughly fucked upwards, cock hitting the back of your throat and dirty hand tugging at your hair whilst he snapped another picture and let it drop to the floor next to you. Throwing his head back his hand holding the camera drops to the side of him as you hollow out your cheeks in an attempt to make him cum quicker.
“Shit, I’m gonna cum.” He whines as his hips buck and he cums into your mouth. “Open your mouth and stick out your tongue. That’s it, what a good girl you are showing me that mouth full of cum.” He takes another picture of you when you follow his orders before he tells you to swallow his load as he puts the camera back on the coffee table.
Negan tucks his cock back into his pants and zips them up before gathering all of the polaroids that were scatted on the couch and floor, picking them up he stuffs them into one of his jacket pockets and zips it up before his eyes fall on you.
You haven't moved from your kneeling spot in front of him, your head is bowed and your fingers are nervously picking at a loose thread on your jeans. Leaning forwards Negan places two fingers underneath your chin and lifts your head up until your eyes meet his.
“So much anger in your eyes Princess. There’s no need to look at me like that when I’ve just given you the best throat fucking you’ve ever had.” He laughs. “Wipe those eyes, you can walk with me back to the gates.”
When he releases your chin you quickly wipe both your eyes and your mouth too incase any of his cum had spilled elsewhere. You stand and follow him out of your house and down the steps back to the front gates where Rick is standing and talking with Daryl whilst some of the saviours are smoking.
“Well Rick, thanks to Y/N I’m gonna be requesting less supplies from you. Oh, and Daryl.” Negan says and throws the wallet to the biker. “Make sure you don’t let that fall out your pockets again. Wouldn’t want it to get in the wrong hands.” He chuckles and jumps into the truck.
Once Negan and his men were out of sight and the gate was shut Rick and Daryl approached you quickly. “What happened in there?” Daryl asked reaching for your arm which you moved away.
“Nothing, we just talked and he said he was going to go easier on us.” You keep your head down and kick a rock that was nearby.
“Y/N you know that you can tell us.”
“Nothing happened Rick so stop asking me. Just be thankful he didn’t double his demand.” You say before turning on your heels to walk back to your house.
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thewritersaddictions · 10 months
Bases: Negan Smith- Chapter 1 Her
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Pairing: Negan Smith x Fem!Reader
Pov: Negan
Warnings: boundaries push, touching, cocky comments, the walking dead, zombies, trigger warnings, almost dying, special treatment, the wives, jealousy, being saved; Simon mentioned a little bit, maybe Dwight too, and Negans wives. masturbation,
Summary: Negan meets you when you come to the sanctuary doors. Wary of you at first he takes to watching you, and boy does he get interested quickly.
A/n- @ firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 3.2k
The Walking Dead Master List // The Wanderers Master List // Series Master List
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Y/n tries to catch her breath, but she just can’t seem to. Everything around her is swaying with her every step. She feels the sun pour through the sky, and it just ends up beating her up as she walks in the middle of the road. Trees line each side, giving no shade for her overheating body. She walks until she hears the indicators of the walkers; the sound grows louder the more she wanders due North. She worries for a moment until she sees a tall building that probably used to be a factory before the world went to shit. Then the sound of cars, the sounds of people. 
People! She doesn’t care if she doesn’t have enough energy to get to the gates; she’ll push through the hoarse voice from no water for at least the past few nights and days. She’ll push until someone picks her up from the searing hot cement underneath her. She manages to make it to the gate; her face is flush, and she ends up waving down what looks like a post guard. “Do you know where you are, Miss?” It’s a guy no older or younger than she is before Y/n can answer though she’s collapsing to the ground. She’s worn herself out before just making it. 
There’s a knock at the door, which means some shit is happening that Simon or some other fucknut doesn’t know how to handle. The knock on the door is different, rushed, almost a worried knock. “Come in.” I don’t look up until the person starts to talk; like always, it’s Simon. “Boss, um, we’ve got a problem.” My brow arches as I stare at Simon with a deathly glare. “A problem?” It’s not really a question, and Simon knows it. He just nods, and we walk in steadfast with each other. Lucille sits over my left shoulder. People quickly advert their stare as we step outside in the blaring heat of the Georgia sun. 
There’s a small, growing crowd around something rather intriguing. “Move outta the way, dingbats,” Simon shouts rather loudly in my ear as I look into the center of the growing crowd. “What’s this?” I ask one of the guards. His gun is slung around his back, the nose of the sniper pointing towards the ground. “I’m not sure, Duke over there said this girl waved and then collapsed outside the gates.” More intrigue. “Let me see.” The crowd moves, giving me a perfect view of the ‘girl’ lying on the hot ground. “You,” I say, pointing with the bat's end cap. The guy, ‘Duke’ visible, swallows, “She um… she was running towards the gate, and tried to wave at me, but before she could answer any of my questions, she just knocked out, hit the ground pretty hard too, Sir.” The guy says. I move Lucille making room for me to bend to my knees and get a more impersonal look at the ‘girl’ layin’ on the ground. 
Her skin is red and peeling in some places on her face and shoulders. Her hair is out of her face. Her face looks almost hollow like she hadn’t had water in days, maybe weeks. But she’s wearing what looks like an excellent proper pair of boots and jeans, and the first thing I think of next is, “Did ja check for bites?” I ask the whole crowd, and the Duke guy answers again. “Already checked her out, nothing, no bites or anything, Sir.” He says; I motion for Simon to come over, “Why was this so fuckin’ important, huh Simon?” he glides a hand through his messy hair. “Cause I figured you want to say what happened to the girl.” Simon never really gave a shit, didn’t take orders to well, and somehow always managed to not fuck up but still fuck up my shit. 
“Yeah, dumbass take her to the damn doc. What the hell you waiting on me to say that for.” I mutter to myself as I watch the two post guards pick her body up stiffly. Causing the both of them to alost tumble over. I roll my eyes at the action. “Simon.” I shove the bats handle into his hand. “You tow lacklys, get back to work i’ve got her.” The inner monologue tells me that I know it will always be me who has to take care of the dark shit, the bad shit, and the good shit. Nobody else. Simon close behind me, as the women lay limp in my arms. 
She had yet to open her eyes as the cool air inside the sanctuary hit her cheeks, her arms, and any other exposed skin. She didn’t even rustle as I walked her limp body through the doorway. “Dr. Carson, you can stop whatever the fuck you’re doin’ now. Help this women here.” I set her down on the cot, her head falling back along with her hair into the shitty pillow provided in this makeshift ER. “What… What happened?” Dr. Carson wasn’t the village idiot by any means, but it would nice if for once I didn’t have to tell the damn idiot what happened and he could just go do his fucking job. “Carson, just do your fuckin’ job or I swear to the god that probably fucked off already I will make your postion available again.” He shook his head, and got to work. Simon handed Lucille back to me, as I took a seat in those uncomfortable waiting chairs. 
“Looks like she has some burns some serious” Carson said looking over at me. An arch brow, and he was on the way to solving the whole damn thing, “Nothing a little bit of antibotic cream can’t fix. She’s also very dehydrated, so I’ll need to get her pumped with some fuilds before she can… before she’s well enough to talk with you Sir.” Carson mumbled out, I nodded my head and started to turn out of the room. “You said she needs fluids.” Carson nods his head, as he goes to get bandages wraps for her burns. “Bring her to my room, we should show our new guest the best care, right Carson?” He nodded with angst. 
“Are you sure… Sir, do you think that’s the best course of action. We don’t even know where this fuckin’ lady is from” Simon as his ratty, trash talkin’ fucking mouth never shut the hell up sometimes. I turned quickly catching his normal leaned back attitude off guard. “I think you would know me by now Simon. It’s a game, it’s always a fuckin’ game.” Simon stood still for a moment, and then nodded. 
An hour later there was a knock on my bedroom door. “It’s Dr. Carson with the Jane Doe.” He said through the door. I rolled my eyes, the clink of the gin bottle hitting the glass table rang my ears as I got up opening the door. This time two much larger guard held the Jane Doe on a cot. Less prone for her fall and get even more hurt. “You said you wanted her here sir?” Carson asked as if the first time I said wasn’t good enough for him. I look over at the Jane Doe. Her shoulder all the way down to her arms are covered in the white bandages. Her face isn’t though which is nice. “Come on in then.” I open the door wide enough for the large men to walk her in and place her on the couch adjacent of the bed. “I’ll get some fluids going in her and then I can come back in a few…” I cut him off, “No need doc, I’ve got it from that point. Don’t need someone in and out of my fuckin’ room every couple of hours.” He nods his head vigorously. I know what I’m doing, and there’s more I wanna know about this mystery Jane Doe. 
“Well hello there sweetheart.” The women in front of me is opening her eyes. It took nearly two days to get to this point. For nearly two days I have extra patrol out making sure that nobody followed this young women here. No need to be gettin’ ambushed right now. Her eyes go wide and when she opens her mouth to talk nothing comes out. Her nails scrap at her throat. “You need something to drink?” I’m quick to get up and gather a glass of water for her. Her hands are clammy when they graze past mine to collect the cold cup of water. The needle in her arms ache I can tell just from the look on her face. “We’ll take that out later, but for now why don’t you not rush your recovery.” I said as soft as I can. She looks like someone just told her that the world was starting all over again. 
She clears her throat, and for the first time I hear her voice. It’s angelic is a soft, fairy sort of way. “Where am I?” She ask looking around the room. “A settlement, the Sanctuary.” She looks over at me, beautiful eyes shining back at me. For the first time it’s odd to around a women who isn’t appalled by me, or faking it all together. She pure, and innocent in so many moldable ways. “I promise that i’ll be out of your hair before you even know that I was here.” She promises me, I humm. Then look over at her fluid drip, and the bandages on her body. “I was thinkin’ that you could stay here for a while. At least get yourself settled before you go back out in that hot Georgia sun. 
“So Miss Jane Doe, do you got a name?” I ask her as my words sink into her head. She clears her throat again taking another large gulp of water to coat her throat. “My name is um…Y/n.” She says with a little smile. “And you wer travelin’ alone out there?” I ask her, “Yeah.” She says nodding, she looks far of into the distance staring up at one of the ceiling tiles. As if she’s remembering someone she’s lost. I clear my own throat bringing her attention back to me. “I’ve ask that the doc, keep you here in my room. I wouldn’t suggest that you go out right now. Dr. Carson and I agree that you’re a little too fragile for that eveiormnet right now.” I said coaxing her into a choice she had no say in. She nodded, “My pack?” She asks, “I almost forgot.” I reach behind the coch she’s laying on. “Thanks.” She says with a small smile, and once more our hands graze each others. 
Hours later after a rather a surface level introduction with Y/n about where she came from, why she didn’t have anything other then a knife, and what the Sanctuary was about. There’s a soft knock on the door. It causes Y/n to shiver with anxiety. “It’s alright sweetheart, don’t worry about anyone trying to get ya.” “Can I come in, Negan?” I know that damn voice, Frankie. I boil over with anger and before I can get to the damn door Frankie is opening it. A sliky black dress drapped over her frame. I catch Y/n out of the corner of my eye; staring and watching the interaction between the two us. “Negan, I haven’t seen you in a few days…” Frankie stops short in her sentence. Scwoling at Y/n, as if she understands what the hell is going on either of them. “Frankie, go. I have a guest.” I say strongly grabbing her bicep and pushing her out of the room. 
The slam of door makes Y/n shriek, and when i turn to look at her she’s got her head cocked. “Who was that?” She asks timidly. “A… um… it’s just Frankie.” I finally manage to mumble out. “When was the last time you had a good bed to lay down in?” I ask in deperate need to change the subject. I don’t know just yet how to explain the wives to her, but then again when have I ever felt the need to explain myself to anyone. I push the feeling away, bury it in my stomach. Deep down. She shifts swinging her legs to the edge of the couch. She’s got pretty long legs even from the thick jean material that hid them. “I’d say at least since the first or second month of this shit.” I huff a laugh out, “Well how about this sweetheart. I’m gonna take this IV out, and patch you all up so you can get a good nights rest.” “But what about…” I shake my head. “I’ll take the couch, it’s been a while since I’ve booted to the couch anyways.” I jokingly say. 
Carson had left a few supplies here for me whenever Y/n was going to wke up so I could remove the IV, and bandage her up. As I do her skin is soft as least not where she’s been wrapped up with bandages. “So what was wrong with me?” She asks as she stares at my working hands. “You got a hell of a sunburn all up and down your shoulder and arms. Some antibiotic cream should fix ya up real quick.” I tell her, “And plus you were super fuckin’ dehydrated, what the hell were you doing running a fuckin’ marathon?” She giggles at my question as I tape down the gauze to make sure the blood doesn’t leak into anything. 
“Do you have extra clothes in that pack of yours?” I ask Y/n, she looks down and dig around. A minutes passes, and another, “Look mary poppins I don’t think there’s anything else the damn bag.” I might be getting a little frastrated, “So I’d take that as a no.” She nods her head. I whip myself around. Shifting through draws and a small closet of my clothes. “For tonight you can borrow somethin’ of mine. Sweats, and a long t-shirt so your bandages don’t come off during the night, Sweethearts.” I say passing her the clothes. Y/n stares down at them, and she get a little shy, well a lot shy. Bitting and pulling on her bottom lip. “Bathroom is over here sweetheart.” I watch as she walks towards the bathroom, and then the door shuts. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?” I ask myself. Dragging my hands down my face. There’s a shuffle from behind the bathroom door. “All good in there?” I ask, willing my voice not to break. I feel like a high school kid all over again with a stupid high school crush. “Um…” her voice sounds so tiny behind the door. “I don’t think this is gonna work.” She says shyly through the door. I stand to open the door, but she does before I can manage it. My long sleeve is loose on her frame, and the sweats don’t even take on her hips, but I guess that’s alright since the long sleeve is so big on her it acts as a dress. “That’s all good doll, how about I help ya get to bed.” I say reaching out my hand for her to grab. 
Yet again her hands are baby soft, like she’s never been outside a day in her life. No broken calluass, or rough patches. With our hand interlocked I walk her to the side of the bed. Moving the sheets back so she can easily get under the covers. She isn’t graceful about the plop down the bed. “A water bed!?” She asks, I actually laugh, “I wish sweetheart!” As Y/n shifts her legs to get under the covers and onto my side of the bed. I get a flash of her pink worn panties. 
I have to swallow down the groan of sexual frautration, maybe I should have taken Frankies offer. Pushed her outside the door, and fucked her stupid mouth shut. I shake my head, and I watch as Y/n starts to get snuggled into the cool fabric. I don’t grab the other pillow fromthe bed, I just make my way towards the couch. Cleaning up the medial mess I made earlier. I lean back into the coch, closing my eyes and all I can see is the pink panites. The coarse hair that prickled to come through the fabtic.
My cock stirs to life in my tights blue jeans. I can’t see Y/n’s face due to the dim lights in the room, but her snores are a good alert that’s she fast asleep. I close my eyes again and the flash of her nipples through the old shirt of mine makes me swallow down a moan. A hard on from a girl I know nothing about, a fuckin high school kid. All I can think of is the pink pussy that lays behind the pink panties, the tits that would bounces as I fucked her raw. I unzip my jeans, and pop my hard cock from my boxers. 
The tip is leaking pre-cum that I end up just using as lube. Pumping myself slowly at first until my eyes fall shut and all I can imagine is the sounds that Y/n would make when I fucked her up agaisnt the headboard. Or how good her pussy probably tasted. My cock is coated with my pre-cum, and so is my hand. The sounds are delicious, the sound of the squelching as the soft pad of my thumb over over the head of my cock and I end up just a pile of fuck, shits, and graons as I come all over my chest. 
“Fuck.” My breath is ragged, I haven’t come that since I was much younger and a whole lot ballsier. I throw my shirt off my shoulder and wipe down my tummy, and chest. Discarding the ruined shirt to a pile of other thrown clothes.
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Completed on: 08/10/23
Posted on: 08/12/23
Bases Tags- @clararangel @lanad3lrey-l0v3r @jdmsgorl @scarlett-widows-89 @idk1idk2idk @kaits-diary @whatsssss @daryldixonluvr @oceanablue @chelseypprimrose @freedomfighterlex @sageworld @ayeizzshayla @123avengersandmarvel @charlie19690 @sweetvixensstuff @lanceisrandom @redscreendarkwin @finalgirlmp3 @fullwattpadmusictree @harmonib @rainyzonkmakerlover @ge0rgzs @julimariett @amazingmaeve @kpoplover4life @definitelynotyagmur @rivernell @vanilla88 @alteredgalaxy @thatonefroggirl @kyleepsposts @max-505 @nhayoshii
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pretty-circa006 · 6 hours
OKAY imagine IMAGINE reader sees negan/jeffrey naked for the first time AND sees his chest full of chest hair THENNNN nakedly grinds on his chest
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Negan x F! Reader
tags nudity, smut, grinding, chest hair fetish i think??
note i did my best, i hope you like it
wc 1.5k
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆ 
Negan sits at the head of the table with Lucille in hand and his leather jacket resting on the back of his metal chair. He’s explaining something, likely what the Saviors’ next move against Alexandria is going to be, but it all flies above her head. Her eyes watch his lips as they move in tune with his words, his hazel eyes as they alternate eye contact with each Savior at the table, and occasionally glance down at what parts of his body were visible above the table. 
“Ya get all that, darlin’?” He asks, looking at her. 
“Oh..yeah! Uh huh. Yes…sir,” she lies. The deadpan look Negan sends her way tells her that he is not convinced, and honestly, neither is she. She bashfully looks away from him and down at the table, this time actually trying to pay attention to the rest of the meeting. 
With a bang of his barb wired bat to the metal table, he dismisses everyone as he gets up and leaves, too. She's the last one out of the room, partly because she didn't want to meet Negan's eye on the way out but mainly because she wanted to watch him as he left. Before she can leave the room something catches her eye—Negan's jacket. She looks around the room, making sure it's empty before walking over to his chair and grabbing the expensive looking leather garment. She picks it up and it almost feels unreal to be holding it. She hesitantly brings it up to her nose and breathes in the scent: leather and manliness. She could get lost in it and almost does, but she quickly remembers the task at hand and rushes out the room to catch up to Negan. 
With the jacket cradled in her arms, she hurries down the halls in search of the man in charge—he's nowhere to be seen. She sees his right hand, Simon, walking idly down the hall. 
"Wait, Simon. Do you know where Negan went?" she asks him. The mustached man's eyes drift down to the jacket in her arms and back up to her eyes with suspicion. 
"What're you doin' with Negan's jacket," he questions, reaching down for it as he does. She clutches it closer and moves it out of reach. 
"He left it in the meeting room, so I'm bringin' it back to him. Do you know where he went?" 
"I can give it to him, it's no trouble." 
Annoyed with Simon's insistence, she sidesteps him and storms down the hall, protectively clutching the jacket. 
"I'll handle it, thanks!" 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆
Nobody said anything when she knocked on his bedroom door, so she waited a second. She knocks again and yields the same results. She tries the doorknob and surprisingly, it gives, opening the door and letting her into his bedroom. Until now, she'd never been in his room. The sheer luxury of it all strikes her with awe. The king sized bed, the leather couches and chairs, the tall windows and dark curtains, even when the world was normal she's never seen anything anything like this. 
The sound of Negan's voice saying her name snapped her attention away from the room and onto him. He's standing in the middle of the room, practically naked other than the towel wrapped dangerously low around his hips. His tattoos are on full display along with the salt and pepper hair on his torso. Unintentionally, her eyes drift down his body to his belly button, to his v line, and even his–
"My eyes are up here, sweetheart," he reminds her, forcing her eyes to meet his hazel ones. 
"Ah, shit! Sorry, I umm..." 
"The hell are ya doin' in my bedroom?" he asks. 
"You left your jacket," she holds the jacket out to him, to which he accepts. 
"Thanks..." He still looks at her suspiciously as she awkwardly rocks on her heels and doesn't leave. 
"Uh, you're dismissed." She's about to turn and leave, but the sound of fabric hitting the floor keeps her there. Her face burns with heat and eyes widen as she makes eye contact with his dick. He always brags about his size, but now she has proof that he was never exaggerating. Negan doesn't make any moves to grab his towel nor cover himself, instead, he's smirking at her, amused by wide eyes and dropped jaw. Subconsciously, her thighs squeeze together at the feeling of heat pooling in her core.  
"Y'alright, darlin'?" he asks out of amusement rather than concern. She blinks rapidly as her mouth opens and closes but no words come out. Her eyes alternate from meeting his to dropping down to his penis again. 
"S-sorry! Sorry!" she apologizes as she covers her eyes with her hands. The attempt to cover her eyes is fruitless since she's looking through the gaps in her fingers anyway.
"Like watcha see?" he teases. He half expects her embarrassment to take over and for her to run away, but instead she stands her ground and nods. 
"Yes, s-sir." Her breathing is shallow as she shifts around trying to subtly sooth the needy ache in her throbbing pussy. Negan can tell that she wants him, needs him even, and honestly seeing her so needy and desperate is a turn on for him. 
"Well, you can either get the fuck outta my room or take your goddamn clothes off. The choice is yours, doll, but make it quick." 
He didn't have to ask her twice, she's already unbuttoning her jeans. In a rush, she clumsily toes off her shoes before stepping out of her pants and panties. She wishes she could've given Negan a show instead of the unsexy rush-job she's currently putting on but luckily for her, Negan finds her sex crazed desperation for him endearing. But she's taking a little too long for his liking. He approaches her and pulls her shirt over her head before unclasping her bra and discarding the items. 
"Holy shit, baby. You look downright fuckin' delicious," he compliments as he eyes her naked body from head to toe. His arms snake around her and pull her body into his. His hard length slides between her thighs, almost slotted between her lower lips. Her hands slide up his chest, her fingers weaving through the wispy hairs on his chest. By the back of her neck, he pulls her in for a heated kiss, teeth clashing as their tongues get to know each other's mouths. His hands slide down her back and around the curve of her ass before squeezing and kneading it in his hands. He holds her firmly and close as he thrusts his dick along her soft inner thighs. Their pleasured moans mix in their mouths which are still attached to each other. As they kiss, her hands never leave his chest. Her fingers continuously play with his chest hair and occasionally give it a gentle tug. 
He pulls away from the kiss, the string of saliva between them breaks. He looks down at her, his hazel eyes dark with lust. She looks back up at him, her eyes begging him to fuck her. 
"You like my chest hair, don't you, babydoll?" She just giggles but doesn't any anything and continues to doodle abstract swirls with her finger on his chest. 
"I asked you a goddamn question," he says sternly. 
"I do, sir." Without warning, he picks her up by the back of her thighs and she reflexively wraps her legs around his waist. While still holding her, he lays down on the bed with her now straddling his waist. 
"Get yourself off on it," he orders in a way that leaves no room for questions. But she has some anyway. 
"Wh...what?!" she asks through a bout of nervous laughter. 
"If you like my chest hair so much, get yourself off on it, baby." 
"What if I crush you o-or something?" 
He scoffs and rolls his eyes before just pulling her onto his chest by her thighs. He smirks, enjoying the view of having such a beautiful woman on top of him. 
"Well, I'm waitin'," he huffs. Her hands cautiously grip his shoulders before she begins grinding her hips against his strong chest. Her movements are slow and apprehensive at first, but eventually pleasure starts building up. The friction of his chest hair against her clit feels better than she expected and brings her closer to her orgasm. Negan watches her from beneath his thick eyelashes, in awe with the way her tits move in unison with her grinding. 
"I shoulda made you my fuckin' wife," he comments as his hands caress her thighs. 
"Better late than never, right?" comes her breathy reply. She's close and Negan can tell by her breathlessness and sweaty, flushed face. Her hand creeps down between her legs and she rubs her clit in quick circles, urging her orgasm closer. Her thighs squeeze his ribcage and her eyes screw shut as the dam breaks and her orgasm comes crashing over her. 
“You liked that, didn’t you?” He teases. She climbs off his chest and flops onto the bed beside him. 
“Mmm hmm.” She nuzzles into the crook of his neck. He wraps his arm around snugly her as she  caresses his chest. 
“So what was that you were saying about makin’ me your wife…?”
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novamariestark · 6 months
Negan comforts reader with pretty bad daddy issues from past abuse when she gets overwhelmed with memories from her younger life
Prompt list 2 #42 ?
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I Got You Darlin'
Warnings: mentions of physical, emotional and almost s**ual abuse (if these upset you don't read), panic attack, death (short not descriptive), age gap
Word count: 2334
Fandom: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Negan x reader
How did you end up there?
A deal. That’s how. A selfless sacrifice that was supposed to be your death. But no. Negan decided to keep you at the sanctuary instead.
You hated the man. You had watched him smash the hell out of your friend’s skull and just laugh it off. He went for another but there was no way you were going to let him die.
Glenn. The one who’s been your friend for as long as you remember. Even before the apocalypse. He knew about your “situation” and he did everything in his power to get you away from it. Offering you a place to crash when it got really bad, cleaning your cuts and even giving you his hard-earned money so you could eat.
The man was your savior. Your big brother.
So when he was sat at the other end of Negan’s bat, you didn’t even hesitate.
“No, pick me,”
Now what you thought would happen, didn’t. You expected the same fate as Abraham but no.
At first, you saw him as just another dangerous obstacle in this apocalyptic world. But the more you spent around him, the more you found yourself drawn to him. His charisma, his confidence, and his dark sense of humor were alluring, and you couldn't deny it. As your “friendship” or whatever it was developed into something more, Negan made it clear that he was attracted to you. But you were torn. You had developed a strong bond with Rick, the leader of your group, and he had become like a father to you. You couldn't betray his trust by getting involved with Negan, especially since he was the enemy.
But it wasn't just about loyalty to Rick. You knew that being with Negan would mean becoming one of his 'wives', forced to live in his twisted harem at the Sanctuary. You didn't want to be just another nameless face in his collection, used for his pleasure and discarded when he grew tired of you.
Little did you know that Negan would trade all of them for you. If you gave him a chance, it would be you and only you. Of course you didn’t believe him. Why would he trade much prettier women for you?
It had been a few weeks since you had arrived at The Sanctuary. To say that it was brutal here would be an understatement. Negan ruled with an iron fist, punishing anyone who dared to defy him. But strangely enough, he wasn't the worst thing about being here.
You had escaped your abusive father when you were 16 and thought you had left that part of your life behind, well you thought you had left your entire life behind. But then one day, after a few weeks at The Sanctuary, you heard a voice you hoped never to hear ever again. It was your father's voice, sneering and taunting. The exact soundtrack of your childhood.
He walked away. You instantly found that suspicious. And you were right. Later that night, you were abruptly woken up from your deep slumber by the sound of your bedroom door being flung open. Before you could even comprehend what was happening, a large, burly man grabbed your arms and dragged you out of bed.
“Hey, what's going on?” you yelled, trying to fight against his hold. “Shut up and come with me,” the man grunted, dragging you out of your room and down the hallway. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as fear and confusion set in. Where was he taking you? What had you done wrong?
You made your way through the dark, winding corridors of the Sanctuary until you reached a heavy metal door. The man shoved you inside and you stumbled, falling to the ground. As you lifted your head, you realized you were in a jail cell. Panic and disbelief flooded through you.
But as you sat on the cold floor, you couldn't shake off the feeling that something was very wrong. Why would Negan want you locked up? Was it because you turned down his offer? An offer that you would have otherwise accepted had he not murdered one of your friends in front of you and maybe if he didn’t have a different woman for every day of the week. Before you could dwell on your thoughts any further, the door to your cell creaked open, and in walked none other than your father. He sauntered over to where you were sitting and leaned against the metal bars.
“Let's see why Negan likes you so much,” he snarled, unbuckling his belt. Panic rose in your chest as you realized what he was about to do. You pleaded and begged for him to stop, but he just laughed and continued to unbuckle his belt.
He roughly pulled you towards him, his breath hot and reeking of alcohol. You could feel his hands running over your body, tearing at your clothes. You screamed and struggled, but your small frame was no match for his brute strength. “Stop fighting. It'll only make it worse,” he growled, a sadistic smile spreading across his face. He pulled off his belt, holding it in one hand as he grabbed you with the other. But before he could touch you again, the door burst open and Negan himself stormed in, Lucille in hand. “What the hell is going on here?!” he bellowed, his voice echoing off the walls. Your father froze, his eyes widening in fear. He dropped the belt and took a step back. “I was just, uh, teaching my kid a lesson,” he stammered, trying to regain control of the situation. Negan's eyes flickered to your tear-stained ones, and you could see the fury in them. “Is that so?” he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Let me teach you a lesson, then.”
And with one swift swing, your father was dead. You dropped to the floor, numb with shock, as Negan dropped the bat and turned to face you.
“Let's get you cleaned up, sweetheart,” he said, gently helping you to your feet. But your legs gave way and you burst out in tears.
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. You didn't resist, instead clutching onto him for dear life as you let out all your pent-up emotions. “He's gone now. It's okay,” Negan said, his voice surprisingly soft and comforting. He stroked your hair, trying to console you as best as he could. In that moment, Negan wasn't the notorious leader of the Saviors - he was just a man, offering comfort to someone who needed it.
But as your tears finally began to subside, you felt a sudden surge of emotions rushing through you. Without a second thought, you leaned in to kiss him, believing that this was what he wanted from you. But to your surprise, he pulled away, leaving you feeling confused and rejected. “Not when you're in this state, sweetheart,” he said, his voice now back to its usual rough tone.
Without another word, he led you back to your room, picking Lucille up along the way. Before long, you found yourself sitting on the edge of you bed. Negan disappears for a moment and comes back with a damp cloth. He ran the cloth gently over your scraped knees and dirt-caked hands, the cool water soothing against your skin.
“Come on, get back to bed, Darlin',”
You climbed into the sheets. You expected to hear the door open and shut again but when you didn’t you cast a confused glance around the room to find Negan taking a seat beside you.
“Aren’t you going to bed?” you asked, unsure of what his intentions were.
“I’m staying right here, making sure no one else harms you,” Negan replied, his intense gaze fixed on you, he leans forward, “And tomorrow, you will tell me who else was in on this, ‘cause I know he didn’t do it alone,”
As the night went on, you drifted off to sleep knowing that you were safe under Negan's watchful eye. And you went on to have the best sleep you’ve had in almost a decade.
The next morning, you woke up to find Negan still by your side, his head resting on his hand as he slept. You couldn't help but smile at the sight.
You turned over to watch him more closely, taking in all of his features. Negan was a tough and sometimes cruel man, but he had a softer side that he revealed only to you. His face had a few scars, but they only added to his rugged charm. His black hair was tousled from sleep and his stubble was growing in. You reached out to trace a finger along the lines of his jaw, admiring the way the sunlight hit his face. Negan stirred slightly, his hazel eyes opening to meet yours.
“Good morning, beautiful,” he said, his voice husky from sleep. He forward to move the hair out of your eyes, “How you feelin’?”
“You’re stayed here all night?”
“I told you I would,” he replied, his fingers tracing the curve of your jawline.
You couldn't help but feel a flutter in your stomach at his touch. You had never been one for romantic gestures, but there was something about Negan that made you feel safe. Something you had never felt, before or after the apocalypse. And you craved it. You craved him.
“Thank you, Negan,” you said, turning to kiss his palm.
“Now, who was it?” Negan asked, his blue eyes burning into yours. “Who helped your father last night, Darlin'? Who else touched you?”
“N-no one else,” you stammered, your voice barely above a whisper. “Don't lie to me, sweetheart. I'll know if you're lying.” Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as the memories of your father's abuse flooded back to you 'It was... a man,' you finally admitted, your voice shaking. Negan's expression hardened. “Who was he?” You hesitated, knowing that your answer could have consequences, “I don't know his name. He was just some guy who my father probably tricked into taking me there,” you explained, feeling the weight of guilt and shame on your shoulders. Negan's jaw tightened, and he let out a low growl. “I'll make him pay,” he said, his voice filled with rage.
You shook your head, “No, if he had no idea that you didn’t make that order he shouldn’t be punished for it,”
“He touched you!” he growled, picking up Lucille and heading towards the door.
But you grabbed his arm, “No, please. It's over now. I'm safe here with you,” you said, looking up at him through your lashes, giving him the prettiest doe eyes, he’d ever seen. Negan's features softened as he looked down at you. “Don't you worry, sweetheart. No one will ever hurt you again,” he promised, placing a gentle hand on your cheek.
Without warning, he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. It was like a firework had gone off in your chest, his touch igniting a passion within you that you had never known before. His lips were soft yet forceful, demanding and yet gentle. It was a kiss like you had never experienced before, and you couldn't help but melt into it, your hands instinctively reaching up to wrap around his neck as you deepened the kiss.
“Lay with me?” Your quiet voice asked, as you held out your hand towards Negan. He looked at you with surprise, not expecting such a request from you. But without hesitation, he took your hand and led you to your bed. “Of course, Darlin',” he said, a hint of gentleness in his rough voice. It had been so long since Negan had been in bed with a woman, but not for the usual reasons. He had spent so much time using women for his own pleasure, but with you, it was different. He wanted to protect you, to make sure you were safe. He wanted to love you.
As you lay down next to him in bed, Negan wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest. You could feel his heartbeat, strong and steady, and it brought a sense of comfort to you. You closed your eyes, enjoying the warmth of his embrace.
You fell asleep again and when you woke up, he was gone. Not surprising. He is the leader after all. Your hand moves to your lips, tracing the smile that forms as you remember the feeling of Negan’s lips. But that smile quickly fades as your mind batters you with the events that led up to it.
You fall back on the edge of your bed, a darkness seeming to swallow the room. Your mind begins to play tricks on you as shadows flicker on the walls, triggering a panic that’s no longer in your control.
Your breaths quicken, chest tightening as if an invisible weight is pressing down on you. The night before, a haunting echo, flashes vividly past your eyes. It opens the floodgates, and everything your father ever did to you came crashing through.
You clutch your chest, nails biting into skin, desperate for any kind of release from the weight on your chest. But the rush of emotions, the echoes of fear, they're relentless.
At some point, you had slipped off the edge of your bed. Now you were curled up into a ball on the floor, your knees clutched to your chest as you try to block out the memories.
The memories were so loud, you didn’t hear him come in, so you jumped when a figure sat beside you. He pulled you into his arms. You resisted at first, your body stiff and rigid, but he whispered soothing words and held you tight until you finally relaxed into his embrace. “I got you, Darlin',” he murmured against your hair, pressing kisses to your temple.
[A/N] Part 2? With smut??
Sorry this took so long. I started rewatching where Negan comes into the series and I got a little sidetracked [Too busy 😍😍 to be paying attention to what was going on 😂😭] I also rewrote this about 7 or 8 times.
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sinsandsweetness · 10 months
I adore your mood boards. And honestly your guts to post all of the smutty goodness that you post. I still do some thing’s anonymously just because my anxiety. But anyways, someone posted an ask and a response fic to it in a different fandom and I just…. Guh. I have to send this to you. and
the boys… (yeah the boys: Rick, Daryl, Shane, Merle, Negan) catch you masturbating. In their shirt, or in their vest, shorts, or their bed, or in their truck, etc. how would they react? I’m curious to see the scenario. Or have I asked this before? I send in so many asks I’m surprised you aren’t sick of me already…. 🫣☠️
Or, their reactions to being referred to as, “My boyfriend.” (Or my husband? Hmmmmm I don’t think anyone really gets married in the apocalypse they just move in and take on a last name eventually? Or is that just a Rick/Michonne thing?)
shit, I should go write my own smutty goodness, but my dopamine is so unpredictable. Ugh.
I could never get sick of you! I definitely have a few asks of yours in my inbox that I want to expand on so don’t think I’m ignoring them!
I was definitely nervous at first to post such smutty filth, but it turns out there’s a decent amount of people who seem to enjoy it. I think fanfic in general can be such a great form of escapism. Even smutty stuff can be really healing so I definitely enjoy writing no matter how “adult” the content is. I also think the wonder of Tumblr is that it still is pretty anonymous:) no one here knows me irl so that definitely helps when it comes to being open and gutsy with what I post hahah.
As far as your concepts… I love. I actually have a masturbation fic already started in my drafts so I’ll use this to answer the second half of your ask.
Here’s a quick rundown of how I think the boys would react to you calling them your “boyfriend”:
Rick: he’d get that cocky little smirk he has and wrap his arm around you even tighter. Exuding that, “Yup. that’s right. You’re mine,” kind of attitude.
Shane: I think Shane’s reaction would be really similar to Ricks, he’d look at you with a sexy little smirk. Maybe grabbing your leg under the table and giving it a nice squeeze. Hinting that he’s definitely going to make you repeat it later in the bedroom.
Daryl: I think he would freeze up a little. Like his brain would stop for a split second and he’d look all confused. Thinking to himself, “Boyfriend? Did they really just say boyfriend?”. And at the realization that yes, you did just call him your boyfriend, he’d probably blush a little. Internally having heart palpationsa but trying to play it cool and not let you or anyone else see how giddy it makes him feel.
Negan: if you called him your boyfriend I think he’d feel offended. He’d interrupt the conversation and make you repeat what you said, only correctly this time. “Sorry, uh, my husband…” you’d stammer out, biting back a smile. Secretly loving how defensive he is about the title.
Merle: I think Merle wouldn’t say anything in the moment, but when you’ve left the function or are out of earshot from whoever you were speaking to, he’d turn to you and ask “Boyfriend? Thought you said you didn’t like labels.” “Yeah, well it’s a lot easier than saying I fuck you three times a week and put up with your bullshit so… yeah. Boyfriend it is.” And he’d just laugh in agreement, wrapping an arm around you as the two of you continue to walk home.
(Also, please do write some smutty goodness. I’d be happy to read it<3 )
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sulkysnape · 2 years
severus snape most definitely smoked cigarettes. cigars even. that man’s days were full of wretched little shits; he hAd to take the edge off every 30 minutes.
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freakykira · 3 months
Freakquests Page
Hi, i’m Kira and I’m freaky. You can literally ask me ANYTHINGGGG, you want it, I’ll write it. But, that’s not what this page is all about. Just like every writer, I have my limits.
I’ll write for…
TWD/The Walking Dead (TV Show & Game), Harry Potter, Blue Lock, Seven Deadly Sins, Mid90s , Riverdale, The Boys The Breakfast Club, TMR/The Maze Runner, Divergent, Detroit Become Human, Heathers (Movie), Good Girls, Marvel, DC, Youtubers, Rappers, Actors, OC/OC (of requests choice), Reader/OC, Reader/Unidentifed, Girl/Girl, Boy/Boy, Girl/Boy/Boy, and etc. !I know of more fandoms, but my memory is failing me, i’ll update this as I go! (Feel free to request a something about a fandom unlisted) !!ILL RESPOND TO EVERY REQUEST!!!
Main Classification: [🍄] Fluff, [🚬] Angst, and [🎋] Smut.
Sub Classifications: [🪰] Horror, [🎳] Headcannon, [🚘] OC/OC, [👤] Unidentified, [🪀] Random/Practice Fic.
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thefreakydeaky · 5 months
After the Thrill is Gone
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Part Twelve
Daryl Dixon x Reader
Negan Smith x Reader
Modern AU
Summary: From the first moment you laid eyes on Negan you were inexplicabley drawn to him. The passion between you is hot and only grows more intense the longer you see each other. There is only one problem, you're both married to other people.
Warnings: Dark Fic , Rape/Noncon, Violence, Stalking, Stalker behavior, Smuttyness, Adult Language...
You threw on a pair of checkered black and white leggings and a black muscle tee before you left the house. Leaving Millie in the care of your mother wasn't something you wanted to do, but Negan had left you no choice when he texted you saying you were to meet him at the Sanctuary Motel, alone to talk. You couldn't imagine what he could want to talk about. He had made it clear that he was blackmailing you. What more was there to say?
 You looked at your phone for the room number and parked. Then you walked under the awning toward the room at the end of the building. You knocked twice and the door was opened for you. You walked into the room annoyed and wanting to get back to your regular schedule.
"What? What could you possibly have to say now?" You huffed.
Negan didn't say anything to you. He simply locked the door, chain and all.
You watched him, waiting.
When his eyes met yours your blood seemed to freeze in your veins. His dark expression caused your heart to pick up speed in your chest.
"Negan?" You watched him stalk toward you. You were unnerved by his tense body language, his cold stare. "Negan?" You said again as he came to stand in front of you.
 He had always been taller than you, but this time he seemed to tower over you. He appeared larger.
As you tried to fight the panic taking over your mind his palm struck your cheek.You didn’t react quickly enough to move away. You found yourself looking at the ugly brown rug for a moment as the sharp pain went through you. You gasped in air. You couldn’t believe he had hit you.
 You peered up into his cold gaze, searching for any semblance of the rational civilized man you believed him to be and found nothing of the like. His hand shot out and grasped your throat. He squeezed and you struggled to take in breath. He forced you to walk backwards and when the backs of your knees hit the bed he didn't stop. Negan loomed over you. His hand tightening even more. Your hands pulled at his arm and hand, clawed at his skin desperate for relief. It was useless. He was so much stronger than you.
"Negan!" You tried to cry out hoping to appeal to his saner side. “Please!” You rasped.
He pulled back his arm and slapped you. The pain stung worse than your pride ever could. You felt faint. You scratched at him, at his arm, his shoulder. Your vision was clouded by black spots. Horror and disbelief filled you replacing any thoughts you might have had in what might be your final moments. Then, he let go of you.
You coughed and wheezed. Your hands went to your own throat as if to protect it. You tried to roll onto your side, but he remained above you, his knee between your legs. You felt him pulling roughly at your leggings and took in a burning breath. He whipped the stretchy material down your legs.
You shook your head, still coughing.
"No!" You wheezed.
He freed one of your ankles from your pant leg and underpants. You tried to kick at him, but he further situated himself between your legs with ease. You
pushed at his shoulders as he unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out.
"Stop it! Stop!" You demanded hoarsely.
He jammed his penis inside of you.
You cried out.
He forced his way in as far as he could fit. Seconds passed as breathing heavily he lay over you, his weight pinning you down. He moved his hips back and pushed roughly into you again. Tears began to fall from your eyes rolling down your temples and up into your hair. You hit his chest with your fists. Leaning forward on his knee, he took your wrists in his hands and held them to the bedspread. He hissed between his teeth as he drew back a few inches. Then rammed back into you.
"No! Please! Please!" You begged.
He ignored you. He made you endure the dry friction of his intrusion into your body again and again until the manipulation of your sexual organs produced the liquid previously only created by your arousal.
"You're into this, aren't ya?" He huffed out breathlessly. "I can feel how much you're loving this."
You sobbed, turning your face away from him and shutting your eyes.
He rutted into you. His heavy breathing and the slick sounds made by his actions made you nauseous.
How could this have happened? This man that you thought you knew so well, how could he hurt you this way? Despite what you had learned about him since you ended your relationship, he was a man you had trusted and at times admired. He had hit you. How could he be so cruel? He was hurting you, hurting you. Your nails dug into your palms as you clenched your hands tightly into fists.
Negan pumped into you, his thrusts picking up speed now that you were no longer dry. You groaned in your own personal agony. Your insides burned, but he didn’t care. You could see so clearly that your pain and discomfort meant less than nothing to him. He was taking what he wanted from you and putting you in your place all at once. He thrust into you once more before he came. He didn't bother to pull out, staying deep in your vagina when his cum burst out into you.
You whimpered as he pulled his cock out of you. He let go of your arms. You could hear him adjusting himself, zipping up his jeans.
"If you tell anyone about this, you know what will happen. It will cost you
everything." He warned you. "Look at me."
You didn't open your eyes.
He slapped you.
"I said, Look at me, God Damn it!"
You turned your face back toward him and opened your eyes.
"Now you know the price, for disrespecting me." 
A sob bubbled up from your chest and you covered your mouth with your hands.
"Apologize." He demanded.
You sobbed harder.
He pulled his arm back and now that you had been familiarized with the pain to come, you gasped out, "I'm sorry."
He watched you for a moment.
"I'm sorry." You said again.
"That's all you had to say." He said with a grin. "Was that so hard?" It was like night and day. Suddenly he was back to his usual chipper facade.
You shook your head.
"Now, get yourself cleaned up. You oughta get back to Camilla."
You stood on trembling legs and slowly hobbled to the bathroom to begin the work of putting yourself back together.
You finally had the cook out you had been planning with Lori Grimes. You showed up with potato salad, macaroni and cheese, fries and a fruit salad. Wyatt carted the cooler along, Daryl and Hunter the food and you had Millie to carry. You were greeted by Carl at the door. He told you that his mom was in the kitchen and his Dad was firing up the grill. The boys headed to the back yard and you went to see if Lori needed any help in the kitchen.
"Hey," You hugged for a brief moment. "Need a hand?" You asked, setting Millie down.
Hearing your voice, Lori's daughter, Judith came to the kitchen. She hugged you and immediately took up watching Millie.
Lori asked you to slice up some onion and tomato for the burgers and you focused on the task.
For two weeks You had lived under the constant threat of Negan's fury. The bruises had been the hardest to hide. Make up could only do so much and it wasn't quite cold enough for scarves and turtle necks.You had been picking Wyatt up from practice and acting like everything was fine. It was exhausting to pretend, but what other choice did you have? You were about finished slicing the tomatoes when your phone rang. You were quick to wipe your hands on a kitchen towel and answer it.
"Hello Sweetheart. How are ya?"
You cringed, but kept your voice light.
"I'm fine. How are you?"
"Missing you."
Your stomach churned. You said what you knew would please him.
"Me too."
"Well then, we should plan our next get away. Don't you think?"
You nodded. Then realized you had done it and murmurred your agreement.
"How about Tuesday morning you and Millie meet me at the park on roland and church?"
Your jaw tightened. The last thing you wanted to do was bring Millie to that monster, but there was nothing you could say that wouldn't sound suspicious to the person in the room with you.
So instead you said, "Yes, that sounds like a plan."
"Great. I'll see you then. Good bye, Doll."
"Goodbye." You said with a heavy heart and placed the phone back into your pocket.
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angelbarelywrites · 3 months
x Reader Scenarios ; open
x Reader One Shots ; tbd
♡ Currently writing for…
Negan Smith
Billy Butcher
(Ask for more fandoms!)
Current Obsessions:
Thomas Hewitt (!!!)
Bubba Sawyer
Micheal Myers
Scenario Request Info!
Please include…
Characters; Pick 1-5 characters within the same fandom. I.e from the same series or category (mostly add that part for slashers). If you ask for only one or two characters, I may add more.
Reader Gender/Sex (optional); I greatly prefer using gender neutral pronouns, but if you want something specific- especially if you want t4t or queer scenarios- let me know!
Premise; Usually works best if it’s simple! I prefer doing romantic scenarios but I can do platonic is well.
NSFW is allowed! And I love writing it lol. If you want something a bit out there in terms of kinks, don’t hesitate to ask.
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hannya-writes · 8 months
Masterlist II
Harry Potter Universe
Something Wicked this way comes (Percival Graves x reader)
Something Wicked this Way Comes (Part II) (Percival Graves x reader)
Deleramentum (Sirius Black x reader)
Chapter I
Chapter II
• • •
Once Upon a Time
Your home Is Were I am (Jefferson x Reader)
Almost Magical. (Jefferson x Reader)
Jefferson’s Happy Ending (Jefferson x Reader)
• • •
Star Wars
Obi Wan Kenobi
Only you
A White Demon Love Song
The Promise
Why would you ask that?
Melting Waltz
By Her Side
I’ve Always known
Before Our Masters Found us
Is this a Dream?
You are my friend, right?
Even in Death...
• • •
It’s Our Daughter, Cas (Castiel x Reader)
Gone Angel (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Summon the Father (Dean Winchester x Reader)
• • •
Teen Wolf
Your Kind (Part I) (Derek Hale x reader)
I like you the way you are (Derek Hale x Reader)
• • •
Law and Order SVU/Marvel Multiverse
Wanna see a trick?
Don´t Tell Anyone (Requested) (Carisi x Reader)
Supernatural/The Walking Dead
Stop coming by (Negan x Reader)
Genshin Impact
The Broken Contract (Morax x Reader)
Sandbearer (Morax x Reader)
Continue to Masterlist I
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reevesdriver · 2 years
Polaroids: Part 3 (NSFW)
Summary: Negan takes a liking to you after finding Daryl's wallet containing nude polaroids.
Word count: 5584
Character(s): Negan
Reader: Female reader
Warning(s): NSFW / 🔥🔥🔥 / Eventual Smut / Slow Burn ??? / Angst / Mentions of Death / Gore / Oral Sex (F Receiving) / Rough Sex / Choking / Spitting / Praising / Creampie (Wrap is up guys) / Negans vulgar language as always
Support Me: Kofi
(AN: OOOooooooo Part 3 is here guys. I love how this chapter came out so I really hope you enjoy it. As always thank you for the wait.)
Part 1 | Part 2 |
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Once Negan left you let out a sigh of relief and drifted upstairs taking your bag with you and dropping it on the bed. You emptied the contents out across the duvet and began sorting through the clothes that you'd picked up for yourself. Pulling off tags and peeling off stickers you organised the clothes and tucked them away into your wardrobe before putting the underwear away in your chest of drawers.
Stripping, you place your dirty and bloodied clothes into the wash basket in the corner of your room that was overflowing with clothes that needed scrubbing. Normally a few members of Alexandria would offer to wash your clothes but you turned them down most of the time as you preferred to do your own laundry though seeing the overflowing basket made you think twice about refusing the help.
Walking to your bathroom you quickly turn the shower on and wait for the warm water to flow before stepping underneath the spray. Immediately you worked on washing your face and hair, your arms starting with a dull ache from previously moving the furniture in the abandoned office with Daryl along with carrying heavy bags whilst killing walkers.
The shampoo was rinsed from your hair and the suds were sprayed off your body by the time the water started to go cold. With the amount of people in Alexandria it was becoming more and more difficult to guarantee even a lukewarm shower let alone a hot one but it was an appreciated rarity.
You dry yourself in the bathroom and wrap the towel around your chest as you re-enter your bedroom, though the sight of Daryl pacing in your bedroom takes you by surprise. “The hell are you doin?” He blurts out as soon as he notices you standing in the doorway.
Confusion crosses your face. “I just had a shower, what’s the problem?”
“I’m not talkin’ about the damn shower. You’re going back out there tomorrow, with that asshole.” Of course, Rick told Daryl as soon as he saw him making you shake your head. “I didn’t have a choice Daryl, we need those supplies that got left behind and I couldn't exactly say no to Negan.”
“He doesn’t wanna help, he wants to get you on your own again. You’re one of the best survivors we got and he knows that.”
“Daryl you know more than anyone that I can handle myself. If he tried anything I can handle him.”
He scoffs. “Yeah I bet you can.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You snarl.
“You’ve been gettin’ close to him, bet you’ll be on his dick the minute you’re outta those gates.” He grunts. Closing the gap you raise your hand and strike Daryl across his cheek. “Get out.”
A mixture of shock and hurt crosses his face as he realises what you did. “Y/N I-I’m sorry.” He exhales as he takes a step towards you but in return you take a step back.
“I said get out Daryl. Leave me the fuck alone and don’t come barging in here again.” You sit on the bed, your thumb tracing the stinging palm of your dominant hand as Daryl storms out of the room. You heard him hurry down the stairs and slam the front door behind him as he left muttering under his breath.
You sat, contemplating what to do and whether to go after Daryl and apologise but you shook your head. You had no reason to apologise to him and you were quite happy doing anything you could to avoid him for as long as possible until he apologised first. The rest of the day went by, you did odd jobs around the house and tidied up before climbing into bed and attempted to keep yourself distracted from the inevitable outing with Negan.
Your heart thumped in your chest, you’d managed to suppress your thoughts about him for so long but seeing him today brought so many emotions and feelings to the front of your mind. Feelings that you shouldn’t be having about the leader of the saviours, the very man who had been terrorising your group since he found you, the man who had killed a handful of your friends.
Despite that, your mind wandered as you fell asleep and soon you were dreaming of him, his deep voice in your ear, his hands on your face and his lips on yours make goosebumps rise on your skin. His hands fall to your waist, the hair on his cheeks tickles you as he moves his mouth to your neck sucking a bruise into your skin making your legs buckle. Negan moves a hand from your waist and to the front of your jeans, as he tucks his fingertips into the waistband of your pants and underwear you jolt awake in a hot sweat.
Your stomach was flipping and twisting into knots, your thighs wet and warm from sweating and rubbing them together during your dream. Negan was due to turn up at some point and a part of you contemplated rushing to get dressed and leaving on your own before you had to face him. Loud knocking at your front door made you climb out of bed and throw on your dressing gown. Trotting to the front door you open it without looking through the peep-hole and are greeted with a gorgeous smile from the salt and pepper bearded man. “Come on Darlin’ I thought you’d be ready and raring to go.” He laughs, his voice dripping with sex.
“You’re earlier than I thought you’d be.” You tug the belt of your dressing gown tighter making it close around your body whilst Negan runs his tongue over his bottom lip.
“Well I wanted to be early considerin’ how far we gotta travel. Plus it means I get more time with my favourite gal.”
“Yeah, right.” You stumble over your words. “Um, I need to get dressed and grab something to eat before we head out. You can come in and wait if you want, unless there’s something you have to do first?” You ask.
“Nah I can wait doll, I won't go snooping around don’t worry.”
You give a quick friendly smile and step to the side letting Negan in. Before shutting the door you quickly scan the street in front of you but don’t see any of your group meaning that almost everyone is most likely still asleep. You shut the door and walk to the kitchen putting some water on the hob to boil so you can make a cup of coffee. “I’ll be quick.” You say  running up the stairs to your bedroom, you throw on a pair of leggings and a tank top accompanied with a pair of comfy trainers and pick up your emptied rucksack from off the floor.
You step into the bathroom and quickly relieve yourself before brushing your teeth and sorting your hair out. In the kitchen Negan is leant against the island with an apple in his hand having just made two mugs of coffee. “Hope you don’t mind me taking an apple doll.”
Snickering you shrug and pick up the mug closest to you. “You take more than that from us anyway.” You say earning a scowl. “Smartass.” He says before downing his coffee.
Standing in silence whilst Negan eats his apple and you casually sip from your mug you relish the warm coffee as your stomach continues to twist into knots at his presence in your home. In your daze you fail to see Negans eyes scanning your body up and down as well as the slight tug of his bottom lip between his teeth. He’s watching you like a hawk and smiles when he sees your eyes fixated on his hands until your gaze drops 
When you finish your coffee you take an apple from the fruit basket in the middle of the kitchen island and go to the living room to scan over the map again. Using a notepad and a pencil taken from your bookcase you make a quick sketch of the road to take to the stores before taring the sheet from the rest of the pad and folding it up ready to take with you “Are you ready?” You ask Negan as he throws the apple core into the bin. He nods whilst you takes your bag and a jacket from the coatrack at the front door.
Since you happened to be someone who was easily approachable, the members of Alexandria that couldn’t go out on runs themselves would often come to you with a list of specific items if they heard that you were going out. As you left your house and pointed Negan to your car telling him to get in one of the women approached you nervously waiting until Negan was out of earshot before asking if you could discreetly grab her a few things whilst handing over a folded piece of paper. 
Opening it up you hid a frown when you read the list to yourself, you always tended to get sanitary products and condoms when you saw them as the end of the world didn’t mean the end of sex. Rarely did you ever have to get emergency birth control since you figured people would be a lot more careful but it was not always the case. “I’ll see what I can get.” You say tucking the paper into the pocket of your jacket and zip it up.
“Oh thank you, thank you so much.” She says before hurrying away back to her house. You climb into the drivers side of the car and throw your bag onto the backseat behind you.
“Your boyfriend don’t look pleased to see me.” Negan says motioning to Daryl who is glaring at you both from his position on the lookout post, you huff and Negan laughs. “Damn, trouble in paradise. Can’t wait to hear about this.”
You start the car and pull away from your house and out of Alexandria. In your rear-view mirror you see Daryl still facing you as the gates are closed but soon he is out of view. Stuffing your hand into your pocket you take out the folded piece of paper that you’d scribbled the directions onto and look it over.
Negan reaches and plucks the paper from out of your hand holding it out of reach like he had done with Daryl’s wallet weeks ago. “Keep your eyes on the road, not havin’ you fuckin’ crash cause you’re looking at some paper.”
“I need to know where I'm going.”
“I’ll tell you, just drive straight. Why don’t you tell me what’s going on between you and Daryl.”
You shifted awkwardly in your seat and mumble a complaint under your breath as you grip the steering wheel. “It’s nothing, we just had a little fight yesterday.” You shake your head.
“Hmm, doesn’t seem like nothing. What was it about?”
“Why do you care?”
“Just making conversation doll.” He answers though you don’t reply straight away. After a few minutes of silent contemplation you speak softly. “He doesn’t trust me.” 
“What?” Negan asks seemingly forgetting your previous conversation.
“Daryl.” You say. “He doesn’t trust me, that’s why we had a fight.” 
“Trust is hard to come by these days, it takes people a long time to learn that not everyone is out to get them. Did he say why?” He asks and you nod.
“He thinks.” You hesitate. “Um, never mind it’s stupid. I turn left here don’t I?” You change the conversation quickly as you reach a crossroad and Negan looks down at the paper then nods. 
He didn’t press you for answers and instead silently watched you in the corner of his eye as you drove and followed his directions. You approached the marked point on the map and breathed a sigh of relief when you saw that the crowd of walkers had moved on. “Thought this place would be more hidden, surprised no-one has hit it yet.” Negan says.
“People probably don’t wanna travel more than they need to, especially since there's no guarantee that they’ll make it back. Plus, there’s most likely a handful of groups that don’t have to get supplies for themselves and others.”
“You’re gettin’ on my nerves with that shit doll.”
“Good.” You mutter. Pulling the hand-break up you step out of the car and get your bag from the backseat. “The herd seems to have moved on though I wouldn’t let your guard down. We left the bags of food in that grocery store so that’s where I'm going first, you do what you want.” You say and Negan gives a quick nod as he swings Lucille next to him.
Negan goes into the clothes store next-door as you return to the grocery store to collect the bags from the previous day. You half expected that the bags would be gone but fortunately, as you walked further into the store you saw them next to the counter in the same spot that you’d left them. Dropping your bag next to one of the shelves you fill it up with some more tinned food until it was full and grunted as you lifted the dead weight onto your shoulder, you pick up the bags Daryl had left and returned to your car, opened the boot and dropped them in.
Meanwhile, Negan was walking between the racks of clothes and examining the different fabrics that were scattered around until he found what he was looking for. You entered the store to see him looking through the pile of underwear and putting a few articles off to the side. “I don’t think pink is your colour.” You hold back a laugh as he jumps and almost knocks a display over.
“Funny.” He collects himself. “I was looking at something for my wives.”
“Oh.” You hummed trying to fight the pang of jealousy that bubbled inside of you at the mention of his lovers. “Well hurry up, the bags of food are in the boot and I wanna get going after we’ve hit the Pharmacy.”
“You’re eager to get away from me aren't you.”
“Why wouldn't I be? You force people to join your group and kill or threaten anyone who refuses. Not to mention blackmailing me into giving you head, so I don’t wanna spend anymore time with you than I have to.” You raise your voice at the last sentence and Negan stalks over to you grabbing at your shoulder and shoving you against the concrete pilar behind you.
“Watch your fucking tone with me doll or I'll take your sweet little fuck toy Daryl and break him till he doesn’t know who you are.” He growls whilst towering over you sending an unwanted wave of heat between your legs.
Negan’s face moves closer to yours and his body closes the gap as he forces his lips against your own only to pull away a second or so later when the sounds of groaning and dragging feet can be heard from the entrance. A loan walker had wandered into the store but hadn’t noticed the pair of you yet until it was about a meter or two in.
“Fuck you.” You spit pushing away from Negan you storm to the front of the store and plunge your knife into the walkers head and scan the area for anymore. Deciding to continue with your scavenging alone instead of waiting for Negan you walked to the pharmacy a few doors down and entered with caution. Though it hadn’t been looted you could tell that walkers had been in it since medicines and first aid supplies were scattered across the floor next to toppled shelving units.
Remembering the list that was carelessly stuffed into your pocket you pull it out and scan over the contents again. Using the signs on top of the isles you found the section that you needed and knelt down whilst rummaging through the shelves, grabbing a few boxes, and stuffing them into your pockets.
Negan announces his presence with a soft laugh followed by a question. “You got some private list for yourself there doll?” He asks standing in front of you, resting Lucile dangerously close to your face.
“It’s none of your business.”
His eyes fall on one of the boxes that had fallen from the shelf when you searched it. “Morning after pill.” He states. “Did Daryl forget to pull out?” His hand hits his chest as he laughs.
“They’re not for me.” You stand and push past him with a scowl plastered on your face as you go to another isle to pick up the rest of the items on your list as well as stocking up on the basics like bandages and anti-septics.
“Don’t get pissy doll I’m only joking.” He follows you round and stands at the edge of the isle watching you pack supplies. “Besides, I can’t even count on both hands how many times I've cream-pied my wives by accident.”
“Shut up.” You shout as rage builds inside of you. “God you are insufferable, just fucking leave me alone for fuck sake.”
“Excuse me.” The mocking tone in his voice drops and you take a step back before returning and standing your ground.
“You heard me, or have you gone deaf now too?” You continue, not letting him get a word in. “You know Negan it’s only a matter of time before someone puts a bullet in your fucking head and with the way you’ve latched onto me I just might be the one to do it.”
“I know damn well you did not just fucking threaten me.”
“Get fucked Negan.” You turn to storm off to your car and leave him there but fail to see the walker that had been approaching you after hearing the rising commotion from outside. Falling backwards over the leg of an over-turned shelf you hit the floor and the walker climbs on top of you snapping its rotting mouth at your face. You manage to hold it back by its shoulders so it doesn’t grab or bite at your flesh but you can feel your arms going weaker by the second as it pushes against you. 
Blood sprayed over the wall next to you as Negan swings his bat against the side of the walkers head killing it after two heavy blows. Negan drags the walker off you and dumps it to the floor. “You alright doll?” He asks holding his hand out for you to grab, you’re too shaken to speak but give him a nod and take his hand instead and he helps you up off the floor. “Thank you.” You speak, barely above a whisper. Negan opens his mouth to reply but you cut him off by pushing your lips against his.
You pull away and mutter an apology though Negan decides it’s not good enough. Bending to grab the back of your thighs he lifts you up against his body and onto the nearby counter with ease, wasting no time in positioning his body between your legs he traces your bottom lip with his tongue before shoving it between your parted lips.
When Negans hands begin to move from your thighs up to the top of your pants you quickly grab his wrists and pull away to catch your breath. “This is why Daryl doesn’t trust me.” You breathe deeply, your forehead resting against his own. “He doesn’t trust me around you, and to be honest, I don’t trust myself either.”
“Fuck doll, you’re making it out like it’s a crime to fuck me.”
“You’ve killed a handful of our people Negan, if my group found out they would never forgive me. I’d probably be thrown out and left to fend for myself and-”
“Hey is anybody there?” A gruff voice interrupts your reply and you instinctively drop from the counter and behind the shelf. Negan follows your movements and immediately takes Lucille back into his hand as you listen. “We know you’re in here, the engine of that car outside is still warm and the other stores are empty. Why don’t you just come out with your weapons down and your hands up and we can talk.”
You both remain silent and hope that the men leave but when you heard the crunching of their boots rushing into the store and approaching you Negan is quick to speak out. “How many of you are there?” He asks making you turn back and offer a ‘what the fuck are you doing’ look.
“Three, is it just you?”
“Yeah.” He says pushing you forwards in an attempt to get you to make a run for it but despite his efforts you aren’t able to get far. As you walk forwards a man turn the corner and grabs you by your hair dragging you up from your crouching position and wrapping his arms around your chest so you can’t reach for your gun.
“Now where you trying to run from us pretty thing.” One of the men, who you assumed to be the leader, said as he approached you from the centre of the store whilst his friend tightened his grip around you.
“Don’t you fucking touch her.” Negan says standing to his full height between the leader and a third guy that was approaching him from behind leaving the pair of you completely trapped between foreign bodies.
“Is this your daddy?” The leader asks motioning to Negan whilst looking at you.
“No?” He repeats with a laugh. “So is he your husband or something?”
“Yeah I am, now release my wife.” Negan says standing his ground.
“I wasn't talking to you old man I was talking to the chick.”
“He’s my husband, please we were just looking for supplies for our group.” You whine trying to seem desperate.
“Your group? How many of you are there?”
“It’s difficult to keep count, we’ve lost a few in the past month or so.”
“You got a camp nearby?” He asks and your panicked eyes flick to Negans and you can see him thinking about what to do. The leader looks between the pair of you before stomping over to you and grabbing your face roughly. “Hey. I said do you got a camp nearby?”
Ramming your head forwards your forehead strikes the mans nose and makes him stumble backwards clutching his face after the sickening crack of his nose breaking. Kicking back you manage to catch the guys shin making him buckle in pain and drop you from his arms. Within an instant you spin around and force your knife into his neck and twist it in deeper which makes a scream fall from his mouth. 
The leader wipes his nose and spits blood onto the floor before quickly stalking towards you. Meanwhile Negan had taken the opportunity to swing Lucille up and into the third mans face when he was caught off guard sending him backwards into the floor.
When the leader approaches you with haste you quickly gather all your strength and lunge at him knocking him onto the floor, as you climb on top of him you manage to narrowly avoid the bullet that was fired from his gun that he tried to aim at you and instead plunge your knife into his chest. Knelt over the man you slam the knife into him again and again until you feel Negan tugging at your arm and shouting. “He’s dead, we gotta go there’s a herd of walkers coming.” 
You panic, you have barely enough time to grab your bags whilst Negan is roughly dragging you to the car and forcing you to get into the passenger side as he climbs behind the wheel and starts the engine. He reverses and you hear the car collide with a few walkers before speeding off down the road leaving the massive crowd to descend on and devour the three men that were dead inside the pharmacy.
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By the time you pull into Alexandria the sun was already setting and the streets were almost empty with only a few people chatting on the pavements outside their houses. Aaron was stood on the guard tower and opened the gates when he saw your car approaching allowing Negan to drive in with ease.
“Do you wanna come in for a drink?” You ask when the engine stops. “I’ve got a couple of beers in the fridge. Figured we could both do with one after today.”
“Sure.” He throws you the car keys as he climbs out of the vehicle. Since neither Rick nor Daryl seemed to be around you decided to head inside your house instead of alerting them to your return, though you assumed Aaron would inform them anyway. You shut the door behind the both of you and lock it then take your shoes off. Negan follows you into the kitchen after discarding his own shoes and waits for you to remove the cap from the bottles and hand him one. 
Taking a swig he moans at the coldness of the liquid and wipes the little drops of condensation that had rolled onto his lips. “Damn, you were right, I needed that.” He says with a smile exposing his dimples behind his beard. You agree and stand with your back pressed against the sink whilst Negan stands just opposite you leaning against the island in the centre of the kitchen.
He downs the rest of his beer and slides the bottle away from him before grimacing. “This jacket fucking stinks.” He unzips it and shrugs it off his shoulders so it can drop to the floor revealing the semi blood stained white t-shirt underneath. “Yours probably stinks too.” He says and you hum in agreement and empty the pockets of your jacket, dumping the boxes next to the sink behind you, before shedding the garment and dropping it onto the floor next to Negans.
Finishing your drink you watch as Negan tuts at the blood stains on his shirt before folding his toned, tattooed arms across his chest. “Do you want another beer?” You ask using your thumb to point to the fridge. Negan watched you like a hawk and instead of replying he closes the gap between you and presses his lips against yours once again though, fortunately, this time you don't have any interruptions.
Negan’s head is tilted slightly and his hands are holding your waist as you run your fingers from his chest and up through his hair pulling a soft moan from his mouth whilst your fingertips graze his scalp. “You gonna let me fuck you over this counter?” He growls.
“Fuck me yes, but not down here.” You reply taking his hand and pulling him to the staircase.
Rushing up the stairs like a pair of horny teenagers you barely make it into your bedroom before Negan is kissing you again and tugging your top over your head as he starts pushing you over to the bed though you mutter a soft ‘no’ before explaining. “I’m gonna have a shower, don’t wanna get the sheets dirty with blood care to join me?” You ask between kisses and Negan frantically nods. He sits on the edge of the bed and begins to unbutton his jeans as you step into the ensuite and get the shower turned on.
Once the water is warm you step inside and stand under the spray whilst Negan enters the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him. He enters the shower behind you, pulling the door shut and immediately presses his body up against yours. His rough hands run from your waist across your belly and then up to hold your tits as he kisses at your neck whilst pressing his semi-hard cock against your ass.
“Mmm Negan.” You whine as he pinches your nipples.
He leans in to your ear. “Your body is fucking divine.” He says, his voice as seductive as you’d expected as he turns you round. Negans beard drags along your cheeks as his lips eagerly meet yours in a hot and heavy kiss that gets broken the minute Negan starts to drop to his knees in front of you.
“N-Negan.” You stutter trying to bring him back up. “What are you doing?”
“Shh baby. I wanna taste this sweet pussy of yours.” Raising one of your legs over his shoulder Negan grips your waist to keep you steady as his tongue dives into your sopping cunt, he rotates between tongue-fucking your hole and roughly sucking at your clit making your legs shake at the intense pleasure that was building up. You feel Negans teeth graze your clit as he continues his ministrations and all you can do is tug at his hair and try to keep your balance on the wet floor.
Your head is thrown back in pleasure and you cry out when you feel Negan shove two of his long fingers into your pussy and curl them inwards practically scooping your juices down his fingers and into the palm of his hand. Negan raises making your leg drop off his shoulder and wraps a hand around your throat. “Open that pretty fucking mouth doll.” He commands and you comply opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out willingly accepting his two fingers as he shoves them into your mouth.
You gently suck your cum from his fingers whilst staring into Negans eyes as he swills something in his mouth. Roughly removing his fingers from your mouth Negan grabs your chin and forces your mouth open again using his thumb and index finger to dig into your cheeks. When your mouth is open again Negan leans over you and spits directly onto your tongue. “Fucking swallow it baby. Don’t waste a drop.” He grabs your throat again until you close your mouth and swallow his spit.
“Show me.” He says and you open again, sticking your tongue out to show him that you’d swallowed. “Good girl, you’ll do anything I fucking ask won't you.”
“Yes Negan.” You reply with a wide smile and soft laugh. Negans lips meet yours again and he bends down to grab the backs of your thighs and lift you up against his body. You wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist as he presses your back against the wall of the shower. Holding you still with one arm firmly grasping one of your butt cheeks he grabs a hold of his cock and tucks the tip into your entrance before holding you with both hands again.
You moan into his mouth as he slowly pushes his hips to yours until his cock is fully sheathed in you. “Fuck baby, you feel better than I imagined.” He moans as he pulls back before thrusting into you again quicker. “You spent a lot of time imagining my pussy?” You ask between pants.
“Every night darlin’, every, fucking, night.” He pumps in and out of you roughly in order to emphasise his point. “Been looking at those pictures I took when I fucked your face and jerking myself red raw, shit I haven't even been fucking my wives cause I drain my balls too much to those polaroids.” He whines and bites down on your shoulder whilst maintaining a steady rhythm.
“Fuck Negan, that’s so hot.” You say as he starts to speed up his thrusts. His cock is angled perfectly, grazing against your sweet spot every time he pulls out and thrusts back in.
“Yeah? You think so? You getting wetter at the thought of me jerking off to your slutty pictures?” He moans and it’s true. The thought of Negan desperately hurrying back to his room just to shove his pants down and bring himself to release at the pictures of you makes you clench your pussy around his cock.
Negan digs his fingers into the flesh of your thighs as he sucks and bites at your shoulder and collarbone. Pressing you flush against the wall he’s able to thrust up into you quickly making you quiver with pleasure. “Shit, please Negan.” You beg, aching for your release. “Please, I’m so close.”
A roar bellows out of Negan as he slams into you as hard as he can, his fingers no doubt making bruises form under your skin from how hard he’s gripping you. He bites down onto the flesh of your neck and then soothes the pain by sucking on the skin gently as he releases deep inside of you. The feeling of Negans cum being pumped into you by his throbbing cock and flexing balls is more than enough to finish you off. You claw at his back and tug on his hair as you shake against his body and chase the end of your pleasure.
His forehead rests against yours as you pepper kisses on one another lips between panted breaths and praises. “You can put me down now.” You feel him try and re-adjust his grip on you.
“Yeah but I like having you in my arms.” He smirks. “Fuck that was a little soppy. Alright get down.” He says releasing his grip on your thighs and allowing your legs to drop from around his waist though you keep your arms around his neck and pull him down for another kiss. “You gonna help me get cleaned up now baby?”
“Anything for you Negan.”
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Tag List: @jdmslut-red​ / @melixson​ / @neganswoman​
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k-nayee · 20 days
BLURB and Author's Note
Cradle Rock M.List
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ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ
In a blur of motion, a walker lunged through the wire. It grabbed at Sunny's back in desperation, its decaying fingers grasping at his black fur.
The cat hiss and screech as Carl's heart leapt into his throat. "Shit!" He fumbled, hands moving to steady the gu—
❝STAY BACK!❞ Before he could fire, you were already on top of the walker. You voice was a guttural, bloodthirsty scream echoing through the air. ❝I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOOOOU!❞
Your fists hammered down relentlessly, each punch punctuated by your rage and fury.
Freed from the walker's grasp, the black cat bolted up Carl's leg.
Shocked and surprised, he instinctively cradled the feline against his chest, allowing it to turn its head towards the gate and let out a hiss at the walker.
Though a part of him should have been amused by the animated, childlike action, Carl was too focused on you. He watched in a mixture of awe and horror as you continually bashed the walker's head until it finally went still.
The only sound left was your ragged breathing.
❝Well goddamn, lil' lady!❞ Daryl whooped, a toothpick dangling from his lips. ❝Sure do got a lot of anger in ya, don't ya?❞
You turned to face the group, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief. How are you not getting eaten right now?
❝____!❞ Everyone turn to see a still-injured Michonne determinedly limping towards the gate.
Your face lit up with pure joy. Forgetting the dead walker at your feet, you harshly shoulder any nearby walkers and grab at the gate with a big grin. ❝Michonne!❞
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Oh mankind...
They were always trying to play God, and you were living proof of that hubris.
In response to a mysterious virus affecting small villages decades ago, Operation Cradle born in hopes of developing a cure to future biological threats.
The secret government program injected expecting women with the virus in hopes of creating a generation of immunities, each one given a different dose.
Over a 1,000 babies were subjected to this experiment, and most ended in tragedy—miscarriages, infant deaths, even infected mothers from cross-contamination.
But you?
You were a success.
Raised in an facility with no contact to the outside world, the sterile white walls and simulated sunlight was the only world you knew.
People in white coats and silent guards were your only human interaction—apart from your mother, who not only defied the rules and given you a name, but taught you everything she could.
So when the program was shut down from fear of drawing too attention or causing a possible outbreak, your existence had to be even more hidden.
Now, in a world ravaged by the undead, you navigate a life of chaos and death.
But in this apocalypse, you quickly realize survival is just the beginning.
While seeking answers about your past and purpose in a world that created you and then abandoned you, you soon meet Rick's group.
And even with your survival skills, you're faced with a challenge far greater than any walker: the complexities of human relationships.
If you came from my Vespertilio Bnha or Traveler Multi-Fandombooks, welcome back! If not, that means I'm at least doing sum right and gaining reads🤧
Not gonna do a whole ass speech, we all know the basic things. But to make sure, the most important things I wanna emphasis on will be bolded so you cant say I didn't warn ya:
1) Plagiarism is a HELLA big no no. Takes a lot of time and energy to even to write out a whole completed chapter other than half-assed drafts. If I find out you stealing without credit: I'm blocking and reporting until your account is taken down.
2) This story will contain profanity, violence, dark humor, and other mature themes
3) I will either skip over certain parts of the show/comic or diverge the plot because I don't wanna follow every episode
4) Canon characters may/will be slight ooc, but will maintain their overall personality
5) I may end up making the book an "in-between arc" type of story if I either get too lazy or don't know how to end it
6) Other than the white strip of hair and sickly/murky color tint in the eyes: skin tone, eye color, hair color, and other descriptions are up to audience
7) I live a life outside of Tumblr, so please don't be commenting "update update!" That shit is rude and disrespectful and I don't like pressure; takes the fun out of writing.
Okay! That's all I gotta say for this. See y'all later!
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kimjun · 2 years
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A good job | the walking Dead x reader
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summary: You have been taken from your family by Negan, he wants to make you a leader in the Sanctuary.
Word count: 0.6k
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-Your daughter is a spectacular girl. - Negan walks over to his father who is looking coldly at the man who took you away from them. Rick looks at you on top of the truck.
It had been two months since you were taken to the sanctuary, Negan had forbidden any contact with you, when the group tried to save you quickly the plan went wrong and they returned home without you.
You went to live with Negan, he started to see you as a daughter, so he put you as a future leader of the Saviors. He saw the potential, saw how you dealt with others without fear. Negan wanted you to become like him, and in a short time you were putting terror in the sanctuary. Every Savior knelt to you, after you commanded respect, everyone saw you as a leader.
Negan was ecstatic that you stole Rick's daughter and made her like his daughter. Negan was doing anything you asked, he was like a puppy dog.
Today entering Alexandria after months, everyone stopped to see you, dark clothes like Negan, your eyes went to each one there that you knew as a child, your brothers were there. Your best friend Daryl was there beside your father. You got out of the truck and just stood there.
-See how my daughter is a copy of her father. - Negan smiles and turns to you. - I'm so proud of her.
-She's my daughter. - Rick growled. - You took her from her home.
-I made her a strong girl, she's not afraid, because I made her powerful. That son of a bitch is amazing. - Negan came to you. - She commands the Saviors, when I die she will take over.
-Yes.- you say, you look at the Saviors signaling for a group to approach. - Now the rescuers do as I say.
You look at your father and then at Negan who is smiling.
-Do you see? She is my daughter now, blood ties don't make a family. Come on, tell them who you are.
Negan looked at you holding Lucille, you laughed knowing that he wanted you to say "I am Negan" you heard that a lot. You saw your family looking at you in pain.
-Negan... I am . - you looked coldly at the man. -I'm yn... Rick's daughter... And I run the fucking Saviors. - you signal, the Saviors hold Negan back, the man is screaming in anger. - On his knees.
The Saviors kick Negan making him fall to his knees in front of you.
-You've taken many people out of our lives, did you really think you were going to make me change sides? - you laugh as you pull the jacket off your own body. - Slit his throat.
One of the rescuers passed the blade, but you stopped him.
-Get away. - you order the group of rescuers. -Turn around," you command. - I want everyone now on their knees dropping their weapons to the ground.
Everyone does, Negan is in shock holding his slit throat.
-Death is easy for you Negan... And we're not giving it to you. - Maggie stops beside him. - You've done a good job of manipulating Negan.
Negan looked at you again.
-I've really done a good job with you. - he laughed before Daryl punched him. You just looked at Negan wondering if he really had any effect on you.
-You're not like him. - Daryl whispered.
Is that so?
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