#neither of us will have a chance to see it irl
kvanderquack · 2 years
im trying to introduce my friend to more musicals (at her request) and because it’s october wanted to show her beetlejuice but the slime tutorial ive seen is taken off yt. anyone have a link?
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lycheedr3ams · 1 year
Taming You
fem!reader x toxic!konig
Warnings: konig is misogynist, controlling, possessive, slight yandere, pervert konig, toxic masculinity, marking, dub-con, p in v sex, brief mention of ass-slapping, dark content ahead
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you had first spoken with konig when he needed your help to fix one of his work tablets. you had seen him around on base before, his eyes always on you as you went past, but neither of you approached the other. it took you a few days to fix his device, and during those days you learned his type - it was you. his recent searches on porn websites that he didn't bother to erase described you a little too closely. and the situations that he looked up with your bodily descriptions, well, they made you feel a little sick.
you handed his tablet back to him with a forced smile. but he was so polite as he thanked you that you began to wonder if you had misread his searches.
"danke, meine Schatz," he said so gently as he took the tablet from your hands slowly as not to startle you. the sweet tone in his voice made you let down your guard for a moment. it reflected so obviously in your eyes, and the way your smile became a little less forced and showed more teeth.
"if you ever have a problem with anyone here, you let me know, ja?" he said gently again, as if he were telling you a bedtime story. you blinked and your smile faltered slightly as you processed his words. this time, your smile attempted to tame the beast. to fawn.
"i haven't had any problems here thankfully, i think everything will be okay," you said with a shaky voice.
konig stared at you for a moment, silent and dark, before his voice adopted that soothing tone that no one else had ever heard from him. "still. you come to me. for anything. ja?"
you just nodded as you smiled. there was no way you would get him off your back by fighting him. not that you could, even if you wanted to, verbally or physically.
somewhere along the line, konig had become your boyfriend. you weren't really sure how it happened. he asked you out to dinner a few times, and each time, you said yes. you were too scared to say no. konig was always gentle with you though. he always held the door open for you, tipped the waitress well, didn't get handsy with you too soon.
but you would argue with him sometimes. or rather, you would be put in your place.
"you have quite a mouth, you know?" he said lowly as he looked down at you. you challenged his stare with one of your own, but it began to crack as he began to stand up to his full height. "your past man friends let you talk to them like this?"
you nodded, too scared to speak.
konig shook his head from side to side. "not with me, Schatz." his eyes seemed to go even darker from underneath his hood. "you don't talk to me like that, ever," he growled. he bent his back slightly so that he was now completely leaning over you. "i'll teach you how a woman should talk to her man. i will make you behave."
your breathing was deeper as he emphasized that last word. his demeanor, how he was talking to you, infuriated you. everything in your logical mind told you to get a restraining order from him, to switch jobs, block him, to never see him again. your mind told you he was dangerous. controlling.
but the throbbing in your core and your slick-drenched panties told you something else. you stared up at him through your lashes defiantly, but said nothing.
konig seemed slightly satisfied with that. "see? you can be a good girl. you're not used to being with a man. you've been with boys. i will change that."
konig tamed you with his cock. you hated to admit that. you denied it every chance you could.
"all it takes is a hard cock to make you behave," he grunted into your ear as he fucked you with your ass in the air and your face pressed into the mattress. you moaned without abandon, relishing the way he perfectly filled you up with each thrust.
you were always so much more obedient after he fucked you. he wouldn't miss the near hearts in your eyes after each session. how you'd look at him so innocently and sweetly as he stroked your hair.
"you're getting better," he whispered into your hair. "you barely talk back anymore. that's how a woman should be."
you knew the things you "talked back" to konig about would all be evidence for a restraining order from him. how he threatened to keep you locked in his room when he saw a text from a guy on your phone (it was your cousin), how he nearly killed the guy who accidentally bumped into you in the hallway one night, how he'd give you so many dark hickeys that you couldn't possibly hide them for work, how he'd silently dare you to talk back to him when he said something you didn't agree with. but all you did was stare angrily at him, and feel your core throb as he tamed you.
but sex with him wasn't always loving. most of the time, it wasn't. he'd hold you down despite your protests of it being too much, and just slam his cock into you over and over and over again. he'd toss you onto any surface he could before he rushed up behind you and shoved it in. he didn't care who heard, or who saw. everyone needed to know that you were his.
but that was evident enough even without hearing you scream his name almost every night. it was the way he would be right behind you wherever you were when he wasn't on duty. how you could barely use the women's restroom without him growing sour. how he'd stare daggers into any man who even dared to glance at you, or how he'd slap your ass in front of a room full of people just so show off his cute little trophy. the way you yelped each time he did it was just so cute.
he did train you how to be the woman he wanted. an obedient, pliable woman who never protested anything he said, and took his cock gratefully every time he gave it to you.
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“I am…You know who I am”
[TWST AU]: What if MC/Yuu was an Iron Man fan and a genius engineer who created their own iron suit?
[Gender Neutral MC/Yuu]
[Synopsis]: In this timeline, MC/Yuu is this variant of Iron Man and they are titled as “Iron Force” in Twisted Wonderland.
[TW]: Some cursing
[(A/N)]: Hi everyone. It’s been quite some time since I posted TWST magic. I have been busy with IRL stuff and working on non-TWST ideas on my main blog (@swiftyangx12). I unexpectedly took a break from the fandom, but slowly getting back into business and honestly, I miss my boys...
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[AC/DC - Back in Black]
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Alright, let’s see how this goes…
MC/Yuu was a huge fan of Iron Man and an aspiring genius engineer back in their home world.
After hearing about Stark’s sacrifice, they felt devastated that their idol passed on.
They coped by studying and building inventions, motivating themselves to honor their role model.
Then one day as they were walking to school in New York, something happened.
At first, they were exiting from their usual coffee shop and the next thing you know, they’re confined into darkness.
MC/Yuu: Alright. Not the weirdest thing since being dusted away for five years.
After feeling their surroundings to escape from their imprisonment, they heard somebody chatting about how heavy the door is to open up.
Then after blazing fire hued in blue, blew up the the door and this triggers MC/Yuu’s iron suit (with the latest nanotechnology) to encase them, activated to confront what was a danger to their safety.
When they’re revealed to Grim, he got scared. Because it’s not everyday to see someone in an iron suit and he just screamed as a reaction.
MC/Yuu holds out their hand ready to blast away whatever that creature was.
MC/Yuu: What the hell are you? A talking cat? Raccoon? A demonic alien from another dimension?
Grim: I’m neither of those! I am “The Great Grim”!
MC/Yuu: Who? Look, buddy. I think I got kidnapped and was somehow dragged here. I need to find my way out. *Activates their boosters and flies out of the room*
Grim: Hey wait! *Chases after them*
They basically flew out of the academy and toured around the whole world having to realize they’re not on their Earth anymore.
Then MC/Yuu return back to NRC, clumsily landed in during the Dorm Sorting Ceremony.
Every student was startled by a stranger in an iron suit.
Grim unceremoniously barged into the room.
Grim: You’ll never escape from The Great Grim!
MC/Yuu: Okay. *Holds their blaster up aiming at the menace*
Then Crowley came rushing in, putting a stop to the whole mess.
Crowley: Seize your fighting!
MC/Yuu: Uhh…Who are you? *Powering down their blaster and opens up their mask*
Crowley: I am Dire Crowley, Headmaster of Night Raven College.
MC/Yuu: …J.A.R.V.I.S., scan him.
Crowley: What-
After the chaos was settled, Crowley dragged MC/Yuu to his office for them to explain their dilemma. They also explained what they can offer for NRC with upgrades around the area.
Oh! Grim is still with MC/Yuu because after he listened to what they can do, he decided to be the greatest mage with technological advances.
Grim: MC/Yuu, who are you always talking to?
MC/Yuu: My A.I. assistant. They’re called J.A.R.V.I.S. 2.0, “Just A Really Very Intelligent System, but as my own version.” He helps me hypothesize possible outcomes when testing my inventions, and assist fighting bad guys by my side.
J.A.R.V.I.S. 2.0: I’m also their assistant for daily tasks and reminders. Grim, you and MC/Yuu are scheduled by Headmaster Crowley to pick up supplies for the upcoming NRC’s annual Magift Games at 7 p.m.
Grim: No way! I don’t wanna do chores.
MC/Yuu: You get to ride with me in my iron suit.
Grim: Oh yeah, I forgot. Let’s go!
MC/Yuu: What kind of power source I can use around this world? *Snaps their fingers* A Mage Stone. Crowley, by any chance, are there other magical crystals back in that Dwarf Mine?
Crowley: There are, but I mustn’t let you go there since it was closed due to a “monster” you fought last time.
MC/Yuu: Alright. I’m still getting that power source.
[5 hours later]
MC/Yuu: *Inserts the mage stone in their suit* There. My very own Arc Reactor.
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J.A.R.V.I.S. 2.0: Congratulations, MC/Yuu. You discovered a new element.
MC/Yuu: Definitely. Sourced a new element as this is my first.
Vil: MC/Yuu, explain this. *Shows them an online article*
MC/Yuu: *Reads the article* Oh yeah. I had an interview and became a philanthropist.
Vil: You’re basically a celebrity by this point. What did you do to become this well-known?
MC/Yuu: I just helped some people. Carrying thousands of construction materials, assist upcoming tech companies with my knowledge from my experience and gave children the best rides of their lives…Oh my god, I’m becoming like my idol. Except the rich and player parts.
Vil: You’re a celebrity, MC/Yuu. You would have plenty of Madol from all this exposure.
MC/Yuu: Okay, I’m becoming rich, but I can’t pull no bitches.
[During Chapter 2]
Iron Force: *Charges at Overblot!Leona and kicks him mid-air*
OB!Leona: *Knocked the wind out of his lungs*
Iron Force: Okay J.A.R.V.I.S., any chances?
J.A.R.V.I.S. 2.0: 90% success rate of subduing the target.
Iron Force: Then 10% avoiding this mess. *Knocks him to the ground*
OB!Leona: Why that little- *Punched in the face*
Iron Force: *Repeatedly punching him* Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep!
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MC/Yuu: *Wearing glasses*
Azul: I didn’t know you wear glasses. Trying to appear as an intellectual?
MC/Yuu: Hm? Oh, no. My sight is fine. I just transferred J.A.R.V.I.S. in these modified frames.
J.A.R.V.I.S. 2.0: Scan completed. You have a slight iron deficiency and recommend a salad in your diet, MC/Yuu.
Azul: Did it just talked?
J.A.R.V.I.S. 2.0: Yes. I also scanned your physiology and it reveals you’re 95% suspicious of my existence and 5% envious of me for being MC/Yuu’s A.I. assistant.
Azul: I certainly do not envy your virtual assistant.
J.A.R.V.I.S. 2.0: Oddly enough, your biology categorized as relations of Cephalopod.
Azul: …
MC/Yuu: You’re an octopus?
Azul: May we change the subject?
Iron Force: *Flying around the island*
Ortho: *Flying beside them* Hi MC/Yuu!
Iron Force: What the f-?! *Halts their flight and hovers with Ortho* I didn’t know somebody else created an iron suit in this world.
Ortho: Iron suit? Oh! You mean my structure. Nii-san helped with my upgrades.
Iron Force: You’re not wearing a suit? You’re an android with highly advanced artificial intelligence?
Ortho: Yes!
MC/Yuu: …Whose your brother?
[An hour later]
Idia: *Finishing a difficult level*
MC/Yuu: *Hacks into his door as it slides open* You didn’t tell me you’re a tech genius!
Idia: *Startled* AHH! Who let you in?!
MC/Yuu: I let myself in. Buddy, we need to collaborate-
[That’s how a friendship was made.]
[Imagine H.Y.D.R.A. somehow created a portal and enter into TWST]
Iron Force: Oh boy. Thank god I made spare suits. *Activates the other suits*
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Jack: You’re fighting alone?
Iron Force: Not alone. I made some for you guys to help everyone. *Closes their mask*
[The First Years enter into their respective suits.]
Ace: *In his suit* How do you work in this thing?
Iron Force: There’s an automated mode to help control your suit. You even get your own A.I. assistants I programmed in each of your suits.
J.E.R.K.: Hello, I am J.E.R.K. Your A.I. assistant, Mr. Trappola.
Ace: Really? Jerk?
Iron Force: The words behind the acronym are better.
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restesdelune · 4 months
****Meet the Grimes****
A second chance & heartbreak
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A new life on the road
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A united front
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A well deserved reunion
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What a family ❤️‍🔥
The Last Grimes
Some context before a rant:
I can’t believe some people still exclude Michonne and RJ from the Grimes family. I saw an old post with Judith tagged as #TheLastGrimes, and a recent one claiming Michonne wasn’t Judy’s mother? I beg your pardon? (yes, it was on twitter).
Since the early days on the mothership, TWDU fandom has been so oblivious to racist bias and tropes, to the point of marginalizing Michonne fucking Grimes from her own family, the hero, supermom and wife, who *actually* raised "the last Grimes" mind you!
We really don’t respect Black women, their labour, their love and loyalty, neither irl nor in fiction.
This shows up everyday in very real ways in our lives. Whether for Black girls, gals, wives, girlfriends, single mothers, baby mamas, widows and their children. Whether they gave birth to their children or not, whether they’re mixed or not, Black motherhood is systematically denigrated. I wouldn’t recommend to anyone who doesn’t see how disastrous these optics are to engage with this.
The disrespect of Black women, the erasure of mixed children, claiming ownership of kids one didn’t raise, minimizing the bonds of a new family... See, I don’t fuck with that bs and it will be read as anti-Blackness and misogynoir on my part. People can argue with a wall.
The Grimes all chose each other, went to hell, and only some came back. A lot of us wanted nothing more than to see them reunited and finally at peace, and we did. Such canon is too much for some. Not for me. It was well-earned, by the characters as well as by the audience, and so refreshing in such cynical times. On one hand, I wish I could see more of them, on the other, I’d rather not have anyone mess it up (shout out to our TOWL S2 truthers out there though ^^).
I honestly pity those who’ve imprisoned themselves in blood lineages and narrow 'legitimate' families, unable to grasp the gifts of community and found family in a freaking post apo zombie show. That must honestly be depressing in deed...
Whether we are called dramatic or aggressive, Richonners will keep calling this out, especially Black women who don’t even need to do anything to deserve those exhausted epithets in everyday life. We see the double standards, we see the fans defending their buddies’ racist takes, we see the apparently infinite plausible deniability and benefit of the doubt afforded to some, never to others. It's not bright, it's not new, and we know the game.
No wonder this fandom can feel so segregated sometimes.
Anyway, if you’d like for me to expand on this lmk, I’ll always have more to share. Thanks for reading.
Happy Shipping
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quixtrix · 10 months
rayman, eden's feel good american dream story; an analysis
guess who's back with taking ubisoft's silly guys and cutting them open. yknow, if you strip rayman of his personality, of all the behind the scenes we get of him, we get a run of the mill news reporter that is an immigrant, who by face alone serves as a shining ray of hope. he's easily something that by all means, can be classified as a diversity hire. immigrant, nonhuman (which in the world of clh can be considered to be equated with poc irl), and notably the only one in his work environment. don't believe me?
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we rarely ever see anyone other than rayman on the show in the form of a coworker. the only time we do see other eden affiliated people, they are both white. "but you can't see red's face!!" there is a reason his dialogue makes you think of more right leaning people with their claims of 'wokeness is destroying everything' under something like april from tmnt being black and not ginger. he's a caricature meant to represent a specific group of people under fascism; those who have successfully consumed the fearmongering and have let it turn from fear of those that they are told are beneath them into hatred for them. there is also the fact that on live tv he throws up a middle finger, refers to an implied group of immigrant people as 'filthy interdimensional alien scum,' and seemingly gains no backlash for it. yes, the other reporter does try to give red a chance to go back on his words, but he sticks to it. and despite all of this, we get no indication that neither red nor the niji 6 had to apologise or received punishment for this. in fact, red is possibly given more chances by eden due to him being weirdly in charge of bullfrog's containment in a way? (i'm not entirely sure WHY he was there, but as he is one of eden's tv personalities, he's at a possibly televised trial of a terrorist.) now if you compare this to rayman, who also acted inappropriately on tv by literally saying fuck, you'd come to realise that rayman was treated so much more harshly. he was IMMEDIATELY replaced by a clone of himself, with no warning nor any indication that eden would do such a thing. it's very likely this was one of, if not the first time that rayman has slipped up like this on live tv. maybe it's a repeat offence considering his personality, but then you could argue that red is a repeat offender of the same shit and then you have to wonder why a soldier like red was not easily replaced but someone who is the literal face and voice of eden was with ease. it's because rayman made himself more than jus a story, he humanised himself by showing a peek of his raw feelings. remember that cute little exposition of the rayman kids show about hybrids? where we see all of these hybrids working as society's grunts and the kids are told to be thankful for hybrids? it's very sweet and gives a good message! now the rayman kids show is a product of eden propaganda, but rayman very much has a hand in it, most likely as a writer. he uses his platform to speak on issues that has happened and affected him. this can be seen in his biopic.
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jus sit with this image for a moment. you ever think about why rayman is specifically made as an alien? why he's specifically an immigrant? in real life news reports and speeches, there is a difference in implications when people use immigrants and not aliens. you wanna know why?
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as someone apart of an immigrant family myself, i live in a community of other immigrants. majority of them are hispanic, and while i myself am not hispanic, i am very aware of how hispanic immigrants were referred to and treated by politicians under trump's presidency. how couldn't i? even as children in middle school and elementary, we had discussions about what trump was saying because it directly targets my friends and their families. they are people targeted by a man who specifically uses derogatory terms to dehumanise them, to make it easier to justify in the average american mind that the government is doing the right thing by keeping out and protecting america from these so-called 'invading animals.' makes what red was saying earlier feel very on the nose, right? adi shankar, the showrunner for captain laserhawk, is also an immigrant man. immigrated from india, which by the way, did you know has a lot of people immigrating for the purpose of having a better life? that's a common sentiment that can be found in every single immigrant family's story. i've asked my filipino mother why she took an opportunity to live and work in america, and she told me it's because she wanted to give her children a better life than what we would have had in the philippines. hell, i bet if you share a similar background to me, you can ask your own parents the same thing and get the exact same answer, regardless if you came from latin america or africa, or asia. it's because of the concept of the american dream. everyone who has ever engaged with any degree of immigrant discussion has heard of the american dream. it's a concept that seems to be consistently proven via word of mouth, with the biggest examples being celebrities. they will always, without fail, eventually speak about the american dream within their backstories. and typically, they will use their platforms to further empower others within their community. it's why people from specific ethnicities tend to group together, why people make art meant as something akin to a homage to their people. it provides hope to the masses, makes you relate to the person on the screen, and believe that this society is truly a gracious one by providing opportunity. because yeah, it may be bad, but it could be worse. i mean we appreciate you! just look!
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dont mind the fact that the majority of opportunities allotted to you is grunt work, the work where you at the base of the pyramid, with the harder jobs and the jobs no one wants to do. dont mind the fact you will be actively dehumanised, forced to work for hours in conditions we wouldn't put anyone else in, but hey. we appreciate you. we thank you. and yknow, you can become more than what you are. yknow, we let someone just like you be more than what you are! nevermind the fact that if they slip up, they'll be met with MUCH harsher criticism in comparison to someone who isn't you! aren't we so gracious? i probably sound a bit like matpat's insane out of context real world examples, but this show is filled with political imagery, so let me be. anyways, let's get back to eden and rayman. rayman, despite being specifically from dimension x as an alien, keeps hybrids in mind when he's doing his work.
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people of colour tend to share solidarity with one another due to the fact that surface wise, we share similar struggles. to grossly oversimplify things, we all face discrimination through our appearances and are oppressed by the rules of a society created by our white oppressors. again, hybrids and dimension x immigrants can be equated to irl poc, and despite being different from each other, there is still community. rayman keeps them in mind, hoping to make things better for the overall nonhuman and nonnative (native as in naturally born) population of eden. but, rayman is not what he believes he is. because despite everything he has worked for, despite what he has tried to do, he is still a facilitator of the fascist regime that has an active hand in the perpetual oppression of his own people. one of the core concepts within fascism is us versus them. it's an easy way to instill fear (which is very much needed in fascism to make it easier to lie to the masses) and it's used in multiple layers, beginning with a large group (ex. us versus ussr, capitalism vs communism), then progressively sizing down (ex. saying all eastern europeans are communist, then going smaller and say all those affiliated with eastern europeans are communist) with the goal being to put people against each other and break up community since if you put your minds together, you'll start to realise that the fascist system is bullshit. what i've personally come to find is that in order to hide the fact that there is fascism lurking is that someone that can be considered a 'them,' an other, will be given a seat at the table. it's so they can be used as an excuse, a human shield, when they inevitably slip up and can be paraded to the masses as proof that the other is not as smart or powerful as 'us.' the 'other' within the 'us' is used as something to look down at, while also justifying to oneself that they have a place, that they are not being oppressed. they have an opportunity as much as anyone else! so long as they don't mess up. rayman messes up, and is shunned from 'us.' hes a mistake, impure, clearly not like 'us,' 'us' who had been so gracious to give this 'other' a place. he's cut out and discarded because he has well worn his purpose, and clearly, they can just get another little puppet. they'll dress him up and make him worthy of being one of 'us,' and make sure that this one won't fall to the fault of his little ideas. which is exactly what leads to rayman's transformation of ramon. being forcibly forced out and discarded by eden because he showed his true ideas makes him realise that there was no real place for him within the system. because what good is his work if it leads to what he tried not to create? it's worthless, just as the system it attempts to thrive in is.
tl;dr, rayman is a representation of the american dream, specifically celebrities. he tries to do what he can with his platform, but the fact is that within a fascist system, his impact is not entirely felt in the way he wants it to. that is why he becomes ramon.
anyways if you reached the end of THIS LONG ASS PIECE GOOD LORD thank you!! always open to discuss this and take criticism, my ask box is open in the lil 'who's asking' :^]
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wolfofcelestia · 26 days
Chances I'd become their girlfriend if I met them irl
I was just thinking about this because the idea of me and Xav being "the couple that should have been" keeps popping up in my head lmao
Assuming I was his childhood friend too, it would be less awkward than if we were strangers meeting as adults, but it would still be kinda awkward at the beginning. It would be like when MC first saw him again at the restaurant, but that awkwardness would be drawn out for like at least 4 months lmao
I don't think either of us would make the first move. It would just be us slowly getting closer and closer. I'd probably fall stupidly in love with him the moment he gives me a cute little snow animal, but our relationship would definitely move at a glacial pace, mostly because of his busy work schedule but also because neither of us would want to rush the other one too quickly
I think we'd eventually work out though, down the line. Slowly melting for each other, slowly warming up to each other
Overall, 95% chance I'd become his girlfriend. It would just be a very long game, which, to my demisexual ass, would be absolutely perfect
Listen man. I have anxiety. And this guy's lifestyle would definitely exasperate that. The only way I'd be with him is if he pretty much hounded me down, kept giving me gifts, kept contacting me so that I'd always expect and look forward to receiving his gifts and messages, and pretty much kept annoying me until I gave up and accepted him as part of my life
But my major issue is his lifestyle. He would have to accept me as someone who needs protection from whatever would trigger my anxiety, but this man knows how to shut people up to make it quiet and calm, and he knows how to create a safe and comfortable environment, so it's... not impossible for me to become his girlfriend. He just won't have the badass MC fighting beside him like in the game. Instead, he'd have like... a kitten to take care of. (I'm so mad I made that reference.)
75% chance I'd become his girlfriend. Or rather, his live-in pet. The pace would be pretty quick, I think. He's very proactive and determined, so he wouldn't stop with his gifts and his persistence until I gave in
This guy shares my star aesthetic and my interest in games. He's cozy and comfortable. Literally nothing wrong with him and everything right about him. And yet. I don't know??
Assuming we'd be living in the same building, I feel like if he wanted me, he'd absolutely have to be on the offensive because I would just be completely oblivious to his feelings and see him as a close friend. Even if he bought me a bunch of plushies and cute lights, and stayed up with me all night playing games or cuddling on the couch watching a movie until we fell asleep... even if he straight up started getting touchy, I'd be like "you're a good friend" to him the next day asdfalskj
I don't know. Maybe in a moment of weakness, I'd be able to see him in a different light, but the chances are slim. And he'd have to be really straight forward with me to convince my dumb oblivious ass that he wants to be more than just friends
35% chance I'd become his girlfriend. It would be really difficult to see him as more than just a friend but considering he would live so close, he has the chance to be the first one to help me if I'm dealing with any problems, so it's not impossible. The pace? The pace would be non-existent because the change in relationship would depend on the circumstances
I can't swim!! I'm pretty sure I get sea sick too! And I know absolutely nothing about art!! But as someone who lives near the ocean, I do have a connection to the sea. I don't know how he and I would get together though. If anything, he'd get me with his fire, and his ability to put on a show with it. Then again... that kinda circles back to me being a star-aesthetics girl who's drawn to little lights lmao
His personality would probably be helpful when I'm feeling down, but I feel like I'm too... stoic? Uptight? For his whimsy and silliness. And if I were his bodyguard... man, he'd be done for. I don't want to be responsible for someone else's safety. Any sign of danger and my anxiety would SPIKE
Yeah, I feel like me and Raf are just way too different. I wouldn't say it's completely impossible since, again, in a moment of weakness, his personality would be helpful in making me feel better, but overall, I feel like there would be around a 10% chance I'd become his girlfriend. Like Xavier, this would completely depend on circumstances but it's not looking good for him so far
Assuming we grew up together in a orphanage-type situation, it would be hard to see him as anything other than a close friend who'd always be beside you as a close friend. And from what little we've seen of him so far, I'm not so sure. For one, I'm not into being called pipsqueak by some guy 30cm taller than me. Like?? You wanna come down here and say that to my face??
I'd imagine him being just as comforting as the other boys for sure but, yeah it's hard to say from where we are in the story right now. For now, I'd put him at a 10% chance. Like with Xavier, he'd be stuck in the friendzone but even more so because Caleb would be a sort of "friends forever" type of friend. How do you move on from that?
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jess-the-vampire · 7 months
This is kind of a follow-up idea I had relating to the idea of AROFAM!Hunter getting armor:
What if the "Golden Guard" was a superhero Hunter made up as a kid, and getting armor from Philip and Caleb gives him the chance to act out his fantasies?
that's not a bad idea
the thing is, he was a pretty lonely kid growing up, and he used to just dive into his interests to keep himself occupied, so it wouldn't be shocking if he thought about fun self inserts for himself or even ocs
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and seeing philip, someone who from his perspective, looks like some vigilante, would def want to make him want to live out that kinda fantasy. He could finally be someone and find a place where he belongs.
would also give even more reason he immediatly takes a liking to crimson
Cool guy in a cape and mask? hunter immediately fanboys cause he'd never get to see something as cool as this back home. Not realizing both philip and caleb are kinda freaked by his appearance. But he's a kid obviously, with a lack of understanding of the full situation.
it kinda makes the au fun, because caleb and philip know things he doesn't, they're NOT honest fully about their lives, and both are protecting hunter from it till he eventually catches on.
leaving hunter with this bit of innocence neither wants to ruin.
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he gets parental figures AND they're both masked men with powers? Who wouldn't be excited?
The excitement does ware off though, given how living that danger is not as fun as reading or watching it
not to mention both of them have a lot more to them then it appears on the surface so that's something that will automatically kill that fantasy pretty fast after he learns to get to know them as flawed people rather then the idealization he had originally.
But to an extent i think he originally did project onto both of them in the way a child might regarding their fantasy heroes and people who are similar irl. And i think both were fine letting him enjoy his fantasies a little because he'd already been through so much and they just wanted him to be happy, and clearly the idea of being like them did make him quite happy for awhile.
At least now he's grown up enough to realize their lives aren't all they're cracked up to be, and if he ever does take up that mantra again, he has a good grasp of the reality of the situation.
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isa-ghost · 6 months
returned to ask for the chayanne and phil headcanons
qPhil headcanons masterlist
DO NOT FORGET CHAYANNE'S ROOTS OF STANDING ON THE VERY EDGE OF THE WALL DAY 1. This little motherfucker unlimited lives to give his papa a heart attack!! It is his fucking pleasure to be a menace!!
Chayanne is in kahoots with Lullah to convince Phil to do a hardcore project level build someday
They love sparring with each other so much. Phil loves giving his son tips and seeing him rapidly catch on & improve and Chayanne loves to see his dad in his element and thriving
Crow brain says Oh It's Orange? Okay, Gift For Chayanne Yesyes
Chayanne is the king of well-timed Orange Justices and they always crack Phil up
Phil has no idea but Chayanne is trying so hard to set things up so Missa has a perfect and uninterrupted opportunity to confess his feelings. Chayanne's happy regardless of if they stay platonic or go romantic but he at least wants his papa to get the chance to communicate with his dad
Sometimes Chayanne misses 1 on 1 time with Phil. It's nothing against Lullah (she actually Also desires 1 on 1 dad time), he just aches for the nostalgia of the early days. Phil taking him places and teaching him how to survive, the pleasant quiet and less tension. It's easier on Phil when he isn't watching two kids
The only reason Phil eats 3 square meals a day consistently is bc Chayanne exists. Btw Chayanne also loves making him snacks
He thrives on asking Phil wildly out of pocket questions. Like "where do babies come from" but more creative, less overdone. "What happens when we die?" type shit, things that make Phil do a double take and have a mini crisis
Chayanne wants to play irl fruit ninja with Phil but Phil hasn't been convinced to try it yet. (It IS working slowly tho)
Phil's lame dad jokes don't always kill Chayanne like they do Lullah so sometimes he resorts to low blows: Little German Boy memes
Sometimes Phil gets chased around the house with a spatula bc he's being a little shit or a self-deprecating idiot while Chayanne so happens to be cooking
They do something special together on Techno's birthday to honor him. There's no set activity/event they do, it's just whatever feels right and most genuine at the time. Chayanne always makes a big potato-based dish to offer on a little ofrenda though
They're both kinda playing the I Pretend I Do Not See It game with the whole,, Chayanne fighting Phil (EK) thing. "Ah yes you were fighting Ender King physically, not at all him in my body, I wasn't involved at all, you weren't hurting your dad's body and I wasn't trying to kill my son not at all haha yep, neither of us are at all fucked up about it what do you mean" 🥚🐤 🤝🏻 😁🐦‍⬛
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One of the biggest bummers for me with Monkie Kid fandom is the unequal idealization of Wukong and villianization of Macaque. I think it downplays the incredibly deep and interesting dynamic that comes from people who have hurt each other but are learning and growing as individuals coming back into orbit of each other and relearning who they are to each other.
It also goes to say that while Lego Monkie Kid is derived from JTTW it can definitely stand on its own considering what they've modified or adapted to work better with what they were aiming for.
Objectively when the series begins Wukong is a better person but he wasn't when his life was more intertwined with Macaque.
In fact they're both pretty bad at the begining. And often even enabled each other to be worse.
Wukong made lots of rash decisions that even if he claims was for "us" was often motivated by selfish ideals for glory pushed by the brotherhood as he disregarded Macaques opinions and worries.
Whereas Macaque has always been focused on perceived slights, essentially victimizing himself more than he actually is and using this to justify his harmful behaviors. He often prods when he should be understanding or aloof when he should be sympathetic. He's quick to lash out because he's always on the defensive.
They both have done things wrong but I'm tired of the fandom always siding with Wukong when the idea is that they're BOTH in the wrong in different ways and most of the turmoil in their relationships stems from simple miscommunications that are escalated by the fact that neither had really faced their past (until season 4 obviously)
And most of the animosity they feel towards each other is leftover from a close relationship now in shambles and being forced back together in order to survive.
(Some people irl can't even handle being in the same room in a cordial setting with someone they aren't friends with anymore. Like come on not crazy that they both instinctivly become defensive. Not to mention we see that they often teased and bickered playfully so not odd to fall back into the pattern just with more animosity. )
We've been following Macaques slow redemption, his willingness to fight LBD despite not knowing if they'd succeed and could result in them all being destroyed. As well as his misguided attempts to mentor MK in his own emotional stunted way.
And Wukong himself has made his own major mistakes as a mentor as well that's like the entirety of the 3rd season but again he's had more character growth thus admitting his wrongs and reflecting on them comes much easier to him, out of the two Wukong is currently the more emotionally intelligent as odd as that sounds. He's more willing to face the reality of his actions than Macaque is but this aligns with their character types. Wukong often being blunt, straightforward and headstrong compared to Macaque who is hesitant and holds his cards close to his chest quick to hide his true intentions behind attitude and misdirection. Along with this Wukong is predictably bitter when trapped under the mountain especially when Macaque escaped the consequences which once again plays into his self-serving attitude but at the same time Macaque had always been hesitant about crossing the Jade Emperor and warned Wukong that in classic Wukong fashion, he wasn't thinking it through and considering the consequences.
(Side note I find it incredibly odd for people to not consider all of elements on both Wukongs and Macaques separate experiences. As well as the odd skew on Macaques motives during the Samadi fire arc, since his resurrection his one goal has been to escape and protect his second chance at life, stealing Wukongs power from MK is a measure to protect himself and its easier to trick MK than Wukong (this isnt to say its justified, hurting MK was wrong plain and simple because again Macaque is heavily flawed as well and hasn't had the time or guidance Wukong did to reflect and change cuz he was ya know, dead (but his death is another interesting conversation when considering the context of the original vs LMK which might play it off in a different way or have to avoid it altogether due to rating issues)and when he is forced to work with LBD once again his life is on the line, that's called coercion. AND he still fights a possessed Wukong at MK behest, despite the likely traumatic fear that would be triggered by fighting Wukong again and that LBD might not stop a possessed Wukong from killing him again. Doesn't mean what he did was right but if you consider from his perspective along with the fact that he died before he got to have his own "journey to the west" or journey of growth and self-reflection. We're seeing the Macaque that Wukong killed all those years ago. It makes understanding his motives a little easier.)
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13thdoctorposts · 4 months
Of course RTD's fauxgressive dicksuckers are now using the latest episode to shit on Chibnall and Thasmin. First of all it is lesbophobic to not consider a relationship real/canon without an onscreen kiss, second the fetishization just reeks from the way people are talking about the Doctor as a slut and only acknowledging physical acts, third ew the antiBlackness in portraying this Doctor specifically as hypersexed that is literally a racist trope against Black men and a homophobic trope to boot. Oh and this episode being a weird response to criticism of the Loki series is obvious and embarrassing and should not be celebrated its literally tokenism and using representation as a pawn. Finally, the misogyny is evident in how fandom was just waiting for a MLM ship again to throw away and shit on the WLW ships.
I think these are all very valid reasons to be upset. We knew when 15 kissed another man people were going to come for Thasmin. They claim it doesn't exist, but they can't miss a chance to talk about it.
I've noticed that misogyny has always been in this fandom. But, I think having a female Doctor and her female love interest were 2 things that many people couldn't compute. And honestly, didn't really want to. Let's be real, most fans in this community are male. They rarely have to translate characters who differ from them, unlike women. Since childhood, women have done this when consuming media. Women were expected to see the male doctor's message and translate it through their own lens. That way we could empathize with it. You had to know how because there weren't as many female hero types.
Most men in this fandom had to figure out how to connect to a woman Doctor. Then, connect to a WLW relationship. Neither of these involves a man. And I think they just couldn't do it; they'll claim bad writing, but I think a lot of it was just not understanding. WLW relationships differ from straight and MLM relationships. They just do. The men couldn't see themselves in the Doctor or the love interest. So, they can't understand how deep the love can be there without it being physical. Just like there can be relationships that are purely physical and not very deep. WLW are often emotionally deep more so than the physical. I also think they didn't want to see themselves in the companions. Graham and Dan are great guys, yet they claimed Chibs hated white men. They didn't want to see themselves as the sidekick, they only want to be the hero.
Obviously some women didn't like it for some reason too. I wonder how many like the Doctor being a man because they are attracted to men. They like watching a good-looking guy save the day. I've watched a few Youtube videos where they have said as much. They had learned to connect with the Doctor as someone they would want to be with, not someone they wanted to be. I wonder how many of them are conservative and so just didn't like woke messaging. I wonder how many got sucked into hating it due to the bad faith online takes. They'd rather not like it and be in the online in-crowd than be piled on for every positive post.
It's frustrating and unfair. But, the world is unfair. This fanbase is a mess of hypocrisy. So, you'll never find any satisfaction in it. But 13 has a strong fan base as seen here on Tumblr and irl when ever Jodie and Mandip are at cons... Jodies lines are truely insane, and I know first hand from being in them. There are a lot of here who love it and we just need to remember that when we see takes that are ultimately designed to upset us.
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rinskazuu · 2 years
rating record of ragnarok characters /10, because i can.
DISCLAIMER: i’m only rating the characters based off what the manga & anime has portrayed. i’ve done little to no research on these people themselves, which is why i don’t condone anything immoral that they’ve done. this was written before the release of chapter 73+
a/n: i think i wanna do this for every anime + genshin & val. PLS WATCH IT & LMK IF YOU GUYS LIKE IT. also i dont care abt grammatical and/or punctual errors, this is a shit post
THOR: first of all, he’s so fucking hot. his smile caught me so off guard tho, i kinda just stood there watching the screen, baffled. not much character to him, he’s just hot. 7/10
LU BU: i’m chinese, i literally feel so happy when i see chinese characters. biased, but definitely a plus. he, just like thor, has little to no character. first character i called hot, is hot, but there are hotter characters. (what, i am not talking abt hermes wdym?) 7/10
HERMES: 10/10. no explanation. my man right there. i literally scream & cream every time i see him. why is he so fine. not a single panel or clip where he looks bad. pls eat me out, sir i beg. i will serve you. ONE CHANCE. JUST ONE?? i’m in love with him. who needs real men or women when hermes.
GOLL: she is SO ANNOYING. her eng & jp voice are both annoying asl. she’s that one character, that exists in mostly every anime, used to explain background info & battle info on other characters. brunhilde is too nice on her. she reminds me of when i first saw yachi (haikyuu) on screen. yachi, too, was annoying. but i grew to love her🫶. 1/10
BRUNHILDE: SHES SO HOT. ATE. SHE ALDNAHDISKZ. yeah, what else is there to say? 8/10
APHRODITE: she truly lives up to her version in the greek mythology. hottest woman/goddess alive. ate. her boobs, i want to squish them & bury my face in them. WHEN IS IT MY TURN TO HOLD THEM? 8/10
ZEUS: idgaf what anyone says, he’s not hot. not even his younger self. he looks like mirio (mha) turned netero (hxh). love his character tho. the eyes scared me at first. he’s hilarious. 5/10
ADAM: my friend, the one who recommended snv to me, told me he’d be more my type. he was, minus the fact that’s he literally butt fucking naked. nice ass cheeks tho. def pretty boy, his wife is hot too. i want her more😋. his line abt fighting for his children made me cry. should’ve won. i say, let hermes be uncleless & fatherless. 7/10
POSEIDON: he was fs the blueprint for adam. anywho, yk hes fine. SOOO FINE. meowing for him. he doesn’t beat hermes tho. nobody beats hermes. well, look wise at least. it was rlly hard choosing who to root for in this fight. that’s a lie, i was always on humanity’s side. sad he died:( 9/10. -1 for being a little, arrogant, narcissistic, egotistical bitch. 8/10
SASAKI KOJIRO: see, zeus coulda been hot like him at that old age. man aged like fine wine. character was a W. hot, determined, good character, funny. what else can you want from a man? 8/10
HERACLES: disappointed. so disappointed. he looked better in the disney ver. this fight was so boring for me. you’re telling me i’m supposed to watch the fight instead of ogling at hot characters? no. character was okay. 6/10
JACK THE RIPPER: massive L. not supporting a murderer. next. 0/10
SHIVA: hot from the beginning. 4 arms? do what you want to me, sir. 3 WIVES? tengen (kny), is that you bro?😭 anywho, he’s cocky, def my type irl LMAO. i wouldn’t let that slide tho.. his wives are hot too😋 8/10
RAIDEN TAMEEMON: i paid very little attention to this fight. don’t remember his backstory too well (i read this fight not even 24 hours ago btw). not that good looking, not ugly either. i liked his character, upset he took 3 of shiva’s arms. why 3? why not 2? he got 1 arm left. 4/10
BUDDHA: THATS MY GOD RIGHT THERE. ate. i’m not religious, and neither are my family, but they are buddhist, so by default, i am too. i personally think buddhism is the best religion, but we’re not gonna get into that. i have very valid reasons btw. love his personality, love his looks. massive W. ofc he fights for humanity. he’s a walking W. 9/10
ZEROFUKU: precious. definition of deserved better. what made me sad, is how he was written during the fight. he’s consistently hitting, with little to no strategy. his backstory is sad, but his battle exp was written poorly. also the random ass monster possessing took me tf out. 7/10
HADES: fine ass mf. he’s so different from how he’s usually portrayed, both look & personality wise. the first W netflix has pulled. he’s hot and responsible? persephone, we can share him babes. also, the relationship between him & poseidon made me SOB. like actually. hurt so bad i made an angst edit. 9/10
QIN SHI HUANG: first off, i don’t do research on my own ethnicity’s history. i didn’t even know who tf lu bu was. my family knew tho. with that aside, PROUD TO BE CHINESE❗️ he’s so fine. SO FINE. the way his character was written, was wonderful. i loved the fight between him & hades. the tension & the lengths they went to try & win. 9/10
BEELZEBUB: his backstory was so tragic. what i didn’t like, was how they rushed his & lilith’s story. like, they kinda randomly said i love you to each other. i’d love to see their adventures tgt. lilith, leave that emo thing, and come be w me. he’s fine too. i rlly like how they introduced him. 8/10
NIKOLA TESLA: i don’t have much of an opinion on him. very chatty, which i don’t actually mind. i guess we’ll have to wait for more chapters to release before i form an opinion on him. 5/10
ODIN: the hair bro. THE HAIR. i keep forgetting he exists, but i’m not his biggest fan. not bad, but i prefer his sons. i do like the theory of him being a traitor. he looks the part. 5/10
LOKI: honestly, i liked him a lot in the beginning, but now, it’s like he’s kinda on the side. cute & hot. thor is the better brother tho. speaking of, how tf are they even brothers? moving on, i like his personality. i like his shocked, mixed w angry, facial expressions more. 7/10
ARES: the hair again. very stylish, i do like it, but it took me out. walking around looking like a school girl. i don’t like how he tries to be a know-it-all w hermes, when he literally relies on him for info. but that’s my man for you. his expressions are SO WELL. 6/10
ADAMAS: i was awfully confused, at first, when there were 3 older brothers to zeus. usually, it’s just hades, poseidon & zeus. not his biggest fan, his character was rushed. 4/10
JESUS: i was very happy to see jesus. i’m not sure why, i just was. why is he the only character, THAT LOOKS LIKE THEMSELVES? 9/10
LU BU SIMP AGENCY: 10/10. i don’t need to say anymore. W cheng gong. love that man.
FORSETI: what a loser. he was so annoying. 2/10
EVE: mother? mommy? whatever. MEOW. 9/10
SASAKI SIMP AGENCY: love them as well. 10/10. walking Ws all around.
i don’t think i’m missing anyone, am i?
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
mickeyyyy tell me about your selfship lore with dazai pretty please
okok so i had a chance to brainstorm a little with a friend the other day and now i'm gonna tell you all about it hehehehe:3333 also uhh.. i think this might get long so i apologize for that lmao
mizai takes place in a cute little university au!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dazai is majoring in literature (he's so pretentious i love him so bad) and i am an art major!!!!!!! this is how i get to live out my silly dreams okay lmao so i'm thinking about studying pottery or something!!!!!!!!!
and and and since the they're all so very important to me i also need to tell you that chuuya is also an art major, he's doing classical painting (but he takes some pottery classes with me and that's how we met:333). kunikida is ofc gonna be a teacher, so he's studying education aaaaaaaaaaand fedya is... a psychology major. i'm scared of him a little i won't even lie.
AAAAANYWAYYY MIZAII:333 he pretty much just lives at my place; he does have an apartment but it's super small and he just.. doesn't like it there. so he has his own key and he's free to come and go whenever he wants!!!!!!! when i say 'go' i'm actually lying bc he really is just always at my place,, like i come home and he's there. i wake up and he's there. i go to take a piss and then come out only to be met with him laying on my couch. he's weird like that i love him sm.
i also have a cat!!!!!!!!! well i mean my irl cat is just canon in the mizai world hehehee and ooooooooh my god dazai loves him so much. and shrimp really fucking likes him too (so much so that i get jealous sometimes.. ) my cat is very talkative and so is dazai so there's just constant meowing going on. and well sadly, i am no better okay i am a meower too......................... we have a proper fucking cat choir going on smh i wonder if the neighbors hate us...................
though we're both big talkers, one of our favourite things to do is literally just parallel play. he's laid out on my bed like the princess that he is with his newest book while i sit behind my desk, typing away at whatever it is that i'm writing at the moment and it's just sooo so comfortable. and then after we decide that we've been productive enough we always go to the little cafe that we both love and then go to chuuya's just to bother him a bit (he loves us) >:333333333
whenever we're out taking the bus or the train, we're sitting shoulder to shoulder while sharing earphones!!!!!!!!! he rests his head against mine and fidgets with my fingers while i choose the music<333333
oh and neither of us can sleep alone btw. we both struggle with sleep all around but it's not that bad when we're together. it's like thing apparently too you know? that like you get sleepy when you're around a person you really feel safe with? so yeah... we take a lot of naps together it's kind of like a shared love language of ours!!!!!!
OMFG WAIT I ALSO NEED TO ADD THAT UHH ODA IS HERE TOO. HE'S DAZAI'S FAVOURITE PROFESSOR. AAAAAAAAAAAAA oda loves him sm... he loves hearing all of dazai's ideas and his takes and they talk after the lectures all the time too. they actually even go to grab a coffee every now and then. dazai just really really loves talking to him and sometimes (read: every time) he comes home after seeing him, he's sooo happy:((( he has the biggest smile on my face as he just plops down on top of me and starts retelling everything they talked about with oda:(((((((((((((((((((((((((( AAAAAAAHHH CARINAA I LOVE HIM SOOO SO BADDDDD I'M GONNA DIEEEEE
he once kinda dragged me into one of oda's classes too and i was so scared that he'll throw me out bc well.. i'm not supposed to be there but then he was just checking who's there and who's not and his eyes met mine before moving to dazai's twinkling ones and he just smiled and let me be there anyway. (he would literally never throw me out)(btw i fear that.. dazai... yaps about me to him too.............. )
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Work-in-Progress Wednesday
Idiots (affectionate). Today we have idiots! <3 :D
I set this to post in queue later, so I am just going to tag the whole squad. I am unfortunately being hit with irl chaos on all sides. :(
@oblivions-dawn @mareenavee @paraparadigm @dirty-bosmer @throughtrialbyfire @umbracirrus @skyrim-forever @ladytanithia @rainpebble3 @polypolymorph @snowberry-crostata @saltymaplesyrup
The table had been set hours ago, the linen napkins pressed and good porcelain dishes spread out across its surface. When they were first brought in, each one steamed and called to them invitingly as if attempting to persuade them into some type of truce. Only, in this case, the dishware had forgotten one thing: the High King and Queen are both too stubborn to do such a thing.
Ulfric sighs as he looks up for the third time to see his wife pushing glazed carrots around her plate as if concentrating on making some elaborate piece of abstract art. The silence has been killing him. Or killing both of them really, snuffing out and suffocating what life is left between the two of them. Neither of them are fond of the long pregnant pause which has extended for far too long between them. It is unnatural, looming over them like an unwanted dinner guest invited to their table, and with each second which ticks by, it only grows larger, appearing to gorge itself on the untouched food in front of them.
He shifts once more, and Dahlia’s eyes dart momentarily to his own, catching catching his tired gaze. Vaguely, she notes how old he seems to look in these particular moments, as she imagines she does as well. The glow of life teems all around her, but yet, the wrinkles of her forehead and half-hidden greys of her hair have somehow become more prominent as of late. Perhaps, it can be attributed to the worry which has been gnawing at her along with the silence. Either way, it is a true contradiction to see both ends of the spectrum of life, nascent beginnings and aged wisdom, displayed so prominently.
If they were speaking at the moment, Ulfric would even tell her that it suits her. However, before he gets to chance to say anything at all, her eyes refocus back on the plate in front of her as she frowns. He has had enough.
“Is this really what you want? To sit here in silence as the years stretch on and as distance fills the space between us until we end up hating one another—just like most court marriages? It seems to me we have been perpetually trapped in this back and forth for the last two months.”
“You don’t understand—”
“Then, help me to understand.” Ulfric’s fist comes down onto the table as emotion rolls through him, coiling him up like gathering clouds of thunder. Something is coming. It is only a matter of what.
Waves of emotion crash back and forth, stirring whirlpools in her stomach as she capsizes. No more water can be taken into her ship; she has reached her limit. Contrary to what he believes, this was not what she had intended, rather she just doesn’t know how to bring them back to shore—to safety. 
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Hi, Queen! I'm on bedrest after a surgery I had last week and is currently watching QLs all day. I'm flying through some high heat ones atm and loving every minute although I'm physically uncomfortable. To some it may be controversial to say this, but I connect more with the high heat stuff than the romance because that's who I am irl too.
Anygay, I think I've seen you write about high heat shows before and was wondering what your favorite sex scenes in QLs are?
I'm only about 100 QLs into my journey after almost a year of watching. Most of them are Korean before I found Thai QLs and then Japanese, Taiwanese, and some Vietnamese. You have watched many more than me so could you give me your best tips? My favorites so far are everything in Bed Friend and the one at the hotel/motel in the Pornographer movie. What are yours?
I hope you have an amazing day!
Hi, @whatevenisthishellhole (and the three Anons who sent me similar asks when 4 Minutes was airing)!
Excuse my late reply. I've been super busy throwing paint at canvases a la the boys in I Saw You in My Dream (not quite, but similar). I've also been battling with this post for a day or two since I had to remove a lot of the gifs and videos I originally added to this post to get it unflagged. But, here we are!
First, I hope your surgery went well and I'm happy that you're having a great time even though you're uncomfortable.
Second, it's not controversial to say you like the high heat stuff! Unless you're a child. But neither you nor I am.
I absolutely get where you're coming from. As someone who prefers sexual relationships over romantic ones, I also prefer the high heat shows/films (even though I also watch shows/films that don't include sex). We're all different, just like it's supposed to be. And since you and I both seem to like the high heat stuff, let's talk about it, shall we?
Also, even though we often talk about heat levels regarding QLs, what we consider high or low heat is very individual for all of us. So, I've chosen to include scenes that I personally rank mid to higher heat levels to give some range. And I've chosen scenes that show different ways of having sex because I like variety.
And, btw, thank you for writing "sex scenes" and not "NC scenes" because I have beef with the latter term (which is super weird considering I'm a vegetarian. But, anyway...).
Third, I don't get triggered. So I suggest that you (and anyone else reading this) look up possible trigger warnings before you dive into most shows in this post if you're sensitive to anything in particular.
Fourth (and the last one before we get into the good stuff, I promise), I've watched 350+ QL shows/films in about 14 months (it was my escape last year as I tried to survive some grief, which is why the number is so high) and I have a terrible memory. There's a chance I've forgotten most of the ones I liked. But I will try to remember (lol).
With all that said, let's finally dive into my list (which I've gathered in no particular order)!
My Favorite Sex Scenes in QLs
Mike and Jack in Twins (Thailand)
To be honest, the heat level can be discussed here. But! I wanted to include this scene because Mike and Jack were everything to me when Twins was airing (and had I been on tumblr at the time, I would've screamed about these two) because they were friends with benefits who stayed that way without getting into a romantic relationship (which I want to see more of since romantic relationship aren't the be-all and end-all for everyone).
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Ryou and Anda + Thee and Jet in Love Stage!! (Thailand)
I couldn't find a gif of the scene I like, but it was in the 6th or 7th episode or something. It's the sequence where Ryou and Anda's sex scene is interwoven with Thee (Anda's brother) and Jet (his secret boyfriend) also having sex.
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Phat and Saengtai in La Pluie (Thailand)
I missed this when it was airing in 2023 but watched it earlier this year instead. And I loved it so much (one of my absolute favorite shows I've watched this year). One of the reasons is the chemistry and sexual tension between Phat and Saengtai, which is on fire when they almost have sex at Saengtai's apartment, when Saengtai sucks Phat's dick, and when they have sex at Phat's apartment.
All three of those scenes are great. But I particularly love the scene at Phat's apartment because, now that Saengtai feels ready, Phat gets to give Saengtai pleasure too.
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Rak and Mahasamut in Love Sea (Thailand)
Of course I'm listing Mut fucking Rak's face on my list because that scene was iconic! (I couldn't find a gif of that particular moment, but this one is from the same scene that leads up to Mut fucking Rak's face:)
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Charlie and Babe in Pit Babe (Thailand)
Honestly, this scene was almost omitted from my list because the racing cutting into the important shit every fucking second is driving me nuts (lmao!). But Charlie's gaze and Babe's facial expressions convinced me to add it anyway. So, here we are.
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Alan and Jeff in Pit Babe (Thailand)
Their first time was good, but their sex scene in the last episode was great. The way they were looking at each other, the way they were kissing and touching each other... I loved it.
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Thantatch and Lomnaw in 2 Moons: The Ambassador (Thailand)
If I remember correctly, I thought most of this show was meh, especially in the beginning. But! I remember I was surprised to see sex scenes in the 2 Moons series because there hadn't been anything beyond kissing and removing shirts in the previous ones.
The two scenes I liked most in this one were the ones where Thantatch and Lomnaw suck each other's dicks.
This is the lead-up to the first one where Lomnaw sucks Thantatch's dick:
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And this is during the second one where Thantatch is doing wicked shit to Lomnaw under the blanket:
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To be honest, these scenes are a bit sweeter than savory for me, but they still make the cut because the acting felt very natural, and, again, I was pleasantly surprised with these scenes (and the other sex scenes in this show).
King and Uea in Bed Friend (Thailand)
Just like you, I loved Bed Friend. Mainly for the chemistry between Net and James.
Honestly, you can't make me choose which sex scene I liked most because I loved them all. Even King's jump up on the bed.
But I just want to say that the lighting was immaculate in this particular scene:
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(It took me ages to try and find a gif of this before I gave up and went with a static screenshot instead, lol.)
Mangkorn and Yai in Big Dragon (Thailand)
I don't necessarily vibe with Mos and Bank's cutesy stuff, but I love them when they throw high heat at me like they did at Mangkorn's place in Big Dragon.
Sailom and Namnuea in Wedding Plan (Thailand)
The moment when Sailom could finally be himself around Namnuea, after all those years of hiding himself because of his family and to protect his best friend (Yiwa), was everything to me. Sailom was starving, and Namnuea was more than willing to let himself be devoured.
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Nueng and Anueng in Blank (season 2) (Thailand)
As someone with a biting kink, this scene was made especially for me. And I appreciated every fucking millisecond of it.
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(Sidenote: I would let Faye do whatever she wants with me.)
Ji and Achi in To Be Continued (Thailand)
Their first time (in the past) was great (up until the point where misunderstandings and miscommunication happened, but let's forget that for a moment, lol). They both wanted it so bad that it was palpable. And I loved this scene just as much as I loved these two miscommunicating idiots.
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Kawin and Pluem in Ghost Host Ghost House (Thailand)
If I remember correctly (which I might not), I think we only got two sex scenes in this show, and I loved them both. So I'm obviously including both.
First, we have their first sex scene, which has a build-up that's amazing (this video is longer than the scene in the actual show, btw).
Then we have the scene after they reunite in the last episode (I also think this one is longer than the scene in the show).
Jom and Yai in I Feel You Linger in the Air (Thailand)
Since I'm an ice queen who has a hard time crying, I tend to get obsessed with things that melt my ice and open up my floodgates. This is the first and only time that I can remember having cried while watching a sex scene. That's partly why I love it so much.
It is beautiful and emotional because Yai knows that he will eventually lose Jom. That grief hit me so hard (which is why I cry every time I rewatch this show) even though Yai hasn't lost Jom yet. It's just so beautiful and one of my absolute favorite sex scenes.
Gao Shi De and Zhou Shu Yi in We Best Love: Fighting Mr. 2nd (Taiwan)
Heat level can be discussed, but this scene is filled with so much emotion, angst, and desperation that I can't help but love it.
Chen Yi and Ai Di in Kiseki: Dear to Me (Taiwan)
Heat level can be discussed, I'm just here for the chemistry and the neon lights, because both are amazing (and I'm such a slut for neon lights).
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Tharn and Phaya in The Sign (Thailand)
I loved their chemistry and I loved all the neon lights in this scene (have I mentioned that I'm a slut for neon lights?).
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Aob and Puen in Playboyy (Thailand)
This tattooed daddy and his baby were everything to me in Playboyy. Aob had some solid walls around his heart, but when it came to taking care of his baby, he delivered with a solid handjob.
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Sky and Prapai in Love in the Air (Thailand)
Their first time is great (the neon lights in that scene are gorgeous). But the sex scene I like the most with these two characters is the one in the special episode where Prapai fucks Sky on the conference table at his office. I mean, Prapai unbuttoned Sky's pants with his fucking teeth. That boy was hungry.
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Sun Bo Xiang and Lu Zhi Gang in History 3: Make Our Days Count (Taiwan)
Let's forget the ending of this show and just focus on these two for a moment because their first time was such a spur-of-the-moment thing (in the gym after lockdown, btw) fueled by a desire that went from 0-100kph in less time than a Ferrari would. I loved it!
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Tan and Bun in Manner of Death (Thailand)
I can't make a list of my favorite sex scenes without including Max and Tul in MOD. I mean... Max is fucking fisting his hands in Tul's hair. And sucking lips.
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And they're plant dads! What more could I want? (Transplant. That's the more I want.)
Mingmueang and Namning in Be Mine Superstar (Thailand)
I can barely remember anything about this series except Mingmueang and Namning. Their chemistry was on fire. And there's just something about Jo (who plays Namning) that pulls my attention to him. I can't take my eyes away. Pairing him with Bosston (Mingmueang)... I'm still hoping their spin-off will see the light of day. Pretty fucking please!
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The Novelist/Pornographer + Mood Indigo (Japan)
I'll be honest and say that I love every scene in this whole series from the first show to the last short (I have a sweet spot for the darker and more complex Japanese stuff). And that includes the sex scenes.
If I were to pick my favorite one, though, I would agree with you, @whatevenisthishellhole and say the hotel scene is fire.
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(Also, as an advocate of safe and comfortable sex, I especially love the scene in Mood Indigo where Rio is stretching his anus to prepare himself for penetrative sex.)
Kim Sung Min and Yoo Joo Hyuk in Love Class Season 2 (Korea)
This scene is iconic to me when it comes to Korean BLs. I can't remember if I've ever seen anything like this in a Korean BL before (but, again, my memory is fucked, so feel free to remind me of how wrong I am). I've seen this and more explicit scenes in one or two gay films, but not that I can remember in any Korean BLs.
I love the buildup of the scene, which starts on their date, and all the way throughout this scene. It feels real, the chemistry is amazing, and it has a more mature vibe (as in, two adults who are confident, comfortable with each other, and know what they want). I love it so much.
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Jao and Wayu Two Worlds (Thailand)
I'm sorry Max and Nat, but these two stole this show for me.
Let's forget for a moment that Jao has been badly wounded, had a fever, and that, apparently, sex can heal everything (especially if it's sex on the floor of an abandoned cabin in the middle of the woods). Because let's be honest, this scene was great in every sense of the word.
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It was beautiful, it was raw, the lighting was gorgeous (I have to include the visuals as the artist I am), the way they were looking at each other, the way they moved. I mean, fuck me, this was a great scene.
Kinn and Porsche in KinnPorsche (Thailand)
I can't make a list like this and not include KP. And, for me personally, the pool scene is the best Kinn and Porsche sex scene.
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Vegas and Pete in KinnPorsche (Thailand)
And since I love toxic little shits (Vegas being one of my favorites) as well as KP, I obviously had to add Vegas and Pete's sex scene as well.
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Also, I'm such a slut for the neon colors in this one!
Korn and Tonkla in 4 Minutes (Thailand)
Say what you will about Korn's performance (or lack thereof) but Bas and Fuaiz acted the fucking shit out of their scenes. My favorite sex scene with Korn and Tonkla was the one in the first episode because it said so much about their dynamic (sugar daddy/sugar baby, Korn's needs taking priority, Tonkla wanting more, etc.). It was everything I wanted and more (the more being Bas's ass).
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Great and Tyme in 4 Minutes (Thailand)
I mean... Great got his ass eaten...
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Shin, Neo, and Miw in 3 Will Be Free (Thailand)
I'm a sucker for poly and would love to see more of that in our beloved QLs. So I ate up every single crumb of the little I got from this group in 3 Will Be Free (but I'm still starving, lol).
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That's the end of the primary list of my favorites.
Looking back on it now, I wish I had more GLs on my list. Unfortunately, the ones I've watched are either too cute (which I don't vibe well with), too tame (for me at least) or don't include sex at all, or I probably haven't watched it yet (I've watched less than 20 so far). If you have any recommendations of great GLs, then, for the love of everything holy, send them my way! I'm starving over here, lol.
I have a few more sex scenes that aren't my personal favorites (which is what you specifically asked for) but they're still good:
Ritsu and Masumi in The End of the World With You (Japan), all their sex scenes were very close to being on my favorites list (especially with Ritsu's laser focus on Masumi) but they don't feel as real to me as most of the others on my list above.
Rain and Payu in Love in the Air (Thailand), specifically the sex scene after Payu raced against the asshole (can't remember his name, lol).
Kita and Nathee in Beyond the Star (Thailand), their chemistry is amazing but I think I was too bored by the whole show to care, lol. These characters are played by Willi and Focus who are also in Battle of the Writers (which is currently airing) and they have even more amazing chemistry now.
There were some great sex scenes in For Him (Thailand) as well, but the production lost the story (and me) somewhere in the middle/end.
Sex doesn't need to be had with a partner (or several) either, so I want to highlight some solo parties too:
Yai in Big Dragon (Thailand) has a good time while looking at a photo of Mangkorn's hands.
Atom in The Rebound (Thailand) is thinking about Zen as he's masturbating and gets emotional.
Almond tries out a dildo in Knock Knock, Boys! (Thailand).
Miyata in Love is Better the Second Time Around (Japan) jerks off in the shower while thinking about Iwanaga.
Army in The Warp Effect (Thailand) also jerks off in the shower while thinking about his past love interest Joe.
Mut in Love Sea (Thailand) is also jerking off in the shower, but Rak decides to help him.
I'm pretty sure I've seen more masturbation scenes, but I can't seem to remember any more right now so these will have to do.
Other QLs that Highlight Sex in Different Ways
Before I hit publish on this post, I also want to share some QLs that highlight/talk about sex in different ways (besides the ones I've already mentioned throughout this post).
Knock Knock, Boys! (Thailand)
I know that you already know about this one, @whatevenisthishellhole. But, for anyone else wanting to watch a show that openly talks about sex and pansexuality in particular, this is a great one.
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Let's Talk About CHU (Taiwan)
To be fair, this is primarily a straight show but it does have a gay pair that I absolutely love!
It also highlights sex from different perspectives and angles. For example, there are different age groups (from the youngest daughter in the central family to the parents in the same family), different types of relationships (fwb, creditor/debtor or gangster/gambler, two marriages whereby one has lasted 30+ years), and, as I mentioned, both straight and gay relationships.
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(Fun fact: Helena Hsu, who plays Gao Shi De's mom in We Best Love, is also in this series.)
The Warp Effect (Thailand)
This queer show has a diverse set of characters (queer and straight) and a diverse range of relationships. It also highlights sex from different perspectives and the effects and consequences sex can have. It also includes some of the best female characters I've seen in queer shows from Thailand, and I love them so fucking much.
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Final Words
Those are all the scenes I can remember at this point. I'm sure there are several that I've missed and some that I will remember as soon as I hit publish on this. But this will have to do for now.
I hope you find something you like.
And, thanks for your ask!
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bleue-flora · 4 months
I don't get why so many hate the finale lore stream like the first 3 people were fine with but so many hated the last one I've even see c!Dream apologists dislike it. Like why?
I’ve talked about this before [here] which I feel might be one of my better essays covering my thoughts on the matter, but I’ll talk some more about it. I think there are a few things to keep in mind.
Firstly, finales will always have a divided audience approval. Some will love it, some will hate it. This is true across the board, it may be more skewed in certain directions, but still there is always diversity even on some of the more infamous finales. And this is partly I think due to us mourning the loss of our beloved show, book, series…etc. and sometimes misconstruing our dislike of the finale as disliking the story it tells not the fact that it’s ending period. I will always kinda hate finales in this way because I’m sad to see it go, which also means I will, in a sense, set a high expectation for the finale, which may or may not be reasonable. Though, since I have watched so so many tv shows, I have definitely lowered my expectations, especially because as a writer, endings are hard. It’s easy to make a mess of all the toys and get to the climax, but it’s not as fun to clean up after and resolve it (in my opinion). So not only are endings hard to write they are also hard to do, as to do a satisfying ending there may be additions that aren’t possible. And on top of that, endings bring an end to the audience’s hope of seeing perhaps certain scenes they long for, so if things you wanted to see didn’t happen then the finale is already going to be disappointing because now it won’t ever happen.
Anyways, in the case of the dsmp finale, one of the things I think happened was people set an expectation that was unreasonable logistically and characteristically. Now that doesn’t mean a finale can’t be judged because of its limitations, I certainly could write an essay on why the Supernatural finale was the worst finale I’ve ever seen, Game of Thrones and Sherlock included. But it isn’t fair to judge something with an expectation that it could never live up to.
To be honest though, I’m not entirely sure what they even expected to happen, since not a single thing in the finale surprised me because I more or less saw it coming (but I do tend to predict endings so no shade to people who did not of course). It was what it needed to be, what it should be, what it was going to be based on the irl events. If you were paying attention to the narrative and the characters this was the direction we were headed to. Now are there things missing I wish were included? Of course. Are there characters who didn’t get the resolution they deserves or things I thought could be better? Of course. Are there plot holes and questions I still have? Of course. It is far from perfect (and not just because Tommy couldn’t throw the discs properly lol XD). But just because I’m sad it’s ending, and sad I didn’t get to see certain interactions or scenes I wanted to, doesn’t make the ending bad.
But anyways, the main reason I think people disliked it is because they weren’t paying attention. Or at least they didn’t quite have a good understanding of the characters or the story at large and because of this the finale came out of nowhere and didn’t make sense. I think people especially don’t quite get the last conversation between Tommy and Dream, I mean I think we’ve all seen the outrage over Tommy “apologizing to his abuser,” when Tommy was only apologizing for killing them all, killing their chance at a happy ending. But just to be clear, neither Tommy nor Dream apologized nor expressed guilt or remorse over their actions in the finale, that wouldn’t really be character consistent. No, all that happened was for the first time Tommy saw that Dream was more than a 1 dimensional villain. For the first time, Tommy actually heard Dream.
And not only did that fit nicely into Tommy’s character arc and Dream’s, but also the story at large. A story about characters who all have povs we as the audience get to watch, where everyone is the hero in their own story, everyone is right from their point of view. In the finale, we see one of, if not the only moment where a character actually understood someone else’s pov and realized they weren’t the hero in everyone’s story after all, that they weren’t the only ones with hopes and dreams and motivations and pain. They weren’t the only protagonist.
In addition, I think one of the misunderstanding of the characters comes from taking too much of what Punz and Dream say as truth. I myself am guilty of this, and it is only when I look at streams like the one with Punz and Dream talking before prison, that I realize, just like the disc monologue where Dream theatrically goes on about control, there seems to be some serious showmanship going on. Of course, like all of Dream’s productions there is truth weaved in his words and his emotions do break through the facade, but I think we would be remiss to take everything they say at face value. These are two known liars who put on a whole staged finale after all. And the contrast between some of the things they say there versus the stream where they are alone is telling to me. By themselves they have no reason to lie or be facetious, but in front of their enemies it makes lot of sense to put on a production. So, what they say in that stream by themselves, what they say when they meet up after prison, what they say in the stream where Tommy comes to distract them, those are more truthful to me than the whole power hungry nonsense.
Regardless, Tommy and Dream finally airing their grievances was so satisfying to me. I can’t think of any other ending that would have been as pleasing. Again, I’m not sure what they wanted, did they really want them to kill eachother again. Because like that seems boring to me, we’ve been there, done that. Dream says it himself of how the cycle of Tommy and Tubbo vs Dream is just the same thing over and over again. (This is actually one of my issues with the Supernatural finale as well.) I am of the opinion that if a finale could happen at any other point in the story, then it is not a good finale. If the finale could happen in stream one, why would I watch the rest? Where is the pay off? The finale should be the difference, the highlight of the circumstances that got them there and how they’ve changed over this whole story. In many ways it should be the unexpected of the character (not to the point of like doing something that doesn’t make sense, like still gotta be character consistent - this is why neither apologized in the finale for example), finally growing and overcoming the flaw they’ve battled all along. That is what makes it satisfying - wow look how far they’ve come, look at how the circumstances of the story have made this happen. That is what makes a good ending.
As far as Dream apologists go, there are quite a few different viewpoints in the community. Not all of us have the same understanding. (I actually recently had to stop reading a fic because the take on Dream frustrated me so much.) Some see Dream as evil but love him anyways or even for that. Some see Dream as the problem but prison was his path to a redemption of sorts. Some see Dream as attachment-less and cruel. Some see Dream as insane. Some see Dream as innocent. I think there are some that even think he deserved prison… etc lots of different understandings of the character and so if the finale didn’t align with the viewpoint of Dream then I can see people not liking it or just not liking it because Dream didn’t get redemption, or forgiveness, or sympathy, or a happy ending.
Hope that shares some light on it and answers your question I guess. <3 <3 Sorry for the length… it’s inevitable at this point I think lol. And here I thought my first essay on the matter did a good job. ;D
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il3x · 11 months
im going fucking feral about noelle now. thought about echidna too long .augh!!!!! the arc was SO WELL SET UP holy shit it was SO cool. noelle was one of the few big plot points Not specifically elaborated on in an interlude a la Cauldron in Battery's interlude. not one single spoiler!!!!! it was teased in tiny tiny increments and that was so. fucking. good. CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE PART WHERE COIL AND DINAH HIDE IN THE BASEMENT???? CAN WE TALK ABOUT THIS?
“Pet, the chance that Crawler kills us, now that we’ve undertaken this route?” (...) “Three point one percent,” Dinah gasped out. “Reassuring,” Coil said.  The vault door opened before them.  “Trickster?  Would you announce our imminent arrival to Noelle?” “Yeah,” Trickster sighed.  “Fuck.  I hate to do this, but can I get a number?” “Trickster!” Sundancer admonished him, sounding horrified, “You can see how much pain it’s causing her.” “It’s important.  Kid, what’s the chance that Noelle kills us?” (...) “Nine point eight percent,” she managed.
literally the BEST greatest ever hype buildup for a villain. that was SO chilling!! number 3 moment that made vibes go and infodump to her mother AND her irl friends, neither of which had read worm, because they were the only ppl who would listen.
sobbing. i thought that carol's interlude was a noelle interlude at first lmao with the opening focusing on 'dark and hunger', and then i was. lowkey disappointed. but also the lack of a noelle interlude as I said made her buildup More and Better drawn out.
and how the fight follows directly from coil's death!! so good!!! the way all the big villain arcs follow from one another like dominoes. SO FUCKING GOOD. i had so much Analysis in my head about how Wildbow maintains tension even with non-stop villain fights while I was reading, should write that out.
and then THE FIGHT JUST. STARTS. AND . ADN!!!!! !!! TRAVELLERS INTERLUDE ARC!!! holy. SHIT. holyshit. the SIMURGH. who has been teased as the worst horriblest endbringer for All Of Worm. and the tension of what echidna is doing while we're stuck in madison. draws out the buildup even further. critical hype levels. seeing her get renamed was iconic too but I have a Names Post in the works that dives deep into that.
h.oughh, , . her power is cool as shit but I've already written about that a lot. then the fight is solved with THE PORTALS?? ?that were set up from LITERALLY ARC TWO!!! talk about setup/payoff!!! !and then cauldron reveal kicks off the next arc. augh. also vista is there 👍
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