#netherborn tango
wilburs-hibana · 8 months
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Tango of the Tek variety!!!
real proud of myself for not using any layer effects for this one
here's an extra doodle as well:
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khaos-creator · 2 months
In short, Impulse gets really frustrated by a redstone contraption not working properly and freaks out when Skizz finds him
Getting back into writing after a few months!!
First Hermitcraft fic
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blazzium · 1 year
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"He's not even looking. You could do it now, get it over with!"
"No... not a member of T.I.E.S... I'll go for someone else."
Boogeyman Impulse, my beloved! He was so cool during the entire episode! His mental battle in controlling the bloodlust when it came to his fellow team members? *Chef's kiss*. I will draw more Life Series stuff, even if it kills me.
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plagues02 · 9 months
Burnt Lamb
Summary: While helping Zedaph with one of his many experiments, Tango notices that his friend burnt himself with water and forced him to take a break for the burn to heal. Characters: ZedaphPlays, TangoTek Word Count: 1408 Note: This was originally written in 2022 and posted on Ao3
"Zed! You have to be more careful!" Tango's voice snapped Zedaph out of his thoughts. 
Zedaph blinked as he took off his outer layer of clothing, his lab coat. Sure, it wasn't ideal, having hot water splash on you, but it was just a little. A quick change and Zed could go back to his work in the lab.
Tango, who decided to come visit and assist with something while catching up with his old friend, seemed to think otherwise. His ears perked up at the sound of splashing, and his tail stiffened while he looked over at his friend in worry.
“Dude, calm down, it’s not that bad,” Zedaph let out a small laugh while Tango reached him. “Okay, okay, I’ll take this off too.”
Zedaph pulled his sweater off above his head and tossed it down on the ground with his lab coat. Tango leaned down a little to look at his shorter friend’s chest, checking out the place the water splashed on him. It was only a few spots on his chest, not one large spot, and the red stops were small.
The sheep hybrid huffed a little as he stepped away from the netherborn, getting a little annoyed by his friend’s pestering. His tail twitched a little, and he made a clicking sound by fitting his hooves against the ground.
“Tango, I’m fine. A quick change into dry clothes, and I’ll be back to work,” he said.
Tango shook his head, “Zed, you were splashed with not just hot water, with boiling water. Just let me put some ointment on it.”
Zedaph huffed but didn’t disagree while Tango went off to a side room where Zedaph left medical supplies. The smaller man sat down in a chair just outside his experiment room. Well, one of them. It seemed every room Zedaph built had some kind of experiment in it. It was surprising that he kept his bedroom away from science.
After a few minutes of silence and listening to Tango fumble around in the room beside him, Zedaph finally looked back down at where the water splashed him. He winced at the sight, realizing it was worse than he originally thought. The red burns were starting to blister and part of it was peeling.
Second degree, he noted. Maybe he should take a small break from science to allow this to heal. He knew that Tango wouldn’t allow him to continue the project when he saw this. It would have been worse, but it was bad enough that it could leave a scar.
The sheep hybrid jumped at the feeling of a hand on his shoulder. Tango knelt down in front of him and looked at the burn. The netherborn grumbled under his breath, picking up a spray can.
“This is gonna sting,” Tango warned him and waited for his friend to nod before applying it.
Zedaph winced silently, tilting his head up a little to keep his hair out of the way. The other was surprisingly gentle with burns. Being part blaze, Tango never had to deal with any type of burn, but he had accidentally burnt people before so he knew how to deal with them fairly well.
The netherborn placed the can down and grabbed the ointment. He was only surprised that Zedaph had these in his medical cabinet as he seemed to be lacking a lot of other items. However, Zed did seem to get a lot of small injuries so the others didn't question it much. 
"You need to keep the ointment on it. The spray is a numbing spray so it helps too," Tango said after covering the burns generously. "You probably don't want to wear a shirt or do anything that will get you sweaty. The shirt will irritate it, and it needs to air out. And you want to keep it clean."
The blaze hybrid stood up, handing the medicine to his friend. "Now, that means take a break from your,,, riskier experiments. Science can wait until that is healed enough. At least until all the pain and blisters are gone. Do I make myself clear?" There was a hint of a threat in his tone. 
Zedaph could only nod. He was surprisingly calm during all of this. A second degree burn would normally have some kind of reaction to it. He just seemed to accept what had happened (and still was a little shocked as he didn't realize it that bad). 
"I need to get back home," Tango huffed. "I promised Bdubs and Keralis to help fix the redstone they messed up at one of the Pass 'N Gas." 
This caused Zedaph to let out a laugh. "Haha, have fun with that," he stated as Tango started heading towards the door. 
"I'll check up on you later, so you know. So don't think about being stupid," Tango warned. "If not me, I'll ask Impulse." With that, Tango was gone, and Zedaph was alone.
Zedaph remained seated for a while, trying to think of what he could do. While it pained him to think about it, Tango was right. He shouldn't do a lot of current experiments if he didn't want to risk the burn getting worse and possibly infected. 
Asking hermits to come over to test their brain was out of the options too. Zed couldn't wear a shirt without irritating the burn, and he rather not have his friends bombard him with questions on what happened, even if what happened wasn't exciting. He was just carrying a bucket of boiling water from one side of the room to the other, and he was splashed by said water. 
Well, he supposed a nap would do him good for now.
The next few days went back slow. Zedaph kept himself busy with simple house work that he's been meaning to do. Being busy with all his experiments, his living quarters has become,,, quite messy, and not really a decent, livable mess. 
He caught up on laundry, cleaned his dirty dishes, cleaned his shower and sink, and generally just picked up. Between these activities, Tango would message him to remind him to put the medicine on his burn. If not Tango, Impulse or sometimes Xisuma would message him. Zedaph just assumed that Tango told them so that if he forgot, someone else would remind him. 
By the second day, the blistering was down, and Zedaph was able to wear a shirt again. The peeling had also stopped. In the afternoon, he did a few light activities related to science, that be writing down on the clipboards that kept forgetting to do. 
On the third day, the sheep hybrid was starting to get irritated. His living quarters were clean. Everything was written down. His burn didn't hurt anymore(except when he showered, and the water hit it). He even checked his floating sheep and the villagers. There was simply nothing to do. 
“Zed, how are you doing?!” A voice called out from the front of his base.
Zedaph perked up at the sound of Tango’s voice, and he met him in the front room by the sheep. He was wearing lounge clothes, sweatpants and a loose shirt to not irritate the burn.
“There you are! I am bored out of my mind here!” He huffed out.
Tango laughed at the shorter man who was huffing while almost stomping his hooves against the ground. The netherborn patted the other between the horns to get him to calm down before pulling his hand away.
“Why don’t I look at that burn?” He asked.
With one last huff, Zedaph pulled his shirt up to reveal the healing burn. The blistering was down, and it was starting to scab over. It wasn’t as bad as Tango had originally thought, but he also caught it before it could get worse. It was also clear that Zed was doing a good job with keeping it clean and covered in the ointment, given its slick feeling.
“It looks fine,” the netherborn said. “I don’t see why you can’t continue your experiments for,,, science.” The last part was said in a playful, teasing tone.
The sheep hybrid huffed again and turned away, pulling his shirt back down. Tango laughed as the other stomped away.
“Where are you going?” He called out.
“If I’m going back to studying science, I need my lab coat,” Zedaph called back, leaving view.
Tango only laughed harder at his friend’s actions.
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mezzmerizd · 9 months
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been doing a lot more silly things with my art and artstyle so i thought!! why not look back at some old stuff & redraw it :3 doodling my beloved
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myketheartista · 2 years
ur designs are amazing im eternally thinking abt tango wrapping his tail around one of zedaphs legs & zed forgetting abt it and falling face first as soon as he tries to go anywhere
YOURE SO RIGHT!! even if Zed is the first to notice out of the three that it’s a habit of Tango’s, he’ll forget soon enough since it’s so routine and stumble over himself KFJAJD that’s honestly when Tango probably notices it himself that he’s kinda been attaching himself to the others whenever they’re around,,
I love this tho, this is so so fun to think about LMAO I just think Tango’s clingy!! he likes contact! sometimes his body will just move on it’s own to get any form of comfort from the other two, but he’s also just a big hugger ;w; I think even when he’s having days where he might not wanna touch too much, his tail is just enough :)
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larkdoesart · 2 years
anyways create mod tango
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codgod · 1 year
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oh btw i’m de-twinking my tango design i decided he deserves better
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tubbytarchia · 8 months
please may I request some tango tek? I love your tango design <3
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No harm in letting a netherborn burn right
I'm sorry this is wildly different from what you probably wanted sdfhgfdg I'VE WANTED TO DRAW JUST!! ENFLAMED TANGO!!!! for so long!! THANK YOU!!! I saw you going through my blog awhile back and it absolutely brightened my day, and I'm so glad you like my Tango design.. <3. In any case more normal Tango art will come dont you fret!!
He's a little upset too but shh I just. I just love the idea of flames of misery. Love the idea of him bursting into a little bit of a wildfire as a treat (thinking about Last Life Tango cough) he deserves it. The idea of "let him burn, he will calm down eventually, if we approach we'll just get hurt, he won't" (cough how Team BEST largely kept distance from him during his outburst, even Skizz) vs DL Jimmy who approached anyway, because he saw that Tango would end up more hurt than him if he didn't. Love the idea of Tango containing his flames and refusing to ever use them to hurt someone, and that he's gotten so good at it, so when he bursts into flame its just that much more.... arggg sorry what were we talking about
The sketch too because his expression looks way better here imo AGH its hard for me to convey expression well in lineless art, let alone in color when tango's eyes are fuckin full red. But whatever!!
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sideblague · 1 year
people headcanoning tangos character as a blaze or netherborn or some sort of guy who hangs out in the heat makes me laugh because. well, yes
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average arizonan man
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 9 months
Because of the colours you find in the nether, pretty much every nether language has stronger distinctions between shades of red, and no distinction between green/cyan/teal/blue. Thus, you get Tango (netherborn) saying things like ‘The sky’s a pretty shade of green today’ or ‘Why are you saying that’s red it’s very obviously crimson’ etc.
It's possible that netherborn might not even be able to tell the difference between green and blue- their colour vision is inherently different from humans. Why would they need to? The only blue/green things in the nether are soulflames and the warped forest, and those are mostly all the same shade of cyan. All he needs to know is Not Warm Colours.
-Mod Mleem
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fence-time · 3 months
What are your headcanons for hermit hybrids (as many as you have or want to list)
Ouheheheh so so fun thank you for letting me ramble even if I am months late </3
Bdubs: moth (changes every season to camo to his base)
Cub. Vex
Doc: creeper
Etho: kitsune
False: avian (harpy eagle to be specific)
Gem: no set idea?? Bouncing between deer and nature spirit :3
Grian: harpy (not to be coupnfused with harpy eagle avian false((kea to be specific))
Hypno: Kitty
Impulse: demon
Iskall: cybernetically advanced human so advanced he’s not even human anymore
Jevin: slime
Joe: Joe
Keralis: beastly creature
Mumbo: Vampire
Pearl: alien
ren: wolf
Scar: lion
Skizz: angle📐
Joel: donkey
Stress: butterfly (glass winged butterfly ((I think that’s what they’re called))
Tango: netherborne (*not a blazeborn , they are separate things ,to me)
Beef: cow
Wels: Dragon
Xb: feesh
X: voidwalker (so have so much hc’d lore for them but I cba to explain)
Zed: sheep (..possibly spirit if death too.. gem and zed can have parallels, as a treat)
Cleo: zombie
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hmshermitcraft · 5 months
Since Tango is a netherborn he has anger issues, anytime any hermits try to get him away from his projects to get some rest or food or water, he goes off on them without intention but he listens to Etho because last time he yelled at Etho. Etho got violent real quick, and that scarred Tango so now he only listens to Etho. :D
Etho's anger is something cool and deadly. It's the disapproval of somebody you desperately want to impress. Tango may not mean to raise his voice, but Etho meant his snipes.
So now they send Etho along whenever Tango needs a break. Ignoring the fact that Etho is just as bad as Tango - as long as Tango never realises that, then that's fine!
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Just a bunch of species headcanons for the hermits! Also they are all either gods/immortal for fun :)
Xisuma (he/void): Voidwalker prince. Knows he's immortal. One of the oldest immortals
Grian (he/parrot/chirp/they): Parrot hybrid, Head/First Watcher. Minor god of chaos. Has lived a thousand lives. Treats YHS as a joke because why not?
Mumbo (he/him): Half Watcher, minor blood god. Does not know he's a god. Eats redstone for fun, scares his friends because of it.
Scar (he/it/vex): Vexling elf (Vex with allay magic). Does not know he's a god. Was born in Riverdale, kidnapped at a young age.
Pearl (she/her): Half-Watcher/moth hybrid. Also knows she's a god, actually likes the Watchers.
Impulse (he/they/yellow): Demon. Very much knows he's immortal, wishing that he isn't because he doesn't want to watch his brothers die. One of the oldest hermits
Tango (he/magma/they): Netherborn avian, Listener hybrid. Party knows he's a god. His Listener traits aren't visible and more of a development from the experience that was his high school to keep him fucking alive
Zed (he/void/wool): Harbinger of the Nether. Knows he's immortal. Looks like a basic sheep hybrid but also has demon wings and black blood!
Gem (she/her): Faun. Thinks she might be a god but it would mean her brothers aren't. Also has magic and can world-hop!
Etho (whatever vibes work for you): Voidling (Voidborn changeling), Watcher. Knows he's a god, could care less. First player turned Watcher. One of the first players
Iskall (they/he/she + some neos): Cyborg (also something else. I don't fucking know anymore). Doesn't care about gods, marked by the God of the Hunt.
Doc (he/it/blast): Creeper/goat/cyborg. Can and will fight the gods, Xisuma hopes that he doesn't find out he is immortal (he knows).
Ren (he/pup/they): Wolf-shifter. Knows he's the god of the Hunt. Idk this dude is cool
Bdubs (he/sun/sky): Glare/phantom hybrid, also has a connection to plants. God of the sun and flaunts it. Also is a full blooded Listener
Stress (she/leaf/spring): Nature spirt. Knows that she's immortal. Looks like a cinnamon roll, would kill you.
False (she/wing/they): Avian, with golden eagle wings. Does know she's a god, could care less.
Cleo (she/they/rot): Zombie hybrid. Knows she's immortal. Spites her old friends by getting attached to Joe. Also one of the oldest players
Joe (any pronouns): Angel of life. Known immortal. Just vibing with the soul he was meant to harvest.
Jevin (he/it/slime): Slime hybrid. Doesn't know he's immortal. Honestly idk much about him
Cub (he/it): Allayling (allay with vex magic.). Doesn't know he's a minor god. Claims to be a vex for fun.
TFC (he/ender): Ender dragon hybrid. Knows he's a god. Brothers with Notch and Herobrine.
Beef (he/they/it): Cow hybrid. Doesn't know he's immortal. He is basically just existing. Gotta love it.
Keralis (they/he/black/empty): Watcher!. Knows he's immortal. I also know next to nothing about this dude
Xb (he/river/fish/they/it): Guardian hybrid. Doesn't know he's a god. Idk fish
Hypno (he/they): Fire sprit. Could care less about being immortal.
Wels (he/him): Angel hybrid. Knows he's immortal. Hates being an angel because they are a bunch of stuck up beings.
Bonus (5) Helsmits:
Ex (he/they/void/end): Voidwalker prince, 2/3 Watcher. Yeah knows their immortal
Hels (they/it/he/fire/blaze/hell): Fallen angel/Watcher. Same as Wels tbh. But 10x worse because Wels escaped and Hels suffered.
Badtimes (he/blue/xe/they): Allayling! Also a Listener! Just vibing :D
Xornoth (they/it/red/dark/vine/he): Demonic elf! Demigod and just out there living vines life
Grain/Ariana Griande (she/it/chirp): Watcher! She knows it's immortal! (trans mtf not important to the hybrid sheet but important to me <3)
I went nuts with pronouns the rest of the helsmits have so much more I'm holding myself back bc I'm being forced to bed :( - 🔮🍄
(also i’m so sorry this is from jan 2023)
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mezzmerizd · 3 days
Just spent 2 hours yapping to a friendo about my netherborn headcanons and about Tangpulse ,,, feeling crazier than before ngl
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bitchboycore · 2 years
I really like those fics where Tango has like a body temperature that runs very hot so people keep cuddling up to him whenever it's cold. But have this take: his body temperature runs hot, so that means even in conditions that the 'normal body temperature' hermits think are fine or even slightly warm, he's absolutely freezing.
Honestly there are many scenarios you could make from this, but a personal favourite that has been in my mind for a bit is Zedaph finding out. Zedaph who lives to see, to know, to experiment and to fix. Don't ask them how (they can never tell anyone lest the information somehow comes across Impulse, who they are sure would lecture them to the regularly sized moon and back), but somehow Zed and Tango found out the latter is immune to lava.
So after particularly chilly days (for Tango meaning: a light spring day), it would not be uncommon to be directed to the 'bathhouse' Zed had built, after Impulse deemed the two of them simply making a lava bath in Tango's own base would be too risky, if you were looking for the netherborn. In these moments, he would indeed often be found in said bathhouse, where he could be seen with just barely his eyes and tips of his ears poking out of the mildly threatening pool of lava, until he had to come up for air and to greet whatever guest decided to visit him in his little slice of nether-comfort amongst the overworld.
(For anyone wondering: no, sadly lava does not bubble like water if you breathe out underneath the surface, Tango was Not Happy with this discovery himself)
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