#new house witchcraft
moniefires · 3 months
downloading one more social network because of this fandom !! 🫡
just a black brothers sketch
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serpentsillusion · 5 months
Hello HL fandom Friends! I've been away for a while, raised from the dead as I should be. Here is my latest doodle. ✨
|| Under the Stars ||
Ft. Sebastian Sallow x Jess Burke (MC)
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I love them so much 😭 ✨
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thoughtartistry · 3 days
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New Hampshire folklore, this empty old structure is known as "the witches' house" hidden away in the forest next to a pond.
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adobealmanac · 1 month
👻Hitchhiker Prevention👻
First off— What are hitchhikers? Essentially, they are ghosts/spirits/entities often found in cemeteries and graveyards that tend to follow people home. In a way they are a type of parasitic entity. However there are some methods that you can use to easily protect yourself against them as they don't exactly attach to you, they follow and stalk you, often maliciously.
Preventing a Hitchhiker:
Firstly, it is best to preemptively work to protect yourself against such spirits by veiling / heavily protecting yourself prior to entering the burial grounds. It helps to be fully clothed, doing things like covering as much skin as possible. Wear gloves, high socks and boots, and a mask if you can to obscure yourself.
On your way home stop at no less than three stops. Typically, public spaces are preferred. Stop at places like Taco Bell, a park, or the parking lot in front of a store. Hang around these places for a while, walking around, not just remaining static.
Prior to entering your house take off as much of your clothes as you are comfortable with before entering your house and leave it outside until the next morning. It can help to wear layers so you can just shed the outer layer, whilst retaining your privacy. It also really helps to shower the second you get home with the intent to cleanse the entirety of your body and energy, allowing any negative energies and entities to slip down the drain.
Legal Note: This post was originally penned by me for the grimoire of a pagan discord server which I am no longer affiliated with. As it is my original work I shall post it here with my name associated with it. Do not assume that anyone but me wrote this post.
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mo0ns-and-stars · 11 days
Trans Regulus in the canon storyline but he actually stayed at that house because when Sirius left that was his chance, his one chance that his parents would acknowledge that he is a man, because they needed an heir. And that's all he ever wanted, he craved his parents approval so much that he stayed just so they would see him. Of course they never actually truly did and of course he realised his mistake, only that is was too late by then.
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high-priestess-house · 2 months
𝕹𝖊𝖜 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓 𝖎𝖓 𝕷𝖊𝖔 🌑
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On August 4th, the New Moon graces the sign of Leo, heralding a period of dynamic energy, creativity, and personal empowerment. Leo, ruled by the radiant Sun, is a sign of self-expression, courage, and heart-centered action. This New Moon is a powerful time for setting intentions related to personal growth, leadership, and embracing your authentic self.
During this New Moon, Mercury in Virgo forms a supportive trine to Jupiter in Taurus, enhancing our communication skills and expanding our ability to manifest abundance. Venus, also in Leo, is retrograde, inviting us to revisit themes of self-love, relationships, and values. These energies together create a potent mix for deep introspection and forward momentum.
Sun and Moon Conjunction in Leo:
When the Sun and Moon align in Leo, there is a fusion of conscious will and subconscious desires, creating a powerful moment for self-discovery and personal growth. Leo’s influence encourages us to step into the spotlight, embrace our individuality, and express our true selves without fear or hesitation.
Mercury Trine Jupiter:
Mercury in Virgo forms a harmonious trine with Jupiter in Taurus, enhancing communication, learning, and growth. This aspect supports our ability to think big, plan effectively, and communicate our ideas with clarity and confidence. It’s an excellent time for setting goals related to education, travel, and expanding one’s horizons.
Venus Retrograde in Leo:
Venus is retrograde in Leo, prompting a review of our relationships, values, and self-worth. This period invites us to reflect on how we express love and affection, both to ourselves and others. It’s a time for healing old wounds, reassessing what truly matters, and aligning our values with our actions.
Intuitive Insights
Heart-Centered Intentions
Leo rules the heart, making this New Moon a time to focus on intentions that come from a place of love and authenticity. Ask yourself what truly brings you joy and fulfillment. Set goals that align with your passions and your heart’s deepest desires.
Creative Expression
Leo’s energy is inherently creative and expressive. Use this New Moon to explore new forms of artistic expression, whether through writing, painting, music, or any other creative outlet. Allow yourself to play and experiment without worrying about perfection.
Personal Empowerment
This is a time to reclaim your personal power. Let go of self-doubt and embrace your strengths. Leo’s influence encourages you to take bold steps towards your goals, to lead with confidence, and to inspire others with your courage and authenticity.
Embracing Authenticity
Leo’s ruling planet, the Sun, symbolizes our core identity and true self. This New Moon is an invitation to embrace who you truly are, without masks or pretenses. Authenticity attracts genuine connections and opportunities, so let your inner light shine brightly.
Astrological Events with the New Moon
Mars in Virgo Opposite Saturn in Pisces
This aspect may bring some challenges, as Mars in Virgo’s desire for action and precision is tempered by Saturn in Pisces’ call for patience and introspection. It’s a reminder to balance ambition with mindfulness, to take deliberate and well-thought-out actions.
Uranus in Taurus Square Venus in Leo
The square between Uranus and Venus can bring unexpected changes in relationships and finances. It’s a time to stay flexible and open to new possibilities, even if they disrupt your current plans. Embrace change as a catalyst for growth and transformation.
Deities and Correspondences
Apollo: As the god of the Sun, Apollo resonates strongly with Leo’s energy. Invoke Apollo for guidance in creativity, healing, and illumination.
Sekhmet: The lion-headed Egyptian goddess of war and healing embodies the fierce, protective energy of Leo.
Brigid: The Celtic goddess of fire, inspiration, and craftsmanship can help ignite your creative passions and guide you in new endeavors.
Other Correspondences
Gold, yellow & orange to reflect the vibrant energy of Leo.
Sunstone for joy and empowerment
Citrine for abundance and clarity
Carnelian for courage and motivation.
Rosemary for clarity and protection
Bay leaf for manifestation
Chamomile for calming the mind and heart.
New Moon in Leo Ritual
• Gold or yellow candle
• Sunstone, Citrine, or Carnelian
• Rosemary and Bay leaves
• Journal and pen
• Small bowl of water
• Incense (Frankincense or Myrrh)
Ritual Steps:
Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Cleanse the area with incense, and set up your altar with the candle, crystals, herbs, and bowl of water.
Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths. Visualize roots growing from your feet into the earth, grounding you to Mother Earth.
Light the candle and incense. Call upon Apollo, Sekhmet, and Brigid to join you in your sacred space. Feel their presence surrounding you with light and strength.
Setting Intentions
Hold the Sunstone (or chosen crystal) in your hand. Close your eyes and focus on what you wish to manifest during this lunar cycle. Visualize your intentions as a golden light within your heart, growing brighter with each breath.
Writing Intentions
Open your eyes and write down your intentions in your journal. Be specific and positive, focusing on what you want to bring into your life.
Herbal Offering
Take a Bay leaf and write one of your intentions on it. Hold it over the candle flame until it catches fire, then drop it into the bowl of water to symbolize your wish being sent to the universe.
Crystal Meditation
Hold the crystal to your heart and meditate on the energy of Leo—its courage, creativity, and passion. Visualize yourself embodying these qualities in your daily life.
Thank the deities for their presence and guidance. Extinguish the candle and incense, knowing that your intentions have been set in motion.
Spend a few moments in quiet reflection, feeling gratitude for the new beginnings that this New Moon in Leo brings.
This ritual combines the potent energy of the New Moon with the vibrant, heart-centered energy of Leo, helping you to manifest your deepest desires with confidence and clarity. Embrace this time to shine brightly, pursue your passions, and lead with love.
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sailorgoon13 · 3 months
The last few weeks I have been working on a big project. Hogwarts Legacy has been my main fixation the last year and I put my creative skills to the test with this one.
Thank you to everyone who contributed and helped along the way. I really hope you all enjoy this song 💚
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aestheticworld99 · 3 months
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"Amid the bustling streets of New York, where ambition thrives and dreams are born, cunning meets the stagecraft of acting school—a world where every performance is a calculated step toward the spotlight of success."
Request here
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skyggsja-art · 2 months
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🌞 helga hufflepuff
recent digital drawing that i did. i‘ve had the idea for a long time and actually started with rowena. it‘s been sitting in my sketches for months until i rediscovered it and thought it would actually make for a really cute little portrait series. i‘m going to post the other founders soon as well. when i reopen my etsy shop i think i will offer these as prints or post cards.
hope you like her!!
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indeedgoodman · 10 months
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iputaspellonyou2024 · 7 months
Remember that tonight we have New Moon in Pisces ♓.
Here are some suggestions and tips!
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Art by The Witch of the Forest
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moonlight1237 · 3 months
Hello there wanderer!
Welcome to the glade! We're an inclusive server for those looking for a community to learn, grow, and experience! We're a low activity server, with a plethora of resources that are ever growing. We offer a safe and welcoming space to ask questions, learn, and grow! Yew Glade is a server based on death, and spirit work, with themes of herbal workings!
☆-Growing Library, and Resources
☆-Divination Offering, and Requests
☆-Customizable Roles
☆-Friendly, and Welcoming Staff
☆-Plural, and System Friendly
☆-Daily questions, and Motivation
☆-Supportive Community
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serpentsillusion · 5 months
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*Panics in Jess*
Characters are 18+
Inspiration from this meme I found floating around the abyss: https://br.ifunny.co/picture/what-kind-of-weirdo-likes-being-choked-and-slapped-around-OOdxOyDpA?s=cl
Base image used by: https://creator.nightcafe.studio/ 🎨
Also peep Seb being instantly curious as to why Jess just randomly got a bout of anxiety. I mean THE AUDACITY! 👀😂
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tokoyogorepolice · 4 months
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warlordslak · 17 days
Album otw
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buggguts · 1 month
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Hopefully we get this home!
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