#next chapter of green zone is almost done
chasing-chimeras · 2 years
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britcision · 5 days
Technically it’s not Wednesday anymore and technically I should only be writing the next chapter, not several chapters down the line, but Jazz grabbed me by the throat so y’all get a rough draft on something that’s gonna be like, 2-3 chapters away 👀
Maybe 👀
Dan’s lips curled into an unpleasant snarl, pointed fangs suddenly more prominent.
“Oh, really, Danny. Did you think this was going to work? Some stupid illusion and I’d fall to my knees, sobbing for reconcilliation? Or did you bring me the real thing so you could watch me kill her in front of you this time? It might not stick but I’m sure I can try.”
Part of Danny nearly lunged forward, Obsession throbbing down to his core… but he held it in check. After all, this wasn’t the Jazz Dan had known; she wasn’t just a teenager anymore.
And she certainly wasn’t impressed.
“Daniel James Fenton, you know better than to talk about someone when they’re standing right in front of you,” she snapped, her hip cocked out and arms folded in an entirely done big-sister posture that only got scarier with age. “If you have something to say, say it to my face.”
And Dan… froze, for a moment. And Danny knew he’d been right in that second, that microsecond of hesitation. Of inactivity.
Sure, Jazz might be well past six feet tall herself now, but she looked like their mom enough to make his Vlad severely uncomfortable. More than that though… Danny had never gotten over the thought of her dying. Dan had broken the world about it.
And he couldn’t bring himself to look her in the eye.
It was covered up a moment later, in bluff and bluster as he scoffed and glared in her general direction.
“What, are you going to psychoanalyze me? Tell me how sad and tragic I am too? Give me a break, I’ve got some lovely coping mechanisms,” he snapped, aura flaring in a burst of green fire.
But Jazz had never been scared of Danny’s aura, and frankly? He was the Ghost King. Dan’s was a drip in the bucket by comparison.
She marched straight up to him, ignoring the flames completely, and grabbed him by the chin. Forced him to face her, even as his eyes widened, face freezing.
Danny had never heard her voice so cold.
“Is that supposed to be scary? Am I supposed to be impressed, Danny? Honestly, I’d like to say that must be the Fruit Loop’s influence, but you’ve always been a drama queen.”
And then she twisted him into a headlock, all 6’9 mountain of muscle like he was still a ninety-pound twink, and noogied him.
“You’re such a fucking dork, Danny.” She sounded almost fond now, exasperated, a tone Danny was painfully familiar with. Even knowing she wasn’t talking to him-him, the cringe was automatic.
Dan sure as hell had no idea what to do about it, panic flaring madly across his face and his aura, trailed by a lacklustre attempt at anger.
“Get your hands off me,” he roared, turning intangible and going to jerk himself away… and then Jazz’s eyes flashed teal and she reached after him, her own hand changing to pull him straight back into the noogie.
Something about that broke Dan completely, his entire body suddenly limp and held up only by Jazz’s continued grip on his head. He seemed almost catatonic, completely zoned out… which Jazz completely ignored, grinding her knuckles into the top of his head.
Danny was pretty sure he knew why though; it was the one thing which had always been able to calm him down, back when he was approaching his twenties and the possibility of Dan started giving him panic attacks. Jazz had snapped him out of it in a much gentler way, but it amounted to the same reminder.
Jazz was his big sister. His beloved mentor, his voice of reason, his rock. And after living in Amity Park for almost twenty years, directly on top of the Fenton Portal, she was liminal as hell and about one near-death experience from a halfa herself.
There was just no way he was ever going to lose her, until she decided she was good and ready to move on. It wasn’t possible, and a little thing like dying wasn’t going to slow Jasmine Fenton down.
If it happened before she graduated, Danny was pretty sure she’d rise before Finals Week even if she died the night before.
(And given her self-care habits, he did occasionally worry about it actually happening… but she promised her ghost-envy days were long behind her and she’d never get that bad.
Belief: pending.)
Danny wasn’t actually fully sure if her ghost-grabbing abilities extended to anyone else or if she could just always wrangle him, but he and Dan were the same person; enough so that it sure as hell worked on him.
Dan wasn’t going down without a fight though - Danny was almost a little impressed with how quickly he fought past the blue screen (it might have been Vlad’s influence, given the sudden haughty tone) as he began to shove at her arms, quickly working up to a shout.
“Get your hands off me! Do you have any idea who I am! I am the great destroyer, breaker of worlds, and you will not treat me like a small child!” He bellowed, struggling viciously against her grip.
If they were in the real world, it’d probably have worked. If he had access to any of his ghost powers, it wasn’t a fight Jazz could possibly have won.
But this was a dream, and either Nocturn had a damn good idea what’d happen to him if anything happened to Danny’s big sister in his realm… or he just plain liked Jazz better.
(Most people did. Danny was fine with it.)
Because the more Dan struggled, the more Jazz began slowly increasing in size, getting bigger and bigger until she entirely dwarfed him and had him cuddled like a doll under her arm. Watching him struggle at this point was just a little embarrassing, actually, and Jazz finally took pity on him.
And settled him on her hip like an unruly toddler, grinning down at him.
“Now, do you think you’re ready to actually talk to me?” She asked him gently - and if she found the sight of this full sized man so relatively tiny as funny as Danny did, it didn’t even show.
Dan glowered up at her.
“You may be favoured by the fool who runs this domain, but you will never be my equal in anything but dreams,” his snarled viciously, his anger apparently stoked by indignation.
(Danny made a note. Still definitely some Vlad tendencies.)
Jazz just chuckled softly, bumping him up to give him a kiss on the forehead.
“Oh, baby brother, you know that’s never going to be how it works,” she said brightly, then paused, glancing around. “Uh… Danny, we never talk about this again, alright?” She asked, squinting down at him.
Mildly offended that he was about the height of her ankles, Danny raised both hands in immediate surrender.
“Dude, I am not letting anyone try and get freudian on me for Jumbo-Jazz. My lips are sealed from self preservation alone.” And he’d have to make sure to emphasize to Nocturn just how valuable his own silence would be. Vital to survival, even.
Apparently satisfied, Jazz nodded, sitting carefully cross legged and settling Dan in her lap, her chin on top of his head.
“So… you told me about your future once, y’know?” She said slowly, while Dan struggled and once more surrendered to the indignity. “And Danny told me some more later. And, obviously, we all actually know that taking over and destroying the entire world isn’t actually a healthy way to process grief…”
“Fucking spare me,” Dan growled, looking about a minute away from taking a bite out of her hand.
Jazz ignored him.
“But… in spite of all of that…” she paused for a moment, leaning back and smiling down at Dan, who couldn’t quite help craning back to look at her… if only to know where the next attack was coming from. “It’s… really sweet to know that you’d break the world for me, Danny. I just really wish it hadn’t broken you, too.”
And once again, Dan froze… and for the first time, Danny could feel a crack in the impenetrable wall around his core. Between all of the performative rage and theatrics and what he really, truly felt.
Even his rally only managed to produce a vaguely sulky “I’m not broken!”
Jazz sighed softly and turned him gently in her arms, lifting him to hug tightly to her chest. She might have been shrinking now, either by Nocturn’s will or her own, but she held him close anyway.
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armoricaroyalty · 3 months
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Mary was still being pilloried by Armorica's right-wing press, but mainstream interest in her life in Komorebigo had begun to die down. It would take some time—maybe months, maybe years—before she was embraced by the establishment, but Rosalind was prepared to wait. Her own mother had been an outsider, once. Assimilation into the royal family had taken years, but Elise had emerged at the end of it a changed woman, the perfect wife and mother, universally beloved and more popular than half the blood royals, including two thirds of her own children. If her father had done that for her mother, Rosalind would do the same—and more—for Mary. No matter how long it took.
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Transcript below the cut.
Rosalind's townhouse // February 2018
[ movie screaming ] ROSALIND | [ whispering ] I don't get it. ROSALIND | [ whispering ] She doesn't even like her boyfriend. ROSALIND | Mary? You okay? MARY | [ sighs ] Yeah. Just thinking. I got a lot on my mind. [ screams crescendo ] MARY | The hell? I completely zoned out, what are we watching? ROSALIND | Shh! It's almost over... ROSALIND | Actually...did I show you my dress for tonight. MARY | I don't think so. [ pause ] Is it green? ROSALIND | ...how did you know? MARY | [ laughs ] Babe, it's all you ever wear. Half your wardrobe's green. ROSALIND | It is not. You're exaggerating. MARY | Wanna bet? Pause the movie. We can settle this right now. ROSALIND | [ laughs ] There's nothing to settle. You're a liar. MARY | You're wearing green right now! ROSALIND | So? One pair of pants out of how many? That's not half. MARY | Babe, you're delusional. ROSALIND | [ laughs ] Yeah, that's why I need you around. MARY | Oh? No other reason? ROSALIND | Hm... ROSALIND | ...maybe one or two.
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babyjakes · 1 year
ever green, evermore | 4. difficult introductions.
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← last chapter | series masterlist | next chapter (coming soon!) →
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summary | loving husbands jake and ari had always believed they were all each other could ever want or need. but one unusual summer, when their world is turned upside-down by an uncanny girl from down the street, they find that having someone to love, nurture, and care for together is the missing piece that finally completes their perfect family and lives.
characters | caretaker!jake jensen, daddy!ari levinson, wrenley beauchamp (original character)
warnings | mentions/depictions of domestic and sexual violence, mental health themes: anxiety/panic disorders, trauma and post-traumatic-stress, eating disorders (restrictive subtype), therapeutic methods and tools: exposure, age regression.
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After such a difficult afternoon, Jake was a bit worried Wren might be scared away from visiting again. But luckily, their routine resumed uninterrupted; if anything, it almost seemed to the man as if the entire experience had actually brought him closer to the girl than he was before. It made sense, in a way, as she had shown more vulnerability than ever, and he had managed to maintain her trust through it all. He had done what he had hoped to do: gently encourage her to step outside her comfort zone while still respecting her emotional needs. In the days following, once he knew he and Wren were still on good terms, Jake found himself relieved that he had managed to take a few steps forward with his friend without completely pushing her too far.
For a while after that, the hardest part was simply the little one's apologies. They were plentiful and unyielding; it seemed she just couldn't adequately express her guilt and shame no matter how hard she tried. Jake was more than happy to listen to anything that might be on Wren's mind, and when the 'sorry's just seemed to keep coming and coming, he held no frustration or annoyance with her. He knew it was just her mind convincing her she had to make up for what she had "done." But it broke his heart to see her so anguished, especially when she often ended up in tears through her scrambled words. All he could do was accept her apologies and promise that she was forgiven, or even further, that there was nothing to forgive in the first place— of course no one was mad at her. Of course they understood. It just seemed as though it was going to take a good long while to convince Wren of that.
Weeks went by and Jake figured it would be best to just put off any further attempts at the meeting for the time being, even after the final apology had seemingly been given. He and Ari were in agreement that this would most likely be best, considering how upsetting the entire ordeal had been for the poor girl. But then, out of the blue, Wren surprised them both by asking for another go at it, herself.
It was early one morning as she and Jake tended the garden together, the courage to ask the question seeming to come from nowhere as her little voice piped up amidst the balmy heat of the summer air, "J-Jakey?"
Looking up from the blush-colored peonies before him, the man raised a gentle brow at her as he hummed, "Hmm? What's up, darlin'?"
Wren's hands paused over the greenery, her small fingers fiddling with her clump of weeds as she kept her gaze low. Bottom lip puffing out a bit, she couldn’t seem to make it past that point on her own. Sensing her hesitancy, Jake pulled back from his work, wanting to give her his full attention. "What's on your mind, sweet girl?" It was rare for her to ever speak first, even after all the time they'd spent together. She was just a quiet presence; she rarely initiated any conversation of her own.
"Just w-wanted to ask..." she mumbled, her voice barely loud enough for her friend to hear. Leaning in a bit to listen, Jake nodded encouragingly, though he knew it would probably take more coaxing than that to find out whatever was bothering the sheepish girl.
"Go ahead, sweetie. You know you can ask me anything," he murmured gently, giving her a small, sincere smile.
Managing a cautious gaze in his direction, Wren caught it, mustering up more courage through a few deep breaths. "Just wanted... I was wondering... I-I..." Eyes falling again, she finally let out the words that would come as such a pleasant surprise to Jake, "I-I was hoping maybe... maybe I could try again... m-meeting Mr. Ari, I mean."
The man’s eyes widened a bit at her words. Wren seemed a little unsure of how to handle his surprise, so he was fast to snap out of his shock. "Oh honey, I think he'd love if we could try again," he smiled, his excitement audible in his voice. "You really want to? We just haven't wanted to push, y'know... we know it was so difficult last time," he told her sympathetically. Wren nodded, her cheeks darkening a bit at the reminder. "And that's okay, bub-" he added quickly, "-we know this is all so hard; I'm so proud of you, chicky. C'mere," he breathed, abandoning his spot across the flower boxes to collect her into a warm embrace.
"I-I'd like to try again, please," she spoke softly into his shoulder. "I promise I'll do better, I-I... I won't back out this time." Pulling back slightly to look at her, Jake was a bit concerned by the sense of urgency in her voice; it was almost as if she were afraid she might be denied another chance, which certainly would never be the case.
"Hey cutie, hey..." the kind man cooed, brushing her hair back from her face, "of course you can try again, Wren. And even if you do have to stop, that's okay. You can have as much time as you need, as many tries as you need, okay? We're just so proud of you for trying, sweet thing. You're bein' so brave, so, so brave." Tucking her hair behind her ear, he cupped her cheek, gazing at her softly. "So, what were you thinkin'? We can do this all on your timing, at whatever pace feels best."
"Well..." blinking bashfully, Wren admitted, "I-I was thinkin' about how... you told me, Mr. Ari really loves lemon desserts, 'member?"
"That's right, he does," Jake confirmed with a grin. "Good memory, bubba."
Tapping the toes of her shoes together, the girl continued, "Was thinking... maybe I could make somethin' special for him. And then... y'know..."
"Sure," he nodded understandingly, filling in the rest of the timid thing's words. "Bring 'em on over and we can give this all another go? I think that's a wonderful idea, sweetheart. He's gonna be so excited; I can't wait to tell him." Thinking for a moment, he suggested, "Maybe you could bring them sometime later this week? I know he'll be finishing up a thesis today or tomorrow. That should leave him with plenty of free time to snack with us."
Wren nodded, and though her nervousness was plain as day on her delicate face, Jake was encouraged to see a teeny glimmer of hope shining in the sweet girl's eyes as she stood there before him, her little cheek cradled delicately into his tender hand. "I-I'll make something super yummy, I really hope he'll like it."
"I'm sure he will, chicky,” Jake was able to promise her without a doubt in his mind. “Ari's loved everything you've ever brought us."
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As he entered back into the house later that morning, he could hardly wait to tell Ari the news. Almost tripping over himself as he kicked off his work boots, he made his way swiftly to the pair of glass doors at the entrance to the couple's shared office, giving a light knock. His husband could be seen in his usual spot, amidst scattered paperwork and his computer which occupied most of his L-shaped desk. Looking up at the sound of a visitor, the older man gave Jake a smile, motioning for him to enter.
"Hey honey, you two all finished for the day?" Ari mused, hitting save on his document as he pushed back a bit in his chair. Jake found his way to his own seat at his smaller workspace, relaxing back into the faux-leather cushion as he nodded. "Hot out there today, huh?" the doctor noted, "I've been feeling the heat of the sun through the windows. Glad you two weren't at it for too long."
"You'll never guess what she said," Jake smiled, his excitement seeping through his attempts to mask it as his husband returned his grin, happy to see his partner so happy. "I was so surprised, Ari; I could've cried."
"What'd she say, babe?" Ari asked, now intrigued. It was normal for the blonde to report back on his time spent with his friend; many times he had the sweetest stories to tell of little moments they'd shared, but this sort of excitement was something new.
"She asked if she could try meeting you again," Jake beamed, "she brought it up, all on her own. I thought for sure after what happened last time, she'd never want to give it another go. But it seems like she does really want to meet you, even though it's so difficult for her," he told him proudly. "She was so sweet when she asked, Ari. I wish you could've seen her."
"Oh my," Ari's voice swelled, "I certainly wasn't expecting that."
"Tell me about it," Jake sighed, shaking his head. "I'm so proud'a her. She's really come so far, even in just the time I've known her. Hopefully we can keep working towards the two of you finally getting to meet, face to face. She's gonna bring some treats later this week, after you're done with your paper. She wants to make them special, just for you."
"What a sweet girl," Ari hummed fondly, the thought of little Wrenley making him something special, despite all of her fear towards him, just melting his heart. "Well, that'll be all the more reason to keep working at it," he chuckled as he motioned to his mountain of papers, "I wish we could have her sooner."
"I was thinkin' we should approach things a little differently this time," Jake mentioned, mindlessly picking at a few specks of dirt on his pants as he spoke, "everything seemed to fall apart when you came out for those few moments. Maybe it would be best to get her inside first, just let her look around and see that it's safe."
"That might help," Ari agreed, thinking for a moment before adding, "I guess since she's never been in the house, she might not know what to expect. You guys can come in at her pace, get your shoes off and get settled, that sort of thing. Good thinking."
"We'll just take it one step at a time," Jake nodded. "I told her it'll be okay if she has to stop again; I don't want her to feel too much pressure. I know she's so embarrassed about how things went last time."
"Poor girl," Ari frowned, hating the thought of her having to feel such a way about something she couldn't even control to begin with. "One step at a time," he repeated Jake's words, "sounds like a plan to me, bub."
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A few days later on Thursday afternoon, Jake finally got to send the anticipated text. 'Hey chicky, Ari finished up his thesis this morning. You free tomorrow?' Tagging the end of his text with a yellow heart, he hit send. A few minutes later, it was confirmed; Wren would bake that evening and make her way over in the morning. Ari and Jake were elated, spending most of the rest of the night trying to tidy up the house. While they certainly knew it might be another difficult day ahead, they couldn't wait to hopefully make more progress with the girl.
Around nine the next morning, Wren texted Jake to let him know she was heading over on her bike. He and Ari decided the older man would stay in the office while the pair of friends took their time in entering the home. "Good luck out there," Ari planted a kiss in Jake's hair before heading to the office to wait things out.
"Love you, big guy," Jake called after him as he took to pulling on his boots, standing in the entryway.
"Love you more, handsome!" Ari sang back before closing the office door behind him, leaving Jake alone for a few moments to collect his thoughts. He had a weird feeling about the day ahead, a good one. He tried to hold onto the fact that the whole thing had been the girl's own idea to begin with; that alone gave him hope that she might be able to make some big strides forward.
Taking his time, he headed out through the front door, deciding to leave it open while closing the glass storm door in its place. He thought maybe being able to see into the house would be comforting for Wren; he wanted to do everything he possibly could, down to the tiniest details, to help his friend feel safe. Walking down the gravel path away from the house, he was warmed gently by the morning sun as it stood beneath a thin veil of clouds in the sky. It wasn't too warm of a day, nice enough to open up the windows, the man thought to himself as he found his way to the front of the garden, stopping to wait as he gazed down the long road towards the hill. He could see a small figure traveling his way in the distance; as the minutes passed, it grew larger and larger, turning into a familiar body perched atop an ivory bike.
When Wren saw Jake waiting for her, she rang her bell in greeting like always, earning a smile from the blonde-haired man as he waved at the approaching girl. "Hi sweetheart," he greeted warmly as she made it to the edge of the drive, parking her bike in its place by the mailbox. "Nice out today, isn't it? Guess the sun's finally letting up a bit; this week sure's been brutal."
Gathering her basket, Wren nodded in agreement at Jake's observation as she made her way over to her friend, mumbling a meek hello. Her posture was already stiff; it wasn't hard for him to notice. When he pulled her in for a hug, he could feel her small frame trembling weakly against him. "Hey sweet girl," he softened his voice, holding her in his embrace for a few moments as he rubbed her back gently. "You're okay, there's no rush. I got you," he hummed, relieved to feel her relaxing a bit at his words.
When they pulled away from each other, Jake offered the girl a smile as he looked her over. "I like your dress, cutie. S'it new?" he tried to loosen her up with some small talk.
Looking down at her checkered beige apron gown, which she wore over a plain white shirt, Wren shook her head. "No, b-but I haven't worn it much this summer." Jake nodded, noticing it looked a bit heavier and warmer than most of her usual sundresses.
"Well it sure is adorable," he complimented. It was almost a bit of a routine they had. The man was always so impressed by her clothes; he commented regularly on whatever the girl happened to be wearing that day. Clearly she was quite the seamstress, certainly the most talented Jake had ever seen.
Wren gave a hum of bashful thanks as she crossed a foot nervously behind the other, prompting the boy beside her to take her hand carefully in hopes of comforting her. "How're you feeling, honey?" he asked, his voice low and sensitive as the little one's eyes fell to the gravel beneath her shoes.
Blinking her wide bambi eyes, Wren's voice struggled to come out steadily in her reply. "N-nervous," she admitted, carefully adding, "the cupcakes turned out nicely."
"Cupcakes, huh?" Jake smiled, taking the girl's basket from her to ease her load. He debated pulling her over to the bench, not sure if she wanted some time to get herself ready, or if she needed to just get things over with before her anxiety spiraled out of control.
"Mhm," Wren nodded, "lemon c-cake and... buttercream frosting."
"Those sound delicious, sweetheart," Jake reassured her, giving her hand that he still held a light squeeze. "What do you think, chicky? You ready to head in? Ari's gonna wait for us inside this time," he explained, not wanting anything to come as a surprise. "We can go in just the two of us, get our shoes off, that sort of thing. You can have a look around inside- we tried to tidy the place up as best we could," he chuckled lightly, hoping his carefree demeanor might help ease poor thing's relentless worries.
Wide-eyed gaze traveling up the now familiar path to the house, Wren forced down a swallow, nodding. "S-sure, that's alright," she hummed in feeble agreeance. Trying to take her response as a good sign, Jake smiled hopefully as he began to lead the girl in the right direction.
Their walk across the worn gravel footpath was slow, but at least it was something. Jake could sense the internal battle occurring in his friend's mind as she kept her gaze trapped warily on the front porch as they approached, barely willing to blink as if she expected something might jump out at any moment to ambush her. Holding steadily onto her hand, he murmured all the soft words of encouragement he could think of as they made their way, step by step. "Doin' just fine, honey. There's no rush; take your time..." "You're bein' so brave- I'm so proud of you, cutie..." "Look at that, we're almost to the porch! You're doin' so good, sweet thing. Just a little bit further..."
When the pair finally made it to the door, Jake was surprised a bit when Wrenley paused and looked up at him. Eyes wide with the most darling sense of disbelief, her voice swelled a bit as she cooed, "Look Jakey, m-made it!"
Raising his brow in helpless adoration, the blonde-haired man could feel his heart melting in his chest at the sweet girl's excited words. "That's right sweetie, look at how brave you were," he crooned softly, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "How're you feelin', buggy? Think you're okay to go inside?"
Appearing to muster up her courage with a deep breath in through her nose, Wren nodded. Raising up ever-so-slightly on the balls of her feet, she peered in through the storm door before her, her expression settling a bit as she took in what she could see of the home's interior. From that point, some of the living room was visible beyond the entryway; it all seemed ordinary-looking enough. "Think I-I can do it," she mumbled softly, her voice small yet laced with a bit of hopefulness.
At that point, it was going better than Jake could have hoped for. Grinning at his friend's response, he nodded, encouraging her, "Go ahead and open up the door then, honey." 
The girl’s hand shook as she raised it to take the door’s handle, twisting as gently as she could to release its latch. Her attentive eyes widened slightly as she breathed in the mild air of the home, seeming to find some small sense of comfort in its scent. Jake simply watched as she gazed forward; after a few moments, he realized she might need a bit more encouragement to keep moving. “C’mon sunshine, watch the step up,” he told her gently as he entered first, still guiding her by the hand. 
Wren seemed to be almost on her tiptoes as she followed her friend in, peering around curiously as he closed the door behind both of them. Jake’s heart broke a little in his chest as he watched her careful movements, recognizing her attempts to make as little noise and fuss as possible. She was the same way in the garden; it was particularly noticeable when the two were first getting to know each other. Over time she was able to loosen up somewhat, but that cautious, tentative nature never seemed to leave her entirely. It seemed like she was worried about taking up too much space, too much time, too much of anything. Seeing this pattern of behavior continue, Jake couldn't help but wonder what or who might have made her feel so guilty for simply existing.
Wren’s eyes scanned the home from left to right as they stood there in the entryway. From the hallway’s entrance, to the living room, over to the kitchen, past the office doors, and finally to Jake, she was able to at least conclude that the stranger she was so nervous to meet was nowhere in sight. Once she had had a chance to survey her surroundings, she seemed to relax ever so slightly. Jake smiled gently at her as her gaze came back over to meet his. “See? You’re safe. Nothing scary,” he hummed.
“Nothing scary,” she repeated. “Y-your house is so pretty, Jakey. So warm- and comfy.”
Jake’s face softened at her words. “Thank you, sweetheart. I’m so glad you think so. Oh- and look who decided to come say hi,” he cooed as a little black figure appeared in the entryway to the hall, letting out a faint meow at the sight of the new guest. 
Wren’s eyes lit up at the sight of the cat, letting out a small gasp as she greeted him politely, “Oh, h-hello Mr. Socks. It’s very nice to meet you.” 
To the pair’s surprise, at the shy girl’s words, the cat came right up to Wren without a second thought. Rubbing his face gently against her legs, he wove himself around her a few times, a warm pur sounding from his chest as he did so. Jake raised his brow at the cat’s unusual behavior. “Oh my, looks like he found his new best friend. He must really like you, honey. He usually won’t go anywhere near strangers.”
Leaning down a bit, Wren offered the creature her hand. He sniffed it for a few moments before giving a signal of approval by pressing his face right up against her fingertips, earning a soft giggle from the girl. As she gave him a few scratches behind his ears, which he leaned into with great pleasure, Jake only grew more amazed at her ability to win the little animal over with such ease. He wasn’t a very social cat, and never before had he been willing to even come close to an unknown visitor. It almost seemed like he felt just as Jake did about Wren; there was something that drew him to her. 
After familiarizing himself with the friendly girl for another few moments, Socks turned and padded off back into the house, disappearing over into the kitchen. Setting down the wicker basket, Jake finally felt safe to let go of Wren's hand, brushing his hair back from his face as he asked, “Well, what d’you say we get our shoes off and head into the kitchen?” Earning a nod to his suggestion, he bent down, taking to unlacing his boots. Wren followed suit, lowering herself to undo the buckles on her Mary Janes. Slipping them off each foot one by one, she carefully set them next to the small bench against the wall before standing back upright. 
In those few moments, a figure had appeared through the glass of one of the study doors. As it opened with a creak, Jake was caught off guard by a frightened yelp coming from his friend as she jumped back in surprise. “Oh, hey-” but his words came too late. As his husband watched from several feet away with a worried look, Wren stood frozen for only a moment before beginning to crumple down into herself, pressed up against the corner between the wall and the bench beside the door. Before either of the men could do anything to stop it, it seemed the situation was dissolving right before their eyes.
“Oh sweetie- okay,” Jake tried, “okay, it’s alright. Here, let’s-” Stepping towards the girl, his heart ached as she ducked behind him, attempting to hide away from the other man who stood over by the office. Wren reached out with shaking hands, which the blonde quickly took into his own. “Hey sweet girl, you’re okay- oh honey,” he frowned as he watched the poor thing collapsing into a state of pure panic. 
“Oh hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-” Ari attempted to apologize, only causing the little one to flinch back harder at the sound of his voice. Cheeks flooding with tears, Wren seemed entirely too terrified to form words. All she could do was cower behind Jake and cry. 
The two men were struggling to handle the situation; it seemed it was yet another instance of poor timing on Ari’s part. Smoothing his hair back in worry, Jake did his best to hold onto his friend, trying to think of a way to bring her back down to a manageable state. During his pause of thought, it didn’t take long for Wren to begin scrambling to find an exit. Eyes darting towards the door, she lunged before Jake could say anything, but he was able to catch her as he stood between her and the handle. She collapsed pathetically against him, the two of them sinking down to their knees as she sobbed into his white t-shirt.
“Wren, sweetheart- hey,” Jake hummed, bringing a hand up to smooth over her hair as his other arm held her up against him. “You gotta breathe for me, bubba. Just breathe, you’re okay,” he tried to best to convince her. As hard as it was to hold her there as she struggled against his embrace, he knew it wouldn’t help any to let her run. It broke his heart to see her so distraught, but he still hoped somehow that there might be some room for trust to be built amidst the profound fear. 
“P-please,” she sniffled, “please… n-n-no…” It was the weakest Jake had ever heard her, her broken words barely distinguishable through her sobs. Taking a brief look back over at Ari, Jake tried his best to not appear helpless as he held the poor girl upright. Sympathy and understanding shone across the doctor's face as he watched the pair, his eyes connecting with his husband’s as they shared a glance of mutual pity. As slowly as he could, Ari took a few steps towards the two, wanting to give Wren all the time she needed in the safety of her trusted friend’s arms before approaching and invading their space. 
“You’re okay, honey. I’m here, Jakey’s here with you,” the younger man crooned, rubbing tender circles across the girl’s back as she cried. “You’re safe, darlin’. I got you, just try and breathe for me, chicky. Big breaths, you’re alright.”
Inching up just a few more feet, Ari paused as he reached the step up from the sunken living room’s carpeted floor to the hardwood of the entryway. Glancing over with the gentlest of expressions, he lowered himself to the ground as well, hoping it might help him appear less intimidating. When she peeked around Jake’s larger form, Wren’s sobs only worsened at the sight of the older man now closer than he was before. As she met his gaze for the first time, Ari was somewhat startled to see how deep the fear ran through her darkened eyes. She wore a look of distrust he had never seen on anyone before, not even the most severely traumatized patients he had encountered back during his practicing years, and that set off loud alarms as to what kind of situation he and Jake could really have on their hands. Hoping to help his partner start easing the poor thing back down, the brunette began to murmur softly, “Hey, shhhh…” The girl’s head ducked at the sound of his voice, her little face tucking back into her friend’s shirt as he continued to rub her back soothingly.
“Wrenley… c’mon, sweet thing,” Jake tried gently, pulling back just far enough to search for her avoidant gaze.
Unwilling to look him in the eyes, Wren shrunk even further at the shoulders, appearing as though she was doing her best to simply melt into the floor and disappear completely. “P-please Jakey,” was all she could choke out once more. 
“‘Please’ what, honey? How can I help, sweetheart?” Jake crooned in response.
“P-please…” Her voice trailed off as she seemed to be searching for the right words, acceptable ones as she tugged on the blonde’s hands pleadingly. “S-so scary, please Jakey…”
“Why’s it scary, bubba? Can you help me understand?” he murmured as he brought a hand up to brush back the little one's hair from her face, earning a weak whimper and wince as she trembled beneath his touch. “Wanna help you, darlin’. Wanna make it feel not so scary, can you tell me more? Let me help you, sweet girl. Just wanna help."
Bottom lip wobbling as the man did his best to coax more information out of her, Wren snuck another glance over at Ari before finally bringing her teary gaze up to meet the blonde’s. Jake could hardly handle seeing the distress overflowing from the girl’s baby blues; it took everything in him not to wrap her up safe in his arms and give in to her every broken plea. “S-so scary,” she repeated, earning an understanding nod from Jake as he encouraged her with his eyes to say more, “s-scary… gonna… please, he’s… s’gonna hurt so b-bad, Jakey.”
Both of the men's hearts dropped to the pits of their stomachs at the poor thing's admission of her true fears. With the wind nearly knocked out of him, Jake found himself having to fight off his own tears as his friend's words processed in his mind. Furrowing his brow, he smoothed the girl's hair back once more as he dared to stare her straight in the face. His voice came out weakly, "Wrenley, honey..." It was almost unbearable to look at her, those big, scared eyes filled with such a haunting sense of desperation and need. In that moment, Jake could run from it no further; he had no choice but to accept that someone had hurt his sweet little bird enough to make her this way.
From his safe several feet back, Ari was just as devastated at the progression of Wren's episode as his husband. Though of course he had the instinctual urge to give the poor girl all the comfort he could fathom, he knew that he needed to wait and let her seek it from where she was already comfortable. It was more than difficult; he was a softhearted, nurturing man in nature. But he knew his premature intervention would likely only make things worse, and so as much as it pained him, he simply rested his weight back as he knelt there, sharing a sorrowful yet confirming glance with Jake when he looked over.
"Sweet girl..." the younger man cooed, his voice low as he tried to find somewhere to begin his reasoning. "What d'you mean, 'hurt?' No one's gonna hurt you, cutie. You're safe- I promise you're safe here, sweetie."
Eyes falling back to the floor, Wren withered as she searched for words to explain herself, seeming wary of both the men's expressions of shock and alarm. "Just..." Wearing a heartbreaking look of something close to shame, she continued, "b-big. Strong, if he... gonna... j-just..."
Feeling guilty as his friend struggled to communicate her worries, Jake nodded gently. He could somewhat understand what she meant; Ari was, after all, about as close to a real-life giant as a man could get. With whatever sort of fight-or-flight she was being thrown into at the mere presence of an unknown person, the same kind of trauma response she had collapsed into when first meeting Jake, it made sense that the older man was presenting a much greater challenge than he had, himself. "I know, honey. I know it's so hard," the blonde murmured, "but I promise you, Ari would never do anything to hurt you. If he tried, I wouldn't let him- but he just wouldn't, chicky. He really, really wouldn't. No one's gonna hurt you here, Wrenley. In this house, with me and Ari, you're safe. You're always gonna be safe, sweetheart." With one of his hands wrapped around her smaller one, he gently linked their pinkies, giving a light squeeze to seal his promise.
Thinking it might be an okay time to try and start providing some reassuring words of his own, Ari nodded sincerely at his husband's words. "Wrenley? Honey, can you listen to me?" he hummed softly, trying not to deflate as the girl's tears once again worsened at his interruption. She tucked herself away into Jake's arms at the stranger's words, prompting the younger man to begin rubbing her back once more as she shook and wept helplessly. "Jake's right, sweetheart. I'm not gonna hurt you; I would never. You're such a special girl- you're Jake's best friend. Did you know that?"
Remaining hidden in the safety of her friend's arms, Wren managed a sniffle, unable to give a response to the man's attempts. Hoping her maintained state might be a better sign than coming undone any further, Ari decided to continue. "You've been such a big help in the garden, and we're always so delighted by the treats you bring us. You're the best baker I've ever met; I'm sure Jake feels the same way."
"Sure do," the blonde added encouragingly as he rocked the small girl in his arms. "Maybe sometime we can have you over to bake; we've got a big kitchen with plenty of space, and Ari got me some new kitchenware for Christmas. You can show us whatever magic it is that makes your goodies so yummy."
"That would be so fun," Ari nodded in agreement, trying to smile through his sadness in hopes of lifting the poor thing's sunken spirits. "You know all those little cards you made? The ones you put on your baggies with the pretty ribbons- the ones that said 'Mr. Ari?'" That seemed to catch Wren's attention as she lifted her head up just the tiniest bit, though she still stayed wrapped up in the safety of Jake's embrace. It was a small, subtle movement, but it was enough; seeing her respond in even just the slightest way to his efforts filled Ari with hopefulness that he might finally be getting somewhere. "I keep them all in a little stack on my desk," the man revealed gently, adding, "Every time I see them, I think about you and how special you are to Jakey, and to me. I could never hurt you, angel. You're too important to us; we care so much about you."
"So much, buggy. Ari's right; you're our special girl," Jake cooed. Praying he wasn't just imagining it, he could almost feel the little one starting to relax the slightest bit in his arms. He hoped more than anything that their soothing words were getting through to her; both of them did.
Softening his expression as much as he could, Ari was similarly picking up on small signs of progress. With faint optimism present in his voice, he asked, "Sweetheart? Do you think you could try and look at me?" It broke his heart to receive a doubtful whimper from the small girl, though he just hummed mildly, "I know, honey. I know it's hard, but you're bein' so brave- you know that? Jakey and I are so proud of you," he commended. "You made it all the way in; I know that must've been so difficult, and now you're stayin' here with us; you're doin' so well, angel. So, so well."
As the doctor crooned his praises, it was visible to both him and his partner that his efforts were slowly but surely working. Now more than anything, Wren was simply slumped against Jake, no longer trying to run. Bringing his hand up to stroke softly over her light golden hair, Jake continued his rocking motions, the feeling of her small body wrapped in his filling his heart with such a sense of pride and love.
"There you go, sweet girl," Ari murmured, the sight before him now seeming a million times more manageable than it was even just a few minutes ago. "You're okay, Wrenley. You're safe, see?" Softening his voice even further, he dared to ask again, "Do you think you could looking over here, honey? You did it before, remember? Just wanna show you nothing bad will happen, darlin'. Wanna show you it's safe, d'you think we could just give it a try?"
Keeping his movements as subtle as he could, Jake shifted their positioning to make it easier for the girl to look over at the man if she chose. There was a period of silent pause, both of them eagerly holding their breath as they waited to see what the little one might do. And to both of their amazement, after gathering up all the courage she could into her tiny trembling frame, Wrenley finally lifted her head up ever so slightly to gaze bashfully over at Ari through a fresh veil of tears.
As her deep blue eyes met his own, the man thought he had never felt so touched by another human being in his life. It wasn't the kind of affection he had for Jake; it was something completely different and new. It was the way a person might look at a newborn fawn when seeing one for the first time. There was such a profound feeling of tenderness, along with a heaviness to the situation that couldn't be ignored. As he knelt there, face-to-face with the girl at last, there was an unmistakable sense that he was cradling her entire fragile world in his hands. Her vulnerability shone through her eyes; she had let him in the door. There was no turning back. And in that moment, all Ari wanted to do was prove to her that he would do just as Jake had done, that he would protect her heart and treat it with the care it deserved.
Relief and compassion washed over his face as he gave her his softest smile, humming, "Hi there, pretty girl. See? Completely safe." Resting his hands on his knees, his heart all but melted as she gave him the teeniest of nods as Jake rubbed her back again proudly, mumbling sweet words of praise in her ear.
Catching notice of the little yellow head poking out of the girl's dress pocket, Ari's smile widened as he asked, "Is that your ducky, sweetheart? Jakey's told me all about him- I've heard he's quite the little gardener, just like you. Does he help you bake, too?" He didn't mind in the slightest if to any outsider it might seem silly; he was more than happy to treat the stuffed animal like a living being if it might help his new friend feel more at ease.
Surprising the couple once more with her bravery, Wren offered a mild nod. "I didn't know he likes to bake," Jake played along, glancing lovingly down at the little figure. "You'll have to come to our baking day, Ducky! It'll be a party in the kitchen!"
"It's very nice to meet you, Ducky," Ari hummed adoringly, giving plushie a gentle wave. In a moment the men both found all too precious, Wren's little fingers came up to find one of the duck's wings, having him give a wave back to the doctor.
Jake finally felt safe enough to relax in his embrace of the girl, turning to shoot Ari a triumphant smile. The older man smiled back softly; there was an incredible sense of calm that washed over the three friends as they sat there in the entryway of the home, seemingly past the worst of the group effort. Resting the side of her little head against Jake's chest, Wren continued to look over at his husband, the storminess in her eyes receding at last.
"You wanna tell Ari what you brought?" the boy asked his friend gently, earning an intrigued look from the brown-haired man as he nodded encouragingly. "She made 'em special, just for you," the blonde gushed as he motioned towards the basket with his head. "She knows you love lemon."
"I do; that's my favorite," Ari murmured with a smile.
Blinking sheepishly, Wren's voice was as soft as ever as she told him, "M-made cupcakes, sir. Lemon cake a-and... and buttercream frosting; it's my Nana's special recipe." Ari hummed approvingly, finding her mildly old-fashioned manners to be rather endearing; she was just too sweet, exactly as Jake had described her.
"That sounds so special, darlin'. We've got plates and drinks in the kitchen- what d'you say we go give them a try? I can't wait to finally give my compliments directly to the baker." After pausing to look up at Jake, who gave her a reassuring nod, Wren nodded at the suggestion. "Perfect. Here, I'll show you the way."
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forkanna · 5 days
NOTE: Well, I can't even say what happened, other than that my mental state has been trash. Not that I'm unhappy; I just have little creative drive of late. Trying to get back to work, though, and hopefully someone will enjoy the update.
Around the time Veronica was exiting her luxury vehicle, Betty was climbing out of her clunky old Beetle. She loved that car - and it wasn't just because it was still her first car, or that it was sunshine yellow like her personality, or that she had forged so many good memories inside its cramped confines.
She was also proud of how she had managed to keep it running for the past year, almost entirely on her own. While Veronica and Reggie had the money to take their cars into the shop when any little thing went wrong, or just get a new one, Betty was distinctly under the cut-off line for Middle Class; her parents told her when they helped her get the car that she would have to be the one to find the money for any repairs, because they could barely maintain the upkeep on their own Studebaker. Therefore, she had no choice but to take her passing interest in how cars worked and make it a life skill. Riverdale High did offer an auto shop class, and that went a long way toward teaching her what she needed to know - and her dad had taught her enough of the rest that she could manage to figure out everything else. By now, she had done almost as much work on Archie's old Mustang as she had on her own mode of transport, and kept both of them purring like kittens.
Not that she wanted to make it into a profession. No, Betty's heart would always belong to the written word. Still, maybe when she finished college and started her life as an aspiring author, she could work as a mechanic on the side to help keep the lights on.
Betty was startled out of her thoughts by seeing Archie make a spectacular play, spiking the ball in the end zone and hooting and hollering with his teammates. It may have just been practice, but Betty smiled as she leaned her elbows against the railing on top of the chain link fence, watching him like a hawk as he celebrated. He was honestly her oldest and dearest friend, and when he was happy, she was happy. Part of her missed cheering him on in a more official capacity - but she was fine with the way things had turned out.
Then she heard some hooping and hollering from behind her, and I found herself completely distracted. It wasn't so much that someone else was cheering, but the loud, brash tone of the one doing the celebrating.
Looking between Archie out on the field and the stands, she could see both of the redheads had eyes for no one but each other. Archie looked like such an All-American Boy Scout in his football uniform, grass stains covering the front of the jersey and sweat running down his temples, beaming up at her as if she were the light of his life. And Cheryl's little green dress left nothing to the imagination, hugging her voluptuous curves as she whooped and bounced up and down - and Betty found she had to turn away for a second.
Which only frustrated her further. She knew her parents had raised her conservatively, and some of her friends had always teased her a little about that. But was she really such a shrinking violet that she couldn't even handle the sight of a pair of breasts jiggling without needing to blush?
"What's your problem, Townie?"
Betty was shocked to find Cheryl was standing right next to her. She yelped and tried to jump backward - except there was no backward to jump to. Instead, she just felt the back pockets of her jeans cutting into her behind due to pressing right up against the fence. She was trapped.
"You're acting like I'm Medusa," Cheryl shot at her with a confident grin. "Can't look at me without turning to stone, hmm? Not that I blame you; I am pretty stunning."
Betty's mouth flapped for a few seconds. It was Cheryl laughing at her that made her clear her throat and find her voice again. "I'm fine. I just had something in my eye."
"Like my gorgeous features?" When Betty started to shake her head, she rolled her eyes. "Give it up, Daisy Mae. I saw you checking me out before that, and you couldn't stop almost-glancing at me afterward."
"Wh- excuse me? Wait, what do you mean, 'checking you out'? In what way?"
Rolling her emerald eyes, Cheryl snapped, "What, is this a put on? What other way is there to check somebody out? You're playing for the softball team."
Betty wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but she definitely didn't like the way the rich girl said that. "I… well, yeah, I am. I'm their best pitcher."
"Oh my God." 
"Nevermind. Don't even worry about it; it's not like I care anyway." She reached out and patted Betty's cheek, and didn't even react when the blonde flinched. "You just keep being oblivious, sugar. It'll catch up to you someday. For now, why don't you try acting like less of a square around me? You'd be surprised what a difference it makes."
Betty scowled at the antiquated insult. "Square?!"
"And don't interfere with me watching Andy practice anymore," she commanded as she turned and walked back up the bleachers, hips swishing all the while. "That's our time, for just the two of us. Go play in a sandbox somewhere, Li'l Orphan Annie."
Every part of Betty's inner being seemed to shrink two sizes. What was she supposed to do? Cheryl had just cut her to ribbons and she hadn't been able to do anything about it; she couldn't even form one rebuttal. Every single one of her responses had been completely pathetic.
"Hey!" One of the cheerleaders called out to her as she stomped away. She actually had to run after her before she got too far away to catch. "Betty, wait!"
Betty swallowed hard and looked over the fence at her, then sighed, "Oh, hi, Midge. What's, uh, what's up?"
"I was watching that happen," the cheerleader continued a little breathlessly, running her fingers through her dark pixie cut. "What did you say to her?"
"Nothing! I just… um…" Betty hated that she was still blushing. She hated that even now that her reaction had been called out, there seemed to be nothing she could do to bring herself under control.
"Just what?" When she got no answer, Midge sighed and reached over the fence to rest her hand on Betty's shoulder. "Listen. I know we haven't talked much since you quit the squad, and I'm always going out with Moose. But you know I'm here for you, right?"
Betty felt helpless to do anything but glance back over at where Cheryl was still smirking at her, and where Nancy had broken off from the rest of the squad to start toward them. This whole thing was getting more and more conspicuous. So she finally just whispered, "Yeah, thanks," and ran off as quickly as she could.
  ~ o ~
  Problem was, Betty didn't know where else to turn. She would have considered speaking to either of her former Squad mates - except that Cheryl had been there. Once upon a time, she would have turned to Archie, but everything was so complicated with that now. Her parents were out - they would never understand this. And Veronica…
She didn't even want to think about Veronica. That pampered little princess never had a problem like this, she was reasonably certain.
"Uhhh… back so soon?"
Betty hurriedly wiped her eyes when she realized the journalism classroom wasn't empty. Tomoko had been hunched so low over her keyboard that she couldn't even see her over the back of her chair. "Oh, I… hey."
"Burning the midnight oil, as well? I can relate. This story about school lunches might seem like a puff piece, but I think I found an angle that can… can make it- Betty, are you all right?"
What else could she do but break down and tell her everything? She might not have been terribly close with Tomoko but she found that all of her defenses have been so depleted by now that she couldn't fight it anymore. All of the tears and all of the conflict within her heart just burst forth, and all she could do was try to control how fast and hard it erupted.
The thing that shocked her was when she heard herself say words she didn't even know had been inside her: "It's been this way for two years!"
"Two years?" Tomoko asked in mild surprise as she handed her another kleenex. By this point, they were seated on the little couch in the corner of the classroom, and Tomoko had been petting her back to help soothe her. "But I thought you didn't know Cheryl until she moved here."
"No, I… I just meant…" What did she mean? Betty blew her nose and wiped her eyes to give herself time to reflect. "I meant I've b-been noticing these feelings trying to show up that long. But it's never been, like… I don't know. Cheryl saying that made me think about it, and now I don't like what I'm thinking."
Her fellow reporter nodded a few times, rubbing her free hand up and down along her own thigh through her leggings. Just a nervous habit while considering her words. "Liz… do you feel up to a critical opinion? Or do you prefer support and for me to keep my opinions to myself?"
Still thrown off by being called "Liz", Betty blinked a few times before she said, "Um… I guess that depends. Opinions about me, or about Cheryl? Because I don't think I'm-"
"Message received," she cut her off immediately, closing her deep brown eyes for a moment as she took a breath, then opened them again as her hand came to a stop on Betty's shoulder. "Cheryl really messed with you. That much is clear, even without you telling me details. Why don't you tell me what really bothered you?"
"I… the whole thing, Tomoko. What do you mean? She was being so cruel!"
"Ehhh…" When Betty looked thunderstruck, she held up her other hand to forestall her. "Listen, she was clearly provoking you on purpose, but what did she really say that was so unkind? That you like women?"
"Well… yeah!"
"And that would be… bad?"
"Well, not… I didn't mean…" Betty frowned down at her lap. "I know it sounds bad, but I promise, I'm not like that. I just don't think I could be… like that . Y'know?"
"Actually, I do know. And I know that attitude is very common, and it can make admitting something like this to yourself very difficult."
"I don't have anything against people like that, I promise. But me? I like boys! I've never had any desire to… to try anything different, or be any different. I really haven't."
Tomoko was still watching her like a hawk, and Betty found herself wishing that she wouldn't. "Okay."
"Well, you told me you didn't want to hear my opinions about you, so I'll leave it at that."
"…You think I really could be like that. Don't you?" Tomoko shrugged, and Betty shivered all over. "Oh my God. Just because I looked at Cheryl's boobs for more than one second?"
"No, because you had to look away. And because you can't even say the word , Liz - you keep saying ‘like that’. There's a lot of fear lurking there. Why would you be afraid if there was nothing to be afraid of?" She shrugged and withdrew, folding her hands neatly in her lap. "Not that you really need to be scared of this, since it's not something negative… but I get it. It's scary to be different, to have to accept that you aren't just a blonde, blue-eyed girl next door. Which you might be. But if you weren't, you would have to challenge a lot of your perceptions. Anyone would be at least a little bit nervous."
This was overwhelming for poor Elizabeth Cooper. She could feel herself breathing faster, more shallow, panic trying to settle into the middle of her chest. Tomoko reached out as if she were about to comfort her - but she shot to her feet, out of her friend's reach.
"I, uh… I just remembered, I need to get home. It will be dinner soon." She swallowed to coat her dry throat before she said, "It's been… interesting, I guess? I don't know. See you."
"Liz…" But Tomoko seemed to rethink what she had been about to say and simply said, "Okay. Just try not to be too hard on yourself. See you later."
Only once she had achieved the safety of her little yellow Beetle did Betty break down again. She knew someone might see her crying but it was really the best she could do; she just kept it short before she started the engine and drove off, fighting to keep her brain from thinking too much. Right now, her thoughts were the enemy, and she didn't want to imagine what would happen if she lost this battle.
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Kamen Rider Thunderbirds Chapter 4: The Egoistic Genius - Part 4
(Prologue, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 …)
Its back! Its has been a long time, good lawd!
Thankfully, chapter 4 is almost done, so I’m happy that I can start chapter 5 XD
@uniwolfcorn​ @teapotteringabout​ @skymaiden32​ @knyee​ @janetm74​ @the-original-sineater​ @amistrio​ @thundergeek59​ @riallasheng​ @inertplanetary​ @mariashades​ @katblu42​ @dreamycloud​ @godsliltippy​ @commandermac​ @kamenriderserotonin​
“Thunderbird One to Thunderbird Five! I have arrived at the Danger Zone. What’s the status?” Scott reported to his middle brother, maneuvering his ‘Bird towards the mine.
 “The heat’s rising up, Scott! And I’m not talking about the sun,” John said seriously.
 “Any injured or fatalities caused by the monsters?” the IR field commander frowned. He dreaded of those foul things taking lives. And for what? Who sent them? Why are they after International Rescue in the first place?
 “Some injured, yes. Thankfully everyone evacuated before the monsters could take any lives,” his middle brother smiled shortly before going back to serious, “Also Scott… please be careful down there…”
 “FAB…” Scott gave him a reassuring nod before signing out.
 From his window, he saw people running away for their dear lives, some of them stayed to watch from a very far distance. Medical Emergencies and Firefighters stood on standby, far enough to avoid the wrath of those creatures inside. Meanwhile, smoke rose from inside the mine. And Scott could see the ongoing rampage of those monsters. This made his rage almost getting into his iron nerves.
 “Hope the Riders arrive soon…” he murmured to himself as he began lowering Thunderbird One for a better look.
 He had contacted the Central Control of the Northern Australian Iron Mine, in which they told him about the unexpected attack and some of the workers trapped in one of their mining machines. Specifically, the BSE60, or ‘Bessie’ as most workers fondly called her.
 As he was keeping contact with the controller, he watched as the humanoid, gladiator-like monsters of fire wreaking havoc. They were six of them, he counted. A pair staff-wielding snakes, a pair of sword-wielding big cats, one archer dragon and a shield-wielding goat.
 He then saw them approaching ‘Bessie’.
 “Oh no you don’t!” growled Scott as he pushed the accelerator.
 Thunderbird One swooped in, letting a powerful roar of her engine as she flew into the mine, passing the hoard below her and up. That stunned the monsters for a little bit, and they had been pushed them away a little by the sound barrier.
 “Virgil, would you hurry up?!” gritted the IR commander through the comms.
 “I’m approaching the Danger Zone in five minutes!” called his next younger brother. Despite his brother’s calm demeanor, Scott could notice the worry in his voice. “How’s it going down there?”
 “Those monsters are attacking one of the mine’s main drilling machines. She might get blown up at any minute and I can’t distract them for too long!
 “M-Maybe, try to, eh, t-trap them somewhere to buy u-us some t-time?” came Brains’ voice.
 For a moment, the field commander noticed a giant pit not too far away from the attack site, “Wait… I got an idea!”
 Hitting the accelerator, he maneuvered his ‘Bird towards monsters again, using her ‘skirt’ of the breaking sound barrier to push the monsters into the deep pit.
 Thank God, the fellas inside of ‘Bessie’ are safe in there. Her walls are soundproof. Scott mused.
 It took a few rounds till Thunderbird One did one more charge and the monsters fell into the deep hole below.
 “That’ll keep them out for a bit…” Scott muttered to himself.
 Right after, the scout ship had just been joined by her big green sister.
 “Thunderbird One to Thunderbird Two. Just arrived at the Danger Zone. What happened to the monsters?” called his next brother.
 “They are out for the count, for now,” replied Scott with a reassuring smile. “While they’re getting their barings, we need to get ‘Bessie’ out of the mine. And away from those foul beasts.”
 Thunderbird Two then hovered over the crippled drilling machine. The underside of her Pod opened; a large grappling claw lowered from the opening.
 The green ‘Bird of mercy slowly lowered; her VTOLs fired as soon as she was close to the hot ground to keep her steady, disturbing the dust around as her giant form carefully positioned herself above ‘Bessie’.
 The claw clamped together, gripping the mine drill’s main frame perfectly. In an incredible show of her might, Thunderbird Two slowly lifted Bessie off the ground. Her VTOLs roared, rising her into the sky like a mother bird.
 Two flew over the mine with the mine drill under her, her silver sister following close behind.
 It was a small stroll to land Bessie back on the safety of the ground, where the medics and other rescue operations were waiting.
 After the whole ordeal was over, the two Thunderbirds landed nearby. Scott, Virgil and Brains were with the other operatives, figuring out together on how to get the trapped personnel out of the crippled machine.
 “So, what do you think we should get them out, mate?” was a question asked by one of the Australian firefighters.
 Brains gently pushed his glasses to his nose with a smile and began to explain his plan, “W-We should use, eh, o-one of my inventions, wh-which is an improvised slim-jim device that could o-open any door. Y-You’ll see!”
 But as everyone gathered to watch the rescue, a powerful fire surrounded ‘Bessie’! Taking the service operatives aback while trapping the trio International Rescue members inside!
 Six familiar monsters jumped across the border of fire ring and landed in front of their prey.
 “Darn it! They got out already!?” Scott gritted his teeth as the fire beasts approached with terrible joy to roast him, his brother, and his friend alive!
 Suddenly, an explosion went off in front of the crew, taking the monsters by surprise. They stumbled and fell into the ground, some of them dropped their weapons.
 Before Scott, Virgil, and Brains could process what just happened, a voice yelled from above.
 “OI! Up here!”
 Immediately, they looked up to where the voice originated from. And quickly found their new ally standing on top of ‘Bessie’: a Kamen Rider!
 To say it was a strange looking Rider was an understatement. His armour seemed to split into two colors, red and blue, in one diagonal direction. His faceted eyes where in two different shapes, the blue resembling that of a tank and the red one that of a rabbit.
In his hand was a sword resembling a drill, which he casually placed it on his shoulder.
 “Sup’, International Rescue! It is I, the greatest Egoistic Genius of all time- Kamen Rider Build!” One could sense a terrifying stare of death and a grin of a madman behind the cross-sectioned mask.
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With an excited battle cry, the red and blue Rider leaped high into sky, using his momentum of his fall to deliver his first blow. Jabbing his drill-sword into the ground, creating a shockwave that blew the monsters a few feet back.
 With a confident laugh, he ran towards the stunned enemies and began swinging his weapon. Calculated, merciless slaying.
 “O-Oh dear…” winced Brains with shock horror.
 “Holy Mother of-” before Scott could finish his swear, one of the monsters got flown out into a pile of barrels, nearly right next to them!
 The crew managed to dodge the sudden monster projectile. And Virgil muttered word that oddly sounded like a rude curse.
 Noticing International Rescue’s uncertain struggles, Build called them out, as he casually slashed a cat warrior without looking, “Oi! Shouldn’t you supposed to save somebody?”
 Snapped out of their state of confusion, the crew immediately went to ‘Bessie’ without question, with Scott staying close behind Virgil and Brains as guard in case one of the foul beasts managed to get pass the newcomer.
 “Myō (Odd), you Kaijins are pretty new… May I study you for a bit?” mumbled the Rider as he scratched his chin, before having to dodge one of the fire arrows shot by the archer dragon.
 While the monsters were distracted and getting a beating, Brains slid a slim-jim-like device into the rim of the door, while Virgil was in readying posing of forcefully pulling it out.
 With a few flicks of the device, a loud click could be heard as the heavy metal door hissed with steam spewing out of the edges.
 “Right! At three!” Scott commanded as he joined his brother and genius friend. “One. Two. Three!”
 And with one big pull, the door opened!
 After a moment of the steam blocking the view of the rescuers, out came the operator and his two mechanics. Red-faced and soaked with sweat and dirt.
 “Phew, its as hot as a barbeque on the sun in there, mate!” cried the operator, wiping his forehead and laughing with relief afterwards.
 “Glad you guys are doing okay, bud,” smiled Virgil as he and Scott pulled the poor guy and his colleagues out.
 Meanwhile, the red and blue Rider had been having some complications in battle; he got nearly being overwhelmed by the barrage of fire balls and arrows, and almost got sliced in half by a smoldering blade.
 He managed to roll backwards to a safe distance away from the monsters.
 “Guess its time to switch up gear!” Build muttered to himself as he quickly got up.
 He took out the small red and blue bottles out of his strange belt and replaced them with the light brown and blue ones. As he inserted them one by one, the belt suddenly announced:
 “Are you ready~?!”
 A musical rock chime started to play loudly, taking the attention of International Rescue towards him. When Build began turning the handle, the music played faster and exciting. Tubes materialized from thin air, appearing from the front and behind the Rider, forming two parts of the armour that matched the colors of the said bottles! The light brown armour had a gorilla arm, and the light blue had a big impression of a diamond on the shoulder.
 “Build up!” Cried the Rider before getting into a position.
 The two sections of armour were pulled towards him, clashing together into his new form, the tubes disappeared just as they had appeared. His belt then announced loudly:
 “Kagayaki no destroyer! GorillaMond! Yeah~!”
 “Gee! Talk about flashy!” Virgil squinted at the transformation and the annoying jingle.
 Overhearing this, Build turned around and yelled with spread arms, “Oi! Not my fault that I look like a walking toy commercial!”
 That distracted him enough that he was almost served a punch by a fire goat.
 Quickly re-composing himself, the Rider used his light blue arm to form a shield of solid diamond in midair in front of him, blocking any flaming projectile from the archer dragon and the staff-wielding snakes. Then, Build punched the shield with his gorilla arm, sending thousands of sharp shards directly at his opponents, dealing them some serious damage. To the point that the two humanoid snakes and one of the big cats exploded into oblivion.
 Enraged, the three remaining fire monsters charged at Build!
 The Rider caught an incoming swing of the fire cat’s sword, grabbing by the blade using his gorilla arm. He struggled to keep the said monster in place, as he had to dodge the sudden charges of the fire goat and block the flame arrows with his diamond shield.
 Noticing the dire situation, Scott ran towards a cover spot, behind one of ‘Bessie’s giant wheels.
 I gotta help that, Rider! Thought the IR field commander as he aimed, trying to decide which monster to shoot.
 He saw the fire goat with the shield that has a terrifying face on it. Then he remembered that Fateful Rescue…
 Scott pulled the trigger, and sparks flew off the fire goat’s face! The said monster yelped in pain and confusion, holding his face where the bullets blinded it with a hand.
 Seizing the opportunity, Build forcefully pulled the sword towards the shield’s eye, jabbing it! The fire cat struggled to get it out while the disoriented fire goat reacted in panic.
 Then, the shield exploded, taking the two monsters with it!
 “Looks like it’s you and me now, nē?” the Rider grinned behind his mask, watching the lone archer dragon roared in fury upon realization.
 Build quickly switched back to his base red and blue form; RabbitTank. Using his flashy transformation to distract the foul beast, he ran towards it to deliver a kick from his now red left foot, causing it to fly off a few feet.
 “Now, the law of victory is set!” announced the Rider with determination.
 He turned the handle of his belt again and it announced once more:
 “Ready, go! Vortex Finish! Yeah~!”
 Kamen Rider Build jumped into the air, as a holographic graph made of energy appeared before him.
 A white holographic line materialized, catching the monster at the end of it, trapping it in its net of energy.
 With that, Kamen Rider Build jumped into the air, performing a flying side kick with his blue right foot.
 He let his body follow the line of the graph towards the archer dragon with incredible speed, his power rose as he went until his foot connected to the chest of the monster.
 The last of the fire monsters was flown into the air, sparks flying from the point where the powerful energy of the Rider’s kick had transferred to. The dragon let out a roar of agony before finally exploding into nothing.
 Then, a ringing silence followed.
 International Rescue, along with the rescuees, slowly came out of hiding. Staring at Kamen Rider Build with awe.
 “Woah…” Virgil uttered.
 “Sugoi desu yo! Saikou desu yo! TENSAI DESU YOOOOOO!” Build cried happily as he struck a pose of excitement in front of the group.
 After a moment of silence, the drill operator deadpanned, “This bloke’s a madlad.”
 It prompted the Rider to cross his arms and pout with his head turned away.
 His reaction reminded Scott of his youngest brother, in which he had to withhold a chuckle at the memory in case he would upset their new bug-eyed ally.
 The once disturbed cloud of dust settled as the scorching sun lowered almost to the horizon. And the ring of fire that burned extinguished upon the deaths of the foul beasts.
 The rescuees were transported in the ambulances, the firefighters and the mine’s workers made sure the drill vehicle was secured and ready for repairs, and International Rescue were packing in to go home.
 Scott kept an attentive eye on the strange Kamen Rider, who haven’t left the scene yet. Simply standing guard.
 Unlike the mysterious Agito, the fierce Kuuga, the calculated G3-X and the violent Gills, this Build guy seemed to be the eccentric one. And have a clear ‘system’ when it comes to his powers.
 It made the field commander wonder what other kind of Kamen Riders there may be walking on Earth, fighting those otherworldly beasts with their otherworldly powers.
 He was quickly pulled out of his revery when he heard Brains making a cry of dismay. He looked up at the hatch of Thunderbird One, where the legs of the young genius were standing on the ladder.
 “Hey Brains! What’s up?” Scott called.
 He could barely see the dim twinkle of Brains’ glasses from the hatch as the latter called back, “I-I think with your, eh, e-excessive use of the sound barrier, the na-navigation console broke!”
 “Nice one, bro…” Virgil deadpanned beside him.
 Scott modestly scratched the back of his head.
 Now how am I going to get home?
 Then, in the corner of his eyes, the field commander caught the red and blue Kamen Rider carefully walking up to the scout ‘Bird, with his hands tucked close to his chest- like an actual rabbit.
 “Oi, Meganē (Glasses)! May I help you?” the Rider called up at their young genius. One could imagine the puppy eyes behind the rabbit/tank shaped bug visors.
 Brains looked down at Build, pushing his glasses up his nose with an astonished look.
 “Uh… S-Sure. Just p-please, don’t, eh, blow her up, okay?” the young genius smiled, albeit with a little uncertainty.
 The Rider let out an excited sound as he rubbed his hands with excitement, then proceeded to climb the Thunderbird’s ladder up to the hatch. Standing with one leg next to the IR engineer.
 The two Tracy brothers watched with wary and curiosity as the two geniuses worked the repairs, wondering how this bug-eyed newcomer will fix.
 Then suddenly, Thunderbird One woke back to life!
 Scott and Virgil looked at each other. Then smiled, excitement sparkled in their sky and earth-colored eyes.
 Perhaps, some Riders were something else than they claimed to be.
 “DAMN IT ALL!” cried the Hood, slamming his fist on the table.
 He immediately grabbed the edge of it when he noticed the top nearly moved at his banging.
 “Persistent pests, those Kamen Riders…” Pyrohimera who was standing at the table huffed with annoyance.
 “And quite determined too…” The Master of Air, rubbing his chin with intrigue. He was already out of the shadows, leaning casually next to his summoner.
 “Like cockroaches…” hissed the madman as he turned his heal towards the exit, “I need to get things out of my chest…” he murmured before leaving the main throne room.
 “He’s going to yell at his slaves again…” the cloaked humanoid of air pointed out in a neutral tone.
 “Oh, Master of Air~. We’ve just known our summoner for only a week, yet you already know so much about the ins and outs of his bald head?” asked Aquarien with a little mocking smug, as she walked out of the darkness with uncaring grace.
 Terratroll leaped out of the shadows, landing next to the tattered-hooded monster, “Yeah! How did you do it!?”
 “Have you two fools forgotten? There is a reason he is known as the Master of Air-” Pyrohimera rolled his eyes.
 “Now relax, all of you,” calmly said the cloaked master as he raised his hand. A gust of wind blew across the room, making the fires in the torches flicker and the rest of the Elemental Masters shiver, “Once the Hood eventually calms down, he will scheme another plan to destroy International Rescue, again. And perhaps, the Kamen Riders as well. You will see…”
 And so, the terrible monsters of disasters stood at the center of throne room in semi-darkness, waiting for the next move…
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ghostly-hitch-hiker · 2 years
Speedrunning Puberty and All Its Cons. Chapter 2: Exit, Pursued by a Bear
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Surprise! Update time! The chapter title doesn’t make much sense with the content because I got attached to the title and then wrote something different than I’d intended originally. Enjoy if you can! Warning for mention of intercostal muscles because I think about them too much apparently. Oh, and blood. There is also blood.
He didn’t notice the city at first so much as the ocean it coasted. He’d seen the Great Lakes before. Hell, he’d even flown over Duluth during a family trip to star gaze, but he’d ended up spending half of his time staring at Lake Superior from the air. He’d never seen so much water stretch so far before, and even floating high above the water of Lake Superior, the far shore and Canada still looked so small and far away.
Danny had never been to the east coast before, and he found himself staring out across the Atlantic Ocean and wondering how it could possibly ever end. It was almost the same exact feeling he got when staring up into the sky at night. The universe was so impossibly big, and somehow the ocean made him feel so much smaller. It was too much water. Too much mass with which to drown. 
Something dripped down his arm, bringing him back to his body—his too big and old and awkward body. Danny was used to the absence of substance that came with being a ghost, but he was heavier than he should have been then. He couldn’t tell if it was him sinking towards the city or if the rooftops of Gotham were rising to meet him. Eat him. He wasn’t sure when his eyes closed.
“When I heard your oaf of a father boast about a ‘last minute exchange program,’ I knew you’d done something, Daniel,” Vlad drawled. “I will admit, this is not what I expected.”
“Vlad, I’m really not in the mood.”
“Did your parents really not recognize their darling Dannyboy?”
“Does Voltasia actually exist?”
“Hmmm. What did they say when they saw you? No ‘blasted ghost’ talk? I was quite surprised by the lack of blast marks around the living room when I popped by earlier.”
“They’ve had an unusually good week. We got to flip the ‘Days since accident’ sign in the lab to five for the first time in eight months.”
“I take it Madeleine finally toddler proof the lab for Jack then?”
“If anyone did that, it would be Jazz.” A pause. “Dad thought I was some long lost Fenton cousin. When I tried to tell him and Mom that it was me, they just laughed. ‘Great name, Danny!” Danny grunted in a bad approximation of his father’s voice. “‘That’s my son’s name!’”
“And Madeleine?”
“Always good to meet another Fenton! Especially a Danny! Did you go to the University of Minnesota as well?” he pitched his voice higher, leaning into the midwestern accent.
“I see.”
Next thing Danny knew was the gravel under his back. He opened his eyes to a smoggy sky with the faintest glimmer of starlight through wispy gaps in the cloud layer. Maybe he could catch Orion if the wind shifted. He grunted and sat up slowly, aware of the blood dripping from his arm before the wound on his shoulder. Right. That. 
The water tower to his left was dented, and he saw a blood spatter in the dent and another one in the gravel six feet away. He’s bounced. It didn’t take a detective to put together that something heavy and bloody had hit the water tower, and Danny was unfortunately in a city full of detectives. He groaned when he tried to stand. The blood on the water tower wasn’t green, so he had transformed somewhere in the air then. No wonder everything hurt. Just the water tower. No other reason whatsoever. 
Danny prodded his right shoulder to check whether any of the rooftop gravel had made its way into the flayed layers of skin, and picked out the biggest pieces he could find. There were cons to growing up too fast, he had been discovering. The shoulder wound was the result of a ghost related one. Turns out that since Danny’s ghost form had ‘physically’ aged as well as his human, he could be engaged as an actual adult in the Ghost Zone. Apparently his status as a teen protector meant that some of his rogues had actually been taking it relatively easy on him. When Danny had run into Skulker on his way out of Amity Park, Skulker had gone all out. Exhibit A was a particularly pulpy shoulder laceration from a weapon Danny didn’t recognize. Exhibit B was a much neater slice between the ribs that had definitely severed some intercostal muscle. Sure, Exhibit B was probably the more serious wound, but he’d already had one foot in the grave before the fight. What was one more?
Wiping his bloody fingers on his sweats, Danny took stock of his surroundings. The roof he’d landed on was home to a now structurally unsound water tower, some bloody gravel, and a graffitied old door that clearly led into the building below. Beyond the lip of the building, the rest of the city stretched out before him in scummy grays and gargoyle gutters. Gotham looked positively dystopian, and Danny found himself reeling at the prospect of navigating a city so much larger than Amity Park by himself. A silhouette of a person flipped from a gargoyle to a fire escape, and Danny’s body moved almost before his mind had processed the implications.  
He was on a rooftop in Gotham, and he’d be damned if was found by one of the Bats on his first night there. A click and a sharp zing of cable unreeling. Metal bit into the brick at the edge of the roof. A Bat. He didn’t stick around to find out which one.
@mayoota-blog (I think) and @jotaroslooseeyebrowhair , y’all asked to be tagged in the next part, so here it is! The next next part is coming tomorrow!
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TAoT: Chapter 23: Ultimate Enemy: Part 3
Dan POV:
As the portal closed, Dan took in his appearance. Black hair, pale skin, baggy clothes, scuffed sneakers. Everything was exactly as he remembered.
But not how his younger self appeared now.
Dan glared down at his bare right arm. He knew that apprentice marks could not be mimicked, having learned so back when he tried to impersonate Artemis’ apprentice. Still, Dan had hoped that since he and his younger self were the same person, he would be able to mimic his apprentice mark.
But that was not the case.
He bit back a growl as he changed his appearance yet again, adding an elastic bandage wrapped tightly around his forearm. It would have to do for now. He would figure something out later.
“What do you plan to do now?” Gaea asked from behind him, her voice soft like moss on a stone.
Dan scowled. “What I plan on doing is none of your business.”
Gaea tutted disapprovingly. “Now, now. There is no need to get cross with me, :little death:.”
Dan whirled on the protogenos, his lip curling with rage as he hissed at her. “Do not call me—”
He froze.
Gaea stood before him. Really, it was only a projection of her. She wasn’t fully awake—not yet. But… she hadn’t taken on her usual glamour. Instead of dark soil churning and shifting to form her robes, little shards of shattered glass from the broken windows rippled over her, crystallizing into a long, pale blue chiton and shawl. Coal black hair tumbled over her shoulders, and silvery-white leaves sprouted in a semicircle around the back of her head. Her gaze was half-lidded as she watched him, and Dan was grateful that her eyes were still inhumanly green, rather than icy blue.
The impersonation wasn’t perfect, but it still looked achingly similar to…
“I told you to never take that form again,” Dan growled as he turned away.
“Oh, am I bringing up old memories?” Gaea’s tone indicated that she was teasing him, but Dan was not in the mood. “Perhaps you would be more comfortable with a more recent one?”
Dan heard the sound of shifting dirt, but he didn’t turn around. He didn’t need to turn around to know what she looked like now. White hair, white dress, a flower crown adorning her head…
Dan shook his head, clearing his thoughts. He couldn’t afford to think about the past right now. Not after…
“What are you going to do?” Gaea asked again.
Dan’s eyes flared red. “I’m going to ensure my future.”
He held up one of the medallions that had been left behind by his old friends, and a blue energy surrounded Dan as he was pulled from his present and transported back to his past.
Dan appeared in the alleyway next to the Nasty Burger, ten years in his past. He carelessly tossed the medallion to the side as he inspected the building. The roof had been partially blown off and the wall facing Dan was almost completely destroyed. He was surprised to see the restaurant in such a state. It… hadn’t been like this back when…
The news had called it a freak accident. There had been a malfunction in the heating element of the sauce vats, which had caused the containers to heat far past the safe temperature zone and essentially become ticking time bombs. That anyone had been around when the restaurant had exploded had merely been an unfortunate turn of events. A tragedy.
His friends, Sam and Tucker, had been there to support him. To defend him and his actions—his absences, his poor grades, etc.—from the judgment of his parents and teacher. Jazz, the nosy, meddling sibling that she was, had surprisingly been on Dan’s side. She had protested as well, claiming that Dan was “stressed” and didn’t “know the consequences” of what he was doing.
Dan had rolled his eyes at that. How bad could the consequences be? More detention? He never went anyway. More homework? He never did it anyway.
If he had known that the consequences would be the deaths of his loved ones… Well, he might’ve done something different then.
There had been no time for Dan to react. There had been no warning. The second the building had exploded, Dan had instinctively gone intangible, and before he could even fully react—could even think—they were gone.
He hadn’t even gotten a chance to say goodbye.
Had that explosion already occurred?
No, that couldn’t be the case. Samantha and Tucker had been with his past self just a few hours earlier. They weren’t dead. Yet. Dan’s plan would soon change that.
But then… what had caused this destruction?
Dan peeked through the gaping hole in the brick wall of the building. The dining area looked to be beyond repair, and what he could see of the back of the restaurant indicated that the kitchen was also in shambles.
The sauce vats stood untouched against the back wall. Dan noticed that the red-hot heating element from an overturned grill was leaning dangerously close to one of the said vats, and he could see from where he stood that the sauce temperature gauge was slowly but surely creeping upwards.
So… that meant this would play out more or less the same, right? Sure, the building was a bit more banged up than before, but the explosion of the two containers had been the catalyst that shaped Dan into who he was now.
He remembered the accident as clear as day. The following days, weeks, where he had wandered alone… and when his human half had finally rejected him as well, something inside of Dan had snapped. He had felt… numb, at first. But other emotions had quickly taken its place. He had felt sad. He had felt angry.
He had felt betrayed.
And he had been quick to take his revenge. And then…
Dan remembered when he had first met the earth goddess. After the betrayal of his human half… he had felt lost. He hadn’t really had a plan after getting his revenge on his human half—former human half, now. And as soon as his mortal side had died, memories had flooded his mind. Memories of long, long ago—a different time. A different life.
Dan hadn’t known what to do with the newfound information—with his restored memories, he had just felt more lost than ever. Honestly, his best idea had been to go back to the Ghost Zone. Go far, far away, where no one would bother him. Where he could think and mope and sulk in peace.
But then…
She had appeared.
Gaea didn’t say anything—she only held her arms out to him, a pitying smile on her restful face. That had been the first time she had mimicked his mother’s form (he wouldn’t see her usual, black-robed form until later.)
An intense feeling of sorrow—of regret—flooded Dan’s core. Before he realized what he was doing, Dan wrapped his arms around Gaea and began to cry. He cried, and cried, and cried. He wept tears of fear and sorrow; of anger and betrayal. The goddess wrapped her arms around him in return, quietly humming a soft tune as she held him.
Logically, Dan knew that this woman was not his mother, but… he was so desperate for something familiar—something comforting—that he did not care.
When Dan’s tears finally came to an end, the goddess spoke softly to him.
“You have lost much, little one.” Her voice was like leaves rustling in the breeze. “You have faced far too much sorrow in your lives.”
Dan stilled as a few straggling tears dripped down his cheeks. How… how did she know about that? How did she know about—
“I can help you,” Gaea promised. “All the pain you’ve felt… I can help it all go away.” She pulled away from the hug then, using her hand to guide Dan’s gaze up to her face. Her eyes were closed, but he could see the faintest bit of green light shining from under her eyelids as she smiled almost sweetly. “I just need you to do a few things for me in return…”
Dan dazedly turned towards the mouth of the alley. He barely had time to register Samantha and Tucker calling out to him before Samantha enveloped him in her arms.
“You made it back!” Samantha gushed as she squeezed him tightly.
“Geez, Sam, let the guy breathe,” Tucker teased. Dan could practically hear the teen’s eye roll, even if he couldn’t see it.
Samantha quickly pulled away, a faint blush dusting her cheeks, and cleared her throat. Tucker laughed and muttered something under his breath that earned him a punch in the arm from Samantha. Dan watched their interaction with mild amusement; he… sometimes missed these moments.
Only when he was at his weakest, of course.
“So, did you beat that evil, jerky, pus-pack alternative version of yourself?” Tucker punched the air enthusiastically.
Pus-pack? Why you… Dan barely held back a growl. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he smirked at the two humans. He had a part to play, after all.
“Oh, I defeated my other self quite easily,” Dan declared smugly. “And that was quick thinking on your parts, removing those medallions when you did.”
“That was all Sam, dude,” Tucker announced, looping an arm around the goth’s shoulders. “She’s a quick thinker.”
“I already told you, Tuck.” Samantha shrugged off Tucker’s arm. “Steampunk’s not really my thing.”
“Well, anyways,” Tucker jerked a thumb over his shoulder, pointing back at the wrecked restaurant. “We should try and do what we can to stop the Nasty Burger from blowing up.”
“I’ve already taken care of it,” Dan replied smoothly, the lie rolling easily off of his tongue.
Tucker raised an eyebrow, as if he didn’t quite believe Dan, but before the teen could say anything Samantha cut him off with an impressed whistle.
“Way to go, Danny. Look at you, actually thinking ahead for once!” She gave him a playful shove. “I guess Tha… I mean, your mentor is actually teaching you some useful stuff, huh?”
Dan’s eyes flashed red with rage at the mention of… Thanatos. His father.
His “friends” were really trying his patience, weren’t they? But he couldn’t afford to lose his patience with them just yet; he needed them later on.
“Why don’t we go back to my place and hang out?” Samantha suggested with a gesture towards the front of the alleyway.
Before Dan could say anything—could even make an forced attempt at appearing eager—Tucker whooped.
“Heck yeah!” He slung his arm around Dan’s shoulder and practically dragged him out of the alleyway. “I’m always down to play video games! How ‘bout you, Danny?”
“Uhh… yes,” Dan agreed as enthusiastically as he could (which wasn’t very much at all. He had other things to be doing than wasting his time with these two.) “I’m down to… ‘hang out’.”
Samantha scoffed. “Geez, you sound like Mr. Lancer. But enough chit-chat.” Her attitude became serious as she glanced over at him. “What was that… weird transformation you did back there? In the future?”
Dan faltered. He had almost forgotten about that; he had pushed it to the back of his mind as he focused on not appearing suspicious. Samantha and Tucker hadn’t seen that transformation before? Why hadn’t his younger self shown it to them? Where had it even come from? Dan didn’t have that form—not anymore, and he hadn’t seen those laurels since…
Well, Dan would just have to ask his past self about that later, after his work here was done. It wasn’t like he was going anywhere anytime soon.
“Oh, that? That was just… something new I’ve been practicing in my… free time.” That lie didn’t come out quite as smoothly as the last.
“You mean, like… your training sessions?” Tucker questioned. “You don’t really have free time nowadays, especially since Than—”
Samantha elbowed Tucker hard in the side, eliciting a cry of pain from the bespectacled teenager. Dan bit back a groan as he rolled his eyes. This version of his past was growing more insufferable with every passing moment. Thanatos this and Thanatos that…
He couldn’t wait to raze it all to the ground.
“Let’s not talk about that right now, Tuck, okay?” Samantha gave Tucker an almost threatening smile, before glancing back at Dan. “Let’s just focus on having a good time.”
“Yeah, totally.” Dan stretched out his arms and laced his fingers behind his head, giving a lazy shrug as he sauntered down the sidewalk alongside Samantha and Tucker. “This is our chance to hang out before the test tomorrow. Let’s not worry about school or training or anything else right now. Besides, who’s gonna win at, uhh… Doomed?” That was a game they used to play together, right?
Satisfaction filled Dan’s core as his old friends cheered in agreement. They didn’t suspect anything. As long as he played along until everything was in place, it would all go according to plan.
And he would have his way soon enough.
Clockwork POV:
Clockwork didn’t bother to look up as the Observants returned once more. He twisted the crown of his staff, hoping in vain that the Observants would see that he was busy and let him work in peace.
Of course, he already knew that wasn’t going to be the case.
“Have you completed the task?” The first Observant’s voice was crass and demanding.
“Everything’s fine,” Clockwork replied crossly, careful to not answer their question. He pressed a button on the console in front of him, revealing a time point in Amity Park—specifically, this Daniel’s timeline (it got a bit confusing trying to distinguish one Daniel from another, at least when trying to explain it to another person. Clockwork certainly wasn’t confused.)
The small group of ghosts watched the large monitor as Daniel—a Daniel, anyway—was joined by two of his human friends.
“See? Here’s your king, back in his own time.” Clockwork didn’t bother hiding his smirk as the two Observants bristled at the reminder that Daniel was technically the ruler of the Ghost Zone, despite not having been officially crowned yet. “Safe, sound, and clearly not evil. Now,” Clockwork turned towards the Observants, the annoyance on his face clear as day. “Care to observe the door?”
The Observants glared at the time ghost, anger and frustration practically radiating off of them in palpable waves. Clockwork just glared coolly right back at them; they got the message and left without another word.
Once they were gone, Clockwork pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. Those bullheaded Observants really tested his patience. And that was quite the accomplishment, considering who Clockwork was.
Or rather, who Clockwork was a part of.
He sighed as he shed his spirit form for his true one; he really had been busy before the Observants appeared. He knew that Daniel’s current timeline was already different from his old future. It was highly unlikely that he would join Gaea’s forces, especially once he learned about her role in his family’s death in the old timeline. However, Clockwork also knew that highly unlikely did not mean impossible, and a certain protogenos was going to try and make sure that old future still happened.
And that was something that Clockwork could not allow. After all, much greater things were in store for Daniel within his future.
Clockwork sighed yet again. As much as he didn’t want to go, there was only one place he could possibly hope to find the one he was looking for.
With a blink of his eyes, Clockwork was back within the mists of Chaos. He hadn’t been here in quite a long time. How many millennia, now? It didn’t matter. He didn’t plan to stay for very long.
Hints of his elder form found him in the infinite darkness, and welcomed him home. He could feel himself growing stronger as he delved deeper into the mists, searching for…
She was more awake in this place. Not fully, but enough that Clockwork would be able to speak with her.
An earthly aura—one of must and petrichor—surrounded Clockwork as he neared its center. He could practically smell verdant forests and fertile soil all around him, although he knew that was not the case. Nothing could exist within Chaos.
Nothing except for those that had first sprouted from Its mists, and those that had already been around when It first came into existence.
“Chronos?” A tired voice rose from the depths. “What brings you here?”
“I am here to speak with you, Gaea,” Clockwork answered. “And to warn you against the current path that you are taking.”
The aura around him grew stronger, and Clockwork could tell that the earth goddess was offended. “What I do is none of your business.”
“When others plan on messing with the flow of time, it is most certainly my business,” Clockwork countered. “And that is exactly what you are trying to do.”
Gaea scoffed. “And how would you know if I was trying anything? You have been divided for so long that I am surprised you are even aware of anything around you.”
“I am aware of more than you realize, Gaea,” Clockwork responded coolly. “Otherwise, I would not be here, now would I?”
Gaea’s aura shifted like the rolling tides but otherwise she did nothing.
Clockwork rolled his eyes at the much younger—in comparison to him, at least—protogenos’ antics. “Remember that I am much older than you, Gaea. There is little that other beings can hide from me.”
“Say your piece, and be done with it,” Gaea ground out. “Unlike you, I have plans I wish to accomplish within this century.”
“You cannot persuade him to join your side,” Clockwork said—he knew that Gaea already knew who he was referring to. “He will not believe any lie you may tell him.”
“And why is that?” Gaea asked tiredly; she was growing tired of his persistence.
“Because he will learn,” Clockwork answered simply. “Before you set your plans in action, he will learn what you plan to do. He has already seen what you have done to him in ten years’ time. He will soon know the truth of what happened to his loved ones. Of what you did to them.”
“And how would he know such a thing? I have yet to do anything to him or his loved ones. Unless,” Gaea’s tone turned accusatory. “You have said something to him, Chronos.”
“I have said nothing to him about the matter,” Clockwork assured her. “And I will not unless he asks me. However, as of now he is in an alternate future where he has met a version of himself that formed under your influence.”
Gaea’s aura stilled like the surface of a pond—she was taken aback. “He’s where?”
“Exactly where I said,” Clockwork answered as more parts of his elder form swirled around him, clinging to him like a second skin. “He is currently in a timeline where you successfully turned him to your side after killing his mortal family and friends.”
The darkness around Clockwork suddenly seemed to burst with life. He could hear plants rustling with glee, and he could envisions mountains in all their majesty, standing tall and prideful amongst their surroundings.
“So I will succeed, then.” Gaea preened, sounding rather pleased with herself. “I will soon return to my rightful home.”
“Not quite,” Clockwork interjected.
Gaea’s presence immediately grew still, like a forest with a dangerous predator on the prowl. “What do you mean?” She asked carefully, her tone and aura warning Clockwork to choose his next words wisely.
“You know that this is not the way you will be awoken,” Clockwork reminded her. “The Prophecy of Seven already tells of—”
“And what does it matter if I arise a little sooner than planned?” Gaea countered, exasperation radiating from her like ocean waves in a storm. “Have I not waited long enough? If Death’s child is able to give me the freedom that I seek now, then why shouldn’t I seize that opportunity? You told me it has already worked—”
“In a timeline that will soon no longer exist.” Clockwork cut her off. “I should know, as I will make sure of it. And I will continue to frustrate your efforts for as long as you persist down a path that is not meant to be yours.”
He could feel Gaea’s anger bristling like thorns. She was clearly irritated by his interference in her plans. But Clockwork didn’t care. He didn’t need Gaea to understand the repercussions her plan would have on time itself, but he did need for her to leave it alone. Time wasn’t hers to mess with.
Clockwork shifted as yet more of his elder form merged with him. Visions of what has been, what was happening, and what could be appeared more easily before him, almost dizzying in their multitude. He blinked them away as Gaea spoke.
“Why do you insist upon trying to dissuade me from my plan?” Gaea growled. “Nothing you say or do will change my mind.”
“You know who Death’s child will become,” Clockwork continued, unfazed. “If you were to interfere with that, you would doom everyone, including yourself, to destruction. And I swear on Chaos Itself that I will not allow you to do that.”
Gaea remained quiet, but Clockwork could tell that her resolve was wavering as she took his words into consideration. After all, a threat made by Chronos himself was not one to be taken lightly.
“Besides, what difference is a few more years in the span of eternity?” Clockwork reasoned. “Why, I dare say that’s not long at all.”
Danny POV:
Danny’s head pounded as he struggled against the ropes. He grit his teeth as the ectoplasmic cords cut through his sleeves and dug into his skin, ignoring the wet feeling of blood spreading down his arms. Thoughts buzzed around his head like a hive of angry hornets.
Alone again. Must protect. Demigod? Mom! Dad! Must help! Jazz! Can’t be alone. Can’t be a demigod. Sam! Tucker! Only mortal parents… Legacy? Must stop him! Must… stop me—
Danny gasped for air as hot tears rolled down his cheeks and unbidden images filled his mind, overpowering his rampant thoughts. Visions of what Dan would do to everyone Danny cared about if Danny wasn’t able to stop him…
Nothing recognizable was left. Nothing even remotely human—only charred bits of singed flesh and blackened bone, falling to the earth like pieces of hail. His family and friends were gone, as if they’d never even existed—no, no, that wasn’t right.
He could see his parents. His father, bare-chested and chained. Lash marks covered his entire upper body. There was so much blood, and from how the light reflected off of it he couldn’t tell whether it was red or gold. His mother’s charred remains lay on the earth before him, and he couldn’t remember if her hair had been red or black—
Danny cried out in pain. It felt like his head was going to split open. What was happening to him? What—
“Well, well, well.” A gravelly voice growled, sending a chill down Danny’s spine. “After all you’ve done, you decided to show your face here again?”
Danny whipped his head around searching for the source of the voice, and froze when he saw who was surrounding him.
He recognized Skulktech almost immediately, along with the Box Ghost, Ember, Johnny, and Kitty. But they all looked quite a bit different from how Danny remembered them. They looked haggard, run down… angry.
At him.
Danny stared at them in shock. “What happened to you guys?” He could guess the answer—knew the answer, deep in his core—but… he didn’t want to say it out loud.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Ember rasped, affirming exactly what he had feared. “You did.”
“You and the Earth Mother, Gaea,” Skulktech sneered.
Danny didn’t even have time to wonder what Skulktech was referring to as the others voiced their agreement. As they closed in on him, Danny quickly realized that they most definitely did not have good intentions.
“Guys, wait!” Danny squirmed as he tried to free himself from his bonds. “That wasn’t me! I-I don’t know what all happened to you, but I promise that it wasn’t—”
“Oh, puh-lease.” Johnny rolled his eyes. “Spare us the excuses. We’ve been waiting a long time for a chance to pay you back for all you’ve done to us.”
As his enemies’ powers flared, Danny wondered how he was going to make it out of this in one piece. He twisted and turned, trying to free his arms in an attempt to at least defend himself as his enemies prepared to attack. But the ropes held fast, holding him captive and defenseless as the ghosts’ combined fury began to rain down upon him.
Box Ghost threw little pink cubes of ectoplasm that exploded on impact, burning Danny’s skin like acid. Danny hardly had time to react before Skulktech struck next, firing an ecto-blast that hit Danny square in the chest and sent him reeling backwards into Ember.
Ember sneered as she strummed her beaten up guitar, unleashing a wave of purple ecto-energy that whammed into Danny and sent him flying backwards once again. Kitty simply flew forward as Danny floundered and struck him across the face with her purse, sending him sprawling.
Danny was struck by blow after blow of burning, blistering ecto-energy, completely unable to fight back or block any of it. “Stop!” He begged, pained tears rolling down his cheeks. “Th-that wasn’t—”
Johnny didn’t even give Danny a chance to speak, a vengeful smirk on his lips as he snapped his fingers. His Shadow leapt forward and swung at Danny, its clawed fist connecting with Danny’s cheek and sending the halfa flying backwards.
A throbbing pain rang through Danny’s head, which spun wildly as he struggled to focus on the unforgiving spirits in front of him. His core pounded frantically in his chest as they closed in on him once again, eager to continue their onslaught.
“Stop!” Danny shouted desperately. The thrum of his core grew so loud that he could barely hear his own voice as cold energy welled up deep within him. “Leave me alone!”
The ghosts ignored his pleas, and the energy in Danny’s core grew so cold that it burned as it built within his chest. It pushed uncomfortably against his lungs, as if trying to force its way out of him.
Box Ghost raised his hand, a dangerous pink ectoplasmic energy flaring to life in his palm as he prepared to strike Danny once again.
“I said leave… me… ALONE!!!” The cold suddenly burst from Danny’s chest, tearing itself out of his throat in an ungodly scream.
The sound coming from him was deafening, growing louder and louder as waves of green ecto-energy burst from Danny’s mouth. The force threw Danny’s enemies back, tearing at their forms like ocean waves crashing against a sand castle. Danny’s scream was unrelenting as it forced its way out of his lungs and past his lips, intent on destroying everything in its path. The cords that bound him were shredded by the sheer ecto-energy radiating from his core.
But then the energy in Danny’s chest fizzled out just as quickly as it had formed, leaving Danny’s throat raw and burning as he clamped his hands over his mouth and looked on in horror. What had he done?
His enemies were scattered about, unconscious and floating listlessly in the green void, their forms flickering like TV static and almost completely destabilizing around the edges.
“No…” Danny whispered, his voice scratchy and hoarse. H-he hadn’t meant to hurt them. He hadn’t meant to… do that. That power… the same force that Dan had used t-to kill so many people—
I-I didn’t mean to…
:I’m sorry,: Danny whispered again before he flew away, leaving his gravely injured enemies to drift through the endlessly shifting Ghost Zone.
As Danny was trying to find his way through the Ghost Zone (he wasn’t really sure where he was trying to go, he was just trying to find a way out of there), a faint sobbing caught his attention. The sound was so mournful that Danny wondered if it was just another ghost, but as he flew a little farther he noticed a few leaves floating through the green void of the Ghost Zone.
Leaves and flower petals drifted lazily in a nonexistent breeze, and Danny was immediately on edge. Was… Dan’s ‘benefactor’ here? That Mother Earth person that Dan had been talking to earlier? The same one Skulktech had mentioned? Danny wasn’t sure, but… he didn’t think the plants were coming from her. After all, why would she be in the Ghost Zone?
And if it wasn’t her…
Then who was it?
Against his better judgment, Danny followed the trail of plant life. Scattered petals became whole blooms, floating as if they were underwater. They led Danny to a lone floating outcrop of stone. It was covered in thick plant life, and a woman knelt on a small patch of grass in the midst of it all. She was dressed in shimmering green robes and a thick black cloak. Her dark hair was braided with dried grass and red poppies, and she was facing away from Danny as she wept.
“Uhh, hello?” Danny called out, hesitantly drifting closer. “Are… you okay?”
He stopped a few feet from the floating island. Thick and thorny dark purple vines circled the perimeter of the island, and vibrant red roses sprouted from their midsts. A faint red smoke wafted from the flowers, and the scent of it instantly burned Danny’s nose and brought tears to his eyes.
“Leave me, oh mindless spirit,” the woman moaned mournfully. “Leave me to my sorrows…”
“Hey!” Danny shouted defensively. “I’m not mindless, I was just wondering if you needed help. Though, with all those scary-looking plants you’ve got there, I’m… guessing you don’t want any.”
“Help?” The woman scoffed, before standing and turning to face him. “How could a ghost help me? And who—”
Whatever she was about to say died on her lips as soon as she saw Danny. Her face—which looked strikingly familiar to Danny, though he didn’t know why—changed between several emotions within mere seconds. From sadness, to shock, to hatred.
“YOU!” The woman screamed. “You killed my daughter, and now you’ve come for me!”
Danny quickly backed away, raising his hands in surrender. “W-wait, you’ve got the wrong guy!” He protested. “I haven’t killed anybody—”
“Lies!” The woman wailed. “I know you! I know what you’ve done! I would know your presence anywhere after what you did!”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about!” Danny insisted. What did she mean, “what you’ve done?” He hadn’t done anything, so why did she believe that he had?
Well… Danny hadn’t done anything. But Dan definitely had.
“Oh, quit playing innocent!” The woman snapped, her eyes seeming to glow with rage. The plants around her began to writhe like angry snakes. “All the pantheons know you, and the devastation you’ve caused! You killed Heracles, Ares, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Zagreus, Makaria, and my daughter!”
“I didn’t!” Danny shouted, growing frustrated with all the accusations. “That wasn’t me, I swear—”
“I WATCHED YOU KILL HER!!!” She screamed, harshly cutting Danny off. Her voice echoed through the void around them, cutting through the eerie silence. Danny’s ears were ringing as the woman continued to shout at him. “She told me to run, but I faltered! I looked back and w-watched as you…” Overcome with emotion, the woman fell to her knees with a heartbroken wail. “My dear Persephone…”
Persephone? Danny thought, recognition bringing the goddess’ face to his mind. That was why this woman looked so familiar, she was… “Demeter?”
“What?” She ground out. “Are you here to kill me, too?”
“No!” Danny snapped. “Stop it! I’m not—”
“Do it.”
Danny froze, his ectoplasm feeling like it had suddenly turned to ice in his veins. “… what?” He breathed in disbelief, his voice just above a whisper.
Demeter looked up at him, and Danny was taken aback by the anguish in her eyes. “Do it!” She begged. “Just kill me already!”
“I-I…” Danny backed away from the goddess. “I won’t—”
Demeter let out a loud, guttural shriek as the plant life around her erupted into a jungle of wriggling vines and flowers. The blood red roses tripled in size almost instantly, their stems turning into thick, thorned trunks that twisted and slithered towards Danny like octopus tentacles. Danny darted backwards, narrowly avoiding being snagged by the deadly-looking vines.
“KILL ME!” Demeter cried. “PLEASE! I can’t live without her…”
Danny couldn’t handle anymore of this. He turned tail and fled as fast as he could—faster than he had ever flown before—but it wasn’t quick enough to escape Demeter’s cries as she called after him, begging him to end her suffering.
First: Prologue
Previous: Chapter 22
Next: Chapter 24
12 notes · View notes
gingersnappish · 3 years
KYLUX RECS 2020-2021
My Kylux Recs in the last year (Aug, 20 2020 - Aug 20 2021)
SO. MUCH. GOOD. FIC!!! We are really lucky in this fandom to have so much good stuff to read!
Fic is part of the lifeblood of fandom, in my opinion-it shares new ideas and AUs and fleshes out the characters and most of all it inspires and entertains us all and engenders all sorts of feels for the characters-it’s part of what keeps us shipping! So a big ‘thank you’ to all the fic authors out there who work so hard at their craft and are generous enough to share it with all of us!
The following list is by no means comprehensive-there are LOTS and lots more very good fics that have been published in the last year that I haven’t read. I just wanted to offer up a few recs from what I know I enjoyed so far! (I also have more than fits on one list to rec-I’ll try and do another list soon!) As always, I rec based on personal taste, and I highly encourage reading all the tags/warnings on any given work to make sure it’ll be to your taste! -
The Flirtation Of Flowers 
Words: 5,917
Rating: Teen
Summary:Kylo runs his farm's stall at the Farmer's Market every weekend. He has a new customer, a gorgeous redhead that is curious about the meanings of his bouquets. Kylo doesn't know anything about that, so he makes stuff up to keep the man coming back every week.
My thoughts on the rec: This is the cutest slice of a modern AU kylux-it really nails Kylo’s personality as a (slightly awkward) flirt who is trying his best and just really likes the redhead who keeps coming to buy flowers. Just a sweet little fic all ‘round!
all i have to do is dream
Words: 11,456
Rating: Teen
Summary:Armitage Hux has been going to the same bar every Thursday for the last year, nursing a crush on the gorgeous, unobtainable bartender, Kylo Ren. He finally gets up the courage to ask him out, only to find out he has some unusual competition: the memory of a red-haired boy from Kylo's past, who Kylo swears is the soulmate that got away from him.A fill for this SoftKyluxKinks prompt:Anonymous asked: Benarmie with young Ben (around 11 years old) having a huge crush on Armitage (16). Hux finds it adorable but mostly ignores him because he's a kid. Flash forward a few years when Ben is all grown up and Hux is the one with a huge crush.
My thoughts on the rec: This is another really cute young modern AU! I like the idea that Ren has liked Hux forever, but this deals nicely with the age gap and that Hux really wouldn’t notice Ren back until they are both appropriately older. And they make such a cute couple-it’s a great progression from just ‘he’s hot’-like, there is a lot more to them than that in the end!
(really, read anything by sigo, it’s all my favorite)
Words: 13,450
Rating: Explicit
Summary:“We’re off the next two weeks, you know.”“Yes, I know.” There was emergency construction scheduled to fix cracking asphalt too near a pipe in the center of campus. The buses couldn’t run, and that phenomenon was the only thing that ever cancelled classes. Halloween was dead center in the unplanned time off school, and every bar within a fifteen mile radius would be untenable as the students celebrated. Hux was planning on staying home, catching up on grading. He was rather looking forward to an opportunity to reread his favorite novels. They were already stacked by the couch in preparation.“My family always throws a Halloween party and they got word that I could come this year,” Kylo said, shuffling his feet. He looked almost bashful.“Ren, it’s midnight,” Hux sighed at his infuriating coworker. “Get to it.”“I may have informed my entire family previously that we were dating.”
My thoughts on the rec: One of my all-around fav fics from the last year’s worth of my reading material! It’s got the modern AU vibes down pat without losing their personalities or making them too OOC, it’s got the fake-dating trope done REALLY well, it’s got a wonderful creepy vibe strung delicately throughout for the Halloween haunted setting, it’s got plot and make-outs (and more). Can’t recommend highly enough!
Words: 14,316
Rating: Explicit
Summary:They have managed cooperation - efficient cooperation, even - in these past months, which is more than enough. And already nothing short of a miracle for both of them.Still. Ren was a fool to think he could simply run off and keep Hux in the dark.-----When Ren goes missing on a mysterious planet, Hux sets out to find him. He doesn't yet know that he just might find himself.
My thoughts on the rec: This, like all of violet’s fic, is HOT! Like, scorching vibes between them! It’ll draw you in and not let you go ‘til after the boys are ‘done’! And, like all of violet’s fics, the character voices and personalities are also impeccable!
Rocks Break Gifts
Words: 16,706
Rating: Mature
Summary:The Rebellion has been crushed, a coup affected, and Supreme Leader Ren and his Grand Marshall Hux have settled into a domestic routine as the joint rulers of the Galaxy. Kylo wants nothing more, now, than to make his relationship with Hux official, but he can't seem to rise to Hux's challenge of a satisfactory proposal.Or, the five times Kylo proposes, and the one time Hux says yes.
My thoughts on the rec: Ahhhhh, the premise in this one is great! Like, I don’t wanna spoil the plot reveal at the end, so I can’t say too much, but there is a really good reason throughout the thing that this is a Five Times type fic and it works! It works so well and while we spend the fic ‘with’ Kylo, when we find out what Hux’s deal is, it is so satisfying! I Paint My Dreams
Words: 26,122
Rating: General Audiences
Summary:Kylo Ren is struggling to make a name for himself in the art world but as the grandson of the great Anakin Skywalker, a legendary pop artist of the 1950s and 60s, the weight of his famous family and his own expectations is a lot to bear.After he’s rejected from a prestigious exhibition because his installations “don’t fit the theme”, Kylo heads to the pub to drink away his disappointment. Later that night as he stumbles home, he’s set upon by some would-be thieves but before they can take what’s left of his money, he’s saved by a strange man with unbelievable Medusa-like powers. The ethereally beautiful man, Armitage Hux, is a visitor from Oweynagat and he has a simple proposition for Kylo - room and board in exchange for making all Kylo’s artistic dreams come true.Sounds easy - what could possibly go wrong?
My thoughts on the rec: Oh goodness, where to start? The Irish Mythology and Fae aspect of this fic is superbly woven throughout the whole thing and the author makes it work really well! Like, this is such a unique and original take on the kylux pair, I love them, especially Fae!Hux in this! And the plot is solid and you get invested really heavily in how they are gonna wind up-at least I did! There’s some beautiful language in this-descriptions and dialogue! And I have a soft spot for Artist!Kylo!
Dating a Monster
Words: 30,401
Rating: Explicit
Summary:Ben Solo was raised to be a demon hunter, as everyone in his family has been before him. He wanted nothing more than to prove that he was worthy to his family. He lied to them and went on an unauthorized mission to catch and kill an elusive incubus. His search led him to Arkanis University, one of the most prestigious schools in the country.He was sure the mission was going to be easy, before he met the cute freshman Armitage Hux. This meeting would change the fate of both of them.
My thoughts on the rec: Add another really good one to the slightly-creepy-kylux subgenre filled with demons and dark powers! This is a great depiction of Kylo as a very determined demon hunter and Hux as a very unique quarry! I love the tension in parts of this too-well crafted! The Green Ribbon
xzombiexkittenx, Lilander (art)
Words: 39,679
Rating: Explicit
Summary:When Ben was fifteen he left the Jedi temple and took extreme measures to prevent the shadowy creature that infiltrated his thoughts from dragging him to the dark side. What he did left him with a great deal of chronic pain and removed his most valuable weapon, but Ben got his stubbornness from every side of the family, even the adopted ones, and he was determined to find and kill the creature.Now Senator Amidala of Naboo, Ben uses his position to make the galaxy a less awful place when he can, but being senator also gave him very useful contacts in his search for the creature. When he met Major Hux of the First Order, Ben thought he could get game-changing information out of him, one way or another, but things rarely go Ben's way and it got complicated much faster than Ben had prepared for. It's never a good idea to mix sex and politics, but Ben takes his fun where he can get it.
My thoughts on the rec: I feel like this is a very original take on ‘Senator Amidala’ Ben, at least from the stuff I’ve read-many props to the author for such a fleshed out universe, filled with likeable, believable OCs, a wonderful plot, great character motivations and voices, and a take on our main man Ben that pulled me in from the get-go! He’s sorta magnetic (in universe and to the reader)! And the sexual tension and sexy bits are very well done! I’m rooting for Ben and Hux in this, on opposites sides though they may be! Comfort Zone
Words: 66,766
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Hux is running away. He meets a tall, dark, and somewhat annoying stranger at the airport.
My thoughts on the rec: Travel writing at its best; also kylux fic at it’s best! Young, modern them trying to find their places in the world and finding each other in the process is so cute and almost tenderly done in this! This is a gentle, friendly version of modern Kylo that I fell in love with, right along with Hux! And by the way, I’m not kidding when I say travel writing-the southeast asian setting is vivid and enchanting in it’s rich detail! Outnumbered, Outgunned, Outmanuevered, and Winning
Coriesocks, Ellalba (art)
Words: 80,372
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Hux’s plans for ridding the First Order of Kylo Ren are ruined when Ren discovers his deception. With no choice but to flee, Hux ends up in the hands of the Resistance. It’s not ideal, but at least he gets a break from Ren. Until he doesn’t.When Ren starts appearing in Hux’s dreams, Hux wonders if the stress of being a spy has taken more of a toll on his sanity than he’d previously thought. And if that wasn’t bad enough, he has to deal with constant pestering from Poe and a mildly inconvenient kidnapping. Of course, it’s Ren who saves him in the end. There’s clearly no getting away from him.
My thoughts on the rec: A really interesting take on something that is both a alternate rewrite of what could have happened instead of TROS and a TROS-fix-it of sorts! Hux is stellar in this, we really get a good look in his head and Coriesocks handles it masterfully! I really liked how their relationship develops gradually in this, it’s Enemies To Lovers at its best! Bloodlines and Brandy
Words: 130,785
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Sebastian Hux is a native of the Deep South who loathes his origins, and seeks to pull himself from the stifling quagmire, but his bloodlines call him back to the property that has blessed- and plagued- his family for centuries.Unspoken secrets fill his inheritance, skeletons fill every closet, and a monster lurks in the shadows, tied to two bloodlines joined by fate, greed and hatred that has spanned across generations.As Hux learns about his family’s tainted legacy that has now become his burden, he discovers there is more involved than just having to be the curator of property that the locals shun with hushed whispers, that he has inherited more than an estate- he also has a terrible and loathsome horror tied to his very blood.When curious young locals come calling, and Hux’s past tormentors come out of the woodwork to simper and scrabble for a piece of the newly rich, the body count begins to rise, the smell of blood in the old slaughterhouse is getting harder to hide, and Hux realises that he will need to find a better way to pacify the hulking shadow that perches on his roof every night before his hometown’s tiny population is completely decimated.
My thoughts on the rec: This one is EPIC! Like, in length (which it needs every word of for the story that is going on here) and in the great portrayal of Kylo and Hux and their relationship! It’s super original too-not just the plot but the depiction of Kylo as something ‘other’ and the Southern Gothic vibes, and Hux-this is a wonderful take on Hux! He loses none of his edge, in my opinion and yet the reader is ‘with’ him all the way through, rooting for him! The descriptions are killer too-EmperorsVornskr has a felicity of expression that kept me reading (albeit in more than one sitting). Also worth noting that this is a wonderful and carefully handled depiction of trans!Hux, in my admittedly cis opinion. The theme of finding your tribe/your people/and your special someone in this, albeit in sometimes unexpected places is warming! I enjoyed every moment of this fic! Gravity Well
Words: 176,421
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Snoke is gone, but his death has solved nothing between Hux and Kylo Ren. The First Order's trust in their leaders wanes as they vie for power over one another, and if they cannot learn to work together, they may both lose everything they've worked for.Forging that alliance after years at each other's throats will not be as easy as letting the past die, however—they will face subterfuge, enemies in the shadows, treachery, and being stranded on a hostile planet with creatures out of nightmare, barely escaping constant danger with their lives while having only one another to rely on.And that is just the beginning.
My thoughts on the rec: I realize this one is very well known by now, but I’ll rec it again for good reason! It’s quality long-fic! I love how competent Hux is in this surival-style fic, even without the Force to save him! And Kylo is a badass! kyluxtrashcompactor is a master of the slow burn here and we’re even lucky enough to be getting a sequel (although Gravity Well will also stand perfectly on its own). The writing in this will draw you in and not let you go!
That’s all for now! I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I did!  
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snelbz · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter 19}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Occasional surprise chapters could be posted at miscellaneous times. Chapters will be posted on both my and Tara’s blogs! >> @tacmc.​
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
A/N: Well, we promised a chapter today, so we decided to follow through on that. Even if we did post a surprise chapter last night. Oh, well. Enjoy! 🙃✨
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Cassian sighed as he opened his eyes.
Another year older, another year wiser.
Another year older, anyway.
He blinked as he looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand. 7:58. Two minutes before his alarm would have gone off.
He hated when that happened, when his mind woke him up just before his alarm went off. There was no time to go back to sleep, it was perfect sleeping time wasted.
It was bullshit.
With a yawn, Cassian swung his legs over the side of his bed and got up. He stumbled to his dresser and pulled on a pair of sweatpants, just in time for his alarm to go off.
“Fuck you,” he muttered, quickly turning it off before flinging open his bedroom door.
It smelled delicious.
He meandered down the stairs and into the kitchen, where Nesta was icing a giant cake.
Her eyes darted to his.
He blinked.
“Get out!” she ordered.
“What the hell are you-.”
“Out!” she ordered, yet again.
Nyx babbled something at the top of his lungs that closely resembled, YEAH!
He did as he was told, blearily blinking as he stumbled back into the living room. He dragged a hand down his face. “Can I at least have some coffee?”
“In a minute!” She called and he heard quick footsteps, followed by the back door opening and closing. It opened again and she said, breathlessly, “Okay. You can come in now.”
Tentatively, Cassian rounded the corner and he found Nesta placing a platter of cinnamon rolls on the counter in place of the—
“Where did the cake go?” He asked, raising an eyebrow as he poured himself a cup of coffee.
Nesta was lifting a cinnamon roll onto each of the plates in front of her, cutting the one for Nyx into tiny bites for him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He blinked again, half-wondering if he’d imagined the decorated monstrosity he’d seen on the counter, but he sniffed, smelling the air again.
It mostly smelled like the sweet and spicy scent of cinnamon, but—
No, that was definitely cake he smelled.
“Right…” he said, pulling forks out of the silverware drawer and setting one next to each plate. “You’re up early.”
“Had a lot to do before renovations start this morning. I’m meeting Helion and the contractor at the restaurant at nine.” She sipped her own coffee, not looking at him. Mixing truth and lies, it seemed, since he knew she was meeting the contractor this morning. As for a lot to do, he knew everything at the restaurant was already taken care of. She cleared her throat. “I wasn’t expecting you to be up so early either.”
Cutting into the gooey cinnamon roll, he said, “I gotta be at the bar in an hour. I’m talking with Kallias this morning before my shift starts.”
She set her coffee down and finally looked at him. “You have to work today?”
“Yeah,” he replied, popping the bite of pastry into his mouth. He resisted the urge to moan. “It’s Tuesday. I always work on Tuesdays.”
She hesitated, deciding whether she should speak or not. “But it’s your birthday.”
He couldn’t stop his smirk. He knew there had been a cake.
“And who told you that?” He asked, leaning over to wipe Nyx’s face off. The poor kid had icing all over his face, all the way up into his hair.
“That’s not important,” she said.
“Elain, then,” Cassian went on with a grin.
Nesta pretended like she hadn’t heard him and took a giant bite of her cinnamon roll.
“I’ll take Nyx with me to the bar,” Cassian said. “Viviane texted. She has the stomach flu.”
Nesta cringed. “That sucks. I...wait - you’re taking a baby to a bar?”
Cassian shrugged. “He’ll be fine. I only have to stay until two or so.”
“A baby,” she repeated, blinking. “To a bar.”
“You prefer to take him into a construction zone?” Cassian asked. “One that you’re in charge of? That sounds stressful.”
Nesta’s eyes narrowed. “I can ask Elain to watch-.”
“I’m taking him with me and he’ll be fine,” Cassian said, shaking his head. “I promise.”
Nesta narrowed her eyes. And he held up both hands. “I promise,” he repeated.
“Fine. But call me if you need to and I’ll come get him,” she sighed, shaking her head. “I’ll be in my office most of the day, so it’s not like he’ll be running around in a construction zone.”
“And I’ll take the carrier and physically wear him all day, so it’s not like he’ll be running around the actual bar.”
Nesta groaned. “Fine. Fine. But take the pack-n-play, his monitor and toys. He can entertain himself well enough.”
“Okay,” Cassian nodded, finishing off his cinnamon roll. He pulled Nyx out of his high chair, who was now playing with and wearing most of his food, rather than eating it, and said, “I’ll give him a bath while you get ready.”
“Okay.” He was nearly in the living room when he heard, “Cass?” He turned and looked back at her, still not completely used to the familiar nickname from her. She was blushing slightly. “Happy birthday.”
Smiling, he said, “Thanks,” and turned to head up the stairs.
Maybe today wouldn’t be so bad after all.
“Any birthday plans?”
“You’re looking at it.”
Kallias chuckled as he observed Cassian, a wiggly baby strapped to his chest, counting the liquor bottles that lined the wall.
“How old are you anyway?” he continued, wiping down the bartop. “Thirty? Thirty-one?”
“You wound me,” Cassian muttered, scribbling a number down on his clipboard, not bothering to tell Kallias just how close to thirty he was getting to.
“I would say we should do shots to celebrate your big day,” Kallias began, taking Nyx’s outstretched hand. “But, I think your little housewife would disapprove.”
Cassian snorted. “If Nesta Archeron ever heard you call her such a thing, you’d lose a very important body part.”
“Not interested in that, thank you very much,” he muttered. “She ever gonna stop in, so I can see this terrifying woman you’ve told me about?”
“About that…” Cassian pulled Nyx out of the carrier and carried him into the back office, setting him down in the play pen. Grabbing the baby monitor, he made his way back into the front room.
Kallias looked up from where he was cutting limes at the bar. “About what?”
He leaned a hip on the bar and crossed his arms over his chest. “Nesta is going to be expanding the restaurant, adding a bar. That’s actually where she is right now, why I’ve got the kiddo with me. Didn’t really want him in a construction site.”
“Hot nanny couldn’t keep him?” Kallias asked, grinning.
Cassian rolled his eyes. “No, she’s sick. But, uh-.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m gonna be leaving and going over there, managing for her.”
Kallias eyes widened. “Oh. Shit.”
“Yeah. And I’d like you to come over there with me. Be my assistant manager at the new place.”
Kallias stopped cutting, mid-lime. “You do realize we are two out of five people that work here, right?”
Cassian nodded, slowly. “Yeah, I do. And I also know we can hire more people here.”
Kallias looked back down at his half-cut lime. “Assistant manager, huh?”
“It’s in a great part of town, we’d get amazing tips on top of already being paid more,” Cassian said. “It’s an amazing opportunity.”
“So I’d be stupid to say no, then?” Kallias asked, continuing to cut his limes.
“Incredibly stupid,” Cassian agreed.
Nyx’s happy babbling came through on the baby monitor.
“I’ll think about it,” Kallias said, at last.
“Think about it, then tell me yes, because I’m not going there without you,” Cassian said.
Kallias snorted. “You’re a shitty liar. You’re going, whether I go or not.”
“And why wouldn’t you come with me?” Cassian asked, facing his friend. He and Kallias had worked together for years, since Kallias came in at twenty-one, during his senior year of college. “You want to be stuck in this dive bar forever? I know you. You’re a creature of habit. If I leave you here, you’ll be here for the next twenty years.”
Kallias didn’t bother telling him it wasn’t true. He just shook his head. “I guess we better start interviewing people, then.”
The day did not go as planned. Cassian had to stay and help out until nearly five-thirty, and by the time Cassian walked in the front door, Nyx was knocked out cold in his car seat. He gently set it down and unbuckled him, carrying him into the kitchen. It smelled divine, like roasting herbs and cooked veggies, even if he couldn’t see anything radiating the delicious smells.
Nesta was also nowhere in sight, so he took Nyx up to his nursery and laid him down, setting the baby monitor back up where it usually sat. He slipped the screen in his back pocket and made his way back downstairs, hurrying out to his truck to get Nyx’s diaper bag and the folded up playpen.
As he was setting it back up in the living room, he heard the sliding glass door open and close and made sure he was making enough noise to alert Nesta of his presence.
“You’re home,” she said, leaning on the doorway. “Nyx asleep?”
“Out like a light,” he said, tossing the few toys he’d brought with him back into the pen. “He had fun though.”
“Good. Dinner is almost done,” she smiled. “I hope you’re hungry.”
“Starving,” he sighed and took another deep breath in. “It smells amazing.”
Turning, Nesta walked back into the kitchen. “Steak, garlic mashed potatoes, roasted carrots and green beans, and homemade rolls.”
He watched as she took the carrots and green beans out of the oven and placed them next to a plate of steak she must have just brought in from the grill.
Cassian’s mouth was damn near watering.
He looked at the spread as she spooned the mashed potatoes onto his plate. “I think I’m in love with you.”
Nesta tensed, then something like nervous laughter sputtered out of her mouth. “Well, I had to cook red meat for you on your birthday.”
“Does that mean you’ll be having yourself a steak, Archeron?” he asked, taking the full plate from her outstretched hands.
She gave him an amused look. “Hell no. You get both. I have a chicken kabob on the grill.”
Cassian licked his lips as he took his plate to the table. “Consider me a lucky man. Thank you.”
“Of course,” she said, clearing her throat. She piled her plate high with potatoes and veggies before going onto the deck and coming back with a grilled chicken kabob on her plate. She sat across from him. Cassian’s mouth was already full.
“How is it?” Nesta asked, cutting up a carrot before popping it into her mouth.
“Delicious,” Cassian said, mouth full. “So good.”
“If you don’t slow down, you won’t be able to enjoy the flavor,” Nesta said, knowing full well that he wouldn’t listen. Cassian practically inhaled everything on his plate within minutes.
He moaned, stretching back in his chair before running a hand through his hair. “I must say, Nes, you really outdid yourself.”
“Well, it was the least I could do after you worked and were on baby duty all day,” she said, popping a few green beans in her mouth.
They talked about their days as she finished eating. He told her about Kallias’ agreement to move to the restaurant, she told him about the beginning of construction.
They’d kept half the restaurant open, putting up a temporary wall to keep as much noise and dust out as they could, but the sooner the build was done the better. They both agreed on that.
“So, despite your switch with the cinnamon rolls this morning,” Cassian said from where he sat as she rinsed off their plates, “I’m fairly sure I saw a cake when I came downstairs.”
“Really now,” she said, and he saw the small smile on her face.
“Mhmm,” he nodded. “And, you know, I like cake.”
“And why, exactly, would I make you a cake?” She crooned, that little smile remaining.
“Because I’m the world's best roommate and uncle, obviously,” he said.
Nesta laughed as she stood. “Yeah, whatever.”
After exiting through the back door, she returned a moment later with a big, homemade cake.
It was exquisite.
Perfectly decorated and topped with vanilla and buttercream frosting, it read Happy birthday, Cassian!
As Nesta placed it on the countertop, Cassian asked, “Nesta, when the hell did you find time to make this?”
She shrugged. “Stayed up later and got up early. Didn’t have to be too early since you decided to sleep in today, but…” Her words trailed off. “I figured it was the least I could do.”
His mouth tightened, emotion he wasn’t expecting hitting him and he cleared his throat. “You gonna sing to me?” He asked, cracking a joke to break the tension that was slowly growing.
Nesta threw her head back and laughed. “Absolutely not.”
Cassian bit back his retort and the monitor in his back pocket went off, crying coming from upstairs.
“I’ll get him,” she said, standing up. “I’m sure he’s hungry. Will you cut up green beans and carrots for him?”
He nodded, the cake forgotten as he did what he was told, and Nesta returned with a bleary-eyed Nyx a few minutes later.
“Hi buddy,” Cassian said, chuckling at Nyx’s hazy expression. He was already sitting at the table with a plate of cut up food.
The second Nyx saw the display, he was whining and reaching for it.
“Slow down, you need to be buckled into your seat first,” Nesta said, shaking her head.
“I can’t blame him,” Cassian said, as Nyx was strapped into his high chair. “I’m starving when I wake up, too.”
Nesta rolled her eyes. “Men.”
The second Nyx’s diapered butt hit the seat, he was stuffing his mouth.
“I guess we should wait for him to eat the cake,” Cassian said, looking longingly at the cake.
Nesta chuckled. “No patience?”
“When it comes to homemade baked goods?” Cassian scoffed. “No.”
She snorted, which had Cassian raising an eyebrow. She looked at him. “What?”
“Nothing,” he replied, shaking his head. “That was just…cute.”
Nesta didn’t reply, but he swore she could see her cheeks heating as she turned to put the leftovers from dinner away.
Once Nyx’s plate was cleared, Nesta cut three slices of cake. One was barely a sliver, one was mostly icing and one was damn near a quarter of the cake. She took the one with extra frosting for herself, placing the small one in front of Nyx and the larger one in front of Cassian.
Again, Nyx wasted no time scarfing it down. Cassian didn’t either, helping himself to another, much smaller piece afterwards, but not touching it yet.
“You sure you don’t want to sing to me?” He asked, taking a bite of the cake. “It would complete my day.”
Nyx, an impending sugar crash, was already dozing again. Apparently, his day with Uncle Cassian had well and truly worn him out.
She rolled her eyes and wiped the excess cake off of Nyx’s face. Pulling him out of his high chair, she said, “No, I think I’m good.”
“I’m just saying,” Cassian pushed. “If you wanted to really wish me a happy birthday, a song would do.”
Nesta snorted, taking Nyx in her arms and swaying, back and forth. “You’ve never heard me sing.”
“If your singing is as good as your cooking, it must be amazing,” Cassian promised.
Nesta rolled her eyes. “Have I told you that you’re full of shit?”
Cassian pretended to debate it. “Maybe once or twice.”
Nesta chuckled, and said no more about it. “Finish your cake, Nazari. This little monster is ready for bed. I’ll put him down. It’s your birthday.”
It wasn’t that putting Nyx to bed was exhausting. Although sometimes it could be a chore, Cassian nodded and took another bite of his cake as Nesta and Nyx disappeared.
In their absence, Cassian cleared his plate.
The cake was delicious.
He knew Nesta was an amazing cook, but didn’t know that her baking skills were just as good. It was the best cake he had ever eaten. He was even considering getting himself a third piece, but decided against it as she rounded the corner back into the kitchen.
She sighed, falling into her chair. “That may have been record time to get him down. He was practically asleep before I’d even pulled the curtains shut.”
“He had a big day,” Cassian said, eyeing the piece of cake on her plate that she hadn’t even touched. “Taught him how to make a mojito. He’s a pro. Maybe we should hire him on at the bar.”
Shaking her head, Nesta cut into her cake and took a bite. She chuckled. “I’m sure that doesn’t violate any labor laws.”
“Nah, we’re his guardians,” Cassian said, waving a hand. “We can certainly get some free labor out of him.”
She rolled her eyes. “I honestly can’t tell if you’re kidding or not.” She took another bite of cake, and Cassian’s eyes dipped to her mouth. He was quiet for long enough that she asked, “What?”
He hesitated but said, “You’ve got a little—”
He didn’t finish his sentence, instead he leaned forward across the small space between them and swiped the frosting that was on the corner of her lips away with his thumb.
Nesta didn’t move.
She didn’t push him away, didn’t tell him to stop touching her, either.
Cassian’s thumb lingered against her lips, and when she looked up, he was already watching her, quietly.
She opened her mouth to say something.
What? She wasn’t sure.
But, when her lips moved, Cassian’s did, too.
He kissed her, softly, slowly, and Nesta melted right into it.
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oneoftheprettynerds · 4 years
So We Meet Again: Dark! Stucky x Reader
Requested: Yes, based on a prompt by @heavenlyseb
A/N: I was halfway done with LACs next chapter but the inspiration died Idk why so I thought I’d invest the creative energy somewhere else and then try my hand at that again. Thank you to you for dropping this request in my ask box, @heavenlyseb​. 
WARNINGS: Non-con, Mental breakdown, spiking a drink.
Summary: Reader tries to escape her past but it’s harder when your past includes dangerous men.
Word Count: 1.3 K {so drabble I think}
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The entire day something had felt wrong. Maybe it was the universe’s way of sending you a message, foreshadowing misfortune in ways it knew. 
For the first time ever you had messed up breakfast, spilling the coffee and burning the toasts. Then you had forgotten some very important papers at home that Steve thankfully had a soft copy of on his laptop. After you left office earlier than him like you always did to go home and cook, you had your car die on you and leave you stranded. This series of unfortunate events didn’t end there; unfortunately, it followed you home. 
The streak continued with the laundry getting messed up, all whites turning pink and colored fabrics getting bleached. You fingers got stuck in a drawer, yours toes also getting stubbed. Nevertheless the day wasn’t even close to beating the worst day of your life; more like the worst few months of your otherwise simple life.
A shudder ran through you as the thoughts and memories you had buried so deep surfaced again. With one uncurbed thought that gave rise to the unpleasant memory train, you were back in that posh glass office again.
 It was New Years Eve. The decorations were still hung up around the large rooftop arena, from Christmas a few days ago. The bars had the strongest alcoholic drinks wearing pretty shades of blue and orange. There were plants draped in ornaments, a lot of them. You remembered chuckling about how the potted plants were a show of wealthy people, all affluent people pretending to have a green thumb or care for the Earth.
You greeted the people you knew and joked about resolutions. You remember hanging out with the only actual friend you had there, the receptionist Lucy. Anyone else you talked to at the company was merely a coworker, some of them plotting your downfall even. But Lucy was genuine, and so your only friend.
Said friend however, did abandon you few minutes prior to midnight with poor, half a hearted apologies, running in preparation for her midnight kiss. You giggled and honestly, weren’t even offended, just amused by her antics.
You planned on sulking in the corner with the other singles who weren’t ready to mingle and saying goodbye as soon as the clock hit twelve. That plan failed when your handsome hunk of a boss, whom you had seen only a handful of times and encountered for even fewer, brought you a drink and asked for a few minutes of your time.
You don’t know what made you go then, nor do you have any better take on the situation even now but the gist of it all was that you did oblige. It could have been the alcohol coursing through your veins, the encouragement by others’ jealous stares and Lucy’s wink or even the slight crush you had on the man with the cerulean eyes.      
However, going to his office and him fucking you on that sandalwood desk wasn’t your choice.
You remember him kissing you at the midnight stroke, a kiss sizzling with passion and yearning. When you both pulled away, you felt flushed and giddy but the carnal desire in his eyes after just one kiss alarmed you. Still, you offered to exchange numbers for a follow up, he was your boss after all but your dazed mind could not even remember your own number.
Your mind began to lose consciousness as you sweated and your skin heated, head and folds burning alike. You slipped in and out of articulacy, fragments of memory in your mind.
You shook your head as you realized you were shaking, keeping the knife down on the board and halting the slicing of tomatoes. You wiped your tears as you chided yourself for almost getting into another accident, a fatal one even, zoning out like that with a sharp knife.
The sound of the door opening and closing made you calm, Steve was home now. You hadn’t told him everything about your past yet, just bits and pieces, but you had never felt unsafe with him. He was nothing short of a gentleman, courted you properly and even waited months when you weren’t initially ready.
He let you progress the relationship on your terms, his support always there whether it was the question of spending a night together or moving in. His arms were where you felt the safest, his strength a promise of protection. 
A second set of footsteps made you furry your eyebrows, Steve didn’t inform you of company tonight. You pushed your anguish aside, putting on a facade for his guest as you got back to chopping. 
“Honey, I’m home.” Steve’s holler made you easy, his presence itself was comforting.  
“I’m in the kitchen.” You sung back, the nickname making you smile. 
“I brought a guest for dinner, hope you don’t mind.” He called out from the living room, the slight thud of furniture telling you they sat there.
You checked the broth, dinner for three would take time, even more so as your bad luck kept you on your toes today. Switching off the stove you sighed and made you way to the living room.
You planned to ask Steve to order and simultaneously greet his guest but ice froze in your veins when you entered the square doorway. Your planned again and at this point, one would think they had a knack for unsuccessful plans.
You could never forget the broad shoulders, the silky brunette locks and the sapphire blue eyes of James Buchanan Barnes, the handsome devil that haunted your existence.
You remembered waking up to your senses getting slaughtered. The drag of a cock in your hole as you clenched as tightly as a boxer’s fist. The squelching noises, the breathy moans and the sound of skin slapping skin. It took all you had in you to open your eyes every time you slipped out of consciousness.
You remembered being taken on every surface in his large office, against the glass panels looking onto the city below, on his velvet sofa, even his private elevator.  
Barnes had whispered sweet nothings in your ears that night and every night after like he was your lover, not your assaulter. How he cornered you with the obscene footage the night after when you threatened to press charges. You both knew then that you had no hope, no chance of winning against him and would have no dignity either if released some footage with some faces blurred.
He used and abused you and his power, until the day you finally gathered your guts and went far way, a new place, new start. 
You believed you didn’t leave a trail behind but then how was the devil himself greeting you in your own home? 
Your whole body shook like it did minutes earlier and you found Steve gently cradling your face. You flinched at his touch, skidding away, “Get this man out of here, Steve!” If looks could kill, the brunette would have dropped dead.
James Barnes had the audacity to smirk as you brushed a hand through his hair, ever so confident and smug, your shaken form amusing him.
Steve hung his hand around your shoulder and wiped a tear that had escaped. His arms were your haven and such you had believed until a moment later, “That’s no way to greet Bucky, sweetheart.” 
Your head whipped at light’s speed as you looked in horror at Steve, the hold on your shoulders tightening and keeping you alongside him.
“He was kind enough to give you months to adjust but now he misses you more than he can endure.”
  “Steve, you don’t know what your bastard of a frien-” You started hoping it was a misunderstanding on your part.
At the curse, Steve’s grip became bruising as he cut you off, “Trust me sweetheart, I know. Bucky and I don’t have secrets.” 
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yourmcu · 4 years
Emotional Support Mode
Pairings: Tony Stark x daughter!reader
in which the reader is the loner, antisocial daughter of Tony Stark and the other Avengers including her father never acknowledge her presence (they thought some sort of interaction made you uncomfortable) so she becomes friends with Friday instead - Tony probs finds out and it’s gonna be all cute n fluffie once he realizes -
Word count: 2,243
a/n: hi just wanted to write fluffy tony :)) also I used they/them for friday’s pronouns
Warnings: angst n fluff, friday’s a bit more advanced (not like they aren’t already but) bc they could almost act like a literal human here.
read it on ao3!
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You arrive back at the Avengers facility, shoulders slumped and just tired in general since you have a lot of homework and projects to do from school, most of them due by the end of the week. You also have exams later in the week.
“Hey, Fri,” you huff as you make your way to the elevator.
“Welcome home, Y/N. Where do you want to go?”
Yes, you're very close with the A.I that they started calling you by your first name. “To my room - and uh, will you remind me to read two chapters in my history book after I’m done with all my homework? I also have this project, I just need some measurements later, if you don’t mind.”
“Sure thing.”
“Thank you.”
It’s going to be a long night, you sigh heavily just thinking about it. Now you’re probably wondering, ‘you live with the Avengers! Why don’t you ask Tony and Bruce for help? Maybe Steve and Bucky for your History test?’
Yeah, well... you barely talk to any real person you live with. Maybe it’s you, you always thought you're making the team uncomfortable. You don’t even talk to your own father often which is kind of depressing on your part.
You love them, they’re like your extended family, but it just isn’t working out. Maybe they just don’t like you. Up to this day you still wonder why Tony took you in when you were just a baby (you were a mistake from one of his one night stands) - he had the choice not to.
“I’m assuming you zoned out again. You have arrived to your room five minutes ago.” Friday announces.
“Y-yeah sorry,” you shuffle out of the elevator and swiftly head to your bedroom, closing the door behind you.
“I also asked if I should inform Mr. Stark that you have arrived home.”
“No, no thanks. He’s busy and... probably wouldn’t care anyway,” You mutter the last part as you pile the books you need on your desk. “Can you put my study playlist on, please?”
“What time is it, Friday?”
“7PM. I was about to remind you to take a break.”
You get up from your chair and stretch, halfway through the last of your homework which is a two page essay. “You’re too kind, thanks pal,” when you walk out your room to head to the kitchen and grab a snack, the lounge is empty, kitchen empty,
“The team’s on a mission? I thought they had the whole week off,” you say before gulping down a water bottle.
“I checked the security footage: they left about an hour ago. Captain Rogers was talking about getting dinner.”
You put the bottle down. “Oh,” you try to mask your disappointment. This isn’t your first time being alone, they always left you here when they had a mission of course but... well, it’s not like they want you around them. “I’ll - I’ll just make myself something later, then. Not a big deal. I have to study anyway.”
Another hour later, the Avengers are back. They're all conversing happily as they pile in the lounge. Peter's rambling about upgrades for the Spiderman suit while Tony's typing away in his phone, nodding at everything he says. Everyone else is arguing about the TV channels and talking about the new restaurant they ate at.
Rhodey shifts, looking around. “Why do I feel like we forgot something?”
Natasha looks at him, waiting for him to go on.
“I assure you, I brought Mjolnir with me this time.” Thor butts in.
“No not that, what time does Y/N get home from school?” No one answers. It’s not like any of them know. It's natural that Rhodey would be worried about his goddaughter (even if they rarely talk). He turns his head to his best friend who’s now walking away with Peter, an arm around his shoulder. “Tony, where’s Y/N?”
He doesn’t hear since he has his full attention on his protégé.
“I’ll start making this tomorrow, I guess. I still have to buy materials.” You mumble to yourself, but you hope Friday's listening to everything you say just to make you feel less lonely. You swipe the hologram of the blueprint away and place the thick books in front of you.
“I would like to recommend a suitable study plan.” they state.
You rub your eyes, sighing, “I’m already halfway, I would’ve considered it earlier though.”
“This is only a recommendation, feel free to ignore it.”
You push yourself away from the desk and mutter a “go on,”, fiddling with your pen.
“Asking Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barnes would give you more details for your History examination, since the pair were originally from that time period. The same goes for Mr. Banner for your Science examination, I believe he has seven Ph.D’s, you may also approach Vision for the same topic. Mr. Stark has all the necessary materials for your project in his lab. Would you like me to-”
If only it were that easy. It should be easy, the thought alone makes you really nervous. “No, I - I appreciate the recommendation, Friday, but - I think I can do this on my own.”
“But you’re tired and it is almost midnight. I would help you myself but you specifically told me not to.”
They’re not wrong. Your eyes are starting to droop and you barely understand anything you're reading. You're also fighting back tears - why is talking to your family so hard?
“I can sense sadness. Would you like me to activate emotional support mode?”
“Yeah, okay. That sounds great right about now.”
“Crap. Guess we lost track of time again, kid,” Tony wipes his hands with a rag while he looks at the time on his computer. “You better get home. I’ll send May a text for keeping you this late.”
“Okay, thank you Mr. Stark. I’m just gonna use my suit-”
“No. Happy will drive you.”
Peter knew better than to argue and insist so he just nods and smiles sheepishly. A minute later Happy came ‘round to take him home.
Tony turns back around. “Friday, make a new project for me please, I’m adding minor upgrades to the Spiderman suit.”
“Not now, boss.”
Oh. He did not expect that. “Excuse me?”
“Y/N is currently opening up. I would like to give her my full, undivided attention. Please come back after fifteen minutes or so.”
Tony doesn’t exactly know how to feel about that. He never sees her outside her room anymore that he kinda forgot she existed tonight - oh fuck, they didn’t bring her to dinner with them.
“Well,” he exhales. “What is she saying?”
“That would be an invasion of privacy.”
“I’m her father-”
“Are you, sir?” Friday’s clever remark makes him stop abruptly.
It’s pretty clear that he’s been a shit father. Not only does he ignore you all the time but he treats Peter way better than his own flesh and blood. The Avengers on the other hand, they were nice people, but just didn’t understand so they try their best to get out of your way.
You were afraid of rejection, afraid to interact, because you had no idea what everyone thought of you. Did they like you? Did you make them uncomfortable? Did they want you around? What about Tony, did he really want a daughter in his life? Because you noticed he’d be better off with a son, yeah, like Peter goddamn Parker.
Tony sighs, walking out of his lab and heads to the mini bar to grab a drink. He needs to think: there's absolutely nothing wrong about you, he just didn’t do his job right, you thought he didn’t care, you thought nobody did. Even Friday is turning against him, doing a better job of comforting and being there for you.
“God, I’m such an asshole,” he mutters to himself, rubbing his forehead. He drinks his last shot and heads to the kitchen. “She still awake?” He calls out.
“She is.” Friday has a bitter tone.
He's hesitant to ask again, feeling really bad for not knowing this simple question - “what’s her favorite beverage?”
“How do you feel?”
You sniffle. “Well y’know, better than before. I should probably go to sleep. Thanks, Fri.”
“You’re welcome. Also, Mr. Stark is outside your door.”
“W-what?” You put away your books and straighten up, rubbing your damp eyes. “You’re serious? Okay, uh, let him in?” It's more of a question.
You turn to face your desk as Tony enters the room, holding two steaming mugs. He sits at the end of your bed, just right next to the chair you're sitting on. “Hi,” he gives you a small smile and hands you a mug.
What’s the occasion?
“What’s this?” You ask quietly before taking the mug from his hands. Tony's being gentle and soft, it's odd but you’re not complaining.
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“Green tea with honey. I... I thought I saw you make that stuff once.” He says, not mentioning the fact that Friday told him that.
“Oh, well, yeah,” you take a small sip. He added a bit too much honey but other than that it was good. “I thought you preferred coffee, though,”
Tony shrugs, his eyes glistening when he looks at you. “Wouldn’t hurt to try something new.”
“Did - did you want something, Dad?” You always found yourself awkward, couldn’t even make conversation with someone for long, always wanted to get straight to the point so it could be over with.
He looks like he wants to say something but he just averts his gaze to you, his hands, the floor, then suddenly he leans in and hugs you. Your feel your heart swell and body warm up, it’s a new sensation for you after all, you rarely get hugs from people. “I’m sorry,” he whispers. “For everything. I’m such a bad dad, I don’t deserve you. I even forgot you when we went out to dinner.”
“You don’t have to be sorry for anything. I had loads of stuff to do earlier anyway, so, but yeah I was just - I just overreact, I’m sensitive. I don’t blame you and the others for not liking me, I know there’s nothing like-able about me, I’m not like Peter-” You ramble, tears now leaving your eyes again.
“Sweetheart, don’t say that,” Tony says as he pulls you closer to him, head resting against his chest while he rubs your back comfortably. “Y/N Stark, you are smart, brilliant - I was just an ass for not acknowledging that.”
“I know you’re just saying that to-”
“Oh, but I’m not,” he now places his hands on your shoulders, getting you to look at him. “Tell me who built their first engine when they were eight?”
You blush, “Dad-”
“No, come on, I wanna hear it.”
“I did.”
“Yes you did. And who made a completely functioning robot at their middle school science fair that blew all the teacher’s minds?”
You’re trying to hide a smile, recalling the memory,  “I did.”
“And who,” Tony gets up and walks to the bulky looking thing that you covered with a sheet, pulling it off, “is currently building a computer from scratch?”
“Dad! That’s still a work in progress,” he messily places the sheet back and chuckles.
“My point is, you’re a clever and talented girl, Y/N. Don’t bring yourself down. And you don’t have to be shy around your family, those idiots have been dying to get to know you but since you don’t talk much... they don’t want to force it. We love you,” he says. “I hope you forgive me ‘cause I really wanna make it up to you. I’m not calling Peter in for a few weeks.” Tony sits down beside you again.
You couldn’t believe he’d do that for you. “You don’t have to, if you need him for something then-”
“-then you could help me instead, if you’re up for it.”
“I’m really sorry for being such a lonely freak,” you yawn, getting back into Tony’s open arms. “I love you.”
Tony tucks you in and lies down beside you, “I love you tons, kiddo.”
You snuggle into his chest, feeling his steady breathing while he rests his chin above your head.
It's morning. The Avengers are gathered at your open bedroom door.
“Are you getting all of this, Friday?”
“Yes, Ms. Romanoff.”
“Steve turn that shuttering sound down!” Natasha hisses at the super soldier who's doing his task, taking pictures.
Steve almost drops the phone and has Bruce fix the volume for him.
They’re all watching you and Tony cuddle together, still fast asleep.
“Do we have to stay here until they wake up?”
“Unless you have a great way of waking them up, yes. Now shut up.”
“If you think about it we definitely look creepy right now.” Sam comments.
“It’s their fault for having the door wide open all night!” Clint says.
Tony's actually awake the whole time, listening to them bickering. “You have three seconds to get the hell out of here before I make all of you polish my suits.” With that, the team races down the hall, pushing each other to get away first like literal children.
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hlizr50 · 3 years
Labor Day Bonus Update: The Raven and the Songbird
Nothing like a holiday giving me an excuse to post the next chapter early. It's one of my absolute favorites.
Read on AO3
Chapter 5
Gwyn yawned, her entire form stretching and tightening. She knew it wouldn’t go unnoticed by Nesta and Emerie, but she just smiled serenely. She had needed this – time to talk and laugh and enjoy good food with her two closest friends in the world. The fae lights were dim, casting the private library in dusky shadow. Book spines were barely visible on the shelves, but she was content to sit and enjoy the conversation. She sighed before turning her focus to her Valkyrie sisters sitting on the floor, finding Nesta with a skeptical eyebrow raised.
The eldest Archeron patted her hand on a tufted woolen floor pillow, green like a spring meadow. “Sit, Gwyneth. We need to talk.” Unease coiled in her stomach, but she slid down from the couch, clutching another throw pillow to her chest.
“What do we need to talk about?” Gwyn’s voice was tinier than she’d intended, and she knew the question was ridiculous as soon as she asked it.
“You’re tired. You’re sad. Nesta knocked you on your ass today,” Emerie answered, concern glowing in her dark gaze.
“That doesn’t mean something is wrong with me,” Gwyn giggled, but she knew her mirth was unconvincing. “You both are skilled fighters. Maybe Nesta has just gotten better than me.”
“I haven’t and you know it.”
Gwyn turned her attention to a very interesting tassel on the pillow she held. She could feel the pressure stinging her eyes and tried so hard to push down the tears that had so quickly threatened. She felt gentle fingers at her chin, pulling her gaze until she met Nesta’s gray stare.
“Gwyn. Talk to us. You are our sister. We love you. We’re worried about you.”
Her sisters. The knowledge that she had Nesta and Emerie had kept her going these past weeks, kept her stubborn heart and eyes from giving up. And now it was that care and comfort that unraveled her. She felt the hot trickle down her cheeks as Nesta’s calloused fingers brushed tendrils of hair away from her face. But she couldn’t say the words. She wasn’t one of those females that needed a male to be happy and thrive. She was a powerful warrior, strong and skilled.
“Is it Azriel, Gwyn?” The voice came from her other side, along with a feather-light brush of fingertips down her back. Emerie. Gwyn blinked and took three steadying breaths, allowing the patience and care from her sisters wash over her. It took a few moments before she felt she could form the words she needed.
“He started avoiding me, after the necklace,” her face cooled when Nesta removed her hands and reached down to grasp one of her own. “I let it go on for a few days, but I missed him. We were friends, and he… he helped me when I couldn’t sleep. Sometimes we would talk, most times we would train. After we found out about the necklace he stopped coming out to the ring at night. He would come to the door, and when he saw I was there he would leave. So I cornered him one day after training. It was all so stupid and I just wanted things to go back to normal.”
“What did you say to him?” Emerie asked, her voice soft as velvet.
“I told him that the necklace was a stupid thing to do, but we all do stupid things. I said that Elain and I had both deserved better, but I knew he would be better. I told him that I missed him, that all was forgiven, and then I asked if things could go back to normal.” Gwyn looked back up to Nesta, then turned to Emerie. “He said we were friends, and that everything would go back to normal.” She took a shuddering breath, earning a squeeze on her hand.
“And then he just… disappeared.”
She felt the burning return to her eyes and her throat, recalling that night in the rain when she had desperately wished he would come to her.
“That’s when you started zoning out at training. And punching the post until you were bruised and bleeding,” the Illyrian female realized.
“I knew it was bad when Cassian made you stop,” Nesta mused.
“Twice,” Gwyn confirmed, tears welling again. “I trained hard during the day, harder at night. The effort and pain helped distract me from the loss of his friendship… and from the nightmares.” She stared down at their interlace hands, noting how the low light made Nesta’s and Emerie’s skin contrast so deeply to hers and letting the tears fall in earnest.
“I thought they were better, Gwyn.” The worry lacing Nesta’s voice was thick, and suddenly the priestess felt guilty for keeping it from her… from them. She couldn’t look at them, but clutched their hands.
“They were, but now… it’s been really bad these last few days.” Gwyn sniffled and pulled her hands away from the comfort of her chosen family, opting instead to clutch the tasseled pillow to her chest again. She needed that grip, as if it were the only thing that could hold her together. “Almost a week ago I was in the training ring at night. It had been a difficult day, my hands were throbbing, Merrill was being… well, Merrill. It was raining when I walked out the door, but I needed time and space so I went out and sat in the middle and just let the rain wash everything away. Azriel came to the doorway, the first time since I’d cornered him that day. And… he barely spoke to me. I even said I’d had nightmares almost every day. And… and he told me I should go inside and then he just left.”
Gwyn tucked her knees up to the pillow against her chest and covered her face with her hands. Her body shook, much like it had that night when he’d left her – when something had shifted. Her throat felt so tight around her words. “It’s like something broke then. I stopped going to the training ring, and started working extra to distract myself. And the nightmares,“ she sobbed. She wasn’t ready to admit the terror of her changing dreams, but she was also desperate to tell someone how she had been suffering. “I have the same one every night – of that day at Sangravah. But… but when the general is done, when he tells the other males to continue taking from me…” Her breath sawed in and out of her and she could feel herself tremble. She could barely make her voice work as she uttered the terrible turn that her dreams had taken.
“He doesn’t come for me,” she whispered. The air was so still that she could feel Nesta’s sharp gasp stealing it from the space. “That moment when Azriel slaughtered them – when he saved me – no longer exists. And I have to face the terror of knowing what is coming. The fear and the pain and the horror and the desperation… it all feels just as real as it did that day.”
A pair of strong arms crushed her, and then a second embrace. Gwyn let go of the pain and the fear of those nights alone, afraid of sleep and unable to seek comfort from the only person who had helped keep those dreams at bay. Fingers combed through her hair, stroked up and down her back, soothing her as she cried.
That was all there was, for how long she didn’t know. She just knew heat in her cheeks, trembling, comforting hands at her shoulders, on her back, and in her hair. Then fingers gripped her wrists to pull her hands away from her face. She was sure her skin was red and splotchy, but she looked up to find Nesta’s own watery gaze.
“Gwyn, we will always come for you. All of us, including Azriel. You know that, right?”
“Of course I do,” the priestess answered with a nod.
“Good. As for the rest of this,” Nesta wiped her eyes and donned an expression not so unlike the days when she was brimming with the power of death. “Azriel is a fucking idiot.” Emerie burst out laughing, causing Gwyn to join with a chuckle of her own.
“I’m so glad I don’t prefer males.” The winged Valkyrie’s eyes glittered with mirth and concern, earning a nose-crinkling smile. Nesta pulled Gwyn’s attention back, pushing her jaw with a finger.
“Azriel is an idiot, but he cares for you. I’m certain of that. I haven’t known him too terribly long, but Cassian has. He’s different with you.”
“Maybe that isn’t a good thing.” Gwyn shrugged. She had thought so, too. But now he seemed to treat her with the same brooding aloofness that he reserved for practical strangers.
“No, I don’t think you understand,” Nesta insisted, reaching up to brush the wetness away from her cheeks. “Cassian and I have had this conversation more times than I can even count. ‘Berdara made Az laugh today’. ‘He couldn’t stop grinning today’. ‘I’ve never heard him banter like that’.”
“Why do you have so many conversations about that?” Gwyn couldn’t help but laugh at the strangeness of that thought, that Nesta and the general would be so invested in her interactions with the spymaster.
“That’s not even the point, Gwyneth,” Nesta huffed. Gwyn stuck her tongue out, still feeling Emerie’s hands softly at her back. “I’m going to kick Azriel’s ass back into line, but…” The priestess could see that Nesta was trying to choose her words, lips pursing  and eyes staring above her. Then those icy eyes came back, full of determination.
“Do you care for him, Gwyn? Or, I suppose, how do you care for him?”
She just stared into Nesta’s eyes for a long moment, trying to find the right things to say. How to express what was churning in her heart. “Of course I care for him. He has become a dear friend.” Her friend’s gaze didn’t falter, daring her to say what she hadn’t admitted to anyone, not even to herself.
Gwyn jerked her head, surprised that Emerie also seemed to know that there was more. The Illyrian’s countenance held that same caring determination, waiting with barely concealed expectation. Gwyn could only sigh.
“I… I don’t know. I trust him. Implicitly. He’s the only male I’ve never feared. And he’s beautiful, of course.”
“Yes, he certainly is,” Nesta sighed wistfully. Gwyn giggled and swatted her friend playfully on the shoulder.
“I feel… drawn to him, like we understand each other’s darkness. I should be terrified of him, theoretically, but I can’t be. And if… I don’t know what romance is supposed to be, what a relationship looks like. But I think, if he wanted to try, I would say yes. Without hesitation. Even after what happened at Sangravah,” she admitted. “But first and foremost… I just want his friendship. If that’s the only thing I can have then I’ll be happy.” And that was the truth. She would have him in her life, in whatever capacity. His absence was far too difficult to bear.
An enormous yawn pushed out of her lungs and she clapped her hands over her mouth, eyes wide. Nesta and Emerie laughed, Nesta pushing herself to her feet before offering her hands to Gwyn.
“You need to sleep. Hopefully tonight will be more restful,” she said as she pulled Gwyn to her feet and swiftly gathered her into a hug. She felt Emerie at her back, enveloping her as well. Gwyn could only smile and release a contented sigh, reveling in the love of her chosen sisters. She felt lighter, relieved to have shared the struggles she’d been facing. But then she yawned again, the exhaustion in her bones suddenly the only thing she could feel. Her eyelids drooped and she felt herself losing her battle with sleep even as she stood there, still wrapped in that Valkyrie embrace. As her body became heavy, yet weightless, she couldn’t comprehend the words she heard.
“Ready to crash boys night, Em? I might actually kill him.”
Azriel, Cassian, and Rhys lounged in the study, each nursing crystal glasses with varying amounts of amber liquid. Azriel studied the cut angles in his glass, the firelight reflecting kaleidoscopes of brightness off the liquor. He’d already had more to drink than usual, not typically one to lose his wits from alcohol. But tonight he had partaken in a bit extra, perhaps in the vain hope that the libations would settle his mind. The roaring thoughts still stormed through him from earlier in the day – guilt, stubbornness, anger, shame.
Of course, the alcohol staunched none of it.
“You seem particularly broody tonight, Az.” Cassian’s amused voice broke through that cyclone and Azriel fixed him with a narrow-eyed glare. His brother just smirked victoriously at him, knowing the truth in his observation. “Wouldn’t have anything to do with that sleepover at the house, would it?”
“Sleepover at the house?” Rhys turned his starlit gaze toward the shadowsinger, but Azriel didn’t have any intention of answering. Cassian, however, so enjoyed irritating him.
“A certain redhead priestess has been acting strangely and Nesta is determined to figure it out,” he drawled, pointed amber gaze fixed on the spymaster. “I think it has something to do with our tall, dark, and brooding brother here.”
“Gwyneth Berdara?” Azriel flicked his eyes toward the High Lord whose brows were arched in surprise. “Why would that have anything to do with you?”
“I’m pretty sure,” Azriel groaned when Cassian began to answer, sinking deeper into the velvet tufts of the oversized armchair, “that the two of them want to be friendlier than friends.”
“Gwyn and I have a professional, platonic relationship. Nothing more,” Azriel growled. He wasn’t in any sort of headspace to deal with Cassian’s ribbing, or to explain it away to Rhys. He looked up to find the Illyrian general had set down his glass and was leaning back casually, crossing his arms.
“Is that so?” Azriel wanted to slap that smug grin off his face. “Is that why you can never keep your eyes off her at training? Is that what’s happening when you grin at her when she gives your shit right back to you? When she makes you throw your head back and laugh?” He could feel the heat rising up his neck and into his cheeks.
“Laugh? Out loud?” The High Lord balked and Azriel rolled his eyes.
“I laugh, thank you very much.”
“Not like that, you don’t,” Cassian countered. Azriel just shook his head as his brother turned to Rhys. “You should see it, Rhys. I never thought I’d see the day – “
“WHERE IS HE?!” A female voice echoed from down the hall.
“Nesta?” Rhys wondered aloud.
“Where is that idiotic overgrown bat? I swear on the Cauldron I’m going to kill him.”
“Yup, that’s Nesta,” Cassian confirmed with a groan. “What the fuck did I do now? I wasn’t even at the house –“
The study doors burst open as Nesta pushed through, gray eyes shimmering with rage. Azriel leaned forward as her gaze fell on him.
“Him?” Cassian gawked, but then grinned wickedly. “Oh, this is a nice change. I could get used to this.”
“Keep your mouth shut or you’re next,” Nesta snapped as she strode in front of Azriel’s chair. “Azriel, would you care to tell me why I just spent an hour comforting one Gwyneth Berdara while she sobbed in my arms? Any ideas?” His eyes grew wide and his face went slack, unable to comprehend exactly what was happening.
“Nothing to contribute, Shadowsinger? How fucking convenient. Maybe you could tell me why you avoided her even after you told her that things would go back to normal and that you were friends? Or perhaps you could explain why you left her alone in the rain the one time you did actually talk to her, even after she told you her nightmares were bad again?”
“I –“ He didn’t get a chance. Nesta stepped closer.
“Not done, Az. Not even close. Maybe you have an explanation for her working herself into exhaustion at the library to avoid time alone? Or the reason she doesn’t go to the training ring at night anymore?” Azriel just stared, dumbfounded at what she was saying. He pressed himself back into the chair as the honey-haired female placed her hands on the armrests and leaned in so far they breathed the same air.
“Tell me, Azriel,” she whispered, voice thick with emotion and ice, “why every night for the last week she has dreamed of Sangravah. And in that nightmare when that general is finished hurting her, she has to feel the soul-crushing terror of watching the next soldier take his place because you don’t come to save her.” And Nesta pulled a hand back and slapped him.
Azriel knew his eyes were wide as saucers as the breath punched out of him. He barely registered the tingle of pain in his cheek, absorbing what she had told him. Gwyn’s nightmares. Every night. And they had twisted into something even more horrifying.
How could any part of her think that he wouldn’t come for her?
He looked back to Nesta who had backed away. Cassian had risen to comfort her, brushing tears away from her cheeks and murmuring into her ear. Azriel got to his feet and took a measured step toward them.
“Nesta, I –“
“You care for her, don’t you?”
Azriel knew they could see the wetness in his eyes, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. He had been wrong to leave her, wrong about so many things. And he was done denying.
“Of course I do, Nesta. More than I think I can explain right now.”
“Then fix this.” Her voice was colder than his could ever be, a warning that he wouldn’t like what would happen if he didn’t make it right. But he had every intention to.
He was miserable without her.
Azriel gave Nesta a curt nod, turned on his heel, and stalked out of the study. He kept his surprise masked as he passed Emerie, who was leaning in the doorway, also wearing that expression – promising violence for hurting one of their own. He nodded to her, too, acknowledging his part in all of this. Then he practically ran down the hall and through the entrance of the river house, only taking three steps in the night air before taking to the sky.
Straight to the House of Wind.
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Tag List: @tealnymph-writes @trashforazriel @secretlovelybeauty @meher-sumedha @imsointobooks @flora-shadowshine @positivewitch @tanvee1231 @imwritingthesewords @camreadsum @vikingmagic33 @shisingh @gwynrielsupremacist @deedz-thrillerkilller16
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
Not For Sale: Week 14
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Member: Heeseung + Jay [ft. Sunghoon and Jake]
Pairings: [fem] uni exchange student! reader x uni student! HS x uni student! Jay
Genres: Fluff | Slice of Life | Comedy | Angst | Teenage Romance | Thriller
Warnings: scenes in the hospital
Word Count: 3k
Synopsis/Quote: In which your oblivious ass cannot tell that a popular boy in your class has a big, fat crush on you | “It seems like the one who was ruined was me.”
Taglist: @hyunjaethereal @seasideheeseung @wooya1224 @gratefulmaria @sunshineshouchan @youreverydayzebra @fayqj @witheeseung @haechanhues @w-o-o-y-a-a @miingxuxi @reallysmolrenjun @hrrhmay-primaryblog @rosie112703 @ac-ewow @liliansun​​ [drop me a dm/ask/comment to be added!]
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You’re staring at the project document blankly, the pages filled with words and tables of the work you’ve done with Heeseung in the last few weeks or so. The weekend felt like three weeks, even when it was just three days - simply because you were in the hospital watching Jay flit in and out of consciousness and Heeseung’s still in a comatose state. 
The seat next to you is empty and there is no other word to describe being alone on your last week of school than ‘sad’. 
The Uber that picked Jay and Heeseung up had just been in school compounds and the police had found a rig in the brakes - the Uber had been stopped by another car driving straight into it.
Heeseung was on the side the car was rammed into. It’s a miracle he’s even still alive. 
The call jolts you out of your dissociation.
“Hey,” The professor walks up the stairs, and only now do you realise everybody else had left the lecture hall besides you. “I had the others hand up their projects but I saw you zoning out and I couldn’t do it.”
“Sorry,” Mumbling under your breath, you give the folder a quick flip-through before handing him the document. “Here.”
With pursed lips, he takes the folder and glances through it, skimming through the contents and pausing on the last page where you and Heeseung had signed off on. 
“I’m sorry it happened.”
“I’m sorry the school had to go through so much to catch the idiot,” Through gritted teeth, you offer him a small wince. 
“Well, yeah, that too,” The professor pulls up the lecture table from the seat next to you and sits himself in the plastic grove. “But it’s not important now. He’s going to be charged for God knows how many felonies, but I just- I wanted to know how you’re holding up.”
The concerned question thrums chills through you. Heeseung would’ve asked that. Jay would’ve too.
Jake and Sunghoon have probably tried, but you’re too busy crying or zoning out at the hospital to process anything else even if they did try. 
“I’m fine,” You shake your head and stuff your iPad into your bag. “There’s nothing anybody can do to make him wake up faster.”
“I know that. It’s just... I don’t want a student ending her semester like this.”
The grumble of the zip as you close your bag is disgustingly loud in the empty lecture hall. You hug your bag, slowly looping your arm through one of the holes as you push the lecture table away. 
“I’ll be fine. I’m leaving next week anyway and Heeseung’s not dead, so.”
The professor goes quiet upon the declaration. 
“Thanks for the fun sem, Prof,” You give him a tiny, wretched smile that’s not genuine at all, lifting a leg over the backrest of the seat in front of you. “I’ll tell my dad to say hi to you every now and then.”
Finally on both your feet one row before him, he looks at you with sad, tired eyes. 
“It’s been a pleasure having you and Heeseung as students, y/n. Do come back to visit when you come visit your father.”
A bare nod shakes your head.
“Bye prof.”
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The ceiling looks the same. The light dangling from the beige, crusty roof looks dusty.
The room looks the same - except the fact that 80% of it were in boxes now. The clock hung on the wall has the loudest ticking you’ve ever heard - had it been this loud since the start?
Bzzzzt. Bzzzzzzzt. Bzzz-
“Jesus Christ, how many times do you want me to call you before you’d pick up?”
Maybe until Heeseung wakes up.
“You know what? Don’t answer that.”
A pause.
“How are you holding up?”
“Great. I mean the sem’s over. I’ve handed up almost every project I need to submit.”
“Fuck you, you know I don’t mean that.”
“What am I supposed to tell you? I’m great, while I wait for my two friends to recover in the hospital? One of them’s not even awake.”
“I don’t want to be that person but no matter how much you cry or pray that he wakes up, it’s going to take time, okay? Let him rest and recuperate and he’ll spring back to life like he wasn’t just in an accident.”
“I shouldn’t have let them take the Uber.”
“For crying out loud, it is not your fault. You told them your dad was coming to get you and Jay didn’t want to cancel it for the fee. It’s a normal reaction. Who was supposed to know the Uber was rigged?”
You blink. 
“Have you packed?”
You count the boxes in your room. “Mostly.”
“I’ll be at your place when you come home. We can bake cupcakes and cookies and you can tell me about the school there.”
Your ears are taking in her words but your eyes are on the paper bag on your desk. It’s the tumbler that Jay got you. 
“Hello? You there?”
“Byeol, what if they don’t wake up before I leave? I have 8 days.”
“Have some faith in them, would you? Jay’s already awake right? He’s just flitting in and out of consciousness and Heeseung... They haven’t said he’s in critical condition, right?”
“But he’s been in the ER and it’s been three days.”
“Sis, I could sleep for three days. He’ll be awake before you leave.”
“Hope so.”
“Not going to the hospital?”
“Nah,” You roll over onto your side and stare at yourself in the mirror on your wardrobe doors. “Their friends are swarming the wards. It’s fine, Jake and Hoon got me onto the special visitors’ list.”
“There’s a special visitors’ list?”
“It’s Jay and it’s an expensive hospital with classier management. So yeah, pretty much.”
“That’s nice.”
Silence - except the occasional crackling of the static on the phone. 
“They’ll do fine, okay?”
“I have to go now. I’ll call you tonight or tomorrow, I’ll text you?”
“Okay. Bye.”
“Bye bye.”
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The car ride with your father is quiet, the gentle music from the stereo playing and you’re thinking about how your mother is back at home. She is a busy woman back home too so you hadn’t really had the time to call or text her.
For the first time in a long time, your father knows more about your life than she does. 
“I know you’re probably not in the mood to answer this but...” The car slows at a red light. “Have you started packing?”
You don’t turn. The trees outside are swaying gently in the light breeze on this sunny day. It reminds you of the day Heeseung brought you out to the beach for your picnic. 
“I’m about 80% done. The stuff left’s like my laptop and iPad and daily appliances.”
“That’s good,” You see him nod in the window’s reflection and glance at you. “Well, I’ll come by and hand you the documents for credit transfer later this week and I’ll send you to the bus terminal next Wednesday too, yeah?”
“Mhm,” Humming to yourself, the refracted red light turns green. “Sure.”
The car starts again. “Hun, I... I just wanted you to know that I know this sem has been difficult for you. I’m- I’m sorry that I suggested you come. Had I known that there was going to be a lunatic running on the loose, I would’ve stopped you from coming.”
“You wouldn’t have known,” You mumble, but still loud enough for him to hear. “It’s fine, it’s over.”
“And with what happened with Jay and Heeseung... I’m sorry. I really am.”
“They would’ve gotten caught up in this crazy shitfest with the psycho anyway, regardless of my presence,” Finally turning to look at your father, he side-eyes you while keeping his hands on the steering wheel. “It’s not anybody’s fault except that psycho’s that this happened.”
Your father remains quiet, unable to respond. The car drives into the sheltered drop-off point at the hospital and he watches you unbuckle the seat belt to let yourself out the car.
You sling your bag over your shoulder and rest a hand on the car door. 
“They’ll be okay.”
A weak smile pulls your lips up your cheeks. 
“I hope so.”
By the time you’ve reached the floor where the wads were, you’ve run into a good number of their friends. Of course, there were one or two bad apples among the bunch, but most of them knew you were on a special visitors’ list and that’s why you came so late. 
It never gets easier though, the look on their faces when you know they want to tell you that they’ll be okay, but promises should not be made if they cannot be kept.
Walking into Jay’s ward, you see his mother helping to sponge his face while Jake and Sunghoon speak to a friend on the other side of the bed. 
You catch the room’s attention when you pull the plastic bag out from your bag and let the door shut behind you, Jay’s mother looking up and offering you a tired smile. 
“Oh, hey,” Jake grins and beckons you over. 
“Hi Mrs Park,” You gesture to Jake to wait before holding out the plastic bag to Jay’s mother. “It’s a box of tonic for you and Mr Park. Thought of getting fruits but I don’t think Jay can have them yet.”
“Gosh, you really didn’t have to,” She shakes her head and sets the cloth down by the bed. “Thank you. Are you sure you’re okay, coming to visit so often? You’re here everyday, aren’t you?”
You return her a tight, pursed smile. “Yeah, but it’s fine. I’m leaving to go home next week so I don’t have much time left to spend with them. I don’t mind.”
“Oh, honey,” She stands and takes the box from you, turning to set it down on the table behind her before returning you her attention. “I... I don’t know what to say. This must be all a lot for you.”
You break the eye contact first, knowing that you were probably going to cry if you hadn’t stopped looking at her.
“No, it’s fine,” You raise a palm and rub her upper arm. “All I want is to have a decent conversation with Jay before I leave, and I’ll be more than satisfied.”
“Oh!” She exclaims, nose crunching into a threatened crying mess. She holds her arms open and coerces you into her arms, patting the back of your head. “Of course. Of course, Jay will be fine by the time you need to go home. I promise.”
“I really do hope so,” You pull away first and smile weakly at her.
“By the way, Mr and Mrs Lee are with Heeseung in the ward next door,” She sniffles, anxiously rubbing her palms together.
“Oh, right- Do they know I’m on the-”
“Yes, of course they do, sweet heart,” She quickly rubs your arm to comfort you, then slides her hands down to yours to keep them in her palms. “Their parents are the sweetest couple ever and they’d be so grateful that Heeseung has a friend like you. How about I have Jake or Sunghoon bring you over to meet them?”
“Oh,” You watch as she waves to get one of the boys’ attention, Sunghoon quickly pulling away from the crowd to attend to you. 
“Would you do me a favour and bring her over to Heeseung’s ward? Introduce her to his parents.”
“Of course,” Sunghoon hurriedly nods and lowers his head out of respect. “Come on.”
“Thanks, Mrs Park,” You turn your feet to follow Sunghoon, but your hands are reluctant to leave hers. “I’ll come back later.”
“No, take your time, sweet.”
With a slight nod, you pull away and trail after Sunghoon out of the ward after leaving your bag with Jake.
The ward door closes with a soft hiss, then Sunghoon pauses right before you can come into view of Heeseung’s ward door, turning over his shoulder to look down at you. 
“I don’t mean to bring this up at a bad time but...”
“I know,” You nod. “I know I’ve been an ass the last few weeks. Honestly, I... I didn’t know who I wanted to be endgame either.”
Sunghoon gives your word one more second of thought before he turns around to face you. 
“It’s not my business but are you going to choose? Or... just go home next week?”
You frown and look down at your hands, reminiscing the warmth from Jay’s mother.
“I don’t know,” Your voice cracks. “I don’t think I can choose. Even if I do, I have 8 days, and neither of them are awake yet. I don’t... I don’t want to do that to them.”
He takes a deep breath and looks away, shoving his hands into his pockets.
“It’s Heeseung. Choose Heeseung,” He says without looking at you. “The night they got into a crash, Jay texted Jake to tell us that Heeseung kissed you, and that was the moment he decided he would give up.”
The statement tears you apart on the inside. 
“Jay’s a tough guy to hurt and he plays his cards fairly and maturely,” Sunghoon nods and finally looks at you. “Don’t feel bad you’re choosing Heeseung over him. He had a truce with Heeseung. About you. And he knows he lost fair and square, so don’t feel upset. Just pour your heart and soul into Heeseung for the rest of the time you’re here, and worry about committing anything else after you’ve gone home.”
You part your lips to breathe, as if it would help you understand any faster or better.
“Anyway, both Heeseung’s parents are in there and they already have an idea who you are so... Just be nice.”
He watches you nod, slightly zoned-out, then pushes the door open. 
His parents can tell you’re more preoccupied with the limp, breathing body on the bed than their presence, but they still take it with grace and greet you like they’ve known you your entire life.
The sight of Heeseung being bandaged up with a leg hanging in the air makes you feel like shit.
Who wouldn’t?
Later in the night, after Heeseung’s mother had gone home and his father had left to get coffee, you’re left alone with him and the occasional beeping from the Holter monitor. 
There was a bruise and scratch on his left cheek, and his neck, arms and right leg were in a cast. You think about how much he was going to miss dancing when he gets told he’ll need to be on a 6-month break from anything strenuous. 
Tired, you pull your earpieces out and plug it into your phone, laying it on the bed while you hover over him to fit the earbuds into his ears. Then you sit back down and scroll through your playlist, playing with the volume buttons to make sure it was softer than the volume you’d normally listen to your music at. 
You make your selection, then quietly lay on the mattress with the faint music drizzling the atmosphere’s noise. That’s how quiet the room was. 
His fingers were sticking out of his cast, so you play with them. His hair was in his shut eyes, so you gently push them out in case he were to open them. 
“One more time, Heeseung. Just one more time before I leave.”
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Jay’s mother was sleeping by his bed when you walk in to check on them, bag hanging from your right shoulder and lids heavy from the terrible sleep schedule the past few days. 
And a smile stretches your lips out when you can see him blink, offer you his bright grin, apart from the cut on his eyebrow.
“Hey,” You whisper, walking towards him on the other side of the bed. “How are you feeling?”
Jay clears his throat and blinks. “Had better days, but at least I’m alive.”
A snigger threatens to wake his mother up. “Good. Do you want me to wake your mom up? Maybe get a doctor in to give you a check up or something.”
He shakes his head, even managing a small wave in his fingers laying by his hip. “No, I’m good. I’m going back to sleep soon anyway.”
You lean over and adjust his pillow. “Well, then I shan’t disturb you. I’ll come by again tomorrow.”
“Sure,” He looks up at you and nods. Your gazes meet, for a split second, he can kind of know what you’re thinking of, and you know what he was. 
“Thank you for this sem, Jay. I really am.”
He shakes his head. “No, thank you. It was a fun sem because of you.”
“You call being in a hospital ward fun?”
Chuckling, he turns back to look at the ceiling for a second. “You will come back to visit us, won’t you? Zoom call us or something.”
“Of course. We could meet up during the summer break if anything.”
Satisfied, he nods again. “Good.”
“Get some rest. I’ll see you tomorrow,” You shove your hands into your pockets. 
“Okay,” He quietly responds, watching you turn on your heels. “Oh, y/n.”
You turn and raise a brow.
“Heeseung. He’s the one for you, and... he’ll wake up for you. I know he will.”
With a slightly ached grin, you nod and look down at your feet. 
“Bye Jay.”
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resurrectedclones · 3 years
Big Day for Tiny Clone
Makes an AU specifically about the clones being brought back “I’m focusing too much on the clones, no one will read this if I don’t focus more on the mane cast.” “No it’s a clone AU people expect the clones!” Writes a needed chapter to introduce the next clone. “I’m focusing too much on the clones.”
This chapter was a bit of a struggle to get out as you can see. Don’t worry I’ve beat that dumb thought back for now so I’m good. Although nice comments do help.
Anyway enjoy.
Previous / Next
Green, that was the first thing he noticed. There was a lot of green all around him.
The second thing he noticed was that it was cold. The kind of cold that should have been slightly uncomfortable, but he didn’t really seem to care that much.
The third thing was if he could see the green and feel the cold it meant he had a body, that he was solid again. He looked down and sure enough there he was, tiny, glowing, and green as always.
But how?
The last thing he remembered was… father.
Father had ordered him to overshadow prime Daniel and force him to transform.
It hurt.
There was so much electricity, and prime Daniel fighting back, and so, so much pain. He yelled with prime Daniel, wanting it to stop, but father… father didn't stop. He just made it hurt worse until everything failed catastrophically.
By then he was too weak to keep up the overshadowing and prime Daniel got away. He fell out of the pod, and something was wrong. His hands… his hands had melted. He looked to father for help, but he just looked disappointed. Then nothing.
Father didn't care. Father had hurt him. Watched him die and didn't care.
He curled in on himself, that realization hurt almost as much as the overshadowing. It didn't matter that he somehow came back. If father didn't care for him, he had nowhere to go.
He was then pulled out of his spiraling thoughts when he noticed something heading for him, and he swerved out of the way on instinct. When he turned to face what it was, he froze.
A flat, segmented, and armored body, with multiple legs and large pincers, turned its gaze on him. The ghostly sea scorpion darted forward, moving through the murky air of the Ghost Zone as easy as it might have once done in Earth’s oceans.
The tiny clone zipped out of reach just in time, thankfully faster than the pincers coming for him. Unfortunately, the scorpion wasn’t going to give up and lunged for him again, which the tiny clone ducked under just as the claws snapped down on where he’d been moments before.
This continued for a bit until the tiny clone managed to get behind the scorpion and flew off in a random direction before it could find him and give chase.
The tiny clone wasn’t sure how long he’d been flying before he finally stopped and looked around at his surroundings.
Or lack of surroundings.
There was nothing around him aside from an endless expanse of green in all directions. Which was odd, because he was sure he passed by doors and floating islands as he was escaping.
But there was nothing at all now. No landmarks, nothing to give him any idea of where he was or what direction he even came from.
He was the only thing in a vast expanse of swirling green that blended with his own body. Even if someone was around, they wouldn’t see him. He was too close to the color around him, and too small.
He was small and helpless and so utterly useless.
Slightly glowing tears filled his vision and he reflexively wiped them away, only to realize only one eye was crying. He reached up again and flinched at the realization. His right eye wasn’t there.
The eye he’d lost right before the overshadowing had not come back with the rest of him.
How had he not noticed?
A soft coo from behind him snapped him out of his panicked thoughts and he turned to see what had made it.
A small teardrop shaped ghost the same green as everything else stared at him with large eyes.
The tiny clone made a squeak of surprise and shot backwards away from the ghost.
However, the ghost didn’t seem to mind and just floated after him.
It was then joined by several more ghosts that looked exactly like it and they surrounded the clone on all sides.
He curled up in fear but there was no attack, just a soft nudge at his back.
He opened his eye and looked to see one of the ghosts nuzzling him as if trying to calm him.
Another one came closer, and soon he found himself snuggling two squishy green blobs.
Eventually, his fear subsided, and he relaxed. These little guys were just trying to help, and he wasn’t alone anymore.
A couple others attempted to cuddle too but, given he was the same size as they were, there wasn’t much room for them.
Wait there could be room. He could turn into his larger form, and he’d be able to hug all the little blob ghosts.
He let out a happy chirp and started to shift.
Something was wrong.
He felt something shift that he shouldn’t, and a shutter went through him.
No this was wrong. He couldn’t feel his hands. Why couldn’t he feel his hands? Was he melting again?
No! He couldn’t do that. Not again!
He snapped back into his small form again, small twitches being the only movement. If breathing was something he’d been able to do he would have been hyperventilating.
He felt something gently touch his back and he peered up at the blob ghosts still hovering around him.
He latched onto the nearest one and buried his face into its squishy body. He needed something to hold and comfort him. He wanted someone to hug him and tell him that things were ok that he wasn’t actually dying again. He wanted to go home.
Except he didn’t have a home.
Father… no Vlad didn’t want him, so he wasn’t his father.
Vlad had hurt him. It wasn’t safe at the mansion. He wasn’t sure where a safe place was.
A strange feeling then appeared in his core, and he placed his hand on it in curiosity. It was like a small tugging sensation that was barely there.
However, before he could put much thought into it the blobs started to nudge at him insistently.
He chirped in confusion, and they chirped back, clearly wanting him to follow them.
The tugging in his core seemed to be in a different direction, but he ultimately decided to follow the blobs and ignore the strange pull for now.
The blobs led him to the only thing that wasn’t just a mass of swirling green.
Well, there was still a lot of swirling green, but it was contained by a hexagonal metal doorway.
The tiny clone instantly recognized it as the entrance to a ghost portal, much like the one Vlad had in his lab.
The blobs swarmed around it and started pushing him through.
He looked to them unsure but after a bit more encouragement they got him to fly forward. He passed through the portal and the tugging in his core disappeared.
On the other side of the portal was a lab, much like the one Vlad had his portal in. Although this was far messier and disorganized. Ectoplasm caked test tubes and beakers were strewn over the tables along with machine parts and crumpled up papers.
The tiny clone watched as the blobs curiously investigated the lab, sending out little chirps and coos to each other when they found something they deemed interesting. He wasn’t sure playing around a lab like this was a good idea. Many angry shouts from Vlad whenever he or his siblings got to close to anything came to mind.
Speaking of angry shouts, he could hear some coming from the top of the stairs.
All the ghosts in the room froze.
“I know you putrid ectoplasmic scum are down there!”
Loud stomping could be heard from the stairs, followed by the sight of a huge, towering man holding what looked like a cross between a vacuum, lawn mower, and bazooka over his shoulder.
As the man ran down the stairs all the blob ghosts phased through the walls in a mad dash to get away. However, the tiny clone was too petrified with fear to move.
“When I get my hands on you, you’ll be nothing more than a screaming pile of goo on the floor!”
The man made it to the bottom of the stairs and looked around the lab. His eyes landed on the tiny clone as a wide grin spread on his face.
“I knew it! Eat ghost mower!”
The man aimed the large device at the tiny clone, showing multiple glowing blades inside.
This got the clone to snap into action and he dove through the floor before the horrible weapon could be activated.
Unfortunately, that appeared to be the wrong move as there was another level to the basement under the lab. This one looking to be that of a dungeon.
Locked metal boxes with occult runes etched into them were stacked against the back wall and a pile of tools that looked unnecessarily sharp lay in the corner.
The sound of a metal door sliding open we then heard above him followed by the large man’s voice.
“Wrong move ghost! Every item in the Fenton Stockades was made by my ancestors to trap and destroy ectoplasmic scum just like you.”
With nowhere else to go the clone darted back through the ceiling away from the dungeon, but he didn’t stop there. He did not want to be in the lab any more than the room below it and continued to fly through to the next story of the building.
This time he found himself in what appeared to be a rather normal kitchen, aside from a weird growling sound coming from the fridge.
However, it was clear that he wasn’t safe there either as a woman, dressed in a similar jumpsuit as the man who’d been after him, came running in with a gun of the same build as the ghost mower.
“Not so fast you monstrous manifestation!”
The tiny clone managed to just dodge the blast sent his way and continued flying up to the next floor in an attempt to get to safety.
This time he ended up in what looked like a bedroom. A bed with a teal comforter and pillows sat against the wall with a dresser next to it and across from a large bookshelf filled with several very thick books. A desk was against the remaining wall under the window, which was where the tiny clone landed and didn’t get back up.
After escaping the ghost sea scorpion, his emotional breakdown, then running from the crazy couple in jumpsuits he was exhausted. He wouldn’t have been able to get himself to move even if Vlad walked through the door right now.
Thankfully, no one came through the door. Unfortunately, that did not mean that there was no one already in the room.
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TAoT: Chapter 32: Kindred Spirits Part 1
Vlad POV:
“File 10406-VM.” A video file of Daniel and Valerie fighting one another appeared on the large holoscreen in front of him. “Stop.” The video paused on a closeup of Daniel flying with his tail. “Analysis.” Various readouts popped up around the frozen frame, which Vlad merely skimmed over before going to the next video.
“File 10406-VX.” An up-close shot of Daniel in combat. “Analysis.” More pop-ups appeared, containing graphs of data that Vlad had already spent hours looking over.
“File 1874-MI. Analysis. File 2416-SM. Stop. File 3299-IM. Stop. Analysis.”
The holoscreen now covered in various pictures, videos, and scientific data, Vlad leaned back against his worktable. He glanced lazily over the information—he’d seen it all far too many times for his liking—and drawled: “Conclusion?”
A green loading bar appeared in the center of the screen, and Vlad took the brief moment of downtime to let out a heavy sigh. He dragged his hand over his tired eyes as his mind wandered back to almost two weeks ago, when he had been searching for Daniel after the teen’s mysterious “trip.”
For the last couple of days, Vlad had spent his time staking out all the bus stations and airports within a 200-mile radius of Amity Park, searching for Daniel Fenton. The young halfa had mentioned an upcoming trip during their encounter a few days earlier, but Vlad hadn’t been able to get anything else out of him before he had disappeared.
The young halfa rarely left Amity Park for more than a day, but Daniel had been missing for an entire week. Obviously, Vlad was concerned—he considered Daniel as his own son, after all. Vlad had paid Skulker well to find Daniel and report back to him, but the ghost had never returned. Typical. One should never trust others to get the work done.
So that Monday, Vlad found himself at yet another airport, flitting invisibly between the different terminals and glancing through the airplanes as they landed. He had just been about to check the latest plane arrival when all of a sudden, the air around him turned frigid and he felt a hand grab his shoulder. An almost overwhelming sense of dread washed over Vlad as he turned around and came face-to-face with what could only be described as an angel of death.
Vlad tried to phase out of the being’s grasp, but found to his surprise (and dismay) that he could not. The other leaned in, their expression cold and displeased.
“You will leave Daniel alone, Vladimir Masters.” The angel’s golden eyes glowed with such an intensity that Vlad was certain it could see into his very soul. “Or there will be consequences.”
Vlad couldn’t speak—something about this entity made it difficult to do so. Their golden eyes bore into Vlad’s blood-red ones for several long, agonizing seconds before they released their grip on Vlad.
“Leave. Now.” They commanded.
Vlad didn’t need to be told twice. He disappeared in a cloud of magenta smoke, eager to get away from that airport as quickly as possible. And as soon as he got home, Vlad began his research on angels of death, and ancient beings that dwelled within the Ghost Zone.
His research had yielded very little information about the being Vlad had encountered beyond its title: Lord Death. It seemed the denizens of the Ghost Zone were afraid to say anything about the being, and as such frustratingly little had been written. What his research did reveal, however, was secrets—spells and wards and other things that one could use to hide themself from the Ancients of the Ghost Zone.
His musings were interrupted when the face of his Maddie program popped up on the screen. “I’m sorry, Sweetheart,” her robotic voice crooned. “Inconclusive data. Experiment cannot be completed without mid-morph sample.”
Vlad scowled. “The equipment I gave to Valerie to fight ghosts has been monitoring Daniel for months, yet I’m still missing the one piece I need!”
Well, it seemed he would just have to get the missing piece right from the source. And if that Ancient tried to interfere… Well, Vlad had found ways to deal with Ancients.
He snapped his fingers and four pods opened behind him. Without turning around, Vlad spoke to the failed clones. “You know what to do.”
“Yes, Father,” three voices intoned before their owners flew off.
Vlad smirked. Oh, how he loved to hear that word. Now, if he could only…
A boot scuffed against the floor.
Vlad fought the urge to sigh. He should have known that she was still there. Plastering on his kindest smile, Vlad turned around to see that, yes, Danielle had indeed stuck around. She had been his closest success, but she still wasn’t what Vlad wanted.
“Yes, Danielle? Did you need something?” He asked kindly.
Danielle shuffled her feet, gaze locked firmly on the floor. “Um… I… don’t…”
“Speak up. And stand up straight, dear,” Vlad scolded. “Proper ladies don’t mumble or slouch.”
“Sorry, Father,” Danielle said, immediately correcting her posture. “How’s this?”
“Much better, my dear,” Vlad commended. Danielle’s eyes lit up at the praise. “Now, what did you need?”
Danielle’s gaze dropped once again to the floor. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”
Vlad smiled at her, though the look never reached his eyes. “Do not worry, my dear. I have just the mission for you.”
Danny POV:
Danny flopped onto his bed late that Saturday night with a loud groan as he returned to his human form. He had just gotten back from another training session with Thanatos (they had practiced shadow-travel again), and he was exhausted. Who knew being Death’s apprentice would be so much work? Danny hardly had time outside of school, hero work, and training to hang out with his friends. Heck, he barely had time to sleep! And his busy schedule was beginning to take a toll on his friendships. He felt bad constantly letting them down, but… he just didn’t have time…
What is an apprentice, anyway? Danny wondered to himself. Is it like an intern? Don’t interns get paid? He sighed as he silenced his phone and closed his eyes. Maybe he could ask Thanatos about that the next time he saw him…
Danny was eventually woken by the sunlight filtering in through his curtains. He grumbled as he rolled over and pulled the comforter over his eyes. It was too early for the sun to be up…
Danny snatched his phone off the nightstand, and the first thing he saw was his missed alarm: mini-golf with Sam and Tuck—10:00 A.M.
After passing his makeup CAT exam, he had made plans with his friends to go celebrate. And he was late. He cursed under his breath as he leapt out of bed—his friends were going to kill him. Well, Sam was, anyway.
Danny found his friends at the 18th hole of the golf course. Tucker was up to putt while Sam stood behind him, glaring. Danny hoped it wasn’t because of him. He watched invisibly from overhead, before a mischievous idea entered his mind and he decided to enact it.
“It’s the eighteenth hole, Sam,” Tucker said as he readied his stance. “I beat you here, I win.”
Sam scoffed with a roll of her eyes.
Taking a moment to steady his arms, Tucker took a deep breath and swung.
And his putter went right through the ball.
Tucker gasped, startled. “Wha?”
Sam caught on quickly, and she smirked. “That’s one.”
Annoyed, Tucker swung again. And… missed?
“And two.”
Tucker growled and swung again, and again, his frustration growing with each swing.
Sam only looked more and more pleased as she counted off his attempts. “Three. Four. And five.” She gave Tucker a frustratingly smug grin. “Ha!”
Tucker looked ready to throw his putter, and he grumbled angrily under his breath as he bent down to pick up the ball. Which passed right through his fingers.
Before Tucker could react, Danny popped up out of the ground like a meerkat. “Boo!”
“AHH!” Tucker yelped and recoiled in fear, before scowling as he finally realized who had been messing with him. “Danny, knock it off!”
Sam nodded in agreement as she folded her arms. “Yeah, you were supposed to be here an hour ago.” She then turned and smirked at Tucker. “By the way, that still counts.”
Danny winced and quickly dipped back into the ground, leaving the golf ball behind, and flew behind some conveniently placed rocks to transform.
“Sorry I was late,” Danny said as he stepped out, now human. He scrambled for an excuse that would get him back in his friends’ good graces. “But, uhh, you’ll be happy to know that the Ghost King… won’t… be…” He trailed off at the completely and utterly unimpressed looks on his friend’s faces. “… okay, I overslept,” he admitted sheepishly.
“Seriously?” Sam scoffed incredulously. “Danny, what’s gotten into you?”
“Yeah!” Tucker agreed. “Lately, you’ve been blowing us off all the time!”
“I’m sorry,” Danny stressed. “Really! I’m just so busy with school, and my apprenticeship, and fighting ghosts all the time that when I finally get some time to myself, I’m dead on my feet! Uhh, pun not intended.” He dragged his hand down his face and sighed. “I have a lot on my plate, okay?”
“You should’ve just talked to us,” Sam pointed out, disappointment written across her face. “We’re your friends. We would’ve let you sleep in.”
Tucker nodded. “And why don’t you, like, talk to your mentor? See if he’ll give you a day off to hang out with us once in a while.”
“I mean… I dunno…” Danny scuffed his foot against the turf. “I just… don’t wanna let anyone down.”
“Well, Danny, you’re kind of letting us down,” Sam pointed out quietly.
Danny’s gaze fell to his feet as his shoulders sank. He knew Sam didn’t intend to hurt him, but the words still stung. And he also knew that she was right. He didn’t know what to say, but as he opened his mouth to come up with something, his ghost sense went off.
Perfect timing, he thought sourly. “Sorry, guys.” He avoided their gazes as he turned away and transformed back to his ghost form. “Gotta go.”
“Yeah, I bet you do,” Sam muttered scornfully.
Danny winced at the hurt he could hear in her voice, but he didn’t stick around. Instead, he flew off in the direction of screaming citizens and destruction, hoping he could get this fight done and over with so he could get back to Sam and Tucker. He wanted to hang out with his friends—really, he did—but dealing with ghosts came first. They understood that, right?
Danny found the rogue ghost terrorizing mini-golfers at the lighthouse hole. The people were screaming bloody murder as they ran frantically from the… bedsheet ghost? Seriously? That was, like, the most cliché ghost stereotype ever. Were all the good ideas taken? Well, there is a Box Ghost…
Anyway, cliché or not, Danny still had a job to do.
The ghost looked up just as Danny crashed into it. It thrashed around in Danny’s grasp, but he managed to hold onto it long enough to slam it into the miniature lighthouse, breaking through the brick wall on impact. He had hoped to stun the specter, but it immediately grabbed Danny in turn and threw him back out of the hole in the wall and onto the ground below.
Danny glared up at the bedsheet ghost—he did not have time for this today, dang it—before launching himself back at the offending spirit. They exchanged blows, choosing to use fists over ecto-rays. Danny managed to land each hit with brutal efficiency (thank you, Ares cabin), and with a solid punch to the ghost’s jaw, he sent it flying back down to earth, where it crashed into the base of the miniature clock tower.
“Seriously?” Danny asked, chuckling as he landed in front of the defeated ghost. “A bedsheet? That’s the best you’ve got?” He grabbed the white blanket and pulled. “What have you got under there?”
But as the sheet fell away, Danny immediately regretted his decision.
Beneath the white cloth was the upper half of a charred humanoid skeleton. Below its ribcage, where it should have had legs, the spine trailed off into something like a tail. The ghost glared up at him with its blood-red eyes and snarled, revealing short, jagged teeth. It lunged at him, and Danny, still stunned, was easily knocked down and pinned to the ground.
“Chaaange baaack!” the ghost commanded in a warbling, haunting voice that sent chills down Danny’s spine.
As Danny had no idea what the ghost was talking about and had no desire to obey it, he chose to respond by kicking it firmly in the chest. The ghost was launched backwards and struck the ground a few yards away. Annoyed, Danny quickly got to his feet and immediately began charging up on ecto-blast in his palm.
The ghost writhed around like a fish out of water before its gaze landed on Danny, and it charged towards him with a guttural hiss. Danny raised his hand, and released the energy just before the ghost reached him.
A wide beam of ecto-energy erupted from Danny’s palm, completely engulfing the skeleton ghost. Danny was pushed back a couple of inches from the sheer force of his ecto-ray, and he wasn’t able to keep the blast up for more than a few seconds, but it was enough.
The light faded, and Danny saw that the ghost was no more; it had completely burned up in the blast. Not even its ashes remained. And that didn’t sit right with Danny. He had expected to find the ghost thoroughly beaten and ready for the thermos. He had never destroyed a ghost before. Unbidden, a memory came to his mind. A memory of the ghosts he had met back in the future—the ones he had left unconscious and barely in one piece—
Danny shook his head. Nope. He wasn’t going to think about that. He needed to finish up here.
But as Danny looked around the immediate area, he realized in growing horror that he had caused far more damage than he had intended. The mini-golf course’s clock tower was completely destroyed, and the windmill wasn’t in much better condition; it was barely still standing. The ground directly in front of Danny had been torn up like a tornado had come through, and its path extended far past where the ghost—and the clock tower—had once stood.
In short, the area had been utterly destroyed.
Danny grimaced. Maybe he should stay and fix it? No, no, he couldn’t fix it. He didn’t know how. And if he stayed, then it was likely that ghost hunters like Valerie would show up. Or worse, his parents. And he didn’t need them destroying the mini-golf course any further. Sam and Tucker would be fine. They were just bystanders, after all.
And so, Danny fled, leaving a huge mess in his wake.
As Danny was flying home, his phone rang. He pulled it out and answered, already having a good idea of who was on the other end.
Yep. It was Sam.
“Hey, Sam,” Danny greeted timidly.
“Don’t you ‘Hey, Sam’ me, Fenton!” Sam shouted. “I will whoop your ectoplasmic butt, you hear me? Why did you leave?!”
“Yeah, dude, not cool,” Tucker piped up, also sounding rather upset.
“Look, guys, I’m sorry!” Danny said as Fenton Works came into view. “If I stuck around any longer, then my parents probably would’ve shown up looking for Phantom and made everything worse.”
“Well, ‘sorry’ doesn’t get us out of cleaning up this golf course,” Tucker griped.
“And ‘sorry’ doesn’t clean it, either.” Sam snapped as Danny phased into his room and detransformed.
Danny winced. He had assumed—hoped, really—that his friends wouldn’t get caught up in the aftermath of his fight, but that just seemed to be their combined luck, didn’t it? He would have to make it up to them later. Somehow. When he had the time.
He sighed, his gaze trailing over the contents of his room as he listened to his friends complain. It was just as messy as he had left it. His bed was made, though. Maybe his mom had come in and tidied up while he was gone.
“I know, I know,” Danny groaned as he turned to the window, glancing down at the empty street below. “And I really appreciate you guys. But—”
Wait a minute.
The hair on Danny’s neck stood on end as he turned back around, and saw… a person sitting on his bed. A girl. She was about his height, but he couldn’t tell much else. He could only see her baggy clothes and black hair from behind the magazine that she was reading. His magazine, he realized.
“Uhh…” Danny began hesitantly, feeling rather wary of the newcomer. At least he had remembered to put a bandage over his mark before leaving that morning. “Can I… help you?”
“YES!” Sam shouted over the phone.
“No, not you!” Danny snapped at her, faltering as he glanced at the intruder again. “Look, I’ve gotta go.”
“Of course you do,” Sam retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
Danny hung up, shoving his phone back in his pocket as he walked over to the foot of his bed. The girl, seemingly riveted by the old edition of Spaceport Magazine, paid him no attention.
Annoyed, Danny waved his arms wildly, trying to get her attention. “HELLO?!”
The girl huffed under her breath, scowling as she set the magazine down beside her. “Not so loud,” she grumbled as she met Danny’s gaze.
And Danny froze.
The girl had long, straight, jet black hair pulled back in a low ponytail and covered by a red knit beanie. Her skin was pale, her eyes an icy blue, and… for some reason, Danny felt like he had met her before.
His heart ached in his chest, and the feeling was shared mutually by his core. It wasn’t a painful ache. If anything, it felt like… longing? Like he just wanted to walk up to her and give her a hug, and forget all his worries while she hugged him back, and brushed his hair, and asked him about his day.
Danny’s brain short-circuited as the pure absurdity of what he had just thought hit him. What?
The stranger’s scowl had faded, and she gave him an easygoing, reassuring smile. The strange ache in his chest only increased tenfold. She just looked so… familiar.
So he asked her: “Have we… met before?”
That seemed to catch her off guard, and her smile faded into a look of confusion. “What? No. I’m, uhh…” There was a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes before her smile quickly returned. “I’m your cousin, Danielle! Your… third cousin once removed?”
Danny raised an eyebrow in unimpressed disbelief as he folded his arms. “Uh huh.”
“Yeah…” The girl chuckled nervously as she rubbed the back of her neck. “I ran away from home.”
“Okay…” Danny said slowly, obviously not believing the girl’s claim. “And why did you come here? How do you even know who I am? Because I don’t know you.”
The stranger paled. “I-I just told you—”
“Yeah, yeah, we’re cousins,” Danny emphasized the word with finger quotes. “But I’ve never heard of you. So, tell me…” He placed his hands on his hips and scowled. “How exactly are we related?”
Danny could practically see the girl’s thoughts racing behind her eyes as she scrambled for an answer. She opened her mouth, then closed it, then opened it again. Yet no words came out. Danny tapped his foot, his already threadbare patience only growing more thin.
The girl closed her mouth before opening it once more, but the sound that left her… came from her stomach. Danny gave her a questioning look, and she smiled sheepishly. “Do you have any food?”
Danny groaned. Fine. He could wait to question her. “Come on. Let’s get you something to eat.”
Danielle eagerly hopped off the bed and followed him out of the room.
Danny caught a glimpse of his reflection in the hallway mirror as they walked past it, and as he looked more closely he paused. Seeing himself side by side with Danielle, he realized that the two of them looked similar. Really similar. Their hair, their eyes, their noses… even their heights and body types. If he didn’t know better, he could’ve easily mistaken the both of them for twins. Maybe that was why she looked so familiar to him?
His core buzzed sourly like a joybuzzer, as if in disagreement. But if that wasn’t it, then why…?
Danielle’s stomach growled again, and she whined impatiently. “I’m hungry. Food, please?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Danny grumbled. “Come on.”
Danny led Danielle downstairs and into the kitchen. Once there, he flipped on the lights and gestured to the room. “Help yourself, I guess.”
Danielle didn’t move from where she stood behind him, and when Danny turned to look at her he saw that she was fidgeting. Danny frowned at her, and Danielle gave him a nervous smile. “Uhh, sorry! I, uhh… what is there to eat?”
“I mean… we’ve got plenty of food in the fridge.” Danny walked over to the refrigerator and pulled it open, glancing over the containers of leftovers and assorted cooking ingredients. “But, uhh… I’m not sure it’s safe for human consumption. I mean, I’m fine, but I’m pretty sure my body has adapted to the presence of ectoplasm in my food over the years.” He glanced over his shoulder at Danielle, who had wandered over to him and was now staring into the depths of the fridge like a child gazing through the window of a candy shop. “I don’t know if you should—”
Before Danny could finish speaking, Danielle ducked under his arm and practically dove head first into the open refrigerator. She snatched the closest thing to her—a Tupperware of leftover spaghetti from the night before—and ripped the lid off. She grabbed a fistful of cold, slimy, sauce-covered noodles and eagerly shoved them into her mouth.
“Woah!” Danny stepped back, eyes wide in alarm. “Dude, chill!”
Danielle looked up at him, her eyes looking like those of a confused puppy, and the spaghetti hanging from her lips making her look like a toddler at lunchtime. Danny grabbed her by the shoulders and directed her to the table. “At least sit down. I’ll grab you a fork. Sheesh.”
“A wha?” Danielle asked before promptly shoveling more noodles into her mouth, tomato sauce dripping onto the tile floor below.
Danny could barely hide his shiver of disgust. And Sam always says Tucker has no manners… “Just… sit down. Please.”
Danielle did as she was told, taking a seat at the table as she continued to eat. Danny shuddered once more before retrieving a fork from the silverware drawer. He walked back over to the table to see that most of the spaghetti in the container was already gone.
“Geez… you, uhh, must’ve been hungry,” Danny remarked as he set the fork down in front of Danielle.
Danielle only nodded eagerly in response since her mouth was full. Danny sat down across from her and watched her continue to shovel spaghetti into her mouth, completely ignoring the fork. Danny sighed but didn’t comment. He wasn’t one to judge someone else’s eating habits, especially when he considered who he was friends with.
“Got anything else to eat?” Danielle asked as she set down the now empty container.
Danny stared at the container in disbelief. It was licked clean! He looked up at the unfazed, petite girl in front of him and shook his head. “Uhh, sure?”
He got up from the table and walked back over to the fridge, opening it and considering what was left inside. Ecto-contaminated hotdogs, emergency ham, fudge, chicken casserole…
Danny grabbed the chicken casserole and turned back to Danielle. “Y’know, my dad likes to joke that the chicken casserole we have for dinner lays the eggs we had for breakfast!” Danny chuckled, before muttering under his breath, “I wish it was a joke.” He placed the container in front of Danielle and stepped back. “Bon appétit.”
Danny stared at Danielle in a mix between disbelief and horror as she leaned back in her chair and burped. She had eaten nearly everything in the fridge! It was honestly kind of impressive. And a bit scary. And I thought Tucker was a bottomless pit…
He glanced at the clock, quietly wondering when his parents would be home. They could help him figure out what to do with his newfound “cousin.”
As if right on cue, Danny heard the faint rumble of a car pulling into the driveway. Well, talk about convenient.
“Had enough to eat?” Danny asked.
Danielle smiled happily and nodded.
“Good.” Danny stood up and grabbed her wrist. “‘Cause it sounds like my parents just got home.”
“Hey!” Danielle squawked. “Let go!”
“C’mon,” Danny urged, pulling Danielle from her chair and starting towards the living room. “We can ask them about your parents, and—”
“I said let go!” Danielle shouted. She tore her wrist from Danny’s grasp and spun on her heel, sprinting back up the stairs to the second floor.
“Hey!” Danny shouted, following after her. “Get back here!”
But when he reached the foot of the stairs, he stopped. Danielle was nowhere in sight. There was no way she could’ve made it all the way up the stairs before he reached them, and he heard no noises coming from the second floor. He started up the steps, but hesitated as he heard the rattle of keys in the front door.
Where did she go?
Danny stepped back and peeked into the living room just as the front door opened, and his parents walked inside.
“Heyo, Danny-o!” Jack called cheerfully, holding a large cardboard box in his arms. “Your mother and I were out getting some new lab equipment. Beakers and flasks and whatnot, since I… may have broken a few the other day.”
“Don’t worry, Jack. It happens to the best of us,” Maddie assured him as they made their way into the kitchen. Jack moved to set the box on the table, but both parents paused when they saw the mess of dirty dishes on its surface.
“Oh! Did you have friends over, Danny?” Maddie asked as she walked around Jack and began gathering up the empty food containers.
“Uh… yeah…” Danny said slowly, hurrying to help his mother put all the dishes in the kitchen sink. “Sorry, they just left, so… I didn’t have time to clean up.”
“That’s fine, dear.” Maddie smiled at her son, walking over to the fridge as Jack set the box down on the newly clean table. “I’m glad the leftovers didn’t go to waste, but let me just see what’s left for dinner—” She pulled open the fridge and froze. “… Danny, why is the refrigerator practically empty?”
Whoops… “Uhh, ghosts…?” Danny supplied weakly, giving his parents a nervous smile. He hadn’t expected Danielle to be so… hungry.
It was clear that his mother didn’t believe him. “Danny, I know you’re a growing boy, but could you really not have waited until dinner time—”
“THOSE DARN GHOST RACCOONS!” Jack bellowed, cutting her off. “BACK AT IT AGAIN!” He turned on his heel and stormed out of the kitchen, angrily ranting about how he was going to grab the Fenton Broom.
Maddie watched him go, before sighing tiredly and pulling out her phone. “Well, then… I guess I’ll order us a pizza for dinner, and go grocery shopping tomorrow.”
“Sounds great,” Danny gave her a thumbs-up. “I’ll, uhh, be up in my room.”
And with that, Danny turned and ran up the stairs. Had Danielle gone back to his room? There was no way down to the street from there, so it wasn’t like she could have just disappeared, right?
Yet as he reached his open bedroom door and walked inside, it seemed that disappearing was exactly what Danielle had done.
Danny groaned in frustration. Where did she go?
He sighed and transformed, planning to search for her from the skies. She couldn’t have gotten too far, right? But as he wondered that, another thought came to his mind: had she seen him transform earlier, when he came home from the golf course? There was no way she hadn’t; he had transformed right in front of her. But she hadn’t said anything, so maybe, somehow, she hadn’t?
Danny shook his head, deciding that that wasn’t important right now. He needed to find Danielle first, and then he could worry about the rest. And with that thought, he flew out the window.
Danny wasn’t outside for more than two seconds before his ghost sense went off. He didn’t even have time to wonder what had triggered it as a roar sounded above him. Before Danny could even look up, something struck in the back of the head, sending him crashing so hard into the ground below that he left a crater in the concrete.
Danny shook his head and blinked in an attempt to clear the spots from his vision, groaning in pain as he looked up at whatever had just attacked him. Floating just outside his bedroom window was a ghost that Danny could only describe as Frankenstein’s long-lost twin.
At easily three times his size, the specter had muscles that Dash could only dream of, but that was the only part of its appearance that could be considered even somewhat flattering. Its skin was blotchy and gray and covered in stitches, like a well-loved patchwork quilt. It wore nothing more than a pair of tattered black pants, and broken shackles around its wrists and neck. The ghost bared its fangs at Danny as it growled, and from the state of its teeth Danny wondered if it ate rocks for breakfast.
Danny pushed himself up from the crater and glared right back at it. “Alright, Frankenstein. Show me what you’ve got!” He darted upwards, throwing his fist at the monstrous ghost’s face, but to his surprise the hulking beast caught it with ease.
Frankenstein—Danny had decided to call the ghost Frankenstein—roared and threw Danny back down into the road. The halfa landed with a pained grunt and rolled a few feet before crashing into the side of a parked car. Frankenstein landed in front of Danny with an enraged bellow, its feet cracking the concrete below.
Danny stood and took a deep breath; he wasn’t going to beat this ghost with strength, so maybe he could stun it instead with his Ghostly Wail.
But Frankenstein lunged forward with surprising speed, and clamped its big, grimy hand over Danny’s mouth. It lifted Danny into the air and drew its other hand back in a fist, ready to pummel him into nothing more than a pile of ecto-jelly. Danny pulled at the fingers around his jaw, trying to pry them away, when all of a sudden he heard an all too familiar voice.
A few yards down the street stood Danielle, her fists clenched by her sides as she shouted at the gray ghost. “Leave him alone!”
Danny managed to pull away the fingers over his lips, and he was quick to shout back at the girl. “Get out of here!” Was she crazy?
Danielle scoffed incredulously. “Forget it! I know who you are, and I came a long way to find you.” Danielle widened her stance and raised her fists as a ring of white light formed around her waist.
No frickin’ way…
Danny could only watch in complete and utter disbelief as the ring split in two and traveled over Danielle’s body, transforming her right before his eyes. In the blink of an eye, Danielle was wearing a black, full-body jumpsuit with a white collar, belt, gloves, and boots, just like Danny’s. She even had the same logo on her chest.
Danielle brought her hands together, and ecto-energy flickered to life between them. She aimed at the gray ghost, and a large green beam shot from her palms, hitting the creature square in the chest. It staggered back and fell into the dented car, releasing Danny, who landed on his feet and immediately turned to look at Danielle.
“W-what? How—” Danny was interrupted by Frankenstein, who gave an enraged roar.
The two halfas turned just as Frankenstein launched itself up into the sky, and Danny narrowly darted out of the way as it came back down, slamming its fist into the road hard enough to send out a small shockwave. Danny spared a quick look at Danielle, questions racing through his frazzled mind.
Danielle looked back at him, her face set in a determined scowl. “Do you wanna ask questions, or do you wanna kick some butt?”
Before Danny could answer, Frankenstein lunged at them, its nails lengthening into long, razor-tipped claws. Danny and Danielle both stepped back, bracing themselves. Together they raised their hands and charged up dual ecto-blasts, and in sync they both fired. Their combined ecto-rays struck Frankenstein and exploded on impact, creating a cloud of green smoke that smelled like burnt, rotten flesh.
The cloud faded quickly, revealing the Frankenstein ghost standing as if it were frozen in place, with a new, gaping hole in the center of its chest. And then the ghost melted right before their eyes, into a goopy green puddle on the asphalt. Just like with the bedsheet ghost, there was nothing left for the thermos.
“That’s… weird,” Danny muttered, and he turned to look at Danielle. “And you—” Danny paused. Danielle was pale and sweaty, and looked like she was going to be sick. “Hey, are you alright?”
“Huh?” Danielle blinked slowly as she registered the words. “O-oh, yeah, I’m fine.”
Danny didn’t believe her one bit. “If you say so… But it’s time to head back inside. I have lots of questions—”
Danielle swayed, and Danny barely managed to catch her as her eyes rolled back and she collapsed.
“Hey!” He shook her, but she didn’t stir. Great. She was unconscious, and Danny had no idea what in the world was going on. But it wasn’t like he could ask her now. “… okay. Fine. We can talk tomorrow.”
First: Prologue
Previous: Chapter 31
Next: Chapter 33
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