#next time I might or might not draw papyrus again
spadesmain · 1 year
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Silly doodle dabbles of my favorite skeleton before another art :0
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blinddreams24 · 12 days
Monster Under the Bed
Night 1. Dust
Inspired by @starzeah123
(Mention of possible drug use)
You weren’t a troubled child growing up. Monsters were a mere fantasy to you until they came out of the mountain and definitely not what you’d expected. The fairy tales you were told were of scary beasts that hunted disobedient children and ate them.
These monsters looked nothing like you’d imagined.
Sure, their king was a little intimidating. But he always had such a sad smile on his face that your eight year old self couldn’t find it in you to be scared. You’d hugged him when you met him and he’d cried.
The others weren’t so scary either.
The big fish lady acted scary but when Papyrus was nearby, she just roughhoused him and made you laugh.
It was fun growing up in the generation that got to meet the monsters first.
Back on topic, the idea of a “monster under your bed” had never really scared you. You even started leaving pillows under the bed as cushions.
You still kept that habit. Even though now, you lived in your own apartment. Your bed was further off the ground than normal. It was almost a bunk bed without the bottom bunk. Though it might as well be.
It was a very spacious area where you piled spare pillows, blankets, and the occasional plushy if you managed to get your hands on one. You had a tendency to lounge on the cushions in your free time, scrolling on your phone, reading, or drawing.
Nothing ever happened at night. You never expected anything to.
Tonight was very different.
A thud that shook the bed and a curse woke you up. There was a moment of silence and then angry mumbling.
“Shuddup. Let me think.” Growled a gruff voice from under you.
You froze. Was there a robber in your room? Was he talking to you or did he have a buddy? Oh stars. Your baseball bat was on the floor next to your bed. There was no way you could reach it in time to ward off the intruder.
“Papyrus… please…”
Papy? Papyrus?
Suddenly your fear was forgotten. Maybe Papyrus’s brother had teleported the wrong way again and got stuck in your room instead of his actual destination.
You could offer your help.
“Excuse me?” You started, carefully peeking over the railing of your bed.
The room went silent.
Two glowing dots stared up at you, blue and red.
Ah, maybe Papy’s brother was high or something. Could monsters get intoxicated? He sure looked high.
“Uh, you kinda teleported the wrong way, I think?” You smiled. “I can help you get home if you’d like.”
The eyes only stared at you, unresponsive, for several minutes. He didn’t move a muscle, or, well, bone? He didn’t move an inch as he stared and you slowly got more and more uncomfortable.
What kind of crack was this guy on? Did he even see you?
“…Hello? Are you okay?”
He narrowed his eyes at you. “…You’re not even startled.”
“Well… kinda. You did really scare me for a second. But you’re Pap’s brother, right?”
He flinched and glanced off to the side, like he was looking at something. You couldn’t figure out what. “What’s it to you?”
“Well, everyone knows Papyrus.” You dragged yourself out of bed. “And he’s always talking about his brother and his “lazy” ability to teleport. If you accidentally, I don’t know, teleported the wrong way, I can help you find your way back. Also, I’m awake now anyways so would you like anything? Water? Coffee?”
“……water’s fine.”
“Perfect. You can follow if you want.” You open the door to the living room and walked into the kitchen. “Make yourself at home.”
“……” He didn’t respond. Just stared at you.
Turning on the light so you could see, you reached into the cabinet and pulled out the only cup inside. “I hope you don’t mind, I only have one cup. I can wash it again if you want?”
“…s’fine.” Oh stars, when did he get behind you?
You filled the glass at the sink and offered it to him. He looked at you. Then the glass. Then back at you.
A little nervous, you gently pushed it an inch closer.
He finally took the cup and immediately drank all of it. He did that satisfied gasp thing and started staring at you again.
“…When’s the last time you drank something, sir?” You asked.
He looked like he was calculating something. “……few days. Didn’t think ‘bout it.” He handed the glass back to you.
In the sink it went. “…Are you okay?”
Finally ending the staring contest, he looked away. “M’fine.” His hand found its way to his hoodie and the dusty red scarf underneath.
Aw! Did Papryus give him his old scarf?
You smiled fondly and looked away. That was definitely something Papy would do. “Well. You seem a little… out of it right now. I recommend resting before you head out. If you want, feel free to crash on the couch. There’s also… where you came in. If you don’t mind sharing the room. Or I can take the couch. Just… let me know what you’re okay with.”
He started staring again. “………You’ll just let a stranger take your room? Got a death wish, kid?” A wicked grin split his face and his eyelights flashed.
You blinked the spots out of your eyes. “Not a death wish. I just want to help. If you have somewhere else you can go, I won’t keep you.” You gestured at the door.
Eyes narrowed, he glanced between you and the front door, back and forth, until he finally turned and walked back into your room.
. . .
Okay then.
Well, you have a guest now. Time to… be a host, I guess.
You followed him into your room and waved away his threatening glare. “I’m not staying. I’m just grabbing my bedding. I’ll be on the couch if you need me.” You pulled your blanket and pillow off the bed and headed back towards the door. “Sleep well, sir.” The door hid those red and blue eyes with a click. You sighed quietly. His staring was intense. He must really be out of it.
The couch wasn’t as comfortable as your bed as you curled up on it but it worked as intended and you started dozing quickly. You set an alarm to make breakfast hopefully before your guest woke up and then let yourself pass out.
You could deal with getting him home tomorrow.
. . .
Something felt… off.
You slowly woke up and groaned, not ready to start the day. There was something different today wasn’t there? You couldn’t remember.
Rubbing your face, you opened your eyes and froze.
Oh yeah.
You had a guest.
And he was staring at you.
You blinked at the two eyelights above you in the darkness. What time was it? “…Hey.”
No response. Just intense staring.
“……Can’t sleep?”
“…Uh… Are you hungry? I can whip somethin’ together real quick…”
He didn’t seem to hear you, as if he was listening to something else. Or someone else. You noticed him mumbling words under his breath that you couldn’t quite hear.
He blinked at you and his eyes seemed to focus on you. He didn’t answer and the staring was back.
“……Is there something I can help you with?”
It was your turn to blink at him. “…Are you having trouble sleeping? You seemed pretty out of it…”
“…………sleep walk…”
“Oh.” That made sense but he seemed suspicious with the way he answered that.
“…” You glanced away. “Uh, since we’re both up, would you like to eat something? I have some leftover spaghetti.” You offered.
His eyelights flickered for a moment. “……sure.”
You pulled yourself off the couch and stretched before walking into the kitchen. Checking your phone, it was 5am. At least you didn’t have work today. You pulled the spaghetti out of the fridge, put it in a bowl, and popped it in the microwave. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes as it spun.
“……You really aren’t scared.” Came the voice of your guest behind you. “What if I’m a murderer?”
You yawn. “I’d figure it out… besides, you’re pretty chill all things considered.”
“………You’re crazy.”
“So I’ve been told. I’m not crazy though. People my age just aren’t as relaxed as I am. I don’t see a reason to freak out over something so simple. You’re a guest. I’m a host. Simple as that.”
The only sound was the microwave “vrrr”ing until it finally reached 0:01. You popped it open before it could beep and offered the bowl and a fork to your guest.
He looked at it and then back at you. “……You’re not eating?”
Sigh. “I’m not hungry right now, it’s too early. And I only have one fork. So unless you’re up for sharing-”
He took the spaghetti and fork out of your hands and sat at the small table. His arms curled around the spaghetti as if he expected you to take it from him. Unfortunately, you couldn’t muster up enough energy to laugh but you still thought it was funny so you smirked. “You act like your brother steals your food.”
He glanced to the side and then back at you. “……Kind of.”
Sounded interesting. You sat at the table with a sigh. It seemed out of character for Papyrus to steal food. Especially from family. “How is Papyrus doing?”
“……” He glanced to the side again as if something caught his attention. “…He’s fine.”
You frowned. Odd. He almost sounded… sad. “…Did something happen?”
He shook his head and sat back, pushing the empty bowl away. “Nothing. Don’t ask about it.”
You watched him stand. “…Okay. I won’t push.” You picked up his dish and started washing it. “Feel free to do whatever until morning. Unless you want me to drive you home now? I’m okay with that if you-…” You turned around and he wasn’t there.
Maybe he’d gone back to bed.
You check your room and it’s empty. He’d vanished as if her was never there. The only proof you had were the dishes in your sink.
You rubbed at your eyes. It wasn’t worth stressing about. He probably teleported away while your back was turned. You went back to bed and slept in. Answers could wait until tomorrow.
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marigold-hills · 2 months
Dunes & Waters, part 27
Remus’ University affiliation doesn’t help them. They’re treated as nothing but tourists – worse even, British tourists. A security guard follows them room to room like they’re there to take what their predecessors had left behind.
There isn’t much. Remus tells Sirius about the history of Lycopolis as the birthplace of Wepwawet’s worship, then as the capital of Nedjefet-Khent, the thirteenth nome of Upper Egypt.
They walk into a room with an old sepia-toned photo above the doorway. On a backdrop of sand dunes, a group of serious white men stand smiling very smugly.
“Is that our expedition?” Sirius asks and Remus nods in affirmation, sneaking a glance in the direction of the guard.
“1835, it says. Before Maxime Du Camp.” Remus tells him. “No wonder they look so happy, would have been the first-time archeologists got here.”
A statue at the centre of the room snags his attention. A man with a head of a falcon, a round disk atop the crown. “That’s odd,” Remus says but Sirius is too distracted by reading the information plaque underneath a yellowed papyrus.
It’s Khonsu, the moon god. Everything in the room has been found in the local ruins, but Khonsu had no worship in Lycopolis, no reason for a shrine or a statue.
It’s rendered in bronze and glass. Standing tall. Arms outstretched. Remus feels the same trepidation he always does when seeing depictions of the full moon, like a part of him knows his human eyes aren’t meant to see it. Like the view belongs to the other part of him and he’s encroaching on it.
Like, if he looks, he’ll transform even in broad daylight.
Over the statues heart, on the carved tunic, sits a small red crystal, surrounded by blue.
“Sirius,” Remus calls out at the same time as Sirius looks to him from the scroll and says, “look at this.”
Not sure how they decide it but Sirius comes over to the statue first. “Oh fuck, that’s Aquila,” he says when Remus points to the constellation on Khonsu’s chest. “And again Alshain in red.”
“You were right.”
 “Of course I was,” he’s quick to agree, wide grin beyond happiness. “Now go read the scroll.”
It’s something between an instruction manual and a love letter. Speaks of wolf-bodied men and deities who protect them.
Deities who, if appeased, can grant them the freedom of control.
Most of the scroll is untranslated. On the edges of the parchment are tiny drawings of constellations – Lupus, Aquila – and of the moon phases, and of men with heads of beasts.
“We need to take this with us.”
“Sirius, I highly doubt the museum will let us.”
“Then copy it. You’re a wizard, think of something. I’ll distract the guard.”
Sirius walks behind a glass case filled with an assortment of coins and necklaces. Looks around, makes sure the guard doesn’t have a line of view on him. No other people in the room.
He looks at Remus, winks at him, and then there’s a big shaggy black dog standing where Sirius was before.
I’m at a wedding for the rest of the week so not sure how the updates will be - might not have anything new till Sunday. If that’s the case, hope you all have a lovely end of week <3
(let me know if you do/don’t want to be tagged!)
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S/O had a sibling reunion… S/O has been duck taped to the wall by their siblings - along with their siblings
S/O and their siblings don’t even remember how they got all of them on the wall
but all of them are cackling and wheezing from laughter as they are stuck to the wall
(main boys, please!)
Undertale Sans - What? You expected him to help? Nah. Instead, Sans taped double-sided adhesive on his jacket, and then he uses blue magic on himself to tape his body to the wall next to you. Looks like a good nap spot. Don't count on him for help. Ask Papyrus though, he would love to hear about what he's thinking of this.
Undertale Papyrus - He stares in disbelief. Why would you even... He doesn't want to know! Get off the wall this instant, he vacuumed the ceiling this morning! Papyrus then proceeds to defy gravity by flying to the ceiling to free you and your siblings like it's perfectly normal.
Underswap Sans - He grabs a broom and uses all of you as pinatas to help you get down. What? He can't really do anything else. In case you didn't notice: he's small. You escape your prison with a few bruises. You suspect he had fun hitting the crap out of you but with Blue, you can't prove anything.
Underswap Papyrus - He chuckles when he sees you, then takes a few pictures, then after teasing you for a good twenty minutes, he finally decides to help you with the only condition you tape him on the wall as a reward. He doesn't want to feel left out.
Underfell Sans - Hum... Let him think. He might let you out of here, but that won't be free. So what do you have to offer? You better be convincing or he's letting you there all night. You manage to obtain your freedom after losing 500 gold to improve his motorcycle and a three-hour planned cuddle session.
Underfell Papyrus - He's not amused. And you know what? Since you managed to tape yourself there, he'll sure you'll find a way to escape this situation by yourself. He waves at you and leaves. And he won't come back, have fun.
Horrortale Sans - He didn't see you at first and got jumpscare. After that, well, he's not happy. He's in a corner of the room, growling angrily at your siblings, and it seems he doesn't recognize you. He got spooked and his mind completely blocks the thought he knows you. That's great, now you have to wait for Willow to show up...
Horrortale Papyrus - He didn't see you either. You just watch as he frowns as a shoe suddenly appears in front of his eye sockets. He's so confused when he sees you there, at his height. But he quickly switches to stern mom mode. What do you think you're doing young people? You're going to be lectured about this, for very long minutes, before he accepts to free you once he's convinced you regret your actions. I hope you're a good comedian or you might stay there for a long time.
Swapfell Sans - He enters the room, looks at you eyes in eyes, sips on his tea for a long minute, looks at you again, turns around, and leaves. He doesn't care, find a way to get down by yourself he's not helping. It's only when you start to make ghost noises in the middle of the night as revenge that he accepts to free you. Well, to yeet you roughly on the couch is a more accurate description. Also, you're sleeping on the couch, he locked the door of the room. He's mad.
Swapfell Papyrus - He chuckles evilly and you immediately know you're in trouble. You're in a vulnerable position, and Rus knows that. He accepts to free you only after you let him paint your and your siblings' faces. It's not up for discussion. You now all look like clowns... More or less, as Rus is terrible at drawing. He's very proud of himself though.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He gives you the look, the one insulting the entirety of humanity because humans are clearly primitive inferior creatures that lack basic intelligence skills. Then he sighs loudly and in his great kindness, decides to rescue you with his superior mind because it's very clear he has to do everything in this world. How can humans be that stupid? How could you survive for so long without the monsters to guide you? And that's at this precise moment that he notices Coffee, hanging out with all of you, smiling widely and waving at him. That's it. You're all in timeout.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Do him too! Do him too! He wants to be duct tape on the wall too! He's as excited as a child, and he's ecstatic once you accept him in your little hanging session. He never wants to get down! Too bad Wine will eventually come to ruin the fun. He's sad when he's forced to get down :(
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Not real evidence, but another thing that I think strengthens the narrator theory for me anyway is this.
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Image description: Four screenshots from Undertale, from the Undertale Text Project (link here).
The first two are from the boss fight against Asriel when he's transformed into the Angel of Death, his goat head with long horns atop a floating, legless, triangular body with long clawed hands in gloves and giant, rainbow-colored wings spread out that are shifting colors. Face scrunched up, he's wailing and shouting, "So, please… Stop doing this… And just let me win!!!"
The next two screenshots are from much earlier in the game: the first is in the tutorial fight against the Dummy in the Ruins, which the player has spared. The narration reads, "You won! You earned 0 XP and 0 gold." The final screenshot is from killing an enemy. The player is LV 4 and the narration reads, "You won! You earned 100 XP and 140 gold. Your LOVE has increased."
End description.
The whole game, the narrator has cheered us on most any time we win an encounter with a monster, whether we fought or spared. The only exception is when we beat the boss at the end of the area, again whether that is sparing or killing (eg Toriel, Papyrus) - there is no narration when a boss encounter has been won. The only exception ironically is if you spare the injured Flowey after the Photoshop Flowey fight: the narration simply says, "Flowey ran away." (If you kill him however, the narrator says nothing, as with the result of every other boss fight.)
(Tangent: The Doylist explanation for this is probably that these are the main characters and their words to us when defeated is supposed to be what sticks, so having the narration say "Yay, good job! You got this from that!" might break up the mood in a way Toby didn't want. The narration for "Flowey ran away" is used instead to drive home how pitiful he's become with his tearful reaction to the Mercy spam.)
It just feels like something Toby would do, ya know? Asriel, the antagonist, pleading with Chara, the narrator who's been letting us win the whole game, to let him win. And then, even though they were jabbering excitedly earlier in the fight, they stay silent and say nothing back to his pleas, perhaps because they know he's talking to the wrong person and won't be able to hear them anyway (Frisk is the one he's fighting, not them), or perhaps because they can't bring themself to say anything else after the flashbacks (the narrator does fall silent suddenly after the flashbacks; the reality of it all hitting home for Chara and choking them up?). And of course, with the narrator saying nothing back, Asriel then ends up "losing" as he cries and has his change of heart.
Thematically, it's just too cool that, along with everything else, it makes it really hard for me to believe that Toby didn't intend NarraChara.
It would also make sense as a game the two used to play and perhaps the reason Chara is so quick to start narrating everything for us. Asriel has his Absolute God of Hyperdeath character the narrator is quick to recognize and describe, after all, so it wouldn't surprise me if this was a game they played: Chara the DM describing the world and enemies around Asriel as he, the hero of the story, ventures forth and battles enemies. Drawing their stories, recording their games with the camera. Flowey, the one-time hero of the story, turned villain, wants to keep playing but can never hear their voice again. And Chara, now reduced to just their voice, never able to speak to their friend again and now fated to narrate the real-life, life-or-death adventures of strangers in different worlds (with the silver lining that they at least seem to enjoy Frisk's and Kris' company).
It's also interesting to consider in light of this from Chara themself.
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Image description:
Six screenshots from Undertale, again courtesy of the Undertale Text Project, all from the scene at the end of the Kill All run where Chara speaks directly to the player. The first image is a choice the player has to "Erase" or "Do Not." After the player chooses Do Not, Chara says, "No...? Hmm... How curious. You must have misunderstood." And then, in all-caps with their smile still unchanged but their eyes turned hollow and black, they say, "Since when were you the one in control?"
End description.
The only time Chara, our otherwise plucky faithful narrator, won't let you win. They deny you winning in a much more brutal way than the sad silence they give Asriel on Pacifist, and should you do Pacifist again after this, they make sure to snatch that victory from you too.
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Will papyrus ever be included in the storyline, maybe sans opening up to him about it, or he gets suspicious about sans's behavior and corners him or something?
Aaaand are there any prominent side characters that we'll see?
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Papyrus notices that his brother has been leaving the house more, and at first, hes overjoyed! Sans was finally leaving the house! But, he realised after a while, that he always dodged the question as to where he was going. (Sans, being the secretive little fuck that he is, refuses to tell anyone about the ghosts.) Worried, Papyrus follows him one day, only to find him walking al the way to the park. And then he just stops, and starts talking to air.
Papyrus is CONCERNED (tm,) and goes back home to wait for Sans to come home. It takes him HOURS to come back, (he visits everyone he can,) and, when confronted, he once again try to avoid the questions.
Papyrus says he followed him, saw him talking to air, and was considering getting him professional help, his depression had been bad before, and if he was starting to see things now as well...
Sans is forced to tell the truth.
And he does. For the next few hours they sit and talk about the ghosts. Papyrus want to believe him, really, he does! But he cant help but still be worried, so says takes his phone out and googles "Nightmare - Prince" and shows him the results. He then goes through the lot of them, showing death reports, news articles, anything that appears really, and Papyrus finally believes him.
From then on, he insists Sans takes something for them every time he visits, and often makes them food to give (more often that not, its spaghetti,) and asks how they're doing. Sometimes, they go and Sans acts as a medium, for them, so Papyrus and the ghosts can talk directly.
Killer and Dream especially take a liking to him, while Dust is pretty scared of him (he looks way to much like his won brother its actually scary,) and always ask how he is when Sans comes without him.
Side characters.. It depends what you mean by that.
Every Sans you could ever want can exist here, they just might not haunt the town,
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(i got lazy when drawing here, so its just a messy sketch but yk)
(Red - shot, epic - shrapnel, Fresh - car crash, Outer - fell)
Alternatively, most of the ghosts had family members, most of them had a Papyrus look alike, (Papyrus isn't reincarnated here, but every Sans deserves a Papyrus, even fate believes it so)
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(Nim (Dream and Nightmares mother, Queen), Phantom (Dusts brother,) Horror had lots of siblings, ect...)
Buuut, while many of the original Undertale cast have been spread out throughout the years, Toriel, Chara and Frisk are all based in the present time.
Toriel, after the death of her son, adopts two kids, twins, who were considered "difficult" children, (really there were disabled, but why would they care about that, - Chara has some mental issues, and Frist is mute and has sight problems.) They're lovely kids , and they visit quite regularly, typically with their mother. Sans was named their Godfather (Papyrus was considered, but he told them Sans was a better choice, ) because Toriel knew he'd love them.
Sans and Toriel met at a comedy gig, both preforming on the same day, and became friends instantly over their shared love of stupid puns. (They're not together, this universe has no canonical relationships, everyting's platonic here, but ships are totally allowed and welcome if you wanted lol.)
Holy moly, that was a lot of work lmao, would you believe it, i dont think ive ever actually drawn Papyrus before? I have no idea why, just havent, ill have to do more so in the future cus hes fun.
Ive also never tried to draw anyone from the angle Sans is at in the first drawing, think it looks fine as long as you ignore the feet lol.
No, i didnt get lazy drawing the ghost in the first, it was a stylistic choice! /j /sarcasm, also, Hi, im Whisp, i hate backgrounds!)
Please excuse me attempt at drawing a wimple for Nim and the tricorned hat for Phantom, they're very difficult!
All of Horrors siblings there don't have names, they were just designed on the spot really, so if anyone has and names for them, ill take them on board!
But hope it all looks okay, this is all full of firsts lol. Have a lovely day everyone! :)
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tainted-by-skeletons · 8 months
Bully Reader X Sans (Part 2)
(Still SFW. This part gets to the Sans X Reader stuff.)
Y/N’s Pov
I dreaded the day Sans would run into me next. But that day wouldn't be nearly as bad as the next time I ran into Papyrus.
“Hey! Paps! Uhhh is-”
“Y/N! Ooooh do I have some words for you!”
Usually I'd laugh at his silly, oddly motherly language… but he looked pissed. He lived with his brother. Obviously he saw what happened. And obviously Sans told him in a way that would make it look worse for me.
“Oh my god. I'm so sorry! Okay!? The whole canine unit was daring me to do it!”
“I insist you go apologize to my big brother right now!”
“Uhhhh…” I started quietly.
“Why are you hesitating?! Do you think I want to be friends with someone who bullies my brother! I didn't even realize how badly you were treating him until he came home with permanent marker all over his face!”
“I'm really sorry…”
“Tell him that!”
I really didn't get why Papyrus was fuming the way he was until he said,
“He's in our house all day now because he can't get it off!”
“What!?” I screeched.
“Is that a surprise to you? It's called a permanent marker.”
“It's not permanent for human’s skin! Oh my god. I'm soooo so sorry! I didn't know!” I insisted.
“Well.” Papyrus huffed. “I suppose your intentions weren't as evil as I thought, but you still have to apologize!”
“Yeah! Of course! Uh!- Well. I don't know if I should go to his house though.”
I already knew that Sans was extremely protective of his territory. Much like the dog guards. That wasn't a monster thing, but it did seem somewhat common in Snowden.
“This is an emergency!” Papyrus urged.
“Okay! Okay. I'll apologize. Is there something I can bring him? Like food? Orrr… I dunno.”
Usually when I had a fight with one of my friends I'd do something to make it up to them. But letting him draw on my face was my only idea and I'd assume he wouldn't like it.
“I would ask you to bring him Grillby's, but I heard you were rightfully banned from the restaurant.”
“Yeaaaah. What about MTT’s?”
“It… will have to do. Hurry!” Papyrus demanded.
“Eeep! Okay!”
I would never describe Papyrus as scary, but I'd die if he didn't talk to me. He was my only friend in the underground that I could really rely on for anything. He was irreplaceable and I did feel really bad about what I did to his brother. So I walked halfway across the underground kingdom and then all the way back to the skeleton brother's house. No doubt the food was cold, but it was the thought that counted.
*Knock knock*
The door didn't open, but not long after I knocked, I heard shuffling behind the door.
“Who is it?” A grumpy deep voice asked.
It was definitely Sans. It was actually pretty easy to recognize anyone's voice in the underground.
“Ummm. Your least favorite person... With a peace offering!”
“Fuck off!”
Something slammed against the door and scared a yelp out of me. I didn't want to stay there for any longer than I had to, but everyone said Sans couldn't hurt a fly. So I took a deep breath and started over.
“Please let me in. I know how to get permanent marker off of stuff. Okay?”
“You don't have to come in to tell me.”
“You at least have to open the door if you want food.”
Sans opened the door and stuck a boney hand out. I easily enough pushed the door open all the way. And I let myself in.
“Hey! What the hell?!”
“I don't apologize to closed doors. Now. Do you have nail polish remover?”
“The fuck does it look like?” Sans said rudely.
Sans looked as grumpy as he sounded. He was wearing his usual blue and gray jacket, but this time he had his hood up. There were two race car bandaids on his cheeks.
“You probably don't own soap.” I joked.
Sans shoved me and I nearly got locked outside again. I put myself between the door and the frame. Sans was thankfully not very strong.
“Aaah! Okay! Okay! I'm sorry!” I shouted.
Sans crossed his arms and huffed at me without saying anything.
“I'll come back with a few things that might work. Okay? You can take this for now. Or else it'll get even colder. But… please let me back in okay?”
Sans' already big eyes seemed to somehow get wider. But he quickly turned his head down and to the side as he muttered,
“I'll be back later then.”
“Why are you doin’ all this?”
“I… I didn't realize that it was permanent. And I wouldn't have done it if I wasn't drunk. So I want to sorta make up for it.”
“You're not trying to get back into Grillby's?”
“No. It's your place. I won't go again.”
“Uh… I don't…I don't believe ya.”
And he slammed the door on my face.
“Uggghhh! Rude!” I shouted.
I turned away and headed towards the only convenience store I knew of.
It really is a shame. He looks so cute with those little bandaids on his cheeks! He seems more approachable now. I ought to convince him to take those off and let me highlight the cute marks I gave him with blush. Maybe he'll make some friends and leave me alone.
So I bought a few more things at the store than I originally intended. Nail polish remover, rubbing alcohol, blush, and a snack too. Checking the time, I realized it was starting to get somewhat late.
“Oh! I have to head back! Thanks!”
I rushed back to Sans' house. Running into Papyrus on the way.
“Human! How did it go?”
“I know how to get the marker off Sans’ face. He's going along with me for now. Are you on your way back?”
“Yes! I just came back from training with Undyne!”
“That's great. It'll be nice to have someone on my side. It won't be as awkward that way.”
“I am always happy to help a friend!”
“Thanks Paps. Er. Papyrus.”
Papyrus raised a metaphorical brow at my retraction of his nickname.
“Why don't you and Sans get along again?”
“I dunno… he's just… He's a real mood killer. And I don't like that he's always trying to get on my case about stuff!”
“What stuff?”
“Well… like… Being mean to people. But hey! Even if he's right, lecturing me isn't gonna make me wanna be any nicer! Besides! That's just how people get along sometimes. You don't care. Right?”
“When you make fun of me? I… I didn't want to bother you about it but… Yes. I do care about that.”
“Oh… Papyrus I'm so sorry. I'm not trying to hurt your feelings or anything. It's just-... Just… I don't know. I say to you the kinda things my friends up on the surface always said to me. The guard dogs do it too! We push each other around and stuff and call each other chickens but… I do it a little differently? Don't I?”
“Sometimes. It does feel the same as a guard calling me names but I don't like that much either. You, Sans and Undyne are really the only people I consider friends.”
“Really? But you're so fun to hang out with!”
“Thank you Human! You know, Sans is a lot of fun too! I didn't understand why he's always so tense around you, but I hope one day you'll give each other a chance! I think you would be really great friends.”
“Ahhh. I don't know. Right now I'm just hoping to make up for this. I'm glad you'll be there though. Maybe you can butter him up.”
“Aaahhh Weelll! I actually have something I have to do! I'm so sorry human! I'm sure you'll do just fine without me! I have to go now actually!”
“What?! But we're almost there! Come on!”
As suspicious as it was, I wanted to get inside a house quickly. Smart ladies don't stay outside at night. I knocked on the skeleton brother's door once again. Wondering what Papyrus suddenly ran off for. Especially so late at night.
“... What? Why!” I heard through the door.
Sans was talking to someone. I couldn't tell who and I couldn't hear much, so I put my ear to the door and listened in.
“Yeah. She just got here. I'm about to let her in… Yeah? Well I wish I didn't have to! Why can't you help me out instead?... I don't need to be friends with her. I don't want to... I mean nooo. Not as bad as before… Ya know. I love that you like everybody but she's a jerk… She did?... Well. That doesn't change anything. I gotta go. I think she's right outside.”
Sans opened the door. He had taken off his cute bandaids and I could see my artwork in its full glory.
“Eeee!~” I squealed and held my hands up to my cheeks to hide my smiling face from him.
“Uh! Hey! Shut up!”
I let myself in and closed the door behind me. Hopefully making his decision to let me stay a little easier.
“I've got two ideas that should both work. If somehow they don't, I'm sure I could find you some concealer until it eventually… well. Like… heals over or scratches off or whatever.”
“I'm not sure it would.”
“What?! But like. Your bone or whatever it is. It heals right!?”
“Yeah. But nobody's been stupid enough to draw on it. Most people think it's pretty obvious that I might not be able to get it off.”
“Well if that's how it is, then if this doesn't work then you can find concealer without my help!”
“What the fuck is that anyway?”
“Concealer? It's like a foundation specifically made to cover up redness or any blemishes.”
“Oh God. I'm not gonna use fucking makeup!”
“Are you kidding me? Don't be a pussy! Even guys use-.”
“What did you call me?!”
I saw a flash of blue light somewhere in the corner of my vision as suddenly my body slammed into the side of Sans' wall. The force of the hit knocked the air out of me. I talk big but I'm no good in a fight. I learned that the hard way a couple times. I raised a hand up to my throat. As if I could somehow catch my breath physically with it.
“Answer me.”
I looked up and saw Sans' cute vandalized face didn't look so cute anymore. One of his eye sockets was completely dark. Reminding me he was still an undead monster I knew nothing about. The other was glowing with a blue and yellow ring. He stepped up to me and put a hand against the wall I was thrown against. I yelped and tried to cover my trembling lips. But it didn't hide my horrified tears. The bright ring from Sans' eye faded away. Soon it was replaced with his usual cartoonish white dots.
“Wow. Just like the canine unit. All bark and no bite.”
No one told me that Sans could fight. In fact, I heard exactly the opposite from everyone. That's why I wasn't afraid to pick on him. Sans backed off me. I took a second to wipe away my tears before I shakily stood. I realized the irony of me calling him a pussy. Out of everyone in the room that moment, it definitely wasn't him.
“Just… Let me give you the stuff so I can get out of here.” I said awkwardly and quietly.
“Good idea.”
I gave Sans a pouty glare as I reached for the bag of stuff I dropped. I was too late to hide the blush I bought on a whim. I tried to hide it back inside the clear bag as sneakily as I could. Obviously with Sans watching me do it, I couldn't hide much.
“The hell’s that pink stuff?”
“Uh! It's nothing! I was just- um. Er- It's actually mine.”
“I can tell you're lying. Is that something weird?”
Sans had a disgusted expression on his face. I could tell what he meant by weird and I didn't like what he might have been insinuating. Even then, I found myself asking to make sure.
“What do you mean weird?!”
“Oh God. Grillby told me you might have a crush on me but I didn't think he was actually right.”
“Whhat?!” I shrieked.
Sans' Pov
“What the hell is wrong with people like you? Are you that immature that you can't treat people you like with respect?”
“I don't have a crush on you! You're insane!”
“Kay. Then why'd you draw hearts on my face?”
“Because I didn't want anyone to see how bad I am at drawing!”
“I'll prove it to you!”
“No you won't. Anyone can draw badly on purpose. Besides that's not an excuse because drawing on curved surfaces is hard anyway. So nobody's good at it in the first place.”
“What? No it's not! Why would that be hard?”
Oh wow. She is bad at drawing.
“Well why didn't you just write something then?”
“I have really bad handwriting.”
I guess that makes sense. Those go hand in hand.
“I got the idea because Brandy said something about it!”
That makes a lot of sense too…
“I don't really believe you.”
But I wasn't going to admit I was wrong about something like that.
“Ugh! You're just full of yourself! You probably think everyone has a crush on you!”
“I wouldn't have thought it if Grillby hadn't said anything.”
“Well he's crazy too! He probably just wanted to make you feel better or something! He probably likes you!”
“Oh. So you think everyone has a crush on me.”
“That's not what I said! That's not what I said at all!”
Her screeching didn't do her any favors. Still being seated on the ground under me was suspicious too. But what really convinced me was what I noticed when she stood up.
“You're blushing.”
“Uh! No! I-Ugh! Of course I'm blushing! You just nearly knocked me out and now you think I like you! It's all the blood in my- ugh! You wouldn't get it.”
“Haha. How much makeup do you wear? It's a mess.”
“Aaah! Don't look!”
She covered her face and turned away from me.
“Oh yeah? Why do you care if I see you like that?’
“Ugggh! Shut up!”
Y/N grabbed her bag and everything that fell out of it and marched upstairs.
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obsessivefangirl · 2 years
When Papyrus was seven, Sans gave him a snowglobe.
He’d spotted it in Gerson’s shop one day, he’d told him, miraculously mostly still in decent shape; as it originally had come from the dump, according to the old turtle monster.
It was small. It had a mold of what looked to be a Gyftmas tree inside a transparent, fragile bubble, and when Papyrus shook it, as Sans suggested, the weird pellets on the ground got shook up too and fell like snow.
It was a really, really nice gift. And from that day on, Papyrus decided he really liked “snowglobes.”
When Papyrus broke it only three days later, he panicked.
He’d stupidly left it near the edge on his desk at school at some point or another, for one reason or another (to show it off so everyone else might admire it and then if asked he could boast about how his brother had found it for him and that his brother was very nice and cool and smart), but when he got up to go to his next class he clumsily, stupidly bumped the desk, and stupidly he was too slow to catch it and he let it fall. On impact with the floor, the glass cracked.
He had tried to fix it with some glue from arts and crafts but he must have done something wrong then too, or used too much glue, or not enough because it only made the cracks worse and the—
The… Entire globe had shattered. And fell apart completely. The liquid hadn’t spilled everywhere but it’d been enough of a mess on the classroom floor and he’d had to find a lot of paper towels and…
Instead of trying to make new friends that day at recess, like he would normally, he sat outside on the gravel path and cried into his knees.
For once, Papyrus was glad he was alone.
He didn’t know what else to do with the broken pieces of what his brother had once gifted him whole, so he carefully stuffed the remains inside his backpack, scared to break anything else; as if there was anything else to break.
(There was, he thought, fearfully. If he told him. If he told him what happened, if…)
The worst part, he’d figured, would be returning back home, knowing what he had done. And it was very nearly the worst thing. The sins he’d committed at school that day weighed heavy on his back, and he couldn’t look his brother in the eyes properly anymore.
But, the very worst part, was when Sans had finally, gently pulled him aside to ask him again—as he had earlier, when he’d first noticed the no-eye-contact-thing—what was wrong.
“Did something happen?” The corners of his smile looked off, which meant he might frown if Papyrus didn’t— “Pap, what’s wrong?”
In that moment Papyrus felt like crying again but he swallowed it down; barely managing a too big, too wide smile of his own. “NOTHING!! IT’S FINE! I’M FINE!!! SCHOOL WAS GOOD!!! EVERYTHING IS GOOD, CAN I GO TO BED NOW??? PLEASE?” he couldn’t help but add somewhat weakly at the end, said around the lump in his throat and it took a good deal in him to not let the lump escape with it.
He didn’t ask for a bedtime story that night.
He doubted Fluff Bunny could make him feel better.
From then on, Papyrus avoided his brother.
If he had all the tools, he’d be doing it for a good reason—in that in secret, that whole time he’d be working to repair the snowglobe. He almost wanted to ask the new(?) Royal Scientist for help, she was always very nice and interested in human things but Sans was really good friends with her and Papyrus was too scared that word might get out if he tried something like that.
And that was if she even had the means or supplies to help him. He was probably hopeless already.
That was why he just couldn’t bring himself to come out with the truth.
In retrospect, if he’d thought on a scenario like this before it happened he’d have thought it easy. But it had happened and it wasn’t easy, and he…
He felt so, so awful.
More so, when Sans started drawing into himself too.
Sans had stopped going in to hug him, or bonk their skulls together, or nuzzle him or hold him or do anything normal other than to ask him, Are you okay?
At some point Papyrus had started to see his usual grin falter, until it dropped completely. Sometimes he was a beat too late to put it back into place when he knew that Papyrus noticed.
Papyrus couldn’t peer into his head, but he figured Sans might be upset with him, at this point, even without the knowledge of what had happened to the snowglobe. If he did find out, would he grow to hate him?
Maybe he already hated him without it…
One day Papyrus locked himself up in his bedroom so he didn’t have to face his brother at all.
The guilt clawed, and clawed at him, to the point where he couldn’t so much as move from his bed because it was too much.
He wasn’t quite sure, at first, why Sans worried enough about him to knock on his door again. Or—more like pound on it, once he found out what Papyrus was doing and that he couldn’t even open the door to get to him.
“P— Papyrus? o-open the door, please.” His voice was hoarse. Small.
Papyrus brought his knees closer, closer to himself, pressing his teary sockets into his pajamas with a sniffle.
You’ll just hate me more if I do, he wanted to say, but…
“p— p-please, just, just tell me what’s wrong, i…”
He choked on his words.
Was… He crying…?
Papyrus stiffened.
Suddenly, the claws faded.
…Why wasn’t he… Shortcutting, either?
If he really wanted to, he could just…
. . .
Before he could think too much on it Papyrus shot up out of his bed, unlocked the door, and flung it open before quickly retreating.
Hugging his knees tightly again to his chest, the younger watched his older brother watch him, eventually slowly entering the room but not coming any closer.
Something about Sans made him seem smaller than he’d ever been before; almost scared, when they finally locked gazes.
Sans had been crying. There were teartracks down his cheekbones. His eyesockets looked more sunken in than usual.
His arms twitched at his sides, like he wanted to reach out, but just couldn’t bring himself to.
Papyrus wanted to reach out too.
He wanted nothing more than to feel Sans’s comforting arms around him, holding him again,
and yet…
Sans drew in a soft, shaky breath.
“tell me. tell me what’s wrong. please.”
Papyrus looked at him, wary still, tears fully welled and pouring out of his own sockets. He quickly buried them into his knees again, avoiding his brother’s gaze—and somehow, his slight indirect refusal seemed to cause his brother even more distress.
Sans, too, panicked.
“j-just— tell me what i did wrong, Papy, please,” Sans at last begged of him, desperate, “s-so i can— i-i can fix it, i promise, i—“
No no no no that wasn’t—
“No,” Papyrus at last blubbered out, “th-that isn’t— That’s not it, that isn’t it, I…”
The claws returned. And he quickly dissolved into trembles and tears, sobbing only harder when he felt the bed shift a moment later, and Sans pulled him into his lap.
“I d-don’t want you to—to h— Hate me,” he choked, curling up further in his brother’s lap, as though to hide himself even then. “I’m sorry I’m s— sorry, I’m— I-I’m…”
“shhh…” Sans soothed him. He halfway curled himself around Papyrus in turn, almost protectively, brushing his teeth to the side of the younger’s skull. “’s okay. ‘s okay, Papy…”
Was it…?
“N— N-no, i-it’s not,” Papyrus shook his head against his brother’s affection and assurance, sobbing out further, “I’m— I-I’m stupid, I’m r-really—”
Sans recoiled away, like something had burned him, and Papyrus almost irrationally felt even worse—until his brother met his gaze with the most fretful, most distraught look the younger skeleton had ever seen.
“wh— what, why would you…” Even with tremors ever so slightly twitching his fingers about, Sans reached for him; gently, so very gently wiping away Papyrus’s frightened tears. “…you’re… you’re not. you’re not. you could never be— wh-why would you…?”
Papyrus ducked his eyes away from Sans’s worried frown.
“…B-because I… I-I couldn’t…” More tears escaped him, more than Sans carefully brushed aside, and the younger skeleton had to fight not to instinctively nuzzle against his brother’s palms. “…I’m… A b-bad, bad brother, because I b-broke…”
There wasn’t a point in keeping it from him, anymore.
“I-I… I broke the snowglobe you gave me,” he managed at last—before immediately dissolving into tears once more, pushing Sans’s hands away and sobbing miserably into his own.
He expected his older brother to let him go at that, to be disappointed in him, maybe even shake his head at him and say he was stupid, and didn’t appreciate his gifts or him enough, and he was a bad brother and—…
Sans didn’t move. Or say anything to that effect.
In a moment, he seemed to realize where all of this had stemmed from. His eyes had widened, eyelights blown large in his sockets, like it was the last thing he expected to have happened at all.
But surely, he would still be
Yet again, Sans reached for him, yet again bumping his teeth lightly to the top of his baby brother’s head.
“Bro, I’d never hate you for something like that,” he murmured, nuzzling him, and for once an ounce of Hope made Papyrus stagger. “It’s okay.”
. . .
“Y-you…” Papyrus sniffed. Almost disbelieving, still. “Y-you’re not… Mad at me?”
“’Course not. heck,” another nuzzle, with a slight chuckle, “I kinda just assumed you’d forgotten about it.”
“WHAT!? NO!!” That time Papyrus pulled away from his brother, his still-gleaming eyesockets now glaring at the older. “I WOULD NEVER FORGET ANYTHING YOU GIVE ME!!!”
And he meant that.
“AND!!! …And… I was… Going to, try to put it back together, too,” he admitted, quieter. “B-but I… I haven’t. I-I don’t know… H-how to. I-I’m…” Just like that, he felt the guilt coming back. “I’m sorry…”
But, Sans wasn’t having that.
He brought Papyrus back into him, hugging him to his chest, and resting his own skull atop his as he hummed, “Well, we could try to fix it together.”
“…We could?”
“Or I could get you a new one. or something better.”
“NO!! It was already perfect…”
Unbeknownst to the littler skeleton, Sans’s eyelights shone just a bit brighter, at that.
“Do you still have it somewhere? …Or, uh, what’s left of it?”
Papyrus bashfully hung his head. “Um, yes…”
“How ‘bout you show me what happened, then we can decide what to do with it?”
And he did, climbing out of Sans’s arms to go retrieve his backpack from the other side of his room. He hadn’t really taken the broken snowglobe out, not ever since he’d haphazardly stuffed it in there in the first place.
He returned to his brother’s lap, unzipping the bag open, and almost instantly when Sans saw the damage he ushered Papyrus’s hands away from the crime scene.
“Woah woah, wait. Please tell me you put it in there after taking everything else out?”
“Um. No?? Why???”
Sans’s eyelights shrunk and—oh.
“Oh my stars I’m going to kill you.”
Papyrus looked back at him strangely.
(Wasn’t that the exact opposite of what he was concerned about in the first place?)
Sans simply grumbled under his breath, rubbed at his nose ridge, then sighed out.
“Yeah so, it’s pretty much beyond repair, by the looks of it.”
Papyrus visibly deflated.
“But— I…” His eyesockets started filling with tears, all, all over again,
and Sans quickly pushed the glass-filled backpack away, far out of reach, pulling his brother closer.
“hey, hey… It’s okay,” he reassured him, with a small, but steady smile, “I promise, I’ll find you something just as cool, and—”
Without warning, Papyrus cut him off by planting his face directly into Sans’s shirt. Nuzzling his dreary face in the fabric, his voice came out in a quiet whimper:
“I don’t want anything else cool… I just— I…”
He blinked, slowly.So very morose.
“…I really, really…” I love you. “…I just… Want to make it up to you.”
Sans chuckled, softly. A bit sadly.
“I’m… Really not sure what else you could do for me, Pap. I mean, you’re… Already really great.”
Papyrus kind of doubted that, somehow.
“…But, uh… There is one thing you could do to make it up, I think. Maybe, even like, a couple. Actually.”
And somehow, the littler skeleton’s soul sank.
“Like what?”
“For one,” Sans grinned—before booping the spot where Papyrus’s nose would have been, making the child let out a squawk of full-on indignation, as he pointedly flinched away (though not leaving his brother’s lap just yet). “You could clean up the mess in your backpack before you cut open another finger.”
“I DID NOT CUT OPEN MY FINGER!!!” Still offended by the previous sin his brother had committed (I.E. the boop), Papyrus all but scowled up at him. “THAT’S NOT EVEN POSSIBLE!”
“Yeah, and also I’m gonna help you with it because you might manage it in the process.”
“And one more thing.”
…Papyrus almost rolled his eyesockets, but.
He probably deserved this one more thing.
“Yes?” he asked.
“I love you.”
. . .
“What?” he asked.
Sans rested his chin on Papyrus’s head once more.
“I love you,” he said, again. Without hesitation. “I need you to believe that.”
. . .
“Even if you… Make me mad. Somehow. ‘Cause, I dunno how. …I’d still love you even then.”
As though to prove his point, again, Sans nuzzled him.
“Even if you disappoint me, or mess up. Or… You have a hard time seeing it.”
His voice was verging on a whisper, now.
“I’ll love you.”
“Can you make it up to me by trying to believe that?”
. . .
Papyrus responded by, once more, burying his face into the folds of Sans’s shirt. At last his own arms went to wind around Sans’s back, too, fingers curling securely into the fabric. Clinging to him.
In response of his own, Sans gave him a nuzzle yet again.
“…I love you too.”
It was almost inaudible, muffled, and so, so quiet.
But even if Sans hadn’t heard it (which he had indeed),
he still would have known.
Maybe, then…
Maybe Papyrus wasn’t stupid, but just… Very silly. For all that avoiding on the account of one snowglobe.
Maybe his brother was too forgiving, but…
. . .
Maybe it really was all just one big silly thing.
…Either way.
Should his brother ever give him another snowglobe…
He promised to be extra, extra careful, for next time.
(. . .)
(And even if he wasn’t…)
(He knew his brother would be there to literally help him pick up the pieces.)
@hesperdoesstuff @bearsugarbear
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misty720 · 1 year
True Love - Ch4: 
Another late night and Chara was already asleep with Kabel in their bed this time.   Papyrus entered to find a plate for him in the fridge, but he was so exhausted that he just wanted water and a shower.  On his way to the bathroom with a change of clothes and a towel he wondered why the hell Serif had a bathroom in his room but he didn't.  Then, he decided that would be their next project.  Speaking of the oldest, by the time Papyrus reached the bottom of the stairs, out walked a half asleep Serif.  "WHAT ARE YOU DOING AWAKE AT THIS HOUR, SON?" he asked with concern.
"I heard you come in and wanted to say goodnight..." Serif yawned.
"NYEH HEH!  GOODNIGHT, MY BOY.  I LOVE YOU, STINKER."  He wrapped his free arm around his oldest who was gaining height on him.
As Serif was sauntering back to his room, he turned back with a grimace that reminded Papyrus way too much of Chara and said, "Hey, Dad...  I don't... feel so great..."
"Oh shit!" Serif shouted darting into the bathroom closest to him to throw up.
"I SWEAR IF ONE CATCHES IT THE OTHERS HAVE TO CATCH IT.  HOLD ON, SON.  I'LL BE RIGHT BACK..."  Papa Papyrus was on it with the thermometer, medicine, and a mint-ginger tea because Serif always preferred tea when sick thanks to his aunt Frisk which the other two didn't grow up living with.  "YEP, IT'S A FEVER.  YOU CAUGHT WHATEVER BUG IS GOING AROUND.  I'M SORRY, SON.  IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN GET YOU?"
"No, Dad, I think I'm gonna crawl back to my bathroom so you can shower..."
"Sorry about the language earlier..." Serif apologized through a thick voice one had when sick.
"I'M NOT WORRIED ABOUT THAT.  I'M WORRIED ABOUT YOU THREE KIDS," Papyrus sat in the side of the tub rubbing Serif's messy waved hair.  Suddenly he sat back up and hit the toilet again.
"YES, SON?" Papyrus answered ferfeiting his glass of water so his boy could wash the taste out along with his wash cloth to wipe his face.
"Thanks...  Dad, why couldn't we take after you?...  I hate being sick..."
"Yeah...  I'm not my siblings.  I have more wit than that to come knock if something's wrong."
"What is all the noise about down here??" Chara asked coming around the corner from the living room.  "Pap??  Is everything...  Oh no, not you now?!"
"Have you already given him medicine and everything?"
"YES, I JUST DON'T WANT TO LEAVE HIM WHILE HE'S THROWING UP."  Chara felt Serif's forehead to find it was burning hot, sighed, and gave her husband a parting kiss before taking his seat.
"Mom, I'm really okay by myself if you want to go back to bed," Serif groaned.
"I know you are, love.  But, we don't want to leave you alone.  You're still my baby even if you look down at me now.  You'll always be my boy and we'll always want to take care of you.  There will be a time we won't be able to be there and you'll have to do this on your own.  Now is not that time, my love," Chara soothed him best she could handing him his tea to sip.  "Your dad forgot the crackers.  Though... as much as you ate, you might not need them..."
"Mom?... Can you make me broth instead?"
"Of course, love.  I'll be right back."  Once Serif was tucked back in with a bucket by his bed, Chara told him, "Don't try to climb the stairs.  Call my phone and I'll come to you, okay?  I know you're big and think you can do things on your own, and many things you can, but I don't like leaving you alone when you're sick.  Don't sleep on your back either."  Serif nodded and tried to lay down to sleep.  Papyrus kissed his temple after Chara and they headed back upstairs.  Passing the bathroom, Chara stalled.
"ARE YOU ALRIGHT, DEAR?" her husband asked with concern for her this time.
"Actually... Pap... I haven't felt great today...  I don't- Oh shit!" she exclaimed in the same fashion as her son and hit the toilet.
"Shut... the hell up... Papyrus..." Chara struggled to joke back with her head in the porcelain.  "Paaap..." she whined tossing the rest of her stomach's contents.
Kneeling down, he felt her forehead to find she was also feverish.  "WOWIE!  YOU'RE HOT, AND NOT IN THE USUAL WAY I MEAN IT.  I'M GOING TO SKIP WORK TOMORROW AND TAKE CARE OF YOU BOTH."
"No... don't... don't worry 'bout me...  I'm fine, I can take care of myself and Serif..."
"What about work though?...  They need you..."
"It's been so long since I've actually needed takin' care of...  I forgot what it was like..."
"I know, Pap.  I was just teasing...  I don't feel well and was trying to take my mind off it."
"Thank you - I love you..."
"I LOVE YOU, MY DEAR, WITH ALL MY SOUL.  JUST REMEMBER THAT WHEN THINGS ARE ROCKY WITH THE BUSINESS AND WE'RE NOT TOGETHER AS MUCH."  He returned shortly with the promised items and pulled her shoulder length auburn hair out of her face.
"Papa?..." a small voice called from the doorway.  Sylfae had woken up hearing the commotion.
"YES, MINION?" he replied scooping her up to put her back to bed except he decided to put her with Kabel so he wasn't alone if he awoke.  He stepped into the bedroom to see his child had managed to stretch himself across half of the king sized bed.  "WONDERFUL..." he sighed.  "AT LEAST HE'S ASLEEP..."
"Is Momma okay?  Is her tummy bad too?"
"Is-Is it my fault Momma and bubby are sick?" Sylfae asked tearing up while Papyrus covered her with her blankets.
"You're never sick..."
"Yes, Papa.  I love you..."
"I love you more..."
"I LOVE YOU MORE, AND WE BOTH KNOW I CAN COUNT HIGHER.  SO, CLOSE THOSE PRETTY AMBER-RED EYES AND SLEEP."  Papyrus kissed her cheek and received one in turn before she rolled over and snuggled her favorite stuffed dinosaur that used to be Serif's.  After tucking both little ones in and feeling Kabel's forehead, he then ran back downstairs to check on Serif who was still battling the nausea while cradling the bucket.
"Dad?" Serif cried pitifully from the can.  "Dad, I don't feel good, I feel like crap, I want it to stop," he sobbed like small child as if he were his siblings' age again.  Hearing the distress in his son's voice broke Papyrus's heart.
"I KNOW, SON.  I'M SORRY.  I'M GOING TO BE HERE TONIGHT AND TOMORROW, ALRIGHT?  IT'S JUST A TWENTY-FOUR HOUR BUG.  IT WILL PASS, I PROMISE," he comforted the boy wrapping his boned arms gently around his shoulders and petting his crown.  Taking the bucket from him to set aside, Papyrus held his oldest while he cried a moment from just feeling awful.  "HEY, IT'S ALRIGHT.  I DON'T MIND YOU CRYING ON ME IN THE LEAST, BUT IT'S JUST GOING TO UPSET YOUR STOMACH EVEN MORE.  I'M SURE YOU FEEL BAD ENOUGH, SO TRY TO CALM DOWN, OKAY?  CAN YOU DO THAT FOR ME?"  Serif nodded and wiped his eyes on his sleeve but returned to hugging his dad.
"I'm sorry, I'm not used to being sick..."
"I KNOW.  YOU WERE THE HEALTHY ONE OF THE THREE.  BUT, DON'T BE SORRY AT ALL.  EVERYONE IS SICK SOMETIMES; IT'S A PART OF LIFE.  AND, I'M RIGHT HERE, HOWEVER, I DO NEED TO MAKE SURE MOMMA ISN'T DROWING IN THE TOILET."  Serif let him go in exchange for a clean trash can.  Papyrus returned to the bathroom to find Chara curled up on the floor like the children do when they're sick, too afraid to stray from the best receptacle for purging.  No one wanted to deal with the mess of being sick and flushing it away was the easiest clean up.  "WHAT CAN I DO, LOVE?" he asked sitting on the tub wall to pat her.
"Kill me...  please..." Chara groaned.
"Use some magic to rub my back...  That always feels nice..."
"THAT I CAN DO."  Tentative husband Papyrus lowered himself to the floor and gently massaged her back with a touch of his healing magic.  Had the magic been the kind that would help a virus, he would have cured all of his household.  Unfortunately, his healing was only good for physical damage such as broken bones and cuts or burns.  He did use this trick on all of them to calm them down or bring some kind of comfort.
"How is Serif?"
"Thank you, Pap...  I can always count on you...  No matter what, even if things aren't going the best... even if I'm feeling like we're drifting apart, you always come back to remind me how much you truly love me and the kids...  I'm sorry I expect so much sometimes..." she started crying too.
"No!  No, you are wonderful, Pap.  I'm just still childish when it comes to your attention.  I know you're just trying to provide while also being happy with how you do it.  I understand... I just... miss you sometimes... when it's ten at night and your side of the bed is cold...  I know I can't have you here and working to make a living for us...  I wouldn't mind working to share the burden..."
"Paaap... I lo-ugh... I love-"  Before she could finish her sentence, Chara hit the bowl with another bout of nausea.
"Now is not... ugh... a good time for your smartass remarks..."
"Thank you... I love you... my best friend, my rock, my husband..."
"I LOVE YOU TOO.  TRY TO REST, LOVE."  It wasn't a lie.  Papyrus really did miss his family while working so much and would rather be home wrestling with his brood.  He truly preferred his lovely wife stay home and be comfortable while taking care of the other responsibilities.  But, he would also rather bust his proverbial ass at his own business, as his own boss, while doing what he loved than go back to working a mundane desk job sorting paperwork for someone else.  He loved working with his sister in law, but the politics he could do without.  He was much happier even if it meant sacrificing a little time now for more in the future because he didn't plan on going like this forever and looked forward to retiring earlier than he could if he were still with the Embassy.  His business had brought in more than enough to sustain them and provide luxuries, but only because he was so meticulously involved with it day in and day out for the six days it was open.  Papyrus had a plan for the long run and would eventually only be checking in a couple days a week or if they were short on occasion.  His passion was cooking, true.  And, he loved it, yes.  However, his true love was his family and being a husband and a father more than anything.
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kamari333 · 2 years
For the commentary thing, if it still applies:
Sans had been waiting for the moment Lust would show his hand as a Judge. Papyrus had once told him it was obvious if one knew what to look for, but Sans had never quite figured out what he meant. Instead, he was left to wait for a reaction to something that could not have otherwise been known.It was when Lust's gaze fell upon Asgore that Sans finally saw it: the monster that had up until that point been playful, welcoming smiles and understanding warmth vanished, leaving in his place what might as well have been a statue made of cold, unforgiving marble.Lust stood there in the near-center of the room, one foot still off the ground in the process of an aborted saunter, with empty sockets trained on the king as though the void itself were attempting to swallow him.Sans wondered idly if he had ever looked quite so creepy, or if that was an unusually powerful response.Asgore sat in his chair, feeling the full weight of the sins crawling on his back, for however long Lust stared, unblinking. Undyne stood by his side, but even she was beginning to squirm, increasingly more irritated as the scene wore on.Finally, the soft click of Lust's boot on the tile floor broke the deafening silence. He smiled, the gesture never reaching the cold blank pips that were now his eyes. He took another step, then another, and another, until he stood before Asgore properly. Lust still had his vest zipped up (which must have happened while he was in the other room with Red and Edge), his hands in his pockets. The casual posture only lasted one more heartbeat, before he assumed the same pose as his brother before him, bowed from the waist down at ninety degrees, one arm crossed to press the closed fist to his shoulder, the other arm straight at his side.How convenient that the position hid his face from Asgore. How inconvenient it still gave Sans a partial view of his manic grin, stretched wide enough to show his canines in full detail, jaw clenched hard enough to crush rocks into powder (or bone into dust): it was a familiar face, though Sans wished that was a lie; the face of a man contemplating murder, knowing he could get away with it, was difficult to forget.
Aaaaaaah from Aint This More Than Lust! (I do love Nilchance's aint this the life series!! i ended up doing my damnedest to echo that feral, raw and bleeding energy nil brings to their works. its something i admire a lot and wanted to adopt for myself through osmosis.
anyway, here i wanted to really dig into both the change in Lust and especially Sans's (indirect) reaction to it. referencing Papyrus was the first big indication of there being an emotional reaction in Sans. every time sans thinks about papyrus in attl it seems to be with this strong vulnerable feeling, like pap is a precious sticker decorating the bandaid stuck on a very tender cut-
hahaha i fell right into it kekekeke
at the time of writing (and again rereading it) i had this rather dramatic image in my head of what i pictured this scene looking like. the composition in my head is so exquisite. one day i may try drawing it <3 lust there in the middle under a spotlight, one moment striding like he is the sexiest thing alive and ready to share it with you, the next a statue of barely contained murderous rage. theres that long pause as everyone gets a good look at him making asgore hella uncomfortable. then he bows just so he can STOP LOOKING AT ASGORE-
its a scene that was heavily inspired by several scenes involving Nil's red. i really wanted to hammer in the parallels between Red and Lust here. in my head theyre stupidly, beautifully similar, and i wanted Sans to see that so clearly he can see an afterimage of the man he loves in this new guy
i think that was kinda the leitmotif of this whole fic- making sans see red in lust (and slowly catching feels/horny by proxy)
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unma · 3 months
The Great Time Trio's take on its DustFell trio (see Merg's video on it here) is amazing and really addresses my main issues with Dust fangames: how the attack patterns are set in stone. Absolutely lovely how the patterns used (save for the phantom section) change each attempt. Not to mention the atmosphere set with the sprites. But there's much more to say about this. Excuse me while I ramble for a bit.
BadtrapBBits has said the reason they have unique designs so wildly different from the usual Dust Trio is because he can't draw hoods too well, but I think he did a really good on their designs. Especially their battle sprites, the way they move and subtle change adds so much to the fight.
Sans shows up in different states of being covered by shadow and he even has his smoke surround him near the end which is just so fucking cool.
Papyrus' hoodie has the word written on it change during the battle, his head comes off to attack you, his sprite seemingly seems to clip into its boundaries and partially show up on the other side, and while I'm not sure that last one is intentional (rewatching the battle as I write this and I'm certain it's 100% intentional) it really adds to the atmosphere of the fight.
Chara's whole look is just awesome tbh and I strive to pull off something nearly as cool as them, and don't get me started on when they get their wings and their mask is replaced with that smile we know all too well. The halo too. All that, accompanied with the delta rune on their sweater, really does such a lovely job of leaning hard into that fallen angel part of their character and forcing you to look at it while the trio beats you within an inch of your life over and over again.
Also the fact that they very obviously resorted to determination is just the icing on the cake. Perfect. Explains what the fuck is going on with Papyrus too, who feels less like a monster and more like some ambiguous creature made purely of horror. Sans is 100% the one with the least fucked up shit going on with his body by the end, lol.
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The trio designs are awesome too. Nothing much has changed about Phantom Papyrus, he just has the scar that regular Underfell Papyrus would have. Fellswap Sans is... honestly I don't know what the fuck is going on with him but that's just perfect tbh. Fits the whole schtick going on with DustFellSwap (that's a mouthful) Papyrus to a T and it's lovely. Little fucked up creature of horror. Asriel's design almost certainly evokes a strong image of just how he died and there's quite a bit to be gleaned from how you can't even see his face anymore. (Personally, I'd take it to mean that Chara can't remember or recall his face anymore, possibly due to guilt, but those are just my initial thoughts).
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All of this does an excellent job at keeping up the downright oppressive feeling the player is burdened with from the fight select screen into the start of the fight. It feels like you're playing a horror game, and with how stacked the odds are against you, that might as well be the case.
Finally, and perhaps most important, the fact that they win is essential to this. You shouldn't be able to beat them, even when it was just one of them. The point of Dust (or at least my take on it, I should probably refresh myself on the original blog) is that the very best the player can hope for is simply retrying endlessly. With all three of them, and especially with Chara encroaching on your ability to save and load, it makes complete sense that you just plain lose. Especially love that they abuse that method to restore themselves to before their amalgamation took a turn for the worse, it's really cool that they've decided to exploit the save system for their own benefit.
I guess that's all I have to say for now until the next update (and Merg video). All in all, really awesome fight.
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sciencestyled · 5 months
Moses' Brush with the Big Bang
Moses am I, and most curious a tale do I have to recount—of how I, a simple man of the desert, stumbled upon the profoundest secrets of the universe. You see, it all began one starless night in the Sinai Peninsula. I had taken a rather unfortunate tumble off a rather docile camel. As I lay there, staring up at the pitch-black sky, an epiphany struck me—not unlike that burning bush from earlier tales, only far less... igneous.
“Moses,” I said to myself, for I often address myself thus when deep in thought, “What if there’s more to this void than meets the eye?” Intrigued by my own pondering, I resolved then and there to unlock the secrets of the cosmos. But how, you might ask, does a shepherd turned reluctant revolutionary undertake such a scholarly endeavor? With divine inspiration and a dash of absurdity, of course.
The very next day, I convened a council of the most learned sheep and goats in the flock. You’d be surprised by the intellectual prowess of the average Sinai goat. After a vigorous debate—interspersed with much bleating about unrelated matters—we reached a unanimous conclusion: I needed to consult the great scholars. However, seeing as time travel was beyond even my miraculous capabilities, I opted for the next best thing: I would create a fantastical contraption to observe the stars.
Crafting this celestial observer from old shepherd’s staffs and a generous amount of goat’s wool for insulation—a necessity in the desert night, I assure you—I prepared for a revelation. Yet, as fate would have it, my contraption was less telescope and more kaleidoscope, casting colorful but utterly confusing patterns across my makeshift parchment.
Disheartened yet undeterred, I took my psychedelic sketches to the nearest village elder, who squinted at them long and hard before declaring, “Moses, my boy, you’ve either discovered the origin of the universe, or you’ve spilled goat’s milk on your drawings again.”
Fuelled by this ambiguous encouragement, I decided it was time to put my findings into words, to pen a scholarly article that would surely stand the test of time. With no papyrus at hand—such are the trials of desert life—I carved my theories into stone tablets. Alas, this proved an arduous process, prone to chiseling errors and unsolicited editorial advice from passing ibexes.
Thus, with tablets in tow, filled with what I believed to be a groundbreaking thesis on the cosmos’ inception, I journeyed to Egypt. There, I hoped to present my findings to the only audience that mattered: the great Pharaoh himself. After all, who better to appreciate a tale of explosive beginnings than a ruler with a penchant for monumental constructions?
Upon reaching the royal court, I unveiled my tablets, which, to my dismay, had garnered more attention from desert lizards than scholarly types. Undaunted, I cleared my throat and began, “Oh, great Pharaoh, whose heart seems as unrelenting as the eternal sands—lend me your ears, for I bring news of the beginning of all beginnings, the Big Bang!"
The court erupted in murmurs. Pharaoh, intrigued or perhaps merely amused, beckoned me closer. “Continue, Moses. You have piqued my interest.”
And so, I embarked on the most grandiose of explanations, weaving through my misadventures with goat-advisors and kaleidoscopic telescopes, arriving at last to the heart of cosmic matters. Little did I know, my ramblings about the universe’s explosive start would not only enlighten but also inspire a newfound fascination with liberation—both cosmic and terrestrial—in the heart of Egypt.
Thus, from a serendipitous tumble and a council of goats to royal courts and celestial revelations, my tale, like the universe itself, expanded into the sprawling narrative you see before you. And that, dear readers, is how I, Moses, came to pen the article on the Big Bang, connecting divine sparks with cosmic starts.
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asukamood · 2 years
Warnings: Blood, implied abuse, violence, stalking, attempted murder and heavy Blue angst
So this one-shot was written in honor of an au one of my friends and I made. The au was set in a modern era where the apples never existed but the Priest (from Dream and Nightmare’s backstory) and Papyrus are unfortunately alive, the latter forced some of the cast into a marriage of convenience: Dream with Blue and Nightmare with an arsehole that will give him all the mental problems the original DS Dream gave to DS Nightmare.
We also went with the real job thing where Dream is a lawyer, Blue an actor and Nightmare a violinist.
Prior to the one-shot’s event, Blue had fallen in love with Dream after the latter helped him get Papyrus in jail for his 26 years of abuse and is now in the perilous process of trying to get Dream to notice how down bad he is for him because yes, Dream is also the densest mother fricker alive here. As a famous actor, problems such as stalkers and such are not so uncommon for Blue.
This time though, things went extremely wrong which led the stalker to try and shoot Blue…
Thing is, the bullet never reached him since Dream launched himself in between them.
So now Blue is stuck all alone with his thoughts while Dream lays unconscious in a hospital bed, joy.
“BLUE!” Dream had shouted, an arsenal of emotions laced in his voice before Blue felt his body crash into him as a bullet broke through Dream’s protective layers of skin, uncomfortably close to his heart.
That shout, that moment, it was the last time Blue had heard Dream’s voice and had seen him with open eyes.
The famous actor entered the pristine white hospital room, a flower bouquet in hand. The regular sound of the heartbeat monitor welcomed him back, the screen drawing the tune of Dream’s heart in green color. Attached to the machine, laying in an equally white bed, was Dream.
He laid there motionless, eyes tightly shut as Blue has perpetually seen him the last few months. The man was pretty sure that he was in the same position as the first night he was sent there, considering that he has never moved an inch ever since he came here.
The curtains, the walls, the ground, and every aspect of the building faded away once he caught a glimpse of him as per usual. His eyes went back and forth between his face and his arms, hoping to catch the slightest movement, as small as it may be. It could be a twitch of eyebrows, the parting of lips, a finger brushing the texture of the blanket thrown over his body, anything that might indicate he was gonna wake up.
He was met with disappointment again, Dream was still laying in the bed as still as the bedrock. That failure had Blue’s eyes dimmed, heart beating painfully in his chest as he stepped closer to the almost cadaveric figure and placed the bouquet on the patient’s nightstand.
Today, he had chosen to pair gardenias with tansies. The tansies’ golden color reminded Blue of Dream’s eyes, bright and lovely despite what the man himself thought of them. He liked looking at them because he thinks that it perfectly images what Dream has been for him, a light of soft warmth, a beacon he could always find even on the darkest nights.
They symbolized protection and hope for good health, which was exactly what Blue was hoping for. He was no religious man but he would have happily got down on his knees and prayed to the Heavens for them to make Dream get back on his feet, to defend him from Death’s judgemental blade, to bring him back to Blue.
That’s when the Gardenias came into the picture, the white and messy petals of the flower representing the love Blue carried from Dream that he had yet to figure out when he fell into a coma to protect Blue from a bullet.
The latter sat down next to Dream’s bed and gently took his hand in his, rubbing little patterns on the palm of the sleeping man. He stared into his closed eyelids, wishing he could blurt out the feelings he has been trying to transmit these few months with him. If he didn’t like him back, it would hurt but at least he would know, at least he wouldn’t have any regret.
Blue bit his lip, tears gathering at the end of his eyes, and raised Dream’s hand with both of his to his face’s level. It used to radiate a soft and affectionate warmth but now, pressed against Blue’s forehead, it felt as cold as the night Dream collapsed on Blue, blood covering his clothes.
“Dream, please come back to me…”
Nothing replied to his call.
Blue stood in front of the main entrance to his and Dream’s common house, one of his hands holding the doorknob while his other hand struggled to turn the key into the lock, constantly interrupted by little jumps of shakiness.
After a few seconds, the lock finally clicked and the door unlocked. The man rotated the doorknob before swinging it open and then closed it once he was inside. He let out a shaky breath, irises moving in the darkness of the house with unease. Ever since Dream got into the hospital, the house had that aura of grief and emptiness that made Blue uncomfortable.
Perhaps, it was his sorrow that affected the state of the house, the coldness of the walls representing the hollowness in his heart that Dream’s absence left behind, and the hostile growls coming from the darkness, his fear of being all alone again.
But he would never figure it out, after all, reflecting was something Blue avoided at all costs, fearing finding out things he did not want to acknowledge or know.
He fiddled with the walls until his finger turned the switch on, artificial light illuminating the house. Oddly enough though, the house still felt as dark and oppressing as ever. He ventured deeper into the building, phantoms of the past following wherever his footsteps echoed.
“Oh? You’re back from work late today.” A mirage of Dream sitting on the couch with an open book on his lap commented when Blue passed the living room’s door, eyes staring right into his soul. “Did you have dinner yet? No? Alright, go relax for a bit, I’m taking care of that.” It said, closing and putting the book away. Right as it was about to walk in Blue’s direction, it faded away, leaving the living room empty once again.
The troubled man shook his face vigorously, shoving these images of Dream back into the deepest part of his mind. Instances like this made it hard for Blue to keep it together, reminding him that in fact, no one would and had greeted him back home for a while.
It was also in moments like this that he cursed out his brain, not understanding what it was gaining by mentally torturing him like this. He knew Dream wasn’t here, there was no need to make him long for him more than he already was by showing him all the sweet gestures Dream had the habit of showing him, affectionate actions no one else had ever given him before.
On that note, he left to go to sleep, hoping nightmares wouldn’t come chasing him down tonight. He didn’t need those, at all.
Fate, however, has already made clear that it had its eyes set on him and his suffering brought it a special kind of joy.
When Blue opened his eyes again, he was standing in front of their house again but something felt wrong, extremely wrong. The atmosphere surrounding the area was heavy with danger signs all around, decaying trees naked of their leaves groaning under the breeze, and dark particles dancing in the air.
With a gulp, Blue turned the doorknob and the door opened with a creak. It was unlocked.
The light should have been filtering into the house but the darkness remained, swallowing the glow that tried to fight against it. He didn’t know why but he let himself be swallowed too by venturing inside the night itself, not knowing what was gonna happen next.
An eerie silence reigned in the dark house, so quiet it was the only thing you could hear. Blue walked along the walls, knowing what the silence was preparing you for. Something incredibly terrifying or hurtful was about to happen and he could only wish it wouldn’t be both at the same time.
Suddenly, a scream shattered the silence without warning, making Blue flinch and his hair stand up on his nape. That voice… It was Dream’s.
Blue bolted towards the origin of the noise, shoving any obstacle in his path out of the way. The closer he got, the clearer the sound of breathless pants. Once he managed to run in front of the room, he immediately kicked the door open, too driven by adrenaline to even think about the possibility of this whole thing being one bad tasted prank.
The doors slammed against the walls, moving back to their original stop before losing speed and hanging at a certain angle, still open. At first, the darkness was too thick to see anything through it, it was like trying to see through a blindfold, impossible.
After a few seconds of total silence, a figure came crashing onto him, the sound of a gunshot echoing inside the entire house as if they had suddenly moved inside of a cathedral. The impact of the body colliding with his had the consequence of knocking Blue off the ground, sending him laying down on the ground.
He winced before sitting up, looking down at the person who crashed into him. Blue’s heart was left hanging from shock in his rib cage.
It was Dream.
He immediately lifted him by his torso to try and get a better look at him. His eyes, usually a bright golden color, were now an Amber hue, way darker than usual. His eye lights were nowhere to be seen, irises seeming to absorb the light the same way the shadows of the house did.
His lips were slightly parted and he was extremely pale as well, this was bad. Blue pressed two fingers on his neck, trying to detect a pulse. It was in vain, his heart had stopped beating.
Colors drained from Blue’s face as tears threatened to spill, he had grasped the meaning of what being unable to sense a pulse meant.
“No no no no no!” He exclaimed, louder each time, hands cupping Dream’s cheeks. “You can’t- Dream please don’t—“ He stammered, his words colliding against one another because of sheer panic. A million thoughts raced inside of his mind, so many at once that he was unable to sort them out.
His train of thoughts was soon put to an end though when he felt cold as ice hands grabbed his own and tore them away from Dream’s cheeks. When he looked back at the corpse in his arms, Dream’s irises had completely blackened.
There was now a gaping hole in his torso, through which flows of blood dripped down from it to stain his and Blue’s clothes in the crimson liquid. Thin lines of blood started to roll down his eyes and lips as well, making him spit some blood each time he articulated a word.
“This is all your fault.”
Blue’s eyes shot up as his upper half jerked upward, chest heaving with pants and heart drumming hard inside of his rib cage. He felt as if the organ kept banging against the wall of bones as if its objective was to shatter it to be left free. His lungs felt as if they were on fire, pearls of sweat rolling down his entire body.
Something in his throat climbed up, making him gag with nausea. He pressed a hand on his mouth and kicked the sticky blankets off of him before sprinting toward the bathroom. Once there, he threw himself on the floor and started puking in the toilet, coughing in between the flow.
A few minutes later, he had flushed down what little he had eaten in the day before splashing water onto his face in hopes that it would be able to calm him down or wash away the sweat.
He stood there, hovering above the sink for a few seconds before his body started shaking and a sob tore from his throat as he fell to his knees. Soon enough, he was reduced to a crying mess, his screams slightly echoing in the bathroom.
This is all your fault.
The words repeated in his mind with Dream’s voice, making the whole sentence at least ten thousand times worse. He knew that if it wasn’t for his affiliation with him, Dream would have likely never been to the hospital, stuck in his hospital bed in a coma unable to move a single digit.
He knew that if he had been more careful, Dream wouldn’t have had to throw himself in between the bullet and Blue to save him. Even months later, when he had endlessly thought of all possibilities as to why he did that, Blue still couldn’t understand how easily Dream threw his own life away for him.
Ghostly touches materialized themselves on his body, echoes of past moments when Dream would comfort him after a nightmare.
He felt warm arms pulling him into a hug, fingers brushing his skin to rub little patterns on it.
“Shh…” He had said once, voice right next to Blue’s ears. “Don’t worry, I’m right here. You’re not alone, you’re safe.” Another sob was let out as he wrapped his arms around himself, yet it didn’t comfort him at all.
He wanted Dream so badly to be here with him, to hold him as he had always done when bad dreams like this one would chastise him into the dead of night, to hear him mutter soothing words into his ear as he cried freely into his shoulder, knowing he wouldn’t make fun of him.
He would however hug him tighter before letting him go for a bit to wipe his tears away with his finger, cupping his cheek softly before kissing his forehead as he mumbled how he didn’t have to go through this alone anymore, that he would keep him safe and sound as long as he was with him.
Those words and actions could make him flush red, butterflies frantically flapping their wings inside of his stomach and his breath caught in his throat as he looked at his reassuring smile.
He was the only person he knew who was capable of making him feel safe if his fingertips did as much as brushing his skin or who could lull him back to a peaceful sleep if he did something as little as petting his hair.
He longed for him so much but he knew he was all by himself, he had been for months now. Alone, for only company the sound of his own cries.
God, help him, he was such a mess without Dream.
Perhaps, being this attached to someone was far from healthy but he was the only one making him feel so… happy whenever he was with him, he just couldn’t let him go even if he wanted to. He also didn’t want to let him go.
“Come back… please come back. I can’t do this without you Dream.”
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how will the skeletons react when their crush sends this video as a declaration of love and then quickly go offline.
Here goes the video. Damn, that's something.
Undertale Sans - There's a very long silence as he's trying to understand what the hell he just watched. Then he explodes and dies of laughter, roaring and crying. He for sure didn't expect this, great job.
Undertale Papyrus - The phone falls on the ground at the weird smile. What the hell. This is too cursed for him. He sends a polite "thank you" back, but he's not sure what he's supposed to do about this quite honestly.
Underswap Sans - He wanted to show his colleagues how cute what you're sending him is. Well... They think for sure it's really interesting. He wants to cry. How could he both love and hate you that much at the same time?
Underswap Papyrus - He was napping when you sent him this. He blinks a few times, his brain unable to understand what he just saw. He then decides it's a problem for his future self and goes back to sleep.
Underfell Sans - He smirks, then sends you another curse video to tell you he loves you back. He then realizes the video said "I like you" and not "I love you" and that you might be interpreting this the wrong way. He then sends you "Wait no, I don't love you", before realizing you might think he hates you and sending "I didn't mean that, I love you" "*LIKE you" "fuck". You're receiving mixed signals right here.
Underfell Papyrus - He sighs, then sends a text back to please ask you to not hang that much with his brother anymore and to please kick his ass the next time you will see him. Thank you.
Horrortale Sans - Willow was wondering what he was purring for, so Oak showed him the video. Willow stays silent, then whispers-screams: "DEAR BROTHER, WHAT THE FUCK." Oak doesn't care. You just said you like him.
Horrortale Papyrus - Wow. He hates this! The drawing, the voice, everything. He is cringing so hard that the glass he was holding is falling to pieces between his hands. Please never again.
Swapfell Sans - Jumpscare. He hates this and throws his phone through the window, very uncomfortable. It breaks the phone and somehow, now only the video is working, in slow motion and on a loop. Nox will have nightmares tonight.
Swapfell Papyrus - He saw it before, unfortunately, but that's alright, he has 3388384 other memes to fluster you now that you sent a meme war declaration. You're not ready for what you just provoked.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He blocks you for two days. Fair, you deserved it.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He gets really excited you like him and sends you a 5-pages love confession in the minute. He for sure planned this a long time ago since there's no way he wrote all of this in 20 seconds.
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zirkkun · 4 years
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🤍ULR Speed Date Event Results - Part 4/5!🧡
Today, in second place, we have Duo with 53 submissions! The thing with Duo, however, is that he’s pretty much alright with a date with pretty much anyone -- and he’d probably go on a date with all the people who submitted things... so, rather, the person I picked was more just whose results would best fit a story for the scenario I had planned in my head.
Which, of course, you can read who won a date with Duo by clicking read more or on AO3!
Undertale (c) Toby Fox Underlust by @/nsfwshamecave Underlust Reimagine by myself
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... the anon going by the name Cherry!
The moment the proposition of cooking at home was offered as a date, Papyrus was completely sold. He barely gets a chance to practice cooking nowadays, but it's a skill anyone looking for a datemate should have!! After all, is food not the window to someone's SOUL? Or, maybe it was the way to win them over. Papyrus was starting to get his cheesy romantic sayings mixed up now -- ugh, probably because he was never given the chance to use them!!
Well, that didn't really matter anymore, anyway. He was living seperate from Sans on the Surface, so he could do anything he wanted without being watched over like a hawk. Sometimes he did feel bad about the fact he didn't even so much as consider living with his brother when given the chance to move out, given everything he did for Papyrus… but, it's not like he cut ties with him entirely. Papyrus just wanted somewhere where he could fend and decide for himself.
And now, because of that, he finally got a date!! He'd been waiting YEARS for something like this to happen, but every time he tried to go on one previously -- even when he tried to do it in secret -- Sans would find out and force him to cut ties immediately. But now it didn't matter! Now he didn't know, and didn't need to! And Papyrus was so happy!!
The human who'd come by his apartment for dinner this evening -- which they were cooking together, by the way, for it to be extra cutesy and romantic (declared as such by Papyrus) -- was, as far as he was concerned, very pretty. He'd been convinced she'd been on many dates before this because of that, but apparently she hadn't?! Which, as far as he was aware, was practically criminal in itself. So, might as well change that!! Besides, a stay-at-home cooking date was too fun of an idea to pass up.
And, of course, what better date food dish is there than pasta?! Specifically farfalle (you know, the little bowties!!) with chicken alfredo. Which was Papyrus's favorite dish. Like, absolute favorite. Nothing could beat it. And the human said she can eat anything, so she'll love it too!
Currently, she was helping him by boiling the water for the pasta, while Papyrus was cooking the chicken cutlets. The apartment's kitchen was already filled with an apetizing aroma, even though they hadn't been cooking for that long yet.
"It's been a while since I've done something like this with someone else," the human commented with a smile.
"I THINK THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I'VE EVER COOKED A MEAL WITH SOMEONE ELSE!" Papyrus announced, though sounding more excited about the endeavor than anything else while sprinkling on seasonings for the chicken. The human was a little taken aback.
"You're joking, really?"
"Wow," the human gaped. "You're so open and kind to others that I would have never expected something like that!"
Papyrus didn't respond right away. He didn't really know what to respond with, frankly. "YOU REALLY THINK SO?"
"What? Of course! Why wouldn't I think that?" The human started opening a fresh box of bowtie pasta as the water started to fully come to a boil. "You're a great person! Don't you even declare that yourself?"
Taking this as an excuse to change the subject, Papyrus jumped in with, "O-OH, OF COURSE! I AM THE GREAT AND FABULOUS PAPYRUS, AFTER ALL." The human seemed satisfied upon hearing this as they started laughing while dumping the pasta noodles into the boiling water as carefully as she could. Papyrus returned to cooking his chicken in the meanwhile.
Papyrus was starting to become hyperaware of the fact he had no experience with dates whatsoever. He didn't really know what else to say from this point forward, especially not after that kind of… compliment? statement? conversation? He wasn't even sure how to address it at this point. Hm… well, any old topic might do, he supposed.
The human set the empty box onto the counter before looking to him with a grin. "I like all kinds of art. Like drawing, painting, singing, playing the piano…"
"YOU KNOW HOW TO SING?!" Papyrus asked excitedly.
"W-Well, yeah, but --"
The human couldn't help but laugh. "I'll make sure you're the first to know," she responded, a bit of playfulness lining her tone. Even despite that, Papyrus still found himself a bit giddy at the thought of going to a performance for someone he knew, to go there to support them. It seemed a bit like a dream more than anything.
Without really thinking out a transition, Papyrus blurted, "DO YOU HAVE ANY DREAMS, HUMAN?"
Unsurprisingly, she wasn't really expecting the response, and after her initial shock disappated, she pondered the question for a while. "I…" But she stopped. "Well…" Still, no answer. "Hm. I… don't think so."
The human shook her head. "Not really, no. I prefer living more in the moment and just seeing what happens next, and going forward with what's been given to me, I guess?" She let out a soft hum. "I haven't really given it a whole lot of thought?" But even that sentence seemed uncertain. Even still, Papyrus seemed a bit disappointed to hear this answer. Then again, being now on the Surface without the Royal Guard, on a date, no longer living with his brother… all of his dreams he'd been working to achieve were, well, achieved.
He wasn't wholly certain on whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.
But, what he did know for sure, is that he's felt happier than he has in years.
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SparkleHarts AU: Twilight/Steven/Sans/Husk (2022)
Credit for Hazbin Hotel goes to Vivziepop & Spindelhorse
Credit for Deltarune & Undertale goes to Toby Fox
Credit for Steven Universe goes to Rebecca Sugar
Credit for MLP Franchise goes to the Creator: Bonnie Zacherle
Credit for My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic goes to Lauren Faust
SparkleHarts AU is My Crossover AU idea.
Husk being a part of the Reincarnation, is more Fanon and Not Really Canon.
the Twilight Sparkle in this is in fact Unicorn Twilight Sparkle, before she is replaced by a Clone of herself made by Princess Celestia after the whole finishing Star Swirls The Bearded’s Spell Incident.
the Alicorn wings she has, is Ethereal Wings, like how Sunny Starscout has Ethereal Horns and Wings but is still mostly a Earth Pony, but she could be considered a Earth-Alicorn, and Unicorn-Twilight Sparkle with Ethereal Wings can be considered a Unicorn-Alicorn...
or like Demi-Alicorns, that might work better.
anyway the idea is that when The Original Twilight Sparkle dies, because of the magic that was shot at her by the Elements Of Harmony, which normally that wouldn’t be their purpose, but something could of caused them to do so.
the Twilight Sparkle we see in that Afterlife looking dimension, is possibly a clone and the moving pictures of Twilight’s Memories, are all copies from the original before her death, and Princess Celestia was using these memories to place them into the clone.
and while she was making that clone into a Alicorn (and possibly using Grogar’s Bell to do so....)
the Original Twilight Sparkle ends up Transmigrating to another world and dimension, and ends up being reincarnated as Steven Quartz Universe.
 then one of the timeline versions, who would end up having a accident where their gem and human halves become separated for too long, and causing the human half to slowly die....
ends up becoming “reborn” as Sans The Skeleton, but half of Sans’s soul that makes up some half of his humanity, ends up going through a transmigration to another world, to the age before the internet and video games, as well as before the memes.....
and that half, becomes a Human who likes gambling and when he dies he becomes Husk....
like one half of the soul stays in Undertale, but the other half goes to Hazbin Hotel.....once again it is NOT canon, this is just a Fanon Crossover AU.
like the idea with Shoko --> Finn --> Onion --> Papyrus,
like Shoko and Finn are from Adventure Time, Onion is from Steven Universe (I wasn’t talking about the Onion The Octopus from Undertale/Deltarune.) and Papyrus is from Undertale.
it would be interesting if Papyrus’s past lives were Onion, and before that, he was Finn and before that, he was Shoko.
or like the idea about Vaggie from Hazbin Hotel, being the reincarnation of Mugman, which of course is Fanon only and is more like a Fanon Crossover that isn’t canon at all.
I did do a drawing about that idea, that has Mugman look into a mirror, and the mirror’s glass is all black, but you can still see the reflection on the other side.
but instead of his normal “Mugman” reflection, in it’s place is the image of Vaggie.
the mirror is suppose to show what you will look like in your next life when you reincarnate.
we know that King from The Owl House, is seen as the Reincarnation of Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls, and that is possibly canon.
there is a reason why Sans in this drawing, is The Lost Soul version.
like the idea being it is The Lost Soul Version, that ends up having half of his Soul ending up transmigrated and becoming reborn in another world as Husk.
if anyone told Husk he was a Unicorn in one of his past lives,
I would imagine he would say “The F*** I Was!” before going straight for the bottle and drinking it down.     
not sure if I will work much on SparkleHarts AU, but maybe I can try a short story and post it on here.
maybe where Pinkie Pie and Pearl come to the Hazbin Hotel Universe, and try to bring Steven/Twilight home, but Husk is only one half of them and I don’t think he would be all too happy or thrilled about going with them back to one of his old past lives homes.
there can be a differences between a cleaved soul and a fragment soul,
a cleaved soul is when a fully formed soul is cleaved into two or maybe more parts possibly, and they could be seen more like “Siblings” but they end up losing their original self.
a fragment soul is when a small piece fragments off of the Full Soul, and at times will merge with another fragment soul to make someone entirely new, but anyway the fragment soul would be like the soul-child of the full soul.
and it could take time for the fragment soul to “grow and mature” over it’s soul growth cycle, possibly longer if there are certain incidents that happens during when they end up dying too young in some of their past lives and causing soul trauma...that could be possible, maybe.
anyway in the Sparkleharts AU, Husk isn’t a fragment of Twilight Sparkle/Steven/Sans, in this Fanon AU, he is like a Half-Reincarnation because one of the timeline versions of Sans, who becomes The Lost Soul-Sans, ends up having his Soul Cleaved, and while one still stays in Undertale as Sans, the other ends  up transmigrating and gets reborn as a Human Baby in Hazbin Hotel Universe (which might be in he same place as Helluva Boss) and when that half-reborn self grows older and then dies, they become Husk.
if you think about it, why would Pearl try to bring back one of the halves of her son (by adoption, some fans can still consider her the true Mom even if she didn’t create him or his pink diamond gem.) when she still has the Gem Half of Steven, maybe she could just want her Steven to be fully himself again.
I mean it is just a theory that the Steven we see in Steven Universe Future, might really be just the Gem Half who had reformed to look like his original self,  before the accident happen where Steven’s gem was forced out of his body, but because his Gem half took too long to reform, because he wanted to make his body look more human and possibly has some form of DNA of Steven’s in the gem that could let him clone a organic body....
but yeah, if the gem half takes too long to reform and or the both halves aren’t rejoined right away, at some point the human half will slowly die.
and I believe the human half is Sans, because it makes sense that if Steven’s future self is Sans, it would be the human half, and if he doesn’t have his gem, it’s because they were accidentally separated and when Gem-Steven took too long to reform, it became too late for Human-Steven, who ended up dying and would later become Sans.
I think the Human-Half would still have some of their Gem Genetics, not just merged into their organic half, but also their very soul.
like it turning out that Steven’s Soul is a fusion of two fragment souls from his Mom and Dad, while Rose could of made a new pink diamond gem to place her son’s human/gem soul into....
the soul wouldn’t just stay in the newly created third pink diamond (I like to view Rose as not the original pink diamond, and being a creation of Pink Diamond I who was the one who hurt Pink-Pearl and Spinel.)
the soul inside of the newly created pink diamond, would split into twins,
one of the souls stayed in the gem and the other half went into the human half.
the reason why Steven and Rose have memories that belong the Original Pink Diamond, some of the memories that had to do with Pink-Pearl and Spinel that were copied into Rose/Pink II, were possibly blocked out by Pink I.
but when they were no longer blocked, and Rose had accessed to her Mother’s Memories of Pink-Pearl and Spinel, it was too late to try to go back for them because travel off of Earth wasn’t possible for her or the other Crystal Gems anymore, at least not until a few centuries later.
so yeah my Fan Headcanon is that the Original Pink Diamond, is the Mother of The Pink Diamond II who would later become Rose and also create the Rose Quartz (Steven’s Older Sisters/Siblings) and then would then much later create her son Steven.
so if this was true, that would mean that Pink Diamond I would be Pink Diamond III/Steven/Sans’s Grandmother.
Rose could of already known that she isn’t Pink I, and knows she is Pink III, and the some of the memories that didn’t come from her, were copies from Pink I, and some of those memories were then copied again when she had fragmented a part of herself and placed it into the third pink diamond that would become Steven Q. Universe.
Rose might be selfish, and she made mistakes that ended up hurting her love ones, but besides that bad side, she still has a good side that others can still love about her, that she still has a good ethereal heart.
Steven has a right to be mad at her and even have a right to be mad at Greg,
but even if he has a right to be disappointed in those two, he can possibly still love them, but not their selfish actions.
I still think it is possible Greg wasn’t seeing the full picture with his parents, and his parents could of did better themselves.
Greg’s Mom or Dad or Both, could of had really sensitive hearing, I know there is a name for it and I forgot what’s it called.
but it’s like when really loud sounds can be painful, the reason why Greg wasn’t allowed to have music, is because he kept turning the volume up too loud and it was harming one or both of his parents.
him having have curfew and chaperons, was possibly for his own safety because it was possibly, mostly dangerous back then and his parents wanted him to stay safe.
the needing to do that whole wrestling thing, was possibly their way to have Greg learn self defense, and the meatloaf was possibly for health reasons.
even if parents can make mistakes, like not explaining reasons why they do the things they do, like making us do things we don’t want to.
but Greg’s parents might not of been so bad, what made them bad was not explaining to Greg well enough on why they made such rules for him and made him do half the stuff he didn’t want to do.
Greg isn’t a perfect Dad either, for a few good reasons, because of certain things he has done in the past, like faking still being hurt, misusing that whistle when Steven is trying to help Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst.
not using the money he got from Marty, to send Steven to school or maybe give him a home school tutor, never taking him to the doctor.
I still don’t agree with him saying “Your A Gem” instead of “Your Half-Gem.”
just because he is part gem, doesn’t mean his human half doesn’t still need the proper treatment, being a type of offspring fusion, both halves would need equal care.
Doctor Maheswaran, has every right to be displeased with Greg, and if she had to, she could report him to Child Protective Services.
Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst, even if they do mistakes at times, at least they are partly to thank for Steven becoming a Genius.
but because of most of the neglect for his human heritage, Steven didn’t even know what Grades were, when one of Connie’s friends asked what Grade he was in.
we can’t really fully blame Steven’s Gem-Family for this, and well we can still like the positive side of Greg, but hate the fact it took possibly most of us this long to figure out he has been Semi-Neglectful in his responsibilities as a Father to Steven.
not everyone has to agree with me on that, but it’s just how I started to see it.
at least Pearl tries to be a Mom figure to Steven, and she shares the Mom Duties with Garnet and Amethyst.
but Amethyst is more like a Big Sister who also takes the Role of a Mom Figure for a Younger Sibling, while not really being a Mom, but still acts like one at times when necessary.
I also like the idea that Kaio from OK KO Let’s Be Heroes, is in a VR Game, and Steven Universe is playing that game and lives his life as Kaio in that game world, and while a lot of time passes in that world, but on the outside in Mr. Smiley’s Arcade, Only a Hour or Two Hours have past.   
then once the game is beaten and the epilogue/time skip happens,
Steven takes off the helmet and is back in his own reality.
anyway the whole Sparkleharts Au might not become all that famous, and I’m fine with that.
the “Harts” is another way to spell “Hearts” and I like spelling it this way for the name for the AU.
once again Husk being like the Half-Reincarnation of Sans, and also having a past life as Steven and even Unicorn-Twilight Sparkle, is Noncanon and Fanon Only and it takes place in a Crossover AU called Sparkleharts.
the Crossover AU was born on September 2, 2022.
and I just posted this drawing on September 3, 2022 and wanted to posted it on the same day that I drew it, but couldn’t until the next day.
so anyway hope some like this AU idea, which once again is Fanon Only.
and Isn’t Canon at all to the Original Canon Timelines of MLPFIM, Hazbin Hotel, Steven Universe and Undertale.
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