#nhl writers
hd-junglebook · 5 months
The Pregnancy Series
all new post will be continued on my new tumblr @bloodreinasbathwater. please go look at the masterlist to see updates, this blog will no longer be in use.
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Summary: Y/n had always been the independent, only child of two successful business owners. The last thing she wanted to do was follow in their footsteps but when she told them her dreams, they cut her off, leaving her to fend for herself out in the real world.
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 (on new blog) , Part 5
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Summary: Y/n had been trying to have a baby for the past five months. Finally when she thinks all is well, her boyfriend breaks things off, leaving her with a fresh pregnancy and empty home. She feels like all hope is lost, until she meets jack who can't seem to get enough of her and her bump.
Prologue , Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5
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The young dad over here
Summary: Y/n and Luke had been on and off for a year, no title, no commitment, no "what are we", until y/n finds out some news that she's sure will have Luke running for the hills.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 4 months
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“He's been a bit of a jerk”
Summary: quinn suddenly ditches his childhood best friend on new years eve when they have spent every NYE together since they were 6. luke saves the night
Warnings: use of y/n and I think one or two uses of y/n/n, only brief mentions of quinn not actually active in fic but substantial to the plot, like has internal dialogue via italics, if I missed anything please let me know
Word Count: 1.8k
requested: yes - “luke pining after Quinn’s best friends and he finally gets the girl.”
Authors Note: edited as may 31, 2024 - if you read before May 31 the word count is now 800 more than it is was previously 🫣
part 2
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On the frost-tipped grass, (Y/N) sat beneath a canopy of stars, her back propped against the rough bark of an old oak tree. A light dusting of snow had settled over the ground, transforming the world into a perfect winter wonderland. She shivered, not necessarily from the cold evening, but from the heart wrenching realization that tonight was supposed to go different. It was New Year's Eve, and every year since they were six, she and her childhood best friend, Quinn had celebrated together. But this year, he had up and ditched her last minute. Just like that. He gave her zero explanation and no apology. He had just vanished into the night with his middle brother, leaving her feeling more alone than ever. Which when he left for the NHL was pretty hard to top, yet he somehow managed to do it when he was only somewhere in the same town. The two barely get to see each other anymore as it is. He lives in Vancouver and she lives in Michigan. Quinn flies her out to a few games a season and of course she attends any Canucks vs Redwings games as well as Canucks vs Devils games. However the time the two have available with one another is so restricted at that time, she may as well be just another fan in the arena.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps crunching through the frosted snow. A warm blanket was draped over her shoulders, and a steaming cup of hot chocolate was pressed into her hands. She looked up, her eyes falling on her best friend’s youngest brother, Luke, as he joined her. She briefly looked over his features, his cheeks were already flushed from the growing colder night, but the smile he gave her was warm and genuine.
"Hey, (Y/N)," he whispered as if they were amongst a huge crowd of people and not alone in an empty yard. His voice still highly audible over the silence of the night. "I came out here for a few reasons but one being because I…” Luke’s words ran out into the night. His right hand pulling off his beanie then he was slipping his fingers through his messy curls. A tell tale sign he was nervous about whatever he was about to say. “I wanted to apologize for what Quinn did to you tonight. He had no right to leave you like that. I don’t know what is going on with him and what would make him decide to leave behind the one person who has been consistent for him that isn’t family. The one person in his life that still sees him as Quinn and not as big shot Quinn..” Luke shoved his beanie back on and sighed. He had been looking up at the night sky watching the night clouds move uncovering the stars. “He has been a bit of a jerk here lately, and I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to stop him."
(Y/N) smiled weakly at the rambling boy next to her. Her gaze slowly drifting back up to the now clear sky and where the stars were twinkling like Christmas lights. "It's fine, really. I mean, it stung a lot at first, but..." Her voice trailed off, and she shrugged halfheartedly. "I'm just glad you were here tonight." The butterflies in Luke’s stomach flapped back to life and were going insane at her last statement. “Who knows Lukey. Maybe we can start our own tradition together this New Year’s.” Luke was watching her body languagefor any signs of a joke before speaking up. “I wouldn’t mind. It would teach Quinn to ditch someone as special as you.” (Y/N) slightly smiled, still looking up at the stars. “Special? No. Just me Luke.” (Y/N) argued, Luke didn’t want to have the silly argument back and forth. He knew just how special she is. Given the chance he would show her too. After all, a girl like her deserves to be treated, loved, and respected the way she treats, loves, and respects everyone else. (Y/N) was the girl has sought after ever since Luke stopped thinking he was supposed to marry his mom when he was older. Luke shook his head and groaned at her words. “One day (Y/N/N). Just you wait, one day you’ll know just how special you truly are.” He tells her before they fell into another comfortable silent state. His words confidently spilled out. (Y/N) turned her head opposite from Luke so he couldn’t see the true smile she was wearing across her face because of him. She also hoped he couldn’t hear her heartbeat as a result of his words.
The silence stretched between them, as she snuggled further into the blanket, (y/n) suddenly became aware that Luke was only wearing a thin jacket as he shivered. She glanced over at him, her eyes meeting his. "Here," she said, pulling the blanket off from around her shoulders. "You can have this. It's getting kind of cold out here." Luke hesitated for a moment, debating on offering to share the blanket. "No, really. It's fine. I'm warm enough." She shot him a glare. “Luke Warren Hughes. I just saw you shiver.” Her tone, at best, was barely strict. He held eye contact waiting for her to continue, he could practically see the gears turning in her mind. “If you won’t take it for yourself, we will share it.” She says wrapping it around him and snuggling into his side. Luke was trying his best to calm the butterflies and his racing heart. While also fighting the mental battle on if he should shoot his shot at midnight.
(Y/N) is the girl I have wanted for years now. She is right here. Cuddling into my side, a couple moves and I could easily be her new year’s kiss. If she hates it? I just play it off as a friendly new year’s kiss. Her and Quinn have been each other’s midnight kiss before, I can play it off as if I’m filling his shoes if she questions me and she’s angry. I can do this. I can do this. I think I can do this?
As midnight was quickly approaching the air was thick with anticipation between the both of them and more people were gathering outside.
The countdowns echoed throughout the night, each one louder than the last.
Fireworks lit up the sky, casting a multitude of colors over everyone. The fireworks also casting iridescent colors across the blanket of snow on the ground. Making a beautiful picturesque scene.
Luke decided it was definitely now or never. He may not have done it 12am but right now under the colorful display of the many fireworks was perfect. He smiled down at (Y/N), feeling a warmth spread through his chest, for the first time the butterflies in his stomach calmed. He leaned in, his breath fanning her cheek. "Happy New Year, (Y/n)." She felt his lips brush against her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. That is when he froze up. Her reaction to his lips barely touching her sent his heart racing. He was scared she was going to send him flying into the snow. Her best friend’s baby brother’s lips just touched her. But she didn’t move. She was waiting? Luke quickly finished his well wishes to her before she snapped out of it, "I hope this year brings you everything you wish for." Her breath caught in her throat as he pulled back, their gazes locked.
“Do it Luke. Her eyes are basically screaming, begging for you to.” why do you have to be in my head now jack dear god please shut up.
In a seconds time he was leaning back in, his left hand making its way softly to the back of her head. His fingers interlacing in her hair. (Y/N)’s breaths were slow and deep awaiting Luke’s next move. “Tell me if this isn’t something you want.” Luke swallows down the anxiety he was feeling. Mentally silencing the jack he hears in his head telling him to go for it. “Because once I do this once.. I’m going to want to do this again and again. Everyday for the next foreseeable future.” Luke’s voice was trembling in want, desire, need. All of his feelings rushing to the forefront of his mind. “Shut up and kiss me Luke.” (Y/N) sighed grasping his face pulling him to her.
As their lips touched, the grand finale of the fireworks show was set off. The energy of the grand finale matching the energy sparking off the two of them. Luke and (y/n)’s kiss was hot enough to melt the snow underneath them. The way their mouths moved in perfect harmony. The small nips Luke made against her bottom lip as he pulled away. It left them both wanting more, needing more.
“Remind me to thank my brother for being an ass.” Luke mumbles against her lips before getting lost in another languid kiss. “Lukey let’s go home. It’s the new year, I’m cold and I also want to thank Quinn, because now I know who the better kisser is...well I’ve not kissed Jack.” She pauses and makes a playful gagging noise. “And because it finally got you to make a move.” Luke’s face went more red than it already was where it was tinged from the cold. “That..what?” He was baffled by her admittance . “I had my assumptions. I’m just happy I wasn’t wrong. Now let’s goooo. I wanna go get in bed and get warm.” (Y/N) sent a wink his way.
She was hinting towards cuddling. But with how fast Luke was grabbing up the blankets that they had been sitting on and were wrapped up in, before grabbing her hand and heading to the car…She is pretty sure his mind went a different direction.
“Quinn now owes me $10, he said you didn’t like me.” (Y/N) says once they were in the car and headed down the road. “You two had a bet on if I had a crush on you or not?” Luke laughed while asking. “No we had a bet on if you even liked me as a person. Because you avoided me. He’s going to be so shocked to know that you like-like me.” She clarifies with a giggle when she says ‘like-like’. Luke rolls his eyes at the thought of his older brother being naive enough to believe he didn’t like his best friend. “So back to what you said earlier tonight…Same thing and same place next new year’s?” Luke asks her. She nods with a smile. “New tradition, with you. Starting this year.” (Y/N) confirms with a nod. “Only maybe we hang out inside until right before midnight.” She adds grabbing for Luke’s hand to wrap both of her freezing ones around. The two sat in a comfortable silence stealing quick glances, with smiles plastered across their faces, and glimmers in their eyes the rest of the way to the Hughes home.
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generalllimaginesss · 9 months
Can you do a part 2 of the finsta one with Nico where the reader lets someone scroll through it as part of their Christmas gift?
Like the whole team knows it’s a thing and no one has been able to find it because she blocked them and everyone is dying to see it. Maybe it’s her contribution to a white elephant gift exchange and everyone fights over it. But it’s not Nico who ends up with it and he’s like “but I’m the love of your life” and she’s like “yes and?”
I’m just imagining this finsta has an insane amount of followers and no one knows it’s Mrs. Cap running it. Like all the followers just think it’s run by a diehard fan who understands the sport. And whoever on the team wins the scrolling privileges from her phone dies dead when he sees the amount of followers
I feel like this went so much better in my head, but I couldn’t quite do it justice when I actually wrote it. I’m slowing down writing some just because the holiday season is chaotic and I don’t have as much time. I’m sorry if it’s not quite what you thought of, but I hope you like it!! Thank you for requesting!! Also, Merry Christmas❤️
It was a last minute get together, a few of the members of the team lingered in Jersey, some not making it home at all this year. Nico, being the lovely captain that he is, decided to have the few stragglers over for some games and drinks, enjoying the time together without the pressure of hockey lingering over them.
The group currently consisted of Hughes squared, Dougie, Timo, Toffoli, Bratt, Nico, and you, all gathered around the living room. The smell of cookies had infiltrated the room, wafting from the kitchen as a result of your afternoon baking session. Nico was responsible for the decorations and drinks, leaving the sweets and games in the hands of you.
Earlier you had made a group chat with everybody that was planning on coming, explaining the concept of a white elephant gift (gag gifts only edition) and preparing everybody that there would be a game of Cards Against Humanity.
So far Jack had opened a puck from Dougie that was signed, Dougie claiming that it was "priceless." Luke opened the gift that Nico had found at the thrift store, a sequin pillow with Danny DeVito's face on it. Timo opened Bratt's gift, a $25 gift card to Victoria's Secret, a gift that you were going to fight for. Luke's gift was unable to be wrapped properly, a sheet thrown over it instead. Nico picked his and discovered that it was a young palm tree. Dougie opened Jack's gift, a gift card that was specifically for OnlyFans. Bratt opened Toffoli's gift which consisted of an assortment of chocolate in a ziplock bag, the kicker that they were all unwrapped and mixed together. You had opened Timo's gift, a small box that contained Band-Aids and alcohol wipes.
The last box wrapped was small, but wrapped with care, a small bow decorating the top of it. It was Toffoli's turn to open a gift, expecting something good since the last gift was obviously one from you. He pull the bow off and tore into the box, confusion coming across his face as he discovered an envelope labeled TOP SECRET. He cut his eyes at you, you urging him to open the envelope.
"You can't show anybody, Tyler. I mean it," You warned as he opened the envelope and read what was inside. His brows furrowed at first, not sure why the word "finsta" was on the inside, that is until it clicked with him.
"NO WAY," He yelled, the other boys looking at him as if he had grown a second head.
"I can't show you until everybody has had an opportunity to steal gifts," You explained, the other guys becoming increasingly impatient as they tried to figure out what it could be.
"What the hell did she put together?" Luke asked, trying to peer over Toffoli's shoulder to see what he had.
"Whoever ends up with my gift gets to spend 5 minutes on my finsta," Revealing what the top secret was caused a brief moment of chaos. Luke tried to jump on top of Tyler, but he overshot the distance and ended up face planting on the couch.
"Hey! You have to win it fair and square," You scolded the youngest Hughes.
"Oh, I will. You can bet your ass on that," He gave a warning look to Tyler as he regained his composure and returned to his seat beside Jesper.
"Ok, remember, there's only 2 steals. After the second steal the gift is dead and whoever has it wins it," As you explained the rules, eyeing the Victoria's Secret gift card, the stealing began.
You started it off by handing Timo back his gift, stealing the gift card you wanted.
"Ooh, Cap, you might get lucky with a new nighttime outfit with that gift card," Dougie teased, a pillow chucked at him shortly after caused a wave of laughter from everybody.
Jack was up next, stealing the finsta envelope immediately. He knew he wouldn't end up keeping it, but he had to get his hands on it somehow, even if it wasn't the actual account.
The gift immediately died the next turn, Luke snatching the paper from his brother.
"Give me that," He threw the Danny DeVito pillow at Jack.
The game continued until everybody had either kept their gift, or stolen something. The entire time everybody complained that they didn't end up with your finsta. Nico pouting the most.
"Babe, come on...I'm your boyfriend...the love of your life...your future husband. I think I deserve to see the account," He was trying to pull at your heart strings, but nothing would work. Not his puppy eyes, his pleads, or his hand that was dangerously high on your thigh, covered by a blanket, of course.
"Mhm...and?" Your eyes were filled with a playful banter, but your face was emotionless.
He rolled his eyes, tickling your sides to erupt laughter from you.
"Alright, I've waited long enough. Let me see it," Luke pointed to your phone, his hand motioning for you to hand it over.
You did as he said, but not before starting the timer.
He immediately took note of the username: @/hotforhischier causing his eyes to go wide and his laugh to rock his whole body. The shock didn't stop there, though.
"Holy shit, you have over 25,000 followers? What the hell? You've posted over 3,000 times, like do you even have a life?" He commented on everything he saw while all of the guys were inching closer and closer to him, trying to get a glance of the infamous account. Luke feigned a faint when he realized that you had a viral hockey account.
Nico stared at you the whole time, darkness clouding his eyes as he thought about ways he would get you to show him the account later.
Luke's laugh caught his attention, interrupting his eye contact with you.
"This post says 'The Devil's need to get their head out of their butt and realize that showing off doesn't win games. Somebody relay that message to Jack Hughes." Jack narrowed his eyes at you, not mad, but ready to get his revenge on you.
"There's a ton of thirst trap edits of Nico...a happy birthday post for Coach...SHE MADE A THIRST TRAP VIDEO OF ARBER XHEKAJ," He squealed as he flashed a smirk at Nico, "Damn, that is one good looking man."
Your cheeks were bloodshot. You didn't think he would take the time to watch the videos, but focus on the trash talk that you had posted.
“She calls Mercer ‘Raw Dawg,’” he chuckled.
“Luke, did you just say she made a thirst trap for Arber Xhekaj?” Nico asked, jealousy beginning to boil under his skin.
“Wanna see it?”
“NO! Your 5 minutes is up,” You tried to snatch your phone from him, but he stood up, holding it over his head as if playing a game of keep away.
“Luke Hughes, give me my phone,” You sent warning signs through your gaze, but he didn’t listen, tossing the device across the coffee table to Nico.
It was as if a magnet connected you to the phone, your body flinging itself wherever it went. You tried to climb onto Nico’s back, but he just shook you off.
“Hmm, ‘I’m no doctor, but I have this feeling that Nico feels good enough to come back. Should he really be missing this many games?’” You looked away as his eyebrows created wrinkles in his forehead as they raised.
“Thank God you’re not a doctor because I wasn’t good to go back sooner,” he pinched your side as he continued to scroll through.
“Jack she shits on you, Vanacek, and Schmid a lot,” he chuckled, still pushing you away, keeping you at an arms distance.
“Geez, what did I ever do to you?” A smile rose from Jack, one that was ready to tease you to no end.
“You keep up with the comments too….do these people have any idea who you are? Like you have a few fan accounts that you talk to almost every day!” Nico laughed.
“That’s enough,” You force yourself close enough to snatch it back.
“So what we all can gather from the finsta is that Y/N is the biggest supporter of the Devils and the biggest hater of Jack. I like her,” Luke leaned back on the couch, propping his feet up on the coffee table and tilting his head back to sip the beer in the bottle that he was holding.
“I’m not a hater,” Trying to defend yourself was useless, all of the guys looking at you as if to point that out.
“She’s like Jekyll and Hyde,” Bratt pointed out, “To Mrs. Cap, also known as Jekyll and Hyde,” he raised his Old Fashioned to you, the others following with their drink.
“I hate you all,” You blushed, trying to hide the smile that was threatening to expose your lie.
The night was long, most of the guys deciding to stay the night because of the amount of alcohol that coursed through their systems. You didn’t mind though, covering each of the sleeping bodies that littered the living room with a blanket before joining Nico in bed.
“You’re nicer than me…I was going to let them freeze,” he said as he snaked his arm around your waist. He pulled you back to lay down, getting in position to spoon you.
“They’re family, Neeks,” you hummed as he placed a kiss right under your ear.
“Mm, so what are you going to buy with that Victoria’s Secret gift card?”
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wyattjohnston · 5 months
things you said at the kitchen table for daisy and jack!!
jack & daisy <3
Jack’s question was so unexpected that Daisy choked on the toast she was just starting to eat—Jack grimaced.
“Repeat that,” she said once she could breathe again.
He tucked his chin into his chest and mumbled, “It was stupid.”
“It wasn’t stupid, I just wasn’t expecting it.” She inhaled, a steadying breath, even if she was trying not to make it too obvious. “You want to talk about kids?”
“We should talk about it, right? We don’t have to now,” he said, a foreign sense of panic lacing his words.
“Do you still want kids?”
“Is that a trick question? Or a trap?”
“No,” Daisy said, the rolling of her eyes involuntary. “I want you to be honest and I don’t want you to tell me what you think I want to hear. And I don’t want you to be scared to tell me.”
Jack looked caught out, seemingly surprised that Daisy had clocked his fear so quickly. He still hadn’t pulled his chin from his chest.
“I want to have kids,” he told her, quiet and uncertain, “but I don’t want it to fuck you up. You—I really hope I don’t have to tell you that you’re the most important thing in my life.”
“I…” Daisy sighed again. “I’m going to talk to my psychiatrist about it because I do want kids. I just… I need to make sure it doesn’t fuck me up.”
Jack stood slowly but was beside Daisy in a flash, wrapping her up in his arms.
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cheriwritesig · 5 months
any hockey girlies that want a hockey girly friend 👉👈🔪👹 (it's not a threat if it doesn't become a real murder 💗‼️)
here's my friend admission card:
- Cheri, 19, a simp, what else can I say
- Will scream with you during games, will spam you with memes, reels, pictures about my AND your favorite players and teams
- Matter of a fact, I'm here for the giggles
- A yapper, can talk, will talk. and possibly annoy you
- I have something very important to show you btw!!
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- Still not convinced?? I am a musician!! I could write you a song about our amazing friendship‼️‼️😫😫💗💗
psa: don't let the last point lie to you, I music, but I also slay at adhd and autism so music isn't coming out hashtag executive dysfunction
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misshoneyimhome · 7 days
S’s summer fic rec list
This summer has been full of incredible fics, so I just wanted to share a small list of the ones I’ve read over the past few months that deserve a special shout-out 🥰
(I know there are so many more that could be added, my apologies) 🌺
I Wish You Would // William Nylander by @wildrangers
By @laurenairay:
felt like magic - N. Hischier I can't help it if I like it - M. Martin no hesitation, what are we waiting for? – M. Tkachuk
Betting On Brats | Nico Hischier by @sc0tters
Don’t Chirp My Girl | M. Knies by @hockeybabe
Elsker by @mp0625 (Freddie Andersen)
By @couldawouldashoulda50
From Completely Different Worlds (William x OC Loren Girard) Chapter One - Easter Seals Skate Chapter Two - Bath time Chapter Three - The Filler Chapter Chapter Four - Time Alone Chapter Five - Toasting to the Present Chapter Six - The Whiskey Lounge Chapter Seven - The Inevitable
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dearstvckyx · 7 months
Master List + Who I Write For or Will Write For ⊹₊ ⋆
Bucky Barnes
Logan Howlett
Hughes Brothers
Cole Caufield
Jack Hughes
Jamie Drysdale
Luke Hughes
Matt Rempe
Mitch Marner
Nico Hischier
Quinn Hughes
Trevor Zegras
All of the Above (for some reason i can’t add the link here ?)
F1 Drivers
Charles Leclerc
George Russell
Lando Norris
Max Verstappen
Oscar Piastri
Christian Pulisic
Singer Hughes NH13 (smau)
Dreaming of A Place That’s 3000 miles away (OC!Nevaeh x UMICH Hockey)
Off Season (F1 x NHL SMAU)
Month Writings
flufftober ‘24 (the masterlist for this up i just can’t add the link here yet 😑)
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hockeyboysimagines · 9 months
Hiiiii bestie! Can you write number 6 from the romance list with Arber pleaseeee? 💗
Love this. Love youuuuu🤍
There was nothing better, in your opinion, than weddings.
The magic in the air. The emotions. The feels.
The open bar.
Going to weddings was one of your favorite things to do in the entire world, and it was even more fun now that you were able to go with Arber. If there was one thing you loved more than weddings, it was him.
He was an absolute gift, one you weren’t always sure you deserved, but were thankful for nonetheless. He had filled your life with sunlight when it was dark, and made you see that there was still some good left in the world. Even though you wanted nothing to do with him, now you couldn’t imagine what your life would be like without him.
You gave his hand a little squeeze as you watched the bride, a friend from work, make her way down the aisle. She looked amazing in her gown, smiling widely as she neared the groom, who was teary eyed at the end of the aisle.
“She looks amazing in that dress.” You whispered.
“You look amazing in this dress.” He said leaning down to kiss your cheek.
You blushed.
He was always making you blush, even when he wasn’t meaning to. Even him just smiling at you, could bring a redness to your face that you had come to love. It had made you feel awkward in the beginning, not used to someone choosing words to describe you that were so nice, as ones used in the past weren’t always.
But now it made you feel high on joy when you heard them. He had made your life whole.
The ceremony was beautiful, magical, and filled with good feelings as they said their vows and he kissed the bride, applause filling the air.
There was music and dancing and you were smiling like a lunatic on the dance floor waving him over from where he sat with some of the other guys “Arber! Come dance with me!”
He smiled and shook his head, standing and making his way over to you sweeping you up and letting you sway him softly to the music, which happened to be your favorite song. You breathed him in.
“Thanks for dancing with me. I know it’s not your thing.” You said softly, eyes closed, head resting against his chest. You could feel his heart beating through his shirt and your cheeks were warm from the wine and you couldn’t think of anywhere in the world you would rather be “This makes me so happy.”
“Good.” His voice was soft, hands resting on your waist as he leaned down to kiss the crown of your head “That means I’m doing my job.”
“Are you happy?” You tipped your head back to look up at him, hair spilling down your back.
He nodded “Me being happy, fortunately coincides with making you happy.” He said glancing down, running a hand down your hair and smiling sweetly at you “And I’ll never stop trying to make you happy.”
You smiled up at him, like he had personally hung the moon and stars in the sky “You don’t have to try to make me happy. Being with you is enough.”
He smiled and leaned down to kiss you right there in the middle of the dance floor.
Gosh you loved weddings.
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hd-junglebook · 5 months
My Sunshine
Prologue (short and sweet just how I like em)
Warnings - brief mentions of sex, mention of plan b pills, toxic relationship, pregnancy
a:n I feel like the chapter I posted for jack was too rushed, so I rewrote the entire thing. I hope you enjoy this one even more because I enjoyed writing the parts for it.
Masterlist Link
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Summary: After Jason suddenly declares he no longer wants to have a baby with her, despite their previous plans, Y/N finally leaves the hell that is her home and seeks the one thing that could give her answers. After agonizing over the decision, Y/N takes the tests spiraling over the results.
Word Count ~ 2054
Y/N collapsed onto the bed, her chest heaving and her skin glistening with a sheen of sweat. Adrenaline still coursed through her veins as she reached out for Jason, desperately seeking the comfort of his warm embrace.
But to her dismay, he merely rolled over, his back facing her. The deafening silence that followed was oppressive, broken only by their labored breathing.
"Hey," she broached softly, a tremor in her voice. "What's wrong?" Y/N asked, her voice barely above a whisper. She propped herself up on her elbow, studying Jason's tense profile in the dim light of the bedroom as she gently rubbed his back, trying to offer whatever comfort she could.
He grumbled something unintelligible, his jaw clenched tight, his body rigid and unyielding.
"What did you say?" Y/N pressed, a sense of unease and dread creeping into her chest, tightening around her heart.
"I said," Jason repeated, his voice cold and detached, "I don't want to have a baby with you anymore."
Y/N's heart stopped, her breath catching in her throat as a wave of disbelief and heartbreak washed over her. In the muted glow of the bedroom, Y/N's world shattered like fragile glass. Her body, still throbbing and tingling from their intimate encounter, now grew cold and numb.
Jason sat up, his expression hard and unyielding as he turned to face Y/N. "You heard me. I don't want a baby. We try and try to conceive this...this thing ," he said, his voice dripping with disdain, "but it hasn't worked. I'm tired of trying. I've had my fill of you for the last five months."
Y/N felt as if she had been slapped, the words striking her like a physical blow. She sat up, clutching the sheet to her chest, her mind reeling from the devastating revelation.
"But we talked about this," she argued, her voice trembling with a mix of disbelief and hurt. "We agreed that we were ready, that we wanted to start a family. You said you were gonna marry me! How can you say you've had your fill of the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with?"
Jason scoffed, rolling his eyes dismissively. "Well, I changed my mind. And it's not like you have much of a say in the matter, anyway," he sneered.
Y/N's eyes narrowed, anger flaring hot and fierce in her veins. "Excuse me?" she hissed, her voice low and dangerous. How dare he treat her as if she had no say in the matter - this was their future, their dream, their child they were discussing.
"You heard me," Jason repeated, his tone mocking and callous. "It's my decision, too. And I've decided that I don't want a kid tying me down." He turned away, his broad shoulders rigid with finality, leaving Y/N feeling utterly betrayed and alone.
Without another word, Y/N rose from the bed, her movements stiff and mechanical as she gathered her discarded clothes. She stalked into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her with a resounding bang that reverberated through the tense silence.
Leaning heavily against the sink, she braced her trembling hands on the cool porcelain as hot, angry tears streamed down her flushed cheeks.
With a shaking hand, she turned on the shower, the scalding spray pounding against her skin as she stepped under it, scrubbing furiously.
She tried in vain to wash away the lingering feeling of Jason's touch, the essence of their intimate encounter seeping onto her thighs. The water cascaded down her body, but it offered no solace, no relief from the anguish consuming her.
Desperate, Y/N rummaged through the cabinets, her movements frantic as she pushed aside bottles of shampoo and tubes of toothpaste, searching for the small foil packet that held her last hope. But as she tore through the cluttered shelves, her heart sank, a fresh wave of panic crashing over her.
The pill was gone.
"No, no, no," she choked out, her voice breaking with anguish. "Fuck!" she cried, slamming her fist against the unyielding tile wall.
The impact sent a jolt of pain through her hand, but she barely registered it, consumed by the overwhelming fear of being trapped - tethered to a man who no longer loved her, who didn't want the life they had so carefully planned together.
The bathroom descended into chaos as Y/N's desperation reached a fever pitch. She swept her arm across the counter, sending bottles and jars crashing to the floor, the sound of shattering glass mingling with her anguished sobs.
Tearing open drawers, she flung their contents aside, heedless of the mess she was creating. In her frantic search, she upended the trash can, the contents spilling out across the tile.
Y/N's world was crashing down around her, and she felt powerless to stop it. She sank to the floor, curling in on herself as the full weight of her devastation overwhelmed her. Clutching her knees to her chest, she wept bitterly, her heart shattering into a million irreparable pieces.
The fluorescent lights flickered overhead, casting an eerie glow on the nearly empty shelves of the CVS. Y/N stood in the middle of the aisle, her eyes darting back and forth between the rows of cardboard boxes, her heart pounding in her chest.
The silence was deafening, broken only by the distant hum of the refrigerators and the static of the TV mounted on the wall.
Beside her, Heather shifted from foot to foot, her impatience growing with each passing second. The tapping of her foot against the linoleum floor echoed through the store, grating on Y/N's already frayed nerves.
"Could you stop tapping and put that pea brain of yours to use?" Y/N snapped, her voice cutting through the stillness like a knife. The harsh words escaped her lips before she could even register them, her nerves completely frayed.
Heather shot her a sideways glance, her lips pressed into a thin line. She reached out and grabbed a box from the shelf, shoving it into Y/N's hands.
"This looks fine, Y/N," she said, her tone clipped and laced with a hint of irritation. "You've read every box back to front. I think you should just choose one."
Y/N stared down at the box in her hands, her mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions. She knew Heather was right, but choosing a box made the situation feel too real – this box held the answer to the rest of her life. The weight of the decision felt crushing, and she couldn't help but feel utterly alone in this moment, despite Heather's presence.
Swallowing thickly, Y/N ran her fingers over the cardboard, tracing the words printed on the packaging. Every fiber of her being wanted to tear the box open, to find the answers that would dictate her future. But the fear of what those answers might be paralyzed her, leaving her frozen in place, the box trembling in her shaking hands.
"Screw it," Y/N muttered under her breath, her resolve hardening. She grabbed four more boxes from the shelf, the cardboard containers feeling heavy in her hands.
Without another moment's hesitation, she turned to walk away, but something made her pause. With a sigh of frustration, she spun back around and snatched one more box, just for good measure.
Heather let out a surprised laugh, shaking her head in disbelief at Y/N's sudden burst of decisiveness. "Alright, that's more like it," she murmured, offering her friend an encouraging smile, despite the gravity of the situation.
She wandered over to the fridges and grabbed a 2-liter bottle of soda before meeting Y/N at the checkout counter.
They plopped their items down in front of the cashier, a middle-aged man with a receding hairline and a bored expression on his face. He glanced up at them, his eyes widening as he took in the array of pregnancy tests and the massive bottle of soda.
The cashier's voice cut through the tense silence as he spoke up, a playful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Having trouble deciding, ladies?"
Y/N felt her cheeks heat up, suddenly self-conscious under the man's curious gaze. She opened her mouth to respond, but the words caught in her throat, leaving her uncharacteristically flustered.
Thankfully, Heather jumped in, offering the cashier a polite smile. "Oh, you know how it is," she said, her tone light and diplomatic. "Gotta make sure we get the right ones, you know?"
The cashier nodded, his expression understanding as he scanned their items and bagged them up. "That'll be $32.50," he said, adding the final box to the pile.
Y/N silently handed over the cash, her heart pounding in her chest. "Thank you," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. The cashier gave her a sympathetic nod, his eyes twinkling with a hint of empathy that made Y/N's stomach twist.
With the transaction complete, they turned and walked out of the CVS, the automatic doors sliding shut behind them with a soft whoosh. The night air was cool and crisp, a welcome relief from the stuffy interior of the store.
Y/N took a deep breath, savoring the sensation of the fresh air filling her lungs as she gripped the bag containing the pregnancy tests, the weight of it heavy in her hand.
She looked over at Heather, who gave her a reassuring smile. "Ready?" her friend asked, her voice soft and laced with concern.
Y/N steeled herself, squaring her shoulders as she met Heather's gaze. "not at all," she replied. With a deep breath, she began walking towards her car, Heather by her side.
Y/N sat on the cold tile floor of her bathroom, her knees drawn up to her chest and her heart racing. She had lined up all eleven pregnancy tests on the edge of the bathtub, each one turned face down, waiting for the results that would change her life forever.
The minutes ticked by agonizingly slowly, each second feeling like an eternity. Y/N's mind raced with a million different scenarios, each one more terrifying than the last. What would she do if the tests were positive? How would she tell Jason? Would he even care?
Suddenly, Heather's voice rang out from the other side of the door, startling Y/N from her thoughts.
"Time!" she shouted, her voice muffled by the thick wood.
Y/N inhaled deeply, trying to calm her frayed nerves. She slowly lifted her head from her lap, her muscles aching from sitting in the same position for so long. Using the sink for support, she pulled herself to her feet, her knees suddenly weak and shaky.
With trembling hands, Y/N reached out and flipped over the first test, her heart pounding in her chest. A bold, unmistakable pink plus sign stared back at her, and she felt her heart skip a beat, her breath catching in her throat.
Hands shaking, she moved down the line, flipping over each test one by one. Plus sign after plus sign greeted her, until all eleven tests lay face up on the bathtub, their results crystal clear.
Y/N hiccupped, her hand flying to her mouth as a tear slipped down her cheek. She was pregnant. There was no denying it now - the evidence was right there in front of her, etched in pink and white plastic.
The reality of the situation crashed over her like a tidal wave, and she felt her legs give out from under her as she sank back down to the floor.
Sobs wracked her body, her anguish palpable as she grappled with the devastating truth. She was going to be a mother, and the father of her child was a man who no longer wanted her.
Heather's voice called out again, this time softer and more concerned. "Y/N? Are you okay in there?"
Y/N tried to respond, but the words stuck in her throat, choked by the lump of emotion that had settled there. She heard the doorknob rattle, and then Heather was there, kneeling beside her on the floor and wrapping her in a tight, comforting embrace.
"Oh, honey," Heather murmured, stroking Y/N's hair as she cried. "It's going to be okay. We'll figure this out together, I promise." Heather's voice was soothing, a balm to Y/N's shattered nerves, and she clung to her friend arms.
Tag List <3
@fearfam69691, @alwaysclassyeagle, @rebelatbay, @dancerbailey3, @dasiysthings, @shawnshoney
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 5 months
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has been edited as of 4/27/24!!
summary: Luke’s long term girlfriend is a beautician. The team chirps him about his unruly curls so he goes to see her at work.
warnings: profanity
The work day had just come to a close when the bells on the door jingled signaling someone had just entered. Out of instinct your head jerked to look towards the door. Thankfully, to be greeted by your sweet boyfriend who usually wore quirky half smile. Only tonight he was your stress stricken looking boyfriend. After swiftly leaning the broom that you had in your hand back up against the wall, you quickly approached him. “Luke? Is everything alright? You look like you did the day of your draft…” You let your voice drift to almost nothing as you reached him. He didn’t make a sound. Only made grabby hands, just like your toddler nephew does, signaling he wanted to hold you. Moments passed where the only sounds were the music still playing over speakers and your alls breathing. “The guys are chirping me about my hair again. Even my own brother is in on it this time.” His mumbling almost inaudible as he’s pressed his face down into your neck. But after two years of dating and three years of friendship prior, you’re a Luke Hughes mumbling specialist. Luke lifted his head and rested his chin atop of your head.
He pulls out of the embrace and starts pacing while he keeps rambling about the absurd claims his teammates have made recently. “They’ve gone as far to point out that my girlfriend is a professional beautician for all sorts of people. Celebrities, athletes, everyday people, and I go around with an unruly mop of whatever.” He stressed the importance of ‘I’ and made a gesture to himself when talking. You grab ahold of him by the waist pulling him back into your arms. Unable to watch him pace any longer. “They go on and on about how they don’t know how you’re not embarrassed of me.” His voice waivers at the end of his statement. “You.. you’re not embarrassed of me are you?” His voice completely cracks, he can’t stay in your arms he has to look at your face. You feel a fragment of your heart break. Pulling out of the embrace completely, he turns away unable to look you in the eyes anymore. You can tell he’s struggling. You know he grew up with kids bullying him for his curls and how unruly they could be. Kids are cruel but they are kids. It’s something that happens growing up. It isn’t something that happens when you’re 20 and surrounded by professional athletes. Or at least it shouldn’t. Reaching out to grab his hand, you slightly tug him at him to come back into your arms. Loosely holding him with one arm, using your other to be able to lift your hand to cup his cheek softly. Running your thumb across his cheek. “Baby I promise you, the last thing I am is embarrassed of you. I am nowhere near being embarrassed. I love you every way that you are. Hair unruly. Hair fixed. I’d love you if you had me shave your head. But please don’t make me do that. I love your curls so much. You’re perfect the way you are.” Luke exhales a breath he was holding since you had pulled him back to you. “There is only a couple things I am and those are, proud of you beyond what words can express, in love with you more than you know, and the luckiest girl there has ever been to be your girlfriend.” The two of you holding eye contact, nothing but pure love shining in your eyes and contentment breaking through Luke’s. He slowly begins to relax. He is still far from letting himself forget and let go what’s happening with the team, but knowing that the most important person to him doesn’t care how he looks and when he looks it.
Taking a moment to contemplate a way to help him further feel better, you rub your thumb slightly across his cheek again, he leans into it sighing. “What if we experiment on styling your curls baby? I have different products for curls. Curly hair is all different, so we can try one and if you don’t like it we can try another?” Luke slowly nodded, feeling even better already. Although he trusts and believes what you just told him about loving him in anyway he looks, he also knows you’re doing this for him. He has always been your soft boy. Luke is apprehensive, always considerate, questions his actions, and wants you to be a part of his decisions. That is until you’re both having your alone time, then he is a completely different person. And well that is a story for another time.. Luke sat down in your chair waiting for you to gather whatever it was that you were going to try first. His eyelids were beginning to feel heavy, he knew it wouldn’t be easy to stay awake once your fingers were in his hair.
Only after a few short minutes of working working shampoo through his hair, his eyelids fluttered shut. It was so hard to have to wake him up to move back to the other chair. His groggy face was precious as he teetered over to the seat and plopped down. Moments later you looked in the mirror and caught a glimpse of his face. The sweet boy had fallen asleep again. Finishing up quickly you decided to let him rest instead of waking him to go home, you leaned down and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and a ‘I love you Hughes’ before cleaning up your station again.
After cleaning everything up, you locked everything up and decided to wake Luke up. You two really needed to leave. “Lukey, I’m done. Let me drive you home.” Instead he pulled you in his lap and mumbled an I love you. Giggling an I love you back, you patted on his chest and insisted he get up. “Baby please let me sleep” he whimpered. “You can sleep when I get you home. I’ll stay with you if you get up.” You bargained. He opened one eye to look at you. “Do you promise? You’re not going to just leave once you drop me off?” “No lukey, let’s go”
At Luke’s the two of you get changed into pajamas quickly. You are both so exhausted. Luke lays down first, so you have to crawl over him to “your spot”. “Hey (y/n)” Luke whispers. “Yes?” “Thank you for loving me for me and not for being in the NHL or for being rich or for having a boat or for having a-“ you cut him off with a soft kiss. “Luke, we met before you were drafted, before I knew you had a boat, before you had money. None of that matters to me now that I do know. Just like you said. I love you for you. and well your unruly curls are plus.” You say eliciting a groan from Luke. “Not funny. Goodnight baby girl, I love you.” With his last words for the night, you cuddled as close as you could into his side and let your eye lids close. Mentally telling yourself to text Quinn tomorrow to go off on Jack for what he’s done to Luke’s confidence.
**edited and majorly updated 4/27/24 ♡︎
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writersociety · 6 months
Discord Server Idea
I thought about making a server on discord for writers. Whether it be original works or fanfic. I just want to know if people would be interested in joining something along those lines.
It could be a place to ask for help, get inspo, find beta readers, editors and more.
I'd love if you'd reblog this, so it gets around tumblr!
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Liked by elblue6 and others
jackhughes I’ve never been one for sappy posts, but this past year with this little one has been heaven on earth. I’ve heard so many parents complain about lack of sleep, crying, and so many other things, but how can you complain when there’s something so innocent looking at you like this angel looks at us? I’d do this over a million times if it meant you stay this little forever. Happy first birthday. Always and forever going to be my little girl.
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lhughes_06 Thanks for making me the favorite uncle, bro.
_quinnhughes You’re not the favorite.
lhughes_06 Oh my bad, I’ve never heard her say your name so I thought she just didnt know you existed🫢
_quinnhughes she’s one. How tf is she supposed to say a “q” when she’s one?? I wasn’t the one that was 2 days late to the birth because of “plans that you couldn’t get out of.” 🫢
jackhughes if Quinn didn’t live in the middle of nowhere Canada he’d be the favorite by a long shot🫢
elblue6 I could not have chose a better daughter-in-love or granddaughter for my sweet boy. Nonna and Poppa love all three of you beyond words! Also, is my little angel walking yet?
y/nhughes We love you more! She’s not quite able to walk on her own yet, but Jack is making sure she learns to skate before she walks😉
elblue6 I expected nothing less coming from him lol!
trevorzegras it’s cute watching Quinn and Luke argue over who the favorite uncle is when I’m holding her right now. She may not be able to say my name, but she sure as hell cries when I’m not holding her 🫢
_quinnhughes you traumatize her so much when you hold her that she has to let it out when you’re not.
lhughes_06 she probably has ptsd from looking at your face
trevorzegras anyways, happy birthday to my sidekick. Can’t wait to piss your mom and dad off together when you’re older🫶
nicohischier the best thing to come from a Hughes brother. Happy birthday, love!
jackhughes that was a very unnecessary backhanded compliment, Nico.
lhughes_06 I once brought you brownies to practice. I’m hurt.
nicohischier You’re brownies were burnt.
_quinnhughes are you comparing our niece to burnt brownies Luke?
lhughes_06 Quinn, you’re irrelevant.
colecaufield since everybody else ruined your sappy post…Buddy you’re the best dad. She’s absolutely perfect, just like her mom.
trevorzegras I’m deceased
jackhughes I may not be perfect, but at least I’m not Zegras’s bitch
jackhughes sorry I meant caddy. Damn autocorrect.
y/nhughes love you coley!
jackhughes really y/n?
_alexturcotte happy birthday to my favorite baby. make another one so I can have 2 favorites.
jackhughes gotta talk to y/n about that. If it were up to me we’d have 12.
y/nhughes you can have all the babies you want when you push them out :)
y/nhughes our beautiful little family. You both make life so precious.
jackhughes we would be lost without Mama💜
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y/nhughes On the left was our first day home, and on the right is you just now. They weren’t lying when they said time is a thief. I went through the worst pain in my life bringing you into this word, little girl, but you made me forget about it the second I heard your first cry. Happy first birthday, angel. Mama and Dada love you infinitely times one hundred.
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nhl Happy birthday Baby Hughes!
fanuser1 she’s so perfect. So happy for the Hughes family! Happy birthday!
_quinnhughes Uncle Q’s favorite girl. Happy birthday!
_alexturcotte The sweetest little family. Now add more. ps happy birthday beautiful.
y/nhughes We love you, Turcs! Our favorite babysitter😉
_alexturcotte the true favorite uncle doesn’t have to brag about it🤷‍♂️
fanuser2 I didn’t like y/n at first, but she’s grown on me.
jackhughes same tbh
y/nhughes Jack I stg if you don’t shut up…
bff.user you may have a lot of boys arguing about the favorite uncle, but I’m secure in knowing I’m the best aunt😙
trevorzegras we can be the aunt and uncle power couple😛
bff.user @jackhughes put your friend on a leash
jackhughes I’ll put a muzzle on him while I’m at it.
trevorzegras you all love me ;)
jackhughes unfortunately
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Liked by jackhughes and others
elblue6 Happy birthday to Nonna and Poppa’s favorite girl! You’re little heart is too good for this world, but we are so blessed for you to share it with us. You look so much like your mama, but you act just like your dada! (I’m saying a prayer for your mom). We can not wait to celebrate you this weekend! With love, Nonna and Poppa.
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prettygirlformula · 1 year
ok everyone, say thank u to alex turcotte for the summer content!!!!
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wyattjohnston · 5 months
things you said when you were crying for daisy and jack 🥺
jack & daisy
The season hadn’t ended but Jack was staring down the end of his. With the Devils playoffs long gone, the decision was made for him to fly to Colorado for surgery, so that he’d be ready to play come training camp.
It wasn’t a hard decision from a season standpoint, or a career standpoint, but from a personal standpoint it was abundantly clear that Jack wasn’t at his best.
Daisy had been watching him play through the injury for months—the All-Star break wasn’t enough time to rest—and it had been wearing on her, as well. She knew it was Jack’s time to wallow, though.
They’d holed themselves up in their room, Luke sending worried looks their way when they disappeared within moments of finishing their dinner, and Daisy ignored that she could feel Jack’s tears on her legs. She just dutifully ran her hand through his hair until he was ready to acknowledge it himself.
“I’m made of glass,” he said, blubbering even though he was trying to hide it.
“It’s just some bad luck, Jack.”
“Maybe—” he choked on his words. “Maybe I should just stop playing for good.”
“Oh, Jack,” Daisy cooed, watching him closely even though she could only see one side of his face. “It’s not that bad.”
“It’s so fucking bad, Daze. I’m a bust.”
With another emphatic, Oh Jack, Daisy leant forward to kiss the top of his head. He would get past the thought, she knew he would, but it didn’t hurt to let him get it out every once in a while.
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swissboyhisch · 6 months
It's Me lol
The poll I shared the other day is from a new blog I've started but it's not getting as much traction as I thought it would. So, I am going to post it to here as well.
I'm thinking of creating a writing discord server. Whether its original stories or fan fic writing. A ship or an oc story. A place where you can find other people who shares your interests in fandoms and writing. Maybe you'd be able to find a beta reader, or someone who is happy to help edit your story. Even to ask people questions about the world it takes place in. A place for everyone to encourage and motivate each other to reaching goals.
I'd love it if you answered the pole below and reblog it with things you'd love to see in a writing server.
I'd love for this to get as much traction as it could. Reblog, send to your friends you'd think would love this idea.
Imma tags some of my favourites :)
@mp0625 @cellythefloshie @offside-the-lines @wyattjohnston @astars-things
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misshoneyimhome · 14 days
Oh, I absolutely love writing fanfics 💕
The amount of research you do to bring a vision to life – it’s amazing how much inspiration and knowledge you pick up along the way!
One minute you’re checking bus routes in a city, and the next you’re almost buying a holiday home in Europe 🌺
What a world!
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