#nightingale 46
castrian-amore · 8 months
Bitter had the Heart
Dead Tired(Tim Drake x Danny Fenton), Tim Drake-centric, unfinished, the author is plotting, temporary character death, please check out ao3 for full tags list
3/46 Chapters | Chapter Length: 3584 words
Chapter 3: We are Not Translating Fanfiction
Tim didn’t understand why he had even picked this class for this particular credit. He technically didn’t need it. Then again it seemed more interesting than the other classes and Tim had been hoping for a challenge for once. The teacher was big on working as team and while, yeah Tim could do it. He preferred to work alone on his topics and thankfully there was an odd amount of people in his class so when he requested to do the group assignments he allowed it. 
Until today. 
One Daniel “Danny” Nightingale, was a late transfer into the class for unknown reason. It was also the mysterious kid in the alley. He looked a little better in person but the vote was that he was definitely sick, whether just right now or long term had yet to be determined. He leaned heavily on a cane at the moment walking with a heavy limp.
Tim could point out his handsome features though. The higher cheekbones. The stunning raven hair, his piercing blue eyes. The kid definitely wasn’t immune to the streets. The way he held himself on the verge of running. The sunken wary eyes. This kid was far too comfortable with living in fight or flight mode. If he even knew anything else it would be surprising. 
The teacher pointed to Tim giving him the spot right next to him advising sitting next to the person he would be partnered with. It wasn’t required by any means but it certainly was an option, and he did. 
“So, now that that’s out of the way, where was I? Oh yes the IPA. The International Phonetic Alphabet.” Professor Kaivan began his speech as Danny pulled out a piece of notebook paper and pencil sitting next to Tim. 
“Uh, hi, I’m Danny,”The kid held out his hand and Tim shook it. A cold chill going up his spine from how cold he was, damn. 
“Tim Drake-Wayne,”he introduced with ease, expecting the man to back away or at least move seats because of his name. The Wayne name caught most people off guard but Danny seemed unfazed by it all. In fact he didn’t even flinch or stutter or reel at who he was talking to even. 
“Nice to meet you Tim,”Danny gave him a bright smile. “Apologies for having you stuck with partnering for me after I’m already a late transfer.”
“No issue. Can I ask why you had to transfer?”Tim raised an eyebrow at the man. Their words quiet as the professor droned on. 
“I was in Latin, and I can fluently speak and read latin. The professor kept getting things wrong and I kept correcting them. They kept insisting because they’re the ‘professor’ but I kept insisting I was right, which I was. She didn’t like that so she kicked me out. She got so annoyed she refused to teach me. Thus leaving me with about to loose my credit I really needed this semester so I asked if I could late transfer into another language based class.” 
“And here you are?” 
“Here I am. Only teacher that was willing to give me a chance.” 
Tim snorts a little. Tim had only almost been kicked out of a class one, and that was one of his law classes. Tim kept correcting the professor over and over and over again, and it kept pissing off the professor so bad. Tim had a sneaking suspicion he was going to like this guy. He just hoped the guy was as intelligent as he seemed. 
Being fluent in a dead language was no easy task. None of the bats were fluent in a lot of dead languages but they all knew several spoken languages and a little of a few dead ones. Tim more than others. Books were always his specialty. He preferred to spend the house researching alone in his room or the bat cave. It was part of the reason the other claimed he had a coffee addiction. He did not by the way. He didn’t know what Dick was even talking about. 
“Professor Kaivan is pretty relaxed about that kind of stuff. He assigns minimal homework and prefers to do the group projects over everything else.” 
“Yeah his rate-my-professor score is pretty high.” 
“Sounds about right,”Tim agrees, turning back to the topic at hand for the moment. 
“Now, learning the International Phonetic Alphabet is not for the faint of heart. Having someone to listen and assist when learning this is vital. One of the many reasons everyone in this room has a partner. Learning it is vital for the rest of your success in this class. Breaking down specific sounds a language makes and making it easy for everyone to read any language in this format.” 
Professor Kaivan was an interesting man. Until four and a half years ago he had some of the worst rate your professor scores, but it was rumored that after the death of his partner he sobered up and wanted to help people. Since then, he has been a great teacher. Using his partner method to teach people, becoming a caring professor, giving students days in class to study and work on whatever work needed to be done. He wasn’t a super hard professor to have. 
His hair was graying as the man was into his late 40s going on 50s. Sideburns and his beard graying though. He dressed pretty chill too, half the time coming into class wearing a casual cardigan and a beanie. He was an accomplished guy with a full on doctorate in linguistics. Masters in Psychology and bachelors in the study of Italian. Most of his focus seemed to be on the intricacies of the Italian language but Tim was fluent in Italian and didn’t care to take any of his italian classes. Not that the man had many. 
“I know the 107 letters can be difficult and if you don’t know what to listen for they can sound similar to each other, but that’s why this whole unit is just on breaking down the IPA, and making sure all of us can read, and understand it. Okay?” 
Mummers of okays and yesses echoed through the lecture hall. Tim opened his phone, scrolling to Dick’s phone number and clicking on it. 
Timmy Boi: Guess who just walked into my Linguistics class as a late transfer?
Dickie Bird: Who? 
Timmie Boi: Alley kid
Dickie Bird: No fucking way. Is he that rude in person?
Timmie Boi: No not yet at least. We’re partnered up for the semester though, so plenty of time for me to find out heh. Dude’s got a cane. 
Dickie Bird: So not our so-called mystery vigilante Jason wants us to meet?
Timmie Boi:  Unlikely, He also looks sick as a mother fucker Dick. Like it’s bad. 
Dickie Bird: Damn, so still no leads until Friday? 
Timmie Boi: Unfortunately not. Cams still distorted as fuck with those symbols?
Dickie Bird: Just like all the others. Only copies we have are hand drawn references. No one can get a clear pic. 
Timmie Boi: Anyluck on the Distortion dude? Anything on him?
Dickie Bird: Uhh, he showed up 3 years ago? Works for Jason mostly. Started as a runner, then became body guard and personal protection for a lot of the shipments going in and out of Jason’s domain. That was only after bribing over 15 inmates too. 
Timmie Boi: How the fuck did Jason keep someone, a meta namely, from us for so long? 
Dickie Bird: Who knows. One guy said something about protecting a child. The child is Jason’s guard dog. Brutal when he needs to be. Maybe he’s scarier than he looks? People kept quiet over fear? 
Timmie Boi: You’re the people person, but even then if people are scared we would have heard something else. I just think we have something else in the picture here that we’re missing it all. 
Dickie Bird: Well, any cameras he passed by that night went to static. I had Barb check it out for us. 
Timmie Boi: So his gift can mess with cameras? Only mildly concerning. 
Dickie Boi: Wait, why are we having this conversation right now Tim? You’re in class?!?!?! I’m leaving you alone. Pay attention, and don’t fall asleep, and DRINK WATER FOR ONE IN YOUR CAFFEINE ADDICTED LIFE. 
Speaking of coffee, he could probably get mystery-dude’s phone number for their homework and stuff. Maybe he could even get coffee with him and help him with his classes. And maybe find out more about that night in the alley. 
“What are you doing after class?”Tim spoke up to look over at the man. Danny wasn’t even paying attention to the lecture. He was… drawing? Way better than anything Tim could draw that was for sure. Maybe he would get along with Damian? Tim liked the easier stuff, taking pictures. He could draw but he didn’t like it nearly as much as being able to get behind a camera and take some beautiful photos. Man, he should get back into that again. Dick was always pressing him to get back into a hobby outside of crime solving. He liked to stick with what he was good at though. 
“Oh? Uh nothing really, just contemplating existence. Why what’s up?”Danny gave a soft shy smile. Oh no. His smile was cute. Also wait, contemplating existence?
“Well, I figured if we’re gonna be stuck together all semester we could get coffee and talk about the project and get to know each other a little better.” Tim could watch a wave of anxiety slip over the man. 
“Well, I don’t know maybe,”a small shrug then a quiet moment of contemplation. “Actually, sure that’d be nice!”  
“Wait, we already have a project?”Danny’s eyes widened looking from his doodle of something? Tim couldn’t make it out but it was pretty? Looked like a pool of swirling water sketched in a gray scale. Who knows. This guy must have been so distracted he didn’t hear the teacher’s words about their project. Rewriting a speech in a non-english language into the phonetic alphabet. 
Tim couldn't help but laugh a little at him. 
This caught a small look from the teacher and Tim stifled his laughter a little even as Danny began to fight his own laughter as the two looked at each other. That was so dumb. Why was he even laughing at that?
“I’ll explain after class.” 
“Sounds good to me, I’m just sitting here… doodlin’.” 
“I see that..” Tim gave him a smile as Danny chuckled himself turning back to his drawing. The man stretching his arms upwards turned to actually pay attention to the teacher. A small frown coming across his face noticing the thin spindly scars edging up the side of his neck across the back of his neck. What the fuck was that? He shook his head. 
Tim stayed mostly alert the rest of the hour long class. Kaivan had started going through the various letters of the IPA and their origins and why they were chosen. It was interesting to say the least. He had learned a lot and the class was definitely different than what he was used too. Danny on the other hand. 
Fuck Tim hoped the dopey smiles and spaced out stared was how he payed attention or their partnership was going to be a lot more strenuous than he originally thought. He swore he saw him falling asleep a couple times there before jerking himself awake. Not that Tim could blame him. He averaged only about 3 hours a night if he was lucky. Then again, Tim didn’t exactly play the whole “catch up on sleep” game. 
It did take a gentle nudge from Tim to get the man away and on their way to the coffee shop. He was slow as he walked with the cane but Tim didn’t say anything about it. Everyone had their little quirks and issues. Lord knows Tim had his. 
The cold autumn air in Gotham was settling around them. 
“What’s your major?” It was Danny who spoke up with a quiet smile. 
“Oh, business. I plan to take over my father’s company,”Tim replied. 
“Wow, impressive.” Danny looked up at the sky with a small chuckle as Tim raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Thanks, what’s yours?”
“Engineering, I was going to do Astronomy but we’ll the Gotham Skies aren’t exactly the clearest.” Danny chuckled softly as Tim gave a nod. 
“The smog helps no one. Glad you found a major you like though.” There was a silence settling between them but it didn’t lessen the mood in fact it almost felt welcomed in a quiet way. 
“Same to you!” Danny looked up at the crows stopping the duo in their tracks. There were almost 10 crows just watching them. Tim, had never seen that. All them staring at Danny. “Boo.” The man whispered and with a small chuckled, all 10 flew off the branches and into the air leaving Tim to watch and then follow. Missing how the birds simply landed up ahead. 
Tim was sort of lost in thought about the revelations they could possibly have about the whole Distortion situation. 
“Heyo, Timmy,”Danny’s voice dragged him from his thoughts and his slow pace holding the door open. “Don’t hurry up and you’ll be soaked.” He hadn’t even noticed a slow drizzle starting to fall from the sky. He held his hand out before running to meet the man. 
Tim joined the man into the warm coffee shop. The scent of pumpkin spice filling their noses as they moved to get in line. 
“Didn’t get too wet did you?”Danny asked concern surprising Tim. 
“Ah, no, don’t worry about me though.  I might be more concerned for when we leave here though.” 
“I’m not too worried.” The man gave a nonchalant shrug. “Can’t kill me worse than I already have been.” Was that a death joke? 
“Oh?”Tim gave a smirk. He wasn’t normally one for puns, those were Dick’s thing but also… Dick wasn’t here. “Did it have you rolling in your grave?” Dick could never find out about this but then Danny’s shit eating grin only widened across his face. 
“Oh, for sure it was to die for after all.” 
“I can’t I’m sorry,”Tim laughed with a smile. “What’re you getting? I’ll pay since I invited you out.” 
“Oh, I might scare you with my order.” 
“I promise you won’t. Mine is insane myself.” 
“One of those extra large pumpkin spice lattes with 10 shots of espresso.” 
“Extra large americano with 8 shots of espresso,”Tim quipped. “I see you’re a man just as insane as I am.” 
“Oh, for sure. I’ve never met someone with an order just as bad as mine,”he admitted as he stared up at the menu. “How are the sandwiches here? Are they pretty dead-licious?”
“Oh god..” 
“Or I don’t know, pretty frightful?” 
“Please Danny.” 
“I bet they’re boo-mbastic.” 
“Who ever uses that word anymore.” 
Okay Halloween was coming up admittedly. Yes there were halloween and fall decorations coming but, but god dammit Danny. It was like having another Dick around. 
“You decided to fuel this.” 
“I did not decide to fuel anything!”Tim complained just as they got to the counter ordering their coffees. It was a barista Tim was familiar with. A kind girl named Sarah who seemed to be all too familiar with the two of them. 
“Oh! Can I also get the mac and cheese please!”Danny offered another charming smile putting some money in the tip jar. “I can pay you back Tim.” 
“No worries.” Tim gave a shrug. 
“Alrighty and here you are Tim.” Sarah handed him his card back with the receipt as he himself put some money in the jar. 
“Damn, she knows your name?”
“I know you too Danny, Mr. 10 shots of espresso at midnight last week. You also fucking work here.” 
“Love you guysssss, and I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Danny practically purred out with an innocent smile. 
“You two together, scare me,”the barista motioned between the two of them. “But honestly, we were waiting for you two to meet.” 
“I’m innocent,”Tim vouched.”Also wait, what?” 
“I watched you order an extra large cup with only espresso shots in it for Finals last semester.” Sarrah refused to answer the apparent group that had been waiting for Tim and Danny to meet each other. 
“I was busy!” 
“You weren’t sleeping!” 
“Anyways I’m going to go over there,”Danny pointed to an empty table by the window. 
“Yeah, Tim. How about you go over there. With your little Date,”She emphasized the word as Danny was already over sitting down unpacking his backpack onto the table. 
“He’s not my date! We literally just met!” 
“Yet. Next in line please!” 
“Sarah-- no-- I swear to--”Tim could have sworn he saw an exchanging of cash behind the counters. Were they betting on something. What the fuck were they betting on?!? He hissed and moved to join Danny in the opposite seat. 
“So did you even catch what the group project is? How much have you studied of the Linguistics 101 class anyways?” Tim pulled out his laptop setting it in front of him. He logged in giving a small smile of the silly chaotic and group picture they had gotten last year at Christmas. Bruce stood on the far right and Jason on the far left Dick’s arm wrapped around his shoulder. Damian was trying to stab Tim again who was moving to dodge it. Steph chaotically cheering the gremlin on. Cass quietly wondering if she should intervene in the middle. Duke full on panicked at what was going on as it was his first Christmas with the family. Barb covering her mouth in laughter in front of Bruce. He wanted to make sure she was included. It was his favorite photo of him and his siblings. 
Fuck. Danny had been talking to him. 
“Earth to Timmy.” A wave of a hand in front of his face. 
“Please just Tim,”he laughs. “Sorry, yes?”
“I was asking about the IPA. Are you familiar with it? I have no idea on anything about it.” 
“I know like half of it? I’ll have to learn the other half,”he admits. “But yes, the project.” 
“Fuck, yeah okay what’s this project?” 
“It involves reading.” 
“No! WHY!” 
“In another language.. That neither of us speak.” 
“Oh god.” 
“Yeah, so we’re supposed to write down a 1,000 minimum word speech, or chapter from a book or whatever and put it into the International Phonetic Alphabet.” 
“I don’t know about you but I speak a lot, like A lot of languages.” 
“Yeah.. I feel the same way.” 
“What do you speak?” Danny playfully pushed Tim’s computer screen down from booting up the program the professor had given them to use to type out the phonetic alphabet. It was still apparently a nightmare program, but he had decided to type it so he wouldn't be deciphering shitty handwriting. 
“Mandarin, Chinese, Italian, German, French, russian, Japanese, tagalog, spanish, I think that’s all of them?” 
“You speak Tagalog too!” Danny’s words switched with ease to the language. 
“No fuckin’ way,” Tim had to laugh at that one. “What else do you speak?” 
“Same things are you but, Esperanto, Swahili, Cantonese, javanese, Sardo(technically a dialect but you know same difference),  Ukrainian, I think that’s all?” 
“I thought I was the Polyglot. Oh! I also speak ASL and BSL.” 
“I know bits and pieces of ASL, definitely no BSL though,”he laughs softly. “But wait what other languages does that leave?”
“Well, a lot but I mean. We could always pick an easy one we both know.” 
“Yeah, please. I do not want translate someone in a non-latin based alphabet. It registers funny in my brain.” 
“I gotta ask though Danny… Esperanto?” 
“Okay, leave me alone! I had a friend who spoke it and taught me it so we could shit about others.”  
“That’s fuckin’ hilarious though,”he smirked. “But what should we translate?” 
Danny looked like he was about to burst out laughing. “What if we just fucking translated the Divine Comedy.” 
“Danny Nightingale, are you telling me we should rewrite one of the most famous works of Italian writing, ever. That is also notoriously translated, a lot? And is--- you know.”
“Ma Divine Commedia,”Danny laughed. Tim could not with him right now. “E la fanfiction Tim.” 
“YEAH I KNOW, that’s why I can’t believe you’re suggesting it.” 
“COMMEDIA.” Danny proclaimed with a snort. Fuck that was cute. Thank god his name was called to grab their stuff. He could ignore the small twinge in his chest as he brought them their coffee and the food for Danny. 
“Let’s get this over with I guess.” 
“YES!” Danny threw his first into the air in excitement. “This is the start a beautiful friendship Tim, I promise.” 
“Are we about to be nightmares to our poor professor?” 
“What? Nooooo.” 
“Oh yes we fucking are,”Tim rolled his eyes and smiled as he sipped his drink pulling up the original document. They were so fucked, but at least it would be funny. If Danny was his new partner for his class maybe Friday would come sooner than he thought. 
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crossdreamers · 1 year
Dr James Barry, the Transgender Man who Became British Colonial Medical Inspector in 1822
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The Vagina Museum tells the story of the transgender man who became a famous military surgeon in Britain in the 19th century.
Dr James Barry (circa 1789-1865) was a renowned military surgeon who is probably better known for the speculation about his gender than his illustrious career. So let's set the record straight about the work of this brilliant healer.
A famous surgeon outed after death
James Barry was assigned female at birth. This was only revealed after his death. The fact was made public as the woman who laid his body out after his death was disgruntled at not being paid for her work, so she ended up taking a story about his body to the press.
The story was somewhat newsworthy because in his lifetime, Barry was a famous surgeon, something of a rockstar in the military and surgical worlds.
It's hard to tease out details of Barry's early life due to posthumous speculation - once the news broke, several people claimed they'd known all along, or told stories about his supposed femininity, and the whole story was viewed through the lens of 19th century gender politics.
Even Barry's precise date of birth is not known - the likely date seems to be around 1789, but it may have been as late as 1799. Barry is known to have lied about his age, because his appearance was very youthful, and he sometimes passed himself off as younger than he was.
His life
Barry studied at the University of Edinburgh, and received his qualification as a doctor of medicine in 1812, when he would have been about 19 or 20 years old (or 10, according to his own account of his age!). After this, he studied in London and qualified as a surgeon in 1813.
He proceeded to join the British army, enlisting as a hospital assistant just four days after qualifying as a surgeon. During his 46 years of service, he gained huge renown as a surgeon and a doctor.
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Surgeon in South Africa
In 1816, Barry went on his first overseas posting as an assistant surgeon. He was posted to Cape Town, and quickly became friends with the governor, Lord Charles Somerset. The friendship began because Barry treated Somerset's sick daughter spectacularly well.
Later in his life, in 1829, Barry went absent without leave from the army when Somerset himself became sick. He spent two years treating his friend until Somerset's death.
Colonial Medical Inspector
In 1822, Somerset promoted Barry to the role of Colonial Medical Inspector, which was an astronomical leap in Barry's career. Sometimes, though, the friendship raised eyebrows. In 1824, Somerset and Barry were accused of having sex with each other.
Barry's renown grew hugely during the ten years he spent in South Africa. He is sometimes credited as the first doctor to successfully perform a C-section in Africa where both survived, though that credit may better go to indigenous Africans
Throughout his long surgical career, Barry was posted all around the world, serving in the West Indies, Europe, America, and Africa. Following him was a reputation for excellence. Wherever he went, sanitation greatly improved, and soldiers and local people alike became healthier.
A bit of a jerk
Barry achieved all of this by being kind of a jerk. He was known to be quick-tempered, heavy-handed, argumentative and tactless. He rubbed his colleagues up the wrong way.
Barry's career wasn't a completely upward trajectory, because he sometimes got himself court-martialed or demoted due to his behaviour. He famously won a duel against a colleague, and shot the man's hat clean off his head.
Quarreling with Florence Nightingale
One of his most famous arguments was with Florence Nightingale herself during the Crimean War. When writing about it, years later, Nightingale doesn't specify the cause of the argument, but Barry lived rent-free in her head following it.
[Florence Nightingale  was an very famous English social reformer, a statistician and the founder of modern nursing.]
Loved by his patients
Barry's patients loved him, though. As well as being a talented physician and surgeon, he reputedly had a good bedside manner.
Barry's military career came to an end in 1859. He didn't leave, and he wasn't sacked for being a difficult person to work with. He was forcibly retired because he was old, and his health was failing. Six years later, he died in London, from dysentery.
In the century and a half since his death, discussion of James Barry has mostly focused on speculation about his gender. But that, perhaps, is one of the least interesting things about this remarkable doctor.
Top photo of Barry (centre), his dog and John, his servant, circa 1862, via Wellcome Images. Second photo: Portrait claimed to be of Barry, ca. 1820s
Thread from twitter (which we refuse to call X as long as Elon Musk is deadnaming his transgender daughter).
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starspray · 5 months
Prompt 46 with Nimloth & Luthien?
Thank you for the prompt!
Nimloth had searched high and low and all over Tol Galen for the twins, and they were nowhere to be found. She wasn’t worried, exactly—well, she was always a little worried, but this place was as safe as anywhere in Beleriand could possibly be, and even the trees would take care of her boys. But ever since they had learned to walk they had wanted to wander, and in the midst of carrying their sister, Nimloth just couldn’t keep up.
Dior was away, as was Beren, meeting with the Laegrim on the eastern shores of the river. Lúthien had been away also, doing whatever it is she did when alone. But when Nimloth returned from her search she saw Lúthien near Lanthir Lamath, looking unusually disheveled. “Lúthien!” Nimloth called. “Have you seen the—oh!” Eluréd and Elurín appeared from behind their grandmother, handfuls of flowers in hand and giggling. “There you are!”
“They are braiding my hair for me,” Lúthien said serenely, even as small fingers yanked rather hard on her long hair, clumsily weaving flowers into it, more tangle than braid.
“It looks lovely,” Nimloth said, and sat down beside them, glad to paddle her feet in the cool water and rest her aching back. “We’ll do yours next!” Elurín said.
“Choose another flower,” Lúthien said. “Violets will look better than niphredil in your mother’s hair.”
Eluréd scrambled away to pick the violets that grew on the other side of the pool. Nimloth sighed and tilted her head back to let the sun fall on her face. Beside her, Lúthien laughed, nightingale bright, and began to sing.
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footprintsinthesxnd · 8 months
USAAF Flight Nurses
So as I’m currently collabing with @major-mads on a fic where our two ocs are flight nurses I thought I do a little post about them as they aren’t well know. I’ve also had a passion for ww2 nurses, including flight nurses and so I’ve really enjoyed sharing my flight nurse knowledge with Mads as we have written our fic. These woman were truly amazing, like many woman during ww2, so I thought I do a little factual post about them.
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Before World War II, the U.S. military showed little interest in using aircraft and flight nurses to evacuate wounded soldiers to rear areas. However, the global war forced the US to revolutionise military medical care through the development of air evacuation, which was later known as aeromedical evacuation and flight nurses.
With the rapid expansion of USAAF air transport routes around the world it was made possible to fly wounded and sick servicemen quickly to hospitals far from the front lines. This helped save the lives of many wounded men, and the introduction of flight nurses helped make it possible.
Due to a pressing need for this service, the USAAF created medical air evacuation squadrons and started a rush training program for flight surgeons, medics and flight nurses at Bowman Field, near Louisville, Kentucky.
The increasing need for flight nurses became critical after the Allied invasion of North Africa in November 1942, however many of the nurses at Bowman Field had not finished their training. Nevertheless, the USAAF sent these nurses to North Africa on Christmas Day.
On Feb. 18, 1943, the U.S. Army Nurse Corps' first class of flight nurses formally graduated at Bowman Field.
Due to the C47s used as air evacuation also transported military supplies, they could not display the Red Cross. This meant that without any markings to indicate their non-combat status, these evacuation flights were vulnerable to enemy attacks. For this reason, flight nurses and medical technicians were volunteers.
To prepare for any emergency, flight nurses learned crash procedures, received survival training, and studied the effects of high altitude on various types of patients. They also had to be in top physical condition to care for patients during these rigorous flights.
Eventually, about 500 Army nurses served as members of 31 medical air evacuation transport squadrons operating worldwide. It is a tribute to their skill that of the 1,176,048 patients air evacuated throughout the war, only 46 died en route. Seventeen flight nurses lost their lives during the war.
The Flight Nurses Creed
I will summon every resource to prevent the triumph of death over life. I will stand guard over the medicines and equipment entrusted to my care and ensure their proper use. I will be untiring in the performances of my duties and I will remember that, upon my disposition and spirit, will in large measure depend the morale of my patients. I will be faithful to my training and to the wisdom handed down to me by those who have gone before me.I have taken a nurse's oath, reverent in man's mind because of the spirit and work of its creator, Florence Nightingale. She, I remember, was called the "Lady with the Lamp." It is now my privilege to lift this lamp of hope and faith and courage in my profession to heights not known by her in her time. Together with the help of flight surgeons and surgical technicians, I can set the very skies ablaze with life and promise for the sick, injured, and wounded who are my sacred charges. ...This I will do. I will not falter in war or in peace.
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Here are a few of the real flight nurses from ww2 from left upper: Second Lieutenant Elsie S. Ott, upper right: first Lieutenant Suella Bernard.
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Elsie S. Ott - As the flight nurse on the first intercontinental air evacuation flight, she demonstrated the potential of air evacuation in January 1943. She was an Army nurse who had never flown in an airplane and had no air evacuation training, she successfully oversaw the movement of five seriously ill patients from India to Washington, D.C. This six-day trip would have normally taken three months by ship and ground transportation. For her actions on this historic flight, Ott received the first Air Medal presented to a woman, and she also received formal flight nurse training.
Suella Bernard - On March 22, 1945, two CG-4A gliders landed in a clearing near the bridgehead at Remagen, Germany, to evacuate 25 severely injured American and German casualties. Once the gliders were loaded, C-47 transports successfully snatched them from their landing site and towed them to a military hospital in France. In the second glider, Suella who had volunteered for the mission, cared for the wounded en route. One of the first two nurses to fly into Normandy after the D-Day invasion, Bernard became the only nurse known to have participated in a glider combat mission during World War II. For this mission, she received the Air Medal.
Upper left: first Lieutenant Aleda E.Lutz Upper right: first Lieutenant Mary L. Hawkins
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Aleda E. Lutz - One of the most celebrated flight nurses of World War II, she flew 196 missions and evacuated over 3,500 men. In November 1944, during an evacuation flight from the front lines near Lyon, France, her C-47 crashed killing all aboard. Aleda was awarded the Air Medal with four Oak Leaf Clusters, and the Distinguished Flying Cross.
Mary L. Hawkins - On Sept. 24, 1944, she was evacuating 24 patients from the fighting at Palau to Guadalcanal when the C-47 ran low on fuel. The pilot made a forced landing in a small clearing on Bellona Island. During the landing, a propeller tore through the fuselage and severed the trachea of one patient. Hawkins made a suction tube from various items including the inflation tube from a "Mae West." With this, she kept the man's throat clear of blood until aid arrived 19 hours later. All of her patients survived. For her actions, Hawkins received the Distinguished Flying Cross.
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I hope you’ve all found this interesting and now have a greater understanding of flight nurses. If you’d like to read a fic on flight nurses please check out my fic ‘On a Wing and a Prayer’ and @major-mads fic ‘A Pair of Silver Wings’ a Masters of the Air collab.
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cybrsan · 6 months
WIP Tag Game
Tagged by the lovely @yessa-vie <3
Rules: Post the last seven sentences you wrote and tag seven people.
“The time has come to announce this year’s recipient of the Nightingale Commendation. As you all know, this award is not given lightly. The novitiate who is bestowed the honor will have earned it through their hard work, unwavering courage, and dedication to the cause.” Sweat prickles at Seonghwa’s hairline, a lone drop dripping down the side of his face and disappearing underneath the neckline of his shirt. This is it. “Over the past year, I have seen great growth in all 46 of you; the Vanguard class of 1020 has been one of the most promising in our history. And while many of you have exhibited extraordinary promise, there is one novitiate who has consistently exceeded all expectations.”
Note: This is a part of something from the collab fic Orion and I have posted teasers for 👀 Coming soon!
No-pressure tags: @nebulousbrainsoup @pocketjoong @kwanisms @seonghwaddict @hee0soo @hwaightme @yourlocaljonghoe
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nicknickknacks · 2 months
The intro to MBCC's wrestling show, Minos Championship Wrestling!
I've listed all the characters in order of appearance on the "Keep Reading" part. YouTube mirror for HD version.
(That's a lot of tags, sorry for the spam.)
Characters (in order of appearance):
00:00 - Shawn & Chief
00:02 - Du Ruo & The Great Seer (Xu)
00:05 - Shalom & Rahu
00:07 - Angell & Chief
00:11 - Adela & Chief
00:13 - Langley, Nightingale, & Shalom
00:16 - Zoya
00:22 - Coquelic, Garofano, Gekkabijin, Thistle
00:24 - Serpent
00:27 - McQueen and her forged sculpture
00:33 - Deren
00:37 - Zoya, Mantis, Rahu, Chief
00:38 - Suspect R & Chief
00:40 - Faye and Wynn
00:43 - Dudu
00:46 - Bianca
00:49 - Eirene
00:51 - Lady Pearl
00:54 - Shalom
00:56 - Vanilla, Dreya, Mantis
00:59 - Zoya & Chief
01:00 - Christina & Shalom
01:01 - Rahu
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artorojo · 1 year
Top 100 military movies of all time.
1. Saving Private Ryan (1998)
2. Apocalypse Now (1979)
3. Full Metal Jacket (1987)
4. Platoon (1986)
5. Black Hawk Down (2001)
6. Das Boot (1981)
7. The Thin Red Line (1998)
8. Paths of Glory (1957)
9. Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
10. 1917 (2019)
11. Dunkirk (2017)
12. Patton (1970)
13. Gallipoli (1981)
14. We Were Soldiers (2002)
15. Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
16. The Deer Hunter (1978)
17. The Hurt Locker (2008)
18. Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)
19. Zulu (1964)
20. Black Book (2006)
21. Stalingrad (1993)
22. The Battle of Algiers (1966)
23. The Longest Day (1962)
24. The Bridge at Remagen (1969)
25. Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
26. Jarhead (2005)
27. The Patriot (2000)
28. Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)
29. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
30. Enemy at the Gates (2001)
31. Glory (1989)
32. The Great Escape (1963)
33. All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)
34. The Wind That Shakes the Barley (2006)
35. Lone Survivor (2013)
36. Kelly's Heroes (1970)
37. The Green Berets (1968)
38. The Alamo (1960)
39. The Messenger (2009)
40. 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (2016)
41. 12 Strong (2018)
42. The Last of the Mohicans (1992)
43. The Pianist (2002)
44. Rescue Dawn (2006)
45. The Beast of War (1988)
46. A Bridge Too Far (1977)
47. Behind Enemy Lines (2001)
48. Inglourious Basterds (2009)
49. The Boys in Company C (1978)
50. Red Tails (2012)
51. Battle for Haditha (2007)
52. Courage Under Fire (1996)
53. 5 Fingers (1952)
54. Company of Heroes (2013)
55. The Finest Hours (2016)
56. Windtalkers (2002)
57. Battle of the Bulge (1965)
58. The Nightingale (2018)
59. A Midnight Clear (1992)
60. Attack on the Iron Coast (1968)
61. Sergeant York (1941)
62. Empire of the Sun (1987)
63. The Pacific (2010) - Mini-series
64. The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel (1951)
65. The Pacific (2010) - Mini-series
66. Enemy at the Gates (2001)
67. The Monuments Men (2014)
68. Days of Glory (2006)
69. Fires on the Plain (1959)
70. The Steel Helmet (1951)
71. Battle of the Damned (2013)
72. Memphis Belle (1990)
73. Crimson Tide (1995)
74. Attack on the Iron Coast (1968)
75. Sergeant York (1941)
76. Empire of the Sun (1987)
77. The Pacific (2010) - Mini-series
78. The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel (1951)
79. Enemy at the Gates (2001)
80. The Monuments Men (2014)
81. Days of Glory (2006)
82. Fires on the Plain (1959)
83. The Steel Helmet (1951)
84. Battle of the Damned (2013)
85. The Longest Day (1962)
86. The Bridge at Remagen (1969)
87. M*A*S*H (1970)
88. Jarhead (2005)
89. The Patriot (2000)
90. Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)
91. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
92. Glory (1989)
93. The Great Escape (1963)
94. All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)
95. Platoon (1986)
96. Come and See (1985)
97. Hamburger Hill (1987)
98. The Red Badge of Courage (1951)
99. Born on the Fourth of July (1989)
100. Fort Apache (1948)
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solarsonicsoda · 5 months
Rebbie's Wrestling Reviews - AEW Dynasty 2024
Kazuchika Okada (c) def. Pac by pinfall for the AEW Continental Championship in 21:55
This match was simply awesome. Two guys who have absolutely all the tools put them to good use in this opener. Pac sold everything amazingly, he is brilliant at what he does, and there were many great sequences between the two men. Some of the specifics of this one were absolutely unreal too. Avalanche brainbuster, that brutal barricade DDT Pac took, an awesome springboard moonsault, a standing Brutaliser, a Black Arrow into the knees: so much brilliant wrestling. Of course, there was also Okada’s rug pull of the Rainmaker taunt. He had us in the palm of his hand and everything about that moment was hilarious. Loved this one. 
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House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King, & Buddy Matthews) def. Adam Copeland, Eddie Kingston, & Mark Briscoe by pinfall in 17:46
Super fun! Loved the energy they brought to this one, and the pace was quick which is just what I want from a trios match like this. Briscoe had a pair of great spots on the apron here, first launching himself off a chair to attack Matthews, but then being launched off into a brutal Death Valley Driver by King into the barricade. I also really enjoyed the triple Spears later in the match. Generally just great fun here all executed well, and I enjoyed Black picking up the win after never truly meeting Copeland in the ring until that final moment. That’s fun and I look forward to Black challenging for the belt in the future. Potentially at Double or Nothing? I will say though, maybe Rick Knox could have picked a better position to count that pin, he was looking directly into the misted face of Copeland…
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Willow Nightingale def. Julia Hart (c) by pinfall for the AEW TBS Championship in 6:01
This is not the most revolutionary match on the card, but it was pretty satisfactory. It was pretty short, but I didn’t realise it was quite this short! It was worked sufficiently though and it gave us a big championship win for Nightingale! That’s going to be raising the rating! Mercedes Mone slightly cramps on what’s a lovely moment but I’m excited for their match at Double or Nothing! Feels big time! 
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Roderick Strong (c) def. Kyle O’Reilly by pinfall for the AEW International Championship in 17:18
Another brilliant match. Great sells, great strikes, great technical work: what not to love? Some of the transitions and reversal in this one were simply beautiful, there was an awesome ankle lock transition by O’Reilly, there was a tiger driver that became a guillotine hold, there were sweet counters of some of their common offence: I ask again, what’s not to love?! O’Reilly has great facials for a match like this and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing! I think the finish was a tad sudden, I’m not entirely sure why Wardlow showed up, but good for him. We also see that Adam Cole can walk post-match!
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Chris Jericho def. Hook (c) by pinfall for the FTW Championship in 16:34
Please say sike right now. I will say, I was actually enjoying this one for most of its run. Hook has some awesome suplexes, he wrestles with such a unique form and stuff, he’s just very engaging. Hook sends Jericho through a table off the apron with a T-bone suplex, he suplexes him in a bin, and he kicks out of two Judas Effects! That all went so hard! I don’t particularly remember what Jericho did but oh well. Now, why the hell did he win? Jericho got to dominate, and like he overpowered Hook, in a strike exchange, which should never be happening with Jericho who is not known for anything close. Then, after all their action, Jericho is walking whilst Hook is selling his ass off for Jericho post-Judas Effect, and then he hits him with his baseball bat and wins. WHY?! I do think this “Learning Tree” character can be fun, but it should be a character where he goes in there and loses a lot, and convincingly. No one wants to see Jericho have many long matches, nor do they want to see him win titles. How does this help Hook? He does not need to reclaim the title again from the likes of Jericho, it makes him look like a dork. This should have been a feud where Hook won every encounter. Really stupid finish on a flawed but fun schmozz.
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Toni Storm (c) (w/ Mariah May & Luther) def. Thunder Rosa by pinfall for the AEW Women’s World Championship in 15:08
First off, Team Timeless were absolutely slaying with the looks here. Yes, of course that includes you Luther. This was a pretty good match overall. Rosa hits a great Tornillo, Nigel McGuiness is a hoot on commentary as usual, and the Death Valley Driver on the apron was awesome. Some sweet sequences and combos in there too, like a cool tornado DDT into a Northern Lights suplex from Storm. I don’t particularly care for the Storm Zero kickout as it was done, I feel like it was a bit early for something like that for me. Rosa also had a real smooth transition into a backbreaker late on before Storm rightfully got the win. As I say, good match, just not the best. I feel I’ve never particularly gotten into Thunder Rosa’s work. Like, she’s a good wrestler, but I just don’t feel much about her in-ring skill, and I don’t like her promos. Regardless, they had a decent showing here.
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Will Ospreay def. Bryan Danielson by pinfall in 32:40
I’m going to start by mentioning how brilliant the atmosphere was with this St. Louis crowd. They were awesome the whole night but here was their peak. Everyone was just having a blast it seemed. Now, there’s a lot of hubbub about this one, and I’ll start with this now: No, this isn’t the best match ever. What it is though is really quite great. So many unreal spots here and a solid bit of story throughout. There’s the likes of Danielson fully tying up Ospreay, the tiger suplex off the top rope, the series of counters from an Oscutter to a Lebell Lock, and the staredown with the elbow pad removal. I want to mention the dodging of a Hidden Blade to hit a running knee from Danielson, loved that. All of these moments were great. In my notes though, I did eventually end up writing three things down in all caps. First, “TRIANGLE HOLD STYLES CLASH”. Yeah, that’s awesome. There was also the finishing stretch with “HE JUST HIT A TIGER DRIVER 91 ON DANIELSON”. I think that speaks for itself as something wild. Thankfully he took it as safely as he could, that is to say “I bet his shoulder hurts like hell”. Then, the best of them all: “KNEE OSCUTTER REVERSAL”. This was simply perfect, what a reversal for the Oscutter, and what a running knee it was. Beautiful. Overall, it was a really nice match that pulled me round into loving it, even if Ospreay can be a bit much with some of his style for me. It works for a big match! I don’t love the finish really with the doctors, but it’s not super egregious. It was probably a Danielson idea, but I’d prefer a clean finish here. Maybe there’s a sequel on the horizon. Anyway, on a first watch, I’m concluding that “the greatest match in US history” is not quite that (some people just love a man’s particular style and that’s ok!), but is still pretty stellar.
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The Young Bucks (Nicholas Jackson & Matthew Jackson) def. FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) in a ladder match for the AEW Tag Team Championships in 21:34
Now, something completely different! There’s plenty of ladder-based fun here, like some fun dropkick spots and one of the Bucks heading up for the belts off of a rope run. A ladder bridge was a large part of this one, first with a moonsault by Wheeler and an EVP Trigger by the Bucks atop it. Wheeler had a great performance here, and he hit a tope onto Matthew that sent him through a table, which I loved. Shortly after, Harwood would take a hurricanrana through one too, which I did like but it was a tad awkward. I really loved the Power and Glory off the ladders, that was super awesome, and the Wheeler tope through a table at the end was wild! He went so fast! There was a scary moment, as Nicholas would 450 Wheeler through a table, but as Harwood tried to piledriver Matthew through the ladder bridge, it would give way. Fortunately, it seems everyone is ok. This was a pretty fun match all-in-all, and I really enjoyed the finish with big shit-eating grin Jack Perry helping the Young Bucks. 
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Swerve Strickland (w/ Prince Nana) def. Samoa Joe (c) by pinfall for the AEW World Championship in 17:59
This is the moment I was waiting for! This was a pretty good match, Joe looked like an absolute beast in this one and I loved him for it. Swerve did his part too, selling very well for the big man. I especially loved his sell off the leg sweep, that was great. I do think the kickout from the Muscle Buster came a bit early in this match, it felt a tad flat for me, but it was soon followed by the House Call whilst Joe was in the ropes and the 450 Splash to the back of the head. I absolutely loved that spot. Those final moments were also great though, with Swerve doing whatever he has to do and with a great leap over Joe. That Swerve Stomp had me on my feet! The right man won here and it was absolutely essential here. What a great run from Samoa Joe though. Unfortunately, it is, indeed, Swerve’s House.
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Overall, this was a pretty good show! Not quite as good or as consistent as Revolution 2024, but another great PPV! This one is getting 4 STARS OUT OF 5 from me!
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cadaverousconsumer · 8 days
hey mooty boots can u guys mb check out my new blog :333 id rly appreciate it!!! ik ur all my skibidi alphas 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻
@giggleshitter0 @th3-bl1nd-w1zpurrds @type-40-nightingales @icarusshomestuckfan @despairdoodlesreal @rowaltiora @chiotri-loves-davekat @carcin0-88 @deemysxd @voidvendetta @sashathegirliepop @catinchat6 @zer0-otheactualnumber @ask-therealjohnegbert
also i know only like half of u r into homestuck i went a little wild sorry i think i blacked out and when i woke up it was 11:46 and i just tagged every single mutual i have even ones i havent talked to ever but want 2
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Most Beloved AEW Wrestler Tournament Round 4 Statistics Dump
Followers: 204 (yay! we broke 200!)
Total votes: 13,148 + 11,439 + 6,915 + 3,907 = 35,409
Times I giggled nefariously at seeing the despair in the notes: a great many
Most Beloved By Gender
With every passing round, women are gaining more and more traction. After seeing the trends, I don't think we'll reach a 50/50 split, but my predictions have been wrong before.
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Voting Trends
Now as we can see, we've still got an upwards trend (except for day 32, which was our lowest day since day 21)
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Day 30 reached a brand new record of an average of 278.4 votes per poll (mostly thanks to the very controversial Danhausen VS MJF)
Only one tie this round with Billy Gunn and Evil Uno both receiving 48 votes. Unfortunately, as they were in the 3-way matchup, they both lost to Jay White and will go hand in hand to The Pyramid (pretty graphic where I place all the losers and their total vote counts)
Teams and How They Fared
The pickings are getting slim up here
BCC: Bryan Danielson (139) moves on, but Jon Moxley (105) lost to Kris Statlander.
Best Friends: Kris Statlander (134), Orange Cassidy (174), Chuck Taylor (200) & Danhausen (232) all move on and make up 23.5% of all the remaining wrestlers
The Elite: Nick Jackson (47) lost to Adam Cole, fully eliminating this team
BCG: Jay White (60) moves on, but Juice Robinson (51) lost to Emi Sakura
The Acclaimed: Billy Gunn (48) lost to Jay White and Anthony Bowens (99) lost to Athena, fully eliminating this team
House Of Black: Malakai Black (46) lost to Willow Nightingale, fully eliminating this team
Dark Order: Mr Brodie Lee (12) moves on, but Evil Uno (48) lost to Jay White
Jericho Appreciation Society: Anna Jay (56) lost to Mr Brodie Lee, fully eliminating this team
Death Triangle: Penta (123) is still holding strong
There are no teams that are still fully intact
Lowest Votes
The top 5 lowest after 4 rounds
Thunder Rosa (240)
Penelope Ford (290)
Mark Davis (291)
Evil Uno (328)
Juice Robinson (338)
Highest Votes Over Round 4
Danhausen (232)
MJF (224)
Chuck Taylor (200)
Willow Nightingale (195, first time she didn't break 200)
Orange Cassidy (174)
Top 10 Highest Collective Votes
Willow Nightingale (1,079)
Danhausen (867)
Chuck Taylor (802)
Orange Cassidy/Eddie Kingston (690)
Athena (688)
Hikaru Shida (567)
Riho (560, eliminated)
Hook (552, eliminated)
MJF (549, eliminated)
Round 5 will be starting in about an hour or so
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
On 19 February 1904 [Christabel Pankhurst] had attended a meeting in the Free Trade Hall in Manchester where Winston Churchill had spoken for an hour and a half (on the advantages of free trade), when she proposed an amendment to Churchill's resolution which would have the words expressed in the masculine gender in the Representation of the People Acts construed to include women. The Chairman refused to allow the amendment, but for quite some time Christabel would not give way. She was finally howled down, and for Christabel, this was ‘the first militant step - the hardest to me, because it was the first. To move from my place on the platform to the speaker's table in the teeth of the astonishment and opposition of will of that immense throng, those civil and county leaders and those Members of Parliament was the most difficult thing I have ever done’ (1959, p. 46). But the world did not end: the first and worst feat had been accomplished; the way was open to further 'militant' steps.
What Christabel discovered in the process was an insight not unknown to many of her foremothers (Florence Nightingale among them) even if not previously recognised by herself: that when women cease to be willing, men are either obliged to give way to women's demands or else they are required to demonstrate their greater power and force to keep women in their place. The manners of chivalry can only be maintained while women willingly abide by the restrictive rules men have imposed upon them; once women challenge those rules, chivalry is dead. It would be impossible for men to argue that women have all the rights and respect that they need, that they are treated with deference and consideration, at the same time as the same men abused and assaulted women. For Christabel this policy of challenging men had much to recommend it, for either way women could gain; either men would immediately concede the vote for women, or the whole pretence of respect for women would be dropped and would stand exposed as a pretence.
-Dale Spender, Women of Ideas and What Men Have Done to Them
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cthonyxa · 9 months
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I drew this picture of Cam (human on the right) and Aster (axolotl anthro on the left) not long after I did the concept art for the Transcendent Trio. While Cam is friends with all the Nightingales, she and Aster are particularly close. Aster's the youngest of the group (currently planned to be 15 at the start of the series), while Cam recently turned 17. I'm still working out the details of their friendship, but one thing they bond over is (of course) video games.
From the start, Aster was concieved as a non-binary, intersex person (46,XX/46,XY with ovotesticular syndrome). They are best described as chaotic good. And, although they are definitely an annoying little gremln, they are also energetic and overall a very bubbly, happy, and likable person. Of all the family, they are the most in touch with their feelings and, as such, are quick to jump in to mediate disputes. They also tend to be a bit naive and can be too trusting, which can get them into hot water sometimes. I'm also leaning towards having them be a vtuber as a hobby, but that idea is still underbaked.
Cam has been around since the "I should do a romance novel series!" days, so she has gone through a lot of major changes. Her age, in particular, has changed several times, only settling once I got the Transcendent Trio timeline mostly worked out. She's autistic with tech stuff as a major special interest (I know, it's an overused trope at this point but I'm also a huge tech nerd soooooo.....) and fashion as another. She tends to be cynical, slow to trust, and quick to point out problems (though she is often just as quick to point out solutions to said problems). She struggles on a daily basis to avoid SIWOTI (Someone Is Wrong On The Internet), because sometimes the healthiest thing you can do for yourself is to just let someone be wrong (preferably far, far away from you).
These characters will continue to be in flux until I actually start writing/drawing the comic, so please let me know what you think! If you have any suggestions or critiques, I'd love to hear it!!
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caitlynkrieger · 5 months
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Lily-of-the-valley is the birth flower of May. A legend tells of a nightingale’s enduring love for this flower, each year returning in May to sing to his belovéd, & ceasing when her flowers fade. For this reason the lily-of-the-valley symbolises the ‘return of happiness’.
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msith · 8 months
Adrien Agreste
ExpandBryce Papenbrook (English)
Click "expand" for full list
Male, he/him
Adrien Émile Gabriel Donatien Athanase Agreste[7]
Sneaky Kitty[11]
Tomcat and Cat popsicle[12]
Mr. Front-of-the-cover-Teen-Model-weekly[13]
Pussy Cat[14]
Pretty Kitty[15]
Kitty Cat[16]
Naughty Kitty[17]
Silly Kitty[18]
Little Kitty[20]
Cellphone Boy, Mr. Whiskers and Kitten[21]
Agreste Junior and Sleeping Beauty[22]
Aqua Noir[25]
Ice Cat[26]
Astro Cat[27]
Santa Cat[28]
My Kitty[29]
Kitty Noir[30]
Mister Bug and Bugaboy[31]
Bug Boy[32]
Banana Cat[33]
Mr. Cat[35]
My Prince and My Poor Kitty[36]
Professor Reckless[37]
Mr. Bat[38]
Mr. Noir[39]
Adri-nothing and Alley Cat[40]
Prince Charmeowing[41]
My Sweet Kitty[42]
Mister Perfect Kitty, Mister Hanging On To His Secret, and Mister Number One Partner[43]
Little prince[45]
Daddy's Nice Little Puppet[47]
Little miracle[48]
13 (Origins Story)
14 (Seasons 1-5)[49]
150 cm[50] (Almost 5 feet)
Student at Collège Françoise Dupont (formerly)
Second-in-command of the French Miraculous superhero team
Fashion model (formerly)
Voice actor
Hanging out with his superhero allies (especially with Ladybug after patrols)
Video games
Playing with cars
Music (from Jagged Stone)
Reading classic novels
Christmas (currently)
Passion Fruit[52]
Listening to classical music when studying[55]
His family and friends
His costume as Cat Noir and when he and Ladybug switched costumes as Mister Bug
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Opening gifts early
Being a superhero
Sausages with mashed potatoes[58]
Loved ones being harmed
Being alone or locked up (his nightmare)
Being excluded
Not being helpful
Ladybug rejecting his affections (formerly)
Christmas (formerly)
Thunder (formerly)
Feathers (his allergy)
Chloé's excessive affection over him
Signing autographs
Being sick[60]
Harming others with his powers
Disappointing anyone
Lila's lies
Lila bullying Marinette
Being mistaken for a wingless bat (as Cat Noir)
Not being accepted for his true personality
Ladybug putting herself down
Nino's guilt for not being able to help him stand up to his father
Cauliflower with Bechamel sauce
When the Miraculous superpowers are being used by villains
Pancakes with banana[61]
Gabriel's pancakes[62]
Sausages (except with mashed potatoes)[63]
Gabriel (formerly)
Miraculous holders
French Miraculous superhero team (Second-in-command)
Kitty Section (occasionally)
The Resistance
Agreste mansion in Paris, France
London apartments in London, England (temporarily, from Representation to Re-creation)
Emilie Agreste (mother) †
Gabriel Agreste (father) †
Amelie Graham de Vanily (aunt)
Colt Fathom (uncle) †
Félix Fathom (cousin)
Unnamed maternal grandparents
Nino Lahiffe/Carapace (best friend)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Multimouse
Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko
Wang Fu (before memory loss)
Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge/Rena Furtive
Alix Kubdel/Bunnyx
Luka Couffaine/Viperion
Max Kanté/Pegasus
Lê Chiến Kim
King Monkey
Ivan Bruel
Rose Lavillant/Pigella
Juleka Couffaine
Purple Tigress
Mylène Haprèle
Sabrina Raincomprix
Miss Hound
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Marc Anciel
Rooster Bold
Manon Chamack
Clara Nightingale
Santa Claus
Wang Cheng
Jessica Keynes/
Aeon/Uncanny Valley
Barbara Keynes/Knightowl
Dean Gate/Doorman
Fei Wu/Ladydragon
Mei Shi
Zoé Lee
Harry Clown
Didier Roustan
Félix Fathom/Argos
LadyLion (future)
Fury (future)
Myst (future)
Krush (future)
LadyBlue (future)
Betterfly/Guardian Angel
Adrien Agreste/Claw Noir
Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/Monarch/Monarch Bug †
Akumatized villains
Mayura (formerly)
Amokized Sentimonsters (formerly)
Ladybug (formerly; alternative timeline)
Lila Rossi/Cerise
(Since Transmission)
Chloé Bourgeois
(since Queen Banana & Dersion and she is exiled)
Adam (formerly)
Shadybug (formerly)
Claw Noir (formerly)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (girlfriend)
Ladybug (formerly)
Kagami Tsurugi (ex-girlfriend)
Emilie Agreste
Cat Miraculous
Ladybug Miraculous (occasionally)
Snake Miraculous (occasionally)
Rabbit Miraculous (temporarily)
Rabbit Miraculous (temporarily)
Bee Miraculous (temporarily)
Tikki (occasionally)
Sass (occasionally)
Fluff (temporarily)
Cat Noir
Mister Bug (occasionally)
Aspik (temporarily)
Snake Noir (temporarily)
Cat Walker (temporarily)
Rabbit Noir (temporarily)
Cat Blanc
Ephemeral (all temporarily; alternate timeline)
Anticat (Adrien's nightmares only, in "Representation" and "Conformation")
Celesticat (kamikotized hero identity)
Speaking Chinese and Japanese
Understanding Morse code
Piano playing
Hand-to-Hand Combat
Cat Noir's/Snake Noir/Rabbit Noir's Cataclysm and Night Vision
Mister Bug's Lucky Charm, De-evilization and Miraculous Mister Bug (occasionally)
Aspik/Snake Noir's Second Chance (occasionally)
Cat Blanc's Mega Cataclysm (temporarily)
Time acceleration (as Ephemeral; temporarily)
Levitation (briefly)
Rabbit Noir's Burrow (temporarily)
Flight (briefly as a kamikotized hero)
Cat Noir/Snake Noir/Rabbit Noir's staff
Mister Bug's yo-yo (occasionally)
Aspik/Snake Noir's lyre (occasionally)
Rabbit Noir's umbrella (temporarily)
Graham de Vanily Twin Rings
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Miraculous Paris
Main series universe information
This article is about Adrien Agreste from the TV series and any information in it exclusively follows the main series' continuity.
For information from the Movie continuity, please visit this page.
This article is about the secondary protagonist, who is the current Cat Miraculous holder. You may be looking for the Ladybug PV version of Cat Noir, his cousin, another Cat, or his parallel self.
There's no way I can wear this!... Everyone's gonna realize that I'm the real Cat Noir!ADRIEN
Adrien Agreste is one of the two titular main protagonists (alongside Marinette Dupain-Cheng) of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir and a major character of Miraculous World. He is a human-sentimonster created by his late mother Emilie Agreste from her emotions of love. He is a former student in Miss Bustier's class at Collège Françoise Dupont in Paris, France. He is also a former fashion model for his late father's brand.
With the Cat Miraculous, when inhabited by Plagg, Adrien transforms into the black cat-themed superhero Cat Noir ("Chat Noir" in the French version), gaining the power of destruction to stop Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/Monarch and his akumatized villains. He is the second-in-command of the French Miraculous superhero team.
In "Syren", after Master Wang Fu translates the Grimoire in order to find a way to give Ladybug and Cat Noir the ability to transform into different powered up forms, he is able to make the potion that grants the aqua form. Adrien is able to use it to become Aqua Noir, which gives him a specially modified aqua suit with fins on his feet, granting him the enhanced swimming capabilities, as well as allowing him to breathe and speak underwater.
In "Frozer" when the titular akumatized supervillain freezes over Paris to turn the city into his domain, Adrien uses Master Fu's Magic camembert to transform into Ice Cat, which gives him a specially modified ice suit with skates on his feet, granting him enhanced skating capabilities as well as allowing him to stand subzero temperatures.
In "Reflekdoll", Adrien temporarily obtained the Ladybug Miraculous, which, when inhabited by Tikki, would be able to transform him into a ladybug-themed superhero Mister Bug,[64] gaining the power of creation.[65]
In "Desperada", Adrien temporarily obtained the Snake Miraculous, which, when inhabited by Sass, would be able to transform him into a snake-themed superhero Aspik[66], gaining the ability to go back in time for a Second Chance. Later, he returned the Miraculous after failing for the 25,913th time to save Ladybug from a particular villain.[65]
In "Cat Blanc", in an alternative future, Cat Noir, conflicted between his loyalty towards his father and the girl he loved, was akumatized by Hawk Moth into Cat Blanc, a white cat-themed supervillain with the power of infinite destruction. Later, due to Ladybug fixing her mistake, the alternative future was erased, including Cat Noir's akumatization.
In "Miracle Queen," after removing the Snake Miraculous from a brainwashed Viperion, Adrien unified the Snake Miraculous with the Cat Miraculous to become Snake Noir[65] ("Serpent Noir" in the French version).
In "Miraculous World: New York - United Heroez", after Mr. Ramier had been reakumatized into Mr. Pigeon for the 51st time, Cat Noir became Astro Cat to stop Mr. Pigeon from taking over the moon for him and his pigeons. Astrocat has the power to travel long distances swiftly via flight, including in space.
In "Ephemeral", after finding out the truth about his parents, Adrien, affected by an akuma, gave the Cat Miraculous to Shadow Moth/Shadow Noir and was akumatized into Ephemeral, a supervillain who made time faster or sped up the time it took for a Miraculous holder to detransform. Later, after Sass used Second Chance, Ephemeral was erased from the reality.
In "Kuro Neko", after giving up on being Cat Noir due to feeling unappreciated by Ladybug, Adrien was convinced by Plagg to create a brand new identity as a holder of the Cat Miraculous, becoming Cat Walker ("Patte De Velours" in the French version), even donning a brand new suit. He later returned to his original hero persona.
In "Evolution", after future Bunnyx was paralyzed during a fight against Monarch, Cat Noir took her Rabbit Miraculous and combined it with the Cat Miraculous to become Rabbit Noir so he and Ladybug could keep on fighting the supervillain and prevent him from changing the past or discovering their true identities.
In "Miraculous Paris", he was kamikotized by Betterfly into Celesticat, an angelic-cat-themed superhero to help Ladybug and Betterfly escape from Shadybug and Claw Noir.
In "Passion", to avoid Safari's venom bolts, Adrien temporarily used the Ladybug Miraculous and once again becomes Mister Bug.
In "Revolution", after seeing all the Parisians willingly stand up and fight injustice with their own hands and refuse to turn their backs on Ladybug and Cat Noir, Adrien evolves his powers, and now, he doesn't detransform after using his powers, and is able to cast as many Cataclysms as he pleases without the need to recharge. Then, he was sent to London by his father, and yet, shared a kiss with Marinette before leaving.
In "Representation", after being sent to London, Adrien returns to Paris as Astrocat hoping to find Marinette so he could tell her his identity and stay together but after being struck with Nightormentor's dust and the fear of putting her in danger, he backs off the idea and returns to London.
In "Conformation", when Monarch commenced his global plan against the French Duo, due to him knowing he wasn't in the right state of mind to wield the power of Destruction safely and the fears of his nightmares, Adrien sent Plagg back to Paris with the ring to help Ladybug.
In "Re-creation", after Monarch's defeat and wish, Adrien reclaims his Miraculous and rejoins Ladybug and their whole team in Paris.
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tarithenurse · 2 years
Nightingale Masterlist
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(Hatake Kakashi x oc!reader.) Kakashi investigates strange occurences in Konoha that have much greater consequences than he ever could have imagined.
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to dance with my father - playlists for Noilly Prat (for Swing Day of @flame-x‘s Kittens Week) and Bustopher Jones
01. suite iI overture - janelle monáe | 02. la marelle / amarelinha - birds on a wire | 03. into the unknown - j. fla | 04. don’t stop me now - foxes | 05. violin concerto no. 3 in g major, k. 216: III. rondeau: allegro - wolfgang amadeus mozart | 06. dancing queen - abba | 07. kings and queens - ava max | 08. chasing pavements - postmodern jukebox | 09. rabbit hole - mindy gledhill | 10. i could have danced all night - ella fitzgerald | 11. la valse d'amélie - yann tiersen | 12. happy feet - cab calloway | 13. fama destinate - ludvig forssell | 14. magic - kylie minogue | 15. silent shuffle - parov stelar | 16. salted caramel ice cream - metronomy | 17. op. 46: II. clair de lune - barbara hendricks | 18. these dreams - heart | 19. follow the stars - swingrowers [listen]
01. bugle call rag - benny goodman | 02. puttin’ on the ritz - fred astaire | 03. no charge - caro emerald | 04. the snowstorm: II. waltz - georgy sviridov and vladimir fedoseyev | 05. boheme supreme - tape five | 06. scenes from an italian restaurant - billy joel | 07. hello dolly - louis armstrong | 08. just one of those things - frank sinatra | 09. cracking the chrysanthemums cypher - daniel pemberton | 10. finesse - postmodern jukebox | 11. i remember it well - maurice chevalier and hermione gingold | 12. libiamo ne’ lieti calici - luciano pavarotti | 13. i went to a marvellous party - patricia routledge | 14. i kiss your hand, madame - perry como | 15. poirot variants - christopher gunning | 16. nuages - tatiana eva-marie and daniel garlitsky | 17. north by ten and by ten - patrick gowers | 18. if love were all - barbara cason | 19. a nightingale sang in berkeley square - nat king cole [listen]
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