#nightlife ep
l-1-z-a · 1 year
The Sims 2 Nightlife Q&A - Exploring and Living Downtown
Senior producer Tim LeTourneau is back once again to fill us in on the latest details of the expansion pack.
By Gamespot Staff on September 1, 2005 at 5:43PM PDT
EA announced earlier this week that The Sims 2 Nightlife, the second expansion pack for last year's hit game, has gone gold. This means that development on Nightlife has finished, and it's now on its way through manufacturing before arriving at a store near you later this month. Nightlife promises to be a huge expansion for The Sims 2, because it adds a gigantic new downtown area to explore, not to mention lots of new content, ranging from objects, fashions, character interactions, and more. There are even cars and vampires added to the core game. So in our final Nightlife Q&A, we once again turned to Tim LeTourneau, the longtime producer of The Sims and The Sims 2.
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It's not really a party unless it's a karaoke party.
GameSpot: How are the downtown areas delineated in Nightlife? Are they integrated into the existing neighborhoods, or are they all set on a separate screen, much like the college campuses in The Sims 2 University?
Tim LeTourneau: Downtown is a whole new neighborhood (just like the campuses in The Sims 2 University). What's really cool is we have added the ability to set neighborhoods to nighttime, which kind of goes with the whole theme of the pack. So when you see our downtown you see searchlights combing the sky in a dramatic cityscape. I think players are really going to be surprised when they see it.
GS: Will the current neighborhoods in The Sims 2 (Strangetown, Veronaville, and so on) have their own custom downtown areas? Will you be able to "share" a downtown area with different cities?
TL: Each neighborhood has its own downtown. Now the players can either create a downtown using the template we provide, or if they prefer, they can build one from scratch. Sims can also move to the downtown as well, so if you prefer to tell the story of your sims living a more metropolitan life, you can.
GS: How many different "plots" are there in a typical downtown that you can develop? Is there enough room to create a diverse downtown, with clubs, bars, restaurants, bowling alleys, and more?
TL: Well the downtown that we provide has over 20 different lots that sims can visit, with all the variety you can think of--restaurants, bars, bowling alleys, diners, poker clubs, etc. Players will definitely find their favorite hangouts, or make their own and add them to the list.
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Deep down, every sim is a party animal.
GS: Speaking of bars, restaurants, and bowling alleys, what other sorts of downtown locales are possible?
TL: There are karaoke lounges, nightclubs, card rooms, and, my personal favorite, there is even a cemetery--a great place for dates with vampires. And as I said, you can combine any of the different locales, so the possibilities are only limited by the player's imagination.
Dating Dracula
GS: How much will a car cost? Does owning a car actually save a lot of time, or is it more a prestige thing for your sim?
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You must be one with the bowling ball.
TL: They range in price from the introductory hatchback all the way to the sports car. Having played a lot now, I can honestly say that a car has become an essential purchase with my starting funds. They save so much time in a career, because they give you an extra hour to get to work. But they are also so convenient for going out, as there's no need to waste time waiting for the cab. The prestige part is just a bonus.
GS: How many different car models do you expect in Nightlife? And will mod makers be able to create custom car designs, like they create custom objects?
TL: There are five cars that are shipping with the pack (with a great variety of design modes). We also have another one available for download if you preorder. I'm sure the modders will figure out how to expand that number greatly.
GS: Let's go back in time a bit. When did the development of Nightlife begin? Were the first initial expansion packs plotted out before The Sims 2 shipped?
TL: We have talked about a lot of different expansion pack ideas. Probably any pack we would ever do has crossed our mind at some point by now. About halfway through The Sims 2 University, we thought about what we'd like to see The Sims do next. The community experience wasn't everything we thought it should be in the base game and we wanted to add more of a reason for sims to get out of the house. That's really how The Sims 2 Nightlife took shape. Of course, our memories of The Sims Hot Date also had some influence on this decision, too.
GS: Is there a list of potential expansion ideas floating around somewhere at Maxis, and how does an idea move to the top of the list?
TL: There's definitely a list, but that doesn't mean that any of the things on there will gel into an actual pack. As I said, a lot of ideas are floating around in our heads. We really rely on what the community of players is asking to be able to do as well--they are our greatest influence. We couple their requests with our own creative juices and ultimately settle on a pack concept that we think will be the right thing to do next. You'd think after all these years it would be more scientific, but the reality is that The Sims is a game that is made from the heart. We can feel it when we've made the right choice when the whole team embraces the concept and makes it their own.
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They aren't kidding when they say poker is everywhere nowadays.
GS: And finally, any hints as to what's next for The Sims 2? There are the console and handheld versions coming out, but what about future expansions for the PC version?
TL: Players will know what the next expansion pack is soon enough. For now, you'll just have to wait!
GS: Thanks, Tim.
TL: You're welcome. I'm always happy to tell people what's up with The Sims.
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mia-bean · 2 years
Dreamy guitar riffs and maximum reverb - pure shoegaze goodness
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tainoodles · 1 day
Past Sims “Romance” Expansions
Sims 1 - Hot Date
The 3rd expansion pack released for the Sims 1. Featured the first outside neighborhood to the game that sims could visit (they couldn’t leave their home lots prior). Introduced dates and restaurants, gave us the iconic Miss Crumplebottom. While it doesn’t sound like much, this was HUGE when it first released.
Sims 2 - Nightlife
The 2nd expansions pack released for the Sims 2. Featured the first sub-neighborhood type, downtown, that you could have your sims visit and live in. Introduced dating, restaurants, bowling, dancing, DJs, and drivable cars. This pack also added turn ons and turn offs, blind dates, and added in vampires. Also the ability to cuddle in bed was introduced in the Sims 2 base game.
Sims 4 Equivalent Packs: Vampires, Dine Out, City Living, Bowling Night Stuff, Get Together
Sims 3 - Late Night
The 3rd expansion pack released for the Sims 3. Featured a new city neighborhood, butlers, the ability to form bands, become a celebrity, the ability to live and build penthouse lofts, and vampires. Not necessarily a romance pack, but I have seen it be compared to this new TS4 EP coming out. Sims 3 also added online dating in a free update alongside the release of the Sims 3 Seasons, the 8th expansion pack released 3 years after the base game.
Sims 4 Equivalent Packs: Vampires, City Living, Get Famous, Vintage Glamour
All this to say that this is the Sims 4s 15th expansion pack, coming out almost a decade into this game’s lifespan giving us content that we received in prior iterations so early on in their lifespan, and those packs also gave us other stuff. This context is so important, and is easily missed since for so many TS4 is their first sims game. I just hate seeing players get taken advantage of simply because they are new to the series, play on console, or because the older games can be hard to access now for those who don’t already own them. The Sims 4 should be better than the older versions of the game, and we should all agree that it’s completely unacceptable that it’s not.
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columboscreens · 2 years
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wuntrum · 2 years
yall know about this song ⁉️
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yellowsugarwords · 2 years
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𝚝𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚠𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚗' 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚎𝚕𝚜𝚎, 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚞𝚝, 𝚒𝚝 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝙸'𝚖 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚊 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚢, 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 𝚒𝚜 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚖𝚎
𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘤𝘬 / 𝘯𝘪𝘬𝘪 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘳
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scranbatteries · 20 days
remembering things is weird like there's things i actually need to remember but noooo. i can however involuntarily recall, almost word for word with specific photographic video in my mind, me picking up a cd from a local record shop, completely inconsequential (hard word to spell) and not particularly important in any way but i Have recalled it Just Now when im trying to sleep
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lordcrumps · 5 months
4T2 Hood Tree Defaults!
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Sul Sul!
Today I have a default replacement bundle for you, this replaces majority of the trees in the hood menu. Fully seasonal, placeable anywhere!
For reference, this set does have more polys than the Linden tree set, incase you wonder about that! I do love the linden trees, its just they dont match my 4T2 game anymore!
It does not replace the firs from later EPs, they will come at another date - see pictures for reference.
They are designed to go with the Flora Default Replacement by Tvickiesims!
Included is 3 versions of the Red Bud Tree, one of them does require Better Nightlife if you choose that version. They are in a seperate folder and clearly labelled.
There is a package file named "LC_LotTreesPlaceableEverywhere" what this does it allows those trees that are replaced by the flora replacement by Vickie to be placed anywhere now. I am aware there are things out there that do the same thing, but I do not have them and I needed them to be free! All trees in this set are unlocked to be placeable everywhere.
This will obviously conflict with any default you have that replaces any of the hood trees, so please bare that in mind!
Thanks to @tvickiesims for helping me with the fall colours; I would of just made them all red otherwise!
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deedee-sims · 3 months
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The first part is: a few objects!
IKEA Fredrik Shelves
Simple shelf addons! I based these on HugeLunatic's triple shelf addons. You'll need the IKEA SP, and possibly Apartment Life too, because I think I cloned the shelf from that, whoops!
Download - Alternate
Round Vintage Retro Tables
Round addons to a mesh from Nightlife. I learned some new things about milkshape while I was making these lol! There's also a bar table version, for that you'll need the Barstools at bar tables mod (included). And of couse, you'll need the Nightlife EP.
Download - Alternate
Spices and Sundries separated
A few separated version of that huge spice... installation, just for fun. Not sure how visible it is on the picture, but there are 3 "groups". They're repo'd of couse, so you'll need the Free Time EP.
Download - Alternate
Abstract Beddings
And as we all know, there's no such thing as too many beddings, so here's some more! To be precise, there are 8, and the patterns are from Freepik. Made with using CuriousB's bedding kit.
Download - Alternate
That's it for part 1, on to the next one!
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jaxon-exe · 1 year
Wayne TV show
Ok so awhile ago someone (I’m sorry I don’t know who, if u know plz tell me so I can credit) came up with the idea of “what if the Waynes have a show like ‘keeping Up with the Kardashians’?”
Well I’ve been reading WFA and was thinking… what if they did have a show like that but the Wayne’s didn’t try to hide their weirdness. Like the weirdness that only comes from there nightlife.
I’m taking:
Damian keeps threatening to stab people and the crew think it’s a joke until he actually pulls out a dagger.
Dick decides the best way out of the manor is to do a flip out of a 3rd story window
Jason jokes about death (both his own and causing other people’s) a little to much
Tim full on passes out at the dinner table and Bruce just picks him up like he’s a toddler that weights next to nothing and takes him to bed
Cass has a habit of jump scaring the camera guy by just popping into existence next to them
They have a game of paintball that gets way to intense and ends up with Stephanie giving a speech that wouldn’t be amiss in a war movie
After ep 1 a lot of people talk sh/t about them online and in the next ep Barbara just random says names every now and then. It isn’t until after people work out she was saying the names of the worst people that sh/t talked them
For a long time all the viewers and crew thought Duke was the normal one until ‘the incident’
Jason and Tim are fighting and it’s getting pretty rough and bruce just spawns outta f/cking nowhere and just picks up the human tank that is Jason Todd like it’s nothing and just walks off
It becomes a running joke that whenever things go wide the camera just zooms in on Alfred, who just standing in the background calm as can be, as you can just hear the chaos continuing
Like everyone knew the Waynes were crazy but like…….. no one expected this
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l-1-z-a · 2 years
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lraerosesims · 4 months
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..::VICTORIUM DRESS::.. - Recolour for Sims 2 YAF / AF / EF
Maxis Mesh (Originally Elder, enabled for Young Adult and Adult)
Base Game (Nightlife EP Required), so no custom mesh needed
3 Metal Tone Variations: Silver, Brass and Rust
Works with both body sizes
~Please Keep in Mind~ The original Maxis Mesh was designed for Elder Females therefore the body shape of this dress has the wider hips and lower, less prominent breasts of Elder Females.
HOWEVER in my personal opinion it actually suits the garment style perfectly, as this outfit has a historic charm to it.
All textures/details of this design is digitally hand-drawn except for the plain black linen base texture on the capelet.
L'Rae Rose models in this post: Lonna Weiford, Felice Louise Arcon, Eme A'nadu
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loosiap · 1 month
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1) ambodyroyaljacket replaced with TS4 GP11 Groom Suit converted by Julie J, edited by PForest: Formal category; normal shoe sound; for y.adults-adults; has fat morph; polycount 4.7k
2) ambodytuxbarefoot replaced with shoeswap of TS4 EP10 Dishevelled Suit converted by Julie J: Formal and everyday categories; normal shoe sound; for y.adults-adults; all morphs; polycount 5.4k
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3) ambodybandcollarsuit replaced with McLaynesims Theodore Buisness Suit converted by PlatinumAspiration: Formal category; normal shoe sound; for y.adults-adults; all morphs; polycount 4.7k
4) ambodytuxtails replaced with TS4 EP05 Suit Velvet converted by Julie J, edited by PForest: Formal category; normal shoe sound; for y.adults-adults; has fat morph; polycount 4.6k
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5) ambodysuitovercoat replaced with TS3 EP02 Private Eye Coat converted by Rented-Space: Formal and outerwear categories; normal shoe sound; for y.adults-adults; all morphs; polycount 5.1k
6) ambodycapetuxedo replaced with TS3 Overachieving Overcoat converted by Rented-Space: Everyday, formal and outerwear categories; normal shoe sound; for y.adults-elders like original files; townie-disabled, vampire NPC’s colour is unhidden in the catalog; all morphs; polycount 4.1k
Credits: EAMaxis @rented-space, McLaynesims, @platinumaspiration, @julietoon-ts2, @pforestsims, @mdpthatsme, LoosiaP
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1) AMbody royaljacket (Glamour Life SP):
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names of used recolours (left to right) → 4, 6, 2
2) AMbody tuxbarefoot (Glamour Life SP):
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→ 05, 06, 07
3) AMbody bandcollarsuit (Glamour Life SP):
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→ none of chosen recolours were converted to ts2
4) AMbody tuxtails (Glamour Life SP):
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→ 4, 5, 3
5) AMbody suitovercoat (Glamour Life SP):
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→ black, camelbrown, green
6) AMbody capetuxedo (NightLife EP):
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→ black, red
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columboscreens · 2 years
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pforestsims · 10 months
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Here are a few replacements for TS2 engagement ring - I've also included my edit of Ring stones by color traits mod by @episims (tweaked stone colors) - it requires Epi's color traits.
Note/update: Epi has shared an alternative version of ring stones by color traits - with added wedding ring stones (using my stone colors), so if you like the idea of decorated wedding rings, check it out.
TS2 Engagement Ring Defaults
Download (SFS)
Ring polycount: 596 (original is around 390).
Each replacement (ring band color, ring mesh) is optional, and compatible with stones by color traits mod.
[NOTE]: if you get a glitch where rings become rotated, I recommend Epi's ring updater to solve that issue. FYI the replacements don't affect ring rotation, glitch also happens in unmoded game.
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Epi's colour traits mod requires Easy Inventory Check mod by @hexagonal-bipyramid - it is included. You need Nightlife EP or later EPs for it to work.
Pics feature my ring box default.
*If you're looking for wedding ring defaults, I've shared some here, and Epi has made five using my engagement ring metal colors.
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episims · 8 months
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Bowling Balls by Color Traits
Another collab with ingenious @pforestsims! This mod makes the bowling ball appear in the player's favorite color if they have a favorite color trait in their inventory. If the player has more than one favorite color, the alphabetically highest will rule the color.
All bowling lanes start with a black ball but the color will change if the sims playing have favorite colors. Sims without a favorite color will use the black ball.
There are lighter and darker sets of colors for the balls to choose from, you can only have one version at a time. We also replaced the bowling ball accessory mesh with a smoother version.
Download (SFS) (alternate) - the files are compressed.
Easy Inventory Check is required and Nightlife EP is too. Conflicts with other bowling ball replacements but is fine to use with replacements for the bowling alley as long as they don't include the ball TXMT (pforest has shared such).
Technical info: the new ball mesh is 528 polys, it only replaces the accessory ball that sims lift up and throw. We added tiny 64x64 textures for most ball colors.
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