#nintendo please I'm BEGGING you
queerseti · 1 year
I think video games that allow you to name the player character should give you an option to change your name at any point in the story
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naachikko · 5 days
Saw some Silksong Hype on Twitter
(it's a nintendo direct but come on, everyone wants to have Silksong's release date so people go wild....right?)
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Made these, just in case. Use them wisely!
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arsonist-tittyfuck · 4 months
Hi my first reaction
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echoesofdusk · 5 months
some more thoughts regarding Palworld
I'm actually beginning to wonder if the Pals that are so similar to Pokemon can be traced back to a freelancer or two. lots of freelancers were hired for the development of Palworld. while some Pals heavily resemble already existing Pokemon, they are kinda in the minority of the overall Pal designs, it has plenty of original designs
also wrt plagiarism accusations, I honestly think it's just best left to courts to decide in any potential lawsuits. not that tipping copyright holders for possible plagiarism is bad, but that's all it is. a tip. best to just let actual lawyers who study these laws to judge (and even actual copyright and IP lawyers will tell you just how freaking tangled copyright laws are) in the even of a possible lawsuit
#and while i'm in the camp that some of the plagiarism accusations towards palworld are a reach i won't lie#some of those designs fly far too close to the sun#like direhowl#'there are only so many ways to design a wolf' please look at the wolves in digimon i'm begging you#as well as wolves from other media#there are plenty of ways to design wolves. even the most literal down to earth wolf#i'm not a lawyer and i don't want to say for sure if i think direhowl is plagiarized but it's def one of the more uninspired pals#along with verdash#on the other hand i'd be interested in hearing from an actual lawyer whether splices constitute plagiarism or not#like ok i'll admit i like dinossom but i acknowledge it's a splice of already existing pokemon#shadowbeak too#love the design but i know it's just a splice of arceus and silvally with a gryphon spin#still that design fucks#i also kinda like the centaur ceruledge pals they look p cool#cmon pokemon give us actual centaurs#also if pocketpair do get hit with a lawsuit i really hope all they'll have to do is replace pals that look too much like pokemon#i'm afraid of a lawsuit scenario which is ruled in favor of TPC bc of potential precedents that could be set#that go on to hamper creativity and innovation#and the monster taming genre is already as monopolized as is by nintendo#other developers have been prying that control away slowly throughout the years and there's been a more general acceptance of other games#but there needs to be more#palworld#hazy rambles#also i do wonder if there could possibly be a day where palworld is released on a nintendo system#think about it#game has been selling like crazy and nintendo def wants a piece of that pie#and pocketpair would reach an even bigger audience#everyone would win in that scenario
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pancake-shmamcake · 2 years
Cohozuna NEEDS to be given a longer time limit, because beating it in 1 minute is near impossible. Either that or it has to not be the only source of scales
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Going evil crazy murderous while waiting for the Direct to play
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cassmouse · 10 months
Played Mario Kart with friends today and lost a game because someone thought 'horse tornado' was an item in the game and I was ON THE FLOOR laughing
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restlessreveries · 1 year
By the way, shoutout to the muskrat for helping people with twitter doomscrolling addictions kick a destructive habit, what an absolute bro.
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i hope we do get a direct this week that'd be pog. esp since the 23rd is the day before my birthday. early birthday present-
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zimthandmade · 4 months
heelooo! Big fan of your art and your dn au, I've become so attached to the characters because of how you write them!
a mellodramattic outfit swap would be very cute. I can imagine them waking up late one morning and mixing up their clothes in their frenzy. ..
Every ship needs an outfit swap at some point ☝️
Exhibit A on why it takes me ages to answer asks: I overthink myself into oblivion until everything makes sense haha
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I asked around on what people think Matt has stored in his pockets and here are some of the highlights:
fidget spinners (at least three)
more nintendo DS games that should be reasonably possible to fit in there
a pouch of rolling tobacco, skins and filters in a silly tin (a terribly cringey one with wolves)
a moldy piece of chocolate he was intending to give Mello a long time ago
condoms & lube
chewing gums out of the pack (freely roaming in there, Mello has eaten some unknowingly and is reflecting on his life choices)
swiss army knife with useless options only
the cap of the first beer he ever drank
half taken apart flip phone
rubber band ball
a really really bad knockoff Pikachu figurine
modelling clay
a wad of sticky tack
an old fortune cookie he forgot to eat
(my personal favourite) a cigarette pack with multiple branded prerolls he refers to as a "variety pack". There's one menthol in there. He offers you the pack russian roulette style.
Please, I'm begging you, feel free to extend the list, I'm dying to know what other secrets you think Matt's pockets hold.
----- My other socials Commission Info Let's drink some Ko-Fi! 🍵
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iszaranothere · 1 year
Dialogue prompts but they're things the GameGrumps have said
Struggling to start your scene? Having trouble writing dialogue? Don't worry, I've got you fam. I even sorted them into two catagories, a clean one and a more vulgar one, for your pleasure. If you end up using one of them, by all means tag me in the post, I'd love to see it.
Clean quotes
"And then I fired, and then I missed."
"The bananas has gone bad!"
"BECAUSE HE'S A GREAT KISSER! …Is what I've been told."
"I don't understand why the Chinese don't just use forks and spoons."
"Shutting down. Rebooting."
"There's so many places that aren't Andorra!"
"Jennifer dumped me."
"Did you point? Did you point? DID YOU POINT?!"
"Today is football."
"I'm gonna lay face-down on the radiator."
"Just what the heck is going on here?"
"The carbuncle ate itself."
"At age six I was born without a face."
"Great to see you again! You must die."
"I'm grapes!"
"Why did my dad birth me?"
"That's crazy. Especially since… who cares."
"I'm the video game boy! I'm the one who wins!"
"Bienvenue powerbottoms!"
"With great confidence comes great wonfidence."
"Get bigger hands!"
"Why do I have to suffer in this meat prison?"
"That baby is not a baby, that is a jelly bean with a face."
Vulgar quotes
"I mean look at the way he slurps up his soup, what an asshole."
"Don't believe me? Look at my resume! Thirty years experience in jacking off!"
"If you shit in a bowl of rice crispies, do they go snap crackle poop?"
"Who needs a blue coin when you got a fucking mental breakdown coming in the back of your head?"
(sing-songy) "My asshole burns 🎶"
"I'm gonna pre dude."
"It's Clifford the big red stab wound."
"You think Sonic shits?"
"What's more in the spirit of Christmas than eating ass?"
"I'll fucking kill you. I'll fucking kill you. I'll fucking murder your face, fuck you."
"I feel like I just came back from a mythical creature bukkake."
"Plump, sweet and begging for cream!"
"Isn't it weird how at least once a day your hand is touching your asshole?"
"I was the greatest load my dad ever shot."
"You think I came out of the pussy drawing fucking Mozart?"
"Oh, bump off you bumpin' grasshoe."
"I would fuck anything on this screen, including the animals and the bicycle."
"The only thing I bust are rhymes and nuts."
"Am I about to see your skyward sword?"
"I fucked a cantaloupe once."
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petitelepus · 2 months
The Demon Gift: Choosing Hantengu, Part 5
Demon!Slave!Hantengu X Fem!Reader
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Summary: You have been living with Hantengu and his clones for a while and they are all awfully affectionate towards you.
Warnings: Cute Stuff, A Little Suggestive
A/N: Demon Slave AU, Domesticated Demons, Reader Insert, Fem!Reader, Hantengu, Master/Slave, Karaku, Sekido, Urogi, Aizetsu
Tags: @hantenguclonesimp-minuszoha, @star-dust-wanderer
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10
It had been a few weeks now since you moved to the huge house just outside the city and you and the Demons were living the dream life. With your brand-new car, you would go shopping if you needed to hoard some meat, but you were seriously thinking about maybe getting some chickens because you found them cute and you could use some eggs and meat. But you were just thinking, not ready to act on it.
Also, living with Hantengu and his clones certainly was different from living with your God-awful family. While your siblings would ridicule you and make your life a living Hell, Hantengu and others treated you with kindness that you had never felt before. They found your personality and little quirks funny and didn't judge you for them.
You also learned new things while living with Hantengu's many personalities. Despite his slight anger, Sekido was maybe the most mature one right next to Aizetsu, who was more sensitive than other clones, yet not quite as sensitive as Hantengu.
Karaku and Urogi were so similar that they tended to confuse you, but with time you were able to tell apart. And Hantengu, sweet cute little Hantengu just wanted your approval, like he needed it to live. He was honestly too cute for his own good.
Yes, having 5 Demons with you was a little hectic, but you enjoyed it and so did they. However, there were some things that rubbed you in the wrong way. Nothing serious, but right now, you were in the battle of your life.
A dance battle.
"What the actual fuck!?" You cursed as you tried your hardest to keep up with the dance instructor dancing on your huge television screen. You and the clone of pleasure were playing Just Dance, suggested to you by the Demon himself. You thought you could handle a couple of dances, but you soon found out that you weren't maybe as good at it as you thought you were.
"What, getting tired already?" The Demon asked from his spot next to you. You were maybe frowning and totally losing, but you were also still having fun.
"You're totally cheating!" You exclaimed and your outburst only amused the Demon more.
"Please, I don't need to cheat to beat your ass!" Karaku was laughing at you as he dominated the game, "I'm all natural baby!"
"Yeah, you're a natural pain in the ass!" You laughed as you raised your leg and kicked his ass, trying to throw him off his game. The only thing was that he barely moved, it was almost as if you had just tried to kick a brick wall.
As he turned to look at you and you saw that wicked grin on his handsome face, you knew you had screwed up.
"Oh, playing dirty, I see!" He cackled as he put the Nintendo's controller down and made grabby hands in your direction, "Two can play that game!"
"N- no! Please!" You stuttered as you started to back up, only to hit the back of your legs against a huge couch. With nowhere to go and escape made futile, you resorted to your last chance. Begging like your life depended on it.
"Please, Mercy!" You cried out but it was too late. Karaku bounced on you and you fell back first on the couch, the Demon going down with you.
You yelped, stunned and Karaku smirked as he used his chance to straddle your hips, pinning you down with his superior weight and strength.
"Not so cocky now, are you?" He laughed and you swallowed nervously, deciding to try begging one more time, "Karaku, please, I'm sorry! Have mercy on me!"
"Well…" He nodded slowly, "When you put it that way I could…"
"Really?" You sighed in relief like a huge weight had been lifted off your shoulders, "Oh, thank God-!"
"Nope!" He suddenly snapped and yanked your shirt up, revealing your bare tummy to him. Your eyes widened in shock but before you could beg again, Karaku started to trail and flick his fingers up and down your bare sides. Tickle torture, maybe one of the worst kinds of torture there was.
"KYA, KARAKU!" You screeched, as you started to laugh and scream uncontrollably. For a Demon of pleasure, he sure was good at torturing you.
"Ha ha ha, how does it feel?" He laughed as he kept tickling you and soon you were on the verge of tears, "Please…! Stop…!"
"You tried to mess with me, now I will mess with you!"
"Ka- Karaku, I- Ah- I'm begging!" You were crying now and it shouldn't have been so appealing to the Demon, but it was.
"I'll stop on one condition!" He laughed and you nodded furiously, "Yes, anything!"
"Ha ha!" Suddenly he stopped tickling you and you finally stopped laughing and crying and instead sighed in relief. Your sides felt sore and your throat ached from laughing so much.
As you caught your breath, Karaku observed you with a smile on his face, "I want my reward now."
"O- okay…" You nodded since you had promised him whatever he wanted… But then you felt your chin being gripped and your eyes snapped open, only to see Karaku's face only inches away from yours. He was so close to you, that you could feel his breathing against your lips.
"I want a kiss from my beloved Mistress…" He whispered and your eyes widened as your brains felt like they shortcircued. You just stared at him in shock and then he moved to close the gap between you two and you closed your eyes, bracing yourself for the kiss-!
"Kidding!" Karaku laughed as he pulled back and your eyes snapped open in shock. The Demon took his sweet time getting off from top of you and you pushed yourself upright.
"W- what?" You stuttered, still shocked and now confused also.
"Oh man, you should have seen your face! You are so red!" Karaku cackled as he looked at your flushed face. You pouted and started to hurl childish nicknames at him, not insulting him but certainly making him laugh.
You were being too cute, he wanted to tease you more and maybe actually get that kiss he so much wanted… But he controlled himself as he grabbed the Nintendo's controller and grinned at you, "Wanna still try and beat me?"
Days passed and you were in a mood to bake something. Based on what you heard, Demons were able to eat human food, but it wouldn't keep them going like meat would. You had visited the city earlier that day and saw that strawberries had been on sale and you couldn't resist a good sale so you bought some flour, sugar, eggs, and cream also for your strawberry cream cake.
You hummed as you checked inside the oven where the cake was baking and took it out enough to poke the center with a toothpick. When the little stick came out clean, you knew your cake was done.
You set the cake to the side to cool down and picked the delicious red berries from the fridge, alongside a small knife that you would use to cut the berries into nice thick slices. You had so many strawberries that you could afford to make the slices a little thicker than you usually would.
As you prepared the berries, you heard something clicking against the floor and you turned to see Urogi's head peeking from around the corner. The claws on his talons usually tended to make a clicking sound as he walked inside the house. It gave you time to figure out his location before he could make a jump on you.
"Urogi?" You wondered out loud, "What brings you here?"
"I smelled something delicious and wanted to see what it was!" The Demon of Joy grinned as he walked into the kitchen to see what you were making, "What are you up to now?"
"Strawberry cream cake. Do you like strawberries?" You asked and Urogi shook his head, "Never had any."
"Would you like to try some?" You asked and the Demon grinned excitedly, "Can I?"
"Of course!" You smiled as you cut out the stem off and held the strawberry for Urogi to take it, "Here you go!"
"Thanks!" The Demon thanked you and you smiled but that smile soon turned into a blush when instead of taking the berry into his hands, he dove forward and ate it straight from your hand.
You stared at him eyes wide as he chewed and once he swallowed, he grinned like nothing was wrong, "Ooh, those taste good! Very sweet!"
"Y- yeah," You nodded as you turned to look at the strawberries in front of you, just waiting to be cut into slices so they could decorate your cake.
"Can I help?" Urogi asked and you turned to look at him in honest wonder. You didn't expect him to offer you help. You stared at him for a second before nodding, "Uh, yes, if you want to?"
"Awesome! What can I do?"
You thought about it for a second, but all you had left was to do was to slice the berries and make whipped cream, you doubted that Urogi would know how to use the electric hand mixer, no matter how simple it might have been to use one.
"Would you like to help me with the strawberries while I whip the cream?" You finally asked and he grinned excitedly, "Sure thing!"
"Good, but please wash your hands first."
So you switched places with the Demon and while he had his hands washed, you got the bowl and mixer from the drawer, and the small cartons filled with cream from the fridge. You poured the specific amount of cream into the bowl, added some sugar, and let the mixer do its magic.
Making whipped cream was easy, but it tended to make a lot of noise and be a little messy. While you were mixing, you turned to glance at how Urogi was doing and saw that instead of using the knife to cut the berries, he used his own claws. You winched, making a mental note not to ask him for a massage or something that needed his hands.
Soon enough, the cream was done and the strawberries were cut perfectly. You hummed happily as you grabbed the cake and smacked a generous amount of cream on top of his, spreading it evenly before reaching for the berries and adding them one by one with your hands. Perfection tended to take time and you wanted your cake to be perfect.
"I think we are done!" You smiled as you looked at Urogi next to you, "Thank you for helping me. You can have the first slice if you want?"
"Ooh, sounds delicious!" The Demon smiled, but then he noticed something, "Oi, you have some cream on your face!"
"Oh, where?" You asked as you wiped your cheek and forehead with the back of your hand, but the Demon of Joy shook his head, "No no, let me get it for you!"
"Oh, thank you Urogi-!" You were thanking him when he suddenly leaned forward and LICKED the corner of your mouth.
You stilled and went tense as a steel rod, your face slowly turning red as the berries decorated the cake. What the heck was that about!?
"Delicious." Urogi grinned happily, "Cream also."
"I- You- What-!?" You stuttered, but before you could ask properly, the Demon took off running away.
"I'm going to let others know there is cake here!" Urogi laughed as he rushed out of the kitchen to alert his fellow clones about the delicious treat that the two of you had prepared. Though, secretly he thought of you and how good your lips looked and if you tasted like the berries.
A couple of days later you were on a mission. To properly wash the underground bathtub. It was a huge job, but you were determined to get the whole tub cleaned and ready for use. Well, it was more like a small pool actually than a tub, but who kept count of these things?
"What are you doing here?"
You glanced over your shoulder and saw Aizetsu standing by the doorway to the room. You smiled and showed the wet soapy sponge in your hands, "Washing the tub. I don't know about you or others, but I'm dying to try it out."
"I see… May I offer my assistance to you?"
"You wanna help?" You asked and he nodded, "Yes… Unless you rather work alone-!"
"No no, I don't mind!" You smiled as you pointed at the bucket full of soap water and a sponge packet next to it, "Grab yourself a sponge and come over!"
The Demon nodded and moved to approach the bathtub, but before he could step in, you raised your hand, "Wait!"
"What is it?"
"Do you have anything to wear that you don't mind getting wet or dirty?"
Aizetsu frowned as he looked at the most simple T-shirt he had on and then at you, "I don't mind, but if you want me to change I will."
"No no, it's okay!" You shook your head and the Demon nodded as he grabbed the sponge and joined you in the tub. The two of you started to work together and you were getting pretty much done in a short time. Perks of having more people work on one project.
"I heard… I heard you have been having fun with Karaku and Urogi…" Aizetsu suddenly said and you blinked, a little confused and stunned but then you realized what he meant and you blushed.
"Yeah, nope, they were totally trolling me." You muttered as you fought against a blush that threatened to rise to your cheeks, "Bastards probably got a good laugh out of it."
"I see…" He nodded and frowned, "I apologize for their sake. They can get… Excited…"
"It's okay. You all have different personalities and I like all of you." You replied and the Demon looked at you, "You mean it? Even me?"
"Yes, even you," You smiled, "You're sweet and so thoughtful. I really like spending time with you."
Aizetsu's blue eyes widened and a soft blush rose to his cheeks, but you were too busy soaking your sponge in the bucket to notice.
"Huh, we need more soap." You thought out loud as you moved to get up, but as soon as you got your bare feet under you, you lost your balance due to a mixture of soap and water all around you.
"Yip!" You yelped and you closed your eyes, bracing yourself for an impact when suddenly-!
"Careful!" Aizetsu cried out as he dashed forward and you fell straight into his arms, but you also felt yourself get wet. One of you had accidentally kicked the bucket and now you were both soaking wet thanks to soapy water.
"Are you alright?" You heard him ask and you opened your eyes and nodded, but your eyes widened when you saw the Demon of sorrow, his shirt completely soaking wet and clinging to his very muscular body.
"Ah- I-!" You stuttered as you blushed and Aizetsu's eyes fell down and it was his turn to blush. Confused, you looked down and you were absolutely horrified and embarrassed how your wet shirt clung to your skin and showed your bras.
You looked up and noticed that you and Aizetsu were suddenly so close. Close enough that you could almost count his eyelashes.
"I- I…" You couldn't form words stuttering as you looked into each other's eyes-!
"What the Hell is going on in here!?" Came a loud shout from the doorway and you and Aizetsu both yelped and jumped apart like water on hot oil. You turned to look and saw a very angry-looking Sekido by the door.
"We- Uh- We were just-!"
"About what!? Kiss!?" The Demon of anger asked, much to your shock.
"N- No, I just slipped! Right Aizetsu?" You looked at the clone of sorrow next to you who nodded, "Yes… It was nothing…"
"Then you better get your ass upstairs Aizetsu because Karaku and Urogi are being pains in my ass and I got enough of them!" Sekido snapped as he pointed behind him with his thumb.
"I see… I'll go." Aizetsu nodded and looked at you, "Please pardon me…"
You nodded and the Demon of sorrow to up and left the basement, leaving you alone with Sekido, who turned to glare at you as soon as Aizetsu was out of earshot.
"What were you thinking, kissing one of us!?" He asked and you frowned, not really liking being yelled at.
"For the second and last time, I wasn't going to kiss him!" You protested.
"Tch, like I should believe you!" Sekido frowned, "It's like my feelings don't even matter…!"
You were pretty sure that he meant to say that quietly to himself, but you still managed to hear him. You sighed a little as you made yourself comfortable and looked at the clone of anger, "I like you Sekido. I like you just as much as I like Hantengu, Karaku, Aizetsu, and Urogi."
"You obviously favor others over me…!" He scowled, "I know you do! Everybody does!"
You wondered who these people he talked about were, but you had a bigger problem on your hands. A temperamental Demon who thought so little of himself.
"I don't." You frowned, "What do I need to do to make you believe me?"
"Nothing!" He frowned, "It's just…! You have been spinning in everyone's mind like a plague and we are only Demons, not Gods!"
"What does that even mean?" You asked and Sekido frowned and opened his mouth, ready to reply, but then he noticed that you were shivering in your wet shirt… And how your breasts were there for the whole world to see.
So instead of shouting, he frowned and reached to pull his shirt over his head. You blinked in confusion as blush rose to your cheeks, but you didn't get a chance to ask why he was stripping.
"Here!" He snapped and threw his shirt straight at your face, "Cover yourself with it!"
You were stunned, but you still accepted the shirt and as soon as you accepted his shirt, Sekido turned around to give you some privacy to change your wet shirt to his dry one. You were baffled but smiled since he was acting like a proper gentleman.
"Thank you Sekido." You thanked him as you stripped and he grunted, "Don't mention it…!"
You quickly changed the wet shirt to a dry one and crawled out of the tub, deciding that it was clean enough to be used one of these upcoming days. You were about to get up when you noticed a hand in front of you and looked up to see Sekido offering his hand to you.
"What?" He asked and you smiled a little as you accepted his hand and he helped you out of the tub. You were going to thank him, but then your eyes fell on his naked upper body and you blushed. He, just like the rest of the clones were honestly so handsome and muscular…!
"Get your mind out of the gutter…!" The Demon muttered and you flinched, startled by getting caught staring, "I- I wasn't thinking anything like that!"
"Sure you weren't…" He rolled his red eyes but then he smirked, "All you need to do to get a taste is to ask."
"I- Ah- What!?" You stuttered and you watched eyes wide as the Demon chuckled a little. You had never seen him smile let alone heard his laughter!
"Let's head upstairs. I'm hungry." Sekido grumbled as he turned to leave and you flinched out of your thoughts and quickly followed after him, "Wait up!"
Later that night you were getting ready for bed with a small harmless Hantengu. Since he was so small, you thought he might enjoy sleeping with you instead in a big empty room alone. You had prepared him a dream bed, a huge fluffy pillow where he could rest like he was a priced diamond ring.
"What a day!" You cried out loud as you stepped out of the bathroom connected to your own bedroom, fresh out of the shower and wearing your nightgown.
"I- Is everything alright, Mistress…?" Hantengu asked from his spot on your bed, where he was waiting for you, and as you approached he made space for you to sit down.
"Yeah, just…" You sighed as you sat down and recalled stuff that had been happening these past few weeks and how affectionate the Demons had been, even Sekido included!
"I don't know, Aizetsu, Urogi, Sekido and Karaku have been a little friendlier with me than I thought was possible." You thought out loud and the small Demon whimpered since the four Demons were part of him.
"D- Do you hate it? Do you hate me…?" He asked and your heart almost broke when you heard the hurt in his voice.
"No, not at all!" You shook your head, "I love you, you're the cutest little Demon there is and so thoughtful it almost hurts!"
"But the others…?" He whimpered and you smiled, "I like them also. I'm just a little confused, that's all. No one has ever been so kind or affectionate towards me."
Yes, back at your family's home it was you against the world, but now that you were exiled and living with Hantengu and his clones, you felt like you were receiving love for the first time in your life. You didn't want to ruin it by doing or saying something stupid or what could be considered wrong.
"I really love you guys. You are way more precious to me than that wretched step-bastard of mine or his awful kids." You smiled, "I wouldn't change you guys for anything!"
"I- We-!" Hantengu stuttered as he tried to think what to say, "W- We love you also…!"
"Aww, you're such a sweetie!" You smiled as you leaned down and pecked the bump in the middle of his head and between horns, an act that took and startled the little Demon, making him yelp out loud. As you pulled back you gently lifted and placed Hantengu on his pillow.
"We better get some rest. I don't know about you, but I'm tired as heck!" You chuckled and the Demon nodded as he made himself comfortable while you turned the lights off.
"Good night Hantengu," You wished quietly and he whimpered, "S- Sleep well, Mistress…"
It took a moment, but you managed to finally fall asleep… But unknownst to you, Hantengu was watching you the whole time and once you fell asleep, the little Demon got up and jumped down from your bed to leave the room. He quickly made his way downstairs to the huge living room where his clones were already waiting for him to join them.
"Now that Mistress is asleep and the original one is here, we can talk properly," Sekido said as he helped Hantengu up and placed him on the coffee table between the couches.
"What is there to talk about?" Urogi grinned, "I like our Mistress and I want to show it!"
"Yes, her lips looked so delicious, I really wanted to kiss her!" Karaku laughed and Aizetsu nodded quietly, "Me too… I have grown extremely fond of her."
"Trust me, I know. I've seen how you all look at her!" Sekido grumbled before looking at the Demon of Fear, "What do you think, original one?"
"Terrifying…" Hantengu whimpered as he sobbed and held his head, "I- I love her, I want her… I want her so much, it's terrifying…!"
"Then it's settled!" The Demon of anger nodded, "We can't risk compromising the bonds we have built so hard with her, so we shall work out a plan for how to act and claim her as ours! Any questions or objections?"
The clones shook their heads and Sekido nodded, "Good. For now, we will act properly around her until we have a solid plan and chance to tell her, or better yet show her how we feel."
"Aww, I really wanted to kiss her already…!" Karaku pouted, and Urogi chuckled, ready to say something but then your voice came from stairs, "Hantengu? Are you there?"
"Hide!" The four Demons hid in the kitchen while Hantegu froze on his spot. You stepped into the living room and looked at the small Demon, "Hantengu? What are you doing here?"
"I- I-!" The poor Demon whimpered, "I- I got hungry… Please don't be mad!"
"I'm not mad at you for getting hungry, silly," You smiled as you rubbed your eyes sleepily, "Would you like me to chop you some meat or-?"
"N- No!" Hantengu shook his head because if you had gone to the kitchen you would have found his clones there, "I- I'm full! P- please take me back to bed, p- please…?"
"Aww, I can't say no to you," You awed as you picked up the small Demon and pressed him against your chest so you wouldn't drop him even by accident, "Let's head back to bed."
Hantengu nodded as he clung to you like his life depended on it and once you were away, the 4 clones stepped out of the kitchen.
"Man, I'm jealous!" Urogi whined and Karaku nodded, "So jealous!"
"I hope she shows such affection towards us also…" Aizetsu muttered and Sekido nodded, "Trust me, you aren't the only one…!"
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feelmyskinonyourskin · 8 months
Not a thot but a question, do you have any headcanons for Frank/Matt/Bucky?
Ohhh yeah I have a few. Thanks for your patience, I wanted to respond to this when I could sit and think and type everything out on my computer, not on my phone. Normal HCs at the top, spicy stuff below the cut.
Okay so I had this friend in highschool who was beyond disgusted by peanut butter, no allergy just totally hated the stuff. Like wouldn't kiss his girlfriend if she'd eaten it recently. I feel like Matt has an extreme food ick like this. Def not peanut butter but something like olive oil maybe? With his sensitive senses he gags when he even gets a whiff of whatever it is.
Speaking of peanut butter, I think it's a food staple of Matt's. The man can't take care of himself, so cooking full meals is just not a thing for him. So 2AM, back from patrol and he needs something to eat. Matt just eats PB straight out of the jar with a spoon like I did for meals in college.
Loves karaoke. Well, used to when he lived a more normal life. I don't think he sings amazingly well, but he doesn't care. He plays guitar obviously and Col. Shoonover mentioned his impressions skills, so that all concludes me to the fact the Frank likes to sing. He sings to himself/along with the radio when he's driving by himself between jobs. A lot of John Denver and Elton John.
For a holiday/birthday/anniversary gift one year he absolutely recorded Maria a CD of him playing and singing a few of her favorite songs. He'd probably do the same for you too if you were dating.
Has a bit of a video game addiction. He was so fascinated by Stark tech at the fair, that I imagine he loves learning about everything that has come along since, but really got hooked on video games. I'm thinking your standard XBOX, Nintendo or Playstation games like the MLB/Baseball game and the Mario collection. Not big on first person shooter games like Call of Duty cause he's lived it obviously. But he can literally spend hours playing like FIFA or something. Absolutely gets on live to play with Sam, AJ, and Cass all the time.
Spicy Thots under the cut, 18+ please, I tried to keep it gender neutral in terms of x reader
Is really touchy during sex and also not during sex. Since the visual stimulation of sex obviously isn't there for him, he makes up for it by always having to be pressed against you fully or by having hands roaming and groping everywhere.
But also not during sex he's always grounding himself to you by being pressed as close to you as possible. Only time he isn't is when he's in a Matty Mood™ and feels like he doesn't deserve you or you deserve better or whatever Catholic guilt BS he tells himself. He gets over it eventually.
I feel like he likes really intimate sex but also is really playful during it as well. We saw a glimpse of this in She Hulk but I also think his just generally flirty demeanor hints at this. I'm talking like does things to make you giggle in the middle of sex.
Man also has a bit of a breeding kink. He's absolutely not ready to be a parent because his life is in shambles and as much as he loved his dad, he did not have good parental examples in his life, but regardless of his partner's gender or bodily anatomy, he likes the idea of filling you up, knocking you up and having that claim on you. I'm again blaming the Catholicism somehow.
The eye contact during sex!!!! Dude lost his whole family so anything good in his life he is afraid is going to slip away so he treasures it and takes it all in. We saw this during S2 with Beth but yeah, big guy just loves to watch every facial expression you make during sex.
He's also just really tender in bed. He's not big on kink stuff but will try it if you want but just wants to feel really connected during sex. He's mostly serious in bed but in a really beautiful and intimate way.
Mostly groans and grunts but loves to thrown in a "c'mon baby girl/boy" and begs for "just one more for me"
I wrote a whole spiel about my Bucky bedroom hcs, but here's some more.
Of the three, I feel like Bucky is most playful and open to new things in bed. I don't think any of them are open to a full on Daddy kink, dom-sub kind of play but Bucky is the most likely to lean into elements and try things. After his time being under someone else's control I think he likes to feel a little in control, especially of his own body and sex life. But again, not fully into that type of dynamic. Like he might like to boss you around a little or call you dirty names in bed. Afterall, 1940s Bucky was a total flirt and very smooth with the ladies, so it stands to reason in bed he'd still bring some of that out.
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ganonfan1995 · 7 months
Okay talking about ToTK for a hot second, THEN I gotta do some work.
The woes of WFH means I'm compelled to post at all hours of the day, and sometimes I need to indulge!!!
Personally speaking, I really loved the little details and snippets you get throughout the game, detailing Rauru and Sonia's relationship. I particularly found it interesting that they founded Hyrule, in part, through the combined effort to protect its people from monsters, long before Ganondorf rose to his position as the demon king.
I was hoping the game would elaborate on this; there was so much subtext in the depths that would insinuate that the Zonai, in their pursuit of Zonaite, opened the original chasms to hell, allowing the spirits from below to manifest above. I love that, especially with the little tidbits from the Spirit Temple and the bargainer statues; I got a very dark image of who the Zonai were and what their goals were...But subtext remained subtext, and nothing was set in stone.
I have so many lingering questions, like...What is Zonaite? Why does it grow back, and why does it only form in the depths, the place where the dead seem to roam aimlessly? What was the design intention of making Zonaite visually connect to luminous stone? Was the original myth of souls being contained in luminous an originating myth from Zonaite....ARE THERE HUMAN SOULS IN THE ZONAITE?? ARE THERE MONSTER SOULS IN THE ZONAITE?? WHY DOES THE ZONAITE ENERGY VISUALLY LOOK THE EXACT SAME AS THE SPIRITS!!! NINTENDO....PLEASE I BEG YOU!!!
I'm done yelling, but you get the point.
Even if their intentions for the establishment of the kingdom were good, which I have no doubt about — Rauru is a bit of an ignorant man, but he doesn't have a greedy heart, nor is his goal one of dominance over the land. The fact remains that I still feel, in part, guilt is what drives him to see himself suited to the position of king.
From the minute you meet him and he donates his arm to Link, to the last minute you see him, sacrificing himself to seal Ganondorf away until the present. There's a guilt that runs so deeply through him as a character, that is never elaborated on.
I guess you could argue that his guilt stems from his inability to protect Sonia, the land, etc...But I feel like that guilt is older.
I feel like that guilt stems from his personal guilt he gained from his people. His shame, his embarrassment. He and his sister remain as the last standing Zonai, and we never learn why...Only that he, and his wife, a former priestess, formed a union to establish a kingdom, under the insurance that a long standing protection would be in place to safe guard it's people from monsters.
Monsters that only appeared after the chasms were opened.
Chasms which were opened to mine Zonaite.
An energy source only used to power Zonai technology.
And there was no B plot. There was no explanation. There was only that, and a game mechanic...
I've gotten to the point that I've just sort of let this be just that: a game mechanic. They only needed some shallow lore to tie in the building mechanic in to the game so we could build cars, whatever...
But it felt so unsatisfying as someone who is genuinely interested in the lore.
On the surface the game probably hit really hard to people who were more invested in Zelda and Link's relationship to one another post botw, and to their friends and The Kingdom TM...But I'm left here blinking in disbelief that they literally laid down some insane ideas only to have it tossed by the wayside.
I want context, I want history! Nintendo.....please!!! I'm begging!
Also I think they should have let Josha cook.
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minty-mumbles · 1 year
My random thoughts on the TotK gameplay video:
Return of the koroks! I hope blupees are still in the game too. I love the little creatures.
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They panned over to show one of the dragons when they said "there are a lot of ways to get up to the sky islands." So I'm begging you Nintendo, please let that mean we can ride the dragons. Please
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I really like the dying animation that the Constructs have. Makes it obvious they're more mechanical than flesh
Link: You fuckers don't know about my ultimate weapon, spear-spear. It's a spear taped onto the end of another spear
Wait, does this mean we’ll be able to fuse the master sword with other weapons, to potentially fix it??
New plants!! Also now we finally have some use for those monster parts we keep collecting
I am in love with the eyeball arrow. My aim has never been good on objects that are moving, so this is a godsend. I have a feeling I’m going to be fighting a lot of keese in the new game to farm keese eyeballs
Can't believe Link became a mechanical engineer. Making his own cars and stuff. smh do those even meet any safety regulations
The ascend ability means we no longer have to wait for it to stop raining to climb mountains!
HEY what do you mean "If you're stuck in a cage, you can use this ability to escape"" NO come back here and explain yourself. What cage?
Zonai Crop circles??
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I'm still really looking forward to TotK!
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desultory-novice · 1 year
Whoa, hold up! There's possibly voice clips from both Magolor AND the Lor?
The only thing I'm even VAGUELY aware of is Magolor CLEARLY screeching "KIRBY!!! Kirby!! Kirby! Kir... by..."
Sadly, I haven't gone back to that file since I found the first clip (been busy) but there's something going on there! I think we'll be finding out for sure in just a few days (1)
That said, I know I supposedly wrote out all my angst regarding Crowned Magolor in comic form but I just found this Nico Douga video where someone (several someones?) subtitled what they believe they can hear Magolor saying and UGH MY HEART?!?
Potentially heard phrases include: (Warning for distressing content...?)
"What...d-do I...?"
"Don't...look... at me..."
"...You can...do it..."
"You've done...enough..."
As well as several variants of "...Help...me...!"
Man... Magolor Soul is a really well designed boss. The colors. The crown. The silhouette. Definitely a "cool" looking boss. But they've always been one of the "scariest" Kirby bosses to me too because of the implications of what's happening just past those eyes...
"But Dess..." I told myself pre-remake "...You're just reading stuff into it because you like a little angst with your pastel positivity game. It's not like Magolor is actually suffering under there, begging to be stopped at any cost, lost and confused as his body is wielded against his will, his tormented mind only able to watch. I'd be shocked if he were even conscious while all this is going on..."
HAL Labs: "...Ohoho... Just you wait!"
Now, to clarify, we don't know how much of the above is real and how much of that is good sound design allowing people to read what they feel into a series of broken squeaks that may not be real words phrases in the first place! Things like "...Help..." are heard pretty consistently across the board. The rest is up for debate. (Even I didn't hear all those myself. I'm just here transcribing comments - mostly for anyone who wants writing/drawing fuel for Crowned Magolor's thought processes but can't understand Japanese.)
(1) The good news about all this is that this month's Nintendo Dream is coming up and there's An Interview With Kumazaki and the Team! It's almost guaranteed they're going be spilling some of the goods on DX!! They may not cover as far as the True Arena in this issue, but it's gotta come up eventually, and then we'll have a better idea of just WHAT is going on in that fight.
What Magolor is saying (if anything, because it could just be "filler" noises) whether this fight is a fun (.......) alternate universe scenario or not, and if Magolor's soul is saved at the end.
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