#no I didn’t forget about the fact that the motorcycle could fly
xetlynn · 1 year
Twilight- Youngest Shadow: Chapter Two, First Day
(Alice X Reader X Jasper)
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[One] [two] [three]
“You two good to go on your own?” Charlie questions us as we’re almost out of the door. “I’m not showing up in a cop car on my first day.” I straight up say causing the two to snicker.
“Yeah I agree with [Name] here.” She shrugs and we go outside. I tug my helmet on, purposefully forgetting my jacket in the house. Lugging myself over my bike I tiredly turn it on.
I wait for Bella to get her truck started and I drive behind her.
Getting to the school with her loud truck and my motorcycles rev going, heads turn our way. I park right by her and I take my helmet off, throwing it into her truck bed. I go up beside her once she was out of the vehicle. All eyes were on us and I knew Bella was mortified.
She still has her earbuds in, listening to music even though that wouldn’t help her anxiety that she’s experiencing right now.
A few people said hi to us, the majority talking about us. It was annoying to put it simply.
I saw this kid with glasses come up to us, he tried speaking to me as well but I walked away leaving him to flirt with only Bella.
Of course I have to deal with something more agitating.
“You’re one of the new sisters, right?” A girl with some ponytail questions me. I raise an eyebrow at her. “What? I’ve literally been going to schools here since we were little. Wow.” I act offended, watching her eyes widen and I start laughing.
“My names [Name]. I’m the younger sister.” I tell her, her shoulders fall and she forces out a laugh too. “I’m Jessica,” reaching a hand out. I guess I can try to be more friendly.
I take her hand, “nice to meet you.” I smile, “do you guys have a good Volleyball team? Softball team?” I take my hand back once I ask the question.
“Volleyball team, yes. Softball, I guess. I don’t really pay attention. I’m the captain of the volleyball team.” She proudly states and I smirk.
“When’s tryouts? Next year.” I ask,
“Oh due to something that happened earlier in the year we’re doing it now. Last day to tryout is today.” She explains.
“I guess I’ll see you there?”
“Well there’s so many forms you have to fill out, it’s unfortunate but you always have next year.” She seems to be intimidated and I didn’t even tell her about the fact I was the captain in Arizona. And that I have scholarships already for colleges who want me to play for them.
“I already have the forms, doctor wise. And I’m sure my dad wouldn’t mind signing anything.” I wink, walking ahead of her to find a seat in our classroom.
I wish I could’ve seen her face after that.
Oh well.
Day 14 after my first day, I was on the Volleyball team. Co-Captain. Something Jessica was secretly but not secretly upset about.
Practically yelling it into the universe without realizing it.
Luckily out of everything I have a class with my sister, unfortunate to her it was P.E. And believe it or not we’re playing Volleyball and Basketball. Bella was treating the Volleyball as if it was poison or something that could kill her.
“Block it Chloe! Good attack!” There’s Jessica, of course I have two classes with her. She’s treating this game as if it was a real one. In reality no body could give a rats ass about any of this. It’s just so they don’t get a bad grade.
I wasn’t putting in my all, kind of standing next to my sister, hitting it for her whenever it came our way. This time I wasn’t so lucky and the ball came flying toward her. I tried to get it beforehand but I ended up bumping into her causing the ball to go right for one of the basketball players head.
I cover my mouth trying my best not to laugh, failing. My sister gasps, both of us run over to him.
“Ow,” he rubs the back of his head.
“Are you alright? I warned them not to let me play.” She tells him in an embarrassed tone.
“It’s only a flesh wound.” He grins, pretty sure he doesn’t realize I’m there too. She physically looks relieved she didn’t do much damage.
The bell rings announcing class is over.
“You’re Isabella right?” He asks before she gets the chance to walk away. “Just Bella.” She corrects him.
“And you’re her sister, um..”
“[Name].” I tell him in a dry tone. Clearly not as welcoming as my beautiful sister beside me.
“I’m Mike Newton.” He goes back to staring at my sister like she’s a statue in a museum.
Right as I go to leave, because clearly I’m not in this conversation, Jessica puts her arm over my shoulder. Dragging me to be in between Mike and my sister once again.
“She’s got a great spike, doesn’t she? Almost better than her co-captain of a sister.” She jokes and we all kinda force out a chuckle. I get second hand embarrassment from her try to jabs at me for becoming the co-captain and not taking her spot.
“So, you guys are from Arizona right? Aren’t people supposed to be tan down there?” She takes her hit at Bella. I went to step closer to her, going to say something back but Bella spoke before I could get a word out.
“That’s why they kicked me out. And she just couldn’t let me leave without her.”
Mike laughs, and Jessica looks at him from the corner of her eye, forcing herself to do the same.
I feel my sister tense up from the attention so I finally get us out of the situation. By just straight up walking away and dragging her with me. That didn’t do too much because they ended up following us after we left the changing room. All the way to the cafeteria.
Normally we would go to Bella’s truck to eat, but due to being followed Bella thought we could join them. Make some friends I’m guessing.
Eric from earlier this morning sat between Bella and Mike. “Mike you met my home girl and her badass sister?”
That’s the nickname I get? I was trying to get away from him away not seem cool to him.
“Your home girl?”
“It’s first grade all over again and you two are the shiny new toys.” Jessica tells us, Bella smiles awkwardly and I press my lips tightly together.
Suddenly a flash goes off, blinding my sister and I. We look up at the photographer. “Sorry, needed a candid for the feature.” The girl sweetly smiles.
She wore glasses, brunette hair pulled into a low ponytail.
“Features dead, Angela. Don’t bring it up again.”
I make a face at Eric who just said that. No reason to be mean to the girl.
“I got your back, baby. You too sweetheart.” He winks in my direction making me gag internally.
“Guess we’ll just run another editorial on teen drinking.” She says clearly disappointed.
“Sorry. There’s always eating disorders or Speedo padding on the swim team.” My sister says and I choke on my saliva after trying to stop myself from laughing. “Wait that’s a good one.” Angela says obviously not getting that it was kind of a joke.
Then the doors open to the cafeteria. Everyone’s attention going to these gorgeous people who look older than I guess they are.
Two girls and two guys walk through together. “Who are they?” Bella leans to the two girls at our table.
I watched the couple behind the first one that walked through the doors. A tinier girl with short hair, her boyfriend with honey-blond hair who’s taller. My eyes met with the girl but I didn’t look away. She smiles a tiny bit.
They sat down at the table that’s furthest from everyone else’s.
“The Cullen’s.” Angela says, Jessica leans in towards us even more.
“Doctor and Mrs. Cullens foster kids. They all moved down here from Alaska two years ago.” Jessica gossips.
“They kinda keep to themselves.” Angela adds in.
“Because they’re all together. Like together together. The blonde girl, Rosalie. The big dark haired guy, Emmett.” Bella was paying attention like her life depended on it. Rosalie looked exactly like a model. Her man looking like a pro wrestler, less serious than his girl.
“They’re a thing, I’m not even sure that’s legal.” Jessica judges them but of course she still finds them attractive.
“Jess, they’re not related.” Angela stands up for them even though I’m sure they could careless what Jessica thinks of them.
“But they live together.” She rebutted before continuing on.
“The little dark-haired girl is Alice. She’s really weird.” Alice was a part of the couple I was staring at. She seemed light on her feet too.
“She’s with Jasper, the blonde who looks like he’s in pain. I mean, Dr.Cullens like the foster dad slash match maker.” Jessica slightly jokes towards the end. I will admit the situation is a little weird but we don’t know their story. She shouldn’t be so quick to judge.
“Maybe he’ll adopt me.” Angela sighs, Bella and I laugh. I like her. Then the door swings open again, the last Cullen with no foster match beside him.
I guess he looks like a model too.
“Who’s he?” Bella seemed intrigued, not taking her eyes off of him. “Edward Cullen.” Suddenly he looks over as if he heard his name from so far away. His eyes met with my sisters.
He seems confused and Bella looks away but I stare him down trying to get a read off of him. “He’s totally gorgeous, obviously. But apparently, no one here is good enough for him. Like I care.”
She obviously cared.
I watched the boy hide a smirk and I raised an eyebrow. We made eye contact and I don’t waver down.
“Anyway don’t waste your time.” She tells Bella.
His face was like a rock. Barely any emotion showed.
I finally looked away. “I wasn’t planning on it.” Bella says but she takes a peek at Edward who was now out right staring. His expression seemed frustrated. I watched her become unnerved, now hiding behind her hair.
I roll my eyes at the whole situation, the lunch bell finally rang and I separated from the group. Angela was kind of behind me. Like she wanted to say something but was too scared. I took a deep breath. At least this wasn’t Jessica.
“Hey.” I smiled, slowing myself down to look at her. She jumps a tiny bit. “Oh, hey.” She smiles in return. “What’s your next class?” I asked, she seemed shocked that I was talking to her. Again Bella’s more welcoming than I am. So this is understandable.
Bella has that resting sad face, the one that makes people gravitate towards her, make sure she’s okay. As for I have a resting angry face. My eyebrows downturned, also it seems like these people have problems with piercings for some reason.
“Uhm, Algebra 2. You?”
“Oh same, twins.” I add little jazz hands making her warm up to me a little more.
“Aren’t you a sophomore though?” She quizzes, trying to remember if she was correct.
“I’m a Junior. I skipped a grade or so. When I was younger I needed to be with Bella for everything.” I laughed at the memory of little me, taking tests to be in classes with my older sister.
She chuckles too, “that’s cute.” She says, both of us entering our classroom. “There’s an empty seat next to me, c’mon.” She lead the way.
The class was basically just taking notes.
At the end of the day, I go straight to my bike, grabbing my helmet from Bella’s truck bed. I didn’t notice two specific stares as I put my helmet on, getting on the bike.
I then watch Bella get to her truck, visibly upset about something as she slams the door shut after getting in.
I wonder what that’s about.
I already told Charlie I was going to the Reservation to see Jacob and the other guys. Charlie and Bella are gonna go out to eat together at his favorite coffee shop. Once getting there, Jacob comes out with Quil.
“[Name]!” They both shout, sprinting my way we aim kicking down the kick stand then taking off my helmet.
“Nice hair.” Quil teases and I roll my eyes. “Yeah, yeah. I left my brush at home today.” I frown giving them both hugs. “Where’s Bella?” Jacob looks around and I place a hand on my heart. “You too?”
“Am I not good enough anymore?” I pretend to be sad, I nudge Quil, Jacob furrows his brows confused by what I mean.
“Everyone at school is enchanted by Bella.” I inform him, we start walking. “I’m not hurt by it. But it’s super noticeable being next to her.” I laugh mainly to myself because I’m sure they wouldn’t find it funny.
“Well we notice you.” Quil pushes me. Jacob doing the same thing.
“I’m glad I have you Quil because Jacob totally still has a puppy crush on my sister.” I make fake kisses towards him, Quil roars into laughter, Jacobs face warming up in response.
Everyone knew about it, seemingly except my sister. It was no secret.
“That’s when I was like 9. Can’t we move past that?” He whines, but he was partially serious. I sat there quietly for a moment. “No.” I giggle with the other boy next to me as Jake was offended.
“So when’s your next game? Can we go, see you in action?” Quil questions me, he was excited to ask though he definitely just wanted to see the hot girls on the team. I smile, shrugging.
“We have one in two days. You guys are welcome to come. I know Charlie wants to bring Billy.” I nudge Jacob. “Well I’d be happy to come with them.” He says.
“I’ll write my schedule down for you guys. Billy can talk to my dad to see what’s best.” I try to hide my excitement from them. My mom usually forgot about my games from how much she runs around. Either being 30 minutes late or not coming at all. She always felt guilty once she realized. Apologizing over and over, ending in her getting my ice cream or some weird craft she made.
Dad always called me before and after my games. Even watching the tournaments on YouTube that our school put on.
I’m a middle blocker, normally doing the spikes, or obviously blocks. My serves were also known for being powerful.
“We’ll be there for every single one.” Quil tells me and I grin.
“I’ll count on it then:” I smirk.
“Want to put your talent to the beach? Everyone’s down there.” Jacob asks.
“Hell yeah, I’ll even race you fuckers to the car.” I laugh, all three of us racing to the vehicle that Jacob ends up driving.
Chapter two😚
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choclodox · 1 year
Change is Who We Are
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Chapter 2 - Insanity
Word Count: 3015
(previous chapter)(next chapter)
How long has she been tracking us? Oliver asked himself while cooking some fish and cutting up some fruit to dry in the sun. The fact that he and his squad mates were under constant surveillance without knowing it all along was eerie to think about. He didn’t even think much of it when he sensed her presence in the forest two months ago.
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Spider was showing them how to break a fall using the broad leaves of other plants on the way down. Turns out it came with a brutal learning curve.
“Come on, losers!” Spider taunted from the ground below. The sound of a light smack followed soon after, most likely the Colonel swatting the back of the boy’s head.
“Punk ass kid,” Prager muttered under his breath. It was his turn to go again, and he was already sick and tired of messing up and getting laughed at. Oliver rolled his eyes under his shades and preoccupied himself by looking around while he waited for his own turn. And then he noticed it.
The scent came from downwind of him, so it was pretty faint but still there. It wasn’t a thanator or a viperwolf, thank Christ, but not knowing what it was made him feel just as uneasy. Almost like a Na’vi but also like that smell right before a rainstorm or the mist when he and the squad were flying through the mountains.
“You smell that?” he asked out loud, looking in the direction it came from.
“Smell what?” Prager said.
“Over there, next to—" Oliver said, but the scent was gone.
“Next to what?” Prager asked again in irritation.
Oliver gave the area one last scan, then turned back to his teammate.
“Nothing. Forget I said anything.”
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Well, the past was in the past, and he didn’t have time to dwell on it. He had to focus on getting back to the RDA.
Navigating Pandora wasn’t easy without a map. It wasn’t like he could look for the big dipper to find the north star. This world had an entirely different star system than Earth with constellations Oliver couldn’t even pronounce. He had to limit his flights to the day because all he knew was that Bridgehead City was to the South, and if he kept the sun to his right, he’d get there eventually.
Oliver just wanted to get back to civilization as soon as possible. He was tired of sleeping with one eye open every night and foraging for every meal he ate. And while he was a man of few words, he knew he’d go crazy if he only had Tomahawk to talk to.
Then again, a banshee was better than a volleyball.
He wondered what Earth looked like right about now. It was already a shit hole when he was there last, but if humanity’s aim was to make Pandora their new home, it must’ve been really bad. He’d heard that because of inflation, pets became a luxury only the ultra-wealthy could afford. The air was so full of smoke that exo-packs were customizable as they’d become a part of everyday fashion. The icecaps were gone, Africa was just a desert, and most people were going their whole lives never seeing a blade of grass.
Oliver thought about his mom.
It was just the two of them growing up. She was a nurse at a hospital downtown, sometimes working double or triple shifts to keep the dingy apartment they called home. She’d always come home late, but it never took a toll on her parenting skills. Never once did she take out her frustrations on her son, never brought home an asshole boyfriend or threatened to abandon him at a bus stop. Nope. She was the best anyone could ask for. 
Always letting Oliver have the last piece of whatever meal they had, letting him hog the blanket on the one bed they had to share, helping him with homework that she herself didn’t understand, and enduring his temper tantrums and their arguments during his teen years.
His dad was a good man. He was also a marine and liked grilling on their apartment’s rooftop. Of course, Oliver wouldn’t know from experience: his dad died in a motorcycle accident when he was 4. He was too young to remember much, but Oliver did have one memory of him that stuck: when they went for a ride on his dad’s Harley. They were outside the city on an old highway, wind blowing through their hair while the sun gave way to night in the distance.
But were they really his parents? Was any of that really his life? He was just the recombinant of Oliver Mansk, a soldier killed in action over 15 years ago.
It was all this thinking and reflecting that made Oliver completely forget about the fish until it was too late. While he scrambled to save his food from burning, a pair of watchful eyes stared at him from a distance.
Rini was hanging upside down from the trees, sleeping peacefully in the warm afternoon sun. Nikea was in her ikran’s arms, sleeping the day away alongside her until the Na’vi woman smelled something smoky. It wasn’t overpowering. In fact, once she got past the burning smell, it was rather decent. She gave two pats to Rini’s chest, and in response, her ikran slowly unfurled her wings so Nikea could see what was causing the commotion. She winced at the harsh light of the sun but persisted. On the sands, the man let out an exasperated sigh. Meanwhile, his ikran sat by, basking in the sun. How that man and his ikran had survived this long was beyond her.
She was tucking herself back in when her stomach growled. Nikea rolled her eyes knowing that her appetite wouldn’t let her go back to sleep until it had been satisfied. Hunger truly was the bane of every Night Na’vi’s existence.
Before she could tell Rini that it was time to start foraging for fruit, Nikea looked at the man on the beach one more time. He was standing there, looking at the sea, and his tail lashed behind him with his hands on his hips. Behind him, his ikran was gulping down that miserable attempt at a meal. It must’ve been the guilt kicking in. She didn’t have much time before her head would start hurting, so she’d have to be quick. 
Well, if Eywa decided he should live this long, she might as well bring him with her to Awa’atlu for questioning.
Oliver let Tomahawk have his ruined lunch; it was better than letting it go to waste. At least he had the fruit still drying on the rock.
“Unless you want to spend the next several hours vomiting nonstop, I suggest you don’t eat that.”
He jumped out of his skin and looked up to see the Na’vi from last night.
“JESUS!” Oliver yelled. Tomahawk looked up and let out a startled squawk.
Her banshee was hanging upside down while she remained right side up. She used the saddle’s foot holds to stand on and the animal’s armored back scales to grab onto.
Now that it was light outside, he could see that her skin was a much deeper, darker shade of blue than a forest Na’vi. And even though her cloak and banshee rider leggings were hiding most of her skin, he could see that her stripes were more of a brindle pattern rather than like a tiger’s.
“See those red berries?” the woman asked, nodding her head to the vines covering the tree her banshee was hanging in. “Those are the ones you want. Also, that fish is meant to be eaten raw. In fact, the whole fish is edible, not just the flesh.”
Oliver screwed up his eyebrows and looked back at the fire. He’d been shooting himself in the foot the whole time.
“But I saw one of those monkey-things eating those fruit,” Oliver said. It was Spider that taught him that if you see an animal eating something, then it should be okay for you to eat it too.
The woman couldn’t believe the words the man had just said. It wasn’t even a full day and she’d already had to save him from aynantang, food poisoning, and starvation.
“Wiya,” she said under her breath. There was no way she was going to get any proper rest on this island with this helpless baby’s antics.
Rini stopped preening herself and turned her head to her rider. The eyeless ikran was growing impatient, and a low rumble emitted from deep within her chest. Nikea could feel the vibrations of Rini’s complaints.
“I will come back in the evening,” she sighed. “Try not to kill yourself until then.”
As the banshee dropped from the trees, the Na’vi woman remounted the saddle, and the two of them returned to the forest’s depths. Oliver and Tomahawk only looked at each other, both wondering how many more awkward exchanges they were going to have with that weird lady and her banshee.
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The sun had disappeared behind Naranawm when Nikea had returned to the beach. She was a little surprised to see that the man was still alive.
“I see you’re not dead,” she called from the trees. Oliver’s hair stood up on end. He mumbled to himself and stood up from the rock he’d been sitting on.
“You sneak up on all your friends like this?” he asked, rubbing his arms to warm himself up.
“My friends? No,” she said. She came forward into the moonlight where he could see her better.
Oliver rolled his eyes and whistled for Tomahawk to come pick him up. Once he was on his saddle, he joined the Na’vi in the trees and jumped off again to stand on the tree limb with her.
“Okay, now what?” Oliver asked.
She looked over his shoulder to look at Tomahawk and walked around Oliver to get a better look at his saddle.
“Your ikran can’t make tight maneuvers because you keep that padding on his neck too tight,” she said, pointing at his banshee. “You also overfeed him.”
Oliver looked off to the side and mumbled something inaudible. The Na’vi woman’s unscarred ear twitched at that.
“I’m not trying to be ‘snobby.’ I’m trying to help you,” she said. His eyes widened. How did she hear him say that from over 10 feet away?
“Night People are good listeners,” she said as if she could read his mind. “Now come. I’m tired of you waking me up with your antics.”
“Night People?” he asked as they started climbing up the vines to higher ground. “They told us about you guys. The RDA I mean. It was only for like…10 seconds though.”
“Hm,” she said. “I’m surprised they had anything to tell you at all.”
In the dark, Oliver could see that her banshee wasn’t too far behind. It was crouched on a branch overhead, probably making sure he didn’t try any funny business while they were climbing up the tree. Based on his limited experience with mountain banshees, Oliver knew that they were loyal to their riders, but hers was more…attentive. Almost sentient, but not like a person. More like a dog, he guessed.
“Don’t worry about Rini,” the Na’vi woman said. “She’s just clingy.”
“Rini, huh? Is that her name?” he asked. He grunted as he jumped from the vines onto the branch she was now standing on. “Uh, what’s yours?”
She paused to think about it before she answered, “Nikea.”
“Just Nikea?” Oliver asked. He thought Na’vi names were longer than that.
“Yes,” she responded. Nikea stopped in front of a glowing mushroom-thing that was growing on the trunk of the tree. Nikea took out a knife from under her cloak, cut off a few chunks, and handed it to Oliver.
“Forest People call this atana hena,” she said while he put it in his pocket for safekeeping. “If you cut it off and soak it in fresh water every few days, you can use it as a light source. Once it stops glowing, you can have something to eat. It’s very filling.”
“Oh. We saw it all the time, but Spider never said anything,” Oliver said.
“Of course, he didn’t,” Nikea said, continuing their trek. “You’re the enemy.”
“Well, ‘the enemy’ is tougher and smarter than you think,” Oliver said, leaning back against the tree trunk. “I mean, you’re the ones trying to fight gunships and bombers with bows and arrows.”
“And you’re the ones responsible for your dying world,” Nikea said, cutting some more atana hena for herself. “Thinking that you’ll find salvation here by repeating the same mistakes you made there .”
“It’s the march of progress,” Oliver argued. She stopped cutting.
“It’s insanity.”
Her yellow eyes bore into him intensely. He also noticed that she didn’t have as many glowing freckles as most Na’vi he’d seen, even with the visor on.
“You didn’t have to wait until nightfall to give me a few pointers,” he said, looking away.
“We’re called ‘Night People’ for a reason,” she responded. She grunted after cutting through a particularly tough stalk. “Besides, I have to look for food anyways. Might as well show you how while I’m at it. Now eat.”
Oliver took one of the stalks in his pocket and took a few bites. It was like biting into stale cotton candy, and the taste was so sweet, it was almost too much. But she was telling the truth when she said it was filling: He was only three bites in, and he already felt like he’d eaten two hearty dinners. But his jaw hit the floor when he looked at Nikea.
While he had barely started the stalk he was eating, Nikea was already on her second . His eyes popped out of his head when she went for a third . She stopped eating when she finally noticed him staring at her.
“What?” Nikea said, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
“Nothing,” he said quickly. He was taught better than to question another’s eating habits.
She finished up, put her knife away, and walked further down their path.
“So, if you’re willing to teach me how to find food,” Oliver asked, almost stumbling on a patch of glow-in-the-dark moss. “Could you maybe show me how to get back home?”
“I could,” Nikea said, lifting a branch out of the way so they both could continue walking.
“Would you please show me how?” he asked in an annoyed tone.
“No,” she replied. “If I send you back, that’s just one more enemy we have to fight.”
“Then what the hell is this all for?” he asked, stopping in his tracks. “If I’m that much of a threat, you might as well kill me.”
“I’m not going to kill you,” Nikea said, pausing and turning to face him again. “Not while you have information that can be of use to Jake.”
“So he can kill me once he’s done?” Oliver asked in disbelief, turning back to his campsite. “I’ll just figure it out myself. It can’t be that hard—”
“If you go straight South, you’ll run out of islands to rest on and find yourself in the middle of the ocean,” Nikea pointed out, like an adult reprimanding a child. “The only way back is by flying along the mainland’s coastline; To get to the mainland, you’re going to have to pass through the villages you destroyed, and I doubt they’ll be happy to see you.”
Oliver stopped and looked back at Nikea.
“You have two options,” she said, holding up two of her three fingers. “You can go off on your own where you are guaranteed to die, or you can come with me where it is only highly likely you will die.”
He looked at the horizon, rubbed the back of his neck, and made his decision in an embarrassingly short amount of time.
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After getting him properly fed, Nikea showed Oliver a much better place in the treetops to sleep for the rest of the night. The knothole in the tree was big enough for both Oliver and Tomahawk, but it seemed the ikran was happy to sleep outside to guard the entrance. He wasn’t the smartest ikran she’d ever seen, but Nikea had to acknowledge how much he seemed to care for his rider.
Oliver was fluffing the moss bed when he noticed that Nikea wasn’t making any preparations to sleep. She mentioned something about preferring to sleep with Rini.
“Get some rest. I’ll be back by the time you wake up,” she said while hopping back onto Rini’s back.
“Where are you going?” he asked as he approached Nikea, but Rini swerved her head right in front of him and furiously bristled her antennae. Oliver had figured out by now that that was her way of telling him to back off, and he didn’t dare challenge her.
“Rini’s getting hungry, and I am too to be honest,” Nikea said, patting Rini on the side of the neck to calm her down. She said something in Na’vi that he couldn’t understand. Well, he thought it was Na’vi, but it sounded different than what Spider taught them.
Nikea paused and flicked her good ear.
“How are you still hungry?” Oliver asked in shock. “You ate three of those ‘aden hana’ things.”
“Atena Hena,” she corrected. “And there’s a lot of things you don’t know about Night People.”
After Nikea made a few clicking noises, Rini hauled herself into the open air and free fell halfway down to the forest floor. She opened her wings, and the two of them flew off into the night leaving no bioluminescence in their wake.
Oliver didn’t want to say anything about it earlier, but after watching her interact with Rini enough times, he confirmed something peculiar about Nikea and Rini’s flight style: not once had he seen Nikea actually queue up with her banshee to take flight. It was as if they didn’t need it.
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Wiya = dammit Naranawm = Polyphemus Atana Hena = “carry-light” (mushroom-like organism I made up that can act as a portable light source if harvested and cared for properly) Atan = light
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Oneshot about how Sirius obtained his motorcycle. Prompt by @daylily-evans.
I should add, to all my non-UK readers, I use the word f*g in this as a slang word for cigarette, which is what it’s commonly used for over here, especially at the time the oneshot was set. I tried not to use it, but eventually it was impossible, and unrealistic, for the characters to not use it, so I apologise for the use of the word and I promise in this context it is not a slur word, and is only a slang word for cigarette. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Request a oneshot here!
When Sirius graduated Hogwarts, he really had no idea what he wanted to do. Short-term wise, he wanted to go on missions for the Order, help out in any way he could and take down the death eaters one by one until only You-Know-Who remained. He couldn’t wait.
But long-term, after the war had ended, he was clueless. Truth was, he hadn’t planned that far ahead, just in case he didn’t survive to see it. But he was beginning to see that having a job now would be beneficial in a number of ways. Maybe as a cover-up, or a hiding place, or at least an opportunity to earn some well-needed money.
Dumbledore wanted him to get a job at the Ministry, to try and collect any inside information. But this suggestion made Sirius angry enough to ignore it completely. For starters, he didn’t care about what Dumbledore wanted. He tried to hide this of course, as he didn’t think the others would approve. But he’d lost his taste for obeying the old man ever since Dumbledore had forced Remus to live among the werewolves. And while Sirius could vaguely understand why it was useful, he couldn’t forgive Dumbledore for placing Remus in such a horrible situation, away from his friends, and possibly making Remus feel like the monster that Sirius knew he wasn’t. When Dumbledore had first suggested it, Sirius had been absolutely livid, and it was only Remus himself who managed to stop Sirius from marching down to Dumbledore’s office and giving the guy a piece of his mind. Remus had calmed Sirius down, but Sirius knew that he’d never shake off the resentment he had for the headmaster.
The other reason that he was angry at Dumbledore’s suggestion, was because he hated the Ministry. It was full of people like his parents, making rules to oppress anyone who wasn’t a pureblood wizard. And after having grown up with Remus, watching as the boy had to work for a future he didn’t have because of the Ministry, the last thing Sirius wanted to do was work for the bastards.
But what other jobs were there in the Wizarding World besides a ministry job? Hogwarts teacher? There wasn’t anything he could teach, and he certainly didn’t have the patience to deal with a bunch of teenagers, and nor did he want to give Dumbledore an opportunity to keep a close eye on him. Healer? He couldn’t think of anything less suited to him, though maybe Moony wouldn’t mind seeing him in a healer’s skirt and cap.
No, the problem was, wizarding jobs didn’t suit Sirius. So perhaps he needed to look outside the Wizarding World for a job.
Sirius wasn’t exactly familiar with muggle jobs, at least not first-hand. He’d seen plenty of them before. He, James, Remus and Peter had been to a few muggle clubs and bars together, and Sirius had spent all night chatting up the male bartenders, until he was quite knowledgeable on the job itself.
Sirius thought he’d be a great bartender. All he had to do was serve drinks, listen to music and chat up hot guys. And okay, so there was probably a little more to it than that, but he had the people skills, and he could easily learn about all the different muggle drinks.
Yes, he decided. I can be a bartender. I’ll be safe in the muggle world, I can still go on missions, and I can earn some money for the Order, or at least to support myself and Remus.
Sirius even knew about a bar that had an opening, since he’d been there so many times. He had to walk there, since he couldn’t apparatus, or floo there, and he still didn’t know how to use the muggle bus. But it wasn’t too long a walk, and it was a nice day at least. Sirius liked muggle towns, especially the underground-type, diverse, grunge places such as the one where the bar was situated. The streets were lined with music shops, pubs and all things that screamed rock n roll in the 70s. Sirius loved it.
When he was almost at the bar, he suddenly got distracted by a shop he hadn’t noticed before. He noticed it this time because Queen was blasting out of the speakers of some tinny radio from inside.
Sirius looked at the exterior: Lomax Motorcycles said the sign at the front. Another, smaller sign, stuck onto the window said: job vacancies with some smaller writing underneath that Sirius couldn’t read. But he was intrigued enough to go inside.
The interior- Sirius was quick to notice- was incredibly cool. There were two adjoining rooms, all filled with motorbikes. Sirius had seen motorbikes before, mainly in the films that he watched with James, Remus and Peter, but he hadn’t realised how much he liked them until he looked at them up close. These ones were all slick and shiny, some with patterns of fire along the side. They were like broomsticks, but with a muggle twist, and from Sirius’s limited experience, they were always ridden by punks in leather jackets. Sirius could definitely see himself riding one.
The shop itself was dimly lit, but he could see a number of framed posters lining the walls, of muggle bands that he loved: Pink Floyd, Ramones, Blondie, Joy Division. Not to mention all the cool-looking accessories that hung above the motorcycles.
Just then, the owner of the shop walked out.
“Alright, mate?” Greeted the man. Sirius nodded, taking the guy in. He looked around his late thirties, with a dark brown mullet, a badge-covered sleeveless jacket, leather gloves, at least twenty different piercings and full sleeves of tattoos. Sirius looked like Sandy from Grease compared to this guy.
“Yeah, hi.” Sirius replied, immediately intimidated.
“Looking for a bike?” The man walked behind a counter against the wall opposite to Sirius and started restocking a container of different locks.
“Nah, I’m just looking. I’ve never actually driven a motorbike before.” The man looked him up and down.
“Really?” Sirius nodded, awfully self-conscious. The man took out a cigarette pack and lit one up. The shop was quite smoky, but Sirius actually enjoyed that about it.
“I saw you had a job vacancy sign in your window,” Sirius plucked up the courage to mention.
“You looking for a job?”
“Yeah.” Sirius of course hadn’t intended to try for a job here, but since he had the opportunity he thought he might as well. See how far he could take it before the man asked him to leave. The man exhaled smoke out of his nose.
“You haven’t even driven a motorcycle.”
“I can learn. I pick things up quickly.” He realised that he sounded inexplicably uncool. It was typical. Around his friends he was effortlessly punk. Laid-back and relaxed, cigarette balanced between his lips, fluent in witty remarks and sarcasm. But here, in front of an almost carbon-copy of his cool persona, Sirius was sounding like someone who’d only recently entered the punk scene and had no clue on how to act.
“How old are you?” The man asked.
“Pretty young, you even out of uni yet?”
“Oh, uh... I’m not going to uni.” Uni. University. Remus said that muggles went there to learn even more. Sirius didn’t see the point of it.
“I didn’t go either,” replied the man. He seemed very friendly, which certainly didn’t match with his overall appearance. “Didn’t interest me. Started working here instead. It was my dad’s.”
“Oh.” Sirius wasn’t sure how to respond.
“I’m Darren by the way. Darren Lomax.”
“Oh right, like the name on the shop. I’m Sirius.”
“Sirius? Never heard that name before. It’s cool.”
“Thanks?” He’d never thought of his name as being cool before. It was run-of-the-mill in the Wizarding World. In fact there were already two other Siriuses in his family. He was Sirius the Third.  “If you’re interested in motorbikes, I can take you on as an apprentice if you want. Give you a bit of money. Teach you how to fix up these babies.” Sirius blinked.
“Really?” He hadn’t expected any kind of offer. His resume wasn’t exactly impressive, especially not to a muggle. An inexperienced eighteen year old with no muggle qualifications and less knowledge of motorcycles that literally anyone else who could’ve walked through that door. Sirius wouldn’t hire himself.
“Yeah why not? If you’re shit I’ll get rid of you. We’re not a professional garage. Really we just piss about fixing engines, listening to music and smoking. That your style?”
“Yeah, blimey.”
“Great. You can start tomorrow. Fag?” Darren offered him his cigarette pack, and Sirius took one. Darren lit it for him.
Dumbledore wasn’t happy with his choice of job.
“How are you planning on gathering information for the Order if you’re spending your days working in a muggle shop?” The man asked. Sirius had no intention of being guilted by him.
“Isn’t the information that Remus is gathering enough for you? I should hope so, considering everything he’s going through to get it.”
“Mr. Black, in case you haven’t noticed, there is a war going on. You can’t spend your life thinking about yourself and Mr. Lupin and no one else.”
“I am thinking of everyone else! And what everyone needs is money. And I can get them that money, as well as staying safe in the muggle world. I’m not exactly useful if I’m dead am I?” Dumbledore sighed as if he was talking to a child. The old man was pleasant with everyone, but with Sirius there was a slight curt undertone to everything he said. Dumbledore knew that Sirius wasn’t happy with him at all, and it showed. Sirius didn’t care. Dumbledore hadn’t done shit for him. He didn’t owe him anything.
Sirius was taking that job.
~ His first day went well, in the sense that he got along with Darren and he enjoyed the environment of the shop very much.
Because of his very limited knowledge of how to fix a motorbike, Sirius’s main job was at the front desk, talking to customers. He really did have great people skills, as he quickly discovered, and he put this to his advantage, bagging more sales in a day than Darren achieved in a week. So even if Sirius was shit at the mechanical side of things, he certainly wasn’t going to be fired any time soon.
At the end of the day, when the shop closed, Darren asked if Sirius would like to stay late and learn his way around the motorbikes. Sirius, who hadn’t been assigned any missions, and therefore didn’t have much going on, agreed immediately.
Darren showed him the engines of one particular motorbike that was in rather a lot of disrepair.
“Completely useless she is,” explained Darren. “Not likely to get her running any time soon, probably won’t even be able to fix her. Engine’s blown, parts are missing, tyres are a wreck.” Sirius knew that she’d easily be fixed with magic, but obviously this wasn’t an option. So he was sad that she’d never be ridden. But even if she was little more than a shell, she was a good example for Darren to use as an introduction to the inner workings of motorcycles.
Sirius listened intently to everything Darren had to say, learning how to change the oil, how to change a tyre, how to know when a motorbike needed new spark plugs (and learning what spark plugs were in the first place).
Outside of the workshop, Sirius tried to research more on the motorbikes he was working with. When he wasn’t spending time with the Order, or talking to customers in the shop, or following Darren around like a puppy, he was at the library reading up on all the different motorbike types, how they worked and how they were made.
Whenever Remus was permitted a break from staying with the werewolves, breaks that usually only lasted a few days maximum to avoid any suspicion, Sirius proudly took him down to the shop and showed him all the motorbikes that he helped to fix.
Darren greeted Remus happily, commenting on his name too. “The weird name couple” he called them. Darren, being the punk anarchist that he was, that was so prevalent in the late 70s, didn’t give a shit about Sirius and Remus’s relationship. Sirius didn’t need to hide it for very long, especially since he hadn’t tried to hide his sexuality in the first place.
Remus was very interested in the shop, and as soon as he stepped foot in it his first response was “Shit, Pads, this place was made for you.”
Sirius showed him the motorbike that was “unfixable”, but that Sirius had still been determined to work on as much as possible. The engine was still a bust, but he’d at least changed the tyres, and given it a new paint job (red and black). Sirius felt very close to the bike, especially once Darren had struck up a deal with him, saying that if he could fix the bike he could have it: “even if it’s fixed, it’s a shit model. No one’ll want it, believe me. Besides, I’m already paying you fuck all, so consider it a raise.” Darren was paying Sirius, but it was apparently much less than the usual muggle wage, since Sirius was still technically an apprentice. However, the current muggle to wizarding exchange rate meant that Sirius got a lot of galleons for his pounds. So, he was perfectly able to support himself, and if he ended up with a free motorbike in the process? Well, he almost couldn’t believe his luck.
Sirius fixed up the engine as much as he possibly could, until it was simply a case of the engine just not working. It had been months now since he’d first started, and the engine was the only thing left. The motorbike looked good as new, and despite Darren claiming it to be a shit model, Sirius had fallen in love with it. He’d even named it Rizzo, after Betty Rizzo from Grease.
Sirius was absolutely determined to have Rizzo, and deciding that the engine simply needed a boost, he risked using magic out of sight of Darren. Darren would never know, and Rizzo would have a new lease of life.
“Fucking hell, you actually got her working!” Exclaimed Darren the next day, as Sirius showed off the brand new humming engine of his prized motorbike. “How the fuck did you do that?”
“She just needed a boost, that was all. Good as new.” A boost with a little bit of magic, thought Sirius. Darren was shaking his head in disbelief.
“Well, shit. I guess a deal’s a deal. She’s all yours, mate.” Sirius couldn’t refrain himself from grinning. He patted Rizzo’s paintwork proudly. She was all his. He couldn’t wait to show her off to Remus and James and Peter and all the others. James was dying to get a glimpse of her: Sirius had been bragging about his motorbike for weeks now, annoying the hell out of the others.
“This motorcycle better be fit for Merlin himself, Pads, or I’m gonna be pissed,” James had semi-joked. Sirius assured that she was even better than Merlin. “She was made for me,” he claimed.
When James did finally see Rizzo, he was very impressed, but then again, he was as knowledgeable about motorbikes as Sirius was when he first started at the shop. Sirius probably could have put a mound of metal in front of him, moulded into the vague shape of a motorbike and James would still have been impressed.
“Can’t believe you named her Rizzo,” James laughed. “You’re such a fucking nerd.”
“Yeah, well. I have a motorcycle and you don’t, so jokes on you.” James put his hands up in surrender.
“You’re right. I’m just jealous.”
~ Sirius had a lot of fun with Rizzo. He rode her everywhere, through muggle and wizarding towns alike. It felt even more freeing than a broomstick. He could weave in and out of traffic, the wind in his hair and the roar of the engine blocking out everything.
There was also room for two. Or at least, two was the legal amount. But Sirius could be rather lax with the law sometimes, especially muggle law. So it wasn’t uncommon for all four of the marauders to squeeze onto the back of Rizzo and go driving off into the night.
Eventually though, Sirius decided that four people on one seat could damage Rizzo, which was the last thing he wanted (and he supposed it could be dangerous as well). So he splashed out some of the money he’d saved on a sidecar. James was particularly keen on it.
Remus on the other hand nearly always opted to sit on the back with Sirius. Sirius loved these journeys the most. Just he and Remus, the man holding tightly onto him as they zoomed down roads, ending up in country lanes. He could feel Remus’s arms around his waist, and Remus’s head on his shoulder, and after everything Remus was going through, as well as the risk of sudden death around every corner for both of them, when the two were pressed together on the little black and red motorbike, roaring through the countryside without a care in the world, it felt like the most precious moment of their lives.
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banditcoyote · 3 years
Wrangled and Tangled
Sasuga stood by the sink washing the last of the dishes from tonights meal. She smiled softly to herself as her tail flicked behind her, happy about the sets of cups and plates she had picked out, feeling domesticated and settled looking over the two sets of dishes her and her lover had shared, something about them in the drying rack felt almost romantic to her. But maybe it was just the way the sunset was showing so pink and purple over the water that was making her feel that way, the cool summer breeze blowing in from the open Lanai. She hummed to herself a little as she dried her hand and reached for the first plate, ready to dry them herself, when the dish cloth was plucked out of her hands swiftly.
“Let me take care of that.” Simon said perching himself onto the counter and starting to dry one of their plates.
“All the left overs put away?” she asked leaning against the counters and bringing her wine to her lips.
“Most of them.” he said with a nod. “Except for the second helping I couldn’t resist, which is now residing in my stomach.”  
She laughed lightly, brushing her hair back behind her ear “Well I’m glad you enjoyed it.” She said with a nod, moving to cozy up to him just a little bit, her eyes full of warmth, and maybe a bit of mischief. “Maybe we can enjoy some other things when you’re done putting those dishes away.” She said with a curl to her lips.
Simon returned the smile and took a moment to lean down to kiss her easily, drawing back with a little hum. “I can think of some things for sure.” He added. “But before we get too distracted.” He placed the clean plate down on the counter and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small ring box and placing it on the counter next to her hand. “Happy Anniversary.”
Sasuga froze at the sight of the small velvet box and her large eyes went wide, slowly looking up into Simon’s face, searching for the meaning.
Simon at once realizing what she might have thought smiled and blushed. “I know we’ve talked about it, but this is just a promise ring.”  Sasuga let go of the breath she was holding with some relief. He picked the box up and opened it. “See?” inside was a thing gold band with a small rose quartz crystal cut into the shape of a heart that side horizontal to the finger. He reached for her left hand and slid it on to her ring finger kissing it into place. “I love you Sasuga, I know that this might not be perfect, but I wanted you to know how much you mean to me.” Sasuga looked to the ring on her finger, feeling tears pull at the corner of her eyes. He hopped down from the counter “Oh no….is it too much? I know we said we weren’t going to do anything, that dinner was enough but-“
She shook her head “Don’t be stupid.” She said choking back her emotions. “I love it. I love you….Thank you.” She looked at the ring again before reaching up to tug on one of his horns pulling him down into a kiss. “Forget the dishes….come on.” She said, her tail already snaking up around his waist to guide him toward their bedroom.
Coyote woke up with a start, staring up into the dark ceiling above him. He contemplated for a moment what that dream could have meant, and his jaw tightened in his face. Did Sasuga sleep with Simon while he was away, it was the only rule he had given. Or maybe that had made the whole thing more enticing for the two of them. Still, why would Sasuga end up with Simon, he had the feeling he was absent, that house not looking familiar to him in the slightest. He closed his eyes again, almost willing it to come back to him, but some of the finer details were already fading from his memory, and all he remembered was the way the pair looked longingly at each other before they kissed. He gave a little growl and pushed himself up quickly to throw on some jeans and a shirt.
“Coyote?” Shishi asked lifting his head from where he was curled up on one of the pillows. “Where are you going?” he asked rubbing one of his eyes sleepily.
“I’m heading back to the Makai” he told Shishi as he pulled his shirt down over his torso.
The imp eyed the view appreciatively before his senses snapped back to him. “Should I be worried?” he asked knowing of Coyote’s sometimes prophetic dreams, and he wondered if he had some type of vision of Sasuga’s fights. “Do you want me to come with you?”
Coyote shook his head. “No. No. It’s nothing like that it’s….” only he wasn’t entirely sure he could begin to really understand it himself. He shook his head “Sasuga’s fine. I just need to see her. I only had that one other show at the end of the week anyway, stay here, I’ll go tell Russell to pack everything up and head on home. You’ll be fine finding a flight right? I mean, stay the night, don’t leave on my account.”
Shishi laughed “Oh it was that kind of dream was it?” he grinned. “Okay, Well, tell her I said hello and get back safely.” He said as he yawned and laid back down to sleep. “I’m sure Kurama and Gatlin will be happy to have me home, if they haven’t torn each other apart yet…”
Coyote slapped on his cowboy hat and grabbed a jacket though he felt his skin burning. “And you remember what we said about this right?” he asked as he headed toward the door.
“My lips are sealed.” Shishi murmured. “Not a word to anyone”
“Especially to Sasuga.” He confirmed hand on the door.
“Especially Sasuga.” Shishi promised “She’d probably be more upset with me than you anyway” and waved him off.
Coyote found himself easily at his ring manager’s trailer, pounding on the door. He felt bad to be waking Russell up like this but he knew he couldn’t just disappear in the middle of the night and leave Shishi to explain for  him, things looked weird enough having him around. Russell answered the door, looking as if he was still blinking back sleep. “Coyote, everything alright?” he asked looking around.
“No…Um no, there was a fire back at the ranch.” He said lying on his feet. Thinking easily of the fire at Thom’s he could use as a cover even if the time line wouldn’t match up. He figured it would never get back to Russell anyways. The manager looked concerned. “It’s nothing big, a small one thank god, no one hurt, but I really should get out there, I know we only have the exhibit at the end of the week so I was just going to head home now. Would that be too much of a pain for ya’ll to handle?”
Russell cleared the sleep from his eyes with his hand “Yeah, yeah I can handle it no problem. Take care, hope it’s as small as you say.” He said and headed back to his bed.
Coyote made one more stop, saying farewell to Poncho in his trailer, before he headed towards the nearest portal in the woods, which was still pretty far, and Coyote had to be careful no one saw him as he slipped into the woods and transformed, having to sprint as fast as he could to reach the portal before daylight. He was glad he had the foresight to try and keep his motorcycle as close to him as possible, as the only other way he could have gotten there was to fly back home and then race to her, and he wasn’t sure he could stand being on a plane the way he was feeling.  All cooped up without being able to run or move, or do anything. It would have been torture, not like the past few weeks hadn’t been. The time away from Sasuga had been harder than he’d like to admit, and he already knew he would never plan on being away from her like this again. All the time away from her he had felt like pulling his skin off. He had helped Thom around her house before he left, and at the rodeo he did more of the manual work than anyone really wanted him to. He ran Poncho as often as he felt he could without causing the poor animal too much strain, and then would run laps as fast as he could as long as he could well into the night. But it was never enough, the women that tried to greet him as soon as he stepped out of the rodeo corral still enticed him to the point he had to nearly run back to his RV. All that hair, perfume, and how the hell where they making such good bras now adays? Though he was sure that some of breasts out there weren’t only held up by a bra but maybe some type of surgery, that didn’t sway him away any. Then the fact that in some of the more populous areas there were actual demon women in the crowds, and those he really had to avoid. He was sure they’d sense something about him, and he was doing his best to be incognito. Luckily his prior years of fooling around with plenty of the women at these things rarely had any of his crew spotting him being social, so now that he was hiding out on his own it went unnoticed. Coyote tried to run himself ragged, exercise, the rodeo, his variety of plants and a few sex toys paired unironically with the body pillow he had snuck on board, none of it had done the exact trick. Which had then led him to call Shishi. It had been a long shot, but it didn’t take much convincing getting him to come out to see him in secret, even if he was a bit miffed at having to mostly stay hidden at the events. Coyote let him have the pass into where the wives or girlfriend’s normally sat, and he posed in his refinery during the events when it fancied him. It had helped tire him out, but he still hadn’t been getting enoug
He thought he could remain out here for the full month, and they had gotten so close, it was almost silly to run now. But after the dream with her and Simon he just couldn’t deny the ache he felt for his mate any longer and he had to find his way back to her. Dawn was just about to break as he reached the portal and he wasted no time heading through it and heading towards where he had hidden his bike. He felt like a dog that had gotten a scent, and he wasn’t going to rest until he got to her. **** Four days later still hours from dawn, Coyote stashed the bike behind the hotel, barely taking care to hide it, and stumbled into the lobby. He had all the faith in the world that Sasuga was still in the tournament, and held the most hope that meant she was still in the hotel room that he had the key stashed for. He limped into the lobby where the clerk paled at the site of him. “Sir….” He said rushing around the desk and towards him. “Do you need a medic?” he asked looking him over.
Coyote didn’t waste the energy to speak to him and only shook his head as he stumbled forward before catching his balance again. He knew what he looked like, but wasn’t stopped as it was clear the clerk in his pristine uniform was afraid to touch him at all.
“Is there someone I can call?” he said walking along side him as Coyote shuffled to the elevator, bracing himself against the lobby wall and causing a smear of blood to press into the wall paper.
Coyote considered it for a moment, but shook his head again. If Sasuga was still in the tournament this late in the game there was a chance she was injured as well, and he wanted her to save her strength for fighting. He’d be okay. He just needed a shower, some stitches, and her.
The clerk did not follow him into the elevator, being the main hotel for the tournament he was surely not the only injured guest they received, and he retreated back to their desk, probably to call for maintenance to clean up whatever other mess Coyote had left behind him. He leaned against the wall as it started it’s ascension toward the upper floors, again leaving a smear of dirt and blood where his shoulder braced himself. A few droplets of blood dripping from somewhere onto the floor. It seemed to take forever for the elevator to reach it’s destination, the doors pausing once as a couple was about to get on, but after seeing him let him go on without a question. Coyote almost passed out, unsure if it was from blood loss or exhaustion, but the dinging and wooshing of the doors riled him, and he staggered out into the hallway. Knowing he was so close to Sasuga spurred him on, and he was relieved to find that the card key still worked. He let himself into the hotel room, finding it dark and quiet and he did his best to move with stealth into the bathroom. He passed the bed and spotted Sasuga sleeping peacefully by herself, he was grateful for this because with the rage that was still somewhat in his veins if he had found Simon with her he might have taken a regrettable action. In that moment iat took everything in him to not simply cover her with himself, though with how dirty he was he knew it would only concern her more. There was blood in his mouth and under his fingernails, matting his hair down and sticking to his hat. Better to clean himself up first, and he shut the bathroom door behind him before turning on the light.
He did his best not to look at himself in the mirror, but finding it a necessity to assess some of the damage. If he had made it this far like this it couldn’t have been too bad. Still he was in rough shape. Not only was his face cut, bruised, and swollen, but he had also lost enough weight that he appeared gaunt under the torn and dirty clothes he wore. He slowly undressed, assessing each wound, fresh bruises forming on top of old ones, some cuts that were still bleeding every time he moved, gashes that would no doubt need to be closed up. He hissed as some of the clothing stuck to him where blood had dried, let his effects fall to the floor, his gun empty and tucked back in his holster, and stepped into the shower letting the water strike at his feet until it was warm enough to step into. He braced himself against the wall, letting it flow over his hair and down his back, feeling the sense of relief start to fill him as well. He had made it, he was close to resting, and he was close to his mate, that was all he could ask for right now.
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thisisapaige · 4 years
The Ride or the Guy?
(For Suptober20. Day 10 Prompt: Sweet Rides. Word Count: 1896)
Language warning. This is pure, unfiltered Cas thirst (mine or Dean’s? I’ll let you decide). I wrote it to amuse one individual (known as thisisapaige) but y’all are free to read it here or on this convenient Ao3 link!
It all began with a haunted car dealership.
Yeah. That one was weird, even by Winchester standards. The ghost turned out to be a car mechanic who was crushed to death under a malfunctioning lift. The poor guy ended up becoming the ghost of OSHA compliance. Which was great, up until he started killing people for forgetting to wear gloves and shit.
Anyway, after the “thanks” (or, more accurately, the “please leave because you broke all my windows and scratched up the show cars”) from the extremely grateful owner, Cas wandered from the group. When Dean realized Cas hadn’t followed him and Sam back to Baby, Dean searched for the wayward angel.
Among the unsold and forgotten used cars, Cas found a motorcycle. It was dusty, old, and barely street-legal but Cas looked at it like it was the shiniest, loudest, and greatest hot rod on the market.  
“Hey, Cas,” Dean said as he approached, “we should head out before that guy calls the cops on us.”
“Oh, yes. Of course.” Cas patted the motorcycle’s seat, sending clouds of dust flying into the air, before he followed Dean back to Baby.
At the time, Dean didn’t think much of it at all. Cas was a weird, dorky little guy, after all.
The next part was one hundred percent Sam’s fault.
Sam introduced Cas to Craigslist.
“See?” Sam pointed out the search bar on the laptop. “Type in what you want here and you should get some results. Sometimes, it’s even what you want.”
“Thank you, Sam,” Cas said.
“I’ll be in the kitchen if you have any more questions.”
Cas nodded as Sam left the room, his serious face shining in the light of the laptop. He tapped at the keyboard (pecked, actually, the dude could not type) his eyes flitting back and forth as he read the page.
Sitting across from Cas at the library table, Dean looked up from his phone and asked, “Why do you wanna look up stuff on Craigslist?”
Cas shrugged. “Curiosity.”
Dean accepted the answer. Cas always had a thing about studying humanity.
Then the packages started showing up.
Big box stores. Small box stores. Local places. Places from overseas. Store brands Dean had never seen in all his life. One time, Sam drove Cas miles to pick up something  (for some reason, neither Sam nor Cas would tell Dean what) from an old lady in the middle of nowhere.
A few days after that last trip, Dean figured out what Cas was buying.
Unfortunately, he was drinking coffee at the time.
Early one morning, Dean stumbled into the bunker’s kitchen, both sleepy and caffeine-deprived, hoping like Hell Sam had already made coffee (he did!), with his eyes still half-shut. He poured that sweet, sweet, wake up juice into a mug, leaned against the kitchen counter, and took that glorious, tongue burning first sip.
That was when Cas walked in.
And he was naked!
Okay, no, he wasn’t naked but he wasn’t wearing a trench coat which was pretty much the same thing. In fact, he wasn’t wearing his usual outfit at all. Gone was the ill-fitting suit, the sensible shoes, and the slicked back dad hair.
Oh, no. Cas wasn’t little. Not at all.
Cas wore jeans, slim cut well-fitting jeans, that showed off his powerful, muscled thighs. Fuzzy, warm, green and blue striped socks covered his feet (okay, at least he was still a dorky guy). He wore a t-shirt (his arms were bare! bare and so strong) in a shade of blue that complemented his eyes. His hair was tousled (was that product?), much in the style of when Dean first met him, and his cheeks were dusted in the perfect amount of stubble.
Oh, no. Cas was hot.
Dean wanted to shout, “Dude, put your clothes back on!” but he had a mouth full of coffee. Instead, when he tried to speak, the coffee spilled out of his mouth and dribbled down to the floor. Most of it ended up in his slippers.
Oh, no. That was hot.
“Good morning, Dean,” Cas said.
Cas walked past Dean and to the coffee pot, filling his a mug for himself. He didn’t really need the coffee (though that didn’t stop him from stealing the last bit and taking great amusement at Dean’s distress) but he said he developed a taste for it and enjoyed partaking in a morning routine. Cas’s words.
Cas settled into his favoured seat at the table, politely ignoring the long, drawn out “guh?” sound coming from Dean. Hopefully, Cas would attribute Dean’s inability to articulate the word “good” on the lack of caffeine.
“Morning,” Dean managed, deciding to forgo saying the “good” part. Words were hard.
Cas smiled at Dean (dammit, those itty bitty smiles were so cute) and not fair. No, not fair at all.
Dean needed to sit down. Dean needed to sit down before something else came up.
Fuck, Dean. Cas was just wearing clothes. Nice, good clothes, that showed off his–
Cas sipped his coffee, eyes sparkling as he watched Dean struggle to carry his coffee to the table and sit without spilling another drop. Dean really hoped that wasn’t a knowing smile on Cas’s (damn nice) face.
Dean knew there was a God. He also knew that God fucking sucked. But, still: Lord, please have mercy on him.
Dean might have lost his mind.
Cas in biker boots. Cas in leather jackets. Cas in soft long-sleeved henleys. Cas in well-cut tailored suits. Cas in a short black trench coat that showed off his ass.
Yeah. Dean was looking at Cas’s ass. Sue him. It was hiding from Dean for so long. If Dean had only known about it all those years before. It was glorious. Every time Dean looked, it felt a lot like staring into the sun but it was so worth it.
The only things missing from Cas’s new wardrobe were a doctor’s coat and cowboy boots.
No, Dean. Bad, Dean. Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it.
Oh, no. He was thinking about it.
Dean wondered if he still had Cas’s cowboy hat somewhere.
Sam cleared his throat, so loud that the other patrons in the diner shot dirty looks at the brother’s booth. Dean glanced up from his bacon omelette (extra bacon with a side of bacon, of course) and judged, from the look on Sam’s face, that Dean had been ignoring him for a while now.
“What?” Dean asked.
Sam probably wouldn’t be so bitchy if he’d ordered something other than the heart-smart egg whatever breakfast wrap. “Dude. Case? Dead bodies? Thinking it’s a werewolf? Am I ringing any bells here?”
Oh, right, case. Not Cas. Extra letter.
Sam sighed. “Seriously, man. What’s got you so distracted lately?”
Well, cowboy boots, but that probably wasn’t what Dean should say.
“Cas,” Dean said. Goddammit, Dean. That wasn’t any better. Go for the save. “Uh, I mean, doesn’t he seem different lately? With, like, the makeover and all?”
Pursing his lips, Sam stared down at his (sad, sad) plate. His shoulders shook, looking suspiciously like a (poor) attempt to suppress laughter. “Dean, he”– Sam snorted. Yup, definitely laughter– “he wanted some stuff of his own, since he’s permanatly moved in the bunker. I helped him out.”
“You helped him out? Why didn’t he ask me? You don’t have any fashion sense!”
Sam didn’t hold back his laughter anymore. The entire diner turned and glared.
Yup. It was werewolves. A couple of silver bullets and a few bruises later (god, Dean was getting old; he ached), the brothers made it home in time for dinner. Parking Baby in front of the bunker’s entrance, Dean was distracted with pleasant thoughts about pulling on his soft hot dog pants and warm dead guy robe and watching cowboy movies (that would scratch the itch, he hoped) so he wasn’t paying much attention to his surroundings.
When Dean stepped out of Baby, he was not ready.
He was not ready at all.
A vintage motorcycle (a fucking cool one), complete with the little round headlight on the handlebars, sat a few feet away. Curvy and sleek, it shone. Its paint and chrome was recently restored, and, on any other day, Dean would have whistled.
It was probably a good thing he wasn’t able to whistle because Cas, innocently sitting there (oh fuck, was Dean dreaming?) on the motorcycle, would have heard it. Dean choked instead, his throat suddenly dry. Behind him, he heard Sam slam the passenger side door shut.
“Hey, Cas! She’s looking good, man.” Sam walked over to Cas, because yes, that was indeed Cas on the motorcycle (oh fuck, Dean was not dreaming), and they started chatting about the vehicle.
Wait. Sam knew about this? The whole time?
Dean wanted to stomp over there and ask what the hell was going on, but his legs didn’t work. Dean leaned against Baby’s door (he totally did that on purpose to look cool, okay), and drank in the sight of Cas.
Oh, no. Cas was hot. Hotter.
Cas wore a leather motorcycle jacket, decorated with a pair of wings (there was Cas’s weird sense of humour, again) on the back. His long (so long) fingers, poking out from a pair of fingerless gloves, held a helmet steady against his hip. He had on a pair of seriously cool biker boots (Dean should totally ask where he got them) and another pair of nice, thigh hugging jeans.
The worst part, though, was that those thighs straddled (straddled!) the motorcycle seat, holding it upright no problem.
Wait. Was Dean jealous of a motorcycle? Those thighs could straddle him like–
“Hey, Dean!” Sam waved from his place next to Cas. “Everything okay over there?”
At that, Dean’s legs cooperated. He joined the other two.
Shit. Hot. Hotter. Hottest. Dean could see that now that he was up close and personal with Cas.
“Yeah. Uh, sweet–” Dean cleared his throat. Shit, it was dry. “Sweet ride, Cas.”
Sam burst out a laugh. Dean subtly flipped him off. By doing it right in Sam’s face.
“Thank you, Dean,” Cas said. Dean swore Cas’s cheeks were flushed. Cas’s eyes were definitely wide and bright and blue (so blue). “Do you like it?”
“Yeah.” Dean smiled. “Love it.”
 All of it. All of you.  
Okay, Cas’s cheeks flushed now, for certain. “I’m going to take her for– how does it go?– for a spin.”
Oh, no. Hot and cute and a dork.
Dean was so done for.
After strapping on his helmet, Cas started up the engine with a satisfying roar. He peeled away from the bunker. Dean bet Cas’s wide smile could be seen from outer space.
Sam slapped Dean on the back. Dean rolled his eyes at Sam's shit-eating little brother grin.
“Sweet ride? Seriously, Dean?”
“What?” Dean shoved his hands into his jacket pockets and shrugged. “Looks good.”
“The ride or the guy?”
Dean sucked in a breath. He choked on it. While Dean coughed up both his lungs, Sam didn’t even help him or show concern. His grin only got wider and more shit-eatery (that’s totally a thing). Some brother. Once he shoved his lungs back into their proper place, Dean finally managed to say something. He gulped down air, ready to unleash his deadly comeback.
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ohhmyheart5678 · 3 years
When in the streets of seoul (8)
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*warning* this mentions death, murder, suicide, guns, and other gruesome and dark content if you are sensitive to these kinds of things do not read the it
Pairing: Chan x female reader
Word count: 1.6k
It has been two months since the kiss and three weeks since Chris officially asked me to be his girlfriend. I turned him down the first week but as days went on we kept getting to know eachother. Soon he would  hangout with me a lot more. Then when he asked me again I said no just because I wasn't ready yet.
Just kidding!! Of course I said yes, when I saw the sweet, loving, and caring side of him I couldn't help but have feelings for him.
Walking in the hallways, I went to approach Hyunjin and figure out what's wrong with him so we can finally start talking again. I miss his visits to my room where'd he'd bring me snacks. He knew my snack schedule and whenever I would crave something guess what he would pop up with later? The exact thing I would say that I was craving.
He was the sweetest guy in planet, at least when it came to me. All the boys were actually. Once I arrived to Hyunjin's room, I stood there a moment trying to gather up what I was actually going to say. I must admit I was extremely nervous and hated the feeling of Hyunjin hating me.
Right when I was going to knock on the door, it abruptly swung open. A girl with a long white button up shirt was and jet black hair was standing there buttoning her shirt not realizing someone was standing right in front of her. I could tell by how she was aggressively buttoning her shirt that she was mad about something and it didn't take an idiot to know what they were actually doing in there.
Once the girl looked up, her eyes went wide and then went back to how it sat on her face normally which meant that I probably scared her. I didn't mean to stand there starring at her I was just trying to figure out who she was and why she was here.
"Get out my way I need to get as far away from him as I can" she shoulder checked me to move and part of me wanted to snatch her back by her hair and beat the shit out of her but for some reason I felt a feeling I never felt before and it was over powering my anger.
"Eunbi wait!" Hyunjin came chasing after her but I stopped him with my air making him kinda fly forward from the force of him running into my arm. "What the fuck are you doing ?!" It was the first time the tall brown haired boy had ever yelled at me and if I'm being honest it didn't feel good but I just let it slide for now.
"We need to talk" I was not gonna beat around the bush. "There honestly nothing to talk about" he turned around and walked in his room and I followed him, but before I could enter his room the door was slammed with such force that I felt a gush of wind hit my skin and my hair flew forward.
I hated this! Why was he doing this to me? Everyone else he would treat like he would on any other day but when it came to me he acted as if he wished I never existed. "Hyunjin please talk to me. Don't shut me out. I deserve to know what did wrong" I was genuinely confused as to why he suddenly hated me.
I sat there a second trying to figure out what I was feeling right now. What was only a few seconds felts like minutes until finally the door slowly opened and there stands Hyunjin. I could tell by just a glance that the old Hyunjin had made an appearance, the one that I cared for so deeply. "Let's make this quick" he steps aside to let me in. So I walk in quickly before he changes his mind.
We sat on his bed in awkward silence for a good two minutes straight before I finally decided to speak. "So..." I waited to see if he was going to be the one to take charge of the conversation but once I realized I was gonna have to he the one to do it, I proceed. "Who was that girl?" I questioned while raising an eyebrow. I know that the real question I was supposed to ask him is why was he ignoring me, but something deep down in me needed to know.
"She's my ex she came over to start over but I want absolutely nothing to do with her" Hyunjin speaks so dryly and he crosses his arms "Then why was she buttoning her clothes?" I must admit I felt a tiny bit of jealousy but I was trying my best to hide it "she came on to me and I turned her down and she got mad and stormed off I felt bad to I tried to apologize because I could've found another way to say besides 'fuck off'" I just nodded my head kindve in shock. Why would he turn down someone as gorgeous as her? "anymore questions?" He gets up and dusts himself off and walks over to his motorcycle arcade game. He sat down choosing which virtual motorcycle he wanted to use. "Why do you hate me?" I blurted out
The sudden outburst made him stop completely, freezing exactly where he was. He takes a long sigh before getting off and turning around just to sit back down so that he could face me. "I don't hate you Kinley I can never hate you" he stood up from his game and walked over back to where I was sitting. "In fact I lov- look as you as someone I genuinely care about " he awkwardly scratches the back of his head but stands next to me, placing his hand on the bed so that he could lean on it.
"Then why do you act like it?" I was still so confused. "Look I'm just going through something and I need some time to-" he paused, I could tell that he was trying to choose his words very carefully. "Self reflect. I need to figure out exactly what I'm feeling and why I feel it" I knew there was something wanted to tell me but why wouldn't he just come out and say it?
"Then why-" "I can't tell you right now okay?!" I was now seeing a him getting annoyed, it's was written all over his face. A different side of Hyunjin I rarely saw but I wanted the sweet and charismatic one, the extremely thoughtful Hyunjin that makes my heart melt. "How can I trust you when you can't even tell me something simple such as why you're treating this way?" I spat at him. If this was how it's gonna be then he doesn't have to talk me ever. I got up to leave and when I reached the door I opened it only to have a hand instantly close it over my head. Damn, I sometimes forget how short I am compared to them!
"I don't wanna fight ok? I promise to tell you soon! Just please trust me. I've cared about you I just have a interesting way of showing it but let me make it up to you." Hyunjin was slightly out of breath from running after me. I was still facing the door , I couldn't look Hyunjin in the eyes, not now. If he could make my heart feel this way then, who knows what impulsive thing I would've done then "Fine" was all I said before walking out the door. I just needed to get out of there and fast before things escalate.
The next day  jisung and I were swimming in the pool only to be interrupted by an angry Chan. " What the fuck are you doing out here when you know we have a meeting?" It wasn't a real question because we all knew Chris didn't want to hear an actual answer he just wanted the blue haired boy to exit the pool as soon as possible but Jisung was stuck he didn't really know what to do anything could set him off when he's in such a mood, but because jisung didn't say anything Chris made it a little easier for him.
"Get the fuck out of the pool before I fish you out myself" Jisung instantly got out the pool and left causing me to laugh hysterically at him. For some bad ass mafia they were extremely dorky sometimes. "Kinley you can do whatever you want as long as you don't enter the office. We have people here that we're exchanging goods with and it's very important that we seal the deal. Got it?"  I rolled my eyes in response. Not this again!
"I'm not twelves years old you don't have to treat me like I am" he squinted his eyes at me obviously not in the mood for my sarcasm he was now completely in boss mode. I just shot my hands up in response and he shook his head "I mean it stay out of my office midget" he says before walking off, but we both know I never listen.
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the-delta-42 · 3 years
Altered Fates
Alternate Fates
Cody grinned as he watched Chase and his Dad pursue a speeding vehicle, it was some kind of new black/dark purple sports car and had been causing havoc around the island.
“Cody?” Came Frankie’s voice, before her head popped up above the ladder leading to the command centre.
“Hey, Frankie.” Said Cody, not taking his eyes off the screen, watching the car race through the streets, “Dad and Chase are chasing a speeding driver.”
“They haven’t caught them yet?” Asked Frankie, walking up to Cody’s chair.
“No, in fact, they’re barely keeping up with them.” Said Cody, watching the screen as the car suddenly stopped and spun around to face Chase and the Chief.
Cody watched his dad step out of Chase and walk up to the car. In the blink of an eye, the car transformed and shot at Chase, making the Rescue Bot transform and skid backwards. The other robot swung at Chief with his gun, sending the human flying into a rock.
Cody and Frankie stared at the screen, Frankie waited for Cody to say something, before looking at Cody. The boy was frozen, staring at the screen that showed Chase’s smoking form and his own unconscious father. The other robot walked towards Chase, before a helicopter hook snagged it’s shoulder.
Frankie frowned, leaned over Cody and pushed the comm button, “Graham, Kade, the Chief’s been hurt and so has Chase.”
“Frankie?! What are you doing on the comm?” Demanded Kade, “Where’s Cody?”
“He’s frozen, he just saw Chief and Chase get attacked by some new Robot.” Said Frankie, glancing at Cody, who was still pale and still.
“Heatwave, it’s not a robot,” Said Blades, as he avoided the shots from the robot, “It’s a Decepticon! AGH! I’M HIT!”
Frankie watched as Blades spun out and crashed into the ground. Cody trembled beside her; Frankie absently wrapped an arm around him. The Robot had started walking towards Blades downed form, before looking down the street, spotting the other two Rescue Bots, and drove away from them.
“Blades’s fine, he just in shock,” Said Boulder, “He and Dani will be taking the Chief to the Hospital, Heatwave and I will bring Chase back to the firehouse.”
“Yeah, and when we get back, Cody better explain why he froze!” Snapped Kade, making Cody flinch.
Ratchet grumbled as the proximity alarm went off, Miko paused her conversation with Jack and Optimus internally groaned, while Bulkhead, Arcee, Bumblebee and Rafael stopped watching Jack and Miko argue.
“What does he want now?” Asked Smokescreen, as he limped back from the training room with Wheeljack in tow.
“Prime!” Yelled Fowler, as he exited the elevator, “An issue’s come up on Griffin Rock, something about your rescue team being attacked by some unknown ‘Con.”
“I’m sorry, ‘Rescue Team’?” Asked Arcee, as Optimus closed his optics.
“They are the last four Rescue Bots in existence,” Said Optimus, getting everyone’s attention, “They arrived on Earth shortly after we lost Cliffjumper, they have been residing with the family of Maria Burns.”
“Uh, who’s Maria Burns?” Asked Miko, “And why haven’t we met her yet?”
“Maria was our original Human liaison,” Said Ratchet, getting Miko’s attention, “before she was killed by Roadkill.”
“Her youngest, Cody Burns, witnessed the attack,” Said Optimus, looking around, “I instructed Ratchet to erase the active memories of the incident.”
“I only supressed them,” Countered Ratchet, “I was only mildly successful considering his young age.”
“But what’s that got to do with this ‘Con encounter?” Asked Bulkhead, as Optimus exhaled.
“Perhaps, we should pay them a visit.” Said Optimus, before everybody got up, “I was referring to myself and Ratchet.”
“Sorry, Optimus,” Said Arcee, folding her arms, “but we’ll be pulling a Miko.”
“Yeah!” Cried the Girl, before freezing, “Hey!”
Optimus sighed, “Ratchet, do you still possess the portable Ground Bridge control?”
“It’s been collecting dust, but it’s still operational.” Said Ratchet, picking the device up.
The Team had moved Cody down to the bunker, with Frankie being kept to the side while Dani worked. Dani flashed a pen light over Cody’s eyes, “I don’t know, Kade, Cody’s pupils are reacting to the light, but that doesn’t mean he’s conscious.”
“Well, what’s wrong with him?” Demanded Kade, as a green light illuminated the Bunker.
The group looked towards it, just as Optimus exited from the light source, swiftly followed by six Autobots and four humans.
“Cool!” Cried a Japanese girl, “You didn’t say they had an underground base!”
“Miko,” Said the giant green Autobot, “We only just found out about them.”
Optimus frowned at the sight of Cody, before crouching down and look closely at the boy, “Ratchet, what is happening?”
The white and orange Autobot crouched down at scanned Cody, “It seems that the memories I repressed are starting to surface, I suggest you restrain him until it’s over.”
“Restain- Why should we restrain him?” Asked Graham, just as Cody’s arm swung out and hit him as the boy screamed.
“That’s why!” Yelled Ratchet, grabbing Cody and holding his arms and leg together, “He thinks he’s seeing Roadkill all over again!”
“Why?” Asked the Blue, female looking Autobot, “The last time he was stock still and didn’t make a sound.”
“That’s what Cody did when he saw the Decepticon,” Said Heatwave, walking up to Optimus, “I hope Ratchet’s a medic, because Chase needs one.”
Ratchet looked around, “Bulkhead, hold him!”
The big green Autobot held his hands up, walked backward, inadvertently stepping on the pinball machine, and shook his head, “Sorry, Ratch, I can barely hold Miko without her complaining.”
A white and green Autobot huffed, “Give him here.”
The Autobot Transformed into Vehicle mode, everyone flinching as Cody’s head connected with the Autobot’s window.
“Uhh, oops?” Said the Autobot, as Miko started looking around.
“What is happening?!” Yelled Kade, making everyone look at him.
Optimus crouched down and look at Kade, “That, is a long and tedious story, Arcee, take Smokescreen and Bumblebee and search for Roadkill, Bulkhead, keep an eye on the Children, Agent Fowler, could you please contact Nurse Darby and see if she can come here?”
The dark skinned human nodded and pulled out his phone, while blue Autobot transformed into a Motorcycle and left with Bumblebee and the white and red Autobot, both transforming as well. Soon, the three were gone.
“Kade, several years ago, your mother worked for your united states government,” Said Optimus, as Dani and Graham joined Kade, while Frankie went over to the white and green Autobot so she was near Cody, “Her job was our official liaison to the humans, until she was murdered by Roadkill.”
“That Decepticon.” Said Heatwave, getting a nod from Optimus.
“Roadkill take particular delight in hunt and killing Humans, he targeted your mother because of some transgression.” Said Optimus, as Fowler spoke.
“She overtook him on a freeway.” Called Fowler, before returning to the phone, “Any of you bots flyers?”
“Blades is.” Said Dani, as Fowler nodded.
“I’m going to have to borrow him to collect Nurse Darby, she’s attending a conference in Maine.” Said Fowler as he took Blades to the roof.
“Roadkill followed your mother back to Griffin Rock, before attacking her.” Continued Optimus, before looking at the white and green Autobot, “Wheeljack, loosen your grip, if he dies before Nurse Darby gets here, I will not hesitate in throwing you under a mode of transportation.”
“I don’t think that’s how the saying goes, Prime.” Said Wheeljack, opening his window and loosening the seatbelt holding Cody. Cody curled into a ball and tried to make himself a small as possible.
Optimus frowned, “If the Decepticon is indeed Roadkill, his very appearance may have sparked Cody’s memories to resurface.”
“But why were they repressed in the first place?” Asked Dani, looking towards Cody.
“It was decided at the time that, given his young age, Cody wouldn’t be able to keep our existence a secret,” Explained Optimus, frowning, “an area of your government requested that he be made to forget about the incident.”
“Obviously, it failed.” Called Ratchet, as he examined Chase.
“So, to clarify, our mom was your previous liaison, was killed by a Decepticon and Cody witnessed it happen?” Asked Kade, as Wheeljack’s door opened.
Optimus looked over and saw Nurse Darby, and Chief Burns, checking Cody over.
“He’s just in shock,” Said June, before looking at Graham, “you might want to get some ice for that.”
Graham suddenly became aware of the throbbing pain in his jaw. June helped Chief Burns manoeuvre Cody out of Wheeljack and towards a chair.
“Wheeljack, go help the others with the search,” Ordered Optimus, before heading towards the communications area, “I will call in additional support.”
“Who else is here?” Asked Wheeljack, before speeding out of the Firehouse.
“I must say, Optimus, your team has no respect for road safety laws.” Said Chase, as he sat up.
“Optimus, if there is a Decepticon here, wouldn’t it be prudent to installed weapon systems into the Rescue Bots?” Asked Ratchet, looking up at Optimus.
“Perhaps, but it is their choice Ratchet.” Said Optimus, before the door to the communications centre closed.
Arcee scanned the road, keeping an eye out for the Decepticon, Smokescreen was covering the north side of the island, Bumblebee was tackling the south and Wheeljack had taken the west, leaving Arcee with the east.
Fowler had made the consequences of them not finding the Decepticon clear, if the ‘Con got away, Cody, and only Cody would go into protective custody. Normally, the entire family would move, but the Rescue Team couldn’t leave the island, at any cost. Arcee spotted a familiar black/dark purple car make ahead, ‘Gotcha.’ Thought Arcee, speeding up to catch up with the Decepticon.
Roadkill became aware of an Autobot tailing him, the second on that night, and increased his speed. Before he could request a ground bridge, a black and white police car appeared next to him, before slamming into him.
“Roadkill to Nemesis,” Said Roadkill, “I’m being tailed by two Autobots, I could use a bridge.”
“Did you find the relic?” Demanded Megatron, his tone dark.
“The relic’s been gone for weeks, Lord Megatron,” Reported Roadkill, “this Island has kept an extensive record of every incident that’s occurred here. The Liquefier is long gone.”
The swirling green vortex of the ground bridge sprang into life, before Roadkill drove through it. Arcee and the Police car skidded to a halt. Both transformed.
“Scrap!” Yelled the Police Car, who bore a heavy resemblance to Smokescreen.
“Prowl?” Asked Arcee, getting the bot to look at her.
“Arcee.” Greeted Prowl, nodding at her.
Optimus exited the Communications Centre to be greeted by the Autobots, Rescue Bots and Prowl.
“Sir!” Saluted Prowl, snapping to attention.
“At ease Prowl.” Said Optimus, looking at the tactician.
“Sir, I regret to inform you that the Decepticon known as Roadkill was able to escape capture.” Reported Prowl, “I have been following his trail for the past four Earth Stellar cycles, before I tracked him to this Island, where he escaped through a space bridge portal.”
Optimus sighed and closed his optics, “Chief Burns, I take it that Agent Fowler alerted you to the course of action that would be taken if the Decepticon would escape.”
“He did.” Confirmed the Chief, his tone flat.
“Wait, course of action? What course of action?” Asked Kade, looking between his father and Optimus.
“As long a Cody remains here, his life is at risk,” Said Optimus, looking down at Kade, “as well as yours.”
“So, what, we all go into hiding or something?” Asked Graham, confused.
“Normally, that would be the case,” Said Optimus, shuttering his optics, “however, as Cody is the only target, and that the Rescue Team has been assigned here, Cody, and only Cody, will be placed under Autobot Protection until Roadkill has been dealt with.”
“H-how long will that be?” Asked Dani, getting Optimus to look at her.
“I do not know, Danielle.” Said Optimus, “Hopefully, sooner rather than later.”
Cody was silent as the last of his bags were loaded into Bulkhead, The Rescue bots had been given basic weapons, both ranged and melee, by Ratchet. Cody had already said his goodbyes to his family, the only ones left was Frankie and her family, since he hadn’t seen them since the week before.
“Okay, that’s everything.” Said Jack, looking down at Cody, “You okay, bud?”
“Yeah,” muttered Cody, despondent looking around is home for what could be the last time, “I guess I never thought I’d leave.”
“Don’t worry,” Said Miko, slumping against Bulkhead’s side, “There’s nothing the Bot’s can’t handle.”
“Miko.” Said Bulkhead, turning his engine on, “It’s time to go.”
Each human went to their Autobot, while Cody went back to say goodbye, again.
“I’m going to miss you so much.” Said Dani, as she held on to him.
“I know it’s probably only going to be a little while,” Said his dad, “But, I want you to know that we’ll always be with you, even if you’re a million miles away.”
Graham and Kade had opted for simple hugs, before Cody started making his way over to Prowl. The Autobot looked down at him and then at the Chief, “I promise, I’ll protect him with my very spark.”
Chief nodded, as Prowl collapsed into his vehicle mode, Cody was about to climb in when Frankie turned up.
“Wait!” Yelled Frankie, coming to a stop in front of Cody, “I, er, I wanted to give you this.”
Frankie held out a book, Cody looked at it. He opened the cover and a hologram of him and Frankie appeared, he turned the page and the hologram was replaced with one of his family and the Rescue Bots, the next was him and Uncle Woodrow and the one after was of Trex. Cody bit his bottom lip and wrapped his arms around Frankie.
“I’m gonna miss you.” Said Cody, into Frankie’s shoulder.
“I’ll miss you too.” Responded Frankie, hugging Cody back.
“Young Love.” Said Kade, before Graham elbowed him in the side.
Cody looked around his new room, Prowl was sitting outside, keeping watch for Roadkill or any other Decepticons, almost every day, after school, Prowl would take Cody to the Autobot’s base, hidden in the Nevada Desert. Optimus and his team were looking for Cybertronian Relics, the most recent ones being keys of some sort, Prowl had been keeping an eye on Cody and hadn’t been able to take part in the search. Cody opened the holograph album Frankie gave him, looking at the images of his family and his previous life. He heard Prowl honk his horn, prompting Cody to shove the book in his bag, before heading out the door.
After school, Cody found himself in Prowl’s back seat with Raf, while Jack and Miko were in the front arguing, again. Prowl suddenly skidded to a halt, opening his doors, sending the human out of his interiors, before transforming.
“Starscream.” Hissed the Autobot, engaging his weapons.
“Don’t worry, I’m not here for you.” Sneered Starscream reaching for Jack.
Prowl shot him in the chest, before Knock Out lunged at him and jabbed the energon prod at him. Prowl shook the first two jabs, before the third, fourth and fifth sent him to the ground.
“It’s a pity we don’t have enough time to terminate him now.” Said Starscream, before he, Knock Out and a couple of Vehicons grabbed the Humans and placed them in jars.
The next few hours were a blur for Cody, with him and the other humans being taken to Cybertron, the Autobot’s being forced to surrender the relics and Omega Keys and Optimus destroying the Omega Lock, before the Autobots retreated. Back on Earth, the Autobot found the Decepticons had discovered the location of their secret base, which led to the Autobot’s evacuating the base. Cody watched the countryside race by, the book Frankie gave him resting on his lap.
“Where are we?” Asked Cody, looking to the open fields.
“Maine, we’re heading to Griffin Rock.” Said Prowl, his dash flashing as he spoke.
“But, what about Roadkill?” Asked Cody, looking down at Prowl’s dash.
“He was caught in the Spark Extractor blast when Smokescreen set it off.” Said Prowl, “And, frankly, you’re in more danger with me than you were when Roadkill was hunting you. Besides, it’s been a few months, I’m sure you’re dying to see your family.”
Cody smiled, as Prowl reached the ferry.
Charlie sighed, Frankie had been temporarily filling in for Cody, since the last dispatcher had been neglecting to answer calls. Chase transformed, as Frankie slid down the fire pole, Heatwave, Blade and Boulder looking at the group.
“Another false alarm.” Said Chief, getting a collective groan.
“Again?” Demanded Heatwave, “How come all of the calls are false alarms?”
“Perhaps it’s because there’s a lack of training for your dispatchers.” Said Prowl, making everyone jump.
“Prowl!” Cried Blades, jumping to his feet, “It’s so good to see you, is Cody with you? How’s Bumblebee? Why are you here?”
“Yes, don’t know, and Cody’s no longer in danger.” Said Prowl, his chest opening, revealing Cody.
“W-wait, did you say Cody’s no longer in danger?” Asked Frankie, her eyes zeroing in on Cody.
“Roadkill was offlined during a recent battle on Cybertron,” Said Prowl, his door wings tilting downwards, “Ironically, the same battle led to our base being discovered. Cody would be much safe here, away from anything that may spark any conflict with the Decepticons.”
“Well, I’m sure there’s room for you here.” Said Charlie, as Prowl set Cody on the floor.
“As long as I’m not encroaching in your business.” Said Prowl, before collapsing into his alt mode.
Cody looked at Prowl, before looking back at his family. He was suddenly tackled by Frankie, the girl held him in a vice-like grip and buried her face in his shoulder, Cody found himself returning the embrace, he tried to ignore the warm fuzzy feeling in his chest. The two felt Dani join the embrace, followed by Graham, Kade and Charlie.
“It’s good to have you home.” Said Charlie, looking down at Cody’s head.
“Almost a year.” Said Kade, “I think you should’ve been away a bit longer, so you could gain a foot.”
Cody let out a wet giggle, before everyone detangled themselves and started to head upstairs.
“You missed so much, Daddy and Professor Baranova got married, The Pynche’s moved away, and Mayor Luskey almost set his house of fire, again.” Said Frankie, from her place next to Cody.
Prowl watched the group leave, before transforming and checking his scanners and frowning and then transforming back to vehicle mode again. Prowl hadn’t received any word from Optimus or any of the other Autobots, then again, they could be maintaining radio silence.
Cody laughed at Dani’s story, especially when she accidentally hit Kade in the face. Frankie had gone home and would be returning tomorrow. Cody couldn’t help but miss Frankie’s presence, despite only seeing her an hour before.
“Since we’ve all had a busy day,” Said his Dad, “I think it’d be best if we all went to bed, we’ve all got work tomorrow.”
Everyone groaned but got up and started heading towards their rooms. Charlie grabbed Cody and hugged him, “You were gone too long.”
Cody hugged his dad back, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” Said Charlie, before letting Cody go, “Go get some sleep, you’ve had a busy day.”
Cody smiled, before heading off to his room.
Outside, Prowl frowned up at the sky, stars were periodically going out and then coming back. The only explanation was that aircraft were passing overhead, but human aircraft usually had some form of sign on them that showed they were there.
Then a shot hit the island, followed by another and then another, then the Vehicons started landing and Prowl mentally slapped his helm. The Decepticons tracked him and, subsequently, Cody to Griffin Rock.
“What the-” Exclaimed Heatwave, exiting the Firehouse.
“Decepticons.” Said Prowl, arming his weapons, “I hope you got practice with your weapon systems.”
Charlie came running out, just as Prowl shot a Vehicon out of the air, “Chief, is there anywhere the Island’s population can hide?”
“The Sanctuary, it in the caverns under Griffin Rock.” Said Charlie, as Chase clipped another Vehicon’s wing.
“I suggest you move all of the people there, now.” Said Prowl, dodging a shot.
“Right, Rescue Bots, vehicle mode.” Ordered Chief, prompting the bots to transform.
“I’ll see about getting Cody to safety.” Said Prowl, as the other Burnses came running out.
“What’s going on?” Demanded Kade, looking around.
“Decepticon attack, get everyone to the sanctuary.” Said Chief, climbing into Chase.
The Rescue bots rolled out, leaving Cody with Prowl, “We best get you somewhere safe.”
“What about Frankie?” Asked Cody, making Prowl stop, “She and her family are in danger too!”
“I’m sure the rescue bots are more than capable of getting both her and her family to safety.” Responded Prowl, before seeing the look on Cody’s face, “Although, I could pick them up, but we’ll have to be quick about it.”
Cody gave a small smile, before Prowl transformed and Cody climbed in. Prowl gunned his engine and tore off down the street, using the gps to find his way to the Greene’s home, by the time Prowl and Cody got there, Frankie, her dad and Professor Baranova were taking shelter from a Decepticon that was trying to grab them.
“Cody, hang on.” Warned Prowl, before speeding up and ramming the Decepticon. Before the Decepticon had a chance to recover, Prowl transformed and discharged his cannon into the Decepticon’s spark.
Prowl looked towards Frankie and her family, “You need to get out of here.”
“Kind of difficult when a giant robot is chasing you.” Snapped Frankie, as Prowl transformed.
“T-there’s a new robot?” Asked Baranova, weakly.
“It’s rather difficult to explain,” Started Doc Greene, before Prowl cut him off.
“Not a robot as you know it,” Said Prowl, opening his door, as Cody climbed into the back seat, “We’re aliens, my name’s Prowl and currently your best hope of survival.”
Frankie climbed in next to Cody, as Doc Greene and Professor Baranova climbed into Prowl’s front, the latter still trying to process what Prowl had told her.
“Cody!” Gasped Frankie, wrapping her arms around the boy, “It was so scary!”
“Please,” Said Prowl, “A single Vehicon is nothing like dodging Starscream.”
“Starscream?” Asked Frankie, detaching herself from Cody.
“He’s the Decepticon Second-in-Command,” Said Cody, as Prowl made a sharp turn, “He’s usually the one who’s leading them into battle.”
“Fortunately for us, he isn’t.” Said Prowl, as he spotted the sea of people being ferried by the Rescue Bots, “I have to help them, go join the crowd.”
The four humans climbed out, allowing Prowl to Transform and start shooting at the Decepticons. The five Autobots guided the human to the sanctuary, before taking up guard positions at the entrance.
“I don’t understand,” Said Baranova, looking up at Prowl, “why are they here?”
“You know, I never actually asked.” Said Doc Greene, as Mayor Luskey was losing his temper as Chief Burns.
“Their original home was destroyed after centuries of war,” Said Cody, from the place he and Frankie had curled up in, “they came here to escape the Decepticons, except the Decepticons were already here.”
“But why are they attacking if they’ve been here for years?” Asked Dani, as she joined them.
“Recently the Autobots found a way to restore Cybertron,” Said Cody, feeling tired, “they had to find for Omega Keys and take them to something called the Omega lock on Cybertron.”
“The Omega lock had the power to restore Cybertron,” Said Prowl, crouching down, “we could’ve gone home, but then the Decepticons used the humans against us. Megatron had Starscream kidnap them and take them to Cybertron, where he threatened to expose them to the hostile atmosphere unless the Autobots handed over the relics and the Omega keys. In the end, our leader, Optimus Prime, was forced to destroy the Omega lock, to prevent Megatron from Cyberforming Earth.”
“Okay, so then what happened?” Asked Kade, as Prowl’s door wings slumped.
“The Decepticons discovered our base and, as a final precaution, Optimus had us all evacuate with the humans, each to a different set of coordinates, before remaining behind to destroy the Ground Bridge.” Said Prowl, making the Rescue Bots bow their heads, “If I am correct, Megatron would’ve destroyed our base and, upon finding the lack of Autobot bodies, commanded his warriors to hunt each and every Autobot down.”
“Then, well, then why are you still here?!” Demanded Luskey, making Prowl look down at him, “Go! Leave! Begone and don’t come back!”
“Mayor Luskey,” Said Prowl, “Need I remind you that myself and the Rescue Bots are your best, and probably only, line of defence against the Decepticons.”
The Mayor went red and started puffing up his chest.
“The Mayor’s suspended the entire Rescue Team,” Said Chief Burns, “On the grounds that we deliberately deceived the island about the Rescue Bots.”
“So, basically,” Said Kade, leaning against Heatwave, “you’re saying that we can leave at any time?”
“Yes!” Shouted the Mayor, his face resembling a beet, “Now leave!”
“Perhaps this should be a Town decision.” Said Prowl, looking at the humans.
“Fine, all in favour of the Aliens leaving, say ‘aye’.” Said the Mayor, before realising that he was the only one with his hand raised.
“All opposed?” Asked the Chief, which made everyone else raise their hands.
“Well, that’s decided.” Said Heatwave, loading his pistol, “Someone’s coming.”
Prowl and the other bots joined Heatwave at the entrance, each pointing their weapons at the intruder.
“While I appreciate your prudence, Soldier,” Said the Bot, “I must remind you it is against regulation to aim a weapon at a superior officer.”
Prowl gasped, before lowering his cannon, “Impossible.”
Ultra Magnus looked over the five Autobots, quietly noting that four were from a Rescue team, before directing his attention to Prowl, “Not impossible, Soldier, however the military protocol remains, despite the state of Cybertron.”
Prowl snapped into a salute, “Apologies, Sir.”
“Prowl,” Asked Cody, looking up at his Guardian, “Who’s this?”
“This, Cody,” Said Prowl, before Ultra Magnus could speak, “Is Optimus’s Second-in-Command, The Commander of the Autobot Elite Guard and Leader of the Wreckers, This is Ultra Magnus.”
“Are you here to help?” Asked Cody, looking at Ultra Magnus.
“Soldier, do all of the Natives of this world share the same disregard for Military Protocol?” Asked Ultra Magnus, frowning at Cody.
“If you don’t like me, then you’re going to hate Miko.” Said Cody, frowning back at Ultra Magnus.
The Commander leaned back and raised an eye brow at Cody, who copied him.
“Prowl,” Said Ultra Magnus, looking at the Tactician, “How well trained are these Bots?”
“They’ve received Basic combat training, Sir,” Said Prowl, “However, they did lead the Human Population of this island to safety when the Decepticons attacked. Sir, if I may, how many of us did you find?”
“I have already collected Arcee and her Human friend, I have also located ten other signals, present and mentioned included.”
“Out of twelve.” Muttered Prowl, before looking up, “I was unaware that the Decepticons had already found one of our comrades so quickly.”
“But Autobot signals can’t be detected if they’re shielded.” Said Heatwave, walking up to the pair, “And, frankly Sir, you’re going to need every Autobot you can get.”
Prowl looked over at Cody, before crouching down, “Cody, I think it’d be best if you remained with your family, at least until we’ve dealt with the Decepticons.”
Cody frowned, but nodded. Prowl looked over the humans, “I’ll also speak with our liaison about having everyone taken to safety.”
Chief nodded, before Prowl followed Ultra Magnus, leading the Rescue Bots away with them.
“This could be the last time we see them.” Said Cody, as the last of the bots vanished from view.
“Well, we do have Monopoly to help pass the time.” Said Doc Greene, making everyone groan.
“I’m pretty sure I investigated a murder because of Monopoly.” Mutter Chief Burns, making Cody giggle.
Cody and Frankie glared at each other.
“Cybernucleic isn’t a word.” Argued Frankie, as Cody shook his head.
“It is, it’s what the bots are made of.” Said Cody, as Kade handed Graham $200.
“No, they’re made of alloys.” Reasoned Frankie, folding her arms.
“No, just ask them when they get back.” Said Cody, before pointing at one of Frankie’s words, “Besides, there’s no way supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is a word.”
“It is, it’s in Mary Poppins.” Said Frankie, as Cody frowned.
“I don’t know what that is.” Said Cody, making Frankie stare at him.
“That’s a lie, we watched it together!” Protested Frankie, before glaring at Cody, “Waaait, do you know how to sleep with your eyes open?”
Cody gulped, as Dani cackled and sent Kade to jail, “Nooo…”
Frankie gasped, which was when Cody decided to run for his life.
“GET BACK HERE!” Yelled Frankie, chasing after Cody.
“Cody, Frankie, don’t run too far, the ground in the north part of the cave isn’t stable!” Yelled Chief, as Cody and Frankie ran off.
“Young love, am I right?” Smirked Kade, before Dani slapped the back of his head.
Cody was a few feet ahead of Frankie, before his foot went through the ground and he fell onto a metal surface.
“Oh my god, Cody are you okay?” Cried Frankie, stopping at the edge of the hole.
“Y-yeah, I’m alright.” Said Cody, his foot slipping slightly. The boy looked around him, his eyes stopping on a crest that was emblazoned in the metal, “Frankie, I think we just found a ship.”
“A ship?” Asked Frankie, as Chief Burns and Doc Greene came over.
“Yeah, the crest has the Autobot symbol on it.” Said Cody, before he looked at what he was standing on. The metal was a deep red, with a long barrel pointing out of it. The red metal also had an Autobot symbol on it, before Cody looked up and saw two blue optics looking down at him.
“Wwwhheeerrrreee aaarrree wwweee?” Slurred the Autobot, starting to move.
“Y-your on Earth,” Said Cody, before recognising the Autobot from Prowl’s recording, “You’re Warpath, aren’t you?”
Warpath nodded, before groaning and starting to move, “Blaster, report in.”
A low groan emanated from the dark, before a blue visor lit up, “Did someone get the number of the station that hit us?”
A couple of ropes rolled down behind Cody, before Chief Burns and Kade slid down. An Autobot with black wings, yellow chest, black and grey legs and red arms and head stumbled forwards.
“Blockrock,” Said Blaster, his mouth plate retracting, “deploy.”
A red coloured hexagonal barrel fell out of Blaster’s chest, before transforming into a bird, “Find Steeljaw and Eject.”
The bird nodded, before flying off.
“What’s the status of the Space Bridge?” Asked Warpath, carefully shifting Cody in his hand.
“The Controls seem alright; I can set about waking everyone up and evacuating.” Said Blaster, as Chief Burns cleared his throat.
“As interesting as this is,” Said Chief Burns, as Warpath and Blaster looked at him, “I think we should talk.
Warpath looked at Cody, before reaching up and grabbing Chief Burns and Kade, after depositing the three humans on his should, he hauled himself out of the hole, as more of the ground gave way. Frankie scrambled away as Warpath climbed out of the hole, followed by Blaster.
“There’s more of them?!” Demanded the Mayor, before flinching at the combined glare of the towns people.
After putting the three humans down, Warpath crouched down in front of them, “I take it you’ve met our kind before.”
“Yeah, the Rescue Bots.” Said Chief Burns, making Blaster stare at him.
“That’s impossible,” Said Blaster, frowning, “All the rescue teams were exterminated by the Decepticons, those that survived joined the other Autobot forces, during the War for Cybertron.”
Warpath looked over the humans, “How many Autobots are there on Earth?”
“Ten out of Twelve.” Said Cody, making Warpath look at him.
“What do you mean out of Twelve?” Asked Warpath, as Blaster checking a panel on his arm.
“Ultra Magnus came and took Prowl and the Rescue Bots to fight against the Decepticons.” Said Cody, just as Blaster caught a signal.
“When was this?” Asked Warpath, leaning closer to Cody.
“About three days ago.” Said Cody, as Blaster cleared up the Static.
“Attention Autobot forces, Optimus Prime is alive and quite well.” Came Ultra Magnus’s voice, making Cody grin.
“I’ve got a lock,” Said Blaster, looking at Warpath, “If I go now, I might be able to make it.”
Warpath nodded, prompting Blaster to run out of the cave and transform into a Cybertronian Jet, “I’ll work on getting everyone else awake.” Warpath looked at the Humans, “I don’t suppose any of you could help with that?”
It was another day before Blaster returned, with several ships and transports from the Military.
“They should be in here,” Said Blaster, as he led the humans to the cave, “Unless they’ve all gone into the Axalon.”
A large white Cybertronian stepped out and paused when he saw the Humans, “Warpath, it looks like more humans have arrived!”
“They’re here to evacuate the Island, Jetfire.” Said Blaster, as Warpath, adorned with small, giggling children, came out.
“About time, too.” Grumbled Warpath, as Prowl brushed past him.
“Cody?” Called Prowl, looking around for his charge.
“Over here.” Said Cody, covered in dirt, “We tried excavating the ship.”
“Turns out too much of it buckled when we landed.” Said Afterburner, ripping a piece of metal out of the rock, “It’s a minor miracle that no one was killed.”
“We’ve come to collect everyone,” Said Prowl, kneeling in front of Cody, “The Islanders are going to be put in with the Jasper evacuees, at least until we finish fixing the damage.”
Cody gave a small smile, as the people were led out by the military, each of the Burnses were reunited with their partners, Frankie and her family being placed with an Autobot called Quickshadow. Before long, everyone was on a ship taking them to refuge area that housed other people that had their homes taken by the Decepticons.
“The secrets out.” Said Prowl, standing next to Cody, as the ship rocked, “Humanity as a whole now know that we exist and, subsequently, are demanding to hear from Optimus Prime.”
“What happens now?” Asked Cody, as Quickshadow walked over to him and Prowl, Frankie not far behind.
“Optimus has plans for a joint Human-Autobot community,” Said Prowl, frowning, “he had hoped Griffin Rock would be that community, but obviously that didn’t pan out.”
“In a way,” Said Frankie, stopping next to Cody, “It did, the Autobots that we found in the Sanctuary were able to get help from Humans and vice-versa.”
“Even the mayor warmed up to them.” Laughed Cody, remembering how Kup and thrown a ‘cy-gar’ at the mayor.
“I think that was because he was scared of what Kup would do to him.” Said Frankie, as Jetfire, Afterburner and Blaster flew above them, performing arial displays to keep them entertained.
“Boulder and his human have already started designing the architecture for the community.” Said Quickshadow, as the silence lapsed, “I believe they plan on calling it ‘Autobot City’.”
“Let me guess, they’re going to have Metroplex act as the base for it?” Was Prowl’s sarcastic response.
“I didn’t ask.” Said Quickshadow, “But, it would provide homes for everyone that was affected by Decepticon attacks, past, current and future.”
“Your family could be the responders for that city too.” Said Frankie, giving Cody a nudge.
“I can’t wait to hear what Raf thinks of this.” Smiled Cody, as the ships made it to port.
“You’re going to be seeing him soon,” Said Prowl, transforming, “so, you don’t have to wait long.”
“Can I go with them?” Asked Frankie, looking up at Quickshadow.
Quickshadow shrugged, “It’s Prowl, so you’ll be safe.”
Frankie grinned and climbed into the seat next to Cody, “This is so cool.”
“I believe you’ll get along with Miko.” Said Prowl, driving off the ship.
Frankie grinned at the sight of the finished Autobot City, a large number to Autobots were already there, most likely the crew of the Axalon, along with Team Prime and the Wreckers. Everywhere was built for Humans and Cybertronians, schools, hospitals, even police stations. Some of the Autobots had left Earth after defeating Megatron, restoring the core of Cybertron and starting to rebuild the formerly dead world.
The Rescue Bots, the crew of the Axalon and some members of Team Prime had opted to remain on Earth. Frankie jumped out of Quickshadow, running inside the new Firehouse, giving a quick greeting to the Rescue Bots, and running to the Command Centre.
“Cody, you’re not going to believe-” Frankie quickly covered her mouth, as Cody was respond to a call.
“-no, Mr Ericks, I don’t think you’re crazy,” Said Cody, pinching the bridge of his nose, “I’m sure that as soon as something bright and colourful goes by, the animals will charge that. Graham, there’s been a breakout at the zoo, they’re currently staring at Mr Ericks Christmas lights. Autobot City Emergency Response, how can I help? Mrs Neederlander, I’ll get Chase down to move Kup along, but he is old, so he may have to be towed. Judging by your silence, I take it that Kup’s just driven off?”
Frankie giggled, Kup, while old, had a habit of tapping into called between Autobots and Humans and really hated being towed.
“Autobot City Emergency-” Cody ripped the headphones of his head, “What the Pit, Rewind?!”
There was a cackling from a couple floors below.
“Oh, hey Frankie.” Said Cody, suddenly noticing her.
“You’re not going to believe this, but Daddy just met an Autobot who can remove his head!” Said Frankie, getting a smile from Cody.
“That must be one of the new arrivals from Cybertron.” Said Cody, as Frankie dropped herself on top of him, “Hey!”
“If you really wanted me to move, I’d be on the floor right now.” Said Frankie, getting comfortable.
Cody grunted, before answering another call, “Autobot City Emergency Response, how can I help? A fire at Maccadams…I want to be surprised. Kade, Heatwave, Maccadams is on fire. Again. Hotspot and Inferno are already en route, but know Maccadams…”
“On it.” Was the joined response of the pair.
“Where’re the others?” Asked Frankie, as Cody reached around her.
“Dani and Blades are on a rescue, Dad and Chase are on patrol and Blaster and his ‘kids’ are in the lower levels.” Said Cody, as Frankie leaned against him, “Are you comfortable, or do you want me to move?”
“I’m comfortable.” Said Frankie, getting a groan from Cody. He hated puberty.
31 notes · View notes
lovelyirony · 4 years
Title: I wish i could forget you
Tony Stark was not supposed to be in the car when Howard and Maria Stark attended a Christmas holiday party for another company. In fact, Hydra had wanted him to stay home. 
Unfortunately, Tony had ticked off Howard a bit too much, and so here he was in a tuxedo that was a bit too big, uncomfortably shiny shoes, and a temper that was close to blowing. 
Thank god they were almost home. 
When a car crashes, one almost can’t believe it. Tony can see the outside blurring, and he can hear glass crunching, and he hears things that he really doesn’t want to hear. He is fairly sure that Maria screamed. 
A metal arm. 
Well, not the most typical. He also doesn’t think that the man knows he’s here. 
Howard and Maria Stark are killed. Tony feels like shit because he couldn’t do anything. His forehead is bleeding and he didn’t want to move out of fear for himself, which seems selfish, but also maybe a survival instinct? 
God, his bow-tie is still constricting air flow. 
Once the man turns, Tony realizes that he wasn’t the target. They probably had no idea he was in the car, whoever “they” were. 
He gets out of the car. The car door creaks, and the man whips around. 
His eyes widen. 
The voice is surprisingly American. 
Surprisingly? He’s not sure why it’s surprising, it’s not like an American can’t kill just look at history, but still, Kind of surprising. 
"What, wasn’t supposed to be here?” Tony rasps out. He realizes now that he’s basically sent himself a death sentence as the man surges forward. 
“What are you doing here?” 
His eyes are piercing. Also very, very familiar with some photographs that Peggy has on her mantle and her desk. 
James “Bucky” Barnes. Son of a bitch. 
“What are you doing alive?” Tony asks. “I thought you were lost in a ravine in Europe somewhere.” 
“Ravine. In Europe. You know who you are, right? Is this some kind of sick...what did they do to you?” 
“I do not know what you are talking about.” 
His eyes get cold again. 
“Who are you?” 
“I am the Asset.” 
It is now that Tony realizes that every single shitty sci-fi book is probably right, and his disdain of “wacky science” and “magic” have all been for nothing, because here is Bucky Barnes, who apparently has no idea who he is. 
Then Tony gets knocked on his ass. His body slams against the icy road, and Barnes is rushing towards a motorcycle. 
And he’s alone. He can’t breathe, all the wind knocked out of his chest. He thinks he broke a couple of ribs. 
No one believes him. At all. SHIELD brushes it aside. 
“There’s no way Barnes could be alive. You were probably just seeing things,” they tell him. “Would you like us to find you a therapist?” 
“No,” Tony says, and they ask why. He laughs, sipping on his water. “SHIELD has so much loyalty to itself, I’m afraid I’d be compromised.” 
“Therapists aren’t supposed to divulge any information,” Nick Fury adds carefully. “And we’re a secret-keeping bunch. Nothing goes out that comes in.” 
“Unless, of course, it’s necessary,” Tony drawls, staring at Fury. God, the leather outfit...that’s weird. “Then I’m out in the open, Nicky. And what fun is that unless I get to show off an outfit in full-coverage?” 
“...I’ll have an agent escort you home. We’ll have guards overnight.” 
“Don’t bother.” 
“And why is that? Think you can handle it by yourself?” 
“Fury, my family has made a career out of thinking a lot of things. You’re not being as detrimental as you think.” 
He finger-waves, grinning and winking at agents on the way out. 
Now comes paranoia. This is welcome, actually, because it’s allowing him to work up new security measures and hack into various security cameras around the world to see if he can find Barnes. 
It’s like he’s a ghost. And fuck, maybe Fury was right. Tony doesn’t like that, but that may be it. 
Merry fucking Christmas. 
Years go by, and Tony keeps a tiny ear to any news about mysterious deaths that can’t be explained. A man that glows in lamp-light, has no identity. He’s not sure if it could be Barnes. God knows he’s no longer seventeen, and Barnes--it if it was Barnes--would be way older. He should’ve been an old man in 1991, but he wasn’t. 
It kind of reminds him of the conspiracy theory that Walt Disney was kept cryogenically frozen, which is just ridiculous, because as far as he’s concerned, you’d need a bit more to you than just regular skin and bones. 
And this is where it hits him. 
Barnes was experimented on when he was captured by Hydra. Peggy told him that Rogers told her that he was repeating his dog tag number over and over, as if someone was trying to take him over. 
Yeah, you’d need a bit more. 
Like a fucking super soldier serum. 
This then delves into Tony realizing that if Barnes is flash-frozen, then...well, could Rogers have survived? He always thought his dad was crazy, but a broken clock is right twice a week or however the hell that saying goes. He never used it, he wasn’t a broken clock. 
(He was broken, but he’s not going to compare himself to a clock. Perhaps  Model-T.) 
They find Rogers. Tony realizes Howard did his math completely wrong for years, and probably never let anyone look at it because he was a World Super Genius. And a Colossal Dick. 
Steve Rogers is one tough cookie to crack. Tony chips off some of the ice and puts it in a glass of scotch. 
“Do you really think that’s the most appropriate thing to do?” Phil Coulson asks. 
He’s shocked, but mainly because Tony has seen his Cap collection, and that man has so many limited edition cards and lunchboxes that it’s a bit crazy. But at least he knows how to decorate with it and not have it look like an absolute nutjob swept into his house and did it all in red-white-and-blue. 
“Phil, my darling, when have I ever done anything the appropriate way?” Tony asks. He stares at the face that’s emerging out of the ice. “Besides, what else are you going to do with this ice, hm? Besides melt it all off?” 
Steve is a miracle. Every scientist on earth wants to poke and prod at him. 
Tony breaks him out of SHIELD in a week, because he swears to shit if one more scientist asks to take blood samples “to see how going under Arctic temperatures affects the bloodstream” (and also take DNA for cloning) he’s going to lose it. 
Fury yells at him for two hours. 
Steve flips Fury off from the couch, where he’s been channel-surfing for the better part of three hours. 
“You’ve already corrupted him,” Fury scowls. “Rogers, we need to talk--” 
“He’s retired,” Tony says. 
(Steve is not, technically. Hasn’t said anything. But Tony is putting him on mandatory retirement for at least a year.) 
“What’s...what the ever-loving fuck is that?” Steve asks. 
An infomercial. For an automated chair. Mostly used for old people. 
Tony grins. 
“You wanna see how fast I can launch you out of one?” 
“I’m going to say yes. Professionally.” 
Ten miles an hour, and Steve goes flying across the room into a pile of pillows. 
It’s not the end-all solution. God knows Steve calls him “Howard” and asks where a lot of nasty food is, and sometimes can’t tell the difference between what his brain is seeing and what is actually there. 
But Tony gets him help. And Steve goes to art school. 
It’s all very funny, actually. Steve rants about “modern art” and how “if he could kill any concept it would be abstract expressionism, what the fuck.” 
Tony buys and then donates a Rothko in his honor. 
Steve fumes, but finds it hilarious. 
Then, there’s the attack on New York. 
Norse god of mischief decides to end New York, blah blah blah. 
Captain America reappears, everyone loses their shit, and Tony almost dies. 
Then he gets four other roomies besides Steve, and he has to make a chore chart. Ugh. 
Barnes reappears in France. Tony gets a fairly good image, and Natasha stills. 
“You know about Winter Soldier?” 
“Barnes? Yeah.” 
“You know who he is?” 
“James Barnes. At least, I think. He tried to kill me, wasn’t very successful at it.” 
Steve overhears. 
This leads to a chain of events that ends in Steve not coming to family dinner because he’d rather sit in his room and listen to Green Day or Glenn Miller or whatever the hell gets him even more upset. 
“Listen, Steve, I’m sorry. But up until this picture? I was only about sixty percent sure I wasn’t full of beans.” 
“Why is that the phrase you use?” 
“What, full of beans? Bruce says I have to work on my cursing. Apparently, children are impressionable. Who knew?” 
It’s not a total success. Steve still doesn’t like that Tony didn’t outright tell him, but Tony isn’t going to tell Steve that he has the mental stability of a single cashew. 
So begins the hunt for Barnes. Which actually isn’t too bad. 
He’s in DC. Not for any political clean-up, unfortunately. He’s trying to kill Fury. Tony doesn’t know why, at least until he looks up Pierce, who’s technically, mostly retired from SHIELD. 
And yet still uses most resources that technically? He needs more than one authorization from multiple people. 
God, people are getting bad at covering their tracks. Used to be harder to catch and see if someone was doing dirty deals. 
(Okay, not like he can talk because Obie was...well, no use in discussing that now. He needs to focus.) 
Nat and Steve are bad at lying. This kind of surprises him, because Steve is usually a successful liar. He’s convinced Clint that it’s not him who keeps eating his peanut-butter-fudge ice cream, but Thor. 
And Natasha used to be Natalie Rushman. Then again, Tony was poisoned during that one, so that might just be on him. 
Helicarriers go in the water. 
Tony’s working on making sure most of the information doesn’t reach the general public, although he can’t stop it all. 
Barnes falls off the face of the earth, and Steve wants to go on another treasure hunt. 
“Let him come to us, or figure himself out.” 
“This isn’t a college kid going backpacking in Europe for a year,” Nat snaps. “He’s...you know who he is, who he was, and what he can do.” 
“Counterpoint: we don’t know if he secretly really wanted to see traditional decoration of Ukrainian Easter eggs,” Tony says. “God knows that I want to learn more about that.” 
“Is everything a joke to you?” 
"Only on federally mandated holidays,” Tony says with a shrug. “But let him be. Steve, it’s one thing that he didn’t kill you. It’s another thing that he hauled you up from the Potomac. I’m not sure I would’ve done that because who goes up alone to a helicarrier?” 
“Historically nobody,” Natasha says. “Most people don’t have any helicarriers.” 
“God, this situation sucks,” Tony says. “What if. We potentially. Ignore all of it and have spinach and artichoke dip? Hm?” 
“With toasted bread?” 
“I’m not an animal, Steve.” 
“Your penchant for four a.m. coffee while you don’t realize you’re singing songs from the seventies says otherwise,” he responds. 
“Well well well, if it isn’t the punishment of you getting the aux taken away for a week,” Tony taunts. 
“Oh, come on!” Steve whines. 
“Nope, just you having to listen to more of Bruce’s questionable tastes.” 
Barnes comes stateside. The only reason Tony knows this is because Jarvis says that he may have spotted Barnes, but he’s not sure. 
“J, you’re the most advanced system in the world, not to mention my son, and you like to hack into the Pentagon for funsies.” 
“All of that could not have prepared me for this.” 
Barnes is wearing a neon green tank top that is advertising Coco Beach in Florida. 
“Can I laugh? Or is that sad?” 
“Multitask, Sir.” 
“Oh, true.” 
Barnes is not in New York. Tony has to near-about put an electric fence around the whole state so that Steve doesn’t go on a road trip. 
Hell, Tony doesn’t even trust him to go to coffee alone, but that’s a bit much. 
“We have to wait,” Tony says. 
Sam Wilson is a godsend. Also the funniest man Tony knows. 
He is also emotionally healthy and very perceptive, so he has been noticing that Tony is nervous. 
Because how do you face the man who killed your parents? Technically? 
“Are you talking to your therapist?” Sam asks. “Just thinking you should.” 
“Sam, we’re working on my issues from 2007. Believe it or not, it will be taking a full year.” 
“I don’t like that I can never tell if you’re serious.” 
“I know you remember the tabloids from 2007, I wrote a mesh vest. Clearly, I need so much help.” 
Sam snorts. 
“Maybe. Hey, I’ll catch you later. Clint and I are gonna go try and find some questionable shirts to crop.” 
“Did his little protege convince you? Bishop, right?” 
“Kate, yeah. She’s convinced our public image will go viral or something. Good luck with helping Steve and Nat with your super-soldier hunt.” 
“Thanks. Let me know if you find a shirt with my face on it. I want it.” 
Sam snorts. 
“Will do.” 
Bucky Barnes comes to New York in early May. The springtime is slowly but surely fading off, sun approaching more and more. Tony is enjoying coffee on a veranda, and then suddenly his waiter is nowhere to be found and he’s not entirely sure if his visitor takes credit or debit. 
“Can I help you?” 
“Maybe. Depends on if you’re gonna kill me or not.” 
“I think Steve would be a bit broken up about it.” 
“Do you care what he thinks?” 
“On this situation? Yes. When it comes to culinary choices? No.” 
There’s a ghost of a smile on his face. Tony’s trying extremely hard not to remember shattered glass and a motorcycle on ice. 
“Can we, uh, table this conversation? For later. Espresso and all that, plus the added bonus of our shared history, so...” 
“Shared history?” 
“You don’t remember?” Tony asks. Bucky shakes his head. “Ah. Then this is truly a comedy of errors. Maybe. Um. Listen, I, uh...I gotta go. You need to talk to Nat or Steve or hell, maybe even Thor. Is Thor a good option?” 
“I’m sorry, what?” 
“Barnes, I can’t exactly face you right now.” 
And then he jumps off a balcony. 
A fucking balcony. 
Jesus H. Christ, his therapist is gonna be so excited for their next session. 
The suit wraps itself around him, and he can finally breathe, and he’s thinking about calling Pepper and see if she would like to schedule him a vacation for maybe anywhere but New York and Iowa. 
“Why not Iowa?” Pepper asks. “They have good antique stores. I’ve gotten quite a few good finds for clothes.” 
“I can do shopping retail literally anywhere else, absolutely not.” 
“Spoilsport. Steve know you’re leaving?” 
“I didn’t even really tell Steve what happened with my parents.” 
“Oh, your therapist called. She sounded concerned, but also intrigued.” 
“It’s because Sally almost became an employee of NASA and still has a soft spot for aerodynamics.” 
“What exactly did you do when faced with Barnes?” 
“Check the front tabloid page tomorrow, just tell everyone I’m out of town.” 
“Got it. And Tony?” 
Her voice is soft. 
“Yes, dear?” 
He can feel her rolling her eyes. Affectionately, of course, but rolling all the same. 
“Be safe, and come back. You know Rhodey and I miss you.” 
“I miss you too.” 
A week is spent in Malibu. He really is thinking about selling this place. But for now, it suffices. 
Steve texts him. 
bucky’s back. holy shit 
be back in a week. radio silence. 
got it. no more messages from me. thor tells me to tell you that he broke the sink 
And that’s it. He’s sitting in the house for a week, has already called Sally once and explained how his suit works, and then listened to her talk about how “his reliance on the suit to help him escape unfavorable situations is not exactly the healthiest but also none of my clients have had to face someone who is of weird standing.” 
It’s no secret that Tony doesn’t like Howard Stark. Who would’ve liked that sorry excuse for a father, a man who was so cold-hearted the Arctic looked like a tropical paradise? 
Maria was...Maria was different. 
She wasn’t a good mother. No, she was never a good mother. But she tried, and she didn’t deserve her fate. 
And then there was the question of Bucky Barnes. Who wasn’t Bucky when he was there, but still so damn recognizable. 
It’s kind of like when there’s a movie about a famous person, and another person plays them. Like Tom Hanks, essentially. Bucky played whoever the fuck they get Tom Hanks to play and it’s similar: you see the resemblance, but it’s not it. 
So yeah. 
There’s also the little tidbit that things get complicated when you involve personal feelings and rationality, and really? Tony misses New York. A lot. And he’s not going to let someone else overtake his life just because he’s uncomfortable. 
So he flies back to New York. 
He’s in a bad way, Barnes is. 
“He remembered you,” Steve says. “What he did.” 
“Ah, there’s that.” 
“He doesn’t have to be here,” Natasha says. “I have a couple of SHIELD safe houses to choose from.” 
“None would be adequate to house something like me,” comes the response. 
Barnes looks remarkably shitty, as if he hasn’t slept in eighty years. And maybe he hasn’t. 
“Jail would be more fitting.” 
Tony rolls his eyes. 
“You are literally the most dramatic person ever, and Bruce threatened to take over the government because Thor ate the last croissant. Put those on the grocery list, Steve
“We’re not gonna throw you in jail,” he continues on. “Not because you happened to be used as a goddamned Swiss army knife. I have issues, sure, but I’m not going to be going all Hannibal Lecter or whatever.” 
“Who the hell is that?” 
“Cannibal. I realized that that’s a terrible comparison, please forgive me.” 
“Why a cannibal?” 
“Couldn’t think of anything else but Anthony Hopkins, the actor. My mistake. Point is, we’re gonna have to go through some channels, and I’m introducing you to BARF, as well as a new person who’s gonna rock your world.” 
“I’m pretty much well-acquainted with vomit.” 
“No, not that,” Tony says. “Although we can cover that through my 2005 edition of partying if we really wanna dig up some old magazine interviews. No, I’m introducing you to something that’s going to change your life.” 
After that, Tony doesn’t have much to do with Bucky’s life. 
He serves as a permanent guilt trip, nothing says “well, shit” much like being a permanent guilt trip. 
Sally tells him that they should talk it out. Do all that “and how do you feel?” questioning that makes his skin crawl and his eyes ascend to the ceiling. 
I mean yeah, they share a living space. Tony has seen Bucky laugh and smile with Sam, talk with Bruce about a really interesting article about regeneration of plant cells or whatever, and Bucky enjoys videochatting with Wakandan royalty. 
(It also helps that Shuri is blunt as ever, but so blisteringly smart. He’s reading her paper on regeneration of nanotechnology, and it just...it’s the Pieta of research, that paper.) 
But he never speaks to Bucky. Well, he does. But it’s more along the lines of “hey Barnes” and “how are you?” which aren’t exactly the Most Thought Provoking Statements Ever Made. 
Summer comes swiftly, and about near with a vengeance. Tony’s dealing with a heat wave and trying to figure out if going outside is even worth it, and then he and Bucky are alone in the kitchen. 
Tony was debating getting a couple of popsicles from the freezer. Bucky is considering sabotaging Clint’s smoothie that was supposed to be special for tonight, but that he’ll most likely forget. 
“Hey,” Bucky says. “Um, can we talk?” 
He’s been avoiding this, officially, for a month. Potentially more if you’re going to count a few choice events that have been brought up by his psyche. 
“Sure thing, buttercup. What are we talking about. Economy, world crises, the great debate on financial advice?” 
“Isn’t the third thing just the economy?” 
“We can break it down over coffee.” 
“Mm, maybe another time. No, I’m talking about us. About how I--I kind of ruined your life.” 
Tony blinks. 
“You didn’t ruin my life. If my life was ruined you’d be hit with so many lawsuits that I could make the rest of your life look like the third circle of Hell, or wherever it is that people go nowadays in Dante’s eyes. No, you didn’t ruin my life.” 
“I still killed your parents.” 
“If you hadn’t, someone else would’ve. Believe me, there were about fifteen others in line. Sometimes, myself included.” 
“You can’t not take me seriously,” Bucky stresses. “I still did a terrible thing. I just want to make sure you know that you’re being too kind.” 
“I most certainly am not,” Tony says. “Being too kind would have me feeding you grapes.” 
Bucky’s face blanks. 
“Don’t. I...I don’t wanna take advantage of your hospitality. I don’t want to remind you of what happened.” 
“You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t wanted,” Tony says. “Believe me. And if you want to leave, you’re free to leave. I don’t want to make you feel like you need to stay here.” 
“I...I want to make it up to you.” 
“Then use BARF and review it,” Tony says. “I’m serious. I need user feedback, and you’re the best candidate for it. Also, please try to convince Steve to wear neon yellow. I just want to see if he’ll do it.” 
Steve wears neon yellow. Tony laughs so hard he cries. 
Bucky smiles. 
It’s a nice smile, really. It’s wide and happy and wow. That’s all worth it. 
And then BARF. Bucky just gives user feedback, nothing else. Tony doesn’t want to know anything else, but they start talking more. 
Tony finds out that Bucky’s been doing crosswords to catch up on current events, and he’s bought taped recordings of World Series games. 
He loves antique stores. He visits them and brings home little trinkets that he remembers in his own house, or what he remembered. He watched old commercials from the fifties and sixties, laughed as he remembered the Sears catalogs that would come in the mail. 
“Me an’ my sisters would beg my mom for new clothes from the catalog, and she never would. Always sewed our pants and skirts so damn well, I probably could’ve used them for the next ten years.”  
Tony laughs. 
“Well, I can’t promise I can sew. But I could give you some armor that could last you twenty years, if you want. Steve told me you’re thinking about doing some distance missions.” 
“Just observation, no armor required.” 
“Sometimes it’s the simple missions that get the worst hits,” Tony says. “Believe me, I know how it goes. So, do you want some armor?” 
Bucky smiles. 
“I’ll need feedback.” 
“I’ll give it all I’ve got.” 
Bucky is a goddamned dream to design for. He knows exactly what he needs, what areas are most likely to be pierced, and also has a flair for the dramatic: he requests an Iron Man helmet be embroidered on the back. 
“You’re really just trying to be sweet on me, aren’t you?” Tony teases. 
“My master plan to gain your fortune,” Bucky teases right back. “I’ll waste it all on champagne pools and the worst-looking but most expensive shoes I can find.” 
Tony laughs. 
“Sugar, that’d be incredible if you could spend all of my money on that. I’d commend you.” 
Bucky smiles, and it shouldn’t be as nice of a smile as it is, but here Tony is with his opinions and his concerning thought that maybe he wants to see more of Bucky. 
In the morning, there begins a routine. Tony is always up at eight o’clock. It’s a rare lull in Avenger-morning-routines: Nat, Steve, and Bruce are all done, and Thor and Clint won’t be in until ten o’clock at the earliest. 
(What can he say? Thor’s a god and Clint...well. He needs a lot of beauty sleep.) 
Tony makes coffee, and Bucky makes them both breakfast. Says that officially, it’s to test and make sure that his prosthetic is still performing under optimal conditions. 
(They both know that’s not it.) 
Tony always says he pours too much water, makes enough for two cups. 
Steve calls them out on it. 
“You two are being weird,” he says. “And not like Thor and Bruce trying to reenact that one show about ghosts and unsolved things.” 
“That’s their form of courtship, don’t be fucking rude,” Clint remarks. Natasha snorts. 
“What, us being weird?” Tony asks, pouring a bit more coffee into Bucky’s mug. He always uses too much creamer and then won’t finish his coffee unless there’s more. “Why do you say that?” 
“It’s because you both do couple shit,” Bruce says, breezing into the kitchen. “Also, Steve, lovely to see that you have volunteered to be the next guest on Avengers: Unsolved. We’re planning on using you as a guilt-trip in order to access files about aliens.” 
“Truth will be found!” Thor adds. “But also, yes. Bucky, I thought you were taking him on a date to the art museum on Saturday.” 
Bucky turns red. So does Tony. It really is quite inconvenient. 
“I mean, we could go on a date there,” Tony says. “If you’re okay with that.” 
“You’re doing this in public?” Natasha asks, eyebrows raised. “Hm. Would not have called that.” 
“You owe me fifteen dollars,” Bucky says. “Not you Tony, quit looking at me like that. Yes, it will be a date on Saturday, I’ll wear a nice shirt. Nat said that I couldn’t do anything that surprised her.” 
“Technically, Tony surprised me.” 
“I thought dates were mutual events, hm? Fifteen dollars. I’ll use it to buy the best bouquet in New York.” 
“The best bouquet costs over a thousand dollars,” Thor answers. 
“Not questioning how you know that, but I’m scared of you,” Bucky says. “Then I will get the best fifteen-dollar-bouquet in New York.” 
Tony snorts, smiling. 
“I guess I’ll spray a bit of my perfume on my pillow then, soldier.” 
“I’ll pick you up at noon sharp,” Bucky says, grinning. He finishes his coffee. “We’ll make fun of Steve’s art exhibit together.” 
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sunshinejihyun · 4 years
The Risk is Worth the Reward || Gavin
Author’s note: this is based off a request for @spacesquidlings​ who requested ‘something where Gavin's a teeny little bit drunk and can't stop talking about how much he loves his wife’. I hope this was okay!
Summary: Gavin reflects on his relationship when he went away on a mission
Warnings: drinking, a minor injury
Word count: 2728
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Gavin sat on a barstool next to his long time friend and partner, Eli and threw back another shot. This mission he was on was hell, and all Gavin wanted to do was go home to his wife and kiss her softly on her forehead and tell her how much he loved her but sadly, he wasn’t able to go home to her yet, not until the mission was over - which would probably be another few days - and when he got home, there wouldn’t be any kissing, at least not right away. Not after their big fight they had the night before he left. 
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“Gavin!” She was crying, tears streaming down her flushed cheeks and dropping onto his tee shirt that she was wearing. “I thought you promised no more missions that put you in harm's way.”
“It’s my duty to do whatever I can do to protect the people of Loveland City.” Gavin said, going to rest a gentle hand on her back but retracted his hand when she moved away. “I promise I will try my best not to get hurt.”
She laughed sarcastically and that brought an ache to Gavin’s chest that he knew would reside in there for a while. “I’ve heard that one before. Then every time you come home, you’ve got new cuts, bruises, burns, or broken bones. We’re not young anymore, Gavin! This isn’t just you it affects anymore. It affects me, it affects us.” She paused to wipe her eyes and the gentleness Gavin was usually greeted with when she looked at him was gone. “If you go, I’m not sure I can forgive you.” That night, she slept on the couch. Even when his wife was mad at him, she still cared enough to let him have a good night's rest in bed before he went off for a little over a week. Although his night was restless because of their fight, Gavin took comfort in the fact he knew it was just because she cared that she was mad at him.
Gavin woke up early that morning to meet Eli at the SPF base. He wanted to either fly or ride his motorcycle to where the stakeout for the mission was starting, but he’d get tired quickly while flying and his motorcycle was noisy, so Eli agreed to drive Gavin and the rest of the team. When he walked in the living room as quietly as possible, he was surprised to see his wife propped up on the couch, fiddling with her wedding ring that was sitting on a thick chain Gavin had never seen before.
“I want you to take this while you’re away.” She held out the chain and Gavin wordlessly took it from her grip and sat down next to her, pulling his ring off his finger. With her giving him this, Gavin knew he was forgiven even if he walked out the door, despite the fact she wasn’t even sure of that yet herself.
“Only if you keep mine safe until I come back.” Gavin handed it to her and she took off the necklace she was wearing. It was a necklace Gavin had gotten her for their first wedding anniversary and without fail she wore it every day for the last 2 years, even if it didn’t really go with her outfit. He could always look and see it hanging down her neck. She slid Gavin’s wedding ring onto the delicate chain right next to the diamond heart and clasped it around her neck once more.
Gavin took the stronger chain that she had looped her wedding ring through and slipped it over his head, tucking it inside his shirt. “As close to my heart as possible.” She cracked a small smile at that and scooted closer to Gavin.
“Please be safe and promise me you’ll come home.”
“I will do everything in my power to come back to you, even if that means tearing apart Loveland City to get there.” Gavin promised and leaned in to kiss her. She leaned in and let him brush her pouty lips against his own but Gavin could tell her heart wasn’t in it so he pulled back and stood up, shouldering his bag once more.
He made his way towards the door and turned back to her, giving her a salute with a goofy grin on his face. She giggled at that and blew him a kiss. Gavin pretended to catch it from the air and patted it over her wedding ring resting on his chest. That laugh would be something that cycled through his brain the entire time he was gone and the constant feel of her wedding ring against his chest made him feel like maybe they weren’t as far apart as they actually were.
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Gavin was brought back to the present when Eli slammed his hand on the bar next to him. “Are you okay?”
Gavin was normally reserved with everyone, even Eli who he’d known for years only knew so much about his personal life, but something about this night - whether it be because he was drunk or because he was really missing his wife, Gavin found himself opening up. “No, I miss her. I promised her I’d come back safe and physically I am but mentally… there are some things you see that you can’t forget. And I don’t want her to worry about me and the nightmares I know I’ll have once I get back home.” Gavin paused to fish out her wedding ring, still resting in the middle of his chest. He grasped it tightly, strong enough for the diamonds to cut in deep but Gavin didn’t care, this was his only lifeline to his wife currently and he wanted it as close to him as possible. “I just love her a whole lot. Have you seen the way her smile can make rainy days a little brighter? And her touch is so nice it’s so warm and her smell, God I miss that more than I can describe. I just… I love her a lot and I don’t think I’d ever actually be able to express how much I love her. At this point I’m just counting down the days until I can go back to her.”
Eli looked at Gavin for a minute and Gavin felt his heartbeat increase every second his friend didn’t say anything. Then silently, Eli pulled out the track phone that was only used to contact Commander Leto in emergencies. Gavin chewed on his lip as the phone was picked up on the other end and Eli spoke into the phone. “Captain Bai needs to be taken off this mission, he’s not injured physically but emotionally he cannot stay on. If he does, things will get bad and quick. He’d never say it, but he’s struggling.”
Eli flashed Gavin a smile and turned around on the bar stool so his back was facing Gavin’s front and Gavin turned back to the sweaty beer in front of him, pressing it to his throbbing temple instead of drinking it.
“There’s going to be a car out front for you in half an hour. Do you have all your stuff with you?” Wordlessly, Gavin nodded and subconsciously patted his black backpack full of the essentials he brought with him on the trip. Honestly, he could have left for home without it; all he needed was her wedding ring around his neck and a smile for her on his face when he walked through the door.
And so Gavin patiently waited for the discreet black car to pull up and finished his beer he’d been nursing the whole night in that time, quietly listening to Eli babble away about some girl he was going to take out when he got home from the mission. It wasn’t that Gavin didn’t care - okay, maybe he really didn’t - but his mind was just a million miles away, up in the sky where there was nothing to worry about; no terrorists, no fighting, just him and the wind - where all he could do is think of his gorgeous and how to keep that wonderful smile on her face. Once Gavin saw the car pull up, he quickly threw down some cash to pay his part of the bill, said goodbye and jumped in the back of the car, his leg bouncing up and down anxiously as the car drove him to his home.
The house was dark when Gavin got home, the only thing signalling anyone was home was the little bedside lamp in their bedroom glowing through the back window and he made his way in as quietly as he could. Gavin was normally swift and soundless on his feet but he was inhibited a little bit, those drinks were causing him to sway on his feet and he set down his backpack in the front hallway louder than he had intended.
As he made his way towards the bedroom Gavin paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before pushing the door open. “Babe, I’m home and I need to tell you how much I love you.”
She blinked, her sleepy gaze focusing on his body before narrowing her eyes. “Are you drunk?”
“That doesn’t matter, I came home because I needed to tell you that I love you and you’re so cute and amazing and you make me happy and I love your hugs and kisses and I really just want to touch your face right now.” Gavin reached his hand out to gently stroke her cheek and she let him for a moment before pushing his hand away. “Are you not happy to see me?” He knew he probably looked like a fool, with his lip sticking out obscenely but Gavin didn’t care.
“Of course I’m happy. You look like you were safe and seem okay, besides the obvious. I’m just confused as to why you’re home so early. Plus, we didn’t exactly leave off on a super positive note when you left.” She pat his empty side of the bed and Gavin clumsily climbed on the bed and rolled so he was laying on her lap, arms wrapped tightly around her waist. “I do hope you know I am a little upset with you, but you’re not in the right mindset to talk about it now.”
“I know you’re mad and I’m sorry, I did what I thought was right but I know now that you’re right. Of course you are, my wife is always right.” Gavin buried his face in your stomach, breathing in your scent that he had craved so much while he was away and as your hands buried in his hair, rubbing gently at his scalp, the tears he had tried for so long to push away ended up falling.
Gavin felt her breath hitch, obviously not expecting him to cry, but she quickly regained a normal breathing pattern and continued to rub his head with one hand, the other dropping to his back and circled the surface with her palm, doing her best to comfort him without words. It was what he needed; Gavin didn’t want to hear ‘it’s going to be okay’ in the voice she used when she knew he was upset, it would only make things worse since things weren’t going to be okay right away, there were things you see that you can’t just forget and this mission hit Gavin harder than anything he’s been on in a long time. He was glad she understood him so well, even without words. She knew he needed time to heal, and her comforting touch was all the confirmation he needed to know she’d be with him in any way that Gavin needed her to be.
Pulling back, Gavin wiped under his eyes with the bottom of his shirt and sniffled while his wife reached over to the bedside table and grabbed him a tissue to blow his nose and dry his eyes. “Sorry, I didn’t even know that was coming.”
She gripped his hand, the one that was clutching her wedding ring earlier and when he winced, she narrowed her eyes at him before bringing up the hand to inspect. “What happened here?”
“Nothing that happened on the mission. I was holding your ring and it cut me.” Gavin hung his head in shame. “I know I should have been more careful.”
She leaned into his palm and kissed near the hurt area and Gavin closed his hand into a fist, wanting to enclose that love and keep it as close to him for as long as possible. “You tried as hard as you could to be careful, it’s okay.”
Gavin pulled off the chain that hadn’t left his neck since she gave it to him before he left and he carefully slid her diamond ring off. It was shining brighter than before and Gavin couldn’t tell if it’s because he washed it clean of the blood or if it was because everything seemed brighter with his wife in his life. “Will you accept this ring as my apologies for the way we left things before I left?” He sighed out and wiped under his eyes once more. “I am so sorry for everything. It killed me while I was away thinking about you being mad at me.” She smiled softly and held out her hand for him and Gavin gingerly took it sliding it on her finger again. “Will you be my wife once more?”
“I do,” she responded and Gavin’s stomach erupted into millions of butterflies at those words. Just like 3 years ago on the altar, his hands were clammy and he knew the vein on his forehead was throbbing. The only difference between then and now was that his feelings for the girl only grew stronger each and every day. “Will you accept this ring as an apology for the things I said when you left? I hope you know I never meant it when I said I wouldn’t forgive you. I love you too much to let something like this tear us apart.” She finished unstringing the ring from her chain and held it out to Gavin and he followed what she had done, held out his hand to her and she slipped the ring back on his finger. “Will you be my husband again?”
Not even responding, Gavin leaned in and captured her lips with his own. He didn’t realize how desperately he longed to feel her lips against his until he had tasted her on his tongue and he never wanted anything more in his life. The softness of her body against the hard planes of his was something that he took for granted and it only took a few days of him being away to realize that everything about this woman was extraordinary and he never wanted to be without her again.
“You know, I think we were supposed to kiss after you said ‘I do’.” She teased and rubbed her nose against Gavin’s, his heart immediately warming at that small gesture.
“I was too impatient. I’ve been wanting to do that since I walked out the door the other morning.” Gavin paused to kiss her again. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Gav.” She let out a yawn and tucked her head into his shoulder and Gavin briefly stopped for a moment to remember how perfectly your head fit into the spot between his shoulder and neck. “Can we go to sleep now?”
“Please,” Gavin laughed and your body shook against him with your own giggles. “I’m exhausted.”
“I guess I’ll be taking care of hungover Gavin tomorrow, huh?” She teased, once again leaning over to rub her nose against Gavin’s before turning off the bedside light and settling in Gavin’s arms, his chest pressed to her back.
Gavin pressed a kiss to the crown of her head and let out a heavy sigh, sleep already coming to take over his body. “Yes, but I’ll take care of you every day after that.” He promised that and he always did his best not to break his promises.
“We’ll take care of each other every day,” she corrected, the sleepiness in her voice prominent. Gavin didn’t bother to respond or argue, she was right - his wife was always right.
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(时空中的绘旅人—For All Time—) New World: PARADISE Clarence Route Translation (Chapter 3-3 力量与代价 : Ability and Price)
*For All Time Master-list / Clarence’s Personal Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Route tag will be #Memories of the Falcon
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I never thought that it’d be way more tiring fetching water than it was fighting a big bad battle with The Fallen. 
Simply because… The painting spirit couldn’t do it in my stead. And my physical capacity was only average.
It took me three full hours just to get all the water pouches I had on hand filled.
Upon picking up my big backpack that was packed full of spring water that I’d collected from the Green Isle, and embarking on my way back, I felt absolutely and utterly miserable deep down on the inside.
The bag was stupidly heavy, and the only thing that could help me, Clarence’s motorbike, had already left along with his person. Hence, I could only huff and puff as I trudged down the cable-stayed bridge one step at a time… 
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Ugh. Everyone says that the nights are terrifying; but I think that this manual labour of carrying and transporting water in the day is much harder work…
The sun had already begun to set by the time I reached the area where the drawing canvases were set up. I dejectedly thought about how I was probably only going to be able to deliver this life-saving water not long before the big battle, in the early hours of the morning tomorrow, at the rate I was going.
Huh? I seem to vaguely hear… The sound of a motorbike?
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Turning, I saw Clarence’s motorbike come to a halt before me.
And then, he walked right up to the canvases, taking in the view of the Green Isle from here.
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Following his line of sight, I could only see the sunset dying the sky and water alike pink.
The setting sun was just about to pass the horizon, with circular ripples breaking across the surface of the waters, shimmering with what seemed like a sprinkle of gold powder, and the Green Isle at the heart of it all. The waterbirds followed the glimmering waves, flying low and keeping close to the surface of the water, as if they had reached the peak of the rosy clouds up above.
...Every time I gazed at the Green Isle; I couldn't help but to think that it doesn't look like something that belongs in Paradise. 
It was serene and beautiful, like something right out of a scenery painting, frozen in time, and had absolutely none of the industrial vibes.
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Clarence: The sunset on the waters… is so vastly different from that of the Desert's. It's only a pity that the Green Isle only lives up to An Xihan's description of a beautiful and ideal town when you look at it from afar.
Clarence: Walking closer will only let you see a crowd of people making it absolutely filthy, by dirtying up the place and messing up all the plants and fauna.
…He's really good at being a wet blanket at any given moment just by uttering a couple of lines.
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▷Choice: Are you very… Disappointed in this place?
Although my shoulders, waist and legs, were all hurting like hell, I could stop myself from opening my mouth and asking him that.
He turned his head to look at me.
Clarence: A little, but not very.
Clarence: You look a little tired. Let me send you back.
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▷Choice: There's no way to hitch a ride; guess I'll have to walk by myself.
Even though my shoulders, waist, and legs were all hurting like hell, Clarence didn't seem to have enough of a reason to offer me his aid.
I didn’t have the opportunity to ask him if I could hitch a ride anymore, and I still had to transport this many water pouches back; So, I might as well just get a move on as soon as possi——
I hadn’t managed two steps before Clarence stopped me in my tracks.
Clarence: Wait, I’ll send you back.
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Clarence: More of The Fallen will come tonight, stronger ones. So don't unnecessarily waste your energy during the safe period.
His logic was calm and rational enough, leaving me unable to refute him otherwise.
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I sat on the backseat of his Motorbike, and 20 minutes later, we arrived back in the Black District.
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Ah Xiao: (Y/n)! You’re back! It’s already so late… I thought that you got tired of us and really left...
Ah Xiao: Oh! ——And you have Falcon with you!
Ah Xiao: Is he here to help us too!?
Clarence: No.
Clarence dropped a direct refusal before disappearing round the corner of the building.
Ah Xiao stuck his tongue out, happily taking the bag from me and distributing the Green Isle’s spring water to everyone.
My body was riddled with exhaustion; upon walking into the corridors of the building, I wanted nothing more than to hurry back to my room to rest as soon as possible.
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But just as I walked in, I heard the sound of Clarence’s deep voice.
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Clarence: Don't forget what you promised me yesterday.
Turning my head around, I saw Clarence reprimanding Felene in hushed tones in the middle of the corridor.
Clarence: You shouldn't tie (Y/n) down. She's not one of you guys.
Clarence: None of you have any chance of lasting till the last day of Paradise, She shouldn’t be fooling around with you guys if she really stands a chance to do just that.
Felene looked utterly ashamed as she slightly lowered her eyes.
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Felene: Sorry, I passed out in the morning… I'd originally intended to let her leave in the morning.
Clarence: You can still salvage it now.
Clarence: Go over; tell her that this Association of Ability-users does not welcome her. Let her leave of her own free will.
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▷Choice: She wasn't the one who coaxed me
I walked up and stood by Felene.
MC: I was the one who decided to stay here; she didn't coax me to do so.
MC: And I feel like she has helped many people out here. She's not playing around, and neither am I.
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▷Choice: Remain silent
I’d originally intended to stay quiet, but I probably made a little too much movement, for they both turned their heads around to face me.
MC: ...Never mind. There’s no need for you to coax people to convince me to leave behind my back either.
I was acutely aware of the fact that finding out the truth behind the countdown was going to be no easy task. One should always seek out allies if they’re weak and do not have enough power on their own.
And it looks like Clarence didn’t really want to be my ally either… Which leaves the Mutual Benefit Association, the only other faction I can go with. They aren’t very strong, but they’re sincere enough at the very least.
MC: There’s a reason why I chose to stay in the Black District...
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Clarence: There's no way you can protect everyone.
Clarence wasn’t mad. His attitude had always been cold and logical, but his words were always as sharp as ever.
Clarence: If it’s everything you want, then you’ll only get nothing in the end.
Clarence: Recklessness and solitude are the biggest downfall of all Ability-users.
With that, he turned and descended down the stairs.
I hurried to catch up with him, but he was fast, and never did give me a chance to catch up.
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The icy winds of the night blew past me with not a single soul in sight.
All I could hear was the sound of the motorcycle engine getting further and further away.
“None of my business”. “Leaving without goodbyes”.
Paradise’s Clarence, “Falcon”, was a lone wolf who always kept his distance… I’d gotten so much help from him, yet I couldn’t find any chances to get closer to him...
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥Chapter of Legacy✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Previous Part: (Chapter 3-2) | Next Part: (Chapter 4)
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
In Another Universe: Chapter 9 - The Greenhouse part 1
He wasn't sure if he had screamed, if he had it would have been again for the hundredth time tonight. The motorcycle was flying, it felt like a rollercoaster almost, it also caused that weird feeling you get in your stomach when you ride one. He looked back at the roof and saw the vampires and werewolves. And looked away honestly if he ever saw that place again it would be way too soon. Jayce was screaming in delight. Clar tightened his arms around her. "My mother told me that if I ever rode a motorcycle with someone, she'd kill me." he called over the sound of the the wind and bike. "Not if she knew me," she called back with confidence. "I am excellent at driving." Clar remembered something suddenly. "Hey, I thought Alec said only some of these could fly?" "Only some can!" "So how did you know this one could?". "I had no idea if it could!" she shouted happily, she did something that the bike ride in the air.
"Look down!" she shouted. "It's so amazing!" Curiousity making him want to, even though he was still terrified, he looked down. They were a lot higher than he had originally thought. They were flying over the city, it was beautiful, in a terrifying way. Jayce tunred the bike towards the brooklyn bridge. "You okay?" she shouted. He didn't say anything, held on more tightly. He felt nauseous all of a sudden and was reminded of how high they were and how they could fall so far down, he shut his eyes. "Clar?" she yelled again. "Are you ok, Clar? He shook his head. Something scratched at him, he ignored it until it scratched again. He opened his eyes slightly, and saw it was Simone, her head out of Clar's jacket, tugging at it. "It's okay, Simone." he said, not wanting to look down. "It was just the bridge—" But she scratched him again, pointing her paw towards the waterfront, rising up on their left. Still dizzy he looked up and saw sunrise. "Yes, it's very pretty," he said, shutting his eyes again. "It's a beautiful sunrise.' Jayce went rigid. "Sunrise?" she yelled, and jerked the bike towards the waterline. Clar leaned as closely as he could without squashing Simone. "What's wrong with the sunrise?" "I told you back on the roof! These bikes run on demon energies!"
She pulled the bike on level with the river. Water splashed them. "When the sun comes up— The bike started to sputter. Jayce said a colorful amount of swear words, and slammed her hand into the accelerator. It lunged forward, jerked under them. Jayce was still swearing, one time in what sounded like french. Clar saw every rock and pebble that was under them as they cleared past the river and over the narrow bank. Below them was the highway, full of early morning traffic.
They barely cleared it, beyond was a parking lot. "Hold on tight, Clar, don't let—" The bike struck the asphalt of the parking lot, the front wheel hitting first. Then it struck a concrete barrier with a terrible force that it lifted him off the bike and threw him sideways, his grip breaking from Jayce. He curled up into a protective ball, hoping Simone wouldn't be crushed. He hit the ground hard, pain shooting up his arm. He flipped over onto his back, the wind knocked out of him. He reached for his pocket, but it was empty. He tried to call for Simone but the his breath was knocked out of him, He wheezed.
His entire body hurt, he rolled over. Dawn had come, he saw the remains of the bike turning into ash as the suns rays shined on it. And there was Jayce, getting to her feet painfully, she hurried to him, and slowed down a little when she got closer. Her jacket sleeve was torn and she had a long graze her arm that was bleeding. Her face was pale under her golden curls, that were now dirty from the events of last night. He wondered why she looked so pale and shocked. Was his leg was torn off, lying across the parking lot with a pool of blood?
He started to get up when there was a hand in his shoulder. "Clar?". "Simone!" She was kneeling down beside him, looking a little dirty and crumpled, her glasses were gone but she appeared to be unharmed otherwise. She reached out and touched his face. "Ow!". "Are you alright? You look good," she said, with a catch to her voice. "The most amazing thing that I've—". "That's because your glasses are gone," he said weakly, but Simone didn't give a smart response back, instead she threw her arms around him, holding him tightly. She was alright he thought, she's alright. "Clar," she said. "I didn't—i didn't think you—". "Come for you? Of course I did," he said. "Of course did." he said and put his arms around her. He stroked her back reassuringly.
He glanced back at Jayce for a moment, she was turning away as if the sun hurt her eyes, he wondered why.
Joan was leaning against a wall in the training room that was in this dimension place, flipping a knife back and forth, she was very good with knives now. Her father wanted to talk with her, she may be more connected with her demon blood now, but that didn't change the fact she still hated the man's guts. She thought his goals were boring and that he was your typical villian, he didn't have any ideals that surprised her. Not to mention a shitty father, and sounds like he was a shitty husband.
"Still having trouble with your anger, I have heard," said Valentine. "Still having trouble finding a Cup, I have heard" she replied. He looked furious for a moment but composed himself. She loved how she could get under his skin. "All in good time," he said. "Yeh? And how much time is that?" "Very soon." She looked at him. "Are you sure it's soon enough?" He smiled a devilish grin. "Yes." She didn't like the grin, there was something he wasn't telling her. "Jonathena," he said. "Yes?" "You have completed much if your training, faster than I had thought," he said. "Soon enough we will be in Idris, and with we'll have your mother, brother, and Jayce." He took a minute before he spoke again. "I have been thinking, if Lucian does decide to make a move, and if he does somehow succeed in getting in my way, I'll need you to play spy for me. Clar will trust you, and believe you. I don't think things will go wrong but I want a backup plan." She was slightly more intrigued now. "Whatever, not like I have a choice in the matter." He stared at her. "Things will not be so boring soon enough, my daughter."
Yeah, soon enough you'll have an angel cup and some sword and be attacking god knows what. She just wanted Clar and her mom, make sure they are safe and do whatever she needed to do to keep them safe. This Jayce did intrigue her though. Valentine seemed to speak slightly softer about her.
She went back to training with Alan, learning how to take on ten people at once. Lilith had some kind of way to strengthen her demon blood, Joan had no idea how, but with Greater Demons you never really knew, she supposed.
Hodge was enraged when they got back, Alec and Isidore in the back lurking behind him. When Clar and the girls came in limping, covered in blood and filthy, he had instantly gone into a lecture that would have made Clar's mom very proud. He also didn't forget the part of how they had lied about where they had gone to—Which apparently Jayce had or the part about never trusting Jayce again. Also bits about breaking the law and being thrown out of the clave, and bringing shame onto the Wayland name. After he calmed down slightly, he looked at Jayce with a glare. "You've endangered other people people with your actions. This time I will not let you shrug it off!" "I wasn't planning on it," said Jayce. "It's kinda hard to shurg anything off at the moment. My shoulder is dislocated." "If only physical pain was actually a deterrence for you," said Hodge furious. "But you'll just spend the next few days in the infirmary with Isidore and Alec caring to your every need. And you'll probably very much enjoy it."
Hodge had been partly right. Jayce and Simone had both ended up in the infirmary, but only Isidore was running around caring for their every need when Clar — who'd gone to clean up — came back a few hours later. Hodge had tended to the bruise on his arm, and almost half an hour in the shower gotten the asphalt that was stuck in his skin out. But he still ached all over. Alec was sitting on the windowsill and looking irritated, angry, maybe almost even sad all at the same time, scowled as the door shut behind him. "Oh. It's you." He ignored Alec. "Hodge says he's on his way and hopes you two can hang onto your slowly fading life forms until he is here," or something of that variation." "I do hope he hurries," said Jayce crossly, she was sitting up in one of the infirmary beds, still in her filthy clothes, the lace top she had worn to the party torn in some places, though he assumed Shadowhunters were used to ruining clothes. "Why? Are you in pain?" he asked. "Nope. I have a very high pain tolerance. But I do get very easily bored." she narrowed her eyes at him. "Do you remember how back in the hotel you promised that if we survived, you'd dress up in a nurse's outfit and give me a sponge bath?". "I think you misheard that," said Clar. "It was Simone who promised you that." Jayce looked over involuntarily to Simone, who gave her a wide smile. "As soon as I'm back to good health, beautiful." "I knew we should have left as a rat," said Jayce.
Clar laughed as he went over to Simone, who seemed uncomfortable surrounded by the many pillows Isidore had gotten for her. He sat down on the edge of her bed. "How do you feel?" "Like someone tried to grate me into cheese," she said, wincing as she moved her legs. "I broke a foot bone. It had swelled so much, Isidore had to cut my shoe off." "Glad he's taking such good care of you," he said with a little bit of acid in his tone. Simone leaned forward. "I want to have a talk with you." Clar nodded. "I'll be in my room. Come see me once Hodge gets you all fixed up, k?" "Yup." surprising him she leaned forward and kissed his cheek. It was a butterfly kiss, but as he pulled away, he knew he had blushed, probably, standing up, because everyone was staring at them.
On his way out to the hallway he touched his cheek, a kiss on the cheek didn't mean much of anything, but it was odd for Simone. Was she trying to make a point to someone? Clar never would understand the whole making someone else jealous thing that people did. And then there was Jayce, doing her wounded princess act.
"Clar!" He turned and to his surprise, there was Alec coming down the hall after him. They both stopped once she caught up to him. "I need to speak with you." Surprised again, he asked. "About what?" She hesitated for a moment. With her pale ivory skin she looked almost as striking as her brother, but unlike Isidore she did anything she could to downplay her looks and not be seen, her frayed sweaters and her bangs and blunt cut of her hair that fell over her shoulders that looked as if she cut it herself in the dark, was only part of it, she looked seriously uncomfortable in her own skin. "I think you should go. Go home, I mean," she said. He knew that Alec didn't like him but it still felt like she had slapped him. "Alec, I can't go home, it has forsaken and demons crawling around it, believe me nobody wants to go home more than me but i—" "You must have family somewhere that could take you in?" he thought she sounded desperate. "I don't have any family, and Hodge wants me to stay here," he said shortly.
"He can't possibly actually after everything you've done—" "Everything I've done?" "You almost got Jayce killed." "I almost— what are you talking about?" "Going after your friend like that—do you even know the danger you put her in? Do you know that—" "Her? Do you mean Jayce?" he cut her off.  "Just so you know it was all her idea. She asked Magna where to find the vampire. She went to that church to get weapons. If I didn't go with her, she would have gone without me.". "By the angel, you don't understand," said Alec. "You don't know her like I do. I know her. She thinks she has to save the world, and she would gladly die doing it. hell I think she wants to die, but that doesn't mean you need to help her along to do it." "I really don't understand you people," he said. "Jayce is a Shadowhunter. This is your job, you help and save people, you kill demons and put yourself in danger everyday. How is it that last night was different from any other time?"
He saw her self control break. "Because I wasn't there!" she yelled. "Usually I am there, covering her back, making sure no harm come to her, keeping her safe. But you are just a burden, a mundane." she said the word like it tasted bitter in her mouth. "No, that's where you're wrong," he said. "I am a Nephilim, just like you." Her mouth curled up. "Perhaps," she said. "But with no training whatsoever, nothing at all, you're not much use, are you? Your mother raised you mundane, raised you in a world where you didn't have to know about the evil and darkness, and that's where you belong. Not her making Jayce act like someone she isn't, like she isn't a Shadowhunter. Making her break her oath. Making her break the law and not care—"
"Here's a news flash," he snapped at her. "I don't make Jayce do anything. Jayce does what she wants. You should know that." She looked at him with disgust. "I always forget, that you mundanes are totally selfish, isn't that right? You don't care about all that she's done for you, what she has risked? This isn't just about her safety and almost getting killed. She could be kicked out of the Clave. She lost her father and mother already, do you want her to lose the only other family she has?"
Rage rose in Clar. Rage against Alec, for being a little right. rage against his mother for not telling him about what the world really was and what he really was, for not telling Joan as well, for bit preparing them for all of this, and being some angel warrior who Clar didn't know, someone she needed so desperately right now but was not there. Rage against the fact that his father had died before he was born. Against Simone for almost getting herself killed and doing dangerous things. Rage against Jayce for not caring about whether she lived it died. Against Luke for not being there.
"You're one to talk about being selfish," he hissed viciously and Alec took a step back. "You don't about anyone in this world but yourself, Alec Lightwood. No wonder you've never even killed a single demon, because you're so afraid." Alec looked stunned, as if he had slapped her. "Who— who told you that?" "Jayce did." She looked again as if she had been slapped. "She wouldn't have. She would never say that." "Well, she did. You can go on and on about honor and honestly and all that but we both know if you were really honest, you would admit this is all because you're in love with her. It doesn't actually have anything to do—" He hit hard against the wall, felt his head hit against it hard. Alec had thrown him against it, she was taller than him and had her Shadowhunter training. Alec with her face inches from his now. "Don't you dare," she whispered with rage. "Say anything like that ever again or I'll kill you. I swear I will." It hurt where she gripped his arms. She let go, pulling back quickly. She looked horrified, like she couldn't believe she had just done that. She spyn around with no words, and stumbled towards the infirmary like she was drunk. "Great, Clar" he thought now she definitely hates you.
He should have gone to sleep, passed out with exhaustion, but sleep wouldn't come. So instead he pulled his sketchpad out of his backpack, he started to draw scribbles at first, he drew the hotel, empty streets with dim lampposts, a shadowy figure at the end of the lamppost. Raphaela all covered in blood. He drew Jayce on top of the roof of the hotel, ten stories high, as if the fall was more a challenge, as if she was invincible. Like in the the dreams he had, he drew her with wings like the ones on the statue on the bone city.
He drew Joan, him and Simone, as kids at Luke's farm sitting in a pile of leaves. Lastly, he tried to draw his mom. He had told Jayce that there was really no difference after he read the gray book, it was mostly true. But now when he thought back to the memories of his mom, he saw the scars that lined her shoulders like snowflakes.
It hurt knowing that it was all a lie. Everything about his childhood and mother was a lie. he slid his sketchpad under his pillow know, feeling more exhausted. A soft tap on his door knocked him out of his thoughts. "Come in." Simone came in, she was still her dirty clothes and looked rumpled. He scooted sideways, so she could be on the other side of the bed with him. Lying a bed with Simone was never odd, they grew up Sleeping over at each other's houses, building blanket forts with the help of Joan, she always helped them build it right so it wouldn't fall down on them. When she had learned how to read, she read to them to get them to sleep on those nights. When Clar and Simone were older they stayed up reading comics and manga.
"You found your glasses," he said. noticing a lens was cracked slightly. "They faired pretty well considering they were in my pocket. I'll have to write a nice not to my eye doctor." She sat down by him slowly. "So Hodge fixed you up?" She nodded. "I still feel terrible though." She looked at him very seriously, her brown eyes fixed on him. "Clar, the fact that you came to save me—that you risked all that—" He held up his hand. "No need," he said. "You'd do the same for me." "Well, of course," she said. "I just always thought that was the way with us. You know." He looked at her puzzled. "What?"
"What I mean is," she seemed surprised it wasn't obvious. "I have always needed you more than you needed me." "That isn't true," Clar said appalled. "But, it is," she said calmly, it was unnerving. "You have never really needed anyone, you've been so I independent, so. . . Contained in your own world inside your head. All you've ever really needed was your pencild, chalk, and imaginary worlds. Sometimes I would say the same thing over and over to you before you'd come back to reality and realize it. And you'd give silly smile you always did. And I knew you had forgotten about the real world, about me, but I was never upset. A little of your attention is better than anyone else's entire attention." He reached out for her hand but instead got her wrist. "In my life, I have only loved four people," he said. "My mom and Luke, Joan, and you. I have lost mom and Luke, and Joan, but not you. Don't you ever imagine that you don't mean enough to me, don't ever think that."
"My mom always says you only need three people for self-actualization," said Simone, voice light but it cracked slightly. "She says you seem pretty self-actualized." Clar smiled. "Does your mom have any other words of wisdom about me?" She gave him a crooked smile. "Yeah," she said. "But i'll never tell." "No fair.". "Life is not fair, Clarus," she said, jokingly. But there was a slight truth to that statement.
Jayce was avoiding Alec and Iz cause they were both trying to pick an argument with her, and Alec would give Jayce one of her usual speeches about responsibility and caring about yourself. She wasn't really in the mood for any of that. So she went off to take a shower and finally after what felt like forever was clean, she threw on a pair of jeans and a plain grey t-shirt. Hodge had reminded her it was Clar's birthday, well almost. So she snuck food from the kitchen and decided she would bring him to the greenhouse to show him the midnight flowers, they were one of the most beautiful things Jayce has ever seen, she couldn't quite describe how beautiful they are.
She remembered the first time she had seen them, the glow of them, all the colors they radiated.  How when you saw them it was like time had stopped for just a moment. Jayce loved plants and even though many people would call it cliche for a girl to love flowers so much she didn't care, Jayce loved plants for their beauty.
She came up upon Clar's door, she held the paper bag that had the food in it behind her back. She knocked gently, he opened the door. There he was in jogger pants and a t-shirt, she looked at the freckles on the pale skin of his face and arms that she secretly thought were cute. He gave her a look up and then down.
"I didn't wake you up did I?" she asked curiously. "No," he said, stepping out into the hallway. "What makes you think that." "No reason." "I layed in bed almost a day," he said. "Aren't you tired though?" "Nope," she said. "Shadowhunters are always hard at work, almost no rest." "Uh huh," he said. "So why are you here, anyway?"
"Do you mean as in at your bedroom door or why am I here on earth, in this time. Do you mean what is my purpose here and what great things will I achieve?" He gave her that usual look he did, the one that said I know you're half joking and I am slightly amused but also slightly annoyed. She knew that look well, Alec gave her similar look at times, but Clar's was different in a way, it for one of the first times since she could remember left her not able to describe it exactly, like he could see through to why she was this way. "Imma go back to bed," he said.
He reached for the doorknob but she slid in front of him. "I am here," she said. "Because Hodge reminded me it's your birthday." He gave a sigh. "It's tomorrow, actually." "Why not start celebrating early," she said, and gave him a grin. He eyed her. "You're avoiding Isidore and Alec, aren't you?" She gave him a nod. "You caught me," she said, and added in a more serious tone. "They are trying to pick fights with me, and I am simply not in the mood." "Do they both have the same reason?' "I don't know." she glanced down the hall, as if she were trying to avoid eye contact with him. "Hodge, as well. Almost everyone wants to talk to me. But not you I suppose. I bet you don't want to talk." "You're right," he said, and for a moment he thought she might walk away, but he continued. "I want food, I am hungry."
She brought up the bag from behind her. "I sneaked food when Hodge wasn't paying attention." He grinned at her. "A picnic? Isn't it late for that? Isn't central park—" "Full of faeries. Yes, yes it is." "I was going to say muggers, actually," he said. "Though I pity the fool who would try and mug you.". "Ah, very wise of you, I commend for it," she said. "But I didn't mean central park. I was thinking the greenhouse." "Won't it be dark? It's night—" She smiled at him. "Come, I'll show you."
Tag list: @khaleesiofalicante @chibi-tsukiko @spotsandclawsthings @megs-readstoomuch @replayfootsteps @magnus-the-maqnificent @simply-ellas-stuff @my-archerboy @jazzkaurtheglorious @bookfast-at-tiffanys
17 notes · View notes
inkedtae · 4 years
ignition ⇾ jjk. [A]
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𝓈𝑒𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓈 ⇾ all star
𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 ⇾ motorcycle racer!jungkook x rookie racer!reader (f.)
𝑔𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒 ⇾ frenemies2l, s2l, lowkey forbidden love, series, competition, multilingual!reader, racer au, angst, fluff
𝒻𝑒𝒶𝓉𝓊𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 ⇾ BTS, Yuta (NCT), Soojin (G-IDLE), Lucas (NCT/WayV)
𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎 ⇾  The Annual International All Star Race selects six racers from fifteen randomly selected countries to compete for the all star trophy. When your sponsorships fall through, career hanging by a thread, you have no choice but to do whatever it takes to secure a position for the race. But, qualifying is only half the battle. Tempers are high between your search for a new sponsor and a pretty Busan boy. Deceit and fraud lurk behind the fast lanes and roaring engines. Your career is your everything; how far are you willing to go to save it? 
𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉 ⇾ 19.3k
𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 ⇾ piercing!jungkook, competitive!jungkook, working out!jungkook, swearing, lowkey mutal pining, slight eye-fucking, mentions of alcohol, mentions of injury, mentions and general depictions of crashes
𝒹𝒾𝓈𝒸𝓁𝒶𝒾𝓂𝑒𝓇 ⇾ this is extremely unedited. there will be mature content in the next parts. as well, the racing details will be based on real racing regulations but are ultimately altered to fit the flow of the story. 
𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇'𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝑒 ⇾ refreshing your lives with some motorcycle racer!jungkook. enjoy!
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The Busan AutoMotors Stadium was the third largest stadium in Korea behind Daegu’s and Seoul’s. This year, it was selected to host the first of three segments of the seventy-fifth annual International All-Star Race. 
When you had first heard your management team discuss possible recruits from the All-Star committee looking to scout more riders for the race, you had thought that it was a joke. You’d been racing for a while, only making the big leagues, last season. The All-Stars was your dream so the thought of you even being considered for the race felt too surreal. It felt as if it was too soon in your career to even be seriously thinking about joining this race. You had only just come in third for one of the largest provincial races of your country after winning your title as Rookie of the Year. The only possible explanation was that they were messing with you.
Your parents sat at either side of you during the meeting as Allison, your manager, explained the seriousness of the topic. She had told you all that this was simply to see if you were even worth calling for the qualifying race or not. 
Your father had reminded her that you were still a rookie, one with promise but a rookie nonetheless. He was never really fond of your determination to pursue this racing dream of yours, thinking it to be too dangerous and reckless. He had told your mother countless times that he will not continue to support this, that he would not pay for more training or new parts or new suits since the day you got your motor license. However, he still showed up to every practise, every race and still shouted at you to push yourself harder from his spot in the pits. 
Your mother never paid much mind to his threats for that very reason. She had always reassured you that he was all talk and would be there when it really mattered. You were thankful that she fought for you the way she did. Had she taken your father’s side, you probably would’ve been doing all this behind their back. You supposed your mother knew this and thought it was best to know where you were and control the situation in her own way. That’s how she spoke about every racing detail, anyway. Either way, you were grateful for the support they both offered, regardless of how they showed it. 
During this possible All-Stars recruitment meeting was also the first time you heard that your sponsors were wanting out of their contract. Allison told you that they didn’t feel they had the sufficient time or resources to meet your contract guidelines. You knew what that really meant; the sponsors didn’t feel like you, a rookie, deserved the same amount of resources as their bigger accounts. You were informed that the company was doing everything they could to keep them while also looking for other sponsorships that would support you during your next series. 
This was supposed to comfort you, but it only further put you on the edge of your seat. If she was telling you all this now, and slipping the All-Stars recruitment in so conveniently, then that only meant that the sponsors had already made up their minds and management was scrambling to find something to hold you up until they could seek out another source of income to fund the rest of your career. You had shared a knowing look with you mom, and knew that she was thinking the same thing. 
You won the next race, playing all too dirty for your liking. You usually didn’t cut people off so suddenly, causing massive slips, totalling bikes and risking the injury of the rider. However, you needed that recruitment, that invitation to attend the qualifier’s race, where you raced even dirtier. In retrospect, you supposed that this was the first step you took in losing yourself, and in forgetting who you really were.
In the end, you came in fifth, only just qualifying for the All-Stars. The top six racers of fifteen randomly selected countries were chosen to compete. In a week, you met the other drivers and riders, who all watched you carefully during practises and meetings. They noticed how you raced and you knew they were trying to figure you out, trying to decide if your riding reflected your personality at all.
 Lana, your new team’s spokesperson, came in first. She was the oldest and had the most wins under her belt. You really looked up to her, following her career closely when you were just starting yours. This wasn’t information you wanted her to know, but you simply couldn’t stop blushing every time she gave you a compliment. It was hard for her not to realize how much she meant to you as a fellow racer. To have her on your team was a dream in itself. 
Yuta was the second oldest, and the quietest. He kept to himself, only speaking to offer new techniques that he thought would help others improve their driving. While Lana had the most riding wins, Yuta had the most driving ones. He was by far the most qualified of all the drivers selected for your team. You weren’t the best driver yourself, riding being your strongest skill, so you took everything Yuta said to heart. When you needed driving tips or guidence, he was the one you usually spoke to first. 
If he was busy, you spoke to Dia. Dia was possibly the closest thing you had to a friend on the team. She was around Yuta’s age and sometimes drove better than him too. You never told either of them that though, knowing it would only cause chaos that no one was very fond of. They had a tendency to argue over engines and models, each one claiming the one they had was the best. She also threw the fact that he came in third, after her, in his face every time he dragged her engine choice through the mud. 
“It was only one lap,” he would say. “I would’ve bested you in five.”
Dia would always reply with, “It only takes one lap to know, Yuta.”
Lucas found too much amusement in their arguments. He was a rider and didn’t know much about what they were arguing about, but loved to throw in random facts about cars just to see which one would agree and which one wouldn’t. He fed their flames all too often, then stood back and watched them explode. Lana always scolded him for it. He seemed to take that as part of the fun too. He was a good rider overall, bested you with your own tricks. You noticed that he was always able to adapt on the track, not only to the track itself but to the riders on it. It was admirable. 
The last racer, somehow missing the mess you had incurred behind you, was Tyler. You weren’t quite sure if he was a driver or rider, being rather awful at both of them. You figured that if you hadn’t caused so many slips, then he probably would’ve been one of the last to finish the race. However, the fact that he was able to weave through the collisons without much damage had to speak for something. He had talent, sure, but lacked skill. 
You were very thankful to the All-Star Management team your country was assigned as they made sure you were all well-acquainted and comfortable with each other before sending you off to Korea for preparations and promotions. You knew that if they hadn’t made you spend so much time together, you would have never been able to maintain your patience around some of your teammates. 
You stood amongst the five of them now in the Busan AutoMotors Stadium as it buzzed with excitement. A melody of languages collided while racers from around the world gathered for the welcoming event. A graceful smile stretched on your lips before the cameras as sponsorship interviews were being conducted. Being on the All-Stars Team had landed you a sponsorship with Solar, an energy drink brand, for the duration of the season. You were told to make connections while you were there, just in case your company wasn’t able to land you an account with Solar after the season ended. 
Lana carried the interview, answering the questions no one wanted to, while Lucas radiated the most personality. You all took turns teasing each other, as instructed by Management, to show how tight of a group you were. This was a clever idea, but you weren’t very sure that it would work. Lana had a tendency to talk over others, Yuta and Dia, though sounding friendly, would diss each other all too much, Lucas barely understood what was going on, always lost in his own world, and Tyler was far too pompous for his own good. It was this very reason that made you grateful to have gotten to know them for a few weeks before flying out to Korea.
You chuckled to yourself at the joke the Korean interviewer made, your team joining in on the laughter later as Soojin, your translator, repeated it in English. The interviewer then wished your country the best of luck during the competition and all the cameras lowered.  
Tyler stretched his neck and rolled his shoulders back. “God, that was exhausting,” he muttered. Lucas and Dia nodded, mumbling their agreements. 
You found the constant need to smile and nod rather tiring too but you still enjoyed being able to talk to your supporters and fans. You knew very well that if they hadn’t rooted for you and believed in you, then you probably would’ve never pushed yourself as hard as you did to even make rookie status. You were extremely thankful for them and if you had to smile and nod for hours on end to show it to them then that’s what you were going to do. 
Tyler just loved to complain, you’d noticed. He had ranted about how long the flight was, how he couldn’t sleep, how his hotel room was way too small, how he deserved more time with his car because it was taken apart and put back together to be shipped and he still needed to get used to that - as if all your cars and bikes didn’t undergo the same process. It annoyed the fuck out of you, making you want to tear your own ears off and shove them in his mouth just to get him to stop talking. 
Had he just been complaining for the sake of it, like Lucas did, you would’ve simply ignored him. However, you and your other four members knew very well that Tyler only complained because he felt the most entitled to. He had daddy’s money backing him up, buying him bigger hotel rooms and longer time on the track. The rich boy couldn’t believe he had to travel coach for the flight with the rest of the team. All-Star Management thought it was necessary for the six of you to fly out together in order to keep up that image of closeness and trust between team members. You probably would’ve all gotten first class seats, but sponsorships weren’t finalized yet, so Management had to settle for the cheapest seats on the cheapest flight. 
But, Tyler didn’t really care very much about anything besides his polished ass. He wouldn’t stop practically crying over the fact that there would be very little leg room and the seats wouldn’t recline. The only good thing that came out of all his whining was that he had his father upgrade all your seats too. Management wouldn’t accept it any other way. 
As you watched him mutter under his breath about how little food and drinks were offered at this morning’s event, you couldn’t stop thinking about how you wanted to smack that stuck-up attitude right out of him. You weren’t a violent person by any means, but his unappreciative rants were getting to you. How could someone be so ungrateful? The fact that he was right about the few refreshments around was besides the point. He was at the All-Stars. It had been your dream to race at this competition since you were sixteen, wanting nothing more than to experience the glory of an All-Star Champion. And here this silver spoon was, complaining about the opportunity he probably barely had to earn based on his driving and riding skills. 
You could tell your other team members were starting to get annoyed too. Lucas rolled his eyes, but nodded along, probably thinking that humouring Tyler might get him to shut up. Dia and Yuta turned to Soojin to go over some greetings and introductions the moment Tyler began to look around, knowing he was about to complain about something, anything. 
Lana was the only one that told him to keep his voice down if he was going to complain. Out of the five of you, she was the most vocal about her distaste for Tyler’s entitled habits. She had shut him down multiple times, offering the team some peace from the constant complaints.
Before he could reply to her, the hosts of this year’s competition took the stage and welcomed everyone. They had three screens behind them, displaying their script in multiple languages, line by line, as they spoke. You didn’t bother reading them however, knowing it would just confuse you. The most languages your mind could think in at once was three and there were definitely more than three languages you knew up there. It was best for you to stick with the Korean audio, keeping your mind focused on the home track language. 
“Welcome to the Seventy-Fifth Annual International All-Star Race! Are you ready for the All-Star experience?” one of the two asked. 
You replied instantly while others lagged with their screens. You had been able to contain your excitement during the last couple of weeks, discussing racing plans and schedules to adhere to once arriving with Allison, All-Star Management, and your team. But, being here, surrounded by all these other amazing racers, finally allowed the reality of the experience to set in. You couldn’t fight the wide smile on your face as you looked up at the hosts, who were all smiles too as they showered the racers with encouraging chants. 
A pulling gaze to your left drew your attention away from the stage and to a tall man leaning against one of the pillars that stood around the stadium centre. He had angelic eyes; it was the only way to describe the honey brown glow that swam within them. The light bounced off the silver hoop piercing that looped around one of his nostrils. You felt your breath hitch as his lips curled into a shy smirk. His eyes may have been angelic but his lips were absolutely demonic, something sinful lurking behind that bashful facade. It had to be a facade. No one with lips that dangerous could be safe. 
Somewhere within you, you managed a nervous smile back. Who the hell was this guy? He wasn’t wearing much of any team logo besides his black hat, which had Korea’s flag embroidered in it. Could he have been a racer too? Or, was he simply a translator? Soojin only really wore a shirt with your country’s flag on it, and other translators took to the same trend. They all wore at least one article of clothing that informed others who they were translating for in case they were needed. 
Those holy eyes of his began to dance up and down your frame, darkening with unholiness. You uncomfortably shifted your weight from foot to foot. He seemed to take every part of you in as his gaze lingering around your curves. He really was shameless, checking you out while you watched. His cheeks then tinted a light pink as if just now realizing how obvious he was being. 
For some reason, you felt a twinge of pity towards him. However, that feeling didn’t surprise you as much as your next actions did. You caught his gaze once more, then wandered your eyes down his muscular frame. His chest stood out to you first, buff and looking firmer than ever. It made your lips slightly part, but you only took to licking them when your sights settled on his thighs. They were the definition of muscle, defined to destroy your sanity, that much you could already tell. 
Wait- you weren’t supposed to go that far, stare that long. Your eyes found his again and he was watching you with an unreadable expression, mouth slightly agape and eyes vacant. You felt your entire face redden. 
It looked like he was trying to push himself off the pillar, but it only resulted in him losing his step and falling over. You threw a hand to your lips to hold back your laughter as he caught himself just before his face hit the ground. Your shoulders shook, laughing into your fingers when his eyes met yours again.
His face was red now, nervous laughter seeming to fall from his lips. He took his hat off and ran a tattooed hand through his long, wavy hair. At first, you had thought it was a nervous reaction. However, you came to find that he was trying to regain his stoic composure, turning his non-chant charm back on. Yup, that guy was most definitely demonic. He flashed you a wider grin, as if reading your thoughts, and pushed his hair back once more before returning his hat back into its place. 
A chorus of cheers pulled you out of the little world you were in. Your attention fell back on the stage, the hosts having just wished everyone exhaustive amounts of luck. Cameras were back on you and your team, wanting to get your last minute thoughts on the event and competition before you were issued to your training.  
You didn’t let your eyes wander back to that stranger. Translator or racer, it didn’t matter. You weren’t here to play around. The entire fate of your career depended on your performance during this competition. Your status barely provided you with clout, name didn’t offer respect and skills only intrigued, never impressed. This wasn’t the time to get lost in another’s eyes. No amount of beauty was going to change the facts of your unfortunate circumstance. 
You ignored the call of his eyes, knowing they were still locked on you. Shrugging off his presence, you returned your full attention to your teammates and your country’s network interviewer. 
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You had finished your portion of track-testing about an hour ago. Each team gets about three hours to practise and train. Still, you remained in the pits, watching Tyler get that extra time his father paid for. You were lucky your country was the last to track-test today as Tyler would have eaten up your chance to test with his own. 
He finally pitted, hopping out of the car and pulling off his helmet. “That last turn wasn’t the best,” he heaved, running a gloved hand through his sweaty hair. 
None of them were, you wanted to say, but instead bit the inside of your cheeks, knowing better. Driving wasn’t your area of expertise, but you knew that you could’ve done a better job then whatever the hell he was doing. You couldn’t help but wonder if he had ever really won any of the races he’d been in. He had raced enough to exceed rookie status, but had he won any? 
You shook your head at your rude thought, scolding yourself. You knew it was mean of you to think that, but the entire team was going to grab some dinner together in about an hour or two and you still had to hit the gym. Most drivers didn’t really work out that much, but riders did. You needed to at least stay lean and strong enough to tilt the bike without much fuss. But here Tyler was, being Tyler and fishing for more time he shouldn’t have gotten in the first place. 
“I have a schedule to stick you,” you reminded everyone as he spoke to Dylan, the crew chief. 
Dia looked up from her phone, adding, “we all do. Can we please go now?”
The rest of the team nodded along, including the pit crew. Dylan sighed, taking his headset off. He glanced between everyone’s unimpressed faces, looking just as annoyed with the situation himself. “Yeah, you’re all free to go,” he finally said. 
You didn’t wait around to hear Tyler grunt his protests under his breath. Instead, you grabbed your gym bag and rushed back to the golf-like carts with your teammates to ride back to the stadium centre. Each one had their phone glued to their hand, texting or calling their manager to let them know they were on their way to their next scheduled event. You were no exception, texting Alison with updates on where you’ll be until dinner. 
from alli: no group dinner tonight - all sponsors are hosting an All-Star Bash at the hotel. We need you there networking with some representatives.
to alli: you can’t be serious, i’m gonna be starving after the gym
from alli: sorry hun, you are running an hour behind schedule
Damn Tyler.
from alli: eat something during hair and make up
You locked your phone, resting back in your seat with a huff. A part of you understood why Management wanted you to stay as a team wherever you went, flying together, training together. But you honestly felt like this was getting out of hand. You didn’t like the fact that you kept having to bend your schedule to fit Tyler’s. 
Lucas rolled his eyes at his phone too from his place beside you. “Schedule’s fucked for you too,” you asked, not bothering to fully face him. He hummed his reply and, in the corner of your eye, you caught him nodding.
Lana must’ve noticed everyone else in the same state and muttered something about talking to him about it. You didn’t listen, not paying much attention to her words. You knew Tyler was going to do whatever he wanted in the end. 
You transferred to your own SUV when you reached the stadium. Your team hopped into cars that waited for them too and went off to their appearances, whatever those may be. You weren’t very familiar with their schedules if it didn’t pertain to you.
Your phone began to buzz continuously. You glanced down at the screen in your lap, reading Lana’s texts in your team chat. She was telling Tyler off after he accused them all for ruining his chances for the first segment of the race. You opened the chat just to mute it. You never really contributed to it anyways unless you had a question or something to show them. 
Right now, you didn’t want to deal with them. You just wanted to blow off some steam. That would ideally entail a quick ride on your bike, the speed lashing against you with the wind and the engine so loud and forceful that your heart would beat to the same roaring rhythm. But, that was near impossible with your bike being in the garage until your next track-test. Besides, superbikes like yours weren’t road legal; you weren’t allowed to ride them for any other purpose other than racing.
All you had left to channel your anger was the gym. You headed there the moment you got out of the car. You didn't bother going upstairs to your room to change. You had already changed out of your jumpsuit an hour ago while Tyler was still testing, both the track and your patience. You also knew you weren’t going to be able to eat before or after your workout, so there was no need to go up yet. You simply shushed the rumble of your stomach and entered the change room. You made a mental promise to eat after the party. You didn’t want to eat while others were working on your face and hair. You moved too much and liked to take your time when eating. 
Thoughts on what to have after the party began to fill your mind as you placed your bag in one of the lockers. Something off the room service menu no doubt, but you did want to try some of the local restaurants later. As you tried to remember what places Allison suggested, you looked through your bag for your earphones. An exasperated sigh left you when you couldn’t find them. Whatever - you’d just have to workout without them. You then shut your locker and made your way to the gym.
You started on some warm-up push ups after taking your sweater off. You were wearing a simple, cropped t-shirt underneath and a pair of sweats. Form wasn’t your focus today. You just went through the motions, and let out your frustrations into the machines you were using throughout your exercises. 
Every moment of this “All-Star experience” had been like a lasting mirage; you’ve been seeing it in the distance, enthralled by the charm of glory and success. However, every time you thought you’ve reached it, it just didn’t feel the same. The glory was nonexistent and the success lingered over the edge, threatening to fall into the pits of failure instead. 
Nothing was as you expected it. Your mother warned you about this, about the chase for more; more recognition, more fame. She supported every choice you made in your career, even helped pay for your first bike. Your father was proud of the clout you had earned now, but he wasn’t so fond of your choice to race before. He fed you tales of horror while your mother soothed you with tales of wonder. The Rookie of the Year was the height of your success before this opportunity. Never had the All Star committee accepted a rookie into the competition, let alone a female rookie. There was a nasty stigma around women and racing. You, Lana, and Dia, along with other powerful female racers, were breaking it. It made being competitive against them hard for you. You sincerely wanted them all to succeed in this industry, paving the way for other little girls craving the same thrill for speed as you did. 
A straggled grunt to your right pulled you out of your thoughts with a start. The weights you had been lifting with your legs smacked down against the others, echoing the sharp snap within the gym. 
There, clutching onto the high bar, hung the clumsy guy from all those mornings ago. Your eyes latched onto his figure as it slightly drowned in the grey coloured hanbok he wore. His hair, you also couldn’t help but notice, was rather fluffy, bouncing with each of his pull-ups. He was grunting as he performed the workout with impressive form. You shifted in your seat a bit, regretting not having made a show of your form too. You thought that you probably could’ve done better than him.
He caught your eye in the mirror, a tired smirk dancing on his lips. He grunted again, lips curling in while his nose scrunched up. You blushed when you noticed the little freckle centred perfectly beneath his bottom lip. He seemed to interpret that differently, growing red in the face himself and, rather visibly, trying to fight off a smile.
Swallowing thickly, you stood up and made your way to your sweater; you had left it on the ground when you were performing your push ups. You weren’t sure how long he had been there, swearing to yourself that the gym had been empty when you came in. You put the sweater back on, nonetheless, deciding whatever show he got from your just covered curves was enough.
He jumped down, rotating his shoulder as he turned to you. “Leaving?”
You raised a brow up at him. Maybe he was a translator. His accent was still lingering though, and you regretted to wonder if your accent sounded half as cute as he did when you spoke different languages. “No,” you answered politely in Korean. “I was just putting my sweater back on.”
His smile widened, and he nodded while his amused gaze fell to the floor. “So you do speak Korean,” he whispered to himself. He then looked up at you and finished his thought. “I figured you did when I saw you laugh with other Korean speakers while everyone else was struggling to keep up.”
“You were watching me?” you asked, voice feigning innocence. You thought playing dumb might excuse the fact that you checked him out back just to make him feel less embarrassed about it. 
He turned his head to the side, lips continuously threatening to break out into a full grin. He didn’t answer your question when he turned back to face you. Instead, he nodded towards the bench press and asked, “Will you spot me?” 
He was already making his way to the bench. You hesitantly followed, not completely done with your own work out yet. He seemed nice enough, however. And though you knew you couldn’t afford any distractions, you reasoned within yourself that there was nothing wrong with a bit of shameless flirting. It’s not like you weren’t already doing that anyways. 
He laid down on the bench, the weights he desired already in place. You figured he had probably been waiting for someone, who could actually lift this if anything was to happen, and settled on you instead. He gripped the bars as you stood just behind his head, hovering your frame over his face. 
“I’m not sure I could lift this,” you said, fingers grazing along the bar and accidently brushing them over his. 
His eyes shot to yours at the interaction and he chuckled. “I trust you can,” he replied, readjusting his grip as you hovered your hands under the bar. He lifted the bar out of its place with a grunt and began to steadily move it up and down. 
Your hands followed the bar, palms lightly pressed to the metal as if you were actually making a difference. In truth, your attention was all consumed by his sounds and the way his face crumpled in concentration. He always had his lip between his teeth you noticed and those angelic eyes almost looked angry. And the way his nostrils flared, causing his piercing to shake a bit, only made the image that much more deadly. 
“Thirteen,” he corrected in a straggled grunt. 
You blinked down at him, tilting your head. “Hmm?”
“You said nine a few times,” he explained, setting the bar back in his place with a loud huff. He sat up and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his sleeve. “Everything alright?”
You redirected your gaze to the floor. “Just fine,” you replied, not yet realizing it had been in English until he switched tongues too. 
“You seem distracted,” he noted. He then stood up and fully turned to you. 
What exactly were you expected to say? You couldn’t go around telling strangers how pissed you were with one of your teammates. It was unprofessional and too stupid to even be considered a rookie’s mistake. And the fact that you were having doubts about your dreams was another thing you did not want to dive into right now. You had a hard enough time discussing it with yourself, let alone with a stranger. And the one last thing distracting you from it all were thoughts of him that you knew you were not supposed to be having. You should have smiled politely and left the moment he made himself known. Maybe your choice to stay could be easily described as a rookie’s mistake. 
When you didn’t answer, he let out a little sigh. You weren’t really sure how to decipher it. His actions, you came to realize, were rather unreadable. It made you want to get to know him more. Perhaps understanding who he was would further help you understand what all his facial expressions meant. You, on the other hand, were an open book. All your emotions shaped your face as you felt them. There wasn’t much you could hide. He probably already knew this, having watched you so much. 
“Do you want to try it?” He nodded down to the bench then looked up at you expectedly. 
You stared back with an unamused expression, one brow slightly raised as if to ask him if he was being serious. 
He shyly smiled. “Just try it one time,” he suggested. You could tell he was directly translating from Korean, knowing the original expression. 
With a defeated sigh, you circled around the bench and sat down. He practically skipped to your previous spot, hovering his hands under the bar like you did. You laid down, lost between gazing at his tattooed hand inches away from you and how his fluffy hair fell in front of his face. 
“How do I do this?” you asked, pulling yourself out of your thoughts. The last thing you needed was to stare at him for all too long again and have the bar slip out of your hands. 
He moved his hands from beneath the bar to where yours were near your face. He paused for a second, glancing at you nervously. “Can I?” he questioned, fingers twitching by yours. 
When you nodded, he took your hands in his. They were only just calloused, mostly soft. The way his skin felt against yours ignited nerves you didn’t think you’d ever felt before. The entire experience in itself was unfamiliar. You would have never let another stranger touch you like this. He just didn’t feel like any other stranger though. He seemed to act like a best friend, the kind of person who knew how to make you feel better when you really didn’t want to, when you rather sulk in your own self-induced misery. 
“Just hold on like this,” he muttered, after guiding your hands to either end of the bar. He even helped you curl your fingers around them. His eyes seemed captivated in the task, lip caged between teeth again but this time displaying little dimples in the hollows of his cheeks. “Now, just try to lift it.”
He made it sound so easy. You gave him that look again, the look that silently told him he couldn’t possibly be serious. He only smirked in reply, nodding his head to encourage you to just go for it.
With a deep breath, you tried with all your might to lift the bar. It surprisingly sprang up, feeling rather light. You positioned it over your chest like he had and did your best to follow the same form. A little groan escaped you on your tenth rep. You really couldn’t believe he did this fifteen times, your arms already tired from the strain. 
“You’re doing great,” he mumbled, as if he was straining to hold the bar too. “Don’t push yourself too hard.”
You found it kind of comforting that he, too, switched between languages so casually. A lot of your friends back home thought it was bizarre and that you were just trying to show off your vast knowledge of languages. They were all monolingual so they didn’t really understand that when a person speaks two or more languages fluently, their mind naturally goes in and out of each one, pulling on words or phrases from one language they can’t remember in another. 
Your hand suddenly slipped from the bar and you gasped, expecting it to at least tip from the lost force lifting it up. Only it didn’t. His grip on it was tight, biceps flexing once more. 
“You were holding it the whole time,” you muttered as the realization hit you. 
A guilty smile played on his lips and he shyly returned the bar in it’s place. “You really didn’t think I’d really let you carry it, did you?” he asked, eyes gleaming with too much amusement for your liking. He rested his elbows on the bar and gazed at you. 
A few moments ago, you would’ve deemed that face unreadable. However, you knew now what it really meant; he was teasing you. A little giggle escaped you as you sat up. “You really had me thinking I had super strength,” you played along. You’ve gotten this far, you figured, so you might as well entertain yourself with this distraction. 
He chuckled behind you while you stretched your arm across your chest in order to soothe any soreness you were sure would follow. “I think the only superpower we both have is speed.”
You stiffened, arms falling down by your sides. A racer. Fuck, how could you be so stupid; of course he was a racer. He was built like a rider too. Leaned and toned, his arms and thighs were thick and strong enough to turn any corner smoothly. You should have known better. You should have left. You shouldn’t have indulged in him when you first saw him to begin with. 
He circled around the bench, standing in front of you now, gazing at you the way he always did. You hated that you had been talking to him long enough to know that. His lips parted, as if about to speak, but you shot up from your seat and pushed passed him. You maintained eye contact only to glare at him. 
He followed after you, face scrunched in an odd mix of confusion and exhaustion. “Something the matter?”
“You’re a rider,” you stated, turning to face him.
“I’m a rider.”
He raised a brow. “You’re just stating facts, sweetheart.”
You were merely annoyed at first. Annoyed with yourself because you let yourself stray from the ultimate goal and annoyed with him for not seeing how terribly bad it was for you two to be talking. You may be frustrated with your team, but they were your team in the end. And fraternizing with the enemy was not at all something you wanted them to find out about. 
But now you were angry. Was this his true nature the entire time? He had always been this cocky? Is that the unreadable characteristic about him you couldn’t quite crack until this moment? The last thing you needed was another arrogant bastard talking down to you with stupid pet names. 
You turned back to face him, glare hardening. “Don’t call me that.”
The smirk on his face told you he liked your reaction, relished in it, in fact. “I’m not sure what’s got you all riled up, angel.”
“I told you to not call me that.”
“Actually, you told me not to call you sweetheart - which I didn’t.” That smirk was only getting wider. 
You rolled your eyes, drily chuckling to yourself. “You’re a jerk,” you mumbled, cursing yourself for how disappointed you sounded. It gave the impression that you wished he wasn’t one. 
His cocky expression wavered as you turned around and left the gym. You had no one else to blame but yourself for the discouraged burn that festered in the pits of your guts. 
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Not a single racer was committed to a sober streak before a race. Each one had a drink in their hand, chatting with sponsor executives, representatives, and interns. Some racers even chatted with a few fans that were able to talk their way into the hotel bar. There weren’t any cameras around tonight, so you figured they just wanted to let loose. You couldn’t really blame them for that. But even you knew that drinking before a race, even just a week in advance, was bad practise. You really couldn’t believe your team engaged in it as well. 
A voice in your head reminded you of the bad practise you indulged in earlier that day, scolding you for judging others when you were in no position to. You knew it was right, but didn’t want to think too much about the interaction you have been blocking from your consciousness the moment you left that gym. 
You focus for most of the night was dedicated to talking to every sponsor you could, creating the connections you were ordered and expected to make. Laughing half-heartedly at their slightly offensive jokes and charming them with the same few lines, began to take a toll on you. You were already starving, snacking on martini olives to suppress the growls of your stomach. But, now you were also tired.
You rested against the bar counter, trying to decide if you had made enough of an impression with these sponsors to go up to your room yet or not. It was then that Lana crashed into your frame, almost knocking you over. “Where have you been?” she asked. You smiled at her sudden lively personality. You supposed it came out when she was tipsy. 
“Been talking to some sponsors,” you shrugged, giggling at her confused expression. 
She really didn’t seem to care that much, immediately pleading, “Come have a drink with us.”
You looked back at your teammates, all drunk and laughing with each other. It would be nice to let loose a bit, give into the call to relax. However, you felt like you’ve given into things enough that weren’t beneficial to you or your team today. You couldn’t afford this slip up too, not when the first race was right around the corner. 
“I’ll meet you there,” you lied. Lana laughed in delight and stumbled back to the team to inform them of your arrival. You turned around the moment you made sure she got there safely and headed towards the exit. You probably should've gotten up to your room, but you left the hotel instead. 
The stadium was not your initial destination. You should have never even thought to go there. But there wasn’t any other place you could think of that was outside the city lines enough to see a few stars. The light pollution in the city drowned out their light, making it impossible to spot a single shining star even in cloudless skies.
You sat yourself on the steps of the back entrance when you arrived. It was a good walk away from the grand entrance, but you thought it was necessary since you weren’t really supposed to be here outside of your allotted hours. 
The night was quiet, clear. The sky only faintly reflected the twinkled of the stars. So much for trying to get out of the city to see them. At least you’ve got a glimpse, you told yourself. 
Your mother once told you when you were little that the stars were just the product of your achievements, shining to remind you to keep trying your best. She said they were never meant to be grasped at and kept. Rather, they were meant to light you towards your next goal and see you through it. 
Looking up at the bare night sky, you prayed those little stars would light a path to your next goal, may that be a solid sponsorship or the All-Star trophy. Maybe this act of hopeful wishing was similar to reaching out to grab the stars, to holding onto to a miracle. Or maybe you were just a native rookie, thinking that wishing on stars will result in you being one. Either way, you prayed once more. 
A distant clatter to your left made you jump. You tore your gaze away from the sky and to the garage a few meters away. A tall figure, lean and muscular, crept around the shadows. It picked up the tools it knocked out of the box and returned them to their place before fiddling with a lock and slipping under the garage door. You knew exactly who that figure belonged to having stared at it all day.
What the hell was he doing in there? The garage was supposed to be locked, banned from racers when it wasn’t their time to track-test. And all racers were expected to be at the hotel, charming sponsors and partying with fans.
A rush of panic coursed through you at the realization that he might have already known that and came here to mess around with some competior’s engine. A little voice urged you to go call security, but what exactly were you going to say to them. You weren’t supposed to be here either. And, for all you knew, that could not possibly be what he was doing. He didn’t seem like the type to cheat. Though he was being a jerk the last time you talked to him, a part of you believed that he had some honour in him, even if it may be buried deep down. 
You slowly got up and did your best to tip-toe your way to the garage. It wasn’t a very easy task to do in platforms, but you couldn’t leave this place tonight not being sure what he was doing. If he was cheating, you confidently told yourself that you would be willing to risk being scolded for the integrity of the race. But if he wasn’t then you would  be able to leave here guilt-free, without any regrets.
You crouched down and stepped into the dimly lit garage. All sections were marked by country in alphabetical order. The garage door you snuck in through started at F. You looked down both ends, wondering if he went towards Korea or not. 
A little curse met your ears, pulling you attention towards the Ks. You quietly made your way over there, hiding behind a rack of tools when you got close enough to Korea’s section. There he was in well fitted dress pants and a black shirt patterned with tiny wihte flowers. Did he come here straight from the party as well? You didn’t remember seeing him there. He had his sleeves rolled up just enough to showcase all the veins in his arms and was examining his finger. He shook it out then reached for a wrench, giving his back to you and crouching down to the gears. You should’ve been paying attention to what he was doing to the gears, but your eyes couldn’t leave his frame. His back was just as muscular as when you saw it flexing in the gym that afternoon. 
You gulped down any other thoughts about how perfectly toned his shoulder blades were and gave a quick scan around Korea’s section. The area was lined with bikes and stocked with cars. It was more than you had ever seen for a single team. There were only six of them, why did they have so many? And how were they able to secure that many?
He was squatting near a sleek black Kawasaki. One look was enough to tell you the model. It was the same model your dream bike was, the one you hoped to have one day. However, this bike was accented with deep, reflective purples, looking better than the original neon green that this particular model usually came in. It was an odd detail for it to be customized. Maybe a sponsor got it for him. But then again, he had a few others just like it. What sponsor would spend almost a quarter of a million dollars on the same superbike for one rider? 
You shifted a bit, knees starting to stiffen up in your crouched position. A little, echoing clatter at the other end of the garage drew your attention back there. The movement caused you to trip over your platforms, falling forward and pushing the tool rack away from you. You were now in the light, halfway between an awkward squat and a lying down position. 
His confused gaze snapped down at you over his shoulder. He smirked and stood up, fully turning to face you. His eyes trailed over your frame, noticing your done-up hair, tight dress and those damned platforms that busted your cover. “Did you follow me here from the party?” He asked, rubbing the grease off his hands with a spare cloth.
You fixed your greyish-blue dress and dusted yourself off as you answered, “of course not.” A stray strand of hair fell before your eyes and you nervously pushed it behind your ears.
“Care you explain why you were spying on me then?” He gave you that usual smirk of his, eyes lingering down your frame momentarily. 
You narrowed your eyes at him, immediately answering, “I wasn’t spying on you.” When he raised his brow, glancing between you and the tool rack, you sighed, “Okay, I may have been spying on you just now but that was not why I came here. I didn’t even know you were here until you knocked the tool box over.”
“Then what exactly did you come here for? Why’d you leave the party?”
You stared at him for a moment, unsure if you should tell him the truth or not. You weren’t even sure if he would believe you. “I came to look at the stars,” you muttered, avoiding his gaze in embarrassment. 
He remained quiet for a while; standing, staring. You met his eyes again, thinking he might laugh or accuse you of lying. Finally, he simply nodded. “They look better on the boardwalk,” he replied, turning back to his bike. “I like looking at them too on clear nights.”
His reply stunned you. You slightly raised your brows, eyes searching for a sign that he may be lying or mocking you. All you found was sincerity. 
“Is that what you were doing here?” You asked. You took a couple of steps towards him, wanting to give the impression that you were warming up to him. But you still maintained your distance, walking past him to look at his other bikes. You had to force yourself not to get lost in their beauty, not to examine them like you wanted you. You reminded yourself that you were here to find out what he was doing and then leave. You couldn’t risk this more than you already did. And you most definitely couldn’t get distracted.
He gestured towards the bike he was working on, putting down the cloth and digging in his pockets for his keys. “Just getting ready for a ride.” There was a thrilled gleam in his eyes. You knew it all too well, assuming that’s what your eyes must’ve looked like when it came to riding too. 
You nodded, resisting the urge to smile. Your eyes darted to the beautiful bike, taking in its features one last time, before turning to walk away. You got the information you needed; there was no need for you to stick around for much longer. And though you envied his sly ability to sneak a ride in while everyone was preoccupied by booze and parties, you knew it was best for you to return to your room. This conversation was risky enough.
“Wanna join?”
You stopped mid-stride, tensing up. He had to be joking. That, or he was extremely dense. You turned around to face him once more. That shy smile on his face was enough to tell you that he was completely and utterly serious.
“I don’t think you understand how wrong this is.”
“No one needs to know,” he shrugged, causing a blush to tint your cheeks. “It will be a quick spin around, maybe check out the boardwalk, and the bike will be returned.” 
A little defeated sigh escaped you. You scolded your heart for reading into his words and your mind for not catching onto them sooner. “I meant us talking to each other,” you clarified, stepping towards him once more. “We’re competitors; if we’re seen chatting it up I’d never heard the end of it from my team, or Management.”
“What’s wrong with a little bit of sportsmanship?” He quirked his brow up, tonguing his cheek. 
The act made you hesitant for a moment, your mind needing to reboot itself as your heart pumped an unsteady beat. “Uh-” you started, his eyes softening back into their usual doe-like form. He was silently urging you to challenge his point. “Sportsmanship is not illegally riding together on the same bike.”
“So are you saying you don’t want to? You’re really telling me there isn’t a part of you itching to ride outside of those tracks without your crew in your ear all the time?” He tilted his head at you, mimicking your annoyed stance. 
Crossing your arms over your chest, you replied, “I’m saying it’s a bad idea.”
“So you want to then?” That smile was returning to his lips, drawing you in. “A quick ride,” he added, “No one will even notice.”
It was an absolutely terrible idea, but your gaze kept falling on the bike, your dream bike. You bit your lip, tearing your attention away from the pretty machine. You kept your head down and tried to talk yourself out of whatever the hell you were tempted to do. 
His voice met your ears once more and pulled you away from your mental debate. “What’s your name?” 
You swallowed thickly before replying, “(Y/N).”
He repeated it a few times in both English and Korean before nodding, as if approving of the way it sounded rolling off his tongue. “I’m Jungkook,” he smiled. 
“Jungkook,” you muttered and he nodded again, that smile never wavering. You mentally switched off all arguments that begged you to walk away, that reminded you of the risks involved as you asked, “Got an extra helmet?”
He let out a relieved laugh, stumbling backwards to grab a black helmet off the well. “This one should fit,” he said as he handed it to you. 
You accepted it, without another word. He also handed you his helmet, saying something about having to walk the bike out the garage before being able to ride it. You weren’t very sure what his exact words were. He mumbled a lot when he spoke Korean. 
He clicked the stand back and rolled the bike down the garage. You followed along with a black helmet in each hand. There was still time to refuse all this, to tell him and his amazing bike to go to hell. You could still order an Uber back to the hotel and sleep this entire conversation off, knowing you did the right thing and that he wasn’t messing with anyone else’s bike. And though your mind kept reminding you of these facts and of the state of your career, you still couldn’t confidently tell yourself that this isn’t what you wanted. You wanted to ride this bike. And though you wouldn’t admit it to yourself just yet, you wanted to ride it with him.
He clicked the stand down again and lifted the garage door up enough to slip the bike out. After getting the bike out and locking the garage, you handed him his helmet. His hand reminded held out towards you however as you pulled off the clip that held your hair up, letting it fall over your shoulders. 
Jungkook let out a little sigh at your confused stare to his hand. “The clip,” he said, pointing to it. 
“Oh,” you muttered. Hesitantly, you placed it into his large hand and avoided his eyes as he smiled at you. “Thanks,” you mumbled before putting your helmet on. You stayed behind him and pulled up your dress a bit. It had ended just above your knee before you pulled it up. The hem now rested against your mid thighs.
Jungkook kept his gaze trained on the floor whether or not you were behind him as you situated yourself. After putting on his own helmet, he threw his leg over the bike and kept his feet on the ground. You hesitated a bit, staring at his muscular back. You weren’t sure what was going on with you, why you felt so alone and like you didn’t know who you were. This just wasn’t like you. You knew riding would grant you some answers, but the cost still hovered over your heart.
He looked over his shoulder, waiting patiently for you to hop on. You swallowed whatever doubts you had and figured that riding around with another racer was better than getting drunk so close to a race. In reality, both choices were just as bad. But you were a rookie; what was your team’s excuse? 
You hopped on. 
“Do you want me to hold your shoulders or waist?” you asked in such a quiet voice, you even surprised yourself.
He shrugged, “Whatever you find to be the most comfortable.” 
Your hands hovered around his waist. You weren’t sure why this made you so flustered. He must’ve sensed your hesitance, for what felt like the hundredth time that night, because he reached back to pull your arms around him. A part of you really hated how he was able to read you so well without even looking at you. 
“Hold on tight.”
He switched on the ignition. The rumble of the engine trembled your body against his. You adjusted your grip to tighten around his waist. With your body practically flushed against his, you could smell his cologne. It was a floral, musky scent, mixed with hints of gasoline and asphalt. He tapped your hand once, letting you know that he was going to move now. You squeezed his waist to silently let him know you were ready. 
He began propelling the bike with his leg, pushing it forward before zooming down the road. You didn’t need to look at the speedometer to know he was riding under seventy. You could feel it in the wind and in how you were able to catch glimpses of the road around you without it looking like a blur of colours.
You looked over your shoulder with him as he checked his blindspot before merging into the main road. It was out of habit, and you were sure he knew that. Even still, Jungkook chuckled to himself. You could feel the vibrations of his laugh, just above your arms, in his ribs. You tighten your grip to let him know you weren’t impressed. He only laughed harder. 
You rode for a while, the cold wind nipping at your exposed arms and legs. You shuddered against him, tightening your grip subconsciously. 
Jungkook looked over his shoulder as you reached a stop light. Cars surrounded you, gazing at your frames against each other. “All good?”
“Yeah,” you called back to him.
“It’s just around the corner,” he promised before the green light illuminated over his black helmet.
He sped off once more, turning with the other cars. You leaned into the turn with him, letting your leg dangle as well. It was all a habit. Your foot was no were near the clutch, but the act of dangling before a turn was practically second nature to you. If he noticed this time, he didn’t say anything. 
The boardwalk he spoke about started to come into view. It was huge, following the length of the ocean before it. Though dimly lit, you could still see all the food vendors and little pop up shops that lined it. There was even some entertainment, or so you assumed as you saw some people gathered around one section of the boardwalk. 
Jungkook slowed the bike down as he entered a parking lot across the street from all the fun. He found a small space for bikes and turned off the engine. You hopped off first, pulling your skirt down to it’s normal length. He clicked the stand down and followed your actions, hopping off as well. His eyes, once again, remained on the ground while you fixed your dress. The act was small but you really appreciated it. It almost made you regret calling him a jerk in the gym. 
You pulled your helmet off, knowing your hair was a mess. His wavy hair somehow remained looking just as flawless post-helmet as it did styled. You ran a hand through your hair, hoping to tame it a bit before he looked over. 
His eyes slowly trailed up your leg, checking to see if you were done fiddling with your hem. Once he was sure you were, he met your gaze and held out his hand to accept the helmet. You gave it to him, watching as he lifted the seats to shove both helmets in. You were sure they weren’t going to fit but he made it work somehow. He shut the seat then turned back to you. 
He smiled a bit at the state of your hair, shaking his head to himself. He shoved his hands in his pockets and began walking through the parking lot, towards the boardwalk. You rolled your eyes and you followed after him as you tried to fix your hair again. Once your strides matched his, you lightly nudged his shoulder. You knew he barely felt it, muscles all too firm to feel anything that light. Still, he played along with your shove, moving his shoulder like you were strong enough to make an impact. 
As you crossed the street, you wrapped your arms around yourself, rubbing the goosebumped skin from the cool breeze of the summer night. It was a small price to pay for giving into your temptations.
“Cold?” He asked as you reached the other end of the street. 
You shrugged, “doesn’t really matter. We’re here just to see the stars.” You weren’t sure who you were reminding; him or yourself. 
He let his gaze linger on you. He had a habit of staring, you noticed. “It’s not just about the stars. It’s the experience. How could you be able to fully experience a starry night when you’re too cold to focus on it?” 
You spared him a sidelong glance, only just meeting his innocent eyes. When his sweet smile widened, you fully turned your head to him. He had this weird ability to look absolutely heart shattering while holding some purity in his features. He’d have long strands of his hair in his face and that nose piercing highlighting his sharp features while his eyes were wide and sincere, and his smile always coaxed your own. There was no other way to describe it besides charm.
He raised his brows at you, waiting for an answer. You blinked, turning away from him. “It’s not that big a deal,” you finally replied.
Jungkook didn’t answer. He remained quiet for all too long. He usually had a reply ready, and a cocky look in his eye to match his cocky words. You turned to face him again, thinking his face might have something to say, like it usually did. However, he wasn’t by your side. You stopped and turned around, looking for him within the crowd behind you. 
He finally emerged behind a little family, holding a soft pink shawl that matched your dress all too well. You furrowed your brows at him, slightly shaking your head as he returned to your side. You continued to walk with his hand extended in front of you, urging you to take the shawl. 
“What is this for?” you questioned using the most formal version of speaking. 
He watched you carefully. You had been using a casual polite form of speech when you spoke Korean, switching to English when you wanted to give bitter answers or hint at the fact that you weren’t interested in speaking to him in any other matter but plain speech. You didn’t want to be too insulting though, knowing that talking casually with a stranger in Korean, especially if they were older than you, was another level of offensive. 
Jungkook seemed to interpret your complete switch to the utmost formal form to be just as offensive. All usual easiness in his face faded, slightly hardening. He didn’t say anything for a long time, retracting his hand from you and letting it fall to his side. You watched as he tongued his cheek, an act you’d come to acknowledge had too much of an effect on you. 
You couldn’t completely register those effects though, knowing he wasn’t very pleased with your tone. You bit your lip and took the shawl from him. He didn’t resist the action, releasing his grip on it. You placed it around your shoulders then flipped your hair out from under it. He still didn’t say anything though, and his features remained just as blank. 
“You didn’t have to do that,” you tried to explain, switching back to casual polite form. He didn’t even look at you. “I just feel like I owe you something in return now.” 
He sighed, shrugging. “I’m older. I should be paying for things.” 
You were well aware of the custom. It was similar to your culture’s. The oldest person around was treated with the most respect and paid for almost everything. You were actually used to fighting over the bill with your family and friends, even though you all knew the oldest person was going to pay. It just shocked you that he would go out of his way to buy you something, and all because you forgot to grab another layer before leaving. 
“Thank you.” You matched his causal tone, not even adding the polite endings. 
He finally smirked, casting you an amused glance. “Any time.” His face then lit up, looking at something over your shoulder. “Shall we get some?” he asked, nodding to something behind you. 
You looked over your shoulder at the spicy rice cakes stand. You licked your lips as your eyes fell on the rather big portions. You had forgotten how hungry you were since you saw him sneaking into the garage. 
Jungkook chuckled at your silence. “Is that a yes?” 
You looked back, slightly blushing. You were embarrassed for some reason, tugging your shawl further around your shoulders. You nodded, causing him to smile and display his teeth which strangely resembled that of a little bunny. The similarity was endearing, drawing you further into him. 
He began walking to the stand, greeting the old man that was cooking. He gestured for two as you followed after him, standing by his side. He reached into his pocket to pull out his wallet. You felt a twinge of guilt tug at your heart. 
“I’m sorry,” you muttered, face flushing a deeper red than before. 
He shrugged your apology off, handing the man the money. He refused the change, which you recognized was a lot, and turned back to you while your food was being prepared. “Did you forget what I told you already?” He chuckled, shoving his wallet back into his pocket. 
You shook your head at him, watching your food be prepared. You figured it was safer since staring at Jungkook only made your blush even more. “I don’t usually let other people pay for me.”
“I’ll tell you what,” he started, fully shifting his body to face you. You met his gaze out of curiosity, slightly raising a brow. “Next time we go out, I’ll let you pay.”
You snorted, the result of an awkward cross between a scoff and a chuckle. He tilted his head at you before laughing all too hard at that. You watched him hunch over as his eyes crinkled and nose scrunched a bit. You rolled your eyes at him, ignoring all thoughts that pointed out how cute he looked when he was this happy. 
“What makes you think there will be a next time?” you asked once he settled down. 
Jungkook looked at you, smile softening a bit as he stared. “Just a hunch.”
The old man then called at him, gesturing him over. You followed after, accepting the food with both hands and bowing. You muttered a respectful thank you then started walking back down the boardwalk again with Jungkook by your side. 
Silence fell between the two of you as you ate your rice cakes off their sticks. You tried your best not to get it all over your face, licking your lips after every bite. Your pink lipstick was probably non existent now, but at least you were finally fed. However, you knew you were probably going to wake up with a slightly puffy face tomorrow for eating so late into the night.
He tossed his plate and stick out when he was done. You did the same, finishing up as well. You ran a thumb under your lip, cleaning up what was left of your lipstick. The two of you had reached the end of the boardwalk. It extended into the ocean, waves crashing beneath your feet. 
You looked up at the sky. He was right; the stars somehow shined brighter here than out of the town above the stadium. You watched them twinkle, winking down at you. You had forgotten Jungkook was beside you until he sighed. 
You spared him a glance to find him already staring at you. He had a playing smile on his lips as you turned to face him. Did he purposefully sigh to get your attention? You decided to give into him, asking, “How do you know about this place?”
“I grew up here,” he replied, his smile still beaming brightly at you.
You furrowed your brows. He didn’t speak in dialect so you assumed he was from Seoul. He must’ve known what you were thinking, chuckling quietly as he explained, “I dropped the dialect so you could better understand me.”
You hummed, nodding a bit. “I see. But, you should know that I could understand you just fine either way,” you replied in Busan dialect, making his eyes widen. 
He let out a little chuckle out of disbelief. He shook his head a bit, looking out into the ocean before back at you. “How can you speak so well? It took me forever to learn English.”
You blushed, proud of yourself for impressing him this much. You looked back up to the stars, knowing that if you continued to stare at him, you wouldn’t be about to stop the colour tinting your cheeks. “I used to be friends with all the exchanged students back in high school and learned some of their languages to communicate better with them. I thought it was selfish of me to not meet them halfway.” 
He stayed quiet for a long time. You chanced a glance at him to make sure he was still there. His eyes never left yours, watching you with an unreadable expression as he studied your features. You turned back to the sky and tried to fight off the smile that wanted to settle on your lips.
“Why are you so obsessed with stars?” he suddenly asked, leaning against the railing. 
The sudden change in topic shocked you a bit. Still, you sighed and mumbled, “I’m not obsessed.”
He shrugged, following your eye-line to the sea. “Whatever you say,” he sighed. From his tone, you could tell he was provoking you, attempting to draw the answer out of you. 
You gave him a tired look, rolling your eyes at his antics. “I don’t really know,” you finally replied. 
“So are you admitting to being obsessed with them- Ow!” he hissed, rubbing his arm. 
You knew your little punch barely affected him so you didn’t feel too bad about it. “Why do you always have to be a smart ass?”
He gave you a cocky smile. “Because, hun, you’re cute when you’re angry.” 
There he went again using pet names other men have used to talk down to you. No matter how sweet it sounded coming from him, it still reminded you of those sexist assholes. You gave him a warning stare. 
He paused.
“You don’t like that one too, huh?” He turned around and leaned his back against the railing. As he looked up to the sky, he brought a finger to his head, pushing his hair out of his face a bit and scratching his scalp. “How about sweetie?”
You quirked your brow up at him. A sharp exhale left you as you couldn’t figure out why he was so determined to call you by some stupid pet name. 
“Baby, babe, princess, darl-” he cut himself off, watching you closely. “Princess,” he repeated, chuckling to himself when you wouldn’t meet his gaze after your breath hitched the first time. He smugly smiled, satisfied with himself. 
No one had used that name to make you feel inferior. Coming from Jungkook, it actually empowered you a bit - a conclusion you quickly threw out of your mind. You turned and began to walk away, regretting to feel a smile playing on your lips. 
He rushed after you. “You all done with stargazing, princess?” He teased as he caught up. 
You sped up. He did the same. You kept picking up your pace until you were both running after each other down the boardwalk, pushing between others as you raced back to where you started. You were just about to reach it when your new shawl got caught in the wind. It flew out of your grasp, twirling in the current. A huff escaped you as you turned to grab it. Jungkook beat you to it, reaching up to grab it and dashing past you to the end. You tried to get there first, but he had longer legs and practically hopped to the imaginary finish line. 
You glared at him, causing another amused smile to settle on his lips. You noticed you’ve been staring at them a lot. “That’s not fair,” you breathed.
He handed you the shawl. “That was plenty fair,” he argued, lips forming into a small pout as he spoke. “I bested you, princess. Just admit it.”
You narrowed your eyes at him before gently pushing his chest. Fuck, it was so firm, almost too firm. You have noted before that his torso was pretty fit, chest definitely buff. But you didn’t think it would feel this hard under your palms. 
Your amazement must’ve been clear on your face because Jungkook immediately blushed. He didn’t even pretend to be affected by the shove like he always did. He turned his head from you, turning to cross the street the moment the light came on to. Your own cheeks flushed as you followed, keeping you head down while you trailed after his steps back to the bike. 
The night drifted into silence from there. You tied your shawl around your hips when you got to the bike, not wanting it to fly from the harsh lashes of the wind during the ride. You took your helmet in silence, put it on in silence and climbed behind him in silence. Your arms trembled as you wrapped them around his waist again.
He didn’t speak much either, performing all his tasks without a sound as well. You were only sure he was still acknowledging your presence when he tapped your arm to let you know he was ready to leave. You squeezed back. Then he was off. 
The ride back was somehow more comfortable then the ride there, even with the awkward interaction you two exchanged. You pressed yourself to his chest like it was a usual passtime, like you two always went on late night rides like this. His body was relaxing into yours as well. Everything about the moment should have made your gut twist with guilt, shame, and anger. But it didn’t. You melted into him and ignored the cold wind nipping at your arms and legs. 
You hopped off the bike when you got back to the garage, slightly feeling colder without his warmth against you. Your heart wanted to string you along after him as he lifted the door, but your mind hushed it this time. Your senses seemed to have returned to you in the same place you lost them. You had your fun tonight, but it was all over now. 
You took your helmet off and didn’t make any effort to move forward. He looked back at your still figure, pushing the tinted visor of his helmet up. His features looked even more precious squished in the helmet. The nose piercing regained a bit of his gothic roughness though. “Leaving?”
A breathy chuckle escaped you, recalling that first time he told you that in the gym. You nodded, stepped forward to hand him his helmet back. “Thank you, Jungkook,” you smiled as you ran a hand through your hair. 
He returned the smile with a small nod. “Any time,” he shrugged. You fought a grin at the way he was trying to play everything off. You couldn’t believe this was the same guy who got upset with you because you didn’t accept his gift right away. 
The gift, you thought, untying the shawl. You were going to hand it back to him, but he gave you a look that told you that if you did, he wouldn’t forgive you for it. You wrapped it around your shoulders again, smiling sheepishly. 
“Need me to call you an Uber?” He asked, reaching back into his pocket again. 
You quickly shook your head. “Please don’t. I have my phone. I'll wait for it by the stadium.” 
He furrowed his brows at you, looking up and down your frame. You wrapped your arms over your chest, a little blush flushing your cheeks. You were thankful for the darkness that masked it up for you. He fell silent, all expression from his face falling as he understood what you meant. You stiffened a bit as his eyes lingered on your breasts. 
Jungkook blinked his attention down to the bike. He cleared his throat then said, “I guess I’ll see you around the track.”
“You will,” you nodded. The tension was only thickening between you and you couldn’t really handle it anymore. “You’ll see me win,” you smirked, starting to backpedal away from him. 
His face lit up bright enough to light your path back to the stadium. He chuckled and turned around, “whatever you say, princess.”
Your breath hitched again, hoping he didn’t hear it this time. He didn’t look back at you and you took that as a good sign. It would have been cruel of him to toy with you like that if he did. You gave him one last look as he entered the garage, then turned around, click-clacking your way back to the stadium steps. You pulled your phone from your bra and ordered an Uber. 
Throughout the drive back to the hotel, you kept the shawl wrapped tightly around you. It smelt faintly of him. Every moment of him replayed in your mind in a loop you couldn’t break. You looked down at your phone. It unlocked as it recognized your face and stared back at you. Your thumb hovered over the google chrome app, debating if you should or shouldn’t do what you really wanted to. You thought it wouldn’t hurt to just check, and clicked it, typing Jungkook’s name in next to Busan and Racer. 
Countless images of him and a few other pretty attractive men showed up. He was very photogenic, not that you were really surprised by that. You searched through his results, noticing a bunch of headlines about all his wins. He really was an All-Star, winning every race he’d been in. Apparently, he’d taken up racing on a whim. He borrowed his friend’s bike and joined a competition out of boredom. He had no idea what he was doing and ended up winning the entire race. It was only about twenty laps, so a pit stop wasn’t necessarily. Park Jimin, the friend who lended him the bike, then referred Jungkook to his management team. 
He rode like a natural. You weren’t very surprised by the contents of the article. You clicked on another article announcing Korea’s All-Star team. He stood in a photo with his other five teammates, laughing like they had known each other all their lives. Jimin also made the team, standing beside Jungkook with his arm around his shoulder. The seventh person on the far right was Kim Namjoon, their crew chief. He looked the proudest of his team, smiling the widest. It was really cute, bring a smile to your face too. 
As you continued to read, you noticed that they had lots of sponsors, not just one or two, but about six or seven. They were all very talented and well-known that sponsors fought over them. It made sense why they had so many bikes and cars just sitting in their section. You would drop that much money on them as well if you were a sponsor. 
Sponsors. You locked your phone and wondered when the fuck it all became about sponsors. You hoped you had made enough connections tonight, but could never really be sure unless they called Allison. You still felt just as disheartened about your circumstances after the ride as you did before it. Going for a ride always cleared your head. Maybe being with Jungkook had something to do with it. Then again, it wasn’t like you had a terrible time. That was actually the first time you’d been out in a while. Your focus was always devoted to the next race. 
You unlocked your phone again and stared at his picture before closing the app. You tried, and failed, to erase him from your mind as well.
“Is right here okay, miss?” the driver asked, looking back at you.
You locked your phone, looking into the rearview mirror, and nodded. “Thank you so much. Please leave well and have a goodnight.” You smiled, lowering your head before opening the door and hopping out. 
The doorman held the door open for you as you rushed inside. You didn’t stop by the party again, making your way to the elevators. The night wasn’t really over until you got back into your room. The moment the door shut, you leaned against it and pushed every thought about Jeon Jungkook out of your mind. You didn’t have the energy to scold yourself for all your stupid choices through out the night. That would be the first thing on your list tomorrow morning, that’s for sure. 
You tossed the shawl over a random chair near the window. You sighed as you got ready for bed, putting all tonight’s memories to rest as well. 
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You entered your team’s pit as the last team finished up their track-test. Dia smiled at you as you stood beside her, watching the six feed screens deep in the pits. They presented different angles of the current team’s practise, cars strategically zooming passed each other. 
“Korea might win this,” she muttered to you as she watched. 
You resisted the urge to react. It's been days since you last saw Jungkook. You hadn’t seen him around anywhere, the only proof of his existence being that shawl you hadn’t touched since you returned to your room that night. You had successfully pushed all thoughts of him out your mind, returning your attention to the race and your career. You only just got back on your A-game, training harder and better than anyone on your team had. 
“We’ll see,” you muttered as they all began to pit. They parked their cars behind each other, shutting off the engines before hopping out. 
Your eyes immediately fell on Jungkook, the cameras catching his best angles. All his teammates looked great in their jumpsuits, but the material just sat differently on Jungkook. It hugged his frame sinfully, perfectly defining every flexing muscle in his thighs when he walked. 
You tore your gaze away from the screen. This was ridiculous. You weren’t supposed to be drooling over him like that. You only spent a night with him and nothing serious even happened. You reminded yourself that it was just some ride. There was nothing more to look into. 
He walked with his team towards your pit, eyes only locked on you. You tried to ignore his gaze, but failed, catching it anyway. He smirked at you, giving you a knowing smile. You felt Lucas and Lana look between the two of you with confusion written on both their faces. 
Panic coursed through you and you reacted to the first thing that came to mind. You glared at Jungkook, slowly dragging your gaze away from him and back to Yuta. “Which car will you be racing with tomorrow?” you asked him. 
Yuta looked up at you from his place on one of the chairs. He pulled his water bottle away from his mouth about to answer when Jungkook began to speak. “Hyung, I thought this was a competition. Is this the best the race could provide?” His loud voice was dripping with arrogance, as he pointed at your team. His teammates chuckled to themselves, looking over at your pit crew. Namjoon rolled his eyes at Jungkook and kept his face neutral and professional. 
Lana glanced at you. You met her gaze, shrugging as you feigned confusion. “Where’s Soojin?” She asked Dylan. 
He looked up from his clipboard long enough to reply, “Restroom probably.”
“Yah, even their engines don’t have confidence in them,” he laughed as one of the crew members worked on the engine Tyler fucked up last time. He had run into the wall after braking too late before turning and practically destroyed the entire engine. “It has given up on them,” he laughed pointing at the ruined piece of machinery. 
“What’s he on about?” Tyler asked as the team fell into another fit of laughter. 
You drily chuckled, glare hardening at Jungkook. You knew he was just retaliating because you blew him off, but you weren’t too annoyed by that. If anything you were relieved that he was finally taking this seriously, ignoring the little voice that recoiled with disappointment at his behaviour.
You raised a brow at him as he passed you. “It doesn’t matter,Tyler. He’s just spitting out the shit he ate for breakfast,” you replied as you maintained eye contact.
Dia fell over laughing with Lucas and Tyler, Lana curled her lips inwards, trying to suppress her laughter out of respect but failing terribly, and Yuta spit out the water he just sipped on, moving the bottle aside as he choked on his laughter. 
Jungkook’s eyes darkened, drowning in anger. You’ve never seen them this mad. The most was when he wouldn’t talk to you after you refused to accept the shawl the first time. His nostrils tinted a light pink, flaring as he walked back to you. One of his teammates, who you recognized from the pictures to be Taehyung, pulled him back. 
“It’s not worth it,” he said, pulling Jungkook’s towering frame away from you. 
“Nothing’s worth that,” he spat at you, turning away and catching up with his group. 
You were thankful that he gave you his back before your eyes softened. You started this; you shouldn't have been surprised he’d take it that far, but to have him deem you worthless was uncalled for. You had never insulted him to that degree. 
Yuta stood up, watching you closely. It was then you realized that everyone around you had fallen silent, including the pit crew who needed to be fixing an entire engine right now. You looked around, meeting everyone’s gaze, stiffening when you caught Soojin’s eye. She gave you a pitiful smile as a means of comfort. 
“Do we need to go talk to him?” Lucas asked, walking towards you and nodding at Yuta. Tyler stood up, courageously including himself into the equation too. Yuta and Lucas shared a look that meant they both knew he was full of shit. At least, the thought was pretty sincere. 
You shook your head. “We have a race to focus on,” you replied, flashing them a fake smile you hoped would reach your eyes. 
Dylan cleared his throat and the chatter resumed, the pit crew getting back on their tasks as their tools started up again too. “There will be no more talking to the competition,” he ordered. “Not even to retaliate.” He gave you a pointed look then ushered everyone to their places. 
You spent the entire practise telling yourself that Jungkook was the worthless one, even if you knew it was an utter lie. 
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“What a beautiful day for racing! The sun is shining, spirits are high. The fans are all out, excited to see a great race.” Soyoung announced from her place up in the stands. 
Her co-commentator, Wan, continued, adding, “The racers seem excited too. We just hear from a few wishing their fellow team members good luck. One of whom being the first rookie racer to compete in the All-Stars. (Y/N) (L/N) is an alternate for this race, but if two out of her three teammates end the race before the two hour mark, we will get to see her race in the next segment.”
The camera panned on you as you stood in the pits by Dylan while he spoke to you. Wan continued, “Here she is with five time winning crew chief, Dylan Hanson. What do you think Hanson is trying to get at here, Soyoung? Do you think he doesn’t have much faith in his rookie to carry them through the first segment. Is one hundred laps too much for (L/N)?”
“Not at all. (L/N) had secured the title of Rookie of the Year. She is more than capable of keeping up with the competition. Driving is simply not her area of expertise. She is a rider, Wan. Hanson is doing the right thing with keeping her as an alternate. It is always a good idea to save your secret weapon for the right moment.” Soyoung replied. 
You just finished speaking with Dylan about some refreshers on the details of the race that you and your team went over during the pre-race meeting a few hours ago. You sat back in the pits, only just in view of the cameras and looked at the screens with Lana and Lucas when you caught what Soyoung was saying about you. You had to read the subtitles too to make sure you were hearing all this correctly. You blushed a bit, not thinking of yourself as much of a secret weapon. Lucas poked your cheek while Lana chuckled at your slightly flustered face. The cameras panned at the three of you. 
“Besides Korea’s All-Stars, (L/N)’s team seems to be the closest.” Wan noted. 
Soyoung laughed at Lucas’s smile and your deadpan face as he still had his finger pressed against your cheek. He waved at the camera, mouthing, “Hi mom.”
“They both seem to be having a good time. Let’s check out how some of their other teammates have to say about the race.”
Yuta, Dia, and Tyler were front and centre on the track by their cars. The camera panned on Yuta first and he spoke like a natural, despite his usually quiet demeanor. He smiled to the camera promising to perform his best this morning for his fans, team and country. He looked excited to start racing. The sight brought a smile on your lips. You knew he kept to himself often and didn’t easily show his emotions so to see him looking this happy and open must have meant he was really excited. 
You clapped in your seat when Dia was next. She gave the camera her cute smile and wished her teammates the best of luck. She thanked Solar and her other sponsorships and promised to do her best as well. You clapped again, commenting to the others how cute she was. 
“The cameras love her,” Lana agreed before the camera fell on Tyler. 
The three of you watched silently while he spoke mainly about himself and how he believed he could really win this race. In the end of his ramblings, he thanked his sponsors and his father for all his support. The interviewer sent the cameras back to Soyoung and Wan. They thanked her and began talking about Korea’s All-Star team.
 Lucas shifted in his seat. He was still really upset with what Jungkook had said to you. In fact, your whole team was. You were surprised to find that they cared so much. You had originally thought that they were just putting up with you, the rookie who didn’t really know any better. You noticed that wasn’t the reality of the matter when all five of them would glare at Korea’s team whenever they were close. You didn’t bother looking at them. You knew all their expressions simply mirrored your teammates’. Besides, looking at Jungkook was a dangerous act. He had a way of pulling you in and you had one of letting him. 
“Korea has an impressive line up, and are holding out on their golden boy. Number seventy-seven, Jeon Jungkook, has been announced as an alternate. Could Jeon be Korea’s secret weapon?” Wan asked. 
The cameras panned on Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung sitting in the pits watching the screens as well. They smirked up to the cameras waving. From your seat, you could hear the crowd roaring. Your team members seemed surprised but you really weren’t based on the search results you remembered finding. All seven guys, including Namjoon, were extremely attractive and they had such remarkable talent. 
“We know they will make Korea proud.” Soyoung declared, sounding a bit dazed herself. You didn’t blame her. 
The cameras panned on Namjoon and he waved before going back to talking to the pit crew. The screen switched to the other three members now all talking about making Korea proud and performing their best. You weren’t paying much attention to him, watching the screen in the far left that presented an image of Jungkook gazing at the screens in front of him, smiling at his hyungs. 
“Remarkable words from Korea’s best.” Wan said after their interviews finished. “Now, it’s time to look at those hot spots!” 
The main screen switched to an animated version of the track, flashing red spots on the turns the sportscasters believed would be difficult for the racers. You agreed with a few of them, nodding along with Soyoung’s explanation of her projections. 
“Turns 2 and 4 will definitely be hard to get by without even some bumping,” she finished. 
Wan continued, “I agree. Drivers will need to pay extra close attention to the cars around them during these turns.” 
The crew around you began to rush to their places and Dylan took his seat in front with other crew engineers. They all wore headsets, asking each member if they were okay and ready. You couldn’t hear their replies but knew it must've been “yes” since Dylan wasn’t looking like he might need to usher a pit crew member out there.
All racers got in their cars with their helmets on, zooming down the track one by one for a warm-up lap. You watched your teammates keep up with each other like they had practised, smiling with pride. Your foot bounced against the foot rest of your chair from excitement. 
All cars lined up behind their marks, revving their engines as a crew member waved a yellow flag and walked before the cars. The drivers couldn’t see another green flag waving behind them to signal to the track control team that all was set and ready here. The red lights stayed on until the green flag was lowered. 
“And they’re off!” Wan exclaimed as the red light turned off and all cars took off at high speeds. “One hundred laps in two hours. Think Korea could make it?”
“I know they can. Oh- here comes the second turn and Italy has fallen back from third to ninth. Jung Hoseok slipped right through there securing the third place pos- Oh, Dia Fyes has just passed him, Yuta close behind her. Jung is back in fifth with Tyler Rogers.” Soyoung energetically narrated. 
You smiled, shouting praises at your team members with Lucas. Lana raised a fist in the air and whispered her agreements to herself as she watched Yuta hold Hoseok off from overtaking him. 
“Kim Seokjin is doing an extraordinary job leading the racers into their third lap now. Already beating his fastest personal lap.”
“It’s such a shame we can’t see his handsome face while he’s racing,” Soyoung jooked, earning a hearty chuckle from Wan. 
She wasn’t really wrong but you weren’t going to tell your team that, especially with how Lucas scoffed and Lana rolled her eyes. 
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Ninety laps and just over an hour in, Yoongi was leading the cars, Jin and Hoseok close behind him. Yuta and Dia had been battling for third with Hoseok for the last few laps, never being able to fully overtake him for long. Dylan kept telling them to push themselves when they could and watch for cars behind them for any bumper tapping as others got closer. 
Tyler was lost somewhere in thirteenth place after messing up around the fourth turn. He slid off track, thankfully not crashing into anyone or anything. It was just a bad turn, Lana had reassured you all and Dylan coached him back onto the track. He was slowly making his way up in the last few laps, now resting in sixth place. 
“Rogers has stolen sixth place from France’s Mina Beaudoux. Looks like- OH! Our first pile up!” 
You gasped with the fans watching as Italy’s Francesco Bianchi’s engine stuttered, slowing him down enough to have the cars behind him crash into the rear of his car. He was in eighth place, all your teammates and Korea’s team missing the crash completely. 
“The pits! Get to the pits!” Dylan shouted into the mic as the red flag was waved. 
The entire race came to a stop and the respective pit crews and track marshalls ran out to the road to get their drivers out. Bianchi’s car was on fire, the entire front torn off. You watched closely with Lucas and Lana as Yuta, Dia, and Tyler arrived in the pits. The crew was not allowed to work on their cars during a red flag, but they were allowed to come out. They rushed to the screens near you and pulled off their helmets to properly watch what was happening. 
Drivers were being pulled out of their cars and sprayed down with fire extinguishers as per regulation. From the screen before, you saw the replays, your hand brought up to your lips as you watched his car stop and become the reason for the pile up behind him. No one got through it without serious damage to their car. You knew they were going to issue alternates and everyone was to return to their standing before the crash. An extra half an hour was tacked on the two hour marker as overtime to give racers a chance to make up their laps without having to worry about the time. 
Dylan called for Yuta, Dia and Tyler to put their helmets back on and get ready to drive again. You wished them all good luck and ran a hand through your hair. You were used to seeing crashed, being in a couple of them yourself, but this was insane. Throughout your entire career, you’ve never seen all cars involved in a pile up get completely destroyed. Usually a car or two would make it through; this time none did. 
Crews began raising thumbs up, letting everyone know that their driver was okay even though they’re alternates were still getting ready to take their place. You let out a sigh of relief, thankful no one was injured beyond the point of recovery. 
Soyoung and Wan called a commercial break while the speedway was cleaned of all ruined cars and debris. The cameras fell on the pit crews and members in the pits. Everyone looked equally shakened. Your eyes drifted to the screen that flashed Jungkook’s nervous face. He sat back in his seat while Jimin and Taehyung talked with serious expressions. The audio of their conversation was not provided but you could tell it was about the pile up. Your eyes couldn’t leave Jungkook’s teansed frame. Thoughts about rubbing his shoulders to help him relax filled your mind. You sighed and shook your head, trying to push those thoughts far, far away. Before you could further scold yourself for your irrational thoughts, the race was being broadcasted again.
Cars got issued back in the order they were in before the accident. As Yoongi, the car leading the race, passed the line a green flag waved overhead, letting all the racers know the race was officially back on. With ten more laps to go, the cars whizzed by trying to gain speed over each other. They needed to finish before the two hour and a half mark but their position upon finishing added to their team’s points. 
Yuta reached second during the ninety-eighth lap when Hoseok turned too widely. Dia tried to sneak in through the same way Yuta did but noticed that if she did then she’d end up running into Hoseok. The white flag waved as they passed the line. There was about five minutes left. All cars weaved around the other, trying to get ahead of each other. If they all made the two hour and a half mark, the committee would base the next segment’s qualifications on collective team points. Out of the fifteen countries, only ten could proceed to the next segment in Daegu. 
“Keep it steady, Yuta,” Dylan advised as Yuta rounded the last corner. He was gaining on Yoongi. Dia was right behind Hoseok, gaining on him as well while Jin followed after her. 
The checkered flag began to wave with Yoongi coming in first. Soyoung and Wan went crazy up in their box with cheers as the Korean national anthem began to blare over the speakers. 
Your team still finished in the top ten places. You jumped up with Lucas and Lana as you cheered for your team. Dylan was trying to keep his calm demeanor but couldn’t fight off the smile on his face. 
“We qualify! We qualify!” he reassured the drivers. He finally chuckled, probably hearing their cheers through the headset. 
Korea’s team drove into the victory lane after doing a few victory laps with the other cars. Their crew and members were already there, having rushed over when Yoongi passed the line. You watched through the screen as Yoongi hopped out with a gummy smile and Jungkook picked him up on his shoulders. He was the youngest but you weren’t surprised that he could carry a grown man on his shoulders. The team jumped around, giving Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jin high fives and hugs. They all posed for some victory pictures, Yoongi still on Jungkook’s shoulders. 
Jungkook finally put him down and hugged his other members, congratulating them as well. The revving of engines ceased to your left as Yuta, Dia and Tyler returned to the pit. You rushed over with Lana and Lucas to greet them. You all stood in a circle, jumping and chanting your country’s name. Yuta looked into the camera, which was struggling to get shots of your chaos, and held his helmet in the air, yelling the country’s name on the top of his lungs. You leaned against Lucas, laughing your ass off at Yuta’s hyped alter-ego. 
Dylan called all of you to the screen, shouting, “The results are coming in!”
You looped your arm with Dia’s as you all rushed to the screens to see who else made the cut. Your country’s flag was second, displaying Yuta’s number as the MVP of your team for this segment. The entire team, including the pit crew, shouted his name. He threw his arm around Dia and Tyler, one of his hands resting on your head as you were hugging Dia. He ruffled your hair playfully. You would’ve told him off for it if he hadn’t just granteed you a chance to race later. 
All cheering died down a bit as the screen enlarged the last five countries. You clapped at their good effort along with your team. It was an intense race and the fact that they finished was rather astonishing. 
Soyoung and Wan offered those countries kind words and congratulated them for their hard work. they quickly switched back to their happy shouts when the screen flashed on Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jin who were all ready to give their victor’s interview. 
You noticed Jungkook in the background with that smile you had let yourself become familiar with. A part of you wished it was directed towards you. Your guts twisted with guilt as Lucas rested an arm around your shoulder. How could you be wanting your competitor’s presence when you should’ve been loyal to your team. 
Still, you stared and craved his attention all over again.
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Soon after clearing the first segment, Dylan promised to take everyone, including all the crew, to a victory dinner on the last day in Busan. He managed to seat your entire country’s team in one of the three private rooms in a local restaurant. You had heard that it was one of the best rated ones around. You were expecting a good time until you got seated between Yuta and Dia. You silently sat in your seat, trying to stay out of their argument as you read the menu. Soojin was helping Lucas read his since he wasn’t listening the first time. He was too busy spurring Dia on Yuta with things Yuta had said about her driving when she left the table. 
“Not true!” Yuta sighed, looking over at you. “Ask (Y/N). She’ll tell you I never said that.”
Dia looked at you, expecting you to back her up instead, but you simply shook your head. “Keep me out of this,” you muttered, earning an annoyed sigh from both of them. 
“Wait,” Dylan said into his phone. Conversation around the table ceased as all attention fell on him. “Are they sure? Alright, well thanks for letting us know. Take care.” He hung up and looked up to find everyone staring at him. 
“Well,” Lana said as he remained silent under everyone’s curious gaze. “You gonna tell us what that was about?”
Dylan sighed and set his phone down on the table. “Italy ran a diagnostic test for Bianchi’s car and found some inconsistencies with the engine that could only have been done manually. They issued a report to the All-Star committee suspecting foul play.”
Your brows shot up, and mouth hung out. Even the rookies you’ve raced with knew not to do that. You weren’t really sure how to respond. Someone actively tried to injure another racer. That pile up could have resulted in someone’s death. Those cars went up to a hundred and ninety miles per hour and when they crash it is brutal. Images of the pile up flashed in your mind as you set the menu down.
“What does that mean for us?” Tyler asked, breaking the stunned silence. 
Dylan shrugged. “Right now, we are still moving onto the next segment. The committee is still discussing how they should proceed with an investigation.” 
Another moment of thick silence fell over the room. Dylan cleared his throat and picked up his menu. “That’s an issue for tomorrow. Let’s focus on the win,” he practically ordered. Everyone picked up their menus again, Yuta grumbling something under his breath that only Dia seemed to catch. She huffed and they began arguing again. 
You sat back, rubbing your temple. You felt a slight headache coming on while trying to think about what Dylan had said and block out Yuta and Dia’s voices. Without another word, you got up from the table and walked towards the restrooms.
Thousands of thoughts on how and why someone would do that ran through your head as you turned the corner. Your eyes instantly met Jungkook’s. He seemed to have just come out the restroom himself, looking just as shocked as you. 
Your eyes danced up and down his frame as if you were having trouble deciding what handsome detail to focus on first. His long hair was pulled back in a ponytail, a few strands framing his face. He was wearing ripped jeans that showcased portions of his muscular thighs and a baggy black hoodie. You let out a shaky breath as you met his gaze again, watching it harden on you. 
Oh right... he hates you, you mentally reminded yourself. You gave him a little smile as you shifted from foot to foot. “Congrats,” you whispered. 
His glare slightly softened to a confused gaze. He cleared his throat and nodded. “You too,” he replied. “Your team did well.”
You nodded along with him. “I suppose we were worth something after all, right?” you sounded more hurt than you had wanted to. You thought it would trigger him to retaliate with something just as bitter but he rubbed the back of his neck instead. 
“Sorry about that,” he whispered, walking towards you. “It was completely uncalled for. You know, I don’t actually think you’re worthless. You’re obviously worth something to me-to the team-your team,” he stuttered over his words, ending his ramble with a defeated sigh. 
You raised a brow at him, causing a blush to creep up his neck. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. You bit your lip, unable to deny how much of a hot sight that was. “You know what I meant,” he chuckled. 
You offered a little smile and nodded, not trusting your voice after such a sight. 
Silence settled between you. Jungkook rocked on his heels, staring down at you with a little grin. You swallowed thickly, feeling yourself shift under his gaze. You needed to stop staring at him. You knew that if you continued to you’d only admit more things about him that you had been denying since your first interaction. 
You redirected your gaze to the floor before asking, “so did you hear about the suspected foul play?”
“Yeah, it’s insane,” he sighed. “How does someone even do that?” 
You were about to tell him you didn’t know when a thought you hadn’t considered before crossed your mind. You met his gaze again, furrowing your brows at him. He stopped moving and tilted his head at you, watching you just as carefully as you were watching him. 
“Can I ask you something and have you answer honestly?” you asked. 
He smiled and nodded. “Anything, princess. I’m always honest with you.” 
You ignored the flutter in your stomach at the pet name, reminding yourself that he could very well be a suspect himself. “How often do you visit the garage after hours?”
He opened his mouth to reply when his entire frame suddenly tensed. He stared down at you, drily chuckling as he shook his head. “You’re crazy. Are you seriously accusing me of putting another racer’s life in danger?” He raised his voice a bit, making you take a step back. 
“I asked a simple ques-” you started only to have him cut you off again.
“You asked a leading question, meaning you were leading onto something.” He corrected as his glares returned.
You watched him carefully. Was he playing you or was he really upset? Did it really matter though? You knew he had a key to the garage. You saw him using it himself. “You don’t think it’s sketchy to have a key to the garage?” you asked. “You don’t think-”
He cut you off again, walking towards you. “Clearly, you’re the one that doesn’t think. Every racer knows how you got this spot, princess. We know all the crap you caused during the qualifiers.”
You stiffened in your place. He knew. Everyone did. And though that detail hurt your pride, making you red in the face with shame, it was his use of that pet name that caused your heart to drop. If he noticed, he didn’t seem to care. 
Your hands curled into fists by your sides. “That has nothing to do with this,” you gritted through your teeth. “You had a key, Jungkook. You went in there like it was something you always did.”
“I can’t believ- Is that what the whole shy act was about just now? You were trying to gain my trust again just to find out more information?” He was only a step away from you now. The pout he argued in seemed deadly paired with the hard look in his eye. 
You shook your head immediately, and crossed your arms over your chest. You needed to focus on his words, especially when it seemed like he was avoiding the question you first posed. “I noticed you still hadn't answered the question?” 
Jungkook retracted all emotion from his face as he took multiple steps towards you. You took several back until your back hit the wall behind you. He towered over your cornered figure then seethed, “That night was the one and only time.” The hurt seemed evident in his voice, like he didn’t even try to hide it. 
You looked up at him, slightly cowering under his harsh eyes that only seemed to project hate towards you. Every part of you began to question why you ever doubted his character to begin with. You knew he would never do that. You knew the kind of guy he was, the kind of guy that would buy a stranger a shawl because she was cold or pay for her food and never ask for anything in return.
You opened your mouth to say something, anything, but nothing came out. Jungkook shook his head at you, eyes flickering to your lips before giving you one last harsh glare. Without another word, he left. 
You let out a shaky breath and watched him walk away.  Slowly, you pushed yourself off the wall after a moment or two. You couldn’t figure out why you couldn’t just apologize, explain that you didn’t think it through. Why couldn’t you let go of your pride? You realized that maybe a part of you didn't want to be wrong. If you were right about what he was doing, then it would’ve been easier to hate him. 
Well, that wasn’t much of a problem now, was it? He hated you. And you couldn’t really blame him because a small part of you began to hate who you had become as well. 
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note; please do not leave hate towards me or any other readers. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my work without my permission.
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kassies-take · 5 years
A Hero In The Making
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A/n: Supercorp’s daughter takes a chapter out of Kara’s book and wants to be a hero. But both Lena and Kara don’t want her to be one. Reader is a Luthor after all, and Luthors get what they want.
Warnings: rebel, heroism
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Reader, Dansen
Word Count: 1542
“Baby! Get down here, now!” Lena called from the kitchen, this morning’s breakfast starting to get cold.
Kara sped into the kitchen, Lena’s hair blown into her face.
“Sorry,” Kara walked over to Lena and gently fixed Lena’s hair. She met the ‘I am not amused’ Luthor glare before she gave Lena a small kiss.
Not a second later you sped into the open living room across from the kitchen island. A lamp knocked over and broke on the floor.
Lena sighed, rested both her elbows on the island counter and hid her face in her palms. “What did I say about powers?”
“Not to use them in the house.” You and Kara both answered.
“And what did you do?”
“Use powers in the house.”
“Kara, don’t use your powers if you’re not in your costume. You don’t know if someone could be watching. And (Y/n) I don’t want you to use your powers either.” Lena explained looking between you and Kara.
“What good is having powers, if I can’t use them.” You pouted.
“I agree with your mother on this one ukiem, there are dangerous people out ther-”
“But with these powers I can protect myself, ieiu.”
“Using your powers can cause tougher, more powerful enemies to go after you.” Kara explained.
“You could train me.”
“No, I’m not going to train you! This is not up for discussion!”
“I’m going to Aunt Alex’s,” you grumbled.
You grabbed your motorcycle keys, your helmet, leather jacket and headed out the door.
“Kar, we are only protecting her.”
 A small knock was muffled by the brown wooden door. Unlike the Luthor-Danvers, the Olsen-Danvers were barely starting breakfast. The door opened with a redhead dressed in a black leather jacket, a black T-shirt, grey leggings, and black combat boots. 
“Hey we’re ready to go!” Alex called out for Kelly. 
“Breakfast will be done before you come back,” Kelly kissed Alex and greeted you. 
You and Alex raced towards Lightning’s Boxing Club with your motorcycles. As you made your way towards the private boxing ring in the back, chains rattled and grunts echoed. It reeked of old musty foot locker and thank god you were yanked into a neighboring room or last nights dinner would be on the floor.
“Unfortunately I can’t train you on your powers. But I can train you with hand-to-hand.” Alex opened the duffle and pulled out four crystal like cylinders .
“Kryptonite emitters?” Your face lit up as you went to inspect the gadget.
“You are so Lena’s daughter,” Alex chuckled and extended her hand out for the emitter in your hand. She placed them in each corner of the boxing ring. “And because you are so much like your mother, we should see if you fight like her too!” Alex threw a pair of batons at you.
As the two of you circled around each other the emitters glowed a sickly green. You slashed the baton as Alex bobbed under your arm and returned a roundhouse kick as you ducked under it. Every time you or Alex made contact with the other, the other would grunt, resulting with a grunting battle as well. You hissed as Alex kicked you in the torso pushing you back a few feet with shuffles and taps to catch your steps.
You swung the baton once again as Alex grabbed your wrist to cross your arm over your body and pushed the baton out of your hand. The baton clanged around the floor, before Alex turned to elbow you in the face. You pushed the back of her knee as she stumbled and you extended your remaining baton with a smirk. Alex charged towards you opening herself with a roar, with two thumps afterward, one from hitting Alex in the bicep with your baton and the other when you flipped her over your leg.
You were going in for the finishing blow when Alex kicked her foot up at your wrist. A crack and your yell filled the room, tears blurring your vision. Alex had jumped up to check on you as you held your right wrist. When she neared you, you butterfly kicked over her head and spun to trip her as your legs wrapped around her arm and held her captive in a hold as you cried.
Alex tapped out as you rolled into a ball sniffling , sweat and tears mixed with your mint carmex chapstick was a strange taste.
You received a pat on your shoulder, “Fighting even when you’re in pain, takes a lot of willpower. That makes a hero. I’m proud of you.”
“If only my moms will agree,” You joked.
“Let’s get you to the D.E.O and put you under the sun lamps for a bit.”
“What about Kelly’s breakfast?”
“You’re hurt and all you can think about is breakfast? Definitely Kara’s kid.”
“What can I say?” You said through pained gasps. “A Luthor and a super.”
“Thank god the D.E.O is two blocks away,” Alex pulled you up and wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
You laid flat on your back with the yellow sun lamps hovering above you.
“I feel like a plant,” you said groggily, the warmth of the lamps and your broken wrist making you sleepy.
“Well you’re not wrong kiddo, but you’re also human, although you have accelerated healing you won’t heal as fast as Kara would.”
You hummed in response. “With my half Kryptonian structure, I don’t get sunburned. And Kryptonite affects me less than it does with ieiu.”
The glass doors hissed beside you as a whoosh flooded the room. Your mother with her signature red, blue and gold entered the room calling for Alex until she noticed you and gasped.
“What happened? Who did this to you?” Kara’s hand immediately flew to your hair, a habit she picked up when you were bed rest to comfort you.
“We were sparring with kryptonite emitters, (Y/n) had the advantage, my reflexes kicked in and I kicked her in the wrist. It broke.” Alex explained.
“It broke!” Kara turned towards your hands and squinted to see if it were true. “Alex! You didn’t have to go that hard! Why were you sparring anyways?”
Alex opened her mouth to explain again when you interrupted. “Aunt Alex wasn’t going hard, in fact I was beating her. We were sparring because she was training me.”
“Training!” Kara’s eyes widen in shock. “Alex, Lena and I don’t want her training.”
“She’s going to have to learn to protect herself one day, Kar. You and Lena might not be around someday.” Alex defended.
“And that’s when you’ll protect her!”
“I have to protect Kelly and the city too.”
“Ieiu, don’t be hard on Aunt Alex. I’m the one who asked her to train me.”
The door hissed open once again as you froze when heels echoed with it.
“Kara! Brainy called me earlier saying my Kryptonian was hurt! I came as fast as I could!” A slight wave of relief surfaced on Lena’s face before it turned into panic once again.
A worried mama Luthor pushed Kara out of the way as if she had super strength. Kara crashed into the medical tray table, but Lena could care less.
“(Y/n)! (Y/n). Are you okay?” The CEO looked around your body for any injuries.
“I’m fine.” You raised your right hand out of instinct and winced in pain.
“What happened to your wrist?” Lena gently placed your wrist back on your stomach.
“It broke. When Alex and I were sparring.”
“She was training our little girl to be a hero.” Kara crossed her arms.
“I’m 16. I’m not little.”
“I know, baby girl. You’re probably in a lot of pain, we will let you rest.” Lena smiled at you and kissed your forehead before she glared at the two Danvers sisters like she did when businessmen annoyed her.
The trio made their way out of your room before Lena constantly hit Kara in the shoulder.
“What are you hitting me for!” Kara gasped.
“You and your powers are the reason my daughter wants to be a hero.”
Lena left no room to respond as she slapped Alex in the shoulder.
“Ow! Kara can’t feel pain, I can!” Alex held onto her shoulder.
“You had no right, training my daughter without my permission!” Lena slapped Alex once again. “How could you break my daughter’s wrist!”
“Look superpowers or not, she should at least know how to defend herself.”
“Defend herself?” Lena questioned. “She has super strength, she wouldn’t need to defend herself. She could run away, or fly away.”
“Lena, she’s yours and Kara’s blood,You know damn well that (Y/n) is not going to run away. And would you rather have her powers under control now, or when you get that call that (Y/n) broke someone’s nose?”
Lena’s jaw was slightly ajarred before she crossed her arms and glared at Alex for giving her a reason to train you.
“Fine. But only when I’m around. Even if she trains with Kara,” Lena pointed at the two sisters before she walked back into your room.
“Your wife is scary,” Alex mumbled.
“Yeah, sometimes I forget that I’m the one with powers.”
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heartless-error · 4 years
Fandom: DC comics, Batman
Pairing: Jason Todd x Timothy Drake (JayTim)
Rating/Tags: JayTim Week 2020 - Day 1: College AU, Family Feels, Fluff and Humor, Secret Crushes 
Other(s) links: AO3
"Okay." Jason sighed, gathering strength to himself. "You remember… That guy?"
"That guy?" Roy asked back.
"The one you have a crush on and look at him from afar, but you deny it and never take the first step because you’re a dramatic bitch?"
"What? You have finally talked to him?"
"Then what?"
"I hit him with the bike."
Roy was silent, looking at him and blinking a few times at the news. But he didn't have to say anything, Jason knew he was totally fucked.
Based on the prompt "I was distracted looking at my crush and accidentally hit him."
 It happened on a Tuesday, during the break.
 Tim met Conner and Bart outside his classes to head to one of the coffee shops near the campus, between his mathematical analysis class and his computing class, because he wouldn’t be able to survive that day without a third coffee and in addition his friends would be nearby to make sure he didn’t fall in the temptation to drink a fourth.
 Everything was going well, Bart received him with an effusive hug and Kon patted his back like always. All started walking towards their destination while talking about their classes, how close they were to the finals, Kon’s new game, where they could go to celebrate when they finish the semester, generally normal things that made Tim forget about how he had slept an hour and half, still had four assignments to do, and his parents were waiting for his presence at tonight’s dinner after they returned from their business trip to Dubai.
 Maybe it was because of that hour and half of sleep, or because the little conversation of his two best friends about how Conner was a coward who couldn’t ask Cassie out caused him a slight smile, a warm emotion, and distracted him from his problems and everything around him. But when he crossed the street to the cafe, happy and absent, he didn’t have time to react to anything.
 “Watch out!”
 Something hit him and before he knew what, fell unconscious.
 “He's alive!”
 That was the first thing he heard when he started waking up.
 Tim found himself confused as he regained consciousness, his whole body hurt, a lot, but at the same time he was somewhat sleepy. He realized he was lying on a bed that smelled of antiseptic and medicine, around him he could hear bustle and people talking next to him, couldn’t feel his leg either.
 “Of course he's alive, calm down.”
 That was Kon's voice. And previously was Bart's. If he remembered well, he was with them on campus, just heading to one of his favorite coffee shops before something hit him on the side and everything went dark. If he had to guess, he would say that he hadn’t passed out from the lack of caffeine but had been run over.
Tim growled annoyed, opening his eyes heavily and blinking because of the whitish light of the hospital room.
 When he was finally able to focus and wake up properly, the sight that received him was his plastered leg held high and his friends hovering over him with a worried gaze.
 “Tim!” Exclaimed Bart, who seemed to be on the verge of tears.
 “What's up buddy? How did you sleep?” Conner asked with a relieved smile.
 When he tried to answer, he realized how dry his throat was, as well as how overwhelmed he was because of the medications and sedatives that would have been administered to him when had been treated. His friends, realizing this, soon helped him to lean him over and give him the bottle of water that was on the next table.
 “What happened?” He ended up asking after recovered himself.
 “You got hit by a motorcycle.” Conner answered bluntly. “And you scared us, man.”
 “Yes! I almost have a heart attack!” Bart exclaimed. He could tell he was holding himself back to not hug him until crush him because he was benched. “We were talking and suddenly you were flying!”
 “Really?” He asked, surprised.
 It wouldn't be strange if the hit had thrown him a few meters away, but he felt the most serious wound he had, was that broken leg, so he didn't think he would have fly for real.
 “No.” Conner denied instantly.
 Yeah, he thought so. What a disappointment.
But now that he was more awake, he remembered certain things clearly.
 “I think I remember listening to the ambulance.” He frowned, trying to remember well.
 “No, that was Bart screaming.”
 “It scared me! Okay?” The redhead excused himself immediately.
 “We could hear you better than the sirens.” His other friend started teasing.
 Tim couldn’t help to smile amused at this, fondly too. Bart used to be loud in general, but him being so concerned about him was very touching. Also, the fact that his two friends had taken care of him, had accompanied him, waited him to wake up and now were there, receiving him, made him remember why he loved and appreciated them so much.
 “I thought it was serious!” The redhead excused himself again.
 “Obviously not.” Kon replied, still amused. “Tim is stronger than we think.”
 “I'm fine, Bart. For real.” He tried to reassure him, he felt it could have been worse anyway. “I'm only a little numb for the medicines, can you call a nurse?”
 As much as he appreciated the ride to the hospital, the treatment and all, he wouldn't like to spend the night there. He didn’t consider his condition serious enough to do so, so he would like to be discharged immediately. He also wants to sleep in his bed, those four assignments weren’t going to be done magically and no nurse was going to allow him to drink a decent coffee. So, hearing his diagnosis and going home was all he wanted now.
 However, when Kon and Bart exchanged glances, something told him that it wasn’t going to be that easy.
 “What?” He asked immediately.
 They didn't answer, just looked at each other again with a slight hint of panic. Which was not cool at all, because it made thousands of unpleasant possibilities run through his mind.
And the worst, the worst of them entered the room before he could ask again.
 The temperature in the room dropped suddenly to below zero as soon as Janet Drake, as beautiful and noble as ever, entered keeping her formal, elegant, and polite composure characteristic of her as the sound of her heels echoed in the room harshly. Her pristine appearance contrasted with her icy eyes -identical to his son’s- and his aura in itself, so cold, lethal, and furious that she seemed to freeze all those who dared to look at her directly.
Everything was quiet and it seemed like the death itself, ethereal and deadly, had entered the room. And Jack Drake, who warmly greeted his son and his friends after saying goodbye to the nurse they had been talking to.
 “Timothy.” His mother said calmly, firm, approaching the bed with safe steps. “Glad to see you’re awake.”
 Tim swallowed hard. He didn’t know what to answer, because now he understood and shared the same panic as his friends. Janet looked angry, was she? God, why he hadn't thought it before? Of course they were going to call his parents after being struck by a bike, and of course it wouldn’t be pleasant for them to receive such news while they were unpacking and planning their dinner tonight. She was angry, right?
 “Thanks for being with him, guys.” Said his father to his friends.
 Conner tried to smile naturally, but it looked like he had just sucked on a lemon. Bart didn't even try; he was as stiff as a board and looking at him like a deer about to be run over.
Sometimes he found fascinating how his mother -yes, only his mother- still had the power to scare them in this way as if they were still the noisy children he met at summer camp and used to visit him. Anyone would think she hated them, seeing the disinterested attitude she always has maintained, he knows they think so too, but after learning the scholarships of both to enter the best programs of the Gotham University were slightly orchestrated by her, he knows it’s not true. Or maybe it was, and she was just doing him a favor by keeping his best friends close to him. He will never know.
 Of course, that doesn't take away the fact that his mother seems furious right now and can effortlessly rip someone's arm off just for the pleasure of doing it.
 “N-Never mind…” Conner tried to say with that nervous smile. “Anything for Tim.”
 “We’re lucky it wasn’t anything serious, was it?” His father said looking at him directly. “The doctor said is just a few bruises and your poor leg, you will recover without problem, son.”
 Tim was a little relieved that the diagnosis was so simple, despite already suspecting it, confirming it didn’t hurt. He saw how his father winked at his friends so they wouldn’t be worried, though they hesitated for a second.
 “U-Um... We...” Bart tried to say.
 “I’m sure you still have classes to attend today.” Janet cut him off. “Don't worry about Timothy, we’ll take care of it.”
 All of that, even from her tone, would have sounded kind if her eyes wouldn’t have been piercing them to the depths of their being, as if she were throwing ice daggers into their hearts. He swears he could see Bart flinch.
 “Ok, see you later Tim!” Bart said trying to hide his panic and saying goodbye with a nervous smile.
 He could have sworn that if Bart could run at super speed, he would have done it to get out of there. Connor, on his part, reached out to him and lifted his hand to ruffle his hair in that loving, gentle way he used to do, but stopped halfway as soon as he felt Janet's murderous aura grow wild and out of control.
 “Get well soon.” He said before turning around and run away like a coward.
 Well, he couldn’t blame them. He will text them later.
 But now he had been left alone, drugged, hurt and with his parents, one trying to be positive and the other willing to kill someone. Who? He doesn't know, but if he survives this, he vows he'll quit caffeine (he won't).
 He felt her mother's icy gaze move from his leg to his face, and he had to swallow hard again to try to speak.
 “We were going to the cafe and then…” He tried to explain.
 “We know what happened.” She cut him off seriously. Of course she knew it, at this point it doesn't surprise him if she knows even the date the bike wheel was created. “Also know who was the responsible. We'll fix it.”
 He didn't know how to take that. On one hand, if they didn’t know who had hit him, at this moment they would be tracing all Gotham with all the resources they had to find it out; But on the other, they knew it, and Tim could only feel sorry for whoever that poor soul was, because they had no idea what was going to come after them.
What's more, he was realizing how his father was compulsively sending messages right now, surely to their lawyers, or to public relations, or whoever, but that wasn’t promising anything good.
 “I’m fine.” He said looking at his mother, hoping to appease the murderous hunger that was devouring her right now. “Seriously.”
 It didn't seem to work, because she didn't move a single muscle and looked at his plastered leg again.
 “I don’t see it that way.” She declared in a soft but deadly tone.
 He didn’t have the will to refute her. He had never had it when it came to such a situation, after all he had always had a fragile and compromised health, which didn’t help to calm down his parents when he ended in the hospital again.
 On the other hand, many people thought that Janet was someone extremely cold and severe to be a mother. Which wasn't exactly true, it’s just... She showed her love in other ways, a little differently. Tim knows when he was born, he was premature, very small, sickly and not the first baby Janet had carried, but the only one who could have born. For this reason, he knows that, although she travels a lot and not many people consider her a model mother, his mother possess an extreme and powerful sense of overprotection embedded in her, and when it’s active threatens to destroy everything and everyone around it. Which was now aimed at the person who hit him, who is going to have to deal with the Drake army of lawyers.
 It’s somewhat unfair and exaggerated to waste such an amount of legal power against someone because of a simple accident, unless it’s a good reason, at least that’s what he thinks. He wishes he had said it, but he knows it will be in vain, they are already in it, and he’s also exhausted, the drugs are probably still working. So, before he knew, he was just falling asleep.
 As he slipped into the dream world, he really hoped that the person responsible for the accident weren’t someone he knows or cares about, because they could end up hating him.
He also felt his mother gave him a light kiss on the forehead, but that only made him smile.
 “I have a problem.”
 “Yeah, I’ve figured out.” Roy replied across the table.
 He had only raised an eyebrow and put aside his coffee when he saw Jason enter the room and sit in front of him in panic. Well, Roy couldn't do much after being called there so suddenly either.
 “A big problem.”
 “I felt it when I received your texts.” He said again, more than calm. “Very deep, by the way.”
 Jason snorted. Right now, he was going to explode like a popcorn, many things had happened, so it hadn't been in his plans to write a text beyond the “Help, I fucked up” to his best friend.
 “Roy, c’mon” He scolded him, agitated. Right now, he could feel his phone vibrating in his pocket for all the texts Bruce was sending him, that didn’t help at all.
 “Ok, sorry.” The redhead raised his hands in an attempt to calm things down, then looked at him curiously. “What happened?”
 Jason writhed uncomfortably in his chair at that question, it's not like it's the first time he asked that to him if the redhead was so calm at the moment it's because he was used to doing this. He had come to Roy because he’s his best friend, the one he trusted, who wouldn’t judge him, and the only one who has the privilege to know certain personal information, which had importance at the moment. The thing is, he had no idea where to start, there were so many things at once, he wanted to think about how to explain them all because he could see his friend getting impatient as he hesitated.
 “Jay.” He said, it's not like Roy was very patient to begin with.
 “Wait, I'm thinking.”
 “You're a literature student, you're supposed to be good at words.”
 He's right, but Jason's eloquence was absent since this morning.
 “I don't know where to start, dammit.”
 “From the beginning.” The other said, then looked to his phone. “I have to pick up Lian from school in an hour, so hurry up.”
 Jason sighed and scratched the back of his neck, deciding to say it all at once. He said to himself he does it because he didn’t want to interfere with the single father duties from his friend and not because he was going to explode.
 “Okay.” He sighed again, gathering strength to himself. “You remember… That guy?”
 “That guy?” Roy asked back.
 “The one we saw on campus earlier in the semester?"
 “The one who's also friends with Kent, the quarterback?”
 “Nerd, short, pretty eyes, nice ass and very cute?”
 “Yes. Yes.”
 "Totally your type?"
 “The one you have a crush on and look at him from afar, but you deny it and never take the first step because you’re a dramatic bitch?”
 “What? You have finally talked to him?”
 “Then what?”
 “I ran him over.”
 Roy was silent. Completely silent, looking at him and blinking a few times at the news. Jason couldn’t avoid wondering if that was the face he did when he found out he was going to be a dad in high school, but he couldn't joke with that because he was too busy panicking right now.
 “What?” The redhead ended up asking to make sure he had heard correctly.
 “I ran him over, Roy.” He repeated, feeling the panic build within him again.
 The other was quiet again, staring at him stunned.
 “I. Ran. Him. Over.” He repeated once more, this time to internalize it himself, because since it had happened, he hadn’t even had time to do it. “During the break, with the bike.”
 One, two, three seconds of silence before Roy dared to say anything, and when he did everything that came out of his bright and amazing mind was:
 “He’s dead?”
 “No!” He yelled in exasperation at that, causing some clients in the cafe to look at him.
 He didn't even want to imagine that possibility, he already had enough.
 “Well, that’s good.” The other tried to say to see the positive point of the whole thing.
 “It’s not. It’s not!” He complained, none of this was okay.
 “If you think about it, you've already broken the ice, Jay.” His friend joked to cheer him up. "Everything that follows is easy."
 “What I broke was his leg.” He sentenced still agitated, he appreciated the attempts from the other for encouraging him but couldn't work for many reasons. “And wait, there's more.”
 “There’s more?” He asked, intrigued, with that face he made every time he heard a gossip that interested him.
 “There’s more.” He confirmed with a nod. “Now I know his name.”
 “You know it?”
 "Yes, I finally know it.”
 “Tell me.” He asked, beginning to smile, like an exalted puppy.
 “Do you want to know?”
 “Do you really want to know?”
 “Timothy Drake.”
 Roy was quiet again, thoughtful. This time Jason swears that he could see how the gears in his head gave their all -which wasn’t much- to assimilate that name and think where he might have heard it before.
 “Drake?” The redhead ended up asking with a frown.
 “Yeah. Drake.”
 "Like… Drake Industries?”
 "Your father's competitors?!” He asked then, opening his eyes slightly.
 He nodded. His adoptive father, Bruce Wayne, was in charge of the famous and multi-million-dollar company called Wayne Enterprise, which for the past few years had been surrounded by strong rivals in Gotham, such as Drake Industries, for example. Directed by Jack and Janet Drake, who apparently have an only child, a student, very attractive and easy to hit.
 “Yes!” He exclaimed, taking his phone out of his pocket to show it to his friend, the object had started vibrating again nonstop, texts arriving over and over again. “And guess what: They are not happy!”
 “I wouldn't be either if you ran over my daughter.” Roy said as if it was obvious.
 “But you don't have a public image, an army of lawyers and a lot of money!” Technically he had it, because Oliver Queen is not exactly from middle class, but he was not rival of his family and the gossip magazines would not publish the minimum friction that they had. “They've already called Bruce and they want a meeting with those involved, they are going to eat me alive."
 He was sure they would. The Gotham's corporate and high-society landscape had never been his thing, he was just a street boy who knew no manners and bored by math, it had been clear from the first and only sophisticated gala to which he was forced to go and in which he learned that high society were unscrupulous sharks.
Maybe if he had gone to more of those parties, he would have met Timothy Drake before and wouldn’t have to learn his name after struck him with his motorcycle, but you can no longer change the past.
 "Well, yes, you screwed up." Roy finished saying as he nodded, totally convinced.
 What a great support. Wise words.
 “They're going to kill me, if Bruce doesn't do it before.” He thought aloud, they hadn't even made an appointment with the lawyers, and he was already stressed. “Or Fox with the public relations team.”
 He could already see the headlines in the gossip magazines, overshadowing the ones that talked about his older brother's one-night lovers or the ones that mentioned the bad manners the little one had.
 “Yes, you are fucked.” Roy said, nodding and taking in what he had just told him, although after a few seconds he frowned. “But… Bro, just one thing.”
 “What?” He asked, rubbing his eyes, and doing his best not to pull his hair out.
 “How did you end up running over the boy? You are not a bad driver; you are always focus.”
 Now it was Jason’s turn to stay quiet and look at the table, blinking as he chooses an answer that didn't make him look like a fucking mess. He couldn't think of any, so he allowed the silence to continue.
 "Jason?" Roy asked, beginning to lose patience again. “What happened?”
 Still not saying anything, Jay looked down further and felt his cheeks begin to heat up.
 "No…" Roy whispered surprised. Knowing him so well gave him too much of an advantage. “Tell me it’s not true.”
 He couldn’t do nothing more than blushing stronger, cross his arms and shrug. He wanted to deny what he was thinking, but he couldn’t.
 That morning he hadn't expected to see Timothy hanging around that part of campus with his friends as he searched for a place to park his bike. The boy was wearing a wide sweatshirt, but at the same time those tight pants that fit him so well, his blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight, the wind ruffled that ebony hair that seemed soft to the touch, and the soft and loving smile that was directed to his friends as they walked together caused things in Jason that he couldn't explain.
So, in one moment he was looking at him stunned and the next he had lost the course of the motorcycle and was hitting him.
 Shit happens, right?
 Apparently not, because Roy had started laughing. A lot. Had started with a weak and incredulous laugh that had grown to become loud laughter that made the tears jump of his eyes and the people in the cafe look at them again, annoyed.
 “I can’t believe it! Jay!” Roy said loudly and laughing like crazy, he could hardly breathe.
 “It's not funny.” He replied, his arms crossed and his face anger.
 Yes it was, it was very funny indeed. If it had been Roy who had run over his crush for having been too distracted having a gay panic for him, he would have also laughed a lot and wouldn’t have let him forget it for the rest of his life. So, he was sure that his friend was not going to do it too.
 “It's amazing!” The other answered trying to dry the tears away but still laughing. “Bud, you’re really fucked.”
 Jason knew he was saying it just because being so attracted to a guy to the point of running him over unintentionally was a lot, but if they took into account that surely now that boy hated him, along with his parents, friends, and lawyers, whom he would have to meet soon to deal with the consequences of that, yes, that described his situation quite well.
 Jason was fucked.
 “I just have one question.” Bruce said to his side, also laying his back on the corridor’s wall.
 One day, only one day had passed. 24 hours since he had committed the serious mistake of being too aware of a cutie with black hair and blue big eyes like a damn puppy, and he was already in the law firm wearing a suit, almost sweating and the man he could call father looking at him sternly. They were both in the hallway which was heading to the boardroom as they waited for permission to enter, and Jason had been trying not think about how he had destroyed his chances of dating the Drake boy before Bruce came up to judge him, again.
He didn't blame him, the man had spent the previous day receiving and making calls on his name, making the appointment as he could while containing his desire to give him a slap. He didn’t need the talk of "we are public figures, we have to behave" again, because he gave it that to him a lot at his younger times, so he had tried to stay out of it. This implied that Bruce didn’t have time to ask him anything before he had to get him up earlier to go to the Drake’s law firm. Knowing this, Jason continued looking at nothing, but he nodded to give him the opportunity to ask that question.
 “There are more than eighty thousand students enrolled at Gotham University.” The man began to say still looking at him. "And of all of them, you have to run over Timothy Drake precisely?"
 Jason seemed to think about it for a few long seconds, although the answer was obvious.
 “Yes?” He answered. No one at the university had caught his eye like Tim had, so he doubted he could have been distracted enough by another person to run them over.
 Bruce sighed deeply, exasperated, and lifting his hand to the bridge of his nose. He had seen him do that gesture of disappointment so many times throughout his life that he could no longer count them.
 “It was an accident.” He was also lost count the times he had said that since the day before.
 "I know, son, but it's not me you have to convince.” He finished explaining, taking another deep breath. “It’s her.”
 The tone in which he said that, was uncertain and with severe hints of fear, something he was no longer so used to hearing from Bruce and made a chill run down his spine.
 “Her?” He asked, trying not to break his voice from the stress.
 Bruce breathed again to try to calm down and nodded, the way he looked at him to reveal more reminded him of Alfred when he told him stories as they cooked together in the manor when he was younger.
 “Janet Drake.” He let out that name in a low voice, as if it were forbidden to pronounce it. “You've never met her in person, and I was counting on you not have to.”
 “Why?” This time he couldn't stop his voice from breaking slightly.
 “Don't get me wrong, she is a beautiful woman, very intelligent and talented. Everyone knows that Drake Industries has come this far thanks to her.” He began to say, in a poor attempt to calm him that was not leading nowhere. "But do you know how she is called?”
 “How?” His throat couldn't close anymore, he didn't like where this was going.
 “The Ice Queen.” Bruce announced. “That's how she’s known, but I can assure you is not enough.”
 This time he didn't want to ask anymore, although Bruce would keep talking. Because the ice queen, the ice queen, the ice queen, fucking seriously? No one who has earned such a name in Gotham's corporate and high-society landscape can be kind and understanding. Fuck.
 “I have only seen Janet angry one time.” His father emphasized as he pulled out his tie, as if it were choking him. Maybe he was nervous too. “Many years ago, at a gala organized by the Dumas.”
 It took Jason a few seconds. He tried to link that last name to some wealthy Gotham family, but unfortunately, he couldn't think of any.
 “Who are the Dumas?” He ended up asking.
 Bruce looked him seriously in the eye, returned to pull his tie out and nodded frowning.
 “Exactly.” He replied annoyed.
 Jason swallowed hard and looked back at nothing at the implication in that response. He was going to die, he was going to die, he was to fucking die, there was a beast in Gotham, a fierce and fearsome beast that apparently erased families from the business and social map and he had angered her, he had angered her a lot. He had awakened the beast by harming her puppy, and everyone knew that nothing was more dangerous than an angry mother.
 “Mr. Wayne, you can come in.” They heard the voice of one of the mediators calling them from the door of the boardroom.
 It's hot, why it’s so hot? He's sweating, he's sure he's sweating, or maybe crying, but he can't be sure because Bruce has put his hand on his lower back, trying to cheer him up and is directing him to the room followed by his own lawyers because they can't let the Drakes wait, but Jason felt like he was going straight to the slaughterhouse.
 When he entered, he was greeted by the sight of another group well-dressed, very serious and sitting across the table, lawyers, public relations, and mediators, ready to work and do reach an agreement between the two of Gotham's biggest families with their friction. However, all of them and their greetings were in the background for him when he realized that in one of the chairs was the small, nerdy and adorable boy who had accidentally hit, who looked at him from his seat surprised by his presence and -surely- for being able to put a face to his attacker. He didn't expect him to be there either, he should be resting, but seeing him made the stress he felt ease at least a little.
Both seemed to stare at each other for a few seconds, recognizing each other, and after what seemed like forever, Timothy gave him a slight, almost imperceptible, sorry smile. Jason's heart jumped and he felt warm for a second, his nerves almost disappeared at that gesture, looking at the way in which the boy had combed different this time for the meeting, how pretty he was -as usual-, or how a dimple formed in his cheek when he was smiling, how beautiful that smile was. He would like to see him smile more, smile at him, and does that mean he didn't hate him? He would like to know, and it was all happiness and hope until he realized why of that sorry smile.
 Suddenly he felt cold, so cold.
 Janet Drake was also staring at him, sitting right next to her son in a straight and elegant posture, without taking her eyes off him. Black hair, smooth and shiny, delicate features, neutral and apparently calm expression. Beautiful, but unattainable, because her blue, icy eyes pierced him in a way that froze him inside. The woman sitting there seemed to be able to see his soul and rip it off, everything from him, that could split him in two and rip out every part of his being without any effort. And despite appearing calm and serene, her aura, everything in her posture, in her gaze, screamed danger and misfortune.
 There’s no doubt, she’s the ice queen in all her glory.
 He was wasted.
 Tim was wasted.
 When he had got up that morning, everything he had asked for was that the meeting was normal and went without any inconvenient. And as he prepared to attend awkwardly and without receive any help, because half a day was not enough time to get used to using crutches, he mentally reviewed what had been planned for that meeting.
 His parents hadn’t wanted to reveal who had been the responsible for the incident, he didn’t know exactly the reason, but he sensed it must have been someone important, given the deployment of means that had been carried out, it’s not like they also gave him much opportunity to ask anyway. Both immediately went out to arrange the meeting and to arrange things with the hospital so they would give him discharged, and by the time he was allowed to leave he was too exhausted and wasn’t going to say no to anyone when they asked him to rest even more, because he needed it. Hopefully, he had already had an excuse to turn in those assignments later.
So, despite not knowing who he was going to meet, he had decided to do that unfortunate soul a favor and stay in the line that he was fine, surely it had been an incident, and they didn’t have to give it more importance than it had even though his mother wanted to cut heads and stick them in stakes to decorate the garden.
 He was the more affected, his word had to count there... No?
 Anyway, that's what he thought before he saw Jason Todd walking through the door.
 Now, all crushed down, the meeting had started a while ago and he was quiet, serious and sitting in his chair with the Wayne's in front of him, looking at the fine mahogany table and barely listening to the legal conversation that was taking place in his name, although why he fooled himself? Nothing he could say would change anything or appease his parents. But the thing was, why? why is the world so cruel? Jason Todd? really? Of all people, of all motorcycles in the world, it has to be the one from his crush?
 It's not like he'd ever thought he had a slight chance with him after all. Jason was tall, handsome, with that bad boy vibe that he likes too much for his own good, also smart, cult, while Tim was... Tim. They had only spoken face to face once at a gala where a 12-year-old Jason shared a muffin with him and never went to any of them again, sure he didn't even remember it. They also went to different faculties, he only saw him from afar on campus from time to time and they hadn't even spoken, but that didn't stop him from noticing him because he had eyes, thank you. No one knows, except maybe Conner, but beyond a curious sparkle in his eyes after realized that he was drooling over Jason in the distance, he never brought the topic up, so he'd always had that fascination with the Wayne boy in secret and under lock and key. He knew that his parents wouldn't be too happy to find out that he was interested in the son of his greatest competitor, or that he was interested in any boy in general, that topic had never come up anyway and he wasn't going to bring it up.
 Until the boy walked into the meeting room with his father and Tim almost had a short circuit when he realized that what hit him was an attractive literature student in a leather jacket riding that incredible Ducati. Come on, it wasn’t fair, he had always wanted to ride that, and then the bike, but it wasn’t the most appropriate thing to think about when the other one was looking at him surprised that he was there. He was so busy panicking that he only managed to give him a nervous smile that he hoped hadn't ridiculed him, and then when they sat down he could only scream internally because Jason was so handsome in a suit, this meeting might not end well, Jay could end up hating him if he didn't already, and his mother hadn’t taken her eyes off the tallest as if she were a shark smelling fresh blood.
 So, trying to regain his composure and recover from the revelation, Tim sighed, straightened up in his seat, and pretended to listen the meeting while trying with all his might to calm down.
 But he couldn't do it, he couldn’t, because it wasn’t easy. The atmosphere wasn’t the most adequate to do it, he could heard his father laugh and trying to appear friendly and understanding when he knew that it was only a strategy to emphasize the coldness and seriousness of his mother, who, of course, kept looking at the Waynes as if they had committed the greatest offense known to man. He played with his fingers for a moment and peeked to assess the situation, Bruce, or Brucie, kept an eye on the mediator's talk, while Jason… Oh.
 He turned his gaze away immediately, trying to control his blush. Jason was looking at him in a sneaky attempt too, but they had both failed when their eyes met across the table. He didn't know what to think about it. Did Jason hate him? He did? What was he thinking? He would hate him, of course. He was too nervous, and the possibilities started to suffocate him, he needed to get out of there.
 Luckily, his beloved malevolent mother, the perfect model for being a villain in a Disney movie, possessed a sharp sixth sense that was activated at the slightest sign of anguish on his part, which caused her to divert the piercing gaze of the Waynes to center it on him, silently asking what was wrong.
The only good thing about being run over a day earlier by the guy you like is that he could excuse himself from these kinds of meetings without any repercussions or questions.
 “Can I get out for a moment?” He whispered, lowering his head.
 His fear of asking something like that wasn’t exactly small, but Janet seemed to consider it for a few seconds as she carefully analyzed him before giving his approval and nodding, not before turning his gaze once more to Jason.
 Before deciding to worry more about it, he stood up as he could with the crutches and managed to leave the room ignoring the looks on him. His goal was to get to the water machine that was around the hall to pour himself a glass and calm down a bit, but that broken leg didn’t make it easy for him. It was a hard journey; he swears when he got there, he could hear the victory music of Mario Kart playing in his head.
 It would have kept playing, he would even have sang it, if it hadn't been because while pouring that first glass, a voice behind him caught his attention and made him jump and turn around with all the speed he had, which wasn’t a lot.
 “Hey.” Jason had said softly.
 He had to put everything he had together so as not to drop the plastic cup or crush it in his hands. How had he also escaped from the meeting? So much time had passed since his trip to the water machine?
 “H-Hey.” He replied nervously and looking down.
 That seemed to make Jason nervous too, who already seemed to be it before too, as well as a little guilty, because he tried to look everywhere except him until he had no choice.
 “Hi.” Said the tallest.
 “Hi.” He replied again.
 Eloquent. Inspiring.
 They ended up looking at each other closely, at least for a minute before Tim began to fear again and prepare himself for the impending rejection he was going to suffer without even trying. That happened to him for crossing the street without looking before.
But then Jason sighed hard, he tensed and scream in his mind than he wasn’t ready.
 “Listen. I…” He began to say, scratching the back of his neck and looking at him sadly. “I’m sorry.”
 The other looked at him confused at his reaction. Although surely, he wasn't more confused than he was, he didn't expect an apology even though it was the most normal thing to do in those situations.
 “I'm sorry.” Jason repeated, frowning in confusion. "It was an accident, really. And I'm glad you're okay."
 If Jason Todd didn’t want him having a massive crush on him this isn’t the way. At all. He had no right to be so attractive to begin with, but neither so good nor kind to him. Before Tim could think better of it, he was already spitting out an unnecessary question:
 “Aren't you angry?” He asked, he knew it sounded a bit stunned, but it seemed weird to him. “For all of this?”
 Anyone would have been upset or angry about all the trouble their parents had been having over something like that, with the lawyers, the firm, and the notaries. If it had been someone else, they would have caused them a lot of trouble, he was aware of it. So, he couldn't help but wonder how Jason couldn't blame him for the legal mess.
 “Shouldn't I be the one asking that?” Jason said raising an eyebrow and pointing at his crutches. “You were the most affected.”
 Blinking, Tim realized what he was implying on that and he quickly shook his head effusively. Jason thought he was angry at him? That he hated him for this or something? That’s why he had been so tense with him?
 “Oh no. It’s okay.” He hastened to explain. “I know it was an accident, I wasn't paying attention either, those things happen.”
 Jason's shoulders seemed to lift as if a huge weight had been lifted from him, and his eyes shone at him in a way he couldn't determine, made him want to smile, this time from relief. Jason didn't hate him, or vice versa. That was a good sign, wasn't it? It meant he had a chance… Right?
 “Thank god.” Murmured the other with a slight smile, clearly relieved.
 “Unless you did it on purpose.” He dared to say with a playful tone, wanting to take weight off the issue. “In which case, it wouldn't be so good.”
 Jason's smile widened and he let out a funny snort, relaxing him was a plus and made Tim compliment himself for that.
 “How would I have met you then?” Jason blurted out, still smiling at him.
 The atmosphere between them changed completely, it was no longer so uncomfortable or formal, but very different, embarrassed, and warm. Tim felt how his heart stopped before starting to beat faster, because that last one, the way he had said it, and the nervous look he was giving him now, was Jason flirting with him? It was real?
 “A-Ah.” He replied mildly surprised. “I don’t know…”
 If he continued like this, his brain would definitely fry, more than it already was. He looked at the hallway wall uneasily as Jason ruffled his hair, also undecided.
 “I'd like to make it up to you.” He ended up saying, looking like he had come to an agreement with himself. “If you don’t mind.”
 “Oh?” He asked, tilting his head curiously, his heart starting to beat stronger than before by the tiny possibility.
 “I can invite you to a coffee, or something like that… It would be okay?”
 This time when Jason looked up, still seemed impatient and nervous, but the slight blush covering his cheeks indicated why. Tim almost exploded right there, and he had to take all of himself to act quickly.
 “Yes. A coffee would be fine.” He also nervously stated, trying to control himself. “It would be a date?”
 The brief seconds Jason took to answer that question born from his desire to know, seemed like hours to him, the longest in Tim's life. But when he ended up nodding, scratching the back of his neck again and totally flushed, he couldn't help but smile excitedly and let his own blush appear this time, feeling warm and happy.
 “Then I'd love to.” He answered laughing, he couldn’t help it.
 “Yes? Really?” Jason asked in surprise again, as if it hadn't been clear from the start that he would say yes. Although by the way they ended up talking, it wasn’t surprising that he doubted his answer, not many people forgave something like a struck with a bike.
 “Yes.” He nodded again, totally sure. “What about now?”
 No, he didn’t want to go back to the meeting, he knew Jason either. It was no longer worth it. And maybe with this they could give the public relations team something else to work with.
Jason smiled at him in that warm and happy way that made him feel dizzy, but he looked to the hallway of the meeting room somewhat concerned.
 “Bruce is used to me avoiding these things, but I don't think your mother would be very happy.”
 After a moment of thinking about it, Tim almost went back to laugh again, happy, funny, almost touched.
 Before that meeting and his departure from it he hadn’t been sure, but with Jason now in front of him there was no doubt. Her mother expressed her love in very different ways, and it was evident that she had an efficient and sharp mother radar, there was nothing that escaped her, there was nothing she didn't know, no matter how much Tim had tried to hide his panic at the beginning of the meeting, or his sexuality itself. He was very sure that by now she had to know, and if she wouldn't have wanted him or Jason to leave the room, she wouldn’t allowed it. If she hadn't wanted them to talk right now, Jason wouldn't be there. It was that simple.
 “I think we'll be fine.” He assured him with a wide smile, taking his mother's actions as a kind of blessing.
 When Jason's eyes shined and he smiled back, he confirmed it.
 Yes, they would be fine.
 “You look so pretty today, Janet. You haven’t changed at all since our last meeting.” Said Brucie with his usual smile.
 “How much time has passed? Six years?”
 “And look at you, beautiful as always.”
 “Jack is a lucky man.”
 “And Timothy? Oh, I remember when he was little, totally the cutest thing in the galas. Now is a man too, but he looks a lot like you.”
 “Kids, uh? Grow up so fast.”
 “Talking about kids, ours have left a while ago, maybe I should go to find th-”
 “Sit down.”
 Bruce sit down and didn’t speak again.
79 notes · View notes
smellysluna · 5 years
The one where Luka is a clown | Fictober19 #1
Prompt number: 「 one 」“It will be fun, trust me.”
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Pairing: Luka Couffaine & [YOU]
Rating: T (Teens And Up)
Warnings/Tags: none
Summary: you’ve always had a crush on him bcs he simply was your type but nothing really happened unitl You & Luka get set up as project mates
Side note: I know that it’s the twelth of october but i just started it, i’ll write some more for fictober but i’ll use the prompts as i see fit bcs i’m just like that so yeah. anyways i hope this makes some kind of sense, its been a long time since i finished something i began writing. okay so i also wanted to write luka because there’s not many fics with him with an “x reader” tag. okay talk over, enjoy the story babes!!!!
I turned around in my seat and smiled. "Hi, Luka."
"So... how'd you wanna do this?"
I cocked an eyebrow. "Do what?" Luka shared an amused smile. "Oh!" I face-palm. "The project! Right." I picked up the notebook with my notes from my desk and slammed it on his desk. Then I rotated it in his direction. "This is how we're going to do it."
"Wow, you've really thought this through already."
I rest my face on my hand and smirk. "It's no coincidence that I ace my presentations."
"I guess I'm lucky then."
"More than you think." I straighten my back. "Okay, no funny business tho. You fuck up and I'll make you suffer all the way to June. Take a picture of them notes so you have a copy and have a slight idea of what's going on."
He puts up a half-amused smile, "this ain't my first rodeo."
"But it's your first bullfight, so keep up." He laughed and I bit my lip. I might've gone overboard. 
"I'll do my best," he assured in a soft voice. Holy shit. He's so mellow. As soon as I was sure he had a picture of my notes, I took his phone. I entered into his contacts and added my number then dialed myself. 
I show him the screen of my phone. "Now we have each other's numbers." He smiled before I turned around just in time for the teacher to get in. 
I was watching dessert recipes on YouTube when I received a message from Luka. The popup appeared from an Unknown number which reminded me that I forgot to add him to my contacts.
    "what's up?"
"i went through ur notes"
    "they're amazing, aren't they"
"u made those in class"
"they're too good"
You sent an image:
Tumblr media
Unknown sent an image:
Tumblr media
"i wanted to know when you want to get the project finished"
"i thought that you'd want to finish it asap"
"u look like you have a busy schedule"
    "i'm free whenever, really"
    "but i don't want to finish it in one go"
    "so we'll spend a couple of days on it"
    "if u dont mind that is"
    "btw you give me too much credit"
"it's fine, yeah"
"more time to clown around"
Unknown sent an image:
Tumblr media
    "> AUDIO (laughter)"
    "IM DYING"
"i took clown courses in my childhood"
    "where's the diploma huh?"
"wait, lemme look"
    "ur serious???"
"photo(clown certificate)"
"clown code: never joke about being a clown"
    "ur now officially added to my contacts as clown boy 🤡"
"coolest guy huh? ;)"
    "don't let it get to your head, clown boy"
    "as much as i'd love to know about your clown career, i have to go make dinner"
    "we'll talk more about it at school"
    "don't vanish on me"
Tumblr media
    "i'll snap my fingers into Thanos' ass if i have to"
"right 😂"
At dinner, I couldn't stop thinking about Luka. We might've never talked much to each other but I always had the hots for him. He was just my type: tall, supposedly long hair for a boy, dyed hair, punk-like feel and especially (these just get me going) those black gauges in his ears. Anyways, I'd lie if I said I never got distracted in class because of the smell of his cologne.
"Thank you for dinner, [Y/N]," said my mom after she cleaned the table.
"Don't forget to do the dishes, love."
"Yes, Dad," I chuckled.
"We're off to bed, then. Goodnight, [Y/N]."
"Goodnight, mum. Goodnight, dad."
That night, I fell asleep thinking about how nice that chat conversation with Luka was.
I groaned loudly when I got into class. I ran because I was late for geography. When I got to class, the lack of a teacher at the desk made me want to kill myself. My classmates were scattered around the classroom in groups, as usual when a teacher was absent. Done with life, I walk to my desk, drop my backpack and accommodate my face on the desk. Suddenly, somebody is standing next to me. But I really just wanted some sleep so my first intention was to ignore whomever until well, it's self-explanatory.
"Looks like someone spent all night thinking about me."
"What!?" I see Luka. Now fully energized and heart pumping, I stutter: "No, no. What are you even saying?"
He laughs and takes a seat on the vacant spot in front of me. He rests his arms on my desk. "I'm just messing with you, wanted to see the reaction I'd get out of you. I wasn't expecting to fully wake you up." He smiles broadly and I stare into his eyes.
Have you ever met that person, no matter who they are, their eyes are so enthralling that you just can't help but keep staring at them? These kinds of eyes just have something... Something I'm unable to describe. And when I stare at them, they're so glossy and shiny.
"I think you'd look amazing if you wore eyeliner."
"Huh?" Half of his face moves upwards in sync. "That's very random."
"I mean, yeah." I look away, fidget with my bracelet and then look back. "I just thought it'd bring your eyes out even more."
"Ooh," he exhales knowingly. "Because they're blue, right?"
I knit my eyebrows together. "No," I say offended. Had this boy never realized how nice his eyes are?
"Why then?" He asks and nods his head onto his arms.
"Well," I lick my lips, "I don't know." I shrug "It's not because of the color, which is beautiful just so you know." I caress my arm and try very hard to maintain eye contact, occasionally looking away. "Your eyes, I don't know, they just have something."
He smiles at my words, "look who's talking."
"Not a clown, that's for sure." He groans in a boyish way and it melts my insides so warm I almost let it show.
"You won't let it go, won’t you?" He lays defeated on my desk, arms sprawled.
"You did that to yourself." He hummed in a way that seemed a mixture of displeasure and annoyance. His long hair was sprawled in every direction of my desk. I could tell that he washed his hair either last night or this morning —it smelled so nice. Luka smelled really nice and I couldn't help but bite my lip to restrain myself from sniffing him all over like I was some kind of dog-bred. I started playing with his hair and it was so much softer than I expected it to be, it was dyed after all. He let a pleasurable groan slip through.
"Does this bother you?"
Luka abruptly opened his eyes and forced my head to rest on the desk as well. With very soft caresses he ran his hand through my locks and I understood what it was that he intended.
"What about you?"
I stared into his eyes for a moment and closed them, then resumed playing with his hair as he did the same. We were so close, I could hear his silent breathes. I wondered if this could be considered as cuddling. Honestly? I didn't care because I was enjoying it.
"Hey, guys, look at [Y/N] and Luka."
"Woah, when did that happen."
"Never thought [Y/N] liked that type of guy."
"You're kidding, right? Luka's definitely her type."
We spent the rest of the hour like that. Somewhere in between, the rest of the class noticed us but, frankly, we paid them no mind. But it made me anxious. Not because of what they said but about what Luka might've thought about it.
"I kind of like this," he whimpers softly as if scared he'd break whatever we had going on.
I agree with him softly, just as scared to ruin the mood.
When the bell rang, we hesitantly broke apart. Luka returned to his assigned seat behind me and then class started. The moments the teacher repeated subjects the class already went through, Luka played with the ends of my hair.
After the school bell rang for the last time that day, Luka approached me. He asked if I wanted to start on the project today. Luka was so cute while he asked. He didn't do anything particularly cute but the way he looked when he leaned on the wall had sent me flying. Obviously, I said that it was a good idea. Not desperately, of course, even though I wanted to grab him and steal him away. I kept my cool.
"What time?"
He grimaced to hide a grin. "I was hoping, like, right now?"
"Uh, well... On any other particular month, I'd agree and take you to my house. But we're getting reformations done so it's a very big mess."
"We can go to my place." He states like it's a universal fact.
"But all my shit's at home, and I'd want to empty my backpack, grab some money, etcetera."
"Okay, I get it. I can take you home and we'll head right over to mine?"
Even though I might pass out any moment out of pure embarrassment, I cross my arms in an 'X' in front of his face.
"No way that's happening, clown boy."
"What? Why?" He frowns.
"No way in hell I'm letting you drive me on your motorbike."
A small laugh escapes his lips. "You've never been on a motorcycle?"
I act displeased.
Luka laughs with a hand on his stomach. "You haven't!" I scowl and his laughter subdues. He waves his hands in front of him and apologizes for laughing. "I'll be careful, just for you." He assures.
"Even if I agreed... I doubt you'd have a second helmet. And we all know that police officer which has an obsession for the law."
"I got us covered on that one, I have two."
I stare at him. "You had this all planned out, didn't you?"
"No," he grins, "it just happens to be that I usually pick my sister up from her school."
"Oh, so she's gonna have to walk all the way back to your house. We can't let her do that, can we?" No matter how much I crush on Luka, anything that can get me out of sitting on that devil's contraption, I'd go with.
"I said 'usually', didn't I?" I can feel his smirk soaking right through me but in a much more softer tone he said "it'll be fun," and smiles "trust me."
It was his goddamn smile that convinced me to agree.
"I never knew you could live in a boat."
I looked around the main deck and, for some reason, I felt very lightweight and free.
"You don't like it?"
"The contrary, I love it!" I smile at him, "it adds to your charm."
Luka smiles back, "thanks."
Both of us walked inside the boat. I took everything all at once. You rarely get the chance to be inside a boat-home. But the most surprising thing was that it was stable —at least more than I thought.
"My room's the one at the end. Get yourself comfy —I'll be right there."
I bite the inside of my cheek. "Okay."
Once I get into his room, I relax and take a look around. I leave my backpack by the door and head straight for the most valuable thing to me in his room. Luka had one of the nicest guitar stands available on which laid the most basic electric guitar ever... but since looks can deceive, I pick it up.
I make myself comfortable on his bed along with Luka's guitar and a guitar pick I snatched from the wall. Without thinking twice, I started to play. It didn't matter to me that I hadn't plugged the guitar into an amplifier, this particular tab didn't need the magic of electricity. I suppose I should have asked first if I could play but it's too late now-
"That's 'Lonely Day', right?"
"Ah! Shit! Sorry!" I stood up hastily, the guitar pick went flying to the floor and I placed the guitar back where it was supposed to be. I turn to him to apologize, "I should've asked-."
Luka walks past me, grabs the guitar by its fretboard and puts the strap around himself. He shuffles around me and I was too confused to realize what he was doing. Then he hands me the guitar fully-tuned-connected-to-an-amplifier guitar. He lifts it by the fretboard again and hands it over to me as if telling me to take it. I stare into his eyes and do exactly that.
At that moment, we didn't need any words as I accepted his silent offer. I strum dumbly and then start fidgeting with the knobs on his amplifier. I bite my lip, it doesn't have as many options as mine and it's smaller than the one I have at home but I managed to get the right sound.
I started playing a song that I had played countless times and felt very confident. This moment was about impressing Luka and I was determined to blow him away. But the moment I started playing, I couldn't keep up the cool-girl act and grinned as I played around the room.
"Wow," he said amazed after I finished. "I never knew you played guitar, let alone that well."
"I'm amazing, I know," I wink.
"What did you play?"
"You don't recognize it!?" I gasp loudly. I put my hands over my heart. "Oh, my heart! It hurts! I have never been so hurt before!"
He holds back an embarrassed smile. "Guilty as charged."
"It's Crowd Chant, by Satriani," an exaggerated sad smile adorns my lips.
"Oh, right! The guy from 'Surfing with the Alien'!"
"Yes, that one! I love him, he's my idol!"
"He's good."
"Good? He's a GOD." I pout at him. "Your idol is Jagged Stone, that's why you have so little appreciation for him."
I playfully punch him. "Just kidding."
"I thought I was supposed to be the clown around here."
I laugh very loud at that. "Yes! I will - haha - leave - ha - the rest to you."
During the week we were making the project we had gotten really close and we kept hanging out at each other's houses even when the project was long ago finished. I met his very cool mum, and his sister, who is physically exactly like him but both of them don't seem to admit it. And he met my small family too.
"I keep telling you! You do look alike! Genetics is no joke."
"I agree with [Y/N]!" Juleka's friend said one day over dinner. I can't remember what her name was but I always thought there was more than 'friends' between her and Juleka.
"We do not look alike; you both must be very blind," Luka jokes and I pinch him very hard. "Ow! Stop!" He pinches back.
"No! Luka! That was payback for yesterday!" He stuck his tongue out at me and I growl. "You're very mean."
He shrugs, "whatever you say, [Y/N]."
"Oh, 'whatever I say' it is, is it?" I crossed my arms and pondered without breaking my staring contest with Luka. "So if I said you're ugly, you'd agree?"
He smirked, "sure." I felt how triumph tasted and literally a second later I tasted defeat. "But it won't affect the fact that my eyes have 'something'."
I became a blushing mess and everyone at the table stared at us.
"So..." Juleka started, unsure. "Does that mean that [Y/N] confessed first?"
Juleka's blonde friend nodded, "I knew it!"
"I'm happy for the both of you," Mrs. Couffaine cheered with a very sweet smile.
There was a problem with their cheers which made Luka and me quite uncomfortable. It was wrong. Nothing had happened between us.
"It's...! It's not like that!" I attempt to defend ourselves and turn to Luka. "That's not what that was, right, Luka?"
He was looking in the opposite direction, scratching his crimson red neck. "I mean..."
I hide my face in my hands. "Oh my God, I want to kill myself."
"You know what? We will leave you both to work out whatever misunderstanding there might be, okay?" And with no answer, all three of them left.
"Let's go outside." With no warning, Luka took me by the hand and guided me to the main deck. It was chilly outside and I shivered but kept it to myself. "Here." Luka handed me his jacket.
"Thanks," I smile and put it on. It still smells like his cologne.
"About what Juleka said..." He avoided my gaze by looking into the river. "I might've told her that I like you," he turns to me and takes my hands, "a lot." Luka squeezes my hands out of nervousness. "The way you and I understand each other, without any words, just the music is enough. I feel like we're connected through it like we are the power-chords to any rock song."
My heart was melting, I always knew deep down that Luka's a very sweet romantic and he was killing me with his cuteness. I never knew you could look cute and hot during a confession. "Luka, I-"
"Remember when we sang 'Anything better than you'?"
I recalled the memory. At the end of the song, when the part that goes "I can sing anything sweeter than you" our lips were so close... I couldn't stop thinking about it before I fell asleep every night.
"I wanted to kiss you so badly, but I just couldn't do it." Luka pulled me in and we were as close as that other time, my heart was beating so hard I could hear it in my ears. "Until now."
Luka kissed me and I kissed back. We kissed each other so desperately and I ran my hand through his hair. Fuck, how I loved the softness of his hair. We break apart for a kiss and stare at each other's eyes, dumbfounded. We kiss again except this time it wasn't as desperate. It was softer, a kiss only Luka could make amazing. Luka had thin lips but made up for it with the way he kissed. I wanted to kiss him more, I wanted more from Luka so I kissed him harsher. Then he broke apart the kiss, clearly taken aback from it.
My heart stopped, "I... I'm sorry-!" He cut me off by kissing me harsher than I did and I loved every second of his harshness. I began feeling his neck, his back, his chest and pushed myself closer to him as every second that passed it became hotter.
We broke the make-out apart. Our flushed faces appreciated the cool night breeze. We keep wrapped around each other. "I think we should get back inside."
I listened to his pounding heart through his chest. "Not yet, clown boy."
"Whatever you say, love."
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nanasarea · 4 years
M’lady ii I zch
Prompt: You never knew helping an old woman would give you the responsibility quiet this big, but it’s a good thing you don’t have to share it alone. 
Genre: crack fluff
Pairing: ladybug!reader x chat noir!chenle
Word count: 2.5k (literally the longest i’ve ever written omg)
a/n: slight spoiler for miraculous ladybug if you haven’t seen the finale yet haha also this is so long overdue and not proofread i apologize also pollen and hyuck’s interaction where he’s like “fuck that bitch up” is @jaemallow​ ‘s idea so thank you so much, moonie, i love you! 
prequel to M’lady  (kinda)
Indent + italic = flashback
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“When I first got here, you hated me!” Chenle said “What? No, I didn’t!” You tried convincing him, to which he only gave you a “don’t bullshit me” look. “Fine, maybe a little.” 
“Who is he anyway?” You asked, the disgust in your voice very noticeable, which is what your friend, Ryujin mentioned first when answering.
“Woah, don’t get too excited.” She said, laughing.
“His name is Zhong Chenle. He recently started attending this school. He use to be home schooled but his parents finally let him come to public school. I heard everyone is surprised that he’s not going to a private school, since his family is so wealthy.” Ryujin explained as your attention stayed on the tall boy sitting in the 3rd row. 
“Why now?” You asked.
“Ask him, why don’t you.” She winked before going to sit on her seat.
All day, all you heard was Chenle, Chenle, Chenle, it’s all people talked about.
Sure, he was cute, and wealthy, and he might have wowed everyone with his piano skills while you waited for your music professor to come to class, but what you couldn’t understand was why. 
“A little?” He asked, laughing. 
“I did think you were cute if that helps.” You joked. 
“Now, I know we’re not suppose to say too much but when did you get the box?” He asked. 
You kept thinking about Chenle, all day. So much so that you got distracted on your walk home and didn’t even notice the old lady almost being run over by a  motorcyclist.
Fortunately, you snapped back into reality at the right moment, so you could help her out. 
You ran towards her as fast as you could and tried to guide her away from the motorcycle before it could run her over. 
“Are you okay, ma’am?” You asked, concerned for her safety. 
“Oh, why thank you, young lady.” She thanked you warmly before she turned to face you. 
“You seem very kind.” She added.
“No problem! I would like to think everyone would have helped in my situation.” You nervously said.
She took your hand and said “One would like to hope, but not everyone is as kind as you.” She smiled before giving you her goodbyes and leaving your side. 
“Ma’am, you forgot th-” “I assure you, I never forget anything.” She cut you off before you could ask her about the box she left in your hand. 
It was a small red oval wooden box with black dots all around. You decided to put it in your bag and open it once you got home, which you did.
You stared at it for half an hour, wondering what it could be and if you should actually open it or not. You finally got the courage and opened it.
“Hi, y/n! My name’s Tikki!” The small being greeted, which caused you to fall back along with your chair.
You let out a scream before asking “What are you? Who are you? Why do you know my name?” You asked. 
“I’m a kwami, as I said, my name’s Tikki-” “A k-kwami? What’s that?” You asked. 
“Kwamis are divine, sprite-like beings who embody "abstract" concepts. They give certain powers to people with Miraculouses, transforming them into animal-themed super beings!” She explained as you continued to stare at her in confusion. 
After she finished explaining how the old lady was the guardian of the miraculous and when she met you, she knew she had to give you the miraculous of creation.
She also explained that when you say “Tikki, spots on.”, you transform into a ladybug-themed superhero and to switch back, you just have to say “Tikki, spots off”.
On top of it all, she explained the powers of the lucky charm and so much more.
“But why me? How could I posses the power of creation?” You asked. 
“No worries, y/n, master Dupain-Cheng makes no mistakes! I would know, I was her kwami when she was your age!” Tikki smiled before telling you the story of how her previous master was the same as you. 
“What about you?” You asked, wondering how his first encounter with Plagg went.
“He was a handful, he kept asking for cheese.” He laughed
He was making his way to the car when he saw an old lady almost trip and fall but he thankfully got to the elderly in time to save her.
“Are you alright, ma’am?” he asked “Yes, I’m fine, young man, you are very kind.” She smiled as she put a hand on his bag.
“My apologize, at my age, you don’t really have your balance anymore.” She laughed.
“Do you need help with anything?” He asked, smiling.
“No thank you! I’ll manage, kind sir. Have a good day!” She said quickly before making her way back home.
“Chenle?” His assistant asked, to which he quickly ran towards the car.
Once he got to his room, he threw his bag onto his desk, only to find a box flying out of it.
“That’s...strange...I don’t remember owning such a box.” He said to himself before taking the box into his hand and staring at it.
“When did you get in my bag?” He asked before opening the box and seeing a small flying creature staring at him.
“Hey, you’re cool! Like a genie in a bottle or something.” Chenle excitedly said
“Yeah yeah, I met him once, he’s a big show off. I’m way better. The name’s Plagg. Nice to meet you! Do you have any food? I’m starving!” and with that, Plagg started flying across Chenle’s room.
“Hey! Hold on! What even are you?” Chenle asked .
“I’m a kwami, I grant powers, yours is destruction, understand?” Plagg asked.
“Not quite.” Chenle answered.
“Good, now where’s the camembert?” He asked before searching the room.
“D-did you not hear me?” Chenle asked.
“Camembert and then we talk!” Plagg commanded.
After getting him his precious cheese, Plagg started explaining. Not that it mattered, since it made no sense, but Chenle at least learned about the guardian and his powers.
“Let me get this straight. All I have to do to transform is say Plagg, claws out?” Chenle asked to which Plagg nodded before Chenle felt his transformation starting.
“Woah, awesome!” Chenle yelled before running to the nearest mirror.
“I do look very cool and handsome if I do say so myself.” he commented as he continued to check himself out in the mirror.
“I have to admit, the first time I met you, or ladybug, to be specific. I thought you were cute too.” Chenle replied, blushing and looking down at his iced chocolate. 
After the day you met Tikki, you had done some research on kwamis and Miraculouses, when you weren’t obsessively questioning everyone’s liking to a certain new classmate.
This day, you were hanging out at your friend’s place. It was suppose to be her brother’s birthday party but you couldn’t help but read the book you downloaded on your phone on the history of Ladybugs. 
“No offence, but you are going to have to put down your phone and enjoy. If not, I’ll be sad.” The brother said as he sat down next to you. 
“Sorry, Jeno. I was just doing some research.” You apologized. 
“What on?” He asked, causing you to panic, as you had no time to come up with an excuse “Sorry, rude to pry.” Jeno added before you could answer. 
“No worries.” You chuckled before saying “Nice guitar” as you saw him moving forward to grab it.
“Wanna hear me play?” He asked “Of course!” You replied, smiling at him. 
“What does she even see in him?” Chenle asked on the other side of the room.
 “Maybe the fact that he actually talks to her?” Jisung laughed at his best friend’s pout 
“You know what? Who even asked you.” Chenle scuffed as he took a sip from his drink.
With the nighttime approaching, Chenle’s annoyance grew, but so did Jeno.
You see, if Jeno hated anything, it was people calling him unfunny. Yes, it was a joke most of the time, but it hurt.
When his friends called him unfunny, he just laughed along, but once other classmates, who only see him at school did it, he got mad. It got to the point where you noticed a purple butterfly fly towards his guitar.
“ Oh no.” You whispered to yourself.
“Jeno watch out! There’s an akuma flying straight to your guitar!” You yelled but before you knew it, it had already made contact with his guitar, causing his whole body and guitar to be covered in a purple substance before he transformed.
This caused everyone to run away from him, including you and including Chenle. 
“So, I’m guessing this is the part where I have to transform and do my thing?” You asked the floating kwami, to which Tikki nodded happily. 
“Tikki, spots on!” You yelled as you felt your clothes changing. 
“Plagg, claws out!” Chenle yelled in the bathroom, unknowingly not so far away from you. 
You ran out to catch up with Jeno, or his akumatized self. 
“Meow, who are you?” The sudden comment stopped you in your track, causing you to turn around and see a tall boy in a black catsuit. 
“I’m guessing your the infamous Chat Noir, who’s going to accompany me in taking down Hawkmoth?” You asked, to which he just stared in confusion. 
“Hawk what now?” He asked.
 “Did your kwami not tell you anything?” You asked, chuckling at the confused boy in front of you.
“Plagg...likes to eat more than he likes to talk.” He nervously admitted before you realized the situation you were in. 
“I would love to give you a history lesson, but we have some people to save, so shall we?” You asked, so he nodded before you started your chase after Jeno.
“And I was super jealous of Jeno.” He added “Why?” You asked.
“You gave him a lot of attention! Plus, he looks like that and he can play guitar! Can you blame me?” Chenle laughed.
“Oh please, you have nothing to be jealous of.” You jokingly winked at the boy.
“At least I didn’t get akumatized that day because of him.” He added.
 “That would have been a disaster.” You agreed. 
“Like that time we had to ask Haechan to help us.” Chenle jokingly scuffed.
 “Oh my god, don’t even.” You sighed. 
It was just another normal day. You were hanging out with Ryujin and some other friends when you heard a loud bang come from the town square. 
“That means ladybug is on her way. Gotta go, need more content for my ladyblog!” Ryujin yelled, to which they all followed. All but you, since you had to convince them you were too scared. 
“Scaredy cat.” Ryujin joked as you quickly excused yourself to “hide.” 
“Y/N, I think you’ll need some help this time.” Tikki commented. 
“But I have Chat.” You reminded.
“More than Chat this time. I’ve heard this sound before and trust me, you’ll need the bee miraculous today.” Tikki explained, to which you just sighed and made your way to master Dupain-Cheng. 
“Master?” You asked as you entered the room. 
“Yes, dear?” She asked.
“Tikki said I might need another miraculous today?” You said, nervously.
“Ah, yes, Pollen. I had a hard time with this one myself.” She giggled, fondly looking at her miracle book before placing it on the floor in front of us.
“Is there anyone you know you can trust with this?” She asked as she gave you the box.
 “A specific person did come to mind actually.” You answered, smiling at the box. 
You quickly arrived at Haechan’s house and knocked on his door. You went to the same school and shared some mutual friends. From what you heard, he does a good job at anything he does, so your mind first went to him. 
“Lee Donghyuck, this is the bee miraculous, which grants you the power to immobilize your opponent. You will use it for the greater good.” You smiled at him once he opened the door, to which he smiled fondly and looked at the box and back at you, as if to ask you for reassurance.
You nodded and moved the box closer to him, which made his smile even wider. 
He opened the box and the small bee kwami started flying around him before stopping and saying “At your service, my king”. 
“You will return your miraculous once the job is done. Can I trust you?” You asked, to which he nodded while placing the hair pin into his hair.
“To transform, just say “Pollen, buzz on.”, my king.” Pollen said as the building next to them exploded. 
“Oh no you didn’t. That’s my best friend’s house.” Haechan angrily sighed. 
“Pollen?” He asked.
“Yes my king?” Pollen asked, to which Haechan scuffed and said “fuck that bitch up” in a smug tone. 
“Pollen, buzz on!”
Once you caught up with Chat Noir, you explained to him that you needed an extra hand today, to which he only scuffed. 
“Who even is he? Besides, I’m the only help you need, m’lady. We’re purrrfect together.” He smiled at you with almost literal heart eyes. 
“Hey, tuna breath, you need me, so buzz off.” Haechan commented before Chenle sighed and rolled his eyes. At the end of the day, he did fuck that bitch up as he promised, but he also annoyed the shit out of Chat Noir so you had to promise him not to ask Haechan for help again.
“I can’t believe I didn’t realize you were my purrfect match sooner, bugaboo.” Chenle said, winking at you before his ears turned into the color of your superhero suit. 
“To be fair, your hair does change slightly when you transform. Mine doesn’t.” You laughed.
“But still, those beautiful eyes don’t change.” He said, to which you only blushed while sipping on your iced chocolate. 
It was nice looking back on your hero adventures with Chenle, who you would never have guessed was Chat Noir.
Tikki even said it’s funny how you developed crushes on both of them but never noticed they were the same person.
If it wasn’t for the ring, you might not have even noticed now. After you both found out that day after school, you both awkwardly decided to ask one another out. 
“Finally! And to think I had to listen to the whole “do I like y/n or do I like ladybug?” rants, ugh.” Plagg complained, to which Tikki and Chenle’s eyes widened while your cheeks heated up. 
“To be fair, I wasn’t so quiet about you either.” You confessed, trying to soften the mood. 
While you placed your drink back on the table, your eyes focused on the tv in the corner of the small cafe. 
“It’s Nadja Chamack! Don't be bemused, it's just the news! Today, we’re reporting live from town square where another civilian has been fallen victim of Hawkmoth’s akumatization!” You heard from the tv and looked at Chenle. 
“I guess that’s our cue.” You laughed before you both ran to the bathrooms to transform.  
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