#no bc why did everyone abandon him so suddenly?
maybebi47 · 7 months
going insane about fabian
"can I talk to her? i just want to say hi. *click* mama? mama?"
"bill "papa" seacastor! can you hear me? its your darling boy! papa?"
"i put on the loudest podcast, so it feels like there is someone else in this house"
"i have many ideas for more parties next week, maybe something longer like a sleepover"
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ozzgin · 6 months
Yandere! Werewolf Headcanons
I've been stalked by the guilty feeling that my Romanian Werewolf boy got a lot of backstory but not much romance or interaction. So there you have it: some headcanons featuring the ancient Beast, a post-kidnapping sequel.
Content: female reader, obsessive behavior, monster romance, mild NSFW at the end, ridiculously older yandere
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You followed the gargantuan stranger back into the city, leaving the bloodbath behind as if it was just a distant dream. Admittedly, you’d expected to be dragged into some mountainous cave or an abandoned mansion, not the cozy - albeit a little dusty - apartment on a main, historical street. On second thought, he did function as a human outside of his monstrous escapades, so it made sense. “Is this your place?”, you sheepishly asked while he wiped the thick layers of blood off him. “One of them, yes”, he answered curtly. “It’s central”, you remarked, trying to make conversation. “Well, I didn’t know about it back then. It’s been a few decades.”
Your ears perked up at the words. Gazing at his features, he didn’t seem necessarily aged to you. The deep creases contouring his face felt more like a sign that he’s lived sorrows beyond most people’s comprehension. “How old are you?” You finally asked as curiosity replaced your initial fear. He abruptly stopped his movements and leaned back, brows furrowed in deep contemplation. “I’m not so sure anymore. I was born in the 80s”, he concluded. “That’s not too far back, is it?” You inquired, this time more relaxed. “80 BC, I meant. You do the math.”
He freshened himself up as you counted the millennia on your fingers, frowning in confusion. He chuckled at your intense focus, then quickly looked up into the mirror. When was the last time he smiled like this? The reflection was a foreign sight to him. “We’ll get you everything you need tomorrow”, he continued, still in a daze. What a strange idea, having someone to speak to after an eternity. And suddenly, it occurred to him just how rusted his communication had gotten: “I’m so sorry, I haven’t asked for your name once”, he said, embarrassed. “It’s (Y/N). And you are...?" Might as well introduce yourself to your benevolent captor.
The dreaded question. How did they call him back in the day? He hasn't had anyone spell it out for him, nor did he feel the need at any point to say it himself. Why would he? He hadn't anticipated meeting you. With pursed lips, he searched his mind. Eventually, from the depths or memories, from days of yore, it made its way back: "Daos."
Given your first gory encounter (where he quite literally murdered everyone else), you were surprised to find out he's otherwise a calm and polite individual. Well, he's had centuries to mature, you suppose. You've also noticed he has that rather old-fashioned chivalry to him. He's very attentive despite his stoic demeanor, and often follows with acts of service.
"You're insulting me. I can carry this myself with ease", you'll argue. "I never doubted you can. Nonetheless, it is my wish to do it for you."
As the days pass, your reluctance seems to vanish as well. In fact, you've become particularly cheeky, encouraged by his warm, unperturbed behavior. Maybe you haven't gotten the worst deal out there, after all.
"You know, you talk like an old man", you've teased him once. He was visibly taken aback by your statement, and you could discern a faint blush on his face. "Do I? My apologies, I haven't spoken to anyone in a long time. I'm not familiar with modern speech. Have I embarrassed you somehow?"
He spends his free time reading, though he will frequently take you on walks. It's an interesting affair to say the least. You can feel the curious eyes of the passersby and hear their not-so-discreet whispered gossip. You can't truly blame them: Daos is enormous even as a human. He towers above everyone else with his imposing appearance. To match, his voice is deep and coarse as a result of not using it much until recently.
The ancient werewolf is a living history book. If asked, he will narrate to you important events or details you might be curious about regarding his culture. Once, when he'd been in a good mood, he even shared fragments of his life before turning into a creature. He'd been a high-ranked Dacian warrior, spending his days training or fighting. He still remembers the flag he carried with bitter fondness, yet another irony to his fate: a wolf-headed serpent. It was meant to showcase their way of life; barbarians with no fear of death. They'd greeted the Roman Empire with nothing but a sword and a shield, no shred of doubt.
He might've been betrayed by his people, but the pride remains. The pride of a soldier who's never known defeat. You learned quickly that his beastly form doesn't count as a significant change by any means, save for appearances. The man has brute strength even as a human. You'd once strayed from his view, and a stranger approached with a daring whistle, gawking you up and down. Before you could react, Daos clawed him by the throat. You heard the twist of the skin and the creak of the bones giving in to the immense pressure of his large hand.
"It's the second time I have exposed you to such unpleasant sights", he said, discarding the body as if it was any other garbage. "Forgive me, but I will not have you disrespected like this."
He is very much aware he's taken you away from the world out of his own selfish desire. The fact that you accepted it is more than he could ever ask for. That's what he keeps telling himself, even as his eyes wander to your lips whenever you speak. Or as his hand lingers a moment too long against the curve of your back. Or as he hungrily takes in your scent whenever you're nearby.
He might be unhealthily possessive of you, but Daos will never do anything against your will. No matter how obvious his urges are. In fact, no amount of flirting or teasing will shake his resolve. You will have to be very direct with your approval.
Once the reality settles in, he'll become extremely affectionate, bordering on obsessive. To think he could have you in every way possible. Oh, he's waited thousands of years for you. All the suffering, the loneliness, the anger, they're stripped of any meaning now that he has you.
The city strolls at an awkward distance have since become a habitual excuse to hold your hand and show you off to the mortals. The quiet evenings of passing time with a book now include your merely noticeable weight cuddled into his lap. You didn't expect him to be this adoring. Being touch-starved for millennia counts as one reason, naturally, but there's more to it, so much more. And it all leads back to you.
He is a little taken aback when you ask him to do the deed in his werewolf form. "Don't be foolish. I can't overcome my instincts as well when I'm a creature. I could harm you", he'll lecture you. "Besides, you can barely take it as it currently is", he'll add, smirking at your baffled expression. It seems he's picked up on your cheekiness.
After a lot of pleading and waiting for the right moment - when he's ravaging you in a daze - he finally agrees. True to his word, his tune instantly changes. The tender hold turns into a desperate grasp sinking into your skin, and the thrusts become irregular, almost frantic. His drool cools your burning cheeks as you hold onto the coarse fur, feverish and overwhelmed.
His golden eyes rest on the small human squirming underneath him, and suddenly, he can't help but notice: you have the perfect birthing hips.
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chaoticbiguysblog · 1 month
I feel like initially most people were on the same page about Tommy Kinnard, they were like ok let's see where it goes and we got Bi Buck!! Like, in April, I was on top of the world bc of Bi Buck, and I was so excited for him and eager to see where it goes, even the ones who didn't want him for Buck from the start were indifferent to him.
But I feel like the divide and the ship wars intensified was when people started using the "healthy male friendship" and "why can't two men just be friends" argument against Buddie, we have hundreds, if not thousands of those in pop culture and homophobes often use this argument against lgbt rep, so to see a group, some if not most of which are queer themselves use the same argument is off putting.
Then, whether you're his fan or a hater, you gotta agree that Tommy's character is a blank slate, he's not been given much to do, besides a few moments, and a significant part of that is him being racist and sexist to two fan favourite characters: Chim and Hen respectively (similarly people disliked Taylor for what she did to Bobby, the redemption and forgiveness before she started dating Buck was implied but it's not enough). Other than that he doesn't have a lot of qualities. And what happens is fans project a lot of things on him. What made me abandon the Tevan ship was people "stealing" Eddie's character traits and projecting it onto Tommy, while labelling him a terrible mentally insane father who uses Buck for his own gain, yada yada yada. And I love Buck and Eddie equally, so to me that was irritating.
Also, since he doesn't have many character traits, his lines, which are intended as sassy can come off as him being a dismissive and condescending dick.
Then for the off screen side of things, we were constantly told Buck is straight, by the actors and the showrunner but everyone was like eh whatever, and then our headcannons were proven right, but suddenly theorising about Eddie and that a lot of queer people including myself identify with him is looked down on if not straight up mocked, and that the canon storylines are the only ones that matter have made the fandom a bit toxic.
Buddies are often accused of blindly hating on Tommy, that he's hated only bc he's not the guy we wanted Buck to kiss, so I feel like I should lay it out as to why a lot of us went from being indifferent or open to the guy to straight up hating him.
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Cold Nights to Sunday Mornings - bradley "rooster" bradshaw x reader
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Summary: 2.1k words. loosely inspired by "Hold My Girl" by George Ezra. (idk what to put for the summary but! pls trust that it's worth your time bc i'm proud of this :) )
Warnings: lots of angst & fluff to redeem the angst
a/n: the fall semester just started & i've been really busy so i'm just as shocked as you are that i'm actually posting a fic. enjoy & please let me know what you think <3
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“Baby, we have to get up,” she pleaded. Bradley ignored her request and wrapped his arms around her midsection tighter.
A soft displeased hum left her lips—though it was mostly in jest. She could never be anything but content in Bradley’s arms. The sound only had the aviator nuzzling his head further against her neck, peppering light kisses across the exposed skin.
Before y/n, Bradley never slept in. Rooster was his call sign for a reason. For better or for worse, he had a habit of being up before the sun and the rest of the sane world. 
Sleeping in meant that he was only prolonging the amount of time he spent in bed alone. The barrack beds were uncomfortable and cold. When he’d been promoted and was able to arrange for housing off-base he ran into the same issue. A thousand dollars and a new mattress later, the comfort issue was fixed. He might as well have been sleeping on a damn cloud. But his bed was still cold. And lonely.
Without an alarm clock he rose every morning no later than 5:30 a.m.. Maybe it was because of all his years in the military. Maybe it was the broken teenager inside of him that was always running—from his past, to his future, to find someplace somewhere that he could rest easy—and damn, was that exhausting. Everyone he loved and counted on died suddenly, or abandoned him, or died slowly.
As he got older, he found a little bit of peace. Bradley worked his ass off and earned his successful career. He reconnected with his estranged Godfather. He was reassigned to the same base he spent most of his early childhood at.
He slept better after that. In his mid-thirties, it was about damn time that he was able to relax a bit. Yet still, no amount of blankets warmed up the everpresent unwelcome chill.
One morning he had a particularly unpleasant wake-up. At just after 4 in the morning, Bradley woke up drenched in sweat. The nightmares weren’t frequent, but they weren’t uncommon. It came with the territory of being directly involved in combat. He couldn’t go back to sleep–he never could–so he got up. He cleaned his entire house. He watched a movie that he wasn’t paying attention to. He went for a run. He didn’t bother counting the miles, he just ran until he felt better; even though he never really did. When he was done showering, it was finally a socially acceptable hour to call someone.
Bradley’s thumb hovered over Pete’s phone number. Before he could talk himself out of it, he pressed harder than necessary on the screen and winced as the phone rang. After 3 rings Bradley’s tense shoulders deflated. Just before the call went to voicemail, it was picked up with haste. Shuffling could be heard on the other end of the line.
“Hi sweetie!” That’s not Maverick.
“Hey Penny…” he trailed off awkwardly. He was hardly prepared to have a conversation with his godfather, much less his godfather’s girlfriend.
“Mav is out in the hangar right now working on his plane,” Penny explained with a sarcastic air of ‘what else is new?’. There was more shuffling as Penny moved to hold the phone between her shoulder and ear. She had a splatter or two of pancake batter on her manicured hands. Pete would just have to suck it up when he saw the evidence on his phone later.
“I’m making breakfast right now, would you like to come over? I’ll make up a plate for you, hun,” Penny offered sweetly. She was so caught up in putting together her Sunday breakfast feast that she hardly realized she never asked Bradley why he called.
The younger man paused for a moment. He didn’t want to impose, but he really didn’t want to be alone right now.
Pete met Bradley at the front door with a fond smile. Bradley tried his best to return the smile but he wasn’t successful. His lips just looked like they were twisted in pain and there wasn’t much light in his eyes. Maverick’s brow furrowed. He wouldn’t push until the kid was ready to open up, and he had a feeling that wouldn’t be until after he had a plate full of Penny’s famous pancakes.
Amelia all but inhaled her breakfast before she twirled around the house like a mini tornado, grabbing her bag and keys and shouting ‘ThanksforbreakfastI’mgoingtothebeachwithsomefriendsloveyoubye!’ as the door slammed shut behind her. Maverick’s eyebrows raised and Penny just shook her head with a smile.
The older woman subtly watched Bradley clear his plate. She waited until he swallowed his last bite of food and washed it down with orange juice before she rested her soft hand over his white knuckle clenched fist on the table.
“What’s going on, Bradley?” she asked gently. She was careful–like he was a scared animal that might bolt in an instant. Pete leaned in, making sure he was within his godson’s line of sight too. Bradley couldn’t meet either of their eyes. He cleared his throat and was quiet for a moment.
He told them about the nightmare. About the cold sweat, and the cold sheets, and the cold bed, and the cold empty house. Mav’s heart broke. He was trying his best to do right by Goose; he’d just barely managed to repair his relationship with his godson, but he supposed there was only so much he could protect the younger aviator from.
Pete reached across to rest an arm on Bradley’s shoulder. He tensed then relaxed, but didn’t shake off Mav’s hand. Maybe that was a good sign. Penny’s gaze was sympathetic. Bradley rarely opened up to anyone, but he knew Penny was the person to go to when pity would make him nauseous.
“It might be helpful to get some company,” the older, wiser woman suggested and squeezed Bradley’s hand. His fist unclenched a bit. Pete had been mostly silent up until this point. He wasn’t good with emotions, that much was obvious to anyone who’d spent more than half an hour outside of work with the man.
“Company other than one night stands and the stray cats you swear you don’t feed,” Pete remarked. Rooster chuckled. It was the first genuinely positive reaction they’d seen from him this morning. The cats are lovely company, thank you very much, Bradley thought.
Bradley tried to get his shit together. He was mostly successful. He officially took in one of the stray cats. He brought him to the vet and made sure his vaccines were up to date and got the poor cat neutered. A cat tree tower took residence next to the backdoor Bradley left cat food out by.
He even tried his hand at gardening. He started a small vegetable garden and did a bit of landscaping. Two months ago he didn’t know which perennials were best suited for California weather, much less how to take care of them. Now he’d installed a carefully timed automatic sprinkler system and even built a tarp over part of the earthy plot to prevent too much sun exposure for some of the more delicate plants.
You have to love yourself before you can love someone else.
Bradley was convinced that phrase was absolute bullshit. Plenty of people were in happy relationships and still went through bouts of being miserable with themselves. Penny tsked Bradley’s pessimism at her bar top. She’d unofficially taken on the role of being his intermittent therapist.
“Bull shit or not, you need to work out some of your own issues before you start dating around,” she said pointedly. She was being pulled in the opposite direction by another bartender that needed her help when she shouted back to Bradley, “Don’t you dare download Tinder, mister!” The exclamation was far too loud for Bradley’s taste, especially when several heads suddenly whipped around to focus on him.
So work out his issues he did. 
He stopped throwing himself into work and ruthless workouts simply for the sake of avoiding his thoughts and being alone. He tried out sitting in silence with his thoughts in his lonely house. He hated it. But he got better at it over time. Goose the cat climbing across his lap and snuggling against his thigh made things better.
Companionship. Mav and Penny were right. He needed someone outside of work. Someone whose life didn’t center around the Navy or planes or beer.
y/n wasn’t who he ever imagined ending up with. She didn’t particularly care for the U.S. military-industrial complex. She wasn’t a beer girl and she wasn’t very good at driving. She was afraid of heights so she preferred not to fly when she traveled. Whenever she could drive instead of take a flight, she would—even though she’s admittedly a bad driver.
y/n loved Bradley’s cat. She was a cat and a dog person. She was also a bearded dragon person—something that Bradley did not expect to learn about anyone over the age of 20. Her eyes were filled with wonder when she first laid eyes on his thriving vegetable garden.
y/n was very outdoorsy. She loved nature and the beach, she dragged Bradley out of his cold house more times than he could count. The more time y/n spent at his house, the less cold it felt. She brought Bradley on hikes—he had no idea how many trails and reserves were within driving distance. Bradley always drove.
Their green thumbs linked well together. y/n introduced several cat-safe plants to the interior of Bradley’s home. Every once in a blue moon, the couple would spend time at y/n’s apartment. Her roommate was even less of a fan of the military-industrial complex and it showed. One morning Bradley woke up before y/n so he headed to her kitchen to make them breakfast. Her roommate, Allie, woke up early as well. A not-so-casual conversation ensued (read: scrutinizing questions) about Bradley being ‘“Property of Uncle Sam” over the sound of scrambled eggs sizzling. After that, Bradley suggested they spend more time at his house. It was roomier, he reasoned. y/n snorted. “You just don’t want Allie talking at you at the butt crack of dawn,” y/n corrected. Bradley nodded with tight lips.
Mav and Penny enthusiastically offered to help move y/n into Bradley’s home after the spunky y/h/c accepted his offer with a massive grin and a PG-13 kiss.
Now that Bradley woke up with y/n in his arms every morning, he wasn’t really eager to hop out of bed anymore. He was pretty sure the last time he habitually woke up later than 9 in the morning on weekends was when he was in high school.
y/n huffed and leaned back into Bradley’s warm embrace. The man was practically a space heater in bed, but he was her space heater.
She twisted around in his arms with a grin so that they were chest to chest. Bradley’s legs tensed when y/n’s cold feet assaulted his skin.
“We need to go feed Goose,” y/n reasoned, even though she knew full well that Bradley couldn’t be reasoned with when he was comfortable in bed. Comfortable and bed were two words that weren’t associated with each other for quite a long time for Bradley.
“He can starve for a bit,” he mumbled without opening his eyes. y/n gasped and swatted his arm. The corner of his lip twitched into a grin as he leaned forward to blindly press a kiss to y/n’s face. 
“You have morning breath, Brad,” she wrinkled her nose. He squinted one eye open and stuck his tongue out at y/n. She rolled her eyes but she too snuggled further into his warm embrace. 20 minutes or so passed by. y/n was falling in and out of almost asleep, and she was ready to get the day going.
She squirmed in Bradley’s arms again.
“Bradleyyy,” she groaned, feeling antsy. The aviator shook his head with a smile. For the first time all morning, he cracked his eyes open. The light streaming through the window highlighted the flecks of gold in his beautiful big brown eyes and y/n forgot what she was going to say.
“Shhh, five more minutes” he hushed softly and pressed a kiss to y/n’s nose, a content smile on his face.
“Give me a minute to hold my girl.”
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firstkanaphans · 3 months
Could you imagine writing 11 for SandRay? 🥺👉👈
Rating/Warnings: Explicit; Dom/Sub undertones Word Count: 2800ish (someone save me from myself bc the whole point of this exercise was to not write full-length fics 🙈)
Read on AO3
{tying} them down as punishment
When Sand got home to the apartment he shared with Ray, it was dark. That should have been his first clue that something was wrong but naively, he assumed his boyfriend was capable of being normal. He realized he was wrong when the lights suddenly turned on, revealing Ray sitting on their living room sofa with his arms crossed.
“Where have you been?” Ray asked, standing. He was dressed in nothing but a silk bathrobe, his chest bare underneath. 
Sand rolled his eyes and tossed his empty bag down on a chair. “You know where I’ve been,” he said, shrugging out of his jacket and discarding that as well. 
“I do,” Ray said. “But we agreed you wouldn’t do that anymore, so I’m having a hard time seeing why—”
“We did not agree.” Sand huffed. “You made that up in your head.”
Ray didn’t like that Sand was still selling his illegally brewed plum wine. When they’d started talking about moving in together, one of Ray’s conditions had been that Sand get rid of the wine, which Sand had agreed to. It was one of Ray’s more reasonable conditions and he had no intention of bringing alcohol into a space they shared anyway, but he slowly came to realize it wasn’t the alcohol itself that Ray had a problem with. It was the illegality of it. And it wasn’t himself he was worried about. It was Sand.
It might have been sweet if it wasn’t so goddamn annoying.
“No, we talked about this,” Ray argued with the air of someone who didn’t understand that just because they told you to do something, didn’t mean you actually had to do it. “What happens to me if you get arrested, hm? Did you think about that? We live together now. You can't just abandon me. If you need money—”
He was starting to get worked up the way he always did when he got it into his head that Sand might be leaving the way everyone left, so Sand stepped forward and took Ray’s face into his hands, forcing him to calm down. Ray swatted him away.
“I didn’t want to just dump it, okay?" Sand said. "But I sold the last bottle tonight. I’m done. I’m not making anymore.” It was a win for Ray, but he seemed unwilling to admit that. Instead, he just stood there pouting, his arms still crossed over his chest.
Sand knew Ray was far too stubborn to admit he was wrong, but he hadn’t realized just how stubborn until Ray launched himself across the space between them and kissed him on the lips to avoid having to admit anything at all. Sand could have pressed him if he wanted to, but he knew that kiss was likely the only apology he was going to get and so he decided to enjoy it.
He grabbed Ray by the ties of his robe to pull him closer and then slowly untied it so that he could slip his hands inside to wrap around Ray’s waist. His skin was warm and he shivered at Sand’s touch, but he didn’t break the kiss. In fact, he kissed him harder, backing him towards their bedroom. Towards their bed. He let his robe fall to the floor, leaving him in only his underwear, and then pulled Sand’s T-shirt over his head. By the time he pushed Sand down onto the mattress, they were both half-naked.
“You’re impatient tonight,” Sand said, suddenly eager himself. He liked when Ray got needy like this. He liked being the only thing that could calm him.
Ray didn’t bother responding. He was too far gone for words. Instead, he kissed Sand again, grabbing both of his wrists in his hands and lifting them above his head as if he wanted to pin them there.
That’s when Sand heard an ominous click. 
He immediately broke the kiss and looked up to find that he had been handcuffed to the bed. The cuffs were made out of a butter-soft leather, but when he pulled against them, they didn’t give. The chain was wound around one of the iron bars of their bed frame and made a rattling noise as he pulled. Sand whipped around to glare at Ray.
“What’re you doing?” he asked.
Ray just shrugged innocently, but his face did not look innocent at all. He looked inordinately pleased with himself as if he hadn’t actually expected that to work. “Punishing you,” he said simply. “You’ve been a very bad boy.”
“Oh, have I?” Sand tugged on the restraints again, but found no purchase. He turned back to Ray, intrigued. It was not like Ray to take control like this—not unless he was angry or frustrated or wanted a drink, but would settle for Sand instead. He didn’t seem to be any of those things at the moment. Instead, he seemed giddy like a child who’s just discovered a new toy. “And what exactly does this punishment entail?”
“Whatever I want it to.”
If Ray took Sand’s pants off now, he would see that his erection hadn’t flagged in the slightest. That it had, in fact, grown. “So my punishment is that you have to do all the work for once?” Sand teased. “However will I live?”
Ray smirked. “Oh, that’s cute. You think this is going to be easy for you?”
Sand frowned, sensing that maybe he was missing something, but before he could try to figure out what exactly it was, Ray lunged forward and kissed him. Immediately, Sand tried to reach for him, wanting to tangle his fingers in his hair and touch, but the cuffs held him back. That’s when he realized there might be some truth to Ray’s words. 
He growled in frustration, breaking the kiss to tilt his head up to try to find some means of escape, but Ray simply tilted his chin back down and kissed him again as if there had been no interruption. This time, Sand kissed him back, determined to prove that he could still do so adequately even without the ability to touch, but much too soon, Ray pulled away, a smirk still on his lips. 
“Having fun?” he asked. Then he reached for the buckle on Sand’s jeans. Sand immediately sensed that he was in danger. He had never been completely at Ray’s mercy before and he found the possibility simultaneously terrifying and thrilling. Sand tugged on the handcuffs again, but still, there was no give. 
“If you’re a good boy,” Ray said, nosing along the seam of Sand’s jeans, “this will go much better for you.”
“And what exactly does being a ‘good boy’ entail?” Sand asked through gritted teeth as Ray hooked his fingers beneath the waistband of his pants and pulled both them and his underwear off in a single tug. Once freed from its confines, his dick sprang up hard against his stomach, precome already leaking from the tip. 
Ray mouthed at his shaft, licking it clean, and Sand fought against his restraints once more. It was official: he would not survive this. 
Once Ray was done, he pulled off and the sudden influx of cool air against Sand’s wet cock sent a chill throughout his body. Ray didn’t seem to care about his discomfort. He glared down at Sand. “Stop pulling against the cuffs,” he said. “It’s loud and you’re going to hurt yourself. Just stay still and I’ll reward you.”
“I don’t believe you,” Sand replied. Ray wasn’t the type to give rewards freely. 
Ray threw his nose into the air as if Sand had offended him. “Well, you don’t have much of a choice now, do you?” he asked. Then he set to work kissing every bare inch of Sand’s body. 
Sand had never just lain still and let himself be loved before. Ray was impatient in bed and Sand liked that he was, so if anyone got lavished in kisses, it was Ray. Ray was the one who liked the attention and Sand preferred to give it to him rather than take it for himself.
But today, Ray took his time. And for the first time, Sand let him. 
It took every ounce of self-control Sand had to force himself to relax, but he did good. He didn’t pull on the cuffs. The room fell quiet except for the sound of Sand’s hitched breathing and the soft, wet kisses of Ray’s lips.
“Good boy,” Ray praised, looking up at Sand from beneath hooded lashes as he began sucking on the thin skin of his groin. “Maybe now it’s time for your reward.”
Sand’s first instinct was to say no thank you. He was sweating and trembling, his body already overstimulated, but it would have been like saying no to a sip of water after marching through the desert. He was parched and Ray was offering him relief. So he didn’t say no. Instead, he just lay there and watched as Ray, maintaining eye contact the whole time, slowly took his cock into his mouth.
Sand couldn’t help it: he jerked on the cuffs again, causing them to rattle against the metal bed frame, and Ray immediately pulled off of him with a disappointed click of his tongue. “You’re going to have to try harder than that,” he said smugly.
“Ray, please,” Sand begged. 
Ray seemed to like the begging. “Please what?”
Sand felt his cheeks heat and although the petulant side of him wanted to refuse Ray the satisfaction, the part that was still hard, the part that now knew exactly how good it felt to have Ray’s lips wrapped around him, was willing to do everything.
“Please keep going,” he said. “I’ll be good.”
“You better be,” Ray threatened, but he was a man of his word. He took Sand back into his mouth and swallowed him all the way down.
They had been together almost six months now, but Sand could count on one hand the number of times Ray had given him a blow job. It wasn’t that he didn’t like them. It wasn’t even that Ray didn’t like giving them. It was simply that Sand preferred to give and Ray preferred to take—that was the dynamic that worked for them—but there was no denying that even out of practice, Ray still knew what he was doing. 
It wasn’t long before Sand was thrusting up into his mouth, doing everything he could to keep his hands still, to not rattle the cuffs and risk Ray stopping. He was so close, right there on the edge when—
Suddenly, Ray pulled off of him all at once, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and revealing a smirk underneath. At first, Sand thought he was just taking an ill-timed break and would resume his ministrations soon, but he didn’t. He just sat there and watched Sand squirm.
“Ray, c’mon!” Sand snapped, yanking on the cuffs for the first time in a while. “Why did you stop? I was being good.”
“Because,” Ray said matter-of-factly. “You’re being punished.”
Sand let out a cry of frustration. “I’m not sure the punishment matches the crime here.”
Ray didn’t answer him, but climbed back up his body to kiss his lips, to stroke his hair, to massage his wrists where they had started to ache. It was such a soft, loving contrast to the throbbing in Sand’s dick. Ray continued kissing him as he pulled off his own underwear, leaving them both naked, and when he sat back on Sand’s abdomen, Sand saw just how aroused he was. Despite the fact that Sand was the one getting his dick sucked, Ray looked just as hard. Sand’s dick twitched against Ray’s back at the sight and Ray pressed his ass against it in acknowledgement. 
“I’m going to ride you now,” he said, lifting up and situating Sand at his entrance. The tip went in easily and Sand could tell that Ray had already prepped himself for this. “You’re not allowed to come until I tell you to.”
“If you think I have any control over that—”
He broke off as his dick slipped easily inside Ray’s familiar body and for the first time all night, it seemed like Ray was just as overcome as he was. He didn’t even notice Sand slip up and pull against the cuffs. He just threw his head back and sighed as if this was the feeling he had been searching for all along.
“Ray, I’m serious,” Sand said in warning as Ray began to move, slowly lifting himself off of Sand’s dick and then pushing back down again. Sand bent his knees just slightly so that he could put the soles of his feet on the bed to give himself enough leverage to thrust and he did, taking Ray deeper. “I’m too close already. I’m going to come.”
“No, you’re not,” Ray said and he sounded so sure, Sand almost believed him. “Just a little longer. Please.”
It was the please that did it. It was always the please that did it. Sand had been conditioned to that word coming out of Ray’s mouth. All he ever wanted to do was make him happy. So as Ray began to ride him harder and faster, his dick bouncing against his stomach on every thrust, Sand tried to think of anything that wasn’t how devastatingly beautiful his boyfriend was. He tried not to stare at the pink flush on his cheeks, at the tattoos painted on his skin, and the sight of his own dick disappearing deep into his body. He wasn’t doing well, but he was trying.
Ray, however, was taking no mercy on him. He was doing some of his best work and despite the threat of “punishment,” Sand didn’t actually think he was trying to be cruel. He just seemed desperate, clenching his body tight around Sand’s dick with each thrust, burying his face in Sand’s neck, whispering words of affirmation into his ear. “So good, baby. So good.”
And Sand was so hard, he thought it might drive him mad. “Ray, please. Can I come?” His muscles were twitching with the effort it took not to but still, Ray did not slow his efforts. In fact, he sped up. Sand groaned. 
“I’m close,” Ray said. Sand could tell that was the truth. His eyes were practically rolled back in his head and his dick was leaking precome, but Sand had reached the limits of what he could handle. He didn’t want to disappoint Ray, but he physically couldn’t hold himself back any longer.
“Ray, please—”
He didn’t even have to finish his sentence before Ray said, “Come for me.”
As if his words were some sort of spell, Sand did, coming deep inside Ray’s body as Ray did the same, stroking himself to completion and spilling his seed on Sand’s bare chest. That was what he had wanted all along: for them to come together.
Sand was still breathing hard when Ray climbed off of him. He grumbled as the cool air touched his skin. It was too soon. He wanted to cuddle. But before he could voice that desire out loud, Ray grabbed a small metal key off of the bedside table and reached up to undo the handcuffs. 
The cuffs were barely off of Sand’s wrists before Ray was massaging the ache from his muscles and wrapping him in a hug, all traces of anger or frustration gone. He curled into Sand’s body like he was the one who needed to be held.
“What was all that about?” Sand asked with a small laugh. His voice was hoarse and he found that he was exhausted. It was late and there was nothing he wanted more than to fall asleep in his lover’s arms.
“I don’t know,” Ray admitted, his voice muffled in Sand’s chest. “It’s just that you’re always spoiling me. I wanted to spoil you this time.”
Sand snorted. “I think you need to work on your definition of ‘spoil,’” he said, but he stroked a hand through Ray’s hair to soften the words. 
“If I hadn’t tied you up, you wouldn’t have let me,” Ray pointed out and Sand realized he was right. It had never occurred to him that his obsession with putting Ray’s pleasure first might not be what Ray wanted. That it might, in fact, be stealing pleasure from him. It was just that he loved him so much and that was the only way he knew how to show it.
“Thank you,” he said, kissing the top of Ray’s head. “Maybe next time we can try it without the handcuffs.”
Ray smiled into his chest. “Up to you,” he said. “But I’m keeping them. And I bought a ball gag, too! Thought you might like the opportunity to shut me up every once in a while.”
Sand snorted and pulled his boyfriend closer, but Ray was wrong. There was nothing in the world Sand loved more than the sound of his voice.
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moonstruckme · 1 year
Okay hey me again 😞 was hoping to send a request for more TASM!Peter x reader but one where he is comforting the reader bc they were stood up by their friends(cough cough me😬) like they were supposed to go out and she got all dolled up but they ditched her
This might be an oddly specific ask but I thought. Why not 😝 feel free to take the concept and RUN! I am all for writers doing whatever the hell they want
Hi honey!! I'm so sorry that happened to you, I sincerely hope it wasn't anything like the scenario I chose for this story but if your friends did intentionally abandon you, that speaks far more poorly of them than you. I had that happen to me when I was younger, and now that I have more perspective it's easy to see how those girls were using that as an immature way to deal with their own insecurity. So once again, I hope you weren't in this sort of situation, but if you were please know that it's likely got nothing to do with you and you're amazing and lovely!! <3
Peter Parker x fem!reader ♡ 586 words
Peter’s hand is warm on your back, rubbing big circles with a steadying pressure. It’s comforting and undoing at the same time, because you’re stubbornly sure you wouldn’t have become so discomposed without his tender sympathy. Another tear slips down your cheek, splattering mascara-black on your thigh. 
“They’re idiots,” Peter says, not for the first time. His voice is weighed down by helpless distress. “They don’t know what they’re missing, sweetheart.” 
You inhale wetly. “I just don’t get how they thought I wouldn’t find out.” 
“My point exactly. They’re idiots.” 
You sniffle again, your tear ducts finally emptied, and you want to lean your head on Peter’s shoulder, but that feels too pathetic and needy right now. Come to think of it, it was probably your pathetic neediness that got you ditched tonight. 
It isn’t the first time this has happened. At least, not the first time you’ve made plans with your friends only for them to all become suddenly busy right before. It is the first time, though, that you’ve received a text meant for someone else, saying that your friend is on their way to dinner and will meet everyone else there. The natural conclusion is that this was just the first slip up; that every time you’ve gotten dressed up only to have your plans canceled, the rest of your friends are carrying out the night without you. 
Like he can feel the want, Peter stops rubbing your back to wrap his arm around your shoulders, encouraging you downwards until you’re leaning on him. He pets your hair, mindless of your makeup and snot getting on his shirt. 
“Can I say something about them that you might not like?” 
Trepidation creeps into your throat, but you nod. Peter would never say anything to make you feel worse than you do right now. 
“I’ve never thought they were very nice people,” he confesses quietly. “The way they talk about each other when some of them aren’t around, not to mention the way they talk about other people…I mean, you’re not like that.” His hand comes to rest on your shoulder, thumb stroking soothingly just above your collarbone. “I think that’s why they don’t always want to hang out with you, honey. You just don’t engage with that stuff. And I don’t mean that as a bad thing.”
You’re silent but for your quiet sniffling, unwilling to condemn your friends but not really finding fault in Peter’s assessment either. 
“They don’t deserve you,” he says softly. “I’m not just saying that because I love you, okay? I mean it. You’re nicer than them, and I think they know it. They don’t want to have to measure up.” A pause. “You hearing me, sweetheart?” 
“I’m hearing you,” you reply croakily. “Thanks, Pete.” 
He squeezes your shoulder. “Nothing to thank me for. Listen, I’m sure you’re not feeling it tonight, but if you still want to wear this outfit somewhere, I’d love to take you out tomorrow. You look so pretty, it’d be a shame if no one but me got to see you all dolled up.” 
You raise your head from his shoulder to give him a look, knowing there’s mascara tracked down your face and snot glossy under your nose. “You think? Should we go out right now?”
Peter knows what you’re about, but his smile is teeming with sweetness anyway. “Absolutely, if you wanna.” 
“You gonna show me off? Just like this?” 
“Grab your bag, sweet thing. Let’s show ‘em who runs this town.”
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planetpiastri · 2 years
do you know that I would be so honest to god grateful if you did the comparing hand size prompt w roosty? i just am already jaw dropped thinking about it
this blurb is brought to u by this lovely req + me watching fant4stic way too late at night bc i was in a miles mood. enjoy anon<33 | [wc - 1k]
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Bradley’s arm around your shoulders was heavy and comforting, and it was all you could do to keep your eyes open and focused on the television screen. You could hear the others chatting in the kitchen, and you were pretty sure that someone had turned on the grill outside. Was that bacon sizzling you smelled?
All in all, it was a pretty normal kickback at Hangman’s.
The movie you were watching wasn’t even particularly good; it was yet another low-budget Fantastic Four remake. Fanboy had turned it on, promising everyone would be amused if not at least entertained, and fifteen minutes in he and everyone else had promptly gotten up and stopped watching. The only ones left were you and Bradley, curled up together on the couch—and you’d only stayed because to get up would be to abandon extreme comfort.
“Hey, that guy kinda looks like you,” you mumbled, squinting at the screen.
Bradley snorted, and the sound reverberated through you from the place where your back was pressed to his chest. “I don’t see it.”
“Who’s hungry?” called Payback, coming in from the back porch with Fanboy following behind. They both carried big plates that confirmed that, yes, it had been bacon you’d been smelling.
Everyone immediately swarmed the two, oohing and aahing.
“Nothing excites drunk people more than bacon,” you mumbled.
“Why is that guy made of rocks?” Bradley said.
“Get me some bacon,” you said, swatting at his arm.
“Like, why wouldn’t he just get the ability to grow rocks? Or harden his skin? Why does he have to be made of rocks?”
“Bradley!” you said, laughing and jostling him. “Bradley, bacon!”
“Okay, okay. Move.”
You shifted upright long enough for him to disentangle himself from you and stand up. Then you flopped back down onto the cushions, appreciating the leftover warmth his body had left. You pulled the blanket tighter around yourself, burrowing your nose into the soft fabric and breathing in deeply. It smelled mostly like Hangman and the aftershave he swore by, but there, buried in the fibers—Bradley’s cologne.
God, you loved that smell. It smelled like home. 
“What is the deal with you two?” said Fanboy, sitting down at the end of the couch so suddenly that you yelped in alarm.
“Mickey!” you gasped, pulling your feet out from under him. “Where the hell have you been?”
“Bacon!” he replied, like that was a normal place to go during a party. “How’s the movie? Hilarious, right?”
“It’s definitely something.”
“Are you gonna answer my question?”
Your cheeks burned, and you pulled the blanket up to your nose, hoping Fanboy wouldn’t be able to pick up on your nerves. “What are you talking about?”
“You know,” he said, gesturing with a stray piece of bacon, “the deal. The carpooling, the cuddling, the sleepovers. I’ve never seen Bradley so… happy,” he said finally. He took a bite of bacon, chewing thoughtfully. “None of us have.”
You really didn’t know what to say to that. You’d never considered that there might be more to your relationship with Bradley. He was your best friend, and that was as far as you’d gotten. You’d met him fresh off a new heartbreak, and you hadn’t been eager to throw yourself towards another one. You knew him well enough to know that heartbreak was the most realistic outcome if you did get yourself involved, so you stayed away from any feelings like that, and you stayed friends. 
And you were fine with that. You were happy with that. 
So why the hell did Fanboy have to go and say something lovely like that and throw you off?
“Okay, budge up,” said Bradley, stepping back around the coffee table and waiting for you to sit up so that he could position himself behind you again. Once you’d settled back into his lap, he handed you a napkin delicately folded over three warm slices of bacon.
You weren’t really hungry anymore, but you didn’t want Bradley to think Fanboy had been saying anything weird, so you picked one up and took a dainty nibble.
“What the hell happened?” Bradley said, staring at the screen. “I was gone five seconds, how are they on a different planet?”
“Isn’t that the greatest part?” said Fanboy. “I was here for the last few minutes, and I don’t even know!”
“You’re not eating your bacon,” Bradley told you.
Embarrassed warmth flooded you. “I am!” you said defensively, taking a bite to prove it. “Thank you very much for getting it for me.”
“This movie completely wastes Michael B. Jordan,” said Fanboy to nobody in particular.
“You’re still not eating it,” said Bradley. “I thought you liked the crispier pieces.”
“I do!” you protested, but it was no use. Bradley was already pulling your napkin out of your hand and giving you his instead, with his juicier, fattier slices of bacon.
Then his hands stilled over yours and he said, “Have your hands always been this small and I just never noticed?”
You smiled in spite of yourself. “They are not small.”
“They’re tiny,” he insisted, setting both napkins of bacon down on the coffee table.
“They’re not!” you argued, holding them up to the light. “They are normal, proportional, human-sized hands!”
Bradley’s arm around your shoulders rose up, and one hand traced the inside of your wrist briefly. Goosebumps erupted down your arms, and you were thankful you’d decided to wear long sleeves. Then he pressed his palm flat to yours, turning it this way and that in the light, seemingly assessing whether your hands were as pitifully minuscule as he seemed to suspect.
“See,” you said, your voice sounding far away even to yourself. “Normal sized hands.���
“Hmm,” said Bradley. Then he shifted his palm by the slightest margin and pushed his fingers forward, lacing your hands together.
Electricity jolted through you, and you were sure he could feel your heart pounding. At the other end of the couch, Fanboy was staring at the tv so hard that he couldn’t have actually been paying attention.
“Yep,” Bradley said decisively. “The perfect size, I’d say.”
“You doofus,” you said, pleased warmth flooding your body. But you tucked his hand against your chest and curled against him, and you felt pretty happy to be watching a terrible movie on the couch of a party with this lovely man.
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rvb-canon-tuckington · 5 months
here are some "quick" rvb restoration thoughts before i go to bed that i may expand upon later, in no particular order:
this movie was ABOUT tucker but tucker is not in it. there is a tucker sized hole. we see tucker only a little bit more than we see donut, but tucker is still there the whole time!!! at the beginning, i was excited for the tucker whump, but does it count if not a single character reacts to the truly horrifying news that their friend has been controlled for a few months by eight or nine ais, at least two of which have tried to kill him and everyone you love before? like even if they had retconned red and blue teams being friends (which they didn't), you're telling me that we never get to see wash's reaction to this news? carolina's? two people who lost a different friend to this exact gruesome process of de-personing? no one ever tells carolina that tucker is in there and no one objects when tex goes to fucking decapitate him? like i get that caboose was the only person to see that tucker was actually still in there, and he can't really be trusted to communicate things clearly, but they could have even just included some sort of discussion where they decide that they think that tucker would rather be dead than be dragged along in this parody of life (and with the way the ais were torturing him, he probably would have agreed.)
speaking of caboose knowing that tucker is still in there - grif and simmons abandoning caboose rubbed me SO wrong. usually if a character is trying not to involve themselves, they'll "run away" to the nearest place to hide, not GET ON A SHIP TO FLY AWAY LEAVING CABOOSE TO DIE AT POSSESSED TUCKER'S HANDS. i get why they (the writers) did it, but that doesn't mean i have to like it lol
why weren't they FRIENDS ANYMORE
where was donut
what was that wash b-plot. what did the wash b-plot add?? what it did: make me feel weird about dr. grey's character, kill doc off screen, and make wash useless in the main plot. what it did not do: make sense. when did wash get injured post chorus? why is he hallucinating, period? why was he institutionalized? (and why is the room number the same as his prison number?) why did they spend so much time on it for it to have no real conclusion? they didn't need to have this weird "wash is hanging onto the past via doc" plot to have the carolina-wash-freelancer ghost heart-to-heart. (also i have never laughed so hard as when i saw the post pointing out that they left wyoming out bc neither my friend or i noticed lol) why wouldn't he know there was a manual way to activate the recovery beacon since he was LITERALLY recovery one? so many questions, no answers. what have you done to my boy, burnie.
the pacing was ATROCIOUS. nothing happened for the first half of the movie, a bunch of stuff happened in the second half, and none of it felt resolved.
where was donut
why was everyone separated at the beginning? why was no one worried about it? where was donut? where was carolina? why was no one worried about where tucker was? had caboose been the lone blue for the few months that tucker was gone and wash was hospitalized? genuinely, my friend and i thought that the reds and caboose had been mind wiped and dropped into their undisclosed locations without knowing why, and the plot was gonna be them all reuniting and piecing together what had happened and getting tucker back. alas.
it felt like it was the grif-simmons-caboose show, which was interesting because that's not a problem i feel like i've had before with this show. even if i saw less of a particular character than i wanted to. they usually have a pretty good balance of characters and this movie felt like they suddenly Realized how many characters they had and fumbled it.
i did actually really like the tex reveal that was BOSS i LOVED IT
i have more thoughts but this is far too long already so i'll save it for later lmao
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kkoffin · 2 months
If all of your sex characteristics were removed and you were an entirely sexless being would you still identify as the same gender? Would you still want to live and be referred to as the same gender Because if the answer is no, you might not be cis. Realizing the answer was no for me is how I realized I was cis.
Depends partially on if gendered socialization still exists - if yes, then I may choose to identify myself with the way in which I was socialized. If not, and presuming everyone else was a sexless being, there would be nothing to identify as. No difference between man and woman so I'm not sure why the categories would exist. Gender wouldn’t exist if sex didn’t exist.
If I’m the only one who’s become sexless, and I just woke up one day and suddenly my sex is gone, I’d still identify as a woman, because I was raised and socialized as a woman. If I was born like that, then it would be a scientific miracle of sorts, and I'd probably die in a week, but if I still had to choose a "gender" and pronouns, I would probably choose male, since statistically, I’d be taken more seriously in the workplace and in education. Unfortunately, in real life I cannot simply change my pronouns to he/him and expect life to be easier, because women cannot escape misogyny by changing pronouns. Further, I don't believe that identifying out of my oppression and abandoning those who cannot do the same (FGM victims, sex trade victims, rape victims etc) would be an appropriate way to go about it. The appropriate way to go about it would be to fight it so all women are taken seriously, and not seen as sex objects.
Tldr gender isn’t real in the first place - I’m a woman and I’ll be referred to using female pronouns because of my sex, and, due to my sex, the way I was raised and socialized. If none of those were true, gender wouldn’t be real or matter to me, and if I had to choose, I’d choose that which is statistically easier to live as. I like wearing dresses and having long hair but luckily for me men can also do that, so it's irrelevant. Also I used to be trans-identifying, I was transmasc, and I did indeed realize that changing my pronouns wont change the fact that men still take me for a joke, no matter how much I "passed". Futher, no matter how much I "passed", I would still always know I'm female, because, in reality, you cannot change sex. Plus, there are millions of girls who can never "pass" and escape their sex-based torment. I'd rather make a world where women can be liberated from it all.
Anyways I'm trying really hard to be nice here, and if ur honestly wanting to learn more about radical feminism then my DMs are open but ur blog seems... so... interesting... in ur... ideas... I'm just gonna let someone else comment on that bc I don't even know what to say. Women can do the same things men can. You don't need to identify as a man just to not be seen as a sex object, or to have a career. This is... so obviously misogynistic I can't even address it
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johnkahner · 11 months
So this is two different ones, just pick what you like better! :)
Option 1
So reader is hanzo and genji's sister and some how her and bi han (with kaui and Tomas) are on a mission and run into them and the who what are you doing here think. They end up meeting the others and the shimada bros are kinda emotional (Genji mor than honzo bc emo bother lol) . I think bi han and hanzo are honestly the same lol.
Option 2
Reader is hanzo just fem version and bi han and others are in trouble so they do the whole Ryuu-ga, Wa-ga-te-ki-wo, Ku-ra-u with their bow to save them and they see the dragon tattoo light up and dragons come out and they ask her what was all that and they learn that she was the eldest of her clan and had to kill her whole brother thing and lost every thing.
Haha sorry this is all over the place. Tried to explain it the best :)
AN: Sorry this took longer than expected. I wasn't sure how to write this, and I had to refresh myself on Hanzo's backstory. I decided to write for Option 2. Enjoy! Not proof read.
Notes: Female! Hanzo (Overwatch)! Reader
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While on a mission with Bi-Han and the other Lin Kuei members, you were assisting them because Lord Liu Kang asked if you would, and it turned out that you were on a mission to stop the Shimida Clan. What your allies didn’t know was that you used to be a part of that clan.
Everyone was fighting with all their might. Bi-Han noticed that the attackers seem to mainly be focused on you. That made him suspicious of your connections with them, but he decides that interrogating you during the battle would be too dangerous for his clan and you. 
Things seem to still be heated in the battle. You decided that now would be the perfect time to perform your ultimate move.
“Ryuu Ga Waga Teki Wo Kurau!”
Bi-Han and the others turn to look at you. Noticing how your dragon tattoo is now glowing, seeing you attack with your bow, and at the same time as your arrows are attacking they see these two blue dragons appear attacking on your behalf. 
When the battle is over, things seem to have cooled off, Bi-Han decides that now would be the perfect time to begin his interrogation on you. 
“What exactly was that? And why did the Shimada Clan suddenly attack us? What have you done?”
Staring at him, you sigh. Seeing Kuai Liang and Tomas are inching closer, curious as to how you’re going to answer Bi-Han’s questions. 
You tell them you actually used to be a part of the Shimada clan, and was supposed to be the next person to be their leader. However, when your father passed away things changed. The Elders of the clan wanted you to straighten out how your younger brother behaved, so that you two may help with ruling the Shimada Clan. How he refused you. The Elders forced you to commit fratricide. Being consumed with grief and abandoning your life with the Shimada Clan, your father’s legacy. How you no longer wield your blade, and decided to just rely on your bow. Last, but not least the clan began to hunt you down for your “betrayal”. 
The three Lin Kuei brothers stand there shocked at how detached you looked after telling your story. They weren’t sure how to respond. You look up at them. 
“If that is all… I wish to have some time alone…”
Then looking straight ahead not really paying attention as to what. The brothers nod and walk away to discuss what to do.
“That is a lot to take in. I can’t imagine having to kill either one of you.”
“Same here, Kuai.”
Bi-Han is just silent. Pondering how he should treat the situation now. He wasn’t expecting to hear something like that from you at all. He sighs.
“I suppose if they ever need lodging, we can let her stay at our temple.”
Kuai Liang and Tomas looked at each other wide eyed then looked at Bi-Han. 
They shake their heads 'no'. They never thought they would hear Bi-Han suggest such a thing, but they agree with what he suggested. 
After waiting some time, Bi-Han decides to let you know of his decision. You hear his footsteps approaching you from behind. Then he sits by you. After sitting in comfortable silence, he speaks up. 
“My brothers and I decided that if you ever need somewhere to stay, you may stay at the Lin Kuei temple.”
“Thank you. I’ll be sure to take you up on that offer.”
You smile at him. Who knows, maybe you may even try to join Lin Kuei if they were to let you.
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König HCs
Because why not lads. These are some of my personal ones regarding the lore I’ve put together for him. TW: untreated mental illness, childhood neglect, burn injuries, surgical trauma. Uh, some other shit, too, probably. Idfk reader beweader you’re in for a sceader.
Bro has BPD. It covers a lot of the beloved fanon interpretation of him being clingy and hot/cold and scared of being left. He’s got Fear Of Abandonment Syndrome, and he’s like 10% more likely to make a fucky wucky on himself and end up sleeping in the forever box.
Source: I have it and my baby girl only gets the best of the worst from me.
H a t e s d o c t o r s. And hospitals, and surgical procedures, and anything of the like. He’s probably already got more health issues than a blue blood racehorse just from his sheer size alone - prone to heart issues and musculoskeletal strain - but there’s no way on god’s green earth that he hasn’t been through a handful of major procedures because he’s diagnosed with human knife block and bullet sponge disorders respectively.
Sub-point A: born with a cleft palette and lip. Palette was corrected, has a turned second incisor as a result. Lip was botched. Pulled a pot of boiling sugar off a stove and burnt a big-ass portion of his face, neck, chest, and stomach. Multiple painful reconstructive and corrective surgeries to deal with keloid scarring.
Sub-point B: psychology might help OTHER people, but HE is built DIFFERENT. He’s not crazy, you see, and if you suggest otherwise you’ll suddenly develop a case of Backpfeifengesicht and he’ll provide the violence. DBT? That’s Dick and Ball Torture, babey.
Despite this, he lies through his teeth at psych evals. He knows the “right” answers, and he is not going to get his livelihood taken away from him, even if it’s not exactly what he wanted. If he’s answering for his own actions, he can swerve and intuit what thing will calm things down the most and get him the smallest punishment.
Developed most of his wheedling skills as a kid, parents were neglectful as shit. Mostly disregarded him during his upbringing. Youngest of three, an eldest sister and a brother. Not in contact with any of them.
He’s 34. I don’t know if I’ve accepted him being a Colonel into my heart as my lord and savior, I’m still figuring that one out until there’s more concrete canon material besides a loading screen.
Grew up in a hoarder house of apathy, alcoholism, and depression and it was DISGUSTING. Black mold, water damage, trash everywhere, travel lanes carved through the most useless fucking junk. His parents bred Doberman dogs to sell as guard/security dogs, and some lived in the house, adding to the filth and destruction. He can’t stand a dirty house, and as an adult has an insane cleaning routine. Often stress cleans. You could eat off his bathroom floors.
He Does Not Like Dogs. Period. He especially hates Dobermans. He doesn’t like dog breeders worth a fuck either, good or bad.
Did not have any sort of media or anything as a kid. Parents didn’t spend money on tech or pop culture stuff, they were kind of stuck 30 years behind everyone else. His parents were older when he was born, he was very unplanned and not particularly warmly welcomed. Kept himself entertained out in the boonies, did a lot of reading, learned to juggle, learned to juggle knives. Had a big brokedown half-draft horse to take the kennel dogs on longer walks in the country, horsebacked a lot.
Soon as he was in the army, away from his family home, and living on his own, he got his first cell phone and computer and pretty much started living on the internet. He’s self taught in a couple of programming languages, very tech literate, halfway kind of lives on Reddit (narrowly swerved getting redpilled, thank fuck) on his personal time, and built his own PC set up. Built one for Horangi, too, and gives Stiletto advice on her own build when she asks for it.
Bc I said so, everyone I love hates Klaus. All my homies fuckin hate Klaus.
König was raised secular Jewish, really doesn’t know all that much about it and didn’t get a bris or bar mitzvah, it’s just like Yeah That’s What I Put On Papers to him. Klaus is always getting in his shit about Austria and WW2. König’s grandparents made it out of the camps and went on to become: a microbiologist, a professor at the Austrian University of Veterinary Medicine, a multi term mayor of a small village/candy maker, and a beloved homemaker. The brilliance of the family seemed to leech out with each passing generation, and König sees himself as the dead end of it all.
König has rocked Klaus’s shit about the shitty jokes before and will do it again.
Favorite rugby club is South Africa, and he has an intense crush on Faf de Klerk even though he’s been traded to Japan. He’s kind of hot for all scrum halves tho lbr here.
Lunch break is over and this is ridiculous, will probably do more later.
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valeriele3 · 2 years
While reading some Yan! TWST and listening to Enstars I had a thought/idea..
(I know my “ideas” are prolly definitely not original sooo if y’all find something like the ones I’ve been posting about please tell me..! 😭 My ideas are in my Masterlist so please tell me if you find one like it)
What if we ourselves found or (somehow) created a mirror that will lead us back “home”?
Yan! TWST and (implied) Yan! Enstars x Forgetful!Reader
Warnings: Absolutely cringe. I don’t have the energy to try and make it “better” and my head & eyes hurt
Now just imagine a Reader who easily forgets even the simplest things(basically how I am irl..) and while they were like with the characters they suddenly remembered what they were planning on doing
They wanted to tell Crowley they didn’t need his help anymore with the portal/mirror to their home bc they found/created one but unfortunately forgot where his office is. So, they decided to ask the characters where it is
The conversations, bickering, and arguing immediately stops. They turn to the reader and say “What?” Reader repeats their question and how they found/created a mirror back to their home
They all panic and some ask them “Are you leaving?! Why are you leaving?!!”
Reader replies with “Huh? No, I’m not leaving” the characters are relieved and releases the breath they didn’t know they were holding “but” everyone freezes
“But what..?” Some gulp, some are nervous, some are planning an abduction..
“I will leave temporarily..Don’t worry! It’s just a short trip back home. I’ll just pack my laptop, cellphone, and some favorite clothes!”
“Are you sure? That’s all?”
“Mhm! Oh..! You guys can join me if you want 😊”
“Of course.”
“WAIT!— Uhm..Never mind..”
“Hm? Why? Do you not want us in your home?” (The characters that were hoping to maybe steal a few of your things are now sad..)
“Oh no no..It’s not that! I really don’t mind you guys in my house but..If I bring you guys along they might notice I’m back”
“Yup! My coworkers”
“What’s wrong with them finding out? Do I need to kill them?”
“Uhh..Let’s just say they’re..A bit obsessed..If possible I’d want to just get my things and leave without a word”
“I see..” ‘Looks like I need to kill someone..’
“Sooo..I guess that’s my plan! [Insert Dramatic Loud Gasp] MIKA oh shit..I need to at least say goodbye to him..Oh poor Mika, he most likely spent days and weeks crying nonstop..” Reader Frowns
“Who the heck is Mika??” The characters have a dark look in their eyes that looks like they’re ready to kill
“A friend. *sigh* I need to give him a proper explanation or else he might think I abandoned him..Hell, he probably already thinks that..Wait a minute— Abandoned..?” [Insert another loud dramatic gasp]
“What now..”
“Who? Wait, did you just say ‘love’?” They smile creepily sweetly with veins on their foreheads ready to pop any second
Before they can question them further Reader already left sprinting towards their dorm in a hurry, all previous plans long forgotten
~The End?~
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kodydrs · 10 months
you want some - porco galliard
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a/n: I LIVE!! ok. Attack on titan has my heart, and I literally wrote this when I was about 14 and saw Galliard in the manga, but this is the like, new and improved version. in this, all the scouts are spiders, and idk why. but i head-canon that eren would have spitting spider like abilities, and levi would be a camel spider bc they’re known the cut through their prey. i hope everyone has a nice day and why not reply / reblog, or send in an ask or request.
warnings: venom!porco x spider!reader, porco x fem!reader, reader has invisibility powers, and her mask consists of his pupils disappearing, spiderinamn au, kirstein!reader, have a nice day, not proofread. I am drunk and high when i write this
request: yes / no
ib: none
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‘You find anything?’ Jean asked, dangling from his web. You swung between the buildings, sticking to one to reply.
‘Nothing useful. There’s just a bunch of old debris from that attack years ago. Still no life or anything.’ You could hear your brother grumble, the noise muffled by his mask, but the annoyance still filtering through.
‘I could’ve sworn this was the way Zeke went. Damnit.’ You stood in silence as he argued with himself.
‘Oi. There’s no point getting worked up. Just keep searching. I’ll go check Liberio , then meet you back here in 30 minutes.’
‘Yeah whatever.’ You rolled your eyes. If Jean was good at anything, it was complaining. He watched as you slowly blended into the environment, making the most of your chameleon-like ability.
‘You need to stop acting like such a baby.’
‘Like you can talk.’ When there was no reply, Jean realised you’d already taken your leave. ‘Stupid.’
‘Have you seen anything?’ Armin asked through a small earpiece.
‘Not yet. But I doubt anything is here. It looks so deserted.’
‘Sounds just like your territory.’ Jean teased from his own position. ‘Do a ground search. There’s only so much we can see from the air.’
Usually you’d ignore his ideas, but this one wasn’t bad. Detaching your web, you lowered yourself to the ground, careful not to get caught in the torn up main street. You were right in your assumption. The place was completely deserted, mind a few pests here and there. The only noise was the soft buzz of a store light.
‘Hey Armin. What’s this place’s yearly power use?’ There was a loud crackling noise from the earpiece, followed by silence. ‘Armin? Jean? Either of you there.’ Again, nothing but crackling. ‘Shit. I lost reception.’
You did a scan of the remains of buildings lining the main street, and shot a web towards an only stone one.
Most of the buildings were in a rough state, very few having windows, and even fewer having all 4 walls intact. One thing that did stick out though was that random buildings had lights on, illuminating the street.
‘Why would there be lights on in an abandoned city?’ You thought. Your thoughts were interrupted by a high frequency from the mic.
‘Y/n!’ Armin suddenly shouted.
‘Hey! Why’d you have to shou-‘
‘You need to get out of there right now! Something big is-‘
The mic cut out before he could finish.
‘Hello. Armin. Come in. Something big is what?’ With no reply, you lifted yourself to the top of a building, trying to reconnect. ‘Armin? Hello?!’ With no reply, which meant no signal, you were practically alone. Well, you thought.
The dumpster thrown at you gave him away.
Narrowly dodging the flying rubbish container, you looked in its direction. Nothing. Only the empty alleyway.
‘I know you’re there!’ You shout, hiding in your surroundings. ‘Otherwise, I wasn’t aware Shiga had flying objects.’ When there was no reply, you frowned. Crawling to the edge of the building, you looked down, finding nothing. ‘Damnit.’
As you go to stand, your earpiece crackles once more. ‘-ehind yo-‘ Armin howled before you’re suddenly pushed into the concrete.
‘Shit.’ You think, trying your best to get up, only to have your arms pinned down by a gooey black substance.
‘Don’t even try.’ A raspy voice above you whispers. ‘Nothing gets out of this. Not even spiders.’ You felt a hand grip your head, turning it to look up, and you came face to face with 2 large white eyes, surrounded by the same stuff as what had you trapped.
‘What are you?’ You stammer, trying to keep your confidence. It laughs. An evil laugh.
‘We are Venom.’
‘We? Th-There’s more of you.’
‘Relax.’ This time, the voice is different. Instead of deep and raspy, the creature had a softer voice, with a more comfortable tone. ‘There’s only 2 of us. And I'm a human, just like you.’
You watched as the goo melted away, revealing the face of a man. A man with a strong jaw, but soft eyes. An undeniable attractive face, but you couldn’t say that, even if you wanted to. This guy had been decided as a villain the minute you were attacked. You watched as he stepped out of ‘Venom’, coming closer to you. As well as an attractive face, he was also quite tall. Or, taller than you at least.
‘So, what’s a pretty lady like yourself doing in my home?’ He asked. You still frowning, moving to attack him, but being restrained by Venom. ‘Come on. It’s an easy question. You can’t have wanted anything valuable. There’s nothing here.’
‘Who are you?’ If you couldn’t escape, you’d get as much info as you could before someone else arrived.
‘Who am I? Well, I’m glad you asked. Porco Galliard. And you’ve met Venom.’
‘Unwillingly, but… yes.’ Venom didn’t seem to talk your comment so nicely, pulling your arms in opposite directions. It felt like the symbiote was trying to tear you in half. ‘Ah shit.’
‘Hey. Venom. Quit it.’ Porco said, turning to him.
‘Oh please. Let me tear the spider apart. What’s the point in having her around? Her friends will be here soon.’
‘I’m aware of that, but it doesn’t matter. God. You have terrible people skills.’ If Venom had pupils, you guessed he probably would’ve rolled them. ‘In fact, let her go. What kind of person holds a guest down like that?’ You sighed when the squeeze on your body subsided, and you were able to stand. For a second, you thought about going camo again, but if they’d caught you the first time, what was stopping them from catching you again.
‘Don’t try.’ Porco interrupted your train of thought.
‘You’ve seen him now. He’ll find you.’
You stare at the symbiote for a moment, then move to the blonde's eyes. You felt sympathetic for them both. They were stuck in this shitty city. You were only a visitor. Or, a hostage depending on how you looked at it.
‘So what am I meant to do? Wait here for the rest of my life?’ You ask, tightening the grip on your fists.
‘Well that’s an option-‘
‘No, its not!’ Venom cut in. ‘She’s seen me. I get to eat her now. That was the deal.’
‘No. That’s with bad guys. She isn’t a bad guy.’
‘She’s a spider!’
As the 2 argued, Jean’s voice finally reached a signal.
‘2 minutes. I’m nearly in Liberio now.’
‘Please hurry.’ You whisper.
Looking back at the 2 in front of you, you find 4 narrowed eyes.
‘Oh come on. Look, you’ve scared her now. This is why you need better social skills.’
Opting to not come between the 2 bickering, you shot a web at the next closest building, dragging yourself back. You heard a faint ‘hey’ followed by the sound of walls being grasped, but you don’t look back to see what it is exactly. You had a pretty sure idea, and looking back would slow you down. For now, all you had to focus on was getting out of Liberio. And seeing your brother in the distance was your first sign of luck.
‘I’m perfectly fine, Hange.’ You informed, phone being held to your ear by your shoulder. ‘I wouldn’t even count it as an attack. The guys just wanted to talk.’
Hange Zoe is the Captain of the current Spider-People. It wouldn’t exactly be called an organisation, but they’d found that recent, there was more Spiders than ever. Why exactly, they didn’t know. But regardless, Hange wanted to make sure there was a place for them.
‘Even if you think you’re perfectly fine, you may not be. Come around so we can get someone to check. I don’t care who, as long as it isn’t you or Jean. Preferably, I’d like Armin to check.’
‘I’m not getting anybody to check.’ You argued, storming around your kitchen. ‘If I was dying right now, then I’d be… well… dying.’
You could hear Hange sigh on the other end of the call.
‘Spider’s aren’t invincible, my dear. You of all people should know that-‘
‘And I do! I just…’ Now it was your turn to sigh, dropping your mug and holding your phone properly. ‘I’m fine, Hange. I’ll get Armin to check over me tomorrow. I’m just tired is all.’
The line went silent, the only indication they hadn’t hung up being that the call was still active.
‘First thing tomorrow, get Armin to do a check over. Get some sleep. We’ll take tomorrow.’
They hung up and you stared at the screen for a moment.
All spiders had a canon event of some sort. You could barely call yours recent, and it happened to a lot of spiders at the same time, but a large-scale earthquake in your home town 8 years ago, and watching a 50 metre building come down on your parents did the trick. Did the trick for you and your brother.
You wipe your hands over your face and groan. It’d been a long day.
The pizza that’s been sitting in your fridge for almost a week was practically screaming at you the minute you opened the door. You chucked it on the counter and thought about heating it up for about a second, deciding cold pizza is superior.
‘So you have (eye/colour) eyes?’
You’re blending into the wall and shooting webs before you actually see who the person is.
‘How on earth did you-‘
‘We followed you.’ Venom admits, coming awfully close to your face. ‘We figured it’d be easier to eat you when you’re alone.’
‘He figured that.’ Porco adds. ‘But yes. We followed you.’
You’re clinging to a cupboard door, looking around for ways to get to your apartment door when your phone starts ringing.
‘Shit. Jean.’ You mentally curse.
‘Venom. Back up. Let her answer it.’
You stare at Porco, slowly revealing yourself, and he laughs at the way you’re gripping the cupboard. But he nods towards the phone, mouthing a “pick it up”.
With shaking hands, you take your phone and bring it to your ear.
‘Hey.’ You say.
‘Hey. Hange just texted saying you refused to do a check up. Are you all goods?’
‘Y-yeah. I’m fine. Just tired and a little shaken after today.’ As you’re speaking, you don’t take your eyes off the blonde standing in your apartment, seeing him smirk but obviously listen to your call.
‘Do you want me to come around?’ Porco’s grin melts away instantly, and he shakes his head. The decision was really up to you.
You could’ve said yes. You could’ve gotten your brother to come to your apartment, and both Porco & Venom may have left straight away, but something in you does the opposite.
‘No. But thank you. I’m probably going to have dinner then go to sleep. I’m going to see Armin tomorrow for a check up anyway.’
‘You sure? Ok then. Make sure to look after yourself, Y/n. Call me if you need anything.’
‘Yep. Tell Marco I say hi.’ You ended the call, and watched Porco’s look of surprise as you climbed down from the shelves. ‘You happy?’
Neither he nor Venom speak, and you think for a moment that you’re imagining them there. Until you shoot a web at him to make sure and it sticks to his face, sending him into a fit of trying to get it off.
‘Ok, you are actually here.’
‘Of course, I’m actually here.’ He whines, shaking the webs off him. If he hadn’t broken into your apartment. you might’ve laughed at him, but the circumstances were different. With a bit of your fear dispersing after his reaction, you go back to your pizza, taking a slice of it.
‘You want some?’ You ask, mouth half full. Venom frantically nods, and you smile a little bit. ‘Pizza fan?’
‘He’s a fan of anything with meat on it.’ Porco informs, getting the last of the web away. ‘Just throw it and he’ll grab it.’
You do as told and watch as Venom contorts to catch the food. Your smile stays, and you offer Galliard a piece, but he declines.
‘So why did you follow me?’ You ask casually.
Porco seems to freeze, trying to think of an excuse but Venom chimes in.
‘He thought you were hot. And he never gets any girls in Liberio.’
‘That’s only because there’s no one in Liberio!’
You’re slightly taken back by the confession, but you burst into a fit of laughs. ‘Hey. What’s so funny?’
‘You followed me this far just because of that?’
‘W-Well, like I said, we never get any girls in Liberio, so I think it’s justified.’
You nearly took yourself out laughing so hard. Tears were in your eyes as you fell onto your kitchen floor, clutching your stomach for life. Porco just glared down at you, a dark red tint on his face.
‘I could kill you right now and you’re laughing at me!’
‘I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It’s just too funny.’ You apologise, attempting to stand but falling into another fit of laughter.
Venom grinned at Porco, and Porco just flipped him off.
When you calmed down, you breathed deeply, too exhausted to stand up.
‘Jokes aside, that is really sweet, I guess.’ You pat the spot next to you, and Porco hesitates but takes it. ‘If you hadn’t tried to kill me, that is.’
‘I wouldn’t call it trying to kill you.’ He reasons. ‘More like-‘
‘A shit attempt at flirting.’
‘Will you fuck off?!’
Venom melts into the blond’s back, and it disgusts you at first, but then realise that it could be worse.
A blanket of silence covers the kitchen, you both just staring into space when there’s a knock at your door.
‘Shit.’ You curse, jumping to your feet to answer. ‘Armin?’
‘Y-Yeah. Jean told me you needed a check-in after that thing attacked you.’
‘Yeah, but I was gonna do it tomorrow…’ You only realise then that that thing was sitting in your kitchen. ‘If that’s alright.’
‘It’s probably better to do now, if you don’t mind. I promise it’ll be quick. I just need to do a blood test, then check for any visible wounds or bruises.’
‘Uh. Yep.’ The ‘p’ is stretched out as you open the door, allowing your friend to come in. The minute he’s in, you basically sprint around to check your kitchen. It’s empty.
‘Everything ok, Y/n? You seem on edge.’ Armin asks, sitting up a blood bag.
‘Yeah. Yep. Just fine.’ You answer, rubbing your face again. ‘Do you want some pizza?’
‘As you all know, the festival goes from the main street to the subway. Your job today is to stay on the lookout for anything dodgy, or anything that could harm the mayor and her wife.’ Levi told, looking over the spiders standing in front of him. ‘You are not to engage unless you are certain they are in danger. If you are certain, then you are to report immediately, and keep casualties to a minimum. Understood?’
‘Yes, sir.’
The festival was to celebrate 10 years since the earthquake, and to commemorate those that didn’t make it. The mayor, Historia Reiss, and her wife, Ymir Reiss would give a speech, showing respect for each victim, before travelling around the city to orphanages were children whose parents died were welcomed. Unknown to the public, Ymir Reiss was in fact a Spider, which meant that on days such as the festival, it wasn’t hard for the couple to get that extra bit of protection..
‘How are we meant to know if something is the right level of dodgy?’ Connie asked over the comms-device. ‘I mean, some of us might think that people surrounding the place in pairs is dodgy. We probably look like a damn cult.’
‘Just anything out of the ordinary, I guess.’ Jean replied. ‘Although, a bald guy and a chick stuffing her face is pretty peculiar.’
You all heard Connie send a string of curses are your brother, but you just laughed under your breath.
The event was generally pretty safe. Everyone lost someone, some more than others, so everyone was more of less on the same page about the festival.
‘How did you 2 get stuck together?’ Eren asked, looking at the duo through the crowd. ‘And how come I got stuck with Horseface? Why am I even a pair?’
‘Just focus on the mission, please.’ With Levi’s command, the comms fell quiet.
The day was nearly over, and so far nothing bad had happened. The odd protester here and there, but police were able to deal with them without you needing to step in.
‘All good on my end.’ You checked in. Everyone else replied in the same state. ‘Pretty good year if you ask me.’
‘Nah. Some drunk asked how one of Santa’s elves escaped’ Connie screamed. ‘And then he had the audacity to start singing carols to try lure me in.’
‘Suck it up, Connie.’ You could practically hear Connie fighting the urge to reply, but fighting the Captain seemed to weigh out that option.
‘Hey guys. I got something down the end of the main street.’ Armin reported. ‘I think it’s dormant for now, but I might need someone down there soon.’
‘I’ve got it.’ You replied, slowly pushing your way through the crowd. ‘Can you tell me what it is exactly?’
‘It’s like a black goo.’
You stopped in your tracks, frowning.
‘Come again?’
‘A black goo?’
‘I’ve got a visual.’ Eren added. ‘Definitely ain’t dormant.’
‘Do you need back up?’
‘I might in a minute.’ Without further discussion, Eren decided this was dodgy enough to engage, throwing his mask on and swinging into action.
The minute he moved, the symbiote threw himself off the building, shattering the windows as he propelled towards the spider. Eren grunted when he came into contact, goo covering his arms and immobilising him.
‘Shit.’ He cursed, doing his best to try escape.
‘Surely I can eat this one.’ Venom hissed, inching his face closer towards Eren. ‘There’s plenty of spiders around.’
‘Fuck off.’ The brunette cursed. He tried to shoot a web, only for it to be absorbed into Venom’s body.
‘Come on. I can get it over and done with quickly.’ Venom’s mouth was surrounding his head when it suddenly began choking, grabbing at its neck. Eren took the opportunity, spitting acid into the goo. This time, it melted away and he was able to pull a hand free. Free enough that he was able to latch onto another building and pull himself out of the symbiote.
‘Thanks, Y/n.’ You stayed clinging to Venom, arms wrapped around where she knew Galliard was inside of him.
‘H-Hey. Time out.’ The blonde shouted, voice muffled. You loosened your grip, still holding them both.
‘Get the fuck out of here before we kill you.’ You whispered. Venom grunted, but you suspected it may have been Porco instead. As you went to pull your arms away, the organism wrapped around your arms, pulling you into it.
‘I’m gonna need backup.’ You said over your air piece before Venom ripped it out of your ear.
‘You can eat this one, Venom.’ Porco smirked. You winced, feeling the symbiote’s teeth curl around your arm. Just as you thought it was about to bite your arms off, a blinding light cut through his body, eliciting a deafen screech from Venom.
‘You brat.’ Levi degraded as he swung past, cutting through Venom again. You felt as it pulled you away, keeping a hold until it dropped into an empty street.
Venom unravelled, leaving Galliard standing there.
‘Long time, no see-‘
‘Get out of here.’ You hiss, urging him away. ‘If Levi catches you, you’re dead.’
Whether he believed you or not, he sprinted off, disappearing as the other spiders came down the street.
‘Where did it go?’ Jean asked, obviously ready to kill the thing that attack his sister.
‘I’m not sure, sorry.’ You say, hands on hips and out of breath. ‘It dropped me and disappeared. I didn’t see where.’
‘I’ll go find-‘
‘Leave it for now.’ Hange decided. ‘It seemed to have no intention of harming anyone other than us. And we have no idea what it is, so until then, we keep on looking out for it. Return to post until Historia and Ymir are done, then return to base.’
‘Yes, Captain.’
Your apartment was quiet when you got home. Lights were off apart from the one in the kitchen.
‘Please say you chucked the pizza- what are you doing?’ You said, acknowledging the blonde sitting on your kitchen floor.
‘I’m having withdrawals.’ He whined. taking another swig of his can. You just laughed.
‘Too fucking close today.’
‘It wasn’t even. You were perfectly fine, and it wasn’t like he was actually going to bite your arm off.’
‘I thought about it.’ Venom said.
‘Yeah well. Get the fuck out of my body.’ You replied, walking over to the other imposter. Porco took your hand and (with great discomfort), Venom transferred back to his normal host's body.
‘That’s better.’ Porco sang, suddenly brought to life. You shook your head with a smile, opening the oven to see he had in fact chucked the pizza in to heat it up.
‘Are you staying the night?’
‘Well, it’s probably easier than trying to get back to Liberio right now.’ Porco stood up, wrapping his arms around your waist gently and resting his head on your shoulders. ‘The lights finally gave out.’
‘They’ve shut it down?’
‘So where are you going to stay now?’ You place your hands over his, stroking the back of his palm. The man sighed, breathing hot air against your neck.
‘No clue. I’m sure there’ll be somewhere in Liberio that still has power.’
There was a moment of silence between you two, and you leaned back against his shoulder. No one lived in Liberio but them. You knew because you’d been lying to Hange about it in order to keep that small amount of power going there. But they must’ve done a scan themselves and seen no one.
‘You could move in with me?’ The suggestion seemed like some wild thing. Something that hadn’t even crossed Porco’s mind. ‘Then you wouldn’t have to put in as much effort to get stuff, or to come see me.’
The arms around your waist tightened, and you felt a smile press to your lips.
‘We wouldn’t annoy you?’
‘Porco. We’ve been together for 2 years. If you annoyed me enough, you would’ve already.’ You spun in his arms to face him, hands finding his jaw. ‘And Venom can sleep in a dog box.’
‘I am not sleeping in a box!’ The symbiote shouted, enraged by the idea. ‘Let me actually bite her arm off!’
You laughed, pressing a chaste kiss to your partner's lips before reaching for the pizza.
‘Venom. You want some?’
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soosthesoul · 2 years
choiver fic idea where they're training and alberu's feeling a little more demotivated than usual because will he ever get stronger? what if he's just wasting time here? what if he was meant for the administration and not for the battlefield?
but he doesn't allow himself to get down like that because he wouldn't have survived a Day in his family if he did. it's just... being around choi han makes him feel oddly vulnerable
"hey, instructor-nim, let's set rewards for when we win this time."
choi han would normally argue, saying there's no reward he could possibly need, nor think of, but seeing how desperate alberu is, he thinks he can at least try and think of something. and so he changes his perspective. instead of asking for something he would want to receive, why not for something alberu wouldn't want to give?
"call me hyung, then."
alberu's absolutely shellshocked to his core because huh?? but alright, no negotiating conditions, that was a rule. but... did choi han liked being called hyung? (alberu heavily misinterprets)
admittedly, it's a little harder than he'd originally expected, calling someone so informally yet respectfully. being the first born, he's never been anyone's dongsaeng, but he supposes choi han has lived much longer in roan than he has, as opposed to cale who was still Most Definitely 5 years younger than him in this world.
and so he abandons his petty pride and takes a deep breath. "one more round, ...hyung."
choi han and alberu just stand there staring at each other for a few minutes because ok choi han didn't know what he was expecting but it certainly wasn't to feel some sort of way. and alberu's stood there feeling like nothing more than a pouty sulking child and now he's not just vulnerable but he FEELS it too!!!
cue this little battle going on between them and choi han feeling naturally inclined to spoiling his crown prince more like the good hyung he is and alberu being more inclined to calling choi han hyung bc choi han actually looks happy whenever he does? and alberu has never found out what action exactly made his instructor happy besides spending time with each other.
and also... it feels nice... being spoiled for once- no, for the first time, as far as he can remember- to allow himself to be selfish and irrational, needy, sulking, choi han is learning so much about alberu it's dangerous, but alberu doesn't find it in himself to care.
ofc it all changes in drasticity when choi han Forgets to respond to anything besides hyung and so when alberu's calling him in front of their friends and choi han doesn't realise it, alberu goes through 21 stages of mortification after he realises he's said hyung out of reflex to catch choi han's attention and it's in that usual whiny pleading voice of his.
and the way choi han responds with the most attentive and affectionate gaze, everyone is just stood there suddenly feeling All Too Much like third wheels and alberu feels like his face is caught on fire.
choi han picks up on this, obviously, because damn the chois and their impeccable sense of detection!! and he cups alberu's cheeks before measuring his temperature with his own forehead, with the little actions he's gotten used to, being more touchy to make alberu feel more spoiled, and he pulls away in shock.
"your highness, you have a fev-"
"i don't - i don't have a fever."
"your temperature is burning!"
needless to say, alberu Realises things™, and cale can already feel his few short days of peace getting disrupted by his panicked hyung-nim asking him for help.
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a-casual-egg · 8 months
Miscellaneous villain team au facts and stuff (mainly about Evil Dob/Ed)
- Lady Liliana chose to resurrect Evil Dob/Ed not only for Dob having to face an evil version of himself again but also because he almost killed one of the oxventurers (Egbert) and Prudence would hate seeing someone that rejected her.
- The resurrection was like the creation of Frankenstein except Liliana did not shout "It's alive!" and cackle. Instead, Ed quickly sat up and breathed heavily as if he just woke from a bad nightmare and she just said smth like "Ah, good.". Then she walked off.
- Ed is mad that she isn't in awe of him and thinking he's the coolest guy ever. He just came back to life, how can you not be incredibly impressed?!
- It took a while for Katie and Ed to be on good terms. Katie spent a while trying her best to avoid him bc of the fact he's a clone of Dob.
- Eventually, they're as thick as thieves, and Katie confides in him.
- Katie tells Ed that she has a crush on Lady Liliana and internally he thinks, "You have awful taste." but he doesn't say it.
- Katie and the Clonebert(s) all think Lady Liliana is the coolest but Ed does not see it. He's the only one seeing clearly because he doesn't have on the crush on the lady or is a group of Egbert clones that have only known her teachings.
- Ed practically hates her and Liliana knows. She also knows that he wouldn't abandon or turn on her because he doesn't want to lose Katie or the Clonebert. She uses that knowledge to her advantage.
- When the oxventurers learn that Ed hates Lady Liliana, they attempt to use that to their advantage and get him on their side. They, but mainly Dob, try to recruit him occasionally. It doesn't work because he's loyal to his friends and despises the guild.
- Katie hurts whenever she hears a lute play. She just needs to hear a single note, and suddenly, she feels pain like someone is pulling at her heart.
- Katie has a bit of an aversion to music as a whole bc of Dob but she finds herself being fond of the piano.
- The Cloneberts all snuggle in a big pile when they sleep.
- The Clonebert is very physically affectionate with his siblings and will offer Katie a hug whenever he's worried about her. It took a few times before Katie let herself accept the hugs. They're the best hugs she's ever had.
- Katie has painted everyone on the team's nails at least once. She does Ed's when they have sleepovers. He likes them black. She painted the Clonebert's after he said he likes her nail polish. She usually paints the Clonebert's nail with a nail polish that has glitter in it bc he likes the shiny and how it reflects in the light. She's only painted Liliana's once but it was when Lady Liliana asked when and why everyone else on the team had painted nails. When Katie told her she did it, Liliana smiled and said Katie should do hers so everyone on the team had painted nails. The nail polish was purple.
- Ed loves to bite, both in fighting context and in affection context.
- The Clonebert does want to meet Egbert. He wants to meet the man he's cloned after, even if he's an enemy. His loves his siblings and how caring they are for each other, but he wants his dad.
- Lady Liliana knows a lot about astrology and reads her, Katie, and Ed's horoscopes. She considers reading the Cloneberts horoscopes a waste of time.
- The Cloneberts are like giant guard dogs and will follow the people they like around like dogs.
- Ed has a bunch of nicknames for everyone on the team. Katie is the only other person that actually seems fond of the nicknames.
- Katie and Ed both really want tattoos. Lady Liliana considers them a waste of time.
- The Clonebert is very weak to cats and will lay on the ground with them while talking to them.
- Cats could rub up against Clonebert and purr and he will already be crying. Ed and Lady Liliana would look at him like he's weird if they ever saw it.
- Katie will act like a cat and also adores cats. She just isn't weak to them.
- Katie and the Clonebert sometimes talk about cats together and how they find them so adorable.
- Katie stims by playing with her hair, flapping her hands, and rocking. Oftentimes, she will try to be discreet about it, but when she's comfortable with people, she doesn't try and hide it.
- The Clonebert stims by wagging his tail, blowing out smoke from his snout, and rumbling like an alligator. He feels most comfortable stimming around his siblings and Katie.
- Ed stims by biting, punching/hitting things (not important stuff), and kicking. He considers his stims cool and makes it everyone else's problem. He has a reputation to uphold as a cool punk dude, and his stims don't interfere with that, so why try and hide them?
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hearts401 · 9 months
do you have any ideas in mind for how swap!evans scrap baby design would look, assuming its different from regular scrap baby? (since yk, its implied(?) they rebuilt themself after getting kicked out of ennard)
oh and how did/do evan and circus baby interact/feel about each other?
But i thought id answer anyways, ill rb with a doodle if i can manage one (maybe in my animation class?)
first of all, he'd not be half as smashed up as liz was. he wanted to be cute and whatever, and his goal is. not killing ppl lmao.
so he goes back and gets a discarded unused circus baby faceplate from the bunker. its old and the faceplates dont move well at all (rusty and stuck together, mostly) but its not horrible. its also cracked a bit but. what can you do?
instead of wires and whatever i think hed want something softer to use for hair so i gave him some sort of fucked up string. its thick and fluffy but falling appart :( poor dude he also got other discarded animatronic concepts that william and henry kept in case they wanted to use them elsewhere. evan still has the claw on one hand but the other is an unnecessarily large paw (he cant exactly remember why at this point, but he loves bears so the paw caught his eye)
his outfit is just cloathes he found in the garbage and therefore doesnt fit well. and his torso is just the usual circus baby torso if not a bit fucked up by all the time itd been left in the bunker. its also cracked and rusty similar to his mask
his feet r just whatever he could find, but those wont even be seen a lot bc hes in the vents so who cares
the big paw is also one of the same as what molten freddy dug up to replace the rubber hose esque hands ennard had (not REALLY rubber hose but meant to look the part yk?)
as for evs relationship w cbby, its complicated. he initially wants nothing to do with the animatronic or possessing it, but when he sees liz he suddenly wants to seize control (hence bouncing between circus baby and evan)
at that time, there was still a pretty clear line between evan and cbby, bc of how hed avoided her n shit in a way bc he cant. he cant leave her lmao but he just didnt try to BE her. still while SL takes place the line does blur between him and cbby.
post scoop he finds mike and tells him about elizabeth and for a while michael keeps him seperate from the other animatronics bc yk, having someone he KNEW was his sibling and who KNEW his identity helped him and michael is the most conscious of everyone. and so he once again was aware of who he was but when michael and the funtimes both dumped him they reallty merged and it became unclear who was who (which lead to his memories getting fucked wehn he was rebuilding himself) and just overall hes weird and Not Evan Anymore. especially because evan being rejected by michael compared to circus baby being abandoned by william and the funtimes and that pain of being thrown to the curb causing anger in both that ended with them having such similar ideas and feelings that they might as well be the same entity
as far as interactions go, they really didnt interact much for a VERY long time and when they did it was quick and uncomfortable. but when evan tried to wrestle control back its started a weird silent relationshi
Circus baby did not want to get rid of him, she didnt entirely know what he was ("I still hear her sometimes" yk?) other than shed killed him and sometimes shed say things she didnt think.
evan didnt like how everything was going with elizabeth, so he wanted to subtly steer her elsewhere. however, between his own bitterness at her leaving him alone and inadvertently causing his death, and circus baby and him becoming one, he eventually began leading her to the scooper.
and evan is a lot more convincing than circus baby was.
its not until he's set free that evan is actually evan again
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