#no hugs no light banter it was really weird
zinniapetals · 4 months
it’s so weird when a post is explicitly chengxian and then people add lwj into the mix.
I blame CQL and the animation for not sticking to the relationship between wwx/jc faithfully and creating that whole extra subplot of jc/wq in cql bc truly, in the novel when it focuses on wwx/jc friendship, it’s silly teens that are just so intimate and knowledgeable about one another while being blurred with the strange history of their parents and the inherent competitiveness they both have and it’s way more than what could be viewed as just romantic ship or whatever
The conviction wwx has that jc will return with help when trapped in the cave, jc believing in wwx’s words that they are twin prides, jc having faith in wwx finding a core solution, wwx seeing jc’s scars and promising to get rid of them — it’s the little things in their interactions as people who grew up and trust and love each other to the point of giving up their lives for each other!!
it’s frustrating to see a good chengxian post and it being reblogged or commented with other characters that a) were never mentioned in the post b) removes chengxian and makes it some other ship
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jeoncopi · 1 month
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are you ready to witness what's like to have a very yearning, domestically soft, vulnerable, silly yet playful and hot military boyfriend?
welcome to military jungkook's episodes!
—this entire series are based during jungkook's current state. as I'll be writing with each irl update. so this series might last until jungkook's finally free (Imao).
IMPORTANT: each episode won't be necessarily correlated to one another but some episodes could have light references to previous actions, feelings or situations.
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pair: jungkook x reader
word count: 1.1k
what’s in here?: cutely and reassuring banter.
[more espisodes]
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EPISODE 1. “piercings? OUT!”
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It’s early in the morning, you both haven’t eat.
Jungkook wakes up first, just like he has been doing it for a couple of days as he said that everything is for him to be able to accustom and get ready for his future new morning routine.
he’s been already so dedicated, using eunwoo’s gifted military watch too. — he didn’t liked thinking too much about going there but somehow, he had to if he wanted to mentally prepare. mostly when he really, really didn’t wanted to go.
he sighs as he’s brushing his teeth. so sleepy..
“okay, I’ll take them out now.” he murmurs to himself as he open his mouth, slender fingers touching his lips as he removes one of his lip piercings. “okay.. there’s one.” continuing by repeating the same process for the other one. “and.. last one.”
he takes a good look at himself in the mirror. fingers slightly rubbing his bottom lip. ‘the scar doesn’t look too bad’. he pushes the inside of his bottom lip with his tongue, having a better look at the size of the little holes. ‘yep, not too bad.’
stepping out of the bathroom as soon as he heards a sound that looks like it’s coming from the kitchen, ‘babe’. crosses his mind.
all he can see is your back as soon as you ask, “all good?” taking several steps closer to him when your body finally turns to face him and he could already get a whiff of the very tempting leftover pizza from last night that you were already heating. the smell quickly floating all over the place.
“yeah,” he responds without further ado.
your hands travel over his face into a cup as you inspected his face, slightly moving it from side to side. “your skin has gotten better.” you smile. “oh.” pausing, you start caressing your anular finger onto his bottom lip.
“oh.” he mimics your response in agreement. bambi eyes only examinating your every facial expression while yours are just so focused on his lips.
“it’s not that bad..” reassuring him, you mutter more to yourself but jungkook can still heard you very clearly.
“I thought the same.” barely managing to talk since you keep looking and touching his lips.
“I like it though.” leaving a peck on his lips. “you look sort of weird though.” you chuckle.
he does too. a sort of shy smile drawing his lips as he rubs the back of his head with his left arm, feeling a bit embarrassed without one solid reason. “it’s been a while..”
you then mirror him with a warm smile. “it really has been..” you pause. “it sort of looks like a vampire has now bitten your lip though..” you joke. “should I be jealous?” arching one eyebrow in a funny way.
jungkook laugh. “you’re so obsessed with vampires, I’m telling you.” while taking your hands off his face. he places them behind your back as he hugs you. sort of trapping you into his big body. snuggling his face into your neck sniffing you as if he was a dog and it makes you laugh.
“leave me alone!” raising your voice in between laughs. you finally detached your body from his. “you’re crazy.”
he boyishly smiles, crossing both his arms on his chest as he quickly point his chin up when he says, “you smell good.” with the tone of his voice being very playful and sultry..
he continues, this time leaning majority of his weight onto the dinner table with his right hand while his left one anxiously caresses one side of his neck, very slowly. “I’m..” he pauses. “..kinda scared of shaving my entire hair, if I’m being honest.” he confesses. “this is just step one,” referring to his piercings. “but step two..”
you listen as the pizza is finally heated. placing them with both plates on the table. your gaze lingering at him as you both comfortably seat.
“it’s hard” you respond, sympathizing with him.
“It is.” he re-affirms. “but it’s just hair, right?”
“eung. it’s not like you have a choice anyways..”
“wow. you really do help.” he jokes around at your unhelpful answer. he chuckles about it as soon as he sees your worried face. “all good babe.” being light hearted with a soft smile, he continues. “I do know.” answering to you. then he breathes, “I’m thinking of doing it myself.”
you didn’t say a thing for a few seconds. “I wouldn’t be surprised to be honest.”
he chuckles. “I am that predictable?”
“I mean.. sometimes.” you tease.
jungkook rolls his eyes. “ha.” he tsk with a bitter smirk on his lips. it makes you laugh.
“too lazy to book a date for it?” you genuinely ask, referring to the hair salon.
“mm.. not really. I just thought that I won’t ever have this opportunity ever again, you know?” he pauses. “it’s not like I could go bald just any other day.” he chuckles.
agreeing with him, “you’re right.” you respond. “I’ve heard that they shave it for you once you’re there so..” he repeatedly nods his head very cutely, making his whole luscious hair bounce.
you smile. he’s so cute.
“but I’ve also heard that you can continuing shaving your hair as long as you’re there, you know?”
jungkook laughs at your words. “babe, do you really think I’ll do this TWICE?” as his hand dramatically points at his chest when he speaks. making you both laugh.
“I’ll leave my short hair if that’s the case, but I won’t give being bald a second chance..”
“why? you don’t even know if you’ll look bad.” you pause. “maybe it’s refreshing, you’ll never know.” you tease, “maybe you’ll fall in love with your bald head, life can bring many surprises.”
jungkook only sides eyed you while he takes a bite at his pizza slice. “tsk. no.” cheeks full. “I like my hair the way it is, thanks.”
making you laugh. “okay then.” pausing. “given this situation, I’ll trust your skills.” doing a fake half reverence to him with your pizza as you take a bite.
“you should trust me!” cutely demanding, he says with a pout on his lips.
you laugh again. “I said I do!”
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friendship-ditch · 9 months
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Her plus One
(Katniss Everdeen x Fem Reader) ❀
Summary: Katniss takes you as her plus one to Finnick’s wedding, which is where you learn she gets jealous very easily.
Warnings: None (SFW)
Word Count: 1817
You’d never seen this area of District 13 before. Sure, the walls were still that same industrial gray and the lights didn’t lose their yellow tint, but the trees and grass were a nice change from the rest of the bunker.
Hundreds of people had gathered around for the ceremony, forming a neat line down the middle and right up to the makeshift altar. Weddings in District 13 were never a big event, but this one was partially hyped up for propos, so it made sense.
You stood and watched the happy couple of Finnick and Annie exchange their vows.
Katniss was beside you, arm snaked around yours. The night before she’d asked (very nervously) if you would be her plus one to the wedding and you couldn’t have accepted quicker. The two of you had a mutual thing going on but it was never really made official. You liked Katniss and she liked you, it was simple.
As Finnick and Annie kissed you felt Katniss tense up a little. She moved to stand closer to you and slid her arm around your waist. Her chin rested on your shoulder and she pressed into your back a little.
You looked over your shoulder at her, missing the rest of the kiss.
“Are you okay?” You asked softly, surprised by her sudden surge of protectiveness. It was sweet, but a little weird.
Katniss’s smile only touched her lips and she nodded. “I’m fine.”
When you looked back over at the altar, the now married couple had pulled apart and were just hugging. The room erupted into applause and you joined in happily. Katniss only tightened her grip on you.
A few moments later people began to spread apart to dance as the band started to play. The uniform strictness of District 13 was lost and things felt… normal again.
Katniss reluctantly excused herself from you to speak with Prim quickly. As you stood by yourself, you soon felt a presence next to you.
“Your girlfriend is a little overprotective, don’t you think?” It was Johanna, standing close. Your shoulders were practically touching. A smug look spread across her face at your confusion.
“She’s not my girlfriend, I’m just her plus one.” You responded and turned your face back to the dancing crowd.
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“I don’t understand what you’re asking me.”
This time Johanna laughed. It was fake and sarcastic, but it was a laugh. She gave your shoulder a gentle slap as if you’d told her the funniest joke in the world.
“Come on, y/n. She didn’t even let you watch the happy couple kiss, don’t think I didn’t notice.” She lowered her voice and moved closer to your ear. “That’s something a jealous person would do.”
You shivered at how close she was and took a step back. Was that what Katniss was trying to do?
“Why were you looking over at us instead of the wedding?” You replied. From across the room you could see Katniss staring at you, evidently not paying attention to Prim.
Johanna laughed again. “I wasn’t staring at you two specifically, if that makes you feel any better.” She noticed Katniss making her way over and nudged you with her shoulder. “Make sure you tell your girlfriend that.”
When Katniss reached you, Johanna had vanished back into the crowd.
“What was that about?” Katniss’s voice was a little bitter, eyes flicking between your face and where Johanna had been standing.
You shook your head and shrugged. “Nothing.”
“It didn’t seem like nothing. She was really close to you.”
As you watched and listened to Katniss, you realized Johanna might be right. The way she was looking at you through narrowed eyes, the way her voice was low and sour, the way her hand slid around yours, fingers interlocking… She was very jealous.
“Just some friendly Johanna banter, that’s all.” You waved it off. Everybody knew Johanna wasn’t afraid to break a few boundaries for some entertainment.
Katniss slowly nodded as if she believed you but her expression remained stark. Her grip on your hand tightened.
“Really, Katniss, it’s okay.” You assured her. You moved to stand closer to her, leaning your head against her chest.
She wrapped her arms around you and held you tight, like a bear. “Alright.” She murmured and pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head. Her body loosened a little. “I believe you.”
You smiled up at her, eyes trailing over to the dance floor where everyone was laughing and having fun. “We should dance.”
Katniss agreed with her own small smile and quick kiss. The two of you made your way over to the dance floor, joining in.
It was fun, dancing with everyone. All of the spinning and clapping and partner changing, you enjoyed it with a gleeful smile and danced your heart out.
Katniss, on the other hand, wasn’t so pleased. Every time you switched to having a solo partner that wasn’t her, her red face hardened and her eyes stuck to you like glue.
When you finally ended up dancing with just her, her grip was incredibly tight and she was so close you could feel her hot breath on your face. She kissed you once and it was long and desperate, then she pulled away.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” You asked softly. You were worried now. She never acted like this.
Katniss nodded again and wrapped her arms around you. It wasn’t part of the dance and the two of you stopped spinning with everyone else. Her embrace was tight and protective, her head on your shoulder.
“I think I’m done dancing.” She said and you knew better than to push it.
When she finally released you from her tight hug, the two of you walked over to the seating area. She was holding your hand once more and in the lead as if she wanted the two of you to get out of there quickly.
“Y/n!” A voice called and you stopped in your tracks.
It was Annie. She came bounding over with a wide smile, her veil having been abandoned so she could dance. When she caught up, she offered Katniss a friendly wave and then turned to you once more.
“Where are you going? We need an extra person for–”
Suddenly Katniss slumped into you a little, leaning most of her body weight on you. You gave Annie an apologetic look, asking her to wait as you turned to check on Katniss.
“I’m not feeling very good.” Katniss mumbled as she wrapped her arms around yours once more. “Can we sit down?”
You sighed and nodded. “Sorry Annie, maybe later. I’m going to sit with Katniss for now.”
Annie nodded with an understanding smile. She reached to pat your shoulder and Katniss let out a little groan. You watched as the other woman walked away and then you brought Katniss to one of the benches.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, feeling her forehead. She was warm and red but not in a feverish way.
Katniss laid her head on your shoulder. “I’m just a little dizzy. Can you stay with me?” She wasn’t exactly giving you an option with the way she was using you to hold yourself up.
This whole situation was a bit… fishy. Katniss was fine just moments ago. You ignored your suspicions though and nodded.
“Of course.”
She smiled a little and hugged your arm tighter.
And so the two of you sat there for a while, watching the festivities. You didn’t mind sitting aside as you were pretty tired too. You and Katniss just talked in soft murmurs and she rested through her supposed dizziness.
Quite a few times somebody tried to come over and talk to you but Katniss always found a way to end it before anything happened. By the third time she suddenly insisted she felt sick and asked you to bring her to the bathroom, you caught on to the lie.
“You’re not actually sick, are you.” You said, standing beside Katniss. She was holding onto the sink and watching cold water run down the drain. When she didn’t respond, you tried again. “Come on, Katniss, tell me the truth.”
Finally she sighed and turned the sink off.
“No, I’m not.”
“Then what’s wrong?”
“You’ll think I’m crazy.” She faced away from you and crossed her arms.
You shook your head, grabbing her arm gently and turning her back around. You were pretty sure you knew the answer but wanted her to say it. “Try me.”
Katniss sighed again, her face heating up. “I’m just… I just get really jealous, okay?” She said. Her eyes were still angled towards the ground. “I don’t like it when you talk to other people, because you’re so–I’m scared somebody else will catch your attention and you’ll fall in love with them and then leave me.” She blurted out bluntly.
Her confession, although expected, was still surprising.
You gently tilted her face up with a soft hand, seeing the tears brimming in her eyes.
“Why would you think that?” You murmured softly. “You know how I feel about you. I’m here as your date, not anyone else's.”
“But you’re just so gorgeous and kind and I love you. I feel like other people are going to think that too and then they’ll try to take you away from me. But they can’t do that because you’re mine.” Katniss mumbled, hot tears spilling down her cheeks.
You stood on your toes and pressed a soft kiss to her quivering lips.
“I love you, and only you, Katniss.” You murmured softly, cupping her face when you pulled away. “I promise.”
Katniss smiled weakly. “You’re sure?”
You nodded. “Very sure.” You assured her gently. “You don’t have to be jealous.”
“I can’t help it.” She whimpered and tried to pull away but you held her in place so she kept blubbering, still crying. “I don’t want you to talk to anybody else, or dance with them, or even look at them, because it feels like my heart is breaking apart and… and you’re mine.”
“I’m yours.” You repeated in a gentle agreement. You brushed hair out of her face and wiped her tears with the sleeve of your gray jumpsuit. “If it makes you so uncomfortable in there, how about we go back to my room? We can just hang out there together.”
Katniss’s eyes lit up. “Really? Just us…”
“Just us.” You nodded.
She smiled softly and nodded too. “Please.”
The two of you crept out of the bathroom together. Katniss held onto you defensively the whole time, pulling you away whenever anyone tried to talk to you. It was a little rude to the other people but you didn’t really mind. Katniss was your main priority right now, just as you were hers. You could apologize later.
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Harry’s Home
Part II.
Read Part 1 Here!
Pairing/AU: Roommate!Harry // Roommate!Y/N
Word Count: ~ 8.7k words
⚠️ Content Warnings: Adult Language, Lots of Flirting, Pining, Sexual Desire, References to Body Weight (“Chubby” Reader), Mentions of Body-Type Biases, Fantasies of Rough Sex, Breeding Fantasies, ~Slow Burn~
My mom adores Harry (probably more than me, sometimes) and she’s confident that we’ll fall in love and get married within the next year or so. To Harry’s chagrin, his own mother seems to also be manifesting some sort of whirlwind romance to ignite within this cottage. Not to brag, but Anne Twist has already practically declared me as her daughter-in-law. She mirrors my mother’s doting of Harry, and I don’t mind it one bit. I’ve even heard Anne and Harry talking about me a few times during her brief visits to the states. Always pleasant things, thankfully.
One time, they were chatting in the kitchen while I’d just passed them to continue laundry in the room across the hall. I could hear every word—whilst I’m sure that Harry hoped to God I couldn’t hear any of it…but these walls are just so thin. 
“‘Scuse me, guys…just gotta get these goin’.” I smiled, making my way down the hallway with Harry’s clothes hamper. Before I’d passed by, I made eye contact with Harry for a brief moment. My heart sank as if I was nervous all of a sudden. I didn’t know why, but things felt weird that day. Between Harry and I, I mean. Normally, I wouldn’t even bat an eye whilst giving the man a quick greeting in passing. I lived with him, he was the first and last person I’d see and speak to every day, so I was used to his presence being a constant in my life. But that afternoon, something just seemed off. 
Maybe it had something to do with his mom visiting us—uh, I mean, him. Ugh, I’ve gotta quit making a habit out of grouping Harry and I together as a package deal. We’re not a couple. No matter how much his mom hugged and doted on me like I was her own daughter, the line was already drawn when we signed our lease.
That’s not to say that Anne has ever made me feel uncomfortable. Quite the contrary. It was strange how natural and familiar it felt to be around Harry’s mom. I suppose one thing that bothered me is that she’d tend to assume things about our relationship. And so the unavoidable reality of my roommate’s mother suspecting us to be more than just friends certainly made me a little uncomfortable. Actually, insecure would be a better word for it. I was insecure that I may have been too obvious in the way I care for Harry, and that I was stupid for even having thought he could feel anything similar towards me. 
I teetered between optimism and self-pity constantly. Men could be so complicated. Nay. Harry could be so complicated. But that’s beside the point. The real issue was the growing tension in the air…the flickering flame left unattended, slowly eating away at both Harry and myself for far too long. And Anne, of all people, would be the first one to bring attention to it.
Once I’d made it to the laundry room, I popped open the washing machine and dumped out all of Harry’s dirty clothes. I was truly minding my own business, drifting off in my own little world; but then I was yanked out by Anne and Harry’s restless banter that echoed down the hall and disturbed my relaxed state of autopilot.
“Oh, you’re cheeky, Harry.” Anne hummed. Even though they couldn’t see me anymore, my ears still worked fine from where I was. I don’t think Harry’s mom really intended to be quiet anyway. “What?” Harry asked after sighing. “Oh, don’t act so shy, dear. I’ve seen the way you look at her.” As the last words exited her mouth, it was like a light switched on inside of her. She gasped and swatted at Harry’s shoulder—him instantly reacting with a, “What I do?!” Anne then scoffed, “Why didn’t you tell me the two of you finally got together?!” A kaleidoscope of butterflies danced around the soft curls that cascaded down my shoulders and traveled south to tickle my belly. 
Harry looked at me…like that? In front of his own mother? So he wasn’t just a horny bastard…he was actually attract—
—“What on Earth are you talking about? Me ‘n her?!” Harry gestured towards the hallway. Anne pursed her lips and nodded. “Oi, tha’s ridiculous! Y/N and me?! Tha’s just…that’ll never happen…”
Oh, um…never mind.
“…‘Sides, mum, you’re mad if y’think I’d start somethin’ up' with my housemate. Just be makin’ things weird…She’s not even my type, anyway.”
I silently sighed out a breath and roughly dumped out the rest of Harry’s dirty clothes into the washer, a faint scowl adorning my face.
“Yeah, right. You can’t possibly expect me to believe any of that rubbish. I think you’re just afraid of getting hurt again.” I could tell by the sadness in her voice that she was frowning. “Oh, my poor baby boy. Don’t you think you should put yourself back out there, Lovie?” 
“No, no. It’s not because I’m afraid, mum. I’m just…I’m too busy. Vol. 6 is working on an autumn collection, and I’m in charge of the ad design. I’ve got a lot on my plate, you know?”
To be fair, Harry was actually getting pretty busy at work. He’d told me about the new campaign he’d been working on and how it needed to be approved by corporate by October. That meant he had a couple weeks to complete it. I was excited for him, as he’d become the brand’s lead marketing strategist earlier this year, which had provided him with a lot of decision-making power in his department. Surprisingly, the promotion made him slightly more humble, but in-turn, he was also a bit crankier at home. I think it was because he was overworking himself, honestly.
Anne huffed and said, “Well, not everything in life has convenient timing, dear. Y/N could get scooped up tomorrow and you’d have completely blown it f’yourself!” The front door opened and it sounded to me that they’d slowly made it out onto the front porch. Harry kept the door open, as there was a slight chill in the air and I assumed he was also feeling a bit flushed at the time, so the breeze was welcomed. Since Harry didn’t shut the door, I was still able to listen to their conversation from the laundry room. Though, their voices became less intelligible due to the distance and the outdoor ambiance.
“Oi, mum! Please keep your voice down!” I found it funny how Harry was claiming he had nothing but platonic feelings for me—that he was too busy and we weren’t compatible in that way at all—yet, he sounded so desperate to ensure I wasn’t able to overhear their discussion. If he didn’t care about me romantically, why would he be so adamant about keeping Anne’s volume down? Why would he be so defensive about it? It’s not like he’d be lowballing if he were to go for me. I may not be perfect, but I don’t have to be a skinny little model with legs for days—my body has curves to die for, and no man has to worry that he’ll break me in half. My feelings are fragile, but I can take a good, hard fucking any day of the week. Hell, I’d take it every day of the week if it were up to me. And for his information—I have…it’s just been a while…
“She’s doin’ your laundry, for bloody sake!” That was true, I was doing his laundry. But that was only because Harry’s always insisted that I do it. Ever since this one time when we were sitting on the couch together, and I was falling asleep watching tv. Attempting to get more comfortable, I’d stretched my legs out towards him and laid back against a pillow and the couch arm. Luckily for me, Harry was nice enough that night to let me get away with using him as a leg rest without any complaints. I also remember him starting to doze off. Instead of pushing me out of the way and going up to bed, he squeezed himself to lay behind me and spooned me. He nuzzled his face into my hair and into my neck, and then rested his cheek against my shoulder. I then heard the rumble of his sleepy voice as he said, “Mmh…you smell…s’sweet…kinda like vanilla…I like tha’…wanna smell ya all the time…you should wash my clothes f’me so I can smell you on me wherever I go…”
At the time, as I laid there in a soft daze with Harry’s strong, inked arms wrapped around my middle, his stubble scratching my neck, and something firm rocking back and forth ever-so-gently against my ass…my heart soared at his words, and I couldn’t bear to deny him his request.
Later, standing alone with an alert mind sans sexy, tattooed, British rake pressed tightly against my plush body—I was no longer swooning. Harry was perfectly capable of using the same combination of detergent, softener, and scent beads that I use. If he desired my aroma so badly, the ingredients would’ve been all he needed. I guess he was in charge of cooking and the dishes, so there wasn’t really an imbalance of responsibilities. But, damn. What a doormat I'd been for going through with that. He may be insanely hot, but he’s still just as stinky as the rest of them. Sure, I’ve been more than happy to fold all his clean clothes for him, but only if they’re fresh out of the dryer and smell all light and powdery like Downy.
“No, no, we split the difference! She’s got the laundry, and I’ve got the, uh…kitchen. Cooking and all tha’.” Even though he was responding defensively, he was only digging himself a deeper hole in front of his mother. She saw right through all those excuses, explanations, etc. So did I. However, Anne was approaching her disbelief a lot differently than how I would’ve if it were me who he was blabbing all that nonsense to. Granted, I didn’t raise him from infancy, nor had I even known the man for very long. But the truth was that Harry’s never been great at confrontation—well, when he’s on the opposite end of it, at least. And so he tended to struggle with his words whenever someone caught him at a time when he wasn’t prepared. 
“I know you’ve got feelings f’her, Gemma knows you do…hell, I bet Y/N even knows it! C’mon, Harry. You two are so cute!” Anne sounded absolutely delighted. I didn’t blame her, but I couldn’t share her same excitement.
Instead of stepping in and saving Harry from any further humiliation from his mother, I decided I’d just stay hidden and let him dig himself out on his own. He’s a grown man, he could fight his own battles. Besides, I was too busy doing his fucking laundry.
“I—Gemma’s a right nutcase, and you know tha’, mum!” Harry whispered.
“Oh, nonsense. Gem knows you even better than I do, Harry!”
I have to give credit to Anne for so shamelessly putting him on the spot like that. Typically, I was the one who tripped over the simplest of words and phrases. It’s just in my timid nature. But it was entertaining to hear someone else—someone who’s normally so haughty and snide—experiencing that kind of social mishap. Especially since that same person tended to use my weakness against me. Karma’s a bitch, huh, Harry?
“That pest—!” He seethed before Anne immediately cut him off.
“—Oi, hey! Be nice to your sister, Harry! You know, one day, when I’m all old and sickly…”
Harry furrowed his eyebrows.
“...You’ll want me to live with her! Keep up that attitude, boy, and you’ll be the one changing my diapers!”
Aw, what a Hallmark moment.
I wouldn’t have been surprised if Harry was white-knuckling the doorknob. I could picture it vividly—deep lines between his brows, nostrils flaring, his free hand held up to his bottom lip, whilst his sweet mother grinned ear to ear and pinched at his adorable, pink cheeks. “...Ooh, but Harry, lovie, it’s so exciting to think that once you and Y/N finally get together, I’ll have a second daughter! God, I just can’t wait for the wedding!” Anne squealed. Harry must’ve glared at his mother right then because I couldn’t hear him say anything. “Do you think you’ll have it here, or will we fly you back home? In that case, it’ll probably need to be a smaller ceremony, hm? ‘Could always have the ceremony in Holmes, and then close family can fly out for a reception here. I’ve heard of couples doing things of that sort…No matter—we’ll cross that road when we get to it.” She beamed with a quick laugh.
My cheeks hurt and I didn’t know why until I noticed I’d been fighting a smile. I felt childish. It was silly to consider all of that stuff even remotely possible—I mean, Harry and I being a couple. Thinking about us getting married…no, no…that could never happen. Just as he said.
“My grandchildren are going to be so beautiful!” Suddenly my fantastical mother-in-law sang from the front porch.
G-Grandchildren..? I’d almost dumped the entire jug of detergent into the washing machine at that one. Marriage was one thing. But giving birth to…m-m-multiple children?! 
I didn’t have any intention to have a baby—let alone babies, plural. I might’ve not wanted children at all…well, maybe one…or I could just forget about the classic American Dream and get a cat instead. I had no clue. But now I was thinking about it. 
More than just thinking about it, though. I was fantasizing.
My mind was locked on the specific scenario of Harry impregnating me. Marking me as his own. Sowing his seed deep inside my fertile cervix. Hot waves of liquid heat then soaked into the crotch of my panties. I guess my body was quite fond of that fantasy.
As the damp cotton between my generous thighs uncomfortably clung to my sensitive skin, I thought I’d might as well just add them to the wash. So I pushed them down my legs and stepped out of them before taking a moment to examine the evidence of my obnoxious downpour of arousal. I bit my lip at the sight of the large, sodden stain. How was that arrogant asshole able to do this kind of shit to me? He wasn’t even in the room!
I scoffed, shaking my head at the humiliating outcome of my sexual deprivation and desperation, and flung the soiled panties into the machine. Good thing I was wearing a dress where the skirt was long enough to cover my newly-bare ass and cunt. Well, provided I wouldn’t be standing at the even slightest off-angle. Lord, I was so grateful to have been out of sight as my body was bent over at the waist, reaching out for the fabric softener.
Whilst I kept on loading the washer, I was also daydreaming about my newest fantasy. 
Maybe I wouldn’t mind bearing Harry’s children…one wouldn’t be so bad, would it? I wouldn’t be all that against weaning off my birth control and letting the inevitable happen. You know…once he’d pump all his hot cum inside me…He could give it to me every morning before work…after work…before bed…in the middle of the night…hell, if he called me on a lunch break asking if I could take another load, I know I wouldn’t be able to resist. Standing commando in the laundry room got me wondering what Harry would do if I just started walking around the house with tiny little shorts and dresses and rompers with nothing on underneath (except for a bra, probably. I’d need the support). I was grateful for my large, gap-less thighs at that moment as I could sense that more moisture was threatening to escape down my wobbly legs.
I was trying my best not to peek out from the laundry room to witness the scene unfolding for myself, but I stood still with my back pressed against the washing machine, Anne’s words repeating themselves over and over again in my head. Whether any of that dreamy nonsense was true…that Harry had romantic feelings for me…it just wasn’t realistic. I had to remind myself that it was just a bunch of harmless teasing. That Harry’s mom was exaggerating the truth for a laugh. Making up elaborate future plans to get his goat. Yeah, that’s all it was. I could understand why she’d push Harry into throwing one of his lil’ man-tantrums—he’s awfully adorable when he’s stuttering and all red in the face, having the hardest time letting it go.
Growing curious, and not being able to hear them as clearly anymore, I moved myself out from the laundry room and closer towards them at the entryway. I still kept myself somewhat hidden behind one of the large wooden columns situated between the hallway and the front door, near the kitchen’s island counter. I was right when I assumed they’d already made it outside onto the front porch. Anne was so close to actually leaving, but I guess Anne preferred to do a Minnesota goodbye that afternoon. She proceeded to gush about Harry’s non-existent future with me, adding more details for wedding planning. Meanwhile, Harry was trying to keep her mouth shut in the most patient and polite manner he’d deemed possible. He’d already stayed silent through the comments about providing his mother with grandchildren, but it seemed as though she wasn’t going to end the discussion any time soon. It was time to take more drastic measures. He knew better than to be disrespectful towards his mother, and he never intended to blatantly disrespect her in any way. Except, by this point, Harry was reaching the limit of his patience. If it meant he could keep his personal business from reaching curious ears, he’d be willing to suffer the consequences.
“ALRIGHT! I GET IT! SHHHHH!” Harry was desperate to get her out the door as soon as he could at that moment. He’d never act that way towards his mother, otherwise. Anne, however, was not in the mood to tolerate his behavior. It didn’t matter that Harry was a full-grown, 30-year-old man. A mother will always be a mother. She gasped at the way her son tried to silence her and lightly smacked his shoulder. I saw it coming from a mile away, and I wasn’t even technically there.
“Don’t you shush your mother, Harry Edward.” She tsk-tsked. “But—!” Before he could even defend himself, Anne cut him off. “—Enough! Zip it.” The snap of her fingers made my mind create a hilarious image of Harry standing there at 6-feet tall, but presenting as a tiny toddler on the verge of a tantrum. I had to muffle my giggle with my hand.
Then, I decided to sneak a quick glance from behind the column. From where I was, I could see Harry leant up against our opened front door, his arms crossed over his abdomen, one set of long, ringed digits pulling at his lips. “Oi, and quit picking your lips! She’ll never wanna kiss you if you’re all chapped ‘n bleedin’, lovie!” 
“Oh, f’fuck’s sake!” He whisper-yelled. I heard him smack his palms down at his sides like some crabby 3 year-old having just been told to behave himself. Anne cracked up at her son’s childish display of whiny defiance. “Alright, well, I’ll head out now. Gotta give you two some alone time.” Harry’s mom hummed suggestively. I rolled my lips into my mouth and fought not to laugh out loud.
Then, I had a feeling that, to Harry, I must’ve seemed to be ‘minding my own business’ for a bit too long in the laundry room, and that I should’ve actually been finished with the chore by that time. Except I’d just been eavesdropping like a nosey-Nellie for their entire conversation. Mildly flustered, I bolted back to the laundry room, opened the dryer, and began to hastily pull all the warm towels and linens out from the front of the machine. I was pretty sure my breakaway was ‘smooth’ enough that they had no idea I was snooping. Well, I knew for sure that Harry didn’t…or at least that’s what I thought. 
It was a good thing towels aren’t able to make much of a ruckus when they’re dropped into a plastic basket. I made sure to fuss around—emptying the lint trap, reorganizing the coat-rack, gathering stray hangers, and clicking the ‘start’ button on the washing machine. I was doing all of that just to make up an internal alibi of sorts for having been putzing for so long. Just in case. 
In the midst of my rush to complete miscellaneous tasks, some of the dust from the lint trap puffed out into the air in front of my face as I was dumping it out, and I had to hold a knuckle to my nose in an effort to keep an incoming sneeze at bay. Eventually, the tickle died down and I could carry on dicking around and acting busy. 
“That’s a wonderful plan, Mum. Be seein’ you.” Harry sighed.
“I LOVE YOU, BOTH!” Anne called out with a slight amplification, intending to also inform me of her departure. “Love you, too!” I responded, almost instantaneously, also at the exact same time as Harry. My voice ricocheted against the walls and I knew I’d been much too quick to speak. My hand immediately slapped over my mouth once the words left my lips. There was no way I could’ve convinced Harry anymore that I’d been genuinely oblivious of their back-and-forth, innocently occupied by a pile of towels for the past 5-10 minutes. If he didn’t already know that I was listening in on them, Harry definitely realized it then. But everything just proceeded as usual—Harry grumbling back at his mother, returning her affections with a huff. 
“Um, also, could you let Gemma know that if she keeps running her mouth, she can bloody forget about her early-access to the autumn catalog? Cheers.”
The door closed after one final guffaw from Anne, and Harry hastily turned the lock before eventually releasing a frustrated breath into his hands. I decided it was a good time to get going with my chores.
A basket of warm washcloths, towels, and sheets was held between my plump hip and my soft hands. As I exited the laundry room, the heat radiating off the freshly-tossed cloth caused a flush of pink to wash over my skin. It was a nice contrast to the cool breeze that had entered through our front door. I made eye-contact with Harry who then let his hands drop from his face once he met my eyes looking through his fingers. Warmth radiated off of him like a space heater, his cheeks were flushed red, and it seemed as though he was burning up—unaffected by the bite of the autumn air.
Maybe he’d also been imagining the two of us making babies. Or maybe he was just mortified by the way his mother assumed our relationship to be more intimate than it truly was. It was possible that the idea of marrying me made him nauseous—and not just in an innocent, nervous way, either. Rather, he was disgusted by imagining such intimate things involving me.
Regardless, I found him adorable whenever he blushed like that. To me, his rare displays of bashfulness brought him back down to earth, and they reminded me of the fact that we were similarly human. Similarly sensitive. Similarly deep in our thoughts. I don’t know why he made a point out of telling Anne that I wasn’t “his type.” Obviously, he hadn’t had much lasting success with whoever fits into his “type,” so maybe he could use someone new for a change... 
As I approached him, I gave him a kind smile and greeted him with a simple question.
“So, what’s for dinner?” I beamed at him sweetly.
Right as I was a meter or two away from him, I suddenly needed to sneeze again. That incessant tickle that tortures the nostrils and sinuses before raging out of the body—it came back to sabotage me in that moment. My previous attempt at holding it in was deemed absolutely useless, as this time it felt like the sneeze doubled in magnitude purely out of spite. My body was fighting against me. The universe was laughing, finding my indignity entertaining. I guess that’s what I get for eavesdropping, huh?
I sniffled a few times—my last efforts to prevent the inevitable. But I had failed. I sucked in a deep breath before “achoo”-ing into my elbow. It was a loud, high-pitched sneeze. If I hadn’t known it came from me, I would’ve assumed the television was turned on in the living room, playing a children’s cartoon. At least I didn’t shoot snot onto my pretty, ruffled sleeves. Or worse, failing to cover my nose and mouth and sneezing right onto Harry. Gotta look for the silver linings, you know?
Unfortunately, my sneeze miraculously sent the blushing boy, who felt so close to my level, back up to his normal self—reuniting him with his high-horse, his pedestal, his soapbox, his big head, and everything else that keeps him standing at a mile taller than me. 
“Oh, my goodness…God bless you…” Harry bellowed, his hand pressed to his heart in mock-aghast. Though he was taunting me, I oddly didn’t feel ashamed or embarrassed. He paused and his lips formed the cruelest smirk before he continued, “…my sweet Bunny.” My thighs subconsciously squeezed together at him using his favorite pet-name he has for me. What I’d never let him know was how it was my favorite, too. 
“Humph, thanks.” I sniffled, trying my best to pretend unfazed by the special nickname. His eyes finally drifted down my figure, and it seemed he was parched due to the way he was drinking me in through his pupils. Everything around me, especially Harry, seemed massive compared to my shrinking frame. Perspectives were changing drastically, and I was no longer safe from Harry’s sharp scrutiny. I was aware I’d been the one to place myself under his spotlight—that I had the ability to stay in my lane and keep my nose clean—but I was too weak. I craved his attention. I was starving for it—for every inch of me to be thoroughly inspected and explored by that smug son of a bitch whilst he just stood there and acted like he owned me. 
I wanted him, and I wanted him bad.
My bottom-energy may seem readily accessible to Harry, but that’s only because he’s made it so easy for me to tempt him into his dominance. I just knew he was internally obsessing over how he’d further push me into submission. That’s one of the many reasons why being a sub is so liberating. I’m the motivation. I’m the star of the show. I’m the cum-dump. And God, I’d been wanting for so long to be all of those things and more for Harry. Only Harry.
As I continued walking in his direction, a washcloth accidentally fell onto the floor by his feet. “Ope, sorry…” I squeaked. I stepped up to him so that we were directly in front of one another. I dramatically dropped to a bend at my knees—spreading them widely apart in a bouncy crouch in order to retrieve the rogue towel, giving Harry a nice view of my cleavage as I stretched my arm downwards over my hiked-up skirt, intentionally pressing my breasts together with my straightened elbow. If only he was at a lower angle, then he could’ve seen a different set of drooling lips desperate for his cock…
Christ, alive—I am so glad I wasn’t ballsy enough to accidentally say that out loud.
His eyes followed my movements, but he stood in that same spot unwaveringly, not stepping away even a little bit. My confidence strengthened due to his intense fixation upon me. The basket I was holding at my waist was slightly tipping at the new angle whilst I was reaching for the washcloth. My gaze flickered down to the basket, then back up at Harry. Ambitiously provocative ideas and scenarios flooded my brain. I thought about what would happen if I were to dump the basket onto the floor on purpose just to provoke him. Perhaps he’d tease me for my clumsiness and help me. Or maybe he’d get pissy instead and leave me to my mess. My body reacted out of curiosity and desire before my brain had the chance to refute the idea. Well, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, right? 
The towels had poured out onto the floor at Harry’s feet in a massive heap. Letting out a soft gasp, feigning shock, I set the basket aside and knelt all the way down to sit on my knees. I blinked my doll-like lashes back up at Harry, whose stare never left me, and I couldn’t distinguish what he was thinking, let alone feeling. His expression was set in a firm deadpan. He could’ve been on the verge of an outburst, but he also could’ve been plainly unimpressed by my foolish antics. The man was annoyingly skilled at masking when he wanted to be.
I swallowed thickly at the silence. On the inside, I was kicking and screaming with regret. Why did I think he was going to play with me?! Why, after hearing him explicitly tell his mother that he wasn’t interested in me, did I believe it would be a good idea to get on my knees in front of the man?! He obviously didn’t desire me! I was humiliated. Rather than scrambling back onto my feet like a fool, I thought it would be best if I were to just stay in character. Hoe hard or hoe home.
“Oh, no…I’m sorry, Harry.” I managed to peep out without my composure cracking. My voice was small and cute, but it still held enough power to it that I saw Harry’s jaw clench. It worked. I finally saw him narrow his eyes down at me with a tight jaw and flared nostrils. Sure, Sarah warned me that he had a hot temper, but she never told me how sexy he gets when his buttons are pressed. I’d witnessed it myself a few times before this, but my body perceived it differently as I was down on my knees. 
My breathing became harsh, my cleavage rising and falling more noticeably as I anxiously awaited more of a reaction from the man before me. I realistically expected a snarky quip and an eyeroll. Inversely, his face gave the impression that he was frustrated and struggling to keep it together. I was confused as to why he hadn’t raised his voice at me yet. I expected him to be in more of a sensitive mood after his mother embarrassed him just a few minutes prior. I guess all that talk of marriage and babies didn’t have much of a negative effect on him after all. Harry stayed stoic, and his silent glare was locked onto me for a good minute. 60 seconds is dreadfully long when there’s nothing but steamy sexual-tension filling the room. My filthy mind had me imagine he was fighting his urge to throw me down prone onto the cold hardwood, lift my dress up over my ass, and spank me until I was begging him to fuck me. That was certainly my ideal outcome. 
Logically speaking though, I could tell from the speckles of amber in his sage eyes that his emotions were in the red zone—he was angry. It wasn’t because of the mess. No. 
Harry may be a himbo, but he’s not stupid. He knew what I was thinking, he knew why I was acting the way I was, and he definitely wasn’t going to let me get away with any of it.
He was hatching his own plan, and I was convinced a part of it was stretching this out for as long as he could physically restrain his primal instincts. It excited him to play this little game with me. How did I know? Because the bulge in his pants was almost at my exact eye-level, and I had no shame in looking right at it. 
Why wouldn’t I? That was my doing. I deserved to observe my hard work from my delicate little point-of-view.
Feeling a bit more daring after successfully bothering Harry with my suggestive positioning on the floor beneath him, I pouted my bottom lip and grabbed onto the bottom hem of my skirt, dragging it up and down my juicy thighs tauntingly yet sheepishly. The goal was to tease him and guilt him at the same time as if to tip-toe around being blatantly naughty. The breathy moan I’d added on top of it all definitely did him in because I saw his Adam’s apple bob as he gulped at the sound. 
My gaze fell back down to the tightness in the front of his pants for just a second or so, and I couldn’t help the giggles that escaped me. Once the reality of the situation finally set in, I was unable to hide my true intentions.
There I was—on my knees, looking up at him, my tits pushed out, eyes rounded and glossed over, my angelic face adorned with a devil-woman’s lip-biting grin, and the rate at which I was collecting each piece of laundry was just too agonizingly slow to be a legitimate attempt at the task. 
You know what…he could’ve pulled his cock out and fucked my throat right then and there. He could’ve pushed me down onto my back and flipped my skirt up before shoving himself deep inside my needy little cunt. He could’ve demanded me to sit pretty while he jerked off onto my sweet little face. He could have held me down and made me scream so loud that Anne would’ve heard me from her car, which was probably already 10 blocks away and counting at that point.
He had the ability to do whatever he wanted to me; I was physically and mentally incapable of resisting him. And yet, there I sat, my natural essence dripping down the backs of my thighs as Harry had me wrapped around his finger—and he didn’t do a single fucking thing to me. 
And so I huffed, and I repeated what I’d asked him previously before I sneezed, and before he said the one word that tipped me into my subspace.
“Humph…What are we having for dinner?” I asked softly, my voice sultry, yet impatient, and I had my arms crossed over my chest to emphasize my defiance towards him.
Harry took a deep breath and reached out to me. He caressed the side of my face and jaw with his gentle hand. I leaned into his touch as I awaited his answer. I was literally in the palm of his hand—I mean, if he was holding bread crumbs, I’d be licking it all up without a second thought. I would take anything and everything from him. What had this asshole done to me?
I felt his thumb slide up from my chin to fondle my bottom lip. It grazed from side to side for a while before he pulled downwards, tugging my lip down and releasing it. The gesture caused me to keep my lips separated for him. Harry took advantage of the small opening by pushing the same digit through to make contact with my slick tongue, and I instinctually gaped my mouth wider to grant him more access to my drooling entrance. He tapped the pad of his thumb onto my tongue a few times and I moaned at the taste of him—at simply the salt of his skin. My lips wrapped around his thumb and I gently suckled. I can’t even imagine how much of a desperate slut I made myself look like as I slowly nursed on his thumb and hummed against its warm tip with my eyes lazily rolling back. 
He just observed me in my catatonic bimbo state. He stood there and allowed me to put on that pathetic display on the floor at his feet for a few moments longer. I was sure he’d got just as much pleasure out of it as I did, as the sensual act taking place before him had forced a moan out of his throat.
He slowly pulled out of my drooling mouth and rubbed the wetness across my pink lips. 
“D-Did you hear me?” I whispered breathlessly against Harry’s slippery thumb, my lashes fluttering up at him. “Yes, love. Of course I heard you...” He sighed. Then, he bent down to a crouch, lowering himself down to my height so he could speak directly to me. “...But…I don’t think it really matters what we have, hm…?” My brows furrowed in confusion which made him smile. Then he continued, “...You’ll take whatever I choose to give you, won’t you, Bun’...?” 
His fingers raked through my hair lovingly as he said it. His voice was so soft yet the words so deafening at the same time. They pounded against my eardrums and almost knocked me on my ass when they left his lips. 
I just nodded in reply, my eyes and my mouth glistening as rays of the afternoon glow beamed in from the front window and illuminated my irises. Harry’s mouth twitched as if he was fighting a smile. He never once took his eyes off of me. I had all of his attention, and it was addicting.
“...Mmh, sweet girl…never you doubt these ears of mine, either…I can assure you, I hear everything…”
I couldn’t stop the helpless whimper that came out of me. It was like he was speaking to me through code—telling me much more than what his words were able to reveal.
The sun was setting beyond the glass at our home’s entrance. The air around us was almost bitterly chilly. I typically preferred the cold, but it seemed to be much more noticeable at the time. Goosebumps covered my arms, my neck, and my bare knees. I was feeling exposed and naked regardless of my dainty dress providing modesty.
But I could still feel Harry’s hot breath warming the cooled tip of my nose. His closeness cloaked my bare shoulders with security. Even though the wooden floor was bruising me, I felt entirely protected by Harry’s touch. By his presence. By his expressive adoration of me. My heart pulsed so hard against my chest, yet Harry seemed so relaxed. So calm. So strong. I needed him. I could not continue this ridiculous charade of ignoring my natural instincts just so that I can protect my feelings from potential social betrayal. His eyes bore into mine so deeply, so intensely. It was like they held me there, silently commanding me to keep being good for him. I’ve always been such a good girl for him. His best girl. 
Whatever he wanted, I knew at that very second that I’d obey each demand with a goddamn smile on my face. It didn’t matter what he desired to give me. Whatever it was, I would take it, no questions asked. I lived off of his affections, addicted to the attention he provided. Was he as intoxicated by this as I was? Was he holding back? Did he need me, too?
Before I could even stutter out a response, Harry rose back up to his feet—releasing me from his trance and his touch by curling a lock of my hair through his fingers and setting it bouncing free.
“...I’ll let you know when I’m ready for you, a’right?” He assured me kindly. 
I confirmed my understanding with a  subtle nod. My lips rubbed together and I swallowed the abundance of moisture that had threatened to drip down the sides of my mouth.
“Th-thank you.” I just about squeaked out.
With that, he smiled sweetly and backed away into the kitchen.
The next thing I knew, I was still sitting alone near the entryway, my fingers fiddling with the tag of one of the bedsheets from the pile. I was worried I’d made a puddle below me with my arousal, but my legs had been clenched too tightly for any of it to escape past my thighs. My knees were suddenly aching from the stiff support of the hardwood, and the clean linens—of which had been forgotten about since before I’d even taken them out of the dryer—were all cool and wrinkled. I shoved them all back into the basket as quickly as I could and hid in the laundry room until he called out to me that the food was ready. 
Harry was right. I took whatever it was he made for us that night without a second thought. If he hadn’t already served me a plate, I probably would’ve eaten out of his bare hands. My brain had completely shut down for the rest of the evening. I remember I had to take care of the ache between my legs right after our meal, it was so unbearable.  
That reminds me—didn’t he mention something about his ears? 
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I typically get home from work before Harry does, and so my current state of rest and relaxation—coincidentally adjacent to the book I’m holding: My Year of Rest and Relaxation—is an occurrence Harry’s used to coming home to by now. I mean, not that he’s coming home to me. He’s just…coming home, and I also happen to be living here. Speaking of which, I’m situated in my bedroom. I've already slipped into my night clothes—thin, loose pajama pants and an oversized crop tee—laying my back against the cushioned headboard of my bed. 
Suddenly, my ears perk up. The hum and vibration of the garage door opening and closing pulls my attention away from the novel I’d been engrossed in for the past hour towards my empty door frame. Less than a minute later, a door slams, physically startling me, and my posture straightens as if I’m expecting a scolding from an authority figure. I have no reason to react this way, really. It’s not like this is anything out of the ordinary.
Harry’s home.
That’s all. But judging by the door slams, I should prepare myself for the likelihood that Harry’s had a bad day (again). He’s been so overworked lately, but he doesn’t like to talk out his stressors in much detail or duration because it just riles him up more. More accurately, in his own words:
“I appreciate that you care, Bun’. I do…but it’s just too complicated…’s too much to get into right now. Think I’m just gon’ meditate, or whateva’.”
His therapist definitely had more to advise him beyond meditation, but I think that Harry just cherry-picked whatever was closest to what he’s accustomed to…and so he thinks that his isolation method is perfectly justified (as long as he calls it meditation). He’d never admit to that, though; and I’d never call him out on it either. I know better than to poke an angry bear.
Harry believes he can continue living and avoiding the inevitable, but I have a good feeling that he’ll take me up on my offer sometime soon. I just want to help him relax. Help him release some of that built-up tension. However, he prefers to hide himself away whilst simmering in a fuming silence until his primal instincts are numbed away. 
I wished that I could be some sort of Black Widow to his Hulk—although the incredible sulk would be more like it…but he can’t stand being around anyone when he’s angry, not even me—nay—especially not me. 
I can’t help but to feel somewhat unworthy. As if Harry isn’t comfortable enough with me to unpack all of his emotional baggage. Or maybe it’s not that I feel unworthy, per say, but rather that I’m sick and tired of waiting for him to make a fucking move on me already. I’ve been patient for so long. The least he can do is use me as his stress relief…in whatever way he needs to. Honestly, I’m not picky anymore. I’m dying for anything he can give me at this point. 
We've had our arguments as I’ve mentioned. He'll seclude himself in his bedroom for an hour and eventually knock on my door once he’s cooled down to apologize. The vulnerability and innocence he shows me is quite sweet. I appreciate that side of him. And I understand that the man needs his space. It makes sense to me because whenever I’m upset, I’d prefer to be alone as well. So each time Harry taps his rings all melodically against my door after one of his little fits, I always acknowledge him warmly by opening the door and pulling him in for a hug. Emotional compatibility is one of our greatest strengths as…friends. I think he appreciates me in that way, too.
It’s become a thing with us now—ever since the day that I cried. I’ve never shared a closeness like this with another person until I moved in with Harry. We have this mutual understanding that home is a feeling, not a place. And honestly, I’ve internally accepted the fact that it wouldn’t have mattered where we would’ve lived—as long as I was with Harry, I’d be at home. 
To me, Harry’s home.
One time, we brought this topic up…Harry likes to refer to it as the ‘kindness law’ or something like that. Harry began with, “Well, I jus’ wanna treat you the way I wanna be treated—w’kindness.” He sighed, plopping onto his back on his bed and resting his hands behind his head, looking at me. I stood at the foot of his bed with my hands on my hips. He not-so-subtly raked his eyes over my figure and smirked to himself.
“So, you’re gonna be nice to me now that I’m doing your laundry, Styles?”
He chuckled and scooted up the bed until he could rest his back against his headboard. “Mmm, tha’s right. I do have you doin’ my wash. Y’so good to me, Bunny...” I rolled my eyes and turned to walk out, but Harry quickly grabbed my hand in protest. “…Oy, where y’goin’?” I looked back at him over my shoulder and giggled. “What, Harry.” I asked with a bored voice, but a cheeky smile on my face to counteract it. “Wasn’t finisshhhhed-uh!”
I was typically the whiner, so I was immediately cringing at the sound of Harry’s attempt at my art. He playfully tugged on my arm until I clumsily toppled over face-down onto his bed, and he chose my giggle fit as the perfect time to continue his speech about…whatever it was he was talking about.
“Alright, now that the class is all here…let me continue…” He boasted confidently. I slowly calmed down and propped myself up onto my elbows next to his lap, my loose curls messed and my oversized, off-shoulder sweater disheveled enough that he now had an excellent view of what was beneath my sweater: my ample breasts and the plunging push-up bra holding them up. 
I smiled and nodded my head, signaling for him to carry on. He cleared his throat and ran a hand awkwardly through his hair. 
“So…” He hesitated, noticeably struggling to remember what he was saying previously. “Kindness?” I reminded him. “Yes, yes…kindness. Uh…well, uh…Home is where, um, where love’s made, or whateva’, yeah?”
I practically squealed and I added, “Ooh, yeah! Home is where we make all the love, huh, Harry?” Harry just blushed and shook his head. He was trying desperately not to stare at my chest as my lower half sunk down onto the floor and I held my hands and breasts against the edge of his bed whilst I wheezed with laughter. He spent the following 10 minutes with a pillow over his lap and he eventually asked me to leave because he was tired…
The only reason this had been remotely funny beyond our shared childish humor was because neither of us had anything going on in that department for ages. Actually, come to think of it, I don’t think we’ve ever discussed each other’s sex lives. But what I know for certain is that both of us have been extremely horny. It’s been dreadful. According to Mitch, Harry hasn’t had sex in at least a solid year and he can’t even remember who he last slept with. 
Apparently, there’s just this vivid memory Harry has of not being able to stay hard, the other person complaining, and then everything suddenly stopped. Harry quickly grabbed all his clothes and just rushed straight out the door to drive back home to me. The only reason I can attest to this rumor of Mitch’s is that I remember when he came home that night. He reeked of cheap, floral body spray, his eyes were puffy as if he’d been sobbing the whole car ride home, and he burst through the door calling out for me. He apologized if he had woken me up, as it was a bit past midnight. However, I was still up watching reruns of The Nanny and nursing on a pint of ice cream when he came home, so I just laughed at him. He told me to pause the show and hurried to his bedroom to change his clothes. I silently thanked God he did because the second-hand perfume stench was stale and it made me a little nauseous. His natural scent is much more pleasant than whatever that girl was wearing. Not to mention a part of me died inside at the thought of Harry being close enough to another girl for that long to come home smelling so strongly of her.
Once he’d switched into new clothes—a fitted t-shirt and flannel pajama pants—he’d climbed up onto my bed and eventually squirmed his way into laying his head atop my thighs. My hand brushed through his soft curls that had loosened into waves by that time. I think he fell asleep in my lap after one episode. It felt so natural in the moment that I, myself, started to doze off. And so I turned the tv off and pulled the man’s lean body down onto the pillows so I could be the big spoon and I held him. We fell asleep like that.
The next morning, I woke up and he’d already left my bed. It hurt me to see he was gone. But I had no reason to take it personally. He’d just had a rough night and he needed some love. I was happy to have been the one to give it to him—even if it was just some innocent, virtually-platonic cuddling, and nothing more. A part of me still ached a little bit whenever I thought back to how Harry chose to release himself from my arms and abandon the cozy nest we’d unintentionally made together. Maybe that was just the lonely part of me feeling that way. I’m not gonna lie, it’s been a while since I’d been sexually intimate with someone as well. I’ve never brought anyone back to the house (neither has he), but Harry always notices when I get dressed up to go out and then come home late…and he knows I was with someone else because—similar to the way his scent had been overcome by a putrid cloak of trashy body spritz—my signature scent would also be significantly altered. It causes a stir in Harry. He knows how childish it is to huff and puff to himself in his bedroom as he waits for my arrival. He knows he shouldn’t be upset when the two of us aren’t romantically involved. And he knows I‘ll always come trudging my way back home…back to my own bedroom where I end up finishing the job for myself. Regardless of his understanding of the situation, Harry refuses to act upon it. Refuses to take initiative. And I have no fucking idea why.
🏠 🏠 🏠 🏠 🏠 🏠 🏠 🏠 🏠 🏠 🏠 🏠 🏠 🏠 🏠 🏠 🏠 🏠 🏠 🏠 🏠
Part 3
Writer's Notes: Hi, everyone! Ok so there will be at least 2 more parts to this baby. Again, I'm sorry I suck at updating regularly. I have a job and stuff lol. Also I'm a compulsive perfectionist when it comes to my writing, and I'll re-read my work and edit it until it's a million pages long...but I hope y'all like what I post and that you wanna read more! Please like, reblog, follow, send me messages/requests/submissions/anons, and let me know if you wanna be on my taglist! And I appreciate any and all feedback you can give me. Truly. Thank you for reading. :) xoxo - Regan <3
@victoria-styles @daphnesutton @pishhhh20989
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Halloween is near and let's say the first years go to the Ramshackle to get their friend ( secret crush ) to a halloween party, and when they ipen the door they see them in a makeshift costume but it works well as they dressed as a witch and Grim wearing a cute tinny witch hat
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Halloween Twisted Wonderland First Years
“Sooo what do you guys think?” 
You twirled in your witch costume, tilting your hat with your Sailor Moon-esque pose. You worked really hard to look this good with a limited budget and being told on such short notice. The ghosts were extremely helpful but you wanted to make your own this year.
“I like it! Looks good on you!” 
Feeling an excited rush of heat dance on your cheeks as Ace smiled at you. You kicked your leg up and twirled landing in another grand pose as Deuce blushed before smiling as well.
“Y-Yeah! You look great!” 
“Nyah~! Of course we’d look great because the Great Grim chose our costumes.” 
You giggled as the little cat-monster continued boasting about how he made this awesome decision before slipping into his typical bantering with Ace and Deuce. Who were respectively dressed as skeletons as you all made your way to the school where the party was being held. You complimented them on their costumes earning a blush on both their faces before they hurriedly tried to change the topic as you walked to the venue.
“Well aren’t you, a treat?!”
The excited yell comes from Epel who is running up to you followed swiftly by Jack. The apple heir smiled as he launched himself in your direction, latching onto you in a hug. Surprised but still appreciative of the warm greeting you continued the hug. Deuce was the first to notice as he stopped walking to glare at the sight stopped by Ace who was the one to actually speak up.
“Hey aren’t you going to rub off all your makeup clinging onto them like that?!”
Ace spoke mockingly as he watched you pull away in worry before letting out a sigh of relief. Shooting a glare in the skeleton's direction the costumed vampire finally released himself from hugging you to dramatically swipe a gloved thumb over his lipstick.
“No smudge. Courtesy of Vil’s personal Halloween cosmetic line. So,” He took the chance to grab your sleeve rubbing his cheek against the cloth. You completely missed the way his cerulean rolled back as he took a sniff. But Ace didn't. And neither did Deuce.
"-it will be perfectly fine if I do this
Deuce's morphed into a scowl but before he could move any closer the firm hand of Jack held him back. Shaking his head at Ace who was also frowning at the Pomefiore student. 
“Epel, I’m sure (Y/n) would appreciate it if you didn’t wrinkle their costume that they worked so hard on.” 
Jack chimed authoritatively puffing his slightly exposed chest in a silent warning. Epel seemed to think about it continuing to lean and tighten his hold on your sleeve only for him to meet the more intensely glaring Ace and Deuce. With a pout, Epel begrudgingly let go of you to be subsequently flanked by Grim and Ace who were suddenly very interested in talking with him about how cutesy he looked; properly distracting him. You jogged catching up to Jack and Deuce who walked alongside you as you three happily conversed.
“Oh Jack, I love your costume, it looks so cool!”
“Thank you, (Y/n).”
A light blush tickled his cheeks before Deuce intervened with his own compliments about Jack’s costume. His compliments were weird because Jack wasn’t having the same reaction that he did with yours. Eventually the complimenting turned into very clear jabs at the realistic nature of their costumes. You tried to discourage it but once they started they weren't going to stop.
“If you're saying anything about my costume you should look at yours. How on Twisted Wonderland does ribbons count for bones?”
“It’s. An. Artistic. Decision!
“Right, for a ghost made of bones?” 
Eventually your group had arrived at the entrance of the venue about to enter only for you guys to run into Sebek. He had apparently been looking for his master when he ran into you. 
“Hello human! I see that you've dressed to be a witch this evening."
You nodded happily giving him a twirl as you set up another one of your poses. Completely obscuring your vision from the faint and brief redness that made it to his face.
"Yes! I am, how do I look? Elegant? Charming?"
"Y-yes all of the above...but perhaps this will truly bring out your appearance.”
Wordlessly he reaches into his sleeve pulling out an enchanting necklace that seemed to glow enchantingly under the light of the moon. With that brief blush appearing on his face again he moved in closer ducking under the shade of your hat nearly touching noses. Keeping an eye behind you as he locked the necklace behind he let himself take a hurried glance at your eyes further increasing the growing redness on his face. You smiled at him as you looked down at the necklace against your costume. Pulled away from nearly touching nose-to-nose as he regained his composure. Your thankful form was at the center of his view point still allowing him to see the pirate Jack who was practically frothing at the mouth as he was weakly being held back by Deuce and Epel. Ace had resigned to making a cutting motion against his neck to which Sebek opened his mouth to yell at him only for him to smirk.
"S-sebek wait-Woah!"
Before you can protest he latches your arms with his before guiding you inside leaving the other first years to fight with one another as they fought to catch up.  You didn't dwell on it entering the party with a smile on your face as the general populous smiled at you in welcome.
Tonight should be filled with fun and festivities as you danced with the costumed students of Night Raven. You were just happy you could do this with all your first-year friends...even if they had their own intentions for tonight.
Part 2 (?)
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urmomsspeciallady · 2 years
thank my most recent hyperfixation and my need for more fics of him because i hnnnngggg
Random Brett Hand S/O Headcanons
Brett’s the kinda guy to take you on either really classic dates (straight from the movies. ex: a candlelit dinner) or a “weird” date (something you wouldn’t necessarily expect from a man. ex: going shopping at the malls)
He makes a playlist about you as soon as he catches feelings. (he is so me)
He gives the best hugs. Brett just gives the most comfy and secure hugs.
He LOVES holding hands. He’ll do it subconsciously all the time, but he tries to remember to ask first (if it bothers you). He definitely does the thumb thing.
His love language? This is a tough one because I feel like all of them would fit him, but I think it’d be words of affirmations. Although, he does enjoy going out to find you the best gift, or even just making something for you in his free time.
Are you artsy? Great! You two spend some time together just working on your own projects. Him on his puppets or crafts, you on whatever it may be that day. ADHD term is body-doubling, I don’t know if it applies but I feel like it does. Either way, you two are spending quality time together. (i’ve got adhd hah)
You’re not artsy? That’s okay! Brett may try and convince you to make a craft with him, maybe even Legos, but if all this fails, he doesn’t mind. This just means more crafting for him.
Speaking off the last one, you two definitely build Lego sets together.
He’s git the best manners in terms of romantic relationships. He’s holding the door for you, giving you his jacket, buys the meals, etc.
He likes to come up behind you and hug you. Sometimes for no particular reason, he just likes holding you and having you close to him. He knows he’s got you, and you know he’s got you. Just a reminder to you both that he’s/you’re right there.
He tries to impress you a lot.
There are times when he just sits and holds you face in the palms of his hands and just.. Admire you. Smiling. Stroking your cheek
He loves it when you play with his hair! Stroking it, combing your fingers through it, ruffling it, putting braid in it only to brush it out again. He’ll go out of his way to lay his head on your lap or sit closer to you than normal.
Brett is one hundo percent a switch.
If you’re a switch too, you’ll probably swap roles midway through sex. Not out of no where, just kind of like banter. Probably a “taking turns” guy in which you’ll take turns topping or bottoming.
HE KNOWS HOW TO DO THE KNEE THING!! At first, he was already amazing at it but had no clue. He overheard Gigi talking about it and ended up looking it up. Now that he knows he’s doing it, he’s a GOD.
As much as I don’t want to say it.. He has a mommy kink. It’s not an intense mommy kink, just the praise and nicknames. Nothing that would seem.. Incestuous D: Ick.
Canonically, he’s into what you’re into.
PRAISE!! This will bring him to his knees so fast
He also likes teasing. But this isn’t just in sex. He likes playfully teasing you and you tease him back. It’s kinda y’all’s thang.
I feel like he loves soft sex. Like the sweet mushy lovey dovey kind. Where you can just look into eachothers’ eyes. Where you hold hands the whole time. Or where he can just hold you, you can hold him and just be together.
Mans is above average, but not massive.
He had a sexy playlist. You already know it.
He likes casual sex but he cherishes the special nights. One of his favorite’s is when he’s able to clean up the bedroom, buy roses, light candles, all the romantics. But you know, getting head in the broom closet isn’t so bad either.
Even thought Brett is… Brett, you guys have a safe word. You insisted (not cus ur trying to help him learn to speak up for himself whattt nooo…)
Biting, scratching, and hickies. He likes those as well!
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imahyperfixatedbitch · 9 months
@lookimtryingmybest HI!!! This is my present for you this Christmas!! I hope you enjoy it! You'll get some good old nonsense in the end. I was planning to draw you something but I couldn't so I wrote my first fanfic ever for you! I hope you enjoy it!
You could call Josh the revengeful type. He was like, planning a super elaborate “prank” in order to finally avenge his sisters’ disappearance after the very infamous joke they pulled on Hannah. However, Josh had been doubting the usefulness of such a plan. It had started not long ago, after a call with Chris and Ashley, he started feeling bad about it. First he thought about Chris and Ashley:he had very mixed feelings about them. One part of him was jealous of Ashley, as he loved Chris, his childhood bff, but the other part kind of wanted her as well? Weird. Then he started thinking about his friend Sam, she didn't even participate in the prank, and lately they had been supporting one another. Then the final factor appeared: Christmas was near and his parents wouldn't even be here to celebrate it with him, and if his sisters weren't here either, what was the point? So he had an idea to solve both problems: what if he invited all his “friends” (he's not even sure they still are his friends) for Christmas? Then he could decide if he forgave them AND he wouldn't be all alone. Josh hated loneliness. So he called them all. And these kids apparently didn't want to attend the family dinner because everyone accepted.
Everyone was back at the lodge, the first people to arrive were Ashley and Chris. They came together and Josh could feel his “mixed feelings” about them rise the second he saw them.
“Hey bro! Hey Ashley!” He greeted them
“Hi!” he hugged both of them. Quickly afterwards an awkward silence settled in.
“Anyone wanna play dnd?” Chris spoke in an attempt to stop the awkwardness, and, I mean, it worked because now Josh and Ashley just felt despair.
“Dude please tell me you didn't bring all of your dnd stuff…”
“I asked you if you had it before we headed out and you swore you only brought presents!!” Ashley joined in the complaints.
“Well, I mean, playing dnd IS a present!”
“So will you guys play or-”
“NO.” Their little banter was quickly interrupted by noises they heard in front of the living room.
“This bitch better get lost on her way. I can't stand her ugly ass.”
“Calm down Emily…remember we're all here for Josh today” Oh, another couple with issues. Hopefully they can fix them for Christmas, that would be like a hallmark movie. Matt and Emily entered the place, and immediately noticed how their three friends were looking at them.
“Oh, did you guys like, hear us?”
“Yeah.” Josh decided to be honest, but before any of them could really address it. A braided blondie came in with her boyfriend.
“Hiiiii” she cheerfully greeted and hugged everyone, well except Emily of course.
“This bitch-” Emily quickly interrupted herself when she saw the pleading look Matt gave her.
“Almost everyone is here, where's Sam?” Josh asked.
“Right here.” Sam was right behind him and just gave him the fright of his life.
“Ha, I'm getting back at you for all the times you scared me” she playfully elbowed him.
After a while, the atmosphere was still pretty tense, no one was really doing anything. Sam took a look at Josh and noticed how he wasn't looking really comfortable. She decided to talk to him.
“Hey, Josh”
“Sup Sam.”
“Are you planning to do anything? Like, watching a Christmas movie, do you have a Christmas playlist? Maybe board games?”
“Uh, I mean I bought beers”
“Let me take charge for a while.”
Sam stood up and started assigning tasks to her friends, dividing them in groups (that she chose carefully).
“Okay so, Ash,Chris and Josh, go turn the electricity generator on in the basement, then we can get more light, no offense Josh, but these candles are not enough. Matt and Emily could start getting the table ready for dinner. Jess could change the decorations a bit, Josh, I know you love your favorite indie horror movie's Christmas merch but I think Jess could make everything a bit, uh, prettier. Mike and I could go searching for board games or anything that could entertain us tonight, okay?” Everyone nodded and started working on their assigned tasks.
“Why does no one want to play dnd!? It's so interesting!”
“I'm shivering!” Ashley chimed in.
“Oh, do you want one of my flannels?”
“How many flannels do you have!?”
Josh clicked on a secret button on the wall,it revealed a closet full of flannels, there was like every flannel you could imagine. Red one, purple,pink, barbie flannel, horror flannel, flannels with fur on the sleeves, etc…
Ashley gasped “What the hell!? I'm actually impressed.”
“And I'm the weirdo because I like dnd. You're obsessed with flannels!” Chris shook his head.
“Flannels are useful okay!?” Josh defensively responded.
“Oh I like this one!” Ashley tried a green one on.
“Oh my god it was made for you! That's some high quality flannel dude.” Josh admired as Ashley spun around in her new flannel.
As they descended in the basement, Chris started working on the electricity generator while Ashley and Josh remained on one side, a bit away from him (they just finished bantering because Josh complained about Chris’ phone addiction).
“So…how have you been since-”
“Don't worry about it Ashley. I've been doing well, tonight I just want to have a good time with you guys okay? You and Chris mean a lot to me and well… I don't mean to get between you two because I see how you look at eachother you know? But I like being with you”
“Josh…we also enjoy every minute we spend with you”
“What are you guys talking about?” Chris joined the conversation back.
“What are you talking about Matt?” Emily and Matt were only supposed to get the table ready for the dinner but surprisingly the conversation turned into Matt opening up about his insecurities on his relationship with Emily.
“Matt, you are everything I could ask for. And I've never been happier since we've been together and you better understand that! You're beautiful and you're just a great guy, so don't you dare deny it! And Emily's always right, thank you very much.” Matt didn't expect such direct praises from Emily, he just jumped to hug her as she hugged him back with a surprised look. Jessica passed by the kitchen and threw a disgusted stare at Emily and Matt.
“Emily don't do that-” Emily didn't listen to Matt as she kept walking towards Jessica at a fast pace. When she got near enough, she opened her arms and gave Jessica the warmest hug she ever received.
“Emily? What-"Jessica mumbled.
“I already lost a friend last year and I won't lose another one. I won't let that happen, got it? Especially not over a stupid guy named Mike. You may be a bitch, a huge bitch…”
“But you're still my best friend.”
“Oh Emily” Jessica broke the hug to get a better look at her “I'm so sorry for what I did, I want to go back to how we were…”
“Jessica, I know you're sorry and that you're happy with him and I'm happy with Matt, so let's forget about this stupid feud over some stupid guy, and let's be besties again, I won't take no for an answer by the way.”
“YES” The girls started happily cheering for their friendship as Matt watched, proud of his girlfriend.
“Jesus, these board games are old.” Mike coughed because of the dust.
“Yep, they haven't used them since…”
Mike sighed “I think about that everyday”
“I know Mike, we've talked about it. And you know what I said, you're sorry, everyone is, but now it's time to move on, look at how happy Josh was when he saw us. This is how we can honor them: by celebrating the best Christmas for them.”
“You're right…”
“How are things with your father going by the way?”
“Oh you know, the same stuff as always, he acts like a douche and has those dumb expectations”
“Mh I see…”
“Let's stop talking about me. Let's talk about you, Sam. How are you doing?”
“Oh! Uh well you know, the same stuff as always. I have to take care of everyone again.”
“Yeah, you probably made me accompany you so I could talk about my problems,heh.”
“You got me there. I mean sometimes being the mom friend is tiring you know? You guys give me a lot of work. Helping Chris, Ash and Josh figure out they all have feelings for eachother is hard!”
“Oh yeah! Everyone knows it! Well, except for them. But you're right Sam, we should make an effort to get along better and you know, listen to your problems too.”
“Aw thank you. Nice talk bro!” Sam lightly punched his shoulder.
Everything was now ready for the perfect Christmas. The dishes were on the table. The Christmas tree was beautiful and the living room was shining with all the decorations. The lights were on and the lodge was warm. Sam and Mike had some movies and boardgames prepared for the night, and Josh's (odd) Christmas playlist was playing in the background. Matt, Mike and Sam were playing a board game, Jess and Emily were catching up and Josh,Chris and Ash were cuddling together on the couch while chatting about geeky stuff. Suddenly, the lights started flickering and finally turned off. Screams were heard (mostly from Mike). The lights turned back on, revealing a tall and pale creature standing in the living room. Our friends didn't know it, but it was a wendigo. The time stopped, it was like everyone was too stunned to speak, petrified. The wendigo opened its mouth.
“I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need…”
Josh immediately recognised the beautiful singing voice.
“Hannah!?” The wendigo put a christmas hat on its head. “Yeah!”
“Where have you been!?”
“Long story short, I fell from a mountain into some mines and I ate a dead body to survive and now I look like that!” Hannah cheerfully explained.
“Hey you look just like the monster from my favorite horror movie! Cool!” The two siblings hugged.
“Wait a minute, Hannah. Where's Beth?”
Everyone ran to the tree. Each person got wonderful gifts from their loved ones. Emily got a new bag and jewelry, Jess got new clothes and makeup, Mike got an ugly Christmas sweater and he didn't know it yet but the next day Jessica would take him out to adopt a puppy together, Matt got some more material to practice sports, Chris got a new videogame, Ashley got a new book collection and Sam got some sweaters.
Josh decided that he would give up on his plan. He had the time of his life with his friends and he got his sister back. The rest of the night went wonderfully well. They danced, had a delicious dinner and played board games. Emily and Jess apologized and catched up with Hannah. They even sang together when they organized a Christmas karaoke. In the end, it was the best Christmas everyone could wish for. “Hey Hannah, have you ever played dnd?”
“Chris…” Josh sighed.
“Show me!” Hannah responded, surprising everyone.
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beckandthebois · 9 months
Take Care
Another really late Whumptober post.
Also posted on ao3
Day 13: Infection
Four sat on a rock, bandages in hand. He wrapped it around Wind's arm. 
“So I had to capture the last pig for them,” Wind tells Four, leading their conversation as the Chain bandages up and hands out healing sources. Four hums to let Wind know he’s still paying attention. 
“When I came back later on I found out that they ate two of them!” Wind said practically jumping out of his seat, causing Four to startle and lose his concentration on the bandage. 
“And they named the one left Link! Can you believe that?” Wind said flabbergasted. 
“Wind, you have to sit still,” 
“Ugh, fine,” Wind relaxes again and lets Four finish bandaging his arm. 
“There,” Four says, standing up only to wince from the deep gash in his leg. Wind jumps up and runs off to go talk to Wild, probably about the weird thing his slate did during their recent fight. 
Four sighed and walked over to Time.
“I think that’s the last of us,” Four said.
“Good,” Time said “We’ve made good time today, we’ll rest for the rest of the night and make it back to the Ranch by noon tomorrow.” 
Four nodded and went to go get his pack, he pulled out his bedroll and picked a spot while Time told the other boys.
The rest of the evening was filled with happy banter, post fight compliments, and teases. Wild had made fried herbs for dinner with rice and the boys went to bed happy. 
Well, Four was happy till he woke up from the nagging pain in his leg. He twisted around and threw his blanket off. He was too hot. Then a few minutes later he was too cold. Four sat up to pull his blanket back up, but was hit with a wave of nausea, everything slightly blurry for a few seconds. Four sits still till it passes, he pulls his hands up to his head, feeling how hot his forehead is. 
Four slumps back down into his bedroll, forgetting about pulling his blanket back up. Instead, he curls in on himself. He always hates being sick. He closes his eyes and sits still for the rest of the night, forcing his body to rest. 
A hand pushes his shoulder slightly. Someone says something softly, but Four doesn’t hear it. His brain hurts and when he tries to open his eyes, the light seems to only make it worse. He feels so cold for some reason, and his leg hurts so bad. 
“Hm,” Four hums turning his head deeper into his pillow, hoping that the pressure might let up his pain. 
“Four, it’s time to get up,” Sky says above him. Four feels like he’ll throw up if Sky shakes him one more time. 
And that’s exactly what happens. Four turns to the opposite side from Sky and vomits. It burns his throat, and causes tears to leak from his eyes. Sky’s hand comes up to pull his hair back from his forehead. Sky’s other arm wraps around Fours back to his stomach to hug the hero from behind. He whispers soothing words into his ear, but Four doesn’t hear any of it. He hiccups a sob and leans his head into Sky’s chest when he’s done.
Four had hoped maybe throwing up would help his headache, but unfortunately it didn’t. Sky lays him back down on his bedroll, soothing his hair out of his face before standing up. 
“I’ll be right back.” He says before walking to the group of heroes who had all paused packing their stuff after hearing Four’s retching. Four misses Sky already. He hates being alone when he’s sick. But at least he can catch some of their whispered conversation. 
“He seemed fine last night?” Someone says, before there’s more muffles. 
“It’s still a few hours to the ranch,” Four knows he’ll never make it to the ranch like this. 
“Half of us…… come back.” 
“I’ll stay,” Four hears Sky say loud and clear, then the hero is coming back to his bedside. Carrying a few things. 
“Sorry that took longer then I thought,” Sky says softly, smiling. Four reaches up his hand for the older hero to grab. Sky grabs his hand, then pulls Fours head into his lap, which he won’t admit, but almost made him throw up again. 
Sky wipes his mouth with a rag of some kind. Four doesn’t know who’s it is and already feels sorry for them. The holds up a water canteen. 
“You should clear the gross taste from your mouth, might help a bit.” Four takes him up on that offer, and then leans back into Sky’s lap. Sky cards his hand through Fours hair, which might be the only thing Four thinks that could sooth his headache. 
“What’s the worst part?” Sky asks gently. 
“My leg,” Four answers raspily, his throat burning with effort. Sky looks confused. 
“Which one?” 
“Right, where I got cut last night,” Four answers again. He thinks he’s done talking for now, it really doesn’t help. Sky looks concerned before pulling away a bit. Four shivers from the lose of his body heat. Sky pulls up the leg of Fours right pant leg, to his knee and above his caff. Sky pulls back the bloody bandages and gasps. 
“That’s definitely infected,” Sky says in a light voice for Four’s sake. 
Oh, Four thinks, that’s probably why he feels like shit. 
“Let me see,” Hyrule says. Sky pulls away from Four’s leg and instead goes back to the young hero’s hair and head. Four leans back in, and takes Sky’s free arm and wraps both of his around it. Now he can’t leave and has to sit to soothe the ache in his head, Four thinks childishly. He closes his eyes, and everything slightly muffled and grows distant around him. The last thing he knows is there’s a kiss laid on his forehead. 
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fili-oeuvre · 4 months
Cosmos stared down at his tail as he absentmindedly groomed it.
A feeling of wrongness lingered over him like a swarm of mosquitoes. No matter how much he swatted at it, it always returned.
He had checked and nothing from him seemed to be missing. Whatever that weird tailed one had done, he had left no trace or evidence of having done anything.
Still, he felt… violated in a way that he had never thought he would be.
Cosmos: [ don’t think about that ] *he shook his head to try and clear away those thoughts, they weren’t going to do him much good except drive him crazy*
It had been a day or had it been two? Time seemed to just blur together in this place.
The lights in his room would automatically dim at certain times in the day. Which made him think that that was supposed to represent a day passing, but he couldn’t trust that.
He let out a heavy sigh before shifting to lay on his side. He stared blankly at the wall.
As he traced imaginary shapes on its white-gray surface, his mind wandered back to thinking about his family. He closed his eyes as he latched onto a memory from a few days before he was caught.
“What’s that?” Bramble had found him by a stream sharpening one of his daggers. Alba was with him as he often was. It was rare to find those two apart.
“It’s one of my daggers. Castor says that keeping them in top shape at all times is essential. You never know when you might need them and it’s no good having dull ones.” He had gone back to sharpening it. Suddenly, the light weights of two small kits leaning on his back and looking over his shoulders made him stop.
“Shouldn’t you two be doing chores?” He smiled as he put the dagger down to pat the fluffy heads of his little brothers.
“But our chores are boring.” Bramble had said.
“Maybe, but they’re important.” Alba moved to nestle into his side as he said that.
“You always away doing things. We barely see you anymore.” Alba hugged his arm and rested his head on his shoulder.
It was true, Cosmos was spending more time away as he started being more involved in the patrols and the drills. He had tried to still be back for meals, but… time seemed to get away from you when you were focused on something as big as the cause.
“You know why I have to be away all the time.”
“We know.” Their tones had sounded downtrodden, but understanding. Most if not all of the children knew of the war. Though it didn’t make it any easier, especially when they knew of the dangers that their families were often in.
They had sat in silence for a few moments that felt longer than they probably were. Just silently listening to the sounds of the forest and the sounds of the camp in the distance.
He had thought of something to try and make his brothers feel better.
“Hey, why don’t I finish up with this one and then we can go catch some mice together? I can show you some secret techniques.”
“Really?” Bramble has perked up almost instantly, the usual cheerfulness in his voice returning. While his reaction was more subtle, Alba looked at him intently with quiet excitement.
“Of course! It’ll be a fun way to prepare you for your first hunt.”
Bramble had hugged him, with Alba following suit. He had sheathed his dagger and the three of them had started to head towards one of the hunting areas. They had run ahead of him on the trail. Bramble was saying how he would catch more mice than Alba. Alba had countered with how he was the quieter of the two and was better at stealth than Bramble.
He had smiled, watching the two of them banter and play together as they walked.
The memory faded away as soon as it had arrived.
He opened his eyes to be met with the same lifeless white-gray walls that kept him stuck in hornet’s nest of a place.
Part 6 :3
The wonderful thing called ✨homesickness✨ and missing your siblings
Previous: Part 5
Next: Part 7
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hopeforkitten · 9 months
Mizora talks to Tav the warlock, who has lost the mercy of Raphael. kind of like a continuation of that
Tav had already joined the atmosphere of the trip when the almost defeated Hag shouted "As a follower of the devil, have mercy on me!" Another lump in Tav's throat appeared when the witch gave away a lock of her hair and mentioned her smell and that the master would obviously like that she had become stronger.
Tav looked condescendingly at Mayrina with the animated corpse of her husband. "It's better to turn to the devil with such requests," a thought flashed through her head. Mayrina would have remained in debt, but she would have lived her life with love, or if the devil had taken her child, he would have raised him to be a first-class assistant, and Hag would have simply eaten him.
Tav sent her companions ahead to the camp, while she lingered in front of the tea house. She knew that the illusion around her hid a terrible quagmire, but she did not want to give up this illusion, not when her sun was so bright and warm.
There was a sharp lack of warmth in her life. A few days without Averno and the girl feels weakness and sore throat, the first signs of the disease. But what is missing more warmth, body or spirit?
The spirit longs for another warmth, for love and care, attention, banter.
How is Haarlep? She promised to be back soon and she has never been away for so long. How is Korilla forced to cope alone? How is Raphael?.. Raphael was what she needed.
Tav is sitting in a green clearing in the sun, hugging his knees. The bright light blinds her eyes and she does not immediately understand what kind of dark spot is in front of her.
"Oh, my puppy is no longer here, what a pity"
The purple spot took on the features of Mizora, she blocked the light with her wings and pretended to press her finger to her lips.
"But how lucky that you're here,"
The finger came off his lips and briefly pointed at Tav
"How lucky that someone else's puppy is here? Or will all creatures of evil already call me the devil's whore?"
"What rude words, pet. Get up,"
Tav stopped staring up at her and shook herself off and stood up.
"Let me decorate the landscape,"
Mizora waved her hand, darkened by magic, and the Witch's illusion fell away. Now the girl and the she-devil were standing on a burnt-out gray path surrounded by a quagmire.
"That's better," Mizora smiled. Tav looked around wistfully, missing the sun.
"Well, well, little warlock, did you like the local landscapes so much?"
Tav did not want to answer.
"You know, having an affair with a patron is so convenient and obvious in fact, maybe you will give such advice to Will."
Tav has known Mizora for a long time. Previously, they had not communicated alone. The devil turned out to be extremely talkative.
"Maybe you can give him some tips on how to take care of a new accessory on his head, it will pass for flirting."
Tav joked, remembering Will's new look. It really suited him, and the shape of the horns is comfortable, he still has a chance to freely pass through doorways."It's very funny, but I want to be taken care of."
"It seems to me that Will's affair with you will not protect him much from Zariel's whims. It doesn't help me either," Tav ends sadly.
"Come on, sweetheart, you're such a great couple. I do not know why Raphael is so mad at you now, but I do know exactly why he brought you to the ball then. He was bragging about you sincerely." Mizora whispered these words in Tav's ear like the sweetest poison
Oh, that ball, a weird formal event at the Averno citadel. The devils clearly knew its purpose, for humans it was a strange farce. A few hours of empty conversations among devils of all stripes and their guests.
"Many devils bring their warlock with them, but obviously not as an ornament for themselves."
Raphael has chosen a pair of luxurious outfits for the two of you. He didn't let you go all evening, you were one wonderful ensemble. You were his calling card, which is ready to disarm the interlocutor. Say hello, ask a question about the latest business when you first see this devil.
"You probably had a sore left side from his constant half hugs. Or maybe his claws had made a hole in the dress? And then you disappeared somewhere else, I wonder what you were doing..."
"Obviously, this is not what you think"
Rafael took her to a large balcony where no one would see them. Even if there was music playing at the party, the devils would be dancing. However, Raphael's theatricality required an exit, and they performed with him literally a couple of elements of the waltz.
Tav smiled at the memory of how he had praised her, how he had let her head rest on his chest before they returned to the others. He promised that he would definitely take her to such events many more times...
"Is it that bad, cutie?" Mizora was grinning.
"Devil, what do you want?"
"I'm having a friendly conversation, nothing more. You know, try making lemonade out of lemons. Look around, Will and Karlach also have all the hellish features, except for the wings of course."
"This is the worst sentence I've heard from the devil, Mizora"
"If you want changes, change the big red man to a pale young man? Astarion is very charming, you want to take a bite out of him. If he hasn't done it about you yet."
"What interest do you have? Could this affect my master's interests?" Tav frowns incredulously
"The powerful of this world are playing a global show the way they need to, I just want to sweeten this local school amateur activity, no more"
The devil walked back and forth a little, reasoning
"My entertainment now is your team, do not get discouraged, spoil the picture," Mizora said with some disdain and hiding in a cocoon of wings disappeared, leaving Tav alone
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Don't Come To Me Pt. 6.
Heyheyhey! New part is here, now with the one and only Frank.
Frank Castle X F!Reader, mentions of Billy Russo X F!Reader
Warnings: Language is all i think, no Billy this time srry
Summary: Reader and Frank have a little time together, sharing thoughts and feelings.
Taglist: @gwynethhberdara @icarus-isflying @intothesoul @malfoyeyes @padfooteyes @readers-posts
Part 5.
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His eyes are sparkling in the overly annoying yellow light, giving them a mischievous glint with a hint of softness. A now constant half smirk plastering his freshly shaven face, his ear perked up by the scandalous tone of the drunk David. He is putting up a show, probably this is all the fun he got in the last year, and that could be the reason for Frank to just let it happen. Anyone could tell that he needs it too. He needs some laugh, some lighthearted banter, hugs and gentle touches. You tried your best to provide some relief, talk about nonsense, being physically close to him, offer him random snacks because you liked his deep laughter when you pulled out M&M's from your back pocket in ridiculous moments. Nothing can make you happier than those laughs. And the guilt eats you away for it. Every time you lay your eyes on Frank Castle, the whole wide world narrows down to one, to only one person, and it's him. Not the man who brings you roses, swears on his own life to keep you happy, rails you like no other man ever. Not Billy, but his best friend. The best friend who he thinks is long gone, buried six feet under.
"Where's your head at, Sweetheart?" Frank's face is full of curiosity, maybe some concern, he caught you zoned out like someone in hypnosis, you eyes blurry from staring into nothingness.
Before you could attempt to think about a good answer David appears next to you, an intoxicated smile on his face, eyebrow moving up and down in a teasing way.
"I bet you think 'bout pretty boy who is waiting for ya at home huh" The weirdness of David's drunken words are too funny to react any kind of way than laughing, so you just do that not escaping the awfully warm feeling on your cheeks. "Ohhhh i can see, i can SEE!" He yells the last letters as if he solved the mystery of the holy grail.
"Do not worry, i understand. He is really beautiful. Truly." He's gazing off into the distance, over your's and Frank's shoulder, over this little bunker, completely lost in his cloudy mind. You mutter a quiet 'okay', seeing how smitten is David with Billy's look.
When you turn to Frank again, thinking where you lost the conversation, his tense demeanor knocks out your thoughts again of your head. He's looking at David annoyed, wanting him gone, at least a couple feet so he can hum his radio pop songs away from the two of you. You can't blame him, you like David, but you get too little time with Frank these days. So you try to make the best out of those times.
Frank turns back to you, the same tension in his muscles, jaw locked tight, eyes furrowed. This is what people see when meeting the Punisher? They see a body built like a weapon, hardened face with no other emotion than rage? Little moments like this shows that side of him, the side he keeps at bay, neatly tucked away in front of you.
He softens up when his brown eyes finds their way back to yours. He looks at you puzzled, David's humming a Backstreet Boys song in the background making you smile at him, which he returns in defeat.
He pick up his mostly untouched glass of cheap whikey, gulping down half of it in an elegant way only he can manage in cargo pants and a plain stained t-shirt.
"Why don't you go home?" He asks, confusing you with it.
"What do you mean? You said you are free tonight." Your genuine confusion makes him smirk.
"C'mon Y/N. Don't tell me you don't wanna be with Billy. You should be at home with him." He states. You know he's right. You should be yearning for that. And still, you are out in the night, with two officially dead person deep in some corruption shit.
Your smile dies off, thinking about Billy. He texted you a couple hours back, when the night was young. You could hear his voice reading the message. He's working, he's gonna be late, can he call you when he's done for the day, can he come over, can he make love to you? Words dripping from honey, from love, from adoration, from obsession even.
"We can have time of our own, Frank. I still have a life ya know." You sound a little too cold, and he notices it right away. The discomfort flashing on your face when your thoughts consume you.
"What's wrong?" He asks, leaning his body forward, his eyes burning in fire. "What did he do?"
What did he do? Nothing if you are being honest. If someone is doing something wrong it's you.
"Frank, stop. Nothing, he did nothing, okay?" You try to soothe him, but his body stays put, leaning into your space, eyes still searching for the truth behind your words. "It's just..."
"What is it?" He's so eager to know. If it wasn't for the deadstare, you would think he's just hungry for gossip, for drama, for housewife secrets.
"It made me think. It's silly truly. Now i think about it before saying it, it's just so childish." You utter in one breath, looking wide eyed on the man in front of you. he did not loose interest, his focus is still on you and what are you about to say, despite the very much annoying David singing Beyoncé in the background. "It made me wonder. Why now? We did this cat and mouse game for years now, and it never changed. We never changed. I just..." You do sound a little paranoid. And in this moment as you say it out loud it sounds even more ridiculous. "Suddenly he wants to be with me, wants to have a life with me, wants me."
Frank doesn't seem to be uncomfortable, at least not like you imagined him talking about matters like your business of heart. His jaws painfully shut together, you can see him clutch his tooth together as he looks away from you.
"I know i said bad things about his ways back in the day, yeah? I know. But don't hold 'em against him. He's fucking right about loving you sweetheart okay? Don't think about it too much because it's tend to be real messy up there for you." You taps your temple gently, the touch giving you goosebumps all over your skin.
"Yeah yeah i know. I guess i wanted to see some sense in something that is far from making sense." You smile, your brain still ringing the alarms.
"Love works like that." He says with a halfhearted smile, eyes not leaving yours. A for a moment you just gaze into each others soul through wandering eyes. You didn't had time to think about Frank too much. Sure you had questions, had fears and scares when he showed up blooded and bruised, but everything was so blurred from the shock and joy you felt seeing him again when you already grieved the man.
You are so much older now, more mature, wiser. But your childlike crush for him stayed the same, and the first time in god knows how long the familiar nervousness in you tummy started again.
"I missed you, you know?" You blurt out, regretting it instantly, but you still show him a somewhat proper smile, shielding your face with your hair.
He moves closer face mere inches away, his hand slipping to the back of your neck, pulling your head towards him. He connects your foreheads together gently, his warm palm stayin on your bare skin under your hoodie, thumb slightly caressing your pulsing skin.
"I've missed you too."
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bellysoupset · 6 months
HI HI HI HI I CANT EXPLAIN HOW HAPPY I AM THAT YOURE BACK!!! oh my goodness i was literally typing this when i saw that you asked where i’ve been💀 i’ve been reading fics as you post them (i don’t have notifs on but i check your blog for updates on a regular basis LMAO) but life shtuff has only now died down enough for me to actually write/comment on things!! gosh i’m so excited you’re back!! in the LEAST pressure-y way, it’s almost embarrassing how slowly days went by as i was waiting for you to start posting again LOL like at one point i was telling myself “okay she said 20 days, it’s probably been at least a week”. it had been literally 3 days 💀 HAHAHAHWH
AHHHHHH MY BABIES MY BABIES!!!!! i don’t remember what the last thing i talked about on here was but WOW these last fics have made me cry and laugh and blush sooo many different times!! wen finding out was CRAZY and i literally sobbed w her bc the way everything played out was so unfortunate but also so realistic and raw and i had so many mixed feelings about everything!!!! and then wen isolating and bella checking on her!! and wen trying to push her away and then admitting that she felt so lonely GOD THAT WAS DEVASTATING but then bella being so supportive and comforting AGHHHH my girlsss <3333
and then omg the fic after that one??? i was SO surprised that wen forgave vin? and that they’re trying long distance??? i’m so fucking excited and happy abt that but god i’m sure it’ll be hard 😭 but YAY I KNEW THEY LOVED EACH OTHER TOO MUCH TO GIVE UP LIKE THAT ♥️
side note, luke being so depressed and struggling so much to adapt to his meds is so sad but so realistic too :,) i’m glad you’re making this a part of the plot!! but my man is def off his meds already lol im interested to see where this goes!! and also i LOVE how well jon and leo are doing <3 despite everything going on, they’re in their happy era fr <3
and now i’m sorry but the sick vin fic?????????? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, IT WAS EVERYTHING I NEEDED AND MORE‼️ first off, leo talking to him and being so real but also like calling him out like that??? while still being super supportive??? and the way he described wen was so accurate and so him-coded??? and then AHHHHH i’ve ALWAYS loved vin and bell’s friendship, i’ve genuinely always thought it was super adorable and i wanted more of them, so this fic was gold 🤭 a trope that ALWAYS gets me is when someone is ANGRY at someone they love and ofc being bitchy and sassy until they realise said someone is very much Unwell (it’s especially good if they’re so sick that they’re really out of it), and when they realise how sick they are they IMMEDIATELY switch from mad to concerned + caretaker mode!!!! so yeah you can imagine this whole fic had me on my knees 🤭 obsessed w how protective of luke bell is, and how protective of vin wen is, but also how both girls just jumped straight into action when he was clearly not feeling good <333 and then vin realising wen was using her dr. voice, and then the pure ANGST at the end when he sobs and they just hug and the “god i’m gonna fucking miss you” SOB SOB SOB SOB 😭😭😭🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
bell sick and luke taking care of her was also AMAZINGGGG🫶🏽 i always love when my girls get whumped <3333 omg and AHHHH luke and vin finally talking abt shtuff🥹 the “nothing to forgive” 😭 luke knowing he’ll get sick AND holding him closer??? GOSH THE BROTP MAN !!!!!
and oh my goodness i just read the most recent fic with the new OC!!!! this is so exciting and cool and i love his vibes ahhhh <3 i love how nonchalant max seems abt shtuff and im so so excited to see where things go!! i hope vin and him become friends but also i feel like there’s gonna be some tension and weird banter going on between them at least at first hehehe
your writing is fucking incredible and whenever i see a new post from your blog it genuinely lights up my day <3 i am completely in love with all your characters and the depth and intricacies behind each of them ♥️ i’m so thankful your blog exists🫶🏽 also, i saw you were really struggling for a while and i just wanted to check in and see if you were doing better? you’re so loved and talented and appreciated and you deserve all the peace and love and happiness in the world!!! i hope things are going well/better!
i can’t wait to read more of what you write! i’m super excited about this new character and about reading more stories abt your lovely OCs <3
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Soup found DEAD from love cardiac arrest outside of Miami beach.
🦦!!!!! Honestly I don't even wanna post your comments, I just wanna stare at them for hours 🙈🙈
Don't worry about catching up on fics, they'll be here when life slows down!! I know very well how sad it is that we must Adult ™.
I am SO HAPPY you liked the Wendy/Vince developments!! In my head you're like THE Wendy/Vin supporter, so every time I write something with them I'm like "uhmmm wonder what 🦦 is gonna think??"
Caretaker who's pissed and then switches to comfort is also one of my favorite tropes, I looooove the spiciness of guilt thrown in!
Take care babe 💛💛
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cl-plus-s · 8 months
Origins (part 1)
Okay, While not as detailed as a full on written fanfic, this is how i imagine Sissi joining the Lyoko warriors, i'll continue the story next time, don't have enough juice to write it fully now. This happens on the relative begginings of the story, around the first third of season 1. It's friday and festive in the Kadic Academy, which means students have three full days of freedom. Of being able to rest and let loose. Yumi's parents and brother have gone on a trip, leaving the girl on charge of the house. And since they trust in her, Yumi has permission to invite her friends to her house. Sadly, both Ulrich and Odd had already made plans and cannot go since they will be out of town throughout the whole weekend, though this doesn't stop her from going ahead, even if there will only be Jeremie and Her. Besides, this means that even if Xana attacks she will be ready to fight. Meanwhile, Sissi's home is in turnmoil. She thought she would be able to pass this weekend with her mom, but alas she cancelled in the last moment. Jean-Pierre, the director and Sissi's father, tried to calm her down and tell her that her mother loves her still, that she is a really occupied woman and probably some emergency happened. Sissi doesn't buy it, since her mother left her dad she has had this gnawing feeling that it was somehow her fault. That she wasn't enough. Normally she can silence it but now... It feels like a flame eating her inside. And so she goes to the park besides Kadic, to be alone, to calm down... to let the time pass. On her way home, Yumi goes through a shortcut through the park, since it has started raining and is possible that in a bit it will be too much, and she didn't have an umbrella right now. But on her way, she notices something. Under a tree there is someone. Not exactly hugging her knees, but noticeable cowered. Yumi also noticed that Sissi's make up what somewhat ruined, even if the rain was still a drizzle... She recognized what happened. She still didn't know why, But something bad had happened to her. Something painful, not just banter or sarcasm and light insults from classmates, Sissi never reacted to them this way. The director's daughter didn't seem to have noticed her yet since she was too absorted on her own thoughts... probably she could keep walking without trouble, letting this be just a weird enc- ''Hey, it's starting to rain. Did you bring anything to cover from the rain?'' Yumi started the conversation, even if sometimes she was a pain. Seeing Sissi like this felt wrong...Perhaps she would regret it but at this point she kept going with the inertia. ''Look, my family is on a trip for the weekend and they left me the house free and told me i could invite some people over. There was going to be only Jeremie and me, since the others are out of town so i have still some room left. Want to come over and pass the night, even if it's just to cover yourself from the rain?'' Sissi looked at Yumi. Her head still fuzzy and full of bees. Her eyes itchy and blurry. Yeah, Yumi was annoying and the nerd a bit weird... well probably not that different from Herb so whatever. But it felt weird, Sissi thought Yumi didn't liked her, that they were rivals for Ulrich attention. All this interaction felt awkward, It would have been easier if she just had ignored her, at least she didn't noticed the marks of her crying, thanks to the starting rain probably. Sissi was about to tell her that thanks but no thanks. That she had a home herself to return to... But her throat went dry. She... she didn't want to go back home... not yet at least. She collected herself and got up. Cleaned the dust from her clothes and looked at Yumi. ''Alright, i'll go. Just... Nevermind. Besides, i'm sure the place will get brighter just with me being there. Guide the way'' And with a sigh, Yumi guided Sissi to her home. Partly regretting having invited her and preparing herself for what would probably be an uncomfortable and not that great of an experience... Next 2
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salsakiyoomi · 1 year
Hi!! Congrats on 1k followers, your blog theme is super gorgeous <3
Could I please get a matchup for stranger things?
My persona -
Personality - It takes me a while to feel comfortable around new people but once I do, I become really talkative and outgoing. I love helping out and I'm the therapist friend, people come to me to vent or for advice and comfort. I'm smart and ambitious; I love being the best at everything I do, but I'm deathly afraid of failure and disappointing the people I love. I'm quite the hopeless romantic and I love being in love! I adore big and small romantic gestures and I love domesticity sm!! I also daydream a lot and I can get lost in my own world for hours. I can be quite dramatic and stubborn and I tend to be withdrawn and distant at times. I get frustrated easily and I'm quietly competitive. My love languages are acts of service and quality time. I'm a ravenclaw, my mbti is infp and my enneagram is 4w3!
Zodiac - taurus!
Ideal type and Favorite trope - best friends to lovers!!! I'm obsessed with having a person just be your person throughout your life. Someone who knows you inside out, gets you better than anyone else, has seen the best and the worst parts of yourself, someone you're completely comfortable and at ease with, someone you know and trust blindly. idk, I just love the idea very much 😭😭
Favorite season - definitely fall
Hobbies- I love reading, my favorite genres are poetry, Russian lit, and mysteries! I love learning about new things and knowing a little bit of everything. I adore adventures, witty and playful banter, joking around and having indepth discussions on anything and everything! I adore all forms of art and I have quite a few creative hobbies! I listen to a lot of modern/indie rock and I love watching films very much! I really enjoy dressing up and playing around with makeup.
Thank you very much! I'm very sorry if this got too long, I got carried away 😭 can't wait to explore more of your blog, your Miguel x reader was a delight <3
Congrats once again on your milestone, I hope you have a lovely day ❤️
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— honeymoon
eddie has always loved you, since the moment you saved him from those stupid bullies in second grade, even though the two of you got beat up — you still asked him if he was okay, and of course he said yes, he was amazed by how brave you were back then and how you stood up for him, a kid you've never met before and one who had a reputation for being a freak — nevertheless, ever since that moment, the two of you stuck together like glue, and you grew up to be close friends, or maybe something more than just friends — not that eddie would ever go over that line.
it started in second year of highschool when eddie realized he might've felt something more for you than just regular friends — which was weird because you never expressed anything that said you were interested in him like that — ignoring the way you usually hugged him too tightly or the sloppy kisses you placed on his cheeks, at first it was okay and normal, but ever since his fat crush on you, his heart always leapt to his throat whenever you made contact with him. he was starting to see you more than a friend with every passing day, and god, it was no good for him —he knew he needed to stop, needed to get this thoughts out of his mind and bury his feeling deep and take them with him to the grave, but he couldn't help it, couldn't help staring at you for too long, couldn't help craving your touch, couldn't help thinking about the way your lips could press up — no, no, he can't think like that.
and then came the late afternoon where the two of you were sitting by your secret spot — the bench in the woods, as eddie liked to call it ( he said it sounded ominous ) you weren't sitting on the bench, no, eddie sat up by a tree bark with your head resting in his lap, rambling on about the new album of your favorite band, while the light of the setting sun bounced on your face perfectly, defining your features and adding a golden glimmer to your already sparkling eyes — eddie wasn't listening to a word you were saying, his gaze dead set on your lips, how the moved, how pretty and plump they looked, and before he even knew it, he was leaning over, pressing his lips to yours, tasting the cherry lip balm you always wore tat made your lips pink and shiny and so irresistible— it was only to his surprise that you kissed him back.
— what's on the radio : me and your mama, childish gambino
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a/n : i love eddie's hair sm, ty for the request <3 also i think you're really cool
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dykesapphics · 1 year
Episode 18 aka the breakup arc! Every good couple has one, but that doesn't mean I have to like it when it happens!!
So let's get the minor things out of the way. L.A. is being creepy, the Girl Posse (formerly referred to as the ot3, if you remember) are making moves to get Ellis into their custody, some guy is a spirit and shows Ellis her and Nadie's younger selves. You know, the usual. Gotta say that the supernatural elements of this episode really brought Madlax to mind! And the shot below felt reminiscent of Noir for some inexplicable reason.
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So why is Ellis lying sadly in her bed? Two reasons: one, her keychain thingy broke, and she's still kinda raw on the whole losing stuff thing after last episode. Two, Nadie's being kind of an ass and not realizing that now's not the time for teasing. Often their banter goes smoothly, but not after Nadie dismissed her hurt about the thing breaking.
Side tracking for a moment like the show did, Lirio and Ricardo were there! Wooo! Ellis calls Lirio "Bonita", which is adorable, they're sisters to me <3. Weird spirit guy takes Ellis to the shadow realm (more like light realm tbh) where she sees the aforementioned kid selves. While this is all happening, Nadie has a heart-to-heart with Ricardo and realizes her errors, at least somewhat. When they can't find Ellis everywhere because she's in the Realm, Nadie gets so worried she just runs up to Ellis and hugs her when she shows up, immediately apologizing.
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After that we get one of the most touching scenes in the anime so far. Ellis tells Nadie that all the little things matter to her so much, and Nadie promises to do better. They reassure each other that they're friends (and we all know there's something more there too, but they'll get to that some other time, I hope!) aka that they care about each other, and promise to go to Winay Marka together (the place where they've been aiming to go since the start). Nadie also makes another vow to protect Ellis and stay by her side, again only for herself to hear.
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Great episode! Me and the watch buddy were VERY emotionally invested in this one lmao
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sunny6677 · 24 days
Ramble about my day again
@catsockpuppet since ya enjoyed my rambles last time if I remember correctly
I kinda overslept this morning since I turned off my alarm without realizing—and ended up being woken by my half sisters dad cuz it was about time for the bus to show up. So i rushed through the polls this morning, did my usual stuff and got ready, and in a half-asleep state I went down to the bus stop. I had a weird ass dream tho. It's kinda gross, so even if it doesn't make me too phased, I know it may gross some other people out. But all I'll say is that something fell out of my body and that afterwards there were weird translucent sticky tree roots like sticking out of me.
I rode on the bus like I normally do, took some photos and drew some stuff. And then once the bus arrived at the school, I took a few more photos cuz of how pretty it looked and sat with my friends at breakfast for a little while. I just had apple juice and that was kind of it. Then when it was time for Psychology—I went on down there and took some more photos cuz it looked pretty still.
Psychology was kinda funny today tbh. We were going over dream stuff since that's what we're supposed to be studying and I wrote the stuff about my dream on the assignment we're gonna be doing for the next few days, but we just got kinda side tracked cuz we all kept talking about out weird sleep walking or dream experiences. Some girl said she apparently writes on a board what she dreams about anytime she wakes up, and another dude told us about a sleep walking experience he had with his dad.
Spanish rolled around, and I think it mighta been cuz I was sleepy, but it felt a lit mess active than usual as we just took notes and everyone around me just sorta talked and talked. I participated in what we were doing as well obviously, but I was too exhausted to really speak.
And then when Chemistry came, my friend who usually sits with me wasn't there—so I just cut out and glued in a bunch of stuff in quietness as my teacher let us take some notes and occasionally got onto the other students.
Then in Technology, he gave some of the other students time to work on their animation concept thing—and I wanted to play Roblox, but my mind was dead set on drawing what I was voted to draw for, so I spent the entire time just drawing random stuff that popped into my head. Hypergraphia thingssss. Got a hug from my friend toward the end though and watched a bunch of Spooky Month tiktoks as I headed to lunch. And also recorded some of the scenery.
I ended up playing Roblox as my friends just kinda joked around during lunch the whole time, and just ate some chips and I drank some coca cola like I normally do. I did talk a little more with them this time though and they kinda laughed at some of my jokes.
And when English came around, we did an activity on different fictional villains based on who was the worst—I think my group ended up doing the best out of them all. And we also ended up reading some more and just discussing our book, but that was kinda it.
In Theater, we learnt about non-verbal expressions and acting. And as of now, I've been paired up with two others for a skit we're supposed to be writing/planning out. We didn't have much time today, so we'll be planning the skit out tomorrow.
Geometry was just kinda boring and I had to listen to my teacher mess with other students or scold them as I kept trying to work the entire time. Geometry, while easy, can be kinda boring sometimes. And I think whenever I'm especially bored, I do worse on it.
And finally when World History rolled around, we finished taking some notes and had some light hearted banter about some of the stuff. And also laughed because this dude kept going on about asking the teacher what her 'favorite method of ancient killing/punishment' was. That was kinda it for today though.
And then on the bus I got kinda stressed at the thought of writing, so that was when I asked if I should take a break as soon as I got home. It also mildly rained tonight, and right now, my brother and his girlfriend are kinda visiting with their new cute lil dog named Violet kdndndn
Photos I took today:
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