#no i did not make her straight or bi. I like the idea of demi Ilia
saccharineomens · 3 months
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i've been poking at this too long to care how visually appealing it is anymore. My headcanons for the main characters' sexualities, based on canon information! (has no bearing on ships.) Canon speculation below the cut.
marcille (bi): fascinated by romance and loves romance. we only see her show explicit interest in a male (fictional character (General Halleus from the book series she loves)), but i don't think she's fully straight.
falin (aro? ace? lesbian? genderqueer?): falin's only interest in relationships in canon is 'she considered accepting shuro's proposal because she was afraid nobody else would want her, but felt it'd be unfair to him because she had no feelings for him'. i consider whether she's aroace or a lesbian or maybe bi/pan, and she also seems like she might have some genderqueer feelings, based on some of her discomfort with her body and wearing certain types of femme clothing. (Also the fact that she‘s part male dragon.) Since she ends the story going on a journey for herself, it feels like she'll finally get the chance to figure out what she wants.
laios (pan, demi): he hasn't shown explicit interest in men, but similar to marcille, i don't feel he's fully straight. He’s aesthetically attracted to monsters, at the very least, so gender probably doesn’t factor in for him. romance/sex just don’t seem to be much of a high priority to him in general, but he did think his ex-fiance was cute and didn't seem uncomfortable with the idea of marriage (just seemed unhappy with being trapped in his hometown), so i feel like demisexuality fits him well.
About his succubus: He was very noticeably not stopped in his tracks by it like Chilchuck and Marcille, but that could possibly be because it just….looked exactly like Marcille, not an obvious fantasy. He started blushing and stammering heavily when it turned into a monster, which like….this boy is definitely a furry/monsterfucker, if anything, but that doesn’t speak on his attraction to actual humans.
I think it speaks for something that the succubi are able to literally read minds and craft the perfect fantasy for their specific target. And for Laios, it wasn’t just “his friend Marcille”. It was a version of his friend Marcille that wasn’t grossed out by monsters, didn’t think he was weird for wanting to be one, and was able to turn Laios into one. It was a Marcille who understood him at his deepest level that made him become a blushing, stammering mess to rival Chilchuck. Which is why I think he’s Demi, and needs a strong emotional connection with someone before he finds them attractive.
kabru (pan): his special interest is people, and he's bold enough with his sexuality to kiss rin despite not being in a relationship with her. so being pan/bi feels appropriate.
chilchuck (bi): he has a wife, and they were childhood friends, so he's definitely allo. but his comments and behavior towards senshi makes me suspect he might be bi, and just never considered the possibility due to being in a committed relationship.
senshi (gay, ace): this is 90% off of vibes. he keeps to himself in the dungeon and doesn't seem to have any need for social company, he's a complete hermit. Being ace makes sense to me, but so would him just having a low social drive. His succubus was 'a woman he hadn't seen since he was a child', but his journal implies it wasn't a romantic/sexual attraction.
namari (bi/lesbian): she is at the very least attracted to women, given her behavior with kiki, but she does make a point to say that kaka is also attractive to her, and her friends at the bar tease her about Kaka being her “new” boyfriend (implying previous boyfriends).
shuro: the token straight (in love with falin, asked her to marry him). i love you shuro <3 (but i can also see him being into men. there's no evidence to the contrary)
izutsumi: aroace. literally no question. her succubus is her mother.
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somnambulic-thing · 1 month
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Hi Sweetheart
Eddie Munson x gn!reader E 18+ || ao3
This is a follow-up to Smoke and Cherry Pop Rocks taking place exactly one year after their first night together.
There is a 400ish word blurb preceding this that isn’t totally necessary to read, but will give a little more context and make this pull on your insides a little more.
CW ||demi!bi!Eddie, Roadie!Eddie, letter format: Eddie pov, angst, intense heartache, regrets, grief, mentions of sex with other people (no cheating), self-exploration, painful introspection, growing pains||
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Hi Sweetheart
Do you know what day it is? Do you remember?
I’m watching the sun’s descent while having a smoke and I remember everything. 
It’s been a year now, one full fucking year, and the memories of you still haunt me I remember every little thing from the moment you walked out of the sinking sun like straight out of my daydreams.
It felt like the ground was shaking beneath me but I think it was just my heart dropping through my ass at the sight of you.
I never told you that I had been thinking about you that very moment, asking myself what the fuck I did wrong to make you say goodbye to me like that. With so much determination.
And I am not just talking graduation day, oooh no, I’m talking all the fucking time. Every time we hung out after I fixed your bike, when you left, you left me with something that felt like a small break-up. Like the end of something that never had a chance to really be something.
And I just couldn’t figure out why. Nothing made sense and the idea of asking scared the shit out of me because you never gave me the feeling of not being good enough and I was afraid to be proven wrong about that.    
So I was lying there on the deck in a nice warm pool of self-pity, rewinding the moment you vanished from my sight for the last time but in my mind, I pressed stop right before you could get away. And through the power of my imagination, you spun around and came back to me but before daydream-Eddie could say anything to daydream-you, real-you appeared out of fucking nowhere.
Felt a little like fate, if I’m totally honest.
And you know what? Instead of rejoicing with delight that I somehow managed to conjure you up out of dry, dusty air, I was terrified. Because I had enough of your goodbyes, all I thought I could take. Because in my mind, there was no scenario that wouldn’t end with me, alone in bed with a rock for a stomach after you left again.
Wondering why you just didn’t fucking want me when I was so sure we had something between us. (and oh wasn’t I right about that?)
And then you ramble and ramble, confusing the shit out of me before you ask me for a kiss?
So yeah, I remember all of it. Remember the look on your face after that first kiss, so sweet and hot and in awe from k i s s i n g ME. I could feel my heart crawl up my throat with the intent of crawling down yours, using that moment to vanish between your pretty parted lips so that you had no way of walking away from me again. I remember feeling so high.
This sunset looks the same as ours, by the way. Just another cosmic cruelty. 
Because now, when I watch a sunset like this, I either get sad or hard. Right now, there’s a bit of both going on. Who am I kidding? Why hold back? It’s not like I’m actually going to send this letter. It’s another one for ‘the box’. I’m so fucking sad right now, sweetheart. Heartbroken, actually.
Because you won’t leave my mind. Your fingertips won’t leave my skin. I try to remember your voice all the time so it won’t fade from my memory the way your smell has left me. Replay the way you say my name when I make you laugh or cry or moan.
I called a girl by your name last month. Was sure she was going to slap me but the pity in her eyes when she put her clothes back on did the trick just as well.
I don’t think I’m particularly made for that one-night stand business. Am more of a ‘books, drugs and rock'n'roll’ guy. My crew says, it’s because I am still sulking about you, because I am idolizing you, turning you into a goddess and maybe they are right, I don’t fucking know, never been so in love before, have I?
But it doesn’t feel like they are right. 
I can’t describe it, really. It’s not like it’s bad or disgusting or whatever (the sex, I mean, in case that wasn’t clear) it just feels. Not right.
Yeah yeah I am so not sending this one, so I might as well…
Felix suggested (I told you about Felix on the phone, remember? We started the roadie adventure at the same time. He's hilarious.) I might swing the other way. He also offered himself to test that theory a few weeks ago and he’s cute and a good guy, so turns out I might swing both ways and it was kinda nice, no it was nice, but it still didn’t feel right.
So Felix suggested to stop thinking about it for a while and clear my head.
As this document and all the others recently tucked away in ‘the box’ can testify, it’s not going too well.
I hate thinking about you with other people and I hate thinking that there’s a possibility that you’re as miserable about this as I am but I also can’t stand the thought that you’re not thinking about me anymore. That you don’t miss me.
Can still hear you cry through the shitty sticky plastic receiver of that gas station pay phone and I hate that the last time I heard your voice it sounded so hollow and so small. Like I was calling you from Saturn and fuck me if it didn’t feel that way too.
And that is the whole gigantic fucking problem, isn’t it? That I’m not ready to come back to earth. That I love being on a new planet every other day with all those strange fucking aliens where I belong more than I ever did in the town I grew up in. I’m not reliable right now and no matter how much you told me it was okay that I called two days late or whatever it was I had to disappoint you with. It wasn’t. Wasn’t okay at all.
I’m glad you admitted as much when I called you to say goodbye.
It’s been seven months, one week and five days since that day. But it feels like forever. Remember I told you one day on the road can feel like three?
So much has happened in that year, so many new loud, bright, wild memories and still… You haven’t faded yet against any of them. I am blessed and cursed with the most vivid visions of you, just have to close my eyes to see you climbing on top of me, naked and sweaty and glorious. I just wish I could feel your palms on my chest pushing me back into the mattress. Your nails leaving little marks and
Fucking stop it, Eddie!!! Gonna end up crying with a boner…
Don’t want you to think it’s just about the fucking. It’s not. It’s just… with the date and all.
Fuck. We could have celebrated one year today.
I am playing with the thought of calling you, to ask you to try this long-distance thing (this constantly shifting distance thing) again. I almost called you before I picked up the pen. Am still thinking about calling you. Maybe after I am done getting all the fucking whining out of my system. I hope that’ll be soon, my hand is already cramping.
But it’s been months. More than half a year. I can’t just fucking call you like that, can I?
Wayne told me your mom told him you’ve been seeing someone.
He didn’t tell me more, despite me begging, despite knowing that I knew he knew more because I know that man and can tell when he’s trying to protect me.
What kind of a fucking asshole does it make me that I want to call you anyway? More, even?
That kind of asshole that found solace in the vision of knocking on your door one day, when I’m done with the circus, setting sun in my back and that stupid smile on my face you find so irresistible for reasons I can not comprehend.
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
I just want to talk to you, wanna know how you are, what you're up to and
fuck I miss you.
I miss you and you're seeing someone and my chest aches like my heart did crawl down your throat a year ago and now has to watch you fuck a stranger being with someone else and I fucking did this to myself. And to you. To us.
And I want to take it back. I want you back. I want the privilege to call you at weird fucking times to have access to your thoughts again and tell you mine because there is so much left to say and make plans and make you horny and 
I want to know
I thought of taking time off. Pulling a: I was in town and thought we could catch up. But I bet you'd know the truth as soon as the lie leaves my mouth. I’d like to think I could play it cool when seeing you again, you know, but the way I feel right now, it would be a miracle if I could suppress the urge to just launch myself at you.
I want to know if the guy you're seeing treats you right and feed him to a Fell Beast if he doesn't. Piece by agonizing piece.
How long has this been going on? Long enough to push out memories of me? Or were those already faded when you met him? Do you compare him to me sometimes and am I doing good?
You know, there are whole days where I don’t think about you. I had a full month where I was sure I was getting over it, when we transitioned between bands and I had to get used to a different drill, different equipment, new people and all that every-day-roadie-shit.
Some days I want to smack my head to get you out of there. Smack it real hard to make sure that nothing stays behind so that you can’t slowly grow back into the cracks of my mind like weeds until I can’t see where I’m going.
I really only had you for two weeks and I am acting like we were married for two decades.
But what an outlook…
Sweetheart, is there a word for grieving things I never had?
The sun is gone now, by the way. I think I should leave my hiding spot and go back to my crew before they send a search party.
I bet you’d like the guys.
If I still want to call you tomorrow, I will.
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general taglist:
@bettyfrommars @deathbecomesthem @songforeddiemunson @potthealien2423 @raccoonboywrites
@jo-harrington @lunatictardis @skrzydlak @slutforstabbings @eddieslooneymoonie
@chaoticgood-munson @storiesbyrhi @mrsjellymunson @the-unforgivenn @aphroditesbaby1616
@fracturedarkness @allthingsjoeq
interested people tags:
@howdidyouallgetinmyroom @tlclick73
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curiositycryptid · 16 days
hmmm td pride hcs cause it’s June 🔥🔥🔥
Ezekiel - Alr here me out what if she was a girl
Eva - I’m thinking either lesbian or aro
Noah - I used to just straight up think he was gay then found out Nemma existed so idk. Unlabeled ig, that’s cool. Oh and ace
Justin - ok he seems kinda aroace tbh. I don’t know how to explain
Katie - she’s pan fr
Tyler - ik everyone says this but bi. He just is
Izzy - I think she knows exactly what she is but just refuses to tell anyone. That being said Justin probably made her not straight
Cody - I have no idea ig I’ll say bi since everyone else does that. Also yall gonna kill me for this but I think he’s cis
Beth - she’s questioning definitely. Like in action girl just got a boyfriend and she’s probably finding herself tbh. Queen.
Sadie - pan like Katie tbh
Courtney - Alr you will also kill me for this but I think cishet. Smth about her I literally cannot see her as being in the community
Harold - he’s ace and demiro tbh, probably has liked no one else but Leshawna before and ik they didn’t interact much so Demi doesn’t make sense but here me out what if they did talk off camera. (They totally did ok u can’t fight it)
Trent - they give nonbinary vibes. Also aroace and probably bi. And probably told the drama brothers first
Bridgette - she’s so chill I love her. Anyway, bi aroallo
Lindsay - she doesn’t know what the lgbtq+ is. Or what straight is. She straight up just exists and that’s so real
Geoff - nah u can’t convince me he ain’t pan
Leshawna - Alr don’t kill me but I think straight? May change later I just don’t want people to attack me for this since some people get so aggressive abt hcs lol
Duncan - that guy has internalised homophobia I can smell it. Anyway ace demiro and omni. Probably not cis too I mean just look at him
Heather - oml I always saw her as aro. Don’t care if it’s aroace or aroallo or whatever but before I knew Alejandro existed I was actually so happy to have a female character with no love interest
Gwen - pan pan pan pan yessssss
Owen - ain’t no way anyone would think he’s straight and we love him for that
Sierra - idk I don’t think about her too much but either pan or straight
Alejandro - never thought abt this too actually. So either he just doesn’t tell anyone or straight. I think he’s ace tho
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fantasiacafecat · 1 year
I noticed I didn't post any LGBTQ+ stuff or any Skyrim modded Follower content in more than a week. So why not make both right now?
Lgbtq+ headcanons with the Dovahkrew
These are Sexuality and romantic orientations not gender orientation headcanons. Sorry. These are also MY headcanons so if they don't match up with your headcanons it's not personal so please don't get mad at me. I am curious to see your headcanons as well though.
Inigo- Heteroflexible. He is most definitely interested in women and I always head canon that after the events of Skyrim he does settle down with the woman of his dreams who just happens to own a sweet roll shop. But I also feel like he would definitely point out a man's beauty. He seems like a very comfortable in his Sexuality kind of guy.
Lucien- Questioning Asexual Biromantic. He seems more interested in knowledge and learning other things than a relationship. And if someone did ask about his orientations then I feel like he wouldn't be able to answer that because he doesn't really try to experiment with romance of any kind.
Kaidan- Bisexual with maybe a fem preference (including feminine or men). I also see him as Pansexual because honestly I don't think he really cares about what gender his lover is.
Auri- Sapphic or Lesbian. I mean her creator basically made it Canon that she Prefers women.
Rumarin- Panflux 100%. Gender doesn't get in the way when it comes to any type of attraction to one another.
Vilja- I really only know her from a video of Inigo dialogue they have together. If I had to make a guess I would say she's straight or Pan, but I'm leading more into Straight.
Sofia- Bi with a big male preference.
Hoth- I really wish there were more videos and content on his commentary in Skyrim because I don't have him, but I'm interested him so much that I'd love to know more about his character. I feel like he doesn't use labels and gender isn't that much of an issue when it comes to love.
Taliesin- Pansexual. I mean come on its THE Talisman.
Gore (aka bby girl)- Questioning Omnisexual. It just feels right to me
Caryalind- I can't remember if rabbit said his sexuality was Demiromantic Asexual. I know he is Ace (or at least on the Ace spectrum) but I can't remember is they anything about being demi. I think he's Demiromantic.
Lucifer- Polysexual but I feel like he does have a male preference though I could be very very wrong. It's so funny because I play with him a lot on Skyrim but barely know anything about him. He holds grudges, he's very secretive (good on him because i would be too if i was in his situation), and he loves argonians. He seems to look up to Xelzaz and Inigo (and in some sense he does seem to be very enthusiastic when first meeting Nebarra until he realizes he doesnt like his personality) a lot which is what fueled my belief that he's maybe Achillean (Sapphic but for masculine terms instead of feminine).
Nebarra- I 100% believe that he refuses to use any labels. I think he might lean toward women a bit more, but that would only be because of how altmer are only raised to make the perfect child, so opposite sex relationships are probably the most common in the Summerset Isles. His fixation with Niranye and past relationship with Camia shows that. He doesn't seem Asexual because he doesn't hide the fact that he does enjoy the idea of doing the naughty naughty. His commentary on Dibella, Dibella Sybil quest, in the Night to Remember he says how he hopes we got to experience the Dibellan arts, and how he jokes about being Lucifer's father just prove that.
Xelzaz- Don't get mad at me, but I think he's straight. He says when hes ready he's like to marry a female argonian, and the only other time he's fallen I love was with another girl. I don't think he's asexual, but I think he definitely isn't very interested in it though we wouldn't really know because he seems very adamant on wanting to keep that part of his life private (as he should I love a king that doesn't feel like he has to tell us his sexual life).
Remiel- Asexual Panromantic. It was already proved Canon that she's Asexual. I had the conversation with her where she tells is she doesn't feel sexual feelings towards someone as she does with romantic feelings (also good on her. Not every relationship needs to have sexual desire in them). She's fallen in love with boys before and didn't seem too mad about being arranged to another man so I don't want to label her as Sapphic. And she does fall in love with you regardless of gender and I haven't seen anything that says she has a preference from the creator so I believe she's panromantic.
Secunda- I really don't know her that much yet as I'm still playing with her. First impressions is telling me panflux though I could be wrong though.
Serana- Without the SDA. She always gave me Asexual Biromantic vibes.
Teldryn Sero- Haven't started A serious Teldryn mod yet so I don't know too too much about his personal preferences, but he seems like the type who doesn't really use labels. Though I'm positive he is Bisexual.
Karina- Panromantic Demisexual. It was confirmed by the one who made her @jewelthejaguar742
Arstul- Asexual Omniromantic with a male preference. Talked with @joonjii about it and it's confirmed. However, they also said he could be panromantic with a male preference too but they said my opinion was valid and technically right.
I might post sexuality headcanons for all my dragonborn and follower ocs
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My preference headcanons for every MLB character! (🌈 Happy Pride Month 🌈)
Note: These are MY personal preference headcanons for the characters. Take it with a grain of salt. Our opinions are allowed to differ, but please respect mine and I’ll respect yours.
Marinette: Bi, Female Leaning. I see her going both ways, but the reason why I see her female leaning is:
I personally just like that idea! ❤️
It seems that she’s more comfortable with girls than boys (I know that doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s attracted to girls, but eh. Still like the idea).
Her crush on Adrien seems comphet to me (yes, that can happen to Bi people too).
She can be that “preppy queer” archetype.
Adrien: Pan. I was THIS close to making Adrien Bi (female leaning), but I settled with him being Pan. Why? For the sole reason that I see Chat Noir as Pan (and Adrien IS Chat Noir lol). It makes sense 😄 I’m also starting to see him as Gender-fluid.
Alya: Bi, Female Leaning. Listen, I ALWAYS saw Alya into girls, even before her and Nino got together in Animan to be honest with you. But according to canon, it seems like she’s even Straight or Bi, since she’s shown attraction to boys. I mean, she COULD be a comphet Lesbian, but meh. I don’t want to erase the possibility of her being Bi because of her attraction to boys too. We need more Bi rep. 😜 So basically, I now see her as Bi, but female leaning. She prefers girls, but Nino is a sweetie pie 😊
Nino: Bi, female leaning. Nino prefers girls more, but he doesn’t mind dudes either 😉 I actually ship him and Adrien together. If it wasn’t for the love square and DJWifi, I think Nindrien would’ve been more popular.
Chloe: Closest Bi, comphet. Some people might see her as token Straight or a closest Lesbian, but I’ve finally decided that she likes both genders equally. Similar with Marinette, I just see her crush on Adrien as heteronormativity/comphet and also because she’s confusing her plantonic love for him with romantic.
Zoe: Queer. Tbh, I don't know right now. We don't know if she's gay, Bi or anything else, but we DO know that she's queer. She hasn’t shown any interest in boys in canon yet, but I don’t want to throw out the possibility of her being Bi/Pan yet either. 
Sabrina: Closest Pan. Sabrina is the type who thought that she was just an Straight Ally who doesn’t care who’s with who when it came to other peoples’s happiness. Love is love after all. Eventually she finds out that SHE HERSELF doesn’t care either when it comes to HER preferences lol 😂
Luka: Bi, simple but obvious 😌
Kagami: Pan & Demi. Use to see her as Bi (female leaning), but she doesn’t care as long as she can have a strong connection with them. I also see her as a Polyamorous Demi. She’s fine with being in a relationship with more than one person, but only if she has a strong connection with them. When you think about it, I guess that kind of makes Mari and Adrien Polyamorous too since Adrigaminette is my OTP3 huh? 😅
Rose: Pan. Rose loves everybody and anybody. She doesn’t care who it is 😊
Jeluka: Lesbian. I don’t really see Jeluka with any males and I don’t think that I ever did. She’s my little goth Lesbean! 😊
Kim: Bi. He’s perfectly fine with both, as long as he’s having fun 😄
Max: Biromantic Ace, Male Leaning, use to see him as Pan, but I see him more as male leaning now. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t mind girls though. Ones who are kind, sweet or/and match his intellect 😊
Ordine: Straight. Meh, I don’t really see her with females 🤷🏾‍♀️ Ordine ships like Kagami, Alix and Aurore etc. don’t interest me. Might change in the future, but I don’t know.
Mylene: Bi & Demi (male leaning). Her and Ivan together are pretty cute, and I don’t put it pass her to be interested in other boys too. But she is queer.
Ivan: Straight. Ivan was the first character in MLB that I saw as Straight lol
Nathaniel: Bi. I don’t ship him with anyone anymore, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a bi-bean to me 😛 I’m pretty sure he’ll find someone one day.
Marc: Gay, Trans, and Gender-fluid. I don’t really see Marc with girls anymore, so he’s gay now 😛 Also, I know he’s already Androgynous, but I also see him as Trans & Gender-fluid.
Alix: Aromatic Lesbian & Bigender. Like with Max (Ace), Alix was confirmed Aromatic, but I still do see her as a Lesbian. I don’t really imagine Alix being in an long term relationship, but she is interested in females. I did headcanon her Bi in the past, but I don’t really see her interested in any boys anymore tbh
Lila: Pan. She doesn’t care who it is, as long as she can manipulate them to her advantage…🤷‍♀️ Don’t get me wrong though, I do imagine Lila being capable of love and falling for someone, but not immediately.
Aurore: Lesbian (Comphet). I don’t ship her with any boys at all, and all my ships with her are with girls.
Mirelle: Bi (Comphet). Similar with Aurore. Also, I also ship them on the same level as Julrose.
Gabriel: Straight, but I don’t like the idea of him being the stereotypical homophobic parent. He’s a shitty person and parent, but it’s not because he’s homophobic. I did see him as bicurious in the past tho lol
Emillie: Bi. Meh, she gives off that kind of energy, even if she’s been in a coma 😜
Natalie: Bi. I like the headcanon that she’s a Bi woman who had feelings for Emillie too, as well as Gabriel (formally). I don’t know how true that is now, but meh. Still my headcanon.
Ms Mendeleiev: Lesbian. I see her being into women solely for the reason that I shipped her with Bustier lol 😅
Miss Bustier: Bi, but now just Queer. Similar with Zoe, we don't know if she's gay, Bi or anything else, but we DO know that she's queer/sapphic. 
Socqueline: Queer/Sapphic. We most certainly know she’s into girls, especially cute preppy ones that so happen to attend the same school that she use to attend, sees her as a role model to the point where she adapted her hairstyle, is into fashion, works at her parents bakery and unfortunately tends to have crushes on boys who are dum-dums instead of also acknowledging her obvious attraction to girls! 😤
..Wait wha-?
Fei: Lesbian. Plain and simple. Makes sense.
Felix: Like Zoe, I’m not absolutely sure yet. But I do see him being part of the Ace Spectrum.
The other characters I don’t really care about enough to have preference headcanons for. So if you want to know my preference headcanon about them, ask me.
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buddiesmutslut · 2 months
I saw a post the other day about someone being pissed that people were calling Eddie gay instead of bi only because they couldn't handle more than one bisexual person on a show. Now, I didn't make Eddie gay/demi, he was born that way, BUT it got me thinking, because the whole crew feels very fruity? SO, I want to get your guys' opinions on what you think the rest of the characters are. (JUST the characters. We're not speculating on the actors. We all know this.) I'm going to put mine below & I'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts :) These are by vibes only. As a definite demisexual and probable bi woman, idk how great my gaydar is, but sexuality is a spectrum & straight isn't the default, so let's go!!
Bobby - 0% fruity. That is a straight, middle aged white man (affectionate) if I've ever seen one.
Athena - Also straight.
Chim - Chim feels very straight to me, but that scene with the bachelor had me peering at him a little closer, because I've never watched the Bachelor, but it looked like Joey (I think that was the bachelor's name, right? I've never watched a single episode of that show so I have no idea) had been around before, so I couldn't tell if he was like, starstruck, or "Wow that's a pretty boy and it's making me feel things" -struck 😂
Maddie - I don't get many vibes from her either, but I also have a vague fic idea of Madney breaking up in s4/s5 and her ending up with Shannon instead, so idk, maybe she's just unlabeled but somewhere on the spectrum of queerness?
Shannon - Bi vibes
Taylor Kelly - 100% bi, I refuse to hear any other argument.
Lucy Donato - This is a pansexual woman if I've ever seen one, you cannot convince me otherwise. (Also, the most interesting AND likable of Buck's female LI's, argue with the wall. Lucy, they'll never make me hate you bby 🩷💛💙.)
Lena Bokso - Lesbian vibes, for sure. I don't think there was ANY romantic undertones with her and Eddie (Which, I'm not saying that's the only reason I think she's a lesbian. She can like men and not like Eddie. Even if she did, Eddie wasn't in a place to do anything with those feelings, but I saw a post about that pairing recently & wanted to throw my 2 cents in)
May Grant - May also gives off queer vibes, and I've seen other view her as full wlw, but I think she gives off more bi/pan vibes?
Ravi - This man is soommmeee kind of queer that I just cannot put my finger on. I've seen him HC'd as gay, pan, & ace in some way, and I can honestly rock w/ any of the 3 of them. All I know is that he is not a straight man lol.
Albert - Also unsure about him, but if someone were to tell me that he was bi, I could definitely see it. I think that's influenced by the fic that had him, Ravi & May in a throuple, which was genuinely so cute.
Ana - Dr. Flores doesn't give off queer vibes for me, but that could be bc she was criminally underdeveloped & we know practically nothing about her.
Natalia - See above ^^
Ali Martin - Same ^^ although I could see her just being queer and not being more specific than that. Maybe she's straight, who knows. I literally forgot about her until I was looking up actor/actress names 😂
M*risol - straight & homophobic lmfao
Abby - Literally could not care less about her, but I wanted to include her so I could talk about her possibly being Tommy Kinard's ex-girlfriend and her coming back to LA for whatever reason and finding her ex-boyfriends happy & having totally forgotten about her predatory ass.
Also, obviously not speculating about any of the children, bc they're still children, even if they're fictional. It's icky.
I think that's all the main/reoccurring characters that we don't already know about, let me know if I missed any.
Talk about being the gay firefighter show, how accurate lmfao.
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brokenfoxproductions · 3 months
It just dawned on me that, since I came out as non-binary and trans to my mom almost ten years ago, her attitude has gone from saying "you can call yourself whatever you want, but I had a daughter and I'm calling you what I named you" to her and my stepdad referring to me as their kid or son, always using my preferred name and pronouns, and my mom offering me her advice as a nurse and lawyer on where to get hrt and how to get my insurance to pay for surgeries because of our family history of breast cancer.
Like, my mom has always been pretty open minded to neutral about things like this, she's suggested before that she might be bi, she took me to my first pride, she's has been an ally to the LGB part of the community, so I'm glad that she outgrew the ideas about trans people that she had when I was younger. Basically she thought that trans people could only exist as straight binary trans men or women, and that they're basically full time drag performers, because she had only met two or three trans people before I came out and they were all older straight trans women who had previously done drag. She didn't understand what "non-binary" was, it wasn't in her vocabulary at all.
When I came out as non-binary, and later demi-masculine, she basically just thought it was another social label, similar to me being a juggalo. She saw me being non-binary as just shaving my head and having a phase, and really didn't take it seriously. She was under the impression that it would just blow over in a few months. Then it didn't.
I'm not sure if it's because I socially transitioned, because she got more information, because she just "got it", but eventually she got used to it and accepted it. She started using the right name and didn't make a big deal about it, even though she's been vocal since I was a 4 that she didn't like it (I changed my name to a longer, proper version of a childhood nickname but I still go by the same nickname). She stopped calling me "she" and her daughter, even to her friends. It was gradual, but she really got better with it.
Obviously not every parent is going to warm up to you being trans like my mom did. I don't think my dad would have accepted it if he was still alive. But there's hope. So if you just came out and your parents are still confused or not understanding of your gender identity, please don't give up hope. People grow and change, and hopefully you can look back in ten years and see how much your parents tried and grew as people, and hopefully your relationship with them is better. 💗
And if your parents are just shitty, I'll adopt you. I'm your mom now.
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baddygab-bi · 1 year
I know that a lot of people headcanon Eddie as gay. Like 100% he only loves men gay. And like… I don’t know if it’s just cause I’m demi and bi, but I kinda don’t know how I feel about this headcanon. The show has shown Eddie being interested in physical relationships with women, both with Shannon when they started sleeping together again and later with Ana. With Ana it was clear they’d hooked up before because of what she said at the department store with getting his clothes off him and Eddie’s reaction that wasn’t a “no, stop, shut up!” it was a “not here!” At the date, yeah it was really weird that he brought homework, but at the end he did seem interested in making out or doing more. I actually think it’s pretty implied that he was late getting home “construction on sunset” because he was busy doing some adult things with Ana.
All that to say! Eddie can still be into guys, he can still be into Buck, without removing the fact that at some points in his life he was into women. Was he always getting into relationships for the best reasons? No, he definitely wasn’t, but I don’t think it would be sticking as close to canon and Eddie’s character to say that he was never into women at all. People can definitely change and sexualities are so fluid and constantly fluctuating… but based on what we’ve seen and what the writers intended, when Eddie was with his previous girlfriends/wife, he did enjoy being with them, maybe not nearly as much as he could someone else (yes, I mean a guy; yes, I mean potentially Buck), but it wasn’t zero. I think that if they wanted to have Eddie reveal his sexuality and it be that he’s gay, they could, but they’d have to talk about the idea of forced masculinity and internalised homophobia or family pressure, and then have him examine his relationships in retrospect. I think the show could do this, I think it could be amazing.
But as of right now with everything that they’ve done, I just don’t see Eddie being 100% gay, women repulsed, was only using Shannon and Ana as a plot to make Buck jealous- like a lot of fics have him do. What’s so bad about Eddie being bi? Like why couldn’t he have enjoyed being with women, but still not have been okay with the instant family and still feeling the pressures of being a man and having a wife?
Eddie has thought about Chris and what he wanted in every past relationship. If Kristen doesn’t get her way (she hates the idea that Buck or Eddie are queer) and Eddie was forcing himself to be with a woman to give Chris a mom, and that’s why he was with women… that’s great, there’s so much there to unpack and it would be incredible. But! He was still into them, even if it was only for a short while and realized it wasn’t what he wanted. Saying Eddie never liked girls at all ever when it was clear that he at least liked both Shannon and Ana for a little bit… feels a little off to me.
The writers have the power to make Eddie queer and honestly it would add so much to his story and be so fucking incredible. I’m fully on board with Buddie until the writers or showrunner *cough* Kristen *cough* somehow wreck that beyond belief, so I’m here for non-straight Eddie all the way. But changing canon things to fit the headcanon that he’s gay, versus using the way he forced himself into relationships that didn’t fit and never felt right even while enjoying his time (sexually and conversationally) with his past relationships and then realizing why it never felt right and then realize he’s also into guys and he’s more into guys instead, is still so valid.
Anyway I know I’m gonna get so much hate for this, but it’s just my rambling thoughts for this Sunday night.
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nose-bl · 10 months
everyone's already talking about this but i am so fucking happy that imogen was clearly shown to be questioning/about to question her sexuality. this girl is definitely sapphic (and imo also demi romantic) and i suspected that since s1. i knew she wasn't straight, like, i could believe she does like guys but i can't believe she's straight. and i love that she could be anything. she could be a lesbian she could be bi she could be unlabeled (my personal favorite) and be on the aro spectrum and i would love any of those options bc they would all make perfect sense to me
if she's a lesbian, it'd be cool to have rep for lesbians who have dated men before realizing they didn't actually like them. if she's bi, it would be cool to have them explore how she closed herself to the idea of being queer bc she did feel atracted to boys sometimes so she didn't think she could also like girls even after knowing bisexuality is a thing
if she's on the aro spectrum, it would be amazing if she was demi romantic and this would explain many things about her dynamic with nick and also why it could be hard for her to realize she likes girls bc if it's already rare for you to feel romantic attraction and you're already trying to convince yourself that you strictly like boys, it's gonna be even harder to realize your attraction to girls
i really really want her to be demi romantic in addition to being sapphic bc it would be cool to see different ppl on the aromantic spectrum. imogen could easily be demi romantic and be attracted to any gender or just girls
i think what's most likely to happen is that she's gonna be a lesbian but honestly? any label (or lack thereof) that she takes will make sense to me, i'm just happy we got to see that she, in fact, isn't straight
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[Smut! Also I’m aware of the canon, and? Read my tags]
Nice guys finish last, a common phrase tossed around to any dude with dipshit friends that clearly fumble their way into relationships. At least that’s what Ilia thought. She also wondered why it was just guys? It’s not like they’re the only ones striking out or being told to act rude. She should know. Unfortunately, she’s been both the worry wart, and the dipshit. You would think romance had clear instructions by now. After all, love comes for everyone given enough time. Even her, but there lies the problem. Ilia couldn’t admit it. Not to the only person that it matters to. Ilia could fight grimm, be a terrorist, a good person, and stand outside a hotel room an entire kingdom away with luggage held tight like she is now, but for the love of everything not annoying, Ilia couldn’t tell one nice guy that he makes her feel like she’s walking on air.
It had been several months since her and Sun got a little more serious. The emotional soul searching definitely took time, and every choice felt like do or die for her, but Ilia was finally in a place emotionally that truly felt good. Most of that was thanks to Kali. The woman was always there to lend an ear. All that searching though put several things temporarily on a back burner. One of those things was visiting Sun. Expenses to Vacou was one thing, but Ilia didn’t want to visit him while feeling completely out of sorts. It wouldn’t be fair to him. That didn’t stop Sun from blowing up her scroll with facetime messages. That dork worked out a time zone schedule and everything. It was sweet; the kind Ilia wasn’t used to but definitely wanted more of. It had been far too long since she saw that cheeky monkey boy in person.
Ilia stared down the door as she psyched herself up. “Don’t be nervous. Dooooon’t be nervous.” She muttered to herself. She finally knocked on the door and waited in brief suspense as the door swung open aggressively. Ilia was effortlessly pulled into the room and more importantly, into a hug. It took her a moment to realize she was less than an inch away from pecks and wrapped in warm arms. She tilted her head up to see shiny white teeth smiling at her.
“Hey Ilia. Have a safe trip?”
Her freckles turned a little pink and she pouted. “We’re skipping over the fact that you just surprised me? How’d you know it was at the door?”
“Ummm you were mumbling out there for a few minutes.”
“Oh…” Ilia lost the nerve to look at him and choose to hide her face in his chest. How much did he possibly hear!? It was too embarrassing to think about. “How’ve ya been?”
“Oh ya know, missions. Scarlet had a party yesterday, obviously things got out of hand.”
“No it was actually bandits. He didn’t help fight. Him and Neptune song Toxic while Sage and I handled everything.”
Ilia looked back up at Sun. “That sounds awesome! Man, I should’ve booked an overnight flight!”
“Yeah we could’ve used another fighter.”
“We both know I would’ve been drunk onstage with them.”
“Listen, you could’ve let me dream.” Sun said, laughing gently. It was criminal to be this endearing. Ilia wasn’t sure how Neptune or anybody could deal with this brightness so easily. However, Ilia would love to learn.
“Uhh, Sun? You’re still hugging me.” Ilia stammered.
The boy's face turned a little red and he quickly let go. “Whoops! Hehe, my bad. Got a little carried away.”
“That’s nothing new.” She jabbed at him. “Wearing your heart on your sleeve is what you do best.” Ilia stepped further into the room. “Or maybe it’s picking rooms…”
The hotel room had a glass door on the other side that led to a balcony to look out at Vacou’s desert beauty. A huge couch was smack dab in the middle of the room that faced a wide screen. Sun clearly brought his own things. Wires from the bottom went down the wall and connected to a game system with tons of things to play and watch. Ilia walked to the back of the room to a door that led to another big room. This one had dressers, a door that most likely led to the bathroom, and a massive bed that looked softer than a cloud and covered in pillows.
The thought of sleeping in it was both heavenly l, and a little too much to deal with. It was a big bed, and the only bed. Ilia jumped a little as she felt Sun poke her back to get her attention.
“You alright?”
“How much did this all cost!? This is Atlas grade stuff right here.”
Sun folded his arms and smiled with confidence. “Funny you say that. This is the room Weiss gets when she’s here. I asked very nicely for her to let me use it. The missions I went on for the company definitely helped with a discount.”
“Yeah Weiss said she isn’t paying for room service.” Sun let out a sad sigh. “Weiss said it’s the only way we wouldn’t order nothing but lobster.”
Ilia was soul crushed. Weiss was right but that didn’t make it better. Lobster is great. “I don’t blame her, but I’m offended. I was gonna go all out.”
“Well now you can do that, but on a budget.” Sun walked back to grab Ilia’s bags. “Feel free to take a shower. I still have things I wanna set up.”
“Alright, thanks.” She grabbed her things from him and went to the bathroom. It was much bigger than she expected. Ilia was used to a bathroom the size of a closet. Not another room! It was half the size of the bedroom and magnificent. The entire thing was tile and the tub was deep. With a removal shower head and other things Ilia couldn’t begin to know what they were for.
“Really glad he didn’t pay full price for anything.” A heat rose to her cheeks. Sun totally would’ve paid full price if it came down to it. Nobody is worth this much effort. Then again, Kali would beg to differ. She would think going all out would be just enough. How Ghira surpassed all expectations is beyond her.
Sun finally finished his set up of movies and games and was ready for the hard part. Not screwing things up. Hanging out came naturally to him but it was much harder when he could tell Ilia had a lot on her mind. Maybe he was trying too hard. Should he ask her about it, or give her space. Months to think about this and he let it slip through his fingers. “I wonder if she’s reading me as much as I am her? Huh, maybe I should stick to being straight forward?”
“How’s the set up going?” Ilia called from behind him.
Sun started to turn around. “I’m finish-fin...umm.” He had lost his train of thought. Ilia had derailed it completely by walking around in a white bathrobe with her hair down. Sun’s eyes drifted to her toned legs and didn’t leave them.
Ilia noticed the distraction and blushed. “Ahem!” Sun snapped out of the daze, embarrassed and rubbing his head in embarrassment.
“Sorry, caught me by surprise.” Not that he was complaining. By any means, and his tone made that very clear to her.
Ilia sat down on the couch and carefully kept her legs crossed. “Don’t get used to this. My hair always ruins my clothes when it’s wet so I’m letting it dry is all.
“You know I never noticed, but your hair and size is kinda like Weiss. It’s kinda fortunate. Don’t think that bathrobe would work for me.
“You’re shirtless all the time. All you need is a towel.” She looked passed him to see his setup. “Games or movies first?”
“Choice is all yours. I’m perfectly fine owning you in all of these games.” He boasted. Ilia wasn’t gonna take that at all.
“Famous last words, banana breath. I’m about to be eating lobster and kicking you but for the rest of the evening! Pass me a controller.”
Sun laughed confidently and tossed her one. She seemed to be in a better mood than before. Deep conversation can wait. Now was the time to enjoy each other’s reunion. “Winner decides the movie.”
Ilia grinned. “You’re on!”
“Rematch!” Ilia declared, for the tenth time. She was not about to admit defeat and watch Speed Racer. Though at this point the amount of food she ate would probably knock her out before the halfway point.
“I think you gotta accept the loss here. I don’t know why you thought you’d beat me in a fighting game finally. Should’ve chosen racing.”
“Whatever. It’s no fun if a bet is one sided. I totally would have won though.” Ilia let out a sigh and handed her controller over, shooting him an evil look at his victory. Sun could only smile. “That’s a weird response to a glare.”
“Can’t help it. I’m just really glad you’re having a good time with me.”
That was sudden. Ilia blinked twice then began to play with her hands. “Why wouldn’t I…?”
He shrugged. “Earlier you looked a bit spaced out. Like your mind was somewhere else. Couldn’t tell why. I almost asked why but you know, trying to be better at letting things go at their own pace. Being a leader doesn’t mean I have the most tact hehe.”
That was an understatement. It never mattered what was happening, if Sun was a part of it then he was all in. Helping, fighting, everything. True, it made things feel a little overwhelming at times; but it was a pleasant change for people like Ilia. Having a person that was always in your corner was a stark contrast from her time before the White Fang and during it. Blake wasn’t even always around. Not that it was a problem. But Ilia would be lying if she said she didn’t used to wish that would be the case between her and Blake. Oh well. Life goes on.
Ilia leaned closely to Sun, then flicked his forehead hard.
“Ow!” He flinched.
“Blame yourself. Your brain needed a jumpstart apparently. I could’ve sworn I told you not to hold back around me once upon a time. Be greedy, stay outspoken. Even if I seem sensitive about it.” Ilia knew she had a bad habit of putting up walls. That’s why she was thankful for her friends. The only tactful person was Blake. Everybody else would just try crashing right through any wall. A crude approach, but Ilia knew herself well enough to admit she doesn’t leave people many other options. “What did you wanna ask me?” Being caught up in lecturing Sun, Ilia had legitimately forgotten her little crisis outside the door. Knots in her stomach hit hard the moment she remembered. “Me and my big mouth!” Ilia screamed, internally.
“You were outside my door for a good while. Then it took you some time to process the hug. I wasn’t sure if you were worried about seeing me or if there’s something in general that had you distracted. Heh, I guess you can say I got worried about you worrying. So, what was on your mind.”
“Oh you know, things…” her voice trailed off and it was hard to look at him again. Why was this so hard! Ilia hated this. Confessions weren’t anything new to her, and yet Ilia genuinely felt scared to even work up to it. Her skin changed between gray and pink constantly as the room went painfully silent. Sun was waiting for an answer and Ilia was left with her throat feeling dry. She came all the way here to get this off her chest in earnest and now it felt like she was being crushed flat by it.
Ilia continued to be mad at herself for saying nothing as she felt Sun take her hand and rub his thumb across it. Amazing how simple touches like this could change the atmosphere. Against his, Ilia hadn’t realized she had been shaking. She looked up to see Sun staring at her, concerned while remaining patient. It wasn’t fair, those eyes. The way they built her up and disarmed her all at once. Ilia never wanted them off her.
“Take your time with it.” Sun said with reassurance. It was easy to see he was anxious as well from the way his tail couldn’t keep still behind him.
“I...it’s….” she gripped his hand tighter. “I’m scared.”
“Of what?”
“Of this. Us. I’m scared that if I tell you exactly what this means to me, it’ll end. I don’t know how or why but I know no matter how badly I wanna say the words I want you to hear…” she holds her head down and clenches her robe. “I probably sound so stupid right now huh?”
“I wouldn’t say so. Listen, I know that no matter what I say you’re gonna beat yourself up about this. Me being understanding or not, wasn’t gonna change that fact; and you know that I was going to understand.”
Ilia let out a small pity chuckle. Sun tilted her head up gently. Even with misty eyes, Ilia remained completely beautiful. “I don’t hear the words, but I’m smart enough to know they’re there. I haven’t said them, but do you think for a second you don’t know how you make me feel?” He placed her hand on his heart. Even he couldn’t escape the uneasiness of this situation. Sun could feel the heat go to his face and could do nothing but gently place his forehead against Ilia’s. “You know how I feel, right?”
The gray from her skin went away inch by inch, only leaving pink and red freckles. “Of course I do.” Her voice trembled. Their eyes didn’t remain sad, but switched to something equally intense. Pleading. Ilia’s expression softened. Her hand let go of her robe and found its way to Sun’s face. His own hands rested on her hips and he began leaning forward because of Ilia until she was on her back. The trembling didn’t stop from earlier but it was okay. She was okay.
“How many times have we’ve found ourselves like this?” She asked, rubbing his face.
“Not enough.” Sun whispered. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, so much. You...are beyond word to me.” Ilia couldn’t wait a moment longer. She closed her eyes and was met with Sun’s lips, tenderly pressing on her own. Ilia carefully bit his bottom lip as he pulled away, aiming for her exposed neck. Ilia let out a gasp at the contact. Her hands began rubbing up and down his back from the inside of his shirt. Her own legs instinctively parted in order to draw him in closer. Each nip and kiss was brutally slowly and methodical. As if he was letting her know the depth of his feelings.
Ilia kept exploring his back torso. Every groove felt like magic. Muscles were never something she was into on anybody. What really had her was the honest fact the body on top of hers belonged to the person that had completely captured her feelings. His hands slipped into her robe and made her body shiver. He never stopped being gentle but somehow was firm enough to let Ilia know how badly he wanted her. She was absolutely defenseless against the way his left hand groped her chest. As for the right, it wasted no time drifting to her wet folds, continuing the trend of slowly rubbing Ilia’s body; before she felt his middle finger open her up.
“Mmmph~” her nails dug into him a little. She could feel him curl his finger as he pumped in and out.
Sun could feel Ilia squeeze tightly around the digit. Her chest started to rise higher, her breath becoming sharper by sucking in air through her teeth. Sun finally let her neck free and kissed her, adding another finger in the process. His movements became faster and hid her face the crook of his neck the moment the kiss ended. She couldn’t stop her legs from fidgeting and the girl tried her best to repress her whimpers by any means. She even bit down on his neck briefly. All the while, Sun kissed and breathed on her very red ear.
“Let me hear your voice Ilia…”
He made it sound so easy. Ilia couldn’t stand sounding so needy, even with him. It just wasn’t her to give in and he knew that. “You’re the worst.” She whined. Her eyes shut themselves and her body clung to him as if she was falling. His fingers split from each other. Ilia could feel them press down as they went in, before sliding up to the top and pulling out to the entrance, connecting and splitting apart to touch everywhere.
“Mmmmm aaaahhaaa~ Sun!” Ilia couldn’t hold that one back at all. The first of many, until she had no will left but moan as her face turned beat red. He really was the worst. “Suuuun~ aaha!”
“I knew you could do it.” He managed to make her free himself enough to be able to kiss her face and neck again. His labor bore the fruit he wanted as Ilia kept moaning freely. Her body finally caved from his touch when she arched her back and Sun felt both fingers being squeezed tightly. Ilia’s entire body was tense and she couldn’t even make a noise until her body went limp on the couch. The breath hit heavily against his body as she tried catching it.
It didn’t take too long because she quickly went back to kissing him passionately, even moaning into it. If there was anything she loved most, it was kissing. It didn’t matter how skilled a person could be in anything else, a kiss had a way of showing exactly how much the other person really cared. There was no dying a spark when it was there. She learned that the hard way.
Sun could feel Ilia’s tongue all but dominate his own as he tried to do the same. He couldn’t help but groan from the pleasure. Ilia’s leg presses against his erection, stoking the flames further, but it was still only second compared to their lip locking. A subtle warmth hit his cheeks. Sun reluctantly pulled back to see why and witnessed Ilia panting,tears falling down her face. Sun put his hand against her face and Ilia pressed into it. He traced over the tear track and kissed the path of the other one away. “You okay?” He said quietly, earning a nod.
“Yeah. I’m just...you’re so warm, safe. I can’t remember feeling this...happy.” Her own words threatened to make herself shed more tears. He was looking at her again. That same gaze that never failed to make her heart jump and want to continue growing if it meant being even closer to him. “Please,touch me deeper.”
Sun’s face went redder. He sat up briefly and officially took off his shirt. His pants came next. Ilia tried removing her bathrobe but Sun quickly took her hand. “Wait, I uhh really like you in it.” He confessed, embarrassed. “It suits you.”
Ilia felt her heart flutter again. Sun’s infatuation with her legs and hips was flattering for sure, but Ilia never imagined how much. “Well, if we’re doing things that excite us.” She reached for his red boxers and slipped her hand between the seams, fishing out Sun’s hard six inch shaft. A simple grab had him throbbing and breathing deeper. “Having you like this is more my style.” Keeping underwear one while having sex just felt more intense and made Ilia ache. “Need me to get you slick enough.
“You tell me?” Sun pressed the tip of cock past her entrance and was welcomed with Ilia’s body dripping at the touch. He pressed further in to be guided with ease. She more than wet enough on her own. He was already halfway in and still felt no real resistance. Only Ilia spreading around him before clamping down. “Gods, your pussy is so wet.”
He really knew how to push her buttons just right. Her body betrayed her mind by gripping him even tighter for his choice of words. “I hate that word so much. It’s-mmmmph! Ahhh! S-Sun!?” He couldn’t wait any longer and hilted himself inside her completely. His hips began thrusting on their own and Sun found his way into Ilia’s arms yet again. Unlike her, Sun had no shame in letting her hear just how good she made him feel. His groans and grunts invaded her ear willingly, and passionately.
“Mmmmgh ahhh~ fuck. Ilia…” Sun couldn’t keep his thoughts straight anymore. All he wanted was to feel her and let Ilia feel him. He panted roughly and did his best to satisfy the woman beneath him.
Ilia was more than being satisfied. There wasn’t a moment she wasn’t feeling full by how wide his cock spread her apart. Her moans came back in full force to sing with his own. Ilia’s legs felt their strength drain from them and could only react to Sun’s hips. They once again kissed deeply and Ilia’s right hand was pressed against the sofa by Sun’s left, interlocking tightly with each finger around one another. It wasn’t long before Sun held the other one as well. The stimulation made Ilia feel alive with energy that was dead set at reaching its peak. They hadn't been going any longer than nine minutes by her guess, but yet they were near their limits already. Neither could help it. Today, it was nothing short of what they wanted. There wasn’t one touch or look that didn’t shout “ I love you with everything I have.”
“Ilia! I’m-“ he couldn’t contain himself long enough to speak. Ilia wrapped a leg around him as he came inside her. The feeling of it all knocked her past the point of no return and Ilia came as well; her body squeezed all it could as she cried out in pleasure. Sun’s hips rocked slowly to draw out the ecstasy of it all until they were left tired. Both found themselves staring yet again, smiles plain to see.
“Am I still the worst?” Sun chuckled.
“Without a doubt.” Ilia jabbed. “Kiss me again already will ya?”
Sun playfully rolled his eyes. “So needy.” He gave her what they both wanted and more. After all, he had a lot of love to give.
They must’ve gone at it at least three times. The sun had set, food was ordered once again, and Speed Racer played for Sun’s viewing pleasure while Ilia slept peacefully. The boy was on his side while his girlfriend’s arms remained around him, her head resting on his chest. Sun couldn’t help but brush her hair out of her dreaming face and remain connected to her. Every so often she’d laugh quietly in her sleep.
“Always up to something. Even in your sleep.” Sun was only proven right by her body holding him closer.
“Mmmmmm love you.” Those words stopped Sun in his tracks. He had no choice but to look down at her once again and kiss her head. “I love you too.” A confession neither of them would officially remember, unburdened by the fear or memory. When it was right, they’d both say it. And what a day that would be. Until then, there was no rush.
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Hello! I love your blog and I was just wondering if you had any LGBT+ headcanons for Pride Month?
Happy Pride 🌈
Hmm, let me tackle human characters first.
Earl of Norramby is gay. Obviously.
Nancy is bi and demi.
Also... in classic "at first I was joking, but now I really like it" fashion… I HC the first Fat Controller as trans.
No one ever named their child Topham Hatt OK????
But a sufficiently ballsy dude might choose it if they were forming a new legal identity. And we know Hatt I was ballsy indeed. He stole everything that his neighbors didn't have nailed down and some things they did. He bricked up a gauntletted line even though it shut down his railway. He told the LMS to pound sand. He drained Tidmouth despite the fishermen wanting his head on a platter. You'd have to be a VERY strong personality to be such a successful, powerful transman in the early 1900s but you'd have to be a strong personality to be him anyway???? I'm serious. An ADHD transman with zero chill who literally made his own world. I'm tempted to write a fic of the Young Topham days, who knows. Those old British schoolgirls could be tough birds and I love reading their bits whenever they break through conventional history. I like to think the first Lady Hatt used to be a roommate of him at the girls' school they attended. Jane probably helped him the night he ran away to get a job at the GWR shops. And then maybe she didn't see him again until after he transitioned and became successful and he wooed her for a little while before the reveal that it was her old friend, Euphemia or whoever.
And Jane was soooo pissed off. (Luckily she was also in love.)
I also absolutely adore the idea of an FC5 (not sure Richard will ever get a chance to be FC4, at this rate) who is a woman. But butch. Everyone calls her "sir" but she is also she.
Okay, vehicles! This is where I've hesitated, unsure if I can make myself clear.
I don't particularly vibe with putting human gender and sexual labels on them.
This is not because I want to erase or minimize the diversity of human gender and sexuality.
It's because they are not human.
I mean, okay, I do have my old 'conversion AU,' so I do mentally play around with them as human every so often—to catch most readers up, my notion was that sometime within the 2020s-2040s a large portion of our cast is turned into humans as a fancy alternative to maintaining or retiring them as engines. But even in this AU the whole point is that they adjust to being human but are still rather 'alien', so, like many fans, I kinda take it that they are pansexual by default. There are some more specific things, though (incomplete because, again, I don't think of my human AU very often, so I still have a lot of question marks):
Thomas, I think, would be aromantic
Bertie -> also aro
Edward -> intersex (specifically XX male)
Henry -> gay gay homosexual gay
Gordon -> some sort of greyscale but also he has no clue about this and pursues (straight) dating because it's the 'normal' thing to do (good luck, dude)
James -> will figure out his human gender identity only if given another hundred years to experiment
Percy -> fine with identifying as male but also quite gnc
Toby -> straight and demisexual
Duck -> agender
Stepney -> nonbinary
Donald -> asexual spectrum (unlike Gordon he does know this about himself)
Emily -> lesbian lesbian homosexual lesbian
Philip -> multigender
Harold -> pan. i know i said pan is kind of the default for ex-vehicles but Harold merits a special mention for being, uhh. how shall we say. very sex-positive. a big gallant flirt.
But, again, I'm not too interested in forcing myself to figure out everyone's full identity profile in my human AU because I find the concept of 'gender' and 'sexuality' in them as trains to be far more interesting.
From a creative standpoint, it's actually a lot of fun to play them 'straight' but to use their experiences to explore the whole concept of gender, to push the idea of sexuality to its limits, and also to play around with metaphors for human identities...
Again I know it looks like LGBT erasure but, well. It feels very queer to me.
Here's some of how I see engine gender history. The allegory to real-life stuff is not intentional; it just sort of naturally sprung up when I played around:
At the period (RWS) canon begins, the normal, "natural" order of things is for an engine to be romantically bonded with their coaches.
This very much has a similar status to human heterosexual marriage. It appears to have the seal of tradition. It's acceptable. It's expected. In general (subject to the approval of your manager) it's allowed. (Yes, there is the obvious difference that the union is between one engine and several coaches but it was rare that the convention was for you to exclusively commit to one among the rest. Basically... harem culture I guess.)
If you were built to privilege—if you actually had some coaches you regularly handled, and you did feel this sort of special bond with them—then you might fail to have any occasion to start asking some otherwise very... obvious questions.
Such as:
What if you and your coaches despise each other?
What if you develop particular feelings about just one or two of 'your' coaches, which are increasingly impossible to hide? Like... do you have to?
What if you feel absolutely neutral about your coaches, but your firebox starts to burn with the heat of a thousand suns when you catch sight of that smart tank engine runabout at the end of the line?
What if your line is so big and busy that you don't have coaches that you pull 'regularly'?
What if your railway grows so big that you hardly see any coaches consistently?
What if you are strictly a goods engine and you've only ever exchanged five words in your life with any coach? Okay, so you're just... condemned through no choice of your own to solitude and abstinence, with no hope of happiness? Sounds like horseshit, doesn't it?...
... Say, what's this whisper you hear from the old wheels that fifty years ago the managers didn't approve of these kinds of relationships? That Back In the Day this sort of romantic attachment that is now considered 'the norm' was actually considered scandalous and beyond the pale? What?
'Fifty years' is just an average; different regions and railways progressed at different rates. But, in general, the earliest period of rail history saw an insistence that Useful Engines don't have any such attachments at all. For all its pomp and status, the model of 'passenger engine and coaches' was itself considered quite unnatural before it won acceptance.
But for a good period circa 1900 it was The Thing That Was Done. It became the norm by which rail romances are still rather judged. And it's telling: although humans tended to assign engines human gender (at first usually female; as the idea of a romantic bond between engine and carriages became normalized, humans started to see their engines as male, in a reflection of human marriage), probably the best analogue for vehicular gender remains type. Powered vehicles are one gender; unpowered stock is another. There are also gradiations within those two poles, of course.
And, when freed from human surveillance and control, vehicle sexuality tends to express its preferences in that way. So, to take engines: They very rarely give a rat's ass as to whether a potential mate is male, female, nonbinary, whatever. They recognize the distinctions among themselves but they are seldom relevant in matters of attraction ever, really. Instead, an engine might have an attraction to rolling stock or other engines (or of course both! but 'both' is definitely not a given). Then, within those categories, they are very likely to instinctively be attracted to a subcategory pool based on vehicle type.
I feel like I should give examples but I actually feel more comfortable using my OCs to illustrate:
Joscelyn — a female engine who is attracted to coaches exclusively (she is also absolutely terrible at forming any such connections so she is effectively maidenless)
Skimmer — a male engine who is attracted to both coaches and other engines. This does saddle him with the stereotype of being kind of slutty. (I mean he is kind of slutty but he is judged as such based on his 'sexuality' rather than his actual history.)
Poppet — at the risk of spoilers... she is attracted exclusively to trucks and lorries (which, in her era and culture, is definitely one of the more transgressive "sexualities" for an engine!)
Lizbet (she was formerly Lillibet but I didn't realise at the time how that nickname is not quite so rare and quirky for Brits as it is for us) — attracted to other engines exclusively (which—of course!—means m, f, and nb engines; no meaningful difference from an engine PoV). She is old enough that this 'inversion' caused her significant trouble with her humans back in her day. (She never exactly repented, albeit she did act circumspectly to preserve her friendships with the engines she lived with.)
Araby — male engine who has a hopeless thing for ships. When he worked a landlocked railway this didn't matter. When he was sent to Sodor for a while... oof! did our boy have an awakening...
Columbine (this is a real-life engine, of course) — the equivalent of human 'pansexuality'; she is potentially attracted to anything with wheels
Coppernob (same; sue me) — the loco equivalent of 'asexual'. He does know how to play the role of gallant beau to lovely coaches (which he had to learn late—it wasn't tolerated on the F.R. during his first couple of decades) but I reckon he just thought everyone played it as a role and will be endlessly baffled as engines over the years assert their rights to form bonds with each other because why do you all care about this so much? it was just a bit we had to do for a while for respectability... innit?
Because a vehicle's build is essentially their "gender," that means that I have long kind of viewed rebuilds as having strong metaphorical ties to gender reassignment!
Absolutely horrifying when imposed upon you against your will, of course.
But I imagine there are lots of cases where it wasn't. You can usually tell by whether or not the engine (or whatever) thrived after the rebuild. While I consider 'human AU' Henry to be cis, I read 'engine' Henry's history as very much a trans allegory: he was originally made wrong. I mean his builder canonically had no idea what he was doing! The form he got later at Crewe at last made him into himself. There are plenty of real-life cases that I like to see as similar in an RWS universe. The SECR 'Rivers' had endless problems and angst in their original form; being converted into tender engines felt right for them. Some of them had been consciously eating their heart out wanting such an impossible change for years. The 'Queen Mary' type brakevans I consider to be similar, or at least some of them: unhappy as locomotives, never really feeling right as an engine, perhaps even pestering the engineers for ages to make them into brakevans...
Of course, I don't consider all such transitions to be successful. Some engines, like poor No. 62768 of the LNER., found themselves much unhappier after their rebuild (he was just chosen at random when he was in the shop for repairs, it's not like he wanted it!) Then there are situations like the GWR autotanks who were given panelling to disguise their locomotive nature so they could pass as coaches. Do I read this as cross-dressing, or a sort of cosmetic transition? You bet I do! 😇
Can an engine be assigned a human gender but later determine that it was given to them in error? I mean, it's possible and it happens that engines choose a new human gender but it's quite rare, rarer by far than in humans. They are much more preoccupied with the engine dimensions of their identity. What is much more common is actually what I suppose we'd consider genderfluid or multigender: Various owners (or, if they are unnamed, drivers) over the course of their career might assign them different genders and in virtually all cases the engine (to forgive the pun) rolls with it, untroubled by being a 'he' one decade, a 'she' the next, and perhaps later again being a 'he' even while he answers to the name Lady Eleanor or whatever. To them human gender is very arbitrary and they tend to be perfectly content to just go with it. Often they wish to choose their own name, but even very early in their lives their builders or owners have already gendered them and they seldom care to change that because, again. That bit is all very arbitrary and meaningless to them. The humans seldom treat their engines differently no matter what gender is assigned and therefore the engine sees little distinction.
Soooo, yeah. As for some of our characters, well... this is also very unformed and embryonic still, but...
I do think a lot of our classic lads would have thought they had No Romantic Feelings Whatsoever. Some genuinely were! Neville and Donald spring to mind (Donald is also Duck’s queerplatonic partner, natch.) But for most of them, this was just because they didn't care for coaches, nor indeed other engines of their own type.
However, I reckon as the decades went on their complacency was shattered. (I call it complacency not because acephobia isn't a thing but because for engines in this universe 'asexual' would be considered a positive trait. Useful Engines Don't and all that. So there is some privilege there.) For instance, Thomas may find that he is attracted to non-rail vehicles? And Percy definitely has a thing for flying vehicles, poor chap... (Percy also has long been comfortably attracted to engines, coaches, and ships too. But whirlybirds, man. Kinda ruined/enhanced his life.) James and Gordon found that they weren't "above" such ridiculous things as "playing at" love; they were just diesel-sexual. Henry liked other engines for a long time, so he is open to steam and diesel; he did however get knocked through a loop of his own within this century when he encountered his first electric car and was absolutely useless for the two hours afterwards...
Anyway. God it's late and I hope this makes sense. In any case I don't see the engines as 'gay' or 'straight' or whatever but I do think they have as much gender and sexuality diversity as we humans do; in fact they probably have a good deal more! I also think that they have had a long struggle for most of these identities to be accepted. So they get it. And, most of all, engines would absolutely not understand homophobia at all. Human gender is such an arbitrary thing! Why anyone would get so hung up on policing something like that is baffling to them. They are keen to be of service to all humans, they really love seeing all humans happy, and apart from that they don't have any opinions on humans' peculiar romantic or sexual lives (they barely understand what human sex is!)
Now, how humans board trains or polish an engine or mend their fences or behave in any way even remotely connected to the running of their railway or yard... well, that they have opinions on. Strong opinions. That they will argue with you about. That matters. ;)
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Eh, it’s June; I could throw out a few romantic or sexuality headcanons for my favourite super villains.
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Shigaraki Tomura:
With regards to romantic of sexual interest; he’s demi for both, and equally interested in both genders. Well, he’s a bit male leaning, but that’s partially due to his company. Tomura doesn’t really start out interested in someone as a potential romantic or sexual partner, he’d need to care about that person as a person first; and more specifically as a friend or at least an ally. Only then would he perhaps look into romantic activities as something to do with this friend.
You could read this as him being aroace too, on account of him mostly just seeing romantic & sexual activities as things to do with particularly close friends, but I don’t think that’d be entirely accurate as it would imply far less enjoyment of these activities than he’d actually have. It’s just that he’d only bother to do them with someone he already cares about. Oh well, terminology can be a bit fuzzy in those middle-grey zones.
With regards to gender, he’s certainly fine with being a man but it’s something he’s never really thought of. He’s been meaning to, ever since meeting Magne actually, but everything's been more than a bit hectic with his life. It’s on his to-do list after he conquers the country; you know how it is.
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Toga Himiko:
I mean, canon Pansexual of course. Or at least, Panromantic; her idea of romance is tied so closely with consuming blood I almost wonder if she’s really given much thought to any other form of physical romantic activity.
Well being a teenager, she probably has spared some thoughts on it and might even be interested in doing so with a romantic partner; just less than she’d want to drink their blood. And in the same vein as her blood drinking, she probably wouldn’t care about her partner’s gender so long as she loved them.
One last note; I imagine she also has an interest in Polyamory as well. She is interested in multiple people after all, 2 of whom are romantically interested in each other, which just makes her like them more. It can actually be seen as a natural result of her tied-up empathy & love; where if she likes person A who likes person B, Toga will try and see what A seen in B, and fall for them too. Then if B likes A back, Toga will see what B sees an A and like A even more. This results in something of a feedback loop, which I call the OT3dback loop™.
(And we’ll just put the rest under a cut ‘cause this is getting long.)
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Honestly a hard guy to get a read on...so I’m gonna assume that’s true for Dabi himself too. What he’d be interested in, romantically or sexually, has never once been considered; either because he was too young and hero-focused as Touya, and then because he was too determined to fulfill his death wish mission as Dabi. He’s always been so busy and also figured he’d die young anyway to bother.
Questions to ponder once he’s found the will to live past 30 I suppose.
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I’m gonna call him Demi-romantic too, on account of how he’d probably need to see someone as a friend to see them as trustworthy enough for that kind of vulnerability or emotional bond; a high priority for him.
Otherwise, you probably wouldn't get a direct answer if you asked. Not only do his alters differ on a few key points (he’s reasonably certain he’s cisgender, but otherwise he’s a bit all over the place), but a few will outright lie if he doesn’t like you to confuse you even more; y’know, for fun. Assuming he does want to give you a straight answer, just put him down as bi for now and he’ll get back to you.
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Gay gay homosexual gay.
No, but to go into more detail Spinner did explore his identities pre-League as much as he could in his childhood environment and at the time probably did conclude he was a plain bagel cishet dude. In retrospect, this probably resulted at least a little from aforementioned environment, which was of the ‘we won’t say anything inappropriate about queer folk but we will side-eye them a great deal’ type, but was also simply him not having his gay awakening yet.
Anyway then Daika happened, he started reevaluating, and we all know the story from there.
We’ll see if any other big events dramatically shift his internal understanding, he’s certainly in the right company to find this stuff out about himself, but for now what he most understands about himself is his newfound interest in men.
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Mr. Compress:
Well first off, he’d probably be really coy about it if you asked so as to be mysterious and/or a jerk. Pretty much the only thing that gets him to reveal himself is to suggest his sexuality isn’t real, which of course infuriates him.
Oh speaking of; he’s a male leaning bisexual, and as stated, a bit particular about it. Found out in High school, as you do when you don’t grow up on the street. He’s also a bit of a stereotype about it too (or at least, he thinks he still is. What’s the latest bisexual stereotype like, anyway? Ah, it’s too much for an old man like him to keep track of all the time.)
Fittingly for his character; he sees himself as a mentor to queerness for for fellow villains; despite him not actually having much experience with it (surprisingly he hasn’t dated much) and he’s only just old enough that most of his information on the community has gotten out-of-date since his high school days. He tries his best, but you’d probably want to go to Toga instead.
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erratic-brainrot · 3 years
Stendyle HCs NOW mother fucker 🔫
Okay so this is a very messy list that I’m making at 2:44am, so I apologize if this is very jumbled up. It’s difficult for me to pick regarding headcanons because this is genuinely one of my main ships I focus on far too much.
But to make my life simpler, I’m gonna go with my “top ten”? Stendyle headcanons.
10. They got together during the middle-end of highschool. With Kyle confessing after a long tier of events, and the assistance of Kenny.
Basically with Kyle originally thinking he might be gay (he’s Demi bi in my eyes) because he’s never really “worked” with girls before and realized is crush on Stan. Due to Stan dating Wendy and Kyle’s assumption of him being straight, Kyle resigns to the concept that nothing is ever going to happen so he should just “get over it”… and he kinda does. He still as a crush but is kinda handling it, not letting it impact his friendship snd just tried to ignore it.
However… things get more complicated when his and Wendy’s friendship continues to grow. Shared classes, similar interests, being able to listen clearly to the other, dependability, etc, lead to kyle developing a crush on her… which assured him (though imposter syndrome was still a bitch) that he did indeed like girls on top of guys. Sadly, it presented the harsh fact that Kyle had a crush on two of his closest friends…. Both of which were dating. Kyle trying to repress his emotions as he did with Stan when he was younger.
But… it wasn’t as easy as before… because, unknown to him… they were developing their own crush on Kyle too. Which I tend to headcanon as Wendy and Stan originally starting as a joke of “Kyle be so fine” because I do fake flirty shit with my friends and idk I feel like healthy Wendy and Stan (I only say healthy because it’s more grounded versions of their self, Stan not being super toxic masc and scared with ego; Wendy being more confident as her own ideas as an individual and not caring what others think, and being more willing to tell Stan of what’s wrong directly) would be way more playful teasing. But I digress. The point is that they all do like each other. With pining existing. And Kyle is having a hard time “getting over his crushes” because they are affectionate to him in a passively platonic but edging romantic.
After confiding with Kenny, Kyle is told by Kenny that he should just— ask. Poly stuff kinda takes risk and initiative to start… but Kyle is kinda nervous because of the concept of possibly ruining his friendship with two people, and coming off creepy (due to being forced to witness the concept of predatory fruity folks). Kenny assured him, and coveys the simple plan of literally— just asking Wendy and Stan about possibly being in a polyamorous relationship - semi prompted.
Leading to Kenny asking them in front of Kyle, with both Wendy and Stan agreeing that they be open to it on an individual term, with minor eager presented in their reply.
This, leading to Kyle with help yet again from Kenny, asking Stan and Wendy out in one way or another. It depends on aus and stuff. But I like the mutual pining and Kyle leading the beginning of the relationship. It’s kinda my set base I usually go with, but I don’t mind divergents from this.
9. Wendy and Kyle during cuddling like to lay on Stan typically because he has the most mass on him (as I few Stan as kinda stocky and having actual softness to him)
8. Stan is teased always by Wendy and Kyle for having a “type” aka smart, athletic, determined, semi aggressive people.
7. Kyle is super love gesture heavy, and goes out of his way to show his affections to them with certain efforts. Making homemade date night dinners, editing videos for them, singing songs, surprising them with gifts, etc. He likes romantic gestures a lot because they affirm him on his efforts. It was especially notable when he was semi-closeted still and couldn’t be super public with them. (Both Stan and Wendy really appreciate it. All of them are romantic leaning)
6. They have a lot of rules about boundaries and communications. The main concept being about forwardness/honesty about emotions and actively avoiding repressing feelings against one another and so forth. That rule has honestly lead to a lot of growth and realization on pretty much all their parts. Leading them to understanding a lot of past events due to how all of them view the world and have been treated in regards to their own mental issues or family relations or trauma
5. Wendy and Kyle adore ripping on cartman together due to them both being part of his list of favourite targets. They both want to have hope of Cartman changing (Kyle especially due to his own fears about himself) but express is very unlikely, and that progress takes time. In truth they often are just consensually trauma dumping on each other and expressing weird feelings due to their relationship with cartman- rather than just actively being malicious against cartman. Overall just a healthy moment they joke is just kinda- hating on a mutually disliked person.
4. Stan and Kyle introduce Wendy to a lot of their geeky interests, with her liking a majority of them with varying levels of passion. With DND ending up being her favourite, with her joining in on game nights that Nichole or Kyle hosts. Leading to Wendy and Stan to talk in depth about role playing stories— with Wendy apologizing for her dicky childhood self of calling it lame (a commonality between Wendy, Kyle, and Stan about being overly apologetic of past wrongdoing that made sense at the time, especially as kids. Where they honestly don’t need to apologize for it, because the apology is shown in action and sometimes doesn’t need to be verbalized. But regardless, it’s appreciated) ALSO WENDY ENDS UP BEING A HOME BREW QUEEN
3. Literally all of them are family oriented people. With, even early on in their relationship even talking about having kids when thinking of the future. (Which became a big trend when college was approaching them) Kyle expressing his want to adopt a kid, since Ike life made a big impact on him— as well as knowing a lot of sad shit about foster care and adoption (based on hc through tweek and Kenny respectively). All of them like the idea, though Kyle still wants a bio kid because of old ideas of “passing on your genes” (which has its own complicated thoughts because Kyle kinda isn’t the biggest Kyle fan around). With Stan just expressing that he refuses to ever raise a kid based on ideas of shaming, since it really affected all of them as kids— almost always for the worst.
2. Stan adores styling Wendy and Kyle’s hair, due to him experimenting with his own hair a lot during high school and later developing a genuine interest.
With Stan accidentally starting “fruity hair cut Wendy” trend— aka mostly just getting her into undercuts or funky hair dos. Kyle uses Stan’s desires to just manage his hair better when he gets frustrated.
1. They are very affectionate with one another, aka just really casual hand holding, hugging, kisses, etc. Though it took Kyle and Stan to adjust a bit because of kinda masculine ideas of affection— with Kyle kinda having weird concepts about touch (because of mainly Cartman things in canon tm), they are both shown to be actually touchy people. Like they adore cuddling to death. Physical touch is relieving. With Wendy being the one to encourage it outside of just private cuddle sessions on home dates. All of them working to be unashamed in the idea of casual touch. They aren’t overtly PTA, but are notable in that sense of simple touches of affection.
So yeah, those are some of my headcanons? It’s hard to organize them since I have so many little dumb concepts that relate to so many other things. Like how they approach family stuff, or about Wendy and Stan possibly not being cis, etc. Either way I think this is a decent collection of some of them
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Naruto Sexuality Headcanons
This is pre-boruto because I don’t know anything about Boruto.
Naruto is bi.
Sasuke is demi-sexual. It’s the only way I can explain the weirdness between him and Naruto, and him ending up with Sakura.
Sakura is straight.
Sai is ace. He likes paint.
Kakashi is ace.
Kiba is bi but to an almost pansexual degree? If someone’s down, he’s down.
Shino is aromantic but not asexual. He wants kids (he teaches at the Academy for christ sake! Though that doesn’t actually make a lot of sense as the clan heir... I’ll need to deal with that later)
Hinata is bi but prefers men. She’s experimented, specifically with a lot of blonds (she has a type, good for her) but really admires and respects Naruto.
Kurenai is pan.
Shikamaru is bi but prefers women. Specifically strong, domme like women (just look at Temari. Do not tell me that she would not top him.)
Choji is bi but Does Not Care for appearance. He cares more about how they treat his teammates.
Ino is pan. She does not care about age but will draw the line at children who are under 16 (my headcanoned adult age for civilian children and when Kage are legally allowed to start the spying via sleeping with a target) but she has no problem with older men, women, or unspecified gender.
Asuma is but did experiment when he was up with the Monks of the Fire Temples. It didn’t work out but hey, it’s not like he has a long lost kid somewhere being raised by a fire priest.
Neji... I can’t really figure him out. Too serious. Probably somewhere on the ace spectrum but doesn’t really care. Probably just interested in getting through life with Rock Lee as a teammate.
Tenten is BI AS FUCK
My friend (who has never watched or read Naruto), that from a single picture, that he is somewhere on the pan/ace spectrum. I am deferring to their judgment because they are non-binary, openly bi and don’t know anything about him.
Might Guy is the same as Rock Lee. Maybe straight.
Temari is bi.
Kankuro is asexual. He likes being the fun uncle.
Gaara is very much ace but loves children. So he adopts way too many children. (He’s like Batman, with 10+ children running around that he’s not entirely sure are his but eh, doesn’t really matter at this point)
Karui is straight but was bi-curious in her youth.
Omoi is a baby. Probably bi or pan, but is full of anxiety and is not allowed anywhere near romance until he can get some anti-anxiety medication.
Not to say he can be in a relationship, but he’ll probably go nuts overanalyzing and then break up with the person in like, a month tops. Unless the person is really good, then I root for them both.
Mitarashi doesn’t care about sex or romance. She likes fire and explosions.
Ibiki is Tired. (I know it’s not a sexuality, but honestly, for this man, it should be an exception. He has to deal with the bullshit people of the T&I unit. Which is an entirely other post).
Zabuza and Haku are in a father/mentor-son/mentee relationship.
Haku was genderfluid.
Killer B doesn’t really want a family. He wants to rap.
A is bi. He has a son.
Terumi Mei is a lesbian goddess. She managed to seduce Zabuza once before he tried to kill her because they were in ANBU together. And he knew her girlfriend.
Itachi was pan.
Kisame was ace (he has a KID in Boruto????) and really likes sharks. Itachi tried to avoid all conversations like that after he first told the Akatsuki and Pein banned that kind of talk from then on.
Hidan is attracted to witchcraft.
Hashirama is straight but his wife was bi.
Madara was gay.
Obito was... yeah, no clue.
Rin was straight but tried a girl. Wasn’t her cup of tea but she doesn’t care about anyone’s sexuality.
Please, for the love of god, add more characters. I have no idea how many are on this list, but there are so many more. Feel free to add your own on.
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slyther-ink · 3 years
in response to @al-longbottom's post about what i would change if i wrote hp. here is the full explanation... (i might edit it a bit more later because this is a bit of a ramble oops)
1. more racial diversity and actually having that embedded into the story (having token characters with stereotypical names was very frustrating) i would definitely try and add more culture into backstories that influence even casual conversations etc.
2. more gender diversity especially with complex characters. more trans binary and nonbinary and honestly just well developed women characters too. we only had hermione as the main recurring character and i would love to explore her friendships with the folks in her dorm etc. as well as having some binary and nonbinary trans characters !!!! especially with the women and women adjacent side characters, they were portrayed quite shallowly sometimes. like the dislike of fleur, even though she was literally chosen from all of beaubaxtons, demonstrating her magical capability. it is possible to be feminine and powerful thank you. it was irrational of molly, ginny and hermione to all dislike her (for what seemed like her beauty?!?!) and i feel like it came back to the whole performative thing and that beautiful girls are always mean and the women jealousy thing or whatever and that was just ugh.
3. queer diversity of all kinds – deffo impossible that all the characters are straight and cis. sorry can’t accept that. i would write in my queers, lesbians, bis, pans, omnis, gays, aces, aros, demis, trans-mascs, trans-fems, nonbinary folk, genderfluid folk, sapphics, achilleans etc. etc. we exist sorry not sorry.
4. well developed character relationships. the golden trio independently making friends with other people. would love to see hermione and some study buds and ron playing chess with other folks.
5. give the full redemption arc to draco malfoy and not snape. it would have been so much more powerful to have draco redeemed (***not without him having to go through a gruelling self-discovery/self-reflection/my behaviours are wrong and i need to correct them and face the consequences of my bigotry***) because like harry, he was a child but on the other side of the war. i would write it in a way that away from his father’s shadow he gets to break out and unlearn the toxic stuff, even if that was ignited by voldemort's return (because the idea that you can unlearn your bigotry and become a better person is so so important). snape only did it because of lily and the whole toxic obsession thing, it doesn’t really count as unlearning bigotry imo
6. made it more explicit that dumbledore was a bad guy and the teachers very much enabled his behaviour. harry deserves some closure and its important not to romanticise asking a child to save the world. and also what happened with tom riddle and leaving kids abandoned until they reach hogwarts age is not ok. (i read a fic about it which i will recommend when i found it!)
7. showing mental health issues. even just school itself can be a struggle without all of the save the world pressure and only including mental health in ootp onwards where voldemort was invading harry's mind and then stuff happened. and also harry couldnt possibly be the only one.
8. having trans characters. sorry did i say that already? doesn’t matter. more trans characters please.
9. Maybe would’ve not had remus and tonks together *as it happened in the plot* because I feel like it was a little bit rushed so *if* I did keep them together then it would’ve been way more developed. however, I am slightly more partial to wolfstar so who knows….
10. show more explicitly that the houses aren't inherently good and bad!!!! that was honestly just so stupid.
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Could I ask what your sexuality headcanons are? I love comparing mine with other peoples’!
Ok second half of this; this is just like. non-students who i Actually have thought about HJBAFV not at all a comprehensive list. Again disclaimer i write all these chars as bi in my fics, also i am bi myself so the vast majority are also bi, and also leaving a lot of these vague so u can imagine ur favorite ship or urself or w/ever
ok lets start this off with Aizawa. I think....... hes another one who's rlly unlabelled, doesnt super care to think it through and define it, but calls himself gay bc his interest in women is very, very rare and it's just way easier to say than explain all that. Definitely do buy into the idea that he had a crush on Oboro in hs but i do NOT buy into the easermic agenda sorry. Definitely not someone who goes looking for dates, but doesn't say no if someone asks him and hes interested (also im not gonna give her a whole section but i saw a hc a while back that the Ms. Joke stuff is literally that shes a lesbian and hes gay and shes fucking with him and i love that so much i just wanted to put it out there)
on the topic of the erasermic agenda: Hizashi's pan and knew it before HS, had a sudden & intense crush on Aizawa for the first month they knew each other and then immediately got over it in favor of a similar sudden, intense, and then immediately fading crush on Midnight. Hizashi and Aizawa r just rlly good friends imo; maybe they messed around for a bit in their twenties but it never went anywhere serious. He dates around a lot, not even necessarily to settle down just to have some fun
Midnight is aro/ace but does get in qprs & gravitates towards women wrt that. Most people dont read vigilantes but theres a woman in that, Kazuho, who i imagine she's been in a long-term qpr with; her relationship with aizawa and hizashi leans a little more towards a qpr than a normal friendship, too, but it's not rlly defined that way
All Might is married to justice queer but v much not interested in relationships. He and that one guy from the first movie are ABSOLUTELY exes and i won't hear otherwise; it's the only relationship he's ever had, and they broke up bc he had to go back to japan. He was heartbroken but did eventually get over him; his lack of romance afterwards is from genuine disinterest and not being hung up on his past. I can see him finding someone else in his later years, after he's retired. Definitely feels like he's not worthy of it tho
Hawks is bi but unfortunately didn't get to figure that out until like Now in the timeline...... if youll let my dabihawks history shine through i think dabi was the reason JHBASFGJHB he was basically brainwashed by the commission to become a hero so he didnt have time to Figure That Shit Out; he knew he was into women bc that was easy & what the commission expected from him but then he started this undercover assignment and met dabi and realized Oh...... Fuck. Hawks is hard tbh, bc i think between the control that the commission has over him and his own convictions as a hero he doesn't pursue any romance (tho he does get crushes or find people attractive) and most of his flings are done to keep up his prettyboy act, not out of genuine interest in being a fuckboy. Can't imagine him having a relationship until well after canon but I do see him being interested eventually
Onto the villains, Shigaraki is unlabelled but probably would call himself queer if asked. Definitely admires women more but isn't very interested in romance; AFO actively encourages him to pursue the things interested in so imo if he were he'd talk abt it more lmfao. I kinda see him as demi as well, not the type to fall immediately but requiring a friendship beforehand; tho unlike Bakugo as i said in my last post I dont think it happens suddenly but rather slowly. Y'all know im a big fan of shigaraki being absolutely whipped for his s/o so i do thing hes a big piner, tho he's also pretty bold and unashamed of his affections. I'm a big fan of him falling for a member of the league or a civilian; definitely can't see him falling for a hero unless the hero was already halfway to turning sides already. I think he's also attracted to intelligence and someone who pushes him to think more abt his ideology...... maybe im just projecting at this point JSHDFBVAJKSHD but my point is that the gender of his partner is definitely the least of what he considers/notices
Dabi is bi and, here's my bold take, demisexual; not interested in sex unless its with someone he loves. Absolutely doesn't even think abt romance for most of the years where he's on his own. He's got revenge to plan. By the time he joins the league that hasn't changed much, and he's demi so he's not interested in sleeping around, plus he rlly denies any attachment to people at all. As I said in that other ask tho I do rlly like the idea of him with Magne, so I think they have a fling for a bit before her death :( it's one of the things that leads him to isolate himself further, unfortunately, even from Jin and the other League members with whom his relationships aren't romantic. I can see him dating someone post-canon bc i think hes gonna be redeemed lol. It could be someone he knew before but they probably didnt date again bc he was v guarded; i think magne was rlly the only person he dated
Magne is pan and heres the kicker: I think shes t4t, which led to a little moment just before she and dabi got together where he was like "she wouldnt be into me :/" but she was into him anyway so all was good. She got around in her circles, mostly casual stuff tho she yearned for something more serious.
Spinner's bi & trends towards women but does occasionally get things for men and they're almost always intense. He thought he was straight for a while even once he joined the league and then suddenly got a crush on Shigaraki (around the time of MVA) and realized otherwise LMFAO he's definitely a hopeless romantic type, the whole mutant prejudice thing makes it rlly hard for him and i can see him being rlly happy with another mutant-type; i feel like as he matures he starts to gravitate towards them
Toga is canonically pan to my understanding, iirc her interest in Uraraka and Deku is the same (and romantic) in canon tho i might be wrong. Poor girl just needs therapy. I like the idea of the two of them becoming her friends over her being involved with them but i totally can get behind her having a thing with Uraraka (and maybe Tsu) at some point post-canon (presuming she gets redeemed), tho I think a qpr between the two/three of them would be longer lasting. And again presuming she gets therapy i can see her settling down with someone, gender irrelevant
Jin is unlabelled bc he hasn't much thought abt it, definitely had a thing for dabi and for hawks which does make me sad on both counts. I think he likes women slightly more abstractly/aesthetically and gets crushes more on men,. The dabi thing fades as they get closer and start to view each other as brothers. In his later years he doesn't rlly care about romance, I think he enjoys the experience of crushing but doesnt like dating people; his found family in the League is far more important to him. But i can see him falling head-over-heels for someone quite suddenly and having a bit of a whirlwind romance. Also someone for whom gender isn't much of a factor
Mr Compress is also queer and also hasn't rlly thought abt it. Definitely leans more towards women; he's like 30 but i like to think he also goes for older partners, 10 or 15 years his senior KJBADSJFHB idk he just has that Vibe with the way he calls himself an old man etc. A lot of the league i cant see sleeping or dating around much, i feel like they prioritize each other, but I do think mr compress gets around more than the others. i can see him having a bit of a fuckbuddy who he catches feelings for
Kurogiri is fun; as Oboro I do think Aizawa's crush was reciprocated, tho he wasn't around long enough for them to act on it :( he's bi, tho kurogiri isn't supposed to have personal interests. I like to imagine the brainwashing isnt as good as AFO wants it to be tho so I like the idea of him falling for someone anyway. I also like the idea of the heroes managing to undo the nomufication and I 100% can see him, aizawa, and someone else (someone he was involved with as Kurogiri) ending up in a triad as a result of aizawa and the third partner helping him through the aftermath of all that shit
Lady Nagant is a manga-only minor character but im in love with her so imma talk abt it. Shes bi and leans VERY heavily towards women, probably spent years questioning whether she was rlly bi or a lesbian before finally having a fling with a guy that she genuinely enjoyed. Has only ever been in long-term relationships with women and I v much think she has a gf at home who stayed even when she was arrested 🥺
Finally imma talk abt Natsuo bc i love that boy. He's one of the few unmarried chars with a love interest and he canonically has a gf. I do see him as IDing straight in canon ngl, but the kind of straight where he might actually be bi but his preference leans so heavily towards women and he grew up in a bad home so he just doesnt rlly think abt it bc hes v happy with women anyway. In shiganatsu thoughts shigaraki is the first man he has a thing for; i rlly can see the two of them in a triad with a woman specifically, who helps the two of them find each other and is the one who initiates bc its definitely a weird situation for natsuo
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