#no one is going to say the bros aren't brothers but also people aren't going to claim they're sharing blood
worstloki · 2 years
People can ship Thorki for all the kinky reasons they want (although personally I’m not a fan) but I wish they’d stop using the argument “well they’re not ACTUALLY related/brothers” to justify it. It just sounds like a secret admission to thinking raising an adopted kid doesn’t make them a real member of the family :(
as per my last tags:
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that's why if you say it's incest im like yeah ok but if you say it's not incest im still like yeah ok. pseudo-incest? sure, im not picky. everyone's got personal views on what incest is/isn't defined as.
the only part that matters when it comes to the ship i think is whether or not they'd be moaning the word brother in bed and the answer is irrevocably: yes
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astupidweeb69 · 9 months
The Roommate (Dark!Ticci Toby x F!Reader)
NSFW One-shot
Author's note: This is my first time writing smut, so sorry if this turned out bad. It's also way longer than I thought, hopefully there aren't any spelling errors. Cross posted on my AO3 account.
Warnings: Swearing. Toby being creepy, he hurts the reader, blood kink? unprotected sex, creampie, biting, it's just... a lot. (4,519 words) - Minors DNI!
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Your brother hated his new roommate.
From what you gathered from the phone calls you two had, you knew he kept to himself, was kind of creepy and left the occasional mess in the kitchen. Your brother had tried to include him when he went out with his other college friends, but he always refused. The guy was gone at odd hours during the night, and smelled like dirt and pine.
You told him it was his own fault for posting an ad for a roommate on Craigslist.
It wasn’t all bad though. He paid his rent on time, always in cash - which he slipped under your brother's bedroom door at the end of every month. Plus, he had insisted on not signing any formal documentation. The lease they had was just a last minute document drawn up for a short term stay. 
Your brother would only have to put up with him for 6 months. Then he’d be gone.
But hey, beggars can’t be choosers. And your brother needed someone to pick up part of the rent last minute.
After a few months it had seemed like he’d grown accustomed to the strange ‘twitchy’ man he lived with, that is, until you told him your plans to visit.
You finally got some time off, and it was the only chance you’d get to see him. So when all the hotels in the area were fully booked you were not about to give up. And….your brother’s place had a perfectly good couch available, right?
He was reluctant at first, but after much pleading, he finally agreed.
On one condition.
Stay away from Toby.
You figured he was just being overprotective. It was kind of sweet, but he’d never been that adamant about you not talking to someone before. There must have been something seriously messed up with the guy. And to be perfectly honest, it made you second guess whether you’d actually go through with the trip out there.
But you already bought the plane ticket, and you couldn’t let that money go to waste.
So now you sat in the passenger seat of your brother's truck, the two of you making idle chit chat as he drove you back to his place from the airport. 
He talked about school, the classes he was taking, what parties he’d been going to, and fraternities he’d been considering joining. That last part earned him some of your teasing about becoming a beer pong loving, “Frat Bro”.
Only after a few beats of silence, you decided to ask him something that had been bugging you since your arrival. 
“Your roommate knows I’m staying at your place, right?”
It was a simple enough question. The last thing you wanted was to intrude on someone else’s living space after all.
You saw your brother grip the steering wheel harder. “Yeah. Toby should know you’re coming.” His response was curt and lacking his previous joyful tone.
“You two fighting or something?” 
Your brother sighed. “No just,” He paused for a moment, and glanced at you. “He’s been acting weirder than usual.”
“Weird how?” 
He didn’t say anything for a while, instead mulling over his choice of words. Not wanting to scare you, but still wanting to give you a heads up of the situation. “He’s been talking to himself. A lot.”
“That’s not that bad. Lots of people do that.” You don’t know why you felt the need to defend a person you hadn’t met yet.
Another pause. This one is longer than before.
“You haven’t heard what he’s been saying.”
The road ahead was dark, lit up by the dim headlights of the car. The only thing out here now was trees, broken up by the occasional house. It was definitely far from campus.
The driveway was gravel, the truck rocking back and forth from the potholes and uneven terrain, finally coming to a stop in front of the house. Painted a dull plain white, one story, rather small, but it would do. It’s not like you were expecting a mansion.
After the car came to a stop, you grabbed your luggage from the backseat, following your brother to the front door where he quickly unlocked it. 
The living room was sparsely decorated, with an old brown couch in the center, a small television and a coffee table littered with cans and half finished drinks.
It completely lacked a homey vibe. Definitely felt like a typical bachelor pad. You nudged his shoulder. “I love what you’ve done with the place.”
“Hey, I’m not majoring in interior design.” Your brother shot back, beginning to walk away past the kitchen, calling out to you. “I’m gonna go to bed.”
Your eyebrows furrowed with a look of disappointment.  “Already? I thought we’d, like…. watch TV or something?”
“Next time don’t get such a late flight.” His face stretched into a yawn. “There’s plenty of blankets in the closet. Try not to make too much noise.” Disappearing behind the door of his bedroom, he left you standing in the room alone with your bags.
Time for bed I guess. 
You sprawled yourself out on the couch, placing a pillow on the armrest, and rolled out the fuzzy blanket you’d found over your body. You turned to face the front door. The room was pitch black, with a few beams of moonlight split up by the venetian blinds.
You picked up your phone from the coffee table by your side, figuring you could watch a few videos before you fell asleep.
The screen lit up, temporarily blinding you before your eyes adjusted. Mindlessly, you scrolled through youtube to find a thumbnail that would spark any interest.
You were about to click one, when you heard someone at the front door. Your eyes widened briefly, and you quickly shut your phone off. You don’t know why. It wasn’t like you were a kid and your mom was coming into your room to see if you were actually asleep. But it felt like you needed to shut your eyes.
So you did.
The door opened slowly, whoever it was trying to remain undetected. 
However, the scent that followed gave them away immediately. You actually had to stop yourself from reacting. It was a mixture of BO, dirt, and something else. Something dead.
Without even having to look, you knew it was Toby.
Footsteps, careful and calculated. The floorboards creaking. 
You waited for him to walk by, expecting him to go to his room so you could continue playing on your phone.
But he didn’t.
The movements stopped halfway through, and you heard him, on the balls of his feet, making his way over to the couch you were on.
The fuck?
You felt your throat dry up. You wanted to swallow down your nerves, but you couldn’t react. You had to continue pretending, right?
You could hear him, his voice low and soft, like velvet. A boyish tone, the occasional word being broken up by some kind of stutter, muttering things you couldn’t make out.
He stopped when he got to your side, standing right in front of your face. 
If you opened your eyes right now you’d probably see him peering down. His jeans dirty and torn, honey brown stare filled with curiosity, looking at the glimpses of your curves that peaked through the blanket on top of you.
A hand reached out. 
Cold, yet somehow clammy… texture rough and calloused. 
He was touching you. 
He was touching your face.
Don’t move. Don’t you dare even flinch.
“M-must be the ssss-sister…”
That was the first clear sentence you could understand.
He retracted his hand. But you could still hear him, the heavy breathing. 
His whispering.
Then he left.
Only afterwards did you realize you’d been holding your breath.
“You look awful.” Your brother commented when he saw you the next morning.
It was true that you barely slept that night, made obvious by the bags under your eyes, and the change in your complexion. The interaction with the stranger, the one you’d been warned of,  had plagued your mind, stirring up thoughts that kept you awake. 
You grabbed a coffee mug, pouring yourself a glass, before joining your brother at the kitchen table.
From this angle, you had a clear view of the hallway. There were three doors, one must have led to the bathroom, and the other remaining two were the bedrooms. 
You only stared at one of the doors though. The one leading to Toby’s room. 
You knew, at some point he’d emerge and you’d finally be able to put a face to the name. A face to the hand that touched you.
For a moment, you wondered if you should tell your brother what happened. He’d probably flip out, maybe even confront the man. 
So, despite your better judgment, you decided to keep it to yourself. 
He only touched your face. Sure, it was creepy as hell, but you didn’t want to cause a fight during your vacation.
Your brother clapped his hands together, getting your attention. 
“So listen!” He grinned widely. “We gotta plan out the strategy for tonight.”
“Strategy?” You asked hesitantly.
“Yeah strategy. There’s a party I want to go to. Kappa Alpha is hosting it.” 
You tsked, sipping your coffee. “You realize I don’t know anything about the frats here. Is that like… a popular one or?”
He nodded. “Yeah it is. I’ve been trying to get into this one for a while now, so getting the invite is a big deal.”
You frowned. You were already so tired, and the idea of going to a kegger was not exactly on your ‘to do’ list. But it was important to him. So you complied.
“Okay. What time does it-”
A door opened. You stopped talking.
Your eyes widened to look over towards the sound. 
Toby was up.
The first thing you noticed was a mop of dark brown hair, unkempt, with curls that went in every direction. It was slightly greasy too, he clearly hadn’t showered in a while. There was light stubble on his jawline, and his skin was a sickly, almost gray color. A snake bite graced his lower lip, and there were a few more pieces of metal sticking out the cartilage of his ears.
He shuffled forward, looking tired, still in a pair of plaid green pajama bottoms and a t-shirt with little alien faces on them.
Once he made it into the kitchen, Toby finally glanced over. You looked away immediately, embarrassed that you were caught staring.
He was handsome. You hated to admit it. But he was. You pushed the thought out of your head, reminding yourself of who he was.
“Muh-morning….” He croaked out.
Your brother gave a little nod, just enough to acknowledge him, turning back to you while Toby started toasting a poptart.
“It starts at 9, but we should show up at 10 o'clock. I don’t want to look too eager.”
“Whuh-what starts at 9?” Toby interjected.
Both you and your brother looked at him, before nervously meeting each other's gaze.
“Oh uh!” Your brother stammered. “Just another party.” He motioned over to you with his thumb. “This is my sister, (Y/N), by the way.”
Toby’s eyes bore into yours. You swallowed, trying to give him a polite, reassuring smile.
“Nice to meet you…. Toby, right?” 
You acted unsure. Like you didn’t know his name by heart. Like you hadn’t had your brother vent to you about him for hours over the phone. 
“Yuh-yeah. That’s right.” He looked back at your brother. “Is the puh-party tonight?”
“Yeah it’s at a frat house. Did you…” He hesitated, before finally asking him. “Want to come?”
Toby bit his poptart, shrugging his shoulders. “I've guh-got nothing better tuh-to do.” The twitching man looked back at you, wiping some crumbs from his lip. He didn’t have emotion behind his eyes, just a weird intense focus on your face.
You pretended to be unbothered. 
It didn’t work.
He noticed.
And he liked the way you squirmed.
Toby stayed in his room the rest of the day. Occasionally going into the kitchen, grabbing a snack, usually some kind of junk food, before he’d scurry back into his little cave.
You started getting ready as soon as the sun went down. It’d been a while since you’d been to a party and you wanted to look your best. Or look like you got a full 8 hours of sleep at the very least.
Toby said he’d meet you guys there. Saying something about how he needed ‘to take care of something first’. No one questioned him. Both you and your brother glad not to have to share a car ride with him.
Loud bumping music, the kind that shook a house and pounded in your chest, enveloped you when you walked inside the frat house. 
Flashing lights, a crowd in the middle of the dancefloor jumping up and down. The air was hot from too many people in a room at once. You could barely move through them all to get to the bar.
God you were going to need a drink to get through this.
Maybe even a couple.
Especially after your brother left you alone to go mingle.
One tequila shot, then two maybe three rum and cokes later. You didn’t even know how long you’d been there. Time seemed to freeze. There was only the music, only the dancing, only the bodies moving against you.
You felt hot. Your cheeks burned, and it wasn’t just from the temperature of the room anymore. The room spinned a little when you walked forward. Not enough to consider yourself completely wasted though. But enough to feel…. Friendlier.
More social.
Less inhibited. 
After a lot of struggling, you made your way to the back of the room. 
You leaned against a wall, catching your breath, holding a red solo cup in your hand.  You could hear people trying to hold conversations by shouting over the music. 
And there were plenty of people making out. In fact, you’d say the majority of people were just straight up groping each other.
It made you a little jealous if you were being honest with yourself.
You looked around, wondering if maybe you could find someone cute. You didn’t intend on getting lucky or anything, but it would sure beat just standing there like an idiot. When was the last time you even kissed somebody?
Finally, you locked on to someone across the room. Someone with honey brown eyes. Someone familiar.
He grinned when your eyes met. It was the first time you’d seen him do that. Large toothy canine’s, that bandage on his cheek shifting slightly. 
Oh god you felt your heart flutter.
You shouldn’t. You really shouldn’t. There was something wrong with him. Your brother didn’t like him. Nobody did.
He creeped you out.
He didn’t shower. 
He smelled like death. 
You listed the reasons out, and damn if there weren’t a lot of them. But in the end it didn’t matter. In the end, it was painfully, woefully, obvious what was going to happen.
And you were already walking over there.
You slithered over to his side, sweating, peering up at him through your eyelashes. Trying to look cute. Desirable.
It was working. 
He could’ve eaten you up if you gave him the chance. 
But you didn’t know that.
You fiddled with the end of your skirt, the jacket you originally wore tied around your waist. A flush on your cheeks, you let your hand gently touch his shoulder.
“H-hey… glad to see you made it.”
He tilted his head to the side, leaning down to hear you better. It made your stomach stir with excitement, he made you feel small kneeling down like that. But you liked it. Liked that he was paying attention to you, and only you.
“Whuh-what did you say?” His breath was hot on your cheek. Using the loud music as an excuse to get closer, to touch your skin. Making the hair on your neck stick up.
You breathed heavily in his ear on purpose. “I said, I’m glad you made it.”
Toby’s lips parted, not responding at first, but not moving away either. “Oh? Yuh-yeah?” He sounded amused, voice lowering an octave. “Excited to suh-see little ole’ muh-me?” 
It was kind of a stupid, cheesy thing to say. Like he didn’t really know how to flirt, but maybe saw a couple movies and memorized the lines. But it somehow worked for him.
“Oh, I’m sure nothing about you is little.”
Why did you say that?
It just came out naturally. Oh god, now your face felt flushed from embarrassment.
You felt him touch the side of your face. He chuckled, a low rumble in his chest, it sounded heavenly.
“Yuh-you know, I’m having trouble huh-hearing you.” He paused looking around, making sure no one was watching. You wondered why. 
“Do you want to go somewhere more private?”
That was enough to make heat travel between your thighs. 
One meek nod from you was all he needed, before grabbing your wrist tightly.
Too tight, like he was unaware he could hurt you. Or maybe he liked causing a little pain?
He dragged you upstairs, practically lifting you with one arm, you felt like you were gliding over the steps. The muscles of his arms barely flexing under that hoodie of his, as if you were weightless.
He was strong. 
You both traveled through the hallway, careful not to bump into anyone loitering in the hall. Some of the other party goers shooting you looks, but they were mostly directed towards Toby. They weren’t judging you or anything. In fact, they looked worried, maybe even a little scared. You started to wonder more about him. What was his reputation like if this was everyone’s reaction to him? Or perhaps he really just looked that scary. 
So why did he turn you on? 
He pushed you into an unoccupied room and flicked the light switch on.
You barely registered him locking the door behind him.
With one shove of his palm he pushed you backwards onto the bed. Your arms flailed a bit out of instinct, falling down on the mattress with an ‘oof’.
You swallowed thickly, watching him eye the way your legs had parted slightly. Your skirt hiking up dangerously on your thighs. You had to fight the urge to close them.
“Yuh-you look scared.” That velvet, sweet, voice of his was twisted by something sick. 
“Are you?” His head cocked to the side, a wolfish grin on his face.
“Yes.” Was your reply. You didn’t feel like you could lie to him now. Feeling too exposed to even think straight.
He licked his lips, slowly approaching you. His fingers danced across your shoulders, traveling down your arms, sending goosebumps down your spine. They were cold and calloused, just like you remembered from the night before. 
“Then whuh-why did you follow me here?” He cupped the side of your face, his thumb grazing across your bottom lip. You were going to respond, but he quickly shoved his finger in your mouth, gagging you. He wanted you to suck on them, but he didn’t communicate that well. “Why duh-did you….approach me?”
You let your tongue glide over his finger. His eyes narrowed, watching your face, before he started talking to himself. “Fuckin’ stuh-stupid.”
You paused. Was he talking about you? 
“Should be whuh-working tonight…” He muttered. “Target just downstairs…. Ssss-so easy…this better be worth it…..” Toby chuckled to himself like he just told a joke.
You didn’t understand what was going on. Should you just ignore him and continue? 
Toby retracted his hand from your mouth.
“Sss-so pretty….” He pushed your back onto the bed, crawling over you, his broad chest heaving, face pink and eyes lidded. Pupils dilated with lust. “So…. suh-soft….(Y/N)....” 
You shivered when he said your name like that, feeling your panties dampen even more than before. Especially when he started running a large hand up your inner thigh.
You let out a shaky breath.
“Yuh-you like it when I touch you…. I know you do…” Your eyes flickered down at him, letting him continue his ramblings, Toby’s face breaking into another evil looking smile. “Luh-letting me touch you last nuh-night…. Pretending to be asleep.”
Your stomach dropped. You couldn’t hide it in your face, he fucking knew. 
He fucking knew the whole time. 
He burst out laughing at your expression. “Yuh-you’re still not even telling me to stuh-stop now!” Toby gripped your hip with one of his hands, lifting up the hem of your shirt with the other. 
Before you knew it, he tossed the fabric over to the corner. 
Your bra was next. 
In any other circumstances you might’ve found it cute, or funny, when he struggled with the clasp. But something told you pointing it out to him wouldn’t have been a good idea. 
He groaned at the sight of your exposed torso, immediately diving into your tits. Your nipples perked at the attention. 
He was right. You weren’t stopping him. Your body screamed at you to. The smell of dirt and grime, of all things dead and decaying, it permeated off of him the more he touched you.
Toby’s mouth latched on to your left breast, the other gripped tightly in his hand. You knew you’d have bruises there tomorrow. You didn’t care. 
He licked and nipped at the tender flesh, the swell of your tits heaving, your head thrown back and lips parted, letting out soft moans here and there.
A noticeable bulge grinded against your leg, as he huffed, humping himself against you like a dog. 
After a while, he finally lifted his head up. 
Toby looked you in the eye, grinning, licking your nipple teasingly one last time, before his attention moved to your skirt. 
His hands searched your sides for a zipper, he grunted out of irritation when he couldn’t find it immediately. 
You took the opportunity to gently put a hand over his, guiding it to where it was. “Here.” You said softly. “Let me help you.”
His eyes snapped up to your face when you touched him. 
Immediately, his lips crashed onto yours. Needy, desperate, quickly shoving his tongue down your throat. You kissed back, swirling your tongue around his, ignoring the weird taste of metal coming from his mouth. His breath was hot and heavy, kisses sloppy. You doubted he got much practice, but he seemed to be learning quickly.
He made up for it with enthusiasm.
Finally pulling away, you both unzipped your skirt together. Lifting your hips off the bed, you shimmyed them down your legs, Toby watching in fascination.
“I’m guh-gonna fuck you.” He stated matter of factly. Then he whispered something that made your blood run cold. 
“...Fuck you bloody.”
Shit this guy was scary.
In a few seconds, he ripped his hoodie off, along with his shirt. His chest was heavily scarred, a noticeable slash starting from his left side over to his shoulder, and a dark happy trail rising up from the waistband of his jeans.
You didn’t comment on it, but it was worrisome. You could only imagine what would cause someone to get hurt so badly and so often.
That said, Toby was definitely toned. A bit sickly looking, but his muscles had just a hint of a six pack formed. Maybe he did more exercise than you initially thought. 
He kicked off his jeans next, unceremoniously pulling his boxers down, revealing himself to you. Lazily, he stroked himself, a thick layer of precum smearing down his shaft. It was long, veiny, but not very girthy. A flushed red tip, looking painfully hard.
You pulled down your panties slowly, already soaked, and ready. The anticipation was killing you, but you wanted to make him wait for it. His Adam's apple bobbed watching you, and you liked reveling in his stares.
“Guh-gonna split you in two…” Toby murmured, to no one in particular.
He hooked his arm under one of your legs, his body shivering with need, pulling your hips against him. He glided his shaft over your cunt, rubbing your clit slowly. He noticed you tense, how you whimpered slightly, and how your slick covered him more at the action. Looking in awe like it was some revelation to him.
Toby licked his lips, before finally enveloping himself in your heat. 
It was quick. Like he was slamming a drawer shut, but he immediately bottomed out. You gritted your teeth in pain, before crying out when he started viciously pounding into you. 
It fucking hurt. It hurt a lot.
“Shit..! Tuh-tight!”
Obviously, your muscles had tensed around him, feeling overwhelmed by the sudden fullness of his cock stuffing you. Unable to adjust.
You whimpered when he didn’t let up, tears pricking the corner of your eyes. A dull ache between your legs as he continued thrusting. The wet sound of skin slapping together coming from where the two of you were joined, burying his face in your neck, breathing in your scent.
Toby inhaled sharply, before you felt his mouth open wide.
Teeth broke through your skin instantly, a warm liquid dripping down your neck.
You screamed.
You screamed louder than you ever have in your life.
You screamed bloody fucking murder.
“Toby!” Clawing at his back, trying to get him to stop, you started crying. “Toby! Please!”
Luckily for you, he released his jaw to call out “(Y-Y/N)!” Not understanding your cries weren’t from pleasure.
It egged him on, encouraged him. His pelvis slamming into yours, with no let up, your tits bouncing at the force. Itching his fingers to your clit, he rubbed it in harsh circular movements, making you tighten around him.
You babbled nonsense. Finally some of the pain subsiding for pleasure, and maybe it was the lingering effects of alcohol, or the slight blood loss, but you felt a buzzing in your head. Basically incoherent, the faster he went. The brutal, bruising speed.
The way he gripped your breast, the way his hand remained on your pearl, trying his best to get you to finish, but not quite knowing how. 
Something started to build. 
More and more.
Hearing him growl, pant, like an animal. It was doing something to you.
You moaned loudly, wrapping your legs around him. The coil snapping, muscle spasming, pulling his cock in deeper, triggering his own climax. 
His hips stuttered against you, letting out a gasp. A warmth filling you, Toby completely emptying himself inside with a deep groan, eyes rolling back in his head. 
He gave a few sloppy, slow thrusts, before finally rolling off, and onto the bed next to you.
His cum leaking out of your cunt and staining the sheets.
Everything went blank for a moment, realization only just settling in. The gravity of the situation, the blood on your neck.
And an arm wrapped around your shoulders, drawing you close.
“I knew you’d be worth the truh-trouble.”
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mulletmitsuya · 2 months
Tokyo revengers groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, mommy issues, mentions of deceased mothers, brother issues (akashi's), mentions of physical abuse, mentions of suicide, depending on what kind of person you are, this might be kinda dark
Side note: i think i may be projecting too many of my headcanons on these people so i apologize for mischaracterizations😔🙏
Desc: it's Shinichiro's birthday!! (sneaking in the fact that it's also mine and i'm 19 today😋)
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Izana: happy birthday Shinichiro
Izana: everyone's gonna say the same thing so i don't think there's a need for an influx of happy birthday messages
Izana: just dm, to prevent a pointless conversation
Shinichiro: aw thanks Izana😁❤
Baji: you're such a loser man
Baji: with all due respect and no offense of course
Baji: happy birthday tho
Mitsuya: aren't you a virgin, Mikey?
Mistuya: a bit hypocritical
Mitsuya: happy birthday Shinichiro-san
Mikey: i had sex once, and meh
Mikey: 5/10
Mikey: being confronted with someone's dick and balls was crazy
Mikey: and i have mommy issues so i don't think it's a good idea for me to sleep with a woman
Mikey: but i would like to lay on one's chest as they sing me to sleep
Baji: what does that have to do with anything
Draken: no one asked you for any of that information, just so you know
Mikey: your mom asked me
Mikey: oh, sorry😔
Mikey: they wasn't even part of the joke. i'm genuinely apologizing😔
Emma: Mikey!
Emma: you know that's a sensitive subject 😠
Draken: not really, to be honest
Senju: why's it a sensitive subject
Emma: his mother left him
Senju: ...
Senju: Emma why would you tell me that
Mitsuya: i think we should word this differently or not talk about it, maybe
Mikey: Mitsuya's right, as always (boring 🙄)
Mikey: but Emma☠️?
Senju: yours left too girl
Emma: well i know that, so i'd be sad if someone made a joke about it
Emma: and so did yours🤨?
Senju: death is different. your mom CHOSE to leave you
Senju: skill issue
Senju: was that too far? maybe
Draken: guys
Chifuyu: ok guys let's calm down
Emma: of course a person with a mother would say that 🙄
Chifuyu: ...sorry
Emma: just jokes Fuyu😚
Baji: don't apologize Chifuyu, not our fault we have mom's
Baji: suck it, losers
Mikey: i really didn't mean to start all this, my bad
Draken: it's not a big deal😐
Draken: and Shinichiro-san, happy birthday, but you're still a virgin?
Draken: i'm not judging or anything. i just find it impressive
Draken: all the other stuff is overrated
Emma: 🤨
Emma: we'll talk about that later
Emma: are you actively practising abstinence?
Emma: i couldn't
Emma: not with Ken-chan around, at least😋
Draken: dude
Draken: your entire family is here
Emma: don't call me dude☹️
Draken: okay
Draken: babe
Draken: your entire family is here
Emma: so?? they know we have sex
Emma: how else would we try to have a kid?
Draken: bro...
Izana: Emma was underage when you got together
Izana: something to think about, Draken
Draken: i was too???
Takeomi: who the hell are you
Draken: me?
Takeomi: obviously not you
Takeomi: "Izana"
Takeomi: who is that
Shinichiro: this is Izana, Omi
Takeomi: i fucking know that Shinichiro
Takeomi: why are you all so stupid
Baji: why are you brining your sour mood here
Baji: go die
Baji: no offense
Mitsuya: you can't keep saying bad things then saying no offense
Mitsuya: it literally doesn't mean anything
Shinichiro: i said i had another little brother remember?
Shinichiro: before Emma was a Sano, she was a Kurokawa. this is Izana Kurokawa
Takeomi: your dad was a man whore. respect
Shinichiro: dude, ew?
Izana: technically i'm no ones sibling because my mom lied to your guys' dad about being my father so i'm actually not related to any of you. not really supposed to be here
Mikey: dude give that up. we don't care 🙏
Izana: i was just clarifying
Emma: Izana-nii you know it makes Shin sad when you say that☹️
Izana: i was stating facts, but alright
Haruchiyo: happy birthday Shinichiro
Baji: you never speak on this group but oh, let the topic be about Mikey
Baji: all of the sudden it's a yappathon
Baji: "i wish Mikey would stick it in!"
Haruchiyo: and i'm speaking now, aren't i😐
Mikey: Baji leave Haruchiyo alone
Mikey: you're the one always scaring him away😔👎
Mikey: hi Haru😋
Haruchiyo: hi Mikey 🙂
Kazutora: happy birthday Shinichiro-san
Kazutora: um, sorry about... the incident
Mikey: (i told you not to talk about that in front of people, Tora💀)
Senju: what incident
Kazutora: uh
Kazutora: almost killing him
Shinichiro: buddy, i know you didn't mean to do that. it's all good
Kazutora: no, i fully intended to kill a person
Kazutora: it just wasn't meant to be you
Kazutora: and for that i apologize
Shinichiro: oh...
Shinichiro: well at least you don't have those murderous thoughts anymore, right? let's dwell on the positive 😁
Kazutora: i do have those thoughts
Baji: you don't always have to tell the truth man
Mikey: dude☠️
Kazutora: but they're about my father, mostly
Kazutora: i look exactly like him, so looking in the mirror is hard sometimes
Kazutora: i'm not allowed to kill myself, but killing him would be close enough
Kazutora: but i can't. because of the law
Draken: dude, are you okay? do we need to talk again
Draken: this is concerning
Kazutora: words cannot help me, Draken
Kazutora: anyway, have a good birthday, Shinichiro-san
Kazutora: i'm glad you didn't die by my hands
Shinichiro: ...
Shinichiro: i'm not really sure what to say
Senju: i love his thought process
Senju: (what the hell is wrong with this guy)
Draken: we can see the text inside the brackets 😐
Senju: fine
Senju: what the hell is wrong with this guy😭
Senju: you were the one who put Shin in a coma??
Senju: the power or friendship really carries this group's dynamic because if it were me, Kazutora would never see the light of day😭🙏
Senju: it helps that you're handsome
Kazutora: thank you. i'm sorry
Senju: you're welcome. you are forgiven
Baji: maybe let's change the topic
Senju: what's wrong with him?
Senju: no offense
Emma: his father used to beat him
Senju: Emma!
Senju: you can't be telling people this 😭
Emma: there's no malice!! i'm just telling you what happened!!
Inupi: happy birthday Shinichiro
Inupi: my sister has agreed to go on a date with you
Inupi: i see you as a really good guy so if you fuck this up, i'd have to kill you
Shinichiro: AKANE-SAN?
Shinichiro: she's too pretty for me
Shinichiro: ok um, please give me her number, Seishu
Shinichiro: thank you
Shinichiro: let's speak privately yeah?
Mikey: Inupi, this is the first time in your life you've ever been useful
Mikey: i'm impressed
Inupi: kill yourself
Mikey: Koko doesn't love you back👎🔥💔
Inupi: Takemitchy is married to a woman
Draken: break it up
Draken: and Koko does love him back, he's just fighting heteronormativity and internalized homophobia
Emma: ?
Draken: i'll tell you about it later
Emma: 🤗
Inupi: you will not
Koko: i am in this group, you know?
Koko: happy birthday Shinichiro
Koko: also Inupi, aren't we dating?
Inupi: huh
Koko: are we not dating?
Inupi: i mean, i wasn't aware of it
Inupi: but okay
Inupi: you didn't ask me
Koko: well, we act like we're dating so i thought we were
Inupi: okay
Draken: Koko you can do better than that
Draken: this is a terrible confession
Draken: i did not sit through hours of Inupi's yearning for this
Draken: do better
Koko: okay...
Koko: meet me at my place?
Inupi: ...
Inupi: okay
Draken: 👍
Izana: can't anyone solve their private matters, PRIVATELY?
Mikey: dammit
Draken: what?
Mikey: i don't like when he's happy
Mikey: i need to ruin this for him somehow
Izana: Inupi fucking sucks
Mikey: he's the worst
Mikey: i regret changing the timeline for his sake
Mikey: should've left him to burn
Baji: what?
Mikey: nothing
Baji: this was about everything, except Shinichiro's birthday ☠️
Shinichiro: to be honest? i couldn't ask for more
Shinichiro: my family being happy is the best present i could ask for
Shinichiro: i really love you guys
Izana: thanks
Mikey: too sappy, i'm out
Baji: that was so corny😂
Baji: (we love you too)
Emma: Shini-nii😭❤
Senju: Takeomi, take notes
Senju: i still don't get how you guys are friends considering the personality difference
Senju: Shin is so kind and lovable and amazing and sweet (and hot lwky)
Emma: ew😐
Senju: you um, you smoke, and you um
Senju: yeah i got nothing
Senju: still love you though!
Haruchiyo: he's ugly and abusive
Takeomi: says the dick sucker
Takeomi: i'm abusive because of the way you are by the way
Takeomi: besides, i've regrettably, never lay a hand on you
Baji: here we go again
Haruchiyo: in another life, i've killed you with my bare hands
Takeomi: do you seriously think you could beat me in a fight
Haruchiyo: i'll die trying
Shinichiro: okay guys um let's please not
Shinichiro: Omi stop being a dick 😅
Shinichiro: Haru, sorry for Omi being a dick
Senju: ☹️
Senju: we love you too, Shin
Draken: uhm i don't know if it's appropriate for me to say? but i love you too Shinichiro, i guess
Draken: this is a little awkward now
Kazutora: should i say it?
Baji: no, Tora
Kazutora: ok
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animentality · 4 months
it annoys me when people say oh this group of teenage boys is saying offensive things, men are terrible aren't they.
like bro, teenagers in fucking general are edgy little fucks.
hormonal and upset and learning more and more about this terrible world every day, and they don't sleep enough and they don't drink enough, and they're still learning how to interact with other human beings.
yes some of them might go off the deep end if you don't offer guidance or instruction, but also.
but fucking also.
it actually genuinely, truthfully, is a fucking phase.
you don't remember being 15 and emotional and kinda stupid.
four different male members of my family acted like incel ass bitches in their teen years, like my brother used to say the MeToo movement was doctored by women who just want money and attention, and my cousin used to call his own mother a prostitute.
now my brother is a weird hippie who smokes weed in the woods and hangs out primarily with women who exchange art with him, and my cousin is this hardcore Bernie Sanders ass liberal who lives in fucking Hoboken with all the other liberal ass yuppies, and he regularly hangs out with his mother and he's getting married soon, to a girl he seems crazy about.
people outgrow that shit.
it's harder now because of the effects of covid, and the impact they've had on socialization, but sometimes, guys...
you have to stop applying adult judgements on kids/teenagers, because you weren't perfect at that age either, and no one is, and there's still so much time for them to grow up.
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crepes-suzette-373 · 10 months
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"Defective Vinsmoke bros", now in Wano.
The text says something to the effect of "Tie Dye Brothers: Wano Chaos". Specifically, this kind of tie dye (it kind of looks like their hair).
I really need to finish the WCI scenes just to clear out the sad baggage before making more crazy scenes, but I keep on having wild ideas, so here we are. Maybe more Wano stuff later.
One thing for sure though: RIP Law's sanity.
They're still "off" even in Wano because they sometimes can go "off" for, like, many days. Not just a few minutes and hours. It's really random. That's how their hair get stripey. When they're off, the hair grows out blond, but then when they switch back "on" it grows in the rainbow colours again. So each hair strand are actually stripey.
(I think too hard about these things sometimes)
Man, all those fanarts with Yonji and Zoro making the Spiderman meme or being confused for each other aren't wrong. I got confused for a second while drawing this myself.
Also additional LOLs/thinking too hard:
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*) The extensions are not streaked blond like their natural hair
*) Tuna cutting knives can be easily as big as katana, with some even going over 100 cm in length (this is about the size of an oodachi sword). In Shokugeki no Sanji, if Sanji had owned one of these he wouldn't need to borrow Zoro's sword, hahahaha.
Random long talk about the clothing patterns:
This drawing is kind of a remix of the 2019 One Piece kimono calendar, but I made the patterns more relevant to their powers instead of just traditional yukata/kimono patterns. And, well, Sanji is just wearing what he wore in the series.
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Kabuki costumes inspirations (Wano has a lot of Kabuki inspirations anyway):
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Ichiji's fire pattern is based on the costume of Narukami
Niji's cloud and lighting is based on Fuwa Banzaemon
Yonji's wheel patterns is based on Genkurou Kitsune or Kitsune Tadanobu (same character from the same play, but has two names in ukiyoe)
Random aside, the Tadanobu role is probably the most "iconic" of all Kabuki looks, it's what people tend to imagine when they hear "Kabuki". The pose, the makeup, the costume, everything:
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voidandabyssal · 10 months
Sans Crush Headcanons!
first of all, ya boi kinda distant
he's like that way with everyone so it doesn't shock you or suprise you when he's a little quiet around you
that's just Sans
internal though, he's running at a million thoughts a minute
'did they find that joke funny?'
'stars they're cute'
'do I look okay?!'
bros having a full mental breakdown
and you wouldn't be able to tell, Sans has got that poker face perfected
Another way to tell,
he listens to you
when you talk, whatever you're saying, you have his complete and full attention
he laughs at all your jokes, even the ones that don't quite land or aren't actually funny, he still gives a chuckle
he responds back to your texts, he's a lazy guy, most people just get a 'k' or left on read not you tho
oh no, you get FULL SENTENCES
amazing, Papyrus almost weeps tears of joy at seeing his brother so in love
He also tries to hang around you more
he's a flexible guy, so he'll do whatever you want to do
watch a movie? sure, Go on a hike? Sigh, the things he does for love
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bobosbillionsknives · 2 months
(not shipping content)
It's one of my biggest headcanons ever that Vash does NOOOT like his birthday dude I just can't believe it...Knives however. Biggest birthday enjoyer ever. He is the special birthday boy. 🤗🤗🤗
Knives usually leaves Vash alone but Vash KNOWS Knives is going to make an effort to show up on their birthday and it stresses him out so bad. Especially if the July incident was on their birthday...that would leave horrible memories for him. 😭 Not to mention how painful remembering his first birthday with Rem would be. Plus Knives would act so bitchy about it like wooow dont even want to see your own brother on your birthday wow. I get it I'm just the worst ever ..🥀 Vash would be so over it.
I feel so strongly that Vash is the introvert while Knives is the extrovert. Knives self isolates out of fear and disgust of humans but he secretly thrives while talking to others. Especially if they have strong opinions he can argue against (definitely a debate bro). If Knives had a normal childhood he would've loved big crowds, he has absolutely no social awareness or shame . Or filter. He'd talk to anyone who'd listen. Knives drives himself absolutely insane with his own isolation. All he really wants is social connection, something he's convinced himself is impossible with humans. That's why he's so fixated on getting Vash to stay, he feels Vash is the only person he can actually talk to. Vash on the other hand, would do anything for 5 minutes alone. He is constantly pushing away Milly, Meryl, and even Wolfwood. He cannot let anyone know him beyond his silly guy persona. He especially doesn't like being celebrated (doesn't think he deserves it. 😂😂😂) He is constantly trying to skip out on the parties towns people throw for him, leaving without saying goodbye. (He does like getting drunk tho...makes talking easier) He'd never EVER share his birthday with anyone. Especially not Wolfwood or the girls. Knives however, would tell EVERYONE !!! (like how the entire Gung Ho Gun knew Knives had a brother, but Meryl had no idea Vash did. I think Knives loves talking about himself and his tragic past, painting himself as the forever victim to absolutely anyone who'd listen. To Vashes absolute horror 😭.) Vash is constantly drained from forcing himself to perform socially. He loves people and talking to them but he just needs like. 8 hours of alone time to properly function. That's why he gets so bitchy with everyone sometimes lol. She just needs a naaaaap omg 🤦‍♂️. But he feels guilty for being snippy and tired so he'll force himself to be social anyway. Which makes it worse. Love hiiim !!!! 😍 Either way they're both hurting themselves when they behave like this.
Knives is definitely the yapper while Vash just listens. I feel like Vash would appreciate not having that pressure to constantly respond. Even if Knives can be overbearing, I do think they enjoy each other's company. When they aren't... trying to murder each other. Nobody knows him like Knives does, it would almost be relieving not having to pretend to be happy all the time. He can perfectly morally justify being as mean to Knives as he wants to be !! And he wouldn't admit it, but he does enjoy listening to Knives complain about nothing. He thinks it's funny. Knives is just happy to be with someone he's deemed worthy of his time. He views Vash as his equal, someone he actually trusts to confide in. They are the opposite and also the same in every way life is so beautiful I love these guys.
It would also just be such a cute subversion of audience expectation if Knives, the self proclaimed people hater, was a people person. I think that's sooo interesting and makes so much sense with the context of his desperation for the approval of humans when he was a child. I think kid Knives would've tried to argue that celebrating something everyone goes through is pointless, but would love all the attention anyway. Even be a bit resentful that it was Vashes birthday too if he didn't seem to appreciate the attention as much. As he got older hed mellow out and warm up to the idea of having a birthday and sharing it. Mostly as an excuse to talk to Vash and make everything about himself again. Lol. Plus I think he likes organizing parties. His dream is to have that sweet 16 fantasy the humans in the old world used to have. He actually wants to be normal is the thing. They both do.
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cremateyourlife · 3 months
Endeavor sucks so here's a rant cause i've seen too many people say he isn't that bad lately
(CW / TW for abuse, ptsd mention) going in best order of episode events, but also including manga spoilers (sections are indented so you can skip the manga parts)-
this is pulling from source material but also very opinioned based. I get people saying he's an interesting character (kinda) but i hate seeing people excuse what he did because "aww he feels bad now." like him if you want but hating on other's for not liking him is just stupid.
it will also be long, but I have a lot of thoughts, hope at least some people agree with me lmao
i started typing this around when ch 390 came out so i know this has all been said before but with the new season coming out and like i said more people defending him i wanted to finally post this
"The Boy Born With Everything."
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"That kid of mine will beat you some day, I'll make sure of it. That's why I created him."
Endeavor admitting he only had kids to be heroes, ones better than All Might, shows he does not truly care about his children. He only wanted them because he couldn't handle his failures. He sees them as a tool, not as his own kids, not as people. That's obvious in almost everything he says to and about Shoto.
And while I hate him, he isn’t a failure hero wise. He’s literally the # 2 hero out of however many hundreds there are. He’s simply mad he can’t beat AM? What is he a child who thinks he deserves everything he wants because he’s never been told no?
When Shouto finally used his fire Endeavor yelled about him finally realizing his “purpose.” More proof he sees his children, Shouto specifically, as tools. They aren't humans to him, they don't have their own feelings or goals, they are a means to an end. A means to his end. Shouto overcoming his own guilt (guilt caused by Endeavor) doesn’t matter to him. What matters is he now feels Shouto is worth something.
Class 1A vs 1B (i dont remember the exact episode names)
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the flashback we get after Tokoyami talks to Shouto we hear Endeavor say, “Touya was close… Come on Shouto you’re the only one who can master this move.” Endeavor was putting the weight of his dead son's “failure” on the shoulder of his 5 (?) yr old kid. Making the kid who just lost his older sibling feel like he has to be better, or he could die too.
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“Quit pretending to be weak.” Bro that is your very young kid. He is weak. Train him early, sure, whatever, but this is just abuse. You aren’t training him. Pushing your kid to the point of throwing up isn’t just training. It isn’t him being weak. It’s abuse.
I know this show is very flashback heavy in the first place but I really do interpret all the flashbacks Shouto gets of his dad as PTSD. Often times when fighting and in battle, after getting hit, he has memories of his dad. Sure, this could just be his motivation but I think it’s more than that.
"The Unforgiven."
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"I thought if I saved you, that you might never say a word to me ever again." Aka Endeavor saying, "I should save my son, so he maybe likes me again." Natsuo my beloved. I love when he is an ass to his dad. His own son is saying he could never forgive him because why does he "need to be the one to make an active effort to change?" and that even though Endeavor wants to make up what does he think he can do now? Natsuo will always see his dad as the one who killed his older brother, and I don't blame him. Because that is who Endeavor is.
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"He literally says in the episode he doesn't want forgiveness." And? He doesn't deserve it. He doesn't need to make Natsuo feel better for hating him when he has every right to after what his dad did to him and his entire family.
Sure, this episode is us seeing a "change" in Endeavor because he wants to be better, however, this is my post so I will say why I have a problem with this lmao. When did we see Endeavor start to change? After he became the number one hero. After he realized people were going to be looking at him even more.
The only good thing he does is realize that in order for his family to be happy he cannot be in the picture.
"Dabi's Dance"
Not including all the scenes I want to bc if I did, I'd just insert the entire ep lmao
"Oh, but he is changing. He regrets his actions." Why didn't he have regrets years ago when, to everyone's knowledge, his 13 yr old son had died? Endeavor didn't start feeling "guilty" until he became the number 1 hero. (as stated before)
And yes, we see and hear how upset Endeavor was over Touya’s death, but did he change? Did he stop being abusive and neglectful? Did he apologize and see his faults? Nope. So how bad did he really feel.
Dabi himself called him out on this during "Dabi’s Dance" when he said, “Is that why you finally decided to try to bond with your children? Keep looking toward the future and you can be a better man?"
On top of it all, Endeavor didn’t even step in to fight. Yes, he was shocked seeing his dead son in front of him again, but do you not think Shouto was shocked seeing his dead brother? He still fought.
Chapter 350
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Many people say Dabi was born in the fire. However, that isn't true. Touya didn't die in that fire. He died and Dabi was born 3 years later when he went back home and had seemingly been forgotten about. He woke up in a strange place, covered in burns and sounding completely different. He wanted to go home. He wanted to apologize for all the awful things he said. He was told that he has been severely injured and once again that he was a failure. He was scared and alone. So, he goes home thinking he will be accepted with open arms, that maybe everything would be better, and everyone will celebrate yet he gets there, and his dad is still the same. Abusing his siblings and his mom is gone. Not only that but to Touya's POV, he has been replaced by his younger brother.
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Plus does that not show you who Endeavor is as a person? That even after pushing his son to death he didn’t change.
"The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire"
i won't include any clips or panels from this bc it is very intense and while this post will talk about it i still don't want to include those pictures
Going ahead and getting this out of the way because people love bringing it up for some reason, while what Rei did to Shouto was awful, obviously, it is not even close to being on the same level as the things Endeavor did to the entire Todofam. Rei was scared to look her own kids in the eyes because when she did, she saw Endeavor. She saw Endeavor's rage and feared for her safety, and in a moment of a clear panic attack and mental break defended herself, because look at Rei and tell me that woman doesn't have PTSD.
If the entirety of this ep didn't make you hate Endeavor and see he is incapable of change then idk what to tell you. Him convincing his very young child that his sole purpose is to be the next number 1 hero. He then finds out his kid physically won't be able to do that he tells him that he simply isn't good instead of sitting down and talking to him.
Buying Rei because he wanted to create his perfect child, then forcing her to be some baby machine. (Random fact that always haunts me is that Touya and Fuyumi were born in the same year.) Abusing Rei repeatedly. As well as, hitting her in front of the kids with a very young Shouto between them while the other two hide in a corner. Blaming Rei for Toya continuing to train when it is his own fault. Then on top of that, not going to Sekoto peak. He could have shown up for 2 seconds but no.
We also see another instance of Rei seeing Endeavor in her own kids when she tried to stop Toya from going and training like when Shouto came to check on her when he was little.
When Touya had a breakdown and tried to kill Shouto, instead of seeing the pain Toya was feeling and realizing his own mistakes, Endeavor just isolated Shouto from his siblings. Didn’t let him play with them, by what Natsuo said at dinner he monitored what he ate and when.
Also, I don’t wanna her “Dabi was insane from the start” after trying to kill Shouto. That was an abused child, turned neglected child, asking to be seen. Begging to be looked at. He, like Rei later on, snapped. He realized that if he wanted to be seen then the only one his dad cared about needed to be gone
Chapter 390.
Shouto finally shows up and brings Dabi down. Somehow Dabi is still alive and this is where he states that everyone, including him, should die. Endeavor then apologizes. Sure, he apologized, better late then never, whatever. However, it just really feels like he is speaking over Dabi. Dabi could be dying, could be saying his last words, and Endeavor starts talking. I will say I like how he acknowledges exactly what he did in some way. That he "pushed Rei past her breaking point", "put everything on Fuyumi's shoulders", and "abandoned Natsuo." It just all feels so empty and really doesn't mean anything with his entire family burned and scarred and Dabi lying on the ground, as well as Shouto passing out.
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Endeavor’s “I’m sorry” only goes so far when his son is lying almost burned to death yelling for them all to die, Shouto over working himself to stop Dabi when even his dad couldn’t, and his non hero family standing on the battlefield as well.
In conclusion, Endeavor is an abuser. He pushed his 13 yr old son to death, pushed his wife past her breaking point then sent her away, neglected his other two children because they weren't what he wanted, and only felt bad after he achieved his dream. After he got everything he wanted despite it being built on a broken home and the victims he created along the way.
Like I said if you want to like him that's fine, but don't get mad at others when they don't like him. The Todoroki subplot hits home for a lot of people. It is a very serious and real situation. Take away the hero aspect and Endeavor is just another abuser in the world, something many people have been through.
Anyways if anyone read all of this hope you enjoyed. Hope some people agree. If you didn't leave an ask or comment lmao let's debate.
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obae-me · 5 months
Omg Hi!!! It has been so long since I have seen you on my dash! How are you doing love? I hope you are doing super well ^.^ I recently saw your Mc with trauma post. I loved it so much, and it has also given me a lot to mull over the past few days lol.
Honestly I love the idea of a traumatized Mc and the brothers feeling like absolute shit for the way they treated them in the beginning... but yk another part of me wonders when I imagine my own traumas in that scenario... that for people (the bros- literal demons) who have faced so many things and traumas in their own lives, whether my feelings or pain is even comparable to that. Ik you can't compare things like that and the brothers would probably even be mad if I think of my feelings this way since it's the "Ohhhh someone always has it worse. It's not even that bad so just suck it up" self-deprecating part of me. Despite knowing ALL THAT I can't help but think that I am not traumatized enough to deserve empathy lmao (I realize how stupid it sounds saying it out loud).
So that is what REALLY got me thinking. What about an Mc that is genuinely terrified of scrutiny, being a nuisance and just basically inconveniencing anyone for things that are just basic needs. Idk if I am explaining it well enough oof and a mc like that (like me lmao) certainly won't bode well with Lucifer. Atleast not in the beginning. I could hate him (I could never but if I did) but still be terrified of disappointing him. This is what I mean when I say I love him but he reminds me too much of my father habits wise 🤢.
I am thinking a Mc who is afraid of asking even their basic needs at the beginning once Lucifer mumbled about them being too much trouble. Mc who feels so extremely guilty when the brothers get anything for them, cuz they feel like they have to work for it or they don't deserve it. Mc whose blood freezes over when they break something and try to replace it as quick as possible so no one blames them. Mc who never expresses their concerns so as to not add to the brothers' already full plates or worry them. It hurts to bottle it all up but seeing the brothers' concerned faces with so much PITY is a thousand times worse. Mc who never complains and adjusts to even unfair situations so as to not be a bother. Mc who just takes, takes and takes everything bad and doesn't say a word cuz they feel like they deserve it. Mc who tells little white lies to hide their flaws and be the perfect exchange student and avoid scoldings and criticisms ; only to stew in shame, disgust, self-loathing when someone eventually catches up on one of the lies (the person probably didn't even make a big deal of it/ was only mildly disappointed but Mc feels their heart breaking in two as they think they have broken their trust forever and would never be trusted again)
Gosh this got way longer than I was expecting >.< and a lot of signs like these aren't really obvious until you are close to that person. I think so many of us are so hard and rutheless to ourselves when sometimes the thing we need the most is a little compassion and understanding ;-;
Hi! I love seeing you in my inbox and thank you! I've been in recovery mode for the last few months but am finally coming back out of that cave and working on my hobbies again (seriously going too long without writing almost feels like going without food for me)! I hope you've been doing well too!
And oof, yes, I understand what you're saying completely. I'm like that too in a lot of ways, keeping certain details or complaints to myself because "Oh surely what I've been to is really nothing". And sometimes I let something slip and people get very concerned. Which is validating in a way, not that I need to be validated for it, everyone goes through their own pain and awful things SUCK no matter to what extent it is and I've had to learn that through my life.
(Wow that MC really is just me, huh? Calling me out are you? /j)
Honestly this type of MC is just canon to me. (I mean, the more pithy responses the MC has in original OM might just be due to writing but to me it just seems like the calm and general response of someone throwing out NPC answers as a survival tactic.)
They suck things up and soak up everything that's been said to them and work hard to remain a normal functioning being.
And of course Lucifer is an interesting character to think about with this MC because on one hand the human could absolutely despise him for the way he treats them. Or on the other hand (if you're like me I guess, which I realize is hella unhealthy, oops) the MC could look up to him and work extra hard to try to gain his validation, because getting praise from someone like that means you must not be a failure, right?
And just...the dynamic of that is so appealing to me, because Lucifer loves when people work hard and do what they're told, but then if he finally comes to the realization that they're burning out and actually almost putting themselves in more danger and harm because of HIM? And at the end of the day he's doing more damage than any of his chaotic brothers? (I like to have him spiral and be humbled just a bit)
Just all of the brothers doing some deep introspection once they come to care for MC and needing to sit down and realize that probably made their human feel so much worse and then spending the rest of eternity trying to fix that. And then the "I can fix him" mentality from MC turns into the "I can fix them" from every other character. A special Uno Reverse, if you will.
Oops, this turned into a fairly long ramble of my own...
Thanks for popping into my inbox with your thoughts! Traumatized MC deserves some extreme love
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agendabymooner · 1 year
𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 !!! 𝐥𝐧𝟒 — 𝐨𝐧𝐞
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chapter summary: honey-sue is… honey-sue. she knows who she idolizes (and have a crush on; mason mount), she knows that she’s looking forward to getting the hell out of the university after two years of her masters degree program, and she knows that she doesn’t care about the formula one teams that aren't mercedes amg - she also knows she cares about mick schumacher.
so when her fans (who were coincidentally fans of the sports as well) began to ask her things about her lack of interest, more people (mostly just a group of british youtubers and a certain f1 driver) immediately shifted their attention towards the socially awkward woman as she and her brother got invited to a party in monaco hosted by an f1 driver. newsflash: it wasn’t hosted by either lewis hamilton or george russell.
content warning: use of explicit language, chatfic + tweets, mentions of social anxiety
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jideeee 😚😚
who dis?
stfu you know this is your best girl stop capping
no? idk who you are
so if i were to say that i told simon about you using his towel to clean up the mess you made in his room then you wouldn’t be phased about it?
naw fam i’m all jokes 😭 don’t tell simon
what’s up, honey??? can’t pay your rent this month?
oh har har 😒 we all know who’s most likely got more money in her savings
and we also know who’s most likely to get someone anything she wants because that someone refuses to use her money on any stupid shit for once
fuck off i’m being practical. at least i haven’t lost my money to crypto
ouch ok. i’m hurt 😒
ong??? holy shit, that’s fast. did you make it to the president’s list???
ok but what do i get when i tell you the result? /jk
a pat on the back and congratulations? 🤣
i’m expecting for something more than that but as long as you’re fulfilling your promises i’m solid
smart ting you are what the fuckkkkk
happy for you honey!!!!! 😮‍💨
lowk wish i’m there rn to celebrate that with you and the mandem 🙃 stupid boxing trainings
ugh don’t even worry about it jj 😁😁 i was just v excited to share this to u
i’ll make it up to you i promise!!! i’m hella proud of u and ur ability to not even have a breakdown during those days ✊
i gtg tho 🙏 congrats again bro! lmk when ur graduation’s gonna be and what u want for this. i’ll ttyl
forget about it jj— i was just joking when i said get me sumn
it’s a good thing i don’t listen to you whenever you tell me not to get you something huh?
that’s just your guilt from calling me a sket on harry’s diss track.
haha just tell me what u want and i’ll get it sorted out as soon as possible
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oi honey
oi harold
i’m at the mailbox rn
u got a package
gee do you ever wonder what the mailboxes are for? 🤔🤔
i was going to bring it upstairs but i guess never mind 😒
a simple “oh really? thanks harry!” would suffice
just get up here and bring it 🤡 you could’ve just brought it up instead of texting me
what’s so special about it that you had to text me before you get up here n e ways??
i dunno. something about it screams fancy.
did you get any bag by chance because this seems a bit too expensive
i don’t buy expensive stuff online???
can you come up so i can open it?
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sorry i was on the gym
don’t break into my house
and yes??? you said to get you something right?
yeah but i was joking 😭😭
this is so cool
but this is expensive. do you take paypal?
no tf 🤣
as i said. i’d get you anything you want. but you didn’t tell me what you wanted so i just asked the boys
you never should’ve listened to harry lmfao
lol it was vik and simon who recommended we get you and harry those tickets lololol
i was like “hmm idk what to get her” so they were like get you a trip to monaco or something. they specifically said get you a paddock pass for mercedes
so like go see your michael schumacher or that ken doll you showed me
jj babes 🤣🙃 mick is in haas
and the fact that we’re taking your jet too 😭😭 you didn’t have to go all out on me
but seriously thank you thank you thank you
letting you know as well that will, filly and chunkz are coming along. they got passes from mclaren and all that. it'll be a full plane lol. so it won’t be as overwhelming for you and harry to go alone
no way?!!!! MY FRIEND FILLYS COMING ?! 😭😭
yeah lol
so you have fun in monaco. everything’s been paid for by your personal bank account
ugh my personal bank account is so fucking amazing
i could give ‘im a lil kiss on the mouth rn 😮‍💨😮‍💨
naw don’t do that i don’t think your brother would like that
lmk if there’s anything else you’d like i’ll see what i can do 👍😉
a little kiss of appreciation on the mouth for you?
no 🤣🤣🤣
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hey! i hope this isn’t so weird but you’re honey-sue right? wroetoshaw’s sister?
uh hi.
yes it’s me. it does say it on my username and bio. sorry if this is very rude.
no no! all good haha!
i just wanted to confirm! we got the information from will about you. i’ve known the sidemen and your brother but when he mentioned you were coming along to the race in monaco i had to look you up :)
i’m ria btw! i happened to be acquainted with him and filly bc we collab’d with them before. quadrant?
i’ve heard of you guys before because will spike a lot about you lots.
all good things i hope 😉
haha. yeah.
nice to meet you
likewise :))
we’ve been told of you because apparently you got lucky with ksi getting you free tickets and trip to monaco for the race
yeah idk.
i don’t watch formula one as much as i used to years ago. i don’t know much about who’s racing now and whatnot except from whatever’s happening with merc
oh… not at all?
not even mclaren?
no. this will be the first time i’ll be watching in a while.
you seem very nice!
listen, will and filly said you’re all flying in at the sunday before the race week begins. lando’s got will, filly and chunkz paddock passes and they’re all hanging around with us quadrant lots for the week.
would you and w2s be interested in coming with us? take you around monaco and get to know each other better since we all live in london and all :))) lando’s been wanting to meet harry for a while so him being in the monaco gp would def work out for all parties. lando will also be hosting a party in his flat in monaco. what do you think??
to be honest you’ve lost me at the first message. if you don’t mind— can i ask who lando is? i’m not like any sidemen people— i don’t watch f1 as much as i used to.
i’ve heard of his name before. but that’s because there are people on my twitter saying he’s made references about my videos and songs and whatnot.
i really don’t know who he is
ah right.
that’s alright ;)
lando drives for mclaren and he has the driver number 4. he’s actually one of the members of quadrant. he races and all that! that’s how will and the lots got their passes lol
oh okay.
about the invitation.
i think it’s ideal you ask my brother or shoot him a message in insta about it.
he’ll gladly answer
thank you for the offer. i’m sure he’d say yes. i have to go sadly. i’ll talk to you later!
okie. ttyl 👋
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you absolute knobhead
you call me socially inept all the time yet you’re out here trying to get me to talk to people?!
oh my god. i am so so sorry
i didn’t think ria would actually be sending and shooting a message to your way
you know what
i don’t even care
whatever it’s not like i’d be talking to them anyway.
if you’re talking about not being around them during the week nice try.
because harry just said he’d come along with us in monaco before the race. so the chances of you being friends with the quadrant lads are high.
i’m not sure if it’s just me but lando’s more than excited to meet you. harry just ok’d that you two would hang out with us.
oh my god. does anybody in my circle ever use their brain?!
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sarahjtv · 2 months
My Hero Academia Chapter 428 Spoiler Talk: Did Kohei Horikoshi Just Blueball Us???
So, that just happened, huh? Not a bad chapter by any means. It was a solid, slice-of-life-ish chapter that continues to give us our beloved Class 2-A kids some idea of how life is going to be like now that the war is over:
The chapter starts off where we left off 2 weeks ago with the new first-years (the new Class 1-A) fangirling over Shoto and Bakugo. Iida has to step in to stop the chaos while Bakugo and Shoto hide behind him like little kids using their big brother as a shield 😂! It's cool to know that our kids have fans now and seeing them as Senpai to new Kohais is a nice idea to think about. I also like that there's a panel of Shinsou in the class to remind all of us that he's part of the main group now.
There's also a tall 1st-year who is inspired by Deku and wants to be like him after seeing him fight in the war! I love that for him 💚! I don't think Deku's really had any fans outside his classmates before, so it's nice to see how people are looking up to him like how he looked up to All Might.
A little later, we see our Class 2-A working to help clean up the wreckage from the war with Fat Gum, Best Jeanist, and Edgeshot who FUCKING SURVIVED (BRO, HOW???) and is now just a big strand of string with a face and tiny string arms 😂😭! It's a funny visual for now, but Edgeshot says that he'll be better than ever hopefully which makes Bakugo show a wobbly, awkward smile 🧡.
I also love how much Bakugo has changed in general. It has been a slow, general progression, but it's clear that he's softening up and opening up more to the people around him. It's such great character development for him. I love this dude so much 🧡
It's also cool to see the kids work and use their Quirks to help clean up all the rubble. We've seen them do this a little before during the Provisional License Exam, but it's good to see it again because it's a good reminder that there's more to Hero work than just beating the bad guys and saving civilians. I can absolutely see how a lot of their Quirks can help out with clean-up duty, but I can't help but wonder how people like Jiro, Shinsou, and Kaminari use their Quirks though can already think of some ideas. Actually, Kaminari can restore power to towns and cities, but he can't use his Quirk to help pick up rubble.
The civilians and even the new Class 1-A kids come along and are more than willing to help clean up the mess too. The heroes are being trusted more again and then getting help from the people who they thought lost faith in them is a great sign for that bright future everyone hopes for. I also have high hopes for the new UA kids. They're already heroes in their own right by wanting to help during their first few days at the school. I also really like the look of the few new designs we get out of these kids. As expected of our mangaka!
Later that night, we are told that the students at UA aren't forced to stay at the dorms anymore, probably because things have calmed down after the war. This is good to hear because while I know the kids loved life at the dorms, I'm sure they missed their families too. I won't be surprised if some students in general decide to stay home for a while. I'm sure this also gives Horikoshi an excuse not to draw so many characters in one panel because god knows this man has his work cut out for him over the next 2-3 weeks.
The last couple of pages boil down to beautifully drawn panels of Ochako who's still keeping up that fake smile and optimistic façade and Izuku and Tsuyu worrying about her because something is CLEARLY wrong. Ochako does eventually break down remembering Himiko Toga and her fate. This chapter doesn't outright confirm nor deny what happened to Toga, but I'm pretty sure she's dead. I don't think Ochako would be this sad if Toga was alive in any capacity. It sucks because Toga had a change of heart in her final moments and I think she would have been given something of a second chance had she lived. But, maybe not because I don't know how society would really treat her if she was allowed to go out in public again. I would love for Toga to be alive, but I'm betting my gatcha money that she isn't... Still, this is a big loss for Ochako and I feel for her. I still can't help but feel we got blueballed on Toga's fate, though and I'm not sure how to really feel about that.
The final page shows us that Izuku used some embers of One For All to get to Ochako who's on the same hill back during the "We're Weird" conversation they had before the Final War. First off, Izuku bby 🥹💚. Second, this absolutely sets up Izuku and Ochako finally talking to each other since the Final War ended. I assume some kind of love confession is going to happen, but I'm not 100% sure because I don't know if now is a good time for that or not. Ochako definitely needs a shoulder to cry on and Izuku needs to talk to someone about what happened, so we'll have to see where things go from here.
Regardless, we have 2 chapters left and something has to happen before the end. It's going to be bittersweet next week though because we are getting the Cover and a Color Page in WSJ! These will be the last ones we get, so I hope they're special. Knowing Horikoshi, the art and coloring are going to be immaculate and I am going to cry happy tears for the next 2 weeks.
We will also get a 16-chapter tie-in chapter for the new You're Next movie by Yoko Akiyama, the mangaka for the spin-off Team Up Missions manga! I love her art so much! It's very similar to Horikoshi's, but the style and the coloring especially is so soft and cute! It's perfect for a slice-of-life-esque spin-off like TUM and she hasn't disappointed me yet. Plus, I'm 99% sure she did the manga tie-ins for the 2nd and 3rd movies too, so this was expected.
We're finally at the penultimate and final chapters of the series. I still can't believe it's ending. Just 2 weeks to go starting this Sunday.
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pinkiealexie · 2 years
𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇.𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ♡ 𝘓𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘰 𝘏𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘰
❥ REQUESTED: Anonymous
"Hello ‼️ I liked you raph hcs and I was wondering if you can do Leo hcs?"
[ HELLO ‼️ Also sure thing, and I'm so glad that so many people enjoyed my Raph headcanons! I have like 11 more requests to do after this 💀 ]
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♡ Leo is very teasing plus flirtatious to his love, a reaction is what he is looking for from you. Give him that exact reaction that he is looking for and it'll only encourage his behavior even further
♡ Very bad pick up lines, and I mean very bad, but I personally find them funny.
♡ "Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see."
♡ Omg Leo- but like I said. Anyways pick up lines aren't his only treat as he loves to tell you all of his jokes and one liners no matter how stupid they are. All that he is looking for is a laugh because he loves seeing you crack up at his jokes!
♡ He actually very clingy and needy towards you as he feels like he can't spend a day without seeing you at least once! Anytime you have to leave to take off somewhere else he gets all dramatic as if you're going off to war or something. Basically acting like he is going to die without you here.
♡ Just a very big drama queen honestly. You're slightly hurt? He cries like it's your final days of breath. Jokingly say something mean? Clutches his heart with his hand and does an exaggerated gasp. Flirt back with him? Giggles girlishly while fanning himself with his hand.
♡ Not very overprotective because he trusts you a lot actually! Only times he does get protective is when things start to get physical in a very bad way. Other than that everything is a-okay with you!
♡ He can get a bit jealous at times though
♡ You know how he can make portals? It very neat actually; for example, if both of you or just yourself are late to attend something? Nothing a little portal magic can't do as Leo says
♡ Shows himself off you to anytime he can. You need help picking up multiple boxes? Leo is already picking up 7 at a time while flexing about how strong he is to you. You happen to walk but while he's training? Shows off his super cool skills to you while his brothers are there confused because before you came Leo already said he was apparently "Strong enough", "Didn't feel like training", or "Doesn't need the extra training"
♡ A sucker for nicknames
♡ He'll show you off to anyone he knows or encounters
♡ "Have you ever met my amazing, caring, sweet, and loving (Y/n)?"
♡ LOVES physical touch no matter where you are, so PDA is a big green check mark on the list as long as you're okay with it of course! Leo just loves to swing his arm around your shoulder or waist, just to show that you're in fact in a very happy and loving relationship with none other than himself, Neon Leon.
♡ The legendary Neon Leon loves when you kiss him anywhere on his face, especially on his two red stripe markings. Bro will literally melt into a puddle because of this
♡ Compliment him at anything and he'll have a major boost in his already massive ego. His family tells you to not make it any bigger than it already is but will you listen?
♡ Is most likely the type to take embarrassing photos of you when you're not looking and teases you for it. Leo finds it adorable you're begging him to delete that photo while he extends his arm away from you, the phone way out of your reach
♡ 11/10 overall giggles, not sure he would give you his last pizza slice though
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themightymoose · 7 months
trolls au you say?
well.... let's do this... *large inhale*
okay so it'd be a basic swap au where the pop trolls are the villains and the rock trolls are good
"But Moose, isn't that the whole point of the second movie? That the Pop Trolls were the ones who started the whole thing?" Shhhhhhhhh shut up shut up shut up
The plot would basically start from World Tour. But the first movie is a little bit different, but the main character is Barb so we don't really ""see"" any of it.
First movie context: first of all I would want the snack pack to do more and be their own characters, especially DJ (girlie just disappeared off the face of the earth in the other movies) Branch is more like Creek while Creek is Poppy's childhood, gay BFF. Branch also has all of his colors for reasons. So Poppy throws an obnoxiously loud party and Bergens find them blah blah blah (side note: Poppy acts like a mixture between Adam and Alastor from Hazbin Hotel) Branch and Poppy go on their super fun road trip, they still think the other is annoying because they are massive hypocrites. They're kinda in a rivalry, always trying to one up each other with songs, parties, ect. The movie is basically the same. Creek doesn't sell them out and everyone is happy
World Tour: Barb and Riff are siblings for starters. Riff is older and king of the Rock Trolls, also an older protective big bro. Barb kinda has Poppy's personality, making her the odd one out. Branch is the one going out and stealing all the strings while Poppy stays in Pop Village to look after it's citizens. More Pop Trolls are with him, including Creek. Who does not like this at all. Between the first and second movie, Poppy and Branch grew much closer to each other, with rumors going around that Branch is going to be the king of the Pop Trolls. Which everyone is pretty fond of the idea, since he's very popular among the Pop Trolls. And Branch has grown very loyal to Poppy during this time. Then the same thing with the road trip happens, but with some minor changes. Poppy not only wants to take the strings but leave nothing left standing, so Branch also goes to Vacay Island where Bruce and Floyd are and take over that place as well taking over where the Putt Putt Trolls are staying. So on they're road trip they come across Branch's brothers + Viva. Then yeah when Branch takes the Rock string, Creek finally stands up to Branch (Creek probably had a bonding moment with some of the people on the road trip at some point) either way Branch ends up leaving Creek in the rock place while the Pop Trolls go to bring all the strings to Poppy. Branch probably tells Poppy that Creek is traitor and she probably doesn't even question it. Anyway they also kidnap Barb when she lies and says that she's the Queen of the Rock Trolls, while Riff is like "you fucking idiot"
things happen and now the leaders of each tribe are Pop zombies. The ones who aren't hypnotized notice that Branch looks kind of similar to the Pop zombies. Something that Poppy also notices. So apparently Branch would sometimes use the pop string on himself to make him happy and have color so he'd fit in, which Poppy had no idea about at all. Also Poppy has an existential crisis when she learns that Pop Trolls were the reason why they were divided. And things kind of play out the same until the third movie
also Branch gets taken in the third movie instead of Floyd but that's a different post
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
after reading your izuna tobi time travel rambles I can't help but think about them just crashing the middle of a council meeting 😭 everyone is shook, and absolutely flabbergasted and ngl they kind of just.. Want the two to stay? (Well, mostly Tobi's old subordinates/students because they feel partially sad and sentimental and OH MY GOD IS THAT FOURTEEN YEAR OLD TOBIRAMA?!?) And then the psycho Hashirama timeline is just amazinggg I can't stop thinking about it you're actually infecting my brain bro
(Cont. From this post for those without context)
Every other time Tobirama and Izuna enter a world where it's modern Konoha, they start taking bets about which one of them died there. Funny bit where Izuna says smthn about how there quote, "aren't nearly enough crazy nightmare trees and brainwashed people for you to have died here" (bc 9 times out of 10 in worlds where Tobirama dies Hashirama loses it to a spectacular degree that leaves a VERY visable mark on Konoha)
Actually, taking that thought, it could be fun if they got dropped into a seemingly normal Konoha only to find out that hey Tobirama did die in this one, but it seems to be the 1 out of 10 that Hashi was able to stay sane
Only nope!! Surprise attack!! He's just really really good at pretending to be normal and when they try to leave he plays his hand, lots of fire and explosions ensue and they just barley escape
Izuna and Tobirama are SO tired of people trying to force them to stay in places, theyve had Madara do it they've had Hashirama do it, maybe they even had alternate versions of eachother do it. They !! Want !! To go !! Home !!!!
Also you can't tell me that seeing a young version of them specifically would hit Madara/Hashi harder than any revived adult version could. They're lowkey the "idealized" versions of their brothers, still small and in need of being protected, not consumed with anger and burdened by the things they've done and seen in the war. They're silly little guys!! And they're slamming on ALL the "Oh god I need to protect my little brother" buttons, it's sooo bad
Anyways, them crashing into a council meeting after quite a few different rounds of dimension hopping. Meaning they really don't give a shit ab destroying anything bc they've already come to the conclusion that it's too late to be worrying ab any potential side effects of fucking with possible time lines.
They're immediatley diving across the table making grabby hands at their friendly ball of interdimensional light as it floats off, trying to go for it as soon as they land before it wanders off and they're left having to hunt for it.
I need you to picture these 2 kids just DIVING across a table of important clan people shouting smthn ab DO NOT TOUCH THAT FUCKING LIGHT
They miss it and it dissapears through a wall rip
Maybe they end up slamming into it trying to catch it for comedy effect actually
Other than just sentimentality there's also definatley a tactical standpoint of trying to get them to stay
That's THE Senju Tobirama, second Hokage, white demon and inventor of a fuck ton of jutsus. And also Izuna, who is much less known here to his (by now used to it in these kinds of world) displeasure
All young and untrained and perfect for grooming into a loyal konoha shinobi, ready to grow into his prime by careful hands who knows exactly what he could become
How much more terrifying could he be, if trained specifically by someone who knows his talents, shown his own research to build off of and given all sorts of modern tools he never had before
And also Izuna is still there and he's so fucking sick of being underestimated rn guys what the fuck he's cool too
Anyways the second Tobirama and Izuna hear "hahaha maybe you should stay a little longer..." they're BOLTING
They've heard that song and dance like 20 times now they know the warning signs and you seem nice but they are NOT risking another 'secret yandere' situation again, goodbye.
Their only saving grace is that respect and sentimentality does win out here in letting them go without too much arguing, no matter how valuable they might be. Got lucky this time around, might not be so lucky the next
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peachyfnaf · 10 days
Morning peachy!
Happy Friday, I was scrolling through your blog and literally didn't realize you were the one that made the Nexus design that lives in my head rent free. I love your art and vibes ❤️🥰❤️
I'm at the part when Old Moon is back and met Earth it's SO AWKWARD
I don't like it (not mad he's back but it's just the entire lead up has me upset)
I was watching Baby Moon/New Moon and Earth like you said and idk, I think it's really messed up how everything went down. Earth seemed to jump to a lot of conclusions about New Moon and she seemed really upset but also I don't think what New Moon said to push her away was actually that mean. Maybe it's just me?
I also didn't like how Sun went to others for help because he's so lost on what to do with New Moon and everyone was just "let's kill him"
I'm so messed up over this....
What's your thoughts on this? I want to know your observations 👀✍️
First off,
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SNIFFS. bro your art and your vibes are INCREDIBLE so that compliment means a whole lot to me. tysm <3
Second off, oh-ho-ho. my friend, you've just opened up pandora's box for me. this response is gonna be a long one, let's see how incomprehensible it will get-
(Also, just so anyone who doesn't know me knows, I'm currently not watching the security breach shows due to a bit of burnout, but mostly due to me not liking the current sams arc. I'm just avoiding it for the sake of me mental health. sooo if I bring up something that has already been acknowledged/fixed/changed in canon, forgive me <3. for sams, I have knowledge up to about "brothers REUNITE in vrchat", so. just go into this knowing that lol)
Don't have much to say about "I don't like it (not mad he's back but it's just the entire lead up has me upset)" other than I 1000% agree. I (again, personally) actually don't like that he's back, mostly because the lead up to O.M's return felt very rushed, it makes O.M's original sacrifice for K.C completely in vain, and O.M has essentially just taken N.M's role in the family now that N.M is where he is now, as Nexus. it was all very frustrating to see happen.
And, whooh, I can go on and on and on about how O.M has shown many signs that he hasn't actually improved as a person/brother as much as he claims to have, but I think that harpers on spoiler territory for you Sab so I'll save that for another day dkjfhsdfsd but as for the SECOND part of your statement...
"...I think it's really messed up how everything went down. Earth seemed to jump to a lot of conclusions about New Moon and she seemed really upset but also I don't think what New Moon said to push her away was actually that mean. Maybe it's just me?"
IT 👏 IS 👏 NOT 👏 JUST 👏 YOU 👏
From what I can tell, actually a lot of people agree with you!!! (me included). this leads to kind of a divide in-fandom between people who are on the families side, and those who are on New Moon's/Nexus'. and from what I've seen, even the people who aren't on either side just kind of find Nexus pathetic and emo. which is 100% fair and understandable, considering his "villain arc" was built off of shakey ground lol. AND while I am 100% a N.M/Nexus apologist, that wont stop me from acknowledging that he fucked up bad in some places sdkfjhsdjfk really, everyone messed up a lot to get into the situation they are now story-wise. it's not just one sides fault, and it's draining seeing people trying to make the dilemma one of black and white morals when it is 20x more complex than that. OKAY MINI RANT OVER, ONTO WHAT YOU REFERENCED SKFJDHSDF so. did Earth have every right to be hurt by what New Moon said? oh, 100% yeah, her brother just insulted and demeaned her to her face, ofc it would hurt.
But what really confuses me is how personally she took his insults??? Right before, genuinely, right before that confrontation; Sun warned her that Moon might say something he didn't mean. he warned her, because he knows from experience.
and yet Earth took it to heart??? w. why??? she knows a lot about mental health stuff, or she's supposed to, right??? surely she'd understand that it's a very common trauma/fear response for people to become aggressive and lash out, even against those who they love and care for??? right???
And I also agree that she was jumping to conclusions, or at least misinterpreting N.M's goals/intentions/reasonings. when N.M called her "not a real therapist", she took the greatest offense to that. but. the thing is. he wasn't??? wrong???? did he say it in a rude as hell and aggressive way??? yup, no denying that! but he's not wrong.
Earth isn't a licensed therapist. she is an animatronic with downloaded protocols and processes given to her by the Creator in attempts to try and be a therapist. but she literally admits it to herself multiple times in the show that she's not a real therapist, she just does her best. so it always confused me why she took N.M's statement to heart, because genuinely, for him, her best (or more specifically, her kind and patient style of therapy) wasn't enough. which is v tragic, much ow, big pain.
At the time of being confronted, N.M was exhausted, desperate, spiraling, hallucinating, not wanting to ask for help, lying to both himself and the family, in mourning- basically holding on by a thread. so when cornered, (literally, he physically was cornered in P&S) he lashed out and said mean things to be able to push those he cared about away and "get to safety". it was wrong of him to do, yes, but considering everything we knew about how Moon's (both New and Old) react to stressful situations from prior tragedies, it was to be expected.
BUT THEN??? EVERYONE JUST KIND OF GAVE UP ON HIM AFTER THAT????? he made one mistake. one. one mistake. and suddenly everyone was all like "alright, we've got to kill him." I??? DOES ANYONE ELSE THINK THAT'S A LITTLE BIT FUCKED UP??? HELLO?????
I'm not denying that N.M was becoming unstable. I'm not denying that he was becoming aggressive. he was, and that's why he needed help. he needed someone to stick by him even as he was pushing them away, to love him even at his lowest, and no one did. Imo, at least Sun has the excuse of being traumatized by Old Moon's past actions, which could explain why he was so desperate for everyone else's input, but Earth and Lunar??? Monty and Puppet too??? hello???? why the hell are you doing your brother/friend (who is doing all of this TO GET SOLAR BACK BECAUSE HE WANTS TO MAKE THEM ALL HAPPY, MIND YOU) like this???? HELLO????
And I'm also bringing up that Nexus still hasn't really. done anything??? in the current point of the story??? the worst thing he's done so far is rough up O.M a bit. but other than that, all he did was say cruel/threatening things to/about the other Celestials. he's yet to act on.. anything?? he hasn't killed a single person. and you know who have killed people?? Sun, Lunar, Solar, Old Moon, Puppet, Monty... and yet?? some people see him as an irredeemable monster???? it's. strange to me. it's obvious he's hurting, it's obvious he still cares. and he's literally killing himself to try and make the pain that comes with caring stop- isolating himself, poisoning himself, and literally ripping out his own emotions, idk guys, those don't seem like the actions of an irredeemable villain, but maybe it's just me sdkfljhsdf
As expected, this turned into an essay. BUT I'm done now, me-me needs to go take a shower gkfdjhhfgjsd thank you for the excuse to yap, Sabronda!!! I love New Moon/Nexus so much they're my ultimate cringefail. I'm certain they have an edgy Sonic OC somewhere in that evil lab of theirs
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stxrrynxghts · 8 months
Ok so
It's me, Hi, I am the problem, it's me.
Why did I just say this? Because the topic of my rant MIGHT just get bombarded with hate comments (tho ik my followers aren't like that, but y'all are surely not my only audience).
So basically I am going to rant on the most underrated MB character, Karna.
No shit, sherlock.
See, I admire Karna for some qualities of his, like the fact he has such a dazzling armor which def gives him an unfair advantage over other ppl, his warrior skills, and his loyalty for his bestie, Dury majority of the time.
Now, Karna is not as much of a run over puppy as ppl make him to be. His foster father is the leader of the Sutas of Hastinapur, plus a direct descendant of Yadu, there is nowhere this guy is poor or something.
Now, Sutas are a set of people who are born from a Kshatriya father and Brahmin mother. Yadu was a Suta. Kichaka was a Suta. Bharat was a Suta as well, and these are all powerful/respected/famed people that I listed.
If the Pandavas (or Kshatriyas in general) hated the sutas so much, they wouldn't marry Abhimanyu to a girl who has Suta blood. And hello, the Pandavas themselves are descended from TWO Sutas.
The sutas are mostly bards by profession, but many of them are also charioteers. FYI, charioteers are allowed to learn warfare. Karna learnt FROM Drona, but he left, yes. WHY?
Because Drona wasn't giving him the brahmastra. Why, you ask, when He had no issues giving it to Arjun. Dudes and girls, Drona gave Arjun a hell of a time, because he just wanted to teach special stuff to his son, but Arjun was a step ahead, and would always end up completing whatever task he was given. THAT credit lies with Arjun, not Drona. Not to mention, Arjun was also an obedient student, one who repeatedly risked his life to save his teacher, and Drona gave him special weapons as a reward.
Now back to Karna. He is born in a relatively rich family, and has loving foster parents. He gets to learn from DRONA, but leaves when Drona doesn't agree to his conditions, and ends up lying to Parshuram so that he can get special weapons.
In the rangbhoomi event, Karna participates illegally. It was an event planned for the Kuru princes to flaunt their skills, not DRONA'S disciples. Drona had other students too, but they aren't here. This is a Kuru prince-only event, and Karna still enters, and he challenges Arjun, who is 10+ years younger than he is.
Now the point where Karna's family background is being asked. Arjun is a fucking prince, and princes don't start dueling with any random guy, do they? No they do not.
Duryodhan crowns Karna as the King of Anga, and Karna doesn't even prove his merit whatsoever. Good warrior=/=good king. Not every man is like Ram.
Karna spends his time plotting, mostly. See, I dislike this dude a lot, even if I admire his warrior abilities. He is also very sexist, calling Draupadi, someone who he shouldn't be having issues with, a harlot. GR8 going Karna. Does he know that his heavenly step bros, the Ashwini Kumaras, are married to the same woman?
Sorry, I am more of a monogamy supporter, but slandering a woman practicing polyandry, because of a boon she got from Shiva ji, especially in a world where polygamy is quite common.
Now, Karna ain't that big of a loyal friend either. When Duryodhana and his brothers go to the forest the Pandavas are living in, to have a fucking picnic to spite them, and get attacked by the Gandharvas, Karna runs away....
Ahem. I am just picking up the main issues overall. Karna's armor gives him a pretty unfair advantage over everyone else. Unlike Arjun, he does not meditate to gain weapons.
Please do not say that Karna is a better warrior than Arjun. Arjun has defeated countless Danavas when he went to help Indra during his exile. He has defeated the devas during the Khandavaprastha event, and fuck, he stood his ground against SHIVA of all gods. yep, he couldn't defeat him, because that is impossible. No one can defeat Shiva, but Arjun managed to please him. Karna has no achievements of this sort as per my knowledge, correct me if I am wrong.
Karna gives his armor to Indra. Unfair, and tragic. But it isn't that much tragic in real. Karna basically says that a) he shouldn't feel any pain when he cuts off his armor and b) he wants a special weapon in exchange. It is basically a TRADE not a sacrifice, tho I do feel it is kind of unfair on Indra's part to demand the armor.
Now, flashforward, the war. Karna enters on day 11, and I can vaguely recall reading how Abhimanyu handed his ass over to him on day 12. Yes, Star Plus, I am very, very disappointed with what you have done.
Now, day 13.
I feel I have ranted on this a bit too much in the past. Basically, Karna runs away when Abhimanyu is on his spree, and then asks Drona how to kill him. He cuts off Abhimanyu's bow from behind, is part of his brutal killing, and enjoys his death, dancing around his corpse.
....This is after he KNOWS that this boy is his NEPHEW. He doesn't wish to accept the Pandavas as his brothers, okay. But enjoying, relishing the cruel murder of a boy who you know very well is your nephew?
Some Karna fans do say that "hey, they didn't have a choice, Abhimanyu would have finished off their entire army!". No. They did have a choice. And they chose to break all the war rules and regulations.
See, I am not being biased here, but Abhimanyu's death is the winner of the top most brutal and undeserved deaths in Hindu lore, correct me if I am wrong.
Karna kills Ghatotkacha, again, his nephew. Tho it is still a one-one fight, so I ....don't hold it against him.
Now, on day 17, when his wheel gets stuck, Karna is like "hey you cannot kill me, that is against DHARMA" right after he just tried to invoke the Brahmastra because he couldn't bear losing against Arjun even if the world ends up being destroyed because of it, and shot a special arrow with Takshak's son on top of it.
Arjun, like the lil meow meow he is, is having an existential crisis for the n-th time. Krishna probably wants Karna to die this way as Arjun-Karna's duel might take up a lot of time to come to a conclusion, and the Pandava army is on the edge of extinction, so the unfair way is the way to go-
Krishna, being the mastermind, reminds Arjun about Karna's crimes, and well, Arjun kills Karna, after being riled up.
So, we all know Arjun killed Karna's son, aka his nephew. It was a one-one duel, so it is fair? And Vrishasena was not unarmed. See, as much as I hate Uttar and Iravan's deaths, they are still SOMEWHAT fair, so...we gotta accept that.
Now, Yudhishthira is very teary over Karna once he finds out he is his big bro. Really Yudi? REALLY?
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