#no one was really wrong in this subplot imo
curemoonliite · 2 years
The older I get, the more I like Daisy. When I was a kid first reading the series, I was so mad at her for getting between Cloudtail and Brightheart like a typical shipper and thought she was annoying but like...she's just a chick who only falls for men who are taken or just want to hook up. She's annoying, but only in the sense that like, your girlfriend who can't catch a break on dating sites is. You love her to death, but damn if you don't want her to finally find someone who treats her right after like 100 terrible dates.
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
ghostfuckers anon - I think the other thing I'm not looking forward to about the next ep is that (assuming the storyboards are mostly accurate) the ghost repeating that Blitzo hates himself is just a waste
we already know that. it's been very well established at this point
what's the point of this episode if they don't progress the characters, even incrementally?
the storyboards have Blitzo asked M&M if they really like hanging out with him and they're all "sure, whatever" but basically nothing has happened all season to show the bonds between IMP getting stronger. Blitzo and Loona's relationship is as tense as ever, they have this big storybeat in seeing stars then she basically isn't a character for the rest of the season until full moon. then the ghostfuckers storyboards has Blitzo admit he knows she doesn't actually like him like it's just nbd, we just move on from it?
saying it's a cost saving measure isn't an excuse imo - they had the money to animate a full mv of Stolas singing about how sad he is Blitz doesn't love him. we already know this is the case! he sings about it constantly! running out of money to pay Loona's VA to have any moments between her and Blitz isn't a money issue, it's a prioritization issue
Viv is actively wasting what money still remains to even make this show on the wrong things. I know the comparison to RWBY has been made more than once with the handling of the Faunus subplot but it also has in common with the RWBY writers that they do not know how to spend their time. and both of them waste time on creator's pets who suck up screentime while making things worse (but at least RWBY's author inserts weren't such sucky people that they sexually coerced any of the main cast and then cried about it)
She's putting every last dollar and second of screentime towards furthering Stolitz. It's Verbalase levels of self-indulgent, and at least he was honest about it.
Also, between Apology Tour and the Ghostfuckers leak, the "Blitzo hates himself" plot point has officially reached levels of uncomfortable. The message seems to be that he's just sort of inherently awful, that anyone who's ever cared about him was wrong to do it, that people are right to tell him to kill himself, and that he'd better wise up and let his sexual abuser love him, because no one else ever will.
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dabistits · 3 months
when do u think bnha became unsalvageable?
i think bnha might've always been slated to become that way from the get-go, with the protagonist being an aspiring hero and heroes being superpowered cops.......
that said while copaganda shows will always be suspect to me, i'm willing to watch them for entertainment value if not moral backbone lol. so i think bnha could've still been a somewhat fun show about these kids going to superpowers school and learning how to use superpowers better. the major failure points that stand out to me are:
i'll talk about #1 first since i'm sure that's gonna be the most controversial coming from me lol. dgmw i actually love mva and i think it's one of the better-written (if not best) arc of the series, BUT it was so good and set up so many expectations that the series ultimately just could not live up to. mva was very strong imo because, in giving its villains depth, it dug into the fabric of bnha's society and tried to illustrate, like, how did this happen, why are these people villains? and by and large, the answer to that was poverty and the societal alienation of vulnerable populations (children, abuse victims, mentally ill ppl, queer ppl, "mutants," etc.)
and this was good and interesting but this was Also Bad because mva added complexity to the world of bnha but that was ultimately a complexity that horikoshi couldn't execute. i'm not interested in a story that makes systemic change secondary to scolding marginalized people for reacting to how they've been treated. i would even prefer some kind of liberal "change from the inside" story that at least focuses more on the theme of systemic flaws than one that focuses on how the people systemically wronged are actually the bad ones and we have to fight them for 400 chapters.
look, i'll even drop the whole "the lov did nothing wrong" bit for a moment. sure, bnha doesn't have to throw away all believability and have everyone forgive the lov just like that, but it's always going to be fucked to me that bnha's story and fans are obsessed with the lov ~owning their crimes~ when (takes a deep breath) the government ordered the clandestine executions of people who would make the hero system look bad. and the story barely wastes any breath talking about the corruption of the hero system and higherups lol. which brings me to the second point.
endeavor started out as a character that embodied everything that was wrong with quirk/hero society. he was one of those very early downsides we saw of bnha's world: the publicity/public image of heroes superseding the contents of their actual character, and the value of quirks superseding the value attributed to their human bearers, to the point that domestic abuse and rape is seen as an option to make one's genes/one's power stronger. this was a good set-up! i was intrigued! but again, horikoshi couldn't follow through.
endeavor's character eventually shifted away from making a point about hero society to becoming one of the emotional focal points of the story, especially in the todofam subplot. "waaah tumblr user dabistits you just hate when people change for the better!" and yeah i do kind of hate how an abuser having sad feelings immediately gets him prioritized over the people who suffered because of him tbh! but personal feelings aside, i would say that endemption really marked the point where bnha swung hard into depicting characters as good or bad not through the actions they take but through their alignment with either heroes or villains.
endeavor and hawks are the most obvious in this. in contrast to the obsession of making sure villains repent and "do the right thing," endeavor/hawks' actions are either forgivable, pitiable, or simply necessary. several years of spousal abuse and at least 10 years of child abuse don't earn endeavor so much as a lecture (no, being told to stop being pathetic doesn't count), and hawks' execution of twice—not much different than lady n's executions—is dismissed through a press conference and never addressed again. there's a distinct line drawn between "heroes (who sometimes do bad things!)" and "villains," such that anyone aligned with the heroes is deemed to be "good, deep down," and generally more morally superior or redeemable than villains. consider the fact that someone like gentle (youtube crimes) or aoyama (blackmailed 16 y.o) were held to higher standards of proving themselves than someone like endeavor or hawks. i'm not gonna lie, these story beats are all uncomfortably real, except that when real live people do endeavor or hawks things i see them unquestionably as counterrevolutionary enemies, not protectors of the peace lol.
the decision to have endeavor transition from minor antagonist to a major supporting character was, imo, a big turning point in the ethos of bnha. i think in many ways it was a symbolic shift, but also a mechanical one in terms of how the story was going to be told going forward. the problems about hero society that were continually introduced at the beginning (ostracizing quirkless people and ppl with "dangerous" quirks, the valuation of powerful quirks over people, "fake heroes," all of the lov stuff) took a backseat to Stopping The Big Bads, with marginalization as flavor text instead of a genuine area of contention between heroes. think about the difference in deku confronting endeavor during the sports festival compared to how all other injustices were dealt with afterward... because the readers have to be convinced that endeavor is Ultimately Good, the heroes stopped challenging him, and in stopping challenging him, they lost one of the major ways through which the heroes of the series wrestled with societal issues.
but whereas the way the heroes handled corruption and violence within their own ranks became simplistic and non-confrontational, with mva, so many aspects of dealing with and interrogating the status quo and societally-accepted injustices were pushed onto the villains instead. but since the villains must be defeated as villains, despite being the main carriers of social critique now, their messages were also torn down/deprioritized in favor of enacting bnha's vision of a cohesive conclusion wherein the villains answer for their crimes. so instead of making the heroes challenge anything, hori shifted this burden onto the villains, in the process making most of them some kind of vulnerable/marginalized and with opinions on the matter, only to ultimately assert that the issues they raise are less narratively important than a restoration of peace.
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quinnslogan · 1 year
If they do a sequel movie a realistic plot imo would be the group going on vacation together. I think they could all get plots out of that and make a more group-dynamic focused movie like the original show was. And like super basic romcom trope heavy because I lack creativity. And they could have the different subplots be:
-Chase: Trying to find a way to propose to Zoey but things keep going wrong (I think we could get so many funny Micheal/Logan/Chase moments out of this and then trying to help him)
-Micheal: I think him being in his trying to get a gf era could be funny like him trying (and probably failing) with a bunch of different girls at the resort but then he ends up finding someone like super unexpected😭
-Quinn: Selfishly I want her in her pregnant era and trying to find a way to tell Logan but also nervous bc they’re both so busy and now they’re going to have a kid. Also, just random funny quinnventions please!! And her being herself like interacting with the dangerous animals/insects bc she’s not scared while everyone else is kinda thing😭
Logan: Goes hand in hand with Quinn’s plot and we get a super cute scene with him reassuring her and being husband goals 😭❤️ (while simultaneously trying to sneak away with her from the group and getting overly annoyed when he fails bc someone pulls one of them away). Also, I think if Logan’s dad passes away him trying to live up to his dad and start handling the company/be more responsible (like anthony bridgerton core) which plays into why Quinn is nervous about the baby (they’re both busy). Also, I require one scene of some random person attempting to flirt with Quinn and Logan being one drink away from knocking them out for that (like a my wife type of scene)
Zoey: She’s trying to get her friends together or something to spend time with them. OR she got like a job offer to be running a reality show production in some distant place and wants to have a fun vacation with her friends before she has to move + being nervous to tell chase about it?? idk i really don’t care for their subplot
Anyways just how I think it could realistically go for a sequel movie that will be more nostalgic/similar to the original show. You could have funny sitcom tropes like them being lost/stuck on a boat and that’s when all the secrets come out (quinn pregnant, chase wanting to propose, zoey’s job, etc) and they all get mad at eachother but they’re stuck together.
Also, a funny plot could be they run into Lola while they’re there and as sad as it is I think they lost touch with her bc like why wasn’t she at quogan’s wedding so like her reconnecting with everyone or something idk I want her back though!!
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adracat · 1 year
GWitch 23 thoughts
Sorry for the wait on this, I had to rewatch a few times to really drink in everything that was going on. I didn't have the best knee-jerk reaction initially ( I enjoyed it ofc but was a bit ambivalent about some things) and wanted to give it a fair shake.
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First up, seeing Suletta zip around like the ace pilot she is was quite rewarding and fun! Now all those auto-pilot rumors can be laid to rest. However, the circumstances weren't the best and it broke my heart she was gasping for air the entire time. I had no doubt she'd live but it's still miserable to witness that
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Ah Lauda. Your tomfoolery knows no bounds. We knew this was coming after the last ep, but it's still a bit frustrating. On a technical narrative level, it works since we're seeing two sets of siblings confront their simmering tension with one another. On a personal level, I wasn't very amused. I first saw this at 4 in the morning and had no patience for Lauda lmao. But rewatching it a few times gave me a deeper appreciation for what's going on. He's really intent on scapegoating Mio for everything wrong in his life. Fitting for her role as the Rose Bride and Lauda's demonized witch
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This little aside from Chuchu is so suspicious tbh. Considering Mio's failure at piloting, this seems to imply either she does not have a permet implant of any sort or a flat intolerance. I have a sneaking suspicion it'll become a factor in the next episode.
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Mio staring wistfully at Cool-san/etc memento of Suletta will always grab me by the throat. Girl wants to wife up Suletta so bad. And really, who could blame her?
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Schwarzette is so pretty and cool. Unfairly so. Like, why did you make that thing so unique and cool? For dipstick Lauda?? Who is that pink permet for and why does it look like Utena??? ANSWER ME OKOUCHI
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That's nice of Delling to rise from his sickbed to try and negotiate with the SAL. Unfortunately, this would be for naught because they're here to purge and replace. Not make nice. It was the thought that counts, I suppose.
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Speaking of, the debut of a solar ray blindsided me. I mean, yeah it's Gundam, but I kinda thought we were skipping the big death ray lmao. After sitting on it, I think I know where it's headed. Totally on brand for SAL too in hindsight. They like to act removed, but they're just as entrenched as Benerit in the skeevy corpo politics. Allying with Ochs and now Peil cements it
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Check the link above to see my Utena related thoughts on this moment btw. It might be the highlight of the episode beyond the Prospera confrontation. Stunned they finally stopped playing coy and seemingly confirm Notrette is indeed a GUND entity residing in pseudo hell, and likely a GWitch newtype like Eri
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This was very sweet and I enjoy it more on a rewatch but I also understand why I and so many people had a gut-deep aversion to this subplot. The issue is entirely investment based imo, and tbh I just don't care that much about the Jeturk family dynamics. At best, I don't mind them. Guel is a bro but Lauda is SO exhausting on multiple levels. His misogyny and gross negligence of Petra in favor of revenge doesn't help.
If something came of this other than Lauda/Guel sibling closure, I'd consider it fulfilling. But if you lack investment in the conflict, it's going to feel limp or frustrating in comparison to the siblings you want to see. So while I appreciate the parallel with Suletta/Eri and the continuing subtext of witch coded Mio, that's it for me. But hey, it serves a purpose. A tragic cycle was broken after all, thanks to love and MVP Felsi!
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The one big gripe I have after consideration is this man's continued existence. Kenanji doesn't deserve to play buddy buddy with the cast. He's a dirty space cop who bullies children and murdered Nadim, now he's joking with 5lan? The hell. I get the theme of the show is forgiveness and not perpetuating the cycle of revenge but... really? KENANJI gets to be happy but Norea/Sophie don't? Sigh
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It was so dirty of Eri to use Suletta's love for Mio against her. She knows Suletta would panic over their mother possibly 'gaining two'. It's crafty and unrepentant, but Suletta holds fast. Her faith in Mio is greater than her idle fears
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Mio scolding Prospera over her favoritism was great. We love a fiancé willing to take a stand against her shit in-laws. Speaking of, looks like Mio has fully embraced becoming a Mercury one day. 'All of us will be family' YEAH YOU WILL so suck it up Prospera. The holidays are gonna be so awkward
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Btw love Mio was shouting at her while having an emotional breakthrough deciphering her mother's QZ riddle. This moment was excellent and easily superceded my minor gripes. UGH when will you reveal Notrette's whole deal GWitch? We're waiting
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Such a bittersweet moment. We know from the Blessing and Cradle Planet that Eri loves her sister but it may not have been until this moment that Suletta understands her feelings. Now, I don't think she's 'dead' tbh. Or deader anyway. I suspect it's a false flag to hook you until the finale. It would be quite anti-climactic if she passed without a proper goodbye. I'm still holding out on a Tempest end where Prospera voluntarily sets her free.
The next Sunday will be our last. Hard to believe tbh. Feels like just yesterday we set out on this spectacular journey. Que sera sera! I'll see y'all in the finale~
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batw1nggg · 2 months
If you could rewrite dr3 how would you write it?
Ahhhh . the age old question
im not gonna touch future arc because i genuinely believe it cannot be saved but i will say that despair arc had plenty going for it. the framework is really good i love the part where they expand on twilight syndrome murder case and i love how they frame hajime signing up for the project as all these little events adding up. the kamukoma gun scene. the komaeda bomb subplot ate up it gave him just enough screen time without being too much. ofc i love the izuru characterization scenes. the student council killing scene is one of the only scenes in dr that still creeps me out. i love how they open with happy 77b bonding but then everything spirals out of control and the whole anime has a sense of impending doom to it.
all of this is great its just a matter of there being More of it. despair arc deserved more than 10 episodes imo. it did alright with the budget it was given but the brainwashing plot (everyone in the crowd begins to groan) (STAY WITH ME STAY WITH ME HERE) wouldve been a fine and maybe even good plot had they just. extended it.
before we get into the brainwashing plot im gonna discuss a smaller but also big issue - the hinanami kamukura project retcon. chiaki should NOT have been even REMOTELY a factor in hajime signing up for the project. the point is that he does it for HIMSELF. taps the sign chiaki shouldve been her own fleshed out character her biggest downfall is that her sole purpose is to spur on hajimes character development points at izuru crying scene points at the trial 6 chiaki scene points at the kamukura project retcon poin
now that that is cleared up. this isnt the first time the topic of a dr3 rewrite has come up on this blog and ive had issues with scrapping the brainwashing plot brought up to me, the biggest of which would be it would make putting them in the simulation unethical. if theyre brainwashed the team can go ahead and make the decision for them because they cant consciously make it themselves — but if they ARE fully conscious of their actions and do NOT consent to being put in a potential death trap (even one built with good intentions) then its just. Wrong. putting them in there to reverse the brainwashing is fine, but putting them in there because. just because they are seen as bad people that need rehabilitation? its kinda like those news articles u see that are like Scientists found a way for a prisoner to mentally serve 100 years in just 1 real life minute!
however leaning into this could pose a very interesting moral question, because both munakata and makoto’s solutions to the problem would be unethical, its just the matter of which is better. theres no clear answer. im sure in the canon makoto already feels some degree of responsibility for the killing game, but if we take away the brainwashing plot we REMOVE the comfort of saying “oh well they werent conscious of their actions so its fine that i made the decision for them because this was the only way to reverse the brainwashing” its not as black and white
i have a scene in my head to replace the brainwashing one that ive been playing with where its essentially just the og scene but. longer. theyre trapped in that trial room the only light source being the tv screens theyre watching chiaki be tortured on no food no water for. a week. two weeks i havent decided yet. and then i was thinking about chisa also being tortured so you have the two people that bring the class together dying in front of everyones eyes (also endlessly torturing only one person that long is going to kill them. taking turns with two would extend the amt of time). and after a couple of days of torture junko like forces chisa and chiaki to talk to the class about how great despair is or whatever and in their grieving and desperation to honor their last words everyone turns to despair
HOWEVER the canon realllyyyyyy wanted to paint makoto as ultimate hope good boy munakata WRONG, so. unless we want to change a lottttt of writing we gotta keep the brainwashing. i know i know.
i dont like the idea of junko personally manipulating everyone mikan style either. its too much of her time invested to a class she doesnt care about. she cares about torturing HER class because thats the one shes attached to she couldnt give less of a fuck about 77b
but she also is not LAZY about her despair. shes dramatic like. there was no reason for her to kill chiaki that was literally just for Flare. so i think it isnt unreasonable to find some midpoint between not having her manipulate EVERYONE but have her personally target maybe a couple of people for no longer than one brief scene each, and once shes infiltrated maybe 3 or 4 people Then she lets it spread. or she doesnt let it spread and the 3 or 4 ppl she did manipulate personally serve as lackeys to manipulate the group into falling for junkos brainwashing trap or something. as for who shed target, probably the most dangerous yet most clearly emotionally vulnerable ones komaeda peko etc
i would also try to fit in some of the atrocities they commit into the anime SOMEWHERE. could be in future arc could be as an extension of despair arc. no idea how id fit this in here i just think its important to do some tragedy era worldbuilding (udg tried to do this but failed. because udg sucks)
and also in the bit where chisa gets Banished over to teach at the reserve course. i think it wouldve been cool if she was hajimes teacher and also we saw a little bit of her reaction as a former main course student to the mistreatment of the reserve course students. i wish they wouldve played w that
oh also take away the despaircest. Please . and if we do decide to keep it (which i think junko incestually abusing mukuro could explain mukuros loyalty and have some genuine weight had it been handled right) we gotta explore it without fetishizing it and making it into a weird gag .
ok thats all i got right now i know this isnt a rewrite its mostly just a lot of critiques and disconnected ideas but. ill flesh out all of my concepts One Day.
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swalker2000 · 3 months
Well, I have watched the movie twice, so here's my full review of Despicable Me 4!
Man, I can't believe this huge wait is finally over. I'm gonna miss the excitement and anticipation, until something else in this franchise is announced I guess lol.
As for the movie itself, I dunno know where to start
DM4, as a concept, is perfect for this franchise. All the family going undercover and being placed into witness protection right after Gru and Lucy welcome a biological baby, and then taking on new identities? Think of the potential! How can this possibly go wrong!?
Well, when we then start incorporating Mega Minion scenes, and Poppy and her parents, and then following a villain alongside all of that. That's how it goes wrong.
All of the ideas for brilliant scenes following the family, developing the characters and expanding on them as people, are rushed through so fast that it felt like they barely even happened. Margo struggling to fit in? Over in a second. Gru and Lucy starting new jobs? Over in a second. Edith and Agnes causing mayhem in their karate class? Over in a second.
Don't get me wrong, these are all AMAZING scenes, especially that karate class one! But again, the chance to really explore these characters is squandered because it felt like the movie was glossing through all of it as fast as possible, just to fit in all the other aspects of this REALLY bloated plot. I enjoyed myself watching those scenes yes, but when I return to this movie in the future, I'm always gonna be left feeling like I just want MORE of them. I'm gonna wear them all out FAST 😅
I also have to be honest. I didn't like Poppy. I wish Illumination would stop pointlessly introducing new characters like her and instead just focus on the amazing ones they already have, especially when we had the baby introduced too. Why not just age Edith up a bit and then have her go on that school heist with him? Would've been more faithful to the franchise imo.
The Mega Minions were also COMPLETELY pointless. Why not just make an entire spin-off movie surrounding this concept? Then, it won't interfere with the pacing of a movie that's also trying to follow the family, a new villain, AND Poppy!
Then, there's the ending. Once again, the concept is AWESOME, the idea of all the past villains coming back that is. But the execution is just...what? Why the heck is Gru singing and being all buddy-buddy with the guy who just stole his baby and turned him into a human-cockroach hybrid, before trying to kill Gru and raise his child as his own? Like, that JUST happened? Excuse me!?
The final fight was also SUCH a mixed bag. In comparison to the past movies, this one doesn't even come close. Gru Junior revolting against Maxime after his dad says he loves him is adorable and a strong moment, but a lot of what leads up to and then follows that is kinda stupid. Didn't really get the same level of anxiety as I did watching DM1 or DM2, or even DM3 for that matter. I guess I just don't buy Maxime as a villain AT ALL.
All I'll say is, that karate class scene and the supermarket scene and the parts where the family are being moved into their new home are the true redeeming moments that save this movie. They're the only parts I'm excited to rewatch again and again and again. The karate scene especially, which reminds me...
Edith getting her own little subplot and attention put a gigantic smile on my face. This movie deserves MASSIVE credit for that, and I don't wanna understate how much I appreciated it! She's SUCH a fantastic character, and when she's given a chance to shine, she definitely✨SHINES✨!! It makes me crave a mini-movie centered around her even more. Out of the gorls, she's been the most ignored in recent times, and this one was an improvement from the last two movies in that regard, even if the gorls in general were still somewhat sidelined.
Speaking of those three, this movie completely neglected the idea of them being concerned that Gru and Lucy would start favoring Gru Jr. as their biological child, and then them both reassuring them otherwise and displaying how much they truly love them. It's a perfect idea that's RIGHT THERE.
This franchise desperately needs a TV series following the family. Like, DESPERATELY!!!
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nerd-cat-rambles · 3 months
V3-3 Trial
erm so about my theory with the katana being the same one from thh, here's evidence.
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Jajajjajaja 1-1
--- The Start:
Things I said during the psyche Taxi gameplay:
"Hitting babes with my car hell yeah"
"Shuichi wants them hot babes"
"Just hit the Culprit with your car shuichi"
"Why am I following road rules, I can go 200km/h (*proceeds to hit a car*)
"Honk honk outta my way the bitch machine is coming through!"
Also, wouldn't it be cool if shuichi picked up the remaining survivors instead of random babes.
Like how cool would that be!
The Middle ---
Korekiyo in 4K ---
Why is he tweaking now lil bro.
"Their words are all hollow" what the skibbi
Did he get fucking possesed bro what the hell
Apprecitation Ramble for the Kork fans---
VA appreciation rq: "IT'S FULL OF DOUBTS! OF MYSTERIES! OF A DENSE, IMPENETRABLE FOG! NOTHING IS CLEAR AT ALL!!!" Holy shit bro kudos to you for that performance, I love that man, good job.
Alot of people HATE this trial, but I actually enjoy it! I like it better than majority of the THH trials tbh, but maybe I'm biased? I have alot of respect for Himiko (not being killed off as soon as she gets development, GREAT VOICE ACTING FROM HER OMG) and Kaito (YES KING, LOVE YOU HELPING HIMIKO OUT!!!) and Korekiyo! (I know you killed them both, but goddam my respect for you is high rn, great acting, nice plan!)
Wait he highkey sounds like a more chilled version of Light Yagami "N-no... I'm not the culprit!" I hear it bro I hear it and I think I'm insane for it...
And he still keeps his "Kehehees" in place. Nice.
3rd trial syndrome---
Angie didn't even know what he was planning.. :/
Spinning Kaede is so funny
"My regret... my only regret... is not being able to make 100 friends."<- Komi-San???
--- Conclusion:
--- Motive:
Incest subplot in 2024 is wildddd....
I audibly screamed "WHAT THE FUCK!!!" and started crying... kork, babes, you good there mate?
Wait why is his sister throwing salt on him? I don't get ittttt-
"Tenko... Angie! I'm so lonely!" OH MY GOD HIMIKO NOOO :( IM CRYING :((
(Talking to Kaito) "If you dislike scary things, then you should've said so earlier. I thought you were sic-" oh... Maki the cutoff... OH MY GOD KAITO'S SICK ISN'T HE???
He's coughing....?
We finished chapter 3! IMO the trials just keep getting better, AUGHHHH TENKO BB I MISS YOU.-
Yeah that's all.
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catboydogma · 1 month
🍉🍊🍍🍇 for the ask game ^.^ ?
there is a whole basket in here!! thank u sm :D
fruity lil ask game
🍉 - Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why?
for convenience and publishing/interaction i like short fics (easier and faster to get them out, they're one and done so i dont have to worry about them after like a night or two of writing, and they tend to get a higher popularity:effort ratio lol) but i like WRITING long fics, especially with multiple chapters. i have some kind of beast in me that turns what should be short story ideas into full length novels. i get an idea and oobh baby i just get so excited about naming chapters and engineering subplots and making up some nice Motifs and Themes. vide noir and CHTHONIC are good examples honestly, i originally planned for both of them to be single works--so vide noir got weird pacing and then dropped and picked back up as a result and i essentially wrote CHTHONIC in one night, went "oh god this is too fucking long" and chopped it in three pieces. i just like things to have a slow release arc when writing and plotting, so long works with multiple stages and movements are just extremely satisfying for me to both plot and execute lol
🍊- Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo…)
DOGMAAAA. yeah. sorry everyone who followed me for the url and my early dogma fics. i do have a longfic force sensitive dogma in the works (VERY preliminary works) but i do keep getting distracted lol. i've always wanted to write a hanzo shimada-pov overwatch fic, and i'm really tempted by one day writing a qui-gon or qui-gon-and-obi-wan centric fic.
🍍- What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with?
i honestly like any au that's real fucking weird or takes a stock au and puts a twist in it (eg i had SUCH a fun time writing chronic illness hanahaki in heavy off a golden hue). even though they usually are my least-read/-commented fics, i also have a huge soft spot for niche fusion aus, like sw in pacific rim dark day/brighter night or sw in overwatch where the stray things go (more coming soon?? perhaps 😌) or the cyberpunk au with empire & the sun .
i usually won't read/write soulmate aus (i did enjoy writing them but both one billion day funeral and give the world away/wake up lonely were both prompt fills) because 1) the base soulmate au contrivance is tedious (IMO. NOTHING WRONG WITH ENJOYING WHAT YOU ENJOY. I SIMPLY DO NOT ENJOY IT) and 2) to me it's simply not worth wading through the oodles of soulmate au to find one that has an interesting "how do you know your soulmate" worldbuilding idea AND handles the whole "soulmate" thing in an interesting manner. i also will never write a time travel fic because i do not like time travel. not really sure what it is but i've always despised time travel as a plot device lol. but i have read a couple that i quite enjoyed (reccing miyaji_08's and back we go and blueberrywizard's i have seen too much (i haven't seen enough) and cjwritesfanficnow's (you were) meant to save them for this) so i'm not the man i once was ....
🍇- What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
ouagh i feel like in my time in sw servers and talking to other sw friends that i've gone on and on about stuff that i find underrated but i've forgotten everything i've ever said about star wars now. i'm not really In There but spymaster satine (can't remember who brought this to me, maybe @/deniigi?) e.g. a satine that is a pacific willing to get her hands dirty like, you know, an actual and productive pacifist and not just a "hm .... i simply choose to do nothing" kind of "pacifist." relatedly, and i haven't done much for this so i'm a hypocrite, i'm a padme/satine truther. i also loooooove fics where the GAR structure is changed so the clone commanders have rank over the jedi but criminally i think i've only read like one (GO READ FIRST CHOICE BY SMILEBACKWARDS!!!)
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Now that I've seen all the scenes related to the Gur children, I have to agree that the way it's handled leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.
He's SO flippant about having abducted children from a marginalized people. If I'm being honest, I don't think the Gur subplot is necessary at all - there's literally no reason for this game to include such violent anti-Romani racism - but we AT LEAST should be able to confront him about it. Instead, he just brushes it off like "yeah haha. I did abduct children I guess. Oopsie!" and that's it. Now, compare that with how he feels about Sebastian, one of his first victims. Don't get me wrong, I understand why Sebastian would be a sore spot for Astarion, but when you put the Sebastian scene next to the children one, it makes the latter feel particularly egregious in its disregard for the seriousness of the subject matter. The fact that we can't confront him about how fucked up his behavior is indicates to me that Larian didn't seem to think it was worth following up on either.
Tbh I'm less interested in what this says about Astarion as a character and more interested in what it says about Larian as a studio and what their values and priorities are. The way Astarion's story is written makes it pretty clear that they don't understand the heaviness with which such violently racist acts should be treated if they're going to include them (again, it's not fucking necessary!!!). The only moment where I feel like the evil of Astarion's actions is treated appropriately is when Ulma tells him that he can't ever make up for what he's done despite having a second chance. I'm glad they included that, but it's not enough.
I still like Astarion a lot, I find him compelling for a lot of reasons, but this aspect of his story is not handled appropriately at all imo.
EDIT: I also want to make it clear that I know Astarion absolutely sucks ass and is a shitty person and I don't want him to be a good person nor do I need the narrative to condemn him for his actions!!! But shit like this affects real people and it should be approached with a lot of care that I feel the game lacks.
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lonelylonelyghost · 8 months
OK, why the hell was I not aware of Doom Patrol until like literally 2 days ago??
I'm on episode 7 now and it's so good???
The general premise is quite familiar to any lover of superhero stuff. Basically due to some circumstances several people somehow attain unusual powers and are gathered in the huge-ass house (the energy bills must be insane) by a mysterious Chief. And then weird shit starts happening.
I think in regards to general set-up it's a bit similar to Umbrella Academy, but in smaller details and characterizations it's a completely different thing.
The characters? - They are actually good people. Flawed, yeah, definitely, some of them did pretty messed up stuff in the past, but they're constantly trying to do better, be better. Deeply human, despite their supernatural abilities. I know that complete irredeemable assholes are quite popular with the public nowadays, but for me personally I like characters that have kindness in them, someone I could actually root for, and with at least some semblance of a moral compass.
The dynamic? Great! Everyone there is with their distinct quirks and loads of trauma, somehow culminating into a messed up but highly entertaining to watch found family. Also, at least for now - no romance within the group! Yey! Praise the gods, honestly, because you've no idea how annoyed I would be otherwise (a lot of media is ruined forever by adding a completely unnecessary romance subplots imo. Hollywood can't grasp the concept of love like 99% of the time). But with the way it's going and what kind of dynamic people there have with each other, any romance between them seems highly unlikely.
Humor? Oh yes! I'm too lazy to look for specific quotes, but because the characters are so different from each other, from their personalities and experiences to time periods, their interactions and reactions to the same events are hilarious.
The meta from The Narrator aka Mr Nobody is also top tear. I quite like meta things in media in general, and it's not easy to do it well, but here it's executed just right. The interesting thing about this running commentary on the events happening is that despite the seemingly omniscient perspective it's clear that The Narrator is biased and you can't really take his every word and opinion as absolute reality.
Also, one thing that I personally appreciate - even though there is a fair amount of graphic violence and gore, it's actually manageable and not crossing the "violence just for the shock value" line. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy some on-screen dismemberment every once in a while, but not when it starts to get gross. No way near the level of the Boys (please don't kill me, I like their memes).
Overall, this particular mix of scifi and magic, tragedy, comedy, heartfelt moments and good plot managed to resonate with my brain's wavelength. So here we go. Enjoy
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My favorite flavor of absolute bonkers happening all the time
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randomnameless · 7 months
I remembered you said you didn't like cyril with lysithea as a pairing, but which is worse, lysithea or hilda?
I don't think one is worse than the other but if you want my opinion on Cyril ships...
Uh... Hilda?
Wins this by a landslide?
The entire "Goneril House had slaves" subplot might have evaporated from the Fodlan devs, FEH remembered it lol
Sure, Hilda might not have been the one who had a slave, being it was her great Uncle Gildas or someone else... And it's kind of heartwarming to see her warm up to Cyril despite his Almyran origins because of all of his hardwork...
And yet, it makes me very uncomfortable, because you basically have someone, a young Noble Lady, whose house enslaves people, who basically tells a former slave from her own House, that she values him because he works so hard :/
Even if Uncle Gildas was the one who "hired" Cyril, it's, imo, pretty disturbing.
I much prefer an ending and resolution of Hilda's bias against Almyrans through Claude (where the slavery issue of House Goneril can be properly adressed) than... have Uncle Gildas attend to his former slave's wedding with his niece, hell, will new Almyran children be hired to attend to their needs or what?
All jokes aside, even if Cyril had been a slave to another house, I still think there's something really disturbing on how Cyril doesn't mean doing her tasks/chores because she's lazy - sure, Hilda has self confidence issues, but between doing something and being afraid of being judged for doing them well, and letting a former child slave do them for you.... I think one option is still way more preferable than the other.
Even if Hilda is not the kind of person (at least in FE16 lol) to enforce her role as... someone with a higher status than him, (something Cyril believes Claude would, and Claude's "stop being so cold to me don't you know who I am?" really sounds wrong) given Cyril's history with House Goneril, Hilda's lack of commitment to this particular issue when it's brought to her (blame Fodlan's writing I guess, or she really dgaf?)...
Yep, Hilda by a landslide.
As for Lys...
Blame it on CF being my first route, and Nopes slaughtering the Deers, but Lys is now the kind of person who can and will sell her friends, country and family to the person who ruined them, if it means she might have a better chance at life.
I think this mindset is completely... at odds with Cyril, who feels so grateful and indebted to Rhea that he is willing to offer his life (and to die for her) and even so, he feels like it will never be enough to repay her.
I don't have any Cyril ships - I much prefer him in a relationship (platonic, familial, whatever) where he can finally have friends and start living little by little, with people who finally care for him.
Even if he was completely shafted in Nopes, I got the feeling he and Rhea talked more, and maybe Rhea might, off-screen because Nopes, tell him to live his life without feeling tied to her? Given how she obviously angsts not once but twice about him dying for her sake in AG (when they run away from GM and when Cyril has an exploration dialogue explaining he cannot fight with Barney and pals because Rhea'd be upset if he died!) they might become closer and have the convo they have in FE16 (off-screen because Rhea cannot be on screen when it's not about Billy!) and ask him to stop living to repay a perceived debt, but live for himself now.
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lesbiantoaster · 1 year
The Golden Enclaves (The Scholomance Book 3) - Spoilers
I've just finished The Scholomance series by Naomi Novik and I need to write my thoughs because I have some opinions XD These are just my thoughs as 20+yo freshly after finishing the series in one go (+listening/reading some opinions on-line). Also english is not my first language so I hope my message won't be lost in traslation.
El is unreliable narrator but she's a great character imo. Yes, she's ulikable, stubborn, 17yo brooding edgelord full of trauma BUT (for me at least) she's an believable on top of all of that. What I mean by that is I can believe that this is what a 17yo girl would sound/think/akt like. That doesn't mean her actions are always right but who doesn't make mistakes (especially when they're a teenager) ? But despite all the trauma she's endured during her stay at the Scholomance as well as before that and loads of self-loathing she's always been a good kid at heart to whom the world/fate has been really unfair. I love her journey throughout the series I truly do even though this journey is just beggining, but that's what's amazing about this character because now evry reader can have their own headcannons about her future. And that's what makes El Higgins one of my favourite characters of all time and makes me love this character!
Orion on the other hand had been made dirty imo. I'm sorry I really wanted to like him but he literally has ZERO personality he's just a depressed mawmouth shaped like a boy who wants to hunt mals and be next to El... It's sad because his whole story is genuinely tragic yet I felt next to nothing while reading it (only after finishing the golden enclaves I've started to think about everything he'd been through...). Also kinda unrelated but WHAT is Orion now? Like is he human enough to idk... get old? Or will he remain a 17yo till the end of Scholomance? On that note if he'll get old like a normal human being then what will happed to Scholomance once he passes away? (I don't expect to ever recive an answer to any of those questions but I am curious about it).
So... what do I think about Orion x El relationship? Well I think it was good for them while they're in Scholomance and (of course) it was crutial for the plot progression. But do I think this has a future? Absolutely not. For the first two book I was authentically rooting for them. They were good for each other and helped each other grow and mature, but reading The Golden Enclaves I couldn't help but play this tiktok sound (the one that goes: "He is not 'the love of your life'! He's literally just a guy. Just hit him with your car!") in my head for most of the Orion-related parts. And while what happened between Orion and El was genuine and beautiful and was working pretty well for the time being but they're teenagers in their first realtionship (that was formed in confined space where death was waiting for them litterally behind every corner and for what they knew they could die in the next 5 minutes, and lets not forget the social structure of small comunity of Scholomance - and while you can find some analogies beteween that to the outer world, they're not the same) and I don't think it'll survive past the point of when their frontal lobe will be fully developed... But I do think they'll remind good friends after that. That's just my opinion!
And that's I'm SO glad that the Liesel x El subplot happened! Some people say it came out of nowhere just to get representation points but I disagree with that sentiment... Don't det me wrong - I didn't saw it comming until the scene in London enclave, but when it happened it cliked for me and everything from The Last Graduate till the end of The Golden Enclaves started making sense... (?) My interpretation of the situation is that El DID notice Liesel in Scholomance and WAS atracted to her (considering that El's our narrator and we only see her version of reality, everything we learn about the world is El's understanging and observations of it - we only know things she considered important enough to describe to the reader AND she considered Liesel to be worthy of describing her multiple times to this degree that we KNOW that during New Year's cleaning El was looking at Liesel's boobs and wasn't complaining about it (she was complaining that Orion wasn't doing the same thing) maybe a the time she wasn't considering herself being attracted to the same sex - it might be because she wasn't quite experienced with social interactions and it was all new to her.. I mean newer than to 'normal' 17yo who's just begining their dating life). The biggest tell for me that El was attracted to Liesel was her reaction when she figured out what Liesel was proposing to her in London. What I also like in golden enclaves is the character development of Liesel herself. Watchin how this prideful, cunning, inteligent and fierce girl starts to care (even deeply) for El and how this relationship catalyzes her own process of healing from all the trauma.
And don't let me get started on thie whole "cheating" discourse... The first time El and Leisel get intimate is when we are sure Orion has been eaten by maw-mouth and the only reason for El to go back to Scholomance is to kill said maw-mouth so Orion along others victims to can die peacefully instead of suffering in eternity. So she's grieving and everyone grieves differently and it's not our place to judge that. The second time on the plane is slightly more complicated but also I wouldn't say it was cheating (I wouldn't even say that El and Orion were dating again at that time... it was more of will-they-wont-they-situationship where Orion specifically asked El to kill him if his mother won't heal him - and we all knew she wouldn't), it was a shitty move tho... Let's remember we're talking about deeply traumatized and mentally fucked-up kids (ok... young adults). I don't condone what El did in that moment but I also try to remember the context of these decisions and I refuse to judge her by my standards (+ I highly doubt that after all of this El never mention to Orion what happened between her and Liesel, just because she didn't do it right away after the events from the book doesn't mean they wouldn't have talked about this - it's just that hiding this information from Orion doesn't sit right with my interpretation of El's character).
El's just a teenage girl who's going through her first love but it doesn't mean she's gonig to close herself from the world just for this boy she met in school (in contrast to her own mother who's the archetype of mourning widow). I just really want to hope that in the case things wouldn't work out between her and Orion it wouldn't be the end of the world for her.
I'd like to believe that what these kids started was a revolution at the core of the rotten magic society and the whole system build on death and suffering, and that the change will come (after some probably long and painful process but IT WILL COME - that's my headcannon and I don't accept any other outcome for my own mental wellbeing XD). But also alongside of the changing/rebuilding world these kids need to heal/grow/change themseves. They've been through some serious shit and need to redefine who they are and find their own place in the new reality. I'd love to read about older versions of our heroes (because I'm 100% sure they won't be the same kids we left at the end of the last book) but I also don't think we'll ever come back to this world to see what happened next with our beloved misfits but I really hope the future will bring more fanfictions, headcannons and other fan-media that will keep this world alive and will allow us to dive in this world once more!
All to all I loved the series! It's not ideal (in many aspects) but overall I've really enjoyed it & sincerely recommend reading it and to shape your own opinion on the matter! Please keep in mind that it's only my interpretation of the series which is based on translation of the books and my personal life experiences and if you disagree with me you are more than welcome to express it (I'd love to see other perspectives) but please don't send hate! Lots of love <3
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shuriflurry · 1 year
Season 1 of Owl House: complete. And it was fine. It was ok. It was 19 episodes of mostly wasted potential. But that's ok (I guess).
I really liked the 2nd to last episode, which is unfortunate in a way because it made me question even harder why the previous 17 episodes had been so bleh. It really feels like the creators were focusing on all the wrong aspects during this first season. This is gonna get long soooo....
The best example I can think of for how the team wasted time was by them needing to show us repeatedly that Willow gets bullied. Like, I understood that from the 3rd episode. I didn't need to be shown and have entire episodes about how Willow gets bullied. The subplot between Amity and Willow's past also felt unnecessary (Amity saying "I can't be friends with them. They're mean!" did make me go into an actual fit of hysterics though. God forbid Amity just be a nasty, feral demon child). I think one of the benefits of this being a Disney channel Y7 show is that viewers can pick up on little stereotypes and tropes to make inferences about character archetypes and such and get a feel for the characters without needing to be shown or told (and don't tell me kids can't do that. Children are not stupid). Which isn't to say that means they should have removed ALL backstory. It just means IMO that the back stories they focused on really didn't add to the greater story and instead seemed to exist as a way to purge Amity of any wrongdoing.
I didn't mind Lilith's role in the season, but I found her motivations to be muddy and the timeline didn't seem to make much sense. I also found it hard to believe she was forgiven that easily for what she had done. I don't hate Lilith, and I 100% see what they were going for, but I think it needed a bit more time on the writing table/it needed to be mentioned earlier.
Like, instead of Eda learning Lilith is the reason she's cursed, get mad at her, then forgive her in the course of like one week (being generous), have Eda have learned about it years ago. Have Eda be festering in her anger for what her sister did while also missing her terribly. Have Lilith be trying to fix it the only way she knows how to (I'm blatantly ignoring the pain sharing spell because it's dumb). And have them finally make up at the end when the one thing Eda was convinced Lilith would never do - betray the Emperor - is exactly what she does and it's only then they can fix their relationship.
Speaking of the Emperor: I'm into that funky dude. I liked his little chair (both of them!). I liked that he had a cool room. LOVED the beating heart over him. Liked the thought of him dealing with elementary school children in his house. He seems threatening? He has a cool blue eye. Willing to do public executions. All good things IMO. My only complaint is that he was such a non-entity for every other episode this season.
I think it would have been really cool to drop little hints about him throughout the earlier episodes, but because we see the world through the eyes of Luz it gets brushed off/not addressed. For example, statues of him in the background, or the book King was reading in the finale on a table during the library episode. Just anything so when he does finally appear it means something lmao.
These thoughts are very disjointed and I'm sorry if they don't make sense. But I also feel like that's the best way to summarize my feelings towards The Owl House season 1. It was disjointed. It was sloppy. It went off on unnecessary tangents. It had plots that seemed interesting and then made no sense or got dropped.
I still love Amity even though she is already starting to be a shell of her former self. I like Belos even though I know he turns out to be one big nothing burger. But even still, I'm tentatively positive Season 2 will be more solid.
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itooaminthisepisode · 11 months
episode that you love?
im only on season four but i've got a couple of faves so far:
1x21 'three stories': it's practically law that i have to include this. absolute classic of an episode. i love the format, i love the backstory we get, and i especially love the med students!! they were fun and i hope they come back at some point. probably not but im still holding out hope. teacher!house was great to see too, and the deep-dive into his backstory is so delightfully painful and heart-wrenching,,, oughgh
2x07 'hunting': very fun episode!! "what, because you're a closet case?" absolutely killed me the first time i watched it. get their asses lmao. also we get to see steve mcqueen (my beloved <3) and cameron on meth - fun times!
2x15 'clueless' and 2x16 'safe': mainly for the hilson roommates subplot tbf, but the cases were interesting too! these eps also had a lot of funny moments, like wilson sawing through house's cane and the whole tick debacle lmao
3x02 'cane & able': where do i start with this one. first of all the awful cgi hallucinations were fucking hilarious, i was so fucking confused tho. like the whole time i was just going helllo???? aliens????? great stuff. the rest case itself was really fun too!! and this is the one where we get the infamous "i was worried that your wings would melt" speech. oughghgh top tier content right there.
3x04 'lines in the sand': controversial take right here. this is the infamous autism episode. the way they handled it was. well. it was 2006. so. the case itself was interesting too, but the main highlight for me is the autistic house moments <3 and look. i KNOW wilson says house doesn't actually have autism. but MASKING EXISTS, WILSON!! you can pry this headcanon out of my cold dead hands. i support autism rights but i also support autism wrongs or however the meme goes. more people should get to be autistic and jerks i think <3 (saying all this as a guy who most likely has autism btw. i havent got an official diagnosis but uhhhh yeah it's Likely.)
3x07 'son of coma guy': hilson road trip! plus coma guy ig. but mainly hilson road trip :) i love them.
4x02 'the right stuff': i love love love the whole gameshow-esque thing house starts. we get to see some great characters (amber! kutner! dobson my beloved!!!!), and it's just all round a bit of fun. love it.
4x05 'mirror mirror': another fun one!! the mirror syndrome guy gives us a lot of fun insights into the applicant's personalities, i thought that was a really fun way of showing it rather than have a million expositions about each of them lol. also the banter was fun this episode, especially between house, wilson and cuddy. also we find out that wilson is more dominant than house and that kutner's a masochist. great fuel for fic writers. fun!
4x12 'don't ever change': ohohhoo i love this one. the case was alright but the best bit abt it imo was the house, wilson and amber dynamic. i love this trio so fucking much you don't understand,,, i honestly think we should've got poly wilson/amber/house. just think abt it... house and amber friendly rivalry... teaming up to bully wilson... and also amber and wilson bullying house together... would it be a little dysfunctional? yes. but that's to be expected in this show lmao. idk why this turned into a pitch for these three i just love them very very much <3
4x13 'no more mr. nice guy': again for the wilson/amber/house dynamic. this one is very fun i love their custody dispute over wilson, and the dog analogy was very funny to me. and cuddy making house and amber do coma patient duty lmao. AND bisexual thirteen!! love her <3
i haven't actually gotten to the last couple episodes of s4 yet because uhhhh Bad Things Happen and i am delaying the inevitable. send help. but i am sure they are very good and will probably make this list once i get around to watching them!
honourable mentions include 2x13 'skin deep' (purely for the scene where house is in the mri machine and wilson pretends to be god lol), 3x22 'resignation' (for the wilson on amphetamines scene. "i'm not on antidepressants, i'm on speeeeeeeed!" gets me every fucking time) and 4x01 'alone' (house and wilson prank war!!!)
soooo yeah those are my favourites :) and i'm sure there'll be a lot more once i finish the rest of the show but like i said i am Procrastinating lmao
thanks for the ask my friend!
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david-box · 1 year
I think the main thing that fucks me about wwdits is that if they kept *one* of their big plot points they had for each character and *actually* worked that it'd be perfectly fine.
Nandor and Guillermo's relationship being defined by both of them wanting what the other has that they cannot obtain, forever, permanently, in diametric opposites with the sexual tension inherent to a LITERAL master/servant relationship that gets turned on its head is a GOOD fucking idea, and I don't even like the couple or ship it. Nadja's harebrained idea and asshole behavior devolving into her project being ruined in front of her could have been a GOOD arc and arguably still can be if they deal with it in this season, and I still don't remember why they turned her into someone that's really into starting a nightclub for ??? reasons after fully establishing that she's the most competent member of the house except I guess to give her something to fail at. The child Colin Robinson thing was wildly interesting for both lore (if there is even is lore, but I digress) and character reasons (they reacted so strangely to it!) and I didn't even like his face. The fact that Guillermo stayed behind for the kid, or to pilfer coin, and Nandor becoming openly shittier as a person, or getting really into trying to be different, or trying to be his own self, or Lazlo deciding to be better, or the DESCENDANT OF VAN HELSING TRYING TO BECOME A VAMPIRE, every energy vampire plot imo, the baron, were all good subplots by themselves, but half of them don't work together and they honestly didn't manage to wrong out a lot of humor out of it.
As it stands right now Lazlo is the only one who's been consistent without needing to be flanderized or have major character elements forgotten about to where it's practically a soft retcon and I don't even know how long that's going to last. And he's changed! He's actively a nicer person! I'm not looking forward to any arc he could have! I *don't want him to change now*! Fuck!
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