#no wonder why I was dreading this visit more than others. my body was remembering grief I have done my utmost to repress and deal with
seramilla · 3 months
Days before chaggie wedding and Vaggie is terrified, wondering if she deserves all of this
Vaggie stands before the full-length mirror in Charlie's room at the rebuilt hotel. It's not as big or fancy as the one she'd used at the bridal gallery all those weeks prior, but it gives her a good full-body view of the wedding gown she'd ordered. It had been delivered via courier earlier that day. The one she'd tried on in the gallery had been a little big on her, especially in the bust and height departments.
This one, however, had been specifically tailored to her measurements. She twirls, looking at the way the bright crimson of the skirt sways and flows following her movements. The delicate black bodice feels much more flexible and comfortable than she'd thought it would. Every aspect of the dress accentuates her every curve and feature superbly. She couldn't have asked for a better fit for her big day.
Why, then, does her heart race with unexplainable fear and dread every time she looks at herself? She's just stood there in front of the mirror for a good 30 minutes, observing and over-analyzing her reflection, as if trying to find some flaw in the design. But she can't. Everything about it is perfect. So why? What is there to be afraid of? Why is her heart currently a jackhammer in her chest?
She hears a knock at the door. Short and brusque, like a long-lost friend is paying her a quick visit. She yells out "Yeah?" to whoever is knocking. When Charlie responds, "It's me, Vaggie! You okay in there? It's almost time for dinner!" Vaggie flails her arms in the air, panicky and flighty, as she rushes toward the door before Charlie can open it.
"Don't come in!" Vaggie shouts, nearly tripping over her train as she scrambles toward the door, throwing her body against the hard wood surface, as if that could possibly keep Charlie out if she really wanted in. "I'm trying on the dress! The groom isn't supposed to see the bride before the wedding, remember?!"
Vaggie can hear Charlie giggling from the other side. "I'm not really the groom, though. Even though I guess I will be wearing a tux."
"I just..." Vaggie searches her brain for a reasonable answer to justify her discretion. "I want it...to be a surprise! Yeah! It'll be more special that way!"
She can practically hear Charlie beaming through the door. "I guess...are you sure you don't want to show me, though? Just a peek? I am a little overeager to see you in it. I'm sorry if that's weird."
Vaggie smiles. It's just like Charlie to see any normal act of romance as some sort of rebellion or something. "I don't really buy into the superstitious aspect of it...I just...I do think it would be more special if we waited, you know?"
"Fair enough," Charlie responds, though Vaggie can still hear the obvious disappointment in her voice, even through the barrier of the door. "Are you sure you're okay, though? You've been in there an awfully long time. Does it fit okay?"
Vaggie looks down at herself, without the superimposed image from the mirror. She's looking at herself; her real self. Honestly, everything is about as perfect as it gets. She might need to have the skirt taken up a little bit, so she doesn't almost trip over it again. She thinks there's a short joke hidden in there somewhere...but otherwise, the garment couldn't be more ideal if she'd conjured it up straight from her own imagination.
"I might have some adjustments made on the skirt," she tells Charlie. "But I don't think it's a big deal."
"That's wonderful!" Vaggie can practically hear Charlie's clapping hands through the door. "I'm so excited, Vaggie! I can't believe in just a few days you're going to be my wife! And I'm going to be yours! It's such a strange feeling! But I'm happy!"
"Me too, hon! You go on back downstairs, yeah? I'll catch up in a minute."
"Sounds good, baby!" All disappointment has left Charlie's voice at not being able to see the dress at this point. She sounds like she's gotten all the pep back in her step, and she shouts a final "I love you!" before heading back down for dinner with the others.
Vaggie sighs. She turns her back to the thick wooden door, and slides down its cold, hard surface, until she's on the floor with her skirt bunched up comically all around her. She crosses her arms over her knees, and leans forward, her head falling into the space between her arms.
How can she possibly tell Charlie what's on her mind now? Her girlfriend had been so enthusiastic about their big day. So excited! How can she possibly ruin all that, by voicing all the fears and worry that have been coursing through her brain like a virus? How the closer the wedding gets, the more scared she's becoming?
The nightmares are back. Roaring back into her consciousness in full force while she's asleep. Sometimes she and Charlie are standing at the altar, and Charlie is about to say, "I do!" But then Adam or Lute, or sometimes even herself, will fly into the chapel, dressed in Exterminator garb, and throw Charlie off the side of that building again. Reminiscent of that time when her dad, not Vaggie, had to catch her from the crumbling hotel.
She hadn't been there to save Charlie. Honestly, she hadn't even been able to save herself. She'd ended up in the hospital for several days, and then Carmilla...
None of that is what she's really worried about, though. All it boils down to is that she's marrying the future queen of Hell. Her, a lowly Exterminator. No, not even that. A cast-out Exterminator, who hadn't even been good enough to do her job correctly. She's going to be the queen-consort for the most powerful person in Hell someday. That fact alone makes her question her self-worth...makes her weak in the knees. Makes her feel like crying.
She's not worth it. She doesn't deserve all this luxury. All this pomp and circumstance. All this importance. Charlie doesn't know who she's tying herself down to. What if their marriage ends up like Lucifer's? What if it's fun for a while, but when the honeymoon phase is over, and she sees Vaggie for who she really is. What if Charlie leaves her like Lilith left Lucifer?
Vaggie buries her head in her knees. She tries not to cry. Tries not to get her salty tears on the dress, but she's only mildly successful. The wedding is in a few days. All of Hell will be in attendance, and maybe even some of Heaven.
And she's never felt so lacking in confidence as she does right now. She doesn't know what to do. Or who to call.
Or maybe she does. Hadn't she...been married before?
Vaggie decides what she needs is perspective. That's what mothers are best at, right? She can't believe she's about to do this. But if not her, then who? If not now, when? The wedding is in a matter of days, damn it! There's not enough time left to question her life choices.
Vaggie picks up her phone, and dials Carmilla's number. She waits patiently for the phone to finish ringing, and when Carmilla doesn't pick up, she leaves a voicemail. Carmilla always gets back to her within 10 minutes, these days. So she waits, still on the floor at the foot of the door, head in her arms. Waiting for a call from her mother to provide a little much-needed perspective.
That still sounds so weird to say.
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sunluzhen · 3 months
They remember, vaguely, the day they were born. Created. Molded from clay that was embedded with the shattered pieces of Monkey King's stone egg. A woman's face. How small they felt, cupped in her hands. The sound of something sliding against the ground -- scales. Slithering.
They had forgotten her, after the storm. She left them behind. Whether on purpose or not, they don't know. Might never know, now, in this strange place so disconnected from the reality they once knew. But they still feel this sense of urgency, in finding out. Yet, it's been put on the back burner. This place was convenient, at least, when it came to being provided with distractions.
They've been having strange dreams again. Snippets of conversations; visions of unfamiliar scenes that invoked a sense of déjà vu; a torrent of mixed emotions. Horror and dread and awe and anger and desperation. The sky falling apart. Them falling apart with it.
Maybe they should actually search for the answers to at least one of their many existential problems: who is she? They don't know how to find their answer, is the thing. Wukong certainly knew lots of people between all the realms, but... could they go to him? For something so personal?
They still haven't talked about what MK is. They don't think Wukong even knows, either, so maybe he wouldn't have any of the answers to begin with.
Macaque probably wouldn't know. Sun and Nezha were from a different universe-- providing the description of a specific god from MK's world would be pretty useless, probably. What are the odds of them also knowing a giant goddess with the body of a serpent? She wouldn't be MK's creator, even if they did know something.
It's when they're laying on their bed, staring frustratedly up at the ceiling, that they finally have an epiphany. They could go to Spirale's infamous library! It holds knowledge such a repertoire of magical knowledge after all, doesn't it? Maybe, just maybe, it'll have information from across the multiverse too. They've only been once, accompanying little Liu'er one day. It turned out the little monkey was quite the book worm. They still remember the way.
They jolt upright with renewed energy as they prepare themselves for a hike deep into the enchanted forest. It takes a couple of hours on foot, which is fine by them. They don't exactly have any other mode of transportation. They could take the bus most of the way, surely, but...
Today they felt the need to have some space, in order to keep their thoughts somewhat organized, at least on their way to the library. It gives them the time they need to focus on their memory of her. Her face, the style of her make-up; blurry. Her style of headdress, the gem at the center; green. Her flowy hanfu; green. The scales adorning her serpentine body; green.
The other animals carved out of clay. Was there anything else she made?
The library probably won't have all the answers. But maybe they could at least finally attach a name to her face. They're not looking for much more than that. They stand outside the library's grand entrance for a moment, silent, before taking a deep breath. They're not sure what they're bracing themselves for, even. Then they head inside.
They remember how the librarian intimidated Liu'er, when they visited this place together. MK understood why. But she kinda just reminded MK of Mei's relatives, which made her not quite as scary in their mind's eye. So, they walk right up to her desk, standing on their tippy-toes in order to peek above the counter properly.
"Hi, ma'am! Uhm— my name's Xiaotian. I was wondering... These books come from all sorts of different worlds, right? Could you help me find some texts from mine?"
"Hm? Oh, yes, I remember you. That shouldn't be too difficult, your world is rather... Distinct, even from the similar ones. What are you looking for?"
"Uhm— texts about the gods from my world. The celestial realm and stuff."
It was as simple as that. Pretty quickly, he was being pointed in the right direction with a list of titles to look for. He feels a bit silly, now, for taking so long to do this. But there's that small part of him still desperately clinging to the desire for some sense of normalcy again. Like-- if he confirms his creator's identity, somehow, that'll ruin any chance of the status quo.
He sighs. He's not even fooling himself anymore, really. The moment he woke up in this strange city with the glamor of a human form completely stripped away... that itself was the nail in the coffin, honestly.
"Just open the damn book already, MK." He hisses at himself, shaking his head as he grabs one of the titles off the shelf, and promptly sits down with it. There's no use in stalling. He flips it open to the first page.
He didn't even have to dig through the book. There she was, one of the oldest recorded gods-- right there.
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mrminority · 1 year
Copper Elm 07/02/23
“Are you sure about this Nya?”
“Yes, Mom.”
“You know you don’t have to go in there if you don't want to.”
“I know Mom.”
“Okay, kiddo. I’ll be in the car. Text me when you’re on your way out.”
“I will Mom.”
Once she finally walked away, the dread washed back over me. I stood at the doors of the Copper Elm Nursing Home and I felt the reaper’s presence. It only takes one trip down the halls to wear out someone’s empathy. I feel tired each time I visit, watching people hobble around and slowly wither away.
These people were dying, and it wasn’t just their bodies, but their minds. This place was like a fire station. People would drop off their orphaned kid, turn around and never look back. That’s probably how he feels. They were alone, not even being able to keep themselves company.
I’d hate to die there, which is why I came to Copper Elm in the first place: I didn’t want my dad to die alone.
I checked in at the receptionist's desk and made my way to a small living area with a lone table, a small retro tv that looked more like a box than a television, and a bookshelf with several WWII novels. I pulled out a chair and waited, twiddling my thumbs as that feeling of dread crawled back into my skin.
I don’t know how Dad got this way. I don’t even know how much I knew about him. What I did know was that this could be my last chance to see him again. He's in no shape to travel and I’ll be on a plane to Connecticut for the fall. This is my last chance. No, this is his last chance.
I’m sure everyone is familiar with divorce. I doubt anyone isn’t. You either were a divorced kid or knew a divorced kid. The problem with my family’s divorce is that I didn’t know who the bad guy was. At first, I thought it was my Mom. I remember having to leave the house in a hurry as she threatened to call the police. My sister Nia stayed behind, not wanting to leave her by herself. There are times I wonder what would have happened if I stayed with them instead of him.
For the months after it was as if I were drafted into a war with my father as the general. We were in the fight against tyranny that was my mother trying to reclaim custody or her two daughters, custody I felt she had no right to. She forced us to sell the house. She got a boyfriend that I hated and blamed everything for. I even found her with a cigarette in hand and alcohol to the side.
I want to say Dad made a villain out of her, but the truth was I did. The war finally ended with my father winning custody, but his health had taken a toll. Once again, I don’t know if he didn’t have access to healthcare or refused. He’s a proud man, something I came to learn when my Mom took her supposed enemy to the hospital and brought refuge to her treacherous daughter.
I couldn’t apologize enough for hating her for so long. We’re in the process of healing, but I missed out on so much because I was Dad’s proud little soldier. I still don’t know the full story, but I know that he wasn’t the perfect leader.
I had been waiting for some time now, just twiddling my thumbs like a jackass. I figured he’d keep me waiting. Unlike the other poor folks here, he was still of “able” mind. He’s not dead at least. No. That’d be too easy.
I was about to get up and walk over to his room, breaking his door down and demanding for him to go see his daughter. Just as I stood up, I heard the sound of my dad’s walker slowly making its way through the hall. The forceful thrust of whatever a walker is made of into the carpet floor echoed in my head. It was his Imperial March, and the dread sea turned into a storm.
I sat up straight and fixed my shirt, then, just as quickly, slumped down and untucked it. As he finally rounded the bend, I saw his face for the first time in ages. He didn’t look worse. He didn’t look better either. He looked just as I expected, maybe just as he deserved: old and sad.
He took his time, perhaps deliberately, to sit down. Setting his walker against the wall, he placed one of his hands against it and the other on the table, easing himself into his seat. He lost balance a bit, but I made no move to help him. I just sat and waited.
There was a long moment of silence between us. Both of us were just staring at the floor, unsure of our next move. Dad broke the silence when he, without ever looking up, asked, “Where’s Nia.”
“She’s with Mom,” I said, looking up.
“Figures,” he chuckled, still staring down. It was a painful laugh. Brief but painful. Somehow, I could tell that was the first time he smiled in a long while, and it wasn’t even of joy.
After another long pause, he said, “You never called.”
“Well Dad,” I began. “When you want the fish you don’t cut the line.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You know exactly what that means,” I snapped.
That got him to sit up. He looked at me with scorn, scorn so familiar. “Don’t you get smart with me Nya. I didn’t drag myself out of bed for you to have an attitude problem.”
“I could say the same thing, Dad. I didn’t choose to stop talking to you. You did.”
“I stopped calling ‘cause you went on vacation with that fucking cracker Bill.”
“You told me to have fun, and that’s what I did. I didn’t expect you to get upset by that.”
“No, I was upset you went wi-”
“Yeah, I know Dad. I know.”
His look of scorn turned murderous. That face used to scare the shit out of me. That was the “you fucked up face”. There were times when that face was needed. Yet he started to use that more and more and I learned to recognize when his look was for instruction or control. Not this Dad.
“Don’t interrupt me Nya. Don’t disrespect your father!” He spat.
“No, you don’t interrupt me. You don’t disrespect me. You, for the first time in our years as father and daughter, you will listen to me.”
“Nya, I have listened to you,” Dad claimed. “You had everything you ever wanted right? We went to the toy store so much when you were kids that you memorized the route and turned your little heads like signals.”
He allowed himself a brief moment to reminisce. He laughed, though I am not sure what for. “You had it pretty good.”
I nodded. “I did, but that doesn't mean it was perfect.”
“Oh, what? Have I become a problem to you now?”
“Yeah, kind of.”
“Oh, okay. So I guess all those late nights of proofreading your book reports, talking to your teachers, taking you to UIL, and going to the movies every week were all just problems. Not to mention the expensive shit I bought you. That’s a big problem right there.”
“Of course, those weren’t problems Dad.”
“I know they weren’t problems,” he said. “I did everything a parent should have and now I’m getting shit on.”
“No! You did everything a parent should have. You did what you were supposed to. Aside from, you know, doing what every parent does, you were a great dad. The problem was that you stopped.”
I briefly waited for his response before continuing, reminding myself not to stop. “Ever since your diagnosis you’ve become, I don’t know, just different. Distant.”
“You used to be so happy,” I sighed. “You always cracked the worst jokes.”
“Well, I’m sorry my humor hasn’t been up to snuff Nya. The jokes kinda stop coming when you’re in a goddamn nursing home!”
He grabbed his knees, bending his head down as he rubbed his legs. “I’m in pain. I’ve been in pain for so long.”
“I know. The problem is your pain became infectious. It amplified your worst traits. It made you angry and stubborn. You couldn’t accept that you needed help or that you could be wrong. Anytime I did, it was the silent treatment.”
“Silent treatment?” he asked. “Are you accusing me of ignoring you?”
“I’m saying that’s what you did. That’s what you’re doing!” I said. I could feel tears forming as my anger boiled. I always got very emotional. I used to try my best to hold it in, thinking it would reduce my argument to shambles. Now I'm holding them back because I’m not finished yet.
“I’m leaving Dad, and I don’t know if I’ll ever see you again. As far as we both know, this will be the last time we see each other.”
“So why’d you come then?” he asked. “Clearly you’re displeased with how I mistreated you. So why come back to me, huh?”
I didn’t say anything yet. I was too busy clenching my jaw bracing myself for his next words.
“Is this your last stand?” he asked, eyes wide in mock fear. “Is this where the great hero slays the mad king?” Dad lifted out his arms, beckoning to be struck down. “Go ahead Nya! I’m waiting!”
“I want you to be my Dad again, dammit!” I yelled.
Mock fear quickly turned to surprise and my Dad put his arms down. He turned his head, still stern, but finally listening.
“When Mom told me you weren’t going to call anymore, I cried. I just got back from vacation and now my dad won’t talk to me.” I finally let the tears rush down my face as I continued my declaration. “I wasn’t upset because I felt like I wronged you. I know I didn’t. I was upset that you wronged me.”
I tried to wipe the snot from my nose with my sleeve before it reached my mouth, but that just spread it even more. I hate when that happens. Why does sadness have to taste so depressing? I shook it off and continued. “I was sad because the reality of you dying alone was getting dangerously close to becoming true. I don’t want to lose you. Not when we lost so much time together.”
My dad remained silent. I couldn’t tell what his thoughts were. He wasn’t angry or confrontational. He just sat, lost in something. He wasn’t empty of feeling, but I didn’t know what feeling he was in. We remained there for some time like this, neither of us was sure what to say next.
When my eyes finally dried and my nose clogged, I said to him “Anyway, that was my ‘last stand’. Take care, Dad. You call me.” I hurriedly got up to leave. That may have been the most honest I’ve ever been with my dad, but I was still scared of his possible response. I guess I wanted to ask the question, but wasn’t ready for the answer.
Before I made it too far across the hall, I heard my dad call out, “Nya, wait!” I turned to see him struggling for his walker. I rushed back to help him. He raised a hand to wave me aside, but then decided against it, letting me help him up to his feet.
“I was trying to walk over to you. Save you the trouble.”
“There’s always trouble Dad.”
“Yeah, there sure is,” he replied, hugging me close. I was caught off guard before I wrapped my arms around him and held him close. We stood there for a while. A good while.
“I’m sorry Nya, Dad said, letting me go. “You gave me a lot to think about. Listen, I’ll call you when you land in Connecticut, alright?”
I smiled. “I’ve still got time. Why not talk some more now?”
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scarlettriot · 3 years
Along for the Ride PT 1
Pairing: KirishimaxF!Reader
Summary: A drunken mistake had you marking the little Plus One box to your snobby cousin's wedding. Kirishima told you not to worry, if you couldn't find a date, he'd go with you. When the wedding gets moved up, there's absolutely no time to find a date and you're now about to be traveling to America with Kirishima on a private jet no less, dreading having him meet your rude and impossibly arrogant family.
Contains: Kirishima and Reader both come from very well-off families. Plus-Sized Reader. Fluff. Hurt/Comfort.
Warnings: Kinda smutty for a minute. Minors DNI. Drunken Sex. TW: Manipulative Family Relationships. TW: Body Image Issues
A/N: This story has been rolling around in my head for a while now. I might rewrite this and repost. Or I might just post the whole thing soon. I dunno yet. It does get smuttier.
Word Count: 4,974
"What's up with Y/N?"
Eijiro stepped out of the locker room with a towel slung over his shoulder and made his way into the kitchenette where Mina was chugging a bottle of water before getting back to her patrol. His eyes were trained on their mutual friend out on the patio, pacing.
You had your phone pressed to your ear, the high neck of your hero costume unzipped to your collarbone and he noticed your gloves discarded on a chair.
"No clue." Mina shrugged. "She got back from patrol and she noticed a bunch of missed calls from her mom. She's been out there, flailing on the phone for the last fifteen minutes now."
The three of you had met in your second year at UA when you transferred into their class and were quickly accepted by their little squad of friends. You were a bit quiet at first but quickly found comfort in the group. Eijiro had grown especially close to you when you both interned with Fat Gum.
Late nights traveling on the train back to school, a few close calls while helping patrol, and days spent playing cards while you both healed up in the hospital left plenty of time for Eijiro to get to know you better than most. It was how he knew you had a pretty bad relationship with your family, why you hated returning home for the holidays almost as much as you hated any and all forms of tomatoes.
He considered going out there just to see if there was anything he could do but before he had the chance, you were sliding the glass door open. "Oh, good, you're back." He offered you a bottle of water for your throat that he assumed was sore after that argument. "I- um- can I borrow you for a second? Alone?"
Mina snorted a laugh. "If you guys wanna bang it out on the counter you can just say so. I gotta go to work anyways."
Eijiro threw the towel at her as she left the room leaving you two alone. "What's goin' on?"
You hoisted yourself up on the countertop while he leaned against the fridge. "You remember my cousin's wedding that's happening this winter?"
He nodded. He vividly remembered the both of you getting waste a few weeks ago when you were filling out the RSVP and accidentally marking 'plus one'. Then you ran around trying to find White Out but he'd told you if you didn't find a date or have a significant other by the time of the wedding, he'd just go with you.
You argued that your family was bat shit crazy, had more money than they could spend in their lifetime and because of that, they were among some of the rudest people you knew, and you didn't want Eijiro or anyone else around that.
The thing was, Eijiro already knew that and was still okay with going. He came from money too. A lot of it. His family was just more welcoming than yours, the wealth never really going to their heads. But, he reminded you that he'd ran into enough people like those in your family that he knew how to handle them. You finally agreed to let him accompany you, leaving the plus one box checked but the name line blank.
"Well, my cousin just found out that surprise, she's pregnant! And, obviously, she can't have a wedding while seven months along so they've decided to move the wedding up to this weekend."
He nearly choked on his own spit. "This weekend? As in four days from now?"
"Yup! Saturday at 4 in the evening. Oh! No one's supposed to know she's pregnant either. So, I'm just supposed to compliment her on how flattering her dress looks, how thin she is," Your hands strangled the water bottle between them, "And I have to find something flattering to my figure because my mother has seen me in my hero outfit and she's so glad I wear a mask because if anyone knew her daughter ran around looking like I do, well, it'd ruin her!"
You massaged your temples circling back to the actual point, "Anyways, I just wanted to bitch for a sec and let you know you're off the hook since four days is just a little short notice and I told her my plus one wouldn't be able to get the time off that fast."
He pushed off the fridge. "Well, wait, hang on! I'm not letting you go in alone to deal with them! Hell no! You need backup!" You looked almost taken aback by his abruptness, "Yeah. I can work this out. Is the wedding at the same place it was supposed to be or has it moved?"
"No, it's still that fancy lodge in California. I was planning on leaving Friday morning and then coming back either Sunday night or Monday morning since my mother insists I go to their brunch the following day. But, Eijiro, I already have this weekend off..."
"Denki owes me a favor or twelve. He's supposed to be off this weekend too, I'll just see if he can cover me."
"And if he can't?"
"Then..." He pressed the back of his hand to his forehead, "Y/N, am I feeling warm to you? I think I might be starting a fever!"
You folded your arms, shaking your head, "Thought you said lying isn't manly."
"Technically, correct. But, what would be real unmanly is for me to let you deal with your family's bullshit all alone." You watched him closely, "To be honest, I'm sure we could just explain you had a family thing come up and asked me to come along for moral support. I don't really think anyone would think twice about it. Hell, you took a few days off to console me when my turtle died suddenly!"
"Eiji, you refused to eat."
"And you brought me my favorite dumplings! Same thing!"
You might have shaken your head at him but your arms opened wide. The telltale sign you wanted affection. He walked forward, consuming you in a tight hug. Your arms latched around his neck, face buried in the hollow of his throat. "You're the best."
"I just do what I can."
You should have canceled. Instead of Eijiro faking sick to get out of work, you should have faked it with your mother so you didn't have to go in the first place. You crumpled to the floor of your bedroom in pure frustration amidst the twenty or so outfits and dozen pairs of shoes you'd thrown out of your closet trying to find something that your mother would deem appropriate.
It wasn't your fault you had a fuller figure. You worked out, ate right, not to mention your job kept you very active, and yet your, hips, ass, and breasts were by no means subtle.
Your mother had also insisted on the dress being floor-length and modern, "Do try not wearing all black. It's a wedding, not a funeral. And, get your hair looking natural, please." And, just like that, 70% of your wardrobe was out the window!
"It's open!" You called from the floor when the doorbell rang.
"You really should lock this." Mina tutted, walking through the door with a bag full of takeout.
"I do. At night."
"Honey, it's 9 PM."
"Night like bedtime."
Mina just rolled her eyes and walked into your tiny kitchen. "I see the dress hunt is going well."
"I actually figured it out!" You got off the floor, careful not to step on a heel as you made your way to the pink haired woman, "I'm just gonna go in my birthday suit. I figured, my mother made my body technically therefore she can't disapprove of it. Because, you know, she's never done anything wrong in her life!"
Your best friend snorted out a laugh and passed you the take-out container stuffed full of stir fry. "you're a wonderful person, you know that?" You loved the fact Mina didn't even have to ask what you wanted.
"If you'd just move closer to work then you could pick it up yourself and I wouldn't have to bring it to you."
"Too expensive." You declared after a mouthful. "You pay almost twice as much as I do per month and I just don't see the point. I have damn near the same amount of space you do for half the cost!"
You adored your small one-bedroom apartment. It was perfect. Right above a bakery that you visited each morning after your run and a little balcony that provided you with the most stunning view of the sunset.
"You and Kiri, I swear." Mina just shook her head and curled up with her food on the loveseat. "I thought he'd end up with the biggest house out of us all the moment we started making that real Pro money. You've seen his parent's house. It's massive! You could get lost in that place!"
Eijiro's place was barely bigger than your own. He lived in the same condo he had since you'd graduated UA, claiming it was perfect for him in each and every way. But, you knew that he donated a sizable amount of his paycheck every month to charities, the same as you. With savings to spare, neither of you saw the point in hoarding it and therefore the small condo was all he could afford with what he actually kept.
"Just don't understand how a guy that big can live in such a tiny little space. At least with you, it's you know, physically feasible."
Eijiro's bedroom was barely large enough to fit the king-sized bed the man needed to sleep comfortably and even then, his feet were dangerously close to dangling off the bed. And, as if the man's ears were burning, your cell phone went off under a pile of discarded shoes.
Shark-E: Figured out your dress situation? If not, I'm just gonna pack like ten different ties and hope for the best.
You: Yeah! I totally did! I'm just gonna wear this birthday suit I got and call it a night.
You chuckled at your own joke all over again. Watching the grey ellipses appear and then vanish, appear and vanish again. After a third time, you took pity on the man.
You: Joking, Ei. I still don't have it figured out but Mina's over so, hopefully, she can help.
Shark-E: Gonna give me a damn heart attack! Seriously, I wouldn't put it past you just to see the look on your mom's face. Tell Mina hi and good luck to you. I vote the dress from the Hero Gala two years ago.
You: Hi from Mina. Can't. Too much boobs.
Shark-E: You take that back right now! There is NEVER such a thing as too much boobs!
You chuckled to yourself, putting your phone down, and then finished off the last of your delicious dinner, thinking about the dress Eijiro mentioned.
You wondered if maybe there was a way you could make the thing work but it was so very low cut. So much tape had been used to make sure no slips happened but damn was it worth it! The beaded bodice with the sparkling long sleeves, gods, how you loved that dress.
"I'm inclined to agree with our shark boy. You're busty, who gives a damn. You looked hot as hell in that dress."
"My mother, that's who. As much as I'd like to not give a flying fuck what she thinks, for some dumb reason, I do. On top of her telling me that the amount of cleavage I would show would be vastly inappropriate for a wedding, she'd also say the way it hugs my hips makes them look too fat."
Mina rolled her eyes. "She's such a piece of work." Pushing herself up, she held her arms out to you, wiggling little pink fingers for you to take. "Come on then. Let's get you sorted."
"What about that one you wore to the charity art thingy with Kyoka last winter? The one with the silver top."
"Silver is too close to white." You called out from within your closet.
"What! Not true!"
"You know that. I know that. Every person with two brain cells knows that, which is why most of my family does not know that."
"Fine..." She whined and started sifting through the opposite end of your closet. "Oh, what about this?" Mina waved about the blue and green plaid skirt that made up your uniform from your middle school days when you lived in America. "Please try this on. I'm begging!"
You were pretty sure it wouldn't even go over your thighs anymore.
"It's got a better chance of fitting you!"
Mina threw it at you anyway. Slipping off the sweats you wore, somehow, someway, you were able to tug it on AND get it zipped, barely. It no longer covered your ass but you still enjoyed the way it swished around when you wiggled your hips.
"You could be fulfilling so many people's fantasies right now." Mina mused.
You pulled the skirt off and sweats back on, throwing the former back at her. "Yeah, you can take it and go fulfill Hanta's fantasies if you like. Not like I've got anyone to impress." You pulled down a dress you bought on sale a year ago but Mina was quick to dismiss it.
Too puffy, she said and then held up one that was from Momo. "I needed to get it shortened and I don't have time for that now."
"Wait..." She hummed and dropped the Momo dress. "I know what it should be!"
Mina hurried through the closet, grumbling about not finding it. "Just tell me which dress and I can tell you where it's at."
"It's that one you got for grad night and then you got sick and couldn't go!"
"Mina, Mina I can't wear that! That's actual vintage, not like, made-to-look-vintage!"
"But it's so elegant and has that off-the-shoulder sleeve thing. The wedding is at a damn sky lodge! It'll look so pretty in the snow! Ah! Found it!"
She yanked up the long, elegant gown from the garment bag you'd never removed it from. There wasn't a single wrinkle in the burgundy fabric. It looked just as beautiful as the day you found it in that second-hand store, on a mannequin with gaudy stage jewels that you just had to buy so the look was complete.
You ran the back of your hand over the velvety fabric, soft to the touch. "It'll be too tight now. If I was the same size I was at graduation-"
"Bullshit!" Mina cut you off with a dismissive hand, "You've got hips now. We aren't 18 anymore! It's not like it's some clubbing dress. And I bet no one would say a damn thing about your figure if they knew how easily you could crush them with those thighs!"
A smirk tugged at the corner of your lips. Without quirks, you gave every single one of your classmates a run for their money in hand to hand. Most were fairly easy to beat. You could usually take down Eijiro in about five or six minutes and Katsuki in half the time. Funny enough, it was Ochaco that gave you the hardest time.
"I'll consider it. But help me find something else just in case."
It was another two hours before you finally agreed on an a-line, empire waist green and gold number that had been the bridesmaid's dresses for Tetsutetsu's wedding. Mina thought they were a crime the first time they had to wear them, she had no idea what you were thinking.
That's why the moment you were preoccupied with trying to find yet another dress for the Sunday brunch, Mina pulled out her phone.
You: DO NOT, under any circumstances, allow Y/N to wear the green dress. She's bringing two because she can't decide. Red is the winner!
Jaws: Aw, come on. If she likes it, let her wear whatever she's comfortable in. She'll be under enough stress already.
You: Kirishima, it's the dress from Tetsu's wedding. The one that looks sparkly baby food.
It took him a second to respond.
Jaws: Alright. Understood. I thought you guys looked good but damn, she hated that dress.
You: We all did.
Mina looked at the message chain again and couldn't help but asked, "Are we just gonna ignore the fact that you and Eiji are flying all the way to America, last minute, to attend a wedding together, even though you're not together?"
"We've flown to the states before."
"For work!" She sat up eagerly. "This is different, Y/N! This is a date and not just a, like, casual date but a wedding date!"
You poked your head out of the closet. "No, it isn't. This is a friend helping another friend who stupidly mismarked an RSVP." You corrected very plainly but Mina wasn't one to give up so easily.
She whined, dragging out your name, "You guys have been doing this thing for ages. Why do you have to be so stubborn about it all!"
"What's that supposed to mean!"
Mina started ticking off points on her fingers. "He was the first person you opened up to at UA. You saved his life when he was busy saving Katsuki's life second year. You spent all that time interning together, became sidekicks together. Went to America together for three whole months, ALONE, and you honestly expect me to think there's nothing between the two of you!"
The truth of it all was simple really; 17 year old you had a massive crush on Eijiro Kirishima. He was sweet, always listening to you, providing comfort when you needed it, and always encouraging you to push your limits. He was bright and honest, a little slow in the head from time to time but that made him all the more endearing.
He was also head over heels in love with Katsuki Bakugo.
It was why you never made a move. Never spoke a word of the feelings you harbored. You didn't dare to cross that line with him because you couldn't ever hold a candle to the explosive man.
In the three years Eijiro and Katsuki spent together, your brain finally started registering Eijiro as just a friend, nothing more, and certainly nothing less. You thought your heart had followed suit but it was becoming more and more apparent that wasn't the case. Because the night he showed up at your door, tears in his ruby eyes, every lock you put on your heart broke open.
The same way you couldn't hold a candle to Katsuki, Eijiro couldn't hold one to Izuku. You knew exactly what he was feeling even if you never intended to tell him. Too overcome with fear. If Katsuki came back... that'd be it. Eijiro would go back and you wouldn't even blame him!
Still, the redhead consumed a decent chunk of your heart though, you couldn't deny that after the three months you spent together in America, gathering intel on a smuggling ring, living in the same apartment. The groggy, 'good mornings' when his voice was still scratchy with sleep, hair falling in his eyes. The late nights bandaging wounds and killing cheap bottles of wine while watching terrible American reality shows.
It was those bottles of wine that did you in on your second to last night in America. Supplying you with courage and draining your sense of reason, allowing you to crawl onto his lap, into his arms. You could still remember the pressure of his lips on yours, those sharp teeth gently dragging along your lower lip.
Scared hands tracing the curve of your ass before taking handfuls to squeeze. The laugh that came from you was unlike anything you heard before, something so genuine that you couldn't reproduce.
How it felt when he lifted you up and took you to his bed, laying you down taking his time removing your clothes, and watching with awe as you pulled away his own. The way he looked over top of you, his hair a curtain of red around you just before you closed your eyes, gasping while he filled you.
You also remembered the guilt that crept into your head during the wee hours of the morning, the doubt that was louder than the snores coming from behind you.
It made you slip from under his massive arm, gather up your clothes from his floor, you tucked the blanket around him, and pressed a kiss to his temple before padding out of the room.
You told yourself you'd talk to him about it if he brought it up, but he never did. Not the next morning, or night, not on the plane ride back home, nor anytime since. It was a memory you'd hold close to your heart, one you wouldn't let slip away or share.
"There's nothing there, Mina. We're just good friends is all." You lied with a smile on your face, something that had become surprisingly easy to do.
If only you knew that Mina saw right through it. That Mina already knew the truth of it all.
It was nearly one in the morning when your phone rang. The goofy picture of Eijiro with face half painted at a festival a few years back never failed to make you grin.
"It's a little late." You answered by way of greeting.
"Don't pretend like you were anywhere close to sleeping, you little night owl."
Chuckling at the nickname that had followed you since high school, "What's up, Eiji?"
"I was going over flights. You said in the office that you wanted to leave on Friday?"
"Yeah. I have patrol tomorrow and I didn't find any flights after 6 PM so, Friday is the earliest."
He was quiet on the other line for a moment. "Yeah, you don't have patrol tomorrow, or work at all for that matter."
You sat up a bit straighter in bed. "Um, yes I do."
"No, you don't. I called Mina, asked her if you'd mind taking that shift for you and, since she knows what's happening, she agreed the extra day for travel would do you some good. So, she's covering you tomorrow then you're off work until next Wednesday. As for me, thanks to all that overtime I put in when Denki, Kyoka, and Hitoshi got married, the three of them are splitting up my days so I have until Wednesday too."
Eijiro sounded impossibly proud on the other line, you could almost see the smirk on his face. "You've got this all planned out, don't you?"
"And a bag nearly packed. Just need you to tell me what ties to bring."
"Gold, burgundy, and black."
"Thought your mom said no black for you?"
"She said no black for the wedding. She said nothing about black at the brunch!"
You couldn't wait to put on the tea-length dress that had been a favorite for years. Satin with a lacy top and, best of all, pockets.
He let out a rumbling laugh that fell off into comfortable silence as you laid back in your bed, lights still on, the room still a mess. You tapped the speaker icon and laid the phone on the pillow right beside your head, listing to the various sounds of Eijiro moving around.
A door creaking open, a hanger clattering against another, and a zipper. "And just like that, I'm all set."
"Don't forget your passport or hero license."
"I have one in my wallet and the other in my backpack."
You swiped up on your iPad, off Netflix, and going to google, lazily searching through flights. "So, did you find any good flights since you've clearly been looking?"
Another chuckle, "Eijiro, why are you laughing?" More stifled giggles had you sitting up in bed again. "Just tell me a site you were on. They're just flights, what's so funny?"
"There isn't a site."
"You said you were checking flights."
"And I was... on my family's jet."
"Eiji! No! No, no, no! That is supposed to be for their business or hero things! My stupid cousin's wedding is neither of those things!"
"Relax, Y/N. My family has multiple and they don't have any business trips planned right now anyways. I already cleared it with my mom. Seriously, I just mention your name and she's likely to let me have it for a whole year at least. Plus Todoroki's is back up in working order so the agency is covered too."
Damn, why'd he have to be so good at planning from time to time! You'd completely forgotten about the second jet his family had. Always opting for the larger one since the few missions they needed it for required them to bring fifty or so heroes along.
"Besides, if we fly private, we can land at an airstrip closer to the venue and won't need to drive four hours on top of a ten-hour flight."
"Alright, okay, thank you but, let me take care of the rental car, please. It's the least you can let me do."
"Deal. I just have one more question for ya."
"What's that?"
"Wanna leave tonight?"
You nearly dropped your damn iPad in shock. "Eijiro! What the fuck has gotten into you! It's the middle of the night!"
"I'm excited!" He boomed, "I haven't had a vacation in months!"
"I hate to break this to you, buddy, but this isn't going to be a vacation. You really shouldn't get your hopes up. This isn't going to be a good time with laughs and fun memories... my family, they just, they aren't those kinds of people."
"But we are." He stated matter-of-factly. "If they want to have sticks up their asses then let them! We'll have a good time on our own, laugh and make fun memories! So, what do you say, Y/N? I can be at your place in fifteen. I just gotta put shoes on and grab my keys..."
"Wait, hang on. Are you forgetting that we need someone to, oh, I dunno, FLY THE PLANE! Actually, we need two someone's, can't forget about a co-pilot!"
He hummed happily and you rubbed your temples. "You, you have a pilot and a co, don't you, Eiji?"
"Mhm! There is a company we use. Two can be at the hanger in an hour and every hour after that. I just have to make the call and get the flight plan approved which will be done before I even get to your house."
There was literally no reason to say no. You had mostly everything packed, nothing you needed to get from the store, all you had to do was put on pants and pack up your hygiene bag and you were ready too. Maybe getting there quicker and getting the whole thing over with would be better than staying home dwelling on everything.
"Better put your shoes on."
The glee in his voice, that was enough to make this whole thing worth it, "I'll see you soon."
Eijiro reached into the backseat and plopped a bag down on your lap the very moment you were buckled in. "Had to make a pit stop." He explained.
"It's after two in the morning, where'd you have to..."
"Just open the bag and don't complain."
You found it filled to the brim with all your favorite snacks.
"I'm sure the plane will have a bunch of snacks we can raid but I know for a fact they don't have these." He held up a pack of cookies and creme flavored pocky that had been his favorite for as long as you'd known him, quickly followed by your favorite flavor too. You also found a massive bag of gummy worms and jolly ranchers.
"So, what you're telling me is our teeth are going to rot by the time we land? Not that I'm complaining."
You ripped open the bag of ranchers knowing that was what he'd go for first and sure enough his hand dove inside just as he pulled away from the curb. You could hear his dangerously sharp teeth biting through the rock candy like it was nothing while you still rolled one around your mouth.
Eijiro asked you about the resort you'd be going to, wondering if you'd been there before or what other stuff you guys could do when you weren't dealing with your family. "I figured we could fly back Monday night or Tuesday morning, you know, just play it by ear in case there was anything else we wanted to do."
More than anything, you wished you could just leech a little bit of that excitement from him. The glimpses of his smile you caught as you drove under the street lights made your heart ache.
"What?" He asked with that wide smile of his. You'd been caught staring, red-handed.
"I, uh, I just don't know what to tell you."
You could see the subtle change of his grin, watch as it softened and his hand came to rest on your thigh. "Hey, it's gonna be fine! And if we run into them while out doing stuff, you can just avoid them or hide behind me!" At least hiding behind Eijiro is an easy thing to do, damn mountain of a man.
His thumb slowly brushed back and forth. "'S gonna be okay. I'll beat 'em up if they're assholes!"
You snickered at his Katsuki impression and let the drone of the radio fill the air around you both. Enjoying the silence the rest of the way to the hanger with Eijiro's hand atop your leg.
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multifandhoem · 4 years
server collab || ii
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Server Collab from the Haikyuu HQ server with the prompt: “Guess I‘ll just have to cum inside you.“
The masterlist for the whole collab is here!
Genre: fluff, smut
Warnings: slight SPOILER (it‘s really really small), smut obviously, little bit of public stuff if you count it as such, slight breeding kink, wedding sex, lot‘s of fluff
Word count: 3292
“I still remember when Iwa-chan told me, how he embarrassed himself in front of a cute girl and hoped he would never see her again to not relive the existential dread he felt at that moment. And then he told me he met her again and she laughed over the mishap and they were going to get coffee next week.”
“I am so sorry.” His face was red, head bowed down in embarrassment, but you could still see it at the tip of his ears.
“It’s okay, it wasn’t like you were a stalker or something.” You were giggling a bit at the state he was in. “On top of that it is kinda my fault, I should’ve closed the curtains or something.” He slowly raised himself again, face still scrunched up in discomfort. He really looked like he was in horrendous pain and it was kinda your fault. “Please don’t beat yourself up over it. I’ll treat you to coffee, to make you feel better, when are you free?”
Maybe the fact that he was a looker made you act a bit more open towards him than usual, but you genuinely felt bad for him. He was obviously beating himself up over that accident a couple of days ago.
You had realised fast that you could look from your window right into the room on the other side of the street, which was why you invested in curtains pretty early. But apparently, you had forgotten to close them this time, so when you turned around shirtless and made eye contact with a man, you were both equally surprised. He looked mortified and you couldn’t even blink when he suddenly dropped to the floor, now hidden from your wide eyes.
Your body reacted, even though he probably couldn’t see you anymore, shielding your breasts with one arm, the other hastily closing the curtains. After the initial shock wore off you couldn’t help but giggle a bit. Why did he just drop to the floor? He could’ve turned around or something.
Next to you, Hajime buried his face in his hands, but the large grin that had adorned his face for the whole evening was still there. Tooru waited a bit until the laughter calmed down until he continued.
“When I came back from Argentina for a visit she was already his girlfriend of five months. And when I saw Iwa-chan I knew that she would probably stick around for longer. You know, Iwa-chan is a very violent person-“ “Only towards shitty people!” You knew he couldn’t have let that jab just go by, but Tooru professionally ignored him.
“but with her, he was very soft, always touching her in some way. Sometimes touching too much. Don’t think we forgot the trip to the cabin!” He scoldingly wiggled his finger towards you, accompanied by Makki’s and Mattsun’s affirming but still scandalised shouts.
“We gotta be quick, Haji.” His lips were hot on your collarbones, fingers already dipping under your shirt, quickly pulling it over your head. “I know, they will wonder where we are.”
You had excused yourself for a second from the movie the others had put on. It was the first time this day where there weren’t two other people in the room with you, everybody being huddled in the living room of the small cabin where you resided for the weekend. With two bedrooms shared between the six of you and one big room that functioned as kitchen, living and dining room, there was never space for some alone time, which you were desperate to have after your boyfriend strutted around you shirtless the whole day. It should be illegal for someone as fine as he was to do such things.
Foreplay had to be postponed for the next time, you had little time until the others would grow suspicious. “No need, I can take you.”
You pulled his fingers out of your entrance, desperate to just feel his cock in you. He chuckled at your eagerness, pushing his sweatpants down until his cock sprung free, already hard and leaking. Apparently, you weren’t the only sexually frustrated one.
“Fuck,” you breathed out when he buried himself in you with one stroke.
“Quiet, baby.” His lips found yours stifling your small moans as he began moving his hips.
Breathless gasped and small moans soon filled the room, occasionally accompanied by the sound of skin slapping, when Hajime couldn’t stop his hips before they met yours. “I’m close,” you whimpered as he began rubbing your clit and he shot you a breathless smile and pressed a small kiss to your lips. “Bite something when you come,” he said quietly, thrusts becoming a bit more erratic.
“Disgusting!” Loud banging on the door interrupted you and Hajime let out a string of curses. “If you already know then don’t go interrupting, Shittykawa!” Not having to hide anymore his hips finally snapped into yours, using the full capacity of his strength to make you moan against his shoulder.
Unfortunately, the orgasm you experienced didn’t lessen the embarrassment when you faced the others again.
It was your turn to hang your head in shame, trying not to meet your parents’ eyes, who were seated next to you. Or worse, Hajime’s parents.
Tooru chuckled at your misery, before continuing.
“To be honest, I wasn’t that surprised when Iwa-chan called me and told me he would send me pictures of rings and I should help him decide. He obviously forgot timezones since it was 2am for me and I first thought somebody had died, but after promising to make me best man I obviously forgave him.” The guests laughed again and Tooru took a well-rehearsed break.
“I don’t think I have seen Iwa-chan as nervous as when he was rehearsing his proposal through me via Skype. I told him it was good, even though he was a stammering mess. But the thing about those two over there is that they calm each other down. So I knew, when the moment would come, everything would go swimmingly. I saw the way they looked at each other, there was no way she would say no.”
“What are you planning?” You were chuckling, when Hajime lead you through the small house on the outskirts of Tokyo you two had purchased together when it was safe that he was staying in Japan with his work. “Let me surprise you, woman, and stop asking.” You could hear the amusement in his voice and it made your heart bloom. After all these years together he still made you feel like you were going on your first date. And he probably always would.
“Small step, be careful.”
You felt the ground changing from the hardwood floor to a rougher and colder one, showing you that you were now outside on the small terrace. You didn’t have to wonder for long, what he was planning when he carefully pulled the blindfold off your face. The first thing you saw was him.
But it was enough. He was smiling at you, his eyes radiating love. You couldn’t help but snaking your arms around his neck, to press a kiss to his lips. “You look so handsome. I love you.”
Hajime in a suit was something you had the pleasure of seeing a couple of times, but it still caught you off guard how someone could look this good.
“You haven’t even looked around, idiot,” He chuckled but still laid his arms around you to tug you towards him to kiss you again. After that he still forced you to turn around, to take a look at what he conjured in the last couple of hours.
The small garden you had behind your house was completely transformed, fairy lights making the faint evening glow even more magical.
“It’s beautiful.” The words were soft, Hajime wouldn’t have heard them if he wasn’t standing this close to you. “All for you, baby. I love you. I just thought, maybe we could sit on the blanket, maybe drink a bit of wine and just talk, you know?” His voice was laced with nervousness, even if he wasn’t even sure why. He knew you would like what he did. He went through your Pinterest boards and they were loaded with fairy lights, clinking classes, kisses shared under the faint glow. “That sounds perfect. What’s the occasion? I haven’t forgotten anything, right?” He laughed out loud at your nervousness. “No, babe, you haven’t. I just wanted to do something for you.”
His smile was so pure, filled with raw emotion, you had to kiss him again, putting as much passion as possible into the kiss. “Thank you, Hajime. I love you so much. I can’t believe I got so lucky.”
Your eyes were a bit wetter than usual and you hastily blinked the tears away, smiling at your boyfriend, ready to have a magical evening.
He really had everything prepared. Next to the blanket, a small cooler with a bottle of rosé laid, together with two glasses for you. His phone played soft instrumental music in the background, as you settled yourself against his chest, occasionally sipping at your wine, reminiscing about the past years, wishing for the future ones.
“Hey, move for a second, my leg’s fallen asleep.” A small tug of his leg under you made you sit up, while he fixed his posture, both of you now sitting upright in front of each other.
“Sorry, about that. Do you want to stand up for a bit to move it?” His eyes twinkled with amusement as he tugged you back down when you already wanted to stand up.
A shaky breath escaped him. So this was it. “Y/N, baby, I love you. So much, you can’t even imagine. You’ve been with me for the past couple of years and I honestly can’t wait for the future, if you’re by my side.” He paused for a second, hand slipping into his pocket. “Hajime.” Tears were already welling up in your eyes before he even managed to pull the ring out of his pocket, that he and Tooru had chosen so diligently a couple months prior.
“Will you marry me?”
“Those two, right there, are a great couple if I’ve ever seen one. I actually can’t imagine a better partner for my Iwa-chan. Hajime. I’ve seen you grow up. I’ve been growing up alongside you and, dare I say, we’ve both become pretty great.” Tooru chuckled a bit, but everyone could hear his voice wavering, as his eyes were fixated on his best friend.
“I can’t express how happy I am, to still have you in my life, to now seeing you maturing into this great man who is inspiring others in everything he does. Seeing you enter this new part of your life, with this great woman in my life warms my heart. And you deserve nothing less. A toast to you. A toast to your future, Mr. and Mrs. Iwaizumi.” He raised his glass to you, a big smile on his face.
If he weren’t sitting right across from you, you would’ve missed the small tears rolling down his face. The guests around you all raised their glasses to towards you, everyone touched by Tooru’s speech.
But nobody came close to Hajime, who was clenching your hand in his’ tightly, tears welling up in his eyes, before he strode over to his friend, tightly embracing him.
You couldn’t hear what words were exchanged as tears fell and people smiled at the pair. Every guest at your wedding knew about Hajime and Tooru. The best friends, the best partners, who have been with each other since they were about five years old. Who only see each other every couple of months, partners technically becoming rivals.
When your husband came back to you his eyes were puffy, some tears still escaping, but the happiest smile on his face. Tooru hugged you too, wishing you good luck for your future, making a small joke about becoming an uncle again and telling you, once again, to take care of his best friend, his brother.
“I’m so happy to be your wife.” Hajime kissed you at your words but you still knew that he was equally as happy as you were. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily now,” you joked, relishing in the laughter that escaped him.
“As if I would ever want that. I’m going to put some kids in you as soon as possible. And then we have a little family. Maybe even a big family. Whatever you want.” He kissed you again and you couldn’t help but smile at the picture of him with kids in your head. More importantly, your kids. “About that.” You leaned into his side, grateful for the minutes you had at the edge of the room. “I’ve been thinking, maybe stopping my birth control? I mean we don’t have to start trying and stuff, but we’re married now and we’ve been together for a while, and we talked about it already, and-“ You were cut off with a passionate kiss, Hajime even dipping you slightly as he practically devoured you.
“Do you mean that? Do you really mean that?” You could only nod, a wide grin on your lips as you cupped his face in your hands to bring his mouth to yours again. “Fuck, I love you. I can’t wait to fuck you today.” Heat shot through your stomach at his words and his kisses did nothing to soothe it.
“Hajime.” You really didn’t intend for his name to sound like such a whimper. But when he growled against your lips you knew you were done for. “The bridal room. Where I got ready. Let’s go.”
You felt like a schoolgirl sneaking around again, when you were rushing through the halls of the venue, hand in hand with your new husband, giggling around, until you finally closed the door behind you, being pressed against the same one in an instant, a breathless Hajime resting his forehead against yours.
You were whispering ’I love you’s to each other for the probably thousandths time this day, but it wasn’t like you were growing tired of it anytime soon. “You gotta be careful about the dress, I don’t wanna have cum stains somewhere,” you reminded him as he was flicking up your skirt, already sinking to his knees.
“Guess I’ll just have to cum inside you.” You giggled in excitement at his statement, soon leading into a moan, when he buried his face between your lower lips, thong pulled to the side, his tongue expertly doing all the things he found out about you the years before.
“Fuck, Hajime.” Your fingers thread themselves in his hair, tugging him closer.
He took one of your legs in his hand, tugging it over his shoulder and digging even deeper between your legs, using the fingers of his other hand as well, to insert two of them into your dripping cunt. “Haji, I’m coming,” you whimpered, clamping onto him.
“Wait for my cock.” The years of never neglected training came in handy, when he stood up, with you in his arms, to seat you on the small table, that was probably just in the room for decorating purposes. You shrieked a bit at how fast everything was happening, but you kind of agreed with him.
The first time you should come as husband and wife should be with him deep inside you.
He dropped his suit pants to his ankles and you could feel yourself clench with excitement. “Ready, baby?”
“Yes, please, Haji.” You pulled him towards you again to connect your lips, moaning into his mouth when he rubbed his dick up and down your folds, coating himself in your arousal.
It’s weird to explain what you felt the moment he pushed himself inside you. You had sex lots of times. But in that moment you felt more complete than you ever did.
You stayed like that for a couple of seconds, connected in the most intimate way possible, before his hips snapped back and into you again, eliciting a moan of both of you.
“Honestly, fucking you in your wedding dress is hot as fuck.” He laughed breathlessly, kissing you again, all while not halting his thrusts.
“Think about me pregnant with your kids,” you purred in his ear and squeaked in delight when his next thrust was harder than before.
“Don’t get me started. You’re going to look so good pregnant. All round and cozy.” His speed grew more erratic and you knew he would come soon.
“Fuck, we gonna start soon, right?” Your fingers clenched in his shirt, pushing him closer to you, chasing your own high.
“We’re starting right now, baby.” He kissed you again, hand moving down to rub your clit again, chuckling at the little whimpers you let out.
“Haji-“ You didn’t need to say more, he already knew, what you wanted to tell him.
“Go on, baby.” You kissed again, moans mixing in your mouths, as his tongue caressed yours, the slight taste of your juices still left on them. Every time his cock hit that one part you had to suppress a small scream, only slightly moaning in your husband's mouth.
“Can’t wait for tonight. Gonna fill you- ah- up again and again. And then you can be as loud as you want. Fuck. Gonna take my time with you.”
The filth he muttered against your lips only made you clench down harder onto his cock, feeling your high approaching rapidly. It was him coming, his cum spurting into you, which finally sent you over the edge, legs wrapping around him, bringing him even closer to your body, completely engulfing him, dead set on never letting him go.
Heavy breathing filled the room, as you both came down from your high. Small kisses were being exchanged, I love you’s were mumbled. But it was still perfect.
“I’m already anticipating tonight,” you mumbled, slightly exhausted due to moaning so much, making him chuckle, while his hands calmingly rubbed up and down your sides.
When he pulled out of you, you moaned again at the feeling of his cum slowly dribbling out of you.
“This looks so good. You look so good.” Hajime’s eyes were focused on the spot between your legs, fingers twitching to push it back inside.
“Don’t let it go on the dress!” You shrieked, chuckling at the way he darted to get a paper towel, carefully wiping you down.
“You alright, baby?” He helped you down from the table after pushing your thong back in place and fixing up his suit pants.
“Yeah. I love you. You made me the happiest woman alive, today, you know that?” The smile he threw your way at your words made your heart bloom. You were so in love with this man.
“Now, brace yourself for the comments.” You intertwined your fingers again, going back down the hallways to rejoin your guests at your reception. “You think somebody noticed something?” Your hands grew sweaty at the thought. Hopefully, nobody suspected a thing. Especially not his parents. Or worse, the grandparents!
“Tooru will have noticed for sure. You know how he is. If we’re lucky he hasn’t told Makki or Mattsun.” Hajime seemed way to relaxed at the thought, only shrugging his shoulders, ditching your hand to throw his arm around your shoulder and pull you into his side.
“I love you.” He pressed a kiss to your temple and you could feel he was smiling.
“I love you, too.”
No matter what was going to happen once you got back, this was still the best day of your life.
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kass-storycorner · 3 years
I really loved your ghost fic with Xiao. But it left me curious to have a second part in which they finally find the way to communicate. Whenever is just to say goodbye and having reader going to the afterlife or getting stuck there forever in an eternal solitary pseudo-company together is up to you, I just want to see them talk 😭
awww, thank you! I'm so glad you loved it (though I am sorry for the sad feelings haha). And I was really struggling to find a way to end that orginal story in the beginning, which is the reason why it ended that way oops. Well, now here is the follow up for it. Compared to the small bit I wrote for Xiao... I mean not even compared to it, this is the longest fic I've posted on here so far? Ah, well. I just had so much fun with it.
Idea/Prompt: a follow up to Xiaos part in this post
Genre: a bit of Angst and Hurt, more comforting than the first part, but if the ending is a happy one is up to you!
Characters: Xiao (Zhongli as side character, mention of Hu Tao, Verr Goldot, a new character I made up that did not get a name)
Format: Text
Word count: 5593
Content warning: mentions of blood, spoiler-y for the second act of Zhonglis story quest and the same spoilers warnings as for the OG post! this is not proof read, I started writing this at midnight and its 5am now ahha fml
The Ghost of you Part II. - To the end
yes we are keeping the mcr names
“Xiao”, he felt an uneasiness in his body upon hearing his name. Where was he? Looking around, Xiao saw he stood in a field of flowers. When did he come here? He had no recollection of it at all. Confused he furrows is brows, worry filling his heart and then- “Xiao.” There it was again, that voice calling out to him. Speaking his name softly, voice filled with affection. Where did it came from? He walked around the field, no end of it in sight, looking for that voice calling out to him. The longer he searched for it, the more his heart was filled with dread. “Xiao.” This time the voice came from behind him and when he turned around, he saw you, holding your hand out to him and smiling. “(Y/N)”, Xiao looked at you in disbelief. Was it really you standing in front of him? Your laugh pulled him out of his trance. “Xiao, why are you standing there like a pillar? Come, take my hand,” and at that you wiggled it a bit, signalling him that you're waiting for him to take it. “(Y/N),” Xiao repeated, standing still and looking at your hand, then to you. “What are you doing here?”. Again, you laughed as if what he said was the silliest thing you ever heard. “What do you mean by that? Xiao,” you shook your head and then you shoot him a bright, warm smile. “You wanted to come here, remember? Now come, take my hand and dance with me before the music stops.” Dance? Music? At first Xiao did not understand what you meant, but then he heard it. In the distance, the low sounds of a flute, a sweet melody that sounded strange but all too familiar. “Xiao”, he heard you whisper his name, speaking so gently. Slowly, he was still a bit hesitant, he reached out for your hand, taking it in his. A smile came across your face at the touch of your hands. With a swift motion Xiao was pulled into your arms, you both at first staying still in that embrace. “Xiao, lets dance, okay?”. With that you both started to waltz around the field, Xiao not knowing how he knew to dance like this, but somehow, he did. The dread that started to spread in his chest earlier was now gone, replaced by the feeling of love he felt for you. Still, there was something tugging at his mind, telling him something was amiss here. It felt familiar, yes. However, it also seemed to be strange to him at the same time. Though Xiao tried to push the nagging feeling away, wanting only to enjoy this pleasant moment with you. Which is why he at first didn’t notice how the sky darkened above them nor that the music had stopped a while ago. As you both stopped to dance, still holding each other in your arms, he heard you call out to him again. “Xiao”, the sound of your voice was filled with pain and when he looked at you in his arms the light behind your eyes was gone, your face stiff and emotionless. At the sight of your dead eyes, he wanted to part from the embrace, but he couldn’t let you go. Xiao saw the blood, saw the bruises and suddenly he was on his knees again, you are laying in his arms. He wanted to cry, wanted to say your name but he couldn’t. It was as if there was no air to breath so he could speak. And then – “Xiao.” His name. “Xiao.” Again. “Xiao.” Over and over again he heard how his name was spoken, but with every whisper of his name the voice became more distorted, louder. Until he cowered in pain at the sound of it, wanting it to stop, wishing for it to stop. “Xiao”.
With that Xiao woke up, his body covered in cold sweat and his breathing erratic. Another nightmare of you, another nightmare of something he wished the both of you could’ve done but never did – because of his shortcomings. Xiao sat atop of a rock, looking over the forest in which your ghost continued to wander aimlessly around. He had been watching you for a few weeks now, trying to figure out what kept you here and how he could help you. However, Xiao was clueless at what could be the cause of this. It was clear to him now that he couldn’t help you, he needed to find someone who could. Looking down at the forest, seeing your ghost wander around between the trees, he softly whispered. “I will be back soon, I won’t leave you again for long, I promise.” There weren’t many people Xiao could ask for help. Back when you were alive Xiao wasn’t the most social, wanting to keep his distance from humans. After you died this habit of his, avoiding others, only worsened. So, the only person Xiao could think of to ask for help in this matter was the same who saved him from his servitude as a bloodhound. Zhongli spend most of the last hundred years among the people of Liyue, but for a few decades now he lived in a remote house. It was now the door of said house Xiao knocked on, knowing that although he could easily enter the house, Zhongli preferred it for him to knock. “Ah, Xiao, it is nice to see you,” Zhongli greeted the adeptus. As Xiao entered the house and followed the tall man into his kitchen, it was a standard practice of Zhongli to drink a tea with anyone who visited, he couldn’t stop to notice that the notebooks scattered around the house grew in number. “So,” Zhongli began his question, “what brings you here? From your troubled look I can tell you didn’t come for the tea or my company.” With that Xiao didn’t waste any time on more formalities, explaining his predicament to the former Geo-Archon. “Mmmh, I see,” he replied, taking a sip from his cup. “I fear I might not be much of help in this case, although I have some knowledge on the topic of the human afterlife, I can’t think of a solution to this. However, it might be best to go ask Hu Tao on advice, as she is way more… let’s say, perceptive when it comes to the dead.” How bothersome, Xiao thought at the mention of Hu Tao. “Zhongli, Hu Tao is long dead”, was all Xiao could say. It happened more frequently now that Zhongli seemed to forget things, small ones but also important pieces of information and this filled Xiao with unease. He didn’t like it that the erosion of Zhongli already was set in motion, thinking about that one-day Xiao might have to face him in battle should he lose all sense of self and sanity. Neither did Zhongli enjoy slowly losing his memories of the past – although he wrote down as much as possible, it bothered him that he had to even rely on his notebooks. “Ah,” Zhongli replied, setting his cup down on the table and with a troubled look, “I seem to have forgotten something again. Would you please help my memory, when did this happen?” “One thousand years might have already passed,” Xiao saw how much it stirred Zhongli up that he had forgotten the passing of a friend. “She had a good life, right? I’m sorry for asking, but I somehow can’t seem to remember much about her later life.” “Yes,” Xiao answered, thinking about the 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. There weren’t many humans he tolerated or even enjoyed being around, but Hu Tao was one Xiao always was fond of. She was also the one at the Parlor that day you died, when Xiao came in with your dead body in his arms, he hoped he might find Zhongli maybe he could do something about it, but… Xiao knew there was nothing anyone could do. Hu Tao understood his pain, without a word she showed him where to put your body and prepared your funeral, without even asking for a single Mora. “Then, “Zhongli pulled Xiao out of his thoughts, “maybe you might find help with the new Director, her family always had some knowledge about that human afterlife that’s even a mystery to me.” With that
Xiao said his goodbye to Zhongli and made his way to Liyue. The city of Liyue changed over the last thousand years a lot, but the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor was still one of the constants in the city. Xiao couldn’t remember the last time he visited the city, though it must have been a few hundred years ago for sure. He just never really liked it and since, what the humans called a ‘industrial revolution’, the city was even more crowded and overwhelming for Xiao. “Welcome to the Wangshen Funeral Parlor, how may I help you?”, a young person greeted Xiao as he set foot into the building. At the enthusiastic way the person greeted him as he entered a funeral home, Xiao was sure this was one of Hu Taos descendants. He barley could imagine anyone else be so happy surrounded by death. “Are you the director?”, Xiao asked in his usual stern voice. “The 107th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, yep that’s me!” “I may need your assistance.” “Wonderful, I’m always happy to help- oh well, not happy as I am happy for your loss, my condolences by the way, but in happy as I am happy that I can be of help. So, what do you need help with? We have some wonderful new coffins out of a wonderful wood, really they are also very comfortable, not that comfort is that important for someone who’s dead, but I thought it might be also of interest to say that they are really comfort-“, ah yes, Xiao thought, definitely related to Hu Tao. “I don’t need a coffin”, he interrupted the young director. “Oh, um… what can I help with then?”, they asked and then Xiao explained everything to them. At first, he wasn’t sure of the director would be of help, most humans have long forgotten the existence of the gods and adepti, as most of them died or lived a life among humanity, but sure enough the director did turn out to be well versed with the forgotten knowledge of the world. “So, you say the ghost is just roaming around those woods? Nothing else happens?”, the director asked, sitting in their chair in the back office of the Parlor, and they had their hand on their chin, looking like they were thinking about something “Will you be of help now or why do you keep repeating the same useless questions?”, Xiao became a bit impatient now. He just needed to know if someone was able to help you. Without even answering the question the director stood up from the chair and walked towards a bookshelf, pulling a big and old looking book out and opening it up on the table. “Mmmh, from what you’ve described it seems to be nothing to grave, they don’t seem to have become an evil spirit just yet, moreover it seems like they are just one who got lost, though it is surprising that after such a long time the spirit didn’t just turned into something malicious. Normally for most human ghosts it takes a few hundred years until they go insane and well, you know all too well what then happens with an evil spirt I guess.” Xiao was aware what happened to the evils in the world, because it was mostly him. Though he didn’t like to think about it what it would have meant if you- no, he didn’t even want to finish that thought. “How do I help them?”, he didn’t care about any of the other information, he just wanted to find a way to help you. The director pointed at a passage in the book in front of them and continued. “What we have to do is easy if you think about it, I just need something that belonged to the deceased they held dear, a few materials like Qingxin flowers, around twenty should be enough, and the next part is more tricky if you don’t know the deceased that well, which shouldn’t be a problem here, but we need to, well you need to, speak some words that you know are important to them. A story or something like that, sometimes even the voice of a loved one is enough to help to guide the spirits back. Though I will definitely have to accompany that spirit to the border, just to make sure it won’t happen again, you know getting lost, because I can’t guarantee this method will help a second time.” Xiao was quiet. Something that belonged to them, when the director said
those words, his hand immediately flew up to the necklace with the small pendant he wore. Xiao wasn’t the most adept with words, he rather enjoyed listening to what you had to say to him most of the time. He enjoyed the sound of your voice; it was so much more pleasant than his own. One day, Xiao still remembers it so well, your voice said something he did not expect for you to say. “Xiao, I love you.” It took him by surprise, standing on the balcony of the Wangshu Inn, watching the night sky… he suspected that you liked him that way, he did too. Oh, but how he hoped that you wouldn’t say anything about it, like he planned too. Your openness scared him. The idea of being loved scared him, for what was there to love about him? He didn’t want to be a burden to you, his karmic debt, his burden – he feared it would all just make you hate him one day if he let you see it all. That night, after you said these words, Xiao disappeared without a word from your sight. He wasn’t far away, but he wished back then that he teleported out of his hearing range. The sobs that came from you after his departure broke Xiaos heart. After this he avoided you, which wasn’t too hard because you did the same thing too. But with every day that passed when Xiao didn’t see you, hear your voice, his heart grew heavier. Asking himself if he really did do the right thing. Verr Goldet approached Xiao a few weeks after your confession, inquiring why now you didn’t come to the Inn anymore. Xiao did not answer her question, but Verr was a smart woman and at the look in his eyes she understood. “Don’t give up someone you love, only because you are scared of the love you both feel for each other, Xiao”, was all she said. This was the final push for Xiao to finally get over himself and embrace the feelings he felt for you. He didn’t know anymore where the idea came from, but he decided to gift you a handmade necklace along side his confession. Xiao was scared that it might be too late for telling you that he felt the same. However, he knew he had to do it and he wanted to give you something that showed you how he felt too. So Xiao collected the material all around from Liyue, creating a metal necklace and using a small piece of Cor Lapis, your favourite you told him once, as the pendant. With that he looked for you, finding you sitting in the middle of a flower field. “(Y/N)”, he said, stopping himself from continuing when he saw how you jumped at your own name. “Xiao! You scared me!”, you quickly stood up and turned around to him. Xiao wasn’t the most adept with words, he enjoyed listening to you – but you stayed quiet after facing him and you kept quiet when Xiao came closer. “I-“, he began, but unable to speak the words he so wished you to hear from him. Instead, he took your hand and put the necklace in it. “I- I made you this,” was all he could say, feeling how fast his heart pounced in his chest. The look in your eyes, Xiao saw the love you felt for him in them. “Xiao, I-“, he saw how you viewed the necklace in your hand, tears starting to form at the corners of your eyes. Before you were able to finish the sentence or let the tears fall down, Xiao took your face in his hands and kissed you. Yes, he wasn’t the most adept with words, but he learned that he could show you how much he loved you in other ways.
From that day on you wore that necklace every single day, never taking it off since Xiao but it on you after the shared kiss. You joked that it was a physical representation of your love for each other, though Xiao felt like you actually meant it. And somehow it really was. Xiao remembered how that necklace was still around you neck when he took your body to Hu Tao, he remembered that it was covered with your blood. He didn’t even think about taking it off you. It was Hu Tao who gave him that necklace after your burial and since then he hadn’t taken it off. It was the last thing he had of you, the last reminder of your love for each other and every night after your death, when he cowered in pain because of his karmic debt, the cool touch of the stone on his skin helps him to stay sane. Just like the flute he heard even long before he met you.
When Xiao and the director arrived at the forest, they collected the flowers on their way, he could see your ghost again. Walking around, calling for him. His heart breaks every time he had to witness your suffering. “Okay, we have the flowers… do you have something that belonged to them with you, Xiao?”, the director asked, and Xiao shifted his focus from you to them. Slowly he took the necklace off, feeling somehow so vulnerable without it, and gave it to the director. “You know where they start their walk and end it right?”. Yes, Xiao knew that. He had watched over your ghost for the past couple of weeks and noticed that you were walking in circles, without even knowing so it seemed, starting from the place you died and ending up there again. Although your body was buried in another part of Liyue and already long gone, taken back by nature, you stayed here. Where you died. Xiao wished he had come here earlier. Together with the director Xiao made his way to the place where your life ended and your endless suffering in a sort of limbo started, laying down the flowers and the necklace. “And how is that supposed to help them now?”, he asked, not sure how any of this will work. “Like I said, we put down something that belonged to them and was important because they will gravitate to the feelings still connected with that object. The flowers are helping, because they built a bridge between the living realm and what state they are in. Now we just need some words that they have a connection with, in the past it used to be certain prayers because people kept using them a lot, but you know it honestly doesn’t matter what you say, it just needs to be connected to them in some way. Maybe their favourite story or a lullaby, there are many possibilities.” “A lullaby, huh,” this was something Xiao hadn’t thought about in a long time. “Xiao, are you alright?”, he heard your voice from across the dark room. It was the middle of the night, normally he would be out killing monsters, but for tonight you were able to make him sleep with you. When you found out that he never sleeps you were shocked, though he tried to calm you saying that an adeptus didn’t need to sleep. “Maybe you don’t need to,” you told him with a stern look, hands on your hips, “but it will be good for you too, believe me!”. And somehow, after each of you confessed the feelings for the other, you were able to make him sleep next to you some nights. Just for that night his karmic debt plagued Xiao. He sat in front of your window, trying to keep his distance from you, not wanting to disturb your sleep and he didn’t want to worry you. “Xiao?”, you asked again, but instead of an answer Xiao growled in pain. Suddenly you were beside him. “Don’t”, he said through gritted teeth as you tried to touch him. “You’re in pain, let me help you.” He saw your worried painted face, ashamed that you had to see him like this. “It’s fine, I’m used to it. Don’t worry.” “Don’t tell me not to worry when I see the person I love most suffering,” and with that you took his hand. “Please Xiao, let me help you.” Even when he wasn’t in such a weakened state it was hard for Xiao to refuse you and now – all he wished for was your comforting touch. You led Xiao back to bed and when you noticed how he had a fever you quickly prepared a cold and wet towel for him. As you both lied down in bed you took Xiao in your arms. “I don’t know if this will help,” you began after a short amount of silence, “but when I was a child my mother always used to sing this lullaby to help me fall asleep. She even continued singing it when we were older and got sick… it always helps me feel better and at ease, shall I sing it to you?”. Xiao only gave a small nod, not believing it would help when you sang that song for the first time. But it did, you soothed his pain and helped him fall asleep. From that night on you would sing it more often to Xiao, he never asked for it but you somehow always knew when he wished to hear it, especially on the nights when is karmic debt caused him great pain. That lullaby became
another sign of how much you loved each other – the necklace was Xiaos gift, the song yours.
Now there he stood, in this forest that once was just a plain field, the flowers and necklace to his feet singing that lullaby. Xiao never sang it when you were alive, he never sang at all. No matter how much you begged him to sing for you, this was something he always refused to do. Thinking about how beautiful your voice sounded, he never wanted to soil this song with his voice.
It felt like you screamed for Xiao for hours and hours on end, but your voice doesn’t hurt. Where were you? What had happened? In your head you repeated and repeated the last things you could remember again and again. You were walking in the fields, wanting to collect some crystal flies for a commission. Then you remembered that you were attacked, who or what attacked you slipped your mind. However, the fight was tedious and hard… and then you called for Xiao. That’s it. That’s all you could remember. But where was he? Where was Xiao? Didn’t he say he would always come when you called out for him? Why didn’t he come now? You feared that he was still angry with you, though you didn’t know anymore why he even should be angry with you in the first place. The two of you had a fight yes, but… was that it? You spend so much time apart, did he just decide you weren’t worth his time anymore? Did he maybe stop loving you? Those thoughts filled you with dread and you wanted to cry, cry at the thought of Xiao not loving you anymore, but somehow you couldn’t. So you kept calling for him, over and over again. “Xiao,” you screamed. “XIAO!” And then you heard something, at first you weren’t sure what it was, but there was a noise. You stopped calling out for him, trying to focus on where the sound came from, following the direction. It got louder and – was that Xiao singing? The closer you came towards the sound, towards Xiaos voice singing that lullaby… your mothers’ lullaby, the lullaby that became yours and Xiaos. Which he always refused to sing, no matter how much you pleaded. The closer you came you started to remember the things that happened more clearly. How you didn’t want to call for Xiao at first that day, how something hit you in your stomach and how you felt the blood gusher out of you. Yes, you remember how you couldn’t stand anymore and all that was on your mind was Xiao, you wanted to see him again. Just once. You wanted to tell him how sorry you were, how stupid it was for you to fight and how stupid it was to wait this long to call for him. You wanted to say this to him, all of it. But all you remember you said was his name. “Xiao.”
He stopped singing, his head flying up seeing your ghost stand right in front of him. His name. You just said his name. “Xiao,” you said it again, this time he heard you say it clearly and you looked right at him, not through. “(Y/N)”, it came more out as whisper. This is what he wanted. He wanted you to see him, to get out of that limbo, but why does it still hurt as much? “Ah, seems like it worked, great!”, the director interrupted the moment, looking at Xiao and the ghost of you. “I ummm- I’m gonna leave the two of you alone for a while, so you can talk things out, say your goodbyes, yadayadayada.” With that the director walked away and it was just you and Xiao.
“I-“, Xiao began, but somehow his voice failed him. What was there to say? What should he say? “Xiao,” he heard the hesitance in your voice. “Xiao, I am dead, right?”. He couldn’t stand looking at you, his eyes avoiding yours as he gave his short answer. “Yes.” “I see,” you replied quietly. You slowly started to remember the nights you stood on the field, waiting for him to come. “Why,” you weren’t sure if you wanted an answer to your question, “why didn’t you come? After, you know… I- I waited for you. I called you. Why-?”. “I felt guilty. It was my fault, if I just hadn’t tried to push you away again, then you wouldn’t have died, I’m so sorry,” his voice was so quiet, but you could hear how he tried to hold back the tears. “Xiao,” at hearing his name again he looked back at you, you now seeing the tears that pooled at the corner of his eyes. “It wasn’t your fault. I shouldn’t have pushed you… and I should have called for you earlier. But Xiao,” you saw how the tears started to fall down his face, “it wasn’t your fault.” He couldn’t hold it in any longer, Xiao fell to his knees, hands in his face and crying. “Please,” he sobbed. “Please, forgive me. I should have protected you that day, I should have come here earlier and see what was happening… please, forgive me.” You walked towards Xiao, reaching out your hand, wanting to touch him. Wanting to take him in your arms, but you couldn’t. It broke your heart. “Xiao, please, please look at me,” he did, his eyes red and filled with his tears. “There is nothing to ask for forgiveness for, you did nothing wrong Xiao. It’s alright. I’m sorry for leaving so soon, for running away that day we had this stupid fight. I don’t even know what it was about…”. “I don’t know either”, Xiao admitted and somehow you had to laugh a bit at that. None of you ever remembered why you fought even in the first place, all of this nearly felt so normal. But it wasn’t. Xiao wiped away the tears from his eyes and stood up again, this time to be able to face you. You looked just like he remembered, except for the see-through part but… your smile hasn’t changed. Even if this was a sad one. “Xiao, how much time has passed since I died?” That question surprised him. “Around…”, he was hesitant to tell you the truth. Should he really tell you? “Xiao,” and you looked at him and he knew that he couldn’t hide the truth. “A thousand years perhaps.” Thousand years, you thought. For thousand years he walked around with this guilt, for thousand years he kept that necklace that still was on the ground… for thousand years he lived his life, still mourning you it seemed. “Did you get over me?”. Again, another question he didn’t expect. Why were you asking him this? Did he get over you? “No, every single day since you died you were on my mind, I couldn’t forget you and I do not wish to. I can never get over you.” This wasn’t the answer you hoped for. “Xiao, I’ve been dead for thousand years. Even if I hadn’t died that day, I would have died on another one. Thousand years compared to what, sixty? Maybe seventy years if I had lived a full life is nothing. Humans are weak after all, aren’t we?”. You didn’t mean to stir him up with your last comment, it was more intended as a joke, alas a sad one, but somehow you struck a nerve within him. “No, they are not. I always said that, but I was wrong (Y/N). I don’t understand how you human can live your life, knowing that you will die, that those you love will inevitably die. How you can idly sit next to people you care about forgetting important things, things about themselves, struggle to remember who they are, seeing them die… and you move forward. I watched over you humans for such a long time, protecting you and I still- I don’t understand how. How can they love again? Where does the strength come from to keep moving forward?”, Xiao’s voice was full of pain, you heard it clear as day, seeing how tears rolled down his face again. You felt that there were even other things weighing heavy on him, not only you, but you knew that you couldn’t comfort him. That this was
something he needed to figure out himself. “Xiao, you will learn. You will understand it one day, it just takes time.” Your voice heavy with sadness and oh, how you wished you could take him in your arms, wipe his tears away and kiss him.
Before Xiao could reply anything in return the director disturbed the two of you again. “So, are you ready now?”, looking directly at you. “No, but I stayed here for far too long now, didn’t I?”, a sad smile coming across your face. You really didn’t want to leave, but you knew you couldn’t stay any longer. It was time. “I will come with you as far as I can,” Xiao had wiped his tears away and stood now right next to you. If you still had a body your shoulders would touch.
Xiao and the director accompanied you to the border of life and death in silence. Before you crossed it you looked at Xiao. He looked so sad, as if he was to lose you a second time. “I wish,” you heard him say, “that you could stay just a bit longer. I know it’s selfish, but I just wished you could have stayed by my side forever. But you can’t stay, and you shouldn’t.” “Xiao, I feel the same. I wish I could have spent eternity with you, but I can’t and it okay. I just want to ask you for one thing, one last promise before I go, okay?”. Xiao looked at you with a heavy heart. “Yes.” “Promise me you will try to find happiness for yourself again, okay? Promise me you will love again, please. Don’t stay alone.” Silently Xiao looked at you to then finally say “I promise.” “Thank you Xiao,” Archons, you wished you could take his hand. “Now then,” you said looking in the directions you had to go. “Time to go.” “(Y/N)”, you heard Xiao say before you left. “I love you.” “I love you too, Xiao.” As Xiao and the director left the border, he stayed quiet, the atmosphere being quite sombre. “Maybe,” the director pulled Xiao out of his thoughts, “there is nothing behind the border and they stopped existing completely. But maybe their soul will now find a way back to you, just in another way? Who knows,” and with that the director left. Xiao didn’t know if he believed that you would find a way back to him, but as it started to rain and as it fell down on his skin, Xiao felt now lighter as if a heavy burden was taken off of him. With that he started to move forward again.
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crescentsteel · 4 years
When in Brazil - Sunshine
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pairing: Hinata x f!reader genre: SMUT wc: 6.6k warnings: fingering, oral, body worship, praise kink, hinata with big dik
I said to myself, lets make this quick and short. lol yea sure
No beta. This is Spartaaaaa 
My brain went bzzt bzzt after this. 
Let me know if you want to be part of the taglist for this mini series
Beach || masterlist
  “Are there any more deliveries for me, y/n?” The ginger asks while beaming at you like he hasn’t been delivering orders under the heat of the sun across Rio the whole afternoon. 
“We’re all good, Shoyo.” You smile back. He’s such an earnest part-timer that your mood just lifts up whenever you see him. You rarely find anyone like him. Even though he’s just delivering orders for the diner, he’s so dedicated to it. He’s not like one of your previous delivery guys who grumbles before and after work as if they’re not getting paid. Shoyo is different. His eyes are full of life, full of purpose.
You like seeing him around because his sincerity and politeness makes you feel like you’re not just some dumb waitress in some small diner. Aside from pleasing to talk to, he’s also pleasing to look at. He’s like a cute boy-next-door kind of guy.
“I’ll be going ahead then!”
“Wait!” He turns around with an inquisitive look on his face. You want to keep him around longer for tonight. It’s been a rough day for you and you could use some sunshine. “Actually, I’d appreciate some help closing up. I’ll serve you something for dinner in return.” His face brightens up at your request. There it is. Mr. Sunshine, indeed. 
“Sure, y/n! Just tell me what to do.” 
He’s an efficient help to have. What you usually do in 40 minutes or so was done in just 20. 
“Wow, I should ask you to help out more often,” you say jokingly. “No problem, y/n! I can help out after deliveries.” 
You wave your hand frantically. “Oh no no no. I was just kidding, Shoyo. I can’t always give you dinner. The owner would notice when we do inventory.” You laugh apprehensively.
“You don’t have to! I don’t mind staying for a few minutes to help out after deliveries.”
You stare at him with an appreciative smile on your face. Bless his pure heart. Boys in Brazil could learn from him. “Alright. I’ll be in the kitchen to prepare your food real quick.”
He seats himself in one of the vacant lounges, grinning at you as you enter the kitchen. Since it was just him, you get it done in ten minutes or less. When you get out of the tiny room, he’s like a puppy salivating at the tray you’re holding. 
“Here you go, sir.” You jokingly say.
He doesn’t respond as his eyes twinkle at the food you laid out in front of him. Poor Shoyo. He must have been starving or maybe he’s just glad for the free food.
You decide to clean up the kitchen and the counter while you wait for him to finish, but he ate so fast that he’s done before you are. 
When he sees you still occupied, he takes it upon himself to get his used cutleries and wash it. He easily finds where to put them and he even wipes the table he sat on. If ever he asks you for another job, you’d instantly recommend him to the owner to replace one of the staff who’s basically a sloth. 
You two almost finish at the same time. 
“Thank you so much for the dinner, y/n.” He bows. You’re thrown off at first, but you remember that he’s from Japan. 
“Thank you, Shoyo. Seriously. The help is nothing compared to the food.” You get out of the cashier and get your bag. You remove your apron and shove it there before leading him out of the diner as you lock it up. 
“I’ll walk you home, y/n.” 
You wave your hand dismissively. He’s done so much already. “No, it’s fine. You must be tired.” 
He shakes his head in disagreement. “Not really! I wanna walk a bit too, but if you’re uncomfortable with it, I-”
“It’s okay!” You interrupt him. You do appreciate it if he’d accompany you home. You just thought he’s doing it to be kind and polite. “It’d be nice to chat with someone on the way home.” You tell him. He keeps his bicycle at his right while you’re at his left. 
Even as the night is fully settled in, Shoyo’s energy is still soaring as he narrates why he’s here in Rio. No wonder his eyes are always gleaming vividly. He wants to accomplish something badly that he traveled halfway across the world in a foreign country. And as you get sucked in his story, you don’t notice you’re at your apartment already. 
“I live right here. Do you wanna come in for tea or beer or whatever?” You invite him, wanting to hear more of his Volleyball journey. He seems glad from your invitation. Maybe he wanted someone to talk about it too.
“I’m okay with just water.”
You open your door and hold it out open for him. “You sure?”
He nods sprightly which makes you smile at the pure innocence he exudes. He eyes your whole place when he gets inside. “Wow. You live all alone, y/n?”
“Uh huh. I don’t like having roommates.”
“I think I’d get more homesick if I lived all alone,” he remarks.
From being awed, you begin to feel bad for him. It must be really tough to be so far away. “Well, you can always come here if you feel like talking or stuff,” you offer earnestly. You don’t mind him visiting every now and then. He’s such a positive energy amongst the dread of your everyday routine that’s constantly draining you. Also, You can’t imagine him being one of those guys who just hang out to get a slice of action. 
Since then, he frequently came over. 
On the days when he had deliveries for your diner, he’d help you close up. Instead of getting him dinner from the small diner, you two would get something on the way to your apartment or you’d fix him a quick meal when you get there.
He’s a comfortable company. Because he’s quite the talker, he never runs out of things to say. He not only talks about his life in Japan, but also here in Rio. You practically know all his friends here just from his stories.
“Didn’t they say anything when you wanted to leave?” You prod when he opened up missing his family. “They did, but they still pushed me to do it. They know what’s it for, and they know I’ll be back.”
“What about your girlfriend?”
A soft blush surfaces on his cheeks as he chuckles nervously. “I don’t have one.”
“Oh? Who’s the cute girl in your wallpaper then?” You’ve seen it several times when he looks at the time with his phone.
“She’s our Volleyball manager and a really good friend,” he explains as he gets his phone to show you something. “She’s been with the team since I was a first year.” He shows you a photo of him, a black-haired guy who’s probably Kageyama, and the cute blonde girl. 
Your attention all goes to him, his innocent beam at the camera while his arms are sprawled in the air. “Oh my God,” you exclaim while staring at the photo.
“You were so skinny!”
You look back and forth from the screen of his phone to him, comparing how he looked like then and how he looks like now. You pull your chair closer to him so you can scrutinize him more. He looked so young and pure back then. Literally, just a kid.  
You gape at him, marveling at how his features have changed so much. Even if he still has that baby face, his face has definitely gained structure. And the scrawny boy in the photo? You can’t find that anymore with the Shoyo in front of you right now. He even has a nice tan going on that suits him so well. 
Without thinking, your hands fly to his shoulders to grasp the muscle he’s built after high school, squeezing them firmly before trailing down to his well-defined chest. Damn, he really put some nice work to achieve this. You drag your hands down to see how his abs are and holy crap, he’s fucking lean. 
Your gaze drops further just below where your hands are and see a faint outline of what he’s hiding beneath his shorts. 
You immediately remove your hands off of him and raise your palms in mid air. “I’m so sorry! That was so perv- I mean rude of me to do that all of a sudden.” You apologize in a panicked tone, hoping that he didn’t think you were being handsy, even if you really were. 
“I was just amazed because you looked so different from the photo and uh..” you laugh to make up for the missing excuses you were supposed to say. 
He laughs with you, a timid smile gracing his face.
“It’s okay, y/n. You can continue touching me if you want.”
You squirm as you put your hands to your lap, clutching your shorts from the sudden thick air that engulfs the room. He sounded harmless. Even his face is his usual good-natured facade. But those words meant something else to you, an invitation to touch him more.
You let out a tense tither before turning to him. “No no! Haha. I’m fine. It was just on impulse.”
In an attempt to hide the awkwardness, you gather his used dishes and cutleries. “Let me get these washed up.” You stand up and hurriedly get to the sink. 
What was that weird sexual tension? That over there in your dining table is just your nice delivery boy, Shoyo. You’re nothing but co-workers who are just friendly to each other.
You let the cold water run on your fingers and wrists while you wash the dishes. You need to get back to him composed and cooled off. You want your relationship as it is now. You don’t want to feel awkward and bothered.
So what if you just realized that he’s hot and nice and completely alone with you?
“Do you need help with anything, y/n?
You yelp at the sound of his voice so close behind you. You can feel his warm breath fanning your neck and his body hovering at your back. He’s barely pressing against your back but you can already feel the ends of your hairs prickling your skin. 
“Wah! Why are you having goosebumps, y/n? Are you cold??”
“Yeah. It is a bit windy tonight.” You lie with a tense chuckle as you hasten your task so you could escape the situation. To worsen things for you, he places both hands on your bare shoulders and caresses them up and down to create heat. 
“I hope this is warm enough,” he says concernedly. 
It’s more than just warm. He’s supposed to create friction by rubbing your shoulders, but he’s skimming so gently on your skin that it’s fueling a different kind of heat stemming from your core from the supposed friendly gesture he’s doing to you. You fight off the urge to clench your thighs together for he might notice it since he’s just a hair away behind you. 
You saw him as a nice guy but his hands are making you feel otherwise. You had to bite your lower lip to suppress a whimper that was at the tip of your tongue. You can pass it off as a groan of relief, but with your current state, it might sound sexual. Since when were you this sensitive?
“Do you want me to prepare your green tea?” he kindly offers. 
“Yes, please,” you answer weakly. 
He takes his hands off you and gets you your green tea as he suggested to. You breathe a sigh of relief when he leaves. You feel like you’re about to break from how heavy his sexual pull is on you. Is he even aware? 
You dry your hands and saunter back to your dining table to take a seat and give your legs a break. Shoyo places the cup of tea in front of you and sits beside you. 
“Why do you always drink that, y/n? It doesn’t taste good.” 
“It’s to help me lose weight.” You draw the cup to your lips and take a sip. 
“Ehh? But you already look hot as you are.”
You almost choked on your tea from what he just said. You weren’t expecting such an adjective from him. With trembling fingers, you return the cup to the table. “You okay, y/n?” He asks worriedly. 
You clear your throat. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
He can’t help but notice that you’ve been on the edge since you felt him up. He believes that you did it with no malicious intent, so he really didn’t mind. He knows that all you think of him is a good help to the diner. That’s why you comfortably invited him to your home, but he can see right now that he’s made you uncomfortable for some reason.
Maybe you’re really embarrassed with what just happened even if he did say it was fine. He really was okay with you touching him, even if it was something more than just touching. But it’s not like you see him like that.
He likes you a lot, so he should just go so he doesn’t make you any more uneasy. “It’s getting late, so I’ll go now, y/n.” 
When he stands up, you immediately follow. “Oh? Already?” You ask with a hint of disappointment in your voice, which makes him a bit confused. Did you not want him to? 
“Do you want me to stay for a bit longer?”
You look at him hesitantly before shaking your head. He smiles amicably at you for the usual hospitality you’ve given him. “Thanks for the dinner, y/n.” He looks at the time and heads for the door. 
He shifts his body to your direction while he waits for what you’re going to say “I- uhhh. Sorry about a while ago.”
He strides back to where you are and grabs your hand, slowly leading it to his chest with a faint grin playing on the corners of his lips. “It really is okay, y/n.” When your palm lands on his pecs, you just let it stay in one spot as you look at him differently than usual. You regard him with doe eyes gleaming with baffled curiosity.
With his grip still on your wrist, he does the work for you and guides your hand down to where you touched him just a while ago. Your line of sight follows your hand while his is completely focused on you, anticipating your reaction if you’re satisfied with just this.
He lets go of your wrist, allowing you to do as you please. You raise your gaze to meet his, your eyes asking him for permission.
“I really don’t mind, y/n.” 
Your other hand goes to his bicep, firmly grasping it before you take one step closer to him. Both 
your hands travel to his midsection, the feel of your delicate caress making his thoughts not as friendly as it used to be. Especially with how impressed you look with your hands all over him.
“Can I touch you too?” He blurts out without thinking. 
He instantly regrets it when he sees the surprised look on your face as you pull your hands away.
“No! I didn’t mean t-“
You silence him instantly by putting a hand over his mouth. “I didn’t say anything,” you mutter as you usher his one hand to your waist.
You remove your hand from his mouth and use it to lead his other hand on your neck. You don’t know what you’re doing. You keep your eyes on his neck while he languidly roams his left hand on the small of your back until his arm is wrapped around you. He doesn’t move his right hand away from your neck. He only strokes it tenderly with his thumb. 
You swallow the lump in your throat as you raise your gaze to him. “Can we do more than just touching?”
Instead of answering him, you yield to the heavy sensual pull that you’ve been trying to ignore earlier. You slowly reach for his lips, wanting to gradually settle yourself in the present situation.
But when your lips touched his, he didn’t share the same idea you had as he wastes no time exploring your mouth with his. All the hesitation he had is gone with his hand dropping down to your ass to give it a firm squeeze which draws you even closer to him, letting you feel his erection against your core. 
He doesn’t take his mouth off of yours as he leads you to the dining table, taking both of your ass cheeks in his hands and carrying your weight as he guides you to sit at the edge of the table. 
When you’re comfortably seated, he tugs the flank of your shirt and hurriedly takes it off you. You want to look at him to see what he looks like when he’s not being the nice Shoyo you used to see him as. But he gets back to your mouth in just a second, sticking his tongue out to let it wander inside your warm cavern. 
His hands immediately find the clasp of your bra and unhooks it with ease. That’s when he pulled away. His eyes are glued to your body as he removes the undergarment slowly, as if he’s unwrapping his gift with the slow reveal of your breasts.
His eyes glimmer with delight when he completely slides the clothing off your arms. It kinda makes you conscious with the way he’s staring at you, like his eyes are burning through your skin. You use one arm to cover your boobs, but he instantly sees through your plan. 
As soon as you lift your arm, soft panic sets off in his eyes. He immediately grips your wrist and slams your hand against the table.
“But you were staring too much.”
His gaze drops down again to your unclad breasts with reverence. “Cause you’re pretty.” He leans down on you again, his plush lips just within an easy reach from yours. “So pretty that I can’t stop staring.” 
You expect him to kiss you again, but his mouth latches on your jaw instead, nipping the sensitive skin beneath it. A soft sigh comes out of your already parted lips while his palms trace the length of both your arms up to your shoulders. He kisses his way down to your collar bones, savoring any skin that his lips graze upon until he reaches one soft mound. 
His hands follow the trails of his lips, one finding its way on the curve of your hip while the other stops on your breast where his mouth isn’t latched onto.
He delivers sloppy kisses, sucking on your perk nipple and swirling his tongue on it like it was a treat. The other bud isn’t left out as he plays with it, tweaking it between his thumb and index finger. 
Your breathing starts to become shallow from the surge of desire spreading throughout your body. 
He cups both sides of your boobs and pushes them together before he continues on, letting his tongue toy with your nipples almost simultaneously. He’s so into it that his teeth accidentally scrape one bud.
He immediately stops and looks at you apologetically, misunderstanding the moan that came from you.
“No. It felt good,” you feebly tell him.
His eyes brighten up and gets back to what he’s doing. He takes the hard bud in between his teeth, tugging it lightly as he looks up to you, his orbs eager for your approval. It spurs you on even more. You give him one nod as you feel your cunt throbbing from how your arousal is heightening by the minute. 
“Shoyo,” you call him weakly which he didn’t seem to hear. 
He lets go of your breasts and licks his way down right on top of your shorts, leaving a trail of saliva on your skin. He unbuttons your shorts, the sound of your zipper being rolled down letting you know what he’s planning. 
“Shoyo.” You call out louder this time, causing his hand to rest on your groin. “Let’s go to my room already.” You expect him to be glad, but he frowns. “But I want to taste you already. Please, y/n? I want to eat you out here.”
Your legs quiver from how much he wants you, his eagerness affecting you as you yourself get impatient and wonder how his tongue would feel on your pussy. 
“Do it.” He smiles at your approval as you lift your ass off the table to help him get your shorts off. You aren’t surprised that he tugs your underwear together with it as he peels it off you. You’re starting to get an idea how he is at bed - impatient, excitable, and eager to please.
A subtly smirk tugs up your lips when you realize you’re in for a fun night. 
He doesn’t notice it though. He takes a step back to relish the vision that you are. His eyes are completely focused on your bare body with keen hunger as he traces every curve in sight. You indulge him a bit by spreading your legs apart for him to see.
His eyes don’t leave your cunt while he drags the chair he’s previously sitting on. He spreads your legs even further as he sits down. He places his thumbs on your inner thighs, gently caressing them before he stripes one thumb on your slit.
“You’re so wet, y/n,” he says right before dipping down and tracing his tongue where his thumb just did earlier. He continues doing so, licking up and down the length of your opening as you lean your head back to enjoy what he’s giving you. He eagerly slurps on your juices, lapping on your slit with his hot tongue.
He uses his thumbs to spread your folds that surround your clit, exposing the swollen bud for him to taste. When he gives it a delicate, languid lick, your one hand frantically grips his hair. He takes it up a notch and inserts his middle finger inside .
“Haaa,” you moan out loud which urges him on even more. He pumps his finger inside you, gradually picking up the pace when you start squirming within his hold. 
“Another,” you tell him breathlessly.
“Another what?” He asks cluelessly while his mouth continues ravaging your clit. “Add another finger,” you answer to which he complies immediately. He stretches you even more with the addition of one thick, calloused finger inside.
He looks up at you, parting his mouth away from your pussy to show you his two digits that are half inside you. “Like this?” 
You nod. “Yeah. Like,” He suddenly shoves the two fingers knuckles deep into you. “thathnnnnggg.” You clutch his hair tighter while your mouth gapes at the instant fullness you feel down in your center. His eyes don't leave your face anymore as he latches his mouth back on your hardened clit. 
You’re whining while grinding on his face, getting wetter even as he relentlessly drinks your lewd essence. He loves the look on your face, blissed out and completely lost in the moment. He loves how you keep trying to close your legs together even with his arm not allowing you to do so. He loves the desire glimmering clearly in your eyes as you meet his gaze while he feasts on your pussy. 
He already got aroused the first time you touched him. Seeing you unravel before him gets his cock throbbing painfully within his shorts. He’s so tempted to remove his arm and let you crush him between your thighs so he can palm his cock.
He doesn’t even know if you’d let him go any further than this. What if after you cum you change your mind and ask him to go home? There wouldn’t be anything wrong with that. He’ll just replay the scene before him as he jacks off in his own room. 
His one hand goes inside his shorts and takes out his cock, causing your thigh to waver without his support. He grasps the base of his dick, squeezing it firmly, easily distracting himself with his own pleasure as he moans in your cunt. 
You immediately notice. You see him firmly gripping his member, pumping it steadily up and down with eyes closed as he slows down his ministrations with you. You cup his face, forcing him to open his eyes and look at you again. “Stop fucking yourself. I’ll do it with my mouth after you make me cum.”
He stops like you asked him to. “Really?” His eyes pleading with lust to uphold your erotic promise. “Yeah. So make cum already,” you brazenly order him. He tucks his cock back in his shorts right away, using his arm once again to spread you wide. His mouth, lips, and fingers pick up the pace, thrusting swiftly in and out of your while flicking and sucking at your clit.
“Ooohhh fuck.” You claw on your wooden table from the rapid build up of pleasure. You can feel the heat in your groin, spreading quickly through your body. “Yes, yesss. Don’t stop,” you mindlessly whine. Everything he’s doing is pushing you further to your release - the friction and fullness provided by his fingers and the wild strokes of his tongue on your clit. He suddenly curves his fingers, hitting just the right spot that blurred your vision from how good it feels. 
“Cumming... am cumming, Shoyo!!” You trash helplessly on his face as the pleasure floods your senses, but he doesn’t stop. He only slows down, matching your post-orgasm state as you come down from your high. 
You tug his hair up while panting to catch your breath. “Come here.” He stands up and you reach for the back of his head to cover his mouth with yours, tasting your own fluids in his lips. “Help me get down,” you whisper to him. 
He effortlessly grabs the back of your thighs to get you to stand again. Once your feet reach the floor, you release his lips and drag him to your room. 
Once inside, you lock lips with him again as you scurry towards your bed. You get him to lie down as you straddle him, your wetness rubbing on the bulge of his shorts. You hurriedly remove his clothes, itching to see the delicious muscles you touched only with his shirt on. He helps you as he tugs down his shorts and underwear, his last piece of clothing thrown somewhere on the floor. 
You bite your lower lip as your eyes roam on his body. He should thank beach volleyball for the tan and the jaw-dropping build. Your gaze falls on his naked bulge that you saw a glimpse of earlier. Damn. You weren’t seeing things earlier. He really is packing down there. 
“Is something wrong?” He asks with a worried look, returning your gaze back at him. “Nothing’s wrong. Everything’s,” Your eyes get distracted with how he gulps, your gaze lingering down again on his gorgeous chest. “..fine.”  
You return the favor, starting on his neck. You plant your arms on his shoulder as you move your hips up, resting your cunt on his toned abs. You deliver soft kisses on the delicate skin of his neck, letting your tongue sneak a few licks as you go down on him until his cock is within the reach of your mouth. 
You position yourself in between his legs as you grip his shaft. His hips lift up from the contact. You watch his reactions as you start to drag your palm around his member up and down. He’s already heaving with lips parted as he takes the pleasure you’re giving him with eyes closed. You find it cute - how he’s this sensitive when you’re barely done anything yet. 
You gather your spit and let it drool at his cock, the translucent liquid glazing the tip down to the base. You trace his length with your index finger, from the tiny slit of his tip down to his balls. You go back up to the head of his cock, but you do it with your tongue instead of your finger. 
You peek at him again. He’s semi sitting up with his elbows on the cushion as he glues his eyes on your tongue on his dick. You grip him again, tighter this time before pressing one digit firmly on his tip. He throws his head back from the pressure and you use that chance to take his thick girth in your mouth
His thighs tremble as he lets out a euphoric moan while you sink lower and lower on his dick. “Your mouth -aahhh so gooood.” 
He really likes you and thinks you’re fun to talk to, but sometimes he’d catch himself fantasizing about you when he gets home and ends up masturbating at the thought of you sucking him off. But his right hand doesn’t even compare to the actual warmth of your lips wrapped around his dick at present.
He keeps his eyes on you, which is a bad idea for him since it’s only quickening the pleasure that was boiling at the pit of his stomach. But he can’t help but stare at you. You look so good, so pretty, with your ass up as you suck him even faster.
He can feel his cum threatening to explode already. He feels so lame, but your mouth just feels so magnificent that he can’t hold it in any further. “Stop, y/n. Please~ aah ahhh gonna cum already.” He doesn’t want you to be disappointed with him, but it’s as if you didn’t hear him. You even go deeper while quickening your pace.
He gives in to it, gripping your hair as the peak of his pleasure takes over. He expects you to pull away, but you continue sucking, letting him shoot his load at the back of your throat. 
You take all of it, swallowing every drop he let out in your mouth. You did hear him say stop, but the lascivious delight on his face contradicted his words. You had to let him finish even if that meant you won’t get to feel how his cock feels inside your already sopping pussy. 
You sit up as you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. As for Shoyo, he covers his eyes with his forearm while he pants. You start to get up and head for your drawers when you feel him grab your wrist before you can even leave the bed
“Where are you going?” He asks. 
“To get dressed.”
“But we’re not done yet?”
You appreciate the thought. He really is such a generous guy, but.. “It’s fine, Shoyo. You don’t have to force it. You’re already soft??” Your statement becomes a question when you see his arousal still erect. 
You don’t know whether to be amused or amazed at that, so you end up staring dumbfounded at him who’s still lying on his back.
He grins at you as he sits up straight and goes for your lips. It wasn’t soft and gentle like you expect from someone who just came. He seems even hungrier, more eager for you. 
He guides your hand to his shaft, confirming that he’s hard and ready to continue with what you have in mind. You smile into the kiss, curious and excited as to how he feels inside your pussy. Horny as you are, you throw yourself at him which causes him to lie back down again with you on top of him. 
As your tongues clash against one another, you rub your moist slit against his erection, teasing both yourself and him while doing so. He’s groaning in your mouth while he keeps one hand on the back of your head and the other firmly gripping your waist. “Y/n, can I put in already?” He asks with hazy eyes even though his hand on your waist goes down to his cock and aligns it on your folds.
“Mmm, wait.” You lift yourself off of him and reach for your purse that was hanging on one of the metal bed frames. You quickly get a condom and throw your purse somewhere. You tear the packet and remove his hand from his shaft to unroll the rubber on it while he watches. You take over his previous attempt and position the tip on your entrance. You place a palm on his stomach to anchor yourself as you lower yourself on him. 
He stares at you mesmerized while you wince from how his cock is spreading you open. You ball your fist that was still on his abdomen, trying to get used to the discomfort even if he’s still not fully inside you. He recovers first and glances back on how you’re doing. 
“Shoyo, you’re-ughhh-big,” you tell him with a pained expression. “I- I am?” He asks with pink streak surfacing on his cheeks, flattered from what you said. You nod while sinking lower until you finally cover the last inch, taking him entirely inside you.
He whips his head back on to the pillow with his cock completely sheathed inside the tight warmth of your pussy. He thought your mouth was already marvelous, but the way your walls deliciously envelop his cock is way beyond his wet dreams. 
Your hand joins the other, supporting yourself as you slowly lift your hips up and descend back down with the same agonizing tempo. While you adjust to his size, he keeps his eyes on his cock disappearing each bob of your hip. 
From your pussy, he rakes his eyes up to your naked body glimmering with sweat. You look so beautiful with your eyes shut, gaping lips, and tits bouncing altogether as you speed up. “You look so fucking pretty, y/n.” Your eyes flutter open from the unexpected vulgarity he uttered. It wasn’t like him, but it wasn’t forced either. He regards you with lust swimming in his orbs, the courteous friendship you two have totally erased as of this moment. 
You still for a second before you remove your hands off him and place them on his thighs as you lean back. You spread your thighs and plant the soles of your feet on your bed. You see his eyes widen because of the view. Rather bouncing up and down, you gyrate on his cock. It’s supposed to be a show for him, but with his size, you feel his cock gloriously scrape your insides with the circular movement of your hips. 
“Shit!” You curse before you close your eyes again as you start grinding on him. You don’t start slow this time. You impatiently roll your hips against his, driving his cock deep inside you each plunge. You didn’t think it would get any better than this until you feel his thumb on your neglected cit.
“Oh ffffuuuck.” You can’t even open your eyes anymore while his two fingers replace his thumb and rub the sensitive bud frantically. You could feel the pleasure escalating faster and faster with every salacious thrust of your hip and his every flick of your clit..
“Are you gonna cum, y/n?” You hear him ask. 
“Yesss. Am gonna cuuuuuummmm.” You clutched his legs tighter when your orgasm hits, your vision blurry when you open your eyes as you ride it out. He pulls your panting self to his chest and tenderly caresses your back.
He sweeps your hair behind your ear and whispers. “Did that feel nice?” 
You nod weakly. “Did you cum?” You ask in return. You were so occupied in your own pleasure that you lost awareness of his. He chuckles lowly. “No.”
“Oh..” You lift yourself up a bit to meet his gaze and apologize. 
“Why are you saying sorry? We aren’t done yet.”
What he said as a question earlier became a statement. Something changed in his eyes, a spark of determination that isn’t there earlier.
“Let’s just continue next time, Shoyo. I’m kind of tired,” you explain.
“There’s a next time?!” His eyes shine with enthusiasm which makes you laugh softly.
“Sure. Why not?” You lift your hips up but his hands quickly go down your ass and crash you back down, shoving his dick back in you hard and deep.
“Thanks, y/n. But don’t worry about being tired. I’ll move instead,” he hums on your ear as he spreads your ass cheeks and pummels his cock wildly into your sensitive pussy.
You moan on his neck at the savage pace he starts with. “Shoyo, pleaseee. Sloweer mmmmm.”
“But why?” He whines. You can’t answer with how ferociously he’s rutting against you, his dick consistent with its swift thrusts. “Shit, your pussy feels amazing. So good, fuck.” His crude words of praise fan your pleasure that was rapidly filling your senses again. 
He rams your hips down to meet one sharp thrust. You gasp from how deep his cock went inside you. “Aaah!” 
“Do I make you feel good, y/n?”
You nod weakly as you grind slowly on his cock, desperate to chase your pleasure but too tired from your earlier stunt.
“Please, move,” you whisper with exhaustion.
“Tell me first. I want to hear it,” he demands.
“Too good, Shoyo. Your cock feels too good. So please, fuck me again already,” you shamelessly beg as his cock throbs inside you. 
Instead of granting your plea, he takes his cock out and pulls you to lie underneath him. He parts your legs apart for him and jams his dick right back inside. That’s when he indulges you, thrusting his size in and out of you at an unforgiving pace. 
He leans down on you, intertwining his fingers with yours as he pins both your hands on the bed. “Do you like this, y/n?” 
“I love it. Please please pleaaaaseee. Don’t stop mmmmmm,” you babble messily as your impending orgasm overwhelms you.
He clumsily kisses you, his teeth grazing your lips as slips his tongue in before covering his mouth with yours. He’s groaning relentlessly on your mouth while drilling his dick in your cunt. “You gonna cum?” 
“Yeaass haaa.” Your moans become louder and louder each thrust. “Gonna cum like this? With-ugh-my cock inside you?”
His obscene words make you writhe beneath him. You arch your back from the intense pleasure. He dips down on one nipple and fervidly sucks it. “Gonna c-aahhhhhhh.” You thrash violently beneath him as your hands clench his to ground yourself from the explosive orgasm that he caused.
“Fuck, yes. Cum on my cock, uhhh. Like that. Shit.”
His thrusts become erratic as he goes after his own orgasm while he milks yours. You hazily open your eyes and watch him chase his high with eyes shut and parted lips, animalistic pleasure taking over his features. He delivers one swift thrust and stays completely still, his dick twitching inside you as he cums.
You both pant heavily with him on top of you.
You open the door for him and bid him goodnight. Your legs feel like crap but you don’t want to just drive him away on his own.
“Thanks for tonight, Shoyo.”
You’re not sure what you’re thanking him for, the company or the sex. Maybe both. 
“Um, y/n?” 
“Will there really be a next time?” He asks apprehensively, totally different from his demeanor from your last moments in bed. It’s kinda amusing. You didn’t think he had that in him.
“You’ll still help me close up the diner, right?” You ask meaningfully.
He beams at you. “Of course.”
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@ameliaxo @suikrem​ @akaashisslavee @tsumurai  @celestialarchiveshq​ @loving-unicorns106 @flairlust @crescenttooru @yashuaaa @liberhoe​
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raineydays411 · 4 years
Oh,what am I supposed to do without you.
Loki x daughter!reader pt 2
Summary: You never knew your mother, but from the journal your Uncle Thor gave you, you knew she was a special women. You also knew that you were the splitting image of her.
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Loki’s POV
Silence. That's all he heard now. No more sweet laughter. No more soft humming as she walked through the garden. No more mumbled words of love and whispers of sweet nothings. No all her heard was silence. Silence in the chambers that once belonged to the both of them. Silence as he walked the halls of a busy palace. Full of people but he was always alone. Silence..in the nursery that has been empty for nearly sixteen years. The bright beautiful colors, dull and covered in a layer if dust. But what else is new, everything has been dull since his beloved has died. 
After he had his daughter sent away, Thor had been on more off world missions. He would leave for long periods of time and only come back to visit. Frigga would look at Loki with disappointed and pitiful eyes, that he would pointedly ignore. And while Loki managed to pull himself together and leave his room, he still had this dark depressing cloud over him. He was barely holding it together. 
He was just...dark. His mischievous ways became cruel. Harmless pranks he used to play turned into mean tricks. His dry wit became cruel taunts. And when he wasn’t tormented people he was distant. There have been several times maids have found him staring out windows or at walls just lost in thought. Thinking of the life he could have had. A happy life with his wife and a child. 
If only...
Millions of light years away in Midgard, or earth, there was you. Y/n Odinson. After being sent away by Loki, Thor had taken you to live with Heimdall wanting to keep you close and true to your asgardian roots. But with Heimdall being the literal guardian of worlds and you growing to be a rather curious child, it wasn’t really a good match. So Thor took you to the only other place he could think of.
The Avengers HQ.
At first the team wasn’t too fond of the idea. Having a kid running around a superhero base isn’t really ideal. But after a while you won them over. Everyone absolutely adored you. Tony bought you any and everything you ever wanted, Bruce was your go to for advice, Steve doted on you and played with you whenever you wanted, Natasha was your self proclaimed aunt, and Clint was your fun uncle. Hell even Bucky found himself wrapped around your little finger. Yes, you had a wonderful life indeed.
But even though you could have anything you ever wanted, you still felt like you were missing something. Your parents.
You knew you were an asgardian. Your uncle Thor made sure you stayed true to your roots and you remembered the little time you spent on the planet. But you had no idea who your parents were. Every time you asked, Thor would always manage to change the subject. Other than the Avengers, who were more like aunts and uncles, you didn’t really have parents.
Now you knew you didn’t need them. You had a whole family of people who loved you like their own. But you couldn’t help but feel like there was something missing.
It wasn’t until a few days after your sixteenth birthday that you learned the truth. 
See you always knew you were asgardian, but never knew who your parents truly were. You couldn’t remember your life in Asgard, much less your parents. Thor refused to tell you who your parents were. The most you got out of him was that you looked almost exactly like your mother and that she was the sweetest person he knew. 
So when your fingers started turning a light blue and ice started shooting out of them, it was a little surprising to say the least. It happened on your birthday. Tony decided that it would be a wonderful idea to throw you a surprise party. And usually, you wouldn’t mind it as you’re actually pretty good at socializing. But ever since you woke up, you haven’t been feeling too well. Your head has been hurting, you felt light headed, and you just felt cold. Your hands and toes felt as if you were standing in the snow for hours.
 As you were walking into the common room, the Avengers and some of your friends popped out, scaring the absolute crap out of you. Resulting in you pulling an Elsa and then passing out. And while everyone fussed over you, trying to figure out what the hell happened, Thor was planning on taking you to Asgard.
After persuading the team ( specifically Bucky and Tony), you found yourself behind Thor as he was greeted by a man who looks a lot like Idris Elba. 
“Heimdall!!” Thor boomed embracing the man “It’s wonderful to see you again my friend.” 
“Thor, its been too long!” Heimdall says with a smile,” Does the all father know about our dear visitor?” He says, golden eyes looking into yours. Your face grows hot under his gaze as you smile at him shyly. His face softens at the sight of you.
“Y/n, welcome home” He says with a nod of his head. Your eyes widen as you distinctly remember not telling him your name. Thor and Heimdall chuckle at the look of surprise on your face
“Moonlight, Heimdall was the first person to take care of you before the Avengers” Thor said chuckling. 
“Oh, then its lovely to see you again” You say, not really knowing what to say.
Heimdall smiles and whispers to Thor, “ Does your brother know about this?” 
Thor winces, “No...” 
Heimdall stares at him for a bit before rolling his eyes. “My dear” He says to you,”You’re uncle is a buffoon.” You giggle at his words. Not understanding the severity of your presence.
“Come Y/n, lets get you settled in.” Thor says and you say goodbye to Heimdall, walking across the rainbow bridge in awe.
As you walk through the streets of Asgard, you noticed people staring at you. They whispered to each other as you passed by. You thought it was because Thor was home, but you had a weird feeling. 
“Hey, uncle Thor?” you whisper
“Yes darling?”
“Why are they staring at me?”
“Oh...uh. ....cause you’re dressed in midgardian garments. when we get to the castle we’ll get you something to wear” Thor says nervously. You squint at his excuse. “Okayy” you say weirded out by his behavior.
Finally reaching the palace, you look around in awe. It looked like something out of a fantasy book. Thor lead you through the halls when a beautiful woman sped towards the two of you. 
“Thor!” she said wrapping him in a hug.”welcome home my son”
“Mother” Thor says hugging her back,”I have missed you”
“Oh this is Frigga” you think to yourself. You feel a slight pang of jealousy, seeing Thor be embraced by his mother. But you push that thought aside when they break apart and Thor beckons you over. 
“Mother...this is Y/n.” He says slowly. Frigga freezes at your name. 
“Y/n?” She whispers, looking at you with wide eyes. She steps closer you you and puts her hands on your face and stares into your eyes.
“Oh, I’d know those eyes anywhere.” She says. “ Oh darling”
She pulls you into a loving embrace, startling you. “I haven’t seen you since you were but a babe.” she holds you at arms length. “Oh you...you look just like..” She stops herself, shaking her head and wipes away tears. “Look at me, crying all over you” 
You smile,”It’s okay, its lovely to meet you.” 
Frigga laughs,” Yes, I am so happy you are here. Come, let me show you where you can rest.” As she leads you out of the room, she turns to Thor and says, “Thor, don’t forget to mention our guest to your brother.” And with that she wraps her arm around your shoulders and leads you to a guest room, asking about your life and interest. 
You answer, blissfully unware or the dread running through Thor's body at the thought of confronting his brother.
Loki's POV
Thor slowly walked to the chambers, regretting every choice he  has made till now. He knew there were two way Loki would handle the news. He’d either go ballistic or completely disappear for however long Y/n was there. 
For his sake and hers, he'd prefer that latter option.
Finally reaching his room, Thor stood in front of the door. He was trying to figure out how to tell Loki his long lost daughter that he disowned was in the palace. Oh and she doesn’t know who her parents are. And that him and his team of superheroes have been raising her.....and that she has ice powers. 
Loki, sat in his room reading noticed shadows under his door. Rolling his eyes, he thought it was the maids again. They always hesitated to knock on his door. 
“What do you want?” Loki says in a monotone voice, opening the door only to his his brother standing their with a sheepish look on his face.”Thor.. you’re home.”
“Brother! How lovely to see you” Thor said loudly. “ I just came to ...uh..came to..”
Loki looked at him in irritation and confusion. “Came to what?” 
“Came to invite you to dinner!” Thor said grinning nervously
“What? no flowers?” Loki deadpanned 
“Oh hush brother” Thor said. “I have been away for so long, and I would be overjoyed if you came to my welcome home dinner.” 
“If I agree, will you leave me be?” Loki said. finally irritated with his brothers presence. 
“Yes!” Thor said. “ Wonderful...”
Loki looked at him weirdly again and nodded, but before he closed the door Thor started talking.
“Brother, tell me, how have you been?” He asked
“Wonderful, now do you mi-“ “Be honest.”
Loki glares at his brothers words and stays silent for a while. Then he sighs and steps aside, letting Thor in his room.
“I don’t know.” He finally says, looking down at the floor.
“You..don’t know?” Thor repeats, not understanding the response.
“Yes. At first I was devastated, I was angry. But now...now I feel empty. Like there’s something in my life that I’m missing.” Loki sighs again, looking out the window. “Every time I look, there she is. Sometimes she’s reading in the garden. Sometimes she’s helping the maids. And sometimes...” Loki stops himself, tears forming in his eyes.
“Sometimes..?” Thor prompts gently as he slowly walks to the bookshelf, leaning against it.
“Sometimes I see her staring at me. Disappointed.” Loki finally says, his back turned to Thor as he lets his tears fall freely.
“Loki..I am certain she understand.” Thor says, “ would she be upset? Probably.” Loki tenses at his, his brothers words sting at his heart. “But, she knew you. I think she’d prefer her child to be well loved.”
Loki nodded, still not facing Thor. And because of that, he didn’t notice Thor swipe a particular journal and replace it with another book.
“Well” Thor said suddenly,” I should be off, I promised mother I’d help show our guest around.”
“Our guest?” Loki said making a face at the thought of socializing.
“ Oh yes.” Thor said walking out of the room, “ a princess of some sort, I believe”
Loki rolls his eyes, he knew if royalty was visiting, he’d be forced to dress up and make stale conversation.
Meanwhile, Thor walked down the halls, with a beautiful leather journal, that belonged to a certain girls mother. And a plan in mind.
Taglist: @mika-dannielle @brightsunanddarkmidnight2-0
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Happy Hinny Day!!
This is my little contribution to the Hinny Ficfest, so kindly organised by wonderful @clarensjoy. I’ve used the prompt 75, "By the gods! You love her... don't you?", though I’ve changed it a little to fit the fic better. Hope the prompter doesn’t mind!
I was (and still am) very doubtful about posting this or not. The last part is dreadful (I might change it if I can think of something better), so is the title, and I don’t think it’s Hinny enough for such an important occasion. But Clare has been very kind organising this fest and I don’t want to miss the party.
I have always loved the fics where Harry talks about Ginny to someone else, so here’s a little conversation between him and Hermione before Bill and Fleur’s wedding. It might be off character but, well, it’s called fan fiction for something.
Again, English is not my first language, I hate prepositions and adverbs, and I can be a mess with verb tenses. So, if you find any mistake, I’d be grateful if you could let me know so that I can correct it.
Thanks again to Clare for having organised this fest. I can’t wait to have the time to enjoy each and every work submitted!!
It was four in the morning and his mind kept drifting tirelessly from Dumbledore’s will to Ginny’s lips.
Though, being honest, and despite knowing that he should be more focused on the Deluminator, the book and the Snitch as they had to be somehow important, the remembrance of having Ginny in his arms again was becoming much more predominant in his mind as the minutes went by.
As if her mere presence around wasn’t making it already hard for him to focus since the moment he had arrived at The Burrow. Just an anguished half an hour next to her and he almost surrendered and threw his arms around her, without worrying about who else was in the room, just like the first time. And then she took his hand when she knew he needed it, so naturally it hurt.
He knew he was pining. He had been pining since he stood up from his chair next to Ginny’s at Dumbledore’s funeral, after doing what he knew he had to do but hadn’t had the guts to do before. It had already been bad when he was in Privet Drive, and now he not only smelled flowers everywhere but still could feel her lips and her body against his.
With a quiet groan, Harry removed the sheet that had tangled around his legs from tossing and turning for hours, put his glasses on, took his wand, threw an envious look to peacefully-sleeping-Ron, and left the room. There would be no way to fall asleep if he couldn’t take Ginny out of his mind, if he couldn’t stop wondering whether the kiss they had shared that morning in her room was definitely going to be the last.
He tried to not make a sound when he descended the stairs to the kitchen, throwing a longing look at the closed door on the first floor landing as he passed by it, exited outside and took a seat at one of the back steps to the dark yard.
He had his eyes fixed on the flag on top of the marquee, trying to empty his mind and enjoy the silence and the cool summer breeze, when he got startled by the sound of the door opening behind him. For a second he equally wished and feared it was Ginny, but turned his head and saw it was Hermione in her pyjamas and a dressing gown.
‘So you couldn’t sleep either,’ she said, sitting beside him. ‘I heard footsteps on the stairs.’
‘No, I couldn’t,’ he was looking at the top of the marquee again and his reply sounded drier than he’d liked. He wasn’t annoyed by her presence, but had wanted to spend some time alone all the same. Harry wondered if she had expected to find someone else when she had left Ginny’s room after the footsteps she had heard.
They spent some minutes in silence before Hermione spoke.
‘It’s been quite an overwhelming day, has’t it? With your birthday, Scrimgeur’s visit and Dumbledore’s will... and what happened this morning with Ginny…’
Harry immediately took his wand and casted Muffliato around them.
‘Are you mental?’ he said, ‘You could be heard, her room is just above us.’
There was another moment of silence, and Harry hoped that the turn Hermione seemed to want the conversation to take was lost with it. But he should have known better, he should have distracted her and kept on talking about what Dumbledore wanted them to do with the objects he had left them.
‘I’m sorry,’ Hermione was talking quietly, looking at him, ‘wish I had been able to keep Ron away from Ginny’s room for longer.’
Harry changed his stare from the top of the tent to his knees and gave a tired, resigned sigh.
‘It was not your fault, I shouldn’t have entered there… but I don’t want to talk about that.’
But Hermione completely disregarded.
‘Well, from what Ron has told me and the little I saw when I arrived after him, it seemed that you were enjoying it a lot for someone who reckons that he shouldn’t have been there.’
Harry groaned and finally looked at her. She had a little smile on her face, almost sorry.
‘So you and Ron have been talking about it?’ he asked.
‘Yes, we have. When you went back to the house after your argument we stayed a little longer in the yard. I told him he shouldn’t meddle like that.’
‘Bet he didn’t like it.’
‘No, he didn’t, but I can understand him, just like I understand why you followed Ginny into her room,’ Hermione made a little pause before she continued. ‘He said that you are like a brother to him, but she is his sister. He told me that she spent several days locked in her room when they got back from Hogwarts, and that she had a very long face. He doesn’t want her to feel that bad again after we leave.’
Harry looked back at his knees. He would feel guiltier if he hadn’t been in a very similar mood the weeks he spent in Privet Drive, but couldn’t avoid thinking that he was a prat, that he should have comforted her somehow when she couldn’t look at him after Ron had interrupted them instead of leaving the bedroom just like he did.
‘I don’t want her to, either,’ he said.
‘I know, Harry. And I know that you miss her too.’
Harry groaned again and rubbed his eyes behind his glasses.
‘Hermione, please, I really, really don’t want to talk about Ginny’.
But she disregarded again.
‘Really? Don’t you want to know that I have talked to her this afternoon too?’ Hermione asked, making Harry look at her again, now there was a mischievous smirk on her face.
‘What are you playing at? Look who’s meddling! You could use all that effort for -,’ but she didn’t let him finish.
‘She was angry, said she should have asked you to close the door with magic but she forgot. She’s told me that she couldn’t stand that your last kiss was an ordinary one, she wanted to give you a proper kiss before we left, one you would remember.’
‘Well, she did,’ he mumbled, noticing he was slightly blushing with the remembrance, thinking that he would remember every single kiss they had shared. ‘What’s got into you? You’re not this gossip normally.’
Hermione took some seconds to reply.
‘We’re about to leave, but we don’t know what we’re going to do. We’re here spending some days of summer in the Burrow as always, but everything's different. Everything’s strained,’ she paused again, and then shrugged. ‘There’s a wedding tomorrow, when will we have the chance to have a good time again? To celebrate something? I reckon we all deserve some happiness these days. You clearly miss Ginny, and she misses you too. I think you’re not doing anything bad if you two want to spend some time snogging before the storm.’
Harry laughed. How simple and complicated, all at once.
‘It’s not that easy, Hermione,’ he said, ignoring her sceptical look. ‘And you? Are you doing something that makes you happy these days?
‘Well, I must confess that Ginny has been some kind of inspiring today,’ there wasn’t much light at the Burrow’s back porch, but Harry could see that Hermione’s cheeks had turned light pink. ‘I want to have a good time tomorrow, I’m going to drink champagne and dance as much as I can, and whatever.’
‘And whatever?’ asked Harry, incredulous.
‘Yeah, whatever - whatever it takes me to.’
‘With a certain someone?’
Hermione didn’t reply, just blushed a little more and nodded very slightly, as if she didn’t want to confirm more clearly something that was unsaid - but very clear for Harry indeed.
‘I don’t think you will need to make a big effort to… whatever,’ he said, and both smiled at each other.
There were other few minutes of silence. Harry tried but failed to not think about what it would mean for their mission if something between Ron and Hermione happened before they left, or during the time they were away. It shouldn’t affect them much (after all, if things had taken a normal course instead of what had happened, Ron and Hermione should have gotten together last year), but maybe it would feel weird all the same, maybe he would feel a bit lonely, maybe he would miss Ginny even more.
‘Harry, can I ask you something?’ Hermione said, getting him out of his thoughts. He didn’t reply, but nodded. ‘This morning, when you and Ron were arguing about Ginny, there was a moment that you went from angry to… to some kind of miserable, I reckon,’ Harry nodded again, slowly, also feeling miserable again too. ‘It was when you said that she doesn’t expect you both to end up married… What -?’
‘I realised,’ he said before she could finish the question, slowly and avoiding her look, ‘that she is free and I’m not. That someday, she will marry someone.’
‘And you think it will not be you.’
He didn’t reply, the thought already felt way too painful in his mind, he couldn’t say it out loud.
‘Oh my God,’ she continued, ‘you love her… don’t you? You really do. I suspected it, but it’s true!’
Harry was not looking at her, but could feel her stare. The sound of her voice was excited, as if what she was saying was the best thing that could happen to him. But it wasn’t. He kept silent and she seemed to understand, for when she spoke again her mood wasn’t that bright.
‘In case you don’t know, Ginny is determined to wait for you.’
This made him even more miserable, though he couldn’t help feeling something very warm spreading in his chest at the same time.
‘She shouldn’t,’ he said. ‘I don’t know if I will be back, or how long it will take. She may be wasting her time’.
Hermione suddenly hugged him, it took him by surprise. He patted the arm she had on his front before she retreated. Harry finally looked at her and saw that she had watery eyes.
‘It’s not fair,’ she said.
They fell silent again, Harry hoped that the conversation was finally over. There wasn’t much more to say. The thought of Ginny meeting someone else, falling in love with someone else, went through him like a million icy knives. But he didn’t like the thought of sad-waiting-Ginny either. He just wanted her to be happy. However it was.
‘So what did Ron get you for your birthday?’ she asked, making Harry glad that the conversation about Ginny seemed finally over indeed. ‘He didn’t tell me.’
‘A book.’
‘Which one?’
‘Er - a book about Quidditch’.
‘What about Quidditch?’
‘It’s… some kind of guide… practical advice and techniques.’
‘You can give it to me in the morning if you want to take it with you, so that I can pack it with the rest of the books we’re taking’.
‘No, don’t worry, I’ll leave it here, I won’t need it,’ he said, thinking of Ginny.
They spent some more time there, not talking much, before agreeing that they should get back into the house and try to have some sleep.
When Harry woke up late in the morning he was alone in Ron's bedroom and could hear a lot of hustle from the yard. He sat up in bed, put his glasses on and found his copy of Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches exactly where he had left it the day before, on the improvised nightstand beside the camp bed. He took it and turned some pages randomly until something strange caught his eye, he recognised Ron’s handwriting below the title of Chapter 7, ‘So you messed it up: how to get your witch back’:
You might find this helpful someday.
So, after all, Ron was not upset about him and Ginny snogging or getting back together, he was upset about timing.
Harry smiled, planning to read Chapter 7 if he succeeded in finishing the mission Dumbledore had given him. There was nothing he wished more than the chance of being the man waiting for Ginny at the end of the aisle.
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agathasangel · 3 years
you just don’t know it yet but baby, i’ve already got your heart (diane sherman x fem!reader NSFW)
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both an anon and @magnifique-monstre  requested yandere prompt 6 and 17 (i think?) so I’m gonna combine them because they would go together well
prompt 6: “Pretend you never saw that. I can’t stand it when you look so scared.”
prompt 17: “I’m the only thing keeping you safe from a filthy, disgusting world.”
warnings: everything, basically. it’s pretty fucked up actually. TW for drugging, stalking, dubcon, emetophobia warning (just one mention), kidnapping, etc. also teacher!diane
summary: Diane Sherman was your Professor, and then your girlfriend, and then your caretaker. As the days start to become hazy and mixed up with one another, you wonder if Diane is trustworthy. 
Every day was basically the same. Wake up, take your meds, have breakfast with Diane. Then you would either accompany Diane to school or she would take you to the doctor’s or sometimes, if you felt up to it, she would take you on some sort of outing. She never liked to leave you alone and protectively followed you nearly everywhere you went. She took you home, and you would rest by her as she worked on her grading. At night Diane would make dinner for the two of you, the two of you would relax together, she would make sure you took the medication you needed at night and then you fell asleep in her arms.
It was nice. But you noticed that you started to forget things. You sometimes forgot how you even knew Diane, you even forgot your whole life before you met her at times. You were supposed to be on medical leave for a semester, which turned into a whole year, and- how long has it been now? You had no idea. You thought it was still summer, but the days started to blur together. The next year may have started, you had no way of knowing. Diane taught year round, so you went to school with her either way.
You remembered how everything started, though. You were a freshman, and you had moved across the country for college. You felt alone, and scared. You took a Chemistry class because you had to take some sort of science course, and it was the only one available when you signed up. You dreaded going, until you saw Professor Sherman. You struggled a bit in the class, so you went to her office hours. It was also a good excuse to talk to her, you thought. 
She was a lot nicer than some of your other professors, and she helped you through the problems you struggled with.
“You know, students don’t usually like to come to my office hours, so feel free to show up whenever you need me. Alright, hon?”
“Of course. Thanks, Professor.”
How did it turn into this?
Oh, right. You and Diane started to get closer, and you started to come down with lots of rashes, general pains, and you started getting sick to your stomach more and more. 
One day, you emailed Diane to tell her you couldn’t make it to her lab because you had thrown up that morning, to which she responded by asking what dorm you were in and if you needed anything.
It might be nice if you could bring me some saltines or something to settle my stomach? I have nothing in my dorm and can’t really stand up yet. Don’t worry about it though. I don’t want to get you sick, and are you even allowed in the dorms?
- (y/n)
I’ll be fine, and it really isn’t a big deal. We’re both adults, and I just want to help you.
- thinking of you, Prof. Diane Sherman
Next thing you remember, Diane showed up to your dorm a few minutes after your lab would have ended and brought not just crackers, but ginger ale, soup, water, blankets, and several different medicines. You talked for a while too, but couldn’t for the life of you remember what about. But you did remember that she stayed with you as long as you needed her, and promised to come back if you needed it.
You didn’t get better. You managed to get through your finals and pass your first semester classes, but you ended up having to spend much of Winter break in the hospital. Your parents came to visit, as did Diane. Diane actually came back every day, making sure you were okay.
You remembered that because of the silver necklace Diane gave you that Christmas that you still wore every single day. You felt bad when you got it because you didn’t think to get her a gift, but she told you not to worry about that, this was just a little thing that made her think of you. Besides, you were in the hospital!
“You know (y/n), I don’t have anyone else to visit over the holidays. I’m glad I get to be with you. I just wish it were under better circumstances.”
You started feeling a bit better and were able to come back for your second semester classes. You didn’t have Diane as a professor anymore, but you started to become friends. You would get coffee, or dinner. One night she asked you to come home with her, and be her girlfriend, to which you immediately agreed.
You slowly spent fewer nights at your dorm and more nights with Diane, and then you got sick again.  After that, she convinced you to move in with her full-time, and you’ve been living in her house and sleeping in her bed ever since. 
Right now, you were sitting in Diane’s and your bed, as she made dinner. You struggled to remember what happened next. This was when everything started to blend together. Your illnesses worsened even more shortly after you moved in with Diane. You remember being confined to the very same bed as Diane helped you do your finals from home, as she explained the situation to your parents and easily charmed them, convincing them you were in great hands.
“(Y/n), time for dinner!”, Diane called. She then walked to the bedroom to check if you needed any help.
“I’m fine, actually. I’ve been feeling a little better.”
“Good. Such a brave, good girl. Now eat up, alright baby?” cooed the older woman as she led you to the table and sat you down.
“Well, physically I’ve been feeling better, but-”
“What? What’s wrong? Have I not been paying enough attention to you? Are you feeling sad? anxious? My poor baby-”
“No, none of that. I’ve just been- forgetting things. Like, big chunks. My memories are so foggy. It’s hard for me to think at all sometimes.”
“Oh, honey, that’s just a side effect of your medication. It’s okay, it won’t last forever. And I’ll help you fill in any gaps you need until then. But you don’t need to worry. Not when you’re with me. Okay angel?”
“Yes, Mommy.”
“Oh, we’re in that kind of mood, are we?”
“Is that okay?”
“Very, very, okay, little one.”
Mommy was what you called Diane most often during sex. It turned her on immensely, and it excited you as well. 
Diane grabbed you and brought you to the bed, tearing off your clothes.
“Are you still feeling good?”
“Yes Mommy.”
“Such a good girl for me. Such a good girl for Mommy.”
You spread your legs for her and she started touching you. But then-
“Mommy stop please. I can’t do this, Diane-”
“Alright. I’m sorry, I’ll go get your meds.
Diane went to the bathroom to get your meds and sleep aids.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“Why can’t I remember things? I can’t even remember some things about my family.”
“A side effect of some of your medication sweetie. I told you that.”
“You did?”
“Yes. I will tell you this, my love. People have hurt you, in your past. I remember when we met you were having such a difficult time. You wanted friends, you had so much trouble making friends. The other students were so mean to you. Your parents they- they acted like having to come see you when you were in the hospital was some kind of inconvenience. It was awful. You were so lonely.”
“I know I was lonely.”
“Yes, sweetheart. You needed someone. You needed me. I have to be the one to take care of you. I am the only person that can love the way you deserve to be loved. I’m the only thing keeping you safe from a filthy, disgusting world. And I need you too. I need to love and protect you.”
“Yes, Diane. I need to sleep now.”
“Alright. Come here, darling,” said Diane. She held you until you fell asleep.
Next thing you knew, you were tied to the pole in the basement with several ropes. Diane was tying more and more ropes around you, around different parts of your body. The world felt heavy, blurry, fluid. 
“Please stop, Diane. Why are you doing this?”
“It’s for your own good, darling. Trust me. You need this.”
The ropes began to cover your entire body. Your face, eyes, neck. Especially your neck. There was a sharp sting on your neck.
Your eyes flew open, and you awoke in a cold sweat, and screamed. 
It was just a dream, I’m safe, thank God. Diane would never-
But then you noticed Diane. She was holding a small syringe, that seemed empty. And your neck stung. She was startled by your scream, clearly not expecting you to have woken up.
“Pretend you never saw that. I can’t stand it when you look so scared.”
“What did you do to me? What was in there, Diane?”
“You need it, sweetheart. I know you don’t like needles.”
“No. Why didn’t you tell me? What’s going on?”
“You need this. You need me. Your-”
You searched for the syringe and found it. There was a thick, black residue on it, and you sniffed it. It gave you a head rush.
“You’ve been drugging me. This is why I’ve forgotten things, isn’t it?”
“Come on, angel. You know I wouldn’t”
“Don’t worry, just go back to sleep.”
You did feel tired. So tired. And you couldn’t even remember what you and Diane were even fighting about. So you went to sleep in her arms.
The next morning, Diane made you breakfast. 
“How did you sleep, (y/n)?”
“I don’t know. I think I had a nightmare but I can’t remember-”
“Oh no! At least you can’t remember it, right?”
“I- I guess so.”
Diane felt relief that you didn’t remember what happened last night. Her plan was working. You would be hers, her precious girl, forever. All that work to find you, to make you trust her, making you sick, making you need her. She knew everything about you. You were her perfect girl, and she was yours. And you always would be.
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bellakitse · 4 years
When the world throws you off the track (I have your back)
“I’m just glad my son’s tender heart didn’t cost him this time,” he finishes with a half-smile, looking at TK like he’s waiting for him to agree. Instead, TK frowns at the words and the tone with which they are said.
“What is that supposed to mean?” he questions, feeling his hackles rise as the man gives him a confused look.
Gabriel stops by Carlos' place and finds TK, they have a conversation about Carlos' decisions.
Warning* there is a passing line about police brutality 
TK is lounging around on his boyfriend’s couch, resting like he promised he would, while Carlos is at the market when the doorbell rings. He frowns slightly at the sound. He and Carlos aren’t expecting anyone. The team had wanted to stop by, but Carlos, being overly protective after his latest accident and head injury from just two days ago, had pushed them off till the weekend.
He gets up slowly from the nice cocoon Carlos made him before he left, figuring that maybe his boyfriend needed help with the door. Carlos only went to get a few things for dinner, but TK knows how he likes to wander the shops, always coming home with more than he set out to buy.
“Did you buy out the market again, babe,” he asks as he opens the door, coming up short when it’s not his boyfriend struggling with groceries, but instead his boyfriend’s father standing on the other side, eyebrow raised at his greeting. “Mr. Reyes,” he stammers out, caught by surprise at the man’s presence. “Uh, hi?”
The man gives him an amused half-smile in return. “Hello TK, may I come in?”
“Oh!” TK exclaims, feeling himself blush, rushing to answer. “Um, yes, of course. Please come in.”
Gabriel tips his hat at him, taking it off once he steps into the living room, looking around as he stands in the middle of it.
TK fidgets behind him quietly as Gabriel’s gaze pauses on his little nest on the couch before turning to look at him, his lips twitching as he looks at him up and down. TK follows his gaze, his face growing hotter as he remembers that he’s wearing one of Carlos’ old APD shirts and sweats, both a little too big for him.
“Carlos is at the market,” he blurts out, feeling off-center as Gabriel studies him. “He said he was gonna make chicken tortilla soup?”
“Sopa Azteca?” Gabriel questions with a smile. “His mama would make it for him when he wasn’t feeling well as a kid. He better make the tortillas fresh, or Andrea will have words with him if she finds out.”
TK chuckles, feeling some of the tension leaving his body. “Carlos makes pasta from scratch because from a box is a crime – his words. Pretty sure he feels the same about store-bought tortillas.”
Gabriel huffs, his amused expression letting TK know he’s familiar with the argument. “His mama will be proud. Those two take cooking very seriously.”
TK lets out a snort at the understatement. “Oh, I know. I’m not the greatest in the kitchen, and as a result, he doesn’t let me in there without supervision.”
Gabriel lets out a chuckle at his words, helping TK relax further.
“Can I get you something to drink?” he offers, remembering his manners.
“Water, please.”
TK nods, quickly making his way over to the fridge as Gabriel sits on one of Carlos’ love seats.
“So, TK, how are you feeling?”
TK pulls out two bottles of water, turning back towards the living room. He hands Gabriel one of them before sitting across from him, trying to tidy up his blankets. “I’m okay. I had a headache for the first day, and I’m still a little banged up, but mostly I’m fine.”
“I’m glad you’re feeling better,” Gabriel tells him. Silence settles over them after that. TK picks at a loose thread of the blanket as he tries to think of what to speak about. Noticing this, Gabriel puts him out of his misery. “So you’re probably wondering why I’m here?”
“Yes – no,” TK stumbles over his words. “I mean, this is your son’s home. I’m sure Carlos has told you,  you are welcomed any time you want to come over.”
“But you’re surprised I’m still here when he’s not,” Gabriel finishes for him with a grin.
TK gives him a shrug, not bothering to correct the man when he’s right. He is curious.
“I came to tell him that the case against him is officially closed, and he’s been taken off suspension,” Gabriel informs him, pausing when TK lets out a sigh of relief.
“Oh, thank god,” he says with a smile of his own at the good news. “I’m glad that’s settled.”
“Me too,” Gabriel answers before shaking his head softly. “I’m just glad my son’s tender heart didn’t cost him this time,” he finishes with a half-smile, looking at TK like he’s waiting for him to agree. Instead, TK frowns at the words and the tone with which they are said.
“What is that supposed to mean?” he questions, feeling his hackles rise as the man gives him a confused look.
“It means that he’s lucky it worked out in his favor,” Gabriel frowns back at him. “It could have blown up in his face if he had been wrong.”
“But he wasn’t wrong,” TK shoots back tightly, his skin feeling tight with irritation. He recalls Carlos’ face as he told him everything that had gone down between him and his father, his hushed words as he confided that even though his father said he was proud of him in the end, he didn’t entirely feel it was true. He remembers his boyfriend’s hurt face, and it makes him angry.
“TK, this could have gone really badly for him,” Gabriel argues, his frown deepening.
“Yeah,” TK agrees sarcastically. “If he hadn’t trusted his instincts, if he hadn’t led with his kind heart, that man would have blown up. Not could have, would have. I spent time with the psychos that strapped the bomb to that victim; they killed one of their own right in front of us. They would have set that bomb off if Carlos arrested him, killing that poor man, Carlos, and his partner. Carlos’ compassion saved them all, as well as my team and me. And here you are acting like it’s a weakness, a failing of his, when if more cops were like Carlos, then maybe the public wouldn’t have to take to the streets every other week in this country,” he finishes hotly, all but shouting by the end.
He’s breathing hard as he tries to rein in his anger. Looking over at the older man, he finds him looking stunned.
“Well – “ Gabriel clears his throat. “You certainly have strong opinions.”
TK closes his eyes for a moment, taking a long slow breath and then another. “I would apologize,” he starts, his voice calmer even if the rest of him isn’t. “But I’m not sorry,” he says bluntly, pressing his lips together. “Your son is incredible, as a person and as a cop. I’m not saying that because I’m his boyfriend. I work with Carlos. I see how good he is at his job, and a big part of that comes from being one of the most compassionate people I have ever met.”
Gabriel says nothing to that. Instead, he watches him, studying him, and even though TK knows he should probably stop now, he has one more thing to say and can’t hold it back.
“I love your son, Sir,” he says quietly, his heart beating so loud it echos in his ears. “I love him, and I have made it my job to protect and defend him from anything and anyone who would cause him pain, and if that includes you too, so be it.”
Gabriel opens his mouth, and TK braces himself for his response, only for the door to open again as Carlos walks in.
“Babe, I found those tangerines you like on sale,” he says with a smile, stopping short when he sees they’re not alone. “Dad?” he questions, shooting him a look. “Hey, what are you doing here?”
Gabriel looks at him for a moment before standing up and turning towards Carlos. “I came to let you know the investigation’s done and stayed to talk to TK for a bit.”
“Oh, that’s good,” Carlos smiles softly, first at his dad and then over at him. TK tries to return it, but the conversation he’s just finished makes it difficult. Carlos gives him a questioning look, but TK turns his focus back to Gabriel when he clears his throat. 
“Well, I should get going,” he says, focusing on his son. “Your mother is making ribs tonight, and you know I don’t like to be late to those.” 
Carlos nods, giving his father a slight nod, but his attention is still on him.
“TK – ” Gabriel starts, and TK braces himself. “It was...interesting talking to you. You’ve given me a lot to think about.”
Carlos raises an eyebrow at that, the questions clear on his face.
“You boys have a good evening,” Gabriel finishes as he heads for the door. He stops by Carlos and claps his shoulder. “We’ll talk later, mijo.”
“Yes, sir,” Carlos nods, holding the door for his father, closing it behind him. He turns back towards him, brow still raised. “Wanna tell me what happened here?”
“I may have told your dad off?” he says hesitantly, letting out a groan when Carlos’ eyes widen at his words. “Oh my god, I told your dad off,” he repeats, mostly to himself as what he’s just done catches up with him. He drops his head into his hands and lets out another whine. “I can’t believe I did that.”
Carlos moves; TK can hear him walking towards the kitchen, placing the groceries on the counter before making his way over to TK. He feels the couch dip next to him with Carlos’ weight, but he doesn’t look up at him. He only lifts his head when Carlos places a hand on his neck and gives it a comforting squeeze. 
“He’s gonna hate me now and tell you to break up with me,” he tells Carlos, only half-joking, dread quickly spreading through him.
“My dad doesn’t hate anyone. I’m not sure he knows how, and he sure as hell will not hate the man I love,” Carlos answers thoughtfully. “But even if he did, I’m not going to break up with you because my parents want me to. You’re stuck with me, baby.”
TK smiles, letting out a huff of laughter as Carlos smiles back at him.
“Tell me what happened,” he asks softly, taking TK’s hands in his.
TK leans back on the couch, letting out a sigh before he speaks. He starts from the beginning of Gabriel’s visit and how awkward it felt. He’s honest about what he said, giving Carlos’ hand a squeeze when he makes a face at his dad’s words. He bites down on his bottom lip as he recalls his reaction, feeling embarrassed by his outburst but even now not feeling sorry about it. He meant what he said; he’s going to do his best to protect Carlos, even if it means from his own family. Wrapping up, he holds his breath as Carlos stares at him, mouth open and eyes wide.
“You really did that,” he whispers, his disbelief clear; it makes TK cringe.
“Yeah,” he whispers back, remorse slowly starting to set in. So much for Carlos’ parents liking him. “Fuck, Carlos, I’m sorry, I just couldn’t help it. He started talking, and I saw red – “
TK stops explaining. He can’t speak when he basically has a lap full of Carlos. His boyfriend all but crawling into it as he wraps his arms around his shoulders and hugs him for dear life. TK instinctively hugs him back just as hard. His hold tightening when he feels Carlos shake.
They stay like that for a few minutes as TK runs his hands up and down Carlos’ back. When Carlos pulls back to look at him, he’s thankfully not crying, but TK can see the emotion in his big brown eyes.
“Thank you,” he says softly, and TK feels overwhelmed by the love he feels for the man in his arms.
“Anytime,” he answers, his voice rough from his own emotions. He takes in the gratitude and love he sees in Carlos’ expression and swallows hard, feeling overwhelmed by it himself. “I love you, Carlos. I’m always going to have your back no matter what. We’re a team.”
Carlos smiles at him. It’s a little wobbly, but it’s tender, and it’s there. “A pretty damn good one too.”
TK grins, a chuckle passing his lips as the tension inside him dissipates at Carlos’ words. “Yeah, we are.”
 Hours later, when they find themselves once again on the couch after filling up on Carlos’ delicious soup, his phone rings.
TK holds his breath as Carlos shows him the ID that says it’s his mother. He doesn’t understand as Carlos speaks rapid Spanish with her, but he lets out the breath trapped in his lungs when Carlos starts to laugh, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he looks over at him.
“Si, Mami, he’s a firecracker,” he says into the phone, his smile teasing when TK looks at him with wide eyes, realizing he is the topic of conversation. “I’ll ask him and get back to you, okay?” he says to his mother, reaching out to squeeze his hand. “Okay, I’ll call you back–love you too, Mami.”
Carlos hangs up the phone. He doesn’t speak for a moment. Instead, he throws his head back on the couch and lets out a chuckle. TK waits despite being on pins and needles.
“Dad told my mom about your conversation,” he starts, lifting his head to look back at him with a smile that is both surprised and happy. “They’re both impressed with my protective boyfriend, and mom is feeling left out on getting to know you,” Carlos continues with a twinkle in his eye, his smile only growing as TK stares at him. “So she’s inviting us to dinner at the house this weekend if you would like to go.”
“They don’t hate me?” TK can’t help but ask, shocked at the request.
Carlos’ expression goes soft at his question. He leans in, giving him a gentle kiss. “Hate someone who obviously loves their son?” he questions, shaking his head. “No, baby, my dad doesn’t hate you, and my mom sounds like she’s ready to adopt you into the family,” he continues with a quirk of his mouth. “How do you feel about being a Reyes?”
TK blushes at the question. He knows it’s said in jest, but he can’t help the way his heart speeds up at the thought of him sharing Carlos’ last name.
“I wouldn’t be opposed to that,” he answers honestly with a small smile of his own when he hears Carlos’ breath catch. “In the near future,” he finishes with a shrug he pretends is casual.
“In the near future,” Carlos repeats, amazement coloring his words. He looks at him for a moment before shaking his head, the smile on his face bright and beautiful. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“You do that,” he answers smartly. He gives Carlos a kiss on the cheek before he cuddles back into his side. “We should get a pie from that bakery we like on Winston for dessert.”
“Is that yes to dinner?” Carlos questions into the side of his face.
“Of course,” he answers, his focus on the tv even though his heart is racing. “If I’m going to be a Reyes someday, I should probably make nice with the in-laws.”
He feels Carlos smile against his skin. “Not nervous?”
TK lets out a snort, turning his face to look at his boyfriend. “Scared shitless,” he says with a wry grin, but it softens after a second. “But you’ll be there, and I can handle anything with you by my side.”
Carlos smiles at him. He leans in, pressing his forehead against his. “We’re a team.”
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alccaddsccup · 3 years
Trippin’ on Tequila
thank you for the lovely request anon! I had a lot of fun writing this
Ina x MC
warnings: fluff, drunkenness and grazes
tag list: @ikingsley @swimmingshoebakerydreamer @kaitlynliaofanxx @barnibumblr @veenast @livvynka @hellyeah90sbaby @kwaj115
lmk if u wanna be added to the tag list!
also lmk what u guys think of this length of fic. is it too long?? should it be longer?
“Bea, why are you calling this late?” Ina doesn’t even bother to sit up in bed as she answers the call, rubbing her eyes groggily
“Um, hi Ina. I mean, professor. This is Zoey”
Ina bolts upright, immediately worrying if something bad had happened to Bea
“Zoey, is everything all right?”
Zoey looks over to Bea, who is sat down on the sidewalk with her shoes in her hands (she’s completely out of it)
“Yup, tooooootally fine. I just wanted to ask if you could pick Bea up from the club”
“Of course, I’ll leave immediately” Ina throws off her duvet and searches for a hoodie to wear over her pyjamas. She finds one belonging to Bea and puts it on, the sleeves falling down to her fingertips; the hoodie must’ve been left behind from one of Bea’s previous *ahem* late night visits
“Wow, really? No questions asked? Bea is one lucky girl. I mean, hypothetically of course.”
“I don’t know anything about what you and Bea get up to”
“Not a siiiiingle thing”
“Zoey! I’m aware that you know the true nature of myself and Bea’s relationship”
Was relationship even the right word? Bea and Ina hadn’t made anything official, nor had they made any promises to each other. This sudden doubt makes Ina feel uneasy, and she quickly tries to pull herself out of this spiral of overthinking
“Oh, okay! Anyway, the ambulance is here now, got to go. Byeeeee”
“Ambulance? What ambulance?” It was too late, Zoey had already hung up
With worry eating at her, Ina drives as hastily as the law allows until she pulls up outside the club. She spots Bea talking to a pair of girls she doesn’t recognise, and relief floods through Ina’s body to see Bea in one piece. 
Ina goes to throw open the car door but quickly reconsiders when she remembers she’s still wearing her pyjamas and most definitely looks dreadful. Her hair is messed up and she isn’t wearing any makeup at all; dark circles rim her tired eyes and she can barely keep them open. She honks the horn of her car once which, unfortunately for Ina, does not get Bea’s attention
Bea looks to be telling some kind of elaborate story as she gestures wildly at the girls before her, only one of the shoes she’d taken off was still in her hand (who knows where the other one was.) After swinging her arm so widely that she nearly hits one of the girls in the head with her shoe, the pair depart from Bea. Ina decides this would be a prime opportunity to honk her horn again. 
This time Bea hears and, after looking for several seconds, finally manages to locate Ina. She waves overenthusiastically as a grin breaks across her face and begins to run over to the car. She doesn’t make it far though, as she begins to stumble on unsteady feet. Without thinking, Ina throws open her door and rushes over to Bea, barely managing to catch her as she begins to tumble
“Hi there, gorgeous” Bea tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and grins at Ina (she looks like Debby Ryan.) Ina chuckles softly at her attempt to be seductive before helping Bea to stand upright
“Come on Bea, I’m taking you to my place”
Ina departs from Bea briefly to open the passenger door and when she turns back around she notices that Bea is once again on the floor
“The floor is wobbly” Bea looks dazed as she stares at the ground and Ina returns to her side to pull her back up; it’s then that Ina notices the grazes on Bea’s knees
“Goodness Bea, look at your knees!”
Bea slowly looks down to her knees and when she notices the grazes her eyes widen
“Oh my god, they’re so ugly now” she attempts to push Ina away “I need to get in the ambulance with Zoey and the sick dude” The dots connect in Ina’s head as she realises the ambulance was called for someone else at the club; Zoey must’ve been kind enough to go with the clubgoer to the hospital
“Don’t look at me!” Ina grabs Bea by the arm and begins to guide her to the car
“You look fine Bea. Come on, we’re going to my apartment now”
“oooooh, are we gonna have sexy times when we get back?” Ina feels her cheeks redden at her drunken suggestion
“No Bea, you’re drunk” Bea pouts dramatically and tries to run a hand along Ina’s face; instead she rubs her hand along Ina’s forehead and over her eye
“But you’re so beautiful” Ina shakes off Bea’s hand and continues to lead her to the car
Once Bea is safely in the passenger seat, Ina gets into the driver’s side
“Put your seatbelt on” Bea spends a few seconds trying to locate the seatbelt as she feels along the ceiling of the car
“Ina, there’s no seatbelt” she grabs onto the car handle and pats it
“I’ll hold on tight” Ina sighs in exasperation before leaning over Bea to reach the seatbelt. As she grabs onto the seatbelt, she feels Bea press her lips against her forehead in a gentle kiss
“What was that for?” Ina fastens Bea’s seatbelt as she says this, clicking it into place
“cuz you’re protecting me, like.. like a guardian angel!” Bea’s eyes light up at the thought that Ina could be her guardian angel and she turns to her in wonder
“I think you’re my saviour” Ina grins and shakes her head
“Come on, lets get you home”
Midway through the quiet drive to Ina’s apartment, Ina feels a hand beginning to snake it’s way up her thigh. Her brow furrows
“Bea, what are you doing?” Bea squeezes Ina’s thigh and tries to drop her voice into a sultry whisper
“You look so sexy right now” Ina laughs loudly
“I woke up less than an hour ago and I’m in my pyjamas”
Bea teases the fabric of Ina’s pyjama top, her fingertips grazing the soft skin underneath. This makes Ina squirm slightly, and it takes all of her willpower to focus on driving
“Stop that, I’m trying to drive” Bea pouts and rests her head on Ina’s shoulder, she grabs onto Ina’s arm which makes the car swerve slightly
“Bea!” Ina shakes her off “Please keep your hands to yourself”
Bea lets out a loud sigh before resting her head on the car door. She crosses her arms over her chest 
“Do you not like me anymore?” Ina chuckles incredulously and pats Bea’s leg
“I like you a lot Bea, a lot more than I should” Bea turns her gaze onto Ina, studying her face as she continues “but you’re drunk and I’m trying to drive”
“Fineeeeee” Bea quietens down again, and the rest of the journey is driven in comfortable silence
Once Bea is safely seated on the kitchen counter inside Ina’s apartment, Ina gets to work on treating Bea’s scraped up knees. She puts her glasses on before wiping the grazes with an antiseptic wipe which makes Bea hiss in discomfort
“It feels like fire on my knees” Ina continues to wipe away the grit and dirt from the wounds, using one hand to hold Bea’s leg still
“I know, but I’m almost done” After a few seconds of gentle cleansing, Ina applies a band-aid to each knee and places a gentle kiss on one of Bea’s knees. This makes Bea smile and she pats Ina’s head
“See? You’re my protector” Ina chuckles before helping Bea down from the kitchen counter
“Come on, lets get you to bed” She leads Bea by the hand to her bedroom before handing her a pair of her pyjamas
“You can borrow these to sleep in” Bea runs her hand over the fabric with wide eyes
“They’re so soft, like you” Ina shakes her head whilst she smiles
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Bea kisses her cheek before resting her forehead against Ina’s
“It means you’re cute” Ina chuckles at how little sense Bea is making as she pulls away
“All right then” Ina grabs a spare blanket and pillow from the cupboard in the corner of her room before making her way to the door. She turns around before leaving
“Goodnight Bea” Bea blows her an overexaggerated kiss 
“G’night beautiful” Ina closes the door to her room before making her way over to the sofa in the main room. She cannot help the smile that breaks across her face due to Bea’s insane level of cuteness, and that warm feeling stays with her even as she drifts off to sleep on the sofa
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citydreamgrls · 4 years
they were roommates - part one
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a weasley twins x fem!reader fic 
summary: she had nowhere to go, fleeing home to pursue something along the lines of freedom, so being welcomed into the entrepreneurial twins life was a whole world of new experiences waiting to happen. 
an: i would just like to point out that this isn’t a fic with a polyamorous relationship, sorry if that was what some people wanted, instead i wanted to keep which twin is the love interest a secret until the end. if u guys want to guess after reading this first part, feel free to do so, i would love to hear your guys’ reasons too !!  secondly, i would like to say a huge huge thank you to everyone for getting me to 600 followers, that’s absolutely mad like i’m blown away beyond compare, i love u all millions and billions i really am so grateful so thank you . hope you enjoy this first part, as always, <33
words: 5,790
warnings: swearing?
None of the nights seemed to turn into excitement, but this particular Tuesday evening in the Leaky Cauldron was passing slower than the rest had done. The paintings on the walls cast their weary eyes over the few lonely drinkers scattered across the dim room as even they contemplated calling it an early night. Y/n flicked through an old magazine and wondered if this place had ever seen much action, or whether the inn had become somewhere that paintings came to rest alongside grumpy travellers.
The girl hadn’t worked behind the bar long, only a handful of months now. But since then not a single bar fight had broken out, no one ordered anything out of the ordinary, and she struggled to remember seeing a single nice man pass through the doors. Besides the Weasley twins of course, who were running late for their weekly drink.
“Slow night?” Hannah came up behind her, carrying a stack of clean glasses and placing them under the counter. The girl swiped away her magazine and nodded, doing her best to hide the guilty blush that grew on her cheeks whenever she lied. It had always been a curse.
“I can do that if you want,” She offered, taking over and letting her boss stand up straight again. There was a strange air of awkwardness between the pair, despite the fact that they had grown close since she had started working as a barmaid.
“It’s been like this a lot lately, just… empty.” Hannah huffed, pulling up two stools and letting the younger girl sit beside her for a while.
“Yeah, makes the time pass a lot slower.”
“Neville’s getting worried,” The woman chewed her lip, gazing around at the lack of people. “He thinks it won’t be long before we need to do something drastic.”
“Should I be worried?” Y/n asked, knowing everything rode on this flimsy job.
Just as the girl posed her question the two front doors burst open, revealing the Weasley twins along with two others that she recognised from their past visits.
“I’ll talk to you later darling,” The boss stood, squeezing her shoulder and going to greet the regulars who she knew so well.
As Neville appeared from the back office to do the same she was called over to the far table by a man who she’d already brought too many drinks to. With a sigh, she obeyed his whines, and went over to see what he wanted.
“About time sweet cheeksh,” He slurred, his head propped up by a weary arm while the other gestured wildly as he spoke. “Another round darling-” She nodded, taking his money from the table and turning to leave, but he reached out for her hand.
She shivered beneath his touch, the stench of bile and alcohol filling her nose as she tried not to vomit on the spot. It was best to just ride out whatever he wanted, knowing better than to anger any kind of customer.
“Why don’t you join me when you get those drinks sorted- I haven’t got another chair but I’m sure my lap would do nicely.” He grinned, showing off the layer of yellow on his teeth.
Y/n gulped back her grunt and pretended to smile, sighing with relief when he let go of her and slumped against the wall beside him. The feeling of his hand lingered on her until she managed to distract her mind a little, smiling wider when the twins came up to the bar to order.
“Evening boys,” She sniffed back the nerves and greeted them with a polite welcome. “Not giving you trouble was he?” One of them asked, nodding over to the drunken mess.
“Nothing I can’t handle,”
“Well you let us know if not,” The other chimed, their charms always making her feel comfortable around them. Which was much more than could be said for most of the creeps who roamed the inn each night.
“That’s very good of you both, thank you-” Her smile never faltered, they always had noticed that, “What can I get for you then?”
“Two hog’s heads, one rum and I’ll have…”
“Come on Fred,” The other nudged his brother, the girl finally able to differentiate them, that was until the next day when she wouldn’t be able to recognise the clothes they chose.
“Firewhiskey would be great thanks y/n,” He smiled sweetly, leaning up against the bar as she rang up their orders on the till. He delved into the pockets of his trousers as George left to speak to Neville a bit longer, placing the money in her hand. “Keep the change too,” “A-are you sure?” She stuttered, looking down at the remaining 3 galleons in her hand.
“George never tips, so consider it his debt too.” The boy scoffed, leaving to join the rest of his group. The girl pocketed the money before anyone else could see her doing so and went to fix the drunken man his seventh drink of the night.
He grumbled about how much work he did that no one appreciated, as his eyes raked over her body in a queasily slow trance. The man didn’t stop at that, further pressing her to sit on his knee and let him feel her up. Crude remarks fell from his lips as if he’d relayed them to every woman he’d come across, as if it was second nature. All the while, she stood and let him ramble on, doing her best to ignore what he was saying and just nod along mindlessly. This wasn’t even the worst one, the girl sighed to herself, grimacing at the way his fingers toyed with the hems of her skirt as if he was going to try and slither inside it.
With perfect timing, Neville called her back to the bar, faking some questions about the menu so that she had an excuse to dismiss herself from the dog’s company and scurry off. She heard him call after her, but couldn’t make out what exactly it was he was saying. The girl prayed that he was too drunk to actually get up and walk over to the bar, or else he would become truly relentless.
No matter what, y/n always smiled, regardless of who was talking to her or at her. And when she wasn’t dealing with the unruly men of diagon alley, she was happy, she was lucky that she had a job and somewhere to stay. She had no reason to be unhappy.
Fred and George liked that about her. That in such a dimly lit, run down little place like the cauldron, such light could shine through with her presence. Both of them had mentioned it once on their drunken walk back home one night, that they wished they could afford to hire someone else at the shop because she would be perfect for it.
Y/n always smiled because most of the time she was a happy person, until there was no reason to be happy. She discovered that dreadful sinking feeling later that night once the pub closed and the girl was finishing up with her cleaning.
Neville and Hannah were speaking in hushed voices nearby, words that she couldn’t make out over the sound of her brush swishing over the stone ground. But they continued to glance over at her when they believed she wasn’t watching, which made her heart tighten with nervous anticipation.
“Y/n… darling.” Hannah’s sweet voice sounded through the empty room, startling her slightly. The girl stood up straight and smiled, a sight which made her boss want to cry on the spot. None of this was going to be easy. “Could you come into the office with me, please.”
She followed, her hands shaky as she left the broom leant up against a lone table. The door shut behind them with a finalising jolt as the woman sat down before her, prompting her own body to do the same.
The air became thick, and constricting as her knees locked together politely. Hannah seemed just as nervous as she, delaying the inevitable by shuffling paperwork around and shoving into nearby drawers. Finally the movement ceased and she had no choice but to bite the bullet.
“I know we already spoke today, about how the business is going here, and I promise that Neville and I have tried to do everything we can to get around this. But I’m afraid we’ve been left with no other choice y/n.”
The sound of her name felt like a stab, one short sound that cut through her skin and deep into the bone. The girl dwelled on that feeling, hoping that whatever followed would hurt less in contrast. It didn’t.
“We have to let you go y/n,” The knife plunged deeper, somehow splitting open all her organs on its way through her body. She froze, knowing that in this moment her world was falling apart all around her like dominoes.
“A-and the room? I’m supposing you need it?” Her voice was wavering, constantly on the edge as she confirmed all the priorities.
“I’m so sorry,” The gesture was appreciated, but it did nothing to help in the moment as the now homeless girl’s mind raced.
“Thank you anyway, for the past few months.” It was a sudden bravery that brought her to her feet as she announced how she would pack her things right away.
In truth, she needed to be alone, just for a few minutes. So she could let it all go, cast a muffliato and sob away her worries for a small amount of precious time. Hannah didn’t dare follow her, knowing nothing could fix it for the younger girl, instead she brought the bottle of gin from the bar into the office and took long, thoughtful sips until it was no longer the only thing playing through her mind.
When the girl gathered her things and apparated down to the front door with them, Neville was there with a sad smile upon his face. Only giving her a brief goodbye, before swiftly leaving to busy himself with yet another maintenance job around the building. He never was one for complex emotions, so she didn’t think bad of him for escaping an awkward situation.
Y/n opened the front doors, seeing the pouring rain before her and almost bursting into yet another round of tears. Not that her red raw eyes could take it much longer. Maybe it was because she had been standing up for the good part of eight hours, or maybe just the pitiful sight of the gloomy street before her was enough to make her knees shake. As if they were going to buckle beneath her and send her crumpling to the ground.
But she shuffled forward, her trunk following behind her and she had quietly charmed it to do so. Admittedly she didn’t have a lot, when she had decided to try and live alone it had become a rushed affair to say the least. So she only owned a number of outfits within that case, along with some books and other little items she had deemed important enough to bring alone. That, and her guitar case, which loomed over her shoulder like a stalking figure in the night. The one thing she definitely didn’t have, was a coat to shelter her from the oncoming rain.
The girl walked a few steps, round the side of the building, and found a pile of crates to rest on beneath a small dripping canopy. It was dry, for now, and it gave her a chance to think properly. She needed to figure something out fast.
But y/n’s mind was full of white noise, watching puddles form between the cobbled pathway before her and thinking how she used to love the rain as a child. It had been relaxing and beautiful from the safety of her childhood bedroom, the window facing her parent’s courtyard as she watched them leave for work each morning.
Back then they would both turn and wave, with a generous smile on their faces, always reminding the young girl how they wished to see her when they returned. They were always happy when she was a child, the three of them a cacophony of laughs and giggles. Until it stopped. Her parents worked together, but never left the house together, and neither of them stopped to wave her goodbye, no matter how many times she waited for them to do so. They just stopped being happy, and as y/n shifted her weight upon the damp crates she realised that maybe her once beloved parents were never happy at all.
They became distant. To one another and to her, even more so as she grew older and became her own person. They tried to oppress it, probably seeing her joyful exterior and constant smiles and not recognising where it had come from. Not either of them. It angered them further, seeing her be such a resilient person, because they wished for her to feel the same neverending hurt they had caused one another. Regardless of the fact that it wasn’t her emotion to own.
Y/n remembered the night she was handed a file by her father, feeling stunned to have been called into his study while he was working. Often he would go inside and not appear for days at a time, so she knew whatever it was, it had to be important.
She read over the words he’d laid out for her, detailing their plans for her, what they wanted for her future. It was a plan of her life, given to her by two people who couldn’t be bigger strangers. But it wasn’t hers, it felt nothing like hers. She wanted to be someone, and she wanted to do it for herself, not because her parents feel it’s financially best.
The words, writer… and prophet echoed constantly around the page as she tried to make sense of it all. Her father barely looked up from his work as she struggled to remain calm, her lungs losing all motor function as she felt her stomach twist and turn. That was when she realised she had to leave, do something for herself.
Rain had been such a comforting thing for y/n, when she was a child. Now it covered her like a plague, and drenched her down to the bone as she did all she could to forget about that life. It had been her home, her playground, her school. It had been her whole life, without much chance to be free in the rest of the world.
Now it was nothing. She wanted it to be nothing. There had to be something she could do, there had to be somewhere she could go. Because that place was no longer an option.
“Y/n?” A voice made her head whip up, the tears on her cheeks easily disguised as the rain if it wasn’t for the way she snivelled to herself. She hadn’t even felt herself begin to cry, yet here she was, and it was a pitiful sight to see.
The light was bad in the alley, but when the two tall figures got nearer she recognised them instantly. Her heart broke a little more to see the worry in the twins’ eyes as they quickly took in the sight of her cramped body amongst her belongings.
“Are you leaving town then?” She thinks it was George, asked, he had been the one wearing a black shirt when she’d seen them earlier. The girl was in a daze, her head taking in their words a lot slower than it should have been as she begged herself not to cry in front of them.
To them, she looked like she was in a dream. Her eyes glazed over even as she glanced their way, making it look like she wasn’t really there with them. George’s question caught her off guard a bit, the girl looking as though she had forgotten where she was as she looked around her with bewilderment. Then the look of confusion fell to one of despair when it clicked once again, she was all alone.
“I suppose I am.” Even the two men could hear how her voice begged to break as she spoke with an airy tone. This was the first time they had seen her anything but bright and smiley.
It broke their hearts, in all honesty.
“Do you need somewhere to stay the night?” Fred, this time, asked. He knelt down to meet her eye level, their tall forms always towering above her at the best of times.
“We have a particularly comfy couch at our place,” George added, following suit with the kneeling.
“It’s got five star reviews,”
“And probably a few galleons hidden down the back if you’re lucky.”
Their smiles made her giggle, and it was all they could have asked for in the moment.
“That’s very kind of you,” Her sweet tone was back, like she’d taken control of her head again, “But I couldn’t ask that of you two.” It was her default to be polite, not wanting to be a burden to anyone. It was the one thing her nanny had taught her before being let go when she was twelve, not to ask anything of anyone but yourself.
“Nonsense,” Fred stood up, taking her guitar case that was leant up against the brick wall and swinging it over his shoulder.
“Really, I’ll figure something o-out - it’s fine!” She tried to protest, but the twins had already decided her fate. George lifted her trunk with ease, and Fred held out a hand for her, prompting the girl to clumsily lift herself off the jumble of crates with his assistance.
“Come on then,” They said, starting off towards the brighter part of diagon alley.
She didn’t move, Fred having let go of her as soon as she steddied herself again. They looked back at her, both frowning with the same face as she tried not to laugh at how they were so similar they even acted like one another.
“Well you better come with us-” “Or else it’ll look like we’ve robbed you!”
The girl just looked down at her feet, feeling as though they were only doing this because they couldn’t leave her out in the rain. Which was true. But the twins knew that she was someone worth helping out.
“Do you have anywhere else to go?” George asked, shifting the case into his other hand nonchalantly as they waited for her to come along with them. Silently she shook her head, embarrassed to meet their eyes as she admitted defeat.
“Then what are you waiting for?” Fred chimed in, still wearing their signature smile.
Y/n couldn’t help but return the sentiment, she didn’t have to be alone for at least one night. That was something to smile about, so she smiled. Her feet surged her body forward, a small skip noticeable as she reached the two patient men.
“We do look like we’ve just mugged you.” George laughed as they all walked through the alley and towards their shop, her little life packed away and in their hands. The girl slotted between them, having to catch up with their longer strides every now and then, as both twins chatted away as if nothing was amiss.
“Here’s the palace itself,” “Our pride and joy!” They announced, ushering her into the shop lined with all the products an excited teenage wizard could wish for. The shelves seemed to be full to the brim, some things piled up as a display. As haphazard and chaotic as it looked, y/n couldn’t deny that the bright colours shimmering off everything she could see instilled a happiness inside her that she rarely felt as a child. This would have been her dream when she was younger.
The twins’ shop was well known in the alley, by almost everyone who visited the leaky cauldron. Yet she had never dared step inside it herself. Most days she would have been busy with jobs around the inn, and on the off chance that she ventured around any other establishments, it was purely for essentials.
The two men watched as she scanned all that she could see from the doorway, her eyes wide and inviting with each new discovery. They would see kids come in every single day with the same reaction, yet with her it seemed new. It was if she had never seen a toy before.
“Have you eaten yet?” Fred asked, weaving through some unopened boxes to reach the stairs. Even on them there was an endless supply of treats to be found.
“I’m not hungry… thank you.” She followed behind him, slowly, with George closing up the front doors and setting up security wards.
“That wasn’t the question silly,” He laughed, catching up. “Have you eaten tonight?”
“No- but I’m really fine without.”
Once they reached the very top of the long set of stairs, past the ‘staff only’ sign, a door was kicked open in front of her. The apartment inside was a sight for sore eyes, and also the furthest thing from what y/n had envisioned on the walk there.
From how high they had gotten inside the shop, the girl presumed that the flat above had to be pokey and a lot smaller than what she was seeing. It was like a large loft, with brick walls and two levels and these huge windows that looked well over diagon alley. She could see all the lights of muggle London shining amongst the dark sheeted sky.
“My rooms up there, and George is through there.” Fred explained, nodding towards the opening to a small hallway and setting down her things in the excess of open space they had. It was comfortable.
“And here’s your bed!” The other twin exclaimed, throwing himself onto the huge sofa that stretched beneath one of the windows and came out into the room in an L shape. They weren’t lying when they said it was comfortable, because she could tell it was even by looking at it.  
“Right! I, for one, am starving.” Fred announced, walking through to the open kitchen, his footsteps echoing on the floor as he went. “What about you y/n?”
The girl was too busy staring out the window to hear him. She’d never seen the city this way before. Her old house was well out in the country, and the alley didn’t give much of a chance for enchanting views. It seemed as though this was the exception.
“Just make her something, she’s busy.” George chuckled, watching her from the sofa. The girl turned and looked at him confused, but the man just shook his head with a smile. “Nothing important,” He whispered and let her go back to the hypnotising view.
As they sat down to eat together, George asked y/n many questions about her life, determined to learn all he could about her in one evening.
“Let her swallow first will you!” Fred huffed, passing her a glass of water so she didn’t choke in the process.
“I was homeschooled all my life, well- up until I moved really.” The girl smiled politely, trying not to go into too much detail with her answers. The two men were so kind, though, that it was hard not to tell them everything she’d been holding in. “So you didn’t finish it all?”
“I left before I got the chance to,”
They nodded in understanding, but she could see the cogs turning in their heads as they both took another bite of their food, all in unison. She snickered a little, enjoying the way they effortlessly put on a show with their mannerisms.
“Did you run away!” They both cried out, startling her as she sat across from them.
“W-well… I um- yes I d-did really.” A wry laugh sounded as she spoke, an out of place sound amongst the shock that displayed over Fred and George’s faces.
“Woah, did something bad happen?”
“George! You can’t just ask that- you don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to y/n.” Fred rolled his eyes at his brother, but the girl felt a sense of relief that they asked, it felt nice to have the chance to tell someone after keeping it to herself all this time. It felt more out of place to not tell them.
“It’s okay,” She chuckled at them both, “My parents weren’t very happy people, and they both kind of kept their lives centered around work. I had no problem with it, either than the lack of freedom I had at home, but it changed when they basically showed me a plan for my life.”
The twins listened intently, nodding along with her words and silently reacting accordingly. They both frowned with the last bit, never hearing of someone having their lives planned out for them before.
“They planned your life? Isn’t that a bit, you know-”
“Controlling,” Fred finished, a look of pity on his face.
“We had different ideas, they wanted me to be a writer at the prophet when I’d shown no interest in journalism or even writing before.”
“That’s mad,” George said in a hushed tone, not wanting to cut her off.
“It was then that I realised the only way I was going to do what I wanted, was if I left. So I just packed my things and came here, hoping to find somewhere to stay with what little money I had. Hannah was nice enough to take me in free of charge, so long as I worked behind the bar for it.”
“Both her and Neville really are saints.” “It’s so much better than I could have asked for, but now they can’t afford it. It’s all understandable, it’s just a pain that I can’t ask my parents for help.”
All the while that she recalled her story, the girl smiled, reminding the men that she was a lot stronger than people might assume. Given what she’d been through, it was amazing that she hadn’t broken down already.
“We’ll figure something out for you, all of us.” Fred smiled, glad to see colour in her cheeks now that she was in the warmth of their loft compared to the drizzly alleyway.
“It’s not the end of the world if your parents don’t support you either, there’s plenty more people in the world who will.” George reassured her, wiping his mouth with a napkin.
“Oh godric yeah,” Fred joined in, “Our folks went bloody mental when they heard this was what we wanted to start up instead of finishing at hogwarts.”
“Do they like it now?” She asked cautiously, feeling a little better knowing that they too skipped out on their academic life.
“They have to, given how well we’ve done.” “It is hard to deny our success,” They chimed like songbirds, the passion they had for their self made business shining through their wide eyes.
It was no surprise that the three of them got on, but as the night progressed quicker than they thought, the new trio found themselves with no awkward silences. The clock above them looked as though it had been enchanted when George finally glanced up at it, amazed to see that they’d been chatting for four hours already.
Only when y/n yawned did the two twins decide it was maybe time to call it quits.
“It’s getting late,” Fred spoke up, not wanting to keep the girl from her much needed sleep. It must have been a long day for her. “I’ll grab you some blankets.”
As he disappeared up into his room to look for something to keep her cosy all night, the girl helped George clear away their mess from dinner.
“I feel awful,” She smiled politely, handing him more plates to place into the sink that was doing all the work for them.
“What for?” The man seemed genuinely surprised.
“We spent all that time talking, but we never decided on what to do with me.” She scoffed, feeling like a child needing their help. “I promise I won’t hang around much longer, I’ll sort something out.”
“Like what?” He didn’t mean to sound harsh, it was more to show her that they were her only option right then.
“I-I’m not sure… sorry.” “Don’t be sorry, we want to help you.”
The door to Fred’s bedroom opened again and they fell into silence, the girl slipping back into the mindset that she was growing into a burden for them. She couldn’t ask anymore of them, they’ve already done enough for her. Then and there, y/n decided she would leave in the morning.
“Bed’s ready!” The shout came from the living room, where blankets had been laid over the sofa beneath the window. “Thought you would enjoy the view here.” Fred added when she came out to see his masterpiece.
“That’s hardly a bed!” George scoffed, laughing at the copious amount of cushions he’d left for her head, all different colours and sizes.
“It’ll be perfect, thank you.” She smiled, her eyes sparkling under the city lights that spilled into the room. It didn’t even matter that they would reflect against the ceiling as she slept, it looked like stars.
“As long as you like it then,” George muttered, eyeing his brother who clung onto a smug grin.
“Goodnight y/n, sleep well.”
“Night y/n.” They both smiled, turning to head off to their respective rooms as she opened up her case to look for something to sleep in.
“Night Fred, night George… thank you again, for all of this.” They both nodded at her words and disappeared, leaving her to change in the dark loft, only a small lamp beside her lighting her way to the sofa.
She clicked it off, casting lumos and stumbling over the fluffy rug to curl beneath the many layers of covers that Fred had left her. The girl chuckled to herself, peeling one off and folding it in a neat pile on the floor. Two would be just fine for one night.
It didn’t take long for her to drift off to sleep, the whole day’s nonsense catching up on her and slipping her body into a mini-coma. Her mind ran and slowed all at once, memories of nights she would spend in her childhood bed, reading books for hours on end until she’d fall asleep with the pages sprawled open beside her.
Many nights she would hear her parents scream at one another, that harrowing wailing sound would echo for hours until both of them grew tired and they decided to sleep apart yet again. That’s when she knew she could relax, she could finally do all the things that she wouldn’t have time for in the day between her tutor’s classes and meaningless chores.
She had been a night owl, revelling in the time she got to be truly alone, when the house slept she would come alive. Now, she couldn’t stay awake even if she wanted to. She needed to sleep, and fast.
Y/n vaguely heard a door opening and closing, unsure whether it was real or her mind replaying memories all too vividly. Either way, her eyes were far too heavy to open themselves and check. It could wait.
Fred cursed himself for not catching his bedroom door behind him, the noise booming across the loft. He waited, frozen at the top of the steps, watching to see if the girl would rouse at the sound. But he was in luck, she didn’t move a muscle.
He padded down to the bottom, making sure each step was lighter than the last as he headed into the small corridor. George jolted awake the second his door was opened, reaching for his lamp to see who was intruding on his sleep.
“What the fuck!” He almost shouted.
“Shut up! She’s sleeping in there!” Fred hissed, walking over to the empty side of the bed and sitting down calmly.
“So was I you git- what the hell are you doing, since when did we start sleeping together?”
“I didn’t mean that,” George rubbed his eyes with a grimace and reluctantly sat up, “What do you want then?” His voice finally hushed to match his brother’s.
“I have an idea,” Fred started.
“Yes,” “Well, I’ve been thinking about y/n-” “If this is you coming to tell me about another sex dream, I don’t wanna know, okay?”
“Will you just shut up and listen to me,”
“Fine, fine, go on.” He pulled the covers over his bare chest, feeling suddenly exposed to the cold night’s air.
“Well, we’ve been saying for ages that we need someone to work in the shop, except we can’t really afford it right now.” Fred explained, and George nodded along. “Look, y/n needs somewhere to stay, but she would never stay here without giving us some sort of payment, right?” The man’s head looked like it was on a spring as he took in the words. “So, why don’t we let y/n stay here with us and in return she can help out in the shop?”
“Do you think she’d agree to that?” “It was basically the same agreement she had with Neville and Hannah, except we have no reason to get rid of her.”
“I suppose so,” He didn't sound overly convinced.
“She needs somewhere to stay, we need someone to work, it’s a win-win situation!” Fred exclaimed, smiling like a mad man to try and convince his brother that their plan could work out.
“Okay, fine. We can ask her in the morning.”
“Great, I knew you’d say yes.” “Well it’s not like she’s the worst person to live with, it hardly took much to sway me.”
“Not the worst person? Come on George, she’s great!” Fred, admittedly, got a bit too excited at this. His voice ringing out louder than he’d wanted it to.
“You have had a sex dream haven’t you?” “Oh shut up!” “Was she in it,” George teased, prompting his brother to get up and head for the door. “So i’m taking that as a yes.” He turned the light off, hearing one last hiss from Fred before the door shut behind him.
“Aren’t you forgetting the time you had a sex dream about Mcgonnogall?” Fred quipped, leaving quickly as not to get a beating up from the other twin, who was mentalling cursing himself for ever revealing that fact when they were drunk one time.
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furikakyo · 3 years
a return to roots | 3
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pairing: kita shinsuke x f!reader
summary: y/n is a rising star in the music industry, having almost everything you could have ever hoped for as a small-town country girl. now after releasing two triple platinum albums in consecutive years, you face the dreaded artist’s burnout… in order to recover, your manager suggests, you should return to your hometown in hyōgo for a long-deserved break. 
genre: socmed/smau, slice of life 
warnings/tags: timeskip!, mutual pining, slow burn? more like rekindling, slight canon divergence
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You finished sending your texts to Osamu and sat back in your bed, tossing your phone aside and then pulling the covers over your head. As you tugged and curled into your blankets, your phone fell to the wooden floor of your bedroom with a heavy thunk. Cursing, you drew back the covers and reached over the edge of the bed, trying to find balance. All of the blood rushed to your face as you huffed, still attempting to rescue your phone without actually laying foot on the ground.
Once you finally recovered it, you sat back onto your bed with a heave, any sleepiness you had now gone. You stared at the ceiling, wondering what you should do that day. A hand fisted itself into the thick blankets as you tossed and turned, trying to find some comfort in your plush bed. You hadn't been able to sleep well the past couple of days, for whatever reason. Your neck hurt, your back was sore, hell, your entire body ached for some reason, restless and yet so tense at the same time.
You sat up suddenly. What was it Kuroo had said to you? You weren't sure.
"Ugh..." You buried your face into your hands, memories of last night's conversation rushing back to you; remembering how you'd started talking about Kita when you were nodding off. It had been over two years since everything between you went down. Why couldn't you stop thinking about it? You could feel the burn of embarrassment and shame behind your eyes, your throat beginning to close up. Sniffling, you opened your phone and scrolled through your contacts. Who wouldn't be busy? Your hand stilled, and your face brightened, if only for a moment. Kenma. He had a calm and comforting presence, which never failed to mellow you out. Plus, he didn’t really talk about emotions or feelings so he wouldn’t ask you about anything related to Kita, nor would you be tempted to talk about him.
You texted your bodyguard and driver, Ichiro, who agreed to pick you up from your apartment and then drive you to Kenma’s. Thanking him for coming on such a short notice and then reminding him to not text and drive, you got dressed for the day, choosing to wear your comfiest hoodie.
A few minutes later, your phone lit up again with Ichiro’s standard “here” text, and you were out the door, not forgetting to bring a hat and sunglasses with you, though. After locking the door and slipping your accessories on, you rushed into the elevator and then made your way down to the car.
The car ride itself was silent, as Ichiro seemed to have picked up on the mood you were in and decided not to comment. Although he was usually stoic, he always maintained a conversation if you initiated it, his responses albeit short. By now you knew that the brevity in which he spoke was not because of anything against you, however, but because he was naturally a quiet person. You wouldn’t have had anyone else for the job, though.
The car softly jolted you as it pulled to a stop, and you unbuckled quickly after realizing you were already at Kenma’s apartment. “Thanks!” you called out, opening the door yourself and then shutting it. You smiled and waved before Ichiro merged back into traffic, watching the car eventually disappear in the long stream of vehicles.
Feeling somewhat better, you entered the complex after buzzing in. and then made your way to Kenma’s apartment, knocking on the door and patiently waiting. There was a long pause and some shuffling behind the door before it opened a crack. Two large yellow eyes peered out into the hall, and then landed on you. The door shut and then opened without the door chain to stop it this time, and you stepped in.
“I brought my Switch,” you proudly announced, looking to the side of the corridor where Kenma was standing, a little hunched over and slouching. You held up your video game console, which was covered in skins and cute accessories you'd purchased. Some of them you'd gotten for free from Kenma though, who got sent free stuff all the time.
“Hi, Y/N,” he said, a soft smile on his face. He pulled half of his hair back with a hair tie and followed you back to where he streamed his games, settling into the chair that all of his fans could recognize by now. “We can play Minecraft, if you want. I haven't gone on our world for a while, so we could both go on.” Kenma swiveled to look at you inquisitively, waiting for an answer.
You lazily waved a hand at him. “No! Today you’re supposed to stream, right? I just crashed your place so I don’t really have a say. You should record and then if you have time after we can play,” you insisted, sitting on the bean bag behind his gamer chair. “I’ll watch or maybe work on my own world.”
Kenma thought about it for a few seconds, then nodded, setting up his microphone and monitors. “Last chance,” he mumbled, then put his headset over his ears, blocking out everything else. You watched in the background with mild interest as he went through his usual monotonous introduction, one that his fans seemed to adore despite its lack of flair. Perhaps it was exactly that what made him so endearing to the internet. Smiling, you glanced back down to your Switch, and opened up Minecraft.
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Setting your phone down for a second after replying to Atsumu, you called out lazily: "Oiiii, Kenma.” After a beat of silence and no response, you called again, "Kenmaaaa."
He had been just finished streaming, and pulled off his headphones. "Hm?"
You sat up excitedly, startling Kenma. "When I move, you should visit! Once I get settled in, at least."
He blinked, looking up at the ceiling as if calculating the pros and cons. "Too many bugs," he finally responded with a small grimace. "And it's gross and hot outside."
At that, you broke out into a laugh, the heartiest and most meaningful you’d had in a while. His particular comment wasn't even that funny, it was just- it was just so him. Was your sense of humor breaking? “Maybe I'll be able to change your mind," you mused. "We can even stream a video collab with the both of us- we should try Animal Crossing!" You clapped excitedly, beaming. "Kenma, let's do Animal Crossing once it comes out!”
He squinted his eyes, scooting away from you and your blinding enthusiasm. "Fine," he muttered, hunched over his phone now. He scrolled for a few minutes before speaking again. "Did you see that we're trending? On Twitter and YouTube." Kenma handed you his phone, stifling a small laugh into the collar of his sweatshirt as he sat back.
"I did," you snickered, laying his phone on the table and lying back on his bean bag chair. "My favorite response is the one about the Kodzuken simps," you said, wiggling your eyebrows suggestively at Kenma and then cackling when he turned completely the other way from you. "Kenma, they're devastated!" You gasped dramatically and then draped an arm over your forehead, fainting.
He rolled his eyes at you, shaking his head. "Shut up, Y/N."
After your giggles died out, you saw him offering a controller to you. "Game night!" you cheered, accepting it and sitting up straighter. "We should get takeout!"
Kenma lifted a brow, as if to say why are you even telling me this? "Already on its way.”
The two of you chatted as you played Minecraft, Kenma being a little more open when his mind was preoccupied with gaming. He was, of course, much better than you, eyes glued to the TV screen which had been hooked up to the game console. "Has Kuroo told you who's going to the Olympics?"
You shook your head, then remembered that Kenma wasn't looking your way. "No," you replied slowly, focused on getting out of the water so you could escape the mobs that were chasing you. "But a few of the boys from Inarizaki are. As for Kuroo, I think he was going to say something, but I fell asleep last night. He said something about you and an advertisement, though?"
Kenma smiled, finally breaking his gaze with the screen and looking at you. "Hinata Shōyō from MSBY is collabing with me, to promote the 2020 Olympic games."
Your eyes lit up in recognition. "That's right! Atsumu is teammates with him. I haven't talked to him one-on-one, though. He seems sweet!"
Kenma turned his attention back to the TV, where he was almost done building a house. "He played volleyball in high school too. They beat Inarizaki his first year at Nationals."
You stopped to think, your hands stilling on the controller. Your breathing slowed. In your third year, Inarizaki hadn't progressed further into Nationals, like everyone predicted. Despite being assistant manager, you hadn't thought it would be a big deal to miss their first match in the competition; assistant managers weren’t even allowed on the actual court anyways. You had all thought you were going to get further. You had thought you would get to see your boys play one last time. You had thought you would get to see Kita lead his team to Nationals, as team captain.
You had missed out on that opportunity for signing a record deal.
Beside you, Kenma noticed how quiet you'd gotten but didn't comment, instead going to the door when the buzzer notified him of their takeout delivery. You picked at a loose string on your hoodie, remembering why you didn't often go to Kenma when in distress. While you knew he cared about you and your wellbeing, you also knew that heart-to-heart conversations weren't his strong suit. When he returned a few moments later with your favorite foods, you pushed down the eruption of guilt and self-loathing with a bright smile. "Sorry, what were we saying? Something about Kuroo..." You strained to keep your eyes crinkled and happy.
Kenma's brow furrowed. "Kuroo-"
You interrupted him, and he let you. "Oh yeah! Kuroo and I are gonna hang out on Thursday! Wanna come? I'm leaving Saturday morning, so unless I see you before then, this will be the last time you see me before I leave for Hyōgo."
You watched his face run through a couple of emotions before settling on contemplation. Kenma blew a wisp of stray hair from his eyes and then begrudgingly: "Sure..."
This time, you gave him a true smile and clapped excitedly. "Yay! Should we try to get some of the others to join us? Lev? I want to be able to say goodbye to all of you in person, if possible." Then, swiping the plastic bag from Kenma, you opened the bag hurriedly and began pulling out things. "Here are the plates... and the chopsticks..." You set everything out and then let him load his plate with food first. Soon after, the two of you were back to playing Minecraft, squabbling over who got to use what equipment. After Kenma finally relented and let you have first pick, the both of you set out to fight the swarms of mobs gathered near your shared house.
"Hey, Y/N."
You had looked away for only a couple seconds, but you were blown up by a Creeper. "BITCH," you screeched, "I just fucking died?!"
Kenma snickered, running past your character and stealing everything you'd left behind. You gasped even louder. "BITCH-"
a/n: i said there weren’t going to be as many words as the last part but 🤡 also currently the fic is moving slowly and going day by day but it’ll pick up the pace soonish
taglist (pm me to ask to be added!): @papiibuprofen​ (i didn’t know if i should just respond to your ask publicly sksksk but i added you) 
some ~fun facts~
- y/n’s bodyguard/driver is named after ichiro, one of my fav baseball players
- his name in y/n’s contacts is “bonecrusher 👹” lmao 
- he is stoic but actually a softie; he’s about 30 and has a wife and one kid, both of whom he loves very much 
- i had kenma and y/n playing animal crossing instead of minecraft at first, then realized that it wouldn’t have been released yet, since this takes place in 2020... DAMN YOU TIMELINE
- do i have a map of hyōgo so i can write this fic? yes 💀
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genshin-garbage · 3 years
Regret and the Truth
Lumine falls for the distant alchemist, Albedo, but he doesn’t realize his feelings until it’s too late. He hurts her in a way he can’t undo and regret settles in his heart. Regret can be ignored for a while, but it always comes back.
When Lumine first saw the alchemist, her first thought was that he was really pretty. When they officially met, she found the rumors about his coldness to be unfounded. He was quite pleasant to work with and engaged in conversation avidly. Albedo wasn’t shy about asking questions about her nature as a traveler of worlds, and was curious about her biology. She initially chalked this up to being about his research, but as the questions became more and more personal, she couldn’t help but be curious about him in turn.
Over time, their talks started to resemble normal conversations people have to get to know each other. Questions like: what are your hobbies and what’s your hometown like. Lumine eventually forgot how insatiable his curiosity really is and came to consider him a close friend, later even developing feelings for him. She went to visit his camp on Dragonspine whenever she was free, and when she had to stop by the Knights of Favonius headquarters she always asked if he was there.
It didn’t take long for most of the knights to realize Lumine’s crush, Klee especially was excited as she wanted to see the honorary knight be happy with her big brother. Aside from Klee, the knights generally supported her. A few who were closer to Albedo however, were a bit hesitant and tried to steer her away from him. Sucrose and Timaus in particular tried to tell Lumine about his one-track mind, and how he has a hard time understanding normal emotions. However, Lumine’s feelings couldn’t be stopped and those who were reluctant do eventually stop trying to sway her.
There came a day when Lumine had finally worked up the courage to confess her feelings with the support of her friends (and maybe a little bit of alcohol). It was sunset and Albedo had been collecting research materials in Dragonspine, she was a bit tipsy and waiting for him in his lab.
“Hm? Lumine? What are you doing here?”
“Albedo I, I need to tell you something.”
Lumine approaches him, she was too nervous to look him in the eyes. “I, I like you a lot!”
“Hmm, I see. Then I wonder…” He leans over and kisses her. Lumine doesn’t kiss back out of surprise but quickly leans into the kiss. Their hands roam each other's bodies as they kiss, feet taking them to the couch nearby. As Albedo lays her down on the sofa, he kisses her down her neck and leads the night in a more passionate direction.
Lumine wakes up naked next to Albedo. Her head stung a little but she remembers clearly what had transpired. She blushes hard, she felt there was a possibility of Albedo returning her affections but she didn’t expect the night to turn in that direction. It felt good though and she doesn’t regret it. He never properly said he liked her back however, which irked her a bit, but there was still time. She feels Albedo stir below her, one hand moving from her waist to rub the sleepiness out of his eyes.
“Mhmmm, good morning.” He sits up carefully so as to not push her off the couch.
“Good- good morning.”
“How are you feeling?”
“I feel great. A bit sore but I really enjoyed last night.”
“Nothing out of the ordinary? No changes anywhere?”
“No?” She hesitated, dread washing over her. “Last night, you never really told me how you felt.”
“About that, I don’t want you to misinterpret my actions. I was merely curious about your biology and how your kind reacts to romantic interest, nothing more. Perhaps if the results were different we could have continued this charade a bit longer, but they turned out to be the same as any average person in Teyvat.” He reaches over to grab his shirt from the floor. “Please excuse me, I have work to do and I must record the data from this experiment.”
Lumine shifted off him but remained silent, tears began to well up in her eyes as she felt her heart be torn to shreds by every word that came out of his mouth. To him she was nothing more than an experiment, a specimen in his research to find the truth to this world. She was had, used, and now was being discarded as if she was nothing. “So last night, my confession, it all meant nothing to you? All those times you called me beautiful, was it all a lie?”
“No, not entirely. You are attractive and your company is pleasant enough.” He puts on his clothing as he speaks, his tone disinterested and his face neutral. It was clear he didn’t care what happened next or how Lumine felt. “However, beyond my research I don’t feel the need to be anymore than acquaintances. It was simply convenient to use your attraction to get a better idea of how you work.”
“I see.” Her voice cracked and Albedo turned to look at her. Tears fell down her cheeks and a fake smile plastered on her face as she put on her clothing. “I’m- I’m glad that I was at least some use to you. I, uh, I need to go. Paimon must be wondering where I am. Goodbye.”
She rushes out the door leaving a surprised Albedo alone in the lab. While he did expect her to be upset, he didn’t expect her to still treat him with such kindness. He expected her to beat him screaming at him for playing with her emotions. He felt a tinge of regret before smothering it, there wasn’t time for regret in the pursuit of knowledge. It was a necessary step in getting the data he needed. Still, the hurt expression lingered in his mind as he planned out his new routine until the people of Mondtstadt forgot about this incident.
The next few weeks, Lumine was emotionally absent. It was hard not to notice how she robotically went through commissions, taking more of them as well as bounties. Paimon noticed that what little sleep she did get on a daily basis was cut from her schedule, and that she had started eating less. Whenever anyone asked what was wrong, she would always say that she was fine. They knew it had something to do with Albedo, but he was more elusive than usual. He was the last to come and first to leave during meetings, all of his experiments now took place in Dragonspine, and his time spent babysitting Klee was now spent studying the area around Star Snatched Cliff.
One night, they had finally had enough and managed to convince Diluc to let Lumine drink in hopes that some alcohol in her system would finally get her to tell them what was wrong. He agreed, and so Lisa, Jean, and Amber took Lumine out on a girls night out while Diluc manned the bar.
Lisa was the first to prod after Lumine was decently drunk. “So Lumine, What happened between you and Albedo? You haven’t asked about him in a long while. Did your confession not go well?”
“He- he doesn’t like me in that way. I’m nothing but a specimen in his research.” Lumine takes another long sip of her drink. “He said it himself, ‘beyond my research I don’t feel the need to become anything beyond acquaintances’.”
“I have a feeling that if he had simply rejected you, you wouldn’t be this upset.” Jean stated. “Something else happened between you two. You don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to, but as your friends we want to help you in any way we can.”
“Yeah! Like Jean said! We all hate seeing you all mopey and sad! If Albedo did anything to you I’ll make it my personal mission to set Barron Bunny on him!” Amber added, crossing her arms to exaggerate her point.
Lumine, touched by their words, and incredibly hammered at this point, began to cry. “Tha-thank you guys. I- after I confessed we spent the night together, it was consensual and I enjoyed it, but the morning after he admitted that he only slept with me as part of his research. I- I really thought he liked me back, but he used me! I feel like there’s something wrong with me! I feel so dumb for falling for him, Sucrose and Timaus even warned me! Am I just not good enough? I thought I had a chance, but I was so foolish for thinking I was good enough. Why would he fall for someone like me? I’m nothing but an outlander!”
The rest of her words become unintelligible babble and wails. Amber held her in a tight hug as she bawled her eyes out. Looks were shared between the three women and Diluc as a roaring rage began to burn in their eyes. How dare he use Lumine like this. How dare he play with her feelings, then cast her aside like a toy. Any sort of respect they had for the alchemist beyond his genius had dissipated in the wind.
It wasn’t long before everyone in Mondstadt knew what had happened. He found the increased difficulty in obtaining items in shops and finding people to assist him irritating but not unexpected. He didn’t care about the glares from adults, but the questions from Klee did sting.
“What did big brother do to big sis Lumine to hurt her feelings? Klee can go get Jean and see if she can help big brother make up with Lumine!”
“It’s ok Klee, I’m sure Jean and Lumine have better things to do.”
“Klee, it's fine. How about you go play outside.”
As Klee exited the lab, Sucrose came in. She had an anxious look and was fidgeting. “Master Albedo? Do you have a moment? I wish to speak to you about something.”
“Very well, what is it Sucrose?”
“Why- why did you do that to Lumine? There were other ways to get the data you wanted without hurting her. So why did you do it?”
“It was simply the most convenient way at the time, and the data I collected was easier to analyze since I didn’t have to rely on a third party. It was simply easier to get objective information.”
Sucrose clearly didn’t like that answer as her body tensed up and her face had a hurt expression. “I see. I’ll leave you be then. I won’t be available to assist you for a while. I hope your research was worth Lumine’s pain.”
She stormed off in a quiet rage and left Albedo alone in the lab. He seemed to be alone more, he attributed it to the lack of hands helping him but he knew deep down it was because Lumine wasn’t there anymore. For the second time, regret flared up in his heart before he smothers it again. If loneliness was a consequence of getting closer to the truth, then he shall make himself the loneliest man alive.
The month after the confrontation with Sucrose, he overhears that the traveler had returned from Liyue with someone. He pays this no mind until he sees her with the man himself. An ugly feeling rears its head as he sees her laughing and smiling with a green haired man. If Albedo hadn’t been so observant he would have thought the man to be annoyed by her presence, but he notices how soft his eyes look at her and how he stands in a position ready to protect her if anything were to suddenly happen. When the man pulls a fallen leaf out of her hair, the ugly feeling grips harder.
Before he can stop, he realizes that he’s walking towards them. It’s too late to turn around as they notice him. “Welcome back, Lumine. May I ask who this is?”
Lumine shifts uncomfortably in place, she turns to hide herself a little. “Oh, uh, hello. This is Xiao, Xiao this is Albedo.”
“Is he the one you’ve spoken about in the past?” Xiao’s expression has lost its softness as he looks at Albedo.
Lumine hesitates to answer the question, nervous of his reaction. “Yes… yes he is.” She grabs his arm when she sees him tense up. “Please don’t do anything, it’s in the past. I just want to forget it happened.”
“Hmph, fine.”
“I shall take my leave. Enjoy your stay in Mondstadt and a pleasure to meet you Xiao.”
“I cannot say likewise.” He growls.
As Albedo walks away, he sees in the reflection of a store window that Lumine had kissed Xiao on the cheek.  Flustered Xiao turns away, but not without holding her hand in return.
“That could have been me.” The thought stakes its claim in his mind. As much as he tries and tries, he can’t smother the feeling of regret in his heart. He loves Lumine, but he hurt her, and now he can never have her. When he turned into his lab, he sunk down onto his knees and truly let the feeling sink in. He was a genius but clearly he still had much to learn, he just wished he had realized sooner what his teacher truly meant when she told him to learn the truth to this world.
He closed his eyes and hoped that if he were to ever be reborn he wouldn’t make the same mistake again, then let the darkness consume him.
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got-svt · 4 years
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pairing: seventeen x reader genre: fluff, angst
updates: ???
warning; this is just me indulging in some of my favorite tropes and cliches because I can’t get enough of them
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during the course of our lives, we meet thousands of people, creating either a seconds long moment or memories that last a lifetime. some of them you’ll have the opportunity to know beyond their names and faces, some you may even grow to love. unfortunately, not all of them have the luxury of staying in your life forever. 
seventeen as all the boys you’ve loved and lost.  
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lee chan as the childhood best friend. he’s the one you grew up next to, who lived in the house directly in front of yours. the one you’ll forever associate with popsicles on the sidewalk, bike rides at dawn, seesaws and swings at sunset. and you wish you could trap yourself within the memories, to never escape the hold of childhood innocence. but, just like everyone else, both of you eventually had to grow up. 
yoon jeonghan as the academic rival. he’s the one that had you wondering how could you be so similar to someone, yet so different? he knew how to push your buttons and make a competition of everything, whether it was sports, academics, or extracurriculars. he was the one that made steam come out of your ears and blood rush to your cheeks. but even you had to admit there was a certain rush that came with it, too bad he transferred schools just before senior year. 
vernon chwe as the first love. he’s the one who woke up thirty minutes earlier in the morning just so he could walk with you to school. it was the kind of love that felt more like a friendship, but neither of you would have had it any other way. filled with inside jokes, skating in the park, sneaking out after curfew. all smiles, messy kisses, and badly belting out songs in the car. unfortunately, both of you also knew your relationship would never last past graduation day.  
xu minghao as the boy you met at summer art camp. he’s the one you were hesitant to approach at first. it wasn’t until you were tasked to critique each other’s works that you really got to know him. after that it was all marshmallows around a campfire, swimming in the lake, drawing in the fields, and paint that never seemed to leave either of your skin. as much as you wanted it to last forever, summer had to end and he never promised to keep in touch. 
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joshua hong as the university campus crush. he’s the one who seemed too good to be true. whose smile could break a million hearts, but you knew better than to fall for it. you saw him studying in the library, walking the halls, relaxing in the quad, always surrounded by a crowd of adoring fans — all vying for his attention. what a shame you never found out that you were the one who managed to catch his eye.  
boo seungkwan as the classmate you tutor. he’s the one who pretended to struggle in chemistry just so he could get closer to you. soon enough quiet afternoons in the library ended with nights at a karaoke bar, singing your hearts out to hits from the 2000s. you always knew he liked you. he never knew you liked him back, and your newfound friendship became much too valuable to risk. as the semester drew to a close, so did chances of a relationship.   
wen junhui as the barista at your favorite cafe. he’s the one who spelled your name right on the first try and remembered your order by the third visit. the only one who greeted you with a smile as you entered the door — not a forced, practiced smile, but a genuine one. his voice was as soothing as the cups of tea he made on nights you couldn’t sleep. however, you could never recall a time you saw him outside the cafe. 
kwon soonyoung as the dance partner. he was the teaching assistant in your social dancing class. the butterflies in your stomach went wild each time he laughed off you stepping on his feet, when you felt how tightly he grasped your hand in his, whenever he looked into your eyes. for some reason, you thought he had fallen for you just as you had for him. that idea was crushed when you saw him dancing with somebody else, their bodies in sync the way yours and his could never be.  
jeon wonwoo as the college sweetheart. he’s the one you mistakenly thought would last. you remember all the early morning coffee runs and late night drives, cramming sessions in the library, holding hands underneath the table, dancing in the rain, his sweaters smelling like him, lazy sundays talking about the future. it was the kind of love you fought for, but fate had different plans.
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kim mingyu as the next door neighbor. living on your own would’ve been dreadful had he not been there. did you need an extra cup of sugar for some cookies? he’ll bring one over and even bake with you. are you going away for a trip? don’t worry he’ll water your plants and feed your fish, making sure they’re the healthiest they can be. something broke? he’s more than willing to fix it himself or call someone who can if he’s unable to. which is why you wish he never moved away, leaving you with nothing but a letter and a quieter apartment. 
choi seungcheol as the coworker. your first job was a nightmare, but he was the one who made everything much more tolerable. he made sure you ate properly, never overworked yourself to the point of exhaustion, offered you a ride home when it was too late to take the bus, sent you a smile during early morning meetings. he became your rock during some of the toughest months of your life, what a shame he had to be transferred somewhere else.  
 lee seokmin as the one that got away. he should’ve been it. hadn’t it been for the timing, the distance, every other little circumstance that eventually built up to be too much. you could’ve had it all. you loved each other and for the longest time you swore it would be enough. but with his life in the spotlight and yours out of it, the end was almost inevitable. maybe in another life things could be different, but neither of you would ever get the chance to know. 
lee jihoon as the endgame. he’s the one you met much later on in life, but little did either of you know that your paths were always meant to cross. he’s always been there, waiting in the sidelines. he attended the class after yours, entered the cafe just as you were about to leave, lived in the apartment three floors above you, worked in the building located a couple of streets from your office. the reason why every single heartache eventually became worth it, because they all lead to him — the one who ended up staying.
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[taglist is open for the entire series or specific member/s ! just send in an ask or a dm] 
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note; this will be bulleted scenarios bec i feel like it would be the most feasible for me to do with the other wips i have for this blog. ren — i hear you ask — if you have a ton of wips, why start another series? listen, my brain decided to fart out this idea at three in the morning and what was i supposed to do? say no? ajhsskh and it’s february wc is the month of ~love~ so no better time than this one ig? again,, no update schedule for this one but chan’s will most likely be up on his bday  (not sure on vernon’s and seokmin’s that depends on how quickly i can crank these out shdjasn) ! <33
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