#no. i'm telling you it's safe. i've told you it's safe multiple times. if you don't trust me idk what to tell you lol
gender-euphowrya · 4 months
the way my grandma tries to shove her irrational fears on me and then guilt-trips me when i don't indulge her
#no grandma your tv won't explode if you turn it on during a storm#yes ''well if i die then it's your fault'' sure whatever this doesn't matter because you won't die from turning on a fucking tv#i'm out here using a computer that's using far more electricity than your tv#without using your tv YOUR home is using up tons of electricity either way. you have a fridge a heating system a stove a router a microwave#we live near a building equipped with a lightning rod Specifically In Place so you & i can be safe during storms#every single time you have ever had a fear of something blowing up in your face killing you instantly. well.#i can't say it ever happened considering i'm still talking to you right now#i will not play along and pretend to be scared with you. i'm not. you shouldn't be. turn your tv on.#you're calling me specifically because you want to know if it's safe to use your tv right now#i'm telling you Yes It Is. did you ever intend to listen to me or were you just looking for validation ?#did you only call so i could tell you your tv's a ticking bomb just waiting for you to hit the on button to zap you into a pile of dust ?#why call me to ask if you only want confirmation of what you already believe and won't accept any statement that denies it ?#you're not gonna die from using a fucking television. nobody ever has.#like... ugh of Course she's allowed to be scared plenty of people are scared of stormy weather#but why does she expect me to tell her GEE YES GRANGRANS THE TV'S GONNA 9/11 YOU IF YOU EVEN LOOK AT THE REMOTE AAAAAA#no. i'm telling you it's safe. i've told you it's safe multiple times. if you don't trust me idk what to tell you lol#ITS NOT EVEN THAT STORMY IT'S LIKE DRIZZLING OUTSIDE THATS ALL
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writingthroughmyass · 28 days
Service Animal (Part one)
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My mans Logan Howlett X Reader (afab)
Part two here
WARNING: This is soooo self insert it's not even funny. I get weird migraines that present like absent seizures and thought it would be nice to get a warning beforehand by my favourite babygirl Logan (like my own personal service animal). This is gonna be in three parts, it's mostly finished and ends in smooshing so be ready for that ;)
The after effects of using your power was kicking your ass.
In a daze, you made it to your private room and went straight to your bathroom. You felt the nausea rising up in your throat and quickly opened the toilet lid to throw up. 
The multiple alternate realities of what could have happened tonight flashed before your eyes. Ororo, Jean, Scott, Logan, all collapsed on the floor, dead. Their screams played in a relentless loop in your head; you were dissociating badly. Your surroundings melted away until there was nothing but the countless ways they could have died if you hadn't bent reality to avoid it. 
Always. It's always like this. 
Gradually, you begin to return to your body, only to realise there was someone in the room with you, holding your hair back. 
Terrified, your body snapped up from its kneeling position to face the intruder. 
“Woah, hey, it's just me. Calm down.”
“L-Logan?” you slurred, suddenly feeling self conscious of the smell of your breath. 
“I knocked and called out but you didn't answer. So I came in to check on you.” 
You eyed him, feeling suspicious of how out of character this was for him. 
“Why are you looking at me like I'm lying? I'm not totally heartless,” he said defensively.
“Why'd you come in the first place to see me though? I thought you were pissed with me,” you grumble.
When you'd overdone it with your powers, Logan threw a hissy fit and yelled at you for going too far. While you knew it was out of care, it still rankled you that he was acting as if you were a child. You knew what you were doing. 
“I… just had a bad feeling,” he said quietly. “Y'know how I've got my heightened senses. I could tell something was off with you.”
“I'm fine. Just need to rest. This is normal for me.”
You turned around to the bathroom sink and grabbed your toothbrush. You gave your teeth and tongue a quick clean, wanting to just wash all the blood off your body so you could sleep. 
It felt like you had a raging hangover from drinking Everclear all night. 
When you turned from the sink you noticed Logan was still there. 
“Uh… need something? I wanna get ready for bed and pass out.”
“Yeah, I need to know you're okay,” he says.
“I told you, I'm fine. I'm going to shower so please leave.” 
Your patience was wearing thin. But you were also aware that some of it was nervousness coming out as aggression. You couldn't deny the attraction you felt towards him, although his attitude left much to be desired. His behaviour tonight was quite frankly really sweet and it was psyching you out. You were already in the midst of losing touch with reality and his actions were so contradictory to his usual self that it was causing you a psychotic break. 
“You're not listening to me,” he ground out, losing some of his own patience. “I'm telling you that something is wrong with you.” 
You stared silently at him, mouth slightly hanging open. 
“Okay, that came out the wrong way.” He was ruffling his hair in agitation. Cute. “What I'm saying is- I'm… ah…”
“Please, Logan, I just want a shower so I can go to bed…”
“Look, I'll just wait in your room and I'll leave once you're in bed safe, ‘kay,” he says, turning to the door and walking out, shutting it behind himself. 
You just wanted to be alone so you could have a good cry. You were incredibly confused about what in the world was going on but now you were really getting scared. And Logan's words were not helping. 
What if he's right and this time your connection with reality has been completely severed? But what else were you supposed to do? Let them all die? Even with your special training with Charles, your power was so unruly and chaotic that it was terrifying. You had to be careful or there would be no way back. 
You got undressed and turned on the shower, stepping inside. It was only once you were under the hot stream of water that you realised you'd left your pyjamas in your bedroom. You groaned aloud. Fuck, now you'd have to walk in front of Logan in nothing but a towel. Why the fuck was he here? You wished he'd just leave. 
You watched the dried blood wash away from your skin, turning the floor of your shower a bright red. 
You felt your stomach drop and your head turned fuzzy. The sound of your shower disappeared. The safety of your surroundings melted away. 
Scott, his eyes gouged out from his head. Ororo’s limbs crumpled every which way, her eyes clouded over not because of her powers but because she was lifeless. Jean, her neck holding on to her body by a thread, her cranium blasted open and her brain dripping down her face. 
Logan, on the ground, ripped to shreds, his Adamantium bones showing through his torn flesh. And the wounds weren't healing. 
It was always like this. As if you were being punished for playing god. It was as if all the horrible realities you prevented from happening still lived on but solely in your mind, driving you insane. It left scars of trauma on your psyche, Charles had told you. So you had to be careful in how you used your powers or you may become completely untethered from reality. A fate worse than death. 
Vaguely, you could hear yourself mumbling and gasping and swallowing loudly, trying to find some kind of equilibrium in the mess of your mind. 
You were trying desperately to connect back with your body but at the same time you didn't want to because it only meant having to fight this same battle over and over again. 
Seeing your friends die before your very eyes in hundreds of thousands of different ways, experiencing each traumatic story to its conclusion. Only to have it all unravel into a reality where none of it happened, but the whiplash makes you doubt this reality too. It's always too good to be true. You feel it in your bones that you don't deserve this. That the way you twist reality is wrong and one day it'll catch up to you in the worst possible way. 
You feel water running down your face and remember that you're in the shower. You try to ground yourself and come back to your body. You hear the water splashing, feel the ground beneath your feet, the solid embrace around you. 
You try to move but you can't. Finally, you snap fully to your body. Your mind is groggy, feeling like you'd been hit by a truck. But there's the unmistakable warmth surrounding you, dense and as unyielding as brick. 
Your face is roughly yanked upwards and you open your eyes.
“Fuck, finally! Are you alright?” 
You stare blearily, mouth open and dry from the adrenaline that had been pumping through your body just moments ago.
Bright hazel eyes. Huh. So pretty. You'd never noticed. 
You realise you're not supporting your own weight. You're finally aware that Logan has you in an embrace, holding your body up, one hand around your waist and the other on your jaw as he looks into your face. The water on your face isn't from the shower, you realise. It's your tears. 
“Bloody hell, please say something,” he says angrily. You feel some of your own anger flare up in response. What's his problem? 
“Fuck,” you croak. 
You feel his chest vibrate against yours as he laughs, suddenly aware that you're as naked as the day you were born and this man is fully clothed standing in your shower, getting his white singlet wet. Giving you a bear hug…
Your brain short circuits as you try to come up with words, feeling your whole body heat with embarrassment. 
“W-what are you doing in here?” you manage to slur.
“Helping your ass,” he says roughly. “Can you stand?”
Fuck, good question. Can I stand??
“C-close your eyes first,” you demand. 
“Bit late to be feeling shy now don't you think?” he teases with a wink. 
“Just close ‘em!” you yell at him. 
He laughs before complying. 
You extricate yourself from his arms, turning off the shower, then navigate carefully around him to exit the cubicle. You grab a towel and cover yourself, making a mental note to grab a clean one later since this one was definitely dirty now. 
“Okay, open your eyes and get out, please.”
He turns to look at you.
“Don't think that's a good idea, bub.”
“And why is that?” you huff impatiently.
“What if you collapse in the shower again?” he says matter of factly.
“I've been having these things for a long time. I've managed to survive so far so don't stress about it.”
“It's different now though, isn't it? You've been having these for a long time, you said so yourself, and they're only getting worse instead of better.”
You sigh heavily in frustration. You hated that he was right. 
“So what exactly are you suggesting?” 
Your heart was beating like crazy. He better not suggest what you think he was going to suggest.
“I'm sure old Chuckie boy wouldn't mind lending you his shower chair for the night,” he smirked. 
You laughed out loud despite the tension in the room. He always managed to make you laugh. 
“Yeah, I'm just going to wake up an old man in the middle of the night to ask if I can borrow his shower chair,” you joked, lightly slapping him on the shoulder. 
He laughed along with you then you both shared a few moments of comfortable silence. Only for him to break it with-
“My other suggestion is to shower with me so I can make sure you don't faint and hurt yourself.”
You stared at him distrustfully.
“Hey, look, I'm not being a pervert, it's just the only solution I can think of on the fly,” he placates, hands raised as if to say I'm innocent and unarmed. 
You stopped to think for a second, your muddled mind trying to make sense of the situation. 
It made you especially uncomfortable that you didn't exactly have your full mental faculties about you. 
But Logan was a good friend. You'd fought beside him many times before and you saw that you could trust him. But… he was still a man. A man much bigger and stronger than you. 
“Can I trust you?” you asked falteringly. What a stupid idea to ask the opinion of someone fully in power over you. 
“I promise I won't do anything without you wanting it. This is entirely your choice.” 
You looked him in the eyes, trying to find a trace of falsehood in them. But you only saw honeyed eyes, dripping with conviction. The same conviction you'd seen many times before when he was protecting those he loved. 
You felt yourself feel a little calmer. 
“Okay… but you better not break your promise. Or I'll sick Charles and his shower chair on you.” 
“I won't. I just want to keep you safe,” he said in a low, serious voice. 
You felt a fluttering behind your ribs. Fuck… I'm about to shower with this incredibly attractive asshole.
“Okay… you get in first,” you said. 
“Yes, ma'am,” he said a little too cheerily. 
You turned around to give him privacy to undress. You heard the rustle of his clothes then a thump as he dropped them on the floor of your bathroom. 
Should've known he'd be a slob…
You heard the shower turn on and you braced yourself for what was to come next. 
You turned towards the shower, keeping your head down and eyes averted. You removed your towel and stepped into the shower, still not looking at Logan and ignoring his presence, which was hard to do in your little shower. Thankfully he was turned away respectfully.
You stood behind him, turned away from his body. You took your soap and began to lather it over yourself as you usually did when you showered. 
“Would you like a hand with your back?” Logan spoke up. 
You paused as you weighed up the question in your mind. 
“Sure,” you said quietly, trying to keep yourself calm. 
This is totally normal. We're just friends having a shower. Together. 
You turned your back and heard him applying soap to his hands. Slowly, gently, as if you were made of glass, he began to rub your back, starting with your shoulders. You felt yourself give an involuntary shiver.
“Are you cold? Do you need the water a bit hotter?” he asked you. 
“No, it's fine. The temperature is okay with you?” 
“Yeah, bub, just perfect.” 
His hands felt massive against your back. He massaged your neck for a few seconds before moving down your shoulder blades towards your middle back. 
“Did-did you want me to do your back too?” you asked, trying to hide how nervous you were. 
“Since you're offering, sure,” he said gruffly. You turned towards him at the same moment he turned away from you, unfortunately catching a glimpse of his insane fucking abs, but thankfully managing not to make eye contact. 
You soaped up your hands and began with his neck, trying not to notice how thick and muscular his traps were. 
God… this is hell but also heaven. 
You ran your hands across his ridiculously broad shoulders and down his middle back, avoiding going too low lest you caress his stupid, tight ass. 
“I'm going to wash my hair, okay?” you told him, unsure of why you were asking permission. 
“Don't know why you're asking my permission.” Fuck. You were being weird. “But I can do the same right?” he responded, holding in laughter. 
You felt your face go hot.
“D-do what you want,” you said petulantly. 
You took the shampoo bottle, squeezing what you needed for yourself before handing it to him over his shoulder, which he thankfully kept turned to you in respect. 
You both washed your hair in silence. You already felt a bit better. You dreamily thought of your bed as you rinsed the shampoo from your hair. 
You then grabbed the conditioner and squeezed some into your hand. 
“Need the conditioner?” you asked Logan.
“What for?” he asked, confused. 
“For your hair, duh.”
“Nah, I'm good. Haven't had to use it so far in my life, won't start now. Need a hand with washing your hair?” 
You knew he was trying to be helpful. But it felt so, so wrong. Like overstepping your relationship as friends. But then again… would you ever get the chance again to have an incredibly sexy man wash your hair for you? 
“Sure,” you said stiffly.
Silence, then his hand moved around you to grab the bottle from you. 
“Ah-” you already had some conditioner in your hand. You were about to tell him but decided to keep quiet as he worked on your hair. 
His fingers… so thick and strong yet gentle through your hair, over your scalp. You couldn't help but to close your eyes and enjoy the sensation. 
It was over too soon and he stepped away from you again. You tipped your head to rinse your hair, giving your face a quick scrub with water while you were at it; fuck your skin routine, you were going straight to bed. 
“I'm going to step out first,” you informed him. 
He grunted in reply and you stepped from the shower, grabbing two clean towels from your bathroom cupboard. You covered yourself with one and half turned your body to Logan, gaze still averted from his direction. 
“Here ya go,” you tried to say cheerily, offering the towel to him.  
“Thanks,” he said and grabbed it from your hand. You quickly moved to the door. 
“Wait until I say you can come in,” you said before closing the door behind you. 
This was not helping you to relax at all.
You dried yourself quickly and threw your pyjamas on. 
“I'm done!” you called through the door. 
He stepped out with his towel wrapped around his stupid, slutty waist. You could see his happy trail adorning his abs. His enormous pecs, his dog tags resting in the dip of his gorgeous chest. 
“Hey, bub, my eyes are up here,” he teases. 
You swallow thickly and glare at his stupid, smirking face.
“Have I ever told you I hate you?” you retort, only succeeding in making him laugh. 
“How are you feeling now?” he says softly, suddenly serious. 
“I'm… exhausted. I usually sleep a lot after an episode.” 
He nods in understanding. 
“You'll be okay if I leave?”
This gives you pause. If you were being honest to yourself, you'd say, “Please stay. I don't want to be alone tonight.” 
But you weren't honest with yourself. 
“Thanks for looking out for me, Logan. I really appreciate it and sorry for putting you out. I'll be okay. You can go to bed now if you want.” 
He looked at you in silence. He stepped towards you, so close that you had to look up to keep eye contact. You could feel the warmth radiating from him. Fuck he runs hot. 
“You mean it, right? You're okay to be alone?” 
You stared at him, a little bit dumbfounded. Was he able to read minds or something? 
“Yes, I'll be fine. I'll be in bed so I can't exactly fall,” you chuckled. 
He didn't laugh with you. Only watched you carefully. 
“Okay. I'll respect what you say you want,” he says carefully. 
Again, this is so out of character for him that you second guess yourself whether you're in reality or not. 
You watch as he turns to the bathroom and grabs his clothes from the floor then goes towards the door to the hall. 
“Hey-w-wait-y-you're not going out like that are you?” you stutter in disbelief.
He turns back to you. 
“What else am I going to do?” he asks incredulously. 
“Put your clothes back on,” you retort.
“Ew, you're a bit of a slob, aren't you? They're dirty and covered with blood and who knows what or who else.”
You deadpanned. 
“What if… what if you stayed here for the night?” you blurted out without thinking. You flinch at your own words.
Logan pauses with his hand on the door knob. 
“I don't exactly have my pyjamas here with me,” he says slowly. 
“I've already seen and touched you naked. What's the difference?” you hear yourself say.
What the fuck am I saying?
“I-I mean, surely I have something that can fit you,” you amend quickly. His face seems to go slack in surprise.
“Wow. You really want it, huh?” he smirks at you. 
You ignore the heat that overtakes your whole body. 
“N-never mind! Fuck off already,” you say sourly. 
“Hey, I'm just joking,” he laughs. “I can definitely stay if it helps you feel better.” He smiles at you and you feel yourself melt a little bit. 
“It… it would. Help me feel better, I mean.” 
Having him near you would help remind you that this is real, you justify. 
“Alright then,” he nods to you. “Some clothes would be great.” 
“Ah, sure, give me a second.” 
You quickly go to your wardrobe to locate the loosest pair of pants you own. He'll just have to sleep shirtless, there's no way you have a top that will fit over his broad shoulders. 
You find a dark grey pair of trackies and turn back to him. 
“Try these.”
“Thanks,” he says as he takes it from your hand.
As he moves back to the bathroom you jump into bed to wait. Your bed never felt so fucking good. 
You've barely settled under the covers when Logan reappears from the bathroom, his hair still wet and dripping down his neck. You do your best not to stare. 
He moves towards you and lifts the covers to slip into bed with you. 
This is just a sleepover, you tell yourself. Like when you have a friend over for the night.
Logan slots himself into your bed alongside you and you become suddenly aware of how small your double bed is. The frame creaks loudly from the weight of him and his Adamantium bones. 
“Comfy?” you ask.
He turns in the bed so he's facing you. A smile slowly makes its way to his face and you find you can't breathe for a second. 
“Yeah, definitely,” he murmurs. 
“Alright, sweet, g’night then,” you say quickly, turning away from him to still your beating heart. Fuck, I hope he can't hear my heart right now.
“Are you sure you're ready to sleep? Your heart is beating pretty fast,” he points out cooly. 
Mother fucker.
“So… you have heightened senses right? Kind of.. like a dog?” I'm not thinking straight, why am I trying to piss him off? 
“Thought you were going to sleep,” he grunted. The sound of his gravelly voice did something to you. But you ignored it. 
“It just kind of reminds me of those service dogs, y'know the ones that can sense when their owner is going to have a seizure? I mean, I know I don't have seizures exactly, but I guess it presents sort of like one.”
“What are you trying to say?” he asks gruffly. He doesn't like it when people compare him to dogs. You're just grateful you can't see the look on his face right now. 
“I'm just wondering how you can tell? What is it exactly that you're sensing? It's always interested me,” you say honestly. 
He grunts again and goes quiet before answering.
“I can smell it. Can't even explain what it actually smells like. But that's how I know, although it isn't always accurate.”
“That's really interesting.” And you mean it. It really is interesting… although the implications concerning his sense of smell have you a little bit paranoid… 
“So that's why I'm telling you to listen to me when I fucking tell you to stop with your powers. You could've killed yourself tonight,” he grinds out, anger in his voice. 
“Logan… you need to understand where I'm coming from. You all died tonight. Like literally, right before my very eyes, you were all dead. What do you expect me to do?” 
You feel tears pricking your eyes, the lump in your throat is choking you.
“I… I can't talk about this right now okay?” you tell him, trying to keep your voice steady. 
“Okay… okay, I'm sorry,” his voice softens. “Please, just get some sleep, okay? Guide dog’s orders.”
And just like that you're laughing again, feeling a tear running down your cheek to your pillow. You were so grateful to have him in your life. You were also grateful he couldn't see you crying right now. 
“Alright, g'night, puppy,” you tease.
“‘Night,” he says softly. 
A minute passes and you can already feel yourself starting to drift off. You smile to yourself, knowing that you have your own personal “service animal” to keep you safe tonight.
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hyperactively-me · 11 months
break in, break down
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"You're stayin' with me tonight," he declares, voice firm and unwavering. You open your mouth, nearly telling him no, I'll find a hotel, but the look he shoots you suggests that you go with him. With a nod of agreement, Simon leads you away from the scene, his hand on your back firm and reassuring.
this has been sitting in my drafts for like, ever. it's not the best cause its super old, like months old and i lowkey forgot i even had it, but it'll do for now while i'm in this writing rut.
happy reading <3
warnings: home invasion, panic attack reaction (i think that's it? lmk if i missed anything please!)
A loud bang reverberates through your apartment, your peaceful sleep interrupted.
You open your eyes with a start, the volume of the sound causing your heart race and your breath catch in your throat.
You're silent for another moment until the sound of glass shattering causes you to jump. You sit up now, dumbfounded for a brief moment before unshakable anxiety takes over.
There's no way this could be happening to you right now.
You immediately leap out of bed, grabbing a stray hoodie off the floor, slipping it over your thin pajamas. Next, you grab your phone with shaky hands, trembling from the adrenaline and anxiety coursing through your veins. The sounds from outside your bedroom are starting to get louder. You swipe your car keys from your drawer, shoving them into the pocket of your hoodie.
In a frenzy, you grope under your bed for a baseball bat, struggling to steady your shaking hands as you grip it tightly. The rattling of your doorknob nearly makes you pass out in fear. Simon had told you multiple times to keep your door locked when you sleep, stressing to you that it wasn't safe to leave it unlocked, especially at night.
There was no way you could escape through the hallway. Lucky for you, your apartment is on the first floor of the building, meaning that you would be able to safely jump out of your bedroom window without injuring yourself.
You place all your things down quickly, unlatching your window from its locks. You heave it open with all your might, grunting as you hold it up to lock it into an open position. Grabbing your baseball bat first, you throw it out the window and onto the grass below you. Could never be too safe.
Suddenly, the person or people on the other side of your door start kicking at it, the flimsy wood shaking from the impacts. You bite back a scream, prompting you to jump out of your window, dropping onto the grass below you clumsily.
You don't bother looking back as you sprint to your car in the adjacent parking lot, throwing yourself into the drivers seat unceremoniously.
Without another thought, you dial 911. Running on pure adrenaline, you tell the operator your address and the urgency of the situation. The kind voice on the other end tells you that the police are on their way before you hang up.
You bite back a sob as your shaking hands type in Simon's phone number. You hold your phone up to your, chewing your finger as it rings once, twice, and the line picks up.
"Hullo?" a scratchy, sleep-ridden voice on the other end of the line rings out. His accent sounds particularly thick.
"Simon," your voice breaks, the adrenaline now worn off, leaving you a wreck.
"What's wrong?" he asks immediately, now sounding more awake. You hear shuffling on the other end.
"I- I think my apartment got broken into," you sob, fat tears now freely falling down your cheeks. "I'm so scared," you cry, bawling like a baby.
Simon's voice takes on a sharp urgency. "'M coming over right now. Where are you? Are you hurt?"
"I'm in my car, in the parking lot," you say tearfully, trying to wipe the tears from your face unsuccessfully.
"I've already called 911; they're on the way—" you add, clutching onto your phone.
The sound of a door opening and slamming shut crackles through the phone. "Be there in ten. Stay on the line, love."
"I'm scared," you cry again, your free hand trembling as you reach to make sure your car door is locked.
"I know, love, I know. Just hang in there. 'M on my way," Simon reassures you, his voice gentle. The ten-minute wait feels like an eternity as you sit in your car, sniffling every so often as you look out your car windows to make sure no one is coming towards you.
Sirens wail in the distance, the police clearly arriving on scene. Despite the growing fear gnawing at you, Simon's voice provides a source of comfort.
"The police are almost here," you breath into the phone, pulling your knees up to your chest.
"Good, I'm here," he grunts. You look up and see his truck hurtling through the parking lot, stopping abruptly right behind your car. He slides out of his car, rushing to the drivers side of your car.
The moment he reaches your car, you throw open the door and practically fall into his arms. Simon holds you tight as you fall into him, sobs wracking your body.
"Don't cry," he soothes, pulling you tighter against him. "'S alright, 's handled."
He cradles you in his grasp, running his hand over your hair as you sob into his t-shirt, fists bunching up the fabric. You cling to him as if he's your lifeline, the scent of his t-shirt grounding you ever so slightly.
"I've got you," he murmurs, rubbing your back.
Your sobs gradually subside into quiet sniffles, and you take a deep breath.
The distant wailing of sirens grows closer, indicating the police are here. Simon releases you just enough to glance over his shoulder at the approaching vehicles. "The police are here," you whisper, your voice shaky but relieved.
The flashing lights of police cars illuminate the surroundings as officers approach. Simon steps back, maintaining a protective stance beside you.
Two police officers approach you and Simon, asking for details about the break-in. You pull at the hem of your hoodie, trying to cover up your practically bare thighs from your tiny pajamas. Simon settles his hand on your lower back, encouraging you to speak to the officers. You recount the events timidly, telling them as much as you know. After providing your statement, the police assure you they'll investigate your apartment, but advise you that it's not the best to stay there tonight. For obvious reasons.
Upon their insistence of you spending the night somewhere else, before you could even open your mouth, Simon is insisting, no, demanding that you stay with him for the night.
"You're stayin' with me tonight," he declares, voice firm and unwavering.
You open your mouth, nearly telling him no, I'll find a hotel, but the look he shoots you suggests that you go with him.
With a nod of agreement, Simon leads you away from the scene, his hand on your back firm and reassuring.
As you approach his truck, Simon opens the door for you. He helps you up into the passenger seat, making sure you're settled before closing the door with a determined thud. Simon then strides around to the driver's side, the scent of him lingering in the air as he gets in. The engine roars to life, and you find comfort in the steady hum of the engine.
The drive to Simon's place is mostly quiet. He occasionally glances at you, concern etched into his features. You stare out of the window, the events of the night replaying in your mind. You shiver in your seat, thinking about what could have happened if you hadn't escaped through your window. Simon's hand finds yours, a silent gesture that makes your heart ache with gratitude.
As you pull into Simon's driveway, you're met with the warm glow of his porch light. The familiar sight brings a new sense of relief. It's not the first time you've been to his quaint home. Simon turns off the engine, and without a word, he's at your side, opening the door for you again.
He leads you inside, the click of the door shutting behind you echoing in the quiet house. Simon heads to the kitchen, rummaging through cabinets. Moments later, he appears with a mug of tea, a small but comforting gesture. He hands it to you, the warmth seeping into your cold hands.
"Drink this. It'll help calm your nerves," he says, his voice gentle.
You take a sip, the familiar taste of chamomile offering a small respite. Simon sits across from you, watching as you try to steady your trembling hands. The silence between you isn't uncomfortable; it's a shared understanding that words might not be enough to mend the damage that's been dealt.
After a while, Simon breaks the silence. "I'll make up the spare room for you. Take your time. We'll deal with everythin' in the morning."
He disappears down the hall, leaving you alone in the living room. You look around his living room, eyeing his front door for a brief moment. You finish the tea and set the mug on the coffee table, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over you.
When you enter the spare room, you find it tidy and pretty bare. The scent of clean sheets and the comforting atmosphere of his home a stark difference from your own. You watch as he double checks the windows to make sure they're locked tight. He also shows you the lock on your own bedroom door.
"Everythin' is secure, 've triple checked it all," Simon states, turning from the window to look at you. His concern is evident in his eyes, and you nod in response.
"Thank you, Simon. I appreciate all of this," you say, your voice quiet.
He moves over to the wall, crouching down to plug a night light into the wall. He taps it a few times to make sure it works. When it flickers on, he grunts, satisfied. Pushing himself up to standing, he walks over to you.
He gives you a reassuring smile. "No need to thank me. 'S the least I can do. You get some rest. 'M right across the hall if you need anything."
With that, he leaves the room, gently closing the door behind him. You make sure to lock the door behind him as he leaves. You crawl into bed, pulling the covers over your weary body, exhaustion settling in.
You close your eyes, hoping that sleep will offer some reprieve. As you lay there, the events of the night replay in your mind. The fear, the vulnerability, and the violation of your home weigh heavily on you. Slight sounds make you jump in fear, and all of a sudden you start to breath heavily. You can't be in here, not alone.
You stumble out of the room, practically falling into the hallway. The dim glow of the nightlight casts long shadows, and you feel a shiver run down your spine. Determined, you make your way to Simon's door and knock softly.
The door opens, and Simon appears, concern etched on his face. "Everythin' alright, love?"
You can barely form the words, your voice barely a whisper. "Can't stay in there alone."
Without hesitation, Simon opens the door wider, gesturing for you to enter. His room is dark, all lights off. You step inside his room, tugging your hoodie tighter around your body. You settle onto the edge of his bed, wrapping your arms around yourself as if to ward off the residual fear.
Simon shuts and locks the door behind him, plunging you both into darkness, save for the slight shine of the moon pouring through between a crack in his curtains.
Simon stands in front of you, looking down with a mix of empathy and concern in his eyes. "You're welcome to stay as long as you need. I don't mind."
"Thank you," you manage to say, the vulnerability in your voice more pronounced in the darkness of the room.
Simon hesitates for a moment before flicking on a small bedside lamp. The soft light casts a warm glow across the room, revealing a space that's both lived-in and comforting. You feel a bit more at ease.
He pulls a chair from his desk and sits across from you, leaving a respectful distance. The silence between you is filled with unspoken words, the weight of the night's events hanging in the air. Simon's gaze is unwavering, and you find solace in the fact that he understands what you need without the need for words.
As the minutes tick by, the atmosphere in the room becomes less tense. Simon breaks the silence, his voice a gentle murmur. "I don't want you to go through this alone. You deserve to feel safe, love."
You manage a weak smile, touched by his sincerity. "Thank you, Simon. You really don't have to be doing all of this for me--"
"Don't say that, I want to," he cuts you off gruffly, offended as if you would even suggest that you weren't worthy enough of his care.
His response hangs in the air, and you notice a flicker of something in Simon's eyes—a hint of frustration or something deeper. The unspoken tension lingers, causing you to shift slightly.
"I just... I don't want you to feel unsafe," Simon adds, his voice softer this time. He leans forward, resting his arms on his knees, his gaze fixed on yours. "Or alone. Fuckin' hell, if you hadn't been able to get out of there..."
He stops, jaw ticking as he thinks. He can't even say it.
The room feels charged with unspoken emotions, and you sense a vulnerability in Simon that mirrors your own.
"Simon," you say softly, your voice a gentle reassurance, "I feel safe with you."
"I've... 've cared about you for a long time, maybe more than I should," Simon admits, his words hanging in the air like a fragile confession.
The vulnerability in his admission tugs at your heart, and you find yourself pushing yourself up off the edge of the bed, cupping his face in your hands.
"I've cared about you too," you confess, the weight of the unspoken finally lifted.
He looks up, meeting your eyes with a mixture of relief and adoration. Simon's hand reaches up to grasp your wrist lightly, his thumb tracing gentle circles on the back of your hand, his eyes searching yours for confirmation.
"I never want you to feel unsafe or alone again. I can't stand the thought of somethin' happenin' t' you."
Your heart swells at the sincerity of his words, and you lean down, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek.
The conversation lulls, and for a moment, it's just the two of you in the sanctuary of Simon's bedroom. The emotional exhaustion begins to take its toll, and your eyes grow heavy.
He stands from his chair, grasping your upper arms gently, leading you towards his bed once again. Before he sits you down, he looks at you expectantly.
"Is this what you want?"
"Yes," you nod, "I've never wanted anything more."
With your permission, he lays you down on his bed, following you into the bed with a contained eagerness. He drags you up until you're settled on a pillow. Simon slides into the mattress right next to you, pulling the covers up and over the both of you. You turn on your side to face him, eyes searching his face just before he turns off the lamp, plunging you both into darkness.
Simon's hand brushes against your forearm, seeking permission yet again. You scoot over until you're flush against him, cheeks heating up at the proximity. You feel Simon's warm presence beside you, his hand finding its place on your waist before he pulls you up against him, cuddling you. Simon's fingers trace patterns on your back, a soothing motion that pulls you deeper into relaxation.
"Get some rest. I'll be right here if you need anything, love," Simon whispers, playing with the ends of your hair.
"Thank you," you whisper into the darkness, your voice barely audible but carrying a depth of gratitude.
He tightens his grip on your waist, a silent affirmation that he's here for you, that you're not alone. The warmth of his touch and the gentle rise and fall of his breath provide a sense of security that eases the lingering tension in your body.
. . . 
The morning light begins to seep through the curtains, casting a soft glow in Simon's room. As you slowly awaken, the events of the previous night come back to you in fragments. You turn slightly to find Simon still asleep beside you, his features softened by the morning light. His arm is draped protectively over you, and a sense of peace settles in the room. For a moment, you simply revel in the quiet stillness, savoring the moment.
As Simon begins to stir, his eyes meet yours, and a sleepy smile tugs at the corners of his lips. "Mornin’," he murmurs, his voice husky with sleep.
"Morning," you reply, a small smile playing on your lips. The air in the room feels different, more relaxed.
Simon props himself up on one elbow, his gaze searching yours. "How are you feeling?"
"Better than I thought I would," you admit, a genuine warmth in your voice. "Still kinda freaked out that people broke in to my apartment, but better."
He nods thoughtfully. "We should probably get up, check in with the police," Simon suggests, but there's a reluctance in his eyes to let go of the warmth of the bed.
You cuddle against him once more, hugging him tightly. His arm comes to wrap around your back, hand splayed across your skin.
"Yeah, we should," you say, pulling away gently as you push yourself out of bed.
"We're goin' together," he tells you. "And I will be installing a new security system in your apartment."
You manage a small smile. "I don't think you understand how much I appreciate you for this."
He sighs as he leads you to his small kitchen. "You never have to thank me for anything, love."
Before you can retort, he turns to you. "Let's get some breakfast in ya. How do you like your eggs?"
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mingi-s-dimples · 1 month
2 seater - yungi
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pairing: bf!mingi × fem!reader × bf!yunho
rating: 18+
genre: crumb of plot + smut (filth)
summary: Your boyfriends couldn't wait to meet you after a schedule you had... and you didn't arrive before midnight.
WC: 4k
warnings: non idol au, switch whiny!mingi × strict dom!yunho, dacryphilia (kinda?), threesome, creampie, double penetration, car sex, semi public sex, handjob, blowjob, hair pulling, throat holding, choking (both on dick & by hand), breast playing, oral (m), pet names (love, babe, darling), dry touching (through briefs), lil bit of a size kink, big dick!yungi, making out, multiple rounds, multiple orgasms (both m&f), ruined orgasm (f), overstim, teasing (lots), deepthroating, orgasm control (f), a little bit of pleading/begging (yunho felt cocky), completely consensual, unprotected (USE protection irl!!!), completely unedited, straight up filth, 3k words out of 4k is straight up smut, a crumb of aftercare (I promise they're good boys), probablt forgot to mention sth.
Author's Note: I loved writing this one too 😭 It took me so long... I've been away on vacation and finished writing it on the beach ajsjsj what can I say... what's better than sipping on a cocktail and writing filth ? Anyways.. hope you enjoy my work!!!
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction & does not represent in any way the reality of the members.
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"... and that's it for now! Thank you for attending today's schedule and can't wait to see you in a week! Prepare for some new concepts.. I can't wait to present them to you !"
And as soon as he stopped talking, you let out a heavy sigh, thinking that today is finally over. Though, you were actually really happy of today's schedule, because it was the first one of this month and the most important. You were a model at one of your boyfriends' friend, Seonghwa. He was working along with Hongjoong, his other half and they were rocking it ! The company got really well known in the past few weeks, which meant you had a lot more work to do than usual. This time, you hit the jackpot by having a photoshoot especially for DG, one of your favourite brands. It was a really nice opportunity, so you didn't pass on it. As soon as you told your boyfriends, they were really, really happy for you, knowing you've been trying for a while to get in touch with the brand ambassadors. But now? You might have been given an opportunity to become an ambassador yourself. You had to celebrate, so you talked with your boyfriends beforehand.
*the night before the schedule*
"Yunho, Mingi, how should we celebrate these great news? Should I treat both of you to some beef? I know you love it so I might as well treat you nicely. Both of you helped me so much in this career, I really want to make up for it ! Let's go for dinner together next week! My schedule will be pretty free, what do you think?" you looked excited at them, with puppy eyes and sincere thoughts.
"Yes babe, anything that makes you happy. We were absolutely thrilled to be able to help you !!" both said in unison, them coming closer to you to give you a biggg warm & tight hug. Both of your boyfriends giving you soft kisses on your forehead, you felt so safe with them and... blessed to have them.
*after the schedule*
"Hey, babe." Your boyfriends said, looking at you, smiling.
You definitely didn't expect them to come to your workplace unannounced but... you weren't complaining. After a hard day of work, you wanted to get a warm hug from both of them.
"Huh? what are y'all doing here, sweeties? I'm happy to see you though !!! I cant wait to show you some behind pictures of today !!!" you said excited, tugging at your boyfriends arms.
"Oh love, tell us more! Let Yunho drive today, you might be really tired from today's schedule! Go in the backseat, let me help you" Mingi said as he pushed forward the passenger front seat, helping you get into the car. Despite it's size, which is quite small, the backseat was pretty spacious. You usually used it to keep clothes and accesories, modelling attire such as make up, hair products and other related stuff, like books and papers with poses you could take inspiration from. But surprisingly, today it was pretty much... clean and free of the things you were used to? "Hm, maybe Mingi and Yunho cleaned my car for me, they have the spare key.... hm yeah, probably.." u thought to yourself, slightly smiling.
As you started to tell your boyfriends about your day, Yunho started driving. At first you were on your normal and well known route home, until you took a right turn. You didn't think much of it, as you trusted them with your life. Although you couldn't see anything through the backseat windows, cause you tinted them black, you weren't even 1 percent skeptical.
"Boys, were are we going?" you asked confused, but with a hopeful look in your eyes.
"Oh, this? we're taking a longer route home, I thought the weather is really nice, look at the starry night, too. I know a place" he said and then gassed the car, full speed, looking at you through the retrospective mirror.
You were relieved, its not like they ever gave you a reason to not trust them. As you started to slow down and came to a stop, Mingi and Yunho helped you get out of the car.
"Oh wow, the view is amazing! This parking lot...I remember it. It was still functioning when I was a kid. I wonder whn they abandoned it. I loved the fact tbat it was on 4 levels, I' d always go there to stargaze, alone." But now, you were with your 2 most loved people in your life, laying on the hard and cold concrete. You didn't care about anytbing at the moment, only the nice core memory you'd have later in your life of this exact moment.
*several minutes pass and you decide you want to go home and prepare for a photoshoot u had tomorrow*
"Hotties, lets get in the car. I'd like to try and arrive home and prepare for tomorrows schedule. I hope it s okay" you said, looking in their eyes.
"Oh babe....it's totally fine" said Mingi, looking right into Yunho's eyes.
"But...we 're not quite done with you for the night" continued Yunho, smirking.
"Uh what do you mean, babe?" u said confused, staring them up and down.
As you went in the car, they looked back at you, smiling contently. They knew something you didn't.
*several hours before leaving to get y/n*
"Bro we gotta do it man, she's always been reading these typa books and in the latest one she s read there's a car scene. I bet she'd be into that ! I fucking bet on it" said Mingi, excited as ever.
"Chill, we don't know yet. But... we could try...what could possibly happen? It's not like we'll force her, of course. We'll just tell her our own little thought about her favourite book."
*in the parking lot*
The boys were staring you down, their gaze darkening upon seeing your outfit. A black thight dress, the one you used for this photoshoot. A simple, mini corset dress, iconic for DG's catalogue. You felt so little under their eyes, the eyes that looked at you with so much love, thirst... lust. As you were looking at them, unaware of their intentions, they started talking.
"So... babe" Mingi started. "I've seen those... little books that you read and.. we'd like to fulfill one of the little scenes in the latest book you've been reading.. " he said, giving Yunho a sneaky lustful smile.
"Yeah, Mingi read some of the pages because he was bored, before we decided to come pick you up and... god damn.. when I tell you how turned on he was... we needed to wait for another few minutes before being able to go out" Yunho said, giving you an understanding of what happened beforehand. Then both of them leaned in from the front seats and Yunho continued:
"So...babe. What do you think? he said, both the boys smiling at you.
The fact is.. you've always been dreaming... fantasising about having sex with them like the one you read in your books... in the kitchen, in the bathroom... on a really nice balcony in Thailand... in a car. Your mind always goes to those places whenever you read the books... thinking of how good you'd take them right there and then. On your knees, sucking them on turns. Or on your fours... pounded by both.. in your little aching holes, begging for more.
As an answer, you leaned in a sloppy kiss with Yunho. The only thing blocking the two men from jumping on you were the front seats, which Mingi took care of in a second. You saw yourself surrounded by your boyfriends, the backseats extended to the max and the front seats pressed down halfway, to have space but at the same time to not be seen by anyone. You were.. thrilled. The look on their faces when they got to you and saw your whole outfit, scrunched up, your lace panties visible, formed a wet spot between your folds. As you were still making out with Yunho, the only noises being the lewd ones from your tongues, Mingi started working on your dress.
He zipped it down, untied the corset and slowly let it fall off your shoulders. He then tapped Yunho on the shoulder and as soon as he stopped kissing you, Mingi took you closer and pushed you on your back, on Yunho's lap. He then forcefully took the dress off, leaving you in only your panties and bra. Yunho had put his hand on your throat, nibbing on your bottom lip with his thumb while looking at how Mingi was tugging at your panties. You had a wet spot between your thighs, only by thinking about how you'd take them so nicely. Only the thought you had moments ago, of fucking them like in your little books turned you on so bad, your walls clenching on nothing, wanting them both inside you at the same time, destroying your insides. Mingi has been longing for this the whole night so he was the first one to act. He approached you, making out with you and while one of his hands went to your waist, to keep you still, the other one went right to your aching pussy, touching the wet fabric. Yunho, on the other hand, had one of his hands on your throat and one on your bra, tugging at it and playing lazily with your nipple.. You were squirming under Mingi, trying to get more friction of his hand between your thighs, but to not avail. You then put your hand on his bulge through his pants, feeling how big it had gotten in the span of a few minutes. You could feel his tip throbbing with every touch of yours. He took your panties off and looked at you, his gaze darkening upon seeing your wet cunt.
"Damn, babe... so wet for me.. for us." Mingi said and he then put one of his fingers inside you. He inserted another one... and another one. His girthy fingers were stretching you out so good... tears forming in the corner of your eyes. Right before Mingi went all in with his fingers, Yunho wiped your tears and got rid of your bra. You were now standing almost bare in front of your boyfriends which... happened pretty often but.. today? You felt so little in front of them. You wanted to anything and everything they'd make you to do that night. And you were about to obey.
"Mingi.. let me help you out a bit" Yunho said and, while one of his hands was still on your throat, his other hand went straight to your boyfriend's pants. He unbuttoned and pulled them down, only to be able to see his stretched out boxers from his throbbing and aching hard cock. Yunho backed off and took your hand in his, guiding you to touch Mingi's boxers, now wet from his pre cum. He groaned at the feeling of your little fingers fondling with his tip through the wet cloth, his fingers now deep down in your pussy, touching your sweet spot. Yunho put his hand on your clit and started lazily rubbing circles on it, enjoying how you squirmed above him and his crotch, making his pants feel even tighter.
You felt like you could come only from the view you had. You felt overstimulated, but it was so good. Yunho had one of his hands on your throat and one on your clit, Mingi had one of his hands deep down in you, touching your cervix and playing with your g spot and one on your waist, while you had one of your hands rubbing Mingi's dick through the cloth and with the other one holding on for dear life on the seat.
"Okay.. Mingi, you had your way until now, back off for a moment" Yunho said in a strong tone, the other boy looking at him and pouting.
"Cmon man, look at my fucking dick, for fucks sake" he said whining.
"Mingi. I said something" Yunho said right before pushing you on your chest, one hand on your ass, tugging at your panties and the other one on your neck, keeping you down, right on Mingi's abs. You could feel the wet spot Mingi's pre cum made on his boxers right on your cheek, the boy flinching at your touch.
"Ass up, babe. Let me take off your panties" Yunho said and slid them off in a second, leaving you bare right in front of him. You couldn't see what he was doing but you could feel and hear. He took Mingi's hand and put it on your neck then used that hand to rub your wet and dripping cunt, while his other hand went to his pants, stripping them halfway only to be able to take his throbbing and angry dick out. He put two of his fingers in, prepping you for his enormous length, like he always does. As soon as he took them out and moved that hand to your waist, he flipped you on your back, moving your legs to his waist and stopping for a moment.
"Mingi, put a hand on her mouth, please. It's been a while since I've last fucked her this hard" he said and as soon as he finished talking he rubbed the tip of his leaking cock on your folds, up and down, a second later pounding into you. When he bottomed out, he let out a sigh of relief and you let out a loud muffled moans and cries.
"M-mingi.. what are you d-doing?" You tried to say, words muffled by your boy's hand, trying to look up at him. He was lazily stroking his throbbing length with his other hand, looking at you with so much lust... he would've destroyed you right there and then.
"Yunho, could you maybe.. please, f-flip her o-over? I'm going fucking crazy over here just looking at you fucking her ! " Mingi said angrily, tapping Yungo on his shoulder.
"Fine" he said and in an instant you were back on your belly, Yunho's cock rubbing on your ass and Mingi's dick on your lips. They gave each other a look and both of them went in at the same time, receiving a loud choked moan from you. Mingi's hand on your hair and Yunho's on your waist, you were being manhandled by your two darlings. You felt overstimulated, overwhelmed but it was so good..you could feel your legs shaking under you as well as your hands, trying to keep yourself on your elbows but to no avail. Mingi was holding on your hair and keeping your head up so you could suck and lick his length how he always liked it. You started from the tip, giving small sloppy kisses, then slowly licking down to the base of his cock. Then Mingi would usually take your hair in his fist and deep throat you, as he was doing now. when he bottomed out in your throat, he stayed like that for a few moments, letting you adjust to his length hitting the back of your throat. Tears were already swelling in your eyes, especially because of the fact that Yunho was pounding into your cunt like he hasn't fucked you in ages. As soon as he saw a tear of yours fall on Mingi's thigh, Yunho put his hand underneath your chin and wiped it, approaching you with soft, light kisses on your spine. He was slowing down his thrusts but he went deeper and deeper with every single one, his tip touching your cervix.
"Damn babe... you feel so f-fucking good.. all stretched out for me. Come on, hang on for juuust a little longer, I'm so close... Mingi looks like he's out of it, too" and he was right. Sweat was dripping off of his forehead, his throbbing tip twitching with every lick of your tongue, his grip on your hair starting to get tighter, him forcing his way deep down your throat and not even being able to look you in your eyes. He always said that if he sees you in that position, he'd cum instantly at how beautiful you looked, taking him so good.
"Babe if you keep doing this I'll come right down your throat" Mingi said between the pumps. All the lewd sounds you were making were sending shivers down both boys spines, Yunho's thrusts started getting sloppier, heavier, deeper. They didn't have any rythm anymore. You were squirming, breathing heavily under Yunho and slightly choking on Mingi's dick, his girth and length stretching your mouth so good, leaving you no room to breath. You were so dizzy, barely standing on your knees. Yunho was trying to hold you up, himself being weak, feeling how he'd come at any moment.
"Babe, I can't hold much longer" Yunho said and with a few more thrusts he came in you, bottoming down so you could take his cum all up in your hole. Mingi was also close, his hand shaky on your hair and with a few more deep thrusts down your throat he also came, raising his brows at you to let you know that he wants you to swallow every drop.
The boys slowly helped you off and put you on the seat, looking you up and down, trying to find any sign of discomfort after all what happened moments before. You could feel how Yunho's cum was dripping out of you, right on the seat. But it turned you on so bad, you wanted to jump on him and suck him good.
"Babe, everything good? Are you feeling okay? Were we too.. harsh?" Yunho said, looking at your tired eyes and rubbing your thighs slowly.
"Yeah, babe. Everything good?" Mingi said, giving you soft kisses on your forehead.
"Yes, of course. I am a bit dizzy but it was... incredible" you said, smiling at them.
The boys had other plans.
"Well... in that case." Mingi said, pushing you over. "Let me have my fun, I didn't yet fuck you tonight". He said looking a Yunho, raising his eyebrow at him, giving him a good idea.
"So babe... we haven't done this in a while... what do you think of both me and Mingi fucking you at the same time, hm? he said, smiling playfully and carresing your cheek.
"B-babe.. d-do you think it would work? Even though I'd love to... what if it's too much?" You said, staring him down.
"Oh, yeah? We'll see about that, darling." and in a moment you were laying back on Mingi's torso, your ass aligned to his crotch and Yunho admiring the view. Mingi's once again hard dick was twitching with every slight move of yours, pressing down on your folds. Yunho on the other hand, was looking at the two of you, smiling at the flustered faces y'all had because of the sudden position change.
"You may.. start" Yunho said and right after Mingi inserted his cock in your ass, slightly moving so you could adjust to his size, Yunho didn't hesitate and pressed down on your throat, the other hand on your right leg, bringing himself closer to you with every thrust of his. You didn't yet come tonight, feeling a bit overwhelmed some moments ago from all the force they were using on you, but you weren't far either. You could feel a knot forming in your belly with every thrust of theirs, leaving out some lewd and muffled moans and whimpers. It hurt, but.. the feeling of closure, both of them thrusting into you like they never fucked you, manhandling you. Mingi's hands on your breasts, fondling with your nipples and Yunho's on your thighs, dragging himself closer with every thrust.
"B-babe, you h-avent finished yet. Are we not good to you, love?" Yunho said, admiring the view in front of him, tears falling off your face with every full thrusts of both guys. Right after wiping your tears, he backed off and left you in surprise.
"Wh-what are you doing? Why did y-you stop, Yuyu?" you said, trying to catch your breath, whinning at your ruined orgasm.
He was looking at you with so much thirst, so much lust. He wanted to eat you as a whole right there and then, but hold himself back.
"Beg. You were close, right? Beg for it. Mingi, stop for a moment." Yunho said and Mingi did as he wanted and stopped thrusting. He made you cockwarm him, there was no friction between the two of you.
It's not like they weren't close to finishing... but they already did once and Yunho wanted to play with you. He always did that, didn't matter the circumstance. And... you loved every second of it.
"Babe. please. I was really close, Yuyu." you pleaded, looking him. You went in for a kiss, Mingi leaving a soft moan at you moving suddenly on his cock to get closer to Yunho's face. He accepted the kiss, his hand going straight to you clit, rubbing circles on it. All you could hear was Mingi's soft whimpers while you were slowly moving on top of him, without Yunho seeing you and your own lewd sounds.
You moved one of your hands on Yunho's dick and as you felt you were both close, you wanted to also help Mingi so you got up and moved his cock to your folds, sliding it right in. You flinched at the sensation, both boys touching you. Yunho twitched when u squeezed his tip as Mingi first thrusted into you, leaving out a small whimper. You loved when he whimpered... he didn't do it often and it turned you on so bad, you felt like you'd cum only by hearing him let out pleasure sounds.
"Yuyu.. I'm really close -" you said, trying to catch your breath.
"M-me too" he said, going in for yet another kiss and closing the space between your bodies so you can stroke his dick better and deeper, down to the base of it. You were rubbing circles right on his tip, receiving some soft whimpers from him.
You could feel the yet again knot forming in your belly, now being closer to bursting than ever.
"B-babe" you tried to say.
"Yes, love?" Yunho said, himself close to finishing but keeping his composure.
"I - I need to-" you tried to say but couldn't finish the sentence.
"Hm? What did you say babe? Use your words, pretty" Mingi said, leaving you whining for their movements.
"P-please, fuck me harder. I need to feel both of y-you !" you said with all your power before falling on Mingi's chest, feeling dizzy from everything happening.
"See babe? wasn't that hard, was it?" Yunho said and gave Mingi a look and both started thrusting wildly into you.
Moments later you felt the heat in you burst and also felt how you were getting filled up by both boys, ceasing their movements slowly to come down from their highs.
"Oh, my god. Boys... this was. I don't have words" you said slowly, still feeling dizzy and weak.
"How was it, hm? Did you enjoy it? We sure... did." Yunho said as he looked at Mingi, seeing how flushed his cheeks were.
"Mingi, did you like it?" He said playfully.
"Y/n, we should do this more often. To be honest with you, before we left home we didn't even think of doing this. It was all Yunho's idea right after you said you were doing okay after all everything. He just went for it and I fucking loved it. God damn, I was so horny before we left, we ended up leaving 10 minutes later cause I had to bust one. You should've seen Yunho's face, he was laughing so hard at me !" the boy said, whinning.
"I can imagine" You said laughing.
"So..when do you finish.. work next week? We can come pick you up with Mingi's car. It's... more spacious. What do you think, mm?" Yunho said, stroking your cheek with his hand.
"Babe! We said we'd get dinner next week!"
"Yes but... what did I say wrong? You're so fucking beautiful, I can't just eat with you that night... we'll need to also eat you out." He said, gave you a kiss and then left Mingi to help you dress, while he went back in the driver's seat to start the car.
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transmascaraa · 4 months
hi! guess who's returned after finally graduating :)
can i request a drabble where our bsf (lyney/wanderer/gaming) goes to prom with us + slow dances with us? maybe a little confession too..
i sincerely apologize if you've already done a fic like this already! i haven't opened tumblr for a while now—
— 🧷anon (p.s. how are you :0?)
multiple characters headcannons!
prom confession.
characters: lyney, gaming, wanderer, xiao x gn!reader
author's note: added xiao js because🤷‍♂️ ANYWAYS congrats on your graduation!! mine is like the 14th of june so i still have a bit left but yeah! i've been alright these last few days i guess, nothing special going on really lol i hope you've been well too :p also the only SIMILAR thing i did was this with gaming, but it isn't exactly like what i'm gonna write now lmao so i hope you enjoy these hcs^^
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☆ Lyney
-lyney, as your bsf, is like a really trustworthy and loyal one, PLUS interesting af
-and as you HAD to have a dance partner at prom, you chose him because he was the only safe option, really.
-you asked him if he wanted to dance with you and he was a bit surprised at first but agreed after a bit. SO the music started, and you started dancing together.
-y'know, that waltz dance pose.
-and it was peaceful enough for lyney to be honest with you about something.
-he didn't care about your answer anymore, he just had to get it off his chest
-no more "magician lyney", no more "fatuus lyney".
-just "lyney".
-so when there was a pause in the music, he pulled you closer and whispered in your ear:
-"want to try and be lovers?"
✷ Gaming
-like any time, any day.
-he was also a very good bsf, definitely always something interesting to hear from him
-AND it's entertaining to spend time with him in the first place lol
-so being that close, you decided to dance together for prom since neither of you had another choice.
-and he put one of his hands on your waist, and the other intertwined with yours, as you started dancing together.
-peaceful as well.
-adoring each others presence in the moment.
-sharing a few compliments here and there, making eachother giggle and smile and blush
-when nobody was looking, and nobody could hear either of you—
-"i love you." you both said at the same time.
-it was awkward, but it worked out just fine^^
✧ Wanderer
-uh kinda difficult to become friends at first lmfao
-but you definitely manage to do it after a while and even become bsfs
-and like originally he wanted to go to prom alone
-but he felt bad for you just standing in the corner while everyone else danced with others so he just kinda dragged you to dance
-no words exchanged, only his embarrassed face not wanting to look at you directly.
-his heart was racing and he was doing his best to not fuck up the dance
-not until you pulled him closer and smiled warmly at him.
-he was flustered, but still looking you in the eyes, despite wanting to seem unbothered and uninterested.
-you kissed him on the cheek while whispering:
-"do you want to be more than friends?" to which he embarrassedly nodded, not keeping any eye-contact with you after that.
✿ Xiao
-so uh you'd HAVE to be the one trying to become friends with him at first (but it kinda js works out even tho it's difficult since he doesn't understand mortals)
-although, with your help, he understands humans AT LEAST a BIT more than he used to.
-he went with you to prom because you had told him that you have nobody to dance with, so you decided to ask him.
-he didn't really get the concept of prom but he did it anyway.
-of course, while you were dancing with the music playing in the background, he felt a lot more open.
-so he started telling you in detail about how he felt about you. he didn't know it was love.
-he told you about how pretty/handsome/fabolous you were in his eyes, how he wished to spend all his life AND afterlife with you, how important you were to him and that he'd protect you if he had to—
-"i love you too, xiao." and he didn't know how to function properly after that.
just yes i love it
it was really interesting to write ngl i had such beautiful scenarios in my head smh
| 🧷anon | @mariaace <3
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the-owl-tree · 6 months
Deer's Xenofiction List - The Good, the Bad, and the Furry
Compilation of my xenofiction books I've read, my opinions on them, and ones that I've yet to get to. Will be updated as I go along, if I remember. Books I have not read have an asterisk (*) in front of them. Not a complete list, I will update as I gather more titles.
Adaptations will be listed along with the source material and not as a separate entry.
While I am accepting additions to the list, please make sure your suggestion isn't already listed.
Last Updated: 24-06-2024
-New additions to the books section
-Categories and sub-categories being considered: short films, animal transformation (human to animal).
-Content Warning: Mentions of sexual assault, animal abuse, animal death, and violence. Only a handful of entries have content warnings because they were given to me prior. Please look into the works beforehand to see if you feel comfortable engaging with them, this list is not a content warning guide.
Warriors by Erin Hunter - A long-running series following the drama of four groups of feral cat groups in a forest.
Rating: sucks just read the first arc and nothing else. unless you have childhood nostalgia for this series you probably won't like anything that comes after.
Seekers by Erin Hunter - another animal series from the erin hunter team. It follows a group of bears searching for a safe place to live.
Rating: It's fine. I only read the first arc. While it has a much drearier tone than Warriors at times as it deals with growing environmental impact of global warming and human interference. If you like Erin Hunter's writing style, you might like this one.
*Survivors by Erin Hunter - Look we just gotta get these out of the way, these guys have a monopoly on kid's animal books. Survivors follows a dog named Lucky (yes. really) trying to survive in an area abandoned by humans.
Rating: I read the first book and nothing else. I'm sure it's...fine, suitable for a dog-obsessed young reader but as it is, no one's really rushed to recommend it to me. I'm sure it has fans somewhere, but I can't really speak for them.
*Bravelands by Erin Hunter - uuuhhh animals? in Africa? Surviving? I guess? Sorry my bias against Hunter is showing, but at some point you start to wonder what's going on here, you can feel them trying to recreate the success of Warriors.
Rating: idk what to tell you, never read it and probably never will. If you're a person who likes lion stories, you might enjoy this, maybe? Been told the hyena rep is appalling, another sad day for hyena lovers everywhere.
*Bamboo Kingdom by (you guessed it) Erin Hunter - It follows three pandas (apparently) each in different panda kingdoms.
Rating: I couldn't tell you shit about this one to be honest. You want more bears? Here's bears!
The Bees by Laline Paull - A novel following the life of Flora, a sanitation bee in her hive who rises through the ranks of her devout society.
Rating: Unfocused at times and a rushed ending, but a gripping story nonetheless. Would recommend!
Pod by Laline Paull - Follows the life of Eira, a spinner dolphin from an "exotic tribe" who is forcibly taken into another group of dolphin's to become a member of their leaders harem.
Rating: This book relies on the mythos of "dolphin rape" with numerous, non-graphic sexual assault scenes. While interesting concepts are introduced and, at times, the plot becomes compelling; it otherwise flounders its premise with messy execution and poorly thought out ideas. Also there's an American spy dolphin named Google, make of that what you will.
*The Wildlings and its sequel The Hundred Names of Darkness by Nilanjana Roy - A book about a small band of cats lives in the labyrinthine alleys and ruins of Nizamuddin, an old neighbourhood in Delhi.
Rating: Recommended multiple times to me by different people, no warnings given.
Varjak Paw (and sequels) by S. F. Said and illustrated by Dave Mckean - A short book about Varjak, a Mesopotamian Blue Cat, and his journey to learn an ancient art from his family’s past.
Rating: Varjak Paw is unique with striking imagery and interesting ideas. However, the writing in itself is far from anything special. The book it at its best when accompanied by Mckean’s striking visuals.
*The Underneath by Kathi Appelt - An abused dog hides under the porch of a home to escape from its owner. Based on a reply I've been given, do not ask me to expand anymore on the plot of this book, I have no goddamn clue.
Rating: Described as a formative book for reading xenofiction, it’s been recommended highly! Contains heavy topics such as animal abuse, be warned.
*Fire Bringer by David Clement-Davies - A novel following a red deer named Rannoch and a prophecy that looms over him.
Rating: It seems to have a decent fanbase and it's been recommended to me a handful of times.
*Bambi, a Life in the Woods by Felix Salten - A coming-of-age novel following a roe deer named Bambi. Best known from the 1942 Disney film.
Rating: If you're a deerhead, check it out I guess!
*Raptor Red by Robert T. Bakker - Often (favorably) compared to a textbook, Raptor Red follows a female Utahraptor. Written by a paleontologist, it's meant to be a realistic look at dinosaur's social habits and their interactions with their world.
Rating: Yet to read but sounds cool as fuck. This book contains a heavy emphasis on realism and world-building, with little dialogue. It may be slow for some readers!
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell - Horse girls, certain English classes, and so on, Black Beauty is fairly well-known. Though for those unaware, Black Beauty follows the titular Black Beauty's life in Victorian days.
Rating: It's a classic! Pulls at your heart strings! Just typing this out makes me want to reread it.
Watership Down by Richard Adams - Similar to Black Beauty, I can't imagine anyone reading this list doesn't know about the tale of a group of rabbit's trying to survive a harsh world.
Rating: It's well-written with a lively world, but its treatment of its female cast reveals a deep gendered bias in the writing.
*Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert. C. O'Brien - Mostly known from the (excellent) Don Bluth adaptation, the book follows Mrs. Frisby and he encounter with a group of highly intelligent rats.
Rating: Yet to read.
*Redwall by Brian Jacques - A 22 book series following a group of anthrophormic animals who live in Redwall Abbey and their call to action to defend themselves from "vermin".
Rating: Yet to read
Guardians of Ga'Hoole by Kathryn Lasky - A 31 book series following a group of owls and their attempts to thwart evil. The first arc follows Soren and his attempts to find the owls of Ga'Hoole and beat the 'Pure Ones' while the later books act as an epilogue and prequel.
Rating: First half read and loved! Highly recommend! Handling of Kludd is...meh.
Note: It has an animated film adaptation! While not entirely faithful, it still does a great job keeping to the themes of the books, trimming the fat, and telling a complete story. It also has two video games, one on DS and one on ah other consoles? Both are fun, I like the Wii version.
*(sorta?) Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland - Most people reading this will know this one! It takes place in a world of dragons with seven tribes. The first arc follows the exploits of prophecized dragonets and their attempts to end a war.
Rating: I've yet to finish it. The writing is skewed for a younger audience but is charming nonetheless.
Note: It has a graphic novel adaptation illustrated by Mike Holmes.
*Duncton Wood (First book of the Duncton Chronicles) by William Horwood - A novel the three groups of moles in Duncton Woods and the tyranny of a powerful mole named Mandrake.
Rating: Not yet read, heard good things! lots of mole sex apparently.
The Plague Dogs by Richard Adams - After escaping an animal research facility, Snitter and Rowf escape out into the wild where they must survive a hostile world.
Rating: ough. my heart. would recommend.
Note: Well-known for its animated adaptation, would recommend it as well.
*Silverwing by Kenneth Oppel - The first in the Silverwing book series, Silverwing follows a bat named Shade who loses his colony during a migration to the south.
Rating: Yet to read but I've heard good things!
Note: Currently has an animated television adaptation, go check it out!
*A Black Fox Running by Brian Carter - The story follows the tale of a dark-furred fox named Wulfgar and his human nemesis, Scoble the trapper, over the course of time.
Rating: Yet to read.
*The Books of the Named/Ratha’s Creature (First book of the Ratha’s Creature series) by Clare’s Bell - Ratha’s Creature is set in prehistoric times following the story of Ratha, a Dinaelurus nimravid(?) and her role as a female in her Clan.
Yet to read, often recommended in the Xenofiction scene.
*The Taken (Book one of the Foxcraft trilogy) by Inbali Inserles - Follows the story of Isla, a fox kit who loses her home and family and must survive in the world of “furless” while mastering Foxcraft.
Recommended by @girlashfur
*Hurry Home, Candy by Meindert DeJong and illustrations by Maurice Sendak - Described as "heavy", Hurry Home, Candy follows the life and struggles of a dog named Candy.
Recommended by @mosshugs
Felidae (the first book in a nine book series) by Akif Pirinçci - A crime novel following Francis the cat as he tries to uncover the truth behind a series of murders in his new neighborhood.
Rating: I haven't read the novel and nor do I want to, but I did watch the adaptation. It's a grisly one but apart from the violent murders and striking imagery in the film, you're not missing much by skipping it. I can't really recommend this one for a variety of reasons.
Important: I can't stop you from reading the book or watching the animated adaptation, I watched the animated adaptation, but please do not financially support the author in any way. Pirinçci is a far-right dipshit and does not deserve support.
The Animals of Farthing Wood by Colin Dann - With eight books under its belt, The Animals of Farthing Wood originally started as one book about a group of woodland animals trying to find a new home after losing their old one to human development. It was followed by six sequels and one prequel.
Rating: Haven't read the books but I love the animated adaptation of it! I recommend checking out both.
*Ragweed (First book of the Dimwood book series) by Avi - A book about the adventures of a mouse seeing the world.
Recommended by @meanling
*A Dog's Life: An Autobiography of a Stray by Ann M. Martin - Written by the same author of the Babysitter's Club series, A Dog's Life chronicles the life of a dog named Squirrel.
Recommended by @meanling
*Scary Stories for Young Foxes by Christian McKay Heidicker and illustrations by Junyi Wu - Scary Stories for Young Foxes is a book consisting of several stories all told by a mother to her kits.
Recommended anonymously
*The Sight (and its sequel The Fell) by David Clement-Davies - Set in the same universe as Fire Bringer, The Sight follows a pack of wolves cursed by a lone wolf, Morgra, whose powers foretell the destiny of one of the mother wolf's pups: Larka, a white wolf gifted with a mysterious power known as The Sight.
Not yet read.
*Last of the Curlews by Fred Bodsworth - A realistic depiction of the journey of the last of a critically endangered and soon to be extinct bird.
Not yet read.
Note: Has an animated adaptation!
*Wish Tree by Katherine Applegate - From the same author as The One and Only Ivan! While this story includes animals, it's main character is an old oak tree named Red! The perspective is really interesting. She is both the neighborhood wish tree, and a home for many animals. A family of Muslim refugees move into the neighborhood, with the kid, Samar, becoming attached to the tree.
Not yet read.
*Pax by Sara Pennypacker - A war approaches and Peter must release his pet fox when his father enlists. The story alternates between Peter as he starts a journey to find his pet, and Pax who is learning to survive in the wild.
Not yet read.
*A Wolf Called Wander by Rosanne Perry - Inspired by the wolf 0R-7 (Journey), we follow Swift. After a rival wolf pack attacks, Swift's family scatters and must find a new home, taking an 1000 mile journey across the Pacific Northwest.
Not yet read.
*The Tygrine Cat by Inbali Iserles - Alone and lost, a young cat called Mati is struggling to be accepted by a colony of street cats in the bustling marketplace at Cressida Lock. What Mati doesn’t know is that he is the last of a vital, age-old breed and that a mysterious feline assassin named Mithos is close on his trail. With his enemy nearing, can Mati learn to harness his ancient powers — before a deadly feline force destroys both him and his newfound friends and takes the spirit of every cat on earth?
Not yet read.
Fifteen Dogs by André Alexis - The ancient Greek Gods make a bet and endow fifteen dogs from a shelter with human-level intelligence.
Rating: I can't say I loved this book but nonetheless I appreciated it's prose. If you can get past outdated pack dynamics and some...questionable writing around its female characters, there's a lot to appreciate. Mind you, this is a book for adults and does not shy away from sexual material.
Comics (Webcomics included)
Beasts of Burden written by Evan Dorkin and illustrated by Benjamin Dewey and Jill Thompson - The comics follow along the adventures of the ‘Beasts of Burden’ a group of animals who investigate paranormal happenings in their neighborhood.
Rating: With gorgeous art and an interesting world, I recommend! Just be warned, it is bloody and the sory doesn't hold your hand.
Note: Beasts of Burden currently has 21 comics published in Dark Horse Comics.
What Lurks Beneath by ArualMeow - A feral colony must grapple with a food shortage while simultaneously tussling with the divide between two groups of cats.
Rating - A highly compelling read. Each character plays a role in the unravelling drama of three siblings and you will walk away loving someone.
Note: Ongoing!
I Hope So by Detective Calico - A rewrite of My Pride turned into an original story, I Hope So follows the story of three lionesses navigating both the complicated politics of the lion prides but also the harsh environment they must survive in.
Rating: Slow to update but absolutely worth it! I Hope So is a charming and interesting read. It’s yet to finish but it’s far enough that you'll be able to invest yourself in the world and characters with no trouble!
Note: Ongoing!
Tofauti Sawa by TheCynicalHound - A revenge story that follows a spotted hyena named Sahara.
Rating: Tofauti Sawa is not here to endear you to its protagonists or hold your hand. It can be a tough read but a worthwhile one nonetheless. I need to catch up but I recommend it!
Note: Ongoing!
*Golden Shrike by Doeprince - A story about twin deer and their friends and their search to retrieve three fallen stars for a bored God.
Rating: Yet to read but I've heard good things!
Note: Ongoing!
*Doe of Deadwood by Songdog - It follows a deer who has a pact with a demon that takes the form of a tree. It has some heavy themes and light gore.
Recommended by @beeloaf
Note: Complete!
Jet and Harley by Doeprince - Described as a beautiful piece on grief and moving on, Jet and Harley stars a kitty cast and gorgeous artwork.
Rating: Recommended anonymously. It's still starting but it has some strong set up and charming writing going for it, I recommend keeping an eye on it!
Note: Ongoing!
Preeny Has to Repeat 6th Grade by momodriller - A love letter to adoptables and the creativity of young artists, this charming comic utilizes designs bought from adoptables on DeviantArt! It follows the story of Preeny, a young cat with a magic brush tail and what happens when her whole world turns upside down.
Rating: Beyond adorable, charming and sweet. There's a lot of love put into this webcomic and it shows! Highly recommend.
Note: Ongoing!
Africa by Arven92 - The story of a female leopard named Africa and her quest to protect her family and loved ones while her territory comes under threat.
Rating: Gorgeously drawn and with a story that twists, Africa pulls no punches in showing you the wickedness of its antagonists but also the enduring bond of a family.
Note: Ongoing!
*Oren's Forge by Teagan Gavet - A webcomic that explores the dynamics of predator and prey and what happens when those divisions fall in the story of a pair of pine martens and their journey for sanctuary.
Rating: Not yet read
Note: Ongoing!
*Pride of Baghdad written by Brian K. Vaughan and Niko Henrichon - A graphic novel falling the fictionalized account of the real life escape of four lions from the Baghdad Zoo after an American bombing in 2003.
Rating: Not yet read.
Content warning for graphic violence, gore, animal death, and a brief one panel depiction of sexual assault.
*I Didn't Know by Songdog - A comic about a cat exiled from her Church.
Rating: Not yet read.
Note: Ongoing
*Fox Fires by Pipilia - This ongoing Webtoon follows a Tanuki named Raate as she goes on a journey to find the missing "Fox Fires", a gate between the land of the dead and living. She encounters many friends such as birds who are messangers for elves, magic cats, and normal mean wolves.
Not yet read.
Note: Ongoing
Manga & Anime
*Silver Fang Gin and Ginga Densetsu Weed written and illustrated by Yoshihiro Takahashi - The original and the sequel respectively, the manga series follow Akita dogs, Gin and Weed. While Silver Fang focuses on Gin's search to fight the monstrous "Red Helmet", Weed follows the titular Weed and his search for his father.
Rating: I've not read this but upon getting recommended it, multiple people warned me about the misogyny in the series. Ye be warned. Additionally, the manga is (apparently) very gory!
Note: Both have anime adaptations. Weed's opening is a fucking banger go watch it at the very least.
Beastars (and Beast Complex by extension) written and illustrated by Paru Itagaki - In a world of anthromorphic animals, Beastars follows Legosi, a young wolf navigating his complicated feelings towards other species and learning more about his world.
Rating: Beastars is action-packed, fun, emotional, and dramatic! The first half is a compelling story of identity and how we interact with one another and the complex forces of society that drive our feelings, all wrapped up in a wonderous animal metaphor. As a coming-of-age story, it carries themes of desire, sexual desire, yearning, shame, and more. The second half is eeeeehhh not as strong, but I still recommend it nonetheless!
Note: Beastars currently has an anime adaptation by Studio Orange! It looks fantastic and has some really nice quality of life changes. Highly recommend.
Chi's Sweet Home written and illustrated by Konami Kanata - An adorable slice-of-life story following a cute kitten named Chi adapting to her new home.
Rating: It's just plain cute! If you're looking for something adorable to help you relax, I recommend this one. It's for a younger age demographic so don't go in expecting deep storylines or anything.
Note: Chi's Sweet Home has two adaptations: one with traditional 2D Japanese animation and two seasons and a 2016 3DCGI adaptation. I'd recommend the original adaptation but that's pure preference.
Nyankees written and illustrated by Atsushi Okada - A comedy manga that depicts street cats as brawling "yankees", drawing them as both cat and human to depict their brawls over food, territory, and ladies!
Rating: It's funny, I can't deny the humor in this one makes me chuckle. It's a little racy but otherwise, a fun, light-hearted read.
*A Cat's Tale written by Sae-Him Kwon and Hyeon-Jung Kim and illustrated by Kwon-Sam - A thrilling tale of murder and deception from the animals living on the Sae-Min's farm from the point of view of an elderly cat.
Rating: Yet to read, discovered on Anime-Planet's search system.
Monotone Blue written and illustrated by Nagabe - A story set in high school, it's a BL manga that follows Hachi the cat and Aoi the lizard.
Rating: Yet to read, but I adore the author's other works so I have high expectations!
*Neko to Ryuu written by Amara and illustrated by Sasaki Izumi- A cat raises a baby dragon as her own.
Rating: Yet to read but come on, that sounds adorable.
A Story of Seven Lives written and illustrated by Shirawaka Gin - A Story of Seven Lives follows Nanao, a former housecat turned street cat after a terrible tragedy.
Rating: It's a tearjerker and absolutely adorable. The artwork is lovely and all the cats' designs look fantastic. if you're interested in a simple drama about the relationship between cats and people, i would highly recommend it.
Note: There are human protagonists! If you want pure animal protagonists, maybe skip this one.
*The Walking Cat: A Cat's-Eye-View of the Zombie Apocalypse by Tomo Kitaoka - Zombies roam the earth and civilization as we know it is dead. When Jin—a young man trying to survive the chaos—rescues a cat from certain death, the unlikely duo sets off on a quest to find a mysterious island where Jin’s wife may be alive. Witness the zombie apocalypse through the eyes of a fearless feline whose curiosity may kill him yet.
Rating: Not yet read.
PLEASE READ: Due to its setting, this series has been given a handful of content warnings, please heed this warning before you read. Content warning for gore, death, sexual abuse, physical abuse.
i'm not gonna put every disney or dreamworks film on here i'm sure a majority of us know that disney makes a lot of already popular animal films. if possible, i'd like to spotlight some films that weren't made by big studios and/or don't get a lot of attention. Further note, some of these are adaptations of children's books. I'm cheating a little here mainly because the adaptations are more well-known and probably more appealing for readers of this list than the original books. Uh, sorry.
The Brave Little Toaster directed by Jerry Rees - The film follows the adventures of sentient kitchen appliances and the search for their owner.
Rating: Aimed for a younger audience, it's an adorable viewing for all ages.
Isle of Dogs directed by Wes Anderson - In the year 2038, canine flu breaks out in a futuristic Japan and all dogs are sent to 'trash island' where they fight to survive. One day, a young Japanese boy crashes down on trash island to find his dog.
Rating: The stop-motion animation is gorgeous, the writing is fun and charming, and the visuals are amazing, however the film has rightfully garnered criticism for its stereotypical depiction of Japanese society and 'white savior' narrative around one of its human characters.
Chirin no Suzu (English Title: Ringing Bell/Chirin's Bell) directed by Masami Hata - On a farm, Chirin witnesses the death of his mother to a wolf. Distraught and filled with rage, Chirin vows to get revenge and trains to do so.
Rating: A fantastic and visually striking film, the film's cute aesthetics hide a sombre and darker story. Would recommend!
*Vuk (English Title: The Little Fox) directed by Atilla Dargay - A Hungarian animated film that follows the life of a fox and how he must use his wits to survive.
Rating: Not yet watched.
Arashi no Yoru Ni (English Title: One Stormy Night) directed by Gisaburō Sugii - On one stormy night, a sheep and a wolf take refuge from a storm in the same abandoned home and befriend each other...unaware of what species the other is until later. They strike an unusual friendship that's tested when their respective groups begin to clash.
Rating: Cute, sweet, and well-animated, One Stormy Night is well known for the romantic undertones of its two leads. I think it's adorable and highly recommend.
Note: It received another adaptation of the same source material, a 3D animated show where they made the sheep a girl. Do with that information what you will.
Leafy, A Hen into the Wild directed by Oh Sung-yoon - A farm chicken dreams of one day living a life in the wild and raising her own clutch of eggs and, after faking her death to escape, finally gets the opportunity to do so.
Rating: A gorgeous animated film with moments that will tug at your heart strings. It's got some kiddy jokes with poop and fart jokes but they're not too distracting. Would recommend!
Note: Please find a version with the ORIGINAL ending, not the censored one. It is more thematically fitting and one heck of a gut-punch.
Underdog/A Dog's Courage directed by Lee Chun-baek and Oh Sung-yoon - After being abandoned by his owners, a dog joins up with a pack of other dogs in search of 'paradise'.
Rating: Despite some poor pacing and wonky tonal problems, I think this movie is still worth checking out! The character designs are cute and it's decent entertainment if you've got some time.
Note: There's a post that says this movie is about dogs escaping to North Korea, it's not true. They escape from North Korea to South Korea.
Padak directed by Dae-Hee Lee - A dark and sometimes brutal film about a wild fish that ends up in a restaurant fish tank that overlooks the ocean. The film stays there and the audience is given a tense, nerve-wracking narrative of life and death.
Rating: A fantastic, emotional movie that uses its limited setting to its full advantage. It's brutal and unforgiving but one hundred percent worth the watch.
Khumba directed by Anthony Silverston - A film that follows a zebra with only half his stripes and his journey to gain the rest of them in hopes of being accepted by his herd.
Rating: It's fine, a little wonky but it has a lot of heart.
Earnest and Celestine directed by Stéphane Aubier, Vincent Patar and Benjamin Renner - A gorgeous 2D French animated film based on a series of children's films about a bear who takes in an orphan mouse in an anthropomorphic society that does not approve.
Rating: you're going to get cavities at how sweet this film is. Charming, funny, and visually stunning, you would be remiss if you didn't watch this wonderful film at least once.
The Land Before Time directed by Don Bluth - After tragedy strikes, young Apatosaurus must embark on a journey to find the Great Valley.
Rating: It's a classic! A bit cutesy and meanders at times, but still worth a watch.
Note: Pretty well known for the host of direct-to-DVD sequel movies it produced, a television series, and a video game.
Television (Online Productions Included)
My Pride directed by Maddi Patton - My Pride is an independent internet production that follows the tale of a disabled lion named Nothing trying to exist in her cruel society.
Rating: My Pride is clearly a work of passion, one can’t deny the creator clearly had a vision of what she wanted from this show. However, the execution is flawed and the handling of disability has been (rightfully) criticized. While the animators and voice actors have clearly put a lot of love and effort into the project, the writing falls short of what it could be.
Note: The series ends on a cliffhanger and has been discontinued. You have been warned.
My Little Pony (Generations 1-5) developed by Hasbro - If you like ponies, here you go! While G1 did have a human character, G3 to G5 are purely horsies. Each generation has a different story and main cast to follow.
Rating: Very obviously for a younger age demographic, the generations do have their own charm! G4 is popular for a reason with a sleek style, witty writing, and a lovely cast of characters.
Azurehowl and Azurehowl Reborn created by azurehowlshilach - Bet this one brings back nostalgia lol Azurehowl is set in a world where wolves have the magic of dragons! It centers around Ruuza who may be more special than she realizes.
Rating: i gotta rewatch this one to make my thoughts clear but i remember finding it charming. Azurehowl Reborn appears to be the remake/reboot of the original series.
Note: Ongoing!
Twelve by Petpyves - An original series about May and Imp, a duo who's jobs are to jump from body to body and guide them to a better end, results vary. It's a work of love and has some really strong concepts and writing, as well as doing its best to handle more mature subejcts with respect.
Rating: It's rough around the edges but nonetheless a great show to binge! I recommend it, though it's been a while since I watched it.
Note: Complete!
No Evil by Betsy Lee - In the land of myths and fables incarnate a group of spirits live their casual lives alongside humans, until a cataclysmic force thought to be dealt with shows once again in the world. A prequel series to the webcomic Brother Swan.
Rating: Not yet watched.
Note: Complete!
Burrow's End by Dimension 20 - A Dungeons & Dragons campaign following a group of stoats.
Rating: Not yet watched.
Note: Complete!
Video Games
Okami developed by Clover Studios - You play as the wolf Amaterasu on her journey to save the world from forces of darkness.
Rating: A classic for a reason. Fun to play, great story, lovely characters. Would recommend!
Stray developed by Bluetwelve Studios - In a walled city populated by robots, you play as a cat.
Rating: ending made me bawl. Gameplay is a bit clunky, the platforming is essentially hitting buttons to automatically jump to your destination instead of you jumping yourself. Otherwise, would recommend!
*Tokyo Jungle developed Crispy's! - Set in a deserted, furistic Tokyo, you can select from a wide array of animals to play as and survive.
Rating: never played but maaan do I want to.
*Spirit of the North developed by Infuse Studio- You play as an ordinary red fox whose story becomes entwined with the guardian of the Northern Lights, a female spirit fox.
Rating: Yet to play.
Untitled Goose Game developed by House House - honk
Rating: honk
*Copoka developed by Inaccurate Interactive - You play as a pigeon trying to build a nest in a totalitarian state.
Rating: Yet to play.
*Seasons After Fall developed by Swing Swing Submarine - 2D platformer where you play as a fox in a magical land.
Rating: Yet to play.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon developed by Spike Chunsoft - A rogue-like RPG in which you take the form as a human turned Pokemon and must navigate your world. There are currently seven games to choose from, each with a unique world and story.
Rating: I love PMD, I'm putting it here because I'm biased. I love it a lot and it fits the criteria so here you go!
Cattails & *Cattails: Wildwood Story developed by Falcon Development - With the creator known for their WC fan game, Untold Tales, Cattails branched out from the bones of the fan game and became an original game of it's own! In this RPG, you play as a cat where you can hunt, fight, find love, and solve puzzles. Wildwood expands on the base mechanics, adding in farming, characters, and more!
Rating: I found the first Cattails to be cute and simple. It's not an intensive RPG, the mechanics become repetitive after a while. If you're someone who likes getting into the rhythm of a grindy rpg, you'll like this one. Not yet played Wildwood but I've heard it's great!
Rain World developed by Videocult - You play as a nomadic slugcat in a brutal world with only your wits, agility, and strength to survive. Eat, hunt, flee, and hibernate while finding out the secrets of your world.
Rating: Okay. this game is HARD. Like unfair hard. Imprecise controls, brutal difficulty, and sometimes really unfair save points - this one is tough. However, it is gorgeous and it's really fun seeing all the beautiful environments the creators came up with. Enemies are also incredibly complex, reacting to each other and you in different ways. It's an acquired taste, while it wasn't for me personally, I would recommend giving it a try at the very least.
Additions that aren't necessarily xenofiction but pertain to it in some way.
Cheek by Jowl: Animals in Children's Literature by Ursula K. Le Guin -A fantastic essay that explores the role of the animal in children's literature from its role as something to reflect human society, or how it teaches children about animals. Furthermore, it explores the ways in which xenofiction can intentionally or unintentionally reinforce human bigotry through what we deem the "natural" order of the world.
Rating: Please read if you're interested in xenofiction! A fantastic essay that kicks you off thinking critically about what xenofiction has to say. The essay has a striking section on Watership Down that I highly recommend reading.
Cardinal West (YouTube) - A YouTube channel that discusses xenofiction. Videos that I recommend to start with are:
How (Not) to Write Xenofiction: A Literary Autopsy of “One for Sorrow, Two for Joy” by Clive Woodall (CW for discussions of sexual assault)
How Adapting The Fox and the Hound Changed Animation
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doberbutts · 8 months
You mentioned in response to another ask that you don't use "transandrophobia" because the trans theory you were taught by trans women told you that "transmisogyny" covered those things and that is a total revelation to me. I've been thinking for a long time that it seemed to me that the idea of transmisogyny *does* cover transandrophobia, it just impacts trans femmes and trans mascs differently a lot of the time. But I had no idea that there has been theory/discussion that says this. I'm more used to the idea of "TMA" with the implication that only trans women are affected by transmisogyny. Is that more of a new thing and transmisogyny used to be considered as a more broad term? And would you trace that change to the same issue you're talking about with a lot of current feminism forgetting how feminism is also a "men's issue"?
Idk if I would call it "new" per say. The word trans-misogyny was coined in 2007 and did not include trans men, but the book in which it was coined did mention that language was likely needed to describe the trans man experience as well. There have been a number of different attempts, but none have really stuck.
I went to college starting in 2010, so roughly 3 years after Serrano coined the word. While in college, my school's GSA wanted LGBT elders to come and talk to all the scared freshly-minted adults who were trying to figure out this being gay thing. The woman who ran my GSA found a Trans woman who was willing to be my mentor and sponsor, she wrote my letters for me back when that was still necessary for medical transition, and we met frequently for her to teach me more or less how to be trans safely. Some things she did not know- how to bind safely, how to attach a semi-permenant packer, etc. But others she knew very well, because she herself dealt with both being seen as a man by society as well as the effects of testosterone on her body for decades before she transitioned.
Anyway. This woman was great, and is a significant portion of the reason I'm still alive to this day. And she is who taught me the word transmisogyny, and that it should really cover all trans people because all trans people experience an intersection of transphobia and misogyny. Whether that was popular theory at the time or not, that is what us young kids learned directly from the mouths of trans women at my college, which to me means that others were also learning this particular version of transfeminist theory.
Unfortunately by the time I dropped out of college in 2013/2014, online trans spaces were having stupid arguments such as "transtrenders are bad" and "neopronouns are bad" and "nonbinary people are cis people who want to feel special" and "trans men should be hunted for sport" and "trans women are incel nazis" and. Well. I went "wow this place is a cesspit and I feel like no one here has actually talked to another transgender person face to face" and then did not engage with the online community. So I don't really know how common or popular the understanding I was taught was at the time, though it certainly seems quite rare now.
(As a caveat I don't really think trans people of any gender have anything that isn't similar with each other when it comes to oppression, outside of certain bodily things that can't be helped because that's literally the thing we're transgender about, and I think we all experience very similar oppression but sometimes with a different hat)
As for what caused this particular defining to fall into obscurity? I really can't say. I don't know how popular the transfeminist theory the trans women who spoke at my GSA meetings taught us actually was in the broader world. Every once in a while I meet someone who lived through that same time who remembers that theory, which tells me it had gained at least some traction if it was being discussed in multiple parts of the country, but... that's really it. And it's pretty unpopular theory nowadays, I get people calling me a scumbag and claiming that I say transmisogyny doesn't exist just for mentioning that the theory I was taught includes trans men in the discussion.
But I don't think it's specifically the whole TMA/TME thing. I think it's a lack of understanding of what oppression and what intersectionality are, how they operate, how they work, how we define things through them. There are many people who believe that men do not experience misogyny. But, they do, that's why it's an insult to a boy to call him a girl during a moment of femininity or vulnerability, as a means of calling him weak because girls are believed to be weak. There are many people who think intersectionality turns oppression into additives, as though stacking marginalizations like dnd buffs. This also falls apart because oppression is not like quick math where you add a +5 to every roll if any part of your identity is privileged and a -7 if any part is oppressed.
I've had people get mad at me for saying that straight people experience homophobia while we also have sitting politicians that make jokes on live TV about how they'd drown their (presumably straight) children if they found out their kids were gay. For saying that GNC cis people experience transphobia when butches are getting kicked out of bathrooms and drag queens are getting jumped in bars. For reminding people that when Sikhs are killed due to being mistaken for Muslim in this country that hates Muslims over a national tragedy our Muslim population did not cause, it's still considered and called Islamophobia, because just because Americans are too stupid to tell a Sikh from a Muslim doesn't mean they weren't spurred into that hate crime by their rampant hatred of Muslims and the sight of a turban and long beard.
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roses-for-rosalyn · 1 year
i desperately need dealer!ellie and her sweet girlfriend (who is also totally a stoner (;). maybe if reader went out of town for a while and ran out of weed, so she got some off of a dealer/from a dispensary in that town. then reader gets home and ellie would be (mostly jokingly) horrified by the weed that wasn't hers, and so on :3
(sorry if this does not make sense, english is not my first language and i've never done an ask before so im a bit nervous :])
Rahhh what an amazing idea!! I'm so honored I was your first ask, also don't be nervous to approach my account this is a safe space for anyone darling 💕 Sorry it took so long to respond!!
the people who like my Ellie content come 'ere, this is a treat for you.
word count: 3.7 k
minors dni (please bro)
cw: sprinkle of fluff (haven't had a productive therapy session in a loong time), mutual masterbation sort of, neck kissing, drug use 🍃, established relationship, dealer! Ellie, strap on use (r! receiving), teasing, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, no use of y/n (lmk if I missed anything)
You stand before a familiar rust colored door, contemplating for a moment before you rap your knuckles against the hardwood. You were visiting your girlfriend for the first time in a few weeks–which felt more like a few months. You had gone back home to visit family for a while, and to meet up with some old friends. Naturally being with family was incredibly stressful and you were relieved to be able to return to your girlfriend for multiple reasons: 1) she has weed 2) you were extremely sexually frustrated after being without her for a few weeks 3) you simply missed her company (which you would never explicitly admit to her considering she was a pain in the ass half the time). You had been texting Ellie every day and she never failed to turn the conversation from something wholesome into something incredibly dirty. You would go from talking about your day to shaking, nervous hands trying to type a response without dropping your phone. She could have you aching for her in mere moments simply by stringing together a strategic set of words. It was truly a gift, an oddly specific gift that you were incredibly grateful for when you were separated from her. 
You had told her almost everything about your visit. You failed to mention that being with family got so stressful you met up with your old plug from highschool. You only bought like three prerolls, but for some odd reason you felt like you were being unfaithful to your drug dealer girlfriend. It was something so incredibly silly, but the action just felt…weird. She enjoyed being possessive a lot of the time, mostly because it was fun for her (particularly in bed). Someone might flirt with you at a bar and she would take you home and not let you come until you had said you were hers over and over and over. A combination of nerves and excitement invaded your body every time you thought about telling her. You would imagine her reaction and an ache would immediately grow between your legs. But then another side of you wondered if it might actually bother her, and maybe she wouldn’t react that way. It was a gamble and you were unsure if you felt like risking it. 
The sound of the door opening disrupts your train of thought. As soon as you see Ellie’s face your worries dissolve, you leap towards her, wrap your arms around her tightly and kiss her. You were both smiling so hard your teeth gently knocked together. You lean back, taking her in, you had missed her perfectly placed freckles and familiar green eyes. You kiss her again and again and again, pecking your lips against hers. She moves away from your lips, cups your face and plants gentle kisses on your forehead, cheeks and nose. You giggle and scrunch up your face at the feeling, your cheeks starting to warm. 
She breaks away and rests her forehead against yours, “Hi.” she says breathlessly.
“Hi.” you reply, giggling. “I missed you.” 
“I know, I’m an incredibly amazing person to spend time with, anyone with a brain would miss me.” She smirks, almost challenging you to retaliate. 
Your eyes narrow,  “you know what?’ You scoff, ‘I know you missed me,” a grin forms on your face before you continue, “In fact I have proof of exactly how much you missed me right in my phone.” You lean in, whispering in her ear, “And if you don’t admit it we won’t do anything we talked about while I was away.” 
Ellie smiles, “Ok, Ok I missed you,” she looks down, “you and your perfect tits.” You pull away from her and playfully slap her on the shoulder, poorly pretending to be offended–your giggling gave you away. you could tell she meant it when she said she missed you because she was looking at you with such adoration in her eyes you think you might explode. 
Ellie finally walks away from you to close and lock the door before gently grabbing you by the hand to lead you to the couch. Her hand is so warm and familiar, you squeeze it softly, savoring the feeling. 
She looks back at you, mischief in her eyes “Wanna smoke?” she asks. 
“God, I thought you’d never ask.” You smile, giddy as ever. You eagerly sit down on the couch next to her, close enough so the sides of your thighs touch. You were more needy than usual and Ellie took notice. 
Your eyes move to the coffee table which has various weed related objects strewn about. Ellie had clearly been smoking a bit before you had gotten here. You watch her hands as she leans over the coffee table and begins to expertly roll and pack a joint with her slender fingers. You get lost in her movements, studying the way her hands move so carefully and purposefully. 
She finishes rolling the joint and offers it to you with both her hands, head bowed as if she was bestowing a wondrous gift to you. You giggle at her amusing antics and gently take the blunt from her hands, pinching it between your thumb and pointer finger. Ellie is quick to grab the lighter off the coffee table as you bring it to your lips. You wait for her to burn the tapered end off before wrapping your lips around it and deeply inhaling. Thick smoke fills your mouth, flows into your throat and lungs. The feeling is warm and familiar, ever since you started dating Ellie, smoking stopped burning and started feeling more tingly. It was a sort of comforting feeling- knowing your body would eventually relax and your thoughts would become muted. Your eyes instinctively close as you breathe out, a smile forming on your lips. 
“Wow, you really missed smoking huh?” Ellie laughs at your dramatic display. 
“Well I didn’t exactly go completely without it, but I missed your shit, this is actually good.” You look down, sigh and take another small hit. You offer the joint back to Ellie and look up at her, trying to read her expression. Her appearance doesn’t give anything away as she takes it from you and takes a long hit. Her eyes stay on yours as she exhales, all you can do is stare back, your eyes frantically searching hers for any hint of anger or jealousy. 
“Where’d you get the other shit from?” Her tone is completely flat. “Wasn’t from me was it?” she pinches her eyebrows together, trying to recall if she sent you off with anything. 
“No, no. I got really stressed and I was desperate for any type of relief sooo I messaged my old plug from highschool.” You let out a short laugh. Ellie hands the spliff back to you calmly.
“Was it any good?” She tilts her head and watches as you take a long hit before answering.
“Pretty good, but nothing compared to your shit babe.” You smile as you exhale and hand the joint back to her. She takes it and puts it out, her expression remaining scarily blank. She was obviously planning something in that brain of hers. 
She hums and nods looking down at the coffee table. She sits up and finally looks at you, pats your thigh and mumbles “come ‘ere.” You do as she says and adjust yourself so you're straddling her. “Cheating on your drug dealer who is also your girlfriend huh?” She shakes her head, “Bad idea.” Her expression turns into a wicked smirk. 
You laugh “No I-” 
She interrupts, “Uh, uh, I don’t want to hear any excuses.” 
“But I-”
“You’ll have to make it up to me princess.” Her voice lowers, a suggestive tone lacing it. The way she said it, dominance dripping from her words sent butterflies straight to your cunt. 
“Whatever you want, Ellie.” you say in your most submissive voice, hoping it will convince her to take mercy on you. You know she’s gonna make you ache tonight one way or another. She smirks and kisses you. She opens up your mouth with her tongue, the kiss this time was different; it was hungrier, her tongue roughly massages against yours and she groans at the feeling. You move your hands down to the hem of her sweatshirt and tug. You break away for a moment to throw her sweatshirt across the room leaving her in a white tank top. She grabs the hem of your t-shirt and does the same, leaving you bare for her. 
You hadn’t worn a bra in anticipation for tonight and it definitely paid off. Ellie wasn’t expecting it and stared for a moment, your nipples beginning to harden from being exposed to the cool air in her apartment. You can’t help but giggle at her ogling, but the giggle is quickly cut off once she latches her mouth onto your sensitive nipple. Her warm tongue swirls around your hard bud and you gasp at the feeling, threading your fingers into her hair. She brings up one of her hands to begin playing with the other breast, pinching and rolling your nipple between her thumb and index finger. The feeling was even more intense from the weed, her actions sent arousal straight to your cunt. She takes her time, licking and sucking until she’s satisfied. You're a panting mess after mere moments, mumbling breathless obscenities as she has her way with you. She moves to the other nipple and you have begun grinding against her to try and relieve the ache that had now grown painful between your legs. She removes her mouth, before moving up your body. She kisses along your clavicle taking her time, sucking and licking as she moves. She made her way to your neck and latched on to the sensitive skin causing you to moan. She is slow and methodical, purposefully trying to mark you up. You didn’t mind, you kind of liked the bruises she would leave behind. Your heightened senses deliciously exaggerate the feeling of her warm tongue on your skin, while also making the ache in your cunt almost unbearable considering everything was sensitive. 
“Ellie please.” you whimper, wanting her to do anything to satiate your sore cunt. 
“Please what, Princess?” She asks between kisses. 
“Ellie” you whine out, frustrated beyond belief. She hums and grabs your thighs, wrapping them around her waist, then your arms to wrap them around her neck before standing up and walking you both to the bedroom. She continues teasing you with her tongue, touching you everywhere, but where you need her. She lowers you down to sit on the edge of the bed and you break away from her to back into the middle and lay down. She raises her eyebrows at your eagerness, but crawls on top of you and kisses you, her tongue intertwining with yours, her leg in between yours rising higher and higher… before she pulls back. You frown and tilt your head in confusion.
Ellie smirks and raises her eyebrows, “Oh, you thought I was gonna make this easy?” She lets out a dry laugh at your desperation. She finds it cute, but not cute enough to give in and give you what you want. 
“But I just got back-” 
“And what did you do while you were gone?” She tilts her head questioning you. “You gave me a reason to make this difficult for you,” she answers her own question before leaning in so close you can feel her breath tickle the shell of your ear and whispers, “And you know how much I love an excuse to make things difficult for you.” The bass of her voice invertebrates through your body sending tingles down your spine. 
“F-fine,” You try to sound confident, but she has you in pieces underneath her. “What do you want?” At your question Ellie sits up kneeling over you.
“Get up.” You sit up slowly as she gets off the bed and you follow. You stand in front of her, chest heaving from arousal, eyes shining with desperation and Ellie almost scraps her whole plan for the night. She grabs the hem of your shorts and gently lowers them past your hips, letting them slip to the floor. She does the same with your underwear, all the while you stand still, allowing her to have her way with you. Ellie unbuttons her jeans and lowers them to the floor, her tank top following. You can’t help but stare, her sports bra doesn’t do much to conceal her hardened nipples, her toned abs and arms practically made you drool. She rests her hands on your hips and takes a moment to admire your bare body. “So beautiful, baby.” Ellie breathes out before planting a gentle kiss to your shoulder. You smile at her and she smiles back, then she walks towards the head of the bed, grabbing one of the pillows and putting it in the middle of the bed. You're confused until she gestures for you to sit on the bed. Oh. 
You crawl on to the bed and straddle the pillow, facing the head of the bed. Ellie moves to the top of the bed, gently grabs your hips and encourages you to lower down on to the pillow, you put your hands on top of hers and start to sink down. Once your sensitive clit contacts the soft fabric of the pillow you let out a small gasp. Subconsciously, you start rocking back and forth on the pillow, so needy and overstimulated you couldn’t hold back anymore. Your eyes start to close from the delicious pressure on your clit.
“That’s it princess, just like that.” You let out a little whine and continue rutting against the pillow, chasing relief. After a moment you realized the pillow wasn’t going to be enough, you needed more. You move your hand from Ellies and start to bring it down between your legs. She grabs your hand and tuts “uh, uh you’re going to move just like this,” She nods to you, “until I say. Not any faster, not any slower.” 
“You didn’t seem to want me enough,” She shrugs, “so I’m gonna make you need me.” You let out a quiet moan at her words. She was intoxicating when she was like this, you loved it and hated it at the same time. 
Ellie lets go of your hips and you do as she says, keeping a steady rhythm against the pillow. Once she watches you for a moment she leans back onto the pillows one leg bent, the other straightened out in front of her. And she just…watches, staring you right in the eyes, she doesn’t plan on touching you or helping you in any way. Fine if she was going to watch, you were going to give her a show. A show good enough to get her to give in–hopefully. You begin letting out little whines and gasps as you move fluidly against the pillow. You maintain eye contact as you let your moans build, your clit being teased from the fabric. She groans “Keep moving just like that Princess.” Your eyes follow Ellie’s hand as it slowly starts to move between her legs, palming at her clothed cunt. 
The action immediately sent a wave of arousal to your needy pussy. “Ffuck, Ellie.” you whine out, letting your head fall back and eyes close. Your moans grow a little louder, pleasure slowly building in your stomach. You look back at Ellie, her chest is heaving as her hand moves a little faster against the fabric of her underwear. She is looking down, watching you fuck the pillow, both of you longing for the pillow to be Ellie. You decide to boldly move one of your hands to your breast, cupping and massaging the soft skin. She doesn’t protest, only watches you in awe. You could tell she was on the verge of giving in. You start moving your fingers around your nipple teasing the sensitive bud, before pinching  and rolling it between your fingers. You moan loudly at the sensation and begin to move faster against the pillow. Ellie gets up quickly and grabs her strap from the night stand. You let out a sigh and halt your motions, feeling relief flow through your body. 
Ellie looks back at you “Did I say you could stop?” 
“N-no but-” You stop talking once Ellie tilts her head, silently challenging you. You start moving again, whining a little bit at the feeling of your sore clit rubbing against the soft fabric. You watch as Ellie adjusts the harness. Taking her time to secure it, you would almost be pissed off if you had any room for any emotion besides complete and utter desperation. 
Finally Ellie moves behind you on the bed, she caresses your shoulders, moving her hands up and down and kisses the side of your neck. You are still desperately humping the pillow as she said, waiting desperately for her to say the word. “Ellie please.” The desperation in your voice is pathetic, but you were reduced to a puddle from her literal torture. 
“Come and then I’ll let you stop.” She whispers in your ear.
“Ellie I can’t, it’s not enough I need more please.” She moves her hands to your breasts and begins cupping and massaging the tender skin. Once she starts teasing your overstimulated nipples your head falls back on her shoulder and you moan her name. She starts sucking and kissing your neck and that was all you needed. The pleasure in your stomach finally started to build to a peak. You start rutting your hips faster, chasing your high. 
“Come for me baby.” Ellie breathes into your ear. At her words your orgasm hits you, your pleasure coming to a satisfying peak after the relentless teasing. You buck against the pillow over and over, riding out your climax. “Good girl.” Ellie says as she continues teasing your nipples. When you start to come down Ellie immediately guides you so your upper body is laying against the bed, still straddling the pillow. She grabs the pillow and puts it underneath your hips, giving her a perfect view of your swollen, dripping cunt. You suddenly feel her fingers running up your slit, gathering your arousal, before shoving two fingers inside your soaked cunt. You gasp at the sudden intrusion, tightening around her fingers. “So perfect for me baby.” Ellie says before starting to move her fingers, curling them up against that perfect spongy spot inside of you. You moan as she moves her fingers in and out of you perfectly. She removes her fingers from you and you feel her begin to guide it against your soaked pussy, nudging your clit as she moves her hips forward. You moan into the sheets as she moves her hips back and forth a few times, grazing your clit each time. The strap was coated in your juices after mere moments. You were almost dripping down your thighs, clenching around nothing as Ellie teased you. She massaged the silicone cock, coating it with your arousal, before teasing your entrance with the very tip. You groan as it stretches your tight cunt. She moves slowly, opening you up with the thick black cock. 
“Oh god.” you moan as she moves deeper into you. 
“Relax for me baby. You can take it.” Ellie assures you. You relax, allowing her to sink all the way into your tight cunt. You whimper as she bottoms out, feeling a painfully pleasurable pressure in your pussy. She grabs your wrists and holds them together with one hand and places the other on your hip. She starts to fuck you mercilessly, not giving you any time to adjust, forcing a pathetic “fuckfuckfuck.” out of your swollen lips. Ellie begins grunting at every thrust from the effort, but keeps her pace. The harness was rubbing against her clit perfectly, her ache being soothed as well as yours. 
“God I fuckin missed this pussy baby, missed using you however I wanted like this.” You moan at her words, you loved it when she used you however she wanted. “Such a good girl for me.” She begins moving faster, getting lost in her pleasure. She uses her grip on your wrists to pull her cock deeper into you, causing you to moan at every thrust. Ellie could tell you were already close.
“You can come as many times as you want, princess, but I’m not stopping until I’m done.” You started to come undone, your orgasm ripping through you as Ellie fucks you through it. Waves of pleasure wash over you and you moan so loudly, you are sure the neighbors heard, hell maybe the whole neighborhood. You start to come down, but Ellie doesn’t let up, you whine as she continues to pound into your overstimulated cunt. You whine out her name and she reaches under you to lift you upwards, your body flush against hers. She slowly moves her hand down your stomach, you can tell what she’s doing “Ellie I can’t-” 
She pauses, “You can take it, give me one more baby.” You nod and she moves her hand to your clit and starts rubbing it in small controlled circles. She uses her other hand to tease your nipples and you’re already close again, muttering obscenities and letting your head rest on her shoulder. Ellie begins panting and moaning in your ear as she thrusts into you, reaching her high as well. Her hips start moving sloppily and she breathes out “Come for me.” before coming undone herself. You let go, your moans syncing with Ellie’s as her thrusts become slower and less controlled. Your body completely submerges into your pleasure, your hips rocking back into Ellie’s mindlessly. You can barely hold yourself up any more as pleasure washes over you. Ellie holds you against her as you lose your strength. She pulls out of you slowly and lowers you down to sit on your knees as she removes the strap, throwing it to the side. You turn around to face her and smile lazily, she smiles back and kisses you softly. She lowers you onto the bed as she continues kissing you. You collapse into the soft pillows, every bone in your body giving out. 
“I missed you.” You barely manage to whisper.
“I missed you too.”
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matan4il · 3 months
Can't stop thinking about that poor French girl. Most of my friends didn't even have their periods at 12. We have been screaming ourselves HOARSE for months that "globalize the intifada" is going to come back to bite us...and now it's beginning to. They didn't listen to us then and they won't now. Instead, they let a child pay the price for the crime of being Jewish.
I remember back in early April I walked by a protest and I told a cop there what the phrase meant. She didn't even deign to look at me, instead she told me where I could counter-protest. That is not what I was asking about. No one is protecting us, yet they wonder why we feel safer and have an attachment to our home.
I haven't been able to visit home since the war started, I'll be there Sunday finally. And I can guarantee that I will be moving comfortable there, despite my half baked plan and no official place to stay.
I just don't know what we are supposed to be doing anymore. עד מתי??????
I can't stop thinking about that girl either.
I can't stop thinking about what it means that she knew she wasn't safe telling her boyfriend at the time that she's Jewish. I can't stop thinking about the fact that she was right, as he proved. I can't stop thinking about the kind of environment she grew up in, where she had grown so accustomed to antisemitic attitudes being the rule, that she didn't see that guy's antisemitism for the red flag that it is, and didn't stay away from him.
And I wanna make it clear, it is ABHORRENT that Jews should have to stop and consider just how much they're going to lose out on socially because of antisemitism. But it IS hard to constantly lose and miss out and be depraved of social rewards that others get just because you're Jewish, especially when you're 12 years old. So this responsibility lies on the hellish environments that push Jews to have to decide between being included and being safe.
That the specific way that this girl's abusers were violent with her for her Jewishness was sexual, committed by at least one person she intimately trusted, done as a group, and (from what I've gathered) in public, just makes the whole thing even worse, and I cannot stop grieving what was taken away from her, and what she will have to deal with for the rest of her life.
And I've heard from multiple sources that the perpetrators' phones had anti-Israel material on them. It was easy to guess, but it's still chilling to have that confirmed.
I am SO sorry that you had that experience of a cop not giving a damn about our safety as Jews. But yes, we absolutely cannot rely on anyone else for our protection, it's a part of why we need Israel. And there's only one place in the world where we can be safely and effortlessly ourselves as Jews. I'm so glad for you that you're coming home, and I also hope that if fellow Israelis see this, that maybe they can reach out and help, too.
אם יש כאן במקרה ישראלים, השמיעו קול!
As for what we can do, we can continue to live even when they don't want us to, we can go on supporting each other, we can thrive even when they think they've taken that option from us, we absolutely should educate ourselves continuously when our haters are relying on people's ignorance, and we must speak up where and how we can. Even if our reach is small, it's better than being silent. Not to mention, sometimes one person listening to you, if they're the right one, can make a much bigger difference than we could imagine.
I'm sending you lots of hugs and love! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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restinslices · 9 months
Yo, still waiting for that if Tomas was a sub one (canon tbh)
Cannot believe I forgot. Y’all can boo me
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Imma just come out and say it. He's such a whiny sub
There are characters that give me dom vibes but I think them as subs would be fun. There are characters that give me switch vibes. Tomas gives me only sub vibes. I don't detect a dom in there. idk, that's just me tho
So needy and whiny it'd probably throw you off when you see him doing anything other than begging you to touch him 
Cannot handle teasing at all. He's ok with teasing you but breaks easily when you tease him 
Honestly he can't backup any of the shit he talks. 
One of those subs who need attention at all times. Even if you're not interacting with him, he still wants you in the area 
Kinks I think he'd have are barebacking, biting, humiliation (a HUGE one and imma stand on it), breath play, collaring (in private), impact play, sex toys and sensory deprivation 
I just feel like he's a slut in disguise. Where's my proof? I made it the fuck up. I'm doing this for US 
If you have female anatomy he's also getting pegged. IDC IDC 
Humiliation is a big one for him because he knows it's still a safe space. You can taunt him about how he's a slut, write things on him, make him get off with something unusual, ect. but at the end of day you still love him and it's all for fun. 
You can tell when he's needy ‘cause he's extremely close to you. He follows you around normally, but he's right on your heels 
To torture him more you can pretend you have no idea what he wants. He knows you know and you know he knows, but watching him try to ignore how he feels ‘cause he doesn't wanna say it out loud is priceless. 
He also has a tendency to say he can't take anymore but in reality he wants you to keep going. This is a big guy, he can take it. 
There's two good punishments for him; Cockwarming and overstimulation 
Cockwarming because he can't handle teasing. It's so simple but he can't stand it and doesn't know which is worse; when you're inside of him (actual dick or strapon, doesn't matter) or when he's inside of you. Either way, it doesn't take long for him to apologize for whatever he's done and beg you to fuck him already. 
For overstimulation he gets turned on and cums pretty easily so it wouldn't take that much to overstimulate him. 
These two go well together. Cockwarming then overstimulation as a “isn't this what you wanted?”
What would make this better is quizzing him on something. His brain stops working when he's horny so quizzing him on Lin Kuei principles or something else he for sure knows adds to it. 
He knows he knows the answer but his brain is a fog. It kinda puts the punishment in his hands but that adds to the torture. If he could figure this out, then you'd actually fuck him (or you'd stop fucking him if you do this while overstimulating him)
As I'm typing this I thought of another thing that can be both a punishment but also something he enjoys. Dryhumping. Listen to me and listen to me well-
I can see him coming up behind you when you're alone and rubbing against you to let you know he's needy. And if you told him to keep going, he'd cum but it's not what he really wants to do. 
So him being in trouble and being forced to rub against you but not be inside you or have you inside him would drive him nuts. 
Aftercare for him would be showering together, cuddling and reassuring him you didn't mean any of the negative things you said. Especially after an intense punishment, he needs to hear you don't actually think negatively of him and you love him. 
Also reading together depending on the day. Just something really chill to pull him back to reality. 
I just realized he has the least amount of words so here are afterthoughts to fix that
I know I've called him whiny multiple times but I genuinely think sometimes he can't even form coherent sentences. All that comes out are noises 
Tries not to pout but does so anyway 
He can get off just from giving head 
Loves you leaving marks on him as long as he can cover it up. He can't be scrapping and the enemy sees a hickey on his neck
Tries to sneakily break rules. For example, if a rule is “no touching yourself when I'm gone” he'll do it anyway and try to get rid of the evidence. He'll shower, change clothes, clean any toy he used and whatever else he has to do but you somehow always know. 
Tomas is not the best liar and has some habits he does when lying, like tapping his fingertips together so you find out that way or from actually catching him and pretending you didn’t
The type to break rules on purpose if you haven't been giving him attention and then be surprised when actions have consequences 
Will call you whatever title you prefer if you don't just wanna go by your name
Like his brothers, he for sure could just throw you off but he never does. It adds to the fun. He's a skilled assassin but if you said “jump” he'd ask “how high?”
The best sub to have if you want one whos so pathetically in love with you but can be a little shit sometimes 
Even after his punishments, he keeps apologizing to make sure you're not actually mad at him. 
Probably begs you to cum inside him anyway you can
I see him and start tweaking fr
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lucy90712 · 4 months
Thunderstorms- Gavi
The loudest clap of thunder I think I've ever heard woke me very suddenly from what was a great dream from what I remember. Shortly after the thunder the room was lit up with multiple bolts of lightening. That's when I knew I'd be awake until the storm passed I've always been scared of storms so unless I sleep through them I spend the entire time awake usually shaking slightly. It's such an irrational fear but I can't help but be scared although I have never told anyone that I'm so scared of storms because I don't want to deal with the teasing. My parents know that I used to be scared of storms but I imagine they think I've grown out of it which I wish I had but outside of that I haven't told anyone even my boyfriend. 
Another clap of thunder made me jump while Pablo slept soundly beside me. That man can sleep through anything I swear, he's slept through fireworks literally next door, thunderstorms and everything else that would wake a normal human being. I know he won't wake up on his own but I'm definitely not going to wake him as I don't want him to laugh at me at least not right now. Instead I just tried my best to get close to him as he slept in hopes that would help me sleep as cuddling with him usually helps me sleep. I shut my eyes and tried to relax but the constant noise and light was always on my mind so I couldn't let myself relax. My hands were still shaking and I could feel my heart rate jump every time there was more thunder. I know breathing techniques are supposed to help calm you down but even those weren't settling my nerves. All I wanted to do was shut myself in a dark room where I couldn't see or hear anything but that's not possible I have to stay here and try and sleep.
Cuddling into Pablo's side didn't help me one bit so I gave up and just kept tossing and turning which made Pablo start to stir. I stopped moving in hopes that he'd just go back to sleep but he kept stirring until his eyes opened. Some more thunder came and I tried so hard not to move or make a noise but the longer it went on and the louder it got I couldn't stop myself making a small noise out of fear. That definitely gave away that I wasn't sleeping as I felt Pablo turn over in bed and his arm touched my waist. 
"It's ok I've got you" he whispered in my ear as he pulled me into his chest 
"I'm fine" I said trying to convince myself more than him 
"You don't have to pretend baby I know you're scared but I'm right here to keep you safe" he said 
"How did you know?" I asked
"I see the way you always tense up when there's a storm and I could see you shaking" he said 
"But you've never made fun of me it's such a stupid fear if you knew why did you never tease me about it" I questioned 
"Why would I make fun of you it's not a stupid fear and even if it was there's no way I'd make fun of you I just want to make you feel better you could be scared of apples and I'd still do everything I can to protect you so thats what I'm going to do so remember if you are scared just tell me I'll be there for you like you are for me" he said 
"Thank you but apples really" I laughed 
"That's just the first thing that came to mind but you get the point" he smiled 
He decided to keep listing random things I could be scared off that he wouldn't make fun of me for while stroking my hair and back to relax me. This list got more and more ridiculous until he said that if I was scared of footballs we would have a problem but he'd still find a way to love me which made me laugh. I think his aim was to distract me and it was working as just listening to him talk as he rubbed my back was making me feel tired again. 
Just as I was starting to fall sleep some more thunder made me jump so Pablo came up with a new idea every time there was thunder or lightning he pressed a soft kiss to either my hair or my forehead. He kept talking and giving me kisses until I was struggling to keep my eyes open and I gave in and let sleep consume me. Being able to fall asleep during a storm is a big thing for me but it's only because Pablo is by my side. Him knowing about my fear is actually a huge weight off my shoulders especially knowing he won't tease me for it being able to turn to turn to him when I'm scared will really help me. 
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readychilledwine · 11 months
The Craft
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Summary - Nesta has always told you that magic works best when you're naked, and who were you to tell Nesta that's not exactly how things work?
Warning - NSFW, foursome, f on f sexual acts, oral, fingering, brief orgasm denial, scissoring/tribbing, voyeurism
A/N - Every so often, I write something that makes me have to take a cold shower. This is one of those times. Also, please note reader's protection of Gwyn while also allowing her to explore and play. It is probably my favorite aspect of this one. I think I caught all my errors, but you know, forgive me if I didn't.
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"Nesta, that's not really how that works," You sat back in your office chair, eyes on the spell idea Nesta had. "I mean, yes sex magic can be used for manifestation of goals, but it doesn't require multiple people. It can be done through just masterbation."
She rolled her eyes slightly. "Well, we'd like you to lead us through it, and we both know magic works best when naked."
You put the paper down, looking at her with a serious expression, "Ness, we've talked about this."
"Oh, come on," Nesta sighed. She moved in front of you, spinning your chair so she could kneel between your legs and squeeze your thigh. "Please. It will be so much fun. We've wanted to have you lead us through something for a while, and Gwyn will not be involved if you aren't there. It's too dangerous." Nesta used her hands to make quotations over the last two words.
"Are we actually wanting this to work?"
Nesta nodded eagerly. "We really want these Pegasi."
"I'll need to adjust some things, and we should wait until a full moon. It's better for power amplification."
Nesta smiled, hugging you tightly. "So Hallows Eve?" You nodded. "Won't that be?"
"More dangerous? Potentially. You know we could just buy them, right?"
Nesta smirked. "I want Helion to spell blinded he gifts them to us."
You had spent the next two weeks preparing everything needed for the Valkyries. Now it was the night of, and you were cleansing the space to ensure everything would be safe.
Emerie was the first to come, dressed in a silky black robe with her long dark hair down. She squealed and hugged you, bouncing slightly with her excitement. "I'm so excited you agreed to come! I miss you! I never see you anymore. That jerk keeps you locked away all the time now."
You smiled softly, holding her elbows, and you two pulled away slightly, "I miss you too, Em. I'm sorry I've been so busy, but I'm on the brink of something really important to Rhys."
Emerie rose a brow at you, "So it has nothing to do with a budding romance you could spill all the juicy details for?"
"No, Em."
She sighed heavily walking towards the table you had set up of herbs and candles. "Are we going to get Gwyn her Pegasus tonight?"
You chuckled and went back to setting up the room. "I was told the goal was getting all 3 of you one. Had I known it was mainly Gwyn, I would have just told Az and Cassian to go talk to Helion and make him an offer."
"I do not think my mate could offer Helion what he wants without my permission." Nesta moved into the room, smiling as she took in what you had done. "This is so much better than I imagined."
You could count on a single hand the amount of times Nesta had worn her sandy blonde hair down, and it always took your breath away for a second. She was in the same silky black robe, only unlike Emerie, hers was tied loosely, leaving the top to give a constant peep at the soft exposed skin of her chest.
You refocused quickly, ignoring the growing excitement of what was coming. "Where is Gwyn? Is she actually okay with this?"
Ness and Emerie nodded. "She knows you will have done with in a way that respects her values and her devotion to the Mother," Nesta said plainly.
You looked at her. "I meant the sex part, Nesta."
Emerie nodded. "She's excited to have her first experience since the attack to be with 3 fae who love her. I figured I'd take Gwyn and you and Ness could-" She paused at the look on your face. "This isn't really a we get to pick thing, is it?"
"Not really," you said softly. "We won't lose so much control that it turns into us doing things we would not do with a clear mind." You placed the final candle and began moving the flowers throughout the room. "But this is going to turn into a slightly magic induced fog. It's similar to sex pollen."
A very soft "Oh," came from the doorway. Gwyn stood in her black robe, rocking back and forth.
You walked to her, taking her hand gently in your. "You don't have to touch us, we don't have to touch you. You can partake solo." She nodded, her shoulders relaxing. "You can start solo, then join as well once you are comfortable."
Gwyn looked up at you with those crystalline blue eyes, and you tucked her red hair behind her ear. "Do it for the pegasus," she said softly.
"Do it for you," Nesta corrected. Her and Emerie joined you and Gwyn. "Y/n built in a fail safe for you.
You handed her the potion bottle, "You throw it if you get uncomfortable, it will safely cancel everything out." Her soft hands held yours and she took a deep breath.
"I'm ready."
You stepped back as you finished incantation, protecting Gwyn slightly. As the magic had started setting in, it was clear to you Nesta would be the first to jump.
And you were not wrong. You gently sat Gwyn in a chair, ignoring your urge and the growing scent of her arousal as you two watched Nesta grab Emerie by her chin and start kissing her deeply.
The two were a mess of teeth, nipping lightly at each other's lips, tongues battling for dominance as they ripped each other's robes off and their hands began exploring.
Gwyn's breathing had picked up lightly and she shifted, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.
Nesta's mouth began exploring every gorgeous tanned inch of Emerie's smooth skin, she pulled her dark hair, tilting her head back to give her access to more of Emerie's neck as she kissed and bit her way down, marking the illyrian female in the process. She took her time when she reached her breasts. Caressing each one in her hands as if they were the most precious thing she had held in her hands. She kissed each nipple before pulling the right one into her mouth.
Emerie moaned loudly, back arching into Nesta as her hands went into that soft sand blonde hair. You watched as Gwyn's breath hitched, her mouth parting slightly, and her eyes growing wide as her arousal grew. You leaned down to her ear, placing a small kiss below it and testing the waters, "Are you having fun my little nymph?" She nodded eagerly. "What would you like to do, Gwyn?"
"Touch me," she whispered breathlessly. "Please."
"Such a polite little thing," you stayed behind her. "Don't stop watching Nesta and Em." She nodded, breathing picking up again as you undid the tie on her robe. You brought the tie around the chair, and then her arms, binding her wrists behind her back. "Is this okay?"
"Yes," she almost whined. You watched Nesta from you lashes as you began kissing Gwyn's neck. She had moved down Emerie's body, now licking the flat plane of her abs and nipping at her ribs. Your hands dancing, along Gwyn's following that motion and making the redhead mewl softly.
Nesta's eyes darted over at the noise and grew darker at the sight of Gwyn with her hands behind her back and your fingers following the pathway of her mouth. "Look at our girl, Em," Ness instructed. "Look at how pretty our little Gwyn looks."
Em tilted her head, lust filled eyes locking into Gwyn's, "So pretty." Nesta hummed in approval, mouth lingering above the core of the female standing in front of her. "Ness, please."
You and Nesta held eye contact, and with a small nod, began your separate attacks. Emerie screamed when Nesta licked up her core, locking her clit in her mouth and began to suckle and eat her out as if this was her last meal.
At the same time, Gwyn cried to the Mother, your fingers pressing down on her clit, circling the bundle of nerves as you moaned at how wet she felt. She began to squirm slightly, panting heavily as you continued. You ran your fingers along her, gathering wetness before gently pushing one into her tight entrance. "Y/n! Oh gods," you smiled, tilting her head up to look at you as you began to fuck her soft walls curling that one finger up.
You knew immediately when you found it. Her mouth parted, forming a small "O" before a loud whimper and moan tore through her throat. "There it is," you added a second finger, massaging and thrusting them in and out, hitting that soft spot every time. Your thumb went to her bundle of nerves again, stroking it softly in time with your movements. "Doing such a good job, little nymph." She whimpered again at your praise. "Watch Nesta." You released her hair, second hand coming to play with her nipples and adding stimulation.
The room was mix of Em and Gwyn's moaning along with the sounds of wetness. "Please," Emerie whispered. "Nesta please!"
Lady Death smirked ferally, releasing Emerie's clit and slowing her fingers, "Please what, Em?"
The illyrian female whimpered back arched as she rolled her hips to get that friction back, riding Nesta's hand eagerly. "She needs to cum, Ness." You purred softly. "They both do." Gwyn's cunt clenched around your fingers at the sentence, a soft whine and nod coming from her. "What do you think, Ness? Should we let them? They've been such good girls."
Emerie whined at the praise this time and Nesta hummed. "No," she said. "Not yet." She pulled away from Emerie, and you kissed Gwyn's cheek softly before pulling away. "Where's the bottle, Gwyn?" You whispered softly to her alone.
"Robe pocket."
"Are you okay?" She nodded. "Do you want more?" She nodded eagerly again.
Nesta had gently brought Emerie to her knees, hand holding her hair as she walked her over to Gwyn and set her between her legs. You moved back behind Gwyn, holding her thighs open for Emerie and smiling at her. "I love when my pets play nicely," you watched as Nesta guided Emerie to Gwyn's soaked and waiting cunt before taking a spot behind her and fingering her again.
Gwyn's head fell back, her back arching as the sound of Emerie sucking on her cunt filled the room. "Uh-uh," you grabbed her hair gently, tilting her head back down, "be polite and maintain eye contact."
Gwyn couldn't help herself as she began to ride Emerie's face, slightly drooling as she lost herself in the new sensation and stimulation. Emerie reached behind her, grabbing the plush skin of Gwyn's ass and moaning as she began to control her hips movements.
You could have cum from the sight of this alone. Nesta holding Em in place, Gwyn with a red flush covering her chest as you pinched and played with her nipples and Emerie ate her out. "She's going to cum," you said softly. "Are you going to cum little angel? Soak Emerie's pretty face?" Gwyn nodded and moaned out Emerie's name. "Cum for us, baby."
Gwyn screamed, back arching off the chair and her legs locking behind Emerie to lock her in as she rode out her high. The faint sound of wetness increased and Emerie groaned loudly, diving in with even more energy as she lapped and drank everything Gwyn gave her.
You released her breasts, whispering and praising her through her high until her moans became soft whimpers and she released Emerie. Nesta pulled her back, gasping as she released Emerie was now soaked in Gwyn's essence and release. "Do you want to keep going," you kissed Gwyn's ear. "Or do you just want to watch?"
"More." You untied her hands, watching as Nesta lowered Em to the ground, licking her clean of the mess Gwyn had made.
"Help clean her," you commanded. "Such a messy girl." Gwyn crawled to her, licking up the juices she left on Emerie. You grabbed Nesta by her hair, making her moan loudly, and dragged her to Emerie's face. "Turn towards Gwyn and straddle our pretty bat." Nesta obeyed, placing her dripping core above Emerie's open mouth and waiting. "Little nymph, surely you learned what you need to give our girl?" She nodded, moving down so her face was at Emerie's core. Her blue eyes met your hazel ones, begging for approval, and you nodded at her, pushing Nesta down on Emerie at the same time. You sat in the chair, leaned forward with your elbows on your knees as you watched the three of them putting on a show just for you.
They were a mess of slick, sweat, and moans. Enjoying each other immensely as you smirked. Emerie was screaming under Nesta, coming quickly from the amount of stimulation she had received, and forcing Nesta over the edge with her. Nesta was off of her, pulling Gwyn up and allowing the two of them to begin to kiss and play with each other as she moved to you.
You moved the sweat soaked hair from her face. "Yes babygirl?" She pulled on your calves, begging you silently to come down to the floor. "Did you need something?"
"You," she begged. "Please."
You hummed, sitting on the floor in front of her. "Did you want me to fuck you, Ness?" She nodded eagerly, spreading her legs for you and laying back. "What a pretty cunt," you whispered and leaned forward to touch her soft folds. You pulled your fingers to your mouth, tasting her. You removed your own robe, wings flaring slightly behind you, before grabbing one of her long legs and placing it over your shoulder as you straddled the other one. You gently ground your core against hers, testing the waters and moaning as your clits made contact.
Nesta leaned up, watching as you did it again, sending electricity through both of you. You set a rhythmic pace, circling and rolling your hips against her, head thrown back in bliss as you two moaned in sync.
You could tell Nesta was close, and you were as well from watching everything and finally finding relief. Her nails had started digging into your hips, her back arching slightly. "Don't stop, don't stop." She was panting and begging, her eyes squeezed shut. "Fuck! Please! Gods please."
Your rhythm became slightly sloppy, breathy moans leaving you as your walls tightened around nothing. Nesta went first, coming at the same time another scream of pleasure came from Gwyn. The two of them falling into a loud harmony. You and Emerie fell over the edge next, you eyes rolling as you moaned and squeezed Nesta's thigh, soaking her cunt with yours.
You lowered her legs and leaned forward on your hands, watching as the spell candle went out on its own and feeling the slight haze it gave begin to fade.
The four of you laid down on the floor, all panting and breathing heavily. Gwyn snuggled into your side, head coming to rest on your shoulder as you stroked her hair. "I'm really proud of you, little nymph." Emerie quickly copied the sentiment, as did Nesta. "How are you feeling?"
Gwyn snuggled further into your shoulder, "Like I've earned a pegasus."
You smiled up at the ceiling, knowing that you had already made a deal with Helion to get your favorite valkyries the winged horses for Solstice long before Nesta had ever approached you with this idea. "I think you have as well, darling. We should close the circle and go eat."
Emerie moaned in agreement, "Azriel and Cassian were in charge of dinner tonight."
Nesta perked up at that, "Then we really have to go eat!"
You waited as they stood, leaving the room with their robes. "Gwyn," you said softly.
"I really am very proud of you. This was a scary situation you entered, and you did so well."
She smiled into your neck. "I enjoyed myself a lot."
"Good," you kissed her forehead, "That was my main goal. Go eat while I close this."
She stood, leaving you to your work room and close the circle. You felt your eyes glaze over, reaching Helion through the contact bond. Hello dove, he purred to you. How was your night?
Eventful. Are we still set for the pegasus exchange?
You heard him laugh in your mind. Of course, dear. I get to study your wings and have you, your little valkyrie get their mounts.
Perfect. Solstice, then?
Solstice, He agreed.
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writing-bakugo · 2 years
BNHA Headcanons
They wake you up in the middle of the night in pain
a/n: mentions of heart attack, depression, anxiety. If you don't like true events skip Bakugo's...his is based on my night last night. It's okay tho. After tons of tests, my bby's healthy and safe!
"Babe," Bakugo said and shook your leg.
You took a deep breath and groaned. His eyes were wide and he clutched his heart. Why he was waking you up before he left for work, you had no clue.
"Don't be afraid," he said through mangy breaths. "My chest is tightening and I've never been in this much pain before."
"Shh." You pulled him to sit on the bed and rubbed his quaking back. "It's okay, you'll be okay. Calm down."
"No," Bakugo hoarsely gasped. His entire body convulsed and the bed shook under you. "I'm dizzy and nauseous. My jaw's locked multiple times. I...I thought I was gonna faint in the bathroom so I rushed back in here so you would possibly see me."
"What?" Your brows furrowed together when he asked for his phone.
You still blinked away sleep and rubbed his back. He typed 'hospital' in his GPS and clicked on the closest one's number. You glanced at the time and tilted your head. 00:46...? After repeating what he just told you, he hung up.
"You need to drive me to the—" Bakugo's jaw locked and he keeled over. After a few grunts and seconds he gasped for air. "I think this is a heart attack."
"What?" Sleep oozed out of you all at once as the reality of the situation dawned on you. "Okay."
You jumped to your feet and pulled on the closest pair of sweatpants. "Okay."
Heart attacks were for old people like Clark Kent's dad. Bakugo was young and healthy. It just made no sense. You glanced at his shuddering body. "Okay."
You pulled on mismatched socks and mumbled to yourself, "okay. This is okay. Everything's okay."
After grabbing your insurance card, you helped him to his feet and out the door.
Rocks and rasps woke you. You rolled to your side and blinked open your eyes a few times to see Kirishima's chin quivering.
Surprised saucers stared back at you. "Did I wake you? I'm sorry."
"What's going on? Are you okay?"
"I just..." Kirishima wiped a tear. "I just don't...I'm not..."
"Hey," you sat, "you can tell me anything."
"I'm not worth a thing."
A string pulled in your heart like a rocks strikes the surface of water. You wrapped him up tightly and whispered, "Eijirou I love you so so much. You're worth more that the entire universe to me."
Tears streaked your neck and collarbone and you repeated yourself. "To me, you're more precious than breath itself. I love you so, so much. You're Eijirou Kirishima, and I will never not love you."
A body collapsing atop yours woke you. You rolled none other than Kaminari off of you and muttered about how late he was.
"Isssts ggrrreft," Kaminari said.
You rubbed your temples and turned on the lamp light to see a very pale, very sweaty Kaminari. His hair slicked back and his skin glistened and you immediately swatted your hand on his forehead.
"Owwww," Kaminari drawled. Sure enough, a fever. Kaminari held his breath.
His eyes started watering and his adam's apple bounced up and down and you shook your head. "No, no, Denki. Up. To the bath—"
Alcoholic vomit drenched you. You took a very deep, very don't-kill-my-boyfriend steadying breath. Through your teeth, you hissed, "get off my bed."
Kaminari whined collapsed on his pillow.
"Oh how did Chargebolt die?" You asked yourself when you jumped off the bed and ripped your silly Chargebolt t-shirt off. "I shoved all the vomit back down his throat. Turns out, they don't recommend doing that."
Despite the bile and blood lust stinging the back of your throat, you tugged Kaminari up and to the bathroom.
Your bedroom window rattled. Considering the rain outside, it wasn't a surprise. Until it rasped like a knock. And again. You grabbed the closest thing: a baseball bat; before tiptoeing to the window.
It cracked again.
You gripped the bat tight before unlatching the window and swinging it open. You backpedaled and stared at the open window while water spilled into your apartment.
"You're awake. Perfect." A head appeared upside down and teetered lightly back and forth.
You screamed and swung. The head vanished just before the bat would've cracked it.
"Whoa!" Sero slowly lowered. "Hey, it's just me! It's me! Hanta! Don't swing, okay? I'm coming in."
And then he flipped into your room and slid the window closed. "Sorry about the water." He looked around before noticing the bat in your tight hands. Sero softly limped forward and grabbed the tip of it, "relax, Firecracker."
You let him take it. He looked awful, you realized. The rain had matted his hair down—but from the pink streaks dripping on your ground, you assumed he must be bleeding somewhere up there. Not to mention the right sleeve of his hero costume was completely missing and in it's place a large tooth-like gash. His knee looked pretty bad too.
"Sorry," he gulped. "I didn't know where else to go."
"The hospital?" You exasperated.
He shook his head. "Don't know who I can trust. There's something awful happening out there."
Sero gulped.
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
I got a little carried away with Sero's...might make it a separate short story?
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It's The God That Heroin Prays To
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Body worship (and general idolization), multiple orgasms, oral (f receiving), very huge praise kink Matty, fingering, unprotected sex (BE SAFE IN THESE STREETS), creampie, kinda cockwarming I think, Matt is feeling minorly sorta guilty/insecure
Genre: smut, fluff, a little angst I think
Summary: "It feels good, girl it feels good // Oh to be alone with you" - To Be Alone by Hozier
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When you walk into the hall with Matt on your arm you can tell immediately sense him tense up to combat his discomfort. You've brought him with you to a work event and while you offered him an out he insisted on being your date when you told him you had a function.
"Are you okay Matty?" You ask him.
"It's more crowded than I expected." Matt mutters quietly. He's never been too good in crowds, it's why you gave him the chance to opt out, but he'll always choose to be with you when he can.
"I know baby, we won't stay long. I just have to chat with a few people before we can go." You tell him. Once he nods you join the group.
"Y/n! Hi! How are you darling?" Your coworker Ella comes up to you excitedly.
"Hi Ella! I'm good. How are you?" You let go of Matt briefly to accept her hug.
"Good good! And who's this with you?" Ella's attention turns to Matt when you loop your arm back through his.
"This is Matthew!" You say excitedly.
"The boyfriend!?" She gasps.
"The boyfriend!" You smile.
"Nice to meet you." Matt nods.
"The pleasure is all mine. Y/n talks about you a lot and can I just say you are such a cutie!"
"She winked." You whisper to Matt and he laughs as he responds.
"Thank you." He says to her.
"If you'll excuse us Ella we just got here so I have some more mingling to do." You say.
"Oh! Of course. I'll find you later." Ella says and you lead Matt away from her.
"So you talk about me a lot at work?" Matt asks with a cheeky smile.
"Of course I do!  Who wouldn't brag about having a hotshot lawyer for a boyfriend." You shrug like it's obvious, because, to you, it is and Matt just laughs. The two of you circulate the room introducing Matt to several of your colleagues.
"Is that y/n?" A loud voice calls for your attention later when you and Matt are approaching the bar. You sigh and turn around to see your least favorite associate at your office.
"Brian! Hi!" You force a smile as he approaches you. Matt shifts subtly closer to you at the change in your demeanor.
"I heard you were here, can't believe you didn't find me earlier sweetheart." Brian says jovially and you have to resist the urge to roll your eyes as you fake a laugh.
"It's a crowded party. Matt honey this is Brian. Brian, meet my boyfriend, Matthew." You say and Matt puts his hand out towards Brian.
"Boyfriend, you are one lucky man." Brian says as he shakes Matt's hand.
"Oh trust me I know." Matt chuckles pulling you towards him with a hand securely around your waist.
"You look gorgeous by the way y/n. In case no one's told you." Brian says.
"Bold of you to assume you'd be the first but thank you." You say and Brian laughs.
"I would hope the first was the man escorting you tonight but you never know."
"There's not a day that goes by where Matthew doesn't make me feel like the most beautiful person in the world at all times. No need to worry about that." You say. "Excuse me, Brian but I have to talk to Dr. Lewis about something before I forget. I'll see you around the office." You quickly excuse yourself and tug Matt away from the annoying conversation.
"Not a fan of him I gather?" He asks once you're out of earshot.
"Not at all. I've been holding off on seeing Dr. Lewis so I could keep it in my back pocket because I knew I'd run into him and it's the perfect excuse."
"So we really are going to talk to a Dr. Lewis?"
"Yes, she's my supervisor and she said there was something she wanted to discuss here." You say finding her quickly in the crowd. Once you get to her, you cover introductions and the two of you launch into conversation. After a few minutes, Matt gently grabs your attention by touching your wrist.
"Y/n, something's wrong." Matt whispers to you. You excuse yourself from your discussion with Dr. Lewis for a moment to address him.
"Something's wrong here?" You ask in your own whisper.
"No- not here, a few blocks away I-"
"If you have to go, go. I'll be fine."
"I'm sorry." Matt kisses you quickly before disappearing into the crowd.
"Everything okay?" Your boss asks when you turn back to her.
"Oh yeah, everything's fine. He has to step out for a work call. You know lawyers hardly have downtime most days." You play off smoothly before redirecting her to what you'd been talking about before. When you eventually wrap things up with her you slip out of the event easily, only stopping to say a couple of goodbyes with a smile and the same 'he's outside on a call' excuse for where Matt is when asked. You know Matt will meet you back at your apartment when he's done doing the devil's work so you make your way home alone. It's only after you've showered, changed, and had a little snack that your living room window slides open as you're putting your dish in the sink.
"Y/n, I am so sorry about tonight." Matt says as he pulls the red helmet off and walks over to you. He wraps his arms around your waist and you bring a hand up to caress his cheek.
"It's fine Matty. I know your job is never done." You say with a calmness in your voice meant to soothe his remorse.
"I shouldn't have left you like that it-"
"I'm happy you came at all. You didn't have to remember?" You say using your hands on his face to pull him down enough for you to place gentle kisses on each of his closed eyes and then on his lips.
"I hate doing this to you." Matt says leaning further to kiss your neck.
"I'm not upset with you baby." You gently work him out of his suit as his fingers slide under the hem of the t-shirt you're wearing.
"I love you y/n. You know that don't you?" He asks after a moment of silence, the red outfit piled on the floor at this point, leaving Matt in a tank top and his boxers.
"Of course I do. And I love you, Matty. Do you wanna talk about what pulled you away tonight? You seem, particularly affected by this one." You gently play with his hair as you talk. Matt can be pretty touchy after a night as Daredevil, but this feels like more than that.
"Don't wanna talk about it. Not tonight. Tonight I just want to please you. Prove my love."
"You don't have to prove your love Matthew I know you love me." You tell him. Matt drops to his knees in front of you, unseeing eyes staring up at you.
"Y/n, sweetheart, please, let me worship you." He says, hands on your hips. You grab his chin as you contemplate his words.
"Alright, Matt, my darling. If you want to worship me, do it. Treat me like your god." You say, letting him go. Matt wastes no time pulling your panties down and burying his head between your thighs. He eagerly licks at your cunt and you tangle your fingers in his hair to balance yourself as your legs wobble.
"God, you taste so good." Matt grunts against you, slurping your juices noisily.
"Fuck Matt, just like that, baby." You moan. You tug on Matt's hair and relish in the way he groans into your pussy at the feeling. His hands tighten on your thighs and he pulls you further towards him, desperate to bury his tongue as far as he can between your walls. You grind against his mouth, whimpering as you chase your orgasm. Matt lets you use his tongue to get yourself off his mouth hung open as you ride his face. Only when your legs start to shake in warning does he take over again, focusing his attention on your clit, teasing the sensitive button with tight circles of his tongue until he tastes your orgasm hit you with a whine. He works you through it with soft licks until your heart begins to slow.
"Thank you." He sighs out kissing your hip.
"What are you thanking me for?" You ask pushing his hair back with your fingers as he trails kisses up your stomach. He's out from under your shirt with a dazed look on his face as he answers.
"Letting me make you cum on my tongue." He says kissing you fiercely. You drape your arms over his shoulders, giving him as much as he's giving you. You can taste yourself on his lips. The kiss is dizzying and you don't even notice his hand trailing back down your body until two fingers glide inside of you. You throw your head back with a moan as Matt fingers you, hooking his fingers to catch against the spongy part of your inner walls. Matt litters your exposed neck with kisses muttering against your skin. "So pretty. You sound just... so pretty. God, you're perfect y/n." Matt's words are breathy against your throat and you can't help but whine at them, the praise only further coaxing you to another orgasm.
"Keep going Matty, fuck I'm close." You whimper. Rather blindly you reach for his dick underneath his boxers. He jolts when your hand touches him, a strangled groan reaching your ears at the sudden stimulation. He's hard and heavy as you stroke him, precum making him slick already. The rhythm of his fingers falters for a moment as he lets your touch distract him a bit. It doesn't take long for Matt to refocus though, pumping the two digits into you relentlessly even with your hand making it hard to focus.
"Come on my love, let go for me, please." Matt huffs out, his thumb joining the mix to rub tight circles against your clit. The extra stimulation quickly pushes you over the edge and your head falls forward as you cry out at the feel of your orgasm. You ride out the high grinding against Matt's fingers until he pulls them out to lift you onto the countertop. "Fuck I love you." He says kissing you again. It's all sloppy, teeth and tongues crashing against each other as he frantically lines himself up with your entrance. He sinks into you with a long groan as he bottoms out. "This, I'm sure is heaven." He says burying his head in your neck as he sets a vicious rhythm with his hips. You're all moans and mewls as he pounds into you viciously. It's hard and deep, like he truly is trying to bury himself inside your walls. "God! The way you feel is so- perfect doesn't even begin to describe it." He grunts.
"Fuck you're so deep! Don't stop Matty please don't." You whine, nails clawing at his back. This, this is all that matters. Here is where he feels like a person for a moment of his life. You in his arms is the very thing he lives for.
"I love you y/n." Matt says, kissing you messily as he continues to fuck you.
"I love you too baby." You moan breathily. Matt's fingers find your clit again, he can feel his orgasm creeping up on him but he's determined to get you off once more before it.
"Cum for me y/n, please. Wanna feel it around me. Please baby." Matt pants out before latching onto the sensitive spot on your neck. You quiver against him as your orgasm washes over you.
"Oh my god." You keen. Matt's hips don't slow, prolonging your orgasm as he chases his own, the pulsing of your walls coaxing him over the edge rather quickly and he lets out a shuddering groan as he empties himself inside you. You stay like that for several moments, wrapped in each other's arms as you both recover.
"Thank you." Matt sighs after a stretch of silence.
"Thank you. Can't say I expected tonight to end like this." You giggle tiredly.
"I just- it feels good to be alone with you." He says softly.
"Well, we'll just have to make sure we always have a space to be alone then." You kiss the top of the top of his head and then, without warning, Matt carries you to your bedroom. Here he can hide, from crowds, from himself, from the evil he fights. Here with you, it always feels like the worst is over.
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shuuuuush · 1 year
Summary: Last-minute flight confessions
Warnings: none
A/N: Legit have been trying to come up with fics by listening to music, had this song on repeat, "Can I Kiss You?" By Dahl. It's inspired by the song, and you can listen to it at the bottom! Also not proofread !
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*** ***
2 years? Was that how long you knew Sharky for?
No. That was how long you loved him. You have known him since forever.
Ever since then, conversations with him have just changed. Every word, every eye contact you both made, just turned your stomach upside down, and you were sure you could have almost had heart attacks with the way he made your heart skip a beat on multiple occasions.
You've been building up the courage to start a conversation on this one topic.
Your feelings.
But what's holding you back though? You've got nothing to lose.
Except maybe your courage, or maybe your well-built friendship with him. Is it worth the loss? You decided yes it is. It is because maybe you have a chance.
You'd have to tell him soon anyway because he was about to leave for another country to film a beta squad video.
Thinking it through, if you told him at the airport before he left, maybe he would think about it throughout his trip?
Or maybe you were just trying to convince yourself that you wouldn't be hurt if he said no.
After all, flights and airports usually are the start of something new.
Half an hour before the flight leaves, you go see off the beta squad. Hugging and wishing each one a safe flight.
When you get to Sharky you hesitate for a bit before hugging him as well.
You could stay in his embrace forever. That's how much you loved him.
When you let go, he held onto your waist for a little bit and told you. "Stay safe, too, Y/N."
You were about to speak when he let go, and the others told him they had to board the plane real soon.
Are you just going to let him go without telling him?
Without thinking straight, you grabbed his hand to stop him from leaving quickly, causing a confused reaction from the taller man.
"Now or never, " you thought.
"Y/N, what-"
"Sharky, I love you." Avoiding eye contact, looking anywhere but him to remain having a good composure. Taking a deep breath, you continued,
"I've known you for so long, and you still make me nervous. Maybe I'm just imagining things, but when you look at me, I hope you don't look at me as a friend."
And then you looked up at him.
To you, it was dead silent, not even the slightest scatter of wheels from other people's suitcases could be heard. Staring into those beautiful brown chocolate eyes. Hoping, begging for him to say something.
Anything, something to let you know that maybe for once what you did was right.
And then laughter, a beautiful smile erupted from the man in front of you. His angelic voice still sends you butterflies.
"So can I kiss you?"
And with a simple nod, he wastes no time in grabbing your waist to pull you closer to him and capturing this perfect moment with a delicate kiss.
It felt so familiar, like your lips were both made for each other. And you felt so relieved that he felt the same way.
You pulled away and lingered there, centimetres apart for a split second before diving into another kiss.
Wrapping your arms around his neck and him grinning into the kiss, tightening his grip around your waist.
You felt joy bubbling up inside of you, and you knew that after this, there was no going back, and you think it is worth it to be with Sharky.
Pulling away for air, he takes hold of your cheek, lovingly rubbing his thumb against it. "You know, I've been picturing this moment since forever. And I'll be honest, I was a bit impatiently waiting to see if you liked me back or not. And I'm so glad you do."
Off near the gate of the door, the boys whooped and cheered for their boy Sharky, glad to know that he finally found someone, and someone they can trust too.
Sharky laughed and caused you to do the same as he put a thumbs up to the guys.
"Congrats, Sharky! But we really gotta go on this plane!" Niko shouted, cupping his hands over his mouth to make sure it was loud enough for Sharky to hear.
Rolling his eyes, he shouted an 'ok' back. And then he looked back at you again. This time in his eyes, it's not full of confusion but of love, a longing trust and relief that you do love him, and he loves you back.
He shook his head and smiled, and pointed to his cheek, and you just chuckled, reaching up to kiss his cheek quickly. "I love it when you look at me like that."
"Just hurry up and come back to me. You'll be late on your flight now." You laughed as you slightly shoved him towards the gate.
"I'll come back to you !" He shouted right before entering the gate. He waved at you, and you returned it as the flight attendant closed the door.
You smiled to yourself because you knew he would, and you were so glad you told him. You sure aren't forgetting this moment at all.
(And Aj caught the whole thing on camera and sent it to you, so you definitely aren't going to watch this over and over again. )
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Taglist: @b4tasquad, @p3drii, @n1kodl, @elora-k, @slutforpablogavi, @enhacolor
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brbsoulnomming · 1 year
Tell Me Sweet Little Lies Part 5
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | AO3
Around the fourth of July, when Eddie's finally resigned himself to a third senior year at high school - his last one, his last chance, because he knows damn well they're going to stop letting him stubbornly try again at some point - he gets a series of lies that fill him with more dread than even the bit about the hospital.
I don't know, I don't know anything!
There's nobody else out there, swear to God!
My delivery didn't come, and my friend and I, we thought that it was left at the loading dock, so we went in the room.
But I swear to God, nobody knows about us, nobody saw us.
And I'm not gonna tell anybody about this, okay?
Come on, I told you everything I know!
Eddie panics.
He knows what an interrogation looks like, and it's pretty damn clear that his soulmate is lying to protect someone - multiple someones? His organization? Shit, is his soulmate like actually a spy, or is he just a dumb kid who stumbled into the back of a mafia run organization or something?
Whatever it is, Eddie doesn't want to leave him alone to it, but - Uncle Wayne already left for his shift, and he can't call him at work, and on top of that, Eddie's a little afraid that whatever he says will get picked up by the interrogators or throw his soulmate off.
So he waits, tense and on edge and every moment cracking him open wider and wider.
And then, after hours of nothing that leave Eddie checking over and over again to make sure the words on his skin are still stark and bold, that they haven't gone all faded the way they do when your soulmate dies -
I'm fine, they're hurt worse than me, they need it more.
He lets out a shaky, relieved sigh, even though he's beyond furious at his stupid soulmate who keeps getting himself hurt, and there's a pit at the bottom of his stomach that makes him wonder what the hell his soulmate has gotten himself involved with.
This time, he's not going to let him get away with insisting he doesn't need medical attention. Uncle Wayne may still be at work, but he's got other options.
Eddie calls Jeff.
"I think you have to go to the hospital," he says when Jeff answers, slow and deliberate and sincere.
There's a few moments of confused silence, then Jeff asks, "What the fuck, dude?"
Eddie waits for just a little bit longer before saying, "When you see what I've got for this next campaign, I think you're going to have to go to the hospital."
Jeff laughs, and they talk for a little bit about what the campaign's going to be like, what character Jeff's thinking about for it, what he'd like to do with his character and how it can fit with some of the stuff Eddie's working up, how Eddie better not kill this one damn it.
"You know all I care about is you and your safety," Eddie says before they hang up, once again making it as genuine as possible so it'll get picked up as a lie.
Jeff laughs at him again and hangs up on him, leaving Eddie all alone and jittery.
He doesn't know if his soulmate will even see it any time soon, let alone respond, but - at least he did it, at least he said something.
So he's a little surprised when he feels the sting of a new lie getting written on his shoulder later that night, so late that it's already almost morning.
I went to the hospital, but I didn't get medical attention, it says. I'm not safe now.
The last of the panic he'd felt drains out of him, and he's reluctantly but fiercely grateful that his soulmate decided to break their silence to reassure him. He's not expecting anything else, but a few minutes later he feels something else being written on the inside of his thigh.
I don't care about my soulmate, too, and I won't do anything to keep them safe. That isn't why we can't talk again yet.
Eddie kind of wants to be stubborn, and insist on talking to him again anyway, but -
But his soulmate said them, not her, like he's open to the possibility that Eddie might be a guy. But his soulmate said yet, not never. But his soulmate said he'd do anything to keep Eddie safe, and Eddie's pretty sure he just got a little glimpse into what anything might be, and he -
Things have changed. His soulmate's probably graduated, Eddie realizes, and he's clearly found at least one person who's a different kind of friend, considering the lies he just said are no longer stilted and obscured, and all that's aside from whatever he's gotten involved with that might mean Eddie isn't safe if they talk again.
So for now, he'll listen.
Later that month, Eddie's in the back of Hawkins' one and only comic-slash-games shop, crouched down and hunting through their meager supply of miniatures. He's so focused on his search for one that he a, hasn't used a lot, and b, can modify enough to suit his latest campaign, that he doesn't notice someone's come up and is standing by him until he hears the rustling and clack of merchandise on the shelf above him.
He rocks back on his heels, looking over and up to who's joined him - and nearly falls over when he sees Steve Harrington standing there.
"Seriously?" he demands, because Jesus Christ, they're coming to find him in his own territory now? Then, in almost the same breath as the state of Hawkins High's recently graduated golden boy hits him, "Wait, what the hell happened to you?"
Harrington squints down at him, looking incredibly unimpressed. Eddie's not actually sure how someone can pull off looking that irritated when one eye can only barely open, but somehow, he manages it.
"I was captured by Russians who didn't like my attitude," he responds, dry and sarcastic.
Fuck him then, Eddie decides, turning to glare back at his miniatures. "Right, heaven forbid the peasantry rise above their station and show concern to the royalty."
There's an awkward silence, but Harrington doesn't leave, and when Eddie glances back up, he looks - softer, somehow. It makes his injuries look even worse, and Eddie swallows roughly.
"I was at Starcourt," Harrington says, as if that should explain it all, which -
Actually, yeah, it should. It's not like Eddie's unaware of the fact that the mall kind of spectacularly burned to the ground. It's all that's been in the papers for the last few weeks. He hasn't read many of them himself, but he couldn't avoid remembering some of the headlines - Hero Cop Dies Saving Children and Scoop Slinging Teens Save Lives and Hawkins Mourns Loss of Promising Teen Couple.
He'd been irritated at seeing Harrington and Hargrove's faces everywhere, in a strange, gut clenching way that he doesn't really want to look too closely at, considering one of them is now dead and the other apparently saves lives. In retrospect, he should have put it together, but Harrington's picture had always been him in his varsity jacket, or his tux and crown at prom, or once in the sailor outfit of his summer job. Never of his injuries, and even now, looking at him, it looks so much more like he got in another fight than he was injured in a fire.
"Is it true, then?" Eddie asks, because he can feel the most recent lies from his soulmate burning as though they're being written all over, and he still really doesn't want this asshole to be it. "Little sailor boy saving lives?"
Harrington makes a face that has to hurt, but apparently looking bitchy is more important than physical comfort. Then he shrugs one shoulder. "Yeah, I guess, I helped. But it wasn't just me. I wasn't even the MVP."
Eddie snorts. "False modesty doesn't become you."
Harrington just mutters, "Whatever, man, you asked," and goes back to looking at the shelves like Eddie isn't even there.
Which tracks, really, with how Harrington had treated almost everyone in high school, and Eddie rolls his eyes.
"What are you even doing here?" he asks.
Harrington looks back down at him. "The Hopper-Byers are moving to California."
"Did not know that." Eddie's kind of surprised that Harrington does, actually, unless he's been keeping tabs on his ex's current boyfriend, just waiting to swoop in. Sucks for the Byers, though - baby Byers will be okay, he thinks, but he knows Jonathan's heading into his senior year, and that's a rough time to - "Wait, Hopper-Byers?"
"Yeah." Harrington's expression has gone all closed off, now, like he'd rather be anywhere but here talking to Eddie.
Feeling's fucking mutual, Eddie decides.
"El - Hop's adopted daughter - she's going with the Byers."
Eddie didn't know Hopper had an adopted daughter. But then, with Harrington's parents, he's not surprised the guy's cozy enough with the chief of police to have a dumb little nickname for him and be friends with his adopted daughter.
Former chief of police, and that makes Eddie feel just a little bit guilty. Not enough to stop poking at Harrington, though.
"And that brought you here because…."
"There's a going away party, and I'm not showing up empty handed." Harrington gestures at the shelves. "Will likes all this weird shit."
Goddamn. Even when Harrington is doing something nice for someone, he's still a huge dick about it. Eddie wonders if it's hurting what counts for a brain under all that hair to be this thoughtful about an obligatory going away present for some nerd.
Harrington lets out a frustrated huff of air, pushing his fingers through his hair. "Help a guy out, man? He's leaving his party behind, so I don't want to get him something for, you know, game play or whatever, but maybe something to remember it?"
If Eddie was feeling charitable, he might think it was sweet, how much the guy was thinking about this. But, well.
It's Steve Harrington, and even if Eddie's never really interacted with the guy before, he knows enough to know he's exactly the kind of rich, popular jackass that makes life for people like Eddie miserable.
So Eddie snorts, thinks that of fucking course the guy is trying to outsource gift buying onto him, that he can't even put in the effort to pick it out himself and instead is just trying to find someone else to do it for him.
Still, he doesn't want Byers the younger to end up with a crappy gift. He might not be coming into freshman year at Hawkins High with the rest of his apparently D&D playing friends, but Eddie can still look out for him a little.
"There's some t-shirts and posters next aisle over. Couple of choose your own adventure comic books, some art books towards the back," Eddie offers.
Harrington makes a face. "Yeah, definitely not getting him a t-shirt, hopefully he can at least have a chance at his new high school."
Oh, fuck this guy and his judgemental, holier-than-thou attitude.
"He's an artist, though, his stuff is really good," Harrington continues. "I already got him a sketchbook and some paints, so maybe the art books? I'll take a look."
Harrington is moving before Eddie can get a word in edgewise, pausing only to clasp his shoulder and give it a squeeze.
"Thanks, Munson," he says, easy as anything, and then he's gone.
I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone whose commented/reblogged/liked this - I'm a little bit blown away by the response, and I'm so so glad people are enjoying this!! We'll be heading into season 4 with the next part, and they're probably going to start getting longer because this is turning into such a monster. I'm having so much fun writing these dumb boys!
Part 6
Taglist (if I missed you please let me know, and always happy to add more!): @vampireinthesun @koibug @estrellami-1 @mentalcyborg @allbimyself26 @questionablequeeries @the-s-is-silent @whimsicalwitchm @a-gae-af-racoon @tinyplanet95 @n0-1-important @velocitytimes2 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @newtstabber @jcmadgirl @roblingoblin285 @lexyvey @paperbackribs @goodolefashionedloverboi @evix-syne666 @raisedbylibrarians @stxrcrossed186 @nightmareglitter @greekgeek24 @starman-jpg @crazyhatlady86 @affablevixen @imfinereallyy @manda-panda-monium @deleataecount @prideandsensibility @chaoticvictorianspirit @maydillydally @disrespectedgoatman @scarlet-malfoy @i-less-than-three-you @hbyrde36 @hallucinatedjosten @dragonsandgayships @arepaconchocolate @g4ys0n
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