#noble by name and nature universe
My self-sacrificing good guy playthroughs
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Template here for anyone who wants to give it a go
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kudossi · 1 year
Tigerclaw and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Senior Warrior Position AU
In a world where deputies can only be named after their first apprentice has been granted their warrior name, Tigerclaw struggles to keep an apprentice alive long enough to earn their name.
or, a comedy-tragedy AU in which having an apprentice isn't enough — you have to see them to their warrior name, and Tigerclaw cannot fucking get any of his goddamn apprentices to live, damn it.
It starts out mostly normally, except for the fact that Tigerclaw hasn't gotten any apprentices to their warrior name, and he needs that so he can accomplish his (very noble, of course) kitty genocide goals. And also be the supreme leader of the world or something. Darkpaw died stupidly, he hasn't had a chance since, and now he's got some tiny thing that's afraid of his own shadow.
Well. It'll have to do.
So naturally this man is so protective over Ravenpaw that Ravenpaw barely even leaves his sight. Firepaw and Graypaw think that this is adorable. Look how much Tigerclaw cares about his apprentice!!
Ravenpaw, of course, is fucking terrified and also slowly losing his mind, just in a different way.
"Redtail assigned us to go on a patrol to Snakerocks." "OH NO HE DID NOT. WE'RE STAYING IN THE SANDY HOLLOW WHERE IT'S SAFE."
"Nothing matters more to me than making you a warrior, Ravenpaw. Nothing." And the terrible thing is that Ravenpaw is sure he's being sincere.
Ravenpaw disappears and Tigerclaw nearly fucking has a conniption because the timing was all RIGHT and he was going to finally get the position AND HE NEVER GOT HIS DAMN NAME FUCK.
"Do you think I could convince the elders that Fireheart was my apprentice?" "Fireheart was Bluestar's apprentice, as approved by StarClan. You're going to have to wait for the next litter to be apprenticed."
So he begs and begs and gets Cinderpaw and then she accidentally falls into the trap he'd set for a better deputy candidate at the Thunderpath. Fuck.
Well. Time to resort to drastic measures.
"I was thinking that Darkstripe would have been a good name. Because he had dark stripes." "Again, Tigerclaw, it's admirable that you loved your apprentice so much, but I cannot grant him a name." "Are you sure?" "Honestly, Tigerclaw, I'm not sure he ever would have gotten a name. Missing quite a few feathers from his nest, that one..." Fuck. The worst part was that she wasn't even wrong.
— Swiftpaw and Brightpaw get mauled by the dogs he set up to happen like right after he got the title and they sprang it before and he's like FUCK NOW WHAT DO I DO WITH THESE DAMN DOGS? His world domination plans literally never come to fruition because he cannot keep his apprentices alive/in the clan/his own.
— "Brightheart counts. She HAS to count." "Actually, Cloudtail took over her training…" [demented noises]
Turns out that Ravenpaw is alive and no one — no one — in the Harper Collins Extended Universe is happier than Tigerclaw.
"You're alive! …You deserve your warrior name!" "Actually, I've come to peace with my name and my way of life. I have no need for a—" "GET YOUR FUCKING NAME RIGHT NOW RAVENPAW OR SO HELP ME STARCLAN—" "I know you really wanted Ravenpaw to become a warrior," Barley says gently, "but he's made his decision. It's very kind of you to acknowledge that he deserves it, though. You must have been so close as mentor and apprentice." Tigerclaw's eye twitches. "Yes. Close. Very... close." —
He finally, finally retires as an elder after his plans go absolutely nowhere for years on end. And maybe StarClan is still like "Brambleclaw would be chill actually, we can forget that pesky little law" and Tigerclaw is sitting there like "excuse me what the actual fuck?" —
But at this point Tigerclaw is about as dangerous as Ashfur without a freak forest fire. Which is to say about as dangerous as using a leaf as a weapon. Which is, incidentally, how Darkpaw managed to get himself killed in the first place.
"Is this the Dark Forest? This has to be the Dark Forest. It doesn't look like Thistleclaw described it, but it must be. This Clan is all an elaborate punishment meted down by StarClan for my sins." "Tigerclaw, sir, I'm just here to help you with your ticks. See? I have the mousebile right here." "…Yes, thank you, Alderpaw." — Graystripe joins him in the elder's den and he's like, "You know, Ravenpaw thought you were up to some… scheme, back in the day. Crazy, right? You've been a model Clanmate as long as I've been alive." [muffled screaming] "Huh, what do you think that is? It sounds almost like someone killed a rabbit, but they know not to come this close to camp…"
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risuola · 11 months
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BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR — F. READER x SUKUNA RYOMEN, who leads a gang of curses
Ever heard of that saying to keep your friends close and your enemies closer? Yeah, you took that one straight to your heart, and pussy, because sleeping – no, rough fucking with the most dangerous enemy you own became a second nature to you. You became Sukuna's toy, you knew he was playing with you, satisfied to fuck you brainless whenever he felt like it but thing is, he's also unable to say no to you, what pisses him off. But once, you show up at his doorstep all covered in blood and he cannot say no to helping you.
cw: smut, hate fucking (if you squint), dub con, enemies to lovers, shower sex, oral sex (m. receiving), face fucking, praise, pet names, overstimulation, cumplay, tiny bit of angsty feeling, violence and blood mentioned (nothing new in jjk universe ok), reader discretion is advised — 6,2k words
AU: this is the universe where sorcerers have to face curses - something akin to gang with Sukuna Ryomen leading them so it's close to jjk universe, but not quite.
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“Who did this to you?”
What makes hero a hero? Is it the power the ‘good guys’ hold? The extraordinary strength or intelligence? The morals and commitment, the noble qualities? Is it the way they use their exceptional abilities? Is hero a hero because he fights against what’s conventionally categorized as bad? Because he’s fighting for the right case? If so, who’s there to decide what really is the right case? Who has the right to tell where the line between good and evil is? You for sure don’t, but you were one of those heroes – countless battles you fought, standing against what’s bad and cursed, risking your life just to keep people around you safe. So much pain you endured, so many injuries you had to recover from just so those around you, the weaker ones, could live still in peace. So they can enjoy their days, not caring about a single thing. You paid with your own blood for their freedom, but that was okay. That was rewarding, that’s what you had to do, right? Because you were one of the good guys, you were one of those who were meant to protect the crowds. You had your ‘hero’ friends, you shared the experience with them, you shared your hardships with people who understood you. So why, when covered in blood of those innocent people, your body out of instinct led you to the door of your biggest enemy?
“Who did this to you?” Sukuna asked, taking the first glance of you after he swung the dark, ebony door open. His half naked silhouette completely covered the dim light from the inside of his apartment, but you were able to see him clearly enough. He stretched one of his arms up, propping the elbow on the doorframe and in the hand, he held a cigarette between two fingers and a glassful of alcohol in the rest. His tone was low and raspy as he grabbed you by the chin with the free hand, his thumb and forefinger squeezing your jaw just enough not to bruise, as he was examining briefly your stained in red features. He had never seen you so bloodied, so worn out, so defeated and he’d like to think that he’s seen you in every state possible. “It’s people’s blood.” He added, more so to himself, inhaling the familiar stench of mere, mortal red. He would recognize yours from miles; he knows the smell of what’s pumping through your veins, he knows the taste of it and with an unknown relief he acknowledged that this time, what stained your skin wasn’t your own.
“I did,” you panted out, your voice quiet and just slightly shaky – the uncertainty so faint that if he wouldn’t know you enough, he would have missed it. “I did this. To them.”
“You did?” He laughed, feeling the amusement taking place of the confusion he faced before. He had no idea what’s got you into the state of bloody mess, but to see you seek refuge at his home? Comical. “And why exactly is the little angel here?”
You knew what he wanted to hear. The mocking sound of the words he spoke combined with the smirk dancing on his lips made for the clearest indicator for his malice. Sukuna was amused by your presence at his doorstep, but he wanted to hear that you need his help. He was the kind to make people beg for mercy, to make you beg for an orgasm and naturally, he wanted you to beg for aid as well.
“I didn’t know where to go,” you admitted, sighing and giving him that little satisfaction. The weight of the situation laid heavy on your shoulders, the pictures of people you just brutally murdered still crisp and vibrant in front of your mind, but oddly enough, you felt no regret.
All of your life, or at least since you learned that you’re special, you made sure to put all of your energy to protecting those weaker than you, never really thinking too much whether they deserved it or not. Doubts began crawling into your mind when one of your friends left the jujutsu world, pursuing something more evil, but instead of blame, it triggered you to think. That little seed of hesitation bloomed today, all at once. Something snapped in you, something broke. When after a successful mission you found out that one of your friends didn’t make it alive, shit, he didn’t even make it in one piece, you wanted to scream. The boy was too young to die, too cheerful and kind, there was no need for him to leave this world so early, you should have been with him, protect him – but you were not. And you had to come to terms with that. Death of your friends was the bread of the line of work you pursued, you had to deal with it on daily basis, you were ready to take what was left from the body and give it a proper goodbye, but then, when you waited for the rest of your group, something happened. Some people, the survivors of the cursed attack, run towards the corpse of your friend, kicking and spitting on what was left of him, blaming him for the massacre that happened. Those people couldn’t see curses, they could have blame you, you were still standing and waiting on the bloody field, but no. They chose your dead friend. You had never heard such spite, such poison spilling from anyone’s mouth, as they abused the remains of the young sorcerer. That’s when you killed them. All of them, one by one, with nothing but a little sword and your fists. 27 people, young and old. You had no regret.
“You must have confused me with a hotel, sweetheart.” Sukuna teased, leaning down a little to see your face more clearly. His red eyes almost glowed in the dark and you could smell the soft mixture of cigarette and whisky in his breath when he stopped just few inches away from your face. The remnants of smoke he blew into your face with a wicked grin.
“Oh, don’t be a dick, Ryomen,” you rolled your eyes, waving away the nicotine cloud and realizing that’s exactly what you expected to hear. If he’d let you in without any kind of malice, that would be concerning, but you knew he will open his home for you anyway. He would do everything you asked for. “They will probably go after my head pretty soon, so take the time I’m giving you.”
“How generous of you. Thought that it will be me who kills you. Turns out your own people will do that. Talk about irony.” Sukuna laughed, straightening himself and taking few steps back, letting you into his apartment.
Allowing the doors to close behind you, you moved forward with caution, stepping slowly over the dark, hard-wood floors. It was your first time seeing the interiors of his house – before that, you were just aware of where he lives, never actually entering his space, but it was exactly how you expected it and also nothing of what you expected at the same time. Some part of you was convinced, the place he lives in is a dark dungeon kind of shithole, with blood splattered artistically throughout the interiors and screams of sorrow playing in the background, but what you were seeing right now was far from it. The apartment was luxurious, dark colored but free of any signs of tortured humans or death. There was a soft scent of smoke and something woody hanging in the air and one of the most gorgeous panoramas was spreading outside the window – thanks to the apartment being on the 20th floor. There was a big terrace opened in the living room area, from where the cold, late evening air was entering the space inside. Dark leathers and expensive details made it look like a mafia boss lived here and to be honest, it wasn’t that far from reality.
Your relationship with Ryomen was forbidden, it had no right to exist. You are the hero, you are obligated to fight curses and he is the most powerful curse that exist in your world. He’s the leader, the king of curses, the strongest enemy your kind ever faced and yet, he’s also your lover. The filthiest secret you have, the worst sin you committed, the one that you’re yet to be accounted for. Sukuna is everything you should avoid in life, he’s dangerous, he’s a menace. He thrives in pain and hurt of others, he drinks the suffering and feasts on agony, death and sorrow. He takes all the innocence that’s around him and drowns it in red and darkness. You should never let yourself get tangled with the cursed knot of everything that’s him. But you did.
First time you met him was on the battlefield. You were new in the city, oblivious to what’s spreading claws in Tokyo and it was your first mission in the field when you stumbled upon him. At first, he laughed at your sight, mocking your presence. He felt disrespected even, that the army of sorcerers, out of all available warriors, sent you to face him. You were small, looked far from dangerous, equipped in that funny little sword of yours and ironically, clothed in light colors as if they were not going to be stained all shades of red and purple. Were your bosses not aware of who he was? Have they tried to sacrifice you to him? Maybe you did something that made them want to get rid of you? But you held your head up high, dealing with his curses with so much ease and fluidity, he found it interesting. The more pawns he sent through the crowds of those mere humans, the more power you showed, taking them one by one. After that, you were present of every encounter with him, and with each of them, you grew more interested in the leader.
Sukuna rarely actively took part in the chaos. He just watched it unravel, he cherished the scent of fear and blood, he watched how people were running away, even though most of them couldn’t even see the curses properly. He just loved the frightening disorder he was able to spread, the screams and cries – all of that filled him with satisfaction, and he’d stay in the position of just a viewer, if not for you, who reached him and initiated the fight. First one in years for Sukuna, and that fight he found enjoyable. In time, it grew into something more intimate. Every close-range combat, every exchange of punches and throws fed into the heavy sexual tension. And that tension, naturally, led you two to the hidden alley where for the first time, instead of fighting, he fucked you against the wall.
“You can stay in here for tonight,” Sukuna told you, after a short moment of watching you wandering your eyes around you. He took another drag from his cig, wrapping his free hand around your waist and pulling you to his bare chest, not caring at all about all the blood you were covered in. You looked up to him, tilting your head as your hands automatically landed on the hard surface of his muscled chest. “My house, my rules though. No middle ground.”
“So demanding,” you chuckled, stealing the glass out of his other hand and taking a small sip of the alcohol. Strong taste of whisky burned your throat, but the burn was grounding, it calmed you down somehow. Sukuna was dangerous, but he was the kind of danger you knew and being at his place, at his mercy, didn’t phase you as much as the upcoming face-off with your sorcerer friends. “Okay then.”
“Good girl,” he grinned, reaching lower and giving your thigh a pat. “Hop.”
As ordered, you hooked your arms over his shoulders, hopping swiftly onto his hips just as you did countless of times before and it took him just few moments to take you to his bathroom. His lips immediately were on yours, you could feel the smoke burning your lungs but that was the last of your concerns. Sukuna put you down, rid both you and himself of the clothes and next thing you knew, you were in the shower, with ice cold water running down your body. It made you shiver, your breath caught in your throat and you leaned into his body, as if searching for the warmth of his skin. His chest vibrated with a laugh. You hated cold showers; he knew that. He loved them though. Too bad.
“Oh, don’t be a baby, some cold is not going to kill you, isn’t it?”, he all but sneered, stroking your bare skin with his rough palms, watching the blood slowly being washed off your picture. If it was yours, he would probably just lick it off you, but other’s – he wasn’t interested in.
You would usually snap back at him, say something witty and engage in a word tug of war but it was hard to think clearly, when it was that cold. You quietly gasped for breath, your chest heaved for air and it slowly began to hurt, standing underneath the stream of icy water. Sweet torture that you expected from Sukuna – one that he couldn’t really pull off when you met somewhere else. Now, he cherished the way he could do everything. His house, his rules.
“S-so cold…” your voice stuttered. “It hurts.”
“Poor little you,” he chuckled. “How about you hop onto my dick so I can warm you up?”
 There was no time for you to consider the offer. With no effort, Ryomen swooped your thighs once again, hooking them over his hips and he pushed you against the dark grey, tiled wall at the same moment he pushed his cock into you. The burning pain made your body jolt, as he forced his way into your unprepared walls. The muscles, contracted from the cold resisted his girth, but it only made him grin wider. A whimper escaped your throat, as you stabbed your fingernails into his shoulders, fruitlessly pushing him away.
“Look at you, all whiny as if you hadn’t taken me hundreds of times before,” he teased, bottoming out in one, fast thrust and he groaned lowly right after. The tight feeling of your pussy squeezing him so impossibly made him think for a moment that he can cum right here and there which would be unacceptable. “Relax, or it will hurt more, sweetheart.”
“Shut up,” you muttered quietly, forcing one deeper breath of air into your lungs, trying to loosen yourself up, but the concoction of cold and pain made it out of grasp. Ryomen only chuckled, contented with the little array of torture he was able to execute on you and slowly pulling out almost all the way, leaving only the tip still inside just to push back in one harsh move, earning a juicy bite to his shoulder. You sunk your teeth into his flesh, drawing blood. The metallic taste covered your tongue and you wondered how many of your nails pierced through Sukuna’s skin as well.
“Better watch that mouth,” he purred right into your ear, toying with you for few moments more before he picked a pace – ruthless and violent, drilling his hips into you with force that only his body could possess, the one that usually drives you insane but now, it got you crying. Salty traces of tears that stained your cheeks quickly got washed off with the icy stream from the shower. “You wouldn’t want me to accidentally tear you apart, would you?”
Every word he spoke, he accentuated with particularly sharp thrust and you could feel the resistance beginning to disappear. The rough friction eased and Sukuna was able to slam his pelvis into you with much more freedom as your juices enveloped his dick. Your thighs fluttered around his waist, a coil of pleasure already began to formulate itself in the pit of your stomach and the more he moved, the less cold and pain you felt. All of it turned into ecstatic state of lust overriding your mind, stripping you off the clear and coherent thinking and all what was left in your mind was the sin you were just committing. Another one to add to the long list of misdeeds.
“You like it, huh?”, Ryomen asked, his tone gravelly and interlaced with heavier breaths, as he was grinning maniacally, absorbing the way your cunt was sucking him in even deeper than he already was reaching. “You like the pain, don’t you?”
“Fuck, Ryomen,” you gasped out against his skin, scratching long, angry marks onto his back. Heat was slowly overtaking your entire body, radiating from your core to the rest of you and you couldn’t feel the cold anymore. Not when he was fucking into you like he was meaning to drill a hole through you, hitting all of the sweet spots inside your aching walls. He might have been mean, but he knew your body way too well. “Right there, don’t stop—“
Of course he stopped. He had to stop, how else could he keep his title of a menace of the century if he wouldn’t stop right when it began to feel overwhelmingly good. Right when the string in your belly threatened to snap any given moment?
“Knees.” He ordered, absolutely thrilled by the way he’s got you all worked up so quickly. He barely just touched you and already you were so close to the first bliss, but he had no intention of giving it to you right away. Once he pulled out and your legs were back on the floor, he looked down at you. “Don’t make me repeat myself.”
A plethora of profanities gathered at the front of your mind but you spared them in speech as you dropped down onto the cold marbled tiles. An awful feeling of the water falling straight onto your head made you feel slightly dizzy, but you were determined to finish him off so he can finish you off. With that in mind, you took him into your mouth.
The warmth of your tongue made Sukuna gasp silently. It contrasted with the icy atmosphere perfectly, sending shivers down his spine and he couldn’t help himself but to grab you by the head. There was a significant amount of desperation now boiling inside his veins, he couldn’t quite tell why, but from the moment he saw you at his doorstep, he knew he must have you as soon as possible and it’s only thanks to his strong will that he lasted that long.
At first, he allowed you do your thing. Just as much he knew the language your body spoke, you were fluent in the way his own talked. Sukuna would never admit it out loud, but he’d do everything if granted to have you for himself. He liked to have control, to dominate you. He liked to fuck you any way he wanted, any time he wanted, and you were always oh so willing to spread for him, whenever he pulled you into his arms. He thought of you as of one of his toys, except for the fact that when he began hooking up with you, all of the other women stopped existing for him. Why fuck someone else when you were perfectly willing to give him your holes and why settle for some mere humans, when you were that much more durable? He reasoned his choices with that – you were just stronger, you took him just better than anyone else, you were able to withstand his force and you were more than willing to give him your body to play. Yeah, he wasn’t going back to you because he just wanted to. No, it was just practical. And no, if it wasn’t him who initiated the sex, if there was a situation when you gave him a booty call – he wasn’t agreeing because he would say yes to everything you asked for. Please, he was agreeing because… Anyway, he was the dominating side. That was clear as day. You had no word in that relationship. For sure.
Feeling himself enter the stage of pre-orgasm, Sukuna pushed your head further onto himself. You gave up into his will as he began fucking your mouth with ferocity, the tip of his dick hitting the back of your throat time after time as you kept it open for him, teasing him with your tongue every time he slid in and out. It was getting hard to breathe, you squeezed your eyes, stabbing your nails into his strong thighs but it did nothing to slow him down. His girth filled your mouth completely, harshly abusing your palate and airways and you could tell he was close by the way his cock flexed and twitched in between your lips. Sukuna’s grip on your hair tightened as he finally pushed your head onto himself, your nose nearly buried into his stomach as he shot the hot, white ribbons of cum right down your throat. You stilled for a moment, almost choking on the way he cut off your breath ways but then he let go and you backed out, hungrily gasping for air.
The cursed king grinned, satisfaction painting its picture over his features, but he wasn’t even close to being done with you, you both knew this. In light speed you were in his bed, face pressed into the mattress and ass high in the air as he buried himself back into your cunt. The velvety, swollen walls took him in now with no resistance and you moaned into the pillow at the incredible feeling of being so full. With a bruising grip on your hips, Sukuna moved right away, abusing your hole with an unforgiving pace and strength.
“You’re taking me so well,” he let out a groaned praise, something he doesn’t do often, but any time he does, it makes you jump straight into cumming. Ryomen had a way with words, with the way he used his voice against you and it most certainly was one of your weakest points when it came to him. He was able to render you into a needy mess only with the tone of his speech and you loved and hated it at the same time. This time, the growling echo of his words reverberated through your system and shot you straight in between your legs. Your oversensitive walls clenched around him, your thighs were trembling and your back arched even more as you squeezed the sheets in your hands. “Wanna cum? Ask for it.”
“Ryo— ah, Ryomen, please,” you pleaded, pushing yourself slightly up from the pillows only to get forced down by his large hand over your head.
“Please what?”
“Please let me cum, I need to cum, please,” you hated to beg him for anything and at this point you should have gotten used to it already, because the superiority was his middle name, but it still was against your nature. But nothing could deny the fact that he fucked you perfectly every time, he was able to make your brain turn into heated flurry and only for that, you played along and fed his ego.
Sukuna’s fingernails dug into the fat of your hips to pull you even closer, his hips slamming against your ass with every thrust he made. His knuckles turned white from the bruising force of his grip, but that pain you didn’t even register. You felt like you were falling, from somewhere high right down into the endless hole of lustful pleasure. The haze overtook your mind, white ribbons of nothingness covered your vision and your entire body tensed, bracing for the impact.
“Cum for me,” he allowed you, and as if just waiting for the command, you became undone right here and there. Spasms of ecstasy rushed through you, you were speeding into the arms of physical satisfaction as he was pumping into you riding you through the orgasm. First of many. Sweet, white ring formulated around the base of his dick, but he had no intentions of stopping at it.
You’ve lost count at fifth. You really should be careful what you wished for. You were a mess, with skin glistening with the thin layer of sweat and so much juices running down your thighs. It was filthy, you could feel the drops sliding down your plush skin, you could hear the wetness being pumped out of you with every thrust of his hips – the amount overflowing you. You were so incredibly full, you swore you couldn’t fit more and each time he proved you wrong. Wet sounds of Sukuna’s dick abusing your hole were bouncing off the walls, the soft melody of grunts and heavy breathing accompanying them as you tried to run away from him, to steal just a little breather, but he wasn’t going to let you escape.
You couldn’t take much more, you were so done, exhausted and utterly oversensitive and for real you thought few times already that one more orgasm, and you will just die in his bed. Every time he proved you can indeed take not only one more, but as many as he gives you. And he wanted to give you a lot, it was a rare occasion he could force you more than usually. When the lines of what you can and cannot take are blurred out, completely covered by the thick layer of cum and ecstasy.
Ryomen listened to how his name was now unknowingly slipping over your tongue, without forming any coherent sentences. The prayer you were letting out was a music to his ears, he needed to hear more of it. He knew it was a lot for you, he was pulling one bliss after another from you, greedy to take more and more as he tried to fuck his way into your soul. You had a way of awakening all of his carnal instincts, you were able to make him lose himself in the act, in the warmth of your body, in the welcoming squeeze and you always took him so well. There was nothing he couldn’t do to you and for that, he loved meeting with you. You satisfied all of his cursed instincts.
“Just few more,” he cooed, but the tone of his voice had a mocking lingering underneath it. You whined loudly into the pillow that you were biting onto for the last, what felt like, hours. All of your body hurt at this point, you were tired and sore, your back almost broken from all the arching you did, your ass red from the countless slaps he’s given you and your vocal cords already worn out from all the pleading and moaning you let out. You had enough, swearing his inhumane stamina, but then again, why was your pussy still so wet and leaking if it was too much for you? Why were you still so invitingly wet, why instead of knocking him down and creating some distance you stayed with your ass up high, taking load after load even though there was physically no more space for it?
“Noo­—,” you cried out, reaching back to naively try and stop him, but you couldn’t get close to him. Instead, he grabbed you by that hand, pulling your worn-out body and with a grin that’s purely sadistic, he slipped his dick out of you. Immediately the white concoction of his seed and your juices gushed out of your stretched hole, so he gathered it on his fingers.
Once you were up, straight on your knees, gasping for air, he pushed his heavily covered digits into your open mouth and there was no need in telling you what to do as your tongue worked its way around, licking him clean. Sukuna took in the fucked-out expression you wore on your face, the wet skin around your eyes, the traces of saliva and now his cum around your mouth and he knew he still wants more.
Being purely evil as he is, he half-sat down comfortably on the bed next to you, his back leaning against the backrest as he gave your reddened thigh a slap. You knew what he wanted, but hesitated, unsure if you really can do what he demands. You were exhausted already.
“Come on, get that pussy over there,” he chuckled and despite the way everything in your head screamed not to do it, your body moved on its own and you straddled his strong thighs, lining his still impossibly hard dick with your aching entrance. He slipped in with ease as you bottomed your hips down to his own, taking him in fully and Sukuna grinned at the filthy picture of where you were connected. “What a good girl you are, look at you.”
“Shut up,” you told him, rolling your pelvis over him, feeling every aching muscle in your body scream, but that you actively ignored. You couldn’t focus on in, when he was so deep inside you, when more than you longed for rest, you longed for the overwhelming bliss that was so close for both you and him.
Ryomen laughed, fighting the urge to play with your clit and to prevent that from happening, he put both of his hands behind his head, resting comfortably and just taking in the gorgeous view of you bouncing on him. He loved watching you, not only during sex but in general. The picture of your frame, your soft, plump skin, your beautiful face, your hair, your everything – all of it tickled him in a way no one else ever did and he couldn’t explain the reason behind the attraction he felt for you. He just knew that if only thing that he could do is to look at you, he’d take the opportunity without blinking twice. You were just perfect, and maybe it was because he knew every time he has you might be the last time, he knew that you might die at any given moment considering your job, he learned to cherish every time you’re next to him. And that, of course, he would also never say out loud. He was the boss here, after all. You had no control over him. Not at all.
“You’re so fucking pretty, you know that?” Sukuna growled lowly, feeling his abs tightening. You were working yourself onto him so perfectly, the angle of your hips allowed him to hit every sensitive spots inside of you and that triggered your walls to tense against his girthy length. He was getting close, his dick was flexing and twitching inside of you and you could feel his entire body bracing for the impact. As your hands wandered over his skin, tracing the black marks that you always found incredibly sexy, you could tell his muscles got harder, the contraction clearly indicating his orgasm was flowing in and it was only a matter of few moves before it overflows. You wanted to get him there first, to finish him off hard, but he wouldn’t let that happen. It was a rule that’s unspoken, but clear as day – he wasn’t going to cum before you, no matter how good your pussy felt and desperate to keep the right order, Ryomen allowed his fingers to reach down your body. His calloused fingers found the swollen, puffy nub and he rubbed little circles into it, making you shiver above him.
Some more tears escaped your eyes, passing through your lash line and tracing down the sides of your face and that sight was one of those the cursed king loved above anything else. You were the last one to cry on the battlefield, you could have been pierced right through in the stomach, but no tears would show up in your eyes and yet, when overstimulated, when in bed with him, from time to time some of those salty droplets were making an appearance and Sukuna loved the fact that he was the one to cause it.
“Oh, you little crybaby,” he mocked, pulling his back away from the backrest only to glue his lips to the side of your jaw, where the wetness collected. He tasted the saltiness, savored the way it spread over his tongue and with wet kisses he began to smear all over your face, he finally reached your lips. “Cry for me a little more.” He purred right into your mouth, you could feel his own being stretched into a grin, you could hear the worn-out malice in his words and as much as you wished to disobey him, you couldn’t when his fingers worked so expertly over your clit.
 “Ryomen, I—“ you whimpered, squeezing his shoulders with crashing force, barely able to move anymore, but you pushed through, with the help of his strong hands guiding you further and further, over the edge.
“Come on, cum for me,” he encouraged, and you didn’t need to be told twice. As if on order, everything in you snapped. You felt the warmth flooding your body and electrical impulses rushing through your spine and entire nervous system. The rush of hotness spread all over your body as you came for the nth time, covering him in your wet sweetness and he followed suit, shooting into you and prolonging your orgasm. You were delirious with the saccharine mixture of exhaustion and pleasure, you couldn’t even tell how many rolls your hips did before you collapsed onto him, completely lightheaded and worn out. Sukuna wrapped his arms around your frame, pulling you to his chest as he fell back onto the bed, finally allowing you to rest. His dick still buried deep inside of you, plugging the way out for everything that’s flowing inside you but you didn’t mind it. Sometimes you felt like his cock just belonged in your pussy, you felt complete with all of his size stuffed into you. “Such a good girl.”
There wasn’t much you could tell him, you just stayed there, nuzzled into the side of his neck, desperately trying to calm down your heard and your breath as he smoothed his hand over your back. You were satisfied beyond need, completely overstimulated, ruined, but you loved to feel like this. Especially that night you wanted to cherish. The thought it’s probably the last one lingered somewhere at the back of your head and now as the aftershots of bliss were wearing down, it became more and more clear. It was distressing, you tensed at the memo and to hide it, you moved down Sukuna’s body.
This time he didn’t intervene when you took him into your mouth. He knew you well enough to know you were distracting your pretty head from thoughts and frankly, he was thinking about the same thing so the warm, wet feeling of your lips hugging his cock was distracting him too. You licked him clean, savoring all of the mess you made and you worked him with an intention to never let him forget about the head you give him. And he was quick to cum underneath the intensity of your tongue, groaning your name in low tone, rasped out and out of breath.
* * *
You watched the sun coming up, spreading its light over the city panorama visible from the large windows of Ryomen’s apartment. Still in his bed, now all washed up and with his strong frame sitting against the backrest. His arm was wrapped securely around your body, now pressed to his chest. Your head rested comfortably near his neck and it was quiet. No need to say anything, as the atmosphere of post bliss was settling down, pressed with the heavy weight of uncertainty. You had no idea what was going to happen to you after the murder you committed. Deep down you knew your days now are numbered and the number is much less than you anticipated, and somehow the king of curses knew that too. Before that, he was sure you’ll survive most of the dangers – you survived him, so what was there to hurt you? He never considered your own people hunting you down. And that made him feel uneasy, although he wouldn’t show it to you. Instead, he’d just keep you close, smoothing lazy little circles onto the skin of your stomach as he holds your naked body right next to himself. Instead, he’d just let you stay for as long as you need to, not rushing you to leave. And instead of showing you that he cares, he’d just stay there with you, sharing a drink and a smoke, watching the sun rising slowly even though the aesthetic of the view does nothing to him.
“Once you get out of here,” Sukuna began, pausing nonchalantly to take a drag from his cigarette before giving it to you. “What you’re gonna do?”
“Don’t know. I’m gonna be alright.”
“Alright, huh?” he scoffed softly, watching the grey puff of smoke coming slowly from your mouth before he took the cig back from your fingers. “Better be.”
“Yeah.” You sounded light, there wasn’t much emotion in your tone, but it was the emptiness that Ryomen found alarming. Maybe he could ask you to stay with him? Yeah, that could work. But he couldn’t, the words too intimate to get through his throat so instead he stayed there and listened. “I’ll be okay.”
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themodernwitchsguide · 3 months
orphic hymns to apollo and diana
i should mention that i did NOT write these!! they are from like the 1st century AD lol
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Blest Pæan, come, propitious to my prayer, illustrious power, whom Memphian tribes revere,
Slayer of Tityus, and the God of health, Lycorian Phœbus, fruitful source of wealth.
Spermatic, golden-lyred, the field from thee receives it's constant, rich fertility.
Titanic, Grunian, Smynthian, thee I sing, Python-destroying, hallowed, Delphian king:
Rural, light-bearer, and the Muse's head, noble and lovely, armed with arrows dread:
Far-darting, Bacchian, two-fold, and divine, power far diffused, and course oblique is thine.
O, Delian king, whose light-producing eye views all within, and all beneath the sky:
Whose locks are gold, whose oracles are sure, who, omens good reveals, and precepts pure:
Hear me entreating for the human kind, hear, and be present with benignant mind;
For thou surveys this boundless æther all, and every part of this terrestrial ball
Abundant, blessed; and thy piercing sight, extends beneath the gloomy, silent night;
Beyond the darkness, starry-eyed, profound, the stable roots, deep fixed by thee are found.
The world's wide bounds, all-flourishing are thine, thyself all the source and end divine:
'Tis thine all Nature's music to inspire, with various-sounding, harmonizing lyre;
Now the last string thou tuned to sweet accord, divinely warbling now the highest chord;
The immortal golden lyre, now touched by thee, responsive yields a Dorian melody.
All Nature's tribes to thee their difference owe, and changing seasons from thy music flow
Hence, mixed by thee in equal parts, advance Summer and Winter in alternate dance;
This claims the highest, that the lowest string, the Dorian measure tunes the lovely spring.
Hence by mankind, Pan-royal, two-horned named, emitting whistling winds through Syrinx famed;
Since to thy care, the figured seal is consigned, which stamps the world with forms of every kind.
Hear me, blessed power, and in these rites rejoice, and save thy mystics with a suppliant voice.
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Hear me, Jove's daughter, celebrated queen, Bacchian and Titan, of a noble mien:
In darts rejoicing and on all to shine, torch-bearing Goddess, Dictynna divine;
Over births presiding, and thyself a maid, to labor-pangs imparting ready aid:
Dissolver of the zone and wrinkled care, fierce huntress, glorying in the Sylvan war:
Swift in the course, in dreadful arrows skilled, wandering by night, rejoicing in the field:
Of manly form, erect, of bounteous mind, illustrious dæmon, nurse of human kind:
Immortal, earthly, bane of monsters fell, 'tis thine; blest maid, on woody hills to dwell:
Foe of the stag, whom woods and dogs delight, in endless youth who flourish fair and bright.
O, universal queen, august, divine, a various form, Cydonian power, is thine:
Dread guardian Goddess, with benignant mind auspicious, come to mystic rites inclined
Give earth a store of beauteous fruits to bear, send gentle Peace, and Health with lovely hair,
And to the mountains drive Disease and Care.
Dividers by @vibeswithrenai
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gallifreyanhotfive · 7 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 28
Donna Noble missed the Auton invasion of 2005 because she was sleeping off a massive hangover she got after realizing she had unrequited affection for a coworker. She similarly missed the Sycorax invasion due to a hangover.
The Doctor screamed as they were pulled from the Loom.
Trakenites have a natural empathy towards creatures in distress.
The Thirteenth Doctor had Preventacles on the TARDIS, which were psychic spectacles that allowed people to see the most likely events about to occur in their future. Dan once accidentally put them on because he thought they were sunglasses.
Baris is the Doctor’s "Number One Fan." He had Mega Plastic Surgery to make himself look just like the Tenth Doctor, even changing his voice to match and getting a second heart implanted in him.
The ones knocking on the outside of the spaceship in the episode Listen were once suggested to be River Song and Jack Harkness.
It is possible for a Time Lord to be time blind.
During the game the Eighth Man Bound, an "Initiate" would sit in the middle of a circle and take some drugs, and those in the circle around them would give them an identity crisis by repeating their name until it lost meaning. This would cause them to enter a state of flux between their regenerations and see their future bodies. The game was incredibly dangerous and could result in regeneration or loss of identity. About fifteen Academy students died from it every semester. The Doctor holds the record for this game.
Sarah Jane Smith once confessed to Cindy Wu that she had fallen in love with a "lovely, brave silly man" once but that her chance had passed by the time she'd worked out her feelings.
The Time Lord retina is capable of thinking on its own.
Callum was originally a mouse that the Master turned into a boy in an attempt to get a new body.
The Doctor claims that they delivered Genghis Khan.
The Doctor and likely other Time Lords do not have prostates.
Bernice Summerfield originally thought that Star Trek: The Next Generation was a documentary program rather than a fictional show.
Rassilon's Universal Solvent is a blue, glowing liquid. The Fifth Doctor said that it dissolved universes.
Time Lords often keep their Looms in cradles. They would whisper to each other at night.
Inside the TARDIS, there is a place a remembrance where the Doctor keeps all sorts of mementos from his past companions. In this place, the Fifth Doctor has a copy of The French Revolution that Barbara had given to Susan, Sara Kingdom's Space Security Service ID, Adric's Badge for Mathematical Excellence, and more.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
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sable-skies · 1 month
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thought abt an au i doodled up months ago but never fully explored, so here's some concept designs for that. im gonna ramble about it now
+ height comparison under the keep reading!
god okay i gotta admit: i, unfortunately, kinda love game of thrones. truthfully i dont care for the sex and inc*st part of the show, but i really enjoy the interconnected weaving plot lines, drama, and utter bullshit that happens in that show. its amazing, i love it, its so fucking stupid. so earlier this year i doodled up some ideas for a game of thrones inspired post-totk au. those are here, and here!
I then dropped it and didnt return to it until now, because i started season 2 of house of the dragon and yknow. why not.
as for actual details about the au: i said in the past it was a got-loz au, but im gonna go ahead and say that i misspoke then because i mean more like, post-totk/loz au INSPIRED by got, because i would never want to do a 1-to-1 au of that god awful show. i mostly think exploring a hyrule that is peaceful, but secretly on the brink of civil chaos and how bad humanity could truly get would be really fun to explore!
i struggled to pick a single role for link to have in such an au, so i said fuck it and divided him up into four parts, in universe the hero's spirit has been split amongst four brothers. to nod towards this, and because i'm cheeky as hell, the first letters of each of their names spells link. Laurent, Irving, Nymos, and Kiran. (im so fucking funny (<- is not funny))
they're all noble born to Arthur Hearth, current lord of House Hearth which basically controls and sits on the Great Plateau, and their mother was Eyla, a member of the Sheikah from Kakariko Village who unfortunately passed away shortly after Kiran was born. Arthur btw is named after the King Arthur legends from Europe, as those served as inspiration for the series in general!
I think a plot would follow them all after the death of their father and how they cope with it and move forward, and how they combat suddenly being labeled traitors to the kingdom for their father's acclaimed crimes.
this is getting long, so I'll do some misc bullet points next on their personalities:
Laurent, as the oldest, had to mature pretty quickly after the death of their mother, Eyla. Which has caused him to grow protective of his younger brothers almost to an overbearing degree. He gets nervous when they're not home, which sucks because Irving is a knight, Nymos studies in Kakariko often, and Kiran wants to explore the world via the survey team. Other then that, he's responsible, quite serious in most situations, and still very kind hearted. After his father's death he starts to spiral into a rage-filled depression, determined to get his brothers back and make the king pay for killing his father.
Irving is the most middle child ever. Due to Laurent being in line for lord of their house and is never gonna back down from that, he sought his own purpose in being a royal knight / royal guardsman / kingsguard. It hasn't really worked out well for him honestly, his higher ups hate him for being Arthur's son, seemingly so naturally talented in combat, and charismatic amongst the ranks that some knights ignore their orders just to follow Irving's instead. So as punishment he's been assigned as the former princess Zelda's bodyguard / retainer. While it disappointed him to not serve his full duties at first, he's come to accept it and treats her kindly. He's proud, a little over-confident, just, and secretly a bleeding heart. After the death of their father, he's forced to choose between his family and Zelda, and knowing that Zelda will most likely die without him, he stays with her.
Nymos, oh poor fucking Nymos dude. As a child he fell into the depths and somehow survived, which was fine, but then he came across a patch of gloom that seemingly never faded, and ever since he's been cursed with doomed visions of the future and a talent for magic. No one believes him about the lingering gloom, and claims that he simply has PTSD from the incident in general, but he knows what he saw. He's sought out magical-based physical therapy in Kakariko because of this, and he's pretty much regarded as a local there. He's quiet, a bit withdrawn, pessimistic, but has a strong sense of justice and genuinely wants the best for those around him, even if he doesn't know how to say it properly. When Laurent and Irving are away, he's the one looking after Kiran and keeping him safe. When his father dies, he immediately starts to investigate the current monarchy for signs of dark magic tampering, which leads him down a rabbit hole he never even knew existed, all the while he's being tormented by visions of his brother dying gruesome and horrible deaths. he's forever an internal nervous WRECK
Kiran!! The baby!! Might be the most dangerous brother of the four, but we'll cover that later. As the resident youngest sibling he's naturally gotten away with pretty much everything and anything, because who can say no to those big baby blues. Thankfully he's not actually that destructive or ill-mannered, but he isn't above pulling a prank on someone for the fun of it. He yearns to leave home and explore the vast continent of Hyrule though, and shortly before everything goes wrong he's accepted into the Survey Team and gets to enjoy it for a bit. He's excitable, energetic, optimistic, and somewhat a handful (get this teen a child leash please) but he means well and is determined to get whatever is on his mind done and finished. He's the last to be told his father is dead as his team didn't tell him about the incident until suddenly there's a group of bandits attacking them and demanding they had Kiran over for ransom. Kiran goes willingly of course, as he doesn't want his team members to get hurt. He later falls into the depths and survives via the sail cloth around his shoulders and meets a strange little fox he calls Todd.
I have so many notes in my head about these guys but again, i'll shut up for now :] here are the heights!
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btw; they're all based on a previous incarnation of link and a got character, if you figure it out I'll shake ur hand.
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malky-tea · 1 month
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The latest and newest artwork I'm pouring on the internet for the first time, hehe
This is my character that I play in Changeling: The Dreaming. It's been a long time since I've had such an easy, enjoyable and comfortable game. All the other games were good too, don't think so. I just feel like it's MY thing. Maybe it's the fact that I finally didn't limit myself and decided to take ALL the things I love and combine them into one character? Well, that makes sense…
Her name is Charlene René Wade, but in the fairy community she is known as Leofrun from the House Ailil. She has recently passed her Chrysalis and the Fior-Righ, but has already earned the title of knight in the course of our chronicle. She is a very emotional and passionate Autumn Sidhe from Unseelie Court. She enjoys making devious plans, participating in intrigue, unraveling other people's schemes and learning dirty secrets. More than anything, she longs to benefit the noble House Ailil. She likes to be a bit dramatic, although she loves fun and taking care of her loved ones. Sometimes she wants to appear more cold and impenetrable than she really is (she is far from it).
Like any Sidhe from House Ailil, she strives to be seen as nothing less than ideal and when that naturally doesn't happen… It hurts her. Sometimes she gets overly emotional and allows herself to think overly violent things. Part of her is frightened by this urge to burn cities and shoot at knees and… Charlene doesn't usually remember what happens next. A piece of her life falls out of her memory and it's good if she finds herself in a familiar place. She doesn't know, but in these moments that very part of her really wants to placate the universe and show that she is not bad, but on the contrary the kindest girl in the world.
❤ She has a chimerical dragon named Opal ❤ Loves cherries in any form, including cigarettes and perfume ❤ Very fond of human history and hopes to become a historian already in the society of changelings ❤ Very passionate about tragedies and stories with bad endings ❤ Afraid to engage in close combat and shuns the sight of blood. Instead, she has learned to shoot and loves firearms. She has a chimerical gun, which she named after the dragon guarding the Garden of the Hesperides ❤ At the beginning of the timeline she hated House Gwydion, now she will fight for loved ones from that house ❤ She loves abandoned houses with old attics ⛓︎ Afraid of repeating the fate of characters from her favorite tragedies ⛓︎ Ruined her relationship with her own Lady. ⛓︎ Very easily offended by things that another would not even pay attention to ⛓︎ Sometimes she dreams of previously agonizing death experiences and these dreams throw her off balance ⛓︎ Tends to succumb to paranoid thoughts and see enemies everywhere ⛓︎ Smokes a lot, literally can't live without cigarettes ⛓︎ Her family is known for her mother committing Rhapsody. Because of that, Charlene has a bad reputation, too
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knucklesex · 8 months
i know the fandom loves to pretend that xie lian doesn't take care of himself but let's really think about it for a second. he doesn't have a penny to his name, he has no luck, no spiritual powers and no friends and family left in the mortal realm. how exactly should he take care of himself?
he eats food off the floor because it's better than going hungry. that's how many people in poverty live. he doesn't think twice before touching something that might poison him because when you don't receive medical attention for centuries, you're naturally going to adopt an "it is what it is" mentality about your health. he probably didn't get treated by a healer the first few times he got corpse poisoning because he didn't have enough (or any) money to pay them with. he's humble and ignores however which way he's slandered because what can he do? he's heard things like that and worse before.
800 years of poverty will teach anyone humility as well as strip them of it. 800 years of poverty and solitude can make anyone into a complete cynic, an abuser and/or worse.
but xie lian didnt break, not permanently. what jun wu put him through is nothing compared to what the world put him through. tell me this: is jun wu truly the real villain of the story? or is he a micro manifestation of all the other systematic issues in the TGCF universe, wrapped up into a shiny, evil package that's easier to hate, easier to digest and easier to fall for?
know that even though jun wu "set up" the fall of xianle, it was corruption and imperialism that truly brought the kingdom to its knees. know that teen xie lian truly fought for his people, be they patriots or rebels, and that the reason his efforts could never come to fruition was the corruption of the royals and the nobles.
in a world as systematically corrupt as that (much like our own), how easy do you think it would have been for a poor, homeless and friendless man to live a happy, fulfilling life (which he never lived)? and how much easier would it have been for him to gradually give away his morals and principles in favour of a better meal for once, for a better bed for the night? considering his martial skills and vast knowledge of cultivation, would it not have been easy for him to take a path like jun wu himself? like xue yang, even?
and do you think that xie lian did *not* do all these things just because he had "self-sacrificial" tendencies? after centuries of being only a little better than a beggar, do you think the reason he wants to help the common people is because he feels Rich Prince Guilt?
don't you think that the act of preserving oneself here, the act of not sacrificing onself for a cause, is actually whenever xie lian decides to keep following the path of justice, his Third Path? does self preservation only count when it's your body you're preserving, or your material wealth, or your name? surely your own principles matter more. surely you mean more than a fancy title on a tyrant's mouth.
place yourself in xie lian's shoes, and answer this: if you were to go through all that, even if you were to not become a horrible person, would have found and maintained the courage, time and time again, to keep being kind, to keep taking care of yourself, to not become heedlessly reckless, to not become a walking corpse with a noose (ruoye) wrapped around your neck?
in my opinion, xie lian is a hell of a lot positive for a man who's been through so much and never heard a "it's okay, you can rest now" once (until hua cheng came along, at least).
do you think xie lian doesn't feel bitterness towards lang qianqiu, who buried him with a stake through his heart for gods know how many years, because he just... hates himself? or do you think it's because he helped raise lang qianqiu since childhood and earned real respect and admiration from him, after so many years of being spat on, cursed and ultimately turned invisible? do you think he begged to be banished once again only because he felt guilty (although yes, he did feel very guilty) for the terrible fate that befell lqq's family, or because he also genuinely cares about what happens to his people --- he protected the xianle remnants by setting himself up as a cold-hearted murderer, and he protected lqq by refusing to fight him.
do you think that being so old and having seen so much, xie Lian can't tell danger when it's looking him in the eye? he's not stupid. he doesn't neglect his safety until and unless it's to protect someone he cares about. e.g., when he tried his level best to protect shi qingxuan during the Blackwater arc, knowing that he's fighting things and people beyond his control. my point: it didn't matter if he failed. he had to try, just like he tried with his kingdom, and the kingdom that came next. sqx was the first person after hua cheng to befriend and defend him in a long time, and he wanted to show him the same courtesy. can this be reduced to "self-sacrificing" tendencies or "playing the hero", too?
when xie lian stepped out of that bridal sedan, he knew he was playing with fire, but he's not stupid. if he hadn't stepped out, who is to say that crimson rain sought flower wouldn't have entered on his own, or dragged him out forcefully? xie lian isn't a "you only live once, let's make bad decisions" person. xie lian is a "no matter how many lives i live, i will not change" person.
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avaleigh16 · 1 year
Once upon a time, in the depths of the thick jungle, a Yautja named Ap roamed the vast expanse of his hunting territory. Known for his strength, agility, and honorable nature, Ap was truly a force to be reckoned with. As he maneuvered through the dense foliage, he stumbled upon a hidden temple shrouded in mystery.
Drawn to its ancient aura, Ap cautiously entered, mesmerized by the ornate hieroglyphics that adorned the walls. It was there that he found a secret chamber, guarded by a life-sized statue of an Egyptian pharaoh. At the center, laying atop a golden pedestal, was a glowing artifact, emitting an enchanting aura that beckoned him closer.
Unbeknownst to him, the glowing treasure held the trapped soul of an Egyptian princess named Y/N. An unwilling pawn in her father's political games, she was betrothed to a power-hungry nobleman. But destiny had different plans for her.
Caught in a never-ending slumber, Y/N's spirit was awakened by Ap's arrival. Curiosity melded with a strange kinship as she watched the Yautja move with grace and elegance. As Ap approached and laid eyes on the glowing artifact, a connection formed between their souls, like two lost fragments of a forgotten love story.
Ap's heart, once indifferent to the touch of another being, now yearned for Y/N's presence. He began to visit the hidden chamber often, talking to her as if she could hear him, sharing tales of his hunts and victories. His voice flowed with affection, his words laced with the adoration he felt for the sleeping princess.
In time, Ap couldn't bear the thought of Y/N remaining bound to her betrothed, away from his protective embrace. Driven by love, and partially driven by his hunt for the ultimate challenge, Ap devised a daring plan – he would kidnap Y/N and take her to a realm where they could be together.
Silently and stealthily, Ap retrieved Y/N from her dormant state, gently cradling her in his strong arms. As he carried her away from her gilded cage, his heart filled with both excitement and trepidation. He knew that he was taking her against her will, but he believed that true love would find a way to prosper.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months as Ap courted Y/N in his own peculiar Yautja way. He listened to her every word, learning about the beauty of her homeland, the wonders of the pyramids, and the strength and resilience of its people. In return, he shared stories of his own hunts and his deep-rooted honor code.
Gradually, Y/N began to understand Ap's intentions. She saw beyond the fierce mask that cloaked his visage, recognizing the tenderness within. Her heart, too, began to yearn for his touch, for his unwavering loyalty, and for the feeling of being truly seen and cherished.
In an unexpected turn of events, Y/N's heart blossomed with love for Ap, casting away any lingering doubt or fear. The clandestine affection they held for each other couldn't be denied any longer, and their souls became inseparable.
As time passed, Y/N and Ap decided to embrace their love fully. They exchanged vows in a hidden grove, under the watchful eyes of the jungle's creatures. United in love, they created a legacy together, giving birth to a litter of mighty and noble Yautja descendants.
Their love story, defying the boundaries of time and space, became the stuff of legends. The tale of the Yautja warrior who journeyed across galaxies to free his true love, a princess who braved the unknown, eventually culminating in a destiny where two worlds became one.
And so, in their embrace, Ap and Y/N proved that sometimes, even the most unexpected love stories can conquer all, forever etching their names in the tapestry of the universe.
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centurydraws · 23 days
NightWing headcanons!!!
so I know NightWings are one of the most developed tribes in canon, but I feel like they could use something more. We barely know anything about any tribe's day to day life, common jobs, ancient practices, or religions. So, I'm going to make a few posts about my headcanons and ideas about every tribe. Feel free to use these in stories or for designs, credit is appreciated but not required.
NightWings have goat eyes
They also have oryx / ram horns
Their horns have to grow in, similar to teeth (this is a headcanon I have for every tribe, not just exclusive to NightWings)
It's possible for them to have star patterns like under their wings in other spots, star freckles and birthmarks are the most common
NightWings will scar their scales instead of getting tattoos, due to their usually very dark colors
When albino dragonets were hatched, they were seen as bad luck in some regions and would be killed. This has changed recently, though
NightWings used to sacrifice wolves and cattle for good luck on the new year, but this ceased soon after the NightWings moved to the volcano island, because of the lack of wolves and grazing ground for cattle.
Snakes are a sacred symbol for NightWings, and dragons can commonly be seen with snake scars and/or snake jewelry.
The reason snakes are sacred is because of an influx of SandWing refugees during an ancient, bloody but short-lived civil war.
NightWings used to have a profession called a nameteller, a future seeing NightWing who was trained to look into the future of specific dragons, and would give name suggestions for eggs and newly hatched dragonets. This job is resurfacing, though slowly.
NightWings used to believe that blind dragons would have stronger mind reading and future sight. They were half right, but after a trend of blinding dragonets to give them stronger abilities turned out to be useless, this belief faded away.
NightWings are naturally more anxious during the day, which is hypothesized to have been a factor in the poor health of the NightWings when they lived on the volcano island.
NightWings are kind of the Germany of the wof universe (wofverse??), they like efficiency and have really disturbing dragonet's tales.
One of said dragonet's tales is one where a fledgeling wandered too close to the ocean alone when the adults said not to, and got eaten alive by the sea.
NightWings typically name areas after their founders, or after the dragon who discovered there. Major NightWing exports are goat's milk and cheese, wool, and wine. Think anything desired by nobles to eat, and the NightWings probably manufacture it. There are a few important places, such as:
KINDNESS: Named for its founder, this large city is located in a valley on the border with the Sand Kingdom, and was one of the places SandWing refugees fled to during the Serpent's Fang war (the ancient sandwing civil war mentioned before). In the modern era, it is still occupied by many SandWings, and Night/Sand hybrids are a common sight. It is known for its many vineyards right outside the city gates, and is said to produce some of the best wine in Pyrrhia.
AVOIDED: This isolated village sits in the harsh, jagged cliffs facing the southwestern ocean. The village isn't on top of the land, but beneath it, with its entrance in a hidden cave. Its inhabitants have lived there for generations, fishing and gathering mushrooms. They did not go with the rest of the tribe to the volcano island, and instead opted to hide away and preserve their culture. The best nametellers come from here.
BATTLECRY: A bustling city which manufactures weapons, armor, and has the best NightWing military academies. It has multiple walls, one thick inner and two outer, which are equipped with advanced technology to ward off attackers. It is a valuable target in war, but no other tribe has managed to get past it, since it is in the middle of the kingdom, protecting the capitol.
DIVINE: Rumored to be where the moons first blessed the NightWings with their powers, this is the religious center of the NightWing kingdom. They manufacture texts and are responsible for spreading information across the continent. When the NightWings moved to the volcano island, Divine's bards became assassins, skilled at spreading lies.
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nixylubouv · 16 days
Love Potion (4)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
So. Still haven't named any of the characters. Open to suggestions!
Five Months Ago
Villain paced across the ornate rug in his office, feeling strangely giddy. Light poured in through the large glass windows and burnished the room in a lovely glow. Truly, a perfect day. A firm knock sounded on the door.
Villain immediately stopped pacing and moved to face the glass panes. He brushed off a nearly invisible piece of lint on his silver epaulets and cleared his throat. “Come in.” 
A soft click sounded as the handle turned and the oak wood was pushed in.
Villain tried to ignore how hard his heart sped up at the sound of Hero’s voice murmuring a quiet thank you to the guard that had opened the door. Instead, he focused on the garden outside. The plumeria flowers of late spring were in full bloom, the color of soft ocher like Hero’s hair. 
“Commander.” Hero was cordial. Strictly business.  
“Hero.” Villain turned back as if noticing him for the first time and gestured to the small seating area beyond his desk. As Hero moved to sit, Villain took the time to study him. It had been almost an entire month since he had last seen Hero. Granted, the times they got to meet after their university days were few and far between and rarely not across the round table of some negotiation.
His hair at gotten longer. It was tied at the nape, a few messy strands escaping to frame Hero’s face. He wore a causal tunic and breeches, his ceremonial sword carelessly tied to a simple leather belt like it was a piece of scrap iron.
Hero was never one for flashy uniforms. His posture was relaxed, but the small tapping of his fingers against the armrest didn’t escape Villain’s notice. So Hero was anxious. Good. 
Villain often had a gnawing voice whispering in the back of his mind that Hero had forgotten him. Nobody forgot Villain. Those in his social circle simpered at the merest morsel of attention from someone of Villain’s pedigree.
Back when Hero’s ire was directed in his direction in competition, he had reveled in the feeling of being alive chasing challenge after challenge. Their glory days were at the forefront of daily gossip constantly. 
Villain hated Hero’s current indifference so much it made his bones ache. It felt like Hero moved on and Villain was still there in that same spot, searching for that rush. Worse still, Villain could admit Hero was brilliant, and it was infuriating. Villain had tutors, training, riches beyond fathomability at his beck since childhood. Yet Hero still managed to keep pace. 
Villain took his seat across Hero, who was making a pointed effort to avoid eye contact. He gazed out at the view Villain had been admiring only moments before. Villain knew Hero was itching to ask why Villain had called him here today. 
It wasn’t like Hero could refuse a summons from the Khalan Commander either way. Hero naturally had better things to do. No doubt he’d rather be off galavanting across the countryside saving every wretch he came across. “Golden Heart” the peasants called him. And secretly, some of the nobles too. A small, hidden part of Villain was disgruntled. Why did everyone else in the world deserve Hero’s kindness, and not him? 
It didn't really matter anymore. Soon, Hero would be at his mercy. And Villain would finally have the upper hand.  
“Before I inform you why I requested your presence today, let us have some tea first,” Villain told Hero amiably, taking ahold of the cup directly in front of him. Villain tamped down the corner of his smirk as Hero’s head whipped towards Villain in a look of uncharacteristically adorable confusion. 
“Tea?” Hero dubiously eyed the cups of enchanted china he had barely given thought to when he had sat down. The liquid inside could stay warm for hours on end, as evidenced from the steam still rising off the surface.
“I never took you as someone who enjoyed tea,” Hero couldn’t resist quipping, “It suits your fine sensibilities.” When it became clear that Villain would provide no further explanation aside from a polite smile, Hero mirrored Villain’s movements and picked up his own cup with a small sigh. 
Villain stared in eager anticipation as Hero brought the inconspicuous love potion to his lips and took the first sip. 
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rabbiteclair · 6 months
more Girls' Last Tour thoughts, which are admittedly mostly thoughts I had for the first time about five years ago only to resurface today upon having a long conversation about the series with a friend. this one is fully spoiler-y
as far as emotional suckerpunches go, I personally think it's like... [the entire Silence chapter] > [Chito's breakdown after she realizes the Kettenkrad's bricked] > [the end of the Art chapter] > [the end of the Life chapter] > 'the planet will finish life's long work and go to sleep as well' > [the actual end of the series]. This isn't a criticism of it, since I really like the end. I just find it kinda funny.
similarly I find it funny that this series, where every named character is strongly implied to die either during or shortly after its events, which is about 40% ruminations on death, containing the line "currently, you two are the only surviving humans of whom we are aware," is categorized as an Iyashikei. H E A L I N G. I mean I don't even necessarily disagree but goddamn.
One of the core dichotomies of the series, I think, is... it repeatedly makes it clear that people have done horrible things here, and the amount of deliberate destruction that's gone on is absolutely monstrous. They stumble onto nukes and giant war robots that can blow up a city, and there are destroyed tanks and giant craters everywhere. Basically everywhere they go is a former war zone. But it takes a really positive view of humanity. Outside of the attack on their hometown in the flashback, every single person they meet is nice and helpful. Any time it delves into human nature, the message is 'actually humans are pretty cool most of the time, and our basic drive is to take care of each other, not this survival of the fittest bullshit.'
which is one thing that I think sets it apart from a lot of fiction in this space? It never tries any kind of 'humanity is doomed in the long run because we're all violent animals beneath the facade of civilization' message or anything. Humanity rules, and it's a genuine tragedy that things have come to this.
kinda related, the series does a lot to make it clear how all of this is an unfathomably large tragedy. There are tons of background shots of entire abandoned cityscapes, there's the chapter with the mass grave, the gigantic library full of books, and so on. The actual scale of 'no, really, everyone and everything has an end sooner or later' gets driven in repeatedly. At the same time, it spends a lot of time on how something as small as destroying a single diary can be a tragedy in its own right, too. I guess I'm just kinda used to media that takes that kind of grand high-level view dismissing the small stuff as trite and unimportant when we could be putting up another number with lots of zeroes to say how many people died.
there are a lot of different ideas floating around on things like what it all means in the end, and whether it's meaningful to leave anything behind. The AI is overjoyed when she gets her chance for oblivion. The people in the graveyard have a statue to watch over them. Chito's attempt to leave something in the form of her diary is ultimately futile, and while she learns to find other meaning, destroying her diary and the books still isn't portrayed as a good thing. Other people are recorded forever in images and videos, and it's wonderful. Ultimately I don't think there's any one answer or message. Keeping with the general existentialist kinda themes, what matters is what the people involved find meaningful in that context, but that drive to create and preserve meaning for the future is both universal and noble.
while there's a lot to be said about the visuals overall... the fact that basically the only thing on the upper layer is a spiral staircase leading up into the air with no destination sure is some symbolism, huh.
similarly, while it wouldn't change the events any, symbolically I think it's very important that their long, ultimately pointless meandering journey that ends in death was upward, not downward.
on another level, though, it's kinda implied that the higher strata are newer/more recently maintained. So it's also essentially them moving through (and revisiting a lot of) human history to take their position at the very end.
Yuu's gun is never used for anything but target practice, and then she chucks it aside as soon as it's too much effort to carry. They use an old tank for a shower. They find a working military sub with nukes inside, and it's only useful because there's chocolate and a way to look at the storage on a camera. The one time they really fire a weapon, it's horrible, and the one thing they kill is portrayed as a tragedy. Even their helmets are mostly a running joke of 'oh my helmet totally would've stopped that falling building.' For a series that includes a lot of military stuff, it regards military stuff somewhere between 'disdain' and 'indifference.' Very 'the world is ending and you think a rocket launcher is going to be useful? Put that thing down and help me look for food.'
that said, the choice to give them a vehicle from WW2-era Germany is still a pretty damn unfortunate one. Considering the series's consistent stance against violence, disinterest in war, and casually disdainful treatment of weapons and military stuff, I'm comfortable saying that Tsukumizu almost certainly isn't a closet nazi, but still. At best it gives the wrong impression to anybody who hasn't gotten about a dozen chapters in and started thinking about the themes, and there's nothing the themes do with it that wouldn't work basically as well with any other military transport anyway.
the fungus things apparently being the inspiration for the god statues is clear enough, but just what their deal is remains surprisingly undefined. I've always figured they were genetically engineered or something, made specifically to clean up the environment. Which is itself a hell of a thing if so, deifying the creatures that basically symbolize 'maybe we can undo the harm we've done, and if that takes longer than we live, at least we'll leave something behind.'
I really don't know how to feel about the whole Shimeji Simulation connection. (if you aren't familiar) On one hand I feel like it undermines a lot of the series' messages to go 'oh but just kidding, everyone's fine and nobody really dies for good.' On the other hand, as somebody who's read/watched through the series about half a dozen times and really marinated in the despair, my primary immediate reaction is 'oh thank god they absolutely deserve this.' And it isn't like I haven't written multiple stories about characters embracing their imminent demise only to turn out okay against all odds in the epilogue.
Yuu's gay little run. this is still a thought
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helix-enterprises117 · 4 months
John Halo character bio
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Name: John Downes
Aliases: "Master Chief" (callsign), "Ranger" and "Jean/Jaune" (out-of-universe nicknames), "The Operative" (by ONI), John-117 and Sierra-117 (serial-designation), "The Demon" (by the Covenant).
Rank: Major
Age and DOB: 22, March 7th 25,530
Enhanced speed, agility, reflexes, reaction-time, endurance and stamina.
145 IQ and skilled in technology and gadgetry.
Multilingual, including alien languages.
(A recent/upcoming upgrade) MIRAGE-IIC suit allows for temporary holo-decoy creation. Also uses Forerunner energy-cells to power it's overshield.
Speicalizes in espionage and scouting.
Personality: Don't let his permanent-resting scowl fool you, John is a kind (if a bit gruff) man whose chip-on-his-shoulder is balanced out by his empathy. He's good with kids and offers a lot of advice despite his young age. He was once an over-achieving control-freak in his child and teen years, but he's long since mellowed out.
Backstory: Born and raised in Fort Elysium on the planet Eridanus-II, where Doctor Halsey took him into Spartan Academy, a military-school designed to train gifted children into noble supersoldiers to combat against the Covenant menace, a threat humanity had been battling since 22,222. John lost Eridanus-II weeks after being sworn in, giving him an unquenchable thirst for vengeance. He was the underdog, and while he's the respected Master Chief (his callsign, not his rank) now, his reputation, accolades and position within the United Nations Star Council DID NOT come easy or naturally, as he had to fight and claw his way to the top.
Relationships: Linda-058 (wife, default AU-canon), Raya Muse (alternate wife, OC AU-canon), Cortana (friend and work-partner).
Facts: He's missing his right eye after getting shot with a plasma pistol by a lucky Jackal who saw him with his helmet off.
Official Character Theme:
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noble-mold · 9 months
"A trap for two" (Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader Fanart)
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What could be better than starting a new blog with bare ass drukhari after 2 years of creative burnout? I swear I tried to put pants or underwear on Marazhai, but it looked ridiculous. Well… maybe the real reason is that part of me didn't want to hide his delicious pale butt cheeks… hehe…
I had extremely low expectations for the drukhari romance because I've read everything I could find about their lore before playing the game. Also I've played a lot of other games set in 40k Universe in the past and read even more books and novels since then (of which I consider only the Ahriman series worthy of any sort of attention). I thought that the paths of MC (Main Character) and Marazhai would certainly diverge forever at the end of the story. If he does not kill her in the epilogue, this already will be a "good" ending to their "relationship". The game actually surprised me with a relatively good ending (good for MC and Marazhai, not so good for everyone else around them), which also felt natural and not like some sweaty fanfiction.
So, the story of my Rogue Trader is quite banal. She was the embodiment of goodness, unusual for the 40k Universe: she kissed babies on the forehead, she fed the hungry, helped the poor and, whenever possible, tried to solve problems in a peacefull manner. She resisted the temptations of ALL the Chaotic Gods, but as soon as Marazhai opened his mouth, I realized that my heroine was doomed. His VA took this character to another level. If Marazhai wasn't romanceable and they had nothing better to do in privacy of her quarters, I would imagine that my Rogue Trader makes him read books out loud to her :D Under the corrupting influence of this drukhari, my heroine turned into a typical noble who does charity and plays a saint to keep a facade, at the same time trying to keep her bloody entertainment a secret.
If you came across this post by accident and do not understand, in the name of the Emperor, what kind of heresy is in front of your eyes, than you can direct this question to "Owlcat Studios". This is not a fanfiction. In the game "Rogue Trader" there is an actual romance with drukhari with the elements of BDSM… And I am grateful for all of the unlikely causes and conditions that this romance actually became a reality and that Marazhai is male.
Nudity and a wall of text. All the things that social media algorithms "love" so much these days, oh…
Software used: DAZ Studio, Blender (Cycles)
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hanggarae · 1 year
time i asked you to be mine ..
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1.9k words, sort’ve enemies to lovers, reader and minghao are stubborn, fluff, angst, set in the same universe as maybe we can try if you let me but yn is a different person !! not proofread
97 line royal au series masterlist
“mingyu, i will quite literally give you my entire kingdom if it means you will shut up about your insufferable duke friend” you glared up at your friend
he pouted slightly before doing his best to bounce back quick, “yn just give him a chance. i promise you won’t regret it!” he claimed excitedly
you rolled your eyes at his insistence, you knew you would regret it. just like you regretted anything that involved xu minghao.
“mingyu please. just drop it” you mumbled, turning back toward the book on your lap
“i don’t have anything to say to the princess, so i would appreciate if you’d stop bothering me about her mingyu” minghao scoffed at his friend, pushing him slightly in order to sit back at his table, “your dream of seeing us together is-“
“how can you be so sure?” mingyu exclaimed, cutting his friend off before he could finish. he’d heard the end of his sentence far too many times from both you and minghao
“neither of you have ever really given yourselves a chance to see what it’d be like to spend more than five minutes in a room together, so how could you be so sure that the two of you could never be anything?”
“i refuse to entertain this anymore, if you’ll excuse me, i’ll be on my way” minghao muttered before turning from mingyu, “i’ll have the guards see you out”
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the universe must hate you.
that’s the conclusion you arrive to when you walk into the meeting you were to attend.
you didn’t mind going to the meeting itself, all you really had to do was meet with councils of another kingdom and discuss plans for the future.
what you did mind however was the ‘council’ you were meeting with being xu minghao.
taking a deep breath, you let your feet move themselves to lead you to the meeting table.
“sir xu, pleasure to be meeting you again” you smiled tight-lipped
had the two of you been alone you would’ve been much more hostile like you’d wished, but it seemed minghao had brought some other nobles from his kingdom, recognising the faces as yoon jeonghan and wen junhui. the two of them smiled kindly at you while minghao mirrored your faux-politeness
you’d spent twenty minutes discussing with the three of them, genuinely enjoying your talks with the three, surprisingly enough minghao included.
his giggles were something that made your heart melt and you’d give all of the jewels on your father’s crown to keep hearing it
that was before junhui and jeonghan had been called for a somewhat urgent matter, ‘nothing urgent enough that requires the duke, we’ll see it through instead while you both continue’, the split second that you’d caught jeonghan slyly smirking to himself reminding you too much of mingyu when he wanted you and minghao to meet
you both continued and wrapped up the meeting, exhausted from fussing over minuscule details. you looked over at him, smiling softly to yourself at how he was dozing off ever so slightly. his eyes peeled open, feeling your soft gaze on him and when he caught it he mirrored it like earlier, except this time with warmth instead of malice
“if you’d like to wake yourself up before your friends return, i know the perfect way you can”
despite supposedly hating minghao, you were enjoying your time with him right now. the calming sounds of nature, the ambience befitting your walk with minghao
“hao look, those flowers are stunning” you sighed happily, “they’ve always been my favourite”
minghao smiled at you, and if he noticed the sudden use of the old nickname he didn’t mention it. before he could reply his attention turned to the man approaching
said man called your name, and you keened when you saw him, running over and enveloping in a hug. you’d spent the next few minutes catching up with your friend before turning back to minghao, excited that you really were able to spend time with him again
“we can wrap this up now if you’re so disinterested, princess” the duke sneered at you
you looked up at him, confused at his sudden shift in behaviour
“are you going to continue staring at me dumbly or are you going to head back?” he said coldly before you could say anything back to him
you huffed at his tone, this really was no way any decent person would be talking to someone. suddenly you’re reminded that his pretty face couldn’t give you enough reason to put up with his ugly personality
you turned your head to the side, smiling bitterly “it’s like whenever you can sense me start to forget why i despise you, you make it some sort of goal to remind me”
you moved to leave, giving minghao no time to say anything back to you, “you really haven’t changed at all, have you hao?”
minghao cringed at the once familiar nickname, one that used to be so full of love. to hear it slip from your lips filled with only hatred
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“you’re an idiot” jeonghan said bemusedly to his friend that was currently on the verge of losing his mind, “if you like her, what compelled you to talk to her like that?”
minghao groaned, “i don’t know. i just wish i could take it back” he grimaced when he remembers your hurt expression from a few days ago
jeonghan sighed again at his younger friend, “well the next time you’ll see her is at the ball isn’t it? we are to still attend so i’d suggest talking to her”
if only it were that easy minghao thought to himself,
as if he could read his thoughts, jeonghan spoke again, “please enlighten me on why exactly the two of you loathe each other”
“it’s a stupid reason, really”
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minghao wasn’t born a royal, nor was he even born a royal. he was simply a young boy when he’d first entered the palace, the former duke promising him a life here. he wasn’t clueless, minghao knew exactly why he was there. from a young age minghao had a talent and it’d been the raving topic of the village school countless times, the royal family knew they needed to get their hands on him while they could
but minghao didn’t have royal blood, and he never would. so no matter how much of a prodigy he was, he’d never fit in, not in this palace of aristocrats
the staff was always much stricter to him, berating him for anything. he was the only person in the palace they could release any anger on, taking the beatings the staff use to vent their frustration at their own job because he and his family had no power to stop them
he hated living here. it made him feel less than human. you made him feel less than human. despite how much he enjoyed being your friend, he couldn’t stop the bitter taste in his throat when he saw how easily you could get away with anything
you were a princess, after all. who in their right mind would ever be able to say anything to you?
he knew it wasn’t your fault, he’d never blame you. until you blamed him. minghao thought that would be the worst betrayal he’d ever felt. why would you blame him? you knew it wasn’t him so why? why would you say that he of all people had broken your mother’s favoured antique vase?
minghao had sworn he’d felt the bruises from that day for weeks. and those same bruises burnt the next time he saw you. and he swears those bruises were the ones that whispered into his ear and told him that he despises you. he despises you and how much of a spoilt princess you are, at least that was how he put it
looking back however, he really can’t find it in him to blame you. you were young, weight of the world on your shoulders. so he really couldn’t blame you for blurting the first thing out when you were being scolded. and it’s not like you knew about the life minghao was living at the palace
unfortunately, minghao didn’t realise this soon enough, because by the time he did, you’d stopped asking if the boy at the palace could come play with you
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it always amazed how the maids were so good at getting the castle ready for a ball, it always looked stunning
you smoothed your hands over your dress when you realised guests were starting to pile in, greeting them politely like you’d always been taught to
you’d seen many familiar faces, but one that you’d completely forgotten about was his
obviously he’d be here, he’s still a duke at the end of the day, even if he was the manners of a far too drunk man at a bar
you didn’t bother greeting him well, you didn’t care enough about appearing any certain way to him. you were actually quite intent on ignoring him for the rest of the night had it not been for his slender fingers slowly wrapping around your own, bringing them up slowly to him mouth to place a soft kiss on your hand
you stood looking at him, gaping for a few seconds before quickly recovering to see the next guest
it seemed like minghao was doing anything and everything to bother you tonight
“would you care to dance, princess?” he grinned at you
you looked at him sceptically, raising your eyebrow “are you sure you wouldn’t be too disinterested?”
if minghao was bothered by your comment he didn’t let it show on his face, too busy focusing his attention on the fluid steps he was taking with you
“i’d like to apologise. not only for my actions the other day but.. it regrettably took a long time for me to realise it wasn’t your fault to blame you for that day all those years ago-“
“it was” you replied, voice small, “it was my fault. and i could never blame you for hating me for it. minghao i promise that if i’d known how they were treating you i would’ve never done, but that doesn’t excuse that i did do it and i’m incredibly sorry for doing so”
the two of you stayed silent for a few seconds, the soft violins in the background being the only sound you could hear
“princess, could i tell you one last thing?”
you looked up at him, nodding at him to go on
“i’m sorry for making you ever think i could hate you. i’m sorry i realised too late just how much i truly loved you”
“well it’s better late than never, i suppose” you smiled at him
“you wouldn’t happen to have something to me, would you princess?” he hummed at you
“well..” you pondered for a few seconds, “i think you owe me another dance if you’d like to know” you giggled
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linonyang · 7 months
pairing: non-idol!felix & gender-neutral!reader
featuring: svt jeonghan and seungkwan
genre: fluff, very minimal comedy (just boohan + reader bickerings), lowkey soulmates au, part of painting faith universe
warnings: none
word count: 2.1k words
synopsis: all you hoped was for you and the cousin's heir to be fated to meet each other. but perhaps the string of fate (and your brothers) quickly pulled you to him sooner than you thought.
tag list: @kpopstuffs @awooghan @cosmic-railwayxo (join the taglist here!)
note: well,,, i am back? here's how felix and his (future) lover met for the spin off/prequel of some sort i'm writing for the painting faith universe!! sorry if this appears to be a little bad and bland since i'm quite rusty like it's been MONTHS since i last wrote something long lol (and yes, i made boohan the reader's older brothers bc why not?? :p) ... hope you'd enjoy this bit !!!
another note: there's no need to read painting faith for this!!! this can be a standalone fic :> just take note that this universe has rival gang au elements, so expect bits of the concept to be mentioned here, that's all !!!
© linonyang - all rights reserved. please do not copy, translate, modify, repost, or claim as yours.
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That face in particular felt like home.
It felt familiar. There is something comforting with the freckles on his cheeks that are as beautiful as the mysteries of space, along with the lashes sitting as delicate as flower petals. The graceful movements and the gentle smile on his face are enough to brighten the sky and calm the seas. 
All you know is that he is related to some of the notorious figures of the city. Also, you only know his name and nothing else. You do not know how he lives, what he likes, and what he exactly does.
You just hope you get to cross paths someday, just to know him.
Seeing him walk around the streets every weekend as a regular among the tented market stalls was enough for you to grow this puzzling curiosity over the Leyva. You have spent the past months sighting the boy every time you spent your early mornings with your brothers at a cafe nearby.
You were brought back to reality by your older brothers who caught you staring at the noble across the stone road. 
“Why are you drooling over that Leyva, _____?”
“Kwannie, the boy is not a killer, unlike his family! Plus, I think he’s quite handsome, there’s no denying that the Leyvas has such genes—”
“Says the narcissist who always admits he’s the most handsome bachelor of the city—”
You laugh and move one of them away from the other, in case anything physical happens. They naturally don’t bicker with each other, but a really great laugh always omits from you whenever they do once in a while. 
Attempting to debunk your brother’s claim, you smile with fondness towards Seungkwan as you recover from laughing over your brothers’ antics, “I’m not drooling over Felix, Seungkwan!”
“My, _____, it doesn’t look like that,” he comically tilts his head, hums, and raises his left eyebrow, enough to make you chuckle further over your brothers. 
Jeonghan waves his hand to the younger brother, “We barely see our youngest eyeing someone, let them be!”
That’s how it goes among the three of you. You never bothered to propose any changes as all of you peacefully and mirthfully grew up together as siblings. Energies might be different for every member of the family, but they all blend very well at home.
“You know what? We’ll visit our mother later tomorrow anyway, why won’t you buy a lovely bouquet of flowers from any of the shops there?” you hear the eldest offer as you bite into the delicious pastry you ordered earlier.
Seungkwan, knowing the intentions behind Jeonghan’s suggestion, hits Jeonghan’s shoulder with his fist and cries, “Ah, I know why you’re asking _____ to do that!”
Jeonghan exclaims and defends you, “I’m doing _____ a favor! They’re old enough to make decisions for themselves. Seriously, Kwannie, let them do what their heart desires!”
You are still aware that they’re in the stage of bickering, so you don’t take into heart Seungkwan’s hostility towards the idea of you getting interested in someone. However, you have to thank Jeonghan for not invalidating the mere possibility of you liking Felix. He didn’t seem to care that you’re doing what many young adults do.
There is just this feeling erupting within your chest every time you see the blond boy.
However now, he is nowhere to be seen in the shops across your seat. He presumably left the area and fled to somewhere else.
Maybe it is not time for you to cross paths, as opposed to Jeonghan’s idea, but there is no harm in walking through the same steps as where Felix just walked moments ago.
Walking out of your seat, you amuse your brothers by telling them you’re going to follow what Jeonghan said. Consequently, you take a few steps back to snatch the purse on the table owned by your brothers and go on with buying a bouquet.
The walk to the shops was very quick, as the cafe was right across the first few stalls under the tents. You thought of splurging with the cash in the purse—more like including buying things you are sure you and your brothers would enjoy.
You know that your brothers would be absolutely endeared with anything matching, hence why you bought three beaded keychains that are shaped like flowers. What makes them more special is that the beads are gradient, making them look prettier than they already are. You decided to match them too with the hibiscus bouquet you eyed on your way to the keychains stall. Both had a combination of violet, pink, and orange, which materialized the sunset your mother always loved.
Your train of thought about your mother took over your mind while window shopping for more items you could purchase. Technically, you’re unable to buy anymore at this point as your hands are immediately full. The large purse your brothers own already takes up one hand, the bouquet for the other hand, and the small bag for the keychains is already hanging in one of your forearms. If you ever buy something else, you just hope that they have bags prepared.
Conscious of what you smell, and your heart calling for the sweet-smelling of banana loaves and brownies, you rush towards the bakery stall and plan to bring home something that you and your brothers can munch on at the end of the day.
Once your sense of smell feels the strongest of the bread and pastries and your eyes are completely fixated on them, you immediately ask for the price.
“Your order’s on us! This is our first time including these in our shop, so feel free to take some home and let us know if it’s great to bake more of these,” the lovely granny tells you.
Your head turns up and you unintentionally create eye contact with one person you never expected to meet.
“Our terrific Felix here decided to help us and include more to the shop,” the granny pats the boy’s back, “he volunteered to bake some samples to be distributed today first before officially including them in the menu.”
Your heartstrings tug at the thought of the boy you’ve been eyeing from afar actually playing a large part in this specific stall, especially during the peak days of struggle in the city. You have known him to be a part of the Leyvas, but you have seen enough to know that he has a soft spot and takes part in many activities in the city. 
Never did you expect that he would directly help a family, all you’ve seen from sighting far away was him supporting many of the stalls by purchasing and befriending many of the vendors.
Staying away from the other side all this time, maybe you haven’t seen everything yet. And seeing more of it just makes your heart yearn for this young boy. 
As the sweet old lady steps away to deal with another customer, the blond smiles at you and says, “I hope you’ll enjoy these! Granny Lou has been special to me, especially to the Leyvas, so I hope the inclusion of new bakes soon can help them somehow, especially they’ve been in need of money for a while now.”
You gasp and eagerly nod. You point at the pastries on the table in between both of you to signal to him that you’ll be taking home (potentially) delicious baked goods. Just based on the aroma, you have no doubts so far that you’d loathe them.
Felix softly asks which you’ll be bringing home, and you answer what you truly want—the banana loaf and brownies—with a smile on your face.
He quickly goes his way to grab a paper bag and prepare your order.
Much to your surprise, he works very enthusiastically. He appears to be enjoying this sideline, just by noticing how he communicates and moves around the stall.
“Here is your order! A loaf and three slices of brownies,” he reaches out a warm brown paper bag, “and three large cookies! I have a feeling that you might enjoy these cookies too!”
Eyes widening, you quickly wave your hand in disapproval and attempt to return the bag, “I believe I would, but this is too much already! Let me pay to help Granny Lou for today, at least!”
Felix shakes his head and gently pushes your hands away, “As granny said, it’s on us. If you want to pay so badly, just come back next week and let us know if you liked the food!”
You sigh. Clearly, you have no choice now, so you reluctantly nod and tell him, “Alright, I’ll let you guys know next week. I’ll also let you know what my brothers think of them.”
You’re not sure why you’re daring yourself to face him once again next week, but you’ll just pray that you’ll be as sane as today when you meet him again.
The blond boy clad in linen squeals and clasps his hands together, “That’s great, more feedback! We’d appreciate that so much!”
“Will you still be here next week?” you ask, finding your way to include another bag in your hands. Barely able to hold everything on your hands, you hear Felix answer yes and ask if you need a larger bag for the things you have to hold.
“Nope, I’m all good. My brothers are nearby, I can give some of them once I return to them,” you look up to meet Felix’s worried face, “really though, no worries, I’m alright. I just didn’t expect to purchase a lot today.”
Worry still apparent in Felix, he asks you once again, “You sure?”
“Yes, _____ will be fine. We’re here!” Felix jumps at the voice coming from nearby, he instantly assumes that your brothers have come.
“Kwannie, you’re so loud!” you hush to Seungkwan, moving your hands up and down to let him know that he should tone down his voice. Jeonghan silently grabs half of the things you’re holding and elbows Seungkwan to grab what remains in your hands.
In the middle of Jeonghan waiting and Seungkwan sulkily playing with you to get the things out of your hands—his voice booming with “Oh, come on, let me hold something for you!”—which made Jeonghan pinch Seungkwan on the waist, Jeonghan quickly greets Felix, which he returns with the same amount of enthusiasm he had with everyone else, and tells you both to go and finally return home.
Just a few steps away from the stall, you ultimately greet Felix with a sweet goodbye. Felix then gleefully waves his hand and tells you, “See you next week!”
“Seems like someone will be meeting someone next week!” Jeonghan smiles and wraps his arm around your shoulder. The eldest appears to be more ecstatic than ever.
“Out of all the people you could meet though, you met a Leyva, _____,” Seungkwan mumbles. 
Jeonghan immediately speaks for you, surprisingly. “I’m pretty sure our youngest knows what they’re getting into. It’s okay to warn them, but don’t overwhelm them too much until the point that your constant warnings will sound discouraging.”
Seungkwan rubs your head with his cheek in worry, “I know, I know. Just be careful, especially since the Leyvas have something going on with the Solanos at the moment. Their tension has gone worse lately, I think it’s just a little scary to be associated with any of them at the moment.”
“I think I’ll be fine. It’s not that he’ll fall in love with me very soon, I think just getting to know him would suffice for me right now,” you unconsciously smile at the thought of finally talking to him.
For someone who’s a desperate hopeless romantic, you are quite lucky to finally bring the prospective red string quicker than you thought. “Something is pulling me onto him, I don’t know what exactly, but I have a good feeling with it. I surprisingly didn’t freak out when he suddenly entered my vision,” you giggled.
Also rubbing your head with his cheeks, Jeonghan giggles and pinches your cheeks, “_____ is falling in love, at last!”
You’ve never been this insane about a guy, which kind of scares you. But as you said earlier, with your impressive performance of not freaking out in front of Felix, you have a great hunch that things will be fine with him—you just know it. You instantly felt this sense of comfort with him on your first contact together, and you have a feeling that it would go on in the future.
“We better make you look good next week—”
“I’m just gonna visit him in the market again, Seungkwan!”
“I’m just looking at it as a date!”
“It is not, shut up!”
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