#nobody and every kit they can get their hands on
corvidaeconundrum · 5 months
Found this and it reminded me of your Warrior Cats au
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Oh its so perfect. That could be applied to so many people, I love it
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stevestark · 4 months
Eddie survives the Upside Down by sheer force of Steve Harrington's will. He, Robin, and Nancy come upon Dustin sobbing over Eddie's very alarmingly still body, and Steve doesn't even hesitate to heave Eddie over his shoulder and carry him to the gate. He refuses to think about whether or not Eddie is dead and this is pointless — he'll be damned if he doesn't try everything. They manage to get Eddie through and escape themselves before the earth starts ripping itself open, and Steve carefully lays Eddie on the bed in the RV, tearing down the road at an ungodly speed, driving straight for the hospital.
He's so singularly focused on not letting Eddie die that he doesn't remember about Erica, Lucas, and Max until he watches in horror as a gurney carrying Max comes flying through the doors of the emergency room, Lucas and Erica running behind it. The nurses stop the Sinclairs from following her through to the surgical wing, and Steve hurriedly vacates his seat, pulling the two kids into a hug, apologies pouring from his lips. Eventually, he stops babbling, and everyone takes a seat, Steve wincing as he does so.
The bites on his sides still smart, but he can — and will — wait to get seen himself until he hears something about Eddie. When they'd shown up, Steve carrying Eddie bridal style and screaming for help, everyone around them had thought Eddie was dead; after getting him on a gurney, a nurse yelled at everyone to shut up as she pressed a stethoscope to Eddie's chest, and the next thing Steve knew, Eddie was being wheeled away from them to surgery. Dustin had fallen to his knees, appearing to be praying to anything listening, and Steve nearly joined him. Somehow, Eddie was still alive. Steve refused to be seen until he knew that was still the case.
Hours pass before they're allowed in to see Eddie; when they are, it's somehow more horrifying than the moment Steve had found him cradled in Dustin's lap. Eddie is still motionless, but now he's paler, there's what looks like a hundred wires coming out of his body, and a tube is breathing for him. Steve hazily registers the doctors explaining that the blood loss was significant, as were the wounds littering Eddie's body, and that it's going to be a waiting game to see what happens next. He startles when he hears the gentle comment that if Eddie doesn't wake within a week, it's unlikely he ever will; Steve refuses to even consider that as a possibility.
Nancy manages to talk Steve into getting his own bites cleaned and stitched, which turns into taking him home for a shower and a change of clothes; they're still driving the stolen RV, and when Steve pulls back into the hospital parking lot, he hesitates before climbing out. Eddie's denim vest is still sitting on the sofa, bloodstained and ripped all over. Steve digs through the cabinets of the RV until he finds a sewing kit, and brings the vest inside with him.
He carefully washes out as much of the blood as he can in the bathroom sink, and plops into a chair at Eddie's bedside, pulling out red thread and a needle from the sewing kit. Nancy, Robin, and Dustin all exchange looks before simply sitting in silence, watching Steve carefully begin to repair every tear in the fabric.
Eventually, Nancy gets a hold of Wayne Munson, who enters the room, sees Steve hard at work on his project, and doesn't say a word — he just pulls a chair up next to Steve's, claps him on the shoulder, and reaches out to pat Eddie's leg through the hospital blankets. Neither Steve nor Wayne leave their spots other than to use the bathroom, and nobody tries to make them.
Three days into Eddie's hospital stay, the door opens, and Eleven, Jonathan, Will, Mike, and someone Steve doesn't recognize enter the room. Steve looks up, unblinking and on the verge of unseeing, before turning his attention back to the vest; two small hands reach out and cover his, and it's only then that he registers who's standing in front of him. Eleven is looking at him sadly, and hesitates only briefly before she leans forward to hug him.
He grips her tightly, and takes a shaky breath before holding a hand out toward the Byers brothers and Mike, and sooner than anyone can blink, there's a massive huddle of arms enveloping Steve. For the first time since leaving the Upside Down, Steve lets himself cry; nobody comments at it, nobody even acknowledges it — other than Eleven, who gently wipes his face with her sleeves when they finally separate.
More chairs are dragged into the room, and suddenly Eddie is the most popular patient in the hospital — tied with Max, of course, as the group takes shifts between the two rooms. Steve and Wayne are the only permanent fixtures in Eddie's room, just as Lucas and Erica are the only permanent residents with Max.
Steve finishes patching the tears in the vest, but Eddie hasn't woken up yet, so his fingers itch to keep going. He pulls out a spool of white thread, and outlines the jagged stitches he made before, carefully working his way over the entire vest once more. When he finishes that, he grabs black thread, and repeats the process.
He's in a sort of trance as he stitches away, conversations happening around him but sounding like they're miles away. It's not until someone physically stops his hands moving again that he realizes the words are being directed towards him; confused, he looks up and jolts so strongly he nearly tips his chair backwards. The person who stopped him working this time is Jim Hopper, and for the first time since the doctor gave them the stupid timeline, Steve feels hope. If Hopper can come back, Eddie can too. Eddie can too.
On day 6 of Eddie's coma, Steve speaks for the first time, tired eyes looking at Eleven beseechingly. "Can you... will you see if he's still in there?"
Eleven takes the bandana Wayne passes her and ties it over her eyes, one hand gripping Eddie's, the other intertwined with Steve's. She focuses on the steady beeping of the heart monitor and the wheezing of the oxygen pump, the sounds allowing her to drift into the in-between. She finds Eddie curled in a ball, hands clutching his sides, tears silently streaming down his face.
As she did with Steve, she gently reaches out and wipes his face clean, and waits for him to acknowledge her; he eventually looks up at her and his eyebrows furrow. "Who are you?" he asks, voice scratchy with disuse.
"Eleven," she says, holding out her hand to you.
"Henderson's friend?"
Eleven nods. "Come. Time to leave here. They're waiting for you."
She pulls Eddie to his feet and starts walking forward, focusing her hearing until she can isolate Steve's breathing pattern under the din of the hospital machinery. Her eyes fly open under the bandana, and she rips it off, turning to look at Eddie expectantly. For a moment, there's nothing and then —
Eddie starts choking on the breathing tube, Wayne starts yelling for a doctor, Steve breaks down in fresh tears, and the kids are cheering.
It's hours of examinations later that Steve is finally able to return to his seat at Eddie's side, everyone, Wayne included, giving him a minute alone with Eddie. When he enters, he notices Eddie is holding the vest, tracing his fingers over Steve's haphazard stitching.
Sheepishly, Steve raises a hand to rub the back of his neck. "Sorry," he mumbles. "I did the best I could."
The stitches zigzag across all the places the fabric had been slashed, both by demobat talons and sharp bushes in the Upside Down forest, and Steve's work has it looking like branches of lightning working their way across the vest. Eddie shakes his head and looks up at Steve, eyes wide and shining. "You fixed it."
Steve shrugs and Eddie shakes his head again. "Harrington.... Steve. You... you fixed it. For me."
Steve inches forward in his seat, and reaches out to grab one of Eddie's hands. "I dunno, I kinda think I fucked it up. But I could tell when you threw it at me that this was something that was important to you. I didn't let that place take you away, why would I let it take your things?"
Eddie laughs, head thrown back against his pillows, hand squeezing the absolute life out of Steve's. When he finally settles, he looks at Steve bashfully, head dipped down just enough that he's looking up at him through his eyelashes. "Talk about a declaration of unambiguous true love," he whispers.
Steve doesn't seem surprised or put off by Eddie's assessment; in fact, all he does is beam at him before lifting Eddie's hand to his face, pressing a featherlight kiss to his bruised knuckles.
"Take me out on a date first, Munson. Then we can start throwing words like love around."
As the room fills with the sound of Eddie and Steve's laughter, the rest of the group filters back in, including Lucas pushing a wheelchair-bound Max; Steve looks around at all of them and sighs around a soft smile.
They won.
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Your wish is my pleasure
Hi guys! The poll which story deserves a sequel came back pretty unambiguous! So, please enjoy more hunky Arab guys in the 3000 follower special: "Your wish is my pleasure"!
In case you want the first part first, here it is:
Greg looked at the lamp in his hand in disbelief. "Was that... because of what I said?"
One of the other guys, Maurice, who had been watching with his mouth open, nodded slowly. "It... seemed that way, bro! You wished for him to be gay and now Catherine is a fucking guy!"
Greg looked at James, and slowly, his disbelief turned into a smug grin that frightened James.
"Is that true, James? Are you gay now? Answer me!"
Again, James was compelled to answer, and so he said truthfully:
"Yes, master! That was your wish."
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Greg turned around to the rest of the guys. "Man, can you believe this? We can, like, wish for *anything* now! Unlimited money!"
"Unlimited women!", Maurice chimed in, getting on board.
"I don't know, but what about James?"
It was Kit, formerly Catherine, who spoke for the first time since his transformation into a hunky guy. He seemed rather uneasy about the whole thing.
"Fuck James!" exclaimed Greg. "He's a real life genie now! Think of all the things we can wish for! You, too, Catherine! You've got a dick now as well, wouldn't you want unlimited pussy for it?"
Kit raised his arms.
"Oohkay, first, it's Kit. And second: Ew. I don't want pussy, just the thought alone..." He shuddered. "No, I prefer cock. Lots and lots of big, throbbing cocks."
Kit licked his lips and looked around at the others, who slowly backed away from Kit.
"God, you're really a fag now, aren't you?" Greg said, looking amused. "Okay, so pussy for the rest of us, and cock for Kit. Fine. It's my wish and nobody can say me and the guys don't like homos, right, guys?"
James perked up. There was a... choice. Greg had clearly said 'my wish', but it still sounded a lot like 'I wish' - enough for whatever power that bound James to give him a choice if he wanted to react to it. And James wanted to. Revenge was best served cold.
"And so it shall be, master!" he boomed, and felt the power surge through him once more.
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"What? No! I didn't wish for anything!" Greg protested, but the other ones were quicker and just stared at Greg.
A wave of blue smoke emanated from James, the genie, and rolled over everyone, with the notable exclusion of Kit. As Greg breathed in the blue smog, his head was swimming all of a sudden and he had to close his eyes. When he opened them again, he suddenly saw his buddies in another light. He noticed things he never noticed before, like Maurice's cute nose or the way the muscles in his back rippled. Greg looked at his other friends and found that they were all handsome dudes. Kit was the cutest of them all, but that changed quickly. The temperature in the room seemed to rise and Greg, as well as his friends, one by one started pulling their shirts off, showcasing their changing bodies.
Every single one of them became even more handsome. Their chests gaining definition and toned muscles showing in the arms. Greg watched in wonder as his abs formed a six-pack and his hair styled itself into a modern, undeniably gay haircut. Every single one of them appeared to be well-groomed and body-focused now, even though they still had their individual touches.
"I... I'm hot." Greg whispered.
The other boys nodded. "Hell yes."
"And gay."
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Greg only noticed he was almost painfully hard from watching his buddies transform into a bunch of flaming homosexuals, when Maurice came over and groped Greg's cock through his jeans. Greg moaned and looked Maurice into the eyes, easily losing himself in the sight. Almost without him wanting to, their faces came closer to each other until their lips locked and they started making out. Greg moaned into the kiss and pressed his body against his friend.
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While Greg and Maurice as well as the other ones were making out, Kit felt a little left out, but as he watched the two men, a certain feeling of arousal was creeping up on him. He looked at James, who was obviously also enjoying the show, judging by his tented underwear. That was a real man. Sure, the other guys were hot, but they were... American hot, but James was pure Arabian beef. And Kit felt bad for him, not able to participate.
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Suddenly, he had an idea. It took a bit of strength to separate Greg from Maurice, but due to his new muscular frame, Kit managed.
"Hey, Greg, you're really hot that way. But you know what would be even hotter?"
Greg's cock was throbbing in his pants and had already formed a wet spot from his pre on the front. That was still more modest than what was going on in the background, where groins were gyrated against each other, and the first pair of jeans was being removed.
"No, what?" Greg moaned as Maurice continued to knead his groin.
"Look at James and how beefy he looks! Wouldn't you want this to be an all-Arabian orgy, instead?"
"Oh, God, Kit, that's such a hot idea." He looked at the lamp he was still holding in his hands.
"Genie, I wish that everyone here is a piece of Arab beef like you and that we all have some fun together, do you hear me? That includes you!"
This time, James was all too eager to grant the wish. With another "And so shall it be!", blue smoke emanated from his body and enveloped the room.
The changes were way more noticeable this time. Immediately, Greg felt his toned chest expand with each breath he took, but not receding as much as it expanded before. That way, his pecs solidified into two solid slabs of muscular meat, each easily the size of a plate. At the same time, his stomach also grew, but only as much as it needed to accommodate the new amount of muscle mass, forming a six pack and a delicious V-line.
At the same time, the skin covering this magnificent torso darkened into a healthy tan that was further visually darkened by the copious amount of body hair that also grew in, starting from his pecs and leading down his midsection, until it finally disappeared beneath the waistband of his jeans.
Meanwhile, his back broadened to accommodate his massive, muscular shoulders, and his biceps swelled up in turn. The changes rippled down his arms, making his forearms, biceps and triceps swell until he looked like a bodybuilder.
But Greg was still standing, and his legs needed attention, too. His thighs became thicker, and his calves and shins swelled in turn, making his jeans uncomfortably tight and constricting. Moaning from the ecstasy of change, he fiddled with his jeans buttons until he finally opened them. At the same time, his shoes were torn apart from the swelling feet and fell to the ground, allowing his toes to spread out in all their glory.
Once Greg had managed to peel off his constricting pants and shook off the remains of his shoes, he could see his body changing in almost full glory. The only garment still on his body was his underwear, but that was tented to the breaking point now. His cock was throbbing like mad, coating his underwear with copious amounts of pre-cum, and with each throb, the magnificent manly rod grew even bigger. It was almost as big as James' cock already and wasn't finished yet.
At the same time, the rest of his body was continuing to bulk up. His backside was expanding, with his butt cheeks bulging out and filling the behind of his boxer shorts to the breaking point as well. All over his limbs, dark and curly hair was sprouting, adding an animalistic appeal. Especially his now enormous armpits filled out with hair and sweat, adding to the quickly evolving smell of manly musk and sexual urges in the room.
When Greg looked up, he saw that the same was happening to his other friends. Their bodies were expanding in size, gaining more muscle and more body hair. Their chests were filling out, their nipples becoming hard, dark nubs in the middle of a sea of hair. Before long, the small shop was filled with a group of hairy Arabs, and their combined smell and urges. It was getting harder and harder for Greg to restrain himself. He didn't recognize any of his friends anymore, and the blue smoke was the only thing setting James apart, who was licking his lips now. Even Kit had changed again and was now one of the similar looking but not identical Arabs in the room. His cock throbbed and Greg felt the testosterone surging in him. Fuck this. He *needed* to breed!
He growled and ripped off the underwear, and his cock finally sprang free, bouncing a little before resting, proud and hard, pointing up at the ceiling. It was the biggest and thickest cock Greg had seen in his life, and his balls, swinging below were heavy weight of their own. Still, in this room, the massive tool was about average. Everyone was more than well-endowed, and Greg couldn't wait to sink his cock into one of the beefy asses available or feel one of his friends' rods up his own. The situation grew tenser by the second, and he could already see one of the men make out with James, the genie. That must be Kit! Greg thought and smiled. He'd always been a little slutty.
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Greg was getting impatient, too, though, and the lust and testosterone inside of him was making him lose his mind. He grabbed the nearest Arab and bent him over, exposing a deliciously hairy hole that was just begging to be bred. Greg didn't hold back and immediately plunged his rock hard member into the man, not caring which one of his former friends it was.
Before long, the room was filled with animalistic grunts and moans from men unhinged. Cocks were shoved up asses, and hands were jerking off the men who were lucky enough to be taken. It didn't take long for the first load of cum to spurt onto the carpet, followed by the next and the next. Soon, the air was thick with the smell of Arabian sex, and the sounds of pleasure.
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As he thrust into the tight ass he had claimed, Greg couldn't remember a time when he was more aroused. The ass around his cock felt like it was made to be bred by him, and the sound of balls slapping against butt was the most satisfying thing he ever heard. He didn't know if the guy was still there mentally or not, but it didn't matter. He had an ass, and Greg had a cock, and that was all there was.
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The orgy continued until the morning sun rose above the antiquity shop. Kit was exhausted as he looked around. It wouldn't be long until his grandmother came in, and probably would die from a heart attack. Valuable vases were shattered by the masculine bodies slammed against them, and furniture broken.
James looked spent, too, but content, when Kit cleared his throat.
"Honey, could you do something about this mess?"
James looked over to his lover and smiled as he snapped his finger.
"Of course, my dear. Your wish is my pleasure."
James didn't turn anyone back, of course. Wish is wish, after all. Every single one of them was now a constantly horny Arab for life. It wasn't a bad life, though, especially for Kit. Having a genie for a boyfriend certainly had its perks.
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Thank you so much again! I'm already looking forward to the next special!
Oh, and since some of you asked: Of course, I will only write one sequel, this one here. However, seeing how popular the second place was, I might write another story that is suspiciously similar and in the spirit of "Calling the plumber", too ;-).
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leahwllmsn · 9 months
alessia russo x reader
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Alessia has someone else and you should’ve known better.
; angst, cheating
I’m in love with Alessia Russo. It was that thought that kept on repeating in your head as Alessia’s blue eyes stared right into yours. With that thought playing on a loop in your head, your gaze dropped to her lips and you unconsciously bit your own. You saw she did the same and you almost, almost leaned forward to capture those plump lips in yours.
But this was Alessia Russo and Alessia Russo had a boyfriend and you knew it wouldn’t be right.
It took everything in you to get your back off the lockers and push her away.
You didn’t even remember how you got into that position in the first place—with Alessia inches away from you, pinning you against the lockers of the changing room.
Shaking your head, you swore that you would never let yourself get that close to Alessia again. You didn’t think you’d have the willpower to resist next time.
But nothing ever went your way and next time came a second later.
Alessia grabbed your wrist and tugged you closer. It was the closest you had ever been to each other and you knew you wouldn’t be able to resist.
“Alessia…” you whispered. You didn’t know what she wanted from you. Alessia had someone, why would she want you?
“Kiss me.” Alessia whispered back and you thought you had to be dreaming. But she repeated her words once again and you felt all the air rush out your body.
“Are you sure?”
You knew that you were crazy to even think about agreeing to the girl in front of you. But having Alessia so close after years of admiring her from afar, you were starting to feel every selfish bone in your body.
So when Alessia nodded, you didn’t waste another second before you pulled her neck and crashed your lips together.
Her hands immediately went to your hips, lifting you up and pushing you against the wall. You knew the door was unlocked and anyone could come in at any moment, but you didn’t care. Besides, it was off-season so no one was likely to be here. So you wrapped your legs around Alessia’s waist and enjoyed the soft moans coming from the blonde as you ran your hand through her hair.
It was the middle of summer. You were exploring the Arsenal training grounds—your future club once the new season starts. The staff told you that you were welcome to use the facilities before training resumed, allowing you to familiarize yourself with the place. Nobody had any more reason to be here since the season has ended, so it was a surprise when you found Alessia Russo doing some shooting practicing on the empty field.
It was another surprise to have your training kit forgotten on the floor as you spent hours worshiping every single inch of Alessia Russo’s body.
But I can see us lost in the memory
August slipped away into a moment in time
'Cause it was never mine
You’ve met Alessia a number of times, your paths always seemed to intertwine. Her playing for England as a forward and you for the Netherlands as a defender, it was inevitable, really.
You two were the same age, thus making appearances for the U15 squad at around the same time until you both made it to the senior squad, at the same time too.
But your relationship with Alessia never went further than the typical hellos and how are yous, which seemed ridiculous with the amount of times your paths crossed. You didn’t even think you two could be considered as friends.
Still though, you managed to develop a crush on her, which over the years, seemed to only magnified—a result of your longing glances from afar on and off the pitch, you watching her post-match interviews from the side like she hung the stars in the sky (plus you watching all the videos of her on Youtube—it was a bit pathetic), and how you hang on to every word your teammates said whenever they shared stories about the great Alessia Russo.
Despite all that, you didn’t try to form some sort of relationship with her. You weren’t the most confident kid on the block. You were fine with that though—admiring her from afar.
Alessia had always seemed to be a galaxy away from your reach.
You knew the incident that happened at the locker room—stupidly charming Alessia Russo looking at you like you were the eighth wonder of the world and not the other way around, it was a nice change for once—you knew it was a one-in-a-million type of thing, and although it was wrong, you couldn't help it. It was all the pent up longing emotions.
You promised yourself that you weren’t going to let your feelings for Alessia cloud your judgment anymore. As much as you wanted it to happen again, you knew better.
Turns out, the incident at the locker room happened again a week later. (You hated how weak you were for Alessia).
You went with your parents to have dinner at their friends’ house, who turned out to be Alessia’s parents and you couldn’t help how wide your eyes went at the sight of none other than Alessia opening the front door.
Unlike last time, Alessia didn’t have her training gear on. This Alessia had a pair of skinny jeans and a white crop top that slightly showed off her abs and you felt so full of a sin for having memories of ripping Alessia’s top while you were with your parents.
“Mr and Mrs y/l/n, happy to see you again,” Alessia greeted them with a hug and a smile on her face. She turned to you and you were surprised when Alessia went to hug you too. “Happy to see you again too, y/n.”
“Oh, I didn’t know you two knew each other!” Your mom’s tone was full of surprise and you didn’t blame her one bit—you usually kept to yourself. The only people your parents were familiar with were your Netherlands teammate, Viv and Jill.
“Just recently,” Alessia answered, her eyes fixated on you. “We spent hours getting to know each other last week.” You want to wipe that damn smirk off her face. “We are going to be teammates after all.”
You cleared her throat, looking away. You definitely spent hours getting to know each other, but it most definitely wasn’t what your parents were thinking about.
“Oh yes! That’s so lovely!” Your mom laughed. “You must bring her out more often, Alessia. We keep on worrying that our schatje will be stuck with two friends for the rest of her life.”
You grimaced at your mom. “I do have friends.”
Your dad went on to explain that it was a term of endearment, mentioning how you didn’t really like it when they called you that, and how you especially didn’t like it when they called you y/n/n.
“Oh that’s a cute one,” Alessia told your dad and your scowl deepened further. You hated how Alessia’s eyes glimmered in amusement.
“It’s just a shortened version of my name,” you waved off. “It’s not that hard to say the whole thing.”
“Any other nickname of hers I should know about?” Alessia grinned at your mom.
“Didn’t you say you two spent hours with each other last week?” Your dad asked, head shaking in amusement.
You could only pray that your face wasn’t turning completely red. “It—it didn’t come up.”
Alessia only laughed and ushered them inside. When your parents were out of earshot, Alessia whispered to your ears, “Can’t wait to know which of your names will be my favourite to scream out.”
You couldn’t concentrate on the entire dinner.
And I can see us twisted in bedsheets
August sipped away like a bottle of wine
'Cause you were never mine
Alessia’s face was the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes. She was looking at you, lying on her side with one hand under her head. Her blonde hair was messy, the sunlight seeping through the curtains made her skin glow more than usual. You thought that she was the most beautiful girl you had ever seen.
You cleared your throat. “Good morning.”
“Good morning,” Alessia said back. “Thanks for sleeping over.”
“Thanks?” you laughed.
Alessia hummed, grinning. “Yes, thanks. You are so good with your—”
“Less!” you immediately put your hand on her mouth and she laughed in response.
“I’m only joking,” Alessia took your hand and intertwined it with hers. “You’re fun to talk to.”
“We only talked for… an hour,” you noted.
“Still,” Alessia shrugged. “I really like talking to you.”
You went quiet after that. You noted how the silence was far from awkward despite you two barely knowing each other.
Alessia’s hands moved to caress your cheeks and you were starting to feel the weight of her touch. What were you doing? You had no right to be in Alessia’s bed. You knew how wrong it was.
But at the same time, it felt so right that you couldn’t help but bury yourself deeper into Alessia’s bedsheets, swallowing yourself with scents of the blonde girl.
“Why are you staring at me?” you whispered.
“Because you’re beautiful.”
You scoffed. “I’m not.”
“You are,” Alessia furrowed her brows. “You’re very beautiful, y/n.”
“There are more beautiful people.”
“Like who?” Alessia looked curious.
You had front row seats to the way Alessia’s cheek turned a brighter red and you enjoyed how she tried to act unaffected by your words.
“Well, I am beautiful.” Alessia said, her voice teasing.
“Aaand I’m leaving.” you sat up, pretending to leave.
“No,” Alessia whined, tugging you back down. “But you’re more beautiful, is what I meant to say.”
You snuggled into her chest. You wondered how something so wrong could feel so right.
“Should we put some clothes on?”
“Why?” Alessia asked, her hand gently stroking your back.
“Because,” you stopped her hand that was trailing further and further down. “Your parents can come in at any second.”
“True.” Despite that, Alessia made no move to untangle herself from you, only hugging you tighter.
You giggled. “So can you let go of me or…?”
“This feels nice.”
“But your parents—”
“I locked the door.”
You playfully slapped her arms. “You couldn’t say that in the beginning?”
Alessia giggled and kissed the top of your head.
You closed your eyes and sighed in content. It felt really nice being in Alessia’s arms. With her this close to you, you could pretend that she was yours—even if it was just for a moment.
“This does feel nice, doesn’t it?”
“It does.”
“What are you doing for the rest of the summer?” you asked.
“Spending time with you, if you’re free.” Alessia answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“I’ll make myself free for you then.” That wasn’t what you should have answered. You should’ve resisted Alessia’s grip and gone home that day and erased any memories of her.
“How does every day this summer sound?”
But you decided that being with Alessia was too addicting.
“It sounds perfect.”
So you let yourself pretend a little longer.
less: come join me at the beach
y/n: it’s so hot out today
less: it’s the perfect weather
less: plus I miss you
y/n: fine
Your back
Beneath the sun
Wishing I could write my name on it
“Told you it’s the perfect weather.”
You looked to your right. Alessia was laying on her front, her back in full display and you wanted nothing more than to run her hands up and down the bare skin. But there were people around and you were sure that what they had could only happen behind closed doors.
“Yeah.” you turned your attention back to your book, but you couldn’t concentrate on what you were reading. Not when you could feel Alessia’s gaze on you.
“What book are you reading?”
“Anna Karenina.”
“Oh, I’ve read that before.”
You looked at her, amused. “You have?”
Alessia laughed. “Why do you sound so surprised?”
You shrugged, a smile on your lips. “You don’t seem like the type who reads books.”
“Hey! I do!” she lifted her head up, resting her chin on the palm of her hands. “Anna had an affair right? And she ran away with her lover to Italy, or something.”
You hummed. “Like what we’re doing right now, isn’t it? Minus the running away part.”
Alessia didn’t say anything at that and you realized how they had never talked about their situation before.
“Please don’t tell anyone,” It was the first time that you heard her sound so timid. “I’m still with my boyfriend.”
Your heart broke at Alessia’s words. You did know from the start that she had someone else and that this wasn’t meant to be anything more than a love affair, but still, it hurt.
“I won’t,” you tried her best to smile. “I won’t tell anyone.”
“I know it’s not fair to you,” she broke your eye contact, her fingers started playing aimlessly with the sand. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m okay,” you replied. You focused your gaze back to your book, trying your best to not show your emotions—at least, not now, not when Alessia was in front of you. “I’ve always known you have him.”
It was far from fine. You felt horrible. You knew a million reasons why this whole thing was wrong.
But you were in love with Alessia Russo and you just wanted to be selfish for a little longer.
So when a notification popped up in Alessia’s phone and you saw a boy kissing her cheek on the lockscreen, you pretended you didn’t see it.
Will you call when you're back at school?
I remember thinkin' I had you
Meeting everyday became a frequent thing and soon enough, Alessia was everywhere.
You would walk down to your kitchen to find her already having breakfast with your parents. Or on days where you woke up earlier than usual, you would jog to Alessia’s house and jump on top of her sleeping figure (to which Alessia would always complain but you could still see the hint of a smile).
You would have sleepovers and mornings together before you two decided to play some football together, it was the one thing you two loved more than anything.
If the security guards and the few staff around started noticing how you and Alessia were always together, they never mentioned it.
Once you two are done, Alessia would drag you off the field to an unused closet and you truly hated how you were getting used to the comfort of tight places with the amount of time you spent hiding away.
“You know,” Alessia trailed a finger down your chest. “You’re the best one I ever had.”
You rolled her eyes. “I bet you say that to everyone.”
You two were on the floor, your clothes spread out haphazardly around you. You were laying on your back, Alessia on top of you. Despite the cold, hard floor, you enjoyed every second of having Alessia’s weight pressed against you.
“No, it’s true,” Alessia smiled flirtatiously. “Who knew? y/n l/n, a monster in bed.”
“You’re always so blunt,” you laughed and leaned forward to peck Alessia’s lips. “We’re not even in a bed right now.”
“Does your back hurt?”
“Just a bit.” Alessia looked worried at your answer so you quickly flashed her a reassuring smile. “It’s okay though, I’m getting used to the floor.”
Alessia shook her head and smiled amusedly at you. “Maybe I should buy an inflatable bed.”
You hummed. “And how will you explain to everyone when they see you carrying a bed to this tiny closet?”
Alessia rested her head on your chest and you instantly wrapped your arms around Alessia. “I’ll just say that it’s none of their business.”
You laughed in response and hugged Alessia tighter.
“Are you hungry?” Alessia asked.
“I’m always hungry.”
“I knew you’d say that.” Alessia’s tone was full of endearment and you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your lips. “Let me sleep for five minutes then we’ll grab some food, okay?”
Before you could reply, you could already hear Alessia’s soft snores. You let out a chuckle, your hand tracing circles on Alessia’s back as you stared at the ceiling.
You didn’t know how long this would last. You were naive to think it would be forever.
You ended up bumping into Alessia’s ex-teammate at lunch. You and Alessia were standing outside a sushi restaurant, waiting to be seated, when you saw two familiar figures walking towards you.
You tugged at your intertwined hands. “Less, isn’t that-”
“Mary and Ella.” you weren't surprised when Alessia immediately dropped your hand.
Alessia looked anxious, she was looking around and you wondered if she was going to ask you to leave.
You could see Mary and Ella recognizing Alessia as they walked closer and closer. And once they were right in front of you, Ella spoke up. “Less? Thought you were too tired to join us!”
“I am.” Alessia answered quickly. Her posture was tense and any trace of smile that she had on previously had now completely disappeared.
It was then that Alessia’s friends noticed you standing next to Alessia. They looked at you and their faces lit up in recognition. “Hi, y/n! How have you been, mate? Did you and Less come here to have lunch?”
Alessia moved away from you and you would be lying to say that it didn’t hurt.
“Oh, we didn’t come together. Must be a coincidence.” You weren't surprised at Alessia’s answer, after all no one was supposed to know about them.
Mary and Ella didn’t seem to believe Alessia, so you stepped back, moving to leave. “Yeah, no, I saw Alessia standing by herself and went to say hello.”
When Alessia didn’t say anything else, still keeping her eyes glued to the floor, you bid goodbyes to Mary and Ella, turned around and left.
less: I’m sorry
Back when we were still changin' for the better
Wanting was enough
For me, it was enough
To live for the hope of it all
Cancel plans just in case you'd call
Alessia didn’t call or text you again for a few days and you decided that you weren't going to be the first one to do so.
But despite everything, you missed Alessia.
And it was for that reason that you spent your mornings waiting by your phone in hopes that a notification from Alessia would appear.
When night time came and there was still nothing from the blonde girl, you decided that waiting was hopeless, you turned off your phone and get ready for bed. It felt like an endless cycle.
You managed to turn off all the lights and slid under the covers, yet every time you closed your eyes, all you could see was you and Alessia tangled in bedsheets.
You wondered how you could forget about Alessia when she was all you think about.
You woke up in the middle of the night, exactly four days since you last spoke with Alessia. The first thing you noticed was the sudden weight against your back. You looked down and saw an arm encircling your waist and you were surprised that Alessia managed to enter your room without waking you up (Alessia was the noisiest and clumsiest person you had ever met).
You sighed and turned around. Alessia wasn’t asleep. After hours of watching her sleep, you could tell when she was only pretending. So you leaned forward and placed your forehead against hers.
Alessia’s eyes slowly blinked open and despite it being dark, the moonlight from the window was able to illuminate Alessia’s features perfectly.
“Hi,” Alessia whispered. “Your parents let me in.”
“I thought you were never going to come,” you confessed.
“I’m late, but I’m here.” Alessia brought her hand up to your face, trailing a finger from your forehead down to your chin.
You offered a small smile. Were you pathetic for finally feeling at ease with Alessia next to you?
“About the thing with Ella and—” she started but you quickly interrupted her.
“It’s okay.” It wasn’t.
You knew what Alessia did was unnecessary. You two were going to be teammates—heck, you two were friends. There was no reason to hide any friendship. But you guessed Alessia didn’t want to be associated with you at all and it hurt.
So, no, it wasn’t okay.
But you were in love with Alessia and you didn’t want to lose her. “No one can know, right?” you gave her a small smile—it didn’t quite reach your eyes.
You’d take having Alessia in secret than not having her at all.
So much for summer love and saying "us"
'Cause you weren't mine to lose
“My boyfriend’s back in town.”
Alessia said it so casually one night that you were caught off guard. Your hand that was gently stroking Alessia’s back stopped mid-air and you slowly sat up, leaning against the headboard and bringing the covers closer to your chest.
All at once, all the dread that you had been trying not to feel came rushing in and after a month of running around with Alessia by your side in secret, reality had finally sunk in and you couldn’t do anything but hope that after everything, you meant something to her.
You knew it was a long shot, but you hoped she would choose you.
“Right.” you replied, because what else were you supposed to say? You didn’t even know where he had gone, you never asked about him and Alessia never talked about him either.
The only thing you knew about Alessia’s boyfriend was that he had something that you so badly wanted.
Alessia fished for a t-shirt that was on the floor and put it on. (You tried to count just how many of your clothing Alessia had brought home and never returned).
The blonde sat cross-legged in front of you. “What’s with the face?”
“What face?”
She gently touched your forehead. “You’re frowning.”
“Oh,” you shook her head, giving a chuckle. “I don’t know.”
You were quiet for a while. You knew how this night would end—you hoped you were wrong though.
But when Alessia smiled and it was a smile so wistful, you knew that you were going to end up with a broken heart.
“You made my summer more bearable, you know,” Alessia admitted. “My family’s a drive away but I see them all the time and I would hang out with the few friends I have here sometimes, but with you, it was so… exhilarating. You made me feel so many things at once, I always felt like I couldn’t keep up.”
You stayed quiet. This wasn’t fair. You did know she had someone else, but after everything you had been through this August, did everything mean nothing to her?
“You’re going to end things, aren’t you?” you spoke up, your voice barely a whisper.
Alessia didn’t answer and it was the confirmation you needed.
“I know what we did was wrong,” you continued. “It will never be right and I’ll always feel guilty about it. But don’t I mean something to you, Less?”
Alessia pulled her knees to her chest, a sigh escaping her lips. “You mean everything to me.”
“Then?” your voice was desperate. “Why are you still with him?”
“It’s complicated.”
You scoffed. “What can be so complicated?”
Alessia gave a small shrug and didn’t elaborate further. So you took a deep breath and leaned forward, taking her hands in yours. “Be with me.”
“y/n… I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I just can’t.”
“But I love you.”
Alessia’s head immediately snapped up. “You can’t.”
You furrowed your brows. Who was she to tell you that you couldn't feel that way? “But I do.”
“We can’t do this anymore, y/n,” Alessia took her hands away from your grip. “Summer’s over.”
“Was that all I ever was to you? A summer fling?”
Alessia didn’t reply, instead she stood up and put her pants on, rummaging around for her bag.
“Lessi,” your voice was a plea. “You’re leaving?”
She took a deep breath and you could see how teary her eyes were. “Please don’t chase after me, y/n. We can’t do this anymore.”
Stopping at the door, she turned to you one last time and whispered an “I’m sorry”.
That was the last time Alessia stepped foot in your bedroom.
You should’ve known better.
Parking your car at the training ground, you looked around and saw how alive this place was after days of secret moments shared between you and Alessia through the barren place. Your heart stings at the memories and you couldn’t help but search for Alessia. With every move you took—stepping out of the car, opening the back door to retrieve your kit bag, locking your car—your mind always returned to her.
And when you finally spotted her, standing by the entrance as she kissed her boyfriend goodbye, their hands staying intertwined until he walked away, you heard your heart break in two.
You should’ve known better.
Your eyes met and you still hoped that Alessia would change her mind.
But Alessia looked away and you had to swallow the bitter reality that she would never be yours.
Walking to the locker room, you wondered how you could ever find someone else when the only person that you wanted was Alessia.
“y/n, hey! Welcome! How was your summer?”
You shrugged. You didn’t even know who had asked you the question, you kept your eyes on your kit bag, rummaging around for your training kit, not bothering to look sideways.
“I feel you,” the girl continued. “August was somehow the worst month.”
You scoffed, your heart breaking and breaking at all the memories. “I agree.”
It was at that moment that Alessia entered the room, hair in a ponytail, looking everywhere but you.
You wondered how quickly she was able to forget about August when you still had dreams of it every time you close your eyes.
When your first training with your new club ended, before you went home, you found a note in your locker. You hated how a piece of paper was able to make you cry, but you kept it in the pocket of your jacket, close to your heart, nonetheless.
You spent the whole ride home thinking about whether you should forget or keep your dreams of Alessia.
You decided that for now, having Alessia’s smile in your dreams was better than not seeing it at all.
I really am sorry for everything
- Lessi
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🌸 could you maybe do a Bucky x reader in which reader clumsily hurts themself (tripping up the stairs, burning themself on a hot pan, nicking themself while shaving, hitting their head on a cabinet they didn’t know was open) and Bucky going absolutely mother hen insisting he takes care of her, basically going complete nurse mode with a first aid kit? Kind of “I can take care of myself” and “shut up and hold still” vibes?😅😂🥰
Bucky x Clumsy!Reader - Headcanons ❤️
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Content Warnings - Mentions of head bumps, cuts/wounds, burns, shaving, general clumsy behaviour.
- Bucky can't help but giggle everytime you hurt yourself. He finds it an endearing quirk of yours, and cannot count the amount of times you've been clumsy throughout your relationship. Though, amongst his amusement, he never fails to care for you with the upmost of sincerity.
- Reaching to the top shelf of the cupboard, it was almost predictable that something would fall, likely on top of your head with a bonk. Familiar with your sharp squeal, Bucky would chuckle, whilst nonetheless placing a comforting kiss on your bruised forehead.
- You'd definitely burned yourself more than once, whether it be on the pan, the kettle, or even your hair straighteners. Hearing a splash of oil following by a high screech, the brunette would be up from the table in a flash, by your side with yet another smirk and a chuckle. "Sit down, Doll. I'll carry on." Grabbing a bandaid from the box, he shushed you as you protested, his firm grasp ensuring your wound was covered and cared for. "Nu-uh. Sit. I don't wanna hear it." His voice still light hearted, there was a genuine sternesss to his words, the soldier intent on having you rest.
- Walking into your shared bedroom, Bucky flinched at the sight of the blood tricking down from your inner thigh. "Oh Doll. You shaved again?" He would ask in amusement, already familiar with this exact circumstance. Fetching a damp cloth, the avenger would tend to the cut gently, swatting your hand away as you attempted to take over. "Hold still, i've got you." Kissing the dry wound, he would gaze up at you with adoring eyes, truthfully enjoying every second of such tender love.
- Intent on being your fierce protector, nearly every item in the house had been threatened by your boyfriend. The first time you hit your head on a cabinet door, the soldier vowed to 'give that piece of wood a taste of its own medicine', because 'nobody hurts his babydoll and gets away with it.'
- Accepting your clumsy nature was part and parcel of Bucky's relationship with you; that was clear from early on, the brunette unable to forget when you tripped up the stairs on your first date. But, admittedly, he would never have it any other way. He was happy, more like honoured, to tend to those needs. After so many regrets in his life, these moments of care were somewhat validating; a chance for the repenting soldier to finally help, to finally do good. ❤️
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ponyosmom35 · 4 months
she goes into the field
Simon ghost riley x reader
synopsis: there is nobody else available, so Laswell sends reader into the field to provide medical aid for Gaz. Ghost isn't too happy.
warnings: blood, gunfire, war, cursing, angst
Link to master list:https://www.tumblr.com/ponyosmom35/733401347573088256/simon-ghost-riley?source=share
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She exhaled a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding in as her patient stabilized. It had been two hours of intense tedious work to keep him alive. She takes off her gloves and washes her hands thoroughly before walking out of the room. She spots Laswell talking to another medic and joins them.
"y/l/n what updates do you have for me?" she asks 
"Everyone seems to be stabilized for now" 
"Who can you spare for the field?" 
"We don't have anyone here with combat experience" the other medic, Miranda answers. 
"what's going on?" she asks in concern
"Kyle's been hit, it's not looking good, they're requesting immediate medical" Laswell says running her hands through her hair
"I can go" she responds without hesitation 
"James this is a dangerous situation, the team is in active battle and there is no room for mistakes, a man's life is at stake"
"I can do this Laswell, its an extraction right? so I won't be in the fight I'll be giving Kyle medical attention" 
"fuck" Laswell curses "follow me and we'll get you prepped"
She followed her superior wordlessly as she rubbed her hands together nervously. She kept herself as calm as she could as a bulletproof vest was strapped to her torso and she was handed several weapons, including a gun and a few knives. She straps the medical kit on her back and holds the large military rifle in her hands, careful to point it to the ground. She'd placed her hair in a quick ponytail and followed the older woman to the helicopter pad along with the other soldiers who'd be aiding in the fight. 
"listen up everybody! this is an extraction, we're sending y/l/n to give Garrick medical aid. you are to assist her and watch her six, she is not to have a scratch on her. if she's not able to help then Garrick won't make it. It's your job to protect her - no matter the cost" she says looking at each one of them in the eye "Captain Price and Lieutenant Ghost are in command and will give you further instruction when you land, good luck" 
She grabs a soldier's arm and allows him to help her into the chopper. The ride was brief, but every second felt like an eternity as she braced herself for what awaited on the ground. She could hear the explosions and gunfire and she closed her eyes, as the pilot informed them they’d be landing here. Gunfire begins to hit the chopper and she holds onto it as it begins to spin. 
Ghost curses as he realizes that they were gonna crash and signals to the soldiers inside to jump out. He watches a rope drops to the ground and the team begins to lay down cover fire. He catches a glimpse of red hair in his peripheral vision and his head whips around so hard he was shocked his neck hasn’t strained. 
Her presence struck Ghost like a hammer blow. His heart sank, a rare emotion piercing through his stoic exterior. In that moment, he realized with a clarity that frightened him just how much he cared for her. The thought of something happening to her was unbearable. She had been through a few training sessions, but she was not equipped for this level of combat. The battlefield was no place for her, and the realization that she was here, in the midst of danger, shook him to his core.
Ghost’s eyes widened in horror as he saw her. He watched as the chopper got closer to the ground and the soldiers surrounded it, laying down additional cover. She jumps out holding her gun improperly and her eyes searching frantically for anyone on the team. Time seemed to slow as bullets rang through the air. Narrowly missing her.  
In the blink of an eye, Ghost lunged forward, grabbing her and pulling her down, shielding her body with his as bullets whizzed past them. He provided cover fire, his instincts taking over. The enemies were relentless, and the rest of her team was quickly overwhelmed. Ghost’s anger boiled over, fueled by a deep, unspoken fear.
"Stay down!" he barked, his voice a mix of command and desperation. He continued to shoot, each bullet finding its mark with deadly precision.
Seeing Ghost standing above her, she was able to feel a sense of relief amidst the chaos. She looked up at him watching as his strong body positioned itself in front of her, protecting her from any danger. 
The firefight was intense, but Ghost kept her safe, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. How could he focus on the mission when every fiber of his being was screaming to protect her? He needed to ensure her safety, but he also had to get them out of there alive. The dual responsibility was overwhelming.
“I’m gonna provide cover and I need you to run towards that pillar behind you got it?” Ghost demands, his gaze finding hers. She nods, her eyes wide and blown out as her body shakes. 
“On three” he commands “one, two, three, Go now!” he yells
Ghost shoots rapidly at the enemies and she sprints toward the pillar as quickly as she could. Bullets ring through the air and she trips on a body in her path. She pulls her body up off of the ground and continues to safety. The feeling of strong hands on her body catches her by surprise. Before she could react Ghost pulled her behind the pillar and held her back against his chest. Her chest heaving as she attempts to catch her breath. Ghost lets go of her and glares down at her with his dark eyes. 
“I need you to run to the corner of the building, I’ll be right behind you” he instructs.
She nods and wastes no time in making it to the building, she throws her back against the wall and leans on it with her eyes closed. Finally, they fought their way back to a relatively secure area. 
“Red?!” a familiar voice calls out
She opens her eyes and she frantically searches for him. His mohawk catches her eye and she nearly cries in relief as he sprints over to her. He places a hand on her shoulder, he was talking to her but her ears were ringing and her body shaking. Johnny recognized the blank stare and placed a hand on her shoulder, the other holding his gun up in case any of the enemy had made it past their perimeter. He leads her to the abandoned building they’d set up in and takes her gun off of her, dropping it to the side. She finally locks eyes with him as her hearing returns. 
“Johnny” she rasps 
“You okay Lass?”
“I’m good” she nods 
The masked man enters the building moments later, the anger radiating off of him as he approaches the medic, Ghost's anger exploded.
"What the hell are you doing here?" he yelled, his voice harsh and unforgiving. "You shouldn’t be anywhere near this!"
Still catching her breath, met his furious gaze with steady eyes. "Laswell sent me. No one else could go."
"That’s not good enough!" Ghost shouted, his fear masking as anger. "You’re not trained for this! You could’ve been killed!"
Before she could respond, Price intervened, his authoritative presence enough to quell Ghost's fury. "Enough, Ghost. We need to focus. Laswell sent her to save Gaz and that’s what she’ll do” 
Price nods to the young medic and offers her a small smile, which she returns. Johnny sighs, leading her to where Gaz lay gravely injured. Her medical training took over, and she worked with precision and calm, stabilizing Gaz and saving his life. She could feel eyes on her but she refused to let it distract her. The immediate crisis passed, but the tension between her and Ghost lingered.
As night fell, they had to stay put, waiting for an evacuation plan to be established. She stayed by Gaz’s side, ensuring he was stable. It wasn’t until Ghost entered the room silently, she looked up at him sensing a presence behind her and gasps sharply. 
“You scared the shit out of me”
“Sorry” he says as he sits down a few feet from her.
“He’s okay for now, but we need to get him back to the base, he’s still losing blood” she says 
“We’ve got two teams coming tomorrow at dawn”
“Good” she says softly, refusing to meet his eyes as she picked at her nails. 
He sighs, feeling guilty for his aggression earlier. He hadn’t meant to upset her, he was simply scared for her safety. Ghost had never been good with words, he didn’t know what to say - so he stretched his hand out to her - offering a candy bar. She looks at him in amusement and shakes her head gently. 
“Keep it, you need it more than me” she says gently as the breeze causes her to shiver slightly. 
"I shouldn’t have snapped at you," Ghost said. His voice was softer now. "I never wanted you to see this."
Her expression was resolute. "It’s my job, Ghost. I go where I’m needed."
He finally turned to face her, his gaze softening as he noticed her shivering. Without a word, he took off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. "Get some rest. I’ll keep watch."
The next morning, they received evacuation orders. The extraction point was two blocks away, and they had to move quickly. Ghost placed her in the middle, with Soap and her supporting Gaz. He took the lead, his eyes scanning for threats. Every time a sniper took aim at them, Ghost was there, eliminating the threat before it could materialize.
As they neared the evacuation site, an explosion rocked the ground, sending debris flying. Ghost instinctively shielded her with his body, taking the brunt of the blast. The world spun around them, but they managed to stay on their feet, pushing forward until they reached the extraction point.
The sight of the helicopter with backup filled Ghost with a profound sense of relief. But his heart sank again when he saw her bloodied sleeve. A deep gash ran along her arm, and he gently touched it, causing her to wince in pain. He wordlessly lifts her into the Heli and helps the others before jumping in and sitting beside her, keeping his body between her and the open door as he fires down on the leftover enemies. 
“You’re bleeding y/l/n” Price notes
She hesitated, her instincts to take care of herself kicking in. “I’m fine”
“Make sure you get that taken care of when we get back” he responds, his strict tone making her nod. She places a hand on Gaz’s arm and stares out of the door, watching the scenery as they fly back to base. 
Once they arrive Ghost exits the chopper, while Price and Johnny carry the stretcher with Gaz on it to the med bay, he watches her stand and walk to the edge. He holds his arm out, she takes it and jumps down. Instantly feeling better now that they were back on base. She hurries after Gaz, Ghost hot on her trail. She enters the med bay and informs the others of his status. Before she could put gloves on to begin a blood transfusion Ghost grabbed her arm causing her to look up at him in annoyance. 
“You need to get that taken care of” he gestures to the blood dripping down her arm. 
"Fine" she says walking into the office, she takes off the long sleeve, leaving her in a black tank top. Ghost follows her into the office, his breath catching in his throat as he stares at her in awe. He hadn’t seen so much of her skin before. Typically her arms were covered by scrubs and a long sleeve underneath. His eyes follow from her chin down to her chest, admiring every inch before she looks up at him. 
“I’m good” she says
"Someone needs to take care of you for once," Ghost replied firmly, his eyes betraying a depth of concern she hadn’t seen before.
She nods and watches him take off his gloves, washing his hands as he puts some latex on. She gulps at the sigh of his tattoos and clenches her legs involuntarily. Ghost carefully cleaned and dressed the gash, his touch surprisingly gentle.
"Thank you for saving me," she said softly, her eyes meeting his.
Ghost looked at her, his expression serious but soft. "We look out for each other"
The bond between them, forged in the crucible of battle, had strengthened. They were comrades, but in that moment, they became something more—a team bound by trust and mutual respect, ready to face whatever came next together.
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honeipie · 5 months
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part 2; izuku midoryia x fem!reader
synopsis: the captain of japan’s hockey team has his eye on the coach’s daughter
( the smaller font is gonna be a flashback! )
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izuku midoryia, the black heron. people never really know what they are, and that’s what adds to his un-expecting nature. the black heron is most known for its unique methods for catching prey. the bird forms its wings to look like an umbrella, keeping out light from under them. the fish then mindlessly assume that this is shelter, some sort of safe haven. that is until the heron strikes, making sure that nothing is left behind.
he never wanted to get into any fights. if he had participated in one it’s likely because he had been roped into it trying to get katsuki out.
there were two reasons he didn't feel the need to fight. one, he just wasn't raised that way. if inko knew that he was picking any fight he could get she would drag him out of the rink by his ear. and the second was you.
"i don't like seeing you get hurt izu. especially when it's because of someone else" you had snuck back into the locker room once all of the players, plus your dad, had went home. the first aid kit sat by your side because he didn't let anybody else tend to him. he had said he was fine, but you weren't just going to let him go on in his current state.
"i know, i'm sorry" he mumbled under his breath, almost embarrassed that you had to see him this way "i just wanted to pull kacchan out of there. you know how he can be"
you placed a band aid on his cheek before placing your hand over it "i know you worry about him, but sometimes it's okay to let him fight his own battles. how will he learn if he never gets a chance?" his eyes gazed into yours and finally gave in. he let out a sigh leaning his head more into your hand.
"you're right. i'm sorry again"
you giggled at the sight of him. practically melting into you with the most apologetic tone. leaning in you placed a soft peck on his lips "it's okay my love. you're just trying to be the best captain you can be"
the kiss left him with a giddy smile on his face. he just loved you so much. it's not like he didn't want to make your relationship known to the world, he did. it's just your father was the problem.
yes, he was an amazing coach and mentor, but he played no games when it came to you. and yes, the two of you were both adults and could do what you wanted. it’s just that both of you knew that the news would probably piss him off for the rest of the season.
it really all started at one of the first practices you had attended, denki decided that it would be a bright idea to discuss just how attractive you were in the locker room.
"i mean did you even see her? she's gorgeous!"
sero chuckled grabbing his jersey "gorgeous, yeah, but she's the coach's kid, so messing with her is some dangerous game you're playing"
denki shrugged with a smirk on his face "i ain't afraid of a challenge" the locker room went silent after that comment. denki lifted his head up with a raised eyebrow "c'mon you can't tell me that you wouldn't want to get with her!"
"get with who exactly?"
the voice made denki's blood run cold. he gulped silently as he turned in his spot. he came face to face with your father who did not look happy. arms crossed, he took another step closer to him.
"get with who?"
“i- nobody-“
“i should shove you against these lockers right now. don’t ever speak of my daughter like that again do you hear me?” he looked up making sure to make eye contact with every single player in that room “this goes out for everyone. if one of you even thinks about getting with her then breakin’ her heart i swear i’ll make your career living hell. do you understand?”
a bunch of yes sir’s could be heard around the room. it was right on time, because you had just made your way into the locker room but with your back turned.
“everyone is decent right? i don’t wanna see anyone’s junk”
“you’re fine y/n” your dad shook his head as you turned around with a smile. in your hand you held a plate of cookies with labels on some of them “sweetheart, why would you bring those everyone’s on a strict diet”
you rolled your eyes taking off the plastic wrap “dad i know. that’s why i made the healthier cookies not the regular ones. they have flaxseed, bananas, oats, stuff like that!” you looked around the room with a happy smile “does anybody want one?”
the team looked down at the plate of cookies, then at you father. he nodded in approval which made them cheer in approval. you went around the locker room handing them each a cookie. when you got to izuku it was like the world stopped for a moment. freckles scattered across his face, and shifting when he went to smile.
his smile.
it was one of those things that you would never get tired of.
you’ve had a crush on him for a while, but had only seen him on television or from a distance. when your father said you could help out at the rink you’ve never been faster to agree.
the sound of your name quickly pulled you from your daydreaming. izuku had been calling your name growing concerned each time you didn’t answer.
“sorry! i zoned out for a second there”
the smile made its way back onto his face hearing you were okay “good, i just wanted to know what the options were”
you explained everything that you had and he ended up taking one of the more plain cookies. deciding it was now or never, you made some conversation.
“you’re the captain right? how’s captaining?” what a smooth talker you were.
he chuckled a bit at your question “yeah, i am. captaining has been good. just hoping i can lead my guys to victory, y’know?”
you nodded along ready to leave before you embarrassed yourself any more, but there was one more thing you had to say.
“you’re doing great. the way you encourage your teammates and bring them all together is really inspiring. you can even tell the difference in the way they’re playing. just keep doing what you’re doing” with a smile you walked off going to hand off the last of your cookies.
red, everything was red. izuku had to turn his whole body just to make sure your father didn’t see the way he was blushing. the compliments you gave him were like cupid’s arrows to the heart.
katsuki stood next to him watching the whole interaction go down. with a shake of his head he sighed “you’re in fuckin’ trouble”
you had been “seeing” each other for a couple of weeks, but decided to make it official about six months ago. both of you being extremely happy and secure in your current relationship, and maybe when the hockey season was over you could really settle.
by the next game, izuku could take the small bandages off his face. there was no pre-game routine the two of you had, you didn’t need one. he knew you were there for him and only him, and you trusted him enough not to do anything. though you did keep a piece of him with you as he played.
usually you would wear a hoodie to games, so underneath you would wear one of his shirts. and don’t think forgot about you. izuku had carved your initials into his favorite hockey stick long ago. you decided on sitting in the box with the players on the bench, just on a separate chair. this game would be a big one, and you could tell by your fathers pacing back and forth.
“they’ve got this dad, don’t worry”
he sat down next to you with a heavy sigh “i know honey. we just can’t have anything go wrong” you gave him a pat on the back as you watched them line up. izuku had took his place with a focused gaze.
he was naturally a fun and playful person, but as soon as he stepped onto that ice, it was go time.
the starting sound rang out and they were off. speeding across the ice like their lives depended on it. you cheered every time a goal was scored making sure izuku could hear you above the others.
they were doing amazing in the first two periods. always up by at least three points. plus not even one fight insinuated from katsuki. it’s in the third period where you saw things start to get a little rocky. izuku was starting to slip. every time a certain player from the opposing team got near him he would miss a shot completely.
your dad whistled for him to come back over to the bench “kid the hell are you doing? get it together before you’re benched for the rest of the game, you hear me?” izuku gave him a silent nod, but you could tell that he was barely listening. you wanted to reach out, to ask what’s wrong, but all you could do was sit back and watch it happen. it was a good minute before izuku was let back on the ice again.
he had seemed to regather himself and was able to shoot a few passes, but once the player came back it all went downhill.
you could see your dad shaking his head out of the corner of your eye “dad maybe it’s just an off day. everybody has them-“
you had looked away for a second.
and when you looked back you saw izuku yelling at one of the players from the other team. the player had shoved him hard which gave izuku an opening. balling up his fists he sent a punch directly to his right cheek, but he didn’t stop there. he made sure to grab his jersey and pull him down to the ground with one hand and still tried to punch him with the other.
the refs finally stopped it when they saw the other guys nose was starting to bleed. two of them just had to pull izuku off the guy. he had been so distracted by what the guy said he didn’t even know he had kept going. you watched as they didn’t even drag him to the penalty box, but off the ice.
he couldn’t even look at you as he walked down the hallway back into the locker rooms.
“what the hell’s gotten into him-“
you didn’t wait for your dad to finish his sentence as you climbed over the small wall and headed down into the locker rooms.
“izu?” you saw him sitting on one of the benches head down and in his hands. there was some room next to him so you sat down gently rubbing his back “baby what happened out there?”
he didn’t talk right away, just trying to get his breathing back under control.
“they were just- just talking a bunch of shit. i didn’t care when they were doing it about me, that’s whatever. but somehow they know about me and you. the only people that really know is the team. i’m not sure how it even got to him”
it finally clicked. how he was playing, how the players kept getting close to him.
“you did it cause they were talking about me? izu you didn’t have to”
he shook his head “no, no i did have to. y/n you’re my girlfriend. if you think i’m gonna let some douchebag insult you when you’re not there to defend yourself then you’re crazy”
“oh izu” you cupped the other side of his cheek going to turn his head to face you. at first he wouldn’t meet your eyes, but it didn’t take long for his to find yours again “i am very thankful that you defended me like that. i would even say it was very, very hot”
this made him laugh, showing the smile you fell in love with.
“what i’m trying to say is thank you” you leaned in giving him a long kiss. when you pulled away you finally noticed the cuts and spot that was definitely going to bruise “i’ll get something to clean you up” you went to turn on the bench but stopped seeing someone standing in the doorway. the two of you stared in shock for a second before you got up “dad don’t do anything stupid”
he walked closer to the two of you, nodding his head towards the other hallway “the first aid kit hasn’t been refilled from the last fight. can you go find someone who can do that for us?”
“dad i don’t think”
“fine” you leaned down to kiss izuku’s cheek, but also whispered in his ear “i’ll be right back”
once you turned the corner, your father sat down next to izuku with a sigh. the green haired male looked down at his hands unsure what to say.
“i love your daughter” he blurted out cheeks bright pink from embarrassment “really, really love her. and i know you don’t want anyone from the team dating her-“
“no sir, i’m sorry i have to finish this” izuku looked him straight in his eyes a small lump forming in his throat. this could either go amazingly well, or absolutely horrible. your father stared him down for a couple of seconds before nodding that he could continue “thank you sir” after taking a deep breath he went on to start.
“i tried to respect your wishes, i did. but every time i saw her, it was like i was drawn to her. i wanted to make her laugh because i love her laugh. and i wanted to make her smile more than anyone or anything. you raised such a kind, beautiful, and caring daughter that i just- just can’t imagine my life without. sorry if you think this is not manly of me, it’s definitely not how i thought this was going to go. thought i’d puff my chest out and do some big ‘it’s not your choice anyway’ shit but i’m not like that” he shook his head “you’re her father, and i respect that. i wanted to let you know how i really feel, and that she’s in good hands”
your father listened intently to izuku’s lovesick rambling. he noticed the way he smiled when he talked about you. along with some far off look in his eye. probably daydreaming about the future the two of you hold. lifting up a hand he clapped izuku on the back “i appreciate everything you’ve said. and i hope this doesn’t make it any less when i say this but.. i already knew about the two of you. maybe not dating but i could tell from every interaction the two of you had that something was going on”
izuku’s mouth hung open at the news. he just couldn’t believe that he had hid it for this long.
“i trust you. i trust you on the ice, and i trust you with my daughter. you’ve been nothing but good to her. so if you want my blessing you’ve had it for a long time. for what you two are doing now, and any plans you have in the future” with his other hand he tapped one of izuku’s fingers making his face turn a deeper shade of red.
“thank you sir. i’ve been thinking about it a lot lately and-“
“thinking about what?” you asked walking into the room with a first aid kit. eyebrows knit together at the sight of your fathers hand on izuku’s shoulder “dad please tell me you didn’t threaten him or something. i’m a grown woman and i think i should be able to be with whoever i want” you’ve been mustering up the courage to say that ever since you’ve retrieved the first aid kit. your father got up heading over to you.
“i agree”
“i can try to see where you’re coming from but- huh?” you stopped your practiced speech when he came over to hug you.
“he’s a good kid, and i can tell he loves you” he placed a gentle kiss at the top of your head “im sorry that i made you feel like you needed to hide this from me. your mother has told me countless times that we need to set boundaries and i never listened, but i am now”
you started to tear up, but quickly blinked them away “thank you dad. that means a lot” a horn sounded meaning that the brake was now over. he stepped away going back into the doorway before turning around.
“midoryia this doesn’t mean that you’re off the hook. you’re out for the rest of the game so get cleaned up” he pointed towards the two of you “but not together”
your face got hot and you grabbed the nearest jacket and threw it at him “get out!” he let out a roaring laugh that echoed through the halls until he was gone. shaking you head you sat next to izuku again “the audacity of that man” you mumbled going to open up the first aid kit but he stopped you.
izuku gently grabbed your one hand placing a kiss to your wrist. this made you giggle but you didn’t pull away “what’s with you?”
he then placed a kiss to the back of your hand “i’m just happy he found out. it’s like a weight lifted off my shoulders” you hummed in agreement.
“so what did you tell him?”
the last kiss was placed on your fingers. the fingers that intertwined with his own. the fingers that held his face every time you wanted his attention. the fingers that soon would be accented with a beautiful wedding ring.
“the truth”
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peachybeom · 2 years
hickeys ♡
slight suggestive
beomgyu x reader
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You stared intensely at the empty bottle of concealer in your hand, as if your continuous gaze would magically refill the product which was now hollowed out inside it.
Defeated, you set down the bottle on the slab and inspected yourself in the large mirror situated in front of you.
You were dressed in a strapless black dress, for which you had saved up for almost an entire month.
Your makeup was light but sophisticated and hair rested gently on your shoulders in long beachy curls.
This look was as admirable as you can present yourself to be, and you were satisfied with it- until your eyes again travelled to the giant reddish blue bruise imprinted firmly on your neck.
You cursed your luck, when you found out that you had run out of the concealer, one you usually used often to cover these love bites, because everything else in your makeup kit just seemed not to be doing the trick.
You tried everything-using three different shades of foundation, excessively rubbing your skin with a toothbrush, even spraying your hair stiff to hide the sore spot but nothing seemed to be working.
You let out an irritated scream and slammed your hands loudly on your vanity.
Today was one of the most important day in your and Beomgyu’s relationship. You two had been going out for almost an year and Beomgyu’s parents had invited you to their yearly business celebratory dinner.
You knew this dinner was a big deal because it was supposed to be attended by important people along with family, the higher ups who held valuable assets in Choi Businesses so naturally you had planned well in advance, picking out your dress weeks ago, practicing civil conversations one could have with their boyfriend’s parents again and again in your head so you could leave a good impression on them.
“Is everything alright babe?” Beomgyu asked in a concerned tone.
You turned to look at your boyfriend and your breath almost got caught up in your throat.
He was still in the middle of getting dressed, hair slicked back neatly and shirt buttoned up halfway through the top.
Choi Beomgyu screamed perfection, without even trying.
You quickly brought yourself back to reality and scowled at him.
“This is your fault,” You said pointing at the hickey now almost turning red.
It was indeed his fault. Last night Beomgyu acted unusually needy and demanded attention. One too many glasses of wine later you both found yourselves on the couch exploring every crook and crevices of each other’s body while a marvel movie played out in the background softly.
Beomgyu stepped closer, and bent slightly almost closing the gap between the two of you.
“Wha-what are you doing?” You stuttered at the sudden proximity.
“Hmm I think I could have done better,” Beomgyu responded in an amused tone, touching your neck gently.
“Beomgyu!” You slapped his arm and pointed at the clear bottle placed at the side of your table.
“I ran out of the concealer and now I have no idea how to cover this up, I’ve tried doing everything-oh my God we only have an hour and half left!” You panicked burying your face in your hands, this was not how you planned to start your evening.
“Hey hey hey it’s fine we will figure something out,” Beomgyu said holding your hand in his, biting back a smile.
The truth was that you were making a big fuss of the party. Though today was an important day, Beomgyu knew that his parents would adore you as soon as they met you.
They wouldn’t mind if you didn’t act perfect- nobody would but still he let you plan and plot every move for tonight just because he thought you looked cute doing it.
“Let’s try looking up on the internet yeah?” Beomgyu said in an attempt to calm you down.
After a few minutes, there you both sat on the floor of the bedroom, makeup brushes and palettes scattered everywhere in the room.
“How about we cover it up with a band aid?” Your boyfriend suggested as he scrolled through his phone searching for remedies on hiding hickeys- his search history similar to a teenage girl who just spent the night at her crush’s house for the first time.
“No that would look too odd,” You responded pouting.
“You know what I think I should just give up and change into something else, even though this dress costed a fortune,” You continued in a disappointed tone.
“No I found something! wait a minute,” Beomgyu exclaimed loudly before getting up and leaving the room hurriedly.
After a while Beomgyu returned with an ice filled bowl and sat down next to you.
“Tilt your head,” He ordered.
You carefully obliged and closed your eyes involuntarily when the small block of ice came in contact with your skin.
“I’m supposed to rub it on the hickey for a few minutes and it will disappear,” Beomgyu explained, but you hardly paid attention because the sensation of the ice mixed along with his breath on neck for even just a second had you on cloud nine.
A few minutes would be torture.
Beomgyu seemed to have caught on your reaction and decided to tease you further.
He purposely added another ice cube between his fingers and your neck and applied slight pressure causing it to melt faster.
“Almost done, just a little more,” He whispered, lips grazing your ear seductively.
You bit your tongue in response holding back your breathe successfully.
“Or we can speed it up a bit,” Beomgyu moved closer to your neck and gently licked the droplets of water forming just on top of your hickey.
“Oh my god,” You let out breathy moan, tightening your grip on the chair next to you.
“You don’t want me to stop, do you Y/N?” Beomgyu smirked as he moved his lips upwards to nibble at your ear.
You tried to reason with yourself, reaching out for Beomgyu’s hand which was now slowly making its way towards your cleavage. He applied a bit more pressure pressing the now melted cube of ice to your hot skin, this caused you to squeak.
He was right, you couldn’t ask him to stop, you won’t ask him to stop. Maybe if you were in the right state of mind you would, you both had to leave in an hour and neither one of you were close to being ready- but to hell with it, you thought as you grabbed Beomgyu by his shirt collar.
“No don’t stop,” You pleaded, eyes filled with desperation.
This was enough of a response for Beomgyu to pull you towards him and hurriedly pull down the zip of your newly bought dress.
You were late to the party- fashionably late, as Beomgyu described it.
But you had a good time. With Beomgyu by your side, you seemed to have bonded well with both of his parents.
His mother adored you, continuously passing lovely comments, few directed especially at the slick turtleneck dress you were wearing that night.
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hs-transfusion · 6 months
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CHUMHANDLE: umbroseTheatrics [UT] STRIFE: magickind MODUS: Shuffle LUNAR SWAY: Derse MYTH. ROLE: Mage of Rage LAND: Land of Shrieks and Shadows
UT: better be careful! my next trick might make you disappear...
Though he may seem like a LOVEABLE GOOFBALL on the surface, John's MORAL COMPASS may not always point on the STRAIGHT AND NARROW. He can easily be swayed to act out if it would appeal to his SLIGHTLY DARK SENSE OF HUMOUR, which on a non-zero number of occasions has resulted in him FAKING HIS DEATH with PRACTICAL EFFECTS and all.
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John has a potent fascination with all things HORROR, with a particular fondness for FILMS of the genre, no matter their quality or popularity. He is also an avid AMATEUR MAGICIAN, practicing with his magic kits whenever he has the chance. When nobody else is watching, he also has an interest in BLACK MAGIC RITUALS he finds online. Though none of them have borne fruit yet, he's banking on one of these being THE REAL DEAL.
John's SHUFFLE Fetch Modus randomises his sylladex every time a new item is captchalogued, with all cards ALWAYS FACE DOWN and only the topmost card being able to be retrieved. With his practice in SLEIGHT OF HAND, John has developed a knack for CHEATING THE DECK IN HIS FAVOUR somewhat.
John's relationship with his MOM is somewhat tenuous. He's fond of her, but despises his INABILITY TO SHOCK HER with his antics on the rare occasion she's even present to do so. Whether it's her CONSTANT INEBRIATION clouding her judgement or the fact that she's RAISED HIM ALL THESE YEARS, he can never seem to elicit the reaction he desires out of her.
The Land of SHRIEKS AND SHADOWS is a land stuck in a PERPETUAL MIDNIGHT, with sprawling cityscapes ILLUMINATED SOLELY BY WATCHTOWERS sprinkled throughout the CAVERNOUS ALLEYWAYS. The darkest paths are where the AMBIENT SCREAMS OF THE DAMNED echo the loudest, but they hide the true path to meet the denizen MENOETIUS. As the saying goes, THE DARKER IT GETS, THE MORE ONE SEES.
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notfast-onlyfurious · 3 months
her kit bag. | j.riki
jordan riki x fem!reader
in which you play for the broncos NRLW team, you’re dating jordan privately, and your kit bag is found in his house.
wc; ~1.8k
a/n: this is my first time writing for him, and this is not thoroughly proofread, please be nice. also, if you enjoy this, please do reblog, writers do appreciate it🫶
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warnings: 18+, swearing, use of pet names “baby”, “love”, “babe”, “good girl”, & “pretty girl”, suggestive conversation, smut, oral (m receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (don’t do that), praise kink, creampie, slight degradation, one ‘spank’.
it was a wednesday night and the broncos NRL and NRLW teams had just finished combined training. you were walking to your car when your phone went off, quickly throwing your kit bag into the backseat of your car, you check the message.
pretty boy riki: "are you coming over tonight gorgeous?"
you: "yeah, can i shower at yours?"
pretty boy riki: "sounds good, see you soon❤️"
you and jordan have been together for a few months now but nobody knows, not even your best friends. now, the reason for this isn't anything other than keeping it private, as neither of you want it plastered on every headline.
arriving at jordan's house, parking in his garage to avoid prying eyes. you grab your bag from the backseat and let yourself in, taking off your birkenstocks at the door and leaving your bag on the bench in the hallway.
walking into the kitchen, no sign of his 6'2 figure but you can subtly hear the shower running upstairs and see his boots and bag by the kitchen counter. assuming he's in the shower, you make your way to your bag and grab some shorts and a tank top and head upstairs, popping your head through the ajar bathroom door to announce your presence.
you: "hi love"
jordan: "hey pretty, i'll be out soon"
whilst you wait for jordan to finish, you lay yourself on his bedroom floor because we don't do outside clothes on the bed around here.
soon enough, you hear the water turn off and your man walks out with a towel wrapped around his waist, hair wet with water droplets running down his chest. lord the man that you are. nonetheless, you give him a quick kiss before making your way into his bathroom. the only thing on your mind right now is jordan, but what's new. the hair, the smile, the thighs, the arms, the laugh, the love he has for you, everything about that man has you weak at the knees.
getting out of the shower, you grab your towel off the rack, wrapping it around your body as you do your skincare and moisturise your body. you put your navy pyjama shorts on with a grey tank top, not clocking how cold it really was just yet, until you step out of the bathroom, feeling the air hit your skin. in these conditions, you walk yourself to jordan's wardrobe and pick out his grey nike hoodie, throwing it over your head and making your way downstairs, just to be met with your man in a pair of black shorts hanging low on his hips. this man could get it every day. oh wait, he does.
you: "did you need any help babe?"
jordan: "no love, almost done here"
not even 5 minutes later, jordan had served you seafood pasta with a glass of red wine.
"almost taste as good as you" in a tone that caused your pussy to clench around nothing.
almost choking on your dinner, nothing could have prepared you for that, to come out of jordan riki's mouth in the middle of dinner.
"i could say the exact same to you riki"
now you both sat at the counter, flabbergasted.
later in the night, after dinner, a few movies and talk about training, you and jordan moved upstairs into his bed, one you dreaded leaving. now, despite sleep wanting to takeover, you couldn't help but focus on the hand that was moving up from your waist to your boob, and it certainly wasn't your own hand. it was the hand of a 6'2 man that happened to have a silver fern tattooed on it.
the hand on your boob made you shiver, reaching for his hand on instinct and in that moment, you knew whatever hope you had for sleep, just went out the window because he may have started it but you couldn't deny him. then, before you could even blink, you were straddling the hips of the finest man you had ever laid eyes on, with his arm reaching up to pull you into the sloppiest kiss, tongue on tongue, fighting for dominance.
"are you gonna be a good girl for me?"
you were so entranced by the man below you, you didn't even respond. his neck, his lips, the way he looked at you. that was until you were pulled out of thought by the hand around your neck.
"use your words baby, don't eye fuck me"
you could feel him under you. the way it was throbbing on your clothed pussy.
"please daddy, i'll be good, i promise" as your hips came down on him.
trailing your kissing down his torso, making your way to the waistband of his boxers. leaving kisses over his cock through his boxers.
"don't tease pretty girl, show me how much you crave my cock"
that's all it took, his thick cock was in your hand and your tongue was on the tip, finally obeying and taking him deeper, bobbing your head as his hips bucked, causing you to gag. before either of yous knew it, your clothes were on the floor, his boxers were at the foot of the bed and he was on top, holding his weight above you with one hand next to your head.
"beg for it baby, tell me how bad you want my cock in that tight little pussy" as he ran his fingers through your wet folds. his lips on your neck, leaving those purple marks that let everyone know someone was taking care of you.
"please jordan, i want you so bad, let me feel you" you were really begging him for his cock whilst he was curling his thick fingers in and out of your pussy, the gushing as he pounded.
"nothings ever enough for you is it pretty girl, always want my cock" he mocked as he pulled his fingers from between your legs, lifting them to his lips. pulling himself up to his knees, pumping his thick veiny cock with one hand and rubbing your clit with the other. no matter how many times you took him, nothing could ever prepare you for the stretch. slowly, he teased your pussy with the head, rubbing it, putting the tip in just to pull it out again. then, in one thrust, he bottomed out and you could feel him in your stomach, the bump on your lower belly noticeable. he groaned at the tightness as he felt you clench around him, he could have filled you up right then.
"mm fuck baby, you're so fucking tight, feels so good"
you loved the praise, you loved making him feel good and that made you clench around him again.
"fuck- oh my god jordan, harder"
"baby if you keep doing that i'll fill you up right now"
but to your request, he lifted one of your legs to his hip and started pounding you just as hard as you wanted.
then he pulled out.
"no no no no fuck daddy, please"
and suddenly, you were on your stomach, being pulled up to an ass up head down position by your hips, leaving a bruise tomorrow for sure and then he was right back inside, slamming his cock in and out, the only thing heard was his groaning, your moaning, and the sound of your thighs slapping together.
no matter how hard or fast he was going, you were always pleading for more, you could never get enough of him.
"fuck jordan, fuck- i'm gonna-"
then you felt something in your stomach break as you feel yourself coming all over jordan's thick thighs and cock.
"you're such a slut for my cock aren't you pretty girl" as he continued to pound into you from behind, chasing his high. you could feel his pace falter and his cock twitch, gasping as his head falls back.
then you felt it, the warm feeling of him filling you up, giving you everything he had. as his high washed over, you instantly missed the feeling as he pulled his cock out, his cum trailing down your pussy and thighs making him push it back in with his fingers followed by a slap on your ass.
for a moment, jordan lays by your side, legs intertwined, with your arm over his chest. then, he gets up and walks to the bathroom and you hear the bath running and subconsciously you feel yourself smile. shortly after, he returns, lifts you up and walks you both to the bathroom. both of you get in, your back against his chest in the warm relaxing water.
the night ended with both you and jordan wrapped in each others arms in bed. the high was still buzzing in the air and you couldn't ask for a better man
*the next morning*
you slowly opens your eyes, squinting as the sunlight filters through the curtains with the familiar feeling of two arms wrapped around you, covered in sheets that aren't yours. you could feel jordan's chest pressed against your back, his breath on your neck. rolling over and grabbing your phone to check the time, 11:46am.
suddenly, the doorbell rings.
"are you expecting someone?"
"shit no? stay here love"
jordan quickly grabbed a pair of sweats from his wardrobe, running down the stairs as he pulls them on. he's met with the one and only walshy and staggs as he swings the front door open.
jordan: "mate, what're yous doing here"
walshy: "mate i called you four times and you didn't answer, i thought you died"
jordan: "shit"
as he remembers back to last night before he went upstairs with you, he left his phone in the kitchen. before he could catch himself up mentally, both walshy and staggs were walking through his front door and through the hallway. the same hallway your kit bag was in. jordan hoped they would be oblivious to the bag that did NOT say 262 on it but those hopes came crashing down when walshy stopped in his tracks.
walshy: "that's funny, i don't recall your number being 92" in the most sarcastic tone as he looked at jordan, drawing staggs’ attention to the situation.
staggs: "ain't that the women's second row"
there was nothing jordan could even say to defend this. the three of them looked at each other in silence.
jordan: "babe come downstairs"
walking yourself downstairs after finding your shorts and jordan's nike hoodie again, you're met with three men looking at you from the hallway.
walshy: "mate what's this, what's going on"
staggs: "bro you said she was pretty you ain't mention having her in your house too"
you: “guys we’ve been together for a few months now, we’ve been avoiding the public eye that’s all”
knowing that jordan was calling you pretty to his friends and teammates made your heart explode, and with the way he was looking at you right now, you might have to kick walshy and staggs out and go back upstairs.
© notfast-onlyfurious 2024
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amica-aenigmata-naboo · 2 months
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Mizu x Y/N - drabble - 886 WC
Warnings: blood, injury, mention of breasts but not in a sexual sense, healer reader, kissing, he and she used for Mizu, pretty fluffy tbh
“Lovely aren’t they?” you said to the mysterious man next to you in the secluded forest by your cottage. He nodded slightly, not responding verbally. You picked a smaller branch off the tree, a few soft pink cherry blossoms were scattered on it. You lifted the branch to your nose, breathing in the sweet smell of the flowers. You walked over to the man, placing the branch between the fold of his haori. You heard him suck in a sharp breath. You finally saw his face as he looked up to meet your gaze. He was strikingly beautiful. Sharp cheekbones, full lips, a button nose pink from the snow chill. But above all, his eyes. Your eyes widened slightly, never having seen such a shade in person. “Like the sea after a storm.” you whispered, not even realizing your hand had gone to gently hold his cheek. You felt him lean into your touch, sighing with content. He hadn’t been held in a while. The man started to slump against you, you heard him groan, his hand going to hold his side. You saw blood seeping through the blue cloth. You gasped, putting his arm around your shoulder and pulling him towards your house. Just as you crossed the threshold, he fell to his knees before falling unconscious. You pulled him towards the warm fire pit before pulling his glasses off and his haori open. You saw bandages wrapped around his chest, the gash led under the bandages so you quickly unwrapped them. Your eyes widened as you saw the samurai with two breasts. You shook your head, grabbing your stitching kit from your healers cabinet. You stitched her but didn’t rewrap her before pulling a blanket over her. You pulled her katana and glasses off so she could rest comfortably, setting it next to her so she wouldn’t panic when she woke. 
You sat nearby, making tea and soba before stitching her haori up where something had slashed through it. You looked over to the samurai every once and a while, admiring them while also checking to see if they were comfortable. You sat and drank tea next to them when the stitching was done. A small huff left the samurai, causing you to look at them. Their face shifted slightly, a look of pain or fear scrunching their brows. Their body twitched randomly. She was running or fighting something in her dream. You put your tea down moving to sit next to her face; you smoothed your thumb over her cheekbones, hoping to calm her. You hummed a calming tune as your repeated this over and over. Her hand moved up to hold yours against her cheek yet she remained asleep. 
“The most beautiful samurai…” you whispered. You stayed with her, holding her hand.
When the samurai woke, it was the dead of night. She shot up but instantly laid back down as the gash across her chest screamed at her for the sudden movement. You quickly made your way to her side. She instinctively scooted away from you. You held your hands up, showing you meant no harm. You passed her a loose shall to cover up with and not disturb her stitches. She pulled it on quickly. 
“You can tell no one you have seen me. Is that understood?” she said in a gruff voice. 
“Of course.” you said bowing your head, “Eat, drink, sleep. Regain some strength before you leave.” You got up and set down the tea and soba next to her before getting your own and eating across from her. “Eat. It’ll help you heal and keep the chill at bay.” 
Mizu ate quickly, observing you the whole time. The faintest tattoo on your wrist caught her eye. It looked like a mirror.
“An old legend. Your face is that of the one you loved most in your past life.” you said, “The mirror reminds me to love myself, for I loved this face once… more than anything.”  you said with a soft smile.
Mizu looked down, who could have possibly loved her face? Nobody. Perhaps she was a mere demon. She felt a gentle hand caress her cheek, tilting her chin up.
“I can see why one would love your face so much. Fire and water live within you. Such harmony is rare.” you smiled. 
Mizu didn’t know why but she kissed the back of your hand. You had been nothing but kind, she didn’t know how to return it but this felt right. You blushed deeply, lifting her hand closer to your face and kissing the inside of her palm.
“It doesn’t bother you?” she asked softly.
“What?” you asked, rubbing your thumb over the inside of her hand in soothing patterns. “That you’re a woman? The heart cares not for such fickle things, only that it is loved.” you replied, smiling in a way that brought a warmth to Mizu that she hadn’t felt in years. 
She sat up as best she could, pulling you to her so she could kiss you gingerly. Almost questioning her own actions. You kissed her back gently, soothing a thumb over her cheek bone to reassure her. She grew more confident, kissing you over and over again, chasing the warmth she felt when with you despite you being a stranger.
Naboo's Note:
Hello! Three fics in one day?! Who is this Naboo? Lol had this one sitting for a while and decided why not finish it. I hope ya'll enjoy and would love some recs for her character. Thank you, talk soon! XOXOXOXOXOXO
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meazalykov · 3 months
baby pink
sydney lohmann x reader
apart of the baby pink series
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after winning against aston villa, your excitement couldn’t be contained. 
as a center-back defender, scoring a golozo at arsenal had your team and the crowd blown in joy. 
winning mvp for the match made you feel appreciated as well. this is your third season at arsenal and you've gotten this quite a lot, but your gratitude still shows.
as you're heading into the locker rooms, you look down at the pastel pink and baby blue kit over your body, the colors making you smile. baby pink and baby blue were your two favorite colors. so, having a kit in those colors– made exclusively for the women’s team too– made you happy. 
after tonight, you’ll fly to germany  to visit your girlfriend sydney lohmann, who plays at bayern munich. your three-year anniversary was coming up and nothing could ruin your happy mood about it, not even the yellow card you received in the match. 
after the match, exhausted but happy from the win, you scroll through the photos taken during the game by arsenal’s photographers. usually, they will send the photos in a big digital file. 
one photo in the pink and blue kit made you look like a star. you were– but you wanted to post and highlight that picture immediately. 
(pretend that you're in the picture in replacement of emily fox)
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liked by leahwilliamsonn, and 67,712 others
y/n.l/n the love of my life (this kit) 🩵🩷
sydneylohmann so what am I.. chopped liver?
stanwaygeorgia HAHHAHA
laurafreigang ya
wosofan783 sydney you're still the love of my life dw ☺️
sydneylohmann I will ignore that caption
laurafreigang wow sydney turned into a football kit?
buehlklara yes.
gunnerwillamso32927 nobody is ruining y/n's love for pink
fcbfrauenluvrr come to Munich ❤️
~view all 3,901 comments~
you giggled at all of the comments between you, your german friends, and your girlfriend. you miss sydney all of the time and can't wait to be with her.
there is a flower boutique down the street from your apartment, almost every week you'll receive a delivery of a bouquet of flowers. all from sydney-- and all pink.
sydney leaves the sweetest notes all of the time. you're grateful that your girlfriend makes an effort to show you how much she loves you from thousands of miles away.
you're enjoying the rest of your time at arsenal, since this is your last season. all of your fans don't know it yet, but some are suspecting that you'll join sydney in munich next year-- since there is no updates on a contract renewal with arsenal.
the next morning, you woke up to a knock at your door.
you groaned as you quickly rubbed your eyes and put your pink slippers on. walking out of the bedroom, you walked into the hallway into your living room to open up the front door.
the first guess of who could be at your door was caitlin and katie, who lived in the same apartment complex as you. sometimes, they come and eat breakfast with you because of how lonely you can get.
sometimes it feels like everyone on the team has a companion or partner, which leaves you feeling left out sometimes. luckily, you won't have to feel fomo for much longer with bayern's offer for you to join their club. thanks to references from sydney and georgia.
"hey cai-" your voice cut off when you saw a familiar face at the door.
a woman, early to mid 40s, named josie worked down at the flower boutique down from your apartment complex. she is a face you see every week at your door-- holding a huge pink bouquet.
"goodmorning josie." you smile as you, softly, take the bouquet of flowers out of her hands.
your hair was messy, considering that you gotten out of bed. however, josie has seen you looking worse during mornings where you're sick or tired from games the nights before.
"goodmorning, sydney got these for you." Josie smiled.
"yeah-- these are beautiful *sniff* and smell great too." you took a smell of the flowers. sydney got you pink flowers all of the time, just as you sent her red bouquets to her house in munich, but she changes the flowers up.
josie nodded and smiled at your observation of the flowers.
"i'm going to the airport soon to see her too-- so I'm surprised she sent me these." you commented.
"you shouldn't be-- its tuesday. have safe travels." josie says, smiling before walking away from your door.
sydney did send you your flowers every tuesday, which josie is right about.
you placed the flowers inside of a pink vase before pulling out the note card in the middle of the flowers.
"can't wait to see you later, honigbiene
-syd <3"
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violetarks · 3 months
CONGRATULATIONS ON 3K VI !!!!! THAT'S SO EXCITING !!!! could i pleaseeee get something with denji !!!! with patching each other up and rivals ???? TYSM 😘
"why are we so complicated?"
anime: chainsaw man
character: denji
summary: being devil hunter yourself, you have to be there for the other workers. when one of the more annoying hunters gets hurt, kishibe places you in charge of fixing him up.
warnings: g/n! reader, no pronouns used (you didn't mention any specifics, i hope this is okay :D), reader and denji don't like each other because they think the other thinks they're better than them, reader and denji are the same age
"ow! you pinched me so hard!"
"oh, no i didn't."
you make sure to squeeze his cheek a little harder between your thumb and index finger, to which he yelps at again. he pushes your hand away from his face after you apply the square bandage to his forehead. he glares at you while you innocently look through the first aid kit.
while you respected your older fellow devil hunter, kishibe, you were pissed art him that he put you in this position. denji got himself scratched up during the last mission, and nobody wanted to donate any blood for him to consume and heal himself. kishibe, your captain, assigned you to patch him up while the rest either went to a briefing with makima or helped the clean up crew deal with the debris.
you offered to switch with someone else like kobeni or arai, but both of them sourly refused, as they didn't want to spend more time with the devil who prolonged their mission by two more hours for being stupid and messing around.
"ugh, i can do it myself!" denji groans as you wipe away at the cuts on his arm. the antibacterial wipes seemed to be working well so you ignore his pleas. "y/n! you're not even listening to me!"
"can you just shut up for a second? you love to hear yourself speak." you grumble out as you discard the red tissue in the bin beside you.
you regret even letting denji step foot in your apartment, but per kishibe's orders, you had to take care of him before sending him back to aki.
“y/n, you’re so mean,” he grumbles back to you as you pop open a spray bottle of disinfectant, “could ya’ stand to be nice for once?”
“could you stand to not die every single mission?” you scoff at him, “god, you make my job so much harder. ultimate devil chainsaw man, bleeding out in the bathtub.”
he looks away from you with an angered expression before you spray his cuts. he jolts and you narrowly evade his elbow as he hisses at you.
“you act all high ‘n mighty and you can’t even deal with some first aid,” you groan as you toss the disinfectant back into the box, “i don’t get what makima sees in you.”
“i could say the same about you!” he yells back with an accusing finger, “you think you can just show up n’ be the best!”
“i was here before you!” you argue back.
“nuh uh!”
“yuh huh!”
he grits his teeth as he forcefully looks away. you roll your eyes at him as you press the bandaid to his wound.
you didn’t really know when you started disliking denji, but you think it was around the time he saved meowy to cop a feel. your opinion of him went down when you stood next to aki while he called upon his devil to dispose if the enemy. the whole entire time you were deadpanning with your weapon in hand.
denji decided he didn’t like you because you were always getting praised by makima. she pat your head once and he got even more jealous when he saw that you looked embarrassed and irritated. you didn’t deserve it, he thought.
however, everyone else was just a little confused. why would you two hate each other? you never interact unless it’s to insult the other.
“drink that,” you sigh at him and hand him a glass of water and medicine, “i don’t want to see any dirt on my floors. clean up your mess before you go.”
leaving him in the kitchen, you go back to the bathroom. he reluctantly chomps down on the medicine and gulps down the water. his face sours before he hears you let out a hiss of pain.
peeking into the bathroom, he sees you with your back to the mirror, looking over your shoulder to see the slash the devil made on your skin. you let put a groan and drop your tissue in the bin. denji scans you in your tank top, how your muscles move with your hand as you try to wipe away all the dried blood on your shoulder. you din’t even notice denji watching until he clears his throat.
“you, uh…” he begins. you glance over to the doorway. “need help?”
“from you?”
“who else, dumbass?”
“don’t get quick with me, smartass…” you grunt towards him.
you think about it. you’ve seen denji try to patch up aki, and it looked like he didn’t know half of what he was supposed to be doing. though, you’re too embarrassed to call up aki or himeno to help. so you roll your eyes and nod your head.
denji makes his way over and you face the mirror, hands bracing the sink as he grabs an antiseptic tissue for medical use and presses a bit too harsh against your cut.
“ow!” you hiss and lean away from him, “denji—!”
“my bad,” he mutters out before gently wiping at the dark blood, “sorry.”
“‘s fine,” you reply shortly. you hang your head with your button up and jacket slung on the bathtub. your grey tank top was drenched on the shoulder and upper back areas. “what are you guys havin’ for dinner?”
“i dunno’,” denji responds with a shrug of his shoulders. he sees your downcast eyes in the reflection of the mirror. “aki said he’d call you when he can pick me up.”
you sigh and lift a hand to brush your neck, “right… well i’m cooking curry tonight, if you want some.”
“really?” he chimes with raised brows, “i can have some?”
“yeah,” you huff as he drops the tissue into the bin. you hand him a patch to put on top of the slash. “it’s like 6:30. i’d feel weird eating dinner while you were sittin’ there all sad and hungry.”
he rolls his eyes at you with burning cheeks. “shut up…”
his fingers gently press the bandage to your shoulder, smoothing it out shortly after. his fingertips dance across your skin, as if itching to get closer. but he pulls his hands away and shoves them into his pockets. “all done.”
you seemed so tired but denji’s never seen you so relaxed around him. you were always uptight, sure, but now, you were more loose. it took him a few seconds, but he realises how nice you look in the lighting. messy, yes, but still… you looked good.
“thanks,” you mumble to him as you roll your shoulder and turn around to him. grabbing your shirt, you button it up and look to him. “you’re gonna’ help.”
he nods slowly as you look to the mirror again and wash your hands and face. splashing water onto your face, you feel denji bump his hip against yours, trying to get closer.
“denji…” you groan as you pat the water from your face with a towel, “what is it?”
he furrows his brows at you with a heavy blush taking over his face. you blink at his state before a smile breaks out on your lips.
“oh,” you hum as you tap your own cheek to mirror the patch set on his, “want me to kiss it better or somethin’?”
denji doesn’t reply when you laugh at his reaction. he only grows a little more irritated at your response. “w—what? stop laughing at me!”
“i thought you hated me, denji,” you state, stance now up straight, “look at you now.”
“i do! shut up!” he argues back to you, “you’re so stupid! i don’t like you!”
his stammering stops as you lean forward and press a gentle kiss to his bandaged cheek. your lips are warm and it distracts him enough that he lets your fingers dance along his other cheek.
your kiss leaves him confused. why would you do that if you didn’t like him? were you playing with him?
when you pull away and notice the hot blush on his face. his surprised is permanently painted on his face, which causes you to chuckle and your gaze to soften. he’s a good guy, really. but he just needs a little guidance. even though you’re the same age, he’s so vastly different from you. the thought makes you sigh and reach out, hugging him tightly.
“it’s okay, denji,” you mutter against his shirt, “you’re pretty alright.”
“i—… whatever…” he grunts as he squeezes you back. you let out a slight hiss and he pulls away as you rub your wounded shoulder. “sorry.”
“‘s fine,” you reply whilst craning your neck, “let’s go make dinner. don’t want you rummaging through aki’s cupboard when you get home.”
he watches as you leave the bathroom, early following after you. you weren’t so bad after all, but he’d never admit that out loud. it was his little secret that you knew all too well.
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futterurl · 11 months
Hii do you do angsty smut? I’m craving angst & smut for Josh futturman . Love your first work here btw ❤️
tysm anon i fucking LOVE angst and smut mixed. literally two in one combo. i got u :b apologies if this wasnt what u were looking for!!
WARNINGS: angst, bleeding, pretty graphic, smut (mdni!), oral(f!receiving), p in v, creampie, afab reader
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you clutched your side, agony hitting every inch of your body. getting shot in your side wasn’t how you thought this mission was gonna go.
it was supposed to be simple: have everyone eat the Kronish balls, save the day, yada-yada. in and out. that wasn’t the case, however, when everyone who wasn’t borderline poisoned by the kronish balls turned out to be bionic.
josh wasn’t looking behind himself, not seeing a bionic creeping up to him at a quick pace with a knife in hand. you ran as fast as you could, trying to tell him to watch out.
you pushed josh out of the way, causing the bionic to stab you right in the side. the pain hit immediately, agonizing pain. you doubled over, wanting to remove the piece of steel. you knew this would only make it worse. you had to keep it in, at least until you were able to get somewhere safe.
“shit.” tiger panicked, seeing you on the ground, clutching your torso for dear life. you looked up at her with weak eyes, coughing up spurts of blood.
“gotta. got’ get help.” you tried to speak as hard as you could without exerting too much effort. she was able to pick you up and avoid the bionics, which wolf was going crazy with.
“guys! abort the mission. s’ in critical condition!” tiger yelled at josh and wolf, seeing their expressions drop as they saw her holding you, borderline limp in her arms. as they fended off the last of the bionics, they raced over to see you, crying and tired.
“fuck, fuck, this is my fault, fuck.” josh started talking at 100 miles an hour.
“this is nobody’s fault. someone get a goddamn car and bring us home.” wolf yelled. they all raced over to the car they took, tiger slamming on the gas the second you all piled in, josh now gently bringing you into the back.
“fuck, hurts s’ bad, fuck.” you grit through your teeth, hand bloody from holding onto your side. josh had propped you up against the car window. he kept his hand right on top of yours, whispering endless strands of “i’m sorry” and “this is my fault” through tears. this was the last thing he wanted to do, especially to the girl he loved, even if she didn’t know.
you were so selfless, you took a fucking knife to the torso for him. he owed you his fucking life, if you were okay after this, that is. he was gonna make sure you were okay. he clung onto your other hand and held onto it for dear life.
in just minutes, tiger was stopping the car in front of josh’s house. josh took you into his arms, racing up to his room, flat out ignoring his parents.
he laid you onto his bed, propping you up high with a good amount of pillows.
“i have a first aid kit in my bathroom. go get it. it’s in the cabinet.” he yelled at tiger and wolf. he couldn’t stay one second away from you. not like this.
wolf ran to get it, coming back in mere seconds. he had a wet rag. “we gotta take the knife out and put this over it immediately.” he panted.
“take my hand. this might hurt.” josh offered, holding out his hand to you, which you took into yours with ease.
“one, two, three”
tiger removed the knife, to which wolf covered you with the wet rag. you screamed and wailed as you crushed josh’s hand with yours. you had never experienced that amount of pain in your entire life.
“the worst is over. you did it.” tiger tried to ease your worries, offering you painkillers in the first aid kit wolf had brought.
“fuck. still hurts s’ fucking bad, fuck.” you silently cried. this felt like torture. you felt like you were going to puke.
“can you guys give us some privacy please? sorry, she’s overwhelmed and i know how to help her.” josh said, looking at tiger and wolf. “can you guys go talk to my parents? tell them we’re all good?”
they got the signal. they quickly left and shut the door behind them.
josh looked at you. “fuck, i’m so sorry. this is all my fault. i didn’t want you to get hurt like this, i’m so sorry…” he started to tear up.
you caressed his face. “it’s okay, josh. it wasn’t your fault, nothing you could’ve done. i’m still alive, aren’t i?”
“i know, but it shouldn’t be you with the fucking knife in your side.” he replied. he was really worried about you, his heart racing. he didn’t want you to be hurt. at all. he’d gladly take a knife for you for this to be overwith. for you to not be in any more pain.
“it’s okay, really. i jumped in.” you yawned, starting to get tired.
“okay, okay.” he wasn’t gonna argue with you anymore. “is there anything i can do for you?”
you squeezed his hand. “go to sleep with me for awhile?” you asked in a hushed tone.
nothing would’ve made him happier. he couldn’t be away from you, not now, not ever. he wanted to make sure that you’d be safe. with him. in his arms.
“of course. i..i’ll stay here with you. as long as you need.” he took a few pillows from under you, letting you lay down, he laying down next to you. you cuddled up to him a bit, making him blush. thank god the light was dimmed low.
“thank you…” you drifted off as you muttered those words. josh looked down at you, watching you fall into a deep sleep. he couldn’t keep his eyes off you. even after dying, you still looked so fucking perfect. how?
why would you take a knife for me? he asked himself, over and over. i hate seeing you like this.
the last thing he wanted to do was to see you in pain, and now he saw you in pure agony, on his behalf. he felt lime such a shitty person. the least he could do is lay with you.
he wouldn’t admit that was what he secretly wanted all along. he caressed your cheek before laying his head down, joining you in a peaceful slumber.
you spent the next couple days attached to josh like you two were conjoined at the hip. he was constantly there for your every need, whether that be for water, food, painkillers, anything.
you were healing up nicely. sure, you were still in pain, but it was significantly less than what it originally was. having josh by your side helped a lot.
you two were laying in his bed, when the painkillers sort of wore off. you winced.
“you okay?” he asked, concern in his voice.
“yeah, just hurts a bit.” you responded.
“you need anything? i can get it.” he offered.
“no, josh, really, it’s fine.” josh had been there for you at your every need, you were starting to feel bad. it felt like he was being a servant for you.
“i don’t want you to be in pain though.” he looked lost in thought. it looked like he wanted to say something.
“is there something on your mind, josh?” you asked.
“uh..uh, kind of. you ever have something on your mind but you don’t wanna say it because you don’t know if it’ll ruin something but you really don’t know what reaction you’ll get-” he started to talk faster and faster as he talked more and more.
“josh, we’ve known each other for what, how many years? we’ve talked about anything and everything. you can talk to me.” you propped yourself up to look at him.
he looked nervous. well, he always looked nervous. this time, however, he looked super nervous. something was on his mind.
"i was just gonna say, um, that, uh, i know a way to make you feel better...but, uh, it's kinda weird...yeah." he started stammering over his words.
"what is it, josh?" you asked. did he just bite his lip?
"i...i could make you...y'know..." he looked from your face down to your body, back up to you.
"make me what?" your heart started beating ever so slightly faster. might he be alluding to...?
"i...i could make you...make you cum. i know it's not a painkiller or anything, but it might take your mind off stuff. it's stupid, i..i should stop talking now. i shouldn't have said that. it's stupid. i'm sorry-"
you cut him off by putting your hand gently under his jaw and kissing him passionately. you started to grasp at his hair, holding it in fistfulls.
once your lips disconnected, you started breathing heavily. "josh, i'd love that. please. really." you never thought he'd ever ask you to do anything like this.
"really? am i dreaming?" he asked, rubbing your forearm gently.
"no. please, josh. make me feel good." you pleaded. now that the idea was out there, you were dead set on this. you didn't want anyone but him.
he got on top of you, starting to kiss your lips, your cheeks, your jawline, your neck. everything. it felt perfect. you could already feel your focus on your pain being subsided to this.
he lowered himself, settling in between your thighs, rubbing your hips. he held the ends of your shirt.
"can...can i see how it's doing first? just to check? don't wanna make it worse." he played with the hem of your shirt.
"yeah, yes. do it." you responded.
he lifted up your shirt to your ribcages, examining your bandages. it still looked pretty nasty, but it had certainly healed a lot since a few days ago.
"fuck...i'm still so, so sorry. i really am." he started to get a bit teary eyed while tenderly rubbing the skin by your bandages, careful to not get too close to where it would hurt.
"josh, really, it's okay. it happens. please. i don't want you to feel bad about this. it really is okay." you scratched at his hair.
"okay, okay...m'sorry. lemme make it up to you." he pressed a kiss to your stomach as he unzipped your shorts. he pulled them down slowly, not wanting to make your body jolt or be in any more pain that it was already in. he lost his breath, looking at you in just your shirt and panties. he still couldn't believe it.
"you...you okay?" you asked.
"y-yeah. i'm great. just...can't believe this is happening. you're so beautiful." he lay his head on one of your thighs, giving it a light kiss. that made you shudder. you didn't realize your thighs were that sensitive.
"thank you, thank you..." you started to mumble, becoming a bit nervous.
josh sensed your nerves. "you know, you don't have to let me do this, if you don't want me to. i know it's very up and personal."
"no, i really do, it's just...i'm just...nervous, is all. just...go slow please." you asked.
he played with the hems of your panties. "don't worry, i'll go as slow as you need." he pressed a kiss to your hip bones. "would you...would you mind if i took these off?"
"please. take them off." you were starting to get desperate.
he slowly eased them down your legs, getting a glimpse of your glistening pussy. he felt his eyes widen.
"can i...can i make you feel good?" he asked, pressing a kiss on your pubic bone.
"please, josh. want you to make me feel good so badly." you were practically begging at this point.
he lowered his head just a bit, propping himself truly inbetween your thighs, licking a stripe up your slit. you shuddered, new to the sensation. it felt weird, but in a good way.
"that feel okay?" he asked.
"yes, josh, for the love of god, please...more." you begged.
his tongue rested on your clit, rubbing it with the wet muscle. this sent shivers down your spine. it rubbed back and forth on the tiny area. you let out a moan, back starting to arch off the bed.
"shit...feels s'good josh, oh my god." you moaned, him drinking up your moans.
his lips attached themselves around your clit and just sucked. this sent all sorts of waves of pleasure through you. you pulled at his hair as he sucked at your clit. he ran his tongue in circles around the sensitive bud. had he ever done this before?
his tongue ran down your cunt, entering your tight hole with a moan from you. his thumb snuck up to your clit, not giving it a break as he rubbed tight circles around it.
"feels t' good, holy shit..." you were becoming putty in his hands as he tongue fucked you.
"you taste s' fucking good." he moaned into your pussy as his thumb became even faster around your clit, using your slick as lube. "love every part of you, fuck."
it didn't help that he was practically groaning into your cunt as he went down on you, letting out little whimpers and moans into you.
he heard you start to get louder and louder. he knew you were getting close to your release. his head went back up to your clit, giving it even more stimulation.
"josh...so close, oh my god..." your hips were starting to slightly buck up into his mouth.
"i know, pretty girl, not gonna stop until you cum down my fucking throat." he pleaded, urging you as he sopped at your clit, constantly hitting the bundle of nerves. your thighs got tighter around his head.
"i...oh my god...i think i'm gonna..." you started to pant hard, getting lost in the pleasure.
"c'mon. let it out. cum in my mouth. please. make me happy and cum on me. wanna make you feel so fucking good." he said in between licks.
one of them in particular make the tight band forming in your stomach snap, you finally getting that sweet, sweet release as you moan incoherent babbles to josh, as his tongue slowly eased at your cunt.
once you came down from your high, he started to rub little circles around your hips again. "you okay?" he asked.
"fuck...that was really fucking good, josh. oh my god." you panted as he peppered your stomach in kisses.
"good, m' glad." he rubbed the skin close to your bandage. "did i do anything to make it hurt any more?" he asked, worry etching on his eyebrows.
"no, it's all fine...i feel really good right now." you looked down at him, his face a mess of saliva and your slick. that was hot.
"good." he came up a little bit, you getting a peak at his erection standing through his pants.
"do you...do you want me to take care of that?" you asked, alluding to something more.
he caught his breath. "uh..are-are you sure? i know you just...y'know. you sure you want to?"
"please, josh. i want you to fuck me." you had never felt so desperate than you did right now. you needed him.
"i don't know if this is gonna hurt you. if it does, tell me and we're done." he said, getting out of his pants, his erection standing up in his boxers. your eyes widened. you couldn't believe he was going to be inside you.
"thank you josh, i will." you pulled him in to a kiss, your hand traveling down to his boxers, lightly gripping at his clothed cock. he let out a whimper.
"that feel good?" you asked.
"yes, fuck yes that felt good. but this is about you, not me. gonna make you feel good again. promise." he pulled away as he swiped down his boxers, freeing his girthy erection.
he positioned himself, sitting up on his knees, pulling one of your legs over his shoulder, alligning his cock with your dripping cunt. he ran his tip over your clit, you both shuddering.
"i..i'm gonna put it in now, okay?" he asked for permission, hands gently holding onto your hips, careful not to hurt you with the pressure. "i'll go slow, i promise."
"please." you whimpered.
he pressed it at your entrance, his tip slowly going inside you. he let out a shudder as he traced his thumbs back and forth on your thighs, trying to ease your nerves.
"fuck, oh my god. only have the tip in but it feels s' fucking good. you're so tight. fuck." he started to become a whimpering mess.
he slowly pushed his hips forward, entering you even more, at such a slow pace to make sure you weren't in any pain. sure, you had done this before, you told him, but it had been some time since. the last thing he wanted to do was make you hurt down there too.
"put the rest in josh, please." you whimpered.
he obliged, slowly bottoming out. all the sensations hit him at once: your tight, sopping cunt squeezing his cock. he knew he wouldn't last long.
"god, you're so tight, holy shit, feels so fucking good." he wailed, praising you as he caressed your hips. "you good?"
you nodded. you felt so full, it felt amazing. he looked at you with care and concern, like you were the only person in the world right then. it was perfect. he was doing all this for you.
"please start moving. feels good." you pleaded.
he nodded furiously, taking an experimental thrust into you, to which you both moaned out to. he was constantly letting out strings of "oh god" and "fuck" into the room as he started to grip your thigh.
he started to get into a motion, him pistoning in and out of you at a quick pace. your tight gummy walls pulled him in with every thrust, his cock hitting every sensitive spot inside you with every thrust.
"oh my god, you feel so good. love this pussy so much, holy shit." he was practically worshipping you at this point as his hips drove into yours, you letting out moans in response.
one of his hands found itself at your cunt, his thumb starting to bully your clit in tight circles, you letting out a loud moan in response.
"josh, getting close, oh my god. fuck!" you pleaded for him. his thumb around your clit started to move even faster as his hips drove into you, hitting every spot.
"gonna cum soon, please cum with me." he pleaded in between moans, hips moving even faster. you broke down into a moaning mess as you felt another orgasm coming.
"you're so hot, holy shit. wanna fuck you like this forever. wanna get lost in this pussy. please. want you to come on my cock over and over again. shit." he let out rambles as he started to reach his peak.
these words let you to your second orgasm, your cunt becoming even tighter around his cock as you moaned as loud as possible, yelling his name. your cunt squeezing him made him come undone, cumming inside you.
he kept thrusting into you, riding out both of your highs, until you came down. he put your leg down, him slowly pulling out and laying down on you, being careful to not lay down on your bandage.
"that...that felt so good josh, oh my god." you started to play with his hair and rubbing his back.
"good. m' glad. i really wanted to make you feel good." his head lay on one of your breasts, paying attention to your breathing pattern.
"you..you really helped. i feel really good right now. thank you." you squeezed him into a hug.
he put one of his arms around you, enjoying the warmth of your body. "i'll always be here for you, i owe it to you. i'll stick bt your side, no matter what.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
a/n: womp womp sry if that was kinda mid (im a loser if u couldnt tell)
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swifty-fox · 1 month
“it’s just me now. you don’t have to be brave anymore.” BUCK PATCHING BUCKY UP AT THE STALAG AFTER HE ARRIVES WITH A BUSTED EYE SOCKET
ooo lets go
cw: hurt comfort, semi graphic depictions of a head injury
Gale smiles for John. Skin pricking cold on wire fencing, body still sore from his own crash, dirty and hungry and very very far from home. He smiles for John because John is alive and John is here and he's so goddamn beautiful it sets the insides of Gale squishy and vulnerable.
If only they had known, if only the guards had known what they could leverage against him. If they threatened to hurt John Gale would have given them everything.
He smiles for John, because they're all smiling and cheering and whooping and bowing the fence with the force of their impending reunification. Because Benny beside him mutters quietly under his breath, "Jesus, look at his face," in quiet horror.
Head wounds bleed a lot. They all knew this, had seen it plenty.
It still looked bad.
The boys watch John Egan stand for processing, pacing the fenceline like dogs waiting for their leader. Their missing Major doesn't sway or falter, but the moment he's through those gates and extracted from the delighted clutch of their boys Gale sees it, the slightest misstep as John approaches him.
Gale regards him, takes in the dark curls pressed to a helmet of gore around his face, the dried creek of blood from his nose. The messy pulsing devastation of his eye socket, the blue of his iris turned brilliant cobalt by the blood in the whites. He soaks it all in and John's looking him over right back and then the taller man is making a quiet noise in the back of his throat and Gale's arms are opening and they're crashing into each other like two stars across the night sky.
"You look like Hell, Bucky," Gale says.
"Been better," John laughs into his shoulder.
The showers are blessedly empty and Gale gets John set up on a stool against the wall and takes a moment to double-check the door. Brady and DeMarco were standing guard outside, passing Brady's pipe back nd forth while making sure nobody would disturb their Majors, but Gale didn't want them hearing anything either.
He has his shower kit made up of a barely functional razor, a couple rags, and most preciously; a chunk of soap.
Together they drag the stool beside the barebones sinks, Gale deciding that it would be more trouble than it was worth to try to get John under the spray of a showerhead. He can feel john's strength flagging, leaning his large body back against Gale's thigh as he helps him strip out of his jacket and overshirt.
"What happened to the sheepskin, Bucky?" Gale asks quietly as he folds the clothing, placing it away from where it might get wet.
John shrugs, heavy-limbed and wincing, "Kidd was looking cold."
"Awful nice of you," Gale says, voice barely above a whisper as he returns to John's side, getting the water as warm as it will go before using one rag to slowly sponge at John's caked hair. He can feel a swollen lump somewhere behind the larger man's ear but there's too many layers of grime in the way. It streams down John's face and shoulders in thick streaks of brown and red and some in-between rust.
John is mostly silent, every now and again making a soft wounded noise when Gale gets too close to what slowly is revealed to be a tremendous gash in his hair, maybe an inch long but wide and deep enough that Gale can make out the layers of pink and blessedly healthy tissue. With a murmured apology, he pries apart the edges of the injury just slightly to flush out any stuck debris. John cries out softly, fingers vicing on his thigh but bears it.
"Gonna need the doc to stitch that up," Gale says when he's happy the wound is clean, cups his hand over the hurt spot and rubs his thumb against John's ear until by inches and increments he relaxes. His fists stay clenched however, as Gale pivots around to begin cleaning his face. And his eyes are vacant, staring somewhere over Gale's shoulder stubbornly.
Gale doesn't mind, he's still reeling from the shock of John being here, from the shock at the state of him. Of the relief and grief and anger dancing a threeway battle across his ribcage. He cups John's chin in a tender mirror of the other man's own habitual caresses and dabs the blood and sweat from his hairline, swipes it from his cheeks and around his mouth and under his beautiful distant eyes that flicker with something like emotion for a moment before being viciously cut off at the knees.
"Bucky," Gale sighs, begins dabbing at the obviously broken bone around John's eye.
The skin feels hot and spongy under his touch, swollen but with too much give and it sends nausea teasing across Gale's throat. John's jaw clenches tight, Gale can feel the tick of his muscles under his thumb and he puts the rag down to brush through his now blessedly clean hair.
John flinches, squeezing his eyes shut even though it must hurt, and shaking his head sharply just once.
"You don't have to tell me anything, John. But it's just me now. You don't have to be brave anymore."
It's not immediate, happening more in increments than the sudden burst of emotion one might expect from John Egan.
First his broad shoulders draw up to his endearly large ears, fall back down heavily. Bottom lip trembling, face screwing up tighter and body slowly bowing in half in a slow movement like landing gear folding up. A ragged breath, exhaling on a whine and then a second one on a dry sob. Gale puts a hand on the back of John's neck and draws him close, rocks his man's body slowly as John sobs his relief into a bloody smear of emotion on Gale's neck.
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pygmi-cygni · 1 month
T Minus Ten
remember that miguel fic I talked about....
here she is!!!!
series warning: eventual smut (light), angst, pining, lovesickness, adorable migs, enemies (?) to lovers, more like emotionally repressed to infatuated, angst, miscommunication, as many tropes as I can possibly manage
warnings for this chapter: lots of exposition, medical inaccuracies, introduction basically, canon violence
miguel o'hara x reader (afab) no description other than reader is v strong and has some small tattoos on hands (important later i swear)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
The medical field was essentially obsolete in the Spiderverse. It takes hundreds of years to name a disease, let alone cure it, and then to add in the factors of different biology, different gravitational boundaries, bacterial possibilities....you honestly just felt like hanging up your lab coat and starting an Etsy.
Each branch of the Multiverse was grouped in the extensive medbay located in HQ. The branches with the most similar biology and treatment varieties were closest together. Every spider was given their hall number that had any resources they'd need depending on their genetic makeup.
It was tough work, remembering where everyone was from and the unique characteristics that came with them. Especially when some varieties blurred the lines.
Namely one.
Miguel O'Hara, head of this shit-show and arguably the biggest pain in the ass you'd ever seen, rarely found himself in need of the medical ward's services. Which is probably why nobody thought to figure this problem out.
See, most spider-people were predominantly human. The spider that bit them had only added on to existing capability: extreme strength that improved muscle mass, improved grip on fingers...the only 'inhuman' factor was the webbing.
Miguel had a slightly different build. His DNA had been spliced; like two ropes being braided together. The spider DNA had rebuilt his human DNA, therefore it didn't follow the same pattern in response to medicine or bandages. Which made his medical aversion a little more realistic.
Either way, it didn't matter how much he hated doctors, he couldn't fix a poisoned spear through his chest with an at-home first aid kit.
Eight of HQ's most qualified doctors sat around various scans of the monstrous Spiderman, puzzling through the bizarre data. Your education had been focused on epidemiology, or the spread of disease. Poison wasn't really your thing, but you thought it might be cool to watch.
Dr. Ben Parkinson, the 'head' doctor, was explaining the possible treatments.
"It doesn't seem to be deadly," he reasoned, "but prolonged exposure without medication might have some deteriorating effects." He pointed to a highlighted area of the wound. "See, the muscle tissue is deteriorating, and long-term deterioration could be permanent."
The medical staff shot amused glances at one another, trying to imagine Miguel as anything other than a hulking boulder of muscle.
Ben rolled his eyes and tapped the scans. "Do we have any base vitals for him? Any logged info?"
Maria, his assistant, scrolled on her tablet. "Uhhhh....negative on that. Looks like he hasn't done his immunos either."
You frowned. When HQ had established itself with a medbay, you and the few other nurses had done rounds to make sure any necessary vaccines and medications had been administered. How did we skip him?
"New plan," Ben said slowly, "let's get him up to date and then we'll evaluate. he's relatively stable right now, so let's keep up the current treatment and move from there, yeah?"
He looked at you. "You're the nurse responsible for his wing, right? Do you mind doing his vitals and reporting back?"
You nodded, faltering. What if the spider DNA screwed up his vitals? His resting heartrate was probably higher, and his metabolism had to be insane...the rest of the staff clearly did not share your concern, glad to be rid of the Miguel problem.
Maria handed you her tablet and gave you an apologetic smile. "At least the sedatives will stop him from scratching you," she whispered in your ear.
You shuddered. Here goes nothing.
Miguel was laid out on two beds with the guardrails removed. He couldn't fit on one, so the staff had to quickly improvise. You tried to hum a calming tune, hyperaware of the large claws hanging off the blanket.
Even though he was unconscious, a ripple of fear went through you. He was enormous. If he got mad....you shuddered.
Tenderly, you angled your stethoscope under the mess of tubes feeding into his chest. His skin was unbelievably warm, and you pursed your lips. Definitely feverish. You took his heart rate, tried as gently as you could to do his blood pressure, and measured his blood sugar on the dial near his bed.
His DNA was definitely strange, because all of his vitals pointed to cardiac arrest and a 104F fever.
"What...the fuck?" He should be dead by those numbers.
You did everything twice more, just to be sure. Still the same. Elevated heart rate, high temperature, and blood pressure that wasn't physically possible.
It confirmed your theory. That meant you had to do a full body scan, analyze the numbers, try to find some kind of pattern....ugh.
His hands were beginning to twitch, and you scurried out of the small room. He'd likely be pissed, waking up in a hospital room with a poisoned stake sticking out of his chest.
Reading through his file, you chewed on your pinky nail. Apparently, a new variant of Green Goblin had been discovered on the fringes of a random universe. It produced a highly acidic venom, the same that had infected the rebar impaling Miguel. The science labs were analyzing the poison, and little info had been found.
Corrosive, acidic, highly destructive on human tissue.
Miguel seemed to be holding up okay. Explains the elevated temperature and heart rate. His body was cranking out energy, repairing the damage almost as soon as it occurred.
A grin teased its way onto your face. This was the part of your job that you loved. The puzzle, all the little bits that opened up a bigger picture and eventually, the solution.
You wrote up his chart with your hypothesis and sent it to Dr Ben. Tomorrow would be exciting, to say the least.
Exciting was one word for it. Apparently your prediction was correct: Miguel was decidedly not happy with his living situation at the moment. The nurse who'd gone in to give him his IV had dodged a flying chair, and it had escalated from there. Jess had intervened, resorting to an anomaly cage to keep him secure.
After that frazzling morning, Ben was ready for some good news. You were excitedly explaining the deductions you'd found last night, when a small knock came from the office door.
Gwen, one of the newer spiders, shyly poked her head in. Ben went to shoo her away, but you beckoned her in warmly.
Wait a second, you nodded to your boss, and he sat back with a sigh.
The young woman's colored hair hung limp and unwashed. She had been on the backup team to help Miguel and his crew, and the fallout had been hard on her. It was a big mission, especially for a rookie. She was struggling.
"Hi, Gwen, how are you today?" You pulled over a chair, nodding at her to sit. She folded her hands tightly and didn't meet your eyes.
"'M fine," she mumbled, fidgeting with her hoodie. You grabbed the notes you'd taken earlier and a pen.
"...Do...you wanna talk about it? Anything you remember, something we might have missed?"
The room was quiet as you waited. Ben shot you an exasperated look and nodded towards the clock. Not much time.
You sighed and leaned forwards. "it's okay if you don't have anything, Gwen, but we want Miguel to get better, so if you remember-"
"He was glitching," she blurted, cheeks flaming.
You exchanged another glance with Ben.
"He...when the..."she gestured vaguely, "spear thingy went into him, he started glitching. Like, really bad."
That made you stop. "Was...did you see his watch fall off at any point?"
She shook her head sharply. "No. It was like as soon as the venom hit him, he glitched. and it didn't stop until Jess and the guys got there. He was..." she shuddered, and you patted her arm comfortingly.
Though you did technically have spider abilities, you would never in a thousand years want to be fighting. You couldn't imagine dealing with that every day, especially at Gwen's age. You made a mental note to ask the psychiatrist for a check in.
"What were the details of the mission? was there anything specific about the Goblin that made him so strange?" As a member of the med crew, you didn't have access to mission files.
Gwen nodded, wiping her eyes. "Yeah. He was portal jumping like crazy. Miguel was so pissed," she laughed weakly, "he was jumping in circles like a cat."
"Was he glitching?"
"No, he was fine. It was weird...like he somehow belonged to all of the dimensions. We chased him through three different ones before..." A glazed look came over her, and you figured she needed a break.
"Thank you Gwen," you said gently, walking her to the door, "you've been very helpful. Get some rest, honey."
Watching her shuffle down the hall, you puzzled with the information she'd given.
What the fuck was going on?
Ben's serious look confirmed your bewilderment. This was clearly a bigger problem than you anticipated.
"We should give that to the labs," he pointed to your notepad. "They'll wanna know that info."
You nodded wordlessly, handing it over. What did that mean for Miguel? If this Goblin wasn't following the multiverse rules, was there even a possibility of fighting this?
Ben disappeared around the hall as you groaned into your hands. The excitement of the last 36 hours had done a number on you. Despite your heightened energy levels, you still felt sluggish. Flipping to the surveillance footage, you peeked in on your burly patient.
He was laying awake, the sharp spikes on his heart monitor indicating his agitation. His limbs were lightly restrained to keep him from disabling the glowing red net cast over him.
Oddly, you felt bad.
It was hard enough being injured and alone, but he was being treated like a prisoner. Poor guy. No wonder he doesn't socialize much.
Figuring you had some time, you grabbed your med kit and strolled down to his room. Maybe he'd have a good explanation of his situation. He was a renowned geneticist, after all.
The spider positioned outside his door gave you a wary look. "Miss, you might wanna-"
"Doctor," you corrected crisply, "and I'd like to see my patient."
The young man hesitated, but let you through anyway. He rambled about precautions and avoiding Miguel's temper, but you weren't listening.
His eyes were red.
A bitter, furious shade of scarlet that made your tongue dry and your heart cower. He was pulsing with so much restrained energy that you felt three times smaller. Again you were reminded of his size. You clutched your kit and dismissed the guard.
Fuck fuck fuck.
Despite his condition, Miguel could still easily snap your arms in half. Sharp canines dug into his lower lip. Maria's earlier comment came back to you. I'm more worried about the teeth than the claws, honey.
"Miguel?" Your voice was surprisingly stable, though quiet.
He blinked but gave no further answer. Swallowing, you walked slowly around to the side of his bed and sat. His straining thighs were inches away. The net hummed gently, resisting any movement.
You squinted against the bright threads. Miguel continued to scowl, eyes narrowing to slits. Trying to breathe steadily, you pulled out a capped syringe.
"I'm going to give you your vaccines is that alright?" stay calm stay calm oh my god oh holy fuck-
A singular, clawed finger poked through the net.
"Be my guest, mija."
He'd broken the restraints.
part two out on Aug 18! love you xox
let me know if you want to be tagged for updates!
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