dtkcosmos · 3 years
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iameamsoranin · 4 years
Tell me where do I begin
Picking up the pieces shattered in the past 7 years
Tell me where should I be
When I only long to be with you all these years
How great I am for pretending I'm okay
You have believed all the smiles you have seen
Litte did you know my eyes have tried talking
I wish it was you I am with
My heart was left in the same place where you left
I wish I could grab her back in one piece
Everytime I do, she just shattered back into pieces
Then I know, she will never be whole again
Indeed there is someone who could love her whole
Someone who would never leave her like you did
Someone who could possibly love her than you did
But it won't be the same thing when she had you in the beginning
There is one great love indeed, shitty hypothalamus it chose you repeatedly
I won't deny, you are still the one I want and need
But I know it can't happen, it will never happen
So I will just sit here until pain ends me.
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evdsposts · 5 years
I realized that not everything is a fairytale and everyone won't have a happy ending...
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kringsbebec · 5 years
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In a new Light - Les Voies du Seigneur (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/oPlar7LWhY Seconde partie de "What the Devil needs". Un ascenseur, nos deux partenaires qui s'y engouffrent.... Du coquin, dites-vous ? Pas vraiment ! Il y aura bien des braises ardentes, mais pas celles que vous croyez. 11 chapitres.
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souless-wonder · 6 years
It is sad that some people aren’t waiting for their happy ending anymore.
They’re just waiting for the end.
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fykaifics-blog · 6 years
Last January
Author: Vaelisaelva
Pairing: Kaisoo (Jongin x Kyungsoo)
Genre: Angst, Tragedy,
Length: Chaptered, Complete.
Rating: PG-15
warnings: -
Summary: "I realized that the person who made me happily smile more than anyone else in the world can’t be you anymore.“
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jewelrnicorn · 5 years
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It's so nice to meet you, let's never meet again. | STONY. - PARTE ÚNICA. (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/E9CSolGdB1
 "You're looking and whispering... you think I'm someone else. This is hell, literal hell." 
Estás mirando y susurrando... tú piensas que soy alguien más. Esto es el infierno, el infierno literal.
 (O en donde Tony descubre algo sobre Steve que jamás pensó y toma una de las decisiones más importantes y difíciles en su vida.)
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#shithappens #nogoodday #comehomelate ##eurowings #bulgaria🇧🇬 #nohappyending #flightEW5269 #flightright (hier: Burgas Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz-ccM9Ia13/?igshid=q2q4rmaa7llg
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bebecdevil · 5 years
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In a new Light - Un ami qui vous veut du bien (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/QYFkP0onTX Seconde partie de "What the Devil needs". Un ascenseur, nos deux partenaires qui s'y engouffrent.... Du coquin, dites-vous ? Pas vraiment ! Il y aura bien des braises ardentes, mais pas celles que vous croyez. 11 chapitres.
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allmothsdied · 3 years
Trigger warming...
Máma mi omotala krejčovský metr plný čísel bez začátku a konce, bez řádu, bez všeho neostrého, jako chladný dotek sochy z ledu, jako sotva roztavené stříbro, okolo pasu... Snažila se skrýt malou slzu na okraji víčka, a já se tvářila, že nevidím...
Nejsmutnější je, že jediný, co mě na tom všem mrzí, je že ji tím nutím procházet pořád a pořád dokola, občas jí házím celý krajice naděje, jen abych jí je pak vyrvala z náruče a hodila k nohám zapálený hranice
Je jedno jak moc se snažím postavit zámek jejího vysněného něčeho lepšího, něčeho až a někdy a když a pokud, když stejným úsilím ho drolím na kusy, padá mi mezi prsty jako nekonečný zrnka písku, jen trochu zafoukat a všechno je pryč
Jen samý písek a písek a písek.
V očích, ve vlasech, v posteli, ve vzduchu, ve vodě, v útrobách země samý
Jsem všechno, co bolí, už z pouhého pohledu, jako socha z ledu, přimrzlá k cizí kůži která sebou škube ve zběsilé snaze se odtrhnout a zmučená krvácí a umírá, jen nikdy ne dost, nikdy ne úplně
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softservecbd · 5 years
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unless ur into hookers, which, jus be safe, ok? posted on Instagram - http://bit.ly/2UgCaAd
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emichaelharrington · 6 years
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Maybe because I’m wearing my #newenglandpatriots hat I was magically drawn to Snowflakes Spa in Hell’s Kitchen. #nohappyending #snowflakesspa #snowflakes❄️ #hellskitchen #hellskitchennyc #littlebrazil #manhattan #newyork #newyorkcity #ibsmedia #ibsmediaconference #emichaelmusic 😎🏝🍷🐥🌈🚀 (at Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan) https://www.instagram.com/p/BucILvxBZ7Z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17e6nbr6p8ydq
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kringsbebec · 5 years
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In a new Light - Le miracle de la vie (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/hd7xxczaxX Seconde partie de "What the Devil needs". Un ascenseur, nos deux partenaires qui s'y engouffrent.... Du coquin, dites-vous ? Pas vraiment ! Il y aura bien des braises ardentes, mais pas celles que vous croyez. 11 chapitres.
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Thanks for acting like you cared!
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lasoifdelire · 7 years
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Agatha le pensait mort. James, furieux, refusera d’épouser Agatha.
Agatha thought he was dead. James, furious, will refuse to marry her.
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It hurt, it burned..the thought of his love fading. Knowing time would erase any trace she had been his.
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