#none of that transphobic bullshit here
sakurasubmissive · 5 months
"You shouldn't sexualise trans wome-"
"Wrong. Trans woman are hot. Trans women are sexy. Trans women deserve to be sexualised "
"Also, stabbing you stabbing you stabbing you stabbing you"
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international sports federations will look at the fact that 99% of elite male athletes are better than 99% of elite female athletes and be like oh is this an excuse to ignore the 1%? babygirl do you KNOW how many elite athletes there are in the world. yeah. yeah, hundred of thousands of them. yeah, that means that 1% is thousands of people. unfortunately you do have to reckon with the folks in the middle of your very impressive bimodal distribution. yeah i know. i know, the infinite diversity of human ability within those two categories is pretty inconvenient-- yeah.
it’s definitely a tough question to resolve, reconciling the reality of sex-based advantage with the fact that there are always going to be people with a range of natural advantages within and between those normal distributions-- for sure, it’s complicated, keeping things fair for the 99% while also finding a way to make them just and fair for the people in between. it’s hard! obviously we can’t just full-out abolish sex categories or blur them beyond coherence in most sports-- yeah, I know, the NHL and MLB are already gender neutral, and we’ve seen how that’s worked out for women trying to go pro-- absolutely-- yeah-- okay--
so are you going to come at this in a way that preserves the dignity and right to play of trans and intersex athletes & others who don’t fit your binary? oh, no? oh, you’re just going-- you’re just going to pretend that that they don’t exist. alright. wait, you’re NOT going to do that? so they do-- they do exist? oh, okay, you’re just going to say they aren’t allowed in sports. because you aren’t-- you aren’t creative enough to come up with a way of making things fair for everyone. okay. cool. this seems like a normal and really smart way of addressing this issue. i’m so glad you’re in charge. fucking wingnut dipshits.
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nothorses · 1 year
Aren't you the one with the weird ass misogyny kink
This is such a perfect example of how fucking stupid callout culture is, actually.
For context, nearly two years ago now, a few blogs known for picking fights & starting harassment campaigns picked a fight & started a harassment campaign against first one transmasc blogger, then a bunch of other transmascs they harassed about reblogging his post who either didn't respond to them, or who responded unfavorably.
I won't get into the nitty-gritty here, but I did elsewhere [1] [2] and so have a few other folks.
I wasn't the original person called out. I was tacked on after the fact because I didn't respond.
What I've been "called out" for since then is, essentially, a bunch of complete bullshit made up by people who are pissed off that I encouraged people to think critically about the callout posts they came across.
Even among those lies, my sex life, kinks, fetishes, whatever- none of it has ever come up. Because I don't engage with that online, I never have, and I never will, for exactly this reason.
Would you be surprised if I told you this wasn't the first time I'd been accused of the "crimes" that original person was accused of?
You probably shouldn't be! This shit happens all the time, and it's only a natural progression of the callout culture it all stems from: one person has some shit they said taken out of context and painted in a bad light by a vindictive and usually transphobic internet loser, everyone who doesn't publicly disavow them immediately and without question is guilty by association, and what reason do they have to defend this person anyway, except so they can get away with the same thing? They must be doing it too!
And this ask especially is phrased in such a blatantly manipulate way. There's no good way to answer this: either I say "yes, but" and people stop thinking or caring there, or I say "no, here's what really happened" and I look weak and dubious for defending myself at all. The accusation has been made, the question has been asked, and now everything I say is with the assumption that this is something I am responsible for proving or disproving.
It's stupid and pointless and it's all fucking made up. It's designed to run on instinctive disgust and outrage, and what better conduit is there for rage and disgust than trans people? Especially trans people who talk about being trans.
And even putting all that aside: who fucking cares?
Who cares if one dude gets off to some shit he, in real life, both suffers from and actively tries to combat? Why are you so concerned with the private sexual fantasies of one random internet stranger? Why is it so important to you that everyone in the world know what this one dude thinks is hot when acted out between two consenting adults?
Come off anon and tell me all your kinks, anon. Tell me every single thing you have ever been turned on by, everything you've masturbated to, and why. I want detailed notes. I want links to porn. If you've made art, written fanfic, roleplayed- I want to see it.
C'mon, if this should be publicly available knowledge, let's start with you. It shouldn't matter as long as none of it's weird or off-putting to anyone else, right? You don't need to hide anything, right? There's nothing there you'd be embarrassed about, nothing you'd rather keep private, right? So what's the hold-up, why haven't you done this already? Why are you on anon to begin with; what are you hiding?
If anyone's the "sex freak" or whatever, anon, it's you. Nobody fucking needs this information about anyone, especially if they aren't sexually involved with each other. It's a massive invasion of privacy, and much more importantly it is textbook sexual harassment.
Anyway. Hi, voc and w-oc. I should be more surprised to see you two in my inbox, but I guess yall are obsessive enough to respond to, literally, a couple of tags on one reblog containing undefined, contextless acronyms of your urls. Hope you talk to a therapist about that someday.
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jaxfromthatcircus · 2 months
Man, just wanna do a little *ahem* CLEAN-UP y'know
This blog is ran by a trans person, you come here with some transphobic/homophobic/acephobic bullshit and you'll either get bullied to hell or straight blocked
Absolutely no TERFS allowed, also no antisemitic shit, no nazis, no pedos, racist people, none
We stand for the feminists, the sex workers, people of color, we stand for Palestine, the gays thems and theys and the whole LGBTQ+ community, we stand for the punks and the witches and whoever never fit in, we stand for the emos and the non conforming, we stand for you, whoever you are
Let's see how many people we lose after that :)
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djuvlipen · 11 months
The bullshit
the only genocide in north america is like you know.... the ongoing genocides of indigenous people. but they will never ever talk about that and theyll never talk about femicide or how black women and indigenous women are shockingly more likely to be murdered or prostituted
sorry had to rant. its so truely offensive
and the only male traits terfs truely believe in (big noses? come on, like radfems arent anti plastic surgery and pro big nose) are you know... being born with a penis and balls. which isnt a Woman of Color Thing at all and most trans women are white men who look nothing like jewish women or black women or etc just fuck off racists
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Oh, gosh, so many things wrong with this.
First of all, you are so right. And the only time they mention the genocide of indigenous people here, is to use it as a gotcha against "terfs" (even though none of us deny that it happened and is currently still happening), which is pretty telling tbh. Transactivists only ever bring up racism and genocide against people of colour to use it as props to push their "trans people are the most oppressed/going through genocide right now", which is pretty annoying.
Second, genocide is not just inflicting harm in order to destroy a "group of people", it is inflicting harm to destroy a group of people because of their nationality, ethnicity, race or religion. As in, genocide has to do first and foremost with racism / racialized hatred (ethnicity, religion and nationality have often been used to define a group as belonging to another race). Erasing the importance of racism when talking about genocide is racist and it's the most 1st world, white thing that you can do.
Like, "TERFs" aren't mad about the "trans genocide" narrative because we think it's offensive to talk about genocides other than the Shoah. We know that genocides are multifaceted, that a genocidal process is always unique, that many people other than Jews suffered genocide. We are mad because erasing the relationship between racism and genocide is racist, and because any politics TRAs disagree with is being turned into a genocide.
If they want to talk about how transphobic these politics are, they could have done so without saying it is a genocide. Not every bad thing in the world is a genocide. Persecution can be bad and still not be a genocide. The fact that any politics that doesn't suit their political agendas reframed as genocidal is stupid, offensive, racist, and it comes off as very overdramatic.
I wish they could spend as much time talking about MMIW and racism against indigenous and black people, as they do talking about the "trans genocide".
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roachleakage · 1 year
Dissecting some examples of rhetoric that tries to force trans people into privileged/oppressed dichotomies (CW transphobia, transmisandry, misogyny, biphobia, aphobia, exorsexism)
NOTE: This list is not comprehensive. The point isn't to cover every possible piece of bullshit rhetoric, but to educate people on the common problems and logical errors that characterize these kinds of claim. As such, this is mostly going to cover shit that harms transmascs, because that's the material that I know the best. This is not a claim that this bullshit only goes one way. It can happen, has happened, with ANY group cast as the oppressor.
"Trans women are publicly shamed and bullied for being trans. Trans men are 'just' invisible, so they're privileged because they don't have to deal with that!"
"Transphobes want transfem people dead. But they just want transmascs to detransition, so transmascs have it better."
Both of these are examples of oppression Olympics - claiming that one group is really privileged because their oppression doesn't look as bad. It's also misleading as hell, because it never explores what the actual consequences are of what's being done to AFABS/trans men - for example, that invisibility exacerbates the difficulty of finding transmasc-inclusive resources, or that the reason many transphobes want us detransitioned is so that we will be "sexually available" to them (I.E. they want us as sex objects and breeding stock, which is not all that better than death).
"AMABs are hated no matter what they do, because they're either seen as perverts or Evil Men. AFABs can avoid being seen as either simply by detransitioning, convincing society at large that they are harmless, vulnerable women."
And here's yet another example of the claim that being forced to detransition isn't "that bad", as if gender dysphoria and the pain of being in the closet are magically washed away by the healing powers of society's overwhelming love and support for women. And the assumption that that exists is a problem in itself, because misogyny? Racism? Islamophobia, fatphobia, literally everything that causes people to clutch their pearls and treat others like absolute shit? Apparently none of that matters at all, literally any (supposed) cis woman can say "jump" and society will start tripping over themselves to do so.
"Nonbinary trans people aren't really trans, they just want to be because they think it's cool. They need to accept their cis privilege and get out of the way."
Folks, this is literally oppressor logic. Queerphobes have been trying to deny people rights since day one on the basis that their identities don't fit into mainstream concepts of gender expression. Are you trans, but mainly attracted to people of the "opposite" sex? Then you're not really trans, because normal people are straight. Are you bisexual? No, you're "really" straight or gay, because people are only attracted to one gender. Asexual? Bullshit, everyone's attracted to someone. Nonbinary? That's not a real gender, or if it is, it's not as important as my binary one.
You get it. This logic has been re-used and regurgitated so many times that it's mostly bare wires and bits of vomit. And yet people are still using at least half of the versions I just mentioned, plus more that I didn't have energy to cover. And all of it stems from the same, laughably conceited premise: that the mainstream model of gender and sexuality is so close to perfect that your understanding is all it needs to finish the puzzle.
I'm going to stop this here, because it's very tiring to write, but hopefully this helps to battle some of this nonsense.
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can i ask what circumgender is? i tried to look it up, but i'm not sure whether the results are accurate. (also not sure if your post was sarcastic or not, haha, sorry)
I agree that the tone of my post wasn't especially precise, I made it quickly and emotionally
circumgender is a word used by like 5 twinks on this webbed site and we all disagree with each other, but if I was gonna describe it I would say it's the gender of a person who has pursued transition and in their pursuit ended up with the gender that corresponds to their birth sex, the idea being that instead of this journey being a straight line away from their gender assigned at birth, and then a straight line back, it's a spiral, a circle, they've walked the entire circumference of gender, and even on returning to familiarity they see things a new way
in my case I started E about 5 years ago, and the longer I've been on estrogen the more comfortable I've felt identifying openly as a man. Like of course I continue to be plural and multigender, and in that my relationship to manhood isn't cis, it's circumgender
I posted about circumgender people, because right now, with good reason, a lot of trans women are very angry about how comfortable people are ignoring or outright denying the existence of transmisogyny, and in their desire to weed out transmisogynists they're attacking the idea of "afab trans women" because they see not experiencing transmisogyny while identifying with transfemininity as a mockery of the real experiences they've experienced.
you'll notice that an afab trans woman fits pretty comfortably into the definition of circumgender. Now I wanna say very clearly, anybody out there who denies the existence of transmisogyny, or thinks they can take some T and throw on a dress and understand what transmisogyny feels like, as far as I am concerned they're just transmisogynists like any other run of the mill sexist and transphobe, and I want them to own up to their bullshit. At the end of the day though, I am in community with these people, and if your argument is "you haven't suffered the way I have, therefor you don't have the right to identify with my label" I feel like you're defining transfemininity around suffering, which I don't think should be core to any identity, and you're making a stolen valor argument. Like I think we need to understand that there is a difference between claiming you have some experiences in common with trans women, which I think is an entirely reasonable reason to identify with any label, vs. claiming you are tma when you're not, which I think is batshit insane, but I also haven't seen anyone doing.
I hereby unequivocally condemn any perisex afab person who claims to be tma.
Now take a step back and notice what a tiny unimportant group of people we are haggling about here, what a big ruckus made for a group of people I know maybe three of, none of which claim to be tma, and I live on "tiny queer community" tumblr
And what I'm really afraid of, what my post was actually about what I notice time and time again, is that the same people who want to attack these completely insignificant, politically nonexistent microlabels in the name of liberating trans women from transmisognyny, it's those people who are the fastest to call me tme
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rjalker · 5 months
Butter-whore2 for your ableist blocklist
Put this bullshit on my Geordi disability post, which is educating ablebodied people of how not to write disability in their stories so that they're not being ableist.
= == =
kind of a fan of tumblr’s slightly more algorithmically elements for reminding me of the hell’s other people construct for themselves but this one hits like five of the boxes. How do people do this to themselves? it’s such a bizarre way to act over media I genuinely do not believe is capable of stirring an emotional response the metaphysics of disability here are unintentionally really funny but disability is not a coherent ontological framework, it’s a vague descriptor for literally thousands of different things none of which lend themselves to categorizing Moralizing over fiction is incredibly lame.
Liking harry potter is also incredibly lame, it’s not morally wrong nor transphobic and you do not get to decide that lol. people literally do get "cured” of their disabilities all the time, many of them have a positive experience in doing so. this is not what eugenics is.
the anti abortion stuff lol
Also notice how me saying "eugenics is bad" get translated in this person's head as "lol you're anti abortion". which is not what I said even remotely, but bigots don't actually care about facts, or the people they're pretending to care about.
If you don't understand the difference between disabled people pointing out eugenics and people being anti abortion, then you are not equipped to be part of either conversation.
"moralizing over fiction is incredibly lame" really just sums up everything you need to know about this person, who thinks bigotry magically stops existing if you're talking about fiction rather than true events.
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rayclubs · 11 months
Am I correct in saying that you don't like nb pyro, trans scout, and gender-fluid spy mainly because they're not creative? Like you wanna see people almost "not state the obvious"?
Slightly unrelated lmao when you said you thought that trans scout was transphobic I was totally like, "Oh yeah I think he'd totally have some internalized transphobia." So, what do you think about the mercs and that? If they do/don't & how they deal with internalized transphobia/homophobia or gender dysphoria in general?
Sorry if any of that came off as rude, I didn't mean for it to.
No, creativity isn't the issue here at all.
To be clear, I don't think that any character interpretation having any gender or sexuality is inherently creative, just how in real life being LGBTQ+ is not a trend but a state of being. The creativity in character creation or analysis comes from exploring how their gender and/or sexuality relates to and is a part of their life experiences, relationships, values, personality, culture, self-expression, and other defining aspects of their existence.
My issue with nonbinary Pyro, transgender Scout, and genderfluid Spy is that of redundancy, or worse - insidious bigoted rhetoric. Hateful, malicious people have spent years reimagining the diversity of queer experience into a collection of easily-strawmanned "tropes" and delusions, and the media took them and ran with them for almost as long as it existed en masse. Scout by design is what a prejudiced mind imagines a trans man to be, Spy's genderfluidity is assumed because he doesn't fit a centuries-old patriarchal understanding of masculinity, and - the worst offense for me, personally - in my close, regional, almost familial culture nonbinary people are still seen as obscure non-human creatures, such as Pyro is occasionally implied to be.
It's... understandable, really. Plenty of trans guys relate to Scout, I know genderfluid people who see themselves in Spy, and enough nonbinary people have told me how much Pyro means to them for me to learn to keep my voice down when I talk about this. I'm not asking people to stop making these interpretations, I'm only asking you to please consider where they come from, and to broaden your horizons with other, more varying, more meaningful ideas besides.
Now, as for your other, more loaded question - I will not be making TF2 transphobia headcanons, because I do not want to and would not be comfortable doing it. I know you meant neither offense nor harm by asking, and none is taken, but that's a firm "no", and now I have to clarify why because I want anyone misinterpreting my stance here.
I live in a place where same-sex marriage is still illegal. Transgender people have no legal rights in this country, and I have found myself wondering "Is this the part where I get hate-crimed?" much more often than I would wish even upon my worst enemies. So, no, I'm not one of those who think you can never ever put bigotry in your stories and headcanons because something-something gay people can have stories that aren't tragedies. Because fuck me, some of us are still living those tragedies, and many people have it way worse than me in the year of bloody 2023, so - I'm getting off track. The point is, you can put anything in your stories. You can have your characters deal with internalized or systematized bigotry, and I think that's perfectly fine, whichever way you may want to do it.
The reason I'm not doing it is ONLY because I myself, personally, don't want to. Not because it is rude, or immoral, or wrong, or "problematic" (I hate this word), or children might read it, or it's bad representation, or any such bullshit argument. It's just me, and I'm very tired, and I hope nobody sends me any negativity over this, but I've kinda braced myself already so go ahead anyway. Cheers!
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butch-reidentified · 7 months
I know frequently the “anti terf” people lie about this straight up but sometimes they don’t. Here’s an example where clearly there are links between “disagree with trans ideology due to feminism” < - > “like anything “transphobic” because edgy” < - > “disagree with trans ideology due to trad/mra racist alt right views”
As fucking typical the right wing n word saying bullshit starts right after https://www.tumblr.com/americanette reblogs it
She doesn’t say it but she does say some mra bullshit about how the real sadness here is men aren’t protecting women as they rightly should 🙄
Then within the next hour here come
(Also with Bible verse in bio)
Saying “average n*gger behavior.”
And https://www.tumblr.com/anew-jackson
Saying ““black men are inherently violent”
radfem 🫱🏽‍🫲🏻 radright”
Where op is still off base is the majority of the notes on her post are actually radfems or adjacent and none of them at all lead to right wing blogs picking it up
Plus of course some people just don’t look at who follows them and of course there are right wing assholes who deliberately try to pick off anyone with the slightest disagreement with the main leftist view.
I can’t blog about issues to do with Palestine for example without a bunch of antisemites following me and trying to convince me to be antisemitic about it. That doesn’t prove my views about Palestine are inherently antisemitic — they very much aren’t. Same for how radfems/gc end up being with attracting a lot of right wing actually-transphobic (and sexist and racist and homophobic) attention.
But please people if you are at all connected to blogs like americanette that shit seriously — taking time to disengage our arguments and discussion in all spaces online and off from the right wing will do more for us than the next 10 gc memes you bother to make and post. Don’t lie, you’ve got the time.
This also isn’t like working with your normie right leaning cousin on abortion because she agrees with you about that. You aren’t making connections here you are being made a patsy to keep you alienated from the left and to keep more women on the left from joining us in an actually revolutionary feminist movement. Right wing people online absolutely know the more they get you to openly connect with them the more they can use that to keep young women in particular away from listening to you about feminism.
Hypothetical you btw I am sending this to a few different blogs because I bothered writing it and don’t have a rf blog to put it on yet. I’m pretty new. Not as a reader but as someone agreeing. I know this works because it worked to keep me away from learning more about rf for a long time. Not the rumor of racism and FAR right wing connections being ignored or celebrated but seeing the evidence. It was actually seeing americanette suggested as a blog within moments of following rf blogs that put me off for another few months. Was there going to be another issue I was forced to sit through racist attacks from “my own” side over?? Seems to be yes but maybe it’s getting better.
so i'm not 100% following here bc i can't see the link at the beginning but i think i got the gist.
the op blocked me so i cannot click the first link but this is an earlier version of the post in question
first: yes racism is a problem among radfems (i've yet to encounter any mixed race environment where it isn't a problem), but i will say i see a bit more effort to combat it here than in most online spaces i've been around. not that that's a high bar, lbh.
tumblr recommendeds should not be trusted, though, and they don't necessarily mean much. the algorithms aren't exactly unbiased. and keep in mind sock accounts to vilify radfems are very real and present, as are troll accounts. i don't know who any of the people you linked to are tho so i can't speak on that, and 2 have me blocked or maybe i blocked them ages ago and don't remember. i do typically block right wing blogs on sight,so it's possible. also it seems some of the stuff you linked to was maybe deleted?
i will say unequivocally that being intentionally "transphobic" in an edgy way is not productive and should not be supported in radfem spaces. we are here to criticize and analyze, not to be outright cruel for the sake of being cruel. many people seem to forget this.
i do not personally know any women here who engages with right wing blogs, even in argument. i'm sure they exist, but not in my sphere - though i don't actually spend very much time online. i think most folks ik on here just block and move on.
as a side note, i used to look at who follows me etc but i have like 3500 followers now bc i've been here a long time and make original posts pretty often, so it is no longer realistic to monitor who's following me - i really don't have THAT kind of time or energy. but if i see someone reblogging from me who's shit, i block. i have no idea what the typical follower count is on radblr but generally speaking, i think people should only be held so responsible for who follows them. making an effort is important, but i don't think it's reasonable to expect everyone to be online enough to thoroughly check all their followers.
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as for this^ this stuff is said deliberately to get a reaction from radfems and/or to discredit us. unless a radfem im blocked by or have blocked said so in the notes, i didn't see anything implying "black men are inherently violent." this kind of post is usually making shit up to antagonize radfems or misrepresent radical feminism as an ideology. this is not to say there's no radfem who believes wildly racist bullshit like that - in fact, i'm confident there are, since they're everywhere. it's just not at all a staple of radfems like this implies.
but yes, bottom line, radblr is far from immune to racism, but isn't the worst i've seen either, and things like "recommendeds" or shitty people reblogging from radfems should be taken with a grain of salt as neither of those inherently indicates an endorsement from the rad blog connected to the incident, if that makes sense. my brain is mush rn after driving 4 hours.
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inexperienced-egg · 7 months
Anti-Trans Protests Across Canada + Counter Protests
This Wednesday, September 20th a shitload of bigots take to the streets across Canada to protest... *checks notes* yeah, something that isn't happening.
"Trans people want to turn your kids trans" "Trans people are FORCING kids to be trans" "Trans people are molesting kids" "Kids are getting gender affirming care" I- no. Literally none of that is happening. Conservatives honestly astonish me with their ability to get so incredibly pissed at their own ridiculous fiction. Pathetic to see they're protesting against nonsense that they literally made up lmao.
On the bright side, there are also plenty of counter protests lined up throughout every province and Yukon. If you want to attend one and feel safe doing so, here is an Instagram page with more details.
"1 million march 4 children" is the name these transphobic idiots are going by. Whether you plan on attending a counter-protest or not, make sure you stay safe this Wednesday.
Last but not least, stay strong. I know things look bleak, there's been a lot of anti-trans bullshit out there lately, but there are so many trans people and allies who will not give up in their fight against it. I can't say I've done much to consider myself among those fighters, but something I know I can and will do is spread awareness like this.
You are loved, and you are valid. You deserve respect, and you deserve rights. You are just as human as anybody else, and anyone who tries to make you believe otherwise can go suck a fat one.
Trans rights are human rights <3
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glamphantasm · 10 months
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Master Post - Kai LGBTQIA+ Queerphobes & Transphobes fuck off o(*^@^*)o~💙💛🧡💚🩷❤️💜
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Prefacing: Kai is a very broken boy. None of this is healthy, and references self harm, past CSA/trafficking, neurodivergent behaviors and habits.
Questionable coping methods abound (drugs, alcohol, risk-taking behavior, you name it).
These posts/hc/character building moments all take place in the Nightbringer timeline (as that is the one we are in now.)
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Day 50 vs Day 500 ART!
by the lovely & talented @writerman - thank you for this version of the boy <3 he's so over all this bullshit - @prismantis - i adore how DONE he is here <3 thank you.
this is a pretty common look for him these days - @drawsmaddy - the skepticism is literally oozing off of him <3 contemplative and a bit lost - nobody's looking. - @saprophilous - stunning. love him.
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Character Associations (aka 15 things)
D&D Style Sheet Five Senses Aesthetics Fluff Alphabet - A to Z of the not so dirty but not as fluffy as it should have been stuff.
OC Asks: Character Design Smut Alphabet - A to Z of the dirty stuff.
Unusual Character Associations
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Stories in a rough chronological order -
Mammon Steals Something
Lucifer says, "We need to talk."
Solomon Cooks
Kai Imbibes a Truth Serum. Asmodeus Stirs The Pot Part 1, Part 2 Kai Copes (or tries) Asmo Offers an Olive Branch Club Night? Club Night!
The Risks of Cursed Books
Unexpected Rescue, Unexpected Bonds
Interludes I. II.
The Longest Day
Interlude III. IV.
Introspection (but what else is new?)
All stories also here: Examinations on An Exchange Student
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Palette 1 Pinterest (do people still use this? idek)
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not-poignant · 9 months
As a fellow trans person, thank you for not giving terfs a platform. I follow other writers who answer transphobic questions - not because they themselves are transphobic but because I think they think it's best to just answer whatever question is sent to them - and it's always horrible to come across on my dash. So thank you for not posting whatever that anon sent you.
Much love 💕❤💕
Honestly from a purely selfish perspective, I just get so tired of seeing it. Not just TERF bullshit, but sometimes even the activism and the responses.
Like, I'm existentially tired of the growing amount of hate and I don't want to have it here. I don't want someone scrolling past to see an ask from an anon and get that kneejerk 'oh my god, here too??' and I even thought about not making my PSA but then it was like, no I'll make the PSA, because I think some newcomers don't realise I'm trans.
As far as I'm concerned, I'm never going to let a TERF through unless I have a very very good reason to do so, and I honestly can't think of one right now. They can exhale their toxins in other spaces, they don't get to poison the well here.
Trans people are awesome, we deserve to not have our identities questioned, the language we use questioned etc. by the people who hate and fear us because they are small-minded asshats who want so desperately to feel hurt by things that are ultimately none of their business, while in the process hurting a lot of other people.
Anyway! Tl;dr - You're welcome, I did it for me too, because that shit's painful, and sometimes you do not want to see it every single day, on every single social media site. Would rather just be full of trans support instead.
Besides, I pretty regularly tear transphobes apart on Twitter so
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formulatrash · 2 years
"W Series proving women and men can compete" Don't think Jamie would agree with you there. According to her, she's not "musculoskeletally built" in a way that will ever allow her to compete with men. Also a transphobe who doesn't recognize trans women as women so 😬
sigh, yeah, I've tweeted about this and I can't be bothered to get into it here, too.
there is, scientifically and specifically, no reason for someone who has been subject to testosterone in their teens to have a sporting advantage over people who were subject to oestrogen and progesterone. just like, read that sentence and imagine how fucking completely insane it would be to say that people whose bodies naturally produce steroids that aid tissue recovery would be at an inevitable or natural disadvantage. it is the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life.
where women's sports have a disadvantage is social. yes, it is true that someone who was mistaken for a boy when they were a teen is likely to have been more encouraged into sport as a child, given more sporting opportunities, had access to better-funded facilities, higher competition levels earlier on and encouraged to put on more sporting-functional muscle. they are also (although sadly it is endemic to both genders) slightly less likely to have been subject to abuse.
none of that is anything to do with trans people though, is it. it's because the whole sporting system is broken. it's because women have frequently been banned from sport. did you know the UK's FA banned women's football for fifty years, most of the 20th century? it's not fucking Afghanistan or wherever people think these problems are, it's the pathetic, whiny, patriarchal culture of the west and these TERF handmaidens bleating that every problem in women's sport is because testosterone is magic, so of course women will always be underfunded and slower.
women physically trend to the smaller size compared to men. however, there's actually no particular reason for that, biologically speaking, it's more a generational thing of women tending to have quite hard lives and early deaths due to childbirth. someone assigned female at birth also goes through a magic change in puberty that builds muscle and resilience, it's just that the sports science for developing that is in kindergarten while the amab version is collecting its fourth doctorate. so of course there is a gap.
if there are physical limitations, they are so small they haven't even been explored. given the funding and opportunities gap, it would be reasonable to assume that women are actually faster and stronger than men, if you look at the actual gaps between times - 83.6% of professional athletes are men, so the 16.4% of women are overperforming, while remaining underfunded and without sufficient competition levels.
anyway, that all aside: trans athletes aren't even beating top women athletes. they're just not. it's fucking bullshit. Lia Thomas has one victory in one category of an amateur, national league. she would be pasted so hard by the lowest competitor of the USA olympics women's swim team. she wouldn't even be in the pool before Katie Ledecky had won. women are not inherently tiny, weak and uncompetitive.
women's bodies are policed so heavily in sport and it's overwhelmingly racist - from what was done to Caster Semenya to people trying to get Simone Biles investigated simply because she could pull off moves no one else could. on a man we call that an extraordinary achievement, on a girl we try to staple them back into their lane. on a black girl we tear them down publicly and in the grossest way imaginable.
nothing about extending that to trans athletes helps women's sports. nothing. you know what helps women's sports? funding them, dealing with abusive systems, creating and pushing forward high level competition from an early age, encouraging girls into sports earlier, creating opportunities.
and yet none of the people who allegedly care sooooooo much about women's sport can even name female athletes, let alone the problems they face. I fucking cannot believe the confidence of a man whose credentials include being a complete fuckwit on Twitter telling me I don't know anything about sport I fucking play simply because I don't think trans people should have less rights than other humans.
anyway, I fucking hate this. I'm so fucking angry.
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
Well well well we have a new Beyond Canon upd8 likely within the next 2 weeks or so, and I have to say, they’ve had a good track record, none of the upd8s are so terrible that they ruin any chance for James and the team to fix the legacy of HS^2. In fact, they seem to be fixing the reputation of the comic.
What I wager is the best and worst case scenario for the next upd8, and what that entails for the fandom.
So here’s the meat and candy of my predictions.
The meaty, juicy, raw and thick with content, the good stuff would be an upd8 focusing on the candy kids. With Harry and Tavros separate from Vrissy and Vriska caught up to John the new kids can separate off from old Vriska and start their own character development, and do their own thing, alternativly we can focus on Dirk and Rosebot where Dirk’s plan to actually play the new sburb session actually happens, maybe even retroactively create the horrorterror and cherubim races, or even seeing characters like Candy roxy, Candy Rose, or Candy Kanaya work out nore of their duty to fight against Jane whilst working out the messy details in their relationship (Rose and Kanaya while Roxy talks out with John the new direction Harry should take in life, connecting to or against Harry’s character arc)
The consequences of this action would make me have less reason to be scared that Beyond Canon is some time bomb where suddenly all the writing goes to shit again, the fandom will be pleasantly surprised at the development, and continue making fanart and theories.
The sweet, fattening, and unhealthy worst case: it’s an upd8 about Meat Dave, Meat Karkat, Meat Jade, Meat Roxy, and Meat calliope. This doesn’t sound so bad, the issue is that the upd8 would go out of its way to be Davekat angst fluff. Roxy is only there to support Dave emotionally for his flush romance, Kanaya and Jade have nothing so say, and Calliope’s only relevance would be to fangirl over the pair.
The reaction from the fandom would actually be positive, especially on Twitter and Tumblr, and while barely anything gets done fans can cherrypick their favorite quotes to attempt to project meaning on the upd8 and anyone who didn’t like it goes “well there’s next upd8”
And yeah, worst case scenario isn’t the end of HS:BC, but it would be a major damage to the comic’s potential and perceived cross referential, character driven, extensively worldbuilding narrative such as its predecessor, but would be a detour for the rest of the comic, a major blow to its reputation but a tolerable out come.
I would call it strike one. In a 3 strike system, so the upd8, after a worse case scenario would have 2 more upd8s to turn the comic around and leave the upd8 as a Davekat mishap, the damage would worsen if this kind of relationship fluff overpowering the narrative development rather than develop alongside the plot would be an even worse indicator if it focused on characters with actual goals and purposes like the Candy cast, or Dirk and Rosebot. That would be strike 2. Repeated again, and the comic would basically untouchable for me.
I still have my doubts even after this update. That maybe because Jade was once again, shafted from development. Even with the meta joke about it from Davebot, you got to admit it's still bullshit. But hey, people love the Strilondes better than the HarleyEnglishberts.
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Then there's the whole thing about June Egbert actually becoming a reality. I fear the worst when that happens. People will renaming John as June in future works, even when he still looks like his base male appearance. People calling others transphobic if they don't follow it. And those who are trans that try to speak out about it or say they are not a fan, will get called as fake or worse for not liking their supposed representation. I also wonder if James Roach and the rest of Homestuck Independent Creative Union (HICU) would even address other small details that were overlooked in HS2. Be it things like how Vrissy and Tavros are technically cousins and seem to imply a blackrom relationship. The same can be applied with Harry and Vrissy being cousins too if people think deep that Harry calling Vrissy babe is more flirty than playful. What about these fuckoff OCs made by the old WhatPumpkin team? Is HICU gonna continue the bonus stories of them and tie it back to HSBC? Because that was the original plan from HS2. How are they gonna make the excuse of Rose CHEATING on Kanaya? Not just the Rose that fucked dogdick Jade and have a secret child, but also the implication that Rosebot also flirted with TEREZI and would have gotten intimately close if Dirk didn't interrupt. Rose in both Candy and Meat are cheating sluts that fucked over with their supposed wife. Are they going to make Jade, Terezi, and Dirk awful people for making Rose this way despite most of the decisions were on Rose's part? Rose chose to fuck with Jade and Rose chose to leave her body behind to go with Dirk. There's too much crap built up to really say the new team handles it better. Sure they have little moments like Vriska metajokingly calling out all the bullshit, but it's better to see it fully in action than saying a wink and a nod to the audience that had to sit through the slog.
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Just as a general psa if you see someone using asexuality to defend purity culture and attacks on open displays of kink and sexuality, just assume they're a bad actor and don't take it seriously.
A couple years ago at the height of "ace discourse" (read: that massive exclusionary harrassment campaign we've for some reason decided to treat as normal) people pretending to be ace in order to post low key bigotry or just "cringe" and bait people into attacking them were all over the place. I'm not saying that none of them were you know, stupid teenagers genuinely being wrong about things, but hey those kids didn't deserve to be harrassed either as it turns out.
Regardless, that toxic site culture has just made actual ace people less likely to speak up and frankly decimated the community that existed here, so while pobody's nerfect and there's always a possibility that post deriding other people's sexuality as an attack on ace people is from an ace person who just happens to be shitty, I feel the odds are pretty good that that's just what they want you to think.
And not to sound conspiratorial but like. You all get how "Queer is a slur" discourse was used to springboard exclusionist talking points into the mainstream, yeah? You know that the ace exclusionist to terf pipeline is like an acknowledged thing? That even at the time aphobes were pretty blatantly transphobic and openly misgendered outspoken nonbinary ace people in order to deride them as "cishet girls" because that's what fit their narrative? You see how all of those exclusionist talking points have lead to a more hostile environment for trans people and a more divided community, yeah? And you understand that the attack on kink and open displays of sexuality is an extension of that, right? That the goal is in part to exclude trans people from public life by branding us as inherently sexual and deviant?
Okay, considering all of that, do you think maybe it would be convenient for those types of people, to leverage ace discourse in order to attack kink and public displays of sexuality? That laying the blame for purity culture at the feet of ace people would help their cause? Either they get the moral justification they need for the next step of their crusade and shame people out of healthy and open acceptance of sex and sexuality, or they reignite exclusionist debate by placing asexuality in opposition to the rest of the queer community, or both. That's a can't lose scenario.
Like I said I don't have proof and I'm not trying to fear monger and make accusations, but I do think it's something to keep in mind if and when you see asexuality and purity culture bullshit being tied together. That there are certain groups of assholes who would definitely benefit from you taking that at face value.
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