#normal people have a picture of their boyfriend in a frame
anxiousneli · 2 months
told myself that i can have something nice in my room. i have these pictures from my teenage years. it feels so sad that i can say something like this - recalling my teenage years as something i can’t live again.
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weeknd-ogoc · 7 months
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SUMMARY: in which lando accidentally gets married to his best friend in vegas! (this is the alternate ending to just married with oscar piastri) FACE CLAIM: leona naomi wong CONTAINS: childhood best friends to lovers trope, ex boyfriend!oscar, small angst and fluff! AUTHOR'S NOTE: this could kinda work as a stand alone but anyways hope you guys like it!
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(italics are past conversations)
for as long as you could remember, you truly believed that lando had always been the better friend — ever since you guys were kids he'd always do everything your way and always wanted to see a smile on your face.
you had met lando at the age of eight when your family had invited his family over for dinner, at first the two of you could not seem to get along but then one night that changed.
"lan, you'd really do that for me?" you smiled as you handed him a crown.
he rolled his eyes as he snatched it away from you and placed the gold crown on his head. "yeah yeah just as long as you promise not to tell anyone..."
that night you had played as his wife in a beautiful kingdom that you ruled.
when it was time for him to leave, he gave you back the crown and took off the fluffy orange blanket that was supposed to be a cape. "i guess i had fun, see you tomorrow?"
you nodded and took your tiara off. "so are we friends now?"
"bestest friends but just as long as you promise not tell anyone we're friends..."
as you guys grew up it was always lando who made it known to everyone that you were his bestest friend.
lando had woken up feeling super nauseous but just before he could even go to the restroom, he looked around to see that he was in your hotel room he then looked down to see that he was undressed and to his right he saw you wrapped around the same thin blanket he was under.
“please no…” he whispered as he lifted the blanket a tad bit and saw you were also undressed. “no, no, no.”
when he turned to his left he saw a photo on the nightstand with a just married frame around it. it was a picture of you and him kissing at a chapel — he saw max in the background holding up a little peace sign and right next to him was carlos sainz.
oh he was so going to kill them whenever he saw them.
he debated whether he should wake you up and ask if you remembered anything or maybe just fall off the face of earth.
“hey lan” you mumbled as you opened your eyes a bit.
for a moment it seemed like a normal thing because you guys have had little sleepovers your whole lives but then you felt something off.
“so about last nig-“ he started but you instantly sat up, holding the sheets tightly to your chest and also noticed a big shiny ring on your left ring finger.
“norris, please tell me we did no-“
he passed the framed picture over to you and tried pulling the sheet from you over back to him. “we did.”
you scanned the picture and for a split second you thought about oscar but then you thought about strangling max and carlos. “oh i’m so going to kill them when i see them.”
by the time lando and you were teenagers he already knew that he had deep feelings for you and he tried his best to make sure you didn't find out so when you had asked him to be your first kiss, he happily agreed.
at first he questioned it. "but we kissed when we were like eight."
"yeah but that was just a peck, i want to you know..."
he debated it for a second but quickly nodded. "alright scoot your big butt!" lando huffed as he tried laying down next to you on the couch. "maybe we should move it over to your bed instead..."
you tried your best to scoot over before making that decision but were quickly elbowed in the face. "ow lan, alright move it to the bed!"
so a few years later everyone thought it was a crazy idea when you guys told people that the both of you would be moving into a house together in monaco.
"you guys are fighting like an old married couple." max was witnessing the first fight since you guys moved in together.
you had been giving lando the silent treatment and he was pretending he could care less. "your voice is annoying so i'm glad you're not even speaking to me right now." but deep down he was upset because he loved hearing your annoying voice and you knew that he was upset because he was pouting.
lando's bed was being delivered later than the date it was supposed to come so you had been sharing a bed with him and let's just say he was the worse person to ever sleep with.
which landed him right onto the couch and right before you entered back into your room you watched as he fluffed up his pillow some more. "you'd think because we wasted thousands on this stupid couch it would be more comfortable."
you then looked over to max who was sleeping peacefully, mouth hung open on the next couch.
you groaned and snatched his blanket off of him. "alright norris let's go, just one more night but we're putting a pillow wall..."
he knew that you only called him norris when you were annoyed by him but he excitedly jumped out of the couch and ran into your room, jumping right into your bed and stretching his arms out to you.
you rolled your eyes and slipped into bed right next to him. "i'm not hugging you."
you began setting up the pillow wall but he began throwing them down to the floor, he has always been a cuddler in his sleep and you were not.
“norris, if you don't qui—hey!”
before you knew it he had you pinned underneath him.
"this is giving me serious flashbacks of that kiss w-"
you quickly covered his mouth but he licked your hand and as you were about to flick his forhead, he put his weight on top of you and nuzzled his head right into your neck.
"alright im kidding." he laughed and the both of you were quiet for a few minutes before he spoke up again. "unless..."
you smacked his back in a loving way. "i'm about to send you back to the couch."
he huffed and dropped himself back to his side. "you know i'm going to run away from you one day because you're always mean to me."
you rolled your eyes once more and finally wrapped an arm around him. "fine with me..."
he let out a yawn before kissing your cheek. “it's okay because i'd come right back running a few hours later, can't live without you."
lando had smacked his best friend's arm and then you smacked his other arm with the just married picture frame. "ow!"
"how could you let us get married?"
max explained how at the club the two of you guys got completely shit faced and oscar had came up to you but before anything could be said, lando was making his way over to you after carlos showed him what was going on.
"she doesn't want to talk to you, let's go..." he gently grabbed your hand and took you out of the club with max following right behind you guys.
you shrugged his hand off and sighed. "what did you do that for? what if he wan-"
max stopped the story to point out the dark, bruised hickies the both of you guys had. "now way! did you guys ban-"
"shut it!"
so he went on to tell you guys that lando kept trying to interrupt but you weren't letting him so to stop you from talking he had kissed you — he also mentioned that he did a little jump when lando kissed you because he had been rooting for the both of you for years now.
"i have always loved you and not in the friendly way, i think i might've always had since we were kids..."
you shook your head and flicked his forhead. "you don't mean that lan..." you went on to flick his head again. "we're drunk and we're probably not even going to remember this tomorrow!"
"what!" it was his turn to shake his head now. "i'm sober as ever, i'll remember this night for the rest of my life!" he pointed down to the floor, so the both of you watched as lando attempted to walk in a straight line and towards the end he ended up tripping. "forget about th-"
it was now your turn to interrupt max's story and looked over to lando who was zoned out. "and do you remember that?"
"umm no bu-"
"back to my story!"
to prove lando's point about loving you, he ended up dragging max, carlos and you down to a chapel — carlos had somehow ended up with you guys somewhere between those hours but max decided to skip out on that part.
"i say let them!" carlos said as he watched lando and you bickering about needing rings. "we've all known they like each other so just let them."
max groaned. "fine let's get this over with..."
while lando had been dating his ex girlfriend, he felt guilty because he knew he had feeling for you and sometimes prioritized you more than his girlfriend.
he constantly had to reassure her that you were like his sister and nothing was going on between the two of you but she never believed him. "please lando, you look like you would rearrange the stars and pull them down to wherever she is."
deep down he knew that if he could, he probably would do that just for you.
while you had been dating oscar piastri, you had to constantly reassure him that lando and you were best friends and that was all.
oscar knew that maybe that's how it was on your side but on lando's you could tell he was head over heels for you.
"alright yes, i do love her but it's not like i'll ever get her..." lando sighed. "she loves you."
it was now lando's turn to reassure oscar that he would never try to win you over while they were together.
as max continued with the story but lando had suddenly remembered a conversation with oscar last night — this happened when lando went to get carlos from the club and bumped into oscar who overheard you say he needed a second person to be at the chapel in order to marry you.
"you had your chance with her and you blew it oscar, i won’t blow my chance."
"guess you did end up getting her…” oscar stopped for a moment and thought about the very first kiss the two of you shared. “don’t let her go like i did, trust me it'll be the worst mistake of your life."
as lando walked back to your hotel room to help you move your things into his room, he saw oscar walking out of your room. fuck.
“congratulations mate, i hope it works out with you guys.” oscar gave him a sad smile. “see you sunday.”
he entered your room and you were looking at the framed picture once more. "i love you lan and i think i always have..." before he could kiss you, you put your palm up onto his chest. "promise we're going to make this work and that you're going to love me forever, no divorcing."
"i'm going to love you till the very end." he nodded and finally kissed you. "you're stuck with me for life now mrs.norris..."
"i'm going to love you till the very end to mr.norris."
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my f1 & f2 masterlist!
© weeknd-ogoc, 2023
693 notes · View notes
twistedchatterbox · 1 year
“i was less before i loved you”
Summary: Love changes people in a way that can't be undone, for better or worse. And for some, they would never want it any other way.
ft. Riddle, Jack, Jade, Floyd, Azul, Vil, Idia Tags. Fluff, Lovesick Boys, GN-ish reader, Queen is a gender neutral term, Slice of Life, Pre-established & Established Relationships, Character Development in the Name of Love, Jealousy(the cute kind), Possessiveness(the hot kind), Heartslabyul is in shambles(comedy), Jack’s part has some OC elements, Jade’s part is written for me, Author! Reader for Vil's part (Neige is your biggest fan), Cheeky proposals(Vil), I need this kind of love in my life-
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wordcount: 4615+ | Masterlist & Taglist
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With a smile on his face, the young dormwarden let out a sigh he hadn’t even realised he was holding; in his hand was his phone, screensaver was the picture of you and him on your 6th month anniversary where you two were cuddled up together and admiring the view, you the sight, and him admiring you. The redheaded boy never thought he could look that happy, soft, or carefree; expected to be cool, calm and ever-serious, not allowed to be anything a child normally could be, he never thought those were things that felt.. nice. He would often feel disgust, thinking he was “above” the things he was told to be childish, immature. Yet now, that could not be further from the truth or the life he lives.
Riddle admires the charm dangling by his phone, a pair of crowns, modelled after the king and queen of hearts, cute, he thought, resting his head on his idle palm. He thinks back to the date, and the way you reacted when you saw his screensaver the next day, feeling his face bloom in a lovesick flush. Aware of how hopeless he looks, yet not caring one bit, he allows himself to daydream. Scrolling through his phone gallery of your dates, colorful. Oldest to newest, he could tell the difference, only ever allowed in the library as kids, and sticking by that decision half the time, the ticking of years can be distinguished easily as color enters the frame slowly, his childhood photographs, long deleted by him, fading into reds as he took you to a walk on the Heartslabyul maze on your first year on NRC together; blues in the fine china of the cup you held, yellow accents of the tea party preparations. Yet it’s overwhelmed by red, only fading out into a canvas of everything when the gallery of his second year starts, flower garden dates with all the color the sun could grace being merely the start. The cooking courses, school events, camps, everything, it paints a picture that feels so carefree, yet even then, he only finds himself softly gazing at you, unaware of the way he occasionally giggles and squints his eyes; pried of his trip down the memory lane by the sound of a message, he sighs and straightens his posture, not sure when or how he leaned down so much. And checking the source, he fondly shakes his head in a way that can only be interpreted as ‘for you, i could’. “Can we watch the stars from your room today?” it was you, and who was he to deny you? He may have been many things, but for you, he couldn’t claim to be strict. Not by that much, anyway. Riddle is, contrary to what most expect, a very indulgent boyfriend. “Sure” He replied back, not overthinking it. Finding it hard not to grin when you send a whole array of hearts and then some more his way. Your contact name, he found himself admiring again, “The Queen’s Most Beautiful Rose”, and he wondered, would you mind it if he changed to ‘the queen of my heart’ ? As his equal, he reigned no rule over you, yet you held such a perfect, lovely grip over his own heart- it wasn’t like it truly belonged to him when it beat for you, anyway. And he would never have it any other way, “long live the queen of my heart…” Riddle whispered to himself. Getting up quickly and excusing himself wordlessly, he leaves behind confused dorm-mates as he heads straight to his room, he’d have to recheck if he had his favourite sweater clean, knowing your habit of stealing it very well. A fond grin found itself home on his face and he had no intention to hide it, deciding to instead be punctual with his preparations so that the room you two shared was ready for your whimsical plans. He hoped with all his heart, that his habits could aid him in conveying his love for you. Long live the queen, he chuckled mentally.
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Jack found himself daydreaming again; this was happening far too often for his liking, yet it wasn’t like he could do too much about it. You, the love of his life, how could he stop thinking about that? He simply didn’t like the taste it left in his mouth, it felt.. less. Like something vital was missing, something that made his head and heart hurt. So he simply did his best to keep up and hope his daydreams didn’t cost him too much. Lately he found himself thinking about rings, bracelets and anything matching, subtle- yes, it was because you mentioned how you wanted to get something matching but wasn’t sure he would like it, so you made him some things he’d like better; last valentines day, thinking about it made his ears flatten, drooping in a saddened motion. It wasn’t your fault, no, it was just his disappointment in himself, did he make you think that you could make him upset by showing affection one way or another? Was he too guarded? Maybe. He’d have to work on it, and that thought struck him out of his daydream- once again- as he silently scowled at his hopelessness; you could not hear his daydreams, what the hell was wrong with him? Upset by himself and determined to do something about it, he grabbed his cellphone, homework could wait for once. Jack wondered, what could he do? Opening his notes app, going through the dates he heard about, places he heard of, things you told him about, he thought maybe, just maybe, a date to the cafe could work? He disliked the one on campus grounds and many of the ones on the island because of the loud or off-pitched music that blasted inside 25/8 the establishments, but if he could find a quiet, nice place, he could take you there. Though, that’d take much time and Jack wanted to see if he could do something sooner, if he could. He did not want to keep you waiting, even if you’d always reassure him good things were worth waiting for, sometimes going as far to say you’d wait your whole life and then some for him if he wanted it. The memory rang clear in his head and lifted tension off his head, cleaning his thoughts like rain, making him breathe, closing his eyes. You recently switched dorms, Heartslabyul to Pomefiore, a change of mindset being the reason, and quite frankly he admired how you acted upon your feelings so quickly. “Time would pass anyway, i didn’t wanna waste it” was what you said, “I know my body- I know my heart, and I knew what I wanted to do.” you murmured, adding on a mumble about how you were sorry if it sounded cheesy. He reassured you that it couldn’t be further from it. And it only fueled him to act thinking about it- wondering, if you needed anything, maybe he could spend the night with you? You always mentioned how you wish you could stay with him in his dorm or have him stay in yours but Heartslabyul was loud and cramped, while Savannaclaw wasn’t known for being welcoming or friendly. Though Pomefiore could work, it was relatively quiet and known for being polite to visitors; especially those on good terms. The wolf beastman looked at his phone, your contact, “Love of my life” made him smile, a picture of you smiling, one he took impulsively; and he asked, “Can I come over?” waiting, wondering if he should elaborate- yet, your answer, barely a few moments later washes over him with relief, “ofc!!!” . If anyone asked, he was coming over to help you move in; no one had to know about the matching bracelets in his bag, that he had been holding onto this entire week.
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Jade was used to working on his own, often being the voice of reason, watching from the shadows and generally being a figure that many viewed as someone that could always be reliable if he wanted to be. Though, you coming into the picture always skewed the tides, changing the dynamic, pulling him off this pedestal and making him so much more.. human. In a way that he wasn’t exactly perceived as before, sure most were aware he was not the second coming of the great seven or anything grand, but he was not really seen or considered as someone so affected by feelings. Calm cool , collected and ever calculating, that was it. And even if most missed, his twin and childhood bestfriend couldn’t miss the way he has always had the habit of catering to you, the most to you in any way he ever was. Ever since you had crossed paths before starting life on campus, he had the habit of being a whole lot more different. Different in the way that if others had a feeling or could speculate this or that of him, you could see it for yourself, if you asked him he would never lie; unless it was for your own good, and if it was he would say he can’t tell you yet while trying to find a way to remedy it. Though, you never pried, if it was something that stressed you out, you’d only ask for his time; he was always thankful to comply, and his twin never complained either, saying he can handle himself fine, or that you can call for help if Jade tried to turn you into a mushroom or something. It’d make you laugh, while Jade, pouting one moment and scowling the other, gestured for his twin to leave. Then, there was his first year; the never discussed time-frame of which he adapted a far more sharp, delinquent-like look. It was entertaining for a while, though what surprised even his closest confidants at the time was how Jade did not get tired of that wardrobe for a while, having fun with it for as long as you did. He truly relished in the way his looks and demeanour left you breathless, or the way his advances could make you gasp if he played his cards right; he intended to play those sounds like an instrument, he told you so at some point, yet he knew that you could play his heart to your own heart’s content. Of course, as things changed, he’d adapt, as time passed his style blended into something a lot more sleek and butler-like, while your relationship became a lot more romantic, established. Though he made sure to keep your favourite piercings and earrings in mind, never opposed to putting those on again to give your heart a shock. Which was the exact reason why he was now in front of his room’s bathroom mirror at 5am, an empty mug of coffee waiting until he was done with his cosmetic changes. Jade, even though less impulsive than his twin, was still impulsive at times. So, here he was, giving himself a haircut, deciding to go for a faintly messy low-cut while leaving the front bit of his hair mostly unchanged. Settling for just slicking his hair back, and tucking the black locks of hair behind his ear. He remembered how you suggested a mix of his prior hair style and some things, mentioning how those might look quite ‘hot’ for the lack of a better word if he mixed it in with his current wardrobe; and, he had to agree. And he hoped you would too, rolling up his sleeves, opting for thinner black gloves and putting on some rings on his fingers. Leaving his room quickly after downing some coffee, he headed straight to yours, within the same dorm, barely a few steps away from his. Jade knew you would take kindly to his surprise visit; it happened far too often for you to be shocked by that, maybe the sudden change could, he mused with a chuckle.
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Floyd wasn’t exactly sure if he hung around you because you were fun or if you were fun because he was hopelessly in love with you; not that he cared too much about the answer. One way or another, this was what he got, and he would not change it for anything. Sure, some things would change, but what you had between you two wouldn’t. Not in a way that didn’t fit; and he was confident in that. It was odd, to view Floyd Leech, the fun-chasing, mood swinging twin to be.. this. Committed. Serious, dedicated to one thing let alone one person, but here you were; and boyy was he committed. Despite the whispers in the hallway, you’d open your arms open for him to pick you up and spin you, even on days you felt off, you’d ask for a hug, and he’d always indulge you. If he had to ask himself how much of it was for you or him, he wouldn’t miss a beat, saying “if it’s for my sea urchin, it’s for me too” because that is truly how he sees it; if it matters to you, him too, if it’s your happiness then that’s his too, and even when he cannot share or truly understand your pain he wants to do the right thing in a way that matters to you, for you. Loving Floyd simply shows you a side of him no one else really can see, he’s present and always in your mind, but he’s never overwhelming. He frequently checks up on you randomly, as if he has a built in love-fueled gps to find you or some red string of fate only he can see- though, you swear you might begin to see it too day by day- and he never really explains it, not beyond making sure you are safe. And while you are not an immediate mood fix for reasons others expect, you surely always make him feel better; because you stick around but you don’t suffocate, letting him hold you is more than enough but you not only meet him halfway, but go above and beyond too. Even if you don’t realise, your ever-willing nature to meet him halfway or go wherever with him is so, so precious. Whether it be 3am bubble baths or dancing in the rain or making out somewhere hidden in the library during the class hours, you are right there with him and his whims. It doesn’t shock him when his thoughts begin to revolve more and more around you, he has his fun with it, it makes him feel ecstatic, sometimes he thinks of you and then his lovesick mind derails the image to your lips and he just has to kiss you; resulting in you being in his arms, back against the wall, red lips, gasping and not sure just what came across him now, and he always says “i just thought of you-” “-and i had to kiss you”. Well, it surely explains his blown pupils and satisfied grin, though he could use some more kisses, do you mind? Thank you~ He chuckles, intending to pay you back for your generosity tenfold, and then you know -you already knew- that you’ll be there for a long while. Well, class could go fuck itself anyway, you have a lovesick eel who is in dire need of your affection and just won’t let go. Not that you mind… Days come and go, and with Floyd you know none of them are ever wasted, really. You have installed a change of heart in him and it has given him such addictive jolts of new life. Now, I hope you intend to keep him because he is thoroughly obsessed in love with you in the best of ways.
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Azul once again found himself going over his schedule, clearing some time for you; you who always stuck around with him even on slow and boring days or the busy days where he never dedicated enough attention to you- He knew you understood how much his business and work meant to him, yes, but he also knew the whispers in the halls about how you were second place and how he was definitely married to his job before you, and he hated it. Azul knew you had to hear these basically everyday or every other day, and it made him wanna do a multitude of things, all of them being stupid, pointless, or not good enough, as none of them solved the issue on any level. Nor would they make you happier, and he had gone through many of those in his head; he knew you didn’t need him to act revenge, after all, that would be counter-productive. He would just spend more time away from you, and what would that get him? After a thorough scolding of love advice from his 3rd executive, who verbally smacked him in the head by bluntly letting him know that his plans would just make him a negligent lover who, albeit accidentally, still somehow decided spending more time away from you while working would solve things. In the end, Azul decided that only one thing was the right choice; making proper time for you. Just you and him, no work, no nothing. So, here was the young dormwarden, planning lunchtime walks and dinner plans for two, asking you if you’d like to spend the nights with him in his room instead, wondering if he should consider taking the next step by maybe hugging you in his merform? Well- The thought was quite ambitious, and he didn’t want to rush that, so he decided to just write it down as a beach picnic. Hoping with all three hearts and crossing his fingers that nothing goes wrong, as he really, desperately wanted to treat you right and make up for the wasted time not spent together. Every day, every exchange, simply knocked the thought more in place; he had been depriving not only you but himself of something so special, the chance to make memories. He found himself more determined than ever to hone his skills so that he could do all that he needed to more efficiently; it’d make it easier for more time together rather than you ‘third wheeling Azul and his contracts’ as Floyd put it. Seriously, these were his childhood friends and suddenly they are acting so salty in your stead?- Well, he supposed he very well earnt it. And now, he would spend what he earnt with you. This became a part of his every day, now, he would properly calculate his time with you alongside his work; because time is time,money is money, and he cannot get back time even if he can wrack his brain for more cash profit any other day. The time he has, he wants to spend so much of it with you, if he you’ll let him, and of course, you do. Azul found himself clinging more and more with every day, not sure what else he could have been expecting- Truly, it should not have shocked him of all people, for an octopus to be clingy is the most predictable of all outcomes. Sure, he took his time, but this development was simply inevitable, not to say you were any less clingy than him; you two were together, more often than not, your arm in his as he treated you like a gentleman in public, and indulged you like the awe-struck, ever-loving boyfriend he is behind closed doors.
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Vil Schoenheit and scandal should not belong together in a sentence. Not in his manager’s’ worst nightmares; fuck no, oh hell no. But truly, some days he cannot afford to give a damn, after all, he has an engagement ring ready for you two’s graduation night already, if he’s already committed with a promise ring already, then you can very much be with him under public light as well. Though some people surely do make him wanna keep you under wraps or just straight up wrap YOU up in caution tape with the words “committed lover of Vil Schoenheit” on it already! Honestly, he just might. He just fucking might one of these damn days. Vil sits down on your shared bed, arms crossed and with a glare that could surely kill somebody; somebody name Neige-fucking-Leblance. Does he NOT get the memo? You have promise rings and introduce yourselves as soulmates at this point! Does he actually have to go through with the most ridiculous idea and make the fashion statement of the century with fucking caution tape?! And then you laugh, suddenly cutting off the memory of his thought process from what feels like a few hours worth of seething rage. Seeing the sunflowers in your arms still makes him scowl but your laugh simply makes him confused, and faintly offended in some ridiculously specific genre. What was so good about sunflowers anyway? He would get you red Sage Flowers, red Tulips, Primroses, Marigolds- And perhaps he should, Vil decides. Then you gather your breath, telling him that this was Neige’s letter about your latest nomination for creative stage-writing; since you have begun adapting books into proper scripts recently, apparently one of your most recognised adaptations as of lately was one of his favourite fairy tales from childhood. The guiding star of your nightsky then remarks how Neige says that too often, you reply with a shrug and ask if he wants to make a guess which ones; Vil decides he likes that one, starting a tangent that almost sounds like a detailed thesis, making you joke about how he might think of Neige more than you. Vil shakes his head curtly, saying his love for you outweighs his distaste for the most annoying person in his world. “How charming~” you joke, letting the conversation get back on track, and talk about how so many people you never expected to end up sending you mail. “Ah, didn’t think that he was a fan of mine of all people, guess the world is a small place” You wheeze out, and Vil snarls, “Yes, dearest, quite small that it feels cramped.” making you roll your eyes before you lean to his side, pressing a kiss to his cheek, making his gaze soften- somewhat. He then sighs, deciding to dig through some videos he has queued up on his sagetube page; he has wanted to learn some new recipes lately, and this could just be the best timing to look through those, humming to himself with the voice of an angel and the looks that could seduce god, you steal a glance in his direction to admire your long-term boyfriend, wondering just how did you get so lucky? One minute he could raise hell, only to then sing like an angel the next moment. Truly, this might as well be Vil Schoenheit’s world, and everyone else was renting it; you like to say it to banter, but some moments like now, you find yourself believing it. The range of his expressiveness has always been endearing to you, if only he didn’t have to limit himself, you think to yourself sometimes; returning to reading through fan letters, and a smug look makes it’s way to Vil’s face as he sees you picked up his one too, good. He wouldn’t want his proposal to wait too long, that ring in the ‘fanmail’ will surely gain him your most beautiful reaction.
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Idia Shroud, willingly stepping out into sunlight, subjecting himself to grass? More likely than you think. He laughed at the thought, not displeased by the slightest. Now, actually getting himself ready to face the sun was a whole other topic than you, honestly; the outside world scared the fuck out of him, you were the opposite. It was like a juxtaposition that made his brain hurt and heart twist, making him blue screen in all senses. But he was working on it. Closing his eyes and thinking of your previous dates when things went okay. Reminding himself that even if he fucked up a little, you’d just roll with it or help him out– it’s hard to crack you, he should know by now. And he knows, which is why he’s doing his hell-bent best to beat it into his stubborn insecurities. His calm breathing exercise soon ends, a little sooner than he’d like and luckily the thing that catches his eyes is the phone charm resting on his desk. He gazes softly at it, reaching out and deciding to attach it to his phone. Idia knows it’s silly, but you must’ve been too given, y’know, you gifted this to him. So he doesn’t mind. A charm of a skull and a small will-o-wisp, you said how it reminded you of him and Ortho, to which his brother was ecstatic about; starting a small obsession over the symbolisms, and you indulged that, often telling him quick tad-bits, sure his little brother had the literal internet at his disposal but neither of them ever used it for that topic. They preferred hearing it from you, it was objectively better. Special. And then he thought over his favourite kind of dates, the type he was getting ready for; a nightly walk, whenever you two went out for this, Ortho would escort you to the dorm and Idia would take the wheel from there. It always has- and maybe will- make him anxious, but he will continue trying even when the nerves get to him, sometimes you two returned early- but it didn’t stay that way. Idia would hold your wrist strongly and say ‘wait’, getting up in a minute of half an hour, to try again. Sure he was an emotional wreck, but he was worse than his ‘stupid emotions’ as he put it; meaning he was too stubborn and spiteful against himself. Hey, at least it works. Sometimes he wondered, how were you so patient? And then he would remember, the way you asked why Hades waited for spring too; the way he would always diligently wait for his wife to return back to his side. And before he could get flustered over the comparison, you added even more; “You already wait for me in your room like him; and I know you would wait for me if things were reversed too, I can't keep you waiting for too long, can I?” ..haa, damn be cheesiness, he straight up said “I’d wait seasons for you too,”. To be fair, limited time chances like that cannot be wasted; and your reaction was absolutely priceless. Though, it’s been running tracks in his head and heart ever since. Seasons, patience, due diligence. Idia wouldn’t consider himself to be unrealistically cheesy, he doesn’t know what exists beyond death’s door- damned be the irony- let alone the next life, spring. But he knows that in this life, he would wait seasons for your return. He can vow to love you for the entirety of this life, his life. ..Hm, maybe he could take a few other pages from the Greek legends, since you two already have the shared hobby of bingeing everything to do with them. Definitely no library date yet, though, hells no. It’s probably gonna take years for him to even do these night time walks often enough for him to be considered “normal” but really, for the first time ever, Idia can say he doesn’t give a single fuck. As long as you are there for him that long and stay even after, he doesn’t give a fuck how long it takes or what it makes out of him.
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permanently-stressed · 2 months
Pt 3 on Thing Elves Would Say On Social Media:
"My crush exchanged two words with Sophie Foster so I guess he's in love with her by now"
"I mean.. I'd love to be one of the swan kids and just get three weeks off school whenever... but that kind of implies getting injured so i guess i'll stick to my normal life"
"Just saw Sophie Foster storming out of the matchmakers office with tears in her eyes @keefes check up on your girl"
"Uhm.., Sophie is dating Fitz??"
"??? That makes no sense isn't Keefe the self proclaimed president of the Foster Fan Club?"
"I want to slap Gisela Minette Sencen so bad"
"Yeah i heard she's terrible to her son"
"Who cares about her son i'm talking about the fact that she decided the day i was going on the first date with a guy i really like she caused a major disruption in Atlantis."
"@sophief your boyfriend is passed out in Eternalia??"
(Sophie) "Omg is Fitz ok?"
"It's not Fitz"
(Sophie) "Omg is Keefe ok?"
(Sophie) "Also none of them are my boyfriends?? What's up with that"
(Biana) "group project week... i apologize on behalf of sophie, Keefe and Fitz. Possibly Dex and I too. Depends on how many people are feeling like murder"
(Keefe) "from the crap ton of stuff i went through you'd expect at least SOME wisdom. But no. I'm just hot and hilarious for now"
"Oooooh! Astronomy project! You get to pick partners! Dibs on Sophie"
(Dex) "It's my turn with Sophie again sorry"
"Aw, shoot. I'll take Keefe then,"
(Elwin) "sophie did not go to the healing center today... interesting"
(Foxfire kid) "I'm gonna need proof of that"
(Kid from other school) "but not going to the school nurse is normal? Does she have a reputation for getting hurt or something"
(Foxfire kid) "there's a picture of her framed over one of the cots"
(Another foxfire kid) "there's one for Keefe too"
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cece693 · 5 months
I've Moved On (Bella Swan x Male Reader)
This is how I envision New Moon to end cause I know for a fact I wouldn't have easily forgiven Edward for his stunt. Bella went easy on his ass, I swear.
Summary: After the whole Volterra incident, Edward believes everything can go back to normal, but what if Bella had moved on like he insisted? What if now it's her who breaks things off?
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This conversation was long overdue, Bella thought, watching as Edward once again tried to hold her hand over the car's shift stick but retreated when she pulled her hand further onto her lap. His gold eyes stared worriedly at her, yet Bella only looked out the Volvo's window, not wanting to say anything until they arrived at the safety of her home.
Charlie was, thankfully, still at work, so the house was void of any additional ears. Edward had insisted they go to the Cullen's house, but in all honesty, Bella didn't want to reunite with the people who had so easily left her. With Edward's absence, Bella understood that the Cullens only accepted her due to her relationship with Edward, not because they genuinely liked her. If they did, why didn't any of them try to reach out, even Alice, who called herself her best friend, had ignored the multitude of emails she'd sent.
"Edward, we need to talk." Bella finally voiced after what felt like an eternity spent in silence. They would reach her house shortly, so now would be a good time to begin this conversation.
"Of course," Edward replied, a reassuring smile on his face, yet it didn't alleviate any of Bella's anxiousness. Even if she was breaking up with Edward, she wanted to spare his feelings. From what she'd gathered, this was, like her, his first relationship. "Would it make you more comfortable if we did this inside?" he sought, after the Volvo parked in the driveway. Nodding, Bella was about to open her own door, when Edward beat her to it.
Opening the front door, the hinges creaked open, revealing the familiar yet transformed interior. In those few seconds, Edward couldn't help but notice the subtle changes. Where there once were only photos of a young Bella, now included photos of the Swan family standing beside a young male.
"Who's he?" Edward sought, gently taking hold of a picture frame when Bella came into view. At first glance, he could have been mistaken for a family friend, but something in the image suggested more. Edward's keen eyes caught the hand around Bella's waist and the broad smile she wore, a smile that was oh-so-familiar to him.
"That's m/n." Bella whispered, "my boyfriend."
Edward, taken aback by the revelation, involuntarily dropped the frame. It hit the floor with a crash, the sound of breaking glass punctuating the weighty silence. His eyes met Bella's, a mixture of surprise, confusion, and a hint of hurt evident in his expression. "Why didn't you tell me?" Edward asked, his voice tinged with a sense of betrayal.
"I didn't know how to." Bella admitted, "And with everything that happened in Volterra, I couldn't."
"Okay." Edward whispered, bending down to pick up the photograph. "So when are you breaking up with him? I know it won't be easy—"
"Who says I'm breaking up with m/n?" Bella voiced, her tone firm. "Edward, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I don't want anything to do with you anymore."
Edward's eyes widened in a mixture of shock and disbelief. "Bella, you can't mean that. After everything that happened between us, you're telling me we're through? I know I left, and you don't know how much I regret that day, but we can work it out. I still love you." Desperate, Edward came closer to Bella and held her hand. "Please give me another chance."
"No." Bella whispered, retracting her arm, her expression unyielding. "Edward, you left. Don't you see the hypocrisy in that? I moved on like you told me to, but now that I'm moving on with life, ask me to give us another chance? No. I won't leave m/n for you."
"But—" Edward tried again, but Bella shook her head.
"Please...just leave and forget I ever existed."
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ateriblewriter · 9 months
Fic about drunk karaoke with Trevor singing Paper Rings by Taylor Swift?
a/n: okay so it's more of a blurb, than a blurb. i hope that's okay. so sorry this is extremely late! also i don't think i really portrayed z as drunk but yeah. its still decent i think.
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Everyone was in town for one last hurrah before their various training camps started up. For the last the night the idea of going to a karaoke bar was brought up. You loved the idea and even offered to find the bar.
"Trev we have to do a duet!" You urged when the group was signing up for songs. "We could do Don't Go Breaking My Heart or The Time of My Life or Islands-"
"Can we do our own songs?" He piped up. He had a certain song that he wanted to sing for her and a duet was not it.
"Or we could do that too." Trevor noticed your face fall slightly. He did fell kind of bad for that but he could make it up to you.
Sensing his friend's need for help, Cole offered to sing a song of your choice with you. He turned to Trevor and mouthed You owe me one.
The real fun began once everyone had entered in their song choices. Most boys chose some country song or hit classic rock song. Some people where better singers than others, but who really cared how well one could sing when you were having fun.
After Luke had finished with his rendition of Black, it was finally Trevor's turn. By the time his song was up much of the group had already had a few too many drinks and weren't really paying attention to the intro of the song. In fact it wasn't until you heard your name being mentioned over the sound system that you realized he was up.
"This. This is for my Y/N. Love you baby girl." Trevor giggled pointing in your general direction as an instrumental version of a popular Taylor Swift song played.
"The moon is high, like your friends were the nigh that we first met ..."
"Oh no." You mumble, eyes going wide. Paper Rings was not his normal karaoke song, that was Wildest Dreams. What was your hockey player boyfriend up to?
You could feel everyone's eyes on you while Trevor was up on stage singing and doing a little dance, giving everyone a performance they weren't going to forget anytime soon. It was almost as if this had all been planned in advance or something.
"Jack, what's he doing? He changed his song."
"I don't know. He never told me anything." Jack lied. He knew exactly what Trevor was doing, they all did, you could tell by the goofy smiles the boys were giving you. "Just thinking about it and watch!"
So you did, you sat with your friends, sipping on your fruity little cocktail and enjoying the moment.
"Darling, you're the one I want, In paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dreams ..."
It was a stupid idea and he knew it. That's how Trevor knew that you would love it. A couple of days ago when he was brainstorming with the boys on how to propose, it was suggested that he should do it at karaoke.
That's why he was on currently on stage, singing one of your favorite Taylor Swift song. Everything appeared to going as planned, he wasn't messing up the song and you were bopping your head along to the song. The only snag was he may or may not have a few too many drinks and was a bit drunker in the moment than he would have liked to be.
Trevor's big moment was coming up. There was a small break in the music and he called you to join him on the stage. It took you a hot second to make the trek up there.
"I know you like shiny things, but would you marry me with a paper ring?" He nervously asked you, reaching into his back to grab the literal paper ring he had to give you.
"I squished it. I'm sorry, it's not supposed to look like this." Trevor pouted looking at the smooshed ring.
"Yes." Trevor slipped the ring on your finger, it really didn't fit, but he could replace with the actual diamond ring he had sitting at home. You pulled him in for a kiss, a loud cheer erupted from section where the rest of your group was sitting.
"Now does anyone know where I marry someone tonight?"
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dateko · 2 years
𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
a/n: this was a lil request i got awhile back and something i’m reposting since tumblr tags hate me.. anywho, sorry there’s not much!! bf headcanons are kind of vague and there’s sooo much to cover, i did whatever came to mind!! also ignore how i am very biased and wrote a lot for gojo
Loving Gojo Satoru is a never ending roller coaster with a surplus of twists and turns. He is the kind of boyfriend who is incredibly fun loving and carefree. There’s no other person in the world who keeps you on your toes.
Though a little possessive at times, he’s hopeless when in love. It’s almost impossible to wipe off the stupid smile he has around you. Hands are always on you and infinity is always off!
Gojo never misses an opportunity to spoil you with kisses and presents and everything you could ever want. It’s rare for Gojo to have some free time on his hands. When he does, he makes it his top priority to take you out. Anything you want. Just don’t be surprised when you both decide to end the night at a karaoke bar. Look, when you’re absolutely loaded with cash, you’re going to ignore every one of your lover’s protests.
Stepping into your shared apartment, your eyes widen at the sight in front of you. Shopping bags in all shapes and sizes litter the floor from the doorway to the couch, where your frivolous boyfriend sits with a goofy grin across his face. Tossing your keys onto the counter, you sigh while taking your shoes off your screaming feet. “‘Toru… You know you don’t need to go buying the entire store for me, right?”
“I know! It’s just that you deserve it all, Sweets.”
You cross your arms at his response, head tilting in adornment and clearly doing a poor job at pretending to be a little mad. Sometimes he could be so unintentionally endearing and an utter sap for you. This, you treasure very much. The smitten expression he has on doesn’t help your act of scolding him. Not with the way he smirks at you, leaning his head back on the couch with those blue, blue eyes of his.
“That’s cute, but I’m very serious.” You say, lifting your righteous chin.
“Who said I wasn’t serious! Don’t underestimate the strongest. I’d give you the world if you asked.”
And serious he is! Although the white haired sorcerer can come off as unserious and quite aloof in many situations, he is ultimately a man of his word. He’s a terrible tease, leaving many people doubting. But when it comes to you, Gojo keeps his promises. Always. You’ve never doubted him because he’s never failed you. That’s just not the type of man he wants to be for you!
He is, on the other hand, a man who really loves to show you off. You used to be embarrassed by this, but you’ve come to realize that he’s just so undoubtedly damn proud to have you. At work, conversations seem to have your name inserted here and there. Pictures of you two are sent to his co-workers to terrorize them (we are sorry, Utahime) and he makes a grand display of your relationship on the desk in his classroom, in the form of a elaborate framed photograph.
It’s kind of no mystery to find that Gojo loves kids. He loves his students more than the normal amount and he loves even more that they all get along with you. Watching you interact with them with smiles and giggles, he could just sit back and die a happy man. When it comes to Megumi, he (secretly) cares very much about what he thinks and Gojo’s glad that his little man seems to take care of you, too.
In all realness, Gojo Satoru is a very fun lover who definitely requires some getting used to due to his crazy schedule. It’ll take awhile to dig beneath his fun guy exterior, but he learns to trust you as you do him. He’s very devoted, really. Once you’re in, you’re in. To him, you are his other half.
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Nanami Kento is quite the serious and attentive lover. With the habit of punctuality, you’ll never arrive on a date first and he is always home to you at exactly the promised time. He’s a planner, that one. He manages his time wisely, making sure it’s used to obtain optimal joy spent by your side.
Supporter of the little things in life, he remembers dates and anniversaries well. There are notes and post-it’s everywhere. You’ll find them especially plastered on your bathroom mirror with little reminders and sweet messages because he unfortunately gets up earlier than you.
Time is certainly money, so you stopped begging him for extra kisses before he leaves. Which is why he tweaks his schedule and wakes up earlier just so he can snuggle up with you during the early hours of the day. The most serene and most silent hour, where only your whispers of love can be heard.
Affection is most seen behind closed doors, something only the two of you know. There’s really nothing he wants more than to just have you against his chest on the couch, reading a good book. Because his line of work is so demanding, he cherishes his time at home with you.
Nanami is undoubtedly a God in the kitchen, but also in every room of the house. He absolutely loves to cook for you, even on his most exhausting days. You’ll protest and say you can whip him something up, but your gentle lover is already tying back his apron and turning on the stove.
During these nights, he holds you close and sways the two of you back and forth while a soft tune plays in the background. Later on, you’ll be unsure if you’re drunk of the wine or his lips.
“Ken, why don’t I try making dinner tonight?” You try, popping your head into the kitchen.
Nanami sends you a small smile from his place by the sink, already putting on the little apron you got him. This makes you pout a little, knowing he’d just gotten back from an awfully long mission. So, you use your cursed technique of back hugs to coax him into letting you. Your arms catch his waist before he can turn off the stove and you let your head rest against his broad back. “Hey, did you hear me? I can cook this time.”
Large hands turn you around, gently pushing you against the counter. “Sweetheart, you don’t have to worry about it. I’ll take care of it.”
“But I-”
A soft kiss cuts you off. “Just allow me to take care of you.”
It’s really no surprise that this man kisses the ground you walk on. He’s very much about the details and notices every little thing about you. He makes sure to stop and get your favorite snacks after work and is quick to text you because he saw something that reminded him of you today. Nanami  remembers every word you utter, making him a literal legend at gift giving. But most importantly, he’s so quick to do the little things for you, you always wonder how you got so lucky.
Truly, this man is the definition of a keeper and is more than willing to spend the rest of his days with you. He’s a lover of the mundane, but you’re above all.
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hagelpoint-3821 · 1 month
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Summary: Sydnee has been in a long term relationship with her boyfriend Brandon Hagel. While Hagel and the Tampa Bay Lightning were on their longest road trip of the season, Sydnee slips into a deep depression, as mental health has been a problem with her ever since she was little. When Brandon gets back from the trip, he realizes she does something she knows better than to do. A verbal fight breaks out between the couple and Sydnee finds her way to Jon Cooper’s house who ends up becoming a father figure to her when she needed him the most.
Word Count: 13,605
Notes: ‘It’s Over Isn’t It’ is a fic that is not meant to be light and fun. It is meant to bring light to mental health and to reach out to people when you are in that dark place. In honor of Mental Health Month, I felt that this was fitting to write and post. Remember, your mental health matters, and people care. You are not alone, no matter what your mind is telling you. Coming from mental health issues myself, I know the feeling when your mind gets so dark and lonely you feel as if you have nothing left, but never give up that fight. One day it does get better. I promise.
TW: Self Harm, Verbal Fighting, Bringing up Mental Issues.
P.S.: This fic is written is multiple POVs. As there is a POV change there is a page break marker as well as the person's name in Bold lettering to let you know who's POV it is written in.
The bolts were in the middle of their longest road trip of the season, leaving me alone to my own devices for the time being. Brandon wanted me to tag along but the other girls weren’t going so I felt as though I would be in the way of everyone.
As I sit outside on our porch, the warm Florida air fills my lungs and I sigh deeply, as much as I love being in a relationship with Brandon and supporting him, these times alone are the worst part about it.
I pull my phone from my pocket, half expecting a message or a call from Brandon but knowing their schedules and how tight they run that ship over there I’m not completely surprised, though it would be nice to be able to call him and hear his voice.
Sighing, I tuck my phone away and walk back inside, the house seems more quiet than normal, and eerie feeling comes over me as it starts to feel empty without Brandon being home. Not being able to cuddle up to him in the night, to be able to protest waking up in the mornings, his smell on the pillows slowly fading away.
Brandon, please come home soon.
As the day goes by, I fall into my normal routine, make myself some lunch, sit back outside, read some of my book, go inside, take a nap on the couch, wake up and watch their game, make dinner, shower, and go to bed in one of his hoodies. It’s been the same thing for two weeks now since they have been gone and while I like routines, I like having him home more. Just a few more days until he is home, I can do this.
The next morning rolls around quickly, the sun shining brightly into the windows of the bedroom and across my face, I look over at my phone to see it’s already 9:30 in the morning and still no text or calls. Strange. I’ve usually heard something by now. So I send him a quick text and toss my phone back on the bed. Normally I’d get up and go outside but I don’t feel like it today, my mental health says we need to stay in bed, and I think I’m just going to listen and rest.
The day goes by slower than normal, no calls, no text. Doubt starts creeping in that he will never come home and he doesn’t want me anymore but I quickly push those thoughts away.
“No. He wouldn’t do that, he loves me too much.” I say as I reach over and grab a picture of us off the nightstand and gently brush my fingers over the frame, “I just wish you would call home. I miss you.”
I hug the frame tightly to my chest before placing it back on the nightstand and roll to his side of the bed, wrapping my arms tightly around his pillow and softly cry into it, letting my thoughts wander to all the things he could be doing at the moment. Is he just with Brayden and the guys? Is he skating or at the gym? Is he out partying, getting drunk and taking some pretty blonde back to the hotel to hook up with her?
Sydnee stop it, he wouldn’t do those things to you!
All the negative thoughts cloud my head and make my stomach churn, I quickly push myself off the bed and run into the bathroom, throwing up what little things I had left in my stomach now into the toilet.
“He wouldn’t leave me… would he?” Pulling myself from the bathroom floor, I splash some water onto my face and take a few shaky breaths and lean against the sink, looking in the mirror.
That’s when I notice all my flaws, my nose is slightly crooked, I don’t have bright blue eyes, instead I’m stuck with these stupid brown ones, dark brown hair instead of puck bunny blonde, my smile isn’t big and full like the others, sunk in cheeks. I lift my sweater and look at myself, slowly becoming more and more disgusted with myself.
“Maybe if you weren’t so fat and covered in scars he would love you still.” I whisper to myself, tears threatening to fall.
Sliding down the bathroom wall, pulling my knees into my chest, I let them fall silently. “It all makes sense now, I knew loving him was too good to be true. No one can ever love this mess of a person that I have become.”
Silent cries escape my chest as the silence around me gets too loud to handle, the pain in my chest too much to handle. Slowly I pick myself up off the ground and splash some water on my face and grip the sink, “it just needs to stop. The pain. It hurts too much to handle right now. Brandon I’m so sorry I am not what you think I am.”
I slowly reach into the bathroom drawer of the sink, grabbing a razor blade and holding it in my hands. Sitting back on the bathroom floor.
Sydnee you’ve come this far, don’t let it take over.
“I’m so sorry.” Slipping my sweatpants down and let the cool blade trail down the top of my thigh. As I rest my head against the bathroom wall, I sigh deeply, “t-there it is.”
As I watch the blood pool onto my leg I bit my lip to fight the tears, adding more cuts across my skin before finally taking a breath and tossing the blade into the sink. Taking a towel and wrapping my leg up before grabbing the medicine and bandages from the cabinet.
“At least he won’t be able to see these here, not like he would want to touch me anymore anyways. Good for nothing, a waste of space.”
After I clean my leg up and make sure the blood covered towel is thrown in the garbage I carefully crawl into bed and wrap myself into the blankets. Checking my phone and seeing if I had any messages. To my surprise there was a few texts from Brandon on there.
B 💙 - hey love! I miss you lots. Sorry I haven’t called, b2b games and travels. I can’t keep it straight. Cal me soon
B 💙 - darling answer me. I’m bored in the hotel, brayden is being a turd and went to sleep.
B 💙 - I love you 💕
I scuff and look at my phone for a minute, strongly debating if I should even call him. Signing deeply I decide against my thoughts and call him, half expecting to not get an answer from him.
The phone only rang once before he picks up, “Sydnee! My god I’ve missed you.”
“Hi Brandon, it’s been awful quiet around here without you.”
“I bet. How are you?”
“Oh I’m okay, just waiting for you to come home.” If only you knew.
“I know, just a couple more days. I promise. And when I get home I’m taking you out to dinner and spoiling the hell out of you.”
“I’ll be waiting.” I smile softly and trace over the marks on my leg, “so, how’s the road life treating you?”
“Good! Different city every night it feels like but good, they’ve been keeping me busy.”
I huff under my breath, yeah I bet they’ve been keeping you busy.
“You’ve been playing great though! What is it, third most goals on the team during the road trip?”
“Well I gotta keep my girl impressed.” I practically hear him smiling through the phone.
“Well impressed I am.”
“What have you been up too since I’ve been gone?”
“Oh you know, just hanging out, wake up and sit around. Take a nap and eat lunch, clean the house and then cook dinner while watching the game and then off to bed. Pretty much the same thing every day since you left. Pretty boring I know but there isn’t much to do since you’ve been gone. Just don’t feel the need to go anywhere or do anything.”
He chuckles, “I’ll be home within a few days baby, I promise.”
I sigh and curl deeper into the blankets, “hurry, I don’t want to be alone anymore.”
“I’m hurrying. Every sleep is getting closer.”
“Speaking of sleep, don’t you have to sleep for your game tomorrow?”
“Well yes. But you’re more important to talk too than sleep.”
“Brandon. Go to bed. I’ll be here when you get home. Just don’t forget to text every once in a while.” I force a laugh which causes him to laugh.
“How could I ever forget you, love.”
“I don’t know, you’re a busy man.”
“Just wait till I get home. You’ll see how busy I really can be.” His smirk can be felt through the phone.
“Brandon! God you’re such a flirt.”
“And you love it.”
“Yes. I do. Now go to bed so I can see you sooner.”
“Goodnight my love, I’ll see you soon.”
“Goodnight. I love you.”
“I love you too, forever.” I whisper softly.
“And always.” He says softly before hanging up the phone.
I quickly toss my phone away and cry softly into the pillows, the day quickly becoming overwhelming and too much to handle. Sleep feeling like the only option to control it. I pull the blankets tightly around my frame and softly cry myself to sleep.
The next couple days go by in a blur, my mind mostly being numb to the world, I barely get out of bed. Haven’t showered, hardly slept, haven’t eaten. I’m either asleep or curled on the couch, watching the world outside. Getting an occasional text from Brandon but I haven’t called him since the night he wanted me to call him.
I’m drifting off to sleep on the couch when I hear the front door open and someone step inside, slowly I peak over the couch and see Brandon in the doorway and taking his shoes off. I shoot off the couch and sprint up to him, ignoring the pain in my leg as I jump into his arms and hide my face into his neck.
“Don’t you ever leave me for that long again”
He sighs and wraps his arms tightly around me, pulling me as close as he can into his chest, “never my love, I promise you I’m not going anywhere without you.”
Carefully he sets me back on the ground but still keeping a firm hold around my middle, planting a soft kiss to my lips as I grab onto his shirt for balance.
“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you Brandon.”
“I know love, I know. I missed you too. This two weeks has been hell without you.” His arms wrap tighter around me.
“Why don’t you go unpack and settled. I’ll get dinner started.” I give him a soft smile and trail my fingers gently over his jaw.
“I was hoping you would cook tonight, I’ve missed your cooking and I’m starving.” He beams brightly and grabs my hand, placing a gentle kiss against my palm, causing my stomach to flip and the thoughts of him actually leaving fade into the shadows of my mind.
“No rush Brandon, we have all night.”
“I was away from you for 2 weeks, I’m not going to miss a minute away from you.”
I smile softly and step back, giving him room to step around me and watch him walk off into the bedroom. As he walks away I run my fingers over the fabric covering the cuts on my leg, instantly regretting what I did. He is going to kill me if he sees these.
As I get set to work into the kitchen I zone out, not hearing anything go on around me, getting lost in the cooking. I’m only pulled from mt thoughts when I feel arms around me and pulling me into him.
Shyly I look over my shoulder, humming, “mmm hi baby.”
Brandon rests his head on my shoulder, his scent filling my nose, “you need help with anything?”
“No. Please just stay here, I missed you and missed your gentle touch”
“As you wish, my love.” He trails off quietly, brushing the hair off my neck and leaving soft, open mouthed kisses against the exposed skin.
“You want to know the worst part about not having you here?” I say as I place the knife down that I was using to cut the vegetables, head starting to spin.
“Mm go on.” He says deeply, pulling me closer to his sharp and chiseled chest.
My body feeling like it’s on fire from him, “t-this. The tenderness you have, how my heart races when you touch me. A simple look from you has me falling in love with you all over again.”
He chuckles and it vibrates through my whole body, shaking me down to my core, “I too missed this, how one word, one touch…” he sighs deeply and digs his fingers into my hips, causing a soft moan to fall involuntarily, “has this effect on you.”
I watch him carefully as he picks up the knife from the counter as he chops the rest of the vegetables, me being caged between him and the counter. As I watch his fingers quickly go to work on dinner, I can’t help but let my mind wonder, the way his rough hands are working, the way they feel on me.
Sydnee enough. You need to let your cuts heal.
I clear my throat and wiggle out from in front of him, internally groaning at the loss of his body heat against my own but I had to stop before I did anything. He looks over and cocks his head to the side.
“Well that was a tad rude, thought you didn’t want me to move?
“I didn’t, I don’t trust me, but the chicken is ready to go in the oven and I wanna eat soon.” I make up a lie quick enough and give him a smile, he smiles back before going back to work. Thank god he bought it.
“B, if you want I can finish dinner. Go relax, you haven’t been home in two weeks. Go sit on the couch.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind helping.”
“Yes.” I offer a small smile, “go sit. Take a nap, something. You’ve been gone forever and not able to sleep in your home. I’ll wake you when dinner is ready.”
He walks up and presses a kiss to my forehead before walking into the living room and sinking into the couch, smiling softly to myself as I lean against the counter, my heart slowly healing as he is back in our home. This house is feeling like home again.
Before I know it, the oven timer is going off and I pull chicken out of the oven, quickly plating it with I the other veggies and sides, I place the plates on the kitchen table and walk into the living room. Leaning against the couch I pear over and see he is asleep, carefully I trace my fingers over his nose down to his cheek bones, to his jaw. Causing a smile to appear on his face.
Brandon slowly opens his eyes as I pull my hand away, “Syd, why did you stop?”
“Because you’re waking up and dinner is ready.” I say softly before he pulls my hand back to his face.
“Just a couple more minutes, please don’t stop.”
I smile softly to myself and let the pads of my fingers dance gently across his face, “come on B, food is gonna get cold soon.”
He sighs deeply and pushes himself off the cough, “okay okay, I’m up you win.”
I giggle softly, “don’t I always?”
“Yes, yes you do.”
Before I can think, he scoops me up and goes into the kitchen.
“Brandon! Put me down!” I giggle loudly and playfully hit him on the chest.
“As you wish.” He sets me down in the chair and pushes me to the table, “my goodness it smells good.”
“Well we haven’t tasted it yet so let’s not get too excited.”
“Oh come on, every time you make something it turns out way better than you expect it to be.”
I roll my eyes playfully and sit across from him, as he sits my eyes travel over the soft features of his face, getting lost in the darkness that his eyes bring.
“So,” he speaks up and bring me out of my trance, “what did you do while I was gone?”
“Oh… you know just stayed home mostly, read a few books and watched your games when they were on, it kind of became a monotonous routine after a bit. Eat, read, watch hockey and go back to sleep.” I sigh, running my fingers along my thigh. “It was lonely and quiet without you here.”
“Well, next road trip, you are coming with us, I don’t care if the other WAGs do not go, I want you there.”
A soft smile creeps up my face as I look at him, “I’d like that a lot.”
We eat out dinner in a relatively quiet fashion, face the simple glances and light chuckles.
As I stand to take the dishes into the kitchen Brandon grabs my hand, “darling, you cooked dinner, I’ll clean, you look more worn out than I did and you’ve been home for two weeks.”
“Well it wasn’t the highlight of my life, not being with you, sleeping was rough and I didn’t get much sound sleep while you were away.”
“Why don’t you go get a bath started and when I am done here I’ll come join you, that way we can start relaxing, together.”
I pause for a moment before looking up at him, maybe I can explain what happened before he get too mad, one can only hope, “sure, I’d like that a lot.”
He pecks my lips softly before taking the dishes into the kitchen and I quickly turn and go to the bathroom, fuck fuck fuck what am I going to do? How am I going to get out of this? I can’t just hide my leg, FUCK. Why did I agree to letting him take a bath with me?
A million and one thoughts are running through my mind as I turn the water on. I scan the bathroom in hopes to come up with an idea, when I see my bubble bath sitting on the side of the tub.
“Perfect. Now as long as my leg doesn’t come out of the water he won’t see it.” I say to myself as I pour it into the water.
I shed my clothes and sink into the bubbles and hot water, a sharp breath escaped my lips as the water makes contact with the exposed cuts. Relaxing into the warmth of the water, I close my eyes and sink down deeper so only my head is exposed. The room quickly is filled with a jasmine scent and quietly the bathroom door opens, I roll my head to the side and see Brandon leaning against the doorframe.
“Look Mr. Hagel, either in or out, you’re letting the heat out.”
He shakes his head and chuckles, closing the door behind him, “sorry, I just get lost at how beautiful you are, and moments like this make you even more beautiful. Plus it’s been two weeks since I’ve seen your pretty face, let me enjoy it.”
“Look all you want B, just don’t let my heat escape.” I laugh softly and sit up in the tub a bit, making sure my legs still stay covered, “so are you just going to stand there or see you going to join in? Come on, the water is perfect.”
“Are the bubbles really necessary?”
My breath hitches in my chest before I look up at him, “you wanted me to relax, didn’t you? These help me relax.”
“You always are something special.”
I gasp playfully and splash water at him, “look if you’re just going to be rude you can go back on the road.”
“Oh not the shirt! Come on!” He laughs and takes it off, “you know, if you wanted the shirt off that’s all you had to say.”
Shaking my head, I look over at him, “how I have missed those stupid jokes of yours, now come on and get in here.”
Brandon quickly takes the rest of his clothes off and sinks into the water behind me, wring his arms around my midsection and placing a gentle kiss on my shoulder, “I promise to you darling, I’m never leaving you for that long again.”
I rest my head against his chest, “I know Brandon, I know.”
As my eyes start to feel heavy, I rest my body against his, his fingers tracing different shapes down my arms and across my hips, as they make their way down to my legs I quickly move from him, causing water to splash over the sides.
“What was that all about? You never act like that when I touch you.” His eyes full with worry that he did something wrong.
“No it’s— you didn’t—,”I stumble trying to find the right words, “you just startled me is all, I was falling asleep and I got scared, I wasn’t expecting you to do that.”
He sighs and pulls me back in, “you silly little thing, you know I would never hurt you.”
Just wait till you find out. I think to myself before laying back against him. “I know you wouldn’t.”
As I lean back against him, his fingers go back to where they were on my leg, and this time I don’t stop him.
I feel his fingers trace up my right thigh and over the fairly fresh cups across my skin, his body going rigid behind me, “Sydnee, what the hell is that on your leg.”
My blood runs cold and I do not dare to look at him, “I-I’m s-sorry.”
His grip tightens around my leg, “why? Why did you do it?”
I try to pull away but his hands on my wrist and leg make it near impossible, “I don’t know, I was stupid and shouldn’t have done it.”
“ ‘I don’t know’ isn’t a good answer Sydnee. Why did you do it?!” His anger becoming clear in his voice.
“Because I thought you were cheating on me and didn’t want me anymore since you didn’t answer my calls or anything while you were on the road!” I wiggle out of his grip and quickly get out of the tub, throwing a robe on and he follows behind.
“You can not be serious right now. If you really think I would cheat on you, well you clearly don’t know me.”
“I told you I was sorry! You know I have separation issues and you know how hard it is for me to try and get through the days when you’re not here. While you were on the road having a blast with the guys, I was here alone. I hardly heard anything from you. I get it that you’re busy and you were in a different city almost every night but it takes two seconds to send a quick “hey I love you” text so I didn’t feel alone.”
“Sydnee, listen to yourself right now! You’re being ridiculous, and dramatic! I have given you everything I can possibly think of for you to realize that you aren’t alone in this piss poor world and this is how I get treated? I leave for two weeks for my job, the thing that brings us money, so you can stay here and not go back home to your parents and that shit hole you call a home. Come on now Syd, use your fucking head.” He pinches the bridge of his nose before looking at him, “when the hell have I ever even hinted that I wanted to leave you?”
“Y-you haven’t, but you don’t know what it’s like in my head. Like I said it was fucking stupid and I regret it.”
“Yeah. You’re damn right it’s stupid. Of all the god given things that you could have done, that’s the dumb thing you did. Let me guess, you’ve been starving yourself again haven’t you?”
I stare blankly at him, body threatening to start shaking but I stand solid in my place, “so what if I did? Doesn’t make any difference now.”
“Fucking Christ. When are you going to learn that I love you for you, I wouldn’t leave you?”
“I get it! Okay Brandon I fucking get it, I was stupid and I fucked things up.”
He shakes his head and looks at the ceiling before back to me, “normally I would disagree, but yeah, you’re stupid for this.”
“Fuck you.” My eyes burn with tears, his words feel like a knife in my chest before I turn and storm off into the closet and grab a bag. I hear his footsteps come into the bedroom behind me.
“Now where the hell do you think you’re going?”
“I don’t know. I’m to stupid to know what I’m doing, remember? But I’m going. I can’t stay here.”
He doesn’t say anything else as he groans deeply and walks towards the closet, resting his hand on top of mine.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” I spin away quickly, “first you criticize me for what I did, when you call me stupid right to my face knowing I have my mental issues, now you think some simple touch is going to fix it all? Don’t touch me right now.” My lip trembles as I watch him walk away.
“That still doesn’t answer my question, where are you going?”
“I don’t know. Anywhere sounds better than fucking being here right now, if you’re going to belittle me for letting my darkest thoughts win, then I can’t stay here.”
“Yes, I’m going to be pissed, Sydnee, because A) you were doing so much better. Things were finally looking up for you and you were starting to come around to the person I know you can be. And B) because I never once even had a thought of cheating on you and leaving you. You were my world the moment I met you in Chicago, that first time I saw you, I was drawn to you, there was 20,000 other people in that rink that night and you were the one that I noticed. No your sister. Not anyone else. YOU, and if you can’t see that, then I don’t know what to do. I have loved you through your good times and bad, the days where you didn’t want to live anymore, I was right there at your side, the times where you felt like you had nothing left to give, I was there. Not anyone else. I don’t want anyone else. But you have it in your thick head of yours that I would leave you, this isn’t a me problem anymore. It’s you.”
I wipe a tear from my face, “well thanks for saying how you really feel.” I don’t say anything else as I quickly throw a bag together and throw some clothes on. As I walk out of the bedroom, Brandon is sitting on the bed with his back to me, the tears start falling and this time I don’t fight them. As I walk towards the front and slip my shoes on, I only hope to hear him walk out of the bedroom to stop me, but the house is quiet. The deafening silence make my ears ring loudly as I grab my car keys from the counter and slip outside into the cool Florida night.
As I throw my bag into the front seat of my car, I look back at the house, part of me wishing I would see Brandon come running out of the front door and begging me to leave, but it’s only silence. The sky is clear and there’s a light breeze, I stay there for a couple seconds longer before getting in my car and driving off, not knowing where to go or what to do, so I just drive.
Before I realize where I’ve gone, I’m at the River Walk, the first place Brandon and I went to after we got settled in the Bay Area. I quietly get out of the car and sit on an empty bench, looking at the water. A thousand memories are running through my mind, as I hug my knees to my chest I let out a deep breath, not realizing I was even holding one.
“I just want to be numb again. I went from feeling nothing to feeling everything and it hurts.” I say to myself, as there is no one else around today, almost like I was supposed to be alone here.
Hope fills me as I pull my phone from my pocket, nothing. No call, no text, nothing from him. I feel my heart sink in my chest. I know that I shouldn’t do this, but I start scrolling through old pictures of him and I together. A soft smile comes across my face as I look through them, memories surfacing as I flip through. Until I get to one. We just had gotten home from a day at the beach in Miami, sun kissed skin and bright eyes, I was under a blanket with my head laying on Brandon’s chest, I didn’t want him to take a picture but he insisted. So I let him, after he took the picture and set his phone down he started playing with my hands, particularly my left. That is when my heart stopped after he said “one day I am going to marry you. I can’t wait to marry you.”
Now, that day feels like a lifetime ago. Tears silently fall down my cheeks and I do not bother to stop them. I bit my lip to keep quiet, as I stand and walk back to my car. I can’t stay out here where someone can see me. I sit there and rest my head against the headrest, still not knowing where I’m going to go. More driving it is.
I wonder if Jon is up? No, don't go to him. He won’t want to deal with your issues. You’re just a wreck who needs to get it together.
I ask myself as I put my car in drive, starting the drive to Jon’s house. Part of me wants to go, and another part is screaming to turn back around and go home, but I can’t go home. He doesn’t want me anymore. I don’t have much of a choice in the matter.
As I pull into his drive, taking a deep breath before grabbing my bag and stepping out of the car and quietly walking up to his front door.
There’s still time to turn back, go somewhere else. He won’t want to deal with your issues.
I contemplate turning back and leaving, but my heart can’t take anymore for the night, I just need a place to go and I don’t know where else to go.
Reaching his front steps, I knock quietly on the front door, hugging my back tightly to my chest as my heart feels like it’s going through my chest, “come on Coop, answer before I leave.”
A couple seconds tick by and no answer, so I knock again, this time a little louder, maybe he didn’t hear me the first time. I no sooner take a step back and he opens the door with a wide smile on his face but it quickly fades as he sees the bag in my hand and the broken look on my face.
“Sydnee? What are you doing here? What happened?”
“I-I, me and Brandon,” the words come out broken as the tears fall down my face and my heart starts splintering off into a million pieces, “Jon I have n-nowhere to g-go.”
He doesn’t say anything as he wraps me in a tight hug, stroking my back gently, “come inside and you can talk when you’re ready.”
I wrap my arms around him tightly and cry softly into his chest, “I just really need this right now. I have nothing left. No family. He hates me.”
Jon takes a small step back and grabs one of my shoulders, “Oh now I’m sure that isn’t the case Syd, he loves you. Let’s get inside and out of the cool weather, you can tell me what happened, come on.”
He opens the door to his home and I follow him inside quietly, “make yourself comfortable, I’ll get you some tissues and a glass of water, okay?”
He offers me a soft smile and I nod softly, sitting on the couch and still holding my bag close to me. Jon comes back a few moments later he comes back with a blanket, box of tissues and a glass of water. Before he sits next to me, he wraps the blanket around me.
“Now, what’s going on? It’s like 1 in the morning and you’re usually not out without Brandon.”
“That’s the problem, we had a huge fight after dinner, a-and I just threw this bag together, thinking it would make him snap out of the anger he was in, but it didn’t. I’ve never seen him this way, he had anger in his eyes, it was like he hated me. Not even in the playoffs could compare to what happened.” I shiver and wrap the blanket around me tighter.
Jon gives my hand a gentle squeeze, “do you mind telling me how this fight started? You do not have to if you do not want to of course. You tell me what you’re comfortable telling me.”
“Well, I have nothing left to lose so why not. It started with the road trip you guys were just on, I know he was busy but I was alone, I didn’t hear from him in quite some time and, as you learn from his time here, I’m not always mental stable and I get these doubts in my head, I had it in my head that he was cheating on me even though in my heart I know he would never actually do that. It got to the point where… where I self harmed again because my mind was going nuts. It hurt. I hurt. I needed a relief from what was going on. So I cut. My thigh looks a mess right now but that’s besides the point. The next morning when I woke up I regretted it. After he came home everything was great. He fell asleep on the couch while I was making dinner. I let him sleep because I knew he was tired from the trip. So after dinner I was going to take a bath and he wanted to join, naturally I let him and I wasn’t thinking. I wouldn’t have. Because it was in the bath that he found my cuts on my leg, that’s what caused the fight. It's my fault. It’s all my fault. Instead of trusting him I let my thoughts win and I should’ve known better.” I sniffle and wipe my face. “I packed this, hoping he would stop me but he let me leave without stopping me. I haven’t heard from him since it happened. I’m sorry I showed up so late, I just didn’t know where to go.”
Jon doesn’t say anything, just pulls me into another tight hug, “Sydnee, you’re like my daughter, you’re always going to be welcome here, and for as long as you need, you can stay here. I’m not going to make you leave when you’re going through this.”
I sniffle and rest my head against his shoulder, “thank you Jon, I’ll be out in the morning that way I don’t inconvenience you anymore than I already have.”
“Sydnee,” he trails off as he wraps his around me, “I promise you that you are not bothering me, while I do not know exactly what you’re going through, I’m not going to shove you aside. I would much rather you be here where I know you’re safe instead of some cheap hotel where you can get hurt.”
I curl up into a ball next to him, “can I ask you something?”
“Of course, speak your mind kid.”
“Can you stay with me? Just until I fall asleep? As bad as it sounds, I didn’t have a father who cared enough about me growing up, so the welcoming touch of a father figure is much appreciated right now.” I say quietly, already fearing his rejection.
To my surprise, he says nothing as he pulls the blanket over me and pulls me a little closer, “again kiddo, you’re like a daughter to me, and I will do everything I can to help you and be a father to you since you didn’t have one.”
I smile softly and look up at him, “thank you Coop.”
He places a gentle kiss on top of my head before speaking, “you’re welcome. Now get some rest, you look worn out, we can talk more in the morning when you’re thinking a little clearer, okay?”
I nod before closing my eyes, wrapping the blanket tighter around me and fall into a dreamless sleep.
The next morning, I’m woken up to the sound of cooking coming from the kitchen. I open my eyes slowly, adjusting to the sunlight that is shining through the window. Slowly coming to my senses as to where I’m at, my heart sinks in my chest as I remember I am not at home and what happened the night before comes flooding back.
I sit up slowly and rub my eyes, wanting to go back to bed and forget that the past 24 hours didn’t happen. Jon looks up from the stove in the kitchen and smiles at me.
“Good morning, how’d you sleep?”
“I don’t know if it would have been better for me to stay up all night with how much I tossed and turned, at least I had a comfy place to do so. Thank you again for letting me stay here.” I yawn and stand up, stretching out my tired limbs. They feel ten times heavier than they have ever felt before. “I will get going so I don’t bother you or your wife.”
“Sydnee, she knows you are here and she also agrees that you are more than welcome to stay here until everything between you and Brandon settles down. Please stay, I don’t want you leaving when your mind is as clouded as it is right now.”
I look around, trying to avoid eye contact with him because I know he is right, I can’t go out right now, my mind hasn’t stopped racing since the fight and I have nowhere to go. “Can I please use the bathroom?” I say quietly as I cross my arms over my stomach.
“Sure, it is the first door on your right just through the kitchen.” he stands and hugs me tightly, “Lets get some breakfast in you also. Okay?”
I only nod as I shuffle to the bathroom, when I am done I stand in front of the mirror hanging above the sink. I have never looked worse in my life, hair looks like it hasn’t been brushed in days, dark circles under my eyes. God why was I so stupid to throw away the best thing that has ever happened to me?
After splashing some cool water on my face, I walk back into the kitchen and sit at the bar across the room when I hear Jon yell for his wife that breakfast is ready.
She quickly pops into the kitchen with a bright smile on her face and pecks him on the cheek, “after all those days on the road you still know how to bring a smile to my face.”
“Well we also have our very important guest and I want to make sure that she is taken care of properly.”
I offer them a small nod as I see their interaction and my heart grows colder in my chest, I should be at home right now with Brandon, bickering to him that he didn’t add enough water to the pancake mix, now I am here, alone in a home that isn’t mine. In a place here I am welcomed, yes. But I can’t allow myself to stay here for more than a couple days at the max.
Jon brings over the plates that are piled full of bacon, sausage, waffles, toast and a plate full of fruit, “Here you go kiddo, eat up.”
Jon and Mrs. Cooper sit across from me and fill their plates, I am so hungry my stomach hurts, but I can’t bring myself to eat. I know I need to, but I am numb. I feel like I am just going through the motions of life right now. I have no purpose anymore.
Mrs. Cooper sees the empty look in my eyes as she stands and gets a small plate made for me and puts it in the fridge before walking over to me and puts her hand across mine, “You don’t have to eat right now. We know you are going through a lot, go lay down if you need to, I have a plate in the fridge for you okay?”
Wiping my eyes with my other hand I look up at her. “Thank you ma’am, you both are too kind to me. You don’t have to do all this.”
“Hunny, please call me Jessie, it is okay I promise.” She give my hand a gentle squeeze.
“Oh Sydnee please, you have become like a daughter to me and my wife here. It is okay. We promise.” Jon gives me a sad smile.
“I am going to lay down for a little longer if that is okay?” I look back at the couch and sigh, not knowing what else to do.
“If that is what you need to help yourself start healing then by all means, rest all that you need. You aren’t bothering us and it is an off day so I will be home today if you need to talk.”
“Yes Sydnee, please do stay and rest.” Jessie smiles softly. “It is okay.”
I shuffle back to the couch and curl back up with my back to them, I pull the blanket tightly around me and quietly cry until I fall asleep again.
“That poor girl is so broken, she loved him more than life itself. My heart is so broken for her.” Jon looks over and sighs.
Jessie matches his gaze and bites her bottom lip, “she seems like such a sweet girl from what you have been telling me, I hope that they can work it out. I can tell she has a big heart and can see how much she cares about that boy.”
“You should see them Jess, the way that they are with each other. He looks at her like she is the only girl in the world. She is all he will talk about when we aren’t on the ice or if we are on the road. I hope they can make this work out. She doesn’t have much.”
“Help clean up this breakfast mess and you can tell me more about her.” Jessie motions to the table where their breakfast plates are all piled together.
“Well for starts, when they first came to Tampa after the trade, they hadn’t been together but maybe a couple months. If that, she wanted out of Chicago and he wanted her with him. From what she has told me and what has been mentioned between the two, she doesn’t have a family back home that supports her. Her parents mentally abused her and her sister always looked down on her. She was passed over all the time and living in the shadow of her sister. When Brandon came along, ironically they met at a game, he instantly became the light in her life. She was depressed before she came here with him and she was doing better but she still struggles with depression and abandonment issues. Can’t say that I blame the poor thing either. She never had a father figure, so I stepped up and I try to help her when and where I can.”
Jessie turns as she is placing the dishes in the sink and takes the pile Jon had in his hands, “you are a good man for taking her in Jon.”
“When she showed up at our doorstep last night, it broke my heart to see her like that. She is always this bright and bubbly person and seeing her whole world shatter absolutely crushed me in ways I didn’t even think were possible. Sydnee is like a daughter Jessie, I can’t let her walk away. She doesn’t have anywhere else to go or friends. I will not let her go back to her family because they will break her soul even more than they already have.”
A small smile tugs at her lips, “you always were the protective type. Glad to know that hasn’t changed through the years.”
Jon kisses her on the temple before walking into the living room and sits on a chair across from Sydnee.
A few hours later and I feel more rested than I thought I would. As I slowly roll over, I grab my phone, the slightest hope that Brandon has called or texted, but nothing was there. No calls, no text, just the reminder of what he and I use to have.
I sit up and keep the blanket wrapped around me as I look around and take in the cozy living room. There is pictures on the walls and on the coffee table. Little trinkets that Mrs. Cooper collected through the years, a nice love seat and a big tv over the fireplace. All the things making this feel like a home, a home I wish I could have grown up in.
Jon makes a move from his seat and I am so out of it I didn’t even see him sitting there, “hey kiddo, you need anything?”
“Um,” I sit and think for a second, “can I take a shower please?”
“Of course.” He stands and quickly grabs my bag off the floor. “Follow me.”
He takes me down a hallway and I assume what is past their children’s rooms, “Where are your kids?” I was so caught up last night I didn’t even realize that this might not be okay with their kids, I have to get out of here as quick as I can.
“The girls went to their friends house and my son is away at hockey camp for the week.” He opens the door to the bathroom and sets my bag on the counter, then reaches into the cabinet and grabs a fresh towel and wash rag.
“Just set the towels outside the bathroom once you are finished and Jessie will come by later and pick them up.” Jon smiles at me before walking out and closing the door behind him.
I simply nod and lock the door behind him, I turn on the water and let the steam fill the bathroom before stripping down and stepping inside, hissing through my teeth as the water hits my leg. ‘Such an idiot Sydnee, if only you hadn’t gotten in your head then you wouldn’t be in this shower, in this house. You should be back home in the loving arms of Brandon, who loved you more than the whole world. You did this. You ruined everything good that you had going for you.’
My mind is a contact battle field right now, every way I turn I get knocked down again, I just want to go home. But I don’t even know where home is now.
The rest of my shower goes by in a blur, I wash my hair and body and then stay under the heavy beating from the shower head until the water goes cold. I step out and wrap myself in the towel while grabbing my clothes from the back and everything still smells like him. The hints of his cologne flood my senses and causes another wave of emotion to flood through me.
As I slip on my hoodie and leggings, I fold the towel and place it outside the door neatly before quietly walking back into the living room. There, sitting on the table, is the plate Mrs. Cooper saved from breakfast and a glass of water, ‘okay, one meal, help clean up the mess and then out the door you go. They have a life to live also and you can’t be here interrupting the lives that they already have.’
“Hey Jon! I am going to run out and grab some groceries, if you need anything while I’m gone let me know.” Jessie says from the opposite side of the house before she slips out the back door.
“You guys are seriously so sweet, I can not thank you enough for letting me stay here last night. I promise to be gone though by the time your girls get back. I know having me here would be a shock to them.
“Sydnee, you’re not going anywhere. They are going to be fine, they are sweet and caring, they will love you.”
“It isn’t right or fair to them for having me here messing up your everyday lives.” I fire back while chewing on a piece of bacon.
“Sydnee, I have been a hockey coach all of their lives, what is crazy for everyone else is normal for this family. I care to much about you to just let you go off on your own right now. And you’re over thinking, it is okay, you can let your guard down here. I promise you it is okay.”
“I just miss him,” my bottom lip quivers, “I don’t know what to do or who I am without him now. He saved me from myself, only to be the one to break me in every way possible. But on the other hand, he has every right to be upset with me, what I did was selfish and stupid. I shouldn’t have done what I did. It is my fault. It is always my fault.”
He notices the tears quickly falling down my cheeks and grabs a tissue before sitting at my side, “Sydnee hunny,” Jon wraps his arm around my shoulder and rests his chin on the top of my head, “it is not in any way your fault. You were scared and didn’t know what to do. No one is blaming either of you right now, and it isn’t your fault you had a bad past to cause this type of reaction. Plus being in a new relationship is hard enough, adding in the travel that it takes to be a hockey player makes it that much more difficult. But this isn’t your fault, I know you think that it is but I promise you that it isn’t.”
I sniffle and lean into him, “I messed everything up, I had the best thing in the world taken from me all because I was stupid and emotional. I thought by now I would have heard something from him, but I haven’t heard a single thing since I left.”
“I am going to play devil's advocate here for a second,” Jon sits up and holds me up as my shoulders, “think about what he is feeling right now, you both were in a fit of rage last night. I’m sure he is going through something similar too. Or he is letting himself cool off before he tries to make contact with you. You are both young and the emotions last night were really high for the both of you. You know better than anyone that Brandon is an emotional guy. Should he have reacted the way that he did? Of course not, but sometimes when people get scared they get angry. I’m sure he is trying to find a way to get back in touch with you all while being careful.”
“But that is just it, he shouldn’t have freaked out the way that he did, he knows my past and he knows I can’t handle going through things like this on my own but he didn’t even fight when I left. He just watched me walk out and didn’t try to stop me.”
“Hey, I am on your side, I completely agree with you that he shouldn’t have done what he did, just try to think how he felt in that moment when he found out. I am sure he was just scared he was going to lose you.”
I sit back on the couch and wrap up again, Jon’s words swirling around in my head as I mindlessly finish my plate of food. I hadn’t even realize I spaced out until I hear the back door open and little feet run into the living room. Two blond hair, blue eyed girls come into the livingroom.
“Dad! We are back - who are you?” They both stop in their tracks and look at me.
I take in their features quickly, blond hair, blue eyes, looking like the perfect mix between Jon and his wife.
“Girls, this is Sydnee, Brandon Hagel’s girlfriend. They are going through a bit of a rough patch right now and she didn’t have anywhere else to go so your mom and I are letting her stay here for a couple days until they get everything sorted out.” he motions to come into the living room and sit.
“Girls, I want you to meet Sydnee. Sydnee, these are my twins Julia and Josie.”
I look over at them and offer them a small smile, “Hi.”
“So you are the one I hear my parents talking about every once in a while.” Julia smiles back at me, “it is nice to finally meet you.”
I cock my head in Jon's direction, “you’ve talked about me before?”
“I told you, you are like another daughter to me. You remind me a lot of my girls. Just older of course.” He chuckles and stands up before kissing the twins on the tops of their heads, “I am going to get dinner started if anyone needs me. Stay and talk, get to know each other.”
The girls watch as their father leaves the room and I curl deeper into the couch, wanting to disappear.
“So, not trying to sound rude, but what caused you to end up at our house?” Josie ask once Jon is out of the room.
“Well Brandon, my boyfriend, and I had a really big fight over… personal matters. I was upset and when I threatened to leave he didn’t try to stop me. I have no friends here in the Tampa area, and your father and I had become close since Brandon got traded here back in March of 2022. I had only planned to stay here for the night and be out of the house before you two got back but your father insisted that I stay for a while longer until everything settles.”
Julia’s face softens and she gives a soft and sad smile, “I am so sorry. That sounds horrible. But my dad is right, you can stay here as long as you like. It really isn’t a problem. Right Jo?” She looks over at her sister.
“No not at all, plus if my dad likes you then you must be okay. And by the way, you are so pretty.”
My heart swells in my chest at their kind words, “You girls are so sweet. Your parents have done a good job raising you.”
They both smile brightly before getting up and walking to the kitchen to help their dad.
The day quickly turns to night and before I realize, it is late and I still haven’t heard from Brandon. I replay the conversation with Jon from earlier and my mind relaxes a little.
Jessie walks into the living room wrapped in her night robe, “we are turning in for the night, do you need anything?”
“No ma’am. I am okay, thank you though.”
“Sydnee please call me Jessie,” she smiles, “but if you need anything or you get hungry, by all means help yourself. There’s plenty to eat in this house.”
“Will do Jessie. Thank you. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” she turns on her heel and walks off down a hall to where I assume is her and Jon’s bedroom.
The hours roll on and I am still wide awake, mindlessly scrolling through my phone when I hear a door close from the opposite side of the house, I look around to see Julia walking into the kitchen.
“Sydnee? What are you doing up?”
“Haven’t been able to fall asleep, it’s late though. Why are you awake? I wasn’t keeping you up was I?”
“Oh gosh you worry to much. No, you didn’t wake me up, didn’t even hear you until I walked out of my room and seen you sitting on the couch. I just needed a drink.”
I stand and go to the kitchen with her, reaching for two glasses, “do you mind filling me a glass since you are going to the fridge already?”
“Not at all,” she has a sweet smile on her face before filling both glasses and handing me one. “Now what is the real reason you’re not asleep?” she asks as she leans against the counter.
“My mind is a very loud place right now and I can’t help but worry about Brandon. I haven't heard from him in over 24 hours, we haven’t spent this much time apart since we first started dating and when he was on his road trips. And even then we would still check in on each other.”
“I’m sure that he is okay, I mean you both went through a lot together and this is just another bump in the road. But at the end of the day if he really loves you like he says he does, then he will find a way to make all of this right.”
“Are you sure you are only 16?” I chuckle and look over at her.
“I may or may not have watched too many Hallmark movies growing up with my mom,” She laughs and finishes her water, “I am going to go back to sleep, you should try getting some rest too.”
“Yeah,” I say softly, “goodnight Julia.”
“Goodnight Sydnee.”
Julia walks back to her bedroom and I curl back up in my spot on the couch, letting my mind wander to Brandon as I fall into a dreamless sleep.
The next morning I am woken again to the smell of food cooking in the kitchen, this time it is filled with laughter as Julia, Josie, Jessie and Jon make their way around each other to finish breakfast.
I walk in quietly and fill my water glass from last night, making sure to stay out of the way of the crew that is already filling the kitchen.
“Sydnee you’re awake! Just in time too, breakfast is almost ready.” Jon smiles as we piles pancakes onto a plate and sets them on the counter.
“Oh that is okay, I am not hungry.” I say quietly.
“Sydnee I know you have to be, I haven’t seen you eat anything since breakfast yesterday before I left for the grocery store. We always have more than enough to eat.” Jessie says from the coffee pot, “I even made sure to get your favorite coffee ground, Jon made sure I knew which one that you liked the most.”
“Jon… Jessie, you didn’t have to do all that for me. It is a gift enough that you are letting me stay here.”
“But we wanted too,” she offers a sweet smile and hands me a cup of coffee, “Now go sit at the table with the girls and we will have breakfast ready in a couple more minutes.”
I turn and go sit at the table where Julia and Josie finish getting the plates and silverware set up, “Do you guys have breakfast like this every morning?”
“If dad is home, yes. He loves to cook and be able to eat as a family. When he is on the road we kinda just eat whenever we aren’t bust but when he is home we eat at least one meal together. Keep us close and connected.” Josie says with a beaming smile on her face.
“I wish I had a family this close growing up, the only one I had for the longest time was my sister Jessica, but now she won’t even talk to me.”
“Well why doesn’t she talk to you?” Julia asks as she takes a sip of her orange juice.
“Because I fell in love with Brandon quicker than she thought I should have, and when I said I was moving down here with him when he got traded I lost all connection with her.”
“Well…” Josie trails off and looks at her sister before looking back at me, “we could be your sisters and family now! I know we haven’t really known each other real long, but if my parents like you enough to let you stay here and be welcomed in the way my dad then you must be a pretty decent person.”
I smile. A real smile. For the first time in days. My heart swells in my chest before I get up and hug them both. I relax when I feel them pull me into a deep and much needed hug, “I’m glad you girls accepted me. I know having a stranger in your home.”
Jon and Jessie walk in with food in their hands and even bigger smiles on their faces, “Well if this isn’t a sight to see. I was hoping you girls would, I know I don’t mind at all.” Jon smiles brightly as he sets the plates down on the table.
The rest of breakfast goes off without a hitch, the girls welcomed Sydnee with open arms, literally, and for the first time since Sydnee has been here I seen her smile. Her real smile and not the fake one she throws out there trying to trick her.
After we all get breakfast cleaned up, I head to the bedroom, shower and get dressed to go to the rink for the day. As I slip my shoes on I walk to all four of the girls in the living room, “I am heading to the rink for morning skate tonight before the game, if you need anything while I am out let me know and I will grab it on my way home.”
“Be careful hun, I will see you soon.” Jessie offers me the same loving and sweet smile that I fell in love with all those years ago.
I slip on my shoes and out the door before I can hear what the four are gossiping about. It warms my heart to know my family took to Sydnee the same way I did when I first met her.
Normally I am looking forward to going to the rink, seeing all the guys and always coming up with new strategies to win. The rink has become my second home, and those players have become like my second family. But today there is going to be unease as I see Brandon for the first time since the fight that the couple has had. I know better than to get involved in a players personal business but this one I don’t know if I can just let it slide. But I will keep my mouth shut as long as I can.
As I pull up to the players lot, I can see some of the guys already here. Brandon usually beats me here and his car is nowhere in sight. This is going to be the start of a long day already.
I head inside, throw on my skates and head out to the ice as the players slowly start trickling down there, I spot Brayden as he is one of the first on the ice. “Brayden, good morning.”
“Morning Coach, how was the day off yesterday.”
“It was great, much needed after the long road trip, just spent the day at home with the wife and the girls. How was yours?”
“Pretty good, mostly relaxed. Hey, can I ask you something?”
“Sure, what’s on your mind?”
“It’s about Hags, he is off. Last night he wanted me to meet him at the bar and he never drinks unless Sydnee is around, and even then he doesn’t drink the night before a game. Something isn’t right.”
I shrug and pretend like I am unaware of what is really going on, I don’t want their relationship out there for the world to know if they haven’t told anyone else yet.
“Hmm, I don’t know Pointers, I will talk to him today and see if I can get anything out of him. Thanks for letting me know though.”
Brayden gives me a nod before he skates off, about 15 minutes later, practice is about to start and just as I am about to close the bench door I see Brandon walking up the tunnel with bags under his eyes and sleep showing on his face.
“Nice of you to join us Hagel.”
“Whatever.” he grumbles and goes off to do his stretches.
“Hot laps, 10 of them lets go!” I give Brandon a quick glance and skate to the middle, “better shape up Hagel or it’ll be a long day for you. You know I don’t like players being late.”
“I’m not late Coop. Practice hasn’t started yet. Relax.”
“You know if it’s ‘on time’ then it’s late. Step it up.”
I hear him mumble under his breath but do not question him, he is already annoyed.
As practice goes on, I keep Brayden’s words in my head and everything that he says couldn’t be more true. Brandon is not himself at all, usually I have to get him to relax while the other guys are catching their breath and today it looks like he has cement in his skates.
I take one last look at the guys before I blow the whistle, “alright, good work today boys, everyone hit the showers, Hagel meet me in my office when you are done.”
“Oh someone is in trouble!” Anthony teases him only to be met with a scowl from Brandon.”
“Why don’t you mind your own business.”
“Well someone is a dang grouch.”
“C, leave it alone okay?” I pat Anthony on the shoulder and whisper, “he and Sydnee are going through a rough patch right now and neither of them are taking it well.”
Anthony’s face softens and looks back at Brandon as he makes his way down the hall, “Oh shoot I’m sorry Coop. I didn’t know.”
“You’re alright son, but you didn’t hear that from me. Got it?”
He gives a curt nod before going down the tunnel himself.
As the boys all file into the locker room, I am quick to take my skates off and go into my office, firing up my computer and waiting for Brandon to come in.
About 15 minutes later there is a soft knock on my door and my head pops up from being the computer screen, “come in.”
Brandon opens the door, somehow looking worse than before the practice started, “can we make this quick? I want to get going.”
“Go where exactly? The bar? Brayden told me you drank last night.”
“Well I wish he would keep his damn mouth shut.”
“Brandon… I know what happened between you and Sydnee.”
His spine goes ramrod straight and his face turns white, “how do you know about that? I didn’t think she would go telling anyone what happened.”
“Because she came to me the night it happened Brandon. She was lost and had nowhere else to go. She is alone and scared and you haven’t even checked in on her. She could have ended up in a bad place or side of town and you wouldn’t have had the slightest clue.”
“Well I’m glad she’s okay but it was her fault we had the fight in the first place?”
“Her fault huh? To me both of you are at fault. But it is by far not just her fault. She knocked on my door shaking and scared. The poor thing has hardly slept since the has been there, and you want to say it is only her fault? Brandon I know you better than this. You gotta grow up here.”
“But she started the whole thing by getting depressed and cutting herself while I was gone. Saying I was goin–”
I hold my hand up to stop him, “listen to yourself Brandon. ‘She started the whole thing by getting depressed’. Did those words really just fall out of your mouth? I thought you were better than that. You should know first hand what it is like to deal with depression, and you know her past better than anyone. You know she gets scared when she is left alone for to long from what her parents did to her. She was scared Brandon, now was she right to harm herself? No. But her mind is constantly attacking itself and she didn’t know what to do.”
“She could have called or something! Instead she took matters into her own hands and now look at where we are!”
“Be lucky she isn’t dead Brandon!” I feel my anger getting the best of me and I take a deep breath before continuing, “be lucky she is even still here. She has been sleeping on my couch waiting just to hear if you are okay. She is broken, and so are you. I have seen what you are like with her and what you are like without her. And right now Brandon, you are a mess. I don’t like seeing you this way. You are a much better guy than this and I know you can be. Come on man you gotta at least try to work this out with her. I am worried about both of you.”
“I just… I know you’re right coach, but I don’t know. When I found those cuts on her legs, I panicked. All I could see was my two uncles headstones because,” he posses for a minute before continuing, “well you know what happened. And sometimes I struggle myself. I freaked out, I was scared, I was angry. I know what I did was wrong but I figured she would have at least tried to contact me by now.”
“And I understand where you’re coming from Brandon, I do. But think about the whole situation from her end, growing up she was basically forgotten about with her family right?”
“Yes sir.”
“Alright, and she would try to be in their lives but they pushed her away? That is what was going through her mind when you weren’t answering, now I am no medical profesional, but she suffers from PTSD, she was also scared. She did what her body knew what to do and that was to protect her mind in any way that it could, which was causing physical harm to take away the mental harm that was already done in her head.”
As I speak I see his face changing, finally softening after coming in with an attitude, “Hags, you know I don’t like being hard on you, you’re one of my top guys, but I will also protect her like another daughter of mine. I am not trying to get in the middle of your relationship, but there this is a time I had to.”
“I understand Jon, I guess, I never was thinking about how she was feeling in that moment, all I felt was my own emotions that I wasn’t thinking about her. How is she? Is she okay?”
“She’s okay all things considering, shes been glued to the couch. My wife finally got her to eat a little and when I left Josie and Julia were getting her to talk a little more. But she’s doing okay.”
“I don’t even know what I would say to her if I seen her right now.” he whispers and finally lets his shoulders relax, a sign he is finally ready to listen.
“Well, I’m sorry would be a start. But don’t think about that right now. There is a time and a place for that and on game day isn’t it. I know you want to see her and tell her everyting but the emotions are high, on game days it is even worse. Let’s get through tonights game and you can try to contact her, okay?”
He nods and stands and I match his movement, “thank you Jon, I think I needed this reality check more than I realized.”
“That is what makes the difference between a coach and a leader, my door here and at home are always open if you need advice, okay?”
“I will keep that in mind for the future, thanks again coach. I will see you tonight.”
I give him a slight smile before returning to my work.
Before I know it, it is game time and Julia and Josie are sitting on the flor while Jessie is sitting on the couch with the Lightning pre game on, Jessie looks over at me as the camera pans to Brandon and his pre game warm ups.
“Sydnee we don’t have to watch this, we can change the channel.”
“No Jessie, I already said it is okay, I want you guys to go on living as if I am not here. There is no need to cater towards my needs when this is your home.”
“I know you have said that, but it can’t be easy watching the game and seeing him.” She gives me a soft smile.
“Well, no ma’am it isn’t but I still have friends on the team as well, I still want to see the team do well even if Brandon and I aren’t speaking.”
“You are a strong girl you know? I wouldn’t be able to watch if I was in your shoes.”
I chuckle softly and curl up into the blanket, this thing has been like my life line over the last couple days.
The Lightning go on to win 3-1 over the leafs, Brandon recording a fight and an assist. So many parts wanted to cheer for him, especially after completely manhandling the fight, but many parts made my heart ache, not knowing where we stand with each other.
Julia, Josey, and Jessie all turn in for the night after the game is over and post game interviews are shown. Jon walks in about an hour after the girls all go to their rooms.
“Nice win tonight Jon,” I say softly from my spot on the couch, I swear I am going to leave a permanent butt print behind once I figure out where I am going next.
“Thanks kid, full team effort tonight that is for sure. No win against Toronto is ever easy.”
Chuckling softly I push myself deeper into the couch, “everyone went to their rooms for the night, I was going to turn the lights out and go to sleep myself but didn’t want you coming home to a dark house.”
“Oh Sydnee you could have, I know this place like the back of my hand, but I am glad you’re awake still. Someone is here to see you.”
My blood runs cold and I freeze, “I don’t want to talk to him.”
“Syd, just hear him out. I promise you it’ll be worth it.”
I huff and stand, “fine, but I am taking the blanket with me.”
“If that is what it takes to get you to talk to him then by all means, he is waiting outside on the porch, I will be just on the other side of the door if you need me okay?”
“I can’t believe you’re making me do this..” I whisper and walk quietly towards the door.
As I open the door, Brandon is standing there in a all black suit and tie, dressed to the nines. An odd sight for it being as late as it is and standing on his coaches front porch. In his hand is a dozen black roses. My favorite. The fact that he found them makes my heart beat harder in my chest.
I pull my blanket tighter around me before stepping onto the porch and facing him for the first time since our fight. It is taking everything in my power to hold myself back from running into his arms and breaking down.
“Baby…” his voice cracks when he finally meets my eyes.
Stay strong Sydnee, you got this.
“Don’t ‘baby’ me Brandon. Not until you explain everything.”
“I don’t even know where to start, but first I want to say that I love you, more than anything else in the world and what I did was incredibly stupid and wrong. I should have listened to you and try to understand where you were coming from.”
“You’re damn right Brandon, your words. They cut deeper than any knife that could have been used, I thought I was going to die right then and there when you didn’t even fight to keep me from leaving. You always fight, and it wasn’t there.”
“And if I could take all of those mean and hurtful things back I would, in a heartbeat I would do it. You know the last thing that I want in life is to hurt you.”
“Really? Because right now, that’s all I feel from you is hurt, hurt in ways I have never felt before. So let me ask you, why did you do it? Say all those words if you didn’t mean them?”
“Because, when I felt your leg, and your cuts. I panicked.” He looks away and bites his lips, storm clouds building in his brown eyes, “I freaked out because I know if I didn’t come home when I did I could have lost you forever, I know how bad your depression can be, and I know how serious it is, you know I lost people to it in the past. I was scared baby.”
“Well you had a real funny way of showing it.” I hug the blanket closer to my body, suddenly feeling very small and fragile.
“Sydnee if there is any way in the world I can make this up to you, tell me and I will find a way to make it happen. But baby I promise you I can’t go on knowing you’re not home with me.”
“Why didn’t you check in. I get it you were mad, fine whatever, but if you care so much like you say you do, why didn’t you care enough to at least text me to see if I was okay? I could have been robbed and left on the street if I didn’t have the right mind to come here.”
“Because I wasn’t myself. I wasn’t in my right mind. I went on a two day bender and have hardly slept. Coming home to an empty house made me realize how much I screwed up and I thought you hated me after what I said.”
“Brandon..” I whisper, “no force on this earth could ever get me to hate you. I might be super mad at you yes, but I could never hate you. Come on now, you’re smarter than that.”
“I know, that is why I said I wasn’t in my right mind. Baby please, I’m begging for forgiveness. I am so incredibly sorry for everything I said to hurt you.” Tears spill from his eyes and he doesn’t stop them, this is how I know he means what he says.
My mind tells me to stay strong, let him feel the pain that I felt since the fight happened, but my body betrays me and my feet close the gap between us and I wrap my arms tightly around his middle, “Don’t you ever make me feel like I am worth less than what I am. Got it?” I burry my face into his chest and cry softly.
“I won’t baby, I’m here.” I feel him leave a gentle kiss to the top of my head, “I’m here and I am not going anywhere. I promise. But please promise me one thing.”
I look up at him and wait for him to continue.
“Whenever you’re feeling like that, talk to me okay? You know I will do anything in my power to help you. I love you and I don’t want you feeling alone like that ever again.”
“I promise Brandon.”
I stand on my toes and kiss his cheek gently, “now how on earth did you find black roses at this time of night? And the black suit is stunning on you.”
He offers a small chuckle, “let me grab your bag and I will explain in the car on the way home.”
13 notes · View notes
sathina · 2 years
Believe me
Pairing - Jack Harlow x reader
Summary - When things get too hard
Warning - angst, fluff, shamed on social media, talk about anxiety
The bright screen lit up the whole room. You were laying on your side, hands under your head, knees pulled up to your chest, laptop sitting too close to your face. There were tears in your eyes, some already dried up on your flushed cheeks, some only freshly falling.
You couldn't understand how people could be so cruel. How people didn't understand that their words hurt, some hurt even more than open wounds.
You quickly covered your mouth when you heard the front door slam shut. You knew this was a quiet moment before a disaster. Small waves before a big storm.
The heavy footsteps didn't help either, as the seconds passed by, your world seemed to stop. There was this uncomfortable ringing in your ears, your head pounding from the previous anxiety attack.
As Jack opened the bedroom door he saw your back. Tightly cuddled in the middle of the mattress, the laptop's light illuminating the side of your face.
" Hey, baby." You heard shuffling but didn't dare to turn around. If you did, if you met his blue eyes you knew you would break down yet again. Instead you just shut your eyes, praying for a new day to come.
In some aspects Jack was a complete dumbass, but your feelings weren't a part of them. He could see right through your act, your nose was red and snotty, puffy eye bags hanging on top of your cheekbones. A bright headline still visible on the screen. He knew what this was about.
Just like last time, social media has gotten to your mind. Jack saw the way it was slowly eating you away day by day. For weeks he blamed himself because of it. But at this very moment, it was so much worse than any last time.
He fell to his knees by the bed, quickly reaching out for your face, cradling it in his soft hands.
" What happened?" Inside Jack was breaking too, the only difference was he knew how to hide it. He had to be strong for you.
Your eyes fell from his to the screen, silently telling him to take a look himself. Your boyfriend caught on instantly, pulling the laptop closer to himself, already scrolling through the bold article.
At first it was the same shit, pictures of Jack clearly standing far from the many women, but somehow, the paragraph underneath made him look like a cheater. This time it was tonight's events.
But upon scrolling further, the angrier he got.
Your bikini and normal pictures were put side by side to Jack's supposed ex-flings. Under them a whole story picking at the differences in his girlfriend and them. All worded out in the negative lights.
It honestly felt like he could throw up.
" You believe this shit?" He turned to look up at you. The tears have stopped by now, only letting out small sniffles now and then.
" I don't know what to believe, Jack." A hiccup could be heard after your sentence, mind getting clouded by your own thoughts.
Shutting the laptop he climbed into your bed, his big arms indulging you in a tight hug, slightly swaying your frame left to right.
" Now, sweetheart, listen to me, okay? They're irrelevant. They're just a bunch of people who love to take down others because of their own problems. Believe me, if I could, they all would never see the light of day ever again." He placed a sweet kiss to the crown of your head, inhaling your all too familiar scent.
A part of you felt like a child that was getting scolded by their parents, the other part agreeing with everything Jack said in his little rant.
But at the end of the day you knew there was no end to this, it would just keep coming. And all you could do, was just keep swimming.
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lilaccrxsh · 2 years
Rebel Rebel - 1986!Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x F!Reader (18+)
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Description: Your boyfriend makes it his mission to distract you from studying for your degree. You decide to show him what happens to boys who ruin your schedule...
Content warnings: unprotected sex (established relationship), dom! reader, sub!mav, mav is a brat, edging, orgasm denial
Word count: 2k
A/N: And I'm back again with another incredibly self-indulgent smut... *runs and hides* also I couldn't think of a title and Rebel Rebel by David Bowie came on while I was making this post so that became the title.
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You were studying for your degree. It was a warm late afternoon, the sun low in the sky but still high enough to shine brightly through the window. You were sitting at your desk, a textbook open. There were no distractions… apart from the young pilot, who was also your boyfriend, pacing the length of your room. 
"It's too hot." Mav stated. 
"We're in California y’know."
The sound of something coming to rest on the floor was heard behind you. There was now a white T-shirt crumpled into a ball on your carpet. 
Mav was trying to turn your attention from your work to him, and he was doing a good job. Although, he had seemed to have forgotten that you could be stubborn too. 
You felt strong arms come over your shoulders and wrap around your frame. Due to the angle, you could feel his abs against your back. It was quite a distraction. 
Allowing Mav one piece of attention, you leant back into him, resting your cheek onto his arm. You pressed one quick, simple kiss to the paler skin of the inside of his elbow. 
All the while you continued to read and make notes. The words begin to swim on the page, your concentration blown to bits. 
Mav smelt good. He always smelt good. It was intoxicating. 
And then he was gone. 
Out of the corner of your eye you watched Maverick saunter over to your bed, rolling onto it. Either he had gotten bored of trying to get your attention, or this was still part of his game. 
But two could play that game.
You made a point of turning the page of your textbook and clicking your pen unnecessarily. You began to take notes again. 
"I am really hot, Y/N." Mav's whine was languid and lazy. 
"It was so hot in the air earlier. The fucking flight suits are too bulky I was sweating so hard. In the locker room I had to just take everything off-"
"Mav, honey," You snapped, "I need you to be quiet for a bit, ok?"
"Yeah? Make me." 
With that, you dropped your pen and whipped your head round to look directly at him. He was lying back on your bed, head rested on the headboard, hands supporting the back of his neck.
Mav was a picture of leisure, looking as if the spot he was in was the most comfortable place on Earth. Even from your place at the desk, you could see his tongue was pushing into his cheek. His stark blue eyes glinted. 
"Make you?" 
"I don't think you realise what you're asking for, pretty boy." 
"Oh really?" The smirk as he spoke grew wider. It equally turned you on and pissed you off. 
Still keeping your gaze sharp and directed towards Mav, you dramatically closed the textbook so it created a loud sound.
"People who distract me from my work have to suffer the consequences." You told him, leaving your desk and making your way over to him. You seated yourself over his hips, not sitting down enough to give him any satisfaction. 
"Consequences?" Maverick feigned ignorance, eyes doe-eyed and wide as he looked up at you. The mischievous glint still hadn't disappeared. You decided your job was to get rid of it entirely.
"You want my attention? You want me to touch you, huh?" You placed one finger, your index finger, under his chin forcing him to look at you. Not that Maverick would have done any differently in that moment. You were beautiful, straddling him with such an air of authority. He couldn't look away. 
But he could nod.
"Aww, poor baby all hot and bothered."  
Indeed his skin was warm to touch. Mav radiated heat normally, but under your delicate fingertips he burned. Your eyes raked over his beautiful features, his stunning green eyes, long nose, pink lips. Your left hand caressed his cheek, thumb smoothing over the sharp curve of his cheekbone. Under your palm you could feel the start of rough stubble scraping his jaw.
From cupping his face, it was so simple to trace his bottom lip with your thumb, slowly leading up to him opening his mouth so you could slip the digit inside. Mav sucked dutifully, before you moved again. 
It was your own lips this time that graced his, yet you never properly kissed him. Mav was reaching for your mouth, but you would always manage to slip out of reach before he could catch you. 
"Y/N…" Your name tumbled from him as a soft plea. 
"What do you need, baby?" You were acting coy now, playing the part of concerned lover. "Still too warm? We must take these off then." 
Your hands were at his crotch, ever so slowly dealing with the buckle of his belt. The close proximity of your hands made Mav squirm impatiently. You tutted, letting go of the belt, your hands moving to his hips to pull the material of his jeans down. You did let him help you, but most of the work you did yourself, until he was lying there in just his white briefs. 
It was the palm of your right hand that came to rest on him, fingers stretching out across his covered length. Enough pressure was exerted to have him stir beneath you. He was already half hard, but the fact he still had one more piece of clothing on was becoming an issue.  
One look at Maverick and you knew what he wanted from you. But he was going to say it or you were not going to oblige. 
"Use your words." 
"Take them off."
"Say please," You paused, before throwing mock malice into his name, "Maverick." 
Here was one of the Navy's best fighter pilots, pleading to be touched, open and vulnerable - just for you. Pete Mitchell was known for running his mouth, and you had managed to render him speechless incredibly easily. 
"Please. Take them off and-"
He was forced to stop as you quickly, and rather roughly, did what he asked. Then he was in nothing, you in everything still. You couldn't help but grin. 
You shuffled down Mav's body, until you were resting just above him. Mav never stopped watching you the entire time, not even when you took him completely in your mouth, not giving him any time to prepare. You only bobbed a few times, just giving him a little taste of pleasure. That position wasn't what you'd had in mind as your final destination however. After the last long lick of his length, you left him exposed and moved back to straddle his body. 
Mav had risen to meet you, now fully erect. 
Meaning it was your time to stop, for now anyway. 
A strangled sound, a cross between a moan and a whine escaped the man beneath you as you pulled all touch away. The air of the room must have felt cold to him now. Mav was taking long, deep breaths in an attempt to remain calm at the lack of contact. 
When you didn't move back, Mav unconsciously went to touch himself. Anything that would give him relief from the precipice you had left him on. 
As much as you liked watching your boyfriend get himself off, this was not one of those times. You tutted audibly again as you took both of his hands in yours, lacing your fingers between his to keep a strong hold. You pushed his wrists back onto the bed, resting into the plush fluff of the pillow on either side of his head. 
You leant forwards, shifting your weight through your hands so Mav was truly stuck. Your face was so close to his, his green eyes wide from your actions. He had begun to buck his hips, trying to gain any sort of friction from your body. With your knees on either side of his hips, he could sometimes reach you, but it was awkward and hard. When he had gone longer without any contact, his erection still painfully obvious after another failed attempt, Mav threw his head back against the pillow. You watched as he gasped for breath, turning his face to the side features squeezed together from the struggle. 
"Just look at how fucking needy you are, Mav." 
He could easily have overpowered you if he wanted to. His strength massively outweighed yours. The fact he was only doing what he wanted sent a jolt to your core. Maverick wanted to be under you, your weight holding him down, you teasing him and not allowing him any physical pleasure. 
"Do you think you've been a good boy? Good enough to be rewarded?"
"Yes… ma'am." Mav was able to get out, but it was distorted as all of his consciousness was focused on the unbelievable need at his crotch.
"What was that, my love? I can't hear you."
To his credit, Mav tried to speak again. This time even worse than before. 
"Not so smart now are we?" 
Your berating elicited another filthy moan from Maverick. Maybe it was time to give him some relief. 
You needed some too. All of this teasing, drawing out the most carnal sounds from your boyfriend, had worked its way through you. You were pretty sure you were soaked beneath your panties. 
"Don't move." An order slipped from your lips. You pulled your shirt above your head, took off your own jeans. You reached behind your back, unclasping your bra with one hand. When you got to your panties, your previous guess was correct - they were drenched. 
Mav had noticed too and was eyeing them before you tossed them onto the floor. You took him in your hand, fingers closing around him before directing him into you. At first contact, Mav's hips jerked upwards, making him fill you entirely. You let this action slide. The results had been equally pleasing to you. 
You then sat still, squeezing your thighs around Mav's hips to stop his attempts to fuck you himself. It was hard for you to stay as still as you were, but it bought just as much pleasure to you seeing his tortured expressions.
He felt good inside of you. You couldn't help but roll your hips in one smooth movement, just enough to give both of you something. 
Mav whined. A small tear hung in the corner of his left eye. You leant forwards, lips brushing over his cheekbone, before using your kiss to clean away the stray tear.
"You doing ok, baby?" You whispered genuinely near his left ear. You pulled back to see him answer. Mav was nodding, even through everything, he was nodding. 
You finally kissed him. At first sweetly, but then you took his bottom lip between your teeth, biting down just hard enough to have him moan against your mouth. You laughed, a sweet sound within the mixture of others. 
"You have been a good boy, Maverick. Now…" You dropped your voice to a whisper. "Fuck me." 
The next animalistic growl from your boyfriend sent your head into a spin before his hands were on your hips. He grasped the skin there tightly, driving you down onto his own hips at the same time Mav thrust up into you. You were the one to cry out this time. A hasty, desperate rhythm was established quickly as you rode him. Even from that position, Mav was able to hit your sweet spot and you were dangerously close to the edge already. After all your teasing, it was only a matter of time before Maverick was coming undone beneath you. Watching his climax was the final push and instantly you found it hard to breathe as your own rushed through you. 
You fell forwards onto his chest, both of you breathing deeply together. Mav’s hands left your hips, arms wrapping around your back to hold you to him. He stroked smooth circles into the soft skin of your side. Your own arms snaked around his shoulders and under his neck. 
“I hope you think twice before distracting me again.” You kissed above his right collarbone. 
"I quite liked it."
"Of course you did, and that's why I love you." 
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jewishcissiekj · 9 months
So last week I finished Republic Comics up until ROTS and today I watched Rots and got to the comic adaptation rn Here are some things (part 1 bc you can only have 30 images in one post)
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To start it off the covers are like. Stunning. Showstopping stuff Mike Mayhew, Dave Dorman, and Tsuneo Sanda thank you for these
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I love this panel why is he doing that
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This set of panels looks fucking amazing, Anakin's hair, Obi-Wan fighting the droids, I just really like it
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Dooku didn't even drop the thing on him but he still looks life Peter Griffin dying what's his problem
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I love this picture. It's also his League of Comic Geeks picture so I instantly recognized it and went '!'
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Trans person: I'm trans Society: ok Anakin: I killed Count Dooku. I'm a murderer in case you didn't notice. I also killed this village of Tuskens. All of them. I kill people.
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yeah💕 them💞
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I know it's war and they're Generals and all but why did Obi-Wan just tell him that? It doesn't really make sense or is it because Quin's his boyfriend and he never shuts up about him (It makes sense in the context of the scene in the film but there's too much missing here to really have that)
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lines being switched between people and shit is such a weird change to me. It changes things a lot and Anakin saying "All of this is unusual, and it's making me feel uneasy." is VERY different than Obi-Wan saying it (like he does in the movie)
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This is so :( If I was Anakin at this moment I would've told Palps to fuck off and ran away with Padme Anakin's so stupid
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Stunning man holy fuck
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Obi-Wan girly what. what are you doing.
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There are worse panels but this one's so funny to me because of how not-Hayden it is. Who is this man
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them💗(moments before disaster)
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Once again, who-is-this-man game. Where did this come from
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He looks like he would call me a slur more than ever. I hope he never feels happiness in his life
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I'm gonna:):):):):)))))))))
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I feel ill not Blyla
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Yoda breakkkkk
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Ohhhh ummmm iiiiiiiiii ammmm so normal about these two panels. Why
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Order 66🙂👍 Also I know Quinlan has a son and shit after Order 66 curios to see how they explained him serving blowing tf up
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I know this picture from League of Comic Geeks to it's so beautiful he's looking ethereal and dead inside my favorite things about him
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It has occurred to me that it's probably because they both need to be in frame here but why is Obi-Wan sitting? Get up idiot
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I love how the artist just takes the emotions from this scene I know it's difficult to adapt stuff but why does he look like that
Okay I have more but I can't add them to this. Will do a part 2 (probably tomorrow it's too late today)
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith #1-4 Original story & screenplay by George Lucas, script by Christopher Cerasi(originally published under the pseudonym Miles Lane), art by Dough Wheatly
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excelsi-or · 10 months
summoned (pt. 2)
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pairing: woozi x fem!reader / fem!OC
part 1
w.c. 2.7k (it's long. felt weird to end it where i originally was going to split it)
Hansol walks her all the way to her building. When he suggests taking her up to her suite, she insists she’ll be fine. After a face off with a demon in the train station, having to explain to the guy at the ticket box at the destination why said demon didn’t have a ticket, combined with the constant glaring, she’s found Jihoon more of a nuisance than a threat.
Her best friend cedes to what she wants. “Call me if you need anything.”
“Send me your comic when you get home.” It’s a pointless attempt to keep the situation normal.
Jihoon refuses to follow her up the steps. 
She studies the demon but decides he can stay outside if he wants. With one last hug for Hansol, she heads up the stairs. 
Hansol eyes Jihoon who still hasn’t moved, even as he promises to send the comic to her if she sends along her linework.
With these extensive goodbyes, Jihoon finally climbs the steps and moves through the open door. The door closes on Hansol who waits until they get on the elevator.
She unlocks her apartment door. Before opening it, she turns to face him. “Just some ground rules if you plan to stay long. Do not touch me. No threats.” Her eyes go over him. “Politeness if you don’t mind.”
Seems like odd rules. But ones he can agree with. “Done.”
Jihoon stands in her doorway and watches her slip out of her shoes and drop her tote on her desk.
She looks over at him. “What? Are you actually a vampire? Do I need to invite you in?”
“It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a human’s home.” He leans his head in, peering at the kitchen and hallway. “I don’t typically feel welcome.”
She disappears into her bedroom, but her voice still carries. “Do demons care about that stuff?”
Jihoon takes one step inside. He can now see the small room behind the door, in which he recognizes a washing machine and dryer. Her home is cool in comparison to the heat outside. There’s the faint smell of clean laundry mingling with the smell of cookies.
Makes him sick.
“Well, I’m not about to ask you to stay if you don’t want to. You can hang out in the hall.” She re-emerges in a hoodie and shorts. She nearly rams into Jihoon as he continues to take baby steps into her home. “Do demons eat?”
“We don’t have to.” He notices the art on her walls behind her couch. “But some human food tastes good.” He peers closely at her art. She’s no Michelangelo or Da Vinci; and to be quite frank, her actual technique is awful. However, he assumes it fits right in with the art of the time.
“Well, I’m having ramen.” She pulls her hair up into a ponytail.
“Yeah, with vegetables and meat.”
Jihoon ponders this combination. Could be passable. He agrees to let her cook for him.
She gets to work at making two packages of ramen, humming to herself as she goes. “Do you like cookies?”
Besides that, Jihoon is quiet. She wonders what he thinks of her place, because she can hear him padding around her living room. She wonders what he thinks of her place, because she can hear him padding around her living room.
“Your friend didn’t like me,” he suddenly says.
Using chopsticks, she separates the noodle block in the boiling water. “He thinks you’re an abusive boyfriend I’ve suddenly acquired.”
“Do you have notoriously bad taste in men?”
“Yes. It makes Hansol, Jeonghan, and Cheol protective.”
“He wants to know what’s going on.”
The sound of dried noodles plopping into water precedes her question. “Can I tell him?”
“It’s a matter of if he’ll believe you.”
Jihoon picks up a frame and inspects the people in it. The three men he’d met are there, as well as multiple other people that appear in many of her photos. He sets the frame down and looks for images of her family. There’s a single old photo of them in her bookshelf.
“Why don’t you have pictures of your family?”
“We lost most of them in a fire a few years back. A lot of our stuff wasn’t salvageable.”
Internally, Jihoon sighs. There’s nothing in this woman’s life to trade for her soul. For all intents and purposes, she seems happy. The sound of her footsteps causes him to turn.
She sets two bowls down on the coffee table and places a small packet next to the bowl he presumes is his. Jihoon takes a seat across from her and sits on the floor.
“I figured since you’re a demon, you might like yours extra spicy.” She motions towards the silver package. “Go crazy.”
Jihoon sniffs the powder inside the package before dumping it all into the broth. Almost immediately, the broth turns a fiery red. Then he tries the noodles.
Not half bad.
Of course, Japanese ramen chefs are significantly better, but he’s sure she hasn’t been handed down recipes for generations.
“Are you always so quiet?” she asks between bites. She’s noticeably slouched over her bowl in an attempt to not spill any on the table.
Contrast to her, Jihoon is upright and proper. He doesn’t really worry about spills anymore. “I don’t tend to hang around other beings often.”
“What? Demons don’t talk to each other in Hell?”
His eyes narrow. “There isn’t much time for talking.”
“You told me that you haven’t collected as many souls as you usually do at the beginning of a millennium. That suggests it’s been slow. Ergo, you must have time to talk now.”
He huffs in annoyance. This human asks too many questions. “Hell isn’t a place for making friends.”
“I wouldn’t trust any of the demons down there more than I would you.”
She frowns at him. “Well, that makes me more skeptical of you.”
Jihoon finishes the broth, leaving his bowl clean. “You have no reason to be.”
“So, I was right. You'll only take my soul if I give it to you.”
Jihoon’s eyes go over her again. With a scowl, he nods.
But as much as Jihoon’s been studying her, she’s been studying him. With a satisfied sigh, she leans back on her palms. “But am I the only thing that’s bothering you?”
His eyes flick from black to green. And she notices that not only are they green, they look like cat eyes. It’s unlikely this demon would like the comparison.
“No, you’re not.” His eyes go black again.
She lifts an eyebrow, reaching for a cookie on the plate near her leg. He’d said no, so she kept it out of his sight. Maybe demons don’t like sweet things. “What’s up?”
“That guard.”
“The one that caught you?”
“I’ve never been caught.” His voice is far away, clear he’s thinking. “Humans are not supposed to be able to see the ‘magic’,” he rolls his eyes, clearly hating his own word choice, “I can do.”
She tips her head, popping another cookie in her mouth. “So, how’d he see it?”
“That’s exactly what I want to know.”
“Weird.” With another cookie between her lips, she takes their bowls back to the kitchen.
It’s not just weird; it’s supposed to be impossible.
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“Are you going out?” she asks as he suddenly gets up.
The clock had struck 3 AM and he was finally untethered from the human. At least until sunrise.
On his way to the door, her eyes catch his in the dark over the kitchen divider. “Can you please take the house key?” She juts her chin in the direction of the hall table. “It’s in the bowl. Just lock up when you go. There’s been some sexual assaults in the area.”
Then, her head ducks again and she returns to whatever she’s been working on all evening.
He glances at the key. “Do you not sleep?”
“I probably should.”
“Then why don’t you?” A key is inconvenient to take.
“A literal demon is concerned for my sleeping pattern.” The light suddenly shuts off. “I think that is the time to sleep.”
Jihoon pretends to adjust his shoes. When he hears the bedroom door close, he walks out of her apartment sans key. Instead, he passes a hand over her door and watches it disappear. The door is now disguised as a fire hose attachment. Though it looks a bit odd because another standpipe is only a metre or so away. 
He doubts other humans will notice.
Hurrying onto the elevator (and then speeding it down to get him to the lobby in record time), Jihoon tries to recall the way to the subway station. He changes back into his preferred black suit. Outside, a black sports car waits for him. Suddenly, he remembers why he sometimes enjoys coming up to Earth. He hops into the driver’s side and the GPS automatically sets itself to where he wants to go.
Technology really has come a long way.
Jihoon considers letting the car drive on autopilot, but it’s been ages since he’s driven a car. So, he drives the speed limit (mostly) and actually follows the rules. It’s a bit confusing since the last time he was in a car was in England. While he nearly hits a few people, he manages to avoid an accident. A parking spot in front of the station appears; and he parks, only bumping one car.
He waves a hand over the dent and listens to it repair itself. The station sign is lit, but nothing about it seems threatening. There are cameras everywhere, and he considers fiddling with them but chooses not to.
Something seems off. He feels it as he walks over the threshold.
What were the odds that they would be here?
Jihoon stops at the turnstile that he was about to jump over, remembering the guard. On a whim, he wanders over to a security box. It’s empty for the night, but the little wing sticker by the handle is unmistakable. 
Resigned to his fate, Jihoon hops the turnstile. His feet barely touch the ground before he’s dropped onto his back. A human knee presses into his chest.
“Now, I haven’t seen you in a long time.”
Jihoon rolls his eyes. “Get off me, angel.”
The angel stands, not before pressing his knee into Jihoon’s chest slightly. He holds a hand out.
Jihoon sits up instead. “What are you going by now?”
“Still Seokmin. Don’t see the point in changing my name.” His smile brightens. “Someone warned me that a demon was walking around, so everyone’s been on high alert.”
“What? This a new angel that doesn’t recognize me?”
“You haven’t exactly been on the surface in a while.” Seokmin hoists him up by his underarms.
Jihoon flicks Seokmin in the forehead. “Don’t do that to me.”
Seokmin swipes a hand over his forehead, healing the burn. “You really do love this sweet little body of yours. I hope you don’t ruin this one.”
Jihoon adjusts his suit jacket.
He motions with his head for Jihoon to follow. “What are you going by these days, demon?”
“These days? I’ve been here for less than 24 hours.”
“Summoned? Or are the end days coming?”
“Summoned by accident.”
Jihoon can’t help but think back to the shock on the human’s face when he’d appeared behind her at the café. “Human woman was ordering a drink and somehow managed to summon me at the same time.”
“Really knows how to butcher a language, does she?” Seokmin chuckles. He takes a seat on one of the benches by the tracks. It takes Jihoon a second to decide whether he wants to sit or not. When he does, Seokmin asks, “So, what did she trade you?”
“Nothing.” This bench is incredibly uncomfortable. “She doesn’t want anything.”
“Why are you here then? You aren’t typically one for sex.”
“Needed to get away and…” Now that he knows that he’s in angel territory, the incident from earlier seems less suspicious.
Still annoying, but less suspicious.
But there are certainly other things that have caught his attention.
“Have you also been getting a weird energy here?” When he meets Seokmin’s eye again, his expression deadpans. “Or has all your time spent on Earth jaded you to it?”
Seokmin shrugs. “Bad energy has felt as if it’s taking over the planet.”
“And it’s darkness that not even I like.”
“Well, you never really did play by anyone’s rules, did you?”
Jihoon rolls his eyes, deciding that sitting on the bench with his legs out in front of him is the most comfortable. A breeze whistles through the train tunnel, almost like a ghost train. It cools his constantly-warm skin. “Whoever the leader of neutrality is, I’d like to meet him.”
Seokmin continues to study him. The demon has gone by different names in the past, but Seokmin enjoys this demon’s company. He’s never been hell-bent on ruining human lives, and he’d rather stay off angel territory at all costs.
Which is why it surprises Seokmin that the demon’s here. “Have you discussed it with…?”
“Besides wanting to snatch a soul or two if I can while I’m up here so that He’ll leave me alone, I only noticed it when I hit the surface earlier. I haven’t exactly had time to go back down and mention it.”
“No soul snatching while I’m around, please,” Seokmin groans. “And you know who your leader of neutrality is, don’t you?”
Jihoon lifts an eyebrow. He didn’t know there was an answer.
“Humans. Humans are a complex balance of good and… not so good.”
Jihoon waves a dismissive hand. “Humans aren’t permanent.”
“Their souls can be.”
The demon bristles. That statement doesn’t sit right with him. “Back to what we were talking about. Have you figured out what the bad energy is?”
Seokmin genuinely looks surprised. “It’s not the demons? I thought you were just feigning ignorance.”
“You think I make conversation for conversation’s sake? The End Days would be coming if that’s the kind of darkness befalling Earth.”
Seokmin finally seems to understand Jihoon’s concern. “Oh. No. What could that mean?”
“Have you talked to God?”
“We assumed it was you guys cooking up something. We’ve already started assembling the masses in preparation.”
Jihoon huffs as he once again readjusts himself on the bench. “I don’t even know what it is. How are you intending to fight something you can’t see?”
It’s Seokmin’s turn to deadpan.
With a roll of his (because he forgot the angel is pedantic), Jihoon clarifies, “How are you supposed to fight something neither of us can see?”
The rephrasing of the question makes the angel pause. “What else could be causing the darkness?”
Jihoon tips his head back in annoyance. “You’ve been here longer than I have.”
“They’re always doing something crazy, but nothing to rival whatever you demons can do. I’ve only heard talk that the angels believe demons are tipping the Earth into chaos.”
This gives the demon pause. Slowly, his mind conjures up an idea that he doesn’t particularly like. It gives the demons more credit than they deserve. “Or maybe they’ve learned how.”
Seokmin notices Jihoon’s heavy stare. He can tolerate this demon, but the dead eyes really send a shiver down his spine. “Are you talking possession now? Not soul acquirement?”
“And apparently so good that you guys haven’t detected it,” Jihoon muses. He stands, brushing off non-existent dust on his suit. That uncomfortable pull in his abdomen suggests that dawn is coming.
“Any intention to do anything about it?” Seokmin asks, his tone neutral. If there’s even an inkling of hope in his voice, he knows the demon won’t try to solve this unexpected problem.
Jihoon hums. “Find out how to confirm it.”
“And then?” Seokmin slowly gets to his feet.
“Come here and get you guys to stop it.” 
Jihoon hops the turnstiles and heads for his car.
Suddenly, Earth has become significantly more interesting.
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part 3
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thegeminisage · 3 months
IT'S TIME FOR. a star trek update. and BOY am i behind. wednesday we watched tng's "frame of mind," friday we watched ds9's "progress" and tng's "suspicions," and last night we watched ds9's "if wishes were horses." i am so thrilled to announce that despite the high amount of episodes including tng episodes i have almost NOTHING to complain about this update. like a little, but not much.
frame of mind (tng):
first of all we must acknowledge this gifset, which according to the timestamp i saw with my eyeballs near the end of january which (and i checked) was right after the episode where picard is like yeah worf should kill himself. IN the course of the episode worf asks riker to assist with his suicide which is both the most horrible and romantic thing that's ever happened with them. so i went into the ship tag. found it most bereft except for this gifset. i have been DYING to know for a MONTH AND A HALF what's going on in this ep. i finally cracked recently and read the summary which only made me more excited.
so. drumroll. DID THE EP DELIVER..............???
yes, with VERY minor caveats.
i think my only real complaint about this episode is that it was a me problem. like i was picturing some scene where worf tenderly (for him) talks riker down from a fit of madness and also he was the real worf. i built it up too much in my head. that's not what happened. in my mind palace it is. i'm a little tempted to do a rewrite of it to make it happen but i barely have time to breathe so that will remain a wistful thought for now. like, i knew the enterprise setting wasn't real, but regardless of the amount of worf/riker (e deanna) ship content it was just kind of disappointing to learn that the mental facility was ALSO not real because the worf and data that rescued riker were not real and the beverly that snuck in to see him was also not real and his experiences there also weren't "real" in the physical sense, even though he very much did still experience them. very "it was all a dream!" of them
OTHER THAN THAT. i was really into it. i loved everything about it. i loved riker's break from reality. i loved that crazy lady with the spoon. i loved how even data got weirded out at riker's antics. i love that the part of riker that is his feelings is represented by deanna and the part of him that is action is represented by worf WORF E RIKER E DEANNA REAL! i didn't like picard being his logic. spock should be everybody's logic. get that guy outta here
also, what a great touch to have very chill very normal very laid back riker be like yeah if i don't tear this set apart with my bare hands before i sleep i really WILL go crazy 🙃
side var didn't beverly say people were coming to clean it up in the morning...what happened to the ship cleaning itself smh. justice for the invisible janitors and housekeepers of starfleet
also, why did this episode make me slightly into riker and beverly as friends with benefits...the whole trill boyfriend situation adds so much fun complication to that as well depending on a multitude of varying and equally valid interpretations of that event. like, girl, forget picard's two-timing ass. what's he ever done for you except knock you up with an affair baby. join the worf e riker e deanna polycule. they could make better husbands. shit, i could make a better husband. forget him girl! you don't need him
progress (ds9):
holy fucking shit.
this episode BLEW me away. easily a must-see on my spreadsheet, when i (eventually?) catch up. every single thing they do with kira is AMAZING.
the old guy was so instantly likable. he was likable even when he was being sexist BECAUSE he was being sexist specifically to wind kira up because kira was playing bad guy. their chemistry was so good. i was just as worried about him as kira was the whole episode long
what a brilliant way to discuss war, not by showing the violence or the gore or the death but by simply showing us this guy who won't leave his farm and sleeptalks during his nightmares and these other two who can't speak but WILL kill you with pitchforks. like, you have "chain of command" with picard and the four lights and then you have this, and both of them are so important in our understanding of the cardassians and what they do.
sisko was so absolutely kind to kira. like, he outlined her struggle perfectly - she's no longer the underdog, and in some ways that sucks, because she now has no idea how to behave. her morals and her logic and her heart are all telling her different things.
AND LIKE. SISKO. KNEELING DOWN. TO BE EYE TO EYE WITH HER. i cannot possibly express how important that is. HE IS SO GOOD!!!
i'm actually really glad she got teary eyed but DIDN'T cry. we just watched her ugly cry in that episode with kai opaka and i think to do it twice together so soon would have been too much. but it DID need that emotional beat, and they struck the perfect balance.
the through-line of the fucking kiln. every time i saw them building it. wah.
the ending was so shocking and so horrible...actually, my one tiny nitpick with this ep is that there wasn't really the proper setup for it. the air will be poison if those guys tap the moon, but surely the ostensible utopian starfleet is not gonna tap it with even one holdout...? though i guess bajor isn't in starfleet proper? tng often has too MUCH technobabble and exposition but this didn't have quiiite enough - i feel like forcefields or masks or other scifi tech might have solved this problem and i didn't REALLY believe the only two solutions were to let this guy die on the moon or forcibly relocate him, especially when kira brought up a slower way to get the energy they needed - but maybe that's the point, that she ended the fight before it could become one, idk. i also wish he had said "as long as this house is still standing" a little earlier - having him say it right before the end sort of gave away what kira was gonna do before she did it, though i DIDN'T expect her to start with the kiln.
other than though it was so good. it says so much about the nature of the cardassians as a group, and bajorans as a group, and about kira herself.
also, sorry, jacket coming off hot.
suspicions (tng):
beverly, and it's a beverly-centric episode
hot klingon lady who threw beverly around like a sack of flour (again: beverly is bicurious)
VERY snooty vulcan lady with the human??? husband????? sorry but doesn't he have a refractory period how do they get BY during pon farr? ok. none of my business. moving on
nurse ogawa who helped commit women's wrongs
guinan, beverly's confidant and pretend tennis elbow haver...
deanna also had a few lines which i'm choosing to count in the spirit of things
also, that green alien guy? long feng from atla.
anyway, i was tickled with this episode. not only because they finally wrote a ferengi who isn't racist, showed another vulcan/human couple, included a bunch of women, AND gave beverly the main role, but also because the mystery was perfectly done. it gave us just enough information to stay interesting, and i figured out long feng faked his own death RIGHT before the reveal - not early enough to bore me but early enough to make me feel smart
i didn't really understand why beverly chose to end ferengi racism in a field that she wasn't even in but i support her so much. also, she got to do an illegal autopsy and steal a fucking shuttle. GOOD for her
again i want to state that this klingon lady TOSSED HER AROUND it was so fucking sexy. get it beverly. i so rarely have so much fun with a tng episode and we got two good ones in a row!!
if wishes were horses (ds9):
this is a sequel to an episode of tos i mostly don't like, "shore leave." tng also had a "shore leave episode" (the one where picard's mom showed up and i think some ensign got spliced into the floor) so we have done "our thoughts manifest as reality" twice now and i assume will continue to do it in every star trek series going forward. so far i have not liked any of these episodes because of the redundant and irrelevant nature of them (oh look! a random tiger!) but ds9's is probably my favorite out of the three
i just feel like you have the potential to get so real and do such character work when thoughts are manifested as reality and instead it's always this crazy shit. i think tng tried to do it with more gravitas, but it's tng and early tng at that, so i've yet to see star trek do one of these successfully and i doubt i ever will.
ANYWAY. number one complaint with this is of course the fake dax. i think it's really funny that she keeps gently but firmly shooting julian down, and while julian is a likable cringefail loser i NEVER saw him as a creep, not even with repeated attempts to ask her out...and then this happened, and it was very touch and go for a second there. i'm glad his instinct was to fight dax when she was compromised, really horrified when he "gave in," and then was extremely relieved when they were interrupted. he tried i guess. i'm gonna try not to hold it against him. if i can forgive geordi i can forgive julian.
we ALMOST got it working right. dax was like you know julian in a way i kind of feel like we invaded YOUR privacy it's not as though you can help having fantasies and they should have been safe in your head which was like. ok great take actually! we are being adults! but then the fake one showed back up and tried to pick a catfight with the real one and SSSSIGH
keiko and o'briens little daughter is SO cute. i mean she is SO fucking adorable. rumpelstiltskin was easily the dumbest part of this episode but that little baby is so adorable it was almost worth it to see her. i also didn't like that obrien didn't immediately say no as a kneejerk reaction to selling his daughter. girl what's wrong with you
i DON'T like that there's no baseball in the future. number one i refuse to believe americans could ever fall out of love with baseball even if it's only in a "let's bring back this vintage game" kind of way and number two it's one of the only sports i kind of like and understand. sisko being a nerd about an ancient dead sport is so funny though. good for him.
THAT SAID. i was kind of hoping sisko would see his dead wife. we got a great little moment where kira imagined an explosion and a guy on fire, which touched on something she probably actually has seen, and it was a fun way to give a stupid and silly concept some gravitas, but when everything got quiet there at the end i was expecting sisko's wife and no, it was just mr baseball again
shoutout also to odo running around with two real live birds on that set, quark fucking the birds after they turned into ladies, and then odo imagining quark in jail. truly a series of events, though given quark offering to make him a changeling lady friend in the holosuite (refreshing that at least in ds9 they acknowledge it as a sex toy), i kind of expected a serious moment with him too where he got his wish unwillingly.
and finally, i had SUCH a hard time following the plot of this episode.
the ending of this...eh. the power of positive thinking got rid of the rift = funny? the power of positive thinking is why a bunch of aliens showed up to wreak havoc = ehhhhh. the closest we came to having that serious moment i wanted was kira's .5 second scene and it JUST wasn't long enough. probably my least favorite ds9 episode yet, if we don't count the one with q, but still not as excruciating as some of tng's duds - it was entertaining enough not to make me hate existing for a single watch.
TONIGHT: tng's "rightful heir" (worf episode???👀) and ds9's "the forsaken" (deeply not looking forward to this...the summary says LWAXANA TROI is supposed to be mencing my best boy odo. please save him please get the tng out of my ds9 please please pleeease)
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thegreatstoryteller · 2 years
The Great Shift: Friendsgiving
“So we’ve got the turkey in the oven, the mashed potatoes being mashed, yams ready for serving, and gravy on the stove top! Am I missing anything?” Reggie asked looking eagerly at his boyfriend Roth.
“Nope! You’ve got everything honey. It’s gonna be fine. I already have dessert in the fridge and drink ready to pour. Tonight is gonna be great, you’ve got nothing to worry about.” Roth consoled, looking up at his concerned man while rubbing the his lower back. His eager hands couldn’t resist pulling at the shorts Reggie liked to wear around the house when he went shirtless.
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“I know.. I know.... it’s just been such a long time since we all got together. I’d been keeping up with Chan a bit... but the others only briefly... What.... has it been 3 years since the Great Shift?” Reggie said sullenly as if recounting the time.
“It sure has been. 3 years since the world went full on swap crazy... and 3 years since I got lucky enough to be swapped so close to you.” Roth smirked hugging his boyfriend lovingly.
Reggie smiled as he turned to gaze down into his boyfriend’s beautiful brown eyes, covered by glasses he didn’t originally need till it all happened. He couldn’t believe his luck. Nearly 3 Thanksgivings ago his friends Roth, Chan, Phil, Monty, and Joseph were all eager to be in town for their family’s celebrations. They were close all throughout high school and college and wanted were finally all in the same place. But then the shift happened. Reggie was in the kitchen helping his mom out with a meal when suddenly he was somewhere else entirely.... in someone else! He was having the most intimate moment he’d ever experienced with one of the most handsome men he’d ever seen! For the nerdy one of his group Reggie had never gotten remotely intimate with anyone, but now it was as if his body was moving on auto pilot. Thrusting, moaning, and kissing like a top notch adult film actor!
It was only after the most satisfying hour off passionate love making that he managed to come down from that high. The next few minutes were furious explanations and apologies, that were immediately shushed by who Reggie later learned was Roth! The former nerd couldn’t believe his straight best friend who played football and was a notorious ladies man was this incredibly cute African American twink who he’d just been inside of! Not to mention the glasses and Pokémon necklace completing the whole new nerdy look!
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 And when Reggie finally got a good look at himself there was no trace of the former nerd. Hard muscles and broad shoulders were the only thing anyone would see when they stared at him now. That and a handsome face, framed perfectly with his new Asian features. People would say he could be a model with that physique and bone structure, but his shy nature wouldn’t call for anything more than attention from his soon to be boyfriend. 
Needless to say the rest was history. The two survived the strange transition from great shift craziness back to normal lives and had been living together and getting closer the entire time. Reggie as the newly Asian 6′2 fitness model. Roth as the nerdy 5′4 twink who had a knack for admiring his boyfriend’s body.
Soon the doorbell broke Reggie’s train of thought. “Oh that must be them! Mind taking the turkey out babe? I’m gonna get the door!” Reggie directed as he strode towards the doorway. When Reggie opened up he was greeted by the open smoldering smile of Chan.
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“S’up guys. Great to see you. Looking good there Reggie. Guess I’m not the only one who’s been hitting the gym since the change! Now that I’m back in town maybe we can start working out again.” Chan smirked, his once thicker accent gone with time and apparently a new body.
Reggie simply hugged his friend still inwardly surprised. He’d kept up with Chan, but he hadn’t seen any pictures that would suggest he was now a white guy. Chan had been the second nerdiest of the group and a Chinese immigrant, originally meeting his friends when his parents moved for work. He stayed in college under a student visa and after they graduated was worried he’d be unable to continue living nearby when he couldn’t find work right away. Well then the shift happened landing him in the most American body he could think of with a thick East Coast accent!
“It was actually funny. When it happened I thought I was in some kind of dream, but it happened to be true. Once identities were being re-established I had to explain who I was and they had a hard time wanting to deport a guy who could barely speak Mandarin or Kantonese! Still sucks how I’m one of those guys who had that dang language aphasia post swap the prevents me from knowing words that my current body didn’t know.  But hey, I may not be a language major anymore, but I at least got some solid work! Have to hold back saying things like ‘forget about it’ these days. It’s like a weird verbal compulsion, y’know?” Chan explained as he got inside to greet Roth. 
Then the doorbell chimed once more and two larger men were there.
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“Hey Reggie!... that is you right?” the first larger man said. The signature casual grin on that face was unmistakably Phil! There seemed to be no sign of his tall skinny friend who loved to smoke pot in the basement.  “Y-yeah. This is me. Wow Phil! It’s great to see you again. Come on in.” The larger man laughed. “Don’t worry. I’ve seen that face all around town when I re introduce myself to people! I know I’ve put on some weight since you last saw me. I’ve been embracing my new dad bod these days, especially my new appetite! When I first got into this guy I was surprised to say the least. Not every day you gain over 100lbs and are sitting in front of some corporate desk job. And I lost my long silky hair! But hey, I’ve got this kickass beard now and a beefier bod! Not bad being 6′4 with these huge thick feet. They’re size 15 if you can believe! And of course I’m at least not alone. Monty is in the same big guy boat as me.”
Phil stepped aside as if to hide the pretty obvious big guy behind him.
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 “Yeah. Hi. Good to see you again Reggie. I take it Roth and Chan are already inside?” Monty asked. This larger guy looked less comfortable in his skin. Clothes clearly tight over his larger body.
“Yeah of course. They’re just in the kitchen. Dinner is about to be served soon.” Reggie explained as the two large bellies before him rumbled in excitement. “Gosh this embarrassing.” Monty winced. “I used to be the lean put together one of our group and now I can barely contain myself whenever someone mentions food.... a lot of things taste real good now... but I just can’t keep the weight off. I keep trying to do exercises and diets, but my self control isn’t what it used to be... but it’s at least good to see friends and... well Chan is always looking good these days.” Monty blushes. He was once a lean 5′10 with a runner’s build, and while he’d maintained his height it was now enlarged with a hefty coating of hair and fat.
Reggie wasn’t sure what to make of this but lead the two larger men to the table as Chan joined them. As the three friends caught up Reggie went back to the kitchen to see his smaller boyfriend struggling with taking the big turkey out of the oven. 
“Here let me lend you a hand.” Reggie offered as he effortlessly grabbed some oven mitts and lifted the meal with ease.
“Thanks babe,” Roth smiled. “I forget I’m not as strong as I used to be. Chan offered to do some workouts later this week. Maybe I’ll join him! Get some of my old physique back.” Roth patted his lean arms of non existent muscle. 
“I’d love that Roth. You’re the one who showed me how to maintain this body while the world was still going mad. I couldn’t have got through all that without you.” Reggie admitted with a blush.
“Hey, we got each other through all that.” Roth pulled his boyfriend in for another one of their legendary kisses, both men feeling the other stir with pleasure. When they release Roth smirked. “Now how about we get out there and serve them a delicious meal.” Reggie nodded excitedly and the two came out with the food.
It was clear for anyone at the table to see that Chan and Monty were making eyes at each other, but even that was broken when the food was placed and the feast began.
“Had anyone heard from Joey? I was hoping he’d come by too.” Roth asked as he passed the mashed potatoes. 
“Oh you hadn’t heard?” Chan said. “Joey is going by Joseph now. He’s been all over social media ever since he turned into that hot straight guy. Look here’s his latest post.” Chan produced his phone and showed them a classic social media post with a cringe caption.
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“Thankful for my busty babe Jessica for snapping me before my morning workout in Milan. #blessed #truefriends”
“Woah is that really Joey?” Reggie stared wide eyed. The Joey he knew was an outspoken gay man who was advocating for rights, while attending Pride! He was a shorter guy who had no problem grabbing people’s attention too. Granted he knew he was a bit of a horny twink at times, but still. The guy he was seeing seemed to post countless shirtless pics with beautiful women left and right. His latest post suggested he was traveling abroad with a collection of different hot women offering him places to stay throughout his trip.
“It really is. I tried to get him to come but he just said he had more babes to meet up and knew we’d understand.” Chan scoffed with disappointment.
Roth just shook his head. “What a jerk. Guess some people really let the shift change em for the worse.”
“Aw come on. Let’s not let o’l joey get us down.” Phil said patting the smaller guy on the back, nearly knocking him off the chair. “We got a whole table to be thankful for this year! And i’m not talking just about the food!” 
They all laughed, comforted by Phil’s familiar light heartedness. “I’m just saying. We survived a weird time in human history and are still friends. I’m real lucky to have you guys here and wouldn’t change it for the world.”
“Now that sounded like a cheers. How about we raise a glass?” Monty suggested.
“I like the sound of that.” Chan nodded as he held Monty’s thick hand under the table, causing both men to blush.
“To the people in our lives! And the one’s we’re lucky enough to call friends!” Phil cheered.
“Cheers!” “Salud!” “Here here!”
The group of friends continued to eat happy for the things they could be thankful for and were hoping for even more moments like this to share.
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justmayyyy · 1 year
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𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡 𝙝𝙞𝙢 
𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝: Bucky Barnes x reader
𝙏𝙖𝙜𝙨: fluff! to light angst!
𝙒𝙘: 1,366
You were dating Bucky for a long time now and you felt like you didn’t have any secrets for each other anymore. It wasn’t in a boring way, the opposite, you were just going forward in your relationship. Of course, it wasn’t always easy to be Bucky’s girlfriend and especially since you were a normal girl with a normal job living a rather basic life. But he always made it possible for you to feel integrated in his life and social circle.
Lately, you have been spending more and more time at his home. Basically settling here, you have all the things you needed to be comfortable, from your toothbrush to a third of your clothes in his closet. Over the last few months, Bucky slowed down on work which allowed you to spend more time together. The man was now having a much-needed rest from the last mission that had lasted a few weeks and during which no contact was allowed between him and anybody, including you.
So, to catch up, you had done a bunch of activities that you two liked to do and that weren’t socially draining since you knew that the last thing he wanted to do was being surrounded by people -it was already the case in general since his social battery was low, but it was more obvious when he was exhausted. The two of you just relaxed, from walks around your empty neighborhood, to movies at his place. He loved you, so much. Just watching you by his side was making him happy, it gave him a fulfilling feeling he never knew he needed, it also gave him the absolute need of protecting you from any type of danger whatsoever.
It was currently 11pm on a Friday night and you were just going to bed, as you settled beside your boyfriend, you heard the noise of a falling object coming from downstairs. While the noise startled you at first, you were sure it might have been his cat that made a picture frame fall, it wouldn’t have been the first time that had happened and you didn’t want to have to deal with the clean up right now, late at night. But Bucky wasn’t of the same opinion, quickly opening his eyes to land them on you with a tough and worried expression.
“Stay here.”
His tone was stern and cold, nothing like the way he talked to you usually.
  “Babe it’s probably Alpine, it’s nothing.”
He shushed you by a hand movement while he stood up, and it would be a lie saying that you weren’t a little hurt by this. Walking toward the door, his steps were light barely making any sounds he opened the door with the most care in the world and headed downstairs. The way he was moving was different from usually, more calculated and precise, that’s probably how he was at work. You didn’t hear much for the next following minutes until you heard grunting and some sounds indicating a fight. You decided to head downstairs, scared for your boyfriend, almost forgetting you wouldn’t know how to save him if he was in danger, the adrenaline was taking over. Once at the bottom of the stairs, standing on the last step, you had a complete view on the situation, there were two men, one was on the ground, you couldn’t tell if he was alive or not because of the way he was facing, and Bucky had the other on a choke hold above the ground. There were weapons spread onto the floor. The sight made your stomach twist, inside of your home, the only place you were supposed to feel  completely safe, two men had penetrated.
“What do you want? Who sent you here?”
Bucky spoke clearly with an even harsher tone he had with you, you didn’t know him like that, it was another side of him you never encountered. The stranger obviously couldn’t breathe and therefore couldn’t answer, but Bucky’s grip on him only tightened. The suffocating noises made you want to vomit, he was agonizing, and he knew it.
Your voice came out softer and with more concern than expected, it made his head do a complete 180. Shock and anger could be read on his face when he raised his voice.
“I told you to stay in the room.”   “He can’t breathe, Bucky.”
Surprise flashed quickly in his face before he just decided to let go of the intruder’s throat, letting his fall heavily on the floor. He coughed a bunch of blood on the carpet, though, the major stain was the one of this episode on your mind.
“Now, go upstairs”
You looked at him with horror, you couldn’t hide it, it was something you wished to have never seen, so did he. Breaking the painful eye contact, you went upstairs sitting on the last step, you wanted to hear what was happening. Bucky reiterated his questions, getting the answers he wanted. Somebody, unfamiliar to you, tried to capture Bucky to bring back the winter soldier. After a moment of silence, you heard a gunshot followed by an ear-piercing scream and then silence, until the door opened and closed. Eyes widely opened tears forming, you were taking conscience of what might have just happened, did Bucky just killed somebody with you nearby? And did he just leave you in a house with two dead bodies?
You slowly went down the stairs, a shaking hand on the banister. You feared what you were going to see but when you arrived in front of the man, he was still on the ground where he first fell, with blood streaming from his leg. You avoided any eye contact with him feeling like it would have been too much, you were now heading to the front door. Once out, you saw Bucky on the phone with a lit-up cigarette in his mouth. Approaching slowly, you put your hand softly on his shoulder to not scare him.
“Fury, I don’t have time for this, just send someone, it’s not my job.”
He turned to look at you and his whole expression softened
“I got to go, just please send someone.”
He crushed his barely started cigarette on the floor before hugging you tightly. It took you a few seconds to return it, but you did, locking your arms around his neck with as much force you could, completely losing it, tears running down your cheeks.
“I know, sweetheart, I’m sorry”   “Are they going to die?”
The possibility of this place becoming a crime scene made your heart pound in your chest. Finally letting go of you to look at your face Bucky simply answered.
“Don’t worry about them”
You nodded one of your hand in his, drying your tears with the other.
“Forgive me”   “For what” “I saw the way you looked at me, you looked so afraid. I shouldn’t have done that when you were here.”   “It’s okay” “no, it’s not”
You searched for his eyes, but he was now facing the ground, softly putting your hand under his chin, you said, you forced an eye contact.
  “You protected me, who knows what could’ve happened. I was scared that’s it”
You knew it wasn’t the moment to tell him that you were more than scared, that you were chocked of the way he could’ve killed him with ease, the way he didn’t feel anything. You felt like you were already looking at him differently, he wasn’t only the man with who you watched action movies on Friday nights, he was also an experienced killer. And although you never thought it would’ve bothered you, now that you saw it yourself, now that you saw him in action, you weren’t so sure.
“Thank you, Y/n.”
He hugged you again a relieved expression featured his face. A weak smile on yours, you answered.
  “You don’t have to thank me, Bucky.”
For the first time in your relationship, all you could think about was the metal hand laying by your waist, the fact that without your interruption, it would’ve killed someone here tonight, and that it had already killed God knows how many persons.
𝘼/𝙉: Hey guys! Hope you like it!!
It’s only my second story, I had no inspiration for the longest time, it’s so frustrating!!
Don’t hesitate to send me requests on any character you may want to read about, that’ll be very helpful, thanks a thousands time to the ones that will take time to do so!
Please don’t repost my stories, thank youuu.
(also if you find big mistakes in grammar or anything don’t hesitate to tell me I’ll correct it, English isn’t my first language!)
𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜
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"Polaroids" 2022 Riddler x reader
Inspired by the polaroids in Issue 5 of Riddler: Year One :) You find and encourage your boyfriend's (Edward) photo collection post-movie. This one does go a little darker towards the end so pay attention to trigger warnings and stay safe, my darlings!
TW: Smut, stalking/villanous behavior, Edward Nashton is a creep
When you first discovered your boyfriend's polaroids, they had fallen out of his old notebooks. You'd merely been trying to move them, you didn't mean- But you were enraptured by the pictures. Him smiling with his thumb up, test shots, his old rat cage. These were all before the flood, before you had started seeing him.
Before he went to Arkham.
People judged you, dating Edward Nashton, the Riddler. But where others saw a horrific terrorist, you saw someone in pain, sick, deserving of help and light. Maybe some small part of you knew it had been a bad idea but... Eddie was so sweet.
When you mention the photos, Edward seems nervous. Then he looks through them and mentions how he had enjoyed recon and taking those photos. He was surprised you found those, given most of it including his camera had been taken by police following his arrest.
He looked sad at the mention of losing his camera. It'd be nice to get something high end again or even another polaroid type... So you manage to find a green one and several rolls of film to go with it. Instant printing! You frame it as a gift for being such a wonderful partner- He flushes and immediately moves to take a photo of your smiling face.
Now when he goes on his "walks" at night when you're asleep you'll find a small stack of polaroids in the morning. Some grim, depicting corruption around the city. Habits die hard, you suppose. Others are shots of things that just caught his attention. You, for example. Every once in a while you'll find a photo where you were asleep, a serene look on your face.
Then there's the pictures where you were least expecting it, him coming up to kiss your face and you hear the click of the camera. You joke that he could have done this with his cellphone. He argues that holding the photo in his hand gives it something... special.
You know what else would be special...? Photos of you in states of undress. Lingerie. Maybe even photos of him touching you? Inside of you- His cock halfway in, slightly blurred photo with another of your face flushed under him. He has this shaky smile on his face, sweat dripping down his temple as he takes those. You wonder if he's getting closer to cumming just by doing this.
Those are going to go to his very private photo collection that only you two know where it is. If you ever go to look back at them, you'll see he's made notes about how amazing you are and little hearts along the margins.
It might be a little embarrassing but it comes from a loving place. If you ever have to be away for a while he can look back on your image until you return. Plus proper spank bank material he can enjoy when you're not around or not in the mood. He always wants to think of you, remembering your moans as his fist pumps over his hard dick. He'd get a little less private if he thought you'd be okay with it. Maybe even something on stream...?
But the pictures are more than enough. A little thing between the two of you.
Which is why you're surprised when you find another box of photos shoved all the way to the back of his closet, behind the saucy ones. Just like the very first photos, you weren't looking for anything. Edward for all his quirks, was never the type to forbid you from looking at things. In fact, there were times he seemed too open about his criminal past and the things you would still find.
At first this new box of photos looked like other normal ones he'd taken. Pictures of you in your daily life... but something seemed weird about them. When was this? When was the last time you wore that shirt? Why does it seem like the quality of the photos is lower like it's an older camera... or zoomed in from a far distance...
When you get to the photos of you sleeping in this box you recognize your old apartment. Long before you knew him. Or, least, you thought he didn't know you. When you manage to find a date on one of them, it's months before the Riddler murders began and the flooding of Gotham.
You're quick to shove the photos back in the box and shove it far into the closet.
What do you do now...?
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