#not confident things will really change with superman legacy coming out
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Maddening how DC largely ignores this entire era, never really collecting or reprinting any of it except for Death of Superman, which is far from the best story it produced. That and the Wedding seem to be the only bits of the Triangle era widely available, which is just crazy, but not all that surprising. DC has never been all that fussed about reprinting Superman stories from the silver, bonze and modern age, except for a select few.
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cyclone-rachel · 3 years
for @sunflowerlily15
happy birthday, Pesky!
Querl never wanted to use the Kryptonite.
If asked, perhaps, by someone who wouldn’t be automatically suspicious of him, he would say he intended to study it. The Phantom Zone, after all, was vast and mysterious, and should a rogue Kryptonian escape it, it would simply be illogical to not have some of one of their only weaknesses available to counter them.
And, with Superman now one of their allies, perhaps Querl could even take such a substance and use it for good, creating an antidote for it using the very rock itself. Something, for example, that could cure Kryptonite poisoning, or shield Superman from its effects.
There was always the possibility, as well, that Superman himself could turn against them, through any number of means, which would require the use of Kryptonite to subdue him. Querl tried not to consider that possibility, but given his team’s enemies, it was never out of the question completely, and thus he could never get rid of the Kryptonite.
As long as Superman wasn’t aware of its name, the timeline would be preserved, and everything would go on smoothly.
(and even his learning of such a fact could be changed, if necessary)
By that point in his timeline, if he knew of it at all, it would be as “meteor rocks”, part of a massive meteor shower that hit Smallville with his arrival as an infant. They would be affecting his classmates, giving them abilities, but he couldn’t know why, or what they really were, where they came from.
Querl knew, what seemed like many years ago, that Clark had been fascinated with the Superman museum, chronicling a fictionalized version of his exploits. He hadn’t counted on Clark releasing a Kryptonian immune to Kryptonite from the Phantom Zone by accident, or for that man (named Drax) to take the Kryptonite he kept in secret, even taunting him about it before taking it with him back to the hell from whence he’d come.
Superman, afterward, questioned him about it, and he’d confided that he was glad to be rid of it, which was partially true.
They’d managed to agree that some things were best left unsaid, or for Clark to discover in his own time, a conversation that gave Querl some relief.
Still, however, there was the matter of acquiring replacement Kryptonite.
 And though he never meant to use it, the knowledge that it was there remained, as inevitable as his ancestral memory itself.
That… that became more of a problem than he ever could have simulated, after the Legion’s visit to the Bottled City of Kandor.
Querl had hoped Clark would’ve learned the truth before they entered the Bottled City together.
He knew, unfortunately, when exactly Clark’s first encounter with Brainiac was, after the point where the Legion had pulled him from the timeline. But perhaps Clark had found his father’s sunstone crystal and used it to see Krypton’s history, its destruction.
(And who had destroyed it, specifically)
He’d hoped that, were Clark to see it, he would understand exactly why Querl had kept this from him, and separate his closest friend in the future from his villainous ancestor.
However… it seemed that such was not the case, and ultimately both of them were overtaken by the illogical impulses of anger, once the truth finally came out.
That didn’t stop them from continuing on, though- doing their best to stop Imperiex and keep him from getting the Messenger no matter what. Even that cooperation had its limits, though, as they came to verbal blows again, and went their separate ways.
Querl suspected Clark’s methods were far more noble than this.
He’d always had ancestral memory, like all Coluans. Each member of his family had access to the data that formed him, all of his knowledge, and the same applied to him with theirs.
It was just that his ancestors were… collectors and conquerors was putting it lightly. They were very bad people, and for years Querl had done his best to keep himself out of the shadows of their legacies, putting distance between him and their deeds.
But he had to do what he must, despite all warnings, and he’d believed he could keep Brainiac 1’s influence at bay. After all, Vril Dox had been gone for centuries. He was nothing more than residual code- but he was still giving Querl an upgrade, and all the information he needed.
(And seeing Clark’s face, when he turned the sun yellow, giving the Kandorians a chance to fight back… it was worth it.)
It seemed, though, that Brainiac 1 was more alive inside of him than Querl predicted, and stubbornly refused to leave his mind. For such a cold, logical being, he was unable to resist playing games with Querl, a never-ending contest that he could never admit defeat in. It wouldn’t end, Querl assumed, until he surrendered- embraced the dark parts of him he’d tried so hard to get rid of.
But just as much as he couldn’t get rid of the sigil on his forehead, he couldn’t stop his ancestor for long.
Querl didn’t remember when he acquired more Kryptonite.
All he knew was that, slowly, Brainiac was using him to refashion it, turning it into a Kryptonian crown like Querl had seen in Kandor. With every bit of progress, he would hide the crown inside his robot form, and whenever Querl spoke to Superman, he felt it.
Did Clark feel it too? Was he more uneasy around him now, knowing that his greatest weakness was near?
If he did, he wasn’t saying, and meanwhile Querl’s own great weakness was getting more difficult to hold back.
It is him. Brainiac said. Kal-El has corrupted you, keeping you from your destiny.
That isn’t corruption, Querl answered. I… I love him more than anyone. He means everything to me, and I would always choose his path over yours.
Brainiac laughed.
Foolish little descendant. he said. Your admission of so-called ‘love’ is nothing more than an excuse for your cowardice.
And, as Brainiac gave him more worst-case scenarios, more times when he had to choose his ancestor’s side if it meant saving his friends, Querl knew that he was a coward indeed.
If you truly loved him, Brainiac insisted, you would fight harder. You would not be letting me do this.
Clark had tried, he’d tried so hard to keep his promise, attempting to mercifully end Querl’s life before he truly lived up to the Brainiac legacy. But with Brainiac 1 manipulating his vocal chords, making him sound like himself again, he just couldn’t do it.
And so Brainiac reformed Querl’s body, making sure no semblance to the friend Clark knew was present. He took the crown, declaring the man Querl loved a king of weaklings, and placed it on his head, calling it a token of their friendship.
Querl could only watch, like a puppet tangled in strings, as Clark fell through space, unable to move. He didn’t see what happened afterward.
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davidmann95 · 3 years
Sooo… Superman and the Authority?
magnus-king123 asked: Your thoughts on Superman & the authority Give it to me...lol
Anonymous asked: Seeing Bezos take his little trip into space the same day Morrison puts out a Superman comic that touches on how far we’ve fallen from the days when we dreamed of utopian futures where everyone explored the stars was a big gut punch. Not used to Superman being topical in that way.
Anonymous asked: What'd you think of Superman and the Authority#1?
This is far beyond what I can fit in the normal weekly reviews, so taking this as my notes on the first six pages, with this and this as my major lead-in thoughts:
* Janin's such a perfect fit for Morrison - the scale, the power, the facial expressions selling the character work, the screwing around with the panel formatting as necessary to sell the effect, the numinous sense of things going on larger than you can fully perceive amidst the beauty and chaos. It's a shame he wasn't around 25 years ago to draw JLA, but I'll take him going with Morrison onto other future projects.
* His intro action sequence is such a great demonstration of why Black actually does have something to offer, and also how he's such a dumbass desperately needing Superman to save him from himself.
* While Jordie Bellaire didn't legit go with an entirely monochromatic palate the way early previews suggested, it's still an effect frequently and excellently deployed here. And glad to see Steve Wands carry into this from Blackstars since there's such an obvious carryover from its work with Superman.
* "Gentlemen. Ladies. Others." Great both because of the obvious - hey, Superman's nodding at me! - and because it's a phrasing that reinforces that this take on him (and let's be real Morrison) is old as hell.
* I'm mostly past caring about whether this is an alt-Earth Superman until it becomes indisputable one way or another, this and Action both rule so what does it really matter? But while there are still a couple signs in play suggesting some kind of division (the Action Comics #1036 cover, Midnighter up to time-travel shenanigans) the "lost in time" quote clearly thrown in after the fact to explain how he could have met Kennedy outside of 5G that wouldn't be necessary for an Elseworlds, the assorted gestures towards Superman's current status quo, the Kingdom Come symbol appearing in Action, and that Morrison would have had to completely rewrite the ending if this wasn't supposed to be 'the' version of Clark Kent going forward as was the intent when they first planned it all say to me that no, no fooling around, this is our guy going forward one way or another.
* Janin and Bellaire making the first version of the crystal Fortress ever that actually looks as cool as you want it to.
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Anonymous asked: I like that Superman and The Authority is basically the anti-All-Star; instead of the laid back, immortal Superman who is supercharged, we have a stressed, ageing Superman whose tremendous powers are fading. The former will always be there to save us, but the latter is running out of time and needs to pull off a Hail Mary. Also, he mentions in his monologue to Black that he was "lost in time" when he met JFK, so maybe he is the main continuity Clark. Or he's the t-shirt Supes from Sideways.
* You're absolutely right - the power reversal is obvious and the ticking clock in play seemingly isn't for his own survival but everyone around him as he wakes up and realizes all the old icons grew complacent with the gains they'd made and he's not leaving behind the world he meant to. Both, however, are built on the idea of preparing the world to not need them anymore - it'll still have a Superman in his son, but that'll only work because of the others he empowers and inspires. The question is what happens to Clark if he's not going to live in the sun for 83000 years.
* Clark's 'exercise' here does more to sell me on the idea of Old Man Superman as a cool idea than however many decades of Earth 2 stuff.
* Intergang being noted alongside Darkseid and Doomsday speaks to how much Kirby informed Morrison's conception of Superman.
* This isn't exactly the most progressive in its disability politics but at least it makes clear Black's being a piece of shit about it.
* It's startling how much Clark can get away with saying stuff in here you'd never expect to come out of Superman's mouth. "I made an executive decision" "Privacy, really...?" "You have nowhere to go, Black. Nothing to live for." "There are few people in my life who I instinctively and viscerally dislike, and you've always been one of them." It only works because there's zero aggression behind it, he's just past the point of niceties and being totally frank while making clear none of these assessments preclude that he cares and is going to unconditionally do the right thing every time. He is absolutely, per Morrison, humanity's dad picking us up when we're too drunk to drive ourselves home.
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* The story doesn't put a big flashing light over it, but it's not even a little bit subtle having the material threat of the issue be a ticking timebomb left by the carelessness and hubris of generations past.
* Manchester keeps trying to poke the bear and prove his hot takes about Superman and it's just not working. The front he put up under Kelley is gone after decades of defeats, and as Morrison understands what actually conceptually works about him as a rival to Superman underneath the aging nerd paranoia he's exposed as what he absolutely would be in 2021: a dude with a horrific terminal case of Twitter brainworms. I was PANICKED when I heard there was an 'offensive term' joke in this, I was braced for Morrison at their well-meaning worst, but it's such a goddamn perfect encapsulation of a very specific breed of Twitter leftist who uses their politics first and foremost as a cudgel and justification to label their abrasive, judgmental shittiness as self-righteousness (plus it's a killer payoff to a joke from way back in his original appearance). Cannot believe they pulled that off when they're so very, very open about basically not knowing how the internet works.
* @charlottefinn: Manchester Black using his telekinetic powers to force someone he hates to fave a problematic tweet so that he can screenshot it and start a dogpile
@intergalactic-zoo: “Once they cancel Bibbo, Superman won’t be *anyone’s* fav’rit anymore!”
* Friend noted this issue had to be fully the conversation because the whole premise stands on the house of cards of these two somehow working together, and with three 'silent' inset panels the creative team pulls off that turning point.
* So much of this feels on the surface like Morrison bringing back the All-Star vibes with Clark, but when he drops a "That's all you got?" in a brawl you realize what's underlining that bluntness and confidence in the face of failure is that deep down this is still the Action guy too. This dude ain't gonna get wrecked in his Fortress while the other guy chuckles about him being A SOFT WEE SCIENTIST'S SON!
* Bringing up Jor-El made me realize that Morrison already spelled out that this is the final threat to Superman, what he faces at the end of the road:
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"Now it's your turn, Superman."
* A l'il Superman 2000/All-Star reference with the Phantom Zone map!
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* There's so much intertextuality going on here even by Morrison standards - Change or Die with the old hero putting together a team of morally nebulous folks out to 'fix' everything, Flex Mentallo with the muscleman trying to redeem the punk, Doomsday Clock with the fate of the world hinging on whether Superman can get through to a meta stand-in for an idea of 'modern' comics cynicism, DKR and New Frontier and Kingdom Come and Multiversity and Seven Soldiers and What's So Funny and All-Star and Action and the last 5 years of monthly Superman comics and Authority and probably Jupiter's Legacy and Tom Strong - but none of that's needed. You could go in with the baseline pop cultural understanding of the character and not care about any of the inside baseball shit and get that this is a story about a leader of a generation that let down the people they made all their grand promises to as inertia and day-to-day demands and complacency let him be satisfied with the accomplishments they'd made long ago, looking at a new era and seeing the ways its own activists are dropping the ball. The only thing that fundamentally matters in a "you have to accept you're reading a superhero story" sense is that because he's Superman he's willing to own up to it and listen to people who might know better about some things and try to set things right while he and those who'll take his place still have a chance. And yes, the oldster looking back on their legacy with a skeptical eye and hoping for better from the next generation, hoping most of all that their little heir apparent can fulfill the promise inside of him instead of being a provocating little shitkicker, is obviously also autobiographical.
* The overlaying Kennedy reprisal is such a great visual of a sudden intrusive thought.
* The Kryptonite secret is the obvious "This is going to matter!" moment, but "He lied about his son" is a bit that doesn't connect to anything going on right now so maybe that's important here too? More significantly, the Justice League can't actually be the villains here but that Ultra-Humanite's crew are in an Earth-orbiting satellite makes pretty clear what's up.
* I've said before that between Superman, OMAC, and a New Gods-affiliated speedster this was going to use all of Morrison's favorite things. King Arthur playing a role isn't exactly dissuading me.
* Love the idea that all the antiheroes have their own community in the same way as the capes and tights crew. They definitely all privately think the rest are posers though and that they alone are Garth Ennis Punisher in a mob of Garth Ennis Wolverines.
* Manchester's fallen so far he's gone from trying to convince Superman to kill to convince him to dunk on people for their bad takes and Clark just doesn't get it. Official prediction of dialogue for upcoming issues:
"According to these bloody Fortress scans, the only thing that can restore your powers is an unfiltered hit of dopamine. Don't worry, Doctor Black has a few ideas."
"Hmm. Maybe I'll plant a nice tree?"
"...fuck you."
* Ok I already talked about how great the Fortress looks in here but LOVE this library.
* A pair of pages this seems like the right spot to discuss from Black's original appearance that underlines both his and Superman's inadequacies up to this point:
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Responding to the problem of "the government and penal system are hopelessly corrupt" neither of them has any actual notion of what to do about it in spite of their respective posturing beyond how to handle individual outside actors - each is in their own way every bit as small-minded and reactionary as the other. Clark's coming around though, and he's holding out hope for the other guy.
* Superman: Have a lovely mineral water :) proper hydration is important :)
Manchester Black: *Is a dude who can get so mad he vomits and passes out. At water.*
* That last page is the one to beat for the year, and does more to put over the idea of this as an Authority book than that Midnighter and Apollo are literally going to show up. It also feels like Morrison tacitly acknowledging all the ways the premise could go or at least be received wrong - from Superman saying 'enough is enough' to who he's bringing into the fold to go about it - in the most beautifully on-the-nose fashion imaginable. Maybe they'll save us all! Or maybe they'll drown us in their vomit.
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smugraccoon137 · 3 years
Supergirl Season 2 episode 8 Medusa review part 2
If your curious part 1 was just my breakdown of Kara and Mon-els relationship that got way too long. But as always SPOILERS AND GAY THOUGHTS AHEAD
Me and kel get so excited when Lenas in an episode. Like practically giddy. I can’t help smiling when shes on screen honestly. And yes Katie McGrath is beautiful, but beyond that such a pretty smile and lovely voice. I’m sure ratings started to spike when she joined the cast. Okay enough about pretty girls on to the review 
Tipsy fucking Alex though guys I can’t get over this mess of a person. 
Alex: if I have to come out to my mom then I choose to do it drunk
Kara: no your not *yoinks beer*
Alex: wait no my coming out juice
Kara Danvers sneaky sneaker extraordinaire can totally interview Lena and find out Cadmus things without anyone knowing. The confidence this goofball has is top tier
Underrated relationship: Alex and Winn though. I really really love Winn and honestly Alex is such big sister energy to both him and Kara. 
wow Lenas pretty in the interview scene. A touch of auburn hair from the sunlight really makes this shot and we never get to see her with her hair down. Fan service honestly, or maybe she heard a certain beef cake reporter was gonna come by and wanted to dazzel her.
Lena: hair up is for business. Hair down is for flirting friendship time with Kara
Poor baby thinks she falls short nooooo. Your doing your best godamn your only like 25 jesus. Kara give her a hug she needs love and affection
Kara thinks shes being so sneaky in this interview. Such a golden retriever, bad at sneakin. As soon as she toes the line Lena catches on and kicks her out. Really good acting in the scene, the subtle change in expression to show Lenas guard raising. Good job Katie.
Real quick Lena why is your office so ugly? How do you keep it clean? You spend 99% of your days in this place and its whiter than a hospital room. I hate it. Why is your desk an oval? and why does it have a hole in it? Kara cant eat you out in secret anymore damn. 
OOHHHhhhh noooo the fucking gas bomb in the bar what the fuck. EVERYBODIES DEAD JESUS WHAT WAS THAT
Poor Mon-el. What happened at the bar was fucked up, and he feels like its fault when its obviously not.
Love that he and Kara are having bro time playing some Monopoly. Oh no not Kara asking if he likes her. Honestly thought these two had good chemistry in this scene. Im a sucker for dumbass not understanding certain words and phrases. So Kara having to reiterate her questions and finally being like “You don’t want to mate with me do you?” was super fun. Omegaverse vibes mfs. Although I am confused by mon-els reaction “I mean have you seen the kind of women I’ve been attracting?” I honestly don’t know what this means.
Kara internal reaction though: Oh thank god
Wow Kara really just has no regard for her own life, huh? she just opens the door and possibly contaminates herself. It’s good to want to help people, but love you gotta care about yourself too
Good reveal with the fortress of solitude. Oof Kara gonna feel like its her fault all those aliens died and mon-els sick. They do a really good job of showing Karas relationship with her parents through their holograms. She wants so badly to see them again, to talk to them. And she can, but not really. They just aren’t real.
Lena cattily to her mother: im used to celebrating holiday weekends alone at my desk
me to Kara: please invite her to thanksgiving
Okay so Lena being adopted is another interesting parallel to Kara. Also the fact that both Kara and Lena fall into there families shadows, and are left behhind or forgotten. Really interesting how Lena and Karas relationship is so similar to Clark and Lex’s for obvious purposes. Though the CW queer coding the fuck out of their relationship in Smallville really only adds to Supercorp fever. Its always been Homoerotic subtext Harold!
Me watching Lena and Lillian trade verbal blows: Wow ya’lls relationship is fucked up. Lex and Lionelle would spar and fence but you two are on another level jesus
oooooof that last line. 
Lena: I know your lying
Lillian: and how could you possibly know that?
Lena: because you told me you loved me. And we both know thats not true
Who wrote this jesus fuck my heart. The PAIN.
Bonus thought Lena thinks Karas smart. Goofball beefcake sneaky sneakster who doesnt know the difference between flirting and friendship is smart she thinks. I love these idiots
Wow Kara just doesn’t wait huh? Oh cadmus is going to be at LCorp? Not on my watch. Lena’s there. I know this because I tune into her heart beat just to check on her cus she likes to work late. Don’t worry Alex it’s for friendship reasons.
That LCorp security guard got princess carried for .2 seconds. Best moment of his life.
God its like dark out. Lenas working on a holiday weekend into the night. I hate this, give her friends.
Lena looks so scared when Kara gets thrown into the giant LCorp sign
And then hurt Kara looking up at her with dread.
Kara internal: fuck don’t come out now. I came here to save you
God I love the protectiveness. Its *chefs kiss*. Hank throwing the beam at Lena and Kara even in her hurt state throwing herself in front of it. Sometimes self sacrifice is gay. But how Lena looks at her after wards like “I can’t believe I’m alive. I can’t believe she chose to save me”. Met with a gruff “Get out of here!”. mm yes this is my kind of content. Fight for me.
I was robbed an aftercare scene but I doubt it will be the last time. (*COUGHS* the “im leaving” phone call *COUGHS*)
Talking about the virus Eliza: what about Lena Luthor?
Kara: What about her?! (super defensive is also a super power maam)
Winn: Luthors can be pretty good actors
Kara: No, I looked into LENAS EYES. She doesn’t know anything about cadmus or her mother
J’onzz: Would you stake Mon-els life on that?
well I guess that really puts Lena and Mon-el right next to each other in priorities huh? Which one is more important? 
Wow Lena totally has a crush on Supergirl after that. Flustered dork. 
Lena: *laughs nervously* you know that doors not really an entrance
Kara: *upsettit stone face pupper*
Lena: :,) 
Okay but the way Lena just says “Anything” all breathless and helpful when Kara says she needs her help. Shes crushin hard
Kara tells Lena her mother is in charge of Cadmus. 
Lena: >:(
Annnd the crush is dead. That did not last long. Really love that Lena has such a different relationship with Kara vs Supergirl though, good dynamic having her reactions so different. Which I believe actually relates as a Clark and Lois parallel? Seeing as how Lois has two separate relationships with Clark and Superman. 
OOf the way Lenas throat bobs with genuine sadness because who she thought Supergirl was is wrong. Shes just like the rest of them. Thinks Lena is just another crazy Luthor. It hurts
Kara: I know what its like to be disillusioned by our parents, but Im a pretty good judge of character, and you are not like your mother. She is cold and dangerous. And you are too good and too smart to follow in her path. Be your own Hero.
Wow just what a good line. They are capable of some things here and there arent they? Melissa's delivery on this is excellent. And the way Katie McGrath is able to show such depth of sadness and bitterness even from a shot of her BACK is really cool. Great acting in this scene in particular. And I can see why the “desperation to be good” is such a highlighted part of these two relationship. Its the one thing in common between Lena and Supergirl, the place where they can meet in the middle. And the way Lena looks after her as she leaves! AHHH thats the good shit, the pining
Okay big Mon-el scene in coming so if you dont want to hear my ranting skip over this part. 
Funny how as soon as Kara has this big impactful scene with Lena full of tension and emotion the writers were like: shit we almost forgot Mon-els dying. 
Kara: *staring sadly back into Lenas office kind of wanting to go back in*
Writers: *cough cough* KARA He’s DYINGGGG
Kara: Oh shit right. Mon-el Oh no. My *looks at poorly written handwriting on her palm* romantic interest?
Wow Mon-el looks like shit, poor guy. Someone swaddle this pillow princess and get him some soup.
Heres a question. Kara is visibly upset that Mon-el is dying. Is it because she’s sad that the guy shes likes is dying. Because her friend is dying? Because her father created the virus thats killing him (what the writers want us to think)? Or because no matter what Kara does the people she loves keep falling through the cracks and shes helpless to stop it?
Her parents. Clark. Her adoptive father. Now Lena. Now Mon-el. Why can’t she ever do anything? Why is it always her fault? This poor kid has some deep seeded abandonment issues
Mon-el: you know you look beautiful with the weight of all these worlds on your shoulders.
I do remember my reaction here, cus I thought this was a weird line. A line that was obviously meant to be romantic and complimentary, but it felt unsettled in my stomach. Coming back and watching the scene it sits even more uncomfortably there. He obviously means well, but this line is kind of just shitty. Its a very selfish and unthoughtful thing to say to someone. 
Kara’s entire fucking life has revolved around other people and making sure they are happy and taken care of. But having “failed” at such a young age to do the impossible things asked of her (carrying on Kryptons legacy, raising Clark) she overcompensates. Any normal person would just make their life revolve around their family and friends, not healthy but it works. But Kara feels responsibility over an entire world of lost people and lives. So the amount she overcompensates is ungodly. She does have the weight of worlds on her shoulders. This is not a joke or hyperbole. Its just her life. And thats so fucking shitty. And to have someone actually see that and acknowledge it. To make it a reality so to speak. Then to have them say “yeah you look good like this” while you’re a shaking Atlas being crushed. It is just a little too much isn’t it? That pain to have someone see you finally, and then completely miss the point. For them to go “oh wow your so strong. your so brave” instead of “let me help you. you shouldn’t have to do this at all, forget by yourself. But now I am here”. 
I imagine this was the scene that crowned my darling himbo boy Mon-Hell? Which is so unfortunate. I hope Im wrong, but I feel that his character might just end up a big missed opportunity
I want everyone to know that me and Kel screamed through the entire enxt few seconds of the scene. We knew the kiss was coming from how they were building it up. But god was it painful, especially for it to be delivered after a line like THAT. But yeah very loud angry screaming
Also not to be that bitch but Kara and Mon-els scene was a total of 1:53 RT, and Kara and Lenas ran at a 1:57 RT. Just sayin...
No Lena don’t be evil thats too sexy...
Okay but the way that Lena just tricks Lillian is so good. Shes so clever. And added bonus she makes her ask for her help, which is nice actually. Lillian's obvious vice is weakness and that is often shown in embarrassment. A woman like this asking for help borders that line of weakness and its nice to see on such a dislikable character. Lena didn’t just get what she wanted she got a point over her mother.
Lena looks good in the purple coat. Repeat she is pretty
Love the mental chess game between Lena and Lillian. Lena offering help right off the bat and giving her the isotope free of charge. And then Lillian making Lena launch the virus to prove herself. Good stuff.
Kara appears: don’t do it Lena!
Lena: why not? im a luthor
Okay so obviously Lena switched the Isotope and the Virus won’t work. But thats what makes this line so perfect. Throwing it back in Supergirls face. Like “Yeah, Im a luthor. And Ill show you what im capable of.” But instead of mass death and destruction Lena saves the day. She saved thousands of lives, and its because shes a Luthor that she was able to do that. Really nice way to full circle that 
Wow Lillian really just starts booking it without Lena, huh? bitch
I really love the scene of the virus falling all around National City. The choice of an orangish snow falling was a really really good one. Paired with some excellent music for the mid season finale.
Its sad but I do love Hank just being ready and at peace with death. Im sure he misses his wife and daughters. 
Okay but Lena calling the cops is tea. Send your mom to jail honey. 
So we’re really not gonna talk about how Lena saved everyones asses? Like don’t you think Supergirl would want to talk to the woman that A) kind of tricked her, and B) saved National City. Thats just what makes sense??? But no we’re going to ignore that the DEO is a kind of shit at their job sometimes. And that the woman that they were accusing of having a part to play in all the xenophobic shit is the one who did their job. BY HER SELF. 
Okay rant over. This was a long one review dear god. Really really good episode though. I enjoyed rewatching all the scenes even if it was a mixed bag of feelings. Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed all the screaming!
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o-w-quinlan · 3 years
Action Comics Annual (2021) Review
A good story that sadly cannot escape the inherent classism of the fantasy tropes it uses. The best thing about it is the Superman of its era, Brandon Kent.
I think my favorite thing about it was the way it portrayed the importance of stories. In current times, Byla’s storytelling to the young Phaelosian children is portrayed as a way to hold on to not just their traditions, history and heritage, but onto the hope for a better tomorrow. In the House of El timeline, we see the difference between Brandon Kent’s reaction to the Phantom Zone (he reacts as if it was a mythical hell, long lost to legend but nonetheless real to him) and Ronan Kent’s (he reacts as if it were a piece of history, intellectually knowing it’s dangerous but not really that emotionally affected by it).
The Annual also fleshed out some of the characters from the House of El timeline beyond the vague outlines they were in Future State, particularly Alura, Khan and Brandon. The art does a very good job portraying just how in love Alura and Khan are, every bit the warrior couple we’re told they are (look at how excited Khan is when archvillain Pyrrhos crashes his wedding and challenges him to a real fight) and Brandon has this All Star Superman vibe of being the most relaxed, confident man in the world. He’s also very informal in what’s supposed to be ceremonial settings (my favorite is his comment on how Khan’s wedding gift to Alura of “every drop of blood running through his body” was the most Phaelosian thing ever), and the stubble adds to his whole aura. We see him treat the old elements of Superman lore (the Phantom Zone, Hank Henshaw) as both legendary and alive, a mythical legacy he does his best to live up to and that is so much more to him than just a history lesson. We see his leadership role in the group, his distrust of Henshaw over what he did hundreds of years ago (vindicated), but also his decision to free him from his punishment despite all that because no one deserves to be imprisoned forever. We see him as a father, his sweet relationship with his daughter Theand’r, how she’s starting to try to be independent but still can’t help but hide behind Brandon when danger arrives (until, of course, it’s her turn to save him) being all the more bittersweet in light of what we know their relationship was like in Future State. It was also a passing-of-the-torch story for him, since we see how much he holds onto the past and how he might be past his prime in the final fight, ultimately giving the title of Superman to Ronan. I can’t say I particularly liked that part (no offense to Ronan, but nothing he did in this Annual made him look like the best choice for a successor compared to, say, Alura), but it is what it is.
Speaking of characters, we also have Hank Henshaw here, his design implying he has met Clark (a legend who people doubt even existed in this time in the 30th Century) fairly recently. He has an entirely predictable arc of pretending to be reformed only to betray them in the end, though ultimately the House of El does pardon him from remaining in the Phantom Zone. He does the exposition on how the Phantom Zone has changed and even a nice moment where he describes Jor-El and Kal-El as having thrown every criminal they faced into this hellish dimension. Good to see even in the future he’s devoted to ruining Clark’s legacy as much as possible. Still not as good a “Superman shows Henshaw mercy in hopes of redeeming him” story as Action Comics 999.
Speaking of the Phantom Zone, we have the whole worldbuilding aspect of this issue. The Annual brings back Gerber’s idea of the Phantom Zone as the mind projections of a sleeping God, except now that God has awoken and warped it even further. Except for Henshaw, all of the prisoners we see have warped into Lovecraftian monsters, completely mindless beyond seeking violence or obeying the will of the Phantom Zone God. Some of these designs I liked (particularly the ones hanging from the ceiling when Henshaw starts his explanation), but the majority of them I found boring, the sort of tentacly mess that is way too overused when doing Lovecraft homages. Henshaw did speak of other prisoners who weren’t warped as much and retained their wills, even building villages (which we do see), so I hope we eventually see them.
As for the worldbuilding with the House of El… I’m not as big a fan, though it’s well-crafted. There’s this sense of royalty in almost everything the House of El does (starting with their name) that I don’t like as representative of Clark’s legacy. Speaking of which, these kinds of ceremonies would have to have started with Clark, Kara and maybe Lois and Jon, but none of those 4 are the type to want to do something like this. Kara presiding as the head of the House of El is pretty cool, but her floating above everyone else during the ceremony further emphasizing how above everyone else the House of El is just strikes me as wrong. I mean, it would be one thing if it were an OC, but it’s Kara. In the final scenes she does remain on the ground while finishing the “ceremony”, but that doesn’t change my distaste for the earlier scenes. I also didn’t like how she was easily defeated to make Pyrrhos more menacing. We had previously seen Pyrrhos be absolutely schooled by Clark, so this is implicitely putting her extremely below him in power, which I don’t agree with at this point in their lives. As for Pyrrhos… he was an 80’s cartoon villain here, not even the vague promise of something more in him like in Future State. We also have Alura’s name being Alura Van-El, which is interesting as far as speculating on the family tree goes (Alura, as in Kara’s mother, and Van-El, as in Clark’s son with Lyla Lerrol in the dream scenario in “For The Man Who Has Everything”), but also implies even this far into the future they’re still keeping the patriarchal tradition of women’s names including their father’s, something I had been hoping would change when Thao-La was introduced. We’re also told that Khan doesn't have a named house, which once again emphasizes the “The House of El socially uplifts a lower-caste man through marriage” theme that’s probably intended as progressive (they don’t care who they fall in love with!) but just comes across as classist. It also raises some questions as to current Phaelosians, because Thao-La presumably did have a House given the structure of her name. Is Thao-La's parentage more prestigious than it is implied for Khan? Are there people who do have Houses among the current Phaelosians and people who don't? Is that from Krypton itself, or something that happened over the years?
There’s also the whole imagery at the start with the dark-skinned Phaelosians being slaves constantly in chains, which is... well, troubling. I mean, it's been a thing in the past few issues of Action Comics, but never did it hit quite as hard as here, probably because there were also light-skinned Phaelosians in chains so it didn't feel necessarily racially charged. Not the case here. When PKJ said his run would adress things like racism, I did not expect this. Thankfully the vast majority features Ronan and Rowan instead, who being classical heroes are as far away from the "black person as slave" imagery as possible. Pity that still manifests as Khan, the Phaelosian representative in the future (the symbol of how far they've come) being light-skinned.
I just spend quite a lot of time complaining, but I did find it an overall good story. Even all my complains about the inherent classism has to acknowledge that it was a technically good, very multilayered portrayal of something I hate. I did like the theme of stories and legends and almost everything with Brandon and Theand’r, and despite my distaste for the classism I did like how Alura’s and Khan’s relationship was portrayed. Overall, though, it’s not as exciting as PKJ’s regular issues of Action Comics, and certainly more troubling than them in a lot of ways.
Here’s my favorite panels:
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aurification · 4 years
you're the sun, you're the day. the light that guides me.
WORD COUNT: 4115 WHO: @txdkxrd, rani carter, skeets, mentions of darkseid WHEN: two weeks ago WHAT: time travel gone wrong leaves the carter family stranded in an alternate universe NOTES: speech in bold is rani and italics is skeets TRIGGERS: mentions of war, death, depression
MICHAEL CARTER: Nothing has felt right since his best friend died. Michael has experienced tragedy before and saw it with his own eyes as cities burned and innocence is lost. Nothing could have prepared him for the day Ted would die. Maybe his way of coping with the grief wasn’t healthy, his sister tried to make him understand why his actions were inappropriate.  He would travel into the past for only a few hours at a time to spend time with Ted. Who was too smart to be fooled by seeing a version of Booster with more experience than they remember. 
Four years ago Darkseid invaded the planet Daxam in the 31ST CENTURY and Michael tried to stop the war but there wasn’t much that could be done except help the Daxamites try and evacuate or get to shelter. He ended up bringing a young child back to Earth with him. Rip wasn’t much thrilled by having a nine-year-old Daxamite living with them now but informed Booster that he was a father now. It took some time to wrap his head around this but quickly became thrilled about having a daughter. Rani seemed to really look up to him and that never changed over the years. 
Now, Michael may keep up on being in shape but doesn’t shave as often anymore. He puts too much thought into taking care of his daughter who just turned thirteen a few months ago. Michelle gifted her niece an old Goldstar uniform for emergencies only. Jaime and Skeets didn’t think it was a good idea but far as birthdays go it couldn’t have been better. The ache of Ted being gone for so long still lives within him but it doesn’t seem like a loss that you can ever get over. He tells Rani all about their adventures and what kind of man Blue Beetle is like. He talks about how they would have gotten along well because Rani is a little genius and likes helping out around the lab when Rip is home. He thinks that Ted and Rani could have had a special relationship by bonding over coming up with new inventions. Which always never made sense to Michael, only wanting to know how something works not how you build it. He was the only one who regularly took care of his headstone too. 
Something goes wrong though and Skeets informs Booster that Rani followed them dressed in her newly acquired Goldstar uniform. 
“I can help you, dad! You can’t keep doing this on your own!” She would tell him, always trying to get Michael to let her be his sidekick but he never budges. He doesn’t want Rani being put in danger but that’s what happens. The creature finally found them and crashes through part of the building in it’s path. He doesn’t have time to try patching into his comms to see where Batman is. He does what any parent would do and focuses on getting Rani out of the situation. He uses his time-travel circuitry to get the three of them out of there and to be somewhere safer. The safest place he could think of and hasn’t been in years. His best friend’s lab. Both Michael and his daughter pull off their goggles which are dangling around their necks as Skeets hovers over their head. 
<Sir, you might want to turn around.>
“Not now, Skeets.”
<It’s most urgent.>
Booster signs, turning to see what the big deal is. Rani hides behind her father’s tall stature unsure what to expect. Apparently in his moment of panic they were resorted to an entirely different timeline. The year is the same but something leaves the blonde speechless. Ted walking into the lab and Michael feels his eyes water but tries to pull himself together before they’re noticed. “Teddy...” He says finally when their gazes meet. 
Rani steps out from behind Booster, in just as much shock. The teenager tugs on his arm knowing how this must feel for him. “Dad?” She asks while looking between the two adults.
TED KORD: Teddy had a lot to be getting on with these days but his mind occasionally drifted back to Booster. He’d been his best friend back in the days of the JLI; they’d bonded over being the jokers of the team, both seeing the value in each other that was rarely seen by other people. Of course, even the best team ups couldn’t last forever and Teddy was one of the few who understood the amount of work Booster did keeping timelines in check and there was a reason he couldn’t tell anyone about it. In fact, the only reason Teddy had put it together in a combination of tiny clues from talking with Booster and his own smarts. So when Booster left he didn’t question it, no matter how much he missed his best friend he knew life needed to go on. So, for years, it had. The ban came into effect and Booster wasn’t there. So, Teddy poured all his knowledge and time into Kord Inc. and pulled his somewhat mediocre company out of a rut and made it a real world competitor on par with several branches of Wayne Enterprises and Stark Industries. He’d also found Jaime and taken the boy under his wing in El Paso; he was a good kid and damn if Teddy didn’t think he’d be so much better than he ever was and probably save the damn world many times over.
It was hella busy and of course he’d poured that same obsessiveness into his own health as well. Sure doctors told him that his heart couldn’t be fixed and didn’t warrant a translate, yet, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t make himself as healthy as possible. So he dieted, constantly, and worked out (too much) to try and help himself out. Truth be told he was in better shape than he’d ever been in his life (BMI readouts and body measurements didn’t lie). But he still looked in the mirror and saw many imperfections, too many of them. Ones that made him pale in comparison to folks like Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. He couldn’t help but wonder why they’d even invited him into the Avenging League. Not that he was complaining! Getting involved with them reminded him of why he’d loved getting into the hero game. So he’d pulled the worst Blue Beetle out of the closet and back into the field. He couldn’t wear the spandex again though. Seven years away from it had clued him into how, well… unappealing it could look. The spandex hood certainly did him no favours. The description ’human condom’ had been used by some particularly uncharitable news reporters.
His new costume was much simpler, it consisted of some fitted cargo pants with several pockets, his own utility belt, a skin-tight t-shirt with the beetle emblem, fingerless gloves and his trademark orange goggles, he’d not been able to give them up. And that was how he was currently dressed in The Bug monitoring the city, with NOVA now pushed out it was much easier to do. He was shocked when an alert triggered that had been programmed to detect one missing best friend: it had been years since it went off. Booster. And he wasn’t far!
He synched the tracker to the tech in his gloves and jogged out of the Bug to the outskirts of the city, only about ten minutes so he wasn’t out of breath when he arrived (take that crappy heart) and when he arrived Skeets was already trying to tell Booster he was here. Teddy smirked and waved at the little robot who bobbed up and down in response. Then Booster was finally turning to see him and wow that’s a beard. He grinned, why was Booster looking so dumbstruck, “Were you expecting Guy instead?” He asked with a chuckle, but then the teenager spoke and what did she say!? DAD!? “Boos… Who’s the teenage girl?” He asked with a raised brow.
MICHAEL CARTER: It was no secret that Michael changed after Ted died. He continued exercising regularly but allowed his facial hair to grow out to a very visible blonde beard and mustache. Which isn’t something that he ever decided to do before but the traumatic loss of his best friend made him stop caring about being clean shaven. Booster let himself go in at least one regard — but over time began trimming it to at least pretend that he has it together. His daughter doesn’t know anything different. There are pictures of him without it but has never seen it with her own eyes before. Another thing that Michael stopped taking care of was his suit. It had always been Ted who did repairs and sewed the fabric back together. Rip started taking it upon himself to fix the Booster Gold suit and that’s something they never talked about it. Something unspoken because maybe Rip knew Ted wouldn’t want Booster to do that to himself.
Small reminders were all over the place and surrounded him after it was revealed that Kord Industries had been left to him. Some people didn’t understand why — Michael included since he doesn’t know anything about running a business. He didn’t want to let Ted down since he must have believed in him to make the decision and be confident in it. Booster worked hard on making sure the company would continue to thrive even if he left to travel through the time stream. Keeping his memory alive is important and maybe that’s why Jaime ended up being taken under his wing. The kid was important to Ted — considering that Jaime is his legacy after all. The blonde might not be the mentor the teenager wanted but was the only one left to teach him in a way that would make his best friend proud.
Despite having all this responsibility Michael never quite got over the loss. Michelle might argue that going into the past to observe a time when Ted is alive wasn’t healthy. She always told him that won’t help him move forward and maybe she was right. He stopped after Rani came into his life because he needed to set a good example. It was never in his plan to become a father but sometimes the universe gives you what it thinks you need.
After crash landing and destroying his time travel device in the process, Booster planned on sitting his daughter down to try making her understand why it wasn’t the time for being a hero. He wants her to have a normal life, after everything they’ve both been through one of them deserves it. Rani is young and no thirteen year old should be fighting monsters and crime. If anything happened to her too ... that might completely break him. The already shattered pieces scattering across the floor in a way that would be impossible to piece back together. This thought is forgotten after the Ted of this universe walked in. He just stares, not caring that this one is younger ... only that he’s still alive.
Everyone’s voices pulls him out of his thoughts, needing to explain himself. This Ted’s Booster must not have any children which is interesting. He doesn’t see another version of himself around but keeps it in mind for later. Michael doesn’t joke as often, maybe grown up a little and locked away part of his personality after his own Ted died. “When has anyone wanted to be alone in a room with Guy?” The tug on his arm from Rani reminds him, and looks between the two of them. He doesn’t know how long they’ll be here but it’s going to be a while. It wouldn’t be easy fixing technology from the future and maybe he wants to be selfish by spending time with his best friend. The blonde takes a step forward, an arm wrapping around Rani as they approach Ted. He never thought that this would happen and needs to try not getting choked up about it. “Teddy. This is my daughter, Rani.” She smiles and waves at him. ”It’s nice to meet you!” Although there’s more to that story that can be triggering for the teenager so he sends her off with Skeets to look around to give the adults some privacy. Michael watches her for a moment before turning back to Ted.
“She’s a Daxamite. Darkseid invaded her planet four years ago and killed her parents. She was only nine at the time and didn’t have anyone else. I wasn’t going to leave her alone ... I couldn’t save everyone but I saved her. I adopted her soon after bringing her to Earth. She’s a sweet kid and so smart. I know what you’re thinking ... I’m the last person who should be a father. I try to do right by her.” Michael sighs for a moment as he explains. Rani however is in the background hovering in the air next to Skeets with her legs crossed.
Booster scratches at his beard for a moment. “My sister gave her an old Goldstar suit as a birthday gift and ever since Rani keeps trying to convince me to let her be my sidekick. I just want her to focus on being a normal teenager ... normal as one can be with the powers similar to Superman anyway.” He pauses for a moment. “She showed up when I was helping deal with something in New York with a few members of the Justice League. I tried getting her out of there but ... my device brought us here instead. It got broken in the process so we’re stuck. I’m not sure what to do, Teddy.” He doesn’t have any money and nowhere to go. He can’t ask Ted to give him anything because it wouldn’t be fair, would it? He has his own Booster probably waiting for him somewhere.
TED KORD: Teddy was struck by Booster’s new look. It wasn’t that he looked bad (not that it was his place to comment unless he was trying to get a rise out of the other guy) but Booster had always been so fastidious about his appearance and that had included making sure he was clean shaven twenty four seven. Teddy was pretty sure he’d only even seen him with a fine five o’clock shadow like twice and both times it had been because they were on a mission that went over a day. So he couldn’t help but clock it and spend a few moments taking it in. It made him look… older. 
Maybe he was older? He couldn’t be sure how much time Booster spent away (a day for him could be years for the other and vice-versa after all). The retort, while on point seemed to take a little bit too long and lack a lot of Booster’s usual zeal, enough to have Teddy frowning and wondering what’d happened to his friend. “No one ever.” He responded with a small smile, though the concern was probably easy to read on his face. Both would’ve continued but the teenager with him caught Teddy’s attention again and seeing how she clung to Booster was yet another surprise.
D-DAUGHTER!? Teddy was pretty sure that short circuited his mind for a good five seconds, his eyes wide staring at the pair and trying to catalogue similarities in facial structure, mannerisms and other indicators. She was too old! Even if Booster was a little older he wasn’t THAT old! Eventually he manages to raise an arm weakly and offer a “Nice to meet you too Rani.” In return. Not the best of greetings but he was trying to deal with a pretty earth-shattering revelation here!
“Oh my god you pulled a Batman.” He said quietly, not wanting Rani to hear, his eyes still fixed on the girl floating in the air with Skeets who offered Teddy a little flicker of his lights before turning back to the girl and doing as Booster said to occupy her. “You’re a father.” He repeated, “You. A parent. Of a super powered teenager.” He took a deep breath, “Okay. Okay… Okay, this is a thing that’s happened.” And Booster clearly loves her, that much is easy for even him to see.
“Michelle? Boos… how long have you been away for?” She was nine, that girl had to be in her teens so at least four years. What the hell!? “Oh sure yea, wanting a powered kid to be normal, that works out well.” He deadpanned, finally getting a sense of himself back. Fortunately, Booster telling him the predicament he’s in flicks his ‘look after Booster Gold’ switch on and he can somewhat function again. “Well the solution to that’s simple.” He smiled, “You and Rani can stay with me. I’ve got an apartment in the city and The Bug too, we’ll fix up your tech and help get you and Rani back to wherever you gotta be in the time stream. I’m not about to let you both go when you’re in a bind. You my bud.” He clapped Booster on the shoulder, having to reach up to do it. “Plus, your suits a mess man, you gotta take better care of it. I’ll fix it up for you when we get to my place.”
“Rani!” He called to the kid, taking charge of the situation, “You and Booster… Your dad are gonna stay with me for a little while, okay? Skeets, the Bug’ll give you the details and I’ve got a changing bay for you in there too.” He’d made one in case Skeets ever needed a nap in the Bug, even machines gotta catch their Z’s. “C’mon I bet you’re both hungry. I’ll order some food, you can both have the good stuff and I’ll have a crappy salad. Rani and you need to shower too, you’re both looking a little… less than clean. She can borrow some of my clothes and I brought some of yours with me when I moved up here.” It had felt wrong not to bring his ‘Booster Draw’ to Star City with him.
“Don’t worry man. This’ll be fine.” He grinned up at Booster, “So long as no one’s died, it can be fixed.”
MICHAEL CARTER: The beard originally manifested from his depression roughly seven years ago after all the memorial services that they held for his best friend. He couldn’t bring himself to care about being clean-shaven anymore when the grief felt so suffocating. He usually took so much care of his appearance — styling his hair a certain way, skincare treatments, and the obvious task of shaving any facial hair that grew overnight. He continued to lift weights as any kind of distraction but that would end up being only temporary. The sorrow always came back twice as strong. Eventually over the months Michelle would sit him down and express her worries. He couldn’t continue going on sabotaging himself and traveling back in time to see Ted from a distance. He never interacted with him but instead treated it as a way to replay memories. It wasn’t healthy but Michael missed his best friend. Nobody seemed to understand how unfair it was to have the ability to change an outcome but be told, ’no this is the way it has to be.’ His sister stuck around so Michael wouldn’t be alone and maybe that makes all the difference. He might have spiraled more if it weren’t for that. There was quite a lot of drinking after it settled in that the universe won’t let him save the Ted Kord from his universe. When Rani came into his life it thrilled Michelle to have a niece. They were a little family and can’t imagine how worried she must be when they disappeared.
There was shock written all over both of their faces. He always dreamt of what this moment would feel like. Those first few years were spent leaving his door unlocked waiting for Ted to walk in with some grand excuse for his absence. Maybe they would laugh about it but that never happened. Instead Michael needed to learn how to exist in a world without him. It doesn’t ever get easier, he thought that was bullshit but figured out how to live with it. He became a mentor for the first time in his life which had been interesting, never trained anyone before. He would respect Ted’s last wishes and become the new GOLD AND BLUE with Jaime.
He could tell immediately that the other version of himself wasn’t a father since the reveal resulted in such a surprised reaction. Maybe nobody would expect him of all people to raise a child but ended up being a natural without even realizing it at first. Her planet had been invaded, parents murdered, and having nowhere else to go. Michael wasn’t going to leave her alone, not when she was holding his hand every second they tried to flee from Darkseid. “I know! I can’t believe I’m a knockoff Batman now.” He jokes softly, despite the fact it’s not completely true due to how different the two heroes are. “It was unexpected but the best thing to ever happen to me, Teddy. She’s thirteen now … and I’m just trying to be the kind of father Rani deserves.” Michael knows that he isn’t perfect but wouldn’t change anything about the situation.
The offer live with him makes him feel happy but the hand on his shoulder is all a confirmation that Ted is really here. He wasn’t disappearing before his eyes and it takes all of his willpower not to start tearing up. The blonde just wishes it were possible to express how much he missed him without making this weird.  “You really wouldn’t mind? It would help us out since we really need something stable right now. I have to warn you …” The safety of his daughter comes before anything else. “While the power sets of Daxamites and Kryptonians are identical … their weaknesses aren’t. She becomes severely weak when coming in contact with lead instead of kryptonite.” What he has come to understand is that this could be fatal in some instances. “There’s no cure created for it yet.” He mentions that so Ted has the information too if they’re living together but knows any version of his best friend might take it upon himself to try looking into it. Maybe it also makes him emotional knowing that after seven long years his suit will be repaired from the best one for the job once again. Nobody ever sewed it back together quite like Beetle does. “Thanks … you know me, can’t sew to save my life.” Which is followed by a light chuckle as well.
Rani comes back over to join the adults, smiling brightly as Skeets isn’t too far behind. “Sleepover! Can we order pizza?” Her feet landing on the ground at this point while looking up at the two adults in the room. “Only a salad? Eat pizza with us!” She insists, not quite understanding the reason behind Ted not wanting to eat something greasy.
<You are always good to me, Mr. Kord. I look forward to catching up with the Bug.> Skeets responds with as much enthusiasm as one can expect from a robot.
The blonde just stands back admiring what was happening, getting a little emotional at the sight. He spent many sleepless nights daydreaming about this and now it’s real. He takes a step forward, trying not to get choked up and ruin the moment. “We could use a shower. I’m still covered in some alien guck.” He makes a disgusted face for a moment, sticking his tongue out instead as an attempt at bringing out his humorous side. The banter that’s always exchanged with Blue Beetle is one of a kind. Although the words that come out of his mouth next leaves Booster’s smile fading again.
“Y-yeah. I’m sure this will be —” He turns around for a moment, pulling his visor off his face to wipe away some tears that can’t be held back. The reminder that his best friend died and thee was nothing that can be done to fix it. Thee’s a second chance standing in front of him but that can’t erase the trauma from that loss. He can’t do this here, not now. He puts visor back on and faces everyone again. “Sorry, something was in my eye.” You’re a good actor so this lie wouldn’t raise any red flags. 
“So … you know any good pizza places?”
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iamwhelmed · 5 years
My Partner
Summary: A mission gone wrong leaves Damian pumped with an experimental drug that's half fear toxin and half truth serum... or something like that. Bruce resorts to seeking Jon's help in returning his son to his normal self.
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He wasn't sure what happened; he'd blocked out the noise the moment the freaking Batman showed up at the little Kent Family home looking… not like Batman. He'd heard what he needed to hear.
There was an accident. Patrol went wrong. Damian was captured, hurt. He was despondent, awake but not alive and not limp but little more than a doll. Something about mind-control. Something about modified fear gas or something, but Jon had blocked all of that out. Batman was there because nothing had worked.
They'd noticed something was wrong when Damian woke up, 3am, wiping his eyes even though the glassy glaze stuck. Alfred and Dick had been right there, asking him how he felt, if he remembered anything. Damian would have raged around for hours after his failure, lamented to Titus and the cat about how the Son of Batman shouldn't have been knocked unconscious, shouldn't have been stripped of his utility belt or shot up with fear gas; the Damian that woke up that morning only recited what he remembered calmly. It was odd, but Dick decided to give him space, and Alfred offered him something small to soothe his stomach. Toast and beans. Damian-- the spoiled brat who thought the world was supposed to bend to his will, the jerk who tried to fight Superman's super son with his bare hands-- he'd looked Alfred dead in the eye and said "Please don't waste the food. I am unfit to receive anything more from Father."
Bruce couldn't get through to him, said talking to Damian in this state was like banging on aquarium glass and praying the fish could hear him talking. Damian, the Damian they all knew (and cared about and worried about and loved), he was lost somewhere in a sea so thick he couldn't see the hands reaching out to him. Bruce had come to the Kent residence looking for help, and Batman didn't really do that. So Jon knew why he was there, that he was desperate enough to fall to a last resort; Jon was flying at top speed to the Wayne Residence before Bruce could say what they both knew-- Damian needed him.
He wasn't sure how everybody in the family managed to squeeze into the hallway outside Damian's bedroom door. It made the walls look thinner and the air seem thicker, or maybe that was just him. Dick and Tim nodded at him, but that was all the greeting he got. They looked pensive, Tim more-so than Dick as Stephanie wrapped an arm around Barbara's shoulders and tugged her away from the door. Blue eyes looked at him, concern etched across their faces, and he had to wonder if he could do what none of them could-- but he shook his head and braced himself because he had to. There was no room for failure. He winced, because the voice in his head sounded a lot like Damian.
He pressed the door open, and Alfred swept the air with his slow-aging hands to shoo the crowd away from the door.
Damian was sitting at the side of his bed, legs dangling listlessly over the edge. His hands sat folded in his lap, poised and perfect, the way a kid like him would pose for a painting, the kind that hung over a mantle. Jon shuffled uncomfortably, feeling like he was more in line to take a school picture. It was just as Bruce had described. Damian's eyes were glazed over and empty, as if he was merely staring off into space, thinking about something unpleasant. It wasn't the usual grimace Jon oft remembered when red and black would stray across his mind's eye. He watched Damian's lips to see if they moved, but they stayed thin, and shut, and still. He glanced at the made bed, to the covers creased only where Alfred had probably sat his youngest master after changing the sheets-- Damian had tossed and turned in his sleep, left sweat matting into the covers.
Jon cleared his throat. "Hey, uh, Damian." Damian didn't respond, so Jon continued. "Uh, your family is really worried about you, ya know."
"I doubt it."
His heart jumped and pounded like one heavy fist against his ribcage, but settled into his stomach after. "Doubt that they're worried?"
"There's no reason to be." His voice trailed off, and Jon felt the absence of his attitude nipping at him as the words faded in the air, stretched so thin that he rubbed absently at his arm. Damian stared straight ahead still, so motionless Jon could hardly hear him breathing, even with his kryptonian ears. "I am… not worth fretting over."
Fear gas was supposed to bring out your worst fears, supposed to take the things you had nightmares about, the ones that made little kids climb into bed with their parents and you wake up screaming in a sweat so cold the AC felt like ice coating in layers on your skin. It didn't do this, not from what Damian had told him. It didn't make you voice every internalized flaw, and it shouldn't have taken the confident, eager Robin that was his partner and make him a martrying shell. No, not his Robin. Jon pressed one hand to the bed, beside Damian, then paused. Damian didn't say anything, didn't move, didn't look at him, so he took a seat and let their legs brush. "What do you mean?"
Damian blinked, but Jon didn't catch anything else. "I have proved myself incompetent both as an heir to the Al Ghul legacy and as an heir to the Batman. My father has a great many wards to which he may pass his legacy, and my mother is more than capable of producing a child that will not disappoint her. I am excess. I am frivolous, and I should be handled accordingly."
"Handled accordingly? You mean, like…?" Jon mimed a line across his throat with a finger. That would have usually earned a scoff from Damian, but the response was little more than:
"Yes. I am already a nuisance to be dealt with. I would not wish to fail my father or grandfather any more than I already have."
Jon grimaced and looked down at his hands, mirroring Damian's clean fold with a messy, finger-twisting image. He grinded his teeth. "Is that all there is, then? Being an heir to your parents?"
Damian was silent, but Jon could hear a faint skip in his chest-- at least, he was pretty sure that was Damian's chest. It might have been his own. Cold and empty green eyes fluttered, but there wasn't life there yet, not the bursting, narcissistic, fire-filled life he'd known, anyway. "I exist solely to be a weapon, and I have failed. For that, the punishment is death."
"You're not just a weapon, though! You're--" He whipped around to Damian, didn't care that he wasn't looking at him. "You're a brother! To Dick! And to Tim and Jason and-- and me!" He winced. No, no that wasn't quite right. Damian, God, Damian was dear to him, but not the way Kon was, not the way Damian was dear to every single previous Robin. He slid off the bed, kneeled in front of Damian on the floor and prayed that he'd hear that stupid mocking noise, hoped Damian would find the humor in Jon dropping to his knees like he was proposing. He didn't hear so much as a huff.
"You're more than that. You're more than a weapon, Damian! That's not what you are to your family. It's not-- it's not what you are to me!" Fool's errand. This was probably a fool's errand, but then again this might have been a fool's wish, and Damian could call him a fool all he wanted later, just please, please, something had to work. He took Damian's hands in his own, squeezed them, pulled them to his chest where he kneeled and looked Damian in his glazed eyes. "You're forgetting about me, Damian! You're forgetting that you're my partner! It's not just Damian the Assassin or Batman and Robin anymore! Even if you got rid of all of that, we'd still be Robin and Superboy, wouldn't we?" Damian's eyes fluttered again, eyebrows bunching together above his nose. Jon continued on. "You might wanna die because of failing everyone else, but you've never failed at being my best friend, Damian."
There was silence, dead, heavy, like a body dropped over his, like weight he couldn't hold in his chest. Damian said nothing, didn't move. Jon looked into green eyes that were once like emeralds and saw only the smaug of a destroyed forest, and felt his own well with tears. He dropped his head to Damian's knees and cried, silently, between his grinding teeth. He hadn't been enough. Damian, the one he knew like the back of his hand, was lost somewhere in that haze and dammit please let this be a drug that Batman hadn't detected, let it be temporary, let it be a bad guy possessing his best friend, anything at all. Please. Just give Damian back.
"J...Jon?" He sniffed and nodded into Damian's now-soaking lap. "I'd appreciate it if you would cease slobbering all over my pants. These are designer, I'll have you know."
Jon shot up, close enough that the back of his head nearly made contact with Damian's chin, close enough that their noses brushes together when Damian skillfully avoided that collision. His nose wrinkled in disgust at the sight of his very wet-nosed kryptonian. "What?"
Jon ignored the demanding tone, instead launching into Damian with such force that they both fell back onto his bed. His arms snaked around Damian's neck and securely latched onto each other while Jon took to burying his nose into the crook of Damian's neck. "Wh-wha--! Hey! Get off!"
"Not a chance!"
"I mean it!"
"Good luck breaking out of my arms with that kryptonite you totally don't have on you right now!"
"Which is-- where is my belt? What happened?"
Jon sat up enough that he could see Damian's eyes, once again full of that green loud energy that he'd started to miss so badly that it physically hurt him. He let his nose brush against Damian's again, ignored the heated red clouding like a rash at his cheeks, but reveled in the red of Damian's. "Your dad'll explain." He smirked and nuzzled into Damian's cheek, taking in the smell of expensive detergent and the warmth that seemed to envelop him the longer he laid in Damian's arms. "But not before I'm done squeezing the angst out of you."
"--tt-- Good luck."
Even as he said that, Damian's arms found their own way around Jon's frame and squeezed, like he found comfort in this, like he wanted this embrace just as much… not that either of them were going to admit to that for a long time.
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damian-lil-babybat · 6 years
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Yay everyone! We’ve finished the first series of our beloved duo!
Just a few of my insights that I want to expand:
The whole Super Sons’ run did felt like it revolves around Robin. Damian, after all, is the main instigator to make sure that they accomplish their missions. However, all the moral and development of their adventures centered on Superboy. Jon is the one pushing for the mission to end on a good tone, so both of them could go HOME.
This is important, for both of them, since the two had been looking for a place to belong. With Damian, it is finding his identity on the world outside the mask; and for Jon, it is finding his calling to the world of capes. Which in retrospect, being dominated by their respective fathers (Bruce Wayne dominates the modern world to a tee, while Superman is the go-to standard bearer of the supers and metas).
Another is how Jon brings out the fun and wonder of their mis/adventures. The positive to Damian’s negative. But when all things considered, every time something goes south and haywire, Damian could look Jon in the eye and say that everything is fine, with all the conviction in the world, since they are better. Robin is so obnoxiously confident to the point that Jon has absolute trust in him.
Jon might be the cheerful kid, but when he has doubts, he always finds his way to Damian.
So this bromance is canon and valid. Fite me.
Their relationship is warm and wholesome, that it soothes my grudge for DC’s stripping a huge bulk of history to my favorite characters and even erasing a lot of their legacy and legacy characters.
With Super Sons ending, here is the list of comics that I am excited about, to fill the void that is Super Sons until August:
Detective Comics, Justice League: No Justice, and  Flash Wars, [Heavy spoilers ahead)]
Detective Comics (2016) 
At first, Batman’s story is confusing since the first story has new people as protagonists that I don’t care about when I started (Gotham and Gotham Girl) so I was procastinating with Detective Comics. But wait for the ending. Just wait. I’m crying. The Batgirls together, Cass being ‘there’, Timbo being okay-ish which is more than I can ask for, and seeing Batwoman having a steadier stand in the Bats.
But more importantly, is this! 
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Also please give me a moment for Tim. Let me just say that Rebirth is a tragedy to Tim. He was killed, imprisoned, his partner and mentor died (Bruce), his Robin title taken, his team gone, his best friends wiped off existence (Conner and Bart), and with his direction leading to a future-Tim straight out of his worst fears…his happiness is well deserved.
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Justice League: No Justice (2017)
Wow, just wow. It comes after DC Metal but you don’t need to know what craziness happened there before you could read this series. All you have to know is something bad happened, which led to something worse, and spiraled into the below negatives pronto. There is just overload of the cast of heroes and villains, but even so, the narrative helps me get into their character without burdening the plot. You just need to read that very small print but overall…this is exciting! I think there are three authors here, but nevertheless, it works (maybe because they check each other that during the writing process that it just flows right into action).
I feel bad because I can’t help gleefully getting hyped every time an astronomical turn of events ruins our heroes’ chances…let’s name it Amanda-Waller-should-die-in-a-ditch…but it’s just so dire and the consequences just piles and piles into a mountain-load of odds against them. And it’s just soooo awesome. Because I know they will succeed and I will be there pining for my heroes when they saved the universe again. This tension is the thing Super Sons lacks…but SS is targetted to kids so it’s okay, I guess. And it has Damian, so yey!
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Flash Wars (Flash 2016 Annual, Flash (2016) #39-45) 
Okay. This one needs a lot of personal rants. I mean really. You know how Rebirth has been silent on all the lost history and bulk of the legacy characters being gone out of smoke? With all the DC current line up being self-aware that there are missing pieces…but no one is willing to address it because they forgot? I get it, like how are you going to fix something you don’t even know existed? And every time these inconsistencies came up, I have my heart in my throat, being reminded of that one giant hole of absence and emptiness it represented. 
Remember that one time in Super Sons of Tomorrow when Clark can’t remember Superman-Conner? Or that time Bat-Tim asked Red Robin to apologize for him to Conner but Tim can’t remember? (I know it’s mostly Conner, but I’m biased here, ‘kay? K)
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And this is where Wally comes in. He shouldn’t exist. (Flash: Rebirth Annual)
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This is so precious because it’s possible for them to be back! And I somehow projected all my grudges towards DC to him, because he can do it. The kids are gone! The kids! All the families have lost their loved ones and they can’t even grieve because they don’t know what was taken from them! But Wally knows. He felt it. It’s really painful to watch him break down. 
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He is confused and in pain, and he just wants everything he had fought from the very beginning to be back. Like fudge it! Barry placating him also makes sense since he’s been there in Flashpoint, and JLA has a long list of bad records of changing the present as a bad idea that never ended well for anyone (exhibit a, Booster Gold in Batman #45-47).
But I don’t want Wally to be placated…because, he’s me. I want him so much to be the exception. To succeed. You know its a screw-up but the results may as well be worth everything in the world.
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I realized a pattern to what I like in DC. Give me any story about DC family fighting for and helping each other, and I’m sold. A lot of people are daunted by the massive archive of history of DC Universe, but if you take away their history, you take away their story. And I am here to stay for the story. 
I know that the comic industry is hitting a big market slump from the sales. But let’s support this industry. Because I just want my heroes to have a home. TT v TT
After two years of Super Sons I would like to say thank you. Being in tumblr makes me feel less lonely. The likes and the notes and messages are something that made happy and helped me to become productive.
My country does not have much of a market for American comics. And I already gave up on having legit copies due to financial reasons. I don’t know if I could maintain the blog once classes start, but here’s hoping for the best. “ ^ ” )/
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supercorpdork · 7 years
A Crush on Supergirl?
Summary: When Cat Grant visits CatCo with her son, Carter, Lena and Carter find out they have something in common.
A/N: In this fic, Kara and Lena are already in a romantic relationship and Lena knows that Kara is Supergirl.
Cat Grant was like a mythical figure at CatCo Worldwide Media. The Queen of all Media was still highly respected and admired by the CatCo employees. Those who worked there during Cat's time as CEO remembered her with a mix of fondness and fear. Those who joined the organization after Cat left heard the stories of her as this powerful, over bearing, innovative, occasionally kind, but always cut throat woman.
Lena Luthor bought CatCo with the understanding that she would never live up to the legacy of Cat Grant. However, Lena did not understand how overwhelming it would be when Cat came to visit.
"Oh wow, this place really has gone to crap." The cold, snarky voice of Cat Grant was immediately recognizable.
Kara and James were quick to greet Cat with enthusiasm. Lena observed her predecessor with caution from the security of James' office. She was surprised to see that Cat had young boy with her. He looked like he was in his preteens or early teens. He had brown hair and blue eyes. His varying expressions of boredom as Cat went on about her time at the White House made Lena smile.
Lena saw Kara take the boy by the hand and lead him to James' office. Lena quickly sat down at James' desk and tried to look like she had been working instead of watching.
Kara knocked on the door and opened it before Lena had finished saying, "Come in."
"Carter, this is Lena Luthor." Kara said. "And Lena, this is Cat Grant's son, Cater."
"Hey." Carter said.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Carter." Lena said. She held out her hand but Carter was too busy looking at his phone to notice.
Lena awkwardly put her hand down. She saw Kara hold back a giggle. Lena nudged her silly girlfriend on the arm.
"Carter, this used to be you're mom's office." Kara said. "Do you remember?"
"Of course." Carter sounded annoyed when he answered. He plopped down in a chair and kept his focus on his phone.
Kara pushed up her glasses. "I don't know if you remember me that well, but I worked with your mom for a while. I picked you up from school one day."
"I remember." Carter said. Lena thought for a second she saw the corners of his lips twitch into a smile. "You were really nice. And my mom still talks about you sometimes."
Kara looked pleasantly surprised. "She does?"
Kara looked from Lena to Cater. "I guess we better go." Kara said. "Come on, Carter."
"I'd rather wait here." Carter said. "I've seen this place before and I've heard my mom complain about the changes that have been made a million times."
Kara looked nervous. "Oh, well....."
"He can stay here." Lena said. "It's fine with me. I know from personal experience how boring it can be when you're parents force you to come see where they work."
"Ok. I'll be back in just a few minutes." Kara said before leaving.
At first, it was awkwardly quiet. Lena didn't have any actual work in front of her and she wasn't sure how long she could fake it by shuffling around papers. She noticed Carter had put his phone away and was now staring at her.
"Do you need something?" Lena asked.
Carter pointed to the monitors behind the desk. Lena turned and saw that the news was talking about Supergirl and how she recently saved National City from a Dominator attack.
Lena beamed. "Supergirl is pretty amazing, isn't she?"
Carter just nodded. He seemed hypnotized by the footage of Supergirl fighting the Dominator. He got out of the chair and walked up close to the monitor.
Lena felt proud watching her girlfriend use her super strength and heat vision to take down yet another threat to the city. What truly amazed Lena was how her adorkable Kara, who this morning snorted milk out of her nose laughing at cartoons, could also be this poised warrior.
The report finished and Lena saw the light fade out of Carter's eyes.
"Big fan?" Lena asked.
"She's so cool. She's done more than Superman. She fought Reign, Reactron, the Silver Banshee, Roulette, Bloodsport, Scorcher, and a bunch of alien armies. Plus, she saved me once." The light in Carter's eyes was back as he spoke about Supergirl.
"She did?"
"It was two years ago. There was this bomber and he attacked Maxwell Lord's train. I was there and Supergirl saved me and all the other passengers." Carter enthusiastically recounted.
"Wow!" Lena was genuinely impressed. "Supergirl has saved so many in so many different ways it's hard to keep track of all the good she's done."
"She must be the nicest person ever." Carter said.
"Yeah, she's so selfless and caring."
"And she's cute." Carter said. He blushed as the words left his mouth. Lena suspected he didn't mean to say that out loud.
"She is very cute." Lena agreed. This seemed to ease Carter's embarrassment.
"Look at her muscular legs as she kicks the bad guys or the way her hair flows when she flys!" Carter mused.
Lena giggled. "Or the way she smiles once the city is safe."
"Yeah, I like her smile." Carter said. "I like her everything."
"Do you have a crush on Supergirl?"
Carter's eyes widen. Another monitor was showing another news report featuring Supergirl.
"Definitely." Carter said, his eyes glued to the screen. "How could you not?"
Lena licked her lips. "That's a good question."
"Do you think she has a boyfriend?" Carter asked in a low voice.
Lena blushed. She tilted her head to one side and crossed her arms over her chest. "I think I can confidently say no, she doesn't."
"I wonder if guys break up with her because they get jealous that she's so strong."
"Well, a real partner who loves her wouldn't let their jealousy get in the way of their relationship. They would admire Supergirl's strength and see it as something to aspire to, not something to resent her for." Lena was captivated by Supergirl's heroics on TV and forgot who she was talking to. "Besides, all that strength and.." Lena shivered. "Stamina could be very useful in a romantic relationship."
Lena saw the bemused look Carter was giving her and quickly cleared her throat. She shuffled around some more paper to try and release her nervous energy.
"I have a theory about Supergirl." Carter said.
Lena raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"
Carter peeked around the room. He whispered, "I think she pretends to be normal most of the time. Hiding her powers until she needs to use them to save somebody."
Lena was taken aback by the accuracy of Carter's theory. She tried to act casual. "What makes you think that?"
"We only see her when she wants us to see her. But she has to do normal things sometimes too. And she probably has a family and friends and stuff, who would be in danger if bad guys found out that she was Supergirl." Carter explained. "She's obviously good at keeping the secret. We pass her on the street or see her in a store and not even know we're right next to Supergirl!"
Just then, the office door opened and Kara walked in. "Hey." She said. "What are you two talking about?"
"Supergirl!" Carter said.
Kara smiled. "Ah, you know, Lena is a pretty big fan of Supergirl."
Lena glared at her. "Yes, I am. But, Supergirl is so humble. She never lets the attention go to her head."
Kara blushed. "I'm sure she appreciates your support. Umm- I mean, everyone's support." Kara corrected herself. "I bet she couldn't do it without people who believe in her."
"CATER, LET'S GO!" Cat Grant shouted from outside.
"Coming!" Carter yelled back. He turned to Lena. "I gotta go. It was nice meeting you."
"Nice meeting you too." Lena said.
Carter held out his hand and Lena shook it. They both smiled and Carter ran out of the office to meet his mom.
Kara watched him leave. "He has such a huge crush on Supergirl." she said.
Lena walked up to Kara and warped her around Kara. Their lips brushed.
"How could anyone not?" Lena whispered.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Jupiter’s Legacy: From Page to Screen
This article is presented by:
How do you bring a comic book to life? It’s a question that studios have been struggling with since they first began making live-action superhero serials in the 1940s. Netflix’s newest comic book series adapts Image Comics’ metatext on the medium, Jupiter’s Legacy. Created by Mark Millar and Frank Quitely, the story centers on two generations of heroes. In its quest to bring this story to life, Netflix has enlisted costume designer Lizz Wolf. Though she’s new to the superhero genre, she has plenty of experience with massive actioners—including Rambo, The Expendables, and Pacific Rim: Uprising–and she dived in head-first to create a unique and vibrant visual landscape which respected the comics while bringing the texture and depth needed to translate the archetypal heroes to the small screen. 
In an unusual series of events, Wolf was brought on very early in the production in order to allow her to build the sartorial universe of Jupiter’s Legacy from the ground up. It was a rare chance for the costume designer to truly create something immersive and all-encompassing. “This project was an opportunity that very few costume designers get,” Wolf says. “In order to conquer the Herculean task of bringing the vast universe that Mark Millar and Frank Quitely had created to life, I had to strap myself in for the ride of a lifetime.” 
Seeing that world come to life has been nothing short of a joy for artist and Jupiter’s Legacy co-creator Quitely. While the show does bring plenty of new layers to the costuming and characters, he was blown away by how much inspiration they took from the comics. Even when things were changed he feels it was for the better. 
“Where they have embellished things, it’s not so much that they’ve done their own thing,” Quitely says, “it’s that they’ve taken what we had in the comic, and they’ve added to it and translated it in a way that’s going to work better for television. It’s a very interesting process for me to see.”
So how did Wolf get started on translating such an epic series through the lens of costuming? 
“As this universe is literally littered with superheroes and villains with varying degrees of power, I created a doctrine based on the character depictions in the comic book,” she says. “A platform of their capabilities and back stories. This was the connective tissue to then assemble a visual language and start the design process. This design language was a culmination of the extensive research we did for each of the superheroes and their subgroups. I relied heavily on science and nature to guide me. I was inspired by everything from the natural world, architecture, black line tattoos, ancient symbols, alchemy, microbial photography, atomic ordering, complex life forms, and parametric equations.”
When it came to directly adapting the costumes from the comics, for Wolf it was a balance of respect and inspiration. 
“In the beginning, I focused on the story to inform the design,” she says. “In order to achieve a cinematic feel, we had to extrapolate what was intrinsic to telling the story through an emotional color palette, composition, function, and the capabilities of each member of the Union from the source material. Then, of course, we had to pump them into three-dimensional characters.” 
When Quitely visited the set, he got to explore those three-dimensional reimaginings of his art, something that he calls a privilege. While he visited each and every part of the production, and enjoyed it all, the costume department was something of a highlight for the creator. 
“They were very faithful to all the main costumes,” Quitely explains. “But because there are so many supporting characters, they had basically come up with a lot of costumes that were just inspired by what they’d already found in the comic. That was really great to see.”
Discovering the creators were fans of her designs early on was an unforgettable moment for Wolf. She was keen to talk about their impact on her, and what she called a seminal vision of superheroes. So when Millar, Quitely, and the showrunners came back with good things to say, it was “the catalyst of confidence” for her. “It was truly a professional high point to hear that Mark [Millar] had liked the designs and the direction we were going in.” Wolf says. “That acknowledgment was everything!”
Paying homage to the silhouettes and color schemes of the comics costumes was key to Wolf. But she wanted to amp up the technology and detail. With suits that have to exist over decades, it was vital to make sure that they had durability and that classic Golden Age vibe. “These suits had to travel the expanse of 100-plus years and hold up, as well as remain relevant and be able to inspire generations to come,” she says. “That was a challenge!” 
Read more
Jupiter’s Legacy Ending Explained
By Bernard Boo
Jupiter’s Legacy: Mark Millar on the Genesis of His Superhero Story
By Aaron Sagers
Wolf battled through those challenges and found unexpected inspiration in the works of industrial 3D knitters. Diving deep into this new creative process gave Wolf a new insight, and what she called “single thread technology” led to the basis of what she describes as the show’s “suit mythology,” which also shaped the designs of the next generation’s suits. 
Taking inspiration from anatomical artists like George Bridgman and Andrew Loomis, Wolf crafted a musculature for the super suits that was exaggerated yet natural. And she even built the origin of their powers, imbued following an “event,” into the suits. “This muscular structure was a molecular reaction of this event integrated into the suit itself,” she says. 
That level of detail was something that immediately stuck out to Quitely. He was particularly excited by the intricate detailing that Wolf and her team added. Though the costumes might look the same from a distance, up close Quitely found an impressive array of subtle details, including emblems and alien patterns built into the material itself. “They’ve put so much thought and love and enthusiasm into the way they’ve gone about recreating this world, making it bigger and fuller in a way that will work for television,” Quitely says. “It’s been fantastic.”
Wolf was equally as enamoured with the process, describing it as a highlight of her storied career. “Designing the superheroes was an incredible thrill! I’ve experienced nothing like it. I’d have to say overall that Jupiter’s Legacy is my favorite project that I have ever done!” 
Sacred Geometry
Lizz Wolf added a unique costume detail which created its own visual language, much of which was inspired by the concept of “Sacred Geometry.” The term references the idea of ascribing meaning and symbolism to certain geometric shapes and proportions. While usually used in religious buildings and art, Wolf strived to craft a superheroic Sacred Geometry for each of the six Union members using symbolic emblems and totems which were later integrated into their suits. “These were extractions or reflections of each character’s individual journey.” Wolf explains. 
While researching the look of Jupiter’s Legacy, the team discovered amateur micro photography of frozen ice crystals. This naturally occurring phenomenon developed into the overall language of the costumes. “We created a series of these lichen-like formations that represented expressions or glyphs based on an alphabet of sorts,” Wolf says. “It was used on each of the Union’s super suits as an adornment or to create declarations.”
Read more
Jupiter’s Legacy: Josh Duhamel on Becoming The Utopian
By Ed Gross
Jupiter’s Legacy: Leslie Bibb and the History of Lady Liberty
By Ed Gross
The Utopian signified a particular challenge as his plain white suit was simple yet iconic. But Wolf built on his archetypal comic book silhouette that she felt represented the mythology of the character. While she didn’t feel like he was particularly formidable at first, once they built in Sheldon’s own Sacred Geometry which was built from “extractions from conjured celestial maps that could have guided Sheldon in his calling” the costume designer reveals, “he emerged to be very intimidating.” 
Dressing Two Generations of Superheroes
Jupiter’s Legacy is a story about family, two generations of distinctly different heroes. The older and more archetypal group known as the Union are shaped by idealistic dreams and Golden Age comics. Then there’s the children of the Union, whose lives have been molded by their parents’ fame, privilege, and celebrity endorsement campaigns. When it comes to costuming, the differences are clear. The Union wear classic superhero suits, making them icons of hope and heroics. But their children rock civilian outfits, still just as recognizable but a clear rejection of the traditions of their family. 
The Utopian 
When it came to designing The Utopian, Quitely looked towards Superman and other classic Golden Age stories. But for costume designer Lizz Wolf, it was all about building only on what already existed in the comics. Keeping his white silhouette was key and Wolf “built on the mythology of the character,” giving him what she calls an “almost archaic, statuesque feel.” She adds that building that texture was key. “This is where the musculature was profound in exhibiting his mortal strength,” she explains. “This brought majesty to his suit, and then Josh Duhamel brought his god-like presence!” 
One of the most significantly different costumes is that of Skyfox. Gone are his leotard/undies from the comics. Instead, Wolf crafted something with “a rugged sexiness.” The team retained his “iconic color scheme that is certainly a nod to royalty and his social status as George Hutchence.” But rather than drawing directly from the comics, they shifted tactics.
Read more
Jupiter’s Legacy: Matt Lanter on Becoming Skyfox
By Ed Gross
Jupiter’s Legacy: David Julian Hirsh Couldn’t Wait to Play Blue Bolt
By Ed Gross
“His inspiration was part gunslinger, part playboy, 100% badass,” Wolf says. “His equipment is intentionally worn low on hips to provoke that rock star, cowboy vibe. He also has what amounts to the ‘Rosetta Stone’ of the Union embedded in his suit. The crowning element is his fractal-like Fox emblem. It’s like a talisman inspired by his fox-themed heirloom jewelry pieces from the 1920s.”
Another slight shift was Brainwave. In the comics, his suit evolves in the modern age. But Wolf decided to keep his iconic early look for the entire series. “This allowed us to really make his suit beam and keep his natural swagger evident. I love his suit and his veining motif. He just lights up in it and it appears to be actively circulating.”
Read more
Jupiter’s Legacy: Ben Daniels Plays Mind Games as Brainwave
By Ed Gross
Jupiter’s Legacy: Andrew Horton on the Importance of Being Paragon
By Ed Gross
Wolf reveals that a strange mistake ended up playing a vital part. “That fabrication was one of those divine accidents. During our R&D period, a run of printed fabric went in an unintentional direction. That material mysteriously became more radiant when stretched over his muscular structure. That mistake became the end result.”
The Union
For artist Frank Quitely and writer Mark Millar, the Union’s costumes were key, as were their influences.
“We went right back to Superman and Batman. The early Marvel and DC heroes. The heroes from the mid 1930s through the ’40s, ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s,” Quitely says. The older generation wear traditional suits making them easily identifiable as heroes. “We were looking at everything that had gone before. We were wanting things that were recognizable and reminiscent of classic superheroes, even for people that weren’t immersed in comic book culture. Most people have got a rough idea of what Superman and Spider-Man are about. We wanted to deal with archetypes and representations of superheroes that would still strike some kind of chord with people that only had a passing interest.”
The Next Generation 
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Growing up in Scotland shaped Quitely’s choice to make the younger generation’s uniforms their everyday outfits. “I read a lot of comics when I was younger. Desperate Dan, Dennis the Menace, The Broons. The characters tend to wear the same clothes,” he explains. “It’s the same with your Saturday morning cartoons like Scooby-Doo. Their costumes are part of the aesthetic of each character. They wear the same clothes and colors all the time because it makes them more recognizable. To some extent we did that with the characters in Jupiter’s Legacy that didn’t have a superhero costume. Even if the clothes change, they have a recognizable style. And it’s important to try to stick with that because it helps build the character and it helps make the visual storytelling easy to follow.”
Jupiter’s Legacy premieres on Netflix on May 7. Read more about the series in our special edition magazine!
The post Jupiter’s Legacy: From Page to Screen appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3eyJBAf
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not everything can be saved || Batfamily
I was actually ranting about supernatural but I won’t put it here because it’s too long.
yes, this is a crossover!
Requested on wattpad!
Prompt 1;  Hunter reader(supernatural) x Jason Todd Prompt 2;  Yay!!!!!!!! So I was thinking like a batfamily supernatural cross over Sam and dean come to goth because of some strange deaths that have happened that has even the batfam on edge more than usual I'll let you pick the monster and of course cas has to be there but the boys and batfam run into problems with they have to work together because of how Sam and dean what to handle a monster by killing it in the bat family except for Jason and Damien don't want to do that because they think there might be a better way only to seee there isn't and Sam and dean kill the creature
The reader is from Gotham, an old friend of Jason and Bruce.
"Gotham city?" Dean's voice ringed throughout the library, you were sitting down across from him and flipped the page of the thick book you were reading, barely lifting your head to look at the older Winchester.
"Apparently, random civilians started going nuts in there." Sam butted in, walking over to the table and leaned his lower back against it.
"So? It doesn't mean that it's our gig!" Dean leaned back against his seat, closing the laptop shut with a loud thud earning himself a glare from Sam, Dean held his hands up in a mock surrender and continued, "is nobody gonna question that friggin' Gotham exists!?"
After deciding it was enough to hear Dean's rambling, you sighed, closing your book. "Dean calm down."
"Gotham City!? I mean---really!?"
You shrugged as Sam showed Dean a recent newspaper.
"That means Batman is real!" Dean stood up abruptly from his chair, slamming his palms on the wooden surface of the table after he was done reading the news.
"And Superman too," Sam paused, "...maybe."
"Well, what makes it our gig?" You asked, trying to get them back on track.
Their attention soon went back to you, Sam cleared his throat and show you another newspaper. It was probably a week old since the paper a little crumpled, probably Sam kept on flipping it when he was researching about a suspicious thing before finally come up with the one in Gotham.
Sam pointed at a certain paragraph, "here."
"Missing people?" You read the article with your head slightly tilted, lists of names of the people that were missing was there. You soon take the newest newspaper and compared the lists with the new ones, where people were sent to the Asylum, Jail and those who killed themselves. You spotted a few similar names, "well, it is weird, but they could be tortured when they were kidnapped and traumatized so they sent them there."
"Exactly, traumatized, not aggressive." Sam pointed out as he waved a hand in front of Dean's face to get him out of his trance, "you remember the people who lost their soul back then? Including me. Get into their nerves, you're dead meat."
Dean who was staring into nothing slumped back into his seat, running his fingers through his hair as he licked his suddenly dry lips, "I can't believe this, I thought I've seen everything."
Your phone soon ringed, it was from your past friend, Dean wouldn't stop shaking and rambling if he knew where you came from. "Hello?"
"Hey, I need your help."
You drove the Impala to Gotham, yes, Dean allowed you since he didn't know the way. For once you were sitting in the front seat with Sam while Dean sitting in the backseat, he leaned forward so he could see the way and lectured you to be careful with Baby.
You arrived at night, you should've looked for a motel but you had a very much better idea. You pulled up the car in front of an apartment before leading them into an alleyway near there.
"Dean, call your boyfriend. We might need his help." You pondered loudly as you stopped walking and rested your back against the wall.
"B--boyfriend?" He stuttered, looking at you with his bitch face.
"She means Cas, Dean." Sam snickered.
Dean grumbled something under his breath as he prayed for Castiel to get his feathery ass down and help all of you, soon enough a rustle of feathers was heard and Castiel appeared behind him, making the older Winchester jump in surprise.
"Damn it, Cas!"
"Sorry, Dean."
You waited for a few more minutes, the boys slowly getting impatient since they were starting to pace around, well it was Dean who paced around while Sam and Cas stayed calm.
"What are we waiting for?"
You felt a hand resting on your shoulder, you looked up to  see a man in a red helmet with a red bat symbol on his chest, "took you long enough."
Dean's head whipped around, a questioning look appeared on his handsome features but he wasn't the one who asked a question, it was Cas, "I thought the man of bat wears all black?"
"He does," The tall man beside you spoke, his voice sound just slightly muffled by the helmet he wore so you still could recognize who he was just by his voice, "Because I'm no Batman, I ain't going to be one."
A grin spread across your face, "you upgraded?" the words were meant to tease but he didn't seem bothered by it.
"It's a long story, I don't think if I tell you, you will believe me."
A scoff came from you as a response, you crossed your arms as you stared up at him in a challenging manner. "Try me, Red."
"Let's go to my safehouse first for some privacy, I don't think the old man is ready for some--Ghostbusters going into his cave before we explain everything to him."
"These Ghostbusters are here to save your bacon." Dean rolled his green eyes just before Redhood disappears up to the roof after giving you a coordinate to his safehouse.
"Who was that?" Castiel asked again, being a curious baby in a trenchcoat that he was, with his adorable head tilt that had never failed to make you breathed out an aww without getting embarrassed to which you just did.
"That was my old friend."
"Old friend?" Sam asked curiously while you answered with a curt nod.
"Let's go and I'll tell you everything when all of us are gathered."
The two families gathered around in Jason's safehouse, it was so crowded but you were still a little grateful that you could breathe without struggling. You were practically squeezed between Sam and Dean, Cas sat on the arm couch by Dean. Oh, how much you wanted to shove Cas into Dean's lap.
"So, you were dead?" You asked Jason a little too casually, who could blame you really.
"Yeah, pretty much."
Then silence.
"Oh?" Robin a.k.a Damian Wayne slash little Bruce Wayne a.k.a not-so-literally Demon Spawn spoke up (they thought it was no use to wear their masks since Dean, Sam and Cas already know Bruce's identity), amused with your and the boys' reply.
"Well..." You shook your head, "nevermind that, let's just get back on track. Tim, can you show Sam the correct lists of the people who  went missing?"
"Yes, come on." Tim gestured to another room, Sam following. Tim looked
"Cas, bring Damian and Dick (yes he was there) to the GCPD and see the vics." Your voice was stern and full of authority, you could see Damian frowned, you knew he was about to protest but said nothing. "Bruce, you go with Dean to the asylum."
"Awesome, the Batmobile." The older Winchester visibly grinned with glee as he followed Bruce out of the safehouse.
On the other hand, Dick walked over to Cas and gave him a mask, "here, we can't risk them to see your face."
Cas tilted  his head curiously, "why?"
"Secret identity thingy," Dick explained simply and helped him put on his mask before Castiel put his hands on Dick's and Damian's shoulders then disappeared with a flap of his wings.
Jason looked at the spot where his brothers and Castiel once stood with his mouth open ajar, "he--- what? How?"
You let out a sigh and began to explain everything to him, from how you met the Winchesters and Castiel,  how you became a hunter after watching your friend got killed by a werewolf. You didn't tell him everything though,  it was a story for another time. You fill him up with everything and vice versa.
"No wonder you didn't bat an eyelash when I told you I came back from the dead." Jason crossed his arms across his chest as he sat down beside you while you did some researching yourself to get the case over with as fast as possible.
"Yeah, in my world there are so many deaths I'm so fed up with it, I'm glad you came back though," you flipped a page of the book you brought from the bunker, "that explains why you didn't contact me for a long time."
Jason peeked at the book over your shoulder after he scooted closer to you, he didn't understand anything that was written in the book. Mostly about monsters. The only monsters he knew where the Joker and his nightmares.
"This is your job?" Jason asked as he read the part about demons.
"Yeah, I do road trips with those boys, sometimes I stay in the Bunker to do the research."
"You have a Bunker?"
"The Winchesters are Legacy, as they put it, and I won't call it a Bunker though, it's more like home than Bunker to me."
A hum rumbled in Jason's throat while you changed the book and began to read before you finally stopped to blink your slowly drying eyes.
"Geez, they took longer than I thought they would."
As if on cue, Sam came out from the room he was in earlier with Tim as they chatted.
"God, don't tell me your friend is a nerd too." Jason groused as he looked up at his younger brother, arms still crossed over his toned chest.
"Sammy is a nerd, a hot nerd." You corrected confidently, giving the tall Winchester a wink. Sam rolled his eyes in reply to your teasing while you chuckled as you unconsciously leaned slightly against Jason, "what you got?"
"So, get this...the victims had a cut on a part of their bodies, it was random though, whoever it was seemed not to care about where they cut his victims," Sam showed you a picture of the recent victim, "this one is in the neck."
"What kind of psychopath is that?" Tim piped in.
"It couldn't be the Joker," Jason shuddered when his torturer's name rolled off his tongue, still traumatized with the memory, you placed a hand on his arm to comfort the ravenette emitting a sigh from him, "then who?"
Castiel soon came back with Dick and Damian who were holding their heads in their hands, Dick let out a groan, clutching his dark hair in his hands tighter.
"Ugh, this is worse than getting punched in the gut." Dick protested, "I think I'm gonna throw up."
You watched the poor male ran towards the toilet to puke out his dinner, Damian though, he clutched his stomach as he slumped down to his knees. Groaning to hold back his own sickness.
"Buckle up, Robin." Jason jostled.
"The victims have no soul," Castiel informed you, you weren't surprised but Jason did.
"Wait, literally soulless?" Asked Jason.
"Yes," Castiel responded.
"Is there a way to get the victims soul back?"
"It depends." You answered Tim's question for Sam and Castiel, sighing in frustration soon after. The only hope you got was Bruce and Dean's information and all you had to do was to wait for a little longer. Taking the remaining time to rest.
After Dean and Bruce came back from the asylum, they told you about a victim that managed to escape from her captor. They explained everything about her captor, they also mentioned that the victim said that she was a hot man making you breathing out a laugh but then again explains how he got his preys.
"She also mentioned that he used an Angel Blade." Dean finished, the sun had risen and the rest had changed out of their suits.
"What kind of monster that has an Angel Blade?" Castiel wondered out loud.
You were laying down on the couch, legs draped over Jason's lap while Jason himself had his green eyes closed, still tired from last night yet somehow managing to listen to everything.
"If it is a monster," you tiredly speak up, all of them raised an eyebrow at you at the same time but you were too tired to laugh. The only word that came out from your mouth was, "Grigori."
Castiel growled, his fists clenching, "Abomination."
Bruce and his sons, except for Jason who went to sleep again, stared at each other, clearly didn't understand anything you or Castiel were talking about.
Sam fixed his hair by tucking the stranded locks behind his ears and began explaining. "Grigori once was a squad of elite angels, they were watchers of the earth until some of them began feeding human souls."
"How do we catch it?" Bruce inquired after being silent for a long time, he looked frustrated with the situation. It wasn't logical but then nothing is, he could accept aliens being real...some monsters are made, but angels? No, it was maybe a little too much for the main Wayne.
Dean shook his head, he knew about Bruce 'no killing' rule which was an exact opposite from his usual ways to get his cases over with.
The Grigori had hurt a lot of people and his victims couldn't be saved anymore.
"Sorry to break it to you man, the only thing that could stop them is to kill them." Dean sat down on a chair near the couch you were laying on, "your no-kill rule doesn't work in my kind of job."
"Is there really no other way?" Bruce tried to argue, exasperated with the thought of killing a human being.
"I'm sorry," you shook your head sadly, sitting up before fixing your bed hair with your fingers, looking at the slowly waking up Jason. He gave you a sleepy smirk as he fixed his own messy hair. "There's no other way, he killed a lot of people and he's no human."
Tim and Dick looked at each other sadly, they also didn't like the idea. They say nothing to protest though. Meanwhile Damian, who was used to the word death and kill, just stared at the rest tiredly. He also got no sleep. Poor kid.
"I'm really sorry Bruce." You apologized sympathetically, looking up into his saddened sky blue eyes. "Not everything can be saved."
Bruce slowly nodded and declared to finish the problem at night, he couldn't believe himself for agreeing to kill. He knew whoever or whatever they were, were not human, not anymore at least. The thought made it easier to do the job.
The day passed, you spent the entire day by sleeping and eating, occasionally talking with Jason and helped him with his gun. Dean, Sam, and Cas went out to explore Gotham before getting some sleep themselves and the rest went back to the manor to get their own business done.
When the night comes, all of you were ready with the plan. You were the bait since the Grigori seemed only interested in women because they were an easy prey.
Jason, being a good friend that he was, protested with the idea. He didn't like it, of course you had explained that you were used to it, you knew the risks and consequences but Jason was stubborn, he ended up joining you---well, watching you from afar, his gun that was filled with bullets that were made from Angel Blade was ready in his grasp, blocking it from other people's view with his leather jacket as the other hid somewhere out of everybody's eyes, their weapons were ready in their hands.
It wasn't long for the Grigori to show up, he was a good-looking man really. You had to act as if you were enchanted with his words and agreed to go out from the bar after an hour-long sitting in there.
He led you to a car, probably his or maybe stolen, you could care less about it, he opened the passenger seat for you, motioning you to get in which you did. Faking a smile to make it less suspicious.
The street was almost empty, only one or two car passed. No people walking by either.
The man joined to sit on the driver seat before he looked at you with a smug smirk, "does anybody ever told you how pretty you are?" He started, leaning closer to you.
You slowly backing up but reaching your hand up to cup his stubbly cheek, giving him a coy smile as you answered, "I think you just did."
You heard him chuckle, his lips were so close to yours. His hand went to rest against the car window behind you as the other rummaged his pocket, "did I?"
You had to let out a fake shriek as you dodged when a bullet went through the man's head, then another and another. The man groans loudly, he gave you a glare before he finally screamed painfully as a blinding light went out of his mouth and eyes, as an instinct you covered your eyes with your hands.
You didn't realize the car door was opened until Jason's voice run reached your ear.
You moved your hands from your eyes, looking at Jason who had half of his torso inside the car to move the corpse to the backseat before he went into the driver's seat.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, yeah. Where are the others?"
"They left first to free some of his victims." He motioned to the corpse behind you as he turns the key before driving down the street, "what we should do next?"
"Burn the body."
"That sounds so psychopathic," Jason tried to joke as he kept his eyes on the street while you laughed at his bad attempt, there was a silence between you two but he broke it. "When are you going to come back?"
"But I can stay."
"Really?" He inquired, glancing at you from time to time.
"Yeah, let me give the boys a call." You started to fiddle with your phone before bringing it up against your ear.
"Good because I want to bring you somewhere."
You chuckled, Castiel was the one who picked up the call since he still had his phone. He told you that he and the Winchesters would stay for another few days. You smiled at the thought spending the last next few days with them and Jason.
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bridgetteirish · 7 years
A Winn/Cat Friendship Fic by Bridgette Irish. (with a little side of Supercat)
Full text under the cut.  Or read it here on AO3
Summary:   Amidst all the turmoil they have been through and witnessed while trying to keep Kara safe and sane, Winn and Cat find in each other an unusual but enduring friendship. A series of scenes showing the progression of this friendship.
A big thanks to @reginalovesemma for the edits!  And for coming along with me for this little Brotp.
He was playing Minecraft and fighting back tears when the heavy-bottomed tumbler thumped on his desktop and the shapely figure of his boss planted itself against the front, next to his chair.  It was exactly where Kara had stood, just minutes before, and told him she didn’t want things to change between them.  She’d broken his heart with tears in her eyes and while he tried so hard not to be angry, it had proven an impossible feat. He knew he wasn’t supposed to be mad.  He knew he was supposed to be supportive and accept the friendship being offered.  He knew, ultimately, her happiness was the most important thing, but the evil thought that kept running through his mind was… what about my happiness? He followed the line of Cat’s hip where it leaned against his desk and met her eyes before his own could get too caught up lingering in places that could get him fired… or killed.  For a split second his fear overwhelmed his sadness and he stuttered.  “H-Hi, Miss Grant.  Did you need something?  Something techy?”  He rolled his eyes internally at his idiocy and picked up a Superman stress ball to give his hands something to do.
Cat’s manicured finger tapped the edge of the glass twice.  “I often find that a good scotch hurts enough going down that the rest of the pain fades away temporarily.” Winn’s face fell and he turned back to his game.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Oh come on, Winslow.”  Winn snapped his head up at her use of his full name.  “I may not have Kiera’s superhearing, but I know a ‘let him down easy’ conversation from a mile away.” She held up a hand.  “Please don’t deny it.  She’ll never know I know.  Just… drink.  And if that one doesn’t dull the pain, come in and have another.  Then go home.  Tomorrow, after she’s gone, we can do this all over again.” Winn picked up the glass and swallowed the two fingers of thirty-year-old Macallan in one go.  This set off a coughing fit so severe he had tears running down his face.  He barely registered Cat patting his back forcefully.  “Good boy, Winslow.  Call it a night.  See you in the morning.” Winn gathered his things, shut off the tiny lamp at the corner of his desk and turned to give Miss Grant a thank you.  What he saw stopped him in his tracks.  Cat Grant had poured her own two fingers of scotch.  He clutched the strap of his messenger bag and watched as she downed it at once, poured two more and leaned her hands heavily against the bar, letting her head drop forward.  She couldn’t see him lingering through the curtain of blonde curls, so he turned quickly on his heels and left before she caught him staring. The next evening, after a fraught day of avoiding Kara’s eye contact and trying to look busy even though he couldn’t concentrate on anything, he heard Kara attempt a cheery “Bye Winn,” before heading to the elevators.  There was no mirth in her voice though.  It came out flat and dull and sad and it reminded him that she was probably hurting too.  He had tried, no less than half a dozen times that day, to approach her desk and apologize in some grand fashion, but each time his embarrassment and fear and that frustrating anger stopped him.  He knew she wasn’t obligated to like him and he was angry that he couldn’t let that be enough. When the elevator doors closed on Kara, he leaned forward and thumped his head against his keyboard, sending the screens into flashing chaos and causing a high-pitched whine to come from the speakers on his computer. The thump of the whiskey tumbler made him pop his head up where Cat Grant peered down at him like an avenging angel.  “Romantic Entanglement is not a valid reason to destroy company property, Winslow.  Now, drink up.”
 “I don’t think I should, Miss Grant.  I’ll stick to beer.  That stuff is…”
 “More per glass than your monthly cardigan budget.”  She smiled and lifted her own glass to her lips.  
 Winn took a pull, careful not to drink the entire glass.  He let out one healthy cough and clinked his glass against Cat’s before taking another tiny sip.  He indulged himself in a tiny moment of surrealism at drinking bourbon with Cat Grant at work.  
 “That’s more like it.  You’ll get used to it.”  She leaned against his desk just as she had the night before.  “Did you talk to her today?”
 Winn shook his head.  “I wanted to.  I’m humiliated.”  He sipped again and leaned his elbows on his knees.  He pondered for a second on how much to reveal, but there was something about the way Cat could pull the truth from people that made him want to confide in her.  He pressed on.  “What you don’t know, is that I kissed her.  Now every time she looks at me, that’s all she’ll remember.  God I’m such an idiot.”
 Cat rolled her eyes.  “Oh Winslow.  Would you really want to start some rushed love affair, only to find out later that the two of you have nothing in common beyond cardigans and capes?”
 Winn shrugged.  “It might have been nice to try.”
 Cat polished off her scotch and sauntered back into her office to refill at the bar, talking to Winn over her shoulder all the way.  “Take it from someone who’s been there.  There’s more heartache in the ‘try’ than in the ‘what if’.”
 The scotch had begun to go to Winn’s head so he didn’t think twice about following Cat toward her office.  He leaned against the glass doorjamb and waited for permission to enter.  “C’mon, Miss Grant.  Who wouldn’t want you?”  His eyes went impossibly wide and he drained his glass and held in his cough.
 Cat laughed openly.  “Nobody, silly boy, well, except Idris Elba, I suppose.  His loss.”  She crossed to her sofa and sat, gesturing to the seat across from her as an invitation.  Winn sat as Cat continued.  “My ex-wife was my best friend for years.  She was beautiful, charming, brilliant and she adored my son.  On paper,” Cat sipped and leaned forward, her focus entirely on the amber liquid in her glass, “she was flawless.”  Cat’s fingers were turning the glass in her hand, almost as though she’d forgotten Winn was there.
 “But?”  Winn was genuinely curious, but the sadness in Cat’s eyes was unfamiliar.  Something in him was compelling him to reach out, even if he got his hand bitten in the process.  
 “But when she kissed me after years of being friends, I… felt nothing.  No spark, no… chemistry.”  They both smiled at the joke and sipped in tandem.  It was well-known that Cat’s very public last marriage was to a Nobel Prize-winning chemist.  “But she was stable and loving and I wanted that for Carter.  So, I kept up the relationship… for far longer than either of us deserved…”  Winn met her eyes, which were shining with tears.  “And now… we can’t even be in the same room together.”  Her eyes went steely and she slid forward to lay her hand over Winn’s on his rocks glass.  “You don’t want to lose her friendship, Winslow.  I promise, the gift she’s offering you is far more precious than the one you’re reaching for.”
 Winn sighed.  She was right, of course.  And it would be up to Winn to reach out.  He resolved then and there to do just that.  “Thanks, Miss Grant.  I can see now why Kara turns to you.  It really might be your superpower.”
 Cat smiled a bit sadly.  “Carter’s home this week.  I need to go.”
 “Yeah!  Oh my god, yeah.  Of course.  Sorry.  Sorry.” He took her glass from her and crossed to set them on the bar.  “I’m gone.  Thanks for the… gasoline… again.”
 “Goodnight, Winslow.”
 Winn stopped and found a final bit of courage before he exited the office.  “Miss Grant?”
 Cat looked up from where she was putting her tablet into her oversized handbag.  
 “Why do you call me Winslow?”
 “It’s your name, isn’t it?”
 Winn shrugged.  “Well, yeah, but you never knew it before and you called me Toyman Jr. when my dad…” he trailed off, not quite trusting his voice and absolutely refusing to cry in front of Cat Grant.  “You don’t even call Kara by her name.  I know you know it.”
 Cat slung her bag over her elbow and crossed the room, prepared to leave.  “I’ve watched you, these past few days, face down the man who gave you that name, conquer your fear of it.  You are not him, Winslow..”  She raised her eyebrows at him.  “Don’t get used to hearing it in a full bullpen,” she said with a point of her finger.
 Winn was still feeling brave.  Later, after Cat scratched his eyes out for his impertinence, he would blame the scotch.  “What about Kara?  Why don’t you call her by her name?”
 Cat sighed and leaned against the doorjamb across from Winn, crossing her arms.  “Kara… has much to learn about her own legacy.  I watched her cousin learn how to do this in Metropolis.  She’ll get there.  Help her as much as you can.”  She gave Winn an affectionate pat on his shoulder and made her way to the elevator, leaving him alone in a stunned silence.
 Winn’s heart dropped as Kara left Cat’s office that evening.  She didn’t just look on the verge of tears.  She looked like her entire world had shattered.  He rushed to her desk as she began shoving things in her purse.  “Kara, what happened?”
 “Nothing, Winn.  I’m fine.  I’ll see you tomorrow.”
 He cut her off on her way to the elevators.  “You sure?  You don’t look fine.  We could do a milkshake and french fries night?”
 Kara shook her head and he knew instantly she wasn’t interested in company.  “Not tonight, Winn.  I’m just gonna patrol for a bit and hit the hay.”  She managed a small smile.  “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
 He stepped aside and watched her until the elevator door closed behind her.  He spun around to look into Cat’s office and was met with steely eyes behind distinctive reading glasses that were fixed on a spot over his shoulder.  It occurred to him that she, too, had watched Kara walk away and he now recognized that rare pain hiding behind her wall of bravado.  His heart gave a compassionate little thump and he was struck with a brilliant, stupid idea.
 A couple minutes of rummaging through his desk drawers produced a family size package of Red Vines and his old PS3.  He tapped on the glass with a knuckle and took Cat’s annoyed eyeroll as permission to enter her domain.
 “I know you use my office as a rec room when I’m away, Winslow.  Up until now you’ve at least had the good sense to wait until I’m out of the building first.”
 His first instinct was denial.  “What?  Miss Grant.  I don’t… I haven’t…  Alright, that happened once, with Carter, but it was a special circumstance.”
 Cat removed her glasses and sighed in exasperation.  “What do you want, Witt?
 The incorrect name almost had him fleeing back to his own desk, but he remembered how comforting it was for someone just to notice when he was hurting, so he dug up his spare courage and strode forward.  “I won’t ask what happened with Kara just now, but, I think it may be my turn to help you work through some heartache.”
 “Don’t be ridiculous.  Kiera and I had a disagreement.  She’s lucky I didn’t fire her.”  The glasses went back on and Cat turned back to her work.  She waved him off.  “Run along.”
 “I will.  I promise, but first…”  He crossed to her desk and laid the package of Red Vines next to her arm.  He pulled one out and held it in front of her face.  “Just have one.”  She looked at him with something very much like murder in her eyes, but he found, oddly, that he wasn’t afraid.  “You have scotch… I have Red Vines.”  Cat took a bite from the candy almost in defiance and peered up at him with that same murderous glare.  
 Winn sprung back into action.  As he spoke he began setting up the game console to project on the screens behind Cat’s desk.  “Now, I also find that killing zombies is also very therapeutic and since zombies are not real… yet… we have,” he held up his favorite stress relief game, “The Walking Dead.”  Cat didn’t speak as he ran through the buttons and actions in a brief crash course.  When he was finished, he laid the controller next to the Red Vines and stood back, shoving his hands in the back pockets of his pants.  “Okay.  I’ll go now, Miss Grant.  See you tomorrow.”
 Winn left the office and grabbed his bag from his desk.  When he was halfway across the bullpen, Cat’s voice finally rang out on the empty floor.  “Winslow.”  He turned to face her and was struck by the sad smile on her face.  “Thank you.”
 Winn clutched the strap of his bag and left.
 Winn had spent the last few hours of his day in the server room in the basement, making changes and updates.  Time passed oddly in the windowless, climate controlled room, lined with electronics.  He hadn’t realized how late it was and by the time he exited the elevator on the 40th floor, the bullpen was empty and the only light was coming from Cat’s office.  
 Her screens weren’t filled with the usual newsfeeds and constant barrage of voices.  Instead, as Winn approached his own desk, he realized that the images on the screens were that of his Walking Dead video game.  
 “Come on you undead bastards, come at me.” Three zombies died onscreen in rapid succession.  Winn grinned to himself and collected his Red Vines from the stash in his desk.
 He made his way silently to one of the chairs in front of the desk and watched in amused admiration for a few minutes.  She was a natural.  He couldn’t suppress a chuckle and at the sound, Cat jumped and whipped around to face him.  Her face darkened and he held out the candy as a peace offering.  She grabbed one length of candy and turned back to her game, hardly even acknowledging his presence.
 Emboldened by his past exchanges with Cat, buoyed by his recent reconciliation with Kara and a need to explain Kara’s odd behavior the other day, Winn spoke first.
 “It wasn’t her, y’know.  The other day.  When she was acting so weird.  She can’t ever know that I told you this, but it wasn’t her.”
 Cat pursed her lips and put down another half dozen walkers.  “And I suppose you were an accomplice in that particular deception.”
 “She was sick.  We… thought you’d fire her.  And, Miss Grant.... Kara loves this job.  She needs it.”
 Cat gave a ladylike snort and began slamming the controller buttons with unnecessary force.
 In the following minutes, Winn would question both his sanity and his will to live, but the look on Kara’s face when she met her replacement and the sag in her shoulders when she was dismissed from work early that afternoon gave him a superhero’s courage.  He cleared his throat and prepared for his demise.  “You didn’t need to hire Siobhan.”
 “And you don’t need to spend your entire day staring at her, but here we are.”
 “What?  I don’t… stare… Miss Grant.  I just… don’t trust her, so I’m keeping an eye on her.  That’s all…” He trailed off.  He knew that excuse wouldn’t fly.
 “Good night, Winslow.”  Cat took another Red Vine from the package and returned to her game.
 When Max Lord had said that it was Kara herself that threw Cat from her balcony, his heart sank to his feet and he forgot to breathe.
 “Miss Grant’s dead?”  He could hardly get the words out.
 “No, Cat’s fine, she has nine lives.”  Max’s bravado incensed him and as soon as he was able, Winn raced back into the city to find Cat, shaken but strong, sipping bourbon in her office.  She was standing at the open door to her balcony, just inside as though willing herself to step out.
 “Miss Grant!”  Winn ran across her office and swept her into a surprise hug before Cat could protest.  “I’m really glad you’re not dead,” he whispered into her shoulder.
 Cat patted him on the back awkwardly.  “Yes, well.  I’m alright.  Chin up, Winslow.  I need your help.”  She pulled him back and gave him a squeeze on his shoulder with her free hand.  She handed him the bourbon in her other.  “Find your courage, dear boy.  And find me a camera.  I’m going live in an hour.”
 Cat dabbed at an errant tear with her knuckle and avoided Winn’s watchful eyes.  Winn gave her a couple of minutes on her own while he packed up the camera and poured her a drink from the bar.  Something told him Red Vines weren’t going to cut it tonight.
 Cat accepted the drink and sipped, still refusing to look directly at him.  Winn leaned against the desk next to Cat’s chair, not unlike the way Cat had done the night he’d faced his own rejection by the woman that nearly killed Cat tonight.  He laid his hand over Cat’s on the desk as she took another sip.  “She’s sick.”
 “That seems to be something of a pattern.”
 Winn squeezed her fingers.  “But they’re going to fix her.”
 “I hope you’re right.”
 A commotion on one of the screens behind the desk drew their attention and, hand still clasped together, they watched as Supergirl battled with her own city and family until she was taken down by a horrifying looking weapon.  They couldn’t see her once the area was swarmed with agents.  Cat clicked off the television, polished off her drink and patted Winn’s hand.  “You should go.  See if she needs you.”
 “Are you sure you don’t need me?”
 Cat smiled..  She stood and cupped his cheek affectionately.  “Go. Winslow.  I’ll be fine, I promise.”  It was the interrupting ring of Winn’s cellphone that made the decision for him.  “Chop chop,” Cat finished.
 Winn gave her a wan smile and left the office.
 When his head stopped splitting open and he was pretty sure his brain wasn’t going to ooze out of his ears any longer, he looked over to be sure James was okay.  James gave him a little wave and smile and Winn opted for crawling into Cat’s office.  He didn’t feel like he could trust his knees quite yet.  
 Cat was sitting on the floor with her back propped against the front of her sofa.  She was taking long, cleansing breaths and still clutching her head.
 Winn sat next to her but didn’t feel compelled to say anything.
 After a quiet minute, a pair of enormous shoes crossed the plush carpet.  Neither of them looked up, but they heard the sound of three drinks being poured.  The shoes crossed back over to the sofa and James Olsen deposited a tumbler in each of their hands before lowering himself to the floor next to Winn.  No words were said.  None were needed.  In tandem three hands brought drinks to lips and were lowered again simultaneously.  The three of them stared straight ahead, sharing the silence.  After another minute, without prior warning, Cat lowered her head slowly onto Winn’s steady shoulder.  His heart warmed a bit and he tipped his head and laid his own head lightly atop hers.
 “You’re leaving?”  He didn’t mean to sound like a teenage boy, but his voice squeaked with emotion and he didn’t want to pretend like it hadn’t.
 Cat sighed and sipped her drink, not leaving her spot overlooking her city.  “What are you doing here, Winslow?  You don’t work here anymore.”
 “Don’t go.”
 Cat chuckled.  “You and Kara, I swear.  Cardigans and melodrama all the way down.”
 Winn shoved his hands into his pockets.  “I know you probably don’t give as much value to our time together as I do, Miss Grant, but… that time is important to me.  You’re my friend.  And I’ll miss you.”
 “Oh, Winn.  Of course I value our friendship.  But, I won’t be gone forever.”  She stepped closer to him and reached out a hand to straighten his bowtie.”  He could tell she was holding back tears.  “I’ll need you to look after her for me.”  Winn nodded and swallowed his own tears.  “Don’t let her get maudlin or too angry or jaded.  Keep her inspired and keep her kind.”
 Winn leaned his elbows on the balustrade.  “What makes you think I’m the right person for that job.”
 “Because you,” Cat poked him in his bicep, “are inspired and kind.  And of the people I’ve met in her life, you are the most likely candidate to stay that way through all of the things you all see every day.”  Cat looked up at the stars above National City.  “She has so much pain.  She masks it, but it’s there.  Don’t let her fall into it too deeply.”
 Winn nodded.  “Yeah.  Yeah, okay.”  On an impulse, he pulled her into a hug and for the second time that day, Cat found herself with an armful of overly sentimental millennial.  “You should tell her, you know,” Winn said as he pulled away.  “How much you care about her.  It wouldn’t be like it was with me.  She adores you.”
 Cat stood on tiptoes and pressed an affectionate kiss to Winn’s stubbly cheek.  “Goodbye, Winslow.”
 Winn brushed his cheek with his fingertips and smiled as he turned to go.  “Bye, Cat.”
 When James had left in his metal suit to keep fighting aliens, Cat looked around her ruined office before her eyes landed on Winn.  “Is constantly being in danger of losing my life in a horrible way a typical side effect of knowing her, or are we just unlucky?”
 Winn dug around in his messenger bag for a second and produced an almost full bag of Red Vines.  He offered one to Cat.  “Actually, I think it’s more a side effect of loving her, but… as I’m sure you’re aware… to know her is to love her.”
 Cat accepted the candy and took a bite.  “Indeed.”  She tilted her head to the side.  “So, Winslow, how long until you get a supersuit of your very own?”
 Winn chuckled.  “This is my supersuit, Miss Grant.”
 “Well, you’re certainly a hero to me.”  She sauntered to the bar.  “Now, we’re taking a time out to have a drink before we head back to find the others, and you’re going to tell me all about this boyfriend of Kara’s.”
 Winn rolled his eyes.  “We’re gonna need a lot more booze.”
 Winn stopped in Noonan’s after work.  The DEO was working on cleaning up the city after the battle and all seemed to be quiet on the alien front since the Daxamite exodus.  CatCo Plaza was between the DEO and his apartment and if he knew Kara, she’d be burning the midnight oil working on a follow-up to the invasion story.
 Bag of sticky buns in one hand and tray of coffees in the other, he tapped twice on Kara’s office door and opened it before getting permission.
 “Hey, Kara, thought you might need a break from Snapper-- Woah! Nope!”  Winn was met with two surprised pairs of eyes.  One, Kara’s bright, piercing blue, the other Cat’s cool, keen hazel.  Both faces were pink and flushed.  Cat sat on top of Kara’s pristine, white desk with her back to the door and between long slender legs stood Kara, mouth frozen open and fingers hastily pulling up the golden zipper that had previously been halfway down the back of Cat’s rose-colored dress.  “I’ll… just… leave you alone and never ever enter this office again… ever.”
 He slammed the door shut and dropped the bag and coffees on the floor just outside.  “I’m going to leave these here… in case you get… hungry later?”  He winced and banged his head against the doorjamb.  “Shut up, Winn,” he said to himself.
 As he turned to leave he heard Cat’s amused voice through the door.  “I just refilled my bourbon.  Help yourself!”
 “Uh, yeah.  Yep.  I’m gonna go… take advantage of that.”  He rubbed his hands over his face and barely heard Cat call back as he was walking away.”
 “Good to see you, Winslow!”
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firebunnylover · 7 years
Hannah Watches LOSH - Legacy
We start off with Alexis testing/playing around with a mecha-suit she designed - as evident by the logo on it. Her robot, Woodhouse, asks if her method is necessary. To which she replies yes and goes diving off the building she’s on.
Due to reckless driving, she accidentally bashes the wings of the suit, and head to the ground. For Superman to catch.
I’m guessing that suit had a tracker, cuz Woodhouse was literally right there, ready to pick up Alexis. Leaving Superman with the suit and then cuts to the intro theme.
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Is Lightning Lad part cat by any chance? Because that is a very cat like pose.
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And then reveal on who Alexis is. Richest Girl in the Galaxy.
What have you done in the past Phantom Girl to be considered an expert. Tell.
And then we get Lightning Lad saying Alexis is out of Superman’s league, which Brainy – of course – rebuffs, saying that no one is out of Superman’s league.
So I’m going of a limb here and guess what a lot of people can just go to the front door of HQ, given that’s what Woodhouse did, to give an invitation to a Charity Event where Alexis will be at. Repaying the favor of saving her from a fate of a pancake.
And then B5 tells him that they were both scheduled for patrol, meaning schedule conflict.
Lightning Lad offers to cover, and asks Superman to see if Alexis has friends.
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But I’m siding with Phantom Girl. I refuse to read a report that’s 130-132 pages long. I don’t have the patience. Just give us the basics.
And he planned out the looking-out places to take Superman to, that’s cute.
But then when he see’s Superman expression, he says that the plan can be altered. And he sounds so sad.
And then we get another SupermanxBrainy moment
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The way B5’s actions change after Superman promises to spend time with him later, it’s so cute~
At the party, B5 is basically the person who keeps texting you when they really shouldn’t be. Much to Superman’s annoyance.
When one of the guys at the party begins to make fun of Superman, in a manner that could be compared to the jock we saw in our first episode, Alexis delivers one of the harshest burns of all time. So harsh the dude had to go off to apply water immediately rather than wait for her to leave.
Bailing the party early, Alexis takes Superman to her building – which she is not supposed to be at unsupervised. And she stole a dude’s bike. Which Woodhouse just gives money to.
Also, she mentioned that the top ten floors look good as new, after saying that an experiment had some problems.
And she has a bunch of robots that just immediately come to her, like pets. Which is cute. And then you think to hard about what a lot of robots but no people implies, like I did. More on that at the end.
Alexis and Superman do some bonding on the overbearing expectations that others have due to Legacy.
They should form a club with Steven Universe. They would get along.
She also confides that she doesn’t have any real goals in her life, wanting to just mess around with her robots and have friends, which she admits she sucks at making.
And we finally see the scavengers.
And more grumpy-Brainy over the fact no one read his report.
I bet it’s been very long for Superman for just relaxing and playing games with another person to the extent he did with Alexis.  Legion is too busy to take much time off for that sort of stuff, and they must be ready to go any time. And before then, he was a wallflower due to not being able to deal with his powers in the same way he can now. So, this is probably what he wanted for possibly several years.
Which leads to making this next bit even sadder.
At the point where the team is desperate, where Lightning Lad says it might be a good time to call him, he doesn’t answer.
Which lead to the part that destroyed some B5 fans figuratively, and B5 partially.
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This took the longest to make a gif that i can put here. it looked so much better on photoshop.
Ironically, when I first saw this episode – this was the second episode of LoSH I watched when I first saw the series, and it was on a rerun – this part is what made B5 a cartoon crush.
I have a bad habit of wanting my favorite characters to suffer.
Later, we see that B5’s body can repair itself, but it takes a while.
Phantom Girl seems to immediately grasp what happened from Superman.
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Also I like how B5 and Lightning Lad are just in sync at this part.
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Oh it’s like when a friend buys tickets for that event thing for that series/fandom they’re super hyped about and invite you and you know squat about it.
And B5 is like that one person who hates that other fandom.
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So upon Superman explaining, Alexis takes it pretty well at first, trying to set a limit on how long they’ll hang out. But later we see that she gets carried away. Too carried away. To the point where Superman has to leave in a way that leaves both of them upset.
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Back with the green bean, we find out he missed patrol again. Good god, if that was me I would straight up be panicking.
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“Oh no…”
But in other news, green bean is salty.
And we know our beloved Puppy is on Rimbor. I hope puppy is coping well in this episode.
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Woodhouse calls in to say that Alexis is in trouble, Superman tries to appease Brainy by saying it should be passed on to the Science Police. Phantom Girl seems like she expects B5 to insist on that, but to her surprise, Brainy tells Superman to go. While delivering a reminder to keep the communicator on.
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I just love her expression here.
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And then comes the reveal that Alexis faked being in an emergency. Which Superman does not take very happily. And rightfully so, given that he’s supposed to protect people.
But then comes an interesting part to me that said something about Alexis.
Ok let’s lay things out. She got really upset that Superman left her, and she impulsively did something that she knew would get him to come, without thinking it through. She didn’t plan it out through, or at least the bit when Superman found out.
I had a recent discussion with a friend who requested to remain anonymous about what this suggests, which I’ll discuss further down below in character. Cuz if I start here, it’ll take forever for me to finish.
He clearly states that his team mates need him while she just wants a friend. She responds that what she wants is more important.
Seeing that he’s picking the Legion over her, she makes another impulsive decision. Helping the Scavengers.
Alexis then provides a decoy to get Superman to leave the HQ while she and the Scavengers attack.
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During the fight, we see Lightning Lad isn’t afraid to electrocute people with water. Taking it a little far dude. And Saturn Girl is strong enough to smash metal.
I would feel more horrified about B5’s lab if I didn’t already figure he blows it up all the time.
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Upon returning, Superman is pretty much pissed while Alexis just casually says “HEY!”
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“Didn’t think this through, did we?”
Oof. Alexis’ weakness summed up.
“I guess I got a little carried away.”
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Unfortunately, Alexis lack of a backup plan leads to her getting caught in her mecha-suit exploding, leading to her hair falling out.
With our first look at Talkron Galtos, we see she manages to repair Woodhouse’s head so that he’s functioning enough to talk to her, where she discloses to him that she knows what she wants to do with her life, and the carving into her desk is enough to imply what that is.
So final thoughts on the episode overall.
Ironically, the episode before had a happier ending than this one. It goes from the tone of the more cheery episodes like Man of Tomorrow to ending in a tone we would expect in episodes like Timber Wolf.
It starts off with Superman finding some companionship in someone outside the Legion and wants to interact with him outside work. And it ends with him having to stop that person from hurting his friends. That isn’t going to be easy to swallow for him.
What’s adds to the tragedy of it all is that if they had found a way around it, Alexis could have been friends with Superman, and maybe with the Legion as well. But she made major errors on her part, as did Superman. Ditching her abruptly probably isn’t the best way to say bye to a friend – he probably could have invited her over to HQ instead. And storming off after finding out she pulled a stunt to get him to come isn’t the best reaction either.
Brainiac 5 was interesting to watch as well. NOT INCLUDING THE ARM INCIDENT. He probably sees Superman as this flawless being at the beginning, saying no one is out of his league, but what happens? He realizes Superman isn’t flawless. He realizes Superman will mess up every now and then.
Something I never noticed before but did this time is the parallels between Alexis and Brainiac 5. Both characters descendants of enemies of Superman, carrying their legacy. Both are genius inventors. Both aren’t the best at socializing. Both try to adjust to sharing time with Superman at first. Both fail with the adjustment, and both get upset. Both blame the other party for stealing Superman away in some degree.
The most noticeable difference is how they handled it.
Brainiac 5 realizes that Superman cares about Alexis, and that he also still cares about the Legion. He knows he can’t have Superman to himself naturally, as the guy cares too much, so he lets him go to Alexis when it seems like she needs him, but tells him to stay in contact.
Alexis didn’t. She didn’t think things through as she manipulated the situation so Superman would come to her. And when that failed, she decided that her only option was to get rid of the legion.
Speaking of Alexis, let’s take a better look at her.
Ho boy. Starts off as potential friend and ends as confirmed threat. But why? Well, I was watching this episode about a month ago, and I noticed something in her office that unsettled me.
She is surrounded by robots and toys. But nothing to speak for any interpersonal relationships. Nothing on family or peers. She’s isolated. Which led me to think that maybe Woodhouse raised her, along with possibly other programmed beings. Her best way to connect to him is with robots and building stuff, leading to further lack of social interaction. What that suggests is that she ended up having social development problems. She can’t connect to others well, as we see at the party.
But Superman showed signs to her that he cared about her. He was probably the first organic thing to care in a long time. So what happens? She latches on, and isn’t ready for being told he can’t be with her, and can’t understand that a line has been crossed.
As for the impulsive behavior, I had discussed it with another friend who requested to remain anonymous. They suggested that Alexis has, possibly, bipolar disorder, which is either undiagnosed or not getting treated.
Now before I continue, I know that media and mental disorders do not have a good relationship, with disorders getting portrayed horribly, usually by the antagonists. But the friend I discussed this has been diagnosed for being bipolar, so I ran this by them several times before posting. I’ll try to discuss this part carefully. But if you feel that I said anything wrong regarding this subject, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
There are several types of bipolar disorder, but it’s essentially an extreme change in mood, thought, and behavior, with highs/mania, and lows/depression, with the change lasting different ranges of time. A less extreme case of mania is called hypomania.
Mania episodes vary people to people, but symptoms include:
Abnormally upbeat, jumpy or wired
Increased activity, energy or agitation
Exaggerated sense of well-being and self-confidence (euphoria)
Decreased need for sleep
Unusual talkativeness
Racing thoughts
Easily distracted
Poor decision-making
Reckless behavior
Being agitated/irritable
Alexis is upbeat, active, talkative, easily distracted as seen when she and Superman were going around to different places and she lost track of time, has poor decision making and is reckless in this episode. So arguably, she is having a manic episode when this episode. But given we just met her, it’s hard to immediately say that’s the case since we haven’t seen if she’s always like this or not.
My friend said that bipolar disorder sometimes leads to negative emotions making you feel frustrated/angry/sad and you do more destructive things.
So when Superman stops hanging, she makes the reckless decision to trick him into coming, not thinking about what will happen afterwards. And this repeats when she sees him picking the Legion over her.
If you’re interested in reading more about bipolar disorder, here’s a good source that my friend gave the thumbs up for.
Still, Alexis had little comprehension on how she should have proceeded to avoid what happened. But there are signs she needed help.
And no signs of her getting that help soon.
Characters in this episode:
Ho boy. Superman did not have it easy. This episode probably left him in a worst place than where it started. But I like how he tried to balance things out between Alexis and the Legion at first. And when he finally gets to unwind fully, stuff happens that forces him to prioritize one over the other. Poor guy.
Brainiac 5 – we see more signs of the crush once again. But also a lot of bitterness. He wasn’t happy to being made second priority in the episode, but he manages to put his own wants aside.  And the bit about the report was also funny. But what size was the font? Double sided or one sided? Very important questions.
Phantom Girl’s sass was wonderful to watch once again, and seeing her on the possible look out for a girlfriend just makes me so friggin happy. And she seemed a bit more understanding towards Superman’s situation. Well, given she’s also defined as an expert at the act of “Privileged but misunderstood”, she has expectations as well. Probably not as overbearing as Superman’s but still notable.
Lightning Lad didn’t have any run ins with karma in this episode. The only time he got beat down was towards the end with Alexis, and that was just regular fighting. He still teased Superman at times, but nothing too harsh. And he is protective of Brainy, as seen as he lets the Scavengers have it big time after the arm incident.
Saturn Girl is shown to be very good at hand-to-hand combat, and is very strong. I hear she’s shredded and has an eight pack.
The Scavengers were bland to say the least. We didn’t see them a lot, but maybe if their designs varied more between them, I would have found them more interesting.
Alexis Luthor is another fascinating character to play role of the villain, although I’m not sure if I’d define her as 100% villain in this episode. She wasn’t manipulative in the sense Dr. Londo was, and did seem to care for Woodhouse enough to repair him so that he was aware of what was going on, and really wanted to spend time with Superman as friends. This was her origin story for her villain arc. And it’s very good.
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