#not even gonna bother putting an icon on this one HELP
m1ssunderstanding · 9 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day Two
Paul and Ringo cabaret duo au NOW!
Their collective bitter humor about the fan mag. I think George probably appreciates Paul getting into this sort of shit with him. Even if it is only on a surface-level. A reminder that the Beatles fame journey (something that's been hellish at times for George, enough to give him PTSD and other issues for the rest of his life) has not left Paul unscathed. That Paul actually does have feelings, however buried they may be.
Could even be that the appreciation comes out in the form of "I think your beard suits you. Man." Does the tacked-on 'man' mean a sort of "no homo" type qualifier? Or is it just an added endearment. I know we don't think of George as particularly inhibited, but it was the sixties. And of course Paul loves the compliment and has no idea what to do with it.
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Can you all please thank Mal as he hands you your tea next time? Not that hard, guys.
Ringo's voice is so sexy. And I love how supportive Paul and George are of this very stupid song. If either of them had written it, they'd tear it to shreds, but it's Ringo, so we laugh along and enthuse about the sentiments behind the lyrics.
The communal bitching about EMI's treatment of them. As they should.
Oh goodness, it's the "Paul has an embarrassing crush" moment from that iconic post of @jeremy-hillary-boob He totally does and you should say it. "I never used to know what it meant". It's giving "girl pretends not to know how to hold her golf club so the hot guy will touch her".
I have a theory that some of their covers ~matter~ and "What do you want to make those eyes at me for?" Is the first one for me.
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Okay this look right here that John is giving Paul? Not to, like, out myself as never having experienced pure love except from my own child or anything, but the only other place I've ever seen that look is on my one-year-old's face when I come get him from his nap. So ... "A lovely little baby, John was"
"If this boy dies, you're gonna cop it." Peak older brother behavior. He's joking, but he's also deadly serious.
In love with John trying to sing out of his range. He's trying so hard, you guys.
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"Everybody had a hard year. 'well, I'm not sure, actually. Put [good year]." Same, John. Isn't it always that way? Hard. And good. He's such a genius lyricist. He just captures the human condition with such specificity.
Lol at Paul correcting John on the key of his own song (yeah, yeah, gimme some truth is secretly a colab but it's still a John song)
When they put a piano in front of Paul and John's instantly like "uh-oh, red-alert my beautiful boyfriend might not get captured perfectly from every angle" vs a year and a half later when he's bitching about Paul having too much screen-time in Let it Be. Well, you were part of the problem, babe.
I love George's way of teaching his songs. Whereas Paul was shouting key changes and counts between phrases, and John doesn't even bother to give any of that information, George is just softly singing "E, to F sharp minor. E to A." Beautiful. John and Paul, take notes.
Wonder if I'll get through a day without calling Paul a whore. Probably not.
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John being instantly self-effacing after suggesting that genius little let's enhancement. "My mind can blow those clouds away" is actually much more original and thought-provoking, but John just makes fun of himself. Like. Just own it. You're John fucking Lennon!
The George/Paul convo (George talking, Paul hardly flinching) is so painful actually. Because from the outside, Paul's avoidance looks so condescending and unfeeling, but avoidance feels much more like 'Shit fuck shit dodge the fight, go around, don't react, don't engage, don't start something' and i really feel for both of them.
Let John do Help for gosh sakes!
"Not bad though. Good try, that. Johnny."
The part where Paul is looking just so exhausted, and he's actually letting it show, and then he sees the camera on him and hurries and tries to do a cheeky little Beatles head-shake and smile. But then he's really just too tired (and high) and he looks away and rubs his eyes. It was like watching an old circus bear. Those poor things.
And of course John's head snapping up like a little gopher when Paul says his name
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Alright, and here's request #2
May I ask for Fives and Fox
with Prompt 14: Last Words
Where Fives is haunting Fox after his death. Where "the nightmares are over" is twisted to "the nightmare has just begun".
Girl, you helped me come up with this, you know what to write, lol
❤️ - @vodika-vibes
In Your Head
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Summary: Fox has a hole in his memory that he can't seem to fix, and when he starts hallucinating about the clone he killed, it leads to dire consequences.
Pairing: none
Characters: Fox, Thorn, ghost!Fives
Tags & Warnings: character death, alcohol, drunkenness, hallucinations, paranoia, minor suicidal ideation, violence, whump
Word Count: 6.2k
Author's Note: First of all, I'm going to apologize for how long it's taken me to write one of these requests. Second, all of the requests are still sitting in my ask box. I haven't gotten rid of any of them and I still plan on writing all of them. It's just gonna take me a bit. To be honest, this fic is more Fox whump than Fives whump, but eh, it's still whump and it still includes one of the 501st boys, so that counts, right? As always, please enjoy 💚
Beta: @beating-a-dead-plot
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Fox sits hunched over his desk and anxiously raps his stylus against the side of his data-pad. He's read the report five times now and each pass yields the same results. His CC number is littered throughout the paragraphs, but for the life of him, he can't remember any of it. He looks up at the chronometer again and shakes his head. Time has moved, but he hasn't. He's been sitting here at his desk doing flimsi-work since early morning, but the report states otherwise.
It's not just the strange lost time that concerns Fox either, or the fact that his CC number is in a report. That's normal. What bothers him about this report is the fact that it clearly states in paragraph four, line six, that he shot and killed a clone. And no matter how hard he racks his brain, he can't remember it. He hasn't moved from his desk, and yet, the timestamp puts the incident at an hour ago. An hour ago he was at his desk. An hour ago he was doing flimsi-work.
Fox raps his stylus faster and taps his foot to match the rhythm, the nervous energy in his body escaping through the repetitive movements. He wouldn't shoot a clone without a reason, would he? The Coruscant Guard has stunned countless rowdy and reckless, and even dangerous clones, but a brother doesn't shoot another brother with the intent to kill. That's not part of their culture. Even bad clones deserve to explain their actions, but those are few and far between.
It must be a mistake. A typo. There has to be a logical explanation as to why his CC number is in the report even though he wasn't there. Still, he has this odd sinking feeling scratching at the back of his mind that it might not be a mistake. The clone he allegedly shot was from the 501st, from Torrent Company. One of Rex's men. Fox sent a simple comm message to Rex, offering his condolence, but Rex's silence worries him. It's not like Rex to leave a comm unanswered.
Fox drops the data-pad onto his desk with a loud clack and his chair creaks when he leans back. He wipes the sweat off his forehead and brushes the damp curls out of his eyes. It must be a mistake. There is no other explanation. He doesn't have an explanation for the lost time, but there must be a reason for that as well. Maybe he fell asleep. It's not impossible since he doesn't get the best sleep. His caf is cold, so obviously time has passed since he last filled it.
The data-pad dings and Fox leans forward to see what the notification is for. He sighs and taps on the icon to open it, and his brows furrow as he reads the new information. A surveillance holo-recording of the incident is now available and has been attached to the report. Fox huffs. This should clear up everything. He taps the icon to play the recording and watches intently. It was probably some trigger-happy shiny that he'll have a stern talking to later on… but it's not.
Fox's breath hitches and his eyes widen. That's not some random corrie. That's him. That's his armor. He has the fleeting thought that someone stole his armor and impersonated him, but he quickly realizes he's still wearing it. He hasn't taken it off since he put it on this morning. Panic rises in his gut and he continues to watch the recording. He flinches at the moment he pulls the trigger. A blaster bolt leaving the barrel instead of a stun bolt. He killed him. He killed a brother.
That explains why Rex never commed him back. Rex's emotional plea, Fox don't, stabs him in the heart, turning his innocent condolence message into him just rubbing salt into an egregious wound. The report noted the clone killed as ARC-5555 – Fives – one of Rex's best. Fox only remembers the name because Rex sent him a holo-photo of his two new ARC troopers when they graduated. Rex was so proud. Then he lost one on Lola Sayu, and today, he lost the other.
Fox has seen and read enough. It was him, he knows that much, but he still doesn't remember being there. He doesn't remember aiming his blaster, or flicking the safety off, or giving a warning, or pulling the trigger. It's like he was sleep walking, even though not a single clone out of millions has ever been noted to do so on record. He finds it even more odd that he was on scene for the shooting and then left. It's not like him to leave a scene without getting statements or starting his report. Now that he thinks about it, he didn't even write this report. Who did?
Fox yells in frustration and kicks the leg of his desk. Why can't he remember? How could he forget he shot and killed a brother. How could he forget Rex's voice begging him not to? How could he forget leaving his office and coming back? Fox feels sick. Not only did he kill a brother, he killed one of Rex's. A beloved brother. With Rex's radio silence, he probably lost Rex too. Fox doesn't blame him. Not after watching the footage. He would hate himself too, and he does.
Fox pulls a ring of keys from his belt pouch and inserts one into the lock on the bottom desk drawer. It clicks and he pulls it open, revealing a small stash of alcohol resting against the back. The glass bottles clink as he searches for a specific one. Finding it, he pulls it out of the drawer and places it on his desk. He leans down to grab a glass, hesitates, then closes the drawer without taking it. He twists the cap off the bottle, grabs the neck, and tilts the opening to his lips.
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"Fox?" Thorn whispers as he peeks into the dark office. "Are you in here?"
Fox groans in response. His torso rests on top of his desk and the side of his face lays on the cool surface with one hand loosely wrapped around an almost empty glass bottle.
Thorn sighs and shakes his head. "What are you doing, Fox?"
"Go away," Fox slurs. His body twitches at the sudden exertion.
Thorn ignores Fox's inebriated order and pulls up a chair to sit opposite Fox's desk.
"Talk to me," Thorn says.
"Nothin'... to talk about," Fox answers.
"You're drunk while on duty," Thorn says. He grabs the bottle out of Fox's loose grip and sets it out of reach. "Why don't we start with that?"
Fox slowly picks his head up to look at Thorn, and he struggles to keep it steady. "Usen'ye," he says, then lays his head back down onto the desk making the room stop spinning.
Thorn taps his fingers against the desk's surface next to Fox's head and Fox flinches at the magnified sound. "I read the report."
Fox groans, but this time with more indignation.
Thorn crosses his arms and sits back in his chair. "I've got all night."
"You're so… annoying," Fox slurs as he slowly picks his head back up to look at Thorn. "You know… that?"
Thorn smirks. "Part of my charm."
"Karking… banthas… have more charm," Fox says, his head swaying as he tries to keep it upright. "You're ugly… too."
Thorn rolls his eyes. "You're getting off topic."
"Why… are you… even here?" Fox asks. He reaches for the bottle and Thorn leans over to move it again.
"You killed a vod," Thorn says.
Fox huffs. "What... do you… know about it?"
"Nothing," Thorn says. "That's why I'm here. To talk to you about it, because clearly it's affecting you."
Fox reaches for the bottle again and Thorn moves it. "I'm… not effective."
"Yeah, I can see that," Thorn raises an eyebrow. "You can't even talk straight."
"Blow it out your… exhaust port," Fox sneers, then reaches for the bottle once more.
"Really?" Thorn asks, as he lifts the bottle up out of Fox's reach. "If I give you the bottle back, will you talk to me?"
Fox smirks through hooded eyes. "Sure."
Thorn places the bottle back down onto the desk and pushes it towards Fox. Fox grabs it, sits back in his chair, and shoots the last burning drops down his throat, then slams the empty bottle down onto the desk.
"Talk," Thorn says. "Why'd you kill a vod?"
Fox chuckles. "I don't know."
Thorn's eyes darken. "This isn't a game, Fox."
"Nah," Fox says with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Games… are fun. This... This isn't..."
Thorn tilts his head to the side and studies Fox for a moment. Even drunk, Fox usually makes some sense, but this particular time he's making zero sense. It's not that hard of a question, but his avoidance in answering it is making Thorn worry. There's something Fox isn't telling him and he needs to know what it is in order to help him get out of this slump and back to normal. Having a drunk Marshall Commander leading the Coruscant Guard is going to get them nowhere fast.
"Fox," Thorn prods.
"Don't Fox me," Fox spits in response. "How'd you… like it… if I said your name? Thorn. Thorn. Thorn. Thorn–"
"Alright, I get it," Thorn interjects. "Just tell me what happened."
"I don't know," Fox lazily shrugs.
"What do you mean you don't know?" Thorn asks.
"I don't remember," Fox says.
"You don't remember shooting a vod?" Thorn asks, narrowing his eyes.
"Nope," Fox says, making a popping sound on the second consonant.
Thorn pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. "You have to remember something? You killed him. Don't you remember that? Were you drunk then, too?"
"No, I wasn't drunk," Fox says, his agitation growing at the continued questioning. "I just don't remember!" He pounds his fists on the desk, making Thorn flinch.
"Easy, vod," Thorns soothes and reaches out a hand to try and calm him down. "It's okay."
"No!" Fox yells with a jerk as he weakly bats Thorn's hand away. "Is not. I shot… a vod. I killed… a vod, and I can't… kriffin' remember!"
Thorn realizes he's not going to get anywhere with Fox being this drunk and worked up, so he decides to cut his losses and try again later. "Get some rest," he says before getting up from his chair. He looks down at Fox's dilapidated state, shakes his head, then turns to leave.
"Bring me… more booze," Fox demands.
Thorn turns around and scoffs. "You don't need any more of that."
Fox grabs the empty bottle and throws it towards Thorn, but it hits the wall by the door instead and shatters into a million pieces. "Shabuir," Fox snarls.
Thorn sighs. "We'll talk again when you're sober." He turns back towards the door and leaves Fox alone in his office.
Fox grumbles and lays his heavy head back down against the cool desk. He's not really angry at Thorn, as annoying as he is. No. He's angry at himself. Angry that he can't remember what his own two hands did. Angry that he can't remember where his own two feet took him. Angry that his brain won't put all of the pieces together or fill in the blanks. Where did his memory go? Did it grow legs and walk away from him? Did it leave him or did he leave it? Is that even possible?
Fox would stay laying against his desk all night if he could, but the ache in his back is beginning to overpower his drunken haze. Part of getting old, he guesses. He needs to try and make it to his couch where he can stretch out and fall asleep. At least while asleep he won't have to think about it. That was the idea behind the alcohol in the first place; drink to forget, but it didn't have the effect he was hoping for. If anything, it only made it worse. Then Thorn butted in and ruined it.
Fox tries to peel himself off of his desk, but his body is heavy. He manages to sit up, but then slumps back into his chair, whacking his head against the back of it. He groans at the pain and rubs the spot. When he opens his eyes, the room is spinning, and it makes him feel sick. Well, sicker than he already felt before he was drunk. He chuckles to himself. The good stuff was really good. He hasn't been this drunk since he was a shiny new commander hot off Kamino.
Trying again, Fox plants his hands squarely on his desk and rocks to push himself out of the chair. He tries once and can't get it. He tries twice and still can't get it. He tries thrice and finally he's on his feet, although he uses a little too much force and falls forward onto the desk. Maybe it's better if he crawls to the couch instead of walking there. He lets the weight of his lower body slide the rest of him off the desk until he's sitting on the ground and leaning against the desk.
He leans past the desk and turns his head to see where the couch is, but he leans a little too far and slumps over onto the ground. He groans. This was a terrible idea. He wishes he could get Thorn to come back and carry him to the couch, but that would bruise his ego into an irreparable state. No, he has to make it on his own. With a little wiggle of his hips, Fox rolls himself onto his stomach and crawls towards the couch. Usually, it's closer, but right now it feels klicks away.
Maker, he's tired. Why did he have to put the couch so far away from his desk? Or better yet, why can't it come to him? You'd think someone would've invented a moving couch by now, but no, the Galactic Republic is too busy making clones to do anything of real use in his lifetime. And yet, Fox continues to crawl towards his couch, cursing it every time he scoots closer. With one final push, he makes it, but accidentally bumps his head against the leg. He curses it again.
Now, it's just a matter of hoisting himself up onto the stupid thing so he can finally go to sleep. Once again, something that used to be so trivial is causing him grief. Why is it so high up? Why is the floor so far down? Why won't the room stop spinning? He wishes he could steady himself long enough to get a grip, but his body is heavy from the alcohol. However, with a little more effort and a lot more cursing, Fox grabs one of the cushions, pulls himself up, and flops onto the couch.
Thank the Maker, he finally made it. Fox rolls off of his stomach and situates himself with his back against the back of the couch so he doesn't suffocate himself within the couch cushions. Although, at this point, that doesn't sound like such a bad idea. He chuckles to himself about the thought. Thorn would kill him. He would find some way into the afterlife and kill him again for being such an idiot. Although, to him, it's a comforting thought; Thorn coming after him like that.
Even if Fox hates to admit it, Thorn is still his best friend. Some days they absolutely can't stand each other, but when push comes to shove, there's no one he'd rather have his back in this war. Perks of growing up together, he figures. Fox releases a wide yawn that makes his stomach churn, but he's happy that his body wants to rest. With a few slow breaths, he lets himself drift off to sleep, wondering if he'll wake up and finally remember or if his memory will still be adrift.
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Fox groans as he stirs from his sleep. He slowly opens one eye and sees that it's still dark out, which means either he slept until the next evening or he barely slept at all. He doesn't feel drunk anymore, so maybe he did sleep for a while; an absolute miracle. Even more surprising is the fact that no one bothered him while he slept, which also means Thorn kept everyone away and covered for him. The idiot. He'll need to apologize and thank Thorn the next time he sees him.
Fox carefully shifts to sit himself up, holding the side of his head as it pounds from the hangover. He hasn't had a hangover like this in a very long time. He'll have to look at the label on the bottle and get himself another one of whatever it was. Blinking a few times to get rid of the glaze over his eyes, he looks around the room, but frowns when he sees the broken glass by the door. Oh yeah. I broke it. Guess he won't be buying another one of those anytime soon. What a shame.
With a deep breath, Fox hoists himself up off the couch and grabs the arm to steady his shaky legs. He doesn't feel woozy, but his body still feels heavy, like there are rocks in his head weighing him down. He rolls his neck, then his shoulders, and then arches his back to stretch it out. One of his vertebrae makes a popping sound and he groans. Even though he tried to lie down in a good position, couch-sleep is still not as nice as a bunk. He needs some ibuprofen.
Fox hobbles his way to the refresher connected to his office, and is, once again, thankful for the amenities he has access to as the Marshall Commander of the Coruscant Guard. It would be embarrassing to walk down to the guard barrack's communal refresher to compose himself. Thorn would get a good laugh, though, the jerk. He'd say something stupid just to piss him off. But that's the game they play, because Fox has embarrassed Thorn on multiple occasions too.
Fox steps into the refresher without flipping the light switch on, and twists the faucet knob to run the water cold. He cups the rushing water in his hands and splashes it onto his face. The cool water feels good on his hot skin and soothes his throbbing headache. He does that a few more times, and then one last good splash that he smooths over his unruly curls. He pats his face with the towel and stares at himself in the mirror, except something about his reflection is… off.
Fox rubs the towel across his face again, thinking he has some water stuck in his eyes making his vision blurry, but the reflection still looks odd. He then uses the towel to wipe down the mirror, leaving small streaks of water where he swiped, but that doesn't clear it either. Refusing to play with it any longer, Fox opens the mirror cabinet and grabs the bottle of ibuprofen. He pops a few and swallows them dry, wincing as he feels them go down his throat, then closes the cabinet.
Hi Fox , a voice says.
Fox startles and stumbles back, crashing against the opposite wall with a loud thud. "Kriff, Thorn!" Fox exclaims. He turns his head towards the refresher door to rip Thorn a new one, but he's not there. "Thorn?" he calls, but there's no answer. He peeks his head out of the refresher to see if there's anyone in his office, but it's still dark and empty. It's just him. He's never had a hangover that made him hear things before… he thinks. Fox's heart races with adrenaline.
Fox , the voice says.
Fox flinches at the sound of his name, and whips his head around to try and figure out who's calling him, but there's still no one there. "Thorn," Fox says. "I swear to the Maker, I will kill you."
So, you like to kill, huh? the voice says.
Fox freezes, his blood running cold. He didn't just hear that, did he? The sound of another clone talking to him, but he's still alone in the refresher. His instincts are screaming for him to run and find Thorn, because clearly he's hallucinating, or sick, or dying, or all three at once. He shouldn't be hearing voices, or at least he doesn't think he should be hearing voices. Fox closes his eyes and takes a couple deep breaths to calm himself and just hopes that whatever it is will go away.
It's rude to ignore people, you know , the voice says. Especially dead people.
Yup, he's crazy. He's one hundred percent certified crazy now. Not only is he hearing voices, but he's hearing voices of the dead . What did he do while he was drunk and asleep? Conjure a demon? Summon a spirit? Invite a deity to chat over some caf? How did he even do that? The other option is that he's still plastered and is hallucinating being sober. Honestly, both ideas sound equally as insane, but do they really make any less sense than him hearing voices?
"Whatever you are," Fox begins with a nervous voice, "I'm sorry for bothering you, but I'm going back to bed now."
Fox pushes himself off the wall and walks towards the refresher door to leave, but it slides shut before he can exit. He stares at the closed door and takes another deep breath, then releases it slowly. He slides his hands over his holsters, but the blasters are missing. They must have fallen out while he was sleeping and he didn't notice. He kicks himself for being so absentminded to leave them on the couch, but in his defense there aren't many who'd attack him in his own office.
Fox runs his tongue across his teeth and puffs his chest out before turning around to face whatever it is that's messing with him, but when he does, there's no one else in the refresher besides him. He bites his lip and nods his head. It must be a dream. He's living in a dream and he can't wake up. That has to be the answer. There's no other explanation. Once he wakes up, he's going to find Thorn and make him get rid of all of his liquor, because this isn't worth the trip.
I'm still waiting , the voice says impatiently. Are you gonna answer me or not?
Fox grits his teeth and thinks for a moment. If he answers the voice of the dead, is something bad going to happen to him? It's not like his life could get any worse. He's a dog of the Republic, he's shot and killed a brother, and he's probably the most hated commander in the GAR. There's not much else they can do to him. Fox startles at a sudden realization. The voice of the dead… a dead clone. Voice of the dead… killed. Fox's heartbeat pounds ferociously in his ears.
He takes a few steps towards the sink and peers into the mirror, the same mirror where his reflection didn't look right. He was so groggy when he first came in the refresher that it didn't dawn on him what in the reflection was off, just that it didn't look right. He stares at his reflection, and tilts his head to the side, furrowing his eyebrows as he studies the image, but his eyes grow wide when he realizes that the reflection didn't follow the tilt of his head. He moves in closer.
Boo , the reflection says with a smirk.
"Kriffin' osik!" Fox screams and out of reflex he punches the mirror, cracking it. He heaves in his breaths and pulls his fist back from the mirror, his glove protecting his skin from getting cut by the broken shards.
The reflection sighs and side steps into the part of the mirror that isn't as broken. Really? the reflection asks.
Fox is on the verge of hyperventilating. Fear and adrenaline taking control of every muscle in his body. His reflection is talking to him. It's moving without him. But it's not even him. He can clearly see that now. Fox takes a moment to study the image in the mirror. The armor is white, like a shiny's, their head is shaven, they have a goatee, and an Aurebesh tattoo on their right temple not far from a small linear scar. Fox's jaw drops. It's him. It's the clone he shot and killed.
Figure it out yet? the reflection asks, almost bored.
"You're…" Fox tries to speak, but he's still unsure of what he's actually seeing.
The name's Fives , the reflection says while tapping his Aurebesh tattoo. You should remember, since you killed me.
Fox is speechless and wide-eyed. He feels sick to his stomach. He knows who Fives is, but he still doesn't remember shooting him. He's never met him, and the only images he has are of him in his ARC armor, not whatever it is he's wearing now. Fox thinks back to the recording that was attached to the report, and remembers seeing himself shoot the white-armored clone. He did find it strange at the time, and it made him wonder why, but not enough to hallucinate about him.
"This isn't real," Fox says as he backs away from the mirror. "You're not real! You're dead !"
The reflection snorts. What? No remorse? No, sorry I killed you?
"I don't remember killing you!" Fox yells, half in shock and half in self-defense. His back touches the hard durasteel wall and he slides down it until he's sitting on the floor.
Don't remember? the reflection asks. You shot me! How could you forget that?
Fox pulls his knees to his chest, clasps his hands over his ears, and squeezes his eyes shut. "Just leave me alone!" he yells again, trying to make the voice go away. "I said I don't remember!"
I'm not leaving , the voice says. Not until you remember what you did to me.
"Go away!" Fox practically screams. "Leave me alone!" His breathing becomes labored and he feels like he's going to pass out. "This is… a nightmare."
Oh, Fox , the reflection chuckles, then pushes out of the mirror and folds its arms to lean on the edge of the sink and stare down at Fox. Your nightmare has just begun.
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The next rotation has Fox feeling insane. The voice inside the mirror isn't just a voice anymore. It's a full body apparition that follows him around wherever he goes. He can't even take a piss without that thing watching him. He still wonders if it's the actual Fives or if it's just a figment of his imagination; maybe the subconscious part of his brain conjured it up because of the guilt he feels for killing the clone. He wants to tell Thorn about it, but even Thorn has limits on disbelief.
Hour after hour, the apparition asks if he remembers killing it yet, and hour after hour, Fox still has the same answer – no. Maker, he wishes it would just take a hike and go haunt someone else, even if it's just for a couple of minutes. There's nothing worse than trying to work or sleep while it watches him from across the room with its dark, cold, dead eyes and smug expression. If this is the real Fives, then he doesn't understand why Rex liked him so much.
Although, today has been strangely quiet. The apparition is nowhere to be seen, or heard, and Fox is taking the much needed alone time to catch up on the reports he's been neglecting since it first appeared. It must have been a figment of his imagination brought on by stress or something along those lines. There's always a logical explanation for everything, or so he thinks. Fox looks up from his data-pad when he hears a soft knock on his office door frame.
"I brought you some caf," Thorn says with a friendly smile. "Can I come in?"
Fox nods.
Thorn walks into the office, places the cup down in front of Fox, and sits on the corner of his desk.
Fox grabs the cup of hot, black caf and deeply inhales its alluring aroma. "Is this a peace offering?"
Thorn snorts. "You should be bringing me a peace offering for all that name calling."
Fox winces at the vague memory, then takes a sip. "Sorry."
"Apology accepted," Thorn says. "You're still a di'kut, though."
"So are you," Fox smirks.
Is he a friend of yours? the apparition asks as it appears next to Fox.
Fox startles and accidentally drops the cup of caf onto his lap. "Kriff!"
Thorn also startles and jumps off the corner of Fox's desk. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah," Fox sighs. "Just grab me a towel, will ya?"
Thorn walks off towards the refresher to grab a towel.
He seems like a nice vod , the apparition says as it watches Thorn with interest. Is he your best friend?
Fox chooses to ignore the question and the ghost.
You know , the apparition continues. It hops up on the desk to sit in front of Fox, its legs dangling over the edge. I had a best friend once – actually two. They're both dead, now… Like me. Must be nice to have yours still alive, huh?
Fox glares at the apparition and snarls. "Don't you touch him!"
The apparition chuckles. I'm a ghost, remember? I can't even touch you. The apparition reaches out to touch Fox, but its hand goes straight through him. See? I'm not going to hurt your friend.
Fox continues to glare, not fully trusting what the apparition says. Thorn is his best friend, but this is his issue to deal with, and he's not going to drag Thorn down this insane hole of guilt and self-loathing with him. Even so, it would be great if Thorn could see the apparition too. Maybe then, he wouldn't feel so crazy about the whole situation. A little validation goes a long way in his mind. He just needs Thorn to see it once, then he can feel safe again, feel normal again.
"Fox?" Thorn asks in concern while handing him the towel. "Are you sure you're alright?"
Fox grabs the towel and pats himself and the chair dry. "Yeah, I'm fine."
Thorn isn't convinced, but doesn't argue.
I'm not fine , the apparition says. I'm dead .
Fox wants to say something in rebuttal, but Thorn's lack of comment about the elephant in the room makes him wonder. He turns his head to the apparition and then to Thorn, and then back again. "You don't see it, do you?"
"See what?" Thorn asks, a confused expression on his face.
"Nothing," Fox sighs and tosses the towel onto the desk before slumping back into his chair. "Nevermind."
"Fox," Thorn begins hesitantly. "I think you should see a medic. You've been acting strange lately and I'm worried."
Yeah, Fox , the apparition adds. You should see a medic for that missing memory issue . Maybe they can tell you why you killed me.
"I don't need a medic!" Fox exclaims. Thorn flinches and Fox bites his tongue. "Sorry. I'm just tired is all."
Thorn still isn't convinced, but he sighs and shakes his head. "Alright, I trust your judgment."
I don't , the apparition says. You shot me .
"Thanks," Fox says. His eye twitches. It's hard enough to keep his thoughts straight, but it's even harder when he has two people talking to him at once and only one of them is actually there.
"I'm here if you need me," Thorn says as he places a hand on Fox's shoulder. "Even if you just want to talk."
You can talk to me too , the apparition says.
"I appreciate that," Fox says, trying to give him his best fake smile.
Thorn throws Fox another look of concern, but turns and leaves his office all the same.
Fox immediately turns his attention to the apparition. "Can you just shut up?!"
No , the apparition says. That's the whole point of haunting. I'm supposed to be annoying.
Fox drops his head onto his desk and yells in frustration.
The apparition hops off the desk and kneels so it's face is on Fox's level. Just tell me why you killed me, Fox, it whispers. And I'll go away .
Fox clutches the sides of his head. "I'm trying," he chokes out. "But I can't remember."
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It's been a week and Fox is on the verge of losing himself. He can't sleep. He can't eat. He can't do anything. The reports are piling up and questions are being asked. Thorn continues to check on him, and he appreciates it, but he wishes he'd stay away from him. Every time Thorn comes into his office, the apparition stares at him like he's a piece of meat. Fox knows the apparition can't hurt Thorn, at least, that's what he's been made to believe, but what if he's wrong?
He can't let it get Thorn, too. It can torment him all it wants, actually, it can even kill him if it wants, but he will not let anything happen to Thorn. Thorn is too good for this kind of torturous hell. Thorn hasn't killed any clones. He probably hasn't killed anyone . There's no reason for Thorn to be brought into this. It's him that the apparition wants. Its blood is on his hands, not Thorns. Thorn has nothing to do with any of this and Fox will do anything to protect him.
Hi Fox , the apparition says while leaning against the door frame of the office.
"What do you want?" Fox sneers from where he sits behind his desk.
The truth , the apparition says with a smug grin. You've been keeping it from me.
"Like I've said," Fox says. "I still don't remember."
Not good enough , the apparition says as it pushes itself off the door frame and approaches Fox's desk.
"I won't let you hurt Thorn," Fox says as he stands up.
What are you talking about? the apparition asks.
"Don't play dumb with me!" Fox exclaims. "I know you're going to hurt him to get back at me."
Are you alright, Fox? the apparition taunts. You seem a little off today.
"Get out of my head!" Fox yells as he clutches the sides of his head. "I know what you're doing!"
What's the matter? the apparition taunts. I've never seen you so unhinged before.
"Leave me alone!" Fox yells.
C'mon, Fox, the apparition walks closer. Tell me.
Fox draws one of his blasters and points it towards the ghostly figure. "Get away from me!"
Whoa, there, the apparition says, putting its hands up and taking a single step back. There's no need for that.
Fox breathes heavily. "I'm warning you!"
You won't shoot me, the apparition smirks. You have no reason to shoot me. Put the blaster down, Fox.
"I won't let you hurt him!" Fox yells, then fires a single bolt through the same spot as before, on the apparition's chest, through its heart. He watches as the apparition falls to its knees and clutches at its chest. That'll stop it. That'll shut it up. That'll make it leave him alone. That'll keep it from hurting– Thorn?
Fox pants with exasperation as his senses begin to clear. The vision of the apparition slowly dissipates, leaving behind the image of Thorn grasping at the hole in his chest. A look of pain, shock, horror, and confusion painted on his face as he looks at Fox. No. No, this can't be happening. He didn't. He couldn't. Did he shoot his best friend? It was the ghost. The ghost was right there. It was talking to him. It was taunting him. It was going to hurt Thorn.
"Fox," Thorn gasps. "Why?"
At the sound of Thorn's voice, the gravity of what Fox has done hits him like a ton of bricks. His eyes widen and his voice quivers. "Thorn."
Thorn collapses forward onto the floor and Fox rushes to his side.
"No, no, no, no," Fox rambles as he pulls his brother into his lap and applies pressure to the wound. "I need a medic!" he yells. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I… I didn't know it was you. There was a ghost and it was in my head and I couldn't remember." Tears begin to well in Fox's eyes as he tries desperately to explain.
Thorn reaches up a hand to touch Fox's cheek and Fox grabs it with his own.
"I'm… sorry," Thorn says weakly. "I… wish… I… could've… helped… you…" Thorn's hand drops as his body goes limp and he breathes his last breath.
"Where's my medic!" Fox yells, tears now streaming down his face unabated. "Hang on, vod." He pulls his brother's lifeless body close to his chest and rocks him back and forth. "Please, don't go. Don't leave me."
The apparition appears once again, crouches down in front of Fox, and looks apathetically at Thorn's lifeless body. It shakes its head. And to think all of this could've been avoided if you would've just told me what I wanted to know.
Fox looks at the apparition with murderous intent.
A vod for a vod , the apparition says with a smirk. At least you'll remember this one.
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dehydration-stati0n · 2 years
Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji Friendship HCs
Rules Word Count: 0.8k Spoilers: None
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Great friend but also not💀
Bro will show up uninvited to drag you into something possibly illegal
He’ll take your food too, your not safe
He will always be clinging to you in some way. Like he'll have his arms stretched around you or he'll carry you on his back.
He loves giving you gifts, but he's really bad at it
like he'll give you a box of leaves he thought were cool, or a really long worm he found in Usopp's garden
Sometimes he'll wander into your room and sleep in the room with you.
You'll wake up with him hanging off the end of your bed or snoring on the floor.
If you ever seem stressed or upset, he'll put his strawhat on your head. It's kinda his way of trying to comfort you without being pushy about what's bothering you
You'll pretend to be Zoro and he'll pretend to be Sanji and the two of you will jokingly fight with each other
He'll trade you his goldfish for your Capri Sun
Most things you do are gonna be a competition with him
The two of you tried to start your own band once but Nami said you were being too obnoxious
There's no chance he washes his hands so, for the sake of everyone else, please make sure he's somewhat hygenic
Your hype man
He'll find you before breaking into the fridge. You're the iconic duo Sanji despises
Very spontaneous friendship, it's very common for the two of you to be playing tag or hide n' seek at the worst possible moments on the worst possible islands
He'll try to trip you when you walk by
You're one of the few people he wouldn't mind taking a nap with
Would ask if you wanted to work out with him and secretly be really happy if you agreed
He'd share his alcohol with you
You two would do drinking games with each other every other day
The crews gotta somehow separate the two of you and send you to bed cause you're both laughing wa too loud and none of them can get any sleep
I imagine his love language would be acts of service, so he might offer to help you with whatever chore you were assigned that week or just anything in general
He'd push you to be your best self physically and mentally
He would never admit it, but he loves spending time with you
Let's hope you're good with directions, cause the two of you are going to end up lost a lot. The crew eventually just appoints you to keep him from wandering.
You'll have to get a leash for him or something.
He's a very loyal friend and would never dare betray your trust in any way
Throw your trust and abandonment issues out the window cause you aren't getting rid of him anytime soon
He hates physical affection, it just makes him feel kinda uncomfortable
Although if you really needed it, he'd give you a very stiff hug and an awkward pat on the back
One time you were fishing together and you fished up a beer. Zoro now looks forward to fishing.
Your confidence will skyrocket after hanging out with him
He'll give you the kindest and most genuine compliments you've ever received, regardless of your gender
Out of these three, he's probably the best to go to for advice
He’ll do whatever you wanna do. He loves talking to you and just spending time with you overall
You know that meme where it’s like “they asked for NO pickles”? That’s him. He’ll be defending you for absolutely everything
He’ll try to give you fashion tips, but it’s 50/50 whether it’s good or bad
Would probably cry if you gave him a gift
I feel like he’d really like watching movies with you. He just strikes me as a movie kinda guy.
He’s physically affectionate but also kinda not (?)
It’s almost as if he holds back on it cause he doesn’t wanna overwhelm you
When you’re out on the town he’ll be your self-appointed bodyguard
He’s gonna love cooking with/for you.
He’d be so excited if you wanted to learn to cook or were just a little interested in it.
Very concerned about your well-being and will constantly make sure you're doing good. He’s ready to solve all your problems even if it's completely out of his control
There’s gonna be a lot of times when the two of you are just hanging out in the kitchen as he gives you random samples of food he wants your opinion on before continuing whatever conversation you were having earlier
Your biggest supporter
You and he would team up to attack Luffy after he steals food from the kitchen
Would probably go to you for advice on how to approach Zoro women, even tho he considers him an expert
Overall, a very positive friendship :)
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eternal-love · 7 months
Austin and Me
“Baby blues.”
“Wife to the ‘king’. Icon to the world. Destined for more.”
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Summary: At 18 years old, she fell in love with Austin, at 20 years old, she became his wife, by 22, she was his doll. In which Cynthia’s life changed drastically after falling head over heels with a man that promised her the moon and the stars. She takes us down the memory lane of what could’ve been— the perfect marriage.
Inspired by the book: Elvis and Me by Priscilla Presley.
I do not condemn any of the portrayals I decide to do about certain people, it’s just fanfiction. And it would be divided in parts.
English isn’t my first language so I’m trying my best!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Being pregnant wasn’t easy, I wish I could go back in time and tell myself that I wasn’t doing anything wrong, that I was doing okay.
Austin and I had bought this house in California, it was a big space, it had a huge backyard and front yard, it even had a long drive in. Kinda like Elvis’ Graceland, just not as glorious, but it was home— our home.
Austin barely let me even help decorate and move everything in the house, he was afraid of me hurting myself but I didn’t want to feel useless so I at least tried to help with the cooking but he didn’t me doing any of that.
“Baby, I’ve told you a thousand times that you don’t need to cook.” Austin was very adamant with his rules but he wasn’t the greatest cook back then.
“I know but— I was hungry.” I said as I didn’t move away from the stove, which seemed to irritate Austin.
“Go back and sit down, I’ll do this.” Austin said, not sternly but on a serious manner.
I listened and sat down at the living room couch, cursing quietly as I crossed my arms in annoyance, he never let me do anything on my own, not even take a shower, he was always there prying like a predator. I got his concerns but I was really fine— it’s not like I was on constant danger.
As I was an actress I knew that I had to take care of my figure, it was a principle so I went on a diet throughout all my pregnancy. I had one meal a day and only snacked on fruit— Austin didn’t get or talk to me about it, like he turned a blind eye into it. The doctors told me that my weight was okay, so I didn’t really bother. And as much as I loved seeing Austin happy, the less people mentioning I looked pregnant, the better. I took pride on myself for not having to buy maternity clothes as my usual clothes still fit me perfectly.
Throughout all my pregnancy I was sad or melancholic— I don’t know why. I dreaded my life as a childless woman but there was not going back now. But during that time, Austin was compassionate, he tried to understand me at least.
“What’s wrong baby? What happened to the twinkle in your eyes?” Austin asked as he cupped my face with his hands, worried about how I felt.
“I’m fine. I promise.” I stuttered, I didn’t want to worry him.
“No, you tell me. I know ya best.” Austin squeezed my cheeks, lovingly.
“I-I-I do want a baby… it’s just so soon.” My eyes began to water as I looked up at him, I heard him humming and he nodded. “What about our plans and trips together?” Austin’s face softened a little.
“Oh baby.” Austin pulled me towards him, embracing me, he tried kissing the top of my head but he ended up kissing my hair-sprayed bouffant, he chuckled. “We’re gonna have a little one.”
I chuckled, he made me feel safe during that moment even if the pregnancy made me feel isolated. I missed acting, my career but I understood I had to take a step back, even if didn’t want to. Austin liked having people over, childhood friends, they’d okay the guitar or cook some barbecues on the backyard besides the pool.
I didn’t enjoy it very much, I didn’t like people seeing me now that I was pregnant. Even though I was always put together, my hair teased and styled, always wearing makeup, my dresses, I still couldn’t feel an ounce of attractiveness whenever I looked in the mirror.
I was decorating the nursery, sitting on the floor all, folding some neutral baby clothes my mom had bought for me, meanwhile I heard the laughter of Austin and his friends. Quite a depressing sight.
Around the 4th month of my pregnancy, I finally felt the baby move and it brought me a shot of joy and happiness, I understood why so many people enjoyed part of their pregnancies, I wanted the baby to move all the time. And it brought me more joy when Austin placed his hand on my swollen stomach, she always smiled and talked softly when he did so.
“I can’t wrap my head around how someone so small can create another small little thing…” Austin would say softly as he chuckled. The pregnancy was bringing us closer.
But his career kept going and I had to understand him leaving, he was filming two movies, one being The Dead Don’t Die and Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. He’d take time off and call me every once in a while, asking how I was and how I felt.
I would lie if I said I wasn’t jealous of Austin working with Tarantino, that was one of my dream directors. He had called me to offer me a role on that very same movie— but I was pregnant so he decided to turn it down before I could even answer it.
I was sure I could have a normal labour, the doctor told me I was capable of doing so and I believed him. It was December and Austin was already home again, I was getting desperate to get the baby out of me.
On December 26th, 2018, I woke up at about five o’clock in the morning and the bed beneath me was soaking wet as well as my nightgown. Frightened, I called my mother quickly, she told me that I was ready to go to the hospital so I gently woke up Austin, he was straight up confused as he thought he was dreaming but once he felt the bed wet, he shot up and starting putting on his pants.
“You’re having the baby!” He yelled out in desperation as he rant back and forth the room, picking up everything we needed and also trying to get dressed.
Ignoring his desperation, I made my way carefully to the bathroom, I had my hair down and I teased it, which was difficult but I did so, I also did my makeup and added a pair of false lashes. I got a special permit from the hospital to keep them in while I gave birth.
Even with all our rehearsals, he still drove to the wrong hospital, of course he did, he was distracted drinking coffee and munching a muffin while driving. I was trying to control my contractions while I glared at him.
“If we don’t get there I’m having this baby in the car.” I said in annoyance, well I was about to give birth to a whole human being.
“Don’t threaten me— I’m trying.” Austin responded as he took a bite off his muffin.
“It’s not a threat. It’s a promise.” I said before trying to control my breath as the paints were hitting me horribly.
But luckily— we arrived on time.
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gagsolineoilrefinery · 5 months
brian headcanons? pretty please
Smiles so big and wide at you yes absolutely I love that little freak
putting under a read more for convenience's sake
- I'm 100% a Bug Brian truther, that man is an insect you can't convince me otherwise, I like to think he can make weird little chittering noises and climbs up walls with his hands and feet for enrichment
- He's trans and has no last name because he didn't care enough to pick a new one so he went with none, acts all mysterious about it because he thinks it makes him look cool
- This man needs glasses so fucking badly but after a litany of "nerd" comments growing up he refuses to wear them, has attempted contacts but cant get them in his eyes for the life of him
- He would genuinely rather die than go to the factory, he does all his needed repairs on himself unless he's forced to (usually by Ben or William)
- He gets along with his co workers in, his own way when he's forced to interact with them. He does not understand how to behave "appropriately" around other people, he's my favorite rude autism icon (he is going to insult your intelligence at any given opportunity with what he sees as good intentions and does not understand why everyone hates him)
- I'm also a Bellthinker truther I think that british man should kiss that bug right on the brain dome and make him so flustered his systems soft reset
- Every time theres a meeting that he's in the second he's at the front of the room the entire mood changes because everybody knows he's gonna have a whole presentation planned thats no less than 1 hour long, and he will yell at you if you try to stand up for any reason
- I like to think living in the heart of toontown (right in the playground no less) definitely has some side effects on him, the silliness is rubbing off on him more than he realizes, most obviously things like his brain exploding comically when he starts baby raging
- Im sorry this man is absolutely a cog reddit user (coggit? idk) you can't change my mind, hes a power mod and proud of it, keeps getting talked to for using it on company time though
- He's very attatched to the Desk Jockeys but absolutely hates to admit it, I like to think its a Dr. Robotnik with Scratch and Grounder type dynamic (thinking especially like that one scene where Robotnik says "I don't even know why I bother to repair you guys, I suppose I'm too sentimental" shit like that)
- With his dynamics with the other toontown central managers, I think he actually feels very guilty about the incident that happened with Buck- but instead feigns a petty hatred for him so nobody will ask him about it and he doesn't have to admit how monumentally he fucked up
- He's on relatively chill terms with William, they're both angry big mouthed autistic people who do not know how to shut up so they mesh pretty well, I think they like to fight eachother to let off steam and then makeup immediately after, Brian isn't too fond of the whole oil leakage problem thing though because it makes a mess of his basement but he doesn't exactly hold it against him since he knows he can't help it
- When he can spare the time he loves poking around in the systems of his co workers just to see how they operate out of morbid curiosity and to see how he can make the jockeys more efficient, he's on that medic tf2 shit, not many of them let him do it though (understandably so)
- Probably went to whatever the cog equivalent of medical school was but lost his medical license after The Buck Incident™️
(And I think thats probably good for now because I am dangerously treading the line of infofumping about my AU sorry I have so many thoughts about this creature)
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I can make you a pride icon if you want
My epic gamer art fight profile
DNI+Other things under the cut(at least read what's in red pls)
So yeah, my name's Socks and I'll rather be addressed as he/she/it/star+other neos, I'm also ok with most gendered therm but if you're not sure just calls me whatever I'll tell u if I don't like it. Use il and elle interchangeably in french plz
POC trans aspec individual 👍
Here's my full list of neos and other things
I create drawings like fruit
Digital art is made on the weekends and the only drawings you can reasonably expect from me is nilfruits characters and my fursona
Things I do in my free time/I've did out of boredom include: digital and traditional art, made a vtuber model, painting, photography, cosplaying/sewing, made bracelets, translation (only french/english), playing guitar, lockpicking and archery. I am hobby georg
Art request: open but only rain world and nilfruits related because I'm normal (lie)
Please say things to me and send things to me I love listening to people and I'm so sad and alone like half the time and it'll never bother me even if I'm busy
I love bright colors and light but I understand how some people can't look at them for their safety so I tag it as #eyestrain and #flashing I tag other things too theyre just the most common
Ask me phylosophical shit like the meaning of life and I for sure have an answer
Also if you want to send me hate mail feel free!! I like laughing at it
Despite being a guitarist I am the number one bass and bassists fan
Don't follow me if you can't handle occasional vent posts
Don't be fooled by my blog I'm still a furry at heart
I love when people infodump and ramble in my inbox itz so interesting
Memory issues
If I complain about something and its not tagged as a vent then that means I'm not that upset about it
If I do seem upset the best thing you could do is give me a distraction if you wanna help
Don't involve me in discourse I will explode
I have a lot of sideblogs they're @narou-official @ask-voca-mutant-au @yer-fave-is-a-pirate @socks-is-a-menace @zatsunemiku-official @haganemiku-official @weekly-utsu-p @gourmand-appreciation @valid-iterator-name @invenot @the-spearmaster and a couple more, most of em are dead tho
I also have a SUPER MEGA GIGA SECRET pokemon irl blog, try finding it:)
Here I'll be putting hints for it: eel
I also have @the-artificer who just kinda exist
I have autism adhd n I'm personality disorder georg at this point
I'm plural too now apparently??? Some of my headmates are at @bar0ness and @n0mann . You're normally only gonna see me post here tho
I'm a minor
Don't sexualise my ocs pls
I like these thangs->Warrior Cat(barely, I don't even catch up), Mad rat dead, madoka magica, Kirby, the Stanley parable, pafl, biblically accurate angels, sparklecats, Dead plate, Pokemon, Vocaloid but mainly whatever nilfruits characters got going on, OFF, ENA, Cuphead, pjsekai, milgram, Splatoon, bocchi the rock, cult of the lamb, sonic, rain world, and Omori(I don't support omocat), please talk to me about them (there will also be spoiler for all of these)
You can use my art n designs as long as you credit but PLEASE don't give it to AI, repost it without permission (unless credited and Fanart, don't repost my oc art) or use it in edits!! Icons are fine
I kin a lotta diff things and I don't mind doubles👍
Tagging system:
#Paradichlorobenzene is my favorite word:text posts
#random/#rambling: text posts from 2022 to 2023
#socks is scribbling: art tag
#shitty things I made: something I made that isn't a drawing (most likely a shitpost)
#rb: reblog
#me when: posts that are me core
#this is very gender: things that gives me gender envy
#pics of the awesome me: self explanatory
#oc:[insert name]:the mentioned OC's tag
#utsu p characters lore: me making shit up about the characters in utsu-p song because I love his music but the lack of narrative to be abnormal about is sickening so I made the narrative myself
#im dragon: posts about me being a dragon
#muu was here!: Muu fictive posting on my blog. Only it is allowed to post on my blog because she asked nicely bug uses she/they/it/bug also
I also got two personas who are very cools
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Userbox by @sweetpeauserboxes and blinkies by @/harukaenthusiast
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DNI : post untagged nsfw things, Rainflower defenders, support AI art, queerphobics, racist, transphobes, irl yandere, proshipper, radfem, like hp or support it's creator, ableist, anti furries, exclusionist, eating disorder blogs, transautistic, nazi, terfs and similar things
And that's it I think
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hellsbroadcaster · 5 months
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If we dropping stories I got one. For me its not really duplicates that bother me. its not the duplicates you should be weary of, its just the people who you are dealing with. The ones who drop you easily for someone else. I also don't do exclusives, i have mains, and i do prioritize those but I am not against writing with others of the same muse.
For me, ships don't expire. I have people of whom I have connected with because we are close friends who will always be my main and they don't even roleplay anymore. i am loyal through and through. and its just not something you see anymore in life and in the rpc. people only want what they want.
my mistake is I go above and beyond for people. people I really wanna talk to and be friends, I will do anything. Fuck, I've made icons, I've colored icons for people, I got them started in the rpc just to be abandoned by them the moment they got their footing. i had a 'friend' who i roleplayed a ship with, I spent my own money making us dual promos, matching blogs, just for them to run off and ship with my ex when I got into a bad place and they couldn't be bothered to actually be a friend.
And I wanted to blame them but really its my lack of boundaries and trusting and giving all of me to the wrong people. when I should be knowing better. so if I'm stand offish, if I seem like i'm distant its not you, its me accessing. and I go off vibes. I can tell when someone doesn't like me. you dont gotta say a word to me and I will know. and that fact was proven to me yesterday when i got softblocked. cuz I knew it was gonna happen. I dont care, you do you. i dont take that personally but it just shows that vibes are what i go off of. not your words, because people lie. so I dont go above and beyond anymore for people. respectfully, I meet you the same way you meet me.
I aim to make friendships and bonds here, because I have made many that I cherish and still have to this day. and I believe good people are out there, you just gotta weed through all the people who not genuine because so many good at putting on a nice face. and I dont trust kindness right away. im tired of always being the one who gives and continue to be left empty handed.
we in this age, grown as hell and so many people out here choosing to not fucking get the help they need. at this point its embarrassing, and not an excuse to treat people the way you do just because you've been traumatized and hurt. Heal so you dont hurt people the way you've been hurt.
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alrxiin · 8 months
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I personally see Ash as a dirty blonde, babe helping him bleach his hair every time to be perfect. Apparently, very stupidly didn't this time.
Also, this is pretty short but that's probably because I don't listen to Asher's playlist...I believe I listened to it once and never got to another video if his again LOL. (sorry Asher lovers, he's cute but just doesn't speak to me).
Fry your hair off
Asher x Babe (GN reader) || fluff
- "Stupid, stupid, stupid. Oh my God, what am I gonna do?" —
There was the mumbling mess of a Werewolf, Asher, panicking while pacing around the bathroom.
Despite Babe telling him so many timed to not do his hair on his own, seeing as he had no clue on how to really do it, he decided it would be a good idea anyways...
Now here he was, bright yellow and orange hair, regretting his questionable life choices.
He had to make the call.
- "Baaabe!" — They heard the muffled scream come from the bathroom just as they were finishing baking something for the both of them.
Rushing in, they only stopped in their tracks at the door when they saw the highliter-like hair on the Shifers hair.
- "Oh my God, Ash..." — Shighing, they massaged their temples.
- "I didn't want to bother you aaand...y–yeah, you can see." — He chuckled, trying to ease the mood.
- "Please, not another word. Dumbass." — They laughed, finally breaking the tough act when they took a good look at him, the bright yellow and orange hair clashing with his slightly tanned skin.
- "Let's fix you up, big boy. Where did you put the gloves?" —
Carefully and with mind of his current hair situation, they picked out a soft brown dye along with a toner that would level out the hair just right.
Ash only watched in awe, if course confused on "why they would pick a purple bottle to give him blonde hair???".
To no one's surprise, they mixed up a bowl of dye and put it on his hair. Not even letting him keep it on for longer, since he would then turn out brown haired... also giving him the shampoo to tone the hair into the right colour.
And just like that, Asher's hair turned out just how it have been so many times before, the prettiest ditty blonde hair.
- "How did this happen? You put purple in my hair!" — He whined, completely unaware on how color theory works.
- "Doesn't matter. What matters is that you don't look like a damn highlighter anymore... you dummy." — They chuckled, taking a hold of the Shifters face and running their fingers through his fairly soft hair. Gently caressing his freckled face with their thumb.
He only leaned in, doing his pretty much iconic little laugh, and wrapping his arms around his love.
- "Yeah yeah... please don't let me do this again." —
- "You'll do it again anyways, sooner or later." —
- "I know." — Before they could scold him any more for agreeing, he only pulled them closer and pressed a sweet kiss to their lips, erasing any previous angry words from their mind.
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cursedvibes · 2 years
lmao seeing Kenjaku’s personality shining in the latest chapters I’m not only convinced they’re iconic but they would’ve been such a fun??? interesting??? mom??? to Yuji???? if they stuck around and raised him as Kaorijaku. Like we talk about Jin being nonchalant about his obviously uncanny wife but Yuji being nonchalant about his eldritch horror of a mother has good potential.
Idk I guess I’m projecting cause I think Kenjaku and Yuji causally interacting would be so funny and they would have such an interesting dynamic if you put all the ✨ trauma ✨ the revelations about his parentage is gonna cause Yuji.
Kenny would be the most insufferable mom if they actually bothered to interact with their kids. We already saw how they treated Choso, Yuuji wouldn't fair much better, just without the insults (I need something like that cinema conversation but with Yuuji). Instead he'd have to hear all about his potential and the big plans they may or may not have for him. But they'd be infuriatingly vague about it because he should make these decisions on his own (of course they'd make sure that he knows that there's still a wrong decision).
It was also sweet of Kenjaku to be indirectly supportive of Yuuji. Sukuna was smart enough to not diss him in their presence and they still dragged him and his Megumi-face for filth. Imagine if he had made that comment about Yuuji/Megumi's face with them around.
Sukuna: "Yuuji is ugly"
Kenjaku: "You are the ugly one! Just look at your face. Embarassing. Also you're stupid and have no social skills. I'm gonna personally drive you to Sendai so Yorozu can beat the shit out of you."
Poor Yuuji would be so broken if he actually grew up with his mom. "Sorry, I'm still a bit light-headed from the blood sample I had to give this morning." "No idea what this stuff in my bento box is, but my mom says I should eat it to get big and strong." "Ignore the bruises, my mom just shoved me off a building to see if I would break my neck. They're very proud of me for still being alive. They even allowed me to go to the Pachinko parlour to gamble my pocket money away."
On another note, I think it would be really funny if Kenjaku was just as clingy with Jin as they are now with Uraume. They just keep showing up around him and going along with his mundane everyday activities because they totally don't have anything better to do at the moment. No, they don't have to go grocery shopping with him, but whatever, why not. "What are you doing there? Diaper changes? Sounds nasty but interesting. Tell me more. No, I'm not gonna help, I'll just stay over here and watch you do it."
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27emailsicantsend · 1 year
Carlos Rodriguez for the ask!
Got A LOT of requests for my cutie, Carlos- so here you go everyone! :)
Favorite thing about them: His wit and sass. He literally had me in tears laughing throughout season 3 and there are so many times his sass just works in the scene. He’s an absolute diva and he knows it, but his bluntness with the characters keeps the drama moving along. I would give anything to have a girls night where Carlos and I wear face masks, eat chocolate, and discuss our friends relationships. You couldn’t tell me that wouldn’t be the best night ever.
Least favorite thing about them: His sass/diva persona is a double-edged sword. There are a lot of times he comes across harsh or selfish when he wants his way. Determination is a great thing, but putting your friends needs below it (like the co-choreographer debocal), will leave you lonely and sad. I know he has big dreams, but sometimes he puts his needs first at others expense and it can come across as egotistical. I think this is a root to a lot of the Seblos issues- Carlos only reads how he interprets situations as correct, rather than putting himself in the other person’s shoes.
Favorite line(s):
“Ah! I’ve been slapped!”
“It’s freaking Norway, Ricky”
It’s not a line, but his face in 1x08 when he’s rehearsing with EJ is ICONIC
“Ok but if it’s not about me, then who?”
“But does that mean you’re going to let the next girl go without even trying?”
“I’m gay and Mexican- this IS my inside voice!”
“You can’t just Zefron your way through auditions this time”
“I don’t think he’s slept or spoken in the past 24 hours… there’s a high chance he’s a Babadook”
“We’re doing the first read-through before I’ve had my third cup of coffee…. Oh, Ricky and Gina are 100% missing” (say it again louder Carlos this was so real of you)
“Because the key to any great reality show is the 3 B’s: bombshells, betrayals and BLEEP slaps” *gasps*
“I think I broke the children”
“Remember, Ricky, you have unresolved feelings for Gina”… “Gina, what’s your motivation?” Gina: I don’t want to get started “Yes, AND you’re angry at your boyfriend and using your ex-boyfriend to get under his skin. Basically, have fun torturing EJ” Gina: I can do that 😈
“Jilted ex suits you bro… oh no. I said ‘bro’ and now you’re gonna reveal something”
-bonus: “Sorry. I’m adjusting to being called ‘bro’”
“I didn’t come to make friends” “It cut me off! I said, ‘I didn’t come to make friends, I came to be a star!” Ricky: yeah, that’s not any better
OTP: Seblos ❤️
nOTP: EJ and Carlos
brOTP: Carlos and Ricky, Kourtney, and Miss Jenn… but if I had to pick one, probably Kourtney
Something I expect from them season 4 (if applicable): I think the situation of Carlos at camp is going to get confused by Seb of Carlos cheating again. I think Seb will think the relationship is over (“we were on a break!”… if you know what I’m quoting, you’re the best), so he will date someone else. This will parallel the r*ni fight in S1, which gets us the Seblos song.
Random Headcanon: even if this never happens in S4, it is my personal HC that as a thank you for s2, Carlos helps Ricky write a song for Gina.
Unpopular Opinion: I don’t even know if this actually is unpopular, but I could see it being that way so I am putting it here. His line to Gina about “look around, there’s not really a lot of me here” has bothered me since it happened. I think things like being from multiple minorities is really important to address in shows like this, so I’m glad it was brought up. However, I think his timing/tone for bringing it up was bad because it read more as “my problems are bigger than yours!” rather than, “hey I get what it feels like to be lonely and how important choreography makes me feel like I stand out/have purpose”. Instead Carlos seemed defensive and was like “I have problems too!” So this caused Gina to cower and let him lead the dance number. He didn’t even say thank you or try to encourage her to still help him, he just was like “ok great!” And seemed like he was happy he got his way. IDK I guess this goes back to my disliked trait for him, because Gina in that moment probably just needed a friend and somebody to show her she didn’t have to suffer alone, but instead Carlos flipped the situation back on him and it seemed guilt-trippy. I wish they would have brought up his struggles in a different context or had him use a different tone/dialogue in that scene that didn’t paint him like that, is all.
Song I associate with them: The King by Conan Gray, Hand on Mine Megan and Liz, and I know it’s from the show (I’m trying to avoid songs from the show for this ask) but since he doesn’t sing it I’ll use it. But I think of him every time I listen to Born to be Brave; his talk with Mozzarella Stick and him being lifted by the whole crowd is burned into my brain so I see it whenever I listen to that song
Favorite picture of them:
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so-silly · 2 years
Rabbit Traps..
a Stolkien one-shot
this is based off an animation made by marjoriestotch
During a rather warm summer afternoon, Tolkien and Steve were stepping out of Steve's work truck, grabbing a couple boxes of food they had bought at a local farmers market. When they had gotten inside, Steve set the boxes he had grabbed down, opening the back door to check on his yard while Tolkien put away the fruits and vegetables into their fridge. When Steve started closing the back door, he and Tolkien could hear a faint shaking coming from a chicken wire fence. At that moment, both knew exactly what was going on.
"God damnit, another rabbit dug under the fence." Steve, Tolkien's father, sighed in frustration.
"Have you considered putting up the traps we bought like weeks ago?" Tolkien replied to his dad, looking down at the hole dug under their lazily put in fences.
"I'm not totally sure how to do that. Think you can ask Randy's son Stan to help? I'm sure he or his father knows how."
"I don't think Randy would want to help us."
"But his son would."
"Okay okay, I'll go bother Stan." Tolkien playfully rolled his eyes.
20 minutes later, Tolkien was in a more…barnyard attire, walking towards the farm next door to his dad's. After following the short path towards the neighboring farm, he stepped up towards the door and knocked a couple times, double checking to see if Randy's truck was parked outside. After waiting for a couple of seconds, Tolkien watched as the door slowly creaked open, presenting a Stan Marsh in skull pj pants, no top, and messy hair.
"Oh hey Tolkien. What time is it??" Stan groggily asked.
"Hey Stan! it's like 3 in the afternoon." Tolkien laughed a little, showing Stan his phone screen.
"Oh shit I didn't realize how late it was. Well anyways, come in. I'm gonna get dressed, you can do whatever."
Stan closed the door behind Tolkien, running up the stairs to change. When he came back, he was in some baggy jeans, a 'stone temple pilots' band teeshirt, a grunge flannel, and black converse. Of course wearing his iconic beanie, even though the weather didn't call for a winter hat.
"So why'd you come over?" Stan asked Tolkien who was sitting on the couch playing on his phone with a can of Sprite sitting on a coaster designed to match the coffee table.
"A bunch of rabbits have been breaking into our yard and eating our plants or just digging holes everywhere. Me and my dad have no clue how to set up the traps we got, so I was hoping you could help..?"
"Oh for sure!! Me and my dad have been setting those up around our yard too. That's probably why they moved onto your yard."
"Awesome! Thanks!"
Tolkien got up from the couch, putting his phone in his pocket and grabbing the sprite he yoinked from Randy's mini fridge, following Stan outside of the door.
"Okay, so basically you need to prop this piece of the door up after placing the rabbit treats at the end, what's supposed to happen is the traps hood falls down when they touch the food, triggering the…Tolkien, are you listening?" Stan paused his far too specific instructions.
When he looked up, he saw Tolkien staring straight at him, a bright but small smile. The sun was shining down on his face, eyes, and hair. The view was absolutely beautiful and both Stan and Tolkien had a hot red blush on their faces.
"Uhm oh yeah, I'm, I'm listening."
"Tolkien, I don't want to re-explain what I just said.."
"Then don't."
Tolkien then ducked down towards Stan. Both of them staring at each other for a couple of seconds. Tolkien began to lean in before Stan turned away, unassembling the trap.
"Okay then prove you listened."
"Are you teasing me right now?" Tolkien dramatically gasped.
"Stop using big words, Stan."
"Make me."
Tolkien turned to the same angle Stan was facing and began to kiss him. Their lips moving rhythmically with each other. Their kiss had lasted at least a minute before Tolkien broke it to breathe. The two once again smiled at each other, Stan looking way more flustered than he had before. Tolkien, on the other hand, giving a more confident and smirky look.
Panicked and nervous, Stan turned back towards the traps, and began fumbling with it, tripping over his own fingers.
"Okay, stop getting distracted. We need to get this done before my dad gets home and flips his shit because I'm hanging out with you."
"Haha, okay then. Work now kiss later?" Tolkien grinned.
"Of course." Stan smiled with a toothy ah grin towards Tolkien, bumping his thigh onto Tolkien's and getting back to building the traps.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 1 year
Brigitte Empire! She's just done a big move to escape TERF Island, and YT (and associated donations) are her only source of income right now. Listen, like, and reply to her video (you don't have to read the YT comments - though most aren't too bad - just say "hi") to help her out with the algorithm, and give money if you can.
And, while I have your attention, how DOES one differentiate between a nice, civil protest and a lawbreaking riot?
Well, is "one" an ordinary human being without a badge - press or police/security?
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Like these BLM folks right here?
...Then your input is not required. Sorry. You don't actually get to define whether you're here to be heard or to break shit and ruin it for everyone. You have no authority over your message, and we do not believe you when you express your intent, especially if there's any (I mean ANY) property damage. Human lives are more important than some light vandalism and broken windows, you say? Well, lalalalala, 'cos we're not listening.
But if "one" does have a badge...
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Aha! Behold, a miscreant!
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Yes. Take that, you... you building-haters!
...one is allowed, nay, expected to put the proper framework around this chaos of, uh, human beings asking for human rights with their (theoretically) protected right to protest.
And this framework is subject to change!
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...like, a lot of change. Within a single human lifetime, MLK goes from commie threat to conservative icon, and the protests he helped organize go from "tut-tut, so uncivil" to a triumph of nonviolent resistance. Gandhi and his tactics have gone through a similar rehabilitation/reclaimation.
And Stonewall? It's gone from a riot to a protest to a riot, with an ever-evolving cast of heroes, villains, and participants. Brigitte up there steered clear of who was involved and what their motivations may have been, and I suppose I will too, because we're all very attached to our own personal mythology. We all want to have been there, and there's some backlash and othering for people with queer identities that aren't part of the mythos.
I will say, though, that the man-o-sphere-centric film Buck Breaking sure did cough up an interesting interpretation for us. (Don't bother to watch it, I didn't, I just read/listened about it. It seems painful.) To the brain trust behind this propaganda piece, Stonewall was a BLACK riot - with no queer folks involved at all, certainly not any Black queer folks - and we STOLE it from them. I'm not gonna take that apart either, F. D. Signifier already did, and his experiences give him a better viewpoint than mine.
A riot is defined, and fueled by the police reaction in the moment, and afterwards, the media and politicians will carve it up however they see fit. Generally speaking, contemporary sources tend to err on the side of the police, and slowly get more revisionist as time passes. If the cops don't want you where you are, they will come up with a reason to remove you, provoking one if necessary. (See, my earlier post today, responding to efforts to make it more difficult to protest in the States.)
Cops are trained to parse any disturbance (even a bunch of kids singing patriotic music at the Capitol to score cheap points for the Republican House Speaker) as a threat, and they will minimize or remove it. A protest that does not cause a disturbance is not an effective protest. Thus, ANYTHING can be a riot. And, once the cops fire a few chemical weapons into the crowd, it sure will look like one. That's nice for any newspaper photographers who happen to be in the area!
This is why, when I talk about violent protests, I say the violence happens, like a rainy day or a sneeze. Speaking as a bleeding-heart lefty progressive (I don't show up for shit like January 6th), most people aren't looking to hurt anyone, they just want to be heard. If you do look like you're just there to start some shit, or you bring a weapon, someone will take you aside and ask you to go home, or at least leave that shit in the car. People with obvious weapons make a suitable excuse for the police to start some shit of their own - and we'd all rather not be pepper-sprayed or gassed, thanks. But if the cops want you gone, they are able to turn up the pressure until someone snaps, and then they'll start doing damage and making arrests anyway.
The first Pride was a riot, and a protest, and the participants repaid police violence against them with violence against the police. Police do their violence on behalf of the State, so we tend to overlook it, or spread the responsibility around until everyone is a little bit complicit. (We live in a democracy, right? Right?) But the truth is, a riot can be self-defense. It just doesn't look like it in the papers, because systemic oppression doesn't photograph very well.
Nothing about what's happening is "civil." "Civility" is not what anyone is after, here. What they want is silence. Silence just lets them keep doing whatever the hell they were doing, while pretending we're all OK with it. If you raise your voice, they will do whatever they can to shut you down. They lie, they cheat, they wound, and they kill.
Well, you can't make any noise if you're dead. So first, stay alive. And then, if you can, yell your fucking head off. Don't quiet down no matter what label they hit you with. If you're lucky, one day you'll be a triumph of nonviolent resistance too!
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cat-of-starlight · 2 years
Oh my Goodness! Jacq is one of my favorites too! If you do not mind, could you do the Blorbo Character Sheet for him? And Cilan too if that is not too much to ask; I am interested to see your opinions on him since he’s 50/50 with the fandom who watched the anime.
My boys,,,, (Sorry this took so long, the holidays happened!!)
Gonna talk about each as I go because I Lov them <3 (and the energies they both give are similar but different so they need their own sections)
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Ok, starting with Jacq-
Sweet boy, I LOV- As I’ve jokingly said to friends of mine “I like my men sweet, slightly fruity, and clearly neurodivergent” he fits all three of those boxes so well, and I actually get to bother him ingame, which is a plus.
Literally, he is the main reason I am completing my Pokédex… I am less than 10 Pokémon away.. what have I become?? The things I do for the sweet characters I enjoy 🥺💜
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-Cracks knuckles- I’m SO glad you mentioned the fandom perception of him because BOY HOWDY
Generally, I love him for most of the same reasons as Jacq, but let’s talk anime specific things about him , since unlike Violet, I can’t play Black to go bother him because no content 😔
I’ll admit, the initial reason I was drawn to him was his VA (I mean look at my icon, of course I fell for the character w/ the same VA as my 1st childhood hyperfixation), but as I kept watching, I LOVED how passionate he was about everything. At the time I was watching, I was still young and had no personal concept of what neurodivergence even was, and to see a character be SO passionate about things in such a way, it excited me- it was nice to see a character who at did something like me, if even just a little-
So FURTHERMORE, it was HEARTBREAKING to see how the damn cast (and the fandom on top of that) treated him!! Let!! Him!! Talk!! About food and trains!! Let my boy hyperfixate in PEACE!!
I remember specifically being heartbroken about how there was a moment where they were around, which generic protag girl was it, I think Dawn (idk I didn’t watch every season, and some I watched when I was very little so I don’t remember), but Cilan was trying SO hard to be helpful/also hyperfixating, and the cast basically went “lmao don’t care” and the next scene cuts to him looking sad and rejected in the corner, like HELLO??
Fun fact/side tangent about another character in that season which is related to this- A lot of people love various versions of Iris because uwu cute dragon trainer girl or something, but the way she treats Cilan in the anime made me HATE her in every media. Also I don’t put Axews in my party ever because they make me think of that tiny annoyance
Anyway, I definitely encountered him at a pivotal point in my life and I WISH he was treated better by the cast and fanbase
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theoncomingdoo-dah · 2 years
Episode 1.5 World War 3
just suffered through Deadname of The Doctor with my partner so I'm treating myself with some GOOD nuwho
terrible effects? yes. terrible writing? absolutely fucking NOT
God the old intro is so good. I mean the series 7 one is alright but I miss the old one
I MISS NINE SO MUCH he's so sassy and goofy
"That's never gonna work, is it?" "No." *dashes off* Iconic.
Nine always looks so giddy when he's got guns pointed at him. Its too much.
"...don't stand them against the lift!" 😄
Sir if you don't stop smiling like that I'm kissing you on the mouth
oh god the elevator exchange is so awkward xD
Nine coming in clutch with a fucking fire extinguisher (not a gun!)
Also introductions between him and Harriet. Very polite!
And it just keeps getting better! They like each other. ^^
The banter between Harriet, Rose and Nine is amazing.
Nine going from cocky to "Ah." Will get me everytime. Kin.
The fart jokes. Who's idea was it. I need to know.
I really like the exchanges between Mickey and Jackie. It comes off very organic, and like they've known each other for awhile.
The thing that the Doctor sometimes does with names and the dead. Asking peoples names. Giving them honor in someway. I miss that.
Rose joking about the compression field and Harriet calling her out on it is a small moment but an important one. Rose has become accustomed to death, enough that it doesn't bother her as much.
"You're a very violent young woman."
"Is she alright though? Don't put her on, just tell me." Oh god that is ME WITH MY MOM.
Rose's smile when Nine has to ask Mickey The Idiot for help. 🙂
"Mickey you were born in the dark." SIR CHILL
I noticed in the whole "is my daughter safe?" exchange, Rose isn't really given the ability to voice how she feels. Her mom talks over her, even when she says that she fine. Maybe it's because she's young, I don't know.
I love the "narrows it down" scene.
"You kiss this man?" STOP IT
Nine gagging at the taste of the alcohol is such a small moment but I adore it
I find it interesting that the Slitheen actually care about each other. Maybe because they're mentally connected?
Nine is fucking pissed.
Nines face when Rose tells him "Do it." Before he's even explained the plan. Like 'you trust me that much?' Breaks my heart, honest.
"I could save the world but lose you." DONT TOUCH ME.
I love how it was Rose's idea to hide in the cupboard!
"I'm not infatuated!" Okay Rose. 😏
Jackie inviting the Doctor for dinner and him declining. Awe. Won't be that way for too long.
"My mother's cooking." "Good. Put her on a slow heat and let her simmer." PLEASE.
Oh he's trying so hard to be suave and cool. Like "pssh, you don't have to come if you don't want. I'll just have cool adventures without you." But it's more like "Please come. Please. 🥺"
I feel sorry for Jackie. She can't do anything to stop her daughter, her only daughter, from leaving. No matter how badly she wants her to stay.
"There's a scientific explanation for that. YOURE THICK."
"You're stuck with me. Ahaa."
the fact that Jackie actually counts the 10 seconds...my heart...
This two parter is still amazing. And the way it actually deals with the consequences of Rose leaving her old life behind is great.
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hoodiehydra · 2 years
*Pulls put whiteboard*
Okay so the ones in my playlist, I shall really talk about them.
So my top 3, in order, is
Build Our Machine
Details in the Devil
Shade Me
First off, Build Our Machine was like- the first ever BATIM song I heard and I still love it. It gives that sense of “I’m gonna kill you and this song will prove that”. The lyrics are pretty in sync with the overall storyline in the game. Dagames has an incredibly powerful voice that brings out the song so well, overall. The tune itself is awesome because it just has so much power in it. Such a bop, always vibe to it.
Then we have Details in the Devil. You may or may not have seen me and @lightgriffinsect screensing this song, and can you blame us? It really is a good song. I mean- the lyrics are really powerful, can easily make me sway to it. Also Alice’s part (AS I WAS TYPING THIS IN THIS EXACT MOMENT THIS SONG CAME ON THIS IS GONNA HELP) was so cool. And yes the lyrics fit the character so much it’s actually accurate. At the same time, it’s been pointed out that I apparently relate to the lyrics. (YOU MADE IT HAPPEN, YOU MADE IT REAL 😩😩😩 DUDE THE SINGERS VOICE IS SO NICE TO LISTEN TO)
Then, we got Shade Me. For the most part, the song is mostly rap. I am a huge sucker for rap, which also quite a few BATIM songs have. So they automatically rank quite high in my faves. But uh- main point here is the part where it actually talks about BATIM and all those parts where the jumpscares DO exist and it’s just- wow. I can’t describe it.
Further on, we also have Children of the Machine. Dagames and CG5’s collab was epic. I love both artists sm, this was absolute perfection. Their voices just sound so nice I can’t rn- the lyrics are from a different POV this time, sounding more positive and… less murderous. I can’t tell if that’s a good or bad thing tbh. But I definitely vibe to it, 102%.
It’s in the same album as Shade Me, but it’s explicit. +5 points for that :). Okay fr tho, the “When the ink pours down, a dance for two” is so iconic I love it. Just imagining lost ones being caught dancing lmfao- It actually hits. Beat itself is pretty upbeat, like most BATIM songs and it’s really fun to listen to.
There are more BATIM songs in my playlist but stupid Tumblr made me mad so I no longer wanna talk about them. I said it once, they didn’t catch it, so y’all didn’t get it. More than just annoyed rn
I don’t wanna bother with the links cuz Tumblr is shitty with links. Pussies. I didn’t even post more than 7-
Welcome Home
Draw Me Closer
The Devil’s Swing
Inkwell Dreams
Bendy and the Ink Machine
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jackienautism · 1 year
hi again!! hope you're having a good one. and yeah that is my icon :)
i do play things pretty fast SDKDFLS i've found that if i don't like. race through as fast as possible i'll end up leaving things unfinished for forever. glances at my p5 playthrough and glances away LOL. played practically nonstop, hit okumura's palace, had to leave my pc for a long weekend, and just. never picked the game back up again whoops
YEAHHH eagle among lions is like. my most anticipated fic that i put on the read later list SDJFLKSD i'm saving it for once i finish all the routes to make up for the fact that i won't have any more routes to play hahah. and HMM... i thinkk the fics that i'd most recommend are child of light by riahk, ghosting by greyimperia, homeroom (or, if we're not recruited in 15 minutes, we're legally allowed to leave) by Schistosity, and let the devil in by greyimperia. which are, respectively, a mercedes character study (speaking of mercedes, she has absolutely rocketed up my rankings. i love her), a linhardt character study, byleth recruits everyone possible (barring hilda) on a blue lions run so edelgard, hubert, claude and hilda have homeroom together and develop a friendship, and uh. not super sure how to describe the last one? but i liked it! it's a one-shot about the lords. inspired by we know the devil if you've played that game.
funnily enough none of those are the time travel fics i've read but i can't like. seem to find the best ones i read?? i didn't spend a ton of time looking through my history tho so if i find them later i'll send another ask lol.
yeah i definitely get that :/ haven't experienced that Too much yet with fe3h but i'm sure once i start searching for more specific dynamics barely anything's gonna turn up :(
YEAH. YEAH ON THE INGRID STUFF. idk maybe im overreacting or misremembering stuff but i feel like since we're both saying similar stuff i'm probably not like. seems like the nightmare scenario! idk it also really bothers me that sylvain and ingrid's paired ending is like. mostly about sylvain's political situation and then tacks on at the end "and he couldn't have done it without his wife and they had many kids" (paraphrased) like. okay :| uncomfortable!
and yeah the game sort of plays up the whole. ingrid as the one responsible for sylvain and felix but it's REALLY the fan emphasis on that that i've seen which bothers me. like they reallyyy like to shove her into the mom friend archetype. idk.
yeah berniegard is semi popular!! i definitely have some art of them in my queue sdjfls. i thought their b and c supports were pretty standard and enjoyable, but their a support (which i've now seen lol) was really good. not one of my absolute favorites, but definitely up there! i can see why this pairing is popular.
MAN. YEAH on the marianne supports thing. AND. YEAH about dorothea and marianne..... as soon as i noticed that they both had themselves in their dislikes my mind IMMEDATELY went to their potential dynamic.. i also really like a potential marianne/edelgard dynamic just based off of her dialogue about edelgard in cf??? like i'm gonna be mad forever about their nonexistant support chain. also marianne and mercedes.. those two were always at the cathedral praying you're telling me they couldn't have a conversation about faith? and like. mercedes can Read people and she has a desire to help people.. the supports could've been so good.... similarly i think dorothea and mercedes should've had a support chain. and mercedes and edelgard. maybe i'm just shoving my favorite girls together in different combinations but like. the potential is there who can blame me!! and YEAHH you're absolutely right about marianne and lysithea!! genuinely it feels like the a support is missing for those two :/
and yeah despite having sylvain attack felix i didn't even get their special dialogue :( apparently you can only get that one on CF and not VW? well. there's always next CF run :) and yeah that was where mercedes showed up! the caspar linhardt dialogue is. sad. as is the mercie annette dialogue which i also didn't get? that one, based off the wiki, it seems Can occur at the gronder battle on VW, but maybe because they were fighting i didn't get it?? not sure. but i watched it on youtube and it makes me sooo sad. but truly NOTHING makes me sadder than having dorothea kill ferdie especially considering her monastary dialogue after???? awful. petra and edie have the standard eagle vs edelgard dialogue but i feel like petra's political position makes her landing a hit on edelgard like. extra juicy lol. i would've had dorothea also do it but a) she was too far away and b) i still felt bad for having her kill ferdinand.
YEAH SDJFDLDKJ I WAS. not expecting to s support sylvain LMAO but. well! it's kind of funny i made the decision IMMEDIATELY after waking up from getting my wisdom teeth out??? like i was telling my mom about it in the waiting room they put you in before letting you leave. so i'm gonna say s supporting sylvain was a side effect. i did end up enjoying his s support + paired ending though!
as for silver snow, i thinkk you get to keep your class, barring edelgard and hubert? and YEAH it's that particular bond that i sort of envisioned when i first played cf and got to the branching path (as well as seeing dorothea's character shift post-timeskip) that largely held me back from s supporting her on vw. and YEAH the incentive is for SURE needed. i do notttt want to side against edie :(( and i haven't enjoyed siding with the church!! but i hear you get a lot of insight into byleth on that route and i am interested to see all that for myself.
YEAH ashe and marianne can support and it's very sweet! which makes sense since i mean. it's ashe and marianne. caspar and annette's supports, without going into spoilers, do a good job of showing caspar in a more like... competent/insightful light which i've found tend to be my favorite caspar supports. like yeah he's great for comedy but i like when he's taken seriously. and their dynamic is very sweet as well. and yeah shamir is a former mercenary i think?? yeah a lot of leonie's endings are. not the greatest? without spoiling specifically, either she's with someone i do Not want her to be with, it doesn't seem in-line with where her character would naturally progress, or it's just very bittersweet? but her ending with shamir was super in character and seemed relatively happy so. and YEAH i get that for leonie i wasn't really sold on her until post timeskip really? i think also the fact that i'd seen a lot of hate for her beforehand had me prepared for her to like do something bad or be Super annoying and then when she was like. fine. i was like huh i think im gonna like her more. out of spite.
im honestly a major fan of a lot of the nonromantic paired endings but this one was just.. i really think it was the fact that maya was completely offscreen that bothered me. and the fact that their supports weren't like, majorly about her?
yeah annette's songs are sooo silly i love her sense of whimsy and her dynamic with mercedes is sweet! weirdly enough i like their dynamic outside of their supports more than i like the supports themselves, with just the two of them hanging around the monastery together + their dialogue in azure moon cutscenes and stuff. their supports weren't bad or anything, i just felt like their fight was a little awkwardly pulled off, and i feel like there's probably more substance you can get from a potential support chain for these two considering they're one of a handful of duos who have a close history before the monastery.
and ah i get that and i hope that if you want to play the game more, you get the chance to!
i ended up recruiting ferdinand, bernie, leonie, marianne and raphael. planning to get dorothea as soon as i raise my charm! i'm alsooo raising linhardt to b support and if he asks to join my class i'll let him, but i'm not raising the reason skill to get him lol. i kind of want to recruit him bc i miss him, but i don't want too many recruits, so my compromise is leaving it up to chance.
as for hilda.. yeah her supports with byleth have her mentioning a LOT that she just. doesn't get the concept of dying for someone else. and then if you kill her in cf i think claude says something about how he told her to retreat.... much to think about. i think that may have been my biggest character defining moment for her, but i also loveee all of her supports where people sort of. see through her in a way? so her a support with claude and her b support with sylvain are some of my favorites (and she absolutely reads them right back which. again. i love that). and i'd consider those sort of character defining moments for her as well, if not to the same degree and not quite the same thing.
YEAH LMAO LORENZ... i feel like. i definitely see hints of what could be redeeming qualities in him but like... yeah. eventually i'll go through all of his supports, because it's not like i Like disliking potentially interesting characters but like. the dude does NOT make a good impression.
YEAHHHH THE SUNSET MOMENT WAS SO GOOD.... so was the part of their c support where marianne like. apologized for being a bad conversationalist and ignatz was like. "there's no need to apologize, if we'd been talking we would've missed these flowers!!" like. idk ignatz isn't a standout character to me but he's so sweet.. like that's my friend ignatz!! yeah annette and claude have supports!! featuring more of annette's singing. and claude singing i think! they're fun. YEAH SDJKSD sylvain's supports are pretty interesting across the board. and i def get why he wouldn't be your cup of tea LMAO, like.. based on your blog, he doesn't really line up with the sorts of characters you usually seem to get attached to lol. but yeah his supports usually do a good job of showing a different side of his character than much of his other dialogue, especially in the early game (can't speak for post timeskip am obviously). idk there are maybe three characters i got Really attached to before actually playing their route and he's one of them. the others being marianne, mostly due to her paralogue, and annette honestly just based off of general vibes once i'd recruited her.
YEAH CLAUDE AND MARIANNE'S A SUPPORT.... idk i really love how he goes from pushing her a bit to recognizing her boundaries and instead offering reassurance and understanding without crossing them.... so sweet. and YEAH marianne on the end art makes me soooo happy. yeah leonie and claude's.... b support i want to say?? was the two of them discussing religion and stuff and at the end claude's like "hm some people might call this conversation sacrilegious huh" and leonie's like "yeah probably. good thing i don't care and won't tell anyone though" and i just thought that was fun. MAN YEAH marianne laughing at the end of her and hilda's supports was The highlight of that support chain to me....
thank you i am enjoying the lions route so far!! playing white clouds for the third (kind of the fourth, if you count me watching my brother's playthrough lol) time in like. a month? month and a half? idk how long it's been actually.... ok checked and it's been a few days past a month?wow. anyway. playing it That many times has gotten me moving through it a bit slower, although i did play quite a bit today and i've gotten to chapter seven :) i am enjoying the lions! i could see before that white clouds was lions centric in a lot of ways but. man. it is sooo lion centric. i'm not like, super complaining about it? i mean. sylvain annette and mercedes are all probably in my top 5 characters. i am really liking dedue, ashe is sweet, i have Some complicated feelings surrounding ingrid but she is SO interesting to me (man her relationship with knighthood plus the ways you can view her character thru lenses of gender and sexuality..... what a character). while felix isn't my favorite he's still very well written and interesting. and honestly i'm enjoying dimitri more than i thought i would? idk my initial impression of him was very meh and then due to like. the way a lot of people who hateeee edie like. LOVE him gives me the kneejerk reaction of oh well i'm not gonna like this guy. but i'm enjoying him so far! he's like, middle of the pack of the lions for me, but that's still pretty good all things considered.
and man. side note because if i let myself get into it for real i'll get frustrated but. goddd the takes i've seen about edie just going through her character tag........ awful. i've blocked sooo many people already SDFJSL.
YEAH. i do NOTT enjoy siding with the church. eugh. i'm probably not gonna do another replay soon after i finish this playthrough, my silver snow run, and my second cf run, so either i play cf again first (because i miss edelgard and hubert and i don't like the church) or i play silver snow first so that i don't leave off on like. a silver snow playthrough LMAO. who knows.
anyway! i'm torn this playthrough between s supporting dimitri and mercedes because well. mercedes is self explanatory (i love her), and dimitri has the appeal of being like. central to the story as the lord? the thing is i probably won't replay am for a WHILE after this, if i do at all, so this is like my Shot to s support him? and i like seeing the supports myself rather than watching them on youtube or something. so i'm probably gonna do that, assuming i keep enjoying his character well enough (because like. based off of fanart and uh. the general vibes of my last playthrough, his character shifts post-timeskip). and then i'll probably end up s supporting mercedes on my next cf run :) because other than mercie (and dorothea obviously) i think the only other character i really want to s support is hubert?? and like i love him don't get me wrong but. mercie outranks him. and i will probably replay cf a third time eventually because that's probably gonna be my default route on subsequent replays once i've experienced everything once. still who knows how things will shake out i mean. last time i said i wasn't gonna s support sylvain and then. look what happened. so we'll see.
not too much going on with my playthrough other than that! i mean. it's white clouds a fourth time. not too many things to say about that. mercedes cheerfully supporting church sanctioned executions caught me off guard like. that was funny. i disagree with her on that but i did burst out laughing the delivery was sooo funny for what she was saying. and annette is fun in the lions cutscenes :) and as for supports... I LOVE DEDUE...... his supports with annette are so sweet so far, as are his supports with ashe.. liked the sylvain dedue c support as well! liked annette and dimitri's c support.. OH ingrid and ashe's c support is SOOO good. i got leonie and bernadetta's c support for the first time and it was surprisingly good for a duo i did not expect to have supports. similarly, i got felix and leonie's c support for the first time and liked it. im probably blanking on some of the supports i've gotten but like. idk. these are the ones i remember enjoying!
anyway yeah :) thanks again for talking with me about this game, it's so much fun and i'm loving hearing your thoughts!! i hope you have a good one :)
HIII hope youre having a good one too!!!! as per usual :D and okay ! hope you dont mind that i mentioned it
and AH okay i see, i can def see that! hopefully you still enjoy the thing you're racing through just as much though? im sure you do but! and rip to your p5 playthrough</3 speaking of, the same thing bascially happened to me FKNDKF except i wasnt nearly as far as you. i should get back to it. GOOD LUCK W/ GETTING BACK INTO IT IF YOU EVER DO THOUGH!!!!
YESSS THATS SO VALID..... ITS DEF A HEFTY ONE BUT ITS LIKE???? PLAYING THE GAME AGAIN SO THATS VERY COOL. the descriptions and writing style are simply brilliant and auugh couldnt recommend it enough. it seriously is like going through the game again w/ like. slight variations. it's so neat. and thank you very much for the recommendations ! ill def have to chekc those out at some point. i just recently finally made a ao3 acc (which i assume those are on? hopefully?) so i can finally interact w/ fics more properly :] GLAD THAT MERCIE SKY ROCKETED ON YOUR RANKINGS. I LOVE HER DEARLY.... and the one w/ the homeroom seems very interesting (eyeballs) love to read abt those dynamics
no worries man! i already appreciate you sharing the ones you remember :D its all good if you can't find them / you forget though!
yeah</3 its very unfortunate. bc the potential is there but there's!!!! literallt nothing for them! and its sad. im glad it hasnt happened for you for fe3h yet, and hopefully it never does!!!!! and its not a fun feeling <//3 esp since that means you gotta make your own stuff and dfkndf gthats a lot of WORK
NO FOR REAL. I WONT LIE I FEEL LIK EIM MISREMEMBERING / OVERREACTING AS WELL BUT... AS YOU SAID. SINCE WERE BOTH ON THE SAME PAGE I /DOUBT/ WE'RE DOING ANY OF THOSE THINGS. but seriously.....it DOES seem like a nightmare scenario. to be used for a political situation mainly and then on top of that have kids ? like??? thye both hate being used for their crests and yet they have kids ????????? idk if that makes sense. hopefully what /I/ said makes sense though. i just feel it seems very......blegh. for both of them. bc doesnt that just continue the cycle? of crests and shit? idk man. but you're right. that is uncomfortable!\
NO FOR REAL. THEY LOVE TO SHOVE HER INTO THE MOM FRRIEND ARCHETYPE BC THATS ALL THEY KNOW WHAT TO DO W/ FEMALE CHARACTERS😭😭😭😭 AND IT SUUUUUCKS. esp when theres so much to do w/ ingrid..... but nah shes stops the boys from doing dumb shit! ive noticed that this is a trend :///// i hate fandom! anywho. youre right. the fan perception of their dynamic is just. SIGHS. i GET that ingrid and sylvain's supports play into that but just..... theyre both so much more than that
OOOOH NICE NICE.... looking forward to seeing those pieces (eyeballs) cant wait to see their A support now!!!! i mustve gotten their C and possibly B support before but i honestly cant remember its been so long. thank u for hypingg it up for me
DOROTHEA AND MARIANNE'S DYNAMIC WOULD BE SO..... IT WOULD BE SO CUTE I THINK...... esp since dorothea seems to rly enjoy hyping ppl (esp the girls) up... and thats absolutely something marianne needs and deserves. plus dorothea is pretty emotionally aware and has her own experience w/ depression (esp post timeskip) so i feel they can both bond over that......if that makes sense. i just love the m so much. YESSS I FORGET THE SPECIFIC DIALOGUE BUT I REMEMBER MARIANNE MENTIONING SOMETHING ABT EDIE'S STRENGTH OR SOMETHING IN CF?? YOURE SO RIGHT WE WERE ROBBED OF THAT..... ooohh im actually so interested in that now. AND NO YOURE SO RIGHT ABT MARIANNE AND MERCEDES..... THEY ABSOLUTELY COULDVE COMPLEMENTED EACH OTHER NICELY...... esp mercedes potentially helping marianne w/ her burdens and just Understanding that there was something that was always bothering her.... so good. YOURE JUST PAIRING UP ALL MY FAVES TOO 😭😭 i wouldve loved to see dorothea and mercedes.... i dont understand why but i just feel it wouldve been so fun and interesting. YOURE SO RIGHT THOUGH, THE POTENTIAL BETWEEN ALL THE CHARACTERS ARE ABSOLUTELY THERE !!!!! I CAN DEF SEE IT W/ EDIE AND MERCIE TOO.... AND THERES NOTHING WRONG W/ WANTING TO SEE ALL YOUR FAVE GIRLS TOGETHER DFKGNFDG I FEEL THAT SO HARD. also some MAY have come true in three hopes? since they did add new support chains but (shrugs) im not sur ewhich ones they added and which ones they didnt
and oh yeah? i had no idea that it was only on CF.... but i suppose that makes a little sense? hm. sorry you werent able ot get it your VW run though </3 and okay! thank you! ill def have to get those 2 dialogue exchanges at some point... unsure if ill get it myself since ill prob jsut endd up hurting mysself but LOL ill prob search them up and watch them that way. sorry you didnt get annette or mercie's either though :/ and ooooh maybe? but i feel like the game maybe wouldn't have taken that into account but! who knows. OHHH GOSH I THINK IVE SEEN DOROTHEA'S LINE ABT KILLING FERDIE IN THE MONASTERY BEFORE.... ill have to look at it again but ): AND OHH I DIDN TREALIZE THERE WAS A SPECIAL THING FOR AN EAGLE VS EDIE..... i thought what i got was just a standard thing😭 thank u for telling me! but no youre right, petra political standing makes it That much better. and abt dorothea. YEAH FAIR. she can only take so much<///3
YOU CAME TO THE DECISION AFTER GETTING YOUR WISDOM TEETH OUT????? LMAOO THATS SO FUNNY TO ME..... good for you though 😭😭😭😭 AND NOT S SUPPORTING SYLVAIN BEING A SIDE EFFECT OF THE ANESTHESIA LMAO that made me laugh thank you for that. but im glad it worked out well in the end! and that you enjoyed the S support and dtheir ending ofc
AND OH. THATS VERY GOOD TO HEAR THEN. i was afraid that you wouldnt be able to keep the rest of the eagles.... and tbh if that were the case, itd make things tTHAT much angstier for me which i hate but also love yk. and yeah makes sense! i rly enjot that concept w/ byleth and dorothea on silver snow... i love it a lot actually. it makes sense too. yeah ): i feel that, i dont wanna side against edie either. doing VW and AM are already a lot for me lol and yeah man. FUCK the church for real. i guess thats another incentive to play SS which is nice, bc byleth as a protag is sort of ...... eh for me. mainly bc they seem like such a blank slate ):
TRUEEE .marianne and ashe are both super sweet they r very good, so i can only imagine how well they r together. and oooooh yeah? im glad they have some of those moments for caspar then... and that his and annette's supports shine a light on that side of him! def can not wait to watch them myself. of course comedic / comedy characters are needed and deserved and stuff but like...like you said, its nice when theyre taken seriously. esp if their whole Thing is being the "goofy" / "unserious" one yk. yeah shamir being a former mercenary sounds right but i couldnt remember. and oh yeah? i didnt realize that a lot of leonie endings were Bad. ive only looked at her and ignatz's but i cant remember it much. bu tmmm, i see. i dont rly think abt leonie much / im not that attached to her so its interesting to see what you think! sorry that most of her endings fall into 1 of those 3 categories :/ glad that her ending w/ shamir was one of if not th ebest one for her!!! LMAO i didnt realize ppl hated / disliked her? i thought hjer whole thing w/ jeralt towards byleth was a tad annoying pre timeskip but i twasnt enough for me to straight up HATE her yk.... so thats interesting. i didnt know any of that. PLEASE like her more out of spite. i love doing that w/ female characters. esp if the hate they get is overdramatic or undeserved
no yeah i totally get that. it doesnt make sense to throw her in there when there wasnt any sort of ..... establishment of her and ignatz's relationship? like. im pretty sure she was the girl that got ignatz to pursue art since he drew something for her but. thats sort of it right? so youre right, there was absolutely no point in throwing her in there other than to FURTHER not make his and raph's ending romantic
HER SONGS R RLY SILLY !!!! and i lvoe how that was like a focal point of her and felix's supports. they were quite cute actually dkfngdgf and that was like one of my first felix supports ever so my initial impression was that. oh! ok hes not that much of an asshole! i was wrong lmao. hes an interesting character and all and i understand where hes coming from but just. yeah man idk. but all that aside, his supports w/ annette were fun and cute. but no youre absolutely right abt mercie and annette, their fight didnt seem ? realistic whatsoever. like i get it but ????? was that something shed legitimately get upset and say they weren't friends over? and you're right, there was def a lot more that couldve been done considering they met so long ago. i DID however like how annette was like. in their A support. mentioning stuff like "ohh now dont say anything like how you dont deserve good things!" or something along the lines of that and like...i think it gives us a little more insight into mercie's character and why she does what she does
i dont remember what i said but i def want to play more! its just <////3 i wanna enjoy the experience and things havent been as enjoyable for me lately yknow? so im waiting for a time that i DO and CAN enjoy things again. but who knows when that'll be LMAO hopefully after this vacation ill be able to get back into viddy games as a whole :]
ah okay! so the recruits are rather balanced, aside from the black eagles (as it should be)! good luck raising your charm to get dorothea the beloved!!!! and hopefully linhardt randomly chooses to join your class...i enjoy when the characters come to you in the middle of the week to ask. its cute. its a fair compromise, but ill be over here secretly hoping that he does join your class!
AH okay so it was in hildas supports w/ byleth... its been. a LOOOONG time since i watched most of byleth's supports w/ the golden deer, so im not too shocked that i forgot abt that. ANDOOHHH RIGHT I THINK I REMEMBER CLAUDE SAYING THAT ABT HILDA TOO..... that's so ): it rly shows the bond shes created w/ claude fr. and thats real sweet. oooo i didnt realize that sort of seeingf through the mask thing happens w/ sylvain too. but i suppose it makes sense w/ sylvain...considering how he is and all. theyre both actually quite similar huh? theyre both a lot more perceptive than they let people believe. thats real cool. so thats nice that they have supports w/ each other , i didnt know that!
NO HE ABSOLUTELY DOESNT..... i just truly and honestly couldnt give less of a fuck about him. even if he does have potential to be cool and interesting. i just dgaf!!!!! have fun and good luck going through his supports though! maybe you;ll have a change of heart (you truly dont have to) but. eh. yeah
YESSS BOTH OF THOSE MOMENTS ARE SO SWEET.... and youre absolutely right abt ignatz. i didnt necessarily get attached to him but i LOVE what he is and what he is is certainly one of the sweeter characters. and i love that for him. AND OHH GOOD MORE ANNETTE SONGS YIPPEE DFGKNDFG def can not wait to see her and claude's supports then (eyeballs) esp if it features claude's singing too..... i can only imagine how fun the situations are. they definitely are! like. what made me change my mind a bit was absolutely sylvain's supports w/ dedue and his ones w/ annette as well. LMAOOO read me to filth <3 yeah he def isnt one of the characters i find myself getting attached to, so im not too surprised either. i enjoy him for he what he is, but other than that. yeah 😭 but yeah!!!! his supports def do a good job at showing a more ? impressive and intelligent side of him. you're right abt his pre timeskip dialogue though, cant say much abt his post timeskip stuff either. im sure theyre a biiiit better than pre TS but. who knows! marianne<3 my girl marianne.... he and annette are also very good choices though. annette's girlish whimsy is just super appealing
YESSSS.... you rly see a mature side of both claude and marianne and thats so cool.... and also seeing a bit more ? forceful and angrier side of marianne? so good. MARIANNE ON THE VERDANT WIND'S END ART MY BELOVED!!!!! i was so shocked when i first saw it but ouuugh i love it so much. AND AHH RIGHT OKAY... i totally forgot abt that. i just loove claudes overall distrust and shit in the goddess and church and whatnot. its so nice to see tbh. and i vaguely remember his convo w/ leonie being interesting as well! YESSSS MARIANNE DESERVES TO LAUGH AND BE HAPPY.... i just thought that moment was so sweet...i personally dont see their relationship as romantic but god... the besties
glad youre enjoying azure moon so far !!!! :D i know theres only sooo many divergences in plot and gameplay and dialogue and stuff so ! hopefully its not toooo grueling. i know we've already talked abt how quick you play games but GOSH 3/4 times in basically a month huh? good for you! and mmm makes sense that youd be going through it a little slower than usual, it IS your fourth / fifth time playing through so. take as much time as you neeeed yk? but up to chapter 7 already is super awesome! yeaaah white clouds is SUPER blue lions centric. im glad you dont hate it! bc i wont lie it rly pisses me off......esp seeing how LITTLE they gave edelgard and crimson flower. but thats just me! happy its been working for you :] OOOO wwho are your other top 5 characters? is dorothea among them? but anyway. yeah ingrid is jusr That character you know. i understand why ppl wouldn't like her, but her character is SOOO interesting to me. for the reasons that you mentioned pretty much. i find myself relating. and yeah i feel thaht for dimitri. i still dont rly care for him that much tbh. but i do feel bad for him and recognize that hes a cool and neat character (same w/ felix like you said) but i just...... yeah man idk dfkgndg plus as you said, id say the majority of edie haters SUUUCK his dick so its like.... man i jsut dont care enough yk. happy that hes been working for you though :D
YERAH I FEEL THAT LMAO. none of the characters are safe from shitty af takes (esp the girls) just recently went into the dorothea tag and was BOMBARDED by hate from this one loser. sorru that youve seen so many things just by going through her tag :/ i HAAATE wben ppl tag stuff like that w/ the main tag, ESP if its hate. pisses me off. but yeah. attleast theres filtering and blocking. ive just straight up blocked edie critical or fiuicking whatever already. sooo dumb!
NEITHER DO IIIII.... its always so painful for me kdfgfdg atleast most of the time rhea isnt there for when you're paired w/ the church? i understand shes a complex character or whatever but she rly reminds me of a cahracter from resident evil and she PISSES me off so basically i dont like either of them LMAO if it were me i'd probably do silver snow first, just so you end off on a good note yk? or maybe youll enjoy SS more than you think! who knows. but yeah id probably end off on crimson flower so it leaves a slightly better taste in your mouth
oooo very good choices... a ton of ppl certainly enjoy S supporting dimitri so i assume youre in for a treat! i understand wanting to S support the lord though since youre really only to support w/ them. during their route. and as you said, theyre very central to the story and whatnot. so yeah! and i TOOTALLY understand wanting to see the supports for yourself rather than watch them on youtube. im absolutely the same. so hope you enjoy going through w/ it ! AND YEAH LMAO HIS CHARACTER DOES RLY SHIFT POST TIMESKIP. but thats due to Mental Illness yk. he does have a recovery arc from what ive heard (that seems rushedd, just based on what an old friend told me) but yeah! hopefully you'll still go through w/ it post TS bc i do think its a good idea. mercie and hubie and dorothea <3 very good choices for S supports.... have fun w/ replaying and getting those last few S ranks!!!! youre gonna go w/ dorothea on silver snow and then probably mercie on another crimson flower run right? def sounds like a plan !!! CF as the default run makes so much sense to me LOL i absolutely feel the same. but you're right, who knows how things will pan out, do let me know what happens and if anything changes!!!!
yeah yeah! atleast the commentary from the blue lions is something different to look forward to during white clouds. and KFDGNDFG i thinki vaguely remember mercedes doing somethig like that but i cant remember exxaaaactly what she said. shes just so cheerful and shit i lovve her so much. but yeah. supporting the church's executions is a no no. GRRR I FORGET ABT DEDUE AND ANNETTE'S SUPPORTS.... it has something to do w/ cookingg right? and dedue helping her w/ that? DIDNT SOMETHING EXPLODE ON ANNETTE OR SOMETHING IN THEIR C SUPPORT? yesss his supports w/ ashe are very nice... so were his w/ sylvain. thats honestly what made me shift a bit in terms of opinion on sylvain. INGRID AND ASHE'S SUPPORTS ARE SOOO GOOD.... just 2 autistic ppl communicating abt a special interest.... OOOO leonie and bernie and leonie and felix huh? i had no idea they had supports.... and youre right i def wouldnt have expected either of them tbh! YEAAH no worries abt forgetting some, tjheres just sooo many that it makes sense not all of them will stick out in your mind
OF COURSE MAN !!!! THANK U FOR SHARING YOUR THOUGHTS W/ ME. ITS ALWAYS A TREAT TO READ WHAT YOUVE BEEN DOING AND WHATNOT!! and im glad my thoughts dont piss you off 😭 happy to hear that you enjoy hearing my thoughts as well :] bc i of course love hearing yours!!!!! hope you have a good one too!
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