#not gonna lie it's fun continuing their little journey
jangofettjamz · 6 months
The Birthday Boy
Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader
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Summary: You finally get to celebrate your birthday for the first time, and with the one you love.
Words: 1552
Today is my birthday. I've never really celebrated it; family never really bothered. Now that I'm older it just seemed more insignificant. No one to celebrate it with, and let's be honest and no one wants to celebrate it on their own.
Jenna was out working, I never told her when my birthday was because I didn't want to interrupt her filming schedule, she's already got enough on her plate she doesn't need to worry about getting me gifts for my birthday she has a career to grow.
I've turned 20 today; Jenna turning 21soon. 20 years feel a bit surreal not gonna lie, crazy to think it's been that long since I was born. I try not dwell on that to much, it'll just send me spiralling.
I do wish I had a good birthday though, the feeling of being celebrating. I know this may sound narcissistic, but I always wanted to be celebrated, have a day just about me. I wanted to feel like everyone could come together and show support for me even if it was just for one day, I never had that kind of love growing up so I'd like to know what that's like, though I doubt it'll happen.
My father never paid any attention to me growing up, saying I was too much of a hassle to put up with. You know you have a bad parent when they have to "put up" with you  instead of loving you unconditionally, but hey beggars can't be choosers, right?
Me thinking about how life could've been was making me depressed so I decided to go out for breakfast, I got dressed and got the keys to my car and went out get food.
On the way there I get an incoming call from Jenna, thought she would've been busy this morning so this was a pleasant surprise. I answered but kept my eyes on the road.
"Hello darling, how'd you sleep" she asked, she knows I don't sleep well when she's gone.
"Um... I slept okay, probably could've got more sleep though. I'm just going to that Italian place we went to a month ago for some breakfast. How's shooting going" I asked, she's currently filming for her new movie 'death of a unincorn' with Paul Rudd.
"Filming's going great, Paul's really cool and I can't wait for you to meet him, he's knows you're a marvel fan too." She giggles mischievously, that little minx.
"Jenna why'd you say that." I whine feeling embarrassed.
"Aw babe, don't be shy he thinks you're really cool." She says reassuringly.
"Yeah sure he does" I say sarcastically, making her laugh. "Do you know when you'll be home?" I miss her dearly, I need to see her soon.
She let's out a sigh, I brace myself for bad news. "Sorry, sweet boy. I won't be back for another week." I let out sad sigh and a whine, I missed her alot.
"Hey, hey, don't be upset baby boy, I'll be home before you know it and we'll have so much fun together. The week will go by quick I promise." She cooed, she always knew what to say to put me at ease.
"Alright sweetie I have to go, drive safe for me and I'll see you very soon." She blew a kiss through the phone "I love you, sweetheart"
"I love you too, Jenna." We end the call and I continue my journey.
I arrive at the restaurant, this is gonna drain my social battery for today so I hope I don't have to to anyone that much, I just wanna get my food, eat then leave.
I ate my food peacefully, the staff were wonderful, definitely going there again for breakfast. I leave the restaurant and do some birthday shopping for myself, figured I may aswell treat myself to something nice for my "big day"; I sound miserable.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I feel my phone vibrate, a few text messages from some of my friends and cast mates from scream 5 and 6. I read them and I was shocked, how did they know...
Hey Y/N/N, hope you're having a lovely birthday. Can't wait you see you soon.
Howdy stranger, happy birthday my love, you're 20! Hope you're doing well and I'll see you soon... very soon. 😈
Looks like someone has a birthday today... AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME! HOW DARE YOU! Besides that betrayal I miss you so much Y/N, happy birthday my sweet.
Hey man, looks who's 20 years old! Happy birthday bud, hope you have a good one.👍
Hey hey, it's the birthday boy! Happy birthday honey, you deserve the best birthday in the world. All the best from me and my husband.
Jack Quaid
Hey buddy, happy 20th birthday! I miss you alot pal, Karl and Antony send their birthday wishes too. Hope to see you soon, buddy.
I was shocked; flabbergasted even. How did they know, they couldn't have possibly...unless. I looked the last message, it was from Jenna, the mastermind behind this.
Hi baby boy, guess who found out when your birthday is! You never told me when it was but I asked around and viola! Happy birthday sweet boy, I promise we'll see each other very very soon. I love you so much, sweetheart.❤
That little minx... this is why I love her so much, I can't begin to express how much I love her and this just solidifies that. I sent her a message back saying I love her and continue to the mall.
But as I walk to the shopping mall I see three woman who look very familiar, they're wearing party hats too. No... no way... it can't be...
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Jenna POV
The look on Y/N's face is priceless, he looked shocked, excited, and emotional at the same time. I think me, Jasmin and Devyn did good on surprising him.
"JENNA?!" He says with glassy eyes.
"C'mere sweetheart" I say and open my arms, he runs towards me and I wrap him in a tight hug.
"I missed you so much" he said while crying, he's such a cutie oh my god.
"Aww sweetie, I missed you too, so much honey. I've been tracking you on Life360 and we intercepted you here. Happy birthday my love, I know you don't like big crowds so I brought Devyn and Jasmin with me" they spoke up.
"Happy birthday, Y/N/N. It's so good to see you, I've missed you alot." Devyn says making him smile widely.
"It's been too long since we've seen you Y/N, how have you been?" Jasmin asks. He lifts his head from my neck and speaks.
"Better now that you guys are here, I haven't really been feeling the best since I've been on my own, I'm so glad you're here Jenna." I hold him and rub his back in comfort.
I want him to really enjoy his birthday today, I already have stuff waiting for him at home. I think he's gonna love it. "Let's go do some shopping and then we'll go home, I have a surprise for you." His eyes lit up and I kiss his cheeks.
- 2 hours later
Y/N drove behind me as we made our way back home. Jasmin and Devyn went home soon after we shopping. We park up to the driveway and he joins me at the front door.
"Close your eyes, birthday boy" I ask and he looks at me with caution.
"What are you planning now, Ortega?" He asks me; suspicion in his voice.
"Just close them silly" he obliged and I take his hand to guide him to his surprise. We reach the living room. "Okay, open your eyes sweetheart."
He opened them and is met with countless presents ranging from: action figures and Lego sets from their favourite franchise, new clothes, PC parts and much much more. I wanted to spoil him and make up for the 20 years of birthdays he missed out on. He looked like he was on the verge of tears.
"Jenna... is this all mine?" He asked, still not believing that he finally had a proper birthday.
"All yours, sweetness" I hug him as tight as I can, he cries into my shoulder out of, what I can only assume, happiness. "Don't cry honey, it's okay. That's all for you because I love you so so much, you deserve this my love, you deserve the world." I cooed softly.
"Thank you so much" he said through his cries.
"You're so welcome, my beautiful birthday boy." I say then kiss his forehead, cheeks and lips.
"Wait here, baby boy" I head into the kitchen and grab his cake. I light the candles and head back into the living room.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Y/N, happy birthday to you." I sing and he blows out his candles.
I cheer and set the cake on the table. He smiled so brightly, he finally got to have a real birthday to celebrate.
Happy birthday Y/N.
Not my birthday, but I thought it'd make a good story. I hope you enjoyed.
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onevolon · 3 months
smile for the camera
Jack Mojave X F!reader
note: you take a picture you shouldn't have.
word count: 731
warnings: dark. angst. it's not in a desert but a forest. honestly idk what this is supposed to be lol
you can also read it on ao3.
This was a journey from the start. Sure, it wasn’t the first time she witnessed someone being left at the altar. Crazier things happened at the weddings. It makes her wonder what made them finally snap and run away every time. Especially these two looked so in lovey-dovey. But now the groom is nowhere to be seen. Weird.
One thing that is more annoying than a bride bawling her eyes out though, when the wedding is canceled, nobody cares about what will happen to the employees or what they should do. Everybody is own their own.  
And that’s why now she is middle of the nowhere in a fucking forest with all of my camera equipment trying to find her way to her car. Environmentalist piece of shits forced everybody to park miles away from the wedding location to not disturb the ecosystem more than necessary blah blah…
If she wasn’t so fucking lost, she might have appreciated the sounds of the birds chirping, the smell of the pine tree and the wind on her hair. But right now, it was extremely irritating to say the least. The smell made her stomach turn after the food she inhaled before they can take it. The wind was making her shiver to her very bones and… Maybe she should distract herself by looking at the photos.
She starts to scroll through the photos. Look all those happy faces… Now it’s all for nothing.
Okay this doesn’t really work.
She could try and take a couple of photos of the damn birds for her portfolio.
Carefully walking around the bushes, she tries to allocate the said animals. It is soothing to hear this rhythmic sound of these creatures and…
Something else was there…
Someone was…
…Someone digging something?
Yeah, there was a figure to her left with a shovel. What in the hell…
Stupidly, she gets closer while continuously pushing the button on her camera.
A man with a long coat… in a cowboy hat. Long hair… Dirty skin. You didn’t recognize him from the wedding. Who the hell-
“Well, hello there.”
She freezes.
“Wanted to see something cool, sister?” he says innocently.
She can’t move a muscle. Not even talk.
“Not a talker, huh. You would get along with him, then.” He says and point to the ground.
She instinctively follows his gesture.
There is a man.
On the ground.
Not moving.
Is he-
“Wanna join him, doll-face?”
You can’t look away. Not only because you’re both in danger but… he looks… familiar.
“I bet he would like that, now wouldn’t you, perv?” he nudges the man’s head with his boots and the man’s face turns towards her.
Oh, he looks blue.
He’s for sure-
The groom.
He is the groom.
“Was having quite the fun with that little bridesmaid. I was jealous not gonna lie. Wanted to have a good old adventure to myself.”
He killed the groom.
“And now we all are here.” He looked to her, self-satisfied.
Her heart was about to burst.
“Lost, aren’t you?”
“Who are you?”
She doesn’t answer.
He casually drops the shovel and pushes the groom to the hole in the ground.
“The great questions, sister, the essentials… Where are you from? Where you going?”
She again doesn’t answer, too occupied to discreetly try and find something to use it as a weapon.
He starts to throw the pile of dirt on top of the man.
“To be or not to be?”
“Huh?” she says, distracted by the sudden topic change.
“Another great question. To be or not to be? It always comes down to that, isn’t it?”
She doesn’t know what to say.
“You choose to be, sister. To be here.”
She shakes her head.
“Oh, yes, yes you did. “ He smirks.
She begins to tremble slightly.
“No? Why don’t you run then? You can run.”
“I can’t move.” She says stupidly.
“Sure you can. In fact, when I count to three, you will flee like you’ve never done before.” He says while patting now closed grave with the shovel, putting some leaves on top of it to cover.
She starts to tear up.
A tear drops to her face.
She takes a step back.
“Two and a half…”
Hurriedly puts down her camera and other stuff down.
She sprints.
“Game on, sister! GAME. ON.”
He goes after her.
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excessive-vampires · 7 months
Danger in Numbers Part 2: Exo's Award
Masterlist with CW
“It just had to be Gemar,” Alex muttered, adjusting his sunglasses. 
“Do you have something against all the colonies?” Cassie teased. 
“It’s just so fucking bright.” 
“Most people think that makes it pretty.”
Gemar was in a binary star system, and the different angles at which the light hit the planet meant that in certain places during certain seasons any prism would throw extraordinarily vibrant and distinct rainbows in every direction. This meant many public spaces were built to incorporate a lot of glass and crystal, bathing the entire area in patterns of colored light. 
“Besides,” Cassie continued. “This is where Exohive’s primary residence is.”
“They couldn’t have picked any of their other residences? Or is it important that it be the queen bee’s nest?”
“You know that’s not how it works. Besides, would you rather be on Nova?”
“Not without a haz-mat suit.” Alex glanced around. “This is almost just as bad though. There’s got to be a ton of hives here but I have no idea who they are.”
“Why does it matter?”
“What if I’m talking with someone and they turn out to be a hive?”
Cassie clenched her jaw. Mel added a little something extra stress-reducing to the already drug-filled brownies they were making and said through Cassie, “Damn, looks like you’ll just have to not be an asshole at all for one whole day.”
Alex ran a hand through his short pink hair and muttered something under his breath. 
“Hey,” Cassie said. “You didn’t have to come with me.” Sweethive had actually been disappointed when Alex had said he was accompanying Cassie. They had been looking forward to Cassie being around other hives and not having to hide for once. But he’d insisted. “You can always go back to the ship.”
“I’m not leaving someone with no self-preservation instincts alone in a city full of hives now that they can start recruiting outsiders.”
Sweethive’s patience snapped. Silas’s grip on the cold drink he’d just bought from a street vendor a few miles from Gemar’s largest public stage tightened. He had been close enough to make the journey in time and Sweethive figured if they were reconnecting with Exohive then the more the merrier. He lifted Cassie’s hand to Alex’s ear and roughly pulled him close enough to hear him whisper. “Shut the hell up before you get yourself kicked out. If you start shit here I’m not going to defend you.” 
Alex pulled away, looking momentarily angry, then he deflated. “Yeah. I’m sorry, Cassie. I just start saying shit with no filter when I’m nervous. Not an excuse, I know, but I’ll try to keep a lid on it.”
“If you’re really sorry, I’m not who it should be directed at.” That was a lie, of course. But Alex didn’t know that. Cassie tried to quicken her pace to walk away but a sting of pain in her left knee slowed her down. She grumbled a curse. 
“Cassie, whoa, slow down!” Alex sounded concerned. “You okay? Do you need your cane?” 
“I need to be able to hold this camera with both hands. It’s an extremely expensive piece of equipment and I’m using it to document something that could end up in history books.” Carter said with Cassie’s voice. “This is worth a little pain.” 
Alex had known Cassie long enough not to argue. Finally they reached the spot in front of the stage reserved for the media. Cassie scanned her temporary press badge and moved through the barrier, leaving Alex on the other side. He frowned at her. 
“I’m fine. Go. Get some food, have fun, look at the pretty colors. Don’t stay where you don’t want to be because you’re worried about me for no reason. I’m an adult, I don’t need supervision to film a medal ceremony.”
Alex gave her a look but then sighed. “You’re right, Cassie, I should trust you. I’m gonna go back to the ship and see what ridiculous touristy shit they have at the refueling station gift shop.” 
Cassie smiled. “Good luck.”
Alex smiled back and started walking away from the growing crowd. 
Cassie’s shoulders relaxed. No more pretending for now.
“Your companion seems pretty grumpy for someone on leave from a ship,” someone behind Cassie said. She turned and saw a man with clear-framed glasses and faceted clear beads adorning his dreadlocks. The color of his badge identified him as a local reporter. 
“He doesn’t do well with new things. His heart belongs to the past.” 
“And how do you like new things?”
The smile on Cassie’s face was Silas’. “There’s nothing better.” 
The man held out his hand. “Drew Findhive.”
There was only one reason a hive would introduce themselves in a casual context with a member name. Laughter from the collective left Cassie’s mouth. And Mel’s, startling a small bird from the feeder outside their open kitchen window. The rest of the members just smirked. Findhive looked confused. “You heard Alex call me Cassie, didn’t you?”
“Is that… not your name?”
“It is. My name is Cassie Sweethive.”
Findhive laughed too now. “Oh shit, we thought you were–”
“Some thrill-seeking quiet you could seduce with the mystery and exoticness of being a hive as long as you put me at ease with a singular name?” Carter commented. 
“Okay, yeah, you caught us. So, your old-fashioned friend…”
“He doesn’t know.”
“It started as a bet between us and the ship’s captain. How long would it take the rest of the crew to realize? But then we got to know Alex. He’s fun to hang out with and a mostly good friend, but like you said, he’s old-fashioned.” 
The mood was dark, so Kara decided to lighten it. “Well, you weren’t entirely wrong about us. We do love a good thrill.” 
“Really?” Findhive leaned in close. “And are you open to seduction?”
Cassie bit her lower lip. “We’re actually hoping to reconnect with Exo tonight if we can. But would you be terribly offended if we wanted to exchange information as a backup plan in case they’re too busy for old flames?” 
“You know them?” Findhive’s eyes went wide. 
“We haven’t talked in years, always had more actions in common than words, if you get me.” Silas explained. 
“Hmm,” Findhive replied as they pressed a button on their wrist-screen. Cassie’s screen dinged with the incoming contact info and all of Sweethive smiled. “Would you be terribly offended if we say we hope they blow you off?” they said with a smile. 
Then the stage lit up. Both hives snapped to attention, Sweet raising their camera and Find pulling out a screen and stylus to take notes with. 
Earth’s ambassador to Gemar approached the podium, but Sweethive’s attention was fully captivated by the six members of Exohive walking up to the opposite side of the stage. Six was a lot for a hive, and one more than Exo had the last time Sweet saw them, but the addition seemed to prove lucky. Exo’s members had each dyed their hair a different color of the rainbow to match the light thrown by the stage’s many prisms. Silas laughed. Then Cassie’s eyes locked onto Rose Exohive. Orange was a good color on her. An amazing color. It made her look like she was on fire, which absolutely matched the impression given by Exo’s behavior. Carter reluctantly dragged Cassie’s eyes back to the camera screen to make sure the whole stage was still in focus. 
The ambassador’s speech was short, which Sweethive was both appreciative of and irked by. They couldn’t help but think that if that medal were going to a quiet there would be a lot more fanfare. But still, the weight of the camera was making Cassie’s arms sore by the time the ambassador was handing the medal around Carlos’ neck. The ribbon was as bright red as his hair and his smile was wide and unapologetic. 
Then there was a horribly loud crack. Silas, now at the back of the crowd, looked up so Cassie could keep filming. 
All thoughts of getting more footage left Sweethive’s collective as Silas saw the crystal tower to the right of the stage start to fall. Cassie screamed for everyone onstage to take cover. Exohive looked up and began to scramble to the edge of the stage out of the crystal spire’s path. The ambassador ran stage right and threw himself off the edge. The heavy shimmering pole crashed into the stage without crushing anyone and for a second Sweethive thought the danger was gone. Then something backstage exploded.
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whythewords · 21 days
In all unfairness
Hard to say what I'm feeling these days... That's a lie, all I do is talk about my feelings. It's never been more apparent how desperately I need to go back to therapy.
I'm keying this entry into my chosen notes app on my phone while on a plane...but much unlike the last time I did this, I am not on my way to Japan for the trip of a lifetime and a journey of self-discovery. Instead, I'm heading to Quebec for a 3 day work trip as part of a job I stopped liking all that much some time ago now. Our agenda is a lot fuller than last year's work trip, but realistically how much could I complain about being put up at a bougie resort. I brought my Nintendo Switch and plenty to entertain me during after hours. I sense there's gonna be less fraternizing with my co-workers when I don't have to this time around, but we'll see.
Either way, I applied for the local municipality gig and I'm feeling decent about that. It's a step closer to where I wanna be, I think. It's progress, and any progress is good progress right now.
Wish I could say the same for dating. I had a date this past Thursday night that may go down in history as one of my worst experiences on these apps thus far...but it didn't start that way.
I drove all the way out to Oshawa to meet this girl, (but in fairness, I did offer to come out her way as I often do on these first dates). She arrived at the bar and she looked, honestly stunning...better than her photos by a country mile which is something that definitely does not normally happen. She sat down and we got to talking. The conversation was flowing, I was making her laugh, it felt fun, and free and flirty. All my misgivings about "making a move" with the last girl I dated through the apps had lead me to awkwardly move in for the kiss on the third date. That nervous energy wasn't present here, or at least it wasn't the same. We were 20 minutes in before I confidently thought to myself: "this is working! There's a really good chance I make out with this girl...tonight!" Oh, if I only knew what was coming...
As we're getting ready to leave the bar, she steers the conversation toward politics, and as it turns out, she seems to think that society has been making too big a deal out of this whole racism thing (this take was particularly wild being that she was a biracial woman). Then she begins with the transphobic rhetoric of "someone can't be something just because they say they are" and other fun statements like that. My heart sank. This was the first time I had felt a real, exciting, solid connection with someone, pretty much since my ex-wife. We were VIBING HARD as the kids say...and in an instant it turned out she was not at all the kind of person I could see myself in a relationship with. I felt so very defeated, like the universe had just played a sick joke on me.
That lingered on my mind for several days...it's still there really. I was thinking that after an experience like that it was definitely time to pack it up and take a hiatus from the apps again, lord knows I've decided take a break from them for a lot less. Oddly enough though, I didn't. I don't know if it's apathy, or perhaps some last little flickering light of unwavering hope somewhere inside of me, but I took a deep breath and asked myself: why leave? Why leave if I'm just going to end up right back here anyway? I think I know what I want. I know I want to be in love again. Why not just...keep trying to figure it out? The girl I mentioned in my last entry here is still in the mix, the date just got postponed...and there are some other prospects. So why not just...continue?
So for now I will. After all, the world looks pretty small right now from this plane. My person is bound to be out there somewhere right?
They gotta be.
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apopcornkernel · 1 year
poppy's watched cdramas
與君歌 stand by me/dream of chang'an
i... did not finish this drama 😭 i only watched this because my mom was watching it and we were stuck in quarantine together, so. it was fun i guess but ultimately mid
蒼蘭決 love between fairy and devil
loved it, the ending was a little too abrupt for me but it still ended well! lived for the villain romance, had so much fun booing changheng (sorry), had even more fun staring at dylan wang's cheekbones. also i love how ride or die the main couple is for each other, it's absolutely not one-sided in that regard which <3 yes. and also episodes 30(?) to 36 i cried nonstop it was so cathartic. episode 35 specifically....... aha
琉璃 love and redemption
STUPIDLY long and rather cringe at times im not even gonna lie but the main characters had me by the THROAT i could not stop watching. yu sifeng is so so so unfairly pretty with bangs and chu xuanji in god of war mode,,,, i lvoe her sm. i loved how the gender roles of a typical cdrama relationship was more or less flipped, with sifeng always being the damsel in distress (not even joking or exaggerating about this one) and xuanji being the badass hero. i feel like a lot of cdramas tend to say their female mc is the hero and stuff but then in execution its ALWAYS the male lead saving the mc from danger and its just,,, idk i'm a little tired of it so i like that chu xuanji exists <3 and fuck haochen
傳聞中的陳芊芊 the romance of tiger and rose
REALLY REALLY GOOD one of the most perfect dramas ive ever watched. cinematography really high quality, an mc that i never got annoyed at and is so lovable, a petty murder cat love interest who is unfairly handsome at every angle. i was smiling and giggling with every episode. it's the true definition of a happy pill. i only wish Those 2 Specific Scenes did not exist
星落凝成糖 the starry love
i did not finish this 😭 i onyl watched it because it was the only thing i had downloaded on my phone. i don't recommend it tbh, sorry, the concept was interesting but the execution didn't do it for me. it was also really obvious how low budget it was and the acting & writing didn't really make up for it enough so,,,
今夕何夕 twisted fate of love
THIS IS THE BEST CDRAMA IVE EVER WATCHED I KNOW IM BEING SUBJECTIVE BUT LET ME BE SUBJECTIVE THIS IS MY BLOG okay okay so general travels back eight years to stop a great war but unfortunately she lands smack dab into feng xi's residence, who is an ally of the Bad Guy and very morally grey politician who will not hesitate to kill people for his goals. she keeps trying to assassinate feng xi's ally (the Bad Guy) meanwhile feng xi is just trying to put a ring on it. they are SO so funny and you KNOW i love villain(ish) romance so i ADORED this cdrama even though it was objectively mid and even though the last episode was trash. I DONT CARE i will defend this one with my life JUST WATCH IT im very incoherent ik but in my defense it's kinda hard to explain just trust me
星漢燦爛 love like the galaxy
currently watching!! it has zhao lusi who i trust with any drama, and the cinematography is great! some of ling buyi's dialogue i dont like but im still on board the main ship,,, i think i wouldve liked lou yao but i keep remembering he's daole from twisted fate of love and it jars me so bad.... also i have this thing where i automatically boo the second/third leads so really lou yao had no chance im sorry 😔 i find it really funny how obviously down bad ling buyi is update: i dropped this drama :(( i got all the way to episode 20 something and then i just couldn't be bothered to continue, i was honestly bored :((((
雲之羽 my journey to you
my sister rec'd this drama to me and oh man i tried. i was so ready to be hooked. but i just couldn't. like, it had gorgeous cinematography and beautiful costuming and i was happily surprised to realize the leads were clj's changheng and xiaolanhua, but omfg gong ziyu (changheng) pisses me off so bad he's like omg guys im an underdog they all hate me im struggling so bad i'm being oppressed etc etc AND THEN HE'S BEING OPPRESSED FOR BEING A RICH BABAERO NA PALAGING NAGBABAR LIKE BE SO FOR REALLL also shangguan qian and gong yuanzhi's scenes are infinitely more interesting than anyone else's, their one battle of wits already had me more interested than the entirety of the previous 5 episodes... and then when it switches back to include shangjue or gong ziyu or yun weishan i immediately feel all my energy get sapped. like they're so boring it hurts fgksjhg and the way yun weishan and gong ziyu speak don't help at all it's like 有時候……我也……睡不着…… DO NOT WASTE MY TIME LIKE THIS AND ALSO PLEASE SPEAK NORMALLY so yeah i got fed up by episode 6 and dropped it despite my sister's urging
天盛長歌 the rise of phoenixes
started watching this right after i dropped my journey to you BECAUSE FUCK YOU i swear that cdrama made me see cdramas as a chore again. anyways im loving it. ning yi looked so miserable in the first episode which is a great portend for things to come, and feng zhiwei is great i love her already and the cinematography is not bad as well, i'm just worried i'll get lost on the machinations and everything but i'm still having fun so far anyways hehe update from episode 19 or something!! i'm really enjoying it this is so good!!!! a little slower paced so if that's not your thing be warned but i am really liking it hehe
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jack-kellys · 1 year
MY FAVORITE WORDS ALL PUT TOGETHER IN ONE SENTENCE ("newsies" and "superhero" and "au")!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????!!!!!!!! I AM LOOKING RESPECTFULLY 👁👁
i knew you’d be all over this lmaoo
i have a superhero au! wanna hear about it?
im gonna talk abt the supe side because it’s you
jack has been safeguard since he was 17, and he’s 21 right now- four years of protecting neighborhoods and taking art history classes
he figures an art museum curator might be a smart job for him- he can keep an eye on anyone who could be scouting to steal or destroy anything
jack’s powers are… inventive. i personally get a little bored with very basic powers, and jack’s the artist so im sure he would too! along his four year journey, he’s gone from making forcefields when he was first learning, then these diamond-shaped shields (he’ll like. conjure them over his forearms like a boxer blocking attacks <3), then being able to splinter apart his shields into shards he could command. he can also pull things toward himself- right now i guess he’d be learning how to push things away/throw things away from himself!
he also has usual metahuman stuff- stronger than an average person, more durable, and since his power is forcefield-based, he has a healing factor! describing bones stitching themselves together again is really fun, you all should try it :)
this healing only applies to physical injuries— jack actually gets sick really easily in contrast to his quick surface healing. also if his energy is in the garbage then he heals much slower. like he’s def not invincible he gets his ass kicked fr
charlie is his best friend from high school, certified columbia university genius in computer science. he’s the only person jack has told about his powers, and has helped jack test his abilities for years making notes of any changes and analyzing new ones in order to let jack continue a) safely and b) with more control. both are aware of the mixed opinion on superheroes, and they try to do everything by the book to uh…. basically not get arrested. if the people like safeguard, it’ll be a scandal if nypd tries to do shit.
charlie is also probably the better of the two of them at detective work not gonna lie here. since it’s you winter he. charlie is oracle. let’s be honest here. he’s got a sick computer setup, he’s the voice in jack’s ear, and will kick ass if necessary.
i’ve got a couple more asks so i’ll leave this here!! THANKS WINTER my singular dc/newsies friend :,) ily
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doubleddenden · 2 years
Rather than sleep, I'm gonna talk about a Pokémon fan game I recently beat:
Realidea System
Like Opalo, it's another Spanish fan game, this one focusing more on aesthetics and mechanics with a little less under the hood in terms of new Pokémon, but still having a lot to offer story wise and game wise.
Spoiler, 8/10 for the good stuff, but a point docked off for incomplete translations and just a tad too many mini game issues.
More under the cut
So Realidea System came out around September I think, and the main you'll see right away is a gorgeous art style with bright colors and very intricate tiles. Every location looks cozy af or scary where appropriate, and it has a ton of different aesthetics that it works very well with for each.
Also, unlike most fan games, there's talk portraits for the story that help convey who is talking and the emotion conveyed- this is actually very pleasant tbh, and there's a lot of good designs you can better appreciate due to it. Tbh I have issues reading, and sometimes it's hard to tell who is talking via text alone. This actually helped me a lot more than the creator probably intended, but it's something I'm still thankful for.
The sprite work, what's made for the game anyway, also looks very good and has a unique but simplistic style with eye catching shading and colors. I'm actually pretty jealous of it and sort of taking notes from it, because there's not a lot of the same style of shading as the gen 5 or 4 sprites, but the style still works in its own way. I'd almost compare it to a 2d cell shading style, but idk if that's accurate? I like it, I'll say that. Not to mention that there's a lot of fun Overworld sprites that convey just as much if not a tad more emotion than the portraits.
The sprite work also extends to fakemon. Now I am a little bit disappointed that there were so little new Pokémon to experiment with, I'm not gonna lie. There's the starters, a legendary, and... about 5 or 6 variants. That's it. However, obviously they went with Quality over Quantity, which I can respect. Each of these are really well designed and excellently sprited, and most importantly fun to use! I chose the water starter, and it's ability and 2 signature moves are really fun in a fight and can potentially let it sweep.
Continuing off of this, to make up for the lack of new Pokémon, there's obviously a huge variety of old Pokémon to choose from, including lots of starters such as Chikorita and Rowlett. Megas also make a return, and some regional variants appear too.
Now on the technical aspect, there's a lot of cool shit under the hood, mainly the Realidea System that is the heart of the game's story. What this does is replace the HM mechanics (hallelujah), such as the Fly mechanic, which is now Teleport (although it functions exactly like Fly), and Surf, which now just happens as soon as you touch the water without any prompt needed.
The RS also comes with a couple extras that require certain points attained from using items on your pokemon or just generally bonding with them. Some of these include a repel system that repels as many steps as you use, a heal system that basically functions as a Pokémon Center, and an automatic level up feature that functions as a Rare Candy. The last two were actually very helpful for my journey and filling out the dex.
Outside of the RS there's codes you can put in at the Pokémon Center to sort of help with grinding, which can exist if you want or just completely bypass it by changing the levels of any Pokémon in your party up to the highest level in your team (be mindful that this will not trigger evolution, the Level Up feature will tho). Honestly, it feels dirty, but I actually do like this feature just so I can keep everyone around the same level. The EXP all works in conjunction with this btw, about like the Switch games function without making the game too easy. Basically all of this is to ensure you can just catch a new little guy and bam, he's already caught up, and grinding just isn't a thing anymore, so you can just be on your happy little way.
You can also remember moves on your own from the party menu, which honestly is just very helpful and makes it so you don't miss any by using the level up trick. If you're so inclined, you can also change the nature's of your pokemon via 3 heart scales from the party menu.
Basically a lot of tedious bs is completely ironed out, letting the game be fun without too many hold ups beyond a puzzle.
But speaking of puzzles... good lord there's a lot of mini games. Mind you they're doable, but a lot are kind of trial and error, especially the ones that require the ability to read and understand Spanish. You may think "oh just Google translate," and you'd be correct in assuming that does help with a good portion. But I'm not lying when I say that there's a section dedicated entirely to PUNS. It was fucking hilarious just trying to guess what's going on, but also frustrating. Even without the Spanish though, the rhythm games kill me.
The translation is also just not complete. I'd say 70% complete, because you still get bits of Spanish in normal gameplay and a good many puzzles are only instructed in Spanish. Not to mention the journals are ALL Spanish, so i had to have some friends help me read it. What is finished is about 95% decent though, with only a small handfuls of grammatical errors or odd translations, so kudos for that.
Now, characters and story. The story is about standard fair for a normal Pokémon game, but there are some interesting twists here and there. In cooperation with gorgeous visuals and art, the story is told pretty well and is really immersive. The characters too are also very entertaining and hilarious, and also have a fair bit of depth. I have to say I found myself attached to Elliot, Owen, and Alba, which is very strange since I'm usually not one for rivals or Lilly type characters. There are some groan worthy moments, cliche bits, or some not so ideal things done, but I do think it's a passion project someone put a lot of heart and soul put in.
Oh, and this game is hilarious. Check everything that looks interactive and you'll see what I mean.
Oh oh, there's also a very well managed side quest system. Tons of side Quests pop up and are easily found in the overworld, so that's a bonus if you're like me and hate having to hunt a specific NPC.
Lastly, the music: i believe the music is mostly original, which is amazing because every town and route sound magical in some way, and the original trainer themes are very, very good. When I say prepare yourself for the champion, I mean that in so many ways but ESPECIALLY the music. My one grief is yet again the reuse of the BW gym theme. I think it's okay, but I was really hoping for something original. But what is here is awesome.
Overall it's a fun time and a lot of effort went into this. There's a lot of fun poked at the series (especially towards Kanto) and the entire game feels like a fun adventure. I hope to see another project by this dev, maybe with more fakemon? Please? That's my favorite part of playing fan games.
Anyway, 8/10
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creoterative · 1 year
Diablo III x TWDG
While I'm playing Diablo III (again), in Expert Mode this time though, I somehow rediscovered my love for this game, since now the enemies are actually challenging again. I can feel this fear and excitement that I felt when I played it for the first time (which was years ago) and the little addition I made just makes it more fun. Even though Marlon regularly gives me heartattacks, because he loses too much dicipline or gets tanked by some boss monster.
What I also did, was analyze the three companions, that you can take with you on the journey you make. I noticed before that they had quite good character arcs, but if you take the time to listen to literally every single word they say, you can see how much input they have in their own stories.
And that's why I took it upon myself, to develop this funny little crossover further and give the companions TWDG personas as well, as you might have noticed xD I'm a sucker for unreasonable and weird crossovers, okay, leave me be.
I've been playing as the Demon Hunter for a few months now again, since that class is by far my favorite (although I love all the classes), and, well, I called that specific Demon Hunter Marlon. Of course, the companions all got blessed with a TWDG persona as well, so... there.
Anyway, here are some things I noticed, it's just me babbling about this game and how much I love Diablo and TWDG, so feel free to skip through this xD It's mostly stuff I noticed, a summary and some minor headcanons.
(SPOILERS ahead)
Louis aka Lyndon the Scoundrel
-He was by far the most entertaining. Louis basically says something in literally any situation, he's constantly making jokes and mocks our enemies, which is quite refreshing. And close to the real Louis in TWDG.
-Since Louis is an archer himself here, it can be a bit difficult to get out of crazy situations, because he cannot give you the backup that Aasim might give you. Aasim may charge in and stun opponents, while Louis has to remain in the distance and try to hit something. Which he does quite well, not gonna lie, but before I got the blocker technique for him, I basically had to do most of the work, if we wanted to make a run for it xD
-His story is amazing. He's a thief from a big, rich city in... the north, I think? Together with his older brother, who was a royal guard, he managed to stage some heists, where they would rob something and he'd tell his bro about the time and date, so he could arrest them (but Louis of course magically disappeared before they could get him too). Then they split up the collected money.
-Louis falls in love with a woman though, that is only interested in his brother. He's jealous, tries to cover it up and continues to decieve the local guards with his bro. But one time, his big brother shows up too early and that raises suspicion. Louis can escape, but his brother gets arrested.
-Feeling guilty for it, and for lusting after his wife, Louis flees and tries to make a living as a thief in Tristram, sending a lot of the money he gets to his brother in prison. Only as the story progresses, he finds out that his brother was killed because of him, as some sort of revenge. And they leave us with a frikin' cliffhanger too, because Marlon and Louis plan on hunting the murderer of his brother, but the game never lets us do it xD
-Anyway, Louis is a delight to be around, especially when in camp, because he's constantly getting on Aasim's nerves for being too stiff and 'boring'.
-Even though he's a thief, he has a very clear idea of what's right and wrong (unlike someone else, cough) and right after claiming that he hates children, he plays with some in the camp, so... he has a bigger heart than it seems. Wayyy bigger.
-Don't make him angry. It's not like Louis is shouting or anything, that's more Aasim's or Marlon's part, but Louis is just creepy when he's angry. He sounds as if he's gonna come back at night to slit your throat, which completely contradicts the rest of his cheery and up-beat character.
-He's quite determined and is eager to not let his fear shine through, even though we're literally facing the Angel of Death itself at the end of the game. Louis is questioning the reason for our journey quite a lot actually, but he never seems to really doubt the cause, you know? It's like he's trying to make Marlon think about what he's actually doing with his life, because that guy is all about fighting and working, never giving himself time to enjoy the actual friendships he's made, unlike Louis.
-It's just so funny how optimistic and sarcastic he is. He tries to lighten up the mood any chance he gets and even though he flirts with almost every single woman we meet, it's nothing too serious and usually just earns him a smack to the head from Marlon.
-I have no idea why, but I LOVE the scene where Louis curses out Imperius, the archangel of valor, for being a dick to Marlon. Louis is standing in the face of annihilation, since Imperius could easily kill him with one snap of his fingers, Louis not being a Nephalim like Marlon, but he doesn't give a shit and tells that guy to go kiss his ass.
-Louis appears to be the most human of them all. He's just trying to live his life, while also helping to save the world, but what makes him so human are his reactions towards certain things done by Maghda's council (aka Lilly, heh). Or when he reacts to entering the halls of agony, he's shocked to see what the former king established and shows his disgust, while Brody and Aasim try to keep calm and focused. He allows his feelings to run free.
-His relationship with Marlon changes greatly over time. At first, the're not necessarily fond of each other, Marlon not liking his background as a thief and fearing betrayal, while Louis thinks of him as arrogant and slowminded. But in time, they become great friends and even though Marlon has to drag him out of a tavern once in a while, Louis is an important ally to him, especially when talking about optimism and Louis' living-in-the-moment-philosophy. In the end, Marlon almost becomes a brother for Louis and vice versa. He even offers Louis a very big amount of his own gold to send to his brother, before they find out about his death.
Brody aka Eirena the Enchantress
-Brody is a very sweet character, in either of the games (well, before the slight panicattack she had in TWDG). She's kinda confused, since she's been born 500 years in the past, but she's curious and wants to learn as much as she can about the world she's been sent to.
-Her story is quite sad as well. Brody was a young magician in Caldeum, the juwel of the east, the big city in the even bigger desert. And she learned some quite powerful spells from a group of other magicians. Only to dicover, that they were a cult trying to summon demons, so she and her sisters slaughtered them all to save the city.
-Brody and her sisters were cursed by the last remaining cultist though and almost died, when a mysterious prophet appeared and saved them. He trained them properly and gave them the order, to go to sleep in tombs and wake up in another time to search for a hero and accompany them on their journey. Well, that worked out well so far, but Brody was the only one to survive the sleep stage and woke up again.
-She's quite young, I think she's around 21/22 other than Marlon, Louis and Aasim, who are all around 25-30. Which is quite confusing, since she should be wayyy older. But it makes her kinda naive and vulnerable too, since she's used to her own old world and doesn't yet understand all the dangers, that come with this new one. That's why she seeks Marlon's advice a lot.
-Funny sidefact, Brody doesn't like rain, which is kinda ironic considering the weather in TWDG when she's killed.
-In battle, she's a quite formidable foe, since her spells can make enemies fight for you, which is coming in handy very often. Especially since she can also somewhat control boss monsters for a short amount of time.
-Brody needs to keep her distance just as much as Louis needs to, but unlike Louis, she has a few techniques up her sleeve to escape difficult situations via big clouds of magic dust or just plain explosions. That makes it easier to run away, since she can distract enemies, especially with the mindcontrol thing. Demons will prefer to fight the controlled monster over fighting Marlon, which is pretty interesting, and useful of course.
-Other than Louis, she has a very calming effect on Marlon. When they are out on a journey together, they tend to get into deeptalk a lot more ( and I mean A LOT), especially about how they feel inwardly when fighting. Marlon seems to enjoy her company and openly asks her questions, which is different than with Louis, where it's the thief that bugs him with the questions.
-Brody is like a puppy, really. Whenever she sees something new, she gets excited and want to examine it, until Marlon tells her to let go of the magic jemstone that holds three demons in it...
-She feels a lot like some part of her got lost over time, while she was sleeping. That's a big part of their conversations in game, since Marlon feels kind of the same, having lost his entire family to demons at a young age. So they try to comfort each other by saying that it's just something everybody has to live with in a way and that they'll find a way to compensate for the emptiness.
-Brody is... well, she doesn't realize anything when it comes to love. Which is quite adorable. She doesn't know what a flirt is, so even when Louis jokingly tries to seduce her, she answers honestly and without any thoughts in the back of her mind, as if it's a totally normal conversation.
-She openly states that she sees Marlon as her big brother, to which he answers, that he doesn't mind, but she should never ask him about romantic advice, because he doesn't have the slightest idea. Brody admits, that she thought about marriage a few times already, but also states, that it 'isn't for her', implying, that romance in general may be something, she just doesn't quite understand. Which is obvious, to be honest.
-Ironically, her specialty are illusions. She can see right through them and even create her own, using her magic staff and a little focus-mirror, because she gets easily distracted. Even in Diablo III, Brody's a dreamer and gets quite affected by the misery and despair of others. She even pities the cultists, stating that it must have been great sorrow that made them join this organization.
-Brody was actually the only one of her sisters to ever wake up, because the prophet who trained them saw great potential in her. He gave the remaining sisters a choice, either leave the sisterhood and live out their lives, or help ensure, that Brody would wake up in the right time and place. There was one of her sisters, Lysa, who envied her for being the chosen one (even though Brody didn't even know about this) and tried to kill her in her sleep. The remaining sisters gave their lives to protect her, but Lysa managed to lure Brody into her trap after she had accompanied Marlon for a while.
-Lysa got defeated by them in the Lair of the Prophet, which left Brody with a feeling of senselessness, not knowing if the sacrifice her sisters made, was worth it. Marlon can comfort her though by telling her, that the prophet chose her for a reason and that her sisters believed in her so much, that they gave their own lives for her. That Lysa let her envy take over, wasn't Brody's fault and she should be glad, that she was able to free her sister from the grasp of the demons. That moment made me kinda sad for the TWDG Marlon and Brody, since they could've had conversations like this too, trying to make the others feelings of guilt disappear. But nooo, someone had to be a dick about it.
-After her special companion quest, she decides to become the leader of a new organization and continue on with the cause of the prophet, who helped her so many years ago. It shows, that she's willing to change directions and think about something new, just like she was in TWDG, but this time, Marlon actually helps her instead of punishing her for it.
-Brody is very kind and passionate, she is probably the most affected by unjust acts and betrayal. Louis and Aasim are so used to it, that they kind of expect it around every corner and Marlon... well, he hunts the witch Adria, who betrays the gang, for over three acts, and... yeah... it's wild. But I don't have to mention, that she's great with kids, right?
Aasim aka Komrac the Templar
-Ohhhh boy, Aasim.
-He's actually the first of the companions we find, and he makes it very clear from the beginning, that he doesn't follow Marlon, because he likes him so much. In fact, Aasim even states later, that he despised Marlon from the start, because he seemed to be driven by hate and anger. Which is true, to be honest.
-Aasim takes the longest to warm up to Marlon and vice versa. They had a pretty rough start, being quite cold towards each other, until Aasim accompanied him on a few journeys and they got to talk about their respective orders.
-Aasim is my favorite of them battle wise, because unlike Marlon he can actually take a hit or two. He's quite tanky and just yeets himself into battle, fueled by the strong belief in his order and the light he defends.
-Also he's pretty useful when I need to get out of a sticky situation, he'll create a diversion and lets me escape, then he follows after stunning the enemy. We literally don't have to worry about him since he is pretty much invulnerable, so... good job, Aasim, keep it up.
-His story is a tragic one, like the other two companion stories. Aasim was a pretty bad guy before he got captured by the holy order of the templars. They 'purified' him by whipping him until he was unconcious and the pain made him forget his past.
-Then he was sent out to do good and bring the light back to the earth. That definitely worked well, since he literally threatened Marlon into a deal, so that he can keep his foliants and holy scripts to himself. After finding out about the real intentions of his order and that he was basically used to gain more power, he decides to fight his former brothers, accompanied by Marlon.
-Let's just say, that fight... doesn't end well for the order.
-Almost everyone in camp says, that they think he's pretty grim, but has a good heart. Which is literally what Aasim is in TWDG, I was a bit proud. And yes, he took his time to come out of his shell, but he revealed himself to be courageous and proud as well and... a little bit stoic, hot-headed even.
-But Aasim seems to be pretty brutal as well. He once asked Marlon, while they were both hunting that witch Adria, how long she'd last if he held her head under one of those blood pools. Which is fairly disturbing, but also kinda fits him. And of course Marlon got pretty excited about that.
-Aasim is... quite angry. He's more similar to Marlon in that case, without even realizing it. They both share this untamed fury and love to rush into battle, although for different reasons. The one reason they share though, is protecting the innocent, which is honorable and... Aasim was kinda cute talking to those kids in Caldeum.
-He may not be as childish and sarcastic as Louis is, but he loves mocking the enemy, which is very entertaining on its own. If... well, if we survive, that is. One of his skills is taunting the enemy. One of his SKILLS.
-He hates Louis. And funny thing, in Diablo, he actually has a thing for Brody. A little inconvenient, since she doesn't realize it at all, but at least he tells her about his feelings with enough encouragement from Marlon. That backfires, but eh. It was adorable.
-The comments he made about the sand in his boots, when they walked through the deserts? Urgh. Aasim, please don't turn into Anakin Skywalker, yes, the sand gets everywhere, especially when you fight nasty hordes of monsters.
-I dunno, but his relationship to Marlon stays quite platonic and distant over the whole course of the game. He thanks him for helping him with his order and Marlon actively tries to let him find a new direction in life, but apart from that, the only thing really connecting the two, is their desire to protect the weak. And I think that makes him a great character all on his own, because there are only subtle moments, where you can hear, that he actually cares a lot about his teammembers. It shows when he's fighting and solving conflicts.
-And the fact that his special trinket is actually a book. Like, come on.
Now, for the final part, a little bit about the main character himself
Marlon aka The Nephalim/Demon Hunter
-I still need to draw him.
-I actually started this just for fun, but simply by naming my first character on my new account Marlon, that guy became something special. And what could fit him better, than a dark, mysterious Demon Hunter with a crossbow?
-I know, he isn't that dark and mysterious in TWDG, that's why I'm glad he has the top notch character development in Diablo, thanks Blizzard.
-Starting off with a tragic backstory, his family got butchered by the demons and after fleeing with his younger sister, she succumbed to madness and fell in the river. He tried to grab her, but didn't have the strength to pull her out, so she died and he was left alone with his fears and sorrows. Almost giving in to the darkness himself, Marlon was rescued by a group of survivors, who taught him how to handle numerous weapons and traps, so he could defend himself.
-That's when he decided to dedicate his life to saving the innocent and defend the weak, leading him to Tristram, where the fallen star had caused the dead to rise. And that's where the fun begins.
-Because he appears to be quite arrogant towards the local residents, at least when he first meets them. Marlon knows, he's powerful now and has skills, that others could only dream of, making him a bit of a nuissance at first. He's commited and doesn't falter, even in the middle of a seemingly unwinnable fight. His anger and hatred drive him forward, which is why people in Tristram are a bit intimidated at first.
-It's his height too. I swear, he was tall in TWDG, but in Diablo? That.... how? It's probably the armor, but even his little sister's ghost states later, that he has grown a lot since they last met. Well, it's been a long time, but still.
-His bad side comes out often in the beginning of the game. He's seen some real shit, like, real real shit, and to an extend, he's proud of it, because it gave him power and it made him resistant to certain psychological pain. But that also gives him more of that bounty hunter atmosphere, he's just there for the loot, for the sake of killing. Later, Marlon establishes himself as the hero, that defies the laws of nature and can punch his way through literal hell to safe humanity, but it... it takes a looong time 'till he reaches that point. Which is cool, it makes the character development even greater.
-His moral compass is a fucking roulette wheel. Like I mentioned earlier, it's funny how Louis is the thief and supposed scoundrel, while Marlon is way more vindictive and says pretty questionable things from time to time.
-BUT that starts to change once Deckard Cain dies. One of the more important characters in the game (actually one of THE more important characters in the game), Deckard helps him greatly in achieving his goal and it's only through him, that the mystery of Tyrael's fall from the heavens can be solved. His sacrifice is the first character death, that really stings and it takes its toll on Marlon too.
-And after that, Marlon starts to care about his partners more, asking them about their personal life (that's up to the player of course, but here the really interesting infomration can be asked) and trying to help them solve their own problems. Even though he can barely solve his own.
-Marlon is, uhm... quite vulnerable out there to be honest. I mean, it's his class, Demon Hunters aren't supposed to hit hard, it's all about arrows, traps and such for them. Which is why his fighting style is a lot of shadow magic, and I mean a lot. Crowfeet traps, flips and illusions, even posessed animals like wolves and spiders, that come to his aid. And of course, don't forget the angry flesh-eating plant, Rosie. Still, it's very cool to play as a Demon Hunter, especially since you gotta be strategic and quick on your feet (which I am not, but ergh, whatever). And that hail of arrows? Geez.
-Marlon is SO bad at following his own advice. He runs around in camp, talking to all the people and his friends, saying that a life isn't worth anything without friendship and kindness. And then he gets back into his corner of darkness and soaks himself in self-pity, not talking to either of them about his own past, AT ALL.
-He's somehow constantly torn between loving to be something special but at the same time just wanting to be normal, so that others don't run from him.
-That's also another point where he connects with Brody. Both are something unnusual, she's from a completely different time, while he is the child of an angel and a demon, so people are bound to stare at them. They even have a little talk about it and both seem kinda sad, knowing that wherever they go, they won't find a place to call home, since this feeling of being different will hang over them.
-I swear the scene where he saw his little sister again in the Realm of Death, I cried my eyes out. He blames himself entirely for her death and the fact, that his hatred is actually directed towards Marlon himself is even more heartbreaking.
-Oh, how he hates Imperius. Funny thing is though, Louis has to defend him, since Marlon is just getting tired of arguing with the archangel, until Louis calls him out for it xD
-Like his TWDG counterpart, he despises people without gratitude and tells them that to the face. That mayor in Tristram, that didn't move his wagon, because he was afraid of the dead outside? Yeah, he literally told him to go to hell for his cowardice. Which is quite ironic...
-But he told many people in the game to go to hell, so...
-Marlon gets pretty irritated when people can see through him. Well, like his TWDG counterpart. When Myriam started to talk about his feelings and the guilt he carries with him, he gets so frustrated, he can only slightly insult her before he runs away.
-May I mention, that for a short period of time, he was some kind of grim reaper? Having the power of the dead? So he could harm Malthael?
-The whole reason behind the Demon Hunter is, that in order to fight what you hate, you have to overcome your own fears. That's why Marlon can face almost every danger, that is in front of him, even the Devil and the Angel of Death. But nobody can teach you how to face your own feelings of guilt and that's the only thing Marlon literally cannot cope with. When Leah dies, he hunts Adria for the next three acts of the game, and even after he killed her, he still feels guilty for not seeing through her lies. That's the tragedy of both his characters, in Diablo and in TWDG, when he fails, he just can't deal with the loss and the guilt, so he does things, that are either unreasonable or only bring peace for a short amount of time.
-And we don't want to talk about the fact, that he must feel REALLY tired after Malthael got destroyed and Tyrael basically told him, that all the souls of the seven evils are free again. I felt pretty stupid when that happened, this whole game was basically for nothing, thanks.
-The armor he can wear is ridiculous. There is no way he can move fast with this amount of steel on him. But it looks cool, so...
-I love this quote from the Demon Hunter Trailer
"As long as I'm here, they are the prey. And I am the Hunter."
Gives me chills every time. And kinda fits his character in TWDG as well, he wants to be the big brother, the guardian, you know?
-It's, uhm... interesting how easily he gets startled whenever someone he likes does something 'bad'. Like, when Haedrig, the blacksmith, told him about his wife and that she was imprisoned for using magic spells, Marlon was so shocked, Haedrig didn't allow him to talk to him for a few days. Adorable, but confusing, since he's fighting people, that are way worse.
-I dunno, but apart from playing big brother for almost everyone except Aasim, he acts like a big child sometimes. When Brody warns him about an illusion in the desert the first time they meet, he snaps back at her, saying that he knows a trap when he sees one. First, no, he doesn't, second, when Brody shows him the illusion, he acts all casual about it, quickly asking stuff about her powers instead of admitting, that he was just too proud to accept help.
This was such a fun experience, I even considered doing this again with Violet as a Necromancer or Mitch as a Barbarian. Or James as a Crusader? Any suggestions?
Well, that's all for me today, I'm gonna start my preparations for the finals this semester now, so... until July then ^^
Have fun and stay safe out there!
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bria-doublen-a · 2 years
Book Review: Things We Never Got Over
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Alright. I’m just going to dive right in here. I hated—absolutely hated this book...until page 490. I’m new here, so if you don’t know, allow me to explain: I like to jump into books blind. I had no idea what I was getting myself into or really what the story itself was going to be like. I only knew that it was a romance and it was trending and I was like, heard that. Sign me up. I wasn’t expecting to hate my characters for the majority of the book.
But hang on, peeps. Bear with me a moment. If you’re anything like me and you don’t have any patience with cliched and unlikable characters, please listen to me when I tell you this: EVERYTHING HERE HAPPENS FOR A REASON.
These characters are meant to have annoying characteristics because we are supposed to watch them as they develop into a better version of themselves. Don’t give up hope! Hang in there, okay?
Without someone to hold my hand and give out kind and gentle encouragement, Lucy Score had me ready to rip my damn hair out. I was saying stuff like, “I can’t wait to tear this book a new one”, “I hate this book”, “I’m only gonna finish it so I can throw tomatoes at it and boo it off the stage”, “What theme are we even trying to preach here, Lucy???”.
Then I got to the aforementioned page 490. Everything suddenly made sense and I felt like an idiot. Because of course this author knows what she’s doing. Of course these characters were going to change. I’m astounded by how little faith I had in this book. I’m honestly so disappointed in myself.
I’m telling you all this because this book is going to frustrate you. Make you scream. Make you want to punch someone in the face. But believe me when I say I’ve never had so much fun in my entire life.
And more importantly, this story has a message that I believe everyone can benefit from. 100000% recommend.
Don’t think. Just jump. You won’t regret it.
Spoiler Section
When, I say I hated Knox Morgan, I am not exaggerating in the slightest. He was rude. Arrogant. The biggest ass I’d ever met in my life.
I never quite understood the whole morally gray, grumpy/sunshine thing, but that’s just my personal preference. What I really hated about him was his refusal to develop. Even as we watched him fall for Naomi, we watched him stay stagnant for more than 75% of the book. That was a ballsy move, Lucy. I mean, truly. I was ready to give up on him.
Don’t get me wrong, Naomi got on my nerves a hell of a lot too. The instant perfect-mother thing she switched on the second she met Waylay (literally the second) was so annoying. Like we found Waylay in the motel room and Naomi’s already giving her shit about her potty mouth. Like girl, if you don’t build some rapport first. Ugh, I’ve never rolled my eyes so hard before. But then I realized that was all part of her development and it made all the weird, awkward scenes with her and Way much more tolerable because I knew Naomi was going to learn something.
By the way, I think it’s worth saying that Waylay is the only reason I pushed through. I loved her instantly and I pushed myself to finish the book because I wanted to see her get a happy ending. Because by this point, I’ve already decided that I hated both Naomi and Knox. Without Waylay, I don’t think I would have finished this book, not gonna lie. Of course in hindsight, I can say the journey was worth it, but my god. I thought about quitting so many times.
Naomi’s and Knox’s relationship (or friends-with-benefits-ship) felt like a trauma response. Knox was so horrible to her, from the very beginning. I can forgive a little snarkiness and sarcasm for the sake of a romance novel, but he really wasn’t cutting her any slack. Personally, I don’t understand how she caught feelings for a man that antagonistic towards her.
Technically, Naomi even said it herself. She felt like she was making a hard turn from the perfect guy she was about to marry to the douche-y guy who claims she’s a pain in the ass, but continues to insert himself in all her business. He might be sexy and have that whole nothing-can-penetrate-this-wall thing going on, but he was constantly degrading Naomi and making her feel bad for second guessing and wanting to dissect things. But when he’s constantly playing hot and cold, saying he wants no attachments and then proceeding to do things that definitely create attachments, how could he blame Naomi for wanting an explanation??
And when he finally admitted his feelings to himself and broke up with her???
Y’all, I was pissed. I threw the book down, folded laundry, took a shower and painted my nails. And my heart was still pounding with rage.
And then for him to still act like such a demanding douchebag and accuse her of being irrational? Bro. Knox had officially put himself on my shit list. I had about a hundred pages left and I knew—I just knew that Lucy was going to somehow put these two back together for the sake of a happy ending knowing DAMN well that Knox is undeserving. He would buy her some stupid giant coffee or get her flowers or perform some other act of idiotic grovelling and Naomi would be just as stupid and take him back.
Then, I turn to page 490. And I realize that Lucy is not stupid. This ain’t her first rodeo. We were meant to hate Knox and Naomi’s relationship. It was meant to be toxic af. Knox opened up, but they were able to admit that they just wouldn’t work and then I finally realized the meaning of the title. There are just some things a person never gets over. And Knox’s fear of intimacy was one of them. At this point, I believed that the book would end without them getting together. That we weren’t going to reward shitty behavior
But then the unexpected happened. I’m actually kind of on the fence with the last fifty or so pages, but I mean it was fast paced and interesting in ways that I truly didn’t expect so I mean...that’s something I guess. Tina finally made her appearance and I was actually kind of glad she wasn’t just a straight up asshole. I mean, don’t get me wrong. She’s an asshole. But she’s not a to-hell-with-my-kid, I-don’t-give-a-crap-what-happens-to-her kind of mother. She still worries for Waylay’s safety it’s just a matter of she doesn’t really know how to keep her safe or how to stay away from settings that would put her in danger. It’s believable which is why I liked it.
Then Knox saves the day (because of course he does) and he finally gets the kick the ass he needed to acknowledge Naomi as more than a fuck-buddy. I don’t know, like as a reader I’m happy that they get the opportunity to try out a real and healthy relationship. But as someone who also knows a thing or two about storytelling and character development, I can’t help but think it was kind of a fast turnaround. Even if there had been more time in between that scene in the office where Knox talks about his dad and saving the girls, I think I would’ve been happier.
But all in all, with all the drama and the scares and the guns waving and evil twins evil twinning, I’m just so relieved that Naomi and Knox finally get a WIN. All that toxic relationship crap was honestly so exhausting and it really is a relief to see a happy ending.
And I have to commend any writer who’s capable of making me do a hard 180 like that. Even if I don’t agree with how the book ended, I still love these characters a hell of a lot more than when I started.
Well done, Lucy. Well done.
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gaycey-sketchit · 2 years
(Gary anon) Not gonna lie, but Journeys reminded me why I watch anipoke; or rather keep an eye from a distance, on its events and how you need keep your expectations reasonable, when it has pulled stuff like Thunder Armor and Tobias. (In TRio's case, the seriousness gets dropped after the halfway point, I think I even remembered that being "announced" in a trailer. Dawn's BW return was apparently mixed too, but most of the blame was put on Iris.
(Part 2) As if Dawn has never been snarky before. Really says something when some; just like with Misty during SM, think Iris' development was "improved" when she came back in JN. Gives away much of BW you watched) That, and all the continuity probably took a hit on things too. Just for the circumstances to get it to work alone. (When you're a byproduct of the series and its writing, the fandom is going bare the weight of the reception on you)
(Part 3) I don't think I've seen so much flak against the staff since XY, but that was mainly for one thing. Everything in JN has got attacked in every angle. (Even if there was a new Eeveelution, it's really hard for Chloe to fully come back from this, unless her [and Goh] continue into the next series and are given something a bit more consistent) Doesn't help that Yamper looked like it going to join her. (Apparently Tobias' VA caught it too. Wish them all well)
(Part 4) Well, we got a Goh poster coming up this month that looked similar to the Chloe one last month. Project Mew after the semifinals is looking more likely. (Also seem to have gotten the first sign of S/V anipoke merch, so we're probably get news on what's up soon and Ash's fate. If he does continue, I wonder if it'll be a new character that introduces Paldea to him or Gary works his magic again a third time)
(Part 5) The ultimate spectacle in the making of Ash meeting Red is upon us in Pokemon Masters. And more S/V news! Seems like they're trying to keep things more under wraps this time, but at least we got the new gimmick and more on the open world. I see most took to the new Wooper that dropped, and Fidough. And the new characters. xD
Oh, I vaguely remember hearing about that.
Man, people look for any excuse to hate on Iris, huh. I wonder why. (I do not wonder, I think we both Know.)
Yeah, Journeys was ambitious, and there have been some... issues because of that.
I guess so, but man. The fact that some people direct more intense hatred toward Goh than I do toward characters that remind me of my actual literal abusers... I think maybe this fandom needs to chill a little sometimes. Acting like that about a fictional ten year old is weird.
Yeah, Journeys really has been picked apart for literally everything.
Alas. I mean, maybe they stand a chance at that, but I doubt that’d be received well either.
D: Covid’s been hitting so many people. Hopefully they can all recover!
Oh, makes sense. Honestly really excited to see how the Project Mew stuff plays out, I feel like I’m one of the like five people who’s actually enjoying that plotline.
Oh? I have to say I’m really hoping Ash will continue into Paldea because I would miss him too much if he didn’t. Would love to see Gary do his thing a third time.
That’s going to be fun! Excited for Ash to maybe be a playable sync pair? Ash Ketchum telling me good morning would be the ultimate joy.
I opted not to watch the SV stuff because I like to go into new Pokemon games with as little prior knowledge as possible (and proceeded to go on Twitter and mute as many relevant words/phrases I could think of for the same reason) but! Glad people have responded well for the most part! Hopefully these games will be received more positively than SwSh were, I do not want to go through that ordeal again. Just about three more months until release, that’s exciting!
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fandom-ash · 1 year
Blog_001: DeviantArt and Comics
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[Blog Entry under the Cut]
So I've done the unthinkable - I have starting a blog. On the blogging website. Heresy, I know. Just stay with me for a minute.
I mostly am creating this blog in order to record my thoughts and steps along what I can only describe as my "artistic journey" and my attempts to be a better person - whatever that means.
The main thing weighing on my mind is that I'm grappling with reopening my DeviantArt page. I haven't used it since the whole "AI scraping" thing, but now that the "noai" tag is the default, I feel a little better about posting there once more. There's really just not an alternative in terms of the "vibe" of the site. Artstation is a portfolio, not a place to archive and store your art (in a public way) and pretty much every other site has social networking as a focus instead of the art.
Ugh. Kind of hate this shit, not gonna lie! But right now gaining "exposure" is going to be one of the ways to start gaining a client base for my commissions. I can't lose sight of the prize: stable housing and having grocery money every week!
I also just want to become a better artist and challenge myself more by putting myself out there and drawing bigger and better things than I used to. I really did enjoy editing my latest video on youtube, so maybe making speed drawings is important for my growth and happiness? Who is to say.
I've also started working on my comics again, which is a feeling. I am loving Eden Deception once more and I want to continue with the story and world I am building within it. And then I have a NSFW comic titled "The Prince and the Paladin" that I've fully scripted and thumbed out, so now I'm just sketching out the page's art. I really enjoy having a shorter project to fall back to when I want to procrastinate Eden Deception lol.
A lot of it also stems from connecting with a fellow comic creator - she's great and I love her <3 - which has reminded me of the love I have for the medium. Also a person (who shall not be named) who I have had minor beef with in the past has finished their comic, and that's a lot of feelings too. I'm so happy for them and the fact that they have finished their comic! It's really awesome to see! But it also motivates me to finish mine in a weird way.
There's also just a lot to be said for HAVING FUN with the art I'm making and uhhhh I haven't been doing that a lot lately, oops. I do enjoy working on Eden Deception though! I'm starting to feel the spark again!
I want to feel proud of my art again. that's another goal I have, alongside of getting enough clients to make commissions an actual JOB. Doesn't have to pay my bills on its own, but I know my husband would appreciate the help. I'd gladly get a "real" job at retail or something but being physically disabled is a nightmare, whoops.
Oh well, I'll deal with those feelings later.
End Entry May 24 2023
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energylifeamazon · 2 years
Mary j blige be without you lyrics and video
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Amazon MP3 Download Bonus Track) Whole Lotta Love (From Re-release International Edition) Each Tear (feat. Amazon MP3 Download Bonus Track) Gonna Make It (U.S. (buy at ) Tonight The One Said And Done Good Love I Feel Good I Am Each Tear I Love U (Yes I Du) We Got Hood Love Kitchen In The Morning Color (From "Precious" Soundtrack) Stay (U.S. Wrong Why Love A Woman Irreversible (US Deluxe Edition Bonus Track) Empty Prayers Need Someone The Living Proof (From "The Help" Soundtrack) Miss Me With That (US Deluxe Edition Bonus Track) Someone To Love Me (MJB Naked Remix) (US/UK Deluxe Edition Bonus Track) Get It Right (US/UK iTunes Store Bonus Track) You Want This (UK Edition Additional Track) From the Album Stronger with Each Tear (2009)
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(buy at ) Feel Inside Next Level Ain't Nobody 25/8 Don't Mind No Condition Mr. (buy at ) Little Drummer Boy Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas My Favorite Things This Christmas The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire) Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer When You Wish Upon A Star Mary, Did You Know Do You Hear What I Hear? Petit Papa Noël The First Noel Noche De Paz (Silent Night) From the Album My Life II: The Journey Continues (2011) (buy at ) A Night To Remember Vegas Nights Moment Of Love See That Boy Again Wonderful Kiss And Make Up Suitcase All Fun And Games Propose From the Album A Mary Christmas (2013) That was a great one-two punch in the history of R&B.Therapy Doubt Not Loving You When You're Gone Right Now My Loving Long Hard Look Whole Damn Year Nobody But You Pick Me Up Follow Worth My Time From the Soundtrack Think Like A Man Too (2014) “Be Without You” came right on the heels as Mariah Carey’s “We Belong Together” was dying down, so I’m proud of that accomplishment. And of course, the Grammy wins were just icing on the cake. When she hit that note at the end, it’s like “Woah, we got one!” It came out crazy and the rest was history! I knew it was going to be a hit, but not at the level that it went on to become. I wasn’t in the studio with her, but I remember hearing it for the first time. He went in to do additional touch-ups and produced Mary’s vocals. But I remember hearing the stories about Ron Fair vouching for the record.
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I don’t think Jimmy Iovine was sure about putting the record out as a single. I hate saying all my hits came quick, but “Be Without You” was like a 20 minute session. I got a question for ya (See, I already know the answer) But still I wanna ask you, will you lie? (No) Make me cry? (No) Do somethin' behind my back and then try to cover it up? Well, neither would I, baby My love is on the up and up (Yes) I'll be faithful (Yes) I'm for real (Yes) And with us you'll always know the deal We've been too strong for too long And I can't be without you, baby (Oh) And I'll be waitin' up until you get home 'Cause I can't sleep without you, baby (Oh, oh) If anybody who's ever loved you know just what I feel Too hard to fake it, nothin' can replace it Call the radio if you just can't be without your baby, yeah See, this is real talk, I'ma always stay (No matter what) Good or bad (Thick and thin) Right or wrong (All day, every day, hey) Now if you're down on love or don't believe this ain't for you (No, this ain't for you) And if you got it deep in your heart And deep down you know that it's true (Come on, come on, come on) Well, let me see you put your hands up (Hands up) Fellas, tell your lady she's the one Fellas, tell your lady she's the one Oh, put your hands up (Hands up) Ladies, let him know he's got you locked Look him right in his eyes and tell himĪgain, Chris Higgs made a connection with her husband Kendu Isaacs at the time.
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johannstutt413 · 3 years
(requested by mathmaticalknight; a response to this)
It was a Friday afternoon, and as usual, Liskarm was reviewing her notes from her most recent training sessions (in this case, with Vanilla and Beagle) when a thought popped into her head, seemingly from nowhere. ‘What? Why would she be missing me right now? I just saw her an hour ago for lunch...’ Still the thought refused to leave her head, and so she pulled out her phone and called her.
“Hey!” The Vulpo picked up before the first ring. “I was just thinking about you~ Something up?”
“No, I don’t think so. Thinking of me?”
Franka’s eye-roll was almost audible; Liz just took it for granted that it occurred. “Obviously. What else would I be thinking about on a Friday afternoon, alone, in our room waiting for you to come home?”
“You’re home already?” Liskarm looked at the time. “...I’m a bit late, aren’t I?”
“I thought you might be busy, but I do appreciate you calling to tell me for certain. You’ll be home soon, right?” There was hope in that question.
Hope the Vouivre wasn’t about to dash. “You know it. Hey, let’s order in tonight. My treat.”
“Oh? Special occasion?” She let a teasing giggle escape. “I suppose it is, since you’re going to be home before 5 for a change.”
“Yeah...Love you.” Liz hung up after that.
The Vulpo tossed her phone in front of her on the bed, thought better of it, and pulled open the messages she’d been scrolling through while she waited. ‘Love you, too...She seemed pretty frazzled just now. What was she working on today, I wonder? She’s always going on about how much training work she has to do, but is she really that busy? Hmm...Let’s save the itching powder prank for another night.’
About fifteen minutes later, there was the sound of a key turning in the front door and footsteps on the floor. Liskarm was home.
“I’m home.” The words carried to Franka in the bedroom, but they were really meant more for herself than anyone else. “Should probably order dinner. Veggie, no cabbage, plenty of protein-”
“Welcome back!” The Vulpo leapt out of the bedroom, one slipper and a nightgown on; she’d debated getting dressed and had gotten about halfway through the first round of argument when she’d heard the door.
Liz caught her and let momentum carry her through a corner-turn. “Thanks. How was your day?”
“Pretty normal - did what I needed to, left what I didn’t for tomorrow, thought of a couple ways to mess with you later in the week.” She pulled from their embrace enough to look the Vouivre in the eye. “Is everything alright? Not that I mind, but normally you’re not so excited to see me.”
“I just missed you, is all. Need to keep a better eye on the clock while I’m at my desk.” Sparks flew from her horns as she decided to make up for lost time.
This was starting to get uncanny...Of course, Frankie was still enjoying it, but there was something about this that bothered her. A few minutes later, flat on her back on the couch, she reluctantly declared “cabbage patch” to get Liskarm’s attention. “You can tell me, whatever it is, you know.”
“Whatever what is?” A few seconds later, “You mean- ohhhh. I dunno; I was sitting at my desk, doing lesson prep, and I realized I wanted to be here rather than there. Thought you might be missing me or something.”
“I mean, always, but I did see you at lunch...Hmm. When was that, again? About an hour ago?”
She shrugged. “I kinda lost track of time on my way back, too.”
“You really would expect we’d be better at this sort of thing after all these years.” The Vulpo shook her head. “Well, around then, I had kind of a weird thought, too…We’re off the market, right?”
“If you’re talking about the same market I’m thinking of, yeah; there’s not a single person outside of this room I’d want to spend my nights with. Was that what I was feeling?” A new electric charge was beginning to build, slowly spreading through the room.
Franka grabbed the anti-static pillow from behind her head and rubbed it across Liskarm’s horns, and the atmosphere returned to normal. “Maybe. You know, when I was on that prank strike, I found this book on multiple universe theory, and it might sort of explain what happened.”
“Multiple universe theory?” The Vouivre smirked. “You really spend that much of your day thinking of how to mess with me, don’t you?”
“Hey, I’ve cut down...I’m still keeping up with my Lungmen, at least. Anyway, one of the things it talked about was how sometimes, if one of our universes felt something really strongly, we might feel something that, too and not know it was actually another one of us that felt it more.”
Liz stared at her blankly. “That makes no sense.”
“Well, I mean, do you have another explanation for why you thought I might be missing you like that, or why I suddenly thought you might want to start seeing Leizi?”
“Leizi?...Who’s that again?” It rang a bell, but not strongly. “Doesn’t sound like someone I’d want to be with, with a name like that.”
The Vulpo sighed in relief. “Well, that definitely answers that question. I wasn’t even sure who she was until I looked her up in the records.”
“Huh. Maybe you’re right, then. I’m not sure it matters that much, though.”
“Yeah, not really.” Frankie grabbed Liz by the horns and pulled her towards her face. “I can’t imagine us not being together, in this or any other universe.”
She smiled. “Neither can I,” Liskarm agreed before stealing a kiss and picking up where she’d left off. Whatever any other Liskarm across time and space was feeling, this love was all hers.
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muichiroslover · 3 years
Heyo could I request a ban x reader
Where ban and y/n first started dating before elaine so when elaine got into the picture she was a little jealous of their relationship and would try and break them up. And so one day ban and y/n got into an argument, the next day y/n and all of her stuff was gone. Elaine thinking it was a perfect time to take ban tries to comfort him but all he can think about is y/n. So eventually he finds y/n and apologizes in which y/n forgives him.
(Srry If its 2 long u don't have to do it if u dont want 2) (also I do not hate elaine xD)
Hi hi!! Yes I love this idea I love me some angst with happy ending 👀 I hope this is to your liking butterscotch!! <33 enjoy (●’◡’●)ノ♥︎♥︎
(Sorry it’s a little late ☹︎)
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Pairings: Ban x reader
Warnings: Mentions of blood and wounds (not bad)
Genre: Angst with happy ending
You and ban had been a couple for as long as you could remember, at first it was kind of hard to approach him when you guys first met but when you guys had warmed up to each other you guys were absolutely inseparable
You guys did everything together and you were so well known your couple name around towns were “The bandit couple”
As you guys explored the world one night Ban brought up news about this drink that could give you immortality, using the sly line
“Then we can be together forever”
To which you laughed and hit him playfully, but he was entirely serious, you sighed and ended up agreeing to your adventurous boyfriends plan, if it wasn’t real at least you guys would have a fun time
So you guys began your journey to the fairy kings forest, when you guys had finally got to the tree you looked up and groaned
“That’s a huge tree, do we have to climb it?” You ask and he snorts as he already begins getting his hands and legs ready to climb
“You don’t have to, you can wait down here” he says smugly and you glare at the back of his head
“No I’m coming, I might as well see it through” you mutter annoyed to which he laughed
“That’s my girl” he says and you look away in embarrassment, feeling flustered at the comment which almost sent the blue haired man flying off the tree in amusement
As you guys climbed and finally made it to the top a girl, a little one at that looked at you both with a straight face as she puts her hand up and a huge wind blows you guys off
You scream in fear as you get blown far back and far above the ground, Ban grits and teeth and clicks his tongue as he grabs you as you guys start falling and takes the impact
You quickly got off of him and looked at him, tears almost in your eyes
“Oh my god! Ban! Ban I’m so sorry I didn’t mean for you to take the impact! Ban!! Ban-“ you frantically said to the man on the ground who’s eyes were closed
“If you keep calling my name out like that it’d be plain bullying if I didn’t wake up” he groans as he slowly sits up and you quickly hug him to which he chuckles and embraces you back
“Alright let’s try again” he says and your eyes widen slightly
“But ban-“ you begin and he just looks at you with his normal goofy smile you can never turn down, you sigh, deeply may I add and look at him
“Okay..I trust you” you say and he grins even wider as he grabs your hand and stands up as you guys started running towards the tree
The same thing happened a few times, it hurt, a lot but Ban never let you get too injured, always taking the impact of the fall even if you tried to fight with his grip in the air
The last time you guys got up there Ban grabbed his weapon and your eyes widen slightly thinking he was gonna attack the little girl
But he manipulated his staff and instead grabbed the cub with his weapon, You gasped as you two got quickly bounded by trees and the girl took the cup from Bans hand
The girl stands in front of you guys seemingly doing something then she lets us both go, Ban started explaining why you guys wanted immortality and those of such, You didn’t expect him to tell her his whole life’s story but
“Well shes too strong Y/n, let’s just go back” he says smiling at you as he holds out his hand, you smile lightly and nod as you grab it and you both head back down the tree
You guys were camping near the tree those days you were climbing it, you decided you’d stay another week since the fairy kings forest is actually quite pretty and you wanted to explore a bit before leaving since this opportunity may never come again
One night as you laid asleep in your sleeping bag you felt moving, you opened your eyes groggily to see your boyfriend quietly leaving the tent, you thought nothing of it, maybe he was going to pee or he was extra hungry or there was something dangerous nearby
Ignoring it you let yourself fall back into a deep slumber
But as the days and nights continued he kept sneaking out, you started getting suspicious so on the 4th night he snuck out you waited a little bit pretending you were sleeping and after a few minutes you slowly crept out of the tent
You looked around whispering your boyfriends name, this could be a huge misunderstanding after all
You went all around the forest and no sight of Ban
You went back to the tent and looked in, maybe you missed him?? But nope he wasn’t in there
You finally stopped in front of the tree and looked up, remembering the girl that resided there, logically speaking she was older then both of us since fairy’s live longer
“He didn’t” you whisper, you didn’t want to think, no you absolutely were wrong, must be seeing the wrong picture
Your boyfriend of years and hardships is not sneaking out at night to meet up with another girl, no it sounds absurd even thinking about it
‘I’ll just climb and check and I’ll be wrong, I’ll take the wind blow’ you think nodding your head reassuring yourself
You start climbing up the tree as quietly as possible, when you finally made it up and peaked up your mouth fell agape as you saw Ban and the girl chatting and laughing, all close
It surprised you so much that you lost grip on the tree and fell back, you rolled down the tree as if it was a hill, your limbs flying to and fro as you finally hit the bottom
You groaned quietly in pain
“What was that?” Ban says as he stops his conversation with Elaine hearing a soft thump
Elaine looks to the side
“ I didn’t hear anything?” She says and Ban shrugs as they continue to talk
You on the other hand shakily get up as you look at yourself, your arm was bleeding but you don’t know from where, your left ankle was sprained for sure, and your back was killing you it probably had a horrible bruise forming
A tear slipped out as you limped to the tent, you sat down as you grabbed bandages and started cleaning your wounds, the blood was coming from a gash just below your shoulder, probably from a sharp branch
You put a stick in your mouth as you took a deep breath, you grabbed some of Bans alcohol and poured it over the cut, you bit down harshly on the stick but no scream made it through, tears can’t say the same though
You spit out the stick as you breathed hard, every breath of air seeming like you haven’t had oxygen for a while, you take a bandage and wrap it around your arm securely
Usually you would make herbs for wounds and etc, but your hands were shaky, mind a daze and eyes blurry from tears
You wrapped up your sprained ankle and just let your back be in pain because there wasn’t much you could do about the pain back there
You sat silently in the tent waiting for your boyfriend to arrive, he did not arrive till the morning, about an hour and a half before you would usually wake up
When he opened the tent and saw you staring blankly at his empty sleeping bag he went to you and was about to touch your shoulder to ask you what was wrong but you jerked back
He was surprised as you looked at him, your eyes puffy, a huge sign you were crying
“Y/n what-“
“Where were you last night Ban?” You ask and he goes silent
“No in fact where were you the past 4 nights??” You ask and he sighs
“Y/n I just went out to explore and hunt, the foods not gonna come to us-“
You scoff, tears forming up, if he’s lying then is it true that he..
“You’re lying Ban, you’re lying to me” you grit out and he looks at you a little confused but mostly surprised
“You were up there in that tree with that girl..” you say dangerously quiet and he sighs his head falling as he realizes he’s been caught and it looks totally wrong too
“Y/n..” he begins and you shake your head
“No no dont Y/n me, why did you lie and why were you sneaking out?!” You shout
“Y/n we were just talking I swear, I lied because I didn’t know how you would react-“
“HOW I WOULD REACT? HOW WOULD YOU REACT IF I WAS SNEAKING OFF LATE AT NIGHT AND MEETING UP WITH SOME GUY BAN?? HUH??!” You ask pushing him back but you wince as the wound near your shoulder moves
Ban notices this then notices the bandage on your arm and ankle
“Y/n what happened?” He asks quickly as he pulls your ankle into his palm to examine it, but you pull it back quickly
“You’re not even answering me, I-I can’t believe this, I can’t.” You say as you lay down in your sleeping bag, you were extremely tired from staying up the whole night already
You laid on the opposite side you usually lay on because of the wound on your other shoulder and thankfully it was the side not facing Ban
You guys didn’t speak for the whole day and when night came you woke up only to see Ban gone
“Y-You’re kidding” you whisper, you quickly get out, you run to the tree as you go up the route you began to remember with your mind at this point
You climbed up skillfully fast ignoring the roaring pain in both your ankle and shoulder, you peaked up and not to your surprise you see Ban and Elaine speaking under the oh so romantic fairy lights
With no sound you climbed back down, you walked to your tent and went in, grabbing your bag you grabbed your herbs, bandages, clothes and canned foods, leaving some for Ban even in your mood
You rolled up your sleeping bag and dig the dirt under as you grabbed your bag of coins, you and Ban always hid your money in case of any intruders, you guys were bandits after all
You take your money and put it in your bag as you get out the tent and leave
Ban returned back in the morning, he had asked Elaine what he should do to fix things and what a girl usually would like in this type of situation, you guys had never fought so bad to the point you didn’t speak the whole entire day
He was scared you were actually done with him, he had a few picked flowers in his hand and he took a deep breath as he opened the tent
But his eyes widen when he sees your stuff gone and your sleeping bag rolled up, he drops the flowers as he looks around frantically
“Y/N?? Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?!” He yelled, he ran everywhere around the forest looking for you, but you were no where in sight
By the time night fell he still couldn’t find you and it felt like his whole world was collapsing in front of him, he couldn’t think and he couldn’t even yell anymore bc he was sure he lost his voice by how loud and long he was screaming your name
He quickly wiped a tear that rolled down his cheek as he quickly climbed the tree, Elaine looked over at him worriedly
“You didn’t come at our usual time I was worried” she said and looks away blushing slightly
“She left Elaine! She left and I can’t find her anywhere” he says as he falls onto his knees and the tears finally come out
“She left me Elaine I-“ he says hoarsely
Elaine frowns sadly as she goes over and hugs him
“Well Ban...maybe she wasn’t the right one..there’s other people who can make you happy” she says
“Her injuries, she had bandages on her right arm and an injury on her ankle as well! She can get really hurt out there I have to find her” he cried
“Ban she left you, maybe it’s time to move on” Elaine says hintfully and lets go of Ban as she flies to the cup, she gives it to Ban and smiles at him
“Really?” He asks and she nods blushing a bit, he drank it slowly and when Elaine wasn’t looking he poured some inside of a glass bottle
“Ban I like-“ Elaine begins but Ban gets up
“I’m sorry Elaine I think this is the last time you’ll be seeing me, I checked every inch of the forest last night so that means Y/n has left the forest, I’m gonna be leaving as soon as I make it to the tent and get my stuff” he says to the girl who’s face falls in despair
“W-What wait but Ban she-“ she began
“She left? She had a good reason, if I was in her position I’d be upset too I can’t blame her” he says running a hand through his hair
“B-BUT SHE-SHE” Elaine tries to plead but stops when she sees Ban smile at her
“No matter what she did or does, she’s the only one my heart races for, in life or in death Y/n is my one true love so...wherever she goes I’ll chase her” he says and with that he jumps off the tree
Elaine falls to her knees as she watches the spot Ban once stood in, her head falling down as tears fell on to the tree
Ban had gotten to the tent and began packing all his stuff he got his money bag from under his sleeping , though he wonders where you hid yours and leaves
He travels for towns and towns looking for you, he had finally found you but much to his dismay you got captured since you were injured and were in a pretty tight situation as you were on death row
He watched as you and other prison mates were in a yard just doing your own things, you were laying on a bench staring at the sky
You look up quickly and look around not seeing anyone, you were about to lay back down
“Pssst Y/n!”
You look around again noticing the familiar voice
“I must be going crazy” you mutter as you hold your forehead
“You’re not! Look over here!”
You slowly look to the side of the fence you were near and your eyes slowly landed on a bush, soon blue hair popped up from behind the bush and Ban gave you that grin of his
“Ban!” You say, a smile on your face, but you quickly replace it by a scowl and look away from him
He smiles slightly at that
“Y/n come on look at me” he whispers and you begrudgingly look over at him and he smiles, causing you to get flustered and your scowl to shake trying not to smile
“What are you doing here, you better hurry up and escape before they catch you too” you whisper not looking at him, instead watching the guards
He laughs
“As if I would leave you in a jail cell, come on let’s go” he says and you look at him stupidly
“Let’s go? No thanks death row isn’t that bad” you say coldly and he sighs
“Fine, guess we have to do this the hard way” he says shrugging
“HEY GUARDS” He shouts and your eyes widen as you sit up and block him with your body as the guards and inmates look at you
“UHH YEAH GUARDS, UHM YOUR ZIPPERS DOWN” you say and cringe deeply when the guards both look down and one coughs as he zips up his zipper, the inmates laughing
When everything died down you looked at Ban deadly
“Are you crazy?” You whisper
“Crazy for you”
Your mouth closes as you try to not blush but it’s inevitable as your brows unfurrow and a small smile takes over
“There’s that smile I love” he says and you roll your eyes as you huff slightly
“You better explain, I’m not giving you another chance so don’t you lie to me” you say and he nods quickly like a dog, you can basically see the tail behind him wagging
“Now step back babe, you’re boyfriends here to save you” he says smugly and you roll your eyes as you back up
He takes out his staff and in a swift motion breaks the fence, the guards all look over
“HEY” one shouts and you gasp as Ban quickly scoops you up and starts running
“It’s okay! I’ll take this bandit off your hands!” He shouts amused as he runs, he runs into a forest and does many turns eventually losing the guards who had to return back before any other inmates escaped
He puts you down lightly and you cross your arms to which he snorts
“I can run you know” you say and he shakes his head as he leans down and takes out a jar of green stuff
“They’re not as good as yours but they should do” he says and he gently takes your leg as he pulls up the inmate suit and sees your swollen ankle
“Tch stupid guards didn’t even treat it” he mutters as he takes some of the green cream and slowly and gently rubs it over your ankle
You can’t lie this felt really good but
“The first night I went up to try to plead for the youth drink” he says and you look at him
“The second night I went up to try and bribe for the youth drink”
“The third night I spoke to her, I tried to get to know her so she can see we have no bad intentions but one night wasn’t enough”
“The 4th night she had decent trust in me, so we continued talking”
He sighed as he started wrapping the bandage around your ankle softly, you don’t think you’ve ever seen Ban this gentle
“And the 5th night?” You ask and he looks to the side, you noticed a slight blush
“The 5th night I asked advice on what I should do to make you forgive me..” he mutters and your mouth falls agape slightly, it slowly forms into a small smile
“I’m sorry for not letting you explain..” you say and he shakes his head
“No, I can see how this looked from your perspective” he says as he rolls up your sleeves and switches the old bloodied bandages on your arm
You chuckle softly
“So I guess we can’t be together forever” you say sighing and as he rubs the herb cream on your bruised back he raises his eyebrow and pulls out a glass bottle with pink liquid
“Sorry but you’re not escaping me so easily” he says and you gasp as you grab the bottle and look at it
“This is really it??” You say looking back at him and he nods proudly
You slowly open it and drink it, but you didn’t feel that different
“Did it work?” You ask and he shrugs to which you deadpan
That day you both held hand as you jumped off a cliff, when you landed you guys sat up as you laughed and high fived, it worked
After a few months both you and Ban were caught purposely cause life began to get boring, you both sat in the same cell, after 33 executions you both are still alive in confinement
“I win” you say as you cross an all three X’s on the tic tac toe you made on the dirt in the ground
“You’re cheating” Ban replies and you laugh
Soon the door blows open and you two looked over to see a short man with blonde hair, you both smiled as Meliodas smiled back at you two
“Glad to see you two are still lovebirds”
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MC + Cursed Toddler-fied Boys
prompt: All the boys suffer the same fate as Satan by reading ‘The Forbidden Book of Toddlerization’
You have to wonder why they kept so many cursed books around, just out like this. You would think, like any normal person, with this continuing to happen, that they would keep them locked up or something. But no. They just leave them out for anyone to find….
“I’m going to the meeting!” Lucifer yelled, stamping his foot. His face twist in a petulant frown. It would be rather adorable, if you hadn’t been arguing with him for the past 20 minutes
“Lucifer, we talked about this. You can’t go to the meeting. You need to stay here.”
“No! I wanna go to the meeting! It’s very important and everyone is counting on me!” His arms are wailing now as he stamped his foot more.
Of course, you couldn’t let him go to the first of the month meeting like this. His pride would be wounded beyond compare if anyone else saw him like this. But reasoning with him wasn’t working. You had to resort to more, unsavory tactic to win. “But the meeting was cancelled. Lord Diavolo called earlier to let me know.”
Lucifer stopped stamping his feet and waving his arms to look at you with a vacant expression you didn’t know he could muster. “Really?”
Gods help you. “Yes, really.”
He seemed to think about this for a moment before he beamed, “ok!” His mood instantly brightening. “I believe you, because [Y/N] would never lie to me.” ‘Forgive me Lucifer’ You think to yourself. “What are we gonna do instead then?”
“Why don’t we play a game instead to pass the time? Would you like that?”
“I know chess!” He exclaimed loudly. “Let’s play that.”
Of course, knowing and being good at it were two different things. In this state you were actually able to beat Lucifer several times. When he retuned to normal the day was ‘conveniently’ put away for sometime after.
“Mammon. Please. I’ll just be gone for a minute.”
“Nooooooo!” Mammon wailed when you tried to get up again. Clinging to your waist tightly to keep you on the couch. “Onii-chan said you had to stay with me! Stay with me! Stay with me!”
After reading The Forbidden Book of Toddlerization, Mammon had, of course, reverted to the personality of a small child. His brother made fun of him, say ‘what’s the difference’, but Lucifer knew that this could be a disaster if he was set to wander free in this state across the Devildom. So he sat you to babysit him.
“Mammon, I promise I’ll be right back. I’m just going to get us some snacks for our movie.”
“Then let me come with you!” He whined, still clinging to you. In this state it seemed he had also taken on the personality of a baby duck. Imprinting on you and following you around everywhere you went in his room. He hadn’t left you alone for 5 seconds since he got this way. “I promise I’ll be good!”
“It’s not a question of you being good or bad Mammon-chan.” He liked to be called Mammon-chan right now. “It’s that you need to stay here. If someone sees you like this well…they could use it to tease you.”
“No…I don’t want to be teased anymore….” His voice was low, and sad. His bright eyes looking on the verge of tears, like kids do when they’re said, before he buried his face into your side. “Mammon-chan doesn’t want to be made fun of anymore. Mammon-chan also doesn’t want to be alone anymore.”
You sigh. Unable to argue with him when he was like this. Your hand lifted to pet his head, which he seemed to appreciate, before you text Satan to bring you some snacks. He was always reliable and would do it for you.
Once the affects of the book had worn off, Mammon denied any of this happening. The mere mention would cause his face to turn red and yell about how, “that didn’t happen!” You almost wish you had taken a video of it to show him. Guess you would just have to keep Mammon-chan forever in your heart.
You went to Levi’s room after class to check on him in his….condition.
Since he did remote learning a lot of the time, being an otaku, it was pretty easy to keep him away from people so they did see him in the current state he was in. Apparently as a toddler he didn’t like being around people either.
So, you had set him up comfortably in his room before heading to class. Promising to come back that afternoon to be with him.
“Levi! I’m back! How are you—what are you doing?!?!”
“Playing with my toys.” Levi replied, with an obvious expression, as a sea of toys stretch out in front of him where he laid on his belly on the floor.
Your brain stopped. Completely at a loss for words. Levi was going to kill you when he returned to normal, because toddler-Levi, left unattended, had unboxed nearly all of his figurines from their packaging. Some of which were incredibly rare, and unable to get anymore.
“I just…I mean…Why?? Why would you do this??”
“They’re my toys.” Levi replied with a pout. Sitting up. “I can do what I want with them. What’s the point in having neat toys if you aren’t going to play with them??”
He did have a point there. But adult-Levi was going to be so mad!
“Do you want to play with me?” The demon asked with a hopeful expression. “You can even be blue Ruri-chan.” The limited edition, color swap Ruri-chan from 1999. He was gonna blow a gasket!
“Yeah. Ok.” But then again, when were you ever going to be able to touch them again.
As expected, Levi totally lost it when he came to his senses. Of course, there was no one to blame but himself, in the end, so he just had to be upset and mope alone. Thankfully, none of them were broken or beyond just out of their originally packaging. He bought them all clear showcase boxes for his ‘ruined’ figurines. Some of them he could rebuy to replace; which seemed to make him happy to have two.
It had been hours since the affects of the book had taken ahold of Satan. You were starting to wonder if they would ever wear off.
Lucifer had left in search of another book, one that might help speed the process along, and left his younger brother in your care. Of course you were happy to help, but you were getting nervous you would never see the old Satan again.
“[Y/N]-chan?” You look up from your phone, waiting for Lucifer to text you back, to see the blonde demon looking timidly at you from around the corner. 
“What is it Satan?”
“Would you….read to me?” His hands holding out the small children’s book he had some how found in the piles of books covering his room.
You smile softly at him. Your heart warmed by his request. “Of course,” you tell him, and the demon scampered over to sit on the bed beside you. His long legs and body tucked neatly into you as he waited for you to tell him the story of a little lost chicken and it’s journey back home. “[Y/N] tells the best stories!”
After 3 stories, he had fallen asleep. When he woke up, Satan was back to normal. He doesn’t answer your questions on where the children’s books had come from, but you spot the red & gold spines on his book shelves sometimes.
There was no denying that Asmo was fascinated by art and all things beautiful. He went on and on about it any chance he got. So you shouldn’t have really been surprised when his toddlerfied self just wanted to draw all day.
“Look, look [Y/N]-chan! I finished another one!”
“That’s great Asmo.” You praise. Just like you had done with all the other ones he had handed to you. “Wow! This is really great! Is that a….chicken?”
“No, silly! That’s the white horse for our carriage when we get married!” The demon beamed, then shuffled over on his knees to instruct you on his picture properly. “That’s you, and that’s me. That’s the princess carriage that’s going to ride us off into the sunset. That’s Solomon and Simeon throwing flowers at us. That’s my brothers crying because I got to marry [Y/N]-chan and they didn’t.”
“You certainly seem to have all the parts here.” You praise. Giggling at his enthusiasm and picture.
“I want to have a perfect picture of when we get married. Because I love [Y/N]-chan! And we’re gonna get married and live happily ever after.” He replied, with certainty, with a smile.
“Well, I’ll be glad for that. Why don’t you draw me our perfect house for after we get married?” Asmo scampered off and did just that.
When Asmo came to, and back to his normal self, he took all the pictures he had drawn and framed them. Forcing his brothers and Solomon to take a tour of his mini-art gallery. The piece ‘Marriage of Two Bonded Souls’ was met with some controversy.
Beel, in his younger days, seemed to have boundless energy. Or you at least had to assume he did, because ever since he had read that stupid book he had been running around.
Lucifer had told you to take him outside. Irritated at hearing his large feet clump around the house, but trying not to show it since it wasn’t his fault. He even let you both take Cerberus outside to help run Beel out. It would be good for the pup too. Get some exercise, he said.
That had been sometime ago, and it seemed baby-Beel and Cerberus were an even match in energy. They had been running around, chasing each other, and play fighting in the back yard all afternoon. You were tired just watching them.
“Beel! Do you want to come in? I think it’s time for a break.”
Both Beel and Cerberus pop their heads up, in a comical and adorable unison head tilt, before jogging over to you. “Break time means snack time right?!”
You chuckle a little. Somethings never changed. “I brought some apple slices & peanut butter for you, for now. We can get you something bigger when we go inside.”
Beel grinned and sat in the grass with the container. “I like apple slices!”
“You do hn?” You don’t think you’ve seen Beel eat an actual fruit on its own. It was usually attached to, baked in, or covered in something, to get him to eat it.
“Yep! They’re crunchy and sweet. Just like you! Though, I guess you aren’t crunchy. Do you want one of my apple slices [Y/N]?”
You blush a little at Beel’s bright, unwavering expression. How could he look so innocent while still looking like that?
He finished his apple slices, minus one, before asking if he could go play again. You let him, but then all of a sudden he spotted playing with Cerberus and stood straight up. Seeming confused on how he got out here and what was going on. “Did I eat an apple? I haven’t had one since….do you think we have more in the kitchen?”
It was honestly hard to tell if Belphie was under the spell of the forbidden book or not. He’d been asleep for most of the time; which was not uncommon for him. Then he would wake up and whine a little about something; again, not uncommon for him. Then he would take another nap.
You had figure out that he was still under it’s spell by the requests he was making when he woke up. Juice boxes. More plushies. His ‘blankie’. Eventually it would run its course though, and Belphie would be back to his own sleepy eyed, grown up self. “[Y/N]?”
You walk over to the bed when the demon called your name. The boy half sitting up, but still tucked under his covers. “What is it Belphie?”
“I can’t sleep.” He stated. Which seemed ridiculous since he had been sleeping most of the day. “I miss Lilli. And Be-be. Can you sleep with me?”
You blink at little at the request. You supposed it made since. Kids often wanted someone to sleep with them, so they didn’t have bad dreams or could keep them safe. Maybe that’s why he had been sleeping so much. Because he hadn’t been sleeping well, just sleep.
“Sure Belphie. I’ll lay down with you.” The demon smiled softly, sleepy, before he scooted over to give you some space to lay next to him.
He slept for a while this last time. Clinging onto you in his sleep, with a soft smile on his face. When he woke up, it seemed he was back to normal. “Gosh [Y/N]. If you wanted to sleep with me, all you had to do was ask. You didn’t have to trick me with that lame book.”
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natewriteslol · 3 years
Hello!! Would you mind if I request a small scenario of Yuu who had made a part of Ramshackle into a quaint little greenhouse and invited Ortho over for some tea! If you can, could you write it from Ortho's point of view? Thank you for this, I always absolutely love your writing! Words can't possibly describe the joy that fills me when I see you've posted, it's always a wonderful escape from how hectic the world is right now. Lots of love and luck to you!! ♡♡♡
Ortho with reader on a PLATONIC fun outing
Warnings: none!
Y/N is gender neutral :)
A/N: Yes I almost cried when I saw this in my inbox. Please know it fills me with great joy to illustrate my ideas through writing, and to have so many people enjoy my content is just unbelievable. I'm so greatful to have such an amazing audience 💞💕
It used to be so terrible within the Ramshackle house. No sign of life (no shade to the ghosts) with essential repairs needed inorder for it to be somewhat livable.
But you indeed managed to make it your own little home, not exactly transforming the whole house, but it was home. However a part of you was inspired by the botanical garden on campus, you went there often and it was beautiful. In fact, you were found there so often that Rook called you “Fleur de lys”.
Yet the garden was just always so far, too many people, or you’d accidentally wake up a sleeping Leona. So you decided, hey? What if I made my own garden in the dorms, I’ve got plenty of space.
For a couple of months you spent remaking the room, adding windows and some seats. And you continued to culminate a collection of plants. From buying them yourself, borrowing plants from the science club, and taking some seeds plants from botanical garden.
It was soon your own little paradise, yet you had no one to share it with besides your roommate, Grim. Until you heard a little someone talking, specifically about plants after your magical law class had ended, and you were packing up your things.
“Oh I sure do love plants! Don’t you too, Idia?”
“I’m not the biggest fan, Ortho… let’s just go home. Class is already over.”
“I think you don’t like them, since you’re afraid of the outside!”
You had always babysat Ortho when Idia was busy, even when he would make the strange comment that “Ortho doesn’t really need it”. You never understood, but you decided not to pry.
“Wait, Y/N. Don’t you have a garden in your home?” Ortho asked, bringing your attention to him fully.
“Why yes, I do,” you replied with a smile, turning to face the young boy behind you.
“Oh Idia, please let me go see their garden! Pretty, pretty please, big brother” Ortho pleaded, staring at him with his cute beaming eyes.
By the Great Seven, why did he program him to be so cute?
“O-only if it’s okay with Y/N” Idia stuttered, looking at you to give permission to his brother.
“Of course it is, you guys are always welcome in my house. You can come this weekend, if that’s good for you guys?” you asked.
“Of course it is! Yay! I’m gonna see Y/N’s garden! Thank you, Y/N!”
It was already Saturday, and Ortho was at your doorstep at 10 am sharp. Bringing the gift of freshly made cookies, Ortho excitedly told you how he got the recipe from Trey.
You invited him into your home, him holding onto your hand as he floated with you. He was so excited seeing all the plants, each of them having their own unique traits and needs.
“How do you keep up with all these plants?” Ortho asked as he watched you pour tea into his cup.
“It’s been a journey, since these plants are way different from the ones where I come from. I’ve had to do alot of research, but it’s all worth it!” You explained.
“You’re so cool! Just like how my brother said!” Ortho beamed.
“Idia talks about me?” you asked, wondering why the little boy’s brother would talk about you. I mean, you barely knew anything about technology so you both weren’t really on the same page in relating to your guy’s interests.
“Uhuh! He says that you’re ‘so O.P without even needing magic’” Ortho said, giving a hilarious impression of his big brother. “Idia thinks that you’re really cool too!”
Heat rose to your cheeks, you didn’t know that Idia had this much admiration for you. You definitely should talk to the flame haired man more often.
“Well, once you go back to your brother make sure you tell him that I think he’s cool as well” you smiled, extending your pinky to make a pinky promise.
“I promise!” the robot boy replied.
You continued to spend time in the garden, playing games, listening to music and giving the young boy a tour of all the plants in your garden. Once it was the afternoon, Idia gave you a call telling you that he was in his dorm room. And while the little boy held a pout and didn’t want to go home, Ortho sure did love his brother so he obliged to go, following you as you escorted him back to the Ignihyde dorm.
“I’m sure Idia misses you Ortho, he would probably really want to see you. After all, the presentation probably made him incredibly nervous,” you explained, happy once you saw the change of expression in Ortho’s yellow eyes.
“Ah! You’re right, I should give him a big hug once I see him!” Ortho said.
“Big brother!” Ortho said, wrapping his arms around Idia’s waist.
“O-Oh, I didn’t expect you guys to be back so soon,” Idia said, embarrassed that you were looking at Ortho’s animated displayed affection.
“Yeah, but I missed you! It was so fun, we drank tea, and Y/N gave me a tour of all their plants! Aren’t they super cool just like you said?” Ortho beamed, staring up at his brother.
“O-Ortho I never said that!” Idia retorted.
“Nope, you said that they were super cool and o.p! Remember what I told you, Y/N?” Ortho said, gesturing to you.
“Uh yeah, that’s what I heard. And you’re pretty cool too, Idia” you said, giving a thumbs up. Idia looked like he was about to pass out of embarrassment.
“See! Didn’t you say it was bad to lie, Idia?” Ortho said, crossing his arms to scold his older brother that sat in his gaming chair.
“I also told you that it’s bad to overshare private conversations, Ortho.”
Maybe next time you should bring out Idia, show him that the outdoors aren’t too shabby.
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