#not really only my 7th but hey whatevs
gottagobuycheese · 7 months
You've probably heard by now, but from March 4th to 10th 2024, Help Gaza Children will be sending all their donations to families in northern Gaza, where food prices have skyrocketed even more than in the south. Their goal is $25K by the end of the week; at the time of writing this post, it's about halfway a quarter way there! (OG post about it) [EDIT: my mistake, I misinterpreted the numbers in the original post; evidently I cannot do arithmetic anymore]
This is their notion site, which has their donation link as well as additional info, their FAQ, important updates, and proof of purchases from donations they’ve gotten in the past. You can also donate directly to their paypal here.
As such, I'll be open for sketch commissions up from now (March 7th, 2024 ~02:20 PST) through March 10th in exchange for proof of donation to Help Gaza Children!
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Tier 1 - Basic head/bust sketch for $1-5 USD, +50% for basic color. Up to 3 characters.
Tier 2 - Basic screencap resketch for $5-15 USD, +50% for basic color.
Tier 3 - Posed sketch for $15-25 USD, 1-2 characters ONLY.
Tier 4 - Colored clean sketch: $25+ USD, 1-2 characters ONLY.
Please provide a visual reference or detailed description of the character(s) you want drawn (and depending on the tier, a screencap or pose/expression you want to go with it)
DO'S: OCs, humans and human-like creatures, other creatures that don't have a lot of mechanical or anatomical detail (as in, I can TRY to do mecha stuff, but I think you and I will both be better of if I don't lol; can ask for further details)
DON'T'S: any NSFW stuff, real people currently alive (as in, historical figures in the setting of historical fiction may be okay, but other things may not be; can ask for further details)
If you've made your donation in a currency that is not USD, I'll give you something of equivalent value according to the tier based on whatever the conversion is at the time that I look it up. If one or both of our economies crashes spectacularly in between the time you send it and the time I look it up, I'm very sorry in advance
DISCLAIMER 1: I reserve the right to decline a commission for any reason; however, if this ends up being the case, I may reach out to you to see if we can come up with a middle ground that suits us both.
DISCLAIMER 2: I don't anticipate being able to do a lot of these, as I've got a full-time job that's in the ballpark ~80+ hours a week with really weird hours. That being said, depending on how far this goes, turnaround time will probably be ~2-3 months, give or take...something. I'll update you monthly until it's done.
If you're interested in nabbing a sketch from me in exchange for your donation, email a screenshot (devoid of any personal info please) of your donation receipt and details of your sketch request (e.g. reference, tier, etc.) to [email protected]. For your donation to count for a sketch, it must be made after I wrote this post! (March 7, 2024 ~02:20 A.M. PST)
If you are NOT interested in nabbing a sketch from me, feel free to donate anyway!!
(And if you've got any questions about anything feel free to email, DM, or send an ask!)
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douceurrrr · 1 year
in which shuji notices your different flavors of chapstick for each day of the week.
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strawberry. is what you started with for Monday and every monday after you get ready for school you would apply it to your lips with a smack of your lips. anna's mom usually pick you up along with maya,shuji,anna, and sam. your parent/s would take you to school but you like being around your friends.
soon enough you realized Ms.kone had made it to your house so you made your way out the house after saying a good bye to your parent/s. once you got to the car you opened the door to see shuji smile at you, went he looks at you the way he does it makes you feel like he's the only one in the car. "hey shuj." you smile sitting next to him, closing the door.
"hey baby." he says before leaning down to kiss you. he kissed you long than usual, trying to decipher the taste of your chapstick. once he finally broke away he kiss lingered like he didn't really want to pull away. "strawberry?" shuji questioned.
"mmhm." you replied trying not to blush. everyone in the car watched the interaction. maya gaged but anna smiled dreamily.
"are you sure? I think I need a another taste just so I can know for sure." shuji teased but you weren't buying it, knowing what he was trying to do. "whatever." you rolled your eyes as shuji leaned back down connecting his lips with yours.
cherry. is what you apply on Tuesdays. for some reason school was closed that day which made you so happy. at this point you were laying on your stomach in the bed, swaying you feet back and forth playing with the phone cord around your finger as you talked to shuji.
"I bet you're on the bed with your feet swaying back and forth, huh?" he chuckled in the phone. and that you were.
"shut up." you whined.
"but I would rather have you do that on my bed, come over." he says. you applied your cherry chapstick and within seconds you were there.
you ringed the doorbell and in a couple of seconds the door opened to reveal shuji in a basketball jersey and some baggy pants. "hey shuj." you smiled and walked in the house after he closed the door and shuji close behind you. shuji didn't reply he just instantly pressed his lips against yours. "mhm cherry this time?" he says licking his lips.
"yep." you replied. shuji then began to stare at your lips, getting an urge to taste your cherry covered lips again, so he did. "okay slow down cowboy, we have the rest of the day ahead of us." you said while making your way to his room.
he just shook his head and followed you.
blueberry. now blueberry is your favorite. it was wednesday and you were in class that you shared with shuji. shuji didn't kiss you that morning because he wanted to wait to see what flavor you picked this time. you sat next to shuji who was just staring at you (well more like admiring). you soon felt like someone was staring at you so you look over to see shuji staring at you, you smile bashfully then looked away.
after that class shuji had went with his friend group he usually goes with and so did you. after a couple of minutes you heard some boys call maya ugis which you knew meant ugliest girl in school. you walked over to them. "maya we're getting your brother, come on." you told, grabbing maya's hand in anger.
once you reached shuji he was with his group of friends and then he noticed you coming over with maya and anna. "hey babe, what's going on?" he says seeing you in a angry state. "some boys have been really mean to maya." you said cross your arms to your chest.
"look I'm not going to beat up a 7th grader but I can teach her a couple of words." shuji says. after shuji said a couple of things maya and anna went off to give the boys a piece of her mind.
"you're such a good big brother." you flirted, putting your hands on shuji's shoulders. he smiled and kissed you. "I knew it would be blueberry." he smirked.
you rolled your eyes and shoved him playfully.
watermelon. well watermelon was your second favorite but it's still a favorite. it was friday eve and you couldn't wait for the week to be done. on wednesdays you have a half day which means school ends early. it was lunchtime and you obviously sat next to shuji and some more friends.
"okay so don't tell me.. banana?" shuji says trying to guess the chapstick you picked this time. "nope." you replied with a giggle.
after many failed attempts he gave up. "okay was what is it?" he huffed. "why don't you kiss for yourself." you said, puckering your lips. he happily complied and kissed you with his hand on the side of your jaw. "guys not at lunch." he's friend groaned so he flipped him off while kissing you.
"watermelon." he says with a droopy smile.
well it's sad to say that you did wear any chapstick this day. it was friday and you ran a little late to school so you skipped you daily routine of putting chapstick on. well after school that day you went over to shuji's house nervous because you didn't know how he'll react to you have not chapstick on but you braced yourself.
"hey shuj." you say was in the room where he plays his video games and sat next to him on the floor. "hey ladybug." he says before pecking you in the lips, you cringed because you knew he would notice. "no chapstick today, huh?" he pouted.
"sorry but you know I was running late to school this mor-" you paused when you noticed a sweet taste on your lips. vanilla?
"wait shuj, kiss me again right quick." you said getting his attention. shuji just pecks you again and you licking your lips. "are you wearing my vanilla chapstick?" you questioned, smirking.
"oh yeah you left it here, remember?" he says, eyes glued to the screen but looks over at you every five seconds. you smile at his antics and kissed him on the cheek making him smirk, knowing what he did.
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hinatastinygiant · 9 months
Brewing Affections
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ONESHOT: Brewing Affections ~ Sebastian Sallow x Fem!Reader
GENRE: Fluff, Smut, Angst
"Hurry up, Garreth, we're going to be late!" you groan as you look behind you while your brother struggles to take out his wand from his robe.
"Relax sis, we still have a whole five minutes," he retorts.
You sigh. "It's not a short walk to the potions room, you know," you reply, rolling your eyes as you turn back around. "You always make us late."
"Do not!" he retorts.
"Oh really? Last week, we were almost 10 minutes late to charms, and the week before, we were 15 minutes late, and the week before—"
"Okay okay, I get it!" he grumbles. "We'll make it, though. Besides, who's going to care?"
You sigh. He doesn't understand the importance of being punctual. You, on the other hand, are a stickler for being on time. It's the one thing you don't need to be smart to do at this school.
Finally, after a seven-minute walk, you arrive only slightly late to Professor Sharp's potions class. The two of you stand by your cauldrons with the other 7th year Gryffindors who tell you that Sharp is still writing something down on his desk, and hasn't begun. Unfortunately for you, this causes Garreth to stick out his tongue at you and say, "I told you so!"
You scoff, "Whatever."
The two of you get ready for the lesson, pulling out your vials, measuring spoons, and ingredients. But when Professor Sharp is finally ready to start class, he clears his throat and begins to explain that today's class will be slightly different. "Today," he says with a bit of a proud grin on his face, "I will be pairing you up with different partners. Good practice for some of you who can't seem to get along with the other houses in here."
"I swear to god if he pairs me up with that wannabe pretty boy Sallow," Garreth begins to complain to Leander on the opposite side of where you sit, "I'll fucking quit this class."
You roll your eyes. Garreth has always had a rivalry with Sebastian. It's not really a rivalry, but more so that the two are complete opposites of each other. You don't usually pay it much mind. They're both on rival quidditch teams, and have different opinions on nearly everything so it's pretty normal. However, the fact that they're both so competitive makes their arguments much worse.
"Now, please listen carefully, for I will not be repeating myself," Professor Sharp continues, "When I call your names, you will go sit across from your partner. Understood?"
There are a couple of quiet mumbles of "Yes Sir," before Professor Sharp continues.
"Mr. Cromwell, with Ms. Jones."
"Lucky Cromwell," Garreth nods to Leander.
"Ms. Huxley, with Mr. Prewett," Sharp continues. "Hm, then I'll have Ms. Weasley with Mr. Sallow."
Garreth's head immediately turns to yours and he mouths, "Better you than me."
You, however, just shake your head and shrug your shoulders. It's not a big deal to you, even though the two of you can't get along, you'll at least be able to get the job done.
You watch as Sebastian slowly makes his way across the classroom to your station. You're not sure why he's moving so slowly, but you think it might be his ego weighing him down.
"Better keep your hands to yourself, Sallow," Garreth whispers to him with narrowing eyes. "Touch my sister and you're dead."
"I think you better tell her that," Sebastian smirks as he leans against the table, "She's the one who couldn't keep her hands off of me yesterday."
Your eyes widen. What the fuck is he talking about?
"What the hell are you talking about?" Garreth's voice is rising. "You lying—"
"Hey hey," Leander holds his arm out in front of him, "Don't get yourself in trouble with Sharp."
Sebastian is smiling to himself as the four of you watch Professor Sharp call the rest of the class to their new stations. Once Garreth is gone, you're left to deal with Sebastian on your own. It's then that Professor Sharp gives directions, explaining that he will be giving each table their own, unknown potion and are expected to brew it before leaving the room. "Teamwork," he tells the class. "Will be imperative to completing this potion I promise you've never attempted to brew before. And, I have a feeling it will take some time," Professor Sharp shakes his head.
You try not to ignore how close Sebastian is getting to you as Sharp passes out instructions on a small piece of paper. Once you receive yours, you read it aloud to Sebastian.
"You know those directions are never accurate," he sighs once you finish, picking up way too much Serpentine Shadowroot than needed.
"Are you serious? I don't think Sharp would give us a mystery potion with incorrect directions," you shake your head as you snatch the shadow root from his hand.
"Yes, I am serious. You must not be familiar with Sharp's techniques then. Remind me, are you new here? Do you need me to teach you, Y/N," Sebastian grins, leaning in close.
You roll your eyes. "Don't pretend like you know him better than anyone else. You're always trying to prove yourself to everyone."
"And what's wrong with that?" Sebastian asks.
"You're so annoying," you shake your head as you measure out just the right amount of shadow root.
"You really want us to fail, don't you? Are you trying to spend extra time with me, Weasley?" he then asks you, his smirk only widening on his face.
"Merlin's Beard, you just can't help yourself, can you? I'm pretty sure I've made it fairly obvious I'm not interested in you flirting with me right now, Sallow," you grumble.
"Oh? Not right now?" he repeats. "So does that mean I've got a shot later?"
"Shut up, Sallow. Just read the damn directions again," you shake your head.
"Why? So you can be a goody two shoes and do all the work? That's what all your friends see, don't they?" he begins to provoke you.
"No," you shake your head. "You don't know what you're talking about."
"I don't?" Sebastian laughs. "I think I know you and your friends a lot better than you think."
"You don't know me," you roll your eyes.
"You're right. But I'm willing to learn," Sebastian smirks.
You don't even bother replying, you just roll your eyes and reach past him to get the next ingredient. "No, that's not next!" he suddenly shouts, causing you to pull back your arm so quickly that you bump your elbow against your cauldron and spill the contents onto the floor. You glare at Sebastian as the rest of the class stares in your direction.
"You ass, what the hell was that?!" you exclaim, reaching over and grabbing his shirt collar.
"I didn't mean—" he starts to defend himself.
Just then, Professor Sharp approaches and clears his throat. You let go of Sebastian and place your hands on your sides. "Apologies, Professor, but-"
"Save it, Weasley," he shakes his head. "I suppose the whole family really is the same. I thought you were different. To the Headmaster's office. Both of you!"
"Back again, Sallow?" Headmaster Black shakes his head when he sees the two of you begrudgingly enter his office. "You really need to stop getting yourself sent here."
"What? But I don't always come," Sebastian insists. "Scribner lets me go almost every time!"
"Oh does she now?" Black nods his head as though he had no previous knowledge of this. "Well, she must have been feeling particularly nice then."
You can't help but chuckle quietly to yourself as Sebastian gets reprimanded. You've only ever talked to Headmaster Black a few times over the past few years, and it was only really because of what happened to your parents in Hogsmeade two years back.
"I understand the situation with your sister, Anne, and wanting to help find a cure for her seemingly unmanageable illness, but this is not the way of doing things," Black continues.
"Yes, Sir," Sebastian sighs.
Your smile fades as Sebastian hangs his head down low. You didn't realize just how poorly his sister was doing, and judging by his reaction, you can only assume the worst.
"Now," Headmaster Black begins to address the both of you, "What was the incident today in potions?"
"She—" Sebastian immediately begins, before you cut him off.
"I bumped my elbow against the cauldron and knocked it over, causing Sebastian to get in trouble for my mistake," you explain.
"No, no, no," Sebastian insists. "That's not what-"
"But that is the truth," you insist, looking at the Headmaster, "I'll gladly accept whatever punishment you deem appropriate."
"Very well," he sighs. "20 points from Gryffindor. Now, leave. I have no need for further discussion with the two of you."
"Yes, Sir," the both of you respond in unison.
As you walk out, Sebastian leads the way, not bothering to turn back or wait for you as he heads toward the Slytherin dorms. "Sebastian!" you call out hopelessly, but it isn't until you run in front of him and hold out your hand against his chest that he stops.
"What?" he snaps.
"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. I didn't know that's why you were acting the way you were," you sigh. "I didn't realize that-"
"Piss off," he replies coldly, shoving his shoulder against yours as he continues walking.
"Please," you insist, following after him, "Listen to me, will you? I'm trying to apologize, you jerk!"
"Why?" he asks, stopping in his tracks. "Why are you apologizing?"
"Because," you reply, "I didn't realize. I didn't know that was the case. But I know what it's like to lose someone I love."
"Anne isn't dead, idiot," he grumbles before walking away. You decide not to chase after him again.
"Hey, Y/N," Garreth taps your shoulder. You and the rest of your Gryffindor friends are sitting in the Great Hall for dinner, but all you can think about is the events earlier in the day. "You're going to the game tomorrow, right?"
"Huh?" you look at your brother and nod. "Yeah, yeah, of course."
"Who are you rooting for?" Leander asks.
You look at Garreth who passes you a smirk, though he doesn't let anyone else see it. He then makes a kissy face, mocking the way you know Leander feels about you.
"Gryffindor," you laugh, hitting your brother in the chest. "I'm a Gryffindor, why would I cheer for Slytherin?"
"Oh, yeah, well, I know that. I just thought maybe there was a certain Gryffindor you were interested in, is all," Leander blushes, avoiding eye contact with the rest of the table.
"I don't think there is," you answer coldly before going back to your trance. You can somewhat hear the laughter that erupts from the rest of the table at Leander's expense, but you don't pay it much care.
"Oh, that reminds me," Garreth then calls to you, "what happened in the headmaster's office with Sallow? He didn't throw you under the bus, did he?"
"No," you shake your head as you glance past him at the Slytherin table on the opposite side. "But I did cost us 20 points."
"Fucking serious?" Garreth grumbles as he turns his head to face the rest of the Slytherin table.
"What is it, Garreth?" you ask, still looking over as well.
"They're all just fucking pricks," he growls.
Sebastian isn't hard to spot at the table. He's rather tall and has a commanding presence, and that's not even counting his enviously soft hair and strong jawline. He sits, unbothered, as he talks to his friend Ominis Gaunt. When Garreth turns back around, you keep your gaze fixated on the handsome Slytherin. You didn't realize it at first, but the way he treats everyone is almost like a defense mechanism. It's like he tries to gain everyone's love because he's afraid he won't get enough somewhere else.
When the two of you catch eyes, he doesn't smile, but instead, his eyes widen. It's like he's surprised, or maybe he's nervous. Maybe he's embarrassed about what happened in the hallways, or the potions classroom. Either way, you avert your eyes before anything can happen.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" Garreth then asks you softly. "Nothing happened to you, right?"
"No," you reply, your voice in a whisper. "I'm fine. I think I just need some air."
You quickly excuse yourself from the table and head outside. It's a bit colder than usual tonight, but the weather is still quite pleasant. The moon is bright, and there are some clouds scattered across the sky. You decide to walk around the school grounds for some time until you finally arrive back at the courtyard.
It's empty, you note. It must be past curfew already. You're not quite sure how time passed so quickly, but it did. However, before you can head inside, you spot someone sitting on the edge of the fountain. It's Sebastian.
Seeing him makes you hesitate. You don't know what to say, really. You wish you could apologize for being weird earlier in the day, but the last time you tried, it didn't go over so well. Instead, you approach him quietly.
As you get closer, you notice that his cheeks are flushed and his eyes are red. He looks sad, almost. Is he crying?
"Are you alright?" you ask him.
"What?" he responds, quickly wiping his eyes as he looks up at you. "Y/N, what're you doing here?"
"Uh, I'm not really sure," you respond softly. "Mind if I sit?"
Sebastian nods and scoots over slightly, allowing you to join him.
"Is everything okay?" you ask, your eyes glancing towards his.
"Yeah," he nods. "Why?"
"I just wanted to make sure," you answer as you reach into your cloak and pull out a small handkerchief. You then gently hold it out to him and allow him to take it from you.
"Thank you," he says, reaching out his hand.
The two of you sit in silence for a while, not really saying much of anything. "Is there anything I can do?" you finally ask him.
"Not unless you know of a cure for Anne," he scoffs.
"Sorry," you shake your head. "But I do know what it's like to see someone you love be in pain. Two years ago my parents were in Hogsmeade when a large troll appeared and caused some trouble. They were caught in the crossfire. There was nothing I could do."
"I'm sorry," Sebastian frowns.
"It's alright," you shake your head. "The point of telling you that wasn't to have you pity me or anything. It was just to show that I know what it's like. You've got someone to worry about, but you should take comfort knowing that she's still here."
"Do you miss them?" Sebastian asks, looking at you.
"Every day," you nod.
"I know I would, too," he sighs. "If Anne were to-"
"We don't have to talk about that," you shake your head.
"Sorry," he sighs.
"No, it's okay. But it's getting late, we should head back inside," you sigh.
"Y/N," Sebastian suddenly reaches out and grabs your wrist. "Thank you. For sitting with me. And listening."
"No problem."
The next afternoon you walk down to the common room where the rest of your Gryffindor friends are dressed in their house's colors. Everyone is chanting about how the quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin is the most important game of the season and that they need to beat Slytherin. Once everyone is ready, you head out and make your way to the quidditch pitch.
When the game is about to start, the crowd is abuzz. They're excited for the game to begin. It's the only time the entire school can be unified and on the same team. But before the game begins, Leander Prewett, dressed in his Quidditch uniform, approaches you with a pale face.
"Leader?" you begin, but before you can ask him why he's not getting ready for the game, he bends over to his left and vomits up whatever he had for lunch.
"Shit," you grimace. "Are you okay? Do you need some help?"
"No, I'll be fine," he shakes his head.
"You don't look fine," Cressida, one of the other 7th year girls, remarks.
"Cress, not now," Leander grumbles. "Y/N, please take my broom to Garreth. He said he's been wanting to use it so figured I'd give it to him since I can't play."
"Yeah, sure, but, uh, you really didn't need to walk all the way out here to give my stupid brother your broom. He's got his own," you sigh.
"Well, maybe I also partially wanted to see you," he smiles.
You chuckle softly. "I'll get this to Garreth. You go back to your room and rest."
As Leander nods, you walk to the side of the pitch toward the Gryffindor locker room. However, finding yourself preoccupied with thoughts of the night before, you enter the locker room and come face-to-chest with a tall, muscular Slytherin. Shit, you mutter to yourself, you've walked into the wrong room.
As you take a step back from the situation that you'd quite honestly love to be a part of in any other situation, you realize that the bare chest belongs to none other than Sebastian Sallow who's only dressed from the waist down. Finding yourself embarrassed, you look up and away from him before apologizing.
"Ah, hey there, Y/N," he calls out to you, grin ever present on his face. "Don't worry, it's not the first time a girl's seen me shirtless. You can look."
You roll your eyes. "Not interested."
"Are you sure about that?" he questions, his tone playful. "Oh, that reminds me, I wanted to let you know how grateful I am for what you said to me last night. You definitely did cheer me up and now I'm ready to kick some Gryffindor ass."
After he speaks, the rest of the men in the locker room erupt in an uproarous cheer. A few of them whistle as they crowd Sebastian, but you can still manage to spot the wink he sends your way before getting enveloped by his excited teammates. You roll your eyes as you walk out. Maybe you shouldn't have taken the fall for him in Black's office yesterday.
After returning from your delivery to Garreth, you walk up to the stands where the rest of your friends have saved you a seat.
"What's up, Cress?" you ask, taking your seat beside your friend who is folding her arms over her chest.
"Imelda," she grumbles, "is such a narcissistic bitch."
"What'd she do this time?" you sigh.
"She's the reason why Leander can't play!" Cressida exclaims.
"No way, are you serious?" you question.
"Yes! She gave him some weird potion so he'd get sick and not be able to play. We saw her on the way up to the stands laughing as she drank some kind of pink concoction. When I called her out, she just laughed and walked away," Cressida shakes her head. "It's fucking despicable."
"Oh wow," you reply. But before you can say anything more, the whole crowd shouts in an uproarous cheer. The game is beginning.
As the players fly around, hyping up the crowd before they play, Sebastian's broom stops just in front of where your group of friends happen to be standing. "I swear," you grumble, "this guy is fucking everywhere lately."
Cressida chuckles and nudges you in the shoulder before her breath suddenly hitches. Sebastian, his broom still stopped in front of the section where you are, blows a pink-lipped kiss towards you.
"Oh, Merlin's Beard," she gasps, grabbing your arm and holding it tightly. "He's flirting with you."
"Piss off," you mumble, trying to hide your embarrassment, "He's just an ass."
"He's so fucking cool," Leander shakes his head. You look at him in confusion as he gazes at Sebastian like a lovesick puppy.
"Why are you still here?" you ask with a nudge to his side. "Go home, Prewett!"
Finally, the lanky Gryffindor takes your advice and returns to his dorm room to rest. You're thankful. At least you can finally enjoy the game without worrying about him.
The crowd begins to cheer again when the game starts. Both teams fly around and try their best to score as many points as they can. But about halfway into the game, lightning strikes and the balls begin to act up.
"Think they're going to stop it?" Eric Northcott asks the group.
"No way, they can't stop it now!" Hector Jenkins adds.
"But if they don't, someone could get really hurt," Cressida adds.
That's true, you think to yourself. You're worried about Garreth, especially because he's not even on his typical broom.
Soon, your worry only intensifies as one of the Bludgers begin to act erratically. The crowd turns to panic as it rushes past the fifth row.
"Fuck," you breathe out. "It's headed right towards where Sebastian is!"
"Come on, Y/N, let's get out of here!" Cressida calls out to you.
"I'll be right there!" you reply, watching as they rush off before jumping down to the pitch. In all of the pandemonium, Sebastian gets knocked off his broom and nobody else seems to notice. "Sebastian!" you shout, running as fast as you can to his side. When you finally reach him, his body is bruised and bleeding from the fall. "Hey, Sebastian," you call to him, kneeling beside his body. "You need to get up."
"No," he groans, "I can't. Fuck, get the hell out of here, Weasley. It isn't safe."
"Hold on," you tell him, fumbling around in your clothes for your wand. Then, without another word, you Floo both you and Sebastian out of there. For some reason, the place your brain takes you to is the Room of Requirement.
When the two of you arrive, the room shifts into a sort of medical room. You immediately stand up and rush around for whatever bandages you can find. Sebastian manages to make his way over to a cot where he lets out a deep sigh.
"What the fuck was that?" he grumbles.
"I'm not sure," you reply.
"And why the fuck did you take me with you?" he continues.
"You were hurt and needed help," you retort, pulling out a vial of wiggenweld and some bandages.
"So what? Why did you help me? What happened to hating me?" he questions.
"I don't hate you," you answer. "You're just an ass sometimes."
"Oh yeah?"
"Don't make me regret saving your ass," you shake your head as you lift up his head and place a pillow beneath it. "Now drink."
"Are you serious?" he asks.
"Yeah, what's wrong with that?"
"There are a million things wrong with that," he answers.
"Well, you're not really in the best position to be telling me what to do," you scoff as you place the vial in his hand. Sebastian begrudgingly drinks it as you dab the blood off his head with a damp towel. "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?"
"You're so frustrating," he sighs, relaxing against the pillow as you accept the empty bottle back from him.
"Better to be frustrating than an asshole who leaves you bleeding out in the pitch," you smile to yourself. "Now get up, I'm bringing you to Nurse Blainey."
"No!" he quickly insists.
"No?" you look at him.
"Please," he shakes his head, reaching out and taking hold of your arm.
"Why not?"
"She's going to have a fit about it, and I don't want her yelling at me again," he replies. "I've been there too many times this semester. I don't want the lecture. Especially not with you there. Black will certainly have my head."
"Well what do you want me to do then?" you roll your eyes as you fold your arms over your chest.
"I dunno," he shrugs, hissing in pain when he accidentally moves his shoulder, "but maybe we could just stay here."
"Seriously? You're really going to be a baby and make me stay with you here all night? There's no way," you shake your head.
"Why not? Is it 'cause of before? I meant what I said, Y/N, it's not the first time a girl's seen me with my shirt off," he smirks as he attempts to sit up on his own.
You groan to yourself as you sit beside him on the bed. The two of you talk for a while, mostly about your siblings. You don't argue at all, just talk like genuine friends for the first time. Eventually, you begin to feel tired. It's only natural, considering the events of the day.
"Do you want me to walk you back to your room?" he asks softly, slightly waking you up from your half-slumber.
"Hmm?" you grumble, looking over at him.
"Do you want me to walk you back?" he asks again, a small smile growing on his face.
"Mhmm," you nod, "yeah, but, um, could we maybe wait one more minute?"
Sebastian chuckles as he stands up and grabs you by your hand. You feel suddenly a bit more awake as he pulls you to your feet and allows you to stand so close to him this time without saying anything to ruin the moment. "Come on, let's find the way out of here."
The two of you look, you really do, but neither of you can find the exit. "Are you sure there was a door?" Sebastian asks.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I mean, it's supposed to take you wherever you need it," you shrug. "Maybe there was no door because we don't need it. We just need to sleep."
"Does that mean the room is telling us we should sleep together?" Sebastian raises an eyebrow.
"That's not what I said," you grumble.
"Yeah, yeah, sorry," he chuckles. "But, um, are you okay with staying here?"
"I guess so," you sigh. "There aren't any other options, right? But there's only one cot."
"Don't look at me like that," he shakes his head. "I'm not going to make you sleep on the floor. I'm a gentleman."
"Sure you are," you roll your eyes.
"Oh, come on, Weasley, I thought we were over all that animosity," he shakes his head as he takes a step toward you. "And don't worry, that threat from your brother is clearly engraved in my brain. I won't touch you. Promise."
"I wasn't worried about that," you shake your head.
"Oh, really?" he chuckles. "Good. Then we should probably get some sleep."
With a sigh, you turn away from him and reach down to the hem of your shirt. Before you pull it up, you stop and look over your shoulder.
"What is it?" he asks.
"Stop watching," you insist.
"Oh, right," he laughs, shaking his head as he turns the opposite way to presumably do the same. You quickly take the opportunity to strip down and put on the shirt the room offers to you. It's a long shirt, which is fine. But the problem is that the shirt has no shorts to match. You take what you can get, though, and turn back to face Sebastian.
Your face heats up at the sight, and you hate yourself for it. Sebastian has nothing but boxers on, and he's already lying face-up on the cold floor.
"I won't look," he says, gazing up at the ceiling. "You can join me if you'd like."
"I'm good," you scoff, sitting on the edge of the bed and crossing your arms.
"Okay," he nods, his voice soft.
"Sebastian," you begin.
"Yeah?" he replies.
"Thanks," you whisper.
"What was that?" he asks, a hint of teasing in his tone.
"Don't make me repeat myself, Sallow," you shake your head.
"Alright," he responds. "I'm going to sleep. You should, too."
You don't respond, just lay down on the cot and shut your eyes. However, despite how hard you try, you can't fall asleep.
After what feels like an eternity, Sebastian speaks up. "Y/N, are you still up?"
"Uh huh," you answer, your eyes still closed.
"Can't sleep?"
"Not really," you shrug, opening your eyes and looking at him.
"What's on your mind?" he asks.
"I'm not sure," you tell him.
"Want me to keep talking to you until you fall asleep?"
"That might be a good idea, Sallow. You could bore me to sleep," you scoff.
"Oh, really?" he chuckles.
"No," you shake your head. "Talking to you is actually... kinda nice."
"Wow," he laughs, "you know, I didn't think we'd ever get along."
"Me neither," you answer honestly. "But it's not as bad as I thought, I guess."
"Yeah," he agrees. "I like being friends with you, Y/N. And if you need to talk, I'm here for you. And I won't tell anyone. I promise."
"Okay," you nod.
"And, hey, thank you again for saving me out there. That could've been really bad," he sighs.
"I didn't want anything to happen to you, Sallow," you answer softer this time.
After that, silence befalls the two of you again, but in your mind, the silence is so overwhelmingly loud.
You're not sure what it is, but something inside you forces you to grip tightly onto your blanket and sit up from the cot. You take a few steps and kneel down beside where Sebastian is trying to sleep. He looks over at you, puzzled, but waits to hear what you have to say before making any remarks.
You feel so stupid in your mind, but without a single word, you bend down and press a soft kiss against his lips. After the fact, you quickly pull back, your face hot as the fire whisky you drank the last time Gryffindor won a match.
"Weasley, what was-"
"Sebastian," you interject, "do you like me?"
"I don't know," he replies honestly. "You make me feel so many things."
"Do you want to find out?" you ask quietly.
Sebastian answers by grabbing your hips and pulling you onto his lap. His hands slowly run up and down your body before finally settling on your thighs. When he kisses you, it's hungry and desperate, like he's been holding it back all this time.
"Shit," he hisses as you bite his lip, pulling his hair. "You're a fucking tease, Weasley."
"Shut up, Sallow, and touch me," you grumble, kissing his neck before he has a chance to respond.
"Merlin, you're fucking incredible," he breathes out as his fingers slip underneath the hem of your shirt. "Are you sure this is what you want?"
"I wouldn't be on your lap otherwise," you reply, leaning back a little so he can lift the shirt over your head.
"Fuck, look at you," he growls. "So fucking beautiful."
His hands trail up to cup your breasts, allowing the weight of them to fill his palms. His thumb traces around your nipple, and your head falls back as you let out a soft moan.
"Sebastian," you whisper, gripping his shoulder. "Don't stop, please."
He leans forward and begins kissing down your chest, his lips trailing between your breasts before reaching the space between them. He licks a line from the top to the bottom before gently sucking your skin, earning a small whimper from you.
"Sebastian, please," you beg, pushing your hips down against his. You can feel his hard cock against you, and it drives you wild.
"What's the matter? Impatient?" he smirks.
"You're an asshole," you reply, moving your hand down his warm torso and allowing your fingers to linger above the band of his boxers.
"Yeah, well," he replies, his hands resting on your hips as he pushes his erection up against you. "I just can't help that."
You smirk and kiss his lips once more before leaning back and allowing him to hover above you. "Do whatever you want to me, Sebastian," you whisper against his ear. "I'm yours."
"Fucking hell, Y/N," he curses before his hands grab your sides, pulling your hips against his. He grinds his hips into you, and the friction drives you mad.
"More," you moan, your fingers digging into his shoulders. "I need more, please."
"You're such a good girl," he breathes out. As he whispers words of praise in your ears, you look up at the ceiling and notice your reflection in the glass. Your eyes widen and a shiver runs down your spine.
"Sebastian," you gasp, your fingers curling tighter into his hair.
"What is it?" he asks, his hands still on your hips.
"The ceiling," you mumble, turning your head. "It's reflecting everything."
"I know," he chuckles.
You playfully shove him back as you realize that he must've been watching you this whole time, despite saying he wouldn't.
"That's fucking embarrassing," you scoff as he pulls himself closer to you again.
"Sorry," he chuckles. "I couldn't help myself. I did try my best to keep my eyes off, but I couldn't. You're just too gorgeous.
"I like hearing you say that," you admit quietly.
"I'm glad," he replies. "Now, come here."
You lean forward, expecting another kiss, but instead, he rolls you over. You now lay on your stomach, and he kneels behind you. "Do you have any idea how many times I've fantasized about seeing you like this?"
"Really?" you ask, looking over your shoulder at him while his hands slowly caress your ass.
"Absolutely," he nods. "You drive me wild."
As your face heats up, you bury it into the blanket beneath you.
"Don't be embarrassed," he tells you, leaning forward and grabbing a fistful of your hair. "I want to hear everything. No holding back."
"Okay," you breathe out.
Sebastian's hand trails down your spine and stops right above your ass. "Tell me, have you ever done this before?"
"Y-yeah," you reply.
"Who was it?" he asks.
"Doesn't matter," you shake your head.
"Hmm," he hums before bringing his hand down to slap your ass. "That's not what I asked."
"I'll only ask once more, Y/N. Who was it?"
"Eric," you mumble.
"Interesting," he remarks. "So, is that why he always makes sure to sit near you?"
"No," you answer.
"Did he touch you like this?" he then asks, his fingers slipping beneath your panties, between your folds, and gently circling your clit.
"Ahh, Sebastian, fuck," you whine, trying to push your hips back against his hand.
"Answer me, Y/N," he demands.
"Yes," you nod, biting your lip.
"What else did he do to you?" he asks, his fingers tracing over your wet cunt.
"He-" you stop, a whimper escaping your lips when his fingers slowly pump inside you.
"You're so wet," he remarks, his voice low. "I doubt you could get this wet to just anyone, Y/N. How many times did you fuck him?"
"I-I'm not sure," you stutter as his fingers begin to work faster.
"Oh, you little liar," he shakes his head.
"Twice," you blurt out, and his fingers stop their ministrations. "Just twice, okay?"
"And did he ever make you cum?" he then asks, his breath hot against your ear.
"N-no," you shake your head. "Only-only once."
"Well, we'll see if I can do better than that," Sebastian chuckles.
"What?" you gulp, not quite sure if you heard him correctly.
"I said, we'll see if I can make you cum harder than he did."
"Fuck," you groan, closing your eyes.
"What was that, Y/N?"
"Please, Sebastian," you beg, pushing yourself up on your elbows.
"What do you want, baby girl?"
"I want you," you whine, trying to push your hips back against his fingers. "I want you to make me come."
"Good girl," he chuckles, his other hand rubbing your clit as his fingers continue to pump in and out of you.
"Come for me, princess."
Your orgasm rips through you and causes your legs to tremble. "Shit," you curse.
"Are you alright, baby girl?" he asks softly.
"Yeah," you nod, and you can feel the smirk on his lips as he plants a gentle kiss on your shoulder blade.
"We're not done yet," he reminds you, his fingers slowly moving away from your cunt and toward his mouth. "Turn around."
You watch him lick his fingers, tasting you, and it sends a chill down your spine. "You taste incredible, baby girl."
"You're an ass," you grumble.
"Don't you know how to take a compliment, darling?" he chuckles, his eyes locking with yours as he grabs your ankles. He pulls them apart and kneels between them, his face hovering inches away from your dripping pussy.
"Sebastian," you whisper.
Sebastian hums in response as he sticks out his tongue and drags it up and down your slit. You whimper softly and try to squeeze your thighs shut, but Sebastian grabs them and forces them open.
"Don't be embarrassed, darling," he coos.
"Shit," you shake your head, grabbing the sheets beneath you and fisting them into your hands.
"You're so fucking hot," Sebastian groans, his mouth working fast against your cunt.
"Fucking hell, Sebastian," you cry out.
"What's wrong, baby girl?"
"I'm so sensitive," you shake your head, your hips squirming against his face. "You're making me crazy."
"Good," he chuckles, his hands sliding underneath your thighs and lifting your legs over his shoulders.
The room begins to spin around you, and your mind is lost in a fog. Everything feels like it's happening so fast. The feeling of his mouth and fingers is enough to drive you wild, but his tongue is absolutely insane.
"Fuck!" you scream, arching your back as he slips two fingers inside you.
"You like that?"
"Yes," you gasp, your nails clawing into his skin.
"You want more?"
"Yes, yes, fuck, yes," you whimper, tears forming in your eyes.
"Tell me, baby girl," he smirks, his fingers moving faster, his tongue moving slower, "who makes you feel this way?"
"You," you answer, biting your lip.
"Louder, baby girl. Tell me who makes you feel this way."
"You do!" you yell.
"You, Sebastian," you nod, tears streaming down your face. "Only you. You're the only one that can make me feel this way. Please, Sebastian, please."
"Please what, Y/N?"
"Fuck, please don't stop," you cry out.
Sebastian, finally satisfied with your answer, moves his tongue and fingers faster. Your eyes roll back and you can barely breathe. You feel as if you're drowning, and the only thing keeping you afloat is the feeling of his hands on your body.
With a scream, your whole body spasms, and your muscles tighten. Sebastian's fingers slow down and eventually stop, but his tongue continues. He takes his time licking you clean before pulling away. "Mmm, you're so fucking delicious," he smirks.
"Fuck, I hate you," you groan.
"No, you don't," he smiles.
"Shut up," you grumble as the two of you shift your positions.
The next thing you know, Sebastian's standing above you while you're on your knees, holding your hair and fucking your head. You close your eyes and take all of him, moaning against his length.
"Fucking hell, Y/N, the things you do to me," he hisses, his grip on your hair tightening.
You moan against him and swallow him down, gagging a little as his tip hits the back of your throat.
"Shit," he gasps.
Your head bobs up and down his shaft, and his cock throbs in your mouth.
"Fuck," he grunts, "you're going to make me come."
You pull off him and lick the tip of his cock.
"Fuck, such a little tease," he growls, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look up at him. "Don't think that just because we're doing this, I'm going to be nice to you."
"I don't expect you to be nice to me," you reply, smirking as his eyes widen. "But you're not the only one who can tease."
You take his cock into your mouth again, and his hands move to the back of your head, holding you in place. His hips thrust forward and back, fucking your throat.
"God, you're a little slut," he groans, his cock twitching in your mouth.
"Mhmm," you nod, pulling him deeper down your throat.
"Fuck," he hisses.
He pulls his cock out and strokes it quickly, and his come shoots out onto your face. It covers your cheeks and your nose. You make no attempt to open your mouth until he's completely done.
"Damn, Y/N, I didn't know you liked getting dirty," he chuckles. "Go ahead, you can taste it."
You stick out your tongue and lick the tip of his cock. He groans as you clean his shaft.
"Fuck, I could watch you do that all day," he shakes his head.
Once you're finished with him, you pull back and gaze up at his half-lidded eyes.
"Shit, baby girl," he smirks, kneeling down and cupping your face. He leans forward and glides his middle finger across the mess on your face before telling you to open your mouth. Without hesitation, you part your lips, and he pushes his finger in. You suck it, cleaning off the bitter fluid, and his cock twitches as he watches.
"You're amazing," he tells you, kissing your cheek. "Come here."
He guides you to your feet and leads you to the edge of the bed. He sits down and pulls you onto his lap.
"So, what happens now?" he asks.
"I'm not sure," you shrug.
"Well," he begins, "I suppose we should go to bed. It's late, and tomorrow is a new day."
"That's true," you nod. "But you haven't fucked me yet."
"Do you want me to?" he asks, his hands sliding up your thighs and squeezing your ass.
"Yes," you reply, biting your lip.
"Good," he smiles, "because I'm not done with you, baby girl."
The two of you laugh as Sebastian rolls you over. You lay on your back, your head resting on the pillow, and Sebastian hovers above you.
"Are you ready?" he asks, stroking himself above you.
"Idiot, get a condom," you smirk as you push him off of you. "I thought you said I was the impatient one."
"Oh, right," he chuckles, grabbing his wand and conjuring up a condom.
"Hurry up, Sallow," you tease.
"Merlin, you're a bossy one," he groans.
"Yeah, yeah, just hurry," you roll your eyes.
Sebastian slips the condom on and leans forward, placing a soft kiss against your lips.
"Are you ready, baby girl?" he asks, his lips lingering near yours.
"Mhm," you nod, biting your lip.
Sebastian reaches between the two of you and positions his cock at your entrance.
"You're so fucking beautiful," he breathes out, kissing your neck and slowly sliding inside of you.
"Ahh," you whimper.
"Fuck, so tight," he groans, pushing further inside. "You're so perfect."
"Sebastian," you gasp as his cock fills you. "Slowly..."
"Don't worry, darling, I've got you," he smiles, leaning down and capturing your lips in a deep kiss.
His hips move slowly at first, his cock stretching and filling you with every thrust. But as time passes, he begins to move faster.
"More," you pant, "I need more."
"You like that?"
"Fuck, Sebastian, fuck me harder," you beg.
"God, Y/N, the way you say my name," he growls, slamming into you. "It drives me crazy."
Sebastian reaches his right hand up to yours and grips tightly. You look up at him with wide eyes as his thumb strokes the back of your hand.
"Do you feel that?" he asks.
"Yes," you nod.
"I'm so close, baby girl. Fuck, I'm so close."
Your eyes begin to water as you glance down between your two bodies. He's so deep inside you, and it feels amazing.
"Come for me, Sebastian," you whimper, biting your lip and clenching around him.
"Shit, Y/N, I can't believe I waited seven years for this," he pants. "Merlin, and I'd do it again, too, just to get the chance to see you like this. To feel you."
His grip on your hand tightens as he pushes himself as deep inside of you as possible. Your orgasm rips through your body, causing you to cry out.
"That's it, darling," he whispers. "I'm right there. Come for me."
Sebastian thrusts one more time, and you feel his cock pulse inside of you as he comes.
"Fuck," he groans, collapsing beside you. "That's so worth getting hit with Weasley's crucio curse."
"Can you not talk about my brother right now?" you smile as you roll to your side to face him.
"Right," he nods, a chuckle escaping his lips. "Sorry."
"It's okay," you tell him, tracing the lines of his abs.
"That was fun," he tells you. "I do hope that wasn't a one-time thing."
"Yeah," you agree.
"Good," he smiles, placing a kiss against your forehead.
The two of you spend the night talking, and you end up falling asleep in each other's arms. You hate to admit it, but you do enjoy spending time with him... And it's not until the next day that you feel the repercussions of sleeping with a Slytherin.
The following morning, you appraoch the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall to a bunch of worried faces.
"Where the hell have you been?" Garreth asks as you sit beside down beside him like nothing out of the ordinary happened the night befoer.
"I don't know what you're talking about," you scoff, reaching for a plate of roasted potatoes in front of you.
"You didn't come back to the room last night," Cressida remarks. "Where'd you sleep last night?"
"Uh," you mutter as you try to avoid the conversation by drinking a large cup of orange juice.
"Y/N," Garreth begins, "where did you sleep last night?"
"Well," you begin, setting your glass down and looking over at him, "I slept somewhere else."
Leander nearly chokes on his apple juice as he realizes the meaning of your words.
"I told you not to do anything stupid!" Garreth shouts.
"And I didn't," you shrug.
"You're unbelievable," he groans, shaking his head.
"Who was it?" Cressida asks you curiously. "Was it Northcott?"
"Couldn't've been him," Leander shakes his head. "He was with us."
"Well if nobody was missing from the Gryffindor dorms then that means..." Cressida trails off. "Y/N! You didn't!"
"Wait, what're you implying?" Garreth intervenes. But before anyone can say anything else, the Slytherin quidditch team approaches where you are all seated.
"Hey there," Imelda smirks at your brother. "How's everyone's breakfast? I hope you're enjoying it since it's the last one you'll be eating."
"What's that supposed to mean, Reyes?" Garreth scoffs, looking up at the girl.
"Nothing," she replies, her smile growing. "But, uh, Sallow has something he wants to give back to your sister."
You've never seen Garreth's head whip around so fast in your life when he realizes what Imelda is implying. When he notices the sorry look on your face he stands up and glares across the table at Sebastian. "YOU DIDN'T!"
"Um, Garreth, let's just go outside and-" you try to reason with him as you grab his hand
"No!" he replies, pulling away from your reach.
"Garreth, please," you beg.
"Not a chance in hell," he scoffs. "I'll fucking kill him, Y/N!"
"I didn't realize it was going to be like this," Sebastian shrugs, his hands tucked into his pockets.
"What did you think was going to happen?"
"I didn't really think about it, Weasley," he answers with a shrug.
"Yeah, that sounds like you," Garreth sneers.
"Listen, man, it's not what it looks like," Sebastian begins, his hands coming up in front of him as if to defend himself for Garreth's inevitable attack. "What I mean to say is, I thought Y/N would have already told you. I, uh, actually do like her."
"You can't be serious, Sallow," Leander speaks up, a frown etched across his face. "There's no way. You're a snake. A vile, evil, despicable snake, and Y/N doesn't belong with a Slytherin."
You, Sebastian, and Garreth all roll your eyes at Leander's comment. "Stay out of this," Garreth grumbles.
"No," Leander insists, stepping closer to Sebastian. "This isn't right. This isn't fair."
"Why not?" you question, turning to him.
"Because... because it just isn't," Leander replies. "He's a Slytherin, and you're a Gryffindor, Y/N."
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"Everything," he shakes his head. "You're our friend. Not his. I won't lose you to-"
Before Leander can say anything more idiotic, Sebastian waves his wand and effectively shuts Leander up with a silencing charm.
"I know what you said, Weasley, and I can understand why you wouldn't want me being with Y/N, but the fact is, she does like me," Sebastian shrugs.
"And why should I trust you?" Garreth sneers.
"Honestly," Sebastian begins, taking a deep breath, "I have no idea, and if I were you, I probably wouldn't. But ask her for yourself."
When Garreth turns to you, your whole body tenses up. How much more embarrasing could this get? You're attracting attention from nearly the whole room and the last thing you want is to be the center of the school's gossip.
"Is he telling the truth, Y/N?"
"Yeah," you sigh, your gaze landing on the ground. "He is. As much as I'd rather not admit it."
"Why?" Garreth asks.
"Because... because..." you shake your head.
Garreth sighs. "Fine, Y/N, if being with a Slytherin obsessed with dark arts and practicing the Unforgivables is what makes you happy, then I can't stop you. Just, promise me that I won't ever have to see the two of you... together."
"Gross," you grumble.
"I don't practice the Unforgivables..." Sebastian says while scratching the back of his neck, as if he's trying to convince himself.
"Yeah whatever," Garreth sighs as he sits back down. "Are you sitting with us or not?"
Sebastian's smirk widens as he sits down across from the two of you. The look on Cressida's face is priceless as she scoots over to make room for him.
"Oh, I'm definitely sitting."
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petrssecrethideout · 5 months
Tumblr media
"Alright everyone, we are back. Now, for this episode I had to leave for work, so for the video I'm currently recording in the hotel I'm staying at, and hopefully Dale has his set up like I told him to so that.... Dale."
"What's that?"
"Oh my mug? That's empty I need to put it in the sink."
"That's not-- What's with the oil drum?"
"Oh, so you haven't been following my tiktok? Wooooow."
"Hey, listen I- I deleted Tiktok off my phone years ago I can't go back now. And honestly, all I've heard is that you've been causing trouble."
"Hey that wasn't me. The guy that I was talking about a month ago made a 'response video' to me where he- really all he did was call me a 'beta low-test cuck' ,whatever the fuck that all means, and then he went through my videos and said that I was getting smaller because of my 'masturbation addiction'."
"... I can't believe we're doing another cum episode."
"You better believe it brother! So, in response I've created a personal challenge for myself: Throughout the month of November, I'm going to cum so much, that I can fill a 55-gallon Oil Drum by the end of the month with my cum alone."
"...No fucking way."
"I'm calling it the Cum Drum Challenge."
"The Cum Drum Challenge?"
"Listen I couldn't thin of a good name in time I only had a week to think about it before the challenge started shut up stop laughing."
"Ok ok sorry it- it got me. And you're doing this shit on Tiktok? How are you not banned already?"
"Well, I'm not showing myself filling the drum dude, I'm just like explaining it, and alluding to it. The filling sessions will be on my Onlyfans link in the descriptioooon~"
"Ok sure, whatever, fuck it. People are watching you do this? and liking it? unironically?"
"The first video people thought was just a joke, but by day 4 they were like 'oh this guys serious'. So right now its like 75% people saying I'm crazy and making jokes and like 25% pure awe. Oh but like dude, you know who did comment? Fucking Current Mr. Olympia and my favorite bodybuilder Andrew Nelson! And his comment wasn't ironic either. He was legit like 'I hope this works because it sounds way better than the alternative'. He's on my side!"
"Bet you got quick load after you saw that."
"Fuck off you can't say that now. He knows of me! He might be listening to this now."
"Ok, ok i won't. So, god, this challenge. How are you gonna do this, like 55 gallons isn't a small number dude."
"Yeah, but my buddy mapped it out with my 'average load volume' and I have to cum at least 10 times a day."
"Yeah, I know that's a lot for some guys, so if you wanna just try to fill a milk carton this month and then you can work your way up, no shame in that my friend. This is not for the faint of heart."
"Only 10!? What the fuck dude you're insane!"
"I know, these balls can fucking produce! Actually, side note to listeners we're recording this on November 7th, so I'm a week in. My balls are huge now dude. Like I had some big balls before but these babies are HUGE. And, oh god my beard's gotten all thick too? like I'm giving up on shaving this month it will not be tamed. And the muscles ugh fuck dude I can feel myself growing, like the more i pump this beastly cock It feels like liquid fire in my veins. And ...mmhh gruuh, dudeI get this full body pump every time I CUUM--ugh, fuck yeah man. So huge."
"Have you been jerking off this whole time?"
"Dude, again!?"
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1427 · 6 months
i love you (always forever) pt. 2
Daryl Dixon x sister!ofc (Ladybug)
Summary: In the winter of ‘95 Daddy died. Leaving Lady to finish up her senior year in high school, and Daryl to brood over when to sell the house. The summer of ‘96 is the first time Lady feels alive.  Daryl wants to give her one last summer before she has to grow up for real.
Setting: bumblefuck Georgia, doublewide in the woods, Dixon Property. Late June 1996. 
Warnings: INCEST, poorly written SMUT, hardcore mackin’, dry-humping, oral (all around & a lot), size!kink (explicit discussion of how big daryl is compared to Lady), public stuff, fingering. 
Word count: 7.2k (ish)
A/n: some things to note; Lady is 18, it’s mentioned in part 1 but I feel like I should still say that she’s not underage. Also, I feel like this has some pacing problems (more notes at the end) ?? Stuff that’s italicized in purple is dialogue being said in the movie they’re watching. Good luck guys
18+ mdni
// Part 1 //
I just keep on having all these strange thoughts.  
What kind of thoughts?  
Just thoughts.
Funny thoughts about you and me.  
Tell me.  
I couldn't.  
They're just thoughts.
They don't mean anything.
Lady, in the face of picking a movie for such an occasion, had put on Blue Lagoon. It was one of momma’s and it wasn’t like she had such a big selection to choose from, just a bunch of made for TV movies momma had recorded and a few tapes Merle had stolen from the video store.
Lady doesn’t understand subtlety anyway. 
You’re always staring at my buppies. 
Only because they look so funny.
Lady didn’t necessarily like the movie because it was cousins, just the feeling it gave her. She put it on thinking maybe Daryl might feel it too. The lightning coming from inside to throb at the surface.
She’s surprised she’s still even breathing. Knowing he’s just waiting for her to do something. But he’d said… Lady knows the move she has to make is to kiss him. That’s what he’d meant. That's what people do first, before anything else.
Kiss him? Lady’s frozen; how would she even do that? She doesn’t know. Can’t figure out for the life of her what she’d do with her hands, how does she even get closer? What about her legs? Where is everything supposed to go?! 
Lady would do it, she’d be on him already, if she could just figure out how.
“Bubba-“ her voice is soft. Too soft for Daryl to hear it. 
Daryl’s nursing his 6th beer. Or maybe 7th. He’s getting pretty lost in all of everything that was happening with Lady. Up in his own head in an effort to definitely and absolutely not think about what was happening now. Whatever move Lady was trying to pull here with him putting on this tape. Of all the ones she could have picked. 
Daryl’s gone a million miles away. Thinking about what had happened this morning. Again. Staring at the television unblinking as if it were projecting images of her. Lady and her sweet pink lips asking if she could touch him again. Her ass bouncing under her towel. And the way she didn’t even bat an eye when he came on her face. He feels like he’s fucking dying. His insides all twisted up. Gotta be because he knows it’s wrong. Definitely that and not because he really wants to feel her mouth again. Not because he wants to watch this time, and tell her how good she’s doing. Definitely. Not. That.  
Kiss me.
You're all sticky.
So what? Kiss me.
Every time he does stop to feel bad about it he remembers that he didn’t even do anything. Lady did. Lady had asked for a kiss goodnight, and Lady had put her hands and her tongue on his cock while she thought he was sleeping. Daryl figures it’s not his fault he can’t stop thinking about what Lady did. With her soft-as-a-kitten hands and her sweet wet mouth. Fuck. 
Completely stuck in this loop, he watches it repeat on the TV screen. Forgetting the reason he’d dissociated in the first place, the thing he was gonna be coming back to? Lady; probably definitely obviously wanting to do it again.
“Hey, Bub -“  Lady tries to get his attention one more time. “Daryl!” she claps her hands together so hard her palms burn.
Daryl blinks back to reality. “Huh?” he says it like a shrug.
The pause between getting his attention and what she was about to say is an eternity. 
“Can I kiss you?” Lady, feeling so brave and still so so small against how special she knew this memory would be. 
Daryl's heart doesn’t skip a beat, his breath doesn’t get caught in his throat. He looks down at the bottle he’s holding, trying not to smile, and shakes his head at her in amusement. He knows that if anyone else had heard what she was asking to do, if Daddy had heard? She’d be getting the whooping of a lifetime right now. But to Daryl it just sounds like something he knew she was gonna say. At least she didn’t say the word cock again, “Why, though? Why d’ya wanna? M’not even a good kisser, Bug. Can’t teach ya nothin’.”
Lady chews on the side of her lip, her head faced directly toward him while her eyes look anywhere else. Thinking of what to say, how to tell him. The words, her feelings, all jumbled up inside and trying to break out. She wants to be flirty and cute and romantic and have the one answer that would take away all his worries and shame and just be the brother she was used to. The one who aided in every scheme or plot or game she was playing. She pleads with her mouth to be fucking smooth. Be glib or flip or cool or sly or something. It’s not. Instead it vomits all her thoughts like she’d been choking on them.
“I was gonna ask if I could practice kissing on you. Ya know? Because I figured then you mighta felt like maybe you oughta. But then that felt too much like lyin’. Cuz I don’t wanna kiss for practice, Dar. I wanna kiss for real.” She stops to breathe, but there’s no second-guessing. “I just don’t understand what’s the big deal? I know it’s not allowed but I want to.” She finally looks at him, her voice serious, “I just want to and I don't get why you don't want to too.”
They both know she’s not just talking about kissing. “Jus’ not s’possed ta, Lay. ‘m s’possed t’keep ya safe.” 
Lady looks at him like he’s lost his fuckin’ mind. Where was she ‘unsafe’? He wasn’t making any sense to her. She stands up and chugs the rest of the now warm drink. “You’re not makin’ any damn sense, Daryl, I am safe.”
Lady’s frustrated but she’s not heartbroken. Leaving the fort/living room to go to the kitchen and get another drink. Muttering to herself the whole way out of the room, “Why the fuck wouldn’t I ‘be safe’? What does that even mean? Stupid dumbass horseshit doesn’t even make any fuckin’ sense. Shit. Ass. Shit!”
Sometimes when Lady got real good and mad she’d turn into a little version of Merle. Same way Daryl did when he was angry. Same way Merle turned into a little version of their daddy. When Lady did it though, it wasn’t scary. Just was funny. Lady, so little and so angry and too damn sweet to actually say anything mean. Just strings of curse words and questions to no one. 
She opens the fridge with an exaggerated sigh meant for Daryl to hear. Staring at the two wine coolers left, unsure if she actually wants another one. She thinks about what he’d said again. Keep her safe!? It was starting to sound like a lie. She clacks the underside of her knuckles against the fridge door and lets out another noise. A groan or a warble or shiver with a voice. Daryl isn’t sure what she's going on about but it makes him laugh from the other room. 
Lady decides against having another wine cooler. instead fixing to steal Daryl’s joint from his pack of smokes and figure out if he was lying about being ‘cross-faded’ or whatever he’d called it. Maybe if she smoked, just a little, she’d be able to figure out the magic words. Lady steps just outside the front door quietly, hoping Daryl would get zoned out again and not come looking.  
Daryl’s still sipping at his beer and waiting for Lady to come back. Trying to find his own set of magic words to answer her question. Knowing without any doubt that he’s fucked, absolutely completely totally fucking fucked, the second he stops being able to come up with any reason at all. 
Daryl finds Lady sitting out on the front step. Her knees hugged up to her chest, she’s leaning forward and ripping grass from the ground. He opens his mouth to say something but closes it just as fast. Deciding instead to walk down and post up next to her. 
Lady moves to make room for him but doesn’t acknowledge him more than that. Daryl feels around on the ground for the roach he knows he’s going to find because he can smell it. Once he does he brings it up to her face, “Ya smoke this?” 
“Aliens. Just missed ‘em,” laughing to herself. 
He puts the joint between his lips, smiling and feeling for his lighter somewhere in his pockets, “Yer real funny, bug.” His mind’s somewhere else. Doesn’t care that she didn’t listen and smoked the pot after drinking. She was safe. She was always safe. 
Daryl takes a drag just a little too long and coughs out the exhale. Passing the joint to Lady while he’s working through it. She takes it, hitting it gently this time, and manages not to cough at all. 
They just sit together for a while, watching the moon come out from its hiding place behind the clouds. Lady feels the shimmering faeries all over her skin, in her stomach. She can see them in the moonlight in her brothers eyes. 
Lady’s been looking at him. Can’t seem to stop. Just staring at the small space between his jaw and his ear and the curl of hair that didn’t belong there.  “You gonna grow it out now that Daddy’s dead?” 
He moves his chin in a nod, just barely, “Think so.”
Her hand flits to the spot, taking the same strands she’d been staring at between her fingertips. It had only been a few months but his hair was longer than she’d ever seen it. Daryl moves his head to look at her. He didn’t mean to move in a way that put her fingers just so gently against his cheek, but it was too late. 
They share a look in the same way they’d shared the silence - both of them knowing exactly what the other was thinking. Both of them thinking exactly the same thing. Daryl knows what she meant when she said she wanted to kiss for real. That she just wanted to feel it. 
Lady and Daryl both move like they’re going to go for it at the same time. Lady stops. Her heart is in her throat and the faeries are buzzing right out of her body. Had she seen that right? Was he really about to?
Daryl doesn't let her hesitation stop him, leaning over and taking her lips with his own the way she’d wanted the first time she’d asked. A real kiss. Slow and passionate and on purpose. He’s in his right mind but he’s not thinkin’. Just doin’. 
Lady eagerly returns every move of his lips with her own. Getting acquainted with the feeling and starting to understand the rhythm of it. 
Daryl was lying before when he’d told her he wasn’t any good at kissing. He holds her still by the back of her neck, moving into her deeper. Lady opens her mouth the instant she feels his tongue slip across her lip.
One second they’re kissing under the moon; and it’s taboo and it’s ‘wrong’ but it’s almost innocent. Still so sweet, and filled with uncertainty —-
and then their tongues meet. 
And they turn into something else. 
Lady moans just at the feeling of his wet something touching her wet something. Daryl’s never heard her make a noise like that before and it ignites a new part of him. He needs to hear it again. To feel it again. Lady’s perfect sweet voice coming apart against him. 
They’re immeshed. Their mouths moving against and with eachother, deeper and faster and with more everything. Like they were eating eachother alive. Legs knocking together, Lady’s clawing at his shirt and when Daryl moves his other hand around her waist she moans again, shaking. 
He pushes his tongue almost all the way to the back of her throat. Even with them closed, Lady can feel her eyes rolling back into her head. Moaning again into his mouth, but this time it comes from somewhere deeper. 
His fingers squeeze into her a little harder before he pulls away again. Just lookin’ at her. Eyes closed and trembling. “C’mon.” He pulls on her hand a little to get her attention, all lost in herself. 
Lady knows he wants to get inside and probably back to the a/c but she's afraid once this moments over she’s gonna have to try and convince him for 5 more hours to let her do it again, “I don’t wanna go inside, I wanna stay out here kissin’ you.” 
“Can kiss insi’, bug.” 
She’s beaming, fished her wish and then won the fuckin’ jackpot. “For real?” 
“C’mon.” Daryl gets up with Lady right behind. Before now it had always been the other way around. 
The second they get to the living room they melt back together. Not even one step past the sheet Daryl grabs her wrist and pulls her into him again. He doesn’t want to wait for either one of them to get stuck up in their heads again. It was too late anyway. 
Doesn’t want to think about Lady. Wants to feel her. Needs to beg that tremble from her vocal chords again. 
He pulls her down to the bed and on top of him. Helping her place her legs on either side of his hips. Focusing in on how soft her thighs are underneath his fingertips, he squeezes. 
Lady pulls back, looking down at his hands so high up her thighs, his thumb dangerously close to her heat. She's beyond comprehending the things he’s making her body feel. A light almost inaudible gasp escapes her as he squeezes again, but that's not what Daryl wants to hear. 
Daryl isn't thinking about the fact that Lady's never done any of this stuff before, he's not even thinking about the fact that it's Lady who's ontop of him. It's Lady that he's touching. Sweet little girl Lady, who'd barely even been kissed before just now. He's staring at the space between her thighs. Her tiny sleep shorts riding up her pussy and he can make out every detail through the thin fabric, lips spread and almost spilling out the sides. Daryl forgets for a second where he is, moving his thumb over just an inch, pressing hard into her clit through her shorts. 
Lady let's out a surprised cry, her hips bucking forward into him, her body falling down with two hands flat against his chest. Daryl's cock twitches at the sound and Lady feels it right at her entrance. Her head shoots up and all of a sudden they’re looking each other in the eyes. With all the lights on. 
In this moment, there's no hesitation. No question of if they should or shouldn't be doing this. The look shared between them is only comfort. Lady, knowing it’s Daryl, knowing he’d never let her do something the wrong way.  
And when Daryl sees that blown out sparkle in Lady’s eye? Knows that look. She wants him. And if Lady wants it? Can't be ugly. Just can't. 
It's only two seconds, but it's everything.
Lady's mouth is back on Daryl's like it had never left, her tongue pushing through to his the instant they come together. His hands move to her hips, grinding her down into him. She can feel him, hard like when she had seen it pushing through his boxers. Now hard and pushing up into her. The feeling, the thought, groaning into his mouth at all of it. 
He does it again. And again and again. Pulling her and pushing her over his clothed length as she assaults his mouth. Her tongue and lips slowly losing rhythm until she moves herself to suck and bite on his neck instead. The noises coming out of her are the most precious he’s ever heard. 
Eventually Lady starts moving her hips on her own, and Daryl can feel the bump of her hard clit as she grinds herself on top of him.
Lady’s got one hand behind his neck and the other gripping at the fabric of his shirt like it's going to save her. She’s humping her brother like sometimes she humps her pillow, hips moving in deliberate circles, so close to an orgasm she can taste it. Soft light mews coming from her lips in breaths. She can't look at him, she wants to forget he's even there. She's embarrassed. But she cums anyway. 
Cascading through her limbs before tiding back to make room for the shame. Her hips won't stop shaking and she's afraid to look at him. 
Daryl’s high on the whole fucking experience. Watching, feeling, hearing Lady come apart ontop of him. 
Daryl's going to hell. Knows it and doesn't care. Something about it being his sister is sending him over the fucking edge. Of course it was gonna. Kissing is one thing. Being used for your cock so your little sister can hump you until she cums is something else.
He pulls her up against his body a few inches. Weaving his fingers through her hair to hold the back of her neck, he kisses her forehead. Smiling deviously against her skin, “Y’wanna make me cum again?” 
Daryl had only ever been comfortable talking to one girl like that, and that was a real long time ago. But with Lady he didn't have anything to hide or be worried about. Knows she's gonna say yes, knows she'd get mad if he'd wanted to and hadn’t asked her. 
Any embarrassment Lady had been feeling is forgotten like she'd never felt it in the first place. She sits up. Looking down at her fingers as they play with the fabric of his tee-shirt all bunched up against his stomach. “With my mouth?” she asks with a coy smile. 
“Only f’ya wanna.” 
“Well, is that what you meant?” she looks him in the eye, waiting for an answer. 
“Yeah, s’what I meant.” he nods, gliding a hand from one thigh, over her stomach, and then onto the other one. His other hand reaching behind her body to squeeze her ass. Daryl’s not worried about being too forward. Not thinkin’, just doin’. 
Lady shivers under his touch, his needful hands feel so much better than the ones she'd imagined. Never thought it would feel so much bigger than skin on skin and different kinds of pressure. To be desired? To be touched simply because he wanted to and couldn't help himself — it radiates into her soul.
“I wanna.” She nods with a whisper, moving off of him to sit and wait.
Daryl gets up and falls back into the couch, beckoning Lady over with a nod of his head. As she crawls towards him Daryl’s working on his belt, his button, his zipper, but he’s just staring at her. God, even his ex-girlfriend never looked that desperate to suck his cock. 
Lady was chomping at the fuckin’ bit waiting to taste him again. Sitting between his legs, staring. Waiting. He finally works himself free, and Lady is melting into a puddle of drool. She sits up on her knees to get closer, but Daryl’s stroking himself slowly and she’s never seen something so…
With Daryl leaned back and looking at her like that, doing that. She’s never seen anything so fucking hot. Doesn’t even have another word to describe it. So. Fucking. Hot. So goddamn fucking hot that it rewires her brain chemistry. 
Daryl smirks, which to Lady just makes it hotter, he can’t believe she’s watching like this. He can’t believe how much he’s getting off on her watching. Never did this in front of a girl, not even his ex-girlfriend, and they’d done everything. 
“S’what? Don’ wanna use tha’ mouth yet?” 
She shakes her head quickly, but her eyes are fixed, “I do, I do.” She opens her mouth like she’s gonna keep talking but closes it. Daryl notices the way her eyes go big and seem to sparkle when he gets to the bottom of his stroke. He holds himself around the base and lets the full heavy length of his cock wave back and forth. 
Lady’s so turned on that the, “Holy shit,” she’s thinking tumbles out of her mouth and into the air. 
Daryl, with his fingers still firmly gripping around the base, directs himself down toward her. His cockhead only centimeters from her open mouth. “A’least spit on it, bug.” 
She’s so mesmerized, she doesn’t look up, “For real?” 
“For real, gimme a good one like I taught ya.” 
She haucks a good one right on the tip, only an inch away from her mouth. He pulls himself up and out of her immediate reach again, using her spit to coat his aching appendage. Daryl wasn’t really jerking off, just showing off for Lady. Honestly? He was torturing himself. 
Now, covered in wet saliva, Lady can see every glimmering detail. Every ridge and vein and he’s holding himself tight again, it’s so fucking big. “Is everyones this big?” 
Daryl gives an unexpected laugh, “S’not tha’ big, bug.” 
She reaches her hand out and wraps her fingers around him, just above his hand. Daryl groans at the feeling of her. She’s trying to figure out if she can close her hand around him, but apparently she can’t, “Look, Dar, my fingers don’t even touch.” 
“Fuck,” the word comes out just like the groan. Lady likes hearing Daryl like this. All a mess because of her. 
She smiles before biting her lip, “It’s thicker than my wrist, bubba.” 
“Is it?” He asks her, with a playful smirk. He only asked to get her to prove it. When she lets go of his erection to hold her wrist next to it for comparison Daryl grabs her grabs her hand. Pulling her arm up by her palm he measures his dick next to the length of her forearm. Jesus fucking goddamn Christ. 
Lady, after being thrown off by him grabbing her like that, just gawks. They’re the same fucking size. His cock and her whole fucking forearm. “What the fuck?!” 
“‘m big n’all but Lady, yer little.” He lets her have her arm back but she’s still just holding it up next to him trying to figure it out. How was that ever gonna fit inside her?
“It didn’t look that big this morning.”
“Don’ gotta be scared. F’ya wanna stop, we can.” 
“No! No,” she puts her hand back around him, “don’t wanna stop.” 
Daryl’s hand is right below hers, he starts to move up on himself hoping she’ll follow. She does, placing her pinky over his index finger as they both start to jerk him off together. Lady’s not using nearly enough pressure, so he moves his hand from below hers to around. Squeezing her fingers tighter, moving her hand faster than they’d been. 
Daryl starts to finally feel it building, getting closer to an orgasm than he’d been all night. His eyes close for only a few seconds before he hears and feels Lady spit on his cock again. 
“Fucking christ, bug.” He says, looking down at her. Sitting up on her knees with her lips spread just waiting for him to put it in her mouth. He guides himself, in her hand, to her outstretched eager tongue. 
Lady just watches it get closer until she can devour him. Not like this morning, she laps at him with no abandon. Licking and sucking at his head like she was making out with it. Daryl’s eyes keep closing at the feeling, and he keeps opening them to watch. 
Fucking beautiful. Absolutely perfect. She doesn’t know a damn thing about sucking a cock and it shows. Still feels like heaven, still’s gonna make Daryl bust a fat one. Can feel it, he’s just about to, and then Lady takes his whole head in her mouth while looking up at him at the same time. 
“Fuck, Lady. M’gonna.” 
She knows what he means, but why was he telling her? Was she supposed to stop? She doesn’t, instead she takes him even further into her mouth, eyes flicking back up to his again. 
Daryl and Lady are completely locked onto each other as he cums down her throat.
Lady could feel it happening before it happened, his cock getting even harder before it pulsates between her lips.The first shot goes to the back of her throat, making her gag, but she stays put. Taking all of it. 
Daryl watches Lady doing her best to swallow it. Coming to terms pretty quickly that he came down his sister's throat. The fact that it was while looking in her fucking eyes is a little harder. He puts himself away before joining her on their bed. Laying her down on his chest while they both stare at the ceiling. 
“Didn’t have ta swallow it.” He tells her. 
“I wanted to.” 
“Did good, bug.” 
“I know.” 
He laughs, his rumbling chest shaking Lady’s head slightly, “Oh? Y’know? How’s that?” She didn’t do that good. 
“Shit, Bug, fuck. Jesus christ ‘m gonna cum.” She makes groans and grunts in between curses. 
“Alrigh’, quit it.” He regrets asking. 
Lady sits up to rewind the tape and Daryl stands to turn the lights off. Meeting back in bed, Lady curls up into him, and they both finally manage to fall asleep.  
For about a week Lady and Daryl do that night on repeat. Drinking a few drinks, smoking a little pot, making out while Lady humps him until she cums, and then Daryl sits on the couch and Lady sucks him off. 
She’s gotten better at it. A lot better and real fast. Daryl had to show her a couple things, but he didn’t count it as teaching her. Just showing her how. Doesn’t know why he thinks they’re different, but one felt dirty and the other one didn’t. Didn’t wanna ‘teach’ Lady anything. Just wanted to experience it with her. 
Lady didn’t need much showing how anyway. She’d picked up the sucking part, using both hands, her tongue and her lips. She’s started using her cheeks and her throat too. 
Today Lady had asked Daryl if she could blow him while they drove around town. He’s got his keys in his hands before she even finishes asking. 
Lady’s laying down on her stomach across the bench seat of the truck, feet kicked up in the air, Daryl’s cock lolling out of her mouth as she lays her head on his thigh to look at him. 
Daryl glances down for a second to see her hand holding his length flush against his leg, mouth around the head of him, suckling his cock like it’s a lollipop.  
At least once a day Daryl’s sure he’s witnessing the hottest thing he’ll ever see in his whole life. He pulls over onto the side of the road. Lady’s been at this for 10 minutes and he could probably last longer but he doesn’t want to. 
She doesn’t move while Daryl parks the truck. She’s learned to recognize the look on his face, and how it meant she was doing just exactly the right thing. She’s still laying on his thigh, one hand on his cock to keep it pointing down and into her mouth while she sucks just the tip of him off, swirling her tongue all around. 
Daryl throws the truck in park. Looking down, he grabs her head with both hands, pulling her just barely off of his thigh so he can move his hips. With both feet planted to the floor and his back against the seat he starts fucking into the back of her throat. Her cheeks stretching out around the girth of him made all the more explicit by the light of day. She starts making that noise again. Daryl pulls Lady off of him by both sides of her head, a string of saliva still stuck to his dick goes with her, glinting in the sunlight. 
At least once a day Daryl’s sure he’s witnessing the hottest thing he’ll ever see in his whole life, “Why d’ya like it like tha’?” 
She’s staring at him with wide eyes, her voice small, “Whad’ya mean?” If Lady could have it her way she’d live with his cock in her mouth.
“When ‘m rough. When ‘m doin’ the work.” 
“Never liked workin’, Daryl.” She goes to move herself back to him, but he holds her head still. 
“Lay, no. Wanna know why.” But Daryl can tell by Ladys expression that she doesn’t even know. “Figure it out.” 
He lets go of her gently, allowing her to go back to doing whatever she wanted to be doing with him. Daryl puts the truck back in drive, figures he’d give Lady some more time doing her new favorite thing. 
“Y’good, bug?” Daryl leans down over her shoulder to ask. They’re walking the farmers market. Not some nice fancy fruit and veggies stand, the farmers market. Everyone and their momma trying to sell old tape collections and knick-knacks like it’s a permanent yard sale. As Lady was walking in front of him he’d noticed her moving around all funny. Doing an uncomfortable dance to readjust something without anyone noticing. 
“Shuddup.” She hisses back at him, an unmistakable blush spreading across her cheeks. 
This just spurs him further, he skips a step to be right up against her, “Wha’s goin’ on in yer pants?” 
She stops and turns around to face him, their bodies so close but not touching. Lady takes a quick look around, there’s a bunch of people nearby, walking right past them, but no one’s looking at them. 
She sighs, reaching down into her shorts before pulling her hand out and putting it in Daryl’s face. So coated in her own slick that it stretches to fill the area between her fingers when she moves them apart. Daryl wonders if he could blow a bubble with it, and then immediately pushes her hand back down and looks around to see if anyone else had watched her do that. 
Seeing that no one’s caught them at the very same time he feels it, his own hand, now covered in her. 
Daryl had been losing his fucking mind over her. Her down there. Her pretty pussy that he hasn’t gotten to see or taste or feel. Yet. He’s not ever gonna push her to do something, he’s not even gonna ask her. She’s the one that’s gotta ask for it. That’s gotta want it. So it can’t be ugly. 
Lady’s looking at him, waiting for some kind of reaction, til Daryl lifts his arm with a smile and a nod. Aggressively and publicly sucking on the side of his hand. The bit between his wrist and his pinky and part of his palm, all coated in sticky perfect sweet Lady. He looks down at her with a grin before walking away, knowing she’d follow. 
She’s on his heels, grabbing his wrist as he weaves through the crowd. Lady pulls hard on his arm to get him to stop moving right when they’re in the thick of it. People bumped up on every side, Daryl turns back to face her and Ladys right up against him, hugging him and pulling his hand between them. Pushing him down the front of her pants, she spreads her legs and urges him further by his forearm. 
It happens so quickly Daryl can’t even react at first. His hand just pressed against her. Soft, and warm, and so wanting. Her cunt was so wet and running down her legs it knocked the wind out of him. So wet his fingers slip right through her delicate folds and rub right up against her clit and her hole at the same time. Lady reacts with buckled knees, holding on to his arm for stability. Her eyes closed and her body shuddering around his hand. 
He pulls back out just as quickly, righting Lady to stand up straight. He doesn't look around to see if anyone's watching, just takes his wet fingers and slowly puts them against and past her parted lips. 
Time seems to stand still, eyes locked on each other, Daryl's fingers edging deeper into her mouth. And then someone bumps into Lady, her body rocking forward and into her brother's larger frame. Wrapping his arm around her, he starts pulling her back through the market. Ending up along the fence that bordered some woods. Thick and on a decline, Daryl knows no one will see them back here. 
Lady doesn't know the plan, but she's too turned on to care. So burning up that even the tall grass itching at her skin feels like little lightning kisses. 
It's not long before Daryl decides they've gone far enough. He pushes Lady up against a tree, just looking down at her while he tries to catch his breath. She’s looking between them, starting to mess with his belt before he stops her with one hand, “Thinkin' ya migh’ lose yer min’ soon if ya don' jus’ ask.” 
She lets go of his belt, keeping her hands in his, “...ask what?”
“Fer me ta touch ya, bug. Yer so fuckin’ wet I don' know how yer still walkin’ around.”
She blushes, and tries to get out of his grip on her against the tree. Daryl lightens up a bit but doesn't let her go, “are ya always like tha’?” he asks. 
She looks toward his chest instead of up at him, biting the side of her lip while nodding gently, “I mean, yeah….” 
“Need ya ta ask, bug.”
“Why?” She finally looks up at him, genuinely confused. 
“Cuz. Gotta be you tha’ wants it.”
“You don't want it?”
“‘nough ta ask.” He tries to clarify but she still doesn't completely understand. Daryl shakes his head, “Forget it. Jus’ cuz, Lay. Cuz I said.”
She nods, scanning the ground next to them like it has the words to put together, “I don't know what to ask for, Dar.” She puts her hand against his chest, “I want it all.”
Daryl smiles, can't help it, Lady doesn't even know what to ask for so she sucks his dick in wanton misery for a week and then when she finally does ask it's to go all the way. Lady fucking would. 
“Lay, ‘m not fuckin’ ya fer the firs’ time out in the fuckin’ woods behind the market. Jus fuckin’ ask me ta touch ya b’fore I take ya home instead.” 
“Touch me.” She says it before he's finished talking. 
Daryl's on her in an instant. Overwhelming her mouth with his own, finally letting his hands feel her everywhere. 
He starts at her breasts, which he's already touched over her clothes but never underneath, never pinching and rolling her nipple between his two fingers before now. Her gasp ebbs into a moan as he continues to squeeze and prod at her.  
Daryl leans back, breaking his assault on her mouth to pull up her shirt and assault her there instead. But once he's got his eyes on her exposed skin he just stops. His hand coming up to grab at her again, cupping the small soft mound of flesh with his whole hand. Watching as his thumb brushes over her nipple, hard and pink and perfect. He traces his fingers down her stomach, rubbing his free hand over his dick. 
Daryl's fingers come to rest at the hem of her shorts, looking up at her before pulling the waistband down past her hips, then onto the ground. 
Lady just watches, letting her body sway with the pull of her clothing being removed. Steadying herself with her hand on his shoulder to keep from falling over. Daryl feels her hand, and for some reason it makes him want to stay down there. Hadn’t been planning on it, was just gonna touch her with his hands. He figures touching with his tongue is still just touching, and she’d already asked for that. 
Besides, Lady puts her mouth on him all the time. Still, Daryl looks at her before he does, leaning in and peering up. Making it obvious what he was silently begging permission for. Lady meets his eyes, responding to his request by stepping one foot out of her shorts and spreading her legs. 
His face buries up and into her, licking every spot around her pussy. Her thighs and all the strings of her mess, his tongue taking large swathes up each side of her lips. Lady’s legs are already shaking so much that both her and Daryl realize she’s not going to be able to stay standing on her own. 
“S-sorry.” She squeaks. 
“S’okay, bug, just don’t know where to put ya.”
On your cock, she thinks. Lady’s brain can only think about his cock. How she knows it’s hard and in his pants and not in her mouth. Sure, Daryl’s mouth on her feels good, but it’s not the same. 
“Just want you inside, Dar.” She’d been good at just dealing with the ache, it seemed to ease when he was in her mouth. Even though it wasn’t what her body needed, she guesses it’s close enough. 
She's not looking when he invades her hole. One finger, and she’s shaking and shivering and every muscle in her body tenses up. 
Daryl goes to pull out and Lady scrambles to hold his hand where it is. He huffs a laugh, “Shit, Lay, was gonna put it back in again.” 
She’s not listening, her ears ringing, her vision whitehot and blinding. Daryl pulls out of her only to stand up. Lowering his head down to take her lips. And like it was every time Lady and Daryl kissed, they’re ignited. More than before. Everything seems to escalate their desperate need for each other. Their want, their desire itself, seemed to feed its own flame. 
Daryl’s hands are at her naked hips, Lady’s losing herself in his mouth. She hadn’t realized that she’d put her feet together until Daryl’s hand pushes between her thighs and moves her legs apart again. He pushes his finger back into her, breaking their kiss and pulling a moan out with it. He pulls his finger out slowly, not all the way, before pushing back in again, just feeling her warm walls clenching tightly around his finger. He can’t stop himself from adding another. Wants to stuff her full and change her whole fucking life. 
She groans and he presses himself against her body, fucking his two fingers into her as deep as he can reach. Daryl makes sure she’s braced tight between himself and the tree, pushing against her hard to keep her still, before he curls his two thick digits inside of her. His fingertips petting the so-soft spongy part of her, they don’t stop even as her back tries to arch her right off the tree and onto the ground. 
Daryl peels her from the bark, keeping my her up with his knees bent so she can reach her arms to wrap around his neck and hold on. He keeps moving his fingers hard against her g-spot, that groan coming out between gasps and other moans and yelps and every beautiful sound Lady could make. 
Daryl leans Lady back into his arm, still assaulting that spot with his fingers but instead of curling them into her he starts moving his hand back and forth inside her with his shoulder and forearm. Pulling and pushing, the sound of her cunt squelching into the air, the sopping sounds getting audibly wetter. 
Lady leans back so far in Daryl’s arm that he decides to just place her onto the ground. Hadn’t wanted to do that, but it’s too late. Lady, on the ground naked from the tits down and looking up at him like she doesn’t even believe what she’s feeling is real. “Please.” She whines, Lady’d never asked like that before. 
He wishes he could fuck her in the woods, even if it was gonna be her first time, but he just can’t. “M’gonna, jus’ lemme look atchya.” He’s squatted down next to her, rubbing his rough palm all over her blushing naked skin. 
“You can look when we get home for as long as you want, please, Daryl.” There she was saying it again. Begging him. Lady can’t take it, the cool ground feels refreshing against her flushed body, but the heat is coming from inside and Daryl was right. Lady was close to losing her damn mind. 
Daryl watches her writhing in front of him for a beat longer than he needs to. Can’t help it, definitely sure this time that this is the hottest thing he'll ever see in his whole life. Lady's bare body all down in the sticks and dirt with her legs spread. Her messy pussy swollen and red and waiting for him. 
He puts his hand down on her chest, running his fingers along her skin so lightly. So barely there. Lady trembles, closing her eyes at the feeling, her back arching off the ground, “Please.” She begs again, grabbing onto his arm and trying to push it between her legs. 
Daryl shakes her hands off his arm and continues to kneed at her breast. Grabbing hold of it harshly before bringing his mouth down to lick flat long purposeful strokes into her nipple. 
Her eyes wide as she raises her head to look down. Her tit in his hand is lewd. The nipple filled out with fat and puffy, she watches until he completely envelopes her between his lips. The wet muscle of his tongue flicking deep into her nerves, her whole body starts spasming underneath of him. 
And then it's. Oh, it's everything. Lady is on fire from the inside again, like when she hit Daryl's pot the very first time and she'd turned into a rabid dog. And now she's feral in heat in the woods, her desperate cunt being filled by her brothers thick fingers and she burns. Burns so hot and alive it rips through her body in screams that Daryl's never heard before. Don't think Lady's ever made before. 
She's primal. Screaming and moaning and panting and falling apart. Faeries burning alive and singeing every inch of her soul on the way out. 
As she's coming down, Daryl easing his fingers out of her, a high pitched whistle cuts through the air. 
6’ tall and dirty. Hairy and sweaty. Roughneck. 20 feet away and just staring at them. Daryl moves quick to cover Lady up as she scrambles her top down and back to her shorts by the tree. 
“Fuck off.” Daryl calls back flipping him the middle finger, while Lady wrestles her shorts on. The man just watches, doesn't do anything else. Watches as Lady and Darly hurry away and out of the woods. 
Lady scoots over on the bench seat as they roll down the road back to their house. She goes to put her hands on his lap but he moves them away. 
“What's wrong?” 
“Know tha’ guy.” 
“Wha’ if he knows you?”
“He doesn't.”
Daryl nods, using his free hand to grab a smoke. Lady helps him light it and they drive home in silence. Lady, curled up next to him. Daryl, a million miles away worrying, for the first time, that maybe he shoulda said no. To the drive, to touching her, to what they were doin’. To all of it. 
Didn’t think before now how maybe it could hurt Lady. How if anyone found out… 
Cursing himself to hell and not back because he doesn’t deserve it. Shouldn’t have taken her out in them woods like that. Not the same as their woods. Those woods don’t know shit about keepin’ secrets.
A/n: I also cringe so hard when “bust a fat one” but it's Daryl and it's 1996 and I just. It just is, okay? It's in the middle of some of his internal shit and IT just IS. (I wanted to delete it so many times but I can't. I've come to terms with it, so should you. pls)
As far as pacing… this type of relationship takes buildup and I couldn’t figure out where to cut down. Like I took out about 1k in the first “scene” and it still feels like it’s dragging to me but I also feel like I’ve read it too many times to know. Also the smut parts… I feel this need to detail and describe and it’s probably overboard but when I’m reading fic I find myself always wanting more of that so idk. Maybe it’s too much? Idk I’m new I’ll figure it out. 
Ty for reading 💕💕💕
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m4ttsturn · 9 months
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my brother's best friend (part 2)
Pt 1 Pt 3 Pt 4
pairing: Matt Sturniolo x y/n
summary: you find yourself falling for your brother's best friend
warnings: swearing, mentions of losing virginity
a/n: the first part is just the first day you met Matt, so you really don't have to read it. hope you enjoy (not proofread)
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"hey," Nate knocks on my door, "we're all going to the beach, you wanna come?" "sure, who all is going?" I ask him "it's Me, Nick, Matt, Chris, and you can invite a couple of your friends if you want" he responds. "ok, just give me like 25 minutes and we can head out" he nods and leaves the room.
I get up and call my friend Quinn, telling her to meet me at the beach. After I get off the phone I put on my bikini and a set of clothes over it. In a bag I pack a towel, sunscreen, my hairbrush, sunglasses, and a claw clip. I slip on a pair of tennis shoes and leave my bedroom.
"Nate I'm ready to go" he gets up from the couch and grabs his keys off the table. "alright, let's go". I hop into the passenger seat of his car, plugging my phone into the aux. we chat lightly, music filling whatever silence there may be as we make our way to the beach.
Once we arrive the triplets are already there, walking up to Nate's car. "dude what took you so long?" Matt questions. "sorry man I had to wait on y/n to get ready", they all turn to me and I just shrug. they all make their way down to the beach, caught up in their own conversation. Nick turns around once he realizes that I'm not following. "Yo y/n, you comin'?" "I'll meet you guys down there, I'm waiting on Quinn" he nods, giving me a small wave goodbye before turning back around and catching up to the others.
it takes about 5 minutes for Quinn to get here, she walks over to me and we start making our way to the beach. once we get there we lay our towels down on the sand next to where the boys set their stuff, and take off our cover clothing. my eyes find Matt, watching as he takes off his shirt, the sun perfectly illuminating his skin. my heart flutters.
"y/n, are you even listening to me" Quinn asks. I turn my head to hers, snapping out of the moment. "uh- what, sorry" "I was saying that its crazy you're 18 and still haven't lost your virginity" my face flushes at her comment "I know, I know, I just haven't been interested in anyone really" "the only reason you're not interested in anybody is because you've had a crush on Matt since like 7th grade" she practically screams. "Quinn!" I push her gently "keep your voice down" I look at her, and then look to Matt, only to find him already staring at me.
"fuck, I think he heard you" I speak, "no way he did, he's literally 20ft away from us" she sighs "look all I'm saying is if your so hung up on him, just ask him to take it. He's been with girls before, so you know he has experience, and he's hot". I whip my head towards her as she's speaking. I think for a moment then I shake my head, "Quinn, you know I can't do that, he's one of Nate's best friends" I say defeated.
our conversation changes, bouncing from topic to topic as the hours pass by. we continue to lay on our towels, the warm sun tanning our skin. the feeling calms me, lulling me to sleep. When I'm woken up, Matt's running towards the water with me in his arms. "Matt what the fuck, put me down" I scream at him. "if you say so" he smiles before dropping me into the water. "this is so uncool" I try to be mad at him but I just end up laughing, he laughs with me.
not long after, something grazes my leg "something just touched me!" I jump onto Matt, attempting to get away from it. "chill out y/n, it's just seaweed" he laughs. once I realize that I'm not in any danger, I take in my sudden closeness to Matt. my legs are around his waist, and my arms are wrapped tightly over his shoulders. I blush at the feeling of our bodies pressed together, I look into Matt's eyes, glancing down at his lips quickly before looking back up.
Matt also seems to notice how close we are and he stops laughing. he looks down at me, licking his lips, before looking over my shoulder. Nate is standing a few feet away from us with his back turned. he sets me down gently before turning away and running his hand down his face.
"sorry, I probably shouldn't have jumped on you like that, I was just scared" I attempt to apologize, wanting to get rid of the tension that's now formed between us. "it's alright, wouldn't want anything happening to Nate's little sister." he gives me a half-smile.
his words hit me like a slap to the face, reminding me that I shouldn't have feelings towards one of Nate's best friends. "uh, I'm gonna go grab some snacks, you want any?" I ask, trying to rid myself of the pit that's begun to form in my stomach. Matt shakes his head. I nod, turning to get out of the water. once I make it to the sand, I glance back at Matt, only to see him watching me. he seems to snap out of it, shaking his head to himself as he walks over to Nate and his brothers.
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a/n: I'm not sure how I feel about this part tbh
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jaemified · 1 year
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major, minor, and the things in between - nishimura riki [TEASER]
"are we friends, lovers, or whatevers in between?"
pairing ; nishimura riki x fem!reader
genre ; slice of life, enemies to lovers, romance, drama, small angst
warnings ; swearing, drinking, brief mention of blood
estimated wordcount ; 6k-8k
estimated release date ; june 9 - june 30
synopsis ; though never quite well acquainted (or so jake thought), sim y/n had always felt strongly against nishimura riki, until her brother jake had forced them to get along. but, what was meant to have them get closer turns into something a little more.
read teaser below the cut !
"whats so hard about getting along with niki? hes a good kid!" jake complained. since his little sister couldnt get along with one of his best friends, it made even the intimate gatherings.. unpleasantly awkward.
"hes annoying, like you are being right now."
"no, why do you really hate him so much."
"i dont know! he just reminds me of someone i guess? and he always cheated on projects back in middle school. even stole my ideas so he could make it look like im in the wrong."
"thats it? youre holding a grudge over him just being a middle school kid from, what, 5 years ago? cmon, theres gotta be something better then that. not to mention even if there wasnt, that makes you sound hella dumb holding a grudge from the 7th grade when youre graduating next year."
y/n thought to herself. of course there was another reason, but it seemed unnecessary to bring up. and she also just didnt want to share it with jake. or maybe, it wasnt the right reason after all.
"hey sunoo! god it feels like forever since i last saw you!"
it was really only a week.
"i know right! its been too long!"
she smiled, no matter what mood she was in, sunoo always was the sunshine in the rain.
"so, whos here?"
"oh, you know the usual. sunghoon, heeseung, jake, and jay. niki and jungwon are supposed to be setting up something in the courtyard."
"setting up what?"
"a volleyball net. jake was on nikis ass all week and wanted him to 1v1 you while we all played basketball. jungwon just wanted to help however he could, hes been tired all week from his job and the dance program."
no fucking way.
"youre saying i have to be alone, with nishimura riki? hell no!"
"isnt it great?" "this is a disaster!" they both exclaimed in unison.
"how is that bad?" "how is this good?!"
sunoo signaled for y/n to continue first. "i just cant stand riki. jakes been on my ass to talk to riki but i didnt think hed actually talk to him, or that hed even listen either."
"seriously? i always thought you had a thing for him. i mean, you look good together, you both share mainly the same interests, mainly the same circle, not to mention the undeniable love you have when your eyes meet-"
"okay thats enough! you know what, how bout we go outside, im hungry anyway."
sunoo shrugged and went along with y/n down the hall.
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sawturn77 · 9 months
𝑶𝑪𝑬𝑨𝑵 𝑬𝒀𝑬𝑺 (𝒇𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒐 𝒎𝒆𝒈𝒖𝒎𝒊 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)
04: take me out, and take me home.
january 7th, 2018.
my stomach began to swirl. disgust? no. nausea? no. i was nervous to the bone, nearly shaking. today was the day i promise nobara and yuji i’d go to the arcade with them, but i know they’d just drag megumi along to. they’d leave us together, alone, by ourselves, away from them..ugh! what was the point of being nervous?? i’ve got to woman up! what could go wrong? actually, i take that back. sooo many things could go wrong. i jinx myself every time with that. i heard suguru in the kitchen, probably making breakfast. satoru left last night, a little earlier than usual. i reach for my phone, turning it over and reading the time. “ 7:17am” i might as well get up now. after washing my face and brushing my teeth, i put on some clothes and did my hair. i’d be back in time to change my outfit and re-do my hair.
i make my way downstairs, the aroma of pancakes filling the air. “morning, sugu.” he turned to smile at me when i greeted him. “good morning, y/n. you got time for breakfast today?” i nod eagerly, watching him place the pancakes on the plate and drizzle syrup on them. he sprinkles sugar on them, adding a side of assorted fruit on the side. (if you don’t like pancakes, just imagine its your fav breakfast food) suguru smiles at me, handing me the plate. i stuff my face, smiling so hard my cheeks start to hurt. “where are you headed? you’re not usually up so early.” i swallow before answering. “just a quick run to the cafe. want me to bring you something back?” “no, its fine. thanks for asking though.” i just nod. im gonna get him something anyway. i finish eating and wash my dish. “oh, i almost forgot. im going to the arcade with nobara and yuji later.” suguru nodded, patting my head. “alright. will you be home before dinner?” i hummed. moments like these made me remember how good of an older brother suguru is. just when my hand reached the front door, i turned around to hug him. “w-woah, are you okay?” i nod. “thank you, sugu.” he chuckles, patting my back. “aww, n/n, you’re such a sap.” “shut up!!”
once i arrived at the cafe, i had to stand in line for a few minutes. i was lucky today, though. normally, the lines are huge, but today, i was only 12th in line.
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before i could make a snarky comment, i noticed someone get in front of me. it was a totally random guy! what the hell? how was i gonna confront him? surely someone entitled enough to jump in front of someone in line would not be easy to deal with. he’d probably cause a scene. y’know what, whatever. i’ll just keep my mouth shut. im not in a rush-
“hey, she was next in line.”
all the blood in my body rushes to my face, was that..? the guy in front of me turns around, the same entitled smirk i thought he’d have on his face. but, that wasn’t the point. i turn my head stiffly to look over my shoulder. there he was. megumi fushiguro himself. white button up shirt, rolled up sleeves-he dresses like satoru? “what are you gonna do about it? tell your girlfriend to wait in line like everyone else.” megumi’s face remains indifferent, and his tone only get harsher. “you should do the same. scram, you idiot.” straight out of a shoujo manga, i thought. caught in my own thoughts, i almost miss the part where megumi pulls out a familiar card, a black one with silver lining, the initials “S.G” were engraved on it. satoru’s card? the guy’s eyes go wide with regret, like a deer in headlights. “im deeply sorry!” he yelps before scurrying to the back of the line. i stood there for a few seconds. turning to megumi, i spoke. “m-megumi! you really didn’t have to!” he just shrugs, putting the card away. “it was the right thing to do.” i smile. “i appreciate it. can i buy you a drink?” he shakes his head at my offer. “its fine, really.” such a gentleman. “well, surely you’ll let me repay you in some way?” “you can let me pay for your stuff.” i froze for a moment. he..he wants to pay for me? “n-no..i cant ask you to do that..”
in the end, he ended up convincing me to let him pay. even though im sure he was using one of satoru’s many cards, the gesture was nice. my face felt hot the entire time. “uhm, thank you again, megumi. i really appreciate it.” he nods. “its nothing.” god, he was humble too? how perfect could he possibly be? im was somewhat surprised that someone who grew up with satoru could be at least half decent. but then again, its megumi im talking about. he was always this way, maybe a bit more sour as a kid though. i glanced over at him. i found out that he drinks black coffee straight. im not shocked at that.
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he gave me his number!! my hearts pumping fast! maybe i am oblivious. surely someone like megumi wouldn’t just give anyone his number. or maybe nobara’s delusions are rubbing off on me. he offered to walk me home, but even if i wanted to take his offer, he’d already done a lot for me. im not gonna ask him to do more.
by the time i got back, it was 9:15. suguru was doing laundry. “sugu, im home.” i announced, leaving my shoes at the front door. i placed his drink and the croissant i bought him on the counter. he peaked his head out from around the corner. “y/n, i told you that you didnt have to get me anything. he smiles, patting my head. “well, too bad. you shouldve known i was gonna get you something anyway.” i shrug and he just chuckles. “youre too much. thanks.” he pats my head, going back to finish doing laundry. i make my way upstairs, plopping on my bed and remembering what happened at the cafe. he can’t possibly like me like that. megumi would probably like a quiet and reserved girl. i mean, i can be like that, but is that who i really am? and why do i feel the need to be someone worthy of his romantic interest? weird. my phone dings.
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an: srry its saturday and i said u was gonna post on friday😞anyways i was thinking if starting a gojo x reader series but idk i might do it after i finish this series.
TAGLIST: @kasumitenbaz @morgyyyyyyy @fillmeup6969 @maya-maya-56 @sad-darksoul (OPEN)
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whiterosechrista · 5 months
Vent time!
Hey all.
So, I know I said in my first post that I’m not comfortable with heavy/political topics, but I really need to vent.
I sent a friend the link to the YouTube video for that Palestine bundle. She wasn’t the only one I sent it to, but she was the first to respond;
“Sorry, I stand with Israel but seems like a good deal otherwise.”
So of course I was like “with all due respect, why are you supporting GENODICE?” and she said it was because she;
“[stood] with anyone whose agenda was eradicating terrorism.”
Me, not knowing the full details of the Palestine situation, but knowing enough to know that didn’t sound right, said;
“So innocent Palestinians are terrorists then? People who’ve lost their homes, their family, their lives? For no reason other than Israel not liking them?”
“No the terrorist group Hamas.”
Before I could think of an adequate comeback, she continued;
“Who pillaged, massacred, raped, and reaked havoc onto Israeli citizens on october 7th with full intentions to cause harm and destruction to the Jewish race.”
Me, having not heard about that, was startled long enough for her to send one last message;
“And my heart goes out to all citizens of any country who gets caught in acts of war, but they were warned beforehand when Israel bombed those places. Who even does that in a war?? A country and government who actually cares about its citizens and their enemy’s citizens. They only bombed those places to reach the underground bunkers and tunnels that Hamas was and still is using to hold weapons of mass destruction which would be used on thousands of Israeli citizens with the sole goal to kill Jews.”
Yeah. She justified a bombing.
It took me a while to come up with a decent response to that, and I’m not even sure it’s the most appropriate one, but my feelings were scrambled and I wasn’t quite sure how to convince my friend (who’s only 16 by the way) that terrorism doesn’t justify bombing a place with innocent people, but I tried;
“I’m not defending Hamas at all, they can go to whatever hell they believe in. What I’m saying is that they’re not the only ones doing that. There’s many sides to every war, and if Israel had never started bulldozing, massacring, and invading Palestine, the chances are so much lower that Hamas would’ve ever done those things. I’m not gonna force you to believe me. I’m just gonna end with: the bundle is supporting the CHILDREN of Palestine. Not Hamas. Nowhere near Hamas. It’s supporting the children who never should have to go through the things they did, who are hurting and starving because some adults believe it’s okay to go to war.”
She hasn’t replied. Her notifications are silenced. I don’t know what to do.
Her family is pretty heavily Jewish, the kind that teaches their kids Israel’s in the right (at least on her dad’s side, and that’s who she stays with mostly, which is a problem ‘cause he’s not a good dude and shouldn’t have custody of her, but her mom has mental/neurological issues, so he used that in court (I think, I was only 11 at the time)), and I’m now worried that she’s going to get dragged into things that’ll seriously hurt her.
Mom warned me against having this debate with her again until she’s older and more independent, since living with her dad’s made her sheltered + naive and she’s not old enough to deal with the idea that her family’s been telling lies her whole life.
She’s right, of course, but I’m just so worried now. I don’t want my awesome friend to be brainwashed by this bullshit propaganda. I don’t want her to stop talking to me because she thinks I’m supporting terrorism or something. I want her to form her own opinions and live her youth freely without her closest family shoving lies down her throat.
She and her mom stayed with my family when the whole custody battle happened, and our moms have been friends since, which is how I got back in touch with her a year or two ago. As such, I feel almost a sisterly responsibility as the older one to make sure she’s doing okay/staying safe/etc.
Why is life like this?
Why do people support genocide and try to get their kids supporting it too?
What do they think that results in? Aside from a whole generation of kids who’ll grow up and realize their parents were liars, not to be trusted?
I don’t get it. I don’t want to get it. I just want all my friends to be safe and happy. Is that too much to ask?
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kiitruss · 1 year
hi my name is kit, ive been hyperfixated on detco for almost 3 years now and im here to make an insanely long intro post because i wanna post stuff and the other detco artists here are so cool and i dont see them on any other platform (for the most part)
Detective conan fans/the people ive adopted as my mutuals even tho theyre not ! (i follow them, they dont follow back, but i interact with the detco content they post so much that i might as well be that one guy in the corner watching the rest of the mutuals talk) HELLO- some of you have probs seen me in ur rbs/tags (depending on who sees this) , and i dont really ever post my Own things, but i do draw ! a lot ! ive done a lot of things and i want more fans to see bc everyone here is so cool 😭 this isnt an interest post more just a "hey whos out there thatll see what i post" kinda deal- ill attach some art under the cut but pretty much what im trying to say is,, (literally choose whatever speaks to ur heart)
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these vary in recent-ness,, im in school and im left with very little time to draw, so some of these are from a month or two ago ;; but i only picked what i think still looks good ^^ some are quick doodles, others are unfinished, or even just drawings to test techniques (like the colored shinichi one)- and the second drawing isnt even detco LMAO
the 3rd and 7th doodles are from my project sekai au, thats an explanation for a different post,, and the last 2 are APTX!Heiji doodles !! the last ones part of a mini comic i made a bit back about him first waking up shrunk, which i can make a post with the whole thing later (maybe- it looks a little wonky)
but thats all for now ^^ sorry long first art post but i wanted to let this be sort of also me introducing my art and myself a bit,, and part of me is that i talk way to fuckin much LMFAO- detco is such a huge hyperfixation, and its so important to me and i just adore it so much- so i ramble and ramble and ramble on and on about it
im really excited to maybe meet some people and yeah ! happy scrolling ^^💚
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accirax · 2 months
combining some of @sapphireroses282's asks into one post! (what they said is indented)
2nd greet from the same person but I guess with a slightly more positive ending/reply. (Almost feels like a take two haha. 😅) Also, oooh~ I wonder what they said to him at the end to get that response~? 😏😉
Alec, with Derek threatening him at gunpoint behind the camera: haha yeah i guess my life isn't totally over asker hahahaha
given that it's for the same person and Alec somewhat retcons what he said, i do wonder if it was genuinely a re-do of a greeting that someone wasn't happy with. either way, i wonder what happened for Alec to go from 7th most favorite to most favorite in the interrim.
makes sense that he used to be a librarian, though, given his title of The Librarian. that also means he was probably making a slightly above average salary for the UK, given some baseline research. though, if he's competing to be Riya's sugar daddy, he's still losing to Connor. (/j)
My two favourite Aiden greetings~ ^^ Viester's singing voice is ❤Godly❤ and Aiden was super cute in the 2nd one~! 😊
the Aiden singing greetings make me conceptually happy because i feel like Viester enjoys the chance to learn and perform new songs for everybody. you can hear the happiness in his voice... or he's just flexing his acting skills as well, lol.
and that staring contest cracked me up. i guess the asker really did only ask about Aiden's favorite color? funny, given how everyone else seems to be asking for like three answers minimum plus a song. speaking of alternate universes, though, Aiden has the same rationale behind his favorite color as an alternate universe version of Winnie the Pooh. not the canonical one, though.
That lucky little... H-huh!? 😳 Jealous?? Who's jealous? Not me-! Who- Who said I was jealous!?!? Ok jokes aside, I'm kinda confused on why his fav dish is grilled asparagus now when he said it was spaghetti bolognese or smth in another greeting... Ah well, whatever.
i wonder how Alec's ex-wife would react to knowing that so many people are trying to rizz this dude up in her absence. then again, he's popular on the "we love pathetic men" website, so if she's not into failwives, maybe she just thinks everyone's insane.
as for the food thing, i'm guessing they might not have wanted to double up on the exact same content in greetings? like, especially if they were sent in at around the same time, i could see them not wanting the second person to feel like they were ripped off for getting the exact same info that someone else already happened to ask a little bit earlier. perhaps Alec's favorite meal is spaghetti bolognese with a side of grilled asparagus.
Yep. This is it. This is the best one. No question. It's stuff like this that truly makes me thankful for the DC fandom! 😭❤ Why did that last meow sound so suave/flirty too?!?! 😂🙈 (I'd be surprised if Raitix didn't have to do multiple takes of this because he kept bursting out laughing during it. Sounded like he was close to it tho) I'd say it was definitely worth the $80~! 😁
y'know, if they were going to go this far, they should've added cat ears as a costume as well. (/j)
Oh hey, I've just seen some art you've done for DC and stuff, do you take (free) requests?
i've been looking at setting up a ko-fi recently, so hopefully i'll have an option for paid commissions open soon!
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certified-pinkwasher · 9 months
hey real question to pro pals. what do you actually want israelis to do? i, for one, cannot move to another country. i have lived in israel my whole life and im autistic. moving would be incredibly destabilizing. on top of that im physically disabled and have to do a lot of medical shit. the only other country i have a passport for is the us. i wouldnt have the money to keep myself alive there.
i am fairly certain most israelis do not have dual citizensips, and therefore are even less able to just leave, let alone more severe physical and mental disability, illness, or financial constraints. israel is one of the most densely populated countries in the middle east.
the population includes literally half of all the remaining jews in the world, along with many arabs. we have very few actually white people living here, whatever you want to convince yourself.
what seems to be the goal of pro pals is to completely wipe israel off the map. if that was to actually happen all of the israelis would either be exiled or wiped out (hey those are 2 of your favorite words, ethnic cleansing and genocide) and to think otherwise would make you either completely naive or willfully ignorant.
it is a real struggle to try and see the rational side in a group of people who have never once found an alternative to me and basically everyone i know being brutally slaughtered at the hands of some of the most sadistic terrorists to ever live (and no im not saying all palestinians are terrorists, but the peaceful ones still dont do anything to stop the terrorists, so therefore dont really change anything).
yall love to say how obsessed we are with october 7th. yeah im fucking obsessed. its terrifying to know that there are people who would want to do that to anyone, and its impossible to get out of your head when they want to do it to you. on one hand i hope you never have to experience this kind of fear, on the other i hope someday you will understand just how safe you have to be to hold these opinions about terrorism.
anon asks are open if you want to actually answer cuz i doubt any of you would publicly say anything that isnt "all israelis should move back to where they came from and october 7th didnt happen/wasnt that bad/you deserved it"
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coastober · 1 month
Hi! Welcome to the Coastober Tumblr Blog!
You might be wondering what Coastober even is, having stumbled upon this by either some fluke or by someone you know taking part. Either way, Coastober is a design challenge created by @rose-grimm-spirit-does-dumb-shit that runs throughout October where you make a design a day based on a ride or attraction designated for that day. So for an example from last year, the 7th of October was designated for The Dragon at Legoland Windsor.
Anyone can take part, however I thought it'd be good to answer any potential questions you may have as well as a general rundown for those who haven't really taken part in stuff like this before!
Are you affiliated with/copying CoasterMaynia?
First things first, nope to both. If we ever end up teaming up for whatever reason then this may change but for now they don't know Coastober exists, I also made Coastober before I had any idea that CoasterMaynia existed as I started this back before I was properly in the Tumblr Thoosie circles!
Does Coastober ONLY focus on coasters?
Nope! We actually focus on a healthy mix of coasters, flat rides, and scare attractions! This is another thing that sets us apart from CoasterMaynia.
When does the official lineup for the year come out?
It'll likely come out in September, this is because the "Official" Coastober prompt list is based off my own lineup and since I'm an avid Fright Nights fan I always wait till we have our official event lineup released so I can throw in our newest addition.
Do I have to follow the official prompt lineup to take part?
Nah, if you want you can create your own list for that year and it'll still count! Besides, I can't guarantee that you'll always like the look of my picks and since I like to throw in scare-attractions too there's some that might make you a lil' uncomfy to look into.
The official list I'd say should be taken more as like a guideline or "Hey here's something you can follow if you wanna challenge yourself or can't think of one", it's not absolute sacriledge if you don't use it y'know.
What should I do with my designs during/after Coastober?
Whatever you want! I personally put 'em up for ota and watch people snap 'em up but what you do with them is entirely your call, you could even end up trading coastobers with other participants if you find you've both got designs the other really likes!
What if I'm busy or life happens so I can't finish on time?
Easy, just don't sweat it and take your time. The aim of Coastober isn't to whack out designs one after the other but to learn more about the themed-ents world, push your art and designing skills and have fun. If you have to take a break, miss a day, or even fail to finish within the month then that's okay, feel free to finish everything at a time when you're more capable and available.
After all, october is quite the busy month for thoosies after all and looking after yourself is priotity!
How To Coastober
Pick your lineup. You can either go the official lineup or make your own, both work. Though if you're a little stuck, here's a nifty comparison of the two.
Tumblr media
2. Get prepped! While this step isn't exactly nesecary, it certainly does not hurt to do a bit of pre-Coastober research and idea rotating in the run-up. It helps the process flow easier when you're actually doing it!
3. Get going! The time has come, October is here! So grab your pens and snatch your pencils and get designing, remember to both credit myself {Spirit} for the concept of Coastober and tag your designs with #coastober on tumblr so this account can find and reblog them!
Other Useful Info
Account Mods This account is currently ran by: - @rose-grimm-spirit-does-dumb-shit {The Creator of Coastober} - @cherrykitkat
Prompts Lists, both past and present - 2024 OFFICIAL LIST {Will be added when made}
Fun Facts Coastober's been going on since 2021, this year however {2024} is the first year I'm actually making a proper effort to make it more accessible to others! That's why the prompts list will only go up to 2024!
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gaysheep · 1 year
now my experiences might not be universal but as far as im concerned you asked far fewer questions about video games when you were a kid. the first time you encountered waluigi in mario tennis or mario party or whatever other mario spinoff you encountered him in for the first time because they only put him in spinoffs you didnt say "who's this goofster stomping around like he's a member of the crew?" you said oh ok that's waluigi i guess.
super smash bros melee the crossover fighting game starring all your favorite nintendo characters (well pikachu was second party but thats pikachu everyone knows who pikachu is) had a whole three characters who nobody in north america knew who the fuck they were, two of which were from games that weren't localized at all and one of which was from a game that was enough of a commercial failure in the united states hardly anyone remembered it a little under a decade later. now to be fair ness was in the one on the n64 also but its not like he'd gotten another game. "oh earthbound's failure was overexaggerated" you say that but my brother lived the super nintendo era and not a single one of his gaggle of friends had even heard of earthbound it was not on anyone's radar come on. but no one said "hey these aren't iconic nintendo characters" we all went "well i guess they can be here too" and now we say "you cant main a smash character if you havent played their game" like we werent saying "thats marth i dont know who the fuck he is but hes like a brother to me" in 2001
youd just go into the store and look at a game's boxart and decide you wanted that one and yknow what it usually worked out for you. i did this longer than you'd expect too i was in 7th or 8th grade and thought to myself "yknow i havent really played any console rpgs lately" so i looked up "rpgs for the wii" and i saw a gamefaqs rec thread or some shit where a guy went "well xenoblade is coming out." and i looked up xenoblade and found virtually no information about it other than that it was coming out and thought to myself "yeah xenoblade... that looks like an rpg i could get into." and you know what i did? i preordered it this may very well have been the first game i ever preordered i thought "well they were talking about it on gamefaqs so it must be a big deal i wanna make sure i can play it day 1" but i didnt need to reserve a copy of fucking xenoblade chronicles the store probably could have given me every copy in stock for no profit loss when i walked in there with my gir t shirt and my little receipt because i was one of all three and a half people in north america who played this game counting the gamefaqs guy. and xenoblade chronicles knocked me flat on my ass it was one of the best games i'd ever experienced i'd played plenty of story heavy rpgs before but this one hooked me in a way none of them ever had.
fast forward around 4 years the 4th smash game comes out but this one was different. this was when we really started to go in on the crossover fighters, character slots were now real estate that potential entrants had to earn the right to occupy as if one game ago they didnt make a failed NES peripheral a playable fighter and give it an emotional subplot in subspace emissary. no longer was it "cool i guess this guy is here" it had become "who the hell is this and what do they think they're doing in smash bros?"
and thus came that fateful night when amidst crazy new character reveals like the fucking wii fit trainer they unveil a cinematic trailer and announce that shulk from xenoblade chronicles was joining the fight. to which the unilateral reaction was "who the fuck is shulk why was this trailer framed like we already have a rapport with shulk i dont know this man why does he say stuff like 'im really feeling it?'"
but i knew who shulk was.
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thx-sunsxts-addrxss · 11 months
Another rant (important, something related to my books, please read)
hey guys. I am so sorry, but I don’t think I’ll be updating for a while. It’s irresponsible of me and I’m really ashamed, considering I didn’t on the 11th and 12th too, I used Diwali as an excuse but I’ll be honest; the next few chapters of TLEOT and 100% are kinda shit. I know I can do better. I know if I rewrite the chapter and edit that, it’ll be much better. I have trust in those abilities.
Here’s the thing.
As most of you know, I’m in 9th grade. And 9th grade sucks ass. They’re constantly threatening you when you even sort of slip up in tests; “You can’t do that next year or you’re going to fail boards!”
You thought 7th grade was hard? You thought 8th grade was hard? If you survive 9th grade and 10th grade, make sure you live to tell the new batch of 8th grade the story.
in 9th grade, you either survive or die. There is no in between. They really put that pressure on you.
I had a test recently. 47/50. Ha, that’s good right? Wrong I guess. My teacher gave me a whole ass lecture in front of the class. “Silly mistakes” this and “rechecking the paper” that. You really think I can’t do that? You really think I don’t do that? I’m in 9th grade for fucks sake! Of course I do that! Just because by chance I missed that mark, stop lecturing me in front of the class!
I’m literally so tired of how things have been recently. I spend most my time in the two places that make me feel like shit. I’m so scared to go to school and if anything, I only go to school so no one worries about me. I know that Jeremy, our group and lemon dude would be really worried if I told them all this. That’s why I’m not going to. They’ve been put under pressure too. I’d just add to their problems.
I remember a story my teacher told me. What does tea leaves, eggs and carrots do in boiled water? Tea leaves create beautiful tea, eggs turn harder and carrots turn softer. The boiled water is supposed to denote the tough situations we all have.
In this case, I’m none. I’m chilli powder. I’m already crumbling, and when put in boiled water, I’m basically dissolved.
I know. This sucks. Loife’s being her dramatic self, not giving updates because what? Pressure. I bet some people wouldn’t even believe this story. And you know what? Whatever. I’m sick and tired of being criticised for being human and it’s like I’m being expected to be perfect and in which case? IM SORRY. IM SORRY IM NOT. YOU GOT TO SUCK IT UP CUZ THIS IS HOW I AM AND I CANT BE YOUR VISION OF PERFECT. OH WELL.
anyway. I’m really sorry to those who care. To those who really care, to those who read till the end, thank you so so much. I know I’ve been ranting a lot lately, and you must be tired of seeing these long ass posts. Maybe you were expecting updates on lemon dude, or maybe updates on my books. I’m sorry to disappoint you with this news.
thank you all so much.
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the-stonekeeper · 7 months
Introduction Post
...Well. Now that I've managed to convince Ikol not to kill this kid, I guess I better figure out what this little device that he stole somehow and whatever Rotomblr is. I'm still convinced this is some sort of game to test me, and if so, I am not amused.
But I might as well seek out whatever help I can get. My name is Emily Hayes, she/her, 15 years old, and I am a stonekeeper from Earth. I really wouldn't be surprised if this isn't Alledia or the Void anymore. Where are we?
I best introduce myself as well, I think. I believe this will be fun, you know?
Oh, don't give me that look, Emily. My name is Ikol, and I am the Voice of the amulet stones, and the servant of my masters. Normally, my form only takes comprehensible shape in the Void, but seeing as we are not in the Void right now...
Don't you dare, Ikol.
I have no interest in wreaking havoc just yet. Also, do not attempt to assign a gender to me. My pronouns may be he/him, but my gender is far beyond the likes of human understanding.
diversity win-
yall have rotomblr? hihi! name's Brendan! dont suppose Ikol is a regular old pokemon then, huh.
I am beyond the bindings of mere mortal creatures, thank you very much.
oh hey i'll make team lists!
Emily (she/her)
Phoenix (Torchic, F)
Ikol (he/him)
None :(
Brendan :)
Liz (Treecko, F)
[OOC info under cut!]
wsg it's @static-and-umbreon at it again with an impulsively made blog for a relatively obscure fandom lmao-- that fandom is Amulet because i just finished all the books again for the 7th or so time and also just finished Waverider for the first time! disclaimer that i'm actually going to be disregarding some of those canon parts in favor of my headcanons because! while i thoroughly enjoyed the book! some of the parts just kinda Don't Make Sense :P
yall will know which book Emily's coming from soon enough :>
also Ikol is so fucked up i can fix him anYWAY- actually fair warning: Ikol is kind of a bitch and a troll who likes to toy with and manipulate people. if those vibes aren't right for you, then i don't suggest interacting too much, especially not directly with him
no nsfw, no magic anons, Pelipper mail and malice are on but preferably keep malice, especially nightmares, rather light right now, and i believe that is all for now!
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