#not to blame the consumer but u know what i mean
pinkfey · 2 years
i think the reason why people feel like marvel is in its flop era is NOT because of the diversity but because there’s no overarching plot binding all their stories together atm
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csuitebitches · 1 year
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Book Review: Book 1: Stop People Pleasing (a 9-part series by Patrick King, “Be Confident and Fearless.”)
I’m reading a 9-part series by Patrick King, “Be Confident and Fearless.” His books talk about becoming assertive, saying no, not people pleasing anymore and being confident. Generally, such books are quite generic but I found his take on the subject interesting. His techniques to handle certain situations seem to be quite doable too. His techniques have been highlighted in bold.
Book One: “Stop People Pleasing”
A people-pleaser is worried about rejection. They have a need, as we all do, to be accepted and treasured—to be loved. But in people-pleasers, this need is amplified to the extent that they will bend over backward just to not lose that love or acceptance. This is more invalidating than giving an honest opinion.
In reality, people-pleasers continued promises and inaction just tick their friends off, as it becomes apparent that they are willing to be dishonest and only say what people want to hear.
They’re not really doing what they do to improve someone else’s life—they just want to feel more positive about themselves.
Living under the limitations of our own viewpoint, we tend to think everyone in our circle is looking at and judging how we look and behave. At most, maybe a couple of people are paying attention to most of your moves, and they’re likely people you’re already close to who are supposed to know you better than anyone else.
When you’re so consumed with the perceived needs of others, you’re not paying yourself any attention. You could be overlooking or ignoring things you need to do to take care of yourself.
Avoiding confrontation for fear that it might only make things worse ironically results in the very outcomes it’s meant to deflect. The absence of confrontations doesn’t mean your relationship is all healthy, and the presence of confrontations doesn’t mean your relationship has gone to the dogs.
The BLUE model is a specific CBT strategy developed by PracticeWise to help counter negative thinking. BLUE is an acronym that stands for the kind of extremely negative thoughts you should recognize in yourself when they do pop into your head. “B” stands for blaming myself, “L” is looking for bad news, “U” means unhappy guessing, and “E” represents exaggeratedly negative thoughts.
What many people-pleasers fail to see is that sacrificing so much of themselves in pursuit of serving everyone else around them is sabotaging their very capacity to continue being there for others when it truly matters.
Rejecting an invite is not the same as rejecting your friend and that prioritizing your own peace of mind by just settling into a restful weekend is totally okay.
Ask yourself, “What are the things I do to be happy?” or “What are the core beliefs I have about my worth as a person?”
Exposure therapy is the process of deliberately placing yourself in situations that cause you fear and anxiety. You’ll need to immerse yourself in your feared situations in a gradual and progressive manner, starting from situations that cause the least anxiety and later advancing to those that cause the most intense feelings of fear.
Creating your fear hierarchy. The fear hierarchy is an ordered list of situations that elicit your fears and anxieties.
The first habit we must develop is the habit of self-awareness. We don’t understand why we people-please, and we’re not aware when we’re doing it.
This begins with questioning the motives for your actions: “Why exactly am I going out of my way for this person?” “Do I genuinely care for them, or am I just afraid of what might happen without them?” “Would I be doing this out of free will, or am I doing it for someone else?”
Take note of the moment you’re starting to feel internal resistance. When that happens, stop everything and question why you’re doing it.
The second habit to cultivate is the habit of personal autonomy. An autonomous person knows what they truly believe and why they believe it. But the differences that you’ve valued your own opinion over that of others. Or you’ve at least valued it equally and not by habit put your own opinion as inferior to that of others.
That’s why it’s important to get into the habit of expressing yourself honestly. The more you communicate where you stand, the more people will know where you’re coming from (and what your limits are). After all, people can’t read minds, and to expect others to know what you want is an impossible task.
Remain strong under pressure. When you stop people-pleasing, you will face some angry reactions. It’s not necessarily their fault because you have conditioned their expectations. But this is where you must not fold under pressure, like you previously would have. It only takes five seconds of extreme willpower, and it gets easier every time thereafter.
How to set boundaries:
1. Determine your core values
2. Change yourself and only yourself. You dont control other people
3. Set consequences of someone else breaking your boundaries. Write down the boundaries you have, the actions others might take that trespass those boundaries, and exactly what you will do when they’ve violated your boundaries.
4. Communicate your boundaries to others in very exact terms. Make sure everybody’s very, very clear on what your limits are.
If you tell yourself “I can’t,” you’re simply reminding yourself of the limitations you’ve set for yourself. You’re creating a feedback loop in your brain that tells you that you can’t do something that you would normally want to do.
When you tell yourself “I don’t,” you’re creating a feedback loop that reminds you of your power and control of the situation. You’ve given yourself a line in the sand that takes the situation out of your hands. Your choice was premade to say no and thus you can stick to it more easily.
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kazbiter · 4 months
years on the internet had me believing supernatural was a silly haha joke show I blame u all for what I just went through in that season one finale HELLO WHAT?????? being shown the whole season what sam means to dean (everything, literally every single thing) in such an all consuming way that you never think to question what dean means to sam and then right at the last minute they say oh we're going to show you!!!! and boom scene where sam has to choose, he can only listen to dean or listen to "john", not both, and he picks his brother and stands behind him at his shoulder. boom scene where sam gets the chance to kill the demon, the one thing he wants above all else, if only he will shoot his father. and you know that he could and would do it, that it's a sacrifice he would be willing to make and he knows that john would be willing to make, because he just spent the whole episode arguing to dean exactly that, that the death of the demon is worth any sacrifice, even his own life or his fathers. but then he hesitates and you think maybe he can't now that push is coming to shove??? and then again he must choose as his father demands he takes the shot and dean BEGS him not to kill their father (insane watch of a scene btw insane insane insane) AND THEN..... AND THIS IS THE PART THAT REALLY DID ME IN.... BOOM scene where john reminds us that no actually had it been up to just sam he absolutely WOULD have been able to pull the trigger because he thinks just like john, that killing the demon is the most important thing. AND THEN WE FLASHCUT TO DEAN!!!! IN THE REARVIEW!!!!!! WHERE SAM LOOKS AT HIM AND SAYS NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING!!!! IMPLYING THAT THE ONLY REASON HE DIDN'T WASTE THE DEMON ISN'T AT ALL BECAUSE HE COULDNT KILL HIS DAD BUT BECAUSE HE COULDNT HURT DEAN IN THAT WAY. DO U HEAR WHAT IM SAYING HE COULD HAVE KILLED!!!!!! HIS FATHER!!!! BUT HE COULDN'T TAKE SAID FATHER FROM HIS BROTHER!!!! HIS DESIRE FOR VENGEANCE DOES NOT KNOW A SINGLE LIMIT OTHER THAN THE SAKE OF HIS BROTHER LIKEEEEEE????? TF DID YALL MEAN THE HAHA FUNNY SHOW THERE IS NOTHING HAHA FUNNY ABT THIS
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hobie-enthusiast · 11 months
this post is more serious than my others and talks about the current strike, as well as why people should stop complaining about BTSV most likely being delayed (+ help links for the strikes at the end)
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lets start with the first and obvious point on why you should stop complaining;
what does this mean? it means that actors and writers apart of their respective unions (WGA - SAG-AFTRA) are halting all production and promotions of their movies to strike for fair living wages. they have been underpaid for far too long, and deserve to make a livable wage.
why is this important? because they are not being paid the fair wages that they deserve. a TON of company CEOS are making 400 TIMES what their lowest paid worker makes. That isn’t acceptable and this strike is exactly what hollywood needs. its a wakeup call. capitalism greed has ruined hollywood.
the amount of times ive seen “oh no (insert movie) is getting delayed why did they have to go on strike :(“ is fucking ridiculous. you should instead point your blame and anger towards these major production companies who are screwing over their workers.
another point;
both ITSV and ATSV were very thought out movies. they took years of production and and animation work, as well as research and tests to try and perfect the movie. and they did! both movies are easily the top animated movies of our time. so, to get the same product for BTSV, they need time.
if they speed production after the strike to get this movie done, it’s going to suck. im sorry but its true. true art and craft takes time and energy. it takes effort and thought from the entire crew. it takes a whole team to bring it together. rushing to make the deadline would not work in anyone’s favour.
my next point;
it has been said by va’s and animators that no work for the next movie besides whatever they explored before it was split is done. absolutely nothing. sure, they have a plot idea. they absolutely have an ending in mind, a plot too. thats why it was split.
but like previously stated, animation work takes time. its such an incredible art and process that is time consuming. putting pressure on anyone to finish it will only result in a poor movie.
i love both movies, so incredibly much, and i truly cannot wait for BTSV. but i would rather wait the same 5 years between the first two between these ones if it means we get something even better than ATSV.
i stand with the writers and actors. im willing to wait for the next movie. im willing to support the movies and production team for their hard work when they take their time and push the release date back.
and you should too.
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below are links to support the strikes and those who are not being paid fairly. please take time to sign and donate if u can. it’s important.
— https://secure2.convio.net/afa/site/Donation2?df_id=8117&8117.donation=form1&mfc_pref=T - donation fund for actors currently on strike
— https://entertainmentcommunity.org/how-get-help-and-give-help-during-work-stoppage - information on how to help and support SAG - AFTRA
— https://www.sagaftrastrike.org/stand-with-us - pledge your support for SAG - AFTRA
— https://www.wgacontract2023.org/take-action/stand-with-writers - pledge your support with WGA
— https://www.wgacontract2023.org/take-action/social-media-toolkit - strike toolkit on how to help and support WGA
— https://www.sagaftrastrike.org/social-toolkit - strike toolkit on how to help and support SAG - AFTRA
— https://www.wga.org/members/finances/good-welfare-emergency-assistance-loans - emergency fund for WGA writers
any support and boost on this post is always appreciated. make sure people know how to help.
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phosphorus-12 · 3 months
Wakfu Incorrect Quotes Pt. 5
Yugo: You know what? Let’s give it a go. What’s the worst that could happen? Adamai: Humiliation, embarrassment, fire, explosions, collisions, tears, nudity and death.
Ruel: Oh god, she texted you ‘hi.’’ punctuation only means one thing, Dally. She's mad at you. Dally: No, it's Eva! She's just being grammatically correct! meanwhile Eva: And then I used a period so he'd know that I'm mad at him. Yugo: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'. Eva: I stand by my choice.
Chibi: Pardon me, but it sounds like you’re questioning my authority! Quilby: Not at all, Chibi. Merely your primitive methods.
Qilby: If we were in prison you guys would be like my bitches.
Nora: To everyone who has treated me poorly; I am sexier than you.
Adamai: To everyone who has treated me poorly; I am sexier than you.
Adamai: Alright Chibi, Grougal. Let's go over this one more time. Adamai: If something breaks? Chibi: We try to fix it before Yugo gets home. Adamai: If it doesn't work? Grougal: We blame you. Adamai: Wait guys, what the hell?!
Qilby: I know we’re not exactly friends, but- Eva: What do you want? Qilby: I've been stuck with Yugo for 2 weeks and they've been drinking all the soy sauce. Qilby: Help.
^ R E C O M P E N S E F O R Y O U R S I N S
Eva: Breaking News, Dally has disappointed us.
Yugo: N… No! Qilby: A fair rebuttal. However, consider this counterpoint: Y… Yes???
Amalia: is hugging Yugo Ruel: Hey! It's my turn to hug Yugo! Ruel: grabs Yugo Eva: kicking down the door What do you mean, "yOuR tUrN"? We agreed now is my time slot! Dally: No, It's my turn! Yugo: suffocating Guys, I love you, but just because I'm the smallest doesn't mean you can be hugging me constantly! Eva: But we need the moral support! Dally: And you're small! Which is cute! Amalia: If I don't hug you right now I think the depression will kick in and my body will stop functioning. Yugo: close to tears Well- I, I guess.
Yugo: Wow, this sucks. I’m gonna kill *remembers that suicide jokes only worsen your mental health and that the first step to healing is stopping* you?
Eva: Do you see yourself as a glass half-full or glass half-empty kind of person? Yugo: Half-full, definitely. Yugo: Half-full and constantly rising. Yugo: Soon the water will escape its container and consume us all.
Yugo: Please, Qilby, after everything we’ve been through together. You can’t do this. Yugo: I’m sorry Qilby. Yugo: I’m begging you. Don’t do it. Qilby: It has to be done. Yugo: Qilby: Yugo: Qilby: Places +4 Uno.
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hanasnx · 2 years
Jealous ani has me going feRAL + thinking about if the roles were uni reversed lolz
Like at first he’d be confused as to why you wouldn’t reciprocate his affection after that one event and you’d make a grumpy comment about that one girl that made it very clear, how attractive she found him. He wouldn’t even really have registered her as you’d be the one and only he’d ever think of in that way (we love a loyal man). However all of a sudden it would click and ani would be like ‘oh!’ … ‘oh??’ and would let out a surprised laugh followed by a self satisfied/cocky grin. “How silly of you to even think that way” he’d say with a slightly condescending (but in a smexy way) tone. He’d tower over you and let his cold mechanic hand graze slightly over your lips and then put his thumb and index under you chin, guiding your embarrassed gaze to meet his sultry and all consuming one. “Just like you’re mine completely, I am yours, and although I think you’re very hot like this, I better remind you” “Can’t believe you’re enjoying this,” you’d half heartily huff.” “Can you blame me??” For once the roles being reversed. You’d want to utter a response but his lips would be on yours, needy and urgent, making everything else seem irrelevant. You’d tug on his hair, earning a surprised groan, needing him as close as humanly possible and he was more than happy to comply (Pls Bear with me, English is not my first language)
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anon ur so right anakin is a loyal man to a fault. even at the times u didnt expect him to be loyal (like when the two of u were first going out) he would still be completely faithful.
i feel like anakin is demisexual like he can only like and find someone sexually appealing if he knows them. sometimes u forget that fact. that, paired with the way that woman not only shamelessly hit on anakin in front of you but undermined you while she did it. it was so subtle, anakin was clueless to it.
he would revel in this situation. because youre not easily jealous, she just happened to press the right buttons.
and the fact that anakin, as polite as he is in some social situation, played into her little game without realizing it. you were pissed off.
☥ she grabbed hold of his arm when he made her laugh— at a joke that was probably only funny if u wanted to sit on his face— and she was like “oh! general skywalker, you’re so big,” and squeeze “do you work out? what am i saying-? of course you do!” he would politely pull his bicep from her reach, and she wouldn’t notice he was uncomfortable
☥ “oh this war,” she muttered in disdain. turn it around on him, “do you have any time for yourself?”
anakin glanced at you. “oh, you know, we do alright.”
the woman, without looking at you and without missing a beat, “i’d make time for you.”
☥ you were in the middle of a sentence, and she interrupted you, “general skywalker, do you have any stories from your time on the battlefield?” her hand came to trace over the back of his metal hand— but since he doesnt have any fycking feeling in it he doesnt even notice— “i’m just dying to know!” you rolled your eyes
☥ you didn’t mean to get as worked up as you did. truly, you were usually so impartial. but she didn’t even acknowledge you. pretended you werent there. unless it was to make some sort of pass at you. and anakin? he just stood there! let it all happen! like he didnt even know what was going on. how could he not when that woman was being so obvious? (he had no idea)
in an effort to keep the peace, you held your tongue. inhaling through your flared nostrils.
“come now, my love, i’m ready to go home,” anakin stretched in his seat in the cruiser. when he leaned over to steal a kiss from you before he began the trip home, you inclined away. puzzled, he furrowed his eyebrows. “something the matter?”
“no, i’m fine.”
he tilted his head at you. “you can’t lie to me.”
“can we just go home? please? i don’t feel like being touched right now.”
☥ at home, you were silent. throwing off your clothes to change into clean ones. tossing whatever you could. slamming doors as you rushed through things. “you wanna tell me what’s really going on?”
“nothing! i’m fine.”
“you say that, but you’re doing all the things you do when you’re pissed off.”
“fine. fine! i am pissed. wanna tell me what you were doing letting that woman touch you?”
“the drunk one?” he was taken aback. he hadnt registered anything hideously inappropriate. besides his discomfort that he didnt voice in order to not make the woman uncomfortable.
“intoxicated or not, anakin, she was all over you and you were just eating it up!”
☥ that whole thing of “oh!… oh?” is so HIM kdjfkljs. “oh yeah?”
“if i didn’t know any better, princess, i’d say you were a little envious.”
“that’s preposterous.”
that glint in his eyes would be so challenging.
☥ “tell me who i belong to,” he whispered, stars in his eyes as he pleasured you on his fingers. “tell me, my love.”
“me,” you choked out as he curled his digits against that perfect spot inside of you. “you belong to me,”
“that’s right. i’ve given myself to you completely,”
“well then don’t let other women touch you so carelessly.”
he snickered.
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snow-ii · 1 year
feeling like you are about to give up? do this
original draft created on 12.09.2022 posted on 15.03.2023
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are you tired of getting constantly discouraged and 'failing' manifesting? try doing this!
disclaimer alert !! im making this post with hopes to help some who might be out there trying out every technique but still failing to make any visible progress. by no means im trying to push my loa beliefs on anyone nor im trying to overcomplicate loa, or spread limiting beliefs this is simply a lil push to people who are about to give up !
another disclaimer alert !! you dont need any technique to manifest, and there arent any rules in manifesting, manifesting is instantaneous. you creat your own rules.
had to make sure i clarified it properly cause ik some of u like to argue ahha :,)
anyways keeping all those in mind, scroll down
Alright so by now you've probably heard/seen that it definitely takes less than 3 days to manifest something or for a mindset shift from 'in the state of lack' to a 'state of abundance' right?
and if you are still reading you probably has overconsumed information and is constantly trying out new techniques trying all that to get what you want. and u r probably blaming urself and doubting your power whenever a minor inconvenience happen.
let's do some activities for that!! and im 100% sure if you manage to do it properly you'll reach the sabbath/god state in no time.
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there are 4 activities in total let's get into that !
Ⅰ. removing everything from your brain ⅠⅠ. affirming ⅠⅠⅠ. embody your desire state ⅠV. living in the end
Ⅰ. Removing everything from your brain
Now at this point if you feel like your brain is about to blast from all the information you've over-consumed. Let it all out. Forget about all off them. Like fr do it. ok BOOM ! 😵‍💫ooooookay
now read this and read it and re-read the points i'm about to tell you until it gets into your head!
( just so you know this is strictly based off how i view loa and the whole manifesting thing in general so there might be some information that's inaccurate or that might not align with your beliefs but at the end of the day its what works for me so :) )
Law of assumption = whatever you assume true, is true
3D and 4D
3D is the reality where your senses function, litreally everything you see, feel, hear, smell, taste is in the 3d 4D is your imagination, that's where assumptions/ thoughts are created ( by you 🫵 ) your 3D acts as a mirror which is constantly reflecting the persisted assumptions in your 4d. The whole point of loa is not to change your 3d, but to change what goes on in your 4d so that 3d will reflect it.
3. To get what you desire, let go of the old story, change your thoughts to match with the new story
you have acne and you want to get rid of it the more you identify yourself as a person who has acne = the more you get it when you start thinking and identifying yourself as a person who has clear skin, that would be reflected in the 3d
4.You create your own rules
This is very important !! There is no set-in-stone rule for loa, infact there are no rules at all !. However we as individuals can create our own rules to make manifestation easier for us.cause againnnn what u assume is true= is true, so if you assume your rules will help you manifest that would happen. lemme give u an example :p
i will speak about how i view loa. ( feel free to skip this part its not that important ) i believe we shift every second not even second, every millisecond? nah even quicker than that. i believe with every choice i make, multiple realities are created where i selected another choice. i believe everytime i grow the desire for something, everytime i imagine something a reality is created where i have it/ or it happened. i hope you understand what im saying lol :D so what i do is i act as if i already have what i desire which eventually shifts me to a reality where i actually, already have it.
5. Logic doesn't matter
it doesnt matter, at all. you can manifest flying, having wings hell you can even manifest a unicorn. the possibilities are endless. please dont let anyone convince you, you cant manifest a certain thing just because its seemingly 'impossible' or 'illogical'
6. You are not an exception
please please please my love dont you ever think that you are an exception to loa just because u 'failed' to manifest something, or just because u feel like everyone's more successful than you in manifesting. that is litreally not true, you are the operant power in your reality, you are GOD excuse me? how dare you doubt yourself. who else will hold the godly power in your OWN reality other than you? um
to summarize all of it : assumptions create reality, 3d reflects the persisted 4d assumptions and thoughts, to manifest something change your thoughts and start thinking in a way how you would think if you already had that certain desire, keep persisting on that ! make your own rules, there are no logic involved so go crazy with it :)
if you read up to here and realized what you've been doing wrong and is now confident in manifesting congrats !!
but if you still feel like you need a lil push or something to try out to grow more faith, keep reading :)
this is initially a 3-day activity thingy but honestly if you feel like you want more time you can continue each activity for more than a day .
first choose what you want it can be litreally anything.... huge boobies? clear skin? idkkk a mansion?? anything
ⅠⅠ. Affirming
ok so first of all what's affirming? what are affirmations?
basically affirmations are statements, that you can use to remind yourself what you already have
for ex. I have clear skin, I have feline eyes. I love being 5'6 tall. Isn't it wonderful to live in new york? ( these are some random stuff that popped in my head lmaodaj )
now on the first day i want you to affirm no matter the circumstance, keep affirming affirming. see something in your 3d that you didnt want ? affirm. while going to sleep? affirm. while peeing, shitting? yea affirm
ignore the 3d, stop paying attention to it.
the language, your choice of words doesnt matter.you can literally make up a random word like 'loo' and assume affirming that would work, cause rmr you create your own rules ;)
yea keep affirming. at some point you'll feel like no longer affirming cause you've done successfully convincing and reminding yourself of what you already have <3
this is mainly done to saturate your mind and to ensure less wavering will be done.
ⅠⅠⅠ. Embody your desired state
on the second day start embodying the way how you would be when you have your desire, thrive in the feeling of you already having it. practice yourself to feel how natural it is to be in the state where you already has it.
ⅠV. Live in the end / Keep your thoughts in check
( do this while continuing the previous step !)
the last thing you have to do is, for an entire day or two keep every thought/ assumption that you get in check. Sounds impossible but its always good to try isnt it!?.
The moment you get a thought think to yourself. ' would i think this way if i already have what i want?'
like that do it for a period of time and im 100% sure in no time you all the struggling you go through to manifest will disappear.
edit / 3.15.2023
i dont agree with several stuff ive said in this post rn but i still think its a bit helpful, i didnt really go thru it that much so expect lot of typos and grammar errors
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tiredrobin · 4 months
Pkeaaaase tell me about Six!!!
We got both games at a massive discount on December and we've been playing them non stop and I love love LOVE THEM SI MUCC AI COULD BITE SONEONEEHDJDJSJDJJSHD
Six is just !!!!!!! 😭👍💜
hi uve activated my trap card etc. im on mobile so this isn't as extensive or involved as id like to make it but like. she is my girl my light i love her. i care her so much. this will 100% contain ln and ln2 spoilers so if u havent finished ln2 stop reading Right Neow.
the thing about six is that she is (1) nine years old and (2) in a world that Wants To Eat Her. a world that DOES in fact eat her—points at the thin man taking her and the remnant left behind—and a world that, as a result, forces her to eat. to consume. she's starving, possessed with an unnatural hunger that leaves her weak and desperate, and That Isn't Even Her Fucking Fault, and people still rip into her and present her as a villain for the position she's put in.
she's NINE. NINE!!!! what were you like when you were nine? a scared kid. a hungry kid. a mean kid. you were old enough to understand morals and to play into them, old enough to learn what trust and betrayal is, old enough to know what it is to care about someone and maybe old enough to know what it's like to lose someone. old enough to know what it's like to lose something. you weren't perfect or flawless, you were messy and you made awful mistakes and did mean things, all in a world that generally tries to be much, much kinder than the world six was born into.
six lets go of mono because he hid while she was being taken, one can presume. maybe it's actually because he tore her from her dream, her warmth and safety. she had toys and her music box. she was comfortable. her body was twisted and mangled and broken but she was big enough that no monsters could hurt her anymore. she had her music box. are you hearing me? she had her music box. the one piece of comfort she ever had.
and mono broke it.
we know he did it to save her, but we don't know if she wanted to be saved. we don't know if leaving that warm, safe place, where she was big enough to hurt anything and anyone who tried to hurt her, where she had light and toys and music—we don't know if she wanted to leave. we just know that, from the outside, it felt that she had been trapped in a fascimile of safety. we just know that mono wanted his friend back. we just know that six had been taken and that, presumably, she needed to be rescued.
she dropped mono because she was having a good dream and mono tore her from it and it HURT. she screams every time he hits that music box, writhes and wails, and maybe it's grief but even if it is "just" grief, that pain is as visceral and real as any other. he hid, ignored her outstretched hand (not his fault but idc abt that rn this is abt six), and then he hurt her because... he wanted her back? did he even ask if she wanted to come back? if she wanted to go back to being small and weak and scared? i don't know. i think she would have said no, if he had. i think she would have chosen what safety the tower had to offer her. i think she would have remained eaten, cradled in the warm belly of a beast who loves her, than return to a world that wants to eat her in less gentle ways.
she eats the gnome because she's hungry. there's a yawning void in her stomach, an emptiness that haunts her every fucking time she tries to fill it. she's so fucking hungry.
and she's nine.
so. y'know. i care about mono, obviously, but six is torn up by the world she lives in and by the fandom that should, but doesn't, treasure her. she gives so much of herself away trying to help mono and gets eaten for her troubles. i don't blame her, really, for biting back.
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loafbud · 4 months
loafbud etymology
idk if i had said this before a long time ago here yet, but the "loaf" in my name is actually referring to the "lazy, laying around doing nothing; e.g., loafing around" type of loaf, not loaf as in "bread"
some loafbud lore: i actually came up with the name when i was in my junior year in high school. it was for the last name of a fursona i had back then, which was this oc:
(this is my old art from 2015/16)
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this was the time when i started seeing the world thru a more pessimistic lense and instead of countering those negative thoughts with more realistic or optimistic ones, i fed them.
at this age, i was very much someone that'd chant in my head: "long live loners! (← this was literally an oath i swore myself to when i was like,, 17 LOL)! the world is cruel! im a loner because 👿 you made me this way 👿! love isn't real!" and then proceed to fill up my sketchbook with snarling, battle-scared wolves drooling out blood and continue to inwardly blame ppl for my solitude,, even tho I activately chose to isolate myself due to social anxiety & fear of what others thought of me, but my younger self wasn't ready to hear that 😂😂
i say all this because i realized that i created the alias "loafbud" during a more challenging time in my life. "challenging" in the sense that i was always in a constant battle with myself via negative thoughts, when i started choosing to see the world/society in a grim light. i was choosing to let depression define me. I'd still have many positive moments since then, but I'd always allow the dark stuff to consume me from within.
and im here looking back at those days, and how far I've come as a person. even if im not perfect, i grew. i still make mistakes, even the ones that make me go "daaamn loaf, u fucked up big time", but ive allowed myself to learn what ive done wrong, avoid making the same fuckery, and move on! i always used to get so hung up on stuff lol
and after i look back, i come bacm to the present and look at my name: loafbud. i know it's just an alias/online name, but I've always seen myself having a positive future with this alias, even when i was a crabby teenager buried within my own miasma of self-negativity.
it had a meaning then (a meaning i stuck with as a teen), but im in my mid 20s and that meaning has long since no longer resonated with me. and yet i held onto it, desperately. like im this butterfly that's so fucking afraid to leave its cocoon.
i dont want to spend the rest of my life living up to its old meaning: loaf: 'lazy, unproductive'; 'bud: earbuds/buddy'
so starting today, im giving it a new meaning.
IM FLYING OUT OF THIS COCOON GRAAAH‼️‼️‼️‼️ 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
the new meaning behind behind "loafbud":
loaf: basically, when i think about bread, i see it an an analogy for abundance, literally & figuratively
bud: budding; like, imagine a new leaf growing like its just sprouting or smth
(i know aliases, especially online, doesn't always necessarily need to have a hidden or deep meaning behind them. but i always wanted my alias to mean something to me haha)
TL;DR: username lore
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Phic Phight - Sing-U-Lator
For: @thefalsefangirl @higgidigs @briarlovesu @bibliophilea @idiot-cheesehead-archenemy
Song inspiration: Addict - Vivziepop and Alastor’s Reprise - Vivziepop Vlad and Danny have a proper talk but it's not really a talk or proper
Danny roughs up his hair, frustrated, why did Lancer always have give such open-ended ‘up to your imagination’ projects? Sure Danny didn't lack creativity but his creativity wasn’t exactly… normal. Plus, how was he supposed to make a song prompt without ripping off Ember? Sometimes being friends with a singer was a major double edge sword.
He’s half tempted to just call Vlad, dude gave some solid advice… even if it sometimes seemed slightly sketchy. What would he know about this though? Maybe he writes poetry in his rich person free time?
Thumping his head on his desk a couple of times, fuck it. Flipping out his phone and leaning back, “hey yo, Vladdie”.
“Daniel? Is there an issue. I am rather… preoccupied at the moment”.
Danny snorts at that, “I’d say with what but you're still all mysterious half the time. Anyways, my homework isn’t home working. Know anything to do with music?”.
“… I’m beginning to believe that you have a very concerning sense of timing, my boy. I’ve rather recently… acquired a seemingly ectoplasm infused music generating bow tie”.
Danny blinks hard at that, not for the first time since meeting the man, Danny’s had the feeling Vlad had sticky fingers or something. Sure, Danny also stole stuff… and maybe did so more now than he used to -which now that he thinks about it, might be ever so slightly due to some Vlad-related encouragement. But that’s a thought for another day- but Vlad was way more sticky fingered. “Why? Though I guess that could just make my music prompt for me”.
Danny jumps at a sudden voice, “that could be quiet a good idea. You are rather bad at this”.
Danny whirls around, “eh yo, what the fuck?!?”.  It’s goddamn GhostWriter… Well at least it’s not Walker, or Boxy, or Skulker.
The GhostWriter seemingly ignores the teen, eyeing the paper instead, “you clearly have no love for the written word, as painful as that is, can’t have you embarrassing ghosts with your lack of lyrical diction”, summoning out his keyboard, fingers flying.
Danny groans loudly, “oh come on! Not this shit again”.
“Language, Daniel”.
The GhostWriter narrows his eyes at the phone, “and I would appreciate my artefact returned”.
And suddenly Danny gets hurtled out his window, half shrieking, “VLAAAAAAAD!”, angrily all the while. Granted… he couldn’t blame his -sometimes sketchy- mentor too much; Danny was usually the one who caused issues and Vlad certainly wasn’t immune to trouble making. Vlad yelping, “butter biscuits!”, on the other side of the line at least means this was probably going to be both of their problem(s).
The two halfas groan and push themselves up from the hard smooth ground.
So they weren’t outside on the dirt/grass. Good to know.
Danny grumbles, “I don’t know whether to blame you, blame GhostWriter, blame you, blame myself, blame you, or blame Lancer”.
Vlad giving a very dry reply, “funny, I was thinking something very similar”, then chuckling faintly, “perhaps halfas merely attract ill luck”, glancing around as he stands and brushes himself off, “we appear to be in some sort of cafe”.
“Ah fuck yes, tell me there’s coffee”.
“Language”, Vlad shakes his head, “you consume enough of that stuff to kill you a few times over”.
Danny snorts, “aw, you’d miss me”.
“But of course”. Vlad’s voice is genuinely fond, making Danny mutter, “I know it’s 🎶till death dooooo us part,  but we're already past that phase🎶”.
Both of them stop at that, Danny looks insanely confused and slightly pissed off; Vlad quirks a single eyebrow. Quirking another eyebrow at the bow tie, which is apparently tied around his wrist now, as it starts making music, a electronic piano beat, “I don’t think this is going to end well”.
Danny grumbling, “sounds like the story of my half life. Shit always so seems to be going south since the whole dyin’ while tryin’ to be helpful thing”.
Vlad eyes him, “but 🎶this could be a brand neeeew start🎶”, grimacing a little after because seriously?
Danny huffing, yeah sure the whole dying thing really legit could have effectively given him a new ‘lease on life’ as it were, but instead he’s just spending all of his time fighting and anxiously hiding his shit. Even if he legit honestly likes the way he is now, he had cool powers and stuff. Grumbling, “tell me about it. 🎶I think I deserve some praise for the way that I ammmmmmmm🎶”, gesturing around a bit ridiculously because he might as well just go along with this and no one else was actually here from the looks of It to witness this bullshit. Being a ghost was fucking great okay? Regardless of his parents anti-ghost ectophobia bullshit.
Vlad glances around and shrugs, he’s been involved in stranger, sitting down in a random chair, “🎶despite becoming a ghost, and ending up nearly comatose🎶”; Vlad was still baffled by how severe Danny’s portal-related accident was. The fact that his body survived getting blasted by an entire dimension worth of ectoplasm and being electrocuted by over four lightening bolts worth of electricity was impressive and a bit horrifying.
Danny rolls his eyes at that, flicking his wrist pointedly at Vlad as the bow tie adds in fucking finger snapping to its tune, “🎶I don’t give a daaaaaaaamnnnnnn🎶”, eyeing Vlad with a bit of a smirk, “what about you?”.
Vlad snorts and stands up, “🎶I let my emotions go, and fudge being a sober hoe🎶”. Danny looks a little scandalised by Vlad’s almost swearing but takes the offered flasks because at this point, fuck it.
The GhostWriter is one hundred percent manipulating this into a musical or some shit, and no one wants to deal with that shit fully sober.
The two taking steps, gesturing, and dancing a little while their hands are almost connected due to holding the flask. Singing together, “🎶this is the maaaantra, this is the liiiiife🎶”. Regardless of anything Danny liked the way he was and he damn well knew Vlad did too.
Separating and twirling, still singing together, “🎶we’re playing with our lives noooooow, till the end of every niiiiiiiight 🎶”.
Vlad eyeing his flask, “🎶eventually surrounded by fiiiire🎶”.
Danny laughing, “🎶my fighting passion igniiiights🎶”.
The two eyeing each other and grinning a little, “🎶a hit of the heaven and hell, a helluva hiiiiigh🎶”. At this point they were in this shit together, even if Danny had a feeling that Vlad was a less than stellar influence, and Vlad knew that Danny might one day force him to reconcile with his ‘old friends’.
Vlad turning away, “🎶I’m addddddicted to the madddddness🎶”, he knew damn well all the crime and less than legal stuff he did was something he got a massive rush from, and what did he care if he screwed a few people over for his own personal gain?
Danny turning away as well, “🎶this tooooown is my atlaaaaantis🎶”, this town, Amity Park, was his Everything and he was protective as Hell of it. It was nice that a lot of the town was starting to actually view him as their protector, made him feel like his purpose was actually being seen.
Vlad chuckles, eyeing Danny quickly, “you do a lot of rather illegal things to protect ‘this town’, you know”. Danny chuckling right back, “as if you don’t do the same to satisfy your possessiveness”.
Danny puts up a fist for a fist bump and Vlad rolls his eyes though supplies him with his requested fist bump, the two singing together again, “🎶we’re forever gonna have a fucking/fudging reason to sin🎶”.
Vlad glares at him a little over the swearing but everything help him if he didn't already know that Danny had a bit of a foul mouth and that it was kind of pointless to correct the boy. Besides, Danny’s ‘soul’ or whatever was a lot cleaner than his own, “🎶let me leaaaaaave my soul to burn🎶”,
Danny pointing at him agressively, “🎶I’ll be breathin’ it in🎶”, then making a face, “I mean that your mentorship is actually kinda good, not that I’m going to literally breath in your burnt ashes, what the fuck GhostWriter”, and glares at the ceiling; faint ghostly laughter could be heard.
Vlad can’t help grinning at that a little, “🎶and I’m addiiiicted to that feeeeeeling🎶”.
Danny gesturing up, “🎶then get hiiiiiigher than the ceiiiiiling🎶”.
Vlad nods curtly, because as not harmful as this was, it was still annoying.
The Ghostwriters voice comes down from the ceiling, “🎶and I’m neeeever gonna want this feeling to end, just conceeeeede and give in to you inner demons again🎶”.  Vlad fires a blast at the ceiling while the bow tie adds in a metallic drum beat for a bit before slowing to a more soft sound.
Danny eyes Vlad a little, “you know I know what you ‘inner demons’ are at this point, right? Your thing for mom?”, cringing and rubbing his neck, “and I mean sure,  🎶yeah, you fell in loooove. But-🎶”, gesturing at the flask, “🎶-you fell deeper in a piiit🎶”.
Vlad blinks, sure he knew Daniel would figure that out eventually but this was definitely not how he wanted that to come out. But what were ghosts if not their past regrets and obsessions? He couldn’t give up on her, not yet, maybe not ever. Throwing a hand out to the side and trying to hide that that comment hurt a little, “well 🎶Death didn’t get us aaabooove. So count your blessing because this is it🎶”, that came out more bitter than he really meant it.
Danny quirks an eyebrow at him and moving to get a bit in his face, “🎶sooooo you’re not letting goooOooOOOOoooOoo🎶?”.
Vlad shrugs, taking a swig from his flask and eyeing the musical bow tie with contempt, “🎶so what if I misbehave🎶”.
Danny huffing, crossing his arms, “🎶I guess it’s what everybody craves🎶”, then pointing at Vlad, “but, 🎶look around and you’ll already knooooOoOooOOOoow🎶”, pausing and rubbing his temples, “it ain’t gonna work out for you, you know”.
Vlad shrugs more vulnerably than he really means to, “I know, I really do. You think I can’t tell, Daniel? Meeting you and seeing them again makes that so clear. But-”, eyeing the boy, “-an apprentice changes a mentor as much as a mentor changes their apprentice”, holding out a hand, “🎶so, come if you’re feeling brave, and fancy yourself a mentor🎶”.  Bow tie beat picking back up again.
Danny chuckles, okay Vlad’s thing for mom was weird and would never work out but if Vlad was content to redirect himself towards mentoring Danny himself then who was Danny to argue against that? Heck! It was probably a really good thing, plus Vlad was -maybe? Possibly?- morally questionable enough that he wouldn’t take Danny’s shit but also wouldn’t question him about being socially unacceptable. “🎶you want it, I got it. See what you liiiikeeeeEEEeeEe🎶”.
Vlad nods, when he first met Danny and realised what he was, a fellow halfa, it was just a maze of endless possibilities. When he realised that Daniel not only formed as a ghost at a far higher ectoplasmic level but also had more room for growth, he was amazing. Daniel could beat Pariah some day, if he tried. Having that boy as his was far too tempting and far more enticing than any amount of money or Maddie. Daniel could take the world if he wanted, and Vlad could guide that, could stand beside him, “🎶we could have it allllllllll, by the end of any niiight🎶”. If Daniel tried he could probably take over the entire Infinite Realm today if he so desired.
Danny snorts, waving him off, “I can’t tell if you mean this world or the afterlife. But here it would be, 🎶your money and power🎶 and in the ghost zone it would definitely be, 🎶my sinful deliiiight🎶”, chuckling, “you know how much a lot of ghosts hate me at this point”. Him chuckling again, “🎶I’mma hit of that heaven and hell, a helluva hiiiiiigh🎶”.
Vlad can’t help chuckling himself at that, Daniel had managed to piss of an impressive amount of ghosts in a very short amount of time, “🎶it’s like you’re addiiiiicted to the maaaadeness🎶”.
Danny waving him off, “🎶this tooooown will always be my atlaaaaantis🎶”.
Vlad ruffles up his hair, “🎶we’re forever gonna have a fudging reason to sin🎶”.
Danny collapsing over a table dramatically, “🎶let me leave my soul to burn, I’ll be breathing it in🎶”; which Vlad rolls his eyes at.
Vlad pokes the boys forehead, “🎶you’re addiiiicted to the feeeeeeling🎶”, Daniel was more combative than Vlad would actually like. Obviously he didn’t really have to worry about Daniel getting hurt but it really was like he was addicted to getting into fist fights sometimes.
Danny bats his finger/hand off, “have you seen the amount of ghosts that show up to cause problems? It’s a perfect excuse to 🎶get hiiigheeer than the ceeeiliing, and I’m never gonna want that fucking feeling to end🎶”.
Vlad sticks his hands out to the side, “🎶so you’ll just concede and give into your feelings again🎶?”.
Danny glares at him and pushes himself up from laying down on the table, “oh like you don’t constantly, 🎶concede and give into your inner demons again🎶”.
The two stare at each other for a bit, definitely recognising that they were both a bit fucked up and their mentorship/apprenticeship thing was extremely all kinds of fucked up. But neither of them could deny that it was good, they bounced off of each other and called out each others shit. They were both better for it. Vlad’s Obsession over Maddie had dwindled some and Danny had an actual adult to turn to. It was good, they both needed this more than either one was willing to admit.
Then the GhostWriter decides to be an asshole again, piping up from the ceiling again, “🎶you should never want this feeling to end. Just concede and give into your inner ghosts again🎶”.
Danny and Vlad both glare at the ceiling, Vlad firing off a pink ecto-blast for the point of it, the bow tie giving a more mellow beat in response like it was mad at them.
Danny eyeing Vlad, “you really have a problem with my mom,  huh?”.
Vlad rubbing a hand down his face, “I used to think that if it wasn’t for my accident we would have wound up together but…”.
“Mom and dad love each other?”.
“Indeed. Though well, I am a ghost”, looking at Daniel, “you and I both know how hard letting go can be. It’s like 🎶I’m addiiiicted to the soooorrroooowww🎶”.
Danny nodding, leaning against one of the tables, “you'll get there, I think. But yeah, it’s like with all the fights I pick even, 🎶when the buzz ends by tomorrow🎶 and every fight after that, 🎶is another rush of poison flowing into my veins🎶”.
Vlad sighing, “giving both of us 🎶a dose of pleasure that resides by the pain🎶”, craning his neck, “🎶I’m addiiiicted🎶”.
Danny pushing himself up off the tables and gesturing agressively at the windows leading out to Amity Park, ��🎶I’m deeepeendaaaant🎶”.
Vlad runs a hand through his hair, smiling a little, “🎶looking awwwwwwsome🎶”. While Daniel leans against the cafe/club window, “🎶feeling heeeelpleeess🎶”.  Vlad glancing back at the teen and not for the first time realising that Daniel, maybe, wasn’t really okay… and honestly? Neither was he. Vlad sighing and walking over to the boy, “🎶I knooooooow I’m raising cain by every highway in hell🎶”, he was thinking that maybe he could move and become the mayor here, “🎶maybe things won’t be so terrible inside this home town🎶”; it would be good for Daniel and maybe it was a change that Vlad himself needed.
Danny jerks while the bow tie tune picks up again in a more fancy dancing manner, “you’re thinking of moving here?”. Vlad nods, so Danny continues, “I think that would be good, honestly. 🎶’cause we’re both one of a kind🎶”, Danny making a mocking gesture at him, “and I’m sure I can 🎶give a burning fool a place to dwell🎶”.
Vlad grabbing his hand an twirling him around ridiculously, “🎶and your ideals are just laughable, but hey kid what the Hell. We’re both charming ghost beaux🎶”.
Danny laughing and going along with the twirling, “🎶’cause inside of both of us is just a lost cause🎶”.
Vlad chuckling right back, “🎶but we’ll dress us up for now with a smile🎶”.
The GhostWriter adding in, “🎶a wicked smile🎶”, with an eerie laugh.
Vlad nods to himself, officially making his decision. This town could not survive with just Daniel and was definitely going to need someone with deep pockets who could manipulate the government into giving them money for all the insane damages. “🎶I’ll show these simpletons some proper class and styyyyyyleee🎶”.
Danny snorting, “🎶and I’ll chlorinate your closets with some punny flair🎶”. That feels ominous in Vlad’s opinion.
They nod at each other, speaking in unison, “🎶here in this spooooooooky town, we’re sure our plan is sound🎶”, both of them pointing up, “🎶and our little annoyance will be fooooouuuuund🎶”, which promptly results in the GhostWriter falling through the ceiling due to the songs/GhostWriters keyboards manipulation of reality, and the two halfas outright pounce on him.
His shriek is very girly and their maniacal laughs are very… maniacal.
Danny stuffing the ghost in his thermos and ‘Vlad’s’ artefact too for good measure after yanking it off the other man’s wrist. “So you’re really going to just, try to become mayor here and move?”.
“There’s not much else for me to do with my time and someone needs to keep an eye on you”, Vlad sighing, “and maybe being more exposed to the way Maddie really is will help things”.
Danny chuckles, “good vampiric mentor”.
“I will decide you need a lesson in endurance”.
“Oh be still my fucking tits!”.
Danny just pouts exaggeratedly at him as they try to sneak out of the restaurant/cafe/club without being noticed. That predictably doesn’t go as planned, with Valerie poking her head around, “I have a lot of questions about that opera bullshit”. Oh Ancients, she saw that shit.
Vlad puts up his hands, “now Valerie-”. But Danny cuts him off, dramatically putting a hand to his chest, “are you cheating on me”; this situation was beyond un-fucking-salavagable. Making both his mentor and his friend/fellow ghost hunter look at him like they both bit lemons. Danny rolling his eyes, “what? The only reason for Vladdie to not be super freaked out is if Valerie here already knew about him and no way he would tell anyone other than an apprentice or maybe close friend”.
Vlad shrugs very awkwardly, “I’m not one to put all my eggs in one basket”. Both Valerie and Danny glare a bit murderously, before punching him in the face. Vlad just sighs, “I suppose I deserved that”.
Both of them snapping, “you think?!?”.
Valerie looking at Danny, “who did you even think got me into this?”.
Danny shrugs, “I thought you were just following spontaneous murderous desire all on your lonesome”.
“You’re a fucking idiot”.
Vlad sighing, “yes, and a fool that should dispose of a certain someone before he causes us any more issues”. Danny rolls his eyes, “at least I got help with my project out of this… kinda”, then actually moves to meander off like he’s told, shouting behind himself, “still good for training tonight?!”.
Vlad eyes Valerie, who shrugs, so Vlad shouts back, “as always, though you’ll have a sparring partner this time and finish that project first! I don’t want you wasting this evenings absolute mess!”.  Danny holds up double thumbs up before tripping over his own feet and falling to the ground flat on his face.
Valerie facepalms, “what have I gotten myself into?”.
Mr. Lancer was later both very confused and impressed with the… odd direction of Daniel’s song prompt project. It was like one part theatrical musical, one part taking out some kind of issue(s) with song, and one part spite? It was creative though, which is what he asked for. Full marks and maybe a side note about seeing the school therapist.
Prompts: Write a fic inspired from any song released in the last six years. and Danny has to go to Vlad for help and Lancer gives the class a project that Danny finds a very ghostly solution to. and Try as he might, Danny can’t think of a prompt for his creative writing homework. So Ghost Writer decides to step in, and do the writing for him. Shenanigans ensue. and AU where Vlad isn't blatantly evil in Bitter Reunions, and Danny initially sees no reason not to accept his mentorship and Vlad was starting to regret stealing his current artifact.
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dojae-huh · 7 months
I really get overwhelmed by something that I saw on tl today...i guess an au writer, dont knw just saw the post..was asking suggestions for their fic about cheating...like is it okay to cheat someone for being with his true love or smthng..the matter is cheating here..
Does that mean whoever read that fic enjoyed the cheating? Nd if they enjoyed it who should we actually blame it on...the reader or the writer?
Just like what happens in ty's matter...I have seen lot au nd fanfics authors criticized him that if he read it that means he enjoyed evry word that written on it...they should sit nd think where do they stand when they write something like this..even if u think it's a minor sin, that doesnt matter...the point is when u write something gore, isnt that just to aware ppl there is lot of similar things happening in the world,nd u should knw these things through these stories...nd dont make prejudice that ppl actually enjoying it nd they r bad...when u persue literature in a good way u should feel nd think it in the same way too....
Tbh, I want to convey what's on my mind in a lot clearer way..but lang is a big wall to write...if u get the point that's it...I just want to share it with u...thanku
It depends. If a radio host spreads propaganda and urges to kill other people, he is up to a trial. He spreads dangerous ideas, brainwashes people with lies and installs hatred. If a reader of Crime and Punishment takes an axe and goes and kills a woman, the author is not to blame, he only explored human nature and contemplated about guilt.
If a story describes how justifiable cheating is, how wonderful is the experience, how it can be a test to the relationship and "true love" because "if he/she really loves you, you'll be forgiven", the author is partially to blame. Partially because in the end it was the reader who read the story till the end and made the decision to cheat, who acted in the real world. The author just played the devil and used the right for free speech.
As a rule, fanfiction is not a propaganda media, it is low class literature for fun to spend the time and get distracted from everyday life and chores. The author' only responsibility is to provide correct tags and warnigns, to make the reader aware of what is inside their story for an informed choice. Everything else is on the reader.
What people consume, what stories they read, what scenarios they fantasize about often have little ties to reality. You can't judge a person's real character on what he/she reads or what video games he/she plays. Like take the horror movie genre for example. People who watch it want a little bit of thrill, a scare to satisfy the primitive part of our brains that evolved to look out for predators and find joy in escaping danger (people feel more alive going through hardships or danger). Those people (most of them at least, can't vouch for sociopaths and mass murderers) don't watch the horror movies to enjoy teen girls being brutally killed or kids being devoured by aliens.
Stranger things is also a series about the charm of 80-s, friendship and family. Deaths, experiments on kids and maiming by creatures is in the plot as a story-telling tool designed to bring the best out of the protagonists, not to treat viewers with gore.
Back to cheating. Many people feel bored with their daily life, so they want some "spice". This makes them look for stories with "not vanilla"/"forbidden" themes. It's because they didn't experience the thing in real life which makes them be able to read about it. Even gang rape is a kink.
It is well known that once a couple gets together in a tv-series, it becomes dead. Writers know how to write romance, but not married couple interestingly. Same could be the case with "true love". So they live happily ever after, and what can one write about them? Kids and domestic fluff, or "trouble in paradise" - cheating and break up. If fanfic writers were as smart and creative as they like to think of themselves, they'd be earning acclaimed authors with prizes in literature.
There is a mangaka Hiroaki Samura. He likes gore. He incorporates it in his mainstream series, he also draws niche artbooks and short-stories with nude and very graphically tortured women. You can be narrow-minded and prejusticed and jump to a conclusion that he needs to be cancelled. In reality, he is one of the rare authors who writes women as real characters, who does the "strong woman" trope correctly. He also has great sense of humour, he brings all his characters to life. And I have a suspicion that his oneshot about orphaned women being gang raped was an attempt to digest the history of "war brides", something that Japanese try to pretend never happened. Hiroaki doesn't give interviews with deep self-exploration for me to know why he is into gore, but I can see whatever it is (dealing with trauma, artistic exploration of human sins, whatever) it doesn't make him a "bad human" with "bad influence". On the contrary, I'd like Japan to offer more authors like him.
Showing violence can be a way to teach about compassion or serve as a warning. Like the old fairytales were Cinderella sisters' toes were actually cut off or sibings burned a witch alive.
The art of drawing is especially detached from reality. Even though the brain matches the drawn objects to the real ones, without smell and sound, 3D-ness and other information signals of "the real world", the drawn things stay unreal. A drawing of a dead person can be considered beautiful art (Ophelia). It certainly wasn't meant to evoke those realistic feelings of disgust and fear that a real smelling, bloated and floating in water corpse will do. And the painters who decided to make their own version of the famous scene certainly weren't into dead women as sexual objects.
I think Tae being dragged into that manga controvesry in the end will bring him new fans, lol. He is too anime looking to not pick up anime folks' interest.
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zzoguri · 9 months
hi best friend!!!
1. my favorite fic of yours - the sunwo fic which is also the first fic of yours ive ever read but istg the whole concept of it was so interesting and new !!!
3. the best character youve written for - imo u write sunwoo rlly well but also senior jacob w his van <33 owns my heart
8. what i like most abt your writing - that each fic has a deeper meaning/purpose and its not just a love plot but always has something a bit more that makes me think
11. something i hope you write - my sweet romantic eric request uhm...
14. a fic i didnt expect to like so much - your changmin series!!! I didnt originally expect to like the childhood romance trope bc i feel like ive read it so many times already but ur take on it was so fresh and cute and enjoyable to read!!:)
first off, i'm still so happy to know that you like that fic :') i have this weird love-hate relationship with it but i always feel so ??? reassured?? like it genuinely means the world esp for it being my very first fic to begin with
second, THANK YOU SO MUCH??!??!?!?!? OH MYGOD T____T i feel like a part of me was very conscious abt how i wrote sunwoo bc idk if i did him justice !!! or if his character really reflected him u know </3 so im very happy that it worked out in the end :]]] AND OFC MY JACOB... HE IS SO SENIOR CODED URGHHHHHHH SO I CANT BLAME U!!!
and thank u for noticing that :')) when it comes to reading books, i've always found myself avoiding mainly romance books (mainly bc i get bored </3), and ive always appreciated books that hold so much more than just romance, you know? and i feel like thats the type of principle i want to follow :]] not saying that theres anything wrong with mainly romance books (bc i finally find myself consuming that), but just more of a personal goal :] something i want to keep doing for my longer fics really
and thank u for loving my jichang fic :') it's a very personal fic to me. i super get it that the trope is sooo overused and may make ppl hesitant to read it, but i like to think that the major theme of friendship is what made it different in the end </3
bar i love you so much T___T thank you for this </3 i still need to read ur eric fic i am very excited to read it this weekend hopefully </3 i love you always
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satiricaily · 1 year
Tag 9 people you want to know better
tagged by @urheartsamess thank u bff <3
Three ships
mulder & scully (xfiles), jwds (beyond evil), and dreamling i guess (the sandman) (it's funny because i didn't give them any thought after finishing the show until i read a few posts abt hob & dream's ridiculously funny yet interesting dynamic slash friendship slash many other potentials and suddenly im 200 fics deep but at the same time i don't ship them in the canon world(?) )
First ever ship
i'm not sure but it could be bella and edward because twilight was one of my first ever obsessions (hi cami yes we r one & the same) and i remember vehemently fighting with my friend on school field over the ships in twilight lol
Last song
videotape by radiohead ... only because i was watching video essays on the secret syncopation in the song and I had to listen to it right after
Last movie
rewatched aftersun </3
Currently reading
these women by ivy pochoda (not a big fan of the writing style yet but that's fine)
Currently watching
ozark s2!!!! love it alot i just especially love how well the characters are written because the moment you sit back and try to put the blame on one person for how things have gotten this far, you just simply can't. everyone in the show has made decisions that have led to one big snowball effect and it's incredible
Currently consuming
err i also don't know what this is supposed to mean but i guess. i guess im currently consuming my lecture notes and medical textbooks. not much of a choice btw.
Currently craving
craving more album cds to add to my collection. craving good grades. and i will always be craving dumplings i haven't eaten them for months now and it's just simply detestable. but besides that im also craving some sweet pastry
tagging @parfumtheremine only bc idk that many people (hi hope u r still alive bestie)
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i’m sorry but the last anon is kinda right, i have an ex who was alcoholic and idk why but seeing that bottle today was really triggering for me because it shows that louis really does have an addiction like who drinks vodka at the rehearsals :(
i obviously don’t blame him, i think it’s his coping mechanism with the shit that’s going on but it’s very sad to see him going down that patch, always drinking, going to the bars everyday and drink so much that he has a “hangover from hell” the next morning, that beer he had during interview with zach sang like why couldn’t he wait until he’s done to drink that beer? i don’t even remember when the last time we saw him sober. anyways, i just hope he knows what he’s doing and so sorry for ranting, i just feel this on personal level :(
I'm sorry for your ex and for you, addiction like all mental illnesses takes a toll not only on the victim but also those around him. I hope both you and that person are happier now!
also I'd like to remind everyone that addiction, like all mental illnesses, can come in many forms, just bc you don't see someone drink when they're with you it doesn't mean they don't have a problem or just bc someone isn't explicitly suicidal and depressed it doesn't mean they aren't going through that internally, and also we can't exactly diagnose anyone without
1- appropriate training
2- talking to them directly
so we can speculate here and I'm happy to talk about these topics in a general way bc I think it's a necessary and constructive conversation to have since evidently many people like that past anon, still see addiction as a choice someone makes and its victims as culprits rather than victims which is the same rethoric politicians use to push back policies to help addicts and discredit mental health in general.
having said that, the behavior you described isn't necessarily addiction, necessary criteria for substance abuse disorder are tolerance (the drug's positive effects slowly decrease forcing you to take higher and higher doses) and withdrawal symptoms if the drug is not consumed, and we don't know if louis experiences that or not (we really don't know for cigarettes either, i think he's shown more worrying behavior with cigarettes than alcohol but it's just my observation not a diagnosis) , with liam we speak about addiction bc he himself told us which is different
anyways, diagnosis or not, recovery or not, seeing someone you love suffer is never nice and it can be very frustrating at times bc u watch someone being essentially destroyed by something and you can't do anything about it! but I think we can't let our frustration and sadness turn into anger towards that person bc it will only make things worse for us and for them. we can only help and support them in their recovery (if we actually know them in person )
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shenyaanigans · 2 years
PLEASEEEE your tags on that found family post are spot on but they just reminded me of back when fans of other ships called mak0haru incesty 😭 the whole shipping drama and inventing random reasons to dislike something just so you can be morally superior like come on we don't have to make up reasons to not like something wtf 😭😭 one of the biggest reasons i don't want to get super involved in fandoms anymore since it's becoming a pissing contest of who can consume the right media in the Right way
GOD I SWEAR, ma/koharu has especially been the target of the weirdest ship hate of all time. like i also remember when people were doing the whole "omg they're so codependent, it's so unhealthy, that's why R/IN/HAR/U is the superior ship!!!!" and i just. babes you can just say it doesn't appeal to you, i promise. "i think it's boring"' or "idk it just doesn't work for me" is a valid answer (to yourself or when explicitly asked). and i wonder if there isn't a part of this that is inspired by people feeling so pressured to justify themselves all the time, and that that justification has to have weight. it reminds me a lot of like. the way in which sex is EVERYWHERE in media and yet also we have never been more sex negative tbh, despite the seeming growth of visibility and "frank" conversations around it.
like that's probably a weird parallel to draw, but i've noticed a lot that there's this intense dichotomy on social media wherein everybody (esp on twitter) is mad about everything all the time, but you're also not allowed to just not like anything because someone who likes the thing that you don't like will be Personally Offended if you say so. it's to the point that people get really upset if you are critical in any way, even if that criticism is coming from a love for the thing, which speaks to how little we tolerate any sort of criticism from anyone. not that anyone can really be blamed for that sort of feeling because, like i said and everybody already knows, everyone on social media seems mad and vitriolic about something all the time because of the way the algorithm favors that rhetoric, so being on socmed puts you on the defensive from the get go. it's not a surprise that everything critical on socmed feels like a threat when socmed in and of itself is threatening and is designed to amplify threatening voices.
and so the only way people think they're allowed to dislike something is if they have a Good Reason for it and so they go looking for a Good Reason, which is almost always "it's unhealthy!" or "it's incest-coded!!" which means you're not only allowed to verbalize your distaste, you're allowed to say that other people who don't think the way you do are wrong and bad and morally bankrupt. it feels a bit like a reassurance to oneself there too, like there's insecurity in liking what you like if other people don't like it. like those people have to be Wrong instead of just different. like ppl who ship r.in.haru have to be bad and icky rather than just, idk, people who are interested in a different flavor of f/ree than i am.
ANYWAYS that was a lot but i am just always thinking about the way in which socmed i think has furthered our sensitivity to negativity because of how overwhelmingly negative it is, in the same way it seems to continue increasing anxiety/weirdness regarding sex despite that there is so much more access to R18 content and the like.
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intrulogical · 2 years
tbh kind of a harsh one about the fandom (and maybe should not even get published) but i feel like all the content creators that were worthwhile ended up leaving. i kinda feel like youre one of the remnants of the fans that had real serious and interesting discussions to have about the show and thats why i love your blog so much. and no offense to everyone else still in the fandom, they make what they enjoy, but it all feels like fun unrelated aus, or borderline-oc out of character art or fics, and absolutely no thoughts on the real characters or show anymore. which is fair enough since. yknow there hasnt BEEN anything new to talk about. but i LOVE what the fandom used to be with people like rondoel and thoriffix and angel-archivist and erstwhilesky. but idk. maybe i just grew out of it. but i wanted to hear your thoughts on this since u encapsulate what i really wanted this fandom to be, and if u feel the same way at all. also idk if this ask got off track sorry </3
awh my dude :(((
its okay, dont be sorry!! i really feel the struggle you feel </33 but i'm glad i got to offer stuff you enjoy, because honestly, i miss these sides of the sanders sides fandom too :((
i don't think you're being harsh about your general assumptions on the fandom. to me, i think the fandom has always had fans who make more ooc, au-related content, but we always had that lucky few who really analyze and the dissect the series for what it is. and now, well, i feel like it's much rarer to find.
don't get me wrong, the fandom's lovely, but i think we accidentally became too obsessed with the idea that we were the first "perfect" fandom that we normalized toxic black and white thought processes, which made a lot of us just. not consume sanders sides for what it's worth.
the interpretations of sanders sides has honestly gotten so shallow for what it is. sanders sides discusses mental health, philosophy, psychology, moral dilemmas, and just. a lot of stuff that people go through that they didn't realize was a problem with a viable solution. it's funny to think that sanders sides discusses black and white thinking but its fandom is JUST like it. the fandom infantalizes the characters when virgil has spoken out about it. we've attributed these characters to such batshit unrealistic unsympathetic headcanons which warp our view on them.
and i don't know. it's kind of disheartening, sometimes, because we're given such an amazing and well-crafted series and all fans do is woobify or villainize the characters. we don't see the established depth that's already there.
i can't blame past content creators for leaving, but for those who stayed, i really hope that you really embrace the series for what it's worth. i don't mean digging deep and analyzing characters for every breath they take, but just. understanding what thomas informs us of. internalizing the lessons the characters present to us. it just feels like a waste, if we see these characters as nothing but ragdolls for us to throw around.
of course, i don't mean we should stop making au's and personal headcanons, but i just mean like. appreciate sanders sides for what it is first before you do.
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