#notes on cinema
12tableaux · 6 months
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Robert Beavers' Listening to the Space in my Room proposes the idea that space is nothing but a stratified zone of receptivity, of permeability into which the tremblings of the heart reach and find just as many resonances as they send out for. We inhabit space; according to the rhythmicality, the tonality of our lives, space becomes our sojourn. Yet cinema invokes a curious doubling of what we call space, making it uninhabitable, always from a distance, before making it ours again, though this time as space lived from afar, as if I would become the dreamer of another's sleep. As Jacques Rancière suggests, the image is always a third still, impossible to reduce to the intention of the imagemaker nor to the interpretation of the spectator — it is always, invariably, a third, meaning that I could never hope to occupy it, to make it my own. I cannot but watch the image from a distance. Cinematic space is categorically uninhabitable; it opens itself up by the same breathturn according to which it encloses itself again. And yet it is infinitely open, too. But only if we ourselves are prepared to become equally open and meet the image somewhere halfway, always halfway. Serge Daney wrote that the cinema taught him where his gaze ends and the gaze of another begins. Could it be however that what separates my gaze and the gaze of another is exactly this meeting of two gazes, each belonging to the ontological density of a visage, infinitely distanced from one another? If so, cinema is always a matter of ethics — and I, I can only hope to inhabit cinematic space to the extent that I, too, become the sojourn for its image, and we together come to sound in the same yellow note of light. When Robert Beavers set out to put to image the surrounding space of his room, he could perhaps not have envisioned that he would capture a glimpse of cinematic space altogether and the space of our hearts. And when the final image turned to black, I had seen and heard it all (sound having become vision, the image become song) — every single gesture, turn of light, or change of season, all of them, all of us cosmic bodies continuously, unendingly crashing into one another, and I became aware of every trembling as I trembled concurrently, and still I sound, always still I sound for in the image I become space and I become time, and we together, if only for a little while, if only for the impossible duration of an instant, come to share in the same breathturn where nothing endures except the utter fact of our having met in spite of all.
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cromwelll · 3 months
*adds a show to my “to watch” list knowing it will be months or years before I do, in fact, watch it*
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classicfilmblr · 28 days
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Il Cinema di Pasolini (Appunti per un Critofilm) (1966) dir. Maurizio Ponzi
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cleopheanne · 5 months
Random astrology observations (very shallow but fun ig)
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- Mercury conjunct sun in a chart gives very logical/mathematical intelligence you will find that the best student in the classroom always have this conjunction, the closest is the orb, the more pronounced are these qualities.
- Venus in exaltation gives deep thinking abilities and it is perfect for philosophy, think about philosophers like Kant, Plato (allegedly), Karl Marx. Or even scientists like Albert Einstein ( Venus in revati),all influenced our modern world in an unthinkable way.
-Jupiterians remind me of the perfect rennaissance man who is all-rounded excelling in every sphere of intelligence: you will find that they really have a deep love for education: absorbing information and utilizing it in everyday of their lives.
- Ketu people are so funny, the funniest imo like they are kind of lost and dgaf about people so they are really blunt and random it's just very comical
- Mars men are popular or rather notorious: they just have an effect on girls from what I observed: Chitra and Dhanista men most of the time. I know a Chitra sun guy that winks at you everytime you cross eyes with him lol, a dhanista sun and ascendant boy that I know had girls writing their snapchats all over his backpack in high-school also he would get purchased by them like they would form circles around him it was pretty funny to see
- Purva bhadrapada men are SASSY
- Rohini women are really sensitive about their appearance and love when people are jealous of them
- Venusians have a keen eye for aesthetics
- When it comes to writing poetry: Virgo people are simply the best : Uttara phalguni, Hasta and Chitra
- Ketu women are able to see through the illusions of life: especially ketu on the ascendant, their intuition is simply always right
- Having your sun in the 11th house makes you very likable, if it is not afflicted you will have a large circle of friends, be well known in your area.
- A lot of energy in the 12th house add an air of mystery on an individual it can really scare some people off: they can be excluded from their community, can be deemed as scary or weird
- If you want a venusian to like you : be pleasant, smell good, be funny, make them eat well, give out thoughtful gifts. Venus loves sensorial stimulation
- If you want to know what life direction you should be taking, look at your d9 and d60 charts
- Pisces women are in tune with their sexualities: they can loose their virginity at a really young age and are curious about this side of life
- Ashlesha people need to be careful about what they say: they grow up in really harsh environments so they internalize this harshness and sometimes they can really projects on others and hurt with their words for nothing kind of like a snake
Anyways I think that's all I will comeback with more astrology observations on more specific subjects.
Also be mindful, you can not analyze a chart without looking at it completely so these are not to be taken at the letter close, it can always differ depending on the chart: it is simply for entertainment.
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nopefer-art-tu · 2 months
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Home is where I want to be, but I guess I'm already there
I come home, she lifted up her wings. I guess that this must be the place
I can't tell one from another—Did I find you, or you find me?
There was a time before we were born
If someone asks, this where I'll be
Where I'll be
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topgvns · 1 year
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It's your coffin, my love. Enjoy it! Most of us... never get to know what it feels like.
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kalki-tarot · 11 months
Channeled messages you need right now✨️ 🪷
Pick a picture by intuition ♡
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This may not resonate with everyone, take what resonates and leave the rest ♡ always remember that you are the creator of your own destiny.
Picture 1
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Move on from what's not meant for you, leave things behind for your own mental health. Remember you have a lot of other options too.
Wow! You are being blessed with Emotional fulfillment and wealth by the divine. Take that decision fast!
The decision may feel impulsive or rushed to you but this may turn out to be the best decision of your life.
A wish of yours is gonna get fulfilled, or you're gonna achieve fame in the near future.
I see a vision of you in a party or a wedding. And you may have a fight or competition there.
If you're thinking of starting a new venture or changing places, or even international travel, do it! It'll give you a sense of justification and satisfaction.
You or someone in your friend group may buy a new vehicle.
If you're growing tight on money, don't worry, this phase will go away on it's own.
Someone in your friend circle will show you their real face, they can be a masculine energy with earth signs. They may leave you heartbroken or betrayed but you need to be thankful that such people are getting out of your life and be neutral about this situation, don't let it affect you in any way.
Black and white color, white cats and clocks can be significant or a sign from universe for you if you asked for one. So pay attention to things around you.
I see mountains and a river with lots of greenery, maybe your mental health is finally recovering and you're getting in alignment or on track finally.
Let me - Zayn malik can be significant.
You may get emotional clarity by the next crescent moon. Your blocked emotions will release and you'll gain stability and clarity. You'll get a direction or a path to follow.
The emotional release can be about some childhood trauma or even heartbreak, deep emotional pain.
Zindagi do pal ki - KK can be significant, especially the last verse.
You may frequently ask god that why you were given so much pain and harships in life. But remember that each circumstance has a deeper meaning behind it. Everything serves a purpose in life, so take the bad times as a lesson. You're meant for something bigger.
I can see the presence of a male figure in your life, who's very wise and thoughtful. They'll teach you some things about life, which will help you.
Your angels/guides/universe, whatever you believe in, has their eye on you. They are protecting you behind the scenes. Their presence is always there to help you.
Your heart or throat chakra can be imbalanced. Please do some meditation or even try therapy for it. You need to work on these two chakras very much for your own good.
Lord Shiva is protecting you or they can be your guide.
Lord Ganesha is watching over you and protecting you too.
Picture 2
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Don't fight or resist change. Be calm and let things happen on their own.
Divine wants to do some intervention but your attitude towards life is not helping it at all. A cycle is being closed.
If you are a feminine, a masculine energy will woo you in some social gathering or a party. I see people around you, so it can be a public place. Trust your intuition with this person. It's love at first sight.
Your fears are coming in between your success and divine union. Don't let your fears run your life. Trust the universe.
This state of indecisive is coming to an end. Don't let memories or past heartbreaks come in between.
You are undergoing a transformation. The new "you" will be very clear minded and creative.
Do some self introspection. Reanalyse your toxic cycles.
Your shadow self needs some more time to heal.
Pay attention to red butterflies, it's a sign.
June / July months of any year can be significant.
Bol do na zara - Arman Malik
444 or 44 is significant for you.
Any financial unstablity is coming to an end.
Don't be too materialistic, don't make your lust an obsession.
Leave behind past memories, don't dwell into nostalgia so much.
By doing so, you are blocking a new beginning in your life.
Don't be too afraid to speak up for yourself.
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venusiancharisma · 6 months
Cult Classics vs Astro Notes
Which Cult Classic film would you be, based on your sign? You can look to your big 3, in terms of moon sign being your emotional state, rising would be the film you're perceived as, and sun would be most relateable... this is meant to be fun, so ENJOY <33
Aries - "Fight Club" (1999): An intense, adrenaline-fueled journey of self-discovery and rebellion against societal norms.
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Taurus - "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" (1971): A story that indulges in the senses and teaches the value of practicality and appreciation.
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Gemini - "Pulp Fiction" (1994): A fast-paced, witty, and multi-faceted narrative with clever dialogue and unexpected twists.
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Cancer - "The Breakfast Club" (1985): An emotional exploration of the complexities of relationships and the importance of understanding and empathy.
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Leo - "Moulin Rouge!" (2001): A passionate, dramatic, and visually stunning tale of love, creativity, and self-expression.
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Virgo - "Inception" (2010): An intricate, layered puzzle that requires precision, analysis, and problem-solving skills to navigate.
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Libra - "The Royal Tenenbaums" (2001): A quirky, aesthetically pleasing story that explores the dynamics of relationships and the pursuit of harmony and balance.
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Scorpio - "Donnie Darko" (2001): A dark, mysterious, and psychologically intense journey that delves into the depths of the human psyche.
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Sagittarius - "Into the Wild" (2007): An adventurous, philosophical quest for meaning, truth, and freedom beyond societal constraints.
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Capricorn - "The Godfather" (1972): A powerful, ambitious, and strategic narrative that explores themes of loyalty, tradition, and the pursuit of success.
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Aquarius - "The Matrix" (1999): A revolutionary, mind-bending story that questions reality and champions individuality and innovation.
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Pisces - "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" (2004): A surreal, emotionally profound exploration of love, memories, and the blurring of fantasy and reality.
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These pairings are based on the general characteristics and themes associated with each zodiac sign, and how they align with the central ideas, motifs, and tones of the respective cult classic films.
Aries - John Bender (The Breakfast Club): Bender embodies the rebellious, independent spirit of Aries. He challenges authority figures and social norms, refusing to conform to the expectations placed upon him.
Taurus - The Dude (The Big Lebowski): The Dude's laid-back, pleasure-seeking lifestyle and his appreciation for the simple things in life align with the Taurus vibe.
Gemini - Ferris Bueller (Ferris Bueller's Day Off): Ferris's quick wit, adaptability, and ability to talk his way out of any situation are classic Gemini traits.
Cancer - Amélie Poulain (Amélie): Amélie's emotional depth, creativity, and desire to help others from behind the scenes reflect the nurturing, imaginative nature of Cancer.
Leo - Margo Channing (All About Eve): Margo's dramatic flair, confidence, and commanding presence on stage and in life embody the Leo spirit.
Virgo - Clarice Starling (The Silence of the Lambs): Clarice's intelligence, attention to detail, and dedication to her work as an FBI agent reflect Virgo's analytical and perfectionistic nature.
Libra - Cher Horowitz (Clueless): Cher's charm, social graces, and desire to create harmony and balance in her world align with the Libra archetype.
Scorpio - Lisbeth Salander (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo): Lisbeth's intensity, mysterious aura, and ability to delve into the dark corners of the human psyche reflect the depth and power of Scorpio.
Sagittarius - Buckaroo Banzai (The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension):Buckaroo Banzai is a true Renaissance man, embodying the Sagittarius traits of versatility, curiosity, and the pursuit of knowledge across multiple disciplines. He is a neurosurgeon, particle physicist, rock star, and adventurer all in one.
Capricorn - Michael Corleone (The Godfather): Michael's ambition, strategic thinking, and commitment to family and tradition align with the Capricorn archetype.
Aquarius - Neo (The Matrix): Neo's journey to question reality, break free from societal norms, and champion individuality and innovation reflects the Aquarius spirit.
Pisces - Edward Scissorhands (Edward Scissorhands): Edward's emotional sensitivity, creativity, and struggle to find his place in the world while maintaining his unique identity align with the Pisces nature.
These character-zodiac pairings are based on the dominant traits and themes associated with each sign, and how they are embodied by the respective cult classic main characters. Keep in mind that this is a subjective interpretation, and there could be various other characters that also represent each zodiac sign in their own unique ways.
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platoapproved · 17 days
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Gabrielle: Stop being a fucking hater Armand of course I couldn't brush Lestat's hair anyone who comes near him keeps getting psychically blasted across the room and/or exploded. TWO MINUTES LATER:
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Armand: 😏😌
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bioskoop · 2 months
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12tableaux · 10 months
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What does it mean to open onto an other? When Apichatpong Weerasethakul describes his film 'Syndromes and a century' as "a film about heart […] about feelings that have been forever etched in the heart," well then perhaps he provides us with the possibility of an answer — the heart as an infinitely open space onto which the trails of memory are etched in a non-language that supersedes chronological time. Is not the film screen the kind of heart which i could never bear to carry by myself? Forever distanced, I approach the screen without ever touching it, becoming the wordless witness of lives that could otherwise never belong to me. In this crevasse where my gaze ends and the gaze of an other begins, infinitely, my heart becomes the site of refuge from which memory renews the vow of time between Cronos and Aion. I am but a vessel, a kind of spaceship, floating onto regions of existence that were never meant for me. I remain the sleepwalker of an other's dream. And yet — yet i recall how these bodies moved away from and toward one another, in the same manner that I remember how the wind swayed gently, as if it were a caress, through the trees or how the sun shone brightly and unceasingly onto the moon whose only intimacy is the dark ends of night. And I find that these recollections themselves carry within them just as many traces of all that leads beyond the screen, of all that exceeds the heart, onto different spaces and different times which I have lived before and which I will live again, and perhaps that is the single moment where the screen and my body finally, truly meet. I do not yet know which force leads a singing dentist onto the pathway of a monk who once wanted to become a DJ, but then perhaps cinema is nothing but this etching of chance onto the open which marks a trail from my gaze to the heart of all things.
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soracities · 1 year
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Jim Jarmusch, interviewed by Melissa Locker for The Believer [ID in ALT]
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angeleternity · 4 months
Cruel World
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Shared my body and my mind with you
That's all over now
I did what I had to do
I could see you leaving now
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daweyt · 2 years
“Man is sometimes extraordinarily, passionately, in love with suffering.”
— Fyodor Dostoyevsky, from “Notes from the Underground”, published c. april 1864.
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paint-it-dead · 10 months
are you mentally stable or are you reading through berserk only to realise that the hand that guts cut off at the eclipse is the same hand that he put on griffith's shoulder after the assassination of the queen and also the hand that he put on griffith's shoulder, again, that was the catalyst for the beggining of the eclipse?
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sinfulpepsi · 5 months
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Light having a manic episode trying to kill L
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