#nothing too flashy for his return…not really his style lol
whoredmode · 1 year
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troy doodles related to stuff i’ve been talking about lately. a more “disguised” look for when he’s out working with anteros during sr2 and then a potential look for if/when he more or less rejoins the saints in my srtt/sriv rewrite
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fairykery · 2 years
If not canon, then why flashy?
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Eyesex and a smile?
The guy that hates physical contact is smiling as kohaku hugged him? Not only that but he also looked into her eyes tenderly? LIKE? The other girl going "it wasn't that type of hug" was just referring to the fact that they aren't gf and bf because technically THEY AREN'T and the one girl still assumed that they were. So when they got touch- feely and the girl covered her eyes thinking they were a couple(thanks to the kiss situation) the other girl calmed her down saying they weren't really a couple sharing a hug; but two people that care about each other hugging. While Senku did not return the hug because he is never/and has never been forward about that type of situation, Kohaku is the first he's smiles at, lets hug, and has had people wonder the state of their relationship when being hugged by. She is also the only girl he is close with, that has been hinted at having feelings for him.
Sorry, No I get it. It was too soon for this to be a romantic moment. I get it. It was for the sake of comic relief. But if you pay attention. The context of the scene didn't necessarily have to be written romantically, NOT EVEN for the sake of the plot. Cause them kissing had nothing to do with the situation; BUT the mangaka STILL specifically chose to go THAT route with the scene. He, HIMSELF, chose to use a romantic excuse(even if a comical one) as a plot device to move the story forward. And on top of that made them kiss(even if they were both uncomfortable by it still at this point in the manga). With that, making Kohaku the girl he's closest to who he has had the most physical contact with and even shared a kiss with(even if it was just a chin kiss and they both were practically uncomfortable for being forced to do.). No but seriously, the mangaka using SenHaku as a plot device to move the story forward WHEN it is NOT needed should provide some insight of what he thinks of the pairing. Which is that: "it is fun to write about" and "he likes to write about it".
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I like how he reponds with something that implies. "Maybe i'll blush later....not rn we gotta find a way out of here". Can we also take a moment to realize the mangaka/writter interrupted this moment before Senku could respond to the: "and the way i see it that is so very-" from kohaku? Subtle behavior on his part. Is there something on Senku's mind he doesn't want fans to know for the sake of avoiding ship wars? I wouldn't be surprised if this was what was stopping him from making the ship more explicit. Cause shippers get kind of crazy with the wars and MOST mangakas KNOW this and dont want that to affect the sales.
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He specifically chose one of the most romantic tropes to draw them In? Sorry no. This has nothing to do with their dynamic; but he still drew them like this? In THIS pose? Mangaka definitely shipped them.
Nah; but like never have i ever seen him so touchy feeling with anyone?
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idk idk they remain sus. Especially with all of his guy friends hoping him to experince romantic love.
SenHaku also kinda parallel His adoptive dad and his lover(maybe not in the sense of dynamic; but in color aesthetic and how they are portrayed in the covers)
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[also look at them being bride style like the senhaku cover lol]
I don't know why people say this ship is impossible because Senku says he isn't interested in romance. Like he also hinted at the fact that he has sex drive, just not a crazy active one where he would attack a female for, especially one stronger than him.
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And if you ACTUALLY pay attention every time that topic of romance comes up is not that he COMPLETELY dismisses it. It is more because he does not prioritize it or care to look for it, especially considering that he is so goal-driven. At the same time, it is already revealed that not everything he says(especially when it comes to relationships/bonds)does he mean. He only, like i said, likes to remain goal-oriented and doesn't want anything to distract him.
He also acted pretty detached towards his own father and rejected his overly affections of love. So much so, that Byakuya tried to adapt to his own love language of science. But at the end of the day,it is not that Senku is 100% against those concepts(of romanticized bonds) it is just that he finds them to be waste of time. But despite that, he is still human. He still feels despite how much he doesn't allow himself to do so:
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And Riri herself pointed how Senku only acts tough and detached when it comes to relationships/bonds(when talking about his care for the village) but a part of him does care. This is because she is the only one whose seen him cry at his father grave, despite how detached he acted about his father dying at the beginning. But again, he remembered that he had a goal, and wiped his tears; because for him "there's no time for that". It's all about prioritizing his goals, especially when about science.
And there's ALOT of emphasis on THAT.
Even so, so many characters in shounen have ended up marrying/having feelings despite saying/or there being no indicator that they are interested in romance. It is a common trope of it. So even if it were because Senku is not into romance it wouldn't sink the ship. I mean look at Sasuke(another goal-oritented character) said that romance had no place in his revolution; but at the end of the day married sakura and even gave her a ring to ward off insects
[note: is important to note that sasuke was not rejecting sakura here. More like trying to convince kakashi that romance had no place in his revolution. Because he was goal oriented, like Senku(that and the fact that he was still struggling with his darkness). In fact Sakura said that she wanted things to go back to the way they used to be and he assumed that was romance, without anyone saying anything of that sort. And Sakura had already left it clear that she wanted team 7 back; but then sasuke mentioned romance lol]
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Something else worth mentioning is the fact that Senku hates clingy overly-romantic girls or the girls that fall in love too fast with him, as we've seen him cringe or act annoyed with those type of acts. But still, he was able to manage to say something about a type, despite his dismissive behavior. Even tho it was just to brush the conversation off, the fact that he answered his type of girl with "someone that could bring him materials" and then calls Kohaku a lioness, and him as a scientist knows that usually a lioness is one to provide their mates with food from hunting. I don't know. It seemed like a sweet nickname to give her. Especially when in his time period, that type of nickname is considered flirtatious. What is more, is that he initially brought Taiju back because of his usefulness in strength(and the fact he knew he could trust him) & Senku himself noticed the exact same quality in Kohaku.
So someone that could fit his description of his type would definitely be kohaku and seeing that she is the girl who he is the closest, and HAS brought him materials before so i dont see why not. I mean he was already pretty impressed with her first meeting her. Even after having worked with her, he was still impressed by her strength, and doesn't stop talking about it:
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There's also people who always dismiss Kohaku's feelings. I mean i think it's already pretty clear
His physical aspect she seems pleased with
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And well he already fits the EXACT description of her EXACT type. So it is 100% safe to say that she has feelings for him. It may not be explicitly stated but it was just the right amount of sublte. Similar to Mikasa Ackerman/Touka Kirishima, whose feelings were never explicitly stated; but were always quite obvious. That was the type of subtlety the mangaka was aiming at. And i think there's a reason for that.
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Because Senku hates fast paced relationships/love at first sight/mushy girls. Building Kohaku's feelings in a slowburn manner makes Kohaku stand out from all the other girls that have feelings for him/have flirted with him/felt attracted to him. Because, as i said, he doesn't like that kind of stuff. And since he is still sciency I don't think he would ever fall for a romantic type of girl; but rather a useful one that can serve as his partner. The way I see them happening would be by Kohaku being accepting of his anti-romantic nature, and Senku seeing her as worthy Mate that he could reproduce with so that the sciene can live on and keep developing. While he did teach Chrome alot, Chrome also says he wants Senku to live. I think he also meant it in a metaphorical way. Chrome, next to his other male friends kept pushing for or looking for an indicator of him feeling attraction for a girl/or at least want him to understand romantic love so that he doesn't keep downplaying the feelings that they have towards their crushes. Even Gen seemed pretty excited at the thought of him kissing a girl lol. So it's safe to say that the mangaka writing this was him rooting for the same thing for Senku; but not in the way that we exepect.
Again, if he ever did develop a relationsip with kohaku to another level. I dont think he would confess/or admit his physical attraction to her, if he did feel any. I think he would find himself content that he has found a useful girl, that can bring him materials, and doesn't ask much of him(in a romantic light). This would push Senku to allow Kohaku as his partner. I don't think Kohaku would mind it either as long as she knows Senku is willing to reciprocate in terms of just the right amount of romantic gestures/or sexual entanglement(when senku finds the time for her)
Because as he has stated he does not NOT have a sex drive(just not active) nor is he COMPLETELY against chivalry (which is rooted in romance).
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So i think if he did develop feelings for Kohaku he will not do much to figure out the why and would instead only try to rationalize it by saying Kohaku is the perfect partner. He would agree to a wedding for the sake of his friends and act like he was peer pressured to doing it, and would probably ONLY compliment Kohaku's looks by saying something like "You know, according to the symmetrical proportions of your face, you'd be considered to be living up to the beauty standards of my time" and Kohaku would be fine with that thanks to the reassurance of her sister about how "he is not the type of guy to be completely against the tradition of bonds/feelings. He just doesn't prioritize them". So kohaku would be fine with that. Especially because she herself has been swayed by his way of living.
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As long as she knows that Senku considers her his mate, partner, and important person, I think she'd be okay with that. Especially since Senku is logical enough to understand that he needs to put effort into the relationship with his mate. So he'd do soft gestures for her that will keep her happy in order to maintain their relationship, even if she doesn't ask for it. And that will be enough because by the end of the day that's what most relationships are, Senku just doesn't feel the need to romanticize them, unless it's for the sake of following through with a logical situation. And well him maintaining his relationship with Kohaku would be logical as it would avoid conflict and prevent him from seeking a mate elsewhere. We all know Senku doesn't like to bother with those things. He just goes with the flow of whatever is convenient.
I also think that even though he doesn't like physical contact he'd probably do soft things like touch her hand in reassurance,(he's held her hand), smile at her(as he has done so before), look tenderly at her with pride(has looked and felt proud of her) and lean on her when he is tired(they have leaned on each other metaphorically). Those would be indicators.of him caring for her, but he won't ever stop to think about them, even if his heart rate actually does start to raise he will only rationalize it with talks about "dopamine/serotonin" and Kohaku being his chosen partner; but overall, he'd be most ecstatic about having a partner by his side, and the fact that he cares for such partner. Kohaku won't ask for more and will come to understand that she has what any other girl has(when it comes to romantic relationships), and she SIMPLY has a partner that tends to rationalize everything and dislikes romance; but is willing to do it for the sake of logic.
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kloppinthekop · 7 months
Have you ever thought what would be trent/domi's shopping style? Who would be spending more time in selecting items, who would spend more bucks? Who would like to try new things? Would any of them change their mind and return stuff after purchasing 😝 and lastly what is the thing they would rather die than being seen wearing 🤪
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Hi anon! ✿ Sorry for the late response, but this is a fun topic to ponder and I ended up having many thoughts, lol! Okay, hmm, so I think that Domi is definitely more eclectic with his sense of fashion, more playful and willing to try new things. I think most of the time he feels comfortable staying within brands he knows, like LV or Gallery Dept, but occasionally some new designer or style will catch his eye and he’ll become super obsessed with it for a month or two. He probably lurks on a few fashion influencers’ pages, clicking through the tags when he sees a cool pair of trousers and then spending ages scrolling through all the options before buying something, maybe ending up with a OOAK customised piece. He will splurge on a statement item and then make sure he has all the other pieces and accessories to match it (shoes, sunnies, etc.) just right. But although he occasionally branches out to independent designers, for everyday/casual clothing he’ll usually stick with brands/designers he knows.
Either way, he loves to wear more unique pieces—his light blue LV backpack with the adorable patches, his checkerboard trousers, the basketball player pants, etc.—and isn’t afraid to make a bold fashion statement. He likes when people think he looks good, but he also really doesn’t care when other people don’t like his sense of style. He can do the fuckboy/frat boy look that everyone expects—and he’ll look hot doing it—but he also can rock a sparkly suit and embrace his camp fashionista side.
Once he’s bought something, he doesn’t do returns—no regrets; he’s very confident in what he likes, even if his best friends or people on social media make fun of him for an outfit.
Ultimately he knows what he likes and wants to have fun.
(I love him for that.)
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Trent, on the other hand, cares very much what other people think about him and how he looks. His style is usually a bit more bland because of that, but also, he dresses like he’s born and bred in Liverpool, you know? Nothing too flashy—he’s from a working class town, and his sense of style usually reflects that.
Loves a trackie, loves a hoodie; will usually choose comfort over style. Usually sticks with neutral shades, but they work well on him. He wants people to focus more on his talent and his hard work, and ultimately, he’s more interested in being known as a footballer than a style icon. (However, that obviously doesn’t stop him from being competitive in everything he does, and fashion is no exception. He still thinks he’s the best-dressed in the team, with maybe the occasional exception of Virgil, which Trent will allow just because Virg is the captain and all that.)
He’s lucky that he’s so naturally good-looking, because yeah, he sometimes relies on that face card. But that’s okay, because I mean, look at that face!
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Domi will spend more on a single item (and definitely more on jewelry), but Trent will spend more overall. At home, Domi will wear whatever is clean, and in fact wears a lot of team clothing or swag that he’s gotten for free. Trent probably spends a lot of money on trainers, and I bet he has clothing items that he thinks are cool but maybe just too over-the-top for normal situations, so they stay hidden in his closet until he has the opportunity to go somewhere like Milan Fashion Week.
Domi wouldn’t be caught dead in fur. Trent wouldn’t be caught dead in a sparkly suit. (He loves how Domi looked in his though… maybe a little too much to admit. This is why he never commented on Domi’s Instagram post about the Hungarian Male Athlete of the Year award, because he was stressing over how stupid that suit looked but how stupid good it looked on Domi specifically. And kept getting distracted… 😌)
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Anyways, these are just my thoughts! Thanks for the ask. 🙏
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hetaari · 10 months
one of my favorite hetalia writers (you lol) is into vocaloid too?????? Bruh???? Do you have any bedroom or fashion headcanons for the cryptons???
ough this is long overdue I'm so sorry,,,,, I don't want this to get too long so I'll post fashion headcanons here and make bedroom headcanons a separate poast
huge fan of floral print
she has lots of those cute brightly colored sundresses
so obviously spring/summer is where she peaks clothing wise
she wears skirts and tights even when it’s cold out but she does have her limits. If it’s seriously painfully cold and she has no choice but to be outside she will absolutely abandon being fashionable for the sake of not freezing to death
that being said. she does frequently make the mistake of underestimating how cold it gets. "it cant be that cold," she says, clueless. and every time, she suffers the consequences
Occasionally borrows stuff from Luka
like Miku, she also peaks during spring/summer fashion wise
shes more of a shorts person, though. shorts and graphic tees
her skirts generally tend to be on the shorter side
lots of tank tops and camisoles
Also she’s got quite a bit of pastel colors in her wardrobe
but tbh she 'borrows' (50/50 chance of her having asked) stuff from Miku
she doesn't suffer as much in the cold as Miku does, even though she wears short skirts and tights in cold weather as well (better tolerance for the cold, really)
slightly better at dressing for cold/mild weather tbh
thats not to say that his warm weather wardrobe is bad or anything, its just a bit plain bc he doesn’t care that much, specifically in summer when he’s focused more on not boiling to death
He’s pretty much at his best in fall and mid-late spring
He does more light colors when it’s warm and more dark colors when it’s cold
He has a lot of hoodies, jackets, and cardigans
he unironically wears cargo shorts/pants; a tactical advantage over bags, he says
once late fall/winter hits. ooh boy you best believe he's gonna be 'stealing' Kaito's sweaters constantly (bigger = more warmth is the logic he’s going by)
Her sense of style is a bit more on the modest side tbh
She doesn’t go for anything overly flashy
Her wardrobe's got a lot of muted colors in general, though she does also have brightly colored things like sundresses and stuff
yes she wears skirts when its cold but she generally wears long skirts anyway so it's not too weird
she generally avoids things with hoods unless she's desperate
she has a lot of. long flowy clothing. skirts, dresses, cardigans, you name it
also a lot of linen stuff and sunhats
and she only wears trench coats or peacoats, she doesn't like zippers very much
World's biggest crop top stan
Also a fan of denim (but like, nothing outrageous)
plenty of tube tops
i think she'd have a collection of sunglasses
she doesn't tolerate cold too well, so when its winter, she'd be wearing one of them big ass coats with the fur on the hood
and maybe some timbs or something. she's a real boots gal
a lot of reds, oranges, yellows, and browns
like len, she also steals kaito's sweaters
unlike len, though, she usually asks for them and returns them without a fuss
Ngl he kinda dresses like someone's father when the weather is warm
button ups, khakis, polo shirts, the works
hell, he's even worn cargo shorts. and hes got watches. that's just how Dad he gets
he doesn't do socks and sandals, at least
once it gets cold, that's when he really starts dressing
lots of blues, black, white and gray
Constant victim of his sweaters getting stolen, namely by Len and occasionally Meiko (at least Meiko just gives them back, Len pesters him to say 'fuck' before returning them)
also once warmer weather hits he takes a bit of time to get used to having his neck exposed; he just feels really weird without his scarf or something at least partially obscuring his neck, especially when he's in public
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kfanopinions · 1 year
Park Jihoon - Ideal Type (Astrology)
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i'll be looking into his moon and venus signs. i haven’t found a birth time so please take this with a grain of salt. if a birth time is found and provided i’ll edit this at that time. hope you enjoy ^^
scorpio moon || cancer venus
sweetness is not overrated he may want someone who is sweet, soft, and warm in their aura/personality/appearance
traditional traditional...conventional? in terms of appearance he may want someone who is more on the traditional side (conventionally attractive) with a simple style. nothing gaudy/flashy/too girly...just right ^^
"we must we must we must increase our bust" lol okay not really. with his cancer venus he may like someone with more of a fuller chest area. though it is preferred to be natural
"hopelessly devoted to...[ me :) ]" he will want someone who is devoted to him inside and out and does not cheat. his scorpio and cancer placement both DO NOT LIKE cheaters (especially the scorpio side so no no no no cheaters ^^)
tender loving care (tlc) with his cancer placement just like the warm/soft/sweet type he may want someone who is not aggressive/loud/too confident. it's all about the right mix with him
E.S.P. ...help me! he'll want someone who can just look at him and know what's going on in that head of his lol
uhhhh mommy? O.o jkjk he'll want someone who is probably known as the mom of their group. someone nurturing who takes care of the people who they love. this is super strong with his cancer venus
"emotions taking me over" seriously, his scorpio moon likes to feel all the feels and then some. he'll need someone who can handle all that. i do know they say fire moons go well with scorpio moons -- so there's that
"why you walking away jihoon?! i said i liked you!" this lil bish will probably run away if someone confesses sorry not sorry lol so someone who is persistent but not in a pushy way. that would just make him want to actually flee and never return
in other words a person who shows up and demonstrates through actions and words how much he means to them
unconditional love...towards him XD
he loves me...he loves me not...he's...indifferent again -_- so with his scorpio moon there are going to be moments where he'll shower his partner in affection but then he'll seem cold as ice. so jihoon needs someone who can handle these ups and downs of his mood
*cough* horizontal mambo anyone? *cough* his scorpio moon likes to have the good ole s*x so he'll need someone who likes it too XP
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Odi et Amo II
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Odi et amo. Quare id faciam fortasse requiris? nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior  
Catullus, 85
After a few years of working in the USA for Disney and playing the role of The White Fox in Marvel Cinematic Universe you came back to your motherland - Korea only to be greeted with hatred and contempt. To make things harder for you the universe sends you the most irritating neighbour ™. Will you be able to find your happiness and  accomplish your dream of becoming loved actress in Korea without complying with standards of patriarchal society?
pairing: Park Jinyoung x reader
genre: actor au
warnings: angst, foul language (please don’t read it if you’re not old enough)
words: 5764
A/N: It was supposed to be published last week, but I was unhappy with it and ended up rewriting it/adding some things. Sorry! (*_ _)人 P.S Sorry for my grammatical errors! Enjoy!
Chapter I
Currently sitting in front of your manager you eyed him. He seemed tired and you felt a pang of conscience it was probably because of your tweets last night and you wouldn’t even think of meeting him if you weren’t in dire need of getaway from the uncomfortable conversation with your neighbor. You didn’t meet in your agency’s building since both of you despised the place even though it was a new and flashy building made out of something that looked like a white marble. Both of you agreed on meeting outside it, so you were sitting in the café nearby while wondering how did your shitty boss manage to rent it. Last time you’ve been here, it was a few rooms in shabby, old building. You shivered while imagining going in, that place had an evil aura even from across the street.
"Where did you get all that money to rent it?" you asked.
"We actually bought it." 
"Well, business goes well then."
"Actually we are only able thanks to your movies. Don’t tell Kim Pd-nim I told you, he thinks you'll become arrogant."
"I already am." You smiled coldly.
"That's what I told him."
Your manager had a sarcastic smirk on. Both of you and hated your CEO and even mentioning him would bring up unpleasant memories. Kim Sanghoon was one of those bosses who wouldn't even think about trying to help idols and stars that were bringing him money. No matter what it was — crazy fans destroying your life, death threats, your collapsing mental health he didn’t care. Once you were attacked by media and netizens you were on your own and if it was too much for the company your contract was terminated. You often wondered when would you become too much for them to handle.
"How do you feel?" Your manager caught you off guard, even though you had known each other for a long time there was an unspoken rule between you not to talk about other things than work.
"Honesty..I'm fine I don't understand why everyone asks me that." You huffed a bit irritated and run fingers through your hair. 
"Well it's just.. I know it was important to you and you worked hard to earn the hearts of your Korean fa..."
"I'm fine." you didn't manage to hide irritation in your voice. You were not used to talking about it and you didn't like it one bit. Besides what were you supposed to say anyway? No one else was as hated as you. Of course there were idols and stars that were occasionally criticized but not one of them was constantly a target of such hatred. Even when you left there were still death threats send from your motherland to you, nothing changed. Not to mention no one else got such welcoming on the day of return to their home. It was unfair, stupid, infuriating and saddening. And yet you couldn’t understand what people were expecting of you? Both Mark and your manager knew you, or so you thought. What were you supposed to do? Cry? You wouldn't cry, that was what weak people do, that would show you actually care about what those assholes think about you. You were just fine. Ok. Neither sad nor happy. You'd endure whatever you had to but you won't conform to their image of idol and woman nor will you show any sign of weakness. You'd rather stay hated than do that. Your manager sighed and it pulled you out of your thoughts.
"Well then. If you're okay then I'm glad. So just as I told you I have this drama for you if you're interested." You weren't the slightest bit. Frankly you'd rather stay in bed for the next three months jobless than play some crazy villain or villainous second female lead. Then again you felt bad about the amount of work he probably had because of you. You looked him in the eyes and answered with a sigh.
"I can't promise anything but I can at least listen what it’s about.." Your manager seemed surprised, but he didn't wait long, perhaps in case you'd change your mind. He took out some papers and handed them to you. You cringed on the sole title "Love is your destiny" — it sounded sappy. 
"So it's a love story between fallen angel and this human..." he started.
"Angels...so who do they want me to play? Satan? Devil? Succubus?" You browsed through pages to find the villain.
"You'd know if you'd let me finish." You sent him a small apologetic smile. "They want you to play the main role." You stared at him confused before you burst with laughter.
"They want me to play cute girl in love with the angel?" The idea of you playing the sweet female lead was absurd, not that you weren’t able to do it, you were a good actress it wouldn��t be a problem for you, if anything it would most likely be a challenge for the audience.
"No, no! You'd play the angel. See this is drama with strong female lead. The origin of your character is fascinating. You had to watch the mistreatment of a woman extremely devoted to god. The lady prayed, but she still got beaten, almost killed even. Moreover, you had to be the guardian angel of her torturer — the aggressive husband. You pleaded to god, you asked him to let you guard her instead, but he didn’t agree and forbade you from intervening. One night when the husband got drunk, he beat her unconscious and you were sure he’d kill her. You decided to save her, you kill her husband and this is the moment when you fell. That's when you became deviant and promised yourself you'd help those who were denied it. You’d protect them and avenge them. Fast-forward a thousand years, and we are in Seoul and you meet a man, a painter..." He was so excited you almost didn't understand some words because of the speed. He was waiting for your response but you were too occupied with reading what he handed you. Once you finished it you looked at him with a mix of surprise and excitement.
"It's like it was made for me.." you said with bewildered tone.
"That's because it was made for you. The screenwriter wrote it with you in mind." You looked like a cartoon character, eyes wide, mouth in a shape of letter "o", once you heard him.
"Yes. She is apparently a big fan."
"And tvN is ok with that?" You furrowed your brows confused.
"Perhaps they aren't. But it is co-production with Netflix, and they pushed for you since you’re popular worldwide." 
Your heart fluttered and the tips of your fingers tingled from excitement as you rummaged through the pages once again, not only it would be showed in TV during the prime-time but also streamed on Netflix weekly.
"The screenwriter and producer kept calling me since yesterday as soon as it was known you came back. They almost cast someone else. They were sure you're staying in the USA. Isn't it amazing?" He was as excited as you were and you felt some remorse for being so rude to him before. You gave him your warmest smile, one you usually used only around Mark and your family.
"It really is. Thank you and I'm sorry for being rude earlier." He was clearly uncomfortable with your apology, red spreading on his cheeks as he waved his hand dismissively.
"Ah don't mention it. Does that mean I can call them and say you are interested." You looked at the pages in front of you once again and smiled broadly before simply saying.
Jinyoung was still amused you threatened him in his own café. He couldn't focus on the book he had in his hands anymore as he chuckled replying your angered and irritated expressions in his head. It was fun to tease you because you reacted so well. He could tell you could be great friends if you'd let him. He smiled to himself mouthing your own words "bloody Y/N". He was truly shocked that he met you here of all places and found it rather amusing when you yelled in English and caught his attention. He felt some disappointment upon seeing a half naked man talking to you from the screen of your phone but the feeling disappeared as quickly as it came up once your friend ended the call. Jinyoung wouldn't call himself a noisy person, but he found you interesting, and he wanted to know who it was and what kind of relationship you had although he rarely cared for stuff like this... His thoughts were interrupted by his ring-tone, BamBam's face illuminated the screen. He sighed but answered it anyway.
"Skrrrt, skrrt!"
"Ah yes, good morning to you to Bam." Jinyoung said in amused tone.
"Oh, hyung you seem in good mood. What you're up to?"
"Reading, thinking."
"Sounds boring wanna hang out?"
"Actually I wanted to ask you about something." Jinyoung ignored his question once he remembered how obsessed with celebrities and their styles Bam was.
"Do you know any celebrities under the name Y/N." BamBam laughed wholeheartedly.
"That's very funny hyung."
"What do you mean?"
"OMG you're not joking! Are you living under a rock, hyung? Y/N is like the hottest actress ever. Her style is chic and comfy and artsy it's really cool, and she actually doesn't have a stylist, she does it on her ow..."
"She is an actress?"
"She is the actress! She played the White Fox in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Lol, you call yourself an actor and you don't know the most popular Korean actress abroad."
"You know I don't like those superheroes movies. Besides why didn't I hear about her Korean career if she's so good?"
"You are so old it scares me sometimes. Well you should know her from internet. I think it's national sport to hate her or something. She just came back, and they're already frying her online not to mention the media and dating rumors."
"Dating rumors?"
"Yeah she dated few actors. I think Seojoon hyung dated her and Changwook hyung even almost proposed. The media made her to look like heartless vixen though. I mean they never liked her but her last ex gave a very unfavorable interview to dispatch and after that she became villain number one. She left shortly after."
"Mmmm... I see." Jinyoung only started his career four years ago so it shouldn't be weird you've never met before. He was also the type of person who couldn't care less about internet gossip and gutter press or dispatch. He sighed. Suddenly your angry reaction made much more sense and Jinyoung didn't feel as good about it as he did before. He scolded himself for being too frivolous and selfish. He just wanted to see your reactions - it was cute and funny...
"Why did you ask? OMG you've met her didn't you. I'm so jealous. What was she wearing? Was it Gucci? I heard she likes it."
"Ok Bam. I have to go. Thanks for the talk."
"Wait, so you wanna hang out?"
"Last time when you asked me to hang out I had to shop for 4 hours with you."
"Well... I am your stylist. Besides, it was fun, come on." 
"I think we have different definitions of "fun""
You woke up to no noise pleasantly surprised. It seems that Sunday's were free from renovation and thanks to that you could sleep in. You stretched out and grabbed the phone to check the time. It was already past eleven. You smiled to yourself and fell to bed lazily. Soon you wouldn't have time for lazy days like this as the production team was supposed to finish up casting for the drama by the end of the next week. You thought about picking some groceries, maybe cooking yourself some food and enjoying the day with a book or perhaps some video games. You took shower and put on some comfortable clothes — beige cardigan you stole from Mark clearly too big for you and some black trousers pairing it up with brown coat. You left the apartment and as soon as you did the irritating voice in your head reminded you about your debt. Hesitant at first you shook off the feeling quickly and knocked on the door. This time you were prepared for teasing, you were expecting it even so you wouldn't be caught off guard. At least that's what you were telling yourself. Your neighbor, however, didn't act the way you expected him to. Instead of smirking at you and teasing you or straight up mocking you, he seemed nervous. He had deep purple bags under his usually sparkling eyes. Perhaps he didn’t feel well... you wondered whether you should ask him if he needed some help. You decided it would be extremely awkward and so you cleared your throat and spoke up — softness now somewhere in your voice.
"Is that bad time? I can come later I just wanted to give you back your money.."
"N-No." He started nervously "I mean no. It's fine. I'm actually glad you're here. Would you come in?"
You didn't want to come in and it must have shown on your face since he continued.
"Come on. I don't bite." He smiled warmly and it seemed much more normal than the timid self he showed you seconds ago. And so you came in curiously looking around his own apartment. It was a mirror image of your own in terms of room placements — a hallway leading to living room with opened kitchen. You came into the living room and Jinyoung rushed after you quickly turning the TV off. You didn't pay it any mind since you were looking around and taking in how different was his home compared to yours. It was very modern and yet it kept the homey feeling. Yours on the other hand, well it was raw yet full of stuff? Mark would probably call it unfinished and cluttered. Your neighbor sat on the other side of the couch leaving quite a lot of space between the two of you and run a hand through his hair. He wore a cardigan very similar to yours both in color and style in fact it could be the very same brand and style it’s just neither of you noticed it.
"So what did you want to talk about?"
"I wanted to apologize." He responded quickly and gained a surprised look from you.
"Yes about yesterday…I shouldn't have said those things in public I could say I just didn't know about your situation but it’s no excuse. I’m truly sorry." he paused. "You don't have to be stressed about press or rumors though. It is my café and my staff, so they won't talk about it with anyone I took care of it." You took back everything you said, you weren’t prepared for meeting him, especially not getting apologies from him. On top of that he was the owner of your favorite café...
"I… it's fine." You said confused and tried to act as normal as possible while being very aware of your palms spread on your thighs. They were unnaturally clammy. It was a surprise to you, you rarely got any apologies and you were expecting some more teasing not something like that. Your eyes were everywhere except on him and you were screaming at yourself internally to say something, anything, but nothing was coming to your mind. Once again you lost your ability for forming witty sentences around him or in that case any sentences. There was awkward silence between you and you immensely regretted coming to see him today. You weren’t used to this. Somewhere in your belly you could feel as if butterflies - or rather moths — yes, moths of anxiety were fluttering their wings desperately trying to get into your chest. You never felt like this before. You tried to avoid looking at him but your own eyes betrayed you and fell on Jinyoung only to find out he was enjoying your anguish. His brown eyes were glimmering and his lips formed half smirk that he tried to cover with his left hand in a gesture of propping his head up. Immediately irritation came to you burning all the fluttering wings in the pits of your stomach. A frown formed on your face and you send him a glare. Wondering how could you be so stupid and fall for his act.
"You're really cute when you're shy or embarrassed." He chuckled now mocking you openly.
"I can't believe I took your apologies as sincere." He chuckled again clearly pleased with how you responded.
"They were sincere. I just enjoy teasing you."
"Could you stop? That's inappropriate you don't even know me."
"What do you mean we are neighbors and soon to be friends." He smiled broadly and for a second your mind travelled somewhere else simply admiring his beauty. You cursed his handsome face it could blind and charm everyone really. You wanted to leave, no you needed to leave. It was stuffy in here.
"I'm here for a reason." You reminded him, he was watching you with amusement. It felt almost as if a cat was observing you.
"Ah right... money." his tone seemed inattentive somehow. "I don't need it. Let's say it was a part of my apology."
"Just give me your account number and take the money."
"I don't remember it." You were getting more irritated every minute you talked to him.
"You don't remember your account number?" This man was unbelievable. He shrugged.
"You can send it to me through KakaoTalk if you really want." He smiled and took out the phone from the pocket of his pants. 
"Fine. Just give it." Not wanting to spend any second longer here with him, you scanned his qr to add him quickly and transferred the money.
"Done. Now if you excuse me."
"Of course." He smiled again and you felt mocked by the sole action of his lips shooting upwards. He walked you to the door and watched as you slipped on your shoes. You tried to look as cold and dignified as possible but still tripped over the doorstep. He caught your arm firmly and straightened you. Your heart was beating so fast and hard all you could hear was blood pumping in your ears in fact you were sure he could hear it as well. On the other hand whose heart wouldn't when you almost fell face first, right…? Right? It surely wasn't because of his warm breath now tickling the crown of your head, nor the dangerously beautiful eyes... you absolutely regretted coming here today. It was foolish of you to think your cursed neighbor wouldn't shake you up today. And he was still holding you — how awkward is that; and you felt fine with being hold like that — what on earth was wrong with you? You started to think that maybe it would be better if you'd actually fell and hit that stupid head of yours.
Jinyoung was having very dangerous thoughts. The kind he didn't have in a very long time. He wasn't prepared for this kind of proximity. He was already shaken up yesterday by your touch and closeness he only held your hand for a second or two. Maybe he didn't show it but he was. Honestly he wasn't even into PDA or flirting with someone or even thinking of flirting with someone. Yes, he liked teasing, and he teased you but it was in a FRIENDLY manner. Well it was safe to say he didn't have friendshippy type of thoughts right now. Jinyoung reacted automatically upon seeing you fall he just grabbed your arm and pulled you his way. He was still holding your now tensed muscles, but he couldn't let go of you. He was in trance. Your warmth radiating onto him, the way the smell of your shampoo was tingling his nose, your huge doe-like shocked eyes, parted lips, soft pink on the apples of your cheeks. He was wondering how badly would you kill him if he asked to kiss you right now. He was seriously considering it worthy asking even if you were to pull out his tongue like you threatened yesterday. He didn't ask though, the rational part of his brain finally letting go of you. His own feeling were mess, but he did what he knew best — he masked his emotional disarray with some more teasing hoping you wouldn’t notice.
"Falling for me already?" He smirked even though internally he was screaming and already thinking of confiding in Jackson to get himself calmed. He was clearly the one falling and he was panicked. You rolled your eyes on him seemingly gaining the composure while he was getting stunned even by such simple gesture like this.
"You're way below my standards." You seemed annoyed. He smiled again although he wanted you to leave quickly and leave him alone with his feelings, so he can sort this out. Your eyes narrowed at him even more.
"I need to go now."
"Well, have a great day."
"Right, you too." You were so cold Jinyoung almost chuckled at it because it almost wounded him, and yet he liked it. He enjoyed teasing you too much. You were already walking to the elevator, but he couldn't help himself.
"Oh, and try not to fall when I'm not around to catch you, Y/N." He laughed and you were already frowning at him absolutely mad which made his heart skip a beat, you were really too cute when you frowned. Jinyoung closed the door before you could say anything or worse before he did. He realized he was in deep shit. He tried to think reasonably. He probably just had a crush because he spent a whole night watching movies and dramas you were starring in, he might have also accidentally watched all of your interviews and went to sleep at 6 still smiling to himself from that interview where you had to answer questions about your body in preparation for your role in that Marvel movie. The reporter wouldn't stop asking about your body and making comments on it even though you were clearly uninterested in the topic which you finally cut with your own questions. "Are you looking for some weight loss tips? You look great. Seriously what is it about? Are you trying to fit in my suit?" The last question was asked with whole whisper theatrics and Jinyoung laughed at loud at five am hoping he didn't wake you up through the wall. The suit in question was extremely fitting white leather catsuit. It wasn't the only interview in which you showed off your wits, eloquence and badassness, or how Bam would call it "swag". You were also the most attractive actress he had seen. Of course, you were also attractive when you weren't acting but on the screen... you were amazing. So Jinyoung tried to calm himself down rationalizing his earlier thoughts as simply being starstrucked. That’s what fans felt towards their idols, he was simply charmed by his own new idol. Yes that was it — that’s exactly the type of thoughts some fanboys or fangirls would have. He called Jackson anyway, he knew the designer was the right person to talk to in situations like this. 
Twenty minutes later Jinyoung regretted ever calling his best friend.
"OH MY GOD YOU ARE SO IN LOVE WITH HER!" Jackson basically yelled to the phone. Jinyoung groaned and massaged the space between his brows. 
"Were you even listening? I'm just a big fan."
"Yeah, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night man. I’m a big fan of Christian Dior and all I can think of is making out with him." 
"Don’t compare it, he is dead!" Jinyoung yelled and his friend filled his ear in response.
 You were regretting not taking the car for shopping. The walk did help with your racing heart, and helped ease off your mind but it turned out the supermarket isn't that close any more when you have to drag home ten bags of food and products. Thankfully a convenience store was on your way so you could make a stop there maybe you'd be lucky enough to see Seoyun, buy her coffee and have a chat. You knew it was stupid, because she could've just feel obliged to say she is your fan but you still wanted to tell her about your new upcoming role. Sadly she wasn't there and so you just made a stop and sat on one of nearby benches. Massaging your palms that had those harsh red lines imprinted in them now thanks to the bags. You could swear you heard the sound of released shutter and so now alarmed you looked around but it seemed you were the only person here. You sighed, how paranoid have you become that you started hearing the cameras when there was none. Then again you were extremely lucky dispatch and paparazzi haven't found you yet. Just before you left to the USA, your ex gave this interview and your life became hell. You didn't have a day without paparazzi running after you or spying on you. The memories came to you not without acrimony and hurt. Your ex, an actor just like you, used you to create scandal and gain some popularity. You could remember how enraged and morose it made you. You didn't date anyone since then even when Mark tried to introduce you to some people. You intended on staying that way. You didn't need anyone, you had Mark, and he was enough for you. Just you and your best friend. You weren't sure how long you stayed like this, deep in your thoughts. You moved only after you fingers became stiff from cold. Somehow you managed to carry the groceries back home. You were so tired that you just counted it as your training today. You checked the time and it was one PM, perfect time to call your bestie.
"Markiee!!" You whined as soon as his face appeared on your screen.
"Y/N-ah. I miss you." He was wearing some blue hoodie this time.
"That's my line. Do you have time to talk?"
"Bruh, for you? Always. What's up?" 
"I am going to star in a drama!"
"What? I thought you hate those." He was genuinely shocked.
"I know, I do. But this one is different. I'm not playing the villain I got female lead, and she isn't some damsel in distress she is a badass character!" You almost screamed and he chuckled.
"Woah. Someone's excited. I'm so proud of you. So who is getting the privilege to be cast with you?"
"I don't know yet. I'm supposed to meet the cast next week." He nodded his head and smiled. "Anyway what are you up to?"
"I was actually thinking of playing Among Us and streaming wanna join?" He grinned.
"Absolutely, prepare to get wrecked Tuan." You used to play together at least once a week when you were in the USA, his fans loved you and shipped you even though you both told them you were just friends — it is some rule in the internet though, to ship close friends.
Few hours later you were once again killed as the first person, this time by Mark.
"YOU GONNA REGRET IT WHEN WE’LL MEET TUAN. I SWEAR I’M GONNA WHOOP YO ASS..." You screamed on top of your lungs and Mark laughed wholeheartedly, while his chat filled up with hundreds of LOL’s and LUL’s.
"You guys she threatens me. Someone make a clip and send it to the police once they find my dead body." He kept laughing and you couldn’t help but laugh as well. His smile and laugh were just too contagious.
"You really put our friendship to test lately Tuan, here I was foolishly trusting you when you killed me in cold blood. " You stretched and your stomach rumbled reminding you that you haven’t eaten yet and it was already around four pm.
" Hey don’t hate the player, hate the game. "   He shrugged and winked, while you rolled your eyes.
"Okay Mark, I gotta go and eat. It’s already afternoon here."
"Sure, chat say bye to Y/N." They did as he asked and it was soon filled with many hearts and goodbyes. "Love you Y/N! Call me soon." He grinned and you smiled warmly.
"Love you too Mark. Bye guys!" With that you logged off the discord, and switched off his stream. You make your way to the kitchen and took out the ingredients for kimchi jjigae you bought before. You carefully read the recipe opened on your phone and began cooking. You had to make anchovy stock first so you grabbed some dried anchovies, kelp and slashed the daikon in cubicles — it looked quite awkward as each cubicle was different size but hey it was you eating it not some kind of culinary critic. You added water and left it to boil deciding to take care of the rest of ingredients. You cut some kimchi and ate some as a snack and reward for not ordering food today, sliced some green onions, cut the pork and the tofu as well. By the time you were done it was time to strain the broth and add the rest of ingredients. It had to cook so you decided to watch some TV in the meantime. You turned it on, it was some kind of reality show where idols were supposed to camp in the wild for a few days. The idols clearly didn’t feel like being there and the fact you knew neither of them didn’t help. You dozed off before you noticed, your eyelids getting as heavy as iron. The smell of burning woke you up. You shot upwards from your couch and rushed to the kitchen, bumping into a coffee table on your way there.
"FFFFFF-UUCK." you hissed, when your shin pulsed with pain. You quickly grabbed the pot with stew to get it off the fire, forgetting it would be hot as well. You hissed in pain and let id drop on your marble floor which was now covered in burned kimchi and some other things. "Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fucking shit." You cursed as you tried to navigate to the sink to ease off the burn with some cold water. The cold water did help and you sighed with relief only to later follow it with a sigh of resignation. You had to clean up this mess. It was when your phone barked — a new message. You checked it.
From Unknown number: Are you trying to burn down the whole building?
You furrowed your brows confused, wondering if it was one of those jokes or spam messages you heard about.
To Unknown number: Who’s this?
From Unknown number: Guess.
You huffed in disbelief.
To Unknown number: Ok, enjoy being blocked.
From Unknown number: Wait!
From Unknown number: It’s Jinyoung.
To Unknown number: How did you get my number? Never mind I’m blocking you I’m too busy to deal with you.
With that you put the phone back in your pocket and began cleaning up. You finished in no time now tired out by scrubbing. You sat on the floor and took out your phone to check it out. From Unknown number: Don’t block me what if you need my help one day.
To Unknown number: With what exactly?
From Unknown number: What if you get stuck in your bathroom and need someone to let you out?
You rolled your eyes and saved his contact
To Devil: There is at least 7 billion more people I’d rather ask to help me
From Devil: Ok then what if I get stuck in the bathroom and need your help.
To Devil: I’d leave you there
From Devil: Heartless
To Devil: Better tell me how did you get my phone number
From Devil: You gave it to me when you scanned my kakao code
You were bewildered, was that his plan from the very beginning or were you just paranoid? You were either prejudiced or he was in fact the devil with angel's face.
To Devil: Did you lie about not remembering your account number?
From Devil: Maybe
You couldn’t believe it, the audacity, the smugness. You could feel irritation building inside you but you decide to let it go when your stomach rumbled at you aggressively. After eating you took shower, read a few chapters of The Vegetarian and fell asleep.
Next week passed quickly but in the feeling of anticipation as you were supposed to meet the rest of the cast as well as the scriptwriter and director at the meeting on Friday. You kept calling your manager throughout the week trying to find out who could they be, but he didn’t know anything or didn’t want to tell you. And so you spent the week on training, running, reading and occasionally calling Mark to express your impatience and excitement. You didn’t meet your irritating neighbor even once this week — something you counted as blessing or perhaps a sign that the universe finally turned your karma around. It was finally Friday and you were already sitting in the meeting room waiting for everyone to come in. You smiled at the young man sitting next to you, he was really cute and had this mole under his right eye it added to his charm. He was about to introduce himself, when someone came through the door and greeted everyone cheerfully. You couldn’t believe it. You were cursed, actually cursed.
"YOU?!" was all that left your mouth upon seeing him entering the room.
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simbinch · 4 years
celeb natal chart: matthew gray gubler
see this post for breakdowns on what the different planets mean. see this post for breakdowns on what the houses mean.
born on the ninth of march, nineteen eighty in las vegas, nevada
sun in pisces in the 9th house: everybody knows pisces as the emotional sign, and that is definitely true. pisces are known for being compassionate, empathetic, and big into fantasizing and dreamland. the negative traits of someone with this sun sign is that they might get caught in their dreamland and have trouble coming back to reality. they also might get mopey and turn all eeyore if they get overwhelmed with their feelings. sun placement in the 9th house are major learners and their big goal in life is to keep trying and doing new things.
moon in sagittarius in the 6th house: those with a sagittarius moon are naturally independent and free-thinking. they are the main character. they want to add more people to the cast and don’t hesitate to remove people they don’t find to be a good fit for their storyline. they love learning and adventures, always down to do something new or take on a new challenge. they take things day by day rather than think of one big goal they need to reach ASAP.
cancer ascendant/rising in cancer* in the 1st house: these people are known as being soft, sweet, and sentimental. not considered a man’s man by any means. highly emotional, cancer rising is happy in the moment, and not typically driven or determined to get things done. they are very sensitive and don’t share this with the world around them. they retreat back into their shell when they see conflict ahead. they’re incredibly faithful to a person they open themselves up to. they are loyal to the nth degree, even when their partner might be in the wrong. they have great relationships with their mothers as they relate to a nurturing figure. they are born followers and often play the role of the nurturer in the family. they want to find a partner that can provide for them, both literally and figuratively. they have great memories and like to make people feel special. they use their hands when speaking and emoting, to show that they are genuinely listening and care. 
the other option (based on just degrees of difference) was gemini rising. geminis are known to be really curious, want to learn new things, understand people on a deep level, and inspire those around them to be the best they can be. gemini rising in men is often associated with height and long fingers (seriously). highly attractive and a creative thinker. gemini in the 1st house means that they need to be mentally stimulated, otherwise they quickly get bored. gemini rising in men is often seen as a “player” because they are so charming and exciting, but often fall in and out of love quickly. they are hard to tie down unless they are absolutely sure there is nothing better out there for them, and that their life with a partner would be exciting enough to sustain them. doesn’t like to make promises unless they are absolutely sure they can keep them.
either of these rising signs could be made to fit mgg based on his interviews and general persona, especially the physical features associated with gemini. i didn’t know if i would consider him to be a born follower or having a lack of drive. what ultimately did it for me was the relationship with their families and the fact that gemini rising men tend towards centering themselves, whereas the cancer rising men center those around them. also gemini rising men are known as big cheaters and i didn’t want to hypothesize that for mgg lmao.
venus in taurus* in the 11th house: venus in taurus is known for valuing comfort and stability above all. very much commitment based people, highly traditional, looking for someone who can take care of them in an old-timey Leave It to Beaver style way. venus in taurus men don’t have to try hard to get women, they typically just flock to them. as a result, they have to be careful about who they choose to bring into their innermost circle, a common trait among those with venus in the 11th house. they are highly affectionate and patient, so they will look for someone they are really sure of before committing themselves to them. they clam up if someone insists they commit before they are ready. they enjoy being at home, in their own space, and having someone make meals for them. very drawn to a woman with curves, long hair, the works. classic feminine looks and style.
the other option was venus in aries, which would look for a more down to earth, tomboyish style woman. direct, confident, and straight up-no chaser kind of ladies. independent women who keep things interesting so they never get bored. venus in aries men are the type to love fast and hard, they will be the first to confess feelings and likely the first to break up. they look for women who will challenge them. they like the chase and get bored easily. when a relationship ends, those with venus in a fire sign are likely to blame everything on the other person.
i considered both options but felt that ultimately venus in taurus made the most sense. he has mentioned he likes strong women, and it makes sense that he would model a feminine ideal on his mother the boss lady. however, from what we have seen with his public relationships, they tend to last a while and he still has positive relationships with them via Instagram (so probably not putting all the blame for a relationship failure on them).
mercury in pisces in the 9th house: mercury in pisces makes for a good listener and pleasant conversationalist. active listening all day long. the friend you go to when you need a shoulder to cry on. they are also big talkers, but aren’t the type to necessarily dominate a conversation. mercury in the 9th house indicates an eternal optimist and a desire to always keep learning (lol). they are easily overwhelmed by serious topics, and tend to stray away from them for this reason.
mars in virgo* in the 3rd house: mars in virgo are organized and plan things out ahead of time to make sure they achieve their goals. mars in the third house indicates someone who is a quick conversationalist and comfortable standing their ground in a disagreement. they plot out goals and achieve them, and don’t like things standing in their way. when they come across a conflict they tend towards being calm. like most virgo placements, they are perfectionists and like to win, but want to do so in a dignified manner.
the other possibility here was mars in leo (which was just a few degrees away). mars in leo are big thinkers, highly creative, and great at debating. they are proud people and like to get things done and share them with others. these people tend towards bragging because they want a reward for the work that they’ve done. they are charismatic so they get away with it, but are known as the type that needs to get an award for everything they do.
i went with mars in virgo, because even though he is highly creative there is nothing to indicate that mgg likes to talk about himself and his accomplishments. on the contrary it looks like he tries to downplay them.
jupiter in virgo in the 3rd house: jupiter in virgo finds helping others to be the most rewarding thing in life. they are kind and loyal, and with jupiter in the third house they are always looking to learn something new. highly optimistic, often take on more than they should, but try to juggle it all anyway.
saturn in virgo in the 4th house: saturn in virgo occurs every 25-30 years or so, with the first recurrence being between 2007 and 2010. everyone is expected to have 3 saturn returns in their lifetime, and these are known as periods of self-realization. the next saturn return for virgo is between 2036 and 2039. those with saturn in the 4th house get things done and like to help others. they might have had insecure childhoods (who didn’t in the 80′s) and are looking to build an idealistic family life for themselves to replace what they never had. despite this, they struggle with commitment and being bogged down, so it’s a constant battle. 
uranus in scorpio in the 6th house: uranus in scorpio is for everyone born between 1974 and 1981. these are the babies of generation X, but too old to be millennials. they feel intensely, and often switch from one mood to another. highly adaptable, as they kind of needed to be when you account for the period they became adults (9/11, the recession, etc). placement in the sixth house means that you want to make a difference in the world, but are often scattered in how you get there. it isn’t that you hate work, just that you don’t thrive with structure and get distracted along the way. 
neptune in sagittarius in the 6th house: neptune is in sagittarius for those born between 1970 and 1984. these are idealistic, progressive people who want to see the best in others. neptune in the sixth house means that these people tend to put others at ease and might even have a deeper spiritual connection with the world.
pluto in libra in the 4th house: pluto in libra is a generational placement between 1971 and 1984. these people feel intensely and have difficulty in interpersonal relationships as a result. pluto in the fourth house indicates they avoid conflict if possible, and tend towards being more introverted when they struggle. they aren’t flashy with their pain preferring it to be in private. 
*note: this is a noon chart, meaning i am doing it without an exact birth time. this means that some of the placements could be slightly off when they are at the edge between signs. in those cases i’ve marked them as such and made an educated guess based on interviews. this is typically the process when someone doesn’t know their own birth time for whatever reason. i’ve also included a breakdown of what the alternative placement would suggest.
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luv4fandoms · 4 years
Earth Angel (GabrielXOFC)
(Part 1)
So this doesn't fully follow the Supernatural timeline, somethings have been changed (like Gabriel's death in the au world cause it was stupid and I refuse to accept it lol) so just a heads up. This is also inspired by @askpsychocas 's Angel Courting Ritual post (which I use in my story. Askpsychocas if you want me to take those parts out let me know and I will). This story also has a Scott Pilgram vibe lol.
(Also if anyone knows how to do the "Keep Reading" thing on the mobile app can you let me know? Cause I can't figure it out)
If you would like to be added to a taglist for this story let me know.
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Pairing: Gabriel x OFC
Warning: Cussing, killing, slight mention of torture.
Word count: 5,668
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(From @askpsychocas 's angel courting ritual)
Step One: Recognize your intended.
Angels are warriors, no matter what rank. Most are attracted to strength of will and faith in their cause. Bright plumage is often utilized. Angels either grow in brighter feathers or they naturally change colour in order to lure in intended mates. Large, well-groomed wings is a sign of vitality.
Obviously, this is a step both modern and traditional courting rituals use.
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"Earth angel, earth angel, will you be mine?
My darling dear, love you all the time
I'm just a fool, a fool in love with you"
I sang along as I drove down the road, my latest case bringing me back to my childhood state of Florida. There had been at least three people turn up dead recently, all with their hearts missing, so originally I thought it would be a werewolf, but there have been more and more people talking about the recent "Dogman" sightings...So...Skinwalker maybe? Either way, off I drove from the case I just finished up in Alabama, back home. My stomach growling loudly was the only other noise beside the radio and the car, and it was my indication that it was time to stop in at my favorite diner.
A few more miles and I was pulling into the parking lot of "Sally's diner" a small little place off the beaten track, one you wouldn't find unless you knew about it or were taking the scenic route, but it was a diner that hadn't been touched by time since it opened back in the 50's, and it was a place I visited often when near. Once I parked I noticed a very familiar vehicle a few spaces down, and I couldn't help the smile that formed. Quickly stepping into the diner I was greeted with the smell of fresh brewed coffee and cooked onions...Ah...Home.  Looking around I spotted who you knew would be here, the owners of that familiar car, Sam and Dean Winchester, but what really caught my eye was the person sitting with them,or rather the giant pair of gold wings that sat with them. I looked around, but no one seemed to notice them.
'How does no one notice them?! Ok...maybe only hunters can see them? Maybe he makes them only visible to us...yeah it has to be something like that, just shrug it off Liz'
I mean, Sam and Dean seemed to be getting along with whoever it was...somewhat well...Ok they looked kinda annoyed, Dean more than Sam. So the...Being couldn't be that bad,right?
Heels clicked across checkerboard floors as I made my way over to their booth, the stranger's voice reaching me as I drew closer.
"Come on Dean-o, you love me and you know it" 
"I swear Sam I'm going to kill him" Dean muttered while Sam just shook his head.
"I thought I recognized that beauty out front,and I don't mean my car" I smiled, finally reaching the booth and catching the attention of all three men. The boy's smiles matched my own as they quickly stood from the booth.
"Long time no see" Dean smiled, hugging me tightly before releasing me to Sam who was quick to get a hug in as well.
"How have you been?" He asked.
"Good, just came off a job, though I'm guessing we're here for the same reason" I laughed.
"And who is this beauty?" The new voice spoke again, this time when I turned I could fully see the owner, and well...I was not disappointed. Golden brown hair swept back over a face that couldn't have been much older than the boys, whiskey colored eyes filled with mirth, and...something else, and a smile that was both inviting and also showed mischievousness. To say that the man...Being...was gorgeous would be an understatement, and the golden wings really suited him, both in appearance and, what you suspected to be a very flashy, playful personality.
"Well hey there sweetie, they call me Liz, nice to meet you" I smiled, holding out my hand for him.
"Nice to meet you too" he smirked while taking my hand and kissing the back on it, his eyes never leaving mine before he gave me a wink.
"Ok ok that's enough Gabriel" Dean spoke, causing Gabriel to let go of my hand and me to laugh.
"So, what's a beautiful classy lady like you doing hanging out with these two lumberjacks?" Gabriel asked, scooting over and patting the seat beside him, I sat down before Sam or Dean could protest, but made sure to watch out for his wings, it was bad enough the poor guy was tucking them as much as he could, I didn't wanna sit on them by accident.
"They helped me out on a case a few years ago, we've just kept in touch ever since" I shrugged
"They help when I need it and I help when they need it," I added with a  smile.
"Wait...You're a hunter?" Gabriel asked, looking honestly shocked.
"What? Women can't be hunters?" I teased, he opened his mouth to speak before someone chimed in.
"Here are your drinks, your food will be out soo- Liz! It's good to see you!" The young waitress smiled, Maddie and I were good friends since I started coming to the diner, after I politely publicly embarrassed and pretty much shamed a dude who was grossly hitting on and harassing her.
"It's good to see you too sweetie" I smiled, leaning up to hug her when she leaned down.
"Just passing through again?"
"I may be staying a couple of days this time" 
"Well we are always open for you" she winked before asking
"Your usual?"
"You know me so well Mads" I smiled, she smiled back and with a nod turned to leave.
"You must come here often" Sam laughed
"As often as I can when I'm near" I smiled.
"So, back to the fact that your friend here doesn't think girls can be hunters" I smirked.
"Now I never said that" Gabriel defended himself which caused Sam and Dean to crack a smile.
"I just mean...You don't...there seems to be a uniform with this type of work"
"Flannel?" I asked with a laugh.
"Exactly! And you...Well" he gestured to my figure, my blue polka dotted 50's style top, black cigarette pants, and small heels. my makeup light except a winged liner and bright red lips...it was true...I didn't look like a hunter.
"Sorry, I left my plaid dress in my bag" I smiled.
"I'll take it as a compliment though," I added, giving him a wink.
"So you're saying Liz is too pretty to be a hunter?" Sam asked
"Oh don't worry Sam, you're pretty too" I smiled causing him to chuckle.
"Isn't he though? I keep telling him that" Gabriel teased and I couldn't help but laugh at it, especially when Sam just rolled his eyes.
"Ok now that we have established that Liz and Sam are both pretty" Dean started, earning a glare from his brother.
"I'm guessing you're here for this case too," he added.
"Yeah,though I'm a bit stumped" 
"What's there to be stumped about, classic werewolf" Dean stated.
"See that's what I thought too, until I noticed all of the Dogman sightings being reported recently." I started, leaning onto the table to lower my voice.
"Wait Dogman, really?" Dean asked mockingly.
"Mock all you want to, but I know a hoax from real and Dean, we don't have another moon landing on our hands here"
"Skinwalker?"Sam suggested
"Possibly, but I've never seen one like this, legit looked like the classic wolf on two legs deal" I stated, leaning back in the seat when I heard footsteps approaching. 
"Here you are! One bacon deluxe burger, one complete breakfast combo, and two mega waffle plates. And here is your coffee Liz" Maddie smiled.
"Thank you" Sam and I smiled, Dean already eating, Maddie nodded and left again, I turned to pour syrup onto my waffles when I noticed eyes on me, turning my head I was met with wide eyes and a smile.
"Yes Gabe?" I asked before returning to my syrup task.
"Nothing just...Where have you been all my life?" He asked, causing me to laugh while cutting into my waffles.
"Mostly in Florida" I shrugged
"Until later on, then...well...then I guess it was just catch me if you can" I winked, popping a piece of the sugary goodness in my mouth and giving a small moan at the flavor.
"Still the best waffles ever" 
"So we are thinking what? New monster? A-a skinwolf? Werewalker?" Dean asked.
"Possibly?" I answered
"A werewolf and skinwalker danced the lambda?"Gabriel asked, I simply shrugged.
"Love is love, who are we to judge what two different species do" 
"Yeah expect when that offspring starts killing people"
"Well one good thing, silver kills them both" Sam replied
"There we go, Sam always coming in with the silver lining" I spoke.
"Pun intended?"Gabriel asked before taking another bite.
"Happy accident" I smiled.
As I ate I noticed that neither of the boys mentioned Gabriel's wings, even as they twitched and ruffled from being constrained for so long, poor guy, I hoped it didn't hurt. But the fact that no one had brought it up made me wonder if it was rude to mention them? Or was this such a common occurrence that they were simply used to them? Either way I watched them spread a bit wider while Gabriel stretched once the four of us were outside the diner, I could see now that the color wasn't simply gold, but an array of gold-ish shades, going from a dark gold almost bronze at the base of each feather, up to an almost honey color at each tip. They did shine a bit in the sun but they weren't the glittering gold I had originally thought they were. Though, even in their half stretched state I could tell that they were massive, and if unfurled fully would be very intimidating.
"So, until we know what we are dealing with, why don't you let us handle it" Dean started, but I quickly cut him off.
"Uh no. We ain't doing this damsel in distress thing, I can hold my own just as well as you two can and you know it. And besides, you know this town? These people really well?" After a moment of silence I continued.
"Exactly, so I'm part of this case like it or not" I finished, crossing my arms over my chest.
"You tell em sweetcheeks!" Gabriel spoke, walking up beside me. I noticed now that we weren't sitting, due to my heels I was a few inches taller than him.
"So where is the scooby gang off to first?" He asked.
"Ok fine!" Dean sighed.
"Dean why don't you and Gabriel go to the morgue and Liz and I-" Sam started before Dean and Gabriel both interrupted.
"No I am not getting stuck with him" came from Dean while
"Hey hey how come you get Liz?" Came from Gabriel.
"Hey, the only reason you're even here is because Cas suggested that we take you along" Dean pointed at Gabriel who simply rolled his eyes and looked away from Dean.
"Ok Sam and Dean you two go talk to the families, you're better at that, Gabriel and I will go check out the stiffs" I smiled before turning and making my way to my car before they could say anything. I looked back at Gabriel but found him right beside me.
"I love a woman who can take charge" he winked, I couldn't help but laugh.
"Hunting with those two, you have to, otherwise they steal all the action" I smiled while climbing in the driver seat, I noticed that Gabriel hesitated to climb in, and for a moment I wondered if he was afraid of my driving, but upon leaning over to tease him about it I noticed him looking at my car. I knew she was a beauty, a white 1958 Chevy Impala with gold accents, our cars were the first thing Dean and I bonded over. But what really seemed to be holding his attention was the gold pinstriped wings and name of my car...Angel.
"See something you like?" I giggled, catching his attention as he looked through the window at me, a smile forming before he opened the door and hopped in.
"And soft seats" he said while moving around.
"You really know how to spoil a guy"
"What can I say? I like to treat my men well" I chuckled while backing out of the diner and making my way to the morgue.
"So what was that about someone suggesting that the boys take you along for a ride?" I asked after a moment.
"Ugh, my little brother Cas decided that it would be a grand ole time if I tagged along with Scully and Mulder, said it would be a good bonding experience" he explained. 
"And is it? Do you feel bonded?" I giggled.
"I wouldn't mind bonding with you" he smirked, wiggling his brows and earning another laugh from me. 
"Sorry sweetie, I ain't that type of gal" I replied while pulling up into the parking lot. 
"So is this where we get to pull out our fake badges and pretend to be the FBI?" He asked, raising his hand like he was about to snap his fingers.
"Nope,this is the part where the sheriff knows that I'm a hunter and anything weird that comes in I get a call about" I smiled while stepping out.
"Aww, I wanted to play criminal minds" he pouted, and I had to admit, he could rival Sam in adorableness. 
"Sorry sweetie, maybe some other time" I patted his shoulder before leading the way. Just as I had said, the sheriff let us look at the bodies right away, and yeah...All signs pointed to either werewolf or skinwalker. 
"Well it looks like I'll have to get my silver bullets ready" I sighed while pulling the sheet back on the third vic, Gabriel walked around the room, looking at random things, and for a moment I watched his wings easily avoid everything they might hit before I turned my attention back to the body.
"You really don't have a problem with any of this do you?" Gabriel asked from across the body.
"An innocent person dead? Yeah I got a lot of problems with it"
"No not that, this" he gestured to the body
"Looking at dead bodies, hunting monsters, most women I've met wouldn't go near this kind of stuff"
"Sweetie no offence but it sounds like you've been hanging out with little girls then, not women" I smirked while meeting his eyes, his wings ruffled behind him in almost a shiver motion, jerking slightly open for a split second before hiding behind him again. 
"You know...Maybe you're right" he spoke, his voice quiet, almost as if he were speaking to himself instead of me. I tore my eyes away from his to look back at the body, a young girl, no older than nineteen, heart gone and a lot of her guts too.
"Wait" I tilted my head trying to get a better look at what was attached to where her intestines used to be. 
"Hand me those tweezers please" I asked Gabriel, motioning towards the table behind him. He quickly handed them to me and I plucked the strange fibers off of the body.
"Well agent, any ideas?" Gabriel asked.
"That my lovely partner...Is wolf fur" I stated before adding
"So skinwalker"
"Or Dean-o was right and we are dealing with a skinwolf" Gabriel replied.
"Let's stick with werewalker" I spoke, pushing the body back into its freezer and tossing the gloves off on my way to the door.
"Skinwolf sounds like some really weird porno you'd find on the wrong side of the internet at like one in the morning" I laughed 
"You sound like you're speaking from experience, something you'd like to share with the class?" 
"Trust me, no, I'll leave all the weird stuff to my family" I told him before calling Dean to tell him what we had found, he explained that all three of the vics had gone hiking out at the major state park where their bodies were found. So I agreed to head there and we'd all check it out.
"So you're family, they hunters too?" Gabriel asked when I pulled back out onto the road.
"I'll tell you about mine if you tell me about yours" I smiled, watching him from the corner of your eye. I was hoping maybe some info on his family would help me figure out what he was because honestly the wings were throwing me. My first thought of course was an angel but...I had never met one before...I suppose there could be angels out there, perhaps in hiding or fallen, but if he was hiding why did he show his wings to every hunter? So maybe he was something else? His wings were sure majestic enough to be angelic that was for sure, I had noticed it when you left the police station, the way his wings seemed...brighter almost. They were lighter in color, the base of each feather now a burnt gold instead of bronze, to a lighter honey color at the tips, but what caught my eye was how much more they shined than they did at the diner.
'Maybe the color is attached to his mood?'
"Not much for me to say sweetcheeks, brothers are douches, love em to death but, and dad...dad left a while ago"  he stated, his voice lowering at the last part.
"Yeah my dad left a while ago too" I nodded.
"Is that the reason you started hunting?" He asked.
"Partially, after he left my mom got back together with her first husband..he's a hunter so..didn't take long for all us kids to get into it"
"How many siblings you got?"he asked
"Six counting step siblings. Got one half brother, two blood brothers, a step brother and step sister" Gabriel let out a low whistle that made me laugh.
"Yeah I know, the kicker, I'm the youngest out of them all" 
"Yeah me too, but, that just means that we are the final perfect outcome, all the others were just prototypes" he said with a wave of his hand. I couldn't stop the laugh even if I wanted to, and the look on his face almost made me wonder if his whole goal was to do just that.
"I am so using that at the next family gathering" I told him once I had finally caught my breath.
"So…"Gabriel started after a moment of silence.
"Have you ever wanted to do anything other than hunting?" He asked
"Don't really know" I shrugged
"I've been doing this since I was nine so" I stated.
"So? You've got your whole life ahead of you! Come on, ever wanted to travel?" He asked
"I do travel" I smirked, causing him to roll his eyes.
"Outside of the country, France, Italy, places like that"
"Oh, yeah I guess I always wanted to visit like England. But work keeps me pretty busy, and it's not like hunting really pays the bills" I laughed while pulling up into the park's entrance near Dean's car. You heard Gabriel mumble something as I got out, but it was too low for me to understand, and Dean started talking as soon as I got out. 
"So what did you find out?"
"That you may actually be right" I replied as I made your way over to them.
"That doesn't happen often" Sam joked, earning a glare from Dean.
"The vics were all missing hearts sure, but I found fur on one of them as well"
"Could just be an animal that left that" Sam added
"Wolf fur? Gray wolf fur? Not here in Florida" I replied
"How do you know it was wolf fur?" Dean asked
"My stepdad hunts, more than just monsters, I know my fur" I laughed. 
"Ok well, everyone have their silver?" Sam asked, to which I showed my two loaded pistols and knife. He and Dean nodded before leading the way, leaving Gabriel and I to trail behind.
"You always carry those around?" He asked, nodding towards my weapons.
"Always best to be prepared" I winked, watching as a smile spread on his lips and his wings ruffle behind him. I found myself once again curious about them, were they attached to his emotions? Could he move them like an actual bird? Or did they just kinda do their own thing? They were the same colors as in the car but now with the bright sunlight peeking through the trees, they shimmered much more when you weren't looking right at them, like only if you caught them out of your peripheral did they look like metal. The hike was fairly quiet, the sounds of our collective footfalls and the creatures of the forest the only things meeting my ears, nothing seemed out of place-until we all reached the middle of the park. I knew that there was an old ranger station out this far, had been since the park was zoned, but a while ago they decided to make a new ranger station closer to the trailhead and exit, figuring it would be better than in the middle if someone were to get lost out here. The sounds of a branch snapping behind us had both Gabriel and I turning to look, but not being able to see anything. 
"Gabriel?" Sam asked quietly while surveying our surroundings. 
"There's something there," he replied, eyes darting around the treeline. 
"Just one?" I asked, slowly reaching for my gun.
"No, there's four of them," he stated.
"Four?" Dean asked just before something lunged at him, knocking him over and causing him to let out a grunt.
"Dean!" Sam shouted, turning and shooting the beast as it pinned Dean, jaws snapping at his face while he pushed back. One clip in and finally the thing fell over, motionless beside Dean who quickly got up.
"What the hell is that?!" Dean shouted, wiping the things blood from his face.
"Werewalker" I replied, looking over at the beast who did in fact resemble the beast from every werewolf movie I had seen. The body not quite human but not quite wolf, shaggy gray fur covering the stretched skin, hands and feet now clawed appendages, and the face having a long snout filled with long sharp teeth. 
"Ok that...That isn't natural" Dean spoke, finally regaining his breath.
"Well one good thing, your gunshots and girlish screams chased the other three off" Gabriel stated, still looking around.
"I did not scream" Dean quickly defended, to which Gabriel simply smirked, man he really loved messing with them, and honestly it was quite comical how easily he could do it. 
"We need to find the others" Sam quickly spoke, getting everyone back on task.
"There is an old ranger station not far, that might be their hideout" I told them, already stepping ahead, we needed to get this done, and we needed to do it quickly, if these things got out of state it could lead to a trail of bloody bodies and fast. Gabriel quickly caught up, flanking my right but also slightly in front, the boys on my left. Man if a girl ever wanted to feel protected this was the group to hunt with. About fifteen more minutes of hiking and we could see the collapsing roof of the old station. The building had long since started to decay, broken windows from rowdy teens, and holes in the walls and roof from most likely the same cause. 
"Anything?" I asked, glancing over at Gabriel who's eyes were focused on the building.
"Two inside" 
"Werewalker or?" I inquired further, watching as he focused.
"One's just a skinwalker...The other" he started, trailing off as his eyes widened before he muttered "shit" just as something could be heard running through the trees to our right. Quickly pushing Gabriel aside I unloaded my clip into the beast as it leapt from the brush, dodging it as it's limp body fell to the ground where I had been standing. I was about to ask if he was ok when we heard more noise from our left, Sam and Dean were only able to get a few shots off before they found themselves thrown, Gabriel ran over, an odd silver blade in hand as he began to fight one of the beasts. I reached for my other gun, about to go help when I found myself face first on the ground, a weight holding me down as a growl echoed behind me.
"You stupid hunter bitch!" She yelled, before her weight left my back and I felt her gripping my collar, I reached back to grab her hand but soon I was sent flying. My body collided with the tree before I even felt it, a grunt slipping past my lips as I hit the ground. 
"Liz!" I could hear Dean yell while I tried to fight off the dizziness. 
"You three will not interfere!" She shouted, before letting out a whistle, which was soon followed by the growls and heavy footfalls of more beasts. Who the hell was this woman? Finding my balance I rose to my feet, gun in hand and pointed towards her before she turned to look at me again, a smile on her face revealing sharp teeth. She wasn't the same as them...she was just a werewolf.
"That's cute" she spoke, turning fully towards me now.
"So what did he tell you huh? Or did he just give you a fun night and you were hooked?" She asked, slowly advancing towards me.
"What?" My face showed true confusion at her words, what the hell was she talking about?
"Gabriel" she stated, as if that would explain everything.
"He won't stay, he'll just up and leave one day, no goodbye, no anything" she added...oh...oh she thinks.
"And you'll look everywhere for him, cause he was the only one that ever made you feel alive"
"Listen lady, I don't know what you think, but he and I just met today," I explained.
"Doesn't matter, you're an obstacle, and I'll be damned if I lose him again"she spoke, bolting forward and grabbing my gun before I could get off any shots, her other hand grabbing my wrist and slinging me into a nearby tree. I could hear more gunfire, everyone else still struggling with the werewalkers as I tried to grab my knife.
"Oh no you don't!" She yelled, punching me in the stomach before throwing me back towards the station. I gasped for the air I had lost upon impact, when her face came into view again, her body pinning mine down as her mouth stretched into a smile. I glanced around, Gabriel, was helping Sam finish off one beast while Dean quickly killed another, but what caught my eye was the silver knife nearby, within arms reach, it looked just like the one Gabriel held but he still had his, so this must have fallen off one of the boys? At that moment I didn't care, looking back at the woman as she hovered closer.
"You know, I would turn you, make you one of my pack, but you see...You'd still be in the way..so I think I'll just kill you instead, easier that way" she spoke, mouth opening and starting to lunge forward when her body halted, mouth slowly closing while her eyes widened and she leaned back, examining the blade that now protruded from her ribcage.
"You're right killing is easier" I told her, watching as she slowly fell to the side, her body still as I yanked the blade out of her heart. I pushed her body fully off of me and stood, looking over at the boys who looked just as disheveled. I turned back to the station, remembering Gabriel had said there was a skinwalker in there as well, but the sight I was met with wasn't what I was expecting. A young boy, no older than eighteen was chained to the wall, the lower half of his body already changing to that of one of the beasts. 
"What the hell?" I heard Dean's rough voice ask beside me, we all looked at the kid, barely breathing and too weak to even open his eyes, but somehow found his voice.
"Please" he begged, his pitiful noise causing my eyes to tear up.
"Don't let me become like them" he added, we all looked at him for a moment, this poor kid, life barely begun and he was already a skinwalker...Now he was becoming...Something even worse. I looked away as Dean lifted his gun, seeming to be the only one that had the will to give into the kids request. The sharp sound of the shot rang out and my body jumped a bit, before feeling a hand rest on my shoulder, I looked up to be met with a comforting honey gaze and I nodded at his unspoken message 'it was for the best'.
 Night had fallen by the time we had dug a hole big enough to put all the bodies in and we stood for a moment after Dean threw the match.
"So..I have a question" I started.
"I have a lot- Like who the hell was that?" Dean added as we all looked at Gabriel, who never took his eyes off the fire.
"Her name was Sophia, we met...a while ago"he started
"We had a fling for a bit and then it ended, I'm all for getting crazy, but she was an animal in bed" he added, trying to lighten the mood, but if the resting bitch faces Sam and Dean were giving him were anything to go by, it wasn't working.
"So you mean I almost got killed by your crazy ex girlfriend?" I asked, arms crossed.
"One, I didn't think I would ever see her again, and two, your handled yourself beautifully sugarplum, even against an alpha, you two boneheads need to take notes from this one" Gabriel spoke, gesturing towards me, but his last quip wasn't what caught the boys ears, or mine.
"Alpha?!" I asked, looking down at the now burnt body.
"That was an Alpha?" Sam asked, eyes never leaving Gabriel's form while Dean looked upset.
"Liz just went toe to toe with a fucking alpha?" 
"And she won! She's a lot tougher than she looks." He smiled, walking up behind me and placing his hands on my shoulders. 
"You son of a-" Dean started but I cut off his no doubt, bloody rant about killing Gabe.
"That's how she was turning them so easily, the Skinwalkers" 
"Seems like it, Sophia always said she would do anything to make her pack strong again"Gabriel confirmed.
"I wonder if the bunker has anything about alphas doing stuff like this in the past" Sam spoke, by his quiet tone I knew he was speaking more to himself than anyone else but his words made my ears perk up.
"Bunker?" I asked.
"Yeah it's…" he started but seemed unsure on how to proceed.
"Our home" Dean provided, looking over at Sam.
"Home" I nodded, sure I had a family, but home wasn't something I had for a while. We kinda jumped from safe house to safe house making sure everyone was ok. As if sensing my declining mood, Gabriel draped his arm around my shoulder, the body heat seeping through my cardigan and warming the skin I hadn't even realized was cold. But what really caught my attention was the golden wing that also came to wrap around me as well, the fire causing a more orange glow to overtake the gold, but they still shimmered in the flickering light, and they almost seemed...Fuller. 
"How about we go grab some food, I know I could eat, how about you sweets?" He asked, his face inches from mine as I watched the light of the fire dance across his honey gaze, almost causing them to become the same color as his wings. 
"Yeah, I could eat" I nodded.
"Alright, let's head out"Dean spoke, turning to leave. 
"And uh, if you don't have any more cases...You can come back to the bunker with us, there's plenty of room" Sam suggested, Dean looking back as they both waited for my answer, I thought for a moment, all I really did was travel from case to case, it would be nice to rest for a bit. 
"I'd like that" I smiled, Sam's grin mirroring mine while Dean gave a small smirk. We all began to walk towards the trailhead but I noticed that Gabriel hadn't followed, looking back I noticed he was still by the fire, staring at the now pile of ashes.
'He must be remembering the times he had with her' I thought, and for some reason that thought made my stomach feel uneasy, confused I pushed those feelings aside, they didn't make sense anyways, instead my gaze landed again on Gabriel before I called out.
"You comin' sweetie?" My voice seemingly knocking him out of whatever trance he was in because his head soon lifted so that our eyes locked once more, but this time there was something different in his stare and I watched as his wings rose high above him, stretching out to their full size. The thick mass of feathers glinting in an unearthly way in the flickering light, and for a moment it didn't seem like I was looking at a human form, instead I could almost make out a golden light, something that both held form and didn't, something that seemed ancient and unknown. My breath caught in my throat and I wondered for what felt like the hundredth time today just what he was. Our stare never broke, and I realized what I was seeing lingering in his stare...Determination.
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I hope everyone enjoyed part 1! Let me know what you think! Please stay tuned for part 2 and if you would like to be added to a tag list for this story let me know!
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67 notes · View notes
retphienix · 4 years
I did it :)
So, I cried. That's a given.
Also this might be the most overwhelmingly happy ending in the series so far, you know, if you're used to every entry ending with "KIRYU DIE?????"
Bonus points because this ending DID NOT immediately reveal that he lives! I know my intro here is all unserious and the like but genuinely, that does a lot for making the scene so much more impactful and it worked here even though I know he returns for Y6.
So, I'm gonna do this post like the last big post because there's too many thoughts to expel.
Timestamps as I rewatch so I can share my thoughts. Then a short conclusion because honestly? This game has taken all my words multiple times.
I just want to calmly and happily say my final piece at the end :)
0:39 - Spoiler, this ending SUCKS because it doesn't include a final rhythm battle for Haruka! Now I think I read somewhere that there's a member of that assassin clan she can dance battle as a final challenge but I clearly didn't do that right and missed out and that's beside the point- THERE'S NO RHYTHM GAMEPLAY IN THIS FINALE >:(
13:00 - Spoiler for later, Shinada doesn't get to say this from what I recall. Instead Baba gets a different wake up call, but that works out :)
17:00 - Not now, but this will come up, I offer to you my johns for what happens in the first boss fight. My eyes were dry as hell so I missed some QTEs which means I didn't get the flashiest stuff to happen. This actually happened at the end of Y4 also but I restarted just to capture good footage- not this time.
17:30 - MOUSE. MOUSE MOUSE, A LITTLE RAT, MOUSE. Love to see it.
19:00 - The audible sigh I let out when they played the same song I've heard like 40 times in my playthrough was palpable. I do dig the song! But there are what? 4 Idol songs? They really needed more or to not saturate their use so much :(
19:40 - I legitimately gasped and went "Oh no... of course it's you!" at Baba's role in this. It added a lot of weight to the way he practically begged Haruka not to show up.
20:50 - So here's the gist. Majima's plan didn't work out, we know that. Majima has a REALLY good line and motivator moment where he says he's following orders now to protect Haruka because she means more to Kiryu than anything (and that's how Majima rolls), Majima then reveals some shit which can be amounted to "I think you've gotten weak and wanted to protect you!!!!" which does ring slightly hollow since we saw Majima at a ridiculously low point earlier. So either his low point was him contemplating Saejima's survival chances, or his low point was sincere (it sure sounded it) and his worry over Saejima being weak was just also happening at the same time. I don't really mind either way to be honest, we beat him up. I fail some QTEs.
33:00 - Baba deciding not to fulfill his orders on his own accord is actually extremely important and good as hell. It shows that all this changed him and gave him the motivation to forge his own path- or rather it began to though he's overwhelmed with doubt. It's extremely good.
33:50 - The fact he intentionally leaves evidence shows how much doubt he has though, he's giving up entirely more than forging his own path, he's just refusing to follow the orders of another but hasn't found the strength to continue on his own. It's really good is all.
38:00 - This was the first cry I had beating the game x.x Shinada is just a phenomenally likeable character, and watching him accept where his life has gone and what it's meant to others is way more touching than I'd assume considering it's a tale of a baseball star.
40:50 - THIS WAS HYPE AS HELL AND LEAD TO MY SECOND CRY. THIS PRISON FAMILY HAS NO RIGHT BEING THIS ENDEARING. Also, more or less, they get to deliver the message Shinada was supposed to lol.
42:50 - THIRD AND BIG AS HELL CRY. SHINADA YOU FOOL, YOU'VE A FOUND FAMILY AFTER-ALL!!! I genuinely adore this moment so much is all. It's such a wonderful payoff for this loveable fool. After all the runnin' away he has a home.
43:36 - I love Shinada so much the silly fuck.
46:00 - I got a laugh out of Akiyama KICKING ASS in the news footage (didn't mention but the first brawl cutscene was rather lacking wasn't it?) and Kiryu just like... punches a guy. It's hilarious to me. Also you best believe- I UNLOCKED IT, I'M USING IT!!!
48:00 - Now this is a, well, it's a bad reveal. Like look, there is a metric ton of good going on in this finale- but the reveal that Aizawa is his son and is evil and is the final boss is just too much zero-build-up-payoff. It's the worst part. It's not like extremely detrimental or anything- like it doesn't take away from the good stuff- but it's just entirely uninteresting and bad. It makes Aizawa's interest in Morinaga bizarre and uninteresting since he got no payoff, he had buildup with Saejima and then in the final scenes he's just like "Yeah, Mori was nice but who gives a fuck I am the one who killed him (I think he said) and I aspire to be strong as fuck because all of YOU IDIOTS have FRIENDS and CHARISMA >:(" and like, who fuckin' cares bud.
52:00 - Now I'll more or less sum up all of Akiyama's payoff here. 1- I unlocked it so I'm gonna use it! 2- He offhandedly says he wants to be a legend in this town, which in Y4 he already was- he was a myth, a city mystery- but of course he means like Kiryu not the loch ness monster. 3- He gets to be a legend by being the only civilian (or person in general) the Omi would bow to. It's kind of not built up at all and is a bit lame, but to be honest Akiyama has a pretty bit part in this entire game. He's kinda just a convenient returning character with motivation to assist Kiryu and a career that allows motivation to get involved through Park. To be blunt, his part in the story is weak. I wish it was stronger. But it's inoffensive and he at least gets something- as minor as it is. Getting to say he's king of the world is something, you know?
56:00 - I will say that the build up of "Oh shit, these are Kanai's men!" and the reveal that "Oh shit! They are WATASE'S men and all the clans who the Tojo were seeking alliances with!" is a good one. Watase is a fine enough character which I bring up only because I was told he was a standout- but he wasn't for me. His scenes are great, his growth with Katsuya is nice, but he's barely in the game and really only exists to be betrayed and then to be like "I'm one of the good yakuza despite being a war-lusting one because being a good yakuza is just complicated enough to allow this overlap" which is interesting for sure, but I don't know. Unless he does stuff in the subsequent games I didn't catch much in this one. Maybe he does- I assume he runs the Omi now!
1:00:00 - I kinda summed it up but yeah. Here's the final boss, Aizawa, a character we were mislead on and who's motivation is empty as fuck. It's, whatever. It's not the good part of the ending. The good part is everything prior and directly after. Like his entire deal is anti-silver-spoon talking points but also he includes being charismatic or capable as silver spoon-isms??? He pretty much just wants to be leader because he's strong. He'd arguably be more interesting if he just said it that way.
1:11:00 - The lyrics to Dream are anything but subtle and I love them and I love Haruka. Sliding this in here- Majima gets no payoff >:( Park's dream is accomplished in seeing her star on the stage, but no Majima moment? No sight of him accepting her loss? Lame.
1:14:00 - I genuinely LOVE that Aizawa focuses in on Kiryu's gunshot wound. He still accepts it as a fair fight because Kiryu presents it as one, but even then he pays mind to it as you'd expect someone wanting to fight at their strongest would- he wants to fight Kiryu at his best and he's accepting this because Kiryu presents as his best even when wounded- it's pretty cool. Fight happens. It's fine stuff, flashy and fun. Still maybe the weakest final boss yet because he has no build up. I'd be the first to admit without looking it up I can't list every final boss thus far, but like, Nishi was built up, Mine was built up, Goda was built up, I just, in this moment, don't recall having a big "WHO THE FUCK, THIS MEANS NOTHING?" fight in yakuza and this is certainly one of those.
1:25:00 - I cried AGAIN. Haruka just hit me with a truck of emotion here is all.
1:41:15 - This is a beautifully shot, emotional, and tragic looking ending. Heck, at 1:43:00 I initially thought he was being awoken in a hospital bed and I was like "Heh, there's the old Kiryu dies fakeout!" but no! They hammer home, they go for broke, they give a TRAGIC AS FUCK bitter ending on top of an ending that's like 99% happy as fuck in terms of offering everyone involved hope for the future. This was a good end :)
So then, some overall thoughts I maybe didn't get out- I mean there's no way this post touches everything but I want to at least try to because I like sharin' the experience and what I got out of it.
The fighting styles were mighty uneven as far as strengths or fun factor. To be blunt,
Kiryu has an overpowered counter attack and heat mode and since heat mode is underwhelming as hell that means he has JUST a counter attack- his strikes don't really hit all that well considering the improvements other characters saw this time around, so he's a bit one note here.
Saejima feel even meatier than before, nothing particularly 'stands out' but the fact that he has super armor as long as he has heat is a pretty big factor in making him feel good to use.
Akiyama got the short end of the straw this time around. His new gimmick is the launch combos and they are... well... less than shit at least from what I could feel during gameplay. They don't hurt much, they burn heat like crazy, and they can MISS, all while being a move that targets just one enemy- has no counter to blocking or armor- and provides no armor in turn.
Despite not losing anything, he kinda got screwed.
(I'm lead to believe Akiyama is invulnerable during his aerial combos which my blurb in my finale post complained felt worthless and cited that as a reason.
If so then I was wrong but I still hold all my other complaints towards it, just not the 'it has no armor or invuln' bit assuming that's true.)
Shinada wins out for being unique and being a weapon oriented character that actually does well with weapons. Weapons have always been something I pretty much ignore in Yakuza and the series itself has always desperately tried to make them interesting with things like weapon skills, Kamiya works, and the like. But other than the god weapons like the golden gun weapons just never felt good to manage.
Using them, sure, that's fine, but managing them? Durability and skills and limited movesets and all that? Nah. But Shinada really does a lot to make them less shit! His innate abilities that raise durability a metric ton REALLY make weapons feel better to use with him- and his unique movesets with weapons are pretty damn good (mostly. The pipe/'normal one hander pole size object' moveset is worthless as heck, it regularly misses).
He's fun.
Revelations were a miss this time around for me. Since you couldn't have seen them if you tried on my blog let it be known- I ONLY got the quest related revelations for each character- which is to say- ONE rev per character.
Revelations in 5 are weapon based, and not just 'bat or pole or gun' or whatever- they are DISPOSABLE TEMPORARY weapon based.
What you are supposed to do is go to the specific place on the map where that one revelation weapon spawns, hope like hell you find an enemy, and wail on them like crazy. If you use a weapon x amount of times then you'll get a revelation according to the internet. This is beyond ridiculous and means a normal playthrough will get none of these, while a focused one will be bored out of their mind GRINDING to get these.
I did not bother.
Yakuza 5.
This might be my favorite Yakuza overall.
I still think 0 is probably the best overall for most people, it has the best style, it has from what I've experienced the best gameplay, it's story is tear jerking and exciting and fun.
But as a yakuza game overall, I really have to give it to 5 personally. Because 0 tried to work within its bounds- it made itself a great entry point to the series or a great addition to Yakuza 1 / Kiwami as background.
But 5 is building on 4 previous games and it does so fucking phenomenally.
There's something to be said about a later entry in a series gaining extra payoff thanks to multiple entries of build up and character depth and 5 fucking does it.
I just. It explores the motivation of some fan-favorites so well, it expands characters so fucking well, I know I've harped on about it but just Saejima- man! Saejima goes from a run of the mill "Decent" character to a fully fledged and explored entity! And I LOVE him!
And no he's not the only shining spot, like hell he is, but he's such a posterchild for what 5 does right in my eyes- take something that's already good and breath some life into it. Also I adore it's laser focus on a singular theme and all the ways it wanted to explore it.
Like. I think Kiwami and Zero take the cake for the most fun I've had " 'playing' Yakuza so far, but 5 takes the cake for the most fun I've had 'in general' like gameplay and me just thinking about it because there's so much to think on.
More time will tell as I compartmentalize my thoughts and perhaps forget some details as one does, but right this moment- this might be my favorite Yakuza game.
I love it.
Also, woot! I beat Y5 before Monhun Rise came out :D Now I can start that game without putting a story on hold!
Except I also told my sister that I'd start Omori after Y5. So I guess alongside monhun I'll be playing through a game with a hefty and wonderfully done story. Which is what I didn't want to do with Y5.
I just can't win, lol.
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ladylillianrose · 4 years
Episode 13 Thoughts/Reactions While Watching
Spoilers under the cut
Does it suck that Selin got dumped on her wedding day? Yes it does. But I'm still proud of Ferit for deciding he is worth someone who loves only him.
"Secret handcuffs between us" omg I love it! 🤣🤣���🥰⛓
"To be honest I cannot part from you" *swoon*😍😍
"Sometimes love isn't enough," Eda girl what are you saying? Don't be thinking like that!
I love that he doesn't want to hide their relationship from everyone. He wants to proudly show the world that he is in love with an amazing, beautiful, talented and intelligent woman.
"Let it burn, chaos is good, it will make us stronger." This is so not the same Serkan from the beginning! She has changed him so so much and I love it!
But be wary of the chaos you so willingly embrace Serkan!
Ahhh thank goodness the girls know now! And they're all so happy for her!!!
Also Melo even knowing that Sirius missing her was just Serkan's excuse is adorable and I want her to tease him about that at some point lol!
Makes me miss my girlfriends!!😭😭🥰🥰
Eda! Just tell her!!!
I love that we are seeing more of Serkan spending time in his study in casual clothes. It's a more intimate look at home, surrounded by all his space stuff.
I understand Selin wanting to start a new life and get rid if her shares, but she should have spoken to Alptekin about it, sold him and Serkan the shares. Instead she sold it to a stranger.😡😡
The Head and Shoulders spots never cease to make me giggle. 🧴🚿
Glad that Aydan is realizing Eda's worth. Knowing she intentionally treated her poorly and Eda rose above it.
Ooo Serkan not pulling his punches! He is not wrong that this is what hes been saying for months. And ouch at the bringing up his brother and the past when he was sent off. These are clearly still raw subjects and memories for him.😢😢
Oofff I feel for Aydan on that moment. So frustrated with herself that even as Alpyekin is being taken to the hospital she cant leave to go with him.😢😢
The fact that Eda can tell something is wrong from just a few words.❤❤😢😢
Also Alptekin's heart problem is hitting close to home (my dad just had 4 stints put in his heart last month, one artery was 99% blocked and another was 98% blocked, his was from genetics not diet/exercise). So I really feel for Serkan dealing with everythimg and still feeling helpless/unable to do anything.😢😢😢❤❤❤
Have I mentioned how much I love Leyla? I love that she hugged him,and even though he didn't return the hug, you know that Serkan was touched.🥰🥰🥰🥰
Gossip lines all through the office! That was quick!
Serkan asking for help from them and Leyla and Erdem being shocked lmao 🤣🤣
Oh shit I forgot that Ferit was the one to set up the whole thing with Efe. So of course he would be there/around.
I'm still on Ferit's side having broken things off. I wish he had done it earlier, even minutes before the wedding would have been better than when they were all watching. But it took him until that moment to realize what he didnt want.
Lmao Efe would drive a fancy flashy red car. And of course be the opposite style boss of Serkan. 🚘
Oh Melo, maybe you can have him, keep him away from Eda and Serkan.
Aydan making Seyfi dig up all the info on Eda. And Seyfi being all team Eda
Oooo 6 months is a long time to put up with Efe and Ferit. Poor Serkan!
Lmao Melo is on a roll today! Calling Erdem out on his dating app lies to Fifi, and telling Leyla to back off the assistant position cause its hers lol!
Shit I didnt realize Ferit's shares came directly from Alptekin/Serkan's. Damn that splits it into two teams there.
"I cant breathe here without you." And "I'll be the air for you whenever you want" ugh these two romantics.😍😍😍😍
I love that Ayfer knows enough about Aydan to check on her. And that Aydan was touched by her being the only one to do so. They'll be friends that snipe at each other by the end I'm sure.
But OMG I'm dying at Aydan spilling the beans lmfao! The two of them being hysterical together is hilarious. 🤣🤣🤣
Oooo Eda you are in so much trouble with Ayfer!
Serkan giving Eda the chance to work with Efe cause he knows that she is an admirer of his work as well as he knows how talented Eda is. That love and trust!!!
Seyfi and his love for Eda and Edser!
Also Aydans reaction to the handcuffs, priceless. 🤯🤯
Awww yay Ferit and Ceren! They both deserve someone who loves them!!
Yaass Jealous Serkan reappears! Serkan you are not subtle, Efe definitely knows something is going on  between you and Eda!🤣🤣😍😍
I love that not only was Serkan willing to talk, but then made her promise that they still would since the meeting interrupted them.
Aydan is going to smother Alptekin with her caring and attention!
A sweet romantic lunch for two in the office, Serkan you romantic robot! 🤖❤
And saying the office will find out soon enough anyway!!
And he ordered her food she loves, and that he won't eat!🥰
Omg Eda feeding him fries lmao! Fries are impossible to resist Serkan! 🍟❤
Lmfao all the doors open! He's keeping an eye on Efe and Eda!
Serkan is just so romantic with his "how are you real?" And wanting to just runaway and have it be only the two of them, three if you count Sirius! (My romantic husband has often suggested running away just us two, and the cat of course. It is always a tempting offer).
Serkan telling his parents is gold. He is so matter of fact and straight forward. Saying he wants things to happen fast.
"A womans dreams should not be limited to a man." Ayfer isnt wrong, but in Eda and Serkan's case, Serkan has been supportive of her dreams every step of the way!
Ooo Aydan and Ayfer plotting together lmao that's just trouble there. Eda and Serkan are too stubborn to be swayed by your ploys!
Lmao at Serkan saying "Even the cats run away!" With the cats loudly meowing.😹😹😹
His don't leave me grip on her hand lol. Good lord Ayfer that list lmao. He would have been doing some of it anyway just by being around. But him confirming that he will do whatever she wants him to, for Eda *swoon*❤❤
The comment about it being obvious that she's Eda's aunt lol
Poor Serkan will never get a kiss or hug with Ayfer blocking him! Ayfer you are making all of us suffer!!
Shaking Eda's hand and saying goodbye to the cats, priceless 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Awwww asking Eda to send photos of herself to him because he doesnt have them on his phone.🥰🥰🥰
"Then you are only mine," damn Serkan! 🔥🔥🔥🥵🥵🥵🥵
Ahh the old "here are all these ridiculous events that I will make you do, to prove that you couldnt hack it as a society wife," ploy.
Serkan will likely put his foot down on some of Aydan's demands, just as Eda will with some of Ayfer's demands.
Oh Erdem let's see how this plays out.
Efe I dont trust you, and Ferit stop giving him all the inside info!!
Serkan walking in holding Eda's hand! 🤖❤
Lmfao at Piril calling Engin and yelling at his voicemail that even Robot Serkan comes in holding his love's hand. I'm dying!!
Leyla telling Serkan she still wants to work for him. He may not openly demonstrate affection for his employees but he takes care of them where it counts (I've never had a boss care about me or my family like that). ❤❤❤
He's just more introverted and quiet in how he shows affection (which is what makes his love with Eda so important and different. He's going outside his comfort zone for her!)
That's 2 Leyla hugging Serkan moments!!!!🥰🥰
Piril isnt wrong about needing to do all or nothing with the project. She's blunt of course but it's the truth.
I dont think Efe is lying when he talks about Eda's talent,  but he is laying it on a bit thick. 🙄����
Oh Eda you are letting everyone elses talk get to you! Dont listen to them! You know Serkan supports and loves you!!
Erdem you are in for it now with Fifi!
Damn those curtains!! Also it appears to be very very windy there lmao 🌬
Why is Engin in the police station lol! (I know that Anil wasn't feeling well so they had to come up with an excuse, but the police Station really?)🤣🤣
Omg Serkan you're going to make me and Eda cry! You got a house and an office?! And talking about eating her favorite ice cream and going to the libraries (be still my heart, that's how you get me too,ice cream and libraries!).😍😍😍😍😍😍
"I cannot live without you" *swoons* 😍😍
Ummm why do I suspect that Efe is working for Eda's Grandmother? Because that didnt sound like an "okay team, come on over" call. That was a "the pieces are in place, we await your move" phone call. Eda may not want revenge,  but Grandma probably does. 🔪🔪♟♟
Oh God I cant handle Serkan crying! 😭😭😭😭
And he has to tell Eda, he cant keep this from her, and God it's tearing him up knowing that it's his family's fault her parents died.😢😢😢
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alison-anonymous · 5 years
♡ dating Hades headcanons ♡
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Requested: YESSSS thank you @fandomsandmore394 for requesting this, please enjoy darling ♡
Warnings: none other than a high fluff alert and my horrible humor
Dating Hades on the Isle... 
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      ♡ holy shit do you see how hot he is, like don’t even get me started 
      ♡ seriously dOn’T
      ♡ your relationship would probably start with you accidentally venturing too far underground and stumbling into his home. At first, you had no clue what the hell you were doing or where you were but the second you heard the Cerberus recording, you legit fell down those wooden stairs out of fear. Legit faceplanting onto the ground before him, he was very intrigued by you once you woke him up. 
      ♡ and by intrigued I mean intrigued by your stupidity
      ♡ and your beauty ;)
      ♡ but that was how you two started. After a bit of quick remarks and subtle flirting, he decided to let you off the hook. The only thing was, as soon as you were gone, he felt this gaping hole in his chest after realizing that you might never be back again. He hardly left his place unless it was to attempt an escape again. 
      ♡ you were the reason why he went outside muahahahahahaha (I am writing this on 5 cans of pepsi I’m sorry)
      ♡ the second that he started coming outside, people started to hide. Everyone was afraid of him, not just for his status, but because of the scowl that was always imprinted in his lips. Not to mention his strange obsession with liquid eyeliner...
      ♡ once he figured out where you typically roamed about and where you worked, he always found excuses to hang around there. Of course, he told his little assistant Celia all about the mysterious beauty that faceplanted into his lair, and she refused to stop teasing him (though she did agree to help him out)
      ♡ you worked at the same place that Dizzy did, only you were more trusted with hair and styling (though you let her help a couple times, just between the two of you). Celia came up with the idea to have you do her hair on multiple different occasions or style her outfit differently and she would bring Hades along as her “chaperone”
      ♡ at first, he thought the idea was complete bullshit
      ♡ until he saw you jamming out to the tune playing through your headphones as you swept up loose hair off of the floors and instantly knew he would take any excuse just to be near you
      ♡ the first couple of visits were a bit awkward as you weren’t quite sure why the daughter of the VooDoo man would need a chaperone... but as time went on and they kept coming back (much to both of their glee, as Hades loved seeing you and Celia loved your work), you began to realize that Hades wasn’t just coming for Celia...
      ♡ by now they were both members on your frequent visitor cards
      ♡ so, naturally, you and Hades began talking and having witty banter while you worked on Celia which eventually turned into flirting. Hades became notably happier, and that made the people on the streets even more scared because they thought he was planning something bad
      ♡ why else would he be smiling at nothing like a fricking idiot?
      ♡ umm maybe because of you?
      ♡ every time he was around you, his heart instantly raced and his face got warm and these annoying butterflies started fluttering around in his stomach that made him want to puke. Little did he know, you were starting to feel the same way too. Finally, Celia had had enough of watching you two painfully steal glances at one another from across the room and weren’t sucking face already, so she decided to do something about it.
      ♡ the second that the two of them stepped out from your workplace, Hades practically had hearts in his eyes as they headed back underground.
      ♡ “Gods, I didn’t know that women on the Isle could be so damn perfect.”
      ♡ “Maybe if you left the lair more,” Celia had mumbled under her breath in frustration. “You need to ask her out
      ♡ now, you would think that the flashy, sarcastic, sexy, soul-stealer that was Hades wouldn’t be the slightest bit nervous about asking you out, right?
      ♡ WRONG
      ♡ you were completely different than any other goddess or woman he had ever gone out with or even fallen for. You weren’t narcissistic and fucking crazy like Maleficent, you weren’t so innocent it was infuriating like Persephone, no, you were... Y/n. And you were perfect. Perfect for him. So perfect that it petrified him to fall for you out of fear that he would somehow screw it up.
      ♡ but Celia, just wanting to get this over with since he was her boss/friend and she didn’t want to have to deal with him moping his way around the lair, didn’t let that stop him. 
      ♡ so, he asked you out (lowkey, Celia having to drag him all the way to where you were) and of course you said yes. Your enthusiasm added a lot of courage back onto his shoulders, and a bit onto his ego 
      ♡ really, you were just psyched because the guy you liked asked you out
      ♡ needless to say, the date went amazing. It was pretty simple since it was just the first one, where the two of you took a super long walk around the abandoned places of the Isle, talking the entire night away. You talked about everything from backstories to hopes for the future to evil plans until by dawn, you knew each other like the back of your hands.
      ♡ and things only got better from there
      ♡ obviously, he wanted to see you again and so did you so you went on more dates, and as those dates got more romantic and intimate, so did you two. You had your first kiss in the rain, and you started spending a lot of time with him and Celia in his lair.
      ♡ after about a month or two of dating, he practically had to force you to move in with him since you had been living off of the streets, claiming that you “had it under control”, but really, you didn’t. Moving in with him was probably the best decision you’ve made since agreeing to be his girlfriend because you got to cuddle whenever you wanted
      ♡ this man may not seem like it, but he is a huge cuddler
      ♡ any physical contact for that matter, honestly
      ♡ he’s been fucked over so many times and has tried to have a tough skin through it all, but he legit would melt the second you laid a finger on him.
      ♡ he would ALWAYS compliment you, like almost every sentence that came out of his mouth consisted of at least one compliment.
      ♡ so you did your best to do the same, and it wasn’t that hard because he wasn’t that hard on the eyes either
      ♡ PLENTY OF DUETS he would beg you until you agreed to sing with him, and the songs always varied but it was always perfect because of how adorable he was when he really got into it, especially with the tambourine.
      ♡ the day that he told you about Mal was a difficult day 
      ♡ you didn’t want to admit it, but you were practically fuming with jealousy because he had a child with Maleficent and not... well, you. He could read you like an open book though, and he was a huge tease so of course he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to tease you
      ♡ “You aren’t jealous, are you, love?”
      ♡ “Me? Jealous? Ha! You’re crazy.”
      ♡ “Mmm I think you are.”
      ♡ “Well, I’m not.”
      ♡ “Okay. I’m going to go visit Maleficent now, hold down the fort will you, darling?”
      ♡ “W-What?”
      ♡ “HA! JEALOUS! Don’t worry, darling, you’re the only one for me, you know that.” Always smug whenever he won an argument, even if it wasn’t an argument, he was always happy if he was right.
      ♡ you being obsessed with his ember and wanting to know how it works (also finding it insanely sexy when you’re on the mainland and his hair lights on fire when he holds it). Him loving how adorable you look when you’re passionate to learn about something
      ♡ never running out of things to talk about or do, because you had a knack for getting yourself into trouble so the two of you would go on these awesome adventures to save your ass. Like the time you stole a possessed puppet that tried to gauge your eyes out with scissors (that ended with Hades holding you in his arms as he stood on top of a table, the two of you watching with wide eyes at the stupid thing hacked away at a pillow), or the time when you accidentally got involved with some crazy drug dealers and had to escape from a pretty nasty experiment. 
      ♡ needless to say, your relationship with Hades on the Isle was one of excitement, passion, and adventure. Through thick and through thin, the two of you stuck together and yes, eventually he did propose. Once Mal and Ben took down the barrier, you and Hades began living together in Auradon, got married, had a couple kids, and lived happily ever after ♡ 
♡ ♡ ♡ 
Dating Hades in Auradon… 
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      ♡ look at how good of a dad he is, just look at that (3 more pepsis later...)
      ♡ alright, this one is gonna be after the barrier was taken down and everything because that is the only way this would really make sense lol
      ♡ so, for this instance, let’s say that you were Anastasia’s long lost sister (in case you haven’t seen Anastasia, WATCH IT and if you want to be someone else, that is totally fine) and you were very close friends with Mal and Evie and the VKs because you worked on the staff at Auradon Prep as a guidance counselor for those who were feeling a bit, well, lost. 
      ♡ you had the closest relationship with Mal, because she loved your attitude and your style and of course, you didn't judge her. She looked up to you and thought of you as the mother that she never really got to have 
      ♡ so of course, the second that he showed up on the mainland, Mal knew that you were the first one she wanted him to meet (after he met Ben, lol) 
      ♡ if you’ve ever seen Hotel Transylvania, you know the zing where the eyes get all pink and it’s true love at first sight? Well, that’s a total understatement. The second you two saw each other, it was like time froze and it was nothing but you two. The dumbstruck looks on your guys’s faces was enough for Mal to notice the chemistry and send a smirk in Ben’s direction, which he returned with confusion
      ♡ after that first meeting, Hades was stuck in your head. Every time you would pass by him in the halls since he started living in the castle with Mal and Ben, you would feel your heart flutter. He would always watch you as you passed by one another, even looking over his shoulder as he continued walking in the other direction. You rarely spoke to each other, barely even knew one another, but no one could deny that something was there
      ♡ thanks to Mal, the entire courtyard and even the statues began shipping the two of you together. Mal was the leader of that fanclub, overjoyed with the mere idea that her two favorite adults in the entire world could possibly become her new step-mom and dad 
      ♡ so what did she and the rest of the shippers do?
      ♡ they planned setups
      ♡ it all started with Evie, Jane, Lonnie, and Mal planning a devious scheme in which they called for you and Hades (neither of you knew the other was coming) to Mal’s bedroom, saying that she was having a meltdown. Of course, the second the two of you got there to see Mal with tears glistening on her cheeks, you both were so flustered about being within a 10 mile radius of each other that you completely forgot she was in the room too
      ♡ unfortunately, these little schemes did nothing but increase the growing crushes you had on each other. Mal would often take Hades with her on walks around the campus, always “stopping by” to say hi to you wherever you were, which always made you quite flustered and him fall a bit more in love with you just watching you do your own thing (you were usually nose deep in a good book)
      ♡ until one day, yes, one day, the VKs planned the most devious, malicious, horrific, horrible plan that shouldn’t have worked as well as it did
      ♡ yes
      ♡ they locked you in a closet together
      ♡ don’t ask me how they did it, all you need to know is that they locked you in the closet and cast a spell on the door to prevent either of you from leaving until they took it down, not even Hades ember could break through it. So, as the two of you sat there in a heavy silence with the shippers on the other side of the closet obviously having nothing better to do than wait for their ship to sail, time passed with just the two of you stealing glances at one another until you finally started to talk. And that talking turned into more talking, which led into a full on conversation, jumping from three topics at a time to subtle flirting and you bashfully looking at the floor when he called you beautiful.
      ♡ what I’m trying to get at here is that it was so stupid and simple, but forcing you two to stay in a confined space, alone together, actually worked because it was what finally forced you two to start talking and stop making heart eyes
      ♡ okay but you still did that too
      ♡ anyways, after that, you and the soul-stealer actually became really good friends. He would always hang out in your office, always putting his feet up on his desk as you worked away on your computer or filled out paperwork while he talked about everything and nothing at the same time. 
      ♡ he often brought his guitar and tambourine along so he could serenade you while you hacked away at your work
      ♡ little did you know, all the love songs he sang in cheesy voices were actually aimed at you
      ♡ there were also times where he would stick around while you consulted with other students (with their submission of course) and they could never keep a straight face whenever you and Hades would start bickering like a married couple about how best to go about solving an issue and it would end with him grinning at you with lovey eyes saying things like, “You’re so cute when you’re mad.”
      ♡ Hades was sort of like your new dog
      ♡ you had to take him on walks, feed him constantly, and he always had to be by your side no matter where you went. Not that you minded his company, and as time went on, the two of you fell for each other more and more. Getting to know each other as friends first really helped your comedic and insanely loyal relationship bud until that day when Mal finally convinced him to ask you out
      ♡ he did it right while you were in the middle of a consult, he came barging in through the door and was just like, “Will you go out with me? I’m not taking no for an answer, just an FYI”
      ♡ and you just sat there, a flustered mess while your client giggled to herself until you finally said yes and he left with a huge dopey grin on his face that made Doug jealous
      ♡ obviously the first date went so well you guys decided to go on more, and more, and more until you two became the new power couple of the yard. Everyone called it, saying they knew you would get together in the end. You moved in with him in the castle, and of course, Mal got the mother figure she always wanted to have. You were dating about two years before you got married, and it was the happiest day of your life. You did have kids, and you could never have been happier because you got to marry your best friend
      ♡ your relationship with Hades had started out as a simple infatuated friendship, but budded into the cutest, funniest, most loyal relationship anyone had ever encountered and you ended up living happily ever after ♡ 
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sugakookielix · 4 years
hii, can i have a life with bts ship pls? 🥰
i sent a ship request in the past & you shipped me with yoongi!!
here’s my info again with some more details:
my name is jasmine (she/her)! my friends usually describe me as sarcastic & funny but also really friendly & empathetic at the same time. I’m the person everyone goes to when they need help, advice, or just someone to talk to! but im very closed off when it comes to my own emotions so I tend to get overwhelmed sometimes when I constantly put others first and ignore my own struggles. I also have anxiety & depression so it’s hard for me to express how I feel in general.
I really love music, poetry, & art! I love being creative because it helps me express my emotions (even if i procrastinate so much before actually doing it lol) I used to write songs and be a singer in a band! now I just sing in the shower & car lol
As for my appearance, I’m a little on the thicc side & pretty tall (5'10) so I’m very self conscious and insecure about my body. I also struggle with body dysmorphia so that adds to my insecurities :(( but my style varies depending on my mood! I usually go for a t-shirt & jeans since i like being comfortable but will occasionally wear a skirt and be “cute”. I’ll include some selfies so you can see what I look like!! ((:
my bias is yoongi (even tho im taller lol) i just really look up to him & his passion for creating music. he’s also super funny & goofy sometimes and i love him 🥺
A few of the things I enjoy include: reading, writing, drinking coffee, watching horror movies, painting, & napping! I don’t dislike a lot of things but I absolutely HATE racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, and rude people.
Tbh I haven’t really thought about what kind of dress I’d wear at my wedding lol but uhm something simple & off the shoulder. I’d love to have kids in the future! Having twins is common in my family so that’ll be fun LMAO tbh I’d just want a simple life. nothing too big or flashy. I’m not materialistic at all. I just want to be happy (’:
sorry if this was soooo long !! tysm! also don’t listen to the hate you receive!! your writing and ships are so good! and you aren’t biased at all! it’s your opinion on which member fits that person! if people don’t agree with it, then they don’t have to interact with your blog! anyway i hope you’re staying safe and healthy! please remember to eat & stay hydrated! <3
here some selfies if it helps visualize lol
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Selfies were hidden upon request! 
AN: since this is the second request I added onto some of the information I wrote for the original (and may have gone a bit overboard XD) Hope you like it!
gifs/images are not mine!
Who I ship you with:
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You two are very similar to each other and yet have enough differences that you can learn about each other. You would also serve as each other’s support system when needed, he would want you to know that he is always someone you could come to if you are feeling down about something. Yoongi trusts you with his feelings and will always go to you when he needs support or just someone to make him smile. In return, he will also be your support and do the same. He may even act silly and embarrass himself just to make you laugh He wouldn’t necessarily like that you are self conscious about yourself because he thinks you are beautiful. He would constantly remind you of how perfect you are for him whenever you are down or feeling self conscious. He also kind of likes the fact that you are taller than him because it makes it easier for him to cuddle up to you. Cuddle dates would also be quite popular for the both of you since Yoongi prefers to show his love through actions instead of words. At the same time he really appreciates that you support his passion for music and would do his best to involve you with his work when he can. He would also want to be involved in the things that you do, whether it be work or just something you picked up as a hobby. Even though he is extremely busy, he would want to be as involved with you and your life as possible. Yoongi isn’t the best when showing his emotions, but he would do his best to show you just how much he cares for you with little actions since he knows those mean more than words. Common dates with the two of you include late nights in his studio, watching movies together, or cuddling up on his couch and napping together. He wouldn’t want it any other way. 
His favorite things about you: Your height, your personality, your appearance, your support for him, your love for music, your caring side, the fact you’re someone he can open up to
Your first date: Something intimate and cute, he would invite you over for dinner where the two of you could just talk and spend time together. He would end up rambling about his music and get embarrassed but you would find it to be rather cute. He would already be planning your next date before you even properly said goodbye
How long you are together: Yoongi wouldn’t want to consider marriage until he knew he was stable in his career. You both also wanted to make sure that you were serious about each other and genuinely saw a future together. You would be dating for at least 5 years before you get engaged. 
The proposal: It would likely be more of a spur of the moment thing rather than Yoongi planning it out. He knew he wanted to marry you and would already have everything ready but would want to wait until the timing felt right. It would finally happen one night while the two of you are relaxing in his studio and talking about the future. He would look down at you in awe and subconsciously mutter “Marry me.” You would be in shock at first and ask if he was serious, but once he finally pulled out the ring he had gotten you and asked you again with more confidence you would know that he was. 
Your wedding: It would be a more intimate ceremony since neither of you were really fond of something over the top or flashy. It would be a private venue with only your closest friends and family there, and of course all of the members would be part of the wedding as well. Yoongi wouldn’t have too much of a preference when it came to planning so you made a lot of the final calls which he ended up agreeing with anyways. You two didn’t rush things so planning the wedding was very calm and relatively easy for the both of you. The ceremony itself would be beautiful despite not being that large. You were tying the knot with the love of your life surrounded by the people closest to you. Yoongi would try to keep a straight face the entire time but you could see the emotion in his eyes as the ceremony continued. During the reception, he would get everyone’s attention so he could play a song that he dedicated to you and the occasion, sharing all of his feelings for you and how happy he was to call you his wife. 
Your wedding dress: 
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Children: Same with marriage, Yoongi would want to wait to make sure his career was stable enough before he thought about having children. He didn’t want to leave you alone with a baby and also wanted to be there to witness all the milestones. Since you two had waited a bit to get married, you would wait at least a year or two before having children. You ended up with two twin boys, one who took after his father, and one whos features closely resembled you. 
Ship requests are currently OPEN! Please check here before requesting a ship and please specify which type you want. 
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alwayslukason · 6 years
things to ask about your otp #3 - lukason
[ 200 notes on my first one of these, and nearly 170 on the second. i’d say y'all liked them ]
which one asks weird questions all hours of the night
Jason because he’s always frigging reading in the middle of the night even when the lights are off. He usually asks something that the book doesn’t clarify in detail like, ‘wait, does vampire really sparkle?’ and Luke will be like, ‘really? twilight? really? also, turn on the lights when you’re reading, idiot.’
which one is better at sports
Both of them, lol. Even in college, both of them gets scouted by different sport teams alone because of their physiques. Luke himself doesn’t have much interest in hanging around mortals because he needs that basic understanding between two people (being a demigod and all) to be able to click with someone. Jason himself doesn’t mind when it comes to surface bonds and the reason why Luke ends up joining is because of Jason bringing him over.
which one is a “sore loser”
In general, Luke, since he has this very strong need to be special, especially in his father’s eyes. Jason is as modest as described.
However, Luke rarely gets heated up in training session whenever Jason beats him and here are some reasons. 1) Jason doesn’t gloat. Even his expression doesn’t gloat or shows a ‘wow! i seriously won!’. He’s a veteran, first and foremost, and he’s just as supportive and caring as Luke is when Luke spars with other campers and usually is more of a ‘that was such a great fight! i normally can’t go all out on anyone but you’ unless you’re this one big bag of hammers who tries to one up this 14 years of experience guy by claiming that you can kill him. Honestly, Jason and Luke frequently exchange tips on their own different fighting styles since they are both experts on theirs. 2) Both of them have this same thing for each other after they went through a workout. All that aftermath just coming in the form of hot sweat. 3) Both of them work very very hard. Both of them has the experience under their belt. In Luke’s eyes, that’s less of a ‘oh, it’s because he’s the son of the big three’ and more of the fact that Jason really punched in the years of hard work just like Luke did to achieve their own mastery.
which one sings in the shower
Jason does, normally, but only when he’s showering in the shared apartment with Luke and not in the camp. He really lets loose when he’s given the opportunity. Nothing really cures your day than listening to Jason hamming out a classical piece.
which one makes better jokes
Luke, obviously. He’s the witty guy out of the two and a prankster. He loves teasing Jason a lot too and honestly, Luke loves Jason playing the straight man even when Jason isn’t even intentionally doing it. Jason’s comebacks are just so -- straightforward and dry, it really completes Luke’s jokes. And come on, Jason has this big book on ‘how to make jokes’ for social sake.
which one is the bad influence
You’d think it’s Luke with how he’s always cracking jokes and even pulling off some nice pranks. It’s true that Luke would be one of the driving point to Jason relaxing and being more easygoing though. However, it’s also a fact that Luke really doesn’t like to steal or pick locks for a long time since it’s connected to Hermes. He also has a pretty firm moral compass too since he’s unwilling to kill an innocent mortal boy even when his head is just hammy with Kronos’s evil thoughts breathing in from night to night. Even with Halcyon, Luke was like ‘I’m sorry. I don’t like this but we need the supplies’. Luke is nicer than he’s being given credit for. Also, he’s a lot more cautious and resourceful. 
Jason is the actual bad influence. You see how Jason is always running towards the bigger and stronger guy even when he knows can’t defeat it on his own like Porphyrion or even survive a fight aka Caligula. Honestly, Jason keeps on running to surefire dangerous situations and Luke is just stuck running after him because he can’t just ditch this potato head and being like, ‘holy shit. it’s my 14 year old birthday all over again’.
which one is clumsier
Cough. Jason is. He runs into trees when he reads, he gets knocked out by things (but really, it’s just a ploy to bench the strongass npc) and then he gets caught it one trap too. Jason is someone who can get pretty absorbed in things once he starts and that’s when his situational awareness starts pummelling like a wrecking ball. Not to mention Jason can sometimes unintentionally say the wrong things (like with Heracles), not listening to instructions (when Hera instructs them to close their eyes) and screw up a surprise attack by coming in with his flashy dramatics (when Apollo wants to land a surprise attack on the guards). Jason may be Luke’s listener/confidant but Luke is Jason’s impulse control.
which one fell in love first (and why?)
Hmm. This is more of a cause and effect thing. Jason tries to help Luke and able to listen and emphasise. In return, seeing Luke makes Jason even more grounded on the fact that not everything is black and white.  Luke is someone who is attracted to someone who is strong and brave. Someone who he can understand and vice versa on a certain level, which is the same as with Jason. From this post I made before
Alas, they have differences too, which they either learn from each other or conflict because of those. But the fact that they can be so similar too makes it less of a ‘I can’t understand this fucking guy’ but starts to become more of a ‘maybe it’s possible that I can become like that too if given under different circumstances?’. e.g if Luke won against the dragon or if Jason becomes too helpless and desperate. Once that connection is established, Luke starts to open up more because he needed the help so that Kronos tm won’t happen again and gradually Jason does to. Both of them are also very perceptive and can read people damn well. When they realize their facades aren’t working on each other, they don’t work as hard to put it up in front of each other anymore and that’s when the deep connection starts to form and it becomes such a hard thing for them to pull away from because that’s what they have been looking for since day one. They simply created a soulmate-level bond with each other like this.
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8circles · 7 years
i finally got to see the national live!!
so after 6 years of falling in love with the national, i finally got to see them live yesterday!! this is gonna be super long lmao
since the national never come to my home country during tour, when they announced their tour i booked the tickets without even knowing whether i was returning to manchester or even the uk. so when i got my offer to return i was relieved af lmao. a once in a lifetime opportunity was worth the risk and anxious waiting LOL
seeing them live was like a whole new world for me. when bryce came out to perform with the opening act (who were very good!) i was so overwhelmed. this guy, part of the band i love so much, was right in front of my face!
(like literally, cause i ran in after getting my merch and managed to snag a place right at the barrier!)
ive watched tonnes of their live performances on video, but nothing prepared me for how great they were. since bryce was right in front of me i ended up paying most attention to him.. but then when hed play the piano aaron took his place and id end up paying attention to aaron... sorry matt, scott and bryan!!!!
of course matt is such a character that hed command your attention some way or another. i did make myself look at scott and bryan at points in time bc i love all of them! i found it super cute how scott and bryan (and at one point bryce) would hold like a shaker instrument and use it when theyre not playing their own instrument. its like theyre always gonna be involved somehow lmao.
at the beginning it felt a little detached compared to the bastille show i went to last year. but i dont blame them or think its bad, cause at bastille’s dan would stand close to the stage while matt prefers to hang about with the band. its just two different performers. it kind of made me think that i was watching the national perform in their own world.. until matt stopped midway through empire line and asked security to help someone.
at that point it kind of hit me that wow, actually we're in the same space! like im not actually watching them in their own world, like im there too! and theyre not in their own space either, theyre watching us too! and of course, how nice of matt to stop because someone wasnt okay 😭 he started all over again once he made sure they were okay. by the end he said "just some problems with dehydration. stay cool!"
and he threw a plastic pint across the theatre and i got some white wine on me. LOL. at another point he threw a red solo cup so hard i think it hit the opposite wall cause there was a super loud sound. then he went on to say "...one day..." during the last song he brought out a bottle of white wine or prosecco on stage but said he said couldn’t open it because it was corked and it was hard to open those on stage with his teeth(!!!) he asked for another bottle and smashed the corked one on the ground. i love drunk matt so much.
bryce is so interesting to watch tbh. he keeps changing guitars lmao. i got so excited every time he brought out the blue one, bc i had a super clear view of his bow hanging from his mic stand and i was like "vanderlyle?????"
in the end they didnt play it, but no matter! they played so many good songs that i cant complain. my jaw hit the floor when they played hard to find cause i wasnt expecting that at all! i kept saying "oh my god" when i heard the chords lmao. it was so beautiful. i remembered the interview where one of the twins said they think hard to find is one of the most beautiful songs theyve ever written. i felt so honoured that i could listen to it live! they also played this is the last time - my favourite off twfm! i think a lot of people in the theatre love that song too! we were all shouting “it takes a lot of pain to pick me up” together. 
of course they played standard classics too. it felt so good to sing along to bloodbuzz and i need my girl. i kind of expected they were gonna play england since it was their first show in england for this tour so when aaron started playing the chords i was super happy. mr november was the best in terms of crowd involvement, you could hear everyone shouting I WONT FUCK US OVER together. conversation 16, too.. everyone screaming "CAUSE IIIIMM EEEVILLLL" was so much fun. slow show and apartment story were so great live as well. singing “SO WORRY NOT ALL THINGS ARE WELL” was so wonderful. during fake empire the twins did the guitar thing as they always do. i was so happy! 
tbh when i was there i mostly felt out of place since most of the people there were white hipsters and they came with their friends/partners so i barely talked to anyone, but singing all the classics live made me forget all of that awkwardness.
the new album was good live too. carin at the liquor store is my fave off the album and it sounded so beautiful live. matt went one octave higher during turtleneck and he sounded so clear. i was actually so surprised at how clear and almost rasp-free he sounded! we shouted “great uncle valentine jester” during day i die, it was so great!  they dedicated apartment story and born to beg to a lady who took care of them while they were in manchester. the opening act luluc came out and sang with them during born to beg. it was beautiful and perfect! ive been falling in love more and more with born to beg with each listen, and the live performance really sealed the deal with how much i love it.
terrible love was the last song off the setlist and it’s my first favourite song from the national so listening to it live was like coming full circle of some sort. during that song (and mr. november) matt went out and leaned over the barriers so that people could reach out and hug him. during terrible love he was super close to me, but i was too scared to touch him cause so many people were clinging onto him already but he was literally right there! he also stood at the edge pretending to fall from the other side. a member of the audience hugged his knees to stop him from falling!
bryce kind of smiled at my general direction at one point when he was setting up his guitar. the girl next to me blew kisses at him, i wish i did or said something too, but honestly i just stood there and melted into a puddle. during fake empire bryce went to play the piano so aaron was on my side of the stage and he waved at my general direction when they finished. a double whammy! matt came over to our side of the stage during turtleneck and screamed the chorus at us. it was so surreal. waiting for two hours outside in the cold and rain was definitely worth the place right in the front.
of course i have a soft spot for the twins, so seeing them live was the best part of my night. bryce (and at some points aaron) being in front of me was a dream come true. it’s no doubt that bryce is fantastic at guitar, but hearing him live and actually picking up the way he plays with my own ears was really something else. not only his playing, but also how he was using all the different guitars and using the mics on them and all the different pedals - it was all like a work of genius. i didn’t really get to see aaron’s artistry since his stuff was on the opposite side of the stage and he played more piano (which was on his side of the stage) but i could clearly see him playing when matt stepped back and let the twins perform guitar together. i caught him smirking at bryce on multiple occasions. i ascended each time. 
it was obvious that bryce was the more shimmery, flashy player when it came to guitar, so i tried to distinguish their styles of piano too! maybe it’s just me, but i think aaron has a deeper sound and bryce has a sharper sound! maybe that’s why they take turns for specific songs. regardless, they were so great, playing together and separately. i admire them greatly since they have so many projects and interests and even though their musical interests differ, they end up intertwining. seeing them live really showed that tbh!
it was the best night of my life. i wish i could be going to today’s show as well, but unfortunately i don’t have the money for that! anyway, everything ive always dreamed of already came true when i managed to stand right in the front and watch the national in all their glory perform live. i never expected to be right in the front - literally at the barrier - but i was! and it was worth the two hour wait in the cold without any food (this was my fault for forgetting to eat before coming, but it was worth it tbh!). hopefully i’ll be able to go for another concert if possible because that was probably the best experience ive ever had.
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putschki1969 · 8 years
Translation of Kalafina’s appearance on the radio show 「Takeshi Washizaki’s YORU NIGHT×YORU NIGHT」
I thought I’d provide a rough summary [scratch that. This thing turned out longer than expected >_>] for yesterday’s radio appearance. This is dedicated to @sangaella who was kind enough to capture the whole thing. In case you haven’t seen the link she provided, go HERE (inactive)!! The interview can also be downloaded HERE on my google drive + the extra few minutes that were only available for subscribers of the channel (slightly better quality)!!
Disclaimer: Take this with a grain of salt. My Japanese listening comprehension SUCKS. T_T I tried my best though. And I might come back to this post and edit things later when I am not so tired >_<
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Translation starts behind the cut! Enjoy ^_^
They start with their usual introduction and then they are saying it’s been a long time since they have last been on the show. Washizaki-san is sorry that it took so long and he also apologises for the late hour. The girls say it’s all right because he is always super hyper and they are having loads of fun. They also mention that he likes to play on his guitar which is quite entertaining. He asks if Wakana wants to try and Wakana is all like, “yeah, sure, I wanna try”. He adds whether she would sing too, Wakana is up for it. Washizaki goes on to ask if they would sing in an izakaya (= Japanese pub) and Hikaru is all like, “nope, we don’t sing there” *in a monotone voice* Washizaki is thrown back by her cold reply and Keiko explains that Hikaru is now a grown-up, she doesn’t do stuff like that anymore.
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Then Hikaru goes on to bluntly ask Washizaki to sing some of Kalafina’s songs for them but they all end up agreeing that he would probably suck since he can hardly produce a three-vocal harmony . They start talking about their upcoming Live Tour and apparently some of the ticket sale for the Tokyo venue will be conducted by “Cultural Broadcasting = the channel they are on” [or something like that o.O] The girls are like, “YAY, that’s great!!!” Seems like they didn’t expect that, they are quite surprised.
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Washizaki explains the details regarding the Tokyo concerts at Tokyo International Forum and on how to get the tickets. The girls are laughing at how he is saying the number for the ticket application because he is doing it all seriously like he is some sort of voice actor or something. They love his voice though. And YAY, the application period is officially starting for their listeners! Everyone should be calling since it’s first come first serve. Next up they talk about their 「9+ONE」 tour in detail. How it is a “hall” tour and how they will perform in many different areas (read out by Keiko). Washizaki seems quite surprised by the last venue [probably because it would make sense to finish a tour in Tokyo] and asks Keiko to repeat it, it’s the concert hall in Fukuoka. Wakana explains they chose it as their final stop because that’s where she grew up, she wasn’t born there but she spent her childhood and youth there. Washizaki wants to know if that’s their first live in Fukuoka, “it surely isn’t, right?” Wakana replies, “no, it’s not our first time there”. Washizaki then wonders if Wakana’s childhood friends come to see her whenever she performs in her hometown and yup, they all come and cheer her on, every time. They are incredibly happy to see her perform. Keiko is imitating her friends’ reactions by being all like, “ahhhhaahha” and she says it’s great when the audience is this lively. Washizaki mentions the Coming of Age Day celebrations in Fukuoka, apparently they are a bit special there and it’s become quite popular (they are even in the news).I guess the outfits, hair and accessoires are a bit more flashy than usual or something. Washizaki wants to know what Wakana wore for her ceremony. Her ceremony and outfit were completely normal though, nothing out of the ordinary. Keiko is like, “That’s because Waka-chan is so innocent!” However, seems like people told her her hairpiece looked like seaweed. Awwww... Keiko thinks Wakana is too cute.
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Washizaki wants to know if Wakana was a “bad girl” in her student days. Wakana is quite shocked by the assumption, “Do I look like I had a bad image???!!” Washizaki has to admit that, no, she really doesn’t look like it. Wakana is trying her best gangster/yakuza imitation, “horahh, horahh!!” LOL But no, she was a totally normal student that liked to hang out with her friends. And they were all members of the art club. Washizaki asks the other two what kind of students they used to be. Hikaru took her studies very seriously and she was the type to be elected as class representative. But she didn’t stand out at all, she always wanted to be as inconspicuous as possible. As for Keiko, she always stuck to her older sister and she would do everything she did (which was mostly sports). She spent her student days playing soccer and tennis. Washizaki asks if Keiko was a class representative as well and Keiko replies in husky voice, “no, I wasn’t.” Washizaki is like, “oh, such a sexy voice!” Keiko says that at this time of the night her voice tends to become quite husky and she likes to talk in a lower voice to give her throat some rest (because they have been singing a lot). Washizaki keeps saying that it is quite sexy and I guess he starts to flirt a bit with Keiko (who is quite embarrassed).
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Wakana comes to the rescue and cock-blocks him, “Topic change, next topic!!!” => Next up is the meaning of their tour name, 「9+ONE」. They go on to explain that it is because this year is their 9th year and they wanna dedicate this year to work towards their 10th anniversary. They would like to create this tour together with all their fans, they wanna make it special. Washizaki talks about some ideas and how it would be great if they did some roller skating on stage. The girls are totally up for it and wanna try XD Keiko in particular
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Wakana thinks that she might not be able to, she will probably be super shaky. Then she goes on to explain what they mean by creating the tour together with the fans. Seems like they will include a lot of the wishes that fans wrote in their questionnaires (the ones that are always handed out during lives). They will also consider some other input like the wishes that are mentioned on their blog or in the emails they receive on their radio show. They collect everything. Washizaki goes on to say something about a “lounge voice” and Wakana mutters something but meh, no idea what’s that supposed to mean. Next topic is their Arena Live Bluray that was recently released. Hikaru says that they tried a lot of new things for that concert. Washizaki then asks if there is anything they notice when they watch super old recordings of themselves, if there is any change. Keiko jokingly replies, “Our faces were so round!!”
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Washizaki is like, “What? Round faces!!! Kalafina dango-siblings!!”  Keiko, “Yup, we were dumplings!!” Next up is a break where they are playing “blaze”. After their break we return to see Keiko leaning close to Wakana. Wakana is Kalafina’s official heater because she always radiates a lot of warmth and her temperature is always high. [Note that this part is NOT in the youtube video, they probably forgot about it] Another break where some girls read out some emails or something. Then we return to Kalafina and Washizaki playing the guitar.  
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They are having their own little party XD Washizaki then reads out an email by someone who attented Kalafina’s anniversary live at the Shibuya O-EAST and they mention something that Keiko wrote in her recent blog post. About live houses being amazing because you don’t just see the audience, you are literally locking eyes with each and every person. The person then continues to say that they also perform a lot in arenas and halls and whether or not live houses are very different to those venues. And yup, Wakana says that concerts at live houses are much more intimate, it’s almost like their situation right now, sitting in a booth across from each other. In halls on the other hand, their lives have a further reach. Wakana goes on with some weird train station metaphor, I don’t really understand it. The others seem to find it weird as well. Her point is though, that their hall lives can reach more people. Washizaki wants to know if live houses are more fun and Hikaru says that all venues have their perks but at the live house there’s always this awareness of each other. Everyone’s eyes can meet. Another question for them (from another mail). Is there any private challenge they wanna tackle?
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LOL at Wakana’s thinking face....For Keiko it’s trying out new kinds of training. Every year, she will change her work out and focus on different parts of her body. She will also get another trainer at the gym. It’s important for the body not to get used to the training. Washizaki wonders if there is any part of Keiko’s body left that still needs training. Washizaki then asks about oily food and Keiko outright shouts at him that she doesn’t eat oily food, “NAI/NO, I don’t!!!” She doesn’t like it. However, as we all know, she loves candy. I think Washizaki then asks about Keiko being chubby. Not sure if he asks if she used to be chubby or if she tends to be chubby or something else. Something along these lines. Anyways, she once again replies with, “NAI/NOPE” [her “nai” is so cute] Washizaki says something about her dango-past when her face was still round but Keiko clarifies that aside from her round face, she wasn’t particularly chubby. [I think... I am not too sure about this part, my listening comprehension sucks] Washizaki wants to know if they are active together and if they sometimes go for runs together. Both Keiko and Wakana reply with a clear, “NAI/NO!” Wakana’s body is just too weak for these kinds of activities and Hikaru is only active on stage XD Typical Kalafina style! Keiko =>”That’s Kalafina for you!!”
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Hikaru wants to watch more anime. DUH :P She talks about some anime called Yowamushi Pedal. She is very passionate about it and she has been very invested ever since she watched the first episode. Apparently it makes her cry a lot. As for Wakana, she wants to try diving. To avoid misunderstandings she clarifies, “...in the sea. The sea!!” Keiko is like, “Eh? I can’t imagine Wa-chan doing that!” Apparently Wakana has a lot of trouble with her ears when she is in the water, she can’t get her ears clear or something. She will have to work on that if she wants to go diving. She really wants to go. Why? Because she wants to see some sharks of course! She wants to swim with them. Her older brother lives in Australia and apparently there’s a place near his home where a lot of sharks and crocodiles come out regularly. Swimming is obviously not allowed in that area but still, Wakana wants to go there! She would like to continue talking but Keiko gently makes her aware that she has talked enough about sharks XD
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Keiko is like, “she always does this. She always strays from the topic and keeps on blabbering away.” Next question is whether or not they watch their own live footage. And yes, of course they do. Usually each of them will watch it immediately afterwards, on the day after the concert. They get special footage for that. Washizaki asks if they ever do live commentaries on their Blurays. The girls say no, they don’t and they are not even sure what that is supposed to be. Washizaki goes on to explain and they seem quite intrigued by this idea. The more they talk about it the more they are into it [PLEASE DO IT!] A last message to their listeners since their time is over. Mostly info about their upcoming live tour and their single.
Now we get to the extra part that was reserved for subscribers only. They are back!! BANZAI!! Party!!! High FIVE!!
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They talk about alcohol and how Wakana has recently started to drink white wine. Usually she is more into red wine (which she would drink with her meat and so on) but she thought she would try some white wine for a change. She is trying different kinds right now. Hikaru only drinks Japanese wine. Washizaki is having some wild ideas of Hikaru sitting in Japanese pubs and drinking sake. He is going on and on about being drunk and such and riding a bike. As for Keiko, she says she doesn’t really drink alcohol. During all of this Washizaki managed to fall under the desk. I guess he was laughing too much due to his crazy story about getting drunk. Keiko comments that at such a late hour, something like this probably can’t be helped. She then goes on to explain that she will sometimes have teeny tiny bits of sake with her meal but that’s about it. She can’t deal with too much alcohol. Washizaki wants to know how Wakana and Hikaru act like when they are drunk. Keiko says they are completely normal, they don’t act overly drunk and they don’t walk wobbly or anything. She believes it’s because they grew up in Fukuoka and Toyama respectively (they are hardened countryside people). Wakana is just more talkative and Hikaru doesn’t change at all. She has never thrown up or had diarrhea due to drinking (it’s funny how she sugarcoats this by using an euphemism :P she says “kirakira” and Washizaki is like, “what?” and then she has to explain what she meant). Anyways, she says that her behaviour doesn’t change at all when she is drunk. And she will usually only drink when she has eaten a lot. Wakana can drink a lot, she is quite strong in that regard, she is saying something about having bear blood o.O She got that from her mother. She can drink a whole bottle of wine all by herself. And she gets very cheerful when she is drunk. Washizaki says he usually drinks by himself and he doesn’t really go outside, he is a hikikomori. Keiko is like, “Ah, Hikaru is one as well!!”  Not sure what they are talking about next, it’s more about Washizaki so meh... For some reason, Wakana is posing and calling it a “narcissist-pose”
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Keiko and Hikaru are very amused. Suddenly Wakana and Washizaki start singing, no idea what they are singing but I am sure it’s just some reference I am not getting. Now Keiko and Hikaru seem to be embarrassed. Keiko says jokingly “Let’s go home NOW!” Wakana is having fun though. Another question by Washizaki. Do they ever harmonise in private? If I understand correctly, Keiko is talking about their wrap parties and other official events and how they used to have certain difficulties growing accustomed to that atmosphere. She thinks it’s easier for solo artists because they just go around and accept all the well-wishes and congratulations. But for some reason they never knew what to do, what to say, who should do or say something first etc....but ever since their 7th year, they seem to have become used to it or at least, they are trying really hard. [Not sure if I am understanding this whole part correctly o.O] Washizaki is like “YAY, great job for putting so much effort into it for the past two years!” They shortly talk about some other artists like Angela’s Atsuko. And then of course they also mention their live with LiSA. YAY two-man live with Ri-chan!  Everyone is waving at Ri-chan! Some talk about May’n as well. Washizaki hopes they will be all right at Lisani in the waiting area/lobby (due to their difficulties they mentioned previously). He offers some advice on how they should introduce themselves and such. And then it’s pretty much over...
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