#nourishing foods
sidewalkchemistry · 5 months
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The Fine Line Between Self-Love & Punitive Discipline (Finding Food Freedom ☺️) | Holistic Leveling Up!
I wanted to take a moment today to talk about the modern scene of nutrition. Increasingly within it, a common theme is condemning abstinence, or restriction, in efforts to be in direct opposition to diet culture. Unfortunately, many nutritionists haven't yet realized how food freedom comes about - i.e. through distancing oneself from addictive & overprocessed "food stuffs" by your own self-loving choice to choose nourishment instead. It opens up your tastebuds and develops cravings for real whole foods. Thus, food becomes orgasmic & nourishing at once...It literally feels like you've been missing out your whole life on feeling so hydrated, satiated, and energized. The felt sense of connection and gratitude for Earth's bounty usually leaves little to no room for a troubled relationship with food (with the proper transitionary system especially).
Rejecting fast foods, refined sugars, junk food snacks, table salts, oils, animal products (which are inherently hormone-ridden), and other food formulations which create addictive habits can first look like a knuckle-gripping self-disciplinary method. Many get wary that it will cause or worsen disordered relationships with food. Rarely is an eye batted at the nutritionist who encourages eating junk foods and fast foods on a regular basis for a "balanced" mindset. The paradox is that animals who get a taste of these foods lose all sense of balance with food. Disordered relationships with food are only a reality because of non-real foods. There is nothing wrong with facing the reality that there are such things as unhealthy foods. Unhealthy food cravings and binges are only done on less-than-ideal foods. Such foods should never be seen as something-I-may-never-ever-have-again or a food-I-can-no-longer-eat. That will mess you up psychologically and increase the craving tenfold! Plus, it won't be interpreted by the body as a loving act to ignore those cravings. It will feel like punishment. Mindset shifts are necessary in healing one's relationship with food because some of what we considered foods alter our normal psychology. Instead, it's much healthier to think in terms of these-are-the-foods-that-are-perfect-for-me. By that, I mean, that many of the foods which we all know shouldn't be eaten on a regular basis cause us to act within the realm of our "lower selves," as you could say. They increase our impatience, anxiety, temper...they throw us out of balance (nothing is wrong with recognizing any morsel of impatience, anxiety, or anger within you. The issue is when it begins to unconsciously rule you). But yes, this is how we make self-loving choices at all. This is real discipline. You notice that a certain action will be much more worthwhile. And so, you choose it. And you delight in the journey that action takes you along. And that becomes your new normal. ~~~~ FOOD FREEDOM AFFIRMATIONS "I nourish myself on ripe, juicy fruits, satisfying greens, and warm herbal teas." "Junk foods are not suited for someone like me." "I treat myself with a rich rainbow of colors everyday." "I easily express the fullness of myself when I'm running on high quality fuel." ~~~~~ Transitioning to this stage (swapping your self-injurious habits for soul-nourishing ones) doesn't happen overnight, however. I have described a bit about how to progressively upgrade towards a more mindful and healing experience with your food. Some things can include: eating leafy greens or drinking a herbal tea (preferably unsweetened, strongly steeped, and a bitter herb) alongside the food you wish to let go of; wise usage of colon hydrotherapy (I recommend lemon & distilled water enemas in particular); eating fruit as your first meal of the day; eating at least 1 lb of leafy greens daily; finding healthier swaps; filling your feeds with inspiring accounts filled only with displays of real foods; preparing your meals at home (this is one of the most pivotal moves you can make!); having a green juice/smoothie daily; start with your favorite produce then branch out and try more; learning to select fresh, ripe fruits; healing mindset shifts & affirmations; trying & creating staple recipes that suit you on every level; etc!
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familydocblog · 10 months
Unveiling Radiant Skin: A Holistic Journey to Health and Beauty
Taking care of your skin is not just about looking good, but also about feeling good. Cultivating happy, healthy, and radiant skin requires a combination of mindful skincare practices, nourishing foods, and essential skincare ingredients.
Introduction Taking care of your skin is not just about looking good, but also about feeling good. Your skin is the largest organ in your body and plays a vital role in protecting you from external factors. Cultivating happy, healthy, and radiant skin requires a combination of mindful skincare practices, nourishing foods, and essential skincare ingredients. Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on…
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tipsnewstoday · 11 months
Expert Tips for Healthy Eating: 10 Strategies for Nourishing Your Body and Mind
Discover 10 expert tips for healthy eating to nourish your body and mind. From balanced meal planning to mindful eating habits, these strategies will help you make informed choices and create a sustainable approach to nutrition.
10 Tips about Healthy Eating:
Prioritize Whole Foods: Emphasize whole, unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your diet. Plan Balanced Meals: Create well-rounded meals that include a variety of nutrients, incorporating colorful fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Read more
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ithrivehere · 1 year
Exploring The Muladhara (Root) Chakra
In the last blog post, we talked about the seven wheels of energy for beginners. I listed the traditional Hindu name, color, location of the chakras, and affirmations. In this article, we’re going to take a deep look into the root chakra. This foundation of our energy system provides an essential balance and well-being. The translation in English means wheel. The root chakra, also known as the…
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yeesiine · 8 months
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longreads · 1 year
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Meals for One
Preparing food is an act of care for oneself and others. For Longreads, Sharanya Deepak writes about the joys of learning to cook for herself:
“Now, when I cook, it is after I have read Rebecca May Johnson’s Small Fires, which teaches me to focus on my gestures. I avoid the need to text her every time I am moved by how she recalls action. Instead, I slice a malta orange. I watch my hand dip into the cut-glass box with chaat masala I stole from my mother and watch the masala emerge, tucked into a small steel spoon. I watch myself take the cluster off a head of garlic, I watch myself heat butter and mix honey in with it to put on toast. I watch myself. 
In these gestures, a new person emerges, a person that understands sensory preferences, who can witness herself move. I have never known this person. I like her. I tell her about how I always thought that pleasure belonged to someone else.” 
Read Meals for One by Sharanya Deepak
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sennamaticart · 1 year
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Another Linocut from 2022
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femmemortes · 7 months
Sat down banging my knife and fork on the table for lynnmanda/shotgunshipping
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fullcravings · 1 year
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Meyer Lemon Bars
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ruthlesslistener · 5 months
Thinking about giving my dragonriders a culture where the body of a rider is ceremoniously fed to a gravid (consenting) female as a means of both honouring the dead and the promise of new life. None of the dragons who shared their tongues with humankind have gods, but they do believe in a cycle of pseudo-rebirth where their dead-through feeding the most basal of beings like worms and scavengers- in turn invigorate the life of the world and live on through them. So by feeding the vessel of a person to a gravid female, what nourished their life before now nourishes the life of what is to come and a part of them lives on in the beings they loved best- the dragons they denned with
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sidewalkchemistry · 5 months
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from the 'leaves, flowers, roots, and fruits {herbalism}' Pinterest board
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Nourishing with a Low Appetite: Primary Edition
Inspired by low appetite & a lifelong complicated relationship with nourishment.
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Sufficiently nourishing is critical to wellness and functioning. It can be hindered by disordered thoughts & habits, brain-body disconnect, and low appetite. This list is meant to help with nourishment and weight care!
Many of these get at efficiency. Aim to get in maximum caloric & nutritional value per bite, since you can't take many. > I am not a professional-- just a struggling ND adult trying to put their Bachelor degree in psychology to good use!
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x x x x x x x x x
↖️ Top left: Meal bars
high nutritional concentration, low spoon use
⬆️ Top middle: Fruit & vegetable pouches
hydration & nutrients, enjoyable & sensory-easy format
↗️ Top right: Ready-made microwave meals *
filling & substantial, high nutritional concentration, low spoon use
⬅️ Middle left: Multivitamins
high nutritional concentration
🫵 Middle middle: Fruit popsicles
hydration & nutrients, enjoyable & sensory-easy format
➡️ Middle right: Reminder app
keep on track, combat inattention and interroception
↙️ Bottom left: Eating affirmations
helps make eating feel safe & okay, improve relationship with body & food
⬇️ Bottom middle: Nutrition drink
high nutritional (& caloric) concentration
↘️ Bottom right: Accessible food prep/storage
Keeping food, supplies, & appliances in your "safe space" (e.g. next to your bed) lowered spoon use, helps make eating feel safe & okay
* brands for vegans and vegetarians: Saffron Road, Annie Chun, The Good Bean, Loma Linda Brand, Somos, Fillos, Tasty Bite, Healthy Choice, Marie Callender's
See also: upcoming tummy and digestive care posts, low appetite secondary edition
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biophilianutrition · 8 months
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Nourish Your Beauty
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pandaemoanium · 2 months
puppy needs his wet food and fast or he'll start smacking people
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lucyghoul · 1 year
nat and travis being the only ones not there when jackie is sent outside while lottie is the one who gives jackie the hot chocolate vs lottie and travis running the ritual during the birth and then being outside the room while she tries to breastfeed and nat the one to come in and give shauna the tea
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feliciadraws · 5 months
Thinking about the Gävle goat and how there is something oddly beautiful about how it was eaten by birds rather than either burning or rotting
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