#now i will make my hyperfixation everyone else's problem :D
hyffae · 1 year
there is not enough acho fanart on this website. i think will fix this problem myself by drawing almost only acho for a very long time.
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oinonsana · 6 months
realities, maximalism,and the need for big book™️
some gubat banwa design thoughts vomit: since the beginning of its development i've kind of been enraptured with trying to really go for "fiction-first" storytelling because PbtA games really are peak roleplaying for me, but as i wrote and realized that a lot of "fiction first" doesn't work without a proper sort of fictional foundation that everyone agrees on. this is good: this is why there are grounding principles, genre pillars, and other such things in many PbtA games--to guide that.
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broken worlds is one of my favs bc of sheer vibes
Gubat Banwa didn't have much in that sense: sure, I use wuxia and xianxia as kind of guideposts, but they're not foundational, they're not pillars of the kind of fiction Gubat Banwa wants to raise up. there wasn't a lot in the sense of genre emulation or in the sense of grounding principles because so much of Gubat Banwa is built on stuff most TTRPG players haven't heard about. hell, it's stuff squirreled away in still being researched academic and anthropological circles, and thanks to the violence of colonialism, even fellow filipinos and seasians don't know about them
this is what brought me back to my ancient hyperfixations, the worlds of Exalted, Glorantha, Artesia, Fading Suns... all of them have these huge tomes of books that existed to put down this vast sprawling fantasy world, right? on top of that are the D&D campaign settings, the Dark Suns and the Eberrons. they were preoccupied in putting down setting, giving ways for people to interact with the world, and making the world alive as much as possible.
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one of my main problems with gubat banwa was trying to convey this world that i've seen, glimpsed, dreamed of. this martial fantasy world of rajas and lakans, sailendras and tuns, satariyas and senapatis and panglimas and laksamanas and pandai... its a world that didn't really exist yet, and most references are steeped in either nationalism or lack of resources (slowly changing, now)
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i didn't want to fall back into the whole gazeteer tourist kind of shit when it came to writing GB, but it necessitated that the primary guidelines of Gubat Banwa were set down. my approach to it was trying to instill every aspect of the text, from the systems to the fluff text to the way i wrote to the way things were phrased, with the essence of this world i'm trying to put forward. while i wrote GB mainly for me and fellow SEAsian people, economically my main market were those in the first world countries that could afford to buy the book. grokking the book was always going to be severely difficult for someone that didn't have similar cultures, or are uninterested in the complexities of human culture. thus why GB had to be a big book.
in contemporary indie ttrpg spaces (where I mostly float in, though i must admit i pay more attention to SEAsia spaces than the usual US spaces) the common opinion is that big books like Exalted 3e are old hat, or are somewhat inferior to games that can cram their text into short books. i used to be part of that camp--in capitalism, i never have enough time, after all. however, the books that do go big, that have no choice to go big, like Lancer RPG, Runequest, Mage, Exalted are usually the ones that have something really big it needs to tell you, and they might be able to perform the same amount of text-efficient bursting at the seams flavor writing but its still not enough.
thats what happened to GB, which I wanted to be, essentially, a PbtA+4e kind of experience, mechanically speaking. i very soon abandoned those titles when i delved deeper into research, incorporated actual 15th century divination tools in the mechanics, injected everything with Martial Arts flavor as we found our niche
all of this preamble to say that no matter how light i wanted to go with the game, i couldnt go too light or else people won't get it, or i might end up writing 1000 page long tome books explaining every detail of the setting so people get it right. this is why i went heavy on the vibes: its a ttrpg after all. its never gonna be finished.
i couldnt go too light because Gubat Banwa inherently exists on a different reality. think: to many 3 meals a day is the norm and the reality. you have to eat 3 meals a day to function properly. but this might just be a cultural norm of the majority culture, eventually co opted by capitalism to make it so that it can keep selling you things that are "breakfast food" or "dinner food" and whatnot. so its reality to some, while its not reality to others. of course, a lot of this reality-talk pertains mostly to social--there is often a singular shared physical reality we can usually experience*
Gubat Banwa has a different fabric of reality. it inherently has a different flow of things. water doesn't go down because of gravity, but because of the gods that make it move, for example. bad things happen to you because you weren't pious or you didn't do your rituals enough and now your whole community has to suffer. atoms aren't a thing in gb, thermodynamics isn't a real thing. the Laws of Gubat Banwa aren't these physical empirical things but these karmic consequent things
much of the fiction-first movement has a sort of "follow your common sense" mood to it. common sense (something also debatable among philosophers but i dont want to get into that) is mostly however tied to our physical and social realities. but GB is a fantasy world that inherently doesn't center those realities, it centers realities found in myth epics and folk tales and the margins of colonized "civilization", where lightnings can be summoned by oils and you will always get lost in the woods because you don't belong there.
so Gubat Banwa does almost triple duty: it must establish the world, it must establish the intended fiction that arises from that world, and then it must grant ways to enforce that fiction to retain immersion--these three are important to GB's game design because I believe that that game--if it is to not be a settler tourist bonanza--must force the player to contend with it and play with it within its own terms and its own rules. for SEAsians, there's not a lot of friction: we lived these terms and rules forever. don't whistle at night on a thursday, don't eat meat on Good Friday, clap your hands thrice after lighting an incense stick, don't make loud noise in the forests. we're born into that [social] reality
this is why fantasy is so important to me, it allows us to imagine a different reality. the reality (most of us) know right now (i say most of us because the reality in the provinces, the mountains, they're kinda different) is inherently informed by capitalist structures. many people that are angry at capitalist structures cannot fathom a world outside capitalist structures, there are even some leftists and communists that approach leftism and revolution through capitalism, which is inherently destructive (its what leads to reactionaries and liberalism after all). fantasy requires that you imagine something outside of right now. in essence read Ursula K Le Guin
i tweeted out recently that you could pretty easily play 15-16th century Luzon or Visayas with an OSR mechanic setting and William Henry Scott's BARANGAY: SIXTEENTH CENTURY PHILIPPINE CULTURE AND SOCIETY, and I think that's purely because barebones OSR mechanics stuff fits well with the raiding and adventuring that many did in 15-16th century Luzon/Visayas, but a lot of the mechanics wont be comign from OSR, but from Barangay, where you learn about the complicated marriage customs, the debt mechanics, the social classes and stratum...
so thats why GB needs to be a (relatively) big book, and why I can contend that some books need to be big as well--even if their mechanics are relatively easy and dont need more than that, the book, the game, might be trying to relay something even more, might be trying to convey something even more than that. artesia, for example, has its advancements inherently tied to its Tarot Cards, enforcing that the Arcana guides your destiny. runquest has its runes magic, mythras (which is kinda generic) has pretty specific kinds of magic systems that immediately inform the setting. this is why everything is informed by something (this is a common Buddhist principle, dependent arising). even the most generic D&D OSR game will have the trappings of the culture and norms of the one that wrote and worked on it. its written from their reality which might not necessarily be the one others experience. that's what lived experience is, after all
*live in the provinces for a while and you'll doubt this too!
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Hi, I’m Margrave, and if canon is usually a ball of yarn and the fics are the cardigans, then the Countryhumans fanon + Hetalia canon are sheep whom I have sheared and spun their outer layers into my own combined, entirely handmade yarn.
My personal universe of hcs is more like a mash-up of CH and Hetalia traits, though I’d never watched or read hetalia canon up until just recently (and only clip compilations). When I was 12-15 I was hyperfixated on CH, but my interaction with it was limited to wattpad and youtube. Out of the inevitable following history and geography hyperfixations I created my own universe, which was then heavily influenced by some Hetalia blogs over here. 3 years later some songs just pulled me back down into the thick of my CH world and now I’m here to make it everyone else’s problem. If this stuff actually garners interest then perhaps someday I’ll make a masterlist of my great city of Headcanonburg. If you wanna know more than don’t be afraid to ask :D
‘FC’ = First Citizen, the title that al of the nations hold in their countries (equiv. to calling leaders ‘president’ or ‘PM’)
[note: the ‘Aldwin Family’ refers to Arthur/Britain, Jack/Aussie, Mora/Kiwi, Matthew/Canada, Alfred/America, Haishen/Hong Kong, Mira/Marianne/France (married to arthur), William/England, Malcolm/Scotland, and Gwyneth/Wales]
Headcanonburg - HCs
Nations on Twitter - My series of FC shenanigans on social media
lmfao - funny things
pretty art - RB’d artwork
Alfred Fitzgerald - everything to do with America
the snarky immortals table - things for the FCs as a whole or the UN as a group
security council of idiots - things for the western allies/NATO as a group
Current SHIPS
FrUK (m/f), NedPan (m/m, one deceased), EstiFin (m/m), AusHun (m/f, amicably divorced), PruFritz (m/m, one deceased, shoutout dani) InTan (m/m, india/bhutan) SovAme* (m/m, one deceased) (*clandestine-open-relationship-lovers-friends to clandestine-open-relationship-lovers-enemies)
[UNDER THE CUT IS THE FAMILY TREES I DESIGNED MYSELF AND BASE ALL OF MY OWN CHARACTERS OFF OF. These are ones I’ve currently made and which are continuously in development as I research and brainstorm headcanons; they’ve already been updated/edited many times. Once there are more than 10 I will make separate posts and a masterlist for them. There are multiple layers—grey lines mean adoption—but I’ll leave those to the separate posts]
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jauffre · 2 years
im v ery sorry my recent hyperfixation is soulsborne games since i graduated uni right after elden ring came out and i have had no outlet until my Return To Tumblr so now i’m making it everyone else’s problem
i 100%’d elden ring in june and 100%’d ds2 a week ago so needless to say i am in Deep
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one of these days i'll sit down and catch up w your project astigmatism's updated summary sheets but!! here's my list :D
mizukl would've been up there with "i vaguely know this one (positive)" but i saw one of her events & had such whiplash bc her manner of speech was honestly completely different from what i expected o_o;
&.mafuyu would've also been there, but she does feel like one of those characters that i'd be very invested in, or simply. wouldn't click with at all in terms of her Issues & Problems... being too sad?! if that makes any sense, though i realize it's ironic considering [current death game hyperfix]. i haven't gone into sekai events at all, but from what i've heard it's more so the idea that she's currently 'stuck' in that constant unhappiness that'd make me sad on her behalf. i'd gently place her aside like Okay i will analyze you later when i am also in a better mental state. or else i will blow up. characters who can't or are struggling to find genuine "hope" are so so delicious but they make me explode terribly, you see. but i digress!!
& for the pokeymans... i like this little creature. but i feel that if i befriended it, it'd then scratch me up because it is rocks (SAD! i love it anyway)
everyone here makes me clap and cheer!! solid taste :D
THANK U for the extended answer summary....!!! i totally agree that a lot of mafuyus story up to now has been very distressing so its understandable to wanna keep away from it hsjdnfjf but as of the arc ending event story from recently (Saying Goodbye to my Masked Self) things are looking up for her it seems (at least i hope so that girl has gone Threw It). as for the pokeymans dont worry about it sableye is a ghost that only eats rocks and porygon is like a computer thingy of some kind so maybe some variants of it have beveled edges who knows LOL
and thank u also for showing interest in my ocs WAH truly whenever people enjoy them i go (spongebob crying image). the extra tier for p:a made me laugh HAHDJDND
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
Kinda NSFW ahead
Mc drunkenly confessing to sage that they knew about his AhEm problem during the ride to the hotel but didn't do anything about it cause they wanted to mess with him on purpose. So all the 'accidental' bouncing was mostly just them messing with sage.
-egg anon (dumb bitch anon)
Oh hell yeah let's go I'm very glad to help your hyperfixation
Road Trip Part 1 - because obviously I have to pimp my own stuff
GN!Reader, mentions of NSFW in the context of the ask but more stuff does not happen. This time. That's saved for another post, also mentions of alcohol/being drunk
It's been a long day today. Anisa had insisted on taking a sunrise hike. Then Elowen wanted to race back down the path.
And you managed to trip over your own shoes and faceplant on the path.
All in all, not your finest moment.
Anisa immediately went into Mom Mode and pulled out antibiotics and bandages. Everyone else was laughing a bit. And Sage?
Sage scoops you up in his arms, asking if you're okay. Yeah he's a little amused but he's also genuinely concerned. You ate it pretty hard. Are you okay?
You're just dying because all you really did was scrape your knee this isn't That Big of A Deal.
Anyways you guys head over to a bar for dinner. And maybe it's because of the embarrassment from earlier or maybe it's just because it's a vacation and, hey, you need a break, that you get a little extra drunk.
A liiiiiiiittle extra drunk.
Little bit.
Oh no you're wasted
As you're all hanging out and messing around, you casually crawl into Sage's lap and mush your butt against him. He lets out a startled laugh.
Your body tips dangerously to the side. He quickly wraps his arms around your waist to hold you in place, making sure you don't tip over. His face is already warm from the alcohol but now the warmth spreads pleasantly through his chest. His tail winds around your waist.
You lightly mush your cheek against his forehead. You have a secret~ that you wanna tell him~ but he's gotta be a good boy about it~ and then you start giggling and you can't stop for a minute or two.
Obviously he realizes you're drunk. So he thinks you're gonna say something silly. He playfully rests his chin on your shoulder. There's a little purr in his chest that he can't get rid of. Not when your drunken giggling makes him feel so giddy.
You press a sloppy, playful kiss to his cheek before snuggling the top of his head, loudly whispering right into his fluffy ear-
You knew about his little 'problem' the other day.
His eyes widen and he goes completely still under you.
You snicker and wrap your arms around his neck. He isn't mad, right~? Aw, of course not~ Your cute kitty cat couldn't be mad at you~ so hopefully he doesn't mind that you~
And nooooooow you're giggling again.
At this point Sage is trying to coax the information out of you because Holy Shit He Needs To Know What The Hell It Is You Were About To Say His Very Being Depends On It
You boop his nose.
That car ride? :) Where you were bouncing on him? :) Grinding your ass on his dick until he had to go get himself off in the bathroom? :) Well :) you were doing (at least some of it) on purpose~ :) It was just so easy and fun to do :) and he looked reaaaaaaaaally cute all blushy like that :)
And then you collapse back into giggles at the shocked look on his face and because his tail is going haywire and tickling you
You pass out shortly after that, snoring into his shoulder.
Sage is absolutely fucking dying. Do you know what you just said?? What does that even mean?!! D-does that mean that you... you......
.................. He silently rests his forehead against the back of your shoulder. His heart is hammering in his chest and he can't wipe the dumb smile off his face.
He's love-drunk.
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The Heralds and the Father’s hypocrisy and projection onto the deputy
oh shit oh shit oh shit - I just realised something. Excuse me while I lay out my thoughts in a structured way.
I knew this was something that applied to John, and possibly Jacob, but I didn’t think it applied to Joseph until I thought about it properly.
We’ll start with John.
I have noticed that about 90% of what John preaches to the Deputy, what he accuses them of, actually applies to him.
"You believe you are a force for good, but you're just quenching your thirst for blood" as an example (I took this from one of my YouTube comments lol). Someone else added “All you do is cause pain.” “Is it easier to look down upon our brothers and sisters from up there? Easier to dehumanise them? Easier to murder them in cold blood?”. Someone also added that Joseph told John in his voice message that John would spread his sin to others. The things he preaches actually make sense if you were to apply them to John himself.
Now, let’s move on to Jacob. His accusations that other people are weak and defenceless are definitely just a projection of his fears about himself. It makes sense - if he had been “weak” (in terms of what he believes as weak) in the face of everything he had to face (his parents, the war, the resistance), he wouldn’t have gotten him and his brothers to where they are now. (Hmm, but does he blame himself for getting them there? That’s a different story). So this brother also plays into it.
So - the reason I’m writing this is because I had never considered Joseph. It was only when I was listening to a song which had lyrics about not shooting the messenger. In the Book of Joseph, Joseph mentions that he is the Messenger of God, and says that people tend to hate the messenger - which is how he justifies everyone's hatred of him. Now when I was listening to this song, I was thinking about how it applied to the Deputy. With this new perspective, I started to wonder if Joseph was also being hypocritical (the cult is generally hypocritical in my opinion, but I am specifically talking about the preaching of Joseph). He begs people to “not shoot the messenger” but then, when the Deputy, the new and probably bit inexperienced Deputy, comes to arrest him, he blames the entirety of the World’s problems on them - “The World is on fire and it’s your fault.” - and the entire Resistance on them. He uses the Deputy as a Target, because they are the messenger. They told Joseph that he was being arrested and people didn’t like what he was doing, through actions. They told him that people didn’t want him on their land, through actions (blowing up silos, overtaking outposts again, etc). They constantly represent Resistance and Stubbornness, and they constantly represent messages from others about how they feel.
Ultimately, in this way, Joseph does “shoot the messenger” a lot. He pins all the blame and does his best to turn the Deputy’s views around.
I don’t know how this might apply to Faith. Add to it if you want :D Feel kinda guilty for not knowing though 😭 I just tend to hyperfixate on the brothers first
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stellocchia · 3 years
While I'm still enjoying the DSMP (even if not like I did before), I can agree with the previous anon. I'm pulling on, continuing watching because of my hyperfixation and the characters I love, but I'm tired. Like, after every single stream that mentions Tommy, I'm tired. Look. I'm all for angst. My OCs? They suffer the same as c!Tommy so I 100% why cc!Tommy just make him suffer like this lmo. But after some time, it tires. And for me it's not even cuz of him, but the people around him [1/2]
I'm not saying that everyone should cuddle c!Tommy or be friends with him. But it's just so disappointing that everyone who knows what happened just... doesn't care. Like. Don't mention shit. It's not even the "No one tries to help". They all have their business and their problems so like, I'm not expecting them. But like. At least have some emphaty? "You've not changed" Said Sapnap, to the kid who is pleading him (even if by being rude) for a home because he confessed not feeling safe. [2/2]
To be fair Sapnap is not one of the people who knows what happened. He's been living isolated from everyone else and dealing with Karl's deteriorating memory and all of that. Probably stressed out. He was still a d*ck of course, but still. The two of them never had the best relationship. It's always been a "maybe we can be friends in the future, but let's beat each other up right now". There is also the fact that Tommy was acting annoying on purpose. It's kinda his defense mechanism: don't show what's really going on because it's a vulnerability. So Sapnap may not have noticed the underlying message and thought that Tommy truly had not changed (on top of not particularly caring since they aren't close).
I'd say the people who know more about what happened to Tommy are Ranboo, Wilbur, Sam, and Techno. 3 of whom definitely don't care and one of whom he had a big falling out with that left both of them still caring for the other but not trusting the other. It's a complicated situation...
I hope he'll feel safe at some point though. I really do hope so because, like you said... it's kinda tiring after a while.
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Im currently hyperfixating on poppy and Ian but I can barely find any contentt. They don't even need to be together romantically or something I just love their dynamic but everyone is just obsessed with braddavid or just Brad in general (ik I love him too)
I read through all the poppy x Ian content in 3 hours and I've been walking around with a void in my hear for 3 days now help
ok wait wait im feeling angsty so here’s a little thing that might help :D
“What are you doing?” Poppy asked the vauge blob sitting alone in the darkness of Ian’s office. Lighting struck in the night sky, briefly illuminating the office and Ian’s form. All she wanted was to come back to the office and get her damn phone, but nooo, Ian had to make that all about himself like everything else in the fucking game.
“Nothing, Pop. Just leave me alone, your phone’s on the desk.”
“You know, this is dramatic. Even for you. Sitting here in the dark like some kind of muscular angsty bat.” She said, grabbing her phone, ready to leave. Poppy was done with all Ian’s bullshit. They had a fight today. It was over something stupid, she couldn’t even remember what.
“Glad you think I’m muscular.” Poppy scoffed as thunder rumbled a few miles away. She subconsciously counted the seconds like her dad always did when she was a kid and got scared during storms and hid under her sheets.
“You know, you shouldn’t be in the dark like this. It’s probably bad for your eyes,” she said from the doorway. She flicked on the lights. It flooded the room and her eyes landed on Ian. He was hunched over something, sitting in a spinny chair facing the back wall of the office. He looked tired. Old. Poppy sighed deeply.
“What are you looking at, attention whore?” He offered no reply. She stomped over to him.
“I don’t have fucking time for your games!” She yelled at his turned back.
“Then leave, Poppy. Just leave.” He murmured. It sounded like he wanted to add something to the end of his sentence. Just leave. Like everyone else does.
“I want to leave, but I’m afraid you’ll end up killing yourself or something.” She spun his chair around to face her. He had be crying. His cheeks were wet and tears dropped onto a worn out leather baseball glove, a child’s size. He didn’t look at her.
“Oh.” That was all she said. It wasn’t just a ploy for guilt and attention. And it wasn’t just a normal fight they had. Something had gotten to Ian. Poppy scanned her mind. What did she do?
“I didn’t know you played baseball.” It was stupid. A weak excuse to fill the silence with words instead of pounding rain.
“I don’t.”
“Then why do you have a glove?” Standing over him, Poppy felt like a parent, about to discipline her child.
“My dad gave it to me.” Ian’s voice broke a bit and Poppy saw him quickly blink away tears.
“I thought your dad was shit.”
“He was. But he always,” Ian took a deep breath. “He always went to my t-ball games. Every one of them.”
“Oh,” she said again. She still couldn’t remember what she said that would hurt Ian.
“Yeah. And he would always buy me an Airhead at the snack bar after games. It was the best. But I guess… I guess I just ruined it.”
Oh. That’s what it was.
You fucking ruin everything! The words echoed in her mind.
That’s what she had screamed in his face before storming out of the office earlier that day. That’s why she had left her phone on the desk. That’s why Ian was upset.
“I didn’t mean what I said.”
“Okay.” She sighed. Then she kneeled down to Ian’s eye level. He was still staring at the glove. She lightly gripped his chin, tipped his head up so he would look her in the eye.
“You… you don’t ruin everything.”
“Yeah, yeah I fucking do! My stupid fucking ego-“
“You made this! This game, this legacy. Everything I have, I owe to you, Ian. You gave me a chance. You don’t ruin shit, you build it, dumbass.” Ian smiled a bit and sniffed.
“You think?”
“Would I say it if I didn’t think it?”
“Thanks, Pop. You’re a good friend.” The storm seemed less scary now, for whatever reason.
“Yeah, no problem, dingbat. Now let’s get you home, you look like shit.”
- mod mack :)
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mcrmadness · 3 years
14, 24, 40?
Sorry, it took me way too long with this reply but I never forget about it, so here it finally is! It didn't say, but I assume these were for that Arospec ask game.
14. Have you ever had a crush / squish / hush / etc. ?
I was 17 when I first heard about asexuality, and already on my early 20s when I finally found out there are also romantic orientations. I'm not exactly sure when did I figure out I'm also aromantic (back then asexuality was basically defined as sex-repulsion + no interest in sex nor romantic relationships).
And I'm telling this^ because when I was growing up, the amatonormativity and heteronormativity was just HUGE and everywhere. So I also had crushes, but I'm not exactly sure even today what they were. Probably aesthetic? Because I never had anything to do with those crushes. Once I choose a crush for myself because I had none and wanted to talk about "boys" with my cousin because she had a crush, so I just went through my class photo and chose the least annoying option from there.
In total I had... 5 crushes between the ages 7 and 16. The most at once was two crushes when I was 13. The longest one lasted for over 3 years and I never even spoke to him. And I always felt like running away screaming if I felt he noticed me and looked at me for too long time.
I was 17 when I started experiencing 'crushes' on online friends and for a moment thought I was "asexual bi", as I used to call myself. But I think those were actually ADHD/neurodivergent person hyperfixations. So I no longer count them as crushes, I just enjoyed being around those people so much my brain thought it was something else.
I'm not sure if I'm aplatonic. I can't really understand platonic attraction. But I'm definitely a loveless aro, I don't understand love in any form, at all. Not even platonic love. Or at least I don't experience it, afaik. (It's again the same question as with any type of attraction: how do I know if I have ever felt it if I don't know how it feels like?)
24. Would you like to be flirted with?
If it comes from a total stranger? No. Sexual flirting from just anyone is an even bigger NO. People doing either type of flirting just to a camera is enough to make me highly uncomfortable.
But with friends? Well... yes and no. It depends a lot. When people do that as a joke, it's sometimes okay, but only from some people, and only if the mood is right. Like, I do like the feeling of being included, you know? It's just quite tricky because when you say that you're aromantic and romance-repulsed, then people who do respect that, won't say anything even jokingly as they know or think it might upset you, but sometimes watching everyone else around you do this leads to the feels of 3rd- or 4th- or 5th- or 10th-whatsoever-wheeling and makes the existing loneliness even stronger. But sometimes some light joke flirt can feel good as it's like... "they know I would never date anyone actually but it's still heartwarming to know that they care about me enough to joke about dating me". And this when everyone knows it's just playful banter and nothing serious.
I remember we sometimes had something like this going on with a group of online friends where people formed joke couples and it was all just fun and games, and you will never catch me starting such jokes. I barely can even tell a friend I care about them, let alone go that far that I would even start joke flirting. Like, that just does not fit my character at all, but I guess me always being so chill is the reason why also other people think I find such things always uncomfortable and in every situation, when in reality nothing is ever black&white.
40. Are you out as arospec?
Yes and no. I don't really believe in the closet so I don't consider that I'm in a closet. I just am who I am and it's not really anyone else's business to know what is my relationship status - or the lack of it since I have never even tried being in a relationship! :D If I know that someone I'm talking to is positive about LGBT+ stuff, then I don't have a problem saying it out loud. But with everyone else it's more like "if you haven't noticed anything by now, then I guess you don't deserve to even know". As I'm 30 and never have had a partner nor a desire to have one.
The only red flag for me is when a person asks me "Do you have a boyfriend?" just because I'm AFAB (and agender which is even more difficult to explain to anyone...), then I know for sure that I'm not gonna say anything else but "No." because the chances of them being against LGBT+ is much higher than someone's who doesn't assume heteronormativity on everyone based on just their outer appearance, and I have better things to do than to argue with people over things they know absolutely nothing of.
Thanks for the ask, and I'm really sorry for taking THIS long with my answer!!!
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chil2de · 3 years
Oh take as long as you need love, hope you were able to get the furniture you wanted and that the remodelling’s going well, love you - 🥰
i will sell you my entire soul, a kidney or literally a lung for ur forgiveness because i’ve been mia for ages LMFAOO
i’ll talk about myself afterwards!!! i heard about your exams baby, i’m so fucking happy that you passed! i had a premonition since the start and i knew you had it in you :D believe me when i say i started grinning, u better have celebrated and treated urself to some nice things!!!!!!!
congrats on the reread! i have to give major kudos in the first place that you even had the patience to go through with it in the first place, no because seriously that’s genuine dedication it’s mindblowing. like. you would sit there and read through all my old works?🥺🥺 ur my no.1 contender of giving me heart problems istgggg
i’m totally fine if you wanna keep sending asks instead, i genuinely don’t mind and i’d prefer for you to be comfortable. so whatever you do end up choosing, i’ll support it regardless!
it’s been a while so maybe you read up on the jjk manga? mayhaps? lemme know, cause i’m interested to hear about it! i swear jjk came back as well, i saw some of the recent chapters briefly
the jjk shirts sold out super fast but i managed to grab a white one with four panels of the curses on em, the one with jougo, m*hito sukuna and someone else who is probably not of importance if i can’t remember their name LMAO— it’s nice!! the material is 100% cotton so its one of those stiff-er(?) shirts, 10/10 would recommend for you to get one the next time they’re in stock again
i remember very faintly how i said i’d recommend you some anime LMFAO excuse me it’s 5am as i write this but i was extremely hellbent on getting back to you before sleep <3 dont wanna worry ya
you should totally check out oregairu whenever you can, or maybe violet evergarden? they’re not similar in any way shape or form to gintama, jjk, hq etc but.. they hold a special place in my heart ;; i suck at explaining without accidentally spoiling things or rambling for ages so check out the blurb for them whenever you can ! plus the animation in ve is absolutely stunning
and yeah, i’m from england! i get you completely djghdhg it’s just because most fic writers are american so at a certain point i just wired it into my brain, then whenever i meet someone who’s from england i just get so excited it’s like ?? wow?? you know what anime is? i hope that doesn’t sound rude LMAO it’s just how i said before that the lack of anything anime related here is horrid. esp waterstones, like you said. god that’s awful. i recently caught up on the haikyuu manga online but i wanna support the author by buying the volumes and they’re literally sold out or sold in strange numbers </3
aside from that, how have you been?? taking care of yourself? happy september, btw! it’s basically autumn now, an absolute shocker of a fact but i’m trying my first ever psl whenever starbucks releases them here~
tysm as per usual for your kind complimentsss AAAA u have no right!! absolutely no right to make me blush. genuinely a crime, you should be locked away and kept under supervision :<<< thank youuuu you are the sweetest angel to walk this earthhh~
i’m starting to slowly try to ease myself back into writing for gintama lmaoo, it’s a slow process but i’ll get there eventually!! just gotta wait for my hyperfixations to shift, is all
as for me, the remodelling’s going pretty good! i’ve picked up most of the things i’ve needed like paint, new led strips and bed sheets. i made a grave mistake of buying a mirror from ebay and it smashed in transit LGMHJJD it’s okay you can laugh cause i totally did too, so i’m going up to ikea again next week to get that plus a bed because mine broke? it just.. collapsed? also very funny i promise you it’s not tragic at all <3
thinking of covering up a wall where my pc’s going to go with manga panels, especially haikyuu and blue lock (another sports manga, it’s about football! 10/10 would recommend) because the panels are just *chefs kiss* especially... miya atsumu... damn like timeskip tsumie just hits so different idk why, plus some sneaky gintama panels to help me forget that i still haven’t watched the movie and refuse to watch it. that’s a lie, actually. i got 30 mins in before i quit cause it felt like i was going to violently sob /j
sorry if i missed anything that you said! pinky promise i read it but my brain might’ve short circuited, u definitely have permission to bully me into it if i did forget (i say this like you’re not a kind soul and you wouldn’t just remind me nicely in a soft tone LMAO)
yeah!!! they do have cutouts, they shouldn’t let me and u near them tho cause we’ll end up taking a few home LMAO
first class tickets hell yeahhhh here we go🥺🥺🥺 i call dibs on paying for the shinkansen!!! we can go to the anime district, get some cool merch! akihabara? i think? pretty sure! also does japan sell squishmallows? everyone keeps talking about them but no one sells them in the uk... i want to expand my stuffed animal collection but build a bear charges like 40 quid for no good reason (that sentence in itself was the epitome of being british)
alright that’s a goodnight from me! i hope you’re having an absolutely great day/night/ evening, if not, hope it’s tolerable instead (:
take a sip of water<3
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atomicwizardyouth · 4 years
Getting diagnosed with ASD as an adult
 Okay so I need to get some stuff off of my chest.
So I’ve only recently (~2 years ago) been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD/Autism) and I got that diagnosis at age 22. Now how did I get this diagnosis you ask? Great question! I didn’t want to get tested for anything, I just needed someone to vent to so I could get rid of the fucking suicidal idealisation.
Oh but OP, it can’t be that bad? Fuck off. I went through hell in my teenage years with people dying every. Single. Fucking. Year. after I turned 13. It’s a long story, it usually takes 30-60 minutes to give people the short version so I’m gonna skip that for now.
So here’s what I figured out that sucks about autism:
- I don’t feel stress, I just feel headaches and muscle pains and then I need to figure out if it’s because of a whole list of reasons or just cuz of stress
- Apparently I am more sensitive to sounds, visual stimuli, light and smells than a regular person which causes me to be stressed out a lot quicker than a NT human. Yeah this is fucking great when you can’t feel the stress build up!
- I have low empathy and seriously struggle with the entire ‘putting myself into someone else’s position’ because I just can’t understand what it’s like for them (please don’t ever cry near me, PLEASE)
- My world is very easy: predictable = good, good = healthy schedules & taking care of myself. Unpredictable/changes = bad, bad = no energy, no structure & I basically ignore all of my bodily signals. That’s bad! (won’t eat and stuff like that)
- Logic is my standard reaction, if logic doesn’t work it’s immediate anger. Yeah it fucking sucks, I know, but I can’t fucking control it any more than I already do. What is a ‘minor inconvenience’ for a NT person can be a “PRESS THE BIG RED BUTTON FOR RAGE” for me and then I need to throw something, or break something because otherwise my head gets stuck in a feedback loop of anger, resentment & regret and then it gets WORSE. 
- I am always doing something with my fingers, hands or legs because otherwise something is wrong
- If someone messes with my schedule it can ruin my day and if it’s a big thing it can ruin a week or MORE and there’s NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT IT. If you want me to do anything give me ~24 hour warning and I’ll be 100% fine. If you tell me at 8pm that my 9pm plans need to be changed? Be prepared to deal with stressed/anxious/angry me!
- I am afraid of what people might think of me now I’m labelled with something that’s this permanent and uncurable, so I am constantly anxious (working on that with therapy tho)
- People that break very clear rules around me make me FURIOUS, this is especially relevant during the pandemic. People that wear masks under their noses and people that don’t keep 1.5m distance suck a lot! People that don’t follow traffic laws (A RED LIGHT MEANS YOU STOP YOU FUCKHEADS) and it’s very rough to figure out that other people don’t see it like this and that I’m the ‘weirdo’ in this case. 
And now here are the good things!:
- I have a very strong long term memory where I can clearly recall details from conversations, things I learned or from random things if my brain deemed them important enough at the time. I can still vividly remember things I learned in elementary school and once that memory gets triggered I can recite that knowledge like I’d just read it (but it ONLY works if the memory gets ‘properly’ triggered)
- My logic & reasoning skills are very good!
- Languages are easy to pick up (apart from French, fuck French) since you just kind of learn the rules and then follow them and then you have a functioning language! (I’m fluent in Dutch & English, I’m passable in German and currently studying Danish because I want to)
- I’m great at finance & law! Rules rules rules rules rules they are SO NICE and it’s great to be able to follow rules to help people make sense of the insanity that law & finance is. I’m able to see minute details that are off (11 euros in a 10 million budget and that intuition of “something is OFF HERE” whenever I just look through finances and calculations. Also please play boardgames with me but GIVE ME THE MANUAL, PLEAAAASE. I absolutely love reading through them and then remembering all the rules and then I can explain them to everyone!!!!!!!!
- Hyperfixation on fun projects and stuff!!!! I absolutely love being able to just close myself off from the entire world to do something that my brain thinks is great to do at that time! That can sometimes be videogames (looking at you, civ 5 sessions that last 12+ hours for a few days in a row), something creative or even reading! I love to just jump into another world (especially magic!!!!) and just live through those books for a few days/weeks at a time
And just some general things:
- It’s great to see that talking about mental health has become more accepted in the online communities and it’s becoming better irl as well! I feel absolutely validated by some of the stories people have shared here on tumblr, but also on reddit and it makes me feel accepted and it makes me feel like I still belong in this world!
- Suddenly a lot of the stuff I did as a kid is now easily explained by “ah I was being an autistic kid at times” instead of trying to figure out why I did things differently or had more problems with certain things (seriously, fuck any art class that made me make an ‘original’ product, I can only IMITATE STUFF)
- Life is too short to be scared of your own disorders, so learn about them and try to deal with some of your shit and (hopefully) your life becomes a bit better :D
It’s tough for me to see the good instead of the bad (human brain being fucky and a bit depresso) but I hope some of you can relate to this or find this and figure out that you’re not alone!
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quinintheclouds · 5 years
so I know you said for people without adhd not to use the term hyperfixation I'm dyspraxic (a type of learning and processing disorder that affects coordination, memory and heightenes senses amongst other things) I find myself becoming engrossed with very specific interests to help myself cope and I've always referred to them as my hyperfixations the last thing i want is to belittle or discredit anyone with adhd, I was just wondering what your thoughts are on this?
Thank you for asking!! I’m not certain what thing I said (typical ADHD forgetfulness lol) but I have a vague memory of it... I may have reblogged something about this recently, but I can’t find anything to check the context of, so I assume I maybe mentioned it in this hyperfixation video? 
Regardless, the term is a relatively new one, so I’m sure there’s a lot of nuance and overlap to it. It was mainly coined to give a word to ADHDers that doesn’t take the term special interest from people with autism, and is more accurate to our own experience. (Typically shorter than special interests and in intense bursts rather than long-term, etc.)
I personally feel that the word can apply and be used by people with other developmental disorders such as dyspraxia. I have been told that it is not applicable to things like OCD or personality disorders, and that seems to check out. The problem is when neurotypicals (reminder here that anxiety/depression/mental illness in general does not necessarily equate to neurodivergence) use “hyperfixation” to describe an interest or hobby of theirs, because it waters down the word until it feels synonymous with how the general public uses the word “obsession.” When it’s used to mean something less than it is, the meaning gets muddied and doesn’t have the same connotation. Sort of like how the misuse of “intrusive thoughts” made it taken less seriously and equated it to stuff like “throw your phone in the water!!”
Hyperfixation is extreme to the point of feeling pain (often physical) when trying to refrain from engaging with the interest (I’ve even thrown up before from trying to hold back on infodumping or discuss other topics, but everyone’s experience is different) and near-euphoria when interacting with it. Our already-inhibited executive functioning gets even more chaotic than usual, making it incredibly difficult to stop or switch between tasks or redirect our brains. We forget to eat, shower, go to the bathroom, sleep for days on end, etc. (I mean a lot of us already do that, but it gets worse during a hyperfixation). We have trouble doing anything else because our minds are so severely attached to the thing we’re fixated on that every waking moment becomes devoted to it. It becomes a safety blanket of sorts that causes great distress to be separated from.
I can’t really speak for everyone, and I’m not sure about all the details of potential discourse, so as of now my stance is that I don’t want it to be used by neurotypicals, people without developmental disorders, or used incorrectly. Other than that, I’ll stay out of it (I don’t wanna gatekeep)! So if you were to use it, anon, I wouldn’t personally have any opposition! Your experience is your own :) 
TL;DR (because every ADHD-related post needs it):
I talk a bit about why hyperfixation is different from neurotypical experiences in this video: The 5 Stages of Hyperfixation
Hyperfixation is intense as heck, and misuse of the word leads to misinformation and thinking it’s less extreme than it is (good post on that here) so please don’t use it if you mean something else.
As far as I can tell, it may be applicable to other developmental/learning disorders in addition to ADHD (including dyspraxia)
I can’t speak for everyone, so asking and learning is key! 
Hope this helps! :D
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draw-you-coward · 5 years
Wait, are you not getting Shadowbringers? D:
awwww im sorry about the “D:” jsjsdjs
putting this under a cut because it’s a bit long! but tldr: I might lol it depends on if it’s good or not, or how impulsive I am near the end of june :p
Let me start off by saying that ffxiv hasn’t been a hyperfixation or special interest for me (both if which I can get but find hard to differentiate between bc of adhd/autism comorbidity) since at least January, which is the last time I believe I played. This isn’t bad! I usually have months-long on/off cycle with games, and I got really into other great games like pillars of eternity, gw2, the sims, etc .  I’m saying this because some people can get a bit defensive when they feel like I’m ignoring our shared fandom to get excited about something else. I’m not! It just isn’t what I’m currently focused on, and I will politely but firmly say that there’s nothing wrong with that :>
I’ve had some issue with the writing direction that ffxiv has been taking as of late. Just the usual, and nothing unexpected. I got into it in the first place because it was a very well-made mmo, not because I held any expectations of anything narratively. Besides, writing doesn’t have to be great for me to enjoy a game (which I do enjoy! :). The problem arose when Shadowbringers was first announced, and even thinking about anything to do with it made me incredibly anxious/gave me meltdowns. Not to mention a staggering amount of people in the fandom seem to be incapable of spoiler-tagging, so I barely had enough time to get myself together to figure out why it was happening.
But I did. Long story short, I’ve come to place a lot of personal value in some characters, more than a “normal” person would realistically warrant. I was genuinely concerned for a couple of months that if anything negative happened to them, it would have a severe impact on my mental health. Without getting into details about why this would happen, I’d ask you and everyone reading this to please take that statement seriously. This combined with the fact that ffxiv’s plot can be predictable (to me at least), and narrative beats incredibly so, all I was getting from Shadowbringers were very, very bad (to me personally) impressions. Other people’s constant excitement, theories, etc etc about it definitely were not helping.
I’ve unfollowed a lot of ffxiv blogs and blacklisted a lot by now, and my friends make sure to tag since I’ve made enough fusses about it that they actually remember, which is nice. and overall i’m not in the same headspace as i was a few months ago! mostly now i can make myself think about other things instead of constantly stressing/having anxiety attacks about it :>
but other than that, my main reasoning boils down to the fact that the plot and setting are really just things I’m not interested in in the slightest. and if the story turns out to be not that great, that’s over 70$ i’ve spent on something i might just stop caring about, and that may even make me feel icky. as i said yesterday, however, the trust system really did pique my interest again, as did the tentative hints i’m getting that the plot isn’t actually what they hinted it to be when shb was first announced. this is fairly standard practice, actually, and i’m kind of annoyed at myself for not thinking more rationally. on the other hand, i was really freaking out lollll . as much as i try to ignore hype, and theories that i know won’t happen because they aren’t realistically, graphically, or narratively probable (sorry yall :p), it’s difficult to not let even a smidge of that leak to your subconscious.
so i’ll wait until what i know is an overreaction on my part over the trust system repaints itself more realistically to me, and maybe even until the expansion is already out and i can ask my friends specific questions. or i might impulse buy it if i fail to do that; hey, it’s my birthday month :p rightsorry if this was WAY too long an answer to a very short question lollll.  this just has been sitting in my head for a long time and all the words came pouring out!
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suburban-satan · 6 years
shit my friends say
So I made a list of all the wild shit my friends say, started in January 2018 and still going. It's one year old I guess? Well, enjoy what I have so far!
2018 -d a d d y w i s e -well there’s chains on the ground so that must mean this was a kinky sex dungeon -GORSH MICKEY NOT MY G SPOT -I can wait until I turn 40 so I can troll Japanese Girls on roblox -what if we all looked like mike wizowski but our heads were the same size as they are now -I wanna give pot to a bird -I take pills without water -daddies cummie wummies are the best cummie wummies -enjoy your nonexistent stomach acid -cum glaze -I hope you choke on MY meat -who hasn’t been on pornhub -(wipes tears away and starts belting despacito) -MY GAY IS BEING TRIGGERED -that omelet looks delouse -is semen a liquid or solid -iTs nOt aQuaNauTs yOu uNculTurEd fOoK -vaginas are scary -what is menstruation -you should change your name to pussy something -my gay has been activated -“have you ever owned a vibrator?” “No” “would you like to rent one” -“do you like glazed or cream filled” -wHaT dOeS cUm sOuNd LiKe -he is on too much fertilizer -sometimes cum is hot I know from experience -if you jerked off at the speed of sound would your dick be on fire -I don’t have a sonic fetish -can your dick ignite because of the heat of your cock -aren’t dicks like cannons -who the fuck draws a glowing peepee on a skeleton -honey Freddy freaker is dancing in the living room -does penis smell like garlic -she don’t swallow in this household -*downloading garrison nudes* -don’t you realize that tentacle porn is just using octopus arms as a dildo -frickle my nipples -Minecraft porn consists of the male genitalia replaced with a stick -OOPSIE WOOPSIE!! Uwu We make a fucky wucky!! A wittle fucko boingo! The code monkeys at our headquarters are working VEWY HAWD to fix this! -“I’m big for an asian” -cockilicous -“His anal glands need milking” -fready flipper -FREADY FAPPER -daddy better make me choke -does Freddy freaker have a mutated alien dick -sonic breaks the sound barrier by beating his meat -the sun looks like it’s gon vore you -bootyhole exploration -is megalovania sex music -i like to drink cock -cum is just genital snot -penis musk -Shid piz and farbt -Bull + shit = sis it don’t add up -Hey don’t tell me at least once in your life you haven’t thought about being gently caressed across the genitalia by the kraken -I swallow boba like i swallow cum -I wuv fungus kun, the way he waps a awond my tosie wosies so tight! He’s gibing me a huggie!!!! Fungus kun gibes my tosies a new color too!!!! Wat a good fungus kun make my doki doki go “ UAU” heeheehee -eating banana with the banana peel -orang juce -father I want cheddar -don’t you just look at someone and think about how long their neck is -breathing is just boneless vaping -get outta here juuling criminal -yall ever succ a dick for juul pods -unironically drawing miss piggy -“Jack don’t let go 😱🤭🤭, jack sweetie 😐👀 if you let go 🙊🙈 you’re weave 🙀🙀 gone 😇😘💅” -I've been watching spooky movies for 5 hour -omg it’s daddy sans undertaker!!! -bröther -I ate my sister -are you'd's't've kidding me? -oh youtube please don't show me the shrek movies rn -My brother is calling me out on the family group chat for eating a bowl of peanut butter -Hamilton is best girl -get outta here you fuckin loyalist -what doesn’t cum have -drink flex seal and you won’t have to worry about a marriage -I feel water. -“Superfood or supergross? Is Sperm good?” -coochie hands gucci bands -just imagine trying to cast a spell and then you get disturbed by a banjo -toto africa is sex music now and everytime they say rain it’s just cum -y'all ever burp in your mouth and exhale it through your nose like a vaper -how dare them make my green senpai an honorable member of society -If you didn’t search big boobs video on google at least once are you really a Gen Z kid????? -laugh pussies -i’m watching the history of japan on pornhub -we have the same name because we are secretly the same person -what if you eat your phone and it’s all in your tummy -why would you ever think i’m not serious all the time you silly dragon but we’re both (my name) so we can be the silly dragon together -why would you wash your face before you go to bed when your tears wash it off for you *wooshing noises* -I want to drive a bus because I like busses -my shoe broke -why does everyone talk about the drugs i’m eating -i’m going to break her because she’s talking about smoking cocaine and I don’t like drugs -(stage whisper) metal heads live among us but we don’t know because they look like normal people -oh bye mr music teacher -the pussy? designer. cucci, if you will. -DID I HEAR S A N S P O R N -"i'm about to nay nay on your dead fucking corpse" -alert alert the toes are coming -you got a fucking problem with my 𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐝𝐢𝐛𝐬? -imagine using an oven for something designed for a microwave this post was made by the doesnt have much motivation gang -Please take my Minnesotan snow Wait that sounds like Minnesotan cocaine -when you funny scream -"dating the Bill of Rights for fun" is now exactly how I'm going to describe my hyperfixations -the penguin  from fruit loops is a twink (bitch its a toucan) -if white cheese exists is there black cheese -What’s rosum opossum -whale cum -dicko mode -(GETTIN SOME CHRISTMAS SPIRIT UP IN THAT PUSS) -pennies more like penis amirite -It’s Sunday don’t forget to squeeze cheese on the cat -the grinch is dr seuss’s fursona -everyone is gangster until the trees start speaking vietnamese -big chungus is my dad -“if the apocalypse happened what would you do” “eat bees” -I'm tired as fuck but I gotta wait until it's 4:20 to go to bed -mom: you need to be reasonable and wait two hours before having another brownie me, stuffing my mouth full of brownie: br o w n y s -This honey in whole foods is in fucking comic sans -it's more likely that I'll guess someone is gay before I remember the existence of women -im gonna say it again for the people in the back:
i eat bees -Thanos penis, it's actually called a thenis -yort -uwu its the mowst thorstiewst time of the yeaw uwu -It is I Teh gromc -The gronk is here to say eat all the dish soap in the house -the grinch but he's wearing crocs the entire time -answer my question or else i will establish sans porn -You make him doki doki uwaaaaa!!!! -birdbox but all the bird sounds are replaced by cardi b noises -THE GROMPK IS TOO POWERFUL -consume ocean sauce -square up in judge judys court -half consumes ocean sauce -ice juce -frick stick -you guys wanna read undertale fanfiction     -2019- -it might be 2019 but thats not gonna stop me from terrorizing my family's groupchat -(pineapple voice) first date idea: digest eachother -Wait dennys will arrest you for doing illegal things?? -pls purify me -my toes are very succulent today -two succs having flex two succs having sex my muscles my muscles involuntarily checks -f u r r y , N a s h . -Perfect for all occasions! Spill something on your nice shirt, give a messy blowjob, and sphagetti!!! -Do you want cum on your nice shirt??? -it would be nice if i had cum on my shirt -cocc succ machine -I KNOW TONGUE JUTSU -I feel like i’m in a meat prison -hi you obese elephant -plant porn is just flowey porn -We all love the out of the box 4am messages we get -YOU LIKE SNAS PEEPEE
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shortguyswag · 3 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
So is Heat Waves just the Dreamnotfound theme song? Like, widely accepted? The fandom agrees on something? Huh?
21 notes • Posted 2021-02-23 08:04:59 GMT
Of there's one thing I'm good at, it's overanalyzing stuff, so let's get started on an analysis of Revivedbur and his speech when he first came back, particularly that line about the sunrise.
alright so. Sunrises generally have this symbolism of new beginnings, the rise of something new, etc. So I don't think that this will lead to Vilbur, because he was a villain before his death, and he rose anew with the sunrise a different person, etc etc etc.
Sunrises also carry a connotation of hope. See the thing is, Wilbur seemed to have had a lot of regrets. Like a Lot, a lot. And we know Wilbur is very aware of story narrative roles and symbolism. So he is probably definitely aware of the symbolism and emotional responses behind sunrises. So this could be him, in his dramatically extra theater kid way, acknowledging that hope and being excited because he has a hope that he didn't have before. He has a second chance, and he's not throwing away his shot. (Ha)
And I don't think I've seen anyone ever mention how he sounded slightly regretful when he said that he had really done a number on the place. Now, that might be because the creator loves his creation, or something, but that really doesn't sound like the words of a villain, and certainly not someone who would be willing to blow up a country.
long story short: no villain wilbur please
32 notes • Posted 2021-05-04 04:37:04 GMT
I am revisiting an old hyperfixation and I have decided to make that everyone else's problem
36 notes • Posted 2021-06-18 06:53:17 GMT
This is going to sound weird, and/or has already been thought of before, but. What if the lost city of Mizu never actually existed? What if it was just Ranbob's way of luring people in to kill them?
I know we probably didn't see all of the city or something, but just. The layout of the city doesn't make sense. Who would have a city that is as hard to navigate as that city is? Why would it be as difficult as it is to get into if it really was a place where people were expected to come in and out of? And those beds and stuff looked like they were historic artifacts, which isn't usually something you'd let little kids, which there probably would be in a city, sleep on. And what about the size? There aren't nearly enough beds for a decent sized city, and not really enough room for people either, especially if there were tourists there, like I think I remember being implied.
Who wrote the notes then? I'm honestly kind of torn between Ranbob himself, and a visitor that came and managed to survive just long enough to learn a few secrets, but ended up killed as well. But honestly probably ranbob.
I don't doubt that Ranbob was part of a religion where everyone chose a historical figure to emulate, but I don't think it was in mizu.
Anyone have any counter arguments/proof I'm just reading too far into things?
49 notes • Posted 2021-04-29 06:13:52 GMT
Is the writing clunky? Maybe. But that's a problem for future me.
54 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 05:50:08 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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