isobug · 6 months
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Dionifreyic / Dionic Freyic
One who is both Dionic and Freyic for any reason ( Fluid/flux identity, uses both labels, doesn't feel attraction to or simply chooses not to date Exor- / Xorgender / Binary Men & Women, etc. ) Intentionally broad like Dionic & Freyic and can be used alongside other terms.
The flag is just a combination of the Dionic and Freyic flags! Made for myself as I couldn't find an existing combo flag / term. Free for anyone to use as always and help with accurate ALT text is appreciated.
Taglist - @revenant-coining, @radiomogai
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Menboric Pride Flag
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Menboric: an umbrella term for those attracted to men and non-binary people; being both mascic and enboric.
Flag source. This includes, for example, torenamorics, uranics, mestric veldians/bennetians/viramorics, nowomasexuals, nowomaromantics, pan/omni, varioriented/variangled people, etc.
Term by mod Ap.
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genderstarbucks · 9 months
Do you know if there is a orientation for being attracted to all genders except any and all feminine/women aligned genders /srs Because I swear there is but I can’t find it.
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Uranic or nofemsexual is the attraction to men, masculine, and neutral-aligned non-binary individuals. It is the attraction to all genders except women and woman-aligned or feminine-aligned non-binary individuals. This orientation is mostly used by non-binary individuals to describe their attraction without relying on the gender binary, but it can be used by anyone.
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Nowomasexual, Nogalsexual, or Dionic is the attraction to all genders except for binary women. Genders attracted to includes men, non-binary people, masculine aligned non-binary people, feminine aligned non-binary people, unaligned non-binary people, agender people, etc. The term was made with non-binary people in mind but binary people can use it.
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skin-slave · 11 months
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aholotte · 3 months
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Introducing Fictomasexual and fictowomasexual. I don't usually coin terms and have no intention of becoming a MOGAI blog, but I've seen multiple people who experience these attractions but didn't have the word for it. They are under the fictosexual umbrella.
Fictomasexual is when you are only attracted to fictional men. Anyone can use this - exclusive fictosexuals, lesbians who struggle with heteronormativity and only like men if they're fictional (believe me, I've seen A TON of them), mspecs who only like men in fiction but like other genders irl, etc
Fictowomasexual is when you are only attracted to fictional women. Anyone can use this - exclusive fictosexuals, gay guys who struggle with heteronormativity and only like women if they're fictional (I haven't seen as many of them as I've seen lesbians who like fictional men, but I have no doubt that they exist), mspecs who only like women in fiction but like other genders irl, etc
You can be both fictomasexual and fictowomasexual.
The flags are based on the fictosexual flag and their meanings are in the alt text. The labels are based on nomasexual and nowomasexual
These labels have no DNI, so don't steal or recoin them or something.
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the-omniverse-coning · 9 months
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Lesbiall | Veldiall
[Image ID 1: A 7 stripe flag. The colors, in descending order, are: indigo; purple; pinkish violet; pink; orange; yellow; very light pale yellow. It is based on redtail-lol's lesbian flag. End ID 1.]
[Image ID 2: A 7 stripe flag. The colors, in descending order, are: dark dusty purple; dusty purple; light indigo; turquoise; light green; pale lime-yellow; very light pale yellow. It is based on redtail-lol's veldian flag. End ID 2.]
Lesbiall: A lesbian who is exclusively attracted to all genders that could be considered part of lesbian attraction; a nomasexual lesbian; a lesbian who is attracted to all genders except men, or except binary men, depending on how you view it.
(Note: this term's definition does not imply that lesbians cannot ever like men, however attraction to men is not part of lesbian attraction (hence why they are called non-exclusive lesbians) while other genders are usually considered part of exclusive lesbian attraction)
Veldiall (or turiall, vinciall, or cintheall): A veldian who is attracted exclusively to all genders that can be considered part of veldian attraction; a nowomasexual veldian; a veldian who is attracted to all genders except women, or except binary women, depending on how you view it.
(Note: this term's definition does not imply that veldians cannot ever like women, however attraction to women is not part of veldian attraction (hence why they are called non-exclusive veldians) while other genders are usually considered part of exclusive veldian attraction)
These terms were coined to reclaim "noma- lesbian" by BMPF
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could you maybe help me with my attraction? ill list my attractions as like attraction to if that makes it easier! femininity: sure? anything female aligned: no agender/agenrine: yes genderless: yes neutrality: yes abinary: yes aporine: i think? neutrois: yes maverique: yes anything male aligned w/o girl: yes men: yes nonbinaries: yes xenos: yes i dont feel attraction to anything female aligned, basically!
There are two main terms that came to mind:
Nowomasexual/Dionic - The attraction to all genders except binary women
Nofinsexual - The attraction to all genders except those that are feminine in nature (this can be a feminine gender identity, gender presentation, etc.)
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orientation-archive · 3 months
Hi! Just wanted to say I do neptunic, Uranic, and Saturnic flags, Would those go into this archve?
Hello there!
Yes, those terms would go here as they are orientations that share attraction to nonbinary individuals & depending on the term to women or men (excluding Saturnic that's primarily noma-/nowomasexual/romantic.). I've got most if not all of the neptunic, uranic & saturnic terms from your blog drafted already. :3
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the-rockit · 6 months
bro have you ever been out of a fandom for so long and then return and you forgot your own fucking headcanons?
cuz like that happened to.me 2 months ago because I hc Jon to be gay and I forgot I hced that so I drew him with Ellana(romantically) 😭
I so sillay but speaking of hcs here's what I remember:
Eduardo- Gynesexual(attracted to feminity regardless of gender) + bisexual
Jon- Gay, FTM
Mark- MTF
Todd- Nonbinary, bisexual
Edd- Pansexual
Tord- Bisexual
Matt- Pansexual
Tom- Nowomasexual(attracted to all gensers except binary women), Trans masc and nonbinary
Chester- Trans masc nonbinary- uses he/him + they/them + xe/hir and omnisexual
John- Gay
Paul and Patryk- I forgot which is which but I know one of them I hc at pansexual and I think the other as bisexual
Hellucard- FTM, bisexual
Kim + Kayta- Both lesbian
That's all I can think of right now but erm yea!!
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faerielogy · 3 years
introducing dionic!
anyone with attraction to everyone but binary women (attraction to men and nonbinary people of every alignment — including fem)
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color meanings:
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this is supposed to go a long with terms like uranic and neptunic. it is an alternate term for nowomasexual. the name comes from dionysus (because it sounded good).
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cubeflag · 4 years
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Nowomasexual flag
(Feeling attraction to all genders but women.)
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Nowoma- Veldian Pride Flag
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Nowoma-/nowoman- (nowomansexual, nowomaromantic, etc.) or nofein-/nofia (nofiasexual/nofeinsexual, nofiaromantic/nofeinromantic, etc.): attraction to every gender but binary women; or attraction to all genders except fiagender/feingender.
Veldian/turian: being gay for men (virsic/virsian); a term for gay men, and those adjacent to them (such as gay NLM, if they feel connected to it); queer attraction to men (QLM/MLQ); or a label for nonwomen loving non-women (NWLNW/floric/cinthean).
It may overlap with nofemaric uranians, nofin- turians, violaens (violae veldians) or chrysantheans, pencontra- cintheans, uranic florix, toren- veldiens, or veldienboric/turienboric (uranienboric/uranien, florienboric/florien, virsienboric/virsien).
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genderstarbucks · 1 year
Could I request some more flags :O?
A romantic varient to nomasexual (nomaromantic) and trixensexual (trixenromantic) please!
Hope you're well!! And thank you :)
Various Romantic Flags!!
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Nomaromantic (also known as nobroromantic) is the attraction to all genders except binary men. Genders attracted to includes women, non-binary individuals, masculine aligned non-binary individuals, feminine aligned non-binary individuals, unaligned non-binary individuals, agender individuals, etc. The term was made with non-binary individuals in mind but binary individuals can use it.
Nowomaromantic (also known as nogalromantic) is the attraction to all genders except for binary women. Genders attracted to includes men, nonbinary people, masculine-aligned non-binary people, feminine-aligned non-binary people, unaligned non-binary people, agender people, etc. The term was made with non-binary people in mind but binary people can use it.
Trixenromantic or Trixenamoric refers to the exclusive attraction to women and nonbinary individuals. It could be considered a form of polysexual or bisexual. It mixes "trix" as in trixic, and "en" as in enby.
Torenromantic or Torenamoric is the exclusive attraction to men and nonbinary individuals. It could be considered a form of polysexual or bisexual. It mixes "tor" as in toric, and "en" as in enby.
I always gotta make the masc versions too or my autistic brain says it's not complete
Also tbh I find it kinda funny how we're like the same but on opposite sides of the same coin
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arco-pluris · 6 years
Is there a term for someone who is nonbinary and a man and mainly (but not exclusively) attracted to nonbinary people and men?
There are some terms:
Opalian: describes an individual who is mlm, nblm, nblnb and mlnb.
Nowoma- / Nowoman-: having attraction to all genders but women.
Amplusic / Amplus-: attraction isn’t strict to just one orientation.
Poly- (ply): attracted to multiple genders but not every gender.
-flexible: usually one orientation but occasionally another.
Symmaic: similar gender attraction for nonbinaries.
Bi-: attraction to two or more genders.
I’d say you could be nowomaflexible opalian, amplusic symmaic or biflexible ply.
There are other orientations I would like to add (just to archive):
Adonic/Astroidian (mlnb, mln or mlx): men/partial men attracted to nonbinary people.
Diamoric/Dia-: an intentionally flexible, loose term that describes a personal identity or a relationship (sexual, romantic, platonic etc.) that is neither “straight” nor “gay” due to the presence of one or more non-binary people.
Quadrisian (nblm) - any non-binary person who likes men, either JUST men or men and other genders.
Marsian/Marsic (nblm) - an orientation meaning a NB person who is attracted to men and men-aligned people.
Proquu- A masculine enby who is only attracted to other masculine people.
Mascic - non-straight attraction to men. 
Viramoric/Vir-: “a somewhat-interchangeable words that both refer to attraction to men, exclusively or primarily.
Toric (nblm): used to describe a nonbinary person who is attracted to, interested in, or in a relationship with men/boys, exclusively or not. Toric can also be used to describe relationships between nonbinary people and men/boys.
Achillean (mlm): a term to describe men, partial men, or male-aligned people who are attracted to other men, partial men, or male-aligned people.
Pluralian (m-spec): attraction to more than one gender, multi-spectrum, regardless of one’s gender identity.
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just-graysexual · 6 years
Hi, I've been questioning myself for a long time, but have finally accepted being ace is right, but am unclear whether I am gray-ace. I seem to only be (maybe sexually, definitely sensually/romantically)attracted to a narrow range of people(butch and gender-non-conforming women, androgynous people, non-binary), which makes me wonder if I am actually fetishizing instead of actually being attracted. Does this fall under the 'gray-ace' umbrella? Help!
Hey Anon,
Don’t you worry, you are okay. 
Remember that attractions are involuntary, you don’t choose who you are attracted too. And it’s okay to have certain preferences as to what you like and what you are attracted to. As long as you are kind, respectful, and not hurting anyone than you are okay. It’s okay to be attracted to however you are attracted. There is nothing wrong with your attraction.
You could be gray-ace, if you feel that you are not really asexual but not fully an allosexual/zsexual orientation. If you feel that you experience your attraction differently than people who are asexual or those who are z/allosexual, then gray-a can work for you. There is even an orientation known as paragraysexual; this is where you feel graysexual is close to what you are, but you are still unsure or anxious about your orientation.
Since you are attracted to people who are non-gender conforming, androgynous, non-binary people I think you should look into these orientations as well:
Ceterosexual: is where you are attracted to non-binary genders. 
Androsexual: is where you are attracted to men, males, or masculinity. 
There is also masexual, minsexual, and nowomasexual that are all similar. Just be careful with these terms, some of them are controversial and should be used carefully and for certain people. However, poke around and see what you can find. You might find something that can work for you.
You hang in there, Anon. If you are truly attracted to these people, then that’s okay, fine, and valid. You don’t chose your attractions and it’s okay to like a certain type of person and have preferences. As long as you are not hurting anybody you are good. If you feel that this is how your attraction, then that’s all you need. That’s how you attraction works and that’s okay. You could identify as gray-a if you wanted, or paragraysexual, or one of the other orientations that I listed. Take your time with it. Just no that you have nothing to worry about, you are valid, your feelings are valid, and your attractions are valid. If you need any help, have any questions, or would like me to clarify or elaborate on anything feel free to message me anytime.
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vityah-moved · 6 years
i'm a biaesthetic nowomasexual lesbian and here's a 300 page thesis on how i'm more oppressed than those other dykes
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