#odasaku ships soukoku
mackerel22 · 7 months
Dazai: Chuuya and I don't use pet names.
Odasaku: I see. Hey, what do bees make?
Dazai: Honey.
Dazai: Ha, you thought, bitch.
Chuuya, yelling from another room: What do you want, whore?
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welivetodream · 27 days
Dazai, slamming his glass: why doesn't he love me, dammit!
Oda: maybe you should calm down a little; following him around and spying on him would come off as creepy to him.
Ango, massaging his temples: I have no idea how you haven't gotten arrested for spying!
Dazai: maybe because we are fucking criminals that work in the Mafia, Ango? I don't think Chuuya would report ME to the police of all people....
Oda: what if he reports you to the boss?
Dazai: the boss is the one who gave me the idea of spying on Chuuya to get his attention! He has been helping me all along!
Ango: that sounds like him.
Chuuya: that idiot mackerel has been following me around for a week! Can you stop him?
Mori: interesting, have you thought of giving in and going out with him?
Chuuya: of course no----wait a minute! THAT'S your question? Shouldn't you stop that crazy ass behaviour?
Mori: I have decided to send you two on a joint mission to Hawaii....for a month.
Chuuya: huh? What will we do there? Have a honeymoon?
Chuuya: NOOOOO
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Ok so here's the fairy tale meta thing based off a lie that I was talking about.
In Dead Apple, there's a flashback scene at Bar Lupin where Dazai explains the concept of apple suicide to Oda, while a track called "Dear Prince" plays in the background. There's a brief mix-up where Oda confuses the story of Snow White for Cinderella - but when I first came up with this, I misremembered what he said (I mixed up... his mix-up...) and thought the line was about Sleeping Beauty.
And I'm so unreasonably annoyed by this because that would've made so much more contextual sense. Why? Because they both involve an awakening. Moreover, there's a few interesting details in the environment of the older tales (I will not be using the Disney versions as the Dead Apple motifs actually connect better with the originals and also because I have never actually seen them... embarrassingly enough) that translate quite nicely to aspects of Dazai's life and bonds.
Specifically, there are some loose parallels to be found with Odasaku and the story of Sleeping Beauty, and Chuuya and the story of Snow White. (Note that this is not intended to be shipping fuel or anything; interpret it however you like, I'm just drawing connections.)
And yeah, I know this is an entire half-baked meta formed around a line that doesn't even exist but please just give it a chance or at least humour me please please please please please
Alright let's get the Cinderella thing out of the way first since I want to at least address it.
Cinderella has its origins in the old Greek story of Rhodopis, which sets up the main aspects of the story we know now: a servant girl from a poor background ascends to royalty through marrying a prince, who searches for her after finding her missing shoe. This doesn't really bear any resemblance to the rest of the movie or any other ongoing themes... unless you want to suggest that maybe Dazai's jumping from one side to the other was something akin to a "shoe-test"; that he was looking for a perfect fit. I think that's quite a stretch though and it's likely this really was just a throwaway line meant to show us Oda's occasional uh... airheadedness. If anyone has any further thoughts on this, I'd love to hear them.
It's a shame, really, because the slip up could've been given more significance and also because as an analyst of sorts it is my sworn duty to pull meaning out of absolutely nothing so I guess I took another step further here and made up my own line to analyze in stupidly excessive detail.
The entire point of this was meant to show how both the stories of Sleeping Beauty and Snow White have a theme of awakening, and so do Dazai's bonds with both Odasaku and Chuuya - they both have a function of "waking him up" in a sense. However, the means of doing so manifest very differently.
So, let's talk about Sleeping Beauty.
Sleeping Beauty has its origins in an old Italian story called Sun, Moon and Talia, which has many of the elements we know today but was uh. A lot darker. And way more non-consensual. The version the more modern story takes its roots from is Perrault's version. Here are the important bits to this analysis: the princess pricks her finger on a spindle out of curiosity, the good fairy puts everyone in the castle to sleep along with her for 100 years so that she will not be alone when she wakes, the prince does not wake her with a kiss but instead she wakes just by his presence and they sit and talk for a long, long time.
So, on to my delusional parallels. Part one: the princess pricks her finger out of curiosity. See, for Dead Apple, we have to rethink this a bit because Dazai brings up the concept of apple suicide, not murder. Of course, this is a parallel to himself and his disregard for his own life, so here we can take it that he did not "prick his finger" out of mere curiosity, but also, likely out of a desire to "sleep".
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It's hard for me not to draw a connection between the curiosity aspect of the finger prick and Dazai's curiosity to join the mafia, especially with the next part - where everyone falls asleep as well for the time the princess is asleep. Essentially, no one will age or die. For as long as the princess remains unconscious, the world will not change. And if the princess perhaps, wanted this, then we can infer what is likely a fear of being left. Maybe even a fear of living. Dazai joined the mafia because he was curious if it would have what he sought. Instead, he spent his days trapped in an "oxidizing dream" as he detached further and further both from his humanity and from others. The mafia is already a place where people don't talk to each other openly and we know Dazai was even more unknowable than that - if he doesn't care about himself or others, the dream goes on. He stays asleep, and if he doesn't care, then he doesn't lose anyone - no one truly "dies".
As for the last part, there isn't much to say. Dazai warms up to Odasaku because the man just talks to him. And likes talking to him. And doesn't tell him to stop when he's being really freaking weird. But notably, Odasaku doesn't do much at first to help Dazai "awaken". It's only when he's about to die in his fight against Gide that he realizes he regrets not saying something sooner. Odasaku only has one chance to wake Dazai before he dies and he does it by shattering that dream that he will find what he's looking for. Paradoxically, that hope Dazai held onto was what trapped him in that singular mindset. Oda dies shortly after and the illusion is broken. Dazai wakes up, his world kickstarts where it had previously been stagnant and Dazai greets the sun and tries to live.
See why I'm slightly annoyed this wasn't the line now?
But hey, while we're at it, let's also talk about Snow White because the Dead Apple movie was actually a lot more firm with its connections than I think people realize.
Firstly, I would love people to know that in the original Grimms' fairy tale, Snow White doesn't clean the dwarves' house but in fact burgles it, eating their food, drinking their wine and falling asleep in one of their beds after testing each one, and generally leaving the house in complete disarray. Yeah. Not related to my point at all, but this sounds an awful lot like something Dazai would do (but more out of mischief than naivete of course).
Here's the important part though: Did you know that the Queen attempted to have Snow White killed not just once, but three times? The first two times, the dwarves were the ones to save her and quite quickly - they made a deal after she broke into their house that she would fix it up for them and maintain it in exchange for her staying with them in safety. It's an agreement of sorts, but as they became fond of her, they try and save her life in earnest. The poisoned apple is actually the third attempt to kill her, where the Queen bites into the white, non-poisoned part of the apple and Snow White, thinking it safe, eats the red half and falls asleep.
Hey. Remember the colour of the pill Dazai took in Dead Apple?
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Yeah, someone on that team knows the original fairy tale.
Interestingly (and this is where I got really excited), there are three different attempts to kill Snow White (or, if Dazai is to be believed, three different attempts at her own self-destruction) - and there are three different instances where Chuuya "wakes" Dazai, twice while they're partnered (when they have an "agreement", terms in a sense as partners), and once in Dead Apple.
The first is in Fifteen, the infamous scene where Dazai shoots the body and Chuuya snaps him out of it by wrenching the gun out of his hands. I'm honestly a bit too tired to go super into that scene right now but I'm doing a little bit on it later - all that needs to be acknowledged here is that Dazai was out of it and Chuuya forced him back to earth. The second occurs during the Dragon's Head Conflict when Dazai is completely insensitive to the death of a mafia executive and Chuuya decks him for it. The now-infamous line "no one would believe that" is often misinterpreted I think. Chuuya says this in response to Dazai's "I'm human, too, you know." He's not saying "you're not human", he's saying "you are human but no one would believe that with the kind of shit you're saying and doing". It's the same kind of sentiment in the first scene where Chuuya intervenes, I believe. And it is a form of waking, in that Chuuya snaps Dazai out of his more inhumane moments - he basically calls him out and forces him to reevaluate; the epitome of a rude awakening.
Now for the Dead Apple scene proper.
Firstly, let's establish something. They are no longer partners in the mafia. They are even on separate sides. The framing of this changes Chuuya's actions from working with Dazai with occasional call-outs to bring him back to earth, to saving him in what is quite literally a rescue.
In the original myth, again, there is no waking kiss. Instead, in this third time, everyone assumes Snow White is really dead, that she will not be coming back. The prince, who happens across her, insists she at least receive a proper burial. But when carrying her coffin, one of them trips and they stumble, which jostles the princess enough that the piece of apple stuck in her throat is dislodged and she coughs it up, reviving. Uh...
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Anyways this got kind of messy at the end and idk if it even made sense this is really just unhinged rambling so...
Tldr, Odasaku and Chuuya both help "wake" Dazai even if their methods and personalities are very different, which is part of the reason why both bonds are very important. Neither are particularly gentle with him, but waking, especially if all you want to do is sleep, is not a gentle thing.
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windyskiez · 1 month
How I think the irl BSD authors would react to the plot and fandom (It might be a bit inaccurate but bear with me)
Osamu Dazai
-That man would cry.
-He would be so traumatised. Like, why did they make him abuse Akutagawa? What's up with making him work together with the person he hated the most? Killing off Odasaku after already witnessing his death in real life? He would hate all that for sure.
-The Soukoku fics are going to drive him insane
Chuuya Nakahara
-He's also going to hate the fandom for shipping him with Dazai. Maybe storm his house again to question him, but irl Dazai would be just as confused.
-But hey, at least Asagiri did him a bit of justice. Made him slightly taller, kept his hat and drinking habits, he would probably approve all of those?
-Totally speechless after seeing Kenji as a 14 year old who sees him as an idol. He totally did not expect all that.
Doppo Kunikida
-Considering he actually married Nobuko Sasaki irl, (they both divorced and Kunikida got nightmares of her every now and then) watching her death would most likely traumatise him more.
-Having ideals written in a notebook and following schedules aren't bad ideas...... maybe he would consider doing them.
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amber-sekio · 11 days
Oneshot -Pushing and Pulling. Home.
Fandom: BSD -Bungo Stray Dogs
Ship: Soukoku
A/N: This is the fanfic version of the comic with quite a bit more detail in it than the comic did. It has Dazai's direct thoughts leading up to his attempt from the beginning of the comic, as well as a look at Chuuya's own thoughts.
TW: blood, self-harm, suicide attempt, language
A/N: Also posted on Ao3
Numbingly empty… 
A mirage of thoughts ran rampant throughout his mind with no end in sight. They pushed and pulled him down with arms of inky black darkness into the sheets below. 
The tug had been growing worse, harder to ignore over time. It came on gradually, leaving him little chance to fend them off before he realized it was too late. It had taken him too long to notice the grip of the demons in his mind. 
He didn’t want to admit that even after defecting from the Port Mafia, after surviving for two years underground, after doing everything for Odasaku, he hadn’t changed. 
Even after all of Fyodor’s bullshit, and he and Chuuya had finally become partners again -though now it meant more to them. 
He hadn’t changed. 
It had been a while since he had genuinely attempted anything, what with Chuuya’s watchful eyes. That and when he was around Chuuya, the darkness of his thoughts often receded, soothed by the ethereal man he had the undeserved privilege to call his lover. 
Sadly, with their differing jobs, it was simply impossible to be with Chuuya every minute of every day. 
In fact, Chuuya was currently away on an abroad mission. He was set to be back sometime tomorrow after having been gone for an entire month. 
Without Chuuya around to soothe the demons in his head, he fell. 
He fell victim to the grabbing hands. 
Pushing and pulling. 
Inky blackness. 
His face contorted in a frown as a restlessness overtook him. 
‘He’ll be back tomorrow.’ He tried telling himself through the cacophony of countless thoughts. Fruitless, really, but he didn’t want to hurt Chuuya. Not again. 
It filled his lungs like thick black blood. 
Sweet like honey with the seducing promise of relief. 
A quiet mind. 
With no thumping beat of a heart. 
His feet hit the ground before his mind could stop him. 
His hand reached for the door to the bathroom. 
Chuuya had stopped messaging daily sometime after the first week. Too busy with his mission. 
Chuuya hadn’t messaged him since last week. 
What if he was hurt? 
What if he didn’t come back. 
What if he didn’t want to come back? 
His clothes hit the floor by the door, the bandages on his arms and legs following. 
Pushing. Pulling. 
The blade cut, stinging. 
Through his skin. 
Through the bandages still covering his chest. 
Pushing. Pulling. 
Inky red blood flowed out. Seeped into his skin. 
Into the pristine white covering him. 
White never did suit him. 
Pushing, pulling. 
The water from the faucet meshed horrendously with his rampant thoughts. 
His vision was flooded with a bloody red color as his arm reached out in front of him to stop the running water. 
Waves of steam rolled off and over the tub. 
Pushing, Pulling. 
The water bled red as he stepped into the tub. 
A pleasant burning from where the blade had cut through him and from the water as it came into contact with his skin.  
The burning water seeped through his bandages, further burning. 
Burning to combat the endless, bone-deep, freezing cold. 
The inky red blood polluted the water. 
Pushing and pulling him into a soothing embrace of darkness. 
The door clicked behind him softly. 
He could feel the exhaustion deep in the marrow of his bones as he hung up his coat and haphazardly kicked off his shoes into the genkan.  
He called out into the quiet house.  
“Dazai! I’m home!” 
He was greeted with silence. 
He was supposed to arrive home the next day, so perhaps Dazai was asleep? 
It was well past 2 in the morning. 
But Chuuya knew Dazai always struggled to fall asleep. And since Dazai began to live with him, he relied on him to sleep. 
‘I need my Chibi heater to stave off the cold! If you leave, then I’ll be left freezing and awake!’ 
The memory flashes through his head as he places his hat on the dining room table. 
He made his way towards their shared room when he noticed the bathroom light on. 
He knocked softly on the door as he called out to him. 
There was no response. 
A seed of fear sprouted into a hideous flower in his gut. 
Dazai wouldn’t… He had been clean for so long now. 
He called out again, hopeful to get a response this time. 
“Dazai? Are you in there?” 
He reached to open the door, unlocked. 
His mind went blank as he looked at the bloody scene in front of him. 
He stood there for a second that felt more like an hour, a day, a month. 
He could see the steam from the likely scalding temperature of the water.  
The blood was a vibrant red. Fresh.  
The scent of iron filled his nostrils. 
Then the panic set in. 
He suddenly felt like a victim to the gravity he normally had flawless control over. 
He rushed forward to check Dazai’s pulse, with little care for the blood staining his clothes. 
Through his own rapid breathing, he was able to subtly feel Dazai’s slow pulse. 
There was so much blood. 
He let his mind wander to what could have happened while he was gone while he fell back to old habits. Picking up Dazai’s limp body, unplugging the drain, pulling off what remains of his bandages. Rinsing the blood still on him, redressing his wounds with two layers of bandages to avoid any more bleeding. 
When he got to the ‘clothing Dazai’ step in his habitual process, Dazai began to stir into consciousness as he pulled up boxers over his legs. 
He hardly noticed as his mind continued to drift. His hands moved to pull one of Dazai’s heavenly soft sweaters over him. 
He left Dazai sitting on the stool in the bathroom as he finished cleaning the mess, mumbling to himself as his mind returned from drifting. 
“…got Dazai cleaned, bandaged, and dressed…” 
He pulled off his blood-soaked gloves, tossing them into the trash. 
“Dinner can wait I guess… and I’ve got to change…” 
He looked over himself, clothes stained red in blood. 
“Dammit! And I’ve still got that report…” 
A soft sniffle from behind him pulled him from his thoughts. 
Behind him was Dazai, still sitting just like how Chuuya had left him to clean up. 
He crouched down in front of him, reaching out to wipe some of his tears. Hesitant on whether Dazai was up for touch. 
When Dazai didn’t shift away he brought his hands down to gently run along Dazai’s thickly bandaged knees. 
He was at a loss for words, not having quite come to terms with the fact that if he had returned tomorrow, as was planned, Dazai would have been dead when he found him. 
“…Do you wanna talk about it?”  
His voice hardly sounded like his own, tentative, shaky, unsure. 
Finally, a response reached his ears. 
“Not really…” 
Dazai’s eyes were blank, devoid of any feeling, as he looked into them. 
He closed his eyes, sighing, both at finally being able to hear his voice and at the emotionless stare. 
Then, Dazai spoke again. 
“Can we… talk tomorrow?” 
He didn’t realize he had been frowning until he felt his lips pull at a small smile. 
Before they had gotten together, Dazai would never have asked to talk about something. If he didn’t bring up something then Dazai would never do it. And even when he did try to bring something up, Dazai would attempt to deflect and distract him from the conversation. 
“Yeah… tomorrow. For now… I’ll change, we can order food and watch a movie. How’s that sound?” 
A soft chuckle left his lips at the hesitant tone Dazai spoke in. 
Chuuya was hardly paying attention to the show, thinking of everything they would have to talk about tomorrow.  
He felt Dazai nuzzle into him, pulling him from his thoughts. He looked down at the soft brown curls against his chest. Dazai’s head was turned toward the TV but from what he could see, Dazai’s eyes were closed, asleep.  
He smiled, letting his eyes close. 
He could feel sleep begin to overtake him now that he was finally home. 
Home being the man in his arms.
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chupenguin · 10 months
Okay okay you know how there's always a Howl's Moving Castle au for almsot any ship, obviusly icluding skk But you know what I haven't see yet?? The superior au: Soukoku as Book! Howl and Sophie Like come on, I don't really like the film but the book is EVERYTHING to me
I need pathetic wet cat Dazai who owns a guitar he doesn't know how to play, catches a forever cold durig the whole adventure, gifts his heart to a random demon and runs away from a crazy ex girlfriend
I need tired Chuuya who uses his curse as an excuse for finally get a rest and get away from all the work expected from him, I need Chuuya being ANGRY about falling for Dazai in the first place (maybe a twist about being a youngest son condemed to failure)
"I'm going to bed, where I may die" 1'00% dazai vibes when he's sick or being anoying looks like an asshole but then he's a nice guy who offers cheaper prices for mor humble people and taxes higher prices to the rich Dazai and his human family at the other side of the black door that would be Odasaku and the orphans, who are just worried about what is Dazai making with his life out there (Oda would be less cruel than Howl sister but whatever) the kids would LOVE weird uncle Dazai
"I may like you so I'm going to make a dog bite you and throw a bucket into your head and almost posion you" 100% Chuuya, youngest of 3 and, instead of finding his fortune like the youngest should do, he's trapped into his own overworking role, Chuuya who is lonely and protective of his family and of course would rescue Dazai while he curses at him No war, no bird bullshit, no your hair is like starlight or whatever and NO TIME LOOPS I hate that plot
Just two pinning idiots falling in love while anoying the shit out of each otehr as everyone in the castle suffers a lot, I just want them to fall for each other without a find me in the future plot, no Dazai flirtst with Chuuya's once before curse an Chuuya steps on his shoe and runs away Dazai calls Chuuya's hair ugly and then regrets it and he calls him a force of nature and is a pinning idiot
Atsushi would be Michael, Lucy would be Martha (she's not Chuuya's sister here, but a friend of the family) The prince and sulivan i don't care, make him 2 random people like not even the book cares about them
And Lettie can be Kouyou who is away becoming the biggest witch off her time while Verlaine fortune is finding love and moving into a qiet place with his husbanf to be happy while Chuuya refuse to leave the familly shop becuase someone needs to keep it working
Dazai buying a WHOLE FLOWERSHOP AND MOVING THE CASTLE INTO A FLOWER FIELD FOR CHUUYA is far more romantic and charming than the starlight hair thing he's such a simp
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Dazai being dramatic:
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myreygn · 15 days
hey rey! i have a few different characters/ships for your ask game so feel free to choose which to do!
1. shin soukoku
2. dazai & odasaku
3. geto
4. kunikida
5. giyuu
hope you have a great day/night! (btw i’ll get cracking on your most recent request for lee geto and ler gojo 😉)
oh oh oh very interesting options! i'll see if i have something for these!
shin soukoku: Fever Dream (Palaye Royale)
can you see the words i'm up here trying to preach // no need to cry, you'll never find me trying to leave // i can see that you're in pain from your pale and lifeless face // so let go and float away
it just has this vibe of hey we're both tangled up in this net of lies that other people tell and wars that other people fight and maybe together we're gonna be strong enough to end all of this
dazai & odasaku: Savior II (Black Veil Brides)
and every word that came from you has carried me // so i'm trying my hardest to be what you made // like a court jester, my smile won't fade // giving it all, rising to fall to my grave // answer the call, living in thrall, you're the one born to save
is it not giving dazai right after oda's death?? just a little bit?? their relationship is so special to me actually i don't talk about them enough (also i was so close to taking loser baby from hazbin hotel i'm sorry 💀)
geto: Joan of Arc (In This Moment)
you can crucify, you can nail me to your cross (light me up, light me up) // you can find me guilty for everything you lost (light me up, light me up) // go ahead, blame me for your sins // go ahead and sacrifice me // i'll be your martyr, i'll be your joan of arc
is this a good time to tell you that i never actually watched jjk? 😭 idk if this fits i feel like it does from the little knowledge i have but you need to tell me if it makes sense i'm so sorry (also yey thank you for writing the request!!)
kunikida: Das Herz eines Drachen (Feuerschwanz)
du hast das herz eines drachen, glühend wie gold // flieg in die schlacht, so edel und stolz // du hast das herz eines drachen in deiner brust // kämpf bis zum schluss // und irgendwann wenn wir verglüh'n // halt ich es fest, weil ich es spür // dass dein starkes herz sein feuer nie verliert // denn dein drachenherz schlägt weiter, tief in mir
i feel like it's often overlooked how much the ada members admire kunikida and this feels like it fits his leader personality so well idk. i'm recommending this song a thousand times and here's a translation for you to make you consider listening to it lol:
you've got the heart of a dragon, glowing like gold // fly into battle, so noble and proud // you've got the heart of a dragon inside of your chest // fight 'til the end // and one day when we burn out // i'll hold onto it because i sense // that your strong heart will never lose its fire // and your dragon heart will keep on beating inside of me
giyuu: 99 Luftballons (Nena)
99 jahre krieg ließen keinen platz für sieger // kriegsminister gibt's nicht mehr und auch keine düsenflieger // heute zieh ich meine runden // seh die welt in trümmern liegen // hab 'n luftballon gefunden // denk an dich und lass ihn fliegen
yes it's german again my apologies and there's technically an official english version of this (99 red balloons) but honestly it's a pretty bad translation. it's a song about war being horrible and unnecessary and how we should strive for peace, the balloons being a metaphor for countries firing their weapons over every little thing, and honestly this part i put here reminds me of giyuu and sabito, or giyuu thinking about sabito post canon:
99 years of war left no room for winners // there are no more ministers of war and no more fighting jets // today i'm making my way around // i see the world lying in ruins // i have found a balloon // i think of you and let it fly
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grymmnox · 1 year
weekly fic recs #22
most of these r not very happy as i have been sick and in an unpleasant mood for a lot of this week BUT they are all very good fics
fandom(s): bungo stray dogs
ship(s): soukoku, kunikidazai, shin soukoku, and ofc some gen fics
Touch Starved; Badwolf36 - bungo stray dogs
mature | 5.1k words | chuuya & dazai
“Alright, Mr. Cat Who Got the Canary, spill before I find a broom and get you down here for a proper interrogation.”
Anyone else would recognize the severity and seriousness of that threat. Akutagawa certainly would. So would Odasaku and Ango. Hell, even Mori would.
Chuuya just rolls his eyes.
“You really can’t stand someone knowing something you don’t, can you?” Dazai doesn’t answer, which is a damning ‘yes’ if Chuuya’s smirk is anything to go by. “Fine, fine. Only because seeing you all pouty is disturbing. Sit down and I’ll tell you. ____________ In which Dazai is touch starved and Chuuya is the one to figure it out and offer him a solution.
Touch and Go; insi - bungo stray dogs
mature | 3.6k words | chuuya/dazai | READ TAGS
Chuuya pulled his phone away from his face at the sound of his own name, and looked at the screen. There were not many people who called him by that name, and even fewer who would have access to his personal number. “Yes? Who is this?”
The person on the other side seemed to hesitate for a moment as if bracing themselves. “It’s Tanizaki, from the Armed Detective Agency, and, well,” he said, “You’re listed on Dazai’s paperwork as his emergency contact and, ah… Would you be able to come?”
Fear Happiness Itself; lilydaze (lcosagens) - bungo stray dogs
mature | 6.3k words | chuuya & dazai, chuuya & kouyou | READ TAGS
The first time Chuuya really experiences a suicide attempt of Dazai's, it's a week after he joins the Port Mafia, when one of Kouyou's girls finds him about to kick a chair out from under himself and a handy noose in one of the brothel's backrooms.
What If I Stay?; psyluna - bungo stray dogs
teen and up | 10.9k words | dazai/kunikida
Dazai has been absent for three days now. Skipping work isn’t too rare for him, actually. Just not for that long. Intrigued, Kunikida suspects that Dazai’s current disappearing act isn’t due to the usual reason.
Once more, it’s up to him to be the person to rely on.
January 10th; pickleurpickle - bungo stray dogs
teen and up | 12.5k words | chuuya/dazai, chuuya & dazai, ADA & dazai, ADA & chuuya | READ TAGS
Every year on Oda's death, Dazai suffers. On the sixth, he decides to try and end it in a way he thought was sure to work.
Or, Dazai gets high, breaks down, scares the Agency and Chuuya comes to help
“You stole my wisdom?!”; BlowingYourMind - bungo stray dogs
general audiences | 3.7k words | chuuya/dazai, chuuya & dazai
“How coincidental that the two of you would need to get your wisdom teeth out at the same time,” Mori broke the silence, tone filled with amusement. "I suppose we should schedule you appointments together?"
Dazai and Chuuya shared equal looks of disgust.
Being teenagers in the mafia was not easy, and Kouyou could emphasize. But nor is dealing with two teens hyped on drugs while bleeding from their mouths.
believe me darling, the stars were made for falling; communist_sasuke - bungo stray dogs
mature | 14.6k words | chuuya/dazai | READ TAGS
“You’re always saying how you’re going to kill me,” Dazai murmured, his expression drifting for a long moment. Chuuya clenched his jaw, not entirely liking where his partner was going with this. Then, Dazai’s eyes returned to Chuuya, fixing him with a tired honesty that had something in Chuuya’s chest twisting. “Would you do me a favour and fulfill that promise already?”
(Or: Chuuya doesn't want Dazai to die. Dazai has a slightly different opinion on the matter.)
Cat Tendencies; why_cant_turtles_fly - bungo stray dogs
general audiences | 3.7k words | atsushi & kyouka, atsushi & kunikida, akutagawa/atsushi, atsushi & ranpo
“He’s just like a cat, isn’t he Kunikida?” Dazai interrupted, grinning. “Sitting on top of tall things for fun. Maybe he would even start pushing things off if we placed them next to him!”
“I’m not a cat,” Atsushi insisted, “I just like sitting on my desk!” He felt like he was arguing with the void, two disbelieving faces staring back at him.
aka: Atsushi is more like a cat than he thinks.
Complete Fics
This is how it feels to take a fall; forest_raccoon - bungo stray dogs
mature | 9 chapters | 20.6k words | chuuya/dazai, ADA & dazai | READ TAGS
Gazing down into those blank, empty blue eyes, Dazai felt something shatter inside him. And in the wake of the destruction, the emptiness, he was flooded by sudden, ice-cold clarity. It wasn't okay. But it would be. He would make it okay.
[Or, something unthinkable happens, and Dazai goes more than a little feral in his attempt to reverse it.]
Don’t Lose Yourself; cheeto_frog - bungo stray dogs
not rated | 22 chapters | 112.5k words | chuuya/dazai, akutagawa/atsushi | READ TAGS
"I'm dead." Ryuunoske said stoically. Chuuya faltered, breath catching in his throat as he extended a finger just to drop it midair. "I'm sorry, you're WHAT?" "Dead. That's why your fist went through me. I kind of figured that part was obvious."
After Chuuya’s brother returns as a ghost and begs him to bring him back to life, Chuuya has no choice but to enter the infamous labyrinth with a rather annoying peer wrapped in bandages.
Chuuya is determined to save his brother—that is, if he and Dazai don’t kill each other first.
working for the knife; soukocacola (VERlSlMlLlTUDE) - bungo stray dogs
explicit (dark themes, vague-ish but still there sexual content) | 3 chapters | 30.3k words | chuuya/dazai | READ TAGS
"Did you do it because I told you I didn't care?" Chuuya finds himself asking. He dreads the answer. Dazai stares blankly at the ceiling.
"I would have done it even if you told me not to." He says.
Somehow, that feels worse.
hopelessly devoted; soukocacola (VERlSlMlLlTUDE) - bungo stray dogs
explicit (sexual content) | 18 chapters | 188.9k words | chuuya/dazai | READ TAGS
"Get your grades up." Oda tells him. "Then we'll talk."
Well, Dazai thinks. If he's going to be miserable, the least he can do is make Chuuya miserable, too. Maybe then Chuuya will ditch him and Dazai can fail out of college with no regrets.
I’d Rather be Drowning; The_notorious_subhuman_freakshow - bungo stray dogs
mature | 15 chapters | 76.5k words | chuuya/dazai, atsushi & dazai, dazai & oda | READ TAGS
He kept coming back. But that’s not how this whole thing was supposed to go. It was supposed to be out, out brief candle. Not having that candle turn into a forest fire that engulfed all previous senses. And now Dazai was the poor player still strutting on the stage, being dragged by strings this time by a new passion and pain. If his life were such a show, the playwright or bard would see that his was far too grueling to keep him living. They’d swiftly put him out of his pain and the audience would be satisfied and feel something Dazai would never be able to reach. But this wasn’t a play. This was a coffee shop.
Part-time barista, full-time suicide enthusiast Dazai is miffed when an unfairly attractive hothead of a stranger not only stops his suicide attempt but is now a regular at his workplace. It's made even worse that his presence is just making it difficult for Dazai to actually get to it.
aka Dazai's annoyed by the fact that Chuuya's giving him a reason to stay alive when all he wants is to die. But does he really?
Around We Go (And Back Again); zombiemarker - bungo stray dogs
teen and up | 7 chapters | 24.2k words | chuuya/dazai
Corruption takes a toll, the mafia doesn't care for weakness, and the ADA has a bad habit of picking up traumatized gay orphans.
In which the author beats the shit out of the characters in order to make them happier and healthier later. Also ADA Chuuya.
Incomplete Fics
busted kneecaps, broken china; soukocacola (VERlSlMlLlTUDE) - bungo stray dogs
explicit (dark themes, vague-ish but still there sexual content) | 1/3 chapters | 10.8k words | chuuya/dazai, dazai & mori, dazai & oda, dazai & kouyou, chuuya & kouyou, atsushi & dazai, dazai & yosano | READ TAGS
"I know you're not okay, Dazai," Chuuya seethes. "Do you?"
It's Dazai's turn to flounder, searching for excuses or reasons that won't come because he does know, because he knows and he lied, because–
He looks past Chuuya's shoulder at the china cabinet and wants to scream. The lie sits there, taunting him. This time, it wears Odasaku's face.
Dazai wants to get better. He does. Unfortunately, he has to stop denying what happened in the Port Mafia in order to get there.
Sequel to working for the knife.
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the-bloody-sadist · 5 months
Love your fics and arts (especially with Dazai in them). What do you think about these ships : dazai x fyodor , dazai × chuuya, dazai × odasaku? Which dynamics do you love the most? Why do you think soukoku is the most popular ships from BSD? Thanks if you want to answer.
Hello, thank you!! Especially with Dazai, they say, as if all of my work isn't basically about Dazai LMAO 😭
Here's what I think about the ships!!
Fyodor x Dazai: My favorite, which is probably clear to most who know my work. They have my favorite dynamic in general which is power imbalance/power play, in the fact that they're both trying to outwit one another at any given moment (badly ofc since it's stupid BSD logic), plus they've got that Hannibal vibe potential when I get my grubby hands on them. They are, of course, what I make them as a ship, so I personally value them as elitists fighting each other psychologically, which leads to violence and sometimes sex. Or violent sex. Probably only that.
Chuuya x Dazai: I'm really not interested in SKK past the fact that they get more engagement on my socials and Chuuya--as walking anger bomb--is an easy way to create angst and conflict when I write a fic for them. Because of this, they're fun, but only because of the increased potential to hurt Dazai with someone that I can portray as clumsy with feelings and constantly ready to fight.
Dazai x Odasaku: The ultimate soft-spoken hurt/comfort couple. I don't get to do a lot with them, but I'd like to do more. I love the age difference, the mellow personality of Oda vs. self-destructive Dazai, and the friendship that already exists between them in canon.
As far as why SKK is so popular, THAT'S EASY. PEOPLE ARE BASIC. No just kidding, it's just that the show literally ships them....soooooo.....it's very typical BL bait. (Bait is not bad) But having Chuuya literally BLOWJOB TEASE in Dead Apple sealed that deal with a kiss. Also they're old partners-now enemies WHICH ALWAYS GETS THE SHIPPERS' TWISTING THEIR PANTIES (the boys are also wearing panties in this scenario). It was inevitable from the beginning that people would become blind to all other men nearly making out with Dazai except Chuuya. But if you ask me, the real canon ship was always Fyozai, Chuuya's just the scorned ex.
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reavenedges-lies · 2 months
Character asks: the only bsd name I know without looking is Chuuya so 5,10,15,20,25
5) What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
So technically the first song was "I Love You Like An Alcoholic" by The Taxpayers but thats more a Soukoku song than Chuuya so by that logic the first Chuuya song is "Super Massive Black Hole" by Muse. However, Chuuya's seiyuu is literally a singer/songwriter and lead vocalist of GranRodeo and did do vocals for his actual character song "Darkness My Sorrow" and that deserves and honorable mention
10) Could you be best friends with this character?
I love Chuuya but i'm like 99% sure he would hate me. Granted that means next to nothing with how much he says he hates Dazai but i don't think it would work well in most aspects. The upside is I could be wrong because Chuuya is not one of the many characters i look at and go "oh, this mirror fucking sucks"
15) What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
SOUKOKU, DOUBLE BLACK, TWIN DARK. Buckle Your Seatbelts guys because this is gonna be long. So I love Soukoku (双黒) not just on their individual characters but because of their trust in eachother. The whole Partner(相棒-Aibou 😭😭) nonsense kills me for outside of BSD reasons but they actually care about each other regardless of how much they say they dont (Chuuya in season two telling Dazai to go die then being immediately concerned when he get injured/ Dead Apple Chuuya punching Dazai to cure him of his poisoning/ Dead Apple Dazai Holding Chuuya gently during the fog scene after Chuuya saves him, ect) but like more than that right. If you get into it and actually look at the different spellings of soukoku you can get the Rival spelling (相克) but most of the time its spelled with the 'Always a Pair/Partner' spelling(双黒) with 双(sou/sō) having many uses in terms of soulmates. On the line of soulmates when you get farther into the series Chuuya struggles with his humanity and not truly knowing whether or not he is human and Dazai never has a doubt that Chuuya is more human than most, Stormbringer finally puts that to an end with Chuuya believing regardless of what he is told that he is human because he believes in humanity. Past that you get to Beast. In which we learn that there are infinite universes in BSD and in all of the ones we've seen Chuuya is Dazai's right hand man. They are Soukoku, They Are Double Black, they are together in every universe we see and they trust implicitly. They are soulmates, destined to be together in every universe for one reason or another, destined to bring out the humanity in each other and to not let themselves get caught in their own grief. Chuuya and Dazai's partnership is weird but looking at it from what i know now is interesting. Soukoku isn't just the ship its their dynamic, but maybe not their full one just yet because of the changes Dazai is and has gone through. Dazai doesn't have 'friends' because of how he was raised and what happened with Odasaku and Ango, but i think he is learning how to. His fondness of Chuuya and vice versa is showing more and more as the main series goes on.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
I feel bad cause @podcasts-8-my-heart immediately said Oda just to be shot down cause the Flags exist. The Flags (旗会) or Young Bloods as we heard they were called once we're a support group of friends within the PM. Piano Man, Lippman, Ice Man, Albatross, Doc and Chuuya. I wont get into specifics of it because it is Stormbringer content but their deaths nearly broke Chuuya. He still visits and maintains their graves outside of the city on the mountainside. Other than the Flags, some of his actual closest friends in the PM, but other than them? I'm at a loss. I think he would probably get along with Kunikida the best out of the ADA but with little to no screen time with them both i'm unsure at best.
25) What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
To quote WTNV: "A new man came in to town today. Who is he? What does he want from us? Why his perfect and beautiful haircut? Why his perfect and beautiful coat?" ... "He grinned, and everything about him was perfect, and I fell in love instantly." As for now? I love him, he goes through so much shit and the man deserves a hug, glass of wine and a week of undisturbed vacation. I will say, I wish we saw more of him outside of being a main source of plot armour built into the show, I want to see Stormbringer (Kinda, Im Not Ready For The Cry Fest) but more so I want to see more of him without PM orders.
Anyways I Love Him
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ladycrimsonandblack · 10 months
Absolutely obsessed with whatever the hell BSD is doing with Soukoku (and not even in the shipping way). Like, you have a destructive experimental god vessel slash murdering mafioso, and you have a detective working on the side of the law and dedicated to helping people. One of them is a loyal, committed member of his squad who actually very rarely reacts with violence. The other is a borderline sociopath. It is not who you would guess it to be.
It’s not even that either one of them is a good, moral person. I mean, they kill people. A lot of people. But it’s also that Chuuya actually has some semblance of a moral code, which would never allow him to betray Port Mafia (see, the Sheep incident). Dazai does not even have that much; he has simply commandeered Odasaku’s morals as his own. And that means that he feels absolutely no hesitation or guilt when leaving the mafia and betraying literally every person he knows to fulfill Odasaku’s last wish.
So you have Chuuya whose very own honor and morals mean that he will stay a criminal for probably the rest of his life. And Dazai, the person who couldn’t care less about good or evil, is out there saving people’s lives because betrayal is not against his personal values.
Like, who even thinks of that? That character combination is insane.
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mackerel22 · 8 months
Dazai: You're wearing make-up???
Chuuya: Oh, it's just eyeliner. Do you like it?
Dazai: No it looks stupid...
*some moments later*
Dazai, sobbing into Odasaku's shoulder: It looked so good!!!
Odasaku: I know.
Dazai: I'm so gay...
Odasaku: *sighs* I know...
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foxywrites · 8 months
yuna's bungou stray dogs masterlist
works with [♥] are angsty, [🗡] involve straight-out whump, [☁︎] are fluffy and/or have healing, [🖋] are canon rewrite, [⚠] contain topics such as mature content in them. (as a side note some of these might come up in the future chapters and also, i don't write nsfw) almost all of the fics revolve around triggering things that are canon compliant and showed up in the series.
- au's
(the moodboards can be found in the masterlist's)
soulbond au || written in the stars [♥ ☁︎ 🖋⚠ ] masterlist
dazai osamu has seventeen soul-marks, most of which are platonic, and in the short-run of things they do nothing but make his goals to keeping the promise he had made for odasaku impossible- in the long run, however, they are probably the reason he has yet to close his eyes to this world that they are living in. they are probably the only reason that he is still alive...
fem soukoku au || peach blossoms and red camellias [♥🗡☁︎ 🖋⚠ ] masterlist
osamu is eleven when she runs away from home after being betrothed to a man twice her age and is found by mori who takes her in for his own gains.
figure skaters au || to land a quadruple axel [♥🗡☁︎ 🖋⚠] masterlist
after a staged accident on ice that cost dazai his carrier rather than his life, he starts to lose himself and his will to keep going on- the two kids that he meets on the ice, kyouka and atsushi, however, end up giving him something akin to hope.
role reversal/time travel au || to set things right [♥ ☁︎] masterlist
chuuya leaves after the flags dies and dazai is left behind to watch as he becomes one with the light- till he no longer has to anymore. the first time chuuya leaves, he does it alone- the second time, however, he finds himself dragging dazai along for the journey.
amnesiac dazai/dazai gets shot instead au || something worth remembering [♥ ☁︎ 🖋 ] masterlist
dazai is shot instead of odasaku, loses his memories and ends up being taken in by natsume who fakes osamu's death to protect him.
CH 107 fix-it au || it starts up in out bedroom after the war [♥ ☁︎ ⚠ ] masterlist
in meursault dazai closes his eyes in his ex partners arms. chuuya is dead-set on keeping him alive though, he isn't letting him runaway again.
boarding school/rebirth au || written in the stars [♥🗡☁︎ ⚠] masterlist
dazai saves atsushi once more, giving him a place to call home, and atsushi is determined to do the same for him too.
fem skk + drunk dazai || all my agony fades away [♥ ☁︎ ⚠] moodboards 1 & 2
It was three am, when dazai called chuuya in the morning, clearly drunk and far too gone at that point.
- other stuff
appreciation post's/ character studies
manga thoughts
screaming about CH 107 CH 107 analysis theories about the book
other shenanigans
what the hell is going on with dazai ships? were there empty spaces and people just said 'get in' to anyone that showed up at screen once and was older than 18?! ships surrounding the best girl, gin akutagawa WIP game's dazai!niece au
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stupidprincesknight · 2 months
I heard that stupid prince was on here..i swear he makes my job so insufferable..
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//Again…im doing this..AGAIN. 😭 someone save me
SAME RULES APPLY AS MY OTHER BLOGS!!!! ( @chazukelover5105 @crabisnasty1234 @the-biggest-odasaku-man-fan)
no nsfw but shipping is ok!!! (Mainly soukoku but im open to other ships!!!! Just dm me!!h
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eluvion · 2 years
do you have any dazai-centric fic recs? i've read through yours and intimatopia's fics already and seem to have picked up a new blorbo
firstly, intimitopia's fics are so wonderful and lovely and im so glad that you read their writing it deserves everything!! secondly, most of my recs are in my bookmarks, most of which i keep public, so you're always welcome to look through those!! third, because my taste in angst can be very intense, please please read the tags for all of these.
now onto the actual rec list!!
The Many Pleasant Deaths of Dazai Osamu by Allegory_for_Hatred
43k, gen this was done for Whumptober 2019, and it is very well done!! short and angsty one-shots, wonderful characterization - I love it a lot. This author also has a few other angst pieces and a "dazai goes to hogwarts" au
A mouth to empty into (series) by osamuchuu
Soukoku, and learning to love and also, to live. Featuring addict!Dazai, addiction, relapse, recovery, and relationship building. ~23k, soukoku literally one of my favorite fic series of all time!! ive always liked the idea of dazai being an addict, and chuuya in this series is so wonderfully written and realistic
Head Full of Lies by AbsoluteNegation
Chuuya embarks on a drastic course of action. Dazai is the last one to know why. ~125k, soukoku VERY well done, literally one of my favorite fics ever!! featuring the complications and mixed feelings of being raised by mori ougai, mafia boss chuuya, and some of the best writing ive ever read
the orange sunset (series) by Metallic_Sweet
In a world where Oda Sakunosuke survives, Dazai Osamu becomes the Boss of the Port Mafia. ~30k, soukoku and odazai this series made me stare at a wall for like ten minutes its so heartbreaking and well written, and it has the same kind of feeling that beast does where everyone/someone surviving is not a good think and actually hurts a lot
hopelessly devoted by soukocacola (hongbabey)
"Get your grades up." Oda tells him. "Then we'll talk."  Well, Dazai thinks. If he's going to be miserable, the least he can do is make Chuuya miserable, too. Maybe then Chuuya will ditch him and Dazai can fail out of college with no regrets.  ~129k, ongoing, soukoku everything i could ask from a college au!! the angst is so good, and i absolutely love how setting everything in a different context makes the pain even sharper. fyodor IS ooc but its such a GOOD ooc that i accepted it
pockets full of stones by Misila
It was like talking to a wall. Or it would be, if walls could talk back and be annoying and try their best to push everyone away whenever they weren’t alright. 2.7k, kunikidazai very horrifying and angsty (compliment)!! brings up a lot of the realities of what dazai's ability could mean.
given and taken by somnium_sin
Dazai knows that death and life are part of one another. They are not their antithesis. Oda Sakunosuke is alive. (It must count for something, the way in which Dazai unravels so quickly.) Oda is alive and he doesn't remember Dazai. (Dazai feels like he’s dying.) 42k, ongoing, odazai so so so good i love this so much. takes everything i love about odazai as a ship and stretches it out to 42k words i am so so ahhhhhhhh
it takes a village by magicandlight
He's been sick for weeks when he finally gives in and goes to a free clinic. If it weren't for his promise to Odasaku, he wouldn't have bothered. Dazai would have just allowed whatever mysterious illness he had to kill him. But he promised Oda he'd be better, and he hasn't done that yet. Maybe it's cancer, he thinks. The symptoms technically fit. (Spoiler: It's Not.) ~23k, ongoing, soukoku i had a lot of hesitation when i read the tags (im not really one for reading pregnancy or my favorite characters having children) but when i read it, those doubts instantly melted away. the fic is really well done and beautifully written, and in the last few chapters especially, it delves into how dazai parents with depression. i always love trans dazai, and in the extra snippets theres also trans tanizaki which makes me so !!!!
carve your love into my skin by Dont_Wake_The_Writer
Chuuya looks underneath Dazai's bandages without his permission. This breach of trust isn't one mendable with words alone. or Dazai is the Book itself, and only so many pages remain. ~82k, ongoing, soukoku another one of my favorite fics ever!! this is so well written and angsty and i love it a lot. especially in the later chapters, it carves into the history of humanity - a lot of it very recent history. as a person raised in america, i never got to hear about the war crimes we committed in detail, and this fic really delves into that. paired with the beautiful writing i!! could not stop thinking abt this fic for like a month
thank you for the ask anon!!
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Bungo stray dogs for the game. 😌❤️
Favorite Male Character - Chuuya Nakahara
Favorite Female Character - Akiko Yosano
Least Favorite Character - Naomi Tanizaki
Favorite Ship - Shin Soukoku
Favorite Friendship - Yosano/Ranpo , Dazai/Odasaku
Favorite Quote - "Success is harder than failure for many things in this world" Dazai
Worst Characther Death - Odasaku, "Akutagawa"
This Made So Happy... - Dazai saving Chuuya from corruption in Dead Apple
Saddest Moment - Ango saying goodbye at Lupin bar...
Favorite Location - The seaside walk near the port
Anime Ask Game
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