#of all people i am the most skeptical bitch out there
jmdbjk · 1 year
I am going to be honest here.
There has been a lot of ... conflict ... on the blogs these last few days.
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Like most, when I saw the notif for the live, I turned it on and saw Tae.. at JK's... and dread filled me. Then Hobi was visible and that dread dissipated instantly. I watched the chaos and then it was over in a blink. But the dread came back because I know what happens: the scum crawls out of their corners to start their idiocy. That's the foundation of this dread that creeps in. I'm mostly a positive person but I react with my whole self when I detect the stench of that sort of rot.
I am calling myself out for allowing a toxic segment of the fandom to influence how I feel toward interactions between certain members. It is not the behavior of the members of BTS that is influencing this negativity in me, it is the actions of people who aggressively bully others in order to diminish the bonds between members that does it ... I am aware that it is a weakness of mine. I am far from perfect and I need to work harder at combating that.
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In like two minutes, JK came back and adorably (ADORABLY I SAY) folded his underwear and toe socks in front of us for another 12 minutes and then was gone. He had to pack for a trip, get a little rest and be up and running to the airport.
Still, after sleeping on it, I woke up irritated... ticked off... at Tae.
Not for the reasons that I see everyone blowing up over... I was ticked off because of Tae's irresponsibility... because was Hobi really ready to show us his haircut? Hobi, who knows what it all means to us? Hobi who had to say "this is what we all have to do." Hobi who had to come on IG and give us some pics of it after the fact?
I consoled myself with the thought that maybe he was ok with it and told Tae to go ahead ... maybe he thought this would be a good way to break it to us... who knows.
And I calmed down and am fine with it all after I saw the translations. Hobi is a grown man. He can handle it.
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I was also concerned that, what if there were things laying around that were visible that maybe Jungkook didn't want us to see? LIKE HIS UNDERWEAR HAHAHAHA! Seriously though, I don't know what, just stuff that would cause him to have to explain... YOU KNOW HOW WE ARE! WE PICK APART EVERYTHING!
Right away there he was the doing the laundry... HIS UNDERWEAR HAHAHAHA! In his 12-minute follow-up live, he eventually said "why am I showing you this side of me? Maybe this isn't something you need to see..."
I am glad Tae and Hobi spent some time with Jungkook. It is still so refreshing to see them being candid and spontaneous and I love knowing they see each other. WE NEVER KNOW ANYTHING UNLESS THEY SHOW US/TELL US!
Tae looking up at Hobi so lovingly and hugging him gave me a sharp pang in my chest. Tae literally going "oops, gotta go, car is here" and poof, turns off the live, is such a normal slice-of-life moment.
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JK just going about his business in his own space while his hyungs were there was also just a rare precious moment we NEVER get to see and I am thankful for it!
As for the things I've seen people saying...
If you want to bash me for not taking up sides, go ahead.
If you want to criticize me for not agreeing with your point of view, go ahead.
If you think I am being blind to a situation that YOU believe is happening, go ahead. I don't care.
Hating on one member is not going to diminish the hate another member receives because the hate is embedded in those bad actors BECAUSE THEY ARE LUNATICS WHO BELIEVE IN A FALLACY and adding more hate does not cancel it out. Think about that.
Army fandom is very segmented right now. It is understandable. We all have our faves and we individually move to the beat of that drum.
But do not frame EVERYTHING that happens between specific members to be about the relationship of said members. That is tunnel vision and not realistic whatsoever.
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Jimin and Jungkook are the two that I pay closest attention to so I cannot speak on what makes Tae do the things he does. What we see is just a fraction of what goes on. What we see (or do not see) on social media does not prove anything.
I love BTS as a group and I love each individual member. They each have their own personalities and they all love and support each other.
Bottomline: I am on Team Bangtan, what team are you on?
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We don't know everything.
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genderlessghoul · 6 months
Okay there's too much elemental transition Dew angst on this app. And I mean that in the most affectionate way possible, I swear to god y'all who write it always manage to make my heart ache in the worst/best possible ways. But I am a simple, soft creature so I present to you : Dew who actually accepts and recieves well his elemental transition.
Dew who's skeptical of the idea at first because water is all he's ever known. He turns the idea in his head over and over again until he realizes how tempting the offer feels to him. Yes, water is all he's ever known but he doesn't really feel attached to it like he should. The more he thinks it over, the more it feels like a blessing. A new start.
Dew who talks about it beforehand to the rest of the pack. They're worried, rightfully so, but they listen to his explanation. And they agree with him in the end, he should do it if he feels like the right thing for him.
Dew who goes throught with the transformation, and it hurts like a bitch and he's sick for a good two weeks after. But his pack is there to take care of him. He doesn't like depending on others but he lets them, secretly loving how everyone offers to carry him everywhere, how it feels to have people wash his hair and bring him food.
Dew who connects with fire as soon as he's better. The element truly calls to him, pulls him in, welcomes him. It's warm and intense and it's home. Finally home. He learns his fire ghoul duty in no time under Ifrit's teaching.
Dew who doesn't resent Rain at first for being the new water ghoul, quite the opposite. Aether's the one who was supposed to be in charge of putting a cloak over him, charming and comforting as ever. But the second Dew saw that water ghoul, folded in on himself in the middle of that summoning circle, he took that cloak out of Aether's hand faster than he could think about it. Walked up to the shaking Rain, wrapped him up tight and told him it would all be okay, that he's safe. Dew takes him under his wing, teaches him all about being a water ghoul, as well as he can without being one himself anymore.
Something in Rain calls to him, he knows it's the water. It's not mad at him for pulling it out of his body, it knows it was the best decision for him. But it still misses him. And Rain shows him all the love that water ever had for Dew, a love that was never meant to be in him but rather with him. (And also sometimes in him, if you catch my drift.)
Dew who learns to love his scars, to accept them as a part of his story and his journey, rather than a heavy anchor to his past. He doesn't shy away when Phantom sees them for the first time. Doesn't try to hide or to make up stories. They're a part of him. And they're beautiful.
Aight that's my self service for the night, good byyyyye
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iridescentdove · 1 year
I don’t know if you already did this but can I request bad men with f!reader that is like Lumine full power. I heard that with new lore drops that the traveler could destroy world’s. I’m also a huge Lumine fan both as the traveler and abyss princess <33333
Chuuya, Dazai, Jouno & Atsushi x Lumine! Reader
(I just chose the characters myself ehe)
Lumine is skeptical but shares the same curiosity her twin has for everything, she's rational and courageous, along with being generous and helpful towards others that need assistance. And most especially, rather beautiful and somewhat quiet, yet considered rather expressive.
As if a primordial being – Lumine holds power able to destroy worlds and travel through them with ease, and yet, most of it having been sealed away by the Unknown God's own bidding. What happens when she regains her full power and travels through the world of BSD?
Fyodor, Ranpo & Sigma Ver.
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You probably already stand out enough due to peculiar clothing and ur girlboss appearance 😩
He is literally so confused- you're saying this short blondie saved worlds and can travel through them all and has these Godly powers to DESTROY EVERYTHING?? UM
Okay but he does admit, you're probably full of surprises. And he admires your brave, courageous nature.
You're honestly a cute little bean, and a very strong one at that too – so you do get along rather well. Plus you got his back whenever he needs help
His pride probably won't allow him to say it but in some cases you're really helpful in various ways.
You one time, said he reminded you of a familiar sketchy ginger in the previous world you visited through, and now he's actually kinda curious.
Tar- Tar- Taglia lover of Snezhnayan Queen
Someone please make me fanart of Childe! Chuuya and Lumine! Reader I will pay you will all of the massive dumpload of fanfics you will ever want to see
I can imagine him just walking into the PM headquarters one day and greeting you with ...
"Hey girlie." 😏 *lip bite* i am sorry
The first time he witnessed your strength wss when you single handedly beat up the fucking hunting dogs without batting an eye?? Hello?? Wtf sis
"(Y/N) WHAT THE FUCK" "This is normal, no worries"
He is very curious to even know about all of the things you've seen and fought across worlds ...
When you tell him you literally beat up God *cough*Raiden*cough* dude's jaw smashed to the ground
Though you're not very talkative, you sure do have some ... interesting expressions. He's floored. Bro and you're smaller than him he delights in pinching your cheeks and ruffling your hair sjsiskak
Even if he's thankful you're around to help, he does feel as if people abuse your kindness way too much ...
So now he's your bodyguard yay! :D
Whichever bitch tryna shred your ass? You bet he's giving this menacing ass aura, readily cocking a fucking gun and slamming them around across with his gravity manipulation
If you're visibly tired and people keep asking for more help? He will snap at them and tell them to leave you alone <3
By the end of the day, this man is just ... so addictive wtf
And in a romantic light also he literally tries to hide his blushing whenever he sees you whether in a new outfit or not LIKE your beauty is Godly fr
I don't make the rules. This Tartaglia 2.0 worships you.
And if you're the abyss princess instead of traveler, he is definitely thinking ur some hot shit. Same Chuuya, I want her to step on me.
Whenever there's nothing to do, he just sits down and listens to you talk about your journey in other worlds.
And whenever he and you go out on missions together and you give him compliments along the way he's floored, and trying not to show how affected he is with them
Hear me out ... praise kink
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Okay, you already know the drill. Once this man sees you he's gonna do a fucking double take
Will ask you to do a double suicide. If you're done with bullshit say actually say yes, I think he's dead in love. If you say no with a blank face, this bitch grows desperate
Well either way he's gonna fucking love you so why not
Did assume that you definitely weren't from this world, just not really the full detail. So he got curious.
Your journeys from different world intrigued him, and the fact you were basically an actual shooting star. Just soaring through the sky away from all the shit like aight m8
But you'd bet this is Dazai, so of course he wants to go see you in action.
After all, you are kinda like, God-level strong.
So why not? You know he wouldn't be too surprised, but he's gonna go apeshit the moment he sees you take on like freaking all PM executives at once and stuff.
But it didn't really matter because you did somehow manage to defeat them. And literally with your full power? Hello the city is shaking 😐
Chuuya was boutta use corruption but he got smacked into the 6th dimension before he even blinked HAHA
You're so done with everything. His double suicide offer still stands y'know, it's not that late.
Bet he dragged you into the mersault prison drama
... He's smart as hell, we all know this bitch can prepare for an event that isn't even happening yet in 171919 years
... But ..l did you just ... beat him in a game of chess?
No you ate the chess pieces whenever he blinked
Okay well great- at least the agency has an OP new member that can fucking traverse to another dimension-
If you were abyss princess, he's down on his knees begging you to choke him zaddy can't stay still 😩
Thinks it's hot
If it's in a romantic light, you can take a guess. You both do get rather close – and you're one of the very few he trusts because of how helpful and trustful you are.
It will take some time but he'll show you the reason behind his bandages. You can sense some anxiety in his expression, a vulnerable state for the first time.
But the fact you just accept it? He's over the moon <3
Dazai will not accept from bullshit from other people. Any disrespect directed to you, he's boutta go Dark Era on them so just pray he don't do that unless you want to, simp.
You can tell he'll just ... go over his loneliness all over again when you decide to travel through a new world and leave.
But of course, you assure him you'll return to visit :)
Yay! ✨️
Rest assured you're not gonna let him go through that pain, so if you dare even think of leaving him
I'm sending my homies after you.
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You'd bet he's a bit skeptical at first, he's not sure whether he can believe a story like that at all 💀
But the thump of your heartbeat begged to differ, because you actually weren't lying. So I guess now he's just kind of curious about your existence. and your powers
As for your beauty this man is blind asf bro what u expect
So even though he has no idea how you look like, he can still bet your gorgeous and he's obviously right.
As per part of the Hunting Dogs, they all have their own individual beliefs on justice. And because you're prone to helping others a lot, he actually appreciates it.
Won't abuse your kindness though, he doesn't really ask for help. Unless they're in an actual dire situation.
Plus you strong asf so 🗿
Although he's busy, both ya'll can take some time for some peace and just chit chat. Honestly, this man wants to know the deets like c'mon spill the tea sis
He's probably interested in whatever you have to say abour Teyvat, especially Fontaine. I can feel it
I mean it's the nation of justice bro what else
Jouno will sit down, listening to your tales about Fontaine and the God of Justice – (he's fucking flabbergasted knowing it was a bratty child who is like shorter than you)
No fr he did not expect that shit 😭
"Also she's really short" "Really now?" "She's like a bratty child who almost got assassinated while playing with cats" "A ... A child?" "Yea and dramatic" "(Y/N), whAT"
This man would probabpy do a double take and question even the existence of Gods. HOO BOY
"... You're telping me the Gods there are broke and et bullied by their own people 24/7" "Yeah"
Let's just say he's now questioning life.
But then again, anything is possible now so he just rolls with it and enjoys his time with you.
Don't tell me he doesn't enjoy lesrning more about your powers and how useful it can really be to the Hunting Dogs.
Once he decided to spar with you, because his patience was wearing thin and he really wanted to know how far the heights of your power could stretch.
He was fairly sure that it wouldn't be an easy win, but he really thought he'd win. Lol.
He was all ready and stuff, slowly unsheathing his sword as you and him clashed ways.
... After that, he promised himself as he was nearly buried six feet under.
Nah most especially if you were the abyss princess because this man literally won't last. He'd actually put up a really good fight, he's strong as hell.
But still, he plummets to the ground like Odasaku.
... Never again, I assume.
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You and him met when he was running errands after being told forced by Dazai.
Holy shit he looked so tired. He was sweating as he ran back and forth across multiple shops and streets. Being you, you went over to give him a helping hand.
Canonically Atsushi's type is someone kind and patient, so he just was actually rather happy.
Congrats for being friends with the furry 😍
He adores how nice you are for being a helping hand, and he admires your bravery honestly. That shit is what keeps him going on the daily
No but fr you were so PRETTY too. And innocent looking
So imagine he does a fucking 180° when he sees you casually coming into the agency to help them beat up the Port Mafia?? SINGLE HANDEDLY HELLO
He's beginning to rethink everything he thought about you. Ok cool, you travel through worlds, fought God, is strong a–
... Wait a minute 😐
He nearly passed out from the amount of sheer info dump that you gave him. He's beyond shocked.
But also happy you're there to help. He trusts you and just loves everything about you. You're pretty blunt and quiet, but you're courageous and have cute facial expressions.
Chub squishy cheeks uwu
He literally would not ask for anything more. And you have some interesting things to talk about!
Atsushi is intrigued in the types of things you faced and the places you've visited. The fact you're literally bullshitting through and brave enough to face God himself??
You probably went through stuff. He respects you sm.
He's like a little kid all over again, sitting down with his knees to his chest as he listens to you talk about Tevyat.
You'd just be doing something in the far corner like fucking fantasizing on killing Timmie's pigeons again and he's just
Heart face emoji 😍
No matter what you do, Atsushi honestly believes in you and he knows you're of really good help. The agency welcomes you with open arms.
Bro he's just in love leave him be. Furries still need that love and attention bbg
Ngl since abyss princess is more stoic and somewhat intimidating boy is tryna stay away from you lmfao
"Not a second Akutagawa!" bitch 🗿
Yet we all know this man cannot stay away from you. You bet he's right there 24/7, admiring you and protecting you with his life.
Pet him in his tiger form pls 🤲
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bad268 · 1 year
Truth or Hydrate (ElasticDroid X Streamer! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Miscellaneous 
Requested: Nope
Warnings:  Language (as always), alcohol, sexual jokes, chat calling reader a “pick me,” basically word for word of the video just in a different order.
Pronouns: None used (First person) but menstruating reader
W.C. 1916
Summary:  During the Truth or Hydrate stream, everyone gets a little too drunk, but it's all fun and games until someone's feelings get hurt.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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~~(^Screen shot from a video idr which)
“What’s up gamers? How y’all doing today?” Droid started off as people began flooding into the stream. I was grabbing a couple of drinks from the fridge as the guys bantered back and forth before taking the spot on the ground between Droid and Grizzy. “Someone wanna explain bruh? It’s a lot.”
“Bitch, it’s your thing!” Grizzy laughed along with Puffer and Pezzy while rolled my eyes and cracked open a Mike’s. 
“Geez, we’re doing truth or drink,” Droid explained, going into deeper detail. Puffer, jokingly, started snoring, so Droid said, “Aye, quiet down in the back, yeah?”
“Chat says it's a slumber party,” I laughed, pointing out the one message I could see from my spot. 
“Guys, take your shoes off, stay awhile. Slumber party!” Pezzy joked, enthusiastically. “Are your feet stinky?”
“Mine aren’t, but I’d rather Droid keep his shoes on,” I pressed, pushing his feet away from me with a laugh as he tried to smell them. He put them toward Puffer to which he gagged before pushing Droid’s feet away. 
“I can smell them from here actually! Those actually smell,” Puffer complained. Droid tried to smell his feet again, and he made a face before putting his shoes on.
“You realized they stink?” I asked rhetorically, plugging my nose and leaning away.
“Don’t act like yours smell like roses,” He retorted, pushing his feet toward me.
“I showered today, so they smell like my soap, dumbass,” I cringed as I shoved his feet away. 
“Okay, what are we doing?” Pezzy asked.
“This is the dealio,” Droid started. “Truth or drink. If someone doesn’t want to answer a question, they have to take a shot.”
“Oh, this was meant to be hot sauce?” Grizzy asked, looking at the box.
“Yeah, wanna try it?” I asked, jokingly pulling out a mini Tabasco from my pocket and offering it to him.
“No,” Grizzy said skeptically.
“He’s a pussy, dude,” Pezzy stated.
“Y’all keep it at 89 fucking degrees in this house. You think I want hot sauce right now?” Grizzy emphasized.
“That’s all Pezzy, bruh,” Droid muttered.
“Bitch you were just freezing before the stream,” Grizzy pointed out, and Droid agreed before putting his hand on Grizzy’s arm. “WOAH!” Pezzy and Puffer grabbed his hand, feeling how cold it actually was, in shock. 
I held out my hand because I wanted to see as Pezzy asked, “Are you okay?”
Droid put his hand in mine as he responds with, “I am now.” I jokingly ripped my hand from his as chat exploded. 
“Okay, back on topic. Who are we asking the questions to?” I asked, taking another drink and leaning back to look up at Droid.
“It’s a group thing, so everybody in the room pretty much,” Droid responded, handing me the box to look it over. 
“Shit, we’re gonna need more alcohol,” Grizzy and I muttered.
“How many secrets y’all got, dog?” Droid asked in shock.
Puffer drew first, and his question was, “The most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done.”
“I shit my pants in a car ride home with my friends,” Grizzy said immediately. We all started talking over each other until Grizzy interrupted us, “I was like 8, bro!”
“I got one,” Puffer paused as Droid said that he knew it. “I fell in the San Antonio River.”
“OH! What the fuck?!” Droid shouted. All of us started laughing as Puffer told the story of the bike breaking and flinging him into the river. “There’s no ladder, so once you’re in, you’re in.”
“My dad took me to the track,” Droid started, going into a long story about how he shit himself immediately after arriving home. “I think I was just relieved to be home and I made it far enough.” 
“Jesus, mine’s not nearly that bad,” I laughed. “I bled through my pants at a guy’s house like a year ago,” I paused as they started laughing. “Dude really hit me with the ‘did you spill Hawaiian punch on my couch?’ and I have not talked to him since.”
“Fuck man, mine was when I was in school and I trusted a fart too much,” Pezzy began. “I had to call my mom and say I shit my pants.”
“Bro, why did all of you shit yourselves? Do y’all not have control of your bowels?” I laughed, taking a casual drink. 
“Shut the fuck up!” Droid, Grizzy, and Pezzy shouted into their microphones.
~ “How much do you make annually?” “Less than these bitches! The wage gap definitely exists!” I shouted.
“You won’t actually say it,” Puffer challenged.
“For 100 gifted, I will! I expect a good payout if I out myself like that,” I laughed.
~ “Who would you trade lives with?”
“Puffer?” Droid and Grizzy eyed him.
“Nah, I’m good. My answer is I’m good,” Puffer said fast. 
“I am at a crossroads here,” I laughed. “On one hand, I get paid more. However, I have a dick. I think that’s a deal breaker.”
“I wouldn’t mind being a girl,” Pezzy said, nonchalantly. 
“Have fun on your period, Pezzy. You’re a bitch when it comes to pain,” I checkled, taking another drink.
“Ah shit, nevermind,” He cringed.
A few cards in, and a lot of drinks and shots later, the chat could tell we were feeling it. All of us were kind of letting all of the juicy details out.
“Who have you fantasized about in your life that you shouldn’t have? No celebrities allowed,” Pezzy read. 
“My sophomore year math teacher,” Grizzy said off the bat. “I forgot that motherfucker’s name, but I remember that ass like it was yesterday.”
“If I said someone in this room, I am not clarifying,” I laughed, downing my fourth Mike’s.
“WHAT?! We need details,” All of the guys shouted over each other.
“Maybe at a future card, but I am not drunk enough yet. Does that mean I should take a shot?” I asked, already pouring a shot without waiting for an answer and throwing it back. “Okay, what’s the next question?”
“What is your biggest online screwup,” Grizzy read off.
“This,” I laughed as I got up to make a new drink as I ran out of Mike's. As soon as I stood up, the room started spinning, so I immediately sat back down. “Holy shit, I am fucked. Can someone make me a Jack and Coke? This was the last Mike’s.” 
“I’ve got you,” Pezzy said as he was already getting up to get a new drink.
“Cool, I’m gonna pick a card while you do that,” I shouted to him, reaching over Droid’s legs to grab the deck.
“Woah, we got a magician over here,” Droid muttered after I flattened out the cards to pick one. I looked up at him, confused, before he said, “Take me to dinner first.”
“I have,” I pointed out, “multiple times. You’re just not giving.”
“Hey woah, no need to call me out like that!” He objected.
“She’s wined and dined you so many times. When are you going to fuck her?” Puffer joked.
“Exactly my point,” I muttered before grabbing everyone’s attention, “But, this is getting out of hand, moving on! Who is your hottest friend?”
“Y/N,” Grizzy and Droid said without hesitation. Everyone’s attention snapped to them as we all started talking over each other. 
“I think Droid,” I whispered into my microphone as I winked at the camera. 
“Who is the friskiest?” 
“I don’t know if I can or want to answer this,” Grizzy said as he took a shot.
“What was your most recent porn search?” Droid asked. Everyone started complaining, saying they were going to take a shot, but I pulled out my phone to check chat before pulling my microphone super close to my face.
“I walked in on Pezzy doing some shit,” I admitted. “That shit scared me for life.”
“When did you walk in on me, and when was I going to learn about that?” Pezzy shouted.
“Like a week ago, you asked for Whataburger, and I was bringing it to your room like a GOOD ROOMMATE!” I shouted toward him as I checked the chat. It was going too fast for me to actually read it while the guys kept pestering me to tell them what he was watching.
“Wait I got a question,” Droid brings the arguing to a stop, “Do any of you dabble in the hentai?”
Immediately, the boys responded with “Yes.”
My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets as I cringed at all of them. “Y’all are fucking gross. Do y’all feel disgusting afterward because damn thats actually nasty.”
“I have gone so far down that rabbit hole, it is not even funny,” Pezzy admitted. 
“You are really feeling those drinks, huh” Grizzy laughed. 
“Yes, I am,” Pezzy responded definitively.
“We did not need to know you that personally, Pezzy,” I laughed, taking a shot.
“No wait, we’re not just gonna glaze over the fact that you didn’t answer,” Droid pointed out.
“What do you want me to say? I don’t watch porn,” I laughed defensively.
“Who doesn’t watch porn?” Puffer asked rhetorically.
“Me, duh,” I deadpanned as the boys kept arguing. I looked down at the chat and chat was loving the interactions. That is until the part where I said I admitted that I do not watch porn came on. Everyone transformed into calling me a ‘pick me,’ saying I was lying, or making sexual jokes about me being innocent in chat. Mods were not able to keep up as some were still coming through. I did not even notice that the guys had moved on to another question as I got up, swaying slightly, to leave the video. “Hey, I’m gonna head out. I’m hella drunk.”
“No, this is when it’ll get good,” Droid tried to persuade, but the last thing I wanted to do was sit here on stream. “Nah, I’m good. I’ve already ruined my reputation enough for the night,” I forced a laugh, moving toward the kitchen off camera. I put my glass in the sink and grabbed a water bottle before just sitting on the floor in the kitchen. I heard the guys talking quietly for a second before footsteps started approaching the kitchen. I looked up to see Droid standing over me before he took a seat next to me.
“What happened? Too much?” He asked.
“No, I can handle my alcohol,” I laughed. “Chat was saying shit, and I didn’t want to give them more ammo.”
“What were they saying?”
“Shit about how I’m a pick me for not watching porn or how I’m innocent or how I’m lying for attention. Nothing I haven’t seen or heard before, but I didn’t want to deal with it.”
“And you shouldn’t have to,” he said as he moved to put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side. “I’m sorry chat’s bullying you.”
“Again, not like it isn’t something I see everyday,” I sighed, leaning into his shoulder. He turned his head to kiss the crown of my head. “And again, you shouldn’t have to. You were literally telling the truth,” He responded. After a moment of silence between us, minus the murmurs of the guys in the living room, Droid pulled away slightly, still keeping me in his arms. “Plus, why would you need porn? You have me.”
“And why do you need amateur porn?” I retorted, “You have me.”
“Oh, Puffer didn’t know. Oops.”
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ventiij · 5 months
Could you request an au royal with prince!wanderer x servant!reader where wanderer during the night asks reader to stay until he falls asleep and she ends up falling asleep kneeling next to his bed? (Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, English is not my native language)
no worries anon, english isn’t my first language either so we’re twinning bbg (it’s four am help)
idk what got into me while I was writing
anyway, here my silly little requested fanfic is 🫢
before your family had gone broke, you never thoguht you’d find yourself in this situation. at the palace, you really were just a simple servant like everyone said.
before your father lost everything there was a rumor which was slowly passing from everyone’s mouth - whoever started working for the royal family wouldn’t make it out of a miserable life, they’d have you wrapped around their fingers.
there was a reason to think that though - the payment wasn’t enough to change job. yes, it was simpls like that. they do offer you a place to stay and food to survive, but overall it was just enough to afford taking a week off when you’re sick, apart from national holidays and all that.
your life isn’t a normal one, nor one somebody would aim at. you are nothing but one of the servants at the royal palace. no-one knows you for who you are, but it’s not all that bad. you have the whole palace for you and your friends, your families and many people you care about, who actually do know the real-you’s worth.
the royals aren’t so bad either! the queen is the one who rules the kingdom as there’s no king, she’s independent, enterprising and has an intimidating story behind her. her name is Raiden Shogun. meanwhile, her son, ‘the wanderer’, is a spoiled brat with an ass attitude who’s against the whole world.
this gremlin spends most of his time around the castle, glaring at every servant while they’re doing their job and stand there watching, only to walk away like nothing happened. there was this one time, when you were mopping the floor… he didn’t take his eyes off of you for a split second! …at least it felt like so.
after a couple more of such events happening to you for no reason, because you work properly (if not splendidly), he suddenly calls out your name while you’re doing your thing. “Y/n.” you turn around all freaked out since it couldn’t possibly mean good things when someone had to deal with this guy, he looked so stern and cold and and-
“meet me in my room after dinner.” he said and just left like that. eh?
His room? did he want you to clean it? Dust it? Make his bed? That wasn’t in the contract… he didn’t mention the reason, so you decide to just go with it.
after dinner, in his room
you greet, slightly bow and stand right before the doorframe, dressed up for the occasion, as you see him in his pajamas. he didn’t even bother to greet you - instead, he straight up ordered you: “stay with me for the night” what. you? what. what again? “me?” he nods and gets in bed looking skeptical as usual “who else?” you just watch from afar, scared you might do something to give him the ick. so this isn’t about cleaning, huh?
“well? aren’t you going to sit down somewhere?” he asks and you just kneel down next to his bed at his height, perfectly intersecating his gaze. “don’t you dare wake me up before 7 am.” ‘bitch?’ you want to reply as he just stares at you. ‘aNyThInG hIs mAjEsTy wAnTs’ like hell you were gonna stay like this for a whole night for no reason.
“Uh, no? This isn’t in the contract.” you contradict him and were prolly one of the few people who did that to him in his whole life,
“alright.” he says as he rolls in bed, turning around and closing his eyes to drift off to sleep.
…does he actually expect you to fall asleep in this position?
some time later
‘can’t deny he looks pretty though.’ you think as you finally come to terms with the fact that he wants you there. your mind can wander all it wants thinking of all the possibile reasons behind this blessing in disguise, but no true reason can be found.
well, it’s only for today. after all, how do you know who you might see as you get out of his room? and what will they think? ugh
aside from that, you could get in his majesty’s graces, soo
this is no occasion to waste.
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hankbot0-9 · 9 months
Disappointment and frustration
Hellop. Never done something like this before, but here we go. This is going to be basically a large splurge of disappointment and frustration on one, particular person, Vivienne Medrano.
So to start this off, I've known about, and have been a fan, of Viv for a long while, ever since the Hazbin Polit. I've followed her work, been inspired by it, and found great fun with the characters and world.
Without Viv, I would not be a furry (debatable if this is good or bad), I would not have found characters I've found comfort in (Jackson Wells, Zoophobia), or other creators in the indie community. However, for a while now I've been seeing how Viv and her works have greatly fallen from there highs, and how Viv has, really dropped the ball in being professional.
Her tweets and general attitude have given off all the wrong vibes, and show a person who could care less about being professional. From the whole "Cain, I am your bitch" situation, how she handles ANY form of criticism that is even slightly negative, the way she tweets and responds to others etc. It all just compounds on her image, basically holding up a mirror.
Her show (or shows, Hazbis quality is to be debated when it releases), started out, in my opinion, rough yet charming, clearly having passion behind it and a fun time to watch, has degraded to a point of being a bland, misguided and unplanned mess where the main character now feels like a side character to another character who's derailed the premise and show as a whole. Don't get me started on the inconsistent animation quality, cause holy shit.
There is also the leaked, behind the scenes, screenshots stuff that, yes should be looked at skeptically, is slowly, and in some cases basically confirmed, to be true. Largely owing to her on twitter and some behind the scenes stuff that should make you do a double take. I.e. Treatment of female characters, the constant hiring of new employees, etc.
This also ties into how the Fandom treats these characters and situations, and is where a lot of my frustrations come into play. To explain, the Fandom surrounding Viv and her works is one of the most apparent toxic fandoms I have ever seen, all it takes for them to turn on you is a couple of tweets or posts about something you disagree with or being slightly critical of Viv, and they turn on you. The amount of harassment and death threats flung around is concerning to a high degree and Viv, doesn't do anything about it, not even an ask to stop, largely because she encourages it. Sure, it's not a tweet saying to attack someone, but all the likes she gives to her fans on any post talking about what someone said or done that didn't align with the greater fandom opinion, it encourages them because they see it, they see that the person they look up to has liked what they said and so they keep doing it, so they get more likes form her. It's, sad to see really. The Fandom treats these characters above people really, holding them up and parading them around like they can do no wrong, and the same is for Viv.
There's more I could say, but many have already said it before and will continue to say it until, Viv basically fades away, because the way Viv handles herself, the Fandom that surrounds her and much more, wont survive the fact that when Hazbin drops, and is reviewed, and those critical comments and reviews come about it that are even slightly negative, the Fandoms going to get bloodthirsty and destroy any good will left or they would've had with the general public.
Sincerely, Hankbot0-9... tired of, alot.
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left4deadstuck · 2 years
You bite your lower lip. You don't think being straight to the point with Karkat would be a good idea… Though you considered it heavily before ultimately choosing to go with an apology.
Okay… Here it comes.
Dave: hey. Dave: im… sorry Dave: im sorry man
Your voice is quiet. Maybe too quiet, making you think the other didn't hear you. So you look up to glance at the other.
Dave: genuinely i Dave: i didnt think wed see each other like
You don’t get the chance to finish before he raises his hand to cut you off.
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You scowl, back straightening. Goddamnit now you remember. Remember how much of a crabby jackass he is.
Dave: oh Dave: because sitting in the dark while silently death glaring at each other is productive Dave: cause we got all the time in the world to just kick back and do absolutely nothing but seethe at each other Dave: not like i was trying t
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Dave: … Dave: sigh
Once upon a time Jade had asked you and your mutual group of friends to test out the latest version of her new project. A mental inventory system that had a very convoluted retrieval and sorting system. Luckily her team was quick to fix that after your group’s trials with it.
Jade never really told you exactly why, but you always speculated that some people on her team, or well, someone, didn’t really trust your legitimacy enough when signing your NDA. Maybe it shouldn’t have surprised you though, after all you have made a name for yourself with your bizarre level of spectacles you do for the sake of irony.
It did not thrill you to find out the next morning that you would now deal with the living embodiment of “stick up the ass” as your personal bodyguard for however long the trial had to last for. Despite your best efforts to get rid of the guy, you’ve quickly learned a few things about Mr. Vantas here. One of those things being that he is skeptical and stubborn to a fault.
Well, there it goes, your plans being haplessly thrown out the window! Poor sons of bitches didn’t even have a chance-
You hear a snap next to your ear
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Dave: what Dave: you have another drawn out monologue about how god awful i am? Dave: are you sure your throat can handle that shakespeare Dave: ya dont exactly have the voice for stage anymore with all that smoke Dave: but lets be real here Dave: its probably a good thing that you cant blow out anyone within a 10 ft radius of you eardrums anymore because you decided to make causal conversation
Dave: ok sir ill be on my best behavior for "five fucking seconds"
He looks up at the ceiling as if his next few words are the greatest offense that any higher power could have subjected him to utter.
Dave: yeah yeah i get it Dave: im a dick get to the point
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Dave: oh Dave: uh Dave:th Karkat: NO SHUT THE FUCK UP Karkat: FUCKING Karkat: NO!
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He must've worked himself up. You watch him as he moves out of your space to turn and hack up a cloud of smoke. Well, if this isn’t just the perfect time to digest the clusterfuck he has given you. While it is great that he is going to help you out, he’s doing it out of fear and as fuck up as it is, it’s an advantage you have over him.
Though is it a good idea to go along with that? That could risk him fucking you all over and abandoning all of you last minute. You could gain his trust, maybe offer him something that he might want, but even then what would you give him, you have no clue if you have anything to offer him, not to mention that again, he could still just ditch the plan when the opportunity shows up.
What are you going to do?
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rustyvanburace · 5 months
nanananan nanashi 4 ask game🥹
favorite thing about them: NANASHI HAS STYLE, and I will die on that hill. People bitch and moan about Nanashi's "ugly" design, but he is PUNK and that fits really well with IVA's themes. I'd rather have a protagonist with a totally unique appearance than yet another bland kid. Maybe that is antithesis to the roots of SMT (they've always favored bland "nobody" characters), but I am nonetheless sticking to my stance. I love that he is dressed for the part as a Hunter, but still embraces his own sense of identity and style -- which frankly is important and natural for teens. I feel the same way about Asahi's own style. I love that Nanashi's design incorporates aspects of the two Akiras from IV. HE. HAS. GOOD. DESIGN.
least favorite thing about them: Once again this is more of an issue I have with IVA's writing and it is not solely about Nanashi, but I do wish that IVA did explore Akira's motivations more (especially with rescuing his sister, which is just absent in IVA) and how his actions and choices would've later impacted his later reincarnated self. There's a lot of stuff that Akira did in the background of IV that only barely gets examined IVA. Akira's "betrayal" toward the Hunters and Nanashi falling into that same fate makes for an interesting foil, but is just another foil that gets resolved way too quickly for my liking. Nanashi saves the day by repelling the Tokugawa Mandela and is immediately forgiven and praised by all with almost hardly any skepticism. Again it's an issue I have with IVA at large, but it still leaves me wanting more out of the characters and their development.
favorite line: Can I even say I have a favorite line from a silent protagonist, lol? I can say that I do like how "extreme" Nanashi is with his answers, either being very openly kind to downright crass and cold. It's much more extreme than some of Flynn's answers in IV. Arguably it makes IVA's alignment choices too obvious, but I like that it gives Nanashi a polarizing personality and it fits with his design too. Plus some of his anarchy answers are downright hilarious.
Additionally, I'm also amazed at Nanashi's "Dagda!" voice clip in the massacre route. For most of the game, he calls for Dagda in such a high-pitched voice. But as soon as you're locked in massacre, his voice suddenly turns really gruff and deep. Lmao??
brOTP: HE IS BROS WITH EVERYONE. But especially with Asahi, Hallelujah, and Navarre! I love his caring sibling relationship with Asahi, I love him being best of buds with Hallelujah, and I love that Navarre is basically like the cool fun uncle to him.
I posted that stupid edit of Morcedai and Rigby earlier, but actually Nanashi and Hallelujah are WAY more like Morcedai and Rigby. That's them for realll.
OTP: Nanashi x Hallelujah NATION LET'S GO. I will absolutely ship them both as bros and as a pair! They have the best ever chemistry.
nOTP: Yeah so, I really do not like Asahi x Nanashi and I hate seeing Nanashi get shipped with adults. Stop it. Enough said.
random headcanon: I like to imagine that, even before the events of IVA, Nanashi has always had dreams of his past life -- just not as frequently or as "unusual" as they later would be, stuff that he'd just brush off and keep to himself. I also like to think that, partly cause of that, he feels a closeness or yearning towards the Sky Tower and Firmanent but cannot put into words as to why.
unpopular opinion: Nanashi's concept design (the one where he's older, has glasses, and the giant robot arm) sucks and I'm tired of people saying it is "superior" than Nanashi's final design. Maybe the older design would have worked better for an earlier story concept, but for the way IVA is now, it fucking sucks. You can't just switch Nanashi's design with that and expect it to seamlessly work with the game's narrative. People complain about Nanashi being a "discount Demi-fiend", but actually Nanashi's design is much more subtle and it HAS to be in order to work with the narrative. A giant robot arm is the very opposite of subtle.
God I'm just, so pissed at people saying Nanashi's design is "bad". I'm pissed I'm pissed!!
song I associate with them: I'm just gonna cross these out with all asks going forward, I am not good at picking songs lmao.
favorite picture of them: Once again, it's Nanashi's precious smile~!
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Thank you for the ask!!
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noveratus · 8 months
I will be honest, I only have one hope for Hazbin Hotel, one thing I am begging them for and if they do, I will be the happiest person alive even if the whole thing ends up being shit, and that is to make Vaggie a genuinely complex and interesting character.
It is nothing new that A23 tends to have a certain reputation when it comes to female characters, that being that they are either shallow, vilified or get shafted for the sake of other characters, and while I see where people are coming from, I also think that it makes sense that Helluva Boss doesn't focus on its female characters. Helluva Boss is a show about Blitzø first and foremost and Moxie and Millie are mostly just there to act as Blitzø's want. He wants to have a relationship like what they have, even if the rest of Hell finds it to be appalling, but he isn't willing to work for it in the same way that Moxie is, for example. Moxie is a flawed character, there is no denying that, but he always comes around, realizes his mistakes and apologizes for it, while Millie is probably the only stable person in all of hell. She needs to be that pillar that holds not just Moxie and their relationship together. With that in mind, while I do wish Millie would have more development and we at least got to hear from her what she feels like being the one responsible for holding this ship together, I understand why she has not been the main focus. Loona and Octavia are both on the same ship where they are the 'child' characters. They represent the respective best part of their fathers, and while they have their little character arcs, they are mostly there to humamize Stolas and Blitzø. Then there is Stella who is just a bitch, and honestly, good for her. Sometimes it is fun to have characters who are just petty villains, and if there is one place where that works, that is hell.
My main point is, Helluva Boss is, at its core, a show about a relationship between two male characters, so it makes sense why they would get the most screen time, which unfortunately means other characters get shafted.
And then we have Hazbin Hotel, a show where the main character is supposed to be a female lead, Charlie and so far we are four episodes in and the show has been about literally everyone in the hotel other than her. In fact, I would argue that Charlie has been the main antagonist of the show so far since in almost every episode it is her going cartoonishly 'nice' to try and help other characters that leads to the main conflicts/problems, which it sucks since this feels like such a departure from the original pilot where Charlie was an awkward, but well meaning person trying to make the best out of a terrible situation. Now, she just feels like new sponge bob essentially, where she is just annoying everyone with her kindness. When all that the audience is getting from your main character is annoyance, you have a bit of a problem.
And then we have Vaggie and out of all of the characters, Vaggie is a very interesting one. In the original pilot, Vaggie is treated as a punching bag for the majority of it or as a minor source of conflict for Charlie, however, in the show, she has been treated with a lot more nuance so far. Sure, she is still bickering with Angel Dust and she despise Alastor, but you can feel that there is a sense of respect between them, particularly between Alastor and Vaggie. Not only that, but the fact that she seems to be coming from a militaristic background and seems to be the actual voice of reason, albeit a skeptical one makes her the most interesting character to me. I know that Vivzy and A23 can write good, compelling male queer characters, I have seen them do it in Helluva Boss and I will be frank, I still think all the characters and concept in that show are so much better than anything Hazbin has produced, so I don't need another show focusing on male struggles. All that I want to see is one well written queer female character. That is the one thing Helluva Boss has not done that Hazbin Hotel can do better. Make Vaggie an exterminator angel who decided to stay in hell, or a fallen angel or literally anything as long as you make it interesting. Please, make her more than just Charlie's girlfriend, make her an actual character. That is all that I am asking.
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dootznbootz · 9 months
Are you feeling funky enough to give us some Diomedes + Sthenelus/Odysseus (idk how many ships Dio has, I'm sorry) thoughts?
(anonymous because you most likely already know who I am)
Disclaimer: This isn't canon to Dootzverse Epic Cycle anymore! Diomedes and Odysseus are no longer Exes but just coworkers like how they are in the Iliad. Diomedes being around 20 and Odysseus around 30. I only made them "exes" because I thought I needed to have them "romantic" in some way at some point in order for fandom to be nice to me. :') But that's silly and so Odysseus still has an "ex" that was basically only a month long romance and all that except it's a different Achaean >:3
I'll let this post stay up for funsies though :P
I actually don't know right now. I am that fried, Iro :D
DioSthe are my boys and I love them a lot. I sadly don't know everything about them but I still love them a lot. Sthenelus is Diomede's little hypeman and that means SO much to me. They've known each other for a long time and are basically QPPs for a long time. It's a thing where Diomedes doesn't think much of it sadly for a long long time despite still caring about Sthenelus but he doesn't realize how deeply he means to Sthenelus until YEARS later. I sadly don't have many fic ideas for them other than a basic confession and smaller moments throughout.
So like yeah, OdyDio is basically toxic exes because it's funny to me and because of how Odysseus treats Diomedes in the Iliad. They are basically this vine
Odysseus: Remember one time, I liked you? Diomedes: You mean the time when we were teenagers? When we were kissing but then you fucking bit me, called me names, and ran away? Odysseus: GOOD! Cuz never happened! >:D Diomedes: ... Odysseus: AH-HA! HAHA! 🤪 🖕(leaves, thinking he's "won") Diomedes:... Fucking...Fucking weirdo Sthenelus: Don't worry about him.😤 I don't even know why Athena likes him. Diomedes: That's exactly why she likes him...Why he's kind of cool too... Sthenelus: Oh ...Wanna make out? Diomedes: *sighs* Yeah.��
I don't know if I'll ever write this and if I'll just reference it. But basically, Odysseus and Diomedes FIRST met around 11-13 but didn't hang out as much as they're RIVALS. But had their "kiss" and "romance" when Odysseus was around 17 and Dio around 15-16. Odysseus just became king so he's just traveling just to do shit.
They're chilling but then they somehow get to talking about relationships as Odysseus has never really had one while Diomedes has. I have Odysseus Asexual/demisexual and basically had no relationship ever before because he has high fucking standards and usually gets mean to people who have a crush on him.
To me, Odysseus has always been a hopeless romantic (For Penelope, he plays wedding music when they reunite. their tree bed??? Men were expected to decorate their bedrooms before getting married but Odysseus went ALL FUCKING OUT WHEN HE DIDN'T NEED TO!!!|| How he talks to Penelope and talks about her??? He's canonically super romantic! He's always been a hopeless romantic and it's why he was "picky" about romance/marriage propositions before Penelope. anytime someone had a crush on him, he's not feeling it. He just fucks with them.
He's almost genuinely offended in a way, especially if they have barely spoken. Saying you want to hang out is fine as the friendship he's down for and you're safe as long as you don't flirt with him basically. But flirting or offering something??
A princess is now afraid of her woods because he pranked her to make her think it's haunted. Another young prince got set up related to Palamedes and was chased by geese up a tree. He has a reputation of being a BITCH. Part of the reason why Penelope is so fucking skeptical when he's all like "Please marry me!!! PLEASE!!! I'll do anything!!! I really genuinely want to marry you!!!". it's because of his asshole reputation to people who have crushes on him. He's a hopeless romantic from watching his parents interact and all the stories he's been told.
Irony is Penelope is the same as he is, so she treats him the same way. :'D What goes around comes around.
He often lies and says that Heracles is his favorite myth but Penelope gets him to admit it's actually PSYCHE'S myth that's his favorite. The going through hardships because you're so devoted??? 👀 Because you wish to reunite with your most important person/people??? RINGING ANY BELLS!!!!
ANYWAYS. They start talking and Diomedes talks about being aroace (different terms obviously) and Odysseus is so happy. There's someone out there like him! He always blamed his boar scar injury for why he is the way he is. (Post I made going into that) But now there's someone out there like him!
He already considers Diomedes a good friend/rival at this point so they have a bit of something. It gets to the point where they kiss. Mostly for Odysseus as he's never had one before and Diomedes was like "Well, we can always see if you feel something, and then stop." (he smooch Sthenelus but they have a QPR)
Odysseus is...neutral. About their kiss. This is what people freak out about? (I know Ancient Greece was openly affectionate. This is a mouth kiss and also, let me be dumb) He's just sitting, thinking.
Odysseus: "But...You're supposed to feel something?" Diomedes: Yeah? Kissing means you feel each others lips. It feels nice. Shows you care, you know? Odysseus: No, I mean where is bubbling emotions? What about all the songs and poems? Diomedes, being AroAce, younger, and genuinely not meaning to be insensitive and trying to simply tease: They're just poems, Odysseus. You just feel happy but it's none of the fancy words. I think you're making a big deal about this. I mean your lips are fucking chapped and you're a bad kisser but I still liked it, dude. It was still nice, right?"
Diomedes tries to say it as something playful and just messing around as I have a headcanon that Odysseus bites his lips a LOT. Just out of habit and as a (bad) fidget. But Odysseus is just...upset. This was supposed to be ROMANTIC! >:( Why would you say that?!?! He is embarrassed as this was supposed to be his first romantic kiss. :'(
Odysseus, being a hothead with no impulse control with rejection sensitivity, fucking bites Diomedes. Diomedes is ofc, confused and upset and then they just start fighting. Actually needing to be separated by others.
They don't see each other for a while....
They end up seeing each other again some while later. (probably some sort of competition) Where they apologize... but Odysseus still just... doesn't like Diomedes. Even though he knows HE'S the stupid one. Odysseus is prideful. Diomedes just reminds him of an extremely embarrassing, vulnerable moment where HE screwed up and he hates that..."Anytime I see him, I feel like wanna throw mud at him." Diomedes didn't do anything truly wrong but Odysseus is an unreliable narrator
They see each other again during the Suitors of Helen and Odysseus is kind of nervous what Diomedes will do as "Don't fuck this up for me, Son of Tydeus"
Diomedes is actually nice about it. He's happy for Odysseus. He's actually not too bothered by everything unlike Odysseus who holds grudges forever.
Diomedes: "So uh…dude." Odysseus: "What the fuck do you want? 🙄" Diomedes: "You like that daughter of Icarius, yeah? She's like, a naiad, right?" Odysseus, already clenching his fist in case he has to punch him: "…YEah." Diomedes, realizing he's fucked but continues anyways: "…Do you like her because she has sharp teeth?" Odysseus: "??? Not specifically?? Dude, what the fuck are you on about?" Diomedes: "…Well since you bit me when we kissed I didn't know if you were into it or somethin-" gets decked another fight breaks out between them
They are toxic 🤗 Odysseus is Diomedes' bully most of the time. Shoving him into lockers, gum in hair, He's an ASSHOLE. They kind of care about each other, but it has to be from a distance.
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shining-m00nlight · 3 months
Sweet Revenge
Join me in this crack Fic about Myrcella trying to get revenge on her mom by using the Starks!
Myrcella Baratheon walked into the Stark home, right into the living room without knocking or announcing herself.
“How did you get in here?” asked Robb sitting on the couch and looking at the blonde confused.
“Oh I swiped the key from Theon,” Myrcella explained.
“Why does Theon have a key to our house?” Sansa asked suspiciously looking up from her book.
Robb looked a bit embarrassed.
“Well I thought it would be better than him sneaking through the window, mom got suspicious when she noticed there were footprints around the window all the time.”
"Why don't you just.." Sansa started but got interrupted by Arya.
"OK, while Theon's habits of sneaking in here are toootally fascinating," she said with an eye roll, "I would rather like to know why Myrcella is here?"
“You are getting married!” Myrcella proclaimed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Right at that Jon walked into the room and asked: “Who’s getting married?”
“You!” Mycrella said, “and Robb, Sansa and Arya also Bran and Rickon. So basically all of you”
“Rickon is only 15 years old.” Robb exclaimed.
“That is your first thought? Cella just said we are all getting married and Rickon's age is your only objection to it” Ayra asked her brother.
“Well not the only one, it was just the first one. Ok? Excuse me that I am against child marriage” Robb tried to defend himself.
“But marriage arranged against our will by Cella is fine by you?” Sansa smirked at Robb. A habit she learned from Margery.
“Well Cella is very smart, so I’m sure whoever she picks for you will be a good choice.” Robb replied not wanting to back down.
“Why, thank you Robb. And he is right. I made excellent choices for you and your spouses. You're gonna be very pleased!”
"Yeah, I'm out. I already have a boyfriend” Arya chimed in again.
“Don’t worry you get to keep him. He just needs to become your husband. And…”
“Okay wait wait wait. Myrcella, maybe you would like to explain to us what exactly is all of this?” Sansa stoppt Myrcella.
“Why? Can’t a friend not ask for a favor? Without being questioned?” Myrcella asked back.
Jon gave her a disapproving look that he definitely stole from Ned.
“Ok soooooo. You know how your dad and my dad are best friends? So if one of you would be married my dad would be invited and with that my mom right?”
Collective nodding occurred from the four Starks present in the room.
“And you might also know that I have some half siblings, whos existens my mom is not really fond of. Lastly, you all know my mom is a bitch!”
The dutiful nodding stopped instantly and now Mycella had four shocked Starks in front of her.
“Oh come on. Don’t pretend nobody has ever called my mom a bitch in this house”
“We would never do that! Mom would have our heads if we talked like that about anyone. Mostly she is called that Lannister woman”
“That spiteful woman, maybe”
“Or that hateful woman”
“But never a bitch”
“No, never”
"Ok, I get it. You have parents that actually tried to teach you manners but the point is, you still know what my mom is like. And I had a huge fight with her where she really showed that she hates everything and everybody, including us. Before the question comes, no I do not want to talk about it. I want revenge. And this is where you come in.”
Sansa looked a bit skeptical: “You want to use us marrying people as revenge against your mom?”
“Not people, Sansa. My half siblings. My half siblings that my mom doesn’t like. My half siblings whose weddings she would never attend because why would she? My half siblings whose weddings she would have to attend if they were to marry her husband's best friends' kids. Which happen to be you!” she said the last sentence as if she was revealing new information to the siblings.
“I think it is a great plan! I will support it under the condition that we marry in the order of age!” Arya said happily.
“Of course you would agree. Your boyfriend is one of said siblings so his plan basically doesn’t affect you! This is a joke anyway, right Myrcella?” Sansa questioned her voice, sounding worried that Myrcella might have lost her mind.
“Of course not Sansa! I have this all planned out! As we established, Arya is gonna stay with Gendry. I am very grateful that her actions while predating my plan are supporting it. Robb I know you are the oldest so I thought about pairing you with my oldest sibling but I’m gonna be honest I didn’t see the vision. So you can have my second oldest sister Bella. She is great and a lot of fun. Super pretty too. She is a bit particular about her hair which is why I didn't put her with Jon because you can only have one person per relationship caring too much about hair.”
“Hey!” Jon tried to protest but Mycella shushed him immediately.
“Don’t worry Jon. I of course have somebody great for you. Mya! I know you guys know her a bit better than Bella so I feel like I don’t need to say much about her. Last present here. Sansa. For you I picked Edric. You are basically the same age and he comes with the advantage of being the cousin of Shireen twice. And then Bran can marry one of the twins or both if he wants to. Actually both might be even better. Could you imagine my mothers face? And lastly Rickon can marry Barra. They can wait a few years for those concerned about age. We have to get through five weddings before them anyway. Just imagine how mad my mom would be if she had to go to a Stark/Robert Baratheon bastard wedding every year for the next six years. It is a perfect revenge and it will last long and will drive my mother up the wall!
…So? What do you think?”
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jmdbjk · 2 years
Dreamers wrap up
I can speak for most of us: I think we are all mesmerized by Jungkook’s tattoos...
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And his muscled arms...
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Look! his lil 7 behind his ear!
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We never get to see this part of his upper arm so clearly. It looks like a full moon but with clouds obscuring it a little:
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So he has a “white” moon and a “black” sun? 💀
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Kookie was also hot in more ways than one:
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Okay, back to being long-winded cuz I got shit to say:
So here is the blog post on my initial thoughts about this whole Qatar World Cup involvement. And then a follow-up of my thoughts blog post on the Dreamers MV after its release (scroll down some on the blog post to get to it). 
And now we know even more information surrounding JK’s involvement in that FIFA supposedly recruited just Jungkook for the gig. They didn’t want the other “kookies” just Jungkookie (that was cringey when I heard it). I know this is what was said in the media over there. But we also know FIFA is not the most honest and upstanding entity in sports. No entity in sports is. It’s about the money. Whatever it takes to make the most money...
I’m not saying this isn’t really what happened and we really do not know the timing of any of it or exactly how it went down. But I’m not gonna buy it wholly just because that’s how they said it did. I’m always that skeptical bitch, you know? 
It seems like when it was all coming out during the summer, we know now BTS had already determined how the rest of the year was going to play out. When FIFA approached BigHit, perhaps the answer was “no” the group is not scheduling any activities but individual members are available. And that’s how it could have gone down. Again, that’s just me talkin’ out my ass too. Because I certainly know nothing. I just know how the media works and how these major sports organizations are gonna spin things to their benefit. 
Kookie did a great job though, no matter how it all came to be.
The World Cup is over. Congratulations Argentina, well done. But the event had a major amount of controversy due to the fact it was held in Qatar:
1) People including spectators as well as teams and players, were told not to wear anything resembling a rainbow on their clothing...people were harassed about it IN PUBLIC by Qatari authorities. That’s not cool. Source story here.
2) Major sponsor, Budweiser, was told at the last minute before the opening ceremony they couldn’t sell beer outside the stadiums. A MAJOR FUCKING SPONSOR! IT’S BEER! AND SPORTS! THEY GO TOGETHER! BAM! Source story here.
Another source article here questioning the suitability of Qatar hosting this major sports event.
Kookie traveled to Qatar TWICE for his World Cup work. Don’t get me wrong, I am sure that part of the world is very beautiful in its own way with its own charms. Kookie seems to have had a good experience overall, but he was there to work and then left immediately. He was surrounded by his entourage and protected. Chief bodyguard was there holding that umbrella over Kookie the entire time ready to stiff-arm anyone who came close. 
Being the kind person and professional he is, Kookie said nice words about his time there:
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His opening ceremony performance did not go smoothly either, it is said his in-ears were not working. He was off key once or twice. I know he wasn’t happy about that. But the performance looked amazing.
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And when we finally hear the Dreamers song, the “theme song” for the entire World Cup event... we learn these are the lyrics of the song:
Gather 'round now, look at me (Hayya, hayya) Respect the love the only way (Hayya, hayya) If you wanna come, come with me (Hayya, hayya) The door is open now every day (Hayya, hayya) This one plus two, rendezvous all invited This what we do, how we do
Too bad the actual setting was not so inclusive.
Last but not least... the fans who claim that Jungkook was not supported well by BigHit regarding this song. The song was not Jungkook’s song even though he performed it and may have written a few lyrics for it to suit his delivery better. The song belongs to (copyrighted by) Katara Studios so it wasn’t BigHit’s song to promote. BigHit’s involvement was exclusively to support Jungkook by providing everything he needed while he traveled back and forth and was over there working. 
When JK finally releases HIS solo album under the BigHit label with songs he concepted, wrote and recorded with official MVs etc that he has a hand in directing, is when he will have his real, genuine solo debut. I am very much looking forward to it.
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belaprus · 1 year
Dottore x reader: being his assistant (pt.3)
"Are you sure you want to continue?"
"Even if it meant for you to spend more time with him?"
Pantalone was looking at your injured arm, slightly concerned. It felt like he was carefully searching for the right words to express himself. After some moments, he opened his mouth to speak again:
"Are you growing attached, maybe?"
"Absolutely not. It's just I'm the only one who can take care of him properly"
The skeptical expression on his face was clear, especially when he had heard you say 'take care of him'. You continued:
"He's no different from my average patient. At least this job is more rewarding, and I can focus on only one person"
"The latter might be a problem. And if you think he's just the average patient, need I remind you that his name is forsaken from the entirety of Sumeru?"
"He's still a person, and I'm the more capable one on this job. This is nothing I can't manage"
"If you say so..."
After a second of pondering, Pantalone smiled at you:
"I guess you really are suited for him, after all"
You smiled back. You were no average person either. You wouldn't deal with the average people. To be fair, your whole life wasn't average at all. You were used to it, it was almost in your comfort zone to be with people like Dottore. You had always found them interesting. Sometimes it would get scary, like with the ruin hunter's incident, but you felt like it was definitely worth it: your payment was not average either.
After you parted ways with Pantalone, you returned back home. 'Tomorrow will be another day of work', you thought while drifting off to sleep in your bed. --------- He was face-down on his own desk, mentally searching for whatever way to continue his experiments. Now he was left with only two children and some chemical components, all because of that bitch-sitter who never shut her mouth. Speaking of the devil, she had just entered the room. He didn't react at all. No, he was staying like this until something, ANYTHING, had caused his funds to raise. He heard a chair moving onto the other side of the desk, her sitting on it. Silence fell onto the room. After some moments, he noticed it wasn't completely quiet around: he could feel someone breathing and an intense stare on him. His heart-rate was just a little faster than normal, meaning he could feel it pump inside his own body. 'Stop, please... Someone make her stop' was all he could think about. It was torture to feel her so close, it was getting him anxious. Was he the real freak, at this point? ----------- You found it so amusing. He was clearly tense, but was trying so hard not to make any moves. It kind of reminded you of your cat's passive-aggressive behaviour: when you haven't been home for a long time, he would always act like you were not there, playing on your sense of guilt. Luckily for you, you barely had any. If the game was set on resistence mode, you were absolutely sure of your win. You noticed his mask was left beside him on the desk. 'It may be uncomfortable for him to wear it in that position.' - you thought to yourself - 'Still, I've never seen his whole face. I'm kind of curious'. You were trying to make out his features by watching him closely, when you were suddendly met with his scarlet red eyes. You instinctively gasped and backed out a bit, as he did the same. Were you too close? You hadn't noticed. He quickly put his mask back on, but you had already seen the big scar on his left eye. You were completely undisturbed by it, but guessed he would feel another way, since now he looked offended.
"You're a freak", he told you as he agitatedly walked around the narrow space between the desk and the freezer, covering his face in a hysterical motion.
"What do you want now? I don't have any new experiments to show you"
You stayed silent, analyzing his behaviour. Most of his sentences didn't have sense, but sometimes he was spitting out things like "Am I your experiment?", "Do I look stupid to you?". The fact that you simply being too close had left him in this state was unmistakably abnormal. 'Did I mess up that badly?', you were thinking. He suddendly stopped. Then, taking a deep breath, he turned in your direction and walked past you, grabbing some cigarettes along the way and rushing out. You had noticed how, when he was too stressed, he would just run away from the place he's in. As you were thinking about it, you sat there, trying to figure out what had just happened. After a few moments, you decided to follow him out.
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Hips Don’t Lie
Cassie schemes.  Bart wears a skirt.  Jaime has a crisis.
      The skirt is red and falls to his mid-thigh.  It swishes and flares as Bart turns to inspect his reflection in the changing room mirror.  What had Cassie called it?  An “anime girl” skirt?  It’s a pretty apt description from what little anime Bart’s watched with Jaime.  He grins, enjoying the way the pleats flare as he moves.
      Bart was skeptical when Cassie suggested they go shopping together, but he’s glad he took her up on the offer.  This is really fun!
      He calls over his shoulder, “Alright, I’m ready for you to see!”
      “Hit me,” Cassie replies.
      He steps out of the changing room, “What do you think?”
     Cassie grins at him and claps her hands together, “Damn, boy!  You’re rocking that skirt!”  Her eyes light up, and Bart can practically see the lightbulb go off, “Ooh, I’m gonna get one too!  That way we can match.”
      He grins back at her, “Crash!”
      It is a well-known fact that Cassie Sandsmark is a menace.  In fact, she prides herself on it.  So when she’d seen the way Jaime and Bart look at each other, she couldn’t not get involved.  Of course, she also really does enjoy hanging out with Kid Flash Two: Electric Boogaloo.  The kid’s a hoot, and smart as hell.  They are deffo going shopping together again, no question.
      “Wait here,” she tells him, “I’m gonna give you a rock and roll entrance.”
      Bart grins wickedly at her, “Oooh, are you gonna do your radio announcer voice.”
      “Hell yeah I am, homie,” she says returning his grin with equal fire.  She marches into the living room, where the Outsiders are all lounging on various pieces of furniture.
      “Attention!  Can I get a drumroll please?!” she shouts.  Then, in her best approximation of a 1940′s radio dj, she says, “Please welcome the hottest bitch in town, our very own Bart Allen!”
      Bart jumps out of the doorway, starfishing his arms and legs and jazzing his hands, a sunny grin stretched across his face and his skirt fluttering around his legs.  God he’s adorable, like a fucking puppy this one is.  She just wants to pinch his cheeks, and wow she is turning into her grandma.
      The team’s reactions are all positive, as she’d known they would be.  None of them are assholes, and if they were she’d kick their asses into next week.
      Ed wolf-whistles good-naturedly and Gar gives a big thumbs up, while Virgil nods appreciatively.  Tim shakes his head at their dramatics and Vic raises an eyebrow and quirks his lips, but doesn’t say anything.
      Dr. Jace looks up from her computer, “You both look very nice,” she says, her voice warm.  
      Violet beams at them as well, “Yes, and you are both matching!  That is very nice!”
      Jaime’s reaction is the most satisfying.  He takes one look at Bart and his eyes go wide.  If Cassie’s not mistaken, and she rarely is, then his brown skin is flushed at the cheeks.  She mentally pumps her fist.  Score one for Sandsmark!  We have a blush, people!
      Bart bounds over to his best friend, beaming, “Check it out, her-man-oh!  Cassie took me shopping yesterday!”  He does a little spin, making the skirt flare out around him.  “Isn’t it totally crash?”
      Jaime’s stares at Bart and actually bites his lip.  Cassie doesn’t think he even realizes he’s doing it.  “Oh, wow.  Uh, si, yes, very crash,” he stutters, his accent thickening slightly.
      Cassie smirks.  Her plan is working.
      Jaime feels like his brain is melting.  Bart in a skirt.  Bart in a skirt.  He doesn’t know how to handle this.  The skirt is red and pleated and only reaches Bart’s mid-thigh.  And, ay dios mio, the fucking socks!  They squeeze Bart’s thighs slightly, and Jaime feels like he’s going to overheat.
      “Jaime Reyes,” Khaji Da begins.
      “Shut up,” he hisses at the scarab, “I am so not dealing with you right now!”
      Bart beams at him.  He’s gotten taller in the years he’s been here, tall enough that Jaime has to look up at him.  Dios en el cielo, Jaime thinks, he’s fucking cute.  Then his brain short circuits again because fuck, he thinks Bart is cute.  Fuck, fuck, fuckity-fuck.
     And because the universe hates him personally, Khaji Da chooses that moment to report, “Your vitals indicate that you are experiencing sexual attraction, Jaime Reyes.”
      “Shut up, shut up, shut up!” he thinks desperately.  His ears are burning, and he knows his face is probably beet-red.
      Khaji Da continues, “Reccomended course of action: copulate with the Bart Allen.”
      Jaime makes a strangled, high-pitched noise, his brain coming to a screeching to a halt.  “What the fuck?  No!” he splutters at the scarab, “Gah, shut up, just no!”
      “It is the logical course of action,” it insists.
      He can feel his eye start to twitch, “In what world?!”
     “I do not see why you are so opposed to this.”
     “Because it’s literally the worst possible suggestion ever!”
     “Your hormone levels indicate otherwise.”
     Jaime snaps.  “I am not having sex with Bart!” he shouts.
     “Holy shit,” Gar whispers, and Jaime feels all the blood drain from his face.
     Fuck, he said that out loud.  He said that out loud, with Bart in the room.  This is the worst possible timeline.
     Bart is staring at him, wide-eyed and red-faced.  “What,” the speedster squeaks.
     Nope.  Jaime is not dealing with this.  He is going to find a hole to hide in for the next one hundred years.  He turns around and flees the common room.
     Bart is following him, and Jaime absolutely cannot deal with that conversation right now (or ever), so he throws open the nearest door.  It’s a storage closet, and the irony of that is not lost on Jaime, but beggars can’t be choosers.  Unfortunately, Bart just zips up to him and grabs his arm before he can get the door closed.
      Bart’s cheeks are still bright red, and when they lock eyes Jaime freezes.  Bart opens his mouth to speak, but before he can say anything Cassie shoves them backwards into the closet and shuts the door.  As they tumble to the ground in a tangle of limbs, the click of the lock is a funeral knell to Jaime’s ears.
      Jaime lands on his back with Bart on top of him, warm and solid against his legs.  Bart stares at him.  Jaime stares back.
      “Uh,” he says intelligently.  Bart is practically sitting on his lap, and Jaime silently wills his body not to react.  He’s had enough embarrassement for one day.
      “Hi,” Bart says.  Then, “Your hands are on my waist, Blue.”
     Bart is right.  Jaime had grabbed Bart out of pure reflex when Cassie pushed them and his hands are still clutching Bart’s waist.
     He recoils, “Shit, lo siento, Bart.”
     Bart shrugs, “It’s all crash,” he says easily, like any of this is normal.
     They sit in silence for a few seconds.  “So, ese, you gonna move or what?” Jaime asks, forcing lightness into his voice.
     Bart quirks his lips and rolls off of Jaime’s legs.  The skirt bunches up as Bart moves, and Jaime catches a glimpse of pale thigh.  His face burns, heat rushing down his spine.  He leans against the wall, trying to think of anything other than Bart’s weight in his lap.  Bart’s eyes flicker to him, then away.  Neither of them speak.  Jaime stares determinedly at the ceiling.  The silence is oppressive, and the tension is thick enough to cut with a knife.
     Bart coughs, breaking the silence, “So, uh... Y’wanna tell me what’s going on in that big blue noggin of yours?”
     “No,” Jaime replies curtly.
    “Oh,” Bart says.  He drums his fingers on his thigh, fidgeting.  After a minute, “But, Jaime... What happened with you back there?”
    “Hijo de puta,” Jaime curses.  He should’ve known Bart wouldn’t leave well enough alone.  “I don’t want to talk about it.”
    Bart frowns, “Hey, you’re the one that freaked out and ran.”
    “Yeah, because I didn’t want things to be awkward!” he snaps.
    Bart stares at him, “You didn’t want things to be awkward.  You’re the one that said you wanted to, y’know, with me.  I didn’t do anything!”
    “Ugghh, I did not say that,” he groans, burying his face in his hands, “Madre de dios, that stupid bug.”
     Khaji beeps affrontedly, “I simply stated the obvious.”
    “I am NOT talking to you right now,” he snaps.
    Bart’s horrorified yelp is almost funny, “The scarab wants to do it with me?!”
    Khaji hisses, puffing up in Jaime’s mind like an angry cat, “Organic copulation disgusts me.”
    “Again, not talking to you!” he repeats.  Then, “No, Bart,” he says aloud, “that’s not what it said.”  He grits his teeth, “The scarab thinks I’m attracted to you,” he mumbles from behind his hands.
    Silence.  Complete silence.  Jaime risks a look and sees that Bart’s mouth has fallen open in shock and his eyes are roughly the size of dinner plates.
    “Bart?” he says nervously.  His chest feels funny and he’s panicking, because he does not want to lose his best friend over something as stupid as this.
    Bart blinks at him.  His cheeks are flushed again, and he says, “Would that,” he licks his lips, “Would that really be such a bad thing?”  He looks down, not meeting Jaime’s eyes.
     It’s Jaime’s turn to stare.  “What,” he says flatly.
     Bart’s shoulders hunch, “I just mean,” he starts, then presses his lips together.  “Would that really be so awful?  If you liked me?”
     Jaime’s head is spinning.  This entire day has been one mindfuck after another and he doesn’t know how to handle any of it.  He’s so confused and his insides are twisting themselves into knots.
      “Mierda, Bart, I don’t know,” he says, “I don’t know how I feel about any of it.”  It feels like a confession, though he’s not sure what he’s confessing to.
     Bart bites his lip, brow creased.  His fingers are drumming so fast they’re a blur and in this moment he looks very small.  Jaime wants to reach out, but he doesn’t know how and that scares him.
     Finally, Bart meets his gaze.  His expression is strange, several different emotions clashing behind his eyes.  He crawls up to Jaime, so that they’re nearly nose-to-nose.  His hand comes up to cup Jaime’s cheek, and Jaime stills at the contact. 
     Bart’s words blur together, “CanIjusttrysomething?”  He takes a breath, “Can I just try something?”
     Sparks dance along Jaime’s spine.  Bart’s breath is warm on his face and his hazel eyes are wide and vulnerable.  Jaime doesn’t know what he wants, but Bart is so close and he feels fragile all of a sudden.  He nods, swallowing, and Bart leans in.  Jaime inhales, eyelids fluttering.  Bart’s lips are warm against his own, and he instinctively tilts his head to get a better angle.  Bart makes a soft noise in the back of his throat that does funny things to Jaime’s chest.  
      Khaji Da retreats, skittering deep into his mind and hissing with disgust; Jaime huffs a laugh.
      This is good.  This is really fucking good and he doesn’t want to stop.  His hands settle on Bart’s thighs as the hand cradling his cheek slides up to tangle into his hair.  Bart sucks at his bottom lip, sending jolts of electricity through him.  
      Oh, he thinks, Oh wow.  He gasps, and then Bart’s tongue is in his mouth and both his hands are in his hair and Jaime stops thinking at all.  He growls, pulling Bart into his lap, and the speedster hums approvingly as he slides their tongues together.  Bart’s blunt nails rasp over his scalp as he kisses Jaime with all the wild ferocity of a hurricane.  He’s vibrating in Jaime’s lap and his hands have moved to his waist, sliding up Jaime’s shirt as he mouths at his jaw.
      Jaime pulls back, breaking the kiss with a choked-off moan, “Espera, Bart wait, slow down, por favor chiquito.”  Bart stills, his hands burning like a brand against the skin of his chest.  
      He pulls away and blinks up at Jaime, cheeks flushed and mouth red.  “Totally crash,” he breathes, sounding dazed.  
      Jaime laughs, fondness fizzing in his chest like champagne.  He’s drunk on this, on Bart’s hands on his skin and his smile and the high spots of color on his cheeks; he’s drunk on Bart.  
      Bart grins at him, hazel eyes lighting up, and in that moment he’s brighter than the sun.  “If I’d known this is what would happen, I’d’ve asked Cassie to take me shopping a long time ago,” he teases.
      “Madre de dios,” Jaime mutters and buries his face in his hands, flustered.  Then, “Wait,” he says, hit with a sudden realization, “Cassie fucking planned this,” he hisses and untangles himself from Bart, heading for the closet door.
      “You planned this, didn’t you!” he shouts, banging his fist on the closet door.  “Chica, I swear if you don’t open this door right now-!”  The door swings open to reveal a smug Wonder Girl.
       “I can neither confirm nor deny those accusations, my friend,” Cassie says solemnly.  She peers over his shoulder at Bart and then back at him, takes in Jaime’s rumpled appearance, and smirks, “Hey it worked, didn’t it?”
      Jaime tears at his hair, “That’s not the point!  There were a million different ways you could’ve done this, ones that didn’t involve me embarrassing myself in front of the entire goddamn team!”
      It’s only just now sinking in that Bart’s not the only one who heard his outburst.  Fuck, he’s never gonna live this down, is he?
      “Jaime Reyes,” Khaji Da intones, emerging from its self-imposed exile, “Have you finished your copulation?”
      “Aghhhh!” he shouts, “Que se joda esto, que se joda usted y que se joda su madre, I am leaving!”  He turns to Bart, “You coming, hermano?”
      Bart blinks at him again, “Wait, you want me to come with you this time?”  He’s on his feet and in front of Jaime before he can blink, looking hopeful.
      “Definitely.  I’m not leaving you at the mercy of this menace,” he jabs his thumb over his shoulder at Cassie.  Swallowing his sudden nerves, he continues, “And I was thinking we could maybe go back to my place and...continue where we left off?”
      Bart’s eyes light up, “Oh, absolutely!”  His grin is wicked, promising things that make heat flare in Jaime’s gut.  “Let’s go,” he says, grabbing Jaime’s wrist.
      Jaime doesn’t think he’s ever flown so fast in his entire life.
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youremyheaven · 4 months
Hey! I did wanna chime in about Bella as well (I’m certainly biased because 1. i’m kinda simple and 2. She definitely one of my favorite models out of the unearned successes of this day and age). I think she is most likely a victim of her mother’s abuse and manipulation above anything. I could also be manipulated by her but she was definitely psychologically and mentally abused by her mother and is still attached to her to this day seeking her “love”. I don’t think Bella is like an ariana grande or meghan markle; as someone else said lunar natives can be total victims of manipulation and Bella seems to be mire in that boat imo, especially when she is also a Venusian. I personally can just read it on her face she is being fully sincere; and her mother is genuinely a sick, evil person forcing her daughters to be tools to live vicariously through as models.
Yolanda is not a loving mother at all and favors Gigi because she looks more like herself, Bella has been open about her mother’s mistreatment of her and it is genuinely the root of her problems and troubles. I think that maybe you might not have known what a horrible person yolanda is but she doesn’t deserve either of her children; it’s common knowledge in the U.S. that Bella is a victim of her fucking monstrous, selfish, narcissistic mother and Gigi was simply lucky because she was her mother’s favorite. I don’t doubt that you’re correct on the fake illness but Bella Hadid is not like the others, although I could be wrong as well, but nothing about her is malignant except for her potential deception. Moon natives that are manipulative in the way you’ve described before have a personal gain and are just cold in the face from my observation. They are not that good of actors because they are so selfish and unempathetic (ariana has a babyface and an evil ass spirit and meghan markle is the devil crying about how she keeps creating her own hell) and Bella is the exact opposite. I don’t disagree that Bella needs to have more boundaries (she posts herself crying and sick and in all these painful situations) but I don’t think it’s a manipulation tactic, she is an unequivocal victim of child abuse and undoubtedly current abuse. The only manipulation she might be consciously doing js just trying to get the sympathy and care she has never gotten from a narcissistic mother—AND victims of narcissists pick up the tactics of their abusers if they never get free of those kinds if people. I don’t doubt your theory at all though, the documents are pretty damning but it’s not out of the evil of bella’s heart—she’s one of the only celebrities in the U.S. who has always been unequivocally pro-palestine as a palestinian herself and her character has been nothing but genuine save for the standard model lies about what actually is eaten and “I just had a good workout routine”, Bella has abused herself from the abuse she has suffered from those around her and if you’re still skeptical you can look it up online. It’s actually very sad and depressing.
Yolanda Hadid is a horrible woman. The vitriol should undoubtedly be directed to yolanda, just look up some vids and you’ll see 🤬. I hate that bitch as much as I hate some world leaders. She deserves the worst for what she did/does to her daughters and Gigi luckily did not suffer as much as Bella did, and Bella will keep looking so sad and sick as long as she still values her mother’s “love”. I don’t doubt she’s lying but she doesn’t deserve any hate at all really. She’s a victim not a villain. I notice a lot of moon women have toxic and manipulative mothers, actually. My best friend and my own mother have had horrible relationships with mothers than had no boundaries and wanted complete control of their children. I just wanted to send in the ask because I feel the gun should be rightly loaded and shot but it’s pointed at the wrong target. Yolanda the Mercurial is the problem here, not Lunar Bella.
I am pretty sure I mentioned in my post that I think Bella fully believes that she has whatever she has and I also mentioned in the same post that Moon dominants are easily susceptible to manipulation as they are manipulative. I also criticised Yolanda?? And I also mentioned that Bella & Yolanda probably use their shared Lyme disease as some kind of bonding activity bc it's probably the only time Bella feels like Yolanda cares about her or whatever (which is very sad) so I don't know what you're pointing out that I haven't already mentioned in my post???
I completely understand Bella being a victim of a horribly abusive mother but I also definitely think Bella also loves to be seen as sick and suffering, which given the long history of Yolanda perhaps validating and encouraging that type of behaviour, could make sense.
I have mentioned several times in many asks that I answered about it that I like Bella and just wish she could get actual help so no I don't think she's evil???
Edit: I'm rethinking things and perhaps I've been too harsh on Bella and underestimated the impact of psychological abuse 😮‍💨🥲
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bestbehaviorofficial · 4 months
welcome to my official blog for best behavior— i actually wrote a really real full-length play! i have wanted to make an oc blog for SO long now and i finally just succumbed.
some things to know:
this wip has been in existence since june of 2023, and although it's an extremely slow process i got very attached to the characters.
it's a play. or at least it would be, if it existed. *as of august 22nd, it exists!
it's a dramedy. there are definitely comedy elements and definitely drama elements. it's all about the balance.
more information under the cut!
WHAT IT'S ABOUT: a guy named mack decides to start an entire community in which there are no insecurities. the idea is that there will be hundreds of rules keeping everyone so similar that no problems would even have the opportunity to start. he recruits two others to help him out: michael, his very charismatic bestie, and marissa, who is a really talented receptionist. turns out, they can bend this new community to their will very easily, and with the power of friendship, they make each other worse. i mean better.
CHARACTERS: mack (short for "machiavelli"— he chose that name himself and he's very proud of it): the president of the Fellowship and Brotherhood. he's skittish and anxious, and when he isn't, he's faking it. think of the day where you felt the most insecure. that's every day for this guy. he hates himself to such an extent that it's comedic. literally all he wants is to be normal, and he's not too far off. he worked a basic office job so basic that he wasn't even entirely sure what he did there. then he quit to start this whole Fellowship thing. it's a community free of insecurity, basically. he says it's to help people, to protect people, and such. however, the HUNDREDS of rules he comes up with as the days go by are all just his personal insecurities. so he can get rid of them. and there are a LOT of them. he rewrites his own reality with these rules. things like his height and fashion sense annoy him. things like his sexuality rip him apart.
michael: mack's ride-or-die sidekick & vice president. he's smart and sarcastic and Will be the center of attention if he enters a room, just because that's how he is. he's the best public speaker of the team. he and mack were roommates in college, at Some Prestigious University. since then, michael has been, for lack of better words, obsessed. michael would literally follow mack to the ends of the earth. he himself is not a bad person— he's charismatic and fun to be around, and generally very likable— but he's mack's sidekick first and foremost. even though being gay for the Fellowship's president is VERY MUCH AGAINST THE RULES, michael cannot seem to follow that rule correctly.
marissa: the Fellowship's official secretary. to be blunt: she's a workaholic with no real friends. she worked at the same office job as mack, so she knows how boring life can get. when mack and michael asked her to join their project, she was skeptical, but the prospect of a place where she would be appreciated, plus the bonus of Actual Friends, was too much for her to resist. she's put in charge of running confessional, which is where people go when they break rules. although she's thrilled to have a position of importance, and really wants to make mack & michael happy, hearing about people's problems 24 hours a day weighs on her.
i have a playlist for them so if you want song recs i have quite a few.
it's tempting to say that mack gets no bitches. this isn't exactly accurate. he gets One bitch and ignores it. michael can get bitches but is too hung up on an anxious train wreck. marissa doesn't have time for bitches anyway.
it is absolutely imperative to me that every scene just drips with homoerotic tension
i'm writing when i am physically capable of writing. this is not often. the stars have to align. they're not aligning, but i'm trying my very best. (edit: the stars aligned and now i have a play)
if you've made it this far: thanks :)
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