#official Pokemon food
cupcakedex · 11 months
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Quagsire and Clodsire ice pops by Nuancy2020!
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mirai-e-jump · 1 year
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wildflowercryptid · 8 months
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@PokemonMasters : " Ready for some special Palentine’s Day #PokemonMastersArtwork? 🎨
The massively talented Shibire Katano drew this illustration detailing Victor’s Palentine’s Day outfit! ✨️💖
We’ve included both Japanese and English versions so you can enjoy all the fun notes for both! "
the pokemas twitter & instagram shared this super cute promo art of victor's palentine's day alt, i'd love to see them do more illustrations like this!
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enchantedchocolatebars · 10 months
Here are all my pokemikuween headcanons in one post 😭 😭 😭:
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Official Pairings
1. Miku + Meloetta
2. Miku + Rillaboom
3. Miku + Skeledirge
4. Miku + Primarina
5. Miku + Rotom
6. Miku + Chatot
7. Miku + Lapras
8. Miku + Aurorus
9. Miku + Flygon
10. Miku + Altaria
11. Miku + Jigglypuff
12. Miku + Kricketune
13. Miku + Toxtricity
14. Miku + Mismagius
15. Miku + Obstagoon
16. Miku + Jirachi
17. Miku + Sirfetch’d
18. Miku + Miraidon
My Fanon Pairings
19. Miku + Mew
20. Miku + Togepi
21. Miku + Torchic
22. Miku + Mudkip
23. Miku + Treeko
24. Miku + Skitty
25. Miku + Manaphy
26. Miku + Plusle and Minun
27. Miku + Pachirisu
28. Miku + Piplup
29. Miku + Snorlax
30. Miku + Eevee
31. Miku + Pikachu
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[photograph of Shardy's hand, displaying- proudly, as though it's some kind of trophy- a McDonphan's box of twenty McNuggets]
breakfast for glaceon on the basis that it may have actually saved my actual for real life last night. and it's not even my pokemon
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9823678 · 6 months
【官方】新葉喵、呆火鱷和潤水鴨在《歡迎光臨!寶可夢咖啡店 ~拌拌繽紛趣~》登場!
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niviro-wils · 27 days
Tomas in AU with Pokemon!!!
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•Tomas is a strategist to the core. He carefully analyzes each opponent before the fight, choosing tactics that take into account not only the type of Pokemon, but also the nature of the trainer. His approach is to surprise the opponent with non-standard solutions and unexpected combinations of movements. Unfortunately, sometimes during a fight he is too impulsive and loses for this reason. •For Tomas, not only the strength of his Pokemon is important, but also their emotional state. He often spends time talking to them, checking how they are feeling and what is bothering them. In Shirai Ryu, he is known as a trainer who always puts the welfare of his Pokemon first. •Tomas dreams of one day leading his team to the title of Champion, representing Shirai Ryu on the world stage •Tomas starts every day with a morning workout with his team. He tries to run with them along the route around the Shirai Ryu Academy, then does a little warm-up and hones his fighting moves with his Pokemon. It is important for him to maintain both his and their physical shape in perfect condition. •In his free time, Tomas likes to cook for his Pokemon. He often tries different recipes for food, trying to create the perfect balance of taste and benefits.
•Tomas is proud to be a part of Shirai Ryu. He wears the symbols of the academy on his accessories and clothes, for which he is often called the most important fan of the academy.
•Tomas can't resist cute puppy Pokemon like Growlithe or Rockraff. He hides this weakness, but all his family knows that one puppy look and Tomas will melt.
•His official work uniform looks the same as his uniform in MK1. Tomas still doesn't understand why they have to wear these weird ninja outfits and carry all these fake weapons with them. He often brings it up as a question at dinner, for which he always gets from Kuai Liang a long lecture on how important it is to maintain an image and honor traditions. However, Tomas has never worn a uniform outside of Shirai Ryu. •Tomas has an Alolan Ninetails on his team. This Pokemon was a birthday present for little Smoke from Bi Han, who had just returned from a short vacation on the islands the day before. This gift was the first and last one from his older brother.
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fortuneravine · 2 months
official fortuneravine oc post
so you guys actually know who i'm talking about!! wahoo!!!!
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Team Campfire - Fig (cyndaquil, she/any) + Chive (chikorita, she/her)
fig: not much of a talker, it's hard to get a read on her. her shyness gets read as being cool and mysterious, which she's fine with. content with her pokemon form, but takes a long time to get comfortable in it. has accidentally set more than a few things on fire
chive: much more outgoing than her partner, she does most of the talking for the team. very passionate about food and cooking, she hopes to open a cafe one day. always experimenting with random nuts and berries, with a little help from fig's flames
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Team Obsidian - Mistral (totodile, she/they) + Cinder (vulpix, she/they)
mistral: seemingly has absolutely no sense of danger of self preservation, she's reckless and hardly ever thinks things through. scares the shit out of cinder on a daily basis by doing something stupid. a bit of a self-sacrificial idiot, they get it from grovyle
cinder: anxiety incarnate. absolute wet cat of a fox. she's wanted to be an explorer her whole life, but getting badly injured in a dungeon scared her away from it for a long time. much more calm and confident nowadays, getting dragged into dangerous situations by a certain gator forced her to get over a lot of her fears
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Team Hydra - Ceru (oshawott, she/xe) + Olivine (axew, he/they)
ceru: the funny one. you may know her from my critically acclaimed shitposts. xe's the oshknwott that works at subway. didn't have a whole lot going for xem as a human, she's much happier with her life as a pokemon
olivine: ollie to his friends. absolute guy. kind to a fault. he loves to feel useful and help other pokemon, to the point they forgets to look after themself. loves his friends and will fight anyone who is mean to them
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The Rapids- Mistral (totodile, she/they) + Basil (riolu, they/them)
mistral: yeah the same guy from team obsidian. don't ask me how that works in lore, i don't know. this version is a bit younger
basil: let's hear it for kids with Problems!!!! they're around 12 years old, with all the accompanying issues that come with being around 12 years old. they tend to come off as overly enthusiastic or annoying, they really struggled to make friends until mist came along. they put on a brave face, but they've got hella insecurities
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casualsnickers · 14 days
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back at it again with another ref sheet that required an arm, a leg, my soul, and an unhealthy amount of references to make. it's for my pmd rrt/brt/ dx partner character, mangrove.
there's a ton of info that the sheet references but doesn't fully explain so i'll add it below in case anybody is interested
mangrove's ability may be sheer force but the only thing you'll want to 'force' is his head through drywall. he's such a brat. he was a major bully as a child and since nobody put him in his place, he grew up and evolved into an adult that knows his strength and knows exactly how to 'push' people in the right direction to get them to do what he wants even if that means getting somebody else's hands dirty. and nobody can do anything about it. fun.
mangrove is the son of high-ranking officials within the exploration federation; he's a nepo baby and he's proud of it. mangrove only ever established an exploration team as a coverup of 'collecting' items in dungeons and selling them to the kecleon brothers for ludicrous prices under threat of shutting down their business if they fail to comply. it's mostly the same thing for the rest of the merchants in pokemon square.
he formed a team with the hero character simply figuring out that he could use their amnesia for his own personal gain by making them do all the fighting for him under the guise of 'teaching' them. bonus points if the hero character eventually gains a dependence on him for knowledge, shelter, and food. he may not know much about humans or cryptic visions, but he does know how long certain pokemon can survive without food or water... do with that information what you will.
he's also known for being particularly violent in the theme of socially harassing and embarrassing people who piss him off but most of the time, he resorts to petty blackmail or extortion to get his dues; very rarely does he resort to physical violence unlike what the 'brass knuckle' objects on his hands might suggest. and fighting him is like trying to force your bare hand through concrete; he's got solid physical stats across the board and he equipped a detect band so that enemy hits rarely land. not to mention the fact that he's also a poison-type and the quills along his back detach. going for a blow should probably not be your first option when dealing with this monster.
despite his horrible reputation (literally nobody likes him) and nasty personality, mangrove does care about the people he uses including the hero character. he'd be loathe to lose one of his most prized (and skilled) possessions and as he would see it, having somebody in his corner is more important than any fancy jewel. he'd never say that out loud though.
*just to be specifically clear about his variant, it's a tropical sea variant from a region somewhat close to unova. this guy has the most stereotypical boston accent, it's ridiculous.
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cupcakedex · 1 year
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The Osaka Pokemon Center DX Cafe will feature an exclusive menu item, Meowth’s Shrimp and Avocado Chirashi Rice!
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leggerefiore · 5 months
cw: pokehybrid au,
characters: Cyrus, Grimsley
🌌Gyarados Cyrus General HCs🛰
☄️ A terrifying hybrid that is rarely spotted near the shores, but a sight nonetheless that can be seen. His body is decently fit despite the appearance his face may portray otherwise. Fins cover where his ears should be and barbels come to the sides of his mouth. Scales naturally cover his body and even more as his Gyarados fishtail comes closer to the meeting point at his waist. He is unmistakably a hybrid, which irritates him further. Sharp teeth are rarely seen due to his constant frown, but are easily able to ravish and destroy. A blue crest sits on his forehead and makes his rage seem more obvious while four sharp dorsal fins travel down his back.
☄️ The rage from his pokemon species truly does burn inside him, but he works tirelessly to suppress it. Emotions… Cyrus still does not enjoy them, nor does he wish to indulge any kind of feeling to cloud his judgement. Though, he can never truly admit he is not entirely above the violence of a Gyarados. His human part screams for dominance and usually wins, at least. He lives alone out in the waters, having grown up in the difficult blue around him. The torment he suffered in his youth left a hard imprint on his character.
☄️ His difficult upbringing came from neither of his parents wanting the annoyance that came with raising a Magikarp hybrid. Granted, their relationship had been one of arrangement and not of any minor affection. Their will was pressed on him from day one. He would never meet their expectations despite always reaching their goals. It was part of the reason he bid any life on the land a farewell to live in the ocean. Humanity society simply was not something that he had been made for. It became more and more obvious as Cyrus grew older.
☄️ Though, he did not live a life of isolation on land. People had grown to respect him and gather around him. They had been in denial when he suddenly rejected everything. Many came to the beach he had departed from to call for him or leave offerings. From a distance, he often spotted them waiting in the uniforms that he expected to go abandoned. None, but one who did not wear that uniform drew him to the shore. Unconscious memories of previous years haunted him as he swam towards the world of humans again.
☄️ Cyrus had fallen in love – as foolish as that would seem. A single human who had shown him kindness, no matter how useless that he was perceived as a Magikarp and then into his adulthood as a Gyarados. Embarrassing moments of mating behaviours unconsciously occurred. Offerings of food, mating dance displays, and general protective behaviours came from him. He might have almost entirely less threatening on land, but most fell to his glare and obviously aggressive body language.
☄️ A confession almost felt strange from you when he believed that it was simply understood that you both were in a relationship. You had accepted all of his demonstrations, after all. The official start truly changed almost nothing. Food and other various items were still unconsciously gifted to you. Open affection and sharing a “den” were new, however. It was enjoyed nonetheless. Being properly mated seemed to relieve his unfortunate instincts that try to dictate his life. You do end up with a few bite marks from more intimate moments despite his best attempts to resist, however. In rarer moments, he curls his tail around you both almost like a serpent, leaving you lounged in the middle on his chest while he grips you lightly. It almost always occurs when he is half-asleep, unfortunately.
☄️ Then, he tried to enact his plans. A plan to make a new world. One without the horrible, incomplete spirit that mocked him. Perhaps even more – one where he is human and not grasped and limited by this unfortunate life state. Yet, just as everything seemed to come together, it fell apart within an instant. His new world was denied, and he felt as if he had lost everything. The ocean's siren call was all that he had left as he entered the waters and opted to leave behind the world of humans altogether. It seemed as his only option. Yet, you returned. Your harsh words about his plans had been the only thing that nearly stopped him, alongside your leaving. Cyrus felt something nearly electric when your hand rested on his cheek as he rose out of the water. Your words were a sweeter song than that of the ocean.
☄️ Cyrus belatedly made a return to the world he once rejected at your side. Those who previously idolised him rejoiced, yet all he wished was to be with you, his beloved mate. Perhaps his isolation had made him desperate, or maybe the supposed latent dragon in Gyarados genetics made him as weak as a dragon type towards a mate, but he dared not separate from you in such a manner again. This woeful world was still disgustingly incomplete, yet a strange peace reigned in his mind when he was with you. For now, Cyrus would relent and let himself have this peace. And you could have your pseudo-dragon fish-man boyfriend back.
♠️Sharpedo Grimsley General HCs❤️
♤ Sharpedo hybrids are often feared as savage creatures that would attack anyone who enters waters where they reside – just as their pokemon counterparts in that fact. Grimsley supposed his appearance would turn away most sane ocean lovers. The razor-sharp teeth in his mouth that would regrow even if he lost one would turn most away if not by the eerie eyes that he had would glow in the dark. Or the speed in which his powerful tail would let him swim. Though, his lack of scars certainly might either comfort or concern someone depending on their level of knowledge of Sharpedos. Was he a more passive so-called bully of the sea, or simply so aggressive and quick that no attacks had been landed on him? It was a risk for whomever had ended up in the ocean with him.
♡ Grimsley does prefer a more passive approach to living up to the bully title. Mental torment did seem more effective than a straight-up attack on someone. If a boat got too close, he would follow silently, not daring to actually attack. This was often more efficient on chasing people away from his territory. Other Sharpedos, either hybrid or pure pokemon, also feared him and clearly understood his domination over the area he claimed. A nice thrill could be enjoyed if someone did challenge him, though. His risks appear to get more and more dangerous when it comes to prey, however. He finds it too boring to always go after safe hunts and tries to go after various pokemon that he likely should not be hunting.
◇ The land does attract him effortlessly. Humans linger foolishly, completely unaware of who might be watching them. It was fun to test how close he could get before someone noticed him. People would scramble to get away as worries about more dangerous hybrids lurking around spread. Grimsley chuckled. Truly, he had no intention of attacking humans. The hybrid knew far better than that. Of course, those who remained despite his presence caught his attention the most. Many were usually Sharpedo fanatics who knew better than to think one would come too far onto land, but some truly found him in general interesting. A certain human in the latter group had caught his attention entirely.
♧ You approached the hybrid as he sat just too close to the shore. A conversation soon started about what he was actually doing. His explanation almost made you laugh. Your remark about the bully title seeming apt finally made him grin. The both of you continued to chat, much to the clear distress of the few others on the beach. Grimsley decided that you were a human that he liked by the time when you both finally parted. Your apparent bravery or apathy about what he was oddly refreshing compared to the usual fear or excitement that seemed to follow.
♤ It was strange how his feelings began to change with your visits to him. At first, curiosity about you and a slight interest in finding what made you tick had become more about genuinely getting to know you. His familiarity with the human world clearly intrigued you in turn. It became a weird trade-off with information. He would ask you something and then answer your own question in turn. At some point, an urge to bite you – not to hurt or kill – entered his mind. A visible mark that connected you to him. Before he could warn you of this, opting to give you an alert to ward of any possible accident, you confessed your interest in him. For once, you had caught him unawares.
♡ A relationship between a human and an aquatic hybrid was never something easy, but Grimsley had a point of reference at least. You visited him whenever you could while he debated if he should venture back onto the land. The Sharpedo hybrid easily gave you fast tours of the waters he roamed. Something pulsed him in him as you held his dorsal fin for a grip during these speed-filled swims. At some point, the urge to bite you truly became too much. He warned you of it properly this time, but you actually seemed interested in letting him. You once again had him back against the wall in confusion. A mark on your body proved your relationship with the hybrid. A tooth was even gifted to you out of it, too. Grimsley is not sure if the tooth necklace or bite mark makes him more smug.
◇ His ventures onto land seem to be more risky. He has no capability for easy movement, yet an apparent connection to get a wheelchair was had by him. You opted not to think too much about his ability to breathe air. His fondness and familiarity towards casinos were also something you opted against questioning. He was apparently related to someone who was previously within high society, which meant he got along quite well despite the general sentiment about hybrids – especially more vicious ones like himself. You found yourself enjoying time endlessly with him, no matter if you were on land or sea.
♧ Overall, your relationship with the Sharpedo hybrid is quite pleasant and exciting. He is an oddity wherever he is, with more of a love of thrills than anything else sporadically. But, the black-haired man truly does like you, no matter how odd he acts. You learn many things about the waters off Undella with him and how to play most card games. There are some hiccups due to his rigidity and limitations on land, but his time in the ocean more than makes up for that.
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nekoanything · 9 months
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Me or her —- it’s up to you.
I believe that choosing these two leaders was something that everyone had a hard time with. (including me) because if you have to choose someone, you have to choose adaman or irida.
This scene is an important scene because choosing adaman or irida means choosing which legendary pokemon to catch first.
It's not very difficult to decide. if you want to catch dialga first choose adaman or if you want to catch palkia first choose irida but if I like both characters can I choose two 😂😂😂😂
I really like adaman's Japanese lines. I will translate these two people's lines. There is a comparison between the Japanese and English chapters.
I will start with irida first and adaman last.
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わたしだよね!(watashida yo ne!)
it’s me, right!
irida uses the pronoun 私 (watashi) written in kanji, わたし(watashi) written in hiragana.
**The writing method is different, but the reading and meaning are the same. It means I in Japanese. Mostly women use it to represent themselves**
バサギリを鎮めるとき (basagiri o shizumeru toki)
材料となる好物を持つてきたし (zairyo to naru kōbutsu o motsute kitashi)
ともにシズメダマをつくったよ!(tomoni shizumedama o tsukutta yo!)
We use favorite food ingredients as ingredients to calm basagiri(kleavor). We made this balm together!
**There's not much difference between irida's Japanese and English dialogue.**
バサギリ (basagiri) Japanese name for kleavor
シズメダマ (shizumedama) Japanese name for balm
The main characters Rei and Akari are called irida in Japanese with the ending さん(SAN).
The Japanese name for irida is カイ(kai). irida is always called カイさん(kai-san).
Irida in Japanese, the names of the main characters Rei and Akari always end in さん(SAN).
Rei's name in Japanese is テル(teru). Rei will be called テルさん(teru-san).
Akari's name in Japanese is ショウ(Shou). Akari will be called ショウさん(shou-san).
さん(san) means Mr. , Ms. , Mrs. or Miss and can be used with both first and last names , suffix which shows respect
This word is used to refer to the names of people who are not close to each other. This word is quite formal, such as a boss calling his subordinates. Or when they first met and they weren't close yet, etc. Normally, Japanese people call each other by their last names. The last name comes before the first name. But in the same company, there are many people with the same last name. Sometimes you have to call them by their first name or position or department. So that we will understand that it is the same person who is talking about this.
さん(san) = used to refer to someone who is older than you. , people who are not close friends, people who just met It's an official word.
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オレにするよな (ore ni suru yo na)
Choose me, right.
adaman uses the pronoun to refer to himself. オレ(ore) means "I" in Japanese. Mostly used by men in place of themselves (very impolite, used only with close friends). But it's a word that Japanese male teenagers like to use with their friends.)
あんたが吹いている (anta ga fuite iru)
カミナギのふえをゆずったのは誰だ? (kaminagi no fue o yuzutta no wa dareda?)
目の前にいる色男だぜ (me no mae ni iru iro otoko da ze)
Who was the first person to give you that Celestica Flute to play?
It's the handsome young man in front of you.
**There's not much difference between adaman's Japanese and English dialogue**
カミナギのふえ (kaminagi no fue) Japanese name for Celestica flute.
adaman calls the main character あんた(anta), meaning you (it's an informal word and should be used with people who are close to each other) Abbreviated from the word あなた(anata) meaning you (it's a formal word In general, you call people not close to. or people who don't know each other if necessary)
The main characters Rei and Akari are called adaman with the ending さん(SAN) in Japanese.
The name adaman in Japanese is セキ(seki). adaman is always called セキさん(seki-san).
adaman in Japanese, only the name of the main character is called without the ending.
Rei's name in Japanese is テル(teru). Rei will be called テル(teru).
Akari's name in Japanese is ショウ(shou). Akari will be called ショウ(shou).
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Image sources
English uses strapping young man.
Japanese uses 色男(iro otoko).
The word "handsome" or "cool" is often used using the word いい男 (ii otoko), which has a rather broad meaning, meaning it can be both a handsome man, good looks, good taste, and may include social status such as a good family background and a good career. or have wealth, etc.
But adaman uses 色男(iro otoko), which is a synonym. It means the handsomeness, sexiness, charm that exists directly in that man. which comes from kabuki drama (Ancient dramas in which all actors are performed by men) are 二枚目(nimaime) , 色男 (iro otoko) , 男前 (otokomae)
**But I will only explain the word 色男 (iro otoko).**
色男 (iro otoko) handsome young man, fragrant young man, sexy guy
色男 (iro otoko) refers to a man who is handsome, good-looking, charming, sexy, and "flirtatious."
The word 色 (iro) in Japanese Often used to refer to the relationship between men and women. Or an affair, so if you talk about 色男(iro otoko) , it usually has the meaning of being a flirtatious man, a lascivious man.
色男 (iro otoko) = handsome, good-looking, charming, sexy, a charming man who is very attractive to women.
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seki-san is iro otoko.
I like that adaman knows himself to be a handsome, sexy guy.
(But he's really a handsome young man, so hot because he's an attractive person for both men and women.)
**He is a handsome, charming and sexy guy.**
**He's not a flirt. Don't misunderstand!!!!**
Who game developer came up with this role for adaman, I love it, dammit. 💯💯💯💯💯 💯💯💯💯💯
Can it be considered information? I don't know. But what I do know is that it's my personal preference. 😂😂😂
I wrote quite a long one. I hope you're not bored with me first. If I provide incomplete information or provide incorrect information you can tell me! or you can exchange ideas with me.
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queerdraws · 11 months
⚔️👒 Zolu Playlist 👒⚔️
28 songs Full tracklist, selected lyrics, n writeup below cut
(Contains: The Happy Fits, PUFFY, Illuminati Hotties, Paramore, The Shins, The Orion Experience, Best Coast, Utada Hikaru, etc) (+a couple songs absorbed from ao's zolu playlist)
1. The Shins - Simple Song Mixed POV, Zoro being recruited by Luffy. ... You sure must be strong And you feel like an ocean being warmed by the Sun // My life in an upturned boat Marooned on a cliff You brought me a great big flood And you gave me a lift // I know that things can really get rough When you go it alone Don't go thinking you gotta be tough To bleed like a stone Could be there's nothing else in our lives so critical As this little hole?
2. Slow Pulp - Cramps Zoro POV, vibing with being a pirate, actually. realizing he's a lot like Luffy / they have a lot in common. Wants to protect his crew. Part of a family now. But also specifically drawn to Luffy, drawn along with Luffy. Has a nice confident, grungy, fighty vibe. ... Be a better lover, I know that I'm a runner Oh no, I think I've become her There's nothing better than being the protector Out of a routine, the only one I've ever seen I wanna be a foolproof machine There's nothing better, wanna be like Heather I'll take anything That you wanna give But I want everything Everything
3. PUFFY - Friends Forever Mixed POV, perfectly in sync. friends forever. big adventuring vibe. facing the world together. slight nod to whiskey peak. sidenote: it's really annoying to find this song on youtube without scooby doo noises playing over it (official music videos my beloathed...) the "pokemon and their trainers" (...gijinkas) video is the best one for my region at least. ... Just when I thought I had to make it alone You were right there by my side Making a stand holding my hand the way you do There to remind me of a "me and you" When I'm with you all my fear disappears Like if I reach, I touch the sky You've got my back, pick up my slack when I can't see But nothing picks me up like knowing we'll be Friends forever Face whatever Friends forever Yay! we're never gonna be apart You and me, we are so oddly the same The way we think, the way we play Right from the start, so off the charts, about this thing But we didn't know at first that we were making Friends forever Bound together Friends forever Yeah! We'll always be there Oh yes, there also can be times that get rough And all that can be said is "sorry" That we were wrong and said some meaningless stuff And we'll go on together, through any nasty weather Yeah
4. Illuminati Hotties - Sandwich Sharer Luffy POV - flippant & happy vibe. but also visceral, grungy, fighty. kissing. sharing food. "you thought i was bleeding but that's just my spit!!". ... Restarted kissing You said "I'm dreaming" I couldn't stop from laughing Cause it's the realest thing I ever did Taking our clothes off Painting on rooftops Sit back on shingles in the shade, I bare my teeth at future fake outs we had coming Drooling tomato sauce, to make it look legit You thought i was bleeding but that's just my spit Sandwich sharer Unprepared for What comes after this Take the big half I will bite back What you won't finish Until we're finished
5. The Happy Fits - Sailing Zoro POV oops catching feelings for a friend ... My body's achin' My ship's left the shore Your eyes are waiting My knees on the floor And it's been so long Since I had a friend And it's been so long Why can't we just pretend? And I feel your laughter Your warm, open stare And I'm chasing after Somethin' that isn't there
6. The Pillow Queens - Favourite idk just vibes "tell me i'm your favorite" + "i'm being so normal" ... i’ve got no reason to be feeling like you’re mine for the next four seasons let it die, let it die i can’t help hoping that you think i’m really nice want some brief hand holding on the sly, on the sly hey you can say it, i’m your favourite hey you can say it, i’m your favourite
7. The Beths - Warm Blood Luffy POV - Zoro is warm and good feelings. Not "you make me feel protected", but "you are a raincoat". Feels very Luffy. "you really get me" ... Nothing makes me feel like this Nothing makes me feel like this Nothing but you Nothing but you My head is hanging from the roof I'm floating all about the room Because of you Because of you I wanna bask in the rays of the way I feel right now (Ooh oooh) I wanna bask in the rays of the way I feel right now (Ooh warming up my blood) You are a raincoat, you are a zeppelin flight You are a bonfire burning a three dog night You are an isle of calm on a stormy sea You really get, you really get You really get me I wanna be here when you call Pick up the phone and I would fall in love with you In love with you
8. MONKEY MAJIK - Around the World Mixed POV. During timeskip. Counting down the days until we can see eachother again. We'll change the world, make it better, we're training to make that happen. sidenote: the mixed eng/jpn version of this song is my favorite and the one i'm referring to here ... Every night I look to the skies And wonder what we did Always a naive point of view that breaks us in the end If I could find the meaning of it all I’d take the chance Maybe in time We’ll walk the mile and change it if we can It’s now and always (How did we get this far,did we get this far now) Always (We’re making a brand new start, just a brand new start now) Always (Nothing will hold me down, never hold me down now) Always (Wave goodbye to me!) Around the world 新しいことに(with the power to) Around the world 踏み出す力で(step forward to something new) Around the world 世界は変わる(I'll change the world) But don’t run away ’cause if it’s not OK! I’ll change that world Into something better honey!
9. Natalie Holmes - Hideout Zoro POV, Luffy brings light to all those around him, reawakens ppls dreams and leads his crew in to a beautiful inspiring new life :') ... Under the stars, out in the elements If there's no room, there are no elephants When you speak the waves are radiant You've got a face that softens every muscle in my body I’ve never needed all these things to feel whole Something familiar in the love that you provide (And now) I’ve got an empty hideout cause I don't need to hide now The wind can blow out the candle, cause I'm certain I can't fall You've got a face that softens All of the glass I’ve trodden Now I’ve got an empty hideout I don’t need to hide now I don’t need to Something in your love makes everything light up We don’t say a word although we want to Your heart was on the line now suddenly it’s mine There’s something in your love Something in your love Something in your love, in you love
10. Daft Punk - Digital Love just vibes. dreaming. dancing together. having fun. ... Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside you And it looked like everyone was having fun The kind of feeling I've waited so long Don't stop, come a little closer As we jam the rhythm gets stronger There's nothing wrong with just a little little fun We were dancing all night long The time is right to put my arms around you You're feeling right, you wrap your arms around too But suddenly I feel the shining sun Before I knew it this dream was all gone Ooh, I don't know what to do About this dream and you I wish this dream comes true Ooh, I don't know what to do About this dream and you We'll make this dream come true Why don't you play the game? Why don't you play the game?
11. Mitski - Stay Soft Mostly just like the bridge "open up your heart like the gates of helllll". But feels more like Zoro POV (thirsty). And touches a little the communication issues these two have ... Fury, pure and silver You grip it tight inside Like a knife, it glints in your eye It's why I've arrived, your sex god Here to take you where You need to go, to where the dark remembers you Open up your heart Like the gates of Hell // I am facedown on my bed Still not quite awake yet Thinking of you, I tuck my hand under my weight Just tell me what you want to do Tell me what you want to burn away 'Cause I could be your stoker
12. Air Traffic Controller - You Know Me Mixed POV. You know me! Perfectly in tune. ... You know me You know everything about me now My heart is in your hands, and you know you could break it But wouldn't you rather make me sing like this? You know me I try to find some good in everything Since you came along, somehow this got easy 'Cause all you wanna do is please me, my love This could be a roller coaster But we're gonna make the most of it Whether on top, or we're going down, you know me You know me (I know you) And how I get when I'm uncomfortable If I'm too hot, or cold Tired, bored, or hungry I'm fine when you're around me, boy And you know me I've never been on time for anything I do apologize, I know it's such a bother I promise to try harder for you, girl, oh I will
13. The Orion Experience - Honeysuckle Kisses Luffy POV. Desires filed away in a very Luffy way "All I want is all my wishes, and I've love to have your honeysuckle kisses". Romance as an afterthought to the great big adventure. ... They say we're crazy, completely insane I don't give a damn, I think we're fascinating We keep it moving and riding this train They can stop and stare But I don't care Oh, they just can't see who we are You and I, yeah We belong to the stars No matter how they try They won't tear us apart All I want is all my wishes And I'd love to have your honeysuckle kisses All I need to fulfill my bliss is Is your honeysuckle, honeysuckle kisses That's what I want
14. The Happy Fits - Around and Around Zoro POV, Pre-relationship, unsure about what's happening due to poor communication. Things are coming to a boiling point. And also "I could see the world with you" - be by your side forever, go on adventures. Do you want that? Do I? Will you have me? ... I don't know what I'm seeing, when the world keeps spinning around my eyes I think I lost my meaning Just another day to survive And I can't keep thinking about it, keep thinking about it Can't be still anymore No, there's nothing so simple about it, nothing simple about it Can't be still anymore I can't be still anymore I can't be still anymore I'll go 'round and around Go 'round and around with you No, don't slow me down No, don't slow me down, will you? And I could see the world with you And I could see the world with you
15. Paramore - Proof Mixed POV, during timeskip. They're apart. Missing eachother. Believe in you, ride or die. So strong! They'll meet up again, even stronger than before. ... It's really hard I can't cry in your arms 'cause you're not here It's not your fault, and if it was, I wouldn't care My heart is bigger than the distance in between us I know it 'cause I feel it beating So strong, it'll knock you down So strong, so strong Over here I can count the miles away from where I wanna be I bet your skin is warm and that you're smiling Yeah, that's what I always loved the most about you So strong, come and knock me down Hey! Baby, if I'm half the man I say I am If I'm a woman with no fear just like I claim I am Then I'll believe in what you say There's nothing left for you to do The only proof that I need is you
16. Utada Hikaru - Chikai (aka zolu "wedding" song. Primarily Zoro POV, making oaths, matching rings, liking someone so much it makes you feel uncool, waaaaaaauughhhhghgh😭) ... I don’t know about fate But this time I have to accept that it exists // Today is a day without lies It's a perfect day for making an eternal vow Don't need pretty flowers or witnesses Let’s wear rings of the same color // What I say now isn't borrowed words It’s not a promise, it’s an oath I can’t go back to being a liar Let’s wear rings the color of the morning sun Let’s dance with our hearts pounding Let’s celebrate being alive in this moment // Kiss me once, kiss me twice Give yourself to me Let’s listen to sound of the sun rising, side by side Let’s swear to live our lives together
17. Best Coast - When I'm with You Mixed POV ... The world is lazy But you and me We're just crazy So, when I'm with you, I have fun Yeah, when I'm with you, I have fun // I hate sleeping alone
18. Gerard Way - No Shows Pre-relationship. Not wanting to be tied down, but also being drawn in to it anyway, idk. ... Been weeks I been living And your smiles are giving me All types of treble Weak knees I been given And those nights are making me Star-struck and metal Stay free, don't go 'Cause we don't need no Try to be living as your vice And can you be my type? 'Cause we need to be given a good life And can I be your type of metal? Stay free, don't go 'Cause we don't need no shows
19. VUKOVI - Colour Me In Mixed POV - Follow you anywhere, die for you, we're one together (you're mine you're mine you're mine!) ... All I am And even more I'll give it to you Couldn't count All the ways That I'd die for you We are one We are whole And I'll go with you Breathing out, breathing in And I loved you again // Where you go, oh, I'll follow Through our bodies in the dark We want it and it's perfect With you in my arms Where you go, oh, I'll follow Through our bodies in the dark You're mine You're mine You're mine Mine
20. Opus Orange - It's What I Do Mixed POV - just vibes. I feel like it describes them but can't explain it ... every time you look for me you know i think i might disappear every time i look for you i know the bright lights interfere ‘cause i’m not the kind that’s so easy to find when you’re looking for me you’re not the kind with the salt water eyes at the bottom of the sea so take my hand we are the blind leading the blind no i don’t have a plan so let’s go where the sea meets the sky now we're gonna float away everything i want to say to you gets washed away downstream everything i want to give to you is a shade of blue or green i’m not the kind to draw straight lines in the desert sand you’re not the kind with peace of mind and a gun in your hand
21. Illuminati Hotties - Toasting Primarily Luffy POV. Just vibes. Short and sweet, flippant and reckless. They cause descruction and just laugh it off, and move on. ... Toasting a Pop-Tart And thinking of you There's a lot I'd rather do Instead I'm biting my lip And I'm biting yours too 'Til the blood tastes like chocolate goo Our bodies Are twirling The kitchen is burning When we both choke down the ashes You mention you're bored I guess I could've toasted more
22. The Happy Fits - Sweet Things Mixed POV after the end of their journey, pirate king and worlds greatests swordsman continue sailing together forever ... So tell me three things, three words that you know about me I'll say, I'll say "won't you come with me, baby?" Nothing lasts forever It's only now or never Tell me sweet things, sweet things that you know about me I'll say, I'll say "won't you bury me, baby? Underneath our loving forever" Don't you take me, take me all the way and then erase me I could be the one if you stay here Underneath our loving forever So take me home Well you say that nothing matters Well you said that nothing mattered except when I'm here with you Does it feel right? (Does it feel right?)
23. The Black Keys - Go Narrator POV - The two boys growing old sailing together ... There comes a time, two hearts of gold Leave together, run forever on the open road They gotta go oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh They gotta go oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh In the winter time, when the day is long You're halfway there, the field is bare And the fire is gone Are you all alone? Are you feeling cold? Find your flame, call her name, and hit the road
24. PUFFY - Love so Pure Mixed POV - love so sure. two people perfectly suited for eachother from the start. mutual trust. soulmates. :) ... I was his from the momentthe we first met From our solo to duet, it took no time Call it fate Or just two hearts magnetized But I never felt so high Since he's been all mine We've got a love so pure, yes a love so sure The kind of love you hold so tight We've got a love so pure, yes a Love so sure The kind of love that lasts a girl for life! With a kiss I can't resist on turn away All I want is him to stay, it's paradise With out a word Nothing heard me say so much With a look or silent touch I know we'll bе all right
25. Tegan and Sara - BWU Mixed POV - don't need to follow conventions to prove their love. ... I love you I don't need a ring to Prove that you're worthy You're under my skin It's easy I don't need a lock to Prove that you trust me I walk the walk To be with you Just to be with you Oh, to be with you Just to be with you Save your first and last dance for me I don't need a white wedding Save your first and last born for me We don't need a white wedding All the girls I loved before Told me they signed up for more Save your first and last chance for me 'Cause I don't want a white wedding
26. IRONTOM - Partners Just what it says on the tin. They're partners. lol ... Partners, we're partners We're partners, we're partners
27. Ashley Eriksson - Arguably Mixed POV - idk, vibes ... Sometimes I wish I was talkin' to you 'Cause you know everybody that I do You would hear my story, and you would agree We are always right on, you and me And you can always count on my company On and on and on, endlessly We're all loving creatures of the same decree But we've got one up on them don't we? Don't we? Arguably, don't we?
28. Animal Collective - The Purple Bottle Luffy POV. Frantic. Explosive big feelings. Can't stop talking --about Zoro to other people, and to Zoro about anything (sometimes i'm talkitive and you're not talkitive, I know...). And idk, the vibes. "purple" as a metaphor for sensuality, feels playful and lovely. But the end of this song really drags on so it's at the end of the playlist lol. ... I've gotta big big big heart beat, yeah! I think you are the sweetest thing I wear a coat of feelings and they are loud I've been having good days Think we are the right age to start our own peculiar ways? With good friendly homes // Sometimes you're quiet and sometimes I'm quiet, (Hallelujah!) Sometimes I'm talkative and sometimes you're not talkative, I know // And my dear dear dear Khalana I talk too much about you Their ears are getting tired of me singing all the night through Lets just talk together You and me and me and you And if there's nothing much to say Well, silence is a bore. // Can I tell you that you are the purple in me? Can I call you just to hear you would you care? When I saw you put your purple finger on me There's a feeling in your bottle Found your bottle, found your heart Gives a feeling from your bottled little part
Aaaand that's all of it! Thanks for reading :)
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
Wait, you haven’t done a review of regular pikachu? Will you?
Have you reviewed raichu?
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(Ironically I have literally reviewed every part of the Pikachu line except for Pikachu itself. Review links: Pichu, Raichu, Alolan Raichu, Pichu and Pikachu forms)
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Pikachu is such an iconic design that it's actually hard to approach it from a normal standpoint, given how heavily ingrained it is in both Pokemon as a brand and modern culture. I'm more of a Raichu person myself, but Pikachu is obviously a pretty great 'mon on its own.
Originally, the creators actually intended Clefairy to be the mascot, but I think they made the right choice in going with Pikachu instead. What makes Pikachu work is that it has simple but very clear visuals—those red cheeks and black-tipped ears pop instantly, to the point where only its head can be used as an icon and it will be recognizable. Clefairy doesn't really have a single visual element like that. Pikachu also manages to be cute but not to the point wherein you can't see this thing battling, which is an important balance that i don't think Clefairy achieves as much.
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In terms of said visuals, the lightning-bolt tail helps communicate the typing immediately and is a fun twist on a squirrel's tail (and yes, Pikachu is partially based off a squirrel, as confirmed by its designer Atsuko Nishida.) Likewise, the red cheek pouches pop instantly and play off of the idea of rodents storing food in their cheeks by having it store electricity instead. The brown stripes on its back help to fill the space in the backsprite and keep it from being too plain, and the little :3 face is always a winner as well.
Obviously I wouldn't actually change anything about the design, but if I were to be hyper nitpicky the way I usually am, the brown gradient at the base of the tail might've made more sense as a black tip, to match the ears. (Ironically, apparently a lot of people actually do misremember it being like this, though I'm not one of them). You could even make the brown back stripes black for contrast. But yeah, overall, very effective design even if it wasn't the face of the franchise.
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And no Pikachu review would be complete without talking about the OG fat Pikachu design. Originally Pikachu was supposed to be more of a mochi pastry than a rodent, and some of that roundness was retained in Pikachu's early designs. Over the years, it was slimmed down to make it easier to animate. (It also had a white underbelly, though I actually like dropping this, as it gives more of a sense of progression to Raichu.)
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While I do love the original design, I do think slimming it down a bit doesn't hurt anything, and making the tail shorter and wider makes it stand out more. I think sometimes it can get too slim in modern media, but the official art shown above feels like a good weight.
Thankfully, we get to have our cake and eat it too, as Pikachu's g-max design is a throwback to the original sprite. This is both a clever concept and feels appropriate for the g-max theme of "thing, but really big". There are a few obvious changes—most notably the tail, which has been lengthened far beyond what it originally was and is now all-white with a yellow outline, to look more lightning-y. It also has an extra stripe and bigger cheeks to better balance the space.
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I'm not sure making the tail white adds all that much, but making it longer makes it so the g-max clouds can swirl around it like a storm, and I think that's pretty neat.
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So overall, iconic Pokemon that deserves its status as series mascot. Don't think I need to say any more.
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omg-a-wild-td-fan · 1 year
Total Drama Island 2023 Headcanons (Mall Jobs)
Priya is employee of the month every single month at her job, though she switches jobs practically every single month. She’s stellar at her job, whatever it may be, but gets bored doing the same tasks for too long. Especially if she believers there is opportunity for more growth or more challenges at a different job. Her most recent job is working at the Laser Tag Arena and Arcade in the mall, which allows her to both earn money and spend her breaks playing the best laser tag games imaginable. Sometimes she works multiple jobs at once, and can be seen in the Game Stop, the Cinnabon, and the H&M all in the same day.
Millie has an internship at the mall bookstore. They do not offer internships, but she gave a long, drawn-out explanation about why this generation needs to learn the value of working for experience instead of money, and the manager got bored enough to just agree. Instead of working, Millie lurks around the bookstore and judges her peers’ taste in books. 
Ripper has applied at every store in the mall at least once, and has been fired from at least half of the jobs he has tried (the other half he quit about a week in). His longest stints have been at the Game Stop (he got fired for yelling at a five year old girl- accusing her of being a ‘fake fan’ of Pokemon), the Hello Kitty Store (he quit after Chase saw him working the cash register), and the Spencer’s where he is currently on his last warning. If he makes one more dick joke to a customer who’s gone to browse in the back of the store, he’s officially going to be fired.
Damien works with Millie at the bookstore, but he actually gets paid. He keeps his head down at work, trying to avoid the drama that often erupts when a customer gets annoyed that Millie is following them around. He is just there to make money for college. 
Axel only visits the mall to hang out with Nichelle, she gets bored at every store in the place aside from the small hole in the wall shop that sells pocket knives amongst their usual stock of anime figurines and Funko Pops. She does have a notable love for the Cinnabon stall in the food court though.
Chase works at one of the kiosks in the mall that sells sunglasses and shittily made custom printed shirts. Any woman who walks past the kiosk becomes his newest temporary crush, and he constantly stops by Urban Outfitter’s to try to hit on Emma. He makes decent money from his job but is always somehow broke, primarily because he wastes every paycheck on overpriced clothing from the nearby shops that sell Supreme and Gucci merchandise.
Zee actually works nights at the McDonald’s down the street, but visits the mall during the day to hang around the food court with Emma. Occasionally, they’ll help out around the Urban Outfitters and Bowie will pay them in cash, soda, and weed. They also often skip work to hang out with Emma and generally loiter anywhere the vibes are chill enough. 
Scary Girl works at Hot Topic and has about an equal rate of getting customers to spend insane amounts of money versus scaring any customer away by being generally terrifying. She briefly worked at Claires but was fired after using the piercing gun inappropriately. She is not allowed within twenty feet of the Hello Kitty Store.
Caleb applied to work at the Game Stop but was rejected in part because he was considered to not adequately fit their atmosphere, so he instead ended up with a job at the local Abercrombie & Fitch- much to his chagrin. 90% of his job is to simply stand at the cash register by the door and look attractive to entice people in, he only stays at the job because they pay decently. When not at his job he’s browsing the titles at the Game Stop or running to get the high score at every game in the Arcade.
Nichelle got a job at the Hot Dog on a Stick to method act for an upcoming role. She’s trying her best to actually do the job, but all her star-struck co-workers refuse to let her lift a finger. She is incredibly grateful for the few customers that don’t recognize her, because she feels like she is able to live like a normal teenager for those brief moments. 
Julia has applied at the Urban Outfitters hundreds of times, but has been rejected more times than she can count, so she works at Forever 21 instead. She’s nice to her customers’ faces to maximize her commission, but talks shit about them to all of her coworkers once they’re out of earshot. She also talks shit about all of her coworkers to any customer that will listen. 
Bowie is the manager at the Urban Outfitters. He knows all the employee beef and makes sure to draft the schedule in a way that will maximize the amount of drama he gets to witness. He’s a chill, yet stern boss, and he takes his responsibilities very seriously. He only ever calls out once, after a crazy night with Raj, Wayne, Emma, and Nichelle. 
Wayne works at the Sports Authority, and is actually an amazing worker. He’s friendly, helpful, and a great team player. The only downside is that he is such a good team player and so aggressively helpful and kind, that he’s driven sales in the store to a screeching halt. If a customer shows up asking for hockey gear, Wayne immediately pulls out every promo code and coupon available to help them buy everything they need. While very nice and well-liked by the customers, Wayne is one more ‘Unofficial Surprise Free Giveaway’ from being fired. 
Raj works at the Dick’s Sporting Goods across the way from the Sports Authority, and he and Wayne have a friendly competition trying to get customers to come into their stores. However, Raj keeps getting distracted by Bowie coming to visit and keeps getting in trouble for giving him free stuff- his worst offense being when he gave Bowie about $300 worth of clothing because Bowie offhandedly said one of the on-sale jerseys was cute. 
Emma works at Urban Outfitters. She was originally rejected for not being “cool” enough, but Bowie pulled some strings to get her the job. Her sweet and bubbly personality makes her very popular among the customers, who often come in just to talk with her and Bowie. Unfortunately, Chase’s kiosk is in sight of the entrance of the store, and she has to take a break to calm down in the back everytime he catches her eye to wink at her. 
MK works at a tech kiosk that fixes phones and sells phone cases and other accessories. She views this job as beneath her because it’s super easy. She hangs out in the food court during her lunch break to pickpocket and sometimes goes to Forever 21 and Urban Outfitters to steal. Anytime Bowie catches her, he rolls his eyes and warns her not to do it again, and anytime Julia catches her, she threatens her life.
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prof-peach · 1 year
How does a typical choosing event happen when a new trainer comes to Peach for their first Pokemon? Can someone adopt one of her rescue pokemon?
The island offers its sevices MOSTLY to older trainers, handing pokemon to kids has never really been the islands MO. It's not off the table, but also not the point of the facility, as many other more easily accessible locations cater to children. Most pokemon on Dotaku have pre-existing conditions, injuries, or behavioural ticks that need adjusting to, not all of course, but a good majority, so handing them to kids just isnt always so viable.
The island has two adoption days each month, scheduled where pokemon looking for a partner can dress up, staff usually get the resident groomers to give everyone a once over, and humans looking for mons are encouraged to come along for the day and take a peak. It is not very formal, a lot of games and events, food vendors and the likes. Staff work overtime to make sure people know about each pokemon, any really special or difficult mons will stick with one of the professors, and they'll explain their needs or personlaity type to interested parties. If nothing else its a very fun day out, where you get to meet a bunch of pokemon!
It's not a case of picking one out and being done with it, some pokemon require home visits before being OK'd for adoption, to make sure you have the right space and items in place to make for a good home. Other smaller pokemon can be adopted on the day, proven that you show a base level of knowledge for caring for living things. These tests are carried out by staff, be it a field worker, lab assistant, or a professor, and if you pass, you pay a small adoption fee, sign some papers, and the process is began. If you fail, you are given the option to reserve the pokemon, so no one else can come and adopt them, and return to take the test again once you are better prepared. This is usually only aplicable for up to a month. It gives people time to get ready for a new friend in their lives too.
Classes are offered to those looking to improve their level of care, and staff insist on these classes with some cases, especially children. in the case of a child finding a partner, we ask that parents come and discuss with us the quality of care that can be provided at home. Without an adult guardian, no child under the age of 16 can adopt from us, to spare pokemon any inadequate living conditions.
There is one golden rule that does dictate a lot of decisons made: Is the pokemon going to be happy?
If a pokemon does not like you, does not want to be adopted by you, is nervous about you, or shows any hesitation, their needs will come above and beyond that of the humans. We have no issue refusing an adoption based on a pokemons opinion, but people are welcomed to return, and try to form a stronger bond with an individual who is open to it.
Should you find a good match, pass our tests, and have adequate resources to care for a pokemon, then with some paperowork, youre free to leave with your buddy. Follow up visits will occur several times within the year to check see that each pokemon adopted out is happy and well cared for. You become an official member of the Dotaku labs clientel, can call for support, bring in any buddies for check ups, and our services are available to you should any illness or issue arise.
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