#oh and don't vote obviously (but maybe not so obviously?)
alicepao13 · 5 months
No, but I'd actually love to have the level of ego-centrism which would allow me to believe that me not watching the ESC this year would amount to anything positive regarding Palestine.
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carolinanadeau · 6 months
In Praise of Sally Ann Howes
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As I've made it one of the purposes of my blog to share photos and songs and general positivity about the wonderful English actress Sally Ann Howes, I thought I'd make a post to talk in much more detail about all the great things about her and why I adore her so much!
This classy English beauty possessed a highly expressive face and eyes, an astonishingly powerful soprano, a great sense of humor, and the world's most charming laugh. One thing I cannot stop saying about Sally Ann is that she did not and does not get nearly enough credit and recognition for her immense talent and prolific career, and it's precisely for that reason that I'm here to do my part in giving it to her!
This overlong rambling post is a combination of biographical information and my personal fawning over her performances... whatever I felt I most wanted to put out there in the world and what I'd like people less familiar with her to know.
Click on Keep Reading and I'll take you on a journey!
As she preferred to work on the stage and didn't really pursue a film career, the catalog of Sally Ann's work that can still be viewed today is unfortunately small - though you can find almost all of her early films on the internet if you look hard! In her early film days, mostly made before she was able to pursue her true passion of musical theatre, her extraordinary singing talents weren't utilized by the producers at all.
However, we were fortunately blessed with exactly one musical film role from her, and it's an iconic one: the aptly-named role of Truly Scrumptious in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968), the golden-haired, golden-hearted candy heiress who falls in love with and eventually marries Dick van Dyke's character Caractacus Potts after joining him and his children on a madcap adventure. She's a sweet, intelligent ingenue with hidden depths and one of my favorite sorts of character arcs - the uptight, lonely woman who becomes more and more warm and open as she discovers newfound freedom and joy in life and falls in love.
There is something about Sally Ann that just glows in every scene of Chitty, and it's not only that bright blonde hair! The way she widens her eyes sometimes, the way she raises her eyebrows, her gentle and soft presence in the happiest scenes, and the particular airy lilt she has to her speaking voice are all so distinctive and appealing, and I can't take my eyes off her. And her smile! When I say she glows it's barely even a metaphor, the woman just emits light. 
(Funnily enough, I started to realize that many of the laudatory quotes I've found about her also refer to her in this way, like this quote from a 1965 TV Guide article, from playwright Sidney Kingsley: "She's luminous as an actress. I mean that literally. In Brigadoon she really lit up the stage.")
For me, I'm weak for any actress who can do the defrosted-ice-queen trope so incredibly well. Truly starts out as closed-off and prim, and nearly reverts to that state when she and Caractacus have a Big Misunderstanding near the end, but in the scenes where she's happy and carefree, the warmth just radiates off of her.
She also has the most adorable chemistry with Dick van Dyke in an annoyances-to-friends-to-lovers relationship that absolutely shaped my young brain. Whenever Sally Ann and Dick glance at each other, whether with irritation and frustration early in the film or with warmth and affection later on, their chemistry is obvious and natural, and there's so much expressed in each one of those glances. One has no difficulty believing that these characters are going to be very happily married.
(Here's a cute on-set interview where she talks about, among other things, how easily she and van Dyke clicked.)
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While I acknowledge that the character of Caractacus Potts was absolutely originally planned to be an actual Englishman, Dick van Dyke played him with an American accent, and to me they will always be an adorable English-American couple. It's a whole part of the charm of this pairing to me!
Sally Ann also had a great relationship with child actors Adrian Hall and Heather Ripley who played Jeremy and Jemima Potts, and did her best to help make them more comfortable and happy during the many very long days on set. Having been a child film star herself, she knew a great deal about how difficult and alienating it could be. The genuine affection the three of them shared is obvious in their scenes together, especially in the extremely adorable "Truly Scrumptious" number, and it really makes the developing mother-child relationship between the characters so believable.
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The beach scene, where so much of the relationship between Truly and Caractacus and the Potts children is developed, is incredibly cute and heartwarming, and a lot of that rides on Sally Ann's performance and how her previously prim-and-proper character shows herself to be warm and loving, once she (literally) lets her hair down. We've already seen how happy the Potts family is together; now we see how Truly fits in perfectly and makes them all even happier.
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Look at her! Literally glowing!
(One thing I should mention: I think both the plot and the love story of CCBB are greatly improved if one just treats the "dream sequence" as real events, which was possibly the original intention anyway, so just note that is always the perspective I'm coming from here. It's the only way to make some things make sense and for the characters and their relationships to fully develop.)
"Lovely, Lonely Man" is Truly's big solo moment, and was probably the least comprehensible part of the movie to me as a kid (lol), but is now indisputably one of the very best parts to me as an adult. It's an exquisitely beautiful love song, especially the bridge, and I somehow love it more and more every time I rewatch it. Sally Ann's dreamy, graceful movements and the way the whole scene is shot make her look like a princess, and the slow build of the song is masterfully done. She has this distinctive crisp way of articulating her words while singing, especially the closing consonants like N and M, that I just love to listen to. The string section and the building countermelodies are so beautiful it makes me want to weep. Everyone involved in creating this scene and song deserved an award, I'm being so serious. While it's not the highest of soprano songs and doesn't fully show off Sally Ann's astonishing range, she shows an incredible amount of vocal control here through the many diminuendos and crescendos, and she's mesmerizing to watch and listen to. One of her "glowiest" scenes, for sure!
While I've seen people call this song irrelevant to the plot, I strongly disagree - the romance is part of the plot, of course, and while I didn't fully understand the meaning as a kid, this song establishes how much Truly's outlook on life and hopes for the future have already changed since meeting Caractacus, and how much happier she is with the poor Potts family than she's ever been in her life of luxury. Plus, now we know for certain that she's head over heels for Caractacus, but he doesn't know... increasing the dramatic irony of the pining and yearning to follow!
In the reprise of "Hushabye Mountain", which was sung in a much earlier scene by Dick van Dyke alone, Caractacus loses the will to continue the song because he's overwhelmed with emotion thinking of his children being held captive. Truly comes in to aid him with the final verse - another pivotal moment in the developing romance - and Sally Ann's singing here is nothing short of breathtaking.
And of course, I can't neglect to mention the "Doll on a Music Box" number, where Sally Ann, who was not a trained dancer and in fact considered herself to be "appalling" at it, performs an incredibly precise, incredibly impressive clockwork song-and-dance number while on a spinning turntable! She practiced it so well that she managed to successfully complete the shot in a single take, prompting the stage full of extras to burst into applause.
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This is another important character moment for Truly, though it's disguised in a diegetic performance: though it's another thing that went over my head as a child who only got to see the movie once, the lyrics about being trapped up on a music box and longing to be freed by love pretty clearly symbolize how trapped the real Truly's high-society life makes her feel, and how she yearns to break free from class restrictions and live happily-ever-after with Caractacus, as it's only with him and his family that she really feels free.
Then there's that incredibly warm romantic look that Truly and Caractacus share at the end of the song when she silently acknowledges the love confession he's just made while singing in counterpoint with her, though they're still in a dangerous situation and can't give themselves away by appearing too human and breaking their disguises... sadly this vital moment is cut off on all the Youtube videos of the scene I can find, because none of the people who clipped it understand that that's the whole point of it all, apparently. But here's a gif!
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The character of Truly doesn't exist at all in the original (quite different) book by James Bond author Ian Fleming - surprising, I know, given her name! - and, honestly, the fact that Truly and the romantic subplot of this movie exist are why it had such a strong impact on me as a child, and very much why I fell in love with it again as an adult. Even though the score is wonderful anyway and the story is charming and magical, I can confidently say that I would not have become as completely enchanted or had such a strong desire to revisit it again and again if there'd been no Truly and no love story. The fact that Sally Ann's performance makes Truly so loveable is, obviously, a pretty crucial factor there.
Sally Ann's delivery of "Well, Mr. Potts... now you'll have to marry me!" after Caractacus kisses Truly... that slide from prim mock-outrage to the playful, warm, you-can-hear-the-smile-in her-voice conclusion is flawless. Not even exaggerating when I say that this was the moment that made me into a hopeless romantic as a 9-year-old child. Sure, this wasn't the first movie I'd seen where two people fall in love and live happily ever after, but I distinctly remember that this was the first romance story that had me in a giggling, kicking-my-feet, "I ship it so hard" state of mind. And after revisiting it as an adult for the first time last year, I have confirmed that yes, child me already had great taste in fictional romances!
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Oh, I could say so much about the difference in her body language between the two scenes where Caractacus carries Truly out of her car that's become stuck in a pond. The first time, Truly is affronted and extremely embarrassed by the situation, holding herself so stiffly and awkwardly to avoid an accidental embrace that she causes him to nearly lose his balance and drop her. The second time, when they're in love and they know it, she snuggles right up into his arms without hesitation and it's the cutest thing ever. Sally Ann was 5'6" but looks so tiny in that scene!
(And that kiss! Maybe I'm getting off-topic here in terms of strictly focusing on Sally Ann's contributions, because Dick van Dyke deserves tons of credit for making this kiss so good... but wow, the kiss. Several times I have called it "the Most Kiss they could have gotten away with in a children's movie." Again, giggling, kicking my feet etc.)
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While Truly's costumes and hairstyling are rarely historically accurate (the film is set around 1910), the stylized nature of her fashion is iconic and memorable in itself. Sally Ann also completely pulls off playing a fresh-faced ingenue who is 12+ years younger than her actual age - and I do wonder if the aging-down of Sally Ann is at least part of the reason why Truly wears her hair loose throughout most of the movie! Either way, it works perfectly and I was shocked when I first learned how much older she was than her character. (If you watch her in The Admirable Crichton, where she is also in Edwardian costume and was closer to Truly's actual age, she really doesn't look all that much different. If anything, I think she looks even more glowingly beautiful in Chitty!)
Also, as for Truly wearing her hair down... it may just have been an intentionally anachronistic stylistic choice, but in-story, I think it actually contributes to her character by showing a willingness to flout convention and pursue whatever will make her happy instead of what's expected of her, which happens to be a key theme of her character arc.
Another thing that led me to adore Sally Ann as a person as I learned more about her over the last year: in the 1960s, she appeared as a panelist in quite a few episodes of the game show To Tell the Truth (as well as a few episodes of Password), and these can be found on Youtube. I really adore how her personality shines through - she's unfailingly bubbly, witty, self-deprecating, and a bit quirky. Just listening to her speak is a delight and she has one of the best laughs I've ever heard. Here is one of my favorite little moments that I clipped. 
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By all accounts, she was a delightful person to know and work with, witty and clever, very professional, and very serious about her craft. She also always maintained a great affection for and pride in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and her role as Truly, which is always a wonderful thing to know about an actor in a beloved role.
Another bonus: here is a super charming interview with her after a backstage disaster at What Makes Sammy Run? on Broadway.
She was also, along with Twiggy and Diahann Carroll (as Julia Baker), one of the first three celebrities to have her likeness made into a Barbie doll.
Two of her earlier films I recommend are the comedies Fools Rush In (1949) and The Admirable Crichton (1957), if you can find them (hint-hint, you can.) You may also be able to find the 1966 TV movie of her reprising her Tony-nominated role of Fiona in Brigadoon with Robert Goulet, and although I feel like the oddly close-up way the film was shot kinda does a disservice to the actors at times, it's still amazing to be able to see and hear her in a role she performed on Broadway.
Richard Rodgers once called Sally Ann "the greatest singer who ever sang on the American musical stage." Now, I don't quote this to claim this superlative as some kind of objective fact. If you know anything about me, I am very, very strongly opposed to pitting women against each other and all the Golden Age sopranos are absolute queens who deserve crowns, no matter how much mainstream success or present-day name-recognition they have/had. I just think it's phenomenal that she received such high praise from a man who worked with many of the best musical theatre singers who ever lived... and to think, many people today have never even heard her voice. Without her performance as Truly Scrumptious, it's possible almost nobody would in the future! I am so glad that Sally Ann's lasting legacy was ensured by such a beloved film role.
Sadly for us, many of the theatrical roles which she originated (and thus, for which cast albums featuring her exist) were in shows that either flopped quickly or at least did not enter the theatrical canon, so she never achieved the level of mainstream recognition she clearly deserves. But Sally Ann also played such legendary and challenging roles as Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady, Fiona MacLaren in Brigadoon (for which she received a Tony nomination), Maria Rainer von Trapp in The Sound of Music, Anna Leonowens in The King and I, and, much later, Desiree Armfeldt in A Little Night Music. She received great acclaim for all of these performances and, judging by what we know of her process on My Fair Lady, was excellent at making roles distinctly her own and never merely imitating another performer.
Even in her iconic original role of Truly Scrumptious, you don't get to hear the true full power of Sally Ann's extraordinary soprano. For that, I highly recommend listening to "Another Time, Another Place" from Kwamina (1961), and "Something to Live For" from What Makes Sammy Run? (1964). I'm always sad that we don't have any recordings of her in her "fiery" star turn as Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady, but you can at least hear her do a Cockney accent, be silly, and sing "With a Little Bit of Luck" with Bing Crosby here!
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If it weren't for the enduring success of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, few people might have even heard of Sally Ann Howes today, and that would be a terrible loss. I cannot overstate that I am so grateful that we all know who she is because she played this role and we get to see her give this radiant performance of a character that's all her own. Maybe this sounds strange, but I think the fact that this was Sally Ann's only musical film role (and the ONLY role most people will ever see her in) makes it even more precious, and makes everything she brings to the character that much more distinctive and unique and special.
Both for all of the talent and charm she brings to the role itself, and everything else that I and many other fans have been able to learn of so much of her otherwise-obscure work because of it, the world is incredibly lucky to have the lovely Sally Ann Howes immortalized as our Truly Scrumptious, and I wouldn't have it any other way 💖
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#*mic drop*#sally ann howes#chitty chitty bang bang#and that's why you should vote for... wait there's no poll involved? I may have gotten carried away ;)#ok so I doubt anyone will even pay attention to this post but if you are going to tag or comment on this BE KIND AND POSITIVE ABOUT HER#like this is obviously a labor of love on my part here... don't be weird or backhanded. I don't need to hear how you disagree or whatever#and no pitting women against each other on my posts I am so serious#this is a fan post! this is a stan post! this is a celebration! do not derail!#I feel like I need to sprinkle holy water on this post before I release it out into the world#oh Sally Ann we're really in it now#also parts of this are poorly written I know. it's literally just an infodump about my Special Interest English Lady what do you expect lol#the switches between formal tone and informal fangirling are intentional btw#this is what I'm using my degree for apparently#I know I mixed in a lot of character/story analysis here and maybe that's slightly off-topic from lauding her performance but hey#it's not like I'm getting graded on this. and I mean you can see these things in her character BECAUSE of her performance#take my hand. love her with me. life could be a dream#you know the lyric in Hamilton - 'I wrote my way out'? that's what this was for me. I wrote my way out of a mental health crisis with this#when I came up with this idea I was going to save it for her birthday but that is sooo far away. so I'll post now and reblog it then!#I'm shocked tumblr can even handle whatever I'm trying to do here#I wouldn't have put SO many photos except that I needed to use multiples so I could make them smaller!!#my original post#long post
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neverendingford · 1 year
#tag talk#ngl people are like “oh I stopped cutting for x months!” and talk about it like a thing you have to choose to stop#like any avoidant behavior if you remove the underlying cause you remove the motivation for the behavior#otherwise you're just spending energy trying to brute force a behavior. and you don't have energy to spare#anyway. if the state fucks up my health insurance I'll gonna flip my shit. I'm already drawing out my next design in my head#I need to make a phone call tomorrow morning so of course I'm up past midnight stressing about it#anyway. I wanna compliment the slash across my chest with some sort of zigzags right below my ribs.#I don't have any curves except the few that follow the contours of my biceps. maybe a curve around the abs/side?#anyway. ugh. I just want gender affirming care so I don't hate being alive.#something something people say they care and then put their vote with the camp that wants me dead.#idk I'm still mad about conservative “friends” and family. whatever#I'm just complaining. nbd. at this point I'm too committed to back out so I'll just resubmit my application and make phone calls if I need#I'm not putting myself in the hospital a second time. once was enough.#I like being able to say it's a thing I did but it's not a thing I feel the need to do more than once.#whatever. I'm feeling less good now even though I was feeling good a few days ago but it's because my application is still pending#“pending review” bitch it's been pending review for the past five days I really really need to make that phone call it's just...#phone calls amirite?#anyway. I'm not worried about whether or not I'll be able to get hormones. rolling up my sleeve gets me past any medical gatekeeping#because they look so cool obviously.#but damn I do not have the money to pay for that shit long term without insurance covering like 99.99% of the cost.#tbh I've wanted some kind of bird design matched up against my shoulder blades for such a long time#but I would need someone else to do it. and I don't feel like looking up actual scarification places and paying money for it#one of these days I'll make friends with someone who's appropriately freakish enough to wanna slice pretty pictures into my skin#cause like. yeah biting people is nice but have you ever carved a red line into someone's willing body?#that's the shit right there.#anyway. this has been your irregular dose of me talking. ughhhh life exists.#idk I try and be as normal as I can about the generally-agreed-to-be weirdness. like. idk. wanting to die is just everyday shit now#it's just my body why would it be weird to want someone to carve falcon wings in line with my back structure#it's just blood and muscle and when it heals well it's visual and nothing more. call it extreme body modification or whatver makes you happy
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crispyflowerblaze · 1 year
been listening to the album You Don't Mess Around With Jim by Jim Croce (albeit, skipping Photographs and Memories almost every time and sometimes skipping some others, but not as much lately) so much lately so i wanted to just list thoughts about every song
You Don't Mess Around With Jim - honestly such a freaking bop, just gets better every time I listen to it. one of many songs where there's a lot where i genuinely don't know the words and my singing is just mumbling and very vaguely getting the sounds and stuff, but honestly, i love to be blissfully ignorant about lyrics and just sing nonsense. every time i learn lyrics where before i just sang nonsense, a little bit of my innocence dies. anyway
Tomorrow's Gonna Be a Brighter Day - love this one, not going into details about him but sometimes this song reminds me a little of my boyfriend, and yeah i just love this one, i always get so into, love "reach into heaven and pull you down a star" ahhh
New York's Not My Home - not the most exciting song, but gosh i appreciate it so much. i feel like everyone loves New York City (that's a humongous generalization obviously) but i am just so not a city person and i love this song that's just like yeah New York City is really weird and not very good, also i like the part about learning a lot of lessons but they weren't the nice kind, like yeah sometimes you learn a lesson but you wish you didn't have to go through that, so yeah it's not like i absolutely love how it sounds or think it's amazing lyrics but i love what it stands for
Hard Time Losin' Man - such a bop omg, yeah i really love this one, the "i hit a bump" lyric always makes me laugh, i love the oregano lyric, and yeah it's just a bop! another one where i'm just singing nonsense for a lot of it and yeah ditto to what i said earlier about that, i do not need to know the lyrics
Photographs and Memories - yeah i've listened to this one way less than the others cus whenever i do listen to it i'm just kinda bored. my personal opinion obviously, not saying it's a boring song
Walkin' Back to Georgia - another one i skip sometimes, but i definitely like it. i like how all of the "the girl who said you love me" or whatever it is sound, the way i worded that was so clumsy but whatever, and yeah it's definitely nice
Operator (That's Not the Way It Feels) - for the longest time this was the only song i knew from this album, and yeah i'm so obsessed with it, like of course whenever i listen to it i think like yeah this is just like customer service interactions when the customer is trying to tell me their life story and being so annoying lol, but i don't care, i just absolutely adore this song
Time in a Bottle - another one i sometimes skip, i think it's like i'm not in love with the lyrics or the way it sounds but it makes me think of my boyfriend lol, cus yes i really do want to save every day till eternity passes just to spend it with him, yes relatable
Rapid Roy (That Stock Car Boy) - man i love this one, another freaking bop and possibly the biggest bop on the album? but don't hold me to that. what's so funny is that at first whenever i listened to it, like earlier this summer, every lyrics besides that whole part that repeats just went completely over my head and i genuinely thought this song was just that part and then that part again and i was like yeah it's catchy but too repetitive, so i don't know what was going on there, but yeah this song is so freaking catchy and such a bop, the thing about a tattoo that says baby and another one that just says hey is so fucking funny to me lol, but yeah i'm thinking maybe it is the biggest bop on the album (?)
Box #10 - another one i love, i don't really know what it is about it that i love but it's just really nice, hmm i somehow don't have any more thoughts on it
A Long Time Ago - one i used to skip before i was really familiar with it but that i don't anymore, yeah it's a nice song, i like the thing with like in the gold of morning there was nothing that i had not seen in your eyes, or whatever it was, cus like yeah for real
Hey Tomorrow - ahh i love this one so much, the first chords just strike such a specific feeling in me, so specific i can't describe it of course lmao. but yeah it's just so great
hmm let's try to rank them??
1) operator (that's not the way it feels)
2) you don't mess around with jim
3) rapid roy (that stock car boy)
4) tomorrow's gonna be a brighter day
5) hey tomorrow
6) hard time losin' man
7) box #10
8) new york's not my home
9) a long time ago
10) time in a bottle
11) walkin' back to georgia
12) photographs and memories
nothing could go above operator, it's just too great, and the next four were pretty hard but i do love a bop, and i just felt like i enjoy you don't mess around with jim slightly more than rapid roy and same with tomorrow's gonna be a brighter day and hey tomorrow, then i love hard time losin' man and box #10 but they're just a little bit lower, and new york's not my home is next because of what it means to me, and then time in a bottle makes me have mushy feelings but i just had to put a long time ago above cus otherwise i'm kinda eh on time in a bottle, and then walkin' back to georgia is the one i'm most eh on besides photographs and memories
and just because i can't resist i want to mention other Jim Croce songs i've been listening to, which are just my faves, cus both other albums (well there was one before this one but i haven't listened to it, he looks so different on the cover and i think that's the main reason way lmao, i'm just like he doesn't look the same so it won't be as good lmao) didn't have enough ones i really liked to make me listen to all of it
I Got a Name - holy shit i love this song, it just feels so profound and just gets me deep in my soul, gosh i love it, i love that it mentions a whippoorwill, i just love it so much oh man
Workin' at the Car Wash Blues - ahh i love this one so much too, like the titular lyric is just so damn catchy, how did he make like the literal best melody in the world, i don't understand, points taken off for the gross lyric about the secretary but i just can't help adoring this song
One Less Set of Footsteps - i am literally obsessed with this song, oh man it's so good, just the part where there's like harmonies along with what he's singing or whatever that's called, like it just feels so full, ahh it's such an amazing song
Bad, Bad Leroy Brown - before discovering operator this was the only Jim Croce song i knew, and holy shit if you can only know one of his songs it should be this, i would die for this song, i love it so so so much, i'm still mad at that post i saw on here a while ago where it was a poll for this versus you don't mess around with jim, and that song won, and you saw that i love that song, i put it at #2 up there, but when i tell you that this song absolutely eviscerates that song, it absolutely eviscerates it. i could say maybe nostalgia is part of that, and obviously yes to some extent, but i truly believe this is his best song and one of the best songs ever, i just can't help but bounce in place when i hear the opening chords, i'm obsessed with it, it's so amazing
so let's try to do my top ten Jim Croce songs overall??
1) bad, bad leroy brown
2) one less set of footsteps
3) i got a name
4) operator (that's not the way it feels)
5) workin' at the car wash blues
6) you don't mess around with jim
7) rapid roy (that stock car boy)
8) tomorrow's gonna be a brighter day
9) hey tomorrow
10) hard time losin' man
was conflicted with operator vs car wash honestly, cus i mean the fact that i listen to operator and just can't not think about how i'd be annoyed at a customer like this (not like my job is anything like being an operator lmao) does mean that i'm not like so absolutely all-encompassingly obsessed with it as i used to be lol
but yeah, basically the takeaway from this post is that if bad, bad leroy brown has 100 fans i'm one of them. if bad, bad leroy brown has 10 fans then i'm one of them. if bad, bad leroy brown has 1 fan then i'm that fan. if bad, bad leroy brown has no fans then i am no longer on this earth. if the world is against bad, bad leroy brown then i am against the world
(i've never seen the original source of that meme so did i do it correctly? i don't know and i'm content with that. this is my point from earlier about blissful ignorance)
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ariaxmu · 1 month
just friends.
a mattheo riddle x reader fic
summary: fluffy, friends to lovers. lots of kissing, a little jealousy. lavender being annoying.
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''stop scooching around'' he mumbles, putting his hands on my waist to keep me from moving.
''sorry... its small in here...'' i say, taking a deep breath to hide how insanely nervous i am. mattheo and i are at the weekly slytherin party held in the common room. and of course, everybody including myself, are very drunk and started playing games.
and so here i am, stuck in the closet with my best friend, whom i have been crushing on an insane amount for the past three months, for seven minutes. our friendship is so, so precious to me, hence why i have not made a move or told him how i felt. also the insane fear of rejection, but mostly ruining that friendship.
but its getting harder to hide it, harder to deny how insanely in love with him i am. i find it most hard when there are girls flirting with him in front of my eyes, which in fact has been happening all night. the only person that know about my feelings is pansy. so of course, she voted me and mattheo to be in the closet together.
i should also mention, i have never even so much as kissed a guy. never held hands with a guy, never even cuddled with one. so that adds perfectly on top of the nerves i'm already feelings as his big hands grip my waist.
''it's dark in here, i can't even see you.'' he mumbles, standing even closer to me, my back pressed up against him.
i groan, covering my face as i feel it warm up.
''what's wrong, pretty? am i making you nervous?'' he teases, like always.
''shut up.'' i whisper yell, turning around so that i was a little more in control of just how close i was to him. i look up, only the light creeping through the door making his pretty face visible. he is of course wearing a cheeky grin, cheeks a little flushed from alcohol.
''i knew i'd end up in here with someone, but i did not think it'd be you.'' he giggles, and my face goes even more red. i am thankful it's dark in here.
''why? did you wish it was lavender or something?'' i mumble, grimacing at the thought of her. she's been undeniably obsessed with him for ages now. and nothing irritates me more.
''i'm surprised she isn't knocking this door down now as we speak.'' he rolls his eyes dramatically.
i groan a little, ''yeah, me too.'' i snap slightly.
''ooo, someone's jealous.'' he teases again, smirking as he steps a little closer to me, his hands creeping up my waist. i almost pass out.
''n-no!! obviously not.'' i exclaim, trying to hide my face.
''oh please, you are!''
''you must be''
''not even a little bit?''
''sorry, sorry..''
i sigh, looking up at him for a second with crossed arms.
''i wouldn't be.. y'know, opposed if you were, you know.'' he says, a little suspiciously. i raise an eyebrow.
''you.. you'd like it if i was jealous?'' i say, quietly and nervously.
''maybe a little...'' he says, raising one hand to rest on the side of my face. his thumb brushes my cheek.
''m-mattheo, what are yo-''
''shhh.'' he whispers, ''tell me to stop..'' he says, leaning down slowly, before pressing his lips softly onto mine, just pecking me ever so slightly. he pulls back, trying to look for any distaste on my face, but only finding rosy cheeks and shut eyes.
he presses his lips back onto mine, a little more firm this time, stepping closer to me to pull me in, i kiss back, letting my body relax and melt into the kiss and him. god, him. he's perfect.
i fall even harder.
''times up!!'' i hear pansy yell, the lock on the door jiggles and we jump away from each other, both blushing and flustered messes. pansy opens the door with a smirk, ''did u have fun, lovebirds?'' she giggles. ''don't worry, i'm sure you'll get a turn back in there together at some point.'' she winks.
mattheo smiles at me, a little giddy and lovesick. i blush even more, as we both walk out and sit back down in the circle with all our friends.
lavender scoffs. ''ok. my turn''. she snaps, grabbing the bottle and spinning it. mattheo keeps his eyes on mine the entire time, as i nervously try and avoid all eye contact.
for a second i'm too shocked to even realize who the bottle lands on for lavender. but of course, who other than mattheo. i'm sure she charmed the bottle to definitely land on him. my heart drops, as i quickly look over at him. he looks over at me, ''uh, i don't really think we should lavender...'' mattheo says.
pansy smirks, nudging me with her elbow. ''what happened in there?'' she whispers excitedly. i don't answer though, i stay watching lavender and mattheo intently.
''this is the game mattheo. come on, it'll be fun.'' she exclaims, standing up and walking over it the closet, waiting for him. he glances at me again, ''i won't kiss her..'' he says to me quickly, standing up and joining her.
''oh god'' i mumble, stomach turning a little at the thought of them alone in there. i glance at pansy, ''what is happening'' i whisper in a panic.
i'm just completely and utterly in shock. i kissed him. now he's in there with her. does he like me back? he was the one who kissed me first. and he also said he isn't going to kiss lavender in there. but does he truly mean it? what if she kisses him? i dot want her to kiss him!
i groan, grabbing more alcohol in hopes of calming my nerves.
''calm down, it's going to be okay'' pansy whispers, wrapping her arm over my shoulder.
seven minutes later, mattheo bursts out, wiping his mouth with his sleeve and he doesn't look happy. ''don't you ever pull that shit again'' he snaps at her, coming to sit on the other side of me. i take a breath in, looking over at him.
''you okay?'' i whisper to him.
''i promise i didn't kiss her, when we got in there i told her to just stay on one end and i'd stay the other, but she kind of forced herself onto me and kissed me a-and i pushed her away and came straight out when she did'' he scrambles out.
''no no it's okay, i-i mean even if you did you're allowed..''
''but i don't want to..'' he mumbles. ''oh'' i say, trying to hide my happiness as i hide my smile. he grins at me, a little cheeky grin again.
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after more drinks, more people in the closet, it was mattheo's turn again. he glances at me, winking a little as he spins it and of course, it lands on me.
i gulp.
''what are the chances!!'' pansy exclaims, smiling mischievously at me. i narrow my eyes, suspicious of her.
''c'mon pretty girl'' he mumbles, grabbing my hands and pulling me into the closet again. i try to hide my anxiety, my shyness as he shuts the door and it gets locked.
''i told pansy to come and get us in 20 minutes, by the way. she's going to distract everybody else to play another game, i just wanted some time alone with you'' he says softly, stepping closer to me.
i look up at him. ''i'm sorry if i'm being.. too nervous or anything.. but you know i haven't done any of this before...'' i say softly, smiling a little.
''it's okay, pretty. i know..'' he says gently, tucking some hair behind my ear. ''i'm sorry for, y'know, kissing you out of nowhere. i've managed to stop myself one hundred times before, but you just looked so pretty and... we were alone'' he rambles. ''i just.. i really like you'' he says, smiling at me. ''if that wasn't obvious by now'' he giggled.
my heart just soars out of my chest. ''i like you! too, i mean'' i stuttered.
he sighs, ''god. you're cute'' he presses a soft kiss against my forehead. he then leans down. pressing his forehead against mine, looking into my eyes.
''i lied by the way, i don't just like you. i'm definitely pathetically in love with you.'' he murmurs, before leaning down and connecting our lips together again. firmer, this time, more desperate.
i moan lightly as he kisses me, just urging him on more as he kisses me more and more, his hands holding me as close to him as i can be. my hands grip onto his shirt, as his tongue lightly brushes against my bottom lip. the kiss only gets deeper, and more intense.
''god, i love you'' he practically whimpers against my lips.
i pull back for a breath, as he stares at me so needy, so desperate. something just ignites inside of me, whether it be alcohol, excitement, being insanely in love, or maybe al three.
''i love you, so, so much'' i whisper, stroking my thumb across his rosy cheeks, as he looks at me a little breathless.
''not to come on too strong but if this doesn't mean you're my girlfriend now i might jump out of the windo-''
''yes it means i'm your girlfriend!'' i cut him off eagerly, with a giggle.
''perfect'' he smirks, pressing a soft kiss on my lips again. ''so... wanna go up to my dorm and make out all night?'' he shrugs.
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i hope this was okay :3 thank u all for the love on my last 2 fics, it makes me so so happy. love u angels x
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lastflowerofyourhouse · 8 months
oh oh hey wait!!
so obviously our hint that something is Up with gideon's physical resilience after the avulsion trial is the revelation that palamedes calculated that it would cause permanent brain damage to the cavalier and gideon is. um. very much not permanently brain damaged.
but it just occurred to me. this post. this post right here.
cytherea didn't accurately convey to them how dangerous the field was. which means she probably didn't mean for harrow to succeed.
and. um.
"Sextus has seen this?"
"I asked him first," said Dulcinea, "And when i told him the method, he said he'd never do it. I thought that was fascinating. I'd love to get to know him better."
"So technically," said Harrow, acid as a battery, "We're your third choice."
"Well, Abigail Pent was a very talented spirit magician," said Dulcinea, and relented when she saw Harrow's expression. "I'm sorry! I'm teasing. No, I don't think I would've asked the Eighth House, Reverend Daughter...They could have done this with ease...Maybe that's why."
the sixth, voted most likely to figure out what she's doing, after abigail pent, already deceased. and the ninth, who have nothing whatsoever to do with spirit magic, but who have been establishing themselves as strong competitors and fraternizing with the sixth.
but not the eighth, the ones most likely to successfully complete the trial. because they're the most likely to successfully complete the trial.
yeah, cytherea fully intended to kill them both here, i think. she wanted them to die. come to think of it, that's the only real reason for her to be participating in the labs in the first place considering she's. ya know. already a lyctor.
"Good girl," the voice was saying. "Oh, good girl. She's got it, Gideon! And I've got you...Gideon of the golden eyes. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault... I'm so sorry. Stay with me," the voice said, more urgently. "Stay with me."
that's remorse, i think. that's a genuine moment of humanity peaking through. that's oh god, what have i done.
Gideon was suddenly aware that she was very cold. Something changed. It was getting harder to suck in each breath...Now Gideon was scared. Her body had the soft, drunken feeling you got just before fainting away, and it was very hard to stay conscious. Three seconds before you die, Palamedes had calculated...It felt like all the pressure in her ears was popping loose...When her eyes opened Gideon was distantly worried to discover that she was blind...The air stopped coming. It would have been peaceful, only it sucked..."Ha-ha," said Gideon. "First time you didn't call me Griddle," and died.
no, yeah, i think she did, actually. I am 99% sure that gideon capital-D Died here.
i wonder what cytherea made of her immediately opening her eyes again.
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The State Birds Initiative - Introduction
Before I do ANYTHING else, and before you read anything else...let's start this with a little poll, shall we?
...Look, I'm an overly ambitious person by nature. It's a problem, I'm fully aware. So, in the midst of writing character essays, imagining my own version of the DC Cinematic Universe (I promise, I will return to the Legion of Super-Heroes series; been having writer's block, not gonna lie), and about a dozen other projects that don't include school and my job (one and the same thing, and I love both, but I'll get to that one day)...I had another thought. That I would like to present to the good people of Tumblr (and perhaps beyond).
The state birds suck.
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Most people on Tumblr don't know this about me, save for a select few that no me in real life (hey guys, 'sup), but I'm an avid birdwatcher, and am currently working in ornithology as a profession and student. As such, and as a former (and future) teacher, I have a vested passion in spreading the word. And one of the first ways most of us in the United States engage with birds, other than through the world and people around us, is through our national bird and state birds. Oh, and for anybody reading this not from the USA, don't worry, national birds are included here, too.
Now, in case you don't know for whatever reason, each one of the states in the United States has a bird meant to represent the state, designated by the government and often nominated by the state's citizens. This tradition started in 1926, with Kentucky's national bird, the Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis). Now, most states have an official state bird, although Pennsylvania technically has a state game bird, rather than a state bird. We'll get to it. But in any case, there's a bird associated with every state.
But, uh...most of them suuuuuuuuuuuck.
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Now, for example, I'm not saying that the Northern Cardinal sucks. Far from it! I love cardinals, and honestly, who doesn't? They're handsome birds, they have a lot of character, they're recognizable in most states in the Union by most people. I love them! But, uh...cardinals are extremely overused as state birds. Kentucky chose them as their state bird first, and were followed by Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, North Carolina, West Virginia, and Virginia. That's ridiculous. Also, wait, really, Virginia? You saw that West Virginia had it already, and STILL went for the cardinal? What the hell?
But why? Maybe there's a good reason for all of those states to choose the cardinal, after all. Obviously, it's present in all of those states, because...well, the Northern Cardinal is basically everywhere. But other than that, why? Well, let's see.
Kentucky: Unclear, but it's likely because of its prevalence, songs, and nonmigratory behavior, at least according to some sources; there isn't a lot of evidence online as to why outside of this.
Illinois: For this one, we blame the children. Yeah, kids voted this one sd the symbol, choosing it over the bluebird, meadowlark, bobwhite, and oriole, according to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. So, yeah, probably because it's familiar and red.
Indiana: For...reasons. Yeah, even less is known about this choice. Safe to assume, though, that it's because it's familiar and red.
Ohio: Apparently, this is because it's red and has a cheerful song. 'Kay. Again, not a lot of evidence for this one, but we'll go with it.
North Carolina: This one also came down to public vote, after a campaign initiated by the North Carolina Bird Club in 1943. It won over the red-winged blackbird, wild turkey, scarlet tanager, and gray catbird. Apparently, this was the second attempt at a state bird, as the Carolina Chickadee (Poecile carolinensis) had been chosen ten years earlier, but only retained the position for a week because the bird's other name is, and this is true, the tomtit. And that was apparently too lewd for the title of state bird. Jesus. We'll get back to that when I address North Carolina officially.
West Virginia: Again, chosen and voted by schoolchildren, and chosen because it's familiar, red, and has a cheerful song. 'Kay.
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Virginia: No idea. Also, don't listen to the sites that say their bird "exemplifies the quality of the state" unless they have the GODDAMN PAPERWORK to back that shit up. If I had to guess, it's possibly because the northern cardinal is one of the first birds seen in the state by settlers to the continental USA, who landed in...Virginia. So, the state's got a historical connection to the cardinal, meaning that the last state to ratify it as a state bird is the one to make the most sense to do so.
So, yeah...only one of those makes sense to me. Otherwise, it just feels...random. And by the way, many of the state birds do make some sense. Utah's choice, the California Gull (Larus californicus), has roots in a Mormon miracle, which makes perfect sense for the Mormon state. Louisiana's Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) is an iconic species to the American southeast, and a massive proportion of the species breeds in the state. Same goes for the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus forficatus), the state bird of Oklahoma. Iconic and unique grassland bird, and it breeds within the state in high quantities for the global population.
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But others? Why does New York (a state I grew up in and around) have the Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) for its state bird? Because it's blue and nice-looking? Why exactly do Wyoming, Oregon, Nebraska, Kansas, Montana, and North Dakota ALL have the Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta)? I love the song too, and it's an iconic grassland species, but really? All of you? And Maine? Maine...Maine. I mean, you didn't even go for a specific species and just listed "chickadee" as your state bird. Why? There is a MUCH. BETTER. OPTION. OBVIOUSLY. But...I digress.
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Seriously, what the hell? It's the only state IN THE UNION where the Atlantic puffin breeds, and it's an incredibly iconic bird! I mean, look at that thing! They're adorable, fish-eating, clumsy-flying, feathery orbs with a Froot Loops beak (for part of the year), complete with their own fucking cereal that I ate constantly as a child. And their babies are called pufflings! PUFFLINGS!!! DO YOU HEAR ME MAINE WHAT THE FU
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...OK. OK. I'm good. Look, this genuinely irritates the SHIT out of me, both as a hobbyist and as a professional. There are near 1,000 bird species that can be found in the United States, and the state birds are, honestly, some basic-ass choices that doesn't BEGIN to explore the incredible diversity of this taxon. And honestly, maybe if we changed up the state birds, we could increase awareness for these animals and their conservation stories and needs. There are so many missed opportunities here for us as educators, birders, ornithologists, backyard birdwatchers, and even Birdblr, to educate those around us who aren't as ornithologically-inclined. Imagine being able to convince a friend to go find the state bird on a trip some weekend. It could be a fun activity, and a fun way to get into birdwatching and the natural world! IT'S GOT POTENTIAL!!!
And look, I realize I'm not alone on this front. Various people have proposed changing up the state birds, including some more powerful professionals than I. If you haven't seen it yet, check out this essay series from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology that came out last year, which asks whether or not eBird could be used to identify better candidates for state birds. And I'll be using it for what's coming next. Because here's the thing. I'm tired of ranting alone in the dark towards nobody while my fiancee is trying to sleep about this. I need to rant to you poor people instead. And what's more...I want people to rant with me. If they want to. So...
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I propose an initiative to create a new list of state birds for the United States of America. And I'm talkin' EVERY state, baby! Even the ones that have fitting birds, as mentioned above. We live in a GODDAMN DEMOCRACY, and I say that we put this to a vote. So, Imma make a series of polls, one for each state. And yeah, that's 50 polls. Each will have a selection of birds, including the current state bird for that state, and I'll present the options in each case. The rules and selection criteria for the birds I'll present are as follows:
The bird has to be wild and breed in the state in question. No migrants, to accidentals, no introduced species (looking at you, South Dakota), no domestic species (looking at you, Rhode Island and Delaware). They're from the state, they breed there, and they're wild. Don't have to be endemic to the state, but they need to be found there, at bare goddamn minimum.
No repeats! Every state will have a different species! No more repeats. If there are any ties for states to get a given bird, another set of polls will be made at the end to determine which state will get that bird, and the second highest bird will claim the spot for that state. I'll try to avoid that for each state, but we'll see how things go.
There has to be a reason for their selection. For each of the birds presented for each state, I'll make a solid argument for their nomination. This also goes for any birds submitted to me for suggestions (and yes, I mean to say y'all can make suggestions if you want to for each state). If you have a bird you think would be good for a state, especially if it's your state, please give me a reason. Not that it's pretty, not that you like it's song, not that it "represents the spirit of the state's people" for no easily defined reason. GIVE ME A REASON
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And for now, that's it! And hell, if this gets popular or demanded (and I'm saying this if, like, 30 people pay attention to this post), I'll also do the District of Columbia and the U.S. territories. And hell (again), I'll even consider doing other countries if that gets demanded, definitely starting with Canada and seeing how things go from there. And finally...if people want it, maybe even the Bald Eagle (Halieetus leucocephalus) will go up for debate as the USA's national bird. Although, not gonna lie, I think that we're stuck with that one. Still, there are other questions that can be brought up if this gets popular enough. For now, though, let's focus on one thing at a time.
So, hopefully you answered the poll at the top, because I am curious as to what you think about your state bird. And just to set this up, the first state on the chopping block is Delaware, which has one of the most offensive state birds, in my opinion. Because seriously. What the fuck, Delaware? What the fuck.
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See you soon, hopefully! And happy birding!
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Introduction to the State Birds Initiative
Delaware - Poll | Results Pennsylvania - Poll | Results New Jersey - Poll | Results (coming soon) Georgia - incoming!
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mariclerc · 6 months
Dad and daughter moment | pg10
Summary: You decide to leave your boyfriend at home with your little girl and they had a little adventure.
Warning: none. Dedicated to @martaaairwin1994-blog
a/n: this is like a part 2 of "family cuddles" I hope u like it <3
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It was a sunny afternoon and you decide to go buy some things for the house and some things that both you and little Lucille need.
“I can go with you bebé?” Pierre asks behind you.
You deny. “Obviously not, silly... Also, who is going to stay with Lulu?”
When you go out alone to shop or do anything you always take Lucille with you, the times you leave her with Pierre have not been so... encouraging, let's put it that way.
One time they almost burned down the kitchen making cookies, or one time he fell asleep and left Lulu on her own. In the same way, you had to give even a vote of confidence to your boyfriend, maybe he is a little bit clueless, but that doesn't mean he does it on purpose.
“It's okay honey, I'll take care of her, I promise!” He says and you give him a kiss on the cheek.
“Good boy!” you giggle and you head out of the room.
“Mama!” Lucille says hugging you.
“My little flower! You're going to stay with papa today, is that right?” you said while giving her a little kiss on her cheek. “He's going to take good care of you today!”
She nods happily and smiled. “Okay mama!”
“Well little princess, what do you want to do today with papa?” Pierre asks Lulu. “We can do what you like.”
“Paints papa!” She says between giggles.
“Oh, so you want to paint with papa? Let's get to it then!” He says as he carries her in his arms and goes to look for the materials for their colorful adventure in one of the closets.
After a while they had paints, brushes and canvases for their painting.
“Bright! Bright!” says Lucille jumping while pointing at the bright pink color.
Pierre chuckles. “Do you like bright pink? What do you plan to paint today mon petit artiste?” He says while smiling. (my little artist.)
She starts making strokes on the canvas. “Draw!” smiled.
After a while, what started with simple strokes on the canvas continued with clothes and hands stained with paint. But they didn't care because they were both laughing out loud and having lots of fun, it was a nice moment between father and daughter that they will both always remember.
They are not aware of your arrival at the house, you enter the hallway, laden with shopping bags. You kick the door shut with your foot and head towards the living room, a wry smile on your face.
In the living room, chaos reigns... Paint splatters adorn the coffee table, the floor, and most alarmingly, the pristine white wall, in the center of it all, sits Pierre his face a canvas of vibrant colors, a look of pure joy on it. Lucille sits next to him, similarly decorated and equally delighted.
You take a moment to take in the scene, a rollercoaster of emotions flitting across your face - exasperation, amusement, and a touch of awe.
Feigning exasperation. “Oh my god Pierre, what have you done?”
Pierre looks up, a sheepish grin spreading across his paint-streaked face. Lucille lets out a gleeful squeal.
“Surprise amour! We were... expressing ourselves artistically.” He says with his voice thick with paint.
You walk towards them, placing the bags down. “Looks more like a warzone to me.”
Lucille reaches out for you, her tiny hand covered in a rainbow of colors.
“Papa! Paint!” Lucille giggles.
“Woah there, little Picasso. Let's get you cleaned up before mommy has a meltdown, alright?” you scoop her up.
Pierre chuckles, wiping a hand (mostly clean) across his forehead.
“Meltdown? That's a bit dramatic, don't you think love?”
”But look around you, Mr. artsy pants. This is gonna take some scrubbing!” You say raising an eyebrow.
“Hey, it was her idea! I was just, uh, facilitating her artistic vision, you know, that helps with kids creativity.” He stands up.
“Ah yes, the renowned Gasly School of Modern Toddler Art. I should've known.” You say sarcastically.
Despite your teasing words, there's a warmth in your voice. You glance at Lucille, who's now giggling uncontrollably.
“Alright, alright. I admit, it does look like you two had a lot of fun.” You say with a soft voice.
“We always do when you're not around to boss us around.” He says as he puts his arm around you.
“Hey! I'm not a boss, I just keep things from descending into complete chaos you know?” you playfully swat his arm.
“Seems like you failed today, love.” he smiles.
“Oh, shut up you colourful boy.” you laugh a little.
You lean in and kiss Pierre, a hint of paint transferring to your lips. He pulls away, grinning.
“So, how about we clean up this little art project and order some takeout? Celebrate our success in the realm of abstract expressionism?” He says in a soft voice.
”Sounds like a plan. Just promise me finger paints are off-limits next time, alright?” You smile at his proposal.
“No promises, but I'll try my best chérie.” He hold his hands up in mock surrender.
Lucille lets out another gurgle, her eyes sparkling with mischief. You can't help but laugh, knowing that with these two around, a little chaos is always guaranteed in your life.
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
via @flipwizardstarlight
#OOOOOOH BABY BOY#he has so many scars#glad and also a little disappointed he doesn't have a vivisection scar#would LOVE to see Jason's reaction to THAT little tidbit#like#'who hurt my Tuesday?!' and getting super worried about it#until danny is like 'oh yeah dont worry my friends went a little feral on the people who did that and they don't exist anymore'#and jason is just like 'well damn'#also another fun scene that is cute and sweet and fun idea:#danny hanging out with his hooker friends and didn't realize how late it was getting and someone rolls up tot he curb#tries to get danny thinking he is a new worker and maybe starts getting a little rough about it (just yelling for the moment)#tim was swinging through to find hood for something and is like 'we got a problem here?' and#one of the girls is like 'nah#'Hood's boy lost track of time and this guy was just being rude' and anyway#this is how tim finds out everyone thinks hood and jason are dating and that they have a mutual boyfriend
LOL 1) I am trying desperately to keep not!Writing generally happy lol. Like obviously Danny ended up in Gotham going by Nightingale but people have vote against angst... like I do in other fics. So no vivisection scars.
2) that would be a hilarious way for Tim to meet Danny but
3) I raise it that now Dick thinks Jason is a sugar daddy to Danny, Tim thinks Jason is dating a sex worker as Red Hood, Babs thinks Danny is a flirty tech person for Red Hood, Steph thinks Red Hood is a sugar daddy to Danny etc etc.
Cass has it all figured out as well as the fact that Danny is Not Normal.
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abstractpenny · 2 months
Okay, so I've been thinking about it and I don't think we're actually all that cooked with Joe Biden dropping out.
If you don't know, Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential election. He is no longer running. BUT Kamala Harris, the current VP, is taking his place as the Democratic candidate for this election.
Looking at this, you may say something like "Oh no, we're done for. We're doomed." But if you think about it, this is actually an unbelievably intelligent and strategic move. In fact, this gives me a lot of hope that I didn't have before.
Obviously, this move is a last resort. They knew if they kept running with Biden they would lose. It means the Democratic party is pulling out a final weapon. But it's honestly a damn good one.
Before this happened, it seemed hopeless. Our two options were two old rich white men, one of which is an awful public speaker and the other is a literal criminal. And, because of that, you got people choosing not to vote or choosing to vote for Trump. Because which of the two evils is more appealing?
Donald Trump is a wonderful public speaker. He is charismatic and charming. He knows how to get people on his side. He's spent his whole life learning how to be a strong public speaker. That's what makes him scary. That's what made it so he won the 2016 election, so he almost won the 2020 election, and why he's still in the conversation today. He knows how to speak in an appealing way.
Joe Biden is honestly an awful public speaker. He struggles with gathering people to be on his side. Whether it's because he has a stutter/speech impediment or because he's dealing with dementia, he's still not good at public speaking. That makes him weak in things like debates and in politics. We saw that with our own eyes during the last debate.
Kamala Harris, while maybe not as strong of a speaker as Donald Trump, is very knowledgeable and self assured. She knows how to debate, she knows how to be a politician. She knows what she's doing. She's strong and confident. She may be our final hope.
A lot of why people aren't going in to vote is because it felt useless to do so, especially to people on the left. Donald Trump is out of the question for a lot of people, but Joe Biden isn't much better to many. They're both old as fuck, about 80 years old. They're both straight white cis men who have higher incomes. They're not aligned at all with what a lot of people on the left view.
Harris is significantly more relatable to a lot of people. She's a woman of colour. A good percentage of the United States population is one of those, either a person of colour or a woman. She's also younger than both Biden and Trump by almost 20 years. Yes, she's still 60 years old, but that's absolutely nothing compared to our other candidates.
Another thing that brings Biden out of favour with the left is how he handled and backed specific foreign wars (Ukraine and Palestine specifically). The Palestine Israel war is a very strong thing on the left, it's very talked about, and a lot of people view Biden as 'om the wrong side' of it. And, although Harris was the VP of the Biden administration, she's not very tied in to the wars from public view.
Harris is a great candidate other than a few minor minor minor things. She's leagues better than our dropped out ex candidate and our currently running candidate. One of the biggest hurdles for her, though, is going to be racism and sexism. It's always there. Oh, and the fact that her opponent had an assassination attempt on him, but that's a whole other can of worms.
Kamala Harris coming into this race may change things completely. We're not as screwed anymore. There's hope.
You. Whoever may read this. Go vote. It's crucial. Vote if you can. If you can't, get people to vote who can. This is the most important election in a long time.
We can win.
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babiesdreams · 5 months
Can you do a reaction *them reacting to their idol gf being called goddess or top visual in a variety show(together in a variety show) and male and female idols are whipped for her
It's been a long time since I did a reaction so here we go:
Taeyong 🌹 : He'd definetely smile. Maybe try to hide it. He'd be proud of being the boyfriend of such a beatiful girl. He wouldn't brag about it though, since he'd be cautious of creating a scandal. "What do you think Taeyong?" "Oh she's a good visual"
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Taeil 🌕 : He'd be pissed. It would probably be one of those moments when they get asked why they are so serious and they make up the silliest answer. "Oh sorry I wasn't really listening" *insert an edit of the crows and the . . .*
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Johnny 🐱 : This boy will brag. "Have you heard about Y/N? Oh yeah we're dating" Does not care for scandals, although in the show he'd just keep a straight face to not embarrass you.
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Yuta 🐙 : Would stay silent and once you're both alone will congratulate you. He's really happy that everyone sees how beautiful you are. "You will always be the most beautiful woman in the world. No matter what"
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Kun 🐻 : This time YOU will brag. You'd be all day talking about how everyone thinks you're so beautiful that'd make him roll his eyes at you. "You heard right? I'm a true visual" "Yeah I heard"
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Doyoung 🐰 : He'd laugh and when asked about it hed probably say. "It was just unexpected to me" to hide his feelings for you.
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Ten 🐱 : "What do you think Ten?" He'd laugh and say "She's pretty but not my type" Simply to tease you and enjoy your reaction afterwards.
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Jaehyun 🍑 : He'd get serious about it and remain silent during the interview. Afterwards he'd remind you that he's your boyfriend. "You are mine" He'd whisper before kissing you.
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Winwin 🐥 : He'd start chuckling softly. He'd only brag around you. "I'm with the prettiest idol of the ton" Lots of kisses.
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Jungwoo 🐶 : He's mad because he's really protective of you and wants you to remain safe. Being liked by many means sasaengs and trouble in his mind. "I'll keep you safe"
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Mark 🐆 : Caught staring at you while they were announcing it. "Do you have something to say Mark?" He'd look like he's been caught during a crime. "Oh no I was just thinking" There would be edits, rumours and questions about your relationship with him.
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Xiaojun 🦕 : Pretends he hasn't heard properly. "Do you think she's pretty too Xiaojun?" He'd look shocked at the interviewer. "Soryy What was the question?" It would cause laughs and avoid further questioning.
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Hendery 🐴 : Would laugh when ask about it. "Well I can relate to her because I'm obviously the visual of my group" The comment would make lift up the tension in the show.
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Renjun 🦊 : WILL pull up the I'm foreigner card. "I don't understand what you are saying" He's lowkey proud of you but will never admit it.
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Jeno 🐶 : Side-eyeing you for the whole thing. Will drown you in kisses once you get home. "You are the prettiest girl. Everyone knows it now"
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Haechan 🐻 : Would make a whole joke about it. "What?" thought I was the prettiest idol. This cannot be true. Who voted for this?" It'd make everyone laugh including you.
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Jaemin 🐰 : Would be very chill about it. He already expected everyone to see exactly when he saw on you the first time he laid eyes on you. "I think she deserves it"
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YangYang 🐑 : Would be surprised by a question of the interviewers. "You two make a good couple. Two true visuals" He'd chuckle nervously. "Yeah..." He'd try to remain calm to not make it obvious.
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Chenle 🐬 : He'd try not to react to not get asked about it. Would congratulate you backstage and he'd get you flowers the next day. "The prettiest idol deserves the prettiest flowers"
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Jisung 🐹 : "Which one of the top visuals would you date Jisung?" The question would throw him off but he'd quickly answer "With the beautiful NCTzens of course" He'd wink at you smoothly.
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Masterlist –requests open– How to request?
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heavyhitterheaux · 11 months
New Life Partner
First Lady of Private Garden Instagram AU
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Liked by dualipa, saweetie, jaysontatum, quiiso, urbanwyatt, y/ninsta, and 2,394,723 others
jackharlow: my man, ty to my man
y/ninsta: thank you to your WHAT?! aight that's it. everybody getting they ass beat and jayson is first druski2funny: oh so, you're cheating on me again? dualipa: y/ninsta you know where to find me saweetie: oh lord here they go again jaysontatum: now y/ninsta..... I had nothing to do with him writing that caption y/ninsta: jaysontatum lies you muthafuckin tell smh jackharlow: y/ninsta now you know how it feels when you leave me to go out with the hot chips and bad decisions crew blancahood: now why am I in it? jessicakelce: we are literally just sitting here minding our own business and then mullet boy over here wants to call us out jackandy/naremyparents: NOT MULLET BOY blancahood: y/ninsta did not let this man live for 24 hours when she saw his hair, the jokes kept coming and then jumped his bones when she was finished jackharlow: y/ninsta and you wonder why I left you and druski2funny I thought we were taking time away from each other? seeing other people? lilnasx: I'm just here waiting with my popcorn to see y/ninsta kick your ass
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Liked by jackharlow, blancahood, saweetie, generationnow, brandisimmons, urbanwyatt, and 3,183,996
y/ninsta: full of hot chips and bad decisions 😜
jackharlow: can't take yall asses anywhere smh and wait a damn minute, is that brandisimmons?!? blancahood: I still don't remember half that night smh jessicakelce: blancahood now I see that the both of us have switched places, that's usually me lol brandisimmons: jackharlow maybe, maybe not urbanwyatt: now why wasn't I invited? I like hot chips softtcurse: urbanwyatt and you like bad decisions smh y/ninsta: urbanwyatt idk urby, we got to take a vote and meet with the president which is me. we'll get back to you shortly about our decision jessicakelce: I vote yes because he can tolerate hot food while jackharlow absolutely cannot jackharlow: jessicakelce will you leave me alone for five damn minutes?!?! jessicakelce: jackharlow no. jackharlow: y/ninsta do you remember what happened the last time you wore a short ass skirt out the house? y/ninsta: jackharlow I'm single now so it doesn't matter jackharlow: y/ninsta don't fucking play with me smh y/ninsta: call jayson
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Liked by y/ninsta, jaysontatum, urbanwyatt, druski2funny, 2forwoyne, and 3,184,816 others
jackharlow: my baby girl is so gorgeous 😍
y/ninsta: jackharlow don't fucking post me, you cheater. jaysontatum is your baby girl now. a bitch do look gorgeous tho 🥰 jackandy/nupdates: all I need is one night. ONE. jackharlow: jackandy/nupdates you might get to have it if wifey don't stop playing urbandjack25: jackharlow is lucky he got to her first because if I did, he wouldn't have even been thought of y/ninsta: urbandjack25 not too much on my man now! even though we're married but separated, I still claim him druski2funny: well I don't claim him dualipa: drop his ass claybornharlow: little baby is here y/ninsta: clayyyyyyy, the one Harlow that I can count on to never disappoint me jackharlow: Y/N!!!! and dualipa claybornharlow don't start with me today and druski2funny you'll always claim me. I'm the ex that keeps you up at night urbanwyatt: my best friend is prettier than yours 😍 jaysontatum: I mean urbanwyatt she's pretty, but she obviously doesn't compare to me since jackharlow is ready to leave her y/ninsta: jaysontatum your ass got one more muthafuckin time to act out and then I'm bringing you down to my height jaysontatum: y/ninsta how tall are you because you barely come up to jack's knee saweetie: OUTTA POCKET 2forwoyne: not his knee lmaoooooo jackharlow: jaysontatum she's 5 feet on a good day claybornharlow: jackharlow your mouth is always getting you in trouble smh jackharlow: claybornharlow and it always gets me out of trouble too 😏 jessicakelce: I don't see how it took this long for her to get pregnant smh y/ninsta: jaysontatum I'll be on your doorstep at 8 am tomorrow jaysontatum: y/ninsta have fun trying to reach the doorbell urbanwyatt: jaysontatum well, she is little 😭 y/ninsta: urbanwyatt just for that, I made an executive decision, you can't be a part of hot chips and bad decisions. THAT'S FINAL urbanwyatt: y/ninsta wait! I want a redo!
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, maggieharlow, brandisimmons, theestallion, shloob_, and 1,297,192 others
y/ninsta: since jackharlow is out being a whore, this is who I'm left at home with smh
claybornharlow: my girl autumn 😍 jackharlow: y/ninsta what is she even doing?!? and not you calling me a whore smh y/ninsta: jackharlow idk, she your baby since she look like you so come figure it out smh theestallion: this baby absolutely knows no chill y/ninsta: theestallion she is on 1000 every damn day as soon as she wakes up. she has now learned how to get out of her crib and I wasn't ready for that jackharlow: I definitely woke up to her face smushed up against mine and was confused on how she got in there smh y/ninsta: jackharlow she can now escape out of Harlow baby jail so we have to hire security. claybornharlow you got the job, congratulations. claybornharlow: she is literally always on her best behavior when she's around me maggieharlow: grandma's baby! y/ninsta: maggieharlow well come get her! you wanted these grandkids so bad and now they're here! I need a drink AND a blunt smh saweetie: y/ninsta damn they got you down bad lol maggieharlow: y/ninsta tell her father to come get her jackharlow: and suddenly something came up that needs my immediate attention y/ninsta: JACKMAN THOMAS
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Liked by claybornharlow, jackharlow, urbanwyatt, saweetie, sza, normani, generationnow, and 3,240,286 others
y/ninsta: my big baby and my little baby
since jackharlow wants to act like a husband and show me some attention today, I agreed. he just didn't tell me that I would be at the studio with him and a million other people smh
at least I have my little baby who is not so little anymore to keep me company
like a bitch cried when he turned 21
claybornharlow stop fucking growing up on me 😭
jackharlow: yeah, that was something. but you don't pay me any attention smh y/ninsta: jackharlow I cried when he got his license too lmao and you are a got damn lie smh saweetie: y/ninsta you literally cry at everything lmao y/ninsta: look to be fair, I met little baby when he was eleven and now he's a grown man and me no like that. in my eyes he will always be my little baby so look at this as an appreciation post so if one of these little fast ass girls break his heart, there will be hell to pay. mark my words. claybornharlow: y/ninsta we would have been amazing together jackharlow: claybornharlow AHT AHT! get back to work and stop trying to steal my wife for the millionth time claybornharlow: jackharlow your kids love me, your wife loves me, I'm the favorite child, the list goes on and on jackharlow: claybornharlow I will kick you in the throat y/ninsta: yall better get yall shit together before I tell maggie maggieharlow: too late y/ninsta: welp I tried, get your kids. I'm about to send the oldest back to you. maggieharlow: y/ninsta keep him jackharlow: maggieharlow WOW smh
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generalluxun · 4 months
I know it wasn't intended by the writers and even from a purely in universe perspective it was likely not a conscious decision but...
It really does feel like Andre was setting Chloe up for failure.
There's obviously letting doing Sabrina most of Chloe's labor for her thing.
But we also have that whole aspect where he taught her explicitly to cheat, extort, threaten and bribe her way to victory. A strategy that works for him because he's not doing that stuff to the people he wants to vote for him, but that ends up making Chloe hated by her peers.
Similarly, there's encouraging her Audrey impersonation, which even if we ignore the creep factor. Still means he is rewarding her for engaging in damaging and anti social behavior that only serves to make her miserable and more dependent on him.
His total tolerance for Audrey's overt cruelty towards her can also feel like it feeds into this. Again I don't think he is necessarily aware of or planning it, but this still serves to, A, not make Audrey upset with him, and B, mean he remains Chloe's primary source of affirmation and affection.
Add in him in season 1 being willing to act against her if she impacted 'him' negatively and it really does kind of feel like he, at least subconsciously, wanted Chloe to need to hang off of him forever and to generally lack other support networks or avenues of self sufficiency.
I mean, yes. There's a reason I'm very much on the 'Audrey's behavior is bad and abusive, but André's is worse' wagon.
Audrey is openly abusive to those around her, that is clear. She also wants absolutely nothing to do with kids. She removes herself from her daughters lives. She does it out of selfishness, but the net result is she she does not *make* herself a role model.
André on the other hand loves having a kid! They play great with the press. They make for awesome photo opportunities, and now and then he can play family just like in movies! What he doesn't like is *raising* a kid. He himself is horrible an self centered, so he doesn't think that maybe he needs to change his behaviors for the child, so he passes all of his Andreness on to them.
I know guys who were pretty useless until they had a kid, I know guys who are pretty useless with anything that *isn't their kid, but both groups still realize that *parenting* is something you have to do right, something worth changing or at least concealing your worst-self behaviors from. André can't even go that far.
André goes past 'oops haha silly me' or 'overworked parent' tropes too. The man is filthy rich. He could *make* time for his daughter if he wanted to. He also fails so completely on the very basics of parenting when *he has the resources to get help*. It shows he hasn't even really tried.
Well, he tries like a 4yr old tries when they don't want to do something. One half-hearted attempt, then they whine.
How do we have obvious proof, canonically, that this is on André? Look at Zoé. She had as much if not more contact with Audrey, and we are not giving her credit for being a *good* influence, are we? So then it comes down to the influence of the other parent, and what differences does canon show us there? Hmmm.
Look like André is a net negative in a child's life.
Oh and miss me anyone who claims children are just 'bad seeds'. That line of thinking can go jump in a wood chipper.
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daniyummy · 6 months
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I'm sorry for this being late! I was sick all week and just had zero motivation, but here's the fanfic from my voting, and they have spoken, they want a Colby fanfic! Genuinely excited for this!
I want an angsty story, so, here I am!
Part 1 | Part 2
Use of Y/N and cussing
Happy reading!
Sure, Colby had hooked up with plenty of girls, but never a long term relationship. And, yeah, he's had a few girls that stayed for maybe two months but he got bored of just sex and them begging to go public after barely two months. How was he supposed to react when he got a woman?
"Girls and women are the same thing, brother. Just another girl after your fame." His friends would tell him, and as much as he knew that his precious woman would never treat him like the girls in the past did, he was still scared. How could he not be? He's never had a real woman. He didn't know how to act. It was just different. Naturally, he started acting like a douche. staying out late with no clear answer on when he'll be back, and most nights be won't even come back until the next morning.
You, obviously, were getting tired of this behaviour.
"Colby, what the fuck? Where were you all last night?" You look at him in frustration, so close to screaming at him. "Calm the fuck down, jesus christ. I was with Sam and a few friends." He replied, not sounding the least bit interested in having this talk again. "Do not tell me to calm down. You could've at least texted! I was worried!" You're voice on the brink of raising. You were fucking pissed. Nearly five months of this shit.
"Does it really matter that much? I'm safe." Colby replys, he groans, his head pounding from the hangover. "That doesn't mean I don't deserve a fucking text. You're treating me like I'm just an annoyance to you at this point." You huff and cross your arms. He snorts. "Not wrong there." He mumbles and your eyes widen, you laugh. "You know what? Fuck you, Colby Brock. I'm done with this shit. We've been dating for nearly five months, and you still treat me like a hookup! We're done. Get out of fucking house, now." You demand. Colby sits up and looks at you. "Over a text, Y/N? Grow up." He chuckles, yet in a condescending manner. What a prick. Did he think he was too good to be broken up with?
"No, Colby, not over a text. Over your lack of commitment. I get it, you've haven't had healthy relationships in the past but you can't just assume the worst." You look at him in anger. "Don't raise your voice at me, Y/N." Colby ordered, you laughed. "Shut the fuck up, Brock. Do not tell me what to do. And get out of my apartment." You yell, he rolls his eyes and stands up, grabbing his phone and walking out of your room to grab his backpack, not realizing the gravity of his actions. "Leave the key." You cross your arms. "What?" His eyes widen.
"You heard me, leave my key." Those words pull him back to reality as he reaches in his pocket for your spare apartment key you gave him. He sets it on your counter and leaves your apartment, his shoulders slump as he heard the door lock and he walks downstairs, taking his phone out and calling his friend, Sam. "What's up?" Sam asks, Colby sighs. "Can you pick me up?" Colby sighs. "Thought you were with Y/N until we leave tomorrow?" Sam questions confused. "Yeah, well, she broke up with me.." He mutters, shame and sadness in his voice. "Oh, shit..why?" Sam's concern evident in his tone. "I don't want to talk about it right now, too hungover. Just please come get me, man.." He rubs his eyes. "Yeah, of course, send your location."
After a long 15 minutes, Sam's car slows down in front of Colby and Colby gets in, Sam looks at him with a raised eyebrow. "I was a dick. I rarely told her when I'd get home, where I was and who I was with. I messed up, man.." Colby voice breaks and he covers his faces, trying not to cry. Sam looks at him in pure shock, he's never seen him nearly cry over a girl, hell Colby barely cries in front of same. "Shit, brother..you must've really liked her.." Colby looks at Sam. "I loved her.." He mumbles, love is not a word he throws around a lot.
They arrive home and Colby immediately goes to his room, he lays in his bed and holds back tears. How could be be such an idiot? He lost an amazing girl. He grabbed his phone and went to check social media, his eyes starting to water as he noticed that you blocked him in everything, besides Instagram. You didn't use it much, so you most likely forgot. He was quick to make a post, he posted a picture of you two, you cuddle into his chest as he smiled and took pictures, he typed a caption explaining how he was a douche and how much he was sorry, asking you to talk to him and ending it with a "I love you, Y/N. That's not a word I say to everyone, you're the first girl that treated me good and I took advantage of that, and I'm sorry. Truly."
He posted it and it got over a a million likes and hundreds of thousands of comments tagging your account and asking him if he's okay.
He just hopes you see it.
The end! Yes, there will be a part two and I'm happy with how this turned out, let me know if you have any suggestions for part two and feel free to send requests as well, tell me something I could do better for future fanfics! Reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated!
Thanks for reading!
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nerdylilpeebee · 3 months
For the record, as a Biden defender and someone who generally pushes "vote blue no matter who" type rhetoric, the whole "throwing your vote away" comment doesn't really apply to you. If you don't believe in either of the parties and you actually do believe in some third party, that's up to you. I'd obviously prefer you vote towards my agenda, and I'd probably even say that you'd be more satisfied with Democrats than you think, but your opinions are your own and I don't think we can tell you you're throwing away your vote.
It's another thing altogether when leftists who swear up and down that Trump is a fascist (which, I agree, he is) who must be stopped at any cost say they are going to vote third party. I think that's what the other blogger was probably thinking or feeling when they wrote that to you. They are assuming your agendas are aligned... and maybe deep down, they are? But if you don't think that, it doesn't matter.
Anyways, sorry for the rant. I just love ranting. Ranty rant rant rant. All day long. Oh yeah.
I'm sure our agendas are more or less aligned in most ways. For the most part, I do agree with much of what @freeisraelfromhate seems to believe. We differ on some things, like our views on gun restrictions, but for the most part I do indeed agree a lot with the left.
But I also disagree enough that a lot of leftists insist I'm a conservative. XD granted these tend to be extremist or extreme-leaning idiots who think if you don't support a group deemed "leftist" no matter it's actions, you're anti-whatever group they claim to stand for, but still.
My issue with Biden is that a lot of his stuff feels performative. Many of his original campaign promises also went unfulfilled, which makes me feel he's untrustworthy. Just saying what we want to hear so we'll vote for him.
Believe me, I hate Trump significantly more than Biden. But the fact is that Biden and Trump are not the only options. And I hate that people act like they are.
The whole reason we have candidates like Trump is because of this tribalistic bullshit we insist on perpetuating. The two major parties know they can give us whatever they want. They could give a literal Neo-Nazi and be sure people will vote for them cuz they're a candidate for the party they support. I HATE "vote blue no matter who." Cuz that mindset will be used against us. It WILL backfire one of these elections. Hard. And from what I know of a lot of the left, they won't even acknowledge they asked for it when it happens. When our rights are eroded away, they'll blame the right even when it's a Democrat that takes them away. And please don't try to pretend a Democrat would never, cuz they absolutely would. Being of the party you support does not mean they are incapable of becoming a tyrant.
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Five: Hug me (Or kiss me)
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You and Duncan stared as most of the 'Screaming Gopher's' team jumped down. Then it got to Owen. Geoff, Gwen, and You go to the outhouses all stationed around various areas on the island. When it's your turn to go in, you start to laugh. "He's going to drown us all if he jumps. I for one, am to young to die."
Then you go back to the moutain and see he still hasn't jumped.
"We're all doomed aren't we?" Duncan whispered in your ear. "Oh most certainly." You laugh under your breath.
Then you watch as your end falls from the sky, and hits the water like a bomb making water splash all around you dispersing the campers in every which way. Duncan and you landed right by each other, his legs tangled with yours.
"Have I ever told you how much I hate water?" Duncan groaned his body shivering from excess fear he was shoving down. "Actually yes, countless of times." You laughed ruffling his hair as he pinned you to the grown smiling. "Don't touch the hair, princess."
"Yes, yeah! Who's the man?" Owen yelled from the safe zone in the water. The Screaming Gophers had won, the team cheered and you groaned. "Coward fucking Courtney." Duncan hit his head against the sand in contempt. "Be nice." You lightly punched his shoulder.
"What's wrong?" You heard Trent ask. "I think I lost my bathing suit." Owen muttered. "Ew." All the campers voiced their varying opinions of grossness.
As their prize the Screaming Gophers got wagons to wheel their boxes, but that didn't really bother you. The rest of your team? Yeah, it bothered them. Duncan kicked his, you just carried yours on your shoulders. "Lift with your back wasn't meant to be taking literally." Duncan teased you smiling as Eva and Courtney argued.
Tyler finally voiced his need to take a piss (for some reason) and suddenly Sadie and Katie had to go as well much to Eva's dismay. Luckily, it didn't take them very long but you noticed when Satie and Katie returned their thighs were a redish tint, but you stayed silent.
"Poison Ivy?" Duncan asked from next to you. "Oh for sure." You smiled as Chris asked you guys what was taking so long, lightly screaming when he saw Courtney's eye which was now pulsating.
Duncan rememebered when you both were around nine and were sent to 'Wilderness Survival School for troubled kids' and one of your teachers left you all in the middle of nowhere in a forest for three weeks without any supplies.
Bridgette began asking them what kinda plants had been around them when they had left, and she very quickly realized their mistake. "You guys squatted on poison ivy." She laughed behind her palm. "Oh no way, that's awesome." Chris laughed at the now freaking out girls.
Finally they ran into the water and you guys left them behind.
Geoff tried to give you all a 'inspiring speech' but in reality it made you realize how close you were to tackling someone. Courtney decided she was going to be the 'project' manager and yelled at Duncan almost immediately.
She put you in charge of building the motor which you did with ease. They had you build small engines at juvie a LOT and she had Duncan use his switchblade to cut the boxes open. But everyone else failed their jobs... spectactuarly.
The other team's hottub looked terrific.
Yours look like it did drugs.
So obviously, they won.
Yours had exploded the second Chris had touched it. "Well, I think we have a winner here." the host yelled. "The Screaming Gophers!" He announced their prize. "I'll see your sorry butts at the campfire tonight." He yelled at you guys.
Once it was time for dinner, Katie (or was it Sadie?) finally asked the question everyone was dying to know. "So- uh- what do we do now?" she muttered. "We have to figure out who we're going to vote off." Courtney explained her eye still swelling. "Well, I think it should be you sweetheart." You smiled pointing at her. "Or maybe the brick house here." Duncan pointed at DJ. "What! Why?" Courtney whined.
"Because, unless I'm mistaken, you two are the only ones here with the chicken hats, and if we ever have to lift a truck I like our chances better with the big guy." Duncan bumped shoulders with DJ causing the man to smile.
"You guys need me. I'm the only one-" Courtney began to whine. "We know, who used to be a real C.I.T." Bridgette groaned rolling her eyes. "I hate to break it to you hun, no one gives a shit." You laughed at Courtney's expression. "So who would you pick?" Bridgette asked finally letting the girl speak.
"What about him?" Courtney pointed at Tyler causing Lindsay to scream at the other table. "At least he jumped off the cliff." Duncan pointed out. "Chicken wing." You chimed in causing Courtney to yell "Shut it!" At you. "Okay, let's just chill out, this is getting way too heavy." Geoff got between you both causing you to growl.
"I've had enough prison food for one day. I'm gonna take a nap, you coming Y/N?" You both stood up to go walk off but Courtney stopped you. "You can't do that, we haven't decided who's going yet." She complained causing you to groan. "I just told get why we lost, eh. They're the ones that have six girls." That made you stop dead in your tracks because there ain't no way Ezekiel just said that.
Before Duncan could stop you, you had shoved Ezekiel's face against the table slamming it hard. "What's that supposed to mean?" Bridgette growled. "Yeah home school, enlighten us." Eva hissed. "Well guys are much stronger and better at sports then girls are." Ezekiel said his voice muffled against the table. "Dumbass." Duncan groaned from behind you.
Geoff saw this look in your eyes and took a step back. "Oh snap, he did not just say that." Geoff laughed putting a hand to his face. "My dad told me to look out for the girls here, eh, and to help them in case they can't keep up." Eva grabbed Ezekiel by the throat pulling him up. "Still think we need your help keeping up?" She growled. "Not really." Ezekiel shrugged. "Okay guys let's give him a break." Geoff had Eva drop him. "At least he doesn't think guys are smarter then girls." Geoff explained and suddenly Ezekiel decided to say..
"Well they are!"
Duncan had to pull you off of him.
That night at the campfire Duncan sat on the bench and you sat at his feet . "Dude, you've got a lot to learn about the real world." He advised the homeschooled boy. "Killer bass, at camp marshmallows represent a tasty treat that you enjoy roasting by the fire. At this camp marshmallows represent life. You've all cast your votes and made your decision. Thee are only eleven marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper that does not recieve a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers. That means you're out of the contest and you can't come back... ever. The first marshmallow goes to... Geoff." Chris explained the 'game.'
You weren't worried.
He went down the list of names rather quickly.
"Duncan. Y/N." Chris called out and Duncan threw a marshmallow into your mouth. You hated toasted marshmallows. Finally Chris made his last annoucement. "Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening." It was between Courtney and Ezekiel. You stared at your bloodied knuckles.
"Courtney. Can't say I'm surprised, I saw you picking your nose, not cool bro. Dock of shame is that way." Chris pointed and for some damn reason Ezekiel looked surprised.
After the rest of them ate their marshmallows you walked back to the cabins going past the dancing gophers. You stepped up onto your cabin's steps and everyone quickly went inside leaving Duncan and you alone. He kissed your knuckles. "Your anger is a beaut everytime." He quietly teased grabbing your waist to bring you closer.
"Mhm." You laughed.
"Well, goodnight scorpion." He kissed your cheek and you fucking blushed to your dismay. "Screw you, tiger." You kissed his cheek right back and dissapeared before he could say anything. You left the 'green-haired dickhead' standing there holding his cheek in surprise.
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