#oh geez i hope i can call them a friend
plush-rabbit · 1 year
Selfish Moments
Summary: I wanted to write something soft and this has been in the docs for a while, so here it is!! 
Characters: Dabi and Shigaraki 
Word Count: 1.4K each -
It's become a routine for him to invade your home and make a mess of things. To have dirt and grime in the shape of his shoe stain the floor, to have picture frames bumped and knocked over when he stumbles into a room. It’s become addictive with the way that you allow him to do this, smiling softly and setting him down on the couch. And you clean him; you dab a white towel that has turned dirty with blood and ash. And when you smile and touch his face, wiping away at the dried blood that streaks down and falls to the floor, you lean over, and you kiss him sweetly. You tell him that he’s making a mess of things, and kiss his lips again, hands clutching at his shirt, desperate to keep him here, and he’s reminded how vile he is for having invaded your life. 
You’ve reminded him countless times how he’s always welcomed in your home, how you’ll have  a meal ready for him, warm and ready, made to perfection. You’ll shower him in love and care, in tenderness he’s only ever known in memories, and he’ll wonder if he could ever do the same for you. 
A part of him wants to. He wants to return the tenderness, the comfort and care that you’ve given him. He wants to be without debt, without having to lay awake and wish that he would have kissed you more, would have kissed you again and again if it meant that he didn’t have to guilt bleed through his lips and have his body aflame in wishing and wanting.
He doesn't need to hear you say an "I love you", doesn't even need for any words to be said out loud or whispered when he's asleep. He just wants to know that you do. And in these soft moments, when he's sitting on your couch, the smell of smoke and cheap cologne seeping into the fabric of your couch, he can pretend that you do. That you feel the same way that he feels for you. 
Loving you comes so easy to him. It's nice, and warm. It's welcoming, and it's you cleaning him up and making him a space in your home. It's him ruining you. It's him leaving scorched handprints on random pieces of furniture. Stealing hair ties and scarves. Leaving shirts for you to wash and for him to return to, his scent gone and replaced by yours. 
"Dabi." He can feel his heart race when you call his name. 
If you were to call him anything else, he thinks he would combust, explode into himself and scar you beyond belief. 
And yet, he wants to tell you to call him by his given name. He wants to know how that would sound, if it would sound as soft and adored as his chosen one does. And of course, he knows the answer. He knows that you’d cherish that name, that you’d whisper it to him, and never grow tired of it. If he were to tell you what his given name was, he’s positive that you’d hold it gently on your tongue, and you’d only tell it to him, and you’d never dare to whisper it anywhere else but in your room. 
He hums in response. His eyes haven’t left yours. 
"I asked if you wanted to spend the night." Your hands brush at the side of his head, pinching two fingers between a lock of hair and pulling at it, letting the soot fall to the floor. "It’s late and you look like you need sleep.”
His stomach churns at the thought of spending the night, twists and flips violently, and he hates how his heart sputters and jumps at the thought of sleeping in your bed. He wishes he could stare at you forever. He gives a crooked grin and stands up, watching as your hand falls and returns to you. "Lead the way," he says. 
You hand him clothes that are too pristine for him to wear. He knows that if he changed in front of you, he’d ruin it all, ruin your perception, ruin your floors, ruin the clothes that you’ve cared for. There’s no need for him to talk and explain himself as he walks into the bathroom and lets steam fog the mirror and he bites the insides of his cheeks when the water stings his back. He stands underneath it, watching the blood and grime swirl down the drain, gone forever, but the tile stays dirty, and he smells like milk and honey when he stands at the doorway, watching you read something.
It doesn’t take long for you to notice him, and when you do, you make space for him beside you.
In the night, through the blinds where moonlight comes in pieces, he watches you sleep. You've dropped all your defenses around him- there's no need for you to feel unsafe around him. And sometimes, he thinks that you're an idiot for that. Sometimes he wants to wrap his hands around your throat and have you wake up to him with blood painting at his cheeks and dripping onto you. He wants to be violent and bare his teeth at you, and spit fly when he yells. He wants you to cry and hate him. He wants all of the ugliness to show itself fully to you. 
But then you twitch and your hand finds his, even in slumber, you reach for him. And he hates himself for all he is is death and war. He wants to be soft. He wants to wake up in the morning with birds singing at the window sill, and the morning news muffled between the walls. He wants life to be with you where he doesn't have to part ways and sneak out through the window and be trapped in a box. He wants to lie down and kiss at your face and your hands and feel safe. He wants you to care for him, to ignore the blood on his hands.
He needs you to feel the same way- to want the same as he does.
“What are you thinking about?” You murmur with your eyes still closed and with sleep heavily laced into your words. 
“How’d you know I was awake?” He asks, desperate to keep his hand limp and not grip at you with ferocity.
“I can just tell.” A yawn interrupts your words, and you don’t speak again, but a light squeeze of your hand tells him that you’re waiting for his response.
He’s going to lie to you and even if you do know it’s a lie, you’re far too polite to confront him. “I was thinking about how I’m going to sneak out.” 
“You don’t have to,” you add. “You can spend the day and leave at night.” 
“Do you want me to stay?”
“I always want you to stay.” You say it without pausing, and it’s honest, and it makes him scowl. 
He hates how he needs to ask you if you want him to stay, and he hates it even more that you’ll never say no. “Okay,” he says without a fight. He hates himself for wanting your acceptance. You hum, and press yourself closer to him, your breathing soft and steady. “Only cause you’d twist my arm if I said no,” he adds, trying to save face, trying to ignore how tight his chest feels when you’re beside him.
When he's gone from your life, he needs you to cry. He needs to know that you sobbed and heaved and begged to be taken with him. He never wants you to heal from him. He wants to run you through the ground, leaving you too messed up for anyone else, the hole that he would leave too big and too great to ever be filled. He wants you to claw at the dirt and grass and beg for the world to swallow you whole- to search for a corpse that was never buried and never loved. 
All he wants is to sit at the table with you and share breakfast. He needs you to want and crave every part of him, the ugly and the wretched, the soft parts of him that only reveal themselves when you’ve turned a blind eye. 
Dabi is a tragedy at heart. It’s his birthright, the only one given to him.
Shigaraki Tomura:
The itching only stops for a moment. For a minute, he’s left without pain, left without having to claw at his neck and chest, the need and want to tear himself open, to rip out his skin and have his bones bare and bloody, can only disappear for so long. For a moment, he’s at peace, the nerves that have clawed and had bile pool under his tongue thinned and nothing more than a reminder of just moments ago. 
You’re on his lap, arms wrapped tight, and face hidden where his shoulder and neck meet. He can feel your breath, steady and warm, fan across him, and the only reason that he knows that you aren’t asleep, is because of the shapes that you trace over his forearm. 
Your fingertips are soft compared to his. 
He stares blankly into space, and he wants to speak. He wants to tell it all to you. All of his life, all of his day, all of thoughts; only if it meant that he could hear you speak to him, to know that you are real, and that he is loved. He thinks about the countless times that you were so eager to tell him anything and everything, and just knowing that it was him that had you seeing stars, made him eager and obsessive for you. He made you happy. You wanted to talk to him despite it all, despite who he is, and where he’s been.
He never wants to leave you. He never wants to move from this spot. He wishes that this moment would be forever still. Tomura wishes that you would stay curled up in his lap for all of eternity, frozen in time, frozen and loved, and he’d be victimless, trapped beneath you, wanting to forever feel your warmth. 
His hand hurts. The part where his fingers used to ache in pain and he wonders how long it’ll last, and he wonders if he could do anything to make it hurt more until he’s gritting his teeth and biting his tongue. 
It’s worse than an itch, but it’s all the same. The desire to poke at it, to make himself bleed, but also the knowing that it wasn’t him who got rid of his own appendages. It made things difficult for a while, and when he’d catch you staring at him, he knew that there was pity in your eyes. You’d treat him as if he were glass. You’d hold his hand delicately, fingertips brushing just at the edge of the scarring, ghosting over the marred flesh that wrinkled, and you’d get lost in those simple motions. 
Tomura has been under your gaze before, peered through your lashes, watched and terraced by your hand as you studied him in a way that made him feel all too seen. He craved those moments, needed you to look at him, through him, to see how red his irises are, and trace his scars, letting your fingertip brush at his lashes. 
He remembers being unable to breathe during those times, stiff and unmoving, afraid that even the simplest gesture would have you retreat and never look at him again. 
But after his fight, you shifted your focus to his hand. You’d cradle it gently, and when he went to change the bandages, you offered to change them for him. He heard your breath hitch, felt your breath on the sensitive skin and when you kissed at the center of his palm, too worried that you’d injured him with a featherlight kiss, he felt his whole hand go aflame. 
As if reading his mind, you grab at his hand, and finally, you move, and life returns to the world, and he is aware that at some point, he’s going to have to leave, and he’ll be cold without you.
“What are you thinking about?” You ask, running the pad of your index finger up and down his, tracing over the lines on his knuckles. 
There’s an ache in his chest, tight and unforgiving, and it makes it difficult to breathe. “I hate meetings,” he mumbles. The bile in his mouth makes it difficult to swallow.
You breathe out a laugh, and swipe your finger in a curve, your index now tracing over his middle finger. “I’m not too fond of them either,” you admit, and you’re looking up at him. 
When he looks down, he finds it difficult to stay looking at you, but he wills himself to. “Why do you stay then?” His voice is strained, and once again, he’s unable to breathe. 
“I like being with you,” you answer earnestly. You smile up at him, it’s a slow smile that slowly stretches and you look down at his hand for a brief second before looking back up at him. “You’re gonna be busy for a while, and I wanna get in as much time as I can with you.”
It’s difficult to keep looking at you after that statement. It’s enough to have his chest tighten and he looks away, turning his head to look at the door, wondering if someone will save him from this grief.
What you told him is true- he will be busy, and you sit around in boring meetings with people who you aren’t close to, to just be with him. All you want to do is spend time with him. It makes his chest hurt, and he’s unable to breathe, too aware of it to keep it normal, to make it seem like what you told him isn’t a big deal. 
“I want-” his voice cracks and he swallows whatever little spit he has- “I want to spend time with you too,” he says in a low whisper, unable to make it any bit louder. He’s positive that if he were to tell you this sentiment out loud then something bad would happen.
You return to hide your face in the crook of his neck, wrapping your arms around his, your hand sliding down to envelop his and he’s sure that that position couldn’t be comfortable, but even so, you stick with it, closing your eyes and keeping close to him.
His canines bite into the soft flesh behind his lips, and the pain isn’t nearly enough to have him distracted. The hand that you hold, that hand that has been through hell and ripped apart, burns, and the need to scratch and peel his skin grows great.
Even if he tries to keep himself composed around you, you know him. You know how he panics, and you kiss at his neck where his heart pumps and you can feel his pulse quicken, beat and pour blood and he’s sure that if it were possible, he’d gush blood out his body, leaking and staining your clothes and you’d hold him to your chest and coo nothing but soft words to him. 
He’d never hurt you. He’s made you cry and he’s apologized and kissed your tears and made broken promises that he would never dare to make you cry again. Of course, he’s still made you cry, and you still sought out comfort in him, pressing yourself against him, clinging and twisting his shirt in case he did just vanish into thin air. But, even so, he hopes that when you die, you are taken with him. You’re wrapped around him, clinging to him, stuck forever with him. He wants to take you to the grave, to keep you forever his. 
A part of him hopes that no matter what happens to him, that you would never move on. It’s selfish and cruel of him, but he wants it with his whole being. He could lie and tell you and wish to the stars that you’d end up with someone normal, with someone who can take you out, but he doesn’t want that. He wants you to sit in your room, holed up and blocking the outside, because you’d miss him too much. He wants you to never move on, that you’d grow out your hair because he touched it, and you could never part with his touch, not even with one that was so fleeting. He wants you to sob and wail over him, to bury yourself in grief. 
If the last thing he could ever do was to curse you with his own feelings, he’d do it. He’d do it a hundred times over, to know that at least you cared for him, that your feelings for him weren’t just temporary, but that they were forever, that they were permanent. 
Tomura hopes that you’d never want to move, that you’d have the same curse that you gave him. He hopes that when you think of him, it becomes harder to breathe and harder to want anything else but him.
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
oh so people getting bold in the requests?? CONNIE AND ONY THREESOME??🌚
THISSS THE ONEEEEE. I BEEN THINKIMG AB THIS FOR WEEKSSSSSS. ima doooo mob boyfriends!ony and connie since it’s been in my brain for a minute😛😛😛😩😛😛😛😩😛😩😩
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cw: polygamous relationship!!!
word count: 2.1k
part 2
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
your boyfriends were feared by many. mean and dangerous men that nobody ever dared to question. they were the monsters the kids hid from and the bad men parents want far away from their daughters. you, on the other hand, were the complete opposite. everyone always seemed to gravitate towards you due to your kind and caring nature. you made people feel safe and welcomed no matter what they may be going through.
when you’re out with connie and ony, strangers would have to sometimes do a double take to make sure what they’re seeing is real. a soft and sweet looking girl wearing cute little outfits with pretty colors being accompanied by two brooding men on either side of her, wearing no other colors but black and grey. it was not a normal sight to see. “ooouuu what about this one papi. you said i look pretty in blue.”
the three of you were currently in a boutique in the mall. looking for different dresses to add to your never ending collection. connie, your more lenient partner, stood with his finger curled on his chin, thinking about the different looks you could achieve with the dress “hmmm it’s aight. i think you should get sum tighter.” you rolled your eyes, putting the dress back on the rack before walking to the next section.
“you only saying that so you can look at my ass.” before you could get far you felt a soft tug on your arm. “rolling your eyes is rude. i told you ‘bout that.” ony grumbled, staring down at your smaller figure. ony was the strict boyfriend. even though both of them were pretty stern, ony was the one that kept both you and connie in check sometimes since connie had a tendency of letting you off easy.
“sorry sorry…geez.” you sigh. he let go of your arm and the three of you continued your search for some new appliances. as you walked to your next store you notice a familiar man standing by the pretzel shop. “sean?” the brownskin male lifted his head from his phone, bright smile immediately forming on his face as he spotted the source of the voice. “y/n?? oh my god hey sugeeee? how you been?” you squealed before running into the arms of your old friend.
you and sean were friends in high school who drifted away from each other since he moved away. “boy what you doing back in town? and why didn’t you call meeee?” as the two of you spoke ony and connie stood annoyed behind you. they were holding all of your bags as they watched this random guy practically eye fuck you every time you happened to be looking away. you were too oblivious for your own good.
“well it was nice seein you boo. hope we could stay in touch.” sean licked his lips, looking down at you as he opened his arms for a hug. you gladly stepped into the embrace for a couple seconds before trying to pull away, but you froze as you felt a palm on you ass. “uhh sean?” “huh? oh my bad y/n you know my arms are long.” you hid your uncomfortableness with a laugh as you moved back to go rejoin your boyfriends.
as soon as you turned around they were already by your side, staring daggers into the boy. “you wanna die nigga?” ony said before grabbing sean by his collar and pushing him on a nearby wall. sweat began to bead all over his forehead as he tried to plead with your man. “n-nah man ian mean t’do that i swear.” connie stood by you, arms wrapped around your shoulder as he held you to his chest. “bet not have or so help me god i will cut that hand off so fast. get the fuck outta here before i kill you.” connie added.
sean’s body dropped to the ground as ony abruptly let him go. he ran away and didn’t look back as he disappeared from your sight. when you got home you could tell they were a bit upset about the situation that happened at the mall so you decided that maybe you could do something to make them feel better. you ran to your room, putting on a pretty lingerie set before quietly making your way back downstairs. the boys were on the game, cursing each other out before you stood in all your glory in front of the tv.
“how i look?” you asked shyly, arms crossed over your chest to hide some of the skin from them. “move your hands baby. let papi see.” “yea no need t’be shy mama. it’s just us.” your boyfriends rose from the couch, standing in either side of you as they each pulled one of your arms from your chest. “you so pretty baby. making me real hard lookin at you.” connie mumbled while palming himself through his sweats. you squeezed your legs together at the sight before your attention was put on ony. “go upstairs ma.”
your hurried upstairs, sitting in the middle of your california king bed as you waited for your men to arrive. they walked in with a pair of fuzzy cuffs and a vibrator, both of their tattooed chests on full display for you as they approached the edge of the bed. “c’mere pretty girl” connie’s smooth voice rang in your ears, coaxing you to crawl to the edge of the bed. you sat on yours knees as you looked up at him. “gon be good for us, right?” his inked hand held your chin, lightly caressing your cheek as you nodded your head.
ony then softly moved your head towards him, giving you a kiss on the lips before giving you your first instructions. “turn around and arch your back mama.” you did as you were told. arching as deep you could before you felt your hands being bound behind your back by the cuffs. “gon make you feel so good mami.” connie said as you began to feel the bed dip. he made his way in front of your head, pants long abandoned as he sat in front of you in his briefs.
you moaned as you felt ony lick a long stripe up your pussy, stopping at your entrance to penetrate you with his tongue. “f-fuck daddy.” and sharp smack was delivered to your ass, connie’s light brown eyes scolding you. “watch ya mouth pretty. don’t wanna have to gag you.” your apology got stuck in your throat as you felt ony begin roughly sucking on your clit, connie lifted the front of your body up so he could slap his tip against your mouth before looking up at ony.
“ready?” the two of them nodded to each other before both thrusting into you fully, making you gag and moan at the same time. connie’s pace on your throat was slow rather than the quick deep strokes your other boyfriend settled for. “feel so good mama. gon make daddy nut fast if you keep squeezin like that.” your body was already feeling hot as you felt ony’s hands roam all over you.
running all over your back, softly touching all your rolls and dips. connie hand was buried in your hair, guiding your head up and down his shaft before occasionally pulling it out to slap it across your tongue. “eres guapa.” he sighed. your eyes were low and unfocused. your pink tongue hung from your parted lips, letting your drool fall all over his pink tip. you looked so fucked out and they’ve barley even touched you.
“mi niña bonita.” your moans went straight to his dick as you felt ony pull out of you. he got on his knees and began fingering you as a slow pace, digging into you softly before placing the vibrator on your clit. your body jerked at the sudden stimulation, pussy fluttering before his eyes as you whined onto connie’s dick. “i know princess, feel you squeezin around my fingers.” ony dug rougher into you as he turned the vibrator up to a higher setting.
your lips disconnected from connie with a pop before you gasped loudly. “r-right there daddy ohmygod.” your hips moved on their own. gravitating towards ony’s fingers to get him deeper into you. “you like how daddy makes you feel, pretty? like when he touches that spot right here?” connie said as he was now next to you, hand outstretched under you on your lower stomach as began to push on it. “answer me baby. tell daddy thank you for making you feel so good.”
connie whispered, giving you a light smack on your ass, dragging more moans out of you before you looked back at your boyfriends. their brown eyes stared right back at you as they waited for you to comply. “t-thank you d-daddy. c-can i cum?” the vibrator was soon removed from your clit as his fingers began moving in and out at a quick pace. “my pleasure mama, but not yet. how bout you get on your back. you want papi t’feel good too, right?”
ony said. his fingers left you empty before you turned around on your back. ony and connie gave each other knowing looks after looking at your confused face. why were the cuffs still on? “cant have you pushin on my stomach princess.” he mumbled as if he were reading your mind. him and ony switched places. light brown dick tapping against your clit as ony’s laid flat on your lips. “open up mama.” as your mouth slowly opened and he began thrusting into your mouth, you felt your other lover slap his tip all over your wet pussy.
your arousal splashing onto your thighs as your boyfriend watched strings of it connect him to you. connie sunk into you slowly, dick dragging against your wet walls until stopping at the hilt. your pretty moans were muffled by the thick dick between your lips, but the vibration of them sent shivers flying down ony’s spine. “s-shit. keep fuckin her like that baby. your mouth feel so good mama.” connie nodded his head in compliance, pushing into you the same way over and over again.
pace slow and steady as your wetness began to drip onto the sheets. “fuckkk mami. you so fucking wet f’me.” you felt your orgasm nearing as connie continued fucking into you slowly. his pace never faltering as ony watched his lip get buried behind his teeth. he was trying his best to listen to his lover, but the slow pace was killing him. “i-i can’t pa i wanna go faster.” he breathed, but was quickly met with ony’s hand on his. darker skin caressing his as he looked him in the eyes. “what’d i say?” ony said sternly.
“you said keep fucking her slow like this, but-” “but nothing. if that’s what i said then you gon listen right? or do i gotta teach you after m’finished wit her.” the interaction made your pussy flutter in a way that caused connie’s eyes to roll back. you were close to the edge and your squeezing made him closer as well. “n-no pa hah- m’listenin’.”connie moaned as his other hand found its was to your throat, squeezing it slightly to make it tighter for ony’s dick.
“good boy fuck-” ony groaned as he felt his end nearing. thrusting into your mouth with a little more vigor as his hot ropes slid down your throat. soon later you came, juices pouring out of you and onto the sheets as you shook around connie’s dick. “f-fuck m’gonna cum m’gonna cum princess.” connie moaned, picking up his pace as he rubbed on your clit. you screamed as more juices rushed out of you, spraying his stomach and thighs as he thrusted one more time and stilled, cumming deep inside of you.
all three of you stayed where you were as you caught your breath. “let’s get you cleaned up mama.” ony signed. the two of them made sure to clean the sheets before running you a nice bath. both standing at the door, watching you relax. connie’s head whipped towards ony when he felt a hand on his lower back. “you didn’t listen t’me earlier don’t think i forgot. ima deal wit you later.” he mumbled before walking off to go handle business downstairs.
connie’s eyes widened as he felt his dick jump in his pajama pants. “papi can you wash my back?” your voice startled him out of his thoughts, making him jump a little before smiling and walking towards your naked figure in the tub. “of course mi vida. anything for you.”
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maple-the-awesome · 2 months
The Chain Meets Your Baby || 1/2
Part 2 ||
Pairing: Hyrule, Time, Wild, Four x Reader
Requested by @kieradumpzz081927: I hope your request are open(or if ur free for requests), so i saw ur LU oneshots about the one that is called ' He becames a dad ' or smth. So, why not that he would introduce his kid(s) to the chain? That ones going to be interesting Interesting indeed 😈Now, I have my own set of headcannons for what order the Chain becomes dads in, but regardless of their own experience, I'm sure the Links would all subject the new dad to lots of support and teasing. Here you go 💜 Warning: Some mature jokes here and there. Nothing major, but gotta give the new dad a little hell, right? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Zelda Masterlist 🤍Fandom Masterlist
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The last thing Hyrule was expecting to encounter during his village visit was his old traveling companions, the other heroes of courage. Then again, life has been full of surprises lately and it wasn't like he didn't already know that the portals between their worlds are still active. It was only a matter of time before their paths crossed again and honestly, it couldn't have aligned more perfectly.
Happy to see the rest of the Chain again, Hyrule takes the liberty of inviting them back to his home so that they can properly catch up and not be the subject of so many judgment stares from villagers. Throughout the short trip there, the group’s laughter is vibrant as they detail accounts from their recent adventures, soon turning it into a friendly competition of who has the craziest stories. 
This conversation stays well alive all the way from their first steps outside of the village gates to the second Hyrule opens the door to his house, at which point the spirited teasing immediately dies off into a stunned silence.
“Oh! Hello again!” You’re just as pleasantly surprised to see the boys as your boyfriend had been, your smile more than welcoming as you turn around to greet them, yet they’re less focused on you and more so on the small infant you cradle in your arms.
“...I think the Traveler wins,” Wild mumbles, his disbelief shared amongst the rest of the group who merely nod distractedly. 
“Right! I forgot to mention -” Hyrule excitedly hurries to your side before turning to his friends with a thrilled smile, “- This is our daughter, Hope.”
“You just casually forgot to mention you have a kid now…?” Legend narrows his eyes while pointing to the kid in question. He should probably be more annoyed with Hyrule’s tendency of always skipping over important details, but honestly he’s just too shocked to process it right this second.
“Well, she’s only about a month old. Being a dad now takes some getting used to,” Hyrule defends, rubbing the back of his neck timidly, but when you pass your daughter over to him, he shows practice in the way he gently holds her securely to himself before approaching the boys to properly show her off.
Despite their surprise, they’re eager to crowd around him, each wanting to get a good look to ensure this isn’t some clever joke you’re both pulling on them. Fluffy head of dark wavy hair…A little button nose…Sharp pointed ears…Yep, this baby must be yours. She looks exactly as one would imagine the product of Hyrule’s sex life to look like…
“...Geeze. She’s adorable,” Warrior awes, practically leaning over Legend who elbows him back with a glare.
“Isn’t she?” You preen.
“She’s strong, too,” The Vet acknowledges with an unamused pout. He had made the mistake of holding a finger out to the baby only for her to grasp it in an unwavering grip. His attempts at pulling away are fruitless, not that he’s actually trying that hard. Maybe he even likes the feeling of his heart melting just a bit.
“Congratulations. You two must be very proud,” Time praises kindly, having already felt the joy that comes with being a parent himself. He can recognize it in the way Hyrule and you affectionately watch your giggling baby with a pleasant glow surrounding you both.
“We very much are…”
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Muffled commotion outside alerts you to the fact that you have visitors long before they stumble into your home, not even bothering to knock as their excitement gets the better of them. Now, any other day, your husband would be quick to scold such ill-mannered behavior, but fortunately for your guests, he's in far too good of a mood to let it be soured.
So, instead of acknowledging the Chain’s less than graceful entrance, Time immediately rises to his feet with a proud hand left upon your shoulder, "Everyone, we'd like you to meet Saria and Mallory."
The young heroes are in awe as they crowd around the bed just to get a look at the small bundles held within your arms. Sure, they've seen babies before, but these are Time's babies. For many of them, the complicated concept of love alone had once seemed out of reach for any hero of courage, yet here the Old Man is, hitched to a lovely wife and now the lucky father of two adorable daughters. It's an amazing accomplishment, really; one that has the entire Chain feeling happy for him.
"They're so little," Hyrule whispers, scared to speak any louder out of fear he'll accidently wake them.
"They inherited their dad's nose, poor things," Warrior jests, throwing a smirk Time's way.
"They'll grow into them," Rather than take it personally, he chuckles while carefully taking one of the girls from you. Despite having only become a father a few hours ago, he's already a natural at handling them. Ever so gently - as if handling the thinnest of glass - he cradles his daughter to his chest and fixes the tiny hand-sewn blanket around her; a gift from her godmother, Malon, of course.
"You'll have your hands full with twins," Four remarks prudently.
You sigh at the thought, your head thrown back against your pillow, "Ugh, we know…”
Although you’re visibly tired after having undergone hours of stressful labor, you still look upon the baby in your arms with nothing short of pure admiration, clearly having no actual regrets towards having either of them. In your eyes, twins just mean all the more love to give.
"Nothing we can't handle," Time promises before getting a mischievous glimmer in his eye while casually extending his sleeping baby out to Twilight, "This one is Mallory, by the way -"
"- W-Wait -!" The Rancher is immediately caught off guard by it, yet his objections are ignored. Time drops the baby into his arms anyway, practically forcing Twilight to take her, not that he truly minds. A natural around children himself, it takes him only a few seconds to adjust the baby comfortably in his hold.
Blind to the other boys who hover around his shoulders, Twilight's eyes are locked in amazement upon the tiny bean who scrunches her nose and whimpers quietly before soon settling down…To think, this small infant no more than a few hours old is a relative of his. He can't help but wonder how closely related they are. How many generations between them? Three? Two? Maybe even just one? It's a strange thought to consider...but also a very comforting one, too.
"...She's a real beauty, isn't she?" Time asks softly with a strong pat to Twilight's back. The only reply he gets is a wordless nod and whimper as the teary eyed Rancher sniffles.
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What kind of horrors do they need to prepare themselves for? That's the question that rings through every hero's head as they approach Wild's home. They're concern only grows when - as if sensing them - the Champion suddenly appears in his open doorway with an ear-to-ear grin greeting them...Not the most comforting sight seeing as they've come all this way under his vague request.
A letter had been sent to each of them only giving the minor hint that there’s a certain 'surprise' he can't wait to show them, and with someone as chaotic as their accident prone centenarian, the Chain has every right to be anxious about it.
Even as they all crowd outside of his home, Wild refuses to add any context, instead maintaining his mysteriously upbeat aura before finally stepping aside to allow them in. It's only then that the heroes realize what his 'surprise' is, welcomed by the sight of you as you stand there matching Wild's grin while holding an unfamiliar baby in your arms. She can't be much older than a few weeks, judging on both her tiny features and the obvious bags under both of her parents’ eyes...
"You have a baby?!" Wind screeches with delight, not wasting a second to race to your side.
"Her name is Mikan," Chuckling, you kneel down to let him better see your pride and joy. It isn't long before you're surrounded by most of the heroes who are immediately taken by your daughter's cuteness.
"When did this happen?" Time inquires through a raised eyebrow, one of the few Links who had remained by the door with Wild.
"Uh, she'll be three weeks old tomorrow," Wild answers, his hand darting up to rub the side of his neck. He knows that isn’t exactly what Time meant, but it’s the easiest answer.
"I didn't think you -..." Begins Twilight quietly. Although he ultimately cuts himself short, the curious look he gives his successor wordless finishes what he might've said.
Nodding slowly with some hesitation, Wild bows his head while looking back over to you. There's a fondness in his eyes as he watches you carefully pass your daughter over for Wind to hold, "I know what I said before. I...I didn't think this was something I could have - something I could want this badly, but...Well…I probably don’t need to tell you how it is…”
Twilight pats Wild’s back with a knowing smirk, indeed understanding. He’s happy to see his friend finally accept the peaceful life he deserves instead of continuing to run away from it, after all, Twilight has never been blind to the curiosity and faint jealousy that would shine in Wild’s eyes whenever listening to the other heroes talk about their families. He’s been long overdue to have one of his own.
"Hey, just one question," While Wind is busy cooing and rocking your daughter, Four turns around to address Wild once they finally join everyone else, "Did you really name your daughter after a fruit?"
Wild's cheeks flare in embarrassment, "I - It can be a pretty name, too!"
"I'm actually the one who chose it," You confess sheepishly, taking the attention away from your partner, "I was really craving tangerines throughout the whole pregnancy."
"At least it's a somewhat normal name. I was half expecting you to name your future kids something like 'Biscuit' or 'Curry'," Legend snorts.
"...We did consider picking 'Sage'.”
Warrior laughs heartily before throwing a hand over Wild shoulder with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows, "Can we expect that to be the second child's name then?"
"Woah, woah, woah - Let's settle down now, gentleman,” You immediately scold while also taking the chance to save your poor partner by pulling him away from the onslaught of teasing he was about to endure, “One baby at a time. It’s not easy carrying those things, just ask your wives!”
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Four has been off into his own little world - That is to say, he’s been both distracted and extremely tired; a terrible mix, but hey, it’s nothing he hasn’t dealt with before. Despite his eyelids feeling like bricks, he remains awake and alert, arms folded across his chest as he sits in the bedside chair keeping watch over your sleeping form. 
You need the rest more than him anyway. Your husband has been through some pretty fearsome and ravenous beasts in his time, yet your work last night easily trumpeted every hell he’s undergone himself. Best to let you sleep unless he wants to change that statement.
A series of echoed knocks send Four bolting through the house, hissing a curse under his breath before tossing the front door open with plans to scold whoever’s on the other side, yet he’s stunned into silence when he realizes it’s no poorly timed mailman, rather the very friends he had invited over…although, they did come a lot sooner than he thought they would…
“- SHHH!!!” Four nearly smacks a hand over Wild’s face. 
“- …The baby…” Wild finishes with a whisper and a grimace.
Four quickly ushers the Chain inside, allowing them to make themselves comfortable with STRICT orders to keep the noise level down. Yes, their early visit may not have been exactly anticipated, but Four holds no ill feelings towards it, in fact, he’s rather smiley while leading them to the nursery.
“Here they are,” He practically sings, eagerly looking inside the large crib as if he, himself, still can’t get enough of its contents. He has every right to be infatuated, “These are my girls~”
Although Four is bubbling with joy as he admires his little creations, the rest of the Chain stands by with wide eyes. Some even take the time to count each baby just to confirm that they are, indeed, seeing triple. Inside lies three little newborns, each fast asleep after having about as stressful of a day as their parents.
“We’re thinking of naming them Marigold, Amber, and Camelia. You know, keep to the color theme and all…”
“Damn, three of them, huh? You didn’t hold back at all, did you, Smithy?” Warrior observes aloud, much to Four’s instant lack of amusement.
“They’re so cute~” Wind coos, Twilight having to pull him back before he accidentally falls into a crib again.
“I suppose it’s a good thing I brought some of the twins’ old stuff then,” Time hums, his smirk holding a hint of sympathy. Needless to say, he doesn’t miss those early days of juggling babies himself, as much as he loves them dearly.
Four preens at the attention his daughters get, however his smile falters when he notices Sky sticking to the very back of the group, awkwardly rubbing his arm and chewing down on his lip. Four frowns.
“...I’m sorry. We should’ve waited until we told -” He keeps his voice down as he joins the older hero who is quick to shake his head and muster his best smile.
“- No, no. We’re happy for you both. Really…” Despite the sorrow stuck in his voice, Four can tell Sky means every word of it, even the sighed: “...You’re a very lucky guy.”
“...I am,” While there could be more said, he realizes now might not be the time to discuss it. Not with so many new babies in the room.
“No wonder you wanted us to be quiet. I can barely handle one newborn at a time, let alone three at once?” Legend mumbles half to himself, his finger gently cresting one of the baby’s chubby cheeks.
“You know, if you ever find your house getting a little too quiet, you can always babysit -”
“- No way in hell. We already have our hands full as it is.”
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smuthospital · 8 months
⭐️Yandere Gojo x reader⭐️
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Premise: You're so lonely, and your boyfriend isn't paying any attention to you, so you download an app to make friends. You meet the wrong guy (Gojo), and bad things happen.
Content warning: NON CON, Cheating, gn reader
"I'm busy right now and you know that. I told you not to call me!" The phone beeps and the call ends, leaving you alone in deafening silence. Your boyfriend has always been rough around the edges, but you love him despite his flaws. He has his moments that remind you why you like him so much. Lately, he's been busy with all sorts of things. Work, family, his hobbies. You live together, but he's always out. He doesn't even return at night sometimes. You understand he needs his alone time, but it's been so long since you've seen him. You called to ask if you could visit him at work and give him a little surprise. You baked him chocolate chip cookies! They're delicious and made with love. Tears prick your eyes as you toss your phone to the side. You're so lonely. You've never had many friends, just your boyfriend. Too many people just make you tired.
You pick up your phone and almost call him again out of reflex. You just wish you had someone to talk to again. You saw an advertisement for a popular friend making app awhile ago. You decide to download it because you don't have much to lose. search it up. You write a few things about yourself, add your favorite song as well as a few pictures of yourself. You cross your fingers, hoping not to match any creeps. You swipe right on a lot of girls aswell as guys. You stated in your bio that you're in a commited relationship to ward off any horny guys. Girls don't reply to you, much to your disappointment. You end up getting quite a lot of messages from flirty guys. The relationship warning seemed to have no affect at all.
Toji: How much for a pair of pantys?
Sukuna: (Sent a photo) *Blocked*
Todo: I know it grips. Please lemme hit
25 new messages!
Geez. It's only been an hour. These guys are like hungry raccoons and you feel like a can of cat food. You scroll through and see one that looks relatively innocent
Gojo: Hey :)
You: Hello!
Gojo: What's up? I saw that you have a cat! They're so cute! Also, you're gorgeous
You: Thank you! That's my lil baby right there
You and him quickly get along. Still no word from your boyfriend, you sigh, defeated. The cookies can wait. You tell him about your boyfriend and how you never see him that much anymore. Be seems to take interest in this and becomes quite upset that you're not treated with the love you deserve. You friendship goes on for a few days. He occasionally trys to flirt with you, but you quickly shut it down each time, politely asking him to respect your boundaries. His nickname for you is gorgeous and although it makes you a bit uncomfortable, it feels too good to hear for you to ask him to stop. He's your only friend at the moment so you really don't want to make him go away.
You: Still no reply from my boyfriend. I hope he's okay.
Gojo: What the fuck. If I had a girl like you, I'd never leave her alone. He's probably cheating
You: What? He'd never. He's not like that!
Gojo: Trust me, I'm a guy, I know. Just look at the way he treats you. You're such a sweet and polite doll and he's making you feel this way, neglecting you. He makes you feel like shit. This is abuse😡
You: Oh it's really not like that, he's really sweet!
Gojo: There you go again...I can treat you better. Just give me one chance. Nobody has to know. You can leave this abusive relationship.
You: We talked about this, I'm have a boyfriend and I love him. Don't say stuff like that, please
Gojo: I'm just sayin
You: Thank you tho, it's sweet that you care. Do you like cookies? I was saving these for my boyfriend, but he's too busy to receive them. They'll go to waste if they're not eaten
Gojo: YES. SEND THE COOKIES. You wanna come over tomorrow? I know you're free. Come to my place, we can watch movies and cuddle with cookies!
You: What!? I can't go over to a guy's house! That's weird! And cuddle!?
Gojo: Nono it's not. We're just friends. And your boyfriend doesn't have to know. It's not a big deal. I have some old wine we can drink. Pretty please
You: I don't drink tho. I'm not sure. I haven't known you for too long. What if you try to take my kidneys! :0
Gojo: Common..would I do that!?? Ridiculous. Don't over think it. Let's watch a scary movie. It'll be real scary. I can't watch it alone! Pleeeeaaase!!!
You: ...Ok...as long as its scary. I wouldn't want you to get too scared
You've never seen Gojo in person, but you're sort of desperate to keep him around as a friend. In his photos, his eyes are covered. You don't question why. You step off the bus at the address he texted you, cookie basket in hand. It's a tall, expensive looking condo. You walk into the nice building and spot him leaning against a wall you in the lobby. He's not what you expected at all. You've seen a pictures of him before, but he didn't look so large and intimidating. He's stupid tall and He practically towers over your frame. He crouches slightly and wraps his arms around you in a tight hug, surprising you with the sudden contact.
"Hey, (y/n)! It's nice to see you in person! You're so much more sexy up close." His voice as soft satin sheets and deep and melodic as a cat purring. He eyes you up and down, his eyes half lidded. He's snapped out of his trance when you stutter a confused thank you. You're gonna brush that flirt off as nothing. "Common, let's go." He takes your soft, smaller hand in his ridiculously big hand and leads you to a fancy elevator and sticks a key into a key hole, confusing you. Since when do elevators do that? "The 21sr floor is mine." The whole floor is his? Is he loaded?
The whole time, you're blushing and stuttering, overly shy and nervous. 'Play it cool,(y/n)!' Your mind is over heating and he thinks it's absolutely adorable. When you get to his floor, he closes the door and silently locks it behind him. He plops on the couch, spreads his long legs out and patts the spot next to him. "Common! Take a seat!" You gingerly take a seat a little too far for his liking so he loops an arm around your waist and pulls you closer. You jump a bit. "Oh don't be shy! I don't bite." The last part of his sentence stood out to you a bit, but you're not sure why.
He offers you a drink and you accept. He hands you a cup of soda. "The conjuring is a classic. I actually haven't seen it before so I thought we could watch it." With that, he presses play and the movie starts. You're both eating the cookies you made. "These are so fucking good. You made these?" He whispers and you nod. Your blushing cheeks are so cute. He's already eaten three. It's heartwarming. Halfway into the movie, he shuffles in his seat and surprises you by picking you up and placing you on his lap with ease. "Hey! What are you doing!?" You try to slide off, but he holds you in place. "Hey hey calm down, I'm not doing anything!" You stop thrashing, but don't stop struggling. "Oh yeah!? Let me off, you said no funny buissness!" You feel slightly tired for some reason. "I'm only trying to cuddle you better! If not for me, then for you. I bet you miss being cuddled. I know you already have a boyfriend so don't worry, there's nothing weird about it!" With that, you stop struggling, too worn out to argue. "...Mm ok." Near the end of the movie, he shifts slightly under you. "Gojo?" No response. You feel somthing hard under your ass. He starts to shift you back and fourth a bit. "Huh? Gojo?" He just keeps shifting you, holding your hips tightly. "Ow! You're squeezing me too tight. What are you doin-"
One of his hands snake up to your chest and cup your breast. The motion freezes you in place.
"I'm better than your stupid boyfriend. He's so ungreatful. I bet you also miss getting fucked, don't you?" It was more of a statement rather than a question.I can make you feel good, better than he ever did. God, you're so hot. This guy is such a loser for passing you up. I'd never be like him. I've been wanting for this since I first saw you. I know you think I'm attractive too. I see the way you eye me"
The hand holding down your hip moves between your thighs to cup your clit. You heart sinks into your stomach as the weight of the situation falls upon you. You have never felt more stupid in your entire life. Just as you suck in a breath to scream, the hand on your breast shoots up to cover your mouth, muffling any sound. You try to slsp his hands off, but your arms are a little weaker than before. All you could do was patt his arms and wiggle around, which he completely ignores.
"Ah ah-be good. I couldn't stop thinking of you. I've only known you for a bit, but that's enough for me." He grinds his clothed cock against your ass and groans in pleasure.
After a few minutes, he stands up with you in his arms and walks with you to his bedroom. He tosses you on his bed and immediately gets on top, holding you down with his hips as he removs his shirt. He looks down at your horrified face and licks his lips. He wastes no time in literally ripping your shirt and bra off. You hear the tear as it leaves you. With one hand, he roughly palms your chest and tweaks a nipple. He unzips his dark purple pants with his other hand, his swollen cock practically flying out and slamming down above your belly button. You gasp at the sight of it, the weight alone is hefty. Much like his entire self, it's big and scary.
Your eyes fill with tears and you do the only think you could. Your body can't possibly struggle and even if you could, he could easily over power you. "Please-please don't hurt me. Please don't do this to me!" He looks at you with sympathy in his eyes. "Shh it's ok. I'd never hurt you. I'm not like your stupid boyfriend. I'm gonna make you feel good. Then you'll be mine..I see that drug I have you fully kicked in." You pail at his words. It's over. You're not getting out of this one. You're going to be raped by this psychopath. You think of your poor boyfriend. You wish he could burst through the door and save you. His name bubbles from your mouth pathetically.
"Speaking of him." Gojo slides your phone out of your pocket and clicks around. First, he disables your location, then he raises your phone and takes a photo of you. He quickly sends it to himself and your boyfriend.
You: We're having a good time. Bet you're jealous
A few minutes of groping later, your boyfriend responds.
❤️Geto❤️: Absolutely not. You're both disgusting. I fucking knew you were whoring yourself. You got a big head because you think you're pretty. I was wondering why you were trying to look nice recently.
❤️Geto❤️: You're like a bitch in heat. You're just an easy, worthless whore. Glad I didn't waste too much on you.
❤️Geto❤️: Go fuck yourself. Or better yet, have some guy do it for free. Get aids and die, bitch. You have a day to pick up all your shit before I toss it.
(You've been blocked by this number)
Gojo turns the screen towards you and your eyes tear up as you read the texts. You have no idea how your boyfriend could have possibly interpreted your situation as consentual. It could be that you're not tied up and gagged, nor unconscious. As he said, he expected this from you. Either way, he obviously doesn't love you anymore. Tears pour down your cheeks. How could he? After all this time? To do this to you. You'd never cheat! Your heart shatters in your chest, suddenly feeling hollow.
Gojo chuckles and sets the phone to the side. He wipes your tears away with his thumb. "See? What did I tell you? He was never the one for you. I'd never say that to you, sweety. I'd never treat you like that. I just exposed him for what he is; a scum bag." He tugs your pants down and off your legs with ease, despite your light kicking. A large grin on his face as he does so
"You ready?" He positions his cock at your dry entrance and laughs. "Because I am." He shoves himself in, but only makes it three inches in before he hits a barrier and you gasp in pain and start thrashing your body. "P-please take it out. It-it hurts!" He's genuinely shocked. "Y-you're a virgin? Didn't you say you have a boyfriend?"
You wiggle a bit, trying to elevate some pain yourself before answering him.
"We never...you..know.." Your face burns with shame. His cock only seems to swell with more blood at the news.
He bursts out laughing. "This makes so much sense now! No wonder why you looked elsewhere to fulfill your needs. He doesn't want to fuck. Is he gay?Does his dick even work? Maybe he's not cheating. He didn't even fuck you once. I could tell how bad you wanted it, but your limp dick boyfriend wouldn't give you any. I'm glad to be the one to have your first time."
Your bloodshot eyes drift to the side. You don't want to admit that he was right. Every time you would try to start something with your boyfriend, he'd push you away. Your boyfriend really didn't have much of a labido, but you didn't look for friends to have sex with other men.
"I know it hurts, but you can take it. It'll go away. Just hold still...or struggle. I like a challenge." His words are evil, but his smile is so charming. He's like the devil. He pulls his cock out and thrusts in again, deeper than before, breaking your hymen and forcing the air to leave your body. He then pulls out and slams into you again, bottoming out. His cock is so big, you swear you could feel it in your stomach. You look down, eyes blown wide as you see an imprint of his cock in your lower abdomen. He lets out a loud moan and throws his head back. "You're so fucking tight." You put your hands on his chest, hoping that would be enough to keep him still. Wishful thinking. He just takes your smaller wrists in his large hands and leans over you, lodging himself deeper than he was before, cock assaulting your cervix, making your body jolt. You accidentally let out a pained cry that could be mistaken as a moan.
Gojo smiles, perfect white teeth on display "Oh, you like that?" He slams into that spot again and again, making your eyes roll into the back of your head, and your tongue rolls out of your mouth. Lewd sounds spill from your mouth with the occasional "No." "Please." and "Stop." Your sobbing dies down, not having any more tears to cry. You feel a tightening in your lower belly and curl your toes. "Nng G-Gojo!"
"Fuck yeah, say my name!" He pounds into your poor pussy with astonishing speed and strength. "Say you'll be my girlfriend. I can take care of you, I can love you. You'll never feel alone again."
Your face flushes red at his words. Those words are all you need to tip over the edge. You aren't sure if he meant it or not, but just the thought of being so loved takes you to cloud nine. A warm feeling washes over you and you cry out in pleasure. You want what he promised more than anything in the world. With your last braincell, you weigh your options. Nobody loves you, you have nowhere to go, no one to turn to and Your boyfriend kicked you out. "I...I'll be with you." What choice did you have? Be homeless?
The bashful look you give him sends shivers down his spine. He leanes down and gives you a tender kiss on the lips which you very hesitantly return, much to his enjoyment. His hot breath tickles your face as his hips hammer into you, forcing cute music from your mouth for him. Your cunt tightening impossibly around his thick mass. His pace becoming sloppy and before you could ask him to pull out, he shoves himself deep within you one last time. With a lewd moan he fills your tummy up with his seed. Your eyes cross at the warm, pleasurable sensation. The feeling of being filled up like a puff pastry, his hot creamy cum temporarly stupifying you. Your tummy now bloated by the sheer volume. He takes another picture.
He wasn't looking for a girlfriend, but how could he possibly deny himself such a sweet little thing. A sweet, doting, cookie baking girlfriend as cute as you comes as often as a shooting star. You'd do anything for the man you loved. Too wifey to pass up. Finders keepers. He's going to make sure that no one ever does to you what he just did to you. You're his now.
He rolls the two of you so he's spooning your back, your ass pressed against him, his cock still firmy lodged into your weeping cunt. He pulls the blanket up and the two of you fall asleep together. You pretty much pass out from the exhaustion.
The next morning, he drives you to your now x boyfriends appartment to collect your things. You and Gojo take the elevator to the apartment. He stays out of sight, but stays where he can hear you. You knock on the door and your Geto opens up. The smell of alcohol hits you and you gag. "Well if it isn't the slut. Get your shit."
He turns his back and begins to walk away, but you grab his arm and gently tug him toward you. "Please listen to me...he raped me...I didn't want to.. do any-" You were cut off by him shoving you to the ground roughly, your head knocking against the wall on your way down. You grunt in pain. "Don't you use that shit on me!" He shouts.
Tears fill your eyes as you scramble to collect your things and run out. Gojo is at the front door now, having heard the commotion. He steps in the apartment and grabs your shoulders.
"What's wrong? Did he touch you?"
"...I..hit my head." Your tiny voice is unconvincing.
"Take your things to the car. I'm just gonna have a quick chat with him." He pays your butt and you walk off with your things. Geto has been watching the interaction with clenched fists.
"You're the fuck that stole my girl. You can fucking have her and pass her around to whoever the fuck you want. For your information, that cunt tried to tell me you raped her, using you as her scape goat." Gojo can just barley understand the drunken shouting of your x boyfriend. Gojo smiles, the smugest of grins crossing his face.
"...That's because I did"
Geto froze in place, not believing his ears. His girlfriend..was actually just raped? And not only did he do absolutely nothing, but he kicked her out and hurt her?
"...What?" It wasn't really a question.
"Finders keepers. I have no clue why you're so upset. You didn't love her. She was so lonely when I found her. I wanted her so I took her. Make no mistake, she said no. Cried for you. You should feel like shit. Not believing your own sweet little girlfriend and then laying your hand on her in her time of need. I'm not even going to beat you for that, you'd treat yourself like a victim. Better luck next time though. Try satisfying your bitch before they're stolen. Thanks for the girlfriend." Gojo says, walking back to the car, Geto still too frozen in shock to react. He falls to his knees, clinching his head. Gojo meets you in the car, your things already in the back. He leans over to your side and gives you a passionate kiss on the lips, tongue diving into your mouth. Your face burns brightly and you cant help but kiss him back. You disconnect, a string of saliva connecting you to him. "So what do you want to eat, baby?"
The car drives off and you don't feel so bad about the situation anymore.
Fun fact: I got the idea to make this when I was lonely and my boyfriend (now x) wasn't paying attention to me so I downloaded an app to make friends and a guy I thought was my friend started being really pushy and I found out men are stupid dogs.
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iluvmissmaximoff · 6 months
I’m confused about us?
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Inspired by this mood board I made 🩷
This is basically just ooc Billy and literally doesn’t fit into the show’s storyline at all but I love me a good cowboy so I had to write about him.
Tags: Dom!Billy Sub!Reader punishments are given, spanking, smut, oral (m) lemme know if I missed any!
It’s 18 something (?? I have no clue when the show is set in) and you’re 19 when your parents decide drop you off with a man you barely know. William H Booney. They said “he’s a the son of some good friends of ours and they said he’ll straighten you right out” I don’t need straightening. You think. Geez you steel one truck and a bottle of liquor and suddenly everyone thinks your a problem. When you were first introduced you thought “hey maybe this won’t be so bad” You. Were. Wrong. Within the first 30 minutes your parents had left you, you couldn’t stand him. He came and sat down in front of your spot on his couch, Ok listen here little girl. He said, You frowned. Little girl? You thought. These are my rules. Follow them and you and me will be just fine. He smiled. No.1 please don’t steal no trucks or anything I have enough trouble with the neighbors around here I don’t need you making that worse for me. 2 Dont back talk me. There is nothing I hate more than an undisciplined girl. Your frown deeper. Though.. I guess that’s why your here isn’t it? He laughed like it was funny. You scoffed. No I’m here because my parents expect me to stay home and clean or embroider. You laugh, And that’s not something I can do every day. Oh? Speaking of that. You’re not gonna be goin out for the first two weeks. WHAT?! You said shocked. Yes mam I think it’s exactly what you need. He said patting your thigh. I need to not go outside? You asked rudely. No you need to realize you only get what given to you. Now I want you to understand if you break any of my rules you gon be goin over my knee that minute young lady. You understand? He asked. You turned red, w-what? You said hoping you misheard him. Yes mam I don’t know about y’all city people but right here when you misbehave you don’t like what happens to ya. N-no you don’t understand, my parents would never let a strange man do that to me. S-so call my daddy and he’ll tell you you’re not allowed to do that to me. You said almost confidently. Sorry sweetheart your folks were real clear I should do whatever need be to make you behave. Tears came to your eyes, but as long as you’re good you’ll be fine. You can do that right? You said to yourself.
No. No you can not.
Less than 24 hours later you found yourself over his lap, it happened because you saw some boys going on a trail ride through the window, you saw one of them had a flask. You thought how bad do I need that, you had been up since 5am thinking about Billy, how blue his eyes were how commanding his voice was (how good he’d fuck you) but that he’d probably never want you. He apparently he saw you as a little girl. Ugh I don’t like older men anyway (wrongg) you thought. As you tried to quietly sneak down the stairs and out the front door. You saw it was locked with a padlock. Shit you thought. Your eyes darted to the window. You smirked, I don’t know what he was thinking I can fit out of these windows easy. As you were lifting the window up all you saw was two hands towing over you and pushing the window back down. Your heart almost stopped. He leaned down to your ear and said. Now what do you think you’re doing little girl? He asked darkly. Uhhhh. before you could come up with an answer. He had picked you up and put you over his shoulder. You squeaked Ah! You yelled. Put me down!- he did in fact put you down… just over his lap. No! You yelled. Oh hush. No need for a tantrum now. I’m not having a tantrum! I’m a grown woman and you can’t do this t- you were cut off by him putting his hand over your mouth. You tried to wiggle your way out but he easily lifted up your skirt. And you felt a warm hand on your bottom. His hand rose, and fell quickly, alternating cheeks. If there was anyone else in the house they would have definitely heard the loud smacks! Billy was giving you. And your muffled cursing. After about 4 minutes of him doing this you were about to cry. You tried to get away but to no avail. He easily pulled you back to position and gave you two extra hard slaps. And kept going. He finished soon after you started crying. Your bottom stung. Nobody had ever done this to you before. It didn’t hurt that bad but the humiliation hurt He brought you back up and sat you on his lap, you quickly adverted your eyes down as to not make eye contact. But he harshly grabbed your face smooshing your cheeks together, listen, he said dominantly like he was scolding a child. This or worse is gon happen every time you disobey me , you let out a light sob just thinking about it. So I’ll let you decide whether or not you want this kind of stuff to keep happening.
No I really do not you thought.
It was two days later when you ended up in this position again. Billy had jokingly bought you an embroidery kit. And you had not so jokingly told him to fuck off. So he threatened to wash your mouth out with soap… what ? You said. I said you better watch your tongue or I’m gon have to wash your mouth out. He said dominantly. You suddenly felt very wet.. and figured what’s the worst that could happen? There are other things of yours I’d like in my mouth more sir. You said in a lustful tone, while looking up at him from your spot on the bed. Literally two seconds later he was unzipping his pants, he used your mouth roughly holding your hair in a ponytail. After he had came in your mouth and regained himself. You stood up and grabbed his shoulders, pressing yourself against him your body asking him for more- huh? You thought as he quickly sat and pulled you down and back over his knee. W-wait Billy- you tried to protest as he cut he off. Hush. Was all you heard before your skirt was lifted and smacks rained down on your poor bottom. “Luckily” for you it was a lighter one than your first but you were still confused. He was spanking you like a disobedient child. Not like a woman that had just sucked him off. “I’m confused about us” you thought.
This is it for today I’m totally planning on making this a series so request anything that would make sense in the story line once I get a few I’ll write part two so the more yall request the faster I’ll write. Also if you guys want to make any mood boards more this id love it! Also my request have been a bit wonky lately so if it doesn’t seem to be working just dm me please! Thanks for reading!
241 notes · View notes
forays-into-fiction · 2 years
I Hate You... But Not Really
Eddie and you have been best friends for as long as you can remember and you’ve been crushing on him for about as long. He starts dating Chrissy however and jealousy rears its ugly head for both you and Jason. Jason has the bright idea to “date” each other to make them jealous instead. Nothing goes as planned... or does it?
Request fill for Anon, hope you like it... this one ended up being very long lol.
Minors DNI
Contains: Fake Dating/Fake Relationship (Jason/Reader), Eddie/Reader, Eddie/Chrissy, Jason/Chrissy, Bestfriend!Eddie, Virgin!Reader, A Little Bit of Angst, Loss of Virginity, Protected Sex 
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You had decided to take lunch in the library today, curling up with a book instead. It wasn’t that unusual for you to skip lunch and hang out in the library, you had to get away from the rowdy Hellfire boys and their antics every now and then.
However, since Eddie had started dating Chrissy, you’d spent more and more time in the library rather than be subjected to their lovey-dovey nonsense. If you had to see them, make goo-goo eyes at each other one more time you might actually explode. 
God forbid she ever showed up at a Hellfire session you’d up and leave the club if that ever happened. You were trying to be happy for him, happy that he was happy, but it was hard when they just had to go and rub it in your face.
That’s where he finds you, tucked away in a corner reading quietly when he breaks the silence.
“y/l/n!” He whisper-yells as he approaches you.
“What is it, Carver? I’m not in the mood for your shit today.” His presence only serves to worsen your sour mood.
“Ok, since when did you get so sassy?”
“Fuck off, I told you I’m not in the mood. What?”
“Well, I’m… I’ve come with a proposal of sorts…” he drawls.
“Jesus Christ, get to the point.” You huff.
“Look, I know we’ve had our differences…” You scoff, he continues, “…but I think we’re both in the same little predicament.”
“Oh, yeah and what’s that?”
“You know Chrissy left me for the Freak-.”
“Hey, don’t call him that!” You can’t help but defend him, even now when you’re mad at him.
“Ok, for… Munson, and it’s kinda obvious the way you pine over him.”
“I DO NOT ‘pine’. You’ve had that same stupid joke since we were ten get over it, Eddie and I are just friends.”
“But that’s not what you want is it? You want it to be more than that and I want Chrissy to take me back, so…”
“So, what…? I’m not following.”
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“Geez and I thought you were the smart one. We make them angry, jealous… we date each other to rile them up.”
“God that has to be the stupidest plan I’ve ever heard. I’m not dating you, Carver.”
“Well, you wouldn’t be… not really anyway. We’d just pretend long enough to each get what we want.”
“And why exactly would either of them even care?”
“I don’t know what’s going on with Chrissy that she’d leave me and especially for that…” You give him a warning glare, he continues, “…for him, but I know she doesn’t really love him. She loves me, I love her we… we had plans to get married-”
“Oh, wow that is pathetic, marriage? You’re fucking eighteen get over yourself. Maybe that’s why she left you.”
“No, it’s not, it was her idea actually… that doesn’t matter. Anyway, I’ve seen the way Munson looks at you, he’s got feelings for you even if he won’t admit it.”
“So, what? How would that even work?”
“We go on ‘dates’, get seen together doing couple-y shit, see how they react and go from there I guess.”
“Ok, but what ‘couple-y shit’ are we talking about here, cause I’m not fucking sleeping with you.”
“Jesus, I never said you would! It’s not like I’d want to either. I dunno like the normal stuff, holding hands, maybe some kissing that kind of thing.”
“I’m gonna need a whole lot more outta this than ‘Eddie might have feelings’ for me to do anything with you.”
“Am I really that bad?”
“Yes actually, you are.”
“Fine, I’ll pay you.”
“Eww you creep. I don’t want your money.”
“Then what will it take?”
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You ponder for a moment before answering, what would it take? You reach a decision, “You have to be nicer to all the Hellfire guys from now on. Or at least civil with us, even after you get Chrissy back.”  
“Ok, but what about if Munson tries to start shit?”
“Then you ignore him, be the bigger man or whatever.”
“Alright fine.” He concedes.
“Fine.” You huff back in response.
“So, like do you want to set up a schedule or something?”
You glance at the clock on the wall, “Look, lunch is almost over why don’t we just meet up on the weekend and sort out the details then…”
You reach into your backpack, pulling out a notebook and pen you scrawl across a page before tearing it out, “… here is my address, just come past around noon.”
He takes the slip of paper folding it and placing it in his back pocket, “Sure, I’ll see you then.”
He turns and saunters off while you pack away your belongings and begin heading to your next class.
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He stands on your front porch and jabs at the doorbell, you’re not too far off and answer quite quickly.
“Y/l/n.” He nods his head in greeting.
“We’re going to at least have to call each other by our first names, you know?” You usher him inside, lingering in the front hall.
“Right, yeah that’s true. Ummm, do we… do we use pet names too or…?”
You shrug, continuing as you lead him through to the living room, “I mean maybe… that is something couples do.”
He looks around taking in his surroundings, “Your parents home?”
“No. No, they’ve gone out for lunch with some friends. So, take a seat I guess and let’s get to… whatever the hell this is.” You gesture to the couch.
He does so more awkwardly than you would’ve expected from him, was he nervous? No that couldn’t be it, not Mr. Cocksure Big-shot Basketball Captain.
“So, uh… y/n…” he begins, tentatively testing out your name, “how about we start with some ground rules, lay out all the do’s and don’t’s and what each of us expects from this.”
“Well, let’s start with the obvious, no sex, in fact nothing past first base. You may call me common pet names, like babe, baby, honey, when appropriate, but never sweetheart. No one can know the truth, everyone has to actually believe we’re dating and happy together for it to work. Also on that note, how did this supposedly start? Why did I suddenly get over all your years of torment and fall into your arms?”
“Ok, well that was a lot all at once. Um I guess yes to all of the aforementioned, I will add that I will pay for any ‘dates’ that we do go on. I’d feel weird if I didn’t, even if this isn’t real. Also you have to show up to my games, all the big ones at least. But as to the last part I don’t really know… I uh apologised…” he replies uncertainly, with a slight wince.
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“Oh, that’s all it took you said sorry and suddenly I was swooning over you?”
“I don’t know, it was a really good apology?”
“Ok let’s hear it then. Like you mean it too.”
“This grand apology that was supposedly enough for me to forget what a fucking jackass you are to me and all my friends.”
“O-ok… ummm y/n…” he trails off.
“Wow solid start there bud you wanna maybe continue, you didn’t even say the words ‘I’m sorry’.”
“I’m thinking ok! When did you become such a bitch anyway, thought you were all quiet and shy and shit?”
“Oooh yeah, that’ll really sell it call me a bitch-”
He cuts you off quickly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. It’s just, this is hard, ok?”
“Can’t be harder than the shit you put Eddie and me through.” You grumble.
“Ok I’m sorry, really, I am. I don’t even know why I gave you shit, you actually seem kinda normal enough. I guess it was just ‘cause you were always around him, always defending him. Why even hang around that creep anyway?” He answers surprisingly earnestly.
“‘Creep’ isn’t any better than ‘freak’ you know.”
“See, like that always defending him.”
“He’s my friend, surely you know what that’s like or at least have some concept of it? And don’t give me some “oh being popular is a curse you never know who your friends really are’ type shit.”
“Of course, I have friends… it’s just no one has ever defended me like that.”
“Maybe ‘cause you’ve never needed it, anyway that is entirely beside the point. We’ve gotten derailed, let’s try to get this back on track.”
“You believe that I am sorry, right?”
“I believe that you think that, but it’s good enough. Just maybe leave out the bits about insulting my best friend in your apology and it’s fine.”
“I am sorry.”
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“Ok, so you apologised and then what? How did it get from mutual understanding to ‘I’m madly in love with you.’?”
“As part of my apology I offered to buy you dinner, extend an olive branch so to speak. At dinner we actually hit it off and find that we don’t actually hate each other. Maybe we have some things in common and we decided to do it again.”
You hum in consideration, “Ok, sure we’ll go with that, but what do we actually have in common?”
“Not much I’d imagine, we… uhhh go to the same school, we’re in the same grade, ummm what… what kind of movies do you like, what sort of music do you listen to?”
“Well, my favourite movie genres are horror/thriller and fantasy. Music, it varies, but mainly rock I guess, like punk and alternative type stuff, I know my music taste surprises most people. I think they think that I’d have to be into like classical music or something for being so shy and bookish, even though I hang around a bunch of metalhead rockers.”
“I dunno none of that really works, I mean I don’t mind horror but it’s not my favourite. Ummm there… there is one thing that no one really knows about me…”
“Yeah, what’s that oh man of mystery?”
“Don’t… don’t make fun of me, please.”
“Why shouldn’t I?” You begin but catch sight of his pleading gaze and you fold, “Oh, alright fine, guess I’ll take my own advice and ‘be the bigger man’.”
“Thank you. Uhh… I actually like to read… like a lot, but I don’t let people see me when I do ‘cause I gotta wear these dorky glasses. I’ve had a few concussions and it’s messed with my vision.”
“Oh, ok I actually didn’t expect that at all. What sort of stuff do you read?”
“I like a lot of different things, stuff on history and war, sports… and um poetry…”
“Poetry? You, Jason Carver, read poetry?”
“Yeah, come on I said not to make fun of me.”
“No, I’m not… I’m not, it’s just not what I expected, the rest is yeah typical, I get that, but poetry? Does Chrissy know about this?”
“Yeah, she does. She also said she thinks my glasses are cute, but I don’t know, I think she was just saying that to make me feel better.”
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“Ok, well I’m not all that into poetry myself, but history is alright, I guess. So, reading, we both like to read um anything else?”
“What about aspirations for after high school?”
“Well, you said you and Chrissy were thinking marriage, right?”
“Yeah, but not for a while yet, we’d have to get settled first, build careers so we can support ourselves.”
“Yeah, didn’t actually think you would’ve thought that far ahead, no offence. Personally, I’d like to get out of Hawkins for a start. Go to college, study maybe either something in writing or science, what about you?”
“Well, I’m aiming to get a basketball scholarship if I can, do something with that, but sports is kind of a high risk kinda deal. There’s no real guarantee. Not sure what my fallback could be, but I’m working on it.”
“That’s good. So, let’s recap. You apologised and took me out for dinner. I accepted and we got to know each other, found out we’re both readers and bonded over that. We shared our aspirations for after high school and agreed to do it again some time.”
“Yep, that all sounds about right, but don’t tell anyone about the glasses thing, ok?”
“Secret’s safe with me.”
“Thank you.”
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“Ok, so the actual ‘dates’ is that going to be like a spontaneous thing or should we have a scheduled ‘date night’?”
“Scheduled date night sounds better to me, I can do Saturdays after practice?”
“Yeah, that works I guess, how are we going to balance your games and Hellfire though? They clash more often than not.”
“Well, can’t you guys reschedule your little cult meetings?”
“Jason,” you sigh exasperatedly, “you were doing so well too. It’s not a cult, it’s a Dungeon’s and Dragons club. And they will not reschedule for this. I can maybe get someone to sub for me every now and then, I guess.”
“It’s ok you only have to come to the big games, I’ll let you know which ones they are when they come up.”
“Sure ok, that’s settled. First ‘date’ next week, what are we going to do?”
He shrugs, “We could go to the cinema? I overheard Chrissy telling her friends that… Munson was going to take her to see ‘Pretty in Pink’.”
“Really, you want them to see us together that soon?”
“I dunno, why not?”
“Oh, no. No, we are nowhere near ready for that. It has to be really fucking believable before that happens.”
“Ok, so what do you think we should do?”
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“I think the first few ‘dates’ should just be practice being around each other. Don’t try and focus on somewhere we can be seen, think somewhere we can both be comfortable.”
“I mean I’d say the library, it’d fit into our narrative, but then there’s the whole glasses thing.”
“Yeah, ok… um how about we actually go for dinner. Maybe somewhere less common for all the Hawkins High kids to be at.”
“Oh, there’s this restaurant my parents go to! It’s called Enzo’s. How about that?”
“Wouldn’t that be a little, um… expensive?”
“Yeah, but so what? I’m paying.”
“I dunno just makes me feel skeevy…”
“Don’t. I’m the one who suggested it. Think of it as reparations for years of bullying.”
“Ok, fine. Enzo’s then. When does your practice finish?”
“Four. So, we’ll make the dinner around seven, I’ll uh pick you up if you want or we could just meet there.”
“Um yeah you can pick me up, it’ll give us more time to go over our stories, get everything straight.”
“Ok cool.”
“Uhh… now what?”
“Um I mean you can go…what else is there.”
“Yeah, sure I’ll go.” He stands awkwardly, you stand with him to escort him out.
He pauses at the door, “Should we… try to interact at school?”
“Yeah… nothing too extreme just yet, but yeah, I guess. Maybe just like greeting in the halls, small talk, that sort of stuff.” You shrug.
“Ok, so I guess we’re doing this… babe.”
“Uhhh… yeah I guess so… babe.” The word feels foreign on your tongue, using it to address Jason Carver of all people.
You open the door waving as he leaves and he waves back. You retreat back into the comfort of your home a little dumbfounded by how that had turned out. It was interesting, being forced to see him in a new light, as a multifaceted human being rather than just some dumb jock stereotype.
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It’s like the world is working against you, any time you and Jason are together, Eddie and Chrissy are nowhere to be seen. It’s beginning to frustrate you, you know there is gossip going around the school about you two, but neither of them have given any indication that they’re aware of it. 
Not even the rest of the Hellfire Club have said anything. They all know you’re seeing someone you’ve told them as much, you had to give some explanation as to why you were missing Hellfire sesions so much. They all believe you’re in a happy relationship, they just haven’t seen it yet.
You’re on yet another date with Jason, you’d missed out on this session of Hellfire Club to go to one of his games and he suggested dinner at the diner afterwards. A few of his teammates and their girlfriend’s had come too, but you insisted on your own booth, it could be so stifling being around Jason’s friends.
“So, what actually happened with you and Chrissy, if you don’t mind me asking?”
He sets down his cutlery and sighs, beginning in a hushed tone, “She started pulling away from me, don’t know what I did, it wasn’t so much like she was mad… just distant. I don’t get it.”
“Hmm, you know it may not have been anything you did, maybe she was going through some personal stuff.”
“Yeah, but why wouldn’t she tell me, I could help her. Why did she turn to… him?”
“Look I can’t answer for her personally, but sometimes when I’m dealing with my own shit I retreat into myself. Don’t wanna feel like I’m burdening others with my problems… especially those I’m closest to. Usually when I get like that Eddie is the one to pull me up, dust me off so to speak and just get me through it. He’s good like that, very observant when he wants to be, he just knows when someone’s got it rough and he wants to help.”
Jason scoffs, “Yeah alright, all the girls going to Munson… what’s he got that I don’t.”
“Did you even listen to a word I said? It’s not about you or what you can offer. She’s probably just going through something, maybe something she’s ashamed of or is embarrassed about and doesn’t want you to know. Maybe she’s just worried about how you’ll see her if you find out.”
“I would never judge her for anything, she should know that. Instead, she turned around and left me for another guy.”
“Jason have you fucking seen yourself, you can be such a judgmental, righteous prick-”
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“Hey, keep it down, you don’t want someone to hear you saying stuff like that if we’re going to pull off the ‘loving couple’ shit.” He hisses cutting you off.
You lower your voice slightly leaning in, hopefully from the outside it just looks like you’re two little lovebirds wrapped up in your own little world, “… you are a bully and you’ve shown that girls aren’t off limits, why would she think she can go to you with everything.”
He has the decency to look ashamed at that, “I am sorry you know… for how I treated you.”
“Fine, ok I got that, I’m moving past it, but can you see where I’m coming from?”
“I-I think so, but what can I do… what could I have done then? What if we get back together and something like this happens again?”
“I don’t know, it’s a complex thing, you gotta be patient with her. Push but not too hard, get her to see that you won’t judge her for anything. When she really believes that maybe she will accept your help when she needs it.”
“I guess… thank you. You know I haven’t really talked about this with anyone, it’s good to get stuff off my chest.”
“Yeah, that is the general idea, when you’re going through something you need someone that will listen. And look at you turning to ‘another girl’ for support.”
He rolls his eyes, “Yeah, I get it now, ok. You don’t have to rub it in.”
“Ok… you know deep down and I mean deep, deep down you’re not so bad. You know when you actually act like a human being.”
“Oh, careful that almost sounded like an actual compliment.”
“Shove off… I mean I get why you act the way you do, I guess. I know your popularity is important to you, but is it really more important than being yourself, was it worth losing someone you love?”
“Ummm… no, no it’s not...” He concedes, “…but it is what I gotta do to get where I wanna go.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it-”
He’s getting frustrated, you can tell, the way he clenches his fists, “No it’s not. If I’m not popular, I’m not basketball captain. If I’m not captain, I don’t get the recognition. If I don’t get the recognition, I don’t get a scholarship-”
You place a hand over his, “Stop, relax its ok I’ll drop it, just keep in mind Chrissy likes you for you… I’m assuming… and if she doesn’t, she’s not worth it, but that is going to be how you win her back… by being yourself.”
“Fine.” He grumbles.
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“You gonna finish those?” You point to the last few fries on his plate that he’d been ignoring.
“Nah, have ‘em if you want and then we can get out of here. I’ll drop you off at yours.”
“Thank you.”
As you stand to leave, passing the other guys from the team, Jason nods his head towards them and you give them an awkward little wave, calling out, “Bye guys, see you around.”
Andy calls back, “What you guys leaving already? Don’t wanna come back to mine? My parents are gone for the weekend, I was thinking we could… party.”
Jason answers for the pair of you, to your surprise in the negative, “Nah, sorry man gotta take my girl home she’s feeling a bit tired. You know how it is?”
Andy gives him an exaggerated wink that makes your skin crawl, “Sure do man, you kids have fun.”
You tug on Jason’s arm and he escorts you out to his car, “Ugh why’d he have to be so gross?” You groan with a full-body shiver.
He responds as he starts up the car, “Oh, come on it wasn’t that bad… and isn’t that what we want? For people to think we’re a good, real couple… real couples have sex you know?”
“So… you and Chrissy then…?”
“Of course, me and Chrissy. What… did you expect us to be celibate or something?”
“No uh… I don’t know, it’s not like I think about you with her… like that.”
“What about you… have you ever…?”
“Uhh… no, umm… it’s not that I don’t want to, I just never… I mean…”
He holds up one hand in surrender, the other still on the wheel, “Hey, it’s fine, you don’t have to explain yourself to me.”
You let out a sigh, “Ok, yeah… I am tired you know? This shit is fucking exhausting.”
“Gee, thanks. Good to know being with me is exhausting.”
“No, it’s not that, it’s just doing this is like constantly being on stage, putting on a performance… having to be so acutely aware of every action and everyone in the room.”
He’s silent for a moment, “Do you think… do you think maybe that’s how Chrissy feels with me?”
“I can’t answer for her, maybe that’s just something the two of you will have to figure out for yourselves.”
“Oh… ok.” He seems a little crestfallen.
“Sorry, I can’t give you a better answer.”
“Nah, that’s fine we’re almost at your place now.”
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“We’ve gotten to know each other now, like really know each other, but there’s one thing I still don’t get.”
“Yeah, what’s that?”
“Why are you part of Munson’s little cult, I get maybe you didn’t have any other friends when we were kids but come on you could do so much better than that now.”
“Watch yourself there, Carver. You’re on thin ice…” you warn, “…and it’s not a cult. Ok, how bout I put it to you like this. That game we all play dungeons and dragons, what do you actually know about that?”
“Just that it’s some devil-worshipper thing…”
“See you’re wrong though, it’s not… at all. If anything, it’s the complete opposite cause you’re fighting against evil.”
He looks at you sceptically, you continue, “It’s just a little fantasy game, we’re not hurting anyone by playing a game. Look, you play basketball, you love basketball, there’s this whole culture around that. The way you feel about the game, your teammates, it’s not so different from Hellfire Club.”
“Yes, it is.” He protests.
“Just hear me out ok, D&D brings us together it gives us a sense of camaraderie we band together to fight the big bad evil guy, there’s strategy and an element of chance and everything can be decided by the roll of a die. I imagine scoring the final game wining point would feel the same as defeating the villain or pulling off an insane move that gets the party through untold dangers.”
“Look, how about you just come to one of the Hellfire sessions see what it’s really like. You’ve got a bye this week, don’t you?”
“Yeah, but will they even let me through the door?”
“Yes, I’ll make sure they’re nice to you ok… but you gotta do the same.”
“I will.”  You shoot him a look, “I will, I promise.”
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“Still doesn’t explain Munson though that guy is clearly…”
You stop him in his tracks with a pointed glare, “Yes… care to finish that statement?”
“Well, what I mean to say is he’s just so… so… oh the only words I can come up with are still devil-worshipper, with all his metal music and chains and leather, what do you see in him?”
“He’s a good guy,” he looks at you sceptically, “No really, he is, all of that hard-ass attitude stuff is just like a barrier to protect himself. He hasn’t had it easy and stuff like his music helps him cope. Is it really so bad that he is unapologetically himself?”
“Y/n the guy is crazy, jumping on tables, shouting off his little rants that make digs at the rest of the school, not to mention everything else.”
“He’s not crazy, he can be a bit dramatic but he’s got a point with that stuff. Like really why? Why do we get singled out and picked on for our interests when the basketball team can be celebrated for theirs?”
You rush to add,” I mean no offence by that, but really, we’re all here just trying get by, make it through one day at a time, find happiness where we can. He gives the outcasts of the school somewhere we can belong and he’s been my friend since about as far back as I can remember, always been there for me regardless of what he’s going through. He is a good guy.”
“I mean I guess… when you put it like that. I still don’t like him though.” He grumbles.
“I never asked you to like him just be civil with him and I’ll try to make sure he does the same.”
“Fine I can live with that.”
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At lunch the next day you decide to broach the topic with the rest of Hellfire. When you get there she’s there, you shouldn’t be so surprised you guess, but it had been a few days since you sat with them for lunch.
The way she was dressed today was almost enough to turn your stomach… she was wearing his Hellfire shirt. You steeled yourself, no you weren’t going to let this get to you, all the more reason to invite Jason to Hellfire.
“Hey guys!” You greet everyone as you plop down into a seat.
They reply in kind and you continue while you have their attention, “So, everyone knows I’ve been seeing someone…” they nod, “… well I kinda wanted to ask if you guys would be alright if I brought him by one of the Hellfire sessions? Just to watch of course, he said he wants to know what it’s about, so I thought the best way would be to show him.”
Eddie narrows his eyes at you, “Right why would we let some random guy-”
“My boyfriend.” You correct him.
“Whatever, your boyfriend… why would we let him sit in? We don’t even know the dude.”
“Well, there you go you can see just who he is when we both show up.”
“Yeah, and on that note, you’ve been missing a lot of sessions lately… what’s up with that? Would you even know how to play anymore?” He bites back snarkily.
Oooh, is he bitter, could this actually be working already?
“Of course, I remember how to play, it’ll be fine… please?”
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“Fine, we’ll put it to a vote…” he looks around the table and the others squirm under his gaze, “right, everyone in favour of y/n’s boyfriend joining the next Hellfire session, raise your hand.”
Everyone at the table raises their hands, except you, Chrissy and Eddie, he continues with a sigh “…ok looks like he can join, but just this once.”
Dustin tries to lighten the mood, “Come on Eddie, don’t you wanna meet y/n’s new boyfriend?”
Unfortunately, that was the wrong thing to say, Eddie scoffs in response, “What difference would that make to me? He’d still be some intruder to our game.”
Gareth speaks up on your behalf, “Come on don’t be like that man, just be glad we’re getting y/n back and we’ll get to see who’s been making her so happy lately.”
“Yeah, sure whatever…” he turns to Chrissy suddenly, “Hey, sweetheart… would you like to come to the next session too?”
She offers an apologetic smile, “Uhh… no sorry babe, you know I’m not really into that stuff… but you guys have fun.”
She turns to you, “Hope your boyfriend enjoys it too.”
You try to match her cheerful demeanour without sounding sarcastic, “Yeah hopefully once he sees it, he’ll get just why I love it so much.”
There’s a heavy tension that hangs in the air for the rest of the lunch break, you keep your involvement in conversation to a minimum and finally breathe a sigh of relief once the bell rings.
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You sit in Jason’s car twisting your hands nervously in your lap, “So you ready for this?”
He places a hand over yours, “Relax, it will be fine.”
“And you can promise you’ll be nice to everyone, and I mean everyone?”
“Yes, I won’t like it, but yes.”
“Thank you. And remember to keep an open mind, don’t just judge the game immediately because of what you’ve been told to think of it… please?”
“Ok, I’ll try.”
“Thank you.”
“Well, you ready to go in?”
“Now or fucking never, I guess. Hopefully we’ve done enough that it’ll convince everyone we’re a ‘happy couple’.”
“Yeah, come on.”
You hesitate again when you get to the drama room door, but he gives you a little nudge and you open it.
Everyone’s already seated at the table chatting animatedly, you call out to get their attention, “Um hey, everyone… sorry if we’re a little late-”
You’re met by flabbergasted stares and slack jaws when they turn to see you, arm in arm with Jason Carver.
Eddie is the first to speak, face set into a deep scowl, “Uh what the fuck is this, what is he doing here?”
“You guys said it was ok to bring my boyfriend. I said I was sorry for being late, but come on it’s only by a couple minutes.”
“Can I have a word with you outside?” Eddie storms over to you grabbing your arm harshly and leading you out the door, not waiting for a response.
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“What the fuck was that in there? You’re dating Carver? The guy you’ve been dating… is fucking Jason Carver?!”
“Yeah… and? What’s it matter to you?”
“It matters because you’re my best friend and it’s fucking Jason Carver… you’re dating him after everything he did to me… to us?”
“Yeah well, you’re dating Chrissy what the fuck is up with that?”
“That’s different, don’t bring her into this.”
“Why? Why shouldn’t I huh? Some best friend you are, as soon as some pretty little blond shows you a smidge of attention it’s like I don’t even exist.”
“Just ugh… why did it have to be him?”
“Why did it have to be her?!”
“You can’t just throw my question back at me, at least Chrissy wasn’t the one going around calling us freaks and making our lives miserable.”
“Yeah, not like she stopped it either. And really Mr Nonconformity, you’re gonna go for the basic ass cheerleader? Way to break the mould. Really, I applaud you on that one, you’re definitely not just like every other teen boy here. All hard up over a girl in a short skirt doing her little rah-rah school spirit bullshit.”
“Chrissy is NOT like that!”
“Oh yeah, I’m sure.”
“And I could say the same about you, dating Mr Meathead Jock… that’s not any better now, is it?”
“Whatever, screw you.” You turn to go back inside.
“Screw me, no hey don’t walk away from me.” He grabs your arm again.
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“Eddie, just stop.” You shoot him an angry look.
“Have you fucked him?” He hisses through clenched teeth.
“What?!” You can’t believe he just said that, where the hell did that come from.
“I said have you fucked him? He would be your first if you had, wouldn’t he?” He repeats, his tone bitter.
“That is none of your fucking business and don’t act like you haven’t slept with Chrissy.”
“Actually, I haven’t. She said she wants to take things slow and I respect that. Says she wants to wait til marriage and all that.”
“Yeah, that’s not how Jason tells it and he would know he’s actually slept with her. You sure she even really loves you? You sure you’re not just some rebound destined to fail?” You retaliate.
“What the fuck? When did you get so fucking bitchy, or is that just what taking Carver’s dick does?”
Before you know what you’re even doing you’ve reared your hand slapping him across the face sharply.
“Why don’t you ask your girlfriend what taking Jason’s dick does? She would know after all.” It’s a low blow, you regret it as soon as the words leave your lips. Regret almost everything you’ve said to him, especially when you see the look in his eyes, but it’s too late now.
It’s then that Jason pokes his head out of the doorway, “Hey…. ahhh, you guys, ok? You’ve been gone a while… the others sent me out to check on you…”
You turn to him, “We’re leaving, come on let’s go babe.”
“But I thought-”
“Yeah, never-mind…” you turn back to Eddie, who’s standing there shellshocked cradling his cheek, “I quit Hellfire by the way, see you fucking never Munson.”
You grab Jason’s arm dragging him along with you, willing yourself not to cry, just hold it in at least until you get outside, just make it outside.
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When you do reach the front doors of the school you break, tears streaming down your face, sobbing.
Jason turns you to face him, “What happened? What did he do?”
“Fuck off Jason as if you actually care, there’s no one here to see it, just leave it alone, ok.”
He grabs both your shoulders, looking into your teary eyes, you turn you head away, “I do care though, what happened?”
“We had a fight obviously… this stupid fucking plan isn’t working. I told you it wouldn’t and now I’ve just lost my best fucking friend. I really fucking hate you, did I ever mention that?”
He cuts you off with a fierce kiss, you push him off of you, “What the fuck was that for?!”
“I dunno I kinda like you I guess…” He shrugs.
“Oh, no fuck off with that, I know you’re still in love with Chrissy. No one was here to see that, so what was it about really?”
“I do kind of like you though, not like Chrissy, different from that and I do still love her, but… what if we tried to make this work for real? What if those two never realise how we feel about them and it never works out?”
“No. I’m not going to be someone’s consolation prize or whatever. I don’t care if you don’t get Chrissy back, you can find someone else… maybe just be less of a ‘meathead jock’ and it’ll work out for you. Let someone see the real you for a change, the guy that reads and takes a girl out for silly little dates and cares about something other than himself.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have… you’re not a ‘consolation prize’ and you do deserve better too. Just forget about Munson… honestly, you’re better off without him.”
“Don’t know that I am… what do you want to do about this now then? Do we still ‘fake date’? Try to get Chrissy back for you, even if Eddie won’t have anything to do with me now?”
“What do you want?”
“I don’t know, I guess… I want at least one of us to get something from this, otherwise it’s all been for nothing.”
“Well, it wouldn’t be for nothing really, I mean we never would have spent time together… reconciled our differences, if it weren’t for this. You could say we’re friends now at least.”
“Yeah, I guess… and I’m gonna need a friend, just kinda lost all of mine back there in one fell swoop.” You give him a bitter, teary-eyed grin.
“Ok, so let’s do that, we continue this ‘fake dating’ thing for a bit longer, see if Chrissy will come around. If not, I’ll be here for you as a friend either way, agreed?”
“Yes… as long as you never try to kiss me like that in private again, seriously what the fuck was that?”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
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Fate really had a way of shoving it your face. Before when you were with Carver, you’d never seen Eddie and Chrissy around, but now it seemed like everywhere you looked Eddie was there glaring at you. You couldn’t take it, jealousy would have been fine… but this hatred that came pouring off him in waves was like torture.
Jason could see your discomfort, your pain, he asked you multiple times if you were still ok with this plan. You powered through, one of you should end up happy from all this, right? You still couldn’t believe that in all of this Jason Carver was the one to console you, if someone would have told you that just a few weeks ago, you would’ve laughed in their face.
The rest of Hellfire give you a wide berth, but still offer little smiles in your direction when you pass them… only when Eddie isn’t around though. You wonder what he would have told them, you’re sure he can’t have painted you in a very good light, but it was too late for you to try to explain yourself to them.
That’s how you found yourself on a Saturday night, curled up on Jason’s bed watching Friday the 13th: A New Beginning. It had just come out on VHS and Jason suggested the two of you watch it to get your mind off things for a bit. He had begun to warm up to horror movies in general, still not a major fan but he enjoyed it more now… your influence maybe?
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Meanwhile, Chrissy had made her way to Eddie’s trailer, with a heavy conscious. She raises her hand to knock against the door, when it opens and she jumps back slightly.
“Oh, Chrissy hey… didn’t mean to scare you. I was just on my way to see you.”
“Uh… yeah, could we go inside and talk for a bit?”
“Sure, sure come in.” He steps aside, ushering her in with a sweeping gesture.
They both stand there awkwardly, before Eddie says, “What did you want to talk about?”
She hesitates and he moves towards the couch, urging her to join him, “Come on take a seat and tell me what you need.”
She makes her way over, tentatively perching on the edge of the couch.
“So…?” Eddie prompts her.
“Ummm… there’s no real easy way to say this, but umm… I think… I think we should end things Eddie.”
“Wh-Why do you say that?” He asks nervously, he had actually been planning to go see her to break things off, maybe this’d give him an out.
“Come on isn’t it obvious? Everyone knows you have feelings for y/n. It’s even clearer now that she’s dating Jason… and I… I don’t know… I think I still have feelings for Jason too.” She hangs her head in shame.
“What? I don’t have feelings for y/n… I’m with you, why would you say that?” He splutters, unconvincingly.
“So, you’re just not going to acknowledge that I have feelings for Jason?” She huffs looking back at him.
“Well, uh… fuck… I don’t know… did you ever have feelings for me?”
“Yes… just… just not like I do for Jason. Look you helped me through a really rough time and I am grateful for that… but I don’t love you.”
He sighs, “Yeah uhhh… I-I don’t love you either… I know how bad it sounds, and I do care about you… but I think it was ‘cause you were the first girl to ever show me any interest.”
“What about y/n?”
“What about her?”
“You have feelings for her, don’t try to deny it.”
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“Ok fine, I have feelings for y/n… what difference does that make? We’re just friends… fuck not even that anymore. And she’s with Jason fucking Carver, of all the fucking people she had to choose from, she picked him.” He turns away angrily, hot tears prick at his eyes.
“Jason’s not that bad of a guy really, but what if we did something to… break them up?”
“Wh-what? Why? What would that even achieve… they’re happy with each other, I can’t take that away from her… and for what? She’s not even speaking to me, won’t even look at me, it’s not like she’d come running into my arms if things ended between them.” Tears have begun to run down his cheeks, he swipes at them angrily.
“Eddie… look at me.” She implores.
He does so and she continues, “You must be fucking blind not to see that she is in love with you.”
“What are you talking about?” He hiccups out.
“Y/n, she is sooo head over heels for you, Jason even picked up on it when we were ten for Christ’s sake.”
“No, that was just some dumb joke Carver used to taunt me.”
“Are you fucking kidding me right now? She loves you, you love her…” She reinforces before adding quietly “…I love Jason.”
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“Then what are we even fucking doing together in the first place?”
“I don’t know, you were there for me and things just kinda happened…”
“Ok, so what do we do now?”
“Well… I mean we are over, right? I mean we can still be friends if you want, you are a great guy Eddie, I hope you know that.”
“Yeah… uh friends, I don’t know, we’ll see about that, but thank you. Do we have to break them up though… not that I’m happy seeing her with him, but can’t we just each talk to them tell them how we really feel?”
“I mean, I guess. It would be the nicer thing to do. Do you think you could handle it though, you’ve had all this time to tell her before, why haven’t you?”
“I just couldn’t… if things went wrong, I couldn’t lose her, but now… now she already hates me. She’s already lost to me, so what’s the harm in telling her now… not like she could hate me any more than she already does. I said some horrible things to her Chrissy…” He hangs his head, pressing his palms into his eyes.
She rubs a hand over his shoulder, “Hey, if things don’t work out, I’m here for you, ok?”
“Th-thank you. Should… should we go to them now?”
“You wanna go right now?”
“Yeah, I… I don’t wanna wait ‘til whenever we see them next.”
“Ok… alright, I guess right now it is.” She stands brushing down her skirt.
Eddie stands as well moving to the door, “Did you drive here?”
“Uhh… no, I walked.”
“You what?! In the middle of the night, you walked to the trailer park? Why?” He asks incredulously.
“Umm… my brother had the car tonight.” She shrugs.
“Then why did you come?”
“I just… it couldn’t wait, it was eating me up inside. I had to get it out. Besides the exercise will do me good.”
“Don’t. Don’t start with that. You could have called you know, if you didn’t want to say it over the phone I coulda picked you up at least.”
“Well, too late now… you wanna give me a lift to Jason’s? Then you can head off to y/n’s.”
“Yeah, of course. Come on.” He grabs his keys and escorts her to the van.
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You had begun dozing off against Jason’s shoulder, when the ring of the doorbell rouses you suddenly. Jason looks down at you confused, before extracting himself by your side, he leaves the movie running while he goes to answer the door.
He sees Chrissy standing there bouncing on the balls of her feet, warming her hands with her breath, he then notices Eddie sitting in the van parked in his driveway glaring daggers at him. He turns back to Chrissy, “Uh, hey what are you doing here? You wanna come in for a bit, you must be cold?”
“Uh no that’s ok, this won’t take long… I just… I had to say… I still love you, Jason.”
“What about Eddie?” He glances over at him.
It was the first time he’d ever actually said the guy’s given name, first time he didn’t have to pause before he said it, first time he’d ever referred to him without any malice in his voice.
“We just broke up, it… it was never going to work between us. He’s in love with y/n… you know that.”
“Ok… so what’s he going to do then?” He looks over her shoulder again back at Eddie.
“Well, he’s going to tell her too. Right after whatever happens here… waiting to give me a lift if I need it.”
“Well, she’s here right now so…”
“Oh, um… I guess both of us should go then? Right, we’ve like interrupted date night or something?” She turns to leave, he stops her with a hand on her shoulder.
She turns back, “What do you mean ‘no’?”
“I… I want you back. Have since the moment you left.”
“What… what about y/n?”
“She’ll understand… trust me. And you said Eddie wanted to see her… tell him to come in.”
“Are you sure about that… I don’t really see that going too well.”
“Yeah, I’m sure. Just uh… tell him to be on his best behaviour, ok?”
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Chrissy makes her way back to the van, when she reaches the driver-side door, Eddie rolls down the window.
“Well?” He asks expectantly.
“It uh… went well, I guess. Um y/n is here now. Jason said you should come in and talk to her.”
“She’s here now, fuck I should have guessed as much… I mean, why wouldn’t she be with her boyfriend on a Saturday night? Jesus, I’m a fucking idiot. What am I doing?” He palms at his forehead in frustration.
“Did you not hear me, I said it’s going well.”
“What do you mean?”
“Jason is going to take me back. Y/n is going to be single and he’s invited you in to talk to her. That’s something right?”
“Inside his house… ha what so he can see me crash and burn, so they can both laugh at me, while she crushes my heart?”
“Don’t be so dramatic, just give it a chance.”
“You really think it’ll go well?”
“Yes. Now get out of the damn van and get inside.”
When he gets to the door, Jason greets him stiffly, “Munson.”
Eddie narrows his eyes at him suspiciously, “Carver.”
“I should… I should probably tell you guys something first. Umm… y/n and I dating was never real… I uhh, I wanted to make Chrissy jealous. Jealous enough that she’d take me back so I got y/n to help me.”
“What? Why would she even agree to that?” Eddie face sets into a frown.
“Well, the agreement was that from the moment, our little thing started from there on out I’d have to be nicer to you…” he nods in his direction, “and to all the other Hellfire members.”
“That seems kinda dumb.”
“Well, it was she thought so too, but I guess she thought it was worth it to protect her friends?” He shrugs.
“So, you gonna go up and talk to her? Sort your own shit out, while the two of us,” He gestures between himself and Chrissy, “can work our shit out too.”
“Uh, yeah sure. Which way am I goin’?” He eyes him suspiciously.
“Just up the stairs, first door on the left. We were just watching a movie.”
Eddie nods and makes his way upstairs.
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He opens the door with a shaky, sweaty hand.
“Jason, who was at the door? What took so long?” You ask without looking away from the screen, snuggled down into the covers.
“Uhhh… not Jason…” He stands there awkwardly rubbing at the back of his neck, the sound of his voice surprises you, head snapping towards him.
“Eddie, what the fuck are you doing here? Why the fuck did Jason let you in?”
“We need to talk.”
“Yeah, save it. I don’t need any more judgemental bullshit from you… can’t stand to see the way you look at me now… so full of hate.” Tears spring to life in your eyes, you turn away from him.
“No, it’s not like that. Do you really think Jason would let me in if I was here to do that… on that note, I am soooo sorry for what I said to you that day. Words cannot express how sorry I am.”
You can’t bring yourself to look at him as you remember the harsh words the two of you had exchanged, guilt sweeping over you, “I-I’m sorry too, I didn’t mean the shit I said to you… it’s just you really hurt me, and I know that’s no excuse but…”
“No, I get it, I get it… I was just lashing out because I was hurt too.”
“I know… I should have known that dating Jason would hurt you I just…”
“You wanted to make Chrissy jealous? For him? So, they could get back together”
“What… how…?”
“Jason. Jason told me. Told me how it was all his idea, that the only reason you even went along with his dumbass plan was so he’d be nicer to me and the other Hellfire guys. It worked by the way, they’re both downstairs talking it out.”
“Shit… I’m sorry that was a really fucking shitty thing for me to do. I’m sorry you lost your girlfriend.”
“Don’t be, it worked out for me too.”
“What does that mean?”
“Well, I didn’t really love her… I love you.”
“Don’t. You don’t mean that. Did Jason say something? Did he tell you how I feel about you?”
“H-how you feel about me? Y/n, how do you feel about me?” His heart palpitates, his palms sweat even more.
“Don’t play dumb Munson, I… I love you. I’ve loved you for as long as I can fucking remember…”
He interrupts you with a fervent, teary kiss. You hesitate a moment before reciprocating, melting into his touch.
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You break away from him suddenly, “What are you doing Eddie? Why now? I don’t want to just be your rebound while you get over Chrissy.”
“Jesus, I forget how stubborn you can be. I. Don’t. Care. About. Chrissy. I love you. I’ve always loved you… don’t you get that?”
“You’re serious?”
“Of course, I’m fucking serious! Now kiss me again.” He demands.
You pull him back in for another kiss, then all at once you realise where you are. Kissing Eddie in Jason Carver’s bed and you pull away again.
“Um… sorry Eds, but I don’t think we should be doing this here.”
“Oh shit, you’re right.” He giggles, “You want me to take you home? Or we could go to my place if you’d prefer? I’ve got the van downstairs and I think Chrissy will be ok to stay here.”
“Yeah… your… your place sounds good.”
You make your way downstairs to find Jason and Chrissy making out in the hall, you grin and clear your throat.
They snap apart, Chrissy looks away bashfully as Jason looks over to you, “So, how’d it go?” he asks, more towards you.
“It uh… it went well. I’m guessing it went well for you two as well?”
He nods, “Did you two…” he gestures between Eddie and yourself, “… did you tell each other how you feel?”
“Yes, we did.” Eddie answers firmly, “And we’ll be going now.”
He looks to over to her, “You gonna be ok to stay here, Chrissy?”
She nods, looking up at the pair of you, “Yeah, I’m good. I’ll see you guys around I guess.”
“Yeah sure. Let’s… let’s head out y/n. Leave these two to their… reunion.” He smirks.
You nod and follow him to his van.
Seated beside him, his brash music playing softly in the background “So, I guess all of that worked out in the end, huh?”
He grins at you, “It did… in like a weird, roundabout kind of way.” His face twists into a grimace, “Does this mean I should be thanking Carver?”
“Maybe not that far, but I think he’ll be more civil towards you from now on at least.” You shrug. “Anyway, lets get back to your place, so we can have some more fun.”
“Oh, geez… hang on we’ll be there in no time.”
You laugh at his response, “Well someone’s eager.”
“Yeah, yeah we got a lot of lost time to make up for you know.” He waves a hand in your direction.
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Before you know it, you’re back in his trailer, Wayne still isn’t home, not due back for another couple hours.
Eddie ushers you inside overly excited, his motions remind you of a puppy, bounding along, looking back at you over his shoulder.
“You wanna… go to my bedroom?” He asks voice laden with purpose.
It wouldn’t be the first time you’d been in his room, nowhere near it, but the air was heavy with expectation tonight.
He continues a little rushed, “We don’t have to do anything, especially if you’re not one hundred percent comfortable with it-”
You cut him off, “Eddie, relax I’ve been in your bedroom a thousand times it’s no big deal… and I do want to kiss some more… if that’s ok with you?”
“Oh, sweetheart that is more than ok with me.”
“Yeah? Let’s go then.”
He grabs your arm, pulling you along all the way. He practically launches himself at the bed and you tumble along after him giggling.
“I’m not going anywhere you know, you don’t have to fall over yourself to get here.”
“Promise you’re not going anywhere?” He pouts up at you, looking at you with those big brown eyes.
“I promise. Now kiss me Munson, like you mean it.”
He dives in kissing you clumsily, messily, but you don’t mind because it’s Eddie… after all this time pinning after him, you were here.
Your hands wander into his long curls as things begin to heat up. His hands begin to wander too, but he pulls away, “I-is this ok?” He gasps breathily.
“Perfect Eddie.” You grab one of his hands guiding it to your breast, “You can touch me wherever you want, ok?”
“You mean that? Like… really anywhere?”
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“This… this is your first time, right? I mean…” He trails off.
You know what he’s getting at, “Yes, it’s my first… nothing ever happened between Carver and me… it was never real.”
“And how far do you want to go tonight? ‘Cause I am more than fine keeping it just like this, we don’t have to do more…”
“Eds, relax honestly, look at me.” He looks deep into your eyes, and you proceed, “I am ready to give you anything you want tonight. If that means we go all the way, great. If that means we just lay here making out and groping that’s great too. Just know that I want you too.”
“I can’t believe this is actually happening.” He gasps.
“So, what do you want Eddie?”
“I want you, all of you… but I’m not… I’m not very experienced… I’ll try to make it good for you. Your first time should be…special-”
You press a finger to his lips halting his babble, “I know, and it will be special because it’s with you.”
“Fuck… ok, yeah…” He groans before capturing your lips with his own once more both yours and his eyes fluttering closed. His hands move to slip beneath your shirt and his calloused fingers fumble with the clasp of your bra for a moment before it releases.
He moves to the front of your chest, sliding his hands between the loose cups of your bra to cup your tits, squeezing them gently. When he rolls over one of your nipples you moan into his mouth. He matches the sound with one of his own, grinding his hips against your clothed core and you can feel the hard line of his cock.
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You pull away from him, his lips follow yours for a moment, his eyes snap open searching for yours. You reach down gripping the hem of your shirt you pull it over your head, your bra follows along shortly after. He gapes at your bare chest and you giggle at his expression and tease, “Like what you see Munson?”
“Fuck you have the most perfect tits… can I… can I suck on them?”
“Remember, anything you want.” You answer.
He swoops in, ducking his head, tongue laving at your breasts occasionally pressing sloppy kisses to them. You move to straddle one of his legs, grinding down on it. He gasps against your skin. You tug on his shirt, “Can I see you too, please?”
“With pleasure.” He pulls away from your chest, hooking a hand into the bottom of his shirt, pulling it over his head and tossing it away blindly. You run your hands down his now exposed chest coming to rest at his belt-buckle, you look deep into his eyes, “Is this ok?”
“Yes, yes, god yes.” He whimpers.
You unbuckle his belt, undo the zip and slide his jeans down his thighs, eyes locking onto the bulge in his boxers.
You look back up at him, “You got condoms, right?”
“Absolutely, bedside table… by the ashtray.”
You clamber off of him pulling down your pants as you go, you can hear Eddie ridding himself of his own jeans completely. You spot the dusty blue box and pluck it out of the clutter moving back to the bed.
You look at him, both of you left in nothing but your underwear. You hand him the box and he sets it down beside him, “Sweetheart, you’re going to need a little more prep before we get into it.”
“What like… fingering and stuff?”
“Uh, yeah sure… um could I try… eating you out… I really, really like that…”
“Yeah… ok we can do that.” You agree shyly.
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He beckons you over, “Lay down for me.”
You take a seat on the bed leaning back lengthways, resting against his pillow.
He crawls up to you, resumes kissing you slowly beginning to trail down your neck. Your eyes close and you whimper in response, he continues further down over your torso until he reaches the waistband of your panties. He pulls them down gently, easing them off of your legs and tossing them aside too.
“So pretty.” He mumbles to himself before diving in and pressing a kiss to your folds.
“So wet too.” He groans.
His tongue moves to lap up your juices and you gasp. He probes your entrance a few times with the tip of his tongue before running it all the way up to your clit. He grins against you when you jolt at the sensation, running a hand up your leg squeezing at your thigh before bringing it to join his tongue.
He spreads your slick over your folds, before slowly slipping two digits into your entrance. He crooks them against your spongy walls and you tangle your hands into his hair again gasping out his name. He groans against you and the vibrations are something else. Your hips rock against his face of their own accord.
You can feel yourself gushing over his fingers, a tension mounting somewhere deep in your belly as he stretches your slick walls with his hand. His other hand comes to press down on your stomach limiting the motion of your hips, but doubling the sensation.
Soon your legs are trembling either side of his head, you tug on his curls firmly. A tingly sensation spreads from your cunt to the extremities of your limbs. You call out his name again as you pulse on his fingers and flood his tongue with your release.
His fingers slip out while you’re coming down from your high and you release his locks. He looks up at you face slick with your juices and his drool, he makes no move to wipe it off. Just grins at you and asks, “Did you like that?”
You pant out, “Jesus fucking Christ Eddie, that was amazing… not experienced my ass.”
“What… I’m not.” He insists.
“Ok, if you say so… but goddamn that tongue of yours is good.”
He chuckles, “Thank you for the review, I appreciate the feedback.”
You slap his arm, “Ok, come on… you think I’m ready now?”
“Yeah… yeah let’s go.” He fumbles for the box of condoms. Pulling one out, he looks down at you, “Now, you are sure about this?”
“Oh my god, Eddie if you ask me one more time if I’m ‘sure about this’ I’m going to slap you in the fucking face… just fuck me already.”
“Ok message received loud and clear.” He surrenders.
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He rolls his boxers down wriggling out of them, his flushed, weepy cock bounces out, bobbing between his legs. He tears open the condom and grips the length of his shaft. He lines up the condom with the head of his cock, moving to pinch the tip of it rolling it down over his length smoothly.
You watch every motion eagerly and he gives his length a few pumps with his hand before turning to you, you see him open his mouth to speak but you beat him to it, “I swear to god Munson if you ask one more time if I’m sure, that’s it…”
“I wasn’t, I swear… I was just going to say, I love you and I really hope I can make this feel good for you.”
“Aww, Eddie come here…” You pull him in by the back of his neck, kissing him in earnest and he reciprocates.
He pulls back, “Ok now let me just…” his little tongue pokes out between his teeth as he grips the base of his dick and runs the tip through your slippery folds a few times, fully focused on his motions.
He rests at your entrance, just pushing in ever so slightly before looking back to you, “You ready? It might… it might hurt a little, but I’ll go slow. Let me know if you need me to stop, ok?”
You hum in response, “Mhmmm… I’m ready... and I love you too Eddie.”
Slowly he eases himself into you, inch by inch, you grit your teeth against the slight burn. He drops a hand to circle your clit and the pleasure overtakes any pain. You whimper and moan, as he coos down at you thrusting shallowly, “Look at you taking me so well, such a good girl for me. That feel good?”
You nod biting your lip in an attempt to hold back your moans.
“Let me hear you sweetheart, please… wanna hear all the noises you make.”
You break at his words, whining, “God… fuck… Eddie, please more… faster or something, need more.”
He increases his pace one hand still circling your clit the other moving to grope your tits.
“Yes, fuck… just like that Eddie.” Your walls begin fluttering around him as he groans above you, sweat collecting on his brow, hair hanging in his face, panting loudly.
You writhe beneath him as you spasm on his cock, clamping down on him. His hips begin losing their rhythm and he growls, “Fuck… gonna cum… hngh… gonna cum for you.”
He stills, buried deep inside you and you feel him twitch and throb as he unloads into the condom.
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He pulls out and rolls over, collapsing beside you gasping for breath. He removes the soiled condom tying it off and tossing it over the edge of the bed. He turns his head to look at you, breathing out, “Fuck that was good, did I mention I love you? How was it for you?”
You giggle, “Yes you’ve mentioned it multiple times now and it was good for me too, thank you Eddie.” You reach over and stroke his hair, he leans in to your touch.
“So, uh… what now?” He mumbles.
“Umm… I dunno we go out on a date I guess, the usual boyfriend/girlfriend stuff.” You shrug.
“We kinda did this a little backwards, you’re supposed to date before you have sex, right?”
“Well, I think in our case we can make an exception, don’t you?”
“Uh yeah, I’m not exactly complaining I just think it’s kinda funny.”
You giggle, “Yeah and all it took was us dating the completely wrong people for the wrong reasons.”
“It’s where we ended up that counts though. How about we clean up and you spend the night? I can give you some clothes to sleep in.”
“Sounds wonderful.” You grin back at him.
When Wayne gets home, he peeks his head into Eddie’s room to check on him, force of habit by now. He’s a little surprised to see you there, wrapped up with him under the covers all snuggled up. 
He decides to leave it til morning, talk to the pair of you properly then. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t see this coming, but he wasn’t sure when Eddie had broken things off with his other girl… or if he even had. He shakes his head, all questions for tomorrow, he needed sleep now too.
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scoonsalicious · 3 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 7, Unburdened - Pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, a lot of sexual discussions, promises that will not be kept.
Word Count: 1.3k
Previously On...: You and Bucky fucking finally admitted your feelings to one another. About damned time, geez, you two. Anyway, just as you're about to celebrate your newly declared love in a, uh, physical manor, you're summoned back to the common room by Tony.
A/N: I have no excuses-- I was fucking high AF when I wrote this part, which is why it may come across as a little... unhinged. But once I was sober and re-read what I wrote, I thought "screw this, I love it; it stays!" I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917
Taglist: (Please let me know if you’d like to be added!) @jmeelee @cazellen @blackhawkfanatic @les-sel @marcswife21 @buckybarnessimpp @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @erelierraceala @hayjat @capswife @itsteambarnes @jupiter-107 @marygoddessofmischief @sebastians-love @learisa @lethallyprotected @rabbitrabbit12321
Presentable once again, you left your room, Bucky taking your hand in his as you headed up to the common room and whispering all of the filthy things he was going to do to you when you both officially retired for the evening. By the time you entered the common room, you were leaning into him in a fit of flustered giggles.
"Good. Looks like you finally got it out of your systems," Tony said once you'd walked through the doors. "What the 'F' Was It?"
You and Bucky exchanged confused glances before looking back to Tony. Tony's eyes cast down to where your hands were entwined. "Looks like the 'fuck's have it!" he called out to the rest of the gathered group. "Everyone who bet "fight," pay up!"
"Boss, did ya'll seriously bet on whether we were fucking or fighting?" you asked, horrified, but still a little amused.
"That's why the game is called "What the 'F'?," Pocket," Tony said with a smirk and playfully exaggerated eye roll. "Try to keep up."
"Well," began Bucky with a smile, "technically, we didn't do either, so you should all be paying us."
"Nope," said Tony, "Cap had 'Firm up their Friendship,' so I guess he's the winner."
"'Firm up their Friendship'?" you asked, raising an eyebrow in Steve's direction. The super soldier shrugged and averted his eyes, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks.
"It had to begin with an 'F,' otherwise it would not fit the parameters of the game," Thor offered helpfully. "It was very humorous."
"Alright, everyone, pay out to Cap," Tony said, reaching for his wallet.
"Not so fast," Natasha interrupted. "I believe you'll recall that I put money on 'frottage,' so if we could get confirmation on that, I'd appreciate it," she gave you both a knowing grin, and you instantly regretted confessing to her how turned on dry humping made you.
"Oh my God," you muttered, putting your face in your hand, now fully horrified.
Bucky looked down at you, face confused. "What the hell's 'frottage?'" he asked cautiously. You whispered the definition in his ear and his entire face turned a crimson red as he furiously rubbed the back of his neck.
"Ha! I knew it!" Nat shouted, raising a fist in the air. "Pay up, bitches!"
There was a chorus of groans as your friends all begrudgingly passed Natasha one-hundred dollar bills.
"...eight, nine, -- hey, who didn't pay up? There should be a thousand bucks here!" Nat looked around the room. "Where did Steve go? Dirty cheat owes me a hundred dollars!" Everyone looked around, but the Captain had vanished from the room. You felt Bucky heave a heavy sigh next to you, and when you turned up to look at him, you noticed the distraught expression on his face.
"What's up, Buck?" you asked, concerned. "Do you know where Steve went?"
He shook his head, the corners of his mouth turning back up as he looked down at you. "I'll tell you later," he promised before kissing the crown of your head.
"So, we're not hiding this anymore?" Sam asked as he walked over to the two of you. "Because I'm so tired of pretending we don't all know you two bumpin' uglies."
You rolled your eyes at Sam, but couldn't hide the smile that was creeping across your face. You wrapped your arms around Bucky's waist, drawing yourself closer to him. "What? You want us to make some kind of official royal proclamation?"
"I, for one, don't really give a shit," said Rhodey from across the room. "I only bet because Romanoff threatened me."
"Thank you for minding your own business at least, Rhodey," you offered, caught somewhere between grateful and insulted. Rolling your eyes at Sam, you turned to Tony. "So, what's so important that you called us back down here, Boss? We were a little... preoccupied."
"Ugh, Pocket, I don't need you to put a picture in my head, thank you," Tony said, waving his hands at you in disgust. "That's a whole new thing to unpack in Virtual Therapy: "How to handle the guy who was brainwashed into murdering your parents repeatedly violating the girl you've come to see as your baby sister."
"Oh my god, Tony," you muttered at the same time Bucky said "It's not violating if she's a willing participant, Stark." You elbowed Bucky gently in his side.
"Don't traumatize him, baby," you murmured. "He's fragile."
"Funny. Very funny," Tony deadpanned, arms crossed over his chest. "Anyway, getting back to very professional Avenger business, you'll notice Ms. Carthage and our SHIELD guests have left for the evening."
Huh. You'd forgotten they'd even been there to begin with, what with all the love declarations and frottage that had taken place with Bucky.
"Yeah, we see that," said Bucky, answering for both of you.
"Which means we have to decide, as a group, if we want to invite Ms. Carthage to join us on a probationary basis. We've already taken a preliminary vote, so we just need you two to cast your ballots. What's it going to be? Yay or Nay?" Tony looked to you first.
You thought back to the tour you'd given her earlier that day, and how unprofessional Jade had been. Even before she'd started her flirtations with Bucky, Jade Carthage had rubbed you the wrong way. You couldn't, in good conscience, agree to invite her onto your team, into your family.
"I vote 'nay,'" you told Tony.
He nodded. "Very well. Barnes? What say you?"
Bucky didn't even hesitate. "If my girl doesn't want her here, then neither do I. I vote 'nay.'"
You looked up at him, your eyes wide as saucers, and you were pretty sure they’d turned heart-shaped. Despite hoping Jade could give him the answers he'd been searching for, Bucky had voted against having her join The Avengers just because she made you uncomfortable.
"Hey," he said, tucking his thumb under your chin and tilting your head up, "I told you, you're the most important person in the world to me, and I want whatever is going to make you happy. If that means not having her around, then I don't want her around."
"Buck," you breathed, standing up on your toes to reach his lips, "I love you."
You did your best to ignore the cheers and goads from your friends as you kissed, and when you pulled apart a short moment later, both your cheeks were red with embarrassment.
"That was disgusting," Tony said, rolling his eyes in that bored Tony way of his. "Too bad it was for nothing. The 'yay's have it, seven to six. We'll be officially extending an invitation of probationary membership to Jade Carthage, AKA: Vixen, first thing tomorrow morning. Class dismissed."
The relief that had washed over you when Bucky had voted 'nay' alongside you evaporated when Tony read out the results. You mumbled half hearted goodnights to your teammates as they trickled out, off to their individual evening pursuits, until it was just you and Bucky left standing in the common room.
"I'm sorry, doll," he murmured softly as he ran his hands gently up and down your arms. "You'll let me know what I can do to help make the next few months with her as easy for you as possible, yeah? Anything you need."
You smiled at him, so grateful that he was being so understanding about this. You put your hands over his as they rested on your arms. "Just love me, okay, Buck?" you asked him. "Just love me and be honest with me; that's all I ask."
He took you in his arms, swaying you back and forth ever so slightly. "That's an easy promise, sweetheart." You felt him rest his chin on the crown of your head. "I give you my word."
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blue-slxt · 1 year
Common Ground
*Request: I seen that you were asking for a request! Imagine lo'ak and ao'nung who can hardly stand each other are forced to hunt together by their parents, and they find reader who's in heat deep in the forest. Maybe reader is a shared friend or she doesn't like either of them, but she's so needy because of her heat! Maybe a bit of tail play and marking, if that's something you're up for!*
I loved this one. I got worked up just writing this. Y’all are hitting all the right spots with these requests. I’m still getting used to writing Ao’nung so this was a nice challenge. Hope you like how this turned out! 🤗 All characters are aged up.
🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
Smut under the cut.
“I can’t believe you got us into this mess.” Ao’nung grumbles beside Lo’ak.
His face whips to look at him, “Me? You’re the one that was talking shit about my family!” he retorts.
Lo’ak and Ao’nung didn’t really like each other at the best of times. And at the worst of times, they were at each other’s throats. Jake and Tonowari had decided that enough was enough after the two of them had gotten into another fist fight earlier today. They had come to the decision that they would send the two on a trip together into the forest and Tonowari ordered them to not come back out until they had found some kind of common ground.
Now, here they were an hour deep into the forest and still ready to tear each other to shreds.
“It is not my fault that you are freaks with your five fingers.” Ao’nung spits at him.
Lo’ak gets in his face, “Yeah? Want these five fingers to deck you in the fucking mouth again?” Ao’nung pushes him and just as Lo’ak is about to launch himself at him, they both hear a sound.
Both of their ears turn in the direction of the voice recognizing it immediately. They both forget their anger for long enough to slowly move towards the sound. The closer they get, the more they hear. Mumbled curses and obscene moans reach their ears and their tails sway in curiosity.
Neither of them are quite prepared for the sight they’re met with. You’re in the middle of nowhere, skin glistening from sweat, and your chest was heaving with every breath. Your face was turned away from them and they got a full view of your bare cunt grinding helplessly against your fingers, your arousal dripping down your knuckles.
“Fuck.” Lo’ak quietly mumbles feeling himself instantly get hard. Even though he said it so quietly, all of your senses are turned up to the max right now and you still hear him.
“Who’s there?” you call out removing your fingers from your core and sitting up to look around. It wasn’t like there was much you could really do in your currently dazed state though.
Ao’nung and Lo’ak emerge from the bushes and you let out a loud groan, “Not you two.”
You didn’t particularly have a real problem with either of them, but you definitely found them annoying with their constant bickering. It was immature so you kept both of them at arm’s length.
“Geez nice to see you too” Ao’nung shoots at you sarcastically.
“Look, I am not in the mood to deal with the two of you right now, okay? I’m dealing with a lot so could you please leave?”
Lo’ak is about to say something, but gets cut off. “Suit yourself, but I’m not the one who was humping their hand like a desperate animal.” Ao’nung throws his hands up in surrender.
Your face burns in humiliation knowing that they both saw you, but your body is on fire needed something – anything to fill you and finally put an end to your misery. Your thighs squeeze together trying to sooth the ache between them. Ao’nung notices and gives you a devilish smirk.
“Of course, you know we could always help you out.”
Lo’ak’s eyes go wide listening to him talk. You feel yourself clamp down around nothing wanting to take him up on his offer.
“Hold on just a second” Lo’ak says to you before walking Ao’nung over to the side. “What the fuck man?” his voice is a hushed growl.
“Oh come one, you’re telling me you don’t wanna hit that?”
“Fine.” You pipe up finally not being able to take the wait any more.
Both of their heads snap to you and your pupils are blown all the way leaving barely any color to be seen.
“Are you sure?” Lo’ak tries to ask you, but you’re already stripping off your top. “Just hurry up and help me before I change my mind.” You were bluffing. You knew you were too far gone to change your mind even if you tried.
“You heard the lady.” Ao’nung nudged Lo’ak’s shoulder as he circled around to rest behind you. He wastes no time in letting his hands roam up and down your torso while he breathes in your scent. His lips ghost the skin on your neck and makes your hair stand on end. Your skin is hot to the touch, but it does nothing to deter Ao’nung from squeezing one of your breasts and playing with you nipple. It makes your body jolt with each new sensation. You look up at Lo’ak who can’t stop watching you.
You reach out your hand to him with pleading eyes, “Please Lo’ak”. He caves. He falls to his knees in front of you and crashes his lips to yours. You eagerly open your lips and pull his tongue into your mouth so you can taste him. His hands trail up and down your thighs and they spread wanting some kind of touch. He drags one finger between your drenched folds and you both groan at the feeling. Your body trembles in Ao’nung’s grasp and one of his hands sneaks down your back to stroke the base of your tail. Your head falls back against his shoulder while soft pants leave your lips. He smirks seeing your lustful drunken face. He pushes you forward so that you’re on all fours in front of him while he unties his loincloth. He revels in the sight of your juices steadily streaming down your thighs. In this position, you were now eye level with Lo’ak’s bulge. It’s like you can literally hear it calling your name. You can’t even wait for him to untie the knot around his waist before you’re pulling the fabric to the side and freeing his thick cock.
Your mouth immediately fills with saliva taking in his size. You had to have it. You sink him all the way into the back of your throat and he sucks in a sharp breath.
Behind you, Ao’nung coats his dick in your slick and easily plunges into your greedy cunt. You want to moan from being filled at last, but you can only manage to hum around Lo’ak’s tip still buried in your mouth. The vibration makes him throw his head back. “Shit.”
Ao’nung thrusts into you watching how your hole just swallows his cock happily. Every thrust from behind pushes you forward onto Lo’ak even more if that were possible. Drool and tears run down your face and spill over onto the forest floor.
You push his tip into your throat and swallow. Lo’ak brushes your hair out of your face, “Oh, fuck, just like that pretty girl.” His words tingle in your head and make your pussy clench without your permission.
“Shit, I’m gonna cum inside you if you keep doing that” Ao’nung breathes out while smacking his hips into you. Your eyes roll feeling your orgasm hurling towards you like a boulder. “Is that what you want sevin? You want us to cum inside of you?” Ao’nung wraps your tail around his forearm and tugs it back towards him. You try to yelp, but Lo’ak is keeping his cock buried in your mouth chasing his impending high. “Mhm” is all you can manage to hum out as a response.
This sends Lo’ak over the edge and he bucks his hips up into your throat and spills his cum straight into your throat. You are more than happy to swallow all of it down. You keep sucking on his tip while he cums hoping to get every single last drop he has to offer. You finally pop off of him when his legs start to shake. You gasp for air now that your throat is free, but it doesn’t last long as Lo’ak grabs your face and kisses you deeply again. His tongue dances with yours tasting himself in your mouth and swallowing all of your moans.
“Fuck! I’m gonna cum!” you get out between kisses.
Ao’nung drills into your cervix repeatedly inching you closer to your release. His thrusts start to get sloppy and his hips stutter as he finally shoots ropes of thick cum inside of you. The heat spreads through your body and crashes you into your own orgasm finally. Your mouth is stuck in a silent scream while your arms and legs shake.
Ao’nung finally pulls out of you and you fall forward into Lo’ak’s arms. He strokes your hair and whispers small praises into your ear.
Your mind and body start to feel like they’re returning to normal as you come out of your haze. “Thank you, guys. You know, you make a good team when you’re not at each other’s throats.”
Lo’ak and Ao’nung look at each other and offer one another a silent nod of understanding. Guess they found their common ground.
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nearest-dearest · 10 months
You finally said Hello
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. . .
*Someone picks up the phone*
Wally Darling: Hello? Is it you again Neighbor?
You: Um. Oh geez, I don't what to say. Uh, hello Wally.
Wally Darling: Neighbor? Is that really you? You finally said hello.
You: Hehe, sorry it took this long for me to say anything. It's really hard to get this phone in the train station working right.
Wally: Train station? Where are you heading off to neighbor?
You: No one where in particular, just sitting by the benches and watching the train pass by. . . Say Wally?
Wally: Yes neighbor?
You: I'm glad to finally to talk to you, everyone seems to not know I'm really on the other end. You were the only one who knew I was there. Why is that?
Wally: Oh, that. I'm afraid that's a secret dear.
You: I see.
Wally: Hey neighbor? I'm also glad to finally talk to you to. I don't know how you did it, but I'm happy that you did. Now I can ask you a very important question.
You: Well, okay then. What is it?
Wally: When we looked into each other's eyes. What did you saw? I hope you saw a friend.
You: Oh silly Wally, of course I saw a friend! Wanna know a secret?
Wally: A secret? How interesting. What is it neighbor?
You:. . . You were my first ever friend.
Wally: Really? Well, I'm honoured to be your friend, neighbour.
You: Thanks, I just wish I can get to know your other friends. Julie seems like a fun fella. Oh! And Barnaby's jokes never failed to make me smile.
Wally: I'm happy you seem interested. Maybe you could give them a call next time?
You: Hm, I could, but I don't want to bother them in case my phone is broken again.
Wally: Oh, I know it won't break again. Just give it a shot.
You:. . . Alright then!
Wally: Good, I'm happy the neighborhood can finally meet you neighbor.
*Sound akin to a train*
You: Gosh, I need to go now. It's been fun talking with you Wally. Guess this won't just be a secret between you and me anymore h̴̘̭͓̲̖̾̈́͊͛͆̉̕̕͝e̴̛̪̞̤̳̦̜̻̣̲͖̱͕̺͈͒̓̈́̑̽̈́̎͐́̀̎̐̔͝ͅh̵̪̠̏̃̀́̓̿̈́̅͝͝e̶̢̽̐͗̿̒́̉̈́́́̉̾͒̕͝.
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mouschiwrites · 4 months
thought I should request something steven universe themed if you wanted to write it!!!!
how about a PLATONIC steven universe × human fem reader when she's sick!! I literally have the worst fever it's killing me anyways!! good luck !!!
HOW did this turn out so long…. anyway, sickness solidarity my friend 😞 I have also been struck ill
Word count: 1k
Steven Universe - Sick?! (Steven [platonic])
Steven perked up when the ringing tone of his phone suddenly cut off. Your voice came through, huskily rasping: “Hello?”
“Hiii Y/n!” He chirped, kicking his legs back and forth merrily as they dangled from the couch. He had been miserably bored for… twenty minutes now, if the clock was still working. He’d called hoping that you’d be available to help ease his boredom, but he couldn’t help the feeling that something was off. Usually you didn’t answer so quickly, but there was something else too, something he couldn’t quite pin.
“Wait a minute. You aren’t usually home at this time of day.”
“Yeah,” you sighed. “I’m not feeling too well, so I stayed home.”
Steven brought a hand to grip his hair dramatically. “You’re sick?!”
You tried to laugh; you didn’t need to see him to know what he was doing. But it just came out as a sad little wheeze, and you had to regain your wind before you could speak again.
“I’ll be fine. I took some medicine, just waiting for it to kick—”
“Hold on, Y/n!”
He hung up. You looked at your phone screen, frowning. Should I be afraid..?
You were trying to sleep a little, if only to escape your throbbing headache (and all the other aches too numerous to name), but you awoke to the sound of pounding at your door.
You groaned, tugging your blanket over your head. But you could no longer ignore the noise when it was suddenly accompanied by an all-too-familiar voice shouting: “Y/n! Y/nnnn! Are you dead?! I’m coming in!”
Now you were awake. You flew out of bed at the sound of your front door opening, ignoring your wailing muscles for the time and scuttling down the hall.
“Steven, you can’t just break into my house,” you tried to sound firm, but you just didn’t have the energy. You cursed yourself, dragging a hand down your feverish face ruefully.
Steven had set his burger backpack on your kitchen table and was rummaging through it, completely ignoring you.
“I brought soup—it’s canned, I hope that’s okay—and movies, and coloring books, and regular books, and…” he held the bag wide open, clearly looking for something else.
His eyes suddenly lit up, and he plunged his hand into the bag and triumphantly pulling out a little star-shaped plush with a cute nightcap. “This!”
As much as you wanted to hate him for bugging you (you were rather irritable, being in pain and all), you couldn’t stop the huge grin that came to your face when he handed you the plush.
“What are you going to name him?”
You blinked at Steven, then at the little fluffy star. You were about to shrug, but you decided against it when you suddenly became aware of the aches all over your body.
Somehow Steven seemed to sense this, and he took you by the elbow and started dragging you into your living room, taking his backpack in his free hand. “You’re probably tired! Oh geez, your skin is super warm. Do you feel cold?”
He didn’t wait for a response, finding a blanket on the edge of your sofa and wrapping it around your shoulders as you sat.
He plopped down next to you, your shoulders pressed together cozily.
Digging through his bag, he fished out a few DVDs, showing them to you one by one. When he was done, he looked at you with wide eyes, awaiting your response.
“Uh,” you huffed, your eyelids feeling heavy again now that you were all cozy, “I don’t think I want to watch anything. You can, though.”
“Oh. That’s fine! You can just sleep. I’ll be here,” he smiled comfortingly, scooting aside so you could lie flat on the couch. You gave him a grateful nod and reclined, already half asleep by the time you repositioned yourself.
“Can I play with your hair? That always makes me feel better when I’m sick.”
You hummed affirmingly. Steven’s hands were warm against your head as they smoothed your hair, combing it, twisting it, untwisting it; you thought you felt him trying to braid it at some point, but in your half-asleep daze you couldn’t tell.
When you woke up again it was just past noon, and though your sinuses felt funky you could smell something coming from the kitchen. You propped yourself up on your elbow, pressing your lips together at the pain of the motion.
“No! Don’t move!”
You had to smile as Steven stormed towards you with a bowl, his face shifting from anger to agony as he walked. “Hot! Hot! Hot!”
He plopped the bowl down on your lap, fanning his hands off. You could definitely feel the heat of the soup through the blanket, and it was actually pretty comforting.
“Thanks,” you chuckled, sitting up all the way.
“Eat up, you need your strength!” Steven winked. “Want me to put something on the TV?”
“Sure,” you said, blowing off a spoonful of soup and shoving it in your mouth. “You can pick.”
You spent the rest of the afternoon curled up on the couch with Steven, who fretted endlessly about you. He couldn’t seem to go five minutes without asking if you needed anything, and when you did he was off like a race horse to get it.
The sun was starting to set when you insisted that Steven go home. He looked like he wanted to protest, but looking at the darkening sky he knew he couldn’t.
“The gems will worry,” you reminded him.
“I know… are you sure you’ll be okay?”
You laughed, patting his shoulder reassuringly. “I’ll be fine.”
“Sure, but… call me if you need anything, okay?”
You smiled bemusedly. “I will.”
And then he was off. And not ten minutes passed before you felt your phone buzzing in your pocket, and you pulled it out to find a message from Steven:
Feel better soon! :)
You smiled once more, reclining easily against the soft cushions of your couch, much to your aching body’s relief.
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Thank you so much for this request dear! And thanks for reading, take care duckies <33
(divider by saradika)
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lizzieislife94x · 6 months
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Did That Happen (e.o)
Lizzie x G!P reader 
Y/ns POV:
"You fucking stupid piece of shit" I yell as I kick my car there's no way I just broke down at 1am in the middle of no where I don't know my way around LA I've only been here for a week visiting family I let out a sigh and lean against the car to get my phone to call for help "no no no no fuckkk" I yell a little to loud fuck I hope no one heard me I don't wanna disturb anyone I throw my phone into the car of course it died as I went to call for help I sink back down against my car and put my face in my hands as I hear someone approach and look around to see a woman towering over me "Oh my gosh are you ok honey what's wrong" her voice is so soothing and familiar I quickly stand up to get a proper look and freeze on the spot "you um you're..fuck you're Elizabeth olsen " I stutter mentally slapping myself what a great first impression y/n geez I see her smile as a giggle leaves her lips fuck she's so beautiful and her laugh is perfect "please call me lizzie, so whats wrong I heard you yelling and thought you might be in trouble"
I play with my fingers as she looks into my eyes her gaze making me feel so shy "well this piece of junk broke down, I don't know this area all that well I'm here visiting family and just as I went to call for help my phone died" I say a little quick and stressed as I run my fingers through my hair I feel her gently rub my arm "well do you want to come inside I can make you some hot chocolate or something and maybe charge your phone up a little" I smile and look at her "oh my god really that would be amazing if I get some charge I can call and wake my cousin to come pick me up" I lean into the car and grab my phone "ok follow me by the way what's your name " she says walking away as I follow her "I'm y/n, y/n l/n" I smile as we walk into her house "well y/n please make yourself comfortable ill get some hot chocolate made" I look around in utter shock this place is huge and beautiful I just nod unable to form words I walk to couch and sit waiting for lizzie after a few minutes she walks in with 2 mugs in hand and hands me one "oh my gosh thank you so much Elizabeth " I say as I take the mug from her smiling "y/n I told you it's lizzie, Elizabeth makes me feel old" I giggle and take a sip of my hot chocolate and let out a moan "mhhh this is so good" she smirks looking at me as I instantly turn red as it hit me I just moaned infront of her "that was such a pretty sound y/n makes me wanna hear more" I try to find words as she gets closer and takes the mug from my hand placing it on the table then straddles my waist as I pray my little friend doesn't wake up but it fails as she sits ontop of me and places kisses onto my neck I feel my member growing as lizzie looks at me shocked "do you have a dick"
I look everywhere bar her as she grips my jaw making me look at her "answer me y/n" I moan and she smirks "yes I um yeah I do" she bites her lip as she leans in to whisper into my ear "well are you going to fuck me" I hold her waist and nod as she stands up and starts to strip her clothes away I can't help but stare in awe fuck she's gorgeous I quickly stand up and strip down to my boxers as lizzie eyes my hard member biting her lip "fuck you look huge" I blush and push her into the couch as I slip her panties off and lean down to take her nipples into my mouth sucking as she let's out a moan I feel her push my boxers down and giggle against her nipple as I help her push them off I make quick work of kissing down her body and pushing her legs open a little more groaning at the sight of her wet pussy, fuck she's so wet and for me I take her swollen clit into my mouth and suck like it's my last meal "uhhhh fuck y/n" she moans as I move my tounge down to tease her entrance I quickly slide it in and explore her pussy as she gasps and moans above me I slide my tounge out and smirk looking at her as she looks at me desperately "wh..why did you stop I was so close" she pants I lean down and kiss her as I rub my tip against her soaking core earning a moan I break the kiss and look at her panting a little "is this OK are you ok with this" she nods "yes I give you full consent" she almost begs and with that I slowly sink into her tight cunt "mmmh fuck lizzie so tight and warm" I slowly thrust watching my dick slide in and out of her "yesss y/n just like that don't stop fuck" I bring her leg over my shoulder allowing me to get deeper as I start to thrust harder and faster "uhhh fuck" I groan as she grips onto the couch cushion her knuckles turning white I can't help but look at her amazing tits bouncing with each thrust only making me thrust faster I feel her cunt gripping my cock letting me know she's close as I feel my own orgasm approaching "fuck cum for me lizzie" I moan out as she starts to cream all over my dick making me moan I hold my cum back and slide out of her and cum all over her stomach as I look down panting sweat covering both of us "wow just wow " she pants with a giggle.
"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP" I jump as my alarm blasts and look around confused why am I in my own bed I look under the covers and put my hand into my shorts "nope definitely not a dick but why am I so wet" I whisper to myself did that just happen no it was a fucking dream it felt so real why did I dream I had a dick I lay back extremely confused trying to figure the dream out it was so weird but damn it was a great dream.
AN: hope this makes sense I don't know what it is the idea came to me I thought I'd run with it all feedback welcome good or bad word count close to 1.2k
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Enid: Yoko! Please tell me you know we're Wednesday is she is usually back by now
Yoko: Geez girl chill, does she have any other friends? You always hang out w/ me without telling her maybe she just is doing the same thing.
Enid: yoko, as much as I commend u for trying to calm me, Wednesday can barely stand me sometimes and I'm her roommate
Yoko: can u just say ure dating her, like girl everyone knows lol
Enid: WERE NOT DATING, All though I hope some day we are but u will NOT tell her that but fr yoko do you know we're she is
Yoko: no let me call divina maybe she does (calls her)
Yoko: hey do you know we're Wednesday is?
Divina: oh yeah we're having a girl's night, watching creepy movies listening to horror tiktoks and the such
Yoko: why did you say that shit so casually
Divina (not realizing being Wednesdays friend is rare as shit.): I'm confused, where all friends w/ Wednesday, what's so weird about having a girl's night
Yoko (realizing Wednesday views divina as a Friend):
Did Wednesday call you her friend
Divina: lol yeah
Yoko: Enid! To divinas room, Code HappyW
both run to divinas room
Wednesday: yes?
Enid: you could of told me you were having a girl's night W/ divina
Wednesday: ??? I guess if you want me to, I just kinda thought you didn't mind, cause you never tell me about ur girls night W/ yoko
Enid: oh! No no no no, im not mad at you for not telling, I'm mad at the fact you didn't tell me divina was ur friend because I wasn't aware you even Tolerated anyone outside of me and now I have so many questions
Wednesday: yes even I'm surprised but she really is into some neat horror and talked about horror games which intrigued me, we agreed that I would have girl nights with her, in exchange for letting me play and see these things and through that we became friends
Enid: wait when did you 2 have girls nights
Wednesday: usually we have them when you 2 are having girl nights, in fact that's what we thought you 2 were doing tonight
Yoko: oh yeah we were but Enid decided to cancel because you weren't answering your text
Wednesday: WAIT! shit shit shit (franticly searching for her phone)
Enid: don't worry I got ur phone got it when I went to look at you in our room
Wednesday: phew I thought Xavier stole it, me and divina decided to break in to his dorm and get his bed and we may or may not have put him in the middle of the schools largest Body of water
Enid and yoko: WEDNESDAY DIVINA!!!
Wednesday: what, He is always so thirsty for ajax. We were just trying to keep him hydrated.
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Envenomate - 3
It’s never good to lose track of the eels.
Floyd was supposed to be at the bar, and Jade was supposed to be watching the door, but now neither of them is where they should be. ‘Worried’ is less the word you’re looking for than is ‘concerned.’
Your watch lights up and a text rolls across the screen. It’s just a string of emojis, but you get the message.
You sigh. You had hoped for a few more minutes to finish your makeup, but it’s probably best to resolve the situation before someone loses their patience. As it turns out, someone is Ace.
“Bro, we’re literally on the list!”
Floyd just laughs. “I don’t need to check a list to know that small fry aren’t on it.”
Ace is about to snap when he sees you. He waves frantically as if you’re not headed toward him directly already. “Hey!”
You fold your arms over your chest in a show of annoyance, though it conveniently helps you fight some of the cold air blowing in from outside while you’re at it. “Floyd, could you let my friends in, please?”
“Ehhhh…what if I don’t wanna, lil’ Seahorsie?”
You give him a look. He smirks maniacally, daring you. But you know him too well to back down. “Jade!” you call.
Floyd rolls his eyes and swings back to face the growing queue. “Fiiine, geez, you’re so boring. Don’t break anything, kids.” He ushers the squad inside.
“Thank you, Jeeves,” Ace snickers.
Floyd trips him accordingly, but Deuce reacts fast enough to catch him.
Another sigh. “Well, hey, you all made it. Please let that be the most chaos you cause tonight.”
Epel and Deuce nod as if they’re not the same classmates ready to square up with anyone who blinks at them wrong 100% of the time.
“How’d you do on the test?” Deuce asks as the four of you meander through the Lounge. “I got an 83.”
“Oh, damn, I forgot to check,” you tell them. “I def got the last two questions wrong, though. And whatever was on the bottom of page 3 really had me stuck.”
Epel waves off your concerns. “Eh, you probably did fine. I didn’t check mine, either.”
“Hope you told your boy we’re drinking on your tab tonight,” Ace says when he comes back with four bottles of beer.
You take a polite sip of yours and pass it back to him. “Here, extra one on me.”
Ace tilts his head in his silent way of asking you what’s wrong. You reply with your mild-wince-and-one-shoulder-shrug combination to tell him it’s nothing.
A leather glove the temperature of the basement storage room lands on your bare shoulder, uncomfortably close to your neck, careful not to hide the red circles adorning it. “Regrettably, it will be some time before Azul is available, little Seahorse,” Jade says in his usual honeyed tones. You can feel the wet warmth of his breath. Imagining the inside of his mouth makes you cringe so hard you might as well turn inside out.
“Yeah, thanks, I figured,” you say as you wriggle out of his grasp with less-than-casual urgency. “I’m fine here.” You throw yourself into the middle of your friends with all the subtlety of a kid doing a cannonball at a pool party.
Jade shrugs and leaves you with a smile that’s too small to show his teeth but too tight to hide the bulging shape of them against his taut cheeks.
You take your beer back from Ace after all.
“You okay?” Deuce asks with a glance at Epel, suggesting the ludicrous notion that they would fight Jade on your behalf.
“Yeah, fine. Don’t worry about the weirdos.” Ace made a pretty sizable dent in your beer, so you’re able to chug the rest of it in a few gulps.
It’s good that Azul wants to keep you safe, and it’s fine that he wants his twin mercenaries to keep an eye on you. It’s just that sometimes you wonder how safe you really are.
1 | 2 | {3} | 4 | 5
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 4 months
☆Idol, Idol☆
Murmur was making room on his desk for more akudol merchandise. Humming happily as he added the new additions to his collection.
"Geez, don't you have enough of that shit already?" Eito asked while lighting a cigarette. "Absolutely not! Star-Chan just came out with a new poster that I need to buy and have them autograph!"
Furcus looks up from one of her many books. "Aren't you running out of desk space?" "Who needs a desk? This is a shrine for my precious Star-Chan!"
"Aren't all akudol's basically the same? I don't understand why you need to be so obsessed with this one in particular." March pokes at one of the figurines which Murmur promptly slaps his hand away.
"Star-Chan is different! They've been performing since I went to school here. And they always remember me. And they call me their number one fan! And they've personally given me front row tickets before!"
"Oh, Devi, their feeding your obsession." "What does your spouse think about all this shit?" Murmur gasps offended.
"For your information, we both like akudols, and they don't mind my collectibles. They even managed to get me a ticket for their concert today!"
Murmur buzzed with excitement. Happy to see his favorite akudol, but sad his partner always seemed to be busy for those concerts. He had hoped bond with them over this akudol too.
Fixing your hair and makeup as you got ready for your concert tonight, you smiled at your reflection. "You mean even after all these years, your husband still doesn't know you're Star-Chan?" Your manager asked.
You giggled and fixed your outfit. "Nope! Isn't that adorable? He's so excited when he sees either side of me. I love it!"
"Are you sure you want to retire? You still have several years left in your career." "I'm getting older. Akudols is a younger demons game. Besides , I can still perform. But I want to perform as myself and not Star-Chan."
You test your mic. Your manager sighs and leans against the wall. "I guess I can't force you to continue. But are you sure you want to announce it tonight?"
"Yep!" You chirp as you slipped on your heels. You could hear the roar of the crowd. "You know what they say, 'it's now or never' if I don't do it tonight I never will."
The peppy beat starts, and you strut onto the stage. A bounce in your step as you hear the roar of the crowd. You see Murmur in the front row cheering. You give a little wave and start the song.
☆I can't help it if I make a scene, stepping out of my hot pink limousine. Turning heads, and I'm stopping traffic. When I pose they scream, and when I joke they laugh.☆
You see the neon glowsticks and banners waving frantically around. You brush your hair out of your face. Leaning towards the edge of the stage where your fans can almost touch you.
☆I've got a pair of eyes that they're getting lost in. They're hypnotized by my way of walking.☆
You laugh and back away from eager hands swaying your hips playfully. You wave your finger in a scolding manner. You flaunt your dazzling charisma, ensuring you have the crowds' undivided attention.
☆I've got them dazzled like a stage magician. When I point, they look, and when I talk, they listen.☆
You stop in the middle of the stage, looking out at the crowd. So many had shown up. So many cheering your name.
It's been a great journey to reach where you were today. You couldn't have done this without your fans. How wonderful it was to have them.
☆Well, everybody needs a friend, and I've got you, and you, and you. So many I can't even name them. Can you blame me? I'm too famous!☆
You smirk confidently as you place your hand over your heart. You spread your wings and take flight. Spinning and twirling around the room.
Your fans become more excited reaching up for you. But you only reach out for one. Your husband. You adore his shocked face as you drag him on stage.
☆Haven't you noticed that I'm a star? I'm coming into view as the world is turning. Haven't you noticed I made it this far?☆
You face him and let your magic disguise drop. His jaw hits the floor. You laugh and kiss his cheek. You adored his reactions.
☆Now everyone can see me burning. Now everyone can see me burning. Now everyone can see me burn~ing.☆
The stage lights shut off. The curtains close. None of that matters, though. They only thing that matters is what you'll husband will say.
"I... i... can't believe it." You bite your lip worried. It turns out you didn't need to worry. "I'M MARRIED TO STAR-CHAN!!!! THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!"
You gasp startled as he picks you up. You both end up laughing as he spins you around. "Do you realize what this means?" He asked.
You shake your head amused. "You can sign all my new Star-chan merch!!!!" You can't help but laugh hysterically as he sets you down and pulls off his backpack shoving newly bought items into your hands.
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koushisbabie · 3 months
UWU I HONESTLY YOUR WORK SO MUCH this is my first time on this app so I don’t really know much about it ! Thank you for putting so much effort in every post ,can I request sugawara x reader (how he would react when you keep biting your lip out of anxiety until it bleed ,cause lately I have been doing it a lot
Sorry because my English is not very good anyway HAVE A GREAT DAY ❤️❤️
Oh my gosh I am so sorry I completely forgot I got this request. Thank you for requesting a fic, and thank you for the compliment, you are so sweet T_T Comments like this give me the motivation to write more and get more creative with my ideas. In saying that, I hope your anxiety and your lip biting has gotten better <3 I don't know if you're still active on here, but I've written a small drabble (it ended up long haha) here for you! I hope you like it <3
‘Yo, Suga!’
Suga’s head appears from behind the precariously stacked wall of books on the library table. ‘Yes?’
‘Geez, isn’t that overdoing it?’ Asahi chuckles, gesturing to the books.
‘Well, I guess so,’ Suga replies, ‘but exams are only a week away.’ He shuffles aside some of the haphazardly strewn books and papers and pens, giving Asahi and Daichi space to sit down.
‘Where’s Yn?’ Daichi asks, peering around.
‘She’s around,’ Suga replies, ‘I think she went to the bathroom…’
‘I’m right here!’ Yn pops their head around the shelves. ‘I’ve been looking for this damn book for twenty minutes now.’
‘Oh yeah, looks like a long read.’
‘Can’t be helped,’ Yn says, sitting down next to Suga. ‘Tuesday’s exam is going to kick my ass if I don’t absorb this entire book.’
‘Take it easy, Yn,’ Daichi says. ‘You look a little tired, have you been sleeping alright?’
Suga glances at Daichi, then at Yn.
‘Well, yeah, kind of,’ Yn replies, nudging Suga’s arm affectionately. ‘Usually after we call.’
‘Which reminds me, I need to send you the link to this video that explains chapter eight in a bit more detail,’ Suga says absentmindedly. ‘It’s forty five minutes long but there’s some good illustrations in it that highlight how complex–’
‘You guys seem busy,’ Asahi interjects politely. ‘We should be heading off, we’ll tell the others that you’re studying this afternoon.’
‘Oh no, it’s okay,’ Yn says, glancing at their phone. ‘I actually forgot I promised I’d be home to receive a package later.’
‘You’re leaving already?’
‘Sorry,’ Yn says, ‘I’ll call you tonight, though? We can go through the last of these notes together!’
‘Yeah, sure,’ Suga replies, squeezing Yn’s hand before turning back to his notes.
Yn hesitates, before gathering their things and disappearing between the aisles of books.
An awkward silence falls between the friends, before Daichi pipes up.
‘Hey, Suga, did you see how red Yn’s lips were?’
Suga looks up from his notes, his pen paused above the paper. ‘You noticed it, too?’
‘It wasn’t subtle…’ Asahi says, quietly. ‘To be honest, I think they had been bleeding.’
‘Bleeding?’ Suga’s face fills with shock. ‘I didn’t realise it was that bad. I thought it was just sunburn.’
Daichi and Asahi share a look.
‘Okay,’ Daichi says sternly. ‘I see what’s going on. You’re too focused on your studying, you’ve neglected Yn. Maybe you should put the books away and spend some quality time with them.’
‘What do you mean?’ Suga asks, a little hurt.
‘Daichi’s right… I think Yn is really stressed. A lot of lip biting is caused by anxiety… I haven’t seen it that bad before, and I’ve known them for years.’
Suga pauses thoughtfully. ‘You’re right. The books could wait.’
‘We just mean–’
‘I have an idea,’ Suga says, grinning. ‘Thank you for slapping some sense into me.’
Yn arrives home sweating and tired, the heavy books in their bag weighing painfully on their back. They abandon the bag in the hallway and head to the bathroom, the light soft against their skin. They peer at their lips, swollen like a blossoming red rose. The urge to bite is strong, the pain satisfying momentarily distracts them from the bubbling anxiety in their belly.
Exams were only a week away but with the high percentage of worth the marks carry, anxiety had been slithering throughout the schools hallways like a giant snake stalking its prey, following students home so they could not find respite, even in their beds.
A knock at the door sounds loud and urgent.
As Yn pulls the door open, Suga almost drops the stack of books in his arms and the bags at his elbows.
‘Oh, Yn!’ Suga grins. ‘Mind if I come in?’
‘Of course,’ Yn says, bewildered. ‘Let me help you.’
In the living room, Yn places the stack of books on the coffee table, wondering how Suga could manage getting through them all with practice almost every afternoon. Despite being as passionate about volleyball as the others, he could somehow find the time to study when he really wants to.
‘So,’ Yn says, falling into the crease of the soft couch, ‘what brought you here?’
Suga glances at them, his mouth in a small frown, the creases between his brows knitted. ‘Look,’ he begins, ‘I have noticed that you’ve been a little… out of sorts, lately.’
Yn frowns, fidgeting in their lap with their fingers.
‘I don’t want you to ever feel like you’re less than beautiful, by the way!’ Suga says quickly, placing his hands on either side of Yn’s face.
Yn’s cheeks begin to flush. ‘What do you mean?’ They squeak.
Suga hesitates. ‘You’re doing it right now –’ Suga pauses, pointing at Yn’s lips, ‘you’re biting your lip too much!’
Yn swallows hard. ‘Oh. I hoped you wouldn’t notice.’
Suga smiles softly. ‘It took me a few moments to really see it.’ He hesitates. ‘I was too focused on studying, when I should have been looking out for you. I’m sorry.’
‘No, it’s okay!’ Yn blushes. ‘You’re here now! And it’s just anxiety, I mean, it’s always there, what can you do?’
‘Well…’ Suga says, turning to the coffee table. ‘I’m not sure if any of this will help, but I wanted to make up for not being one hundred percent there for you when you’re anxious.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘These are just some small gifts,’ Suga says. He opens the thick paper bags, revealing a fluffy blanket, a few lip balms, a small box of tea, a journal, and all of Yn’s favourite snacks. ‘I know it’s not much, and it can’t fix your anxieties completely, BUT I do think that tea will help, and maybe you can journal some of your worries and one of these lip balms is good for deterring lip biting, I think,’ Suga says quickly. ‘And of course, the blanket is for when it gets cooler and we can play games or something, together.’
A comfortable silence fills the room. Yn processes the gesture slowly, their eyes welling, their chest swelling with butterflies.
‘Oh no,’ Suga says, pulling Yn into a hug, pressing them to his chest. ‘I’m sorry, was it too much?’
Yn breathes in his scent, the clean soapy smell mixed with the day’s activities. Familiarity and safety is how Yn would describe Suga and his hugs, the gesture alone could deter them from the worries that plagued their mind.
‘This is too nice,’ Yn murmurs. ‘It’s just a bitten lip, why are you doing so much over that?’
‘Well, I don’t know what’s going on in the background – I’d like to,’ he says quietly. ‘I’d like to sit here and listen to you talk about what’s worrying you, if you’d let me. You never have to, if you aren't comfortable, but I’m always here.’
‘I get it now,’ Yn says, sniffling. ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t want to bother you because I know you’ve been busy too. Exam season gets us all, doesn’t it?’
Suga laughs. ‘It does, but it’s my job to also look after you.’
‘Does it bother you?’ Yn asks quietly. ‘My lips…’
‘Well, it looks a little painful,’ Suga replies. ‘I’d hate for you to endure the pain or get an infection. That’s why I picked up the lip balm specifically for healing lips,’ he says, reading the back of the lip balm.
Yn curls into the crook of Suga’s arm, peering at the lip balm. Suga takes Yn’s chin, and tilts their head upward, gently applying the lip balm to their lips. The cooling sensation spreads over their lips like a lovely cool breeze. ‘It feels pretty good so far, thank you. Thank you for this. I never expect you to do anything for me, but this has made me feel a lot better – just knowing you care. That you’re here for me. Thank you.’
Suga smiles warmly, squeezing Yn against his chest. ‘If none of this helps you feel less anxious, I’ll just have to squish the anxieties out of you!’
‘Well,’ Yn squeaks, ‘I wouldn’t mind the cuddles!’
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crying-fantasies · 5 months
First born
At first, before the humans arrived to the Lost Light, by the totally well planned and precalculated plan made by their loved captain, everyone were given continuous (and obligatory) lessons on how to interact with humans, how to hold them using an strange doll than most crushed in their first try, "this is why it's best to be prepared", how to prevent accidents, download every human language and so on, even the first time contact bots aboard had to be taught how to filter human pheromones because as an species they don't have the ability to suppress such basic necessity and it's rude to point it out, "Damn, poor fleshies", ah, also, don't say rude things like that, Riptide, think about the human's feelings, please; all in all it was mostly common things like that and when the first ones put pedes, um, feet, they were mostly prepared, being the mini bots the firsts to be graced with the human's trust first given the height difference (and because they are adorable).
So you must understand their complete shock when one human said: "I'm pregnant" to explain why the other humans were making a party with pastel ribbons and that, no, Tailgate, her tank isn't going to explode, it just has a new life inside.
The only one bot that understood what was happening from the get go was Ratchet, his time back on earth and his knowledge on human physiology made him the main resource of information, and also the most bothered mech in the starship for the next 8 months or so.
Once he had enough he just told Rewind to show them some kind of documentary about humans.
That movie night everybot reunited, it wasn't mandatory like before but the idea of a human sparkling around, after so long without new life in their own barracks, was tempting and also hopeful in every sense, even bots that weren't that near to humans also came.
They ended up seeing a marathon of all the Alien movies, even the crossovers.
More than one bot purged their tank and more than one screamed, cried in horror or downright fainted due to what they believed was the "delivery" of a human baby because they all wanted to know how the baby was going to get out and simply go straight to the chest buster scene, there is so much fleshy fluids around and so much shouts of agony and- oh Primus have mercy, what in the Pit is that thing-?!
"We'll look after your sparkling after you're gone, your sacrifice is valued and recognized for us, we'll remember you and tell tales of your courage to the new spark" the soon to be mother didn't understand shit while Tailgate and Riptide cried over her while hugging her, pleading the baby to not come too soon, other bots were outside the humans zone crying over how abruptly one human life must end to give way to the other, Cyclonus was on his knees and his sword was solemnly next to him in order to show the sincerity of his oath to his human friend, to this day some swear on their spark they saw some coolant tears on his dead optics, "when the time comes, you can leave without regrets".
Oh, imagine having to explain them.
"You won't die then?"
"If everything goes fine, then no"
"Then you won't die!" Oh, Riptide, the new mother was his first human friend and he was attached.
But, in all honesty, when the time of delivery does come most bots are waiting outside the medbay, just to immediately shut down their audial receptors by the cries and screams, didn't the humans say it wasn't like the movie?!
After agonizing hours they can finally see the new born human baby through a big glass carefully resting in the arms of the mother, and it is so-
"It looks like a fragging wet and armorless turborat after being soaked in acid for a week"
"What, if you think that's cute then you're lying to yourself!"
"I call dibs on the name!"
"It's not the time, Rodimus!"
"Think about it Mins! Sunbird! General-one! Novamoon! I'm on my element here!"
"I like the name Nova"
Geez, the name Novamoon was tacky but at least had nothing to do with Nova Prime, but who was going to tell no to the new mama when she looked so exhausted but oh so happy, not knowing what they did as she was calling her new spark, ignorant of the very crazy and very supremacist anti organic propaganda now totally dead Prime?, no one had the courage to even mention Nova Prime and just forgot about him when baby Nova started to look more human and also started to ask for "up up" with her little organic servos as high as she could, no one could deny the little human femmeling as she crawled around the safe part of the ship with a turborat onesie that was away too cute for most sparks, bound to do some mischief with Riptide just two steps behind to keep her safe.
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