#oh man i hope seth comes along too
miraculousbohemian · 8 months
I have to go to the eye Doc on, guess which date? OCTOBER 16TH, TWENTY TWENTY FUCKING THREE
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Edge of Seventeen - Chapter Three.
Huge thanks for the feedback on this so far, guys! Just so you all know, this is only going to be a short story, I’m planning on it having a 12 chapter run, so you’re not surprised at it ending sooner than my others!
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Previous chapters - One  Two
Tag list - In the comments
Words - 2,743
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
Song reference - I Don’t Believe in Love by The Mavens (ft. Lilith Czar) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoJMeJkIuSM
“She’s fire, I swear. Actual fucking fire,” Angel exclaimed, standing next to EZ. “Her voice, man! Have you ever heard a voice like that in your entire life?” he continued.
EZ nodded, equally as blown away as his brother, but not quite as dramatic about expressing it. “She’s killing it up there.” he confirmed, nodding along, watching Bella onstage as she sang her heart out to the cover of I Don’t Believe in Love by Queensrÿche. He kept on noticing that the eyes she continually made at Angel whenever she looked over at him somewhat contradicted the title of the song, though, his brother grinning, winking at her. Oh boy. He knew where this was going. Angel had somewhat of a habit of falling hard for women and making them the epicentre of his world, before somehow, it all went down in flames. Usually by Angel’s own doing, too.
Would Bella be any different? He hoped so, for a little female stability was exactly what his brother needed more than most. How he’d achieve that with a girl still in her teens, though, he wasn’t sure. Nor one who had quite that amount of ambition to succeed in a musical career, which he could see quite clearly from what she exuded on stage, as well as what Angel himself had mentioned about her. It would mean he’d lose her to touring, eventually. He couldn’t help but notice, though, that for how enamoured his brother seemed with the girl on stage, when she left it and made her way over to him, it seemed to be very much reciprocated.
“Big sexy!” Bella cried with joy after she’d located Angel out in the crowd, throwing her arms around his neck.
He was entertained at such a reaction, mainly because of the side eye his brother gave him. Envious, much? “Is that my new name now?” he chuckled, arms locking around her waist as she leaned in and kissed him.  
“Yes!” she yelled with mirth, kissing him again. “This is such a flippin’ awesome surprise!”
He beamed, kissing the tip of her nose. “What can I say? I missed you.” Oh, her little heart. How madly it fluttered. It was all so brand new, shiny and lovely, Bella feeling bowled over at his gesture, his affection, just him in general. They pulled out of their embrace for long enough for her to actually introduce him to her band, Ian, Seth and Richie all shaking hands with him and EZ, who she was also offered an introduction to as well. EZ actually found himself spending more time talking to the guys than he did Bella, who was swept back up in the affections of Angel, who couldn’t keep his eyes, or hands, off of her.  
Again, she looked so effortlessly cool and sexy, wearing her usual abundance of jewellery, a pair of white skinny jeans that were severely ripped across the legs, a tiger print bikini top, a little turquoise crochet kimono with lots of fringe hanging off it, and a pair of very old, beaten-up brown cowboy boots. He liked that she had her own style and didn’t dress like anyone else, he found it refreshing that she didn’t feel the need to look like a carbon copy of every other woman out there.  
Yes, he felt very content as she leaned against him while watching the next band playing, her arm reached back, stroking his neck as he stood with his wrapped around her, the envy of just about every guy in there. The same went for Bella, too, noticing how women viewed Angel, a little smug smile playing her lips later that night when they went out for a cigarette, one girl whistling at him and giving him the come on, Angel shaking his head as Bella joined him, wrapping an arm around her.  
“Sorry, baby. Got my hands full with this one.” he spoke, pulling Bella close. He couldn’t have even told you what colour hair the girl who’d whistled at him had, he was so captivated by the stunner at his side, moving around to a less crowed place, wrapping an arm around her. “So, what do you want to do tomorrow?”  
She thought on it for a second, her eyes suddenly lighting up. “Can we go to the zoo?”  
“You wanna... what?” he laughed, unsure she was serious.  
“I’ve never been! And San Diego Zoo is meant to be amazing! Please?” Oh, that expectant, excited little face. He realised right there that he was done for in the future, because there wasn’t a thing he wouldn’t do for that beautiful face. Twelve hours later, and he was walking hand in hand around the vast area with her, Bella beyond excited as she dragged him over to the giraffe enclosure.  
“Yeah, that’s my hair, mate. You can’t eat that, no,” she giggled, one of the giraffes leaning over to greet her, nibbling at her tresses while she stroked his face with her nails. “Is that good? You all itchy?” she cooed, the giraffe looking in absolute bliss, holding his head to the side as she scratched behind his ear, the long-necked creature thanking her by licking her face. Bella scrunched her nose up, making a ‘ppppfffft!’ noise, Angel laughing hard. “Your breath stinks, chief!” she cried, dabbing her face on her t shirt, the giraffe turning to Angel, finding interest in trying to nibble his beard.  
“Yo, homie! Get some mouthwash, man!” he exclaimed, stroking his soft muzzle and leaning away. They moved onto the elephants next, one of the keepers handing out pieces of fruit for the visitors to feed them, Bella falling in love with one of the babies.  
“They’re so lovely,” she spoke, stroking the trunk of the baby and her mother, suddenly wiping a few tears from her eyes. “It breaks my heart that people hunt them for their tusks. How can they kill something so soulful, so majestic? Look at her, Angel. Look at her eyes, she only has love in her heart.” He found himself feeling quite touched at her words, but the sight thereafter really made something pull in his chest, Bella kissing the mama elephant's trunk, hugging it, only for the noble beast to wrap that trunk around her waist and cuddle her back.  
“I love you, beautiful soul. I do.” she spoke softly, closing her eyes, a few tears running down her cheeks, overcome with emotion to have been literally embraced by the giant creature, Angel taking a few pictures, the other visitors softly cooing at the moment as they watched. Only Angel and Emmie, the elephant in question, knew the exact same thing, though. There was something very special and remarkable about Bella, something about her that pulled them in, her sweetness, her goodness, her sparkle. She was perhaps the sweetest natured girl he’d ever met, and suddenly, it gave him pause to let worry in.  
Was she too good for the likes of him? Two nights ago, while he’d known Bella had been at home writing music and taking a long soak in the tub, he’d put bullets through the skulls of two men. She was the kind of girl who elephants hugged, and he was the kind of guy who moved vast quantities of heroin and murdered people without so much as a second thought. Until that very moment.  
He seemed to withdraw a little as they walked to the next enclosure, below the canopy of a line of lush, green trees, the breeze swaying the branches gently, Bella noticing the difference in him when her words were only met with small sounds, or one-word replies.  
“Oi, what’s with this face like a smacked arse?” she spoke, halting him.
“I’m having a small crisis of conscience,” he admitted, Bella moving before him, taking his face in her hands.  
Her eyes were full of concern as she looked up at him. “Why? What’s the matter?”
He took a deep breath. “Because you’re gentle and sweet. You’re such a good person, and me? I’m a bad man. Really fucking bad, Bella.”
She shook her head, thumbs stroking over his cheeks. “Shhh, no you aren’t.”
“You barely know me, though!” he exclaimed, reaching for her arms, stroking them. “I don’t know how much you understand about an MC, but what I am, I’m an outlaw. I’m a bad guy, I do bad things. Read between the lines.”  
She wasn’t stupid. She nodded, knowing of course what he meant by that. “I know, Angel. I know that essentially, you’re a criminal, even if I don’t know all of the ins and outs, and I don’t want to either. But that’s just a part of who you are. You’re so much more than that, too. As for you being a bad guy, well, do you plan on being bad to me?”
His reply was immediate and staunch. “Absolutely not.” And he meant it.
Leaning closer, she kissed him softly. “Then that’s all you have to worry about. I know this is a lot, being that we’ve only known each other a week, but it feels like so much longer already,” she continued.
“It really does,” Angel interjected with, Bella continuing.
“But what we have already, oh god... I don’t want to make myself look like a massive dickhead or anything, or jump the gun, but I think what we have...” She trailed off there, looking at her feet, feeling embarrassed, nerves tumbling through her tummy.  
Angel reached beneath her chin, lifting her head, kissing her softly. “Could be really amazing?” he finished for her.
She beamed. “Yeah.”
He nuzzled her, pulling her close. “I think we both know that it already is, regardless of how fast it’s happening. Full disclosure, I’m a fucking sucker for falling for women quickly and then having shit all go wrong, usually because I’m an overdramatic asshole, but with you, I dunno, B. It feels different this time. You’re different. Really fucking different to any other woman I’ve gone for in the past, and I... fuck.” Was he being too much, confessing too much, letting his heart and emotions run away with him? He felt panicky for a second.  
“Are you being totes emosh?” Her joke made him snort laughing immediately. It was like, she knew instinctively exactly what he needed, or the words she should use when he was working himself up. She’d done it the night before when the way a guy had been looking at her had bothered him, soothing his anger, making him laugh instead. Angel was very much a half and half man; half soft puppy, the other, big, angry wolf. She knew how to tame the wolf already, appease it, make it quieten.  
He shook his head, more at himself than her. “You’re amazing, querida. I think the fucking world of you. Come on, let’s take you to see the lions, and if I start acting like a dumbass dick again, you can always kick me in there.”  
She snorted. “I want to at least shag your brains out one time first before I finish you off.” Again, he laughed hard, tightening his arms around her and kissing her head.  
“And how much longer are you gonna make me wait for that, hmm?” he asked, as they began to walk again, arm in arm.  
“Longer than a week.”  
He side eyed her, Bella snorting softly at the look on his face. ”You’re a cruel woman, Isabella Thorpe.”  
She kissed his cheek, humming. “I’m worth the wait.”
If the truth was known, she was dying to take things to the next level with him, but she held back, partly because as she’d previously stated, she wasn’t easy, and also because she was nervous. She could easily believe that Angel had been with countless women in the past, and her sexual experience amounted to single digits, two previous boyfriends, to be specific. She truly felt apprehension there, because her new guy, he was no boy. This was a fully grown man she was dealing with, and it scared her a little, knowing that he’d probably been with stacks of women who likely exuded the kind of sexual prowess her inexperience meant that she lacked.  
Over the course of the next two weeks, though, things definitely did take quite the upswing in the heat department.  
“Yo, Angel! If you’re gonna bang your girl, can you at least take her off to the bathroom, homes? I don’t get off on that live sex show shit. Well, I would if the dude wasn’t you, because Bella, you fine as hell, girl,” Coco shouted from the outdoor couches at the clubhouse, Angel sat opposite with Bella astride his thighs, squeezing her ass as they kissed. He didn’t even look away, although Bella giggled at the statement before they continued to exchange heated kisses. “Hey! You hearing me, man?”
“Coco, fuck off!” he yelled, grumbling with displeasure, turning back to his girl. He only had an hour with her before he had to take her home, and wanted to spend it without being bitched at, so stood with her in his arms, Bella wrapping her legs around him, carrying her over to the office and digging his key out, “There,” he announced once they were inside, sitting down again. “Ain’t no one coming to bother us in here.”  
They began to kiss one another again, the heat rising between them, Angel lowering the straps on her dress, his fingers flicking her bra undone. Bella felt a small quake of nerves, but it was quick to come and go, feeling herself lost in it, swept up in him, their rampant desire for one another, the smouldering passion he possessed as his mouth moved to her neck, scattering kisses across her throat, the heat of his breath as he panted against her neck making her tingle, even more so when he sprinkled those kisses in a constellation over her chest, his mouth tugging at her nipple in a firm suck.  
Just that first intimate contact made her insides pulse, her eyelids fluttering, her hands stroking the shortly shaven sides of his hair as she arched against him, one of his hands moving to skim between her legs. When she made no move to stop him, his fingers pulled her undies aside, fingertips stroking over her slit a few times, wetness already gathered there, bathing them, his teeth sharp at her nipple in response. He trawled the length of his fingers through her folds, each back and forth stroke making her wetter, Bella gasping when he shifted his focus to her clit, rubbing it gently, her inner walls stinging with arousal.
“Fuck!” she panted, overcome.  
He moaned against her neck, her other hand reaching to cup her breast. “That feel good, baby?”  
“A little too good!”
He chuckled, looking up at her, able to still see even through the near darkness that her pupils were completely blown with lust. “Ain’t no such thing.”  
She was floored by the way he touched her, never knowing such a perfect, precise touch beyond her own, panting harder the faster he stroked at her swollen clit, sobbing softly into the magmatic kisses they shared when his fingers slipped inside of her, hers beginning to unfasten the buttons of his shirt. She really didn’t want her first time with him to be in some shitty office, though, but lord, could she pull herself back from it now? As it turned out, she didn’t have to.  
“Yeaaaaahhhhh, brother!” Gilly roared from outside, him and another banging on the office door.  
“Make him use a condom, Bella! You don’t know where he’s been, but we do!” Creeper. Angel was pissed off, but still, he couldn’t help but laugh.  
“Yeah,” he began, sliding his hand out from between her legs with reluctance. “I think we need to continue this at my place another time.” He knew unless they emerged from the office within the next few minutes, he wouldn’t be given any peace to take things further, so it was better to just call time, no matter how much he didn’t want to. Oh lord, how he really didn’t want to.
“Mmmm,” she hummed. “We definitely do. And we definitely will. Or, my mum is away next weekend, and I’ve got that gig in Chula Vista that you’re coming to anyway, so stay at mine then?”  
She could barely keep her giggles in at his rapid nodding.  
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Body of a soldier (commission)
♥ Note: It's a shameless smut and I hope you'll enjoy it. Just read the tags before. If you wish to commission/support me check my ko-fi page for details or DM me. Thank you!
♥ Story: Krauser and the OC have some fun in Wesker's hideout. The OC is a nurse and it's tasked to take care of the injured Krauser.
♥ Pair: Jack Krauser x F!OC
♥ Tags: rough sex, face-fucking, spit as lube, degradation, breath control play, knife play.
Krauser arrived, in his wounded state, at the man who promised to heal him. It was difficult to reach his whereabouts since it was a secret location. He held on to his numb arm as he questioned his decisions. Defeated and angry, he knocked on the flat’s door.
A tall man with blond hair and bright blue eyes stood at the door entrance, dressed from head to toe in expensive clothes and accessories. He wore a black suit with a black vest and had a smartwatch on his left hand. Upon seeing the soldier, he introduced himself and welcomed the man inside.
Wesker gave him a quick tour. It was a modern penthouse, with an impressive view to the forest, equipped with the latest gadgets and the most expensive furniture. However, Krauser was not impressed and demanded to begin the healing process.
“Listen, I know you’re a rich man, don’t need to show off, but you promised you'd heal my arm. When exactly will that happen?” He was desperate, as Wesker was his last option.
"Oh, Mr. Krauser, have patience. Not only will I heal your arm, but I will transform you completely.”
“Right….” He said it with uncertainty in his voice.
“Seth, come here!” He yelled, and in a few seconds a young, slim woman appeared. She was of medium height and had short dark hair and aquamarine eyes. Krauser was skeptical because she appeared to be too young to be doing this kind of thing.
“Did you call for me, Mr. Wesker?” She said it in a firm tone, her eyes moving between the two men.
“Yes” he waved at the other man “this is Mr. Krauser, the man I was telling you about. As you can see, he is very wounded and requires our immediate help.”
Something was off with this Wesker guy, but he had no other place to go. He quit his job because he was no longer needed due to his injury, and there wasn’t a doctor in this world to fix his arm, so he went into the underworld to find a more, unethical cure.
“I see. Follow me, Mr. Krauser.”
Jack followed the significant smaller woman down some stairs and then in an elevator. Her heels clacked along the floor, and Wesker was right behind them.
Turns out the fancy penthouse not only has an incredible view and a jacuzzi, but it also has an underground lab that was equipped with the latest technology, more advanced than any hospital he went to.
“This is where we’ll begin your turning process.” Wesker added as he noticed Krauser’s amazed stare.
“I’m not a fan of the ‘turning’ word.”
“Always the charmer.” Wesker said, ignoring his concerns as he removed his coat and placed a medical apron around his waist.
"Seth, would you be kind and prepare the tools necessary?” “I already did.”
“That's why I keep you around.” He said it proudly.
Right when he was about to put on the latex gloves, his phone rang in his pocket.
“I have to take this. Seth start without me, I'll be back in a few.” he said, irritated, as he went to the elevator.
“Busy guy.” Krauser noted as he laid down on a chair.
“Well, one has to be in order to afford such nice and expensive equipment.”
“I guess.”
He watched as Seth put some latex gloves and removed a cap from a syringe. “Aren’t you a little too young?” He couldn't help but express his concerns.
“I’ve been told that a lot.” Her chuckles echoed through the room. “Do not worry, Mr. Krauser, everything is under control.”
Seth filled the syringe with a cream substance, and then he injected it into Krauser's arm.
Wesker never returned, and maybe I was better that way.
After 30 minutes in which they both waited for the serum to take effect, Krauser got bored and began to ramble on about how life is unfair and how he fucked up his last chance of getting healed.
"Oh, calm down, it usually takes up to an hour.”
“And what if I’m immune or some shit like that?”
“Wesker is a man of his word, if he said that he can cure you, then he can.”
Krauser was sitting with his legs spread in the chair and a hand on his forehead. His fingers rubbed his temples as he tried to calm down. Seth placed both her hands on his thighs, making Krauser flinch and look at her. His blue eyes met hers, which were filled with thirst.
He noticed that Wesker's assistant was giving him certain looks, but he thought it was only in his imagination, until now. Seth was overjoyed to feel his toned legs as her fingers gently squeezed his flesh.
“A body of a soldier, such body can be of good use for someone like me.”
“I-uhm, you mean like an experiment, or…?”
“Haha, no sweetie.” Her laugh filled the room, and soon she dropped to her knees. Krauser was too shocked to react, which allowed Seth to unbuckle his pants and slide a hand inside to massage his cock through his briefs.
He didn’t know what was going on, but he sure wasn't thinking about his arm anymore.
“Hmm, good soldier.” She said as she felt his cock growing in his briefs.
Krauser raised his hips a little so Seth could pull down his pants and briefs, thus setting his cock free. Her fingers quickly grabbed the half-hard member and began to stroke it gently so it could harden properly.
“Oh fuck.” he whispered under his breath as his big, calloused hand massaged her scalp.
Because of all this intense pleasure, Krauser wasn't aware of the fact that his arm started to get better. It was still numb, but he could move it now.
Seth pressed her lips over his tip so she could taste him. Before she put the member into her mouth, she spit on it and smeared it across the length. Then she began to take more and more of him. His cock slowly disappeared in her mouth, as her tongue twirled around the growing member. She bopped her head, and whenever she'd pull his cock out of her mouth, she'd spit on it once again as she loved Krauser's expression. As she took more and more of him, she looked up with her big, aquamarine eyes, expressing desire and passion.
It’s been long since Krauser was noticed by someone, and since he felt desired.
“Fuck it” he said as he stood up abruptly, his cock still in her hot mouth. One hand had a strong grip in her hair, and the other was behind her head, holding her in place. Then, he began to increase the pace suddenly, making it difficult for Seth to breathe.
His cock slammed in and out of her mouth, his balls were constantly slapping her chin, and his shaft was bruising her throat. Still, Seth enjoyed this roughness, and held onto his muscular thighs for support. Her nose would constantly hit his pubic area, inhaling his scent and increasing her desire for him.
“I bet you like this, don't you?" He asked as he saw Seth’s lustful gaze. She blinked twice as a “yes”.
“oh you filthy slut, I can tell that you're not a beginner.”
Her eyes were teary and her mascara was ruined, but despite her smeared make-up, she was constantly giving Krauser dirty and needy looks. Once her tongue began to twirl around his shaft, it never stopped until he pulled out.
Krauser pulled out slowly, and Seth could finally breathe. His cock left her lips while it was soaked in a mixture of his fluids and her saliva, and a small string connected her mouth and his tip. Some fluids were dripping down her chin, but she didn’t bother to wipe them as Krauser cupped her face so she could continue to look up at him.
“Seeing you look up at me makes me want to fill your throat until you choke,” he said as his fingers caressed her cheeks.
Upon hearing this, she nodded enthusiastically and moved her head forward so she could engulf his shaft again, but he stopped her before her lips even touched it.
“But I wanna ask you first. Where do you wanna be filled first? In your mouth or your tight little cunt?”
She might have fallen to the floor if she wasn't already on her knees. It was a rough and direct proposal, one that she enjoyed deeply, and her response came shortly.
“Inside me, sir.”
”Good choice,” he said as he lifted Seth and placed her on the chair.
She wore a short dress with a turtleneck, an outfit similar to Wesker's but very practical when it came to this sort of thing. It made Krauser wonder if they had an affair, but he couldn’t focus much on that thought since he was busy pulling down her panties while lifting her skirt.
“Hmmm,” he murmured as he kneeled and drew his face closer to her heated core. “You have such a beautiful pussy.” He said before thick saliva left his lips, making contact with her core.
“Thank you, Mr.Krauser.” She added. Two big thumbs then pressed gently on her flesh and spread that saliva across her cunt, mixing it with her juice.
Seth let out a sharp exhale upon feeling his thick fingers, and then she continued to let out soft moans. Krauser’s fingers found her clit and began to massage it, up and down and in circular motions, until she was a moaning mess. His free hand lifted her blouse so her breasts were exposed, and he began to squeeze them gently as his focus was on her core.
“Jack, I wanna feel you…” she said between heavy breaths.
“Oh yeah, you want me to fuck this pussy of yours?” He inserted his fingers inside, going at a slightly fast speed, as his big thumb kept stimulating her clit.
“So, so tight…”
His fingers were so thick that they had already filled her up.
“I-I want….”
“I know, have patience."
Krauser stood up and aligned his cock at her entrance. To tease her, he gently massaged his tip up and down her wet slit, and Seth was quick to react.
“Please…” she said in a whiny voice.
“I like it when you get all needy," he said as he pushed the first inches of his cock inside her. The stretch made Seth's body turn into jelly, and she was nothing more than a doll in his arms. Still, she found some strength to grab his now healed hand and place it around her throat.
“Kinky bitch…”
Krauser didn't realize that at first, but when he felt something inside him that he thought was dead. It was the feeling of power, or control. He would tighten and loosen his grip around her neck, watching Seth gasp for air as her face would turn red, only for her to breathe normally, and then he would go again.
She enjoyed this control, and it made her so wet that now his cock slid in and out with ease.
“Don’t you, don’t you have a knife?” she asked in a choked voice.
He pulled his hand away and stopped for a second to grab his knife. Its big blade was now traveling along her body, starting from her thighs, going to her belly, and eventually reaching her neck.
“You’re talking about this knife?”
“You like being controlled and dominated, don’t you? You live for the thrill, and that's why you’re working for a man like Wesker. I could stab you, and yet instead of running, you keep your legs open like the whore you are.”
"You talk way too much.”
“I’ve been told,” he said as he pressed the blade lightly on her skin. Seth's breath became irregular because she couldn’t predict his next move. She knew Krauser wouldn’t kill her, but she didn’t know whether he'd make a small cut or just keep it there. His cock remained buried inside her all the time. “You are so small and fragile in my hands.”
“I-I know.” she said with a weak voice. She grabbed his forearms and thrust her hips a little to get some friction down there. He took the hint and continued, while the knife remained at her throat. Jack is an ex-military; he won't hurt Seth unless she asks.
With the knife still at her neck, he picked up the pace as he felt his own orgasm approaching. Towering over her like that, controlling her gave him some of his confidence back. Below him, Seth was getting louder and louder as she could feel her own orgasm approaching as well. She loved how Krauser handled her during the sex, as if she were a doll. She knew a man like him could give her what she wanted; that's why she provoked him, and given his state, she knew he wouldn’t say no.
“Krauser, I think I’m coming….”
“Do it, come for me." He threw the knife away and placed both hands on the head of the chair for support. His pace became irregular and his thrusts clumsy, but he still managed to reach her spot. With every thrust, he felt Seth contracting around his shaft, and with a deep and hard thrust, he released his load inside her.
The sudden warm sensation that flowed inside her made her cum as well, and now her cunt was milking all of what Krauser had to give.
Exhausted, he collapsed on top of her, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, his cocks still inside.
"Do you think Wesker came in?” Krauser asked.
“If he did, he might’ve stayed and watched.”
“What?" He suddenly got up and looked around the room while pulling up his pants.
“Relax” Seth giggled and stood up too. “He has no need to stay here when he can stay very comfortable in a chair in one of our surveillance rooms.” She said as she pointed out to the cameras. “He can masturbate easier that way too.”
Krauser looked at the cameras with a shocked expression. Seth, on the other hand, was busy fixing her appearance. She pulled down her skirt and shirt and put her heels back on as they fell to the ground while Krauser was pounding into her like an animal.
“You're kidding, right?"
“Of course I am. Wesker is weird, but he will never watch other people have sex without their consent. I’m not sure he's into that anyway.”
“What, sex?”
"So, you two didn’t…”
Seth remained silent for a few seconds.
“I'm sorry, it was weird to ask.”
“It's ok."
Seth ran some tests on his new arm, and after the positive results, they both went to tell Wesker that the serum was a success.
Wesker did in fact enter the room, but just as Seth said, he had no interest in watching. He instead went upstairs and worked on other shady things.
He didn't say a word, and told them that the situation he was called for would take more time to fix than anticipated.
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leefi · 9 months
The Flower That Bloomed Nowhere Read-through | Part 6: 81-90
Part 1: 1-14 | Part 2: 14-22 | Part 3: 22-34 | Part 4: 34-64 | Part 5: 64-80 | Part 6: 81-90 | Part 7: 90-100 | Part 8: 100-127 (caught up here)
Using the Power, it was possible to create structures at obscene scales that never would have been feasible with manual or even mechanized labor, and examples of this could be found in most modern cities. There was the Aetherbridge and the colossal towers of the inner city in Old Yru, but I'd also seen the great library of Tem-Aphat, intended to store all the knowledge of the world on parchment, which was 300 stories tall and had the proportions of a pyramid-- They had to pump air into the higher floors so it didn't become hard to breathe. And even in Oreskios, there were the Thyrian Shipyards, which extended almost a mile out into the ocean and even
oh my GAWDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!! (takes off shirt that says I <3 BLACK HOLES to reveal a second one underneath that says I <3 MEGASTRUCTURES)
I glanced at her for a moment. Zeno really did seem utterly infatuated with my grandfather's work. It was making me increasingly curious about what exactly their relationship had been.
oooh she fucked that old man
didnt utsu also think that nef fucked that old man. everyone is fucking that old man
Seth made a skeptical look. "I didn't wanna say this back when we came down here the last time, but I don't think I quite get what makes it that big a deal. I mean, if you need all of this - this much space, this much energy, just to make one person physically young - isn't it just a safer version of cloning someone a new body, and transplanting the brain?" He looked to Kam. "That technology has been coming along pretty well recently, hasn't it?"
"Ptolema said the same thing earlier," I told him.
"She did?" He hummed worriedly. "Maybe I should think it over again."
you are all so mean to her and you dont respect her and you
to be honest? to be honest. i think ptolema has good intuition and has probably been correct about a few things so far (ESPECIALLY observational things) and you bitchless losers are too far up your own asses to see it. and you all HATE WOMEN
This dialing back the clock on the world stuff Zeno is talking about is juicy. I want to see the Flower cast play Outer Wilds
Is Zeno even sure that time before the collapse as they currently understand it even exists? Is she even awares of how hard the (redacted) worked to (redacted) the (redacted) only to (redacted) a measly (redacted) (redacted)? play outer wilds
I’ve been waiting for a good opportunity to talk about this but I share sooo many of Kam’s thoughts on death and agree that every human life lost is an unfathomable tragedy. But I just hate how irresponsibly she seems to approach it especially with her complete lack of respect towards others' own autonomy to do what they wish with their lives and bodies. I hate prescriptiveness!!! Your ideal is not everyone else's!!!! i suppose that makes her a visionary but i don't care. kam the utter faith you hold in human technological advancement and evolution absent the fear of death is the same strength of faith that people draw from other sources. how dare you ridicule that, even if it seems stupid to you!!!!!
I personally believe that everything ultimately repeats -- or rather, every iteration of something will eventually play out, and things will keep happening over and over and over again. To be honest, it’s not a healthy belief system to hold. But I don’t really hold out hope for an infinite afterlife either. I guess I hope for it? But also how could we as finite beings ever unite with the concept of infinity? We would have to transform into something completely unrecognizable from what we are now to be able to do that. In any circumstance we eventually have to shed what we believe is integral to our senses of self. This is unavoidable no matter what we do, whether that's live forever or die somewhere else or crunch with the universe and reform exactly as ourselves, maybe slightly differently, maybe slightly worse, maybe sometimes we won't even exist at all. But it goes on forever, so does it really matter? In any case, the ephemerality of selfhood is a tragedy inherent to existing, and I don’t know how to reconcile it in my mind. All I know is that I really hate lasts, but I hate the idea of no new beginnings even more.
ohhhhhh the ransu and the cyclical nature of the narrative ohhhh the aftermath of the suicide attempt ohhhh. I think that suicide attempt really hit Ran with the gravity of what she’s been doing to Su's mental state. She also never answered what she and shiko were to each other…
it seems a little redundant to have brought some of the students down in retrospect…could that have been intentionally set up?
"Hammy decided he wanted us well done," Fang explained. "Melted this whole weird place, but it looks like you hit the thingy in time." They furrowed their brow. "Is it weird that I always wanna give people cute nicknames right when they're trying to murder me?"
kam is SOOOO funny in life or death situations. she should be put in them more often
The Fang/Kam beef being mutual is hysterical to me. I thought the contempt would be one-sided from Kam but some of these quips from Fang seem VERY pointed. That administrator comment hurt MY feelings
Lowkey this kids book about the fused people sounds like something in Plato’s Symposium — lovers used to be one person and then were separated by the gods for their hubris or some stupid shit, doomed to spend their lives trying to find their other half again. anyway look at this
Ohhh im at an index/glossary. Ok a few things here
Collapse: Shorthand for 'false vacuum collapse', a phenomenon of astrophysics where a lower minimum of energy in the vacuum is suddenly achieved, causing destabilization at a subatomic level which spreads at the speed of light until equilibrium is once again reached. Sometimes called 'decay' instead. Such an event was largely responsible for ending the Imperial Era and almost destroying human civilization, though there were also socioeconomic factors which radically impeded the response.
WHEEEEEEEE I KNEW IT. THE INHERENT HORROR OF COSMOLOGICAL PHYSICS SWEEP. It’s connected to entropy btw! I typed out a whole explanation then spared you of it :)
Also that last line? Those refuged in the tower of asphodel were only ones with the means? the rest of humanity (assuming an interstellar civilization/species, a population potentially numbering into the trillions) just dissolved with the old universe? Oh my god…
Uana immediately caught my attention as the only place that hasn’t banned egomancy. The description of their world is sooooo cool too. can we vacation there
so it’s the pneuma that makes the act of cloning so tricky?? that makes sense. Research surrounding it seems limited too considering pneumancy is banned. Never mind that the brain is such a sophisticated organ to begin with. as they say so much of engineering is merely a cheap imitation of mother natures beautiful gifts (read: refinement on scales of time that will be inaccessible to humans, assuming consistently positive progression of technological advancement, for a long time)
refractor rifles are soooo coollll kudos to Lurinas genius mind for those
Tower of Asphodel: The structure created by the Ironworkers at the end of the Imperial Era to provide refuge to those who could obtain it, and later to act as a foundation for the planes they would create. It is visible in the sky at all times, though it exists only partially as a physical object.
aawwwwwwwuuuu?? why did i think she was ten googolion miles away
Ok character info time!!
Oh my gawddddd i share a blood type with Su! ^_^ come here and touch your open wound to mine
Oh my gawddddd Theo too! ^_^ (doesn’t extend the invite again) whats with the ??? in his description btw. theo chan
ugh resistances were explained earlier but I forget what they mean
teehee. kam is 5’3”
“extra meat, please” ema im gonna go to so so many steakhouses with you and keep you alive forever
Seth is gonna die to his tree nut allergy 😭😭😭😭😭 no 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
OPHELIA BLOOD TYPE N/A? N/A???????? WHAT DO YOU MEAN N/A. maybe it’s a religious thing. or bc she’s from a lower plane? is their biology different there?
Ummm but her second pea in the pod’s IS specified at B+? Do they share it across seeds? Why are they collecting blood type info anyway. for the beast?
god it is still so weird that they share a seed. what are the odds. where are the odds. why are the odds
interesting that both the rhunbards have vegetarian-based diets? Wonder if it’s a regional thing
mashallah playboy bardi didnt drink. also forget what I said about the vegetarian diet he just broke the trend
Fang and Ran went to the same university at some point? Saoyu university?
why is Zeno as a man 6’1. That doesn’t really make sense to me. 5’4 as a GIRL checks out though
Bals culinary note saying no breakfast required confirms to me that he’s a little freak. Even more than the wearing sunglasses indoors. What was that about by the way
these culinary notes are making me crave ‏شوربة عدس. because half of these ppl are old and can’t chew their food
is nobody here a universal donor. that’s so sad (double checks) she’s dead
Oh Ran just confirmed the Plato children’s book thing from earlier!! All of the epic of gilgamesh shit is soaring over my head which is embarrassing because I’m literally Iraqi but I’m glad I caught this one.
I blinked. "It's from mythology?"
"Yeah," she replied. "Or at least, it's the only place I've seen something like this depicted before - a person with double limbs and two heads, I mean." She continued flipping through it as she spoke to me. "It's an Inotian story from late in the Old Kingdoms Era. It goes that originally, there weren't men and women, but just one unified type of human being that were immortal and didn't need to to reproduce. The specifics of it are kinda a mix. Sometimes they were shapeshifters, sometimes-- Well, more like it's depicted here." She gestured to the illustration. "In this version, the king of the gods was afraid of this version of humanity, so he used lightning to split them down the middle. And so everyone spends their life in search of their other half, so they can be complete again."
"Huh," I said. "That's... Conceptually romantic, I guess."
I didn't actually think it was romantic. It just seemed weird.
Yeah it’s a bit weird innit. Anyway can you come and touch your open wound to mine
I wonder if the kid’s book was trying to sell the merger of pneumas as a good thing — two “half people” becoming whole
also realizing the adventure time clip didn’t really make sense without more context. here’s the first page of the passage from my copy of symposium feat. annotations from 18 yo hana
Tumblr media
Linos nodded. "We've taken all due precautions. Anna has the lower floor warded, and I've set the defenses in here," he pointed to the refractor rifles mounted on the ceiling which I noted the previous day, "to fire disabling shots should anyone draw a weapon."
is he stupid
Right now su is going on a philosophical walk of what defines a person and I just wanna say I really love what Lurina did with the idea of the pneuma. I always thought of the idea of transferring a consciousness as a kind of nebulous thing that is never truly successful (due to a full lack of understanding of the human brain, the true result is more like a glorified cloning) but having a physical portion of the brain connect to a metaphysical aspect of the self that exists outside the body is soooo clever and sells it for me in a way that nothing else ever has. I almost want it to be real lmao
I would actually read 1k pages of just kam and zeno beefing they’re SO funny. The beginning of chapter 86 has me cryingggg
“Linos bit his tongue. "That's obviously the impression the culprit... Well, Hamilcar, knowing what we do now... Intended to create, but it seemed fruitless to alarm anyone further at the time." He looked between our various faces. "Obviously, there wouldn't be any beasts, 'divine' or not, down there. Just a lot of cement, and a much thicker metal hatch at the terminus.”
“Ran continued to navigate the golem along its route. The elevator in the research tower wouldn't descend without a human present, so she was forced to have it climb the glass on the exterior wall, which felt like it took a excruciatingly long amount of time, though it was probably only five or so minutes. Eventually, it made it to the floor on which Balthazar had been left behind.
I noticed Fang's attention had perked up significantly.”
I KNEWWWWW IT WAS WEIRD HOW THEY KNEW SO MUCH ABOUT HIM!!! also me whenever bal is mentioned
but how do they know about bal???? how??? they never should have been able to meet him! unless they have loop memories, or they arrived at the sanctuary before we think...but why!!!! why would they conceal something like that!!!
“Ran held my hand tightly, which was good, because it otherwise might've slipped. I stared at the floor, my eyes out of focus.”
RAN IS SOOOO SWEET HOLDING HER HAND (they're all holding hands because of the spell) and Awwwwuuuuuu....Samium deceasaed...why did he refuse treatment. So that the beast could get him?
Ohhhh Susuuuuu….this chapter is so hard to read
““Like, if you break it down," they went on, "it kinda seems like there's been three, right? Putting aside Vijana, who died way earlier, there's been the big spectacle crimes that are obviously meant to come across as supernatural - with Durvasa and Bardiya, I mean - and then two where it comes across more like they were just killed in a totally mundane way... And then what happened with Saci and Yantho, which is somewhere in-between.””
“Not exactly a vast swathe of evidence to assume a pattern from," Kam said flatly. "One could just easily conclude that the killers are simply playing it by ear."
"I mean, yeah, I guess?" Fang fiddled with their bangs, thinking. "But to turn it around, why would you go to so much effort to keep up a narrative for most of the deaths, only to turn around and not bother with two of them at all? It feels like it makes the whole concept pointless."
YES!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
“I had a theory about that, actually," Kamrusepa chimed up. "Yantho's death, I mean to say. Is it possible that he was some manner of imposter-- Or rather, that his body was being controlled remotely in the same manner as the professor does with his?”
“It's not just that." He held his arms together, looking towards the ground. "Back when we were in the guest house, when I was in that room with Bardiya..." He swallowed. "I didn't want to say it back then, since I was sure it would, ah. Make people think I was even more suspicious. But... When it was happening, when he was being lifted into the air... I thought I saw something behind him. Dragging him up against the barrier."
"Why would you only mention this now?" Kam asked, her tone terse.
"Well-- Because it's impossible. There was no space for anything to be dragging him. It was like a ghost. It was there and it wasn't." He kept looking down, his knuckles tight. "I was sure it was just some trick of the light, since it was so dark. But back when I rushed out in the conference room, I thought I saw it again. In the corner. The same shape..."
"What shape?" Seth asked him.
"The same one you saw in the hall. Or in the story Saci told." He swallowed. "Like a cross between a winged creature, and... I don't know. Some sort of insect."
A bird and a spider.
Start of chapter 89 has more su backstory how funnnn! ^_^ *starts reading* oh no
are these shiko's memories...oh my godddd
wow. that was painful! :) that's so weird, experiencing two memories at once? i can't wrap my brain around it. but god...
4 notes · View notes
valssoul · 1 year
Beneath the silence
Maxen's pov
Summer was over, thank goodness. He couldn't stand one more moment of heat and garlic— a horrible combination, if you asked him.
He dashed through the 9¾ station, pulling his trunk along. it was fuller than ever before, somehow. Messy, with people almost screaming to hear each other out over the voices of strangers crowding the whole hidden space.
The sound bothered him, but maybe looking as lonely and furious as he did all the time favoured him somehow, since people moved away from his path. He just kept his eyes straight ahead, his eyebrows low and his jaw clenched, trying to usher away every single thought that came to mind.
A strand of blond hair brushed against his jaw and nose, partially obscuring his vision. It was weird for him to be blond again. He'd liked the black. It was comfortable and he felt it blended better in a crowd, but he preferred not to try and throw a punch every time he looked at himself in the mirror.
He boarded the train, paying no mind to anything around him. He only needed to find the box with his friends on it, and sit there as they talked. Nothing else.
Oh, and Seth.
Seth counted as a friend now too. According to Myron and Dara mostly, he did. He didn't know if he would go as far as to claim that.
"But you let him call you by name!!" insisted the mini dara in his head, the one that was mostly right when his own brain didn't work.
yeah, and i let you call me an idiot bitch with no self preservation. What do you count as? my conscience? fuck off
He probably had this conversation out loud with her, multiple times.
He saw the aforementioned dark-haired man in the box just ahead of him. Or, well, he saw Matthias flipping off someone inside it, and so he supposed it was his brother.
He looked briefly inside, confirming he was right.
"Can I sit here?" he asked politely, though he knew the answer was yes. No trunks were stacked, and he knew by heart that Myron, Dara and Seth always travelled in together. He didn't. It'd be the first time since the first year they travelled together. Given... circumstances.
He shook his head, trying to get rid of the thought.
Seth's eyes widened at his sight, and a bright smile painted his face in something that could only be described as mischievousness. Maxen didn't catch it at first but—
"Sure thing, blondie"
He nodded solemnly before placing his trunk in the spaces above them. Then, he sat at his side. swallowing whatever pride and thoughts were about to arise, hoping for the other two to come faster.
"Did you dye it?" he followed, making him lose a bit of his soul in the process.
It wasn't his fault, really. He had no clue what those words meant for him, or the meaning they once had. He had no way of knowing.
Don't think, don't think, don't think.
"Oh, I — no. I used to— I'm naturally blond?" why did he phrase it like a question, exactly, he couldn't have known. Somehow, that for Seth was funny.
"I'm messing with you" he bumped shoulders with him jokingly, his smile as bright as the sun at noon. "I knew you were blond from the get-go. Your roots ratted you out"
"really? how come no one gave me a heads up?" he thought out loud, fidgeting with the book in his hands, instantly regretting his lack of care.
"Well, we were all on exam week after all, when you returned, I mean," he shrugged. "No one has the time to pay attention to how others look. I only remember because of the duels"
Well, he did pay attention, then. Enough to remember details only seen during intense duelling, that occurred once a fortnight, where they stood several feet apart.
So what he'd heard was true after all. Seth had an eye for detail.
An eye for detail. He always thought the phrase was weird whenever he heard it being thrown around, but it was true. He didn't go chasing the details in everything, he just... noticed them, as if it was normal.
That meant it'd be hard to get around sharing little to no information while being in this man's close circle. Especially being his roommate. He didn't want to share, or talk, really, but he was... inviting.
Would everything be like the rumours he'd heard? Was he impulsive and kindhearted? loud, yet comforting? An oxymoron of a person, every contradicting feature making way into one single individual, following the wicked whim of fate?
Would he stay around to find out?
As he was noticing the fact he'd been silent for more than enough time for it to turn awkward, his two favourite extroverts entered the scene with each a Starbucks coffee in hand.
Dara sat beside the window, smiling after drinking from her pink cup.
"Morning, gentlemen," she said smugly, gazing at Myron as he sat down.
"You left without us, asshole" Myron protested, furrowing his brow as he pointed at Seth. The latter just laughed.
"Sorry, sorry— Matt was hysterical and wouldn't let me hang behind" he rolled his eyes as he let out a small giggle, and with that, Maxen picked up his book.
They kept talking about whatever they did while on break, and Maxen of course was paying some attention to it— but also to his book. Books, plural, actually. He changed it midway into Dara's anecdote.
Myron had travelled alone to Spain to visit some friends and family, and had an affair with some twins— two redheads, a woman and a man, and mentioned how they were similar in more than one. Which is to say, he named each and every one of their kinks, separately from those they shared. The funniest part was, he had a talent to make it all sound poetic. Or was that his book?
Dara had travelled with phoenix all the way to Rome for the whole month of july; the reason she wasn't there for Seth's birthday (Maxen did something as sacrilegious as writing on the margin of his book Seth's birthday just so he wouldn't forget). They went to every museum imaginable, some concerts— both muggle and magical, and many parties thanks to Phoenix's phenomenal use of italian. With that, it was the twelfth language he spoke fluently.
The first book he was reading was about a man with a kingdom so vast he desired to give some of it to his best friend, who much to his demise, couldn't bear the responsibility and was reduced to just a portion of their former self. The second one was promising, about a group of nine sisters.
Seth started to tell his non-exciting break (according to him) where he got to try every single spice in the market, when the door to their box opened violently.
"Hey, dumbass, shave your head or something. I'm tired of hearing your name already," she expressed, quite angry. It was none other than his housemate, Blossom Ravaelynn. Her glistening brown skin shone golden at the soft caresses of the sun. She had arranged her curly hair into a braid, which came down to her waist in length.
Seth blinked a few times "Hi Blossom, dear friend whom I have not seen in months, what a great morning Merlin has granted us this fine day. Oh what's that? Yeah I'm fine thanks for asking," he recited with enough sarcasm to power the whole train for the year, moving his hands dramatically as he talked. To say Dara looked annoyed was an understatement. "Now, what the actual fuck are you talking about?"
She huffed, rolling her eyes. "Everyone's talking about your ass as if it were made of liquid gold"
"Talking about me? What did I do now?"
"You're nice, Seth," Dara simply stated, as if it were a fact. Maxen unconsciously sunk a bit deeper into his chair. "You're likeable. There's no way around it. This has been going on for years, everyone talks about you"
"Oh true, you travel with her" she whispered contemptuously, shooting a look of pure disgust with those golden eyes, pupils straightened to fine needles.
"Excuse you?" Dara retorted in an instant, lifting a brow as she stood up. Both hands hit the table in between the four of them, the pink cup shaking in the middle.
"What is it, princess, wanna fight so early?" The woman smiled widely, crossing her arms over her chest. She then leaned on the doorframe, looking down at the blonde.
"Hey, hey, we haven't even gotten to Hogwarts yet, ladies," Seth said, trying to de-escalate the situation. He looked to both him and Myron for help on this.
"You agreed not to fight in front of me, remember?" The brown-haired said in a way that could only be described as 'diva', grabbing the bridge of his nose "not in front of a kid" He pointed at himself.
"Myron, you're older than both of them" Maxen supplied pointlessly, making the whole box look at him in contempt. He pretended not to notice, going back to fake reading.
"Oh hi Maxen" Blossom greeted out of nowhere, extending her hand. He, of course, corresponded politely. After all, he respected Blossom.
"You haven't gone mute after all!" Myron smiled, with a hint of sarcasm palpable in the subsequent laugh. "You bitch, you haven't talked the whole time we were here"
"Anyways, what a mean is, I'm tired of you already and Quidditch hasn't even started" She turned again to seth at his side, interrupting whatever conversation Myron wanted to have (he would have to thank her later) all the while he faked going back to his book and Dara shot daggers at the woman.
"I'm honoured" Seth said, as Dara sat down again, looking through the window. If she had mastered wandless and nonverbal magic, the glass would've combusted to flames.
"I will punch you for every time I hear your name in a suggestive manner, you hear me?" She pushed herself off the doorframe, pointing at him before turning away.
"How is it my fault though?" Of course, that was a logical question to ask.
"Don't care. see you at dinner" she said from a distance. Maybe not logical, but true to Blossom's nature after all.
And with that, she was gone. He quietly closed the door behind her and went back to ignoring every word his book had to offer. Waiting, peacefully, for the conversation to resume.
"So as I was saying—" Seth tried to continue, being instantly interrupted.
"Are you not fazed at all?" Dara asked, both hands wrapped around the pink cup.
"Fazed? About what?" A quizzical look adorned his face, and he even glanced at the blond for answers.
Was he playing dumb?
"You were essentially told half our year fancies you" Myron explained playing with his nails. Maxen didn't know why he looked at him; intently, maybe a little bit too much, to the point Dara noticed.
Fuck. he was onto him. He knew for a fact he wasn't reading. So he started to recite the words in his head.
The fourth sister didn't accept the higher-ups' gifts for land, sea or an army to command— instead, she made a request: to protect the domain of justice. something everyone needs, everyone deserves. something she could punish the higher-ups subje—
"And?" Seth said, crossing his arms over the table.
"Do you not care?"
"I do care. I'm just not interested" he shrugged
So he wasn't playing dumb. he just doesn't give a fuck. That thought somehow made sense in regards to Seth — maybe not as harsh as he had phrased it, but the point was still there.
After some extra points of view were provided on the subject, along with other bits and pieces of conversation he did not catch in the midst of actually reading (the book was wonderfully written, and catered just to his tastes. He'd give it a thoughtful read at night, most likely), when a question popped to mind.
He spoke without a second thought.
"Since when do you and Blossom fight so much?"
He truly didn't remember anything bad happening between them.
Myron was about to respond, when the blonde covered his mouth violently with her hand. A murderous look flashing through her eyes before closing them to smile. "Oh, nothing. We just don't like each other much"
The brown-haired Slytherin muttered something against her hand, rolling his eyes.
"You have no clue what you're talking about, shut up" She said, retrieving her hand to cross her arms and look through the window. she wasn't angry; her features weren't arranged in that manner, or else she would be smiling. No, she was embarrassed, blushing even, a pale shade of pink.
At that moment, Phoenix knocked on the door. He knew it was phoenix because no one else knocked and waited four seconds, exactly, before coming in. Dara's face lit up with a smile when she laid eyes on him, pride gleaming in her crystal irises.
"Hey, Dara, m'lady," he addressed, soft-spoken and gentle as always. "there's a girl in our box that won't leave me alone about—"
He stopped listening the moment Seth placed a hand on his thigh, the urgent need to run setting low in his chest. He turned around to look at the dark haired man, who was covertly glancing at him.
With his heart on his throat, he dared to shoot a confused look at him, being instantly comforted by a warm half-smile.
He furrowed his brow slightly, before giving a nod with both his eyes closed. That was another code, he was sure of it, but what kind? They hadn't gotten to him and Myron's extent of knowing what every little movement meant, so what was it?
The hand was retrieved quickly, and so he understood that was the message. He just hoped for it to be in the dorm at night and nothing else. Now he needed to recover from that beat his heart skipped before getting to Hogwarts.
Really, what was happening to him?
Seth was something else. How did he know the perfect way to get him flustered? To get him thinking, non-stop, spiralling down a rabbit hole he didn't want to participate in? And he did it with enough subtlety to throw off all his theories on the matter.
All in all, the truth was he'd been thinking intently about Seth for some time now. Since he was told about his new roommates, he'd done a thorough investigation of the three of them: Jack Daniel Wright, Ryan Collins and Seth Savari. And Only Seth had caught his attention.
From the very moment he knew his full name, everyone seemed to start talking about him. How gifted he was in astronomy, his way of handling living beings, his tender hand in potions; everything was about Seth. Dara was right, people liked him to an almost sickening extent— and he was finding out that he was no different.
In the middle of the night he'd joined them for the first time, wanting to avoid bothering the three roommates. But Seth woke up, even when no sound was made, and welcomed them with suffocating warmth.
He didn't know how to respond other than his coldest side. That quickly melted by how softly he was treated regardless
Though, people knew of Seth, and not about him. The duel was a perfect example.
He'd observed every duel, and yet, he was unpredictable. He fought amazingly against the other participants. But with him, his fighting was exceptional.
Fast paced, he'd thrown him off balance. His footwork was magnificent. He barely said the spells and his aim was wonderfully trained. Maybe a lack of experience, but his stamina was also something worthy of divinity, to the point where he could tire Maxen.
The most important part was, he didn't use a single protective spell.
He dodged. Never in his life, even against expert fighters, had he found someone who physically moved away from the spell. And he was incredibly good at that too
Needless to say, Maxen might've developed some admiration from the man just beside him. Admiration in his right mind, and maybe something else in his heart.
don't think.
But when he extended his hand—
Don't think.
all his doubts dissipated suddenly,
Don't think.
leaving him with a profound longing for intimacy.
Don't think.
and so he gave him his name,
Don't think
and permission to speak it freely.
Don't feel, dumbass, something deep within him screamed, his vision going blurry for a split second. You know where this takes you.
And then a sharp aching in his chest, like the finest needle going clean through his heart, lungs, and sternum in a swift movement.
His pain emerged as a deep sound at the back of his throat, accompanied by a hand— his own— touching his chest, letting him gain awareness of his surroundings instead of the words in the page.
Myron and Dara had disappeared, alongside Phoenix, and only Seth remained. He took notice of his pained status and decided to lean over him, a hand on his shoulder and concern clouding his fair features.
"Hey, blondie, you alright?" he looked at him intently, up and down from his chest to his face, leaving him breathless as electricity met indigo.
I gave you the right to my name— and yet you honour my unspoken wish of not hearing it, by breaking my heart.
Seth, do you know how harshly you're torturing me?
"Yeah, yeah. Just a twinge in my chest, don't worry"
He was fucked. And didn't dare speak up to deal with the consequences of it all.
"You sure? I can call someone if it hurts too long" Concern still tangible in his speech, he grabbed him by his shoulders softly, forcing their eyes to meet. He was dutifully investigating his expression, his body language, anything that could give him a sign that he was hurt.
Meanwhile, he could only get lost in the sea of indigo that his eyes represented.
How deep could I fall?
God, shut up.
"Don't worry, I'm alright" he gave a half hearted smile, forcing himself to get his mind out of the gutter.
Why now, of all times, did I dare think?
"Thank you" he muttered under his breath, marking the page and putting the book over his legs.
His whole body felt as if he'd taken a swift shower in lava, but he was never really tolerant to heat either way. So it could just be the hot climate. Nothing to do with feelings.
"If you need anything, just say the word" he nodded slightly and Seth went back to looking through the window.
Before any thought could form in his brain, Myron and Dara bashed into the small compartment. Both with big smiles painting their faces, and the emerald green tie around their necks.
"Come on! We're here already!" Dara's eyes widened in excitement, shining brightly at the prospect of arriving hogwarts. She hadn't changed one bit since the first year.
"Hogwarts isn't going to fly away if we don't hurry, m'lady" Phoenix said from behind her.
"Maybe not, but we're around three thousand students on this train. If we don't hurry it'll take an eternity to get to the Great Hall!" And with that, she pulled her loyal friend along by his arm. Myron rolled his eyes and signalled for them to come along, so they did.
The train hadn't even stopped yet, but Dara's excitement gave them a strange sense of urgency. By the time they made it to the doors, they opened just before them. The blonde girl jumped off the train as if it hurt her soul to be inside, relishing in the hot breeze September had to offer this warm evening.
Though, she covered her arms slightly, as if she was freezing. Why, when the air could've come directly from a volcano?
After a short rowing session, they'd gotten to the castle. It looked as beautiful as ever against the orange sun just behind it. A fond sentiment of home hit him right in the gut as he stepped foot into the building. Except he didn't ever want to be at home— but he loved Hogwarts.
And it vanished as soon as he saw the Great Hall.
Guilt and pain spreading across his back paralysed him at the entrance. Hundreds of students going in besides him didn't help the profound aching of every single one of his limbs.
His mind stopped working. A cloud of smoke blocking his view, his ability to move and talk. the edges of his vision turned black and only one table, one seat, remained focused.
He wanted to run. He wanted to turn around and head to the kitchens. He didn't care what he needed to do but he wanted to be out of here fast. But his limbs wouldn't answer. His common sense wouldn't either. He had stopped working completely.
He tried so hard to avoid thinking at all costs that he didn't notice the signs. The heat wasn't just him being intolerant or flustered, and the feeling of home was a warning. He looked down at his hands, just to make sure.
They were violently shaking.
He needed to get out of here. Fuck the sorting hat ceremony. If he spent another second in here he was going to die.
He walked back a few steps, his gaze still fixed on the one table until he started running towards the kitchens.
Once there, he sat down just behind the kitchen aisle, on the side contrary to the door so as to not be spotted. Then, he hugged his knees— an ill attempt to stop shaking.
Merlin, how didn't he notice? homely feeling? When in hell did he ever wish to be back at home? With the sickening scent of garlic permeating the house, constant noise during the night, loneliness day after day and being incapable of leaving the house? No, thank you.
He'd stay here, alone, until the ceremony ended. Now he needed to calm his breathing so as to not actually pass out.
Maybe he had time to think. Not feel. Think.
His mind went instantly to Seth. He had understood on the train, there was no doubt of it. He didn't want to feel this way, but what do you do in his situation?
Jump off the Astronomy Tower, probably. The idea grew more and more appealing by the minute.
Not long after he'd gotten there, in silence, with house elves going rapidly from one side of the kitchen to another, he heard a creaking coming from the door. He was most likely going to get in trouble for being here.
Then, the door closed. And he heard the tiniest, most careful steps he'd ever witnessed.
He took a peek from the side of the isle, seeing a pair of small Mary Janes standing on their tiptoes to reach something just above it. Then, the person squeaked slightly, running to the other side of the counters.
Fuck, he'd been seen.
He got onto his knees, now that he'd been spotted, and peeked over the counter top. To his surprise, the girl was doing the same thing.
Two bright lavender eyes looking at him from afar, with big, round, frameless glasses resting atop her tiny nose. And she hid as soon as she saw him, so he did too, out of habit.
They did that two or three times more, hiding whenever the other wanted to take a peek. It was a fun little thing that really got him out of his current state of mind.
Then, she started giggling, hidden behind the kitchen counter. It was a sound that both confused him, and was so contagious he was tempted to smile as well. High pitched and syrupy sweet, you could hear how she was trying to cover her mouth with a hand due to the slightly muffled sound.
The girl, still laughing, waddled (really, with her long puffy sweater and big Mary Janes, she looked like an oversized duckling) over to him, a bright smile plastered on her face.
"Come on, don't hide! I'm not big and scary!" She said, and she was absolutely right. She wasn't scary at all. Furthermore, her appearance made him suddenly want to adopt her; She had a curtain of black hair, down to her waist, with most likely homemade bangs. Her glasses had a piece of tape holding them together in the middle, and were definitely too big for her face, since she kept pushing them up.
"I guess you're right," he said, smiling before standing up.
The girl was even tinier than he'd imagined— 140cm at best, maybe even less. She looked up at him, thunderstruck, her mouth hanging open for a few seconds.
"You are big and scary!"
Well, that was half the intention, at least. He did wear a comfy sweater over the mandatory hogwarts button up, and the uniform pants, but he also wore thick doc-martens and dark eyeliner (Myron's influence). Plus, he'd been told multiple times he didn't have "kind eyes", whatever that meant, so it made sense she would say that.
"You even have fangs!" She sounded so excited at this he almost forgot that, yeah, that was also a thing. He had fangs. That added to the big and scary she was describing.
"Ah, yeah. That" he said unconsciously, the need to cover his mouth up about to overcome him. Getting back to his feet, he extended his hand. "I'm Maxen, what's your name?"
She seemed confused by the hand. "Violetta! you can call me Tally" she high-fived him and then waited for a fistbump. Of course he conceded. "A bit simple for a secret handshake. We need to work on it, but don't forget it!"
"I wouldn't dare"
He meant it.
He didn't remember ever being so happy and lighthearted.
"You're a first-year" He observed, by the tie that just hangs on her neck, undone. "What are you doing in the kitchens?"
They went to the other side of the isle, where just a few stools were placed, to get accommodated there and eat by themselves.
"Crowded places overwhelm me" she said simply.
"Me too, Tally" he said under his bread. "What are you craving?"
She stood there in silence for a whole minute, before her eyes lit up in an 'eureka!' moment. "Firecracker chicken?"
He nodded solemnly, a smile escaping through the cool facade— finally someone to eat spicy dishes with. He politely asked for some to a house elf, who lighted up with joy, while Tally looked at everything in awe.
"What year are you in?" She asked out of nowhere, mesmerised by the elves' movements as they danced around the kitchen in the most organised fashion possible.
"You'll be sixteen this year!" She beamed, crossing her legs on the tiny stool.
She really was a miniature human being. He didn't remember himself— or his brother— being that small.
"Next month, yeah" he replied simply.
She sat there, thinking for another minute. Her face was all scrunched up, and she had the habit of grabbing her chin while she formed her words. "I hate small talk"
"We have something in common, then"
"Let's break it," she said. Her smile somehow shifted from wholesome, to something as fucked up as Maxen. "what would you do to dissolve human skin?"
Oh. He was adopting this kid.
"Well, mafias and cartels in México for example tend to use lye, maybe mixed with water since it is more hazardous and makes a quicker job that way. Probably that, and then i'd burn whatever doesn't dissolve" he answered with full honesty; something he didn't do often.
"I'd just use sulfuric acid," she said. "yeah, it can leave me with third degree burns, and is a long process, but it is just one step, you know?"
"I like how you think— work smarter not harder, right?"
"You'll survive on potions this year, then" and she started giggling again.
He showed him where the Ravenclaw dorms were before going his own way, helping her solve the riddle as well, which was a headache. But after a solid 20 minutes, they got it, and Tally could go to sleep safe and sound.
Once in the Gryffindor commons (not knowing the password was a bigger headache than the riddle, though luckily he had a great relationship with the Lady), the suffocating heat of closed windows and the fireplace hit him like a truck. He could swear the plants in the room were withering thinking they got misplaced inside an active volcano.
If the house elves got there, they would melt into a puddle. So of course caring for the life of all beings except himself, he made it breathable in the space before going up to his dorm.
Skipping every odd step in the stair, he got to his new and magical room, making sure not to make a single sound in his fantastic entrance. Clearly, no one was awake inside, so he could take a cold shower and go to sleep in pea—
He jumped so high he could've hit the ceiling.
His heartbeat went faster than lightning as he clutched his chest, breathing heavily with his back against the door.
"Max? Is that you?" Seth said again, voice groggy and deep with slumber.
"Yes, Merlin, yes" he breathed out. "You almost gave me a heart attack there. Give me a minute"
"Oh, right. sorry blondie"
He stood there for a second, actually catching his breath and heart. Why was he awake, for Merlin's sake? just to scare the fuck out of him in the middle of the night when he got to the room? He just wanted to be at peace with the world and calm down from the emotionally taxing day he'd had but—
Only Myron called him Max.
Merlin fucking damn it. Why did it sound so mesmerising with his voice like this?
"What are you even doing awake?" he asked, an ill attempt to calm his (still frightened) heart.
"I woke up when you opened the door," he simply said. Maxen started to walk towards his bed, so that he could pull out some clean towels.
"Did i? But I didn't make any noise," he retorted. "i made sure not to so i wouldn't wake any of you—"
"Light" was the answer he provided, effectively cutting his speech short. "Anyways, i sleep terribly no matter what"
A short silence grew in between them.
"Don't be. 'ts not your fault" he said, yawning in the middle of the phrase. "Oh, I wanted to tell you something, remember? about Dara and Blossom?"
"On the train?" he guessed that the erratic movement in Seth's pillow was a nod. "Yeah, why?"
"They fight because they're head over heels for one another" he said, as if it really was that simple. "I'm going to sleep again now. You owe me answers later, and I owe you too, I guess"
And with that, Seth promptly fell unconscious. He went to take a shower and not think, or feel.
He woke up before everyone, as usual. He changed into the uniform at the speed of light before taking the books from his nightstand, now ready to flee the room.
He could enter the Great Hall so early in the morning. It must've been around six in the morning, and his classes didn't start until ten thirty, but still. He needed to leave the Gryffindor Tower as fast as possible.
Again, skipping every odd step in the staircase (a survival skill that was bound to hurt him someday), he got down and avoided eye contact with the other sleep-deprived students.
Bowing in respect and gratitude to the Lady in the portrait as he left, he calmly walked away from the tower and towards his first meal of the day. But instead of calmly walking, he was dashing through the empty halls, like he was late to class or something.
Once in the great hall, he sat at the Gryffindor table, again, all alone except for poor souls studying for their OWLs and NEWTs. He knew he would be the same next year, but for now, he was alright with a cup of coffee and going over his Ancient Runes homework, as he'd done it the first week of the break. He might need to edit some part of it.
Turns out he didn't.
Second cup of coffee up, and half an hour had passed already, but no information was missing from the paper. It was well written and thought out (how could it not be? He spent a week writing it).
Given that the room was already crowded with people, he decided to flee towards the library— always a safe place. He could also get some of his transfiguration's readings in order, maybe do a thrice-over of what he did and maybe get more notes down, or whatever.
He needed to focus on working and stay only on that— knowing it was important, nothing would bother him. Not even his feelings.
(Also, just to be honest, his roommates were about to wake up either way and he wanted deeply to avoid them)
He also felt like avoiding Myron and Dara— at least until Ancient Runes. They wouldn't wake up before the class, by any means. Both needed their beauty sleep, especially on Mondays. But still, he just didn't feel like talking.
And the library was the perfect place for that.
But just when he was finishing his coffee, prepared to flee the scene as fast as possible, an owl left a letter in front of him.
His family didn't own an owl, yet the letter had his name written on it, in a familiar script.
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smolwritingchick · 8 days
Forced To Believe Chapter 63- Get Back Here!
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Chapter Summary: Morgan returns to get revenge on Evolution
Words: 7,000+
After Melanie managed to make Colby eat her dust, she started hanging out with the roster and catching up with them. Meanwhile, Colby cleaned his face up and started to plot his revenge on Melanie's smack. He headed out of the locker room to go find her.
"Man, she is gonna get it. Can't believe I was caught off guard." He mumbled.
After five minutes of searching, he sees her hugging Renee and going over the questions she will be asking her during the Raw post show.
"Hey, Colby. Melanie told me you got smacked." Renee grinned.
He scoffed. "Oh, don't worry, this smack cam war is just getting started. She's going to lose this war."
"I think he's just a little mad that he got smacked." Melanie chuckled.
"See you two, later." Renee waved goodbye and walked away to continue preparing for her interviews.
"I missed you, grapes!" Colby gave her a bone crushing hug, before spinning her around.
"I missed you, too!"
"So, what's this about a tattoo?" He asked, certainly interested in the subject.
"Well...I've been thinking about what you said and..yeah."
"Wait a sec, you went along with it?"
"Uh huh." She showed him the back tattoo.
"No friggin' way!" he looked on with amazement. "Mel..."
"Hey, we're tattoo twins, now. It's what you wanted. And I think it's pretty cool—whoa!" She got picked up again for another hug.
"I can't believe you went along with it, man. That's friggin' awesome. I love you, right now."
"Haha, right now, huh?" She got set down.
"Guess I can't tease you about being a wimp, anymore."
"Whoa! I am not a wimp!"
"Okay, wuss."
"I am not a wuss!"
"No way!" She smacked him on the arm.
"Okay. Guess I'll just call you the grape monster."
"That's a little better."
Rollins, Ambrose, and Reigns are in their hideout, while the crowd cheers for them.
"Last week Triple H talked about humbling us," Dean mentioned. "Triple H talked about teaching us a lesson, eliminating us. And then Triple H is gonna run his goons down and hide behind them. Man...what that looks like to me is Evolution might be afraid of The Shield. And I hope not. Because at Payback we wanted Evolution that wants to fight. This 20 on 3 crap...this." He pointed to Roman's bad eye that he got from a live event while wrestling Orton. "Is this your brand of justice?"
Roman smiled and got closer to the camera to speak and show off his stitches. "Nine stitches. And the question remains from last week, is that all you got? Is that your best shot? Cause if it is...you have so many problems. You keep tryin' to knock us down but we keep standing tall. And we're never gonna stop comin' for you."
"Evolution that's what you don't understand," Seth spoke up. "You don't get it; you keep tryin'. Try to attack us when we're down, try to put us down, try to keep us out. Example, two weeks ago on Smackdown, my match with Batista...I took one risk too many, I made a mistake and he did what he does. He's smart and took advantage. And then he beat me half to death when I could barely stand on my two feet. He tried to put me out of action just like he did with..." He stopped himself and shook his head.
He clenches his fists while the memories of Extreme Rules run through his head and he starts glaring at the camera. Morgan was on his mind.
"He tried to end my career! But he couldn't get the job done. And tonight Dave...I won't make any mistakes. Believe that Batista...and believe..." Rollins put his fist out with Ambrose and Reigns.
Seth was already in the ring, waiting for Batista to come out until Triple H came out as the special guest ring announcer. Then he announces that Randy is the timekeeper.
"And that's not all, we are also having our own personal WWE nurse, just in case one of your careless kicks, gives The Animal a bad mark. Please welcome, Rosa Mendes," Triple H announced, making Seth even more annoyed.
Rosa struts out in a nurse outfit, with her white and red nurse hat. The dress was dangerously short, which showed off her beautiful, toned legs. She also had a few buttons unbuttoned, showing some of her cleavage.
"Oh, baby!" King shouted. "Would you look at Rosa!"
"Wow!" JBL said while Rosa swayed her hips, earning loud whistles from the fans.
Morgan tweets 'LaRosaMendes Do something about your outfits!'
"It must be nice to be the boss," Cole said while Triple H, Orton, and Rosa walked to ringside. "Make up the rules as you go along."
"And now...please everyone help me welcome, your opponent, representing Evolution, The Animal, Batista!" Triple H announced.
Seth grabbed a mic. "You know I got some special guests of my own to make this match as big as possible. So let me introduce to you, the special guest commentators...Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns!"
"You gotta love that now," Cole said while Dean and Roman walked down the steps. "Triple H is livid!"
"No, this is a bunch of crap!" Triple H shouted while JBL started complaining about the situation.
Morgan tweets 'It is hilarious watching Triple H react this way.'
"What a turn of events." Cole looked on. "Dean Ambrose is joining us. Dean welcome!"
"Hey guys, how are ya?" Ambrose greeted while Orton rang the bell. "Let me tell ya, at least Randy knows how to do his job, at least he can do somethin' well. We're just here to lend our uh...expertise, our verbal wit and charm to this broadcast,"
"Yeah, but you're supposed to be official!" JBL complained while Orton gave Ambrose a dirty look.
"Don't look at me like that. I'll walk over there and slap that look off your face, Randy." Ambrose threatened and watched as Orton stood next to Triple H at ringside. "Uh, were you not gonna come over here and do your job? You're the timekeeper! I think Randy is just scared to come over here. The only reason we're out here is to add our charm...that is of course if Evolution doesn't get involved."
Meanwhile, in the ring, Seth got taken down with a clothesline by Batista.
"That's right baby!" Rosa cheered.
"How are you guys official?" JBL asked.
"Why don't you ask Brad Maddox? He's in the Trainer's room, right now." Ambrose replied.
"Brad Maddox is the one who made you guys official?"
"He is the general manager."
"And back to Rollins and Batista, things are even. I sort of like the way that this is played out." Cole said while Seth and Batista started to hit each other with back and forth shots.
Seth begins hitting Batista with punches off the top rope.
"If you're not comfortable—go, Seth! Go!" Dean shouted.
"Well, commentators are supposed to be unbiased," JBL informed.
"If you're not comfortable with us being out here, you can get up and leave, until the match is over. I won't be offended. I understand you don't want to be outshined."
"Why is Brad in the trainer's room?" Cole asked while Batista threw Seth's head on the barricade.
"Cause I put him there." Ambrose bluntly replied.
Morgan tweets 'Dean is so dangerous. It's really hot. Not to mention a turn on.'
"There's your answer," Cole said to JBL.
"You ask the question and you already knew the answer." Dean sang.
"Is this after he made you official commentators?" JBL asked, still continuing to ask questions on how and why Roman and Dean became officials.
"Come on, slip outta there!" Dean said as he watched Batista lift Seth up on his shoulder.
Seth manages to slither out of his hold and kick him on the back of the head.
"Stay with us!" Ambrose said while they went on a commercial break.
"And we are back on the WWE App. And it looks like this crowd is chanting for Morgan, again." Cole said, hearing the loud 'We want Morgan!' chants.
"Why wouldn't they? She's one of the best divas in this company. And she will not disappoint her fans. She'll be back before you know it." Ambrose reassured.
"As you can see, we have Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns as our official commentators."
"We're over here, just doin' our job. Randy and Hunter, the timekeeper and special guest ring announcer. Hunter is no where near the microphone. He's over there, with Randy who is supposed to be the timekeeper. I don't know why they're so scared to go near Roman Reigns. I mean you're the COO of this company. You know your job has to get done, Triple H, Come on!"
Seth evades Batista's move, making him go shoulder first on to the ring post.
"You guys are doing a great job on commentary. I really like having you guys out here. JBL doesn't look too happy." King said while Seth started taking control of Batista's arm.
"Come on!" Rosa banged on the mat, making the crowd chant 'Rosa sucks!'
"I agree with the crowd," Roman speaks up with a chuckle.
"How dare you!? How dare all of you!?" She shouted at the fans at ringside.
"She isn't the most lovable diva here in the WWE Universe," Cole added.
"I can't blame the WWE Universe. Look at what she's done." King reminded.
"Another reason why Morgan is better than her. She is embraced by the fans while Mendes turns her back on the fans. Oh man, Roman, I got a kick out of you spearing the crap out of her last week. She needed that." Dean chuckled at the pleasant memory.
"I'd love to do it again tonight if you don't mind." Roman grinned at the idea.
"Oh go right ahead. Wouldn't mind gettin' an encore."
"So, JBL why don't you talk about how great Evolution is and what they are gonna do to The Shield, like you've been talkin' about earlier," Cole spoke up. "Explain that to Mister Ambrose and Mister Reigns."
"They are two of the greatest fighters of all time," JBL replied.
The crowd starts chanting 'Eddie' while Seth hits Batista with the Three Amigos.
"JBL, I think we're actually the greatest faction of all time. We beat Evolution." Roman said. "We already beaten them."
"Yeah and we made the challenge to them after we won the match," Dean added. "At Extreme Rules because we wanna put them away for good. We are gonna show the world that we are the best. We don't just say it. We go out and prove it every night and every town."
"And keep an eye on them. They're gettin' close." Roman warned. "What are you gonna do Hunter? What are you gonna do?"
"He's gonna watch his little animal get dominated."
"Hunter, Rosa, and Orton scrambling here. In disbelief that Reigns and Ambrose outsmarted them." Cole said.
Rollins throws Batista's shoulder into the turnbuckle, making him yell out in pain before Raw goes back to the USA Network.
"And we are back on Monday night Raw. Seth Rollins one on one with Batista." Cole announced.
"Ah!" Dean shouted while Seth got thrown over the steel steps by Batista.
"Is he all right? Do you see him?" Roman wondered.
"Yeah, he'll be all right." Ambrose reassured.
"And apparently Brad Maddox is the one, now in the training room. Who made these guys the official commentators?" JBL asked again.
"If you're so concerned about Brad Maddox, why don't you just go to the Trainer's room and check on him, JBL?" King suggested.
"That would be nice." Cole agreed while Batista slammed Seth's head on the steel steps and slid back into the ring.
Seth gets back in the ring but gets dropkicked outside again.
"Come on Seth!" Dean cheered on but then Triple H and Orton started walking over to him. "Hey, you're gettin' a little too close for comfort Triple H!"
Batista throws Seth back in the ring and goes for a headlock. The crowd starts clapping to motivate Rollins to get out of the hold.
"Give up, Seth!" Rosa shouted.
"You got this," Orton said to Batista.
"So, are you guys gonna be 100 percent at Payback?" JBL asked.
"JBL, I'm 100 percent every day of the week," Dean replied. "Roman Reigns is 100 percent every week. Look at that eye. Look at that eye on Roman Reigns. Nine stitches. Is that the best ya'll got? Roman Reigns' mother hits him harder than that when he was growing up, all right?"
Roman laughed. "That's a true story."
"That's all? I want you to count how many stitches we give Evolution at Payback, all right?"
Seth starts striking Batista with chops to the chest, but gets thrown to the ropes. Then he gets hit with a hard shoulder block.
"Man!" King mumbled.
"Batista is powerful," Dean said while Batista went for a two count. "Good. Very good." He clapped.
"He's still in it," Roman looked pleased.
"I can't hear you because I'm on the headset," Dean shouted at Orton who was talking trash to him. "I can't hear ya because I'm doin' my job!"
Morgan tweets 'Now if Rosa, Triple H, and Orton had these jobs for real, they'll be fired in an instant because they suck at their jobs right now.'
On the stage, Morgan slowly walks out, with a black bongo girl's crop top that says love and fashion and a black sports bra under it. She also had on light blue skinny jeans with her Shield boots and her hair was on her shoulder on one side, revealing part of her back tattoo. And The Shield mask was on her face.
She crosses her arms and stares down the four people who tried to break her neck. She could wait till Payback, but she just couldn't wait to get her hands on Rosa. For someone who continuously ran her mouth every week and tried to go after her friends to add insult to injury was enough. She started to like how Rosa continued to run her mouth. It would give her an excuse to batter her to death with her fists.
Morgan smirks at the thought and pounds her fist into her left hand. Her fists were just itching to connect to her face.
After a couple of minutes, a fan near the stage finally turns their head to the stage and looks in awe.
"No way! It's Morgan!" The fan shouted, making the whole crowd turn their attention to the stage.
The crowd starts cheering loudly and it starts to become deafening. Maybe Vince made the right choice when he said that Morgan was one of his favorite divas on the roster, along with the Bella Twins and AJ Lee.
"Why is everyone so hyped up?" King looked around.
"Uh oh! I think I know why!" Cole shouted and pointed to the stage.
"Right on time..." Ambrose smirked.
Orton and Rosa start looking around at all the commotion.
"What's going on?" Orton asked and turned to the stage. "Oh shit."
"Huh?" Rosa turned to the stage and froze. "No. No...no...no! This cannot be happening! I injured you! I—I!"
She became mute as she saw the one diva that she thought she took out for good, on the stage, looking her way with an intense stare. How could she be back on her feet this quickly after all that she and Evolution have done to her? She was supposed to be at home. Being miserable while her boys have a three on four disadvantage.
"And Rosa is speechless!" Cole shouted as the crowd started chanting Morgan's name.
"What's wrong?" Triple H turned around.
His expression went from smug confidence, to discomfort as soon as he saw Morgan. And then he starts to become irate at her being back in the WWE so quickly.
"This cannot be happening! Are you friggin' kidding me!?" He began pacing around while Orton tried to calm him down, still shocked his own self. "What is she doing here!? What is she doing here!?"
"Evolution and Rosa look like they've seen a ghost!" Cole chuckled.
"And now they're scared," Dean said. "Morgan doesn't forget who takes her down. She always makes sure she gets the last laugh. And she will make sure that happens at Payback."
"Maybe even now," Roman said as she started taking slow steps down the ramp.
Rosa starts keeping her distance away from her, trying not to make eye contact. The Outspoken diva heads over to the announcer's table, taking her mask off before bumping fists with Roman.
"Glad you're here grapes. I missed you." He hugged her.
"I missed you too." She smiled and put on a headset.
"Morgan, is it really you?" King grinned. She kissed him on the cheek, making him giddy. "It is!"
"Yep. In the flesh. How you guys been?"
"Guess I'm just chopped liver over here." Dean joked.
"Oh, don't worry, I'll get to you in a second," she reassured.
"Well, Morgan we're doing great. We can't believe you're back." Cole spoke up.
The Outspoken Diva exhaled. "Yes, it's good to be back. I'd love to stay and chat, but right now I'm about to go after Rosa and beat her ass. But before I do that..." She took off her headset and walked over to Dean.
"What did I do?" Ambrose chuckled but got pushed down onto a chair. "Missed me that much, huh?" He smirked as she straddled him.
"What in the world? Morgan, what are you doing?" JBL asked.
"Ambrose you are a very lucky man," King said with a hint of jealousy while Ambrose put his hands on her hips.
She takes off his headset and runs her hands through his hair before leaning down to kiss him. She started to taste the minty flavor of his mouth since he was chewing gum while the crowd, mostly the fangirls, screamed and cheered loudly.
Rosa's jaw dropped. "Ew! Are you kidding me!? That's disgusting!" She started to fake gag.
"Whoa!" Cole exclaimed as their kissing started to get rougher and passionate.
"Why can't that be me?" King complained.
"I guess somebody forgot to check the PDA rules of this company!" JBL exclaimed. "I didn't know making out on the job was best for business! Better yet allowed!"
"I don't think they care," Cole chuckled while Ambrose started attacking Morgan's neck.
"Dean! This is a family show!"
Roman began to look amused at the situation. "They do this all the time. Nothing new."
Morgan got off him and exhaled. "That was fun." She grinned while he nodded in agreement.
"Morgan, I think the side of your neck is a little red." King pointed out as he saw a small red mark on the side of her neck.
Dean started to look satisfied. "That's just to make sure that everybody knows that she belongs to me."
Meanwhile in the ring, the match ends in a DQ after Triple H hits Seth with a right hand. While Ambrose and Roman take on Triple H and Orton, Batista spears Rollins while Rosa gets in the ring with him. That's when Morgan slides in the ring and gets on her knees, to give Batista a low blow from behind, making the crowd cheer. Rosa's jaw drops and she starts backing up.
"Look I am not ready for this." She said while Morgan grinned and slowly stood up. "Morgan, I am in a dress! I'm not in fighting attire."
"That's too bad," she replied.
"Can we talk about this?" she suggested but shrieked when she got speared.
Batista manages to grab Morgan off of her and grab her by the hair. "You wanna assault me, little girl!?" He shouted as she tried to break free from his strong grip.
"Spear!" Cole shouted as Roman speared him and started to get hyped up. "And Batista is gonna get some of his own medicine, I think." He said but he escaped.
Rosa tries to escape the ring until Morgan grabs her legs and pulls her back in. She continues being beaten on by Morgan until Evolution drags her out the ring, making the crowd boo.
"You think that was funny!? That was a cheap shot! I wasn't ready!" Rosa shouted.
Morgan grabbed a mic. "If you think that you and I are done, you're dead wrong. You and I are far from over. So, why don't you shut your mouth, stop talking crap, and get your ass back in this ring, you little bitch!"
"Whoa!" King and JBL shouted.
"Interesting choice of words from the Outspoken Diva." Cole looked on.
"Let them fight!" King cheered.
Rosa holds her right ear, making sure she heard exactly what Morgan just said.
"What did you just call me!?" She shouted and tried to get back in the ring but Evolution restrained her while Morgan got held back by her teammates.
"We are not having this! We are not having this, right now!" Triple H demanded as he, Rosa, and his teammates head to the stage.
"You people have a short memory because you're forgetting who I am and what I'm trying to do for this company. Let me remind you that I have made a lot of sacrifices to keep this divas division interesting! And you think just because you ambushed me I'm going away? That I'm going to just walk away from this? No, it'll take a lot more than that." Morgan said while Rosa continued yelling at her. "Do you know what you've done to me!? You've awakened a side of me that I've been trying to keep away for months! And come Payback...I'm going to raise hell."
"Rosa! Calm down!" Orton tried to settle her down but Rosa pushed him and Triple H away from her and started running down the ramp, making the crowd go wild.
"It looks like we're not done!" Cole shouted while Morgan managed to slide out of the ring.
Rosa spears her down and they start throwing punches at each other while their teammates try to separate them. A couple of refs had to run down the ring to help them out, making the crowd boo again.
"The Shield standing tall. And Morgan is back in action. Believe in The Shield, tonight! Evolution in retreat."
Evolution and Rosa were up on the stage again, being separated from The Shield by the refs. The Shield and Morgan were back in the ring, standing tall.
"That was just a little taste of what it's gonna be like. All hell is gonna break loose at Payback." JBL added.
"You can't handle the best!" Seth shouted.
He turned his attention to Morgan and pulled her in for a hug while the crowd cheered for them.
"And Morgan is back! This just keeps getting better! And we get a little brother and sister reunion. I know these two are happy to see each other again." King cheered.
"Indeed. I wonder what's going to happen at Payback. Things are about to get real interesting now that the Outspoken Diva is back in action." Cole said.
Morgan was backstage with Renee Young during the Raw post show. "Morgan, welcome back." Renee smiled.
"Thanks! It's good to be back." She beamed.
"How does it feel, to finally get your hands on Rosa after what she's done?"
"Bittersweet. I wish I could have done more but I won't have to wait long. Payback is right around the corner. I'll have my revenge at Payback,"
"Have any plans for Evolution before Payback?"
"Let's just say I know how to make them suffer, mentally. And I'll be doing that next week on Raw. Stay tune for that." She smirked. "And at Payback, I'm going to arrive, raise hell, decimate Rosa, make sure she's in a bloody pulp, make sure my boys and I win, and then leave. Simple. That's my game plan. No more cheap shots. No more fun and games."
Melanie was walking backstage with her bags. She wanted to stay backstage longer, so Jon left with Renee. After five minutes of walking around, she saw Randy, leaning on the wall, texting his new girlfriend.
"Hey." she waved.
Randy looked up and smiled. "Hey, grapes. What's up?"
"You mind if I ride with you? Jon already left with Renee. I wanted to stay a little longer to get an update on what I'm doing next week on Raw."
"Yeah, no problem. You ready to go?"
"Yeah, let's roll." They went to the parking lot and Randy put their bags in the trunk. "I missed working with you. I'm glad we're working together again during this storyline."
"We had some good memories when you first started," He brought up.
They began remembering some moments when she was with Randy back in late 2012 and early 2013.
Backstage during Smackdown back in January 2013, Randy and Morgan watch as Kane and Daniel Bryan have a yes and no argument. After a few moments, they stop and look at them.
"I'm just curious, are you gentlemen going to act like a couple of second graders tonight? Or are you actually interested in inflicting some pain on team Rhodes Scholars and Wade Barrett?" Randy asked with his arms crossed.
"Both!" Kane answered and walked away.
"We're acting like we're in second grade. We are working through our anger issues. Now that's something you know a little bit about, don't you Randy? And you too, Morgan." Daniel pointed out.
"Guilty as charged." She smiled.
"Kane and I used to be a lot like you, Randy. But thanks to Doctor Shelby, we're in a better place now. And not only that, we are champions. You do what to be a champion again, don't you, Randy?"
"Yes. Yes, I do, and after I win the Royal Rumble match I­–"
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Tonight is not about the Rumble. You have to take one step at a time. First...we win our tag match. and then group hug!" Daniel put his arms out and grinned.
"I'm sorry, I'm not much of a hugger."
"Not yet, you're not." he walked away.
Morgan laughed and patted Orton's back, making him shoot her a stern look. "You're on your own buddy."
In the ring, Orton wins the match for his team after hitting Sandow with an RKO. Team Hell No and Orton celebrate in the ring while Morgan gets in the ring. Daniel Bryan puts his arms out while Orton starts to protest. He turns around and sees Kane blocking his way.
"No." Orton shook his head, making Morgan laugh.
She was looking forward to seeing him get hugged as Kane put his arms out.
"Kane wants to hug him," JBL said
She held her stomach as she laughed while the crowd cheered when Orton was hugged by them both. Randy's facial expression was priceless.
When she was about to leave the ring, she got grabbed by Randy.
"Whoa, whoa, wait, what are you doing?" she asked.
"You're getting a hug, too. I'm not suffering alone from this." Orton pushed her into Kane and Daniel's arms as they squeezed her, making the crowd cheer again.
"Group hug!" Daniel shouted as he got Randy into the hug, too.
"I hate you." She narrowed her eyes at Orton who smirked out of amusement.
"You cared a lot about me back then, onscreen." He laughed at the memories as he drove. "I was about to think that they were going to put us in a romantic storyline or something."
"I agree. I've checked out a lot of the fan edits of Morgan and Seth pictures, saying they ship us together. It's kinda funny,"
"Do they do that with Roman and Morgan?"
"A whole lot. But I love the fangirls. They can be really..."
"Crazy." They simultaneously say before sharing a laugh.
"I've been hearing that you've gotten a lot of fanboys. What's the story about that?" he asked as he stopped at a red light.
She saw Randy trying not the laugh. "You wanna laugh now so you won't laugh when I explain it?"
"Nah, go ahead." He let out a chuckle but then started laughing. After a while, he stopped and continued driving. "All right, continue."
"I don't know if it's because of my wrestling, or personality. But it all started during a live event."
During a WWE Live event, Morgan was in the ring with The Bellas going up against Aksana, Alicia, and Rosa.
Morgan hit Aksana with a backfire and was about to go for the pin when a male fan in his early 20s ran into the ring.
"Morgan! I love you!" He shouted and went to hug her, making them both fall on the mat.
"Whoa, whoa!" Nikki shouted as the ref grabbed him off of Melanie.
A bunch of security got in the ring to restrain him while the divas got in the ring.
"You okay?" Victoria asked while she broke her character along with the other divas.
"Yeah, I'm fine. But what the fuck just happened?" Melanie chuckled, still stunned at the turn of events.
"Was Jon pissed?" he asked.
"He was glad I was fine. I haven't had a fan do that since the Indies, so it took me by surprise. The dude just wanted a hug. After the incident, the fan started tweeting a lot to me. He started saying I smelled good and I'm huggable and stuff,"
"Gotta love the fans."
"Jon suffers more. Especially the crazy Tumblr posts the fangirls do. Man, they really hate me."
"They're just jealous because you got the man they fantasize about."
"Haha! True."
"Did you ever believe that you and him were actually going to be a couple?"
"I thought we were just going to stay friends. He was there for me a lot during my ex-boyfriend drama,"
"By the way did you hear about him?" Randy blurted out before mentally slapping himself in the face.
Maybe he shouldn't have let that sentence slip.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"I meant how he died." He countered.
"Yeah, I heard it was a car accident. It was brutal. Drunk driving though? It sucks. If he was still alive...maybe he'd change for the better,"
"Right..." he mumbled before changing the subject. "Alanna misses you."
"I miss her, too! She's so adorable."
As they made it to the hotel and got out of the car, Orton began to speak, "Mel, I think there is something you should know."
"What's up?"
He was about to speak but stopped himself again, deciding not to ruin the mood.
"I'll tell you when I remember. I forgot anyway. It's okay."
Next week on Raw, Melanie was backstage, checking out the script for tonight's show.
"Ready for tonight, girl?" Trinity greeted her with a hug.
"You bet. A little nervous but I'm excited to be able to destroy something. Not someone."
"I'll be tuning in to watch. Can't wait to see Evolution's reaction."
"Me too."
All of a sudden, Colby started running her way.
"Smack cam!" He shouted before smacking the side of her face with mayo.
"Ooh!" Trinity cringed at the sight and started giggling.
Melanie chuckled dryly and touched the side of her face, seeing mayo on her hand.
"Colby!" She shouted while he ran away. "I got him. I'm gonna get him back. He is so going down."
She grabbed a couple of napkins to wipe her face.
The ring was filled with a table and six chairs for Evolution and The Shield.
"Ladies and gentlemen." Michael Cole said in the ring. "It is now time to sign the contract for the no holds barred elimination tag team match, for this Sunday at the Payback Pay Per View. Between Evolution...and The Shield."
Seth, Dean and Roman walk down the steps.
"Not exactly a normal entrance for a contract signing," JBL said.
"I don't think this is gonna be normal contract signing," King added. "The Shield making their way down to the ring. Where's my Outspoken Diva?"
"Your Outspoken Diva? I think you mean Ambrose's Outspoken Diva."
"Oh don't remind me."
The Shield get in the ring while Michael Cole exits the ring.
Dean took the mic and started walking around while Roman threw the chairs out of the ring. "Tonight is...historic. Tonight is...the last time you will see The Shield and Evolution in the same ring, on Raw. Because believe me...At Payback, one team isn't just going to be eliminated, from a match, one team and that team will be Evolution, believe me, that team is gonna be eliminated out of this business, off the face of the earth, forever!"
"Besides who we really kiddin' with this nonsense out here? This thing with Evolution has gone way past the six of us across from a table from each other. Silly piece of paper. Let's rearrange this place. Get rid of this stuff...and let's get down to business." Seth said while Dean threw out the last chair and Roman threw out the table.
Evolution's theme comes on while they walk out with Rosa.
"I want everybody to be aware what they're witnessing, right here. I want you guys to be aware of what you're about to sign. You sign that, then all of you are witnessing that this is the last time you will see The Shield, ever on Monday Night Raw." Triple H said while he walked down the ring with the group. "It's a shame. I gotta tell ya it's a shame. You guys could have had it all man...I'm a pretty fair judge of talent. You don't have to look any further than these two guys standing next to me, and this woman who will be a future Diva's Champion very soon."
"I remember looking at you guys, I remember watching the ink dry on the contract that allowed you to come here and live your dream. And I remember thinking to myself, these guys are gonna change it all. These guys are the future of the WWE and you threw it all," he went on. "Ironically, now I'm gonna stand here and I'm gonna watch the ink dry on that contract that Sunday at Payback, sends you right back to obscurity. So, I'm gonna ask you one more time, you sure you wanna sign that? You sure you wanna put your names on that? Morgan already signed it last week. I tried to talk her out of it but it seems that she really is looking forward to getting that neck broken once and for all. So, do you guys want to really ensure that Sunday is the last we see of The Shield?"
Seth starts signing the contract and so does Dean and Roman. After Roman was done, he tossed it out the ring, making the crowd 'Ooh'. Triple H smirks and picks up the contract, giving it to Orton.
"You boys want to tell me where Morgan is?" Rosa asked.
She was trying to prepare herself for any sneak attacks or ambushes. She wanted to be ready when that hellcat came her way.
"How come you want to know? Scared?" Dean smirked.
"No! I am not scared! I'm curious."
"Relax...she's not in the arena. Consider yourself unharmed...for now," he replied, making the crowd boo at the fact she wasn't here.
The crowd starts to chant for Morgan. Ignoring the crowd's chants while Orton, Triple H, and Batista sign the contract, Rosa gets handed the contract and signs it.
Triple H started to speak again. "You're gonna be nothin' but a statistic—"
"Shut up..." Roman retorted. "Get in the ring and fight."
Rosa stays at ringside while Evolution gets on the apron.
"Is it gonna happen?" JBL asked and then the two teams began to attack as the crowd cheered, chanting 'This is Awesome'.
Seth drops Orton and Triple H with a suicide dive while Batista takes down Ambrose in the ring. Moments later, Roman drops him down with a Superman punch. He starts going for the spear until Triple H hits him with a sledgehammer, making Evolution take control. Orton hits Seth with an RKO while Batista strikes Dean with a spear. The crowd continues to chant for Morgan but she's still not here.
"You better stay down, Roman! Stay down!" JBL shouted before Roman got hit in the head with Triple H's sledgehammer.
Triple H starts hitting Dean and Seth with the sledgehammer while Orton and Batista take off the hood and monitors off the announce table.
"Take out the muscle. The big man. You'll weaken The Shield." JBL added.
"Let's do this." Triple H said as he lifted up Roman with Orton, at ringside.
"The Shield's trademark. Triple powerbomb through the table!" Cole shouted as Evolution slammed him down.
Batista roars while Triple H taunts the crowd, getting mixed reactions. Rosa claps for them and walks over to them.
"Are we gonna see the Shield totally decimated?" King asked as Evolution's theme came back on.
Evolution and Rosa put their fists out as they stand over Roman. But then their theme fades away. All of a sudden, the titantron shows Evolution's limo, and then the camera reveals a pair of black leather knee high boots.
"What in the..." Cole began as the camera continued going up, revealing the figure wearing fishnet stockings, a black leather skirt, and a black off-shoulder top, with a leather jacket over it.
The crowd begins to cheer loudly once they see Morgan sitting on the hood of the limo with her legs crossed.
"Hey, how ya doin'?" She smiled and waved.
Evolution and Rosa's eyes widen as they all get in the ring to get a closer look.
"Is that our limo?" Triple H started to get angry. "Do not tell me that's our limo."
Orton quickly grabbed a mic. "Morgan! Don't you touch our limo get off our limo! Right now!"
"Easy, easy. I was just admiring the color. Although I think purple would be a better choice." she rubbed the hood.
"How did she even get to the car!?" Batista shouted.
They were stunned that their limo got hijacked so easily while Morgan remained amused at their constant yelling and questioning.
"Well, guess you know why I signed that contract early. You see we knew you'd attack us, so The Shield and I made a few sacrifices." The Outspoken diva explained. "Boy, this is a sweet ride..."
"Morgan! Get out of that car! Now!" Orton shouted on the mic as his face was starting to get red from frustration.
That limo was his ride back to the hotel and there was no way he was using a rental car with Evolution. They ride in style.
"This is insane." Cole laughed. "Morgan has their limo!"
"Do you see those legs?" King grinned.
"The audacity of this woman..." JBL murmured. "She has guts."
"I will make your life a living hell! I swear if you don't get off that limo..." Orton growled and started pacing back and forth.
"Hey, hey. Don't get mad because I one uped you on plans. Man...I love limos. They're nice and fun. But I don't think it can handle a woman like me. Let me show you." She stood up on the hood of the car.
"Morgan, don't you dare!" Batista shouted while Triple H leaned on the ropes, reluctantly awaiting the damage.
"Don't tell me..." Cole began.
She gives the hood of the car a hard stomp, making a deep dent as the crowd cheers.
"Morgan!" Orton yelled while Batista put his hands on his head.
"Welp, I touched your limo. And what are you gonna do? Nothing, so shut your mouths. I can't believe you guys think that limos and crap are symbols of excellence. You guys are so corny...Triple H...you always say." She put on a fake big nose and cleared her throat.
"I am the game." She said in her best Triple H voice, making the crowd laugh.
"Haha! This is great." Cole laughed.
"The king of kings! You either adapt or perish!" She cleared her throat again and talked naturally, taking off the fake nose while Triple H did not look amused. "Your game sucks! Why? Because at Payback, my boys and I are gonna beat your punk asses and make sure that we prove that we are the dominant faction in this company."
"How dare you?!" Rosa shouted.
Morgan put her hands up in defense. "Hey...I may have a few screws loose but I can be stable when I wanna be." She smiled, making Randy put his hands on his head as he started to seethe. "Randy, you go to the ring and..." She mocked his pose. "Do that same stupid pose every time you get in the ring, demanding respect. I don't respect you. I used to but not anymore because of the way you've been acting. But I can guarantee that my boys will win. I can see the future. You flat on your face after eating either a dirty deed, curb stomp, or spear. Hey, maybe even a backfire if you're lucky."
"The only pose your boys will be doing is laying down on their backs, with me on top!" Randy shouted.
Morgan's jaw dropped, making the crowd laugh. "Whoa! Whoa! I never knew you were into...whoa! Wow. You learn something every day."
"What!? That's not what I meant!"
"Well, you did say on top." she teased.
Orton throws the mic away and slides out of the ring as he starts pacing around and slams his hands on the apron.
"And Rosa...I think you're full of it." she continued.
"Haha!" Rosa laughed and took a mic. "Everyone takes me seriously,"
"Yeah in your ridiculous outfits and shaking your hips around like you're some big shot. Yeah, you're taken seriously, all right. How old are you gonna be, anyway? Because you've done a lot of childish stuff, recently."
"I'll be 35."
"There seems to be a lack of communication here. You see I asked you your age. Not how many wrestlers you've been with."
'Ohs' from the crowd were heard around the arena while Rosa dropped her jaw, clearly appalled. "I have not­—"
"The Wyatts, New Age Outlaws, Kane, Batista. Most likely Orton and Triple H. Stephanie you better check your man!" The Outspoken Diva shared a laugh with the crowd.
Triple H snatched the mic from Rosa. He was done with the disrespect.
"That's enough!" He shouted.
"Look how defensive you're getting. Guess it's true. Stephanie! Check your husband!" She laughed with the crowd again but then got serious.
"But um...on a serious note...This limo needs a makeover. So let's Morganize things." She took off her leather jacket and hopped off the limo.
"Wh­—what is she doing?" King asked with worry.
The crowd exploded once she revealed a bat.
"No! No! Where is she!? Where is she!? Find her! And find her, now!" Triple H shouted at everyone. "Get security!"
"I have always wanted to do this..." She checked out the wooden bat.
"Oh no, no, no, no! Are you kidding me!? What the hell!? You can't do that!" Orton yelled.
"M—­Morgan, Morgan, think about what you're doing. If you do this..." Rosa trailed off.
"If I do this and then what? It's not like I'm gonna suffer anything that you four haven't done to me. So, what are you gonna do, this time? Threaten me? Try to break my neck, again? What haven't you done to me!? What haven't you done to break me down? To make yourselves feel better!? To put me out of action because I'm just that good!? I'm done with it! I'm tired of it!" She swung the bat into the front windshield of the car, making a loud noise with the windshield cracked. "You tried to break me! You tried to break my neck! After all, that I've done!? All of you are gonna pay! All of you!"
She started swinging the bat at the limo again. Orton looked down and ran a hand through his head.
"The limo! She's destroying the limo!" JBL shouted as Morgan repeatedly slammed the bat all around the vehicle while screaming out of frustration.
All the windows were shattered and the limo had multiple dents around it.
Morgan starts breathing heavily and tries to calm herself down.
"This car needs a paint job." She grabbed a bucket of purple paint and stood up on the hood.
"Don't you dare! Don't you dare!" Batista shouted but then she dumped the bucket on the limo.
"I'm gonna kill her! I swear to God, I'm gonna kill her!" Orton shouted as he kicked the ropes.
"Whoops." She started laughing, wickedly. "Payback is going to be so fun. I'm going to get you. All of you. Believe that." She ran a hand through her hair and smirked at the camera, with her theme coming on.
0 notes
j-graysonlibrary · 10 months
Fort Heaven Chapter 19
Title: Fort Heaven
Author: Jay Grayson
Word Count: 69K
Genres: Suspense, investigative, drama, LGBT+
Available on: Kobo and my website
Synopsis: Some call it a hoax. Others claim it’s a cult. But, to Evon and his friend Yasmine, two online journalists, Fort Heaven is the subject of their latest story. Along for the assignment is cameraman and not-so-secret crush of Evon’s: Russet. With a drunken, murky night in their recent history, things are especially tense between them but, of course, personal matters take a backseat when the interviews start. The trio speaks to ex-members of Fort Heaven and, while some of the accounts are shocking, the job remains just that: A job. That is until one of the women they interviewed, along with her daughter, goes missing. It soon becomes clear that not only is Fort Heaven a real threat but Evon and his friends are being watched. And what started as a simple cash-grab article is now a matter of life and death.
Full Chapter 19 under the cut
Chapter 19
“So you’re the young lady my son has been talking so much about,” Simon spoke as he shook hands with Willow. It was a bizarre experience although most of her days had been filled with similar, unreal moments since she met Seth.
“I certainly hope so,” she answered him with a laugh. The man, up close, was almost too perfect in every aspect. He was groomed flawlessly, his clothes were completely straight and ironed—even his teeth were almost too straight. To Willow, he seemed like a doll that had come to life—a human who still managed to breach the uncanny valley.
Seth stood close by his father but watched Willow. He, unlike his father, had visible flaws but it didn’t make him any less uncomfortable to deal with. In fact, they were both difficult—just in different ways.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” Simon said and pulled his hand away.
“The pleasure is all mine, my lord.” She bowed her head.
“Please, please—none of that is necessary,” the man responded with a chuckle. His smile was large but his eyes weren’t happy at all.
He shook his head. “No need to apologize either. If my son cares for you than you are like family to me. Family is equal.”
Willow briefly glanced to Seth who was visibly offended by the comment but just didn’t say anything. She looked back to his father and nodded—just barely.
“I really do appreciate you coming over here to see me…” she started and trailed off some, trying to think of the right words, “but is it really fair to just appoint me to apostle? I don’t think I’m qualified at all, I mean…I just started…”
Simon laughed again before answering her, “The apostles we have now are simply friends or extremely dedicated followers. You being among the ranks would be no different, my dear.”
“I…um…” Willow bit down on her lip. She knew she couldn’t deny the position but there were concerns she had about moving up so fast and the true motives behind the sudden offer. It just didn’t sit right. “I am worried about my colleagues…they already hate me for going through the courses so quickly…”
“The kid I saw you arguing with in the hall?” Seth asked, bringing up the event for the millionth time.
Willow nodded. “Him and some others.”
Simon chuckled and then abruptly stopped. “My apologies…Would it perhaps make you feel better if I can  guarantee that you will no longer have problems with those people?”
She took a small step away from him. “As in a transfer?”
“Mmm no. Not quite.”
Seth walked closer, partly wedging himself between Willow and his father. “Are you talking about a penance ceremony?”
“A what ceremony?” she asked before she could control herself.
“Penance,” Simon clarified. “It’s a simple procedure that fixes small, behavioral issues in members.”
Willow nodded as if she truly believed him. She didn’t—she had a sick feeling in her stomach. It wasn’t just the name either (though that didn’t help) but the look of excitement on both Simon and Seth’s faces. There was a very unsettling aura around their smiles.
And of course, much to her distaste, she was asked to join them for the ceremony later in the night. It wasn’t something she could refuse even though they made it sound as if she had a choice. She never had a choice with them—Nichole’s life possibly depended on whether she completely obeyed these people or not and she wasn’t going to mess it up.
Willow made it back to her room without a disturbance though Angelica was giving her a rather odd look when she walked in. After kicking off her shoes, Willow asked her, “What is it?”
The woman vaguely shrugged. “Off with Seth again?”
“Yeah,” she responded with a frown, “it’s not like I can stand him up if he asks me to meet with him.”
Angelica laughed a little, surprising her. “Do you not actually like him?”
Willow shook her head and quickly explained herself, “That’s not it! He’s a great guy and the man second closest to God but I was just worried you thought I was around him for selfish reasons…”
“Well I do think that,” she responded with a smirk but her tone wasn’t at all insulting. Still, it was confusing. After a second, Angelica went on, “We all do things for selfish reasons. In your case you may feel like you have no choice if the mighty child of god, Seth, asks you out but you couldn’t fool me if you said you weren’t excited about the potential of moving up.”
With a sigh, Willow said, “I understand I suppose.” She walked to her small dresser and started to look through it for a clean uniform since she had been wearing her current one for about an hour or two too long. “They want me to come to a penance ceremony later—any idea what that it?”
Angelica froze in place for a second before reluctantly answering. “No. Never heard of it.”
It was completely unconvincing but Willow didn’t push it.
“Who knows, maybe it’s a new thing,” she said instead and watched the older woman from the corner of her eye.
Willow sighed silently and closed her eyes. It was going to be bad but she was prepared for it. As long as the ceremony didn’t turn around and focus on her then she could keep going with her mission. Someone else would probably get severely hurt but not her. That kind of thinking would normally disgust her but with Nichole in mind, she was willing to do anything—even if that meant doing nothing.
If blood ended up on her hands, she would bear it. She had to believe in that anyway—if she didn’t she feared she’d break.
Lights were dimmed and a few bodies could be seen throughout the circular room—all wearing the cloaks of higher members of the church with the hoods over their faces. Seth led Willow in by the hand with a smile on his face the entire time which vastly contrasted the scene she was looking at.
Simon stood toward the back of the room on a raised area in a far more ceremonial looking robe than the others. A robe that Willow was sure was custom—just for him.
When he saw that Seth and Willow had walked in, he smiled and motioned them over with a finger. “Come. Stand by me.”
Once they were at his side, he cleared his throat and every hooded person in the room simultaneously backed up and to the edges of the room. A door, opposite from the one Willow had entered through, opened and another hooded figure walked in with what appeared to be a prisoner. The person they dragged in was in plain, unflattering clothing and had a bag over their head.
Willow took a deep, silent breath. She knew who it was.
“My Lord—Simon the Usurper of Evil—I present to you the sinner you requested to meet with,” The man in the robe spoke as he released the supposed sinner. “For your eyes see all evil and misdeeds, may we simply deliver the punishment and bear witness.”
Simon slowly nodded once before the bag was pulled from the sinner’s head.
It was just as Willow had anticipated. The teenage boy—Collin—was underneath. His face twisted in confusion and then fear. He wildly looked around and then stopped when he saw Willow. She averted her gaze.
“Collin Sanntoron, is this the name you go by, son?” Simon addressed him.
It took Collin a second to look away from Willow and to look at Simon. “Y-yes…My Lord, what’s going on…? What did I do?”
Simon smiled and softly scoffed. “The asking of that question denotes that you’re either stupid or willfully ignorant—both qualities I am not fond of.”
The fear grew. Collin’s body shook. It was impossible for Willow to watch.
“Do you have nothing to say?” Simon asked and when a period of time passed in silence, he no longer gave Collin room to defend himself. “Then I shall remind you of your crimes. They are crimes of the heart—weakness in the soul. Feelings of jealousy and envy…the desire to push others down to raise yourself higher…those are parasites in the heart and in the mind. They must be purged from you and the only cure to self indulgent feelings…is humility.”
Seth nudged Willow gently, forcing her to look over. She realized that Simon was staring at her—expectantly. Her heart started to beat wildly in her chest.
Simon smiled, again the same strange and unnatural smile that she had seen earlier. “Willow, my dear, the punishment for his crimes must involve the target of his misdirected emotions.”
She must have made some kind of indication of her true feelings apparent because the man chuckled.
“You don’t have to carry out the punishment, don’t worry.”
Willow sighed in relief but still reluctantly nodded. She was no longer sure about what was to happen but at least she wouldn’t be doing whatever was considered punishment.
She was led to stand in front of Simon, below his pedestal, and in front of Collin. The poor boy looked up at her, begging for help with his eyes. She wanted to let him know that there was nothing she could do—that she wasn’t at all in charge of the situation—but she just kept her focus elsewhere.
One of the hooded people from the far side of the room walked forward and the man that had brought Collin in the room forcefully pulled the shirt off of his body. When he struggled, he was shoved down onto the ground.
“Sit on your knees,” the secondary robed man said as he pulled a long riding crop from his sleeve. “Face your victim and state an apology worthy of Simon the Usurper of Evil.”
Collin shook as he did as he was asked and anchored himself with his hands on his knees. He knew what was coming just as Willow did.
His eyes were already watery and his lip quivered before he started to speak. “Willow, I’m sorry for the things I said to you. I was wrong and I wish I could take it back….p-please forgive me.”
She winced with the first crack. He yelped and fell forward despite trying to prepare himself. As he rose back into position, she saw that tears had fallen and that his lips were moist and his nose red.
“Again,” Simon said flatly.
Collin quivered even more than before. “Please…please forgive me, Willow. I didn’t mean it I-I was just s…saying those things because I’m mad at myself f-for not progressing as fast as you…I was just jealou—AH.” He didn’t get to finish because the crop was sliced across his back again.
Willow moved her foot back but immediately hit the pedestal Simon was standing on top of. She thought of how badly she wanted to flee the scene but then she thought of Nichole. The image of her calmed her and made the scene in front of her bearable.
“PLEASE!” Collin yelled. “PLEASE I’M Sorr-r-ry…I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so so so sorry.”
The man whipped across his back again and this time Collin’s yell ended in a gurgle. Willow looked down to see that he’d thrown up straight bile and some of it still dripped from his lips.
“Sorry…” At this point he stopped looking at her and just began crying.
“One more,” Simon said calmly and, immediately after, Collin was awarded another whip. “I now believe that your apology is sincere.”
Willow watched the young man shake and cry while the blood from his back began to drip down his sides and down to his legs, making small puddles on the ground. The smell was distinct.
“Take him away.”
The two hooded men closest to Collin each grabbed an arm and pulled him toward the door he had come in through. Once it was shut, the rest of the hooded audience turned and faced the wall. The sight alone gave Willow goosebumps but she couldn’t let that show. She knew she was allowed to appear shaken—she would seem emotionless otherwise. But to be disturbed by the rituals of the church was off limits.
She turned to Simon and Seth. “So, that’s the penance ceremony…?”
“Yes,” Seth answered with a smile.
“Does this sort of thing happen often?”
“Not that often,” he answered her but it wasn’t very convincing. “Only when we feel it is necessary. The enforcers usually perform it without us unless it’s a larger issue.”
She glanced between them. “So then why attend this one? I’d imagine having jealousy in your heart is a pretty small offense compared to some of the things you’ve seen before.”
Simon appeared almost proud of what he’d just done with the sort of smile he gave her. “This one is special. It may have been a small offense but the crime was committed against my daughter-in-law.”
Willow took a step backward and couldn’t hide her surprise and mild horror.
Simon laughed while Seth looked like an embarrassed teenager. “I’m sorry about him,” he said with a slight groan. “He has to steal the dramatic moments.”
“…What is he talking about…?” Willow asked, still not sure who she should settle her gaze on.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Seth asked. “I want to take you as my wife.”
This wasn’t the plan—this wasn’t supposed to happen—she just wanted her friend back.
“Uh…oh…I don’t know what to say…”
“Yes, of course?” Simon butted in with a cheeky grin but it wasn’t nearly as innocent as it seemed. Willow didn’t know for certain but her instincts told her that if she said no—or really anything other than yes—something would happen to her.
So, she swallowed her pride.
“Yes. Of course.”
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teacupcollector · 3 years
A Helping Hand - Chapter 3
Series Masterlist Summary - As a woman who is pregnant you are doing anything if it means survival. Even so you found yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time, or was it the other way around? Now you are in the community of Jackson and you can’t help but attract a certain pair of hazel eyes.
(Hello! I would like to note that this is much longer then what I usually write for a chapter so I hope it doesn’t come as a bother. I hope you all enjoy!)
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From then on those thirty minute talks became a regular thing between the two of you. You and Joel would meet up, mostly at night on each other's porches and just talk or maybe just sit in silence. He seemed to be very rough around the edges in the beginning especially when it came to questions about his past. All you really knew about Joel before the outbreak was that he was a divorcee and was a carpenter. You decided not to push it and talk about other things. As of right now you both were currently sitting on a porch swing on your porch. He had his guitar in his lap playing a soft little tune and humming.
"You ever play?" He asks out of the blue. "What? Oh no I have never played." You say. "Would ya like to?" He asks. "I couldn't even if I tried." You laughed. "My belly is almost the size of a full grown watermelon. The guitar wouldn't fit in my lap." You say and he chuckles. "But I will say this little sucker likes hearing you play." You say rubbing your belly. "He looks between you and your belly. "Does he?" Joel asks. "Yes definitely! They wouldn't give me a break until you started playing." You say with a warm smile. "And how do you know they are a 'He?' How can you tell?" You asks and he chuckles. "You're carrying low." You give him a confused look and he chuckles. "That means the weight is lower. With a girl it would be more elevated." He says setting the guitar against the railing of the porch. "And how would you know that?" You ask. He pauses for a moment before saying. "I had a daughter before all of this happened." You try not to have a reaction. You place a comforting hand on his arm. "You don't have to talk about it Joel." "I uh... I'll tell you one day okay sweetheart?" He asks and you nod with a blush.
There is a silence before Joel asks. "If you don't mind me asking. What happened to the father?" You sigh and look down removing your hand from his arm. "Well it is kind of hard to explain." You let out a nervous laugh. "It was mainly a friends with benefits thing..." You says looking ahead. "... But he did step up when he found out I was pregnant. I would be dead if it wasn't for him." You say with a quiver present in your voice. "There were these fucking hunters that attacked us. We were talking about baby names." You say with a laugh as tears fill your eyes. "We were best friends from the start actually. It was just us against the world." You sniffle. "He sacrificed himself to save me and I have to live with the thought that I got him killed." You say wiping your eyes as tears begin to fall down your face. "You didn't get him killed (Y/N)..." "Yes I did." "You didn't." "I did!" You cry out. Joel immediately wraps an arm around you bringing your head to his chest.  "All I can think about is that he got chopped up into tiny pieces!" You say into his chest. "I-I went back even though he told me not to. I went back to see if he was dead and... And all that was left was his head!" She sobs into Joel's chest grabbing onto his jacket. He wraps his other arm around you, one cradling your head and the other rubbing soothing circles on your back. He stands up with you and guides you inside to your bedroom. He makes sure you lay down and tucks you into bed. "D-don't leave! Please..." You whimper and he nods bringing your desk chair over and sitting down. "I'm sorry..." You murmur as your eyes drift close.
Ever since that day Joel made sure he did his best to make himself available to you. When he isn't on patrol or with Ellie he is with you. The early tells of Spring has just arrived so as a small celebration everyone decided to get together in the square of Jackson. Kids were playing and singing, there were streamers and fairy lights hanging off the buildings, there were small fold up tables with drinks and food on them, and then there was you. You were in some black flats wearing a beautiful maternity sun dress and Joel couldn't keep his eyes off of you. Your hair was styled differently, or maybe it was the same but never have you looked so beautiful. His eyes traveled from your smooth exposed legs, to the swell of your stomach and hips, to the fullness of your breasts, up your neck, then finally your beautiful side profile. When they say that a woman is glowing when she is pregnant, that would be an understatement when it came to you. He was convinced that you could outshine the sun if you wanted. He is nudged to the side slightly breaking him from his trance. He looks beside him to see his little brother next to him. Tommy had a shit eating smirk on his face. "What?" Joel grunts. "She's beautiful ain't she?" Tommy asks looking to see his brothers reaction. Joel only grunts and looks away. "Why don't ya just tell her?" He asks and Joel sighs. "She is to young for me Tommy..." Tommy sighs. "She isn't that young, she is in her thirties." Tommy says trying to reason with his brother. "She is going to have a baby Tommy. She shouldn't have to deal with an old man like me..." Joel says with sadness filling his voice.
"You know she talks a big deal about you right?" Tommy asks. Joel looks at him curious urging him to continue. "She boasts about ya. Sayin' how helpful you are to her and stuff." Tommy says before continuing. "You both were the talk of the town when you went off on Seth. You have been spending a lot of time with her." He says then nods in your direction. "Ellie seems to like her as well." Joel looks up and sees you smiling and laughing with both Dina and Ellie. Dina seemingly can't keep her hands off you bump and the two teens eyes widening with excitement when they feel a kick from the little life that is inside you. There was currently music playing as couples begin to pair off with each other. He sees you place both hands on your belly and go to sit on a bench that was placed near the square for this event. Joel sighs and continues to admire you. "You deserve to be happy brother... Now you go ask that pretty lady to dance." He says elbowing Joel's side gently and Joel nods and begins to make his way over to you.
Despite all the ruckus in the square you have never felt happier. This was your first town event since you have been here and you couldn't be more excited. When it came to the preparation and set up of this event you wanted to help in any way you could. Maria decided it would be best if you didn't do any hard labor since you were coming up on eight months now. Maria thought it would be a good idea to distract the children so they wouldn't get in the way and you gladly accepted. You spent all morning coloring, reading books, and playing with them. They all were very curious about your stomach and you allowed them to feel. All the kids decided to color you and the baby when he or she arrives. They all also made a book of names for you to choose such as: Hotdog, Teddy, and Sprinkles. You giggled and laughed all morning until one of the mainly residents came to let you know that the kids are allowed to go to the event. You had them walk in two single file lines all the way to the square and to say that the parents as well as Maria weren't impressed would be a lie. Maria went up to you immediately and offered you a spot for helping and or teaching the kids. You accepted but only after your baby was born to which she agreed.
As of right now you just got out of a conversation with Dina and Ellie. You were happy to be talking to them despite the fifteen or sixteen year age difference. You decided it was best to sit down and get off your feet for a bit. You let out a sigh of relief as you sit down on the bench. You roll your ankles in circular motions in order to relieve some tension. You close your eyes and hum along to the music when there was suddenly a tap on your knee. You open them to see one of the kids standing next to you. He had brown hair with many freckles and brown eyes, he was maybe around  eight years old. "Would you like to dance Miss (Y/N)?" He asks and you smile. "Of course good sir I would love to dance with you." You stand up and walk to a free space where people weren't dancing. You had to lean down  slightly in order to hold his hands as you both sway back and forth. The child went on and on about how his day was going, what his friends were going to do at the sleep over, and even how you were his favorite teacher. The conversation was interrupted when Joel tapped on the young boys shoulder. "Mind if I cut in?" He asks with a small smile and the boy shakes his head before going to run off with his friends. Both you and Joel stand there for a moment before he reaches out his hand. "Hi..." He says seemingly gazing at you. "Hi..." You say taking his hand. He brings you as close as he could despite your belly getting in the way. He places his other hand at the small of your back and begins to sway from foot to foot. "How are you?" He ask. "I couldn't be better." You say smiling. You look him up and down to see him in a button up flannel of sorts. His sleeves are rolled up to expose his forearms and to say he looked good was an understatement. " You clean up nice. " You say with a smile before releasing his hand wand wrapping both of them behind his neck. "I try and look nice every once and a while." He says with a smirk. "And you dance too?" You ask. He nods before taking your hands off his neck and slowly twirl you to where your back was against his chest. You let out a joyful laugh and look over your shoulder to smile up at him. "You've got moves huh Mr. Miller?" You says smiling. "That I do." He says looking down at you. Your eyes are locked in a trance as you both can't seem to stop. You were sure you could feel his heart beating out of his chest against your back. You find yourself glancing down at his lips and he does the same. You begin to lean in and up slightly closing your eyes when suddenly you feel him pull away. "Sorry..." He mumbles before walking away from you leaving you on the dance floor by yourself. To say your heart didn't ache would be a lie.
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andreafmn · 3 years
Collision - Chapter 4
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Word Count: 3,821
Characters: Female Reader Uley Character, Sam Uley, Allison Uley, Charlie Swan, Bella Swan, Seth Clearwater, Billy Black, Jacob Black, Emily Young, Paul Lahote, Harry and Sue Clearwater, Leah Clearwater
Story Description: (Y/N) Uley is back home after being away for four years. Her life at its first standstill and she is taking this time to find out who she is without school. But she never thought that coming back to the reservation would turn her whole life around. In the midst of secrets and mystery, a man crashes into (Y/N)’s and her life will never be the same.
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Twilight, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Stephanie Meyer and Summit Entertainment. The only thing I own is Uley Reader insert, any upcoming characters, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others’ story line.
Chapter: 4/?
A/N: Don’t know if I ever mentioned it, but the story takes place before New Moon but after Twilight. It starts at the end of May after the dance, so it’d be the summer before Bella’s birthday in September. If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories (I also hope to start taking requests if ya’ll want) Hope you enjoy and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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Chapter 4
The next time she awoke she was back in sight of the blinding hospital lights. Her head was heavily pounding and the clothes on her body felt alien to her. Her eyes struggled to adjust to the white lights of the sanitized room, but they were suddenly off.
“Back again, Miss Uley?” She recognized the voice, Dr. Cullen. “I’ve already turned the lights off so don’t worry about that.”
Her eyes finally opened to reveal the smooth pale face of the doctor. A wave of calmness rushed over her as soon as her eyes connected with his golden ones.
“What can I say?” She chuckled. “I just couldn’t stay away.”
“Well, it seems you’ve been having a recurring headache, insomnia, memory lapses, and a lack of appetite. It looks like post-concussive syndrome. Your mom told us you were feeling like this for a few days, why didn’t you come back?” Carlisle questioned. He was trying his best to look like he was breathing but if he took even a single breath all his years of self-control would be over in an instant.
“I thought if I could just make it to at least seven days it could clear me from coming back to the hospital, at least as a patient.”
“What do you mean?” This comment had perked the interest of the man. Thoughts raced through his head faster than he could analyze them.
“I was thinking of applying for a medical assistant job here in the hospital. I recently got my degree in biology, and I’ve been thinking of going to medical school after.”
“That sounds like a plan, but let’s work on getting you better first.” It did sound like a good plan to Carlisle. He wanted to be as close as possible to her every single day, but it also meant he would have to work triple as hard to control his thirst. “We’d like to keep you for the next few days and make sure you’re in good health before you can go back to business as usual.”
“How long would a few days be?”
“About four to five days, just to make sure that the symptoms don’t worsen, and we can give you an all-clear.” It would also give him a few days to grow accustomed to her smell. “We can work over that application for medical assistant, make sure it’s something you want to do.”
“Yeah, that’d be great.” She smiled at the man in front of her, her heart fluttering with every breath she took. “Thank you, Dr. Cullen.”
“Please, call me Carlisle,” he smiled. “Now, why don’t you continue resting, and whatever you need just call. My office is right down the hall, I’ll be here in no time.”
The girl stared at the retreating form of his body and covered the heat that was rising to her face with her pillow. The butterflies in her stomach had made her uneasy and had her hands shaking. She didn’t understand why she was feeling this way. It had only been a week since her first encounter with the doctor, but those few seconds were enough to have her drooling over the man like a lovesick schoolgirl.
A few days had come and gone quickly. (Y/N) had grown attached to Carlisle, seeing and talking to him every day had felt like a dream. In his free time, she would go over to his office and pick a book to read, which they talked about the next day. They spent hours talking about nothing and everything.
It had been a long time since Carlisle had felt this way, centuries. Being around her had gotten easier each day that passed. Her smell becoming comforting instead of a trigger to the endless hunger for human blood – he’d never had a simple drop of it, but nothing could explain how much he wanted to have hers. Getting to know her had been a welcomed activity by the young doctor. He could spend days upon days listening to the sweet sound of her voice, admiring her curious-filled face when she started a new book – which she read swiftly, taking only a couple of hours to finish most of them.
“Can’t believe you have so many first editions, and you leave them at work.” She ran her hand across the spine of Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment. “I would keep them in a well-preserved chamber, and no one would be able to even breathe on them.”
Carlisle smiled as the girl gawked once again at his book collection. It wasn’t hard to acquire first edition novels when you were alive when they were published. “If you’re impressed by this collection, you’d be completely astonished by the one I have back home.”
“You have more?!” He nodded. The girl shined like a kid on Christmas, her eyes gleaming at the thought of a big library. “Oh, that sounds like a dream.”
“You’re more than welcome to come over any time. It’s always refreshing to meet a literature aficionado such as myself.”
“Really? That’d be amazing!” She grinned brightly. “I could spend all day reading, forget about work.”
The duo laughed. “Too late to withdraw the application but you’re always welcome to pass your downtime in my office.”
“Sounds like a plan,’’ she smiled. “Now, doctor, what will you ever do now that I’m not going to be here every day?”
“Oh, how will I ever go on?” He chuckled. “But if you ever need help during that time, just come by. My office is always open. And hopefully, you’ll visit from time to time on personal time.”
“I’m sure it’s something that can be arranged.”
If there was still blood rushing through his veins, the capillaries in his face would have widened. He felt like he now understood Edward; how being with her made him feel human again. And there was nothing more that he wanted than to take their friendship to another level, but he wasn’t sure if she would ever feel the same. Carlisle knew that she was unaware of the supernatural since (Y/N) had allowed him to be in her life. But what would happen once she knew everything? How could he ever come between her and her family?
“Miss Uley, your mother is here,” a nurse spoke up, peeking her head through the office door. “Discharge papers have already been filed.”
“Thank you, Nurse Dalen. She’ll be out in a moment.” Carlisle smiled.
“Well, the time has come.” (Y/N) took her phone out of her back pocket and handed it to the doctor. He looked at her with a question-ridden gaze. “I’m gonna need your phone number so we can arrange any future endeavors.”
“Right,” he laughed, typing his number into her directory. “I’ll be waiting for that call.”
“I’ll be making it soon enough,” she grinned. “I’m gonna go now. I’ll see you around, Cullen.”
“I’ll see you, Uley.”
She left the office with a huge smile on her face, holding her phone close to her chest. For the first time, she was experiencing something she had heard of most of her teenage years. Once she had met Carlisle all she wanted to do was get to know him better, spend her time with him, just being near him would suffice. It was the first time she was learning what falling for someone was, and even though it was scary, she was jumping in headfirst.
“Hi, honey. Ready to go home?” Allison hugged her daughter for the first time in five days. (Y/N) nodded, truly ready to finally sleep on her own bed.
“So, how are you liking Dr. Cullen?”
“MOM!” Allison laughed at her daughter’s reaction. It was easy to see that (Y/N) had taken a liking to Carlisle Cullen, and vice versa.
“What, darling? If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck.”
“It’s not like that, mom.”
“But you’d like it to be like that.”
“I’m not talking about that with my mother.” (Y/N) placed her cold hands on her cheeks, trying to cool down the warm blood that had rushed onto her cheeks. The cool air of the car’s A/C was only helping her so much.
“I just want you to be careful with that, honey. He’s older than you, technically has kids, and rumor has it he is married.”
A breath hitched in her throat. Married? She knew he had adopted five kids, most of them her age, but not that he was married. Had she read the situation wrong? He didn’t wear a ring, he didn’t mention any relationship, he had no pictures of a woman in his office. Then again, they had only spent five days together at the hospital. She didn’t know what he did when he went home at night, who he went home to at night. (Y/N) shouldn’t feel betrayed—they weren’t anything, and they weren’t on track to become anything.
“Don’t worry, mom. I’ve just been picking his brain about working in the hospital, and he’s been helping me with what I’m gonna be doing this summer.”
“Oh, have you decided what you want to do?”
“I’m gonna get my medical assistant certification. It’s a three-month course then I can work at the hospital.”
“That’s great, honey.” Allison smiled at her daughter from the driver’s side. “Is that where you’d see yourself making a career?”
“Not sure. I want to take this time to see if life in a hospital is truly where I’d like to work – see if medical school would be it for me.”
(Y/N) hadn’t taken the time to focus on her future. In her high school career, she spent her time focusing on the present and piling on as much as she could, and now she had no sense of direction. She would take every day as it came, hoping one day she would find her purpose.
Finally, back home, she hopped off the truck and stretched out her limbs, stiff from the days on a hospital bed. Taking a deep breath of fresh air and basking in the afternoon sun. The cold that had seeped into her bones from the hospital melted off, and she smiled feeling the warmth surround her.
“Why don’t you go upstairs, honey?” Allison told her daughter. “There’s a surprise waiting for you in your room.”
(Y/N) smiled and quickly made her way up the stairs to see what her mom meant. Opening the door, tears forming in her eyes. Her room had done a 180-degree turn. The walls had been painted a light beige color, and plants hung from the walls bringing warmth to the room. The bed was adorned with a white cover, and a fluffy duvet to keep her warm at night. A wooden frame sat atop the bed dressed in white linen and ivy vines. A bookcase lived in the corner of her room, filled to the brim with her collection of hardbacks and peppered with potted plants. Opposite the bed was a small desk with a dark green suede chair, her laptop set up in the workspace. Her room finally felt like hers.
“Do you like it, honey?”
“Mom, did you do this?”
“I wish I could take credit, but your brother and your friend Paul came over when I was at work and redecorated. I was actually surprised that they even came over.”
“I’ll have to thank them,” (Y/N) grinned. Even though their relationship was strained at the moment, and she had yet to see Paul since coming back, she was glad that they had taken time out of their days to do this for her. “I’ll go over to Sam’s house for a bit, maybe now he’ll have time to see me.”
“Why don’t you go tomorrow, honey? You should take it easy.”
“I feel a lot better, mom. You don’t have to worry too much.”
“I’m your mother, I’ll always worry. If you’re gonna go out, go see Jacob. He was really worried about you.”
“I will.”
(Y/N) kissed her mother’s cheek and grabbed her bag to head out. Her first stop was to the Black residence. Jacob saw her coming down the street and ran out to wrap her in a hug. When she collapsed last week, he had been very concerned when she collapsed in his garage. Jacob was glad that she had made a full recovery and was now back home, with minimum side effects showing. The visit was short, only a quick hello to ensure the boy that she was okay.
After spending some time with Jacob, she walked towards Sam’s house – she hoped to catch Paul there too since she had heard he now spent his time there alongside Jared Cameron. It hadn’t clicked in her head why Paul would ever hang out with her brother and Jared. Even when they were back in middle school, he never paid them any mind, having a separate friend group. She had only become his friend by spending time with him away from school, and her brother had always disliked them together, claiming he was a bad influence.
Outside of the small house, (Y/N) could hear the low chatter of manly voices, a higher-pitched one joining after. There was no mistaking that Sam was home. She started feeling nervous as she raised her hand to knock on the door. The shaky limb was able to make contact with the blue door twice before it opened wide open, revealing a shirtless Paul Lahote.
“(Y/N)?” He questioned. Paul knew she was back, but Sam had given him clear instructions to stay away from her due to their situation.
“Hey, Paul. Long time no see, huh?” The girl smiled at her friend that now towered over her. A few years ago, they were still of the same stature, but too much time had passed since then. She went in for a hug, and Paul cut it short – worried she might note his burning temperature. “Is Sam home?”
“Uh, yeah.” He scratched the back of his neck, turning towards the kitchen. “Sam! (Y/N)’s here.”
The older male appeared in front of them, a soft smile playing on his lips. “Hey, (Y/N). Good to see you’re doing better. What brings you around?”
“I just wanted to thank you both for what you did in my room. Mom told me you worked on it while we were away. It’s a dream.” Sam smiled at his younger sister and shared a hug with the smaller girl.
“I’m glad you liked it, (Y/N). We wanted to give you a place where you could rest better after the accident. It’s the least we could do.” The alpha could hear the duo that was left in the kitchen had grown curious about who was at the door. “Do you want to come in for a bit?”
“Are you really inviting me in?” (Y/N) was taken aback – the last thing she thought was that she would get that invitation.
“Yeah, there’s someone I want you to meet,” Sam responded, keeping his doubts of the encounter to himself.
(Y/N) walked through the threshold and instantly felt the warm aura that emanated from inside of the house. It was a welcoming environment that she had grown to love from her own mother’s house. She walked behind Sam, Paul following behind them. `There was nothing that could prepare her to the sight she was met with.
In front of her stood a beautiful woman. She had tan skin, long black hair, and a beautiful smile. But there was something that stood out to her, something she was sure stood out to everyone – three long gashes ran through the front of her face. Yet, they didn’t distract from the alluring atmosphere that surrounded her. Sam moved to her side, and (Y/N) quickly connected the dots and figured that was Emily Young. The Uley girl wanted to be indifferent to her presence, knowing how one of her friends had been hurt by the union in front of her, she couldn’t help but note the love that radiated from the pair. It had been a long time since she had seen her brother as happy as he looked as he stared at his fiancé.
“(Y/N), it’s an honor to finally meet you.” Emily stretched out her hand towards the girl, which (Y/N) gladly took. “Sam has told me so much about you.”
“I wish I could say the same,” (Y/N) joked. “Hopefully, we’ll have a chance to get to know each other more. I’d love to get to know the woman my brother is set to marry.”
“I’m sure we’ll have enough time now that you’re back.” Emily smiled and grabbed a basket filled with muffins, offering them to the girl. (Y/N) gladly took the baked good in her hand, picking at it and placing the piece in her mouth – a wonderful taste that quickly melted in her mouth. “You’re welcome over any time. Any family of Sam is family to me.”
“Thank you, Emily. I’ll be sure to take you up on that.”
Not much time passed before Sam had cut the meeting short, claiming there was something important the duo had to do. “We should do this another time, (Y/N). Paul and I have to go.”
“Go where?” (Y/N) questioned. “It’s already night, not much to do.”
“I can’t really tell you, sis. But it’s important.”
“So still guarding secrets?” Sam shrugged. “It’s fine, Sam. I’m growing used to it.”
“I can take a hint, Sam. I know when I’m not wanted,” (Y/N) smiled. “Thank you for the muffins, Emily. They were divine. I’ll be sure to take you up on that offer and visit sometime soon.”
“Of course, (Y/N). I’m sorry we had to cut this short.”
“It’s okay. I’ll see you guys.” (Y/N) took her bag and exited the house. She was confused on why Sam had welcomed her in only to have her leave soon after – there was something big he was hiding, and she needed to find out what it was.
“(Y/N), wait up!” Paul jogged up to her, turning her around. “Look, I hope you understand that we’re not trying to push you away on purpose. There are things that Sam is protecting you from.”
“Like what, Paul? What danger could possibly be surrounding us that he would stray from his family?”
“I’m sorry, but it’s not my place to tell you, (Y/N). As much as I hate keeping this from you, Sam would not allow it to come from anyone but himself.”
“Are you serious? What kind of power does he have over you?”
“PAUL!” Sam shouted, gaining the attention of his beta. “Let’s go.”
“I’m sorry, (Y/N). I hope one day you’ll forgive us.” Paul kissed her forehead and went to meet up with his alpha.
(Y/N) stood still as she watched their bodies disappear into the woods. She debated whether to follow them for a brief second, but she was exhausted. She left back home with a million questions running through her head. The pair of Sam and Paul was a strange view, and she was determined to get to the bottom of things.
When she got home, (Y/N) noticed her mother asleep on the couch, the tv in front of her still playing. The years that passed were clear on her face, the worry that she carried for both her children plastered in the lines of her face. She could see the exhaustion that she held, years of caring for two kids by herself taking a toll on her. (Y/N) grabbed a blanket and laid it on top of her mother’s body, making sure that she was warm during the night. She left a kiss on her cheek, thankful for everything her mother had sacrificed for her.
After showering the day off, (Y/N) changed into her pajamas and laid in bed staring at her phone’s screen. She thought if she stared at it long enough a message would magically pop up. Minutes passed and her phone kept silent, not a single notification appearing on the screen. She scrolled through her directory until it landed on the newest listing. Carlisle Cullen, it read. Her finger clicked on it and selected new message.
Her fingers danced atop the keyboard of her phone, no words coming to her mind to send to the doctor. Should she even send him a message? What if he truly was married? She would never want to come between a couple. But her fingers did not follow her thought train. Unconsciously, they started typing away a message and before she could analyze her actions, she sent the message.
Hi, Carlisle. It’s (Y/N). I made it home okay and don’t have any symptoms, seems like you fixed me up! Anyways, wanted to know if you possibly had some free time this weekend to join me for some dinner at La Bella Italia. Hope you had a good rest of the day at work!
Her jaw fell when her screen read message sent. There was no way to delete it now. It was out there, and it would make its way to his phone. (Y/N)’s head fell onto her pillow and muffled a scream that escaped from her throat. This feeling was alien to her, and she was learning what steps to take to grow closer to the astonishing man. Minutes felt like an eternity to (Y/N), thinking that she had imploded the friendship she had built with the man over the past week.
The sound from her phone caught her attention. She scrambled for her phone and quietly shrieked at the words on her screen.
Hello, (Y/N). I’m glad you’re feeling better, hopefully, no symptoms will arise once more. And I did have a good day at work, although I missed our afternoon book chats. I have a free day on Sunday. Tell me a time and I can meet you in Port Angeles. Hope that day is good for you.
“He said yes. If he were actually married, he wouldn’t have said yes,” she thought.
So, she typed back.
I’m glad you had a good day, and the book chats have an easy fix. I’m just a phone call away. As for Sunday, it’s a perfect day. I think around 5:30 would be a good time for dinner. Let me know if it works.
Seconds later, another beep.
I’ll make sure to schedule those calls then. 5:30 sounds perfect. I’ll see you there. Have a good night, (Y/N).
See you then, Carlisle. Good night. 😊
(Y/N) smiled at her phone, joy wanting to burst from her body. She was reveling in this new feeling and the happiness it brought her. If it was Carlisle, it was worth it, she believed.
That night she went to sleep with the biggest smile she had experienced in her life. Unbeknownst to the life-changing moments that were to follow this meeting.
Tag List: @daniallh @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @imaginetwilight2704 @jessicas-undrground @hey-you-therexo @mauvette268 @mxyee @beefwhobarksandisalilmadalot
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writing-prompt-s · 3 years
Hey there! First time anon asker, long time follower. I appreciate all the work you do for this blog. Just want to keep the conversation going about the Edison quote you retweeted, on "giving up" versus "knowing when to stop." Though Edison sucks as some comments pointed out, I happen to agree with the quote to an extent. I'm curious to know more about your experience. First, some background for my opinion: I work as a student tutor for fellow college students. One of the biggest things we learn as tutors is how to encourage students NOT to give up when they face a challenge. Lots of people, especially first-gen college students, give up when they're struggling in class because they assume they're "not smart enough" or something along those lines, when research and my personal experience show that that's not true. They are able to change their school habits and seek out help, but only if they already have a mindset where they believe they can do it. Those who don't believe in themselves are less likely to seek help and thus, more likely to fail. Students might also drop out of college or get bad grades because of things outside of their control, like losing their job or other difficulties that make it hard for them to continue at college. This is also an issue because some (not all) colleges have programs to help students during difficult times, but many students don't even try, they just drop out. I have benefitted from some of these programs personally, so even though they can't cure everything, these programs should be considered when a student is struggling. And sometimes, dropping out of college IS the best decision for a person, whether they intend to return later or go a different path. It's just that for many students, they don't have to give up on their education/career goals because of the hardships they're currently trying to work through, but they believe that there's nothing else they can do. The solution may be out there, but they "give up" because they didn't look for it. As a tutor, that's why phrases like "don't give up!" are so important for the people I work with. Not because college is for everyone or that people should sacrifice their well-being for a degree, but because students (again especially first generation college students, students of color, and low income students) have such low confidence in themselves and their ability to learn and grow through obstacles. The Edison quote wasn't about college, but I'm using my experience as a college student and tutor as a more concrete example of why the Edison quote could be useful. College student or not, I think having a "don't give up" attitude can get you through some hard times. So all of this is to preface my question: in your opinion, how can we know the difference between a healthy, "I will do everything I can to meet my goals" situation and an unhealthy, "I will sacrifice everything" situation? Sorry for this lengthy ask btw, if you don't want to respond I completely understand. Just hoping to hear your insight to the topic more. Thanks for this blog and for sharing your thoughts! -S
Hey S!
Read “The Dip” by Seth Godin. It counts about 80 pages but reads like 30. I highly recommend reading it and using the ideas in guiding your students. When you read it, it’s mostly common sense with a bit of oh damn, nice! But sometimes common sense needs to be conceptualized, made concrete, or put into context, and this little book does just that.
The main idea is to know if you should quit or persevere during ‘a dip’ by forecasting the probability of success and take costs/rewards into account.
However, this might not be everyone’s best skill, so some people might need practice or guidance. As Ray Dalio points out in his book ‘Principles’, everyone is wired differently. Just as our bodies come in different shapes and sizes, so do the compositions of our brains. Some people might have weak bones or naturally have lots of muscle mass. Others might regulate emotions well, or are weak at visualizing the future. (By the way, neuroscience tells us we can shape and improve our brains!)
The different compositions of our brains also affects communication between people. Everyone encodes and decodes information differently, and then also gets filtered through one’s own life experiences. So advice such as ‘first seek to understand, then to be understood’ is paramount before encouraging people to ‘not give up.’ If the other person doesn’t feel that you completely understand their situation, saying that actually might work counter-productive!
In my opinion, in most cases 'don’t give up!’ is a good motto for college students. You know what to expect from college. If you do x you will get x. If you stick through the dip (time spend getting good grades), you will get the reward (degree). However, as you point out, some students might face additional stress outside of college, or society might already have put them at a disadvantage. It might just become too much. You helping and encouraging students who are at a disadvantage is incredibly helpful. As humans, we are naturally wired to be interdependent. We cannot do everything by ourselves, nor should we want to. We thrive on meaningful relationships and social connections.
So where is the line between healthy and unhealthy? That’s actually a very tough question. Most people tend to think of life as a journey, always trying to get somewhere, trying to achieve something. It would mean telling people how to live their life and I have no clue. Of course, if in trying to get to your goal your body shows signs of it being unhealthy, stop or take a break. Stress is good, but not to the point where you break down. Self-management is key. Overall I would say it’s healthy if your values align with the process to achieve the goal, the goal, and the consequences of achieving it. But then again, always be realistic. Quitting frees up time, energy and other resources that can be spend on achieving a different, perhaps more rewarding/meaningful/attainable goal.
An attempt at a more concrete answer would be:
It’s impossible to generalize what is healthy and what is unhealthy as everyone has a different idea of what that is and is living their own complex life. Therefore, on a case-by-case basis, people should be taught to take a step back sometimes, contemplate what they are doing, analyse it, be open-minded, seek help from (qualified) people and ask for feedback and advice, and then make up their minds themselves whether what they are doing is healthy or not.
As @zeadtalost said in the comments: “Man’s gotta know his limitations”. But then I would like to add to it that ‘man’ should not be fool enough never to test what they believe to be their limitations. Because what you say is true. Often limitations are in the mind, and overcoming them is what will make people more confident and capable! So please keep doing what you are doing. I doubt you find this a concrete answer, but I am pretty sure the book by Seth Godin will help you lots! Also, by the length of your ask I can tell you are very dedicated and a compassionate tutor, and it’s your caring attitude that will give your students the best chance of succeeding!
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chaosangel767 · 3 years
Hi there! Can I request wall/door sex and overstimulation with Sirius please? Thank you!
Here you go Anon! I hope you enjoy it ^-^ 4 works left for Kinktober 
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Against the Wall or Over a Dresser
Prompt: Day 8 - window/wall sex
Pairing: Sirius x Reader
Warning: wall sex, teasing, slight dirty talk, overstimulation, semi-public sex
WC: 1420
Tagging @thewitchofbooks, @toloveawarlord, @queen-dahlia
You know pushing Sirius’s buttons is dangerous but you really don’t care. You always take such joy in making emotions flash across his usually calm face. When Sirius seems to be stressing out over work, you decide to try and get him riled up to expel his tension.
With the help of Seth and Fenrir, you find a beautiful dress, it is slightly more revealing than usual and is in the deepest shades of midnight blue and silver. You notice the subtle changes all night, starting with the low growl he emits when he firsts sees you. The entire night you dance with the other officers, saving your first and last dances of the night for your lover. His hands pull you closer, eyes darkening with lust as you spin around the floor. When a random man from Black Territory starts flirting with you, the Queen appears behind you with a firm hand on your back as he leads you away. The champagne you have been nursing all night leaves you flushed and smiling as Sirius bids everyone goodnight, and you follow suit. The carriage ride home is still, Sirius has his focus anywhere but on you as his hand rests along your shoulder to keep you stable.
“Sirius?” The yelp leaves your lips as the Queen of Spades pins you against the wall near the office. His amethyst eyes filled with the same desire that has been flickering in his gaze all night. You are thrilled when you realize how successful you are, maybe a little too successful considering he pinned you in the middle of the hallway and not in your room like he usually does.
“Come now little Lady,” Sirius purrs, his voice is husky as your hands are pulled above your head and his knee is pressed between your thighs.
“Can I help you with something?” you feign innocence to push a few more buttons, knowing that Sirius is still holding back. Sirius smirks, as his lips come down to your ear.
“You know better than to tease me. Especially when you have tea planned with the King of Hearts tomorrow.” Sirius murmurs, kissing your ear before sucking on the lobe, soft gasps falling from your lips as you tilt your head, giving him better access as his lips trail down your neck.
“I really don’t know what I did” your breath comes out more breathy than you plan, trying to continue your act. A harsh suck to the base of your neck has a moan slipping out. Your resolve wavers as he continues sucking marks into your skin, you can feel the red marks that are blossoming. He focuses back up your neck and behind your ear before speaking again.
“You don’t know what you did? Do I need to remind you what I told you this morning?” Sirius’s breath is tickling your neck, and his teeth scrape your lobe, your core is going crazy with desire. Part of you is ready to beg him to ravish you, the other part of you wants to tease him longer and prolong the pleasure.
“Oh I remember this morning, I think there are still a few marks on my thighs if you want to check.” you flash him lustful eyes, suddenly yelping as you are lifted into his arms, legs wrapping around his waist. He keeps your hands above your head, but now you are at his height, looking straight at his lips.
“I told you, your skin is for my eyes only, this dress is showing too much” He growls, lips trailing over your bare shoulders, drawing shudders from your lips.
“Sirius, the dress was too pretty, it was made just for me,” You state innocently, knowing exactly the right button to push.
“You are absolutely stunning, but do you remember what I told you when you modeled the dress?” He asks, a growl entering his throat, the tension was heavy in the air until voices broke through the night. A growl leaves Sirius’s throat as he pulls you closer to him and presses his lips you yours as the voices pass by the hallway.
“I told you if you leave my room looking like that the second we are back here I would bend you over” Sirius growls in my ear. I smirk internally, mission complete, one thoroughly teased and sexually tensed Sirius ready to play.
“But Sirius, I really love the dress and it was too good to keep hidden,” you whisper softly, pressing kisses to his jaw. Sirius grunts in response and you feel one hand leave your wrists, traveling to your waist and rubbing you through your dress.
“I am still deciding how I want to punish you, little lady. Should I fuck you against this wall, right in the hall? Or should I fuck you over the dresser in our room as I promised?” He asks, and desire pools in your core, either way, sounds delicious right about now. As if reading your thoughts Sirius drops you from his waist and spins you around, his hand bunching your dress.
“Hold your dress and spread your legs, you better pray no one comes down here” He whispers in your ear. You grab your dress and hold it around your waist, steadying yourself with your other hand and Sirius runs his hand between your thighs hissing when he reaches your core.
“No underwear?” He growls, and you toss him a look over your shoulder.
“ It was a long dress, besides, you promised you would bend me over and they get in the way.” You tell him, yelping as he flicks your clit in response. You rest your head on your arm, spreading your legs a little more as you feel Sirius toy with your clit. His thumb brushes your core and his fingers delve into your core, preparing you for his girth. You whine and rock against him.
“Just fuck me Sirius please, fucks me.” You breathe out, and his hand leaves your core.
“As you wish, you better keep your mouth shut though. You wouldn’t want to be caught in the hall getting railed by the Queen of Spades, would you?” Sirius asks and you shrug as he slips in you, your core stretching to accommodate him with little issue.
“As if they don’t hear us as night, you like making me scream” You tease as Sirius fully sheathes himself. He groans softly, his lips finding your shoulder and marking it.
“Oh I’ll be making you scream over the dresser later,” Sirius promises as his hand lifts your leg up for a better angle, his other hand slipping around to your clit. He presses against your sweet spot and you come undone, muffling your cries against your arm as Sirius keeps up his relentless pace. His lips stay attached to your shoulder adding more marks to the collection already fading on your shoulder as he thrusts into your core, enjoying the way you clench him. Your clit is oversensitized, but he continues to rub and pinch it. A second orgasm is working its way through your core and you let out a groan.
“Sirius, I am going ot cum again” You whine, trying ot increase the friction and he pins your hips against his.
“Stop moving, you’ll cum when I let you” Sirius chides, sucking your neck and steadily increasing the pressure on your clit. His thrusts increase in intensity as he starts to lose his rhythm.
“Fuck, Sirius” you can feel the coil about to snap in your core, but Sirius just keeps going, not giving you the last push you need.
“Cum for me Alice” He commands against your skin and he flicks your clit as he cums, triggering your own orgasm to wash over you. You moan into your arm, trying to keep your voice down as the Queen pulls out. You are still coming down from the overstimulation when you feel yourself being carried and you hear a door close. When you open your eyes you are in Sirius’s room and bent over the dresser. His hand is back on your clit as his eyes meet yours in the mirror.
“I was serious when I said I am going to make you scream tonight” He smirks down at you and you whine, bucking against his hand.
“Just fuck me already” You whine, toes curling as the Queen slips back inside you and you shut your eyes content to make whatever noises the Queen can pull from your lips.
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onlyfreds · 3 years
Miss Americana and Her London Boy | F.W.
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Title: Miss Americana and Her London Boy (x American!reader, Muggle!Au)
Requested: Yes/No
Summary: Y/N goes on a vacation in London to find experience, adventure and memories. But after she meets Fred Weasley, a London Boy. She heads home with not only the experience and the memories, but also love.
It all started in a café in London.
You had gone on a vacation in London to do a little sightseeing and also to cross another thing off your bucket list.
You entered the café that my friend had recommended to you, ordering a peppermint mocha.
On your way out, you accidentally bumped into someone, the coffee only missing you by the skin of your teeth.
“Oh Merlin, I am so sorry.” The man who bumped into you suddenly apologized, his British accent ringing clearly through his voice.
You looked up to get a better look at him, his ginger hair was windswept as if he had just gotten back from the beach. His eyes sparkling in the sunlight. A small, apologetic smile on his lips.
“No, it’s fine.” You said, “I was the one who was looking where I was going."
He smiled, shaking his head, “Nonsense love. I almost spilled my coffee on you.”
You laughed, “If we keep on going on like this, we’ll never finish. So, let’s just call it quits."
He chuckled, “Whatever you say love.” He then offered his free hand, “I’m Fred by the way. Fred Weasley.”
You smiled, taking his hand and shaking it slightly, “I’m Y/N, Y/N L/N.”
“American?” He asked, as the two of you walked down the avenue together.
You chuckled, “The accent gave it away, didn’t it?”
Fred took a sip of his coffee as he replied with a small laugh, “A little bit.”
“So, where do you live in the States?” He asked.
“New York.” You simply stated.
He smiled, running a hand through his hair, “It must be a blast. Living in the Big Apple.”
You laughed, placing my free hand in the pocket of my jeans, “Most of the time. I did come here to have a vacation.”
“So, how long are you staying in London for.” He asked.
You shrugged, “About a month.”
“A month?” He asked in disbelief, “You’re staying here, on a vacation, for a month?”
You laughed, “Why not? I have been dreaming of this vacation ever since I was five. So, I decided to just make the most of it.”
Fred shrugged, a small smile adorning his handsome features, “That makes sense.”
You stopped at the beach where you were supposed to meet your friend. You turned to Fred, “Well, I better go now. It’s been nice having a little chat with you.”
“My pleasure.” He said, taking out a pen and a piece of paper from his pocket as he scribbled something down on it.
“Here’s my number.” He explained as he handed you the piece of paper, “Just in case you want somebody to show you around or you just need someone to talk to. Give me a call and I’ll be there in a jiffy.”
You smiled, gently taking the piece of paper from him, “Thanks Fred. I’ll see you around?”
He took your free hand, raising it up to his lips as he kissed along your knuckles, “You’ll surely will.” He said with a small wink before walking away.
“Who was that?” Your friend, Claudeth, asked as you walked towards her.
You gave her a look of confusion, “Who’s who?”
She rolled her eyes at you, “The cute guy you who was talking to you just now.”
You felt a blush rise up to my cheeks as you avoided her gaze, “Oh, that was Fred.”
“Oooh.” She teased, nudging your shoulder, “Somebody’s got a crush.”
You jokingly pushed her away, “I don’t have a crush on him!”
“Yeah, right.” She said, “If you don’t have a crush on him, then why are you blushing?”
You felt myself get redder, “Okay, I may find him a bit cute." Your eyes widened as you realized what just said, "Not helping Claudeth!”
Claudeth looped her arm around yours as the two of you walked through the beach, “Come on, tell me more.” She encouraged.
You rolled your eyes, “Well, we bumped into each other outside the coffee shop you recommended me. We chatted on the way here and he gave me his number.”
“What?!” She looked at you with wide eyes, before starting to shake you vigorously, “That’s a sign! He’s obviously your soulmate!”
You laughed at her antics, “Does him giving me his number already make him my soulmate? Seriously Claudeth, give me a break.”
“According to your story, you and Fred just met today. And after a few minutes of chatting with him, he already gave you his number. Just trust me and my matchmaking skills Y/N.” She said.
You rolled my eyes at her for the umpteenth time, “Whatever.”
You leaned back against the headboard of yout bed, scrolling through your social media, a bit bored. Claudeth was out with her boyfriend so, you texted the person you couldn't stop thinking about.
<Hey Fred! It's Y/N.
Not even a minute has passed before you received a reply.
>Hey love! What's up?
You smiled to myself as you typed out my reply.
<Well, remember your offer about showing me around London?
>Of course sweetheart! Why?
<I was wondering if you were still up for the it.
You smiled giddily as you read his reply.
>I sure am! Text me your address and I'll be there in twenty minutes.
You quickly typed out my address as you hopped out of bed to change.
You were still deciding whether a denim jacket would go with jeans you were wearing when your best friend suddenly called.
"Hello my soul sister!" You greeted, resting your phone on your shoulder as you pressed your ear against it, going through the rest of the clothes you packed.
"What's got you in a cheery mood today?" Claudeth asked, sligthly amused.
You hummed, "I think it's the fact that Fred is coming over in fifteen minutes. And tell me honestly, does a denim jacket go with jeans."
She laughed, "Yes, denim jackets do go with jeans. And in return, you have to give me some tea about your little 'date'."
You rolled my eyes as you put on the jacket, looking at yourself in the mirror, "It's not a date Claudeth. He's just showing me around."
"Yeah, yeah, then you'll be calling me tomorrow at his apartment..."
"Claudeth!" You chastised my best friend.
Her laugh could be heard as her boyfriend playfully scolded her, "You didn't have to be so mean."
After she had recovered from her laughing fit she said, "What? I'm just saying."
You heard a quick knock on the door, "I'll talk to you later. He's here."
"Go get your man soul sister!" Claudeth cheered on before you dropped the call.
You glanced at your image one more, fixing your hair a bit before grabbing your shoulder bag and opening the door. Being met with the sight of Fred, a cute smile on his face, his hair windswept just like the day you two met.
"Thank you so much for coming on such short notice." You said, closing the hotel door behind you.
He seemed in a daze, as if distracted by something as he just looked at you, his eyes glazed over.
"Are you okay Fred?" You asked.
He snapped out of his trance, blushing slightly at the fact that he got caught, "Nothing, you just look absolutely stunning." He said, adding a small wink at the end.
You felt my cheeks heat up as you looked down at your feet, avoiding his gaze, "Thanks."
"Where exactly as you taking me?" You asked as both of you walked down the avenue.
He smiled, "You'll see."
You playfully raised a brow at him, "How do I know that you're not some part of gang or something and is actually kidnapping me?"
His laughter rang through the air, "Then, I wouldn't be walking with you out in the open. I wouldn't even give you my number in the first place, the fbi and the police can track that."
You chuckled, "Smart. Very smart."
After a few more hours, we arrived at a park.
Fred stretched his arms out dramatically, "Behold, one of the best parks in London."
You laughed at his antics, "I'm relieved. With all the secrecy I thought you were taking me to see the Queen."
"If you want too, I can arrange that." He joked as we laughed.
"So, are you up for an adventure?" He asked.
You scoffed, "Have you forgotten who you're talking to? I'm a New Yorker, I'm always up for an adventure."
He chuckled, handing me a helmet as we walked towards the bikes, "Well come on then, we wouldn't want Miss Americana to get bored do we?"
You rolled my eyes playfully as he gave you a teasing smile.
The two of you sat by the curb as Fred handed you a bottle of water.
"Thanks." You said, taking a small sip, "How much?"
He smiled, shaking his head, "No need. It's on me."
We went on a few more rounds before nightfall came, Fred then escorted you back to your hotel.
"Thank you." You said as we reached your room, "For coming quickly on such short notice. And for the little adventure as well."
He smiled, "It's my pleasure Y/N. And I'd happily do it again. So, are you up for another adventure tomorrow?"
You bit your bottom lip, looking down at your feet to keep the blush from rising up to your cheeks, "Sure, why not?"
He placed his hands in his pockets, "See you tomorrow then. G'night Y/N."
"G'night Fred." You said, as you entered your room, closed the door and leaned against it. Closing your eyes as you committed his dreamy smile to memory.
"No! No! You can't tell me that it's not a date!" Claudeth said dramatically.
You giggled, "Why not?"
"Because," she elongated the last sylablle to emphasize, "You have been 'hanging out' with him for literally the past two weeks. So, you can't tell me that it's not a date."
You rolled your eyes at her, "Just because Seth asked you to be his girlfriend after a week of seeing each other, doesn't mean my future boyfriend has to do the same."
You ducked as she chucked a pillow at you, "Hey, hey, that makes it obvious that Seth is my soulmate. And I am sure that Fred is yours."
You then heard a knock on the door, "That's Fred, I gotta go now!" You said, heading to the door.
"That's what I'm talking about." Claudeth muttered to herself as you opened the door.
"Hi Fred!" You greeted as he gave you a smile.
"Hey love." He said, before turning to my best friend, "As usual, I'll be stealing your friend for a little while. Hope you don't mind."
Claudeth nodded as she gave him a smile, "Go ahead, don't let me stop you. You can even take her home if you want."
"Claudeth!" You scolded.
She gave an apologetic but teasing smile, "It was a joke. Now, run along you two."
You gave her a death glare before closing the door behind yourself.
"I'm so sorry about her." You apologized as you and Fred entered the elevator, heading down to the lobby, "She can be a bit of a crackhead at times."
Fred chuckled, "Don't worry about it. I might actually take up her offer and bring you home."
"You've got to be kidding me!" You said, playfully hitting him on the shoulder.
"I'm kidding." He said, accompanied with a small laugh.
When we walked out of the hotel and kept on walking until we stopped in front of a black scooter.
Fred handed me a helmet, "Well Miss Americana, what do you think?"
You stared at him in awe, "I didn't know you had a scooter."
He chuckled, "Prepared to be surprised then."
He put on a helmet before climbing on the scooter, holding out his hand, "I thought you were a New Yorker." He teased, "What's taking you so long?"
You playfully rolled my eyes as you strapped on the helmet, "There's something called 'patience' London boy." You retorted as you climbed on behind him.
"Hold on." He said, before starting to drive through the bustling streets as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
After a few hours, you stopped at some park.
"Where are you taking me?" You asked as he pulled you through the trees.
He shot you a wink, "You'll see love. And I'm sure you'll love it."
We walked into a clearing that looked like something out of a fairytale.
Trees surrounded the clearing, a small footbridge led to a nearby lake that glistening under the light of the sun.
You smiled, "It's beautiful Freddie."
He chuckled, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear, "I knew you'd like it."
"How did you find this place?" You asked, sitting by the edge of the footbridge.
He sat by the space next to you, "My twin and I found it while my family was hanging out at the park. Wandered a bit too far from the group and ended up here."
"A twin?" You asked, "I didn't know you had a twin."
Fred laughed, "Not just a twin. I have four more brothers and one sister."
"Wow." You grinned, "That is a lot."
"Only child problems Miss Americana?" He teased.
You laughed, "Unfortunately for you, I'm not an only child. I happen to have a younger sister, her name is Ahnica."
He tsked, "Cute. But not as stunning as Y/N."
"You always know what to say, don't you?" You said, trying to keep the blush from rising up to my cheeks.
"It's all part of my charm, isn't it?" He said with a small wink.
"Cheeky, that's for sure."
When nightfall arrived, it also started to rain.
"We're too far from your place." Fred said as we drove through highway, soaking wet from the rain, "Do you want to stay at my flat at least until the rain stops."
"Sure. Whatever works." You said.
We went up to his flat after he parked his motorbike.
As soon as you walked through his door, he immediately threw a towel around me, fussing over me.
As if he wasn't soaking wet as well.
"Fred." You said in an attempt to calm him down, "Stop fussing over me. You're also soaking wet. I can handle myself."
He shook his head, droplets of water flying all over the place, "You might get sick. You might catch a flu or something."
You rolled your eyes at him, grabbing a towel and putting it around him and drying his hair, "You keep on worrying about me getting sick when you're just equally soaked as me."
He chuckled, "Easy there Miss Americana. You don't have to lecture me."
You scoffed, "Not only cheeky. But, stubborn too."
"You love it anyway." He teased.
"Whatever." You said, trying to hide the small smile that was growing on your lips as I sat down on the couch.
Fred headed to the kitchen, coming back holding two mugs of hot chocolate.
"Here." He said with a small smile as he handed you a mug, sitting down beside you.
"Thanks." You muttered, looking up at him, offering him a small smile.
We talked with each other just like we did during the day we met, the feeling of tranquility and peace feeling the atmosphere.
"It stopped raining." Fred pointed out after a little while.
"Oh." You said, trying my best not to sound disappointed, "Well, I better be going now."
"Wait." He said, desperately glancing at his watch, "It's too dangerous to go out alone this late at night. You could stay the night if you want, but if you don't, I can always escort you home."
You bit your lip, "I appreciate the offer Fred. I really do. But, you've already done so much for me. I can't ask you to do anything more."
He chuckled, shaking his head as he stood up, "I insist love. It's absolutely no problem."
"Fred, seriously, I can't. That would be asking for too much." You tried to reason.
But he wasn't backing down, "I insist. You've only got two choices, it's either you stay the night or I'm taking you home."
You sighed, "Fine. But, I'm taking the couch. No buts, no ifs."
He chuckled, "Whatever you say Miss Americana."
"Do you ever stop being so cheeky London boy?" You asked with a small smile.
He grinned, "Never."
You went into the bathroom to change into the oversized shirt and shorts Fred had let me borrowed.
When you had finished, you saw Fred sitting on the balcony.
You chuckled quietly, opening the slide door and stepping outside.
"That's pretty dangerous." You said, "You could lose your balance and fall 50, 60 feet? You'd be lucky to still be alive at that rate."
He smiled, "Aren't you a New Yorker? You should be used to the chaos."
You climbed over the balcony and sat beside him, "Just because I'm a New Yorker doesn't mean that I do things that will put my life at risk."
He looked at you, "Well, you're doing the same thing right now."
"I guess that you have that affect on me then." You said, looking at him.
"I can't believe that you're already leaving tomorrow." Fred suddenly said, causing you to look up from your coffee, since he decided that both of you should spend your last day at the place where you met.
You chuckled, tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear, "Time really flies when you're having fun."
You looked at the ginger in front of me. Something about him was... off today. He was quieter than usual.
"Hey," you said as your thumb rubbed small circles at the back of his hand, "are you okay? You seem a bit quieter than usual."
He bit his lip as he looked at you, "No, I'm absolutely fine sweetheart."
You gave him a skeptical look, "I can see it in your eyes, there's something bothering you."
Fred sighed, "It's just been something that I've been thinking about for the past week."
You licked my lips, terribly concerned, "Then tell me, maybe I could help you with it."
He interlocked our hands together, "Will you promise that whatever happens with what I tell you, it won't affect our friendship at all?"
You nodded, "Of course it wouldn't."
Fred took a deep breath, as if preparing himself for the worse, "Spending the past month with you has been the highlight of my entire year. I will honestly tell you that I've been dreading the day that you would have to go back to New York. I have been dreading the day you'll leave and possibly not come back."
You gulped, "Freddie, you're scaring me."
"If I don't tell you this, then it would be my biggest what if. I love you Y/N. More than a friend, more than anything else that I've loved before. It's perfectly fine if you don't feel the same and turn down my offer. But, Y/N L/N, will you be my girlfriend?" He said with a hopeful glint in his eyes.
You smiled as you nodded, "Yes Fred. I will be your girlfriend!"
He grinned, standing up and pulling you into a passionate kiss.
"Thank goodness!" He said as we pulled apart, "You've just made me the happiest man alive."
You giggled, "Well then, that makes me the happiest person to ever walk the planet."
"But, how about the distance?" You asked, "New York isn't on the other side of London."
He licked his lips, "Well, that's what technology is for, isn't it?"
You laughed, "You are a smart cookie."
The time flew by, before you knew it, Fred was taking you back to the hotel for the last time.
"Got everything packed?" Fred asked as he rested a hand on your suitcase.
You looked around the room, already feeling a bit nostalgic for the place that had served as your home for the past month.
You nodded, "Yeah, everything's complete."
We walked out of the room, climbing into the cab that brought you to the airport.
We were silent for the most of the journey. Fred holding on tightly to your hand as much as possible.
When we arrived at the airport, Fred stayed by your side during everything, check-in, immigration and now the moment you dreaded the most.
"So, this is it." You shrug, trying to keep the tears at bay, "I have to go."
Fred sniffed, obviously trying hard not to cry, "I know. But, I don't want you to go."
You gave him a small smile, "I don't want to leave yet too, baby. It's not like I have a choice. Besides, that's what technology is for."
He pulled you into his chest, hugging you tightly, "Yeah, but it's not the same as having you here with me." He said, now openly crying.
"Hey, hey." You said, my tears now dripping down my cheeks, "Don't cry. Just call and text me anytime. Don't think about the timezones. Okay? I don't care if you call or text me at 3 am. I will answer."
Fred sniffed, wiping the tears from you cheeks, "Okay. But, I'll be seeing you in two months."
You chuckled, "Two months? I'll try and get a ticket."
My boyfriend gave a small smile, shaking his head, "I meant me. I'll be visiting you in New York in two months."
"Really?" You said in awe.
He nodded, "Yeah. Now before you protest, I already bought a ticket."
You flung my arms around his neck, "You're the best boyfriend ever!"
"You're the one who brings out the best in me." He whispered.
"Passengers of flight 2B5567 please head to the boarding gate immediately." Someone said over the intercom.
Fred and you pulled apart, profusely wiping the remaining tears from our eyes.
"This is it." You said again.
He nodded, "The 'it' we can't avoid no matter what we do."
He pulled you into a passionate kiss, one where we poured all of your love into it. For one final time.
You grabbed my luggage, heading towards the gate when you suddenly didn't care about missing your flight.
Your let go of your luggage, running into Fred's arms as you threw your arms around him, pulling him in for another kiss.
"Last reminder, all passengers of flight 2B5567 please head to the boarding gate immediately." The intercom sounded again.
"Sweetheart, I love you and all, but you're going to miss your flight." Fred said.
You nodded, taking off my bracelet, it was the one you were wearing the day you met Fred.
You handed it to your boyfriend, seeing his expression falter a little, "I can't take that princess."
You gave him a reassuring smile, "You can and you will. Whenever you miss me, just hold this and think that I'm holding your hand."
He sniffed as he took it, "I love you." He said, his voice cracking a little.
"I love you too." You said.
"Go to the gate." He urged, "The plane won't wait for you."
You nodded, giving him one last smile before heading back to your luggage and going to the gate.
"'Till we meet again, Miss Americana." He said with a small smile, his hands in the pockets of his jeans.
You waved goodbye, "Till our next adventure, my London boy." You said before showing the attendant my ticket and heading into the plane.
@lumosandnoxwriting ​ @wand3ringr0s3 ​ @famdomhideout ​ @nova-darling @gaycatlord-stuff ��​  @pandaxnienke ​​ @escapingrealitybyreading (If you are crossed out, that means I can’t tag you)
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Prompt: Y/N’s first day back to work from her vacation is also coincidentally her birthday, as the day goes by, one mysterious box is placed on her work table. The content of it is a devious surprise and Y/N needs to find out who is the mysterious person who dared to give her such a kinky birthday present.
Word count: Long-ish
Pairing: Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings: +18, smut, bondage(handcuffs), use of a vibrator, fingering, rough sex, mentions of voyeurism, oral sex (female receiving), dirty talk, cursing.
My Roman lovers: @ziasaph, @reigns-5sos, @mindofasagittaruis
Notes: What a better way to start 2021, then with a Roman kinky fic?! I wish you all a Happy New Year loves, may 2021 be kinder to us all. Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) and if you’re comfortable with it,please let me know what you think? Some feedback is always welcomed and appreciated ❤️You can check out my other stories typing ‘masochist writes’ on the search bar on my page and my newest story as a fixed post.Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
“Happy birthday, to you..” I turn around to the sound of a person singing, just to see Sasha Banks holding a chocolate cupcake and a present bag on her hands.
“Hi Sasha.” I smiled
“Happy birthday babe!” Sasha ran up to me, placing the cupcake on my working table and hugging me tightly.
“Thanks Sasha”
This was my first day back from my vacation, and coincidentally it was also my birthday, so I was excited to see some of the good friends I’ve made while working for the WWE as a chiropractor.
“Here this is for you!” Sasha handed me a present bag.
“Oh Sasha, you really didn’t have to-“
“Shush! I love you, so of course I would pamper you on your birthday” Sasha said as I opened the bag to find a pair of Louboutin’s I had my eyes on for quite sometime, but couldn’t afford it.
“Sasha, are you insane? I can’t accept these! It’s way too expensive!” I gasped
“I am perfectly sane, you will accept these and I don’t care if you think they’re too expensive! I love you, you’re one of my best friends in this company and a human being with a heart made of gold. So if there is someone who deserves these is you” She happily said
“Sasha, I don’t even know how to thank you enough” I whispered with tears on my eyes
“Just say you will be my friend forever babe” She winked
“I don’t need presents to be your friend love”
“That’s why I gave it to you. I don’t care how much they cost, I just want to make my best friend happy on her birthday”
I hugged her and whispered ‘thank you’ on her ear
“So, who else has came here today?” She asked
“Oh! Bayley, Charlotte, Xavier, Kofi, Cesaro, Big E, Alexa, Naomi, Jey, Becky, Seth, Finn, Renee and Dean” I said, listing my close friends
“I was the last one then? Damn it!”
“It’s ok, I know you were busy today love”
“So...no Roman?” She whispered
“No, no Roman” I answered slightly disappointed.
Sasha along with Bayley and Renee were the only 3 people who knew about my stupid crush on Roman Reigns. It’s so stupid of me to think that a man like him would ever look at someone like me.
If he would ever look at someone on this company, it wouldn’t be the thick girl who worked as a chiropractor and yes one of the beautiful toned Divas of this company.
But still I couldn’t help but daydream about having him on top of me.
“Maybe he doesn’t know it’s your birthday?” Sasha tried to make it less uncomfortable
“Really Sasha? He’s friends with Dean! Everybody knows Dean is an open mouth, loud as fuck and can’t keep it to himself not even if his life depended on it...Roman just chose to ignore it, and it’s fine. We’re not close or anything so, I wasn’t expecting him to show up at my office door and fuck me on top of this table” I lied while chuckling weirdly
“Let’s be honest babe, everybody secretly wants Roman Reigns to fuck them on top of a table!” We both laughed at her statement before she continued “It’s his loss anyways babe”
“Yeah I guess so...”
I was making my way back to my office, from the women’s locker room, when a big black box with a golden ribbon called my attention on top of my desk.
“What the hell?” I said as I approached the box carefully. All of my closest friends had already wished me a happy birthday and gave me their presents so this was, to say the least, weird and unexpected.
I saw a blood red card on top of it, so I opened to find the handwritten saying
‘I hope these will make your birthday night unforgettable. Can you guess who’ve bought these for you? ;)’
Ok, that’s pretty fucking weird! I thought
From the corner of my eye I saw Sasha passing by and loudly whispered
“Sasha! Come here”
She entered my office “What’s up girl? Are you ok? You look scared”
I closed my office door and locked, and made my way back to the table by her side.
“Ok, I’m feeling a little paranoid. I just came back to my office to find this box and this card. Here” I handed the card to her and she red silently.
“Did you look what’s inside of it?” Sasha said
“Nope. And to be honest I don’t know if I can..what if it’s like a prank or something?”
“Well, there’s only one way to find out Y/N”
She opened the box, inside of it there was a fancy red paper, I took it out of the way to reveal what was underneath it and I tell you I almost passed out.
Inside the box there was a lavender and purple (my favorite colors) vibrator, it was actually pretty cute...two pairs of handcuffs, lube, nipples clamps and a whip.
“Oh my gosh” Sasha gasped as she took the clamps on one hand and the whip on the other. “Someone wants to get kinky with you girl!” She examined the items carefully
“What in the actual fuck?” I whispered shocked “Give me that!” I took the items out of her hand, shoved back into the box and quickly closed with the black lid.
“Jesus, I can get fired if someone sees that in my office! Who the hell would do that?”
“Someone who wants to get some! And wants it rough” She chuckled
“Sasha it’s not funny! I could not have a job tomorrow morning if someone from the company found these”
“Who do you think did this?” She asked seriously
“How am I supposed to know? I have no fucking clue!”
“Maybe someone who’s name starts with an R...” She smirked
“R?... What ar-... Oh hell no! Nu uh, that’s impossible!” She couldn’t be implying that Roman was behind this, was he? No! Of course not, that’s a dumb thing to think of...but a part of me wished it was him, even though I know it wasn’t.
“Why impossible? You’re a gorgeous woman Y/N! You two would make a beautiful couple, plus, I‘ve seen his handwriting before and I’m pretty sure it’s quite similar to this one” She said as she inspected the card closely.
“Obviously someone wants to make fun out of me, so I’ll just pretend this never happened” I took the card out of her hand and shoved inside the box.
“Or someone has an eye on you for a while and decided to finally make a move”
“Sasha, please don’t tell this to anyone”
“Your secret is safe with me babe. Just promise that when your secret admirer finally show up, you’ll tell me if you guys made a good use of his presents” She laughed
“You’re the worst!” I laughed along
I made my way back to my hotel room later that evening with my hands so full of packages I could barely walk. I opened the door and carefully placed the bags, along with the black box, on the floor.
I went to the bed and sat down on the edge, while I stared at the box.
*Could Sasha be right? Could it be Roman who did this?* Was the only thought that crossed my mind
I decided to forget all about it and take a shower to wash off the day.
As I was rinsing my hair I heard some noise coming from the bedroom
*What the hell was that?*
I blamed on my super active mind and turned the shower off.
I got changed into some clean oversized t- shirt, and went full on commando. I was brushing my damp hair, when I decided to lay out the contents of the black box on the bed.
I roamed my eyes on each item slowly, until they stopped on the lavender and purple happiness. I turned the vibrator on and felt slightly tempted to use it.
*Oh fuck it! Happy birthday to me I guess”
I got rid of the t-shirt and lay down on the bed naked.
I closed my eyes, letting my mind imagine my wet dream, in form of a man... his face, his body, his cock and how I wish I could feel it inside of me, stretching me as I teased my clit with the vibrator.
I moaned Roman’s name and heard someone clear their throat on the foot of the bed. My eyes shot open and my heart nearly stopped beating when I saw who was in front of me. The vision was so unexpected that I even forgot I was naked.
“I see you liked my gift then” He smirked
“Wh- What are you doing here? How did you get inside of my room?” I whispered
“Does it matter?” His eyes had an evil glimpse to it
“Roman... I- I can explain” I begin to stutter
He placed his index finger on his lips in a shh motion and I stopped talking. He hungrily stared at every inch of my naked body, making me feel quite self conscious of the imperfections of it. I grabbed the blanket to cover my nakedness, he notice what I was about to do and yanked the blankets off the bed
“I’ve been waiting for years to see you like this, so don’t you dare cover yourself from me now”
He took off his shirt and pants leaving only his boxers on, from where I was laying I could see the outline of his hard cock and the wet spot of pre cum near of it’s head. He crawled on top of me slowly, like a predator, with dangerous eyes that were glued to my own.
“At first I was only gonna watch you... I wanted to see you pleasure yourself with my gifts, but when I saw your body fully naked on this bed moaning my name” He grunted “I couldn’t control myself, I couldn’t see this” He took the vibrator off my hand and placed on the bed by our side “Having all the fun with you, enjoying every part of your beautiful body, stretching your sweet pussy while my own cock only got to watch, he wants to have his own fun with you baby girl. He wants to make you feel real good” He leaned closer to my face, his lips brushing mine as he asked “Do you want that Y/N? Do you want my cock to make you feel good? Do you want it to stretch you out baby? Do you want it to fuck you hard and rough? Or do you prefer it slow and sweet? Do you want me to fuck you from behind?...Or maybe I should eat you out first huh? Eat that sweet pussy until you’re begging me to stop, I can’t wait to feel you come on my mouth...around my cock,milking it really nice” He growled “Tell me Y/N, what do you want?”
“I want it all, I want everything” I panted as he dry humped me
“Will you let me do whatever I want with you baby girl? What I’ve always wanted to do?”
He smiled satisfied, leaning to kissed me roughly and sloppily as he grabbed both of my wrists into one of his big hands pining it over my head.
“If anything I do bothers you or you feel like your not feeling it or don’t like it, you let me know ok?”
I nodded
“I need words baby girl”
“Yes, I understand”
“Good” He smiled and I felt something cold close around my wrists. I looked up to see the handcuffs around my wrists being closed on the headboard of the bed. Roman sat up and looked down do my naked body at his disposal.
“Fuck, you’re such a gorgeous sight” He said as he palmed his hard cock through his boxers. “I can’t wait to bury my cock deep inside you” He panted
“Roman, please do something” I whispered
His hands roamed the sides of my body until he stopped at my breasts as his hands squeezed them hard while pinching my nipples.
“These were made just for me. Do you see how they perfectly fit my hands? I can only imagine how even more beautiful your breasts will look with my cock sliding in between them” His eyes were glued on my breasts.
I tugged at my handcuffed hands, begging “Roman, please, I need- something”
“Let’s take a look on this pussy...are you wet for me Y/N?”
He raised his eyebrows “Really? Let‘s see” Two of his fingers slides through my folds “Fuck baby girl, you are soaked. Jesus, we won’t even need lube” His fingers traced lazy circles around my clit, making me moan in pleasure. One callused finger slipped inside of me.
“Oh baby girl, you’re so tight, fuck I will barely be able to move. I can’t wait to feel your sweet little pussy stretch around my cock”
He took his finger out and cleaned with his tongue, humming in pleasure to the taste of my juices.
“You taste amazing, Y/N. Fuck I need more” He slide down my body placing his head between my thighs. His tongue gave a long lick from my entrance to my clit sucking it. Making his way back to my entrance again dipping his tongue inside of me, beginning to fuck me with his tongue.
“Oh my god, Roman, please fuck me! I need you inside of me please” I whined
“As you wish baby” He smirked
He slides his cock through my folds to lube it up, then places the head of his cock at my entrance
“Are you sure about this baby girl? ‘Cause once I start I won’t be able to stop myself”
“Roman, just fuck me already would you?” I said impatiently
He chuckled lightly saying “Easy tiger, we’ll take this slow, I don’t want to hurt you” Roman leaned down to peck my lips and returned to his previous position.
He started to slowly slide inside of me, inch by inch, painfully slow. He’s the biggest man I’ve ever been with, so I knew that we needed to take it slow, but fuck he feels so good I just wish he would roughly thrust into me, so I wiggle my hips to take more of him.
“Fuck Y/N, slow down! You’re too tight and I’m not exactly small, if you keep rushing things you’re gonna end up hurting yourself and I don’t want that”
“I know is just that your cock feels so fucking good, I just want you to fuck me Ro”
“Trust me baby, there’s nothing that I want more then fuck you senseless, but I want you to enjoy it as well ok?” He kissed my nose then my lips
When all of him was finally inside of me we both moaned loudly, I’ve never felt so full before and it was both a dream and a nightmare
“Motherfucker! Jesus fuck Y/N, you’re so fuckin- Oh my god.. I gotta focus ‘cuz I feel like at the slightest move I’ll cum” He pressed his forehead to mine as his thumb slowly traced circles on my clit.
“Roman” I gasped “Please don’t tease me like that, fuck it feels so fucking good” I cried as I felt my walls tighten around him
“Oh fuck!” Roman growled loudly “Don’t do that baby girl, don’t squeeze my cock like that, you’re gonna make m-“
“Move,please” I circled my hips
“Fuck it” He said as he forcefully grabbed my hips and begin to quickly thrust me.
“Oh Roman...harder, I need harder”
“Harder?” He chuckled “Like this?” He pounded into me mercilessly
“Yes! Just like that, oh please, don’t stop” “Fuck Y/N you’re going to get me addicted to you baby girl” He kissed my lips vigorously
“I say we should push you a little further..” Roman took the vibrator from the bed and placed on my clit.
“Fuck, you look so beautiful baby girl, a whimpering mess underneath me”
“Ro- Roman I’m gonna cum”
“Cum baby, I wanna feel you cum around my cock”
And I did. My orgasm was so hard that my juices made a mess on Roman’s thighs and the bedsheets.
“Y/N, fuck baby...so fucking gorgeous, my messy girl” He chuckled “Where do you want me to cum baby?”
“Inside” I panted while I felt another mini orgasm come through me
“Fuck, I’m officially addicted to you baby girl. You’re my wet dream come true...gorgeous face, delicious body, perfect pussy..so tight for me. And on top of it all, you want my cum inside of you?! You are beyond perfect Y/N”
He thrusts into me 3 more times before finally cum, filling me up with his seed.
As we tried to recover our breaths, Roman uncuffed my wrists and placed a sweet kiss into each one.
“You ok baby girl?”
“Mhmm” I hummed
“Did I hurt you? Was I too rough?”
“No, of course not. You were perfect!”
“Good baby” He smiled
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure thing baby”
“Why? Why me?”
“Why not you?” He asked sincerely while he brushed my hair with his fingers
“I don’t know, I can’t picture someone like you with someone like me.. I mean, there are so many beautiful women in the company that fit you better...I’ve never thought you could find me attractive”
“Are you serious? Have you looked yourself in the mirror? You’re gorgeous, so perfect Y/N. Yes, there are beautiful women in the company but they’re nothing compared to you baby. You stand out, exactly because you’re different from all of them. You’re unique”
“Still...I don’t know..”
“Oh so you don’t believe me? Maybe I’ll have to show you then”
I could feel his cock beginning to harden on my thigh
“Show me? How?”
“Well baby girl, good thing there are more items of the box for us to try it huh?”
“Yeah, you don’t really think that I’m gonna let you go right? Now that I’ve tasted you, you’ve got me hooked baby. We’ve got the whole night for me to change your mind about us together. And I bet you that I will” He smirked as he leaned down to kiss my neck...
What a great way to celebrate my birthday 🎁
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ibis-gt · 3 years
Poker Night
dippin my toes in the writing pool again with a short one about anya and felipe! there’s a bunch of side characters in this one that i just now made up so don’t worry if you have no idea who they are, i don’t either skdjfklsf
just under 2.5k words, kind of hurt/comfort. warnings: fearplay, threats of violence, bullying, peer pressure, felipe not having a very good time at all
Felipe looked around at the five giants seated at the table he was currently sitting on and forced a smile. Once again, Anya asked him to come along to one of the parties her friend Emily often hosted, and once again she’d dropped him off at the husbands’ table while she caught up with her friends. Quite literally dropped him off, plucking him off her shoulder and depositing him on the wooden tabletop with a “Play nice, fellas!” as she waltzed off.
Usually, they did play nice - Anya was built like a brick shithouse and would defend her tiny human husband with every ounce of strength she had. But tonight there’d clearly been some drink passed around, and now the five giants eyed Felipe with varying levels of displeasure. Seth glared at him with annoyance, Rolf looked bored and disinterested, Leo seemed resigned to essentially babysitting the tiny man, Amos heaved a sigh and rolled his eyes, but it was Bruno that really worried Felipe. Bruno was staring down at him with a mostly blank expression, but Felipe could see gears turning in his head, and he could tell it was going to come out to trouble.
He jumped as Bruno suddenly clapped his hands together, beaming brightly.
“Who’s up for a game of cards?” Bruno produced a deck from his pocket and began to shuffle them. The others took an interest, nodding their approval.
That took Felipe by surprise. It sounded harmless enough. “Yeah, that sounds like fun. Uh, don’t know if I’ll be able to play, though.” The cards were probably as big as he was, and he could maybe hold onto two at a time. Any more than that, and there would be serious delays as he figured out what to play. “Oh, don’t worry, I know how you can participate,” Bruno assured him. This was not, however, reassuring.
He dealt out a hand to each of the giants at the table, then began sorting out a set of huge wooden chips. Each one was about two feet in diameter. They had different colors and markings to indicate their value, but Felipe wasn’t sure which one meant what, and no one seemed like they were about to explain it to him. 
Felipe shuffled his feet and glanced around nervously. He hadn’t been dealt a hand, and he didn’t know what Bruno had in mind, but he didn’t think it would be all that fun for him. His suspicions were proved right when Bruno tossed a few chips in the middle to start the betting, then grabbed him by the back of his shirt and dropped him next to them. Felipe let out a quiet grunt as he hit the table and looked up in confusion. A few of the giants seemed to have caught on and were grinning down at him, but for the ones who were slower on the uptake, Bruno announced, “You’ll be one of the chips, of course.”
Felipe sat bolt upright and stared at him wide-eyed. Then he laughed nervously, trying to calm himself down. “Oh, haha, good joke! No, but seriously. What am I...” he trailed off, turning from side to side to see their faces.
Silence. Everyone stared at him. Some were still grinning, some were serious. Leo spoke up.
“C’mon, Bruno, you know Anya wouldn’t like that. Just let him sit it out.”
“Oh, lighten up,” Bruno grumbled. “It’s not like she’s gonna find out, is she?” He looked around the table, getting a head shake ‘no’ or a shrug from each in turn, then down at Felipe. “Is she?” he asked again.
“Uh…” Words failed him. He wanted to say yes, emphatically yes, he’d squeal at the first opportunity, and in fact he was going to stand up and start waving his arms and shouting right now to get her attention. But truth be told, Felipe was terrified. Everyone had been drinking and he didn’t know how deep in their cups they all were. Who knows what they’d do if he didn’t go along with it? Maybe if he was quiet and played along, they’d get bored and leave him alone. “...no, sure, she won’t. Ha.”
“Good,” Bruno said, giving him a smile that was not in the least bit comforting. “Then let’s start.” He threw in a few of his own chips. The others followed suit, betting based on whatever combination of cards they had. Felipe flinched every time a chip hit the table. They were being careful - none of the tossed chips hit him, but they landed close enough to worry him. He hunched his shoulders and tried to make himself as small as possible.
Bruno won the first round. He grinned that awful grin again and reached out, putting both hands around the stack of chips and pulling them in close. Felipe, still seated, was dragged along with them, back pressed up against the palm of Bruno’s left hand, trying to resist the urge to his feet and push back.
“Hi,” Bruno said, looking down at him. A few of the others chuckled.
“H-hi,” Felipe stammered, forcing a smile. “Uh, so, what - ”
“Chips don’t talk,” Bruno interrupted, and started dealing out the next round of cards. Felipe shut his mouth and hunkered down, hoping Bruno wouldn’t get any good hands. He was lucky for one round, and Bruno only tossed in two chips before folding. The next round, though, Felipe’s luck ran out. Bruno glanced at his cards and the corner of his mouth went up just a little. He tossed in four chips, then snagged the back of Felipe’s shirt again and dropped him down in the middle. Rolf whistled and looked at his own cards, tapping a chip thoughtfully on the table.
“How much is he worth?” Rolf asked. “Like, how do I meet or raise or whatever?”
“I don’t care,” Bruno said. “Whatever you think he’s worth.”
Rolf threw in six chips. Felipe wasn’t sure if he should be offended or flattered.
Seth ended up taking the hand, and as soon as he slapped his cards down in triumph, Felipe scrambled to his feet and jogged over to him, not wanting to be pushed across the table again. There was a snort of laughter from one of the other giants but he paid it no mind. Seth raked in the chips then looked down at Felipe, tilting his head to one side, seeming to appraise him. Then he gave a horrid grin of his own and pinned Felipe down with a thumb on his chest.
“Ain’t chips supposed to be flat? So you can stack ‘em?” he asked, clearly thinking he was being clever. “Should I…” The pressure increased slightly, and Felipe began to panic and struggle, trying to get himself out from under the thumb.
“Cut it out,” Bruno growled. “You hurt him and Anya’ll have our asses.”
The pressure disappeared as the thumb lifted up and away. Felipe got to his feet and backed away from Seth, eyes fixed on the giant. He felt like his knees were going to give out. Being meek and quiet hadn’t helped one bit, but now he couldn’t find his voice to call out for help. His throat was dry and tight from terror and it felt like his heart was lodged in it. Seth scowled at him and poked his chest with a finger, knocking him on his back.
“Go on,” he grumbled. “I’m bettin’ you. Hope I lose.”
Lose he did. Leo took that hand. He didn’t look too happy about it, either. “Well, come on then,” he sighed, and Felipe managed to stand on his shaking legs and wobble over. Felipe looked up at him with wide, hopeful eyes. Leo was the least happy with this setup, other than Felipe himself. Maybe he’d speak up now that he had him and could put an end to the whole thing. But Leo didn’t meet his eyes, just picked up his next hand and tossed a few chips in. Okay, next best thing, Leo never bet him and he could stay put and as far away from Bruno as possible. And Seth. Actually, just all of them.
Leo only managed to hold onto him for two hands before Bruno spoke up.
“Don’t get greedy, now,” he called. “Let us have a shot at him, too.”
Leo sighed and finally glanced down at Felipe again. “Okay, you heard him,” he said. “Get.”
Felipe got. Rolf won. Then Amos. Then Bruno. Then Bruno again. Each time, he’d slap his cards down as he reached for the chips, not giving Felipe time to register his victory. He seemed to delight in pushing the little man around and didn’t like it when Felipe tried to walk himself over to whoever had won him that time. Unfortunately he seemed to be the best at the game they were playing, with an impeccable poker face and a decent winning streak. Since he was also the dealer, Felipe half suspected he was cheating, but he lost often enough not to irk anyone else at the table. Bruno started to play with him whenever he had him. He’d dangle him by the back of his shirt and gently swing him back and forth, or pin him under his palm and drum his fingers on the table. Once he even picked Felipe up and began to toss him up in the air and catch him, not very high, but enough to get a frightened yelp out of him. Bruno seemed to think that might draw too much attention, though, and quickly set Felipe back down, shaking like a leaf and trying not to hyperventilate.
Rolf looked about as uncomfortable as Leo had when he won Felipe for the first time. Felipe caught him glancing at Leo and looked up at the giant too, but the combined effort of their stares still couldn’t persuade Leo to speak up, and Rolf didn’t seem to have the nerve to try on his own. Felipe changed hands a few more times before ending up with Bruno yet again. At this point he was fighting back tears. He desperately wished they’d get bored and give it up already, but it seemed pride was on the line for Seth and Amos, and Bruno was enjoying himself immensely. Felipe’s mind started to wander towards what would happen when the game was over for good. What would whoever had won him do? Would they try to take him home? Stuff him in a pocket or a cupboard for later? Or would they make him do something public and embarrassing? More embarrassing than being reduced to a literal object to be passed around, that is.
Just then, his saving grace appeared. He practically melted with relief as he heard Anya’s voice.
“Hey, y’all, what’re you up to? Where’s Felipe?” She caught sight of him and smiled. Despite how terrified he was, his heart sang out at the sight of her. She was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. The others shifted nervously in their seats and glanced at each other, except for Bruno and Leo. Leo’s eyes were locked on Bruno and his face was grim. Bruno looked at Anya with his perfect poker face intact, although he was betrayed slightly by a small trickle of sweat down the side of his face.
Anya took in the scene and started to pick up on the energy at the table. Her smile started to fade. “No cards for you, honey?” She asked Felipe. “Are you helping Bruno, then? I’ll tell ya right now he doesn’t need it. He’s just about the best player here.” She looked around at everyone and then back at Bruno. She looked at the chips on the table all around Felipe, took in his posture, his expression, the way he was trembling ever so slightly. Her smile was completely gone now, and she set her jaw. When she spoke again, her voice was flat. “He’s not helping you, is he. He’s not playing at all.” 
Anya held out her hand palm up to Felipe, and he nearly tripped over his own feet sprinting across the table towards her. He leapt into her palm and wrapped his arms around her thumb, pressing his forehead to the tip. “Thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou,” he gasped, his fragile facade of calm completely gone. The tears started to flow and he let them. Who cared anymore. He was safe, he was with his wife, the whole rest of the world could go to hell.
“You sons of bitches,” she spat. “I can’t believe you - ”
“Anya,” Felipe squeaked, and she held him up, her face instantly softening. “Let’s just go. Please.”
She looked like she was going to argue, but instead she shot a look at the cowering, ashamed giants, and stalked off. She headed for the exit, putting a hand on her friend Emily’s shoulder on the way.
“You set your husband right before I do it for you,” she warned. Emily spun around to glare at the husbands’ table.
“What kind of bullshit did you pull this time, Bruno?” Emily called, just as Anya slipped out the door, Felipe held to her chest.
She put a fair amount of distance between them and the house before lifting him up close to her face so she could see him better, the light dimming as evening approached.
“Honey? Are you okay? Do you want me to drop you off at the house and go back and kick their asses?”
Felipe managed a strangled laugh through his tears. “No, no, I don’t care. It doesn’t matter,” he lied. “I just want to forget it all.” That bit was true enough. He was so embarrassed by the whole thing. He wanted to pretend like it had never happened.
“I’m so sorry, I should never have left you with those idiots. I knew they’d be drinking, too, and Bruno always gets that mean glint in his eye when he drinks…”
“Wasn’t your fault,” Felipe said, sniffing and wiping his nose on his shirt. “They were just being dicks.”
“Did they hurt you? Because I’ll tell you right now if they did, I swear I’ll - ”
“No, no, they didn’t. And I’m not just saying that so you won’t go twist ‘em into pretzels. I’m fine, really.”
Anya gave him a Look. She rubbed his back with her thumb, working the tension out of him bit by bit. “I believe you that they didn’t hurt you physically,” she said softly. “But I don’t believe you’re fine. You were shaking like a leaf, honey. They scared you. You can admit it. There were five of them, they’re several times your size and could’ve snapped you like a twig without thinking about it.” He shivered, dropping his gaze. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. I’m never leaving you alone with them again. You poor thing. Let’s get you home.”
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slutsofren · 3 years
Danger Days Chapter 1: Summertime
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Summary:  You think you've settled in pretty well to Jackson, your best friend Maria was leading the community with her husband Tommy. Things were going rather fine until a turbine went south. While at the power plant, you came across two visitors. Joel needs his brother to complete a mission but you stepped in, dredging up your past with FEDRA, with the Fireflies. Shit can't hit the fan twice right?
Word Count: 1,399
Read on AO3 here
Warnings: none, just a bit of backstory
Notes: this is a Joel x Reader/OFC multi-chap series, absolutely no use of y/n or other descriptors as long as I can try. Reader is about 30-35 in this timeline.
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You put on the worn-in boots, trying to ignore the phantom pains shooting in your left hand. The skin around the nub where your pinky used to be was swollen and throbbing. It frustrated the hell out of you. After all these years, memories and ghosts haunted you whenever the nerves flared up in your palm. Doing your best to ignore it, you laced up the last shoe and grabbed your black sherpa denim jacket, tossing it over your shoulders to keep the late summer chill away.
“Oh shit,” you whispered to yourself as you took a step outside your home, immediately being blasted by the cold.
Tonight was one of the weekly adult get-togethers at Seth’s, something most of the Jackson residents looked forward to. Usually, you’d never bother with attending but your best friend and her husband managed to convince you to come out and relax for once. Admittedly, it was rare for you to have a night off since you often volunteered to walk the perimeter of the safe zone, keeping an eye out for any activity.
Your feet shuffled along until you came to the bar, the music wafting through the air and you made your way inside.
The pub was lively tonight, you could spot a few couples having a blast dancing to the music playing from the jukebox. It seemed like tonight the adults were throwing it back and reminiscing with some old 1980s music. You called over the man himself, Seth, and he grabbed you a beer.
Thank the stars the greenhouse had a steady growth of hops, you couldn’t imagine trying to do any of this sober. You leaned against an unoccupied area of the bar table, idly watching as people danced and sipped at the bottle.
After doing this little routine, the drink was getting a little warm from the heat of your palm but that was alright, you were living in the moment. Your best friend and her husband always told you to let your hair down every once in a while, so to speak. It was near impossible to always be on edge, waiting for the next fight. For half your life this is how it’s been, it’s hard to shake off that feeling even after a couple years of relative safety.
You looked up from your drink, your eyes finding the couple on your mind. You sat watching as Maria and Tommy were in the dead center of the dance floor looking at each other like there was not a damn worry in the world. It was something you envied of the woman, if you could admit it to yourself. Not everybody finds love and some semblance of peace in the goddamn apocalypse. Good for her, good for them .
Gustavo, an elderly Hispanic man, walked up and stood next to you. “Mija, why don’t you go dancing? You’re too pretty to be standing here alone,” he says, his subtle accent eliciting a soft smile from you.
“Because you know I’d sooner bite their heads off if they tried, tio.” Gustavo wasn’t related to you but you loved the blacksmith like family, so much that you called him your uncle.
The elder man gave a hearty laugh, his calloused hand gave your cheek a small pat. “I want to see you dance with somebody before I die,” he says as he turns to leave.
You give him an incredulous look, “Don’t keel over too soon, tio, or I’ll bring you back myself and make you wait even longer!”
His laughter still rings in your ears long after he walks away. Your eyes steal a few more glances at the dancefloor as you turn around and abandon you nearly empty glass of beer on the countertop and resume watching how everybody sang along and moving ungraciously together. Feeling alive, living in the moment. Carpe diem or some shit , you think.
It doesn’t take much for Maria’s perpetual scowl to mark across her face, that woman was always pissed off about something. So, when the power went out in the pub, you could only imagine the blonde woman immediately furrowing her brows, grumbling something explicit wanting to find out what cut her date night short. Being the leader of the community rarely had nights off.
The crowd inside Seth’s was slightly alarmed, power hardly ever went out in Jackson. It usually signalled the worse. You gently shoved your way to where you last saw Tommy and Maria and found her leather clad arm, “Think it’s bandits?”
“I hope not,” came from Tommy to your right, his voice low and weary.
“Alright everybody, go home. We will figure out what’s going on and we will all be back to our normal routines. Got it?” Maria’s voice was short and authoritative, something you sure scared the shit out of some of the younger kids.
Slowly, the patrons all filed out, using whatever the moon illuminated as their only guide to getting outside safely. You could hear a few curses and muttering every time it sounded like somebody walked into a stool or table, it was kind of funny.
Tommy was the first to pipe up, “Let’s head to the fence, make sure everybody is okay.”
The three of you filed out and headed straight for the perimeter, there were no sounds of shouting or gunshots which was good to note. The closer each of you got to the fence, the eerie silence met with you.
“The electric fence is down,” Maria grumbled.
You looked at her, “Think the power plant is out?”
“Probably,” she sighs, “We can leave at first light.”
After you leave them, you head straight for your home as they continued to circle the perimeter and talk with whoever was on guard duty tonight.Your home was a walk away, further out from the other homes. It’s not much outside of a small studio loft but you loved it. It’s cozy and has everything you need within a couple dozen steps.
The room is dark, naturally, but you manage to walk to the little kitchenette off to the left of your room to find your solar lantern. One of the best damn discoveries you managed to find since the pandemic hit. It turned on easily, creating a dim glow around your room. You went to your desk and started to get your backpack ready for the trip to the dam. Stuffing it of some snacks, your spare knives, and some extra bullets, each a hotter commodity than the next.
It had been rainy recently so you decided to pack a couple extra jackets and flannels, making sure you had plenty of socks to go too.
By the time you finish packing your backpack for the excursion, a soft knock arrives at your door. You opened it to find Gustavo standing there, looking bright eyed. “Mija, I heard you were headed out to the dam.”
You nodded, “Wanna come in, tio?”
“Ah, no, Antonia is waiting for me,” at the mention of his wife, the lovely woman, you wonder where she was hiding at Seth’s. The two of them hardly go far without the other. “I just wanted to come by and bring you this.” Gustavo puts a semi-large wrapped gift in your hands and you take it, shifting it this way and that.
You open it, removing the ornate paper and it opens to a brown rectangular box. You slip the lid off and find an incredible hunting knife with a leather holster. “Gustavo,” you say. Your eyes wide in adoration, looking at the handcrafted knife.
His chest puffs out in pride, “Just don’t let Tovar see it, pendejo has been trying to take it.” The two of you chuckle at the expense of his young apprentice. He was a bit of a handful and full-time idiot, you admit.
Putting the knife down at the small table by your front door, you give Gustavo a warm hug and your thanks. He left shortly after that but not without giving the old man a kiss on the cheek and a promise to not hurt yourself with his gift, and another for keeping it away from Tovar.
You shut the door and turned back to your loft, standing in the dim light. Leaning against the door, you take a moment and close your eyes. Tomorrow’s excursion was going to be long.
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I’m putting the rest of this under a cut for length bc I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY
“On the 1 in a hundred million chance that I cannot marry you into the Clemence family, then I’m prepared to abandon my family.”
Whether it’s to build a family together, or to receive happiness together. For the one you love, the path you should take to the future is...
“You’re really too much. Don’t say something like...I’m sorry.”
The eyes that are brighter than the fireworks in the sky overflow with tears, and turn into strength to overcome the mirror blocking our path.
“When it’s only the two of us, I’m just Jonah...and I want to spoil you as much as I like.”]
And something I also really like is how the themes from the original route extends into his sequel, like the parts about “never apologizing” and “I can only be myself when I’m with you.” It just makes it feel more like a sequel and adds a better sense of completion uwu
Here’s the mini talk list:
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Luka + Sirius: please tell me about your families!
This one is already out, so here’s the screenshots!
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Sirius: My home is always full of flowers, it’s a place that makes your mood lift.
Luka: Yeah...as opposed to Sirius’s family, mine was very quiet.
Luka: Even though it had always been pretty quiet...but ever since “that person” left home, it became even quieter.
Luka: Maybe it was because my family weren’t interested in me, so that’s why it feels so quiet.
Sirius: Haven’t you ever had experiences of playing noisily with Jonah in your home before?
Luka: No. We’re different from Sirius’s family...but there was only one time.
Luka: When I was young, that person had brought me out secretly before.
Luka: The both of us ran around and played in the secret courtyard that person found...
Luka: Until the skies grew dark.
Sirius: ...Is that so. Where is that courtyard full of memories? Is it close to your home?
Luka: I don’t know, I can’t remember...but, it doesn’t matter if I can’t remember it.
Luka: Now I think...it’s alright if that courtyard only exists in my memory.]
*deep breath*
A SECRET COURYARD???????? THAT JONAH FOUND?????????????? AND BROUGHT LUKA THERE TO PLAY???????????????????????? BUT ONLY ONCE???????????????????????????????????
I wonder how he managed to find it? But also it was to be expected that he would bring Luka bc he always wants to share what he loves with Luka (。・ω・。)ノ♡
Also just imagine the little Clemence bros running around and playing (。・ω・。)ノ♡ ♡ ♡
But like...
It’s so sadddddddd to think that the Clemence house got even quieter when Jonah left. Also I can’t figure out if Jonah “leaving” means that he left to go to boarding school or if he left to join the Red Army, but that was probably when Luka started to hate Jonah for abandoning him. I can’t imagine what it’s like to grow up in such a quiet and cold place and to have it grow even quieter and colder when the one person you thought cared about you left because now he has other things that are more important than you (/□\*)・゜
Edgar + Kyle: can love between people of different social statuses exist?
The rest of these aren’t released at the moment I wrote this, so I’m mainly just going to be addressing my predictions!
So it’s clear that Jonah and MC are considered to be from different social ranks, even though MC is “Alice the Second” and has the power to nullify magic. She’s probably considered as a “commoner” in the Red Territory, so I can see why it would be difficult for Jonah and MC to get married.
And you know what else this reminds me of??? If we look at Seth’s route, we finally find out that the whole reason Cradle got divided into two was because a Red noble fell in love with a girl from a different social rank. And that romance tore a country apart, so.
Dean + Dalim: about family
Aight here we go. Are Dean and Dalim really family??? Do we finally get to find out??? Or at least get some sort of clue??? Bc I’m torn between the theory that they’re twins with amnesia or if Dean was some sort of clone created by the Magic Tower when they experimented on Dalim. And I have no idea when their routes are gonna be released, so I really hope we get more hints throughout each Ever After route.
Lancelot: Jonah’s tears
Also this is a reminder that Lancelot was probably the only one who has seen Jonah at his weakest before MC came along. It’s probably to be expected, since they’ve known each other for literally more than half their lives and also since Lancelot saved Jonah.
And technically Luka has known Jonah for the longest time, but I doubt that Jonah will ever show weakness in front of Luka because he considers himself as Luka’s protector, but it’s different in front of Lance. I feel like he can show his weaker side to Lance, and it just emphasizes how deep the relationship between them is.
Jonah: what is your ideal proposal?
OK I feel like this one is either gonna be super romantic or super cheesy. Or both, considering the type of person that Jonah is. But I’m gonna love it no matter what bc 1) Jonah can make even the most embarrassing situations funny and touching and 2) I’m too weak for my mille-feuille boi.
The screenshots for the “Peek at Romance” thing is here:
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My dear Queen of Hearts, Jonah Clemence.
Jonah: In that party, every heir of the Clemence family will...
Jonah: Publicly introduce his fiancee, receive the acknowledgment and blessing of the whole clan, and finally step into the halls of marriage.
“What is a happy ending?”
--It’s when, the person who cannot be replaced becomes family.
Luka: Even though my brother is troublesome, and sometimes overly enthusiastic, but from now on please take care of him.
--It’s when, you become allies with the person you met.
Levie: Who hurt MC!? I’ll destroy that guy...!
Jonah: Calm down, Levie Castell. See who’s your true enemy clearly!
When he couldn’t provide an answer, it made tears overflow from his eyes.
And--while looking for an answer, it’s also possible to lose something.
Dalim: Thanks. Goodbye, princess.
Dean: I couldn’t ask any of the things I’ve been wondering before he ran...
But even so, we will still advance forward bravely.
This is all to receive the answer--to have a happy ending.
Jonah: From now on, everyone will see you as...
Jonah: The Queen of Heart’s...and also the head of the Clemence family’s wife.
Jonah: But, when there’s no one else, and when it’s just us two.
Jonah: We’ll become Jonah and MC again, and we can love each other as much as we like.
Jonah: I love you, MC.
No matter what happens, he, who is the most beautiful and pure in the world...
Will only accept a future that is even better than a happy ending...!]
I just...literally cannot express my love for this summary.
First of all I’m just gonna talk about the tone. Right off the bat MC calls him “my dear Queen” and it was just. So. CUUUUUUUUUUTE.
Also, the question and theme of “a happy ending” is brought up, and the rest of the sneak peek answers that question (it’s when the people you love become your family and the people you meet becomes your allies), but also explores how they could find those answers (Jonah crying when he couldn’t find an answer and advancing forward bravely because they just want their happy ending). And finally we finish it off with a super Jonah-like statement, announcing that he’ll accept no less than the most perfect ending of them all!
Moving on to the information revealed...it’s pretty cool how there’s a special party for the next head of the Clemence family when they’re ready to announce their marriage and gain approval. Also, it’s kinda wild to think that Jonah will eventually become a head of the family just like his father and his grandfather before that.
Also it seems that Dean and Dalim’s backstories might be explored more but won’t be resolved just yet. I guess we really do have to wait until their routes get released to find out.
In short, this was an amazing summary of the route. WHY DO I HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER MONTH UNTIL I CAN FINALLY READ THE WHOLE THING???????????????????????????
Also FYI, this is all completely new to me. For the other characters’ sequels, I played it through on Ikerev JP bc I can’t wait until the releases in the TW and English version that’s like, a year later. But I didn’t read Jonah’s sequel bc my Japanese isn’t super good and I wanted to read my man’s story in a language that I can completely understand so I literally have no idea of what to expect apart from what I found out in the campaign release :3
Also also I’m probably gonna be posting for every part in the story I’m going through BC I JUST LOVE JONAH THAT MUCH. I guess it would make up for my inactivity this month ^^;
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