#oh my gosh they’re married now
daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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Tales of Suspense (1959) #91
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fluentmoviequoter · 7 months
Kojo Bradford, Wingman
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!reader (+ the one and only Kojo)
Summary: Tim is (still) a bachelor, until Kojo decides to change that.
Warnings: FLUFF! Kojo's thoughts (italicized) are from 101 Dalmatians
Word Count: 1.4k+ words
A/N: KOJO!!!
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It was plain to see that my old pet needed someone. But if it were left up to Tim, we’d be bachelors forever. He was married to his work. Catching bad guys… Oh, he’s intelligent enough, as humans go. And I think you could say that Tim is a rather handsome animal in his way. I could see no reason why my pet didn’t deserve an attractive mate. At least, I was determined to do my best. Of course, dogs are a pretty poor judge of human beauty. But I had a rough idea of what to look for… It was a problem. A real problem… Well, now that’s a bit more like it! It was almost too good to be true… Ah, they’re heading for the park. A perfect meeting place, if I could only arrange it.
Kojo has the frisbee in his mouth, and Tim is squatted, waiting for him to return with it. Suddenly, though, Kojo sprints in the other direction.
“Kojo! You- Boot, get back here!” Tim yells, running after him with the leash in his hand.
The park is one of your favorite places to hang out and relax. Sitting on a bench, you glance up from your book when you hear the water in the small pond ripple. You don't, however, see a dog slowing as he trots toward you.
I couldn’t depend on Tim. He’d settle on the grass, and that would be it. No, it was all up to me. Well…
Something lands in your lap, and you move your book to the side to look.
“Oh, hi there,” you say, smiling as you pat the dog’s head.
At first, I had no particular plan, just anything to attract attention.
“Who are you supposed to be with, buddy?” you ask, running your hand over his collar until you find his name tag. “Kojo?”
His tail wags and your smile widens as you look around for his owner.
“Kojo!” someone yells.
You look away from Kojo, who doesn’t move his wide, puppy gaze from you. The man stepping around the tree searching for Kojo is undeniably attractive, and you smile when his eyes meet yours.
“I think I met a friend of yours,” you say as he hooks Kojo’s leash to his collar.
“I’m so sorry,” he apologizes.
“No need, Kojo’s a sweetie.”
“Well, thank you.” 
Nodding, you return your attention to your book as Kojo lifts his head to look at his owner.
“What were you thinking, buddy?” the man asks quietly.
Glancing at your watch, you notice it has gotten later than you realized. Sliding your book into your bag, you stand and walk in the opposite direction of Kojo.
For a while, it seemed to work. At least they had seen one another. Things were going along first-rate. But for some strange reason, she left!
Kojo pulls on his leash, moving as quickly as possible toward your retreating figure. He's practically dragging Tim, but he needs to catch you.
“Kojo! What is your problem? Stop!” Tim demands, holding the leash tightly as he follows Kojo as well as he can.
But I wasn’t giving up. I was determined that, somehow, they just had to meet.
Kojo catches up to you, and Tim notices a moment too late what Kojo is doing.
You hear Kojo bark lowly just before he walks before you, his leash digging into your legs as he keeps circling. As you turn with his movement, you run into his handsome owner from a few minutes ago. Your hands are on his chest as his arms instinctively wrap around you.
“I am so sorry,” he apologizes, trying to get Kojo to walk back around.
“It’s fine,” you promise. “Just don’t-“
Before you can say ‘tip over,’ he leans too far, accidentally falling backward and pulling you with him. You land on top of him, his arms still around you.
“Oh my gosh, are you okay?” you ask.
Kojo barks, and you look at him, smiling as you see his tail wagging quickly.
“I’m fine. Are you?”
Nodding, you move sideways so one of your hips is on the ground as you reach down and uncurl the leash from your joined legs.
“I’m sorry,” he repeats. Standing, he offers his hands and asks, “Please let me help.”
“Kojo,” he chides. “I really don’t know what made him do that. He’s never done anything like this before.”
“Well, no, I can’t imagine he has. He’s a sweetheart.”
“You- are you not mad?”
You laugh, and he soon joins you. Now that he thinks of it, the situation really is funny. Kojo sits beside you, looking like he’s smiling.
Offering your hand, you introduce yourself.
“Tim Bradford,” he replies, shaking your hand kindly. “And you’ve met Kojo.”
“I think Kojo might have done that on purpose,” you whisper. “In which case, he’s a pretty good wingman.”
Tim smiles at you as he agrees, “Yes, he is.”
“Kojo!” you call, setting your bag by the door.
He makes a lot of noise as he runs to greet you, but you still hear Tim’s grumbled complaints.
“Always want to see my dog before me,” he says.
“Hey, without this beautiful dog right here, I wouldn’t even know you and you’d still be devastatingly single.”
Tim rolls his eyes, offering a hand. He wraps his hand around yours, pulling you into his chest and kissing your forehead. Kojo barks, looking toward his leash, which hangs by the door.
“I don’t know what’s worse, that you won’t let me forget Kojo introduced us or that he seems to know,” Tim muses.
“He’s a good boy.”
Shaking his head, Tim clips Kojo’s leash on, holding it in one hand while the other wraps around your shoulders.
Once you're at the park, you sit on the grass beside Tim, watching him and Kojo play. When Kojo gets tired, panting heavily, he walks to your side and lays down, placing his head in your lap just as he did the day you and Tim met.
“Just don’t knock us over this time,” you tell him, laying your hand on his head as you pet him.
“I wouldn’t be completely opposed to it,” Tim hums as he joins you.
“What is Kojo wearing?” Angela asks. “And why is Kojo here?”
“He’s wearing a tie,” Tim answers. “I didn’t choose it, don’t ask. And he’s here because we’re on our way somewhere.”
“You’re proposing,” Angela realizes.
“Yes,” Tim answers as Kojo barks once in reply.
“That is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen and I will never let you live this down.”
“I- I can’t even care right now.”
“Kojo, my handsome boy!” you yell, kneeling so Kojo can run into your arms. “Tim, my other handsome boy.”
Tim asked you to meet him in the park after work, and you’ve been looking forward to it all day.
“Kojo, lead the way,” Tim calls.
You furrow your brows but don’t hesitate to loop your arm through Tim’s and follow Kojo down a path to the bench where you first met Tim. Fairy lights are strung in the tree above it, and while you watch Kojo jump onto the bench, you miss Tim pulling his arm from yours.
When you turn toward him, Tim is kneeling on the path, looking up at you with a small velvet box in his hand.
“Tim,” you gasp.
“This was Kojo’s idea, too, but let me finish before you say anything, okay?”
Nodding quickly, you can’t bring yourself to look away from Tim even when Kojo nudges his head against your hand, arriving at your side.
“Even though I didn’t know what I was missing, meeting you completed me, you completed me. And I will never be able to tell you enough – or thank Kojo enough,” Tim says, licking his lips when he sees the tears in your eyes. “So, will you do me…” Kojo barks again, and Tim adds, “me and Kojo the honor of marrying me?”
Unable to speak, you drop toward Tim, trusting him to catch you as you cling to him, nodding excitedly as tears stream down your face.
“Kojo,” Tim warns.
You laugh when you feel a leash drag across your side. Tim catches him by the collar, bringing him into the hug.
“I love you,” you whisper. “And I love you, Kojo. Thank you, buddy.”
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What do you think it would be like to marry Kurt? Do you think he’d invite everyone he could possibly think of, or one with just his mothers, Rouge and Gambit? Who do you think would be the officiant?
And do you think he’d go all out for it and make it grand, or just leave it it simplistic? Because I feel like he’d want it to be more simple.
And what kind of ring do you think he would like? I think a silver one would go lovely with his skin, like moonlight casting it’s breathtaking image onto a glimmering lake.
I know that he is technically not allowed to get married since he’s a Catholic priest but I need him so badly! :( Oh my gosh I love him so much! 😭😭😭
You know, I think he could do both, actually. Of course, I also don’t really see him going all out and inviting 500 people while renting a massive hall, but I think he’d want to celebrate with family and friends, so here are my thoughts:
There are in fact two ceremonies, one for him, his significant other and his closest people, and one for celebrating with everyone they want to have there.
The first wedding would be a very small ceremony in a small chapel, probably somewhere in a forest in Germany, just with his s/o, Rogue as his "Best Man“, and one other person for his s/o’s Best Man or Maid of Honour (and of course the priest).
It’s just really small and private and intimate and absolutely lovely. They spend their honeymoon in a small cabin in the forest/mountains in Germany, just a week for just the two of them. Just existing with each other. And don’t think that this man won’t worship the ground his s/o is walking on.
After the first ceremony there is not a huge celebration. They maybe go for dinner in a nice restaurant but that’s it.
The second ceremony though…..is a bit more lively.
I’d like to say, that the wedding ceremony was held on the school’s ground, a few weeks after the original wedding ceremony. And since they’re already legally married, it’s all a bit more relaxed.
Honestly, I’m not sure who would officiate the wedding. My first thought would be Xavier, but I think that’s because he gives off this old, wise man vibes, that are stereotypical for a officiant. Now, that I think about it, I actually think that I would love to see Gambit officiate the wedding.
He’s as good as Kurt’s brother-in-law, so I’d like to think that he would do Kurt this favour, because for him, Kurt is family [though he would never say that out loud] and Kurt thinks the same way. And it’s beautiful.
It’s most likely during vacations. Not that he doesn’t love the kids, but he does not necessarily want them all around. Close ones and older ones, sure, but there will be another celebration for that. For this celebration, he sticks with the older ones.
There is a huge pavilion with beautiful arrangements and decorations and Storm makes sure that there won’t be one rainy cloud around for that day.
Kurt cries, when he sees his s/o walk down the aisle [just like the first time]. The vows are more beautiful than on their first wedding (they didn’t really do vows then, because it was just small) and even Logan shed a tear.
Gambit did a splendid job btw. Just like the rest who helped to organise this celebration, so it would be a bit of a surprise for the newlyweds.
The cake is of course chocolate, though not completely, if his s/o does not like it. The dance is just really emotional and Kurt safely leads his spouse over the dance floor. It kind of inspires the others, so there will be a lot of dancing.
Rogue holds a beautiful speech as sister of the groom and Kurt cries silentely, before just hugging her very, very hard.
It’s a long day, but an amazing one, and everybody made sure that the couple got a few more days to themselves in a cabin in Canada (sponsored by Logan) as some sort of second honeymoon.
After the holidays, there will be a summer party with the kids, where Kurt and his spouse will also be celebrated, but not that much.
In General, I think he will do both weddings, just to make sure that 1) he will have a day solely dedicated to him and his partner without too much stress and 2) everybody they care about will have the opportunity to celebrate with them.
However, no matter how the wedding will go, it will be beautiful. I mean, it’s Kurt Wagner, what are you expecting?
He will spend the entire night staring lovingly at his s/o and dance with them, kiss them and constantly call them “My wife” or “My husband” or “My spouse” as well as “Mrs. Wagner”/”Mr. Wagner”/”Mx Wagner”. Kurt just can’t get enough of it!
It’s also very sweet and it shows how much he cares about them.
It’s just a very, very beautiful affair and marrying him is one of the best things anyone could do.
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madamechrissy · 2 months
Up in The Air
♡ ♡ Pairings ♡ ♡ Suguru Geto x Fem Reader
♡ ♡ Warnings ♡ ♡ MDNI- Cunnilingus and fingering, and a lot of Suguru eating reader out bc... it's headcanon Sugu loves to eat it lol.
♡ ♡ Word Count ♡ ♡ 7,657
♡ ♡ Summary ♡ ♡ You have been jilted at the altar by your groom, Mahito, who has led you on for years. Your best friends, Maki and Yuta, suggest to go on this Honeymoon alone, to get away and find yourself again. On the plane ride, you run into a gorgeous man on a business trip, who holds your hand when you say that you're terrified of planes, Suguru Geto. You all fall into easy conversation, and there's chemistry, he makes you feel better than you had in a long time. You think to ask his number, when he realizes that his room has fallen through. Well, you have a big honeymoon suite, and you suggest he stays with you. What can go wrong?
Chapter 2
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Chapter 3
You stretch, waking up with the most beautiful view, sunlight streaming in, you sit up and see the ocean outside, the bright sun, the breeze swaying the trees. It is absolutely stunning… and you’re here… With Suguru Geto, at the thought of that alone you hop up, checking your reflection in the mirror, adjusting your top.
You smooth out your hair, brushing your teeth and washing your face in the bathroom mirror, and your eyes… they’re glittering. There’s life in them, life you had not seen in so long. You feel better, you feel so hopeful, and it’s such a new and foreign feeling that it’s hard to take.
You peek out, and don’t see him, your heart falters a moment, but all his things are there, so you breathe easy. Your fear of abandonment is hard to handle. You go and find your phone, checking on texts from Maki and your mom, updating them and snapping pictures. You tell Maki about Suguru, she demands a picture, you muse on how you’ll do that later…
There’s a message from him.
Your stomach flip flops.
Suguru: Headed to do work things… wish I could just lounge by the beach. You totally should. Dinner at 7?
You squeal, you fucking squeal. Are you fifteen again?
You: That sounds perfect! Where should we go?
He’s typing!
You nibble your lower lip.
Suguru: There's this little restaurant by the marina that is supposed to have the best seafood. Do you like seafood?
You: I am down for that! Yummy!
Suguru: You are.
You’re flushing, sitting down for this, so nervous… was he flirting with you? Fuck, what even was this? Someone desiring you, someone complimenting you, and he happens to be gorgeous. And his fingers…
Your own tremble as you type.
You: You don’t know if I am yet.
Did you just say that? You nibble on your nail nervously, watching the three dots wiggling, freaking out. You take a shaky breath, wondering if that was too far, if it was too suggestive, if…
Suguru: I have a feeling you are. Taste yourself and tell me. If you remember those lessons.
You fall backwards on the couch, covering your face, you’re dying. “Fuck, I need advice.” You call Maki. “Maki, I need you!”
“Oh my god, tell me!”
“Okay… you alone?”
“Just with Yuta. What’s up?”
“Oh god, he can’t hear this, take me off speaker!”
“Okay let me walk out… alright, what is it?”
“Maki… okay… this guy is the dude you said was hot at the airport.”
“Yes and… okay… he got me off.” Maki is squealing now too, you laugh, breathlessly. “Nothing went too far. He just touched me…”
“Oh my god. I’m so happy for you! Just marry him?”
“Maki it’s been two days, chill. Okay, so, he wrote me this.” You screenshot the message, and Maki gasps.
“Ooh, he’s fucking sexy too. Bitch! Okay, snap him a pic of your-”
“Maki, no!”
“Trust me.”
“I can’t!”
“Oh gosh… then, finger yourself and taste yourself? We are really being super close right now, you know.”
“No kidding.” You’re shaking nervously, thighs pressing together. “Okay, just tell him I taste… good? The fuck.”
“Yep, if you won’t do the pic. Hmm, wear a cute bikini and take a sexy pic!”
“I don’t know how!”
“Oh gosh. Video chat.” You get on with her now, flushed as can be, Maki is grinning. “You look like you got off.”
“Oh god.” You cover your mouth, laughing, but then you ease your hand down, his words getting you. “Maki, I really like him, and this is stupid fast.”
“Just roll with it. Okay, put me down somewhere.” You do so. “Now, get on your knees. Perfect, arch those tits out. Now, pick me up, hold me up high. Not that high, yep there. Push em together. That’s the shot!”
“How do you know all this?” You ask, giggling again.
“Don’t ask.” She rolls her eyes with a smirk. “Get to it, girl scout.”
“Wait, what do I say with it?”
“Say… that you wanna know if it’s cute.”
“Okay, bet. I love you!”
“Love you too. Kisses!” She ends the call, and you nervously run to get on a bathing suit, finding the pretty pink one she had packed for you. You slide it on, and get another text.
Suguru: Fuck, was that too forward?
You go take a bunch of photos, sliding through each one, you end up sending three you like to Maki, asking her to pick. She sends back her favorite, and you flush at how your breasts are on full display. You take several breaths, before sending it to him then.
You: I was getting in my bikini, oh my gosh no, not too forward. I totally kissed you on a plane? So I think there’s no such thing.
You: What do you think? Is it cute?
Suguru: Fuck.
You’re giggling now, and then you go to the bed, sitting nervously, leaning back and cautiously running a hand down your tummy, into the waistband of the bikini bottoms, finding your clit, pressing up. You gasp at it, at something that used to feel so wrong, but now, with Suguru’s help it felt good. So good. Not as good as his fingers, of course, but…
You nervously taste yourself, and it’s sweet and tangy, you are surprised by it, and feel yourself heat up, imagining him tasting you. Now you’re stupidly wet again, something that has been going on since you met him. You struggle to compose yourself, picking back up the phone.
Suguru: You look so good.
You smile.
You: Thank you!! Okay… um, I taste good.
“Fuck… I just did that?” You cover your face, sinking back into the pillows, your cunt is slick, aching, just from the thought of him. You’re having fun, for the first time in so long.
The phone blings, and you eagerly pick it up, rolling on your tummy and nibbling on your nail, swiping it open to read it.
Suguru: I am now hard in a meeting with a bunch of dudes. This is awkward.
You snort in laughter.
You: That’s your own fault! You wouldn’t let me take care of that.
Suguru: I’ll be fine. Okay, I’ll see you tonight… and maybe I will find out if you’re telling the truth.
You: Maybe you will. Okay see you soon!
Your entire body is overheated at this point, the cool water sounds more and more inviting. You throw on a cover up and some shades, grab your sunblock and your things, and go to nibble on something downstairs. You notice some men there are looking at you, some have flirted, and it’s flattering maybe, that you’re getting noticed, but you already have no eyes for anyone.
You may be foolish, but you are too eager to see Suguru again than anything, and even if it led to nothing, for the moment he would be all you would focus on. You were a one person girl, even if the last person was total trash, it did not change that for you.
The sand is warm beneath your feet as you stroll along the shore, your pretty room visible as you turn back to see. The waves are crashing rhythmically against the shore, the prettiest bright blue waters, warm against your feet. You find a quiet spot under a palm tree, spread out your towel, and begin to slather on the sunblock, turning on your little bluetooth speaker.
You pop on music, then lay back, letting the sun bathe your skin, it feels so nice and warm, so comfortable. The salty air carries the scent of the ocean, you inhale it, feeling so peaceful, hearing the sounds of the waves and the birds mixing with your favorite music. You had forgotten what it felt like to be so relaxed, to feel so excited about something.
The day drags on leisurely, and soon you head back, and peek in the mirror, you have a pretty glow from the sun, just a little red on your cheeks and nose. You have about an hour or so to get ready for your date with Suguru. You’re nervous, but the excitement is bubbling in your stomach, so you shower, then blow dry your hair, and start to put on makeup.
After getting dolled up, in your towel still, you go over to the dresser, heart fluttering as you peer through all the lingerie. Fuck. Which one?
He mentioned the white one, so you start putting it on, the white lace so delicate and pretty, and it reveals everything, the color of your nipples, the apex of your thighs, hugging your curves. There are little straps along your breasts, pushing them up, and garters attached. You have never seen yourself look so hot.
You decide to slide on a pretty, thin white dress, perfect for the weather, it gave Marilyn vibes, a halter, cinched in skirt, accentuating everything, and there is a hint of that lacy lingerie. You eagerly peek at the time, it’s a little before seven, and you hear him walk in now, closing the door behind him quietly.
“Hey!” You come out of the room to greet him, nervously fidgeting with your hands in front of you, his lips part, his chocolate eyes sliding down your body, caressing it as if it were his very hands. Goosebumps rise everywhere they touch.
“You look amazing.” He says softly, walking to you, holding out his hands. You take them and he makes you spin, whistling, you giggle. “Just gorgeous.”
“You’re too sweet to me. Thank you, Suguru.” You look down shyly, he tilts your chin up, you are breathless, the look on his face so entranced, mirroring your own.
“Let me get ready real quick? I already got reservations.” You nod, smiling, you can’t stop yourself from smiling actually, even if you try to come down to Earth, it’s not working well.
“Perfect! Go right ahead.” He dips into the room, then the bathroom, and you take a selfie for Maki, who replies back with a bunch of heart eye emojis.
After a few minutes, he comes out, dressed more casually than his three piece suit, he had a short sleeve button down, light blue, that revealed much of the corded muscles of his arms. He wore slacks that hung looser over his hips, and your eyes swallowed him in, until they got back up to his face, his hair was fully up, in some little knot, but some fell over his forehead.
“I’d like to see your hair down.” You tease, coming up to him and brushing his hair back. He smirks.
“So bold!”
“I am, huh?”
“I…” He clears his throat, a little pink on his cheeks. “I really liked that picture, I wish I was just on the beach with you.”
You’re blushing too. “That would have been lovely! Does this scare you, Suguru, how easy this feels?” You murmur, holding his hand. His tenses, and you meet his gaze, seeing his jaw clench a bit.
“Yeah. It’s scary as fuck. I’m trying not to look into it too much but, it’s pretty comfortable with you.” He exhales, picking your hand up, kissing it.
“Should I just enjoy it, not look too much into this either?” You ask softly, and he tilts his head a bit.
“You should feel whatever you feel. Don’t hold back just to not scare me away or something. I’m not easily frightened, mind you. If you knew my friends you would understand.” He smirks.
“Maybe I’ll meet them? Fuck, that’s stupid.” You ease back, turning, but he snatches your wrist, coming up behind you. Your pulse races.
“You never know. You might.” His voice is husky.
“You know how to make me feel better.” You smile sadly back at him, as his hard chest is pressed against your back, warmth emanating from him.
“You worry too much.” He kisses the side of your head, at your temple, your eyelashes flutter close in bliss.
“I really do. Sorry-”
“I wonder if I spanked you every time you say that if you’ll stop.”
Fuck you’re wet again.
“Or… if you’d do it to get spanked.” He snorts a bit in laughter, and you glare back at him now.
“You’re cheeky.” You poke at him, turning, he grins.
“A bit. Come on, we can actually just walk there, it’s across the beach just a bit.” You nod, sliding on some glittery sandals, snatching up your purse. “Oh and I’m buying remember?”
“I do! Buying me drinks too?” You wink at him, he grins, and you all step out, arm in arm, walking to the elevator.
“Of course, I’m a gentleman after all.” You’re alone in the elevator now, your mind goes awry, looking down at where your arms were joined up, your hand in the crook of his elbow. “You got color today.”
“I know, I got a little burnt on the face.” He gently touches your nose.
“Should have put aloe on it before we left. It’s cute though.”
“It is? The Rudolph look?”
He shakes his head, rolling his eyes. “You do not look like rudolph. But, you know, he’s cute so.”
“Well thank you.” The elevator dings, and you two walk out the doors, until you’re down on the sand, heading towards the boardwalk.
You walk side-by-side down the boardwalk now, taking in all the sights of the evening as the sun has set. There are stands everywhere, of jewelry, food, paintings, you name it. As you approach the marina, the sweet smell of seafood fills the air, making your stomach grumble.
He laughs at you.
“My tummy tells on itself.”
“Well perfect timing.”
The little restaurant is nestled amongst the colorful wooden boats, all lit up, as a hostess takes you all to your table. There are twinkling lights hanging from the thatch roof above, giving it the perfect beachy vibe. It’s so cozy, with a live band playing local music, everything is wide open and breezy.
Your table is overlooking the marina and the ocean beyond, so peaceful as the evening begins, casting a pretty purple and orange glow across the water. You look at Suguru across from you, sitting your chin in your hand, studying him as he speaks to the waitress, who was fawning over him.
Well, you were too.
The wind is flowing, blowing those little bangs of his, and you imagine him with his hair down, he’d look like some romance cover. Your own hair is in a loose bun with wispy tendrils, that flow, and his eyes seem to watch you then, his lips are moving, was he talking?
“What do you want to drink, Princess?” He asks softly, and the waitress swoons, holding her chest.
“Oh, you’re so lucky!” She tells you. “To have such a man.”
You blush furiously, he just grins, wiggling his brows. “He’s not my man… yet…” He raises his brows now. “But I am lucky, this is totally kind of a date?”
“Totally kind of.” He agrees, his broad shoulders shaking with humor.
“Ah, new love. And he’s so handsome.” She fans herself, her accent is thick, and you nod.
“He is.” You agree, winking at him.
“But, you are so pretty too!” You smile at that.
“Yes, she is.” Suguru agrees, leaning forward, his fingers together, that charming smile and his sexy eyes glowing in the soft lights.
“Thank you.” You murmur, and then peek at the menu. “Can you recommend a good drink?” You ask her.
“Absolutely.” She points out some tropical looking drink with a weird name. You shrug.
“Sounds good.” Suguru orders his drink, he is simple and gets a beer, as they bring the drinks soon you laugh at how wild yours looks, all different colors and a big umbrella and fruit on the top. “Okay, that looks good.”
“Let’s try it together!” You scooch it in the middle of the table, and pop two straws in the glass, leaning forward, his amused eyes narrow as they stare at your lips hovering above the drink.
“All right.” He stands up, hands on either side of the table, and you both sip the frozen drink at the same time. You pause as you two just stand there, hunched over, lips on your straws. He licks his lower lip, so full, now glossy and tempting you, and your tummy clenches in desire from the smallest act.
You were simping bad already, shit.
You clear your throat, licking your lips, and his eyes dart back down there, you wonder wildly if he thinks the same. The part of you that is damaged from Mahito and insecure screams that he couldn’t really, that he just feels sorry for you so he is nice, but this other part? The part that used to be you, the part that Geto brings out? It thinks that you’re pretty hot.
It’s fucking nice, to feel sexy, desired, by someone you would kiss right across this table. In fact, you are both staring at each other, paused, as if you both were in some sort of trance. You reach down to sip again, laying your elbows on the table, your breasts are pressed up, and you enjoy his quick look, lingering just a second.
“Are you teasing me?” He asks softly, tugging on one of your strands of hair that has come loose, sipping some again. You cover your face, nodding.
“I don’t know what I’m doing though.” You admit, sitting back, he sits back as well, legs wide you notice, an arm back over the back of the empty chair next to him.
“You’re doing a pretty good job of it.” You look at the seat, then get up your courage and hop up, sitting next to him. He grins. “A very good job.”
“It feels so formal across from each other, doesn’t it? This reminds me more of the airplane.” He brushes the backs of his fingers along your cheek, and you feel yourself aching for more.
“It does, hmm? Not just an excuse to be closer?” He’s teasing you now, and it works, you’re all red.
“I won’t say either way.” You pick up the menu, and you both start choosing different food, crab legs and shrimp, and all sorts of things. You fall into a comfortable conversation, it was always so easy with him, since you’d met, this whirlwind of meeting someone you could be yourself with.
It seemed quick when the food started coming out, but time just passed quickly around him. The moonlight was already rising along the sky, reflecting in the water, and it got a little chilly with the wind, making you shiver. His arm wrapped around your shoulders, big hand rubbing your upper arm, pulling you a little closer, scooching your chairs together.
You smile up at him, and when his eyes catch yours, your breath catches in your throat. “Thank you, Suguru.” You murmur. He just smiles, and you drink in the sight of him next to you, probably embarrassingly so.
“Of course. I should have brought a jacket with me.” His hand runs up your shoulder, then his eyes drop to your chest, where the lines of the lingerie below were just barely peeking out.
“It’s a beach, of course you wouldn’t think you’d need a jacket, silly. It’s just the breeze.” He hums, thumb playing with the strap on your shoulder now, sending desire through you, hot and heavy. Your hand gently goes to his thigh, and you feel the tense hard muscle underneath.
“Is this…” He breaks off as the waitress comes back, and you tense, but he does not take off his arm, as Mahito would. Mahito had not shown public affection towards you, deeming it embarrassing.
“Dessert?” She asks, and Suguru looks at you then, his hand still firm on your shoulder, reassuring you.
“Would you like any, love?” He purrs those words, they send a shiver through your body. You shake your head.
“I’m so full. But thank you!” You smile to the waitress, and she goes off to get cases for your food and the check. You turn back to look at Suguru then, his gaze is back to the straps of the lingerie.
“Everything okay?” He asks softly, you nod, scooching a little closer, he pulls you against him, so warm, you sink into his embrace.
“You’re not embarrassed of me?” You curse inwardly as the words slip out, as Suguru tenses, glaring down at you with those narrowed eyes now.
“What stupid question is that? Why would I be. Why would I ask you to come out with me?”
“I… because you feel obligated? Or sorry.” You feel tears prick the back of your eyes, blinking them back, and his grip grows tight on you.
“No to both.” He says through gritted teeth, and you immediately feel you have fucked something up. “Is this another thing that happened?”
“I don’t want to keep annoying you with those things. Please, forget I said anything, I don’t want to ruin the night.” You put your hand on his chest, looking at him pleadingly, he exhales, grip on you tight.
“You won’t ruin anything. It’s just a little ridiculous at this point, you’re sitting here looking fucking beautiful, breathtaking…” Your cheeks heat up, your tummy flipping as he studies you so intently. “And you think I’d be embarrassed?”
“It was just what I am used to.”
“I’m not him.”
“Not even close. You’re a man.” You murmur, and his jaw eases just a bit, grip easing as well, sighing. “I don’t think you’re anything like him. Just stupid thoughts, I’m so sorry.”
“I’m sorry that you think that way.” He eases away, and you feel the tears burning again, so worried that you’re so damaged you’re fucking up the one good thing you’ve ever really had happen. You look away, clearing your throat.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom, be right back.”
You ignore him when he says your name, softly, and once you’re in the little bathroom you lock yourself in the stall, feeling the tears start to flow. You curse, yanking toilet paper down, struggling not to fuck up your carefully done makeup.
“Stupid, stupid.” You curse yourself, sighing tremulously, leaning your head into your hands. You’re fucking this up. But how could you just get over everything that’s happened to you?
You stay a few moments, going to the mirror, popping on some concealer to cover where your mascara had smudged from your tears. Suguru had called you beautiful. Breathtaking. And the way he looked to you, you felt that way, you just had to trust this, you had to move on.
Setting your shoulders straight, you walk back out, and Suguru is not at the table anymore, your heart falters a bit when you see him up towards the front, with numerous women gathered around him. You can’t feel anything about it, you barely knew him, and he wasn’t yours, but there was a little odd feeling there, as you see the beautiful women that giggled around him.
You stood there, before slowly walking up, and the women parted. Suguru smiled to you, holding his hand out, and it meant so much to you then, him acknowledging you, looking at you, smiling. You smile, placing your little hand in his own, comfortingly swallowing yours.
“Shall we head out?” You nod. “Perfect, thanks so much for dinner.” He says to the staff, and they all swooned and fawned over him as you all walked out, hand in hand, stepping fully out into the breeze, he looks at you then.
You turn your head, looking up at him, Suguru gently lifts your chin up, wrapping an arm around your waist. You feel yourself heat up at the contact, at feeling his hard, warm body against yours. You shyly look down a bit.
“Look at me.” He orders, silkenly, and you’d do anything he asked, anything he said, if it was like that. You do as he says, eyes meeting his now, your lips parting just a bit. “I’m not upset with you. Promise.”
“You’re not?” Your voice broke just a bit. He sighs, bending down lower, noses nearly touching.
“Not one bit. I just got mad someone made you feel that way. Fuck, I’d be mad that anyone feels this way. But never mad at you.” You exhale, gratefully, nodding and blinking back the stupid emotion.
“I’m so glad. I am having so much fun and I don’t want to ruin it.” He smiles, a little half turn of his lips, thumb tracing your jawline.
“No way, you’ve made everything better.”
“Me?” He nods. “You made everything better.” Your hands go up to his chest, feeling his hard muscles, his steady heartbeat on your palms.
“By what, being here with a beautiful girl? In her fancy fucking suite? While she wears lingerie that’s driving me insane thinking about?” You’re bright red now, and he laughs softly at you.
“I’ve never had so much fun. Please, stay the rest of the time? Even if a room opens up?”
“Of course. I’m having fun too.” He presses a little kiss on your lips, and you wonder if these things only mean so much to you, but for now you shove that thought down, and enjoy his full lips on yours. You moan softly, and he inhales, sharply, easing back.
“Earlier, those texts… they really got me excited. And nervous?” You giggle thinking about it, he grins, easing away now, and you all start to walk. “I’ve never felt like that.”
“You give me too much credit, thanking me for having dinner with you, thanking me for staying, now you’re thanking me for sending horny texts?” You giggle into your hand, then think better, grinning up at him, he pauses on the boardwalk, smiling. “You’re listening huh?”
“You’re a good teacher, you know.” You tease, tapping his lips with your fingertip, he nips it, and your thighs clench together, heat pooling between them. “I think I need more lessons.”
“Oh do you?” His voice is husky, eyes going hooded, you can’t believe you have been so bold.
“Yes, I think I could use one tonight. If you don't need to go to sleep super early? I don’t want to interfere with anything.” You look away, but he stops you.
“Ah-ah.” You peek back up. “I’ll do another lesson, as long as you allow me to see this. It’s been driving me crazy all night.” He murmurs, sliding his fingers under the straps. You nip your lower lip, drawing his eyes to it, you’re growing wet under the lacy panties of the lingerie.
“It has?” He rolls his eyes, sighing, snatching up your hand, continuing your walk back to the resort.
“Yeah.” Was all he said, quietly, and you watch a faint color on his cheeks, making you flush more. “Very much. Is that why you wore it?”
You look down, giggling. “Maybe.”
“Maybe, hmm?” You grin up at him, and he grins back at you, soon you all are back up to the room, you’re taking off your shoes, and he is as well. “I am going to take a shower real quick? Is that fine?”
“Of course! I’ll just get you some towels, hang on.” You murmur, he pauses you then, a hand on your wrist as you are grabbing him towels. “Hmm?”
“Why don’t you…” He trails a hand gently down your straps again, straps he had been teasing all night, backs of his fingers trailing against your sensitive skin, making your pulse race, desire hitting hard. “Get more comfortable?”
You feel everything spinning then, at the deep voice, the suggestion, the look in his pretty eyes. You nervously run a hand along his where it met your skin, rubbing little circles along the back of his hands. “I can do that.”
“Perfect.” He gently kisses your forehead, something you like far, far too much, and heads into the bathroom.
You freak the fuck out.
You text Maki, asking for advice, and then you nervously peek in the mirror as you wait, looking in the mirror, your entire face is pink, a mix of sunburn and being flustered. You nervously take off your dress, revealing the pretty lacy number, snapping a pic and sending it to Maki.
Maki: Bitch you look perfect!
You: Thank you but how do I get… comfortable?
Maki: Get a drink and lounge on the couch, all sexy and shit, I totally believe in you!
You take a breath, doing as she suggested, walking over to the stocked mini bar, deciding to get some wine and pour two glasses. You didn’t know if Geto drank wine, but you wanted to have him something too. You go sit nervously on the couch, positioning your body this way and that, over analyzing everything, trying to look casual, to look sexy…
It ended up being you just leaning against the side of the arm of the couch, legs crossed, and you had thrown on the little sheer mesh cover that hung on your shoulders loosely, not covering anything but it looked so elegant. You hear the water shut off, and busy yourself looking at the phone, trying to control your heated breathing.
This was wild right?
Fuck it.
When Geto steps out, shirtless, your throat goes dry, your heart fucking hammering at the sight of him. It’s not something you could get used to, how perfect he looks, and as your eyes slide up, you see his hair is loose, and soft, fucking shiny and gorgeous. It’s softly falling around his face, making him look even more attractive, and his full lips are parted, staring at you.
You watch his eyes glide up and down your body, your legs, your breasts, until they get to your face finally, and he exhales. You are just sitting there nervously, palms sweaty, you bend over to grab his drink, standing and handing it to him, your fingers brush as you both pause.
“I didn’t know if you like wine?” You ask nervously, he clears his throat then, sitting both of your glasses down, and you frown. “There’s plenty of other drinks, or we could just have water?”
He cups your face gently, bending low, your breaths are mingling, his tasting like mint. “You look fucking…” He trails off, hands trailing down the lace of your lingerie, along your curves. “Yummy.”
You giggle. “Yummy hmm?”
He grins, stepping back and looking down your body. “That fucking describes you perfectly right now.”
You bravely kiss him, on your tip toes, eliciting a moan from him. “Do I taste yummy too?” You whisper, he moans then, and before you know it he’s snatched you up in his arms, you squeak in surprise, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Fuck, you’re super strong.”
“You don’t weigh much. But I do work out.” He teases, and you’ve never been grabbed like this, felt so excited and… safe.
“I see this.” You tease, kissing him again, he is grabbing your ass, moaning, as you wrap your thighs around him, and he’s just carrying you? Like it’s nothing. Until you feel your bed against your back.
“Even prettier on your back.” He whispers, you’re soaking wet now, arching your hips up and whining as he watches you.
“Mmm… Geto…”
“Suguru. Call me Suguru.” He whispers, and you bite your lip, he eases your teeth off it. “You bite it too much.”
“I do, hmm? Well… Suguru, bite it for me.” You whisper, he exhales, gently caressing your face, kissing your lower lip, running his tongue along it, before sucking it into his mouth and nipping it. “Mmnh!”
“Yummy.” He whispers, you moan as he runs his hands down your body, easing off the little mesh top, sliding it off you. His hand grazes the sides of your breasts, thumbs brushing your nipples through the lace. “I won’t go any further than you want to. I promise. You’re safe with me, okay?”
You feel emotion catch in your throat, and you nod, blinking rapidly, holding his strong shoulders in your hands. “I already knew that. I have a feeling you won’t go as far as I want.” You whisper with a smirk, and he laughs a bit, nodding.
“You’re probably right. But I want you to want this.”
“I do, I want this so fucking bad. Like anything you want to give me, or do, I want. Should I show you how much?” You raise a brow, and he nods, you take his hand then, sliding it to where you’re soaked, and he moans as he feels you over your lacy panties, you gasp as his finger grazes your clit over the material.
“Do you just stay drenched?” He murmurs, one hand grabbing your hair, the other stroking your clit, sticky through the fabric.
“This is a new development.” You admit, and he’s kissing you then, drinking in your cries as he tortures you over your fabric, leaving you wanting more, more.
“Hmm… before our next lesson, I should know if you paid attention to the first one.” He pulls back with a teasing grin. You cry out at the loss of contact.
“I did! Kinda.”
“Mmm, let’s see then.” Your mouth is wide open, and he has the biggest grin on his handsome face, picking you up and scooching you further on the bed. You gasp, and he takes your hand, kissing it, then sliding it in your panties. You gasp as your own finger finds your clit.
“Mnh!” You whine, and he eases back a bit, eyes full of desire, hands rubbing up and down your thighs, hooking in your panties.
“May I?” He asks, and you nod, trembling as he bares you to him, and his breath catches when he sees your pussy, slick and shimmering with desire for him, thighs wide open so he could see it all. “Fuck.”
You’re shaking, and feel your chest heaving as he sees you fully, it was something that had not really happened before. You grow nervous, trying to shut your legs a bit, but he spreads them, shaking his head, soft long black hair falling and flowing with the motion.
“Is it okay? I-”
“You’re perfect.” He murmurs, eyes flicking back up to yours, desire heavy in them, reflecting your own. “Fucking perfect little pussy.”
“Yeah?” He laughs a bit at you.
“Yes. You’re… perfect is the only word I can think. And it’s hard to think at the moment.” He takes your hand again, guiding your finger back to your clit, and you rub it, gasping at how good it feels. “You’re fucking beautiful.”
You feel beautiful.
“Th-thank you, Suguru.” You manage, head arching back, hips raising under his gaze, stuck on your cunt like a fucking hawk, flickering his eyes up your body to your face, then back down, his strong hands gripping your thighs.
“That’s it, you have this part down. Now what about sliding a finger in?” He suggests, fucking sexy voice of his like velvet, and you nervously do so, crying out when you slide your own finger in your slippery wet entrance. “Fuck…”
“It’s not as good as yours.” You whine, and he takes your fingers then, bringing them to his mouth, sucking them off, eyes closed, moaning. You gasp, and when his eyes open again, they’re fucking ravenous.
“You taste so good.” He murmurs, then he slides his finger up and down your slit, making you tense in desire, throbbing around him, he slides that finger out and into your mouth. You moan, licking yourself off, then he’s on you, kissing you, his weight pressed on top of your overheated body.
“Mmm! Suguru!” You cry out when he kisses down your throat, to your breasts, and he slides them out of the cups of the lingerie.
“You’re beautiful everywhere.” He whispers, eyes locking on yours when he lavishes a nipple with his tongue, you tense everywhere, the pleasure so good you can’t stand it. “Pretty, perfect breasts.”
“Fuck.” You manage, and he’s kissing lower, your tummy, and you grow even wetter if that’s possible, pulsing around nothing, his silky hair is tickling you, you gently grab it.
“I want to taste you fully.” He whispers, breath against the hood of your clit, you moan at it, hips raising up towards him. He spreads your thighs, and his gaze, seductive as fuck, meets yours. “Do you want me to, Princess, to taste you?”
“Oh please, yes. Please.” You’re begging and you don’t fucking care, he smiles, kissing the hood of your clit, teasing you, then he slides his tongue up your slit, tasting you, and it feels so fucking good you nearly scream. “Fuck! Fuck.”
“You taste so sweet.” He whispers, flicking his tongue up again, spreading your lips apart further, sliding his tongue in your entrance, you do scream now.
“Suguru! So good. So good.” You cry out, tears sliding from your eyes as pressure builds quick, like before, but so much more intense. Your hands grab his hair, pulling him to you, and he moans, vibrating your puffy little clit, and you’re panting, feeling every nerve ending on fire.
“So close already, Princess?” He murmurs, peeking up at you, a mischievous smirk on his face, which is glistening with your desire. You giggle, breathlessly, nodding to him.
“It feels too good.” You murmur, and he grins, kissing your clit again.
“I’m just getting started, love.” You’re surprised at this, but then he’s tilting his head, and holding the hood of your clit up, flicking his tongue on the sensitive bundle of nerves, faster and faster, and you cum hard, so hard, blinding you, gripping the sheets below you, as it rocks you like nothing you’ve know.
“Suguru!” You scream out his name, panting.
“Cum as many times on my face as you want.” He whispers, fingering you then, and you’re rocking your hips against his face, wanton.
“It’s okay?” You whisper. “It’s messy.”
He laughs at you, hot against your aching, oversensitive cunt, thrusting his finger up to that spot that makes you see stars. “I’ll drink it all up, don’t worry, Princess.”
He’s back down there again, using his finger in sync with his tongue, and you’re falling apart all over again, as another orgasm washes through you, hot sticky cum pulsing out onto his hands, onto his face. He’s moaning, and the obscene sounds of him literally slurping you up turn you on goddamn more.
“There you go. Good girl.” He whispers, and now his face is fucking soaked, he licks his lips, grinning.
“You’re really fucking good at this.” You whisper, voice hoarse from how hard you just came.
“I enjoy it. Especially with your pretty, yummy little cunt.” His words bring you up again, as when he slides another finger in you, stretching you out. “Can you take these two, love?”
“I can do it.” You nod, wincing a bit, and he laughs a bit at you, sweetly though, watching you as you adjust.
“You’re so stupid fucking tight.” He is knuckles deep, tilting his fingers up, hitting that spongy little spot over and over, and you’re cumming from just that, making his hand slick as he plays you like an instrument. “So beautiful when you cum.”
“Fucking so good. Mmm.” You lose words, you lose sense of self, and he’s going back down there, you’re not sure you can take anymore.
“Cum one more time for me, Princess. Would you?” He asks, and you whine, brushing back his hair.
“So sensitive. Ah!” He flicks his tongue on you again, you throw your head back in ecstasy.
“One more time, I’ll clean it all up with my tongue.”
“You’re too hot.”
He grins, shaking his head, and then dives back down between your thighs, and his tongue is ravenous, fast on your clit, sucking it in his mouth and humming, and you’re cumming so hard you can’t breathe. Everything fades, your ears are even ringing, your head fuzzy, as you feel so much pleasure it goddamn nearly hurts, cumming all over his face and hand.
He is drinking it all up, tongue lavishing every sensitive inch after you come, he eases up, sucking his fingers of, and licking his lips, as if he could not get enough. He’s so fucking attractive, you’re so sensitive, you sit up weakly, pulling him down, kissing him so deep, tasting yourself all over his soft, firm lips. He moans, returning the kiss, then he’s on you again.
You’re falling into each other as you try to piece yourself back together, your body heaving with the effort, legs trembling how hard you’d come, and he’s kissing you so passionately. His cock is hard and eager on your thigh, you run your hand up and down his abdomen, dying to see it, dying to touch it.
“Surugu, that’s the best goddamn thing that’s ever happened.” He chuckles against your lips, holding himself up on his arms, hand cupping your face.
“You are the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen, cumming, your little face…” He rubs your forehead. “Your brows tense.” He touches your nose. “It scrunches up all cute.” Now your lips. “And you bite the fuck out of this, leaving little teeth marks.” Now he rubs your cheeks. “They’re all flushed. And your eyes…”
“You make me feel so…” You gulp, feeling tears run down your eyes now, he softly swipes them away. “So pretty. Thank you, Suguru.”
“I’m just telling you what I see. It’s the truth.” He kisses your forehead, your eyes flutter shut.
“I’m dumb and feel things. And we barely know each other. Is that stupid?” He pauses, and your eyes meet, more serious now as he studies you.
“It’s not stupid to feel things. But, I just wore you out with orgasms.” You flush at that. “So maybe with a clearer mind we can talk about that.”
“Yeah. Yeah, it’s foggy at the moment. But I do know, you’re absolutely amazing, Suguru Geto. And I’ve never been happier.” You whisper, and watch him tense a bit, looking down at your lips.
“I’m pretty happy at this moment.” He admits, and you exhale, worries shoved back for now of what all this meant. “You didn’t try to reach for my dick hmm?” He is grinning now. You laugh.
“I didn’t know if this was another just my pleasure lesson?” He nods.
“It is. So, good girl.” You moan, and his eyes light up. “You like being called that, don’t you?” You nod, tucking your face into his chest. “I see you’ll be submissive.”
“You think?”
“We’ll find out.” He’s stroking your hair gently, it feels entirely too good.
“I really like you? I’m sorry if that’s weird to say.”
He pauses, it’s quiet for a moment, you tense. “No, that’s not weird at all. I did just have my face buried in your pussy.”
“Oh god!” You both laugh at that, and you look up to him shyly, he’s completely pleased with himself, clearly. “You’re way too good at that.”
“I’m good at a lot of things.” He grinds his cock against you, shocking you, it’s under his shorts but you feel it, huge as fuck and thick, hot and hard. You make a noise from the back of your throat.
“I bet you are.” You whisper, rising your hips up, eliciting a hiss from him. He holds your hips down.
“You tease me.”
“You tease me!” You both sigh, kissing again, and he eases back. “Listen, I’m down for this next lesson whenever.”
“I bet you are. Insatiable little thing.” He sighs, running his hands back down your body, admiring you again.
“Sleep in bed with me?” You flutter your lashes, pouting. He laughs.
“You’re giving me puppy dog eyes!”
“Are they working?”
“Not yet.”
“Well shit.” He shakes his head at you.
“Too hard still.”
“I could-”
“Not just yet.”
“Ugh.” He’s enjoying your torture, smirking down at you, and then he helps you up, on wobbly legs. “Fuck.”
“You okay there?” He winks, and you sigh.
“Fine, totally fine.” You stumble, he laughs as he catches you. “You’re enjoying me being gelatin!”
“Maybe a bit. Let’s get you dressed, you need some help.” You roll your eyes, sighing, and soon he’s exhausted, yawning.
“Need to get up early?” You ask softly, he nods, stretching.
“I’ll be back earlier tomorrow though. We can go to the beach together, if you want to.” He caresses your face gently.
“I would love that.” You cup his face, leaning up. “Thank you so much, that was… well… fucking amazing.”
“You’re very welcome, Princess. I loved it too, so you know.”
“Fuck yes. It’s still a whole problem.” He looks down, and you do too, finding him still rock hard, the outline of him making your sore cunt throb. “Don’t look at it so hungry, freaky little virgin.”
“Hey!” You shove at him, and then you end up giggling again, have you ever giggled so much? Ever?
“Good night, Princess.” He gives you a soft kiss, and you linger for a minute, not wanting to ever leave his embrace. “Sweet dreams.”
“Sweet dreams, Suguru.” You head to your own room, turning off all the lights, and you turn on your side in the bed, staring out at the beautiful waves crashing along the shore.
You feel sleep pulling you quick, those orgasms have sapped all the energy you had, and the thoughts of him between your thighs made you so hot you had to shove off the blankets. Suguru was quietly snoring in the next room, and all you can think is how bad you want his arms around you.
Your feelings are scary and confusing.
You’ve got it bad.
But you’ve never felt better.
Chapter 4
Ao3 chapter:
119 notes · View notes
yellow-computer-mouse · 2 months
fuck it incorrect quotes
Horror: "I lost a bet." Horror: The second-most ominous phrase in existence. Killer: What's the first? Horror: "Let's make a bet."
Horror: I am a ninja. Cross: No, you’re not. Horror: Did you see me do that? Cross: Do what? Horror: Exactly.
Killer: Two truths and a lie, I’ll start! Killer: I’ve killed a man, I will kill again, and it burns when I pee. Nightmare, visibly nervous: I don’t- I don’t like this game.
*Killer is helping Nightmare break out of prison* Killer: Sooo… Does this make us partners in crime? Nightmare: Don’t push it. Killer: Oh my gosh, we can be like Harley Quinn and the Joker! Nightmare: If you don’t stop talking, they’re adding “murder” to the charges.
Nightmare, to Cross: Please, picking locks is my specialty. Nightmare: *throws a brick through the window* Nightmare: Okay, let’s go.
Horror: What’s your biggest fear? Dust: I am incredibly arachnophobic. Horror, under their breath: You don’t want spiders to get married?
Killer: Are you alright? Nightmare: Short answer or long answer? Killer: Short? Nightmare: No. Killer: Long? Nightmare: Nooooooo.
Cross, gently nudging Horror aside with their foot: Horror, move out of the way so I don’t trip on you. Horror, her eyes enormous: You kick Horror? You kick her body like the football? Oh! Oh! Jail for Cross! Jail for Cross for one thousand years!
Nightmare, rushing into the room: It’s terrible, just terrible! I am so upset! Cross: Nightmare, dude, sit down! Tell us all about it. Dust, would you get Nightmare some water? Dust: What is he gonna do with water? Has water ever made you feel better when you were upset? Have you ever heard anyone say, “Thank God, the water’s here!”?
Killer: Cross, we tried things your way. Cross: No, we didn't. Killer: I did it in my head and it didn't work.
Cross: You spent all our money on THIS?? Dust, putting tiny raincoats on ducklings: They live outside. They need this.
Cross: Okay, who's turn is it to give the pep talk? Horror: It's Dust's turn. Dust: Don't die. Killer, wiping a tear away: Truly inspirational.
Killer: How do ethical philosophers feel about murder? Cross: Well, it’s frowned upon. Killer: Okay, but what if the reason you want to murder someone is to make your life easier? Killer: That’s okay, right?
Dust, holding in their laughter: Hey, how do you ask a glass of water what it’s doing? Nightmare: A glass of water is an inanimate object. Therefore, it's incapable of having a thought process or understanding basic human language. Dust: Dust: Water you doing?
Killer: And here we see Dust and Horror in their natural habitat. Texting each other variations of the word "garlic bread" to try to make each other laugh. Dust: Gaelic bread. Horror: Grueling brad. Dust: Ha ha, glamorous beans.
Dust: Fuck capitalism. It's a rigged system that keeps us poor and it isn't fair. You shouldn't need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities. Dust, playing Monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win you should have tried not being poor.
Nightmare: Have I ever told you that I love you with my whole heart? Dream: For the love of all that is holy, I am not taking you to McDonalds. It’s 2am! Nightmare: Mean.
Nightmare: You're alive. Dream: There's no need to sound so disappointed.
Nightmare: I got an idea! Dream: Does it involve breaking the law? Nightmare: By now don’t you think that’s a given? Dream: I was just trying to be optimistic. Nightmare: Don’t bother.
Nightmare: Why is it that I always lose things as soon as I need them? Dream: Actually, it's not that you lose things when you need them. You lose them a while before. It's just that you LOOK for things when you need them. Nightmare: Okay yeah thanks Dream, that's great but WHERE'S THE FUCKING FIRST AID KIT?
Nightmare: Hey, thanks for checking in, I’m ✨still a piece of garbage✨
Error: I think I should be allowed on ghost hunter tv shows. Blue: I think that would be dangerous for the ghosts.
Nightmare: We’re going to defeat you with the power of friendship. Dream: We’re not friends. Nightmare, holding an axe: We’re going to defeat you with the power of incredible violence.
Nightmare, writing in his diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands.
Nightmare, holding a kettle: Coffee or tea? Dream: Tea. Nightmare: Wrong. It's coffee.
Nightmare: I failed my safety training course today. Dream: Why, what happened? Nightmare: Well one of the questions was "In case of a fire, what steps would you take?" Dream: And? Nightmare: Well apparently "FUCKING LARGE ONES" isn't an acceptable answer.
Ink: Welcome to my very first vlog, in which I try different hair products! Ink: *sprays hairspray in their mouth* Ink: Well, right off the bat I can tell you this one is not very good.
Nightmare: I won a new phone in a race. Dream: Huh? What kind of race lets you win a phone, Nightmare? Nightmare: A race between the store owner, the cop, and me.
Dream: Why are you on fire? Nightmare: This is just how my day is going.
Nightmare: You know, I used to play back in my gory days. Dream: You mean glory days? Nightmare: Ah, that too.
Blue: I trusted you! Error: Why?
Ink: Well, needless to say. Uh-oh Spaghetti-os.
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corruptedcaps · 3 months
Issy stared at her reflection in the cracked mirror above the sink. She sighed. Another day at her dead end job, another day of feeling like she was going nowhere. Her days were bad but at least her nights were better. At night, she had Fred.
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Fred was her light in the darkness, a kind man who treated her with a gentleness she hadn’t known in years. They had met through a dating app of all things but regardless of how they met, she couldn't have been happier with Fred. His daughter was a different story.
Amber was an 18-year-old whirlwind of disdain, she seemed to make it her mission to torture Issy whenever Fred wasn’t around.
"You know he's never going to marry you, he'll eventually get tired of you and date someone else."
Issy just grinned and bared it, knowing that soon Amber would head off to college and wouldn’t be as much of an issue. Issy still tried periodically to connect with her, wanting to find some common ground but nothing seemed to work.
One night after slaving away making a nice dinner, Issy pushed open Amber’s bedroom door to tell her it was ready.
“Ugh don’t you knock?” Amber said with a roll of her eyes. Issy was about to leave when she spotted a stack of old books near the door. Picking one up she flipped to rough its worn pages.
“Did you used to read these? They were my favourite growing up.” Issy said trying to make yet another connection.
“Yeah I read them when I was like 5, that’s what I’m throwing them out. But by all means take them, they’re written for babies and losers like you.” Amber said with a sneer as she pushed past Issy and left the room.
Frustrated and hurt, Issy grabbed another book from the shelf. “I wish my life was like a fairytale.” She muttered to herself. Suddenly, the book flew open, and a burst of magic erupted from its pages, filling the room with a blinding light.
Issy watched in awe as their modest home transformed into a grand castle. The magic swirled around her, wrapping her in its embrace. She felt a rush of exhilaration as her clothes began to change.
“Oh my gosh! It’s coming true! I’m becoming a fairytale princess!” She said smiling to herself but her clothes weren’t becoming white, they were becoming black and tight. The years fell off of her as her features sharpened, her lips grew fuller, her tits larger, her waist thinner, and her hair turned jet black.
Realization dawned on her, she wasn’t becoming a princess, she was becoming an evil queen. The changes felt too good to resist, and she embraced the darkness, letting it corrupt her soul. As the transformation completed, she noticed the book had changed too. It was now a dark magic spellbook. Issy smirked, feeling a newfound power surging within her.
“Perfect. Just like me.” She mused coolly.
Taking the book in her hands she set off to find Amber, the tables were about to turned. After all, she had to play her role as an evil stepmother now.
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m1ssunderstanding · 8 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day 18
Staring John Lennon, as that kid I should’ve been nicer to in first grade who always smelled like PB&J and was never to be seen without his pokemon cards
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The dancing is really too cute. They’re just absolutely giddy. Making each other laugh AND an excuse to touch? John and Paul’s heaven. 
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John saying he was too excited after yesterday to go to bed. Like a fucking kid on christmas.
Everybody is serving today. While the candy-land suit is fun, I actually just love that vivid purple so much that I think it’s better without the coat over it. Billy looks extremely suave and classy.  And those red polka-dots on Ringo. Red suits him, and I think with his very frank, masculine aspect, he looks so beautiful and bold in feminine fits. Paul and John are both just wearing what they wore yesterday. Yeah. But John is still a cutie, and Paul, well, you all know.
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The advice chain about finishing a song while you’re working on. Paul → John → George
Paul honestly does a great job being supportive of George and his work. Coming over and grooving with him, then hopping on drums then guitar (right-handed, may I add). Just to give George musical atmosphere to flesh out his song and start thinking of arrangement ideas, I assume. Then letting him bounce ideas around. And the whole time being overly-enthusiastic to build George up. Look how happy George is with the love and attention. 
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John helping move some equipment in. We love a man who sometimes doesn’t think he’s too good for manual labor. 
Yes, clean that homeless man’s palm sweat off your instrument. Probably smart. 
TFW you made Paul McCartney jealous of your musical abilities. 
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John really knew so well when to be his little impish self and when to be hard and intimidating. Exhibit A, going from, “Can we have our microphones, oh, mister, can we please?” to “And get one for Billy too.” In a matter of seconds.
George Martin stepping in when they’re all getting panicky about the sound and they need an authority figure to reassure them in ways that someone like Glyn Johns never could. Just, perfectly cool and collected, puts everything right as they’re all shouting at him like school children who’ve just had a terrible time in PE. 
“Believe me, when I tell you.” “Oh, I do.” Oh, good. He did put it in. That’s nice. Right, and this is the moment Yoko decides to tell John her divorce has come through and pull him in for a big smooch. Honestly, it just shows how threatened she feels by Paul. Nevermind her whole, “good thing Paul isn’t a girl or he would have been a great threat,” quote. Clearly, he just is a threat regardless of sex.
And then John, “I’m freeeee.” At Paul. Honestly, the amount of things they direct specifically and aggressively at each other that should’ve just been general statements if there wasn’t some weird thing between them. It’s really something. Normally, you’d announce something like that to the whole room. But it seems John specifically wants to impress upon Paul that he and Yoko could get married right now if they wanted to. I mean, it’s a little difficult to make the point, because John and Paul almost aways seem to be talking only to each other. But through the whole discussion of Yoko’s divorce, John does not take his eyes off of Paul. 
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Oh my gosh, Ivan Vaughn is here? How many emotional support boyfriends does Paul need to make up for John having Yoko? Glyn, Linda, George Martin, Dennis, Robert Fraser, and now Ivan? Fuck’s sake, Yoko, you’re a powerful woman.   
Paul’s Strawberry Fields piano. Let me be as vulnerable and broken as possible in my singing, since I can’t show you any other way that you’re killing me. Do you remember this song? That you wrote when we were at the height of our partnership only two years ago? How happy we were then? How beautiful the world seemed for that one brief moment? And John can’t look at him, because, yes he fucking remembers and yes he knows he’s hurting Paul. But for whatever reason, (my theory is he wanted something more Paul couldn’t give him. What that was and whether it was ever specifically vocalized I don't have a guess) going back to that time would be more painful to John than this has been.  
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So they’ve been goofing off and Paul gives this little speech to get them back on task. “Alright Chawn Love. I’ve gotta call order, John, now, valuable time, here, son. Cool down, son.” But John’s response, “Don’t let me down, babe” completely switches Paul’s gears. He now thinks it’s important enough to get in this little snatch of a *meaningful* cover, “Take these Chains from my Heart,” reversing the course of productivity he’d got them on and ignoring the fact that they were about to do a take on two-shilling-a-foot tape. My interpretation of this moment is a bit tin-hatish and long, but suffice it to say, John is not happy with the message.
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Everyone convincing Paul to do another take of his song is surprising, considering everything we always hear about how Paul was a tyrant task-master who just forced everyone to keep doing his lame muzak over and over when they all clearly hated it. Mal, “You can always go back to it.” Paul, “Do you want your head kicked in?” John, “We’ll never get a chance to do it again.” Paul, “Okay, honey bunch. Let’s hit it one time, tutti-frutti.” 
Yoko watching Paul check out her boyfriend’s ass. Classic. Also the fact that she literally copied his outfit? I get so much second-hand embarrassment for her, and it’s not when she’s being a weirdo and a statement-maker. It’s the having to physically stick the gum you were offering your boyfriend into this hand because he won’t take his eyes off his boyfriend for two seconds to look at you. 
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Everyone laughing at Perfect Paul being out of tune is so funny to me. Like when the nerd finally gets a question wrong and the whole class is all “ooooohhhh!”
Ringo having a grand old time on the drums. I love that he just knew that’s what he wanted to do from such a young age and he never wanted to do anything else. And why would he? He’s a genius at it.
Paul. “John’s got something at 1:30 and so have I.” Smirk emoji. Side-eye emoji. George is with me. “Yeah we've got something too. I’ll do Ringo at 1:30.” I'm dead.
This moment right here hurts me. Paul’s enjoying a nice cuddle with Ringo until he remembers the camera. You’re not going to get in trouble for having your friend’s arm around your shoulders, Paul. Why are you like this? 
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the-winter-spider · 30 days
But Daddy I Love Him Pt: 4 | B.Barnes
Word Count: 3kish
Warnings: physical abuse
A/N: I wanna say this will follow bucky & Steves story line in the MCU but im not going to write eveeeerrything that happens, you’ll just have to see what i mean!
Ugh hopefully they can get married before the war 🙄😇
Im going to be adding the year to the chapters because were about to do a back and forth with time jumps soon!
May 1943
You could feel their eyes on you, burning into your back as you turned the apple over in your hand, examining it. The hushed whispers reached your ears, and the hairs on the back of your neck stood up at the mention of Bucky’s name. You glanced at the ring on your left hand, a small smile tugging at your lips before you turned slightly, catching their eyes. Fake smiles appeared on both of their faces as they made their way toward you.
“Y/N! Hi! We missed you at brunch!” Sarah’s high-pitched voice rang out, dripping with false cheer.
“Yeah, I wasn’t hungry,” you replied, keeping your tone neutral as you placed the apple into your basket.
“Mm,” Hannah hummed, exchanging a quick look with Sarah. “Well, that’s not quite what we heard.”
You tilted your head slightly, resting your left hand on the basket to give them a full view of the ring. “And what did you hear?”
Their eyes zeroed in on the ring, and they gasped. “Oh my gosh! I heard about Tom, but I didn’t think it was true after what Dot said!” Sarah squeaked out.
“Oh, thank God. Dot’s going to be so happy James is still on the market,” Hannah added, a hint of relief in her voice.
Your eyes met Bucky’s across the store. He gave you a questioning look, silently asking if you were okay. You gave him a pleading look, desperate for an escape from this conversation.
“This isn’t from Tom,” you said flatly.
Their eyebrows knitted together in confusion before realisation dawned on their faces as Bucky approached. His arm slipped around your waist, pulling you close before he planted a kiss on your cheek. “Hello, ladies,” he greeted, his voice smooth and calm.
The shock on their faces was almost comical. Sarah’s mouth opened and closed like a fish, while Hannah looked like she was trying to process what was happening.
“So… you’re the one who put that ring on Y/N’s finger?” Sarah finally managed, her voice a mix of surprise and envy.
Bucky smiled, his gaze never leaving yours. “Sure am. And it’s going to stay there.” He glanced back at the women, his tone polite but firm. “Anything else you were wondering about?”
They exchanged awkward glances, clearly thrown off by Bucky’s presence. “No, we just… didn’t know,” Hannah stammered.
“Well, now you do,” you said, leaning into Bucky’s embrace. “If you’ll excuse us, we’ve got some shopping to finish.”
You were almost out of earshot when you heard Sarah mutter, “What a mess.” Your body tensed at the words, but before you could react, Bucky’s voice was in your ear, low and soothing. “Not worth it, darlin’,” he mumbled, his hand tightening gently on your waist, guiding you further away from the encounter.
As you walked together, Bucky leaned down, his breath warm against your ear. “You okay, doll?”
You nodded, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. “Better now….thanks for rescuing me.”
He chuckled softly, the sound vibrating through you as he pressed a tender kiss to your temple. “Always, sweetheart. Always.”
You continued through the store in comfortable silence, the tension from earlier slowly melting away. Bucky kept close, his presence grounding you. Every now and then, his thumb would brush against your side, a small gesture that reminded you just how much he cared.
As you reached the checkout line, Bucky looked down at you, a soft smile playing on his lips. “You know, they’re just jealous,” he said, his voice casual but with an edge of protectiveness. “People like them don’t understand what we have.”
You glanced up at him, feeling a surge of warmth in your chest. “I don’t care what they think. I just… I just want us to be happy.”
Bucky’s smile widened, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “We are happy, doll. And nothing they say or think is gonna change that.”
You paid for your groceries, and as you walked out of the store, you felt lighter, more at ease. Bucky’s arm slipped around your shoulders, pulling you closer as you stepped into the sunlight. The world outside felt brighter, and with Bucky by your side, the whispers and judgments from others seemed insignificant.
“Let’s head home,” Bucky said, his tone gentle. “I’ll make us lunch before work, and we can forget about the rest of the world for a while.”
You smiled, leaning into him as you walked together. “That sounds perfect.”
As long as you had Bucky, the rest didn’t matter.
Bucky and Steve both had jobs. Bucky after he finished his training was supposed to not work in order to soak up every minute before he got deployed but that of course changed after he asked you to marry him, because he now he wanted to take of you and make sure you had everything your heart desired so he was working odd jobs. You told him he didn’t have to, you had some money saved up so you would be fine but he told you he insisted. You understood that, you really did, but were you ever bored, when Bucky was away training and Stevie was out working you were never this bored waiting on them. But things are different now. Before, you’d spend your days shopping, lounging by the pool, tinkering with things in your room, or hanging out with friends—or people you thought were your friends.
Now, all of that was off the table. Not that you’d trade being engaged to Bucky for anything; that meant everything to you. But the boredom of waiting for one of them to come home? That was going to be the death of you.
You had already cleaned the place twice over, and the items you brought back from your trip home with Steve were neatly put away. Now, you were just sitting on the couch, leg bouncing restlessly as you stared at the clock, willing it to move faster. Spoiler alert: it didn’t.
“Oh, screw this,” you muttered to no one in particular after five whole minutes of waiting. Grabbing your purse, you marched to the door, your hand hovering over the handle when you heard footsteps just outside. You froze. Neither of the boys were supposed to be back for at least another hour.
Three loud knocks echoed through the door. You didn’t move. A moment later, the knocks came again, harder this time, followed by a voice that made your blood run cold. “I know you’re in there, Y/N!”
You knew who it was from the first knock, but hearing his voice confirmed it. Your father. Your hands shook as you backed away from the door and grabbed the telephone. You dialled the number Bucky had given you for emergencies, praying it would connect quickly.
“Hello!” a voice boomed through the receiver.
“H-hi, um… is Bucky there?” you stammered.
“He’s busy, working. Who’s this?”
“His fiancée.”
There was a brief pause before the voice softened slightly. “Bucky’s fiancée, huh? You want me to give him a message?”
“Can you tell him my father is here?”
You could hear the confusion on the other end. “Are you in trouble, miss?”
Your breath hitched as you saw the door handle jiggle. He was trying to pick the lock. “Just tell him, please,” you whispered, before hanging up.
The door clicked open, and you took a deep breath, straightening your dress and fixing your composure. A glance at the ring on your finger gave you a sudden surge of confidence. You could do this. You had to.
The door creaked as it swung open, revealing your father in all his imposing glory. You tilted your head, meeting his gaze with a steely look of your own. “Breaking and entering? Not a good look for a Stark.”
He smirked, his eyes narrowing as he stepped inside. “I see Bucky’s already rubbing off on you,” he said, his tone dripping with disdain. “But let’s not pretend this is a surprise, Y/N. You knew I’d come looking for you.” You could see his eyes wandering around the apartment, judging with pure disgust.
You crossed your arms, standing your ground. “What do you want?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” His smile faded, replaced by a cold, calculating expression. “You’re coming home.”
“I am home,” you shot back, voice steady despite the fear clawing at your insides.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. “This little rebellion of yours ends now. You think marrying some low-life, poor labourer, wannabe solider is going to protect you from me?”
Anger surged through you, rising from your toes to your chest, until it boiled over. You lifted your right hand, making a fist before extending your pointer finger at your father. “You don’t talk about him like that! He’s anything but…he’s a wonderful man… I love him!”
Your father let out a harsh, sinister laugh as he loosened the tie around his neck. “You don’t know the first thing about love. They always told me having a daughter would be a handful. I told them no, not my daughter. She’s a Stark—she knows better than to act up.” He stepped closer, his voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. “You’re making me look like a fool!” His voice boomed, echoing through the room as his hand shot out, gripping your right forearm painfully tight. He yanked you toward the door. “I’ve had enough of this foolery.”
“Stop! Y-you’re hurting me!” you cried, trying to plant your feet, but he only tightened his grip, dragging you forward.
“Good,” he hissed.
Desperation flooded you as you clawed at his hand with your left, digging your nails into his skin. His head snapped back to you, eyes blazing. “Stop it, Y/N! I swear to—” His voice halted abruptly as his eyes landed on your engagement ring. His grip shifted to your left wrist, squeezing it hard as he yanked your hand up to inspect the ring. “What the hell is this?”
“I’m engaged,” you spat back.
“To who?”
“Bucky,” you said, voice trembling.
His nostrils flared, rage twisting his features. He reached to rip the ring off your finger, and panic shot through you. “No! Stop!” Fear and adrenaline surged as you did the only thing you could think of—you bit his hand, hard, drawing blood. He roared in pain and shoved you away with force. You stumbled backward, crashing into the entry table, sending everything on it tumbling to the floor.
“FUCK!” he seethed, holding his bleeding hand. “You stupid, stupid girl.”
“P-people know,” you stuttered, trying to hold back tears as you scrambled to your feet, your body trembling from the shock.
That caught his attention. His eyes narrowed, panic briefly flickering across his face. If people knew, word would spread fast, especially in New York. His control over you would slip away.
“Who knows?” he demanded.
“Sarah and Hannah Jones,” you managed to say through the tears. The thing about the Jones’s was that they were gossipers.
“Marty’s daughters?” he asked, dread creeping into his voice.
You nodded, tears streaming down your cheeks. He stared at you for a long, cold moment before spitting out, “You’re dead to me.” With that, he stormed out, slamming the door behind him. The force of it knocked pictures off the walls, sending them crashing to the floor.
You collapsed onto the ground, sobbing, your body shaking uncontrollably. Your arm and wrist throbbed with pain, already bruising from his grip. The ache in your lower back from being shoved into the table only added to the agony. You were left alone, surrounded by shattered memories and broken pieces of your life.
The good memories of your father had officially been tainted. The stained glass pedestal you once placed him on had already begun to crack, but this—this shattered it entirely. The man who had once been your hero, the father you had looked up to, was gone. In his place stood a stranger, someone who saw you as a possession to control, not as a daughter to love.
You tried to steady your breath, but the betrayal, the pain, it was all too much. The tears came harder, your sobs echoing in the empty room. The weight of it all was crushing, suffocating, as you realised just how far he was willing to go to maintain his grip on you.
Suddenly, the door burst open again, and Bucky rushed in, his eyes wild with worry. He dropped to his knees beside you, gathering you into his arms. “Sweetheart, what happened? Are you okay?” His voice was laced with panic as he looked you over, taking in the bruises already forming on your skin.
Relief washed over you at the sound of his voice, but when you tried to speak, the words caught in your throat, replaced by another sob.
Bucky’s expression shifted from worry to fury as he took in the scene—you shaking on the floor, the shattered items on the floor, and the lingering fear in your eyes. He crouched closer, his touch infinitely gentle as he cupped your cheek, his thumb wiping away a tear.
“Doll, what happened?” His voice trembled with barely restrained anger. His eyes searched yours for some sign that you were okay, though he knew you weren’t. He reached for your shaking hands, taking both of them in his, and brought them to his lips, leaving soft kisses over your knuckles.
You tried to speak again, but the fear and pain were overwhelming. Instead, you slowly lifted your bruised wrist, showing him the damage. His gaze darkened, and his jaw clenched as he carefully cradled your hand.
“He did this to you?” His voice was low, dangerous.
You nodded, fresh tears spilling down your cheeks. “He… he came here, Bucky. He tried to… I didn’t know what to do…”
Bucky’s grip tightened, but his touch remained gentle as he pulled you into his arms. His embrace was firm, protective, as if shielding you from the world. “You’re safe now,” he whispered, his lips brushing against your hair. “I’m here, and I won’t let him hurt you…. I should have been here, I’m so sorry i wasn’t here”
You buried your face in his chest, letting the warmth of his embrace soothe you. The tremors running through your body slowly began to subside, though the pain and fear still lingered. For a moment, the world outside faded away, leaving only the steady rhythm of Bucky’s heartbeat and the safety of his arms.
After a long moment, he pulled back slightly, just enough to look into your eyes. “We need to make sure he never comes near you again,” he said, his voice steely with determination. “I’ll talk to Steve, and we’ll figure something out”
“I need to talk to H-Howie,” you whispered, your lip trembling.
Bucky nodded, his thumb gently wiping away your tears. “Whatever you want, darlin’.”
Before you could say more, Steve’s voice echoed from the doorway. “Buck, what did I tell you about shutting the—what happened?!”
His voice was laced with panic as he took in the scene: shattered picture frames, a broken vase, the overturned telephone, and your purse and keys scattered across the floor. But what concerned him most was the sight of you, trembling in Bucky’s arms.
You couldn’t bring yourself to look at Steve. Embarrassment and shame flooded your chest, suffocating you. The last couple years you’ve been having issues with your Father, you’ve been able to keep the boys out of it, but twice in a week was too much and now it felt like your problems were a burden, weighing down on Bucky and Steve when they already had so much to deal with.
“Bucky?” you asked quietly, ignoring Steve’s worried gaze.
“Yes, doll?”
“I-I think I want to lie down for a bit, is that o-okay?”
Bucky’s hands gently cradled your face, his eyes soft and full of understanding. “That’s more than okay.” He shot a look at Steve that said, I’ll tell you later, then stood up, helping you to your feet.
Steve’s eyes followed your every move, his jaw tightening when he saw the bruises darkening on your arm. Steve had always hated bullies, and seeing you like this made his blood boil.
Bucky wrapped his arm around your waist, holding you close as he guided you toward the bedroom. His presence was comforting, a steady anchor in the storm of emotions swirling inside you. You leaned into him, grateful for his unwavering support.
As you reached the bedroom, Bucky helped you sit on the edge of the bed. “I’ll be right here, sweetheart,” he said softly, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “Get some rest. We’ll figure everything out.”
You nodded, exhausted both physically and emotionally. Bucky’s reassuring words were like a balm to your soul, and as you lay down, the tension in your body began to ease.
He pulled the blanket over you, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead before stepping back. “I’ll be right back,” he promised.
Before he could leave, you reached out, grabbing his hand. “Stay… please,” you whispered.
Bucky’s eyes softened even more. “Of course, doll.” He kicked off his shoes and lay down beside you, pulling you into his arms. You rested your head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart, letting it lull you into a sense of safety.
As you began to drift off, you could hear Steve’s low voice outside the room, talking to someone on the phone. You knew he was taking action, ensuring your father wouldn’t come near you again. For now, though, you focused on Bucky’s warmth, letting it chase away the lingering shadows of fear.
In his arms, you finally allowed yourself to breathe.
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enjoythesilentworld · 2 months
Simon's Month - Venezuela
day 16 @youngroyals-events gosh how has it been 16 already
Simon finally gets to take Wille to Venezuela. Or, more Married!Wilmon on Caribbean Beach vacation.
read below or on ao3 (M, 1.9k) (cw: implied sexual content)
Simon is aware of his slight neuroticism about beach vacations. He knows he gets a little too excited about the wildlife and the activities, gets a little too distracted by finally being by the ocean again and having Wille with him at the ocean. He loves Wille, so much, and he loves getting to show him the beauty of the Caribbean. Sometimes, though, he spends so much time showing Wille things that he forgets to look back at Wille, to slow down and enjoy their time there, wanting to bounce from thing to thing, absorbing as much as possible.
Simon is also aware, however, of Wille’s slight neuroticism about Simon on beach vacation. He does not miss the way Wille looks at him, all heated glances over sunglasses and lingering touches under the waves. Oh, does Simon notice. Wille loves Simon at the beach, and Simon is well aware of the effect it has on his husband. It’s much more fun to pretend he doesn’t, though, to see how long Wille will last before inevitably snapping and cancelling their plans for the day to take Simon to bed. That is so much more fun than any excursion could ever be.
Over the years, they’ve found a happy medium, a place to meet each other in between Simon’s urge to do all-of-the-things and Wille’s desire to sit and relax. Before their first ever trip together to Venezuela, Simon told Wille that he’ll probably be very excited and distracted but to not take it personally. Simon just loves his family.
“I mean,” Simon had said, placing both of his hands on Wille’s, “you’re part of my family now, too, which is wonderful. And, of course, I’m going to introduce you to everyone, and I’m not going to, like, ignore you all week. I’m just saying that we won’t be able to sneak off to the bedroom all the time. Keep your hands to yourself. I know how you get when I’m—” he waved his hands around in a general gesture, “—sandy and whatnot.”
Wille chuckled and rolled his eyes. “You know, I can control myself. I promise not to ravish you in front of your family just because you look so good in swim shorts.” He smirked, leaning forward. “Even though, you do look really, really good in swim shorts.”
“Oh, yeah?” Simon purred, tilting his head to rub his nose against Wille’s, a breath of air between their mouths. “Well, we better get it out of your system before we go.”
He cackled when Wille tackled him back into the bed, packing for their trip put off just a little longer.
It is absolutely incredible to have Wille in Venezuela. It almost doesn’t feel real, putting two things together that had always been separate in his mind. 16-year-old Simon would’ve never expected to see Wille standing in his grandparents’ kitchen, helping his aunt prepare dinner. They’ve just arrived and Simon has already fallen more in love with Wille at seeing him get along so well with his family.
What past-Simon hadn’t anticipated — the one who’d told Wille he would need to keep it in his pants this week — was how much it would affect Simon to see Wille in Venezuela, getting along with his family. Simon has seen Wille at the beach plenty of times. Simon has seen Wille chatting quietly on the couch with Linda, has seen him riding horses with Sara. Something about him here, though, in this place that’s always felt like his real home more than Sweden ever did, with his extended family—
Well, Simon should’ve been giving the lecture to himself, because suddenly he can’t seem to keep his hands off of Wille.
He manages to do fine for the first day. They’re pretty exhausted from the flight anyway, so it’s a lot of sitting around and talking, sipping on cool drinks. Wille does an impressive job fielding everyone’s questions, with the grace of a prince but the relaxedness of an ex-prince. His casual confidence, the way he turns to Simon occasionally to ask about his pronunciation of a Spanish word, it all gets Simon a little hot. That evening, though, jet lag hits them, and they practically fall into bed, asleep the moment their heads hit the pillow.
The next day is lovely, but it tests Simon and his resolve. It’s a chill beach day with the whole family, and while Simon is immediately sprinting out to the water the moment they arrive, Wille stays behind to help Simon’s grandpa and uncle set up the tents and chairs. When Simon exits the water a little while later, Wille is sitting with a soda bottle, laughing and exchanging stories with them. He’s already got a few more freckles (Simon knows, he keeps a close count) and he looks so relaxed, and Simon needs to be near him right this second.
He grabs a piece of watermelon from the cooler, thanking his grandma with a kiss on the cheek, and plops himself down in Wille’s lap. Wille smiles distractedly up at him, turning back to his conversation, but, out of second nature, both of his arms wrap around Simon’s waist. Simon sits, happily listening to Wille stumbling through speaking Spanish and watching his little cousins play in the sand.
Halfway through his watermelon slice, he offers it up to Wille and is very pleased when the man leans forward to take a bite. He’s even more pleased when a bit of juice runs down the side of his face, and Simon gets to wipe it up.
When there’s a lull in the conversation, Simon pulls Wille up and takes him out into the water, holding him close in the waves. They swim out and stop just past a sandbar, where the water is a little calmer, and Simon clings to Wille like a starfish. Far enough from his family now they’re probably not watching them too closely, he attaches his mouth to Wille’s neck, hands roaming.
“Simon—” Wille gasps, his grip on Simon’s hips tightening slightly in shock. “You can’t—”
“I can,” Simon quips, biting into the crook where his neck meets his broad shoulder.
“Oh my God,” Wille says, but it’s not breathy or anything like what Simon was aiming to draw out of him. He pulls back and finds Wille staring off into the water. Then, Wille — the heathen — takes a hand off Simon to point at a large school of yellow fish swimming past them. “Look at them! Simon! Do you know what species they are?”
Simon sighs, drawing back. “They’re Grunts.”
Wille doesn’t make a single joke, which feels like a crime. Instead, he smiles cheerily, “We should go get some snorkels. Your grandma said there’s a few in the bag.”
He’s already releasing Simon and beginning to swim back towards the shore.
“I can make you grunt,” Simon mumbles under his breath, then follows after.
They go on a tour around town the following day. Simon holds Wille’s hand, watching Wille as he gazes, wide-eyed and ecstatic, at every single historic building or street market his aunt points out.
The man is being so fucking nice to his family, and it is really getting to Simon. While it is wonderful to have Wille walking down the streets he has vague memories of from his childhood, Simon also wishes this tour would speed up just a little bit so they could maybe steal away to their room before dinner.
“He seems really excited to be here,” his grandma observes quietly, sidling up next to Simon. He tries not to jump, quickly swallowing the heat rising in him. “He’s such a good man. You picked well, mi amor.”
Simon looks up at Wille, squeezing his hand once. Wille glances back and grins at him, squeezing back, then quickly turns to ask another question.
“Yeah,” he breathes, “I did.”
When they stop to duck inside a shop owned by Simon’s uncle, Simon holds Wille back and tugs him into the small alley between buildings, pulling him into a kiss. Wille makes a quiet noise of surprise, then melts into it, hands coming up to grab Simon, just as Simon intended. Too quickly, though, Wille is pulling back.
“Simon, baby,” he whispers, pushing a few loose curls off Simon’s forehead. “As much as I’d love to do this, I don’t think this is really the time or place.”
Simon groans, but steps back. “Fine.”
“I love you,” Wille smiles, kissing his forehead. “Let’s get you a cold treat, yeah?”
A small smile creeps on Simon’s face. “Yeah, okay,” he concedes, giggling as Wille guides them out of their shady hideout.
The fourth day is torture. They spend most of the day at the beach again, and Simon feels like he’s about to lose his mind.
Wille’s hair has already started to look extra bleached from the extra sun, his skin beautifully sun kissed, and — because he must hate Simon — he’s opted to wear the a-little-shorter-than-normal purple swim shorts Simon got him for his birthday last year.
Simon sits in his beach chair with his older cousins and aunties, sipping on a drink and watching Wille through his sunglasses, trying to keep his tongue in his mouth. When Wille exits the ocean, saltwater dripping down his toned chest and stomach, shorts ridden up ever so slightly to reveal strong, muscled thighs, Simon’s cousin whistles lowly from beside him.
“Hey,” Simon glares at her. She chuckles and shrugs.
“You can’t blame her, chico,” his aunt says. “I mean, he’s very sweet but… Look at him.”
“That is my husband.”
“Yeah, well,” says his cousin, “your husband is hot as fuck.”
She yelps when her mom reaches out to smack her, and Simon turns back to look at Wille. The man, the bastard, has settled in the sand with the young kids and is helping build a sand castle. Simon is going to kill him.
Later that evening, a few hours after dinner when everyone has scattered to different areas of the house, Simon finds Wille in the middle of a card game with a few of his relatives.
“Wille,” he says sweetly, “can you come with me really quick?”
“Oh,” Wille glances between Simon’s hand on his arm and the cards in front of him. “Now?”
“Yes, please.”
“Okay,” he says to Simon, then looks back to the table. “Sorry, I’ll be right back.”
No, Simon thinks, you will not.
Wille apologizes to the table again, then lets Simon pull him up the stairs.
“What’s up, love?”
“I—uh, I lost something in my suitcase.”
The angel he is, the moment they enter their bedroom, Wille heads to Simon’s suitcase. “What’d you lose?”
Simon shuts the door behind him and locks it. “Nothing.”
Wille turns around, confused.
Before he can ask further questions, Simon is on him, tackling him back onto the bed and capturing his lips in a rough kiss. He’s pleased when Wille immediately kisses back, tangling his fingers in Simon’s hair.
“You,” Simon breaths between kisses, “are so good to my family,” then starts to nip and lick at Wille’s jaw and neck. “They love you.”
Wille lets out a soft moan when Simon bites that one spot on his neck.
“I love your family. They’re being—uh—so kind to me.”
Simon starts on the buttons of Wille’s shirt, dropping his hips to settle more firmly into to Wille’s lap.
“Okay. Enough about my family,” he snips, kissing down every new inch of Wille that is revealed as his fingers fly across the buttons.
“What happened to keeping our hands to ourselves?” Wille asks, trying and failing to sound innocent, because his words are broken by moans as Simon finally reaches the zipper of his pants.
Simon chuckles. “I made the rule. I’m allowed to break it.”
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firehose118 · 2 months
thank you for writing let the world we dream about be the one we live in now the fandom really needed this fic. and also the fandom should really read this fic.
Oh my gosh thank you!!! 🥰🥰💕💕 sorry for writing a small novel here but I have some strong feelings about this! I hope you don’t mind.
That fic is one of my favorite things I’ve ever written honestly. Immediately post-7x06 there were sooooo many fics where the Buckley parents were homophobic towards Buck and it just didn’t sit right with me. Writing/reading about defending against homophobes can be healing but like… why does there need to be homophobia in the first place?
These are complicated characters with complicated pasts and relationships to each other. I am far from a Buckley parent defender but I also refuse to be a basher. They’re imperfect. They traumatized their kids. They’ll never fix that or make up for it truly, but they’re trying to be better going forward. Maddie and Buck both want them in their lives. We can like that or dislike that, but that’s a canon fact.
It’s taken me a while to come around to this but a central theme of 9-1-1 is fucking up irreparably and having to move forward and try to do better anyway. Bobby is the tentpole character for this theme, but we see it with Tommy and (soon) Eddie and, controversially, the Buckley parents. If you reduce the Buckley parents to their worst actions, you have to do the same for these other characters. If you extend these other characters grace, you have to do the same for the Buckley parents. Because they’re trying.
I know fandoms increasingly want characters to be good or bad with no nuance or complications, but that’s not how life works. It’s very juvenile. It flattens the themes of this show. You don’t have to like the Buckley parents. I don’t. I think the show handled their redemption arc poorly. But to hang on to hate and vitriol over past mistakes made out of grief and pain when the characters are intentionally trying to be better just feels petty. And we’re all adults here, right?
Also I just want Buck to be happy. His sister got married, he has a great boyfriend. Why can’t he have a strained and awkward and touchy yet generally positive relationship with his parents too? He just wants to be loved!!!!! Let them love him!!!!!!
Anyway for anyone who doesn’t feel like clicking through to the fic (though please do! Please please do!) here’s a distillation of these feelings in this fic:
Buck could be angry about the past, about being treated like an inconvenient piece of furniture his whole childhood, about having to hurt himself just to get their eyes on him; and still, to an extent, he is. He’s burned off the worst of the fury about it over the last few years, but he knows it will never truly go away. A gaping hole in your chest doesn’t close just because the people who put it there apologize.
He could be angry about the present, about being confronted firsthand with a side of his parents he’s never seen come so easily before. It could have always been like this? And they just never tried? I wasn’t worth trying for? But Buck knows better. The people standing in front of him now are no more the people they were five or ten or thirty-two years ago than he is. They are, all of them, very different people now. His parents will always be griefstricken just as he will always be angry, but they have started to heal for him. They have only gone to therapy and begun processing their loss in order to have a relationship with him. They’re trying for him.
So Buck chooses to be optimistic about the future. He will never forgive his parents for his childhood. He will never forgive them for abandoning Maddie to Doug when they were in a position to know a lot more about her situation than he was. But he is also happy that they want to be in his life moving forward. Both things are true.
His parents are making amends; admitting fault. They are acknowledging his pain and working earnestly to make up for causing it. And Buck intends to let them.
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lovebaela · 6 months
Chapter 2: Winter is Coming
prev l masterlist l next
Pairing: °❆⋆Bran Stark x Targaryen OC .ೃ࿔*:・
CW: fem!oc, mostly fluff, and mentions of murder.꙳·❅°*˖
Rating: Mature audiences - The mature moments will happen later on. In the beginning, it will mostly just be cute fluff.⋆⁺₊❅.
(a/n) hey guys, I finally finished the masterlist so please check it out! I also recently made a ao3 account and I’ll start posting this series on there as well so stay tuned 🤍
Dividers by @sylasthegrim
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Once the Stark boys came back, Bran said he wanted to show Rhaella something. He took her to the kitchens to show her. To her surprise, there were puppies! “Oh my gosh!” She gushed. “Bran, they are adorable!” He picked one up saying, “This one is mine! I haven’t decided on a name yet. They’re direwolf pups! There’s enough for all of the Stark children, even Jon!”
He handed the little pup to Rhaella. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get you one. Maybe, we can share mine!”
The pup licked her cheek. “I’d like that!” She giggled. She turned to Arya. “Did you name yours?”
“Sure did!” She said. “Her name is Nymeria!”
Sansa scoffed. “The name of mine will be Lady. She’s going to be well behaved and good like me.”
Arya rolled her eyes.
Robb lifted up his pup, examining it. “I think I’ll name mine Greywind.”
“That’s so cool,” Bran said, jealous.
Rickon played with his pup. “I’m going to name mine…Shaggydog!” Everyone thought that was an odd name, but didn’t say anything, fearing that they would hurt the boy’s feelings.
The preparations continued for the King’s arrival. During Rhaella’s free time, she liked exploring Winterfell and interacting with the people. Although it took a while for the people to warm up to her, she was eventually called Winterfell’s delight. She was quite similar to Bran. A loving and outgoing child.
In the courtyard, Bran was receiving history lessons from Maester Luwin. Rhaella and Arya were waiting on him to finish, doing each other’s hair. Rhaella liked teaching Arya how to braid. She looked over at Bran, who was already glancing over at her. They both waved at each other until Maester Luwin wacked Bran on the head. “You need to focus,” the Maester said. The girls laughed.
“I think he’s really starting to like you.” Arya said.
“Really?” Rhaella asked.
“Are you kidding? He’s always staring at you. And don’t tell him I told you this, but after the first dinner you had with us, he told me you were very pretty.”
That made Rhaella blush. Does he really like me? Arya could just be teasing. We both agreed to just be friends. I wonder if Robb thinks I’m cute? If only I were older I would’ve been married to him instead.
After Bran was done, he decided to go climbing the castle walls. Rhaella didn’t feel like going with him, so she stayed by Lady Catelyn’s side. Bran’s direwolf pup also followed her around. He was growing at a rapid speed. Lady Stark was quite stressed making sure everything was perfect. Especially since the Lannisters were coming.
“Brandon!” Lady Stark yelled, as they walked outside to the courtyard.
“I see the king!” He shouted. “He’s got thousands of people!”
“Get down here right now!”
Once he gracefully made his way down his mother said, “how many times must I tell you, no more climbing! Promise me!”
Bran looked down at his feet and then answered, “I promise mother.”
“I noticed something, you always look at your feet before you lie…”
Bran chuckled, not denying it.
“Go let Ned know the king is close.”
Bran took Rhaella’s hand and they took off with their direwolf chasing behind them.
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The stark family stood in a line as everyone else stood behind them. Jon was to the left of me while Theon Greyjoy was to my right. The gates opened for the King to trot in with his horse. Following him was his king’s guard and a boy on horseback. That must be his son, the prince. The blonde haired boy smiled at Sansa, and she smiled back at him. One knight hopped off of his horse, and took off his helmet. He had to have been the most beautiful man Rhaella’s ever seen. He had long golden blonde hair with emerald green eyes. “Jaime Lannister, the Queen’s twin brother,” Arya said, before Sansa hushed her.
“I heard the prince was a royal prick,” Theon whispered. He, at a young age, was sent to Winterfell by his own father, Balon Greyjoy. He made the terrible mistake of crowning himself king of the iron islands and starting a war. After their loss, Theon was sent away to Winterfell to be Lord Stark’s ward. Theon always viewed himself as a prisoner.
Then, came in the carriage with the Queen inside. She exited out of the carriage, looking slightly annoyed.
“Where’s the imp?” Arya asked Sansa.
“Please, just shut up!” Sansa asked.
We all bowed before the king and Queen as they made their way to Lord Stark. The King said hello to every member of the family. He made eye contact with Rhaella. She stiffened, not knowing what to do. “My king,” she said, curtsying. He gave a simple nod, and went about his way into the crypts with Lord Stark.
“Wasn’t so bad, was it?” Jon said, messing with her hair. She let out a relieved sigh, “no, thank goodness.”
Lady Stark had Rhaella, Arya, and Sansa get ready for the feast together.
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“The prince is so handsome…” Sansa said, blushing. “I can’t believe the king wants me to marry him! Can we marry now or do we have to wait?”
Her mother stopped brushing her hair, “gods Sansa, your father hasn’t even made a decision yet!”
She turned to her, “please tell him to say yes! It’s all I could ever want!”
Lady Stark nodded, “we’ll see.”
Arya rolled her eyes, “not everything is about boys.”
Rhaella finally finished making her dress. The dress was a delicate light blue with a beautiful dragon embroidered on the neckline.
“That looks amazing!” Arya said.
“Thanks, learned from the best,” Rhaella replied smiling at Sansa.
“I suck at making my dresses…” Arya said.
“You still look very beautiful,” Lady Stark said. “You all do.”
Rhaella made her way to the Great Hall for the feast. She had to sit with Jon and the stable boys. “I like the dress,” Jon said. “Made it yourself?”
Rhaella nodded with a smile. Jon’s wolf, Ghost, laid his head on Rhaella’s lap.
“I guess Ghost likes it too,” Jon laughed.
“Do you boy?” She asked the white direwolf as it wagged its tail. Ghost was the runt of the litter and albino with red eyes. Jon named him ghost because he barely makes a sound.
Everyone watched as the Stark family entered the great hall one by one after the King and Queen. A few of them walked in with the King’s children. Robb with Princess Marcella, Sansa with Prince Joffrey, and Arya with Prince Tommen. The feast finally began.
Rhaella noticed Queen Cersei looking at her. Lady Catelyn gave a little nod, hinting her to come over. Rhaella took a deep breath and made her way over. Once she was before them, she curtsied. “My Queen, my Lady,” Rhaella said.
“Why aren’t you a precious thing?” The Queen asked. “Rhaella, isn’t it? Surely, a beautiful thing like you shouldn’t be hiding in the North, where it’s cold.”
“T-Thank you, my Queen! You look very beautiful yourself.” Rhaella smiled. The Queen had long gorgeous golden blonde hair and emerald green eyes. She truly was a sight to see.
“And your smile, like the sun entered the room and exploded,” the Queen added. “You’re free to go, and would you be a dear and tell Sansa to come over?”
Rhaella didn’t know how to feel about the last compliment, but curtsied again before walking away. Sansa was sitting with her friend Jeyne Poole, giggling and whispering. “Sansa,” Rhaella said. “The Queen wants to speak with you!” Sansa’s eyes lit up with joy, “Really, she wants me?” She quickly got up from her seat and walked over to them. Rhaella sat back down with Jon. “What did she want?” He asked, lifting his eyebrow. “Nothing really,” Rhaella replied. “Nothing bad, thank goodness.”
As everyone ate their food, Rhaella looked up at Arya. She had a mischievous look on her face. What will she do? She scooped a piece of pigeon pie, and aimed it at Sansa. She flicked the pie at her, hitting her cheek.
“Arya!” She shrieked. “She always does this!”
Robb picked Arya up and took her to her bed camber as the whole room laughed.
The musicians started to play their music, inviting everyone to the dance floor. I’d like to dance a little, but who would ask me?
୭ ₊ Bran ˚.
Bran watched as men brought their lady partners to the floor to dance. He felt a hand rest on his shoulder. “You should ask Rhaella to dance,” Robb said. “I think it would make her very happy.”
“She is your betrothed after all,” Theon added, teasing Bran.
Bran’s cheeks went red, “s-stop teasing me! What if she says no?”
“Believe me, she wouldn’t,” Robb said. “Besides, you should never be afraid of rejection.”
Easy for you to say, all the girls love you, even her…
Bran nodded and got up from his seat. He walked over to Rhaella, offering his hand, “Gaomagon jaelā naejot lilagon lēda nyke?”
She smiled and nodded, “Kessa!”
They both made their way to the dance floor, and began to mimic the moves of the pairs. “The dancing lessons really paid off,” she said. Bran agreed, “yeah! We’re doing good!”
The two of them continued to dance. “Bran, I think everyone is watching us!” She whispered. He glanced around the room. She was right, everybody was watching, even the king. “Don’t worry about them, just focus on me,” he told her. Everybody began to cheer for them, including the other Starks.
“That’s my brother!” Robb yelled.
That’s so embarrassing…
Rhaella laughed, making Bran blush.
୭ ₊ Rhaella ˚.
Once the song was over, Rhaella and Bran went back to their seats. Where’s Jon? She hopped off her seat and searched for him. She walked outside to find him training with his sword. “There you are,” Rhaella said. “You missed me and Bran dancing!”
“Don’t worry, I saw you two before I left outside. You both did great.” He said.
“I wish you could have danced with us.” She admitted.
They both heard another song playing from inside. Jon placed down his sword, and offered his hand, “well then, my lady, may I have this dance,” he asked, in a silly voice. Rhaella laughed and accepted. They both danced until the song was over. Rhaella and Bran went to Arya’s bed chamber to read another Targaryen story before going to bed. Arya set up a tent with her blanket so they could lay on their bellies on the floor. “We didn’t finish the dance of the dragons!” Arya said. “We left off on the part where Prince Jacerys went to Winterfell.”
Rhaella began to read from the book, “well it says here that he met Lord Cregan Stark, who also lost his younger brother. Jacerys reminded him so much of his sibling that they formed a brotherhood and they made the—”
“The pact of Ice and Fire.” They heard a voice say. All of a sudden, the blanket was yanked from above making the children scream. “It’s just me,” Lord Stark said. “All of you should be sleeping you know.”
“After this part of the story.” Bran said. “Please?”
Their father chuckled, “alright then, the pact was made between them to show the North’s support for the blacks during the dance. The Prince said once he’d have a daughter, she would marry Cregan’s son.”
“Did it happen?” Rhaella asked.
“No, the Prince died shortly after during a battle.” He answered.
Arya frowned, “so the pact was never fulfilled?”
“I’m afraid not,” he said messing with her hair. “That’s what war does, nothing but destruction and death. I despise it.”
“Imagine what it was like to have a war with that many dragons,” Bran said. “Maybe I don’t want to imagine it.”
Lord Stark agreed, “the poor dragons were the key ‘weapons’ in that war, nearly wiping all of them out.”
“And now they’re all gone.” Rhaella said.
“Perhaps they are,” he said. “Now, time for bed all of you.” Bran and Rhaella left the room and went to their own.
The next day, the girls had embroidery lessons with Princess Marcella. Nearly the whole time Sansa was giggling and whispering to her friends Jayne and Beth.
“What’s so funny?” Arya asked. “Tell me what y’all are giggling about!”
“The prince,” Sansa blushed. “He was very handsome at the feast. He even stared me.”
“I’m sure he also saw you get pigeon pied to the face,” Arya snickered. “Besides, Jon said he’s a spoiled brat.”
Sansa rolled her eyes, “Jon is just jealous that he is a bastard and not a prince!”
Arya and Rhaella gasped.
“Sansa, that’s so mean!” Rhaella said.
“It’s the truth,” Sansa said. “And I will be queen someday.”
Arya grabbed Rhaella’s hand, “let’s go see what Bran is up to!”
They made their way into the courtyard. They found the Stark and Baratheon boys together. Bran and Tommen were heavily padded with wooden swords.
They called for him and waved. “Good luck brother!” Arya yelled.
As the two boys were fighting, everyone could sense the tension between Robb and Prince Joffrey. They were smack talking each other the whole time. Their fight would certainly be interesting.
“I wish we could do that,” Arya sighed. “It would be fun!”
Rhaella agreed, “yeah, but alas, we are girls. Some books I’ve read said that outside of Westeros there are places where women are allowed to do anything men can.”
“I’d like to go there sometime.” She said.
“Same here.”
Tommen fell to the ground as Bran held his wooden sword at him. Wow, Bran would have made a great knight of the kingsguard, Rhaella said to herself. Then I showed up and ruined everything…
When it became dawn, the King and Lord Stark were leaving for a hunt with Robb and Theon following them. Bran and Rhaella watched as they trotted away on horseback. Lord Stark looked at them to wave goodbye. They smiled back and watched as the party left.
“My father will be hand of the king,” Bran said. “He’s leaving to King’s Landing tomorrow. He’s going to take us with him. Mother didn’t want me to go, but father thought that I could calm down the feud between Joffrey and Robb.”
“Did he mention me?” Rhaella asked. As scared as she was of the king, the Starks truly had become a family to her. She didn’t want to lose them.
“I asked father, they are still making a decision.” He said. “I’m sure the king will say yes. You are my betrothed after all.”
Bored, Bran and Rhaella explored Winterfell’s castle. They visited the stables where Hodor, a large and tall man, attended to Bran’s pony. Hodor was truly a mystery. All he ever said was ‘Hodor.’ No one knows why.
“I’ll have to leave him behind,” Bran said as he looked at the pony. Rhaella turned to Bran and noticed water in his eyes. She held his hand, whispering, “hey, it’s going to be okay.”
Bran sniffed, “sorry, I shouldn’t be crying. Boys don’t cry.”
“Everyone cries, Bran,” she reminded him. “There’s no shame in that.” She knew he wouldn’t believe her, but it wouldn’t hurt to try comforting a friend.
“I don’t know if I’m ready to leave,” he admitted. “This is my home. My real home.”
There was that word again, ‘home.’
Where’s my home?
The stable boys noticed the Stark boy crying and began to snicker. “What a baby!” One of them laughed. “Shut up!” Rhaella shouted. “That ‘baby’ is more important than any of you will ever be!” She grabbed Bran’s hand and they both took off.
The two children grew bored again, thinking of what to do next.
Bran gave her a mischievous smirk, “you wanna go climbing?”
“Bran, your mother said no!” She reminded him. “And I don’t feel like climbing right now…I’ll just watch.”
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His direwolf pup began to chew on his shoe. “Come on you!” He told the pup. They found an abandoned tower in the distance. Bran pointed at it, “I’m going to climb that one!” Once they got there, Bran started climbing. Never once had he ever fell from climbing. Never.
Once Bran made it to the window, he looked confused. Before Rhaella could ask if something was wrong, she saw Bran get dragged in by a hand. Without thinking, she began to climb herself up the tower. She was halfway there until Bran was pushed from the window. She swiftly grabbed his hand, “hang on.” She held on as much as she could. “We’re going to fall!” He shouted. Her fingers began to slip from the wall. “We’re going to be okay—” she started to say until her fingers completely slipped off the wall. They both held onto each other as their bodies hit the ground. Everything went black.
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“Ser Ilyn, bring me his head!”
Confused, Rhaella woke up in a crowd of people. They were all shouting at someone. She turned to where they were all facing and gasped. It was Sansa, the Queen, and Joffrey with his kingsguard. Except, Joffrey wore the crown of the king. Is this Kingslanding? “No!” Sansa yelled. “Please don’t do this!” Lord Stark was being executed! Rhaella wanted to shout, but she couldn’t. No! The knight drew out his sword, and lifted it up. Rhaella turned away, covering her eyes, before seeing his head get sliced off. What is going on?
“Dany, please!” A voice begged in fear.
She removed her hands to investigate, only to be in a completely different spot. She was inside a tent with many men and women. She knew it wasn’t Westeros due to the majority of people having darker skin with unfamiliar accents. There Viserys was, on his knees as two other men restrained him from moving. “A crown of a king,” The tall man said. He held a pot of melted gold over Viserys’ head and poured it over him. He screamed in agony until he could no longer say anything. His head slammed to the ground. He was dead!
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“He was no dragon.”
Rhaella turned back to see Dany. She showed no emotion whatsoever after what just happened.
“Fire cannot kill a dragon,” she said, staring at his lifeless body.
There was a loud screech from the sky, startling Rhaella. Once she looked up, she couldn’t believe what was there before her. It was a dragon! The scales of the creature was a beautiful deep shade of blue, with a lighter shade going down its neck and under its wings. The dragon opened its mouth, letting out blue flames at her.
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Rhaella let out a small groan. Her vision, at first, was blurry. All she could hear was a gasp.
“Gods be good!” A familiar voice exclaimed.
“My…lady?” Rhaella asked.
“Yes, sweet girl. It’s me.” She said.
Rhaella tried to stand, but she was weak.
“No, you need your rest.” She said. Rhaella could tell Lady Stark was relieved, but not completely. Bran was still sleeping in a bed next to hers.
“How long has it been?” Rhaella asked.
“A couple of days.” She answered. “You were in a coma.”
Rhaella’s stomach let out a vicious growl. She didn’t realize how hungry she was.
“You poor thing, all we could give the both you was honey and water while you were sleeping,” Lady Stark explained. “I’ll have someone bring food from the kitchen.”
“I tried to not let go,” Rhaella explained. “I was holding onto his hand while gripping the wall with my other hand.”
“Do you remember anything else before that?” She asked.
“Well, all I remember was him falling from the tower. He could have been pushed, but I didn’t see…”
That made Lady Stark want to ask more questions, but Rhaella didn’t have a lot of answers. They all left. Lord Stark, Sansa, Arya, and Jon. Rhaella didn’t even have the chance to say goodbye. That made her sad. She wanted to cry, but refused to let any tears fall.
“Whoever did this to you will pay,” Lady Stark said coldly. “I promise you that.”
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Taglist: @lover-of-books-and-tea
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ackermancurse · 10 months
Prompt List
Tell me the truth or I will walk out that door and I won’t come back.”
“Y-you love me?”
“Maybe we could go on a date or something.”
“I waited for you for hours!”
“You just took my breath away.”
“I wish I could stay here all day.”
“Keep singing please I love your voice.”
“I bought you a bottle of my cologne/perfume so whenever you miss me you can just spray it on something and it’ll be like I’m there.”
“I like your name but my last name would sound so much better with it.”
“So you’re telling me that this was all apart of your big plan?”
“How about I kiss you here and here and…”
“Lucky for you I make a mean fettuccine alfredo.”
“The plane just left… it’s too late.”
“Stop sending me mixed signals!!”
“Even when we were kids I always kicked your ass!”
“I love your smile and how I can make you smile.”
“You’re such a dork.”
“Is that my sweater?”
“Damn you look sexy.”
“If you actually cared how I felt then you would show me.”
“Do we have a deal?”
“If you can look me in the eyes and tell me that you feel nothing between us then I’ll stop and leave this alone.”
“Just leave me alone.”
“They make it look so much easier in the movies.”
“Give me a reason to not turn around and leave.”
“Are you jealous?”
“Shut up and kiss me.”
“Can’t you see that I’m in love with you?”
“Hey I need you to be my fake boyfriend/girlfriend for a family dinner tonight!”
“I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“Just wondering but uhhh what are we?”
“Don’t do that again I was worried out of my mind.”
“You can’t just scare people when they’re walking alone in an alley oh my gosh!”
“What’s the surprise?” “Well if I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise now would it?”
“Forgive me please I don’t know if I can handle you being upset with me.”
“Join me in the shower?”
“You owe me a kiss.”
“Would you just hold still please?”
“I’m not even gonna lie I love this.”
“Let’s go skydiving!”
“You’re drunk.”
“We’ll make the distance work I promise.”
“Stop being a tease!”
“I uhhhh locked the keys in my car.”
“Do you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you?”
“One day we’ll get married and have kids of our own.”
“We’re stuck in the middle of nowhere.”
“I’m a helpless romantic.”
“Why are we whispering?!!”
“I can’t believe I get to wake up to you every morning.”
“That’s my favorite bra.”
“You’re not alone, I will always be here for you.”
“Did we seriously just match?? Are we a couple that matches clothes now?”
“Happy Anniversary.”
“You’ll eventually fall in love with me, mark my words.”
“You gave me a hickey??!!!?”
“Stop doing that.” “Doing what?” “You know that thing where you look at me and give me butterflies.”“Did I just turn you on?”
“C’mon dance with me.”
“You know how in the movies when everything goes in slow motion before the kiss? That’s how I feel everytime I’m about to kiss you.”
“What’s wrong love?”
“Okay hear me out... What if we have sex?”
“Can you play with my hair please?”
“I need a massage and a glass of wine right about now.”
“Try me.”
“Are we back in middle school?? Just tell me already!”
“It’s simple, you help me with my homework and I’ll give you kissing lessons.”
“Is that… lingerie?”
“That was my best pickup line!”
“Hey calm down I’m here, I got you, slow your breathing.”
“Let’s just forget that never happened.”
“Nice of you to drop in.”
“I’m so unbelievably stressed and I can’t handle it anymore.”
“Don’t leave me please.”
“Do you have a daddy kink?”
“Looks like that study session went well.”
“I’ll always be your biggest fan.”
“Wow I didn’t think I could fall even more in love with you.”
“Me sarcastic?? Never.”
“Is that a cut on your forehead??”
“I can easily go without sex for a month.”
“S/He’s my best friend, nothing has changed.” “Well I can tell the feelings you have for them have.”
“C-can I hold your hand?”
“This song always reminds me of you.”
“If only I could kiss you right now.”
“I have to make this right.”
“You’re a little sunburnt.”
“What if I told you I felt the same way?”
“Just kiss me already.”
“Focus on me alright? Just keep your eyes on me.”
“The smell of coconuts and vanilla reminders me of you.”
“Let’s just say I’m the best girlfriend/boyfriend ever.”
“I cannot wait until we get on that roller coaster!” “We???! So all of a sudden you speak french now?! I am not going on that!”
“We’re meant to be together and you’re too scared to admit it.”
“Never have I ever been in love with best friend.”
“Guess I have a way with words.”
“It’ll be like we’re Bonnie and Clyde!” “You do know they die in the end right?!” “Can’t you ever just let the analogy work for once?!!”
“Are you flirting with me?”
“Just please be my best friend right now, not the guy/girl I just confessed my love to.”
“Why haven’t you kissed me yet?”
“You’re such a brat!”
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corvase · 2 years
when in doubt fake a marriage! prompts
feel free to use:)
“let’s get married.” “… ok…” “OK????”
character a kneeling down like “will you ma—“ and character b like “get up.”
rather than strangers to fake lovers, best friends to fake lovers or coworkers (!!!) to fake lovers
what if one of them just put up a tinder account solely for attracting someone to beg them to be in a fake relationship with them
“we need a reason, though. my parents won’t be too approving of us living together if—“ “what if we got married?”
“what’s the timeline?” “let’s say we met.. nine months ago.” “woah… suspicious.”
how well do they work together? do they like each other? hate each other? indifferent? and if so, what makes them begin to see the other in a new light?
they’re at an event together and one offers the other food not knowing they’re allergic so now they have to explain why their spouse wouldn’t know their allergies
they choose to get married because both their families are pressuring them
they choose to get married because they need that requirement for a certain benefit, etc
“why do you keep looking at me like that?” “no reason… the dress is just.. you’re just…” “i mean, it was from party city, but thank you.”
“thank you for thinking of me… even if this isn’t real.”
a sudden “what if we got married?” and a “…… it scares me that that was the first solution you could think of.” response
the first time their called by the others’ last name
“oh my gosh i just lied to your parents. i never lie to parents. i feel sick. they were so kind.” “breathe.”
“oh. you got me flowers. wow.” “you are my spouse, aren’t you?”
“does this mean anything to you like… truly, at all?”
the moment they walk down the aisle and neither are in love just yet so they’re both thinking “i can’t believe this is my life🙁”
“let’s pretend to be married.” “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND????”
a confession like “i love you.” and a blank stare in response so they go “no like, for real. like actually. like i genuinely love you.”
“sorry… my family can be a bit much.” “no, i love them.”
“ok but how do i explain to my fake husband that i want him to be his real wife who got married with real vows and stuff?”
one character whispering to the other while they’re asleep, “i want this so badly to be real.”
the wedding night… i won’t elaborate
the first time they kiss and why… how is it explained away? is it even acknowledged?
“i want to marry you, for real.”
“i think you’re the most radiant person i’ve seen ever. i’m glad i married you.” “the first or second time?”
a scene where they discuss the logistics; are they actually legally getting married? if so are they living together? splitting bills? what about transportation? consider all these things :)
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peggingprowl · 18 days
oh gosh. i think you accept drabbles like mychlapi does sometimes? oh gosh if this is weird just delete it i may die of embarrassment bc i never like… talk abt smut ever. but you might be the only person who understands My Thots and i’ll otherwise explode so
Tarantulas. and Prowl. they’re gonna try again. you know. make some Springer 2.0s but now while antagonistically and lovingly married and also. yknow. less test tubes and more closer to how organics do things. but both their sparks are kinda busted right and it’s better if you have all the forge business and the sparkbudding business going on in the same frame so uh
so they ask First Aid. and that’s a good fit because he’s a little freaky but also he’s been visiting to dabble with Tarantulas’s lab stuff together so it’s not even that weird to ask and he’s supportive and says yes. and. well. i’m going to die of embarrassment! but okay
Aid. is kind of into pretending to be a science experiment, sometimes. soooo he and Tarantulas get silly with it and that’s a good time. and then Prowl is actually kinda chill when he’s relaxed and having sex so that’s good too! um. there’s other stuff but i’m too fckin shy and might perish so. that’s all for now, thanks for reading
*remembers this ask exists days later after I kept telling myself I'd answer it* HI. yes. I do accept asks! And can I just say. I'm SO glad you looked at my blog and went "yeah, they'd like some weird sex with Prowl, Tarantulas, and First Aid" and you're CORRECT!!!
Also the idea of First Aid visiting Tarantulas' lab... Intriguing! Very intriguing! Never thought about that dynamic, but I'm interested now.
Anyway. To the weird sex part! Love that Prowl and Tarantulas got back together after everything, the absolute freaks. And immediately get into baby making as well alfjalkgkalf. They probably went "ah yes, more babies... Wait fuck. We both had terrible self care. Neither of us can support a baby"
*cut to First Aid walking into the lab*
"hey you guys! what's going on?"
Prowl and Tarantulas, sharing a look: yeah, he'll do.
They probably come up to him with a whole power point of reasons why he is an Ideal Candidate to become their surrogate, plus a like 50 step plan for how they'll achieve this. Meanwhile First Aid is just like "you want me to spend my time getting constantly railed by two mechs? Sign me UP"
They then get to the part, and of course Prowl and Tarantulas are like, highly meticulous about it all, which low-key turns First Aid on. The detail is very flattering. On GOD they're going to get him robot pregnant. And if he proves to be successful with the first one... Well. It'd be a waste of an experiment to see if there's not a faster way for them to knock him up. Gotta do a few more.
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yelena-bellova · 3 months
I happened across a thread on Twitter of widows talking about how much Francesca’s story meant to them. To them, an essential part of it was having a loving, happy first marriage and there still being the possibility of a happy, loving relationship after such a great loss.
They were upset not because of the genderbend, but because of the implication that Francesca fell in love with Michaela at first sight while married to John which fundamentally alters the message of the story in which they had found so much consolation.
It’s unfair to dismiss what they’re now feeling and call them bigots when the beauty and meaning they found in Francesca’s story hasn’t been altered by the genderbend (they don’t care about that at all!) but the callous destruction of the first love which they took as the showrunner and writers misunderstanding and disrespecting the essence of her story.
It’s not annoyance over the change to a character, it’s grief over the loss of the hope Francesca’s story offered.
I appreciate you being brave enough to acknowledge that there are some fans with valid criticism of the writing choices. 💛
Oh my gosh 🥺 I think that’s the one pov I hadn’t seen yet.
See THAT’S a wildly valid point!! They’ve taken so much of the beauty and fragility of Francesca’s story away by making her all googly-eyed over Michaela right after marrying John. I can’t fathom why they would decide to take such a different route than the book when the whole point of that pairing is discovering love and attraction in the midst of grief.
Gah. The more people discuss all this, the more angry I get at Shondaland and Jess Brownell.
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kumimi3 · 2 years
could you please also write the idol scenario for chigiri too? i really liked your last one!
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❪ BLUE LOCK BOYS <33 ❫ ❮ a star idol dancing for their lover ⟡⟡ ↳ chigiri and isagi
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continuing | return back to level i !
❪ chigiri ❫
he knew of your performance the day before, Chigiri is observant and has good hearing, listening intently to the producers in the meeting room, the mention of your name took him by surprised
Chigiri was subtle, he knew it was going to be a secret with how quiet you’ve been since last week, practicing on your vocals much strictly than before
bringing you water inside the music studio, putting a humidifier inside your shared apartment, making sure you don’t hurt your vocals by helping you breath, those are the simple services he did to help you since day one
And once your performance is now starting, Chigiri was already at the front seat as he looks at you with a small smile, clapping along with the crowd as you/your group starts to sing and dance
Chigiri has been allured by you since the camera showed your majestic visuals, as if you were looking at him with those sweet eyes of yours
When the performance ended, he was one of the people who stood up and clapped even more loudly, you just did so wonderful with your performance, how could he not?
Taking away your earpiece and entering the hallway, you suddenly stopped when you heard many squeals and screams from all over the people in the stadium, you realized you were on the screen, but why exactly were they loud all of a sudden?
“Congratulations, Y/n, you look marvelous as always."
Turning around, you met Chigiri’s longing eyes stare at you while holding a big bouquet of your favorite flowers, he was holding it tightly in secret, he just couldn’t help but blush when you smiled at him
Everyone was looking at the screen, watching as Chigiri starts to walk forward and hand you the flowers, what surprised them the most was him suddenly picking you up and kiss you so passionately you almost forgot that you and your lover are still obvious to everyone
His teammates whistled at the scene, but Chigiri didn’t care, he is in his own bubble with you
Breaking off the kiss, he smiled as you both press each other’s forehead, and when he heard that the match was about to start, he pecked your forehead with a light kiss and ruffled your hair before walking together with his team, not before saying
“Y/n, I’ll win this game for you.”
❪ isagi ❫
This boy… OML
Once he saw you at the stage, he was stunned, who was that beautiful angel dancing with the most mesmerizing aura? Oh my gosh its his lover, the love of his life!!!
Won’t waste a moment and quickly sprint towards the seat closest to your position, he will scream your name at the top of his lungs and literally combust and short-circuit when you notice and give him a cute expression
“Hey, miss! Do you see them? That’s my sweetheart!” “Mister, look at the one in the middle, they’re so beautiful right? I’m gonna marry them someday!"
Compliments you so much to the other people, he barely couldn’t focus on you because he knows that just one stare across your eyes and he knows his legs will feel like jelly with how much he loves you
If he has his phone with him, he will definitely take pictures and videos of you, you can even hear him screaming behind the camera, “Go, Y/n!” “Gah, you’re so cool!"
The time the performance ends, he runs back to the field and open his arms to welcome you, it wasn’t long before he attacks you with so much kisses, cupping your face gently yet giggles so much
The rush of adrenaline finally dies down and his face now becomes like a tomato, apologizing to you, but he was still caressing your cheek and holding your waist
“I’m the luckiest man in the world. I’m gonna go up to the field and play, okay? And I want you to know that… I will win, for you, for us.”
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