#oh no not steve having neglectful parents
steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
i am Dying to see eddie and steve swap battle vest and letterman jacket and eddie supporting steve at all his games and swim meets just as much as steve supports eddie’s things….maybe more of a modern au? because that shit would not fly in 1985 lmao. steve deserves a bf who is proud of him i think.
THANK YOU!!! I am not having the best day mentally today but I have been staring at this prompt since like six a.m. and I knew what I wanted to do, but I don't know that I got all the way there. It feels a little clunky to me, but I hope it's still fun! - Mickala ❤️
Eddie Munson met Steve Harrington his junior year. They were unlikely friends; Eddie was one of the few gay people who were out in Hawkins, a metalhead who played guitar in a band, a guy who didn’t really fit in with any one group of people, but his access to good weed made him a guy everyone at least talked to. Steve was a basketball playing, swim captain, jock who had loaded parents and stuck up friends.
Eddie hated sports, he hated jocks, and he hated Steve’s friends.
But he loved Steve.
He didn’t say so, of course. Steve was straight as could be, and he was a good friend, maybe even his best friend besides Gareth and Jeff.
They made fun of Eddie constantly over it.
“Oh, it must be Steve time, he’s checking his hair like he could ever fix that mess,” or “Steve texting you dirty pics or are you just sunburnt?”
It was annoying.
But it also kind of sucked.
Steve was kind of a mystery in some ways. Sure, he was rich, or at least his parents were, but he didn’t seem happy.
He once told Eddie the happiest he’d ever been was the day they hung out after he scored the winning basket for a game. All they’d done then was smoke a little at Eddie’s trailer and have pizza, but whatever. If that’s what made him happiest, Eddie could do that every day.
When Eddie found out he wasn’t graduating, he showed up at Steve’s house with tears in his eyes.
“I don’t know how to tell Wayne,” he sobbed as Steve held him close, whispering that he would be fine and now they could be seniors together, that Wayne wouldn’t be mad.
Steve kissed his forehead.
Steve kissed his forehead.
Eddie’s brain was short circuiting. He stared at Steve, who was giving him a calm smile.
How was Steve so calm?
“Was that like a comfort thing or…” Eddie started, not sure what else to say.
“It was more of an ‘I’m super in love with you and hate seeing you upset’ thing,” Steve said, like it wasn’t a big deal, like he hadn’t just admitted he was in love with Eddie, like he hadn’t just completely changed everything Eddie thought he knew.
Eddie just blinked back at him.
Steve sighed, but smiled fondly at Eddie, like Eddie was adorable or something.
“I didn’t really expect the blank look when I told you.”
“What did you expect?”
“Maybe that you’d let me kiss you? For real?”
Eddie didn’t hesitate, leaning in to press his lips against Steve’s.
“I’m super in love with you, too, by the way,” Eddie said when he finally pulled away.
All summer, Eddie booked his band at any bar or local festivals he could.
He told Steve it was because he knew he wouldn’t go to college, knew he would be stuck with a job like Wayne if he didn’t find a way out of this town.
He wanted Corroded Coffin to make it, to be seen by just the right person, to open for bands he’d only dreamt of seeing live. Maybe one day have their own tour.
Steve wanted that for him.
Steve’s parents almost never came home during the summer, usually only for a day or two around Steve’s birthday to keep up appearances that they cared about him.
But Eddie was playing at a small local art vendor show a few towns over on his birthday, and had insisted that Steve go so they could make a whole day of it and celebrate his day after their set.
Steve couldn’t say no.
He left a note for his parents, threw on Eddie’s battle vest (“you’re mine and this will show everyone that you belong to me”), and drove to Eddie’s house so he could ride in his van with him.
It was the first show he was attending as Eddie’s boyfriend.
They even put him in the band group chat and jokingly called him the band’s boyfriend.
He loved that he fit in with all of them so well, how kind they all were to him, even though he didn’t share many of their interests.
The vest felt good, it made him feel loved and protected, which he’s pretty sure is what Eddie was hoping for.
His parents called him on the drive to the event, but he ignored it, knowing they would ruin his day if he answered.
They were either home and mad that he wasn’t or they were calling to tell him they wouldn’t be home for a while and a present that he didn’t even like would be delivered soon.
But he didn’t want that and he didn’t want Eddie to be mad at them. Today was supposed to be fun. It was about Eddie and his band, his friends, showing their talent and having fun on stage. It was about Steve getting to be a part of it and enjoy himself, maybe even walk around the vendors and buy something for himself.
He wore the battle vest as armor, just as Eddie had, and as anyone who knew the importance of them did.
He wore it to support Eddie, his boyfriend, who put his heart and soul into his music and into Steve.
He wore it because he’d never known what it was to love someone so much, or be loved by them in return, but he felt it most when he was surrounded by physical evidence of how much Eddie cared.
When school started, Steve was already on track to being the Varsity captain for basketball and the swim team.
But his biggest accomplishment, and he’d tell everyone this for years, was being able to say Eddie was his boyfriend.
Steve coming out had been big news for about a day, and then some girl ended up leaving school because she found out she was pregnant, and he was old news.
But then Eddie showed up wearing Steve’s letterman jacket.
That caused a hell of a scene.
For days, Steve dealt with endless questions about how long they’d been together, why he chose Eddie, if he knew that Eddie was a drug dealer and wouldn’t ever be anything.
He didn’t care.
He smiled as Eddie walked proudly through the halls wearing his jacket, gave him a kiss before class, and met up with him whenever he could.
“You should wear my battle vest if I’m wearing your jacket.”
“You think that’ll go with the polos and jeans?”
“I think if you’re wearing it, it could go with anything.”
“Gross. Are you in love with me or somethin’?” Steve asked with a smirk as Eddie leaned in to plant a kiss on his cheek.
“Or somethin’.”
People at school left them alone, not sure what to do when their sports hero was dating the guy who failed his senior year.
It was probably the best case scenario for them.
Sure, they got judgmental looks from students and teachers, and when Steve’s parents found out, he’d probably be disowned, but it was worth it.
And Wayne loved Steve. He would come with Eddie to the games and swim meets that he could, cheering louder than anyone else when Steve pulled off something great.
“Maybe you should wear the jacket.”
“Now, now. Jealousy ain’t a good look on ya, kid,” Wayne said as he slapped Eddie's shoulder in the stands.
“Maybe you should marry him.”
Wayne’s head snapped to Eddie.
“Is that somethin’ you’re thinkin’ about?”
“Yeah. I mean not now obviously, we’re in high school. And it’s really only been a few months. But I think so.”
“Have you talked about it?”
Suddenly, all of Wayne’s attention was on Eddie, not the game happening in front of them.
“Not really. But he’s doodled Steve Munson on just about every piece of paper I’ve seen,” Eddie said with a smirk.
The conversation dropped off when Steve made another shot, Wayne jumping up and cheering like it was the game winner. From what Eddie could tell, Wayne thought every basket was a game winner if Steve scored it.
Eddie didn’t manage to graduate.
He was heartbroken.
Steve managed to get through with halfway decent grades, but hadn’t bothered applying to college since he didn’t know what he wanted to do.
His parents came home for the first time in over a year for his graduation, complaining almost instantly that they didn’t understand the dramatics over doing what was expected and required.
And then they met Eddie.
Eddie, who wore Steve’s jacket to his graduation, proud of his boyfriend even if he was bummed that only one class kept him from graduating alongside him.
Wayne sat next to him in the stands, ready to cheer the second they called Steve’s name.
Steve’s parents wouldn’t sit near them, refused to believe that Steve was friends with anyone living in a trailer park.
Eddie was letting him tell them when he was ready; he knew how terrifying it could be to face people who should love you no matter what but probably wouldn’t after they knew.
Steve insisted he wear his jacket regardless.
“Let them come to their own conclusions if they want. They’ll know by the time they leave again that you’re mine and I’m yours.”
So Eddie did.
And Steve’s parents were pretending they didn’t notice.
At the end of the ceremony, after Wayne subtly wiped his eyes and Eddie gave him a quick pat on the shoulder, they both made their way towards the parking lot.
Steve told them his parents made them dinner reservations he couldn’t miss, but that he’d be over after. Wayne was baking him his favorite dessert for later from scratch: confetti cake with buttercream frosting. And Eddie had his own plans for the night once Wayne left for his night shift.
So when Steve showed up only an hour later wearing Eddie’s battle vest, looking like he’d been crying for most of the last hour, his hackles rose.
“Sweetheart, what happened?”
Steve fell against his chest, letting out a sob that drew the attention of Wayne in the kitchen.
“What’s goin’ on? Steve, are you hurt?”
Steve just cried louder and Eddie’s eyes widened, panicked look pointed towards his uncle.
“Stevie, can you look at me for a minute?”
Steve pulled back and sniffled a few times, but managed to look at Eddie.
“Is it your parents?”
Steve nodded.
“They kick you out?” Wayne asked from behind Eddie.
Steve nodded again.
“I’ll be in the kitchen if ya need me,” Wayne said. “But Steve? You’re welcome here. You understand me? I love ya like my own, and you have a place here if you want it.”
Steve nodded, clearly holding back another sob at Wayne’s words.
“Wanna talk about it or just sit on the couch with me for a bit?”
Eddie smiled down at him before placing a quick kiss to his head.
They sat down on the couch, Steve practically in Eddie’s lap for how close he was.
“I told them why you were wearing my jacket. They didn’t believe me at first, said that I was just trying to rile them up for attention. Then I went upstairs and got your vest and tried to tell them again and they-” Steve took in a gasping breath. “They said no son of theirs would be seen with trash like the Munsons. I said that at least the Munsons care about me and that was it. My dad said I better be gone before they get back from the dinner that was supposed to be celebrating my graduation.”
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. You can stay here with me.”
“I don’t want you to feel like you have to let me move in just because we’re together, Eds. Robin offered to split rent at her apartment. I’d have to sleep on the couch since it’s a one bedroom, but it’ll be cheap.”
“If you want to do that, I’ll support you, but…” Eddie sighed. “I’d really love to have you here. I know Wayne would too. You’re my family, a Munson if I have anything to say about it, and-”
“Wait. What?”
“I’m a Munson?”
Oh, well, okay. Guess his plan was shit now anyway.
“I had a whole plan. Jesus. I don’t want your memory of this to be ruined by your parents.”
Steve’s eyes widened.
“Were you…?”
“I was. But I’ll come up with a new plan, sweetheart.”
“No! No. Please. I don’t want this day to be ruined by them. I never want another moment ruined by them,” Steve begged, his eyes still wet, but a smile replacing his frown.
“Stay here then.”
Eddie ran to his room, grabbed the box he had sitting in his dresser for the last three months, and ran back to Steve in record time. He probably would’ve passed PE the first time around if he knew Steve was waiting at the end of the mile.
He kneeled on one knee in front of Steve, who was crying but for a totally different reason now.
“Stevie, I know we’re young and technically I haven’t even gotten my high school diploma yet, and I’m not really sure what kind of future I can even give you, but I know I want you in it. I know I want us to figure it out together, here or somewhere else. Anywhere else preferably. I know any minute I spend away from you is a minute wasted. And I know that I will never love someone half as much as I love you. So if it’s okay with you, I think I’d really like to marry you. Sound good?”
“Can I change my name to Steve Munson?”
“We can go sign the papers tomorrow if that’s what you want, sweetheart.”
Steve leaped forward, practically tackling Eddie to the floor, kissing his cheeks and neck and forehead.
“Is this a yes?”
“Yes! I wanna marry you right now.”
“Right now?”
“Yeah, can we?”
“You don’t wanna do something nice?”
“No, just want you and Wayne and Robin to witness it. And I wanna save up and buy us an RV, and I want our honeymoon to last forever. We can travel the country, you can perform at random bars and I can be a bartender for the night or something. Use the tips to fill the tank of the RV and pay for our cell phones.”
“You’ve put some thought into this.”
Steve leaned in to kiss Eddie messily, lips wet with spit.
“It’s all I’ve thought about for a year, Eds.”
“That long?”
“Mhm. Wanted to be yours forever for so long.”
“Let me put the ring on then, ya goof.”
Steve was smiling. Eddie was smiling. They couldn’t see him, but Wayne was smiling from the entrance way to the kitchen.
“It’s pretty. Where’d you get it?”
“I gave it to him,” Wayne said, finally entering the room.
“What?” Steve looked back down at the ring now on his finger, and back up at Wayne.
“Made him promise to use it for you. You’re the only one I trust with Eddie’s heart.”
“Wayne, I-”
“No arguin’. It was my wedding ring. Ain’t doin’ me no good now. I know it ain’t much, but it means a lot to me and I know it’ll be important to you.”
Wayne had told them both the story of his one and only love. How they’d met in high school, got married when they were 18, and enjoyed what little time they had together. She got sick young, doctors didn’t know half of what they know now, and she was gone before they could even think about finding treatment.
He wore his ring every day for the last 35 years, only taking it off if it needed polishing.
Until the day he gave it to Eddie and said, “you better ask that boy and he better say yes.”
And they did.
On the day they got married at the courthouse, Eddie wore Steve’s letterman jacket and Steve wore Eddie’s battle vest, new gold wedding ring patches displayed proudly on the front of each.
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hurtspideyparker · 1 month
If Civil War didn't end in divorce and everyone lived together Part 2
Read Part 1 here
Tony: Why is Underoos mopping the ceiling?
Sam: Told him since he's sticky that's his chore
Bucky: It's only fair he helps out around the house
Tony: Hm. Makes sense
Vision cooked dinner:
Peter: *pushing around food to make it look eaten*
Natasha: *surreptitiously spitting into napkin*
Steve: *taking small bites with tons of water*
Bucky: *just stares at full plate*
Tony: Well this is disgusting, I'm ordering pizza
Sam: C'mon man stop moping around, you gotta get yourself a girl
Bucky: Ok.
Sam: Ok? Okayyyyy! I know-
Bucky: Give me your phone
Sam: Oh you got a number in mind already hotshot? *hands phone over*
Bucky: *ring* Hi Sarah ;)
Sam: BOY-
Peter: Ned thought you would seperate your colours from your lights but he also thought you'd be homophobic so I don't pay him much mind cuz clearly I'm more of a superhero expert than him but he does have a 2% better average than me in history so like maybe you do hand wash your clothes and that's why I asked what underwear you wear because-
Steve: *listening intently with apprehension and alarm*
Natasha: I can't believe you found the one person on Earth who talks more nonsense than you
Tony: I know right, it's incredibly unnerving. I'm planning on adopting him
Peter: Mr. Stark I have to tell you something. I think Vision is a... *whispers* pervert
Tony: Um, why?
Peter: He keeps floating through my room without knocking! He saw me changing, he saw my nipples !
Tony: Well if anyone's a predator here it would be you. I mean showing your nipples to a 2 year old? Deplorable.
Peter: Oh god, I'm the pervert...
Bucky: Y'know animosity isn't good between teammates. I think we should spend more time together
Sam: Am I being punked right now? Where's the camera
Bucky: I'm serious. I think it would be healthy for us to bond
Sam: Okay fine I'll bite... what did you have in mind
Bucky: Wanna go for a run?
Sam: *slams door in Bucky's face*
*staring at Bucky's sparkly clean metal arm*
Bucky: Dishwasher?
Peter: Dishwasher :)
(later that day)
Bucky: I've decided to let the child live
Peter: YoU wHaT?!
Tony: Who took my coffee cup, It was right here
Bruce: Um, has someone seen my book? I just had it
Steve: I could've sworn I was holding a pen a moment ago
*giggling from the ceiling*
Tony: Young man I will take those webshooters away if you use them for shenanigans and rascality
Peter, muffled: Mr. Hawkeye told me to!
Clint: Oh so you're just gonna rat me out like that?
Peter: Sor- OOF
*falls out of ceiling vent*
Sam: You're in my spot
Bucky: There are no spots, it's a common area
Sam: Well that's my spot
Bucky: Did you buy the chair??
Sam: No, but everyone knows that's where I sit. Right Steve?
Steve: Oops I forgot something in my car, be right back *leaves*
Sam: Still my spot
Bucky: Still not
Sam: *sits on him*
(one hour later)
Steve: Hey so turns out I don't have a car! Isn't that funn...
Sam & Bucky: *Squeezed awkwardly on the chair together*
Steve: I think I left something in my car
Steve: Leave the bedroom door open when you have Vision in there
Wanda: UGH you're so protective
Tony: Teenagers, am I right? Caught Pete reassembling my particle accelerator at midnight because he needed to neutralize a miniature nuclear bomb he nabbed off some guy he neglected to tell me was trying to kill him
Steve: Wanda y'know what do whatever you want
Wanda: Really?
Steve: Yes just keep being normal. At least I can read about our issues in a parenting book
Thor: Ah, new warriors I see! Good to make all your acquaintance. But why are you so grumpy my friend?
Bucky: *glaring*
Peter: He's always like that. It's um, P- P- PMS? Wait -
Natasha: Yes it's PMS
Wanda: He's got it bad
Steve: *genuinely concerned* Bucky you didn't tell me something was wrong. What can I do to help?
Bucky: I like chocolate
Wanda: Welcome to the first annual girls night! This place reeks of men, so I thought we needed some women time
Pepper: Why is Vision here?
Wanda: I get sad when he's gone
Natasha: Why is Pietro here?
Pietro: Slay queens
Wanda: Moral support I think
Maria: Why is Peter here?
Wanda: He looked really upset when I said he wasn't included and I felt bad
Wanda: Anyways... yay girls! Who wants me to paint their nails?
Peter: ME ME ME
Steve: Pancakes or waffles?
Natasha: Pancakes
Steve: Good because I don't have a waffle maker
Natasha: Then why would you ask-
Steve: It's important for your voice to be heard, as team leader I value your opinion
*2 minutes later*
Steve: Good morning Clint, pancakes or waffles?
Clint: Waffles
Steve: Oh no.
Some of these were based on requests (ex. more Sam & Bucky, dad Steve w/ Wanda) so if you have certain dynamics you enjoy let me know !
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queenie-ofthe-void · 1 month
Cough Syrup
written for @steddiemicrofic August
prompt: plug || wc: 437 || rating: M || cws: sick fic, reference to child neglect, references to sex
"Baby," Eddie sighs, "just plug your nose. I promise it'll go down easier." Steve keeps his mouth sealed and shakes his head as he leans further back into the pillows propping him up against the headboard. Eddie’s very carefully holding the spoon in front of Steve’s face, syrupy red liquid on the verge of overflowing onto their comforter.
“You say that every time,” Steve complains. He moves his head to the side as Eddie makes his move and misses. “But it smells, and it’s gross, and it felt thick and disgusting in my mouth yesterday, and I’ll be fine without it.” 
Steve watches as another thread of Eddie’s patience unravels. After three days wasting away of fever and bone-wrenching aches, he’s surprised Eddie hasn’t just dropped him off on the hospital curb in a cardboard box, sign affixed to the side reading ‘Oversized baby for adoption. May need extra care. Fully vaccinated’.
“Steven James Harrington.” Full government name– with his correct middle name– means he’s in deep trouble. “You’ve inhaled nasty, probably radioactive, floating Upside-Down ash. You’ve accidentally swallowed demobat blood. You’ve drank shitty beer out of a communal bong, had your tongue down every girl’s throat in Hawkins, and inside my asshole–”
“Oh my god Eds, don’t say it like that.”
“–yet for some reason, you refuse a tiny bit of cough syrup to help you sleep.”
Steve rolls his eyes and sighs. In his attempts at being dramatic, he breaks into another coughing fit that has him reaching for the water glass on the nightstand next to all of his used tissues.
“I’ve been sick before and I’ve never needed drugs.”
“Never needed it,” Eddie leads, grabbing his hand, “or have your parents never offered it before?”
The question hits like a punch to the gut. He’d never thought about it that way. How his parents told him he’d get better soon, that he just needed some soup and crackers. If he focuses on being sick, it’ll just make him worse. How if he ate healthier he wouldn’t get sick in the first place.
“Stevie,” Eddie says gently, running his fingertips across Steve’s sweaty, overheated forehead. The fondness floods over him like a tidal wave, washing away all thoughts of his parents’ lack of love and care, something that's always so obvious from Eddie.
“The medicine will help you sleep. And if you sleep better,” Eddie says, and Steve can already see the trap forming, “then I’ll sleep better.”
Eddie smirks as Steve swallows around the spoon, nose plugged. They know Steve would do anything to help Eddie, even if it means helping himself too.
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adverbally · 1 month
Just Try to See in the Dark
Written for the @steddieangstyaugust prompt “Childhood” | wc: 1,263 | rated: T | cw: references to physical (nonsexual) child abuse and neglect, including description of injuries inflicted by a parent | tags: teacher steve, steve and eddie’s shitbag dads, hurt/comfort, shoutout to all the awesome teachers out there | title from “Close to Me” by The Cure
And with this, I’m officially caught up, just in time for the halfway point of the month! I appreciate everyone who has read and interacted with my work so far. I haven’t written this much in years and it’s all because of contributions from viewers like you. Thank you 💕
When Steve gets home from work, almost an hour later than usual, he goes straight into their bathroom and shuts the door.
Eddie watches him go. It’s not unusual after a long day. Sometimes Steve just wants to take a hot shower and start his evening fresh. But after half an hour, the water hasn’t turned on and Eddie is starting to worry.
He hovers outside the bathroom door for several minutes, unsure if he should check on Steve. It doesn’t sound like he’s moving around, which makes a dark corner of Eddie’s mind worry that he’s hurt. What if he fell? What if he wasn’t feeling well and something is really wrong?
It’s that terrifying prospect that finally forces Eddie to rap on the door. “Stevie?”
“Come in,” comes the muffled response.
Eddie opens the door carefully so he doesn’t accidentally hit Steve, but Steve is sitting fully-clothed in the empty bathtub on the other side of the room. “Hi, sweetheart,” Eddie greets him as he comes to sit on the closed toilet lid.
Steve has his knees tucked up to his chin, arms wrapped around his shins. He turns his head sideways so he can speak more clearly. “I had to call Child Services.”
Jesus. Steve loves his class of second graders like they’re his own children. To have to report some kind of abuse to one of them… no wonder Steve went straight to the peace and quiet of the bathtub. “Oh, baby. I’m so sorry.”
His eyes are dry, but Steve still rubs at his nose with the back of his wrist. “Yeah. Samantha. She had…” He gestures vaguely at his neck. “She usually has bruises somewhere, you know, she’s seven. But today she had actual fingerprints...”
Eddie drops to his knees on the rug next to the tub and gets his arms around Steve right as he starts to shake.
“And when I asked her about it, she just said, ‘He didn’t mean to!’ Like you can accidentally choke your own kid hard enough to leave marks like that.” Steve sniffs. “But he’s her dad and she loves him.”
With that, he buries his face in his knees and lets Eddie hold him.
Steve has always struggled with this part of being a teacher, even while he was working on his degree. Eddie can still see it so clearly, Steve pacing around the tiny dining table in their first apartment, ranting about mandatory reporting.
“You know what would’ve happened to me if a teacher said anything? My dad would’ve made us all smile and pretend everything was fine, and he would’ve beat the shit out of me as soon as the investigator left!” Steve had slammed his fist on the countertop as he passed.
“But we’re supposed to report immediately once we have reason to suspect abuse. Don’t take the time to make sure the kid is safe, don’t look at the broader pattern of incidents, just…” He had run out of breath there and couldn’t catch it for several minutes once he started crying, not out of sadness or worry but frustration.
It’s not frustration that drives Steve to tears now. It’s grief and fear for Samantha, for a younger version of himself, for the consequences of what the law requires of him.
“You’ve been looking out for her for a long time,” Eddie murmurs, chin hooked over Steve’s shoulder. The edge of the tub is digging into his side but he’ll be damned if he lets go of Steve right now. “This just confirms that your instincts were right. And hopefully now she’s gonna get help.”
“I’m scared that I just put her in a worse situation,” Steve admits, raising his head enough to wipe his cheeks with the sleeve of his sweater. “She shouldn’t have to deal with all this, she’s just a kid.”
Eddie vaguely remembers something about Sammy’s mom not being in the picture. “She can’t stay with an abusive parent just because she loves him. That’s why children don’t get to make the decisions here.”
Steve shakes his head. “But when she’s stuck in a foster home because of me—”
“Nuh-uh-uh, don’t even go there.” He ducks his head to look Steve in the eye. “She’s gonna be safe because of you. She’s gonna go home from school and not have to worry about her dad hurting her anymore. That’s huge.” He knows they can both understand that.
“I wish there was something else I could do,” Steve sighs.
“Just keep being the best second grade teacher in the state. Keep paying attention and listening to the kids. That’s what they need from you.”
Steve tilts his head to rest against Eddie’s shoulder. “It doesn’t feel like enough.”
“It’s more than you think.” Eddie kisses his temple, runs his fingers through Steve’s hair. “I had a teacher in fifth grade, Ms. Martin. It was, like, the year after my mom died, and I wasn’t coping at all. My dad was barely around to drop off some food for me once in a while. I was a nightmare student. Stole from the other kids, slept during lessons, started fights at recess.”
“It’s hard to care about school with stuff like that going on at home,” Steve says. Even now, he’s defending Eddie against shit that happened twenty years ago.
“Luckily for me, Ms. Martin understood that, too. She knew I was smart and I liked to draw, so she would assign me little projects. Stuff like illustrating a scene from the book we were reading or drawing a diagram of the parts of a plant or whatever. She let me work in her classroom at lunch and after school. Every day, she brought me a sandwich and a snack so I didn’t have to sneak food out of someone else’s lunchbox.”
Steve sits up to look at him with the most heartbroken expression. “Ed, that’s— she sounds incredible.”
“Yeah. She might not have fixed things for me outside of the classroom, but she made being at school a thousand times more bearable. Just by giving a shit.” He grins up at Steve. “Like you.”
“You know you do that kind of stuff, too, right? Like when you donated all those old dice sets for D&D Club, and when you helped me make Valentines for the whole class so nobody would feel left out. And when you delivered the pizzas for the Halloween party. And—“
Eddie hangs his head in an imitation of bashfulness. “I’m just your humble sidekick. All of that was your idea.”
“Then thank you for helping me make school more bearable for my kids.” Steve takes Eddie’s face between his big, gentle hands and kisses his forehead before angling his head back so their lips align.
“It’s my pleasure.” Eddie pushes himself to his feet with a groan as his knees creak. “Fuck, I’m getting to old to sit on the floor.”
Steve holds both hands out to Eddie, arms fully outstretched as if asking him to pull him upright. When Eddie doesn’t move, he whines, “C’mon, my ass is asleep. At least you were on the cushy rug!”
With a put-upon sigh, Eddie heaves Steve to his feet. “Shower first or food? I made meatballs.”
“Meatballs!” Steve throws his arms around Eddie’s neck, mostly for balance as he steps out of the bathtub. “You really do love me,” he fawns, batting his lashes for effect.
“You’re okay, I guess.” Before Steve can object, Eddie darts in for a quick kiss and darts off. “Wash up, dinner’s in five!”
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thisapplepielife · 3 months
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Written for a @astrangersummer.
Save it For a Rainy Day
Week #9 Prompt: Where It All Started | Word Count: 1950 | Rating: T | POV: Wayne | Characters: Wayne, Eddie, Steve | Pairings: Wayne & Eddie, Steddie | CW: Eddie's Rough Start in Life, Parental Neglect, Language, S4 Canon | Tags: Good Uncle Wayne Munson, Taking in Eddie, Eddie and Steve Meet as Kids, Haircuts and Swimming Playdates, Fix-It, Happy Ending
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He's so little. 
That's the only thought Wayne has, over and over again. He's so goddamn little. With lank, limp hair, all snarled and knotted, matted. Unkempt. Dirty. Dark circles under his sullen eyes. He's small, but at the same time he looks every bit of a hardened fifty-five, at all of seven-years-old.
He didn't look like that the last time Wayne had seen him. 
And Wayne is sick that he's deteriorated to this point, in just two years time. At five, he had been a happy, wild boy. All snips, snails and puppy dog tails. 
With a loud mouth and big, round cheeks.
Al swore he was fine, that they both were, on the rare occasions when he'd call after losing Betts and Wayne had believed him. Until the social worker was on his front steps, Eddie standing there, head bowed, so utterly serious.
"Do you want me to find someone to try and comb it out, or would you like to shave it and start over?" Wayne asks, and Eddie just shrugs. Still not talking, still buried deep within his shell.
Wayne's not going to decide for him. Thinks it should be his decision, but knows it can't stay like this either, even if he doesn't have it in him to start dragging a comb through it. He knows that'll hurt, and he can't do it to Eddie. Won't. 
"When you decide, you let me know," Wayne says, hoping he'll decide sooner rather than later.
It takes three days, but Eddie finally comes up behind Wayne on the couch, and taps him on the shoulder, and makes the motion for shaving his head.
"Okay, I'll get you an appointment," Wayne tells him, because he wants to do this right, and not leave Eddie with the memory of Wayne shaving his head in the kitchen of the trailer. Maybe that's cowardly, but he'd rather push that off on a professional. 
Eddie is sitting on the little wooden board the hairdresser placed over the arms of her chair to make him taller, the hydraulic lift hadn't even been enough to get him where she needed him, and he somehow still looks little.
She gently, oh so gently, takes the clippers to Eddie's hair, shaving off strips, as she talks him through each pass. Eddie seems fine with it, there are no tears, but no smiles either.
This was the right call. A beauty shop, not a barber. Wayne's own barber does just fine on his own hair, but wouldn't have been so delicate with Eddie, and right now, Wayne's pretty sure his boy needs a soft touch.
There's another boy in the chair next to Eddie, probably the same age, but he's so much larger, and more animated. Studying every move of her hand as she barely trims anything off his thick head of hair. He doesn't need the booster board, even if Wayne suspects he's younger than Eddie.
"Nanny Louisa, can I get my haircut like that?"
She laughs, "Steve. Your mother would have both of our hides. We all have very strict orders for your haircut and you know it." 
"Aw, man, it looks so cool," Steve whines, and if Wayne isn't mistaken, that's Richard Harrington's boy. And if that's true, there's no way he's leaving here with his head shaved, that's for damn sure.
And then, as if it were a miracle, Eddie smiles. It's small, faint, barely there. But it's a goddamn smile, aimed at the other little boy that is watching as Eddie's hair falls down all around his chair and onto the floor.
The Harrington boy doesn't win, and only gets a trim, but Eddie has straightened up on the board. Not nearly as withdrawn as he was when they entered the shop.
Maybe shedding all that damaged hair feels like a new start. Wayne sure hopes so, because they're gonna need all the help they can get.
When he's all brushed off, and the plastic cape removed, the hairdressers each hand Eddie and the Harrington boy a coupon for a free ice cream cone at the shop down on the corner. It's a perk for being good in the chair, and they both earned it today.
Eddie clutches his coupon in his little hands.
"Do you want to save that, or get it now?" Wayne asks, and Eddie looks torn. That isn't the look Wayne wants on his face, so he quickly amends his question, "Or both? You can save your coupon for a rainy day, and we can still get ice cream now," Wayne offers.
"Really?" Eddie says, looking so hopeful, and it's the most beautiful word Wayne's ever heard in his whole life.
"Really," he reassures, "you save it until you want to use it. And I'll buy, today."
"Can we go get ice cream, too, Nanny Louisa?" the Harrington boy asks, and she looks reluctant, but finally nods. She couldn't let him get his head shaved, but ice cream, that's probably a much more doable request.
Wayne sits at the table with Louisa and makes the world's most uncomfortable small talk, as the boys sit at another table together, and jabber back and forth. Well, Steve is doing most of the talking, but Eddie, his sweet Eddie, has said more in the past thirty minutes than he has in the past week, and Wayne doesn't care who has gotten those words out of him, he'll be grateful. 
When the cones are gone, both boys appear at the side of the table, "Eddie's coming over tomorrow to swim," Steve announces. 
"Oh, is he?" his nanny asks, teasing Steve, and Wayne smiles. 
"He is. His uncle will bring him," Steve says with a confidence that things will always go his way in life, and Wayne hopes that rubs off on Eddie, just a little bit.
"I will?" Wayne teases, and Eddie meets his eyes, and Wayne nods. "If it's okay with Miss Louisa, I think that could be arranged."
"I don't know how to swim," Eddie admits on the way home, and Wayne laughs.
"Maybe you shouldn't have made a swimming playdate then, kid," Wayne teases, and Eddie laughs, a small quiet laugh. But it was a laugh. Wayne heard it.
"Yeah," Eddie says, and then he's quiet for a stretch, "could you teach me?"
Wayne isn't so sure that's his area of expertise, but he supposes he could try, "Yeah, I can try."
Knowing Eddie would be far too embarrassed to go to the public pool, Wayne takes Eddie out to the swimming side of Lover's Lake.
Wayne, not sure the last time he's even been in shorts, wades out in the water in his cut-off jeans, surely blinding the boaters a mile out with his white legs, as Eddie walks in beside him.
And Wayne teaches him, always staying within an arm's reach. And Eddie swims. It might not be the fancy strokes that the Harrington boy can surely swim, in his private pool with his private swimming lessons. 
But Eddie's doing it, and Wayne feels like maybe, just maybe, he's finally done something right for the kid today.
Eddie's laughing, and splashing, a quick study, and Wayne lets him paddle around for as long as he wants, until the sun threatens to sink beyond the horizon. 
Once back on shore, Wayne wraps him up in a towel, just one from the house, and gets him back into the truck.
"I'm starving," Eddie says.
"The downside to going swimming, I'm afraid," Wayne answers, but swings by Benny's Burgers on the way home, getting them both a burger, fries and a milkshake. Ice cream twice in one day is fine, Wayne's pretty sure, since Wayne's celebrating the first good day they've had since Eddie got here.
Anything the kid wants, forever, Wayne will do his best to make happen.
In the morning, Wayne brings Eddie by Melvald's General Store, to let Eddie pick out a beach towel from the rack. Eddie combs through them, so serious as he checks out the options: Star Wars and Barbie and Huckleberry Hound.
"Garfield!" Eddie finally declares, and Wayne supposes that's the one. 
"Garfield, great choice," Wayne says, taking the towel to the counter so they can pay for it. So Eddie won't be embarrassed bringing a fraying old towel from home. So he'll have something new, and fun, that he picked out all for himself. 
Wayne probably should have washed it first, but he's not that organized, and Eddie'll live. Wayne pulls off the tag and hands it over, and Eddie hugs it to his chest.
Pulling into the circle drive at the Harrington's is weird, to say the least. He's never set foot on the property, and never imagined he ever would. But, Eddie's brought a lot of changes, and if Eddie likes this other little boy, and he's kind, Wayne will be polite and make his boy happy in any way he knows how.
That evening, when he picks Eddie up, he's tired, and a little sunburnt, but rattling off information about his new friend and all their grand plans for the summer vacation.
And as time always goes, that summer flew by too fast, and before Wayne knew it, years had passed. The boys drifted apart as fast as they became friends. As kids do. By high school, Wayne hasn't heard the name Steve Harrington from Eddie's mouth in years. 
But that summer, that first summer, Wayne will forever be grateful for him. For Steve Harrington, Garfield beach towels, and more ice cream cones than he could ever begin to count. To swimming, and fishing, and playing in the backyard. 
To the little kid that made his boy smile again.
And when Steve Harrington, now grown into a man, shows up on Wayne's doorstep, Eddie's denim vest clutched in his hands, filthy and blood-stained, Wayne lets him inside without a word. 
Wayne takes one look at him, and tells him to wait there. 
He has to dig, but he finally finds Eddie's piggy bank in a cardboard box that he'd packed from the remnants of the trailer, and pulls out the bottom plug. Change falls out, clattering onto the desk. 
But inside, there's a slip of paper. Folded to fit, and dirty from spending so much time hanging out amongst the coins.
Wayne clutches it in his hand, and when he presses it into Steve's palm, trading him for the vest, Steve looks down at it, his eyes wet and red-rimmed.
Wayne starts, "I don't know if you remember-"
"Of course I remember," Steve cuts him off. 
"Well, I thought today might be that rainy day."
Steve laughs, and sniffles a little, both at the same time.
"This ice cream shop has been closed for years," Steve says, but he's finally smiling, just a little. 
Eddie's not here to do it himself, not here to coax out that smile, so Wayne's repaid the debt for Eddie himself. 
"Yeah, well…" Wayne trails off.
"But it is, you know," Steve says, "that rainy day. So, thank you."
And months later, Eddie shows up on Wayne's doorstep again. Dirty, his hair matted, and eyes downcast. Thin, worn to the bone, and as silent and stoic as he had been at seven. Wayne asks no questions. The answers don't matter right now. Instead, he pulls on him, hugging him tight, welcoming him home.
They've done this before, and they can do it again. And Wayne's grateful to have the opportunity. He was so sure he'd never see him again.
Then, after Wayne's gotten Eddie settled, and Eddie is standing in front of the bathroom mirror, combing out his own hair, Wayne excuses himself, heading for the kitchen to call Steve Harrington.
Wayne tells him to bring ice cream.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @astrangersummer and follow along with the fun!
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supernovafics · 10 months
Hi! I recently found your "I'll be there for you" universe and I love it.
I was wondering if you'd want to do a sick fic where reader gets a sudden fever/body aches/chills/so on and tries to shrug it off as no big deal even though it absolutely is and Steve, the ultimate caretaker he is, forgets all about his plans for the evening to stay in and take care of them. Thank you, have a great week!
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"i'll be there for you" universe masterlist
pairing: bestfriend!roommate!steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 4.7k words
warnings: explicit language, descriptions of sickness/being sick, brief mentions of parental neglect, mentions of weed, overall very soft and wholesome and cozy<3
summary: in which you and steve are sick on christmas 
author's note: thank u for the request !! when i started this series one of the first ideas i had was something where reader and steve are sick during the holidays so this request fit with that perfectly<33 i couldn't really figure out how to end this so it kinda just ends lmao
general note: everything in this universe/series can be read as standalone oneshots but to understand the full “lore” it would prob be best to read the other stuff too<333
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Winter 1985
“This is your fault,” You told Steve as you sniffled.
“I know, I know,” He responded— he had been hearing your grumbling from the moment you woke up, so he was pretty much used to it by now. He walked over to where you were sitting on the couch and held out a capful of cough syrup for you to grab. “Here. Take this.” 
“Thank you,” You mumbled as you drank the medicine and then immediately went to grab your glass of water sitting on the coffee table because of how strong and bitter the cherry flavoring was. “Ugh.”
You now fully regretted that moment a few nights ago where you and Steve sat out on the fire escape and smoked weed in the freezing weather; an idea that had fully been Steve’s. It was fun in the moment, even though you could barely remember most of the conversation the two of you had, but a hint of a cold started building from the second you woke up that next morning and now it was at its worst. You currently had a stuffy nose and a horrible cough that gave you the shittiest headache. And after hours of laying in your bed and falling in and out of sleep, you finally decided to go out into the living room and complain to your best friend about how much you blamed him for your current sickness. 
“Can you pass me the blanket, please?” You asked, pointing to the one that was laying on the back of one of the dining table chairs; it was barely five feet away but you didn’t have it in you to move out of the comfortable position you found yourself in on the couch. 
“You become such a baby when you’re sick,” Steve told you with a roll of his eyes that you knew wasn’t serious as he handed you the knitted throw blanket, which you immediately wrapped around yourself after putting your water back down.
“Oh, whatever. I swear you’re always worse than me,” You said with your own eye roll; if he was closer to you, you would’ve given his arm a light smack. Your gaze moved upward, taking note of the time on the clock that hung on the wall above the television; it was a small round red clock that Steve had thrifted a few months ago. “Anyway, when are you heading to the Wheeler’s Christmas Eve party? Make sure you have fun for the both of us, and bring me back some of those gingerbread cookies that Karen makes.”
Steve sat next to you on the couch. “I’m not gonna go to the party.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed in both surprise and confusion when you heard him say that because he loved going to that holiday party just as much as you did. All of the kids would be there as well as Robin and Eddie, and always at some point during the night, you all would end up migrating downstairs to the basement away from the real adults. The kids and Eddie would start playing D&D as you, Robin, and Steve sat on the sidelines watching the madness unfold. And then eventually the three of you would simply start playing random card games with Nancy and Jonathan. 
“I won’t be mad if you go. Jokingly, yes— I’ll probably pretend to be mad at you for going for the next few days. But, I’m not actually,” You told him and then sniffled again because you couldn’t help it.
“No, it’s okay,” He said as he leaned back on the couch. “I don’t wanna go without you.”
“You sure?”
He nodded. “Yeah.”
“Okay, well, in that case,” You scooted closer to him on the couch and leaned your head on his shoulder. It was a position that never failed to comfort you, and you especially needed that in this moment where your body was telling you that you needed to sleep and the cough syrup you just took was making it easier to do so. “Thank you.”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You weren’t entirely sure how or when you ended up in your bed, but you were happy about it. It was now dark outside and the digital clock sitting on your nightstand told you that the time was only nine o’clock. 
You turned on your side and saw Steve next to you— head against one of your pillows, eyes shut, and lips slightly parted. It was a nice surprise seeing him asleep next to you, but you also knew that he probably shouldn’t be. 
You reached out and lightly poked his cheek a few times. His eyes slowly opened just for a second before closing again and he let out a soft, “Hm?”
“You’re gonna get sick too if you sleep here,” You told him. 
“I wanna stay close just in case you need something.”
You couldn’t help but smile at that. “And you wonder why I act like a baby when I’m sick. It’s because you treat me like one.” 
“Well, someone has to.” Steve shrugged through his half-asleep daze and you knew exactly what he meant by his words. 
When you were younger, before you met him, you had gotten so used to taking care of yourself because your parents weren’t the type to do much; your dad was always on some sort of business trip and your mom was always busy working at her office. You honestly couldn’t remember the last time either of them gave you medicine or soup or even worried about you at all when you got sick. However, the day your parents met Steve’s on that cruise and it was discovered that you all lived in towns that were only twenty minutes away from one another, things changed— you and Steve started taking care of each other. 
In tenth grade when you got the flu, he spent his lunchtime every day that week driving to your house to check on you. And even though he hated school, he’d still go to yours and pick up your assignments from one of your friends, and he’d help you do most of them so you didn’t fall behind too much; most of it was wrong, but it was the thought that counted. And when he got sick last Summer, you spent every night at his house until he felt better. It was slightly funny because those four days led you to getting sick the next week, and it felt like that same thing was about to happen in this instance. 
“You saying that just reminded me that I need to call my mom and tell her that I can’t come to the Christmas brunch thing she set up with my Aunt and cousin,” You shifted a bit and pulled the blanket higher over you. “Now, I’m actually glad that I’m sick.” 
“I already called and told her while you were sleeping, but she didn’t really believe me, so yeah you should probably call her too,” Steve said, which made you laugh a bit.
“That’s actually not surprising. I’ll call in the morning,” You said and then yawned. “You don’t have to go to your parent’s tomorrow, right?”
“Nope, they’re in California for this business thing my dad has to be at.”
“Nice,” You responded with a small nod. “For some reason, I can’t remember the last time it was just you and me during Christmas.”
“Ninth grade,” Steve said with a small sleepy smile on his face and his eyes opened again. “My parents were out of town, and then yours had to leave too to do something last second. We had the great idea to set up the tent I got in sixth grade and camp out in my backyard.”
“Oh, yeah,” You said, laughing at the memory. “We got way too cold around one in the morning and decided to just sleep in front of the fireplace in the living room.” 
“I wish this place had a fireplace.”
“We can sleep in front of the radiator?”
Steve thought about your suggestion for a second before shaking his head. “Not the same.”
“Okay, that’s true,” You said with a quick nod before reaching beneath the blanket and lightly poking his t-shirt covered side. “Hey, do you remember what I got you that year?”
Steve immediately let out a laugh. “Yes, and I actually still have that Mickey Mouse poster.” 
You turned away from him then and covered your face with your hands. “Oh, God. No, you don’t. You’re kidding.”
“Yes, I do,” Steve said and you could practically hear the smile in his voice. “It’s rolled up in my closet. I would go grab it, but I’m too tired to move right now.”
You remembered exactly how excited you had been to give him that poster, which was supposed to be a really cool picture of one of his favorite basketball players, and the guy that you bought it from at the flea market even told you that it was signed. But when Steve pulled it out of the plastic and unrolled it in his living room on Christmas, instead of it being anywhere close to a photo of any basketball player, it was a picture of Mickey Mouse on a train.
“I’m still so embarrassed and mad that the sales guy at that flea market tricked me,” You said and sighed. You were still a little upset with yourself that you didn’t make him open up the poster and show it to you before you bought it, but he said that was “against the rules” since it was sealed in the plastic, and that reasoning had somewhat made sense to you. “And it’s not like I could try to return it or yell at him because the flea market was only here for a weekend.”
“Now that you’ve brought it up, I think we should hang the poster up in the living room. Maybe where the dining table is?” 
You turned to face Steve again. “I will never allow that to happen.”
“I guess I’ll just have to put it up when you fall asleep,” He said, and you ignored his overdramatic wince when you playfully punched his arm. “Do you remember what I got you for Christmas that year?” 
“Of course,” You nodded. You still had that silver bracelet he got you, and you were a thousand percent certain that you would keep it forever, even though now it just sat in your jewelry box because the clasp broke sometime last year. “I still can’t figure out how to fix that damn clasp.”
“I could just get you another one.”
“Not the same,” You told him with a quick shake of your head. “One day I’ll figure out how to fix it.”
“Okay,” He said and then brought up a different time that the two of you decided to try camping in his backyard, which was in the Summer and on a very warm night, but you and him still didn’t fully spend the night outside because there were too many bugs. 
You laughed at the memory as Steve talked about it now because it just reminded you that you and him were probably the least “outdoorsy” people ever, but somehow that never stopped either of you from trying to be. 
That was how the rest of the night went; reminiscing about more random stuff— memories from various moments of your friendship that always made you smile or laugh or even feel a little bit embarrassed— until both of you fell asleep again. And it wasn’t the biggest surprise when Steve woke up in the morning sniffling.
“I told you this would happen,” You said to him as you walked back to your bed, cough syrup in hand because you knew that he’d be needing it. You were actually feeling the tiniest bit better; still pretty bad but not as horrible as yesterday.
“Merry Christmas to you too,” He grumbled as he rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes and then sneezed.
“Here. Take this,” You said with a small smile, mimicking the same words he had said to you yesterday. 
“Our roles changed way too fast,” Steve said before drinking the capful of cough syrup. “I was supposed to be taking care of you, and now you’re the one taking care of me.”
“We’ll take shifts on who gets to be the more helpless one,” You told him amusingly. “Right now it’s your turn. Do you want some water?”
He nodded and you went to the kitchen to grab a bottle and then handed it over to him before you settled back in the bed. 
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A handful of hours passed, all of which marked the most boring Christmas you’d probably ever had; but you’d take this silence and sickness over a tense brunch with your mom any day.
You were reading a book and Steve was still asleep next to you, turned on his side and blanket covering his head. A knock on the front door pulled your focus away from the page you were in the middle of reading.
You really didn’t feel like getting out of bed to answer it, but you also didn’t want to wake Steve and make him go do it, so with a sigh, you closed your book and placed it on the nightstand and then walked out of your bedroom. You headed to the couch first to grab the knitted throw blanket and wrap it around your shoulders so that it covered your bare legs, and then you proceeded to answer the door. 
Miss Johnson, the sweet older woman that lived a few doors down, stood in front of you with a red and green plaid patterned tin of what you assumed were the Christmas cookies that she told you about the first time you met. When you and Steve moved into the building, she introduced herself on that first day and gave you a welcome basket of muffins that were probably the best muffins that both you and Steve had ever had, and she also mentioned that for the holidays she gave out cookies to people in the building.  
She smiled at you for a brief second before a surprised look crossed her face. “Hi– Oh, you look terrible. What happened?”
Somehow the brutal honesty actually felt more sweet and worried than rude; and it warmed your heart and simultaneously hurt it so fucking bad that she was the only older adult in your life that actually seemed to care. 
You let out a small cough. “Me and Steve are sick right now. Just a cold.”
“Oh no, that stinks,” She said with a frown, and then held the tin out toward you. “Here take these cookies and I’ll be right back. Let me go make you both some soup.”
You grabbed the tin and smiled at her. “Thank you so much for the cookies, but you don’t have to make us soup.” 
In all honesty, you would’ve loved soup at that moment because you and Steve hadn’t eaten all day aside from the two slices of buttered toast that he made around noon, since neither of you could really be bothered to make anything else. But, Miss Johnson had already made the cookies for you two, so you felt bad about her also doing this for you and Steve. 
She shook her head at you. “No, no, it’s not a problem at all. I know I already have all of the ingredients, so it’ll just take me fifteen minutes, twenty tops.”
You were about to assure her again that she really didn’t have to do that, but she was already walking away and heading back down the hall before any word could leave your mouth. 
There was something about the gesture that felt way too sweet and nice, and it made you wish that you had someone like her in your life when you were younger. And then that thought made you feel so fucking grateful that for the past almost ten years, you had Steve. 
You placed the cookie tin on the kitchen counter and then tightened your blanket around you. You could see from the large window that led out to the fire escape that the sun was beginning to set, and as you got closer and peaked below at the street, you saw that some snow still lingered on the ground from when it came down a few days ago; the same night that you and Steve sat out on the fire escape.
The sudden sound of Steve saying, “Please don’t go out there. I don’t wanna repeat this sick cycle,” made you turn around and look at your best friend. He had slipped on a hoodie, which was yours (although back in high school it technically had been his), and his hair was the messiest you’d seen it in a while, and that let you know exactly how bad he was probably feeling right then. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not going out there without an actual jacket anytime soon.”
“Okay, good,” He yawned and then smiled when he saw what was on the counter. “Miss Johnson brought the cookies?”
“Yes,” You said, walking back to the kitchen and watching as Steve opened up the tin. There were at least a dozen cookies in it; a mixture of Christmas trees, Santa Clauses, and snowflakes. “She also went to go make us soup since we’re sick.”
“She’s way too nice to us,” Steve said and grabbed one of the Santa Claus cookies.
“I agree,” You told him, deciding to grab a snowflake cookie for yourself. “Meanwhile, we’re horrible people and didn’t even think about getting her something for Christmas. Once we’re better we have to get her something.”
“Yeah. We can get her a nice sweater or cardigan,” Steve said, and you nodded at that suggestion; whenever either of you saw Miss Johnson she was almost always wearing some sort of fun and colorful cardigan so that idea felt right. He took another bite of the cookie in his hand and then looked at you. “Will this ruin our appetite?”
“Considering the fact that we’ve barely had anything to eat today since we’ve felt so shitty, I don’t think that there’s really an appetite to ruin.”
“Very true.”
The two of you migrated to the couch, bringing the cookie tin along with you, and mindlessly watched the Charlie Brown Christmas special that played on television as you ate some more cookies. 
When there was another knock on the door twenty minutes later, right as the Charlie Brown episode ended, you looked at Steve and pulled your legs off his lap. “Your turn to get it.” 
He nodded and got up, running a quick hand through his hair, which didn’t really do much to tame it, before opening the door. 
“Hi, Miss Johnson,” Steve said, and even though he was facing away from you, you could hear the smile in his voice. He received a smile back as she handed him a full tupperware of soup. “Thank you. You really didn’t have to make this for us.”
“It’s really no problem. I hope you two feel better soon,” She responded. “And also here are some tea bags. You guys should be drinking that too.” 
You watched as she put a few in Steve’s free hand. Neither you nor him really liked tea, but you weren’t about to tell Miss Johnson that when she was being so damn nice and thoughtful. 
“Thank you so much,” You said from the couch and smiled at her. “Also, we’ve already tried some of the cookies and they’re amazing.”
“Just wait until you try the chocolates I make for Valentine’s Day,” She said and you smiled even wider at that. 
“Can’t wait.”
She said her final goodbyes and headed back down the hall to her apartment after telling you both that you could knock on her door if you needed anything; more soup, medicine, etc. And that offer, which sounded completely genuine, only further confirmed the fact that you and Steve definitely needed to get her a gift as soon as possible. 
Steve pulled two bowls out of one of the cabinets and split the soup, which you then learned was chicken noodle, evenly in both of them and then handed one over to you. 
“Thanks,” You said as he also gave you a spoon and then sat down on the couch again. 
He took control of the TV remote and you didn’t argue when he stopped on a channel that was playing a James Bond movie. After finishing your soup, you maneuvered around so that you were laying down and your head was in his lap and you fell asleep just like that. 
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Another set of hours passed, although you were unaware of exactly how many. You were woken up by the feeling of Steve softly stroking your ear; which he knew would always either annoy you or make you laugh because of how much it tickled— most of the time it was both. This time was no different. 
You were laughing as you shooed his hand away. “Stop that.”
“I needed to wake you up.”
You looked up at him and rubbed your eyes. “What time is it?”
“Almost ten.”
You nodded at his answer and then suddenly realized through your half asleep daze why he decided to wake you right then. “Oh, we have to open the presents.”
From that very first Christmas you spent together, it was agreed upon that you would do your gift exchange at night— once you both were done being stuck all day with your parents and other family members that you never saw any other time of the year. 
You’d sneak off to his house once those family members were gone and your parents were asleep, or he’d come to yours, and then you’d exchange gifts and almost always end up talking about nothing until the morning. 
You sat up. “I’m just now realizing that we could’ve done it earlier today.”
“Yeah, but that would’ve broken the tradition,” Steve said and you agreed with that, there was something about always doing the gift exchange at night that felt like the only way to do it at this point.
You went into your bedroom and grabbed Steve’s present that you had stashed away in your closet. When you left your room, you saw that he was already sitting next to the small Christmas tree that sat lit up in the corner close by the window and he was holding what you rightly assumed was your gift from him. 
The tree was so small that it didn’t make sense to put gifts under it, so that was why you kept the one you got for Steve in your room and he had yours in his. The only things that did sit next to the tree and slightly under it were the little presents that you both got for Harold the Hamster. 
“Merry Christmas, Stevie,” You said, sitting down next to him and giving him his gift. He let out a laugh when he noticed that the green wrapping paper had pictures of polar bears wearing Santa hats on it— when you had seen it weeks ago at the store, you thought it was adorably funny and knew you had to get it.
He handed over the gift he got you and the sight of his messy wrapping job made you smile. “Merry Christmas.” 
The nostalgic sound of wrapping paper ripping could be heard as you tore into your gift. A happy yelp emitted from your lips when you saw the vinyl of The Breakfast Club soundtrack. It was quite literally the perfect gift— you had held the tape of the movie that you rented from Steve’s Family Video hostage for a month straight when they first got it in, and sometimes you’d watch the movie just to hear the songs.
“After how many times you watched the movie this year, this felt very fitting,” Steve told you. He hadn't opened his gift yet, and instead, he was playing with the red bow that was placed on top of it; he always liked to see your reaction first.
You looked at him and smiled. “I hope you’re prepared to hear this at least three times a week for the next few months.” 
He laughed a bit. “I knew you were going to say that, and I’ve already accepted the fact that I will have to hear Don’t You Forget About Me on an endless loop for a while.” 
“Good,” You said, still smiling, and then you bumped your knee with his. “Open yours.”
Steve finally started opening your gift for him, tearing the wrapping paper off to reveal a shoebox, which had a new pair of white Nikes inside. They were the same as the pair he already had that had the red “swoosh” on the side, but that pair was now a lot less white since he had them since Sophomore year of high school and he’d wear them almost religiously. 
“It’s time to retire the ones you’ve had for the past three years,” You said as he pulled out one of the sneakers. “Oh, also, there’s a note at the bottom of the box.” 
Steve put the one sneaker down and then grabbed the small notecard with your handwriting on it that was buried underneath the other one. “‘This is long overdue. You probably should’ve gotten rid of your last pair after the basketball season ended Senior year. And speaking of basketball, after your many years of begging and pleading I will finally grant your wish and play basketball with you. You’re welcome. Shit, I already regret writing this.’” He looked at you, a smile growing on his face. “You’re serious?” 
“Sadly, yes,” You answered, and when he smiled wider, you said, “It’s only gonna happen one time and just for a couple of hours, and if I break my leg or arm or anything else during this, I will sue you, Harrington.” 
You had two left feet when it came to any sort of sport— in a way, it was funny how clumsy you’d get whenever you had to play anything— and Steve knew that, but for perhaps the entirety of your friendship he still always tried to convince you to play basketball with him, and you always said no because why would you ever do something that you knew would only lead to embarrassment? Even if it was just with your best friend. He’d seen more than enough of your accidental embarrassing moments, and in your mind there was no need for him to also see one that could easily be avoided. 
But, you knew that finally doing this would make him happy, and that made your imminent embarrassment feel somewhat worth it.
“You’re not gonna break anything, but if you do, I’ll completely understand if you decide to sue me,” Steve said and you could hear the joking undertones in his voice. “So, when can we play?”
“You can choose the day, but please wait until we’re not sick and when it’s not freezing cold outside.” 
He nodded at that. “Okay, deal.”
“What did you get Harold?” You asked as you picked up the present next to the tree that Steve had wrapped.
“A new wheel,” He answered and that made you laugh.
“I also got him a new wheel.”
It actually wasn’t entirely surprising that you and Steve had the same gift idea. You two loved Harold with your entire hearts, but at least twice a week he’d wake one or both of you up at three in the morning by running on the current wheel he had, which was the squeakiest thing in the world.
Steve looked over at where Harold’s cage sat on the coffee table in the living room area. “Maybe he’ll like having two.” 
“Yeah,” You nodded. “Maybe he’ll designate one for daytime running and the other for nighttime running.”
Steve smiled at your joking statement. “Exactly.”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
let me know ur thoughts<333
(requests are open for stuff you wanna see in the universe/series!🫶🏾)
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maelialuv · 2 years
oh my god. can i pretty please get a part two to Call It What You Want (steve harrington)? steve fails to disregard his feelings towards the reader after sleeping together, but how long can he go until he breaks after seeing she’s completely neglected his existence. smut! (rough sex, but very passionate cause why not lol, perv!steve, jealous!steve and pls add anything if you’d like! thank you love :’)
So It Goes, Steve Harrington .
(part two to Call It What You Want)
Sumarry: Hooking up with your old bully was never on the cards. But Steve Harrington has a habit of getting in the way of plans.
Warnings: SMUT! this is FILTHY! slowburn! breeding kink! perv!steve (a teeny bit), angst! steve is hopeless with women, fluffy ending <3
Word count: 9.5K (ohmygod)
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It had been one week since you'd done it. One week since you'd done the most reckless thing in your whole life. Seven days since you'd lost your head and slept with your old bully. Seven days since you'd slept with your, supposed, best friend's ex-boyfriend. Just seven days since you'd slept with Steve Harrington, King of Hawkins High.
The morning after replayed in your mind like a broken tape, in torturous clarity thanks to not having a hangover. The way you ran from the Harrington residence played behind your eyes without end. The walk home, unkindly long and silent with nothing but your thoughts - memories of him, and the way he touched you- to keep you company. The way you ran to your bathroom, stripping down and tossing his clothes in your hamper as if they were toxic waste, and the way you scrubbed your body in the shower as if the soap would somehow remove the feeling of his hands on you from your head. You didn't know if you were more disgusted with yourself for doing it. or for the fact that somewhere inside, you wanted it to happen again.
You felt different, like someone else, as you got ready in the mirror each day that proceeded the party. Felt guilty as you looked at the arch of your neck, the feeling of Steve’s lips there still as strong as they were that night. You felt a pit in your stomach as you looked at your nose, remembering the way Steve had placed a delicate kiss there , feather light, as he washed your skin in the shower. You now saw yourself as a reckless idiot, driven by some unknown desire for what? Closure? Or was it power that your subconscious so desperately wanted?
You only hoped your mindless scrubbing in the shower, skin red as you zoned out, would tell you the answers. You found no solace in the space between the tiles, only lime build up.
You wouldn't tell a soul. Your parents were none the wiser, as were your friends, to the battle your brain was at with your heart.
An aggression had settled over you, a dark looming cloud any time he was mentioned. You became snippy, unjustifiably short. Chrissy assumed you were pissed off about the party, still reeling from the belittling interaction with Carol and Tommy, as well as Steve.
She had apologised relentlessly in the days following. On and on, despite your reassurance, Chrissy swore she would never let "the redheaded witch and her flying monkey" talk to to you ever again.
The week had gone that way, Chrissy sending you an apologetic glance any time Harrington, the party or anything relating to them was mentioned. You felt guilty that she felt guilty, but you could never tell her what happened. You already felt like a massive hypocrite, you couldn't bear to have another person know it too.
You'd been stood by your locker, thankful for the lack of a certain basketball player in the halls, having had been able to avoid him for the full school week, when Chrissy bounded over to you. Without a word, she grabbed your hand and - with surprising strength- dragged you into the nearest bathroom.
"Did you hear?" she said, voice a mix of shock and curiosity. Immediately paranoia spread over you like hives, certain that Chrissy was doing damage control. "Steve and Nancy broke up at the party on Saturday." Her voice was even, no hint of suspicion or knowledge or anything, or anyone, that you had done.
"Woah," you said, hoping only you heard the waver in your voice as you tried your best to keep your face void of guilt, "what happened?" you asked, knowing that any account you heard would never be as accurate to the front row seat you had to the argument.
You hardly heard Chrissy as she spoke, her animated words falling on deaf ears as you realised that nearly every person was going to be talking about Nancy and Steve. The It Couple, King and Queen of the school, had fallen apart. Every girl was going to be fawning over Steve again- not that Nancy had stopped them, now they would be more overt- and Nancy would be the One that Got Away. You felt angry when Chrissy mention there were whispers that Steve was holed up in his house, heartbroken over the split. You felt even worse when she told you that Nancy was already dealing with a rehash of last years cheating rumours.
Nancy had to hold you back from ripping Steve's head off last fall over the, now, infamous 'Nancy 'The Slut' Wheeler' graffiti.
This wasn't part of your plan. You'd made such good friends, come out of your shell, cemented yourself as a somebody. Nancy was happy, you were happy and everything was fine just the way it was.
And Steve Harrington was messing it all up.
Your first classes went by in blurry seconds, your attention focused on the cracks in your desk or the clouds outside as you thought about the whole nuclear explosion of a situation. You wished you'd never agreed to go to the stupid party. You wished you'd just shrugged out of Harrington's grip and run downstairs and gone home. You wished you hadn't kissed Steve back when he leaned in, wished you'd pushed him off instead of tugging him closer.
You wished you could rewind time and not allow him to touch you, make time stop and slap yourself for loving it so much. You hoped you would forget how he made you feel; the white hot burning on your skin as his lips travelled across your stomach, the gentle touch of his hands as he dried your hair and dressed you in his clothes.
You hoped you would forget everything about Steve Harington.
Deciding on a healthy dose of ditching, you made your way out to the school's parking lot, intent on walking home and enjoying the empty house whilst your parents worked.
Then you saw him sat on the hood of his car, a cigarette dangling from his lip as he brushed a frustrated hand through his hair. Your feet felt as though they were glued to the floor as his eyes met yours, unable to move like his gaze willed you to stay there. It was the first time you'd seen him since then. It was only when he raised the carton to you - a peace offering- that you were able to move your limbs and walk over to Steve. He was wearing a blue sweatshirt and jeans, and your mind was cast back to the sweatshirt sitting in your hamper getting buried under clothes like that would make it disappear. When you took a cigarette, Steve held the lighter out and lit it for you. An entirely too flirtatious gesture given the gossipy climate.
"You took off on Sunday," he said, a statement and not a question. His voice was indifferent, but his brows furrowed as he spoke. "Left your clothes behind."
"Yeah, I did." You took long drags, hoping the edge in your voice was a clear enough message to Steve that you didn't need to talk about that. He scooted over on the hood, an invitation to sit. You remained standing, and Steve pursed his lips.
You didn't need to be told to relive the awkwardness you felt when you'd woken up. The way Steve was already awake , tall silhouette in the doorway as he brushed his teeth in the bathroom. The room was suddenly too small, Steve's clothes suddenly suffocating. You heard the shower turn on, sensing time for escape. You'd thrown on your shoes, crept out of the room and booked it out of the Harrington house. Steve had watched as you disappeared down the street from the bathroom window. You'd caught a glimpse of his figure as you threw a nervous glance over your shoulder, fearful of prying eyes seeing you do a walk - or run- of shame from the house.
"Been looking for you, you know." He said, almost shy as he squinted into the sun.
"Not very hard, clearly." you scoffed. When Steve just looked at you, eyes soft, you went on. "Why?"
"Why do you think," it was Steve's turn to laugh, though his was not mocking. It was sincere, too kind. Real. "I want to talk to you."
Knots formed in your stomach, and your brows knit together in a tight line. "What is there to talk about?" you said harshly, feeling a pang of guilt as Steve recoiled, "we slept together, Steve. It happened, cool. End of story." You said, turning to walk away when Steve reached for your elbow.
"Well, hang on there a second," Steve said, stubbing his cigarette out and standing, hands on his hips, "I think there's some stuff to talk about." He looked around, nervous for prying eyes. "Like the fact that that," he said, astounded, "was the best I've ever had." He took a step closer to you. You shrugged him off when he rested a hand on your arm. "There's clearly something between us, here."
You hated to admit it, or agree with him in any way, but Steve was right. You'd had your share of guys, but Steve was unlike any of them. The sex was incredible, as was the chemistry. You'd had to re-live it, in excruciating detail, most nights since the party. But Steve was not a good guy to get involved with, and not someone you could forgive yourself for forgiving. So you remained stand offish, cold, to the boy.
"Sex is sex , Steve, you'll find another 'best' in a month." You dismissed, wishing you'd ignored him and gone straight home. His face was pleading, and it made him look younger, like a lost child looking for their mother. “Look, it was a one time thing. Go back to Tommy and Carol, and forget it ever happened. Got it?”
Steve’s face contorted, a mix of frustration and confusion and a little bit of anger. This wasn’t how it was meant to go. He was meant to find you the day after, be there at your door with a speech prepared about how truly sorry he was for how things went. But he was so taken a back by your escape, the only proof that you had been there being your clothes strewn about across his bedroom floor, that he just sat by his pool staring into space. He was meant to call you, convince you to come over so you could talk it out. But then he couldn’t find your number - and god forbid he call Nancy to get it.
Steve was conflicted. He was heartbroken about his breakup with Nancy. He loved her , or thought he loved her, with everything he had. But this part of him, this nagging part that wouldn’t shut up, was more hurt by you leaving. Upset that he couldn't drive you home or kiss you goodbye or convince you to stay just a little longer. He regretted not saying more in the moment, because maybe then you wouldn't have skipped out on him. If he'd just talked more, maybe stood up for you a little, then perhaps you would have stayed.
"Can we just go somewhere and talk?" he said, eyes pleading and a little desperate. "Please?"
His begging made your stomach churn. You had to get away from him, before whatever magnetic bullshit he had on you went into full effect and you threw yourself into his arms and agreed to hear him out. You stubbed your cigarette out with your shoe.
"I'm going home, Steve."
You hoped that your curtness would deter him. A nagging part of you felt bad, worrying that maybe - just maybe- you should have heard Steve out, that you were robbing yourself of some kind of closure both for your past and for that night. The other, more logical, half felt firm and strong. Finally, finally, it was you making Steve Harrington feel defeated. For once it was him feeling wronged.
You threw his clothes in the laundry when you got home.
It was seven thirty when Chrissy called you, and you were laid back on your bed. Her sudden excitement caught you off guard. "Woah, Chris, slow down," you said, "in English please."
"We're going to a pool party tomorrow!" she all but yelled, and you could imagine her riffling through her dresser for swim suit options. "And before you say no, it's the last pool party of the season before it gets so cold that we have to look like artic explorers for the next three months." There was a clunk, and then Chrissy let out a euphoric squeal. "Found it!"
You rolled over on to your side, twirling the phone cord in your hand as you laughed at your friend. "Okay, okay, I'll go. Who's throwing a pool party this close to Halloween?" you asked, face screwed up at the thought of the late October breeze on bare legs.
"It's Steve Harrington!"
You sat right up in bed, almost dropping the phone off the side of the bed. Of course, of course, he was throwing another party. And of course, you'd already agreed to go. "Oh," was all you could say.
"Look, I know Saturday was pretty intense," Chrissy argued, not realising just how correct her statement was, "but you can just stick with me, and even Eddie is going so he'll be there if you feel the urge to kick Harrington into the pool."
The knowledge that Munson - a long time friend and supplier of party materials for you and Chrissy- would be in attendance made the nausea somewhat subside. But the thought of going back to the Harrington residence, the thought of seeing Steve there again after the way today had gone, made bile rise in your throat. "Okay," you said to Chrissy, knowing you would be able to show your face for twenty minutes before convincing Eddie to let you smoke in the back of his van before getting a ride home, "I'll see you tomorrow."
You fell back on the bed, wishing the mattress would swallow you. It was like you were an alcoholic going into a bar, or rather a masochist for allowing yourself to relive what had caused you significant pain. You didn't even know if you had swimsuit still.
Digging through your dresser, finding sparkly denim from middle school, you thought your search was over. But then, in the very back of the bottom draw, you found your old prized possession.
The red sports illustrated bikini from 10th grade.
You'd bought it as a joke on a hot summer's day in 1983, a mall trip with Nancy on one of the many days you spent together attached at the hip. The poster next to the rack of bikinis had Brooke Shields, posed flirtatiously on a rocky beach, in the red suit. "You should get this for the pool!" Nancy had suggested, picking up the material and holding it to your chest. "It would look amazing!"
Your eyes practically bulged out of your head as you looked at it in Nancy's hands. "Are you kidding?", you exclaimed, holding the flimsy bikini in your hands, "it looks like an eye patch!" You fought with Nancy over it, citing that your mother would have a heart attack if she saw you wearing it. In the end, Nancy bought it for you, told you that you should save it for "knocking boys dead in college." At the time, you agreed with her. Looking back, it was a put down.
Nancy was an expert at the accidental back handed compliment.
Holding the suit in your hands, your senior body much more equipped for the top than your 10th grade self, a sly smirk etched its way on to your lips. You were going to knock the boys dead, after all.
You had arranged with Eddie that he would pick you up the next night at 7:30, parked down the street near the pay phone. The Munson boy called you at 7:25, letting you know he was on the corner of your cul-de-sac, ready to roll. When you walked to his car, Eddie rolled down the passenger side window with a slack jaw. He looked you up and down without shame, eyes wide. You were wearing a pair of denim shorts, the red bikini top and a denim jacket.
"How much for a ride around the block, sweetheart?" he smiled wolfishly, fishing his wallet out of his jeans.
You smacked his shoulder as you buckled your seatbelt, though you knew he was being tame. "Careful , Munson, before my mother hears you from the house." Eddie let out a hysterical chuckle.
"Oh, I think we both know you can drop the innocent act, sweetheart. Let's not forget I've seen you dance on bars after some Special K." He started the engine, music blaring through the speakers. Turning the corner of your street, he looked at you. "You're not fooling anyone."
You hoped you would fool some people, as the ride to Steve's house seemed impossibly shorter than the week prior. You gripped the seat next to you as Eddie found a spot on the street to park. You felt worse than last Saturday, entirely out of your depth and swallowed by nerves. Eddie cut the engine, a worried knit in his brow. "You good?" he asked, waving a hand in front of your eyes.
"Eds," you said, worried waver in your voice. "What...have you got on you now?" You said, eyes speaking the words the nausea prevented you from saying. "I think I need a boost."
The crinkle between his brows deepened. In the years that Eddie had known you - both loner and in your party days- you had never asked him for supplies before a party. There was a small, but concerned, frown on his face. "What's going on man?", he asked, turning completely toward you, "you freaked or something?"
You wracked your brain for any excuse other than the obvious. You'd known Eddie a long time. If anyone was going to let you spew your guts, without judgement, it was Eddie Munson.
"Listen," you started, " I did something really stupid at that party last week. Like, catastrophically stupid." When Eddie stayed silent, you went on. "I'm going to tell you something, and you have to swear you won't tell anyone."
"Who am I gonna tell?" He laughed, cutting himself short when you face hardened. "Okay," he said, "I swear. Girl's Scouts honour."
You told him everything. From the interaction with Carol and Tommy, to hearing Steve and Nancy break up. You told him about the kiss, the bathroom counter.....the shower. You told him how you'd run the next morning, how you'd been so sick from guilt. You told him every last excruciating detail. Eddie's eyes were wide, in an unreadable mix of shock, confusion and almost pride.
"What....the fuck," he whispered, a teasing smile on his face. "That's intense, and I'm not judging, but," he leaned in close, whispering to you. You leaned in as well. "You let Steve Harrington shoot his load in you?"
The way he said it, unforgiving and entirely true - making you realise just how reckless the entire thing was- made you cringe inward, hiding your face in your hands. "Eddie!"
"Hey, no judgement....," he grimaced a little, another laugh causing him to smile, "except maybe a little judgement here, the dude's a tool!" When you continued to hide your face, Eddie pulled a small bag out of his pocket. "Just a little alright? Lord knows I'd need it if I were you."
That's how you ended up doing a few bumps off a Motley Crue CD in the passenger seat of Eddie's van. You were raring to go, the nausea lurking back into its hiding place as you went through the side gate to Steve Harrington's back yard. You called Chrissy's name from the pool steps when you saw her playing chicken with Jason and a few of the other cheerleaders. The moment Chrissy locked eyes with you across the pool, her own jaw went slack.
Her exclamation made almost every head turn your way. You'd taken off the jacket, giving Eddie the job of holding your things - which he begrudgingly excepted-, your red bikini top now on full display. Several eyes on you at once, the buzz of Eddie's special K and the continuous thrum of the music made you feel exceedingly alive. What's more, you felt a certain someone staring daggers into the side of your head, having noticed him in the corner of the pool the very second you stepped foot into his back yard. You kept your eyes forward, looking anywhere but at him.
This was a party.
Chrissy jumped off of Jason's shoulders, sending him flailing back into the water as she swam over to you on the side. Hoisting herself up, she enveloped you in a dripping wet hug. "Just where have they been hiding, huh?" she said, eyes darting to your chest and back again. You laughed at her candour, her inability to hide her every thought. "Don't just stand there, come get a drink! Mind if I steal her, Eddie? Promise I'll give her back." She said with a giggle, swaying your connected hands between the two of you.
"She knows where I'll be," he said, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Come find me if you need me, alright?" He said. You smiled at him, thankful that he had been there for you. You felt tons lighter now that someone else knew your secret.
Chrissy dragged you to the make shift bar on a table by the grass, coolers of beer and the notorious punch bowl calling your names. She grabbed you a glass, giving you a generous ladle full of punch that was so strong it had a resemblance to the smell of paint thinner. "So," she said, getting herself a drink, "what's going on with you and Eddie?" You nearly choked at her words.
"Me and Eddie, no way," you said, turning to look at the boy. He was wearing dark swim trunks and his guitar pic necklace. His chest full of tattoos was on full display, earning him the attention of several girls. "There's nothing going on there." Chrissy was watching you intently, the way your eyes travelled down Eddie's toned chest, lingering on the ink closest to his hip bones, pool lights accentuating their v shape. "No way."
"His eyes are up there, babe." She said, giggling as you turned back to her with a face the same colour as the red solo cup in your hand.
Eddie and you had been friends for too long, seen each other in every awkward phase, to be anything more than close friends. Sure, you both found each other attractive. That much was clear from the occasional oggling you each gave each other. You had even kissed once in 9th grade, the memory of said interaction haunting you both so much that any thought of being anything other than each other's friend sent a ghostly shiver up your spines. You'd been denying dating accusations from your mother and Eddie's Uncle Wayne for years. Uncle Wayne still had his suspicions, citing that no two teenagers needed to spend that much time in Eddie's room with a locked door. He just didn't know you were doing Special K and not each other.
"No way," you said again, taking a large swig of your drink, "way too much history there." Beside you, Chrissy smirked. With a quirked brow, she looked from you to the Munson boy, then back to you.
"Whatever you say," she said , tone full of disbelief. She bumped your shoulder with her own, prodding a teasing finger into your still flushed cheeks. "But I've got a radar for these things."
You held back a laugh, self deprecating and and entirely inappropriate, as you thought of how off Chrissy's radar was last weekend, how you and a certain brown eyed boy had completely forgone her so called sixth sense.
The party was in full swing by the time someone suggested a Keg Stand. You were in the pool with Chrissy and the other cheerleaders, laughing as the boys - including Eddie, which made you smile as he'd never gotten along with Jason and the basket ball players- relentlessly splashed you. All the while, you continued to feel a pair of eyes on the back of your head. You hadn't spared him a glance , enjoying the water and the company and the drinks without the reminder of the pit in your stomach. A circle was gathering round the edges of the pool as Tommy was picking his contenders for the Keg Stand, always too much of a coward to attempt and embarrass himself. "Jason, my man! Come on, show us how its done!"
Jason rolled his eyes at Tommy's antics. "I don't know man, someone's gotta be a designated driver."
"Come on, don't be such a pussy, Jase."
A serge of confidence - maybe down to the heat of the moment, or maybe the two bumps in Eddie's van- made you raise a high hand.
"I'll do it. I'm not driving." You were already hoisting yourself over the edge of the pool as Tommy stuttered over his words, trying to find a reason to say no, or a way to put you down. It was every guys fantasy - a girl in a dripping wet bikini on a keg. You may as well have been the sports illustrated cover you bought the swimsuit from.
"Alright, then. Steve!" Tommy called, and a cold jolt rain through you, "we found you a competitor!"
You felt him stand next to you, felt the heat of his body radiating toward you. You didn't dare look at him. An awkwardness threatened the air, looming. You risked a word.
"May the best man win."
You were hoisted up on to your keg by Jason, the rest of the basketball players gathered round and cheering you on. Steve was thrown on by Tommy, Carol next to him, and a gaggle of girls had come to watch. "Alright, " Tommy began, "two minutes for the whole keg. No breaks. Loser has to leave the party."
"It's my party, dip shit." Steve barked, frustration clear through his gritted teeth.'
"Guess you better win then, Harrington."
Your hands tightened on the side of the keg, knuckles going white with nerves. Tommy counted down from three, blowing a whistle to mark the start of your time. You were never a beer girl, but in the face of loosing to Steve Harrington in front of a crowd of people it could have been mistaken for your favourite drink. You chugged the cheap booze like you were a desert explorer stumbling on an oasis. The cheers of the crowd were silent on deaf ears, your only focus being the tube in your mouth and your grip on the keg. Your eyes were closed, the world drowned out. You were definitely going to puke, and you were definitely going to loose. Your brows scrunched in anger at the thought of the humiliation. Steve Harrington, getting the glory again. It made your eyes burn with the threat of angry, embarrassed tears. It made you question why you'd even agreed to come tonight.
The tug on your legs brought you back to earth, jovial cheers from both Chrissy and basketball teams as they pulled you down before lifting you on to Eddie's shoulders being the first indicators to your short circuiting brain. You'd finished your keg in one minute and thirty two seconds. The pool was alive with celebratory splashing. The crowd around the kegs began chanting your name, following Eddie's lead as he cupped his hands and heckled.
"All hail the new Queen of Hawkins!"
You caught Steve's eye as he glared at the scene unfolding around him. He tossed his cup on the ground - you had to hold back a laugh at his childish antics- as he stormed off, disappearing inside the open door at the edge of the house. A smug grin stretched from one ear to another as Eddie let you down to the ground. "You showed him who's boss, that's for sure," he chuckled, eyes following Steve's retreating figure. "Who knew he was such a sore loser."
"Maybe I should go and talk to him." You said, the beer telling you it was a fantastic idea. The devious smile on Eddie's face told you otherwise. "Oh yeah, because there'd be so much talking going on," he said, making an O shape with his hand before shaking it, "so much to talk about, isn't there."
You nearly ripped his arm off. The look on your face was murderous, and Eddie's laughter only grew louder.
"I'll be back in ten minutes."
"Ouch!", Eddie cried, devilish grin driving you nuts, "Lucky boy!"
You made your way to the kitchen of the Harrington house, which was the last place you saw Steve go. He wasn't there, no body was. The whole lower floor was desolate, every room a ghost town of empty cups and discarded shoes. You braved a peek up the stairs, craning your neck to see if he was lingering on the landing, to no avail. You crept up the stairs, foot steps leaving damp spots on the carpet and creaking on the old wood. Just as the rest of the house was, it was deserted.
All doors were shut tight. Harrington clearly did not want to be found. You would allow him space to wallow in his loss, already missing the glory and attention of the pool. You were reaching for the banister when a warm hand grabbed your shoulder and dragged you back into a linen closet.
With a yank of a light, Steve's face was illuminated. His face was stony, annoyed, eyes dark. It would have been scary, had you not just seen him throw a tantrum like a toddler.
Your hair dripping water on to the floor of the closet was the only sound other than the both of you breathing ragged, laboured breaths. There was a long silence before either one of you spoke.
"You sure have a flare for the dramatic," you said, gesturing to the light and the confines of the closet. "You couldn't fit in the pantry?"
Steve just looked at you, jaw set in a tight line. His eyes, however, darted all over your face; your eyes, lips, nose, cheeks. Bored of his silence, you tried for the door. He stepped in front of you., You got a dreadful sense of deja vu. "Okay, we're not doing this again."
"Hell yes we are," Steve finally said voice gruff. He had a brooding stare in his face, eyes frustrated and a little desperate - fearful. It looked as if he were worried you'd skip out on him again.
You glared up at him, irritated beyond measure.
"I came up here to see if you were okay after your little outburst out there, but you're acting like a real entitled douche here, Harrington." You pushed his shoulder - a little harder than you intended, only meaning to move him. He stumbled back a bit, the stacks of towels on the shelves cushioning his back. "Get out of my way."
He finally stepped to the side.
You were twisting the door knob when he spoke, barely above a whisper and muffled by the sounds of the party. "I cannot, and I mean cannot - as hard as I try- stop thinking about you."
Your head was screaming at you to go. To run down the stairs, say goodbye to Chrissy and find Eddie to drive you home. Every part of you was telling you to go. The door was open a crack, you could hear the voices of people outside more clearly now.
"You're all I can think about," Steve continued.
'Move', you thought. 'Move, god damn it.'
You felt Steve behind you. You could feel the warmth of his skin brushing against yours, feather light in touch, as he stepped closer to you. When you didn't move away, not an inch - part of you electrified at the scene unfolding before you- Steve's arm came over yours, hand resting on top of your own. "Close the door," he said, lips against the shell of year as he spoke. You shivered as his breath tickled your skin. With deliberate slowness, his hand on yours closed the crack in the door, shrouding the space in the warm glow of the singular lightbulb hanging from the ceiling.
It was as though your whole body was on fire. Every nerve in your body on full throttle, tingling with anticipation.
"I tried to stop," Steve began, "thinking about you, I mean." His voice was quiet, soft. Ridiculously alluring. "Tried going back to how it was before. Tried to hate you again." He looked down at this feet, as if the words he was so desperately trying to say would be written in the carpet. "But I just couldn't stop thinking about it. Us."
"Then you show up here with Munson? Of all people, to what, rub it in my face a little? Make me feel worse?" He raised his voice a little, his sudden and overt jealousy making your stomach flip. "Felt like my chest was gonna explode, I was so pissed." He sighed, crossing his arms and leaning on the wall. "Munson, of course." He muttered.
"There's nothing going on with Eddie, Steve."
"Oh, spare me," he said, "I saw you two together. The way he touched your shoulder? Earlier, by the pool?"
"Oh god, not my shoulder." You said, voice mocking.
"Come on, I see the way you guys watch each other." Steve argued, arm waving up in annoyance. "He looks at you like you're his girl!"
"And that bothers you because?"
Steve was silent after that, unable to speak the words he really wanted to without sounding like a jealous lunatic.
You took a step closer to him. His eyes met yours, frustrated and wide and even a little tormented. In a strange way, you liked it, that he was so beaten up over you. It made you feel a little better about being so haunted by the encounter, as well. Another part of you was revelling in the knowledge that Steve Harrington was hung up on you, after only one night. With a gentle hand, you grabbed Steve's wrist. "Steve," you said in a low voice, "there's nothing going on between Eddie and I. Okay?"
"How do I know that for sure?" he whispered, insecure.
You lifted his hand, eyes on his, and placed it on your shoulder. When you let go, his hand remained there. "Because," you said, " a shoulder means absolutely nothing."
Steve visibly relaxed, his shoulders became less hunched and he took a big sigh of relief. All the while, his hand remained on your shoulder.
You took another step toward Steve then, brain screaming at you to run, but the fire in your stomach telling you to stay, stay, stay. You leaned up on your tip toes, lips an inch away from his ear. "Besides," you said, "my shoulder is reserved just for you."
Steve sucked in a ragged, deep breath.
"You really shouldn't have said that." His voice was hoarse, gruff. It fanned the flames in your stomach to a blaze.
"And why's that?" you taunted, head cocked to the side as you looked up at Steve. A wicked, wolfish grin had stretched across his lips. He backed you into the wall, almost no space between you as his nose brushed against the shell of your ear. "Because," his lips grazed over your temple, "if you thought before was good," his hand grabbed your chin, making you look him in the eyes. "We're just getting started."
It was as if a switch flipped inside him as Steve crashed his lips to yours. While he was passionate before, now he was animalistic. He was all teeth as he kissed you, nipping your bottom lip in a way that said 'this is something only I get to do', and it made you groan aloud. Your hands crept up to his hair, only for him to grip your wrists and pin them above your head.
"Uh uh," he said, teasing and with entirely too much enjoyment. "Those stay right there."
You panted, out of breath, staring into Steve's lust blown eyes. You were completely shocked by this side of him. It was, quite possibly, the hottest thing you'd ever witnessed. In the brief pause, the quiet catching of breath, Steve's face came closer to yours.
"Is this okay?" He said, concern on his face, realising he may have been too intense. His brows were knit together in a soft V shape. You nodded, slow and sure. You were perfectly content to have Steve do anything he wanted to you. "Yeah, it's okay." You whispered. The teasing smile crept back on to his face. "Alright then."
And then he was kissing your neck, most definitely leaving marks as he sucked and nipped the skin on the hollow of your throat. You bit your lip at the thought of having to hide them, of being marked by him, thankful for the approaching cold season and the invention of turtle necks. One hand on your wrists, Steve's free one crept up your sides and found purchase on your hips, gripping them tightly. "God," he groaned, "do you have any idea," - a particularly hard bite on your collar bone- "how much I've thought about you this week?" His grip on your waist was impossibly tighter in the moment, pulling your hips into his own. Your only response was a breathy moan as he bucked into you.
He loosened the grip he had on your wrists, allowing your arms to slide down the wall and into his hair - he fell apart at the way you touched him, having thought about it all week. "I thought about you," he dropped down to your chest, placing kisses there. "Every," - a kiss to your torso- "single"- one to your stomach- "night." He sank down to his knees, staring up at you with swollen lips and blown out eyes. "It's like I was haunted by you. Couldn't get you out of my head." He kissed his way back up to your lips, his fingers tugging on your bottom lip with a twisted smile. "Thought about you so much, had to throw out your panties."
"You pervert." You said against his mouth, but the thought of Steve, bent over in pleasure, as he jacked off into your panties made you throb.
His hands toyed with the strings on your bikini bottoms, the flimsy material begging to be ripped off. He raised an eyebrow at you - a silent ask- and you nodded hurriedly. He pulled the knot free at an agonizingly slow pace, taunting you as your chest heaved in anticipation. He was torturous. Devilish, even. You loved it. He ripped the other knot open off hastily, making you gasp. Your lower half was completely exposed. "Do you want me?" he asked, and though his voice was hoarse and undeniably confident, his eyes wavered as he looked into your own with the slightest hint of uncertainty. You nodded, breathless and a little desperate. Steve tilted your head with his hand, thumb resting on the column of your throat, mocking smile on his lips. "I'm not touching you 'til you say it."
"Yes, God yes, I want you Steve."
"How much?" He was getting cocky then, and as much as it irritated you, it turned you on immensely. "Tell me how much."
"I thought about you, too," you said, breath hitching as he trailed a finger up and down your leg. "Couldn't help myself." That same wicked smile was on Steve's face as you spoke. "Couldn't get the feeling right again, tried so hard."
"Show me."
When your eyes darted to his, you could hardly see his irises. His eyes were practically black with lust, mouth agape as he took you in. When you didn't move, half embarrassed and half in disbelief, he guided your hand to your centre. "Show me how you touched yourself," he pushed your hand down, thumb swiping your clit. You gasped, desperate for any friction as the ache in your stomach flared. "He placed a kiss right under your belly button, eyes boring into yours. "Show me."
You felt the heat of embarrassment creep up your neck and on to your cheeks, thankful for the dim light. You sank you hand down, closing your eyes to save some semblance of your dignity. Steve Had other ideas. "Uh, uh, uh," he said, taunting. "Eyes on me."
You opened your eyes to see a completely, utterly hypnotised Steve. Every twitch, every half-movement was caught by his eager eyes. Knowing that you had so much power over him gave you a power trip, a major boost of confidence. The sight before you - a wild haired, wide eyed, practically drooling Steve Harrington- drove you crazy.
You dropped your hand down your stomach, fingers tracing the skin as they got ever closer to where you needed them most. You thought back to the nights after the party, the way you'd arched your back off your mattress pretending it was Steve's fingers getting you there, that it was Steve making your legs tremble.
You grazed your clit with your index finger, sighing as you made small circles there. You moaned, your pace picking up as you grew more impatient that Steve wasn't the one touching you and more embarrassed as time went on. You rested your head against the wall, gazing at Steve across the small space. He was shifting the front of his swim trunks around, growing impossibly more aroused every second he looked at you. Your chest began to tighten with short breaths as your hand grew quicker, the band in your stomach on the brink of snapping. You were sent over the edge at the sight of Steve palming himself, mouth in a silent 'O' shape as he watched you fall apart. The small closet felt like a sauna as you caught your breath.
"Jesus Christ," Steve said, a hoarse whisper as though his throat was bone dry - which it was. He'd never seen anything so hot in his life. "Get over here."
You launched yourself at him, throwing your arms around his neck as his own caught your waist. Your lips met in a brawl of need, smothering yourselves in one another. Steve gripped your face with a strong hand, guiding your chin so that his tongue could slip into your mouth with ease. He backed you against the wall, hands roaming all over your skin. You may as well have been on another planet, the raging party below having no influence on either one you letting out loud moans and groans. You felt on fire, sure that if you opened your eyes and looked down your body would be a scorched mess. Your core ached, desperate for any friction as Steve's clothed front rubbed against your centre.
"Steve," you whined against his lips, loud and high pitched. He was pressing into you now, and you felt you were going to go crazy if you weren't thrown on a bed in that very second. "Let's go somewhere else." When he pulled away to look at you, he quirked a brow cheekily.
"Aye aye, Captain."
Stuffing your bottoms in his pocket, Steve cracked the door ajar and peaked out. The coast was clear. He threw you - naked from the chest down- over his shoulder, and ran to the bedroom closest to the closet. It was his own, thank god. The door closed with a slam, and then you were against it, head cushioned by the coats and towels hanging from the hook.
"If you don't do something in the next thirty seconds," you said, voice desperate as Steve kissed your neck whilst his hands trailed up and down your bare back - fingers fiddling with the draw string of your bikini-, "I'm outta here, Harrington."
"Oh yeah," Steve challenged smugly, "to do what?"
You felt like pushing his buttons, testing him. His dominance displayed in the closet made you unbelievably wet, and you were hoping it was going to reappear. "Well," you began, voice full of mock innocence, "not what, rather who." Steve's arm tensed up around your body. His head whipped toward you, eyes darkening with lust and annoyance. "Who knows, maybe Eddie can help me out-"
You didn't even have to finish your sentence before Steve was scooping you up in his arms, limbs wrapped tightly around your middle as you both crashed on to the mattress. He was hovering above you with the most addictive expression on his face - a look that said "I need you, I crave you,"- and you wished that every time you closed your eyes you would see that look. Steve ripped off his shorts in a flash, stroking himself as he leaned down to you.
"You think it's funny, huh? To tease?" he said, voice wracked with desire as he watched you. You'd begun to slowly peel off your bikini top. He pulled the strap back and let it snap against your skin, grinning when you yelped. "You're in for it, babe."
The nickname had your stomach swirling with arousal, and you were sure you were leaking on to Steve's sheets from how turned on you were. He made his way between you, knee up against your clit as he ground in to you. When you bit your lip, he smiled. He sat up on his knees, stroking himself as he looked down at you. A rosy glow had donned your cheeks, both from the heat of the room and the heat of having a very attractive man tease himself in front of you. A sheen had begun to cling to your hair line. You looked entirely wrecked, and Steve had hardly touched you. His stomach flipped at the sight. He pushed your legs apart with his knee, pressing the head of his cock through your folds , delighting in the whiny pleas you let out.
"Say something for me," Steve asked, hissing as his head brushed your clit as he bucked into you.
"Anything, god, please, Steve." You would recite a whole Shakespeare play in that moment if it meant that he would fuck you. "Anything."
"Say you forgive me."
You suddenly weren't miles away. You were now hyper aware that you were in Steve's bed, in Steve's house, with Steve. Steve, who had ruined your life for so many years. Steve, who had stood by people and watched as they hurt you. Steve, who had taken your best friend from you. Steve, who had bared a piece of himself to you. Steve, who had wanted you. Steve, who had shown you who he really was. Steve, who you also desperately wanted, despite your complicated feelings about the past you both shared. The room was silent for a nano-second, before you grabbed his face in your hands.
"I forgive you."
In the midst of a very heated moment, Steve leaned down and pressed a very gentle kiss to your lips. "Thank you" he said.
Then he pushed into you, all the way, without warning and your choked moans filled the room. The stretch, while slightly painful, was glorious. Steve filled you up entirely, and you felt as though you were being split open while simultaneously feeling whole. With both hands beside you head as he hovered over you, Steve panted ragged breaths. "Oh my god, you feel amazing," he groaned. His face contorted in pleasure as you clenched around him. "God, can I move? Please, baby, can I?"
"Yes, god, move." Was all you could stutter out before Steve was rocking into you , pace wild and hard. The head board of his bed clanged against the wall, and you were thankful for the thrum of music outside. You held back screams as Steve hit that spot inside you with every single thrust.
Your legs felt like jelly as Steve grabbed your thighs, pulling himself into you with vigour. "Fuck," he moaned, unapologetically loud and undeniably hot, "fuck, I'm not gonna last long." You hands were gripping the sheets, hardly aware that he was talking as his stomach grazed your clit with every movement.
"Let me on top then," you said, and Steve wasn't a religious man, but he swore that was the moment he died and went to heaven. Steve flipped the two of you over, his back against the head board with your chest in his face. 'Heaven,' he thought as you swung your legs over his and grabbed him in your hands, sinking down on until he was all the way inside of you. "Oh my god." You said breathlessly, the feeling entirely different and absolutely better than before.
You used Steve's shoulder for leverage as you moved up and down on him, whining out high pitched moans as he thrusted up to meet you, gripping your hips tightly. You felt the coil building in your stomach. You looked down at Steve, his eyes drawn to where your bodies connected. "That's the hottest thing I've ever fucking seen," he said, eyes dilated and face red. He was right, it was unusually hypnotic to watch as your aching centre swallowed Steve's cock with every movement.
Steve's brows were knit together, determined to last but the reality that the two of you were going to come undone was fast approaching. "I wanna fill you up, wanna see my cum drip out of you. Can I cum inside you, baby?" he panted into your hair, pulling you close and wrapping his arms around your torso as he sat up, thrusting even harder up into you.
"Yes, yes yes, please Steve," you cried as his fingers crept down and began fast, tight circles on your clit. "Cum inside me, fill me up, god, please please please."
Steve let go the second you did, one final - particularly deep- thrust sending you over the edge and into Steve's chest. You felt as hot ropes of his cum shot deep into you, felt as it began to drip out o you and down your thighs. You panted into Steve's ear, chest heaving as you both came down from your highs. His hand, still between your legs, swiped up your centre, gathering the mixture of your arousals. He ran the same finger across your lips. "Open, " he said, grinning wickedly as you sucked his finger clean. "Dirty, dirty girl."
You hopped off of Steve, legs numb as you collapsed next to him on the bed. You didn't bother to cover up, the two of you no longer shy. There was a brief pause, and you felt like the prickly stickiness of sweat- and other things- on your skin. You mustered the strength to stand, stretching as you did, and made you way to the bathroom connected to Steve's. When Steve remained in bed, you turned over your shoulder as you stood in the door way. "You coming?"
Steve moved faster than you'd ever seen, practically tripping over himself, to meet you in the bathroom. Gazing at the shower, you opted to run the taps of the bath instead. The room quickly filled with steam, the mirrors fogging up. Once the tub was full, you hopped in and sat down, sighing as the warm water covered your sore legs. Steve sank down behind you, legs coming to rest beside your own, and you didn't move when his arms wrapped round your waist. Instead, you leaned back and rested your head on his shoulder.
Steve's hands ran soap up and down your arms gently, rinsing and repeating with mindless softness. he just wanted the excuse to hold you longer, feel you against him more. When his hand came down your arm again, you caught it. You fiddled with his fingers, a shyness washing over you slightly. Steve just intertwined your hands, and continued to rinse the soap off of your skin.
"What is this now?"
Steve's question hung in the warm air like the steam clung to the mirror glass. It was like you could see it in front of you, floating in a taunting cloud. It was the thing neither one of you wanted to ask, perfectly content to stay in the bath and ignore every nagging though that urged both of you to ask the other 'do you want me outside of these walls?'
You sucked in a deep breath, turning to look at Steve from where your head rested on his shoulder. "I don't know." You admitted. You didn't want to say the wrong thing and ruin the moment. "We can talk about that, though."
Steve smiled gently, resting his head on top of yours. "What do you want it to be?" He asked softly, your hand still in his.
"Is this your very long winded way of asking to be fuck buddies?"
"No," Steve chuckled to himself, "no, it's not." He sat up slightly, facing you more. "I'm saying that," he paused, struggling for the right words. "I know how I felt when I thought you and Munson were, whatever I thought you were." He said, eyes soft as he looked at you. "I know how much I missed you being round after you left."
You dropped your gaze , ashamed of your behaviour. Steve's hand moved your chin to meet his eye again, smiling that stupidly attractive smile. "I know I want you."
"I want you too, Steve." You said, almost sadly.
"Then we have something in common," he smiled again, and you rolled your eyes at him. "We can start there, and see where we go."
You didn't talk about what people might say, how you'd probably have to hide in his room or yours, secluding yourselves in VHS tapes in living rooms and candle lit dinners in kitchens. You didn't talk about how hard it would be, to keep the secret, to not talk about one another for a while. You didn't mind though. The two of you enjoyed the idea of the coming winter, the cover of darkness that meant you could walk to one another. The image of you huddled in one of Steve's sweaters as the first snow fell flashed through Steve's mind, and he felt his heart thud in his chest as he looked at you.
Warmth spread through your chest as you imagined Steve beside you on the tiny couch in your living room, fighting over the last slice of pizza as the credits rolled on a cheesy movie he'd rented. You revelled in the thought of getting to know Steve, not the King of Hawkins High, just Steve. And the thought of him knowing you as you were now, the matured and hardened version of you, made you stomach do flips as you looked at him.
"We'll see where we go." You agreed.
@urs-angel @averagemisfit03 @somemydayy @prestinalove @mandyjo8719 @alana4610 @vulgarfuckinvirgo77 @etherealforever234 @princessnancy @b3autyfuldisast3r @crumbssss @hellfiremunsonn <333
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c4m-th3-gr34t · 1 month
inspired by a post from @jamandjazz
How Johnny Cade, Dallas Winston, and Steve Randle are affected by their parent issues.
ok so keep in mind i havent read the book since december (i dont have my own copy) so this might be a bit wrong. im using info from my mind, the movie, the musical, tiktok, and here.
Johnny Cade
so its canon that johnny wouldve ran away if it werent for the gang (starting off strong with dally-johnny parallels OUCH)
the abuse from his parents definitely gave him a fucked up sense on what it means to feel loved
which is why johnny gets along with dally so well, i'll get into that more in dally's part
he 100% thinks that the entire world hates him except for the gang
someone said that he is so sweet its sick, not true. the abuse definitely toughened him up enough that he will be mean to strangers
he canonically is somewhat responsible (going out to the store to buy supplies and giving ponyboy a note)
im saying that because im pretty sure pony says something like twobit and someone else in the gang would forget to buy something johnny remembered
johnny learned that from having to live out on the street sometimes when his parents fought or kicked him out for multiple days
he is the living definition of forgive but never forget
he just wants a home
i personally hc that the abuse started as johnny grew older, maybe when he was 6-8 years old
which is why johnny (especially in the musical) still cares about his parents
because he remembers that they WERE good people
and he hopes to bring them back eventually
Dallas Winston
oh this man...
ran away from his problems. thats canon
his mom died when she gave birth and thats why his dad is the alcoholic deadbeat abuser he is
the abuse from his parents gave him a fucked up sense on what it means to love
which is why he can talk to johnny so well because johnny is used to the type of love dally gives
he 100% hates the world except for the gang
the abuse toughened up both johnny and dally, the thing is dally grew up with it, johnny was raised with love at first
also dally's environment in ny, that place is rough in many areas
tulsa doesnt have that, at least not on the level of ny
he's rough with everyone because thats what he learned
Steve Randle
screw u se hinton for giving us NOTHING abt him
the neglect sooo fucked him up
then his dad giving physical money for forgiveness?
hell nahhh
steve definitely felt like he cannot be loved without paying someone
like with real money
which made him feel unlovable because he's like broke as fuck
soda was the first person to show him what love actually is
his mom uhh eloped to wherever after steve's birth ig idfk
steve thinks everything in the world comes with a price, even an ounce of love
i literally cant think of shit for this man rn
All Three
accidentally trauma bonding
johnny mentioned something then both steve and dally said "same"
genuinely concerning from an outsider standpoint but really funny to them
if it was modern au darry or soda wouldve sent them to therapy
one time johnny got kicked out and went to the curtis house and found steve in the kitchen
j: "kicked out?"
s: "...yeah"
j: "same."
then dally walks in
d: "bottles got thrown at me in buck's place"
j: "ptsd?"
d: "no-" *remembers he's with two people who had it happen to them* "...yeah"
j and s- "its good."
johnny convinces them to do a cuddle blob thing (the gang's done them before)
darry wakes up and see them, doesnt comment but remembers for blackmail
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ladykailitha · 8 months
Staking My Claim Part 5
We are almost done just one more after this one! I thought about posting this on Tuesday to give the first chapter of the second book of Boy With a Bat some love.
But with this one literally two chapters away from being finished it didn't seem fair to postpone this one.
Here we have Nurse Jeff and sweet Eddie.
Pt 1| Pt 2|Pt 3| Pt 4|
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Once they other three were gone Jeff turned to Steve and Eddie.
“Right the real reason I’m here is because I’m going to make you two don’t jump each other before Steve is well enough.”
Steve and Eddie looked at each other and blushed.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Jeff said, crossing his arms and leaning back on one foot.
“Eddie go get us some lunch and I’ll make sure Stevie here isn’t going to throw up again.”
Eddie nodded and grabbed his keys. He gave Steve a kiss on the cheek and dashed off, leaving Steve alone with Jeff.
Jeff turned on the light in the kitchen to better see Steve’s face. He held Steve’s chin and turned his head gently to the light and away from it.
“Your dilation is a little slow,” he said. “That’s not good.”
Steve nodded. “I’ve had concussions before. It feels a bit like that. The dizziness, the nausea, the pounding in my head.”
Jeff nodded. “I think I still have some anti-nausea medication and if I don’t, we can try some Pepto, okay?”
Steve nodded. “I wouldn’t have done anything,” he said softly.
Jeff raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“With Eddie,” he whispered. “Not before we got back to Hawkins, anyway.”
Steve nodded again. “I’m bit too romantic for my own good. And having the chance I might ruin our first time with puking is the last thing I’d want.”
“First time?” Jeff asked over his shoulder as he went to the bathroom.
“I meant it when I licked him, he’s mine now.”
Jeff chuckled.
He came back out holding two bottles. “Looks like I have two kinds of anti-nausea meds. One is very heavy duty, so we’ll try the other one first. We don’t want to mix something heavier if the knock out drug is still in your system.”
Steve nodded.
“In fact,” Jeff muttered. “I should call my mom.”
He set the two bottles on the counter next to Steve and went to the phone.
After a brief conversation Jeff picked up the heavier medication. “She actually recommended the tougher meds to counter whatever was given to you. She even wants you to stop by on your way home so she can look you over.”
Steve blushed. “She doesn’t have to do that. I’ll be fine.”
Jeff raised an eyebrow and Steve ducked his head. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. My sister is a lot like you, you know.”
“She’s the oldest,” Jeff murmured, “so she was brought up that she had to take care of everyone else and couldn’t ask for help.”
Jeff rubbed the top of his head. “Look, man. I get it, I really, really do. If your parents are as half the shit the rumor mill makes them out to be, you’ve been abandoned and neglected all your life. Somehow, someway you became the defacto older brother to the weirdest group of latchkey kids I’ve ever seen and you think you have to do everything for them because you didn’t get to have that. But thinking like that will only wear you down and out.”
“It’s hard,” Steve admitted. “They’ve been through so much.”
Jeff let out a sigh. “I get that too. You and those kids have been through some heavy ass shit. I also get that you think that because you’re the oldest you can’t tell them what you’re feeling because you don’t want to burden them.”
“You’re Robin and Nancy’s age,” Steve said quietly.
Jeff frowned, not quiet understanding the comment. Then it dawned on him. “Eddie isn’t.”
Steve’s head shot up. “What?”
“I know it’s hard to remember because he graduated with me and the other guys,” Jeff said. “But Eddie is older then you. He was supposed to graduate in ‘84.”
Steve blinked. “Oh. Yeah.”
“So lean on him,” Jeff said. “Yeah, you’re attracted to him. And you definitely want to fuck. But let him in emotionally, too. I think you’ll find he’s as a great a listener as he is a talker.”
Steve blushed.
Just then the door swung open to reveal Eddie with a large bag of McDonald’s.
“I didn’t know what you would like,” Eddie said with a grin, “so I got a little of everything I could think of.”
Steve smiled. “I’m sure I’ll find something I like then.”
They all dug in and polished off most the bag of fast food.
“Seriously,” Steve said, “why does greasy food always the best hangover cure?”
Eddie cocked his head to the side. “I don’t know. It defies all logic. You would think it would be stuff that was easy on your stomach like toast and rice would be better, but nope!”
Steve took Eddie’s hand. “Thanks for taking care of me. I appreciate it.”
Eddie blushed to his roots. “You don’t need to thank me. I just did what the next person would have done.”
Jeff snorted. “Bullshit. You went above and beyond and you know it. There is no shame in accepting his thanks. You did good, man.”
Eddie shoved his hair in front of his face to hide his embarrassment. “You’re welcome, Stevie.”
“I think you should go lay back down,” Jeff suggested to Steve. “We’ll be here if you need us.”
Steve nodded and wandered back to Eddie’s room. He closed the door and laid down, sure that he wouldn’t sleep as he had already slept a lot. But it appeared he needed it more than he thought as he drifted back to dreamland.
Part 6
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @vecnuthy @bookbinderbitch @littlewildflowerkitten @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @scheodingers-muppet @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @anne-bennett-cosplayer @irregular-child @lololol-1234 @monsterloverforhire @mugloversonly @live-the-fangirl-life @hellfireone @lublix @breealtair @croatoan-like-its-hot @f0xxyb0xxes @jamieweasley13 @r0binscript @confuseddisastertm @sleepdeprivedflower @thedragonsaunt @dissociatingdemon @dragonmama76
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 26 days
Hi again I was wondering if you could do a Steve harrington x reader where its the morning after moving in together and its so fluffy and domestic and sweet (and bonus they talk about getting married and Steve mentions his dream/having his brood of Harrington's)💖
Request by @keerygal 💞
Fluffy fic request ❤️
It has been a long time of planning and packing, and an even longer time moving into yours and your boyfriend Steve's new home.
Unpacking, trying to figure out the perfect places to put everything and making it into the place that you and Steve envisioned took a while to get right.
Finally though everything was in place and you all but collapsed on your bed absolutely exhausted but giddy, it was time to start a new chapter with Steve.
After a moment or so, Steve joins you on the bed and pulls you into your arms, the stress of the last week melts away and you turn around and cuddle closer into Steve's chest.
He sighs contended and presses a tender kiss to your hair, "What a week. I can't believe that's it done. After we've settled in maybe it would be nice to talk about the future" he sounds nervous as he says this but it excites you that he's thinking about future plans.
It's also a bit terrifying but Steve is the only person you want to spend the rest of your life with. "You think about future plans?" you ask softly, eager to hear what he envisions.
A deep blush coats his cheeks and he holds you closer as he talks. "Well yeah, I mean someday hopefully we will get married and maybe you know, start a brood of mini Harrington's"
You know Steve will be an amazing father. How he treats the kids; especially Dustin only solidifies your thoughts on him as a dad.
"I want to be a better husband and father than my one has ever been" there's a venom to his voice as he mentions his dad, there's a whole awful history with Steve and his parents. Downright neglectful arseholes come to mind.
Who leaves their just turned teenage son (at the time) in a big house to his own devices, while they swan off to whatever place they were holidaying or working for months on end. It was despicable.
"You'll be an amazing husband and dad, I just know it. How many kids are you thinking love?" you idly play with his hair, trying to calm your less than kind thoughts about Steve's parents.
"Oh I've always wanted a big family, six was the ideal" Six? You nearly pass out at the thought of six kids and he grins sheepishly at you. "Maybe three or four kids?" He amends grinning and you nod relieved.
"I think three kids sounds perfect. Oh and a dog and cat" he agrees with this and is lost in thought for a little bit, whatever he's thinking about makes him smile, his eyes lighting up as he turns to you.
"Uh and remember a few years ago, my dream of us in a camper van, spending school holidays travelling around the states with the kids we have?"
"I'd love that Steve" when he first mentioned it to you it was an idea that you instantly fell in love with.
Who knows maybe in a few years that would be a reality or you and Steve would be on your way to that dream.
Little did you know that in just six months time Steve would be proposing and a year after that baby Harrington would be born.
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baby come back
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This is a sequel to "Careless Whisper"
✧ Summary : they say "you should leave all the past behind" but what if they deserve a second chance?
✧ Word Count : it might be long but I hope it's worth it
✧ Warnings : 18+ MDNI‼️ Past!Ex-Boyfriend!King Steve! Harrington x FEM!reader, eventual smut, cursing, mentions of bad household, complicated father & son relationship, slight emotion invalidation & misogyny, cheating, separated parents, alcohol consumption, mentions of smoking, child neglect, trauma, intense confrontations, fluff, angst, not giving away anything! don't wanna give you guys ideas 🤭
✧ What to Expect : ANGST, FLUFF AND SMUT‼️reader will be so unsure of him but she'll get there ;)) I promise this will so fast paced, the story goes back to present and past!
✧ Note To Reader : YOOOO y'all making me inspire to write more for Steve! THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT omg- even it's just small numbers of recognition is enough for me 🥺🫶🏻✨
✧ Author Note : I literally tried to think of a better song to associate the next part and my god- my brain was like zapping up to Baby Come back and I was like "THAT'S IT!" 🤩🙌🏻
"Henderson, I already told you not to wipe your feet on the inside of my car"
"Must've slipped off my mind"
"I've been your chaperone- wait a second- I'm your goddamn babysitter for the past 3 years!"
"Just step on it, already!"
"Remind me why I'm being friends with you" Steve turns on the engine of his car and held onto the steering wheel
"It's because I'm a great person"
Steve chuckles as he shakes his head but a fond smile is evident on his lips
"What time should I pick you up?"
"The usual"
Dustin talks about his night yesterday after school with the whole segment of the D&D Campaign, while listening as he kept his eyes on the road, I think he could make a word count on how many times he mentioned Eddie
Steve watches his young friend steps outside of his car, "Okay, see ya"
He's heading on his way to Family Video, where she meets Robin sitting on the front stairs
"What are you doing?" He asks as he gets outside of his car and puts his keys inside of of his pocket
"I guess, we're both too early, too early that Kevin hasn't even arrived yet" Robin stood up as she walks closer to Steve
Steve looked behind him, there's a new diner in town that he hasn't been it yet
"Wanna go there and eat some breakfast?" He nudge his head on the facility that he's looking at
Robin follows his gaze and clasps both of her hands together "Let's go, I'm getting bored here for waiting"
Once they get inside, the smell of brewed black coffee invades both of their noses and the sweet scent of pancakes and waffles
Robin already got an eye on the waitress who is serving some delicious fully packed breakfast plate, she swore that she is drooling over it and it made Steve chuckle
Steve is always been a pancake and bacon kind of a guy, he likes the combination of sweet and salty, so, that's where he is aiming for
Both of them saw a table that is near to window, they sat together across from each other
The male waiter was about to gave them menu's but they dismissed it
He nods gladly as he calls someone else to fill up their order
"Hello, goodmorning, what's your order-"
"Hi, can I get-"
Oh my fucking god
Holy fuck
It's you
His mind is going ablazes because he pretty much knew himself that he has a 20/20 vision
But at this time? All of his insides are overheated
He hasn't seen you since....the prom
Fuck, the memories starts to take him back
You just finished your last school year on that history that you both happened before and you move out of the school
Not only moved out of school, but you also left the town, Hawkins Indiana
Yes, you left.... without sparing him a single word about your departure
The town that you've never wouldn't have thought you could ever get back to
But, this is your hometown where you truly grew up in
You only decided to comeback since
You got homesick
You missed your family, that's why you take the chance to finally be with them
You clear your throat, you try to mask up your expression as you completely forgotten his companion that you briefly glanced and you noticed her confused look at you
She darts back and forth on you and Steve
You remained civilized, "What can I get for you?"
You say softly as you clicked your pen and holding up your notepad
He blinks as he takes a deep breath, "Uh- Pancake and Bacon and Coffee"
Damn, you wished there's a machine to mind sweep your entire memory of him
You still remember it
He still eats the same way
"Okay, um, should I bring creamer and sugar?"
"Yes, please"
Shit, he still makes his coffee the same way too
Fuck, fuck, fuck
Who in the right mind that you chose to have your vacation here?
When you could do it somewhere else
You trust yourself too much that you thought you won't be able to see this familiar face again
You nod but you can feel his eyes on you
You look incredible
Of course, he'll take every chance to look at you
You cut your hair shorter, you even changed it into different shade of color, your natural dark brown is gone, it turned into more lighter brown
The wavy length and the bangs looks so perfect on you is shaping your face that he still does love until now
You dress so differently now too, he could tell by your silver rings and....
A piercing? You have three earlobes now
He adores how you wear your makeup, not too flashy but it enhances your features
He is delighted to see your face again, he never thought that the universe will give him another glimpse of you even is just like this
A part of him that made him sad for a sec, it's understandable that you changed your whole appearance
You changed because you want to forget who you were before
You have to remove every single thing about how you look that reminded of him
Maybe in another life....
You're happy together
You motion to Robin who is still absolutely puzzled from the not so obvious look of recognition form the both of you
She could already tell that is something is deep between the two of you
Before she tells her order, he catches Steve who is not even afraid to gape on you, he's not even trying to hide it until she spoke up and he heard her voice
He got shy all of the sudden and runs his fingers through his hair
"The Breakfast meal?"
"Yeah, right that one"
"A drink along with that?"
"Oh, a cup of coffee too as well"
You nod as you clicked back your pen as you tear off the paper from your notepad
"It'll be ready in a minute" you say, you offer the both of them with a small smile as you finally take your leave
Robin leans forward with her hands together, "Okay, what was that?"
"What?" He acts clueless, he knows Robin won't drop the scenario that just happened
Robin chuckles in amusement "Well, you tell me" she nudges her head to you
He glances at you with those eyes, you can still freaking feel them on you
You start cleaning the table and picked up the tip from a another customer
"Don't you dare "Robs" me and don't you ever lie to me" she throws her hands up as she raises both of her eyebrows at him
He sighs as he scratches the back of his neck
"Do I really need to tell you?" He shuts his eyes for a second as he takes a deep breath
"Uh yeah? Because that look it isn't something that is far beyond that you just know the person"
"You knew her"
She leans backward as she crosses both of her arms
She can't even tell if she just struck off a nerve or offended him
"I'm just messing with you, dingus, it's okay-"
"No-No, it's just-" he exhales
"it's been a while since I saw her" he speaks in a voice that his bestfriend couldn't ever expected to hear
It sounds so broken, it increases her pique of interest even more
What happened?
"I hesitated because-" he looks at her with guilty eyes "I think you're not going to look at me in the same way ever again"
Robin listens intently as she gestures her to keep going
"I am here to reassure you that I'm not going to judge you"
"I did something bad in the past, Robin, but I've changed"
"We all have done something wrong in our lives, Steve, the right way to do is to face it, hold yourself accountable for it, and learn from it, but that doesn't make you a bad person"
He looked at you again, you are now serving someone else a vanilla milkshake
"Yeah, you're probably right, but to her? I am"
Flashback to 1986
He spent all of his allowance that his father gave to him
All of his money going out all night in the town
The prom was one month ago
One month ago
He trying to do anything to get you out of his mind
He drank a lot of alcohol and gets drunk most of the time
But when the morning comes, it felt like he needs to start it all over again
He realizes that trying to forget you, it's just a waste of time
He wants you to come back, he needs you to come back
He'll do anything for it
Anything at all
He knows it won't be easy
He angrily crumpled and tear off all of the pictures that he had with his friends
Friends that aren't not even real
He knows that you're right about him, it's just his own stubborn mind who refuses it
He hates himself
No, scratch that, he loathes himself for becoming like this
His mom's words were very dear to him even it's just a simple phrase
"Don't try to be something that you're not"
Don't be a fucking people pleaser
Now, he got the point why you don't like these titles at school
The social cliques at the campus
It's also his own fault that he got into this
He wanted to be somebody
Even it hurts people that he loves the most
So, that same morning, he is so determined to be different this next coming school year
He trashed everything that upsets him, he even ditched some of his varsity jackets, all of his trophies he put them all in a case and placed them on the attic
Everyone is going crazy how he acted so differently at school
He just rolls his eyes at it, god, now he really fucking gets it why you're so ick to this
"They're so overdramatic at this stuff, I mean- what's the damn point?!?" your voice echoes to his mind
That's where he retired of being King Steve
Everytime he heard someone mentioning it, he just grimaces, winces and even cringed at it
He doesn't even Iike to be called on that name anymore
Sure, he is still good at his academics and sports but now ever since he pulled that "dropping his title" at school?
He is now getting the treatment of true colors
Now, he is out of that barrier of being on the top popular guy at school
His eyes and mind opened at your perspective
He can see it why, fuck, that adds more salt to the wound
He cannot even blame anyone for making him being this way
Maybe, high school is tough that's why he did it
But then, he notices a pattern of events on his life
Fuck, he is just like his father
He rarely visits the house and just talking about his work and didn't gave him a chance to speak what is going with his only son
He never paid attention, never even cared, not even felt any affection to him
But when he does, he just snaps at him, and tell him that being emotional is weak
Having feelings are weak?
How fucked up is that?
So, he kept his mouth shut even though he wanted to yell at his father
The only parent that he felt being loved is his own mom
His mom that left them both behind, he can still remember it
Because why?
His father cheated on her too
It's like a damn cycle, it making him violently vomit at the thought of it,
History repeats itself
He made a promise to himself that he won't ever be like his father
But, he already done it and it angers him even more
"Hey, Steve" he opens and locks the door behind him
Not "Hey, son" am I even your son? He thinks to himself as he keeps his eyes on the television his own father doesn't even noticed the obvious scowl on his face
"There's this woman at work, who-" he chuckles in a salacious way and it sends shivers down to his spine
"Who slapped me right after I kissed her and told me that she isn't interested in me" he chuckles yet again as he removes his coat
"She wears that outfit and expect me not to do anything? She did that in order to seduce me, she wants it" he scoffs as he shakes his head
He gotten so uncomfortable, he starts shifting from his seat
Steve needed this bottled up emotions to blow up
He wants and he needs his father to hear him out
"That's what you did to, Mom, too, huh?"
The silence is too loud, Steve is so fucking insane for doing this confrontation but he has to do it or else he will lose his mind
"What the fuck did you just say?" His dad grumbles as he stares down at his son with a fire on his eyes
He glares at him as he chuckles dryly, "You're so messed up that it hurts" he spats
"What are you even talking about?" He pushed him by the shoulder
"I hate that you're my dad!" He does the same action as he stumbles back, Steve thought his mind playing tricks at him but he swore for a brief moment that he saw his dad cracked
He is guilty, he is ashamed of it, he knows he is not a perfect father, he is not proud of it
15 year old, Steve would've been shitted on his pants for doing this but he is not afraid of it anymore
He is completely appalled, lost for words, the way his narcissistic exterior washed out on instant
"I lost the girl that I ever truly loved because of you!" He points at himself with anger and sadness swirling into his eyes
"Do you think it's easy for me to live out my life there knowing that my own fucking father is proud to have this mindset?!?" He steps closer as he makes hand motions to his head
"I can't just push you away because why? You're my dad, I-I can't just do that" He throws his hands up as he sighs in exasperation
"I-I have so much things that I wanted to scream out loud for you to hear because I've been carrying it for a long time and it really sucks because this argument isn't going to change anything" He is trying to so hard not to bawl in front of his old man but it his voice wavered badly but he didn't care
This is the most unfiltered thing he has ever done in his life and he knows for sure this will help him....A lot
"You've gone soft, Steve, that's the real world"
He looks at him with furrowed brows as he shooks his head
"I'm not gonna grow up to be just like you, asshole" He laughs incredulously as he starts picking up his shoulder bags and luggage
"Where do you think you're going, young man?"
"I'm going to leave because I'm sick of you and this big house"
"You're not able to survive out there without my help"
"You know for the first time in forever made me realize having a enormous fortune isn't necessary in life sometimes"
"You listen here-"
"What is fortune when you don't even have a good fucking relationship with your parents and household"
That's where he slams the door shut and breathes out a really long satisfying sigh with a proud smile on his face
He feels good, he feels great, he feels he has done something wonderful in his life
This is just the start of it
He takes his car keys and drove away like nothing ever happened
"Steve! Earth to Steve!" Robin clapping her hands right across to her bestfriends face
"What- I'm sorry" he says as he began shifting on his seat
"Okay, so to be clear, y'all are highschool sweethearts before-" Robin squints her eyes as she make gestures to her expressive hands
"and I was...." His shoulders slumped down, he doesn't even want to finish the sentence
"King Steve" Robin shrug both of her shoulders as she gave a sympathetic smile
"yeah" A small but sad smile flashes on his lips as he ducks his head down in shame
Robin is obviously needs some more information to fully understand what happened to your relationship with him
"Is it so bad?"
"is far more than bad, Robs"
"Did you kill someone?"
Steve eyes widened as he genuinely laughed, "N-No- I didn't!"
She chuckles but she is glad she made him laugh, "So, what is it then?"
He just made this one look to Robin and as she tries to read his eyes, her smile drops
As if you we're on cue, you placed their orders on their table as Robin made a stressful brush up to her hair as she glances at you
"Your order's are complete, just call me if you're ready to-"
"We can pay now" Robin's voice is firm but a hint of disappoint surrounding at the tone of her voice
You looked over at Steve for a sec who still gave you those pleading eyes as you tried your best to look away as you gave the receipt to them
You've taken both of their payment as you walk away quietly
Did just Steve talked about you to her?
"Robin- I"
"I know it's in the past, It isn't my place to open up the wound again" she sighs as she tug up a smile to him
He smiles as he nods to her words, he is worried that this could ruin their friendship
"But I am fond that you chose to change, Steve, you changed for her" she places her palm on top of his as she pats it gently
"Do you still love her?" Robin asks him as she tries to search his eyes
She can see it, the same devotion is still there, it never died and it never will be
His last words to you echoed into his mind
"I can't never love again, I only want you"
And it truly did
He still does
Robin chuckles slightly to Steve with those lovesick eyes, "Of course, you do"
"You can't never get over with your first love"
You're done with the night as you put on your jacket along with your sling bag on the shoulder
But when the time you got inside of your car, your vehicle won't start up everytime you try it won't ever run
You sigh in frustration "Goddamn it!"
You look over to the other side of the road, you saw Steve locking up the doors at the Family Video
Shit, the universe is really testing you
You walked outside of your car as you close the door with a slam as you start to pace around it
You fumbled with the stuff inside of your bag as you pulled out a cigarette stick and you flick the lighter in your pocket
You inhale deeply as you blow out the smoke, you massage the back of your neck as you try to figure how to get the fuck outta here
You're mad that you're hopeless to get home
The last thing that you wanna do and the last option is to get ride home with Steve
You felt a hand behind you, you shrieked as you almost punched him in the face
"Woah- it's just me!" He held both of your wrist as he takes as step foot back to dodge your aim
You huff as you tap off the excess from your cigarette, you mumbled a small "sorry"
Well, isn't this great? Your first conversation with him after what??? 3 years???
He doesn't want to react because he hasn't seen you smoke before, I mean- you can do what you want but both of you really did changed
Did you developed anything else such as bad habits? that added another pang into his chest seeing you do things that you've never done before
He looked over to your car, "What happened?"
You blew out the smoke as turn your head into the other side, you try your best to remain calm but it feels all too much when he is this close to you "My car won't start"
"I can take you home, I know a place that can fix your car tomorrow" he suggest as he offers you a ride home respectfully, you can see that
Something is not right to him and it's giving you the creeps not in a bad way but why do he seems so nice? Is it because of you or he changed too?
You have no other choice, the terminal closes up pretty early, so, there's no train or bus to take
Only for tonight, just this night
You blew out the last smoke as you stub the cigarette into the nearest ashtray near the trash can
His eyes are glued to you, he watches your every move, of course, he knows that you wanna wrap this all up and forget all of this ever happened
As much as he wanted to talk to you ask you if you're okay, he respects your peace and boundaries
"Okay" you walk back up to him as the both of you crossed the road
What the fuck? Is he a gentleman now? You're not used to him like this, opening up the car door for you?
You flashed him a small but also confused smile as he jogs into the driver's seat
You saw the oh so familiar necklace that hangs on the rearview mirror
You made that necklace to him
Why does he still keep it?
He starts the engine as he put his hand over the headrest as he drives backwards
The drive was....so awkward and how quiet it is ringing to his brain
You just busied yourself watching all of the scenery outside in the car window as you passed by into different places
He takes his chances to glance at you
My god, he can't believe that you can still made him feel like this way
You crossed your leg that made your skirt rides up a little, he clears his throat
"Uh, so, which way should I go to?"
"Just turn here" you point out to him
He brings the car around the different small houses and his breath staggered he recognizes it
Oh, you're here because of your family
You're only having a vacation
"Stop here!" The tires screech as he stops abruptly and you accidentally bring yourself closer to him that he almost almost can kiss your lips in just one move
His breath hitched at the gap between the two of you
Your eyes flit to his and to his lips
It felt like eons that you both just stare for each other at the moment
You know and he knows
Fuck, you still love him
"I-I gotta go" you slowly move back up as you open the door but before you get outside, you softly say "thank you" and closed the door
You didn't give him a chance to reply as you quickly grab your house keys to unlock the front door
He sighs as he massages his forehead, he rolls up the windows before you get inside
"Take care" he says as you only nod and closed the door behind you
You squeezed your eyes shut at whatever that was inside of his car
"What are you even looking for?" He says not looking at you as he looks at a Nazareth vinyl
"Michael Jackson's Bad album" you say as you squealed gleefully when you found the one you were looking for
"We're going to be late for the movie, sweetheart" he hold both of your shoulders to grab your attention
"They're aren't going to start without us, Eddie" you say as you smirk at him as you walk away
"We have to buy popcorn-" he whines jokingly as he kept being all dramatic while he slings his arm around yours
"and drinks and other goodie stuff, I know, I'm just gonna pay this, stay calm" you giggled as you excitedly take the purchased album into your hands
"Hey, Eddie!" The same girl with the dusty blonde hair greets him the same time as you both are about to leave the record store
You can't never avoid him, huh?
She looks at you and your hand is wrapped around his forearm as she gives you a small wave
You only nod and smile, Steve is right behind her
"Dude, what's up?" Eddie greets him, right you forgot they studied in the same school
Of course, they knew each other, except for you because you left
You're nervous because of what Steve might think of you but you can't see anything on his face and his eyes
He doesn't seemed to mind that you're with someone else, there's no jealousy, mockery, sarcasm as he talks to Eddie
He doesn't even noticed how close you are at the metalhead
Meanwhile, Robin saw how you study him, but you look away you don't want to make him realize that you still care for him after all of this time and as she does as well
"Where are you two going?" Steve beams as he takes in how divine you look, Eddie didn't even catches it
"To the movies!" Eddie grins as he pulls you by his side as you roll your eyes playfully
"Are you guys going to watch Batman?" Robin gasps as she watches Eddie eyes goes big in excitement
"Yeah" you nod at her, Robin who is surprised that's the first ever interaction that you just had with her, so, she decided to introduce herself to you
"I'm Robin, by the way, I'm the bestfriend of Steve- ow!" He hits her by the shoulder as you chuckle in amusement in the way Robin punctuates and emphasizes the words to you
"We gotta go now" Eddie chuckles as he wraps his arms around you, but halts his tracks as he remembers something
"Sure, see you later" Steve nods as he purses his lips together as the both of them step inside
"Harrington, you could invite her to your party!" Eddie points at you and your close your eyes in embarrassment
You didn't tell Eddie about your history together with Steve but you did kinda....throw some hints at him about your past but didn't reveal the real name
Party? He still does that? you think to yourself
You saw how Steve became jittery all of the sudden as he tries to drop the topic right away but Robin, a glint of mischief on her eyes as she snaps her fingers at Eddie
Damn, you got yourself invited but you grew amused to the mystery girl
"I can't fucking believe you did that" he glares at his bestfriend who is pretending to be innocent as she walks away from him
"Oh- please, don't act that you didn't want that" she scoffs at his in denial behavior as she saw a vinyl that is similar to his situation
"You still want her, right?" Robin smirks as she gives the vinyl to him who is now gauging at his reaction
He takes the vinyl out of her hands without looking at it first but he laughs as soon as he saw the title
"Baby Come Back by The Player"
She wiggles her brows at him, he tries to kick her by the leg but she managed to dodge it
"Don't fuck it up this time, dingus"
"Trust me, I won't"
You had fun watching Batman with Eddie, he'll be right back with you as he headed at the men's restroom
You overheard a kid who is very defensive with his bestfriend, you try not to pry but until you heard the name "King Steve"
You've never looked around so fast in your entire life and your eyes fall onto the boy
"You're being friends with a douchebag-"
"He is not a douchebag!"
"Yeah, right, I heard he break girl's hearts like it was nothing-"
"T-That's not true!"
God, your mind is saying no but your heart is making you walk towards him
Curiosity got the best of you as you listen closely, but you stay alerted when things get heated
The poor kid, huffs as he shifts on his stance as he watches the two young ones left him
"He doesn't even like that name anymore, what a bunch of assholes"
"Hey, are you okay?"
He quickly swipes the tears away "Y-Yeah, I'm good"
He probably doesn't even remember you, "Dustin, right?"
You smile sweetly at the kid, you really shouldn't ask a lot about him but you feel mystified of what you just witnessed, "Was that true? about what you said at Steve?"
"He cares a lot, he loves a lot, he is willing to do anything just to protect- Wait a second- who are you anyway?" He was getting into until he realizes that he is talking to a stranger and he paused
The kid missed the endearment on your eyes as you blink rapidly, you looked over your shoulder as you saw Eddie searching for you
"I'm gonna go now, bye" you say as he tries to chase you but you got lost in the crowd until he can't no longer see you
"Whoever that person is, that's so bizarre" he speaks for himself
"I have to tell this to Steve at the upcoming party"
He is not looking forward to it
But he wishes you were
He doubt that you will show up over at his house
But, honest to god, he thought the time stopped when I saw you walking by alongside with Eddie and Robin
His brain is muddled and his heart rate is increasingly so fast
"Hey, Steve-" Dustin jogs over to him but his mind is elsewhere as the door swings open
"Here we are" Eddie does his classic antics as he opens his arms as you chortled
"Welcome" Steve steps aside as he lets you all walk in
"Where's the drinks?" Robin feels so at home like she unashamedly looks through his refrigerator
"It's literally 7pm- don't you dare drink-" He puts his hands over his hips as he reasons with Robin
"Not that- I'm just thirsty" Robin rolls her eyes as she tries to explain
"You?" Dustin loudly made a sound that all of the guests caught their attention
You give him a small wave and a crooked smile and now you're regretting attending this
Steve clocked your reaction as he hold your shoulder leading you away from him
"Why are you pointing at her, Henderson?" Eddie is perplexed as he tries to understand the situation
"You mean- you didn't know?" Dustin bunches up his eyebrows at the metalhead
Steve glares at Robin who winced at the look that his bestfriend just gave him
"I think, you might want to sit down, Munson"
Steve has taken you in the backyard as he slides the door close
Oh, hell no
Not this place
Steve cringes what he just realized but he tries to keep his composure
"You still do parties, huh?"
He stare at you for a second, are you actually having a conversation with him?
"Uh no- we're going to have a movie marathon, not a party"
"Oh" you nod slowly in understanding as you stare at the swimming pool, you breathe in deeply as you keep your hands to yourself
Your sight of vision fell into Eddie, Robin, Dustin bickering at each other as you saw the guilty look on your metalhead bestfriend directed at you as you send him a small smile as you look away yet again
"I see that you told them"
"I-I'm sorry, I only told Robin-"
"Save it, Steve" your voice has gotten serious unlike earlier, but he can see it in your eyes that you're fighting between your emotions
You're trying your best to resist yourself for giving yourself away too fast
Steve's shoulders tensed as he looked up into the sky to find the right words to say to you
You deserve to know that, he needs you to know that him and Robin are nothing more than a platonic friendship
"Robin is just my bestfriend, she helped me"
"Help you?....with what?" You knit your brows together as you look at him in question with your arms crossed
"I- uh- I moved away from my dad after we- to live on my own independently" He suddenly became shy as he scratches the back of his neck as he averts his gaze somewhere else
That's where he truly see your eyes soften as your eyes went everywhere to his face
He can communicate properly with you now?
He is actually saying the truth to you?
You're not used to it and he knows he doesn't blame you
Before you can reply, Dustin calls out at the both of you as Steve sighs when you're the first one to walk away from him
"Hey, are you okay? dude?" Dustin asks him sincerely
"Yeah, man, I'm good" He lies, as he gives his young bestfriend a forced smile
False bravado, that's the mask that he's wearing all the time ever since you reappeared again
Tryna' keep up a smile that hides a tear
He wants you so bad, but how he will ever to win you back?
"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry, I didn't know-"
"It's fine, Eddie, it's not your fault"
"Do you want to leave?"
"No, I'm gonna stay, Eddie- it's alright, I promise"
"Just tell me, if you're not up for it anymore, okay?"
Everyone is a blobbering mess after seeing Dead Poets Society, except for you and Steve
You caught him giving you those eyes yet again like he was begging for you
Begging for you to give him a chance
He wants to talk to you, the scariest thing you could ever say to him that your doors are chained and he'll understand
But the thing is that, he can't live without you
He'll do anything to persuade you, convince you, make you believe that he is nothing like the "Steve" the one you've met before
If he could go back in time, he would redo everything
The moment when everyone is leaving and saying their goodbyes
He took your hand and he must swallow his shock because you let him hold you for the first time in forever
Eddie even talked to him while you were distracted by Robin, by him saying "I don't know what happened between the two of you that much but.... I'd get her back, man, whatever it takes"
"Can we talk?" He whispers as he puts you in the corner where no one else can see you both
"Just give me the chance to make you see-"
Oh, Steve's brain just mushed down
Because you're fucking kissing him
He recovers as he cupped both of your cheeks as he gives into you
Your hand gets lost to his hair, god- he misses that a lot, your sweet scent, he's inhaling it so much that electrocutes his brain
The kiss went into seconds, minutes and feels like an hour
You don't know what's gotten into you but you know you're going to blame yourself for this
You already told yourself that your guard is up
But, your heart tells no otherwise and your body reacted, so, positively that it flushed down closer to his
You stopped yourself as you saw him chasing after your lips but then he saw how hurt you look, his heart drops to his stomach as he gulped
He is flustered and so are you, but he sees the recognition in your eyes, the realization
He flinched the way you angrily punched him in the chest all of the sudden as you wept in front of him
No words thrown out between the two of you
It's the same damn kiss
It never changed, it still feels the same, moves the same, the way both of your lips melded into one another is a complete shocker to you
He didn't care about your outburst as he let the tears fall from his face as he embraces you instead
He starts caressing your head as he tries to keep you calm on his warm hug
You held onto his shirt in a fist that you violently sobbed face flat in front of his chest
As much as you wanted to stay in that area
You begrudgingly dragged yourself away from him as you walked outside, not giving him a second look
He knocks off one of his picture frames as he slides his back down against the wall as he started crying
Love is embarrassing, isn't it?
3 years, 3 goddamn years, you both still yearn for each other
Your first kiss after 3 years invaded his mind the entire night, he stares at the empty space of his bed
God, he wishes that you were here next to him on his arms
You've never packed up your stuff so fast in your entire life
You're ready to leave first thing in the morning
The door bell rings and you hold your breath for a second
"Oh no, not you- Steve-" you tried to close the door but no to avail as he stepped his foot to prevent you from for not letting him in
He glanced at your luggage and bags that makes his stomach twist
"Have you used up all of it?" He says as he kept his eyes on you
"W-What are you even talking about?!?" You threw your notepad in the near table, fuck- you shouldn't have double checked too much on your lists before going out
He got you now, you can't escape this
"All the love in your heart"
That's where you avoid his eyes as he moves closer to you
"Ain't there nothing left for me?"
"Steve- stop!"
"That's right-"
"A lot of people that I know what I did to you was foolish, anyone can see it"
You let your stubborn attitude subside as you listen to him
"There's was something and everything about you"
You take out a shuddering gasp as your eyes burn from the threatening tears
"You can blame it all on me, I was wrong, baby, I-I just can't live without you"
He could've done this before
Take the responsibility of his actions and not to sugarcoat every word and have the guts to hold the accountability of his mistakes
"Steve, you gotta move on-" you lie what you truly feel, what's stopping you?
"Baby come back, come back to me, please"
"S-Steve, I don't know if I can trust you-"
"I didn't realized what I had when you're were mine!"
Your guarded demeanor has shunned off as you let your arms dropped to your sides
"I-I confronted my dad after one month ago when we go on our separate ways, I-I know this is unbelievable but I removed everything that you didn't like with me, my friends, my title, all of it, and it did helped me to become a better person"
He looks straight into your eyes, he never looks away as he tries to make you understand
"And I'm so very sorry that pulling up that fucked up shit that I did before just so I can improve myself and to have a character development was utter bullshit, hurting you was never right"
You purse lips together as you shake your head in disbelief
"What I said back there was still true too"
"What do you mean?"
"That no matter what you do to me, whatever happens to the both of us, I'd still love you"
He cries, his face glows so red as he takes in every feeling that he's receiving
You're the first one yet again to kiss him
He yelped as he brings you closer to him, your hands went through his hair as you throw your arms around him, he dives in deeper earning a moan out of you
He breaks out of the kiss, your face went pale but he shuts off your thoughts with the words
"You sure, you want to do this?"
"Steve, yes, I do, I want you like you want me, I need you like I need you-"
You're about to dove back on him aggressively but something feels so different on his touches, it's not foreign but it's making you want to bawl at how he is so soft with you
His eyes crinkle in awe and delightment as he couldn't get anymore happier
He carries you upstairs as he puts you onto the bed carefully
He removes his shirt and his pants, you get out of your shoes and when you're about to remove the straps of your dress, he beats you to it as he slowly takes it off but not without kissing your neck
His hands goes under your skirt as he plays with the garter of your panties
You spoke his name so decadent that he nearly melted down on you
You held onto him by the shoulder blades as he finds the zipper on the back your dress, he unzips carefully and lovingly as he takes his sweet time to adore and treasure every single moment of you
This is not just sex, he never looked at you like the one from before only filled with lust
This is love and admiration and it touches your heart so deeply that it might've been stop beating for a few moments
It's unreal that he is doing this to you, it's also unreal that you let him do this to you
When all of it's left is your paired black lacy undergarments
You both stare together for a while as you held his cheeks as he rests on it
He smiles so wide that it actually hurts and so are you, your smile lingered everytime he looks at you
You raise yourself using your elbows as he unclasp your bra, he threw your bra across the floor somewhere, he can't help but to kiss you again, you mewl as you fall back down on the mattress, you grind yourself against him as he groans when felt how wet you are
You kept grinding yourself onto him as he grants your wish as the friction increases more
Next thing to remove is your panties, you whine, when he licked a stripe into your cunt
"Yes, baby?"
"I wanna feel you"
You don't need him to ask him twice as his boxers flew off somewhere
He carefully enters your sopping aching hole as you both moan in pleasure
Your jaw falls slack as your furrowed brows crumpled up even more as you adjust to his size
He kisses every part of your body, worships it while you're losing your mind of how it feels so fucking good just like before
"F-Fuck" he curses, praising you as he kisses your jaw
He watches how your cunt clamps sucking him inch by inch, he grunts when you start clenching around him
You're drooling, your eyes are fucked out, you're brain is mashed up
You're a fucking goner
He kneads your breasts as you moan even louder, the squelching sounds that comes in and out of you is music to his ears
"S-Steve, pleas-e move!" you squeal and your voice becomes so tiny that you bit your lip
He spreads your legs far more wide as he grabs your hips harder
You arch your back when he picks up the pace and hitting the spot were you're mostly addicted
Your eyes roll backwards as your mouth hangs "0" shapes as Steve watches your expression contorts in pleasure
Breasts are jiggling, he goes faster and faster, he places himself on the crook of your neck as he puts lovebites all over it
You locked him in place as you can't keep your suppressed screams any longer
You scream his name so loud that his brain shortcircuit as you both came undone
He peels himself off of you but you held him close
"No, don't pull out just yet"
You tap him by the shoulders as you switched positions, he let out a sharp gasp at the angle that you're on top of him
Despite the overstimulation, you grind yourself onto him
"Woah- baby, fuck-"
"Don't give me that look- I'm gonna bust"
You giggled as you close your eyes at the sweet sensation as your brows pulled together and you moan when you start to bounce on his cock
Holy fucking shit, you rocked up his world
His hands are everywhere literally setting you on fire, he brings you closer as you continue to do your job as you look at him with blacked out eyes
His eyes got even more darker as he copies your move making your head fell onto the side allowing him the access to kiss your neck
You both went off to one another as you both entered another climax
You fell asleep together after 3 years
The scenario you'll never thought you could experience again
You woke up in a cold empty bed as you look around in your room, you can't see his clothes anymore, maybe he's in downstairs
The last night events flashes right before your very eyes as you bring your knees up
A tinge of pink on your cheeks as you try to remember every detail happened last night you were so beyond elated and in a complete bliss
You wore your dress again as you went downstairs only to find Robin
"Robin?" You ask in confusion, not that you don't want her here but it's just so random
"Hi" she waves awkwardly as she scratches her head
"What are you doing in here? Where's Steve?" You look for him again but it seems like he left
"Don't freak out-" She breathes out
You raise both of your eyebrows as you motion for her to continue
"He's at the airport" She says as she starts following you making you stay focus but she has no power to control you
"What?" You take your car keys as you went inside the vehicle and turn on your engine
"Wait- stop! He didn't told me the reason why! He just said he'll be at the airport!" She shouts out loud as she rests her back against your front door
"Okay, I'll be here at your house! Steve and his ridiculous lovelife- I swear to god- I'm gonna kick him in the ass" she slumps down in defeat as she mutters words under her breath
Why would he leave you?
Fuck, no- did he regret it again?
Tears well up in your eyes as your stomach began to churn as you fighting for your dear life to get into the airport as fast as you could
No, Steve wouldn't- stop overthinking- maybe, he has a reason
He won't just leave you like this, you felt how soft and he made you feel like you're the only person on his life
He made you think that the both of you had a future
So, why would he leave without a word?
You ran as your feet can take you, but when you saw the airplane takes it flight, you rest your head against the window and sobbed
The familiar voice calls your name and you look around a bewildered Steve who is now walking towards you
"Baby, what are you doing-"
"I thought you left me" you hold him tight as you looked at him in the eyes
"You're not going to leave me? Are you?" Your voice sounds so small that he doesn't want to see you crying anymore
"Honey, I'm here, I would rather jump off a cliff for leaving you all alone again, okay?" He reassures you as your worried features decreases but there's still uncertainty on your eyes as he takes a deep breath
"Robin is in the house, I don't-" he cuts you off as he tuts
"Ah-ah, let me speak- the airline called me in the morning and told me that the schedule that I booked in for is going to take off and of course, that would be a disaster since I used half of my expenses for the flight right? So, I made a decision on the spot- I called Robin to accompany you because you were peacefully asleep, baby, I don't wanna wake you and I was about to come back to you and tell you that you're coming with me" he held up in front of your face of two airplane tickets
Your unsureness totally fades away as you look at the ticket, you read aloud what it says
"Yeah, I'm going to take you with me while I study for college"
"I actually want to take master's degree too"
"Yeah? We can go together"
A big smile grows on your lips as you step forward to him as he closes the gap and gives you the most promising kiss
"We better start packing up soon"
"We sure are"
"I love you"
He kisses your cheek, "I don't think I could love you more, baby, I love you more than anything"
special mention to @savage-aespa, this person here is the main reason why I made this fic! literally giving me an idea that there's a possibility for them to be together and I hope I did my job alright! I'm sorry, it took me a month to finish this up and if you made it here, thank you so so much for reading, your support and your kindness will always be appreciated! take care always! 🥹🫶🏻✨
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miss-bushido · 5 days
our bodies are oh so close and tight
written for @steddiesmuttyseptember week three, using the prompt 'rough' Title from the song 'Paradise by the Dashboard Light' by Meatloaf
Also inspired by this tweet from @_cydonic: “young, bratty Steve who always calls for his father's car when he's working so that Mr Harrington's long-time, trusted driver Eddie can fuck him nasty in the back of the rolls 🥰”
Rating: E
“Going somewhere, Steven?” his Mother asks as he walks past her in the living room, adjusting the sleeves of his navy blue blazer. She doesn’t look up from her latest bodice-ripper romance book, so he knows he can be vague in his response.
“Yes, Mother. Just out to meet the guys.”
“Mmm, make sure you drive safely.” He can see her interest in the conversation is waning as her eyes keep moving over the words on the page. She even reaches for her glass of Chablis. It must be a very interesting passage.
“Eddie will make sure that I get there in one piece,” Steve answers. There is no response to that. His Mother sips her wine, and is now fully engrossed again in her story.
It’s just as well. He doesn’t think she’ll even wait up for him. She never does.
And he doesn’t know what time he’ll come back home. Not that the Harrington’s ever cared when their son came home. He tested it once: stayed out for three days, sleeping in a different girl’s bed every night. When he finally came home, they barely registered it.
This kind of parental neglect has been going on since Steve can remember. Their wealth let them spoil him with all the toys, experiences, cars and vacations a young man could want. There were a myriad of tutors, nannies, personal assistants as well. Their boy would never want for anything.
Except for affection and love from his parents. The Harrington’s did not give this to their only child readily, and on some level they must have felt guilty over it, because they let him do whatever he wanted. Steve was spoiled and willful and bratty, and no one was around to check him on this attitude.
Until the Harrington’s hired their chauffeur, that was.
Eddie Munson was like nothing and no one Steve had ever encountered before. He was in his mid-twenties, with dark hair and deep brown eyes. He had an air of something about him: a hint of danger that only Steve picked up on.
He also didn’t take any shit from The Brat, as he had christened Steve.
The first time he’d tested Eddie was about six months after he’d been hired, almost three months ago now. He’d walked over to the garage where the Harrington’s cars were kept, just as Eddie was finishing wiping down the interior of the Rolls, his tongue poking out in concentration as he moved the damp rag over the steering wheel.
“I want you to drive me somewhere,” Steve said by way of greeting, brushing a piece of imaginary lint off of his blazer.
Eddie moved out of the driver’s seat, rag in hand. His hair, usually kept hidden by his chauffeur’s cap, was loose and long, brushing the tops of his shoulders. The white tank top he wore showed all the tattoos he’d kept hidden under his chauffeur’s jacket, along with the strong arms he had. “I just finished detailing the car, so it’ll have to wait-”
Steve sighed heavily, as if this was the most inconvenient thing in the world. “I don’t care. I want you to drive me-”
“No,” Eddie said.
“No?” Steve repeated, hazel eyes wide. No one had ever told him ‘No’ before. “Who do you think-”
“I don’t know who you think you are,” Eddie cut him off, voice even with a hint of anger, “but I’m not the one.”
“I’m your boss’s son, is who I am,” Steve answered, eyebrows furrowed as he came closer to Eddie.
“You’re a brat, is what you are,” Eddie retorted.
Steve blinked dumbly, not sure what to do. This conversation was not going how he’d expected it to go. “What did you say?” he asked, moving so he was in Eddie’s personal space.
Eddie stayed where he was, which was also unexpected. So the two were almost chest to chest. “I said that you’re a brat.” He leaned in as he spoke. “Just because I drive you and your family around doesn’t mean you get to treat me like shit.”
Steve blinked again, but this time at the closeness of their faces. He could see a spray of freckles across Eddie’s cheeks, how pink his lips were, the hint of red in his cheeks from his anger. It made something stir in his gut, an unexpected feeling of arousal.
It wasn’t that Eddie was unattractive: he was actually pretty gorgeous to Steve’s mind. It wasn’t even that he was a guy: Steve had experimented with a few guys in the past. He just hadn’t ever expected to be attracted to someone who would speak to him like this. Like he wasn’t important. Like he wasn’t the spoiled and bratty son of the richest man in town.
“Get away,” Steve managed, pressing his hands on Eddie’s chest to shove him back. He managed to move the chauffeur about an inch before Eddie recovered and grabbed both of Steve’s wrists in his strong hands and pivoted so that he shoved Steve’s body up against the car. Eddie’s left thigh was between Steve’s legs, unaware that he was pressing against Steve’s crotch.
“Don’t ever do that again,” Eddie growled, tightening his grip on Steve’s right wrist. “Do you understand me, brat?”
Steve breathed heavily but didn’t answer. No one had ever been this rough with him before. And he found he kind of liked it. In response to Steve’s lack of one, Eddie pushed his body against Steve’s. The motion of him doing that produced delicious friction of Eddie’s thigh against his crotch that made Steve moan, closing his eyes at the feeling.
Eddie’s eyebrows raised at this development. “You like that, huh, brat?” He asked. When Steve didn’t immediately respond, Eddie moved his thigh again, feeling Steve’s erection clearly now. “You like it when someone corrects your behavior?” He was whispering in Steve’s ear now, his whole body pressed against him.
“Maybe…” Steve managed, his voice already sounding wrecked. He turned to look at Eddie, and felt a shiver run through him at the predatory look the chauffeur was giving him. “Maybe I do.”
“You want me to correct your behavior, huh?” Eddie asked. “Put my hands on you? Punish you?”
“Fuck,” Steve breathed, biting his lip at the imagery.
“First things first,” Eddie said, his left hand moving off of Steve’s right wrist, sliding down Steve’s body before he cupped Steve’s erection. He squeezed lightly, making Steve moan filthily, the sound echoing in the garage. “You don’t get to shove me around. Only I get to do that to you.”
“Yes,” Steve breathed, hips moving against Eddie’s hand. “Yes, God, I want that so much.”
“Good boy,” Eddie said, continuing to palm Steve through his pants. “Second thing: if you piss me off, if you keep acting bratty, I’m going to take it out of your ass.” As if to prove his point, Eddie moved them away from the car so he could give Steve a hard slap on the ass.
“Oh my God,” Steve shouted, his cock kicking in his pants. He’d never been spanked before, and didn’t know if it was because it was new or because it was Eddie doing it, or both, but he felt like he could come in his pants from just that by itself.
Eddie bit his lip at the display before him. He had his boss’s son in the palm of his hand, quite literally. He didn’t know Steve had it in him to be this pliable, this slutty. He found he really liked the power he had over him. “Third thing,” he said, his right hand moving in circles over Steve’s cheeks. “I’m the only one who gets to fuck you from now on. I’m the only one you’ll spread for. My pretty little whore.” He punctuated this by giving Steve’s earlobe a bite at the same time as he slipped his hand inside Steve’s pants, stroking his thick cock quickly. “Say it,” Eddie demanded, spanking Steve again as he stroked him.
“Only you,” Steve panted, head tilted forward, his right hand gripping the driver’s side mirror. He shoved his pants down with his left hand, his cock and Eddie’s hand wrapped around it springing free. The slick sounds of his precum sliding up and down his cock could be heard. “Only you get to fuck me,” he continued. “Eddie, fuck, I’m gonna come soon.”
“I can see,” Eddie breathed. He pushed his own pants down so his erection could be taken care of too. He wrapped his right hand around his cock and began stroking himself, getting off on getting Steve off. “Next time, I’m going to fuck you in the backseat, and you better not get cum all over the leather, or I’ll have to punish you.”
“Eddie!” Steve shouted as he came hard, gripping the mirror tightly as he bent forward. His cum dribbled over Eddie’s hands, some of it dripping onto the garage floor.
“God you’re so fucking hot,” Eddie groaned, forcing himself to stop stroking himself. He brought his hand up and licked all of Steve’s release into his mouth.
“I want more,” Steve pleaded. He looked up at Eddie, lust and longing written all over his face. “I want to be in the backseat with you now.”
Eddie pulled Steve in for a kiss, his tongue sliding into Steve’s hot mouth. “You ever been fucked before, brat?”
“Once,” Steve breathed, gripping Eddie’s tank top as they kissed. “I think you’ll be better at it, though.”
Eddie smirked. “Damn right.” He slapped Steve’s bare ass again before he said, “Get in the backseat and bend over.”
Steve kissed his once more before he complied, opening the back door and sliding in so he was facing the passenger side door. He grabbed the edge of the leather seat, and arched his back, waiting for Eddie.
Eddie slid in after Steve, closing the door behind him. “Fuck, your ass looks so good.” He ran a hand over his cheeks, pleased to note the pink spots where he’d spanked Steve. “I have to have a taste.”
Steve cried out, gripping hard to the seat as Eddie spread his cheeks and began tonguing his asshole. No one had ever done this to him, and it was a revelation in pleasure. He felt the wetness of Eddie’s spit, his tongue working inside Steve, punching in and out of him. “Eddie!” he moaned. “God, fuck, it feels so good!”
“This is just the warm up,” Eddie murmured, almost losing himself in eating Steve out. “You taste so fucking delicious. Some day I’m going to eat you out all night.” He felt Steve’s hole clench around his tongue at this. “Sounds like you want that too, huh?”
“Want that, want you, want all of you. God, please, Eddie. Please fuck me!”
Eddie grinned, giving Steve one final lick before he straightened up. “Since you asked so nicely…” he murmured. He reached into his back pocket, pulling out the little tub of Vaseline he kept there. It helped keep his hands smooth and soft after he worked on the car. Eddie uncapped it and scooped out a generous amount on his right pointer and middle fingers.
“This’ll be cold,” he warned Steve as he rubbed the lubricant over his hole. He slid both fingers inside Steve slowly, adding lubricant and getting him adjusted quicker. He heard the little hiss of pain Steve made and removed his fingers as quickly as he could. “Are you okay?” he asked. “Do you want me to stop?”
“If you stop, I’ll shove you again,” was the answer. Steve turned his head from where it was currently pressed against the seat, giving Eddie a knowing grin.
Eddie grinned back, returning to the task at hand of getting Steve’s hole nice and lubed and stretched for him. “There’s that brattiness we talked about,” he said, adding more Vaseline to his fingers as he slipped a third one inside of Steve. He slowly fucked Steve on his fingers, feeling him clench each time. “Someone should fuck it out if you.”
“Is that gonna be you?” Steve asked, practically drooling all over the leather.
“Does my little brat want that? Maybe I want to hear you beg a little first,” Eddie said, pulling his fingers out. He rubbed some Vaseline along his cock, which was red and aching from being ignored for so long. “And loudly. I want to make sure I hear you.”
“Please fuck me, Eddie,” Steve begged, the desperation in his voice taking on a fever pitch. Part of him knew that begging was part of the roleplay they’d stumbled onto, but he also was desperate to feel the other man inside him. “Please, please, pleas- oh fuck, yes!”
On the last ‘please’, Eddie began to push inside Steve, groaning loudly at how tight and hot he was. He slid in slowly and then slid back slowly, almost pulling out. “Is it good? Is it okay?” he asked, his own voice ragged, his hands clutching desperately at Steve’s hips.
“Don’t stop!” Steve begged, pushing back.
It was all Eddie needed. He thrust back inside of Steve, setting a rough rhythm as he fucked him. “You’re so tight,” he breathed. “Such a tight little whore. Can’t get enough of me, can you?” He heard Steve gasp, felt him clench around him. “Say it,” he ordered, delivering a slap to Steve’s ass again.
“I can’t get enough!” Steve yelled, a desperation in his voice. He was leaking precum everywhere all over the seat. Eddie’s words about punishing him if he got cum all over the backseat reverberating through his head. “I want all of you. Only you, please. Please Eddie!” He didn’t know what he was begging for at this point, but that didn’t matter as long as Eddie didn’t stop fucking him.
Eddie felt a shudder run through him, his hips snapping hard against Steve’s as he kept fucking him. “I’m gonna cum in your tight hole,” he panted. “I’m gonna fill you up, make you mine.” He reached between Steve’s legs and began stroking his hard cock, trying to match the rhythm of each stroke to each thrust. “I’m gonna ruin you for anyone else.”
“Only want your cock, your hands, your mouth, oh fuck, Eddie! Eddie, I’m-!” Steve’s words cut off as he came hard while Eddie stroked him, thick ropes of cum spurting out of him.
Eddie gripped Steve’s hip tight with his other hand, the rhythm he’d built up beginning to falter. “Take all of it,” he groaned as he went over the edge, coming so hard inside Steve that he saw white. His whole body shuddered at his release. “God, Steve,” he gasped, trying to catch his breath. “You’re fucking incredible.”
“So are you,” Steve panted, trying to catch his breath. He liked the way his name sounded in Eddie’s mouth. “I want some more.”
Eddie groaned as he pulled out, licking his lips at the sight of his cum leaking out of Steve. “You’ll get some more, brat.” He pinched Steve’s cheek, grinning at the outraged yelp he gave. “First, I gotta clean the car up before this becomes an issue.”
Steve pushed himself up onto his knees, a dull ache in his backside. “So much for the detailing. I got cum all over…” he trailed off as he felt Eddie’s arm wrap around his waist.
“It lets me know I did a good job,” Eddie whispered in his ear, giving his earlobe a light bite. “And I lied: I hadn’t finished detailing the car.”
Steve turned his head to look at Eddie. “Why’d you lie?”
“Because you were being bratty like usual,” Eddie answered. “Are you mad that I lied?”
“No,” Steve said, fully turning to kiss Eddie on the mouth. “Especially not after this.” He deepened the kiss, placing his right hand on Eddie's face.
Eddie broke the kiss to ask, “Did you actually want me to drive you anywhere?”
“I did, but I think I can have a better evening if I stay here with you,” Steve said, giving Eddie’s lower lip a small bite.
“Brat,” Eddie replied, spanking Steve on the ass again, a grin on his face. “Go upstairs and get washed up. Once I clean the car, I’ll be up.”
“But don’t you want to shower with me?” Steve whined, kissing Eddie on the neck, the jaw, everywhere but his mouth. He gasped when Eddie gripped his hair and tilted his head back.
“Do what I say,” Eddie growled, licking a line up Steve’s neck. “I haven’t finished punishing you yet.”
Steve groaned with longing. “Okay,” he breathed, following Eddie out of the car after they both pulled their pants back up.
He was about to go upstairs when Eddie grabbed him by the blazer and pulled him in for a blistering kiss. His hands roamed everywhere on Steve, and when he pulled back, nuzzling their noses together, he started to say, “If it’s too weird or too much…”
“I guess I’ll wait to shower with you after all,” Steve quipped as he pulled out of Eddie’s grasp, a big grin on his face. As he walked upstairs to Eddie’s apartment he heard behind him: “That ass better be on display when I come up there.”
“Why don’t you make me?” Steve called back as he hurried up the stairs, already beginning to shed his clothes.
Now back in the present, Steve waits outside at the edge of the walkway. Soon enough, he sees a pair of headlights coming down the driveway, circling and pulling to a stop right in front of him.
Eddie, his Eddie, steps out from the driver’s seat and walks around to the other side, opening the right back passenger door for Steve. “Your chariot, my liege,” he jokes.
“Cute,” Steve replies, running his fingers across the waistband of Eddie’s pants. He is rewarded when Eddie bites his lip, trying to keep his composure. Steve slips his hand further down to palm him over his pants.
Eddie gasps loudly, glaring at Steve as he slides coolly into the car. “Brat,” he hisses. It is said with all the love and affection Steve has always craved.
And it solidifies his decision to tell Eddie he loves him tonight.
After a few spankings, of course.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
for the request :D
i need more eleven and steve with a sibling bond and hopper as steve's adoptive dad pls! steve deserves to have a loving family and steve hopper just hits different yk? plus i love steve and eleven being protective over each other 🤧
tysm !!
UGH I LOVE IT!!!! This is from Hopper's point of view, hope that is okay. It just felt like it needed to be? This was so good to explore. I definitely want to explore Steve and El being overprotective siblings more in the future, even if it's just in the background. I hope you love this! - Mickala ❤️
Hopper was at the door. Again.
This was the third party he busted at the Harrington residence in as many weeks.
Steve just didn’t seem to get the picture that he was watching over him.
See, Jim Hopper was far from an idiot.
He knew that Steve was left alone a lot since the too-young age of 11.
He knew that Steve was popular at school.
He knew that rich, popular kids with empty houses usually threw parties.
And it was kind of like Steve wanted him to break these up at this point.
He wasn’t changing the time, the location, the invitees, anything.
All it took was Hopper driving by the first time, and he was in on it all.
Steve was expected to throw these parties, Hopper was expected to break them up. So it goes.
And if that’s what Steve needed from him to keep up his appearances as a “cool kid”, then he could do that.
“Chief! You wanna come in?”
Steve was slurring his words, his eyes unable to focus on anything.
He was drunk.
He hadn’t been the last two times Hopper broke up the parties. In fact, he’d been in complete control and sober.
Something was wrong.
Steve throwing a party he shouldn’t be was one thing. Steve being wasted at said party was another entirely.
“Uh no. I’d like everyone to leave though.”
“I can’t! This is my house,” Steve giggled.
God, he didn’t get paid enough for this.
“Alright. I’m gonna get everyone out of here. You go shut off the music and drink some water.”
“But then I have to think about stuff.”
Jesus fucking Christ.
He was well aware of how neglected Steve was for most of his life. His parents threw money at nannies that barely did their job, and then threw money at Steve like that was the equivalent of love.
The only person who showed him love was Nancy.
“Where’s Nancy?”
“Oh she broke up with me. Said I was bullshit and we were bullshit and then she left with Jonathan because he’s not bullshit.”
That was. A lot to unpack. He didn’t have time though.
“Steve. I need you to focus okay? I need you to shut the music off so I can tell everyone to go. Then you need to go to your kitchen and drink at least a full glass of water. Make sense?”
“Sure thing, Chief!”
He stumbled away, possibly in the wrong direction, but Hopper didn’t really care so long as he got this shut down.
As he walked through the living room and dining area, he told kids they had five minutes to be gone or he was calling their parents.
They scattered quickly; They knew he wasn’t messing around.
He did the same with the kids on the stairs, the kids in the hall, and the kids in the kitchen.
Finally, the music shut off and more kids came running downstairs. When they spotted Hopper, they kept scampering right out the front door.
He figured the rest were probably in bedrooms or hiding in the backyard, and he needed to check on Steve again first.
Steve was standing at the back door, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed.
“Just need a minute.”
“Okay, kid.”
Hopper took the chance to open the back door and yell to everyone that if they weren’t off the property in two minutes, he was arresting them all for trespassing.
It wouldn’t hold up, not with how many of these kids had parents with money for good lawyers, but it scared them.
He walked around the house, checking each room to ensure it was empty.
By the time he got back to Steve, he was passed out on the couch.
Hopper made sure he was on his side, blanket covering him, and a glass of water on the coffee table in front of him.
As he did the bare minimum to make sure Steve stayed alive, he had to wonder when the last time someone actually took care of Steve was.
Steve started coming around to pick up and drop off El.
He was the designated soccer mom apparently, always bringing the kids where they needed to go: the arcade, the mall, the movies, the park.
He seemed to do it every day, no complaints.
El loved Steve.
She came home with a skip in her step, a smile on her face.
If he asked her how everyone was, her first response was always “Steve’s great.”
He’d be worried about it being a crush if she wasn’t stupidly in love with Mike. He’d almost prefer Steve.
But El just latched onto Steve in a different way. Like he was a protective older brother who made stupid jokes to make her laugh, but also argued with her over the radio.
Hopper was still worried about Steve. He graduated, but he was starting a summer job soon. A job that would leave him unavailable most days.
Hopper wasn’t a fan of this, and if he were rich, he probably would have offered Steve money to just be the kids’ chauffeur all day every day.
Within a week of his new job, El was barely leaving the house.
Hopper offered to drive her places before his shifts and she refused.
She didn’t even want to visit Steve at work.
Hopper didn’t mind paying him a visit, though.
“Hey, Hop. Everything okay?” Steve greeted.
“Just fine. You?”
“Any day in this uniform is another day I lose dignity, so.”
Hopper hid a smile.
The kid was funny, even if he didn’t mean to be.
“Got a favor to ask. El’s been pretty bummed about you starting this job and not spending much time with her and the others. Think you could take them somewhere your next day off? I could give you gas money.”
“Oh! Yeah. I don’t need gas money, though. The fair’s in town in two weeks, so I figured I’d take them all.”
“Great! Uh,” he cleared his throat, worried he seemed too excited. “I’ll tell El.”
But if Hopper knew what the fair had in store for all of them, he would have made them all stay home. He would’ve stayed home.
After Vecna, Hopper had a lot of clean up to do.
He knew he left a mess, but he had no idea how much that mess exploded while he was gone.
El would barely leave his side. She sometimes sat at Max’s bedside in the hospital, but only if Steve sat with her. Then, she was right back home sticking close to his side.
He was grateful for Steve, truly.
He would show up every other day at the same time, give El a long hug, tease her about something stupid that made her crack a smile, and then bribe her to leave so Hopper could have some time to himself.
You’d think spending so long away would make him want to always be surrounded by the ones he loved, but not quite.
When Steve brought her back, she seemed lighter. Not relaxed, but like she’d been able to experience being a teenager. Just regular things.
Steve told him he brought her to get ice cream sometimes, sometimes they’d just drive around singing to songs on the radio, sometimes they’d walk around the quarry trail and try to find butterflies and birds.
He didn’t care what they did.
He knew she was safe with Steve.
When Eddie Munson’s name was cleared, they all had a party at Steve’s house.
A party that happened during daylight hours and was mostly children and their parents.
Quite a turn of events for Steve Harrington.
But most importantly, he let El help plan the whole thing.
She needed a distraction since Max was still not awake, and the only person who knew what would help was Steve.
They planned board games, and food, and they cleaned the pool together in case anyone wanted to swim.
“Steve. You are being very silly,” El said with a frown as Steve put a party hat on his own head.
“It’s a party! We’re supposed to be silly,” Steve replied, leaning over to place a party hat on her head.
Hopper watched fondly as El smiled.
“Purple is my favorite color.”
“I know. That’s why I picked it.”
Steve was a good kid. He was a good adopted brother to El.
And Hopper could admit now that he was beyond just seeing Steve as a kid he watched out for the best he could.
Steve was more like a son to him than he probably was to his actual parents, more like a brother to El than even Will or Jonathan were.
He watched as Steve pulled El into a hug and started swaying back and forth, dancing.
El was laughing. Steve was laughing. Light and carefree were words seldom used to describe either of them, but when they were together, Steve and El were like the children they never really got to be.
“Steve, can I talk to you?”
Hopper wasn’t really big on emotions. He felt them, just like everyone did, but he didn’t talk about them.
But Steve needed to hear this, he needed to know that someone loved him and believed he was good.
El smiled and went outside to see if Robin and Nancy needed any help with anything there.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah. I just…” Hopper pulled Steve into a hug.
It was awkward, maybe a little forced at first, but the moment Steve sank into it, Hopper pulled him in tighter.
“I love you, kid. You know that, right? I’ve been takin’ care of you, watchin’ out for you the best I can for years. You don’t have to be the strong one all the time, okay?”
Steve let out a sob against his chest and Hopper felt the telltale burn in his throat that he was not far behind.
“You and El are my kids, you got that? I’m always gonna protect you both. El and I love ya so much.”
“Love you both,” Steve gasped out.
Hopper didn’t let go. He knew Steve needed this. He kind of needed it too.
But El walked in, frown on her face.
“Steve? Are you okay?”
Steve sniffled and tried to wipe his tears away without her noticing that he was crying, which just wasn’t going to work. She was too perceptive.
“I’m fine, El.”
“Are you hurt?”
“No! I’m really fine.”
El glanced at Hopper, his eyes red, but his face trying to remain strong and passive, like Steve had just started crying on him, not that he’d been the one to initiate the hug.
She looked back at Steve, who was starting to pull away from Hopper’s arms.
She quickly ran to them, Hopper’s arms pulling away to wrap around her now as she wrapped her own arms around Steve.
“Steve is our family, too?”
“Yeah, kid. He is.”
“Like my brother?”
“If you want me to be,” Steve said as he turned slightly in their arms.
“Of course. I love you like family.”
“I love you too, El.”
Hopper cleared his throat and pulled away.
“Alright, alright. Party’s starting soon. Guest of honor should be here any minute unless he got himself into trouble.”
“Do not be mean about Eddie. He is a very nice person to me and to Steve.”
Steve was blushing, looking down at the floor.
Uh oh.
Hopper knew that look.
“We’ll talk about that later, Harrington.”
“Yes, sir.”
El giggled and ran out the back door, dragging Steve with her.
Hopper sighed.
What did he get himself into?
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
I remember a while ago Steve wasn’t letting go of hope for his Mom showing up because he said she’s always late. Does he hit a point after that where he starts to admit maybe she isn’t coming? How does Eddie handle it?
@mcneen asked: Was there ever any further discussion between Steve and Eddie when Steve’s Mom didn’t show up, and Steve was like “oh she’s going to be late, she’s always been late”? I love love this series and check for more updates every day, thank you so much for writing it!
I’m going to kill two birds with one stone here since these two are asking for similar things
He always knew that she wasn’t coming.
He has known it every time he’s extended an olive branch just to watch it wilt and rot, and he knows that his friends and family think that he’s in denial about it. He knows that they have worriedly whispered conversations about him, but they don’t get it.
Yeah, it would be less heartbreaking to just give up but it wouldn’t be easier.
The Buckley’s are amazing parents that still send care packages to their daughter and call her every day for a month leading up to her birthday. Wayne took in his nephew when he didn’t have to and stood in defense of him against an entire town. Joyce – Jesus, Joyce Byers went to hell and back for her son. Hopper, Claudia, Sue, Karen… they’re all amazing parents, and you know what?
His mom was amazing once too.
And he knows. He knows. He knows. He knows how untrue that statement really is. He’s been in therapy long enough to know that he had a bad childhood and his parents were neglectful, but he cannot rectify that with the little boy inside him that loves his mom to pieces.
In the same way that he will always be sixteen years old and scared of the dead girl in his pool, he will always be small, waiting by the door for a mother that always eventually came home. Though, he knows.
He knows that seasons change and old injuries never heal quite right, and it never really mattered if his mother came home because she was always leaving but… But she was never outright cruel.
His father was a mean man that demanded perfection and belittled anything less than that. He was a unhappy man that fostered an atmosphere so hostile that his only son barely dared to breathe in his presence, and his mom. Well, it wasn’t her fault that she didn’t know how to be a mother.
But she was there. Sometimes as the silent observer, sometimes disinterested, but always the one to say, “Enough.”
“Enough,” she said after Barb’s disappearance, after the phone call from the police, after the lecture that turned physical. She stood between them with her hand pressed against her father’s chest and said, “That’s enough. Steven, go to your room.”
“Enough,” she said after the final rejection letter, after the job at his dad’s company was rescinded, after he was told to get a job or get out. “Enough, James. What is all this yelling going to do? It will not get him into college.”
“Enough,” she said after Steve stood his ground and took back nothing when he told them that Eddie was not just a friend, that he loved him and for the first time ever, it felt like someone loved him back. After the fighting, and the yelling, and being kicked out, she finally uttered, “Enough.”
About insurance.
His father stripped him line by line of everything he has always known, but insurance was where his mother drew the line. They all new that he would never be able to afford his medication without it and, “God forbid, he have a seizure and get another kid killed, Jay.”
The last conversation Steve had with his mother was at his father’s funeral. He said she looked well given the circumstances and she said that he should really do something about all that gray hair.
So, no. He’s not expecting her to show up. He never really is, but he wants it. He wants it so bad and it all kinda comes crashing down around him one evening after Eddie casually mentions that Wayne called earlier, “He said you’re getting better at speaking on camera.”
Eddie explains that Wayne caught Steve’s interview about his YouTube math tutorials going viral. Steve asks how a man living in Florida manages to watch a local news broadcast from Illinois, and Eddie says that he looked it up online. Steve asks, “Why would he do that?”
“Because he’s proud of you,” Eddie says simply.
Something just cracks and the next thing either of them knows, Steve is crying. It’s kinda funny how wide Eddie’s eyes go, but Steve can’t even laugh about it because he feels like he’s going to drown inside himself.
It takes time and a lot of coaxing for Steve to get to a point where he tell Eddie that he’s sad. He just doesn’t understand what he’s supposed to do to make her want to see him. He doesn’t know what he did that was so wrong that she can’t forgive him and why – “Why can’t she just love me?”
Eddie tells him firmly, “Stevie, baby. I want you to listen very carefully to me, okay? I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life, okay?”
Steve nods.
“You did nothing wrong,” He says, and Steve just – he can’t believe it. He can’t believe that because then there’s nothing he can do to fix it and he – “Tell me this, Steve. Tell me what Erica Sinclair – Lady Applejack herself. Tell me what she has to do to make you consider cutting contact with her? What’s the least she’d have to do? Think about it an give me an answer, sweetheart.”
Steve things about it and eventually settles on, “Open the Upside Down on purpose.”
“Have you even opened a portal to a hell dimension on purpose then, babe?”
“No, I want an answer,” Eddie says. “Have you ever purposely ripped a hole in the space-time continuum to an alternate reality?”
“You ever do something worse than that?”
“I- no? Eddie-“
“Then it sounds like the problem is with your mom and not you,” He answers. “It sounds like she needs to get over her own fucking issues, and I know. I know that fucking sucks, Steve, but you cannot spend the rest of your life blaming yourself for her unwillingness to grow as a person.”
Eddie wipes the tears from his face and kiss the tip of his nose, and Steve admits, “I’m still sad.”
“I know, baby,” Eddie tells him. “That’s okay.”
Steve doesn’t know how much time lingers between them in silence, just that he’s tired the way he always is after he cries a lot. He’s about to tell him that he’s going to go to bed when Eddie states, “Joyce still lives in Hawkins, right? I’m gonna call her and see if she’ll beat your mom up.”  
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 4 months
The Truth of the Matter
A Four Part Miniseries
@wonderland-girl143-blog @gregre369 @420-hun
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Steve, Robin, Nancy, and Chrissy stood in Steve's living room watching Eddie. He was sitting cross-legged on the coffee table pouring over his spellbook, his tongue poking out.
"You know, I have perfectly good couches," Steve said, crossing his arms, and Eddie hummed without looking at him. "He's lucky he's so cute."
"Okay. . .okay, it sounds like this spell is going to be difficult, especially with all of us, and it says I need to be. . .stronger for this. Fuck, I have to be a certain level? Well, what fucking level am I?" Eddie asked. "And how do I gain experience? More spells? You know, whoever wrote this book should have had this damn thing coded. You know, write in the margins which ones are for beginners."
"Well, considering the few spells that you have done, I think you're very much still a beginner," Robin said.
"If this is too much, we can wait. . .save up money. . . Buy plane tickets," Steve said.
"Baby, we're going to see this through, and your mother's waited long enough. . .you're worth it, Steve Harrington. . .now, shut up, I'm thinking," Eddie said.
"Oh, oh! I think I remember your father mentioning something about using magical creatures like conduits," Chrissy said.
"Yeah, no, I'm not using either one of you like that. And if my father suggested it, then I'm definitely not going to do it," Eddie scoffed.
"Well, what if we want to do it?" Steve asked.
"I can do the spell myself," he replied.
"Yeah, but it doesn't mean you should," he said.
"How in the hell is this relationship supposed to work if we're both equally stubborn?" Eddie asked with a scowl.
"Well, if we're both determined enough, we'll make it work," Steve replied.
"Eddie, it sounds like we both want to do this," Chrissy said softly.
"Are you sure?" Nancy asked.
"Very," Chrissy said, and Nancy smiled. "I want to do everything that I can to help Steve find his mom or dad. Not just because we're both fae but because it's the right thing to do."
"Thanks, Chrissy," Steve said softly and then paused. "Wait, what do you mean, mom or dad? My dad's dead, remember?"
"Oh. Did I not mention?" Chrissy asked with a frown.
"Mention what?" He asked.
"Fae can have children with anyone regardless of their gender. I had two mothers," Chrissy replied. "And some fae are what they themselves call genderfluid. . .depending on what they feel like. So, this person could be your mother, father, or both. Being transgender and queer is also more commonly accepted amongst fae. It's because of their beliefs that the fae had to remain hidden in the shadows, hiding with their illusion and glamor magic. They would come out of the shadows to help lost humans, whether they be fae, humans, or Wiccans, especially if they're children and rejected by their community because of who they love."
"Wow," Steve breathed. "Okay, so you know a lot more than I do."
"Do the fae have like their own city or country I could move to?" Robin asked.
"I don't know. If they do, it's probably hidden," Chrissy said. "There wasn't much in my mother's journal."
"Okay, let's do this shit. . .let's go find this Steve’s mommy or daddy. . .even more so now. Although, I suddenly realized that I'm going to be meeting my boyfriend's parent for the first time, and I hadn't even taken him on a date yet," Eddie said.
"And I just found out that my girlfriend neglected to tell me that she could get me pregnant," Nancy said.
"Oh! I'm so sorry! It slipped my mind. . .I was going to tell you, and then this happened," Chrissy said, looking guilty. "And besides, we can only get each other pregnant if we both wanted to. . .no accidents!"
"I figured you were going to say something like that when Mike barged into the house," Nancy said, wrapping an arm around her waist. "I'm messing with you, baby."
"I can get Steve pregnant!" Eddie yelped.
"Down boy, buy me dinner first," Steve said dryly.
"Okay, let's get to Lenora Hills before I get completely distracted," Eddie said. "Nancy, focus, and then we can study fae anatomy later. . ."
"I'm so getting a better grade than you," Nancy smirked, and Chrissy giggled.
"Fuck off, Wheeler!"
Lenora Hills, California. . .
"Fuck!" Eddie screamed.
He dropped Steve and Chrissy's hands immediately as he fell to his knees. Eddie bent over and began to make retching sounds. Steve pulled his hair back just as he vomited. He wiped Eddie's face with a tissue Chrissy gave him and helped him stand up. Eddie's whole body shuddered, and Steve wrapped his arms around him to hold him up. Steve watched as the other man's eyes turned purple.
"Eddie?" Steve asked.
"Is anyone else hearing music?" Eddie asked as blood gushed from his nose. "Did I just gain another level? Hmm, maybe it's something I ate."
Eddie's fading purple eyes rolled back into his head, and he collapsed into Steve’s arms. Steve picked him and held him close.
"I don't want to be a bummer, but I think Eddie missed by a few blocks," Robin said.
"Well, it was his first time performing the spell," Steve said. "Let's go."
They finally found the house they were looking for, and when they did, they discovered that the front door had been left wide open. Someone had clearly left in a hurry. When they entered, they found it in a stay of disarray, like someone had packed quickly. It was similar to the one in Indianapolis, except the furniture had been left behind. Drawers were opened and emptied. . .papers and takeout menus were littering the floor. Someone had clearly lived here a while, but it looked as though someone had left recently. Steve hurried to lay Eddie on the couch for a moment. He cleaned his face and listened closely to make sure he was just sleeping. He was.
"Is he okay?" Nancy asked.
"Yeah, just sleeping. That spell took a lot out of him," Steve replied. "Let him sleep, and we can look around. Maybe whoever left here is going to come back."
Of course, they searched the house for hours and came up with nothing. Robin, Nancy, and Chrissy let Eddie have the bedroom in the back, considering he drained his batteries getting them all to California. He laid Eddie on the bed and sprawled out next to him. He watched the man snore loudly before flopping onto his stomach. Steve ran his hand over his back, smiling when Eddie sighed in his sleep. He laid down on the pillow, wondering if his parent had laid their head on this very pillow. Steve closed his eyes and went to sleep.
Steve was dreaming. He was sure of it. He felt smaller than usual, and he was lying in a . . . Cage? No, a crib. He was a baby, and he was looking up at his mobile made of stars. A face appeared above him. It was a younger, fresher faced Bob Newby. He had hazel eyes just like Steve.
"He's made of stars just like you," Bob said proudly.
"Freckles and moles, my love," a garble voice said.
"Stars, stars to guide his way back to us," Bob said softly.
"He's not going to be like the others, I won't allow it," the voice said.
"There's more of them than there are of us," Bob said sadly. "It's happening more and more lately."
"Bobby. . ."
Wait, was his other parent British? Steve tried to reach for them as they moved closer to the crib.
"I'm right here," Steve tried to call out. "I'm right here!"
When he woke up, Eddie was staring at him.
"Hey, you feeling any better?" Steve asked as he immediately sat up.
"A little, but I don't think I'm at full power yet," Eddie said. "I'm fucking hungry."
"Yeah, okay, we get out of here, and we can find something to eat," Steve said.
"Just a moment," Eddie yawned.
He pulled Steve closer to him and nuzzled his neck. Eddie pressed his lips there, peppering his soft skin with tiny kisses. Steve sighed for a moment and leaned into it. He rolled over onto his side to face Eddie.
"Why are you going through all this trouble? I mean, I know you care about me, but we barely started whatever this is, and you're nearly killing yourself to help me," he said.
"I don't know. . .I mean, I guess it's because of the assumptions I made about you but also because I would give anything. . .chase any lead that gives me any hope that my mama's alive and looking for me. She's not, though. She's been dead for a long time. I can't do it for myself, but I can do it for you," Eddie replied.
Steve wrapped his arm around him, pulled him closer, and kissed him deeply. He poured every ounce of affection he had for the man into that kiss. He broke away and leaned his forehead against his.
"Come on, let's see what the girls are up to," Steve said.
They wandered into the kitchen to find Nancy, Chrissy, and Robin leaning over a phone book.
"Eddie!" Chrissy exclaimed. "How are you doing?"
"Better once I get some food in me," Eddie said.
"Well, we were actually going to order something. I was thinking pizza. Laura never lets me have any," Chrissy said.
"Pizza sounds fucking awesome," Eddie exclaimed.
As they waited for the pizza to arrive, they sat in the living room to discuss their options. Eddie still needed to recharge and get some food in him before doing any sort of spells. In the meantime, they wait it out here and see if the person comes back. Steve was trying not to get his hopes up, but the closer they got to find his parent, the more hopeful he got. Robin leaned over the arm rest of the couch. Nancy, Chrissy, and Eddie were talking amongst themselves.
"You doing okay?" Robin asked.
"Trying to keep it all in, you know?" Steve said and paused. "I had a dream about my dad, about Bob. I think it was a memory. I couldn't see my other parent, but I know they were British, and Bob said I was made of stars like them. They have moles like me. . .what else did I get from them? Will I ever see them again? Do they know what happened to Bob?"
"I'm sure that you'll find your way back to each other," Robin said.
"That's what Dad said. . .that my stars would guide my way back to them," Steve said. "It was happening to so many fae children. . . They knew it was going to happen to them."
"You're going to find each other," Robin said softly.
Before Steve could say anything else, the doorbell rang. Nancy went to answer it but paused when they heard arguing coming from the other side. Steve shared a look with Nancy.
"Is that Jonathan?" Steve asked.
"I didn't even think about it," Nancy laughed quietly. "I ordered from Surfer Boy."
"Argyle! What are the odds that my ex-girlfriend is here in Lenora Hills while my current boyfriend is the one delivering her pizzas?" they heard Jonathan yell. "It is not the same Nancy Wheeler. She's still in Hawkins."
"Man, fate has a funny way of bringing people together!" Argyle laughed loudly.
Nancy covered her giggle with her hand and went to answer the door, but Chrissy stopped her. Chrissy pulled the front door open and grinned.
"Hi, I'm Nancy Wheeler," she laughed.
"Oh, shit, man, you were right," Argyle said.
"No. . .that's Chrissy Cunningham. She goes to Hawkins High," Jonathan said.
"Oh, what are the odds?" He asked, and Jonathan elbowed him in the side.
Nancy nudged Chrissy out of the way and appeared in the doorway.
"Nancy?!" Jonathan asked.
"Hey, Jonathan," Nancy said meekly.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"It's a long story," Nancy said. "And I'll tell you later, I promise."
Jonathan looked at her doubtfully and then looked at Argyle before sighing. He knew that something strange was up, but he couldn't say it in front of Argyle. He accepted their tip and dragged Argyle back to the yellow van, leaving them with their pizzas. Once they ate, Eddie took a nap, and when he awoke again, he started to work on doing the location spell again. Eddie looked down at the paper and made a disgruntled sound with his mouth.
"What?" Steve asked.
"It says Hawkins, but it doesn't give me an address. . .just a bunch of random letters and numbers. It's like someone doesn't want us to know. . .hm, maybe there's a spell preventing us from knowing," Eddie said.
"Well, people place runes on the fae children to prevent the parents from finding them. Maybe they put runes on their houses too," Chrissy said.
"Shit, maybe it's my house or rather the Harringtons," Steve scoffed.
"Well, the only thing left to do is to check it out," Eddie said. "I'll start preparing the spell to travel back to Hawkins."
"Eddie, are you sure you're well enough for that?" Steve asked.
Eddie smiled. He cupped Steve’s face and pressed a hard kiss to his lips before he leaned his forehead against his.
"I'm fine, big boy."
Once they were in Hawkins, Eddie once again vomited and collapsed. They were just outside of Steve’s house. Steve picked him up and carried him into the house. Eddie's eyes fluttered open, and he groaned as he tried to sit up.
"Eddie!" Steve exclaimed. "You should be resting."
"I don't want to miss this," Eddie said sleepily, wiping the blood from under his nose.
Before Steve could say anything else, they heard a figure coming from upstairs. Everyone downstairs tensed up, preparing for a fight. A woman entered the room. Her hair was long and carmel colored with warm golden highlights like Steve’s with moles scattered across her tan skin. She had Steve’s nose and his lips, but her eyes were a bright blue. Her flowered colored dress was as blue as her eyes.
"You're my mom," Steve gasped.
"Today, anyway," she smiled Steve’s smile.
Steve ran into her arms without even thinking. She hugged him tightly, sobbing. This felt right. . .her hug held more warmth than the hugs he received from the Harringtons, theirs being nothing more than cold detachment. His mother's hug felt like home. He could feel her now, too, in the back of his mind. There were so many emotions going through his head, and there was one question that was on his forefront of his mind. He pulled back, tears in his eyes.
"I don't even know your name," Steve said.
"Farran Kelley," she laughed, tears in her own eyes, and she tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. "Oh, you have your father's eyes."
"Yours too," Steve grinned as he felt his eyes glow green.
Farran laughed as her eyes glowed green as well.
"Your father was a fairy too, you know," she chuckled, and her smile dropped. "He should be here. . ."
"I'm sorry. . .I was there. . . I mean, I didn't watch him die, but I was in the middle of all of it," Steve frowned.
"Well, we warned the humans for years about meddling with that world. . .if I had known you were in the middle of all of it. . .I missed so much," Farran said sadly. "You're so grown."
"There's so much left to teach me. I still don't know everything there is to know about being a fairy," Steve said.
"Oh, so many wonderful things," Farran said and cupped his face. "My sweet boy. . .however, did you get that rune removed?"
"That was me!" Eddie exclaimed, waving from his spot on the couch.
Farran peered around Steve with a grin. Steve moved beside Eddie, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Mom, this is - "
"Eddie, my God, you've grown so much!" Farran said delightfully. "I haven't seen you since you were an ankle biter."
"You know me!" Eddie exclaimed.
"I was mates with your mum," Farran said.
"You were at her funeral!" He realized. "If you were friends with my mom, then why would my dad. . .I know he's an asshole. . ."
"So, you figured out that he was the one who kidnapped my son?" She asked.
"Well, I had to remove the rune that was on his back, and I had to be blood related, so. . .and kidnapping fae children is the kind of shit my dad would do," Eddie scowled.
He sat all the way up, and Farran sat down next to him.
"Your father loved your mother very much. She was the only person in the world who could make him cut all his bullshit but even though he loved her. . .he still didn't treat her very well. He left her all the time, and I was there for her when she had all those miscarriages. She had complications when she gave birth to you, and after that, it was harder to get pregnant. I did what I could being a fae healer, but not even magic has the answers to everything. It's something your father could never understand. Lizzie and I became close when she got to town. I was there when Al refused to be. That's what really drove him mad. He couldn't forgive himself for it. When I became pregnant, Lizzie became so excited. She hoped our children would be friends. A few months after we had you, Steve was taken from us. I didn't believe it at the time that Al had anything to do with, but his jealousy had been too obvious over the years. He always thought there was something between Lizzie and I, but she had become enamored with someone else. Even though Bobby and I split up, my heart always belonged to him," Farran said.
"My father's a dick," Eddie spat, and then his furious face fell. "Is there anything redeemable about my dad?"
"There's a part of me that still hopes that his love for Lizzie, for you, and Wayne will wake him up, but the rational part of me knows that will probably never happen. You know that you look like him, but I always knew that you got your heart from your mother even when you were a child," Farran said. "It's not wrong to hope that your father might do the right thing by you or the right thing, period."
"It's a small world, isn't it? You were best friends with my mother, and now I'm dating your son," Eddie laughed, and then he slapped a hand over his mouth. "I've gotten a little too comfortable."
"It's alright," Steve grinned.
"Oh! That's wonderful," Farran gasped. "Oh, Lizzie would be so happy!"
"Don't get too excited, mom. It's only been - wait, what day is it?" Steve asked and paused. "Eddie's only recently found out he's a witch, but he's the reason we found each other at all. He's exhausted himself so much to do it."
"Definitely Elizabeth's son," Farran said fondly. "Oh, sweetheart, you look exhausted. We should probably get back to my house. Steve, we should probably get you back to our house."
"We have a house?" Steve asked.
"Well, your father's family home. It's nestled out in the woods," Farran said. "You and your friends are more than welcome to come with us."
"OH! Mom, these are my friends. Well, Nancy's my ex-girlfriend, but now she's one of my best friends," Steve said, and Nancy smiled softly at him. "This is Chrissy. She's also a kidnapped fae child."
"If you don't mind, how did you know Steve’s name?" Nancy asked. "Didn't he have a different one?"
"No, Steve is the name we gave him. It was my father's. I guess the Harringtons were too lazy to change it," she replied, scowling.
"Oh! And this is my best friend in the whole world, my platonic soulmate, Robin Buckley," Steve grinned.
"Hi, Steve’s mom!" Robin exclaimed, hitting his chest. "I told you would find each other, dingus!"
Farran laughed and hugged her tightly.
"So, we're going to your house then?" Eddie asked.
"Steve, is there anything that you want to bring?" Farran asked.
"Oh, I've been wanting to leave for a while now. What I need is already packed," Steve grinned and ran up the stairs.
He came back downstairs with his hands carrying two large suitcases. He had the largest grin on his face. Farran helped Eddie up while Chrissy did the same on his other side as Farran promised Chrissy that she would teach her all about being a fae.
"How are we getting there?" Eddie asked.
"By car," Farran said. "Why? Did you think I had a carriage being pulled by unicorns?"
"Well, now I don't," Eddie scoffed, looking disappointed.
"Unicorns live in Scotland," Farran replied with a laugh. "And are a protected species."
"They're real," Eddie gasped with delight.
Steve laughed as he followed them to the front door. He walked out the front door with them, leaving the name Harrington behind. The name Newby-Kelley slid back into place. He was going home.
Months later. . .After the spring break from hell. . .
Steve stumbled through the trees, clutching his sides. Despite all the medicines Farran used on his son, the bites still hurt.
"It's just up ahead," Steve said.
"So, why did you move?" Hopper asked.
"It's my family home," Steve said.
"Figures John Harrington has more than one home in Hawkins," Hopper snorted.
"John Harrington isn't my father," he sighed. "He never was. Him and his wife hired someone to kidnap me. This is my real family home."
"Jesus," Joyce said.
"It's okay. I found my parents. I mean, my father is dead, but my other father, who is also sometimes my mother, is very much alive and is waiting for us," Steve said.
"I'm lost," Hopper said.
"No, it's just up ahead," he replied.
"That's not what I - "
It was a spacious four bedroom cottage type house in the woods with a stone pathway leading up the front door. Vines covered the house, sealing over every opening as though they were protecting it. There were vines sprouting around the house like a bubble as well. Steve approached the vines, and his eyes glowed green. The vines moved to create a doorway for them.
"What the hell?" Jonathan asked. "Hey, does this have anything to do with you guys being in Lenora a few months ago?"
"You were in Lenora?" Joyce asked.
"We were tracking down my father," Steve said. "We had to come back to Hawkins, though, because he had been tracking me too and tracked my last location to the Harringtons. He was my mother then."
"I'm lost again," Hopper said.
"Man, we're here," Steve said. "How are you getting lost? You're right behind me."
Hopper sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Joyce laughed and patted his arm.
"I think he doesn't understand about your parent being both your mother and your father," Joyce said.
"Oh! Some faes can change their gender if they wish. Today, Farran Kelley is a man," Steve said. "He's been my father the last few weeks."
"Faes. . .as in fairies?" Will asked.
"Oh, yeah, I'm not human," Steve grinned. "Let's get inside, and we can talk about this."
They went inside the brick house where they were led into an open space living room and kitchen. On the other end of the house was a fireplace where a cool, blue fire crackled. The walls were lined with shelves, and the shelves were stuffed with books. Pictures hung on the walls very neatly. Sitting on the couch in front of the fire was Nancy. Robin and Vickie sat on either side of her, rubbing her back as she cried. Steve felt his chest tighten painfully. Mike pushed his way through the group and ran towards his sister. Farran came down the stairs with Dustin. It always startled Steve to see how much Farran looked like him as a man. It was a good thing, though.
"Holy shit, is that a picture of Bob?" Jonathan said as he glanced at a picture on the wall.
"It is," Joyce said. "Why do you have a picture of Bob?"
"He was my husband," Farran said. "And this was his family home."
"Bob never said he was married," Joyce said, frowning.
"Divorced. We split after Steve was taken from us," Farran said.
"Steve is Bob's son?!" Will asked.
"He never said. . . ," Joyce trailed off. "Actually, he said he didn't have kids he was aware of."
"Steve was kidnapped and hidden from us by wiccan magic. We searched for years, and then Bob stayed here, waiting for him to come home, never knowing he was right in front of us," Farran said softly.
"He does have Bob's eyes," she said as she smiled at the both of them.
"I'm glad Bobby had love in his life before he died," Farran said, patting her hand.
"Okay, tell us everything from the beginning," Hopper sighed.
Farran shared a look with his son before launching into the story.
". . . And we did everything we could, but Vecna overpowered us," Farran said.
"Eddie. . .," Steve choked. "He and Chrissy. . .they died."
Suddenly, everything was hurting. Eddie wouldn't be here anymore. Steve wouldn't wake up next to him. . .no more dinners with Farran, Wayne, and Eddie. It would he a somber affair now with a piece of their family missing. No Chrissy coming in with Nancy to join them. No more double dating with Nancy and Chrissy. No double wedding under fae law. They were supposed to travel to Saoradh, the hidden land of the fae, this summer. Not to get married yet (that was far off) but to view the beautiful land and all it had to offer. Chrissy and Steve were supposed to learn more about their magic, their ancestors. Now, Chrissy was gone, and so was Eddie. Eddie.
"I'm so sorry," Joyce said softly.
Steve glanced at Nancy, who was hugging Jonathan tightly. Argyle stood somberly off to the side. Nancy pulled away and shared a glance with Steve. They moved towards each other. Nancy threw her arm around Steve, still crying. Steve sniffled and wrapped his arms around Nancy. What was going to happen now?
"I am here now," El said. "And I am stronger than ever. I believe together we can destroy Henry."
Meanwhile, in the Upside Down. . .
A figure jumped down into the gate from the Munsons' trailer. The hooded figure moved outside and glanced at the red sky filled with lightning. He pulled the hood down. Al Munson moved through the Upside Down, not stopping until he came to his son's body. He fell to his knees and placed his hands on Eddie's cold forehead.
"I've fucked up, son. I've done everything wrong, and I let my anger get the best of me. I wasn't there for your mom, not the way I should have, and I spent so much time blaming other people. You shouldn't have had to pay for my mistakes. There's one thing that I did right, and that was bringing you into this world with your mom. There's one other thing that I could do, and that's bringing you back. . . I still have time. It's going to take everything that I've got," Al said. "I love you."
Al cut up his son's shirt and began painting runes on his chest. Al took off his shirt before painting the same rune on his chest. He opened his spellbook and began chanting. Al felt his lifeforce begin to flow out of him, purple light floating from his chest. With the spell, Al told it where to go. The light began to pour into Eddie's rune. The last bit of light escaped Al's body and went into his son's. He collapsed on the ground, and as he took his last breath, Eddie gasped for his. Eddie awoke, clutching his chest. Shit, didn't the bats eat him alive? There were no wounds. . .only purple scars. Eddie turned his head to find his father's lifeless eyes staring back at him.
"Dad?" Eddie asked and knelt over him. "Dad?!"
Eddie sobbed. He already knew what Al did for him. . .but why? Why?! Eddie hated him for so many reasons, but now he was grateful to him. It was twice now that this man gave him life. Eddie sat up and took his dad's hand only to discover there was a note in his palm.
"I know sorry isn't going to be enough for how much I fucked up. I let you down so many times. Let Lizzie down. If you've discovered what I've done. . .no apology is ever going to be good enough to make up for what I did to those kids. On this paper, there is a list of names. Kids I sold, witches who have also sold kids. . Do with it what you will. You're already a better man than I am. . .I love you, kid. I know wherever your mom is. She's proud of you. Your story isn't over yet."
A couple of hours later. . .
Everyone stood their ground in the woods. Steve was fighting off the demogorgons and the demobats. His father was fighting beside him. Red lightning flashed over head. Steve held his nailbat, his eyes glowing green as emerald flames erupted around his bat. He swung the bat and hit a demogorgon. It whimpered as it hit the tree and exploded into green flames. More demogorgons came out from the trees, ready to pounce. The party was surrounded. The demogorgons launched themselves into the air.
"ENOUGH!" Henry's voice rang out.
They all heard him but they couldn't see him. The demogorgons paused, standing before them and waiting for their next orders. Steve scanned the treelines for any sign of the bastard. Silence fell as the party gathered together in a circle, back to back. Dustin was one side of him while Farran was on the other. Suddenly, they heard footsteps move closer, the snapping of branches echoing throughout the forest. She appeared, her eyes red and her smile menacing.
"Chrissy," Nancy gasped.
Fred followed after her, then came Patrick, and finally, Max.
"Max," Lucas gasped and moved to get to her, but Nancy grabbed his arm.
"Let me introduce you to my wonderful puppets. . .why would I kill them when I can use them for their power? Oh, I would have gotten to you too, Steve. . .if it hadn't been for Eddie. . .I had to do away with him - "
Suddenly, Henry was cut off by the sound of music. . .specifically the strumming of a guitar. Purple smoke, flashing with light, started to spill through the trees.
"What the fuck?" Will asked.
The purple smoke surrounded Chrissy, Fred, Patrick, and Max. Amongst the smoke, their eyes turned a bright, furious green. The smoke swirled around the bats and the demogorgons as well.
"NO! NO! NO!" Henry screamed as he appeared through the smoke. "WHAT IS THIS?!"
A shadowy figure appeared and started moving towards them. The music got louder and louder until a person appeared carrying a guitar covered in runes. Steve grinned at the familiar guitar and at the ring covered hands playing them. He recognized those hands. He came out of the smoke like a god, his eyes a furious purple and his grin feral. He was shirtless and covered in runes.
"Eddie," Steve gasped.
Eddie grinned and began to sing his spells. He was an angel and devil. Both menacing and beautiful. Steve was ready to get down on his knees for Eddie right then and there. The demogorgons and the demobats turned on Henry. Chrissy, Fred, Patrick, and Max all turned on him as well.
"NO! YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO BE MINE!" Henry screamed.
"We belong to no one," Chrissy said.
Her hands lit up with green flames. She Fred's then Fred took Patrick's, and then Patrick took Max's. All their hands glowed with a bright green flame, and they shot out at Henry. The green flames encircled him, and he screamed as they began licking at him, burning his flesh. The demogorgons growled and dove into the flames along with the demobats. They all began tearing at his flesh, not caring that they were dying in the process. They all watched the flames until everything died out. Henry Creel was dead. The purple smoke was gone now, and the skies had cleared. Lucas rushed to Max immediately, hugging her tightly. Max crashed her lips to his. Nancy ran to Chrissy and immediately jumped into her arms, wrapping her legs around her waist. She kissed Chrissy deeply, shaking with sobs. Chrissy gripped Nancy's thigh and pressed her up against a tree to steady her. Steve stood and stared at Eddie in shock. The runes disappeared from him and his guitar. Eddie gave his guitar to Dustin.
"I'm real, big boy," Eddie said softly.
Steve let out a sob, and Eddie pulled him close. He dipped Steve and kissed him. Unable to keep their balance, Steve and Eddie stumbled to the ground.
"Well, hell, is anyone going to kiss us?" Patrick asked.
"We could kiss each other," Fred joked.
Patrick stared at him, and the smile slipped off of Fred's face. Patrick grinned as he looked him up and down.
"Yeah, okay, you're cute," Patrick said.
"What?! I mean. . .yeah!"
FIVE YEARS LATER. . .Saoradh. . .
Steve couldn't believe he was here, standing in his homeland with Chrissy, Eddie, and Nancy. Robin brought Vickie as well. All of their family and friends were there, including all of the fae children they had saved over the years. It had taken Eddie, Steve, Chrissy, and Nancy traveling in a cramped RV all over the country to find them all. Eddie hadn't been able to use his magic all the time. He was still amazed every time they came here. Steve gazed at the purple and pink sky, sighing happily. This is it.
"You nervous?" Robin's voice asked.
"Not at all," Steve grinned.
"He's totally nervous," Dustin said.
He pulled his head from the window and back into the small wooden building. He turned towards Robin and Dustin, glaring playfully.
"I'm ready for this," Steve said and tucked his hair behind his ears.
He clipped the fairy wings to his ears and checked his makeup in the mirror one last time. It had been centuries since the fae had lost their wings, but they still made sure to remember they once had them. Steve adjusted his yellow suit. It had been tough choosing between the suit and the fairy wedding robes, especially since the robe had lovely flowing sleeves. Steve chose the suit because his ass looked great in the pants, and he loved to see Eddie drool. Steve was more than willing to wear the jewelry, and if he knew Eddie, which he did, he had chosen the long flowing robes. Farran popped her head in, wearing fairy robes with glittering and moving flowers. Her carmel hair was piled on top of her head, with strands of hair framing her face.
"Oh, you look so beautiful, my love," Farran gasped.
"Thanks, Mama," Steve grinned. "You look beautiful too."
"Oh, I can't believe this is happening. Bobby and Lizzie should be here to see this," Farran said tearfully.
"In a way, I think they are," Steve grinned. "I feel them."
Farran patted his cheek and pulled him down to kiss his forehead.
"Are you ready?" She asked.
Farran took his arm and led him outside. Dustin ran ahead to stand beside Eddie as his best man. Robin took Steve’s other arm.
"Hey, you're supposed to be my best man," Steve said in amusement.
"I've decided to give you away as well," Robin said. "I feel like it's my right as your platonic soulmate."
Farran and Steve laughed. Farran and Robin led Steve towards a cluster of trees. The tree branches moved aside, opening up to a large clearing where a lot of people were gathered. Eddie was up there already, Wayne crying and trying to get him to settle down. He adjusted Eddie's red, long flowing robes before stepping aside. Dustin was grinning with tears in his eyes. There was a large space next to them where Fred was standing up as Nancy's best man, and Patrick was standing up as Chrissy's. The music had already started. Nancy appeared first in her pastel blue suit, and her wild curls set loose. Ted and Karen stood on either side of her, crying. Steve watched as they led her down the aisle, and he laughed when Eddie high fived her before she got in place.
Next came Chrissy in her pink pastel suit, and her strawberry blonde hair loose around her shoulders. Argyle was happily giving her away, laughing when Eddie high fived her too. Finally, Steve was next. Farran and Robin guided him down the aisle where Eddie was waiting for him. With tears in his eyes, Steve couldn't help but think about how all of this started. Eddie had been in robes then, too, clueless about the unknown. He had guided Steve home, led him to discovering the truth about himself, and in the process, they had done so much good. It doesn't matter where you were, really, the people who were the most important to you, they were what made a house a home. As Steve walked towards Eddie, he had the same feelings as he did the day he met Nancy, the day Dustin came into his life, the same emotions swirling around him when he became friends with Robin and it was like when he hugged his mom for the first time since he was a baby. The truth of the matter. . .is that coming home happens more than once, and Steve was lucky to get so many.
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artiststarme · 1 year
From Alibi to Reality
A little something different, I hope you guys like it! Title brought to you by @nburkhardt. Please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Steve knew he was going to act as Eddie’s beard for the cops and the town. That was a no-brainer, it was the only way to clear Eddie’s name. He discussed it with Hopper, the kids, and Robin. Everyone determined that the shock factor of Steve “The Hair” Harrington dating the town freak was the only thing that was going to change Powell’s mind and make him drop the charges. The thing no one could agree on was how to broach the subject. 
Dustin thought that telling the police directly would be the best way, Robin thought they should build up to the declaration, and Nancy thought it was a stupid idea because no one would believe that lady-killer Steve Harrington was into a guy (little did she know). Regardless, all of his friends thought talking was the best course to take. 
But Steve was a man of action, not words. All of the Party’s plans involved discussing their “relationship” like civilized adults. The problem was though, they weren’t talking to civilized adults. They were talking to his brother, a known dumbass, and the new Chief of Police that wanted to hunt down a bunch of kids because Jason fucking Carver told him to. 
So he was going to handle this the way he handled every shitty situation thrown his way. He was going to wing it. It had worked for him thus far and it hadn’t failed him yet. So, for the rest of the Party’s meeting, Steve zoned out. He thought about how fucked he was going to be when his parents found out about this, how much shit he’d have to take from the rest of the town, and how ostracised he’d be. But it was the only way to clear Eddie’s name. 
Eddie had jumped into the lake after him and saved his life before protecting Dustin from demobats. He was a part of the Party now and Steve would do anything to protect the Party. So, he was fine with ruining his reputation and probably being disowned by his parents for  tainting the Harrington name. As long as Eddie was okay in the end, nothing else mattered. 
They neglected to tell Eddie the plan. He hadn’t seen any of the Party members since the police realized he was being treated at the hospital and barred anyone from seeing him until they questioned him. He was just minding his own business, ignoring the two doofus cops trying to question him, and looking forward to whatever the Party came up with to clear his name. Eddie wasn’t sure if whatever their plan was was going to work or even if they meant what they’d said. However, he had hope. Mostly because the only other option would be joining his dad in a cell for murders he didn’t even commit. 
That’s when it happened. Steve stormed into his hospital room with a flourish, slamming the door against the wall and scaring the two cops. 
Eddie watched as the tall one’s eyes narrowed, “Steve, you better have a good explanation for this one-“
He didn’t pay attention to what else was said. One minute, he was looking at an angry Harrington walking into his room and the next, said Harrington was kissing him. On the lips! 
Mother of fuck, Eddie had died and gone to heaven because all of his dreams were coming true. He didn’t know what Steve was playing at but Eddie wasn’t complaining. He just slipped his eyes closed and kissed him back with equal fervor.
He was pulled from their passionate kissing by a loud, “Son of a bitch, Steve! The murderer?! What the fuck? I thought your taste was bad when you were dating the priss but now this? Jesus Fuck, bro!”
“Officer Callahan, please maintain your composure.”
“My composure?!” His voice was shrill as he shrieked in his own defense. “Powell, my brother is macking on fucking Munson! What the fuck? How am I supposed to maintain my composure?!”
Eddie pulled away from Steve, “your brother is Officer Callahan?”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Did that not come up when you were defiling my baby brother?!” Callahan yelled at him, waving his hands in the air maniacally. 
“No, actually. It didn’t,” Eddie told him. 
Callahan let out a sound of frustration before pointing at Steve, letting out another frustrated noise, and stalking out. Steve and Eddie turned to Powell who just looked tired. 
“I assume this is why you wouldn’t tell us your alibi for the night of the murder, Munson?” He sighed. 
“That’s right, there was no way in hell I was going to out my boyfriend. Apparently he does it himself though,” Eddie gave Steve the side eye. Why had he chosen to do this? He’d known the guy for like two weeks and he was just throwing his life away to protect Eddie. What the hell?
Powell turned to Steve, “is that true? Mr. Munson was with you the night that Chrissy Cunningham was murdered?”
“That’s right. We were watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Alien before going to bed. He stayed the whole night laying in bed next to me, there’s no way he could’ve murdered anybody,” Steve nodded. 
Powell just shook his head at them, “fine, Munson. I’m clearing you but don’t leave town.” 
“I won’t sir, thank you for doing your due diligence. It was at my expense but still, thanks,” Eddie said sarcastically. 
He shot them one last disbelieving look before following his partner. Then all that was left was Eddie and Steve. 
Eddie whipped his head around to Steve. “Now what the hell was that?!”
“Hey! Don’t talk to your boyfriend that way!”
“Seriously Steve-”
“Eddie, I swear to god if you don’t kiss me again in the next twenty seconds, I’ll go get Powell and tell him I changed my mind,” Steve threatened him with narrowed eyes. 
How was Eddie supposed to refuse him after that?
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