#ok thank you sorry again aha
k9ok · 2 years
Tell me, whom does tho blorbofied in your mind-
Do you just mean who do I have who is blorbo?
Tbh I think the top one would probably be Ena. I haven't thought of her much recently but she's really the pinnacle of blorbo for me.
I'm just gonna list some others sure
Ena (joel g). She's so funky and gender and a little manic. She's just like me for real, she's cute, I love her. Highly recommend the series btw. So excited for the game. Both yellow blue and white red Enas are beloved
Miku Hatsune (vocaloid). She's just a cool girl who gives me so much gender euphoria. I really wish I took the time to become a better fan of hers but rn I just kinda like her design
Meta Knight (kirby). What a lad. He's so serious and yet so sweet. He's so cool.
Kirby. He's just a little boy
Lila (spooky month). She loves her son and his special little interests. She's always delightful and protective of her family. She's adorable and her mentioning how her voice was different in the first one cemented a trans headcanon whoops. Oh well. Gender time
Rosalina (super mario galaxy). YES. What a great design. I love her story. It's so tragic and I feel like people don't really pay as much attention to it as they should. She is The space mom. People don't focus on that they just focus on her being basically another empty girl slot in the cast. Kinda sad. Some people get it though. Ily
Daisy (mario). YES. SCREAM LIKE YOU MEAN IT. She's so cool. She's viewed by the community as who she is but sometimes it for the better. Sometimes people don't see her like I do 😡. Love her though. Btw all mario princesses are trans.
Peach (mario). This one to a lesser degree than the last two but I Love content with her hanging out with the other two, especially Daisy. THEY ARE FRIENDS.
Tbh basically any character where I go "YES LOOK AT THEM I NEED TO REBLOG 1000 FANARTS" I classify as a blorbo, So I'm probably forgetting some too. It is also stacked by the amount of transgender feelings I get. My most recent blogging spree of fanart wat Pink Link. I kinda wish I did more digging on these characters cause I love them.
Anyway thanks ig www. I should really keep a consise list so I don't have to do this from memory next time
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every episode of house md part 3
high school teacher: alright class settle down, it is time for chemistry!
the students moan
random student #1: please mr roberts can we just use this period to do homework
mr roberts: no, chemistry is important, you see-
mr roberts starts choking
random student #2: oh my god! someone get him some water!
mr roberts stops choking
mr roberts: sorry about that folks, moving on-
mr roberts falls to the ground, unconscious
*** house and wilson are walking together
house: wilson, my guy, you are wearing a nice tie. you must be cheating on your wife
wilson: you’re just trying to find a way to compliment my tie without seeming nice. so, thank you. anyway, i have this case. high school chemistry teacher keeps randomly choking on nothing.
house: so? he has anderson’s choking disease
wilson: no, it doesn’t only occur when he’s sleeping. not anderson’s.
there is a brief moment of homoerotically staring and grinning at each other
house: ok, i’ll take it.
he grabs the file
house: ok people, new case. man can’t stop choking!
cameron: hmmm… can’t be andersons…
foreman: could it be cancer in his throat?
house: that only shows up for a minute or two every few days?
chase: longmedicalnameadocis!
house: good thinking, test for that, in the mean time start him on fancydrugname.
*** in the clinic
house sighs, pops a few vicodin, and enters a clinic room
clinic patient: my knees hurt.
house takes a good hard look at the patient. he’s ancient. every inch of him is wrinkled. his head has only a few surviving white hairs. next to him is who house assumes is his daughter.
house (sarcastically): hhhmmm… now this is a hard one.
daughter: please take him seriously! just a week ago it seemed like he was way younger! he had barely any wrinkles, he was running 4 miles a day- he was healthy and fit! something’s up!
the patient coughs and begins to struggle to breathe. he takes out an inhaler.
daughter: a week ago he didn’t need an inhaler. now he’s using it multiple times a day!
house (not sarcastically this time): interesting… i want to run a few tests.
*** in the office
foreman: fancydrugname made him worse.
house: chase you idiot you were way wrong.
chase: 😣😣🥺🥺
house writes the new symptoms on the board
foreman: i think it’s neurological.
house: okay, what neurological disorder could cause this?
foreman thinks in contemplation
cameron: insertanotherlongmedicalnamehere?
chase: there’s no treatment for that.
house: wrong. we can do surgery
foreman: surgery?
house: take out part of his brain
*** cuddy’s office
cuddy (angry): NO! you cannot cut into this man’s brain with no proof! it’s a rare condition, most people with it die and this treatment has never been used for the condition before!
house: i have proof.
cuddy: oh really?
house: yes. i think it will work and i’m always right.
cuddy shakes her head
cuddy: no.
*** in the clinic, same patient as before
daughter: please tell me you know what’s wrong with him.
the patient has a bag of almonds in his hand. he is shoveling handfuls of them into his mouth
house: jeez, that’s a lot of almonds- **epiphany moment** house: i have to go!!
daughter: what? what about my dad!!!
house (from out the clinic room): get him to stop eating all those damn almonds!!
*** mr roberts’ room
house: have you been exposed to large amounts of almonds recently?
mr roberts: yes, my son just started working at an almond factory.
house: aha! my proof!
house leaves, leaving mr roberts confused and in distress
*** mr roberts gets the surgery and is cured
once again, wilson and house are walking together. wilson is eating almonds
wilson: want one?
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Tylo Oneshot
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“We’re gonna let you guys hang out in pairs,” said one of the doctors to Tyler. “To let you guys check on each other and all that.”
Tyler scoffed. “How generous of you..” he hissed sarcastically. 
The doctor didn’t bother with a response and left the room, leaving Tyler on his own again. He laid back on his bed and stared at the ceiling. 
Please bring me Taylor.. I need to know if she’s ok.. please, please…
The door creaked open and Tyler jolted up to see his sister. Only.. it wasn’t her. 
“Tyler!” Logan cried out, halfway to tears. 
“Logan!” He exclaimed in surprise before glaring at the doctor. “No! Bring me my sister!!!”
“Ms. Hernandez is currently with Ms. Banner. Complaining will get you nowhere.” The doctor closed the door and Tyler slammed his fist into the wall. “Damnit!”
Logan gave him a look of embarrassment and shame. “I’m.. sorry..”
Tyler looked up at him and suddenly felt guilty. “No, no.. it’s not you, Logan. I just.. Taylor-“
“Is your sister. I understand..” Logan tried to force a smile. He really didn’t understand. He was an only child and was never really close to one specific person..
Tyler sat on the bed and buried his face into his hands. “This place is driving me nuts..”
Logan hesitated before eventually sitting next to him and placing a hand on his shoulder. “Well.. look on the bright side! At least now neither of us are alone!”
Tyler looked up and couldn’t help but feel a little lighter upon seeing Logan’s smile, even if it was a forced one. 
Logan was one of the few people he couldn’t really bring himself to be annoyed with. He’s too nice and the idea of yelling at him felt like it would be the equivalent to kicking a puppy (unlike with Aiden who feels like a mosquito he needs to bash into a wall). 
“Thanks, Logan..” he said with a sigh before lying back. “So what should we do? Not many forms of entertainment here other than the tv. And they’ve only, got, like, 3 channels. The news, Disney Junior, and The History Channel. Unless you wanna watch Ancient Aliens?”
Logan wrinkled his nose at the mention of Ancient Aliens. “Unless you wanna see me pop a blood vessel, I recommend turning on anything but that.”
Tyler was surprised by the almost passive aggressiveness on Logan’s voice. He let out a soft air of amusement and set the remote down. “Fair enough, astrology nerd.”
“Ugh, I study astronomy, not that fake, wishy-washy stuff that only exists to give boring people personalities.”
Tyler barked out a laugh. “Dang, ok! Wasn’t expecting that! Yknow, Taylor believes in astrology. Listens to horoscope podcasts and everything.”
Logan let out a dejected sigh. “Don’t remind me. She once asked for my star sign so she could check my compatibility with everyone in the group. If it was literally anyone else asking me for that, I would’ve stomped off right then and there. But Taylor’s nice to me, so I just gave in..”
“You have a lot more bite to you than I first thought.. guess I don’t hang out with you as much as I should..” 
Logan smiled softly at that. “Aha.. ya, well.. I’m not too fun to hang out with on my own.. but.. maybe..”
The two sit there for a moment, Tyler tapping on his wall dejectedly, wishing he could see his sister..
“I’m sorry..” Logan says under his breath. 
“Huh?” Tyler looked over at him. “For what?”
“Me being the reason you can’t see your sister..”
Tyler sucked in air through his teeth and looked down, ashamed. “Look, Logan, really, I’m not upset they brought you in instead-“
“But it really is my fault.”
“Huh? Whaddya mean?”
“I.. asked them if they could bring me to see you..” he admitted quietly. 
Tyler stared at him, processing his words. All he managed to say was “Huh?”
“I.. I wanted to see you.. because.. this.. this whole thing is terrifying!” There was a pause, all could be heard was the ticking of the clock. “And you.. you’re so confident all the time. For some reason your aggression, even in stressful circumstances, it’s oddly.. comforting? Like, at least there’s one person there who is expressing that they’re feeling anything but fear, yknow??”
Tyler still couldn’t find words. No one had ever described his aggression as comforting. Annoying, yes. A problem, he’s heard that hundreds of times. But comforting? That was new. 
“You..” he finally managed to choke out. “Are weird.”
Now he wishes he stayed at a loss for words because the absolute look of embarrassment on Logan’s face made him immediately regret his words. 
“But that’s not bad!” He quickly said. “Whatever helps, yknow!” 
Logan smiled weakly and forced out a laugh. “Ya.. ya..”
“Logan..” Tyler tried again, reaching out hesitantly before stopping himself. “I really didn’t mean it that way..” he said gruffly, really trying to keep the awkwardness out of his voice, but he ended up just sounding stiff. “You’re.. I.. you’re nice, Logan.”
“Hah.. ya.. nice..”
I’m so bad at damage control, ugh!!
“Logan!” Tyler barked. Logan jumped in surprise and turned to him. 
“You’re a fucking weirdo,” he said bluntly. “But I don’t mean it in the way Barron would.. I.. mean it in a good way, all right?”
Logan must’ve realized Tyler meant it, because he smiled a real smile. A smile of thankfulness and appreciation. 
“That.. really does mean a lot..” Logan said, nervously rubbing his arms. 
The two looked at each other and Logan felt desperation creep into his soul. This entire situation has been terrifying, being kidnapped, separated from his friends, and learning he’s going to turn into a phantom. He had to say it. He had to! He couldn’t possibly die without saying it right here and now! He was not going to be a coward!!
“I like you, Tyler,” Logan said. 
Tyler’s eyes widened. “What..?”
“The way you play baseball and have manage to be cool about everything you do and your sense of justice and the way you care about the people you love, like Taylor.. I like all of that about you!”
Right when Tyler thought Logan couldn’t surprise him anymore. “L..Logan..!”
But before he could even figure out what to say, the door opened. “We’ll be taking Mr. Fields back to his room.”
Tyler looked up, his eyes still wide. “Huh..?”
Logan stood up and waved at Tyler. “See ya, Ty..” he said with a smile. Logan felt really proud of himself. 
“W-wait.. hey, Logan!”
But the door shut and Logan let out a sigh. With each step, he remembered little things. Like when he went to a baseball game to practice his photography and he first ever saw Tyler and how cool he thought he was.. Like when Tyler stood up to Barron for Logan… Like how Tyler said he liked that Logan was weird..
By the time Logan reached his room and the door closed, he realized what he did. It really hit him like a school bus. 
“AHHHH! Did I really just do that?!?” He grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. “NOW I REALLY HOPE I BECOME A PHANTOM!”
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bendycxmet · 9 months
My, What Beautiful Hair You Have!—Vash the Stampede
summary: on a boring Sunday, you decide to get Vash's attention through some head scratches
content: 771 words. mostly fluff but suggestive towards the end, head scratches, needy reader kinda ngl (but who isn't for Vash's attention), one (1) hickey, written with tristamp vash in mind
a/n: saw this fanart and immediately wanted to write this. his hair looks so nice. anyway something soft before i post my first smut piece. aha
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You should be thankful. Its been a long week of nonstop travel from dusty town to dusty town. You stopped remembering what the town names were, every stop melding into one as the exhaustion from the constant Tomas riding got to you. But finally, the week reached its end, producing a lazy Sunday for you and Vash to recuperate at the latest town you stopped in. 
Both of you were lounging on the motel bed, sunlight creeping in from the second-story window, dust flurries apparent from the rays pouring in. You were lying sprawled out on the mattress, Vash sitting at the end of the bed, cleaning his gun. You feel your eyes shut, not from sleepiness. No. Boredom. You sigh loudly, hoping Vash can give you some attention. Silence meets your ears. You sigh again, this time much more slowly and drawn out. Nothing. Wondering what is so interesting about that damn gun of his, you open your eyes and stare longingly at his back.
“Vashhh,” you whined. He hums questioningly, continuing his ministrations against the metallic piece in his hand. That’s not the answer you wanted. You wanted him to turn around and pay attention to you. A conversation. A wrestling competition. Anything to drive away this boredom that’s consumed you.
Your eyes land on the back of his head, outlining where his scruffy brown undercut meets the soft gentle waves of his longer, blond hair. 
When does he find the time to cut his hair? Why does it look so nice? He should let me cut it for him…
What stands out to you the most, is how fluffy it looks. You feel your hand moving on its own before your brain can even register the action. You feel your fingertips reach his head, and just as you expected. Soft. You trail your fingers up from the undercut and into his blond tresses.
Vash is used to you touching his hair. What he isn’t used to is you actually using your nails to scratch his scalp. A pleasurable shudder runs down his spine, whipping around to face you as he lets out a squeak.
“Uhh…” He doesnt even know what to say, only averting his eyes and trying to distract you from the blush that’s fallen on his cheeks.
“Oh, sorry, did I scare you? I can stop.”
“No, no. It’s fine… just took me off guard.” Vash glances at you, shooting you a quick smile before turning back around. Assuming he’s ok with it now, you sit up straighter, reaching your fingers back to softly scratch at his hair, admiring the way it shifts back into place, covering your path.
“How the hell is your hair so soft? We live in a dry desert!” 
“I just take showers with whatever soap we have. Other than that, mostly water when we come across a fountain and I wanna wash the dirt off me.” Vash shrugs, peeking at you over his shoulder, his gun forgotten. You smile. 
I win. You thought. You finally got his attention.
“I don’t know what pisses me off more: the fact that you’re blessed with this hair, or the fact you don’t even realize. Ugh, I hate men.” You tease, a slight quirk in your lip.
“Mayflyy, you love meee though, right?”
“Yeah yeah whatever you say hot stuff.” You can’t let him think he’s got the upper hand after ignoring you for an hour. The way his brown undercut trails into a peak at the slight bend of his neck triggers an impulsive thought. You lean in, trailing your lips across his neck, giving light kisses along the way. You feel Vash stop his movements suddenly, his breathing becoming shallow.
Got you right where I want you.
Just as Vash begins to relax into your gentle kisses, he gasps, eyes shooting open as you abruptly bite into the soft skin, suckling slightly after. You pull back, leaning on the palms of your hands as you stare admiringly at your work. 
The satisfying grin falls away as Vash doesn’t turn around after a minute. Thinking you may have crossed the line, you offer a white flag in surrender.
“Heh, hey sorry I didn’t mean to stop you from working on your gun. If you want, we can go out and get din-” 
His gun clatters noisily on the ground near his feet. Looking up, you meet Vash’s swimmingly hot gaze. 
“Not tonight. You started something you have to finish now, Mayfly.”
You scoot backwards, inviting him further up the bed as he crawls his way to you. 
This was gonna be a long night.
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mystinkylefttoe26 · 6 months
A proposition - Tom Riddle
cw : blowjob, kissing, mentions of smoking, virgin!tom
summary : after head boy Tom catches you sneaking around you offer him a proposition…
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You were currently tiptoeing your way through the dark corridors of Hogwarts.
You wanted to walk to the astronomy tower for a quick smoke.
Your ripped out of your thoughts by an ice cold hand on your shoulder 
“What are you doing here ?” 
“-fuck” the voice of Tom riddle, Slytherin head boy. 
“Indeed, fuck, but I won’t ask again what are you doing here,at this time ?” 
You turn around and smile sheepishly 
“I forgot my wallet at the astronomy tower and I was just about to go get it”
“Aha” Tom responds with a raised eyebrow “well then I’ll accompany to go retrieve it”
Fuck you groan in your head, obviously there wasn’t your wallet waiting at the top of the astronomy tower stairs.
To be honest if it were anybody else Tom would’ve subtracted a couple of points and sent them back to there. 
But with you it was different he had always found quite…attractive.
So he decided to just stay with you a little while longer. 
You and Tom were currently walking towards the astronomy tower in silence.
‘Fuck i gotta think of something’ 
You suddenly stop and turn to tom 
“So…tom..how’s it going ?”
“Good, but I’d rather just get this over with”
You scoff and roll your eyes ‘thanks for nothing’.
You’re starting to walk up the stairs and the panic starts getting more intense.
You turn around to Tom before blurting out 
“What ?” Tom asks looking at you surprised 
“I was lying there’s no wallet, I just wanted to go out for a smoke…”
You say while looking while smiling apologizingly at Tom. 
“Ok I mean I’ll have to report you for lying and subtract points…” Tom mutters
“No Tom please” you try to plead with him.
“I’m sorry but it’s the procedure” Tom says strictly.
“No come on I’ll do everything you want me to” you respond while looking up at him seductively hoping he catches the hint. 
“I’m sorry but-“ Tom tries to say before you cut him off.
“I’ll blow you one” 
Tom chokes on a cough 
“W-what ?” Tom asks while looking at you with a red face.
“You know a blowjob” you say while moving closer to him and running your hand up and down his chest seductively.
“Uhm I uh” Tom stutters, clearly affected by your sudden moving closer to him.
And that’s when it clicks…he’s a…virgin…
“Tommy tell me something” you ask still not having taken your hands off his surprisingly sculpted chest “have you ever gotten one before ?”
“I-I… uh of course” Tom lies…
“Really mhm, I don’t think I believe you…”
“You know it’d be really bad for your reputation if somebody found out that mister riddle is still a…virgin” you say teasingly.
Tom just gulps audibly his Addams apple bobbing while doing so. 
“So you know cause I’m a nice girl, I’ll make a proposition. I’ll give you a blowjob and you’ll forget all about your reporting stuff’s shit alright ?”
To be honest you’d be surprised if Tom could even think once you’d be done with him. 
 Tom stays silently clearly still in Schock before he nods slowly.
“Ok, perfect come on” 
You push him against the wall, before pressing your body against him and whispering seductively.
“You ever kissed somebody ?” 
“Y-yes” Tom replies quickly 
“Mhmm that’s good” you say before pressing a quick kiss onto his neck and moving upwards.
You kiss him softly at first, before Tom grips the back of your neck and presses you more onto him
You slip your tongue inside his mouth and starting making out with him.
To be fair Tom was a surprisingly good kisser.
You move your hand down from his chest towards the bulge in his pants before starting to palm him.
And then Tom fucking whimpers…
‘Fuck Tom perfect, mysterious boy is out here whimpering from a little palming’.
You quickly unbuckle his belt before freeing his erection from his pants and sliding down to your knees.
You spit into your palm before stroking his length a couple times, Tom letting out a couple low groans at this.
You start kitten licking his dripping tip before fully taking the tip into your mouth and well starting to suck.
“Fuck, feels so much better than imagined..” Tom groans.
You pull away from his cock “you imagined me blowing you ?” You giggle.
“W-what I uh” 
Before Tom can fully respond your back to working on his cock 
Your deep throating him now and you can tell he won’t last long…
Tom moaning whining and panting like a pathetic mess just from a blowjob…
You imagined what he’d sound like when your doing more intimate stuff…
Maybe you should safe that question for another time you’re caught sneaking out. 
“F-fuck I’m gonna cum hmm” 
Tom whines while pushing your face further down and shooting ropes of hot sticky cum down your awaiting throat.
You pull away before swallowing and sticking your tongue out to show Tom. 
“Fuck that was uhm amazing” Tom mutters still a bit dazed.
You just giggle softly while tucking his member back into his pants. 
“I’ll give you extra points”
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Banners by @benkeibear and @xxbimbobunnyxx
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bewareofdarkness · 4 months
FOUR IN HAND by John Lennon
I never see anyone mention this, and honestly, we should talk about it more. John wrote this short play for the show Oh Calcutta! in 1969, a comedy revue organised by Ken Tynan. The skit is most likely inspired on The Beatles group wanks, which we all know about. Four In Hand is under the cut:
(Four chairs, backs to the audience. Facing them, a large projection screen divided into four sections, one for each chair. Three men impatiently waiting. A doorbell rings.)
1: There he is now. I told you he’d make it. (He opens the door.)
(George enters: he wears a fedora.)
1: If you’re going to join the group, George, you have to remember we always start on time.
George: Sorry I’m late, fellas.
2: We don’t like people breakin’ the rules, George.
George: I already said I’m sorry.
3: Look--We gonna talk, or we gonna jerk off?
1: Ok, let’s get started. This is your seat, George. Now this (pointing to screen) is a new kind of machine--a telepathic thought transmitter. Whatever you think about flashes on the screen. Now the rules of the game are this: all of us think of things to jerk off to--until somebody comes--and the first guy who comes has to stop everybody else from coming. Got it?
George: Got it.
1: All right. Let’s give it a try. Whatever comes to mind, George.
(1 goes to his seat. George sits between 2 and 3. Rhythmic music starts. Images start to flash rhythmically on the screens. The men’s arms start to move rhythmically in front of them. The screens facing 1, 2 and 3 show Hollywood and Playboy-type pinups. George’s screen remains blank. The rhythm builds up while screens 1, 2 and 3 are all pulsating with glamorous women. Suddenly, we hear the strains of the William Tell Overture, and during a crash of cymbals, a picture of the Lone Ranger flashes on George’s screen. All screens go blank and all four men stop masturbating.)
3: What the fuck was that?
1: What are ya tryin’ to do, George?
2 (rises, adjusting his pants): I told you not to invite outsiders.
George: I’m sorry, fellas, it’s just the first thing that came into my mind.
2: We haven’t had a vacancy in six months, George! Harvey only left because he got a divorce.
3: How’d you like a silver bullet up your ass?
1 (walking to George): You sure you’re all right, George?
George: I’m fine, thanks.
1: All right, let’s try it again.
(They all sit down again.)
1: And cut the horseshit, George.
(The music starts again and the images start to flash. They are slightly more nude than before--close shots of breasts and bottoms. By trial and error, the four screens begin to form a composite picture. George is dutifully collaborating. Finally, at the height of the rhythm, screen facing 1 shows a nude model’s head, screen facing 2 shows her breasts, screen facing 3, her legs. Pause. The recumbent image of the model is almost complete. Suddenly the strains of the William Tell Overture are heard again with another image of the Lone Ranger on George’s screen.)
George (exultantly): Aha! A-a-a-a-ah!
(He rises. His screen continues to flash the Lone Ranger. With one jabbing sweep of his arm, he flashes Lone Ranger pictures on the other screens as the music builds. As each image flashes, 1, 2 and 3 lose their concentration completely and give up the contest.)
George (turns as he goes to exit): See you next week, fellas.
1: Get the fuck outta here!!!
(Sound of four “whistling” gunshots as each remaining screen blacks out.)
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shunin-gumis · 2 months
Designs of Happiness - Track A07
L4mps Main Story Translation
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Title: The Black Cat of Good Luck
Characters: Daniel, Nagi, Toi, Netaro
Summary: After fishing out Nagi from a trap in Cafe369, the protagonist asks him why he was there in the first place. Nagi claims that a certain piece of food was the start of all this… 
JP Proofreading: aca @463ce6 on twt EN Proofreading: jes @arcanecrayonn on twt
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Location: Cafe369
Momiji: Ok, get him down slowly… Right, just like that.
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Daniel: So. You tellin’ me this fella ended up like this because he got caught up in a trap meant to… catch bees? That’s some luck.
Momiji: I’m so glad we have your muscle around for this, Daniel-san— Ah, that’s a good place to stop.
Momiji: Nagi-kun, are you alright? Can you hear me? …Is he unconscious?
Nagi: ….. 
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Toi: Is he ok? He’s still alive, right? Oh no, what will I do if this puts an end to my guidance…? 
Momiji: Calm down, it’s ok, he’s still breathing. Looks like he’s just fainted.
Toi: R-Really? Thank goodness…!
Momiji: Let’s just lay him down on the sofa… There.
Toi: Then, I’ll go and wet my handkerchief for him! 
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Cafe owner?: Good grief, is there really any need to cause a big fuss over this?
Momiji: I mean, it’s clearly not a bee, but a human you caught in your trap! That’s not what you said earlier!
Cafe owner?:  It was indeed a bee that was ensnared in my trap, initially. Well, I don’t think humans make for a bad substitute, if I’m to be honest.
Daniel: Hm~?
Daniel: Oh, you’re that fella who came by the dorm the other day.
Cafe Owner?: Oh~? Was there a handsome face like yours there back then?
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Daniel: Oh, wow, did I just get a compliment?
Momiji: You did say you couldn’t think of anything but green peas back then, I’m sure he must’ve slipped your mind in the meantime.
Daniel: I’m Hiroshi Daniel Iwabuchi. You’ve got a good eye on ya, I wouldn’t mind recommending a guy like you to our ol’ Boss if ya want.
Momiji: Oh, that’s right. Sorry for the late introduction– I’m Hamasaki from HAMA Tours.
Netaro: I am named Netaro Yowa. I’m pleased as punch to acquaint myself with more humans~♪
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Netaro: I am quite fond of the visage I have on now, but yours is quite pleasing to the eye as well~
Momiji: (…Visage?)
Toi: Ah! I think Nagi-san is waking up!
Nagi: …Ugh.
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Nagi: …Where am I? …Who am I?
Momiji: (Amnesia…!?)
Nagi: Um, that was just a joke, sorry. You are…?
Netaro: I am the owner of this fine establishment. I was just about to turn you into fresh ingredients for my new meat bun recipe. 
Nagi: Oh, okay… 
Momiji: Yeah, I can’t blame you for being surprised. I’ll try and explain it to you one by one… 
Nagi: More importantly, are you alright?
Momiji: Huh?
Momiji: (...Is he asking about the trap getting springed?)
Momiji: Don’t worry, no one else got… entangled in that trap that was set up in here.
Momiji: I mean, you’re the one that got fished up… 
Daniel: Fished up? Seriously?
Nagi: I see. I’m glad, then. I shouldn’t let anyone get dragged into my misfortune… Oh, that’s right… 
Momiji: (...? Nagi-kun just unclenched his fist…)
Daniel: Woah, a bee just popped out.
Nagi: It looked like it wanted to get out, so I offered a hand. Good, it’s free now. I’m glad.
Netaro: All’s well that ends well!
Daniel: In what way… So, you’ve met this guy before right?
Momiji: Ah, yes. Nice to see you again, Nagi-kun. The last time we met was at Renga-kun’s garden, right?
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Nagi: Yeah, it’s nice to see you again too. HAMA Nice Trip!
Momiji: I’m glad to see you’re the same as always… HAMA Nice Trip, too!
Toi: Um, you can use this handkerchief, if you’d like.
Nagi: Oh, thank you very much– Woah, an angel? I swear I see wings… 
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Toi: Fufu, I don’t have wings, silly~
Momiji: So, how’d you get caught in that trap anyways? Were you delivering flowers?
Netaro: I don’t remember requesting any.
Nagi: Oh, are you the owner… I sincerely apologize for the trouble that I caused.
Netaro: Aha, how amusing indeed. You were the one caught in my trap, and yet you are the one to apologize? Perhaps I should sue you for damages as well?
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Laika: Well!
Nagi: Sure, I’ll spend the rest of my life paying you back.
Momiji: Stop, you don’t have to pay for anything, okay? More importantly, why were you here if not for a delivery, then? 
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Nagi: …It all started with an ordinary piece of chocolate. 
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Nagi: So, I got it from a kid when I completed my last delivery. I thought I’d enjoy it as I took a break on a bench nearby, but I ended up dropping it. That’s when I thought, oh, a stray dog or cat might end up trying to eat it, and that’s poisonous to them, so I couldn’t just leave it there. But when I tried to get up from the bench, it turned out it was freshly painted and my clothes were stuck to it. Oh but, don’t worry, I already apologized, and I’ll go back after buying some paint to fix it up. I have to drop by the supermarket anyway, there’s gonna be a sale later. And I made sure to throw away the chocolate too.Then I headed to the washroom at the park so I could try and clean up my paint-streaked clothes, but there wasn’t any soap. So I thought, okay, I’ll at least wash it, but there wasn’t any water either. I noticed the time, and realized that the sale was about to start, so I gave up on cleaning my clothes. But then I was attacked by a bunch of crows out of nowhere. I must have done something at the park to set them off, though I have no idea what it could’ve been. So, in a panic, I ended up running into this shop to get away from them.
Momiji: (He went off on a tangent and all I got is that he somehow managed to get himself into one mess after another…!)
Toi: I can’t believe all that happened within such a short time… 
Netaro: Ahaha! What an amusing fellow indeed!
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Laika: Hihihi!
Daniel: He’s like one of those clumsy heroines or somethin’.
Momiji: Please cheer up! We all have days like these… 
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Nagi: In my case, it’s all the tim—
Momiji: Hm?
Nagi: Sorry, don’t mind me. 
Nagi: Oh, are your clothes fine? I’m worried I might’ve gotten paint on you while you were trying to get me down… 
Momiji: I’m not sure, is there any on me?
Daniel: Nope. What ‘bout me?
Netaro: Not a speck! And how about myself?
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Toi: Well, there shouldn’t be any, since you didn’t even go near him, Netaro-san… 
Nagi: I see, that’s great then. And to the angel with no wings, I’ll return your handkerchief to you after I get it cleaned back at my shop.
Toi: Oh, yes, sure! 
Nagi: —I’ll be off now.
*phone dialing*
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Sonia: Hello! You’ve reached Flower Laundry!
Nagi: I’m sorry I didn’t call you sooner. I’ll take about 50 minutes to get back as I drive within the speed limit.
Sonia: Geez~ Where did you find yourself this time? I was very worried, you know!
Nagi: Oh right, I’ll have to get some trash bags for flammable waste. Tomorrow is garbage day but we’ve run out. I’ll make sure to buy us your favorite treat, two of them, specially. 
Sonia: I’ll forgive you for being a little late if you’re bringing shnacks. 
Nagi: Great. I’ll see you soon.
Momiji: …..
Daniel: Oi.
Momiji: Ah!
Daniel: You sure you wanna let him go like that?
Momiji: Oh geez, I was swept up in the moment, I didn’t even realize– Nagi-kun, wait!
Momiji: Don’t leave yet—!
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Nagi: What’s wrong?
Nagi: …Also, it’s dangerous to approach a moving vehicle, please back up a bit.
Momiji: Sorry about that! Um, I’ve been searching all over for you because I had something to talk to you about!
Nagi: Talk?
Momiji: I wanted to ask if you’d like to join our Night Team or not.
Nagi: What do you mean?
Momiji: I had this thought when I saw you back at Renga-kun’s garden, explaining the process to him.
Momiji: About how you pay attention to small details, and how you're very thorough with your job. I thought of how amazing it’d be if I could offer hospitality to tourists alongside someone like you.
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Nagi: ……
Momiji: And that’s why I wanted to recruit you for the Night Team… Or rather, I want you to be the leader of the team, actually.
Nagi: …..
Nagi: Huh?
Momiji: So, um, I’d like you to be the leader… 
Nagi: What?
Momiji: The… leader… 
Nagi: Who?
Momiji: You.
Nagi: …..
Nagi: Does that mean… I’d work with other people, live with them, and even go on trips together?
Momiji: Yes.
Nagi: Me.
Momiji: That’s right.
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Nagi: ….. 
Nagi: …..Um.
Momiji: (He… He’s blushing?)
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Nagi: ….. ugh!
Momiji: (And now he’s shaking his head with a stern expression….)
Momiji: (From what I can tell, he doesn’t seem to be against the idea but… How do I take this reaction…)
Momiji: Um, what do you think? I’d be really happy if you’d accept… 
Nagi: …..
Nagi: I’m worried.
Momiji: R-Right, of course you’d be worried, I understand!
Momiji: That’s why, um, maybe you could just give it a try first! See for yourself if it’s something you can work with… 
Nagi: ……….
Momiji: …..
Black cat: Nya~
Momiji: Oh, it’s a black cat.
Nagi: …Cute.
Nagi: The cat approached us when we were standing still. So it shouldn’t count as bad luck.
Momiji: Ahaha, I was thinking about that too. In the first place, the myth that a black cat brings bad luck really depends on the country. Some places even consider them a symbol of good luck! 
Nagi: …I see. That should be a relief to the black cats too.
Nagi: Okay.
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Nagi: I think… I’ll give it a shot. 
Black cats are considered bad luck because of superstitions but that's all they are: superstitions. Here the black cat symbolizes Nagi's luck turning around.
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aurorangen · 9 months
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After graduation came a break before work started for Renee. It was also Jay and Miracle's wedding! Renee and Vincent travelled all the way to Chestnut Ridge for this special occasion and it was such a joy to see Jay again! Though Vincent felt a bit light-headed upon arriving. He was just tired from the long journey, right? But don't worry he felt a lot better after a nap on the bench.
Renee: Finally we are here! Now where are we meant to meet Jay and Miracle? Vincent: Uhh my head [takes a moment to respond] Didn't he say New Appaloosa? The town centre? Renee: Let me check google maps again. Aha! We are in New Appaloosa.
[Renee continues looking. She zooms out to Oasis Springs, to an area of endless desert…just out of curiosity] Renee: I guess they couldn't update the map as there's no evidence. So this place must be Strangervil-
[Vincent's mind goes blank for a second and suddenly Renee's voice seems so far away. His head sways to one side and his eyes struggle to stay open. He could see Renee but everything looks blurry] Renee: Vince! Are you ok? [she grabs hold of him and they walk towards a bench to sit down]
Vincent: Shit. I just blanked out for a sec. God, I'm so knackered from the flight. Renee: Here have some water. We'll rest for a bit longer, there's time [snuggles close to him] Vincent: [smiles and rests his eyes] What would I do without you Renee?
Jay: [clears throat] Ahem still recognise me? Renee: Jay!?! Ahh Jay, it really is you! Damn, it's been so long! Jay: You're the same as always! I missed you, Renee.
Renee: And Miracle [squeals] Woah you're so beautiful in person! Miracle: Thanks gorgeous! You're exactly how Jay had described! [sees Vincent resting] Oh is Vincent OK? Renee: Yeah he's just tired. Hey Vince look who's arrived.
Vincent: Oh it's Jay and Miracle! Sorry, my head's a bit [he blinks a few times] It's so good to finally meet you two, just call me Vince, any friend of Renee is a friend of mine! And congrats, we can't wait for the big day! Jay: We've been dreaming about it forever, right Mir? And I've heard so much about you Vince.
[The guys continue walking as they get to know more about each other] Vincent: [nudges him] Oh god what did Renee tell you? Hopefully only good things eh? Jay: Well…interesting to say the least [they laugh together]
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camryn-haitani · 8 months
is that offer still up?
dazai osamu x reader
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your mental health is declining and dazai notices but says nothing. he unexpectedly catches feelings but before he can confess, it's already too late...
TW: angst, suicide, cursing, I guess a lil plot twist at the end, self harm, gun, kissing a dead body, Google translate Italian.
I started watching bungo stray dogs and I already love it. I've been in love with dazai since I first saw him😭😭
the gif has nothing to do with the fic, I just think he looks hot in it💀
you lay in your bed, feeling numb. you don't know why you couldn't feel anything. you tried doing the things you used to love, but they don't seem the same anymore.
your phone rang multiple times, dazai's contact always popping up on your screen. you let it ring, not wanting to talk.
*BAM* you shoot up from your bed to see what the hell that noise was. you walk out of your room to see your front door busted open with dazai in the frame.
"why haven't you been answering my calls, bella donna?" he asks. "oh I turned my phone off, been doing some work..." you lie. dazai gives you those 'oh really' eyes. he walks past you and I to your room. "hey! get out!" you follow.
"aha! just as I thought. you can't lie to me, cara." he picks up your phone and unlocks it. he goes to your calls and sees the 25 missed calls he's given you. "fine you caught me." you raise your hands up in defeat.
"mhm that's what I thought. but anyway, kunikida asked me to give these papers to you to fill out and bring them back when you return." dazai hands you a folder filled with papers busting at the seams.
'great' you say to yourself. you put it on your desk and push dazai out of your apartment. "wait! before I go, I wanted to ask you something." he turns around. "would you be interested in joining me in a double sui-" "goodbye dazai." you slam your destroyed door in his face.
you lay back in your bed and drift off into sleep.
next day
*BAM* you were woken from your sleep with another slam of your door. 'well, there goes the rest of it.' you get up and put on a hoodie, making sure you've cleaned up all the blood from your arm and none it gets in your hoodie.
"oh y/n!" dazai yells. he waltzed into your room. you hide your knife under your bed before he comes in. "how's that paperwork coming alo...ng." he looks at your desk and sees the folder right where he left it yesterday.
he points to it and looks at you. "you know... kunikida is going to be very mad. and you know he's a grumpy pants when he's mad." he states. "trust me dazai, I know how kunikida gets when he's mad. I've had to face his wrath multiple times." you roll your eyes.
"if you'd like, you can come up to the agency and we could fill out paperwork together." he suggests. "uhm I think I'll be ok, but thank you dazai." you smile at him. "hey, y/n?" he asks. "yes, you suicidal maniac? if you're asking me to join you in a double suicide, then I'll decline." you answer. "noooooo of course not. i was actually going to ask if I could have some tea and I wanted to catch up with you. i miss talking to you." dazai looks at you, his gaze soft. "oh... I'm sorry, yeah of course. my apartment is a bit messy, I'm sorry."
you prepare y'all's tea and sit down at the dining table. "how have you been, y/n?" dazai sits down. "I've been ok. how have you been?" "suicidal as ever, my dear." he holds your hand. your heart races at the thought of him seeing what you did last night. he slides his hand further up your wrist. "shit I think the teas done." you get up.
after y'all's small talk, dazai took his leave. you called up the landlord of your apartment to get a new damn door. you slide down the wall and just say there, feeling lifeless. you don't have the heart to tell him your plans. you truly love him dearly, but you couldn't stand to see him hurt by your intentions.
you continue to sit on the floor against the wall until your door busts open again.
"holy shit! kunikida?" you yell. "what the hell have you been doing all day?! you need to finish that paperwork or else I'll be in deep shit!" he takes a few deep breaths and sits down at your table. you still in the floor, looking into nothing once more.
"listen, dazai cares about you." that snapped you outta your trance. you looked at him confused, wanting him to go on. "there's a reason he's been here the past 2 days, but it's not my place to tell." he says. "just... please get that paperwork done." he stands up and closes the door. you go back I to staring into nothing, debating on what to do
the agency
'if she's going to do what I think she's gonna do, then I don't have much time left.' he says to himself. while dazai is having an internal battle with himself, he failed to notice kuni walking in. "hey, dumbass." kuni tries to get dazai's attention. 'he's so deep in thought, he still hasn't noticed me.' kuni walked over and starts shaking dazai. "oh hey man, what up?" dazai answers. kuni sighs and sits across from dazai. "you know what's up." kuni says. dazai just looks down at his work. "you've gotta say something, you can't keep doing this." kuni stares at him. dazai stays silent. "just think about it, ok?" kuni stands up and hits dazai's shoulder in a comforting way. dazai just puts his chin on his desk and thinks.
over the course of a few months, you barely came to work anymore. maybe twice every few weeks or not at all. you've been getting worse and worse with every passing day. not eating, showering, not doing anything. dazai barely came over anymore, in fear he'd see you completely destroyed by your mental health.
but this one day, the one day that made his whole life flip around. you came into work. you looked trashed, but you didn't care. you walked through the door, looking around frantically. "hey where's dazai?" you ask kuni. "he's in the next room over." he answered not looking up from his book.
you march into the room, you see him talking to a co worker. "y/n!! you're here. i mis-" he was cut off by your lips onto his. he was shocked but kissed back. you pulled back and whispered an 'i love you' and ran out the door. dazai too shocked to follow you.
you ran all the way back to your apartment and slide down your wall. the letter you wrote to dazai also on the kitchen table. knife still in its place where you left it. cold blade caressed your skin, pressing deeper and deeper.
once you thought it was enough, your eyes hazy and getting heavier from blood loss, you pulled out your gun. it was small, but it was enough to do damage. you clutch the letter in your hand and pull the trigger.
dazai, however, was running for his life to your place. he knew it and didn't do anything about it. he finally reached your door and didn't break it down this time. he had a key, he just never used it. he unlocks your door to see you laying in the floor, blood pooling beneath your body and gun clutched in you hand. he finds a letter in your other hand. he takes it out and reads it
To Dazai,
if you're reading this, I've already committed suicide. I'm sorry we never committed your double suicide. i just want you to know that none of this was your fault, it was mine. I never told you because I thought you would think of me differently. I've loved you the first day I worked at the agency. please tell kunikida I'm sorry that I didn't finish the paper work, I'm sure he'll be mad at me. always remember that I love you.
sincerely, y/n
he takes out his phone and calls kunikida. "where the hell are you?! you bolted out of the office and I've been alon-" "y/n said they're sorry for not finishing their paperwork." dazai cuts him off. "yeah they better be. what even happened? why were they looking for you?" kuni asks. "you'll know when you get here." "what the hell does that even me-" dazai hangs up.
he clutches the letter in his hand. he leans down and kisses you. "I'm sorry I didn't say it back, but I love you." he caresses your cheek. he kneels down and holds your hand as he takes the gun you used from you hand and points it at his forehead.
"but we'll meet again soon, bella cara. i promise." and he pulls the trigger.
- - - - - -
please remember you aren't alone. there's always someone to talk to. even if you feel like you are, you aren't. my dms are open for anyone and any reason. i love all y'all. stay safe
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qqueenofhades · 3 months
Ok, unsolicited rant, I’m sorry in advance. I used to love reading when I was a kid, and read frequently and often. I read a lot and I read books that I wouldn’t be able to understand now, like Anna Karenina when I was 12 (I am a native Russian speaker so it’s not that impressive but still) and a lot of Thomas Mann when I was 17-18.
It’s all gone now. I became extremely picky, but also it seems to be harder for me to understand books now? Like I’ve been trying to read “demons”, “Oliver twist”, “Ulysses” - too hard, and I can’t concentrate and in case of demons there are so many ideas and historical tidbits that I have to sit with Wikipedia and a notebook. And yes, as a kid I would have checked certain things and be able to hold a connection in my memory without a notebook (although I’m not sure if I would have done that with demons in particular, I’m bad at Dostoevsky and hated “crime and punishment”). And it doesn’t matter whether I’m reading in Russian or in English. I almost got it with Arundhati Roy’s “the god of small things”, then there was a very upsetting and triggering scene and I had to put it down.
And if I try to get into something nicer and easier my picky side comes out and I just drop books one after the other. Murderbot diaries and the Locked tomb were the only two books series that captivated me in two years.
Anyway I miss that soothing state of being engrossed with a book. And I so rarely get it now! So I wanted to ask, do you maybe have some advice? I saw your book stack and felt both envy and fear, like I both wanted to read and didn’t. Yikes.
And also, I can still read fic and your fics got me through terrible time and soothed me! So thank you!!!
Aha well. I will say that my current monumental book stack is not technically the norm for me, though I do usually have 3-4 books on the hard-working bedside table and read for several hours every night. Said giant book stack was a confluence of factors (picking up a bunch of holds from the library after asking the people for book recommendations and then going to the bookstore yesterday and hilariously telling myself that I would only get one book max). So it's not like I have ginormous amounts of TBR at all times, and in that giant stack, there are likely to be several books that don't grab me, are not particularly interesting, or technically good and well-written but just not engaging with the Brain Gremlins at this particular point in time. So I will put them down and move onto the next one, and this will keep me from being bogged down, because why read if you're not enjoying it/yourself/the book? It's not a punishment or a character-building ordeal. It's supposed to be fun, and if you're reading things that, as noted in your ask, just aren't grabbing you and feel like a chore, then stop! Find something else that makes the Brain Gremlins go ooooh shiny, regardless of what it is. It doesn't have to be Fine Literature.
I also had to get back into the habit of reading for pleasure, and it took me time and effort to do it due to various external circumstances. From about 2015-19, while I was doing my PhD, I had less than no money and absolutely no spare brainpower, so while I did have a few books that I collected along the way, I barely did any reading for pleasure at all (though I did do a frankly alarming amount of writing, including fic writing). Looking back, that seems insane to me, but it was something that had to change step by step, and it wasn't as if I just finished the PhD and went straight back into pleasure reading. I moved back to the US in 2019 and had a part-time job at a bookstore, which was very dangerous for my minimum-wage paycheck, but it did get me back into the habit of looking at books and reading books and being able to take home advanced-reader copies for free and otherwise start exercising that muscle again. I didn't have a library as an option for quite a while because I was living in a tiny town, then COVID hit, then I moved to another tiny town, where there was at least finally a modest public library at my disposal. But it took time.
Now I live in a city with a great public library where I can get almost anything I want, and I went accordingly hog-wild, but if you don't have readily available reading resources, obviously it's hard to get your hands on stuff that you like and will make the brain gremlins go brrrr. There are some public libraries that offer cards/user privileges even to people who don't live in the geographical area, especially if you are a young adult. Check out Books Unbanned by the Brooklyn, Boston, Seattle, and San Diego (US) libraries, which aims to provide access to ebooks and other digital collection items for young adults facing challenges to access, regardless of where they live. You can get a card up to age 18 from San Diego, age 21 in Brooklyn, and up to 26 for Boston/Seattle.
I also now have a little more disposable income, so I can buy books if I want to, though it's true that I also bought books when I couldn't really afford them (shh). But it's still the fact of my access to a good public library that enables me to have stacks on stacks rotating through the bedside table, and I use it constantly, so there's that. I'm of course very glad to hear that you can still read fic and that you have enjoyed my stuff, but I do also feel that you have to read fic AND books/published writing/stuff that's not fic. So the best way to get back into the habit is by practicing, not forcing yourself into stuff that isn't fun or feels like a slog, and finding a place where you can consistently obtain other stuff that's good for sparking joy. That is not the case for everyone, it will impact what you are able to do, and you should not feel like you have to do some kind of "good" reading model, especially since a lot of people seem to think that what you read is directly representative of your intelligence, moral character, or some other important part of you, and it's not. Humans like stories, the end. We like being given stories, fiction or nonfiction, in a format that we can digest and understand, and we always have. It's that simple.
Basically, I feel like reading for pleasure should indeed be fun, I love reading for pleasure and encourage everyone to do more of it, I now am fortunate to be able to do it extensively, and it has taken work of various kinds to get to that point where I can in fact just set myself up with a ginormous stack and dive in. As noted, however, if any of the books currently on hand are boring or just not doing it for me, I will move onto the next one, because the fun thing is that there are always more. So yes. Go forth and read. Good luck.
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cheetahsprints · 9 months
Sonic: Ok, SonadowForever asks... Oh boy we're really gonna answer this... with the username? Alright ... Shadow why are you - hehe - aha, sorry, it says, Shadow why are you so gay? Haha... Well that's presumptuous heh that's a BOLD question. You can't (snorts) Hahaha oh my Chaos, SonadowForever, you can't just ask people why they're gay! Shadow: Because Sonic is very handsome. Sonic: Haha what, excuse me Shadow... Pfffft what??? Amy Rose: So... You are gay then? If you don't mind me asking.   Shadow: Yes. Sonic: (snort) HAHAHEHEHE --- (high-pitched) LGBT for the win?! Shadow: For Sonic.   Sonic: Ah haha whoa there haha... Wait, are you... You weren't joking before? What does that even mean? Sonic: Shadow? Just gonna... Leave that hanging there? .... uh... ok. Sonic: Since we're sharing heh... I'm Bisexual. Not too picky, I go where the wind takes me... Yeah... Sonic [barely audible]: (((Right now it's taking me toward Shadow... Hi there~))) Shadow [barely audible]: (((...Sonic?))) Amy Rose: I prefer boys but I like to keep an open mind. For the possibilities. Your soulmate is your soulmate. Knuckles: Yeah uh... I dunno never really thought about it. Whoever catches my eye, but I'm usually too busy keeping an eye on the Master Emerald. There is a special lady who’s been on my mind though...   Amy Rose: Ooh I think I know who... Tails: Me too, hehe. Knuckles: No you don't! Tails: I’m not really interested in romance yet, if it happens. I'm focused on inventing and helping the team. Eggman: Ah..  I'm straight.. I think. But not really looking to date right now. Feel a little awkward after all of that...   Amy Rose: Oh don't feel awkward! Everyone is valid. As long as you don't make others feel bad about themselves. Knuckles: Is it me or did Sonic get really quiet? Amy Rose: Yeah what is he - ah.. haha oh. Knuckles cover Tails’ eyes, quickly! Tails: Huh?! Sonic: Oh this thing was still going? Haha... woops. Shadow: In regards to the answer Knuckles gave... Do I need to get the shovel ready? I'm not her father but... Close enough. Sonic: It's shovel TALK, Shadow. It's an expression. No actual shovels are involved. Shadow: Not if I have anything to say about it. Sonic: Well anyway! Thanks for the question... SonadowForever... really eye opening...  heheh. Sonic [barely audible]: (((What if, heh, you couldn't say anything, eh, Shadow?))) Amy Rose: Oh brother, does anyone have a spray bottle? Eggman: Here you go. I don't need to see that again.
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bowandcurtsey · 1 year
Black clover william x s/o The two are lovers and for the team, s/o are like a cute and innocent little angel. One day, the whole team goes to the sea on vacation, but there is an incident where s/o molest William and how will the team protect their little angel?
(s/o a pat and you love dogs. >^<)
I have to thank you very much for writing William x Reader, Chainsaw Man. Let me not know how to thank you, but I'm very happy that you and it's so cute. I'm so bad. I apologize that my request is very difficult to read. And I would like to thank you once again that your writing makes my stress better, it will not be much, but it allows me to relieve stress from life and feelings. I love you and your writing so much. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
AHA! hello and welcome back oniyusu!!
You're welcome for chainsaw man! NGL I really did do some reading cause i have not watched chainsaw man, so i hope the fic turned out ok (⊃‿⊂)
Sorry i havent been posting much fics for awhile but I hope you are not getting too stressed from life and stuff <3 rmb to drink water and take deep breaths when it gets too stressful. Or just take a nap!
For this request I'm a little confused because it's s/o that touched william right? why does the rest need to protect her? HAHA Is it the other way round? But this request is so cute either way my heart is melting. hehehee
Characters: William Vangeance x f! reader ft The Golden Dawn
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It's no secret that you and William both have a thing for each other since ages ago.
He would always watch you and smile to himself whenever he sees how cute and innocent you are. Nothing you do is ever wrong, that was how much William danjou adored you.
As for you, you loved how he was so suave and cool, how he was so gentlemanly. Your heart just skips a little when he talks to you or do anything for you.
You were so excited for beach day because you get to hang out with your team members and of course your crush.
And when you saw William in casual attire you were blown away. Even though it was just in a casual tunic and beach pants, you could see his lean and defined muscles. He looked really good and less serious with his mask off.
You guys played. little beach volley and of course your teammates had to put the both of you together for a game.
But you fell onto William and accidentally touched his ass.
Wiliam was blushing bright red and he instantly regretted not wearing his mask.
You were apologising profusely and everyone came to your rescue.
"William danjou you were standing in her way!"
"Don't make our cutie and innocent y/n bump into you like that!"
They were teasing him so much... poor captain.
And you were defending William THE WHOLE TIME
"No! I missed my footing!"
Well the both of you were out for the next game and you both had some time alone to chill under the shades.
"Are you okay, y/n?" William finally asked.
Well you both finally decided to go get drinks and ice cream for everyone, and William complimented on your cute little bikini, saying you looked like "a beautiful goddess".
And YES he finally confessed that day.
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I'm sorry it's kinda short but it's short and sweet at least! hehe ♡
The golden dawns going for a beach vacation is such a vibe.. they really need it, don't they.
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hauntaku2 · 5 months
Ragatha: Hey, Pomni? Is it okay if I date the evil- I mean sweet, candy queen?
Pomni: Uh... sure
Ragatha: Really?!
Pomni: Yeah, when you're... um... talking to her, could you ask if she wants to be friends with me? She seemed a bit... off when talking to me...
Ragatha: ...
Pomni: Ragatha?
Ragatha: Oh, Pomni my dear! Sorry... I was a bit lost in thought there for a second. Yes, I'll talk to her. She'll be spoiled!
(some time passes)
Ragatha: Oh, Pomni my dearest! I've asked her.
Pomni: Huh... what did she say?
Ragatha: Oh, she'll be just so happy to talk to the both of us during a big feast.
Pomni: ... ok. Sounds good.
(more time passes)
Candy queen: It's just sour peachy to have you two little gumdrops in my delectable palace!
Ragatha: ...
Pomni: You okay, Ragatha?
Ragatha: Oh! Pomni, my dearest. Sorry, I was a bit distracted. I should never take my eyes away from you.
Pomni: Huh?
Ragatha: Um... anyway, so... These cookies look... good.
Candy queen: Oh, they were! Just the sweetest things.
Pomni: ... This is a bit weird.
Candy queen: Oh, that's nothing! Pastry, could you go to the kitchen and grab a bite or two? They'll be on the table if they haven't escaped! Ahahaha.
Ragatha: Haha... ha
Pomni: My name's Pomni.
Candy queen: That's what I said, Pastry!
Pomni: ... ok.
(Pomni returns)
Candy queen: Did you grab those two?
Pomni: I didn't see anything on the table.
Candy queen: They must've scampered away then... Oh, this is quite the sticky apple, but we'll capture them again later.
Ragatha: Capture?
Candy queen: Yes! The sweets are often very runny. Sometimes... I have to cut off their heads! Ahahaha...
Pomni: Uh... what!?
Candy queen: I'm sure we'll find someone tasty to fill that spot, Pastry!
Ragatha: Pomni, run!
Candy queen: Get her! Grab her! Deep fry her!
(Pomni escapes)
Pomni: Oh, BLEEP! Ragatha is still back there with her. Why do I keep leaving Ragatha behind? I'm stupid! Now's not the time for self pity, I have to go back!
(Pomni returns)
Ragatha: Aha... Hi, Pomni.
Pomni: ...
Ragatha: What's wrong?
Pomni: ...
Ragatha(?): Oh, I thought this disguise would work...
(Candy queen reveals herself)
Pomni: What did you do to Ragatha?!
Candy queen: Oh, nothing yet. I didn't want you to miss out on the show!
Pomni: You don't have to do this.
Candy queen: Oh, but I absolutely must! I can't let you leave without seeing the grand finale! Ragatha flambe!
Pomni: GAH! NO! Don't do this!
(Pomni attacks the Candy queen)
Candy queen: Oh, looks like I've been impaled! That's not very good. Ahahaha!
Pomni: BLEEP this day has gone so very very wrong!
(Ragatha appears and knocks the Candy queen to the ground)
Pomni: Ragatha!? You're safe!?
Ragatha: Yep! I had a feeling that she was going to hurt you before me. That's why I wasn't sure about bringing you on the date.
Pomni: I'm just glad that you're okay. I'm sorry for leaving you behind!
Ragatha: ... Oh... my dear sweet Pomni. It's fine...
Candy queen: Can you two little gumdrops be a dear and remove this fork from my back?
Pomni: I'm not sure that's a good idea.
(Ragatha pulls the fork)
Candy queen: Oh, looks like I'm making quite the mess.
Pomni: ... are you gonna be okay?
Candy queen: I can't see why Ragatha didn't want to devour you whole! You're so sweet! You'd probably taste delicious! Ahaha...
Pomni: Uh... thanks?
Ragatha: She'll be fine, Pomni. Probably...
(The two leave to have a quiet time together)
Ragatha: Today was quite the day, wasn't it?
Pomni: Uh... so... Do you have feelings for anyone in the circus?
Ragatha: I have feelings for everyone, but what do you mean exactly?
Pomni: Um... like... do you... like like anyone?
Ragatha: ... Oh, Pomni! You're so cute when you're blushing.
Pomni: I kinda blush all the time in this... body.
Ragatha: Ahaha... you say the sweetest things.
Pomni: ...
Ragatha: ...
(Jax appears)
Jax: Guys! We've gotta go! Like... now!!
Guards: After them! They attacked the queen!
(The group runs to safety)
Pomni: Uh... so... Is it okay if I hold your hand?
Ragatha: Oh, my dear Pomni. Of course you can.
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
I Dare You Part 2 (Eddie X You)
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A/N: Part 2 of @harrys-tittie ask. ;)
Warnings: Handcuffs...all the handcuffs 🫠
Word Count: 1381
Part 1 Here
The handcuffs against the headboard clinked as your wrists tried to reach down and grab Eddie to no success. He had already made you cum five times with his mouth alone between your legs and your body shuttered as he brought you to number six. 
“Jesus, Sweetheart. I could eat your pussy all night.” You gasped as his tongue grazed your now extremely overstimulated clit. “Oh, baby. Is it too sensitive?”
You nod as you bite your lip, unable to form words. 
“Aw, honey. I’m sorry.”, his tone is laced with mocking. “Hey. I have an idea. Let’s give this part of your body a break.” Eddie kisses your cheek as he climbs over you and heads for his dresser. After digging through it for a few seconds, he makes a small aha sound when he finds what he needs, pulling out the purple vibrator. 
He jumps back on to the bed like an excited young boy about to unwrap a big Christmas present. Eddie lays by your side, running his fingers up your tied legs to your open thighs. His lips tenderly press against your shoulder and neck, trailing their way to your ear. You keen into the sound of his voice.
“You still with me, Sweetheart? Do you need water or anything?” He tuts when you shake your head no. “Words, baby.”
“I’m still with you, Eddie. I’m ok.”
“Good. You’re doing so good, Princess. Even though you lost the bet, you can still shout out the color and we can stop, okay?”
“Ok, baby. I love you.”
He lifts his head to smile down you as he moves his finger on the device bringing the vibrator to life. Slowly at first, he pushes the tip of it into your entrance making you moan. 
“I love you to, Y/N. God, I am obsessed with the sounds that come out of your mouth like this.” He pushed the toy in deeper, eliciting a whimper as you turn your head into his shoulder. He gently begins pumping into you, grinning with delight as your arms and legs start to squirm against their confinements. “I bet you wish you had something to tug on, huh?”
Almost involuntarily, your hips start to push back, rolling against the vibrator in his hand. Eddie’s face falls back into your neck as he thrusts it faster into you. 
“I can’t wait to feel you cum around me. You should thank me honestly for letting you cum this many times especially after you lost our bet but…” The sound of your slick fills the room as he pumps it harder into your cunt. “I think it’s only fair I make it up to you after cutting my hair and not telling you. I know how much you loved it long.”
You moaned into his ear as your body trembled. Without the barrier of his hair, the sound of you climaxing echoed through his ears clearer than ever making his dick twitch against your leg. 
Eddie quickly rose to his knees, positioning his cock by your lips. 
“Open your beautiful mouth for me, Princess.” You do as he asks, presenting your mouth wide open as he slowly pushes himself against your tongue. “That’s it, Sweetheart. Your mouth feels amazing.”
You feel his upper body bend a bit and suddenly a jolt of electricity tingles from your core. Eddie presses the toy against your clit causing you to whimper around him. “Fucking hell.”
His free hand pushes your sweaty, damp hair out of your face as his other hand glides the vibrator back into your body. “Don’t move, baby. Just keep your mouth open.” He thrusts into your face, making you gag around him. Eddie’s moans are obscene music to your ears as your pussy clenches around the toy. Your own whimpers and moans become more consistent. Eddie knows you’re about to cum again. 
He rapidly pulls his cock out of your mouth and throws the vibrator into the void of the floor as he replaces it with two of fingers in your dripping hole. His hand moves so fast your lungs can barely keep up as you try to catch your breath. 
Your legs shake as you scream to the roof of his trailer, shouting his name to the skies above. 
You barely hear him as he moves around by your feet but you feel when your legs have more mobility. Eddie wraps them around his waist as he leans down to press his forehead to yours. 
“Are you back down from heaven, Sweetheart? I want you here with me when I fuck you.”
“Eddie,” you mewl his name as your lips hover under his. “Please.”
His gorgeous lips attach to yours, swallowing your whine as he pushed his cock into your entrance bottoming out immediately. Your fingers tugged at the chain of the cuffs as he thrust his hips into you with purpose. More than anything you wanted to run your hands down his back, cling to any part of him you could reach. Eddie’s eyes fluttered towards your wrists as he watched you struggle against them. 
His movements slowed as he thrust himself deeper inside of you, the tip of his cock hitting that spot inside of you every…single…time. 
“What’s the matter, baby? You want to touch me? Fuck. You feel so fucking good.”
His eyes squeeze shut as his mouth opens to grunt out a moan that caused your pussy to tighten around him. Without his long hair in front of his face, you could see every bit of pleasure contort across his features. You could witness how his tongue slid over his lips after every breathy moan and the small smile that followed. You noticed how his muscled defined in his shoulder and upper arms as he tried to hold himself up just enough to not crush you with his full body weight; not that you cared. You loved feeling his warm body on yours. 
When Eddie’s eyes opened again, you saw the mixture of ecstasy and focus but more than anything you saw his love for you especially when his beautiful orbs found yours. You craned your neck to kiss him and he deepened it, guiding your head back down against the pillow. 
He pulled away from your lips just enough to have you panting against them. You moan his named repeatedly as the coil in your belly snapped and your pussy fluttered around him like a vice. 
“Oh my god.” Eddie’s head fell under your chin as he wrapped his arms around your upper body, holding on to you as he pushed his hips into you with a quick rhythm. His grip tightened, clinging to you as he grunted against your skin, releasing ropes of his seed deep within you.
Your legs fell limply to the mattress as he collapsed on to you, trying to catch his breath. 
“Eddie?” You gently tapped him with your foot as you giggle. “My hands are tingly.” 
“Fucking shit!” He immediately got up and unhooked you from your restraints. “I’m sorry, honey. Hang on, one second.” You smiled after him as he shuffled out of the room and quickly came back with glass of water.
As soon as the liquid disappeared and you set the cup on his bedside table, Eddie lifted you into his arms and carried you to the bathroom. After making sure the water was warm, he helped you into the shower and placed you directly under the flow. You sighed as it hit your hair and ran down your body. 
Your eyes locked with Eddie’s as you reached up to run your fingers through his now deflated curls. 
“Are you still mad at me?”, he asks as his hands reach out to pull you closer to him. 
“No. I have a newfound appreciation for it.”, your fingers drift down towards his cheek as your thumb grazes his bottom lip. “I like that I can see all of your face. Just please… say no every once in a while.” 
Eddie chuckles as he leans down to kiss you. “No promises.”
“Oh, ok.” You playfully smile against his lips. “How about this. The next dare you do I’ll do it to. What do you think, Eds? I think I’d look cute with shorter hair.”
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fanficshiddles · 8 months
The Redbridge Hunts, Chapter 21
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Claire made sure she got in to work early the following morning, she knew that Jessica was often in early too, so made her way to her classroom first thing.
On the way there, as she walked past Chris’ office, the door swung open and Chris stepped out, right into her path.
Claire’s heart began beating very fast, Chris could smell her fear straight away, which made him frown, normally she wasn’t fearful of him. Cautious, perhaps, but this was the first time he had sensed proper fear from her.
‘Chris.’ She squeaked out and she stopped dead, not wanting to get closer to him.
‘Good morning, Claire. You’re in early.’ He hummed and took a few large steps towards her, closing the distance between them.
‘I uh… need to catch Jessica before we start.’ She said quietly and went to step around him.
Though Chris reached out and gripped her arm, he narrowed his eyes at her as he tugged her in closer to him. Her heart quickened even more and he could see her shaking a little. He leaned in towards her and sniffed as he spoke.
‘You seem off. Is everything…’ he trailed off as he brushed her hair back from her neck, to reveal Loki’s bite mark.
‘Aha. I thought I could smell ownership on you.’ He growled low, a small amused smirk came across his lips.
Claire’s eyes widened, she wasn’t sure what to say or think of that. Chris loosened his grip on her arm, so she took that opportunity to quickly retreat back from him a good bit.
‘Good to see my little brother has finally given in to his primal urges… Shame he didn’t turn you, though. You’d make a good vampire. No worries though, I’m sure he will slip up soon enough and drink too much from you.’
Claire wanted to argue back, to shout at him that he was wrong. That Loki wouldn’t ever hurt her. Though she knew that Chris was not just a vampire, which in itself was scary enough, but he was one of the most powerful vampires. So she was not about to risk angering him, so didn’t say anything.
Chris chuckled darkly and motioned along the corridor with an outstretched arm. ‘Don’t let me keep you. I’ll catch you later, Claire.’ He winked at her.
Claire didn’t hang around for a second longer, she scurried on down the corridor, letting out a big breath of relief. While she wasn’t scared of Loki being a vampire, or the other teachers, she was definitely scared of Chris.
She settled down by the time she got to Jessica’s classroom. As soon as she walked in, Jessica was instantly apologising to her, but kept her distance, she didn’t want to scare her and wasn’t sure how Claire was going to be.
‘Jessica, it’s ok.’ Claire put her hand up to stop her from apologising repeatedly and she walked over towards her. ‘Loki has explained everything, told me everything. I won’t lie, I was terrified at the time, but I understand now and it’s ok.’ Claire smiled at her genuinely.
Jessica was so relieved, Claire could see the relief in her body as her shoulders sagged. It was a weight off her shoulders.
‘Oh, thank god. I am mortified that I tried to hurt you like that.’ Jessica wanted to hug her, and Claire could see that. So, Claire made the move and hugged Jessica.
Jessica gave her a big squeeze, so glad she hadn’t lost her friend.
‘At least next time we go out, I know to just stay inside the club when you disappear outside.’ Claire smiled when they broke the hug.
‘It won’t happen again.’ Jessica said determinedly. ‘Thank you for forgiving me, Claire. I’ve really grown attached to you and see you as a dear friend, I’d hate to lose you.’
‘It’ll take more than trying to drink my blood to lose me.’ Claire laughed.
‘Glad to hear it.’ Jessica laughed too. ‘Sorry to ask… but… I can tell by your smell, Loki’s claimed you, hasn’t he?’
Claire folded her arms over her chest and raised an eyebrow at her. ‘What is it with vampires and using words like claimed and ownership?’
Jessica laughed and gave her arm a squeeze. ‘Sorry. It’s terms we tend to use, since other vampires can tell when a fellow vampire is mated with a human. It’s sort of a safety blanket for you, actually. As if you and Loki had been together like this the other night, even in my frenzied state, I would have been able to tell that a vampire… owns you. So, I wouldn’t have touched you.’
Claire’s eyes widened. ‘Really?’
‘Did Loki not explain about that sort of thing with you?’
‘No, but to be fair I threw a million questions at him yesterday, there’s a lot.’ Claire smiled.
Jessica nodded. ‘It must be a lot to take in.’
‘Yeah, it is. It’s… exciting though. That there’s more to the world than we think. That vampires exist.’ Claire said with a big smile.
‘I’m glad you see it that way, instead of being freaked out and running away from this place.’ Jessica laughed.
Claire looked at the time. ‘I better get to class, get sorted for the students arriving.’
Jessica nodded. ‘Thank you again, Claire. For forgiving me. I am truly sorry.’
‘Stop apologising, honestly. I forgive you.’ Claire gave her another hug before leaving the room.
Jessica was so relieved it was unbelievable. She was happy for Loki too, with how Claire was taking it all in her stride. That they’d finally been able to get together properly, too. She knew it must be a big relief for Loki.
When Claire got to Loki’s classroom, it was still a little early so she just began prepping for the day ahead. She was minding her own business, sticking up a poster, when Loki creeped in on her and grabbed her from behind. He made her squeak as he wrapped his arms around her waist and playfully nibbled on her neck.
‘Loki!’ She squealed with a giggle.
‘Good morning, darling.’ He purred against her ear. Though then he sniffed at her neck and frowned. He spun her around and looked concerned as he held her arms gently. ‘Are you ok? Has something happened?’  
Claire frowned in confusion. ‘What do you mean?’
‘I can smell fear on you. Not current fear, your heart rate is calm, though there is a hint of fear on you. Something happened.’ Loki said as he cupped her cheek.
‘You can really smell that?’ Claire laughed.
‘I can.’ Loki nodded.
‘That’s pretty cool, if not a little creepy.’ Claire teased and poked his stomach, making him chuckle, but quickly had a serious face on him again. So Claire knew best to tell him.
‘I saw Chris earlier on my way to see Jessica. I’ve always been a bit unsure of him, but knowing now what he is… I guess my fear was pretty evident.’ She admitted.
‘Ah. Yes, I can understand that.’ Loki’s face softened and he brushed her cheek.
‘He said that he could smell ownership on me. Jessica mentioned it too, but she also said that’s a good thing, as it would protect me?’
Loki smiled and ran his fingers through her hair. ‘That’s true. Even with Chris, he may be an asshole but he, out of every vampire, respects the vampire ways the most. If a human is mated with a vampire, he will not harm the human. So, you probably are safer now around Chris, so you don’t need to be scared of him. Though I know that’s easier said than done.’
‘No, that does make me feel a lot better. So even when you’re not actually with me, you’re still protecting me.’ Claire grinned and hugged him.
Loki chuckled and squeezed her to him as he buried his face into the top of her head. ‘I always will protect you, sweetheart. I’m sorry if some of the terms we tend to use are a bit degrading.’
Claire raised her head up to look at him, he noticed her cheeks turned a little red. ‘Actually… thinking that I’m owned by a vampire… kinda a turn on, not going to lie.’
Loki’s eyes widened for a moment and a wicked grin spread across his face. ‘My little human pet.’ He growled and pulled her in even closer to his body.
‘Don’t get me all hot and bothered at work!’ Claire chastised him.
Loki let out a groan as he reluctantly loosened his hold on her. ‘I hate that you’re right. This wouldn’t be the best place for you to get aroused, too many vampires here that could smell you.’
‘At least you’re here to keep me safe though.’ Claire winked at him.
They began to hear movement in the corridor, so knew that students had started to arrive. They pulled away from one another and got prepared for the class.
The student vampires could tell that Claire was mated with Loki, the humans were none the wiser, apart from one or two that had seen the chemistry between them both. Some of the students had even shipped them together from the start.
‘Nice one, Mr Laufeyson.’ ‘I knew you two would get together.’ ‘It’s so cute! Like a love story.’ Some students commented to Loki at the end of the day as they headed out.
Claire heard too, she just covered her mouth as she laughed. Loki ran a hand down his face as he shook his head at his students.
They were just packing up when David appeared at the door. ‘Some of us are planning to go grab a few drinks. Are you two wanting to join us? Or do you have other plans?’ He asked with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
‘Calm those eyebrows down.’ Loki chuckled. ‘A few drinks sound good. Claire?’
‘Yeah, I’m up for that.’ She nodded eagerly.
They went with David to the main doors and met with Jessica, Matt and Hannibal.
Severus was just leaving as they started making their way off the property.
‘Are you not joining us, Severus?’ Matt called to him.
Severus stopped abruptly, slowly turned to face them with an unamused look on his face, then without saying anything he carried on his way. His cape flowed out behind him.
‘So dramatic.’ David huffed.
‘I don’t get the obsession he has with wearing a cape. It’s ridiculous.’ Hannibal drawled with a roll of his eyes.
‘Aw come on guys, leave poor Severus alone. I think the cape is pretty cool. Some people just aren’t very… people-ey.’ Claire said as Loki took her hand.
‘True. Though he’s the extreme.’ Matt laughed.
When they arrived at the pub and walked in, Loki and Claire’s stomachs both dropped as Chris was there, sitting at a large table and he waved them all over.
‘Hi guys, got us a table.’ He smirked.
‘Thanks, Chris!’ Hannibal said as they joined him.
Claire instantly tightened her hold on Loki’s hand, he squeezed her hand back to reassure her. If he’d known Chris was part of the plans, he would’ve declined.
Loki tried not to glare at him too much as he and Claire sat down. Claire was like a velcro dog for the evening, she stuck right by Loki’s side. Even though she knew she was perfectly safe having Loki with her, and knowing what she did now about vampires respecting human partners, she was still very wary of Chris.
‘It’s so cute seeing you two together like this.’ Jessica squealed in delight.
‘I’m just glad everything is now out in the open. I don’t need to worry about being myself.’ Loki said with the biggest smile. He had his arm around Claire while they drank at the table.
‘Are you not worried about losing control, brother?’ Chris asked slyly as he took a sip of his drink.
Loki glared at him across the table, his jaw clenched. ‘No.’
Chris shrugged. ‘It won’t be easy having a human partner, their lifespan is, of course, tiny compared to ours. Plus, what if you do just lose control some night in bed together? I’m just concerned for you both, is all.’
‘Concerned my ass.’ Loki growled at him. ‘You don’t need to concern yourself about our relationship. Thanks.’
‘I trust Loki completely. I know he won’t hurt me.’ Claire blurted out. It was the first thing she’d said to Chris since they got there.
‘I know he won’t either, well, not intentionally, anyway. A vampire’s feral instincts can be too much though, all it takes is biting in the wrong place, severing an artery or drinking too much from you and it’s lights out… Or, you become one of us. At least then, you wouldn’t have to worry about growing old and dying. Leaving my poor little brother, heartbroken and alone.’ Chris said with a smug little look.
‘Chris, just cut it out. Severus and his human partner are managing just fine. Loki and Claire will be the same.’ Jessica hissed at him.
Chris chuckled darkly and downed the last of his drink. ‘Who wants a game of darts?’ He asked as he stood up and headed over to one of the dart boards at the back of the pub.
Matt sighed. ‘I’ll take one for the team.’ He said as he patted Loki on the shoulder and headed over to play with Chris.
‘Sorry, perhaps asking Chris to join us wasn’t the best of ideas.’ Hannibal said sheepishly.
‘It’s fine.’ Loki said, his tone slightly more clipped than he had meant it to be.
‘Are you ok, Claire? Don’t let the twat get to you. He likes winding people up, especially Loki.’ David said to Claire.
‘Yeah… I just…’
Loki rubbed her upper arm gently. ‘What’s wrong?’
‘I… I never actually thought about that before. About me growing old, while you don’t. I hate the thought of you being on your own. I mean, assuming we are together for a long time… I know shit happens, but I do see myself with you…’ Claire blushed.
Loki smiled and picked up her hand to kiss the back of it. ‘I’m not letting you go, my darling. We have many years ahead of us before we need to worry about anything of the sort. I know we are still relatively new to one another, but we can discuss it further down the line. I promise.’
That made Claire feel better. She didn’t want to assume that she’d be with Loki forever, though she was falling very hard for him and fast. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. She couldn’t think of anything that would make her feel differently.
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Jade with a reader who gets force fed mushrooms and he tries to tie you down and successfully does it
You ask for help from Azul and Floyd who are also scared shitless
Warning(s): drugging, restraints used, force feeding, mushrooms (yuck!!)
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Jade always trials his dishes on people before serving them to a wider audience of people.
Most of them involved mushrooms, which you (his primary tester) did not like.
You've tried protesting before, but that didn't exactly help you. Now he just doesn't tell you what he puts in the dishes.
You started refusing to eat whatever he gives you. He solved that issue by simply forcing you to eat. The claw marks all over your face remind you to never do that again.
But Jade could tell you were beginning to become unhappy with him. He needs to fix that.
"(Y/N), I'm sorry about everything that's been happening." Jade told you, holding some food on a plate. You looked at his left hand, covered in bandages. "Ah, I accidentally cut myself while making this."
...yeah, that makes sense.
"Well, thanks for apologizing, I guess..." You said.
"Can you please test this dish for me? There are no mushrooms, I promise you."
Would he lie to you?
Well, yes, but when there's nothing to gain from it? No, he wouldn't.
You took the plate of food from him.
You began to eat the food. He didn't lie, there were definitely no mushrooms, but... something was wrong.
"Oh dear, are you ok, (Y/N)?"
"M-my heart-!" You said, a hand on your chest. There was a terrible pain in your chest.
"Oh no, perhaps I accidentally mixed some of my blood into the food after I had cut myself!" Jade said, worried. "As a moray, my blood is highly poisonous, it causes muscles to cramp- including the heart." Jade explained. "But don't worry! I've created a cure just for this scenario, here, drink it!"
Jade handed you a cup of colourful liquid. Worried about your fucking heart stopping, you drank it without any second thoughts.
You immediately started feeling lightheaded.
You fell backwards and collided with the floor with a painful slam.
It only felt like a second.
When your eyes opened, you found yourself in a dark room.
"Ah, you're awake." You'd failed to notice Jade standing above you. "I assume you're hungry. My potion was a bit too effective, and you were asleep for two whole days."
"Come to think of it, y-yeah..." You mentioned, realizing just how hungry you were. You tried to get out of the bed, and started to freak out when you realized you couldn't move, at all.
"Shh, there's no reason to panic... I've simply done this to get the best results for us, (Y/N)..." Jade smiled. "You always try some amusing way of refusing... silly excuses that I see right through. So, if you have no way to refuse... efficiency will rise exponentially!"
"E-efficiency?" You asked. "What the hell are you talking about, Jade?!"
"I'm giving you a... 'promotion', let's call it. My personal trial customer." Jade said to you. "Aha... I'm sure you wonder how you got into this position, right?"
"No, you poisoned me with your blood and made me faint." You pouted.
"I actually didn't!" Jade happily told you. "I simply created a potion that would temporarily give the you the same symptoms as being poisoned by a moray! And then I gave you that fake 'cure' which was, in reality, a sleeping poison."
"Now, I have a dish I want you to try~"
This went on for weeks.
Weeks of having your jaws pried open so Jade could get you to eat his food. Weeks of Jade holding your mouth shut to prevent you from spitting the food out.
Weeks of successful sales at the Lounge.
"Say 'ahh', (Y/N), don't make me force feed you again."
He loved that he was in complete control of you. In fact, he would have shown his more sadistic side had it not been for his goal of wanting you to be his personal 'test subject' for lack of a better term.
One day, you woke up to see a note on the side table. Since you're tied to the bed you can't exactly pick it up to read it, but you could at least make out the words.
Kitchen is out of ingredients. Gone foraging, be back soon. - Jade Leech
He's gone?
He's gone!
Alright, time to enact your great escape!
The... great escape that... you haven't planned at all.
But just at that moment, there was a knock at the door.
"Jade? Are you in there? We need you at the Lounge!"
Was that Azul?
"Jade! Open this door! We need you back at the Lounge, we are severely understaffed!"
"He's not gonna answer, Azul."
"Fine. Floyd, please break the door down."
"What am I? Your mafia lackey?"
"Just break down the door please..."
"Fine. But you gotta let me say silly mafia lackey lines after you speak, got it?"
Then, the door was broken down.
"Jade, get back to the Lounge now! We need you!"
"Yeah, listen to the bawss or your gonna be sleeping with the fishes tonight! Eh?! Wait a minute... Shrimpy?! Is that you?"
"Wha- (Y/N)?! This is where you've been?!"
The pair immediately ran towards you, and Azul began untying you.
"You've been missing for weeks and you were right under our noses the whole time?" Azul asked, shocked. "What happened, why are you here?!"
"Jade. I tried to stop taste testing his dishes, he literally faked poisoning me with his blood, then gave me a potion that put me to sleep and when I woke up I was here." You explained.
Azul and Floyd both had a look you can only describe as disgust mixed with shock & horror.
"Poor soul, I can't even begin to imagine how horrible that must have been!" The way he worded it sounded like he was making fun of you, but the way he said it, the expression on his face... you could tell it was genuine.
"I knew he was kinda sadistic, but this? Way too far." Floyd added.
As you were fully untied, a certain someone entered the room.
"(Y/N), I got the ingredients! I can begin cooking for you again-" Then, Jade realized Azul and Floyd standing in his room with you, unrestrained. He was so shocked he dropped the mushrooms he was holding. "...I can explain, I swear."
That was useless.
All four of you knew he couldn't explain why you were tied to his bed.
"Jade, we talked about this." Azul sighed.
What does he mean by that. Has Jade done this before.
The answer is yes, but you don't need to know that.
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