#ok who the h*ll is reading this
fandom-junk-drawer · 1 month
The Witcher Headcanon (Modern Au) - Error 404 Brain Not Found: Bonus Scene - Part 24
"Your dress is here"
Yennefer read the text message from Geralt and immediately started tapping out a reply, "Send me a picture, please"
The dress was for her friend's upcoming wedding. She had been assured that it was not going to be one of those hideous bridesmaid's dresses that everyone usually picked. Most of them were either lackluster, or just plain outrageous.
Hopefully her friend kept her word. She would find out any minute now.
What the h*ll was taking Geralt so long to send the picture?
She was just about to text Geralt and tell him to hurry the f**k up, when her phone pinged.
"F***ing finally!", she muttered as she opened the message. Her hand flew to her mouth when she saw the photo.
There was Jaskier, sitting at her bedroom window, like a classical painting of a dramatically posed forlorn maiden. Or a woman on the cover of an 80's mass market paperback romance novel.
He was wearing her bridesmaid's dress.
He looked good in the light yellow chiffon...
And the dress was gorgeous, so win-win.
Okay, she was saving that one.
Yennefer texted, "You could have at least done his hair and makeup!" She chuckled when moments later, she received a photo of Jaskier with badly applied lipstick.
That picture definitely had blackmail potential!
"That shade of red is too dark. Now put my dress in the closet and get out of my room."
"And tell Jaskier not to touch my stuff!"
Geralt and Jaskier carefully put the dress on a clothes hanger and hung it in the closet. It was then that Jaskier spied a pair of Yennefer's yoga pants. He grabbed them, and started pulling them on.
"Take those off," Geralt warned.
"Oh, hush--holy sh*t look how good my a** looks in these!" Jaskier exclaimed as he turned and looked at his backside in the full length mirror on the wall.
Geralt rumbled nervously, "Put those back and let's go already! She literally just said for you not to f**k with her stuff!"
Jaskier grinned as a thought occured to him, and he stripped the pants off and held them out to Geralt.
"I bet your a** would look good in these too!"
"Come on, haven't you ever thought about wearing them, even once?"
"Come on, Geralt. You know you've got the legs and a** to pull these off! Aren't you even a little bit curious about how you'd look?"
Ok, maybe he was just a little curious. Yennefer would wear those things around the house, claiming they were super comfortable. And now that he thought about it, they were basically just a stretchy version of the trousers he usually wore, right? But then again, they were Yennefer's yoga pants, and this could all go so terribly wrong... Best to err on the side of caution and not wake up dead.
"Yennefer said for you not to touch her stuff.", Geralt replied.
"But she didn't say anything about you not touching her stuff."
Geralt hesitated as his brain whispered: he's got a point, you know.
"Your butt. In these!" Jaskier countered, giving the yoga pants an encouraging shake. Geralt looked at Jaskier, who was all smiles and excitement, and his last functioning braincell put up an Out to Lunch sign and f**ked off.
"Gimmie those!"
Geralt: *struggling to pull up the yoga pants*
Jaskier: "Lose the undies"
Geralt: *uncomfortable "hmm"*
Jaskier: "They're adding extra bulk, and you've already got enough of your own."
Geralt: Hm!
Geralt grumbled, but decided to follow the suggestion. No sense in accidentally ripping Yennefer's pants and having to explain what happened. It was several more minutes of struggle, with Jaskier alternately laughing, and offering unhelpful advice and comments, but Geralt finally managed to squeeze himself into the gray stretchy pants.
He looked at himself in the mirror.
"I told you," Jaskier laughed, "your a** looks great!"
Geralt regarded himself in the mirror. The pants were so very, very form-fitting. The fabric was very thin and stretchy, and Geralt realised, with growing dismay, that you could just about see a nice outline of everything. He felt so d*mn exposed.
But they were very comfortable...
10/10 for ease of movement, but 0/10 for the feeling of being bucka** nekkid.
"Come on, give us a strut," Jaskier said, demonstrating as he did a ridiculous little walk by the mirror, wearing Yennefer's black yoga pants.
Geralt did a tentative strut, following Jaskier around the room. He felt ridiculous at first, but then decided f**k it, let's have a little fun, and let loose. He almost threw his back out twerking, but it was worth it to see Jaskier keeling over with breathless laughter.
A dance competition ensued, but there was no clear winner because neither of them could stop laughing long enough to focus on making up any kind of scoring system.
Doped up on confidence and serotonin, Geralt only hesitated a little when Jaskier said "Let's go give the neighborhood and eyeful!"
Geralt: Hm...(Hesitant)
Jaskier: Come on, it'll be fun!"
Geralt: Hmm
Jaskier: Just once around the block! Come on, Geralt! You go jogging all the time in those tiny 80's gym shorts. They are so short, I don't know how you aren't falling out of a leg with every step! At least these have full coverage, and actual legs!
Geralt: I don't know... What if there are people out there and they see me?
Jaskier: Oh, no! Not people! Gods forbid they see you jogging in athletic wear that has an inseam of more than 2.5 inches!
Geralt glowered, but gave in. Jaskier was right. The vintage shorts he usually wore to jog in actually did have an inseam of only 2.5 inches, and he'd never cared that other people were out and about when he went on his runs.
Geralt: ...
The next thing Geralt knows, he and Jaskier are jogging around the block in their respective borrowed yoga pants. Geralt is starting to relax, the apprehension wearing off as he focuses on jogging.
He doesn't even care anymore that he isn't wearing a shirt. The woman jogging in the opposite direction didn't appear to mind either, judging from the appreciative glance she throws him as she passes.
Jaskier, jogging along beside him, spots the approaching woman, and sees a perfect opportunity. He slows down to get behind Geralt to give the woman room to pass, and quickly takes out his phone. He watched the woman's eyes surreptitiously follow the bouncing balls as she jogged past Geralt, then sneak a quick peak at the rear view.
He caught her eye and gave her a cheeky wink.
Yennefer was just on her way back to the Conclave meeting after stepping out to get herself a quick drink, when her phone pinged. It was a message from Jaskier. She sighed, wondering what a**hattery he was going to inform her of now.
She stopped dead in her tracks.
Yennefer stared at the photo.
It was Geralt, or more specifically, his backside, and he was wearing a pair gray yoga pants.
It took her a second to realized that those were her gray yoga pants he was wearing.
They were stretched so tight, they looked like they had been painted on. She could see every finely sculpture curve.
Yennefer was impressed with how well they held up under the strain of containing that absolute unit of an a**, and those thighs... She couldn't even be mad.
She teased Geralt about it when she got home, showing him the picture and complimenting him on his assets.
She even changed Geralt's caller ID image on her phone to the photo of him in her yoga pants.
But it wasn't even the entire picture. It had been strategically cropped. Now, anytime he called her, what popped up was the picture of just his a** in those gray yoga pants.
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talkingharrystyles · 6 months
The only think I love about this stunt is that H literally gives zero energy to their wannabe relationship. They literally looks like they barely know each other, for the last pap walk he almost had heart eyes for a random doorman than to his very serious gf with who he plans wedding and family lmao. And when I read that she get there just to have her 5 seconds of fame, isn´t it always like that? They met somewhere, spend like 15 minutes together to have attention and photos and then he was seen alone. It almost looks like this stunt deal is like "Ok, Jeff, I´m gonna stunt again not even after a year of being single but I´m not gonna do anything, I´ll just be there and I don´t care". I´m not complaying at all, rather this than her clinging on him OW style but still it´s annoying and idk why he doesn´t give us something else when he´s obviously not on a break at all.
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almalvo · 1 year
STAR TREK: DISCOVERY | S1E10 "Despite Yourself"
[I will react to each episode individually and in full, raw reception and then post as is unrevised here onto my tumblr for the full span of every and all NuTrek episodes and series that have been and will be released. If this falls under your field of interest - I welcome your company in joining me. Enjoy the ride.] -------
wow first time the android dint have a bass sfx XD saru's tendrils - oml when he covers them is kinda cute i like owosekun's hairrr vulcans with weapons powered? bruh r we in mirrorverse we're in mirrorverse. 100%. yup. it was obvious from the end of last episode esp with 2 DISCOs showing mhmm. yeah these cuts need improvement still but alright bring it DISCOs turn for mirrorverse antics. lets go. haha this ep writen by someone named "sean cochran". zefram? jkjk tribble backk so cute give me one i wonder what its name is
ok this spinning scene of lorca and burnham and saru talking is spinning way to fast for too long how long are we going to keep spinning. its actually making me busy and hte cuts are not consistent in momentum so it didnt feel seamless it sholdve been takien in one shot and the camera needed to stop WAY sooner. thats how you wouldve actually shot a scene of that type. but "idk" ig, im just a mortal 😭 OK STAMETS. NOT ME SENDING PEOPLE 10 METRES AWAY FROM A TAP OF A FINGER sylvia saying "oh my god" then resuming like nothing happened was such a fast tone change i see those piercing marks on doc's ears. i always get this thoght of, whenever i see that on someone, im like BRUH PUT THEM BACK IN some of these camera ratios, rule of thirds, etc., are like. not done great? idk the eye is not reading the shot how it should a lot cuz the entity is not in an advantageous spot onscreen. tyler is going THROUGH it. damn. i think tyler's actor does well with representing traumatic fear oh interesting. i love these tactile sounds like the sound of the device tyler is wearing on his hand to control the ship's arm i like lorca's rbf XD
shit. poor tyler. thats never ok. her violating u like that. ugh. this makes me uncomfortable oh interesting. oo his klingon inflections are so good oh shit this is a weird scene its such a MIX of implications i like the acting i it actually it felt actually kind of complex, though the idea is simple nice this was actually decently shot. i like the way tyler's hair sits on his head haha looks nice nice swoops man these inconsistent camera transitions (one pose in the last cut, but a diff pose in the other) tylers acting doing p well actually his emotional expression is p decent yeah good ash x burnham is still an f no for me feels so empty it prob always will to me oo the gore effects of the cuts on hishand from the broken glass look relaly good faceless emperor. im so curious who.
"mirror disco". yess. ooo what do their mirrorverse selves look like SYLVIA. oml oh my god oml this is coo,ll oml SYLVIA LETS GO BEAT HER ASS. NOOOOO WHAT THE HECK HECK HELL HOLD YOUR HORSES?? WHAT THE CRINGEEEE oml please sylvia pull through lorca coaching her lmao WHAT THE FUCKGKKHKH O9H NMY GODDDDDD CHIEF ENGINNEERRRRR AND LORCA DOES A PASSASBLE SCOTTS ACCENRTTTTT????@?!??! YOURE FUKCING KIDDDIDNGGGG GET THE FUCK OUT OH MY GODDDDDDD/???? LORCA I MIGHT LIKE YOU MORE OML H GHGJAIHO THIS PREMONITION FUC KKKKKKKK lorca has a type of voice that sounds nicer when its quieter if that makes sense? it almost sounds strange when he yells? idk maybe its just me or maybe thats the way audio was edited oml the way saru was saying "well thats not very clever" was so emotive its beautiful oml their uniforms are oml so cool man the mirror badge man ill say not to be a shit but i love to always see this TOS/star trek root-type episodes where they reminisce on such a classic trope from og trek - but at the same time, i wihsh trek didn tdo it so much to just solely rely on TOS to make its relevance stronger, no matter how sensible that seems? while star wars feels preety big and expansive and busy with a lot of overlapping lore star trek is literally just "TOS, the expanded version" it feels so small. in that, nigh everyhing will forever and always just be/because of TOS. and i love tos. dont get me wrong, its my all time favourite forever. but trek i feel like never can develop significantly newer stuff? OH MY GOD USS DEFIANTTTT LOOK AT HERRR god i cant wait to see this ship design.. but yeah idk if people understand what i mean. that something so ideologically massive as trek is so small as a creative work in its "relevant lore". sure tng has its things, so does ds9, voy, ent - but it all comes back to tos. which is a double edge sword. a good thing. but also a bad thing. for if it were without tos, then much of trek doesnt really hit like that. yes be great hubby hugh love your mans ?? oh for a second i was like his eyes oh wow seeing sylvia with sstraight hair oh wow it compliments her head and face shape ngl she looks great in the armour. they all do ooh lorca in a leather jacket and black t shirt? okok works on him oooo sylvia lets GO GET IT YES KILL IT BRUH DO IT DO IT oo this dark lipstick works great on burnham oo i wonder when we will see sylvia really a captain
wtf. lorca for real? yo ujust did that to yourself? for blood? bruh we couldve done make up also yes of course, big runny red line down side of face. oooooooooooooooo MEAN BURNHAM lorca is an oddly good prisoner. hmMmmMM damn yall sass. ugh i really really really want more trek games. is he not human. is tyler not humnan. is tyler not originaly human. SO TYLERS A FUCKING KLINGON? i love his look of dejection hes relaly good at it. dude. hes a fucking klingon UH UHHHHH UHHHHHHHHHHHH??????????? DID YOU JUST FUCKING KILL HUGHHH??????? WHAT THE FUCK????? WAIT GAY COUPLE IS GONE DEAD NOW ITS OVER??/ WHAT I THOUGHT I THOUGHT STAMETS AND HUGH LAST LONGER? WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK? IM SO CONFUSED?? WHAT THE FUCK? WHY DID HUGH HAVE TO DIE ESP LIKE THAT? WHAT THE FUCK. what the actual fuck. its always the poc who dies. fuck you. idk. if he rly died or what. but fuck you. and trek still in the closet fuck this internalised homophobia. its been 6 FUCKING DECADES. GET OVER YOURSELF. KIRK AND SPOCK FUCKING EXIST. JUST COME OUTTA YOUR RAINBOW DOORS & BE DONE WITH IT. FUCK. (and no im not condoning invasion of privacy of one's sexual/gender orientation at all. i just mean if you said your gay. then own it. cuz trek has said it. its called seasons 1-3 of TOS, TAS, ST I-VI, AOS I-III. so own it. fuck.)
burnham does this role relaly well in a way she fits THIS mirror burnham more than her default. also damn lorca hahaha what i say, he gets kicked around a lot but its intersting that hes cap in this kind of role damn burnham you angery. i like this gold foil look on their armour. oo get him burnham get him get him decent choreo ooo ok ok yeah decent choreo oh yeah oooo nice i love this blade design oh shit burnham sonequa did well in her reaction to stabbing him. u can read the shock aand regret in her eyes forget klingons mirorverse starfleet is literally death. bat'leth? more like batshit. also this bridge oo whoa her bridge is on the bottom of her ship ooooo her warping oooo captain burnham but not how i thoughbt itd happen i feel like sonequa is better in this its crazy i feel like her as mirror self is better?
yes those HIGH boots sharp black and gold ugh. i love love LOVE the art department behind DISCO. hmm i feel like i see definite glimpses and glimmers of really quality stuff and quality delivery in this show but htey are very sporadic. spaced apart y inconsistencies and discrepancies. i think this sho wcouldve been much better ash and burnham - im sorry but who actaully, ACTUALY cares about them together. snoreeee s n o r e e e e e e um. lorca. is actually getting tortured. dude whta did i TELL yall. hes literally the one who gets pissed on fr fr 😭 damn. seeing lorca screaming. damn. id be surprised. but then again. he gets bashed all the time so. eh. ngl i feel like lorca gon die. but i wonder how.
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mccarthymolly · 2 years
kyr okhmu,no,uh,wt,i,ll
Oknouh wt,yh,uh,okhj, lang abu,uh,
Analysis, ok, dth,idk,y say then, bc deathy comgact agn, dk,uh,wtuh
We not ftiendly
Hate concepts ,b see broad, wt mntr wd say this,yh. Nt mntr bc older n asked for help. Mentor if u succeed helping,
gd swt,ok yh i think, count,idk,
Comedians mentory maybe, the acts,ok,yh,uh,no,uh,wt,uh,sth,strgl, who deal this idk uh. Nt js that b causes,yh,uh,no
Ok see , wringer bc reminder n rej agn, taking accoutns? Okh,u,n,o,n,o,hzku,j, u j,,this parts of minds,m,k kk,
Idk how to serve. Bc my understanding was reading but more being bullied n other involuntary psychological changes, uh , so can intercultural psychological communication be taught
No,wt,uh,okhm uh, yh,uh,wt sth,uh,no,dk,uh,ww, ok leav,yh,no,b ok y, acs nt hlp so wt, noone b idk,uh,no,ask,ok,so psy chng if nt social change or change feelijg? J,mh,juh,yh,uh,no,uh,wt,uh,ow,nit ,burp,uh,wt,uh,no,uh,wt,uh,sth or wt,uh dk,yh,h ww,crfl,noooooooo, dep yh b still? Noooooooo,uh no. Idkuh. Scent ok no wt,no sty,uh,yh n,o,noyhno,b idku,h,,o,kh,ihj ,k k
Chronic is js mind, y u talk. Trend ok ww, dif ,yh, describe,ok uh, conference, ww,dk,not ssk lk thst. Ask then okhjuj no uh yh,no ok hmuh,sth noho no
End photo b idkh,k,uh,
K ye no okhmuh luck timing,ohmuh yh,no,uh,yh,uh,no,uk,khmuh,fast,uh,yh,lk,uh,no,ww,no,uh,yh,no,no,dmb,ww,no,uh,okhmuh, say yeah,okhmuh,no,mybe,dk,uh,no,ok hm uhno dk,morezyh uh no,h,mybe, b gd anyway, jt fr, mybe fr prsn,huh no uh j,,i,j,okhjuu,no,uh,ww,uh,ko kh kuj,no,uh,wt,uh,ok,j,i,,uh,wt,uho kj u,no,ww,wt,uh,okhmuh,no,uh,no,o ok hmu uh, nouh,wt,uh,pkjmno,uh,yh,uh,o, k
0 notes
theloveinc · 2 years
truly nothing wrong with dc so don’t come to me with that... but honestly i feel like such an old man now cuz whenever i see really ... noncon-y stuff, i’m just:
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outtherecreations · 2 years
🚙Chose Kevin🚙
Read Part 4 (FINALE) for this to make sense
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I take a deep breath, looking between the two boys. I don’t want to do this, but I have to…for my own sake.
“Ben,” I sigh, they both perk up “I care about you. I always have and I alway will, but…I can’t keep doing this. For my own sanity, I can’t keep watching you become more and more distant, making more and more mistakes, and putting less and less in this relationship. We worked better as friends…I actually KNEW how you felt about me. I want to be in a relationship where I’m putting in the most work. I’m sorry…”
Those green eyes I fell in love with…
Now they’re making feel like puking. Ben lets outs a shaky breath, “N/N…you’re joking, right?” He asks. Ben looks at me up and down “You can’t be serious. After all we’ve been through, you’re gonna let one small mistake-” “It’s not just one small mistake. It’s a bunch of small mistakes that always turn into bigger ones. And I always let you slide every single time…I can’t do it anymore.” I sigh.
“If that’s how you’ve been feeling, why haven’t you actually tried to talk to me?!” Ben shouts “Well you don’t make it easy! You’re not even making breaking up with you easy!” I shout back “Newsflash, relationships aren’t easy!” Ben sighs “They shouldn’t be h*ll either! Ben, just stop please.” I sigh tiredly. Ben looks down at the ground, clenching his fists.
Kevin stands there, watching the both of us carefully. “Fine.” Ben says quietly before turning to Kevin “If you break her heart. I’m kicking you back into the Null Void.” He threatens. Kevin rolls his eyes “It’s gonna be hard to break what you already broke.” He states, Ben only growls. I watch him storm to his front door.
The door slams loudly-I just know Mrs Tennyson said something.
I flinch when Kevin places a hand on my shoulder, “Come on. Let’s head to the garage.” He says gently. We get into the car and drive off. I glance over at Kevin to see him grinning like an idiot “Why are you so happy?” I snort tiredly, looking out the window “Why am I so happy? Is that a serious question?! I finally got the girl of my dreams!” Kevin says victoriously.
My cheeks warm up, “Well…I’m probably gonna need some time before we-” “Say no more. I’ve waited this long. Now that the deal is officially sealed, I can wait a for more days or weeks.” Kevin says. He grins a little, keeping his eyes on the road. I stare at him in surprise, “Stop staring at me, Nut-heh, guess I can’t call you that anymore…Princess? Yeah, Princess…I missed calling you that. Stop staring at me, Princess, you’re making me distracted.” Kevin jokes.
“You just seen really ok with this.” I say “Of course I am, at the end of the day…I’m finally the one that gets to hold your hand and kiss you and call you everyday and beat up any guy that flirts with you. Maybe I can teach you how to drive now.” Kevin suggests, not even bothering to hide his excitement “Oh please, you said you’d never risk your car. Plus, Ben already taught me.” I scoff playfully. We stop at a red light “I never said we were gonna use MY car. And Ben barely knows how to drive himself.” Kevin snorts, I laugh and shake my head “You got a point.” I giggle weakly.
~2 Week Later ~
‘I guess if this is really what you want…fine Y/N. But don’t expect me to be there when Kevin breaks your heart.’
I place my phone on the counter when Kevin walks into the garage “See, I changed. Now are you ready to go get lunch?” Kevin asks, I grin playfully “Depends on who’s driving.” I tease. Kevin snorts “Look, I know I said you’d be on the road in a week, but I also know that you know that my car is my baby and no one shall ever drive her but me.” He says firmly. I hop into the passenger’s seat as Kevin gets in. I glance at him, Kevin drives off.
“Don’t you trust me, Kev?” I ask, he glances at me for a second “Nope.” Kevin says seriously “WHAT?!” I gasp offendedly, Kevin laughs “I’m sorry, but you almost hit a dog last time.” He states “That was not a dog, it was a deer!” I say defensively “A deer wearing a leash?” Kevin asks. I pout, “I will jump out this car with no hesitation.” I huff.
“You won’t get food if you jump out.” Kevin warns “Shoot, you’re right.” I groan, pressing my back deep into the seat. Kevin only laughs, “Beside we’re almost there.” He says, I study the buildings and places outside the window “Kevin, where are we? I’ve never seen this place in my life.” I state with a confused frown. “I know, there’s a new restaurant around here. Thought it’d be good for a first date.” Kevin hums softly.
My cheeks redden a little, “Aw look who’s blushing.” Kevin teases. I roll my eyes “Aw, look who’s a big old softie.” I squeal, Kevin cringes “Ugh, never called me that again.” He snorts “But you are a softie. A soft baby man.” I say, making my voice sound baby-ish. I stop teasing him when the car pulls up to a restaurant. “We here.” Kevin tells me, he frowns.
“Come on, Kev. You can’t seriously be mad about-”
“I’m not…”
I hum in confusion before I finally look off to where Kevin was staring. My eyes widen for a second, “Huh, looks like Julie ended up with Ben after all…glad she got what she wanted.” I say happily. Kevin blinks at me as I start to grab my things, “You really wanna go in there while they’re here?” He asks seriously “Yeah, we’re on a date. Who cares that they’re on a date too?” I say with a shrug “You don’t care?” Kevin asks “Not really…I mean, I moved on. So, I’m glad he’s moved on too.” I say.
“How do you exist?” Kevin asks with red cheeks, my face mirrors his. Kevin steps out the car and walks over to open my car door “Milady~” He says, bowing a little. I fight back a laugh as I step out the car, it didn’t take long before a felt a pair of eyes staring me down.
I elbow Kevin gently, “Looks, like we’ve already been spotting.” I whisper. Kevin hums in thought “You ok with that?” He asks “Mmhm, are you?” I ask “As long as you’re fine with this. If he says anything sh*tty I’ll kick his *ss.” Kevin warns, I cast him a tired smile. Kevin wraps an arm around me and we make our way to the entrance.
“How many times have I told you, get away! I want nothing to do with you!”
“Don’t be like that, Benji-”
“Don’t call me that! Don’t EVER call me that!”
Kevin and I walk past Ben and Julie. Once we were far enough, Kevin snickers “Stop it. Be nice.” I say “All I’m saying is, Tennyson got what he deserved.” Kevin says as the waiter walks up to us. She beams at us “Oh? A couple! Would you like our ‘Just the Two of Us’ special?“ She asks happily. Kevin squeezes me happily, I look at him “Why, yes, we would like that special.” He says, pushing a fancy voice.
~Time Skip~
“-So seasons 2 and 3 aren’t dubbed, but season 1 is? What?!”
I groan tiredly “I know! The original people who were dubbing it lost the rights…now I gotta watch it all subbed. And don’t get me started on the continuation series-they changed all the voice!” I say. Kevin nearly spits out his water “Ugh, I wish I would’ve known before I started watching. Their old voices are perfect.” I whine.
Kevin chuckles “I’m not touching that show.” He tells me “Dodge that bullet, Kev, dodge it!” I say firmly. I let out an annoyed groan before I notice Kevin staring at me. “What’s up?” I hum, he only laughs “Can I take a moment to realize how cute you are?” Kevin asks with a playful grin. “Only if I get to brag about how cute my boyfriend is.” I say.
Kevin’s eyes widen, he grins widely “So…we’re official now?” He asks. “Yep-” I yelp when Kevin pulls me into a kiss. He quickly pulls away with red cheeks “Sorry. Sorry, are you ok with me kissing you yet?” Kevin asks carefully, I laugh “It wouldn’t be the first time you kissed me without permission,” I tease “But I’m fine with it.” “Good. Cuz I wanna do it again.” Kevin says excitedly, pulling me into another kiss
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holykillercake · 4 years
Love Ordeal
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word count: 2k
summary: The Strawhts decide to play Secret Davy Treasure and Sanji doens´t stop asking whom you got. 
highlight:  ¨Sanji,¨ you sighed ¨I love you, but if you don´t stop, I will be forced to throw your cigarettes in the ocean and straighten your eyebrows.¨
warning: F.L.U.F.F.
notes: Guys! This a part 2/3 of a request for a fluff where they have a s/o that made them a thing with crochet and how they would react. Also, Secret Davy Treasure is like Secret Santa, but you know. ALSO, there is a surprise at the end! 
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𝕷𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘, 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊!
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¨Just pick one, Luffy!¨
¨But which one?¨
¨It doesn´t matter!¨
¨Hmm, can I pick two?¨
Earlier that day, an old lady told Nami that whichever path Luffy chose would always lead to another Winter Island. So with the end of the year approaching and the cold weather, you decided to play Secret Davy Treasure, a great South Blue tradition.
It consisted of the participants writing their names on a piece of paper, mixing them in a bowl - or Luffy's hat - and drawing them.  Whoever’s name you picked is who you will buy or make a Secret Davy Treasure.
You should have guessed that even something that sounded so simple would be complicated in the Thousand Sunny. The crew didn´t seem to understand nor follow the rules of physics, reality, and the game. 
At first, Zoro folded his paper with his name on the outside; then Brook picked himself and didn´t tell anyone. Now you were struggling with Luffy, who couldn´t pick one because A) he wanted to know what was written inside, and B) he wanted to pick more than one. 
While Franky, Usopp, and Chopper yelled at him, trying to make him understand, Brook laughed at the whole situation, and the rest of you wished to die and get reborn as clams. 
Sanji adjusted the blanket around your bodies and hugged you tighter, chatting until the commotion was over.  
¨Will you tell me?¨ he blew some smoke, and you tilted your head to look at him. 
¨Tell what?¨
¨Who you got.¨
¨What? Of course no!¨ you laughed ¨This is not how you play it!¨
¨But we are a couple, Y/N-chan!¨
¨.., and?¨ you sang the word.
¨We shouldn't keep secrets from each other!¨
A cloud of white smoke came out of your mouth when you giggled before snuggling deeper in his arms. 
¨Okaay,¨ Usopp crawled closer to you, defeated and holding Luffy´s hat ¨he will be the last one.¨
Despite your captain yelling that he should be the first to pick, you were all getting tired and opted to ignore him. 
¨Thanks!¨ you used the blanket to cover yourself as you unfolded it.
A chuckle left your mouth when you saw the name written, and the blonde behind you tried to peek over your shoulder. But you were faster to put the piece of paper with the name of your boyfriend inside your bra.
You turned and gave him a peck on the cheek while he pouted. 
You would have one week to come up with a Davy Treasure for Sanji, and you knew exactly what to do, but some butterflies still flew in your belly, wondering if he would like it. 
As a matter of fact, he loved everything you did, from sweet love to extremely salty culinary disasters. He would find perfection in every little thing done by you.
Enjoying your last days on the island of Snow Globe Pole - yeah, almost as bad as ¨Long Ring Long Land¨ - you decided to tour the city, looking for what you needed to make your gift. Or rather, to crochet your gift.
That was the easy part, for you were on a winter island, yarn and wool were pretty abundant. Every style possible of every possible color, anything that crossed your mind was available in the store. It would have been distracting if you didn´t have the colors already chosen. 
But again, so much for an innocent game. So much for a bit of fun. So naive to believe that Sanji would stop asking you whom you picked. 
In his defense, he had gotten calmer during the first night. But after seeing the bag you brought from the store, he became even more annoying. 
Charming, loving, but still annoying. 
¨It´s not Franky, right? His hands wouldn´t fit in it.¨
¨His regular-sized-robotic-mannequin hands would.¨ you looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. 
You could almost see the gasp stuck in his throat and his heart skipping a beat. 
After that, he kept bringing you desserts, offering massages, and doing everything in his power to bribe you. Skypiea Sanji was not the real Love Ordeal. Secret Davy Treasure Sanji was the real Love Ordeal. 
¨Sanji,¨ you sighed ¨I love you, but if you don´t stop, I will be forced to throw your cigarettes in the ocean and straighten your eyebrows.¨
He grumbled ¨I love you¨ back among some other things and marched to the kitchen with flames on the top of his head. You chuckled and went back to your colorful wools. 
Before you chose his gift, you thought about Sanji and the things that he liked or needed. From cooking to smoking and women. 
Cooking for him would be outrageous. You wanted to give him something amazing, and you couldn't compare to him in the kitchen. At all.
Women. You were the only woman he wanted and needed, and honestly, you were the woman for the job. 
Now, smoking. You would not buy or make him cigarettes, obviously. But he had this adorable and clumsy thing of always burning the tips of his mittens whenever he lit a cigarette. 
Because of that, you decided to crochet him one of those fingerless gloves that come with a mitten flap so he could cover his fingers once he was done. Like that, he would be warm and natural disaster-free. 
¨There is orange, Y/N-chan! You got Nami, right?!¨ you jumped and almost stabbed yourself with the hook when he yelled in your ear.
¨Oh, my sweet Davy Jones, give me strength...¨ you whispered ¨There is also purple, Sanji-kun. It could be Brook or Robin.¨ 
He pondered over it a little, frowned, and made his way to the door.
¨Hey!¨ he turned with sad puppy eyes ¨Is this really important to you? To know who I got?¨ he nodded. 
You gestured with your head, telling him to come closer. A big and bright smile appeared on his face, and your heart beat stronger. That smile, you would punch the Red Line broken to create another All Blue for that smile. 
Oh, how you love this cook. 
¨Ok! Just because I am asking I´ll tell you first, ok?¨ he spoke with a lower voice but still sparkly. You smiled and nodded. ¨I got Chopper! And I bought him a new backpack with a lot of compartments for his medical stuff.¨
The way he paid attention to the tiny details made you melt. He was always taking care of others, complimenting the crew - except Zoro - and celebrating even the smallest of the successes. 
He showed you the blue backpack, very similar to Chopper´s current one, but a lot stronger, prettier, and more practical. He would love it, no doubts. 
¨Well,¨ you began ¨I got... Usopp.¨ 
You felt terrible about telling him a lie, but you couldn´t spoil your surprise.
 ¨Since we´re going to winter islands, I don´t want his finger to get tangled when, Uhm... he´s picking his Ketchup Stars, Green Stars, or Let´s-scare-creepy-girls-to-death Stars. I really hope he likes it.¨
If you were not paying enough attention, you would have missed Sanji´s disappointed look, which he quickly hid with a kind smile. 
¨You always think about everything, Y/N-chan. He will love it.¨ he kissed your forehead and went back to the kitchen. 
You waited until he closed the door to cringe ¨You are going to hell, Y/N.¨ 
Finally, the Secret Davy Treasure day arrived. You would exchange gifts and then have a nice dinner if Luffy didn´t make a party out of it. He definitely would. 
But you were also grateful that today was the day. Since you told Sanji that you had picked Usopp, he has been acting a little upset. The other guys didn´t notice, but you did. 
You would always notice. And you had an idea why. 
The gift exchanging rules were pretty simple.  The Secret Davy had to offer information about the person receiving the treasure, and the others had to guess. 
It started with Usopp, whose Secret Davy was Franky. He gave him a bunch of super tools and some colored light bulbs for the ¨Party Nipple¨ idea.
Franky´s Secret Davy was Robin. He gave her a journal with waterproof pages he created. 
Robin´s Secret Davy was you, and she presented you with a beautiful copy of a fictional adventure book since you were always reading them on the ship.
Then it was your turn. You held the gift wrapped in a shiny blue paper and began to describe your Secret Davy. 
¨My Secret Davy is... slightly annoying sometimes.¨
¨It´s the stupid-eyebrow.¨ Zoro said.
¨Shut up, marimo head!¨
You continued after Nami punched them. ¨My Secret Davy always takes care of us.¨ 
¨It´s Chopper!¨ you shook your head.
¨Hmm... my Secret Davy is an exceptional fighter! Really strong!¨ 
¨It´s me!¨ 
¨No, Zoro! It´s me! I will become the Pirate King!¨ 
¨Shut up, you two!¨
¨My Secret Davy is...¨ you looked at Sanji and smiled ¨... loving and caring.¨ 
He looked back at you, confused.  Why would you say those about Usopp? Not that he wasn´t loving and caring, but... still. 
¨My Secret Davy is... the man of my dreams, the prince of my fairy tale, and the love of my life.¨
A minute or two passed while everyone waited for Sanji to say something, but he remained frozen with a perplexed expression. 
¨Sanji-san, I think the treasure is yours.¨ Brook said calmy. 
The cook made his way to you slowly, taking the gift from your hands and opening it gently, without tearing the wrapping.  
Did he get upset because of your lie? 
¨Sanji...¨ you called him, but he kept staring at the gloves. 
You saw his eyes fill with water before he excused himself and exited the deck, leaving everyone staring at you. 
¨I don´t... I´m gonna...¨ you pointed and left too. 
When you entered your room, he was standing, back turned to you. Was he really crying, or you saw things?
¨You remembered...¨ he turned around, still holding the mittens ¨These colors...¨ 
¨Yeah, they don´t really match, but...¨
¨I wanted it so much, Y/N. When I saw it, I wanted it so much.¨
He rushed in your direction and hugged you tight. He hugged you and you felt all his emotions, you felt the weight he carried in his heart. Not a bad weight, just the weight of missing someone you love. 
You knew that that was the reason he was pestering you so much, the colors. You had chosen the colors that Zeff, Sanji´s mentor, wore. 
The fingers were orange and purple, like his striped shirt. You added yellow details of his hair; the blue of his ascot, and the white of his apron. 
As you said, they didn´t match, but apparently, Sanji didn´t care.
He would always share stories about their lives and cook recipes that Zeff taught him. Despite him always calling him old man or damn geezer, the Red Leg was his father.
¨Thank you, Y/N-chan. I loved it.¨
The sound of him sniffing made you hold him stronger. 
¨I miss that damn geezer.¨ 
¨I´m sure he misses you too, Little Eggplant.¨ 
You squeaked and laughed when he threw on the bed.
¨I´ll show you Little Eggplant!¨
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Hey, Guys! SURPRISE! Here´s my first decent art? hahaha THE MITTENS!
I don´t know if the quality dropped. I´m using krita and still don´t know how to adjust the settings stuff when I´m saving a jpeg. Anyway, I hope you liked it!
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You as Horsemens comfort character
What if you were their comfort character?
War: Youngest horsemen was on his run to prove his innocence when it start heavy raining. He don’t mind rain, he like it but  now is  not a good weather to travelling. He stopped in a cave where he want to wait for rain to stop. He felt his eyes being heavier and soon he felt asleep. 
He found himself in strange place. Everything is in light blue and  calming aura make him relaxed. Soon he saw a human. They have e/c and l/c h/c . He recognized Y/N- a human that he saw before in fanfiks that Strife showing him when they were ogether. 
-Hi War-Y/N said with a smile
-Y/N?!-War was suprised
- Yep. 
-But you are not real
-I know. But you are and I only want to say that you are doing great and I’m proud of you. You are not alone and trust me that me and your sliblings believe in your innocence. Truth sooner or later see the light of daylight and you and Ruin be tohether like in good old days. I be watching over you and cheering you. We ‘ll see each other soon. 
Y/N hugged him and War return hug.
When war get up he found that he is hugging the little plushie of Y/N- gift from Strife for his birthday. “ Y/N what a shame that you are not real. But promise to you that I prove my innocence... for you.” he wispered to a plushie.
Death: The voices inside his head was talking again. That was driving him insane byt suddenly he felt someones heand in his arm. He turn around ready to shout at anyone who was brave enought to make such act when he saw a familiar l/h c/h with e/c. That was Y/N from Strife’s stories readen somewhere in internet. Y/N was calming smile on their lips and warm look in eyes. Voices suddenly stop whispering but Y/N take a voice instead.
-Hi Death. I know that all of this voices are a pain in your head* laught* but I assume you that everything is going to be ok and I’m proud of you.
Y/N took off his mask and continue
-You don’t have to hide your face under this ridiciolus mask. Showing emotions is ok and perfectly showing that you are someone with history and emiotins. 
While Y/N was talking he start to feeling happines that he is not alone and start tearing apart.  
-I have to go, but I’ll be watching over you and we’ll  see each other soon.
Y/N disappeard and Death start to crying and thinking to himself ” Y/N how are you not real yeat so real at the same time?”
Strife: He had another argument with Death and gone to his room to calm himself. As soon as he get to his bed he saw a moving in the corner of his eye. Thinking that it is enemy he took his pistols aiming to shadow when suddenly
-Strife, easy. It’s me.-Y/N said with smile
-Y/N?! It’s really you? 
That was Y/N- a human that he met while reading fanfiks and  imagines on Tumblr and who was his favourite character. They had the smile and looking just like he remembered from posts. 
-Yep. It’s me. Can I sit?-Y/n asked showinh finger to bed
-Yea.- he sit with them
-I’m here to say that you are great just because you are youreself. Don’t stop. Ignore Death, he just try to ignore his own pain and owerhelming of this negative emotions make him snap sometimes. Don’t hide your own pain with jokes because it only make you feel worse. I always be there for you, and now go take your horse to a ride and have fun. 
Y/N hugged him and disappeard. Strife now was hugging a pillow 
-Y/N. Why aren’t you real?
Fury: She was involved in a fight with demon, but not feel happines after she won. She never admit it but sometimes all what she need is someone to listen to her problems- not giving stupid advices but only someone to just listening and making her feel more than killing machine. Let’s be real, she is not mindless and emotionalles person. When she come back to cave where she left some of her belongings that she intend to sell to Vulgrim she saw someone standing back to her. 
-Turn around you thief or I’m going to kill you without hestination
-Easy Fury. It’s me Y/N
She knew Y/N only from imagines in internet that showed her Strife. Whenever she have a free time she come back to stories and reading it because she start to liking this e/c character. Now they were standing in front of her just like she remember them from fanfiks. 
-What are you doing here?!
-I’m just come to tell you that you don’t have to hiding your problems nor struggle on this poor demons and angels* laught* I know that if they are attaking you you need to defend youreself but if they just minding their own bussines? Let them. When you need to talk to someone your sliblings and me are for you at every moment. 
Suddenly Y/N was looked up behind her and said
-Someone is comming. I had to go. But remember* hug her* You are not alone. See you soon!* disappeard* 
Fury start to feeling strange warm after hug and start to feel im place. “ Thank you Y/N. I need to thank Strife for introducing you to me.”   Soon she had a chance because the person who Y/N heard was... Strife.  
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bentbliley · 3 years
i would just like to say that i’m a big fan of galactic man but there isn’t a lot of lore behind the toy(s) and since i’m probably the most knowledgeable person on the lore of galactic man who didn’t actually write the toy bios, i figured i’d compile my research into one place. i might also put an addendum w/ the short bts history of the original galactic man toy (which would also include a bit of tandy, radio shack, transformers, and transformers generations selects history) but for now, here’s my research into the lore of galactic man. if you just want the blurb of lore, scroll down until you see a bolder paragraph.
#long post #hyperfixation #fantasy firearms
ok so this is practically headcanon but there’s no canon so i’m just piecing together what i can from backs of boxes and 2 product catalog listings but here’s what i believe to be the story of galactic man.
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id: the original galactic man, a monotone cycloptic robot w/ a bulky chest, a red eye on a hexagon head, and a gun barrel for a left hand. end id.
so let’s start w/ galactic man, he’s a metallic humanoid who can manipulate parts of his body to become weaponry. his three weapon modes are handheld laser gun for assisting in one-on-one battles, vulcan base destroyer to keep evil enemies from conquering the universe, and anti aircraft gun for protecting his outpost on an alien planet.
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id: the back of galactic man’s box. the first galactic man logo is at the top and fades down from green to blue. a subtitle describes him as an “electronic space robot slash gun.” then 4 pictures of his 4 modes are shown. clockwise starting w/ top left, they are robot, hand gun, anti aircraft gun, and vulcan base destroyer. 5 bullet points under the pictures that describe the features of the toy. “twist and turn galactic man to create three menacing-looking galactic weapons,” ”anti-aircraft gun protect’s galactic man’s outpost from attacking invaders,” “vulcan base destroyer helps you keep your evil enemies from conquering the universe,” “handheld laser gun lets you battle one-on-one in thrilling space duels,” “exciting rapid-fire and long-beam sound effects with pulsating light for super galactic action.” end id
this product catalog tells us a little more about galactic man. not much but just enough. there’s a mystery as to whether he’s a man or machine implying that he is human sized and shrinks for the handgun mode and that other inhabitants of this universe don’t know either.
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id: black and white high contrast print ad for galactic man. only his robot mode can be seen. the text that’s important to this post: “is he a man or machine? twist and turn to create an anti-aircraft gun, vulcan base destroyer or laser gun. exciting sound effects. seven inches tall.” end id.
so w/ all this, we can tell pretty clearly that galactic man is in an outpost on an alien planet and that the aliens who are trying to attack the outpost are called vulcans.
now, i can hear you all asking “what about robocop?” so here’s robocop. he was sold in 2 colour schemes, red and silver and then grey. the back of the box says “team up with galactic man” and basically says this is galactic man, not the robot that we associate w/ the name. this in addition to the lack of any mentions of vulcans and the new logo make me believe this is a completely different galactic man unrelated to the vulcan fighting machine or man. there’s a chance he’s like, the second galactic man or galactic man is a group which explains the pallet swap. this galactic man was supposedly released around 1990, a full 5 years after the original hit radio shack shelves, so it kinda makes sense that they wouldn’t be connected.
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id: left: red and silver robocop galactic man holding a golden machine gun. right: grey robocop galactic man holding a yellow laser gun. end id
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id: the entire left half is robocop’s face w/ a bright red lit up visor. the top right corner has the second galactic man logo. the flavour text reads as follows: “team up with galactic man to defend the universe! he has three mighty weapons to choose from - laser gun, machine gun and light sword. press on if the eight buttons on his back for exciting sound effects!” end id
i did find two other galactic blank toys sold by radio shack that could be related but idk. gonna talk about them anyway.
the galactic walker is probably a knockoff of tomy’s starriors strazor runabout. the logo for the galactic walker is different from either of the galactic man logos, the box doesn’t mention vulcans by name, and it’s totally out of scale as the gold pilot is about the same size as diaclone pilots at the time. i don’t believe the galactic walker is related to either of the galactic mans but i also don’t know if it was released in 1985 or 1990 so it could have been intended to be part of either galactic man toy “lines.”
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id: galactic walker in dynatron mode which can best be described as a white robot sauropod w/ blue limbs and an orange cockpit face. end id.
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id: side of galactic walker box. six bullet points describe the toy and are as follows: “conquers the enemy four different ways,” “motor power creatures over the toughest terrains,” “durable plastic body,” “leads the fight against evil space monsters,” “provides hours of fun for children of all ages,” “quickly changes into new shape,” end id.
lastly, the galactic space pistol which has a fourth logo style and doesn’t mention vulcans BUT it was released alongside the original galactic man as seen in the full page the earlier print ad came from as seen below. again, neither the box nor the ad mention vulcans, it’s really just by association.
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id: blocky white sci-if pistol. missing battery cover on grip. end id.
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id: the full page of radio shack ads. end id.
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id: side of the galactic space pistol’s box. three bullet points reading: “defend your territory against the aliens,” “red and green pulsating lights flash in unison with the sound,” “rugged, milder design for hours of action.” end id.
so what have we learned today? that tandy really likes reusing the word galactic and they really don’t care because at the end of the day, mass market toys are just meant to take money out from parents’ wallets. the story, if any, is secondary and any comic, cartoon, or book made to go w/ the toys is purely advertising material and tandy didn’t care enough to actually make a story that could be easily found. but i think i can scrounge a quick summary of what the story might be, feel free to chime in w/ your own interpretations but mine is just a rearrangement of the bullet points on the boxes for reader digestibility.
so, galactic man is a mysterious robot who may be human or may just be a simple machine meant to protect the inhabitants of an outpost on an alien planet from the creatures known as vulcans. galactic man can change shape and size to turn into weaponry for the outposters. an anti-aircraft gun for protection from the vulcans’ aerial assault. a handheld pistol for limited space mono e mono (in the english misinterpretation, not the spanish translation). and lastly, a weapon designed specifically to take down vulcan bases of operation. a pistol is also available for the outposters for protection when galactic man isn’t available.
NOTE: i can’t tell what the outposters are. is it an apocalypse setting? are they colonisers? are they scientific researchers? hard to say. could be all three, who knows? do i really want a galactic man comic or cartoon or something? h*ll yes i do. will i write fan fic for galactic man? maybe nebulously in the future when i have time. i know for a fact i definitely want that gens selects galactic man just for my love of all this, i’m debatably the biggest galactic man fan so it’d be weird if i didn’t wanna get it at some point. it’s also the perfect intersection between my love of shapeshifting robot toys and 80s computers as the tandy that owned radio shack at the time is the same tandy that produced computers in the 80s.
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sanscestships · 4 years
Killermare (React, KillerxNightmare)
Created on: 10/29/20
Requested by: No one. I got bored, i saw Killermare analysis had the most views, and i didn't just wanna be doing oneshots 24/7
ok, so i've had a bad experience with Killermare
don't get me wrong, i understand the ship and i do like it. but i've had some bad run ins with toxic cream and killermare shippers when i said Crossmare, Drink, and Kross were pretty good too. i've been a little less enthusiastic towards the ships since, so i'm trying to build back. i[ll probably be able to like the ships again without being reminded of that experience again once i manage to get my head back in A T M Y O W N P A C E W I T H O U T A N Y O N E T R Y I N G T O P U S H M E F O R W A R D O R Y A N K M E B A C K .
but anyway, let's react
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i never really watched Death Note, but my sister spoiled it for me cuz she knew i'd never watch it. A summary for any of you who want to watch:
A student genius finds a weird notebook.
That is it. I won't say any further. I absolutely recommend it for any of you who might like this kind of stuff cuz when you watch it it can get really intense. Especially with mind games i think. So go ahead and watch it if you want.
anyway this is definitely going to make my rate it above 5 X,D
i've scanned through some of the killermare fanfics and uh...
I'll probably give it less than 9.
No offense, but the fanfiction gets cheesy real quick. I prefer angst and problems that strengthen their resolve to be loyal to their love. This is probably why I read Crossmare a lot even though i'm a neutral/multi shipper. There's a LOT of really good Crossmare fanfic on wattpad such as "Showtime" and "Against the Odds" (stories by carelesscreativity and __Purple_Fluffball__) that have really interesting stories that lead up to the love.
With lots and lots of stabby problems in the way =) Just the way i like it
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but the art is really cute ^w^
Overall: 7/10. i like the ship. i just wish i'd find better fanfic of it though. I asked my friend and she agreed that good killermare fanfic is difficult to come by. i'll be glad to check out killermare fanfics if you comment them in the comments down below. it'd be nice to take a break from so much crossmare afterall.
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prismy-sprout · 4 years
*Applejack and Rainbow Dash are opening their wedding gifts after the ceremony* Applejack: Alright, so far we have... Our wedding cake from Pinkie, made with all the types of apples in Equestria, and even fresh Zap Apples. Now we can see why she asked us to postpone the event until the harvest season. Our wedding dresses from Rarity, we´re not the kind of mares to wear too fancy clothing, but Ah can asure you, we´ll be usin´ these ones for the next gala, she hitted the nail when we said we liked comfy clothing. Rainbow Dash: And Fluttershy´s gift, that´s possibly the best one yet. *Rainbow Dash points towards Tank who´s wearing a tuxedo and a small top hat, and Winona who´s wearing a gown and a flower crown* Twilight Sparkle: Which means that there´s only one gift left. This one is both from Cadence and I. *Twilight handles them a small wrapped package, it´s obviously a book* Applejack: You got us that farming book we saw ages ago on Canterlot´s library? Twilight Sparkle: Nope Rainbow Dash: Or a signed Daring Do book from A.K Yearling? Twilight Sparkle: Not even close Applejack and Rainbow Dash: *starts unwrapping the book, until it finally reveals the cover*
"The Art of Love and Other Couple´s Stuff"
By Princess Cadence Twilight Sparkle: It´s a book she´ll be releasing next year, but since you two just got married, she decided to give you girls the first copy. Fluttershy: That´s a very thoughtful gift from Cadence. Pinkie Pie: Yeah, who´s better to teach them about marriage than the princess of love herself. Rarity: It must be delightful, a whole book about love and romance, I can´t wait to get a copy for myself... Ummm, darlings, are you two ok? Applejack and Rainbow Dash: *their faces are bright red, after flipping a couple of pages, they realize the book is not only about how to handle a happy and healthy marriage. BUT ALSO is a book about the "other" kind of love* Applejack, nervous: Oh, it´s nothin´ were only... ummm... Rainbow Dash: Really flattered for such and awesome gift... YEAH, that´s it. *nervous laughter* Twilight Sparkle, knowing exactly why they got like that: I knew you girls would love it... Oh, I almost forgot, Cadence also sent this note with the book. *handles them a pink letter* Applejack and Rainbow Dash: *reading outloud* Be sure to tell me about EVERYTHING you´ve learn with this book, don´t skip any detail enjoy the book 💗 - Cadence Applejack and Rainbow Dash: *internally screaming*
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angelbabyszn · 4 years
Marry Me (Oscar X Reader) - Part Two
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Gif by @merakiaes​
Requested by @darkness-doughter ! Read Part One to understand: Part One
Imagine Based On: Hey, how are you? I'm sorry to bother you again, but I have one more request, if that's ok. If it isn't, I'm sorry 😅 I was just thinking about a fic places after the third season, when Oscar says he wants adult problems, maybe a wife and a kid. Reader and him are dating for long, passed through so much things, maybe when he tells Cesar he says "Maybe get married to y/n"
OMB Masterlist
L/N: Last Name
"Why do you act like you don't?" asked Oscar.
"Cause I don't." you said as you turned your back on him.
"Yes you do. Can I kiss you?" asked Oscar softly again as he got closer to you.
You hesitated thinking about the pros and cons about doing this but Spooky did the job for you and slowly kissed you.
You slowly give in and slowly kiss him back. His lips felt so good on yours. He gave you emotions that you never felt with any guy you encountered.
You slowly wrapped your arms around his neck. He pulled you closer to him until there was no space left between both of you.
After the kiss, both of you look at each other with your foreheads against each other with soft smiles.
That was two years ago.
Part Two:
Spooky sits down on the couch in his living room with his face still healing from being kidnapped. He just finished a meeting with 19th street doing a truce for peace on the block.
Cesar came in through the front door and stood in front of the tv looking at his brother with a furious face.
"They don't want peace. You got yourself played." said Cesar with his arms crossed.
"Peace is good for the block." said Spooky and he reached for some water that was right in front of him on the coffee table and started to drink it.
"What happens when the Prophet$ get out of jail? What if a new gang comes to town? What would happen?" asked Cesar with a serious face. Spooky stopped drinking and threw it behind him.
Spooky put his right hand in front of his face and moved it down his face in stress.
"I know. There will always be issues in this life. I'm sick of this game. Somebody gotta end this." said Spooky. 
"You're a target now. They know you're soft. It's hard to get out of this lifestyle. What are you going to do?" asked Cesar. 
Spooky got up and walked up to Cesar about to put his right hand on his left shoulder but Cesar quickly moved his hand off.
"I don't need this s*it. I want adult problems. I want a house. Maybe, a wife, or a kid. All I got now is missed opportunities. It's time to start a new chapter." said Spooky to Cesar.
Spooky was serious. He was so tired of doing this everyday and fighting to protect everybody he loves. He felt like a regular person in life every-time he's with you and he wants to feel like that everyday 24/7.
"What if somebody takes your power?" asked Cesar as Spooky started to go into his bedroom. Spooky turns back to Cesar. 
"Let them. The real power is all up here." said Spooky pointing at his forehead and starts to walk away again until Cesar calls for him again. Spooky turned back around and looked at Cesar.
Cesar sighed and put his hands on his hips. He looked back at Spooky straight into his eyes asking him this one simple question: 
"Have you ever thought of marrying Y/N?"
A few hours later, you just finished college for the day and you decided to go to Spooky's house to see him. Using the key he gave you, you entered. 
"Spooky? Baby?" you called out throughout the house but nobody answered.
"He's probably asleep." you said and you started to walk through the house to go to Oscar's bedroom. You stopped and your eyes widened to see a beautiful rose gold short dress hanging down the door with a tag attached to it.
You slowly walked up to it and grabbed the tag to read it. 
"Wear this. Beach at midnight. See you tonight. -Spooky ❤️"
You smiled, grabbed the dress, and walked out of the house to go get ready.
You arrived at the beach exactly at midnight wearing the dress with cute jewel flip flops, hair curly and silver jewelry.
You walked onto the beach to see your boyfriend dress nicely in a v-neck white shirt, dark pants and new shoes.
He was standing in front of a very nice romantic picnic on the sand with candles surrounding. 
"Spooky..." you said softly and you hugged him.
"You look beautiful." said Spooky as he looked at you up and down. You blushed and both of you sat down. 
You gasped as you saw all of your favorite foods. Both of you were having a great time like always while eating and looking out to the sea with the moon out.
An hour later, you took a sip of your favorite drink and looked at Spooky. 
"So...what's with all of this?" you asked curiously. 
"Why can I treat my reina tonight?" said Oscar, making you smile and looked down at the sand as you blushed again.
"I don't know. I have no idea what I did to deserve this tonight." you said surprised. 
"Wanna know? Let's go take a walk." said Spooky. He pulled out his hand and reached out to you. You grabbed it and both of you got up and started to walk on the beach leaving the picnic behind.
"Remember when we walked together this way two years ago?" asked Oscar as you two were walking hand to hand down the beach.
"Do you mean you are following me like a creep? H*ll yeah." you said, making  Spooky chuckle.
"Again, I didn't follow you." said Spooky and you rolled your eyes playfully at him.
"You're such a liar. Anyways, yeah, what about it?" you asked. 
"Before I confessed to you, I actually thought you were the love of my life." said Spooky, making your eyes widened.
"Really? I never thought I could be somebody's love of their life." you said and Spooky stopped walking which also made you stopped.
He quickly went in front of you and grabbed both of your hands.
"Well now I'm saying you are. You're the love of my life." said Spooky and you started to blush hard.
"I'm serious. You were acting like a very caring mom with Ruby and his friends." said Spooky with certain eyes. 
"I was just watching out for them. Especially Ruby." you said and he got closer to you.
"I've been wondering about leaving this gang life. I want a regular life. I want to get a house...maybe getting a wife and kid..." said Spooky looking deep into your eyes. 
You never thought Spooky would even think about living his gang life. He was in it for who knows how long...but why?
"How long have you been thinking about this?" you asked uncertainty what’s happening right now. 
"Ever since I became your boyfriend, Y/N." said Spooky, making your heart skip a beat and you started to breathe heavily but softly, 
"Ever since I saw you that one day on the beach, I just knew you were the love of my life. You're the one that makes me want to do things I don't usually do for people. You made me a better person inside and out. You make me feel like a regular person every-time I'm with you. These last two years have been the best with you in my life and I can't imagine myself going on without you by my side." said Spooky. confessing to you and you start to get tears in your eyes.
Spooky slowly wipe your tears from your face and stand a bit back from you.
"Y/N L/N..." said Oscar and he started to bend down on one knee. Your heart was beating out of your chest so hard as you processed what was happening.
"Would you make me the happiest man in the world and...marry me?" asked Oscar as he pulled out a box from his right pocket of his pants and opened it in front of you. You saw a huge engagement ring inside.
"Yes!" you shouted happily making his smile huge. He got up from the ground, grabbed the engagement ring out of the box and put it on your ring finger.
Spooky then picks you up off of the ground and spins you around as you were smiling huge. 
A moment later, Oscar slowly puts you to the ground and as you look down at him. You two kiss passionately ready to spend both of your lives together forever.
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stonyiscanon · 4 years
socially awkward! peter parker x oblivious shit! reader
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read: peter has a heart attack every time he talks to you because you’re too pretty and nice oof
lmfao just experimenting some new head canon//writing styles lmk what you guys think 🥺
it’s essentially a crack fic i have no regrets.
Warnings: an excessive amount of exclamation points used, overload of fluff, it might be little TOO crack-y if that’s even possible for me, a confusing amount of POV switches. ok it’s just shitty writing would you please read it.
Words: 4.8k this be a baby fic
Genre: fluffity fluff, idiots to lovers, high school! reader, god just read the title.
my masterlist is here if you want more shit
talk to me! be my friend please im lonely
 peter first meets you when you’re new to midtown and you get sorted into his science class.
you sat in front of him your very first day and yeah he’s been soft™ for you ever since
like no joke the first time he saw your face he freezed up and choked on his banana
‘oh nO NED!!! she’s PRETTY!!’
‘like, REALLY pretty!!! S H I T’
‘um,,... okay ain’t that a good thing you sit behind her in class!! maybe you can ask for her number or something—‘
oh hohohohoho ned my friend,,
peter parker has spoken to you a total of twenty-two (22) times within the whole year that you’ve been... acquaintances?? classmates?? ….. friends???
and his fat secret crush on you will STAY A SECRET THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
he’ll die before he asks you out or makes a move because there’s no way in hell peter has a chance with you, the beautiful new girl.
‘i mean, she’s not just beautiful too! she’s so smart, and i know that because i can literally see all her notes from behind her and she gets like, basically all A’s, but she doesn’t even know she’s smart and beautiful?? like, she never raises her hand in class even though i know she knows all th-’
you would think ned would be tired of peter’s ‘shit I’m in LOVE’ rants by now, he’s not because we stan supportive friend ned.
hehe little does he know his big fat secret crush may not be,, totally unrequited
oKAY so maybe you have a humongous tiny crush on the dorky cute guy who sits behind you in science class
WHAT ABOUT IT not like he likes you back anyways.
that one time you asked him for a pencil he looked like he was having an aneurysm!! like okay, are you that hideous or—?
(yeah it totally doesn’t hurt at all that the cute guy you like is repulsed by your presence and seems to ignore you and tense up whenever you’re around)
(t o ta ll y) 🤡
yeah y/n kinda dumb in this because the entire student body knows about peter’s (not so secret lmFAO) crush on you
everyone lOwkEy ships it
ned is president of the petery/n shipper fanclub
that may be because he’s the only member in aforementioned fanclub but you two have many supporters outside the fanclub
ned hypes peter up everytime science class comes around and peter gets kinda confident when he walks in the classroom
‘yeah! i got this!! maybe this time i won’t stare at her hair creepily and then run aw-‘
‘hey peter!’
peters brain has left the building
and he kinda stares at you for a sec and runs off to his seat at the back
hm, yeah he definitely doesn’t like you
you sigh as you take your seat in front of him, trying to ignore how your love for this dork is completely one sided
the entire class wants to throttle both of you
so then for the sake of the cliche and the plot (did you heart that fourth wall break?? nvm i didn’t hear nothin)
gasp group project time??!?!?!?!
dang who could have saw this coming
totally unexpected
peter is half hoping to get you and half DREADING to
because he knows if he gets you he’ll be able to spend time with you but 300% won’t be able to function and will most certainly fail this project
but i mean who cares about grades.
in a plot twist that literally no one saw coming,,,
‘betty and liz, you’ll be doing yours on atomic structure,
and peter and y/n are partners! you’ll be doing...’
oh nO
you’re partnered up with peter!
i mean this is great news you get to stare at his precious face more but you’re basically forcing him to spend time with someone he doesn’t like!!
so you turn around and you give him an apologetic and (cute as FXCK) small smile
meanwhile, peter combusts
one look at your smile and he just knows he’s completely fucked
like he physically uwus so hard he slams his head on the table
‘oh! are.. you okay? i mean, is working with me really going to be that bad?’
awkward laugh to hide the pain,, quick y/n!!
‘nO!! i mean, no, absolutely not that’s not what i- it wasn’t my- i didn’t m-‘
you smile a little sadly this time and say,
‘don’t worry about it, i know you don’t like me. it’s only two weeks anyway. i promise i won’t take much of your time.’
wait. hold up. back up here. wha-? wHO doesn’t like W HO??
‘wait what do you mea-‘
‘don’t worry about it. wanna meet at the library after school to get a head start on this?’
‘uh, yeah. i mean- cowabunga…!’
shit peter has never wanted to die more in his entire life
so he does what any other normal person would do and yEEts out the classroom full speed
leaving you slightly hurt but mostly just confused
peter strolls in the library casually attempting to strain his neck 360 degrees to look for you
he looks like a chicken and also that’s humanly impossible but leave him be he’s iN LOVE
he spots you on one of the study tables. he takes a deep breath,, and walks over
‘hey!! sorry i’m a little late, uh, something… came up haha’
acting like the poor boy didn’t stand outside the library for fifteen minutes thinking about what he was going to say to you
‘no worries!’ you shoot him another one of those painfully adorable smiles and peter wants nothing more but to give that smile a smooch because damn that is a face that deserves smooches
but he also has a tiny feeling that maybe you might not appreciate it if he randomly kissed you out of nowhere
(you would not mind at all but he doesn’t know that)
‘so yeah! ready to compare the wonders of chemistry and motion physics?’ peter says, bending down to snatch his backpack up to the table (effectively hiding his red cheeks)
you snort as you prop your elbows onto the table, resting your head on your hands.
‘the wonders? hm, i really can’t tell whether you’re being serious or not. guess you really are a dork.’
you giggle a little bit before you catch sight of peter looking like a gaping fish. you immediately slam your hands down, perhaps a little too loudly considering you’re in a library, and blurt out,
‘uh, I was.. joking! making a joke, in case, you know, that wasn’t obvious.’ You awkwardly hide your face between your fingers and squeak out a small apology
‘nO! no, no, don’t worry about it. yeah, I am a dork, so… yeah, i’m not offended, or anything. uh- just, yeah, don’t worry about it.’
well, that ruined the flow of conversation peter was so desperate to keep up with
none of you speak for a bit, opting to look around the very interesting library walls instead, until peter clears his throat and brings up motion physics again
yeah! this will be fine. all you have to focus on is science, and NOT peter’s very soft kissable lips and how good he looks in his light green coloured sweater
oh no
 desperately attempting to clear your mind, you try and focus on what he’s saying instead
it’s just SCIENCE, y/n. focus on the SCIENCE.
this distraction just-concentrate-on-the-work technique works for about the next hour or so as you guys study and work on this project
everything is going great!
you two have an organised google doc full of research and a finished introduction! you’re being extremely productive!
both of you are doing an amazing job at hiding your mutual (except none of you know it’s mutual) attraction!
so as you walk out the library beside peter some time later, you’re smiling softly, because even if your massive crush isn’t reciprocated, you and peter can maybe at least be friends by the end of this, right?
he didn’t even look like he detested you as much as usual today
maybe that’s because he was pretty much forced into cooperating with you because of this project, but you even caught him smiling at you today, so he must be warming up to you
which is great news, of course
peter swallows down his fear and the excessive amount of spit that is coating his tongue and turns to you
‘so, this was really fun’
you tilt your head, mildly horrified at his words
‘we need to stage you an intervention if a science project is something you classify as ‘fun’’
‘no, i mean, the science was kinda boring. spending time with you was really fun. ….right?’
oh good, he isn’t actually a complete monster who does science for fun
(he totally is but you don’t need to know that)
‘yeah! hanging out was really fun, even if we had to spend that time doing work’
you shudder and cringe when you mention ‘work’, because there are much more interesting things you’d rather be doing with peter
‘so, we should meet up again to work on this… project. right?’ you’re shifting your weight and darting your eyes across the floor, desperately avoiding peter’s gaze.
oof maybe that was a little too enthusiastic. maybe you didn’t notice?
‘i mean, yeah… yeah, totally. sounds… chill.’
oh god that’s worse isn’t it
cue awkward silence
‘so… um… can I maybe have your number?’
you stare blankly at him trying to conceal your excitement because did PETER PARKER just ask for YOUR number?!?!?!
oh no why aren’t you saying anything crapcrapcrap this is peter’s first time asking for ANYONE’S number did he mess up oh no he messed up didn’t he.
‘you know, for the project!!!!! haha!!!!’
oh. of course he wouldn’t actually want your number
*sigh these oblivious fucks I stg i’m the one who’s actually writing this and I want to throttle them*
‘oh… yeah, no problem! um, here’s my number’
‘cool! i’ll text you then!’
from peter p [12:48]
Hey y/n!! Um this is Peter btw. Peter Parker. From science class.
to peter p [12:49]
hey peter!
from peter p [12:49]
So if it’s cool w u do you want to meet up at my place? For the project haha, just figured a change of scenery might be nice. The library can get a little bit boring sometimes.
to peter p [12:49]
yeah sounds cool just send me ur address and i’ll be over after skl tdy if that’s ok
from peter p [12:50]
Yep awesome see u then
to peter p [12:50]
see u! :))
 that smiley face almost makes his heart burst god he’s so whipped for you.
then the panic kicks in.
peter spends like three hours making sure the apartment is SPOTLESS.
spends like half an hour trying to decide whether he should take down all the Star Wars memorabilia down from his walls
like, he doesn’t want you to think he’s a DORK.
(too late peter)
but then ultimately keeps them up, partly because shit you’re coming in like 5 minutes he doesn’t have time for this
but also, you’re a nice person! you surely won’t make fun of him for having a knockoff replica of the death star in his room.
oh god if you make fun of him for being a Star Wars nerd he will break down in tears HE HAS TO TAKE THEM DOWN
peter stands up from his spinney chair abruptly and scrambles towards front door.
he spent some time this morning with Aunt May for girl advice and nothing really came out of that except a very traumatizing safe sex talk and some teasing that he will never be able to erase from his memory.
he takes a fast detour and quickly stops in front of the bathroom mirror on his way to open the door, desperately trying to tame the mop of curls and his head.
did I put on deodorant this morning? crap I brushed my teeth right?
peter stops in front of the door, takes a deep breath and-
‘hey!’ a strangled greeting comes out of his throat but hopefully you don’t notice how nervous he is.
you don’t, because this is oblivious shit!reader
‘hi peter!’
peter is suddenly very aware of how long you have been standing outside.
‘oH! sorry, um come in!!’ he says, opening the door wider and welcoming you in with (overly?) enthusiastic arms.
‘yeah! make yourself at home and everything. you want a drink or something?’
‘water would be nice.’
peter sprints to the kitchen to get you some ICE COLD water in his favourite mug.
peter parker’s apartment is covered with cosy furniture and photos of him and another middle aged woman. half those photos are him and that woman smiling brightly into the camera.
there’s a photo that’s nicely framed above the mantle that shows a young peter beaming in front of a birthday cake, with that same woman and another unknown middle aged man smiling down at him. the photo is clearly old and crumpled, even with the frame around it.
peter looks so happy in that photo…
huh. baby peter is just as adorable as he is now.
you jump away from the photo when you hear his footsteps coming back into the living room. something about the photo seemed emotional, personal. it just didn’t seem like something you should be looking at.
peter comes back clutching two mugs and hands one to you.
‘nice place!’
‘oh, thanks… yeah my Aunt isn’t home right now, she’s downtown meeting some friends, so we have the place to ourselves……’
‘so we can study uninterrupted.’ he says.
oh of course, studying!! yep that’s exactly where your mind went when peter said the apartment was empty aHaH.
peter’s room is a little less adult than the rest of his apartment, flooded with polaroids of him and Ned, with Star Wars posters on the walls.
you ignore the pang of jealousy that you feel when you spot a photo of MJ and peter grinning in front of a bowling alley.
so for the next two hours you two are in peter’s room… studying vigorously.
you would be 100% lying if you said you weren’t disappointed only studying happened.
the weird thing is???
every time you would look down at your textbook to explain something about periodic motion peter seemed to be looking at you when you looked up?
well, looking at you isn’t very weird, looking at someone while they’re talking is just basic manners. but when you looked back he would snap his eyes straight back to his own textbook, nodding and wordlessly agreeing with whatever you had just said.
maybe it’s just your imagination but the way he looked at you, it’s almost a loving, caring gaze.
oh god who are you kidding, it’s just your brain and imagination playing tricks on you.
you’re alone with peter parker in his bedroom!! these things are going to happen!
‘hey you want to take a break? we’ve been going at this for a whole hour now.’ peter says, craning his neck to take a look at the clock on the wall.
‘has it really been a whole hour?’ you lean back in your chair looking up at the ceiling.
‘yeah okay. let’s have a small break then.’
peter picks up both of your mugs and heads off to the kitchen, groaning slightly when he stretches his legs out for the first time in an hour.
*a/n: apologies in advance to those with nut allergies*
he comes back with both your mugs refilled with (water for you, gatorade for peter) and a small bag of almonds for you to snack on.
‘oh hey! almonds are my study snack of choice too!’
‘yeah, i know’ peter says carelessly, scrolling down his phone.
‘i don’t like almonds all that much, but i bought a few packs this morning on the way to school.’
hm,, wHat
‘if… you don’t like almonds why would you get them for me?’
‘because you like almonds.’
b l i n k
it takes a bit of time for peter to realise what just came out of his mouth.
‘i meAn! I’M NOT A STALKER I SWEAR. i just see you at school sometimes and you always have a small pack of these to snack on whenever you’re doing work so i thought,, you know, since we’re doing WORK, i should buy some for you… so you won’t get hungry!!!’ he’s wailing nonsensical excuses and apologies by now.
peter parker knows that you snack on almonds when you study, and bought a pack for you even though he doesn’t like them at all.
maybe he doesn’t hate you as much as you thought.
you tear apart the packaging and stuff an almond in your mouth, your traitorous lips slowly threatening to curl into a huge smile.
(despite how much you fight against it, you end up with a slightly demonic looking huge smile on your face, which you attempt to hide by stuffing more almonds in your mouth)
(you now look like a chipmunk)
(but a cute one!!!!)
meanwhile peter is trying to hide the feeling of humiliation by resting his face in his hands, because he literally just exposed himself. he will not be able to take it if he looks back up at your face and you’re laughing at him for this stupid crush.
to his surprise, he does not look up to find you mocking his love for you, but instead, he finds you with a mouth full of almonds, struggling to chew and swallow them all without looking like a disgusting fool.
that’s kinda cute.
after a good five minutes of you trying to force like 10 almonds down your esophagus,  you clear your throat and awkwardly blurt out a ‘thank you’
‘for the almonds! it’s cute how you bought them for me because you knew how much i like to snack on them while i study. that’s really sweet of you. i guess you really don’t hate me all that much, huh?’ the last sentence comes out teasingly, a playful smile gracing your lips, but instead of uwu-ing over your cute smile, peter’s just confused.
‘why would i hate you?’ he says, his eyebrows laced together in confusion.
‘well, i always kinda got the impression that you didn’t like me… all that much? i never really knew why. hey, why did you hate me so much before this? if i accidentally did something at the start of the year that pissed you off, i’m sorry.’
your playful smile fades a little bit as you see peter basically collapse on himself just due to sheer GRIEVANCE.
‘WHY WOULD YOU THINK I HATED YOU?’ peter yells out, probably annoying the neighbours with how fucking loud he is, but he can’t seem to bring himself to care right now.
‘you… didn’t?’ you say, now becoming just as confused as peter.
he shakes his head aggressively, bringing his fingers up to his temples.
‘but… you always seemed so jumpy around me! and you would never really talk to me, and that one time i asked you for a pencil, you looked like you were dying or something! i always just thought you didn’t like me!’
peter doesn’t know whether he should be laughing or crying.
‘that’s not because I HATED YOU!! that’s because- i mean- i always thought-’ he’s still yelling and at this point one of the neighbours are definitely going to come knocking to complain, but peter still doesn’t care, because he’s currently having an existential crisis.
ohmygod all this time my CRUSH thought I HATED HER because I couldn’t function like a normal human being in front of her because of how much I liked her until i gave her some ALMONDS what is wrong with me? what kind of entity that controls the universe could hate me so much to pull THIS kind of sick prank on me?
‘wait if you didn’t hate me why would you always act so weird in front of me?’
‘BECAUSE-’ peter tangles his fingers into his hair, and he kicks his chair, sending it halfway across his room from frustration.
‘how could you possibly think I hated you??? how could you possibly think ANYONE could hate you??? you’re single handedly the only good person in this godforsaken school full of IDIOTS and BULLIES! nobody could ever hate you, y/n, and certainly not ME!’
perhaps he is using an excessive amount of hand gestures, but it gets his point across.
‘wha-? what do yo-?’
‘wHat are you TALKING ABOUT?’ you say, slowly turning just as frustrated as peter.
‘if there’s ANYONE that’s decent in this ‘godforsaken school full of idiots’ it would be YOU, peter parker!! nobody would just pay attention to what I EAT so I wouldn’t get HUNGRY during a study session oKaY!! you’re so CONFUSING! every time I accept the fact that you don’t like me back you pull this bullshit, essentially making me rethink ALL MY FEELINGS!’ you say, going through the room (stepping over the toppled chair), just to jab a finger onto peter’s chest.
suddenly both of you are aware of your flushed cheeks and your close proximity.
‘wha- WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?’ peter basically shrieks, and you would not be surprised if all of New York managed to hear that scream.
your cheeks darken as you awkwardly step back from him, realising that you accidentally outed yourself.
‘um- i mean,’ you stumble on the fallen chair as you desperately walk backwards with your hands behind your back to avoid peter’s piercing gaze.
*you’re not good at confrontation okay*
‘you like me?? wait wait, you like ME?’ you frown a little as you look at peter’s incredulous expression.
‘well yeah, you don’t have to rub it in like that, I know you don’t like me back.’ You mumble, looking away.
‘don’t like yo- OH MY GOD!’
this time peter stalks all the way across the room, looking you dead straight in the eye.
‘you better not be joking with me, y/n.’
you squeak out a small ‘no’ or something like that because you can’t really focus with peter looking down at you like that.
‘you mean to tell me, my stupid fat, nervous crush on you was mistaken for HATRED, and all this time I’ve been thinking I have no chance with you, but you’ve been crushing on me too all this time?’ his words come out jumbled, and a little fast, but you can decipher the general meaning.
peter parker likes you… too.
he clears his throat, biting his lip and you can just tell he’s about to apologise, because peter’s a complete angel who probably doesn’t want you feeling uncomfortable.
‘um- uh, y- oomph!’
and in this shocking turn of events, you execute the only spontaneous thing you’ve ever done in your life and pray that it ends up well.
you lean forward and press your lips to peter’s, hoping to whatever superior being there is that this was a good decision.
spoiler alert: it was
peter.exe has shut down because all of a sudden your lips are against his and oh wow this is so much better than all those times he’s imagined it happening because it’s actually happening now.
your hands find their way to peter’s curls that he was trying so hard to get under control an hour ago but now he can’t remember why he doesn’t like his hair if it’s just going to be tugged on by you like this from now on.
he grabs you by the waist and pulls you closer to him, pretty much pressing his body against yours.
not that you’re complaining.
and god if peter died from suffocation right now that would be a heavenly way to go, and he would be a-ok with dying if it meant finally being in your arms.
you pull away from peter, both of you slightly panting before you burst out in giggles, resting your head and letting it fall on peter’s shoulder.
‘oh my god, we’re such idiots, aren’t we?’
peter hums in agreement before lifting your chin up to kiss you again.
 bonus: boyfriend! peter
definitely still stares at you in science class except now whenever you catch him staring he just shoots you a lazy grin
because yEa he has FULL RIGHTS to stare at you now because you’re his GIRLFRIEND.
you find out he’s spiderman pretty much immediately let’s be real this boy is not the best at hiding secrets
especially from his GIRLFRIENDS whomst he loves VERY MUCH.
this boy also gives you anxiety attacks whenever you see spiderman on the news saving people, getting hurt and shit, but he understands.
sends you a text before and after he gets in the suit whenever he can.
most certainly uses his spidey-powers for things they were not intended to be used for.
to visit his girlfriend so she can give him cuddles at any time why what were you guys thinking about hMmmMMMmmmM?
likes to show you off but also gets very blushy and shy about PDA
pretty much had a seizure the first time you held hands.
ned almost fainted when he heard the news (aka peter rushed to call him the second you left that night you kissed because these bitches are very gossipy)
peter parker is the ultimate clingy boyfriend.
and you love it.
your science teacher no longer puts you in the same group or partners you guys up now though.
because now you can’t study together, you literally can’t keep your hands off each other.
sometimes when peter is feeling ~particularly clingy he just nuzzles into the crook of your neck during lunch, and pulls you to him so you’re pretty much on his lap.
and MJ is just like yall r disgusTING
right in front of my salad.
in conclusion, peter parker loves you and you love him.
it’s honestly kind of sickening,
but you love that too.
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kate837 · 4 years
Not a Game
AU edition of Rich's attempted get away after the Akkadian.
It turns out that Rich actually had tampered with their system. And of course he did, he's Rich Dotcom. Thank God for Patterson, she was the only one smart enough to find Rich. Once she did the team swooped in and rearrested him. That's when it started, Kurt had at least been civil to Jane while in front of Rich but now....
"It's just nice to know that people don't change. " He said with a furrowed brow and small smirk. Everyone on that team knew what he was doing, trying to get at least one little dig at Jane in.
Jane didn't let her smug smile towards Rich fade and made sure to move her mouth as little as possible, because she knew Rich could very well read lips, when she very discreetly cautioned "This isn't a game you want to play with me. "
Kurt glanced down at her and she glared up at him. Rich cocked his head to the side, he knew something was up but this definitely confirmed it. Rich didn't really take Kurt as a "petty" Person so to have him obviously take a secret dig at Jane was surprising and h*lla confusing.
Reade recuffed Rich, and Tasha cuffed Boston. Patterson walked each of them to the SUV they personally were driving them in to take them back to SIOC to wait for the actual prisoner transport to arrive.
Meanwhile Kurt grabbed Jane by the arm and tugged her to the opposite side of the prisoner transport truck, the side that was secluded.
Jane shook out of his grip frustrated. Kurt was very obviously about to scold her but she beat him to it.
" Let me guess, I'M out of line because you took a dig at me,right? "
Kurt pointed at Jane while he talked.
"Now you listen to me-"
"No you listen to me. You think I don't know what you're doing?! Every single chance you get you somehow find a way to take a petty dig at me and I. Am. Done. Kurt. I'm done! I thought that you would at least refrain in front of Rich but I guess I overestimated your character." She whisper yelled.
"Jane I-"
"Save it. Because of your relentless need to put me down we are going to have a very long wait for actual prisoner transport to get Rich. Filled with questions, accusations, and my personal favorite ridiculous inappropriate commentary because you couldn't keep it together." Jane took a breath and recuperated. "Look, I understand your resentment, but I can't do this anymore."
"What do you mean -can't do this- Jane?"
"Don't make me say it, we both know that there was and is a this."
Kurt clenched his jaw and looked away.
"I have been clenching my teeth and stomaching all of the hatred thrown at me because I more than anyone know that I-messed-up, I was in the wrong. I know that so if you need to keep insulting me to be able to be in the same room with me than I will tolerate it but I just-"
"Just what, Jane?"
"I need a break Kurt! At very least in front of Rich. I deserve at least that much"
Before Kurt could apologize or even try to form some sort of apology she walked away.
Back in interrogation Jane and Weller are sitting across from Rich waiting on the actual prisoner transport crew to arrive, which is going to take a while since it's now 3 in the morning.
They all were exhausted so there was a silence in the room for the first five minutes, at least until Rich got his second wind.
"So Jane from my understanding you're a consultant but wear an FBI vest and not just an FBI vest a Critical Response Team vest especially made for special agents. You're allowed in the field and undercover, but you are not an FBI agent. Why?"
Jane's eyes widened. She forgot that other than being an absolute moron Rich is a genius.
Rich studied Jane's reaction then turned to Kurt who lowered his gaze at him but wasn't glaring.
"You know I don't really care why-"
"Then why did you ask?" Jane asked confused.
"To analyze. See the last time I was here when I even tried to utter a word that could be somewhat remotely close to resembling you I got a death glare from agent Stubbly over here. But not this time, and he might just be tired I get that but something is definitely off. Because 2, you didn't look to Kurt. Whenever someone asks you a question, or figures out a piece of the puzzle, or anything really you look to Kurt first. And you didn't you stared at me, or the wall, the ceiling, the floor, but not Kurt. So what the h*ll is going on here?! And tell me the truth."
Rich was abnormally serious, it was actually quite frightening.
"Look Rich we're tired, and there's nothin-" Jane tried to salvage the conversation.
"This isn't a game you want to play with me."
Jane looked down, she thought she was subtle enough. Guess not.
"Do those words ring a bell Janie?"
Kurt finally steps in.
"Alright enough. It's too early AND too late for this. Rich, Jane and I's history is none of your d*mn business. You are an informant that's all, what my team does and does not do is also none of your business. Is that clear?"
Jane was astonished. He stood up for her! The thought that maybe just maybe they actually would be ok was inevitably spiraling around her brain and put a very faint smile on her face. But was immediately wiped away.
"I know how childish this sounds but Rich I need a break!"
There it was. Another dig. But this one didn't just hurt, it stung. Mimicking her words from earlier, the words she used as pure honesty. She needed just one day to not be reminded of the resentment, one hour even. She was vulnerable with him and he called it childish?? CHILDISH?!?!
Jane stifled her involuntary gasp, clenched her teeth and tried to keep her eyes from stinging with tears. It was too much.
"You had to do it didn't you?"
Her voice came out shaky and hoarse, she walked out immediately leaving Rich completely and utterly stunned and Kurt stilled in place.
Rich leaned forward in his chair.
"What in the literal h*ll is wrong with you?"
"Excuse me?" Kurt had a dangerous look in his eye which Rich would have found unbelievably hot if he hadn't been outraged with his behavior.
"One of THE most amazing women in the world, and trust me I would know I have met my fair share of international women, is whole heartedly in love with you and you take her heart and perform emotional acupuncture on it every single chance you get! So I'll ask again what-in-the-literal-h*ll-is-wrong-with-you?!"
Kurt stood up to leave but quickly remembered that one of them had to keep an eye on Rich and with Jane's storming out he was on full-time babysitting duty.
He slowly pulled his chair back out and sat down. His posture was slumped like his shoulders weighed a thousand pounds each and he steadily looked at the table. He looked so... Sad.
"Look, you and I both know that I have an unhealthy amount of investment in you and Jane's relationship. I don't actually know why either, it just kind of happened. Kurt there is something special about the two of you, something you only see in the movies. It's magical, it's an energy, it's an aura, it's... Well it's everything. I know that you can salvage it because I know you'll want to, or do want to. You just don't know how. You've spent so much of your life closed off to the world that it became easy, a defense mechanism that was completely foolproof. Until Jane, Jane was unprecedented for you she wormed her way through every single defense you had then I'm guessing tore you apart from the inside."
Kurt cleared his throat, obviously choking back tears. He was hurt but never hurt enough to cry in front of Rich Dotcom.
"But that's the thing with love, it's a power. And once you hand that power over to someone they can completely destroy you. Tear you apart limb from limb while you stand there and watch, because you still love them. That's the kind of love you and Jane have, Jane could break your left kneecap and you still wouldn't hurt a hair on her head."
Aside from their fight in the Motel but Kurt chose not to correct him.
"She broke you but she can build you back up again with one smile if you let her."
Kurt finally looked up at Rich when the door opened and in walked prisoner transport, Kurt made a beeline for the door, he couldn't have more agents seeing him like this.
Jane was still in the locker room. She would have went home but she knew that she couldn't make it in her state of mind. It would have been as dangerous as walking home drunk. Except she was more afraid of the risk of her snapping and killing someone than she was of getting mugged.
So there she was on the bench in the locker room almost in a catatonic like state. She thought that once she was alone she would have broke down in sobs but this, well this was much much worse. Thoughts and memories were swirling around her brain like a emotional turmoil whirlpool.
It was paralyzing.
Until her train of thought was interrupted by the door opening.
"Jane we need to talk."
Kurt approached the opposite side of the bench to sit.
"Please don't."
"Jane we need-"
"I don't want to talk to you, I'm never going to be ready to talk to you."
"I know but-" Kurt approached again.
"Do. Not. Sit. Near. Me" Jane commanded through gritted teeth.
Kurt obeyed opting to stand in front of her but not directly, and just out of arm's reach just in case she lashed out.
"I'm sorry, Jane. For everything. I went too far, I pushed you too far."
Jane humorlessly chuckled.
"You pushed-. You say you don't hate me, then you push me, you say that you tried to murder the man who hurt me then you push me, you defend me, you protect me, you simultaneously keep me by your side and at arms length, you smile at me then you push me, you-" Jane's voice cracked after having so much bite in it, it's such a dramatic change in tone. "You know exactly how to get my hopes up just to squander them. So no Kurt the problem isn't that you pushed me too far. It's that you pushed me too much."
"You have to believe Jane, that I am so sorry."
He knew he had to say more. He at least owed her that much.
He sighed deeply.
"I've never been good at opening up to people. After the incident, before my mother took off she put me in therapy after therapy trying to get me to open up to someone. It never worked. Some people may have even called me stubborn."
Jane tried not to smile, but Kurt could tell that she was holding back and it made him feel a little better.
"Anyways, whenever I went to the actual appointment I would just sit there and stare at the wall, my hands, my feet, for a whole hour and a half. I even made some of my therapists believe that I was mute, that was until my mother would pick me up and ask what I would like to eat when I get home and I would scream at the top of my lungs MEAT!"
Against Jane's will she let out the softest chuckle, and Kurt couldn't help but think
It really does only take one smile.
"Eventually the therapists would refer me somewhere else because they needed to tend to the patients who wouldn't -waste their time- and the cycle would continue. I wouldn't talk to anyone at school either, and I couldn't talk to Sarah. I was her protector, her rock. I couldn't fall apart on her. So I learned to build walls. The walls allowed me to keep moving forward, they allowed me to take care of my sister while everything in me wanted to run away and never come back. They kept me sane."
Kurt cleared his throat.
"H*ll I hadn't cried in about twenty years, until you showed up."
Jane's gaze flicked towards him at lightning speed.
"With one touch of your hand on my cheek, something in me broke. All of a sudden all of my walls that protected me came crashing down, letting you waltz in. Which was why the day I arrested you I was a wreck. All of the hurt and pain wasn't stopped by my walls. You destroyed me; You know I literally had a pain in my chest when I arrested you. Like my heart couldn't take it. Which was why the CIA was even able to take you in the first place. I placed you in the interrogation room and walked out. I was going to wait for Pellington then interrogate you but I had this awful constricting pain in my chest that I had never felt before. It was too much. I couldn't scream, I couldn't cry. I just blacked out. An agent eventually found me lying in the hallway and had me taken down to medical. They said that I was most likely -overwhelmed- and I said what about the pain in my chest and you know what they said-"
Jane was enthralled. She couldn't look away.
"They said that there was no -medical explanation for it- I was healthy. Then one of the nurses asked if I had been hurt emotionally in the past 24 hours. I asked why and she said that -studies have proven that heartbreak can actually cause a string in your heart to break- hence the name heartbreak. She said that it was highly probable. After twenty years of not feeling you come and you make me feel alive then you break one of my heartstrings."
"So Jane you have to understand that I am trying to cope but there is no excuse for my behavior, I will change I promise I will. I'm just- I'm just hurt Jane." Kurt said finally letting a couple of tears spill over.
"That makes two of us." Jane says letting a lone tear streak her face.
"Can I please sit now? My legs are killing me." Kurt says jokingly.
Jane laughs.
"Come here."
Kurt takes the invitation and drops to his knees in between her legs and hugs her. They hold onto each other tightly, while Kurt keeps whispering apologies in her ear.
"I really love you, you know that?"
"I know"
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rennyji · 3 years
May 21, 2021 - First group of tweets right side up - about instructions and el naturalll!
I want my word, my reality, to be all natural. I don't want people playing games or following someone's instructions. Chances are the "instruction-giver/stalker" is just that. The crazy thing is, in 11 years, I don't know them, speak to them, yet they still do what they do...
- chances are "instruction-givers/stalkers" are doing what's best for them, while giving the illusion its for me. Through hype, and time, people think they're worth believing. I feel I have everything I want in life, short of a girl friend, or a family/network of my own...
- if something were done on my behalf, I'd be OK losing a billion dollars, or even possible justice against deranged stalkers and UAlbany, which screwed me over in 2012, and is using me to build the reputation of their party school...
I have everything. Over 11 years, with the exception of: No matter how long, how sad/crazy, I value people, friend people, who tell me the truth of what's transpiring, or talk to me, Period. I can take it.
- Would U believe in the last 11 years,1 girl, met thru a random place, & a coworker in a recent place, are the only 1's who extended a hand out 2 me or were quality human beings W/kindness in them? How crazy is it that in 11 years, aside from family & these 2, talking is rare...
- Whatever I know is thru instinct/senses/intuition, patterns/evidence built thru 11 yrs- regarding my situation. No 1 has ever talked 2 me, done anything W/my consultation. Schools/Police let them roam. What they possibly put out is based on who they want me 2 be, not who I am.
- People do the most random things in this "program/situation", whatever the h*ll it is...stand in my presence & I think wait 4 me to do something, walk around with phones, nod, or...heaven knows what...
- to continue on the previous tweet, I think it's b/c such behavior is recommended by the "instruction-givers/stalkers" or "program/situation". Please remember that I don't know them or what I'm in...They don't know me. They never spoke to me. They do as they please, illegally.
- 2 continue on the previous tweet, they have the most random access 2 my life - would U believe the government, law, police allow this 2 an American citizen against his will/complaints/&11 yrs of suffering (despite public smiles/etc.) ... -
- (to continue on previous tweet) The government, law, police, allow what's known b/c government/police are hiding their secret project in the known thing. Ur not going 2 believe what that is. If U use ur head, to allow something like this for 11 yrs, clearly they have incentive.
-(to continue on the previous tweet)..probably starts W/a contract or project offered to UAlbany..I mean phD's..their nano engineering school..all get involved in projects in what they do...Y else do they want 2 get their hands in my reputation & a matter W/crazy kids? Incentive!
-While I can be silly/loose/funny, Im a serious guy. Short of talking, I don't know what any1's doing. I love networking/making friends/or a girl friend. Like any1, my dream girl is attractive, some1 I can talk 2/some1 who listens 2 me/takes what I say seriously/can extend a hand
- Regarding girl friends, in addition 2 the other things, I want a woman I can love, who will love me, who will be truthful 2 me, & who I can hold/hug - Some1 who will face obstacles/disasters with me, & together escape/reach new heights. Some1 2 go on any/all life's adventures.
- As no 1 talks to me in my situation, particularly women, I don't know what the "situation" tells them. But I'm trying to express me. Read these tweets, starting with the oldest one. After 11 yrs, I want the next adventure. Whatever is to be gained from this, not interested.-
-It's not their program or making what I do public that shines a light on me. It's my actions, my personality, my words. By living, getting something like a twitter, I can do what they do better. I'm a regular guy who's content with what he has in life. -
-While I have a decent job, I'm always on the lookout for better opportunities, more enjoyable opportunities, more financially rewarding opportunities. I'm a computer science graduate W/an MBA in Management Information Systems, seeking a good job to help make dreams come true.-
-Not seeking a program/situation. I'll make my millions through a great job. I'll meet people through my actions. If I'm destined for fame, it will happen through a means that isn't illegal, that doesn't practically get me worked up, tortured to speak. -
- & 2 get justice 4 these 11 yrs...that shouldn't be an excuse or reason 2 not tell me the truth or speak to me. If I knew how something illegal is happening, I could move on W/my life, & maybe even taking any/all necessary legal action. These people are not my friends/family.-
-When all craziness & reputation stomping started, I was in my early 20's. These people destroyed a decade of my life, & possibly the best time in a persons life, while making it seem like - some crap - like Im afraid 2 go out or am embarrassed...remember, they don't know me. -
-and the crazy thing is, people believe these monsters. These instruction-givers/stalkers inflict variables in my life that are restricting and prevent me from living life to the fullest. Now I'm in my very early 30s, and I'm tired. Remember, 11 yrs. -
- I don't know if any1 sees this, I don't know if the instruction-givers/stalkers use tech 2 prevent people from seeing this..but this twitter is mine. If I want to vent, thats my right, not an excuse 4 a - remember - "stranger" 2 react to. I'm Regular guy "minding his business."
-All I want, is my life to be as God intended & natural, With people doing what they feel like, whatever they originally would've done if this situation didn't exist. The only help I seek is the truth hidden from me for 11 yrs. It costs another person, a stranger even, nothing.
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
House of M Redone part 5
N/A: I got Netflix but I´ll not let my writing stop. Here we go, Kurt, you´re so whipped.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @muninandhugin @tieflingteeth
The school has upholds many traditions, smaller and bigger, among teachers and students. It was a way to bond with the old and next generation. So far, so good. Except, a new novelty roaming around the halls and classroom. 
Said novelty is nothing more or less than Nightcrawler, one of the most famous Red guards. Whispers, speculations, including some autographs-sometimes, follow by requests of petting his fur- however, what fuels the rumors are two facts:
1) Nightcrawler is taking his time to visit one person.
2) The said person is none other than Kitty Pryde.
Kitty is spotting a new hairstyle. Fluffy and Jewish style will never out of the menu but is possible to change a few things. So, Kitty has a wavy short style.
(Kitty hairstyle)
At this very moment, Kitty is reading some essays with a knee eye to any strange line regards Namor- some of her students have mothers who like to help in the essays. Some mothers have an extreme adoration- causing an exasperated sigh.
"Oh my God, if I read another line about Namor´s abs..." Kitty taps her pen in a nervous tick. One time, two times, furthermore three times. Now, she´s writing something in the essay. "Tell your mother I´m not interested in knowing about Namor´s sex life...doubt his dick could have stopped the grand war! But rest assured he did try" 
"So, not a fan of Namor?" a male voice draws in. Kitty humms in agreement as she picks another essay.   Doe-eyes lift up to see Nightcrawler smirking at her. "He can be a hassle to deal, let me tell you that... he and his fangirls" mentally add and his obsession with Sue Storm
"Hello, Nightcrawler, what a surprise to see you, in my office, may I help you? Soon, we´ll dive into the history of the Red Guards...I´ll spares no one of my witty" she promises.
"As I would expect of such a teacher like you" Kurt´s smooth line must be appreciated. "I´m here to ask for a favor. Kitty, would you like to go with me to the royal ball? The royal family has many parties and gatherings and I, as a member of the Red Guard, must attend and be on my best behavior" Kurt notes sagely how her doe eyes are glued on his golden ones.
"Oh, you mean ...no orgies?" her question is childish, filled with innocence as her grin got wider.
Kurt wrinkles at this. His fangirls seem to appreciate his sexy appeal too much sometimes.
"No, no orgies." is important to emphasize this as strongly as possible. Again, some of his fandoms really enjoy Kurt´s sex appeal. "But I do need to be on my best behavior..."
Kitty´s eyes look down as her fingers tap on her desk. She looks up again to send the pitiful stare Kurt ever saw. "Oh, elf, I´m so sorry...who is this stupid lady that refused you? Look" she clicks her tongues and has a contemplative expression written on her face. "I´m a big fan of enemies to lovers and all that, but in real life, if a lady says no...date another lady won´t make her magically love you. LET IT GO, elf"
Kurt can only narrow his eyes at this. " Are you...using Frozen/Disney jokes on me?"
Kitty is the image of the innocent. As usual.
"There´s no other girl, just you" Kurt promised never seeing the appeal of dating a girl to make another jealous. "I must say...your self-deprecating humor is not flattering" smirks at her expression. 
"So, let me get this straight, you" points to Kurt vehemently with her pen. "could have any lady to the royal ball and for some reason, one I´m not getting, you want to go with me? What about them?" the pen now points to the pair of eyes staring at them with wide eyes.
It took a minute for Kurt to look. It took a minute for all of them to leave.
"I want to go with you....I feel you, in all your wisdom and wit, won´t let me go to an orgy party" humor is the best weapon. Case and point, Kitty smiles at this.
"Well, I would love to...but, you know, in the program X...they didn´t add in my DNA how to dance and talk to royals" Kurt pouts. Kitty smiles- one must observe, as Kurt did, how her face is perfect to smile- the answer to such line is being waited for.
"You´ll never let me forget that, will you?"
"Fine, I deserve, I guess. I still think it was strange a ..." thread this line with a clear mind and common sense. "civilian, I would say civilian, manage to handle the situation with Juggernaut so calmly"
"Elf, I´m a teacher...Juggernaut is nothing compared to that" winks at him. "Ok, guess I pick you up at 19hs?"
The nerve of this woman.
Then her face gets serious. "Look, I have to ask...what happened to nurse..." Kitty and embarrassed shouldn´t walk together. She puts her hands in front of her chest to make a point. "you know, the nurse I have a big personality?"
Oh, the nerve of this woman.
"Christine...well, she won´t bother us, I hope"
"She seems ...good"
"You can say she´s not very bright, she asked me if I was German"
"Normally, I hate a man calling another woman dumb or anything like that, but...yeah, in this case...I feel you. Is she alright?"
"Finally got we´ll never happen and took a job in Chicago"
"Well, good for her"
(Emma´s dress)
Emma Frost is more than used to those social events. Having her school, and her name as well, in such high regard means doors are open for her.  The events that almost happen to her students have prevented only thanks to Juggernaut´s stupidity and Emma is well-aware of that.
Oh, right. Kitty and a certain Red Guard are in this equation as well. Not that Emma needs to point this one out.
Oh, speaking on the devil. Emma´s blue eyes narrow as she notices Kitty Pryde, of all people, present in the entrance gate having her arms locked with a certain Red Guard. Oh, Nightcrawler, you´re as subtle and discreet as an elephant in a china store.
Felicia Hardy is Black Cat. Felicia Hardy is a businesswoman and right now, Emma´s date. Coming closer to Emma´s ear to whisper always have double meanings. "Is that...Nightcrawler?"
Nightcrawler is really that popular.
Emma wouldn´t want to introduce herself or have to speak with Kitty Pryde. Sadly,  Black Cat has other ideas.
"Oh my god, you´re Nightcrawler, sorry, that sounds stupid. You know who you are. I just want to say I´m a fan" Felicia speaks in an amicable tone and shakes hands with the azzure man.
Her eyes notice Kitty. Kitty, for her part, was too busy sending death glares to Emma. It was a mutual action.
"Oh, you must be Kitty Pryde, Emma told me a lot about you" Felicia smirks. "anyone who can make the great White Queen nervous is a powerful foe"
Kitty now is taken back by this line. "She used to parade around wearing a corset and nothing else"
"Only because you know it looks good on me...not my fault you have a problem with your body"
"Oh, Emma, don´t confuse my ability to use pants to shame over my body. And for the records, all those plastic surgeons ...and no change on your terrible personality" Kitty has a mock concern expression.
Emma won´t dare to cause a scene. Not tonight.
"Nightcrawler, careful with this one. She´s a handful" Emma decides to say only this. Felicia and Emma are holding hands and walking away.
Kurt couldn´t leave this reply without a proper answer. "Oh, God. I hope so. I hope she´s the kind of the woman my mother warned about"
Emma has no response. Felicia is cackling. Kitty is looking at her shoes- if anyone asks, she can say how she was admiring such expensive shoes. Only that- and Kurt wonders if that is the right thing to say.
(Kitty´s dress)
(Wanda´s dress)
Wanda Maximoff is the Witch Queen, as most of her followers and family love to call her, and while she understands traditions and its importance...she must confess how this gathering almost didn´t happen. Wanda is as social as a person can be. 
Tonight, she´s on the edge. Lorna and Pietro aren´t good actors to pretend otherwise.
"Anyone wants booze?" Lorna suggests already with some drinks in hand.
"Sure, but I can´t get drunk" Pietro confessed. "thanks to my powers"
"Wanda?" Lorna asked as Wanda is looking Cap Marvel guiding the boys around - a subtle body-guard. A powerful body-guard- her eyes snap back to Lorna as the other is offering drinks to Wanda.
"Yes, please. I´m not feeling this is a good idea...After everything, I feel we´re sitting ducks waiting to be attacked"
"Wanda...you´re not alone, ok? We´re here to protect you, and everyone else. Let´s be real, not the first time a villain wants to conquer Genosha" Lorna half-joke. No one seems to get her sense of humor.
Kitty was admiring the view. Not Kurt, if he asks, but the people in general. Everyone is so famous and important. Hell, even Emma Frost is important. If her eyes linger on Kurt´s handsome face is only to prove how important he is.
After all, Nightcrawler is the famous Red Guard. The fact he´s here with her still seems a dream.
"Am I that handsome?" Kurt asked smiling showing a part of his fangs.
"I think you know this by now...I´m just impressed by how much important people are here" Kitty confessed. Too honest. Too raw and too afraid at the same time.
"Yeah, everyone here is important"
"I know"
"Even you"
Kurt feels this is a small victory. Especially seeing her blushing face. A small victory.
The Queen is not one to ignore heroes. So, once she caught the word Nightcrawler and the famous teacher Pryde are present in her ball, Wanda makes her mission to at least say hi to them.
Poor woman! if she hasn´t thought quickly...her students...
The Queen needs no introductions. Everyone knows her face. Kitty´s eyes widen and without thinking much-if she was thinking at all- she makes a bow and puts her right hand´s palm in her forehead and speaks this line.
"Enchanted to meet you, Witch Queen"
It came out so naturally. Kitty wonders if someone is controlling her movements or something because she feels too abashed to say anything else.
Kurt is at a loss for words here.
Wanda claps her hands together. "Oh, a fellow witch too?" her eyes are glowing. For once, not with her power.
"No, Your Highness. One of my students is a witch and goes to the Cackle Academy in the summer. Her parents believe in education in the magic system and in the mutant system...and I can always learn something new"
Better be honest with the Witch Queen.
Is the wise decision as Wanda nods in approval.
"Still, it's nice to see people paying respects to the Witchcraft rituals. Anyway, you´re Katherine Anne Pryde. I...just want to say how brave you were for dealing with Juggernaut until the Red Guards arrived" Wanda speaks with poison. As a real Witch Queen should.
"Well, he didn´t want to lead me any sword...I had to be creative" Kitty responds.
Wanda chuckles and nods. "You´re creative enough. Maybe next time, Nightcrawler can lean one of his swords" and adds. "still, I´m happy you and your students are unharmed and I promise you...this won´t happen again"
Kurt is really at a loss for words here.
Wanda excuse herself as she has to talk with the Queen of Wakanda. Ororo Monroe.
"Katzchen...what are you?"
"At this moment, I don´t know...Kurt, can I stay the rest of the night holding your arm?"
"Thank you"
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