#older nico di angelo
yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Time-travel AU in which Nico adopts his younger self. Go figure.
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2nd2ndalto · 1 year
When I Get Home to You
Chapter Ten
*this chapter rated mature/explicit, be warned*
Only one more chapter after this, yay!
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Nico wakes earlier than he’d intended the next morning.
He takes his time returning fully to consciousness, soothed by the comforting sound of Will’s steady breath next to him. It’s rare for him to wake before Will, and once he does manage to open his eyes, he takes the opportunity to drink in the sight of the man lying next to him, lips parted, his brow creased just slightly, dark blonde lashes feathered against his cheekbones. In the quiet and peace of their bedroom, and with nothing at all planned for today, Nico feels calm and whole. Grateful to be waking in his cozy house with his beautiful husband next to him.
Sticks must have heard him wake, though, because the dog noses her way into the bedroom and lets out a soft whine. Careful not to disturb Will, Nico climbs reluctantly out of the warm bed and pads quietly to the back door. He’s leaning against the door frame, absently waiting for Sticks to return, when he notices the dog worrying at something near the hammock. Shit.
Grabbing a fleece from the hook by the back door, Nico hurries out into the yard. The damp grass is icy on his bare feet.
“Sticks? Drop it.”
The dog turns to gaze at him, looking guilty, clearly hiding something in her jowls. There’s something sticking out from between her teeth that looks suspiciously like the arm of Will’s glasses.
“Sticks,” he says, more threateningly. “Drop it, girl.”
She doesn’t, but Nico’s still quick on his feet, and he makes a grab for the dog’s collar before she can abscond with the glasses the way she clearly wants to. He sighs, prying her jaws open and gently extricating the glasses. He gives Sticks a stern look, for all the good it will do.
Luckily, she hasn’t done any damage, and Nico sits down on a low rock near the windmill palm to carefully clean the dirt, slobber and dew from the glasses with the hem of his t-shirt. He hooks them over his collar and leans forward, elbows on his knees, closing his eyes. It’s quiet, still. There’s a fresh crispness to the air that nudges with the reminder of the change of seasons, chills the tip of his nose and ears. Then suddenly there’s a whine and a sharp swipe at his face, and Nico startles, opening his eyes.
“Sticks, what the fuck?” he squeaks, putting his hand to his cheek and pulling it away, checking for blood. Sticks lifts a paw to bat at him again, thankfully only making contact with his arm this time and Nico grumbles, scratching Sticks’ ears like she clearly wants.
Nico’s gaze sweeps across the yard and - oh right. He rises, walking back to the hammock and gingerly picking up last night’s discarded t-shirt from the dew-wet grass, heading inside to drop the stiff garment into the laundry.
Nico’s just about to head to the shower when he meets his husband in the hallway. “Morning, sunshine,” he says. But when Will’s eyes rise to meet Nico’s, his gaze shows immediate concern.
“Shit, Nico, you look like you were in a fist fight.”
“What? What are you talking about?”
Nico steps into the bathroom and flicks on the light, peering into the mirror. And yes, sure enough, he looks a bit battered - a nick on his chin, a trio of red scratches across his right cheek, his lower lip bluish and a bit swollen on one side, and… three small purpling bruises, one on his jaw and two on his throat.
Nico laughs in recognition. “Well, I cut myself shaving yesterday,” he taps his chin, “the scratches are from Sticks - she was getting a little… aggressively affectionate, you know.” He shrugs, turning to Will, who looks pale and pained.
“What?” he frowns. “Will, it’s not a big deal.”
“Your lip?” Will says quietly, reaching out a tentative finger, not quite touching.
“Is that from… me getting a little aggressively affectionate?” Will sounds embarrassed.
“It wasn’t just you. It was both of us.”
Will nods, looking worried.
“Will, I don’t mind. Hey,” Nico wraps his fingers around Will’s chin as Will glances down.
“Sorry,” Will sighs.
“For what? You didn’t hurt me. We just got a little… frantic. It was completely consensual, and I liked it. A lot.” Nico dips his head, trying to get Will to meet his gaze. “Hey, I’ll give you a big fucking hickey right now if it’ll make you feel better.”
A small smile pulls at Will’s lips, and he finally looks up. “I wasn’t trying to leave marks.”
“I know.”
“I’m over-reacting.”
“No, you’re just reacting. It was a rough weekend. Come here.” He wraps his arms around his husband, who dips his head to rest it on Nico’s shoulder, arms rising to wrap around Nico’s waist, slide up under his shirt and press against the bare skin of his back.
“Will it make you feel better if you heal me?”
“Can I?”
“Of course, if you want to.”
Will pulls away a fraction, his gaze still pained. Nico’s eyes linger on his husband’s face as Will’s fingers carefully trace his cheeks, his chin, his throat, his lips. Warmth tingles across Nico’s face and coils low in his stomach, though he’s fairly sure that’s not the vibe Will is intending, and he tries to ignore it.
Will sighs as he drops his hands, looking a little more relaxed.
“You okay?” Nico asks.
“Yeah. I am.” Will pauses, then nods. “I am, really. Mostly. I woke up feeling really relaxed. Sorry, just -” he gestures to Nico’s face, shakes his head. “It kind of hit me unexpectedly. The way these things do.”
Nico nods. He knows. He has a litany of his own triggers. They’ve gotten easier to deal with over time, and with work. But he understands very well how everything is harder when something’s already thrown him off-track.
Will frowns, diverted. “Are those my glasses?”
“Oh! Yes.” Nico pulls the glasses off his collar, and ignoring Will’s outstretched hand, carefully places them on his husband’s face, using his index finger to push them up the bridge of Will’s nose. Will blinks, smiles. “I pulled them from the jaws of that beast,” he nods towards Sticks, now lying in the hallway. “She found them in the backyard.”
“Oh gods,” Will’s eyes go wide. “Shit. Thanks for that.”
“Any time.” Nico’s gaze lingers on Will’s face, his mouth slowly pulling into a sly smile.
“Nothing,” he says softly. “You’re just adorable in your glasses. You look like a hot young professor.” Nico lets his eyes flick to Will’s mouth.
Will rolls his eyes, but at least he’s smiling. “Young-ish.”
“Hot,” Nico murmurs, slowly leaning in to press his lips to Will’s. He lingers there for a moment, pressure and heat, before pulling back. Will’s eyes flutter open. He takes a deep breath.
“Love you,” Will murmurs.
“I love you too.”
Will smiles at him fondly. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“I don’t know. Just for being you.”
Nico kisses him again, then winds his arms around Will’s waist, tucking his head under his husband’s chin. Will sighs, rubbing Nico’s back. “I need coffee,” he murmurs after a moment.
Nico laughs, pulling away. “‘Kay. I’m going to have a shower.”
Nico’s just stepped out of the bathroom, hair damp and messy, towel wrapped around his waist.
“Hey yourself,” he tells his husband. Will looks more collected now, his eyes bright.
Will steps closer, winds his arms around Nico’s waist to whisper in his ear, “don’t get dressed yet.”
Nico laughs as Will begins walking him backwards towards their bedroom, grinning like an idiot the whole time.
“Why not?”
“Three guesses. First two don’t count,” Will laughs as Nico’s legs bump against the bed and Will yanks the towel from his waist and captures his mouth in a kiss in one fluid movement.
Nico sighs contentedly, draping his arms around his husband’s neck.
“This isn’t really fair,” he murmurs as Will begins lightly kissing down his neck, hands sliding lower on Nico’s back.
“No? How come?”
“You ambushed me.”
Will giggles.
“And you’re wearing way too many clothes.” Nico lets his hands slide up under Will’s shirt, smooth over warm skin, skate up his ribs. He reaches for the hem of the Will's shirt and pulls it carefully over his head when Will steps back. Will raises his hands to take his glasses off. Which honestly always gives Nico a little jolt of pleasure in this context, but -
“You could leave the glasses on?”
Will laughs. “No way. These poor glasses have been through enough.” He turns to carefully place them on the dresser and then immediately turns his attention back to his naked husband.
Will kisses him deliciously slowly and thoroughly in a way that makes Nico want to melt into a puddle. He breaks away to press kisses to Nico’s eyelids, his cheeks.
“You’re so beautiful,” Will murmurs.
Nico laughs.
“What?” Will pulls back, flushed and happy.
“I changed my mind, I like you with the glasses off.” Nico leans in to kiss him again.
Will laughs. “I tell you you’re beautiful all the time. Even when you’re not blurry.”
“Yeah, because you’re such a dork, you -”
Whatever Nico had been about to say dissolves into a sigh, into the heat building between them as Will’s hands sink lower, fingers brushing against his length.
“Who’s the dork now,” Will whispers against his cheek, and before Nico can retort, Will sinks lower too, to his knees, and oh, that’s very very nice and Nico’s not sure how he’s still upright except that Will’s got him very pleasantly pinned against the bed, secured between his hands cupping Nico’s ass and his hot, wet mouth.
Another moment of sharp suction and Nico’s head is spinning. His hands come to rest gently against Will’s head, steadying himself. Just when he’s positive his knees are going to give out, Will stands again, kisses Nico on the mouth, on the cheek, nips at his earlobe. He gives Nico a gentle shove in the chest. “Lie down,” Will murmurs.
“Bossy,” Nico breathes. He complies, a little less gracefully than he intended to.
Will grins. “You love it.” And then he’s crawling over Nico to lie on top of him, fitting arms and legs and mouths together like they’ve done a thousand times.
“Pants… off,” Nico manages when Will pulls back for a breath, and Will giggles, wiggling cooperatively as Nico shoves at his waistband.
Will sighs at the contact once they’re both fully undressed, and Nico runs his hands everywhere he can reach, the curve of Will’s shoulders, the line of his spine, the dip of his lower back, all warm and familiar and home. “You feel so good,” he murmurs as Will presses into him.
“Mmm, you too.” Will drops a kiss to the tip of Nico’s nose before his mouth presses to Nico’s neck, lingering to lick along his collarbones. Nico moans softly, tipping his head back into the pillow, eyes closed, lost in the dizzy, building heat. Then Will’s mouth is on his chest, his stomach, his hips, warm and soft, and Nico can feel his breath coming quicker. He presses his lips together, trying not to squirm too much under the gentle pressure of Will’s lips, the heat of his breath.
Will’s tongue circles around the jut of his hip bone, then he kisses lower. He skates over where Nico wants him most, pressing only quick, gentle kisses to Nico’s swollen cock, then moving lower to nuzzle against the inside of his thigh. Nico has a feeling he knows where this is heading now, and he has absolutely no objections.
There’s light suction and warm breath and the gentle scratch of Will’s beard on the inside of one thigh and then the other, and Nico’s suddenly feeling a great need to anchor himself to something. His hands fist in the sheets next to him and he’s only a little embarrassed to realize he’s panting, lost in the feeling of Will’s lips and Will’s tongue and gentle fingers delicately tracing his erection. Then his husband murmurs, “spread your legs for me, love?” and Nico whimpers.
Will laughs under his breath, but he’s entitled, honestly, and he helps, gently guiding Nico’s knees up. More soft suction on sensitive skin and then closer, closer, and Nico can feel Will’s fingers against him and then his tongue, lapping at his rim, and all he can do is keep taking short, sharp breaths, lost in pleasure.
The vulnerability, the sharp intimacy of this act always sends Nico reeling. Heat sparks and flares and leaves him shattered, breathless, and by the time Will draws away and speaks again, there’s a lag of several seconds before Nico realizes he hasn’t even understood what his husband said.
“Can you pass me the lube?” Will repeats, grinning up from between Nico’s legs. Nico takes a shuddering breath, managing to get his jumbled body to cooperate enough to roll to the side and fish blindly in the bedside table, nearly knocking a lamp over. He passes the tube to Will, who flashes him another smile, flushed, eyes bright. Maybe looking a little too pleased with himself, but Nico will allow it.
It used to terrify him, once upon a time, losing control this way. The way Will could so easily take him apart, pull him apart to his essence. But Will catches him, too. Holds him and reassembles the pieces, and now he craves the way they fall together.
Will’s fingers slide and press and stroke and curl and Nico tries to remember to keep breathing. He thinks he might be talking, mumbling something the whole time, but he’d be hard pressed to repeat if anyone asked, not actually sure if he’s making any sense at all. He whines too loudly at the loss when warm fingers suddenly slide out. But then a second later Will’s voice is at his ear, warm breath against the side of his head. “Can I please be inside you?” he whispers.
Nico makes a noise that he hopes Will will interpret as affirmative, pulling his husband back in to kiss him, messy and uncoordinated, reaching between their bodies to wrap his fingers around Will’s erection. Will gasps, reaching for the bedside table.
“No, don’t use a condom,” Nico mumbles against his husband’s mouth, eyes closed.
“No, want to feel you.” The condoms are really only for convenience, and maybe it doesn’t make that much difference, sensation-wise, but it’s just the thought of it, the closeness. And right now he wants Will, all of him. Wants the heat and the mess and the pleasant ache in his body lingering into tomorrow.
“Want me to pull out?” Will murmurs, already fumbling with the lube again.
Nico shakes his head.
And then Will moves back to line himself up and Nico watches, breathing hard, gathering his husband back in at the first opportunity, pressing his heels behind Will’s thighs to pull him deeper. He thinks he might actually spontaneously combust once they’re pressed together, Will all the way inside. It’s so good, so much, and in these moments he doesn’t feel like he’ll ever be able to get enough. They still for a moment, chests rising and falling together.
“Okay?” Will whispers, and Nico nods, fast. And then they’re moving, and somehow the familiar comfort in the way they wrap around each other and the simmering heat of the movement is everywhere, everything, it’s perfect. A moment later, Will fumbles between their bodies to stroke him, but Nico shoves his husband’s hand away, shaking his head.
“No, ‘m too close.”
“‘Kay.” Will readjusts, moving in slow, deep strokes that make Nico want to sob with pleasure. “Sorry. Figured I’d pushed - ah,” Will shivers, his eyes falling shut, “- figured I’d pushed you too far once you started speaking Italian,” he manages.
Nico blinks, diverted. “Did I?”
Will laughs, breathless. “Mmm. When I was fingering you.”
He grins. “It was hot.”
“‘M always hot,” Nico retorts, but the last word is lost in a moan as his husband thrusts just a bit harder, and Will lets out a gasping giggle.
“Fuck,” Nico whimpers, rocked back by another hard thrust, and by the glint in Will’s eye, he’s quite sure that one was very deliberate. “You’re the worst,” he groans.
“Love you too,” Will laughs.
And soon there’s not really enough breath for conversation, nor does Nico think he’s retained abilities in any language at all. There’s just heat, and intensifying pleasure, and Will muttering breathless, broken endearments in his ear. And then Will’s breath starts to come rougher against Nico’s skin, and he pulls back for more leverage, sharp, quick, thrusts.
Nico forces his eyes open, needing to see Will’s face. Will’s brow is creased, eyes shut tight, lips parted, and the beautiful sight of him chasing his own release is almost enough to push Nico over the edge. He tries to pull Will closer any way he can, clinging with arms and legs. Will breathes in, quick and ragged, and a second later he shifts, reaching between their bodies again, and this time Nico doesn’t stop him, so very ready for them to fall together.
Will’s grip on his cock is firm, but his rhythm is unsteady, understandably. It leaves Nico hanging exquisitely near the edge for seconds that feel like an eternity, every muscle in his body trembling in anticipation. When he finally topples over with Will’s last, frantic thrusts, it’s with a shout that leaves his own ears ringing.
Will collapses on top of his husband, both breathless, bodies heaving together in a sweaty, shattered heap. Nico keeps his arms wrapped around Will’s shoulders, torn between trying to get enough air into his lungs and absolutely not wanting his husband to move away just yet.
It might be several minutes later - honestly it’s impossible to say - when Will manages to shift, slipping out and making Nico gasp. Will sits back on his knees for a moment, somehow finding the wherewithal to grab the previously-discarded towel and wipe both of their stomachs before crawling up to the head of the bed to press his forehead against Nico’s.
“Holy fuck, Will,” Nico breathes, his hands over his face.
Will giggles. “Good?”
“Oh my god.”
Will presses a kiss to the back of each of Nico’s hands, and flops down beside him.
“I don’t think I can move my legs.”
Will snorts. Then, a beat later, only a little worriedly, “you’re mostly kidding, right?”
Nico considers. “Ask me again in a few minutes.”
“Kay,” and he can hear the laughter bubbling in Will’s voice. “Don’t go anywhere,” he tells Nico. “I’m going to get us cleaned up and then I’ll come right back to cuddle you.”
“Mmph,” Nico manages.
Will’s weight disappears from the bed, and a moment later Nico hears water running in the bathroom, Will singing to himself. Nico smiles. He slowly drops his hands and manages to roll himself over, face pressed into the pillow. Will gives an appreciative whistle as he comes back into the bedroom. He bounces onto the bed, directly over Nico, supporting his weight on elbows and knees.
“Can you move your legs now?”
“Can but don’t want to,” Nico mumbles.
HIs husband laughs, crawling off of him. He pats Nico on the ass, maybe a little harder than necessary.
“Here, help me a bit.”
Nico groans, but helps Will shift his legs enough to clean him up. A moment later Will is back, smelling of soap and mouthwash and pulling the blankets up over both of them. He half-drapes himself over Nico’s shoulders, nudges their heads next to each other.
“You’re falling asleep,” Will teases.
“‘M not,” Nico mumbles, as he falls asleep.
The last thing he’s aware of is Will’s soft, pleased laughter, his lips on Nico’s forehead.
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piperscharm · 5 months
something the percy jackson fandom isn’t accepting is nico getting better. everyone’s used to him being the emo little meow meow. he ain’t the fandom’s lil emo pout pout boy anymore. remember his 10 year old jumpy and excited self? he’s coming back to that. maybe not as much energy but he’s becoming more (un)serious, content and calm. he’s not angry, sad and emo anymore. in fact, he’s slightly annoyed by his emo boy title. my boy is becoming lightly happy again. he’s coming full circle and that’s beautiful. i’m sorry that some of you can’t accept change (i have a lot to say on with jason’s death).
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mediumgayitalian · 3 months
Despite his best efforts to be silent, Will wakes up as soon as Nico opens the door.
“Neeks?” he mumbles, squinting at the sliver of light bleeding into the bedroom. Nico hurries to close the door behind him, padding forward to the bed and dropping a kiss onto Will’s hair.
“Yeah, baby.”
Will sighs, curling up, leaning into Nico’s touch. “Good.”
Nico feels his tired eyes follow him as he putters quietly around the room, hanging his sword and his jacket, shucking off his torn jeans, tossing his shirt in a corner somewhere.
Nico smiles. He loves the heavy drawl of Will’s y’s that he gets when he’s sleepy or passionate, as much as he teases. It always makes him fluttery, makes the hairs on the back of his arms stand up.
Nico digs around until he finds a pair of Will’s flannel pyjama pants, tugging them on and rolling the waistband until he can wear them without tripping. He doesn’t bother with a shirt.
“C’mere.” The blankets shift and whisper as Will peels them slightly back, lifting his arms around the empty space next to him. “Can practic’ly see ya shiverin’. Y’r g’na turn blue inna min’t.”
Nico can’t stop a giggle. He curls into Will’s hold, pressing a kiss to the sun on his chest and muttering something about cowboys and bull-wranglers. He’s well-used to the playfully stern pinch Will nicks on the curve of his thigh, and snickers more.
“Y’r not funny.”
“Y’r’n’funny,” Nico mocks, exaggerated. He clears his throat, and says with exaggerated deepness: “Y’ain’t from ‘round these here pards, pardner.”
Will pinches him again, but does nothing to hide the curve of his smile as he presses a kiss to Nico’s neck, his bare shoulder.
“M’gonna bite you.”
“Y’would’nt —”
Will does bite him, and Nico smacks him in revenge, although he doesn’t really care. If anything he kind of relishes it.
“Freak,” Will says fondly, knowing exactly what Nico’s thinking. He drags his head up to press a long, lingering kiss to Nico’s cheek. “Sleep. Warm up. Talk in the mornin’.”
“Mornin’,” Nico mocks tiredly, but settles in too, presses a last kiss to Will’s jaw before settling against him, breaths evening out to join him in dreamland.
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thaliasthunder · 1 year
someone pls make a chronological order list of nico's age in each book of the series starting from ttc 'cause i need to know how CANONICALLY old he'd be in tsats
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happyk44 · 1 year
Percy: I mean, what even is a plan?
Jason "autism out the ass" Grace: a plan is a set list of instructions that you have to follow because it's there. It's instructed and it's the plan and you have to.
Percy "my ADHD makes me impulsive and my ocean water veins make me chaotic and everybody fucking hates it" Jackson: sounds gross, I'm not gonna do that.
Nico: I need you two to stop talking to each other for the next six hours.
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river3000 · 5 months
Where are my little Italian children I WORE MY CABIN 13 SHIRT TODAY FOR A REASON
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
*Shoves this into faces of people who say Jason's into incest dynamics,that Percy viewed Nico in a romantic light and/or that Punkflower's a pr*ship because Hobie's canonically 19 as the creator of The Anomalies(DC x Pjo x Spiderverse)*
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the-vegetarian-artist · 5 months
reminder everyone- we are looking for an 8 year old
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jasontoddssuper · 6 months
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This fandom topic is very important to me and infuriating with how it's discussed as an irl person who's got tons of younger friends that they refer to siblings as with eachother and play a parent part to because a lot of them have or had abusive parents-Wether it's shipping the first kind or calling the second pr*ship,y'all are both wrong and dumb as hell.You've never had this type of dynamic with someone in your life,you're not the expert on it you think you are💀The difference is that one's an adult and someone who's either a child compared to them or an actual one and the other is two kids who're two tears apart tops and it's so deeply unserious to act like they're equivalents because something something a teen being mature for their age means they're actually an adult and this is A Progressive Mentality Ackstually.Go OUTSIDE‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
An Older Nico who comes back to the past after wreaking havoc in his original timeline tho.
The guy's nice. He helps them. He's powerful. He's soft for his younger self and he adores Hazel all the same.
But then they see his sword brimming with godly essences; his aura sometimes turns slightly red at the edges. He has a vial of fire - from Hephaestus' forge, Leo said - that he doused Clytius with. A pair of winged shoes enabled him to cut off Cupid's wings after Young Nico's forced to come out. When he brakes off Jason and Percy's fight, he can redirect Jason's bolts and Percy thinks the pearls that the older man uses to defend against his water are familiar. Maybe he saw it in Poseidon's palace.
They're just gifts, he said. But they don't look like it, especially when Annabeth finds a shatter of her mother's shield amongst the future Nico's possession.
It's only much, much later when they realize that those are the takings of his fight against their godly parents where - or when - the older Nico comes from.
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2nd2ndalto · 1 year
When I Get Home to You
Chapter 3
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
TW for some mentions of suicidal ideation (nothing super specific) and depression in this chapter. Please take care.
By eight the next morning, both Nicos are still sleeping.
Will, on the other hand, has spent the last two hours working himself into a panic. What should he have told the boy last night? He’s already mentioned a husband, and it’s going to be obvious that older-Nico is living here, with him. There’s no going back on that. It seemed sensible yesterday, just skating over the details, trying not to overwhelm the kid. But suddenly this morning, Will feels as though he’s committed some great act of deception that the three of them won’t be able to recover from.
Will pours himself a fourth cup of coffee - which honestly probably isn’t helping, but now he’s committed - just as he hears a door open in the hallway. At this point, he’s not sure who he’d rather have wake first.
A moment later, there’s a shaggy-haired pre-teen shuffling into the kitchen, a large brown dog hot on his heels. Well. This is all going to happen one way or another.
“Hey,” Will greets him from where he’s seated at the kitchen table, laptop and grading spread out in front of him. “How’d you sleep? Come sit.”
“Um. Good, actually.” The boy sounds croaky and tired, but he offers Will a small smile and sits down across from him. Sticks paws at Nico’s leg, requesting immediate affection.
“How’s your leg?” Will asks. “You look like you’re walking easier today.”
The boy looks as if he’d forgotten. “Oh. Yeah, thanks. It’s much better.”
“What can I get you to eat?”
“Oh - you don’t have to. I’m not hungry.”
Will restrains himself from rolling his eyes and gets up to begin making rye toast with honey, something experience has taught him that Nico will usually eat, even when he insists he couldn’t possibly eat a bite. Younger-Nico blinks in confusion when Will sets the plate in front of him, but takes a bite and looks surprised. “Thanks.”
Will smiles. “Anytime.”
“So… did you - your… husband,” Nico begins awkwardly, and Will interrupts him before he has to ask.
“Yeah, unfortunately he didn’t learn much from Chiron,” Will sighs. “Chiron doesn’t seem to think that this is a god with a bone to pick, so… there are some demigod friends we’re going to chat with today, see if any of them has any insight.”
Nico nods, mouth full of toast. Good.
Will props his chin on his hand. “What about you? Any ideas?”
But just then there’s the sound of a door opening in the hallway, and Will’s stomach lurches.
Okay. It’s going to be fine. Right?
Sticks hops up from the spot on the floor where she’d been coveting the honey toast, and half-walks half-wags to greet her favourite human. Will hears his husband’s voice rise half an octave or so as he greets the dog, and he can’t help smiling to himself. The boy seated at the table, unfortunately, looks immediately on edge. He swallows what appears to be a too-large mouthful of toast. It looks painful.
A moment later, older-Nico pads barefoot into the kitchen, tilted to one side so he can continue scratching the dog’s head. His hair is sticking up on one side, t-shirt wrinkled. Although of course he’s expecting it, his face adopts an almost comically stunned expression as he catches sight of his younger self seated at the table. Will glances back and forth between the two of them, frozen, messy-haired and wide-eyed, and he wants, ridiculously, to laugh.
“Um - hi,” older-Nico begins, looking terrified. He jerkily raises his hand in greeting. “I’m Nico.”
Nico understands, in hindsight, that it probably would have been wiser to take it slow, ease his younger self into the idea. But he’s never had Will’s bedside manner. Words still sometimes just fall out of his mouth without much consideration for their potential impact.
The boy had insisted, as he retreated quickly towards the front door, that he wasn’t going to disappear, he just needed some air. Fair, honestly. At the very least, he was barefoot. So hopefully he hasn’t gone far.
Now-Nico sits at the kitchen table, head in his hands, as Sticks nudges his elbow with increasing urgency, appalled that someone has left food unattended and clearly unwanted. “Fine, fine,” Nico mutters, lifting the plate of abandoned toast and placing it on the floor where it’s immediately inhaled. He leans back in his chair, scrubbing his hands over his face. Will’s staring at his laptop, his mouth tight. Nico has a feeling he’s not actually working. He hasn’t heard a keystroke in several minutes.
“Yes, I’m an idiot,” Nico says grudgingly.
“I didn’t say anything.”
The coffee maker drips and gurgles on the counter, and Nico wonders if Will is already on his second pot.
“So what - what do you think we should do now?” Nico asks meekly after a moment.
“Well,” Will sighs, his posture softening a bit. “I think he’s out in the backyard. Maybe you should wait a bit and then go talk to him.”
“Oh,” Nico blinks. “Um.”
Will laughs. “You’re both ridiculous,” he says, and at least now he sounds more fond than cross. “It’ll be fine. You’ll figure out what to say. It’s you right?”
“Yeah, but teenagers are terrifying,” Nico mutters.
Will nods. “They are. We were.” He reaches across the table for Nico’s hand and Nico responds immediately, gratefully. “Anyway, he’s not quite a teenager.”
“I don’t know why you let me talk to people,” Nico says despairingly.
Will laughs, squeezes his hand.
“Okay,” Nico steels himself. “How about this: I have a shower and get dressed and then I’ll… talk. To him.”
Will smiles, nodding. “You can do it. I believe in you.”
Nico rolls his eyes. “Yeah, you might want to reserve judgment on that.”
Twenty minutes later, Nico braces himself and steps outside into the leafy backyard. Morning sunlight is filtering through the trees and vines, dew still damp on the grass under his feet. Sticks nudges past him, making a beeline for the young boy hunched on the stone bench beside the fire pit, then taking a sharp detour. She shoves her entire head into a bay laurel, sniffing enthusiastically. Nico glances down as he makes his way across the yard, smiling ruefully at the footprint-shaped spots of dead grass that lead towards the fire pit.
He’s pretty sure the younger boy hears him approach, or at least heard the door slam open in Sticks’ rush to get outside, but he doesn’t raise his head.
“Hey,” Nico stops just short of the fire pit.
“Hi,” the boy keeps his eyes trained on his bare feet. “Um. Sorry about your lawn.”
Nico smiles. “That’s fine. It’s been a while since I got myself into a grass-murdering mood. It grows back.”
He waits, but there’s no further sign from the boy.
“Um. Is it okay if I sit down?”
The dark-haired boy nods, and at that moment Sticks galumphs over, throwing herself down at his feet.
There’s a long pause, and then, “I don’t understand what’s happening,” the boy says in a soft voice. He sounds tired.
Nico swallows. Taking in the boy’s closed off posture, hearing the cadence of his speech - gods it hits him like a sharp gust of wind and he’s taken right back, twenty-five years ago to when everything was just so raw, so hard. Nothing came easy for this kid, and gods it’s just not fair. He didn’t have this kind of clarity when he was in the thick of it, but it suddenly makes him want to smash his fist through a wall, or maybe through a few deities.
He takes a deep breath instead. “I’m sorry,” he manages, although he’s not sure exactly what he’s apologizing for. Sorry your sister died. Sorry you’re so alone. Sorry you hate yourself. Sorry that you had to be dropped into this bizarre situation when you’re already just hanging on by a thread.
“I need to get back to…” the boy waves his hand vaguely in the air, then shakes his head. “How does this even happen?” he asks, finally looking up at Nico, and his eyes are desperate, haunted. It’s like a kick to the stomach.
“I don’t know,” Nico takes a deep breath, trying to collect himself. “The gods can be a bunch of dicks though, right? Not to mention the universe in general. But we’ll figure this out. I promise. We’ll get you back to… to your own time.” As much fun as he remembers that is right now.
Not getting the attention she wants from younger-Nico, Sticks waddles over to his older counterpart, who slides off the stone bench onto the ground to pet her.
“I’m - you’re still alive,” the boy says softly after a long moment.
“Yeah, so far,” Nico smiles weakly.
“I’m not sure if I want that,” the boy whispers.
Shit. Right. Nico swallows. Well, this got pretty intense pretty quickly, but he’s not sure what he was expecting. It’s him after all.
He remembers those thoughts. He’d never really been actively suicidal, never had any kind of a plan… but there was a good while there where he’d assumed… sometimes hoped… that his lifestyle would take care of it for him. If he threw himself into enough stupid situations, made enough reckless decisions, then…
Gods, what is he supposed to say now? He glances back towards the house. Where is Will when he needs him? Will who always seems to know the right thing to say to bring him back from the brink.
Except this isn’t about Will.
“I um… I built this fire pit,” Nico tries, his voice rough.
There’s a long silence.
He clears his throat. “Well. I didn’t build it so much as I pulled the stone up out of the ground. My um… my sister helped,” and the boy glances up, a little hopeful, mostly confused.
“Ah. Um, different sister. It’s a really long story,” Nico laughs softly. “She’s… she’s amazing, though. You’ll love her.”
In the back of his mind, something tells him he’s not supposed to give this kid too much information, not give him all the spoilers. But there’s a much bigger part, of his heart that just wishes he could make everything okay. How can he not do everything he’s able to lift this kid’s burden a bit?
“Hazel,” he swallows. “Hazel is my - our sister. She um. She loves me like… she honestly loves me with her whole heart. I’m so lucky to have her. And she and her husband had a baby this year, so I’m an uncle now.” Nico’s voice breaks a bit.
“And there’s Will, of course. Will is just… he’s… my rock.” Nico shakes his head, throat tight. If he starts rhapsodizing about Will, he’s really going to lose it. “And… there are so many other friends and family. People you can’t even imagine, people who love you for exactly who you are. And there are like. I don’t know. Fun quests, and some really scary ones… and cool hobbies - Percy’s kid is trying to teach me to skateboard. Actually that’s a terrible example, because I suck, a lot,” he laughs weakly, wiping at his eyes.
His voice is wavering now, but he presses on. “And you get to be a better and stronger fighter, and you get smarter, and you really step into your powers. The… darkness… it doesn’t completely go away, but you get so much better at navigating it. It’s just,” Nico shakes his head. There are tears dripping onto his knees now, and Sticks notices and begins enthusiastically lapping at his face.
“Aw Sticks, really?” Nico makes a half-hearted attempt to shove her away from his face and instead she hops up and puts her paws on his shoulders for better leverage.
Younger-Nico lets out a watery half-laugh and older-Nico glances up and realizes he’s crying too.
“You’re saying it gets better,” says the boy tearfully, sounding doubtful.
“Just…” Nico shakes his head. “Just so, so much better. Really. Don’t get me wrong, there are really hard times, too, and you know… more people we… lose. But I think… you’re what? Twelve?”
The boy nods.
“Yeah. To be honest I think you’re in the very worst of it now,” Nico sighs.
The boy laughs bleakly. “Great.”
“Yeah. Fun, right?”
Nico finally manages to shove Sticks off of him, and the dog wanders off towards her favourite oak tree. Nico watches her sniff around the base of it, and the two sons of Hades sit in silence for a moment.
“Persephone did the landscaping,” Nico thinks to mention, gesturing at the tree, the yard. It’s incredible, really. Shady and lush, most of the yard covered by the canopy of dozens of trees, some that surely aren’t native to California, nor should they have grown as tall as they have so quickly. There’s a hammock suspended between two knobbly beeches, flowering hedges and wide, leafy plants growing close to the ground in a thousand shades of green. A little oasis of light and shade and life.
“Really?” Younger-Nico almost smiles.
“Yeah. Weird, right?”
“It’s amazing. Really peaceful.”
Nico nods.
“You um… you mentioned Percy,” the boy begins cautiously.
“Yeah, that dickhead,” Nico snorts. “No, really, I’m kidding. He’s a really good friend.” He clears his throat, scrubs at his eyes again.
The boy looks possibly more nervous about this subject than anything else his older self has mentioned. “Did he - does he -”
Does he know. It almost seems silly now, but it was an all-consuming terror once upon a time.
The boy looks down at his feet again, flushing, and Nico quickly speaks up, wanting to rescue him.
“It’s fine. He’s fine. It’s all - gods that feels like so long ago. I guess it is.” He laughs softly. “I um… told him. At some point. I guess once those feelings weren’t quite so raw. So you have that to look forward to - getting over the feelings, I mean. And he was… yeah, he was fine with it. You know Percy. Nothing really fazes him.”
“He’s with Annabeth?”
“Yeah, still. They have three kids.”
“Yeah. Um, actually… Percy might stop by later for a bit,” Nico glances at his younger self, who looks predictably tense. “In the afternoon, I think. I just wanted to warn you now, though. It’s totally cool if you want to lock yourself in the spare room or go for a walk while he’s here. He’d understand. This whole situation is so weird.”
The boy nods slowly. “I, uh. I’ll think about it.”
Nico nods. “For sure. No pressure.”
He watches his younger self for a moment. Gods, those were some hard years. The kid looks a little more relaxed now. Still small, still lost.
“Hey, do you wanna get some breakfast? I kind of interrupted your toast.”
There’s a beat of silence, but then the boy nods and gets to his feet.
“Sorry about that, by the way. I’m kind of still working on my people skills,” Nico says, embarrassed. “So when I said that things get better… maybe not that.”
He shoots his younger self a surreptitious glance, and the boy almost smiles.
Will, who’s been nervously pacing the kitchen in between sneaking glances out the back window for the last 20 minutes, hurriedly sits back down at his laptop when the two Nicos rise from their seats at the fire pit and begin making their way back towards the house.
“Hi,” he greets them as they step inside the back door, Sticks shouldering past them in her eternal attempt to simultaneously follow and get there first.
Will can feel his face fall a bit as both the man and the boy glance up at him with tear-stained faces. “Um. Everything okay?”
Older-Nico half-laughs. “Definitely not. But… I don’t know. Maybe… a little better?” he glances at his younger self.
The boy considers, then nods. “Less awful.”
“I’ll take less awful,” Will agrees. “Um. Will you both eat? I was just going to run down to the deep freeze for some sausages. And I can make French toast?”
Again, his husband glances at the younger boy for affirmation.
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
“Great!” Will says, well aware he sounds a little too enthusiastic. As he’s making his way towards the basement, he’s pretty sure he hears the boy murmur, “he really wants to feed me,” and his husband laugh in reply, “you have no idea.”
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rayssion · 8 months
A monster: come on demigod!! Fight me, and let's get over with it!!
Nico: no.
The monster: what do you mean no?!!
Nico: no?
The monster: are you afraid of meeting your afterlife sooner than you want?!!
Nico: no....
The monster: what's wrong with you then!! Can you not talk!!
Nico: I'm not allowed to fight monsters nor shadow travel.
The monster: why?!!
The monster: answer me, demigod!!
Nico: mumbles something inaudible.
The monster: what?!!
Nico: deep breath.
Nico, screams: because Hazel said so!!
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
“You haven’t been sleeping, again.”
Nico hums, eyes fluttering shut under Will’s gently touch. His thumbs are calloused — years of endless determination with a bow and a guitar — and tickle the sensitive skin of his eyebags, but he welcomes the feeling. He goes so far as to lean into his touch, grinning when he hears Will’s fond huff.
“Why haven’t you come to me?”
“It’s just started,” Nico promises, turning his head to press a kiss to Will’s palm. He smiles, although it doesn’t reach his eyes, worry swimming in lakes of blue as he continues to gently brush his thumb just above Nico’s cheekbone.
“Still.” He exhales deeply, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment; when he looks back over his expression is urgent. “You worry me, darlin’.”
“You’re a worrier.”
“Still,” Will repeats. He presses their foreheads together. “Can I help? I want to help.”
“Hm.” He takes Will’s closeness as an opportunity, wrapping both hands around his hips and tugging him forward, gently, until Will gets the hint, wrapping his arms around him in turn and clinging tightly. He lifts his head and tucks it back into the crook of his head. Nico tips forward just slightly enough to press his lips in the dip behind his ear, lingering, more of a press to skin than a kiss; somewhere more to touch.
“I want you to sleep well,” Will admits, voice small, almost lost in the wrinkles of Nico’s heavy sweater. “I want — ease. I want you to eat ‘till you’re full and smile when you feel like it and sleep through the night. And be healthy, and feel strong, and —”
“I know, vita,” Nico interrupts softly. Will’s hold tightens, and his does in turn. “I know.”
“Let me spend the night.”
He feels the bob of Will’s throat as he swallows, feels the slightest tremor across his broad shoulders. “I’ll keep watch. That way you can — you can —”
“Thank you.”
Will nods. Nico pretends he doesn’t feel the wetness that drips onto his neck, doesn’t feel the way he shakes. He knows he feels — useless, sometimes, when Nico is plagued by nightmares, when he struggles. It frustrates him not to be able to fix it. Nico doesn’t know how to explain that it will never be fixed — but he helps. He always helps.
“You’re like morphine personified,” he teases — the closest he can come. “Relieving, addicting, sweet, and deadly in high doses.”
As Nico had hoped, Will snorts, swatting him gently on the shoulder before straightening. He sniffles, once, swiping the tears under his eyes.
“That doesn’t even make sense, you loser.”
Nico grins back unashamedly. “Doesn’t need to. I met my goal.”
He’s rewarded with a slight pinking of Will’s cheek, even as he rolls his eyes; clearly, obviously pleased. Nico can’t help stretching to his tiptoes and pressing a long, lingering kiss to his lips.
“I love you,” he murmurs.
“Love you too, baby.”
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caramelmacchiato07 · 5 months
anyone else agree that canonically percy, thalia, and nico all should look like siblings? especially bc of their black hair. i feel like the only difference between any of them is their height and their eyes, but maybe that’s just me. like these guys are the original little three, i think it’d be both cool and hilarious if they all looked so much alike that people like think they were siblings or triplets or something. or on occasion got them mixed up. thoughts?
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happyk44 · 4 months
Percy bleaching his hair because he thinks Nico is solely attracted to blondes, based on Jason, Apollo, and Will
Nico bleaching his hair because he thinks Percy is solely attracted to blondes, based on Annabeth and Luke
(Percy laughing because, oh gods no, Nico, I am was attracted to your dad in a major way for years a couple days, being blonde is irrelevant)
(Nico laughing, because, oh gods no, Percy, you were my childhood crush in a major way for years, being blonde is irrelevant)
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