#oliver wood is a bad captain
fanfic-lover-girl · 1 year
Oliver Wood is NOT a Good Captain
“Bad news, Harry. I’ve just been to see Professor McGonagall about the Firebolt. She — er — got a bit shirty with me. Told me I’d got my priorities wrong. Seemed to think I cared more about winning the Cup than I do about you staying alive. Just because I told her I didn’t care if it threw you off, as long as you caught the Snitch on it first.”
But even Quidditch had lost its fun. The rest of the team wouldn’t speak to Harry during practice, and if they had to speak about him, they called him ‘the Seeker’.
The Gryffindor team visited again on Sunday morning, this time accompanied by Wood, who told Harry, in a hollow, dead sort of voice, that he didn’t blame him in the slightest.
I get the impression that fandom thinks Wood is a loving, good captain but he really is not. In isolation, the third snippet could be read as a joke (they did lose the match after all and Wood is quidditch obsessed). However, when you look at Oliver in totality, he shows time after time that he cares more about winning than Harry's safety and is perfectly ok with throwing Harry under the bus.
Overall, contrary to popular opinion, the Gryffindor team sucks. I am not talking about the individual players, but the whole team. Hermione disses Draco by saying that the lions got on their team by talent (screw Hermione btw, what does this annoying girl know about talent?)...but without Harry, they seem to be a bunch of losers.
Remember Minerva broke the rules for Harry to join the team as a first-year. Do you think she would have done so if the team was truly competent? The Quidditch World Cup in book 4 proved that a team can have a crap seeker and still dominate/win. The lions literally needed favouritism/nepotism to have a chance at winning. Let that sink in. But Snape is totally the biased teacher around here (sarcasm)
In either book 1 or book 2 (I think book 2), Harry missed the match and the team had the worst defeat in over 300 years! Further proof that these people suck without "chosen-one in more ways than one" Harry. By the way, Slytherin has reserve players. Does the Gryfinfor team have reserve players? Because I never see any. In book 6, when Draco and other Slytherins are conveniently out sick (to give Ron a chance at winning because the golden trio never seems to have to earn anything), they have backup players ready (eg that Harper guy who played Seeker in Draco's place). However, in book 5 when Harry and the twins are suspended, the team needs to hold tryouts to get new players. No backups in sight.
In book 3 when Harry gets his firebolt, the team (the entire school minus Slytherin house) gets all horny for the broomstick. "We have a firebolt!" basically reduced Harry's skill and importance to the team to his broomstick. These people don't care about Harry. Yet, it's such a crime when Draco and his team got new broomsticks in book 2! Gryffindors == Hypocrites.
I don't see much of Marcus Flint but from what I have read, I like him more as a captain. When the Gryffindor team tried to group assault a 12 yr old Draco after calling Hermione a mudblood (should have just called her a "bitch" or "hag" instead and saved everyone the need to virtue signal), Flint immediately threw himself in front of Draco to protect him. Remember these are older students trying to beat up a tiny 12 yr old because of something he said. The Weasley twins are BEATERS - just the 2 of them alone could have really hurt Draco. Compare this to Oliver who doesn't give a damn about Harry being hurt as long as he wins.
Also, when Draco is an idiot and loses to Harry in book 2 (of course, the only time someone has a better broom than Harry, Harry wins because that person decided to fool around despite wanting to play on a quidditch team before Harry even knew what the sport was), the Slytherins don't ostracize Draco the way the Gryfindors ostracized Harry when he lost house points.
In a nutshell: Marcus Flint >>> Oliver Wood & Gryffindor team sucks.
PS. If you are a Draco anti or Hermione stan or any other kind of Gryffindor stan that thinks Draco deserved to be group assaulted by bigger, older, stronger students because of calling Hermione a slur in response to her insulting him first, just ignore this post and move on. Unlike you and a good chunk of the HP fandom, I don't get sadistic pleasure from seeing Draco constantly (group) assaulted for saying mean words to characters who had contempt for him first.
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Imagining a scenario that has Marcus and Oliver (who are both friends with Percy) being at a meeting between Hooch, all the Quidditch captains and the Heads of Houses when they find out that Percy is possessed. I'm very much trying not to cackle at imaging Rodger and Cedric's reactions at Marcus "Famously hostile with the entire Gryffindor Quidditch Team and will oppose them on anything during Quidditch season" Flint and Oliver "Will prioritise Quidditch over dealing with a dangerous creature in the castle" Wood both agreeing that trying to get Percy unpossesed is more important than the current Quidditch meeting.
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They're suppose to be agreeing on when to book the Quidditch Field in order to prevent overlapping schedules... That's not going to be happening
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pooks · 6 months
Percy Weasley headcanon time, part 2!
all the Quidditch captains at Hogwarts crushed HARD on him
Oliver Wood: obvious reasons, they are roommates (oh my god, they are roommates), they're in every class together, Percy has canonically been at Gryffindor's Quidditch matches, etc. i could go on.
Roger Davies: captain of the Ravenclaw in case you don't remember( can't blame ya). but Percy is smart and clever, he would charm the pants of any Ravenclaw without even trying. a fellow scholar who plays Quidditch too. everytime Ravenclaw meets Gryffindor, he tries to impress but fails cause Oliver Wood.
Cedric Diggory: he got the biggest boy crush on Percy and it was literally his bi awakening. not only is Percy smart, but he's also incredibly kind and responsible. he takes a page of Percy's book and values good sportmanship (this is the reason why the twins can't stand him, they've seen him yearning after their brother)
Marcus Flint: he doesn't like any Gryffindor at all, not even when pigs fly and it rains lava. but Percy is different, he's the Golden Student of not only Gryffindor, but of the whole school (no he doesn't count Hermione). Percy is smart, clever, determined, kind, righteous and so incredibly pretty. if it wasn't for his blood status, then Percy would've been poster child of "the ideal spouse" the pureblood families always nags about.
Conclusion: Oliver and Marcus gets into fistfights every week because of this and no one relents until someone is nearly dead (the only reason Snape gives detention to a Slytherin, of all things, cause he didn't sign up for his own student's blood feud)
Poor Roger Davies gets friendzoned the whole time cause Percy genuinely believes they're friends and he can't ruin that cause Penelope Clearwater will literally murder him in his sleep
Cedric decides to play it safe, earn Percy's affection slowly and maybe the Perfect Prefect will fall for him...eventually.
Too bad Fred and George is deadset on NO ONE dates their brother...except maybe Oliver Wood, but he has to prove himself with twelve quests (that was a total lie)
Outcome: Percy eventually dates Oliver Wood and he's incredibly happy with him. He doesn't even know that his five brothers and baby sister threatens Oliver if he ever hurt him. He's mildly annoyed when he finds out, though.
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redheadspark · 2 months
hi!! can you do number 3 with oliver wood? possibly a frenemies to lovers kinda vibe (they're friends who are quidditch rival captains and they're insanely competitive yet secretly in love with each other)??
A/N - This is great for Oliver! Thanks for requesting this!
Summary - You and Oliver were two peas in a pod, in more ways than one
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Warnings - Just fluff
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“Let’s see the damage,”
“It’s not that bad, I swear—“
“Now, Wood,”
“I hate it when ya use my name on me,”
You eyed him as he finally gave him, pulling off the practice sweater he was wearing to show the thin shirt that was underneath, along with the scattering of bruises that were along his skin and near his collarbone.  You tutted, walking around the bed he was perched on and seeing more damage from the match he played littered on his skin. 
“It’s nothin’, luv,” He reassured you as he saw the look of concern on your face, the mixtures of blacks and blues that were etched on his skin like a brand, “Remember my third year when I broke my arm?”
“I’m peeved with Trent when he slugged that blunger at you,”
“Aye, and yet no one suspected that you and I were dancing around each other then with how you reacted, huh?”
You threw a glare at him, seeing him faintly smile as you then turned on your heel to grab a few of the ointments that you had stored in your bag, knowing that you were going to have to help him out after the brutal match you saw him in.  Of course, the last thing you wanted for him was to be hurt.
Even when he was on the opposing team.
You two were not meant to be together, not when you were the Ravenclaw Captain and Oliver was Gryffindor.  In fact, your teams were the biggest rivals to each other that year, all thanks to their captains.  You and Oliver being completive seemed to be a tame way to explain how your team was so good, tame, and positive.  In fact, you and Oliver were at each other’s throats plenty of times: fighting over practice time on the pitch, throwing jabs at one another during matches against each other, and even giving each other sneers while running to each other in the hall.  
Even one afternoon in the early fall, when a small heat wave came through the highlands when your team was coming off the pitch.  Oliver, leading the Gryffindor teams, saw you grimace as you walked past them and tugged at your practice sweater.
“I’m so hot”
“Loving the confidence,” He said under his breath for you to hear, though the rest of the team heard and laughed.  
“Oh shut up!”  You growled at him while he passed and rolled his eyes.  You both loved, craved even, the sport of quidditch.  Just to think of anyone standing in your way would be a stupid decision, and yet Oliver was the one you threw off your game.
But in the best way.
Neither of you knew when it happened, or even how.  But there was an underlying affection and mutual respect for one another from the moment you two met as captains.  Although you could be stubborn and Oliver could be hard-headed, you both admired the drive in one another and the fire in your bellies.  Almost like you both were relieved that there was another that could match the drive, the thirst to win large 
One thing led to another so to speak. One minute you two were arguing nose to nose after a very close match, the next minute Oliver had you pressed against the wall hidden away from sight at the stadium with his hands on your waist and kissing you deeply while you tugged his robes off and rang your fingers in his hair.
“Let’s get some of this on, to minimize the bruising,” You explained, getting a few drops of ointment on the gauze you had to dab along the damaged skin.  Oliver squinted from the contact, but he remained still as you were wiping the ointment along the. Spots were seen as your eyes were concentrating on your work but looking rather soft and almost hurt.  You were hurt, seeing what happened to Oliver on the topic and yet not being able to stop It from happening.  
An intense game against Slytherin House, one of the biggest games to watch in the season.  Ravenclaw was in second when it came to the standings, Gryffindor taking the lead barely while Slytherin was in third and Huflelpuff dead last.  You knew the Slytherin Captain was not a fair layer, in fact, he was prone to cheating.  You’ve played against them a few times and almost got in trouble once or twice from his ruthless behavior in a room, and yet he was able to stay on a Captain.  But in this match, you were especially worried for Oliver, you two were freshly dating and still trying to keep your relationship under wraps.  Oliver knew you were going to worry, he simply hugged you before he left for the Gyrffindor locker rooms and told you it was just a game.
And yet there he was, perched on a table, littered in bruises and seeming calm about it.
“Hey,” he hummed, reaching over to take your hand in his own and lace your fingers together.  You paused on your work on him, feeling him take a long inhale as you were watching a particularly large bruise on his neck, “I'm fine.  I’ve been worse in games, you know that,”
“He had a vendetta against you,” you said in a bite, dabbing a bit more ointment on his bruises as you went on, “We know he pays dirty and does what it takes to win. He went too far today,”
“I’ve seen him do worse,” Oliver commented, you looking at him.  His brown eyes twinkled in the light of the room, looking so gentle at you even after taking a major beating on the pitch sometime before.  You loved that about him, the competitiveness would switch off in him as soon as he would land on the ground with both feet.  You wished you could do that most of the time, Oliver made it look so easy.  
He leaned in a bit more, almost being nose to nose with you as he searched your eyes with his own, and voice low but light, “I’m gonna be okay,”
You breathed in deeply, nodding to show that you were surrendering to the worries that you had about him.  It was always a fight, when either one of you would get hurt or would be pushed too far.  But in the end, you both cared for one another far too much to let it be damaged.  
You two had one more year together at Hogwarts before being in the real world, already making plans to move in together and play professionally.  Not caring about other students finding out about your secret relationship, not needing to hide it in the shadows, or having private dates.  Being able to hold hands in the open, to kiss each other when you wanted.  At this point in your relationship, it was a dream.  
Oliver tucked you in close and hugged you tightly, kissing your hair over and over as you clung to him.  He grew on you and became your safe space, someone to talk to you about everything and anything that was on your mind.  You need held back with him and he was the same with you.  It was still surprising that two stubborn quidditch lovers with high walls around their hearts would find one another.
And let the walls crumble down.
The End
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July Prompt Session
tagged - @a-lumos-in-the-nox
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thefiery-phoenix · 5 months
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You were Neville's older sister and you were sorted into the Hufflepuff house while your brother Neville was sorted into the Gryffindor house. The both of you were quite similar in terms of personality, both of you were shy yet friendly with those around you. Everyone loved to be around you because of your kind nature and friendly personality, you were a bit of an introvert compared to your brother and your friends liked to tease you about it but everyone around you adored your shy nature, they found it rather bashful. You were academically driven and had the will and focus to get good grades, you didn't spend hours and hours to study like Hermione but you were naturally good at academics since you absorbed the concepts in one go and preferred a practical based learning compared to rote memorization. You even managed to get into Snape's good graces the other day when you were working on how to make the Polyjuice potion, you followed the instructions to the T and brewed the perfect mixture that even Snape couldn't find fault with your skill and accuracy and just gave you a slight nod of his head in a begrudging manner to show his appreciation for you, making you one of the rare cases where he showed his admiration to someone who wasn't from his own house 
Of course, you and your brother were secretly terrified and nervous of him deep down but you were able to pull through, however Neville needed a bit more help in Potions and was always on the receiving end of his taunts and sarcastic remarks which made you feel bad for Neville whenever you'd see his flustered face with the expression on his face looking like he was on the verge of tears. You'd spend most of your time helping out Neville with Potions and of course, defending him against Malfoy and his goons. You didn't really like confronting people but if it was for the sake of your brother, you had to suck it up and deal with it. By no means you had nerves of steel nor were you fearless, you'd be nervous when you tell them to stay away from your brother while they laughed at you and made jokes at you and your brother's expense, making you regret your decision of trying to be a hero in the first place. You felt your eyes water slightly with the comments the other Slytherins from your own year made and you hated how pathetic you felt, you were supposed to be defending your brother and be the older sibling he could look up to for protection and guidance, instead the guilt ate through your mind as you silently cursed yourself for being pathetic and weak and failing Neville as an older sister till someone decided that enough was enough and that's when you met...Oliver...
"Oi...leave her alone, yeah?" spoke a deep voice from nearby as you turned around and spotted a guy who looked like he was in your year, he seemed somewhat familiar to you and yet you couldn't put a finger to it, you surveyed the brown haired guy dressed in the Gryffindor Quidditch robes and clutched his broom as his veins protruded slightly and his jaw was clenched, looking agitated as his eyes narrowed at the bunch of Slytherins in front of him. "What's it to you Wood? Get lost'' hollered Marcus as he leered at him and Oliver just glared at him as he looked around, trying to see if there were any professors or other students around the area before pulling out his wand and hexing them. "Um...thanks..'' you mumbled and fidgeted with the hem of your robes and you shot him a polite smile. "No problem, I've been wanting to do that for a while now anyway...'' chuckled Oliver slightly as he held out his hand and introduced himself to you. "The name's Oliver, Oliver Wood...the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team'' he said proudly as he shook your hand
The second he came in contact with your hand and held your hand, he was surprised by how soft and gentle it was, a stark contrast compared to his rough and calloused ones as he found it slightly endearing and part of him wanted to keep holding your hand for a bit longer. "I'm Y/N Longbottom..'' you replied and his eyes widened slightly. "Longbottom...could you be related to Neville in some way?" he asked you as you nodded. "I'm his sister'' you answered as he looked at you like you were a fascinating rock that dropped from the moon. "Well, that's surprising, never knew Neville had a sister...'' he mused and he surveyed your features. Something about him just fueled that desire in him to protect you, was it the way your hair strands fell in that beautiful face of yours or was it the way he felt like he was already getting the feeling of getting lost in your eyes or was it the way how flustered and bashful you were in front of him which made your mannerisms endearing to watch
Ever since that incident, he just can't seem to let go of you. He follows you around like a puppy, a guard dog to be exact, warding off anyone who dared to mess with you and as he spent more time with you, he found himself growing more attached to you and your shy nature which he couldn't get enough of. He loved the way your cheeks would get tinged with a red blush at times and hide your face in a book and mumble something incoherent whenever you felt flustered about something which made him want to see more of those reactions from you. Of course, his friends eventually got wind of his feelings for you and started teasing him about it, Fred and George took immense pleasure in mercilessly poking fun at him for which he'd immediately tell them to shut it with a slight blush on his face but he won't really deny it
Even your own friends are convinced that he fancies you and they like to tease you about it yet you don't really see the obvious signs of him liking you. "I swear to Merlin Y/N you're absolutely dense, he FANCIES you, you dummy'' said one of your friends with an exasperated sigh as you looked at her reproachfully. "No he doesn't, we're just friends, he invites me to see his Quidditch games and we study in the library together and we hang out at Honeydukes at times...he's also nice enough to ask me about my day and he likes holding hands with me for some reason but we're just friends...nothing more than that'' you replied as your friends around you groaned and made noises of protest of your naivete and threw a cushion at you 
Oliver feels like he can't control his feelings for you anymore, his mind is filled with thoughts regarding you, deep down he's worried and has the paranoia that someone could take advantage of your kindness and naivete which he wouldn't allow to happen at any cost, which was why he needed to ensure that he was always around you at all times. He even ended up changing his schedule just so he could be in the same classes as you and he felt his heart race against his chest whenever he felt your hand brush against his. He feels like he has the strength to fight the world for you, you're his pillar of strength, he wants to be your man and take care of you and provide for you. The other day you received a low score for Potions which was something you didn't expect and you felt quite sad about it which hurt his heart, he wanted to see you happy and when he saw tears prickling at the corner of those lotus shaped eyes of yours, he felt like his heart was sinking. He gently caressed your cheek with his palm and held you in his arms close to him and stroked your hair telling you that you did your best and it was all right and how he would always be there for you and the two of you spent the rest of the night with each other as he bought you your favorite sweets from Honeydukes 
There are times when his mind starts to wander as he thinks about how soft and lovely it would be to kiss your lips while he holds you, how he could be your protector, how beautiful you'd look being married to him and having a family with him...yep, he's that far gone and detached from reality already, imagining and thinking about a happy married life with you. The thought of you being someone else and someone else daring to kiss those lips of yours made him infuriated, it just made his blood boil to no end. You were HIS, at times he felt like just wrapping you in silk like the precious doll that you were for him and locking you in a room so other people won't be able to get to you. He'd never blame you for anything, it's those lousy pests around you that are looking forward to taint your innocence. He doesn't stalk you, he just...follows you around to keep you safe, Hogwarts is still a pretty dangerous place after all and the last thing he needs is for you, his beloved to get hurt 
He doesn't classify himself as someone who has rage issues but when he heard some Ravenclaw dudes talking about you inappropriately his mind went blank with fury and broke a lot of their bones and they had to spend a few months in the Hospital Wing. His reputation would also come into play here, why would someone ever suspect golden boy Oliver Wood, the star of the Gryffindor Quidditch team beating up and hexing people for no reason? It sounded unlikely didn't it? He isn't afraid of getting his hands dirty to ensure your happiness and safety, even if he has to get blood on his hands to make you be with him so be it. You're destined to be with him and he'd eliminate and get rid of anything and everything that would stand against his dream of the two of you being happily married to each other...
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pappydaddy · 2 years
the tales of the infatuated (o.w.)
a/n: i am back and (hopefully) ready to write lovelies!
tv show/movie: harry potter
pairing: oliver wood x fem!shy!gyffindor!reader
part one - there are parallels so read this one first please!
description: tales of oliver and y/n's relationship following the events of the woes of the highly overdramatic
warning: the reader is shy and beats herself up about it (slightly). please, as a shy person myself, never think being shy is bad or wrong in any way. being shy is 100% okay!
note: reader wears a lot of scarves and uses them to kind of hide when embarrassed.
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  The air was filled with a sort of muddy smell. The kind of smell only found enjoyable since it meant spring was attacking the bitter cold, thawing the ground and bringing life back to the rather lifeless hills of Scotland. Oliver never really noticed the beauty within the changing of the seasons, all he noticed was that one day the scenery looked one way and the next it was different. Now, as he sat there, a warm cup of tea between his large, rough hands, listening to Y/N’s soft and naturally quiet voice talk about the changes in the season, he finally realized it was more than just disappearing snow or dying leaves. 
  “And look there, you see the small buds on that tree right outside the shop,” Y/N gasped quietly, her arm shooting out to point to the tree that was once sagging under the weight of the snow. “Look how small, but in a few weeks time, those will be beautifully coloured, large leaves full of life.” She hummed, hand nestling back on her own teacup. 
  Oliver looked from the window, towards her, eyes flicking over her face as she stared out the window in sheer amazement. Suddenly, the stubborn and slightly obsessed Gryffindor Quidditch Captain that normally oozes self-confidence and never does anything at leisure, found himself slowing down and enjoying it. Enjoying the seconds ticking by when he wasn’t working on plays. Enjoying the hours he has spent just looking at nature (and Y/N) and listening to her. Her voice was a little shaky and quiet, but it was the most beautiful sound to him. Even better than the sound of the crowd cheering whenever the Gryffindor team won another game. 
  Even in the moments of silence as she just existed, sipping her tea as she basked in his company. For someone who was so used to hanging around rambunctious and loud Quidditch players, he never thought silence and stillness could be so welcoming. Sure, being friends with Percy, he found himself surrounded by silence as Percy read in his presence, but Oliver would always do his own thing. It was never silent because his head was always busy and loud. Now, with Y/N, his brain was quiet. It was kind of comforting. 
  “Reckon we should make a quick trip to Honeydukes before it gets busy?” Oliver asked gently, not to startle her as he pulled her from her thoughts. A smile stretched onto her face, soft eyes sparking at him in the late afternoon spring sun. There was a sweet spot to visit the popular candy store. He had never thought of it before, he always just went to Honeydukes. It wasn’t until their relationship hit the four month mark that he noticed. 
  They had been out strolling around Hogsmeade. It was relatively quiet along the cobblestone streets as they walked in comfortable silence, Y/N’s eyes seeming to admire the world around them in awe - as if this was her first time in Hogsmeade. Oliver found his eyes glued to the corners, watching her, his heart thumping in a way that both calmed him and scared him. The noise of the rambunctious groups pooling in and out of Honeydukes made her stutter in her steps, her body stiffening as her eyes shifted to the large crowd. 
  His own eyes shifting from her, he observed the ruckus without panic, but it was obvious she was. As they slowly sauntered closer to the mass of people, her body seemed to become more stiff, her pace slowing. “Hey, how about we just sit on this bench here? I kinda want to just sit without for a little bit.” Oliver suggested, gesturing to a bench that sat not far from them. 
  She looked at it, open-mouthed, before looking back at Oliver. “But it’s covered in snow,” She blinked up at him. Oliver shrugged, walking over to it. She followed easily, their joined hands keeping them attached. “Are you sure, Oliver? I don’t want to make you sit out in the cold.” She pointed out. She knew he was just doing it because she was nervous around crowds and the possibility of a forced conversation..  
  “It’s early March, it’s starting to warm up,” He brushed her off. There was a nip in the air, but it was just enough to tinge the end of one's nose red. Part of him found this an added bonus because despite the scarf she kept nuzzling her face in, Y/N’s cheeks and nose would have that slight discoloration he loved so much. Sometimes he had to search for it, but it was there and he found it adorable. With his free hand, he brushed partially melted snow off the bench. “You can sit on my lap if you’re comfortable, I don’t want your pants to get wet.” He settled himself onto the bench, their hands still connected as she stood there apprehensively. 
  “You know, I am okay with going into Honeydukes, as long as you’re with me I can handle the crowd-” She was cut off by his hand leaving hers, his arms quickly wrapping around her waist to pull her down onto his lap. She squeaked out in shock, eyes widened. “Oliver! Warning would have been nice, you scared me!” She gasped despite the fact she seemed to melt into him. 
  “Sorry, Love,” He smiled, resting his chin on her shoulder. “But I wasn’t going to let you drag me into Honeydukes and sacrifice your comfort just because you think I am cold,” He pressed his lips to her cheek as she unburied her face from her scarf. “We’ll wait until it starts to calm down.” 
  “Well,” She hummed, trying to uncover her watch from under her coat and mittens. Oliver helped, rolling her oversized, knitted mitten down slightly, revealing the watch she always wore. “It usually calms down at forty after the hour, it’s the quietest part aside from just before close-”
  “Which isn’t an option because you don’t want the workers to think you’re ignorant coming into a shop five minutes before closing,” He finished for her. She looked into his eyes, the smile that was covered by her scarf evident through the gleam in her eyes. “We’ll wait five minutes then go in. Then, we can go to the Three Broomsticks because at that time, usually the Twins will be pulling off some sort of stunt outside of Zokos.” 
  Y/N never thought of the Quidditch Pitch as a sanctuary for her to escape to. It was usually always loud in some way - or she thought it was. Boy, was she wrong. Before she met Oliver, she much preferred to avoid attention and noise. it was out of her comfort zone to be in fast paced social environments - such as Quidditch games. Oftentimes, she was usually found lounging in quiet areas of Hogwarts, but obviously, since dating Oliver, she frequented the Pitch more often. Either while he was practicing (team or alone) or while he was playing. More recently, she could be spotted under Oliver’s arm while he sat in the crowd watching the other team’s games. 
  Now, even when they didn’t make appearances at other games, their usual spot was always open. It was now known as Oliver and Y/N’s spots. Oliver had scouted them out once. Situated right at the top of the bleachers, Oliver had found a sweet spot where Y/N wouldn’t feel overwhelmed by over-eager people screaming. Sitting right next to the stairs, she could quickly escape if needed. When they were practicing, she sat in the front, her book carefully balanced on the edge of the railing. 
  Right now, she sat in her normal spot, the fall breeze whispering around her. Her large eyes were locked on Oliver as his brown eyes quickly moved around the pitch, watching everything with his incredible perceptive eyes. He always amazed her with his attention to detail - most likely from being such a good keeper. He noticed everything. He could sometimes spot the snitch before any of the Seekers. 
  “Hey, Y/N,” She blinked as she was startled by someone talking to her. Eyes searching the crowd in front of her, she spotted Seamus, his face painted in Gryffindor colours, a lion’s mane around his face. “Did Oliver tell you anything about his strategy in this game? Those nasty snakes are neck and neck with us! What is going through his head?” Seamus’ Irish accent got thicker and thicker as he got riled up. 
  She squeaked, face heating up as she felt a few people looking at her - also questioning the same thing. One thing about dating the captain, people had lots of questions and were upset when they were losing or had the possibility of falling behind in the game. “I-I’m not-” She swallowed thickly, pulling the scarf she wore up around her face, trying to hide within it. “Um, I don’t really, uh-” She licked her lips, a little bit of fuzz from the scarf falling catching on her lips and tongue. “No, he didn’t.” She answered, making everybody look away from her. 
  Sinking into her seat, her back against the wall, she let out a breath. Her eyes fluttered closed as she cursed herself. ‘I couldn’t even answer a simple question! Stupid. Godric!’ She beat herself up before she let her eyes open at the sound of a shrill whistle. Instantly, her eyes met Oliver’s brown eyes. They were consumed by concern and a little bit of anger, but she knew it was directed to the people who made her uncomfortable. 
  “Gryffindor wins with Harry Potter catching the snitch! Starting off the season strong!” Lee’s voice boomed through the sound system, causing the stands to erupt in cheers (aside from the Slytherins who sneered at everyone as per usual). She could feel Oliver’s eyes on her as she stood, pulling the scarf down to show him her beaming smile. Sending him a thumbs up, she turned and made her way down the stairs. 
  She knew he would be waiting impatiently on the pitch right next to the tunnel he knew she would emerge from. “You won!” She exclaimed. Even in celebration, her voice was soft and quiet, but her face glowed in a way that far outweighed any form of vocalization. Without a second thought, she launched herself into his arms, legs and arms wrapping around him as his wrapped around her waist. Flush against each other, their faces buried within each other’s necks, they simply stayed like that. Oliver rocked them slightly, hands gripping each other’s clothes. They held each other in the most innocently desperate way, celebrating by feeling each other’s energies. 
  “Are you okay? They shouldn’t have been questioning you like that,” Oliver whispered into her hair, his breath tickling her neck slightly. She squealed, barely pulling away at the feeling. She could feel a slight smile stretching onto Oliver’s face at the reaction, but he turned serious a second later. “Reckon I need to make it clear that they can’t do that again.” 
  “It’s fine, Oliver-” She pulled away from him, hands coming up to cup his face. They couldn’t hear the wolf-whistles from the Weasley Twins (well, Y/N didn’t but Oliver did and instantly knew they were going to be in for a rough next practice). She took a look at his serious face, knowing she wasn’t going to convince him not to teach them a lesson. “Fine, but intimidating stares and empty threats only.” She told him sincerely. 
  “Fine by me.” He agreed, leaning in to press his lips to hers. She blushed furiously, all too aware of people looking at them, but she leaned into the kiss anyway - too desperate for a kiss to care (care enough to stop kissing him, but she knew she would be thinking about people watching once his lips left hers). 
  “It is blistering cold out Oliver, my fingers are about to fall off, where are we going?” Y/N questioned, her voice muffled by her scarf. He looked down at her, seeing her eyes securely behind the blindfold, both her hands gripping his arm the best they could with her oversized mittens. 
  “You will see in a minute.” He simply told her, making her huff. 
  “I don’t like surprises, Oliver.” She pouted, wiggling her face free from her scarf in order to show him the pout on her red tinged lips. She had a barely noticeable shade of lipstick on, wearing it specifically since it is her one-year anniversary with Oliver today. They were dressed nicely. Both had a pair of jeans and a warm sweater under their layers of winter wear. 
  “I know, Love, but you will like this one, I promise,” He reassured her, pressing a kiss to her hat-covered temple sweetly. She hummed, resting her head against Oliver’s bicep as he led her towards their destination, following in blindly. Looking down at her more as they slowly walked, he couldn’t help but let warmth bloom in his chest. Something about her snuggling into him as he led her to someplace, allowing him to lead her blindly. The amount of trust this showed she had in him warmed him against the bitter cold they walked in. “Okay, Love, we’re here.” 
  He could barely contain his smile as he gently pried her hands off him, walking behind her to untie the blindfold. “You took me to Greenhouse?” She questioned, eyes scanning the Greenhouse that stood in front of them.
  “Not any Greenhouse,” He exclaimed, carefully shuffling past her as they stood on a patch of ice. He pulled the small bit of cloth that covered the number on the door. Revealing the number one. “Greenhouse One! The Greenhouse I confessed my feelings to you in a year ago to this date. Even down to the hour!” He beamed as he opened the door for her. A blast of heat greeted them as he guided her into the room, a hand on her lower back to make sure she didn’t slip on the ice. 
  Her mouth fell open, looking around in amazement. The plants and tables that usually cluttered the center of the Greenhouse were pushed to the side, leaving space for a blanket and pillows to be laid out on the floor. Floating candles provided a flickering and a glowing amber light - the only light that illuminated the area aside from the winter sun that broke through the dirty windows on the Greenhouse in mini spotlights, dust swirling and dancing in them. 
  Turning around, Oliver closed the door, sealing the heat in the Greenhouse - the heating spell working brilliantly. When he turned around, he found his breath leaving him at the sight before him. She slowly walked further into the Greenhouse, eyes dancing around in amazement as she peeled her winter clothes off, starting with her hat and scarf. The golden rays hit her, illuminating her as if she were a work of art - just like they did a year ago at this time. As she pulled her mittens off, she reached out, touching the plant with the softest, most caring touch. Humming, she let the leaf of the plant go before dropping everything including her coat to the ground. 
  “This is beautiful, Oliver. I love it,” She whispered, looking back at him, eyes meeting his eyes in a zing like jolt, bringing him from his daze. He wanted to say the cliche line of ‘breathtakingly beautiful’ as he looked at her, but he was too taken by her standing there. All he could really do was stride towards her. ““Um, Oliver,” She whispered in a shaky voice as he didn’t say anything back to her, but his eyes were set with intent. “A-are you going to say something-” 
  She was cut off by his lips falling upon hers, his hands resting on her waist. They stumbled slightly from the force of his lips, but his hands gripped onto her waist, steadying them as her hands reached up to cup his cheeks, her lips moving with his in a sweet kiss. All their kisses were sweet. Innocent but rough (that thanks to Oliver’s need to show her how much he loved her). They stood there, lips locked in among the variety of beautifully growing plants, the smell of fresh soil and the fragrant tropical plants in the back corner of the Greenhouse - absorbed each other’s energies like the leaves of a plant absorbing sunlight; warm and energising. 
  “I love you.” He spoke against her lips before connecting their lips together. He was shocked when her hands were pushing his face away from hers, unable to pull herself away from the kiss due to him holding her flush against him, her back arching slightly.
  “I love you too, Oliver. So much.” She confessed to him, her wide eyes staring into his eyes, sparks exploding in her stomach as their eyes whispered heartwarming love between each other. And just like that, they both knew that the tales they would be telling until their last breaths would be tales of the infatuated, but Percy probably already knew that when he told Oliver everything that day.
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kathrahender · 21 days
My opinion about Harry Potter Ships (1/2)
Hinny (Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley): NO. Just NO. Please their romance was so forced and there was no chemistry between them in the movie (and I watched the movies before reading the books... so yeah, it affected my perception about them) 👎
Romione (Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger): In the books they were a better couple- but in the movie their development was almost null- so no thanks. 😬
Harmione (Harry Potter/Hermione Granger): "They're just friends". Still a better ship than Hinny/Romione tho. Their interactions were far more beautiful than any other ship involving Harry or Hermione. 🙌
Ronarry (Ron Weasley/Harry Potter): If I was Harry and I had to chose a Weasley to date with- I would choose Ron. Not saying anything else. 🧡🤎
Dron (Draco Malfoy/Ron Weasley): Enemies to lovers. Enemies to lovers. Enemies to- (Besides, their families don't like each other so they would be Romeo/Juliet coded) 💞
Drarry (Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter): I'm a fan of Slytherin/Gryffindor pairings, and a fan of rivals to lovers so- I LOVE DRARRY SO MUCH. 😍😍😍😍
Dramione (Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger): It's literally like a straight version of Drarry- SO I'M IN! 💖
Huna (Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood): I tell you, I ship them more than I ship Romione/Hinny. Although I have never read a fic of them, they had cute moments. ☺️
Linny (Ginny Weasley/Luna Lovegood): Luna is a Ravenclaw. Ginny is a Gryffindor. Ravenclaw is Blue. Gryffindor is Red. I LOVE RED-BLUE PAIRINGS. 💖💖
Pansmione (Pansy Parkinson/Hermione Granger) & Blaron (Blaise Zabini/Ron Weasley): Another Slytherin/Gryffindor pairing? And another enemies-to-lovers? And also lesbian/gay? Hell YES. 💞💞💞💞
Hedric (Cedric Diggory/Harry Potter): Their relationship in the fourth movie/book was cute and pure and I will never forgive them for killing Cedric. He was a good friend to Harry and he could have been more than that :(
Chedric (? (Cedric Diggory/Cho Chang): Yes. Just yes. I don't know why, but they are so cute for me. 🥺
Charry (Harry Potter/Cho Chang): This might be controvesial but I like them (definitely more than Hinny). They were kinda cute.
Dransy (Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson): I don't know what to think about this. Part of me says "They're besties". The other part says "They look cute together". Let's say I'm more inclined to say YES. 😉
Lunsy (Pansy Parkinson/Luna Lovegood): It's a Slytherin/Ravenclaw pairing. That's all I need to know. Just yes. 💙💚💙💚💙💚
Hansy (Harry Potter/Pansy Parkinson): It's like Drarry but the love interest is a girl instead of a boy. So it's a yes for me.
Nuna (Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood): You know for one moment I thought they would be canon and I shipped them-
Deamus (Dean Thomas/Seamus Finnigan): They belong together. I don't accept objections. 😆😆
Flintwood (Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood): Two captains, one from Gryffindor and the other from Slytherin, in a relationship? Yes.
Blamione (Blaise Zabini/Hermione Granger) & Ronsy (Ron Wealey/Pansy Parkinson): They're like Pansmione and Blaron but with the love interest reversed so YES.
Ginmione (Ginny Weasley/Hermione Granger): Friends to lovers? Two Gryffindor? A sapphic ship? Perfect. ✨
Dinny (Dean Thomas/Ginny Weasley): They were canon but they're not my thing. I prefer Ginny with Hermione/Luna and Dean with Seamus.
Drastoria (Draco Malfoy/Astoria Greengrass): Not my thing neither but I guess they're good. 👌
Druna (Draco Malfoy/Luna Lovegood): I ship Draco with Harry/Ron/Hermione so it's a no for me. Besides I see them as besties. 😔
Chomione (Cho Chang/Hermione Granger): Never thought of it but it seems interesting. 👀
Fremione (Fred Weasley/Hermione Granger): It's not bad but If I were Hermione and I had to date a Weasley- I would choose Ginny. But they're not a bad ship ;)
Geormione (George Weasley/Hermione Granger): The same argument as the previous ship.
Lovander (Rolf Scamander/Luna Lovegood): They're okay but not my thing.
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shanastoryteller · 2 years
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you please do slytherin harry or gryffindor draco!!!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Sometimes Percy wishes the public feud he has with Agnesa was a little more real than it actually is, if only so he wouldn't feel obligated to let her pull him into things. "I'm not sneaking into Madame Pomfrey's office and stealing her logs from twenty years ago."
"I'm not asking you to," Agnesa protests, "I'm asking you to ask your brothers to. They like a challenge."
The worst part is that he knows George and Fred would do it gladly.
Penelope looks up from their potions homework. "I'll do it."
Agnesa's eyes narrow and Percy feels his eyebrows rising. "What do you want in return?"
"You'll find out when I ask for it," she says.
Agnesa scowls, but she must be really serious about this, because she says, "Fine. Nothing that will affect my class standing, though."
"Why are you going through this much effort to find out information about Remus Lupin?" he asks. "I already got you his last known address."
And hadn't that been a fun conversation to have with his father. He's pretty sure his dad had to ask one of his friends in another department to look it up for him, and Percy's not totally comfortable with his part in a misuse of government resources.
"I can't just show up at someone's house and harass them about their dead friends without ammunition," she says hotly. Percy would really prefer if she didn't do that at all. "Pulling his grades and school records are easy enough, but I can't get into the medical records myself."
Technically, she can't get his school records on her own, but the head boy is Troy Thompson, who is also captain of the Slytherin quidditch team and beholden to Agnesa because her tutoring is all that's keeping several members of his team from being forced off.
Marcus Flint probably owes Agnesa his first born or something for helping him pass transfiguration last year.
The Head Girl and Head Boy have access to student records and Troy won't blink an eye at abusing his power to stay on Agnesa's good side.
It's too bad that Agnesa won't let him forget about her being a Slytherin for a single moment. She's pretty cool otherwise.
Later, lying in bed and staring at the ceiling, he asks, "Do you think I bring these sort of things things onto myself?" without giving any sort of context.
"Yeah," Oliver says, voice muffled because of his glowing wand he that has clenched between his teeth. He's still going over quidditch plays even though they have an early class tomorrow.
Sometimes he thinks the people that accuse him of being high strung have just never spent an afternoon with Oliver Wood.
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ricky-tiki-tah · 4 months
Ego Headcanons: The Ipliers
Pt. 2
Iplier Manor is home to most of Mark Fischbach’s egos, the Ipliers.
Part 1
Google Blue(he/him): the head of the android family. Is the one that goes to meetings. Often helps Dark keep the schedule updated and followed.
Google Green-GG(he/him): generally easygoing and helpful. If you need a question answered, he’s the one to go to.
Google Red(he/him): very easily annoyed and tends to avoid Bing for that reason. Is not the one you want to ask for help with anything.
Google Yellow-Oliver(he/him): the most human of the Googles. He suspects it’s because he has a name and he’s tried giving his siblings names but they never stick. Spends most of his time with Bing or Eric (he enjoys the quiet company of the younger ego).
Bing(he/him): your basic skater bro. Enjoys annoying Blue. Is always very happy when Oliver agrees to watch him do tricks on his skateboard.
—The androids are their own family.
Reporter Jim-RJ(he/him): always has a microphone.
Cameraman Jim-CJ(he/him): always has a camera.
Anchorman Jim-AJ(he/him): knows thingsTM.
Weatherman Jim-DubJ(he/him): always has an accurate weather forecast.
—The Jims are clones. No one (besides Dark) knows where they came from but they call each other brothers. If more Jims appear, they will be immediately added to the family. They have some sort of hive mind/telepathy and often talk to each other nonverbally. Dark is strangely protective of them. Apart from the telepathy, they have no known powers.
Sliver Shepherd(he/him): doesn’t live in the Manor. Has a girlfriend. Only visits for mandatory meeting and Christmas. Has beef with his alter ego (nobody knows why, or how). - Powers: super strength/speed.
Dadiplier-Stan(he/him): BiAce but hasn’t really acknowledged it yet. Shares an apartment with Friendly J. Rarely visits, only for mandatory meetings. Generally friendly and easygoing guy. Typical suburban dad. Runs a water business (and is a drug dealer on the side) with Jimmy. Is a grade A criminal but you’d never suspect it. - Power: hydrokinesis.
Ed Edgar(he/him): doesn’t live in the manor. Runs a small illegal adoption agency for kids that have suffered abuse. Is really, really bad at advertising. - Power: unknown.
Captain Magnum(he/him): pirate dad. Doesn’t live at the manor. Very tallTM. - Powers: unknown.
Illinois Smith(he/him): pan adventurer dude. Lives in a separate cabin in the Iplier woods with Camper. The two keep an eye on Heehoo. - Powers: absurdly good luck
Camper Mark-Cam(he/him): lives with Illinois. Has a tent permanently set up beside the cabin for Heehoo when it rains. - Powers: unknown.
Heehoo(???): feral. Loves takis. Lives in the woods surrounding Iplier Manor. Really only interacts with Camper and Illinois. - Powers: unknown.
MerMark(he/him): merman with a rainbow tail. He has an aquarium like room in the manor that connects to the swimming pool and a lake in the woods by the cabin. He’ll see Heehoo every once in a while. - Powers: can talk to any aquatic creature.
King of FNAF-Mike(he/him): isnt actually a security guards for Iplier Manor. (He works at this pizza joint with haunted animatronics). Was later promoted to ceo. Hates his job (but can’t quit because FazEnt somehow basically owns him?? He doesn’t know when that happened either). Is terrified of animatronics and mannequins. Hangs around Dave mostly (he’s the only one awake when he gets off work and Dave is a pretty chill guy. He helps Mike calm down enough to sleep. Yes, Yan thinks they’re dating. Are they? They don’t even know themselves.) - Powers: heightened endurance.
Dave Torres(he/him): has no idea how he got to the manor and at this point is too scared to ask. Keeps to himself mostly but enjoys hanging out with Mike. Doesn’t need much sleep to function, but seems to always have a cup of coffee anyway. - Powers: dream walking.
Annus Memento(he/they/any): agender aroace god of time. Spends most of his time with Unus(possibly in a QPR). Absolutely hates being called “Old Man Time” despite that being his title. Followed constantly by the sound of a ticking clock (Elliot and Unus find it comforting). Is a wacky weirdo but can be serious. - Powers: time(controls the amount of time people have in their life, but can also warp time like if he wanted to run away from Dark after pranking him).
Eboy Mark-Elliot(he/him): gay e-boy and in a relationship with Gothan. One of the physically younger egos (around 20). Sees Annus as a father figure (Annus doesn’t understand how but accepts it as inevitable). Will occasionally call the other young egos his younger siblings. - Powers: unknown.
Convict-Vic(they/he): Largely nonverbal. Severely traumatized. Seems to be the embodiment of a pathetic sad puppy. Surprisingly doesn’t hate water (it’s clear and they can see through it well enough), but will not go in the pool/lake. No one actually knows what crime he committed and they’ve never said. Hangs around Engie the most, often just following him around like an extra shadow (he enjoys their warm hugs and the fact that Engie doesn’t expect them to talk). Will also sometimes hang around Annus, Dark, or Dave as well, seeing as they’re fairly calm egos and they let him just exist nearby and watch them do whatever they might be doing at the moment. Carries around a notebook for if they really need to say something. - Powers: unknown.
The Ipliers are always eager and open to answer questions :)
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keykeep · 2 years
Kinktober Day 10:The Captain and The Chaser-Oliver Wood
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Warning: Shower Sex,masturbation,deep throating
You woke up earlier than usual because Oliver Wood had called training. It was close to Quidditch season and the new seeker Harry Potter still had a lot to learn before the first big match. You walked into the changing room as you heard your teammates grumbling at the early start or complaining about how Wood is the only one who can be excited over an overcast morning with potential rain developing.
The only person who was a morning person and was full of energy and happiness was Oliver Wood. He commanded attention as everyone gathered around him. “Alright team we are going to play a match against Hufflepuff, we need all the practice we can get, so let’s get out there and have a great time”.
His pep talks were legendary and always put the team in a good mood. For you it was seeing the well built Scotsman who was passionate about Quidditch that made your day. As one of the three chasers for Gryffindor along with Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet were gearing up away from the male gazes as you listened to the passionate Gryffindor captains lecture on tactics.
It was time for everyone to step onto the Quidditch pitch and you noticed Wood had gone quiet you turned to look at him and saw his gaze directed at you. “Wood has wood” Fred and George bellowed taking off before Oliver could get his hands on them. “ I have not, for the record” he says embarrassed taking to the sky. You and the girls giggled as you assume your positions for the start of the match.
Madam Hooch blew her whistle and the game had started, you had scored the first 10 points for the team with Oliver flying up to you to congratulate you. Alicia had scored the other point, laughing to you that Oliver had a favourite as he didn’t congratulate her. Instead you could hear Oliver screaming at Harry to locate the snitch.
You felt drops of water fall on you as a heavy downpour cascaded from the clouds. Visibility was difficult and gaining the ball away from Hufflepuff was very hard, they were able to score twice more. Harry was chasing the snitch but within minutes Hufflepuff was cheering because in the Seekers hand held a flapping golden ball meaning the end of the game.
Defeated you all packed into the changing room. Cold, wet,muddy and miserable not looking forward to the yelling that was impending from the captain. Oliver Wood walked into the changing room throwing his broom and yelling at all players personally for their incompetence to navigate in bad weather and how he will never live down such a bad match.
He told everyone to hit the showers as you noticed Wood’s gaze fixated on your chest, you followed his gaze to the soaking shirt sticking to your curves and the colour started off as white but now was transparent. You crossed your arms across your chest as your cheeks turned scarlet while you went outside.
You and the girls waited until the boys were out of the showers and on the way to their dormitories. Once the coast was clear you were getting undressed when you noticed Oliver Wood still in the shower. You watched the strong naked body of Oliver glistening with water droplets, your gaze lowered and you noticed Oliver’s hand stroking his erect cock. “Well are you going to watch me or are you going to join me?” You heard him say making you jump. As you kissed the muscles on his back feeling them relax under your lips.
“Here, let me help you with that” you said wrapping your petite fingers around his cock feeling a sharp intake of breath from Oliver as he says “ I’ve missed you, it’s been torture not being able to be with you today” your hand pumping his cock as you whined “ how come we can’t tell anyone we’re together?”. You felt his cock twitch in your hand as Oliver spoke “I’ve told you, they will see it as favouritism the captain and the chaser in a relationship” “I’m sure they won’t mind” you said kneeling on the cold tiles feeling the hot water fall over your body as you took the tip of his cock into your mouth.
Oliver closed his eyes and leaned his head back all hopes of talking diminished as you licked up and down his length before putting more of his cock in your mouth, you heard Oliver moan your name as he pulls on your hair as you suck him hard and deep over and over. Throwing your hand into the mix as you pump his cock while you sucked, you heard his breath quicken followed by a low groan.
Hands tightened in your hair as he empties himself down your throat, your lips fully wrapped around his cock sucking down all the juices from Oliver. He swore as you removed your mouth from his cock and stood facing him. His gaze landing over your dripping wet body as he licked his lips,He kissed your lips which got more passionate as you melted against each other. He moves his hands over your breasts gently kneading them in his hands, before he bends down running his tongue around your sensitive chest before taking the nipple into his mouth earning a gasp to tumble from your lips. He planted kisses down your abdomen as he kneeled on the floor in front of you.
His fingertips ran over your tight opening as he runs his down down the same path with one gracious lick, you groaned taking your turn to grasp onto his hair. Spreading your legs wider to give him more access, Oliver pressed his face to your valley using his tongue to seek the pleasure spots.He found a rhythm using his fingers and his tongue rubbing in and around the soft mound of flesh applying just enough pressure that wound you up tighter and tighter with every passing minute.
Your body started convulsing as the pressure inside builds until you cum hard causing you to be incapable of making any noise as you come down from your high. Oliver stands up walking closer to you until your back hit the wall. You hug yourself closer to him as he kissed you, passion building between you as you felt his cock harden against your body signalling his need for round two.
He presses his cock into you grabbing your hips and thrusting his body so that he is fully inside you. You moan feeling every inch slowly retreat before quickly pounding into you again. Your fingers traced up and down his back as you pushed your hips back and forth his length. You closed your eyes loving the feel around you “you like this?” He said pleased with himself as you moaned in response.
Each time he thrust his cock in you it was met with a sound out of your lips both of you grunting and breathing hard quickening your paces together hard bodies colliding together as his cock pulsated with his new orgasm. You cried out in ecstasy as you joined him in heaven riding out the orgasm. Finally the pumping slowed as he smiled at you with sweet satisfaction etched on his face, he removed his cock from inside you as you moaned at the loss of contact.
“We should probably wash up now” he said kissing your lips, taking the soap you took turns lathering your hands up before running it over each other’s bodies. Both satisfied you turned the shower off getting dressed in clean clothes. You exited the changing room tent together bumping into George Weasley who was smiling at you both. “I just came in to check Oliver wasn’t trying to drown himself after the defeat” before yelling out to his brother “you owe me a galleon, I knew they were together”.
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sweetpandorabox · 1 year
Oliver Wood as a Boyfriend 🏅🦁
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…⋙
Warnings ⚠️: Slight mentioned of sexual themes and some spicy stuff.
Dating this high-driven and competitive yet, well-built and burly Gryffindor Quidditch captain could include:
Being his number-one fan and guardian, you've never missed any of his quidditch games before, you drop off some food and water after his afternoon practices, making sure his quidditch gear/uniform is all set up for morning training and laid out on the foot of his bed, you being extremely competitive with him because you want him to win, putting away his and quidditch books/coach notebook when he fell asleep and making sure he stays up to date in all his classes even though he's crazy busy being captain for the Gryffindor team.
Him blowing a kiss and giving you lots of cheesy winks and smirks throughout his quidditch game to make you laugh.
He calls you cute nicknames like Love, Pretty, Babe, or Lucky Charm (he calls you this because he believes that you bring him good luck in all aspects of his life but especially quidditch, he thinks you're a gem).
Likes when you call him Ollie, Darling, Champion, Sweets, or Babe.
His love language is probably physical touch, he's usually really tired and sore after Quidditch practices so all he wants is a good cuddle or some back/head scratches from you, and that's more than enough to keep him happy.
Wearing his Gryffindor Quidditch hoodie with his last name written on it because it's big, comfy, and smells like him.
He constantly reminds you that he misses you and that loves you so very much through little notes he gives you when he walks pass you in the hallways, despite him being busy with Quidditch.
You love his accent and do a really good impression of it that it never fails to make him laugh.
Him carrying you easily without a struggle to your bed upstairs every day after you've fallen asleep somewhere that isn't your room/bed.
Arm wrestles almost every day because you're convinced that you are much stronger than he is, even though he has proven you wrong on so many occasions by winning almost every time.
You still blush hard and make goo-goo eyes while watching Oliver work out to keep fit on the quidditch pitch grass area. Shirtless with only black shorts, white socks, and sneakers while sweat ran down his hard-rock abs and biceps.
He easily gets pissed off and annoyed if he hears his male teammates complimenting you too much or even staring at you for too long.
Sometimes he forgets how to genuinely breathe when he sees you wearing dressier clothing and letting your soft and fragrant hair down lose after it's been tied back from a ponytail, braids, or a messy bun.
Because he's the captain of his own house team his voice tends to sound demanding and empowering towards his teammates, but when it comes to you his voice softens to a more gentle, loving, and slower tone which you find adorable as you can tell the difference.
Him giving you a hug from the back and resting his chin on top of your head before shutting his eyes and relaxing or picking you up to sit on a table while he stands in between your legs giving you kisses.
Him obsessively going on about all the new broom models that the Quidditch equipment store has in store this season, so you try to save as much money as you could to afford the broom that he wanted, so you can give it to him for Christmas.
Going to the Quidditch World Cup with him and staying with his family in their magic tent was one of your two's favorite moments/memories together.
You both met each other because he accidentally threw a Quaffle on your head when he was passing it around, back and forth to Angelina in one of the Hogwarts courtyards while you're trying to walk past. He felt really bad and gasped before running to see if you were okay, and when he realized he hit a really pretty girl he apologize like 10x times before offering his last licorice wand to you out of his pocket which made you laugh and accept his apology, and the rest was history.
Trying to cheer him up and make him laugh when Gryffindor losses a match against another house, it takes time but he eventually smiles and laughs because of how cute you are.
Giving him a light slap on the shoulder to stop him from saying something or to scold him when he says the wrong thing/something very unhelpful.
@igncrantbliss @milivanili99 @thatdummy-girl @nighttimemoonlover
A/N: Omg you guys I've been gone for so long, I'm so sorry for abandoning you guys. Senior year has managed to drive me nuts and take all my time away from me, so I was unable to do the things I love most, and that includes blogging! but I recommend you read this to understand a bit more as to why I haven't been uploading weekly like I said I would x otherwise I'll try to post as much as I can during my break xx I love you all and missed you all dearly my angels.
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latveriansnailmail · 3 months
Accepting @noirandchocolate's open invitation.
The game is to poll the people on five of my favorite Blorbos.
I'ma go propaganda first and poll at the bottom. In no particular order:
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Trap Jaw from Masters of the Universe. Dodging the old cartoon in which he was mostly just another incompetent flunky, in the wider lore he was once Kronis, possible evil astronaut(?) and lieutenant to Keldor. When Keldor became Skeletor and went nuts in the process, Kronis was the one to challenge him to his face. It didn't go well and Tri-Klops was told to "do something" with the resulting carcass. Frankensteined back into action with interchangeable weapons and a mouth that can break swords, Trap Jaw bides his time until he can dispose of Skeletor once and for all. Story over; now just look at him. What a wonderful mess of a man-monster. Note how the mechanical arm is coupled deep into the chest meats. I've loved this guy since I was like four.
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Captain America (Steve Rogers). Damn right that's America's ass. I grew up on Spider-man who has been an important hero to me, always a step or two ahead of me in life. But who is my hero's hero? Across all media again and again Spider-man and his friends have turned to Captain America for guidance and inspiration. Cap's most remarkable trait to me is his intuition as to what the morally correct stance is in any situation and his conviction to stick to it. If you're reading a Cap comic where Cap is not in the right, that is a bad comic! Throw it away.
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Green Arrow (Oliver Queen). He's not powerful. He does one thing perfectly but otherwise he's just a man, flawed at that. But he has his spot on the Justice League (Batman's insistence) because he will get in the face of anyone, no matter how powerful, and speak the hard truth in defense of the people who would otherwise be hurt. He is the designated much-needed conscience of some of the multiverse's most powerful heroes. He can be outdated. He can be sexist. But he puts his privilege to work, talks shit, and shoots arrows.
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Zechs Merquise/Milliardo Peacecraft. I do enjoy some Gundams. So murky. So packed with military action that serves to strip war of its grandeur. Zechs here is usually one of the main antagonists in Gundam Wing (my introduction to Gundam) but turns on his heel so much it's clear he thinks he's the only character that matters. Plus I crush on him pretty hard.
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Equius Zahhak. I don't bring it up much now but I was big into Homestuck from close to the beginning. Equius is STRONG and focused on self-improvement. He has little patience for your bullshit unless you are Nepetta. He guzzles centaur milk if memory serves and seeks to master the art of archery, except he's so STRONG he keeps breaking every bow he tries to use. As such his weapon of choice is a broken bow used as a whip.
Special Note: I'm sure you all thought I would be bringing Doctor Doom and Thundarr the Barbarian into this thing but you were wrong this time. Also I couldn't settle on one Discworld character. Honorable mention to Kurt Russell who is in fact an actor and not a character. I will watch pretty much anything with Kurt Russell in it.
I'm going to force some hands here. Tagging my last five interactions:
@into-the-merry-wood @piefish @mythosidhe @mi-contra-fa @cattailtales
Please tag me so I'm sure to see yours!
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mydarllinglover · 1 year
SafeHouse || Four
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"Keira? what the bloody hell are you doing here?" My brother, Ron asked me as he and Hermione met me in the quidditch stands for the Gryffindors practise
"same as you Ronald, watching their practise" I said as if it was obvious
"But you hate the cold, and the outside, and Quidditch"
"Oh, Ronald, people can change you know, besides I seem to really enjoy it now" I huffed and folded my arms across my chest
"More like enjoying the sight of Oliver Wood" Hermione teased
"What?! Keira! He's four years older than you"
"Is that a Slytherin?" There was my sweet Scottish man "You're gonna have ta leave" He flew up to where we were sat, waving at me to shoo off
"Me?! I'm just here to watch the same as these two" I furrowed my eyebrows
"Sorry, Weasley, I cant be having other teams watching my practises, who knows who you could be telling"
"but I- ugh fine, your not even that cute anyway" I rolled my eyes as I stood up and brushed myself off and headed back to ground
"What did she-
"Just ignore her" I could hear my brothers eye roll from here
"Bye Keira, ta ta" My other Brothers, Fred and George waved at me, both with matching grins as i stomped back to the castle.
"Hey, GinGin!" I greeted my little sister in a sing song tone
"Keira" she smiled back at me
"What do you know about Wood?" I asked her as I squished myself up next to her on the Gryffindor table at lunch.
"Well, He's the Gryffindors quidditch team captain, he's four years older than you-
"why does everyone keep mentioning that" I cut her off
"and its his final year"
"wait!" I stopped her
"I'm fourteen in march, so he wont be that much older than me, when's his birthday?!" i wiggled my eyebrows
"I dont know, Keira go ask Percy, they are in the same year" she rolled her eyes
"Brilliant, thanks Gin" i kissed her head, her trying to get out of my hold, and rushed off to find my oldest brother at Hogwarts.
"Jesus Christ Percy, where the bloody hell are you?" I sighed as I walked out the library
I had searched everywhere, the Great Hall, the library, the stairs and in front of the fat lady portrait. I had no idea where he might be.
Feeling defeated, I was on my way to the dungeons, feeling sweaty, wanting a lie down and relax.
As I turned the corner I caught sight of him, lip locking with some Ravenclaw girl, wait I remember Ginny briefly mentioning her in the catch up of the last few years I missed, her name was something murkyocean, nah that wasn't right, oh well, Percy looked pretty busy for the moment so I decided to just let the whole thing go and accept defeat.
"Miss Weasley, what are you doing?"
"Professor Dumbledore?! what are you doing sneaking up on people?!"
"I beg your pardon, Miss Weasley, but as the headmaster of the school I was making my rounds when I saw you hiding behind the corner, is there something suspicious happening on the other side?" He asked me as I froze up over what I just did and he leaned over the corner a bit to try and see, but was met with nothing as Percy and cleansea had already disappeared.
"What?! you really said that to Dumbledore?!" Hermione gasped,Her, Ron and I were currently walking back from Hogsmeade for the first time, sadly Harry couldn't come as he had no one to sign his permission slips, I offered to forge a signature, as well as Fred and George but he wasn't having it.
"What do you expect, he's the one who jumped out on me, who does that to someone" I rolled my eyes
"I feel bad for Harry" Ron sighed "He would love it here"
"yeah, well at least we got him a bunch of his favourite sweets from honeydukes to cheer him up" I smiled and shook the bag
"Oh, and Keira, you were only joking when you said you were gonna kiss Harry, right?"
"Yeah? why" I asked Ron, dragging out the y
"phew, its just that the bloody git hasn't shut up about you since, and frankly, its annoying hearing your name all the time" Ron rolled his eyes
"Gee thanks Ronald"
"you know she's in love with Oliver right" Hermione giggled
"I am not!" I protested "I just wanna get married and have his babies" I laughed until Ron smacked my arm with the back of his hand, giving me a death glare
"Thats not funny!" he narrowed his eyebrows
"you do realise that one day we are both going to find someone, right? and instead of being bossy and annoying such as yourself, I will accept Hermione with loving arms" I shrugged my shoulders, Hermione choked on her saliva and Ron froze up
"I- what- no, me and Ron- Never-
"I would never, how could- thats rubbish-" they both stuttered at the same time
"I'll leave you two lovebirds alone, shall I?"
"Wait, Keira no! You can stay, don't go" Hermione called after me but I was already heading up to the castle.
When I entered the Slytherin common room after dinner, I was pleasantly surprised to find it empty, apart from a small group of first years playing wizards chess in the corner. It actually gave me a chance to have a proper look around the room for the first time, and examine the extravagant details, apart from it being bloody freezing and the lurking rumour of evilness shadowing the room, it was quite lovely.
Seizing the opportunity, I decided to grab my divination book and do some reading, I was with Hermione on the subject being a pile of nonsense but never the less, I wanted to pass my classes.
I had been reading for over ten minutes, making notes in the margins along the pages until an insufferable git had interrupted me.
"Well well well, what a rare sighting, Weasley is actually spending time in her own house" I could Hear Malfoys mocking tone leaning over me "How very peculiar to see her not with her dim witted brother, scarface and the MudBl-
"Finish that sentence Malfoy, and I will make you regret it" I threatened, our faces only inches apart as I held my wand up to his throat, my other hand clutching his jumper
His friends watched, waiting on Malfoy to call them to take care of me, but before they could jump in, one of our prefects had barged through the room, eyeing us suspiciously before making an announcement to the students, that I hadn't even realised started filling the room
"Everyone must head to the Great Hall immediately" He told us
"Whats happened?" A Forth year asked
"I dont know, we just got told to tell everyone to head to the Great Hall, so come on, hurry up" He ushered us
I reluctantly lowed my wand, letting go of my grip on Malfoy, and following the other students out of the dungeons
Walking into the Great hall, I searched all across the sea of students, looking for a head full of red hair, Fred and George were the first to catch my attention and I bounded for them
"Guys!" I grabbed their attention and they spun in sync to greet me
"Keira!" Fred cheered as I looped both my arms around each of their necks and bringing them into a hug
"Are you guys okay, is anyone hurt?!" I asked them
"Calm down, will ya, everyone's okay" George grinned
"Except the fat lady, she's spooked"
"Serves her right, she was a shit singer"
"Wheres the others?" I brought their attention back to me and out of their conversation
"You really think that we know where everyone is"
"what their doing "
"every minute"
"of everyday?" They both exchanged knowing looks with one another, as if they were hiding a secret
"don't be stupid Keira" George patted my head
"but turn around" Fred said as he grabbed my shoulders and turned me around, seeing Ron talking with Harry and Hermione, Ginny with some of her friends, gossiping about the situation most likely and then Percy, making note of all the Gryffindors he could see.
"Your welcome!" George shouted after me as I went towards the trio
"You all okay?" I asked them
"Keira!" Hermione greeted me with a smile "are you okay?"
"I just asked you that" I laughed
"They think Blacks in the castle" Ron paled, just thinking about it
"yeah, i know" I rolled my eyes "Harry, how are you?" I asked the boy who looked to be stuck in his own thoughts, my voice breaking him out of his trance
"Hm?, what? oh right yeah, I'm okay, glad no ones hurt" He blushed
"The teachers and I need to conduct a thorough search of the castle"Professor Dumbledore announced, cutting off all conversations "I'm afraid that, for your own safety, you will have to spend the night here. I want the prefects to stand guard over the entrances to the Hall and i am leaving the Head boy and girl in charge. Any disturbance should be reported to me immediately" he added, to my brother Percy "send word with one of the ghosts"
Professor Dumbledore paused, about to leave the Hall "Oh, yes, you'll be needing ..."
with a wave of his wand, the long tables flew to the edges of the hall and stood themselves against the walls, another wave and the floor was covered with hundreds of squishy purple sleeping bags.
"sleep well" he waved his hand, walking out the door.
Conversations broke out instantly, The Gryffindors excitedly rushing to tell the other houses what had happened, and my poor older brother trying to get everyone to behave and to their sleeping bags.
"C'mon" Ron said to us, we seized four sleeping bags, dragging them to a lonely corner.
"So what actually happened to the fat lady?" I asked them "Fred and George said she was spooked"
"When we went up there, a crowd was stood outside, Ron guessed Neville had forgotten the password-
Which I didn't, by the way!"  Neville cut Hermione off from a distance away from us, causing Hermione to lower her voice so no one could hear our conversation
"Anyway, Thats when we noticed that the fat lady was missing, and there were deep cuts all down the painting, she claims it was him" Hermione whispered
"Do you think Blacks still in the castle?" I asked them, anxiously.
"Dumbledore obviously thinks he might be" Ron replied
"Its very lucky he picked tonight, you know" Hermione told us as we crawled inside the sleeping bags, propping ourselves up on our elbows, I cringed at the feeling of my jeans in the sleeping bag. "The one night we weren't in the tower ..."
"I reckon he's lost track of time, being on the run" Ron shrugged
"Makes sense, didn't realise it was Halloween. Otherwise he would have come bursting in here" I finished his thought, Hermione shuddering at the idea.
Conversations broke out about how Sirius Black could have possibly broke in, eventually Hermione had shut them down with facts from Hogwarts, a History, and logic, I zoned out at the chaotic conversations, my focus on Harry, and how he had sat in silence this whole time.
I nudged his arm, grabbing his attention before I spoke "Are you sure you're okay? Its fine if you're not, given whats going on"
"I'm fine" he nodded "just thinking"
"The lights are going out now!"Percy shouted "I want everyone in their sleeping bags and no more talking!"
I rolled my eyes at his orders but dropped my elbows and turned around to look upwards as the Hall fell into silence, and eventually darkness.
I had been staring at The Great Hall ceiling for quite some time now, counting the hours by how many teachers would come in to check on everything, the soft snores of sleeping students working as white noise, I was focused  on the swirling clouds until a conversation broke the blissful silence.
I could make out the faint voices of Snape and Dumbledore discussing something.
I quickly turned on my side, facing the wall, and pretended I was asleep as their footsteps drew nearer and I could make better sense out of what they were saying
"it seems - almost impossible - that Black could have entered the school without inside help. I did express my concerns when you appointed-"
"I do not believe a single person inside this castle would have helped Black enter it" Dumbledore cut Snape off "I must go down to the Dementors, I said i would inform them when our search was complete" As they walked off, their conversation got harder to hear, Percy joining it again until Dumbledore left, a few moments passed until eventually Snape followed after.
I opened my eyes and turned facing Harry's Green ones and Ron's matching blue ones beside him, I looked to my side to spot Hermione still awake as well. All four of us having confused faces
"What was that all about?" Ron mouthed to us.
Sirius Black had been the only topic of discussion in the past few days at Hogwarts, and frankly I was sick of hearing the many rumours conjured up about him, mostly from the slytherins.
I hadn't seen much of my friends since spending the night with them in The Great Hall, they had been a lot more secretive and less about, and being in different houses it was a lot harder to find them.
Me being the stubborn cow that I was, I had decided I had enough of hiding away from the Slytherins, more specifically the ones in my year and that I was done staying away from them, if I felt like spending time in the common room, i bloody well would, it couldn't possibly be that hard to ignore their taunts, and who knows maybe we might all be able to get along, ha. fat chance, but My mother always said it was helpful to be hopeful, or something like that. 
So there I was for the mean time, sat on one of the leather sofa's in the Slytherin common room, working on some homework after my last class of the day, Herbology.
"You know, its quite rude to stare at people" I said to the two boys who had been sat opposite me and having a discussion for the past five minutes, their stare burning on me every few seconds, I finally looked up from my books and parchment to meet their eyes.
I had no idea what their names were, not really taking notice or caring about any of the Slytherins in my year really but I knew they were friends, or at least acquaintances with Malfoy, the only ones I knew were Malfoy of course as well as his trollish body guards, Crabbe and Goyle, and then my dorm buddies, Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bullstrode, Tracey Davis and Daphne Greengrass.
I looked between the two boys, the first one, who I had heard talk a lot more than the second, I could tell was tall, maybe not as tall as Ron, but then again, he was sitting down, he was skinny as well, not a lot of muscle, he had chestnut brown hair that fell in light curls with a fringe that he sometimes blew out of his grey eyes.
His friend who was sat next to him, was also obviously tall with the build of a chaser, he had dark skin and high cheekbones, he was model worthy.
I noticed how they were both handsome, the dark skinned one looked at me with a frown etched on his beautiful face, as if he didn't want to be anywhere near me, how pleasant.
"I'm sorry, do I know you or something?" I asked them, suffocating under their stare
"You're Weasleys sister, right?" The lighter skinned boy asked
"Yes, as far as I am aware, and you are?" I asked, not really caring if I got an answer
"Theodore Nott, and this is Blaise Zabini" Theodore introduced him and his friend
"Okay, well you obviously already know my Last name but I'm Keira-
"Meaning little dark one" Theo said, with an suggestive smirk
"Uh, I wasn't aware of that, kinda weird that you are, anyways I think I might go before the rest of your little gang arrives, farewell" I bid them goodbye and gathered my things, but before I could leave Blaise stopped me.
"Sit down Weasley, there is a point to Notts insufferable yapping"
"I didn't ask, see ya" But this time Theodore caught my wrist
"And we don't care, now sit down and listen" He told me, his smirk had gone and a serious frown replaced it.
Snatching my wrist out of his hold I plopped back down onto the sofa and crossed my arms
"Well? I haven't got all day"
"Just a moment, He's not here yet" Blaise put up a hand
"What your master? so he can tell you what good little lap dogs you're being?" I rolled my eyes
"Shut your mouth, Blood traitor! You dont know anything" Theodore lunged for me but Blaise calmly placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him
"Awe, you guys are so cute together bleodore, Hogwarts least favourite couple" I teased
The door to the Common room opened, out of curiosity I turned around to see Malfoy, followed by Crabbe and Goyle walking in.
I rolled my eyes to the back of my head
"Whatever it is you have to say, go bother someone else with it, because I couldn't care less" I turned back around to tell Theodore and Blaise, attempting to stand up again but this time Malfoys bony hand clamped down on my shoulder
"Not so fast, Weasley, Boys I think it better if we discuss this in our dorm, without wandering ears" He suggested, but it was obvious he wasn't asking for an answer
"You guys have fun with that, im just gonna-"
"Goyle" Before Malfoy could even finish his name, the ogre had already flipped me over on his shoulder
"I'm wearing a skirt you barbarian!" I kicked
"Dont flatter yourself, Weasley, theres not a soul who would be looking" Blaise scowled, but from where I was it kinda looked like an uncomfortable smile.
I continued to slap Goyles back all the way up the stairs until the Five of the them marched through their dorm and Goyle dropped me onto the floor "Ow you oaf, that hurt!" I whined as I rubbed my back and Malfoy dismissed Him and Crabbe to their own dorm they shared with the other Slytherin boy, weird, I thought they were friends, I guess they were just his laps dogs, his big mountain troll lap dogs.
"You know, I may be new here, But boys and girls aren't allowed in the same dormitory rooms, and we're only thirte-
"Fourteen, I'm fourteen my birthday was two months ago" Theodore cut me off, the rest of us giving him a look
"Oh my, wow, see now I definitely can't be in an older boys room, how scandalous" I raised my eyebrows in a mock horror sort of way
"Shut up Wealsey, she jabbers like you Nott" Malfoy told his, friend?
"Oh sweetheart, you wound me" Theodore mocked and held his chest
"I see your busy with a lovers quarrel, I'll let you have some privacy then" I went to leave
"Don't make me cast Pertrificus totalus on you" Malfoy threatened
"oh yes, cast that on the only girl in the boys dorm, how, lovely, you know, if Pansy knows im here, she'll want my head on a pike, now who would want that, I'm sure if you asked nicely she would be happy to take my place"
"Shut it Weasley! I'm above hitting girls, but I will make an exception" Blaise threatened darkly, making me slam my jaw shut and bite my tongue.
"Now, listen."
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hp-bardfest · 7 months
📯 HP BardFest Fic 📯
📜 Play the Game
✒️ Pairing: Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood ✒️ Rating & Length: Mature, 22,669 ✒️ Shakespeare Work: Othello ⚡ Tags & Warnings: Othello inspired, Quidditch, Quidditch Player Marcus Flint, Quidditch Player Oliver Wood, dodging the press, Drama, Angst, Comedy, Happy Ending, Fluff, Poison, Queen (Band) References, Marcus Flint Needs a Hug, Inspired by Shakespeare, HP Bard Fest 2023, Healer Lavender Brown, Bad Puns, mentions of sports-related injuries, Mentions of alcohol, Minor Lavender Brown/Draco Malfoy
‘Puddlemere United’s Oliver Wood new Captain for Scottish National League! Big Irn Bru sponsorship deal sweetens the deal!’ Marcus Flint is a professional Quidditch player and there is nothing he hates more than dealing with the press. Good thing, that their new Captain Oliver Wood is adored by the reporters swarming their training camp. If it just weren't for the teeny-tiny fact that Oliver is acting increasingly strange.
Read on AO3
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redheadspark · 9 months
Can i Ask for an Oliver Wood x female reader, with promote 1 were reader is like very smart and they are like enemies to lovers or something. Only if you want of course😊
A/N - YAS! This will be cute for Oliver! Thanks for requesting this, anon!
Summary - You and Oliver were always at each other's necks....until now
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Warnings - Just some cute fluff
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“You can cut it with a knife,”
“You think so?”
“Come on, look at them!”
Ron looked over at the small argument that unfolded in front of them out on the lawn.  It was between you and Oliver Wood, two captains from rival teams that were bickering with each other on practice times on the pitch.  It was awkward mostly, since both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw teams were awkwardly waiting on the sidelines to see who was going to win the verbal spat between their Captains.  But this was no real shocker to either team nor was it the first time this has happened.
In fact, this was the fourth time this season alone.
“You’ve always hogged the pitch twenty minutes longer than what’s on the practice schedule, Wood!  You needed the extra time because your team’s sloppy?!”
“Come off it, Jones!  You must be that bored in counting the minutes until we leave the pitch to gloss up your maneuvers.  They’re pathetic!”
“Bloody hell, this is one the worst ones,” Rom grumble as he leaned against his broom that was propped up.  His twin brothers were overseeing with small looks of amusement on their faces, arms folded in front of themselves, and looking at their mannerisms and how close you both were at poking each other’s chest with rigid fingers.  Of course, to the others that were watching this weren’t seeing what the twins were seeing.  They were seeing two Captains who hated each other fight overtime on the pitch.
Where as the twins saw two Captains who had it bad for each other.
Ever since you became Captain of the Ravenclaw team Oliver was intimidated by you since you were sharp and had a great wit about Quidditch.  Like Oliver, you grew up on the sport and knew it far more than most of the students at Hogwarts, becoming a Chaser your second year and then Captain a few years later.  Although your love for Quidditch was not as intense as Oliver’s, it was still there and you were smart in your tactics and plays to make Raveclaw a challenging team to beat.  Gryffindor was the top competitor against them, not even Slytherin could handle themselves again Ravenclaw when you were the Captain.  But Oliver saw you as a threat, your eyes ever trained on your teammates and knowing how to stay a few steps ahead of others.  
Arguments between you two became a regular ritual, though it would get far too heated at times about Flitwick and McGonagall having to have talks with you two.  Of course, you felt bad that you were making such a scene, you knew better since you were representing your House.  Then again, you were letting someone like Oliver get under your skin and fester there.  His stubbornness, his fiery temper, and his thirst to win, it always rubbed you wrong.  It didn’t make things better that you were also harboring a crush on him.  His handsomeness in his face and smile, his playing ability in Quidditch, it gave you butterflies when you didn’t really want it.
So your relationship with Oliver was…complicated?
“I bet you 5 galleons she pokes his chest,” George said to his twin as you and Oliver were still arguing back at forth.
“You’re on,” Fred replied as he shook George’s hand.  The rest of the players were watching and almost talking to each other as there was a pause in your argument, finally.  You and Oliver were nearly nose to nose, but there was a sense of ease then as you both were taking a breath.  You realized that arguing with him was not going to make things better, only worse.  You inhaled deeply, looking over at your players in their blue robes and you sighed.  The last thing you wanted to do was make this worse for them, and perhaps this was an eye-opening moment for you as you looked back at Oliver.  He saw the shift in you too, the fire in your eyes was no longer there and you were simply yourself.
“Go ahead,” You replied, Oliver’s eyes going a bit wide as you picked up your broom that was by your boots on the grassy ground, “We’ll go over plays and practice tomorrow,”
Oliver was shocked that you gave in easily, you gripped your room tightly in your fingerless gloves as you were about to walk away.  He reached over and placed a hand on your arm, not in a grip but just a simple press of his fingers along your blue robes.  You looked at the contact, seeing his fingers near your wrist and how you could almost feel the heat of his skin through your robe.
“You…you sure?” He asked, his voice low and almost uncertain as the heat in his voice was also gone. You two locked eyes again, close enough for him to count your freckles and for you to see the specs in his brown eyes as you nodded.  Now that you were close, you were feeling butterflies and almost weak in the knees. 
“It’s not a big deal, honestly.  We’ll come out to practice tomorrow, don’t worry about…Oliver,”
Oliver felt his own heart skip a beat from you saying his name, and he gulped and nodded his head slowly.  You smiled, for the first time at him and he softly smiled too.  But before he could walk over to his own team, you gently poked his chest with one finger.
“Make sure you tell your Beaters to not be sloppy with their swings.” You advised him, then turned on your heels to walk off. Your team followed you, asking you what happened and why you had the change of heart as Oliver stood there in shock and looked on at your backside.  Without him realizing it, he touched the spot on his chest where your finger touched, gasping like a fish.  
George grinned, looking over at Fred with his hand out, “You owe me 5,”
“Shut it,”
The End.
January Prompt Session
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Tagged - @a-lumos-in-the-nox
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