#golden trio critical
fanfic-lover-girl · 1 year
Oliver Wood is NOT a Good Captain
“Bad news, Harry. I’ve just been to see Professor McGonagall about the Firebolt. She — er — got a bit shirty with me. Told me I’d got my priorities wrong. Seemed to think I cared more about winning the Cup than I do about you staying alive. Just because I told her I didn’t care if it threw you off, as long as you caught the Snitch on it first.”
But even Quidditch had lost its fun. The rest of the team wouldn’t speak to Harry during practice, and if they had to speak about him, they called him ‘the Seeker’.
The Gryffindor team visited again on Sunday morning, this time accompanied by Wood, who told Harry, in a hollow, dead sort of voice, that he didn’t blame him in the slightest.
I get the impression that fandom thinks Wood is a loving, good captain but he really is not. In isolation, the third snippet could be read as a joke (they did lose the match after all and Wood is quidditch obsessed). However, when you look at Oliver in totality, he shows time after time that he cares more about winning than Harry's safety and is perfectly ok with throwing Harry under the bus.
Overall, contrary to popular opinion, the Gryffindor team sucks. I am not talking about the individual players, but the whole team. Hermione disses Draco by saying that the lions got on their team by talent (screw Hermione btw, what does this annoying girl know about talent?)...but without Harry, they seem to be a bunch of losers.
Remember Minerva broke the rules for Harry to join the team as a first-year. Do you think she would have done so if the team was truly competent? The Quidditch World Cup in book 4 proved that a team can have a crap seeker and still dominate/win. The lions literally needed favouritism/nepotism to have a chance at winning. Let that sink in. But Snape is totally the biased teacher around here (sarcasm)
In either book 1 or book 2 (I think book 2), Harry missed the match and the team had the worst defeat in over 300 years! Further proof that these people suck without "chosen-one in more ways than one" Harry. By the way, Slytherin has reserve players. Does the Gryfinfor team have reserve players? Because I never see any. In book 6, when Draco and other Slytherins are conveniently out sick (to give Ron a chance at winning because the golden trio never seems to have to earn anything), they have backup players ready (eg that Harper guy who played Seeker in Draco's place). However, in book 5 when Harry and the twins are suspended, the team needs to hold tryouts to get new players. No backups in sight.
In book 3 when Harry gets his firebolt, the team (the entire school minus Slytherin house) gets all horny for the broomstick. "We have a firebolt!" basically reduced Harry's skill and importance to the team to his broomstick. These people don't care about Harry. Yet, it's such a crime when Draco and his team got new broomsticks in book 2! Gryffindors == Hypocrites.
I don't see much of Marcus Flint but from what I have read, I like him more as a captain. When the Gryffindor team tried to group assault a 12 yr old Draco after calling Hermione a mudblood (should have just called her a "bitch" or "hag" instead and saved everyone the need to virtue signal), Flint immediately threw himself in front of Draco to protect him. Remember these are older students trying to beat up a tiny 12 yr old because of something he said. The Weasley twins are BEATERS - just the 2 of them alone could have really hurt Draco. Compare this to Oliver who doesn't give a damn about Harry being hurt as long as he wins.
Also, when Draco is an idiot and loses to Harry in book 2 (of course, the only time someone has a better broom than Harry, Harry wins because that person decided to fool around despite wanting to play on a quidditch team before Harry even knew what the sport was), the Slytherins don't ostracize Draco the way the Gryfindors ostracized Harry when he lost house points.
In a nutshell: Marcus Flint >>> Oliver Wood & Gryffindor team sucks.
PS. If you are a Draco anti or Hermione stan or any other kind of Gryffindor stan that thinks Draco deserved to be group assaulted by bigger, older, stronger students because of calling Hermione a slur in response to her insulting him first, just ignore this post and move on. Unlike you and a good chunk of the HP fandom, I don't get sadistic pleasure from seeing Draco constantly (group) assaulted for saying mean words to characters who had contempt for him first.
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hxuse-xf-black · 1 year
Voldemort: Why don't you just lie down and die with dignity?! Harry: I don't do anything with dignity!
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sevilynne · 2 days
"James is a great person because he changed!"
So dying is changing? 🤨
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It makes me SO angry when people do the golden trio-marauders comparisons/parallels, but they put Harry as JAMES like ??? Harry is Sirius y’all, he literally says so himself when he’s thinking about how he’ll be as wild a godfather to Teddy Lupin as Sirius was to him. And I’m excluding Peter for obvious reasons, so the Remus-Hermione parallels should be strong bc they’re both a stickler for the rules but bend them the instant it’s convenient or helps their friend group, and they’re also the most “outcast” (prejudiced against as a werewolf/muggle-born) of each friend group. Ron is James bc he’s embarrassing when in love, loyal as hell, and would hurt anyone who hurt his people, as well as Ron being a mother hen and me subscribing to the belief that James was one too bc who ELSE was it gonna be of the marauders??? lmao
It’s also not a perfect comparison bc they all have aspects of each other in them, but I am begging everyone to stop falling into the habit that canon characters have of thinking that Harry is just a carbon copy of one or both of his parents. It’s said SO many times and it got old over a decade ago, thank you very much <3
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very-gay-poet · 2 months
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annabellelupin · 4 months
it's been quite a while but I make a list of queer headcanons every year for pride and I can't break my streak so here we go
*marauders era*
-demiaroace lily (yes I will die on this hill)
-demifemme lesbian Marlene
-obviously dorcas is a lesbian too
-pansexual and genderfluid mary
-aroace peter
-transmasc, gay, and aroacespec regulus (will fucking die on this hill too)
-transfemme, pan and ace Alice
-bi and ace frank
-bi Pandora
-last but not least, bisexual remus and gay sirius
*golden trio era*
-demisexual lesbian fleur I shall die on this hill
-pansexual genderfluid tonks
-ginny and harry are bi
-draco is gay plain and simple
-ron is pan (Hermione bicurious)
-percy and Oliver are very very gay (and in love I will not take criticism)
-pansy is most definitely a lesbian I'm just saying
-luna is nonbinary, ace and pan
-neville also takes me as a mspec so bi or pan
and those are the main ones at least
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fanficdelulus · 1 year
Fate (Gojo x Fem! Reader)
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As the three of you arrived at your destination, Satoru turned to [Name] with a mischievous grin and asked, "If you could choose any seat in a classroom, where would you sit?"
[Name] considered the question for a moment before replying, "Hmm, front and center." Her response reflecting her eagerness to learn.
An eager grin spread across Satoru's lips as he playfully took hold of the back of your uniform. A small yelp escaped your lips as your body suddenly fell forward, and surprise was evident on your face as you realized you were practically floating in Satoru's hold. Your [e/c] eyes turned toward the explosion on the side of the building.
Swiftly, Suguru leaped into action. He summoned one of his curses and skillfully caught Riko in the process, displaying his expertise and quick thinking. A sigh of relief escaped your lips as the danger was averted, but it was quickly replaced by a squeal. Your stomach felt like it was in your throat as Gojo swiftly advanced, propelling the two of you toward the next target.
"Phew! Just in time," Gojo stated with a touch of cockiness. He had swiftly stopped an onslaught of knives from piercing the two of you, showcasing his incredible combat and protection skills in the nick of time.
Adrenaline coursed through your veins as you watched in awe as Satoru easily pushed the knives to the side. As the tension in the air grew, the Q Soldier Vayer made himself known. "Ahh, the famous Gojo Satoru, hmm, and who's this foreigner?" he inquired, acknowledging your presence in the mission despite the palpable disgust in his tone. The encounter marked a critical moment in the unfolding mission, where you, a foreign sorcerer, were stepping into the spotlight and engaging with a formidable adversary.
Before you could react, a cocky laugh escaped past Satoru's lips, and his gaze hardened on their opponent. "Of course, you'd think in such an archaic way. Apologize now for what you've said, and I'll let you live," Satoru reiterated, his confidence unwavering. His imposing presence and the demand for an apology created a tense stand-off, setting the stage for a decisive moment in the mission. The Q Soldier Vayer had a choice to make, and the outcome was far from certain.
"Would you two let go of her? That's not how you treat a lady!" You worriedly exclaimed as you and Kuroi swiftly made your way towards the trio. Your concern and assertiveness in defending Riko were evident.
"Kuroi!" Riko gleefully exclaimed, "My lady, they are our friends," Kuroi happily explained as Suguru's cursed spirit carried her along. The warmth of their reunion was palpable.
A warm smile graced your lips as you stuck out your hand. "I'm [Name] [Surname], but you can call me [Name]! Those two idiots over there and I will be escorting you for the merger. It's nice to meet you," you kindly introduced yourself. The introduction marked a moment of camaraderie, with you extending a friendly hand of welcome to Riko.
"You're so pretty," she softly muttered as she gazed at your voluminous curls and the golden hoops that accentuated your look.
Riko's soft compliment made you blush, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth. Your heart melted at Riko's cuteness. She reminded you of one of your foster sisters, and the connection between the two of you was immediate.
Unable to contain your affection, you swiftly pulled Riko into a sisterly hug. "Riko, you're so cuteee," you squealed with genuine delight.
Tender smiles formed on Satoru and Suguru's lips as they observed the heartwarming moment between the two of you. "You know she's spunkier than I thought," Satoru softly commented, revealing a newfound appreciation for Riko's spirit and energy. "Aren't you supposed to be all gloomy because of the merger?" Satoru questioned, genuinely curious about Riko's optimistic attitude.
"I am Riko Amanai, so you better listen up," she confidently began as soon as she finished hugging you, her determination shining through. "I am Master Tengen, and Master Tengen is me! So there's no need for me to be sad about the merger." Riko's resolute words demonstrated her strength of character.
"Well, that's good. I guess was worried about you for no reason," Satoru nonchalantly informed, his demeanor relaxed but clearly relieved by Riko's conviction. "You talk as if the merger and death are the same thing, but they are not! I will live on with Master Tengen!" Riko confidently declared, emphasizing her faith and resolve.
You couldn't help but be impressed by Riko's unwavering dedication, but it also brought a bittersweet realization. Beneath her strong front, she was just a middle school girl, facing a profound and challenging destiny. Your smile faltered in the slightest as you pondered this fact.
Determined to support and protect her, you quietly vowed,
"I'll make the time we have with her as memorable as I can."
Hi loves!! Thank you so much for all the love and support for the first two chapters! Tell me what you think so far!
As always, much love xoxo (´・ω・`)
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vavuska · 10 days
Imane Khelif reacts to the cyberbullying campaign spread by Elon Musk: 'You hate me but you don't even know me'
An emotional Imane Khelif has taken aim at Elon Musk for leading the cruel campaign against her we all know about during this summer's Olympics.
Imane Khelif was able to win a gold medal in boxing out in Paris, despite the huge impact of the cruel lies surrounding her gender, that dominated headlines throughout the Games, had on her psychological well-being and her family's concerns.
Khelif is a cisgender 25 year-old girl, but was subjected to a massive campaign of hate online - mainly conducted by far-right politicians and propaganda players - and has been harassed by million of strangers for her physical appearance and baseless and harmful rumors about her gender identity throughout the Olympics, with Elon Musk, Donald Trump and J. K. Rowling even joining the pile-on at one stage.
« Immediately after there was a lot of noise from politicians, athletes, stars, artists — Elon Musk and Donald Trump and that hurt me a lot, I cannot describe how scared I was, »the 25-year-old said.
« This affected me. I'm not lying to you, it affected me a lot. It hurt a lot. I can't describe the fear I had but thank God I was able to overcome it. Thank god, all the people of Algeria and the Arab world knew Imane Khelif with her femininity, her courage, her will. »
Imane Khelif, not only didn't permit to the responsible of the cruel attacks to break her concentration in training, but also fought back: she responded to the Golden Trio - Trump, Musk and Jo - by filing a cyberbullying lawsuit against all of them.
In an interview on French TV show CLIQUE, Khelif fought back the tears after being asked about Musk inviting further abuse with his post about her on Twitter/X:
« Elon Musk was one of the first to attack me during this hate campaign. He posted this video and it was retweeted. So, he was one of the first to have spread this buzz, this campaign against me. I would say... you hate me but you don't even know me. I don't even know why you led this attack. You have been cruel to me, cruel to my family, to my mother. At that time, my mother was going to hospital every day.»
Khelif then paused to wipe away the tears before adding: «So I don't understand the behavior of people today. God is my guide, I am a practicing Muslim woman. I am a Muslim Arabic woman and I got through this moment. 'I hope I will be even stronger in the future and come back even more motivated.»
It's important to put in lights, that Trump has long criticized transgender people as part of his rallies and focused specifically on transgender athletes, using language about gender identity that is wrong and harmful. Transgender-related issues have become perhaps the biggest rallying call to Christian conservatives, more than abortion rights or same-sex marriage. That shift worries advocates who note transgender people are already disproportionately prone to stress, depression and suicidal behavior when forced to live as the sex they were assigned at birth. The former president has repeatedly mocked transgender people during his campaign, using this poor, innocent girl, as scapegoat and target to show HOW her really cares of women's spaces and rights - by bullying a young cisgender woman.
Source - video has been downloaded from muzammilvagozz on Threads
[Off-topic: Am I the only that finds Imane's eyes gorgeous? She looks stunning in light blue.]
More links:
- My previous post in which I spoke about all the harmful situation caused by mean rumors to Imane Khelif and other non-white athletes
- Imane Khelif spoke against cyberbullism
- Imane Khelif sues both JK Rowling and Elon Musk for cyberbullying her and spreading hate online
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lokiondisneyplus · 1 year
Just ahead of the release of the second season of Marvel Studios “Loki” on Disney+, two new episodes of “Marvel Studios Legends” will be released on Disney+ on Friday, 29th September 2023.  Expect these episodes to also be released on YouTube, as Disney has recently started releasing previous episodes for free.
Marvel Studios’ “Legends” celebrates what has come before as viewers prepare to head deeper into the ever-expanding universe. Revisit the epic heroes, villains, and moments setting the stage for future events as they unfold. Explore the stories of characters like Loki, The Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, Ant-Man, Peter Quill, Rocket, Nick Fury, and more as they travel across Earth, the cosmos, and assorted timelines.
Here are the details on the two new episodes of Marvel Studios Legends:
Who is Loki? Is he a raven-haired chap in a green suit with a penchant for deception and depravity? Is he instead a she with blonde hair who prefers to be called Sylvie? Or could Loki actually be an overly sensitive alligator with golden horns and a taste for cats? Truth be told, Loki is all of the above — thanks to the existence of numerous Variants. Okay… so what exactly is a Variant? This episode of LEGENDS holds the answer to that critical question, and more. A Variant is an individual that doesn’t belong to the so-called “sacred timeline,” and thus hails from a kind of alternate reality where there might exist a very different version of Loki, or someone called Mobius, or Renslayer, or Kang. Still having trouble making sense of it all? Fear not, LEGENDS has got you covered!
There is a “sacred timeline” — a timeline that must be protected at all costs. And let’s hope that you and I are a genuine part of it. For if not, we might one day be visited by agents of the TIME VARIANCE AUTHORITY — agents who will be obligated to “prune” us and banish us to a nightmarish world that resides in perpetual isolation at the absolute end of time. LEGENDS explores the mysterious origins of the TVA, and sifts the fact from the fiction. Are the Time-Keepers truly a trio of godlike beings responsible for the TVA’s creation? Or, could they merely be artificial figureheads meant to obscure the identity of some flesh-and-blood mastermind possessing secrets both dark and ancient? This episode of LEGENDS holds every answer.
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These episodes will be a great way of getting caught up on all the necessary things you need to know before the release of the second season of “Loki”,  or just give you a brief refresh.
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universaltribalsimp · 1 month
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Name: Negascruff (nega + megastar + scruff)
Type: Normal/Fighting
Category: Big Puppy Pokemon
Height: 1'02" (0.36 m)
Weight: 19.5 lbs (8.85 kg)
Gender Ratio: 50% male, 50% female
Ability: Moxie (HA: Acknowledgment - Prevents opposing Pokémon from fleeing from battle)
Learnset: Tackle, Lick, Baby-Doll Eyes, Endure, Crunch, Roar, Bite, Submission, Superpower
Dex Entries:
Despite its size, Negascruff can hit like a truck. A tackle from this Pokemon can bring down the strongest of doors.
This little fella tries its hardest to prove itself to humans and fellow Pokemon. Most just want it to go away forever.
It is said that this Pokemon was once part of a trio of vigilantes. After a horrible betrayal, it chooses to fight alone.
A few people adore Negascruff, but the vast majority couldn't care less to put it lightly. This rubs the poor guy the wrong way.
HP: 65
Atk: 70
Def: 40
Sp.Atk: 40
Sp.Def: 40
Speed: 45
Total: 300
Negascruff evolves into Fallenine starting at level 35 while holding the Golden Belt.
The Golden Belt is an item that gives the holder a 60% chance of landing a critical hit but drains 1/10 of the holder's HP each turn.
Name: Fallenine (fallen + canine + "fall in line")
Type: Dark/Fighting
Category: Fallen Hero Pokemon
Height: 4'11" (1.50 m)
Weight: 139.7 lbs (63.4 kg)
Gender Ratio: 50% male, 50% female
Ability: Acknowledgment (HA: Moxie)
Learnset: Crunch, Lick, Body Slam, Sucker Punch, Hammer Arm, Fake Tears, Fly, Submission, Night Slash
Dex Entries:
After Negascruff acquired the Golden Belt, that's when it snapped. It forces everyone around to acknowledge it.
This Pokemon wants nothing more than the world's attention and respect. It will even resort to beating it out of anyone.
It's said that the years of trauma and torment transformed Negascruff into Fallenine. The Golden Belt was just the final push.
No matter how much this Pokemon despises the world for how it treated it, there's still a part of it that wants to do right.
HP: 80
Atk: 85
Def: 50
Sp.Atk: 75
Sp.Def: 60
Speed: 70
Total: 420
Fallenine evolves into Luponic at level 45+ after landing 4 critical hits using the move "Morality Punch" without the Golden Belt.
Name: Luponic (Canis lupus + Byronic)
Type: Fighting/Dark
Category: Grey Hero Pokemon
Height: 6'03" (1.91 m)
Weight: 287.3 lbs (130.3 kg)
Gender Ratio: 50% male, 50% female
Ability: Moxie (HA: Acknowledgment)
Learnset: Crunch, Lick, Fly, Facade, Taunt, Submission, Superpower, Body Slam, Hyper Fang, Drain Punch
Signature Move: Morality Punch
Category: Physical
Type: ---
Power: 95
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 5 (max. 8)
After powering up, the user punches the target. This move is either Fighting or Dark type, depending on which deals more damage to the target.
Dex Entries:
Those who break away from the Golden Belt's influence can become Luponic. It still has a rough edge, but now it uses that for good.
This Pokemon is still as big a menace it was as Fallenine. The difference is that its dark nature is used against bigger evils.
The punches of Luponic are practically unparalleled. Fueled by its conflicting morality, a single punch can knock out the strongest of Pokemon.
Despite its dark nature, Luponic is a loyal and loving Pokemon to those it considers its family. It just takes a lot of love and understanding.
HP: 100
Atk: 130
Def: 95
Sp.Atk: 95
Sp.Def: 80
Speed: 100
Total: 600
In the words of Agent Stone, he's back. HE'S BAAAAAAAAACK!!
After losing the Undisputed title at WrestleMania 40 and being MIA since then, the Original Tribal Chief makes his grand return at SummerSlam! And he even came out with the WM40 version of his theme, which might be better than the original, but more on that in a little bit. I've tried making a Pokemon based on Roman Reigns a couple of times in the past… with awful results. This time around, however, I think I can say with full confidence that this is my Tribal Chief as a Pokemon. And it's my first pseudo-legendary too!
So the main thing that inspire me to make this kind is the first place is WM40 version of "Head of the Table" - officially named "I Am Greatness". It has a sort of antihero/last-minute hero vibe to me. Like just when all hope seems lost, this guy shows up. He may not be a typical hero, but damn it, he's here to help. As you can see, the entire line is based on a dog. I wasn't looking at any particular breed of dog, but Negascruff does give off husky energy, while Luponic is basically a grey wolf. However, they're not just regular dogs. They're Hainus, winged dogs from Japanese mythology. Just as menacing to humans as wolves, but are capable of becoming loyal and loving pets. The entire line also references stock superheroes with the mask-like pattern around the eyes, while the multiple stripes along their right eyes is a clear nod to Roman's tattoos. And of course, they all share the same clipped ear because nothing screams Fighting-type like scars and clipped ears.
But now let's go over each Pokemon one by one. Negascruff is based on the "Big Dog" run when the WWE was trying SO DESPERATELY to push Roman as the big face of the company and the fans weren't having it. And that's putting it lightly, just as lightly as the dex entries explain. Hell, even the name is kinda messed up. Combining "scruff" with "nega" (denoting the negative counterpart of a unit of measurement) and "megastar", it's pretty much saying he's not a star, but he's trying so hard to convince everyone that he is. And you know what's funny? I gave Negascruff blue eyes, almost forgetting that Roman wore blue contacts at the time, which is something I'm sure a lot of us will never understand.
Now things get a little scary once the Golden Belt gets involved. As you can probably tell, the Golden Band is the Pokemon version of the Undisputed title with some mild corruptive properties. Remember the Smackdown after Roman faced Jey Uso in an "I Quit" Match at Hell in a Cell 2020 and Jey was like "This title got you trippin', Uce!"? That's what I had in mind when crafting up the Golden Belt. I also thought of the same episode when Roman told Jey to "fall in line", which sounds pretty similar to the name "Fallenine". Speaking of Fallenine, it's based on Roman's "Tribal Chief" run with those red diamonds representing the Ula Fala Roman wore at the PLEs. It also takes on a more demon-like appearance with its red eyes, bat-like wings, and its ears turning into horns. The reason for that is to allude to the concept of "fallen angels". Negascruff was just a lonely and traumatized little guy trying to prove himself, but the world just shutting him down and like one of the dex entries states, he just snapped. You can only push good people so far before they finally decide to push back.
And finally, we have Luponic, which is probably my favorite of the trio. However, this is when the source of inspiration gets a little personal. Luponic is based on Roman's "Original Tribal Chief" run… which barely even started, but it's more based on how I think this version of Babyface Roman would act. I don't think he's gonna be a straightforward babyface. I think he's gonna be more of an antihero of sorts. He's still gonna be a menace, but it's just to the bad guys now. And that's exactly what Luponic is: a hero whose morality lies somewhere in the middle, but still doing some good. Its design references this even further by combining the colors of the good-natured Negascruff and the absolute menace Fallenine, as well as fusing their wings. After all, things aren't always black and white.
And now to decide what to give Luponic - a Mega Evolution or a Gigantamax form?
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fanfic-lover-girl · 7 months
Dramione has very little going on for an enemies-to-lovers ship compared to Drarry and Dron
Just think about how much effort and creativity my boy Draco put into harassing Harry and Ron. Such as:
For Harry: Created the 'Potter Stinks' charmed badges. Dressed up as a dementor to spook him. Always talking crap about him and trying to show him up. Likely failed his Charms OWL because he was angry at Harry.
For Ron: Composed 'Weasley Is Our King' and the Slytherin house performed it with Pansy as conductor (talk about house coordination). Always coming up with a new way to diss Ron's poverty and family.
For Hermione: Mudblood! Wait did I call you a mudblood today already?? Err no response Granger...you told me to shut up...you hit me...well bye.
Not to mention that Harry and Ron seem to give Draco way more attention than Hermione ever bothers to. I swear that if Hermione never insulted Draco's quidditch skills, these two would have probably ignored each other for 7 years. Often Draco does not even fire back at her when she gets back at him. Like when she told him to shut up about the Blast-Ended Skrewts. Absolutely no spark anywhere. Where's the passion?! Even the hate between Draco and Hermione is boring and lacklustre.
I still think Dramione has potential if done right (blame my Zutara heart for thinking so)...but Drarry and Dron are way more interesting. So much more spice and sauce! Not to mention Draco foils both Harry and Ron in interesting ways. Man, I am trying to stay away from slash ships. But while I am tired of Drarry, I still have a small soft spot for Dron sometimes as a guilt pleasure ship.
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Prairiewolf -Deep Time
One more plug for Prairiewolf's new album — Deep Time! It's out today on digital, LP and CD (the latter edition with a mystery bonus disc 👻). Very proud of it, though it's really Jeremy and Stefan who make this shit sound so good. Also shout-outs to Matt Loewen for his insanely great clarinet solo on "Revisionist Mystery;" Sean Conrad for his expert mastering; our labels Centripetal Force (North America) and Worried Songs (UK/Euro). And thanks to anyone out there who listens! I'll shut up now, but after the jump, you can read what one of our favorite writers, Brent Sirota, had to say about the album:
Prairiewolf make easy listening music for an age of fracture. They almost do it in spite of themselves. No one can seriously question the head music bona fides of the members of this Colorado-based trio. Guitarist Stefan Beck has already assembled a formidable discography of jewel-toned guitar zone-outs under his Golden Brown moniker. And keyboardist and guitarist Jeremy Erwin and bassist Tyler Wilcox have both made their reputations as chroniclers of the vast world of out music. Erwin helms the indispensable Heat Warps blog, a performance-by-performance archive of Miles Davis’s labyrinthine electric period. And Wilcox has been covering the ragged edges of psychedelia and experimental rock at Aquarium Drunkard and other publications, not to mention his own virtual basement for heads, the great bootleg blog Doom and Gloom from the Tomb. These guys come by it honestly. And yet, given their backgrounds, Prairiewolf’s self-titled debut last spring was remarkably free of face-melters, brown acid blowouts, and ascendant spiritual jazz odysseys. Instead, they dropped a record of beautiful, elegant, low-key cosmic groovers that sounded like the piped-in background music to a resort hotel on Jupiter. It was an unlikely psychedelia, brocaded with mid-twentieth century sonic threading from the hi-fi era: vintage synthesizers, smears of spaghetti western, luxe tropical details, the faint schmaltz of space age pop. Imagine something like a Harmonia residency in the airport lounge. And yet somehow it all worked brilliantly. Prairiewolf became last summer’s cool-down standard.
After a year woodshedding around Colorado’s Front Range region, the Prairiewolf boys have fired up their trusty Korg SR-120 drum machine for another outstanding collection of suborbital exotica. The appropriately titled Deep Time operates in its own chronology, unspooling at its unhurried pace. All its incongruous period and stylistic references—the new age pulses, Hawaiian steel, shaggy hippie rambles, lysergic guitar spirals, and orchestral synthesizer flourishes—float atop the album’s own singular temporality. Deep Time makes its own time. From the moment Beck folds his slide guitar, origami-like, into a sound resembling the call of gulls on the tranquil album opener, “Peach Blossom Paradise,” there is a sense of departure from everyday life. The shimmering “Lighthouse” has a similar sunbaked nonchalance, like an afternoon passed day-drinking in a seaside bar. That they named their lush, kaleidoscopic downtempo track “The Meander” pretty much says it all. The ranging, propulsive “Saying Yes to Everything” seems like a nod in the direction of Rose City Band’s brand of wookie krautrock. And the motorik noir of “Demon Cicadas in the Night” also goes hard. Beck and Erwin’s intertwined guitar jam on the eerie album standout “The Cold Curve” evolves into something that sounds like primitive computer music. A genteel bassline from Wilcox on another album highlight, “Revisionist Mystery,” sets the stage for a loopy space jazz turn from guest clarinetist Matt Loewen of Rayonism. The title of post-rock cowboy tune “Another Tomorrow” might refer to the alternative future that so many critics heard in the music of Prairiewolf’s first album. Or it might simply refer to the persistence of time, however deep.
Either way, I’m thankful for the way Prairiewolf make each of their tunes a little oasis or sanctuary, each subsisting according to its own crystalline little logic for a few minutes. It is no simple task to filter out the omnipresent anger and anxiety of everyday life these days. But Prairiewolf are out here making it seem easy.
Brent S. Sirota
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mushroompollution · 2 months
In the car, Leo had broken the news to Elliot that, no, Holy Knight had not actually emerged from its long hiatus just in time for its number one fan and critic's birthday. He'd been reprimanded after their last backseat brawl, and so Leo felt safe he could avoid any violence if he told him here.
Elliot's disappointment had been palpable, his attitude bitter as their driver had dropped them off at the location Leo and his contact had agreed in private conversation:
The city's largest park.
"What the hell did you bring me HERE for?" Elliot demands as the pair stroll up the gardens of the main entrance. He keeps his arms crossed, but it is hard to stay mad surrounded by so many gorgeous, blooming flowers. "if you wanted to go for a walk, you could've just asked."
"we're supposed to meet a mysterious stranger," Leo keeps his voice low, like he's telling a careful secret.
Elliot seems to tense at his side. "The hell does that mean? Is this some kind of prank--"
"not exactly~"
The walkway they follow circles around a great centerpiece, an impressive section of ruined building facade, its pillars and intricate gargoyles seemingly undamaged. A remnant of the former capitol's city hall, displayed in remembrance of the Tragedy that destroyed it. The pair follows the path, and as they reach the other side of the monument, a familiar face appears.
"Oz Vessalius?!" Elliot screams, drawing the attention of the quiet park's other patrons.
Once the hotheaded nobleman is calmed, Oz explains that he felt terrible about missing Elliot's birthday, but he also knew better than to try and show up as a Vessalius at a Nightray party. Also, he knew Elliot would be stubborn if he knew who had requested his time. Eventually, Elliot accepted that answer, and the trio had decided to venture into the park's wooded trails.
They make idle conversation as they walk, and the atmosphere between them becomes something amicable. Elliot and Oz bicker over their opposing tastes in character tropes. Leo rattles off the names of every wildflower they see, stopping to take photos of the ones he doesn't know to read about later. Oz promises them a grand meal after this
and cake, of course.
Most of the park's trails are wide and easy going, but as they venture further, closer to the river that marks the south boundary, several smaller side trails appear.
They follow one that runs along the river, though it can't be seen beyond the tall, dense, golden wildflowers that grow on either side of the narrow trail.
"I think we're almost there..." Oz says suddenly.
"There?? Is there actually some reason you brought me out here?" Elliot asks. To the untrained ear, his voice sounds irritable, but Leo knows him well, and Oz has always been a quick learner, and both of them pick up on his subtle. playful undertones.
"umm, sort of. this field won't work, but we needed to go someplace Gil definitely won't ever find us..."
"you'll see! I think there's a good spot-- oh! yeah! just up ahead!" Oz suddenly breaks off into a light sprint through the tall, golden plants. His competitive nature takes hold, and Elliot immediately matches his pace, though Leo lingers behind. As the valet finally emerges from the wildflowers, he finds the other two facing each other in a sparse clearing beneath an overpass.
Elliot looks around himself in confusion, brows knit in annoyance. "Okay. What is this? " Now there's an irritated tone.
But Oz just giggles with that million-watt smile. "see, Alice and I looked in every single shop in Old Town trying to find a birthday present that suited you," he explains.
"So you brought me out to the middle of nowhere?" Elliot demands. "To what? Jump me???"
Elliot seems too stunned to reply. Leo cocks his head to one side with an amused smile.
"back in Sabalier, you said you really wanted to fight me. 'more than anything,' you said" Oz continues.
"Well yeah, but--"
"I'm not finished talking," oh it's so hard for Oz to say that line to him without a giggle, after the serious way Elliot had spat it back then. "so anyway, I started thinking. the best present I could give Elliot, is a fight!"
There's another moment of stunned silence, before something primal activates inside Elliot. A sinister grin shows his cute little snaggle-toothed fang as he drives one fist into the palm of the other and cracks his knuckles. "Ohhhhohohoho. You have no idea, Oz Vessalius."
"okay, but one thing. you can't use that sword--"
"That's fine. I don't need it to kick your ass, shorty. Leo!"
"Yes!" Leo steps forward as summoned, all too formal as he holds out his hands to take Elliot's sword and the backpack slung over his shoulder. He then steps back to watch in amusement.
Immediately, the two young men seem to begin to circle each other like cats, though the atmosphere is undermined by Oz's sunny demeanor. "Can you even fight?" Elliot asks as he sizes him up.
"I've been training with Break!" Oz chirps. Though his voice stays cheerful, the look in his emerald eyes is serious now.
"What, since last month?"
"Pfft! Yeah, okay. Let's see it, shorty--!!" Elliot moves first, throwing all his strength into a punch mid-sentence in an attempt to catch the younger man off guard. But what Oz lacks in offensive strength, he does make up for in agility, allowing him to duck the more experienced fighter. He turns quickly on his heel, attempting to strike before Elliot could recover from the missed blow, only for the two to come hand to hand in a grapple.
"that's actually pretty impressive..." Leo comments. Except he isn't watching the fight anymore.
The vibrant graffiti covering the overpass support wall had caught Leo's attention. Still holding his master's belongings safe and sound, the valet allows himself to become distracted, wandering closer for a better look. He tucks Elliot's sword under one arm to snap some photos of the colorful tagging.
When he turns back around, Oz is lying on his back in the sandy earth with Elliot sat beside him, arms propped on raised knees, chest heaving as he catches his breath.
"oh, i missed it," Leo comments, snapping his fingers in feign disappointment.
"that was fun," Oz chuckles as he sits up, rubbing his left cheek with a wince. Something about his cracking voice, however, suggests this level of roughhousing might not really be his idea of a good time.
"It was okay," Elliot scoffs. Leo approaches his side, but makes no offer to help his master off the ground, leaving him to heave himself up with a grunt befitting a much older gentleman. The valet does however hand over Elliot's belongings as the young noble finishes adjusting his clothes.
Finally, Elliot turns back toward his bested opponent, still sitting in the dirt. He holds out a hand, and Oz's eyes light up as he takes it. Elliot's grasp is firm as he hoists Oz to his feet.
"Here. Loser has to carry my backpack."
Oz smiles gleefully as he takes the drawstring bag and hikes it up on one shoulder, just as Elliot had carried it. "can I carry your sword, too--"
"Not on your life!" Elliot barks with a laugh that echoes beneath the overpass.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
Can you explain why you ship batcest?! I’m sorry I’m just confused by why you like JayTim or DickTim or whatever…
I feel like I already answered this but: I just really like the dynamics of their relationships and it’s fun to go: what if they kiss?!? The pure enemies to lovers of JayTim and the freaking adorable puppy crush to love of DickTim is so good. I don’t want them canon. But it is so damn fun to read them as a couple. That’s it.
For a longer answer and as to why I explore these pairings:
I’m older then most of the people poking around in fandom and making their complaints. I’ve been participating in fandom for almost two decades, since I was a tiny preteen who was hitting puberty who suddenly got a BUNCH of issues we never figured out until I got older because hormone disorders suck ass and my autism went undiagnosed even longer. I remember my first fanfic found on Deviant art: a Harry Potter one where the golden trio and Ginny were the reincarnations of the founders and they got transported into another universe. I remember that so well because it’s just this core memory for me. Finding a place I could be me.
I went through multiple accounts and wrote some dumb shit. I roleplayed Loonatics Unleashed and did some stupid shit there to. I was a weird ass child.
I have been around for a while here kids. I read fucked up shit way to young (and it’s why one thing I am loud about is that kids shouldn’t be allowed to troll the internet without someone aware cause holy shit is some stuff messed up on here. My parents should have been watching.) and I did stupid crap. I was introduced to sex from fanfics and learned about sexuality and gender identity.
And one thing I learned through this is that: people need to grow the fuck up and realize that while fiction doesn’t exist in a vaccum it also isn’t as black and white as people like. Just because someone writes Jason and Tim kisisng doesn’t mean they are like: adoptive families don’t count or incest is fine and I’ll make out with my sibling now. It just means: hey this dynamic is interesting and let’s play with it.
Fiction does not exist in a vaccum. Racism and sexism along with other issues are common for fanfics, headcanons and comics. I recently admitted to falling prey to a few issues I was unaware of as someone who is white and grew up in a Baptist church town in bumfuck Canada.
But when people start whining over pairings it becomes a thing where all you can do is yell: ‘IT IS FICTIONAL’ and walk off. Cause anyone with critical reading skills can tell that it’s 1) not real and 2) not hurting anyone. If someone uses it to hurt someone and that’s the issue? Might as well get rid of all the books in the world and stop all TV and games because people use those as excuses to. So many people talk about the Bible, Twilight, the MCU and more being used to groom them. So… yeah. I don’t have an issue exploring pairings and relationships others would because it’s all fictional.
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gingersp1ce547 · 3 months
Shocking to no one, equipe e spends a lot of time with the other Brazilians on the island. In a completely unfamiliar environment, sue them for wanting to feel a little bit at home.
Not that the translator doesn’t work for them. In fact it’s probably one of the most unbelievable things about the whole place, and has helped all of them whose english is not the strongest greatly.
Still, sticking with the other Brazilians is just a bit easier. They can relax and not have to focus as much. The golden trio spend a lot of their time with pac and mike, joui and arthur enjoying their vibes while cesar enjoys getting to work on technology again.
Thiago becomes kind of fascinated with felps like a marine biologist would with a type of fish he’s never seen before. Occasionally he reports back to the group in a “you’re not gonna fucking believe what this guy did today” sort of way. Liz likes to think it’s good for him to have something to focus on that won’t leave him injured.
And then there was cellbit. All of equipe e agreed that there was something odd about him. Something that put them all on edge when he was around. It was as if the fog of a weakened membrane had taken the form of a person.
Liz does not like cellbit, not one bit. It’s probably all the time she spent with the police in her talking but even before she knew about his past, that feeling of oddness still set her off.
She tried to keep it mostly hidden, as did the rest of the team usually to better success than her. He was about to be married after all.
But maybe that feeling of oddness is why when she see’s roier alone staring at cellbit’s castle like it killed his grandpa, she doesn’t bother asking what happened. When she storms in she tackles him the minute he finds him standing on a ritual circle just like the one she found on that paper in the holy cradle.
“What the fuck. are you doing.” She grits out. He’s stronger than her but she caught him by surprise. Even so, it takes all her strength to keep him pinned.
“What the fuck am i doing what the fuck are you doing!?” He shouts back
“Where do you know this symbol! What do you know about the desconjuration?!”
Cellbit is confused, he asks her where he knows this symbol from and after a very tense conversation in which liz reveals that how esoterrorists like him doing these occultist rituals are the reason so many people she loves have died, a consensus between the two begins to be reached.
Esoterrorism does not exist in this world. These rituals, many of which liz had never seen or heard of, Cellbit had created on his own and they were much much less dangerous than the versions liz knew.
Despite this, liz still proceeded to scream at him for the next 30 minutes about trying to raise the dead was not how to solve killing your fiancé’s grandfatheR WHAT THE FUCK SHE WAS JOKING WHEN SHE THOUGHT ROIER LOOKED THAT WAY.
She leaves him be, but still keeps an eye on him. And when he eventually returns to the order, he comes to liz to ask her to join his personal investigations
Finding out how equipe e got here from a whole seemingly different world would be critical to getting off this island. Liz, realizing her investigations will go quicker with help as well as that investigating with cellbit (and roier and richarlyson) gives her a good excuse to make sure he doesnt murder anymore people, accepts with the caveat that the rest of her team can not know.
With that squared away, liz joins there investigations in full.
During them, she begins to learn more about the 3. She learns that Richarlyson is energetic little brat and that she loves him dearly. He may be annoying and well a child but god if he isn’t perceptive for his age and generally helpful during investigations.
She learns that roier is similar in disposition to thiago, if not a more animated version. But the smooth way with words and heart of gold and sorrows hidden under all that bravado is still there.
She learns that cellbit as much as she hates to admit it is reflection of herself in a lot of ways. Their shared obsession with investigation being only one of them.
She tries not to think about how cellbit was willing to do anything to get roier’s grandpa back. Putting the happiness of his fiancée at the time above everything else
She tries not to think of the wellsprings she almost killed before thiago and joui stopped her. She tries not to think about what she would give to keep her boys safe from the horrors of both this world and their own
She also learns that Cellbit doesn’t remember a lot of his past. Just waking up 14 on a battlefield with the taste of blood in his mouth. And immediately liz is reminded of alex, and feels her old friend regret rising from the grave of her body.
She swears to not let what happened to alex happen again.
Its odd, liz thinks, finding another family outside of the order. It’s something she never would have imagined and something that tears her up at night.
She never wanted to do investigation without thiago by her side and yet here she was going behind his and everyone else’s backs, but what else is she to do? Put them all in danger by wrapping them up in another investigation.
No. She refuses.
However, that decision is taken out of her hands when she finds out an egg is in danger and tears herself apart trying to rescue it
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newyorkthegoldenage · 11 months
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Florine Stettheimer, Family Portrait, II, 1933. Oil on canvas.
Dressed in a black pantsuit and with palette and paintbrush in hand, the artist appears at the far left side of this family portrait. She is joined by her mother, who sits upright in the golden armchair at right, and her sisters, Ettie and Carrie; the former reclines in the chair beside the artist, and the latter flanks the scene at the opposite end, a cigarette between her fingers. An artist, set designer, and poet, Stettheimer led a New York salon where she entertained her family and a close circle of artists, critics, and curators, exhibiting her work and sharing her poems.
Signs of her 1930s Manhattan milieu abound in this painting’s backdrop—an imagined skyline that features the Art Deco skyscraper at the heart of Rockefeller Center, known today as the Comcast Building, as well as Radio City Music Hall, the Chrysler Building, the Statue of Liberty, and a dragon-adorned decorative fragment from Alwyn Court, the midtown apartment building where the artist lived and worked. Overtaking these monumental and modern structures, Stettheimer depicted a trio of fantastically enormous blooming flowers at the painting’s center. She was unabashedly proud of this unconventional and personal portrait, frequently referring to the painting as “my masterpiece.”
Photo & text: Museum of Modern Art
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