#omg i do not shop for clothes often.
rotthepoet · 4 days
Come Home (Dark!Mattheo Riddle x Reader)
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Notes; DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT. Dark!Matty has been plaguing my mind and I need an outlet omg. I lowkey rewrote some lore for this, so essentially the battle of Hogwarts takes place but Voldemort's influence still lives on through Mattheo, who basically runs the new Knights of Walpurgis(The slytherin boys). Everyone is evil, all good business. 
Warnings; again, DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT. Dark!Mattheo, Murder/death/gore, stalking, kidnapping, mattheo might highkey be ooc but its fine, dubcon(reader REALLY wants him but like.. morals?), oral(F! And M!), mention of fem masturbation, predator/prey dynamic, spitting, degradation, lowkey breeding kink?, piv, lowkey porn with plot, Stockholm syndrome if you squint, at least he kinda gets a redemption arc
This one goes out to my beautiful @nottswitch i hope dark!mattheo comes to life and fucks us both <3
Word count; 6.3k
The bitter breeze in the frigid air pricks through my thin shirt as the diner door swings open and shut again as a customer disappears into the icky black of our winter night. I stare out after him, a farewell unspoken on my lips as I cast my gaze towards an orange, flickering lamp post lining the parallel street, and I realize how truly cold it is inside the shabby eatery. 
As I tug the embarrassingly short, mandated skirt I'm forced to wear, I can only think of the comforting and safe walls of Hogwarts, my home only months ago, yearning for the soft crackle of a fireplace and the ambient chatter of portraits lining the walls. The muggles had nothing as interesting, nothing as familiar as the light of the silver moon passing through the large windows of the great hall. Nothing as comfortable as my own home back in England, with my mother and fathers smiling faces. Nothing as comfortable as the safe, unscarred arms of the once-kind boy I loved what feels like so long ago. 
Being on the lam for about a month now, I've been skipping towns and laying low where I can. It’s not often, but when I'm able to stay in a town for longer than a week, I take pitiful muggle jobs, my current being to take orders at a local diner, “famous for their milkshakes”, although fame must mean four regular visitors in this nowhere town. 
Jean, the gray-haired woman who owns the diner I work at, leans over the counter and points at the analog clock hanging on the wall. It reads almost 1:30, and it finally sets in how tired I am. She hums and looks me up and down, standing in the middle of the floor, standing stiff as a board while holding a broom. She clicks her tongue and shakes her head, a small smile gracing her aged face. 
“I’m sorry, I zoned out.” I apologize, leaning the non-flying broom against a nearby booth, and smooth out my wind-swept hair. 
Jean just shakes her head, “Go on and head home. You did good today.” she hums in approvement, tossing me my room key that was previously hanging on a hook in the kitchen. “Be careful out there, the papers said another storm is coming.” she warned, but a storm is the furthest thing from my mind as I push open the door. Silver light flashes across the street and my heart nearly stops beating, a pit forms in the bottom of my stomach. My eyes squint, finally adjusting to the lack of light, catch the face of a mannequin in the window of a shop. I let out a breath I don’t realize I’m holding and relax as I realize the moon had simply caught the silver details on the faux person. I turn on my heel and carry on down the dimly lit pavement towards my motel. 
It’s just as run down as everything else in this town, water stains stretching across the ceiling like swatches of muddy paint, and the hideous carpet crunches underneath my feet. It isn’t much. It is nothing, in fact, but a roof over my head and sanctuary from the ruthless dangers outside. 
I drop each article of clothing from my body onto the yellowing tile of the bathroom floor, stepping into the freezing cold water of the shower. I shudder, goosebumps racking through my body as I allow the water to wash away the grease and sweat, I collected today. I run a baby blue loofa over my skin, suds washing away with the now lukewarm stream. I close my eyes, and take a deep breath, and the smell of metallic rust from the old pipes fills my nostrils. 
Blood. So much blood. It covers my hands, and my knees, my face, and my clothes. I practically wade through a pool of it, the dark hallways of that god awful manor stretch on infinitely, and the smell of rot and decay suffocates my senses. My heart nearly beats out of my chest as his strong arms wrap around me as I collapse to the floor, and I'm hyper aware of the many motionless bodies lying at my feet. His lips brush against my neck, rough and wet, and I wonder if they have blood on them too. I wouldn’t put it past him. Malicious is not a word I thought I would ever use to describe my lover, the man I thought I was going to marry one day, but like many other things before, he proved me wrong. His warm hands caress the soft fat of my thighs, slipping underneath the loose fabric of my shorts, and he leans into my ear. “They’re all gone now… Let’s go take a shower.” 
I release a shaky breath and turn off the water, letting it drip from my head and down my face, mingling with salty tears. Wiping my face with my wet palms, which did nothing in retrospect, I sigh. I can’t go back there; I can never go back there. It isn’t safe anymore. He isn’t safe anymore. Come on, I can’t keep feeling bad for myself. This is ridiculous, and as I step out of the shower and dress myself, I feel a newfound sense of determination. Sleep, for the first time in months, finds me easily with her warm embrace. 
As most things in my life do, my high spirits came to an abrupt end. Smoke fills my lungs, but there's a strange taste to it. It’s not a fire, no, it was tobacco. A smell I was all too familiar with. I sat up in bed, and my eyes met the inky black eyes of his silver, skull mask. My breath catches in my throat, only for me to cough out the smoke from his cigarette.
He couldn’t have found me this easily. It’s a bad dream, it has to be. Merlin forgive me, God save me, tell me this is just a dream! The mask on his face shifts a little, clearly amused at my coughing fit. “Have anything to say?”
Say anything. Stop gaping at him like a fish, you are a powerful witch, almost top of your class in DADA. Almost. Second place, notably. Right behind him.
Mattheo Riddle.
A sob racks through my body, tears falling down my cheeks before I even realize, and I’m paralyzed in place. Half of me wants to crawl into his arms, to beg for forgiveness, to beg for him to take me home. Home to that wretched, dark house, with blood seeped into the wood. With blood-stained grout on the kitchen tile. With blood-stained walls. So, so much blood. The other half of me screams at me to run. To run, to run, run, run, RUN! For god's sake, run! 
I push myself out of bed, fast enough to catch Mattheo by surprise. He flicks his cigarette to the side, letting it roll along the carpet floor. My hand reaches for my wand resting on a table beside the door as I duck out of his reaching arms, and I stumble to my feet as he lunges after me. I throw open the door, pulling it shut in his face as he screams for me.
“You bitch! Come back here!” he screams through the wood, struggling with the now sweat-slick doorknob. 
The door splinters open with the blast of, “Bombarda!”, but I scramble down the wet, cold streets, my bare feet scratch against the rough pavement as I sprint, thankful that it had been just warm enough to not freeze. I duck down another street, pulling out my wand to apparate elsewhere. I rack my brain for a safe location. Hogwarts? I might be able to, but I don’t want to risk splinching. My job? It might separate me long enough to get my shit together. 
Air is knocked out of me as a heavy body slams into mine, knocking my wand out of my hand. A heavy, black boot pins my wrist to the ground, and a silver mask that was not Riddle’s leans over me. He laughs under the mask, but I can’t tell which of his mentally fucked goons had caught me. I reach for my wand, but another set of boots kicks it out of my reach. Leather gloved hands grab my hair and lift me up to face the group now circling me. 
“She looks pitiful, really. Like an angry kitten.” An Italian accent draws next to my ear with a mocking snicker, and I thrash to kick Theodore Nott anywhere I can, luckily landing a solid blow to his shin. He curses in pain, and hisses something inaudible underneath his mask as he throws me back to the ground. The rough concrete scratches against my exposed skin, drawing blood from the soft flesh. I yelp in pain, landing at the feet of someone else. A black, steel-toed boot presses against my cheek, pushing my head to the side as I watch another figure ominously approach. I would recognize my Mattheo’s casual amble anywhere, and he peered down at my stray wand laying at his feet.
I don’t even have time to protest as he steps his boot onto the wood, sparks fizzing out around the magic object as it snaps under his weight. A choked sob escapes me as he approaches, my eyes wide with horror and betrayal.
“Enough of this, love. It’s time to come home,” He drawls, kneeling down to my level and lifting my chin to meet his empty gaze. “Be a good girl and come back to me, I’m tired of this little game of yours.”
“Fuck. You.” I spat on the silver of his skull-like mask, noting the wild look in my own eyes as the saliva slips down its reflective surface.
Mattheo groaned and tugged off his mask, and my breath caught in my throat. What the hell is wrong with me? I can’t think this awful man who betrayed me, threatened me, hunted me down, can still be attractive. Then again, he was still the man I had loved–part of me still does love– all those years ago. The handsome face I fell asleep looking at, the doe eyes I found comfort in. He looked roguish now, his brown curls were longer than the last time I had seen him, and he had a new scar running across his cheek from our last encounter. My mouth goes dry as he leans into my face, his breath hot against my lips. 
“I’ve missed you, love,” He practically purred, pressing his dry lips against my trembling ones. I whine against him, wriggling my body underneath the heavy weight of whoever was holding me. 
Mattheo groaned, gripping my chin harder, “You used to be so obedient, pet, but don’t worry. I’ll fix you.” he mumbled, kissing my forehead as I felt his wand pressed to my temple. He mumbled an incantation against my skin, and I felt my body go limp before my eyes closed themselves, and sleep consumed me. 
It was cold, damp, and reeked of copper and mold. My body laid on the floor, sore and unresponsive to my will to move. As my senses came back to me, I tried climbing to my feet, but a chain tugged my ankle back to the floor. I tumbled to the stone floor, scraping my hands against its rough surface. I whimper in pain, and only as I go to wipe my hands on my pants do I realize I’m completely nude. Horror racks through my body as I take in my surrounding and own appearance. I know I'm back in that old house, that old, disgusting, horrible house of horrors, and tears fall from my stinging eyes again.
I don’t know how long I laid on that floor, shaking from the cold as I sob into the air, screaming and cursing with conviction, damning Riddle’s name to an eternity in hell. I scream, and wail, and cry until I tire myself out, my voice breaking into nothing but a hushed plea for freedom. 
I fight sleep, sitting myself against a wall near my chain, breathing deep into my burning lungs. My eyes drift closed, but I will them open as the loud creak of a door alerts me. It’s only then that I notice a stairwell, casted in a white light with the newly opened door, and my heart nervously skips a beat as a tall shadow approaches the stairwell. The stairs creak under his weight as he descends to what I can only infer is a basement, and I stare up at his form.
Mattheo wasn’t nearly as scary like this, dressed in black slacks and a loose white shirt. Had he not been so threatening, and the reason I was chained to the basement floor, I would have swooned over the top buttons being undone. Perhaps I still do get butterflies in my stomach, but that may just be nausea. 
He looks down at me with an expression I can only describe as mock sympathy, clicking his tongue softly. “Down here for less than three hours and you’ve already managed to hurt yourself,” he scolded me, shaking his head in disappointment, “My clumsy girl, what am I going to do with you?” 
The smile he cracked made me want to claw his eyes out, or kiss him, and I worry that he may have slipped me a love potion. My ears ring, and my head suddenly aches with a mild pain, and Mattheo smirks.
“Like the shirt, do you?” He teased, kneeling down to my level. I curse under my breath, face heating up with anger (Or embarrassment, I can’t really tell), of course I forget he’s a legilimens. “Drop the act darling, I know you’re going to crack eventually. Save us both the trouble so I can finally bring you back to bed.” His warm hand tenderly caressed my cold cheek, and I fought the urge to lean into the comforting touch. “I hate seeing you down here like this, but you need to remember your place.”
My eyes snap back to his, and I whip my head to the side to bite his hand. He scowls and rips his hand away, reeling it back and back-handing me across the face. It knocks my breath out of my chest, and the rings on his fingers cut my cheek. Metallic blood drips to the floor. 
“Fine. Stay down here and bleed out for all I care.” He snaps, rubbing his sore hand as he turns on his heel and storms up the stairs. The door slams loudly behind him, and I’m engulfed in sudden darkness.
My cheek and hands had long stopped bleeding the next time he came back, staining my skin red with its slick. My head lifts as the door opens again, and light makes my eyes dilate painfully. Mattheo trudges down the stairs, his head hanging low, and a small white box hanging from his hand. He approaches me and kneels at my level. I meet his gaze, glaring into his soft eyes.
“Darling, you know I didn’t mean to hit you, right?” He mumbled, holding my chin to twist my cheek towards him, his rough actions bringing tears to my eyes. “I was just so worked up, and you were pushing too many buttons, you’ll forgive me, right?” He asks hopefully, but I don’t answer him.
He sighs in defeat, opening the little box and retrieving a cloth and bottle full of a clear liquid. My eyes go wide, and I scramble backwards as far as the chain allows me to. “No, No, Mattheo please don’t-” I plead, heart racing as he looks at me with confusion.
A smile breaks across his face, “Oh darling, no, no, it’s just alcohol.” he laughs a bit, a deep sound that makes pleasant shivers run down my spine and too an embarrassing heat between my legs. What the fuck is wrong with me? He approaches me again, dousing the cloth with the solution before taking my hands. He shushes my soft whines as he presses it to my scraped palms, which makes me hiss at the burning sensation. “Good girl, there we go. That’s much better, isn’t it?” he asks as he takes a roll of gauze from the box and wraps each of my hands. He lifts my palms to his lips, pressing a storm of soft pecks and kisses to the gauze and skin. My face heats up at the gesture, and I force myself to look away. He was always so chivalrous for a monster, though it hurt to call him that even after everything.
He presses the cloth to my cheek next, his thumb tracing calming circles into the opposite cheek. “Such a pretty girl, my pretty girl.” He whispered, placing a bandage over my skin. Just like my palms, he kisses my cheek, though much slower and intimate this time. “I don’t want to hurt you, you know?” he promised, leaning over my trembling body. He looked down at me, eyes drifting past my collarbone, and he whistled softly. “A sight for sore eyes… and It’s all mine.” He smirked, leaning down as he supported his weight on his forearms. His chapped lips press suspiciously soft kisses to my neck. A loud thud coming from upstairs makes Mattheo groan and pull away. He looks down at me, wide eyed beneath him, “I’ll be right back, love, don’t worry your pretty little head.” He hummed, patting my cheek as he stood up. 
He casts me one last yearning glance before he shuts the door again, much softer this time. I lean back against the stone, releasing a breath I didn’t know I was holding, and try to ignore the wetness between my thighs as I drift off to sleep.
I’m startled awake as the basement door slams shut, and heavy footsteps descend to my prison. Mattheo storms into view, and before I can even get a word out, he grabs me by the hair and pulls me up to my knees. He sneers down at me, and my head is spinning from the sudden switch up.
“Incompetent assholes. Have to do everything myself around here,” He mumbled, not really speaking to me rather than himself. He doesn’t loosen his grip on my hair as his other hand tugs apart the button of his slacks. 
My eyes go wide with shock, and he pulls my hair, forcing my chin up to look at him. “Open your mouth,” He demands, his voice lacking his previous warmth, and I'm reminded that this is not my Matty. My lip quivers and I shake my head slightly. Mattheo pulls his half-hard cock from the confines of his black briefs and pulls me by the hair to his tip. “I don’t have time for this attitude, I said open your mouth.”
I don’t even have a moment to react before his leaking tip is pressed against my mouth. He pushes his way past, groaning as my wet lips engulf his mushroomed tip. He pulls on my hair again, forcing himself further into my warm hole. “There you go, not so hard, was it? Now suck.” He orders in a tone I’ve never heard him use in bed before, and as he bucks his hips towards my face, I whine in protest while the ache returns to my lower stomach. My jaw relaxes on its own, familiar with the girth of his hung cock. An almost inaudible whine slips through my throat, and he groans at the tightness. One more tug lets me know his patience is running thin, and I reach my bandaged hand up to stroke the rest of him while I focus on his tip.
Mattheo bites back a moan, his hips stuttering as I descend further down onto his length. His leaky tip presses against the back of my throat, and he holds my head in place while he rocks his hips further into me. My nose presses against his groin as he slips down the back of my throat, and his grip moves from my hair to my throat, feeling my neck bulge with every movement. Saliva drips past him and down my chin, dribbling to the floor in thick droplets. He shudders as my throat tightens around him, nearly swallowing the head. 
“Yeah, yeah… Fuck baby. Keep going for me, almost there,” He mumbles, rocking his hips faster than before. I whine around him, my own hand slipping down to the ache at my core. My fingers gingerly brush against my clit, and the soft moan I try to let out makes Mattheo’s head roll back. Hot spurts of his seed shoot down my throat and my glossy eyes go wide at the feeling.
“Swallow,” Is all he says, and obediently, I do. He pulls my head off of him, his cum mixing with the drool in my mouth when it drips down my chin. He grips my face between his index finger and thumb, collecting the mess with a swipe of his finger and pushing it back into my sore mouth. “All of it.” 
When I satisfied him, he pushed me back to the ground, and I yelped in pain as I collided against the stone surface. “When I come down here, I want you on your knees waiting for my dick. Understand?”
I nod weakly, and he smirks down at me. “Good girl. Keep it up and maybe I’ll bring you back upstairs.” He says, before pulling back up his pants and running a hand through his hair. 
When he leaves again, I’m left with an unbearable, wet mess.
With nothing else to do in my makeshift prison, I sleep a lot. And when I wake up, I force myself to sleep again. I sleep God knows how long before the door opens again, and Mattheo trudges down the stairs. I scramble to my knees, honestly fearing what might happen if I disobey him, and when Mattheo catches sight of me, he smiles. 
“There’s my pretty girl.” He hums, holding a platter with a bowl of something steaming, a slice of some sort of bread, and a bottle of water. My stomach growls as its divine aroma fills my senses, and I can’t remember the last time I’ve eaten. 
Mattheo sits down in front of me and puts the tray between up. He rests his elbow on his knee and leans into his palm. “Eat,” he orders me, gesturing to the platter with the wave of his free hand. “Or would you prefer I feed you myself?” He asks with a smirk, watching how I shift from my knees to rest on my hip. I grab the water bottle first, chugging half of it in one go, before I subconsciously offer him a sip. What’s mine is his. Was his. Was. I look up at him, taking the water and sipping from it. I tore my gaze away before he noticed.
“I don’t want to stay in the basement anymore,” I mumble, dipping the bread into the soup before taking a bite, shivering at its deliciousness. Mattheo sighed and shook his head. “You know I can’t do that yet. You ran away, darling. I can’t trust you won’t do that again,” He explained, reaching his hand across the way to rub my knee soothingly. I sigh and push the tray away, my appetite gone. Mattheo frowned and moved the tray away, leaning over me. “Princess, c’mon, don’t be this way.” he hummed, pushing me onto my back. My heart rate quickened, and he definitely noticed. “But you’re right. I’ve been neglecting you… That’s why you ran away right? My poor girl was lonely and scared.” he hummed, pressing his lips to my collar bone. “Not anymore. My attention is solely on you, I promise.” 
My head rolled back a little, lolling onto the floor as he trailed his kisses down my sternum, stopping at my breasts to gently knead them. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I reached for his hair, tugging gently on his loose curls. He groaned in response, his lips finding my perked nipple and taking it into his warm mouth. His other hand slipped down my soft stomach, dipping between my thighs. Out of reflex, I squeezed them together, and Mattheo parted from my tit. He sat back on his haunches, using his strong, scarred hands to pull apart my thighs and admire my glistening, needy cunt.
“It’s been all about me, huh? Need to show my girls some love.” He mumbled, before dipping his head down. His warm breath fanned across my puffy lips, and I shivered at the breeze. He didn’t waste a second more, drawing a long, needy moan from my lips as he licked a long strip from my hole to my clit. My hands tangle into his hair again, and my mouth falls open with pleasure. “Fuck, Matty–” the nickname fell from my lips without a second thought, and he practically purrs against me. His hands grip my thighs, pulling them over his shoulders as he dives nose deep into my pussy. My back arches off the floor as a string of curses flies from my lips. I feel his wet appendage push against my hole, and I clench at the feeling as his nose brushes against my sensitive bud. I tug on his hair again, “Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!” I mewl, my edge fast approaching as Mattheo swirls his tongue over my clit. He sloppily makes out with my lower lips, pulling me closer to the edge with each passing second, and I’m in near tears when there's a loud crash up above us. 
Mattheo practically roars in anger, pulling his soaked face away from my aching cunt, the knot in my stomach loosening at the sudden separation. I whine and sit up, trying to pull him back down, but he stops me with a firm hold on my wrist. “Stay here and don’t make a sound.” he ordered, “I need to take care of this, and I promise as soon as I’m done, I’ll come right back.”
Anger flashes through me, and I bite back my cries. “Don’t you dare leave me like this, Riddle.” I snap, and he gives me a warning look that makes goosebumps prick at my skin. He leans in, pressing a wet kiss to my lips, and I can feel him shiver as I lick my own arousal from his lips. “I’ll be right back, princess. Be good for me, and we can talk about a reward.”
And with that, he left yet again.
I was starting to get sick of his mind games, switching up his attitude, finally giving me relief before ripping it away from me. Fuck. What am I saying? I watched him murder dozens of people; I watched lives being taken right in front of me. I shiver at the memory and try to focus on anything else before it becomes too much to bear. 
I hate how he makes me feel. Sometimes he’s my Mattheo, and sometimes he’s nothing but a parasite attached to a face I can’t help but love. My back hits a wall, and I can’t count how long he’s been gone. I miss his warm, familiar touch, but anything was better than the cold, dark basement. I close my eyes, my lip trembling as I reach my hand down, fingers hesitantly spreading my folds. Cold air hit my wet lips, and I gasp at the feeling. I brush my fingertips against my hole, whining softly at the pleasure that coursed through my body. Maybe I'm sick in the head, maybe I hit my head too hard one day on the run and never recovered. Maybe I never really hated Mattheo. 
What is wrong with me?
I don’t move when the door opens again. I glare at him, anger coursing through my veins. This was not ‘right back’. As Mattheo’s black boot lands on the stone floor, my mouth goes dry. He’s weaning that stupid mask again, and that stupid costume, tilting his head stupidly at me. He approaches me in a way that makes my heart race in fear, like I'm nothing but cowardly prey between the jaws of a large wolf. 
He knees down, retrieving his hand from his pocket. Wordlessly, he unlocks the chain around my ankle, and he looks up at me. With another wave of his wand, I’m dressed in a loose tank top and shorts. It’s not much at all, but it’s better than naked. A rush of emotions rushes through my chest, and I almost gratefully throw my arms around Mattheo, but he stops me. 
“Go. Run,” He orders, stepping aside. I stare up at him in confusion, mounted to my spot on the ground. “I said run, little pet, like you want to.” He pulls me from the ground, pressing my cold body up against his comforting warmth. “Run, and if I catch you,” he leaned down into my ear, and through the skull mouth of his mask I could feel his breath fanning across my ear. “Well, I think you know what’s going to happen.”
I still don’t move, wondering if he would be less harsh if I stayed with him, but he only laughed. “Such a good girl, don’t worry,” he pulled his mask up just enough to expose his pearly white teeth. They sunk into the soft flesh just beneath my ear, “I’ll always find you. Go, now.”
I don’t know what possessed me, but my feet started moving on their own. I raced up the stairs of the basement and pushed past the door. The house was just as I remembered, dark with walls that were too tall, black cloths hung over the complaining portraits. I was disoriented in the dark, but my feet carried me through the house until I found the overtly large entrance. I pushed open the doors and ran out into the cold, snowy night. 
Frost nipped at each of my limps, and my lungs found it harder to breathe the frigid air. I ran anyway, out towards the woods surrounding the manor. I cast a glance over my shoulder, finding Mattheo staring back at me through the blacked-out eyes of his mask. I ducked into the tree line, just as he started his casual stroll towards me. Cocky bastard. 
I run for as long as I can before my lungs give out. I leaned against a tree, walking slowly into a clearing. I take a deep breath, pulling my arms behind my head to breathe deeper. Just as I find a moment of peace, a branch snaps behind me. I whip my head around, my heart racing as Mattheo approaches me. He doesn’t run, only walks towards me with his hands stuffed into his pockets. He ditched that awful mask, and I can see the smirk pulling at the edge of his lips. I stumble backwards, falling into the fresh snow. He continues his pace, unbothered by my racing heart as I scramble away from him and finally back to my feet. I don’t get one leg in front of the other before strong arms are wrapped around my waist, slipping under the loose fabric of my shirt.
“I win,” He mumbles in my ear, voice dark and raspy. It sends a chill down my spine that pools in my underwear. 
Mattheo throws me over his shoulder, ignoring my flailing lips as he walks back to the manor. “Didn’t even get a mile, love. Lost your talent it seems, or maybe you knew you’d miss me too much.” he teased, running his warm hands up my thigh, pressing a kiss to my exposed skin. 
It isn’t long before we’re back at the manor, and I thank every god I'm in good ties with when he walks past the basement. He takes me to his room instead, our room, the room where I've fallen apart under his touch more times than I can count. 
I breathe in his familiar scent as he deposits me on the bed, and I roll over to bury my burning face in the pillows. Mattheo chuckles at me and grabs my hips, pulling me back against him as he grinds his hardening bulge against the plushness of my ass. 
“You’ve been extra obedient, haven’t you?” he asked, his voice dripping with a tone I could quite place. Lust? Possession? Love? It all blurred together as he rutted his hips against me. “Good girls deserve a reward, don’t they?” he asked, before hooking his fingers at the hem of my shorts. He pulled them down to expose my glistening cunt. He spread me out along his fingers, admiring the way my pussy pulsed around nothing. He leaned in, pressing a possessive kiss to my clit, holding my hips as I try to buck away from him. 
His warm fingers trace along my thighs, sleeping between my legs and collecting the arousal that pooled there. I release a shaky breath into the pillow as his finger circles my clit, and I arch my back to present myself further. He hums in appreciation, trailing his finger further up to my dripping hole, slowly pushing his middle finger inside of me. I gasp at the intrusion, not being able to remember the last time something so long had been inside of me. I keen under his touch, gripping the sheets for stability as he slowly pumps his finger in and out of me. A moan escapes me as he curls his finger, and his thumb brushes against my needy pearl again. Mattheo adds a second finger, spreading out my tight, gummy walls. I crumble under his touch, mouth falling open and eyes going half lidded as he pulls his fingers from me. 
I hear him dropping his pants, and the bed dips behind me yet again as he leans his body completely over mine. His arm wraps around my neck, pressing me close to his chest while his breath fans across my face. The tip of his cock presses against me, and I whine at the sensation, pushing my hips back against him.
“Needy girl, thought you didn’t need me anymore.” He teased, pushing just the bulbous tip into my hole. It’s enough to make the knot in my stomach tighten, and I shake my head. “Need you, Matty, Need you so bad.” I admit, face flushed with embarrassment as he smirks. “Gonna run away again?”
He doesn’t let me get an answer out before he’s pressing further inside of me, the stretch burning pleasantly while my eyes roll back. His arm around my throat tightens, “I asked you a question, darling.” He teased, licking away the stray tear that fell from my eyes. I gasp as his cock brushes against a gummy bundle of nerves, and my head drops to the pillows. He tugs me back against him, pushing even further until he balls slapped against me. “No! No, never gonna leave again,” I promised, involuntary whines spilling from my throat. 
Mattheo pulls his hips back before drilling them back into me, “Good girl,” He grins as he sets a punishing pace, watching my face contort into pleasure underneath him. “Who owns you?” he asks, and I push back against his hips desperately. “You! You do, God, you do!” I moan, feeling my head go light from the lack of airflow. 
“God isn’t here, Love, It’s just me now.”
He drills into my pulsating hole, my back arching at his every thrust as my brain goes mushy from the pleasure. The arm around my throat pulls away, slipping down my stomach to find my pearl. His fingers are just as fast as his pace, and I can’t fight back the whorish moans in my throat. His lips attach to my shoulder, biting a possessive mark into my skin as he fucks me good, better than he ever had before. 
Tears fall from my eyes, and my hand grips his desperately as I’m worked to my edge. “Matty, Matty please…” I trail off into a string of moans, and Mattheo adjusts himself behind me. He bucks his hips into me once more, and I fall apart all over him. My pussy flutters around his cock, and he rides out my orgasm with a few last thrusts of his hips, before he spills his hot seed deep into my womb. Mattheo collapses on top of me, still deep inside as he pins my body to the bed. He hums into my neck, burying himself in my skin. 
“That’s my good girl. Let’s go take a shower.”
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bbokicidal · 12 days
OBSESSED with your work, as a 5 foot tall girl I would love to hear your thoughts on casual dominance and size kink for Seungmin if possible both sfw and nsfw
thank you darling, omg!! NSFW head canons are under the break in text!
warnings : kind of Mean Dom!Seungmin, oops I can't get away from it
Size Difference w/ Seungmin
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Tall BF!Seungmin who thinks that you being so much shorter than him is so, so cute. He's obsessed with how tiny you are compared to him.
Tall BF!Seungmin who does the cliche where he compares your hand sizes. He loves finding new ways to point out how much bigger he is than you, comparing his hand to yours before lacing your fingers together with a giggly smile.
Tall BF!Seungmin who will do everything he can to make your life easier. Grabbing things that are high up? He's got you. Carrying bags from shopping because they're a bit heavier? He's by your side, arm ready. Helping you in and out of cars that sit higher up? He's offering you his hands before you can even unbuckle.
Tall BF!Seungmin who also uses his height as an advantage to protect you. If you've got beef with someone, he'll be standing right behind you staring them down with a threatening glint in his eye and his arms crossed tight over his chest.
Tall BF!Seungmin who thinks his heart is going to explode each time he sees that sometimes when you sit on taller chairs or sit fully back on couches, your feet don't touch the floor. He has to turn away and keep himself composed every time he notices it.
Tall BF!Seungmin who adores seeing you in his clothing because it's so long on you - no matter what size you wear compared to him, it's always long and draped on your curves and he looooooves it.
Tall BF!Seungmin who also mocks and teases you often for your height - in a loving way of course. He loves stealing your phone and holding it up where you can't reach, or bending down at the waist dramatically to kiss you until you slap him to fix his posture.
Tall BF!Seungmin who uses his size to his advantage in bed. Absolutely, are you kidding? He's going to be using that intimidation tactic where he stares you down in the bedroom as well just to assert his dominance.
Tall BF!Seungmin who makes sure - first off - that you know he absolutely would not hurt you in any way unless you asked to be tossed around a little or spanked or something of the likes. He sits down with you to make sure, before you two do anything sexual, that if you ever feel unsafe you have to tell him.
Tall BF!Seungmin who, after that, absolutely goes feral over you. He loves how small you are and how he can easily pin you down or push you onto the bed. He loves, especially, when you ask him or let him toss you onto the bed like a rag doll.
Tall BF!Seungmin who relishes in the dominance in general, and then when you add his fucking size kink to it??? God, he's on cloud nine with you. He's smitten with the idea of having so much power over you because of how much taller he is.
Tall BF!Seungmin who nearly nuts when he sees how his hands hold onto your sides. How they grip at your tender flesh, pulling you to him where he kneels on the mattress and how they can wrap around you so easily; How he can just tug a little and you'll come tumbling towards him. You're so easy to maneuver.
Tall BF!Seungmin who has a favorite position - that being doggy, of course. And with you being so small compared to him, he's - God, again, in Heaven. He's twisting his hand in your hair and then tugging taught to keep your head tipped back as he pounds into you from behind in deep strokes. He's quiet during sex, the only sounds other than your moans being his shaky breath breathing at the sight of you looking so.. small on the mattress.
Tall BF!Seungmin who finds it incredibly easy to hold you up during sex, whether it be tugging your hips into his hold to angle you better or fully pinning you to the wall and holding you up so he can fuck up into you.
Tall BF!Seungmin who also uses his intimidating height while you're beneath him. Not only does he actually tower over you during sex but even when he leans down to cage you in between his arms, his shoulders are broad enough to completely shadow you and make you feel not only safe but also trapped.
Tall BF!Seungmin who loves being able to look down on you when you suck his cock. He's basking in the feeling of being so much bigger than you, seeing your hands wrapping around his base and your mouth working him with a bit of struggle, because he's packing at least seven inches no one can tell me otherwise.
all BF!Seungmin who always sneaks his hand onto your tummy to feel the way his cock bulges against your gummy walls. He loves the feeling wayyyyy too much. <3
Bonus :
Tall BF!Seungmin who asks if you would be open to maybe being towered over in the bedroom by two guys instead of one - all while Hyunjin is on his way over for a movie night.
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sgiandubh · 2 months
News from Birmingham, part 3: verbatim
Verbatim means 'word for word' in Latin and it is often used in French to convey the idea something is being reported exactly as it actually happened.
Absolutely not sorry for the length, nor for the lost night spent on it.
So, here go the juiciest parts using the recording I am (for those joining in later) NOT allowed to post as is. Selection is mine and mine solely - editorial line and all the rest. Once I am done, I shall add my comments. It was hard for the girls to focus on what was being said on stage and write to me in DMs, at the same time. Recording everything was a risk, but also genius. The bits I am going to post are taken exactly as I heard them:
✔️on Blonde Bambino (yes, she elaborated and I had no idea when reporting live by proxy): '(...) and it's just amazing, he's the sweetest, sweetest thing and he looooves music. And, I feel like I succeeded being a mother purely because the other day he asked me if he could invite Kate Bush to his birthday'.
✔️on borrowed things from set: she regrets not having taken some things she liked from previous seasons. 'It's been a long time since I've borrowed anything (...). Terry gave me two nightgowns made in Season 1, she gave me one that was never used. And then she promised me a lot of things (...).' Wanted to 'borrow' something from her own surgery.
✔️on her involvement with the Blankfaces fashion label-cum- homeless charity in GLA: 'oh, that is Gerry who runs that, he is a friend of my husband's and he is just this amazing person who does grassroots organizing, you know, Blankfaces he's been doing for a long time. And I just met Gerry, you know, socially, and then I thought what he was doing was amazing, and I also found the clothes amazing and so I just bought them.' Further explains what Blankfaces does, the shop, the stories, including the food kitchen, but denies a more active involvement with the project/brand. 'I was just the other day at Hozier (...),he is amazing [cooing, booing] and I'm just paraphrasing from Andrew, and Andrew said this amazing thing, which was how we all want to be part of big things, right, you know to be a part of those things that would change the world, and all of that, but it's actually the small little things you do every single day, in your community, that have the biggest impact. (...) But you can buy their stuff online.'
✔️on producing a future movie based on Book Ten: 'I would not be in those competitions with Starz.'
✔️on her resemblance with Claire (oh dear God, not that question again!): 'As a kid, I was definitely not obedient, definitely not quiet and definitely not tidy, but as an adult, I ended up being more organized than I've ever thought I would be in my life (...) shocking (...). The world has changed crazy, (...) I used to talk to people and have opinions on things, but now it feels like a cesspool (...). I miss that space for conversation.'
✔️on 'Erself and the end of Outlander: 'well Diana came to visit, I actually don't know when it was, not that long ago, she came on set, sheeee... ugh, you'd have to forgive me, it was last season, it was so long ago, I can't remember what is what and I have to remember if she wrote something last season (...). Diana, she's created this world (...), she watches everything (...). But she's also allowed us to sort of make her characters our own and she's given us her blessing to do that, which has been amazing. And she still won't tell us the ending. [Voice in public: Sam knows!] Sammy... Sam THINKS he knows.'
✔️on the public impact of OL's Season 1 and sudden fame: 'I got this job so last minute, I was living in the US and I knew it was a US series that we're gonna be filming in the UK. And I read the first book so I was like, OMG sounds like an amazing show to film. But then I went from being cast to being in Scotland in one week. And then you're just like, you're working for 85, 90 hours a week. I didn't know who I was, where I was, what was going on. (...) and we went to Comic Con (...), I mean that whole year was a blur, an amazing blur, but a blur.' Had no expectations about what the show would become, it's now broadcast in 87 countries, 'it's insane, it's amazing'. Being able to be successful after 10 years is 'amazing'.
✔️on what she will miss most about Scotland or is she planning to stay in Scotland after OL is over: 'that's the million dollars question, I don't know. I mean, I think I'll... my husband is Scottish, so I think we'll always have something there, his parents both live there, so you know, we're not never going to be there at some point, but I don't know what is gonna happen after, but I am very, I feel, yeah, I feel like it's gonna be so sad not to... you know for 11 years, no matter like if we're gonna back in the United States or to London for a while we've always known we'd be back to Scotland at some point and be there for 10 or 11 months and so now I don't know, I don't know what the future holds, so....'
✔️on her and Tony sharing the same musical tastes: ' do Sam and I share the same music [Steve immediately BARKS: 'no, Tony, your real husband!'] Tony? Yes. Sam - no.'
✔️Sam's whisky or Graham's bourbon? 'Sam's whisky. I haven't tasted the bourbon, but bourbon is too sweet'.
✔️speaking about Steve - 'he's so mean'. In jest (?).
✔️her favorite part of making her own gin: 'tasting (...), trusting your senses'. The distillery changed, from the first to the second batch - the product's taste changed, a learning curve. They wanted to make sure it's still the same product.
✔️on regretting she did not start acting ten years earlier - mentioned not being ready for the responsibility of shooting 14, 16 hours a day, no sick days, etc: 'it's like a beast'. She felt OL came at the right time, was 'prepared and ready to be there' and eager to be given 'a shot (...): whatever you throw at me, I'll do it'. 'And I think for Sam was the same.'
✔️on memorable OL sets/places: Craigh Na Dun stones. 'The new place where we are, really cool. (....) Amazing stately homes like Hopetoun'. It's 'amazing.'
✔️on another parts in movies - she looks forward for 'good writing' and 'the character to speak' to her, in a new project, the people she will work with... Cliche AF. The Cut and The Amateur roles are 'not huge', the last she clearly said it was a small role, 'it's not my film, it's someone else's film'. She 'did not want to be working all the time, obviously with a small child'. Defined The Cut's plot as 'bizarre', and The Amateur as 'funny'. Loves her job, is happy with it.
✔️last question was asked by a French woman with a very thick accent, about traveling and learning things out of it - C. considers herself very lucky to have been able to travel all around the world as a model. Traveling taught her empathy, how to get over our very Christian centric view of the world. Mentions growing up in 'a very small village in Ireland, that was pretty much, you know, one church, one tiny school and one shop'. Her parents 'instilled a love of reading and learning'. Then she left Ireland to live in France and Japan, and traveled to Nepal. Nepal :'the trip that changed me and changed my life, because I was like seeing a completely different culture that had no correlation to anything that I grew up with, but it was the most beautiful spiritual awakening I guess I've ever had. (...) By traveling and by eating different foods and trying to speak other languages, which I try to do and I apologize to everybody because I try and speak your language, too, because I think (...) it's important to try and connect, because we expect people to come here and do that and it's so rude we don't go and do the same [ applause].' Being able to travel allows us to see how different and how similar we are'.
Ended with a huge thank you to fans, it's been so long that I wasn't attending a convention, 'but it meant the world to me to meet you all again, seen so many familiar faces, it feels so weird to be at the end of this show, because it has meant so much to me (...). Will see you all again soon.'
And now, for my comments and findings. Almost point by point:
Kate Bush, LOL (we'll never agree, C and I, on this one; but I can almost imagine Blonde Bambino cooing this - awww):
So, she basically repeated the same anecdote as last year, during promo. From Sade to Kate Bush, and hey, what about that birthday - 'the other day'? But let's not be nitpicky.
'Gerry' actually is Gerard McKenzie Govan, one of the three Directors and the founder of The Blankfaces CIC, a Community Interest Company (regular company with an increased social responsibility twist and, as such, heavily subsidized by the local authorities, too). More on him, here, for those who really want to know about him: https://www.glasgowwestendtoday.scot/magazine/the-man-behind-the-blankfaces-1391/. But that is not the most juicy part, actually - some blatant inconsistencies are. Like 'Gerry' being a friend of Nameless Husband's, but still she met him socially (huh? I thought he was a friend of Nameless Husband, hence a family acquaintance?). Also, C doesn't know shite about The Blankfaces, but still bravely fills in those blanks, like when she tells us fans Gerry has been doing Blankfaces 'for a long time'. The UK competent public authority, Companies House, says something very different and I can prove that the CIC was registered in 2018. Which is not really a long time at all:
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'March 6, 2018 - Incorporation of a Community Interest Company' - see above. It also doesn't seem to be very well managed, at all:
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Both its yearly accounts and its confirmation statement are long overdue (since 2023, in fact). The CIC is, actually, subject of an 'active proposal to strike off', which means it will be closed/dissolved, and rather sooner than later:
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In their case, I suspect a compulsory strike-off, issued by the Companies House register. Fits with the legal criteria:
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In a nutshell: because The Blankfaces failed to file its annual accounts and confirmation statement AND because it did not answer to the Companies House's two kind reminder letters, it will be forcibly dissolved in less than two months from now and there is NO going back on that decision, according to UK law.
Wouldn't C know about her Nameless Husband's Friend huge problems? I mean, how more tone-deaf and disconnected can you be, promoting a clinically dead business and inviting people to buy their clothes from their online shop?
Unless... Yeah, unless - but oooh, stupid shippers, slap a shipper, etc.
[Source: Moore and Stoke, an insolvency practitioners' firm based in Stoke-on Trent, UK - simply because they had the simplest and most recent legal explanation, see here: https://www.moorestoke.co.uk/active-proposal-to-strike-off/].
Compared to that, the fact that Tracula was nowhere to be seen at the recent Andrew Hozier-Byrne's concert in GLA is really peanuts. This is serious, legal stuff and please don't give me the 'she's an artist, she doesn't know shit about business' lame excuse. She is also a businesswoman, with her own spirits brand and several other companies, at least in the UK, Ireland and the US. Give me a break, #IYKYK.
Can't wait to be done with OL. Even the thought of a future movie based on Book Ten makes her cringe. Felt it in her voice and it was enough.
World feels like a cesspool? Why on Earth? She is a beautiful, successful and accomplished woman, with her own family and free from want. A cesspool is a very strong and strange word, in this apparent context. Unless.. but yeah, stupid shipper, slap a shipper. Missing conversations, expressing her opinion.... Not even LOL. It made me feel sad. Everything that happened to them since 2016 must be such a burden.
Sammy. SAMMY? Whoa, girl! Merci beaucoup, vraiment. Term of endearment, anyone? Compare with the stiff dead 'my husband' - again, the difference between a teddy bear and a guillotine is transparent in her voice. Also, DG - a difficult topic for her. She doesn't like 'Erself much and I think we all know why.
You tell me about 87 countries, Ma'am. I experience it every day, from the sidelines, so I can easily imagine what the impact could be for you. OL, that blessing and that curse. Also, when she is fed up with prodding and unwilling to kiss arses, she'd quip something along the lines of 'amazing' and be done with it.
Bonnie Scotland and the Day After. Another great moment of 'what the hell ever, just say anything'. Also, Caitriona Mary is a terrible, terrible liar - just like Sam Roland, you know. Her answer came out as incoherent and borderline illogical. Look at this: ' I mean, I think I'll… my husband is Scottish' - the 'I'll' part was her spontaneous starting to answer, about herself, but then inhibition kicked in and shit, she remembered she is married and had to somehow insert Tracula and both his parents (alive, just to make sure). Also, excuse me, hellooo: 'I think we'll always have something there'. Sounds like a flat, more like a pied-à-terre, but lo and behold, she suggests life is going to be elsewhere. What about that pharaonic McMansion, we so passionately followed the painstaking refurbishment of, double glazing included and borderline scandalizing the local heritage protection NGOs in the process? That doesn't really sound like 'something there', does it? That Bear Grylls flat looked more like 'something there', so where's the catch-22, here? What if I was right about McMansion being a fixer-upper she never planned to live in (where, oh where does The Happy Couple live? ooooh, ROFLMAO)? What if I was right about some other thoughts I am not ready to discuss yet? Questions, questions. And yes, London. IYKYK and very different from the emotional, savant blur. Also, for a very organized grown-up woman (her own words, see above), not knowing what the future holds... I mean I get it, but how peculiar, isn't it? Drawing a line, that question unsettled her. She was not planning to answer. She ended with a joke on not being able to see 'that yellow thing in the sky for five months in a row'. Get me out of this question and quick.
The music tastes' question was very clearly audible, even from the back of the room and I had zero trouble to distinctly hear it - it was also asked in a posh & polite British accent, so that helped a LOT: ' do you and Tony share the same music tastes?' The Freudian slip is simply inexplicable. Also, she answered Tony, not 'my husband' : Tony+ my husband in the same phrase is something beyond her strength. But why answer about S at all, that was NOT the question? Why? There are limits to dumbfuckery, after all. Also, Steve is such a pain in the arse. Who, in your mind and heart, is the real husband, C?
Whisky vs. Bourbon, she mumbled her answer, very uneasy, had to listen three times to untangle it. The Soup Nazi had to step in and bark the answer, train station megaphone style, for everyone to hear and get the memo. Now I understand why. And you should, too.
'He's so mean'. Definitely not in jest. Steve, that is. Fire that dick. Plus, later on, she quipped to him: 'you have the reputation of being like a strict schoolmaster'. Answer: 'maybe I am'. A cara nem treme, like they say in Brazil.
In that gin question, the Stan dutifully mentioned Tony (arse kissers, ALL OF THEM) - she could have mentioned him openly, she had a boulevard in front of her. But nope, she came back to mainly mentioning her own experience and a very vague 'we'.
'And I think Sam was the same' - conversations were had early on. In Central Park, London. And then things went very fast, as it sometimes happens. Sharing takes things on a very different level. I think this is exactly what happened to them.
Memorable places: they both are very moved by Craigh Na Dun, and it's absolutely normal. And Hopetoun - LOL, hello, of course ('The Door Faces North', pun totally intended).
Next two movies: so long for her Stans' delusions she was given a main role. She wrapped deception with grace and hid behind being a mom. ALL THE ANTI BLOGS WERE EERILY SILENT ABOUT THIS. I wonder why. Actually no, I don't. But sure, shippers twist things, shippers hide things. No shame, those people.
The last question, on travel, was my favorite one. I think it was perhaps the only time she felt able to fully express what she meant and wanted to. Many will jump on that Nepal reference and it is correct, but to me, on a very personal level, it spoke in many, many other ways. This is the C I have managed to embrace, reluctantly at first (I admit) and like a LOT. This is the witty girl I thought I have lost forever in that sea of painful innuendos, stupid Stans ass-kissing and blurring everything in the process, plus a Nazi minder on top. Fire that dick. Seriously. He wanted to end on a 'funny' Kumbaya note - she subtly managed to break free. Thank you, C. Seriously. The wonder you are and completely unaware of it. And the things you can do with words, if only you'd dare play with them some more.
Her tone at the end was emotional. Very. It was the same tone as for that 'partner everyday' gala speech. Oh, the things she wanted to tell all of us. And if we only knew. But hey, she promised we will meet again, soon. Perhaps in Paris? I'll gladly speak to you. In French.
A HUGE thank you. Both of you. I love you, girls.
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merakiui · 1 month
MERAAA what do you think about having a friends with benefits with both ace and Deuce? Like they're friends with reader and having no boundaries with them ykyk
:O I love this omg!! Fwb with Ace and Deuce is so fun because they're both loser virgins in their own ways. Ace thinks he's the love god because he's had a girlfriend before, but the truth is that he's very inexperienced in a lot of aspects of relationships (especially college-aged relationships since you're technically his first in that respect). I like to think he and Deuce would bicker over who can please you better, but they're both fucking you in missionary and kissing you awkwardly and sloppily. They'll get it eventually. ^^;;;
It's a lot of figuring out what works and what doesn't with them, seeing their faults and flaws, but also appreciating the things they do unconsciously. Like when Deuce worries over whether or not he's hurting you, telling you to let him know if anything's uncomfortable, promising to go slow. He's very diligent about making sure he wears protection, and his aftercare, while at times suffocating, is very sweet. He just wants to make sure you're happy and feeling good. <3 he's a sweetheart. He's much the same outside of the bedroom, too. But now that you're fwb there are moments where he just stares at you and gets flustered because he now knows what you look like without clothes on. He's so down bad.
Ace also cares immensely for you, but it isn't as outright or obvious as Deuce (or so he wants it to seem). But if you look close enough and the more time you spend with Ace, the more you'll begin to realize his way of caring is just as obvious as Deuce's. Ace is very observant and he picks up on certain things you might not expect him to. It's how he's learned some of your favorite things and preferences without you having to tell him. Teasing is his love language. He'll tease you and be characteristically childish, but he never goes too far. He knows the line between being mean and being playful. If his words were to cause you distress or leave you crying, he'd genuinely feel bad. It's never his intention to hurt you. Ace just doesn't know how to admit to his feelings sometimes, which is why he'll act like he doesn't care if you eat that pastry he nearly fought other students over when it's bakery day, all of it just to get your favorite.
Both he and Deuce mean well. <3 also,,,,, the first time they saw you in lingerie or just your usual undergarments,,, they folded. These two would do anything for you. They love you so much they sometimes try (and fail) to sneak out of Heartslabyul just to drop by for spontaneous sleepovers.
I think fwb with them works (until it doesn't because they fall hard) because you're already so close. They just railed you into the mattress and now the three of you are dropping by Sam's store to get snacks for movie night at Ramshackle. And omg don't get me started on how it's canon that Ace and Deuce often accompany the player/Yuu on grocery shopping and how they visit town together!!!! OTL visits to town start to feel a lot more like dates when Ace and Deuce are in love with you hehe.
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bruisedboys · 2 years
i need james or remus w a shy reader 🙏🙏 maybe where they are shopping and she forgot her purse but doesn’t want to spend his money
love love love this idea, tysm anon!! first remus blurb omg
fem!reader 0.7k words
Remus waits in the shoe section for you while you try on your clothes in the dressing rooms. You hadn’t told him to, but he could tell you felt shy about him seeing you in new clothes. So he’d given you your space while you tried them on.
Now, you’re smiling shyly as you approach him, your arms laden with clothes.
“How’d it go?” He asks as you come to a stop two steps too far away from him. Remus closes the gap. Your smile goes from shy to shyer.
“It went okay,” you say quietly, rearranging the pile of clothes in your arms. “The pink dress looked weird. But I really liked the blue one.”
Remus beams. He’d picked out the blue one. He feels very proud of himself. “Yeah? And the top?”
You nod and lift your eyes to his. You’re too pretty for the store’s harsh white lighting, Remus thinks. Too soft.
“That was good, too,” you say. “The colours are nice.”
“Awesome,” he says. He reaches out and takes the pink dress from you. It’s quite short, he notices, and would probably show a lot more leg than you’re used to. Maybe that’s why you don’t like it. “You sure you didn’t like this one? I think it’s nice.”
You shake your head. “Nah, not my style.”
Remus shrugs and hangs the dress over his elbow. “Okay. That’s okay, dove. I’ll put it back, if you want. And you’re definitely getting those two?”
He points to the two remaining pieces in your arms, a flowery top that suits your skin tone and the pale blue dress he’d seen and made a beeline for earlier. They’re both very pretty, and Remus can’t wait to see you wear them.
You nod happily. Remus thinks maybe he should come clothes shopping with you more often, if you’re gonna be this adorable every time. He’s been missing out.
Remus sets off to return the pink dress to its place. It only takes a minute or two, but when he returns you’re not waiting in the checkout line like he thought you’d be. You’re standing just shy of the line, looking distraught. Remus feels a rush of panic like a stab to his heart.
“Dove?” He approaches you quickly, his hand quick to clasp around your elbow. “Are you okay?”
You look up at him and your face crumples. “I’ve forgotten my wallet,” you say, your tone far too close to self-deprecating for his liking.
Remus relaxes. From the look on your face he’d thought it was something much worse than that. Still, he squeezes your elbow because you do look very sad.
“Oh, that’s okay.” He drags his hand down your forearm and curls his fingers around your wrist. “I’ll pay, bub.”
You somehow manage to look even more distraught than a second ago.
“No,” you say desperately, shaking your head so fast Remus is scared you’ll get a headache. “You don’t have to do that, Remus. I just won’t get them.”
You make to turn away but Remus snags your wrist, pulling you back into him. You go from startled to shy in a matter of seconds.
“Y/N,” he says, patient but firm. He’d seen how excited you were about the clothes and can’t bear to let you put them back. “Don’t be silly. I’ll pay.”
You look helpless and a bit like a lost puppy as Remus takes the clothes from you.
“I’ll pay you back,” you blurt.
Remus shakes his head. “Nah, don’t worry. Your payment for my extreme generosity can be giving me a fashion show when we get home.”
He’s half teasing and half totally serious. You whine and hide your face in his shoulder, your way of saying Remus, please. Remus just chuckles fondly and rubs your back, knowing if he says anything more you’ll probably melt into a puddle.
When the clothes are payed for and you’re out of the store, Remus holds the bag out to you. You take it, albeit shyly.
“Thank you,” you say, so quiet Remus barely hears you. He can tell you want to say more, but it’s always hard for you to find the right words. He saves you the trouble, before you get too worked up.
“S’no problem,” he says, because it really isn’t. He’d spend himself dry for you if you asked for it. He’d give you anything you want in the world. He wants to tell you so, only you’re already very hot in the face and he doesn’t want you bursting into flames in the middle of the mall.
He opts for a kiss to your head instead.
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cupidsfantasy · 2 months
HIII !!I was wondering if you could do headcannons for katsuki ans shinso for an alternative reader if that makes sense like not really any subculture in mind so it can include more people but still u set alternative?😭I hope that made sense anyways thanks!!-anon🕸️
aka: katsuki and hitoshi with an alternative reader !
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﹒⪩⪨﹒ he initially scoffs at the aesthetic, claiming it’s just another way for people to seek attention. however, he quickly realizes that your style is a genuine expression of your personality, and he takes whatever he said back real quick.
﹒⪩⪨﹒ despite his tough exterior, he becomes somewhat protective of his your style choices. if anyone mocks or judges you, he would defend you.
﹒⪩⪨﹒ he isn’t the best at verbal compliments, but he often shows his appreciation for your aesthetic through actions. he might buy you a new accessory or piece of clothing that he thinks would suit your style.
﹒⪩⪨﹒ over time, his own wardrobe might start incorporating more alternative clothing. he won’t admit it, but his your influence rubs off on him, and he starts appreciating the aesthetic.
﹒⪩⪨﹒ he enjoys taking you to rock concerts and heavy metal music festivals, appreciating the high energy and rebellious atmosphere. he finds the environment enjoyable and really likes sharing these experiences with you.
﹒⪩⪨﹒ in private, he might show a softer side, helping you with your makeup or dying your hair different colors. it’s a really cute bonding experience, and he secretly loves those moments.
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﹒⪩⪨﹒you and hitoshi instantly connect over your guys shared aesthetic. you guys really appreciate each other's styles and often compliment each other's outfits and looks.
﹒⪩⪨﹒your wardrobes often blend together from having basically the same style. you guys enjoy borrowing each other's clothes and accessories, creating a mix of your styles.
﹒⪩⪨﹒ you and hitoshi love exploring the underground places together. you guys frequently visit indie cafes, vintage shops, underground clubs, and music festivals, always finding new and interesting spots.
﹒⪩⪨﹒ you guys bond over your love for alternative music and art. whether it’s discovering a new band, attending a concert, or visiting an art exhibition, you guys always find joy in these shared interests.
﹒⪩⪨﹒ hitoshi understands the ‘challenges’ of having an alternative style and is always there to support you. you guys often discuss your experiences and how to handle judgment from others, providing each other with comfort and reassurance.
﹒⪩⪨﹒hitoshi loves planning random dates, often involving very unconventional activities, such as exploring abandoned places, attending midnight movie screenings, or visiting eccentric art exhibits. but whatever he plans you’re obsessed with it.
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delusionalwriter02 · 8 months
HELLOOO, I really enjoy your bsd insta series, mind doing it with Akutagawa? ^^
Insta as Akutagawa's GF
a/n : I was waiting for Akutagawa sooo much so let's go! Thank you so much for your request <3
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<3 liked by Akutagawa, Daze_i and 187 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : I've redone his colour, I feel like a hairdresser
Akutagawa : you were so insistent on top of that
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : stop complaining you love it
Gintonic : it certainly suits him better now
Daze_i : Look at him getting pampered
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : i smell some jealousy here
↳ Daze_i : Me ? Being jealous of him ?? That's the greatest joke I ever heard
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : jealous you'll never get anybody
↳ Daze_i : don't talk about things you know nothing of
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : should I remind you that I AM friend with Chuuya and for what I heard, your personal life is a disaster
↳ Daze_i : the fucker
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<3 liked by Gintonic, Higucci and 112 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : even when he's bored, he looks amazing
Atsushiii : that's what he's doing when he's not fighting me
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : he's a very occupied man yk
↳ Akutagawa : I'll always have time to kick your stupid ass Atsushi
↳ Atsushiii : so violent
Chu_uya : he really changed his style since he's with you
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I actually take care of him yk
↳ Chu_uya : clearly
Gintonic : wanna go shopping tomorrow ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : sure i'll text Higuchi
↳ Akutagwa : be back before 8pm
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : why ?
↳ Akutagawa : We got a reservation
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : OH YES YOU'RE RIGHT, don't worry i'll be back
↳ Gintonic : just come with us, Chuuya will be here too
↳ Akutagawa : Really ? @.Chu_uya since when do you like shopping ?
↳ Chu_uya : Since I got no clothes left
↳ Akutagawa : tf you're doing with it
↳ Chu_uya : don't ask
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<3 liked by Chu_uya, Akutagawa and 197 others.
Gintonic : lovely day with the crew @.Akutagawa @.Chu_uya @.Higucci @.Yn_theoneandonly
Yn_theoneandonly : it was so fun seeing you outside of missions
↳ Higucci : yeah we should do that more often
↳ Chu_uya : fun for YOU, I still ended up with all of your bags
↳ Gintonic : it weight nothing to you so stop being a crybaby
↳ Akutagawa : Rashômon is not an hanger
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : Honey dare to tell me it was that annoying being with us
↳ Akutagawa : I like being with you, not all of them
↳ Gintonic : not even your sister ?
↳ Akutagawa : you two
Yosanurgirl : I need to bring Atsushi to the mall, want to come with us Akutagawa ? I'll certainly need a carrier
↳ Akutagawa : in your fucking dreams
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<3 liked by Gintonic, Higucci and 392 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : find a man who ties your shoelaces
Gintonic : you're litteraly the best sister-in-law EVER
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : omg love you know i love you ??
↳ Akutagawa : stop flirting
↳ Gintonic : loosen up, she made you less grumpy so I have the RIGHT to congratulate her
↳ Akutagawa : I'm not grumpy
↳ Chu_uya : lol
Daze_i : first time I see him do shoelaces
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : he have a lot of skills
↳ Daze_i : if you say so
Atsushiii : I feel like it's not Akutagawa, he's NOT nice
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : because you only sees him when he's angry, he's a sweetheart
↳ Gintonic : yeah he's really cute
↳ Akutagawa : stop spreading rumors
↳ Daze_i : HIM ??? NICE ?????
↳ Higucci : what's your damn problem suicidal freak ?
↳ Daze_i : but she'd bite the little one
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : go be a loser somewhere else Dazai
↳ Daze_i : seems like I'm not wanted here
↳ Chu_uya : you're not so fuck off
↳ Daze_i : My friends, it was a pleasure
↳ Gintonic : pleasure not return
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<3 liked by Gintonic, Higucci and 280 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : i'm so on my knees for him
Gintonic : ewwww
Chu_uya : where are you going ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : on vacation, far far far away from you
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Hey I hope you liked it ? Thank you so much for your kinds words and your request!
See you <3
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animehideout · 9 months
Omg your MBTI relationship with the jjk characters is so cool I love the concept !! If possible can you do an ENTP personality?
Your MBTI, Your Relationship With JJK Characters Part 4
a/n: Thank you Anon and @darkangeloftartaraus for requesting entp, I've received a lot of requests for this mbti type. Also @djskimpleshanks thanks for requesting isfp <33 I hope you enjoy these 🫶🏻💖💖💖
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Gojo Satoru = Boyfriend.
You fit perfectlyin each and every way possible. Humor is the central aspect of your relationship. Your relationship is full of teasing, playful nicknames and witty ironic remarks. Sarcasm is basically your love language and how you flirt with each other. No one can get Gojo's sarcasm, they either get offended or confused, except for you. Both of you can handle each other. You have your own world, you'd be laughing your asses off while others are staring at you in confusion wondering what they did miss. You have a lot of inside jokes. Both you and Gojo are high intellectuals, you have a lot of ideas, theories and interesting topics to discuss. You're quick and naturally gifted at finding solutions to complex challenges.Your skills combined make you a powerful due. Spontaneous surprise skinship, so expect a lot of random cuddles , kisses and hugs. Despite him being narcissistic and sees himself as perfect, he considers you as his other half, you complete him. Your dates are spontaneous, Gojo always comes up with fun and innovative ideas to hang out. He spoils you a lot and always buys you gifts to show his appreciation for you. When you argue, you literally argue like an old married couple. Trusts you a lot, but he's very protective of you. He's the strongest sorcerer after all.
Ryomen Sukuna = Enemy.
You're a free independent spirit, so your values clash with Sukuna's overly authoritarian approach. Sukuna keeps on forcing rigid rules, and expects you to submit. So when you disagree and rebel it created an enmity between both of you. You throw at each other, ironic comments. You show him that you're autonomous and can't be controlled or restrained by him. Sukuna tries to tame you into his liking, to make you bow in front of him and completely surrender. But as an ENTP, you both mentally and physically resist him and try to sto him from controlling others as well. Given your nature, you also like to challenge him and break his ego. You make fun of his old stiff mentality, totally provoking him.
Kugisaki Nobara = Roommate.
Your shared apartment is a chaotic space. Always blasting music, room filled with your laughers, getting over your neighbors nerves ( Megumi ). When you're together you can't be serious, cuz you're always cracking jokes, talking about mutual friends and gossiping about your exes. It also helps that both of you share the same interests, you both like shopping. You spend hours jumping from one store to another buying new clothes and new house decorations. You always like to change the interior design of your living space. You're not good at taking important house hold decisions, so you always end up in friendly debates. Both of you are social butterflies, so you always throw small parties and small gatherings. Often inviting your friends over allowing everyone to enjoy their time and have fun. You'd force your introverted friends to join, literally dragging them. Despite your extroverted nature, you always make sure to comfort each other and “try” to give each other personal space, if needed.
Aoi Todo = Has a massive crush on you.
You hang out a lot since you have mutual friends. Poor baby couldn't help falling head over heals for you. You're not just physically attractive but also charismatic. He finds you interesting and captivating. Whenever you're around, your radiant energy transfers to him, it uplifts his mood and motivates him. He feels fully charged around you. Your presence is his personal source of joy. Todo dislikes boring people woth boring mindsets, that's why he finds himself falling for you because your opinions and ideas are unique. You're the complete opposite of boring, you don't approve of basic traditional ideas, you have a rebellious mindset that made tou break out of the ordinary. You made the mood brighter and more fun. He always looks at you with heart eyes. He's so obvious about his feelings for you, and everyone knows. He'd definitely shed tears if you invite him to hang out or compliment him.
Yuta Okkotsu = Boyfriend.
Warm kind of love. As someone who struggles to vocalize his feelings, Yuta found himself attracted to your understanding nature and how you empathize with other's emotions. He finds himself effortlessly understood and heard by you. And that what he appreciates the most about you. You are like his safe space. Your love language is almost the same; you express your love through actions and gentle gestures rather than words, this way is more appealing for both of you. ISFP and Yuta are both non-judgmental, you accept each other's pasts, traumas, fears and struggles. You love each other for the way you are without sugarcoating anything. At the same time you push each other to become a better version of yourselves. You have a deep meaningful connection, which serves as a source if strength. Your love for him pushes him forward to work on his strengths and become a better person for you ( he is perfect), to be able to protect you from everything that could possibly harm you. Quiet, intimate moments are sacred between both of you. He's blown away by the fact that you find beauty in the smallest things, you may appear as a simple person for others but Yuta managed to know you on a personal level, revealing that you're an artistic, aesthetic person.
Yuji Itadori = Soulmate.
He's an extrovert you're an introvert yet you managed to establish a powerful bond ✨Soulmates✨ . From the first glance, he somehow knew you're an interesting artistic person. On the other hand, you found his enthusiasm inspiring. He often encourages you to share your ideas and art more openly to the world. He wants everyone to see how talented his soulmate is. He respects your boundaries, if your social energy is low then he gives you your space to enjoy your solitude. He keeps you company, he sits quietly on his phone while you do your thing, totally respecting your peace. Yuji is always so vocal, he compliments you a lot, you always receive words of encouragement from him. Both of you can be vulnerable around each other, especially him. He isn't afraid to cry in front of you. You were hesitant to show thay side to him at first, but with his help he proved to you that's it's okay to let it out in front of people who truly care about you. And he cares a lot. He's so good at comforting, you don't ask for comfort but he always provides it for you. His arms are your safe place. Both of you protect and prioritize each other's well being.
Gojo Satoru = tension.
ISFPs are gentle, empathetic and humble and this conflicts with Gojo's narcissistic nature. It's not a hate relationship it's just you can't stand him while all of you are gathered and he starts overshadowing others, by bragging about being the strongest in the world. You admire his abilities but you hate the way he shows them off. You are empathetic towards people who are weak, but Gojo is apathetic towards them. So it makes you see him as careless and neglecting others' feelings. On the other hand, Gojo might find you confusing. He knows your supportive nature woth others, so he would be perplexed that you're not treating him the same, but instead, you're avoiding him. He is egocentric and thrives to be the center of attention of everyone, especially you. He doesn't need validation but he craves praising, so he pushes too hard to get your attention.
Megumi Fushiguro = Colleague.
If one of the higher ups wants to get work done, problems solved, everything into place.. they assign you and Megumi to get done with it. Minimalistic chats. All work, less talk. You work in harmony. Both of you are so quiet and focused. You understand and respect each other's approaches, which allows you ti combine your knowledge and make it affective, depending on the task. Megumi is good at critical thinking so it complements your strengths since you depend more in your senses and feelings.
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trtlebuns · 1 year
Who would’ve thought?
Random things about T141 + Alejandro & Köing
Tags: Fluff and cursing (maybe?)
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Alejandro Vargas
my man my man my man!!!!
Alejandro HATES!!! Spicy foods, even though he is Mexican and grew up in a Mexican household he CANNOT handle anything spicy
Wakes up at 6:45 everyday
His comfort clothing includes: a tank top or T-shirt with grey joggers and black/socks
He would often cook the meals (very house husband of him)
Hates alcoholic beverages, like he’ll drink them but won’t enjoy them
Favorite color is: Rosewood Pink
Favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry
He doesn’t wear cologne
He takes his skin care VERY serious
When he’s angry or excited he would talk in his native tongue
Will call out of work if his hair isn’t “hairing”
Likes to kiss you on the forehead near your edges
Likes to watch you get dressed
Wants to have a big family
If he could be any cartoon character he would be Milo from fish hooks
Has a tattoo of your initial behind his ear
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Listens to lofi and jazz
A light sleeper
Hates pickles
Wears his mask in public but at home he wears a big sweater with a large hood to hide most of his face (specifically a deep purple sweater)
Likes all of the avengers movies and if one is coming out he would buy tickets in advance (like 3-6 months in advance)
Likes strawberry milk but is severely lactose intolerant
Hates raisins but likes grapes
His comfort outfit would be: at home, a onesie to match yours or if in public ( like he goes out there willingly) would be a hoodie and joggers with crocs
Enjoys putting on his eye makeup while you do your makeup
Still doesn’t know what “beat this face to the gods” mean, even though you only say it when you do your makeup
Is happy with being with you and having a cat or two (or any small animal of your choice)
Prefers to eat ketchup with anything
Likes sardines
Likes to hug you from the back
Favorite color is: Mulberry Purple
He wears your initial as a chain
Has a dad sneeze
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GHOST (Simon Riley)
Hates anything super sweet or sweeting in general
Prefers coffee (black) over tea, but would drink it if it’s the only thing around
He likes pumpkin spice lattes (yes he’s a basic bi- brit 🫣)
Secretly adds weapons to you car every time he gets in it
Like why do you have a knife in your cup holder?? How did that get there, you wonder
Orders steak every time you guys eat out anywhere “fancy”
Wears a face mask when he’s out
Your nickname for him is “beady eyed brit”
Only kisses you on the cheek and the temple
He rolls his eyes at everything
“Omg mon, you didn’t have to get me this??” You said happily as you hugged Simon. “I wouldn’t have gotten it, if you didn’t stop pestering me about it” He sighed and rolled his eyes knowing that he would buy you the world if you only mentioned it once
He loves peppermints
He likes to watch you…just do you
You’re in the kitchen? Boom, he’s leaning on the fridge watching you. You’re in the bathroom fixing your hair, Boom, he’s sitting on the toilet seat just staring. You’re walking around talking on the phone? Boom, he’s right there in arms distance listening and watching you. Just watching
He listens to classical music
Comfort fit: anything that’s lying on the floor closest to him or anything that seems comfy to him, could be shorts and a shirt or joggers and topless as long as he’s comfy he don’t care
Prefers to be just with you but wouldn’t mind stretching the family
He likes to skip rocks
He knows how to skateboard
Weirdly obsessed with peanut butter because of the “protein”
Favorite color is: Juniper Green
He goes makeup shopping with you because you need to know what type of eye makeup he wears that lasts through literal war
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SOAP (Johnny Mactavish)
Hates coconut flavored anything! It could artificial or down to the real deal he HATES IT
Likes to yell at the tv
Must take a bite of your food, it doesn’t matter if you both have the same thing or not. He needs a bite and his reasoning is “I’m testing for poison”
Get you a man who CARES!
Would rate your burps out of 10
Let’s you paint his nails
He spills the tea and so do you
Johnny bursts through the door, and started you “BIIIIIIITCH!!!” Johnny says as he shakes his head walks towards you, you already know the tea is piping HOT! “Let me tell you what price done said over the phone just now” he says as he props down on the bed and you get into a sitting position “I’m all ears babe” you get ready for the most juiciest information of you life
Likes to pee/shit while you’re in the bathroom (it’s his favorite activity)
He rock climbs for a hobby
Favorite color is: Coin Silver
Always calls and never text in advance that he needs to talk
Comfort outfit: pajama bottoms, bunny slippers, and topless or a tanktop
Likes to sleep in cold temperatures
Tackles you with hugs and kisses whenever he sees you
You’re on the phone trying to pay a bill? Boom, he’s right next to you kissing your head and hugging you from the back. You’re trying to get ready for work? Boom, you’re making out and now you gotta call off work…AGAIN!
Listens to a lot of Megan thee stallion because he heard you playing thot shit
Hates the texture of cottage cheese
He’s a horrible cook and so are you, but you both try your best and end up ordering out
Likes to throw things at you and act as if he had no idea what you’re talking about when you ask if he threw something at you
“Ow, what the fu-“ you say as you scratch your head and look at the ground and see an orange crayon on the floor. You look up and see Johnny at the table with a coloring book and crayons “J did you just throw this at me” you question as you raise the crayon. He looks and you and you look at him… “I have no idea what you’re talking about” he says calmly as he goes back to coloring. You sigh, “then how did this get over here?” You roll your eyes and put your hand on your hip. “It must’ve been already over there” he shrugs while continuing his activity with a small smirk pulling at his lips
Likes to eat haggis ( Scottish bastard )
Knows how to play the flute
He would like to have 3 kids and 2 dogs (specifically a Rottweiler and Doberman)
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luvsugu · 1 year
housemate suguru (sighs dreamily)
geto suguru x reader fluff!!!! housemate!AU </3, kinda canon divergence (as in, geto doesnt die and is happy with his best buddies), lots of domestic themes!!, will also probably expand on this idea later hehe
housemate!suguru who moves out of the bigger bedroom when you move in with him because he doesn't want you to have enough space for all your things (aka your cute trinkets n collectibles)
housemate!suguru who always asks if you want him to include your clothes in his load of laundry so that you don't have to worry about it for later. he even folds your clothes neatly into a basket so they don't get wrinky if you wanted to deal with putting them away later.
housemate!suguru who always wants to eat meals together because he enjoys your company (he'd never admit it and refuses to acknowledge the pout you point out when you once came home just before midnight and he ate by himself). eating meals together is just good for the soul!!!!!!!
housemate!suguru who does the dishes whenever you cook because he says it's only fair. he really really likes when you decide to help him out anyway or just stick around him to give him company (like sit on the counter and continuing the conversation from your shared meal)
housemate!suguru who also reassures you that you don't have to worry about any of the dishes when you want to bake (for whatever reason, whether its for the two of you or for others). THIS always makes your knees weak because!!! he's lingering around, just waiting and eagerly helping you and being a total sweetheart. he also loves taste testing!!!
housemate!suguru who cleans the apartment with you every sunday like you two are some married couple. the sun is shining!! music is playing in the background!! and you two are giggling with each other!!! he loveslovesloves having sunday resets with you because it's just so calming and it also is a way that you two bond. he's a very tidy person so he appreciates you joining him and putting in the effort to make sure you guys' home stays tidy and cozy.
housemate!suguru who (if you didn't know already) teaches you how to care for houseplants. it's a little hobby of his and he says that it makes the house look and feel more alive. that and he just enjoys the aesthetic (which goes hard for the tiktoks/vids that he's post??? this dude lives and breathes plant girl aesthetic)
housemate!suguru who pushes the cart when you two go grocery shopping so you can oogle as much as you want in the aisles. he always physically writes down stuff that he needs and, more often than not, you're the one who holds that list. it's sosososo cute seeing your thinking face when you look for stuff on the shelves. he also knows the thinking face you have for when you're trying to put things you both don't need in the cart--what doodoo excuse are you going to give him that he'll pretend to believe because he can't say no to you?
housemate!suguru who makes you carry the lightest grocery bags because you deserve no less. yes help him, but let him inflate his own ego by helping YOU (just pretend you don't see him telling his curses to help bring groceries inside). he also is the one to put things in the fridge away while you take care of all the pantry stuff. it just became routine at this point and suguru mentally giggles and kicks his feet at how domestic it is
housemate!suguru who rolls his eyes at gojo whenever gojo teases him about you, saying that "suguru's playing family with y/nnnn~" and "they always eat together, do groceries together, and even clean the apartment on sundays together!" and OF COURSE shoko is entertained because "omg? i thought you said you liked living alone?"
housemate!suguru who truly can't escape satoru and shoko, begrudgingly lets them into your guys' shared apartment after coming UNANNOUNCED!!!!! and you are of course thrilled to actually meet them and happily invite them for dinner. suguru is pouting and sulking the entire time because your "y/n and suguru" weekend plan to take a day trip to mt. fuji turned into a "y/n, suguru, satoru and shoko" weekend plan
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yunhohours · 3 months
ATEEZ: Top 5 Kinks
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request: idk if you’ve done a post like this,,,but ateez’s top 5 (or even top 3) kinks?? and i love your blog so muchh.
a/n: this request has been sitting in my inbox for two years (i'm so sorry). granted, i wasn't posting for one of those, but still. my b.
p.s. the kinks are not necessarily in order
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restraints - he'll say he likes this because he gets to have you under his control, but he equally likes it if you ever turn the tables on him. frankly, he might even like it more when you restrain him.
temperature play - this one definitely goes both ways. his body is very sensitive, so doing something like taking an ice cube to it will have him shivering violently. he likes doing it to you too, though. he'll watch with fascination as hot wax drops onto your stomach, making the muscles tense in response.
lingerie - this one's a no-brainer. he very much appreciates good style and has an eye for aesthetics, so there's simply nothing better than seeing you in a pretty little piece. he will take you shopping and buy his favorites.
dry humping/clothed sex - i must reiterate how sensitive hongjoong is to stimulation. it doesn't take a whole lot to get him riled all the way up and once he's at that point, he does not want to stop and take the time to get undressed and all that. he also likes the idea of you being so desperate for each other (especially you for him) that you have to have him now.
cockwarming - to put it frankly, he just likes to torture himself sometimes lmao. like yeah, he really does love the intimacy of cockwarming, but he loves seeing how much he can take, too–not that he would tell you that.
perfume/cologne - truly, seonghwa loves all the atmospheric parts of sex–lingerie, lighting, occasionally some music. but when you wear a fragrance he likes, it goes right to his dick. he will not be shy about inhaling your scent, letting himself get drunk off it.
threesomes/sharing - to get this out of the way, you belong to seonghwa. he isn't into this because he likes you being with someone else. he does, however, love you with every single fiber of his being and wants nothing but the most mind-blowing pleasure for you. so he's happy to let someone else help him take care of you, as long as he's still your main focus.
sex toys - he likes toys for two reasons: 1) he likes going shopping for toys with you. it's like foreplay and he likes to have a pretty collection for you. 2) he likes to try them out on you to see what kind of reactions he can get.
voyeurism - this isn't something that happens often because he doesn't necessarily go out of his way to sate this kink, but if ever you two are in the position to watch someone else, you better believe you will be. touching each other the whole time, of course.
praise (giving) - this isn't a surprise considering seonghwa sings your praises all day long, anyway. but he puts a lot more effort into making you feel like the undeniable god/goddess you are when he's pleasuring you.
phone sex - you've heard yunho's sleepy voice in his voice messages and his lives. don't even play lad. he knows the affect it has on you and he very much uses it to his advantage. will call you when he knows his voice is dripping with extra rasp and play it off innocently only to be like aw~ do you like the sound of my voice~
somnophilia - likes it when he stirs barely awake in the middle of the night and fucks you until you both cum and drift off back to sleep. sleeps like a baby afterwards.
breeding - the fact that you'd let him breed you makes him fucking feral omg. uses this as an excuse to fuck every last brain cell out of you with no mercy (not that he needs an excuse for that).
orgasm denial (giving) - he will deny your orgasm over and over again with a smirk on his face and all the mock pouting he can muster. he always gives it to you in the end, though, and makes sure to love you so much extra afterwards.
finger sucking/fucking - much like his voice, yunho is also aware of the deadly weapons that are his hands. and just the same, he will abuse this power every chance he gets. always telling you to open your mouth for his fingers or ghosting them between your legs while he asks you if you want them inside you, already knowing the answer. he just wants to hear you say it.
pet play - yeosang gets unreasonably hard at the sheer thought of collaring you. you can be his puppy or his kitten, he doesn't care. you just have to be a good pet, whatever you are, because his rules are strict.
dumbification - never one to half-ass something that matters to him, he is a master at pleasuring you. he knows all the right buttons to push and when he sees the physical evidence of his success in the form of babbling, drooling, or the inability to talk at all, he's the most satisfied.
spanking (giving) - tbh, this gives him a perfect way to peacock his strength. even if he doesn't slap your ass as hard as he possibly he can, he knows that you know how much damage he could inflict, should he so choose.
praise/degradation (giving) - he often switches back and forth in the same session. he'll be telling you how well you're doing for him one second and the next he's calling you a 'dumb little slut' for not being able to form sentences.
sexting - my guy's poker face when he's texting you around other people is unmatched for real. he will send you the most mouth-watering text with a straight face. he likes to test himself this way, seeing how much he can take before he's losing his mind to actually have you.
dirty talk - this man never closes his mouth when he's playing with you. he simply has to tell you every single nasty thought and idea he has. he loves it if you can talk dirty back to him, but even if you can't, he loves to see how flustered you get from everything he has to say.
face-fucking (giving) - the fact that you trust him this much <3 you giving him full ability to fuck your mouth and throat until they're sore is precious to him. he often happily loses himself in this, eyes closed and jaw slack. he won't go easy unless you need him to.
marking - san is possessive? who ever would've thought? he wants you to mark up his big, strong back with his nails and he wants to leave pretty hickies on you.
exhibitionism - he likes the full scale of exhibitionism. he's content to just have someone listening in the other room or accidentally seeing when they come into the room unknowingly, but he's also not shy to just fully and intentionally fuck you in front of other people. he knows he'd want to watch you two, so really, it's a favor to the lucky audience.
body worship (giving) - san will worship your body in and out of the bedroom, but he will take his fucking time doing it when you're naked and craving him. will kiss every inch of your body, muttering the most love-laced words as he does so. he treats making you cum like a tenet of the religion that is your body.
roleplay - omg, he has so much fun getting to play different characters and scenarios with you. he likes that he gets to experiment with different personas for himself and seeing different versions of you makes him want to bed each one.
quickies - when mingi gets the urge to have sex, he wants to have sex now. like it's physically painful for him to have to wait or ignore it. he likes having the kind of relationship where he can alert you to his needs and fuck one out really quick. he does some of his best work in these instances, tbh.
strip tease (receiving) - the way you slowly stripping just for him makes him feel so special and wanted. he'll have the biggest smile on his face and the stiffest erection in his pants.
choking (giving) - i don't think he'd even know he has this kink until you mention it to him. he doesn't want to hurt you, but he only has to try it once and see that you're perfectly alive and well to want to do it again and again. once he gets comfortable with it, he will choke tfff out of you too, if you want him to.
overstimulation (receiving) - he lowkey but highkey loves when you take the control from him and make him a moaning, pathetic mess. it's incredibly easy to overstimulate him and every time you do it, he feels like he floats out of his body by the end.
spit kink - he just gets so fucking cocky about the fact that you'd let him do something so "nasty" as spitting in your mouth. it's an easy way for him to constantly prove your devotion to him to himself. every time you willingly open your mouth to accept his spit, he knows you're not going anywhere. doesn't love the idea of you spitting into his mouth in theory, but will occasionally succumb to it when he's really desperate.
mutual masturbation - he looooves a lazy, playful session where you're seated on opposite ends of the couch, watching each other get off. neither of you has to do too much work and he can make all the teasing remarks he wants because his mouth isn't otherwise occupied.
filming - he films more for the art of it than for any sexual reason. however, once again, he likes that you let him film you. he loves how you let him position you this way and that and follow whatever he says so he can get the best shots.
intoxicated sex - whether it's alcohol or something else, wooyoung loves to have sex when you're both fucked up. it's always messy, unorganized, and spontaneous. just how he likes it.
degradation - this isn't the first time we've talked about wooyoung's degradation kink on this blog, but i'd be remiss to not include it. he likes talking shit to you and he likes it when you talk shit back. it will arouse him quickly every time, and it won't stop until you're both too busy catching your breath to speak.
thigh riding - discovers this kink when you're extremely needy one day and take to attending to that need yourself–on his thigh, of course. he enjoys watching you satisfy yourself so much that he will sometimes tell you to just use his thigh when you come to him all needy. watches with hearts in his eyes.
guided masturbation - this usually happens on a video call. he will be completely clothed, just sitting in his desk chair, while he tells you how to take off your clothes for him and how to touch yourself for him. he's so casual about it that it makes you want to get a reaction out of him, but he'll maintain his composure. at least until he gets his hands on you next.
make up sex - unlike you might think, jongho doesn't like make up sex because it's desperate and intense and the like. he actually really likes it because he uses it as a time to show you how much he loves you. it's very soft, slow, and focused on you. the intimacy is unmatched.
teasing - jongho loves to go through a very normal day with you, casually dropping suggestive words or lingering touches in a place that's just barely appropriate. does it all so coolly that no one else is the wiser, but you're dying.
watching porn together - he'll use this time to discover new things you're into, but his favorite part is when you can't handle it anymore and have to have him. you're so cute when you're crawling on top of him and begging him to touch you.
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rotthepoet · 1 month
Lorenzo berkshire arranged marriage 😝
Okay okay so like??? How did we end up in this situation??? Because you knew Lorenzo in school but that man was a BITCHHHHHHH okay? Like he was a DICK and not someone you ever wanted to spend time around. I mean, yeah, he was hot, but that personality was simply distasteful, you arent even sure he knew you existed the 7 years you were in school together
So surprise surprise, when you graduated, (and im gonna be real with you this would only happen if youre a pureblood OR MAYBE HARD MAYBE a half-blood with two very powerful and influential magic parents) dearest mummy and daddy decided;
“Hm! More power and influence?? Good idea!”
And with that, you were arranged to marry into the Berkshire family! How clever! How smart! How lucky for you!
Except, when you’re finally alone with Lorenzo for the first time, he doesnt even bother looking at you as he says “You’re married to me only for show. I will not be your doting husband, but if you want to live a good, long life, you’ll be the perfect wife for me.”
And you’re like. Wtf? Because? This is not how marriage works?
Alas, the ceremony goes on. His lips are addictively soft as you kiss at the alter, and after that? Gone from your line of sight. No where to be found. Actually- you do find him in a study with all his friends, drinking fire whiskey around the fire place. They laugh about the situation, one of them speaking up to say “hey, could be worse. At least she’s hot.”
And you’re like. Wow. Really classy. Very funny. (It hurt your feelings quite a bit)
And trust, you do not see Lorenzo for a very long time. Like. You’re in separate bedrooms, on separate sides of his large estate, with purposely different schedules.
You’ll see him in a corridor occasionally and its like seeing a ghost fr
Regardless, youre expected to attend formal things with him, and you’re expected to stand by his side. And this is really the first time you two get along. Cuz y’see? Lorenzo loves to gossip. A real manwhore for it. So whenever he sees a woman sneaking away from her husband to see another man?? Oh boy he needs to tell someone and you are the physically closest person to him.
And Lorenzo is… aghast really to learn how… witty you are. He was ultimately flabbergasted. He found you… pleasant to talk to.
So he begins joining you at dinner, spouting off drama between his co-workers, updating you on his friends, on himself.
It actually is quite a relaxing way to decompress at the end of the day. And, to add to all of that, you start to see your husband around more often. He actually seeks out your company at the end of a long work day, sitting next to you in the library while you read. Just to be around you.
Then the gifts start.
Showering you in gifts- new clothes, jewelry, flowers, this and that, gives you his card and takes you out for an evening of shopping. Bonus if he gets ro help you choose what dress you like more.
Then he gets touchy, absentmindedly grabbing your hand in a crowd, letting your legs drape across his lap while you sit together, an arm around your shoulders if youre close enough.
He kisses you for the first time on your anniversary, and asks you out on a date. A real date. That should have happened long before the wedding.
And life is good after that <3
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pupyuj · 11 months
i NEED domestic yujin, just pure floof :(((
hehe 😼 my first post after a while and it's sfw?? something shifted...
everybody that sees you two always gets so jealous bcs you are both such eye candies and you're so sweet to each other?? just pure couple goals 🥺 yujin is of course the type to always be touching you—arm around your shoulder or waist, holding your hand ofc, and she always melts under your touch 🥺 like she just can't help but lean into you when you gently put your hand on her back or on her arm whenever you're talking to someone :(( she feels so warm knowing that even though your full attention isn't on her at the moment, you're still thinking about her!!
this is probably self-indulgent cuz yujin's my baby daddy but she does that boyfriend thing where she offers to carry all of your shopping bags for you while you waltz around and treat yourself to a well-earned session of money-splurging 😭 literally watching you with a loving smile every time you try on an outfit, tells you to not worry about the price if you happen to come across a particularly expensive piece of clothing bcs she'll buy it for you 🥺🥺 makes sure to save a surprise at the end of your shopping spree where she suddenly pulls out a small box with the prettiest piece of jewelry you've ever seen?!?! 😩💕 also looks at you with a shy smile AS IF SHE AIN'T BEEN DOING THIS FOR YEARS and is always so nervous as to whether you'll like it or not??? BUT SHE COULD LITERALLY GIVE YOU THE SHITTIEST NECKLACE OR SOMETHING AND YOU'D STILL WEAR IT PROUDLY.
(not that yujin will ever want to give you something that was less than perfect. only the best for her baby! 😤)
yujin loves dating silly little strolls in a park! 🥺 she'd drive you both to one of the prettiest and biggest parks in the city and just take your hand and go for a relaxing walk! she's so in love with you :(( she'd just stare at you while you tell her about a few funny things that happened throughout the week so far,, smiles so brightly when you laugh, she just loves your voice so much she could listen to you talk about anything forever 😣 she'll sit the two of you down by a tree and cuddle up to you, sometimes kissing you and laughing at the way you would blush and look away,, and she's just a sucker for the way you would absentmindedly play with her hands while you're sitting there 💕 and best believe she'll capture every moment of you during your time there! her gallery is literally just you and it's so sweet ☹️☹️
yujin definitely waits up for you if you happen to get held up at work, even if you come home after midnight :(( you'd find her sitting up on the bed with a book on her lap wearing her stupid nerdy glasses, barely awake and so tired 💔 you pepper her face with kisses and she would only pout and blink sleepily at you, the cutieeeee 🥺 she'd whine and pretend to be upset that you're home way too late but really, all that 'anger' is towards your boss for always giving you so much work 😣😣 and omg even when she's tired from staying up, she will NAWT leave you alone 😭 she's forcing herself out of bed and tailing you very closely while you make and sip on your tea, doesn't even let herself finally sleep while you're in the shower and chooses to be awake for another half hour bcs she really can't sleep without you 🥺 she is all over you when you finally join her in bed—leg over your body, arms wrapped tightly around you, nose buried in your hair, and whispering sleepy nonsense against your skin before she finally succumbs to sleep.. she's so silly.
yujin wakes up on top of you in the mornings 😭😭 but she's not like, suffocating you she actually serves as an extra warm and soft blanket!! like, you'd always find her sleeping peacefully on your chest and you can't help but kiss her forehead and thread your fingers through her hair :(( more often than not, she'd stir awake and you'd feel a bit guilty for cutting her rest short but her bright smile and lame ass "hey, beautiful~" makes it all not a big deal 🥺💖 neither of you will ever stop falling in love with each other.. STAND UP!!!!
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emmyrosee · 10 months
I was literally out shopping today and I was extremely lightheaded cause I needed water and this idea did NOT help with that as I was passing the men’s clothing section 🤨
but omg purposefully buying Osamu shirts every so often that are just slightly too small for him. namely compression shirts and t-shirts. I just really like his arms okay 😐? And he fully knows you’re doing it on purpose so you can admire him and he DOES NOT MIND ONE BIT. I fully believe his arms would be defined in a bulky SWEATER do u know how hard that is to do? he obviously doesn’t.
I love him ☹️
anon <3
just him coming home once upon a time to just merely pout about how the shirt he got is somehow too small for him, and you simply shrug and tell him to model it anyways because hey, he's too pretty to pout okay?
so he stalks into the bedroom, leaving you in the living room to wait for your man to show you where he wants to modify the fabric.
and then. OH AND THEN.
he comes around the hallway, cheeks a little warm from the effort of pulling the shirt over those massive shoulders and beefy arms and you know threads had to have been popped wildly just to get it over his head. AND DONT LOOK AT ME BUT I JUst find him super sinched at the waist, but a little soft near his tummy, which is even more shown from the tightness of the shirt.
"see?" he whines, pinching the shirt in his fingers. "it's too tight... i could never wear this out!"
meanwhile, you're not sure if you've ever been more attracted to him.
he just looks so big, so beefy and thick, you cant begin to try and pull your eyes off of him. he's so defined it hurts, and god you want to unhinge your jaw and bite that mammoth arm thats practically hulking from under the shirt.
"yeah shame you can only wear it here hey wow thats so funny you can only wear it here isnt that good though you always say how you need more lounge clothes-"
he quirks a brow, "are... you okay, babe? you’re talking really fast.”
You take a deep breath in and slowly let it out, flashing him the biggest set of flirt eyes you can muster, “you look really, really good, osamu.”
His brows raise. You nod.
“Like… really good?”
“Good enough where if you tried to return the shirt, I’d burn the receipt.”
“Okay, well don’t burn it,” he snickers, pulling you in for a hug. “We can just pretend like the shirt fits me perfectly and wear it.”
“You’re not wearing that outside.”
“Uh, because people will throw themselves at you? Duh?”
He offers you a laugh, clearly not taking into full account about how serious you are, but thats okay.
hopefully there wont come a day you have to show it.
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lawnmowereater · 3 months
Can you do mischa x alternative reader??
yayayayayay!! (i assume you mean alt clothing like punk, goth, emo, scene, etc)
if anyone makes any weird comments about you and your style, he'd definitely "deal with them". he'd never do it all in front of you though, the last thing he wants is to ruin his pretty partners outfit.
when he stays the night at your house (which is often) he lets you practice make up on him. it'd be adorable. you'd be sat on his lap, his arms holding your waist and all your make up to the side. he'd definitely struggle to keep his eyes open when you do mascara
mischa loves to help you pick out your outfit everyday. it's his favorite thing. he especially loves helping you choose what jewelry you're gonna wear. he helps you put every necklace on and makes sure none of them get stuck in your hair.
going off of that ↑ if you ever made him a bracelet or anything like that, he would never take it off. day and night, he'd wear it. i bet if you got him earrings he'd get his ears pierced just so he could wear them.
let him comb your hair please 😭 he finds it so relaxing. it reminds him of his mom. when they had nothing to do together, that's how they would bond. he'll never ask to comb it out right though. he'll just ask if you need any help, and pray you say yes
show him your music! he'd take inspiration from it for his own. he'd probably attempt to make alt music for you, but he doesn't really understand how to and he uses way too much autotune :( it's still super sweet though
every time you go shopping/thrifting he asks to come with you. even if he can't afford anything, he just loved spending time with you and watching your eyes light up when you find something cute (he'd probably ask to go into the changing room with you ;3)
omg this is so fun im twirling my hair rn 💀 im in love with this man
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bmbochangetales · 11 months
My wife was making fun of some woman. We were at a work party and my CEO’s latest arm candy was there. My wife and several others were at the table quietly laughing and making fun of her. Calling her a bimbo and making fun of the way she spoke. But the second I heard her mimic that voice, I wanted her to be a bimbo too.
I thought about it often the next few days. Hearing her talk in that voice. She would never go for that in bed. We had a plain boring nearly scheduled sex life. The boss’s new girlfriend stopped in the office one day and it just pushed me over the edge. I wished my wife was a bimbo like her.
As soon as I got home, I told the wife I needed to handle a few things. She mumbled some response as she continued cooking dinner, chatting away on the phone.
I pulled up a picture of my wife and the boss’s bimbo. I even found a video of her on her Instagram page. I imagined that silly high pitched voice coming from my wife. Adding in all the likes and cutting words short to her formerly pristine highly educated vocabulary. Big words becoming harder. She couldn’t remember the right sounds for her words. I began stroking my cock. It had been hard for so long. Up and down to that sound. I swear I could hear her down stairs on the phone.
“Oh my gawd, we had like this like big big party thingy for hubby’s work. And like soooooo many people were like there! It was like totes soooooooo fun”
She sounds so much better with that voice. Stroking harder. God I love bimbo voices. So dumb and silly. Women are just hotter when they talk like that. I imagine my wife talking like that forever. High bitch and breathy. No one will take her seriously, just like she and the others said at the party.
“Umm what do ya mean I like sound funny?” I heard her ask. I want her to talk like that more and more. She and all her friends should all talk like that. My cock gives a spurt of cum when she talks again.“Mmm I’m like totes sure I am like totes talkin normaler cuz like you talk same as me silly!”
I looked at the pictures. My wife was alright, maybe a bit plain. But my boss’s bimbo, she would stop traffic from space walking down the street. Especially her boobs. I wish my wife would have a big pair of tits like that.
“Uhm like ya! I totes luuuuuuvvvv having a big ol pair of double ds! My hubby soooo luvs them too!”
No, bigger. She would have a massive fake rack. All the wives and girlfriends would be whispering and mocking her just like she did at the party. No! They would all be bimbos too! But women on the street made fun of them all. They didn't understand it becvause they were too dumb to realize it.
“Yeah like H cup tiddies are so hawt and stuff! Everyone just stares at me cause I'm lik so cute and stuff”
She would wear sexy outfits like my boss's girlfriends. Bright and girly colors. Lots of pinks and neons. Her and her friends made fun of that, but it would be so hot to see them all like that dressing sexy for their men.
"So lik all my cloths are pink, and green and like orange and so pritty!!! omg gurl! we shuld go shopping! I need supa sexi stuff fir my man!"
I stroke erratically as i reached my climax. Cum was squirting everywhere. If only my wife was that type of bimbo. No wonder my boss was always so happy
I went down to dinner. And there on her knees was a much improved version of my wife. Even though I just came, I was hard again. Dinner was reheated hours later.
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